Insane Spawner Farms & Auto Ore Processing in Minecraft!

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What’s going on everyone welcome back to more all the mods 9 today we got a couple of things going we’re going to be starting off by building a spider farm that way we can get some strings so we can upgrade our storage and we’re going to be laying the groundw work for

Increasing our ability to hold crap because the eny system is great it’s going to be good for autocrafting and you need it for the old mod star so I’m glad I made it but it’s kind of a pain in the ass and as you can see everything is everything is full now

I know it’s full of a bunch of craps but that’s beside the point this holds a bunch of stuff I like this better so we’re going to do this one now unfortunately I only have a few bits of string to work with Let’s see we only

Got 124 string in order to do all this we need uh let’s see we have this no we just look it up this find we need these these bad boys right here so we need slimes and string rings and I don’t know do we have a reliable way to get

Slime I don’t think I have slime Essence help D flower and water interesting uh I don’t think we do have a reliable way to get uh get slime damn so we’re going to have to do that too right I think we did this didn’t we get a prediction for that let’s See model yeah oh Jesus oh my God I can’t type today okay yeah we got a slime model perfect awesome so we actually do have a way to get slime reliability that’s a that’s good that’s good that’s good do we have a spawn egg can we do this even

Easier can we do a double uh we do have a slime spawn egg awesome so we let’s take another zombie spawner we’re going using these little spawners and I’m pretty sure you can wait I need a whole bunch more crap what the hell am I doing I’m pretty sure you can

Grab uh wait no this I’m pretty sure you can grab the eggs and put them on the spawner and it’ll change what actually spawns from see okay I do have some MST which is good I don’t we need to go faster we’ll just do that let’s do some

Glass okay grab that now we go up here we got to be on alloy smelter and we’ll do this this will make dark glass oh no okay hold up wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop stop stop okay um oh Alloys only hang on a minute let’s

Try that does that work better nope that still does not do what I need to do hang on a minute uh dark clear glass right any kind of glass MST this what the heck how you know uh why you know work just clear glass now uh wait

What kidding me man come on now come on Now hang on minute okay I have no idea why it’s doing this but uh we can do it with clear glass that’s fine let’s grab some of our amethyst blocks blocks block block we go gra these 64 should be fine um alloy so this will make yeah

That’ll make dark three last all right that’s fine no worries not a big deal let’s take that out of there we don’t need that in there and to that back in there perfect okay now let’s make some of the other stuff that we’re going to need for the spawner we need an

Experience app pretty simple it’s nice so we have uh all the all the things we need for the most part uh we don’t have any feathers do we well we got chickens down below um have enough chickens though we don’t have it set up to collect everything they Dro and I

Actually don’t know if they drop feathers in this I know some of the mod packs they do okay a lot of eggs uh you got any any feathers Okay cool so we have a lot of eggs can we make seeds out of this uh doesn’t look like it okay can

You you can alloy smells interesting okay basically just need a crap ton of damn okay can we make we can make chicken seeds there’s no way we can’t make chicken seeds seeds yeah you can make chicken seeds let just these yeah right yeah all right let’s just grab bun these

Eggs go do the old mystical agriculture thing I need to figure this up oh that reminds me uh we need to upgrade our heat source for those thermal generators I did not realize that uh the heat Source mattered so we have do we have lava lava nope we don’t have any lava right

Now okay that’s fine uh soldiers should have the things we need to make those see soldiers nope have any of that perfect all right we some that too and I think we’re low on this stuff yep all right well we need four so we should be good go Soul

Glass a crap I me what that is smelted that stuff which is just remelted so okay so good grab put some eggs in here grab some of these out you’re done going to do anything okay all right put some more clear glass in here we’ll do that all right you’re

Going to do that so that’s for the feathers that’s for the mob fan upgrades we need an absorption Hopper to collect all this crap we need a mob Masher to kill stuff all right swords uh okay we can’t put it in there there’s enough space never sure when there’s oh my God swords

Okay Iron well all our iron it’s fine fine we’ve got enough more sword not yet not yet measure fan stone slabs boom fan I need two of these I need more okay might as well uh break some of these down me do that didn’t mean to click that H what can we take out

Um oh hey we have distance upgrade when did we get that I don’t even know get this out of here I don’t know what that means the okay the stuff’s still coming in well this is another reason why we got to upgrade to uh refine storage cuz we need more space

Okay let all these boom all right so that’s the fan forward and down all right so this and this do this we can get our feathers we got our glass uh that should be enough glass don’t suppose we need a I guess we don’t really need any of it but I would like

It but we can make sure that we know what’s going on okay we also need an experience pistol Crystal Crystal go remember what mod that’s part of there you go experience Crystal okay lime green glass do I have any okay I don’t have lime green oh my God okay you know

What uh see doesn’t look is there like a tank we can make think see maybe it’s part of the same oh my God what the hell is with this lag dude got too much oh rec crashing crashing solies fluid XP mold flute tank tank okay so I’m

Assuming okay let me let me see something does the is the absorption Hopper is this just is it a liquid uh okay I’m assuming that by that bar that is a liquid so we can just use a fluid pipe also why is it lag every time I

Search all right I’m gonna close some stuff hang on a minute that liid pipe only need one so that’s fine we have tanks T I got a dimensional tank work okay now are you done okay you’re done H Soldier I don’t remember what to do with the uh so okay let just smelting

It again Jesus so much smelting for such little little stuff okay got these we’re just going to stick some of these in there all right so we got that going on we got our mob fan got our mob mesher got this these for fans okay so we can at least go set

It up while some of this stuff melts I guess see okay dang it there we go make all those make as many of these we can that sucks all right well we’ll do that put that over there and we’re just going to stick this stick this over here I’m not really

Worried about where it it goes we can move it later I just want to get it set up so let’s see got fan bam all right show area you do that all right so you’ll do that see this is one two three four five and we can extend the range

Six side seems fine yeah we’ll put the spawner here here so let’s do three three yeah okay so it’s on this one [ __ ] I lost it oh no all right so P here so we got this guy here and this will be up here uh figure out what that means once we get

Everything sorted actually uh I don’t have anything to build with son a [ __ ] uh let’s grab what do we want to grab grab some Blackstone like see Blackstone got a lot of that right yeah okay um let’s just do some reg Blackstone we can change it later all right how we doing

And it’s done okay got baby hit that for sure uh I need more soldiers I need two More That there we go perfect so may me some those we can actually put all these eggs in here for now these oh no back those okay we need oh I need an item pipe uh item pip go grab that black stone so set this oh no okay up here let’s see put the

Spawner oh wait hang on minute like this three wide just move it here no wait this has to be out one more oh Jesus a now one more go around you so you be in the center go yeah here boom and one out perfect and This all right need access to it so let’s actually shrink this a little bit this is super simple mob spawner I’m not really getting too fancy with it I don’t really need it to be fancy I just needed to give me some strings so I can get started on the

Uh find front storage disc more I want this to be kind of in the air did I do it right uh no I need it one okay I can’t Fain mine because it’s going to destroy everything we’ll have to be careful with that to eggs you’re probably good now

That oh no no no Jesus okay I gotta got to fix this jet pack got different jet I think there’s ones that don’t fall in Hover right so those uh eggs is it done it is done there gra that back outside our glass so we don’t need all to see all of

It offet Center get out of here I should check what he had on him uh is this one Center change it a little bit it is actually Center so we could do that’s fine this side here you right here perfect y oh [ __ ] no that and that so this should be So high enough that I can’t actually reach it it’s kind of annoying I shouldn’t have not that high that oh [ __ ] yeah you know what we should should just hit H change this boom that I forget which button I put it on oh not that one not that one either nope

Okay figure out what button we put that on later I was trying to change the throttle okay there that this this now I definitely don’t have enough glass for this so just put these here boom see in oh maybe it’s not offer oh no it’s definitely up Center but here

[ __ ] here get out of here didn’t ask you to be there I mean I guess I actually did ask you to be there but uh you know what I don’t want you there anymore turn this crap off no need some Redstone and some levers okay there’s that this guy here

Boom this I should brought Builder wand that’s what I should have done here boom boom boom should good all right um night soon yeah you know what I’m going to get Builders one this CU this going be a lot quicker plus we got to check on

The X so it’s fine I don’t know why I came in through this way but we did some sush they are done beautiful one that should be enough d ility oh it’s so much better there we go done that in the beginning that let me let me look at this for a second

It’s going to be that one that’s two okay so I should build up one more let’s do this way Builders want it okay South no another come on what the [ __ ] oh we’re out of Blackstone Jesus a lot Blackstone black Stone place it okay now this get in oh [ __ ] got this side too U glad I changed that that would have been a very unfortunate mistake okay so now let put oh it’s still going to be off it’s fine okay so I want this actually we can put we can change

It do this put one of these here one of these here a crap got torches get out here see one of these should be slime should work right yeah there we go all right so we got those this drop down all right so now we need this we

Got to power that so we need block of redstone and two levers should be good red stone that block of here we go lever two Ls perfect yeah oh and we need chicken stuff that two sets of eggs set up easy there we go all right Now hang we don’t need we be in here get down there yeah had to get down here all right these out of the way these oh [ __ ] gra my face block son of a [ __ ] don’t look the best but you know what it’s fine okay so that’s going now need this

Guy so this will push stuff my area oh you know what I’m gonna need another mob fan CU these Jokers are going to climb yeah so we’re going to have to put one up there H all right we got it working I ended up changing one of the spawners to

A blaze spawner so we can get the blaze rods a lot easier put a fan up the top these fans are controlled by a little little lever here the uh they got some width some height some length models or uh upgrades in them that way they can go

Up down all around where they all Point themselves into the mob Smasher got our absorption Hopper over here can uh see the area that it’s in and I forgot I changed this a little bit we want it offset a little bit just so we collect all the stuff nope not down nope

There we go there we go yep that should be good enough hey pal you got anything good nope bye get off my land we got this set up to our uh dimensional tank set on frequency zero okay okay uh that just comes out with the uh fluid pipe got our item

Pipes set in here into the ender chest and this will uh slowly put stuff stuff in our uh ah in our system in our storage system now we can change the color on it and it’ll go to a different in chest but I figure it’s probably fine that’s the one that goes

To the sushi thing uh so we don’t need any of this nice all right so we should be good on string now so let’s see where does this all come out um should going out here right string yeah okay we got that going so now uh we didn’t actually end up needing

The tap because we got this bad boy over here so wait yeah yeah wait oh this is frequency Tobe [ __ ] hang on a minute change this to zero there we go there we go Beauty the dimensional tank so this will uh this will do its thing whilst that works uh I

Think I have to go stand next to it because I don’t have the thing uh that it needs spawn okay um yeah I think it’s I think it’s this thing oh wait um I can make that hang on a minute should be able to make that see we got some fish

Scenes that I need my S up I think this is the same not the same recipe but same kind of thing that we Used hard to see before we new pris prismarine stuff as well conduit it hard to see yep make one of those two of Those yeah I need a bunch of these not the shells can’t put the dam oh I can’t put the diamond Essence in there that’s unfortunate uh let’s see okay actually I don’t need that for the nut of shells I don’t think go yeah no just prison stuff let’s make a bunch of

These there go and two of these should be good this crap those those these uh can we we can decrease the delay right make it go faster uh we might not want to do that actually fast uh see here oh I can probably moove the uh site on that yeah see comes

Right out of the tank un into the crystal okay see me reach it without uh to do this see okay boom all right perfect so we shouldn’t need to do the round okay this isn’t in the chunk load area but we’re around here so should be good a [ __ ] Enderman up there all

Right so that should uh should take take care of everything we don’t need to be around here I don’t think see if we go far off this way still looks like the graphic is going yeah right yep I think that’s far enough away let’s see let’s check I should be able to tell

With the crystal an easy way to tell see yep still uh I’m pretty sure the trunk’s still loaded so we just chill here everything uh everything should work I love these yeah okay everything’s working beautiful all right so that’s the spawner done got it so now see we need to do that

Thing so we’re going to make a few refined storage items see cables okay we’ll do find cable here we go these those okay just need one of those nice it might be a little little light on items hopefully we’re not these need smelter these casings I don’t have any osum

Oium dust that bad boy up okay so we’re making a smelting Factory now these things should I can things should have upgrades right yeah okay so I do that and you can be upgraded that so mechanism isn’t there like a yeah okay these things osmium we’re making some so it

Should be good do we have any of these um I don’t know way we do have some of that okay so we can at least make up the diamond probably see it’s a circuit right it is circuit Le circuits okay can make some of these can okay

This is Rich osmium okay hang on a minute redstone gra that grab all of our osmium enrichment Factory nope infuser this one don’t right this uh did I read that right yeah okay so we do this we’ll let these smelt up yeah there’s actually a uh infusing Factory which works a lot

Better lot quicker you can just toss a bunch of this crap in there bada bang you know what we need we need some speed upgrades let’s make some speed upgrades speed we have oh [ __ ] holy crap man need a lot of this stuff we need to like set up some sort of

Need do automation for this man be a lot easier uh no n oh my God you know what do it this way don’t need to be fancy with it all the time stick do these okay okay still go in good so dust we go boom that put this one in

Here this one in Here there why not okay so we should check on this got all the uh this going pretty well okay we got 22 of the alloy that’s great right so let’s see what else we need we need smelter okay should one of these great bam bam that’s done got Factory okay now mechanism need

This all right what what was the other thing we need for that here we go what that’s weird right two of those now we need these these guys I have any more of those other circuits oh probably because I didn’t make them you gota you got to make things you

Need all right there you go boom boom so should be good there we go all right so got you there uh I don’t really think I need this right now that out get our Factory here all right this okay so we should remember do yeah yeah okay bam

Look at all those slots baby all right and now see let’s grab some some iron okay see be able to do this right oh [ __ ] just shift click it ah we can okay cool look at that look at that we just split it oh there going to be so much iron

Beautiful and we can Infuse like bunch of [ __ ] beautiful okay now we need to uh pipe this into an ender chest uh let’s see Cable oh crap come back here no what I need that come back okay okay don’t need to be jumping oh no I need those hang on a minute mov a little too quick all Right grab this down here so we oh no wait these are for different things item pipes uh your power goes in from the back okay we’ll just do it for here that’s fine we’ll hook up the other one in a different way there that’ll come out route it over

Here I said we’re change in this up So there we go beautiful look at that we’re sicking blaze rods awesome sweet so that’ll do that now we got that hooked up no [ __ ] screwed myself screwed myself we need that we need that gone okay there we go all right we got

That so we need a lot of iron so we will actually wait for some of this to smelt and then we will get uh get going with the other stuff all right scratch all that we’re moving this stuff around the uh the factory is going to be going here

I did a little poking around and mechanism and there’s some stuff that we actually got to make so there’s a way to make a uh essentially like an automated process and that’s by doing a whole bunch of shenanigans with oh godam lava oh means we got to go back down all

Right there’s I think there’s a way with create to do automated oh wow I don’t have any buckets really okay think there’s a way with create to get automatically lava but I don’t have that set up yet man we just do not have the space okay uh we

Need we only need one of these right so let’s just grab two buckets could be pretty quick we can just go through here that instant portal charm okay okay got that Oh Jesus this should be pretty easy to set up it didn’t seem too challenging when I was looking at it got these casings oh [ __ ] we need more of that uh that’s actually looked at this too uh let’s grab some of this grab our lovely infus

User and place that there do we have the I don’t think we do we can make some Ender Gates oh we do have one Ender gate perfect that is actually perfect okay so you should have power uh I need carbon for that so let’s do coal

Boom we got enough coal I don’t really need to enrich this we’re just going to shove that that in there now we should get and and we can do auto sort and it’ll automatically sort everything out okay and then that produces the enrich so we’re going to need to feed

All this down we put the enriched iron back in and it uh creates your steel dust whole bunch of Steel dust later we are good to go shove this in here uh okay right you need power so PES go there we go these in there

You’ll do your thing we put a bunch of speed upgrades in there we got think we got maximum right yeah we got eight it’s much quicker which is beautiful all right so see oh two the stars all right we should probably uh accept some of these these things okay

So we need can we put any of this stuff okay let’s start just tossing stuff in here I think I put my sushi in there God dang it not the sushi uh I locking card I don’t really need this right Now okay so we got pressure boom boom we need this all right not all our stuff is over there yet we’ll have to oh man that’s going to be a whole process restarting our inventory oh man it’s going to be a thing okay I got the crusher crushing

Factory go purification thing this what do we need for this we need some alloy okay we can do that let’s see all right let’s actually take note of what all we need so we need bunch of alloy for you an enrichment chamber I think we already have an enrichment chamber don’t we

Make one of those not how we got here that’s how we got here we don’t have one what the heck well we need one another one of these all right we need uh Some Alloys got it I need this thing which is more alloy more of that more osmium dust we need a lot of alloy holy crap dzer we can make one of those beautiful oh [ __ ] I think I made the casing that we needed go all right I am going to make

All these Alloys and we’ll be back all right so we made all these stuff that we need we’re going to accept all these quests see got all these up here should get some decent stuff from it right all this stuff is Alloys and whatnot good looks like

Mostly mechanism some stuff which is not bad see Iron Clum pressure iron dust it’s kind of what we’re going for uh that is actually useful the little bucket we just got because I think will help us make a sink which we need Okay so let’s go through this

Again ration chamber goes into that okay so we need one of these oh we need gas pip tube we go right oh and we desser does our wrench work on these I see why not uh there it is crap all right so we got to get this guy this guy makes oxygen

Okay so then put it into this guy right see oh hang on smelter I make the right thing crap hang on a minute hang on a minute uh purification chamber just F in the oxygen okay so maybe we find fact H Weird maybe let’s just let’s just try it and see if this works I’ll put this in here oh that makes hydrogen and oxygen right okay and then I’ll this do this here okay fills Hy want that to fill with oxygen um oh [ __ ] wrong wrong button hang on

All right we got it working I got an inter gate on here to power it up I got a sink in the back feeds the water in uh just going to ignore the hydrogen for now can go over here to the configurable stuff you go to gases and you can see

Which ones are here so the output you can change it the blue is uh it’s for the hydrogen you can see if it doesn’t have a a way to go it won’t uh won’t do anything and it’ll stop So there we go okay uh looks like uh if you don’t have a place to put uh the hydrogen it just just stops in general okay that’s kind of a problem can we just vent it out somewhere uh transport for let’s see eject eject gas this eject on on

Off hang on a minute all right we got it this little thing down here it’ll say idle you just hit dump excess and it’ll start uh getting rid of the crap keeps filling up here and that’ll keep it running uh now dumping exess probably set it up so

That it just turns off or we’re just going to leave it on for now I’m not really worried about the power usage all right so got that Fe into this the iron goes in here let’s see we’ll grab some iron wrong one iron is in here all right

Got some raw iron ore all right do this Auto sort okay so this will feed into the clumps right so the clumps go into the brusher this up here and we’re going to set this to top is output so it should shove everything in there maybe not well I’ll put energy extra

Input output okay maybe we need a pipe all right uh let’s try that see another for that gra that there this goes out Factory there we go okay so then we’ll need more this gone one of these here machines are going to have to go that way okay that turns into

The dust Auto sort all right this will go out the I might not have base for this uh let’s see pery crushing okay now we need the see dirty dust see that goes through yes the enrichment chamber so we need the enriching Factory I forgot to there you

Go yep I definitely forgot to do that yeah there you go right we want to pick it up uh where’ I put it he used it for something okay no there we go there we go ening Chamber Factory beautiful and got that going out it’s going in Here okay well we’re going to all right here we go there’s the smelter okay that’ll go in here Do’s a thing put this in here okay so come out and go into our smelly boy that should should work output this will go right turn that there wait what hang chamber does or does

Yeah H something is up maybe turn that on nope okay I have no idea why but it just doesn’t like the left side uh we have it still set up on the outport or the the output on the left and it just it just doesn’t like it but it works over here

So B Bing got got ourselves some iron dust the only problem is uh one of these is not enough to run uh this guy it doesn’t see oh no right of power never mind yeah we got to we got to upgrade our endgate but here we go we have

Successfully managed to all right we need power for that thing hang On’s see this should be able to Route it up on this direction that we don’t need that there that back pick off our our backpack that has all the upgrades because it was full and I didn’t want to deal with it So we’re kind of kind of in a bad way all right so yep you’re working so now we just need to get uh get enough power to you probably go through the bottom there any more cables let’s see cable I don’t know what oh there you go these these will work

With the other ones uh oh right that was there [ __ ] breaking everything all right this goes over here right this is uh oh nope sorry this guy here that there is that uh does that connect that does connect perfect so glow stone back actually

Wait oh we uh need it let’s see okay now this is uh is working fine yeah looks like it’s it’s working fine looks like you could use some speed upgrades though let uh let’s TOS some speed upgrades into that speed bra boom boom uh let’s just make a bunch of these

Because we got a bunch of these machines all right should be good for now it’s like eight per right nope mean to do that okay there you go bam okay got eight in there perfect filled right up now question is if I do this is it going to break uh well everything uh

Okay okay yeah it’s using back to not having enough all right so maybe maybe two of these would uh work would work better um how would we set that up we have chopped through our doors haven’t we okay let’s let’s chop this back here uh we don’t need don’t need you right

Here put this stuff oh no not that not that not that well I guess uh yeah so we’ll keep that down there there we go that’s the move okay I know it’s not the same pipe but it’s fine this one so I can put this

Here we’re going to put this one here I get rid of this one okay oh not connected uhoh what happened I broke it broke it did I break it maybe I didn’t break it um maybe we’re just pulling a lot of power I don’t know it’s working

So it’s because we have different pipes yeah that’s probably a problem mechanism come on why you got a lag man it’s probably the search thing he nope cble there we go C make some these good have much of this probably okay some of that some of this that out of

There Dam God dang it God dang it let’s break those Again uh I should be able do this without it screwing up oh that was so scary okay boom that work again it’s weird we just don’t have a proper amount of power everything’s running though so that’s fine you know what it’s fine it’s running everything’s going you’re lot on power but you’re connected

To that you are connected here so you shouldn’t be light on fire maybe it is these see I mean it seems to be a little bit better these things really do just require like a lot of power Jesus still having power problems all right well let’s set up the last

Little leg of this uh we need this bad boy to be coming out of here we can just put you I don’t even know kind of looks a little janky let’s put you here why not looks so bad oh I’ll have to mess with this to get it all look

Nice you should be able to come out there oh is it just working oh beautiful right now we just need some power need some power okay nice yeah we just don’t have enough power uh let’s go grab minute yeah these are all down what’s going on with our reactors okay why is it

Not taking the power that is weird is there like a a distance problem or oh oh wait wait maybe out okay that’s probably they’re going to fix it though you are sucking a lot of power but wait hang on maybe this is the problem maybe this is the

Problem let’s just get rid of these um there this put that there okay so do that does that fix our problem see well the power’s coming out okay it is still it’s generating lower uh well the water’s not going down okay so everything’s working okay interesting all right so that should be going

Again this still drawn a lot of power okay yeah we definitely need to upgrade our heat Source but everything’s still running so I guess I guess I’m not really worried about it um yeah so we need actually I want you down one let’s put you down one crap I have too much stuff

Okay See guy oh no that’s not what I wanted to do I want to put another pipe down there smelting Factory goes here power again pipe bam yeah you’re still good still sucking up power all right that’s its own thing I have to figure out a way to cover those somehow

Ender Gates would be the best way I’ll probably just sit around and upgrade some ender stuff okay this back up all right actually kind of looks cool with those little pipes I don’t know we’ll figure it out uh now we need to get into the systems so we’re going to use cables

For that I think I need more cables uh cable find cable there we go quartz and iron quartz great uh is that is that enough though okay that might be enough to get us there but I I need a lot of that stuff so see where is it where is it where is

It where is it there so you’re doing your thing you still got dust okay I’m just going to take this out it’s going to do its thing we take this out too for now uh and we’re just gonna that shove that in there that’ll produce a bunch of nether

Quartz interesting so if it doesn’t have enough power it doesn’t uh do all these okay good to know good to know well we’ll work on that but for now we’re going to just pipe it into the system my things start doing a little bit better these guys oh wait

What oh probably because of this just toss that out of there that out of there okay 36 might be oh [ __ ] shouldn’t could close that up yet Um right so should have just eliminated uh it goes up that’s our separator that means our smelter is here nope wrong again here ah okay so we should be able to just do Oh wait [ __ ] we need one more thing one more thing um need an

Importer those a [ __ ] I need more of these crap all right well those I of these [ __ ] I mean to it’s fine I’m going to need a lot of them anyway oh but we got to use our smelter damn it’s fine it is fine it’s a quick one it’s a quick job okay

Oh oh that’s why it’s doing that got it okay let’s try and stuff some of this stuff in here boom B solved okay you’ll do that you do that destrution core all crap wait up destruction core so our other oh boom that baby oh [ __ ] the

Back okay so we got our excuse you come on down cables this way good actually I don’t know if we have enough uh might be problem that one’s there place this all this Way okay here man Cable Management dude okay hang on a minute this one goes up to we’re just going over Here that put that Ender Chest back on here with its inorder everything should be fine chest remember what set for that one okay so all the stuff in the smelter okay see should be good should be running out here come on oh my God yeah we got a we got to solve our

House situation okay so we should be able to put the dirty dust back in here it’ll pump into here let’s fix this see that goes in there all comes out uh iron is right here uh yep perfect awesome now we can shove assuming we have enough

Power can show let’s see if we can do a quick demonstration I already has some uh purify we should be able to shove some of there okay turns into that goes into the clumps turns into the dust dust goes into that turns into that boom we have successfully automatically doubled our

Ores goes all into our system without any problems okay that’s fantastic stick I’m sitting here sipping my coffee I’m staring at this little little crafting grid right here listening to the hum of my uh my electric smelter and it occurs to me probably set up a an automatic way to feed

That with the system we have so let’s see uh be exporter yes okay so we need construction core which means another one of these can we just make oh [ __ ] processor bindings right well it’s part we made these spiders I don’t know what I just put in there uh okay

Oh might sit here and mess around with that uh CS this this here sure do that grab these all right I’m need a lot of those we need a lot of these so I’m going make a lot of these right or eight that’s fine too gu we should be able to stuff this

In here it all goes away awesome awesome so what don’t we have we don’t have one of these we need glow stone in here glow stone some of that here damn Itor Go feel like that okay exporting oh there’s a [ __ ] there’s a quest line for all this isn’t there there is O let’s take some of this goodies okay right nice cables awesome we got some free cables free bunch of free stuff I love it love free [ __ ]

Okay we get lot of cables what the heck you know what that might be I might be enough cables to do what we need to do um let’s see so we got all that going out so can we I don’t know I’ve never actually used an exporter so I don’t know sure

Okayu need to fix all this crap okay you let’s see purifier or is this purifier it’s not purifier purifier pu find factory all right you got to get out of here okay so you uh cable try that oh perfect that fits perfectly all right uh but I want this

To go as well okay so can we do damn it I got rid of my raw iron okay Um um We go that see where we go there it is it’s over here D to many cables man many freaking cables okay you do This we export to that import from there okay maybe Not no items on export ex exact mode on no don’t need that fluids items okay does it need to be on the actual thing jig see just go straight in you go all the way out so let’s adjust this a little bit um do we need that extra little bit

There I think we do okay right that’s Jesus all right here here these right this is here for iron and that work it might be the same same process uh is it sticking it out in here no no h uh oh you know what you don’t like that either

Huh hang on all right we got it boys we’re still having power problems but we got iron coming in from our system into this uh inner chest here it goes up into here so if we take this out it’ll Auto balance pull back off this stuff goes back through here goes through the

Automated system comes back through the cable and goes back into our refined storage system you got the exporter over here that’s Whit listed for iron that’s what takes it from the system into this Ender Chest goes in through here it’s fantastic we finally automated the system so now we can just stuff iron

Into here So eventually the goal is to get it so that we can automatically process everything from a shulker box and just do a chunk mine and then put the shulker Box on the refined storage system everything goes in the system and then we don’t have these giant shulker

Boxes sitting around with a bunch of freaking ore in them but you know what this is the this is the groundwork for our automated smelting we’ll get more of these set up probably get a better get a better system for it make everything look nicer but I think for now that’s

Going to do it for this one thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed please consider like comment subscribing you really does help me out thank you for being here and I’ll see you in the next one later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 Redux [EP 34] Spawner farms and Auto Ore Processing’, was uploaded by Herbbutterinc on 2024-01-12 13:04:46. It has garnered 130 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:22 or 4462 seconds.

#allthemods9 #moddedminecraft #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #atm9 Thanks so much for watching!

Intro by @kittuffincafe Check them out!

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