Insane Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS May 11th 2024

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e e e e e e hello [Music] Gamers this is the post ranked speedrun epic Gaming stream featuring Curry way playoffs was so fun I love playoffs I love playoffs it was very epic it was quite epic a lot of lot of lot of very good games some upsets some awesome stuff where am I I’m here very nice wo streaming it’s epic of course we’re doing no reset it’s no reset time I don’t know how many runs I’m going to do but we’re going to get like right into it I think I love not working and getting to watch streams yes yes yes um I’m excited we’re going to get into it uh ranked was very fun for anyone that missed it was on fineberg stream today and I highly recommend people go back and watch and also watch tomorrow because tomorrow is the final day of season 4 ranked playoffs we have a final group of some very very nice Runners and been a couple upsets been a couple crazy matches been very cool it’s been very cool it’s been very awesome I did did win the entire tournament I will be uh also winning everything yesterday uh good news missing a guest stream doesn’t kill streak that is good that is good news I did I won every single match today I won all four rank games I played all of them no what I was actually doing is I was watching them on my second Monitor and on my first monitor I was cutting out a bunch of players for thumbnails um and that was a lot of work but we’re getting there we’re getting the thumbnails will be done and the ranked vods will all go up and it’ll be awesome and and amazing and swell and fantastic um today we’re just going to do like I said some normal reset stuff um tomorrow there won’t be a stream um tomorrow is Mother’s Day and I’ll be spending the day with my grandma which will be nice um so tomorrow will be no stream and then we’ll have a stream on the 13th and there probably won’t be a stream on the 14th either um but then we’ll get we’ll get into some semblance of a routine um once po post the 14th we’ll be in some semblance of a routine post the 14th of May pretty much until I ship my PC pretty much until I ship my PC um so that’s the that’s the game plan that’s the game plan so we’ll see what happens there should be some other fun stuff planned but a lot of no reset and a lot of gaming and a lot of streams and hopefully a YouTube video tomorrow I’ve been really making sure this video is like picture picture picture perfect I probably could have uploaded it like two days ago but I’m really really making sure this video is like exactly how I want it to be um so I’m excited for that and my goal is also before I move to have hunt and run fully done which uh which should also happen uh which is awesome which is epic which is great which is fantastic um but for right now we’re going to do the Minecraft speedrunning and I need a new subscriber Andor sub gifter to name the world after who would like to have that be them today who is that going to be while that’s getting set up let me do a prediction which is going to be the first seed sub 25 first seed sub 25 bang Discord bubbles why do I have Discord bubbles what the flip okay well they can go away that’s silly I hear you’re hry mad thank you so much for the gifted let me make sure you get the world name oh this is 15 gifted a tier one sub to Dave guy beautiful beautiful beautiful get your PRS in get your PRS in get get your PR get your PR this cor bubbles is so silly this cor bubbles is so silly I was talking to hpg like the whole time during ranked it was very fun you got a couch today amby congrats congrats on the couch sup Ace no dat is a Minecraft seed dat is a Minecraft seed has been killed murdered buried six feet under it’s gone forever because it was a big giant waste of time and I did not enjoy doing it and now we get to play Minecraft more yippee we get to play more Minecraft and we’re going to do that right now wait the pr is probably not over hold on hold hold oh I had it and then I unpaused it I didn’t think I had it get your PRS in so many hell yes holy cow very nice couch I’m very glad did I die in hardcore no I did all the hardcore ones Mega tiger bang Tamer hello no you didn’t get the 21 alert thank you for the 21 months though holy cow Sur I get the 21 sub alert for surely get your points and wow a lot of doubters came in after seeing the mega Tiga but what if I turn around and it’s just a what if I turn around and it’s a freaking it’s an ocean well you don’t know it’s it’s also only sub 25 it’s not that bad lot of doubters came in wow a lot of doubting oh my goodness get your points in and there it’s over it’s over all right well why am I in 60 fov oh I know why I’m in 60 fov because I was I was getting clips for the YouTube video that’s why doubt her by birth all right I don’t know where I’m going this Overworld is a little stinky I do have to be honest the question is where am I going to go just a tad Tad bad I feel like I’m high up I am I’m at y 74 which is a little high okay I can probably play off this River yo Ikea thank you for the hype train thank you for the yippi Yi for hype train PE Rose for chat um okay well I’m definitely going to get stone at least here it’s exposed we might as well we’ll see what happens uh boom all right I don’t see any salmon in this river which is a little bit unfortunate but what are you going to do I guess little little silly little silly a little goofy uh boom blop thank you for the 20 streak let me just grab this now uh do I have any animals whatsoever I have a cave I also see double mushroom type which is really rare in this biome I don’t see any animals so I’m going to take these oh it’s very rare to get reds I should probably be doing this after I mine iron but I’m going to have to find dandelion so it’s whatever oh this cave sucks okay oh wait maybe it doesn’t suck hold on does this cave suck or not what are we thinking oh maybe it doesn’t it doesn’t yes uh actually it still totally could uh I have two okay three four five six seven or eight seven all right whatever that’s okay we will make it work oh there’s eight cool I could grab more for shears but I don’t feel like I need to I’m just going to grab a bunch of logs and try and find some gravel what do I need eight three for pickaxe three for bucket one for flint and steel and one for a shield if I end up doing Fortress first just to be prepared just to be prepared educated is one ey throw and axises to uh that’s the difference all right actually I should maybe wait for one more that way I can kill animals if I see them you know I’m not really expecting to I just need I need DS I need flowers I need danion I see some wolfy raid yo Wolfie thank you so much for the raid my oh my God floating flower future MCC reram legendary gamer thank you so much for the raid homie hi Misty let’s flipping go dude how many mushrooms holy canoli all right uh if you’re new here from Wolfie stream I speed on Minecraft without resetting and I want to do it 100,000 times before I die so I got a lot to do oh my God I grabbed 20 flowers that was I think a little bit excessive was a little extreme potentially okay boom oh I didn’t grab water that was genius wait that was actually really smart of me Pro strats that no one knows about the forget to grab water strap was that an Enderman have swore I just saw like purple the center sucks U I’m just sing down okay cool who’s the f faite in the who’s my favorite in the playoffs I think out of the people left I mean I would like to see hack wi just because I think hack is the person who oh I didn’t even hear lava I think Hax is the person with the most to gain by winning but I’d like to see hack win but everyone left is a really good runner honestly the hack anko boy game might be the match of the century I’m not going to lie HX anob boy could be like the match ever um where am I going I’m at 39 I need to go up uh okay it’s going to be so insane they’re both just such mechanically gifted players that if they’re both like on a good day like oh my God man it’ll be it’ll be an unreal match grab thank you so much for the gift did I appreciate it I mean Loki also played really well today gifted a one to Emma 85 as I think honestly if you want my take I don’t know man it like my sleeper pick would be anko boy my real pick would be hacks I think winner of that game wins I think Loki looked really good against Danny but I don’t know if Loki is going to keep that up cuz he look shaky in his first match where can we watch fineberg tomorrow starting at around 11:00 a.m. EST I believe a stables triple do I have another triple uh no do I have a good Gap yes dude tabi holy flip uh this sad seon to be a silver fan that is true but listen if Hax wins there’s no shame in silver losing a Hax there’s there’s I mean even if Hax doesn’t win there’s no shame in losing a hack Hax is unbelievable was that a I just thought I saw a fort I definitely did not okay oh my God pick a worse spot to stand you got into it no Mom the cat stop okay whatever this okay dude [Music] dude oh nice throw okay cooli oh don’t dig too low here thanks for the 20 streak and Ty grona thank you for the 6 months I appreciate it wait I just dug the wrong way I got totally discombobulated looking at chat um where am I going what do I have two oh I know I have two crafting tables never mind uh this way chat rip the watch streak I’m going to lose tmrw soing anyway how’s it going I’m not going live tomorrow so you’re not going to unlist it did I really still not have 20 Obby dude what the flip dude how are you there um God my inventory is such a disaster actually I don’t have this are you guys really not going to give me a one to surfing uh string well why is my game like lagging hello why am I on 30 FPS what dude what is going on hello why there like other windows open not really um excuse me if I restart Minecraft this is probably this might break the tracker but actually I don’t think it does hold on one second sorry uh please work maybe please work please don’t be laggy feels a little weird why am I lag wait why can’t you guys see okay there we go sorry I’m cheating uh guys can everything stop breaking Jesus what is happening right now my God okay um uh what do I not dude my inventory is so bad my hair is also so bad um that’s fine I don’t care I don’t see anything oh I have to do all this again uh 4 three dude hello do something that isn’t just abysmal I just need a haircut that’s what this is this is curry way needs a haircut Jesus okay don’t nice RTA me my game was crashing okay relax relax why do I not see it I don’t understand like like what I’m so like I I’m actually so lost where are you my God hogland Nation um it’s got to be a diagonal [Music] somewhere oh I think I see it oh yeah I see it I see it guys um I mean it’s got to [Music] be where’s the right way to go there we go what what the flip is that hello why is there why are you there I already did the [Applause] fash oh my God yeah I’m sorry I couldn’t find the spawner guys this is my fault um okay I’m over this this dude what the why was that not at the Stables that would have save me so much time doesn’t this seed know that see is not does not respect my game unfortunately um dude I’m still feel like laggy I I don’t know why like I don’t I hope it’s not showing on stream but like I feel laggy as long as it’s not really showing up on stream though I don’t care oh jeez no I definitely overlapped I’m definitely going to check it after uh this this uh actually beautiful do not misplace frog thank you so much for that 3 months hug spin uh uh that’s four I need one more beautiful okay whoa piggies umga 99.8 on basically one and a half I don’t want to go that way I’d rather go this way five five and they both broke no I got one back okay cool um this way5 230 230 positive x uh is 558 negative Z5 45 44 is 255 558 255 558 255 um where did I come from I need to get out probably just build up honestly no this is I should leave the way I came 558 255 558 255 there’s a banger goodbye fashion hello goodbye D hello how did I miss um it’s nice I have like 9,000 pearls um where do I need to go positive x no I’m too far so you need go like there uh actually I should just be going up at this point 55 2 58 right there uh this right oh I hit the 0 five I can’t break my portal though did I hit starter oh my God I did wait I’m crazy I can’t break my portal though okay it’s somewhere there oh it’s m shaft oh well guys that sucks for me unless it’s here which it’s [Music] not sorry that is a weird M shaft I actually I’m pretty sure there’s a lava pool that’s taking control over there okay that’s dead I have to go this way it’s two-way oh nice that’s helping Rose but dude what is like where in the what dude hello hallway from Hell guys it’s over it’s so over it was nice knowing everyone this is my last Minecraft speed run it is impossible to navigate this stronghold dude like what oh yeah no thanks appreciate [Music] that um like what do I what do I what do I do man it’s a two room it’s a two room from starter with the biggest M shaft I’ve ever seen please be down here yes yes yes uh I don’t care I have enough uh this this this uh prioritize normal zero first 2 I oh my God what is happening uh uh oh I think I control this okay we saved it that’s really low okay we’re leaving goodbye did not save it uh for a knuckle sandwich I was standing in a weird spot on that offset dude two bed guys I have 1 two 3 4 5 six more beds I think I’ll be okay and if I wasn’t I would still have a stack of arrows I think I’ll figure it out guys do not worry please do not be alarmed bro I’ll get there eventually there we go anytime today anytime today how many runs as many as I can do before I am hungry for dinner what what okay that is like my fault I guess freak you okay surely we’re fine on PR right Sur they we’re fine on PR please go oh don’t do weird don’t do weird stuff you’re going to do weird stuff you’re going to do weird stuff please don’t do weird stuff no there’s no way right there’s no way there’s just no way there’s just no way dude bruh no Universe bro there’s just no Universe please okay that’s got to be perched okay thank you all right we’re saved we’re saved we’re saved it was scuffed we’re saved it was scuffed but we’re saved oh my goodness yippe oh guys I added a new emote guys I added a new emote look at what we can do now look what we can do now guys we don’t have to Drake anymore guys we don’t have to Drake we can Kendrick it’s okay guys we can Kendrick it’s actually we have a new emote we can Kendrick it’s so silly holy flipping stack all right let’s put in some notes shall we uh beautiful okay Bastion Stables eni type definitely other I don’t know what what’s going on there half bow or death zero frame I 2 32 56 uh I don’t know why I copied everything bang too late overlapping fashion can I send you the stats file uh yeah I definitely remember how to do that uh This was oh I want to open the folder stats this um I did get a 1059 I did in fact get a 1059 new PB has dropped new PB has in fact dropped did we do the is this a new PR I’m sure it’s a new PR yeah it is okay beautiful all right most recent subscriber Andor sub gifter is rain Alchemist thank you so much for the 18 months holy flip I appreciate it minty thank you for the gifted too I think I missed that thank you so much all right surely I won’t just oh I guys I’ll check it literally right now hold on come I I don’t care I’m probably breaking the stats again we’re going to have a nice RTA it’s okay I forgot uh where did I go where all right hello fasion 26 is a lot of months it’s this way hello dude yeah right it looks totally unassuming and then bang it’s not that much of a fashion but they’re just close they’re just very close and then I also did want to check now that I’m here I don’t want to check while I’m here what the flip was happening where was it this is starter right no this is starter like over here oh no it was normal Stone I was confused on like why this was generated the way that it was but it was normal well as normal as that can be was what you just keep saying my name what’s up I responded to you oh your mom says you’re welome okay epic all right Alchemist seed up a dude uh is this the Mansion no it’s not the Mansion so sad it’s not the Mansion guys it’s the RTA is fine the RTA is fine this is not a cave this is a fake cave propaganda cave okay beautiful say it in Spanish she can hear you okay wait hold on she said you’re welcome oh so I would say gracias guys jules’s mom got a gift card to like a Tex store and she wasn’t going to use it so Jules told her about my basically rotting not rotting that makes it sound absolutely disgusting it’s not rotting my keyboard that is very old and is broken down and is in shambles and she got me a new keyboard which is very Epic I’m very grateful it was very POG yeah rotting is oh I just put in my freaking crafting table I didn’t want to do that okay coal it’s just this keyboard is very old and it double clicks like every button it’s really bad um okay this I need to kill animal how old is it uh over 5 years now over 5 years I really like this keyboard though so I’m getting the exact same one it’s very old and it just does not do what it needs to do um are there any like other Apple what random apple drop say graia swra graia sura AR L keyboard I don’t know how to say keyboard in Spanish I can do the rest I don’t know I don’t know how to say keyboard te gato all right well listen I didn’t know there were so many Professionals in the chat what do you guys like speak the language jeez uh making me look bad okay this this uh beautiful I need more Pig here we go I could also use [Music] cow uh this all right uh is there going to be any enter my I think I’m just digging straight down like I don’t I don’t see anything oh I was just testing if I had ghost bucketed and I don’t know what happened okay I didn’t okay dude stop switching a four when I’m my god when am I playing in the rank playoffs never cuz I don’t want to play ranked I don’t want to play ranked I want to play Minecraft 100,000 times without resetting that’s what I want to do listen all I’m saying is all I’m saying is when hack plays tomorrow there’s a reason reason he doesn’t have a face cam on it’s because potentially someone else might be playing for hacks and their name might rhyme with curry hey me a lot of money to play ranked for him that might be happening that might be happening tomorrow I can’t confirm or deny cuz I’ll get in trouble if that was true obviously bro can I where’s the lava this is so rude oh hi I mean this isn’t lava but I’ll take itaa I do not know what that means but dope uh does this mean I get lava now that’d be cool I just have zero C value like I just have literally zero water sure I’ll take it I’ll take it I mean this is a high quality enter uh e dude what the flip am I what am I working with here that what what is there no oh my god dude bbes the lava modol bur bodges is crazy um bbes goes Hardway loves thank you chilled for the 100 bits I appreciate it Bastion Bastion time big Bastion time there it is okay guys Fortress negative Z my this terrain is beautiful I could actually shed a tier I could shed a tier why don’t I freaking see you oh there it is is that is I can’t tell if it’s Bridge or Stables I just know it’s wide I still can’t tell cuz I’m being silly um amazing bow clutch that was phenomenal um how do I get around how viable is gold elevator it has its use cases okay this is Stables you have a good Gap you do beautiful you have one though only one little bit scary spooky a little scary a little spooky nice whoa chill [Music] relax I had issues whoa I’m satisfied whoa why are you still mad stop stop oh my God yeah we’re fine oh my God pick a worst spot okay look at I improvised I improvised we made it work I just need to go negative Z from here um um I seem to be missing some stuff aha mhm yeah still missing the thing do I am I going to get anything useful uhuh are we oh oh oh that’s good I would say I would say that’s great that’s that’s really good actually um I said AP pearls turns out I was optimistic uh what do we got out here a whole lot of nothing right now nothing that guy just fell nothing chest here nothing [Music] aha okay not hiding anything back here nope well uh that’s not amazing I would say I have to be honest really a miracle happens three Pro trades oh hi no great thanks thank you awesome all right whoa well we’re going negative we’re going negative Z okay wow this is this is awesome I’m actually so excited about this uh okay well that that’s just I mean not a single Pearl not a single one it’s a freaking let’s play out here dude yeah one and 187 that’s pretty awesome Pearl trade is 5% basically I don’t have another Bastion too so yippe oh my God ruin portal wait hold on I missed this this might this might clutch up this might get crazy um I guess guys surely right Fortune 3 guys hold on let me cook let me cook let me cook this guy’s the chosen one dude in why are there so many more guys now that okay you’re not the chosen one sorry did you take another one oh my God I don’t need more Obby I have 35 of that this is this is like a monster gamblers fallacy moment here I am Gambler fallacy so hard right now take I’m going to turn around and have Pearl trades though you’re going to be so mad oh my God yay I can move around the nether it’s eight trade though do I get crazy surely I don’t surely this is objectively the wrong play but like what if how was that fortune 3 dude I don’t even know where I’m going how is that fortune 3 wa there we go there we go where the hell was that I got like insanely low roll the first couple wait no this is actually hidden I’m not even I’m literally not even trolling this is hidden no this actually Cooks let’s go dude I just it’s a fortune 3 is broken what dude guys this is the only way for sub 24 to hit I hate to I hate to break it to you this is literally the only way wait a sec thank you for the 17 months that’s actually in oh my God 13 do I see it I do see it I’m going back to the Crimson I’m getting another pro trade oh my God Zombie piglin Nation what Bas we with one uh good Gap Stables fellas fellas there’s no other guy oh you hi you want to walk with some [Music] urgency guys this is like an embarrassing display of effort from these piglins [Music] you’re done oh my god dude these guys are actually maybe the worst piglins of all time okay I should have just done this at the start should have just done that man my fault I guess embar EMB honestly pathetic I’m going Beyond embarrassing that was a pathetic performance pathetic piglin performance I hope I hope they are just absolutely ashamed of themselves I hope they’re absolutely ashamed of themselves I see the spawner dude I really thought we were to hit it with the fortune 3 I really thought like oh that would be so sick like let’s get the fortune 3 that goes hard and then we did not oh hi um and then we didn’t that fortune 3 is crazy though the fact I I got like 25 gold from that pickaxe like that’s mental 25 gold from that pickaxe is wild why do I hear more um okay rude there’s so many of you stop yeah remember I have a diamond axe I can crit faster it sounds like I hear them like hello hi hi guys dude chill um goodbye uh I have so much Obby the problem is I don’t have so much pearls but I don’t really care 142 negative negative dude let me out move my God go way more this way what way more this way does this open at all yes all right close please um okay 149.34 and a half or just under five really just under five three 4 five 149.34 so 3.1 is definitely worth going back for my god do that 3.1 3.1 3.1 37 negative z um wait what is it 3.1 37 so [Music] 269 269 negative Z 3.1 just under five so we’ll do like 21 21 would be 44 44 269 what the flip is happening here uh uh 269 41 uh I probably would have lived that but it’s fine Sur I don’t miss right Sur I don’t miss uhoh uhoh now we’re in now we’re in trouble now we’re in trouble uh I’m going to dig up in 44 now now we’re in trouble no we’re not never mind we’re not in trouble I’m just so good at the game I’m just so amazing and awesome and being tall also helps just so beautiful oh excuse me excuse me okay I’m definitely just like in the back [Music] rooms somewhere that way it could be down mid and then to the right don’t know why I’m checking anything are you here or what it’s not looking like you’re here oh Pearl would be nice that’s what I’m checking for hi yeah yeah yeah I check this one yeah I did all right so it’s definitely up here it’s definitely this way how do I even go that way you’re not dude you are not down here are you this is so cringe if you are um no you’re not here sub 30 pretty pleas no pearl oh there it is another Pearl oh my God I can maybe do zero I can definitely do zero uh boom [Music] boom uh uh this this that boom bam that is Ground Zero material guys I’m not going to lie I might have forgotten how to do this but surely it’s fine uh um I moved I moved I moved I moved I moved I moved I moved I moved uhoh I think we’re fine no I moved again oh my God I kept moving just come back oh my God that was so late it’s guys it’s so cooked I need a big bed I need a big bed no no dude I trolled that’s why I get for not warming up I was watching ranked can I still get hit I Can’t okay okay I back up obviously why we have all this I missed that what what um how’s ranked by the way ranked was epic and awesome uh uh okay I should have made the anchor bro I was like I had the glowstone I was like no I’m fine I got 10 beds I moved my mouse like seven times during it for how much I moved my mouse that wasn’t even bad but it was just wasn’t enough what are we doing man I guess I should be shooting you oh okay or you could do that I guess oh yeah that’s right oh we’re serious we’re we’re doing this Gary what the flip was that what is bro doing bro shook his head he had second thoughts he’s like ah oh mo what conversion sub what I had the most delicious breakfast I’m very happy for you nollie I’m very happy should this counts as one cycle uh no that was not a one cycle check this out though oh that’s not even that far tiny Mansion though it’s only got like the tiny top part my God wait modify jungle Edge no no no okay get your PRS in sha get your PRS in yeah I’ll give this a purple this was really stupid this was is a really stupid run it gets a purple tables classic warped Forest guys when are we going to see that as the Bastion type again take your bets I’m going to say at least 4,000 runs until we see stable SL classic warped Forest that is pretty bad that is pretty bad dude fortune 3 is just really funny like fortune 3 is just really funny uh I have no idea how many eyes there were try again uh R rest gifted at De one sub to notnot Brock zero pearls from single good Gap no triple Stables um dude I’m so mad I moved my mouse why am I documenting my runs cuz why not it shows the progress that I’ve made throughout this challenge as a whole it’s very cool guys we’re approaching a 20 you guys can’t see we’re very rapidly approaching an average overall time of a 27xx we are very very very very very close that is very epic we’re actually closing in very cool no I I don’t like lifting my mouse but I should I honestly should just get used to it it’s going to feel weird but it’s just better no this average time has never been 27xx all right most recent subscriber Andor sub gifter is rehea Joel the mole oh my God BR he you’re the four months I appreciate it where am I oh I Disappeared sorry I’m back I’ve returned I see something I see an upside down boat cool still have 90 what the flip is happening here okay you’re going to need a hot dog you have fun with that lump you have a blast uh no I would never bound another button that would make me feel weird like I don’t I don’t just don’t want to do that part of the challenge of doing it I feel like I see a faux booat I should probably just go for that h i could have maybe swam oh my God you oh get in drop yes yes yes go let’s flipping go I don’t see an enter unfortunately oh my God what dude look at that what the heck is going on over there that shadow is nuts oh my God uh throw away I’m just sending this uh boom I see kelp oh it’s not real it’s a ruined portal golden carrots thoughts golden carrots please my God break break it um okay I’ll take that and this Aqua it would have been nice about 15 seconds ago but that’s okay I guess uh I don’t need this [Music] anymore this enterable what’s going on here I’m probably entering here anyway either this or that kelp let goes should be fine uh oh it’s not real uh wait was this real this is real okay cool um uh no I just had like a big brain for it but we’re chilling do not throw the Pearl well four minute [Music] enter Bastion Bastion Bastion yes Stables I have three gold my god do I see like a fort or something I can Pearl hang I see a treasure o do I just play the treasure cuz I know I have the Pearl I think I play the treasure this is really interesting um use one now for blocks I save the other one for just dealing with this in general I hit this Pearl like every time right like there’s just no Universe I don’t okay wow that Pearl is actually so clutch I’m on the wrong side oopsie excuse me uh uh stop stop stop stop uh uh whoa oh that’s funny in dude I’m actually really happy with how I’m playing this seed uhoh where’d you go oh it’s there anyone come in dude what’s up with the no pearls I already paid my dues I thought man uh um I don’t have to break well I do have to break bottom obviously but you know what I mean um cool [Music] uh this um uh [Music] um I has given more pearls than that Stables ever could end would have um this way [Music] dude this is awkward okay cool U let’s try that again thank you scary there’s my portal wait isn’t this the same direction as the freaking what it has to be this way then dude don’t even tell me don’t even tell me the Stables is going to be a fashion don’t even tell me the Stables is going to be a fashion even without 20 Obby I have 28 bro why are you scaring me uh this it’s gone I think it’s this way it is like I should have trusted myself I knew it was going to be this way eating rotten flesh sucks man no it’s not going to be sub 10 for it cuz this wall is in the way and I have no food I had to waste of gapple basically [Music] um me I could just rip through this wall I guess I should uhom [Music] whoa um ah ow dude can I get out of lava please stop where am I let me out let me out oh I found it okay hold on H I have like a lot of pearls can I get in this ho uhoh dude how do my items go everywhere when it’s okay I saw three block hole in my items go everywhere this game is awesome uh uh this is like SSV Heaven except there’s can the skeleton shoot like one of them whoa whoa excuse me oh it’s not that SSV it’s kind of more like I just play this double spawner hello H this oh uh okay this could still sub 20 definitely could sub 20 why do I hear so many oh hi um as much as I want that hoglin I don’t want the skeleton and the Wither Skeleton thank you uh all right food please uh Mansion no [Music] uh 76 5 and A2 24.4 so 7 did they both break bro I need wood uh that’s good uh 7 7 164 Negative X 164 is8 negative Z 5 and a half 74 five so like 111 112 112 would be 2448 2 44 can I get a hoglin um I missed that’s so sad hoglin no um dude oh my God I wish would have been shocked I don’t know if I can dig that I’m not going to lie okay I can really right okay this is scary Spruce tiger Hills that’s not good for sub 20 Spruce tiger Hills is not ideal for sub 20 okay same [Music] direction no it’s going to go up please okay I know where I’m pretty sure it’s this it’s one of these two actually one ah scary okay creeper hurts R oh uh uh this this this how do I go that way wow world’s hardest nav uh [Music] uh one ey boom uh this that boat no um uh Redemption oh I don’t have a trap door okay cool um I don’t have it set up it’s so sad going to just fly it’s okay I moved my mouse I know I just moved my mouse frick I can’t I can’t lift my mouse without moving it [Music] dude dude I can’t lift it without don’t mind I’m going to mess this up now it’s so annoying we’ll get there one day I I don’t like the idea of like I get it set and then I pause to lift my mouse you know like that feels cheesy that feels cheesy this is just not going to work this is just there’s just no way this works at this I Mis dude I misplaced three times man and now I’m just trapped here well I’m not trapped but like I want to do this like this is practice I want to obviously do it sure so frustrating man but that’s that’s the part of it right does this work let’s see I’m not going to be able to do it that well cuz I I don’t have like I don’t have enough explosives like this isn’t going to work but I can pretend it will oh my God it’s not flying oh my God wait I’m crazy that is insane that I hit that okay cool I don’t like that that inventory thing feels cheesy man I don’t know if I like it I don’t know I have to I have to reconcile with that there’s got to be like there’s just like a skill there’s got to be a skill thing there’s got to be a skill thing where like I can like not move my mouse it’s so weird uh I’m a little hungry I might go grab a grab a snack should have turned down your sensitivity no first time chatter because I don’t like opening the menu to speedr Minecraft I actually hate doing anything that involves using the options menu and editing my video settings and using an external tool because I dislike it it is fundamentally bad for the game preemptive I don’t like preemptive like I don’t like them I don’t like them but they’re they’re necessary evils because they’re they’re like not required but like they’re just so much more like Ground Zero isn’t required there’s like other Alternatives there’s not an alternative to – besides like just seeing it the alternative to Ground Zero is just hitting zero oh inventory maybe I can be okay with because it’s like using the game maybe I can be maybe I am okay with inventory actually I think I think inventory I am okay with okay most recent run uh am I going to grab a snack I do want to grab a snack I need to fix my hair dude my hair is a disaster uh okay what did I do in this run I went to treasure ight type Ground Zero death zero frame eyes 1 32 58 I’ll grab a snack after the next run I am going to go to the bath from though right now so sorry I’m making you all wait uh this was a blue I guess oh wait why did I only copy like half of this no cuz like I that wouldn’t have been possible if I did slab like I I like I just got to get better at the lineup that’s all like it is a skill that I’m just not used to I’ll get better at it uh this saved a minute okay cool all right uh I’m going to the bathroom really quickly look at this fellow right here I know he’s been been on the screen before but I love him and I’ll be back I’ll be back e e e guys before we start the next run I have to show you this thing I just saw on Twitter I have to I have to show this thing I just saw on Twitter oh my God it’s actually so funny Let me let me pull it up dude why do I type Twitter and it takes me to Twitch like it’s actually the most annoying thing you sasar gifted a de one sub to do no 64 you sasar than you for the gifted guys look at this wait there’s a full version how long is this this is 2 and a half minutes okay no we need need to watch this this is actually really funny guys we got to watch this sorry quick break quick break to watch Gordon Ramsay plays Minecraft okay you ready here we go I’m in Minecraft to discover one of the world’s best kept food Secrets come on look at this oh my Lord I’m here in search of the most incredible apple and there’s only one way to get them holy I haven’t climbed a tree I didn’t see his on decades that is delicious it’s so juicy an amazing Discovery with enough apples from the jungle I’m off to meet a guy who’s been revolutionizing farming technology now this farmer produces the most amazing potatoes in fact he’s actually known as the mad potato scientist after getting scammed for 15 emeralds have you been drinking I managed to get my hands on a potato that is amazing this is awesome this is the kind of discovery that this is so impressively well done I’ve just tasted the most amazing potatoes next I’m off to a place that’s supposed to have the finest ingredient in the land you are kidding me getting down there this is what was on Twitter Nightmare and at the bottom another surprise was waiting for me oh my God me at first I thought I found treasure but then I made a horrifying Discovery what the [ __ ] is this oh dear dear it’s raw dude having survived my partial poisoning it’s time to face today’s real challenge this is it everything I’ve understood got up to speed with this week it all comes down to this for my main dish I’m making a potato and apple soup capable of replenishing eight hunger bars I’m also going to put a touch of honey in that as well dude seems as though word got out about my incredible meal but right now I can’t afford to get distracted just moments to spare things took a turn for the worse hold on a oh for God’s sake man let’s get out of here before we get shot and if you like this video Don’t for dude that is insane that is so insane this is an absolutely insane video oh my God that was like so unbelievably wellmade that was so impressive oh my go the editing in that is insane the editing in that is like actually unreal that is that is crazy oh my God I’m putting this in hpg and then we’ll play Minecraft again sick that was awesome play Minecraft dude all I’m saying there’s definitely like some sub notification or Channel Point rewards in that there’s definitely there’s definitely something there all right most recent subscriber and our sub gifter is quenta thank you so much for that three months I appreciate it like him seeing the M shaft stronghold dude that’s got to be something do I have a ship here what’s going on no uh oh I do I see a ship but it’s kind of buried it’s kind of buried it’s kind of buried oh I have an enter there this is awkward I probably have an enter here though too let’s be honest yeah I do okay cool so I just got to get to the ship no the the chest grabbing and stuff is just crazy that is like so impressively well made how long is the spreadsheet it has every single run so it’s pretty long it’s a pretty big spreadsheet and eventually it will be a website which will be poo Happy Poo website oh my God potato wait how is this enterable this is kind of sick actually oh let me out I’m going to Dr I mean it’s fine I have so much food I have so much food potato apple soup here we go 2500th no 3,258 the number under my face is how many runs I’ve completed uh wait where’s oh I didn’t get my axe yet uh two [Music] I could grab more wood but like this is probably fine well actually it’s just not even close to fine but surely I get like wood somewhere else in the Run no I I should grab this I should grab this I don’t know why I made doors actually doors was a misplay well actually it’s not a misplay if I’m getting wood I’m going very back and forth here okay let’s go there’s another boat over there sub four I’ll take a sub four any day of the week a banger um I only grabb three of my wood flip oh food no Bastion that’s okay I’ve been I’ve been getting decent bastions this is fine I got one it’s a little far it’s okay uh grab wood do you think I can C do you think Evan can cplay as Chad hom grin absolutely easily aren’t the Mavs about to win by the way I was getting notifications on my phone I think the Mavs are about to win uh this this freaking go oh ouchy my bad dude can I eat oh my God we caness I both got hash owned oh my God wait where do I go serin kind of is bad my Advanced Analytical coaching take is that the terrain to this Bastion is bad okay why am I Bridging the weird way way yo Lizzy thank you so much for the 4 months look at that dog play piano it’s so talented uh I’m going to go down here I eat a sussy stew I ate two sussy stews very suspicious Jazz thank you for that 20 watch streak too I missed that right underneath holy flip building it back up up back on the grind set all right where where are we going where are we going it’s there I see it okay cool dude the last like couple days have just reminded me like how important Nethers are or not like nether enters are like the nether ERS have been so much better the past like couple days than they were like the past like two weeks it’s just like I just feel so much faster but it’s not like really anything skill issue Wise It’s just like I’m rolling okayish Nethers this week which feels good how Z can you see watch streaks outside of the chat highlight I cannot know unless there’s like a backend way to see it which to M Oh I thought this was going to be like totally manh huntable and it’s not okay I like totally thought that was going to be man huntable and it is just not at all uh oh excuse me dude I got trolled the see could be insane I mean it’s 640 it’s not that insane uh [Music] 39 ground zeros BL last round listen we made it work we made it work it’s a learning experience why do I have zero Pig what’s up with zero Pig okay hey hey you look at me look at me dude okay thank you so we’re not doing this again uh boom boom although I really don’t have that many pearls okay I just ripped all the string ever um okay uh I have 17 Obby but I haven’t checked any top chest more positive Z go hopefully I got a good bit of guys here so it’s not crowded oh it’s crowded okay I’m leaving uh there should be a way down no uh okay not really uh oh never mind hi um I see it I think oh no I don’t know what I thought I saw I see it now do not hit the piglin thank you wait it’s a sub 10 for oh my God God wait it’s a sub 10 for yes let’s freaking go wow I’ve changed the world how long has it been dude uh this this actually I want to go down here because I have the Stray anyway and I Oh I thought I saw the other spawner I do okay I see the line okay sick hello can you get over here I really hope not think you can yeah you can just Walt on over man like what the flip is that about oh my God oh my God I don’t this guy sry have I ever died to a blaze yes I’m going to die right now to one oh my God got ping pongs um I don’t think I can Ground Zero I don’t have enough iron sge I can do normal zero obviously but my God it’s scary D um I might be able to do it but I need to get iron in the thing these rates also suck G you thank you for the nine months and happy birthday sh t b birthday happy 9 months saage l happy birthday it’s also my birthday we share a birthday did you know that happy birthday to both of us that’s so cool uh oh my God diamonds uh actually I’ll I kind of want these cuz my ax has seen better days [Music] um wait but now I’m wait this is fine negative 80 80 uh oh it went through the portal that’s so sick um where did you spawn I’m going to grab wood really quick well I didn’t see I had it already yeah whatever I need to Goga 80 so like positive X it’s actually probably pretty close oh okay I have enough I did not realize I had enough um I miss oh okay oh I okay oh 5 seconds on my Fire Res that would be good want to go like up there uh 578 yeah this is this is good probably not much far than this I’m at 25600 all right negative 95 uh do I have food besides these sheep up here stop moving you why are we still going but Donnie they like 25 months it’s probably down here oh my God look at that Arrow it almost hit a zombie that would have been crazy why are we still going hold [Music] ocean dude where are you where are you that’s fine it’s still a good bit honestly it’s not it’s not like crazy far but it’s like you know a couple hundred not maybe not even but somewhere around here please just like be here I know you’re like right here you’re going to I’m going to throw this eye and it’s going to either go backwards or we’re still going straight apparently but it’s just somewhere around here and I know you’re just going to be ocean non-exposed so I’m prepared for ocean non-exposed but can you like at least can you maybe not be ocean non-exposed would that be too much to ask dude this is actually how is it still going I’m actually I’m actually kind of flabbergasted to be honest I’m kind of flabbergasted it’s this far this is insanely far like in the ring not even like let alone cuz like obviously it’s an educated so like I’m not going to be super accurate but like just for how far we are out in the ring is crazy but I also have a lot of eyes I can throw which is kind of nice like this is absurd dude look at my cords I’m not worried about eye BRS I have like 10 million eyes is it really there wow that is so far man that is look at my cords are insane my cords are like four my cords are going to end up being like 450 like 580 it’s like absurdly far second ring disgustingly far second ring wonder if it’s exposed on the other side I kind of want to look but I also kind of just want to get in here um uh this is probably starter so it’s probably mid uhuh witch no thank you food thanks D where the flipped did I go um bro where the flip are you hi oh it could be down here dude what the I found every chest that’s not really helpful hello dude this is gross if it’s here oh dude oh my God oh my what what what what what what what what dude I’m so glad I came down here oh my god dude what is that four four is crazy four is nuts man what the hell dude oh my God Fortune diamond my God I’m laded from that that is insane you know this would explain a lot okay I’m leaving now that is insane I know where this is I should just go there now I’ve gone like every other inconceivable Direction move okay hello oh wait is this I don’t even know where I’m going right now am I going backwards still no I’m not I need to go backwards sorry I’m like killing PR right now this is still backwards this is still backwards this is backwards right this is starter you just have to be up there uh yes hi okay it was ocean exposed but instead we got a curry away moment so that is worth it um uh maybe throwing out a diamond pick is not like ideal but it’s fine uh five this that okay uh throw your hands up and point them to the floor step two here’s what to do now get down on all fours no I can’t I’m zero cycl I can’t do that it’s easy follow me step four go crazy now and beep beep like sheep I said beep beep I’m a sheep beep beep by my sheep I said beep beep by my sheep dude four is crazy AA thank you for the 100 bits four is nuts man oh my God I need to see this immediately dude I should have just gone there like that was horrible nav from me but we’re just going to ignore that because it was really funny wait I never got this saved wait what the oh that’s my Bastion and then I went this way then it was here and then I bled dude this is disgustingly far that is just insane quartz guys 3400 4680 is like like here wow I actually nailed it that look at these cords these are disgusting second ring cords those are disgusting second ring cords no we did educated travel we did educated travel I can’t believe I just hit that that was so casual anyway dude where is this I need to see this the flip is it how do does anyone know how chests and M shafts like even work like what is the quote unquote chance of that I think it’s down wait I’m still like dude where even am I okay here I think it’s down like here no oh my god look there’s two more dude how many chests are in this m shaft I can’t even I I can’t even find it I can’t even find it what if I look from like underneath oh that’s to underneath dude am I stupid or something oh my God here dude this is crazy this is absolutely crazy wow okay I might just like them okay cool dude can I post the can I see the emote you posted yeah let me see that’s a clip so I don’t see I don’t oh 7 TV here show emote strong shaft no this is a this is a base emote there you go wait why can’t I use it emote already enabled okay there you go no that goes that goes crazy that goes hard all right uh get your PRS in by the way right now chat I’m going to put in the info I’m going to put in the info uh and then I’m grabbing a snack cuz I’m hungry cuz I’m hungry R fashion type uh housing end fight was Zero cycle death zero frame eyes one 32 59 dude that was that was nuts um dude that was crazy that was crazy okay I’ll be right back chat admire the M shaft admire the M shaft I will be right back I’ll be right back for I’m back I returned dude this is so cool this is so cool to me like this is just this is so insane I’m screenshotting this putting [Music] hbg so freaking [Music] cool gifted at your one sub to Max 249 they have given 165 gift subs thank you so much for the gift de is there a rail under each or did some move to that point let’s see this one has a rail I think they all have a rail that has a rail that has a rail that has a rail that is crazy dude and there’s like others like there’s that one there was two over here or something this’s m shft is popping yeah these two these fellas if I saw this I’d still be like whoa that’s cool four is just mental Man Four is absolutely mental okay most reason subscriber and or sub gifter thank you again Ray I appreciate it let’s lock in oh why was dude what am I doing um I see a ruined portal I guess I go there I was about to like insta cheat I’m not supposed to do that part on stream it’s supposed to be off stream only I see a Mesa I’m not too happy about that I see a village in Narnia surely it has a furnace no oh um where the freak do I go do I actually play that no we’re not pivoting to a guys I have nothing me pivot to aa oh okay that is a chest now that is a ruined portal chest if I’ve ever seen one cuz now I’m conflicted like obviously I could go to the Village but like I don’t need food at the Village so if there’s a faster way to play this overw world I want to play it that way maybe we get maybe we get crazy in the temple maybe we get crazy in the temple I’m feeling silly I’m feeling silly let’s go let’s freaking go this Temple’s going to crazy dude did you see that Temple en ranked with 19 iron that was insane that was absurd 19 iron Temple is disgusting I’m going to get 20 right now though I see another Village and none of them have blacksmiths it’s like three villages on my dude there’s three temples on my screen my God oh I see Iron I see diamonds two diamonds 10 iron 10 iron go oh my God more 11 holy flip wait the seat is goated the seat is insane actually oh my God 19 gunpowder too and Unbreaking three and mending the AA seed holy flip uh no I’m not playing AA guys I’m not playing AA I’ll make a jukebox maybe uh okay so this this this this this this um okay I got that I need water oh my God there’s a lava pool right there wait the seed is actually so insane um boat uh this seed is disgusting uh sub four Temple I’m already on the right thing no don’t get dude I got freaking whatever please please please please please please please no none of that’s real I don’t think oh this is bad oh this is not ideal has there been 15 during this challenge I think I’ve had nine or eight I have anything oh I have a lot why does it seem like I don’t have anything um it’s like all hella far okay that’s real oh I have a close spawner well that’s convenient I see it it’s on the way okay perfect uh problem is the terrain is so God awful like where do I go be oh my God I almost I almost did it I almost did it no more I almost walked right off I almost walked right off I am not going to lie that was way too close I got so saved I got so bailed out oh there spawners right here wait that’s kind of baller um this this uh want to try and do whoa whoa whoa move up dude there’s not oh my God I’m just going to die I forgot I don’t have Fire Res wait like what am I doing I just like completely like brain broke that I don’t have fire as hi thanks ow can we stop meleeing me um hi use my sword oh thank you I forgot about it um oh jeez um dude I have another spawner right there oh my God on seven I activated on the way well I’m still on four though yo dreamer thanks for the 20 watch streak come on dude these rates are kind of awesome kind of sick kind of sick please let me get lucky let me get lucky Let Me Get Lucky drop please [Music] no I mean I could just TNT this again I guess nothing’s stopping me um um dude where am I going TR sucks um it looks like it opens more here my God this is scary I’m scared I’m I’m a scared guy [Music] um dude I mean it should just be a straight line actually we should be chilling um okay it’s like right here oh hello [Music] hello really I will just be allowed to leave and not have to play bottom thank you reborn I appreciate it um I actually do need to stay more hydrated I’ve not been staying hydrated enough today usually I’m on the ball with stuff like that uh what’s up guys um hi you are in the worst spot maybe ever oh you just have climbed into the okay nope this is great actually okay oh hi why are you why are you mad at me what they do normally figure it out when it’s a situation like this I will like brown more than red okay whatever’s quietest I’ll be happy did I grab this that guy got launched dude why is there like no blocks here what the hell okay beautiful guys come on man okay you’re hopeless dude these were I didn’t even get like any crying the hell was in those chests man um okay um please please please please in in guys look oh no no guys look up [Music] here dude look at look at this carrot isn’t it sick okay you left hello you fave streamer yo oh thank you so much for that 6 months I appreciate it nope uh that is a lot of blaze rods oh okay you know what that’s fine I have a lot of them- 16 4.4 just over [Music] two okay it’s like 0 4 it’s it’s probably like n or. five I mean it’s five why don’t I use bow eye cuz I don’t like it I think calculators and bow eye are the worst thing to happen to any speedr running game ever from a technical perspective oh my God I almost punched this guy uh I need way more Obby you guys got to cook uh [Music] um what do I not need I have five Obby dude dude dude I’m really going to get buns Obby no you did not give me Obby uh I’m at 10 oh my God was it 160 negative 164 negative Z5 230 230 uh 387 positive X2 [Music] 65 65 565 287 I missed really yikes okay can I eat wait why am I going down I was holding space bar dude okay uh what I say 564 I said like 280 something I don’t know what I said no I say three I think I said three 265 no 565 384 I think is what I said I don’t foring know cuz if I’m going positive x no cuz I’m going negative Z 385 I definitely meant 385 if I said 285 I definitely meant 385 uh uh dude how have I done this twice today 38 it’s it’s 380 here uh okay please in Direction I didn’t pick it up okay whatever I have so many stop stop dude oh okay that’s sick um that’s pretty dope hello thank you I would like to hunger reset but I guess I’ll do this first oh wow that was difficult uh dude uh don’t think I need that many pearls at this point okay nope I don’t actually want to sleep thanks dude uh three I uh what I five two three oh this terrain could be weird maybe oh freck um I can’t make a trap door that sucks I would have to break boat I guess but by that time it’s going to be too slow I’m just do this I should have made one less B I made a trap door I I forgot I’m getting too spoiled by making the iron ones dude hit the freaking shots I get this one I think I did yeah I would see it okay all right go team turn in no I think Fred’s dead actually I don’t remember if it’s 23 or 22 but it’s probably dead if it’s 22 23 okay Believers have a chance Believers have a chance exuse me yay nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice let’s flipping go let’s fliping go oh my God there’s a lava po right there dude this overw world was so sick this overw world was so cool really NE was mid oh my God there’s a lava pool what did I do I played like off here I went to that lava pool dude one two three lava pools wow wow wow wow okay uh Bastion treasure and fight half bow zero death REI 3260 boom I don’t know where this is from uh sub for enter closest Bastion 29 shrunks away four on the way off terrain box scary for first okay nice dude purple and blue only for the last one like eight runs crazy okay not too shabby most recent subscriber Endor sub gifter is alt thank you alt what oh I have to do PR oh I didn’t realize I didn’t realize I had to do PR I’m sorry wait I don’t have to do PR there’s a PR up right now it’s up it’s open get your points in I didn’t answer your question I don’t know what your question is sorry am I done for the day no I’m not done I’m not done I’m not done sorry no I’ll probably do like I’ll do at least two more I think I’ll do at least two more at least two more at least two more yippe yipp yipp yipp yipp yipp okay who’s spending so much G gash some big Spenders some Big Spenders in the pot I got to get a sub 22 this time huh all right well let’s do it oh my God this is the world record seed oh my holy Jesus okay what uh holy flip indeed nope uh where where are you where’s the fella I see him okay surely I will get three iron when I already looted a ruined portal surely that wouldn’t happen uh [Music] please please yes uh uh uh [Music] boom uh four boom boom uh rolling H oh I don’t need farmer please um dude guys come on you guys are embarrassing me in front of the ruined portal I mean really really dude you are not coming from there oh my God all right I’ll wait for that guy okay no you um I forgot my crafting table oh never mind it’s in okay awkward awkward is who would do that uh dude thank you what do we got what do we got we got nothing we got a big freaking load of air man access open uh don’t see anything uh how do I only get one of the gold blocks whatever I think I literally ghost picked one up this terrain looks really good my God end so many I kind of want to kill one but I don’t know if I need it this terrain looks so nice my god dude this terrain is absolutely ridiculous yeah treasure that makes sense let hoping for the world where I see the oh my God no it’s a double treasure I see the other treasure oh my God okay so I need to go back the way I came that is a little Annoying I have to be honest no stop uh you know what dude my chest is freaking set up man dude kill all the babies thank you okay dude I’m just ripped the problem is I have zero blocks what dude what the hell was that kamakazi man that is crazy dude I think I have enough stuff wait I need blocks oh my God this is a little awkward I might have killed some some might have died in oh hi up any else all right so here’s my Giga brain question do if when I get pearls do I Pearl to the other treasure and break that spawner while they’re still trading thoughts is that the play of the century I’m doing it cuz like when am I ever doing this ever again like this is just cool side quest I need to get there and back and three pearls oh yeah that’s easy why are you so low to the ground let me in dude I feel like I’m playing like SSG dude what is happening in this freaking treasure can I assist you amazing man dude this is kind of ba is this not like kind of based go back go back go go go dude how freaking high up do I need to go to get in here you’re done my God you guys are quick um um yeah I think we’re good uh boom [Music] boom uh oh my God I have so much iron what I I have no wood though how is there another spawner who the hell are you uh this way how is it Negative X I just went Negative X okay um I mean it’s got to be that way then right oh my God is it another treasure I’m going to lose my mind I think it’s another treasure I think it’s another treasure uh dude how is that even impossible how is this possible what are we doing this is a joke this is a joke I hope you’re embarrassed I would be I would be absolutely ashamed of myself if this is what if this is the breast thing I had to bring to the table this is diabolically awful yeah now I’m not surprised I have nothing guys I didn’t okay you know what it’s fine you know what it’s fine I need to go this way I’m checking this chest oh curse of binding phenomenal ow my God insane save oh nice this is so sick actually can I leave is that allowed oh my God sunlight how do I go that way oh we don’t need we don’t need any more treasure actually I think we’re treasured out you’re still this way so you’re real question is just where it is real okay and now you’re going to go this way like I freaking did this four chunks ago and you’re like I’m actually not that direction and I do it now and now you’re telling me you’re that direction game sucks oh my god dude that’s a cool way to enter the fort I’m not going to lie this looks that actually goes so hard all right who the freak are you I murdered three Bloodlines of yours where’s the other one oh no I freaking I freaked it okay oh my God what what where am I going oh it’s right here what stop stop stop flowing where you going no Blaze Space Program please thank you how many anchors do I have two oh I already have a bed crafted okay I don’t think I need a stack extra of that wait I have five blaze rods oh not six for six though unfortunate okay that’s fine um my goodness watch this end game this end game is going to be lightning um okay 137.5 on 7 and A2 uh uh okay that looks pretty good 135 2.3 I’m not even grabbing that it’s 2.3 so negative Z 2.3 50 50 negative Z is 243 uh 2.3 567 47 47 positive x 7 would be 85 645 243 645 243 um 45 uh 645 243 my God look at this my God I’m beginging you put you I’ll I didn’t an I Spy are we serious dude uh hold on I can figure this out okay yeah what check this out dude there’s no way you’re not here there’s no way you’re not here no okay cool whatever good enough um my see counter was looking juice before okay I had it I had it that one way there like where I came from it’s almost like I knew oh hi um um two three four I don’t think I’m going to be able to do zero unless it’s like like picturesque perfect just healthwise oh epic that is so epic how did I sub 20 this seed how did I sub 20 this seed how is this a sub 20 I freaking went to three Treasures how did I sub 20 this dude that is crazy that one of the most insane sub 20s I’ve ever had that is nuts I mean obviously this is Overworld is ridiculous but like the villagers did not give me any favors I neither really did the portal I this terrain hard carry this terrain is gorgeous this Che is not even good dude the treasure Squad I can see all three from right here one two three awesome man that’s so cool how is this sub whatever can I get it all in one I got to like how do I do that there’s got to be a dude someone who’s better at this than me should be able to figure this out I can’t figure it out though there’s got to be a way you can get all three on the same screen at the same time that is crazy dude we’ve had some interesting runs today the terrain in the seed was just amazing the terrain in the seed was just absolutely Perfection Perfection terrain where you go I was so I was so far man I was like here I can’t believe this missed so cringe blah that tiniest bit where did I dig into no I was like close-ish I never like I should have seen this I if I saw this I save like 30 seconds but it’s whatever oh my God that’s crazy that is crazy wow what a I cannot believe that was a sub20 I actually cannot believe that was a sub 20 that is so freaking cool um I going to make this a dark green as like it should be technically purple but I want it to be I I just want to see a green on the spreadsheet guys I just want to see a green on the spreadsheet I’m going to be honest with you uh zero cycle I’m glad I sent the zero I was a little bit worried I’m glad I sent it uh zero death one eye 32 61 dude that was sick um this dude this is just so funny to read task overlapped trading double treasure Bastion kamakazi piglin moment in Bastion task overlapped trading and breaking Spawner in second B in second treasure got treasured is just insane that is just that is just insane I task over left breaking a second spawner and I got still got I still got a treasured that’s just insane dude oh my God I don’t even know I guess I’ll make this like purple there we go that is so silly triple the triple treasure wowzers R thank you so much for the gifted wait I should get your world name in hold on R rest gifted of dear one sub to w r thank you so much for the gift de this will probably be the last one for today um and then we’ll uh oh I’m not going live tomorrow yeah that’s right tomorrow’s Mother’s Day so I’m not going live see you racing thanks so much for hanging I appreciate it all right let’s lock in on this last one here great day today though very silly even if we had a 30- minute classic run um whoa whoa whoa Savannah oh whoa whoa whoa deserts I guess I go that way tomorrow is playoff finals yes happy Mother’s Day playoff finals my favorite Mother’s Day activity I just play this cave this cave is too good to not go [Music] to you got to carry some weight thank you RAB you’re the goat for that dude why why why is what is What’s Happening Here guys maybe I don’t okay guys I don’t like this cave anymore actually I’ve decided that that cave is stinky you’re are not wrong a dude and the enters are hard carrying I’m getting some Mickey Mouse overworlds man like I cannot lie see okay we got to do this really Amanda shows up I’ve been live for like over 3 hours like that’s a pretty reasonable thing I will feel bad for her though making your mom dinner okay well that’s kind of weird cuz you’ve never made me dinner before but I guess you know I guess that’s fine I guess like your mom’s more important or whatever I guess I get it I guess it’s guess it’s fine I’m not upset or anything excuse me when’s Curry way day that’s actually true when is curry way Day November 15th is curry way day wait I didn’t grab a coal why am I in here okay whatever it’s fine Ace did carry this briad sheet and invented the and invented the freaking Ground Zero Str I’m using um can I get coal Coal challenge impossible okay coal is impossible I understand okay um five okay um I wonder if I just get lava in the desert that’d be kind of nice be fine timer day was yesterday this is so sad um I need Flint going I kill you sorry I could have just waited till I got flint and steel in like 3 seconds not sure why I didn’t do that oh okay my bad wait that’s actually really deep that’s probably my enter excuse me can I get my Flint thanks all this okay what I can’t count it’s so sad I mean I don’t see where else I’m getting anything yeah Laur thanks for hanging I’m going to go this Ravine I think this is a little bit of a questionable play but mean this just goost like y 20 instantly I think that’s just worth it oh why 30 I guess still fine oh okay nice all right what do we got I actually think I have a BAS I do it’s there um dude get some freaking speed there we go no not quartz evil I think we’re going to be digging for a while chat uhoh dude oh my God men’s apples happy birthday you know it’s my birthday birthday today too we can celebrate our birthday together dude I have zero C value my pick is going to 1 million per break going to go as high as I can uh why did I throw out my other pickaxe this terrain is awesome I have a spawner surely it’s not treasure surely not treasure I’m 80 Big 8 Z today dude how much quartz I have Enderman piglin snorts and I’m in a Soul Sand Valley like how is this even possible and I don’t see any of them okay oh my God wait I see it it’s there am I getting Chase no Penance for last seeds terrain I’ll take it oh my God I’m like right there man let me in what is this oh my favorite man woo W guys guess what this Bastion is it starts with a T and it ends with reasure any guesses uh oh pre-made pre-made wait am I getting that I did yippe Courtyard Bastion feel strong guys I can’t believe that was a year ago a year ago I was 18 years old that’s crazy I just graduated high school yesterday this is so true chill thanks you for the raid I appreciate it okay hi hi anyone interested in coming over hanging out having fun no okay treasure loot thing oh my God actual obsidian dude are you telling me there’s another guy trapped how are you dude oh my God that’s pathetic [Music] um uh I’m probably out on this as long as it’s not absurdly far someone tell you why you should try speeding Minecraft don’t leave now get out while you can exterminate the premises evacuate not exterminate I mean I guess you could exterminate too but that’s not did you just drop pearls thanks buddy oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa com down [Music] uh positive Z huh positive Z do I have wood yeah I have plenty I have plenty of everything leave me alone how do I not see it where are you hiding of course you’re diagonal I think you’re also this way that’s my guess I’m so I’m so good at this game wow never mind I suck the fli I going can I go up there and then like around I did not miss uhoh actually that’s fine um oh my God how did I save that uh 19 yes I don’t think this is sub 21 and unless I get really lucky I’m sorry got to be this way still I just did not go far enough oh I was hoping I would see the spawner and I don’t man I have one thing let see it guys if I hope that is not how that works I feel so bad for Amanda she’ll bounce back if she loses it I have no doubt and we’ll give her lots of PS if she ends up losing it it’ll be okay oh jeez I have like no blocks I guess I don’t need my wood anymore ow oh I need the blaze rods to drop if we’re going to get a sub whatever time I need here and they’re currently not doing that dude uh uh all right I’m going to need a lightning endgame here 74.2 on just over two BR uh oh well that is a problem that is in fact an issue um I mean obviously it’s not actually. 3 but 4.5 Negative X that’s going to be two like I’m just going to do 240 so that gives megative – 180 – 180 just over two is be like 65 65 that’s be like 630 I’m do 640 so 180 640 is where I’m going I don’t have I don’t have Fire Res so I got to be careful -1 18640 kind of cranked here to be honest uh um D what all right surely this just hits right not surprising broke no it’s right there uh oh chill really it’s just like here somehow 75.8 1 2 3 4 that’s actually insane wow it really was like this is honestly like is it no I don’t think it’s going to beat like 28 I think it’s going to be like 26 oh my God I think it’s going to be like 26 I got to check it too cuz Racing’s not here sorry sub 21 Believers I don’t think it beats 2855 but it’s it’s really far it is it is really far I’m going to yeah I would guess like 20 2650 I that would be my guess like 2650 is that sounds about right is it under this Village Dots Dots Dots Dots watch this oh it’s close is it this chunk like literally right here I think it honestly might be it’s not I was just way off angle that’s a little sad that’s obsidian probably shouldn’t have thrown that but whatever okay it’s got to be that chunk I’m just digging down on it uh okay um [Music] hi don’t shoot me that’s just really rude how do I even go oh my god oh I wonder where it is one ey boom boom two three four five this that I don’t have too many blocks oh okay that’s not happening uh no I’m not I’m not going for Ground Zero with 7 explosives I could have maybe gone for 87 but it’s just 87 is so blah let’s be honest bro 87 [Music] 87 okay dude oh my God look at this this terrain is crazy yeah 87 87 ain’t is cringe oh my god oh I thought I was going to hit the freaking dragon on the way down all right let’s see it I’ll take it I’ll take a 23xx end of the day all day runs nice nice nice nice nice nice nice dude all right how far is this blind this is actually crazy where did I even go I don’t even remember I did the Dig of dude best nether terrain dude what is this man wow dude oh my that’s crazy that is actually crazy oh my God no that’s nuts okay what’s this blind I’m like not in the ring but I’m not that far out of it all right I’m going to say 26xx 2622 yeah that is that is far that is a far blind travel I would say that is far yikes man yikes man yikes man well let’s put in the stats for this last run of the day this is a good day today this is a solid day this was a solid day uh Bastion Ty is wait guys we wait we need to do the stats together wait this is a team effort hold on hold on this is a team effort what the flip happened this run uh we went to a treasure phenomenal last five Bastion lists by the way like actually awesome uh we did a half bow there was Zero deaths how many eyes any any ey knowers any ey knowers surely it was a number one okay [Music] 3262 uh what was this Overworld uh scary cave to start decided to leave it alone found different cave and Rec cave on mining gravel gravel caved in to show Ravine dug down oh my goodness so much Bonnie they Bonnie toast this or enter complete wall dig to treasure BL terrain uh clutch higin last Pearl trade to be more aggressive [Music] mive um what else I do I I uh mid rates 2600 blind travel or first portal first portal still like 700 off on [Music] second insta nav to Deep to zero uh complete wall 2600 first portal bang all right chat thank you so much for hanging today I appreciate it it was a blast guys remember tomorrow tomorrow the stream I I will not be live tomorrow but you should tune in to fineberg because it will be the grand finals of season 5 ranked playoffs we’re the best speed runners in the world we be playing it is hacking noises verse ankle boy and then lowkey vers vrid all great phenomenal Runners will be very awesome I hope you all have a great Mother’s Day I will be spending it with my grandmother hope you spend it with someone close to in your life and I will be back Monday and then I also won’t be live Tuesday uh but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it um and then before I know it I’m going to be moving soon shat like taking this scenery taking this amazing scenery it’s not going to be it’s not going to be around for much longer it’s not going to be around for much longer you got a couple weeks that’s about it um who are we going to raid let’s see who is live let us do some raiding of let’s do some rating of let’s raid let’s raid Pingu let’s raid doy Pingu if you guys don’t know who doy Pingo is OG in the speedrunning community incredibly gifted Runner uh is doing some all advancements go show do Pingu some love very cool person very cool individual um have an epic time with them and I will see you all on Monday or I will see you in

This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | May 11th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-05-21 04:00:18. It has garnered 92 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:01 or 13321 seconds.

watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway

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  • Voyager SMP

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  • United Crafters SMP: survival, vanilla, Whitelist, 1.21

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  • Community Survival

    Community SurvivalWelcome to Community Survival. We are here to bring a pleasant and enjoyable experience back to survival. There are a few minor plugins to add to the quality of life you’ll experience, but rest assured the server is mostly a vanilla experience. Staff is always here to help. Here you will find our Discord link. The server is whitelisted to prevent others from causing chaos with our currently player base. If you would like to become whitelisted please contact our staff on Discord to become part of the Community. Enjoy! Discord – Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jebbstache火

    Minecraft Memes - Jebbstache火“Why did Jebb cross the road? To get a score of 3 on this meme!” Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc “Finally, my dreams of building a house out of floating blocks and watching it collapse in a realistic manner can come true in Minecraft Realistic Physics!” Read More

  • Silenced on CivMC: Codey’s Minecraft Saga

    Silenced on CivMC: Codey's Minecraft Saga CivMC: Unraveling the Intrigues of Minecraft’s Largest Civilization Server Protests and Persecution in Anisso Former Secretary of War for the principality of Anisso, Monster, faced heavy persecution for speaking out against his government. Sentenced to hard labor in a Nether Penal Colony for spreading “misinformation,” the international outcry led to his exile to Aronia. The protest in Anisso’s capital, Sasso, further highlighted the growing dissent within the nation. Communism and Military Ambitions The rise of communism in the Imperial Federation and a military leader’s plans to create a socialist police state using Pharmaceuticals have stirred controversy. The use of… Read More

  • Crafting a Toilet in Minecraft

    Crafting a Toilet in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ TOALETĘ W MINECRAFT Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players the freedom to build and create in a virtual world. One interesting aspect of the game is the ability to construct various structures, including a toilet. Let’s delve into the process of building a toilet in Minecraft. Materials Needed To build a toilet in Minecraft, players will need to gather the following materials: Quartz Blocks: These will serve as the main material for the toilet bowl. Iron Trapdoor: Used as the toilet seat. Water Bucket: To simulate the flushing mechanism. Any Decorative Blocks: Optional for customizing the… Read More

  • Unlock Scorpio’s Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unlock Scorpio's Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information what is this place spell of creation so I was thinking about doing a movie night at my house would you guys like to join you’re going to have popcorn there at least right I mean you have to obviously he’s going to have popcorn there Vanessa why host one without any snacks but anyways Hendrix what made you want to do this so bad I felt like I got off on the wrong with Ivan I think it would be best for us to retry again if that’s what you want to do then I can’t stop… Read More

  • The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 Revealed

    The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 RevealedVideo Information this working what is up everybody welcome I don’t know what the boys are even doing no telling what’s up everybody Welcome to the stream hopefully you guys are enjoying your early part to your weekend me get this set up real quick there we go we’re all good to go and today is the last day we are air 18 Subs away what up Baker I’m going to try to use the multistream chat again I don’t know how well it’s going to work so that I don’t have to have a separate thing open of YouTube… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium GamingVideo Information go in my kitchen going home with so glitch on my B with the lady looking at my with theop P in my kitchen likey my money for than This video, titled ‘light hack 😱 in Minecraft survival # short #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Premium_ gaming on 2024-04-29 15:19:02. It has garnered 468 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Destroying modern house in Minecraft

    INSANE! Destroying modern house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding one of the most modern houses in Minecraft’, was uploaded by amir ali gamer on 2023-12-21 21:03:37. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #tnt #1million #1k #100 #1000subscriber #home #house #modern #blow #blowup #bomb #boom Read More

  • Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!

    Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Modded Naruto Minecraft Server #minecraft #servers #smp #trending #adventure #naruto’, was uploaded by Ogiwaba on 2024-04-06 16:51:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi! thank you for watching, i hope ill see you in the server 🙂 – Read More


    EPIC BMGURI SMP gameplay EXPLOSION! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘CRAZY SMP game play #gamerfleet #technogamerz #BMGURI1’, was uploaded by BMGURI on 2024-02-24 08:16:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds. IGNORE TAGS: minecraft live smp, minecraft live server link, minecraft 1.17 live smpminecraft 1.17, Survival lets play, minecraft, challenge minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subs, minecraft live hindi, +minecraft live cracked, minecraft live servers hindi, minecraft live public smp, minecraft live public server minecraft,minecraft live, minecraft live smp minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft 24/7 hours online serverminecraft public smp server, minecraft… Read More