Insane start in Minecraft Hardcore!

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Just admire where I spawned in because I don’t really know to use F3 andt which is what I was trying to do to figure out where my spawn chunks were to see if I could get any farms that would run uh in the background going so now I really am

Going to go get those few pieces of wood ready um I’m going to go probably four or five here um maybe the whole tree if I feel like being a good person um now I’m going to craft obviously my logs and then I don’t know how to quick craft

So I’m going to slowly craft a crafting table I don’t know how people craft so fast um craft a couple sticks cuz you need sticks for tools and then I think I’m going to go right into just making a pickaxe because uh pickaxes are obviously pretty important for um

Getting stone and you don’t need any other tools as long as you can find a couple sheet before night time you don’t need any other tools other than a pick and a bit of exposed Stone so you can make yourself all starting uh stone tools as opposed to all starting wooden

Tools I just think it’s a lot more efficient so I think I’m going to go and do that now um so I’m just going to run it around and um go looking for some exposed Stone now um as I’m running I’m going to be looking for sheep as well cuz um I do

Need sheep for things like beds and as you can see I get I found a couple of sheep and um I just kind of curious about my coordinates now that I remembered how to pull up the F3 screen because I have to use FN and then F3 um

And now what was I doing oh right uh I was getting sheep I’m pretty sure um so I’m gonna go find them okay they’re it’s over here and now I’m going to go kill the Sheep uh for its wool and then once I get the uh wool

From the Sheep I’m going to continue exploring cuz I’m looking to find a village I don’t think I mentioned that before I’m also going to grab three uh three dyes real quick because uh if I get different wool types then I can just dye them all the same color and make a

Bed um so I’m going to keep on looking for a village real uh right now and then I will um check back in when anything important happens okay so I finally found what I was looking for and that would be the exposed Stone so I think

I’m going to get 17 total um just maybe maybe a few more maybe a few less I don’t really know I’m going to go eight for the furnace cuz obviously you need a furnace when you’re starting out and then I’m going to go um two two for a

Sword a couple for a pickaxe and just a couple more just because it’s good to always have a couple building blocks on you so I’m just going to keep mining away until I feel bored pretty much um and I got 18 as opposed to 17 just cuz it was even

Um now I’m going to keep uh now I’m going to craft myself my stuff du and then then I’m going to keep looking so I start with the axe cuz obviously you need axes for everything and they’re a pretty good weapon but I’m also going to make a pick

And then I’m going to make a sword after that um well furnace and then a sword just cuz this is more complicated I guess now I’m going to move this and then actually make my sword so swords are just slightly more um say slightly more attack damage than axes

And while it’s not it’s not very good speedr running technique I don’t plan on speedr running so or I’m like going to take it really slow so I think it’s better to take a to make a sword especially in hardcore where if you die obviously you can’t respawn in your

World so I’m going to keep on wandering around and looking for a village um on the C oh yeah um I’m going to be cing sugar can cane and St such uh as I go along because I know uh you can’t make Auto uh sugarcan Farms using bone meal dang I can’t talk

Today my bad gang um but you can’t use Auto uh sugarcane Farms was bone meal and uh Java I did kind of migrate from bed uh Bedrock not too long ago and right now I’m looking for um uh sheep and if you’re wondering why why I’m killing this pig these pigs it’s because

Pigs take up the mob cap which means that if there’s no sheep spawning then uh they won’t be able to there will be no new opportunities for them to spawn until this thing has died um so I think I’m going to quickly take out this one and then the next

One and I’m going to actually go looking for some more uh sheep now I just got to make myself be pretty careful against this cuz I don’t really want to fall down into there that would be pretty pretty bad I don’t want to die so early

Um that would be a little tragic so I’m going to grab this coal right here just cuz coal is pretty valuable cuz you can make torches you can make all sorts of stuff with uh coal and then I’m going to make my way out of here and then actually go looking

For some sheep because I do fear as though I need some sheep right about now um seeing as I I only have a couple W and nighttime is fast approaching night considering every day is 10 minutes in Minecraft night time oh night time should approximately be in a

Couple of minutes now I’m going to continue taking out um animals until I get enough sheep so I think I’m just going to speed this section up So just quickly I’m going to start cooking up all my stuff I don’t know why I decided to unpause the um fast forwarding this for just right now but I am and I’m just going to cook everything up just thought it would be important so

Let you guys know so it’s not like oh my God he suddenly has uh so much baked food because I did notice that my food bar was getting low and so is the sun um so I think now it’s back time back to killing the Montage okay as you can see I did end up achieving my task of getting a bed and I got nice and well rested through the night um there was a part a couple parts that were Montage a couple parts that weren’t Montage I certainly hope you

Guys like it and if not well I’ll change it for next time but for now we’re just going to continue with the video and if you are wondering yes all of these videos are edited by me so um uh unfortunately I probably won’t have any release schedule faster than 3 weeks per

Video uh at tops and uh there’s my food I cooked earlier that I made the little exit part about just to show that I really was you know cooking my food didn’t get it for anywhere but um like as I was saying I can’t really make any

Promises that I can do faster than 3 weeks on my audio just because it’s so complicated cuz you have to play for all of those hours and then you have to rewatch all of those hours and cut the parts that you want and keep the parts

That you don’t now I do understand that you’re able to skip ahead through parts that you know you’re going to like uh need to skip over I guess um however I do believe as though uh it was only fair to warn you that my release schedule time wasn’t going to be

The fast as fast as anybody who’s interested in watching these videos which I doubt there will be any because I’m just friendless um my bad uh would be um uh now I am looking for good ideas for um Villages and I’m going to go turn

Up my render distance just to see if I can see anything from the tallest point real quick um so let me just find where my render distance is it’s going to get a little laggy just cuz I don’t have the number one computer and it’s just reframing everything and then in a

Second it should give me back my controls okay there we go it renders it pretty good once it’s rendered but it just takes a second and then I just got to twirl around and it’s loading in as I look around I guess um I don’t play on

Full like uh Sim simulation distance or whatever it’s called I don’t really know um and as I can you can clearly see there’s no Village anywhere Within my render distance was reach which means I’m going to have to walk to any Village in which I was getting and in case you

Were wondering in case I hadn’t mentioned um what I need a village for it’s obviously for an iron farm and I have clearly not found any iron whatsoever like I haven’t found any and I haven’t been mining or anything but I haven’t found any iron whatsoever so I

Think it is best to make an iron farm it would be kind of funny if I could make an iron farm without uh harvesting any iron considering the fact that you only really need a bucket to make an iron farm because you need well lava and

Water for the most part for the killing Parts um and you can get those from Iron Golem drops but I do feel like I might get one piece of iron mined up one or two pieces mined up just if I find them um CU I feel because it’s pretty easy uh I will

Resize my my game so it’s not as laggy and then I will um continue on my journey now I don’t want to go to The Acacia biome that I was just facing and that’s where I think I pretty much just came from um because I and I don’t want

To go to the cas biome because it’s pretty ugly and I obviously don’t want to come from where I just came from because well I just came from there I pretty much know what’s going to be there now I might not have came exactly from there uh however

Um that’s where I think I went maybe I didn’t um so now I’m going to go start heading off in the complete opposite direction of the acia biome and I think this will mostly be just to grab my furnace stuff um yeah I got a couple more cooked stuff

Food and then I’m just going to uh break this and be well on my way to where I want to go which is obviously to find a village um now I certainly hope this is going to be pretty rewarding um and I’m sorry I keep on pausing uh my screen I keep on

Looking up because I’m doing work right now as I play this game and I keep on looking up um stuff for work as I play the game because I’m not really doing anything that requires me to be in the game other than well eating and running around so I

Can pretty much multitask since I do have the Dual Mo monitor split or whatever they’re called where I’m playing on one monitor but not doing work on my other and that’s the AAA biome I didn’t want to go to to my side and then I’m just I think I might be

Special it looked like an AAA biome so I’m going to go run past that and then just keep going and see what exactly uh is in store for me uh I pretty sure that um I don’t know what I was going to say why am I so like weird with my speech oh

A nice little Ravine um I hope I do not fall from uh where I’m standing to there just cuz I don’t really want to die on what day is it I really don’t know whatever day it set up there you all can check I’m not going to go back and check cuz I

Couldn’t really see um so I really hope since I since I obviously really don’t hope I going it done I not going to go down and risk it now I’m still hoping to find a couple surface level iron that are pretty much exposed in sunlight cuz I found those all the

Time oh damn that sucked dang that suck sorry um however I can go through this and then just kind of make my way around um obviously I’m avoiding the AAA biome uh cuz I don’t real as I said before I don’t really like those and um I really

Want to desperately stay away from this and it would look like I have found my Village way out there I don’t know if yall can see it’s coming closer in division um and I am just so glad I can have this Village uh this is just like the best thing that could possibly

Happen we’re on like what day two and we’re already making progress making the iron farm I was talking about the iron farm that probably won’t be completed for multiple days um even even if I was a master builder um I’ve already done my research and I’m going to be doing a the the

Cheapest raise Works um Farm possible now I don’t quite mind doing other people’s more efficient builds but as I said this is the most efficient one I could find only requiring like barely any resources now I’m going to grab a couple building blocks for the Iron Golem because obviously that’s the

Hardest part of this entire thing and I have well died in a couple test hardcore worlds while fighting the the iron go because it’s a a little bit different than in Bedrock um because in Bedrock the height is one higher than um cuz and also one time I did that

Where it was uh uh one on the bottom and two on top on accident while I was still trying to col and I only had enough blocks to get to the top height so unfortunately it could get me while I couldn’t get it now I’m going to remove

These so that was fast for the grass transition but I’m going to remove these so I have them and this time I make sure to you know actually grab extra uh dirt and then I’m going to go and go into the village and um uh just you know explore okay so

There is a piece of iron that I probably will end up mining over there I didn’t I don’t really think I’m going to mine it right now cuz I don’t really think there’s any need to and then I’m going to go peek inside of all the houses and

Steal the stuff and then I’m going to collect I’m also going to collect these hay bals because obviously you need bread to breed villagers and the more villagers you breed the more trading opportunities you have which is just all the more better um so not I’m ooh that

Is a Pillager Outpost in the distance over there I swear this is a random seed I honestly swear but I will give the seed in my um I will link the seed I’ll put the link the seed I will put the seed in the description of the video um just so

Y’all can check it out I don’t even know how to check the seed on this thing I will seriously record myself trying um so for now yep okay so for now I do think I’m going to go tackle the Iron Golem if he ever okay yes I can reach

Him okay so I did pill up one block I just want to be extra careful cuz in Bedrock um I do play most of my uh uh worlds on bedrock and I can tour a couple like a r that I play with my friends if you all want to but um I

Mainly played Bedrock before well like a year ago so I’m used and I haven’t really played much like survival Java just create some test creative worlds some hardcore World cuz obviously that you know exciting feeling of Hardcore but I never really made it anywhere other than uh my grave so having some

Iron is pretty nice and I do wonder how much I have um and uh I’ll check that in a second but I’m going to keep on look okay so I only got three pieces of iron which is not the best to say the least if I gotten

Five I probably wouldn’t have M that iron I probably won’t mine that iron because um obviously I kind of think it would be cool to make an iron fire without any ever mining any iron but seeing as I don’t have enough to make a shield as well and The Shield is pretty necessary

For my survival especially when you’re uh dealing with things like mobs I do think it is in my best interest to make a to mine the iron smelt it up make a shield and I do not see any village houses that have any more head near them or around

Them so I’m just going to uh kind of come down here yeah nothing down here and also a little cave for me to explore I don’t really know why I thought there would be anything down here I’m a little special sometimes I guess uh I really am

Just dumb okay but it is coming uh tonight so I do think I might uh kind of sort of settle down here like just you know steal one of the villagers beds but uh obviously it’s not night yet we’re still have like 30 more seconds and of

Course the likes to come into my bed and steal it um I’m going to exit this and then just watch the sunset why because I did it last night if yall saw and there is no point in not doing it tonight seeing as uh I don’t really have anything better

To do so I think I’m going to go right to sleep and you can see all those achievements that I gotten so far but I’m sure those achievements are going to start f in away as you know uh everything goes along um now I’m going to actually craft my

Uh craft my bread sorry I don’t know what I’m saying I don’t really know how to do this other than splitting it in half and just doing that so if y’all could help me and you know the comments that would be greatly appreciated cuz this is my best

Attempts um at making it fast and then just like taking half and then you know splitting it up and then uh all in all I do make 15 bread from that I’m going to try not to tap into that like at all unless of course it is necessary now the

Only reason it would be necessary of uh would be if it’s my only food source and I running glow on Hearts why because villagers are villagers that only help me for about 3 days until I die are a little less important than uh one only one villager that helps

Me in uh for as long as the world last which would be longer if I uh survive longer now this stupid cracker uh wants to give me a leather tunic for seven emeralds and he’s a little bit of a scammer considering the fact that I can

You know pretty much make one now seeing as he had his own little uh Supply upside up in there and now I have 11 leather which is plenty enough to make uh some little started rid of iron now I did also pick up some pants which I do

Think are going to be pretty important but for right now I’m going to just uh put this uh lousy bit of armor on I don’t really I wouldn’t really like make it if I had my choice like if I had my choice I’d probably go full iron but

Seeing as I don’t have enough iron yet I’m going to only go with this and then I don’t really know what to do from here I for pretty much done what I want to do for like early game cuz I don’t really want to get into all that stuff and I

Did find another piece of uh wheat so that’s pretty good so now it’s time to escape from here and then uh go around and uh look for some stuff um to do in this Village and I do know I do know that there’s that thing over there but

Obviously I don’t want to go over to it because if I go over to it then I might might die especially given my lack of armor my lack of Shield my pretty much lack of anything this is uh an egg I picked up that’s pretty nice um this is

About as close as I’m getting to it um because I don’t really want to make anything spawn and as I say that I go uh pretty close to it but I don’t want to go too much closer than these sheep which is what I was aiming for cuz I do

Need a little bit more food um cuz I do not do not want to die because I’m special enough to um go too close to a freaking Pillager Outpost this early in the game um I know it’s not early for anybody who tries to speedrun Minecraft but hey it’s

Early for me and if it’s early for me it’s early for you understand me you on my same level like for real like um I’m not going to but but I hope you understand where I’m coming from like I know it’s not early ear like I know it’s not early

Um rela I don’t know what the word is oh yeah relatively speaking uh but it’s still you know early so I’m going to craft that shield now and it’s going to leave me an iron short and I don’t know why I split my my I split my iron like

That it’s going to leave me an iron short for a bucket which is where that thing comes in which I am just glad for uh to have and I’m going to uh go and and just wander around and just check cuz this is where I’m going to be

Surviving for the next while I do dare say and I think my plan is to make my iron farm over there where it’s nice it’s relatively flat um cuz you do need a nice flat little area um yeah just right over here and uh the iron I was was talking about yeah I

Think if I have the blocks I’m going to go and uh get it this is so special like I’m trying to place blocks in front of me which is what you do in um Bedrock but obviously uh Bedrock Java to different platforms um while I’m doing this I mean like I

Know I just like want to talk about Marketplace cuz a bunch of people hate on Marketplace and I kind of find it slightly interesting because on um Java people can buy can like download stuff but if you remember uh Bedrock is mostly PE uh made for people who have consoles

And console people don’t have access to the internet where they can just download stuff every freaking mod that they see so Marketplace is kind of like a compromise it’s giving uh Bedrock players what uh who play on Console which is obviously what it was designed for um cuz Java

Players would just play on computer hypothetically in their mind um so uh it’s like a compromise because it gives them what they want it gives them it gives the Bedrock players what they want while also uh giving um the people at mojing um I I guess probably another uh re uh

Revenue Service it probably also helps cuz I’m assuming um Mo uh moang moang probably has to uh buy some sort of rights to play on Console I I guess I don’t really know um for like it to be played on I don’t really know how that would work and I’m

Not smart enough to try try to try to figure it out but um yeah for right now I though I am going to uh G uh make a pit for the villagers um and the reason I’m making this pit well to contain the villagers because they’re going to have these are

Going to be the villagers my good trades and I am uh going to so I’m going to uh I don’t know what I’m saying I’m going to finish uh digging out this pit and then I am going to uh extend this wall out just a little bit just just just enough to

Uh you know fit a bunch of villagers cuz I’m going to I mean like I know this is not going to be the max SI but I’m bling on fending quite a few villagers in near before I do extend it um cuz well uh and

I don’t want the Enderman to Agro on me I did not realize that what that that’s what that was I and of course I turned that to a pathway I hate pathway blocks they kind of look like somebody just I I I don’t know they don’t look like anything Pleasant I’ll just leave

It at that um I wonder if I leave my crafting table like that so I can just jump out but they can’t well cuz apparently I can’t either um that way I can get in but they can’t get in and uh I also going to surround

It in fencing so um I’m going to make up a parkour way that so that zombies can’t get in but I can get in cuz zombies will go in Zombies even if I light up the area zombies can spawn around and they will go into lighted areas such as that

Um but for right now I’m going to go across this River and I’m going to chop down a couple trees just cuz I’m running uh extraordinarily low on um extraordinarily low on wood apparently I do not know what I’m talking about uh uh uh uh I’m sure

That’s all y’all hear it’s kind of funny I’m mocking myself while I chop down trees cuz there’s no interesting thing to talk talk about um it’s just you know chopping down trees and then I’m just going to I’m only going to chop down a couple uh I think um I think I’m only

Going to shut down a couple and then just head back CRA collect all the droppings from the trees I hate Birch which is why I’m removing it why because you can make things like crafting tables and sticks oh my God F crack and sticks um and other stuff um completely out of

Birch and it won’t look Birches while also removing the Birch from your line of view I just and and I like birch as a building material but Birch like Birch Birch just kind of looks ugly and it and it almost and like and if it’s not in the right kind of

Build it just doesn’t look look look I know look proper I really need to go back to second grade and learn how to speak English I swear I come from a a English speaking country I I promise I I certain I seriously promise okay uh now I’m going to craft

All this and apparently you can use control cck I did not know that to make uh multiple of everything and then obviously make some of those and then uh figure out what I’m doing from there and I should use my take half uh thing but I just realized you can press and

Drag and that’ll let you uh Place multiple items I just don’t yeah Place multiple items and I’m going to I’m only going to craft a couple of those I don’t really know why they’re setting that still said why I added so manyy and I don’t honestly know why I’m

Not quit crafting for this I really am sometimes just special and I’m going to make um I’m going to make uh fence gates so I can surround it and uh uh I don’t know why I’m in I don’t really know why I’m in here just

To see if I can make it better I get just make it faster I guess um cuz I suck at laying everything out so I’m just going to keep going with this I guess I could have mined up some of the fence gates but I’m too lazy see

This is pretty much the same thing right um it’s not like it matters much I’m just going to put like pretty much half a stack on each side I don’t really need that much so I don’t know why I’m laying out that much um and then just grab that

And then craft a bunch of those and then I just crafted as much as I could so I don’t know why I didn’t quick CRA I don’t know why I didn’t quick craft at all after learning how to do it but so I I uh am just a little

Special sometimes like I’ve been saying throughout this entire thing and I don’t know what my fenses are in two completely different piles let me just quickly change that and then rearrange my inventory and oh and then I guess I’m going to realize it’s night and that

There’s a zombie chasing me and I have absolutely zero protection other than a shield but the shields are lousy and I am special just special that’s a word that you I should I shouldn’t have made my name irrelevant gamer I should have just made it special unfortunately already a YouTuber Nam special

So and oh my God you okay okay supp I got to save these villagers from this zombie because uh well one it gives me the uh Monster Hunter thing and two I need these villagers these villagers are important for the pit the pit in which will hold all of the villagers from

Getting killed by the zombies so I’m going to quickly lay out um all of the fencing I don’t really know why it’s 20 Shades Darker um in your inventory than it is yeah get in there get in there get in there get in there I wonder if I can

Push him in there he probably is not going to qu yeah no he’s not quering is he dang it you’re going to be so much more complicated uh to just uh manually go through so please just get in there4 mucho graas please please please please dang it you are

Special I’ll say the least and of course after all those all that pushing he walks his own stupid self into the Pit of Doom so you can stay there if he wants I don’t really care let me just finish off this real quick and then I’m also GNA um

Make it so that nothing can jump in I’m really going to make sure that nothing can jump in because obviously I would have to go through the process of curing all of them if I lost all of my villagers in the pit which is not what I really want to

To do so now like I can get in because I I have uh crazy parkour skills um but nothing else that can’t really jump can get in um or out and uh because I’m too lazy to go back to that Forest I am going to defile this entire Village and

Uh just defile this entire Village and I’m going to craft I don’t even know I’m going to craft probably a boat to transport the villagers but I’ll do that in just a second I’m just uh you know admiring my little thing and trying to get in but I suck at I absolutely

Suck at poor parkour spam you can just Spam L at Parkour in the comments never never mind I I kind of changed my mind please don’t and I kind of need to exit from this I okay that’s how you do it okay uh and Then just like make a chest because I am running a little low on inventory space in case get now I do have this and I can well if I if I could make it I can just do this that’s my entire little parkour system in and out complete nothing can

Come in nothing can get out um and I can just I don’t know how to quick move do I now I can just quickly move things up down left right and around the corner I don’t really know what’s what I’m saying I can move things places um that they probably don’t want to

Go which is going to be sitting in this chest probably to be forgotten about for uh the rest of Eternity because nobody cares about these items if I’m being quite honest come on what is it it some flour sugarcan okay people care about that seeds Okay some people care about

That they’re not that important but I’m going to use them later and then I didn’t really poppy I’m pretty sure and other other things um apple tree sing nobody cares about well I need that for beds sticks orange tulips which I’m going to use for dye from to make

Everything the same color because I have the exact and up that that villager is just just uh just a little uh view to take into consideration um um uh I I literally am word uh spe wordless the word is speechless I am most certainly special certainly certainly special so

Um no I’m going to actually wake up from uh looking at that villager and remind myself of the tasks that I am so easily distracted from doing which is probably going to be um well luring more villagers in here uh so I guess it’s time to figure out how

To do that well first I need more beds um beds are just important for St and I need the same colored wool so we’re going to get that and then make one bed and then just do the same thing like this and then make another bed that’s orange I don’t really

Discriminate against the wool color so long as it provides a good night’s sleep and then that guy is crippy staring at me so uh that’s nice now I’m going to uh I’m going to go and steal some torches cuz I’m going to light up the pit down here to make sure

Nothing spawns in there during the night um and desperately fail at par parkour multiple times don’t forget to spam L Parkour in the comment section um I don’t know why you’re I’m telling y’all to criticize me and then I’m going to uh if I could even remember how to jump in Minecraft

Parkour I can’t even freaking jump space bar kid space bar um that that’s how that’s that’s how you jump okay so now I have successfully trapped one villager in there I just need to trap many many more which I fear is going to be a little bit challenging so

I will get right on uh to that and um right on to that if I could find out where what when I’m doing and where I’m going with my life um I can’t even remember uh where I’m going I just know what I’m doing if that makes any sense all right

Crafting table so I need to jump into here which I’m too lazy to do anything other than this um it’s not even possible to jump like if I were to remove this and replace it with dirt is it possible to jump that like am I just bad at parkour

Or is it just that you okay it was just that it was a block higher which um considering my distance and the fact that I was falling would kind of make sense that I couldn’t make it maybe it is possible it probably is possible just

Requires the same kind of PR as a five block jump probably um but now it’s time to kidnap villagers um if I remember what I’m doing other than uh towering up okay right I do want to try to see if I can do a couple extensions because I

Never tried those and uh seeing as I want to try now uh what better way than to you know do it in a hardcore hardcore video like real and uh just ladder Circ cases my way my way up just because I’m special and then I couldn’t even get one

Extension could I and of course I don’t so I’m going to try it again okay I got one extension yay now I got to tear the whole thing down or go for T number I’ll just go for T number three um okay I think maybe it’s time for me to

Quit while I’m ahead I don’t know what I’m ahead of I just know I’m ahead you know that that’s the feeling when you’re head when you’re ahead by what is that counter say like three days um yeah day three uh so woohoo I’m head by 3

Days so if you notice I did end up spawning in a uh generating in a different location and that’s just because uh well I was just rambling on after the last episode and it wasn’t anything really relevant to the game I mean like I can put in a clip uh next

Time if you guys really don’t believe that that’s what happened but that is what happened I just kind of walked around my brain was just wandering and I it really wasn’t relevant to Minecraft um so the plans are simply just to work on getting villagers into my villager

Hole and probably getting villagers into um the iron not I even get villagers into the iron farm start progress on the iron farm and I guess I’m a little bit hungry so I’m going to go quickly eat um the iron farm like I said I was planning

On making this way not towards the uh oh my God the Pillager Outpost that I was just clicking out a couple seconds ago um and that’s just because uh obviously I don’t want to make it too close to the Piller Outpost otherwise I risk dying um so now I’m going going to

Think of what I should do first I think I need a boat now where did I place my boat I swear I had one maybe I’m stupid but I swear I had a um boat with me so I’m going to go I guess craft one if I

Can ever make this stupid parkour jump that I am so fantastic at you know can just Spam W uh in chat and I hope I’m not like um I I hope I’m not making this first part too long now that I think about it I’m like I’m like probably not going to cut

Out most of this so it’s going to be like a 50 like thre hour long video that’s only going to be for like the first 20 something 20 30 40 40 maybe 50 days if I feel like going that long I’m not going to do it in specific segment

Lengths um just because I don’t really feel like uh I don’t really feel like making get that precise like I I don’t want to hold myself to a longer standard than I can achieve um especially considering the fact that I don’t really like I don’t

Know I don’t know say but I did end up uh getting my boat and boats are really good for transporting villagers you just send them in a boat and then you um transport them to where you’re going using a bucket uh like that if it’s in

The boat then you can just uh well boat him down I mean I guess I could have used the uh transport Transportation method where you kind of just um shoot where you just like lure them over with workstations but destroying the workstations would be harder than just

Moving them by a boat assuming it’s the same thing cuz CU don’t cuz you can you should be able to like um row them up the corners like that hypothetically speaking at least you can in different versions I don’t know why I pulled on my pause screen I do that

Sometimes just forget what my Escape key is used for it’s not used for it’s used for quitting the game not like other stuff I do need to smelt my uh iron because I do need the bucket for this um uh method to work CU you do need to

Use the water to move the but upwards and I really hope this actually actually does work um cuz I’ve never tried it on Java and obviously everything seems to work different on Java because I’ve never really played that much Survival on the Java platforms so um while I wait for that I’m just

Going to continue running around um and I finally made the parkour I did end up making the a uh crafting table while I was talking about my release schedule which I think I’ve already done before but uh I don’t know eov I guess so now now when I wait

Um I’m just going to kill this chicken because I do need meat um pause that did not mean to come out that way but uh I do need this chicken it’s so weird because I just want to be able to hit it in one freaking hit but

Instead I have to make it in multiple hits and I’m pretty sure this has been done for like the last three years or something um so going quickly run over to this table and craft my uh bucket like this um well obviously like this what kind of weirdo it doesn’t craft a

Bucket like like that um so I’m going to run down here obviously to grab my bucket of water and then I’m going to go and try to transport that villager that I was talking about um so I think if I just go inside of here and then place a bucket on the

Corner I should be able to go up right why is it not making me go up um poor I really needed for it to make me go up like I really do need it for for me to go up um and this is so stupid that it’s not okay

Okay so I guess he got ejected from the boat so I’m going to try to kind of come up here and of course you can’t go over the stupid like is it just my location okay no you can’t go over the stupid grass things but just want to see if I

Can make it over there no where there’s water on the grass I’m pointing at the screen but there’s sorry but y’all aren’t watching uh I don’t really feel like talking today I’ve been I feel like I’ve been talking all day but I’ve just been recording videos not for all day

Though I set my I only play for like a hour tops today and I don’t think this is going to be tangible um I really don’t if I can get it that would be nice but I don’t know I don’t think it’s tangible CU I don’t think you can go

Upwards and I don’t know why um but it really wasn’t seeming that way so I’m just going to try like this and then um I guess just carve a path out towards the corner where I can actually boat over there and just try again I don’t

Know if it’ll work I just want to try something new because uh it wasn’t working before let’s just say leave it at that so I’m going to quickly go over here again place the water down move my myself a little further back than I expect and then actually place it

On this corner block right here or sorry not right there right here all right just make it a little further back to see if that makes a difference mount on this boat um and then just try to go over there which didn’t seem to work really didn’t that’s just so

Frustrating I’m trying not to yell at the mic because I know it doesn’t affect y’all um which is what these momentarily momentary of Silence are other that there checking my phone um which is pretty important or you know I could just come from the top and go like

This and then like get in I need to steal one of y’all for real this is a kidnapping please don’t y’all you just Tred to get in I swear the other one tried to get in but I said nope okay so I’m going transport transport the transport uh quotation Works heavy

Quotation works this villager oh wait actually did work around here and then I’m just going to park it right up against the fence and I need to make sure that he doesn’t run away um so I think what I’m going to end up doing is uh running over here oh wait never mind

I have some fences in my inventory so I don’t need to go grab any and I think I’m going to place fences around here just to make sure that he doesn’t um escape cuz I can’t just destroy it because he won’t path find his way in

There and um I don’t really feel like making it seem too difficult um obviously it could drive the boat in there but I mean it’s just less efficient and also you can’t do it you can do it but you can’t do it like I just don’t want to

Risk anything so I’m going to do that and then I’m just going to sort of box it off like this cuz uh I guess they don’t take fall damage via boats in Java um and then I keep on mentioning the Java Bedrock difference but they don’t and then like

That go over here destroy this and then destroy the boat so that nothing can get in nothing think can out and the area can just stay right there and then just sort of put the sun back and then just to make sure that um if any zombies spawn that they can’t get

In uh if any SP zombes spawn in the fence off area which is I am special which is highly unlikely um then they can kind of go over there and I’m going to kidnap another villager and bring him down if he cooperate come here come here

Mister come come here I I need you to come here please and I am stuttering so much that’s the first time I just noticed the saving the saving World button whatever whatever thingy so and of course I’m going to have to carve my little path through here because I do

Not have anything done right now um so I’m going to quickly go then fall down here and then try my hardest not to get stuck on the pathways just by going across like there because it do doesn’t uh realize the change in change changes when I do that exit and actually not

Hold escape this time put these down I guess I’m going to extend it a little a little bit destroy this so zombies can’t walk up onto the guy and then go to sleep if it would ever let me it looks like night why can’t I just go to sleep

What happens if I’m tired what happens if I don’t feel like it motion and get let me go to sleep and I’m going to kidnap you next if I feel like kidnapping that many villagers I have to do a head count to make sure I don’t

Kidnap too many cuz I do need three villagers for the iron farm and I am been talking non stuff and it’s probably really annoying um yeah pretty much I don’t know why I just said pretty much to myself but pretty much and I just got to go like that and

Then destroy this thing and then like he’ll just like jump in there it’s worth living man it’s worth oh shoot CH that’s so T because you know he’s not going to die from a three block jump so that’s I don’t know what I’m saying I’m just going to continue with the video

Um so I could probably cut a lot of this out but I don’t really feel like it cuz I am lame now I’m going to go do that headcount I was talking about I’m just wandering around through the village because I need to see um how many

There’s one right there how many um where they are and I think if I put him in a boat right I’ll keep him there and then oh yeah that’s the pink sheep I caught oh wait no that is a pink sheep oh sorry for the lag that is a

Pink sheep I’m not going to lie that is kind of sick we’re like five days in now five days five levels that’s kind of ironic we’re five days in now and uh we got a sheep so I’m going to run over here cuz I I need a I really really

Really really really need a thingy I really really need a uh log um so I can get a boat and then once I get a boat I’m going to put the uh pink sheep into a boat so I just have it indefinitely cuz it won’t despawn when there’s a boat

Around I’m going craftting yet another crafting table because I just apparently can’t have too many um crafting tables and just craft a couple sticks while I’m at it uh then I’m going to make the boat and I don’t know why I craft like that like always craft like that but I guess

I do and then take take this and then put the pink sheep in it and that pink sheep is probably going to that pink sheep’s just going to be fun um to look at if it would get in my boat this is this is this is not a kidnapping I swear

This is a sheep jacking um and if I would stop hitting the Escape key other than instead of the shift key um that would be greatly appreciated because I just you know a little special like that um so anyway now I captured that I’m just going to

Leave it there it will never despawn even if I go out of range and I’m going to go back to what I was doing which was uh trapping villagers um so I knew how many I had uh pretty sure that’s why I said I was trapping villagers and just

You know cover that up no baby Zombies Allowed no no dead villagers on my watch see now cuz I can run up there and get on anything that can’t jump will just go straight down like zombies or anything that moves which can move which can jump up blocks but can’t jump across

Blocks which I don’t really know if you can move upwards in horizontal function should be able to jump across like this but um I don’t really know Java people need to figure it out and I am having a momentarily momentarily momentary lack of thoughts right now I can’t seem to

Find any more villagers um so I think I’m just gonna uh Montage it until I have transported all of them to where they’re supposed to be while I’m collecting beds and doing other important things just cuz I don’t feel like cutting it and I don’t feel like it’s an uh necessarily unimportant part

So if you want to you know I don’t know if you can slow it down or anything like turn down the uh speed in the the thing but I’m doing a lot of just wandering around so I’m just gonna uh speed it up for a little bit and then I’ll be right Back So after some extraordinarily Hype music um I guess it’s back to uh playing the uh game in real time and I need um so I did also end up grabbing um a little bit of resources for the farm so uh and I did start the farm to

Get like the villagers in I got two or three villagers down there I don’t remember how many were needed so I got a couple like I started building the farm and all of it was in that little uh fast forwarding clip that I uh was in so if you slow that

Down then you can uh see exactly how I did it and I do need to get this villager back over to this is why I put try to put them all in the same place now the reason that they’re not that they’re not all back in their contain

Like I don’t know if you all are actually paying attention when I fast forwarded through most of it but the that uh I did put them in a GL container containment center and the reason they’re not is because uh something I didn’t show as I was doing a little bit

Of off camera stuff cuz I couldn’t get my um replays to work um or recording recordings to work was um that during the night um these these guys how you trap them is you during the night you wait for and of course he’s going to keep running away from me but during the

Night you wait for uh them to go to sleep and then you you trap them cuz when they wake up they they’ll only spawn in one specific hole and and then you just keep repeating the process um I do still feel like it’s really really funny though that

Uh I really really do think it’s funny that these all these kids are doing things and uh he’s pathfinding to another bed isn’t he I don’t know I did go through and try to destroy all the beds for this particular purpose but I guess he he feels like he belongs over

Here so any beds I’m going to look for any beds and if I see one I’m destroying one I’m going to see where he’s going to path find to cuz where he pass the path finds to is where the bed’s going to end up being

No so is it in any one of these houses I check this no it’s not in this one I remember checking that one not in that one he’s just stuck between his bed over there and his bed here and are really like it’s Des

Spr that I end up um getting um where he supposed to go yep now his path Landing over to the B I just placed down so maybe if I break this he’ll start being smart going to where he’s supposed to go um which is over here I lost

Him dang it I knew I’d lose him I knew I’d lose him try to get in the come on in come on in I don’t know why I’m sounding Southern I’ve been saying y’all I’m not even Southern I’m not even I’m the furthest from Southern you could

Get literally well not the furthest from Southern you could get but I definitely I definitely ain’t Southern that’s for sure I’m definitely not Southern I I I I am not Southern at all I wonder if he came all the way over here which would be funny if he did it all by

Himself of course we got mobs all up on me and no protection is kind of annoying nope so I thought two two villagers only I don’t know why I left that open yeah no I got three minutes because I left it to restart uh so I’m GNA

No I’m going to go continue to try to find out where this uh kid is and uh now you know my intentions I’m just going to cut to when I have them all in the proper loation okay I know I said I was definitely going to cut but um after C

For a review of this footage I decided that it would be in my best interest because this is kind of a a scary moment oh my God okay so uh I am a little low right now I don’t I can’t oh my God two hearts I really really really

Really really low I don’t want to die like at all um please don’t die I don’t and there’s a skeleton what am I supposed to do what am I actually supposed to do I mean I could try to get the skeleton to hit the spider right oh

Let’s go I got it I got it and then I fell one heart is crazy a way I just made that ain’t no way okay so that was the part I really just want wanted to cut out of there just cuz I thought that was a little

Moment that needed to be shared cuz uh one heart is a little low than lower than I wanted to uh have okay so as you can see I did manage to uh get all three of the um villagers in which is very good for the iron farm obviously they

Need to be be in in order to like survive this whole this uh area that’s going to be free is where whenever the if they wake up that’s where they’re going to go and and in this case they’re going to be indefinitely trapped because they will always be there um so now I’m

Going to continue working on little aspects of the farm and um uh like I need to add a lightning rod right here and I know I’m pausing multiple times on the game clip but that’s just CU I’m watching the Raz Works video which it is a Raz Works

Video uh it will be be uh L uh pinning the link in the description or I don’t know whatever whatever I’m doing uh putting in the description probably um so yeah let me just uh speed this up until I figure out how to get the entire thing all set up including the zombie

And uh I’ll see you Then D This Okay so after just a little bit of work I did end up managing to get a zombie in there um and uh did end up getting actually fully trapped now if you remember if anybody uh remembered so stupid if any any of you actually were paying attention like watching the thing

You would have noticed I did get a zombie captured and then it well got un alived by these horrendous beasts in which I am attempting to um farm so I think I will continue to well finish the Farm um so I do need to go grab a couple of

Materials to finish off this Farm but I also want to see if it will um hold a block which is why there’s a block in there because I don’t want it to despawn so um yeah I did on getting a pretty fair bit of iron um while making the farm cuz I was

Killing Iron Golems as I was trying to farm the zombies and everything like literally everything else um so I do have quite a bit of iron so I should be able to make some sort of armor or something um but right now I’m going to go over turning for my little

Trip to the pill Outpost um I obviously crafted all my armor and stuff and um just a little warning I didn’t end up recording my trip to the Pillager Outpost um which I am extraordinarily sorry for but I just forgot to turn back on my

Recording like I on like I uh left to go make myself some food and then I came back and forgot to turn on the recording um but for now now um as you can see I did end up managing to finish the farm as well um which is just unfortunate and that’s

That’s the another reason I the zombie is not there is that um it it despawned when I went to the Villager Outpost villager Outpost so now there’s no need to move for further further away I did get everything I really needed which is just a little bit

Of starting iron and pretty much uh good armor for where I’m at right now um so I didn’t really I didn’t really want to uh go over to The Outpost but I had to check for a um name tag shoot I forgot the I forgot the name of the stupid thing of course

It’s a name tag so um yeah um I’m just trying to think of something new to do now I should probably stop wondering around and doing absolutely nothing but I guess for now I’m going to unload my inventory cuz I don’t really have much of anything and

Then I’m going to get started on uh my next major task if I ever you know choose to and I’m just going to uh cut to when I actually start doing something okay so I did end up getting all this stuff a lectern which is what this is

But this is right now because I need a librarian for a uh name tag right name tag in order to uh you know make sure that the zombies in my iron farm don’t despawn um so that is what I’m going to start doing is I’m going to start grinding all the trades

To get my librarian up to master so I can kind of you know purchase that uh name tag so that way everything is happy fun I don’t I don’t really know it’s just going to be better than it is right now um so I think I’m going to just cut

Again and then resume where I have something important or fast forward I think I’m going to fast forward this Part Me Okay so I did end up uh cutting down loads of trees and getting loads of wood and I crafted them all the sticks so now it is time to see exactly how many emeralds I got um and this is going to be an interesting number cuz I honestly

Uh don’t know and I don’t want them to change their price either I only got one Fletcher so hopefully that’s enough I’ve already got four Aral so let’s go I’m on a roll should probably move these up here though it’ll be more uh easily accessible and I’m going to continue to

Trade with him and then I come on oh my levels are also going up I’m just noticing that I’m on level 11 now level 12 still on level 12 and of course he ran out of Trades so I think uh the best course of action right here is to go get

Another Fletcher so I think going to go do that cuz I do have another guy who’s completely not um doing anything and I don’t want that kind of trade so on the librarian I just got I just that’s just what he came with so um uh don’t I

Didn’t choose it or anything it’s it was not up to me and I really need to be able to make this parkour jump because I I I apparently can’t um so now I’m going to jump over this and then I’m going to um well grab a couple beds so I can

Breath the villagers um and go breathe them after I go to bed myself because obviously I well need to go to bed I guess um cuz I can’t reach it from here and I don’t feel like trying to make the parkour jump which I suck at I’ll get

Better at it eventually I swear I swear yall just need to sit and wait patiently um you know I guess I guess I guess I have enough time so I’m going to put them down because I did make it first time um so let’s just continue to put

Down these beds and as I’m putting down these beds um I don’t know what I’m doing with my sugar cane that I got for the lecturn um but there we go and that’s one uh that’s one extra bed so I can get one extra um villager because

Every villager needs a bed in order to breed um so I mean I think I’m pretty good right now I got plenty of sticks I just need to uh breed the villagers and all the other fun stuff so I’m going to go and read them uh right about now if I

Could get in I would really quite appreciate it I just need to stop UNS sprinting in B there just continue to go okay that works that works I guess um so I’m going to give them a little bit of bread like that and then I’m going to

Wait for them to you know uh have another villager actually I probably won’t cuz it’s really really boring but um uh I’m now yeah I’m going to go dip and hopefully they uh uh they they uh make another villager I don’t know how to put that put that

Cenly than just make another villager and I am going to go also get another uh shoot what is it called a Fletching table for another fleser obviously so I’m going to go Tower up with this and then dig down until until I get um well until I get down to the bottom

Which hopefully will be two gravel and repeat the process until I do get two gravel um um so I think I’m just going to keep on you know going down I okay there’s one Flint gravel Flint same thing you know what I mean though I need to okay

There he goes there’s my second one that was really fast actually um come on you you all going to hurry up anytime soon cuz I do think I gave them the appropriate appropriate amount of everything so they just need to you know like actually get through with the

Process where they look at each other and start making those hard things oh dang it I thought it was happening why can’t it not happen I just want it to happen I just really want it to happen okay now I’m going to craft some more bread just to see if that’s the problem

And once I do that I’m going to go make a fetching table because I well obviously very important that I have one and then make my last little piece of bread and then I’m going to go and we’ll put that down there then then going to go Chuck some bread at them

Violently I wonder if I can get over the uh thing now it just goes right there so I think I have to go parkour up and around like the yeah that obviously that now let’s try this again on this side though nope not like that keep on trying

This so this is probably the biggest uh expenditure of food that um is in this entire thing not the Villager breeding but me just parkouring over I swear I probably lose like a hunger bar every single time I try and I’m also going to get a little Le turn and see if that

Makes a difference I don’t know why it would but I just see so I’m going to place it down right right here bro they were just making I didn’t see it I I don’t know how I didn’t see it but I I didn’t see

It and it just broke the process I am so special hey but if you’re giving me sticks for emeralds if I’m giving you sticks for emeralds I’ll take it any day of the week um so I’m just going to cut my losses and just do this and get a bunch more

Emeralds we’ve already gotten 22 already and we still got plenty of sticks so I’m not that worried about running them out of them too frequently now chopping down trees is going to end up being like a tradition for like the next 20 days as I

Work to get more emeralds I got half of my first half stack of emeralds and I’m still going at strong at 38 is my total amount right about now um I got to go see if I can find any other sticks anywhere else but I’m just so mad that I

Didn’t get another villager because it would be so nice to get like another one um so I’m just going to you know continue to uh work on what I’ve been working on in this hole which is uh getting more villagers which I might need a whole another set of bread for

Speaking of which I’m going to go get enough for another piece of bread and actually just grab all of this stuff um because I do want to end up seeing if if I just reive them bread like one more piece of bread if they’ll like start making like start making another

Villager for me like if it’s just because their breeding process was interrupted so I’m kind of hoping that just two pieces of bread will do the trick um and this is kind of some Wishful wishful thinking but and I need to go over here yep okay just kind of

Stand up here and then toss my bread like that and then I’m going to hope that once they pick it up don’t like you know make me another villager and um like so then I can have another entity to train trade with I guess I I don’t really know what I’m saying

Anymore I’m just hoping that it kind of works and I think if I go away they won’t feel so um Sacre of about um the the baby villager yes the the baby villager and I guess I can go chop down a couple more trees while I’m at it so I

Guess it’s time to uh cue some sort of Taj of M while I Wait Okay so um since I went on that little Montage I have uh I did end up managing to get all these sticks and um everything I am going to craft a little Stone hoe and do a little bit of farming and then also get around to doing my

Trading of eventually which I guess should be right about now so I can clear up some space in my inventory and also get to work on them emeralds and I did end up getting another baby villager and obviously the bunch of sticks and everything so I’m just going

To go to work and get more emeralds I’m so close to a stack and it’s so nice but unfortunately fortunately but unfortunately I get two sticks back every time so it’s going to be an uneven amount which is slightly annoying but also kind of useful and I don’t know how

To feel about it cuz I don’t want two sticks back and um not you that guy um and uh two sticks back per 64 so it’s a one stick uh off for 32 which is the regular trading amount and I’m and I’m I’m actually only a couple off

From 60 uh 64 I’m only uh what is it two stacks away so that’s really nice uh like really really really nice uh so I’m going to get out of here because I think most of what I’m doing for today is completely done and well I’m just going to make another axe

CU I don’t have one currently and uh I guess now it should be would be a good time to start working on my trade trades and stuff so that’s what I’m going to go do is I’m going to start working on my trades now I just need to

Get a good one so I’m going to cut to when I get a good or fast forward until when I get a good one and then also probably fast forward to when I’m done doing anything else that’s actually I’m just going to cut fast forward to when I’m done doing everything useless and Boring The Okay so I did manage to get a lot of important things done in that uh little clip that was like two or 3 minutes long but I didn’t really think it was necessary to show it was just a bunch of farming but at the exact same time I

Didn’t want you all to accuse me cheating so if you sped up good for you if you didn’t well you can obviously see how I got some of my resources and how I’m standing here right now now right now I am going to going to start house start house start construction on my

First house which I do think is very important to um what I’m doing right now um so I am going to remove uh I don’t know why it’s very important to what I’m doing right now I just I just feel like building right now and I honestly think

This might take a long time so um I’m going to you know run all the way back for my bed and then I’m going to continue to terraform it cuz I want it to be built right there inside into the mountain so start some of it’s sticking

Out of the mountain and some of it’s built inside of the mountain and I have a couple really really good ideas um for the house but I don’t honestly think it’s necessary necessary to show me building it so I’m sorry that it’s just going cut cut cut cut cut or fast

Forward fast forward fast forward but unfortunately to keep this under 7 billion hours I’m going to have to do that um and um uh shoot what am I saying I’m sorry that it has to be like that but that’s just the way that this entire

Process is going so I’m going to go run back over I’m going to go uh run back over there and then I’m going to cut and speed up this entire process again and then I’ll give you a little tour at the end [Applause] Hey Hey He [Applause] Sh He Hey Okay I’m pretty much done with the house I just want to see if this looks good right here um because I don’t know what to add right here like I don’t really I can’t really think of anything good to place right there and the answer to my

Question is going to be absolutely not that looks that looks like somebody just died on the house so I’m going to um kind of go and uh remove that and then I think it’s going to be time for a house tour and I do think that’s going to look

Pretty good so I’m just going to do that remove this and then I think everything is all set for a nice little house tour um and uh so I think let me just remove that I think that one is right there I think yeah so I think I’m going to go down

And you know check everything out uh so outside I think it looks pretty cool and then we go inside where our layout is brch walls with a nice pillar supports and a chest room a bunch of crafting tables and furnaces all around as well as other random workstations

Nice chest system in the middle and um I do need to change that dirt block but it doesn’t matter leading back here we have a nice cozy little home area with bookshelves and chest a nice little chest area and all in all actually pretty happy with the turnout um of the

Home I kind of think it looks really really nice and homey like a nice little homey Vibe um and it turns out I might be using my bed in here for the first time ever but before we do that I’m going to go admire the little Sunset

Real quick and then I’m going to you know quickly go back and then go to bed um I really am happy with this little uh uh home that I butt I don’t know if you all feel the same I didn’t change the roof I really do need to do that but

I’m I’m going to focus on that later and obviously I I like the ceiling as I don’t really know why I don’t change the ceiling to something else but I really like like it as as it is right now and I think um I’m pretty happy y’all can comment

What you want about the house and everything but I think it looks good and then I think I’m going to go fast forward for a little uh log mining sesh and then and tie this video up with a couple emeralds and that’s going to be It Okay after not much time I did end up getting plenty of uh logs I didn’t plan on doing it for uh very long so I didn’t do it for very long obviously oh no that’s it’s the wrong key um so now it’s time to trade with every everybody and everything um

And then I’m going to put a wrap to this video so I’m going to just you know uh trade and then keep trading and um let’s see how much emeralds we get now I’m already gotten two um three four this is taking forever because they’re not even Stacks five six seven um eight

There we go moving uh to be closer nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 uh and then guess I need new sticks now so at 15 emeralds not that bad I’m going to quickly craft a bunch of those and a bunch more of those and turn those into

A bunch more sticks like this and then just repeat the process over and over again and I guess it’s night time for some of them so might might as well be night time for me too um it’s not that close to Night Time come on get with the program get with the

Program I can’t stop making myself laugh about how stupid I am but I’m going to go to sleep real quick and I’m going to wake up and you know get going with everything and they look like they reset their trades which is nice cuz this is faster it’s not as painful uh 19

21 23 now 25 this still going to be 27 after 27 is 29 after 29 is 31 and he’s out of Trades nice next guy after 31 is he’s already out of business and I don’t have another one so I guess it’s time to go and get another Fletcher

Table which is really quite nice um cuz they’re not resetting the trades are there are they no so let’s get out of here just like this and I don’t know why I did it on this side but I did and then run out with the opposite of the parkour

That always kills me and I’ll replant that seed later because you know it’s always going to annoy me and I’ll take out my okay wow that was the fastest any I’ve ever seen anybody get two flint I just uh randomly got to Flint immediately I swear it’s not scripted

You can review it frame by frame but I sound so sus when I say it’s not scripted it doesn’t matter I’ve gotten better at crafting faster too if you haven’t noticed not not as fast as you know like people like dream who are in the Minecrafting Community but

Like just in general gotten better and faster um so let’s add a whole another one to the Tower and I don’t think he’s going to link up to it right there so time to punch it down pick it up and move it because he’s not linking to it I guess

Cuz he can’t reach it okay so you’re you’re linked and you will give me some St give me give me give me um there we go and then just keep going with us and I will have ended this little session with about 50 38 right now 50

39 um I’m so special and I can just craft more sticks if I could find yep there we go and then there we go and then there we go and I left with three leftovers so just make one one stick and then trade with you for one Emerald cheaper than what is necessarily

Called for and then just keep going with the trades and um hope everything works out and this is pretty much all I’m going to be doing for the rest of my video so I’m just going to tie it out like that um I hope you all enjoyed the last

Little video that I’ve been doing and I will see you in the next one just after I finish up with this right here and as as always I’m planning on doing every 3 weeks or so um just give me a second to find out how frequently I can trade with

And I’ll promise I’ll try to be as close to that as possible um and right now I’m uh trying for 3 weeks but I’m not quite so sure if I can necessarily make that possible um so just be generous uh for with me and these first couple of episodes so um

Yeah right now we’re at 59 emeralds and there we go 50 whatever can’t can’t trade that um come on give me a snack give me a St let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go 63 64 and one 64 and one this is the

First time I think I’ve hold a stack in my inventory and I think I’ve been doing pretty good and these are the this is the trade I locked in I’m pretty sure and it’s time to upgrade this kid and that will be all for what I’m doing

Right now let’s go he’s finally pass novice but he’s not showing me better upgrades so just going to buy more I guess and go through all my emeralds in the process um just just just to level them up okay there we go now we can also level up using the El turn remember

We’re just trying to get this to get the uh book tag for later uh name tag for later for the iron farm but we’re having some pretty steady progress um we’re already having a trade with fortune 3 nice that’s normally going to take me forever to grind for but I can just s

Here and you know admire my fortune 3 and uh yeah that’s that’s all for episode one uh tying it out again um but that’s all for episode one that’s all I wanted to accomplish and uh see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore ep #1- the most unique start’, was uploaded by irrelevent gamer on 2023-12-10 21:57:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:44 or 5924 seconds.

My first yt video!!! pls sub if you like the video. I plan on uploading every three weeks

iron farm by rays works:

  • Master Aternos Commands in Minecraft!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History!

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  • Minecraft’s New Tick Trick: Suck and Stick

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

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  • Insane Growth in Minecraft 2 – Must See!

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  • INSANE LEVELS?! Javier XYZ Gacha’s EPIC Gaming Adventure!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server: Join Rafli Nagara17 on ViaSMP Nightly Blitz!

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  • Minecraft Rabbit Challenge: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER

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  • Astral Pixelmon Modded Server: Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.11, Bingo, Auction House, Voting Crates, Non-Pay2Win, WonderTrade, DexRewards, LGBTQ+ Friendly

    How to Install Pixelmon Reforged I personally use the Curse launcher at CurseForge. You can also download the mod for 1.16.5 at and install it manually. Welcome to Astral Pixelmon! IP: Discord: Features: EV Safari Pixelmon Bingo Dex Rewards Custom Crates Adult Owned LGBTQ+ Friendly WonderTrade Pokebags Pixelmon Raids Gambling Timber Mod Resource World Vanilla Mobs Custom Textures Gym Leaders GTS About Us: We are an adult-run Pixelmon server that offers family-friendly yet challenging gameplay. Our experienced staff can handle any challenge thrown at us, providing a unique and enjoyable Pixelmon experience. Read More

  • gameserver gameserver Read More

  • EmpCraft

    EmpCraftNew SMP server running on 1.20.6, as of right now its only survival but i do plan on adding more things to do on the server but please consider dropping by and trying it out! 😀 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Mayhem #18

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  • From Miner to Master: The Baby Worker’s Boss Battle!

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  • “Hot Tips for Building CaseOh in Minecraft 🔥😂” #caseoh #meme

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Ultimate Last Species Attack in Minecraft Night

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  • Unbelievable! The Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment Fail! #shorts

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  • Caught on Camera: Darklord Gaming vs. Hoglin

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  • President Reveals TOP SECRET Information! Watch NOW!

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  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft SMP Server – Free & Fun!

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  • Unbelievable Discovery! Mycelium Miltank Island in Minecraft Cobblemon

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  • UNBELIEVABLE Mekanism V3 MOD in MCPE 1.20/1.21!

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  • Uncover the Secrets of “Bob” – Minecraft Live Stream!

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  • “Insane $1k Minecraft Tournament Challenge!” #clickbait #gameandshame

    "Insane $1k Minecraft Tournament Challenge!" #clickbait #gameandshameVideo Information This video, titled ‘$1,000 MINECRAFT TOURNAMENT #minecraft #gaming #comedy #gameandshame #mrbeast #epic #joerogan’, was uploaded by Game and Shame on 2024-01-16 03:22:18. It has garnered 91 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    EPIC Minecraft Animation - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #lokicraft bahut achcha song Gaya #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by IMTAJ on 2024-05-17 06:20:47. It has garnered 450 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • KarlssonSMP Vanilla SMP Java Season 2 whitelist 18+

    Welcome to karlssonSMP! What started in late August 2023 by a couple of friends who decided to invite new players turned into a fun and small community of like-minded players, our goal is to make it feel like you’re just playing with friends. At karlssonSMP our priority is to maintain the essence of the original game by preserving its vanilla aspects. However, we’ve implemented a few quality of life datapacks to ensure a smoother experience for all players. Apply to join us on Discord Enhanced Gameplay Experience the best of both worlds with vanilla gameplay complemented by carefully selected quality-of-life… Read More

  • Valexium Factions

    Valexium FactionsValexium is a new and unique Factions server focused on high fidelity gameplay and intelligent design. All players are welcome and we have active staff members to ensure players get the best experience possible. We have multiple mini-games all tied seamlessly into the Factions experience, for example if you complete one of our Parkour challenges, you can win crate keys that will benefit you in the Factions realm. Alongside Factions is our other core gamemode: Survival Games! There are 3 beautiful battle royale arenas which can support upto 24 players each, you can earn loot, unlock achievements and more! All… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Legendary Bug: Ruined by Fix

    Minecraft Memes - Legendary Bug: Ruined by Fix“Well, at least we’ll always have the memories of flying pigs and exploding beds… until they were cruelly taken away from us by those heartless developers.” Read More

  • Hoodie Hilarity: Minecraft’s Cube Xuan MC Animation

    Hoodie Hilarity: Minecraft's Cube Xuan MC Animation In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I have a hoodie, a cool look that jives. With animations that are funny and bright, I bring joy and laughter, day and night. No pirated content, all original and true, I bring you happiness, through and through. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, For funny MC animations, that can’t be beat. Let’s explore together, in this pixelated land, With rhymes and laughter, hand in hand. Read More

  • Who’s the Skulkiest Wither in Minecraft?

    Who's the Skulkiest Wither in Minecraft? I guess you could say the wither mob’s death will really “rock” the sculk generation! Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Hidden Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an intriguing YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Secret Door Tutorial!” In this tutorial, the creator demonstrates how to create a hidden base/hidden door using an item frame as a redstone component. The creativity and ingenuity showcased in this video truly highlight the endless possibilities within the Minecraft world. After watching this tutorial, we couldn’t help but think about the endless opportunities for creativity and innovation that await on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of what… Read More

  • The Birth of Herobrine: Monster School Animation

    The Birth of Herobrine: Monster School Animation The Mysterious Tale of Herobrine in Minecraft Within the vast world of Minecraft, a legend looms large – the enigmatic figure known as Herobrine. Born in the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan, Herobrine, also known as Thinmasuke Zigashikata, had a rather ordinary childhood. With his parents, Tomoka and Nagito, by his side, he navigated the challenges of life in the digital realm. The Origins of Herobrine Herobrine’s story is shrouded in mystery, with many players claiming to have encountered this elusive figure in the game. Some believe him to be a malevolent entity, while others see him as a… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Modded Minecraft TownHall Spellcraft

    UNBELIEVABLE Modded Minecraft TownHall SpellcraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Part 1: TownHall and spellcraft’, was uploaded by Starlight Bear on 2024-05-24 00:37:32. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:45 or 7005 seconds. Welcome to Part 1 of My modded Minecraft series! In this episode, we will be building a TownHall, Builders hut and diving into the world of spellcraft. Join me on this exciting adventure as we explore new mods and features in the game. Don’t forget to subscribe for more content like this! #ModdedMinecraft #TownHall #Spellcraft #Gaming #subscribe Pls If this video reaches… Read More