Insane Security Breach in Minecraft FNAF!

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Oh N [Applause] For He And we’re back hello everybody wait am I muted I did this before am I not oh I’m not muted yay awesome I I do an intro where I don’t be muted like an idiot hi hi everyone it’s the green hubo amphibian we’re druming back into the

Mega Pizza Flex welcome back as the game doesn’t load um there we go okay OBS was being OBS is all I can really say re Labs you’re the worst and the best but never when I needed okay so we’re going to be going in detailing L chips

Today we went and built most V chips earlier or at least you know mapped it out put a shell on it oh dear God my shaders now retracing no okay all right we’re good welcome back to the mega Pizza Plex so we went and detailed all

Of this here and I think it looks really good so what we’re going to be doing I go in go into no clip I also got my hot chocolate which is nice all right so let’s turn off the lighting to begin with there we go okay so we already got

Both these machines we got all of this stuff I don’t know if I trust this here though part of be wants to say there’s a wall here and it’s just not loading in because my game is like basically corrupted but I don’t know but I guess for right now I’m going to assume

There’s not a wall here and just continue building so to begin with let’s jump over the counter and also effect give funny Minecraft night vision oh too many nines there we go all right incident Vision okay so what do I want to do first I guess to start with we should do

The tables I guess all right right so what do I actually want to build these out of looking through here H it’s a light gray but I don’t want to use the normal BL what other light gray blocks do I have that I could

Use I could use I didn’t want to do that I could use where was it I I lost it actually let me use this so there’s one like here there’s one right oh I need to move the pillar over wait a minute um two three the pillar is more

Here oh there’s two actually I didn’t even realize that there’s one here as well oh and on the other oh are these doorways they might be doorways I don’t know either way we’re going to fill this in and I’ll put that there I want that to

Be two I feel like that looks better but it’s not accurate let’s do that I guess okay so if I then grab a trapo I’ll use this and if I put that there that wait um there and then using stoves these are all along here

All right if I then go and grab a slab I’ll do this from being a microwave and how do I want to build a microwave and I’ll put that there I grab a blower pot and I’ll throw that down there gra some signs do I have a gray

Sign I don’t let me just use this though grab the version of it with the nvt data so so I can go around and place it without any problem okay item frame grab that can I put that over this cool all right nice well now I don’t like it being

Green I was going to say it gives it depth but I will have that be empty for now if I grab a pressure plate actually I don’t really have an iron pressure plate that’s fine okay so instead of doing that what else could I do for this oh is that

Like um is that know that machine is but the name has left my brain let me just do this for now I’ll put that there and I get like a wall and I’ll do like this just to put something there I think that’s fine okay so there’s a shelf on this wall huh

Yeah this this is the issue with uh extending the kitchen so far we kind of had to do that to make this make sense but it it does not look good I will say that it it could look better this this is definitely blown up a bit but that’s

Fine what I could do I could just make a really big pillar in the corner yeah there’s two of these so if I were to just do like this and then if I go grab End Rod as well as this break this and put that

There and then I’ll put the n Rod around here might want this to be going up as well I no I don’t think that’ll look good and I’ll have one at the top as well one two okay could look better but it also could

Look worse I’m fine with it so I want to do this shelf you know what I’m just going to do like a regular looking shelf Stone Bri is this okay so if I just do this that and going to be a very big shelf but that’s fine grab a chest grab a flower

Pot and this and put that there all right I think that’s fine do I want to replace those with walls would that connect to this if I do this does that look better looks a little better if I grab a trap door then and can I build back of this up you know

What what I’ll do actually instead I put that there sort of just do it where this extends out that might look good I don’t hate that actually surprisingly all right got that and then I’m noticing there’s like a a grate or something on the floor

Here which I will go and add oh my God I forgot I forgot about the sponges oh boy the water the water got the water all right if I grab glass I can type that is there we go I were to just place this all along

Here and then if I grab I’ll do cobblestone back up place that there and boom okay let me get some music going as well all right FNAF music playlist A ly theme Lai I I to this day I I get people yelling at me

That I say Lai is l as lii I know I know it angers so many people but it’s funny so I’m going to keep doing it what’s a good let’s go with this one okay part of me feels like this one might be just immediately copywritten but we’ll

See I don’t know we will find out right now I think that looks fine oh you can see this the side of this that’s fine so looking at this so we got now again there is a door I’ve noticed they removed the door completely here so what I’m going to

Do I grab this and that that that and that how do like this okay and then if I grab a fence thing is I do want to be able to actually access this door is the issue if I do like that and then if I grab

Carpet I think that’s fine you can you can access this door it was a jungle door right is the normal door yep okay I put a sign down cuz I want to make it look like this is like closed Um no entry entry what whatever keyboard got I cleaned my I went and took like a wet rag and was cleaning off my desk and whatnot CU I had a bunch of Cheeto dust all over it and holy crap let me tell you my my PC definitely if

My PC ever becomes sentient it is absolutely going to kill me because holy crap does my keyboard absolutely have a burning hatred for me I eat Cheeto dust or I eat Cheetos in the Cheeto DUS gets on it let’s do uh do I have a quartz still I

Do all so if I do like this there’s four of these so stair I then break uh oh oh no that’s the uh we can break that this is fine two and if I break this and drop down place this and carpet I grab a button and an item well I’ll do a

Sign okay so button button button button this is a terrible fridge design but whatever it’s terrible but whatever all right and then there’s a stove next to this which let’s do this well if I grab this move it one over all right pressure plate and I destroyed my Builder’s

Lawn now there is a is that a the pillar goes kind of behind it I’ll break this do that so if I grab a cobblestone bring that up and that goes to there gra a wall it’s not really over it you know what that’s fine I grab a trap door then that’s

Fine there’s a sign here which again I do have that as a texture I think painting I think I have this as a texture I might not would it be two blocks I really should like make a painting room have I really not used any of these bigger paintings

All right so we that there a there’s a or a sink here well I’ll just do that so there I want to wa um no there There how can I not make this look terrible um no wait okay no it has to be three blocks over one right okay because that’s there oh no this is on no wait a minute no it has to be here yeah okay right there we go okay

That’s what I was trying to do when being being dumb at there we go and then bring that up there bring that up and this one there we go got a shelf all right it’s bigger than I wanted it to be but that’s just this room I

Do I’m really just trying to fail this room with stuff because like we we have to oversize it uh due to the room next to it so I got to make everything look not terrible Pi up an item frame another thing in the wall here and there is a Shelf with whatever that

Is and I didn’t even realize this was here why did I just do a Calon wait I’m dumb I don’t know why my brain went to like a 2009 Minecraft sync now I got repeat The Cauldron I door I do here and then there we go and then this can go

Here which I I still don’t know what our design for this was so I’m just going to go with that for now and then there’s just a shelf there I could add another like table thing you know what let’s just do like a carpet make it look a little detailed one two

Three all right I think that’s probably fine and then there is the thing a ring on the ceiling here is let’s go Sayan concrete powder we’ usually use the other brick but I’m going to go with this it’s uh we haven’t really used this I’ve I’ve never heard this song before two three

Four I think that’s probably fine there is this fire thing in the corner hello Tobias another stream yep I break that yep why have I I have a red trap right now there we go is of that that it okay that’s it besides the menu which I will

Probably do a painting for that I guess actually I’ll do it frames we’ll do maps so I’ll leave it empty for now okay and there’s tables and chairs here there’s three so if I grab a fence one two three one two three one two I grab this grab that

All right there we go I think that’s fine then there’s this stuff here again I don’t I’m going to probably change the design of these things at some point because I’m pretty sure I’ve made like 30 of them and they’ve all been built completely different so at

Some point I’m going to go through the map pick a design I like and then change the all of that it’s just getting the position of them right now go and replicate this same thing with his b roll hey Christmas Freddy or maybe have Christmas I actually really like this song

Yeah I’m my my is it my tracking I don’t know my tracking is lagging a lot the stream’s not lagging and the game play is smooth I don’t know why my tracking is losing its frames and slowly be making me a PNG tuber weather’s nice T bite this might the last animation I

Think I did before I stopped doing animations for a while I don’t remember though it might have been in terms of the music and there’s a cactus thing so sand Jingle Bells D completely wrong about that one two Revenge the way zone right inside and grab a bite one two five Knight set

Nightm how do I do this this thing what uh how do you um oh God how do you build a little mini chipper that doesn’t look terrible oh no this is going to look hideous oh no this is going to look terrible there is no way I oh God

How do you make a tiny chipper that’s not going to be terrible all right I’m going to have to like move this Cactus or something um CU they deleted these doors but I want to have the doors here so all right you know what I’ll break this yeah let me break

These how could I I have this here this is going to this is going to be terrible percent wise how far do you think you are in with this part of the pizza Plex I intend on finishing L chips in this stream or at least that’s my plan

Two okay how on Earth do I make a little mini L chip that’s not awful um um I like that and then this is going to look unbelievably dumb what about the whole pizza Plex um Hm I don’t let me look at my stream schedule again I’ve been slowly paying attention to how long stuff takes us to build I have a bunch of streams already scheduled my goal is to fully complete the pizza Plex by I have a bunch of stuff

Scheduled you can see what I’m going to be building stuff so I want to say 90 days but that’s what my stream is scheduled for and there’s a chance I might finish it before that how do I okay wait now if I were to grab still just one

Color okay and then if I were to do I grab this and that and then that won’t work um okay if I make him too tall and then that that um item frame this looks so dumb this is unbelievably dumb this this is this is just just

Awful oh I hate all of this um if I do that and then I grab this it looks so dumb I grab a sign okay how do I okay let me think um was it how many I here I should have counted 1 two 3 four five 6 7even eight

Okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 and then if I which is the one that’s like pop further is it this one sure oh this is just this is hideous I hate it I put like this here this looks like like Parry the Platypus than Tripper all right um guess I can feat that looks terrible um you know what H sign I you Birch I give up I give up this is this is Chipper it’s more orange I guess um I have an orange that’s that color I guess I can go with this let me grab this as well before I break it it’s chipper everyone that totally

That totally looks like him I don’t know anyone who says this isn’t shipper clearly hasn’t played shipper and lumber Co oh no the cactus no um yeah no I give up that’s chipper I’m good at building things but not living things that is now my chipper break this

Oh thank you for the follow uh Veronica roiss welcome to the stream hope you like my chipper all right so if I grab a fence one Two well I got to do like here actually if I raise this up in inad if I like do this I feel like this is going to look terrible yeah let me do this instead let me skip I think this one’s copy let’s go to this one and then if I do

This now that L more how can I make this not terrible I want to have these doorways so it’s all open But I also realized they totally blocked this doorway off um all right you know what what I’ll do one two 3 4 one two one two one two let’s break this here I’m trying to get the best of both worlds here in the sense of there are two deleted

Doorways behind a room and I want to have them in here because I like having it all open but I don’t know if it’s going to look good we’ll see I guess so I think I’ll have this connect here so if I grab smooth Stone bring this

Up this is where the actual air Lock’s going to go I have stairs come on all right there we go and then I have these go into the middle and that is is just Cobblestone all right and this is the air lock here a lot of people think I have some

Plan going into building to make a pizza FX like oh I planned on finishing this you know at this time and I did but you see that that original finish date was about two years ago so you might say I significantly miscalculated how big this thing

Was so on top of that I I quit YouTube for like a year my original plan was to finish this before ruin came out and help one at two is about to drop so I significantly failed at that we were going really good with the construction of the pizza Plex but then

I quit YouTube for like a year and a pretty much like almost a year and then when we came back it was like I think like three months before ruin dropped and I was like H I doubt I’m going to get this done by then we’re still building

It but originally when we were building it I was doing pretty much a stream of this twice or sometimes three times a week so we were also going faster than all right so that’s going to be the door I want to kind of do like a honey

Door with like Pistons but I don’t know how they work if I grab this so gra over there and all of this all right there we go are these Cactus things as well grab this two or two one two are these even FNAF songs I’ve never heard like any of

These I haven’t heard any of these they’re not that good casually DED in like half that’s have music Community they could be better let’s go with this one hey n one battle wait no is this is this Nate yeah it is okay so how do I want to do this if I grab an I can’t use anod if I do an iron bar wait no um wall

This I I could totally make a moving fan that would look really cool graor I’m not going to do it now though but that is something I do want to try and do is once we get the entire Pizza Plex done I want to go through the whole

Thing and just make as much stuff move as possible in terms of like using structure blocks and loop everything on some kind of redstone switch just CU I think it’ll be cool I get then this all right so if I go through here okay so we got

That was that a couch here a second ago wait what what was that all right the game just bugged out there all right so right on this side is this which is is this the same as the floor in here yeah if I grab this I go over to this

Corner so to start with this whole corner here I pretty much break all right because that’s the bathroom door yeah okay so this whole corner here is all this color what oh God I just saw solid blue and it was like an optical illusion I was like what on Earth is

That all right and a break fall of that there we go one two three four that didn’t reach the end right yeah what what no why did it oh is it set the all oh God damn it a balls all right see that’s the issue with the

Builders one is you can very easily destroy a large portion of the map one two three four yeah I’m just going to do the pillar one because it’s faster actually I just do this instead oh God no what’s happened where am I uh what what

Oh okay did I lock oh I locked myself oh those was the wall there I see I trapped myself in a corner there we go all right so there’s a middle part here that connects over but for right now so 1 2 3 4 1 2 one two

One I want to move this over one two know not keep that there one two one one one two three wait no I got to move everything over I messed this up okay one two two one that one two one wait not there that one two okay right

Yeah that’s what I was trying to do okay break this now this is a nice like a circular shape I don’t know it’s round it’s an impossible object it’s Minecraft hey join us for a bite yay this is probably my favorite song this is like the first thing I

Thought of when I was seeing the movie and they’re all just chilling with the animatronics I was honestly half expecting this to come on I saw a lot of people people really upset that like Abby was just chilling with like all the animatronics having a party but like I thought it was

Hilarious it was really funny how far does this go down quite a bit so what I’m going to do probably to like here but yeah that’s that’s fine I think one 2 3 four five 6 7even 8 nine 10 11 there we go so where is the middle part of

This wait no it’s not even in the middle it’s like further over so one two three four five six I’ll have it connect here all right okay there’s like a replica of this hallway here so that’s how they made that door is they basically just copied and moved

This that explains why there’s the seats I never understood why there were just random seats in here in some random hallway but this makes more sense the do here I grabb this the middle block would be here is that enough for yeah that’s probably fine he was the one that made us he’ll

Be the one to under around Welcome to the ccus power down you feeling nervous I could just copy and paste this I guess you know what I am I’m G I’m gonna be Lazy the surface bu without purpose okay copy and if I stand right here scen th scen we help with the bra just break all this spr just cut this then and then if I just break this and that want this part to have like a back top

What is behind here okay just kind of extends out like a little bit okay so you know what I’m going to change this I feel like this might be copyrght but yeah I’m I’m pretty sure this is let me skip this did I speed it up wait a minute okay I

Did g to say it didn’t seem like it I I’ve listened to sped up FNAF songs too much throughout the building of this thing they’re just sounding like normal to me that’s not good I’m I’m becoming immune to night core no I gotta speed it up so it makes it more

Difficult for YouTube to get or to for YouTube to detect that it’s music but I’m becoming immune to night core it would appear after I finish this build I’m going to have like I’m going to have to like detox with like anti night core grab this actually instead of that let me do

Carpet this isn’t here in the game but I want to make it look a little different I should replace this location it’s pretty fun I don’t think I’ve really fully replayed sister location since it came out but it’s probably one of my favorite FNAF games well no I replayed it a few

Times actually scratch that I’m very excited to see how they tackle it in help wanted two that in FNAF 9 or FNAF 6 Pizza Sim I think it looks like they’re going to be doing FNAF sister location and pizza Sim as well as security breach and help one at two so

I’m very curious as to okay so I’ve beaten every single FNAF game except for FNAF 4 and pizza SIM for a few reasons the first up is due to my disability my hearing is pretty much like cracked it’s it’s stupidly high so to play F F4 with like the really loud jump

Scare sounds it’s pretty much deafening unfortunately which is really annoying because I can hear the breathing perfectly so in that sense it definitely helps but the jump scare is just absolutely nuke my ears so I just can’t play it like it it hurts it’s like it’s like oh why don’t

You play FNAF 4 because it hurts pretty Faz bear he he ripped out my ears all right so this doesn’t really actually get rid of this this doesn’t kind of turn I thought it did I mean it kind of does I guess it can be like the middle

Part sure we can do that I guess all right I grab a banner there are some trees on this grab an End Rod where do I want these two I guess here and then as for I guess why I’ve never beat FNAF uh piz Sim it’s just

Really hard I I don’t know how it works as the issue with uh there’s a lot of RNG in that game that can really ruin your playr like again there’s of little there’s a bunch of little tricks and tips you can use to beat the different FNAF games like locking springtrap and

Cam2 for FNAF three FNAF one is pretty self-explanatory just don’t look at the cameras and pretty much go crazy FNAF 4 I just can’t play FNAF 2 is basically just like never take off the mask and focus on the withers but as for like pizza Sim

There’s so much RNG in that game there’s no real fallproof strategy for the game and I’m just apparently really bad at it I’ve never beat it if there is a strategy for it I have just not heard of it but I am hoping if it is in FNAF VR

Help one of to that I can finally beat it because I feel like that game is going to be the most terrifying VR game of all of them and probably the most difficult but since it’s in VR I think I can probably beat it oh God damn it I just spilled my hot

Chocolate all over myself like an idiot all right yeah but like again FNA six you know it’s like you know you have you have both those vents on each side of you that just peer Into Darkness all right and the animatronics slowly crawl through them imagine that in VR that’s going to be

Terrifying like when I talk to a lot of people that have played help wanted some of the levels they said were the most scary were the mangle vent repair and probably FNAF one and the main two reasons for that is because you don’t know where anything is

It’s the fear of the unkknown is the most scariest thing ever and in VR it’s like you’re actually in the game like that’s one of the things I don’t think streams or videos of VR fully capture VR is like a freaking experience and it’s awesome but at the same

Time being in a room like FNAF 6 and then just looking to each side and there’s just a big hole just peers Into Darkness I think that’s going to be terrible terrifying and then you know looking back and forth and there’s nothing there for like 12 minutes and then at one

Point you look to your left and there’s just glowing eyes staring at you like an inch away from your face that’s going to be the scariest thing ever so I’m very excited for that CU I’m really good at VR so I’m hoping between that I’ll be able to finally beat

Ff6 or whatever iteration they end going with for help one or two all right so I think that’s probably that done again I’m not going to do the trees cuz those are the same ones that are in the lobby and I still don’t know

What I want to do with those yet I might do some structure block Shenanigans with those I don’t know yet right now there are all these tables here I grab this these are po tables you know what I’m G to just go and make a few different variants of these maybe like

This would a sign be better for that I feel like I would be but I don’t know you know what let me well no let me grab this though I’ll put this in the middle a Button all right so if I were to then stand here and copy rotate 180 I’m going to try and offset them just to make them look a little uh what what why did it what uh why okay I guess I had something else selected I don’t know what that

Was okay the daycare is doing shanans all right can I copy this did I do the wrong command no I copied it I have no idea all right rotate 180 so I go up heree I don’t know what that was about rotate 90 I don’t know what direction this is going to paste

It so there’s one on each side of this so I stand right about one two3 like Q that’s one block away from there okay so this block I go back one two three right one two three no it needs to go over by three so one two three undo PA wa wait did

That redo un wait undo undo God damn it uh redo Whatever paste that at least work kind of so if I were to stand here right yeah there we go rotate 90 and there’s two on the end I stand right here that should go behind me or not paste wait uh

Undo is that no okay whatever there we go again I’m offsetting them just so it looks a little better why is there dirt here oh all right and then there’s two pillars here and I got to extend this somehow without making it terrible I could invert it I Guess you know what yeah I’ll just do that because this room got stretched because we had to move stuff and we can’t undo it we have to keep it in its current size so I click that Proby might just stand right here why does that kind of link up perfectly you know what

Undo I stand Here sure let’s go with that all right so I break this middle part I know I can’t play the song if I bring that down to like here so if I to and then just do this oh dear God why is that oh connecting down

Okay I just break the angles then will that fix it yeah okay does that work hey there we go one two three four I know I there it is I knew I destroyed one of these all right there we go yeah YouTube I know the bit rate is lower shut

Up oh uh hello a ACG exhausted sorry if I if you commented earlier I didn’t see it my music playlist keeps going over my twitch chat my bad yo all right so that looks terrible but you know it’s all we can really do for right

Now it’s not going to look good if we do it the normal shape I don’t think well that’ll have to work now as for there’s just tables everywhere and this side has that so I go down here one two three one two one be too far yeah let’s go with this

One two one one two wait was it three or oh wait no what oh yeah it was three one wait one two oh I’m missing the one there we go okay can I break this no got to break the edges first so it’s disconnected there we go

One two three four five there we go and there’s a few things over here so one two one two one two one two one two one two one two and break this there’s a table in the middle I a wall perfect I grab a use an n Rod anymore I

Can do an iron bar I guess doesn’t really lend itself to the shape but you know what I’ll make it a slab I think the the table actually no I could do a TR door so it’s slightly taller there we go and then we have all these what are these this the

Skwy look like it so are there three of these or four there are four of these how do I want to build these actually I I can finally use where is the I gra this and this and that one two three four five grab a trap door proba grab a stair

I think that’s fine is this a full block no is that no that’s fine if I then extend this out by one block like that door I grab this I do this and that all right that’s fine I think I then grab a button and that there and that there I gra

Sign like this I grab the purple one then there we go all right click that so if I go to the opposite side copy how many blocks away from this is is it’s right there I go all the way to the other side right to this block here there we

Go assuming there’s four let’s see one two three four five why don’t move this one back you know let me move this one back one block so one two three four five and this is how many blocks one two three four five six seven one two 3 four five six seven and

If my math is correct which it’s not there we go that still doesn’t look that good okay now if I were to stand here and so I was standing there undo please one two 3 four five six 7 right it’s all by one all right there we go all right that’s

Right and there wait there’s oh wait there’s four of these there that that that and that get rid of these that’s suspicious is there a door here that’s suspicious wait that’s unbelievably suspicious all right steel does new random nonsense there is definitely a door here all right let me look we’ll load up

The other version in a second right past this there is this there’s totally a door there you cannot convince me otherwise this go into the wall no two break that there we go I go grab the tables again some that that that that this would probably be easier if I oh

Wait would that look better if I spread these around here that probably would make it look a little better I might do that do I have any carpets left I don’t okay are there any other like flat blocks I hav’t use what about TR what about uh pressure

Plates no really don’t have anything what about H let me think I’ve used all my trap door oh wait I haven’t never mind okay I have not used jungle trap doors I feel like I I probably use that for something though at some point thing is I don’t know if um you

Know what instead of that let me look are there any other flat blocks I could I have snow but that’ll Melt what else could I put on the floor to break up the floor Color actually I could do the same thing I did in the lobby yeah I have an idea wait a minute let me do that so what I’m going to do I go to like here like that oh that won’t get all of it wait a

Minute if I go to the I go all the way over here to this corner should I go to this corner instead right bring that over to there click that and then if I go all the way back down do I not have a firework on me oh I

Don’t even have my elitra on and I know people get upset that I call call it an elra but I will keep doing it all right so it’s on this layer here so I just go all the way over here and like right click like this here that’s probably far enough

So another gold ore what I’ll do let me fly to my texture area what blocks do I have that I can use I have this and emerald let’s do these all right so if I go to my textures and open the texture pack Minecraft textures blocks okay so

We want to do nether gold ore I grab this if I grabb the nether gold or Texture I want to replace chiseled red Sandstone top chiseled red Sandstone that’s the side though or is that because of something else wait if I red Sandstone oh okay that won’t work okay what about I can

Just do emerald ore I grab Emer emerald ore and a deep slate emerald ore that’ll work so if I then I’m going to take the nether gold or Texture and apply it to both of these but change the shading of it just so slightly all right now if I turn the texture pack

Off and what this will let me do is sort of break up the flat floor basically I save these okay and if I turn the texture pack back on wait for this to load and I want to go grab deep slate Emerald as well where is

That there it is all right so we have both of these so if I fly back up all right so replace nether gold ore with nether gold ore with Emerald or and deep slate emerald ore there we go oh wow that came out really good oh it’s it’s trippy to look

At yeah that looks pretty good I think it definitely breaks up the color a lot oh it hurts my eyes to look at because it’s like just so slightly of a different shade so it kind of screws with your brain I like how it looks but I also

Hate the like weird optical illusion I’m getting all right um I do like that how it looks this I get get rid of these and then emerald ore also should have a slight glow to it so going back over here there’s a pillar right here then other side here where’s the middle

Right there right two two okay two blocks I grab fences so there’s like dart boards I guess I think that’s fine I have Target blocks what am I doing which I textured never mind can’t use those oh uh one block off there we go all right that looks good so what else is

There now there’s just all the tables there’s also this the Ring of lights going all the way around here which oh boy there’s so much stuff in this this room all right what I’ll do this was going to take a bit and my bit I mean a long time right

Well so I guess we just copy the exact same share design we were doing for like all of time we go mad with tables SOS re Malo I I’m sorry I don’t understand I do not speak that language my apologies all right so I think what I’m welcome to the

Stream YouTube keeps complaining about the bit rate there’s a table here I just kind of do some shares and I’m going to misclick all of these these tables are going to take like an hour just cuz I’m going to have so much trouble placing stuff on these

Uh these pillars or the uh iron bars there’s one in the corner one two three can I put that no this is fine one two three right hello geod welcome to the stream was a like some canister thing here oh is that meant to be a trash can

Oh actually in that case what if I do I can do a pal poster I just put that there and there’s two more tables along here you make regular El chips or I’m combining both of them into one I’m doing some kind of hybrid so I want to have these open

Doorways you can just see in but I’m also keeping the air lock so I’m kind of doing some hybrid thing also behold my awful chipper statue so I’m doing sort of a h rid of both which I think surprisingly doesn’t look terrible yet so one

Two like the yeah my issue was like I wasn’t sure how I was going to release the map if I did them both like that it was like I had a few options which is either I I release two different Maps one with the deleted stuff and one with

The current build or my other idea was to like do some stuff with structure blocks and put a button by the entrance that will automatically switch which version of the pizzax you’re looking at CU that would be very easy to have this be a structure block and have a

Button be able to switch it back and forth forth from having the air lock and the and the open door but I just decided to go for some weird Fusion Hybrid thing so my my pizza Plex Chimera surprisingly doesn’t look terrible you know the Adam you know who

Adam Sandler is yeah I think most people know who Adam Sandler is put that there this goes around to there oh there’s actual tables here these are the same chairs I did over here right yeah you know he he’s a good actor I like a lot of the stuff he’s been in

So I bring do this the middle if I just do trap doors it’ll be fine there we go he funny yeah he’s funny I love I love comedy so like I love most of the movies he’s done can I put an item frame on this when it’s in there I’ve never checked

This can I do this no I think as much but I figured i’ check wait it’s not over far enough R’s going to his concert tonight cool yeah me and my mom actually went to watch The Abyss a few days ago the um James Cameron movie which is really

Cool the one that he pretty much nuked into Oblivion you can’t watch it on any streaming service and he never released it for like Blu-ray or anything so the only way to watch the movie is either to like basically pirate it or wait till he releases it in theaters

Which he did a few days ago which was really cool it was a really good movie that goes into the pillar right yeah guess what what oh also thank you for the follow Elite squid squid welcome to the channel welcome to the stream as well I can kind of do this diagonal I

Guess I know how it’s good it’s going to look but one two three one two three sure I can do like that I guess I know these aren’t curved but we had to extend this room for it to fit so it’s fine it’s going to look a little warped though but it’s whatever

Making your map again it looks good nice Yeah we actually went and we did the atrium or the the the atrium earlier it actually has walls now I really like how it it’s coming out so we got is that all of what’s in this room minus the

Lights it’s a few little tables and stuff all the way to back here prob is they’re like where the door is so I don’t know how I’m going to do this I like I don’t want to put them in front of the door is the

Issue so I’m going to move them a little bit I do that that that that this might look really bad but whatever I just want to make sure you can navigate it without constantly running the tables which I know is the is the the thing is what steel was probably going

For to make it really cluttered so it’s hard to avoid the animatronics but Minecraft being like a cube game definitely makes that a little more challenging oh and there’s more cactuses back here are they the same on each side oh I do this one here how do I fit another cactus in

Here all right if I put it here and then move this how could I not make this look terrible will this work well this might stop me from placing the uh the cactus let me see no we’re good is there a cactus on this side too

No is that it minus the the ATM looking machines which are not we’re not building right now I think that’s it at least minus there’s a few TVs again I’m saving off and building some things that I know I’m going to have be animated later with structure blocks so

For right now besides the fans and the lights which we already built those okay so is this the same ceiling that’s in here I know oh it’s the same green ceiling that’s there so what I’m going to do oh wait a minute this should be in the pillar wait behind the

Pillar the problem is I have to kind of angle this room a bit because the issue is this room is sort of the way I’ve kind of built the game like again this this this thing here this shape would be impossible to do next to like a square

Atrium so it’s the it’s the challenge of how do you take a room that’s technically sort of angled that you can’t angle in a cube game it is hard I do like this I guess this will work I can move that up then that looks a little better it’s

Definitely warped compared to the game but I’m also absolutely convinced there’s a door here uh giod do you know if there was meant to be a doorway right here that was deleted CU like this this looks supicious this this looks sus I don’t trust this like again the texture literally you can

See it where it ended and like they tried to hide it with this line there’s even like Light Pillars perfectly here I’m convinced there’s a door there okay cuz H yeah cuz the daycare would be here I’m going to load up my version of security breach in a sec that has all

The deleted rooms and we’re going to go look at that I’m convinced there’s a door there oh I got to put the chest back down oh we use this right the crate thing all right so and there is this here how do I want to build

This if I get like what Light blues do I have I can use these here we go so this is like right next to the entrance pillar like right over here you yeah I think this will be fine if I do like blue here

Actually instead of that if I do I gra a trap door then if I were to grab this actually instead of that if I do a stare I can type as well I then grab a banner put that here oh wait what if I put this on the inside this might look

Terrible I actually don’t hate that can I put that here then oh cool I want this to be facing the other way though can I do this no it doesn’t work okay I grab red and then put this wait no that doesn’t work um if I grab a

Stair I guess that it doesn’t look good but whatever it works I guess to conceal you you could probably hide in here carpet um item frame sure button can I put a button here no put buttons up here no right yeah you could technically hide here can I put that there

No I have a lantern 5 a.m. it’s going steady no I’m screwed it’s gold and Freddy all right put that there all right I think that’s fine for what I’m trying to do my hair’s falling on my face all right um there are two of these there a door in both of these

No so I’m just going to copy and I guess flip this right are these both yeah they are facing different directions okay so copy rotate this is 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 wait that didn’t work okay so if I then stand here and break these

Yeah you can reasonably hide in here go grab that item frame can I put that there oh I can I grab a sign this on here actually no that won’t never mind if I go to the back here just to kind of give it a little bit of

Detail all right so that’s this whole section done minus the lights and the wall stuff so what I’ll do now so I want to put the ceiling on this because I want to see what it looks like with lighting so if the lighting doesn’t look that good I might change some stuff right

Now I’m going to do the exact same lighting design we did before that’s why I connect these want to get rid of this here sure one two one two one two one two one two choose for all eternity all right fill these in and then we’re going to have to go

And add all the trap doors under these I’m surprised this song’s not copywritten thought it was but YouTube seems chill so what I’m doing is I’m doing one magma block and then two walls sometimes three to four if it’s on a if it’s on a curve I do this

Wait I can do that I guess and I think I’ll do what do I do threes for this yeah that’s fine one two one two one two one it probably better doing the mag the magma block first but whatever I’ll have this go to the the actual wall there’s also like the marionette

Arms hanging down and I don’t know how I want to do those either I kind of want to make them animated with like structure blocks having them like wave and stuff but that’s an ungodly am of effort for what really is unnecessary not even in the game but I just think it would

Look cool and make it look kind of windy inside which I know it’s like you know oh there’s no wind inside the building but I’m just trying to think of like ways I can give the build a little bit more atmosphere that was one of them so now

We’re going to go and add trap doors and fail at that right off the bat there we go my render distance is too high so I’m getting some lag what is it at 24 chunks I don’t need that many I just want to make sure this area is

Loaded as all I don’t need the entirety of the atrium loaded right that’s better what’s my simulation chunks at I’ll just turn that to five okay there we go where was I I was here there we go got my 6 million years later placing a

Trapo but I still have my Coco so I’m happy right okay so and the ceiling was the same as the hallway so I also break this and make this green what is going on with this wonderful the walls are vibrating that’s great I’m sure that doesn’t mean Minecraft’s about to

Explode how do I I want to do this I could raise the walls actually wait a minute that’ll be the easier way of doing this I do this right yeah this will be the easiest way of doing this so if I were to just raise all of

This and this will let me then just place all the blocks over this and I’ll close these off and in theory if I just do that should just be able to bring this all the way around is this set to the right thing okay yeah same block there we go get around

Here got I keep getting notifications from YouTube but they’re just complaining about the bit rate but each time I’m like oh no they are they upset about the music and I get all gives me a spook but then it’s just now or they’re just complaining with the bit rate which I don’t

Care the funniest part is they keep going back and forth from sending me a notification that says my bit rate is too high or saying it’s too low but it’s in the same stream and I can’t change my bit rate while I’m live so I don’t know what they’re talking

About like the bit has stayed the same this entire stream if I just bring this all the way over I want to do a gradient for the ceiling I don’t know what if I do like a stripe actually well no I think this is probably good why is this yellow wait a

Minute wait a minute what wait is this just the lighting or did they change the color of the ceiling between versions wait a minute what I swear this was green like three hours ago Nar discovers he’s color blind all right what all right wait a minute wait a

Minute wait a minute I’m going to launch up the older version did they change it to Yellow wait a minute I if I close the game I was already planning on doing this to look at that door if I launch my older version of security breach oh I just whacked my

Elbow all right so gonna wait for this to load there we go get unreal unlocker and the game crashed because it’s security breach but I again it’s really funny I don’t know if it’s crashing because oh what the heck why did my chat box disappear where’d it

Go why did OBS minimize as well I don’t know what security breach just did what why is it that’s what when I launch the curity it minimize this all my active programs what this game baffles and frightens me it doesn’t make any sense oh and my my tracking has died as

Well oh this is great can can my tracking resume please that’d be Splendid all right we’re not dropping frames though which is great yeah I don’t know why it’s doing that my tracking has like completely died let me try turning my light on and off that usually fixes it right come on

Detect my face do the thing you’re what why is tracker please work okay I don’t know what security breach just killed all my active programs this is great wonderful did my like tracking just actually turn off no it’s still on it’s completely Frozen did my camera get turned off I’m so

Confused all right let me close my tracker did that reset it that did nothing all right wait a minute let me get the game loaded before I start fiding fiddling with my tracker so I feel like if we keep if we get it fixed and then the game restarts again

My tracker is probably going to die again I don’t know what happened the minute I launched the key to breach like it minimized all my programs on my desktop and then just destroyed my face tracking I have no idea why all right I got the game launched cool now if I can

Get unreal unlocker to work that’d be great did that work awesome okay now can I get my tracking to work please let me see all right I shall return all right can I fix this why is this not working oh that it’s crashed oh that’s great okay I shall return Momentarily Yeah A [Applause] all right I’m back I got my tracking working I have absolutely no idea what happened I haven’t the slightest clue let me get my full body tracking back on I have no idea what happened not a single clue actually since I’m here I can actually show this off I haven’t really

Used it at all let me go back to this do I have this on here wait um I think I do yeah here it is this was the model I’ve been using for thumbnails for James his uh his model I made from which I don’t think

He’s used once but anyways a that is that it’s fully rigged but either way let me go back to this why did that not work all right can I get full body working okay um detect my face please all right this is fine it’s not a

Nar stream if I don’t have some horrible technical issue that goes cataclysmically wrong all right can I get my arms working why are you not working right can I why is this not working if I do that does that work that did nothing that didn’t work at all why is

My tracking just not working it might be my full body tracking is completely breaking everything else but I don’t know why that would be the case it might be selecting the wrong camera wait a minute what if I do this one does that work what about this target web game is

Not accessible wonderful all right this one right is that working that’s not working um why does this always happen can I please get my trk and on oh there we go hands do I have hands I have hands they’re not active though wait let me turn them on give me my

Hands I want my hands all right there we go I have hands cool if I just zoom zoom in zoom in more rise all right there we go all right can I get this to work so can I click this without breaking stuff awesome all right there we go

Cool all right and it’s working cool now if I can get chat back up there we go we got OBS we got security breach which I’m going to move to my other monitor I don’t know why it keeps going to this monitor but whatever okay let me load up

The light map here we go all right back to Minecraft wrong screen there we go all right so where am I I’m in the lobby okay it’s this door right here if I teleport Gregory right here this should be the room yeah because that’s the deleted door there I have my

Flashlight I don’t can I get that where do you usually get the flashlight again oh no I’m trying to remember where do you usually obtain the flashlight oh no it’s in the lobby right so if I teleport Gregory to the door can I pick it up that’ be great if I can do

That I wait for the lobby to load why am I in the ground what rise okay all right am I able to go pick up the flashlight let me see um looks like it awesome okay cool I can do this what wait where do you get the

Flashlight wait am I dumb where do you get the flashlight in security breach I swore it was there I’m I’m dumb I guess or do you have it by default oh now I’m trying to remember where do you obtain the flashlight in security breach I don’t think I’ve thought of

This since like I first played the game um geod are you still here where do you get the flashlight from I know it’s in one of the security offices I just teleported Gregory here real fast I don’t have it on me oh the door doesn’t have the wall

Doesn’t have textures all right whatever I’ll just turn the lighting off fine there we go was it back here somewhere no that’s in ruin right yeah let’s just teleport there it’s fine I teleport Gregory there and if I go C wait for everything to load and

Then turn the lighting on but I want it like so I can see what I’m looking at I just change my graphic settings gamma increase the gamma well that did nothing that didn’t do a single thing all right I can’t see a thing but whatever all right let me let me go and

Look for this is really dark this is terrible without the flashlight but I do kind of like it let me turn the lighting off whatever all right can I see if there was cuz I know they got rid of that door can I actually open this wait a minute I’ve never tried

This can I can I get over there what happens if I approach this can I actually interact with this door no I can’t it’s it’s it’s solid all right that’s not what I want to do I just throw him in the kitchen all right oh back away from you and go through

Here so where would that door been I’ll go this yeah that’s that’s suspicious let me let me teleport to Gregory like right here will that load anything let me see I just have him run up to the wall there anything here at all that will load if I do this

Not that I’m seeing is this really just a dart board this seems too Pacific cuz Okay the daycare is right here is this yeah this is above the daycare okay if I just kind of go this way and teleport him here is there anything over here that he could or room

That would be there o wait a minute wasn’t there a wait okay H vicious what is this all right so there’s this room here and this has the door on the back of it which is usually inaccessible or just no this connects to the deleted

Uh airlock right oh no that goes here no this here this is the deleted airlock okay so Lance suspicious yeah there’s just a isn’t there a staircase here or something where is that oh it’s right here that’s suspicious something’s up wait a minute I think there’s a ho way

Here what is that there wait a minute that’s on the wall or behind it that’s on the wall okay okay like this area right here if I teleport him here is there a room here there’s not but there is a doorway and if I teleport him straight

Up this should put him in the arcade and he is right next to this that’s suspicious H just a random area where there’s nothing in between two rooms right below that I think there’s a staircase there all right let me check my map real fast

In terms of the digital map I have let me find this where did I put this I can never remember where I put this map where is it security breach Maps is it no here we go let me share my screen I can do I still have this on here yeah there it

Is all right so I don’t want to wait can I I not able to access my desktop when it’s like this okay wait a minute I minimize vroid do that do that’ll work oh and I lost Minecraft God dang it all right I got the map back so if I

Do there we go Okay cool so where is El ships on this map what floor this is the ground floor so okay that’s fazer blast there looking at this and it’s showing the wrong monitor I’m dumb all right there we go cool that’s what I was trying to show where’s El

Ships it’s the vat room wait no what is this what on Earth is this that’s the entrance to the day care really no wait oh the catwalks I’m looking at Monty’s catwalks oh where’s L chips do we not have a map of L chips be above

This we don’t oh no it’s right here I’m dumb all right this is L chips here so that’s the door door door vent what is this that’s suspicious why is this here is there anything right below that let me see I don’t think so nothing I can see that would directly

Link wait a minute aha The Boiler Room the staircases in the Boiler Room are directly under that where’s El chips again I lost it where was it I’m dumb here it is that links up too perfectly okay that’s suspicious so that sus so this went down to the Boiler Room

Interesting I I can’t why it does not let me click on this OBS what did you do with the overlay there we go okay so if I go to the Minecraft overlay so in this corner this goes to the boiler room so yeah right over here this square

Right here okay that is directly above where is it right here if we zoom in that’s right here all right that’s a staircase directly below it where was it I lost it again which map is it I’m dumb which one God damn it there it is okay so it’s that one

Yeah that yeah no wait no it’s this one here never mind this staircase right here is directly below that and that can’t be a coincidence that’s too much of a coincidence all right that’s confusing since thing is we don’t have a a map of the boiler room that’s one thing Ste all

Thoroughly nuked we have like images of it and some videos some Dev logs but that’s really it so it’s pretty much completely impossible for us to build the boiler room we can build a bunch of the deleted stuff but we can’t build any of the boiler room it’s just gone I mean we

Have some rooms I know of that we could theoretically build off pictures and short little video clips but like we have no idea which rooms are which or anything of the sort so it’ be impossible to implement them correctly into the map so instead we’re not going to do it because

I don’t think we could do it well but this is suspicious this is this was totally an entrance to the boiler room can you reach me from there oh we’re good you’re freaking out though I don’t know what you’re doing he’s hopping all right um I want to the

Ceiling oh I want to look at the ceiling wait a minute no this is green okay they they did change the color of the ceiling in between versions this is very much green I’m not mad okay let me see if I turn the lighting on and I can see the ceiling that is

Well I can’t yeah that’s giving off a green Hue this is this is green all right yeah it it’s green I don’t think it’s this bright of a green what other greens do I have I like a turquoise or a lime let me see I’m just go through my

Greens I don’t think I wanted a gradient for this I could do a darker actually that would look probably pretty good um could do that as well so we could either do that or that I think this would look better what is what am I looking at oh it’s

Gregory’s face all right so if I break this and if I just use commands to replace this it’s green Terra so Place Birch planks with green there we go oh and I got to replace this up here that is there we go all right oh we fill this

Here in this wasn’t fully done all right I think it’s also one block off from the actual wall yeah it is that’ll fill that in oh no what happened oh God no no fly fly I get through how we get back up um right here Noe all right there we go

So that should all be enclosed now and bring it up yeah this looks pretty good what I want to do now if I grab Cobblestone not that one I want to see what this looks like with shaders so I’m going to quickly go and make a wall

To oh wait a minute this isn’t I didn’t go all the way across and bring that up okay I’m going to quickly go and make a wall just so we can block out the light I want to see how the lighting in here looks I just bring this

Up right is that all that was okay yeah so if I then go all the way back here we’re going to go to the entrance and I’m also going to block this off I want to see what it looks like with just just Lighting in here without any sunlight coming in all right

So shaders on and I got to get rid of my night vision how does this look oh this looks really good play wait a minute no there we go yeah let me get rid of this for a second so I can just show this all this looks really

Good I think I definitely kept the lighting in here pretty well o that looks cool uh it’s a little too bright though I think that’s kind of what I was afraid of oh this looks really cool yeah that didn’t work at all which block is this yeah it’s

Because of the emerald ore I see I got to switch that out then I think this would work better to have the gradient so what I think I’ll do all right well I’m glad I looked at this now I think the ceiling is actually fine I don’t have a problem with

That it looks really good though but not what I want so if I turn this off and it gets my get my night vision all right there we go all right so how do I want to do this H let me go back and look at my my textures let me break

This I don’t have my El are on what other blocks do I have that I can use Emerald just is too reflective what’s a block that let me turn my let me um mushroom stem I can do these and I’ll grab that as well okay

So what I’ll do is I’ll fly back up real fast is that a hole or is that the ceiling that’s a hole okay I just going to drop in to this ceiling actually no instead of doing that wait um I just go all the way over

Here here could I I have to go on the opposite way all right I went to the into the daycare before to do this so if I click right there and if I then assuming I can fly out of this successfully I get out this way

Nope if I fly all the way down here and if I go and right click on this what I want to do all right deep slight emerald ore I want to place that with dead two coral deep Slade ore with is this a bubble Coral tube Coral tube Coral

Block okay no I want that to be dead uh oh I mean I guess that works sure okay uh and then horn so emerald ore this emerald ore with dead what Coral coral Coral bubble horn coral block there we go okay are the rest of these going to die or if

I um game rule random tick Speed 500 why are these not dying what okay wait no that didn’t work um undo undo again okay do that and then uh dead tube so dead tube plal dead tube is this dead tube portal block there we go okay so now that we’ve done

That what I want to do I go into my textures I turn this off actually I probably should have had that so I can see what I’m looking at but whatever I know it’s Emerald I guess I into my blocks and if I grab Emerald I grab both variants of the emerald

Ore uh oh why is my folder not responding what I just typed an emerald it cracked uh oh I don’t know what my oh boy my PC is doing something weird I’m sure that’s fine all right let me go back and find this textures blocks I’m just going to type an ore

Apparently typing an emerald was too much for it deep Slade both Emerald all right and I want to do which blocks are these dead horror Coral all right so we want tube coral and we want the horn coral I’m going to just switch these textures okay there we go close that file save

Save and then I’m going to go and just make the these solid white for right now so that I know they’re unused now another thing I want to do is re I want to switch I go to where’s the ceiling over here I’m going to do a slight gradient with a ceiling as

Well so what I think I’m going to do have I used fire Coral let me look I don’t know if I have I don’t think I have let me see I’ll just type in fire fire coral dead fire no I have used that okay let me go see what other blocks I haven’t

Used see what do you doing I am texturing stuff and losing my mind all right what blocks have I not used I can’t tell cuz I don’t have the texture pack on there we go why did the music just skip a beat I don’t know what’s going on with

My PC it’s confused about something I’m trying to give the texture some or the floor some texture yeah give the texture some texture I can’t speak today all right so if I were to use I can just use this yeah mushroom stem if I grab a mushroom

Stem if I go and get my Emerald wait no it’s not Emerald it was dead coral wait I’m wa it was a green carot grab green terra cotta that there and I’m going to just slightly darken this all right so if I then go up and then I want to go one block

Down and if I go all the way across to the opposite side all right so replace green ter green terra cotta with green terra cotta and a mushroom stem cool all right so I then go back inside I just want to go and break this all right and now we’re going to do

The opposite of the floor so how do I want to do this let me just go and select the whole thing again so if I click that there if we then go into the daycare go to this thing and just click like there and what we want to do what blocks

Are on this okay there we go so um another gold I was wait did wait um oh I already replaced it never mind we’re good okay so yeah now I just turn off the texture pack I turn it back on and it should be working probably all right so now we’re going to

Save the textures there we go save all of these cool okay now we turn the texture pack back on and it should look significantly better all right that doesn’t look that bad now I want to see what it looks like with shaders do we still at the lighting

Issue I’m hoping that solved it well the night vision doesn’t help that looks much better I think I will darken one of them I’m just grab a random block another I want the coral okay I go to my textures I grab where was it I grab a random Coral

Block and then I also want to go and grab the green one that was that was a mushroom block right yeah mushroom stem okay so I want to brighten up the mushroom stem texture just a little bit a little bit too dark and then add which one of these is darker let me

See this one okay let me see how this looks my tracking is definitely lagging a bit so I save all these textures and reload this let’s see how this looks hello Fred door welcome to the stream welcome back all right how does that look that better I tell the difference with the dark

Ones I grab milk go night vision oh that looks significantly better okay now I want to grow me oh yeah this looks much better you have FNAF Ral I do didn’t I make like different variations of this I swear I did this is a yeah that’s

Copper do I want tol what other ore blocks do I have I can use Emerald let me do that I grab my emerald ore what this copper right where is this copper yeah Copp I go and grab a copper ore there it is copper and I just want to darken this a bit

Just so I can kind of break up the solid color I probably could have left the shaders on but whatever all right and merge the layers and we’re going to save this as a texture de slate turn this back on and there we go all right

So night vision and I want to also go all the way back here I go all the way to the corner this is copper and R okay Place copper ore with copper or and deep slate Emerald or uh that’s a little too dark I think yeah that’s that’s too dark wait a

Minute I think it look it will look good I just want to make it a little lighter files save the reason I have to reload the texture pack whenever I change a texture is I can’t actually save the texture if it’s being used in mcraft it basically just confuses the

Game and will make it crash all right how does that look oh that’s much better okay I then get my and shaders oh that looks much better yeah it breaks up the texture a lot more it looks much better all right yeah I like how that looks now let’s do the individual lights

So I get my night vision there we go you know I’ll keep the shaders on why not yeah and we’re just going to reuse the exact same light design copy so where are all of these lights there’s three of them down this Hall here thing is that there are like one

Here uh oh what undo why did that not paste it copy why did that wait no weird but okay so there’s one here all right there we go that’s what I was trying to Dobe on this row here I do another one in between here so right on this

Block and there’s one on the end here there we go let me move this one over more and I broke this there we go wow there was a good like minute delay on YouTube stream for some reason sure why twitch is pretty much in sync with reality I’m not sure why it’s doing

That okay that that looks much better and then there’s two across from here around here pretty much so paste and there’s one sort of right here and then there’s two across from these and more over go down can I paste this here this going to break the pillar no we’re

Fine is that the all yep oh that’s funny they have a light here wait why is okay I was looking at the wrong wall yeah so that was for when this originally was all one room pretty much I can actually add that into the hallway thing where is

That there’s one all the way down here where this hallway is so I stand right here and East go down more I think I go like right about here I go over a block oh yeah okay undo heast there we go cool that brightens this up a lot more

If I get some milk see what this looks like oh yeah that that really does help brighten this area up the staff poot here keeps teleporting oh I have the thing close wait there we go okay so thing is I do want this to be

Brighter is the issue I’m not sure how I can artificially lighten this up anymore without just having more lights so instead of doing that I’m going to cheat I get a Carpet I don’t have any more carpets I could use though how else could I oh I have an idea wait a minute glass if I were to I mix send some pink stained glass into the ceiling let me see how this looks what blocks are these mushroom stem and green terot replace mushroom

Stem and green there t with um grass well no dirt okay now place let just do the exact same is this pink glass yeah where was that I just had there it is okay stem wrak this and type in not glass is is glass not a thing on here wait a

Minute might be called something else let me look pink stained glass okay so replace dirt with all of this there we go so now that I have that that if I then just go and make this all the way let me get my night vision back where is this there it

Is I go to like here I just raise the wall instead this will be faster plus there’s less risk of me breaking stuff with World in it there we go so if I then go and bring this across I still see your fortnite map I

Looked for it and I could not find it I have no idea what I did with it I went through like all my files so unfortunately not just because I have absolutely no idea what I did with it but I will keep looking for it it’s probably in some random file hidden

Away on my PC somewhere I I don’t label my files well it’s probably in some like mislabeled file I just bring this across them me try no I I will I’m going to keep looking again I guarantee it’s just in a file labeled something really stupid my PC has about 10 terabytes of

Storage so it’s uh it’s moderately difficult to find one specific file it’s not exactly easy damn it especially if I didn’t label it connect this up we do it uh can we look can we like look for it on Discord again I don’t know what it would

Have been called so I’ll find it eventually because it it was originally built on Minecraft uh Pocket Edition I guess the Bedrock version now so it’s probably I probably labeled it like phone map or something and then put it into some like animation file how does that

Look look on bed rock well no it wouldn’t be on badrock it would just be in a random floor why does that that looks terrible why is this is this because of the night vision wait a minute no that just looks awful why on Earth is that is that just because of

The Shader wait a minute what okay how can I fix this wait a Minute that’s not ideal um what am I to like darken the texture like crazy let me see Minecraft textures your birthday is next week cool happy early birthday my birthday is next month I grab pink glass and what I’m going to do is make this

Solid I’m curious on if this is just how Glass Works in the Shader pack or if it’s actually just the texture I just make it just slightly transparent it’s like barely at all happy really early birthday thanks merry early Christmas as well save the texture and reload this

No it is just the texture or the shaders that’s annoying all right how else could I get a around this is it just because the sea lanterns are on it let me see if I destroy these is it the same what if I do more than one wait up

Here where’s the hole I made there it is H yeah you know let me try that if I just bring this up like if I stack them like this it should increase the darkness of the glass I think hopefully see how this looks I bring this all the way around

I’m waiting to fall off the edge jump up and break this and connect up there okay so now that I’ve done that I’m probably going to go to sleep after this it’s late I guess early time zones are whack right so let me think about this if I grab cob

Stone not that one all right so I might just bring this all the way around so that just connected down here no okay wait if I break all of this is that a block or glass oh this is endstone I’m dumb wait one two all right raise this up then actually

Know if I do it here there we go and bring that all up down this one is again I I don’t know what I did with it but I’ll find it eventually so I raise this up and this is all endstone right yeah I bring that over by one I then just bring

This around let me my night vision back there we go I want to basically make like a border around the glass is it smaller it’s one to one scale but like one to one scale is like me being dumb and making everything unnecessarily big like this so tilted was big definitely too

Big I bring that up there I bring this across to there and bring this over and bring this around to here all right now that we’ve gotten this what I’m going to do now one two three one Two that on the right row wait a minute yeah there we go okay I imagine this didn’t go all the way down nope one two one two is that it and there’s this one two so now that I have all of wait what is this this endstone yeah so

Now will this work if I do like this let me see or is this going to look terrible let me find out this might look terrible can I get through this floor here all right there we go nope that didn’t work at all okay um NOP that didn’t work in the slightest um

What if I have a space in the middle let me see if I were to do like let me think about this there’s got to be a way I can trick to the Shader pack I get under here and do this and drop down put this here does that

Work nope all right I’m really how else could I do this without doing glass I think this plan has just failed from the start all right so in instead I I assume mag blocks would have the same problem and I don’t want to have it just be the

Sky let me get rid of all this what about a lantern H all right so this just did not work so let me break all of this and now I got to undo the glass I just do commands undo undo okay there we go so now it’s back to this so how could

I a lantern what if I just didn’t texture a lantern would it still give off a light source would that work let me try that looking better well I’m I’m not going yet but no I I I’m not going to do a call it’ll be way

Too I will be falling asleep by the time the stream ends all right so if I grab a lantern I’m curious if I were to literally just delete the lantern texture will it literally not exist as in no light source whatsoever or would the block just not be visible but there’s

Still a Life Source I don’t know how that works let me see file save I go back to here be easy it’s a big name fortnite well I you assume I named it fortnite I I don’t have a good naming scheme how did that that didn’t work at all that didn’t

Do at all what I thought it would do right I have the Pack on right yeah okay so that literally didn’t work how could I get around that I don’t want to just hang lanterns everywhere is the issue how could I make this light up without doing

That I have an idea but it’s not a good one is the issue so all right what I’m going to do if I click this here and if I go all the way down here and click like there and if I do replace air um dirt Stone Cobblestone all right now That No undo gu quartz okay so now if I hm so everything but probably dirt so I go all the way back to right here Stone dirt Cobblestone space air all right replace dirt Lantern uh I don’t know if I like that I guess I have night vision on what does this look like without this I kind of like how it looks but it’s too many um so in what if I were to place land Ln with a lantern

And what is the Blue Lantern called Soul Lantern replace lantern with Lantern actually type that in Soul Lantern also help if I type if I put Lantern that looks a little better I don’t like how it looks though what if I I don’t know H it brightens it up obviously but I don’t

Lantern air like again comparing it with it without it h let me try putting like lanterns on these maybe I’m trying to figure out how I could light this up more without just putting lights everywhere and it’s like I know it’s to be a dark area but it’s not this

Dark and then what we could do is add those pillars we were doing guess we can do that that definitely adds light that’s for sure had a yellow variant of this it’d be perfect what I could do is add some lanterns on the tables I think that

Would that would look at least in place I do like that and then add these on here I’m going to try and look for it I’ll probably look for it tomorrow it’s just I have no idea what I did with it I’m to put it on here sure

Okay that definitely lights this up a lot more then if I were to add these onto like these over here yeah this this looks better gra a soul Lantern oh wait a minute I could put these onto here if I put these that doesn’t look good so instead of doing that what if

I I guess I just have this hang from here h Lantern what is this block actually called the one we used for fser blast um the shroom light I grab this what if I that looks cool what if I were to that’s cool yeah let’s do this can we call

Tomorrow oh wait you actually I didn’t realize you were asking to actually I’ll I’ll just look for it by myself like this why still get the glow if I block this I do so I block all of these off actually if I do um if I do this

Instead this will look much better wait a minute right oh that looks really cool I don’t apologize you’re fine I I’ve just been super busy as all so just wanted to talk while you look oh okay so what else do I want to do yeah this is definitely a lot more lit up

Than it was so it looks much better so what I’m thinking of doing if I go over here what I could do is there like a anything over here I could use as an excuse to put a light where was that here it is there are the pink pillars but I

Don’t want to actually have those glow oh I can absolutely have the ones on the wall there blow why do I hear voice critical the hell what where did that come from wait I swear to God I just heard Mo critical wait what the hell oh the music playlist ended and it

Just queued up a mo a moist critical video Let’s Go moist critical I was really confused there it’s the middle of building in this moist critical hey hello there like what the hell that that CAU me off guard that was funny all right um yeah what was the

Other one called go to Right light can do this if I use this actually know if I do ma blocks I’ll just do this whatever sea lantern I go to the where’s the bathroom wall it’s down here all right so this is on the top row you don’t have to apologize I’m not

Mad does this go all the way around yep I’ve just been super busy as all I spent like pretty much 90% of the last week in the hospital Health stuff so Lantern trying to make I’m just trying to make sure I have like time for help one and two when that

Drops there’s like a block in between these I’m seeing I put that there there we go now what do I want to do for the middle part I could just do this um you know what I’ll I’ll do this I’m got to move the door here I just make this like like two

Blocks smaller yeah that’ll be fine old basement is Peak what old basement I put that there that there and bring this up and bring this across and there we go and I’ll just wrap this around the basement in the trailer old Monty Hall oh okay yeah I’m

I’m super excited for that it looks like they’re adding pretty much all the deleted security breach stuff in which I’m very excited for we went over the trailer the other day but I have a second video coming out covering all that it looks like they’re adding back

The deleted Music Man Chase which I’m really excited for I put this here instead how do I want to actually I’ll just wait now I I have this just connect up here instead there we go all it looks like it one of the things I’ve not seen anyone

Talk about in the trailer is the shot where it shows the L Chip’s miname uh through the window you can see the entire Atri is loaded all right and you can also see the backstage they have the old map loaded up in help one at two which is very suspicious

So again kind of just confirms a theory I’ve had for a while when help wanted or when security breach first came out one of the main reasons it was so laggy was because all the what oh the mag the magn blocks one of the old or one of the

Reasons when security reach first came out one of the main reasons that it was so laggy was because all the textures were like stupidly high res like insanely high res and a lot of people are confused of like why on Earth are these textures all in like 4K why do I

Need to see like the 4K textures on a trash can but one of the reasons to do that is for VR all right so my assumption was that security breach was originally meant to be a VR game and somewhere through development they a uh changed course and made it a standalone

Game all right and in the trailer can you show me the I can show that um pull it up okay FNAF Wanted trailer here it is if I can pull this up here we go right here this here I move this down right here you can see the entire

Atrium loaded including the bridge Tada it’s in the background okay so this area right here that we are currently seeing all right this is a modified version of the El chips office CU again if we this is this right here I can actually show you that exact

Spot because we just built it a few like an hour ago if I go to it real fast that is this counter right here if it’s far over it’s more further over because I moved stuff so if I go and show it which is that’s right over that’s right

Here except they kind of move the table a bit it’s it’s this desk here except it actually has stuff on it basically it’s it’s this right here except there’s nothing here and that’s the door so yeah so this is they have again so now it’s like well you know this I

Believe this means that the entirety of security breach is going to be played laow and help wanted two in VR and you’re probably like that’s that’s a a little bit of a stretch well my easy assumption for that is steel will now knows what they can and cannot do they

Know their limits all right they got thoroughly kicked in The Shins by the entire Gaming Community when security routs dropped because it was in such a terrible and unplayable State and that was specifically because the game would load too much of the pizza Plex up at

Once and it would just cause an ungodly amount of lag so the solution to this was to add doors everywhere all right so this right here goes against everything they’ve done in security breach they’ve added doors everywhere in this game to minimize lag so you don’t have stuff

Loaded up all right so right here all right this is the L chips room here okay if they wanted to actually minimize lag they would have this door here closed and the atrium would not be loaded up because it looks like this is a mini game which would lead you to believe

Okay it’s a standalone miname so you probably don’t leave the mini game area so why on Earth would you have the entire Atrium loaded and it’s because I think this is not a miname or I mean it is a mini game but I think it’s a miname

That you actually walk up to and interact with I think this is basically proof that the entire Pizza Flex is going to be fully explorable in help wanted two why on Earth would they have the entire Atrium loaded up that’s unnecessary it would cause so much lag

It would be absolutely insane so when the game comes out you going to oh yeah I’m going to be breaking everything so I’ll be doing a initial playr and then I’m going to be going in and pretty much no clipping around I already know how cuz I I did

Some no clipping with help wanted one a week ago and then again this right here this is the Endo room Underground this is that big room that you go into all right so that’s two rooms in security breach that we have seen in VR because we have all of this

Here I go back to that hallway this is the Endo room underground this is obviously roxxy’s beauty salon this is just the daycare that’s the underground room below the Faz theater that’s just the Endo room again like there’s so much stuff here and then here is the deleted Music

Man hallway chase that um that the data monitors found like a year ago it’s just here we have it it’s back in the game this is the hallway you go through with those big shipping containers that VY does her ominous line or whatever in all right so

Anyways so my crazy Theory here because I have a crazy Theory all right I don’t think help wanted to is going to be a miname based game I think it’s going to be a fully Story game that you walk through the entire location in all right CU think about it every location that

Has been shown and help want a trade trailer is in one building all right the FNAF 6 location is below the pizza Plex most people also think that sister location is below the pizza Plex and that’s all they show in the trailer we’ve seen gameplay of sister location

We’ve seen gameplay from FNAF 6 and the pizzax I don’t think they’re individual mini games I think it’s one continuous story or at least that’s my crazy idea for that what I think is going to happen and again I do think the game will have

Mini games but I think it’s going to be more in a flashback sense so what I see happening I think help one or two is actually going to start right up where ruin ended and we’re going to be playing as I can what was her name again the girl from

Ruin was it Cassie yeah it was Cassie I think we’re going to be playing as her again and we’re going to be starting right back up from where ruin ended and we’re going to be basically traversing you know through the caves we’re going to enter through sister

Location go through all of that you know full free Roan VR similar to how the foxy corn maze was in help wanted one where you can actually move around and then I I imagine the way they’ll get around the mini games in in security breach or not in um I imagine the way

They will do the mini games for sister location is they could just be a flashback or like a monitor of like you know as as she’s going through the bunker cuz I think most people agree that balora is probably still down there because like she kind of got booted out

Of the um end ener at one point most people think so I imagine what will happen is she’ll probably end up fighting an old decrepit balora or something of the sort in the in the sister location bunker and then maybe she looks at a monitor you know

It’s like oh here’s what happened in the past and then we get to play um through the original sister location games and mini games as Michael in sort of a flashback sense and then it cuts back to to to Cassie in the ruins of sister location and she continues to explore

Goes back up to the pizza Plex we get the AL chip mini game yada y yada we get the daycare stuff um what I think is going to happen is I bet you when she exits the underground it’ll probably Connect into the uh the moon area underneath the fast

Theater cuz that’s the lowest part of the pizza Plex in the game so I reckon she’ll come up there do the moon mini game we saw and then end up in L chips and then at some point probably go back to the FNAF 6 location where I think we’ll end up

Fighting the scrap animatronics I think the clip in the trailer that shows scrap baby is not a flashback or a remake of f F6 I think it’s just scrap a baby in the pizza Plex cuz we can see the blob or the Tangled and she’s not in

It uh scrap baby at no point was ever in the blob the only time we saw her in the blob was in the afon ending of security breach and her eyes were not illuminated in the blob but all the other animatronics were so I think she just

Exited the blob and is chilling somewh underground in the caves or at least that’s my crazy Theory with that which hopefully will be confirmed to be true next week yeah no again the yeah the sewers are further down all right but the FNAF 6 location is below the sewers

It’s further down than even those so to get back up I think you’d probably end up skipping the sewers and go straight to the pizz Plex probably through an elevator I would assume I don’t think we go back to the sewers unless they’re going to somehow re implement the old

Unused deleted sewers or the Boiler Room those are the only two reasons I can see you going through those it’s just cuz like you know oh we have these they’re unfinished let’s finish them and put them in the game and then we have the entirety of security breach playable and

VR and I think that would be very cool so uh no the FNAF 6 Pizzeria is actually slightly further down just barely though it’s they are relatively close to one another though but they’re they’re pretty close so anyways I think that’s probably where um the yellow May is in in the security

Roots trailer you played you found it out cool neat but yeah know I I think a lot of people are watching the trailer and just completely misinterpreting what they’re showing a lot of people are looking at this like it’s going to be help wanted one as in it’s going to be

Like you know you’re in the one room with a bunch of control panels and you can play all these mini games I don’t think think that’s the case I don’t think there’s going to be a single mini game that you can just click on and play

I think it’s going to be a full story based game where you go from one level to the next seamlessly and I don’t mean by like clicking on a monitor and pulling up that level I mean walking to each individual location whether that is how they did the movement in the FNAF 4

Level on help one at one where it’s like you kind of Click near a doorway and it kind of soft teleports you there or as how they did it in the foxy corn maze mini game where you actually can Traverse the entire Pizza Plex manually I can also see them doing both and

Having a setting you change on in the settings of like do you have motion sickness would you like to teleport to your objective or would you like to Traverse manually I can totally see them doing both but I am confident that’s what’s probably going to happen but I

Could be just a mad man rambling so I don’t know but either way I really really do like how this is coming out this looks really good going through walls and stuff yeah it looks really cool um I think that’s probably where I’m going to end this actually I didn’t

Add this part did I nope did I oh no I did I’m done okay I think I will also go and add some iron trap doors on the bottom of this I want to get my theory video out before the game comes out and before like someone beats me to it

Uh Matt Pat’s video he released like a week or two ago covering it it was really funny because there like there’s a single line that he says of like you know maybe it’s not maybe it’s going to be story based or whatever you know through the mini game and I’m like o

He’s getting close to my theory don’t beat me to it but he didn’t directly say that so I I want to beat everyone to it this time again I successfully predicted the entirety of security breach and ruin when they came out like a year in

Advance and I want to try and do it again so I’m confident I can do it pretty much since security breach originally came out I’ve had the theory of this game is going to be fully VR explorable at some point just because of what they did with the textures there is

No reason like I think Freddy’s let me look this up I know I saw some really funny image of like Freddy’s inner eyeball was like 9k resolution and it was like why on Earth is this a thing wait let me find this FNAF security breach large textures let me see FNAF security

Breach I saw someone making fun of this on a Reddit post a while ago where was this I can’t find the original post I’m looking for it I’m not seeing it but again when security breach first came out where is Freddy actually where is the mechanized

Bear I call him here ready Freddy come here where are you my mechanized robot protector as this dude teleports towards me slowly ready let me just teleport out of here I teleport him right down here there we go all right can I summon Freddy Freddy where are you my mechanized bear friend

Let me just load up like the base game I can summon him so I can kind of show what I mean I can’t find the original Reddit post but I can show this off once my game loads that is there we go okay open this Freddy where are

You hello Freddy okay if I go into my settings this is going to everything but whatever visual quality Ultra all right I don’t know how well you’ll be able to see it let actually turn the lights on as well okay so this Freddy right here well it’s still not doing Ultra because this

Is blurry but I saw like a Reddit post a while ago when the game originally came out apparently the white parts of Freddy’s eyes the texture for that was rendered in nine 9k resolution all right why the hell was that in 9k that is the most unnecessary thing

Ever because it’s just the color white there’s no texture to it it’s the color white you can get the same result by just adding a Shader onto a white sphere it’s like it was really dumb but it just screams This was meant for VR why is everything really bright what is going on

I I have like wait a minute oh my brightness is all the way up that probably doesn’t help that’s better hello my mechanized bear friend can I can I just turn everything oh boy lags inbound I first okay oh God the R Racing oh my God oh it’s

Terrible oh this is horrendous I mean it looks really good don’t get me wrong this looks great but holy crap my frames like again I this probably shows it off better if I zoom into his head like these are all really high textures and you will never see

These also I want to point out Freddy has the mimic Endo his his chest here is is the endoskeleton for the mimic they switched this out in later versions and it it’s suspicious and no one’s talking about it but anyways so that’s kind of part of my fear why did your head just

Like move really unnaturally but why does this look why does this look better than the base game I don’t know I don’t know if it’s the lighting or what yeah come over here Freddy let me see if there’s if this looks better that’s terrifying I also your run look looks

Terrible they changed that I forgot about that but anyways I think that’s what I’m Yow ma did have restored it yeah I I have it too go over to it do I don’t actually I went back to the other version right all right well either way let me teleport Gregory like right

Here oh God what what happened um oh the rage raising oh dear God oh no back away turn it off kill it with fire no off okay are we safe oh thank God all right that was terrible anyways I think that’s what I’m going to call it I wanted the complete

All of this in today but I don’t think we’re going to be able to just cuz there’s so many arcade machines it’s unreal so okay looking at yeah cuz looking at this here I think this opening area was probably the most difficult part to do cuz looking at the rest of

This kind of just skipping through here real fast yeah there’s no real tables anymore right okay there’s only tables here looking around here yeah because this room you origin the entn this has a bunch of just different stuff there’s tables the pool tables there’s lights hanging there’s everything I’m dumb I was complaining

Earli about like you know God I wish there was more lights in this room I could add and they’re they’re right here I’m just dumb all right um yeah there’s just a bunch of stuff in this little opening part there’s this thing here and then after that it really really just becomes

An arcade there’s a bunch of these arcade machines but they’re pretty much all the exact same thing with different textures and then I’ve already built this thing and the light’s going around so going further the only real complex things we’ll have to build is this ball

Pit which I’ve already gone I go back to my texture thing I’ve already kind of selected all the textures that I’m going to use like I have all the ball pit stuff right here that I’ll use for that I’ve already pre-selected all the blocks I’m

Going to use so we have a ball pit we have one of these hidey things and then just more arcade machines all through here we have the little hiding photo pass booths which we’ve already built so we can just copy and paste all these right here we don’t even have to build

Those so the rest of this are just arcade machines there are these benches again which we built like a few thousand times which are unbelievably easy to build build and yeah that is pretty much it outside of this thing right here okay so after this room the only things we have

To build are these two things here which those will be really easy to build we have the ball pit which I already know how I’m going to build this and then this raised area here right well we going to have to build this and and the metal support beams in the

Ceiling besides that we’ve built everything in this room already in one place or another all we have to do is copy and paste them all in here million times I’ve built all these arcade machines already all of them have been built in other areas of the pizza Plex and I want

To keep the builds consistent so I will just take those throw a structure block down and then paste these in here a few thousand times so will be pretty easy this opening part was really just the most difficult part so I think what I’ll do I’ll end this

Here and uh yeah we’ll complete this a different day we are very close to completing this I might teleport to Gregory here as well I can’t get in here right I’m curious will Roxy actually spawn if I trigger you she didn’t spawn before I wonder if they’re not able to

Spawn in the light map version I’m Not seeing or anywhere she not going to spawn oh my God she spawned holy crap no no back away back away back away oh my God oh my God no no run no stamina stamina stamina stamina stamina stamina oh my God oh my God oh

My God oh my God oh my God no no no no no no no holy crap Hi hi hi um I’m not here um what where are you going all right I’m going to leave before you teleport behind me and jump me let me in the vent let me

In all right I don’t know how I got away with that but whatever oh my God what the hell right you exist um hi mini Music Man balls I forgot you were a thing that existed completely I don’t want to run out of my stamina you can go in the walls I

Actually didn’t know we could do that all right and jump down here cool all right can I open this door from this side no and the minute I enter the office it’s going to trigger the thing right I do this right does this trigger the

Uh the whole lock down if I turn my audio back on I going to hear just blazing audio yep we we we we w we wo we wo we W he’s just standing there menacingly so this is actually the old um the game crashed that’s funny all right um well I

Guess that solves our problem there I was going to say this is the old version of this level that’s unbelievably bugged so we’re going to get like immediately bodied by all the animatronics cuz they are insanely powerful in that version but you know I guess the crash solves

That since we’re not going to be able to do that so I’ll end this here I guess and we’ll continue this another day what do I have scheduled for next week you know not that I have to look at it because I obviously know what my own stream schedule is that I schedule

Myself you know of course but you know I’m just going to look to make sure cuz I totally p pay attention is next week the glamrock beauty salon all right so um I think what what day is it is Saturday still right yeah okay so what I will do all right

Um again I’m confident we can build the entirety of the beauty salon in one stream CU it really is just one room with a bunch of little spots side rooms off of it and then like some terraforming around it and I love terraforming I am really good at it and

Really fast at it so I can totally knock out all the terraforming in that area pretty fast I reckon so I’m confident we can build the entire beauty salon in probably less than five hours that’s how confident I am in that and then after that we can probably go and finish this

Or what I might do is I might also do a stream Sunday night perhaps after we do the beauty salon yeah I think that’s what I’ll probably do is I’ll do a stream again so the next stream next Saturday will be us building the entire beauty salon and then

Sunday we can come back here and finish this all off and I think that’ll be really cool and then the week after that is Monty’s Gator golf which I’m really not happy for cuz that’s going to be a pain to build but either way I hope you all enjoyed had a

Great morning had a great evening whatever time of day it is for you I am loving how this map is coming out it is looking really good and I’m loving how it’s coming out so with that said and on I hope you all enjoyed hope you all have

A great existence I will see you all you next time as I slowly moonwalk away from this amazing build we made but am I moonwalking my animation lik being weird whatever anyways um hope you all enjoyed I have a great existence I’ll see you all next next week and then also with a

Theory video as well help one of this week too wait scratch that I will not see you next next uh building stream our next stream will be help wanted two where I’ve already be okay I I don’t know how much I can talk about this but

I already kind of saw some stuff on it and got to play a little bit of it at the when they were showing it at that convention so I have played some of it already I don’t know how much I can actually talk about it but I’m very

Excited to actually go and play that fully so with that all said enough hope you all enjoyed have a great existence and I’ll see you all you next time peace out I’ll see you all of you this week with playing Help Wanted 2 which is in

When did I schedule this because I I totally pay attention yeah so we’re going to be jumping into help wanted in four days which is which will be Wednesday right am I dumb wait no Thursday yeah so we’ll be jumping into to help wanted to uh this Thursday and then we’ll be

Jumping back into building the entire beauty salon for Roxy uh the following Saturday and then we’ll be completing this the next day on Sunday so with all that said and on hope you all enjoyed and I will see all of you next time have a great existence peace out bye Everyone Sh

This video, titled ‘Detailing El Chips and The Superstar cade 37.1 (Building Security Breach In Minecraft (FNAF)’, was uploaded by Nar on 2023-12-10 02:17:34. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:31 or 14131 seconds.

Mapping El Chips and The Superstar cade

The Current Build Now Has A Page Over On MCplanet

Thanks For watching this stream also this is a dual stream so check me out on all other platforms as we slowly take over all of streaming one respawn at a time


{TikTok}. TikTok Dual Streams Coming Soon

Some awsome people.



{Cam Deathstalker}

Check out the discord server for behind the seens updates on TDA Origins and random chaotic nonsensical chats in general literaly nothin there makes sense {Discord}.

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

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  • Join Me for Minecraft Server Shenanigans!

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  • Time’s End: Light’s Triumph, Dark’s Demise | Minecraft Doctor Who

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  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

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  • Elf Village Shenanigans: Modded Minecraft RPG

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  • Crafting Crazy Custom Trees in Minecraft

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  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

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  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

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  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

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  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

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    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ 🎙️ 🎙️ Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

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  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

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  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

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  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

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  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

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  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

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  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

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  • ViiPerMC

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  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with PvE: (1.20.4) Creative: (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

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  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

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  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡ te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

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  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK:… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More