INSANE sketch book tour – drawing UNREAL Undertale/Minecraft OCs!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello good morning to you too this is the first live stream I’ve done in a long time hello so for right now we’re just listening the undertale records and drawing undertale characters I can give a tour of my Sketchbook if you guys want me [Music] to if you ever want me to change the record to any other specific undertale you know soundtrack I can right now we’ve got um new home and all the tracks surrounding that area all right art tour it is I mean Sketchbook tour cannot think today all right so asgor theme’s coming up oops want to B the [Music] all right so for context I’ve had this sketchbook for [Music] over nearly two years now I got it Christmas of 2022 and whenever I get a new Sketchbook I always draw this guy he’s I’ve drawn him ever since I started drawing which was long time and it’s magler from Kirby can’t fit much of the [Music] pag see here’s the thing I got into undertale right when um like right before um Delta run chapter 2 came out so I got into undertale then played Delta Rune then like a month later chapter 2 came out and then I became obsessed with Spam the countless drawings of Fon I did oh boy I don’t know what these markers I used were but they leaked yellow everywhere so all these pages that I used it on are now stained with yellow can’t see this they’re all stained with yellow this one got the worst of it like the worst of it just seen the memes that’s fair it’s a good game you should play it and Delta Run’s free like chapter one and two you can download download them for free that’s how I played [Music] them I in particular do not like like this page a lot oh I don’t like yellow much either I don’t like this page a lot mainly for this the Little Chibi drawings are cute but you know yeah not my best same with this one again this is old art this is like a whole year ago it’s I’ve improved you should stream it that’d be a fun thing to do then there’s that one this one I like this one of Rise I like it’s so cute look at them I went back to my cartoony roots oh hello thank you subscribe I do a lot of art stuff Shameless self plug but do subscribe all right oh nice all right the disc just ended which one do we want to put on next I’ve got holl night undertale and 21 pallets but I don’t want to get copyright stried so we got to kind of stick to video game soundtracks this is the record by the way way I love the art on it it’s so pretty I could I think I’m feeling up [Music] for oh Hall night all right give me a second I got to go find it where is the dust cover for this thing excuse me dust cover where where vow all right found it there we go dust cover also the art for all these things are beautiful oh I’ve also got slime Rancher which is it’s got some of the I’ve fallen asleep to playing that record it’s so peaceful again hoping and praying we do not get copyright strike by playing anything other than undertale music cuz under undertale music you’re allowed to use you thank you Toby FOX also the holl night discs are the charms so we’ve got the king Soul charm and the void charm I’m going to put the king Soul one on and we’re just going to run through it for the rest of the street unless you guys want to hear more [Music] undertale these these were all back when I had a oh yeah yeah I mean I Ed why is it so high pitched there we go now it’s normal turn that down a little bit all right yeah I think it should be normalized to take a while I mean the reason why I haven’t gone through this one so quickly is cuz I’ve got that and and that and um there’s one more where did it go and that and that that I doodle in instead of you know my actual sked oh yeah yeah same so like this one is falling apart I got it from a thrift store we’re going to have to look at these sideways but yeah I do like comic thumbnailing animatic sketches just character see these aren’t sketchbooks these are notebooks these are lined paper yeah I’m just going to take the phone off all right so I do a lot of animatics and when I’m not at a computer in to draw them I just resort to normal paper and then they never get done so yeah this one one was to a uh Schaefer James song and every time I hear I can always picture these two his voice is what I picture uh Ritz’s voice as I 12 sketchbooks oh jeez see I tried to commit myself to only ever using one Sketchbook at a time and it was kind of easy back when like my parents only ever bought me one whenever I needed one so I’ve I’ve got a lot of paper I’ve got a lot of paper that are just loose things like hold on I’ve got a lot of loose paper like let’s see if I can find a few good ones these I’m so proud of these are just Doodles that’s not mine um these are just Doodles I did this one I love it it’s the first time I’ve ever really done anything from the back oh then we have then we have Sam peeking up from the bottom he’s adorable then we have more animatic sketches for herself and then doesn’t like them so gives them to me wow imagine s sorry um we’ve got a family full of artists in my house so like my older sibling my younger sibling they they both draw and it’s probably because um well my older sibling draw drew and then I wanted to copy them and then my younger sibling wanted to copy me and you know get get make make the make the older siblings proud so they’re not even like in high school yet and oh my God their are oh boy I’m excited to see where they are like art skill-wise when they’re my age really excited yeah loose loose paper anyway I was touring the other Sketchbook not these you’re in Middle School see if that’s your art in middle school you’re going to go really far if you stick at it I’ve seen your art Minimus This was um back when I was in a Minecraft server and we had a joke with a little baby zombie that we adopted but like it was just like a placeholder I’m the art sibling yeah I mean I’ve got hold on let me shut this off like I have old art hung up on my walls like I was this was this is old like this is old I was I learned how to draw from let me turn this down I learned how to draw from how to draw anime books so yeah my art style kind of reflected that but then I got into like Transformers um Ducktails the 2017 one by the way and my art style changed because of that oh thank you I have been told I have a cute art style I I don’t know how to feel about that cuz like whenever I draw like adults they’re like oh my God is that a kid it’s like no it’s not I remember um I should probably refilm that video and then we have Sun and Moon yes I was a FNAF fan more Doodles here we have has old art on your wall I have too many old drawings on my wall see here’s the thing I put when I put them up I just haven’t toen taken them down my mom does fashion and does a lot of clothing sketches and she has a hell of a boss sticker on it because she’s on hell of a boss her words not mine I cringe every time I see old art hold on o let me scroll back at the time six-year-old brother took some of my art but put it up on my dad’s wall it’s still there oh boy some of these I’m proud of like that one that one looks really good for um like just colored pencil and you know not looking at anything um hold on let me get the book I had when I was in my Transformers phase I did a lot of Transformers [Music] all right all right hold on going move this all right I think it’s this one is it this one whoops stuff I use to hold up the phone is falling down all right oh no oh my gosh it’s Ma I told you I told you guys i o oh my mom does a lot of costumes she even made me a tooth list from How To Train Dragon cosplay and reindeer from Frozen oh that’s amazing I think I drew these yep starcream there we go here’s the Transformers art we got wasp this one first page tester yep he’s my designated first page tester this one I am very proud of this one mind you I didn’t come up with the pose or the shading I just looked at a comic that I had got that I had boughten from a ComicCon and then did my best to imitate it onto paper my little cousin and added anime blush on one of the drawings I cried my mom is making a Lucifer dress nice love to see how that turns out more wasp eater wasan eater is best boy he’s he’s he’s been through a lot like I I think the show that he originated from it was like a running gag to try and kill him every episode like he got crushed every episode it it was a funny running gag then we have blur I was really obsessed with I don’t like these two but I like this one this one’s really nice bumblebee I hate him I hate I dis SP him with a burning passion but I drew him anyway these are old these are what three years three-year-old drun oo I don’t like that I don’t like that they’re three years old Swindle Swindle is also really nice I might get back into drawing Transformers it’s been a while there’s a lot of fandoms I should really get back into but I i’ I’ve stopped drawing fan art because I don’t know it just doesn’t come as easy anymore like I try a what bumblebee is cute no not from not from Transformers Animated Bumblebee in Transformers Animated is a jackass like he is he’s annoying see from what show cuz that kind of matters bumblebee in any other show sure he’s fine but Bumblebee and Transformers Animated it came out around like 2006 the art style was like te Teen Titans Go yeah he was he was a jerk he was an utter jerk RC oh these are so bad but this one’s adorable look at him then we have we have more this one I think I still have a speed drawing of only seeing the movies watch the TV shows seriously watch the TV shows um start with like Transformers Prime I’ve heard that that one’s really good I don’t like 3D animation but the story is really good I’ve as MiFi the story from just fandom experiences oh yeah drawing memes drawing memes with them also read the comics like the um more than meets the eye comics and uh like the ones with the Lost Light they’re really good memes this one I’m really proud of this one looks nice oh yeah oh bye oh I don’t like how my voice just cracked right that all right I used to be really into Henry Stickman I grew up playing The Flash Henry Stickman games um I don’t know if you guys but it in 2020 it recently got like uh a remaster and just as like the Henry Stickman collection Transformers creeped me out as a kid so I never watched it but black butley didn’t scary me for some reason Henry Stickman yep yeah it was it was yeah there it’s a Choose Your Own Adventure game and like the fails are hilarious the running gags megler you know I dressed up as him for Halloween once oh boy the the initial ears that I sewed for the hood looked more like horns and then a year later I went and redid them so they looked more like ear oh God not the Transformers those yes I fell that far down into the fandom no nuh-uh no no remember watching YouTube videos never played the games I used to play on like on those online game sites like the flash game sites like uh Aames or games games it’s oh the the names of those sites were so just we must see the OC fine I was just like a really it was just like no I can never I think I did do a digital art drawing of my Transformers OC I think I did a digital I did do a digital one I’ll have to put that up at some point but it was yeah oh more animatic stuff than I never ever did that has some attention to it m banator specifically the Transformers Animated one honestly cringe is the purest form of art I suppose oh there here they are again they were just like a ball of anger which I suppose is Sam now yeah oh I drew the lore star cutter as a Transformer oh jeez this art is so old I’m not really into games cuz I’m broke or my device can’t run the game I want to play or it’s not available in my country oh that sucks I hate it when that happens like I know that there’s some yeah like there’s some games that I can’t play cuz I’m broke I can’t buy games um I did get rain World recently I’m slowly working my way through it I’m pointedly avoid I have avoided every single rain World video for like the longest time just so I could just play it blind cuz I never actually played a game a video game blind with undertale um my friend loaned me their copy of the game and I had you know gotten into it and watched a bunch of videos and stuff cuz like it’s undertale you you’ve seen something o play stard to Valley I’ve you should do it I personally am not into those games but I would I don’t want I don’t mind watching people do play those games I’m personally like a platformer stuff like holl night oh the desk ended all right let me flip it over this is what it looks like you cannot escape the memes no you cannot sadly I was oh my gosh it’s coral and then there’s these to you remember when this movie came out if you guys recognize the characters that was a really funny movie more holl night Pokemon sword and shield but I was so excited to play Pokemon VI it but I was so disappointed by it the memes spoil everything they do I I can’t get into Pokemon games anymore like ever since they stopped like being 2D I just like nah I remember doing remember seeing that like art thing on Pinterest and then doing it I don’t think it is Nightmare King Grim has his own CD why is there only six people I don’t know you guys tell me I don’t think it’s nightmare King Grim hold on let me go where’s the track list I have the track list where is the track there all right we have the track here no this is Manis Lords man swords sorry my Lord we have failed you see now I have 11 that’s the peak I’ve ever gotten oh my gosh even when I did like digital art streams I think it’s probably because I didn’t have a voice in them now I’m more entertaining with a voice anyway we’re going through old art right now for anyone new uh I used to have a really big transformers face I do have a holl night animatic in the works I have it all like planned out in a Google doc like what all the shot compositions would be I just haven’t gotten around to drawing it yet which is just I need to do it I I need to do it I’ve watched all the anime like all of it I didn’t miss a single episode of movie your Jen I watched since I I followed it every ever since like black and white started and then I just followed it black and white XYZ XY like XY and then XYZ sun and moon and then I stopped at Sun and Moon sitting here waiting for my dog to come in after being late for school and this so this is fun as hell for me glad you’re here ah yes this is when I started drawing wings I used a reference for this one like I just I looked I’m a really good replicator I can look at something and replicate it fairly good fairly well I used to um I’m going to go get my when is this Sketchbook from this is from 2021 uh July right now so like this this was a digital drawing I saw on Pinterest and then I just replicated it onto paper OC’s be like um if I could draw wings see that’s the thing you just got to draw it over and over and over and over again in order to get good at it oh my gosh it’s the Minecraft it’s the Minecraft skins oh my word it’s my current banner I think did I change it I might have changed it see on uh the Minecraft server that I that me and my friends were on I every time like we reset the server I would make myself a Tavern and these are my favorite Minecraft discs um I forgot what the name of this one is but it’s the red one pigstep and then it’s and then the brown one those are my favorite Minecraft discs more didn’t change it it’s the same all right yeah I digitalized it more of them okay these three I made a human Au for Transformers and if you were to look at like the stuff that I’ve written for it like it was like crack chat fix type of thing if you look at the stuff that I that I wrote for it um you would see the dynamic that some of my current OCS have plus one cat I don’t know where mine is mine’s somewhere probably downstair oh gosh the angsty then this one now we’re finally into 2022 this was my Bedrock skin I’ve drawn that was the first drawing of them the lore for these guys oh my God earned a new subscriber a yay go check out all my animatics they’re all shorts so it shouldn’t take too long probably like 3 minutes tops go do it go do it Shameless self-plug oh gosh the originate the original of rise and Flame oh my god I’ve gotten so much better so much better so much better look at those wings look at them they are horrendous actually that’s more on the good side they they were so much worse so again this is this is big I should make a sticker out of that I really should I should make a sticker I’ve always loved this drawing it’s so funny then we have him as a doll see this was so they started out as a Delta Ru on Tumblr and then I made a friend and we just basically role played our two we combined our two Aus and then we role played in a Google do and these are some of the scenarios that happened so basically they played never have I ever um he was the only one that was over 21 so the other character was just drinking water meanwhile he was getting absolutely shitfaced um and I swear to [ __ ] K you you tell your family again I need to make stickers of these These are hilarious I love these I miss this art style like all sharp edges whatever I did right here I love like I miss this art style I don’t think I’ll ever be able to oh my gosh bamon spam in in all of his different forms all right let’s see what’s in the back here oh my gosh it’s hermitcraft fan art I despise grean now I don’t know I got into hermitcraft through Gan and then like I don’t know he just grew really annoying and now I’m a is now I’m an isol fan um probably a couple hours probably till like 11: maybe 12 drawing hold on drawing all the time recently because I’ve been deemed emotionally stable to go to school hugs man hug virtual hugs for you I’m realizing that um I’m streaming to people who probably have different time zones than me so probably just another couple hours Spring Chap and magler oh my God these two the these these oh so much of my childhood so much of my childhood oh my gosh it’s SS guys it’s Sands it’s sanss I chew him for a long while I think we’re getting to like the undertale stuff oh my gosh it’s was it’s fine I hate school yeah school sucks I I say that and I’m homeschooled KK honestly this guy was my favorite from Delta run other than Spanton oh my gosh it’s my human a you heard love Sands okay sh shush Sans use briefly into that for a while then I realized um how the fandom how the people not from undertale looked at him left that fandom pretty quickly gaster uh the amount of just undertale fanfiction that I consumed like not like ship fanfiction I don’t go for that stuff I go for like the go for the angsty stuff of you know the resets and just all the stuff involved with time that was my favorite oh my gosh oh my gosh angsty so angsty the start of my Gore career again I I love making I loved making human designs of characters well no not that so like this was the two of them honestly these two basically just sammon hark right now like if you were to look at all of my old characters and like OC’s and stuff or just like it you can all you can see the Dynamics that originated like where they originated from it’s wild to me like these three literally Sam rise and um flame literally same Dynamic same Dynamic yo eight peeps it says four on my end more of the human trans oh my gosh it’s fris okay context for this one this was done when dream SMP was a big thing hold on this was done when dream SMP was a big thing and I saw a meme that was like oh my gosh Frisk equals um which I don’t remember which one um I think it was Carl the time traveler one and so I drew frisk in Carl’s outfit because why not and it’s funny flowey I have that as a profile picture for somebody more Sands baby with a gun Frisk just out of context that’s hilarious oh my gosh he’s too the jet twins from Transformers animated More grillby definitely not spice M definitely not my one of my OC’s just reskin no definitely not definitely not I didn’t dress up as grillby for Halloween no a no nah I didn’t do that I didn’t you know cuz I had the same glasses at the time and I didn’t repurpose a FNAF puppet mask to cover it in tissue paper and sweat my face off oh my God my glasses fogged up that Halloween because it like where I am it gets really cold the day of Halloween for no reason like it’s hot and then it’s cold like just abruptly it’s cold and so when it started getting nighttime I was breathing and it comes out the eyes where the holes for the eyes are and so it would fog up my glasses and and then the cold made the glasses cold so that the fog would stick it would stay there and I had to just wipe my glasses down Papyrus yes this was the the very first when I was just getting used to drawing Sands I think I have some old digital art that I did oh my gosh scandalous that face is really good though that that’s a really good face like not going to lie me getting the human versions blush found Michael Jackson Emoji there’s a Michael Jackson Emoji undying yeah I wasn’t the best at drawing females at the time more papyrus human a use that’s fun more okay I got I got into Hamilton but like I had no clue like I got into it through the room where it happens and that song I just no context I just knew the I just heard the song and I liked the song and so I tried to do an like it’s just really funny how no context I had really really funny yeah yeah yep here it is here it is and then we have I’m the opposite I’m trash at drawing men see they’re easy you don’t have to worry about a bump to the chest like you don’t have to worry about accidentally giving them too many too large of titties and then people just calling them [ __ ] like it it’s just so easy all right hold on we were go we weren’t going through this one we were going through my most recent one where did it go there it is all right back to this on topic like we like we had intended fan art of of a friend Z this one I went up to people I think my types of drawing SL plot I make is like slly Ru hiling and Black Butler I’ve never watched most of those like I’m a really really casual anime person they look like girls hush well that one’s a girl that one’s a girl that one’s a girl this one’s a guy that one’s also a guy so like you’re you’re half correct so for this one no my art does oh your guys look like girls I have the same problem at least that’s what my mother tells me like my she’s like is that a girl like no that’s a guy though I can tell with yours according to to my mom while I draw as girls just by hair length apparently so it’s just whatever then we have comic SL animatics more of them that’s spice by the way they’re spice can you see the resemblance between grillby and spice can you see it they’re both bartenders they both have square rectangular rectangular glasses oop the disc ended hold on we need to let me put you guys up there for a moment all right switching over to void also the art for hollow night beautiful beautiful need to find [Music] cover put this one up oven be all right who got their message held for review all right holy holy hell that’s grillby’s cousin oven be see now he also looks like Swatch it it’s a problem like it’s it’s a problem you can tell like there he there he is in further detail there like there’s the two of them like it’s it’s literally just Sans and grillby that’s literally the two of them s summed up I need to make it um I plan on making like a small little short just about the who have you seen the whole are we friends in every Universe Trend going around I might make one for the two of them this comic’s funny I have it scheduled to be put up in the community tab it’s just an emo groby see no he’s a cat he’s he’s a cat with wings and he has a lot of health problems because of it oh my gosh it’s the two of them back when I shipped the two of them I technically I still do but it okay there’s this podcast musical it’s called it’s called 36 questions so just husk Hush Hush I came up with that character before I even found hasb been Hotel all right all [Music] right I the two of them Minecraft OC Magma Cube he’s a Magma Cube guys he’s a Magma Cube look at him look at the boy he melty like that face is just amazing then we have more look at him he’s just adorable so yeah this is 2021 the later half of 2021 my attempt at a a non-block aied Enderman is he okay on the inside I want to hug him which one the the Magma Cube turn this down girl you so loud we talk we still talking about spice or we’re talking about the Magma Cube just drinking tea yep typical wear in the nether yes magma he’s warm he’s got he’s he’s very touch starve because a lot of people are afraid to touch him because like he’s made of magma and he gets all melty when he’s in the nether so he has these metal braces to keep keep his form so like like he has like like his neck specifically and like just you know like he gets very melty like I have a whole like I I I World built this guy to know to like to the character I to make this a real character oh my gosh all right if you guys want to see more of this guy I can draw him some more and give you guys more World building not real but you know what I mean I remember I once looked at the Black Butler Phantom in the Seb sebas seal ship made me make me vomit that’s a grown demon adult in a 12-year-old Jesus Christ oh my God no no no no oh yeah I’ll give you guys more of that guy more of I think I called him Moi sujan with the way I name characters like for this guy specifically I I took the first letter of magma cube and just was like what are some squishy sounding names so I think hold on I think it’s spelled like I think that’s the name it was such a popular ship I’m not in the Black Butler fandom I have no clue but I agree with you disgusting more Minecraft stuff it’s a human version of Star as like a Adventurer Demon Hunter sort of thing the purple hoodie is a reference to her original like skin color and stuff and that symbolizes Rise um sun and not the sun uh Ivy and Rose you know I like um I like pushing subtle can drop as much lure on him I’ll have to look up the dock I can put a a ramble about him up in the community tab once the stream is over if that’s all right do give me credit on his thing though like if you do actually genuinely make that ew no that drawing is horrible we do love Sam as a male carrier though like like if the if the lore for him was not sad if he had a good life he’ trans he he’ transport male but no we love torturing our characters there’s him with with his hair hair up kinger we love ker he’s so cute look at him we have flame chunky beef you know I messed around with character AI um oh boy I have horror stories random OC that I made based off like one of those uh Tik Tok create your own monster OC you know pause for the trait that’s this made her purple Expressions this was fun this was um how I determined each character so I just gave them each a number then asked my friends hey give me a number a letter and another number and this is what resulted this one one of my favorites this one too I I just I love so much so many of these like look at him let me see if I can angle a light better like look at him that’s expression is beautiful this one also one of my favorites another one that one I have a pro has a have as a profile picture for one of my friends another good one they’re also a lot of them are just good then we have oh mildly suggestive Holly as a magical girl nice then the newest happy New Year drawing I did with them so there’s ottoman spice Holly Sam and Hark and then the twins o o there’s big there he is with a hat ain’t he adorable my little sibling is like my little sibling thinks he’s cute with a hat but then utterly disgusting without one it’s pretty funny then we have the character study I did yep then we have these that was for the third three Man At Art Monday in practice I planned on doing angel dust I need to practice him a little more than what we were working on at the beginning but wait wait there’s more there’s more guys there there’s there’s more there’s a whole other there’s a whole other section oh look at that face look at that face look at him yep that was for a short that one I don’t like Jeff it’s Jeff it’s Jeff guys it’s Jeff he’s a shadow Elemental he um all right so L for Jeff finally going to give you guys L for Jeff so he doesn’t actually have a name he’s he introduces himself as the doorman but everyone in the apartment building that he watches over just calls him Jeff because they need a name for him um when he’s angry when he’s angry his head turns into a mouth and the buttons on his little shirt turn into eyes I don’t have where’s the other drawing where is it he’s mainly in here doodled on oh that’s bees he’s mainly right here he’s Doodles of him more Doodles of him but him Ang oh we love this one we love this one when he’s angry when he’s angry he gets big and his mouth becomes basically his head becomes a mouth and the buttons on his shirt become eyes so like if somebody intrudes on the building tries to like you know break in he goes all Angry mode and scares the [ __ ] out of whoever it was yeah the original drawings for him were in this one I believe hold on close you up oh we love smug big where is it where are you there you are the very First drawings of him it’s his origin story yeah so he gets all angry when there’s an intruder he originally was a lot more complicated in his design like he had more detail to him but then I like tried drawing him in the hasb been Hotel style because um my older sibling was like he looks like he fits into that universe and so I did and I liked it but look at him he’s adorable look at his little mouth look at that happy little face he’s a happy go-lucky um always greets everyone with a smile people find him creepy and a little disturbing they replace the thermal raw panel C cable LCD and beel LCD conf confusement I’m confused oh my gosh it’s it’s Ritz and big more thumbnails other book other book just a happy little guy yeah he is just a happy little guy angst I remember this video I used to I had Tik Tok very briefly and then I deleted it but uh this was one of the videos I should ref film that it’s probably going to do horribly though then we have more angst uh why is the light being a little stinker all right there we go more of the Minecraft they’re minor not like m i o r uh m i n n e r minor like they’re mining for Stuff never had Tik Tok eh I mean it’s it’s all right I got rid of it just I it’s got a lot of good filming features that YouTube doesn’t have angsty comic that one’s up that one I filmed it’s a bit outd minor no no guys no it’s this this character is called the minor that looks like an M it’s two ends all right it’s two ends the minor because they mine and they do they’re also called The Creator by that Sona that I used to it it’s complicated the lore is complicated Sam with putting his hair up we love it more angst har is I love that expression though that that expression is good my more Minecraft posing studies I just looked at people hark guys it’s hark he’s the girls in my school film Tik to in front of them and crop top Dan e come on I hate this page kinger with a shotgun I don’t know if they ever actually showed that in like a trailer or anything but that but I drew that like a while ago before the trailer for you know episode two of the amazing digital circus came out um like way before it I drew it like right when episode one came out who gave him that see the idea came about when there’s this game called uh shotgun King where instead of you have a whole Army like with the whole Rooks pawn stuff you’re just a king with a shotgun and then you shoot the other pieces yeah it’s it’s it’s an interesting game I don’t have the game I want to play the game but uh I just don’t have it I’m too broke all right on to the last side of the holl holus discs all right character sheet stuff all right so I have a ramble of this on the community tab but for the differences between the two characters you can tell who is who that’s Sam’s eye Holly and Flame flame has very tall oval like eyes Hol is a bit more Circle and um Sam’s is more like trapezoids you can see it like you know so just like you could see the difference and for their faces Hol is very flat all Flame kind of goes back a little like you could see it right there there it is so there’s Holly here’s flame that’s a good drawing of her oh my gosh forgot about that side of the drawing the light is shining really weird come on work with me here be nice all right Autumn SL fall depends on what stage of Life he’s in there look at him he’s just a mess he’s just a proud mess when he’s got the bulky make now you make me want more characters with wings they’re so fun to draw do it do it you’ll get so good at drawing wings that’s what I did and I got so good at drawing wings like look at him look at that Wing beautiful he’s he’s he’s a he’s a he’s a little bit of a mess you know just he’s he’s he’s yeah if you’ve seen any posts with him in it you you you know he’s a mess oh my gosh and then there’s these two the shading hold on we’ll go back the shading yes I didn’t ink that one all right you want to see a good one with him you want to see good shading want to see really good shading boom there you go there you go there the guy is there he is he’s a mess that one’s trash cuz like it it ruin the markers ruined the paper and so it I couldn’t fix it it’s but yeah I ended up inking the whole page anyway yeah Autumn is the character I go to whenever I’m whenever my mental health is just not doing good and then I just draw him a bunch and I feel better anyway these two I feel oh my God I feel that I’m on a trip right now and the skage book I took has real bad paper see it wasn’t the paper that’s bad it was the markers the markers leaked to no end like they put so so much ink on the page that it soaked the paper and then made it like fuzzy so that if you tried to brush on it it just made these little flakes come up then we have these two dance I want to make an animation of these two dancing and just like cuz like I don’t know there’s just like there’s a power Power Balance with dances and it it’s just I want to convey that I want to convey the power imbalance with dance between the two I feel that if I gained like a huge fandom people would ship the two of these guys like people shipped starcream and Megatron yeah then we have them as kids oh my gosh look at him he’s so cute he’s so cute then there’s the two of them as kids they used to be friends now they’re mortal enemies they hate each other he gave me the egg angst oh my God it’s it’s angsty and we have more of big big and Flame are the same character just if different things happened yeah then we have more angst with fall oh my God we have angst we have angst angsty then we have I remember when my comic was up oh my God the ships I’m honestly dreading If I gain a Hu If I gain a huge fan base I’m kind of dreading what people will do to these characters but I’m also like morbidly curious as to what they do like I I guarantee you Sam would get the Jack treatment cuz people love the ships yes they do like Sam he’s an [ __ ] he blames other people for his problems and like if people blame him he just gets defensive and yells and shouts at people like just gets even more aggressive and kind of happy no one did fan art see fan art makes me so happy like the fact that you took time out of your day to draw something that I made even if it was even if it was like nsv between the Twins or whatever I I mean whatever it’s like did you have to and did you have to but like I mean thank you for the effort that you made but please never do that again and delete whatever you made that’s horrible i’ my face if I um if I ever saw people shipping the siblings we have FL then we have big no it’s big not flame I’ve I need to do that digitally and just like color it and just shade it render it because this would make a really good illustration and we have rits rits we have big more big okay turtlenecks I just love turtleneck I love drawing characters in turtleneck and I just came up with the idea of like what about what about a sleeveless turtleneck what about a sleeveless turtleneck fan art makes me so happy it makes me so happy too and then we have this page I don’t think there’s much more oh there’s the twins there’s the twins this is Revo specific because you can you can tell by whether or not the guy has scars on his face or not if he has scars on his face it’s Revo it’s flame if he doesn’t then that’s either they him as a kid I love fan art but I’m a minor and I saw someone ask if they do suggestive art with my characters they were siblings by the way oh my God no h i have a sleeveless turtleneck it’s cute I don’t have one but I have a bunch of turtlenecks it’s like the entirity of my winterwear I don’t think there’s much else nope there’s nothing else in here excuse me all right depending on what you guys want to do now we’ve come to a turning point do we want to look through old art some more and just continue to hear me ramble about context or do we want to draw what do we want to do on one of my videos ask if I post R 34 oh my God see here’s the thing if I got that question I’d just be like no I don’t not for you guys and just have people wonder where the hell the R34 goes like cuz it’s I just I like trolling people with stuff like where is it I’m not telling you draw V1 question mark version one of what Transformers or elaborate please we need to move to a like page I can draw more of Moi if you guys want me to this guy I can draw more of him try and draw a character from Ultra Ultra kill I don’t know what show that is I’m sorry and I can’t look it up because I’m filming with my phone my friend commented I think she does commissions that’s that’s in response to the R34 one right what was more of Moi all right we’re drawing more of Mogi we’ll draw more of him you know I used this hairstyle for the villain of my um for the villain of Revo like that’s where I got the hairstyle like legitimately that’s where I pulled the hairstyle from it’s I find it a little funny I have a weird sense of humor we’re going to do this on the page that I was intending to draw undertale with h let me just fix the phone I had it so that it would no that’s not working no that’s not can y’all see I think you guys can all right all right we’ll draw myi here kind of expression should we go for shocked or just kind of a neutral I never told my mom I posted a comic she still doesn’t know I’m probably won’t find out since I deleted it now but if she knew what happened boy see if my parents ever looked at my channel I I think they did at one point and made me take down one video that I ended up putting back up again all because it was just mildly suggestive [Music] my mom doesn’t know what I do honestly like us artists are content with our parents not knowing what we do most of the time like if they knew it you know it’d be a little weird hey I’m new can you just say hi Patrick hi Patrick okay I mean subscribe but like confusion minuki has horns that’s a no no my mother I showed her the Technicolor drawing that I did with Ritz and she was like is that a demon and I’m like no well it looks like a demon you shouldn’t draw that stuff I’m like one he’s a dragon two what does it matter if she knew I’d do hell of a boss oh she’d kill me for my parents don’t even know I have a channel oh I get ripped the new one I pulled that once did my speaker go out just now no I just muted for a few seconds had to sneeze don’t know what kind of hand I should do for him technically an adult anyways so it’s okay all right I can subscribe to your channel take you to the 800 only if you say hi Patrick I don’t know what you’re asking me to say should I give him only three fingers do we make Moi only have three fingers not including the thumb I mean like do we it’d be pretty fun as a character design make him pretty cartoony looking so do we yes three fingers all right all right we’re giving him three fingers par conf I’m still confused I’m sorry give him his arm braces his metal arm braces all right let me I think I remember some of the lore for this guy or at least like how his body works so he lives off of coal and stuff he lives off he no he lives off of nether he eats Nether and other nether substances and um when he goes to the Overworld he eats coal and other nether stuff that he brought with him if he eats coal though um it’s unhealthy for his body cuz it doesn’t burn as well as Nether and other stuff so it leaves substances so and because it’s not as you know like nutritious for somebody made of magma he eats other things like iron gold you know just Metals um and so uh the stuff that doesn’t burn um his body eventually expels but it expels so that it’s his hair and that’s why it’s like a cold black kind of thing cuz he’s been in the Overworld for various amount of time and all the coal that he’s eating has grown you know has been expelled my mom wants to voice My OC Lilith from my comic which I don’t mind but she says some pretty let’s just say strange stuff not perverted stuff your mom sounds fun though to just be willing to voice you know to voice characters boy you’re going to get banned if you keep saying cryptic and weird stuff like I don’t know how to do it but I’ll figure out a way oh the disc ended all right we’ll move on to the nightmare King Grim disc you know how to all right let me make you a moderator then you’re now a moderator Mew you’re now a moderator for me you’ve got you’ve got the magic um you’ve got the magic wrench status all right moving on to gods and Nightmares again the art for these things are beautiful you’re moderator hay again how long have you been drawing for um on stream or just in general just like potentially yeah block them I’m not showing my face in general um for about going on seven years now and I’ve been doing digital for about three the gods and Nightmares are it’s it’s the it’s the Grim child charm look at this beauty of a disc we’re going to put the void disc away where the sleeve one where’ it go there is sorry there’s no music we’re gonna I’m working on all right back into your holder dang a lot of people being weird thank you Mew we don’t tolerate any weird comments not in this chat all right so first up first keeping the streets clean yep The Honorable Duty see the fun hello I love your videos a thank you see it’s comments like that that make my day a funny thing so I made a disc not a disc I made a video about something that I noticed on one of my undertale discs and it blew up and did way better than any of my art videos ever did no wait there’s a few that got up there but it most of mine don’t break Don’t Break um 2 or 3K the joke video I made in 10 minutes got 8K it’s probably still going up a little bit like it peaked and then stopped but it it’s probably going to go up a little more you know how irritating it is to see something that you made in 15 minutes do a lot better than the stuff that you took hours to make it it’s just it’s frustrating I mean I’m not complaining that it did well I’m glad it did well but it’s frustrating we’re drawing a Minecraft OC of mine most of my videos make less than 200 video views on average hugs that’s mine usually hit that and then stop it’s it’s annoying it’s annoying when some just Peak out of nowhere and it’s like what did I do to just get that attention what pleased the algorithm I love your art lots of love from India oh we got people from around the world thank you glad you’re here I think his neck thing actually went out like this it might not have but we’re we’re just going to make maybe design changes I don’t do digital sketches oh hello nice to see you here I love your art I love your art guy I I wish I could do do horror like you do my art style is too cute we’re drawing a Minecraft OC who is a magma slime I think the closest I’ve gotten to something for you weren’t here for the Sketchbook tour so I’ll show you to you now is this like this is the closest I’ve probably gotten other than Gore [Music] stuff William aton’s wife no oh my God [Music] no mankind is dead blood is quote of ultra Kill ah my God guys it’s night King [Music] Grim hopefully I don’t get copyright stri by the way you shade IRL is Crazy by the way thank you guy equals Jeff the Killer guy got held for [Music] yeah I think like other stuff your comment got held your comment got held for review because you got you got snagged by the filter don’t worry I let it through because it wasn’t you know anything [Music] bad yes it did we love the drums and guitar that just come out of nowhere [Music] [Music] [Music] should we ink [Music] him give him a little texture all right now we’re going to turn down the sound have you heard the on the internet’s version of the H night songs no I haven’t go for it ink it all right we’ll ink it we’ll see how it goes hopefully it goes well if I can find my pens hold on I got to get up and go find them pens fix the [Music] light B pen I’m a beekeeper right I like be I like I like be stuff I have a lot of be stuff I have a lot of be stuff I have a be mug [Music] collection honey be Galaxy theme Place hold on you guys want to see my greatest cuber never mind I don’t have it with me sorry guys you’re going to have to wait the beanie nice [Music] that Frisk is just so clean all right you’re going to you’re going to see the um the Carl Frisk where is it where’s the book some of my very first undertale fan art you’re going to see it it you’re seeing it now where is it was it right here no no where is it where is the damn thing there it is Frisk and frisk three years ago a little under three years ago have any of you guys see the um seen the movie called asmosis Jones just just throwing that comment out there has anyone seen asmosis Jones raise your hand is anyone even know what the movie is The Germ movie Yes The Germ [Music] movie all right so the movie asmosis Jones it’s a mix of 2D 3D and liveaction the live action bits suck that villain virus yes he was yes he’s yeah I I agree he was fine he was he was very queer coded [Music] though I don’t want that finger do no it’s a family tradition in my in my house to watch that movie whenever somebody gets sick that’s a family tradition Shadow Hunters I don’t not by name that’s wholesome here’s the thing my older my older sibling absolutely despises the movie because of that um but my little sibling when I first Drew this um this this Minecraft OC she went Osmosis Jones who and like she just went asmos Jones it’s asmos Jones asos’s Jones just constant just mocked it you see now that the elemental movie has come out um I’m betting that the first thought that people have would be that instead of atmes Jones yeah that’s his name weights physics a little confused [Music] [Music] yeah from the elemental movie I mean I see see what you mean by people compare the two yeah like I’m so scared that this guy is just going to get called like a love child between the two I’m so scared that that’s going to be that’s that’s going to happen because I can picture it I can see the I can get it I can get why that comment would be made [Music] like I’m so [Music] I mean I I made I made this character just for a oneoff Minecraft role play like that that’s it and I never used him again and I mean y’all like him so I guess you guys are going to see more of it and he’s fun to draw the goober I’m drawing in USC kind of like mili thanks for inspiration a you’re welcome it’s a little girl La who’s on a quest to find her mom a that’s sad but also adorable this kind of plays into like the LA’s whole fine and uh give whole thing give hold I cannot word oh my word it plays into the whole La the LA’s game mechanic of picking up items and then bringing them back people called my comic a husband Hotel ripoff I was like if anything it’s inspired by hell sing black buckler B Black Butler in the series Netflix Lucifer Hing is goated I haven’t watched any of these guys guys I’m sorry I’ve been a horrible anime fan Twitter users I love war I’m not only feeling this hand over here I might redo the hand I’m going to redraw the hand I can find would mie be the kind of person to help her or not oh yeah definitely cuz he’s got like the same sort of thing going he’s got the same sort of thing but like he music you’re too loud all right so his lore is at um magma cubes travel in packs and then when like like magma cubes travel in packs and so they travel around a lot but him he want he kept seeing these people come through these purple and black just doorways and he was curious so he went and like um he was like I’m going to do this I’m I’m going to I’m going to leave I’m going to go explore and I’m going to come back and find you guys all right and so he does that and he just spends a lot of time on the Overworld and he hasn’t gone back to the nether yet but because um Magma Cube packs travel around a lot he’s going to have a hard time you know finding them how did he react to a slime he probably the Spider-Man meme Spider-Man meme the whole you know pointing at each other redoing this family is dead damn [Laughter] youy oh time to flip the disc over we this why are you so heavy wow you’re a thick [Music] Boy Hey look it’s some Barbe Cube wait where’s your pack and like I had a I came up with a whole lore thing for how um big magma cubes get big how there’s big magma cubes basically um it’s sort of like a marriage thing where like when two when they love each other so much that they just merge together and become one person and you killing them is splitting them apart and like breaking that and the reason and like when the when there’s three that split from one big Magma Cube It’s Just A polyamorous relationship that merged together [Music] I’d have to look at the stuff that I wrote down for him I wonder if I can actually leave YouTube while going live if I like how hell hell DVDs have a pentagram and say hell’s get arrested I love it it’s creepy and and it’s ominous that looks like a cool design all right if the live stream suddenly cuts out it’s cuz what if what if the merges marriage and when they decrease they have to offspring in remembrance they just have asexual reproduction yeah it was um it was based around like like Ace and stuff I need to go find hold on let me see if I still have it I’m going to go hopefully it doesn’t end the live stream I’m going to go into Google Docs o guys chat King was talking about maybe streaming if he does post on my Community page ooh elany that works yeah that sounds nice Ace rep please say hi to me hello Mesa hopefully I didn’t buter that M MAA love my Art thank you aasa measa that do Google dog that’s all right I did prounce right all right I found it I am going to try and hunt down where I you know what I called families of Cubes families of magma cubes I called them squishes I called them [Music] squishes all right it’s going to be weird this is a par do want know parasocial relationships uh no it’s cuz I’m constantly switching switching between um tabs squishy squishy squishy squishy squishies yes all right so let me read off okay I can’t read it off right now it sucks I’ll put up details in a in the community tab I’m going to stop switching between tabs now but yeah they lived in uh groups of squishes gu computer is here huzzah oh your computer’s here I forgot I completely misread that I’m sorry oh is that why you stopped doing live streams your shiny armor is worth Cadence now yes that was the glow up that Shining Armor deserved and needed by the way that glow up you gave him amazing um I believe I’m a Pisces everything since Twilight oh not telling you that going to be a creep going to get blocked going to get banned we don’t tolerate creepiness going mad with power no that’s a rightful use of power I’ve never colored this guy actually so we’re kind of just figuring it out as we go 13 or 14 bro what that’s got some creepy Vibes that just gives you more creepy Vibes that’s what you’re [Music] assuming blood none of Miss Discord mod they is CEO again creeps get banned we do not tolerate any creeps it is pretty they put him in timeout put him in horny jail oh all right so magma cubes are usually brownish so I’m just going to get the kind of magma look and then I’m going to do darker colors on top that’s in blue than God they aren’t a threat online unless in private places s something for elani’s back spr her mom was taken by pillagers hands were cut off and she was forced becomeing in oh no I mean we love torturing our characters so great backstory where is my brown I’m missing so many pencils where are they I have a dark brown look looks like an AI from Toy Story where are you my dark brown has disappeared on the ground is that where it is found it now here’s another question do we use markers or do we stick to color pencils and pens darker shades with color pencil yeah see if blending goes smooth hopefully I mean they have kind of like a black spottiness sometimes to their to their skin the magma cubes I mean so we’re just going to give us a few kind of like pixel Magma Cube looking didn’t want to say that on a Leo huh nice no clue what month that means but you know I’m not I don’t do I’m not a big uh zodiac mod is going AFK all right be safe Le is a cool sign yeah I have a sibling who’s a [Music] cancer I’m not really liking how this is turning out just left it be see if we maybe [Music] [Music] no I’m likeing this see the mark see the markers we Face the problem of not being able to undo anything I think we’ll go with the darker red [Music] yeah I’m liking this a little more where did my dark brown though go yeah I’ll mess around with him a little more digitally to see how that goes cuz digital is a lot more forgiving and I’ll actually have like reference photos to actual magma slimes and stuff I think I might give his hair a little bit yellow just like the glow coming through they should be called a quiet that’s a chir I also might make his little hold on let me grab a white pen make his little freckles white black and then go over them with a yellow gel pen just trust me I can give his face like a little I can pull a flame on him and give his face cracks going to start cooking I’m listening but not chatting all right I go a pure pen ERS I tend to forget erasing exists God white gel pens I love white gel pens these not my favorite brand but I do these ones jelly rolls chef’s kiss all right we’ve run through all the hollow night what’s what undertale CD do we want to do want to do my favorite one actually yeah let’s do my favorite one let’s do my favorite um undertale CD y y’all going to find out what my favorite um H not Hollow night my favorite undertale track is be prepared Sans no it’s this one actually it’s this one oh I just [Music] and then I just stick it in between the books the book Tower [Music] yep then we’re going to make the cracks shine with yellow [Music] here we go now you guys are zoomed in you can see the details on on his [Music] face actually we’re going to give his eyes some ey shines [Music] flurry heart infected flurry heart not the baby all right then we got to go gray for the [Music] metal yeah the flowy disc is my favorite undertale undertale one also look at this art look look at it beautiful amazing top tier beautiful we love it then the other side is dreamer it’s beautiful and on the [Music] disc it’s beautiful my setup beautiful someone who owns absolutely nothing see the only thing I really spend my money on is vinyls [Music] I’m going to add a little bit of a shine to the metal little bit of a shine just a little bit just a little bit of shine to be it if the pen would work [Music] [Music] see this white pen does so much better on when I use it with gray paper that looks like slime not liking that [Music] see I crochet to get my money like I I do crochet commissions that’s how I have all my money it’s not a lot but you [Music] know just a small little cash to grab merch with I don’t like how this is looking shine’s not working out nobody will hire [Music] me yeah similar problem [Music] I haven’t opened it out of just I don’t want to draw stuff and then burn myself out by drawing stuff that I don’t like drawing but drawing it because I have to you know get paid [Music] [Music] yep I don’t even know when Christmas or Easter is I know Christmas is in December but honestly don’t seriously don’t know I never know when Easter is like how do they figure out when they’re doing that I heard that it’s based off something with Fridays but like seriously [Music] [Music] [Music] whenever they whenever you go for it they say the position was already taken nobody wants to hire someone who’s only worked a few retail jobs yeah everybody wants 3 years of Prior experience for entry level jobs at least what are supposed to be entry level jobs [Music] [Music] [Music] don’t even get emails back that sucks sorry I’m not reading I was focused I was focused on coloring kind of zoned out I’m going to head out all right bye oh my voice just bye beep [Music] all right see now that’s better metal that looks like better metal I remember that for next time [Music] yes darker Edge and slowly you fade there I’ve shaded metal before just not just not traditionally got my cat from work best thing that ever happened to me a a they should that’s adorable that’s an adorable idea all I’m actually going to erase part here and maybe redo this thing [Music] just you know give a little bit there we go that looks [Music] better also bro the the assumption that I was 14 or 15 I don’t know why that just sh loed me to my core using erasers must be a neat experience see here’s the thing I people don’t like using colored pencils cuz they say that you can’t erase them you can just not as well as a normal pencil we going to kind of block off kind of give him a rocky kind of look to him just working little jig jigsa patterns you do not sound 14 or 15 said from a 14-year-old Your Voice Sounds early 20s nice [Music] [Music] someone was worried that chat King was grooming me grooming me because they thought I was 14 oh no no oh I hate that is the idea of that horrendous [Music] see cuz I know how old you are you said [Music] it oh my God it’s falling down I think the stream title I said I was going to draw undertale characters so much for that they’re 14 oh my word they’re [Music] 14 damn they draw as good as me they’re [Music] 14 and then we’re going to color it gold [Music] gently color it all [Music] gold they’re going to be gods and don’t yeah see that’s the same mentality I have towards my younger sibling because they’re around the the same age as tyred Chris um and they draw pretty well they have a really stylized look but I I just can’t wait to see what the what the art turns out to be when they’re my [Music] age a little shine I love using glitter pens for shading when like I’m my favorite then my favorite thing to use glitter pens for is [Music] blood yes they will [Music] it’s that people are jealous of younger artists I don’t I don’t feel jealousy towards younger artists I’m just impressed and curious to see how they’ll improve I also don’t like it when people bully younger artists for not being god tier young artists like that gets me like that irritates me to no end because because if somebody had called all my art trash back when I was that age I probably would not be doing art right now all right we’re GNA flip the disc over I don’t usually do that for this one you should just reset it oh my all right I’m G to make a video about this one too might break out the markers I [Music] might a hate I hate it when the pose is that’s loud turn that down a people are just [ __ ] [Music] sometimes are you drawing traditionally Ros or [Music] digitally also hugs for um Ellie why’ you delete his sad face digitally see you can adjust the pose what I do is I just like I keep like maybe the face or torso and I erase the limbs and then adjust it if I don’t like it yeah you did you deleted his sad you deleted gu’s sad face you deleted the horror King’s sad [Music] face are you serious oh boy internet just sucks oh hello bestie we’re listening to undertale music and drawing Minecraft [Music] OC’s make his hair glittery [Music] I hope I’m entertaining at least somewhat sometimes when I’m drawing I get just too focused and I forget to speak oh you finished cooking what’ you make what you make Ellie would you make I hit 800 Subs woo imagine being like 15 and getting groomed by a person in their 40s ew oh my God hugs for you congrats thank you I hit on 800 that’s wild that’s wild that’s like that’s like genuinely absolutely wild to me I have a Auditorium of people following my channel [Music] [Music] close to 1K yep pasta and eggs with sweet chili sauce and mayo nice sounds delicious see I want to stream a lot more but I can only really do that when most of the family is out of the house and not making noise the music helps mask whatever but you know I don’t want people accidentally running into my room and yelling my name my IRL name and you know doxing me for the internet to see cuz when when my family wants a child downstairs or like just a another member of the family downstairs they shout their name at the top of their lungs from the bottom of the stairs and yeah I don’t I just I don’t want to get doxed I don’t want to get doxed yeah I get that I normally stream when family’s in office yeah see right now most of the family is out so yeah I have peace of quiet should I add like a yellow glow around him Sir Humphrey ticking balls thei oh my God I think I’ll start streaming when I move and my room is decorated nice make it dark orange make what dark orange the glow or him maybe I’ll add a little orange to his eyes come has the fire though just going a little bit Syndrome from The Incredibles no his it’s supposed to be like Cole why does he look like Spider-Man no this character design goes hard by the way thank you when is he Spiderman no don’t make him Spiderman maybe I should add some like purple no that’s like for shading purposes just use purple spicy hot Spider-Man no right let’s see how this goes hopefully it doesn’t ruin everything use purple just as like a it’s a little highlight just color color theory color theory purple is the opposite of orange so color no it’s the opposite of yellow so that’s what the Shadows going to look like just turn purple see I would make him more like a oh I found a boot like Minecraft game called crafting and building that’s just the exact copy of the game with servers and everything oh my God [Music] [Music] it’s free too I think this purple is actually working out a little [Music] bit just acing the more so it looks like actual kind of rock [Music] do you guys know of Ender blue you know the one that does the whole Minecraft um the self-insert Minecraft stuff do it I guess be funny [Music] see he’s looking more blocky is Rock he looks he’s looking more Rocky then [Music] medium siiz survivals yeah I love those [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so his hair is supposed to be um like his body pushing out all the stuff that doesn’t burn and like all the soot and um like any metals that doesn’t like go well with being in magma like they cool faster so it the his body pushes it up to just make hair so Nash yeah it’s mainly the remnants of coal and stuff that’s what his hair is supposed to be cuz like he’s got an inner core that burns and that’s what heats the magma in him and so he’s got to feed that core usually with nether items nether items are what make like the purest stuff for him what his body is supposed to be having like Netherrack um black stone stuff like that that’s what he’s supposed to be eating cuz that’s in the nether but um when he’s in the Overworld he has to make do with what he’s got and so you know that’s why he has [Music] hair I was putting like I was putting like a dark purple plastic sights that sounds cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just ordered the online I get the I go to actually art thrift stores to get most of my supplies um so I get most of my gel pens just from a thrift store but the white ones specifically I order because I like the 10 sized ones and you have to order those online to get just those jelly roll amazing amazing white pens they dry fast and they usually don’t pick up a lot of color with them and they when they when you apply them they apply really well as long as you’re gentle with it versus these where you get a streak in the middle I think I think we’re done I think we’re done I think we’re done with him at least yep there he is there’s the boy oh guy you weren’t here for the Sketchbook tour so you’re going to see these up close stuff I did with pens I love using the gray paper with jelly pens with the Jelly Roll pens because the white actually shows up so that one got ruined because of like you can see it it got ruined and that was from the pens soaking the paper me color testing um that was from the pens soaking the paper yeah also the cracks we love it actually like worked really well with the um with the ink so oops why’ The Flash go and the the patches the patches amazing they turned out so well that one did not these turned out well actually let’s move let’s ink one of these which one do you want to Ink with me which which ones which one should we do which one should we do guys which one are we doing which one should we ink in color top middle this one or this one this one that’s not finished the one where he’s dramatic top left [Music] or all right we’re GNA switch discs what area of undertale y’all want to go to next thank you actually we’re going to do metaton we’re going to see metaton stuff so this is the art this is the art on the cover beautiful absolutely magnificent waterfall all right all right we’ll do waterfall we’ll do manaton after let me find find the disc no that’s the ruins here we go waterfall beautiful absolutely gorgeous stunning my lights are being horrendous but beautiful artist top tier all right also side a I think that’s for waterfall and side B yep that’s this one’s waterfall the disc for this one is orange orange prop now you’re propped up so we’re going to do this one all right should we ink or should we pencil I mean should we uh marker or pencil I kind of want to try marker but Lucio vibes from Arcana I haven’t watched Arcana I need to I’ve been meaning to but uh yeah this is [Music] big yeah does anyone see any Spanton Rel uh any Spanton similarities like does he give us spam 10 Vibes at all just curious just curious Arcana oh it’s a different thing I haven’t watched it no [Music] it’s a game [Music] H so bestie knows all the lore for this guy this poor guy he goes through it [Music] the romance murder mystery that’s interesting I don’t I know why my video is Pixy I hope it doesn’t look Pixy for you guys I’m so scared that I’m going to end up smudging the one next to him [Music] ooh driving test somebody going to get the license all right also I’m going to just try see if I can edit the tit at all I don’t know if I can I don’t think I can whatever I’ll put it back good luck guy hope you succeed Lucio gets sick because of the plague makes the deal with the devil but doesn’t feel the deal and dies dang you know one of my favorite things to do with OC’s is make character playlists excuse me does do you guys know like have any vague idea of what character playlists are [Music] you do all right all right so for those of you who may not basically you pick song it depends on the person depends on the type of character playlist you’re making but typically you pick songs that either fit the vibe of the character like in just the type of genre that it is or you base it off the lyrics and you match the lyrics to their story as close as you can and and you have songs that have meaning that relate to the that connect to the story of the character that you make in the playlist for I’m obsessed with making these um this guy he has one I put the songs in order so that it tells a story or at least kind of vaguely tells his story through the songs it’s it’s becoming a problem like I spend like an entire day listening to the playlists and just rearranging to make sure it’s perfect and that every song Fits that there isn’t one out of place that may not be on it just entirely like it doesn’t fit well or it could be interpreted a different way and so you know you get rid of it I have roughly one for nearly I have one for nearly every OC that’s part of um [Music] this universe of characters it’s it’s a problem like honestly it’s become a [Music] problem he’s an [ __ ] you have more patience for making playlists than I ever will yeah yeah I just love music in [Music] general I listen to a lot of music and you know what Spotify did I Spotify locked looking at lyrics behind premium they locked it behind premium it’s so irritating to me now I have to go and look up each and every song on a separate tab it’s stupid I use the web player I use it from a laptop most of the time and that’s that’s basically premium just you know like I can Shuffle it put it not on shuffle Loop one Loop the whole playlist I can do whatever I want I could start at whatever song I want that’s the web player for you it’s just it just has ads but now they lock the lyrics behind pay wall that’s fun you know we we love capitalism capitalism is just amazing I’m being sarcastic [Music] nap look songs making cute core intro intros I saw them they look adorable they look great for I was bored and then I realized I was having too much fun making them a see I love hold on apologies had to answer a [Music] text probably going to end the stream after I do this drawing all right take a nap go ahead go take a nap sleep is [Music] good it’s the tamy song honestly this this hand is so good I’m so proud like look at it look at the hand delicious I’m so scared D it please [Music] [Music] ah play the songs that you like on your Channel I can check it out amazing hand yes this is a beautiful hand I’m just hoping that inking it doesn’t ruin it I’m dying [Music] [Music] all right the inking is going good so far just hope I don’t mess it up [Music] [Music] stretching all right yeah I’m going to Ink it and then I’m going to leave the stream cuz I’m getting tired I’m getting hungry I’ll color it next time [Music] [Music] all right no Shadows huzzah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh disc ended all right what do y’all want to hear now you want to see the other side or go straight to metaton let’s go straight toon where is the disc there it is there’s the disc found it [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not going to lie um The Core Music sounds like Kirby music I I can’t unhear it it always sounds like that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I think this is where we in guys he’s Inked I’ll color him on another stream have a good day all right sleep well Mew enjoy your food Ellie and the rest of you rest of the five of you goodbye

This video, titled ‘Sketch book tour and drawing undertale/Minecraft OC characters!’, was uploaded by Shawdios on 2024-05-08 04:59:01. It has garnered 154 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds.

  • Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style!

    Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style! Yo, Blockheads, it’s yo boy yo plays on the scene, Diving deep into Minecraft’s new Allay machine. No need to tame, just befriend with a gift, Watch them collect items, give your gameplay a lift. Find them in cages at Pillager outposts and Mansions, Free them, befriend them, no need for expansions. Hold out an item, let them take the bait, They’ll collect more of the same, no need to wait. But remember, their radius is small, Only 32 blocks, don’t expect them to haul. They’ll collect dropped items, not ores in the ground, But with their help, your… Read More

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure!

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  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

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  • Minecraft AI Experiment!

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  • Villager Scam: Free Items Hack

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  • Voyager SMP

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  • United Crafters SMP: survival, vanilla, Whitelist, 1.21

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  • Community Survival

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  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc

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  • Crafting a Toilet in Minecraft

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  • The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 Revealed

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium Gaming

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  • INSANE! Destroying modern house in Minecraft

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  • Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!

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    EPIC BMGURI SMP gameplay EXPLOSION! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘CRAZY SMP game play #gamerfleet #technogamerz #BMGURI1’, was uploaded by BMGURI on 2024-02-24 08:16:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds. IGNORE TAGS: minecraft live smp, minecraft live server link, minecraft 1.17 live smpminecraft 1.17, Survival lets play, minecraft, challenge minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subs, minecraft live hindi, +minecraft live cracked, minecraft live servers hindi, minecraft live public smp, minecraft live public server minecraft,minecraft live, minecraft live smp minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft 24/7 hours online serverminecraft public smp server, minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 – Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraft

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  • EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)

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  • Grotex CHEATS DEATH – You won’t believe what happens next!

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  • Landora

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  • Beanie Builders SMP! Minigames, semi-vanilla, whitelist

    Hello! My name is Chloe and I am hosting a Minecraft viewer SMP focused on building! A kind and respectful community, with an age range around 18+ would be awesome! We have plugins including Fishing upgrades, more crops, core protect, and a casino with mini games. Add me on Discord at ipeesitting or follow my Twitch at chlo3isapcgod to learn more! Read More

  • Canopy Season 5 – Launching July 13 @ 2:00PM EST!

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  • Gladiators Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Pillage the Village, They Won’t Notice”

    “The villagers are too busy trading potatoes for emeralds to even pay attention to their identical twin walking around!” Read More

  • Time Lord’s Last Stand: Earth Under Siege

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  • Skeleton vs Pillagers: Ultimate Showdown! #minecraftmadness

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  • Logan W’s Epic Minecraft Debut

    Logan W's Epic Minecraft Debut Welcome to StoneWolf’s Minecraft Adventure! StoneWolf has finally made his first Minecraft upload, marking the beginning of an exciting journey filled with adventures in the virtual world. While the channel may have been lacking in content previously, the promise of more thrilling videos in the future is sure to keep viewers engaged. Exploring Villager Breeding and Iron Golem Farms In the first upload, StoneWolf delves into the intricate world of Minecraft by showcasing the construction of a Villager Breeder and an Iron Golem Farm. These structures are essential for creating a sustainable ecosystem within the game, allowing for the… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Endless Ocean!

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  • Insane FreeFire Gameplay by BDF90GAMER

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  • Beware: Minecraft Nightfall Terror

    Beware: Minecraft Nightfall TerrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fear the dark | Minecraft Fear Nightfall’, was uploaded by GlichBearplays on 2024-01-25 20:58:36. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:40 or 11320 seconds. Hope you all have a good day! Be sure to like and subscribe for more of this content. Support the stream at Read More

  • ULTIMATE Reagindo ao Comentário Dos Inscritos! #viral

    ULTIMATE Reagindo ao Comentário Dos Inscritos! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Reagindo ao Comentário Dos Inscritos. #minecraft #reaction #viral #naoflopa #shorts’, was uploaded by EXTREME on 2024-05-09 21:51:38. It has garnered 2392 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More