Insane Speedrun Through Minecraft Dungeons

Video Information

Hello everyone that is not here yet welcome to this Minecraft dungeons uh so I’m going to create a new guy don’t know what he’s going to look like let me know if the audio needs to be changed at all or if it’s all Good hello hello hello everyone give me one give me one good second and uh let me pull up Chat hold On all right how do I pull up chat oh yeah chat’s right there okay looks like everything’s good all right I do have DLCs but I don’t have these dlc’s I guess yeah I bought the uh the Ultimate Edition for for $25 and to turn off my freaking

Uh my phone uh some of these Skins are really freaking cool see here these guys I like the look of this guy that guy looks pretty sick I don’t know man all these characters look somewhat cool I like this guy this guy Steve I might have to go with just the good old

Steve you know oh mustache man done mustache man that’s me okay I feel like that’s good okay uh don’t care about this welcome to the stream everyone oh I forgot that’s how you move your character uh so let me get reaccustomed to the controls one two three and then what is

It shift to attack okay shift to attack okay okay okay okay okay okay I don’t like that to be 100% honest I don’t enjoy that how did I ever get accustomed to these controls okay so we’re going to be playing Minecraft dungeons I love this game it’s addicting

But the controls for keyboard are a little bit my hand is already cramping like that let’s just say that die fraking zombos that’s what you get okay uh this is just a tutorial extremely simple stuffs huh don’t you fraking shoot at me you piece of [ __ ] how dare

You I’m left clicking you that’s that’s what you get going through the tutorial right now you don’t mess with me uh-huh uh-huh uhhuh baby boom Oh I missed that one boom ah oh no that’s what you get oh I smell something good Mama might be cooking something screw you zombie you guys

Suck that’s what you get guys are nowhere near good enough to be [ __ ] with me I take back my [Laughter] words this game likes to bite you in the ass real quick just for saying stupid [ __ ] let’s go give me to the battle so that I can use the Regeneration that is 30

Seconds come on where’s all the monsters at monsters come here fishy fishies or mon oh they trapped me in I swear to God I’m going to shoot you man survive the Ambush I’m going to dominate the Ambush uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh that’s how we do it that’s how we do it boom boom

Boom taking you out from a distance don’t even got to get up close to you that’s how good I am I got an enchantment point you say I am not using that actually wait I forget you actually should use your enchantment points because you could just o prospector I actually like this for

Now that would be good on this though what’s this shoots nearby mobs when you roll costing one Arrow per roll oh okay so rolling shoots an arrow out to an enemy that’s why I love this game the [ __ ] enchantments are the best part of this game just being able to

Enchant all your weapons and [ __ ] has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud and eh yeah I’m going to go with this prospector that’s what’s up I guess we’re going with a melee based build for now which is fine yeah baby you didn’t drop gems so

That there’s no point in me putting that on just picked up an artifact I did ah yes the firework era my favorite I’m not going to use use it where am I screw you [ __ ] what you get get exploded by my [ __ ] ARA give me that chest all them

Gems all right where you at there you are come here should not have listened to me how dumb I mean how could you be so stupid so so stupid running into the person with a blade I mean he has a mustache why would you run into

Him is there a secret back here or am I tripping I might be tripping yep I’m just you know what looking for Secrets as part of the fun in the game also these bushes aren’t Square what’s up with this it’s not fully Square that’s not Minecraft and again this is Minecraft

And Diablo mixed so yeah I could cut it some slack but I don’t want to so I’m not going to let me up the stairs why would you put the stairs there if I can’t get up the stairs why would you put the Sheep there if I can’t kill the

Sheep come on man just want to kill the Sheep is there nothing over here that I can find am I just going over here for no reason I’m assuming that the answer to that question that I just asked is a yes there’s nothing unless I can like

Well no no I cannot I’m going to dis is this is the way that I have to go I’ve been playing a lot of Far Cry 3 that is my favorite Far Cry game I like other Far Cry games but Far Cry 3 it story is let us say very

Goodere waiting for a hero to find them you say well I am that hero I assume or else why the hell am I even here you know give me bread I want bread oh I got a fishing rod I wanted bread man come on raid captains be careful hero raid

Captains have been spotted in the area and could show up in any Mission you’ve already completed the raid captains have a bounty on their heads take them out to receive an additional rewards okay okay the adventure Hub n [ __ ] the adventure Hub don’t need the storage chest unless there’s like

Something in there for me no nope nothing in there for me what I do need to do is go ahead and go on over to the blacksmith that isn’t here any he uh isn’t here anymore is what I was going to say that’s not true he’s just not

Here yet uh around this map there should be like chests of gems and [ __ ] but I don’t really care so we have all of the DLCs unlocked travel to the island Realms the other dimensions the stronghold you know all the good stuffs so Tower creeper Woods Tower creeper

Woods I feel like we go creeper Woods [ __ ] it why not might as well got to get the best got to get better [ __ ] somehow I mean like I’m level one and the recommended level is level four so that’s probably not going to do me any good but you know

I think I’ll be fine I think I’ll be able to hold out I mean like why would you give the why would they give you the option if it’s impossible see look at this all I need to do is kill them with arrows give me pork hello pork is the

Best uh-huh uh-huh that’s my [ __ ] I want a girls going riding that track but it’s not just going like that cuz I Ain know how to back girl oh wait I might get copyrighted for that hopefully not I just wanted to jam out get away from me that hurt man come

On ow [ __ ] ow ow give me the pork give me the pork give me gems and give me pork give me strength potion you say strength potion I say [ __ ] hoorde of zombies is going to get killed by my bare hands because I am strong or whatever cuz the strength

Potion it’s op screw you skeley bones stupid Skelly bonds stupid stupid Skelly bones I’m hoping that this is an actual path that has something over here because I’m wasting my regeneration if not oh there is something over here but I in the water I missed the jump all

Right all right die die give me Apple give me Apple wait why can’t I roll let me roll roll yeah baby still not letting me roll roll come on okay there’s one more skeleton there we go perfect I have so many arrows in me how am I not dead yet what the hell

I’m [ __ ] tanky as hell wait where did all the arrows go what okay that that’s confusing those arrows just kind of disappeared out of thin air give me them [ __ ] gems baby it’s the only reason that I’m killing with my sword because they giv me gems

If it wasn’t giving me the gems there would be no reason to kill with my sword but it is so so there is a reason I feel like that’s plainly obvious but I love killing with the sword it’s very nice we are I’m pretty sure I’m going to a

Secret route I don’t remember going this way before come here you [ __ ] oh Enderman okay okay uh screw you screw you Enderman okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I get it I get it I get it Enderman Enderman please Enderman please please Enderman please

Ah ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die

I’m going to die I’m going to die my [ __ ] shit’s not working shit’s not working shit’s not working go away go away oh my God I’m I’m scared please please I’m terrified oh my God I’m [ __ ] terrified eh go away go away go away go away go away please

I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m L I’m literally I’m literally going to die right now I’m L okay well Um give me e give me e give me e let me heal let me heal oh I got the E I got the E I got the e oh my God this is chaos please hey chat hey chat sorry I haven’t been looking over to you because I’m in the middle of

Chaos uh press one press one press one and boom [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Enderman you piece of [ __ ] I hate you oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please please

Please stop chasing me why I’m running away please please oh god oh Lord oh my God and I’m dead okay well maybe doing it on level four wasn’t such a good idea oh and they all respawned that’s that’s phenomenal man uh maybe I should have stuck to level one

Stuff uh I’m streaming right now okay uh where do I go now the shit’s locked this is the way that I was going before but I guess I have to go back to the normal route now this is making me sad I died so it’s not going to let me do

What go away go away go away go away what the [ __ ] bro just jump scared me out of nowhere [ __ ] off you piece of [ __ ] how dare you you piece of [ __ ] I rolled this is [ __ ] I’m calling [ __ ] on you h my God okay go [ __ ] yourself ow ow

Ow okay I did it I did it and I got a better sword finally oh no it’s just a regular sword but you know what it’s probably better than the one that I have right now hopefully or else I did all that for nothing except for the XP the XP is good

XP is good so chat how are you doing today hope you’re having a good day uh I killed an Enderman I’m having a better day than I was before uh is the audio all good can you hear the music or can you not even notice

It and is my voice uh a good volume oo a chest got some erors and an axe nice nice screw this SC that salvaging you using this axe because it’s better ooh Ambush freezing after defeating a mob there’s 10% chance to inrease your attack slow mobs after hit for 3 seconds

That’s good it’s exactly what I need now do I like this fishing rod pulls the closest mob in range nah that’s not something I would use even if I had it all good stream is all good hell yeah I’m glad to hear it I love this game this is my favorite Vari of

Minecraft more I guess would it be a variation of Diablo I don’t know all I know is that this game’s combat is badass I enjoy it a lot so I’m going to play it now I just have to get back to the normal route because I was completely

Off on my own little Adventure went over to the side quest area technically not a side quest area it’s just a secret area and I got a little axe for it I I mean not very little but I got an axe for it it’s very

Nice the axe is one of the better things that you can get hello see 19 damage right there normally I’d be doing 10 If I Only Had The Sword plus since I’ve got that freezing on it I’ve got a chance to slow down the mobs screw you see that right there slow

Them down give him a little give him a little stun just a little bit of a stun but a stun no less see that right there it helps it helps a lot die stupid mobs attacking my people the villagers oh villager I’ve set you free be free and don’t get killed because you

Definitely know how to sneak out of here and not get captured again if you got captured one time you definitely won’t get captured again beep beep beep um I don’t think there would be another secret path give me your coins big boys holy [ __ ] the axes got that AOE damage that is

What I’m talking about oh I hear a creeper I don’t like that oh no it’s just TNT uh Thro okay well that’s good this might be a secret path or am might just lead back to where I was I don’t really care anymore I’m just going to go this

Way [ __ ] bka binka ow ow ow ouchy ouch there’s a lot of things that I can’t see and I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die and I didn’t realize it but I’m going to die okay so let’s not be cocky I’m going

To go this way because it seems to be another secret area oh nope um did you guys uh having to pick up on that um because that looks a little bit dangerous yeah they they have an aoker in here give me your booty cheeks okay okay the rest of these guys

Should be pieces of cakes give me that regeneration baby okay okay okay boom [ __ ] you spider don’t like you spider’s a [ __ ] come on screw you hey you you lock me in place and I don’t enjoy that oh that hurt that hurt that hurt give me

That strength potion e e me up e me up eat me up oh this is intense my skills they pay the bills not really though but I hope they but I want them to Aha got you [ __ ] creeper oh I’m glad I have this axxe because that creeper would have

Ended my life absolutely fber knucked up my day come on I I need some like perk that’s going to make me better at rolling make me be able to roll more frequently because holy crap I hate not being able to roll frequently like rolling every 5 Seconds

Not enough need more question of the day if you were to wake up as a Minecraft mob which one would you want to be and why H see that is a good question I would say Enderman but you know I not 100% sure if you can really control where you’re

Teleporting so I’m going to go with skelebones no actually if I were to wake up as a Minecraft mob I forgot about the new ones uh does mob count as armadillo or like Axel cuz I’d want to be a freaking Axel bro Minecraft Axel got that [ __ ] good

Sometimes they gold they rare as [ __ ] they get like adopted by Minecraft people like that’s the life right there I mean even if you’re only in like a one block area still that’s a life you get in treated is there anything over here I’m standing on the green light I did get

Something in my inventory uh o better Hunter armor I didn’t even notice I got this this is Arrow based armor oh what’s this Rush increase movement speed for one second after taking damage that’s cool it’s actually really good small chance to deflect incoming projectiles that’s really good too fires a snowball nearby enemies

Every few seconds briefly stunning it h what does this one got to offer acrobat reduces the cool down between your rolls yep that’s exactly what I need that is the exact perk that I wanted and I love it uh is this bow any better than this bow I doubt it oh it’s

Actually a little bit better it’s better by one this is 1025 this is 1026 and it’s got better these adds damage to the next attack after rolling yep that’s the one that I like enchanting deals more damage to Enchanted enemies oh that’s good uh I think it’s any creature would

Count as a mob not just the enemies yeah I was thinking just the enemies at first but truth be told all creatures are mobs I think cuz like if you disable mob loot you’re not getting any loot from cows or anything so I guess that would count

Uh let’s see I think the evoker no no no no not the evoker the [ __ ] what is that one dude that lives down in the depths he’s uh he’s really hard to kill he kills you very often and you lose all of your stuff a wolf oh yeah you know what a

Wolf would be cool they get adopted way more often no I’m not feeling lost game I’m just doing what I want I can’t play this like an open world game no no well screw you then give me strength potion that is all I need come here pretties I have a 30

Second strength potion for you hi there would you like to talk about the Lord probably not since you’re a creeper and you can’t really fathom what I’m saying let alone what the Lord is screw you I got strength potion on my side so even if I’m locked up I’ll be

Fine but I’m still going to kill the spiders because they’re a goddamn pain in my ass screw you they’re like phto Up In This [ __ ] Oh I thought that was still alive because it’s glowing red come here you [ __ ] water spider how dare you the guardian oh yeah that

Guy I would either him a wolf like you said or an axel I like Axel or a dolphin honestly there’s not much in the waters that kill you other than Guardians and I’m pretty sure Guardians are just guarding anything that’s like lives underwater well they’re there to guard

Ancient stuff but you know they’re Guardians so they got to be good guys to the other fishies so that would be cool oh wait where am I going I’m going the wrong way that’s where I’m going okay soon should be the boss fight and I’ve

Got all of my stuff up I’ve got 270 arrows I’m just going to load this one up just in case cuz if I get ambushed you know you know the deal give me that TNT Baby throw it oh God die leveled up nice I got that shadow Brew that’s how we do the shadow Brew got them gems coming out of you uh what did I get did I get [ __ ] oh yeah I got an enchantment Point that’s what I got I have one enchantment point

So I can’t do anything except for like this I guess that’d be good but I don’t really want to enchant my bow right now screw you you piece of [ __ ] you’re a big boy aren’t you man do I love my freezing yes yes I do this music is it’s all

Right go away you meanie how dare you uh fun fact did you know that creepers were in accident yes I did they were accidents there were a glitch and uh they just got kept in because I don’t know I don’t know why they got got kept in but they were kept

In I guess the developer liked them uh the code was originally intended to be a pig but since you mess up we now have a creeper that’s cool I got another axe this one’s better than mine I think this one’s got freezing on it this one’s nine is 21 to

33 o oh and it’s got two of these so I can get leeching yes please I will take that leeching is the exact thing that I needed give me that Salvage too so I can get this back and Busy B chance to summon a b after defeating a mob with up to three

Bees joining your side pain cycle attack attacks drain your life to Grant one stack of pain cycle five Stacks your pain is channeled into your next attack pretty sure that they were removed and that that people playing early editions begged for to be added back uh

Interesting so I like this busy be this busy be thing seems pretty freaking cool yeah I’m going have to go with the Busy B man I would love to have a be companion by my side it would be very nice to be very nice I’m hilarious the funniest guy on planet

Earth all right where are the rest of these [ __ ] I don’t care because I’m going into this house give me the supplies give me the arrows and the bread 30 seconds of regeneration all right let’s get the hell out of here hello you [ __ ] well I okay I’ve got a

Swiftness potion but I can’t use it give me that [ __ ] you that’s what you get boom [ __ ] die I hate you freaking bees no they’re not bees they’re spiders but they still suck [ __ ] spiders God [ __ ] damn it you pieces of [ __ ] get the [ __ ] away from me God

Damn it pretty sure uh yeah you already said that I already read that I thought it was new oh a broadsword nope just a normal sword well [ __ ] me I don’t need that I have an Axe and it is Better Screw you you piece of [ __ ] I will kill all of you at once come here let me get your bb butt no not BB but let me get your spider abdomen free the villagers well don’t mind if I do I got to go this way Boom die die everyone die everyone dies

Give me the leeching it’s exactly why I have leeching on because I get damage or I take damage and then I get health back after I kill them sometimes and uh if I upgrade it enough then it won’t matter if I’m taking damage while I’m doing damage because

The amount of damage that I’m taking won’t be enough to outlast uh freaking I can’t even speak I don’t even know what the hell am I saying No One Ever Knows no one will know and I don’t even know okay let’s get up here kill these mobs get these supplies arrows bread

Perfect all I need free this villager free that villager kill the sheep for absolutely no reason other than I wanted to eat more bread cuz it’s good for you got to eat that food free the last villager and be on my way and let them get attacked again cuz I am never coming

To save them ever again uh Minecraft is Googled more often than the Bible huh interesting I’m I’m kind of surprised but I’m also not at the same time feel like you could uh relate to that I I feel like Minecraft is extremely popular and Bible has gone down in

Popularity I I’m just going to stop talking uh is the music quiet cuz it sound sounds extremely quiet to me give me that bread I’m just like uh my brain is fried cuz I’m trying to focus on combat but it’s impossible see as I’m streaming and I kind of have to

Keep up the chat uh even though no one’s really joined I’m talking too much kill you kill you creeper oh God screw you creeper creeper die die don’t enjoy creepers never have never will I’m just going to get the hell out of here [ __ ] you creeper I

Don’t care about anything else I’m just getting out kill kill kill kill give me that one so I can kill all of you kill kill kill they’re killing me now die piece of [ __ ] oh oh oh uh you didn’t see a thing yeah I’ll turn it

Up should have gone up I don’t know die you [ __ ] ads I don’t know how much it went up tell me if I need to turn it down yeah cuz I can barely hear it then again I have my headphones turned down specifically because ow specifically because I didn’t want to

Hear much of anything U that that song was also really quiet I’m assuming all right I’m [ __ ] out of here Victory I’m going to clap through all of these freaking levels that one took a while but that’s just because I put it on normal

Mode it got me up to the rank that I was supposed to be while playing this see what I get give me uh bread oh death capat mushroom eaten by daring Warriors before Battle Death capat mushroom drives Fighters into a frenzy that is uh you can still barely hear it

Seriously huh hold on let me get on my OBS real quick how about now is this too loud might be way too loud I don’t know uh tell me because I have no idea uh where is this [ __ ] where’s this guy is this too loud

Now I’m just want want to know where the [ __ ] blacksmith is bro hello Fox friend how are you doing uh I know I just called you fox friend and shot an arrow at you but don’t think can do offense to it trust me maybe it was just the gameplay was too

Quiet uh well is the music too loud now do should I turn it down let me know because I I won’t Know oh put it back down to where it was [ __ ] um about right here is good hope so okay I just want the freaking blacksmith man that’s all I want just give me the blacksmith give it to me thanks gold how I don’t care I just

Want the blacksmith man you give it to me please I beg I beg I just I just want it Pig sp, 1500 emeralds holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh damn I got 1500 EMS from that too okay well piglin Merchant am I what how do I do

That uh any of wait do I have to do all of these to get the merchant ooh that’s going to be a little Annoying reward WS let’s see um I don’t know it’s not telling me that uh their rewards are going to give me the the

Shop I mean would it be pun Compass I’m just trying to figure out which one would be like which one would be the one that gives me the blacksmith cuz that’s all I want this point is the [ __ ] black Smith okay I think I’m going to do just soggy swamp here start the

Mission might as well I don’t know if it was like a special mission that I have to do to get the blacksmith but we’ll find out when I get mad because I don’t get the blacksmith oh yeah I got the death capat mushroom hold on I got to put my uh my

Stuffies on this artifact see what this is all about Explorer for every 100 blocks explor on the map you regain a small amount of Health [ __ ] that whenever you use a healing potion you sometimes create random consumables rolling makes you faster for 3 seconds that be good

Plus one Health plus n Health yeah why would I want something that gives you plus one Health yeah no I don’t need that wolf armor I can salvage this I mean I don’t want to salvage anything because I could sell it whenever I get the merchant o Cosmetics I like

This I could have a [ __ ] pet oh that’s because I have the DLCs yeah so the the ultimate edition of this game is $25 which is basically basically the exact same as the normal one I can have baby turtle float around me oh that’s so cool oh my God look at

The baby turtle oh should I have the fox the baby turtle or the little biggy oh which one should I have please I can’t decide Fox Turtle baby piggy oh they’re so adorable I hope they don’t get kills I hope they don’t get killed Duh let’s let’s just help okay I’m going to I’m since you haven’t said anything I’m going to put on the baby turtle for now but you can tell me if uh if you want me to change it oh look at a baby turtle yes yes oh [ __ ] you try to sneak up on

Me that’s not how this works I sneak up on you you don’t sneak up on me here die screw you [ __ ] babies the only baby that I need here is my baby turtle that is all I thought my baby turtle was running up to me um I thought it was a

Uh freaking baby zombie almost [ __ ] hit my baby turtle die you piece of [ __ ] I leveled up that’s nice that is always nice freaking witch how dare they whatever they are ow [ __ ] I rolled away from that that’s [ __ ] oh go [ __ ] off [ __ ] off oh my God I’m going to

Die go away my friend I do not like you you’re not welcome here I do not enjoy it give me that Apple I enjoy the Apple I do indeed enjoy that [ __ ] you I’m glad I got this axe early on or else I would be getting absolutely more

Demolished than I am right now and that’s saying something scen is how you’re watching me get absolutely cluster [ __ ] over here go away stupid [ __ ] skeletons you like the turtle I like the turtle too he’s my favorite die I rolled it’s not letting me roll man die die die die die

Die oh oh you can’t get me I’m the ankle breaker oh and my pet will also Destroy You by the way give me your ankles you [ __ ] ankles have been broken as well as The Cauldron I broke that too like to think that the villagers are like clown

Fish uh they change their sexes as needed so they can reproduce with whoever that would be funny uh okay I got to destroy this I just wasted this whatever this is I think it’s like it makes me invisible until I hit something or uh some one I think I don’t

Know it might have to be a mob but uh I wasn’t paying attention don’t care enough I just don’t want to die give me that e hey you got a cool bow you got a trick bow uh are you texting me I can’t check my phone right now you are texting

Me um uh ow ow ow uh I’ll answer that question later I saw it though think about it uh like you already said that oh freaking villagers man every time I look away every single time I look away those [ __ ] sneak up on me like little bastards

Die I hope you die in a hole where no one can see you you stupid illers I hope you’re ill when you fall off a cliff no I hope you’re ill when you fall off a hill I’m such a poet go away well I’m I’m coming to you

So I can’t really tell you to go away uh but you know ender man oh God die die die I just want the Ender to die I just want the Enderman to die but I also want this I got daggers aha see I enjoy the daggers but I also enjoy my

Axe no why would you roll that way oh um I let’s see the dagger speeds better than the power I can get busy be with this one too but there’s a second attachment I think what I have right now is better a the poison Cloud though nah daggers just aren’t good

Enough if they were like like if they had two of these and maybe something like leeching I don’t know I just can’t picture me using it um let’s get my hands back in position yoink your life out of your body where am I supposed to be going

Here well I know I’m not technically supposed to be going here but this is a secret place and I want to know where I’m supposed to go to get a secret uh this looks like it need some sort of activation that I am not uh smart enough

To find so I’m just going to head out of here oh maybe maybe this was the way I was supposed to go is there a chest over here that you’re going to hide from me there’s a witch so there might be a chest aha I see secret to passage over

Here that’s what I see I’ve bested you game I know all of your little secret passageways oh oh wow B you you did good I appreciate it uh I cannot walk up this way God damn it now that is what you call a waste of time let me walk

Please I have 172 arrows that is slightly insane actually no it’s not actually that many arrows I don’t think I I’m contradicting myself constantly screw you I know I could kill you in one hit with that but I might as well just smack you in the face with an

Arrow oh no oh I didn’t want to do that my mushroom I got wasted I mean technically not wasted but used improperly oh man come on my be and my turtle Will Follow Me by my side oh I’m going the wrong way again God damn

It I often go the wrong way damn you ADHD shakes fist in the air uh assume I’m getting soon oh God I can’t [ __ ] speak soon I’m getting a webcam I think I’m getting it on Christmas not sure if they’ve ordered it yet but uh will be a Christmas present

And I will use it for recording and streaming often maybe not for everything but definitely for horror games cuz uh it’s very good to be able to see the person flinching and everything also I was thinking about getting FNAF VR but for one that game it’s terrifying because I have horrible

Horrible I used to have horrible horrible nightmares about that game when I was a kid uh I don’t know man but it would be so entertaining just watching me cowering in fear gu the animatronics God I would not be putting that to use very often but it would be good for

Content it’s also $30 and is not on discount oh [ __ ] you Enderman come on man come come here come here I’m mushroomized I hope you know what that means that means you’re going to die extremely quickly I’m no longer mushroomized but you’re still dead because you suck ha

Oh she was doing [ __ ] damage to me from the great beyond also wow lightning harp crossbow you say looks better than my normal one [ __ ] 18 time three oh multiple projectiles you say it’s pretty cool every few shots has a Time charge that explodes one second after impact

Oo I like that oh that’s cool oh that’s really cool uh yeah I’m going to need to use that often damn that [ __ ] got electricity on it and everything cool as hell these daggers suck these daggers suck thundering has a 30% chance of summoning a lightning strike that’s good but I ax

Is pretty [ __ ] good like them busy bees they be doing some [ __ ] work killing them without me even realizing it the daggers would be good but I need I would need byy B for that bzy b would be extremely useful screw you how dare you you sent

Your baby after me what a freaking horrible parent where are you zombie parent that sent their child after me you know what I think I found him the piece of [ __ ] glad I killed him man this thing is good but uh it does split off very awkwardly so

Shooting it like that not very good okay okay I just need to get this way I don’t care about the mobs anymore at this point like oh I see this is when it’s very useful oh God oh God give me the E give me the e e e e not three e not

Three oh God please okay okay you know what this is when you go Berserker mode oh God oh God that my friend was what you call terrifying okay well oh I wonder what this uh this firework is going to do against uh all of these mobs over

Here oh wow my busy bees are still doing work thank you very much you guys are actually really busy huh I didn’t realize it I’m tiny boys boom that’s badass shoots three freaking rocket arrows oh that’s cool oh man I hate all this poison around here

Give me that TNT okay well I died again cuz I’m dumb and didn’t realize that there’s a freaking thing right here that tells you not to go into the lake but you know uh ah ah ah don’t walk into the lake don’t make past mistakes come on

I’m getting shot at from above because they’re freaking [ __ ] ow how dare you let me e ah go away go away you guys suck God this is like extremely hard to manage well not extremely hard but it’s slightly annoying and difficult to manage give me this fraking chest I’ve

Deserved it I deserve it I don’t even need that strong crossbow I’ve got a unique crossbow no I’m not feeling lost game I’m doing my own thing the second time you’ve asked me that shut up if you have to ask it multiple times then obviously I’m not lost or I I

Me guess it could be the opposite but SC you come on can’t you assume that I’m good at the game I mean I’m not but couldn’t you assume be slightly nicer make my feelings not hurt cuz right now this game this game tends to hurt my feeling and I don’t very much

Enjoy that ah screw you you didn’t even die by my freaking TNT explosion haa I’ve Got The High Ground now [ __ ] ha I’m so good I don’t even need The High Ground let’s get the [ __ ] out of here screw all these mobs I’m just going to get the hell out

I don’t need to kill him I just leave nope nope I just leave I I’m going the right of the pacifist or not I kind of have to mow through these guys Excuse me while I completely abandon my role as pacifist and just absolutely o obliterate everyone in front of

Me all right boys come on where the rest of these enemies at I know there’s going to be like one last wave here they are [ __ ] that cauldron oh God oh God oh God God oh God oh God oh God screw you screw you screw

You [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go go go go go away away away away away just this way don’t need to be any other direction except for away just away it’s all I need not that way not that way get the [ __ ] out okay well well [ __ ] the movement in this

Game I mean it’s my fault 100% that I’m shitty at the movement but God just just die just die just die just die it would have been easier for me just to do that oh Lord ah yes is this the merchant nope it’s the gift wrapper okay I’m hoping that’s the merchant anyways

Uh check your message yes or no uh okay ah yes the gift rapper great let you send items to player I don’t I don’t need this I want the merchant why would you give me that I do not I do not have friends to play with man come on Jesus

Give me a second uh H let’s see I don’t know I don’t know I have to think about this I don’t really know uh play my game uh uh now my brain’s going blank I don’t know I just got to play the game bro just let me think about this

Later what was I doing what was I doing which one am I going on to next CAC that Canyon pumpkin pastures Redstone mines going to Pumpkin pastures I enjoy that my thing is seven did I level up at all I don’t know yeah I have one I I need another one Harvester use

The Harvester releases soul in an explosion Harvester siphons The Souls of the Dead Before releasing them into a cluster hex of power that’s good that’s actually really good life boost each time you respawn you maximum health increases a electrified rolling zaps too nearby enemies with oh that’s actually good

H might have to go with enchantments oh the green daggers those are actually good no I’m not going to go with those I might I’m going to go with the evacuation robe Salvage that no no no no no no no God no I want to uh

Cuz now I have two I could make the Busy Bees better or I could make my leeching better kind of want the leeching to be better first of all I’m going to get this and second of all well yeah knockoffs of anything are always dog [ __ ] getting the brand ones will always

Be better than getting knockoffs that is just just given with anything uh so do I upgrade this I I’m feeling I’m feeling electrified man electrified would be good then again prospector also good I’m just going to get electrified I don’t care that’s good uh now I can’t do

Anything else that’s also good I guess I just I just want the merchant man come on that’s all I need just need the merchant cacti Canyon pumpkin pastures my power is 10 good what do you mean normal difficulty now this is normal difficulty just because I’m level 10 normal difficulty

Goes up that’s actually kind of horeshit like to be 100% honest the rewards are exactly the same even if I did both of oh Lord um it’s kind of dog [ __ ] M uh yeah I might go with cacti Canyon like that cacti Canyon yep I’m going with it sticking with

It thank you for liking the stream by the way chat I appreciate it oh look at me in my Nifty little clothing I’m going to change my Cape cuz this cape does not go with me anymore there we go I got an emote that was horrible absolutely

Horrendous no I’m going to keep my turtle all right shift one two three got to get my fingers on the buttons where the hell am I going oh I got to push the beacons let me in oh yeah I forgot I have electrified like I completely

Forgot oh no I don’t like those those are annoying where are you piece of [ __ ] that does that uh you got to be like in the back so what the [ __ ] is going on jump in difficulty oh so quickly might I say uh so I think ranged is going to be

The way to go for this one [ __ ] off bro my [ __ ] I know what’s going on here my rolls they don’t have the same [ __ ] speed because I’m using different stuffs so now my roles are different and I don’t enjoy that I want my roles to be

The same God I would I would much enjoy and appreciate if I was just able to kill them one hit I’m level 10 should be able to or at least power 10 I don’t really it’s not really levels it’s Powers levels don’t really matter somewhat matter not really though screw

You just going to shoot arrows man seems to be the best method until they get close [ __ ] off go away number one you do that number three okay okay AOE explosion we got one of those screw you you piece of shits go away give me that Apple all right so number

One oh yeah oh yeah that’s badass let me roll away way oh so that I can kill you uh-huh yep best [ __ ] quip of the century die criminal scum criminal scal scum screw you screw you just going to get you from the ranged might as well throw some fireworks over

There yoink your life away from you as you try to yoink mine so you know we’re kind of even electrocuted my friends that’s what you that’s what is going on to you you’re getting electrocuted number three is going to happen as soon as I get crowded by

Enemies again do not know when it’s going to happen but it will happen eventually and when it happens I will be ready aha right here number three oh that’s badass you guys saw that [ __ ] right oh who Lord that my friends was absolutely devastating screw you man do I love

Killing things oh man I threw it off well I kind of wasted the [ __ ] out of that screw you little baby freaking hate the little baby zombies they’re the worst I’m just going to wait you know what I could do oh wait did I accidentally just use

It what the what the where are you going like follow my cursor gor sometimes it’s just absolutely horrendous screw you you suck creeper oh I see you guys are going to try to come over here and get me huh I wasted that that was a total [ __ ] waste absolute waste

All right throwing this over the other side I don’t even know why there was absolutely no point in doing that but I did it kind of sums up my entire life die you criminal scum come on there’s just endless mobs no chests anywhere to be found not

A single other path to be found oh I’m forgot that I was trying to find beacons and [ __ ] to be 100% honest did not remember what my objective was at all nor do I know how the [ __ ] to get there like it’s they don’t make it very obvious oh no why finger

Misclicked where is the way up might I ask like is that too much to ask should I not know this like am I not allowed to have this information of where the [ __ ] to get up from I had had to find it out on my own

I see give me that Beacon I just walked past it I need to increase my uh my attack damage my normal attack damage is kind of dog [ __ ] especially since I attack so fraking slow is is there is there one over here that I completely missed yeah yes yes there was

100% God damn it okay now I just need to go yep that’s that’s what English sounds like you ever never heard English yep that sounds like this is your first time hearing English Probably sounds pretty normal to you Jesus man I don’t even have enough souls to explode again this is

[ __ ] just going to load up my number one real quick uh where the [ __ ] is the last one Okay so my perks are pretty good uh hopefully this boss fight won’t be too much for me uh that’s that’s all I’m hoping as all I want is a slightly easier boss fight than last time and I will be okay with whatever it throws at me as long as it’s slightly

Easier than last time so I guess I’m not okay with whatever it throws at me has to be specifically okay enough for me yep yep English is the best man it totally doesn’t confuse me at all oh okay so you’re just going to summon skeleton horses then that’s cool and

Totally not uh easy to wouldn’t be easy to kill normally uh but I did get a cutless for it so that’s cool cutless way better than this Salvage damn right give me that Echo some of your attacks can be focused up by another attack in Rapid secession uh that’s

Cool yeah I enjoy that that looks pretty [ __ ] cool or sounds pretty [ __ ] cool yeah that seems to be about as good as I’m going to get it level seven we got a bunch of good [ __ ] and uh I I attack pretty [ __ ] fast now oh that Echo is [ __ ]

Cool they don’t even know it oh that’s badass this cutless is good piggy you cannot Escape me now that I have my double Tap that right there that that move is devastating I love that I have never seen that one before but I very much enjoy it I will say it is one of my favorite enchantments die and number three number three number three oh

God e e e eat up eat up eat up oh Lord Oh Lord I’m getting killed oh I just got butt [ __ ] uh but but in a somewhat good way I guess if there’s any good way okay well [ __ ] you too then just going to load you up cuz I

Know what’s about to happen die die die and more die how about hair die no just die just die give me that [ __ ] all right I’m not feeling lost actually for your information screw you screw you give me that key you will never take my key away

From me you piece of [ __ ] stop trying to separate him from me I am his father but not really it’s kind of like a you know stepdad kind of thing but you know I can’t you’re going to make me cry if you keep asking stupid questions like

This not because I’m sad just because they’re so stupid May me want to cry dude what the hell am I going on about I am absolutely rambling about utter nonsense that makes absolutely no sense in the context of what game I’m playing huh oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you

I don’t like you you what I mean I don’t think these Keys like me either but I don’t care [ __ ] off ow screw you stop shooting them off of me freaking poopies freaking poopy heads freak you you freaking frecker freaking freaky freck Frack you [ __ ] I

Rolled out of the way of that you know rolling does not [ __ ] work rolling is [ __ ] [ __ ] you give me my [ __ ] child you ripping my child away from me boom Jesus that is useful costly but useful cost me 20 years of my life every time I use

It and I’m only living to be 30 and I’ve already used it twice well seems like I’m going to do I’m definitely not still playing the game but U you know you know you know and my comedy’s really gone downhill my brain is all over the place

Don’t know what the hell I’m doing but this game is fun it’s addicting like to a to a brain rot point of addiction oh God come on let’s get through this level now you know I just wasted that 100% wasted that it’s already gone no that is the wrong button you [ __ ]

God I 100% wasted that dumb [ __ ] three is what I was trying to do um um um um um um give me two give me two give me two give me two give me two give me two come on come on give me strength potion strength potion strength potion perfect perfect

Perfect get your [ __ ] out of here okay good now let’s not hit e on accident again like a dumbass and let’s get the hell out of here nice Thanks for liking the stream chat I appreciate it this game is straight up addicting 65 skeletons defeated that’s

Sick but was that really my best thing 33% chest open I only opened three or one out of three come on let’s open this chest and give me something bad oh corrupted Beacon immense power within it waits for the moment to unleash to Le trth see that sounds cool but I I like

My number three my number three he’s all right he’s he’s pretty cool now uh when do I get the goddamn Merchant I just want the merchant please I beg I don’t want to send gifts there’s no gifts to send because no one else plays this game which is probably why there’s no viewers

Right now except for two which I appreciate being here uh let’s see I just did cacti Canyon didn’t I yeah the Redstone mines is this the one that gives me the merchant I am hoping power is 11 um that’s either I do this one or desert

Temple and desert temple is a little bit out of my price range so so beep beep pumpkin pastures didn’t I do this I could have sworn I did this I don’t really care but uh excuse me uh I’m going to go Redstone mines I really just want to do the one

That gives me the free oh God I really just want to do the one that gives me the freaking uh oh armor unique and armor rare you say don’t mind if I do uh maybe I should have done this on like level two I know but those were guaranteed

Rewards so I was like you know kind of have to take advantage of it free the Villager these are the creeper Woods this is uh the one before what I was just doing uh so it should be slightly easier if not what the [ __ ] uh might I ask what goddamn difficulty did

I put this [ __ ] on cuz that is not no level 10 [ __ ] that is that is no no that is horrible that’s that’s going back to Camp type [ __ ] like that is I will run out of every single life in 5 seconds so there’s no point of

Even playing that hold on uh let me go back to that and see what the [ __ ] I was just doing oh recommended power 16 that makes a lot of sense okay let’s do this on the level that I actually am as to not get completely obliterated as soon as I

Start you guys enjoying the music or do you want me to uh see if I uh honestly I can get some Pokemon Loi up in this [ __ ] or I could get a a genre of non-copyrighted music that you suggest just I just put on the whatever sounded the best Loi beats because I

Know they’re going to be non-copyrighted and you have Enchanted arrows I don’t enjoy that do I have a level up I do okay perfect I do like that electrified but that Echo got to get it oh hold on I got to upgrade again but I’m getting that Echo I’m not spending

My [ __ ] on anything else oh that Electrify is good though give me that [ __ ] off you’re dead now maybe not dead but at least damaged ow ow ow ow e e myself e myself e myself uh let me to myself get you just got to prioritize

And actually pay attention to what the L I’m doing [ __ ] off [ __ ] off ow ow okay those are the things that really freaking hurt those do a [ __ ] ton of damage screw you I need some better armor is what I need ow okay well it deflected it back

Still not still not good though ow ow ow ow die in a hole go die in a hole please my Lord I’ve got that deflect that deflect is [ __ ] good wait what’s that deflect even coming from is it coming from my cutless does Eko do that I don’t think

So it’s freaking useless not useless useful is what I was trying to say extremely useful give me that bread baby that’s that healing bread right there uh-huh that’s my [ __ ] I girl is going around out nope can’t get copyrighted like that cuz I ain’t no uh I can’t even a Pokemon Loi gotcha

We’ll do that right after this uh try to get some oh there’s this one Lavender Town Loi song that I’ve listened to just like out of stream it’s it’s less terrifying than the normal Lavender Town music but still terrifying especially whenever he gets around to that uh that one part that

They took out of the American version of the game because of some [ __ ] kids in Japan like committing over it like you know what I mean by that hopefully or I don’t know I can’t even just hard topic but yeah yeah Lavender Town music was very scary all right cows why are you

Dropping apples might I ask am I going the wrong way am I backtracking right now no there I mean there’s more enemies I can’t be backtracking might be accidentally going a special way I have just no [ __ ] clue where I am and I don’t know how the hell I was

Deflecting all them shots before die die die die die die die die die die die die okay no I am going the right way it just was a very twisty tury route so couldn’t really tell which way you were going or which way you’re supposed to

Go cuz you can go any way some ways are not the way directly out of the exit and there’s a lot of animals here I am absolutely obliterating them all well not them all but oh players health is decreased by 75% that makes a lot of sense even with that

Handicap still doing all right [ __ ] you you suck I hate you aha die love that shadow brw it’s so useful useful every time I want to say useful in my brain it makes me say useless for absolutely no reason come on give me that Apple oh

Yeah and I got enough souls for another one already give me that what the hell mystery armor what’s that plus 30 plus 30 Health this is plus 40 health environmental damage resistance plus 75% environmental damage reduction Eh this is cool um eh nah as as cool as mystery armor

Sounds and looks I don’t think it’s actually better than my armor to be 100% honest with you right all right let’s just go on to the next cuz I am supposed to be getting two really good armors from this that’s it was a guaranteed one and okay well that that

Helped me a lot just I really helped not really but you know ah oh God oh God get no no no no no no no [ __ ] goddamn spiders bro [ __ ] hate the goddamn spiders God you [ __ ] pests [ __ ] making me miss out on my Loot and [ __ ] how dare you give me these

Freaking coins man okay you guys you guys got to go you guys you guys got to go I hate [ __ ] spiders spiders can go suck a Chad please get away from me and stop shooting stuff at me because I hate you and nobody has ever liked you or loved you you stupid

[ __ ] spiders and they’re just Minecraft spiders and I am essentially trying to make joke just a very very mean against the spiders joke because I [ __ ] hate these goddamn spiders they’re so horrible absolutely no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No good Lord just just just just please I just I just I just want to do it give me that Apple no no you get away from me you get away you go you go I don’t like you no nobody wants you here nobody wants you

Here here please give me the Apple yes yes the Apple have saved you oh God oh God number two [ __ ] [ __ ] God I have one life left man come on just let me have this I guess I’m going the wrong way just I I don’t even have to fight all

These guys I don’t know why the hell I am I can just rush through through everyone I mean I do damage with my rolls so safe to say I could probably rush through these guys just oh go away go away give me that supplies me bread bread oh no

Why I’m going to commit heinous Minecraft Sins swear to golly gosh [ __ ] I am almost done with this just take it easy man take it easy take it easy take it easy man come take it easy take it easy hey K easy take it easy man come on why why God this is going to be horrible

There’s it’s going to be a boss fight I forgot about that take it easy take it easy pleasey take it easy oh God oh God oh God oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] off Shadow Brew oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God three two one [ __ ] off give me that give me that give me that give me that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no please please please please just heal just heal just heal

Just heal no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you please please give me my heels I need them I need

Them heels to get the [ __ ] out of here go go go go go go was that shadow Brew no it wasn’t I’m just dumb I’m just dumb I’m just dumb I’m wasting my time wasting my time wasting my time wasting time everyone’s time being wasted oh

Good lord oh good lord oh good lord good Lord good Lord good Lord ah oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God give me no damn it that [ __ ] close you don’t know how much that [ __ ] makes me so goddamn God [ __ ] Christ just going to [ __ ] Salvage everything because I’m not getting the [ __ ] blacksmith for another three years [ __ ] you don’t know how I can’t even [ __ ] speak um um that’s good chain is always good that’s it’s always one of the better ones to Get okay now that everything is all good and dandy you know I just wasted [ __ ] arrows that’s great that’s cool love that what the [ __ ] am I doing now I don’t know man God oh have we’ve been going all right I think I’ll go for a little bit longer next

Mission I want to do this again but I don’t want to get [ __ ] mad again because I know it’s going to happen as soon as I die I’m going to get [ __ ] pissed and I’m going to yell and M [ __ ] breaks not break stuff and I’m going to hit my chair my desk

[ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it man [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this addicting ass good [ __ ] game this game is so [ __ ] good and I [ __ ] hate it and love it at the same [ __ ] time that’s how you know a game is [ __ ] bad and good [ __ ] You guys will die you guys will die die die get the [ __ ] away from me you piece of [ __ ] I ate you with my guts all of them you suck I hate you very thoroughly and you’re not very cool ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I guess that’s what I

Get for insulting them but you know [ __ ] Christ go away go away all I need is arrows kill the ranged guys get the [ __ ] out honestly we don’t even have to kill all the ranged guys just kill the good ranged guys cu the rest of them just you just [ __ ] them

Up give me the swiftness of the potion man got to free the Villager [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I do not enjoy your presence just going to run past him screw you that’s what you get you little [ __ ] I hate you with all of my bits you

Cannot enjoy my company neither can I to you so let’s [ __ ] leave give me the good chest that is very nice hello creeper what how the [ __ ] did I die okie dokie then what the [ __ ] is this black wolf armor well that’s sick oh if I die do I still get my

Rewards I [ __ ] hes so [ __ ] better oh this thing [ __ ] sucks anyways what why does the one or I guess a second but the one [ __ ] unique armor that I get have to be absolute dog [ __ ] this the worst [ __ ] Armor that I’ve seen oh my [ __ ] god that’s actually really

Good but like health I need [ __ ] health I don’t need heal potions with nearby allies or weapon damage boost or I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that is I need the health man plus 15 Health ain’t going to [ __ ] cut it God no oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh you better be the [ __ ] Merchant man good I unlocked the Village Merchant finally glad I did that now I just have to finish the [ __ ] level which is going to be a hassle in itself go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] villagers pillagers [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ]

Off give me your Apple Shadow bre I’m just going to walk past everyone yoink y you’re dead everyone around you was dead including me soon just have to just got to wait for the Roll come on just die just die give that swiftness potion baby

Let’s get the hell out of here I still have lives left for this boss fight so should be better than before just a tad bit easier die die give me e give me e screw you somehow my arrows do less damage than my lightning roll like what oh [ __ ] spiders man [ __ ] spiders

No no no no no no no you are going to die before you even [ __ ] touch me god spider area die die [ __ ] spiders come on die spy tter piece of [ __ ] okay need to get that need to get That free The Villages uh-huh uhhuh uh-huh that’s my [ __ ] all the girls going around that track [ __ ] God [ __ ] this game [ __ ] pisses me off give me the [ __ ] villagers just let me release the goddamn villagers just get away from me get away from me [ __ ] hate all of

You get away from me I will not let you come near me give me that [ __ ] give me your [ __ ] meat sheep drop them drop a [ __ ] meat give me a [ __ ] meat give me that bread come on [ __ ] you you know you want to Ambush me as soon as I open

This come on ambush me now I’d like to see an ambush come on man you know you want to just Ambush me it’s all you got to do man just one little flick of a magic wand and you can Ambush the [ __ ] out of me it’s all you’ve ever wanted it’s all

I’ve ever wanted you to do so why not do it just do it just do it just [ __ ] do it already I swear to God if you don’t do it real soon I’m going to be very mad die die die die die die die I’m just going to shoot a bunch

There we go give me that bread give me that Apple the immediate heals are very nice oh go [ __ ] oh go [ __ ] yourself are you [ __ ] kidding me oh that’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] move what a [ __ ] [ __ ] everyone who [ __ ] made this game it’s a good game

It’s also a little [ __ ] [ __ ] of a game shitty little [ __ ] Tactics come on let’s get the [ __ ] out of here finally I [ __ ] hate that level God that level is horrible absolutely the most riveting gameplay ever just just this stream is just me pissed off canot be good for watch

Time H by the looks of it over on the right it is not archers armor cool unique armor it’s probably going to give me some [ __ ] [ __ ] Health it gives me plus 62 Health that’s actually better uh oh the minus 4% artifact cool down whatever just put plus 15 move speed

Aura same [ __ ] thing plus 10 arrows per bundle 30% range damage that’s it’s good why does it give me hair that’s my question a but electrified oh that’s really why do you have to have such [ __ ] [ __ ] enchantments dude it’s either a [ __ ] thing with good enchantments or a good

Thing with [ __ ] enchantments why could you not give me just something good just please I know I’m the most complaining [ __ ] right now but I don’t [ __ ] care this game is giving me dog [ __ ] cool normal axes with fire aspect really loot oh my God this game man this this it really

Enjoys my company lethal company is only $10 you could get that that’d be cool I I don’t have anyone to play with I don’t have anyone to play with though so there’s no point piglin armor uh no these are all dog [ __ ] restock I already have a cutless and I

Don’t need this because I already have a [ __ ] better one restock now that looking pretty good got the glaive with an echo it’s got worse speed it’s got a better area though it’s got Echo and it’s got sharpness honestly I might go with the glaive and this power bow is better than

The bow that I have sadly I don’t want to uh I don’t want to admit it but it is better than the bow oh it’s just better charged attacks I might actually not get that I can reserve this nice uh battle staff I mean good speed it’s worse speed

And worse area than what I have on right now in the same power so there’s a 31 to 94 melee damage though it’s got a real a real big uh variety to it I would say um I mean I want to reserve both of them but I can’t [ __ ] restock and and

Reserve both of them this one’s good worse speed better damage this one’s got way better damage I don’t know what the hell they’re talking about power being like the same it’s only got one of these it’s got Echo but this one’s good because it’s got this and Echo but speed oh I can’t Choose oh I can’t choose I’m just going to reserve this no I’m not going to reserve it I’m just going to restock okay bubble Bell maybe I shouldn’t have restocked maybe I should have just bought in the good thing oh maybe I should have just B in the good

Thing oh I I never switched to Pokemon though I [ __ ] I forgot about that sorry guys or one person that’s watching uh non copyight Pokemon five beats pretty sure Pokemon is just non-copyright in itself but this this one all right I just wasted so much [ __ ]

Money the amount of money that I just used to buy nothing and restock a bunch is absolutely [ __ ] insane and maybe just a tad bit [ __ ] stupid maybe a little bit more than a tad bit stupid I’m [ __ ] dumb I’m a dumbass I don’t I don’t have anything to [ __ ]

Show for it either not a single goddamn thing to show for it that is just phenomenal that’s just that’s just great okay let’s just go to the next mission you know what I would say [ __ ] the Redstone mines but honestly at this point I’m just going to do this normal

So that I can do the next one at a harder difficulty I like this music this music is very nice the only reason it was so hard before is because my HP was cut by like all of it so I think I should be it should be a lot easier this

Time especially if I’m yeah they take five damage instead of 20 jeez man that was AIDS over there that was absolutely AIDS man I love this cutless this cutless is actually really good I might never get rid of this cutless unless I get like a better one or some daggers that have better stuff I don’t know there’s there’s some things that I’d switch it for but not many

Things that bow staff honestly it would have been worth it to be honest probably it would have been worth it but we’ll never know now unless I chance upon a bow staff which is not very likely I’m assuming because I had never seen that before also I just absolutely [ __ ] wasted That hell yeah baby I’m killing the [ __ ] out of these guys let’s get these guys the hell out of here get out of here man smack you out of your [ __ ] smack some sense into you give me that app that’s all I need all I need is an

Apple an apple a day keeps the ow I was going to say the damage away but apparently not screw you piggy cool I got a pickaxe that’s not better than what I have but I guess I it’s a pickaxe yay [ __ ] evoker man can you just like go away I’m absolutely brute forcing

This hands are not on keyboard I’m holding up my head and just holding this button give me that strength potion baby it’s all I need I just look at these creepers and they die at this point so like I think I’ll be fine boom bam b boom

Pow give me that good chest with the shitty loot in it yay good chest shitty loot that’s how you know you’re doing good in the game [ __ ] spawner no more this is just a speedrun at this point like I am hands not on Keyboard no artifact speedrun any% come here boy oh yeah I don’t have electrified anymore kind of banking on that or at least I was before die you foul [ __ ] faces God damn it I wasn’t talking to myself [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] game definitely the game not me I’m just

I’m so good at the game it has to give me some sort of handicap you know definitely not just shitty definitely not just bad at the game like by all means just I’m going brain dead You just got hit by the same thing that I always get hit with so [ __ ] you how does it feel [ __ ] I threw that way out of there that did Jack [ __ ] that was an absolute [ __ ] waste [ __ ] you three man do I love getting all them

Souls uh the soul Cube’s good because it gives you a little a soul beam but uh I think what I got is 100% better if not 200% better cuz it absolutely obliterates everything you just have to use it wise L give me that fork I mean pork screw

You give me the [ __ ] swiftness bro come on come on you know you want to die that is where the [ __ ] is the exit out the opposite way of the way that I was trying to go God how far have I [ __ ] deviated come on man just want to get out of

Here oh yeah okay well I just wanted to find a secret but I guess there is none give me that double swiftness potion baby yeah swiftness it up uhhuh uh-huh give me that Apple like I said apple a day keeps the pain away most of the time anyways got more

Spelunker armor that I don’t [ __ ] need give me the strength potion I have a strength and a swiftness potion on at the same time slightly overpowered for a boss unless they run out in which they seem like it’s about to and and you’re dead oh that was [ __ ] great oh that

That was that was phenomenal oh I used that extremely wisely you guys can [ __ ] off I am done with you I am tired of your [ __ ] and I am getting out of here that was the fastest [ __ ] boss fight ever oh maybe it’s still on easy

Mode I might have put it back to that all I might not have changed it back to hard mode not not sure all I know is I defeated 9 [ __ ] 1% and I’m okay with that if anything I’m happy with myself another corrupted Beacon yay Hammer great

Splash oh that looks cool uh Soul Lantern summons a creature of bound Souls who will fight by your side for a short time now I’m going to restock updraft tone launches enemies into air stunning and and damaging them honestly oh five targets minimum that’s eh that’s all right I’m going to

Reserve it and restock again that is exactly why I reserved and restocked baby I got free use on it uh it’s not got very much speed we look at that [ __ ] power a massive sword that seems impossibly heavy to lift get rest easy in a just Warrior’s hand uh also

Reinforced mail this would be very nice honestly oo what the [ __ ] uh-uh uh-uh 100% longer roll you cool down oh hell no uh see this thing is good I just I don’t like it it’s too it’s too big too big yeah I’m I’m just going to buy this no more restock and just

Buy just going to buy all right inventory I don’t have anything that I can actually upgrade so yeah none of that is really helpful what do you you cowardice Fire trail oh that’s actually good um increases luck tumblebee chance to summon a b while rolling yeah honestly with the fire Trail and the

Tumblebee could be pretty good about you potion bear 90 whenever you use a healing potion for 5 seconds whenever you use a healing potion you also create random food items see that’s good that’s good and all but I’m going to get rid of this think it’s cool but it’s

Unnecessary 249 249 huh that’s cool yeah I think I’m good I don’t need need any of this armor wait frenzy what is that a that’s actually good see I want frenzy on one of my armors this wolf armor is better than the Armor that I have on right now technically

Technically yeah I’m go with it man got to your pets deal more damage ooh honestly that paired with uh what’s this yeah no [ __ ] that that paired with oh but they’re both on Armor aren’t the damn I was going to say cuz that paired with uh the tumblebee that’ be so good hm

Yeah I think I’m just going to keep the wolf armor wolf armor is good uh frenzied acrobat yeah Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage get the [ __ ] out of my inv get this [ __ ] out of my inventory if you don’t leave my inventory

Now I don’t know what I’m going to do I probably won’t to much maybe I will maybe I won’t you you will never know kind of want a fox with me now n I’m going to get the baby Gass uh uh I’m G to Say yeah we can keep going but uh piss break be right back hope no one enjoys while I’m doing a piss break I’m back do not worry piss break is over piss break is over I repeat piss break is over all right we’re back let’s get back to this

[ __ ] I think with a nice break I’m ready to go to desert temple H just two more power and I’d be able to get it difficulty level five but I think I’ll stick with hard mode because you know it’s already hard mode I’m not sure if I could take much More All right here we are at the desert temple I don’t know why the hell that’s already opened cuz I have done no such thing screw you get away from me stay away from me oh God I’m already [ __ ] I’m already [ __ ] stunned okay spiders I hate you I hate you always will oh

God just die just die just die just die just die just die yeah just m through them screw you spiders screw you you guys are mean oh you’ve got a glaive I don’t enjoy that go away go away go away oh God oh God oh

God one go away go away please move away from me I do not enjoy your presence so I do not want you being near me a you [ __ ] oh you piece of [ __ ] ah and one eat up eat up eat up eat up eat up

Oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God it okay okay okay give that give me that give me that give me that give me that give me that give me that just explode just explode them explode them explode the [ __ ] out of

Them it’s all you got to do when and doubt explosion it out thief’s armor it’s pretty cool probably not better than the Armor I got on right now but pretty cool give me that die die oh no not me you screw you evoker or whatever you are oh Lord

Okay I’ve got that attack speed thing because uh of my half Health not for long because my regeneration but screw you find the gold key okay I could deal with that ow ow ow ow ow hate these Shield dudes guys are extra annoying uh I found a beacon oh no got the gold

Key just just go away just go away sorry focusing up give me my key okay okay okay give me that let’s not get crushed by that okay screw you oh wait oh my golden key is somewhere back here oh God come on Golden Key where did you go you back in your

Hole Oh no you’re being ganged up on that key just got bullied I just witnessed a key get bullied I didn’t even know that was possible oh go [ __ ] yourself go [ __ ] yourself go go bro [ __ ] off [ __ ] off go away get off of my dick oh my God all over my

Penis [ __ ] you skeleton okay oh that’s a [ __ ] blade okay that’s that’s phenomenal I’m going to go this way even though I might die I’m going this way this might be a Trap but I don’t Care I’ve got things that need to be done quotas that need to be met I leveled up got an enchantment point that was one of my quarters luckily for me I met it oh give me that Beacon what did that Beacon do what that silly Beacon do silly

Beacon didn’t do anything came down here for nothing unless the silly Beacon did do something which I have no [ __ ] clue what it did oh Sil be can did something uh never mind there were just enemies over here that I hadn’t noticed before silly Beacon did nothing unless I mean there are more

Enemies so I mean there could be something just not 100% sure what it is if there is anything nope looks like some random loot another Beacon uh so I got two beacons open what did that do do anything over here because like I really want to find this secret would be very

Nice now that’s the way out that’s the other Beacon but how do I get how do I get over that mob this way oh what’s that die love my echo power it’s very nice I got the third Beacon up so we going to be a fourth or is that the last

Beacon I’m hoping it’s the last Beacon but I kind of doubt it oh never mind it was the last Beacon nice I got a new location the lower Temple okay seems like a nice place to go after this can you get up the stairs please stairs in this game are not built very Well all right enemies spawn in front of me I dare you I got a number one and a number three waiting for you number one and number three got [ __ ] off go away freaking beasts oh Lord three there we go give me an e [ __ ] you spider get you out of my

Way give me that speed Speed speed It’s Like Cocaine but better one get that [ __ ] boom ouch I’m pretty sure that hit me I’m not 100% sure but ouch either way come on come on come on come on come on Focus up Focus up glad I had already pressed to because I accidentally pressed it just now what’s

This did I do something here does not look like it it shined for a second so I assume there had to be something there but apparently not all right guys give me the final boss so I can get out of this cave Place ow at 43 damage Jesus bread give me the

Bread screw you spider spider come here you [ __ ] it’s what you get for trying to evade me it is not going to work come on give me your all you Spider Boys all right I’m assuming one more wave of this okay okay okay okay okay I get it I get

It did I kill him I killed him all right all right we survived the Ambush very surprised very surprised kind of thought I was going to die there to be 100% honest um Yep this is the right way come here you Skelly bastards okay I almost ran right into

That oh God I again almost ran right into that seems though that that walking in normal pace is the best way to go through these caves hello how are you doing monsters I’m assuming you are doing good at least I I hope so Skelly bones might I slice up your Skelly bones

Okay okay okay okay I get it I got a glaive I don’t know if it was a green glaive but it was a glaive okay I killed the mobs in here moved on to the next screw You you’re dead and I Dodge your arrow and now you’re dead man commentary has fallen off I Apologize boom boom boom and now you’re all dead just die already give me the e Enderman that’s not good I only has 24 damage to me now come on come on come on just die just die just die die die die die die die die die die ha you suck

Really been focusing up here fetch the staff there’s new objectives again I thought I was done with this [ __ ] oh wait oh I forgot this happens hey boys oh God oh God oh God I forgot how much damage those things do give me a two

Okay okay okay okay get that oh God I’m going to die give me one [ __ ] off oh my God okay well okay uh there’s no commentary right now for the new person that just joined uh absolutely nothing but me sweating my balls off is going on right now sweaty sweaty good

Lord oh my god get away get away get away just get away just get away explosions explosions explosions when in doubt explosion it out like I’ve said just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die he’s dead okay good perfect that is exactly what we

Wanted h you don’t know how long I’ve been trying to get through this dumb [ __ ] new person who just joined God I was I was a little bit mad a second ago but uh we’re fine now doing just fine going to absolutely obliterate our way through the rest of

This cuz nothing could be harder than what I just faced you you still suck I hate you hate you with a burning passion give me the pork ah love pork just die just I hate you you are unnecessarily annoying every single mob here unnecessarily annoying especially the goddamn spiders

[ __ ] that just stick you they stick you and they get you and you’re Done I make no sense by the way okay the me Necromancer staff is destroyed one once again the arer is thwarted ask the question of the day uh when did you chat that sorry that if you chatted that a while ago hey zombie uh what’s the question of the

Day uh wasn’t it like it was up here question of the day if you were to wake up as a Minecraft mob which one would you be and why that was it a boost of swiftness [ __ ] that I already got what I want where’s my ring I just I accidentally

Took off my ring and now it’s nowhere to be found whatever let’s go to the merchant ooh Turtle armor I never seen this before seems like they’re adding new stuff all the time uh there we go I was getting a little tired of that shock powder stuns nearby

Enemies that’s that’s useful a reliable tool for those who wish to make a swift exit yeah that is a good one I’m going to reserve it and re restock mercenary armor 54 Health uh 35 damage reduction this one looks good oh oh and it gives me the uh the bees thing but I

I like the armor that I have on right now I’m just going to unreserve you and then restock just see if I can get a better weapon or something like the soul knife Soul knife is actually kind of dog [ __ ] thought it was going to be better uh o what’s this climbing gear

Resist any form of knockback by 75% give slow arrows the knock back mobs and past their walls what oh they knock back mobs and past their walls that’s it’s actually good you would want to be a cat nice and simple I like it good I

Like it uh I think I said uh an axel that’s what I said that was my first choice anyways my second choice would be one of these uh what did you say it was up in chat um I’m not sure what you just called it hold on bear with me bear with me

Trying to look up in chat I can’t I don’t even know it’s just it’s the thing that’s really hard to kill you probably know what it is you’ve probably seen it before I don’t know o I got a Venom glaive when the [ __ ] did this happen spawns poison clouds and it’s got

Two okay okay Salvage bye-bye cutless you you are mine cuz that’s badass rampaging committed guarded strike guarding strike you’re giv a temporary Shield that reduces damage by 50% honestly that’s really good I’m gonna have to grab that weakening your attacks decrease the damage of all nearby

Enemies slow mobs after hit you know I’m a simple man I like to slow the mob after I hit it I’m A Simple Man Simple indeed uh now do I get the 4 second Shield duration or do I get 50% mop speed uh I’m going to go with the shield

Just because I’ve got kind of [ __ ] speed right here uh fire aspect I wish I kind of had I kind of wish I had that on this but I already have [ __ ] poison on that just given how do you get mod uh I don’t know the only reason I have mod right

Now is because the moderator is a personal friend of mine I don’t really know what constitutes giving someone a mod Uh yeah I would have to make you a mod that is true that would be the more simple answer tournament quiver I think it’s it’s good but it’s not as good as what I have right now and the Boost of swiftness I don’t really need that because this gives me swiftness and

Better attack damage so I’m going to salvage this and uh I think I’m all good got two uniques and just one normal thing but the uniques are going to [ __ ] carry make you mod please I don’t know man what have you done to earn mod what are

You going to do to earn mod and you also got to make I have to make sure that you trustworthy enough you’re not just going to do stuff to people that they wouldn’t enjoy okay I’m not going to be able to do this [ __ ] recommended power is 20

Oh that’s a daily trial I [ __ ] hate those things this daily trial over here is what made me rage uh okay so I’ve done all that Redstone mines now it’s time to go up to the fiery Forge I think at least I’ll approve SL reject censored content and mute people appropriately PR

Pleas brce with cherry on top look uh I appreciate the pleases but uh I can’t just make people mod all willy-nilly because then what do you mean a what what does a even mean what is it I don’t know what what hell do you mean

By that I mean like are you even subbed man cuz you can’t be M if you ain’t subbed 100% all right man this glaive is badass looking all right one two3 shift one two three shift space bar all right time for more riveting gameplay I’ve actually never done this

Level before so I have no idea what’s coming to me oh the range the range the range is insane oh the speed is not insane but the range is insane give me that number one what the hell is that it’s pretty cool I don’t know what it is but it’s pretty

Cool oh damn I just hit that dude through a [ __ ] wall yeah what that uh don’t worry about it if you don’t know uh for yourself at least o freezing the mobs I completely forgot that I had freeze on I’ve got freeze and poison cloud like damn this weapon that I have

Is kind of op speed might not be very good but the attack damage is way better uh O come on poison spiders oh you can’t use my own attack against me I’m the poison guy one three ha you guys suck and I’m better give me that swiftness

Potion I think I’m doing the uh six oh God this is the Lavender Town one that I was talking about a minute ago yeah this this song normally is terrifying but right now it should be fine because it’s just a Loi beat of it yeah this they they made it a completely

Different song I feel like they probably had to um neutral pronouns okay uh I was reading the chat what oh no no no no no no I don’t like the look of that uh are you going to you going to do something to me that I’m not

Going to like cuz it kind of seems seems like he’s going to do something to me that I don’t like oh thank you for liking the stream by the way I very much appreciate it oh oh oh oh oh oh number three oh I don’t have a number three got to do a

Number one still does Enough man I love this glaive already I don’t like the attack speed CU it could be better but you know we’ll probably get something that makes my attack speed better eventually I mean I’ve got this mushroom that makes my attack speed better I just wish the it had better

Attack speed in general I mean I know glaes are very long weapons but you can’t swing at all willy nearly just to make it faster that’s what I’d do I mean I’d probably die because of it but you know that’s what I would do in real

Life no probably not uh I don’t know where I’m going this music is a Bop though and this is a oh man I actually use my middle thing the number two number two is very useful to have don’t like to uh waste it when the hell did I get that hello you you

Suck I love this [ __ ] barrier that I get cuz it it protects me from 50% of damage but I’m pretty sure if I have like if I have it doubled up then give me 100% damage reduction which is all of it I’m not 100% sure though that it could not but it also

Could die die die three no I I I pressed three oh no I pressed e oh whoops that was my bad I just wasted that three is what I wanted to do die I’m coming for you old man man freaking you like to explode things next to me I don’t enjoy

That um wow chat’s been [ __ ] going I haven’t even been noticing hope you guys are enjoying your conversation because I have not been reading any of it I’ve just been trying to pay attention to the gaml let me rehat real quick temporary mod oh yeah Airhead cookie yeah

Uh how old are you uh zombie might I ask just a little bit curious where the hell am I going it it’s telling me that the objective is right here but obviously it’s not because it’s not letting me do anything um what the hell am I doing

I mean I guess I’ll continue this way is this where I came from oh no I guess not this is where I’m supposed to be going or not I’m so confused right now die this is just like it’s something that you could technically only or you could

Technically uh oh yeah it does give you a times three if you kill more than one people with it oh Lord this is horrible okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it you guys like

Arrows you guys really like arrows maybe I should have used that explosion thing whenever everyone was there oh you’re a lot older than I thought you were for not knowing this stuff yeah what uh what akt said is true right before you said it I was just curious

I thought you were like freaking 11 or something I don’t know I get a lot of young people coming into my chat because it’s a I it’s not child friendly content but you know [ __ ] happens uh where the [ __ ] am I going like it no no no no that that’s not what I

Want to do that was rip all right where am I going oh I’m want this I’m on God damn it I just lost health for no reason I thought it was going to be spawning me where I was uh temporary mod for 5 hours I don’t know dude what are you going to

Do with the mod what are you what are you planning on doing with Mod I’m curious about that um oh am I supposed to be going this way cuz that would make sense here and then there’s nowhere else to go oh I see that was not obvious at

All that was like the least obvious thing I’ve ever seen uh did the music turn off oh no okay oh ow ow ow ow ow okay okay sorry for the lack of speaking again just had to completely forgot that I was streaming for a second throw ha you guys don’t even know

It’s going to hit you what dummies what a bunch of dummies oh Lord Oh Lord the band and this poison glaive is freaking op especially the stuff that I have on it like uh all the enchantments that I have make it extremely op like it’s already op by

Itself but with the enchantments it’s freaking rocker that bow sta probably would have been good I thinking maybe I should have gotten it there’s a bow staff earlier that I don’t know I’m not 100% sure if you were here for that I don’t I don’t

Think so you could have been though oh I just completely vered off path I just want to go kill things rightfully so give me them arrows guess I’m supposed to go this way what’s going on for the duration of the oh God ah ah

Ah ah ah ah oh God I I looked at chat for one second man literally one second I look over a chat duration the stream dur abely um I don’t know there’s not that many days left in the year I mean if he’s going to be fre quitting the streams

Maybe there’s only a few more days left in this year so I don’t know if you’re planning on frequenting the streams often and uh interacting with people everything like that I may give you mod but uh I don’t know [ __ ] my one of my viewers dark blade that used to come

Over here a lot uh he didn’t even get mod ever even though he had been watching for like months because I got to make sure uh the person is worthy of mod so the duration of the year I might be able to work with that because

There’s only like ow how was I supposed to know that was going to hurt me what the [ __ ] there’s not not not that many days left in this year is is all I was saying um ah Redstone Golem okay that’s cool M that’s cool I’m just going to kill you real

Quick just going to keep a keep a look at my health and you’re dead that is all I needed to do come here you piggy big come here loot Pig it gave me reinforced mail damn you know I would if it didn’t give me some [ __ ]

Like cuz it makes you not be able to run like very much at all and prove to be in chat multiple times by saying appropriate things yeah if if you ever even as a joke say some inappropriate stuff that’s like really inappropriate in my chat I will not

Appreciate it and you probably won’t ever get mod but you seem like a chill person uh so you may be worthy of mod yet I do not know you can never tell just by the first time someone’s here oh the rest of them are this way I

Don’t know where the hell I’m going I mean at this point my brain is like focusing solely on a chatting with you guys oh God oh God oh God oh God that’s why I’m doing absolutely [ __ ] at this game right now so I don’t even know what the hell I’m

Doing I think my objective is just to like do all these things they hurt me though they really do ah okay there’s one more screw you you’re not making anyone better all right all right all right time to go sweat mode yeah give me them arrows boy going to press

E there we go another Redstone Golem you kidding me give me a number three Redstone Golem man what the hell why am I so slow now this dude sucks I could just stay on him damn I just got a [ __ ] ton of stuff from doing absolutely

Nothing snuck up on you didn’t I you never expect the likes of me to roll up on your ass man the [ __ ] the combination of loot that I have like what what what he be seeing what he be saying oh he’s he’s a dirty little meme Lord uh which I am

Too so I can’t really be saying that but um he likes to type ni in the chat and then to a dash right after it pretending to uh say a very very no no word and uh we do not appreciate that much he also does a lot of other stuff that’s kind of

Annoying but uh you know he’s a loyal chatter he just is not mod worthy you you can tell when someone’s mod worthy and he is not they don’t even know you’re about to get exploded you fools three just had to charge it up real quick give me that TNT next mobs that I

See I’m throwing these [ __ ] at it yeah you’ll never see it coming huh oh [ __ ] press e press e get get get the [ __ ] out get out get the [ __ ] out of there where the [ __ ] Jesus I was almost killed in Cold Blood yeah this is a moment where you

Just you just you take out of three take out a one I need me an e that’s what I need just bombs just bombs just Bomb It Away Bomb It Away Bomb It Away bomb it away oh god oh Lord Oh Lord uh this is awkward this is awkward oh that’s ay

That’s really ay oh that’s like that’s super ultra Mega ay right there oh I am at absolutely no health I am not prepared for this whatsoever but [ __ ] it let’s do this screw you come at me you [ __ ] I got a poison glaive and I’m not afraid to use

It I might be a little afraid to use it but I’m not afraid to use it you can’t prove that you [ __ ] uh yeah yeah yes Chad yeah and we do not appreciate it whenever uh I I honestly I don’t even know what the hell I’m talking about at this

Point and I’ve said that multiple times during the stream so you know I never know what the hell I’m talking about I’m just spewing word vomit out of my mouth at all seconds of every second of every minute of every millisecond see what I mean and some people don’t like it which

Is agreeable because you know it’s mostly just it it’s weird to not have a webcam because most of my comedy is visual said things yeah he said things that not good to say that is the bottom line yeah uh comedy equals visual for me

Most of the time at least I can say most or are some funny jokes but most of my jokes are me doing things oh God please please please please just just go away just go away just go away that’s all I ask is you don’t Stun loock Me by

Putting me into a [ __ ] web and uh you let me go on my Merry way this looks like some some place that’s not going to be very good for me yeah this looks like a boss yes ow that hurt roll ow okay I can take like two more of those but I probably

Shouldn’t okay okay he summoned meatballs he summoned meatballs what’s up with the meatballs what’s up with the [ __ ] meatballs what the what the hell why Redstone monstrosity why oh Lord oh go go go go go go get away from me get away oh God no no we cannot repeat it uh yeah yeah

Basically what wait where am I I’m locked out of the battle what oh no okay what the hell thought I was locked out of the battle for a second all right got to hit a one got to hit a two just just hit a two now there’s doesn’t matter doesn’t

Matter tank the hits I got an e tank the hits I have an e just tank the hits just tank them see it’s exactly what I’m talking about beat the [ __ ] out of them there we go holy Lord balls let me the [ __ ] out of here I didn’t get a drop from that

Damn I have to escape the temple still uh hold on let me just let me do circles real quick so that I can get my health back cuz I know damn well one more hit and I’m [ __ ] yeah zombie don’t try to be a troll you’re 14 youve definitely heard

It before you’ve been through middle school or are still in Middle School and uh Middle School is a horrible place so e one hey I pressed one motherfu oh wait no I didn’t oh God I did not press one in fact uh in fact I pressed the

Opposite of one and I’m getting the hell out of here I don’t care about the rest of these mobs get the hell away from me get the hell away I’m out oh let’s go yeah what akt Said Okay that was intense for me zero healing done what the hell are you talking about [ __ ] healed like several times several times okay let’s see what this chest is going to give me dog [ __ ] knew it dog [ __ ] oh wait wait wait Soul am it is a cold with

Touch and trembles with the power of souls okay I’m pretty sure I know what that is I’ve had it before whoa when the hell did I get this Hammer of gravity pulls in enemies that’s [ __ ] sick adds damage to the next attack after rolling busy be I enjoy

That fire aspect oh dude this [ __ ] Hammer of gravity this [ __ ] is good like this [ __ ] is really Good yeah um screw this I don’t need this I’m going use that okay that that’s [ __ ] Hammer of gravity like oh okay I like that that’s cool I’m going to use this as much as I like the Venom glaive with my guarding strikes and everything oh wait the guarding strikes is what’s

Been saving me uh I don’t know guys chat tell me Venom glaive or Hammer of gravity which one do you I which one do I use it’s your choice you can’t choose either of these but you can choose the Venom glaive with its guarding strike and freezing or the

Hammer of gravity that’s got fire aspect and busy be and [ __ ] like that what do you choose what do you say chat cuz I think the Venom glaive might be better just because of the guarding strike and Everything I say I try it out for a round and uh we see what’s going on then see what’s going on then Hammer of gravity okay I’ll try it for a round and then we’ll see what’s going on I’m going to give it the uh I’m going to give it the Busy B

Should to give a fire aspect yeah I’m going to go with fire aspect I I can’t sell the Venom glaive like it’s literally something I can’t do I’m going help this gives me plus 85 Health jez jez Louise uh honestly Salvage that this the 35 uh

Plus r damage deduction uh it’ll make up for this the Venom glaive with the guarding strike I’m I’m Hoping yeah let’s see let’s see how good this is see how good this is going to be no okay well at this point we know that you’re trolling zom no we didn’t create the nword it was created [ __ ] 1700s or some [ __ ] this is behavior that is unmod worthy trolling

Behavior Village Merchant how are you doing a whip a [ __ ] whip that’s cool huh interesting so the whip I’m assuming it only H like one or two people at a time but it’s got a longer melee reach uh it’s got shitty speed though it’s got even worse speed than the [ __ ] Hammer

That I have on right now damn I look like a badass I’m just going to I’m going to respin one time see what’s going on oh what is this plus 30% positive status effect duration eh that’s all I have to say about it Tempest knife this is good like this is really

Good oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh byebye byebye bye buying that immediately and not using it but I’m going to put it in my storage chest oh I’m just going to put this in my storage chest what the hell am I doing cuz this boy right

Here uh what is what does artifact Synergy do I I don’t know okay well I can’t know because it’s not letting me know uh whenever you’re use an artifact your next damage deals that okay yeah that this right here is what I’m wanting this right here is the exact same thing

That uh never mind that my old one had and I can also get thundering 30% chance of summon a lightning strike that deals damage to nearby enemies which will make up for the uh for the area leaching though defeating a mob heals you a small portion of the mob’s health so that’s Good but oh God this is it’s It’s Tricky It’s Tricky It’s tricky because I want to use something that’s like a unique because the uniques are really cool but this is just overpowered like the the speed burst after a mob is defeated plus Echo is going to be overpowered and then

Leeching is would be good too even I don’t know man it’s hard okay I’m going to try out the uh hammer and if I don’t like it then I’m not going to use it but if I do like it then I might use it so it’s hard to know it’s hard to

Know I’m going to go to the lower Temple now because my power is 16 so I can actually start this Mission Now okay I like this hammer it looks cool but does it be using is it oh what the hell this thing is weird what the [ __ ] this thing is really weird it’s got no range yeah no this thing kind of sucks yeah yeah I’m I’m getting rid of

This thing already you guys saw that I’m sorry but uh it’s dog [ __ ] so I’m not going to use it Venom glaive is it’s the best it’s the best that we’re going to get probably this does more damage no it doesn’t not even close Venom glaive is the best that we’re

Going to be getting for a long time this though this this setup would be good I I just want to look at this real quick I know it’s not a very good level for me being where I am right now but uh oh God let me use my

E wow you guys are large ow ow ow guys are large and strong whoa whoa I get a real big speed boost I like that that’s cool speed boost is useful Venom glaive is just simply better keeps me protected and everything got to salvage it freezing I don’t have three okay never mind

Potion Bearer frenzied I like frenzied frenzy is good I going have to go with that and frenzy nice all right we’re good now oh God not 100% good but we’re good yeah arrows is what I need not Health well I’m glad I get this barrier every time I kill some something because if not and I’m pretty sure that’s the thing that was keeping me alive anyways the freeze in the in the barrier screw you CU this barrier makes them do 50 less or 50% less damage so

They do half damage to me with these with the range of this glaive is just insane [ __ ] off Jesus Christ thought I still had my uh my three attack but no if you use your one if I use my one attack then I can’t use my three attack screw You can be in this [ __ ] mosh bit Forever This glave is overpowered as hell is like the most overpowered thing that I’ve had I think you’re a higher level than oh yeah I just I bought this game uh today actually I had on Game Pass before

That but I bought this game today so of course you’re a higher level than me I just started this is my first uh first stream of this and I accidentally used up my Souls God damn it that that’s great that’s just phenomenal by The Shield’s only supposed

To last for like 5 seconds I don’t know why the hell it’s still going on I mean I’m not going to complain I just don’t know why it’s still going on ha you guys suck you’re about to get exploded they didn’t even know notice ah yes I love my unique stuff my

Unique stuff is very nice what’s up here nothing I never mind the stairs were just in the wrong place there’s a chest double TNT had to do it just wanted to get it out of the way because I know if I try to use that in combat I’m just going to hurt

Myself screw you you suck I’m better than you stupid spiders and this gla’s got nice range on it very nice uh my [ __ ] my arrows make noises that’s what’s making the noise that at least I’m hearing that I’m pretty sure you guys probably can’t hear that probably some secret Beacon [ __ ] that I

Need to do I knew there was going to be some spawning [ __ ] as soon as I grabbed the key and know it was going to be that fast god oh that’s not good that’s that’s not good that’s not good give me my key bastards give give me my

K don’t you [ __ ] dare run away from me piece of [ __ ] how dare you the audacity my child trying to run away from me huh unbelievable unattainable impossible unachievable unequivocal wait a minute oh I still have the key on my back I was like there’s no

Way in fact there is no way because I did still have the key on my back at a certain at a certain point there’s just like no reason to not use my arrows didn’t I have 300 arrows a minute ago hold on what oh wow I almost got squashed

Without even realizing it because I was not watching whatsoever [ __ ] you you suck man those guys think they do so much damage they really don’t ah come on just die all of you every single one of you I want the same thing for all of you I just want you to

Die all the mobs in the game obviously no one else no not in real life anyways at least not that I can think of right now also I [ __ ] healed myself without needing to again you know how annoying that [ __ ] is especially one of your heals consumes

Souls so you know you need those for the heavy explosive Duty Rooney that’s that the thing that I do but can’t happen whenever you accidentally do the thingy thing that I just did I think I’m going the exact wrong way but I don’t care cuz there’s a bunch of mobs over here which

Means there’s probably going to be a secret give me your booty that’s all I want that’s all I’ve ever wanted just give me the booty TNT is dite TNT don’t put up a fight I know that’s not the words but I do not care inconceivable that was kind of mean

Zombie I don’t know what zombie you were talking to but all of these zombies are mean because they’re trying to smack me for no reason I’m definitely not just walking up to them with no intentions of talking to them or like negotiating just like smacking them with a poison glaive

Nah N I haven’t done that at all also my little ghast is invisible like you can barely see that oh there he is huh just kind of appeared out of thin air screw you these guys are annoying they summon blue fire on your ass you probably

Noticed it but those are the guys that are actually doing it oh great more reinforced mail something that I already have and don’t use I like that stalwart armor don’t know what that is but it seems cool hold on let me look at that ooh 122

Health 30 5 Dam a the roll cool down Now I like the life boost and I like the Swift Footed yeah I might have to I’mma switch them Salvage carus why you’re at full HP you deal increased range and melee damage I need that Swift footed uh I’m going to need that there we go what’s this totem of casting 10-c cool down reduced artifact

Cooldown time no why would I want to use an artifact that reduces my artifact cool down that [ __ ] just makes no sense okay well I’ve got all three uniques on that’s cool uh yeah none of the rest of the [ __ ] looks like it’s any use of me so

I’m just going to get rid of it that’s going to get rid of it all cuz I don’t need it so I have it real zombie real indeed this is technically better than my bow but I don’t care cuz my bow shoots three and that bow shoots one so I don’t need it

That guarding strike is basically the only thing keeping me alive damn look at me I look badass sick as [ __ ] all right I think it’s time to get back to the adventure man I haven’t done a [ __ ] three-hour stream like this since I played Warframe that was like last

Year and this game is Just addicting that’s the only reason I could probably shorten this down into a normal video from three hours three hours of editing I think that’s probably worth it just cutting down everything and then probably another hour or two of like adding stuff after fact but

Uh am I even almost done with this Temple I don’t think so I think there’s still a bunch left for me to do hey hey hey why am I spider ified I didn’t even see a spider in here number one number three number one and number

Three are the only things that I need ever die you piece of [ __ ] just going to sink you with my [ __ ] bow I’m just going to run past this screw that that’s just a bunch of noise to me H I got a battle staff I got a battle staff whoa 41 to

127 and it’s got freezing Bro that’s so [ __ ] sick you know what you know what I can do is this can be my second weapon to where like if I get like a boss or something because it does more damage than the oh wa never mind it does do more damage than the good stuff but you

Know I want to use it just to see what it’s like you know it’s kind of it’s kind of [ __ ] I mean as good as it is it’s kind of [ __ ] like it’s not as good as what I just had what I just had was keeping me

Safe like it was giving me guard this is just doing a lot of damage which is good but you know I I like having the guard there just for the ex that extra safety now if I do need to fight a boss eventually which I will very soon I will

Take it out but for now I’m just going to keep my poison glaive on because nothing can be better than that or it doesn’t seem like much things could be better than that also this is not Pokemon lowii anymore this was Pokemon lowii but

I’m do you get mod now no were you just staying here just so that you can get mod no just just because you’re here for a while which I appreciate doesn’t mean you’re just GNA automatically get mod um I don’t know yeah no this is now just a playlist of non-copyrighted music

Hopefully yeah I’m gonna hold on give me one second just got to go back to uh got to go back to this get that uh Pokemon Loi back up honestly the music that’s been going is fine I just hope it’s not copyrighted that’s that’s all I want not to be

Because if it’s copyrighted then this whole stream is getting take down which would suck because this is one of my better streams in a while I have had way better streams but this one it’s longer it’s got nice watch time I enjoyed it and it’s got better views than most

Of the ones that I do on this platform um meaning my PC instead of my uh what is it uh instead of my PlayStation how did I not remember the word PlayStation it’s a it simply PlayStation it is right to the point okay well got to escape the Temples finally we’re out holy [ __ ] Tinder launches their $499 subscriptions oh my God that lets users matches anyone that they want even if they haven’t liked or swiped right on each other so uh that is I feel like that’s going to raise a lot of problems in that app like a lot of

Problems like a lot of problems cuz there’s a lot of dudes that just don’t know how to take no for an answer out there and this is just going to egg them on even more scatter mines whoa scatter three explosive mines on the ground around you

That detonate when the enemy is in range um yes please also this one’s better than the one that I have right now so I might as well buy it restock ax snowbo freeze is on impact no I think I’m good with what I have right Now okay uh inventory what did I just buy I bought this which will replace this 72 Health 883 Health same cool down Salvage that and I don’t really need this Salvage that what I do need is this this is badass yeah as cool as this is this is multiple explosions that do

Well over double this not well over but it is over double what this does so extremely useful is what I see no it’s not nice it’s a breach of consent that the platform is built on yep that is exactly what I was thinking huh let’s see here uh I don’t

Think there’s much else that I can do right now the game would technically be done oh what am I supposed to just keep doing better difficulties my power is 18 next level is 22 oh I haven’t done pumpkin pastures huh I thought I did I thought I did pumpkin pastures

Um yeah I think I’ll go with this one yeah don’t worry zombie you’re fine uh yeah I haven’t done this one yet I thought that I did guess not screw you guys I’ve got a barrier that you guys cannot get past cuz you’re dumb and I’m

Better let’s look at let’s look at how good this is ow ow they hurt me okay that’s cool I didn’t I was not aware that my scatter mins were going to hurt me yeah uh screw you I like the Explorer prick it’s just given me Health by walking

Around or actually the more that I explore into the map it’s giving me more Health oh I think my shield was just like I killed so many mobs at once one time that my shield was just so large that it was not going back down I don’t know I don’t know very

Much no I didn’t press that button what my fingers were completely off of those buttons the hell are you talking about no definitely not you know it I kind of believe him but I also kind of don’t oh God no KY Jesus Christ showing your age just a tad

Bit picked up a longbow I’m surprised I haven’t picked one of those up already at least I only have one Soul thing now okay so the mines are land mines that stay in place that’s cool I thought they were just going to be mines that immediately exploded now I can go with this

Way and test out my new found uh explosion gear by doing this and then they’ll follow me uh screw you aoker that’s the guy that just makes everyone better you silly skeletons you silly silly skeletons how little did you know you would die die because of that grave

Mistake yeah this [ __ ] gear that I have on right now is a little overpowered die puny skeletons die you suck God I hate how attack or how slow my attacks are I do not enjoy it you dumb you stupid you stupid icart die you [ __ ] that’s basically the entirety of

Like the commentary just die you [ __ ] how dare you oh no you killed me oh I’m hurt ah screw you old man [ __ ] out the way yeah I Fu out the way Is that the end of this oh no I was about to say there’s no way oh okay screw you then he just going to Ambush me like a little [ __ ] I used my healing thing oh man I just accumulated them Souls bro come on you you going you going to put down

Another wave of people already or what come on come on just put down your last wave we all know you’re not going to do very much to me screw you all right that was your last wave really that was very impressive very impressive and lower the drawbridge I don’t technically have to

Fight in of these guys I just have to avoid their Attacks you go away you sucky man you sucky sucky people goddamn illers man oh ensure the chat means the behavior and content standard set by the broadcastter fire moving offensive post and spam the direct from conversation yes that’s the job of a moderator yes indeed it is did you just take that

Straight from like the uh the Youtube guide or whatever I don’t even know I’m honestly impressed come on you [ __ ] there’s so many enemies to kill and I completely forget about my bow like all of the time oh there’s an aoker cool taste my [ __ ] explosions aoker

[ __ ] boom aoker very hard to kill not really oh hell pig what the hell did he just give me he gave me sickles oh I enjoy the sickles very much sickles are like my favorite weapon oh with Echo dude sickles and echko would be amazing uh attack should drain your

Life yeah no that’s not going to happen so I do love these sickles but I without the guarding strike that this dude has right here I’m not 100% sure if I can ever survive cuz like that’s kind of what’s carrying me the entire time is just the the guarded

Strike so if I find sickles that have a guarding strike and maybe but for what I’m doing right now it’s just not going to help oh no oh no what did you oh no what did I just oh No oh [ __ ] oh that’s not good uh I’m not sure if you guys could tell what I just did but uh I just sold my poison clay oh [Laughter] no I’m [ __ ] oh I’m [ __ ] oh I’m absolutely [ __ ] oh oh I am so boned oh I am so

Boned I am just the bonestone that you’ve ever boned oh Lord I’m so boned oh god oh I’m so boned oh I’m so boned oh my God I’m sorry guys but uh oh unless I find another weapon that’s as good as what I I just had I’m

I’m boned as hell like there’s nothing that I can do about that oh [ __ ] oh I’m so boned oh oh no how could you watch me do that and not tell me oh I’m boned oh God by the way uh zombie I think you might be a little delayed oh

Wait I might not be boned that damage was that damage was fire wait which way am I going no I’m going the wrong way I mean my armor I mean I guess it was kind of carrying me but like the amount that my poison Glade was doing is just absolutely

Insane okay okay maybe I’m better off without the poison cave these sickles are [ __ ] sick they may not have much range but good Lord do they do a lot of damage forgot how good these sickles are give me your ass give me them cheeks oh yeah I’m just going to the

Amount of Health that I’m going to be losing is insane CU I don’t have the garden block or the guarding strike which means that all these attacks that I’m doing are nothing they’re going to be doing nothing for me except uh if I had leech on this it

Would be much better much much much better but I don’t so it’s not I am so boned I mean I guess I’m not as boned as I once as I once thought but I’m pretty boned your TRS to but purchase my tracks today no I’m good I I’m listening to

Free [ __ ] help facilitate discussions keep the conversations on track and increas participation from all students students the [ __ ] are you talking about uh think you might have read the wrong moderator role I think you’re reading the role of moderator in school not in uh in

Chat well I mean I guess it’s about the same thing uh but it’s just tad bit different than students I’m not sure if I would consider you guys my students CU I don’t teach you anything but all I know is these sickles are pretty [ __ ] good I

Mean as much as as bad as they are compared to the glaive that I had before these sickles are pretty [ __ ] sick screw you you suck come on come on just get through this level we can find another better thing hopefully at least I don’t know man that

That poison glaive was a [ __ ] rare find I mean maybe if we could find better sickles that’d be cool cuz the sickles are good they’re just not as good as what I had originally and that just makes me a tad bit annoyed yeah I’m pretty sure we’re

Almost at the uh at the end of this anyways not very close to the end but we’re Fair barly close to the end oh is this okay this is boss time no [ __ ] I use my Souls God damn it come on I got a swiftness potion on right now

Sorry I’m kind of sweating right now not much commentary can happen from sweating come on you dirty bastards dude the amount of times that I’ve clicked a second is insane I mean technically I can just hold it but like I I do enjoy clicking sometimes clicking can be

Fun but good Lord does it take a lot of energy out of your finger hello evoker and uh goodbye evoker you will be dead in a matter of seconds there we go ow that hurt okay you’re still alive but uh the door is open yay enter Town Hall I think that just means

Leave let’s go how long do you think you survive if you woke up in Minecraft uh if I woke up with the knowledge that I have right now I think I would be fine because I know just go and punch a tree and uh put [ __ ] blocks in your belt

Or something I don’t know where your inventory would be but uh yeah I think I think I would be fine if I was put into Minecraft because you know you’re given Godly Powers when you’re put into Minecraft yeah I mean you make something out of nothing root rot

Armor res said uh yeah no soul crossbow is pretty good uh nah Noah Noah no this is [ __ ] damn man I can’t believe I did that I mean I kind of can believe I did that but I I just can’t believe I did that in the digital world filling the position of moderators

Is critical any other organization structure the role isn’t just about having the upper end in an online community why sir what’s the point why are you doing this why I ask what is the reason that you want uh mod so desperately um what did I just well I have

This and the other one will does 50 more damage all right do I buy more Swift footed I’m going to have to buy more stuff for this oh are are you using Chad GPT you know what that would make sense that that would make a lot of sense if you were using chat

GPT no are you sure about that what if I go to my chat GPT right now and asked it to explain uh if I ask it to explain uh the role of them moderator well I wonder what it would tell me if it would be something similar to

That cuz uh that’d be that’d be pretty crazy oh god um so do I keep going say maybe for one more Mission this this adventure Hub that I’m talking that I’m looking at um one to six claim that claim that got what, 1500 emeralds damn and this is the battle

Pass 1500 emeralds means restock and that also means this right here is getting bought yeah as soon as I tried to start killing it endm or as soon as I try to start killing Ender [ __ ] sh [ __ ] would go downhill straight up immediately Salvage that I’m salvaging

The right one this time right yep okay good don’t need this I don’t need this and I don’t need this oh wait wait wait wait a minute hold the hold your horses hold your horses which boosts the chance that rare drops become unique I might go with scal M uh as

Much [ __ ] man come on I feel like do that just so that uh if I come across one of those chests I can put it on and increase my luck and that would be perfect h yeah I’m going to go on one more mission one more Mission only one fire Forge I’ve already

Done I have not done High block Hills yet High block Halls could do the stronghold oh wait this is a hole wait what I’m confused um yeah I’m going to go high block Hills no wait wait hold on hold on I’m I’m just trying to compare the loot real

Quick I’m going to go the stronghold just the loot uh is the only reason that I’m doing that uh I think I would survive until I died of a natural death because I’m so good at Minecraft that I would never die gang gang that’s a lie I would die until

Or I would die as soon as I found a nether portal a nether portal would be the end of me ender pearls or a nether portal so maybe like a few years Ow ouchie ouch give me that strength potion yeah I’m just [ __ ] absolutely demolishing through these guys come on come on you know you want to be killed by the wrath of me and I love this helmet that I got on that [ __ ] looks really cool the armor that I got

On screw you creepers you ain’t fast enough for this come on come on boy come here I’m in the water dungeon sealed return to the camp and search the Overworld for eyes of the Ender and return to them to the end portal explore the area Bond okie dokie

Then I need Eyes of Ender or some [ __ ] what the Hell I don’t know man so I don’t know what my objective is here I’m hoping it’s a normal level and not something I have to do something to unlock but that could be the case and I would just have to deal with it give me that TNT dynamite there we

Go just go to all of those guys so quickly is that dude in the wall what a damn it I accidentally used all of those Souls immediately it’s a good thing I’m getting all of them back Jesus man the amount of these things that are spawning like I’m just getting my Souls

Back quick come on absorb into me Souls I pressed the buttons hopefully it’s just going to be a lot of these tiny little things because I can’t do much damage to me whenever I’m going so fast with my swords or my sickles especially if they do a little damage

Over a long period of time or a lot of damage over a short period of time doing a little damage over a short that my my brain is making no sense right now I have no [ __ ] clue what the hell I’m talking about and I’m pretty sure I’m in

A secret place because the enemies are down there and I’m up here that’s just what it looks like to me man uh okay chat oh the chat hasn’t changed okay bro went back into chat GPT uh in every social group be a community organization online form a leader is

Essential leadership create oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ I’m not reading all that man sorry but I I do not have the patience to do that my ADHD what tells me go [ __ ] yourself you’re not reading that even if I want to heyo Creeper Man hey you [ __ ] I’m missing eyes of

Enders I don’t know where the hell I get the Eyes of Ender from the did I just get I I’m burning the hell is that oh it’s a thing that I don’t have it’s a perk that I don’t have that it’s somehow giving me or for some reason it gave

Me the grammar and spelling is too correct for you to have written that yeah I agree you’re a 14-year-old there’s no way uh return to camp and search the Overworld For Eyes of Ender and bring them back okay so this is not a normal Mission this this

Is this is a mission where you just kind of have to find other things before you come here okay that makes sense I guess the way that you just said naha instead of nuh uh kind of proves akt’s point okay that didn’t count as a

Mission uh yeah I guess I just have to go to High block HS then yeah looks like It this is the last mission that I’m doing though I’m getting just a tad bit tired I have been streaming for three and a half hours I appreciate you sticking by though I’m going to be on for like 15 more minutes just because of how long this level

Is and uh every time I see a chest I’m switching my armor WoW I miss my glaive my glaive would have been so so much better for this give me that shadow Bro [ __ ] You man this is chill I’m going to tell you about trees

Oh God I think you mean chat GPT is going to tell me about trees you know this is this is pretty funny I I will allow it don’t give him a timeout or anything if this was just any person just came in here without any context and just started writing [ __ ] down from

Chad GPT then I would say give him a timeout but yeah we’ll give you a special case I guess I don’t know man are there any chests I have not seen a single one die ouchie number one is that number One Yeah you may have deflect but I have explosions screw you big man you you you can’t do thingy me thing yeah that’s how this works my brain is [ __ ] fried dude these three hour streams are interesting to say the least here I’m high on life ow okay so it doesn’t seem like my

Explosions hurt me but it does seem that I can trigger them so that’s pretty cool am I going the right way right now yes yes I am which is not the way that I want to be going because I want to find Secrets let me find the secret I want

You to find the secret let me find the Secret [ __ ] you would think this being a uh a fancy Palace and everything uh that there would be a lot more chests but uh I have yet to see a single one not even a normal one uh with secondary growth pants that are usable as Lumber uh above a specific height

Wikipedia they they even [ __ ] of course it’s chat PT they even [ __ ] sorted their [ __ ] site or cited their Source I mean like obviously you’re not going to do that mil misclick typing out a whole world I don’t even know what the hell’s going on at this point I’ve read like

Half of the conversation in the chat just because of the [ __ ] that’s going on right here right now it’s a little hard to pay attention to the chat whenever you have to kill way on monsters all day what the [ __ ] what did I come over here for there’s no

Chest no special chest or anything I just came over here just to kill mobs are are you kidding me you can’t give me a I want a special Chest I want Special I have a whole [ __ ] I have an entire set of armor for Lucky chest and I’ve have yet to find a single chest maybe I should just maybe I should just Salvage the armor and face that there’s going to be no lucky chests because I am

Unlucky and lucky chests don’t come to unlucky people they only come to the lucky they’re very discriminate in that way son backer and niker pursue basketball rookie Michael Jordan creating a partnership that revolutionizes the World of Sports and competitory culture I was reading chat I know I was just walking into something oh

Lord okay well kind of expected to be honest there you go this is what you wanted this is what you wanted this is what you get what wait what what why is there spawning barely anyone in the time this I mean this has got to be a recipe for disaster

Yes bad boy you should die please oh my TNT come on man hey hello new viewer my my uh my brain is fried right now you might not have picked the best time to join the chat just going to be 100% honest my brain is like 100% fried boom

[ __ ] let me number one them come here you [ __ ] I just want to chest that’s all I’ve wanted I like I made a whole set of armor for for a good chest but no not a single one can’t get a chest even if my life had depended on

It boom baby explosion time this game is quite addicting I’ve been playing for three and a half hours now and uh that was mostly just doing stuff that I had already done in past playthroughs of this game so good Lord this game game is the most addicting that I have played

In a long time that’s [ __ ] saying something cuz I play a lot of Addicting Games oh why hello there guys care to explain what the [ __ ] you’re doing here all right I’m just going to attack you until my health is down and then use e again to attack you until my health is

Down oh there you go that’s how you do it and Pound Town yep that’s a sentence that I just said on stream wrong type of air what did I what I my brain is so fried that I have no [ __ ] clue like I’ve what my brain needs a break man this is

Straight up brain rot is this a secret passage nope it’s just a wall a wall of brain rot but it’s just a wall come on man I just want a lucky chest please can I have a lucky chest you can’t just like give a man and need a lucky

Chest a come on a whole dead end that has no lucky chest why why even put the dead end here if there’s no lucky chest man come on can’t cut a guy some slack can’t tell if that’s what he said the definition of par and what I don’t even know what the

Hell that word says so I I can’t tell you could not tell you die criminal scum yes Explode yes yes Kaboom that was Str straight up comicazi but in the good way even though there probably is not one there definitely is not one this is just a supply chest come on man I I’m work so hard I just want to Lucky chest Please oh wait a minute I remember this I’ve done this before I just didn’t remember the inside I remember the outside because it’s all rain and covered in low-level monsters that are very easy to kill yeah wo Wikipedia donate donate message what what what is going on I I have no

Idea uh sorry for bringing it up once more but it’s Monday December 18th like to help us in our yearend fundraiser VIs the Skittles consist of hard sugar yeah in their copy and paste era I mean this would uh be a banable or like a time out for spam but like at the

Three-hour Mark of the stream we need anything that’s going to attract views and uh lots of messages coming in at the same time that’s going to attract views so I appreciate it baby in fact I eny enjoy it what I write this there’s no [ __ ]

Way bro you just said I write this with a disis the there’s no way you wrote all of that and then decided to switch up your writing style to what I write this sir the memes they don’t have to stop but they they got a they got to be contained man

The enchant Smith that’s cool I didn’t know that was a thing seems useful didn’t know it existed I mean is there even a single special chest in this cuz I I have no idea there has not been and I don’t think there will be for a fat [ __ ]

Minute strength potion you say well that’s pretty easy so all I have to do is Spam the [ __ ] click button I’m going to go this way just in case there’s like a special chest around here somewhere I don’t think there is but there could be there’s always a possibility of a special

Chest but this [ __ ] over here ain’t making it very easy for me to go and find a special chest bro just likes to run away every time I get hit bro trust me that little gor you golly gosh you know I completely forgot about Eko that’s what’s been helping me out this whole

Time cuz I hit it like four times in a row and I’ll do Echo damage which means I do it like eight times in a row do you get mod now dude if you’re staying here just so that you can get mod you might as well

Dip you’re not going to get moded the first time you join a stream even if you stay it for like two hours which I I appreciate it but if you’re doing all this just to get mod then there’s no point okay uh key is done key is done I

Do appreciate you being here and contributing I I really do oh let’s go number three you [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of town yeah I’m not reading that I’m I’m good I’ve had enough

Not in an annoyed way just in a I don’t want to read this destroy the buffet why am I destroying this food when I could eat it destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy haha you’re dead you’ve been destroyed how does it feel oh God I just tanky as all

Hell I may not do very much damage but I am just the tankiest [ __ ] I got apples not that I really needed them but I got apples all right time to visit the throne room even the TNT only does 30 damage oh my God holy [ __ ] I am beefy as

Hell and every time I move further in I gain one Health like that [ __ ] is overpowered maybe just by a little bit but it’s slightly [ __ ] overpowered and slightly overpowered at this point is is better than nothing okay okay okay let’s just let’s kill the rest of these mobs and let’s

Get the hell out of here because I I’m starting to be a little bit less Invincible I also just accidentally use my [ __ ] my thingy thing it’s a good thing I’ve got a bunch of souls though because that basically I have an unlimited thing a thing because of the

Amount of souls that I’ve been Gathering aha you suck and I’m better every conversation that we’ve ever had started with those words aha you suck away with you ah [ __ ] I just used more souls I keep my finger off that button oh Lord got to get that e button

That is how you take care of one of those guys okay there’s a few more dudes that I need to kill in this room then I’ll be finished with this uh this part better understand oh I see a lucky chest I already know what the hell’s happening

Here for one I’m putting this on just for a second not good speed it’s got Echo and thundering okay I already know what’s going to happen as soon as this happens I’m going to open this and they’re going to do that [ __ ] to me are you are you kidding me I got a

[ __ ] green scatter crossbow I have a [ __ ] special scatter crossbow like I don’t I don’t need that [ __ ] man come on do better and I even had the luck increase thing okay okay okay okay I get it I get it you’re mad you’re mad I understand that doesn’t mean you

Have to keep firing arrows at me die you [ __ ] pigs [ __ ] bastards good Lord oh man I threw down the pit damn you’re dead damn I can’t believe that [ __ ] just gave me a green crossbow come on give me that health let’s just hope that there’s another

Lucky chest somewhere that I can get some good stuff with because that that bummed me the hell out the first lucky chest that I get and it’s an extremely lucky chest too it’s like one of those very very rare ones and it gives me a green crossbow

That’s that don’t hurt my feelings at all not one tiny little bit okay okay okay I see I see there’s a lot of stuff going on here and I also see the rolling does absolutely Jack [ __ ] blon die die die die die die die give me

The health give me the health give me the health give me the health just die just die oh good lord there’s so much going on right now I’m I’m just going to leave screw this [ __ ] I’m just going to leave I I don’t have the equipment for this right

Now just give me give me the supplies heal me up and give me the hell out of here yep yep give me that M evoker you can kiss my nut sack you’re going to die evoker just like I said you can kiss your nut sack you can kiss my nut sack

Not your own nutsack you’d probably enjoy that good Lord confront the arch illager oh but what if I don’t want to guess I have to Three oh God oh this is going to be hell yeah I can just I’m just remembering like flashback style [ __ ] how bad this [ __ ] fight was H [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] apparently it’s not as bad as I remember oh never mind never mind never mind never mind oh

God I shouldn’t have said anything really shouldn’t have said anything three just hit a three just hit a three just hit a three just hit a three and I’m dead Okay Rolland don’t do [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on what the [ __ ] is going on in chat I have not been paying

Attention chat what the hell are you doing yo akt next time he gives me a big old paragraph from chat GPT give him a uh 30 second timeout H thank you very much where the hell am I going I just confronted the arch illager I got to sit on his throne

Now oh no it’s just I have I haven’t killed everyone huh thought I killed everyone but apparently there’s more spawning screw you ouch oh God oh God oh God oh God this is intense this has been intense for a [ __ ] fat minute go away give you a number three uh

Die and I take you out [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] roll please oh my God e e e it up e it up good Lord spamming all of my buttons and [ __ ] trying to find e come here you piece of [ __ ] come here man I feel like I’m getting ey

Ligma oh God there’s more are you serious why why does there have to be more why are you so fast you’re just a speed demon number three use number three my Lord number three that’s a Shrek reference take this [ __ ] ouch oh God I didn’t take much ow ow ow

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh come on I threw it out of [ __ ] bounds go away I hope you die in a massive hole I hope you die in a hole massive hole it’s the largest hole you could find

Come here come here buddy guess not you just you stuck in place man oh good lord oh he left we threaten him with not being able to spam the chat and he leaves unless my concurrent viewers are lying to me in which I apologize with but good Lord that is a lot of

Fire number three oh God e e eat it up eat it up eat it up eat it up eat it up eat it up eat it up number one it up number three it up number three it up oh my God this is chaos get the [ __ ] out of the

Flames you know what you know what I’m coming over here and personally finishing your dumbass myself [ __ ] the most annoying mob on the face of the planet hi there face how you doing would you like to talk about my Lord hebus Christ why is there more

Why how many more waves are there going to be how many why did so many waves God [ __ ] damn it okay okay okay okay I get it I get it you’re going with the whole Overkill approach oh I used my potion oh [ __ ] I have one life left I’m going to

Die oh strength potion strength potion is exactly what I needed lay down a three don’t care about my health I’m going for these goddamn evokers right here yep give me the pig give me the pig give me the pig give me the pig yes that’s exactly what I needed comeback season is

Crazy comeback season is crazy oh finally pursue the arch illager I thought I killed him by the way if you’re new welcome to chat uh welcome and also uh like the chat or whatever oh no it’s just zombie uh all right all right you know what to do akt oh my back Hurts o better death cap mushroom it’s actually useful the enchant Smith all right akt give him a timeout we technically warned them this armor might honestly be better than the Armor that I have on on right now what armor do I have on right now I

Don’t know this has thorns it also has this see what this is like oh what’s that ice wand create large ice blocks that can crush your foes that’s cool that’s interesting I can click hide maybe it’s because I had already done it I don’t know the [ __ ] is this ocelot armor 50% faster

Roll 35% damage reduction 99 plus Health that’s actually pretty [ __ ] good oh Jesus yeah that that could be the case too I forgot that it deletes all the [ __ ] messages wow that is most of my messages like I appreciate you being here zombie but uh I don’t appreciate spammers not one single Le

Bit all right uh I think both of these Maes are dog [ __ ] compared to what I have I think not 100% sure I also don’t really care that much stunning what the hell oh in my chest thought it was in my inventory um see this is a 9C duration but it’s

Also got a 30 second cool down whereas these over here have barely any cool down so I don’t think it’s worth it also this dude can go [ __ ] itself um yep that seems about right yep yep yep yep yep all right well if there’s anyone new in chat that

Hasn’t subbed uh I would very much appreciate it if you did if you enjoyed it uh yeah no that’s fine and it’s not going to be much longer until the stream ends anyway uh if you enjoyed the stream make sure to give it a like and a sub uh

New person that just joined rip because uh I’m ending the stream uh maybe sub if you want to catch the next one this one was really good uh I recommend the you try to catch the next one at least uh but I will see you in the next one and I

Hope you have a fantastic rest of your evening goodbye

This video, titled ‘Blasting Through Minecraft Dungeons’, was uploaded by Mr__pingas on 2023-12-19 23:37:17. It has garnered 23 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:22 or 14002 seconds.

Creaming the base game today and Creaming the DLC’s Tomorrow Follow my Twitter – – For Updates on Future Streams ————————– If you would like to donate my Cashapp Is – $Mrpingasyoutube –

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    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! πŸ˜„ πŸ“’ My Social Networks βšͺ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: πŸ”΅ DISCORD: πŸ“§ Contact: [email protected] βš”οΈ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! πŸͺ΅πŸͺ¨πŸŒ‹πŸ‘ Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! πŸ±πŸ’£ Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄ LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ β¦Ώ πŸ’° Donate: β¦Ώ πŸ“· Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More