Insane Steampunk Storage Trick in 24 HRS!

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[Music] he oh hello chat and welcome to my humble whole why is the screen black why is the screen black hey hey hold onp dip dip dip fixing fixing where’s Minecraft there it is wh there we go perfect hello everyone welcome yeah pollution is that bad that’s how that’s how far we are in the pack no we are just starting in the pack we are just starting in the pack it is it’s a little shy today yeah steampunk a little shy today but welcome welcome welcome welcome how you guys doing everyone feeling good everyone feeling nice hello hello Jumper in skeleton be link grief quman sure you can share tarit of a person thank you for the sub Punk more steampunk thank you lost so how’s every do we are pretty early in the pack still I’m pretty sure yeah we’re still hiding out in hob holes and it’s freezing outside I I think we really uh really were trying to try to get that season calendar thing that season sensor but we need nether quartz for that and we just got our hands on a diamond pickaxe you know I don’t remember enchanting this thing not at all but apparently we definitely did enchant it over here so we have a little Fortune 1 efficiency 3 iron pickaxe in case we want to use that but I want to kind of check out the nether you watch the VOD today that’s awesome thank you very much I am glad I finally got that set up well listen to the VOD fair enough fair enough so yeah today we have the world as our oyster I got this reward that I forgot to grab the other day but there is so much stuff that we could go ahead and do and it’s all very exciting it’s all very exciting so welcome back so I know if we wanted to go to the nether we could get we get a soul spring lamp for doing it okay cool because I’m pretty sure if we check out the thin air and cold sweats a soul spring lamp it cools down like nether heat or something yeah yeah but you need like a heart of a sea and a chain and it just this whole thing so I’m thinking we just go to the nether don’t know what tips I’m expecting but small honestly probably exploit the respirator still works when broken oh that is good to know uh I think I’m still going to try to play it like proper quote unquote so I’m not going for many explits but I will keep that in mind that is good to know that is good to know nice okay so few few things we can do here I think we go to the nether to get like a season calendar just to do that and then we should probably go over trying to get some enchantments and stuff on our tools and weapons and things and of course these chests need organizing we are very poorly organized at the moment and that is going to oh we already have obsidian look at me future proofing look at look at past D JoJo being smart about things all right well before we do chest stuff let’s let’s check out the nether I’m curious what it’ll look like in there and I’m pretty sure we’re going to like jump in there and then immediately just have to jump out of there uh that’s that’s what it sounds like to me because it is going to be hot hot hot don’t remember how you got it you can get an enchanting table skill and use books to power it however you want uh I have the book of skills here oh it would probably be the enchantability ooh that’s do I have to that’s an interesting point actually would I need books to do enchanting if I do it in the improvable skills thing I accidentally checked this off I didn’t mean to parchment fragment ender pearl enchanting table and a bookshelf H it’s a quest book [Music] reward interesting what’s the quest book reward of the enchanter ability I am curious what this enchanter ability isation look this piss doesn’t make itself but also have a s I need 15 books okay wow thank you so much for the immediate hype train again both of these streams are just open with hype trains that is well that’s hype uh thank you very much I also need to remove that old uh Waypoint I have over here I don’t need this anymore we are just going to delete that and get out of here and we’re just going to put one right on top of us and this is going to be uh Hobbit home nope I hate caps lock home and I’m going to set this to dark green because it’s a very hoby color in my book D JoJo interrupting D JoJo yeah exactly still working on the the the sound effects you know how how loud those are uh nice nice I do have a vods command now if you guys want to know where the vods channel is UM oh it is so cold outside okay okay okay I need to not I need to not be just doing nothing let’s do something what’s the end goal of the mod pack there are a ton of bosses to fight mostly it seems like bosses and stuff and then making you know good factories and stuff like that like obviously there’s a whole like create quest line that we can go through it’s really cool and so it’s fun to kind of like it’s one of those like do all the quests you want uh but generally speaking I’m pretty sure the idea is like reach galacio uh conquer like the other dimensions like there’s a ton a ton a ton a ton a ton of quests reach the end I know the end is difficult to get to in this one ske made you take a shot of olive oil that sounds gross uh it does want me to craft the shield before going to the nether as far as the quest progression goes so we’ll do that uh and then you know what probably should start with organ our chests cuz if I don’t organize if I don’t start this now I’m never going to do it and then it’s going to be a problem and it’s just going to be a problem and we don’t want problems all right got a little bit of iron back for that enter the nether potion of fire resistance okay that’s nice ow netherite Shield that’s pretty cool as well as Engineers manual and this is what’s going to get us stuff for uh I think that’s immersive engineering okay so that’s a lever in a book oh that’s a cute texture uh nice testing all the commands stars coming in testing all the commands Okay I’m going to go and start just doing some organization stuff right let’s get uh like valuables you know ores and stuff like that into one chest you guys know how it is you guys know how it is we’ve all played Minecraft here we all know the the grind of getting stuff away the only real struggle I think I’m going to have here is that uh I I don’t recognize a lot of stuff like a lot of things look very different than they normally do in Minecraft and I know maybe right now this chest is overkill but eventually we’re going to need quite a bit of space in here cuz we’re going to be just having a ton of stuff and I wonder could I put a crafting upgrade inside of a chest no okay so crafting upgrades go in backpacks only that is good to know that’s super good to know even uh wow look at all these goodies we have Man part of what’s so nice about organizing sometimes is you’re just like I had all this I had all this oh my gosh I had all this uh last backseat moment but you’d skip progression and go for Tom simple storage oh you know what that’s a great point I don’t know I don’t know why I’m doing anything other than Tom’s uh that would be a terminal I would need to start with prefer B whoa okay so if we want to go for Tom simple storage we need the nether cuz we need to get brass here okay fine I like that challenge Tom simple storage I’m going to change the title of the stream uh because that’s what I want now Tom’s uh I need storage there we go I need storage that’s what we’re doing today that’s what we’re doing today Tom simple storage and that does actually mean we need to go to the nether uh can I sleep or something no okay uh I guess I’ll put the Nether Portal here for now uh yeah sure why not why not why not why not I’m not stressing about it I’m not stressing about it this mod pack looks hard Arcane engineering and Sky T levels of hard no not at all not at all um at least at least it doesn’t seem like it right now I guess it could get a lot harder but as far as I can tell it’s mostly just exploration um and like Choose Your Own Adventure style uh Quest and stuff like that which I love I love that stuff all right there we go man I have like Zero armor I should have more armor what oh is that thing in the offhand like Shield power I have no idea what that is actually interesting when I let go of this is a big old cool down okay so there’s a rework to how Shields function I’m pretty sure I’m just going to immediately get hot let’s see the fights are hard but that’s about it the Ender Dragon is bugged with 2 million Health okay I’ll keep an eye on the Ender Dragon being bugged with 2 million Health like million okay is that even like possible okay and then immediately send okay cool the portal is cool that’s nice the portal is cool that’s kind of it it’s grindy but possible okay I love the the title cards that’s pretty fun okay but that should have been enough for this quest for a fire resistance potion uh and then they want us to find find an integrated stronghold which is kind of cool and also enough to give me the soul uh spring yeah soul spring Lantern okay beautiful so potions of fire resist very nice Soul spring Lantern uh do I have to hold that or just have it be in my I probably have to hold that I probably have to hold that cuz like there’s a whole like animation for holding it okay the stronghold is really cool as the quest implies ton of features from the mods that’s awesome that’s awesome uh next thing we want to do is make sure we have empty Blaze burners cuz that’s what we’re going in here for we need Blaze burners okay and that is stock recipe very nice always like to see it uh but we don’t have a press so let’s get to crafting create mod create mod uh oh I will claim this I will disclaim this for today’s stream I don’t know how long we’re going to go because and this is a very good thing this is a very fortunate thing uh but of course it will affect what what does andesite alloy look like here’s andesite but do we have andesite alloy andesite alloy no we don’t have any andesite alloy well I guess I can’t search in these chests let me just check does it look kind of oh anite alloy looks normal okay that’s good to know uh let’s make a press and then a crank cuz I want to get a mixer up and running so we could just get andesite alloy uh like proper out of the way but that’s still going to require well that’s actually probably going to require most of what our andesite is anyways cuz we would need one 2 three four five okay all right we need more andesite got it understood andesite is a problem because we would need this we need that I don’t even have a crank okay your magical power of two monitors two monitor oh there’s andite right here cool little andesite vein do we have stuffs and additions in this one do we have the uh portable drill uh no no portable drill in this okay no problem really oh no my torches dang it it’s all gone all my torches are gone well that’s deeply unfortunate oh well oh well oh well but anyways I will disclaim it’s good news oh again um but it may change how the stream goes uh I am back on ater all this is my first day of being medicated again finally uh for ADHD so I finally got my prescription refilled and it’s been very nice uh but of course that kind of stuff does change you know how things work uh so I don’t know how long we’ll be streaming for um and certain things might be hard because this is day one this is day one for me so I’m not like properly adjusted to it yet no Port no portable drill zero out of 10 it’s not that bad like I like the portable drill but I would never consider it to be like a complete necessity in the create mod pack I don’t think I would ever consider it like that actually um but I do like it I do like it craft the hand crank I would yeah okay nice of course that’s a of course that’s a thing now this should be enough stuff to hopefully get a uh no cuz I need casing okay so hopefully this is going to be the last piece of andesite alloy that we inefficiently craft cuz yeah I don’t like being inefficient with my andesite alloy because it’s a real freaking pain to deal with uh and for now we’re just going to use the press and a crank it’s not pretty it’s not even nice but it’s what we’re doing I think it’s five oh wow the item texture is shiny that’s kind of cool oh that doesn’t help H I need to take off my magnet ring don’t I okay that actually probably isn’t going to go back on for a while if we’re doing create stuff new meds day is always fun yeah yeah it’s it’s always a thing doesn’t adall make you tired it does the exact opposite of that actually almost the exact opposite of that um Okay lava automation could be a bit annoying okay Aderall made you a zombie so you’re on something else which uh isn’t working o I’m sorry that I I’m pretty lucky it’s working like I’m clearly not a zombie um although I am most of the way through recording the next episode of create mechanized and one thing that I am worri because I’m very calm right I’m very calm I’m very relaxed and that is not the state of mind that I typically find myself in and I’m having trouble with like am is it it’s it’s kind of like I’m at I’m having this moment of like am I like uninteresting or am I just chill you know um I don’t 100% know so we’ll we’ll kind of see as things come together I think it’s okay like listening back at it I’m like okay no that sounds fine so adal helps with ADHD but makes you more wake up well it can make you more awake um like one of my struggles with ADHD is fatigue you know so it helps a lot actually to to have ader roll and it it does different things to different people bodies are different uh it can make you sore that’s one thing it does makes you sore all right there we go now now our andesite El is cooking nicely and I did all of this why because I wanted to make Blaze burners uh which which and I just didn’t want to make inefficient andesite alloy okay cool cool cool cool cool for now I’ll keep things a little bit organized but I think the suggestion of Tom simple storage is actually yeah I forgot that that was in this pack and then there’s really no reason not to have Tom simple storage uh and I don’t really want to bring my diamond pickaxe into the nether in case I get absolutely borked uh and then how many Blaze burners do I want to grab is there like a a way to pick up Blaze burners easily I’ve heard no that’s a design and Decor probably not just started using Tom simp storage it’s amazing oh absolutely absolutely feel the same way it doesn’t help you ask your always positive girlfriend if you sound boring oh yeah no I’m absolutely asking Audrey if I’m like hey babe could you could you uh listen to the these recordings like and make sure I don’t sound like boring um yeah cuz that’s that’s that’s definitely a consideration uh I’m going to just make another water wheel for this I don’t want to deal with this being annoying uh you and you there we go now what ader all cannot fix is my dyslexia so I will still be unable to read things don’t worry that’s not changing um that is the djjo premium experience you send a chat and I go huh uh let’s see if I can’t get like some stairs up there to make my life even better trying to think of how I could avoid spilling water over my nice base that’s not nope there we go okay okay there we go I can play Minecraft I remember how to play Minecraft I do I do uh I mean three Blaze burners is that even like is that even feasibly enough ah it’s so slow it was my video that actually got me to start Tom simple nice this does not have mechanism in it first you mine then you craft then you do it all over again man that is really really slow um okay I should make goggles too while while I’m at it while I’m pressing and such and such I think will hold off on that that’s kind of a cool hack right there uh make the goggles and then just do some goodies cuz that’s taking forever and I’d rather just gear ratio it uh cogs of which I don’t have any of so let’s go make some oh no what am I talking about I got cogs right here I got cogs for freaking days never mind they not for days but do I have glass any glass glass glass glass y it’s clear to me I don’t have any [Laughter] glass uh immersives Kil is an option for brass uh let me I don’t know that actually I haven’t never played with immersive engineering actually uh let’s see there’s an ark furnace there’s alloy kils okay so I don’t have to go to the nether for brass how do I make this thing alloy K it’s made out of Kil bricks which is made out of brick and any stone any brick any stone I’d kind of rather do the blaze burner one that because like I don’t want to go grab clay to be honest uh it’s more convenient it’s probably faster too I don’t have any sand even what am I up to what what have I been doing on this world man I guess I’ve been ooing and awing at things thought I made glass for something but I must have used it whooshh so cold so chilly we’ll need to find like a proper deserted deserty area and then there’s that temp pad thing that would allow me to teleport around that is a good goal as well because teleportation is uh I love that Blaze burners are also more resource yeah they’re they’re just better better better better better better uh okay get you out of there there I’m sure I have a bunch of coal yeah I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it you make some glass please that’s a cute little flame uh let’s see what do I need for the temp pad uh that would be a beacon okay that’s unfortunate and I bet a beacon I bet I bet nether stars are like a whole thing you know bet they’re a whole thing I wonder where it is in progression cuz it wouldn’t be Overworld right it it would be obtain a Nether Star oh okay so that’s just straight up I have to kill a Wither in order to get the teleportation makes sense all right all right solid pun yeah no I’m I’m pretty good with puns I’m not I don’t want to brag or anything but uh I I’ve known to beenin a good pun here there all right uh goggles and you get out here two glass one string and a great great you know I can never remember that recipe of all the little crate mod recipes it’s the goggles that trips me up all the freaking time and this is the functioning version nope uh head oh wait oh I see it’s integrated in a jade okay but it does actually have to be here cool cool cool cool cool cool uh Bonk and we’re just going to ruin this area because why not man I don’t even care o ooh I’m a rebel actually hold on there we here we go do do do do I don’t have casing ah okay it’s a process early game create at least for me early game create is all this like what do I need what do I need what do I need there we go perfect spinning as fast as it can go uh for and then that’s another one that’s another one wonk definitely did not have a bad pun counter at some point no more bad pun counters I am I’m not deserving of such things was that a quest by the way goggles must have been right it’s always a quest what do I get for that two whole copper thank you thank you I do I do love two whole copper I can’t lie I’m a man who loves his copper Bon Bonk nice okay keep going perfect so 12 so that’s three Blaze burners uh uh I’ll go [Music] for two more cuz then like I have some to spare and I could make like I could make a 2 by two what’s it called steam engine this is all game create you’re just starting out lost your first world when you built a drill that was too big oh shoot that’s unfort forunate that’s unfortunate the giant drill uh the giant drill Pathway to defeat is very very sad yeah that’ll that’ll do it to you that’ll do it to you absolutely bonx y i that didn’t finish that hadn’t finished at all I didn’t let that finish uh I guess I’ll just go up to 24 and I do see that Ocarina I see it I see it I see it let me go get that uh and I’m going to be honest I’m going to be honest all right the new medicine it dries out my mouth and it tenses up my muscles a little bit so makes it a bit hard for me to play the Ocarina okay makes it a little bit hard for me to play V arara so if I screw something up it’s not me we’re going to go with uh Soldier poet King which is a cute little song that I know there we go look at that look at that look at that actually played that pretty well actually played that pretty well yeah the muscle tension is a little unfortunate for certain activities where it’s like I need my hands to open up boom Perfect all right we have the soul spring lamp so I should be able to go in there and get myself some Neato bitos um cuz you can’t bre you can’t breathe in the nether either right I’m not wrong about that or is that that’s actually just just Overworld right that might be just the Overworld let me check it was in quick tutorials new mechanics Thin Air This only affects the Overworld for now okay so I can actually wear armor in the nether nice nice that’ll be nice that’ll be a welcome uh welcome protection you know and then I’m just going to start dumping stuff that I don’t need on me uh because I don’t need it I don’t need snowballs I’ll keep the flint and steel as a just in case precaution pretty sure it’s said Overworld only yeah yeah very nice why am I hot uh thank you so much for the follow uh am I protected I’m not feeling so protected is that Netherrack that’s interesting oh I see it can’t go above 40 so I’m literally just sitting here at 39 okay so just hot enough to be like grumpy about it nice lots of Soul Sand love to see it I guess uh and then okay that’s six cool I can do six Blaze burners I can do six Blaze burners uh let’s look if we have a lucky immediate Fortress and no we don’t no we do not and this guy I mean only lasts for so long boy the shaders in here are going crazy I’m going to grab some Cobblestone pretty pink bazooka is an option for gun that is pretty sick that sounds neat uh let’s see I should have tons of cobblestone yeah I was going to say I know I have Cobblestone laying I don’t I even Cobble Cobble slate really deep slate is Cobble slate I I get it but come on now that’s a little goofy that’s a little silly that was your first St Arena Redemption very nice congratulations that is a lot of uh brain cell Channel points that you have uh mustered up for that we’re going to drop a waypoint here called home portal off purple is the right color and then I guess we’re going to head in this direction this direction let’s try it wow this place looks beautiful although those piglins are looking pretty mean I’m not going to lie maybe I should have worn gold but I don’t want to just keep going back and forth and back and forth at the same time I really don’t want to get merked by a piglin deep blues okay whatever whatever that is thank you I’m sure it’s oh that’s worse than a piglin that’s worse than a piglin what is that a goblin thing what was that that a baby goblin the heck all right but that hoglin is causing oh come on there’s haunters down here just cuz it’s the nether we’re going to do this ah shoot this is a terrible nether spawn absolutely horrible nether spawn a hydrate badle flood me with hydrates trust me be Hydra myself but thank you for the Redemption oh yeah all right uh can you deal with hogins easily with a pillar I don’t remember if they’re one of those mobs that has like wonus reach something tells me they might have wonus reach uh never mind I am the one who does not have wonus reach I see that’s that’s the problem I don’t have with donkey reach H okay it didn’t take that much damage there I can kind of Beat It from back here not bad whoa I just got a ton of stuff obtain a hog skin hey that’s for the magic spells okay cool cool cool o o o o o leave me alone I am Slayer of you beasts bow to me creature of the deep um okay wow this is amazing click the uh dormant eye thing in my charm slot it gives me plus three reach does it cuz it’s it seems to insinuate that it might do something bad or heinous to me I don’t want anything bad or heinous done to me I’ll tell you what uh are these glowing Soul spores cuz it just hit me I have no idea had to refill this Lantern it just occurred to me right now that I did not check that uh let’s do that right now actually uh you need Soul Sprouts okay the lamp only activates on the players and deadly heat in the nether with full fuel its effects will last for 20 minutes after which a lamp will disable until molur is supplied it is filled by soul sprs that you can grow on Soul Sand or soil and it thrives in hot biomes and temperatures easiest way to grow it is to place lava by it um so I don’t have a lot of a Time is what I’m getting at is what I’m what I’m hearing here uh wow that is squishy sounding Netherrack do we have quartz anywhere any quartz uh can I turn rose quartz buds into rose quartz actually boy why is it so flushy the Netherrack I don’t like that at all here’s quartz silt very nice there we go so this will give us our season C counter thing which is really sick actually I love that for us I love that for us um and we’re just going to hope we find some nice goody things you know takes those flower things you have no clue how to get them okay it looks like I needed to actually submit the um looks like I had to actually like submit it to the quest book in order to get those which is a little unfortunate because I don’t have it I’m just really hoping that we find ourselves a fortress soon enough but we are not getting lucky with it generally generally I feel like I get pretty lucky with my Fortress spawns you know like I’ll I’ll get them close enough to uh to the to the entryway that the the map will pick them up and that’s always super nice not the case and I would really hate to lose these levels like that would not be fun a lot of sparkles though pick up some Soul Sand for haunting purposes and I’m I’m sure Soul Sand has other fantastic iCal uses I think even it said that like the soul Sprout thingy miggies grow on top of this stuff rose quartz Shard can I do anything interesting with you uh rock candy that’s kind of cool oh I can polish it and polish rose quartz it’s actually sick is a much easier way of getting rose quartz then I will just grab a few of these then actually that’s that’s actually really cool huh nice that’ll skip a little bit of redstone quartz grinding nice very nice actually love that I want does this stuff grow back that’s what I’m curious about grab the sprig things oh it’s these These are the sprig things okay cool that was lucky yeah s sprout look at that man how do I fuel this thing though well I don’t need to fuel it right now I’m sure it would say in this little shift menu you uh sure okay says that just put puts in there like put it in here please put this stuff in my mouth there’s even more of it over here there’s piggles and foxes man I know these foxes from Arcane engineering they just suck oh someone mad at me wow there’s a lot of zombie fied piggles here why do you think there’s so many zombified piggles huh uh leather I did not think I would get oh good lord oh they’re so sad looking a whoa wait this is like a this is a village I did not remember taking old Minecraft damage that’s so cute this is a little village thing I like that ow dang it dang hounds dang doggies causing me nothing but problems nothing but problems these things that’s a demon hey hey hey don’t make that sound at me check this out man just like wow hey guys I love your houses you guys you guys really know how to I’m freaked out something’s freaking out man something’s causing a problem was that lava I almost ran into yeah I have a little bit of trouble with like all these new textures and stuff do we see a fortress like one for is that a fortress uh it’s something hopefully it’s something with a blaze Spawner in it that’s that’s what I need that’s what I need Goron Village Vibes yeah very much Goron Village Vibes absolutely at least Goron Village from uh breath of the wild whoa that looks cool that looks like a fortress if I’ve ever seen one is there star bules in this no there’s no ARS noo in this one I don’t think actually no I’m I’m 100% sure there’s no ARS noo Bon Bonk Bonk hey the superior Zelda game it’s just not it just isn’t it’s Majora’s Mask everyone knows that like it’s fine and all to be funny about it but you’re going to have to one day like have you have you played Majora’s Mask Ena okay this is a long-standing feud between me and Ena over here okay um long long have we battled uh what in the heck this doesn’t actually look like something I want to do this looks like this looks like really hard it doesn’t seem like there’s many blazes in it I I’m I’m oh thank you very much for the impost your cheick this makes me uh anxious actually what is that hey hey hey don’t make that sound what are you what is this I don’t know just going to start taking things orbs I think those are fire charges stop making that sound please what is this spot whoa it’s the graveyard cool hey hey hey hey hey hey we don’t gota o I would like to suggest the idea that Twilight Princess is severely underrated also according to all known laws of Aviation oh my God there is no way a beast should be able to fly I suck at this for some reason um I I can agree that I’ve never play Twilight Princess but I know it is underrated I don’t think it’s a bad game from what I’ve seen about it it doesn’t look like a bad game um but underrated doesn’t mean it’s better than Majora’s Mask and it and it isn’t what can I break oh armor pile whoa oh I need a diamond pickaxe for that I’m an idiot are you a blaze no you’re a fire Elemental okay there’s a lot happening right now actually one might wonder why I didn’t bring the fire uh immunity po potion into The Nether that’s that’s a question actually I’m began to ask myself self right here H I’d like this gas to go away now what is this fire charges blaze powder okay oh great the the ghast is out of the render distance now why is why ghast why must you Gast it’s gone oh I don’t want to play with that that looks like a pigling brute I don’t want to figure that out uh all right well we’re still hunting for a fortress this we’re going to be so far away it’s not going to matter is there like jetpack in this there like a jetpack in this that’ be great a jet whoa why why am I why am I dying why am I 40 why am I 40 oh is it cuz I’m too close to Lava got it okay so this doesn’t like this doesn’t help me with like lava oh there is create jet back ah but you need a ltra for it okay that’s an elytra recipe gotcha gotcha gotcha fair enough a gyro drone now that is a good idea from immersive aircraft it’s Precision mechanism so I could go the immersive route and get the Precision mechanism out of the way and then have an easy way to Traverse the nether or I could bash my head against the wall here and potentially die looking for it I think I’m going to go the long route and just get that looks like a fortress actually never mind there’s a fortress right next to my portal and I just didn’t notice it on the map never mind all right I’m just an idiot I’m just an idiot I mean the gone the gy Drone D how do you say it gyro that’s the word I’ve been reading gyro um will be a fantastic way to navigate the nether uh so we’ll we’ll we’ll make sure to try to invest in that I didn’t know immersive uh aircraft was in this pack which is sick I wish it had the create mod textures it’s too bad that it doesn’t oh you just finished assignment so you’re Wide Awake nice nice well I’m glad you have a stream to watch while you’re wide awake I woke up way too early this morning something woke me up at 5: in the morning and I just could not go back to sleep part of it I I was just very EX oh oh no no no no no no no no no that’s that’s sorry took a wrong turn took a wrong turn uh giant demon people I’m just not going to go near that I woke up at like 5: in the morning today and I just couldn’t fall back asleep I was excited though I was really excited about being back on Aderall it’s been way too long since I’ve been medicated obviously the first day back on something is always a bit rough but so I just got to remember that there’s a fortress like right here it was just kind of underground so I didn’t notice just set that first time around which is really funny whoa you’re working ahead very nice very nice awesome yeah I I’m trying to be on that productivity grind too I I know it’s been taking me way too long to get my mechanized videos out so I already I’ve already cooked up half like already fully uh recorded half of a mechanized video so that’s super exciting that should ew what are I don’t like you I don’t like you Revenant I don’t like you you’re freaking me out whoa wait what is this looks really cool hold on magma man chunk oh I didn’t realize I had like shovels and stuff cool all right lot of cool lot of cool things lot of cool stuffs and things we’ll have to sift through and we’re out of this nightmare Escape we got to get going man we got to get grooving I thought that fall was a death fall right in the lava so my heart just stopped actually full just palpitation you know they Dro coronia reapers on death H cool Carolina Reapers oh my God Carolina Reapers obviously it said that not kolonia Reapers the heck is that even thing I was like cool what’s a colonial Reaper I cannot help that I have dyslexia I can’t I can’t do it uh I’m going to mark this as uh Fortress because I have no idea it’s going to head for it see what happens right perks of being an orts student is though literally every single assignment mentions he mentioned skije is a work experience that’s very funny did you hear about what happened to moist Esports uh I I don’t remember what game tournament it is but I watch I watch moist critical or penguin zero or whatever you call um and that was a crazy story about how they just like refused to allow the the Australian Gamers into America which is absolutely insane yeah no he’s Furious for the right reason he has to Forfeit his team because the immigration service just like said no I guess like there’s actually zero reason behind it um completely insane completely insane okay more pigs to fite yeah I hate Esports you’re an orts student oh is he stuck on like uh yeah he got stuck on a thing wow these guys drop like everything they drop everything also that quality mod is pretty cool but it’s got a lot of inventory spam the babies the women and the children too no oh are you another Revenant oh you’re just a skeleton you’re just a regular old skeleton with an axe wait a minute what an axe skeleton come on now is nothing sacred axe skeleton oh I actually don’t like this Tall Grass that’s that’s actually kind of frightening to try to Traverse around that makes me feel very vulnerable to hoglins it’s a cool feature did they Nerf the damage of hogins cuz I kind of feel like they did and that’s awesome hoglins suck like they actually suck they’re so stupidly strong I really tried to put that block there it was not giv it to me keep the hog skin for a good spell book yeah I figured I got a whole like Quest reward for picking it up so I would imagine it’s pretty good oh okay all right there’s blazy sir I have an employment opportunity for you fun fact it is actually create mod lore uh you are employing them like they they they like uh they like working for you um that’s actual lore real real crate lore so there you go what are you well an idiot okay uh and I’m thinking this is definitely big what what is I’m getting so many achievements I just need a blaze spawner is there a blaze spawner up here I think there’s a blaze spawner oh shoot I okay you’re just a wither skeleton and you’re just you’re just looking slick all right got it the wither skeletons are just looking slick understood understood I do like that you can just instantly boof away blazes all right all right all right all right all right get out of range get out of range get out of range get out of range they have infinite Range man blazes I don’t get that I don’t get why they do that I don’t understand the design philosophy behind make blazes just phenomenally powerful just infinitely powerful no no go away please I picked up a health or that’s not good I’ve taken an ill-advised form of damage I oh he got me right in the back so unfair he got me right in the back all right but a real one Never Dies no no no no we’re just going to spidal staircase down no oh shoot that’s no good boy am I wishing I had that dryon drine jiru Euro it’s the burrito plane I’ll call it the burrito plane not that Euros are burritos but are they similar I’ve never had a hero before now that I’m thinking about it is there any damage that is advisable like you know a little bit like a half heart you know uh keeps you on your feet all right I’m just going to yeah a little bit of fall damage never hurt anybody but like wither that’s an ill-advised form of damage I’ll tell you what skellingtons Enderman Enderman why are you looking at me oh his head’s gone okay he’s a level five Enderman is that why he’s headless that they they are not very similar okay the blaze burners are stormtroopers they have infinite range but terrible aim yeah that would that would make a blaze burner Storm Troopers absolutely 100% 100% uh wait isn’t there a thing that the proper way to play Minecraft is to get five dirt blocks first and take some damage why would that be the proper way to play Minecraft I I mean I I guess I I don’t know like the proper way to play Minecraft um that does not really sound like it all things considered you know what I mean like if I were to say like this is how you should play Minecraft it would not involve taking immediate damage Mediterranean tacos yo is it is it Euro Gyro I don’t know other languages man I can’t pronounce them not for the life of me I wish I could I wish I was better about it proper Minecraft suggests you get full enchanted diamond before the nether which kind of kills the progression yeah that is really weird why would you ever do that that that’s actually just like how to make Minecraft un fun is this like a crafting recipe actually how do I feel this thing uh how how do I do it though what do I how do I do this it says what does that mean oh oh shoot okay I wasted one fine fine a little bit of waste little bit of waste never hurt anybody Golden Gloves curse of binding prevents the cursed item from being removed what I don’t think I want curs of binding gloves golden helmet curse of Sorrow no I don’t want that what the hell that’s a decent axe though curse of Vanishing all right that’s not as bad why is all my stuff cursed oh this thing’s great why was all my stuff curse though wasn’t very nice the gloves do look cool but I’d rather not have something curs of binding on me I’m not I’m not trying to like not trying to be like that Diamond Tear hogl and meat you know that’s great okay we could get enchanted spell books okay I should look into this apprentices spell book with eight spell slots I would imagine that irons’s spells is in ways similar to uh arso at least we spell casting at least spell casting in mind okay I would think do we not have a a smitten of zinc not a smid in a zinc not even a armor set bonus true please not that I have any we’re not even like we’re not even like pretending to have a little bit of zinc not zinc no zinc zinc zincy Binky all right no zinc uh we’ll just dump stuff and then go get some Inc love this song uh did skeg get that out yet or is that still is that still in preview I’m really excited to see what he does with it cuz I’ve I’ve seen the preview of it of course and I thought it was great um but it yeah that was that was funny uh what level are we oh right the Portal’s hot well now I’m regretting putting the portal where I did uh okay so I guess as long as I’m above or below y70 which I am that’s kind of interesting actually he released the clip okay probably out this week nice okay cool I’ll I’ll probably discover those key bons on my own to be honest that usually that sounds like the kind of thing that like you know you just come across it uh I guess I could be deep in the Earth but I don’t I guess I don’t want to be that deep like why surely I I surely discovered zinc okay I just didn’t mine it for some for some reason I just looked at the zinc and I went I did not bring torches with me that was silly okay sure yeah okay plenty of zinc plenty of zinc might as well get uh a fan going oh and even a little bit of gold nice love it love it love it all right yeah we’ll get a fan going um is there or there’s or processing isn’t there is it I think it’s like crushed into something I have no idea wonder how that goes see if I can I guess let’s let’s look at or processing with like an iron ingot since that’s vanilla and usually those are the ones that have recipes uh that’s kind of cool actually uh a little bit of recycling that’s an interesting recycling recipe H you always forget your you always to change your keyboards yeah I get that uh Crush Ro iron do we get like bonuses out of that no it doesn’t look like it there is of course Crim light can you automate Crim light in this pack nope okay so stock iron recipes no problem no problem not sure what like add-ons or data packs are added into this can you automate tough that’s always a fun one a too bad you could kill the rocky rollers I probably I would imagine you cannot Farm Rocky rollers uh very effectively that would be my guess the comet observatory is so lovely uh is that from Majora’s Mask absolutely yeah one of my favorite songs it’s like that’s childhood right there I hear that song and I’m like ah home home again you know that’s that’s definitely common Observatory like top tier top tier top tier top tier what’s with a different colored crushing Wheels probably just a Aesthetics Mod Mario galaxy has left the chat oh Comon Observatory from Mario Galaxy also lovely also childhood sorry I’m still on my droid’s mask for some reason time sync is one way to describe create oh try being a crate content creator the amount of things will’ll be like this is a great idea I’m going to do this project nope um if you’d all allow me to cetch a bit I I recently had that moment with uh create a beta I was like man I think people are really going to like this no one cared at all which is fine jeez you’re right no one uh no no I was talking about the uh create beta project he went that that was that was all that that was the only sound I can make in that oh my God it arrived yes isn’t it cute that’s right I forgot to say my I I got a z my God plushy from balloon’s Tower Defense it’s adorable it’s so squishy if they’d ever go back to Majora’s Mask they couldn’t it’s a one-off it’s very much a one-off the the universe actually ended uh at the end of M’s mask monkey um create starting projects and not finishing because you’re 84k yeah uh yeah I get that I get that um speaking of I think my Aderall is wearing off because I’m starting to forget what I was doing here brass we’re going for brass uh this is slow that’s unfortunate it’s okay though I can live with slow because we want to make a Precision mechanism huh oh okay that’s interesting you could just you could do that that’s cool uh right right right right okay all right we’ll set that up I don’t think we have to set up anything terrifically clever I’m going to wait until we have all of our stuff and this should be twice as fast as it is actually that is that is moving way too slow so we’re going to speed that up you’re crashing already uh no I don’t think I’m crashing I think it’s just wearing off i’ I’ve taken care of myself today so no crash I mean I took it at like 10 it only lasts about 8 hours in your system and it’s around that Mark um what emoji Majora’s Mask was an alternate Dimension yeah yeah yeah and it ended too like it it ceased to exist uh um which of course then makes the hero of time like this really sad guy cuz he’s like yeah I saved the world on many many occasions and on all of them every single time I save the world like this isn’t a coincidence it just happens uh the universe is like reset in some way and no one remembers I did anything and I just have to go on and be like a normal guy and they they bring that up in Twilight Princess actually which I think is pretty cool uh okay so we can just bring this down there we go all right it’s not pretty it’s not going to be all right shoot shoot uh right right that is an issue isn’t it [Music] man gear ratios all right you know what maybe maybe we re-evaluate maybe we re-evaluate all right let’s do some of that and actually try to make something organized here I think I’m I think I’m trying to make something work that just isn’t going to work which is not the way to do it which is not the way to do it we have some resources now we have we have time on our hands we’ve got a great stream going on let’s act like it and make an infinite water source inside because outside I think it’ll freeze this will eventually be like a cute Hobbit home but I think right now I want to just focus on like playing the pack rather than building I am not a builder at heart and so it would take a long time to do something with a build I’d probably need to like sit down and actually plan things out so we’re just going to have this guy powered here favorite mask in Majora’s Mask uh buy yeah I was going to say buy a aesthetic or by functionality cuz it’s it’s a different answer right like functionality is the bunny Hood I mean a basic answer but Sumi it makes you go faster there’s a really incredible artist on Etsy that hand makes them yeah and the one link wears personally I like the one that fits on his face that’s almost none of them um use casings for what are you stream delayed right now Quin man I think you might be a little stream delayed right now cuz I I think sometimes you’re talking about something that’s already happened so you might want to refresh your stream and that should help because I don’t have a set stream delay um so it might be that you’re just getting an unfortunate bout of the stream delay sickness okay here’s a little infinite water source there a big vein of coal speaking of big veins I’ve been playing a little bit of n me Factory in my spare time uh it’s fun but I can see what people say about it I absolutely see what people say about it like it’s not easy not at all not at all easy okay so I think we’ll do that and then I’m going to come into the wall here and we’ll start uh a water wheel engine here I love this mining speed buff I get from just being cooler I guess than everyone else I don’t know uh I only need one of these water wheels to be a small one for the speed boost the rest we’re going to go full big water wheels I love love love setting up water wheels early game they’re so efficient for early game power supply Fierce deed mask oh that’s true actually for aesthetic and functionality that’s a good point I like I guess Fier D mask is something you like I I forget sometimes I need to do a proper playr Mose mask I really need to do a proper playr Mose mask um I haven’t in so long and I’m finally getting some time on my hands I’m finally like you know that whole thing people call time management skills I’m kind of getting there which is delightful wow this is a lot slower and I knocked out that block and I hate myself forever uh okay does this suggest that I’m a robot and being cooled prevents you from capping out your functionality what you like D and D but can’t decide to take it seriously have in-depth combos about what Dr Sasquatch and Mr clean’s character sheet would look like yeah do both I love d and d and I take it crazy seriously my players are terrified of me um not in that I’m a like mean dungeon master but I run um an intense game I think um yeah you cannot trust the NPCs yeah yeah not not not many NPCs are very trustworthy I have to I have to say like there’s not a lot of not a lot of upstanding characters in the lives of of my of my players um okay so I don’t know that I really want this to go at 256 I think this many extensions is fine although we might want it to be even right we’re going to want it to be even so like if I put one here and we did this just cuz I can’t visualize this right now um that and then that this is not permanent obviously okay yeah I would need one more large Cog wheel to make this work oh and then that’s actually the perfect that’s the perfect spot okay I got it like I got it totally right okay cool so I’ll just set this up good now perfect awesome I love that do I have shaders on right now oh okay that’s why my computer is getting a little toasty that’s fine I don’t think anything’s going wrong like frames are fine right we’re doing okay on frames 80 I mean how much of a different is it with how much of a difference is it without the shaders on oh we’re just going to do that that looks fine that pack still looks delightful okay I’m not going to I’m not going to put my computer in my framew through hell for this um I think that it’ll be unfortunate to lose that on the nether but streaming uh streaming with shaders on is really really hard um I would I know I have a casing there it is I would like to get a PC upgrade at some point like a like a crazy like NASA like computer kind of streaming setup you know what I’m talking you know those streamers who are like yeah I’ve got seven gpus and all they do is stream Minecraft that’s what I want I want to be like you you know what I’m going to set this one back in the wall actually I I don’t like this I want it to go one back in the wall remember how I said we’re not going to care about Aesthetics and stuff and here I am whining about Aesthetics I want this to go one back in the wall and then we’re going to build out the um actual engine from here on out and hopefully I mean hopefully I don’t know just slap on as many water wheels as my little heart desires I think I’m going to dig another Channel actually so I have better access cuz it is annoying uh would I use AMD or Nvidia I’d probably use Nvidia since Nvidia has a lot of like streamer technology baked into it Nvidia does a lot of like effects and things right um like uh I recently purchased something that I’d like to maybe start using and stream I won’t say what it is but there’s some Nvidia effects that you can apply to it to make things look better uh I am investing a lot of money back into the streams trying to I’m trying to make a bigger presence here uh uh in stream town you know when you DM do I use it online or do I prefer in life well I prefer in life but I am uh contained to fake life uh I don’t have a choice to stream online because my D andd group does not live in one place in the world um and I do prefer in person though I love iners but online’s fine uh I recently upgraded my internet again to hopefully patch out any final issues with it so it’s been a little bit better actually now that my internet is is up to or my internet equipment the actual internet that the household has inside of it is good internet um but the actual like the infrastructure of it had decayed really significantly and it was causing about as big of a problem as you would imagine having decaying internet would be you know like a like your internet’s falling apart simply build a little Shack man don’t sleep on Minecraft as a DND D medium I I don’t know how I would make that work honestly I feel like that would be so much work I mean have you have you done it like do you have experience with it cuz cuz personally whenever I think of using Minecraft as a d and d and I have thought of it it just feels like it would be such an insane amount of setup um is there like a platform or like a mod that does it well or something like that is that what you’re talking about what am I am I doing I need something I need wood and I wanted to make a saw uh okay I can do that I can do that I can do that cuz if we go if we go to saw town I mean we’re getting wood Lickety splickety I mean we all know that we all know that that idea makes you winse simply build little sh yeah the roughest bit would be figuring out how NPCs work yeah that that would be the issue I’m not I’m not saying it couldn’t work and I know people do it I know people have done it before um but I feel like it would be like infinite prep time for each session and I already don’t have a lot of time to prep for my sessions um and I think that would like I think that would cause problems oh I need to like be on top of this actually I need to I need to get like a proper Farm set up you know maybe this place wasn’t the best to base in actually cuz is it like just that it’s winter or is it perpetually cold here I guess when I chop this tree we can check because we have the the season scanner oh my gosh snowing in jeez okay careful with trees or you will get iced what is this little pillar hello very nice nice cold ah cold ah cold ah cold ah not it’s colder next to the ice that’s kind of funny I’m in iced water but it’s colder nearer to the ice I guess that makes sense does it actually you need to do so much improv yeah no I am I’m an improv I’ve gotten quite good at improv I’ve gotten quite good at improv I’m very proud of myself building snow win for the end yeah it took a week to build but you loved it did it in vanilla but you don’t recommend okay so that that sounds like a fun like hey guys we’re doing like a oneoff and it’s going to be this crazy DND D in Minecraft like one-off thing that sounds like a lot of fun um I think all my players have Minecraft task complete four large water wheels oh my gosh dude I am like Blaze Trophy and a wither skeleton trophy oh cute I didn’t even realize that discover the burning Arena whoa that’s cool defeat ignes ignes from um from uh the D and D video game IGN what do I get iron inot that’s said what are they balers gate they say it all the freaking time man IGN ignes ignes IGN they don’t shut up they say it all the time you are a tarpit of a person I am a tarpit of a person no spoons back to hiding no spoons oh yes yes I remember the spoons conversation I remember the spoons conversation no problem star you you have a nice night and thank you for resubbing six months already that is ridiculous galder’s bait galder’s bait I like galder’s bait G’s bait’s nice hi welcome to gers bait uh how can I help you gers bait it sounds like it sounds like a place that they would say like hi welcome to gers bait you’re like hi welcome to godders bait uh can I take your order I like these this are cute actually uh okay and then the water is so simple so easy so elegant all those things the water is squanch I can just do that yeah get turned get absolutely rotated get absolutely rotated uh dark Mage is now lurking no problem got to do dishes an adult gers bait or gold or or this the same what gers bait oh it’s a bait shop in a Seaside Town got it got it got it hi welcome to gers bait we got a Spinners we got a worms we got I I don’t know what I don’t know how to fish I’ve never fished before I I I um I don’t like I I don’t like fishing uh not because of many reservations about the actual fish themselves I like if I were to go fishing I would do it for the sport of it like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t eat the fish um cuz I I wouldn’t want to like skin the fish and like gut it and My Philosophy is like you know if you’re not going to do that part of it then don’t fish and then get someone else to make you fish you know what I mean um but I don’t do it because I am afraid of the hook I’m I’m afraid of hooking myself with the fishing rod uh that that that thing that that that’s an idea that that completely terrifies me uh just very very deeply unsettles me um all right so compass on top of an anite casing oh yeah oh the music’s bumping chat and we’re getting close to Tom’s as well which is awesome well freak back to hiding you got nominated for an award at oh that’s so cool star congrats that’s amazing congratulations that’s that’s that’s really fantastic that is awesome um sweet anyone else got a fun accomplishment to share all right let’s let’s look at some speedometer stuff women fear me shrimp love me one of the good few things to happen this week good good that’s awesome okay we’re at 128 which is fine I think going any higher is going to put our stress in to question cuz we only have 3,000 it’s not great it’s not great you woke up on time this morning that is such an accomplishment congrats I I I woke up too on time today which which is kind of not on time at all you know like there there’s a degree of waking up early where you’ve just you’ve just done it wrong well congrats on that that’s fantastic to hear strip strip strip strip oh I only have three andesite alloy I’ve I’ve played myself played myself um I can turn some of the zinab bank I have into nuggets but I kind I don’t want to we’re a little low on that is there a way to automate zinc in this pack cuz that’d be kind of nice I see okay so oh wowe okay but we’re going to want to get to like we’re going to want to get into that that looks cool you get to eat brunch before your birthday because of it nice you built your first Tango textile Cobble Farm awesome very nice that’s cool um those still work actually I didn’t know those still worked I I was told so many times that those got like broken I’ve stopped even thinking about them that’s cool if they still work that’s great actually all right well I guess before I do this I actually need to crack on here going to do some gear boxing as always always Professor Snape I’m just I think um Audrey and I say it all the time um all all the time we’ll just be talking and one of us will say always and then the other will go always always hated snipe genuinely genuinely stupid character least I always thought okay I need like one thing of and deide alloy right what am I trying to do here actually uh shafts I need shafts go you trimmed a hedge Cool Works in the version you’re playing on at least that’s fair um think you me balers gate yeah I yeah qu quman quman is like qu’s on another level here okay um what I will do is vertical well okay I don’t need to Vertical it let’s let’s do what I have to do first I’m getting that like create inventory spaghetti that everyone knows and loves all right all right all right all right all right I should probably make a wrench what am I doing without a wrench here get that handreck out of there that’s goofy um we can send the Su like that and then like that for now obviously going to change obviously going to change but check it out andesite Alloy at a reasonable speed woo very nice cool and we have plenty of stress units left after that plenty of stress units left after that now we’ll be able to get some uh nice spice Blaze burner action going on get ourselves some [Music] bars oh shoot someone’s being bad what they say what they say if you can if you can repeat it what’ they say I love knowing Audrey’s great just the viewbot scam I hate the viewbot scam man it’s so unoriginal I don’t like it I don’t I don’t like it man like if if you’re going to do a scam do something crazy come in my chat while I’m playing Minecraft and be like free Robux I like whoa for Minecraft players how’d you manage that you know that’s what I want disclaimer for legal reasons don’t come into my chat and try to scam people don’t do that uh we will we will get you Audrey is so fast though she is like it’s one of those things where Audrey and I did not start dating while I was a content creator uh I we’ve been dating for way longer than I’ve been doing content creation it just happened to be that she’s fantastic as a moderator like it just it just ended up being that she is like like you know F hand on the hand on the holster um so I’m really excited personally speaking I’m really excited for when um her her summer break goes into effect and she could always be on stream put it to work uh okay bunch of casings oh shoot eight buckets of water why why do I need eight buckets of water why are these quests annoying what why are we why are the quests annoying okay I’m going to miss out on the brass Quest cuz I’m all the way back here it’s fine it’s not like a big deal all right 62 pieces of brass and the goal here so sad Audrey stops existing when she’s not in chat oh no problem Quitman we’re we’re just uh we’re having fun don’t worry about it man it’s endearing it’s endearing um what do I need for the terminal I need to pin these terminals I want a crafting terminal too if I can get it uh that’s a little intense though uh but for a storage terminal we need buttons display boards which is electron tubes okay that’s not too bad actually uh display link brass casing and a redstone torch not bad at all smart Observer we’re looking at electron tubes and observers and a Precision mechanism oh yeah also I’m going to make that uh season viewer thing I’m going to make it cuz I keep forgetting cuz I’m a little goober about things uh I made a clock what is up with the clock it makes a calendar and that makes a season sensor season sensor season sensor season sensor season sensor season sensor so hard to say uh reads there we go I love the music by the way if you check out the vods channel uh I actually have all of the music it’s early spring oh no it really is what’s a season sensor though What’s the diff I I’m still going to make a season sensor now cuz now I’m just curious as to what the heck a season sensor does cuz it already says spring on this thing but spring it’s this cold where I am in Spring we’re going to have to move man this sucks it’s freezing over here I don’t want to live in this environment it’s bad for my skin what does this do it’s a daylight sensor it’s it’s a it’s a daylight sensor I guess it is the biome that I’m in I’m in a very like well that doesn’t whoa look at that there’s a whole dungeon over there maybe we’ll check that out uh that’s that’s stupid um I I I get why it exists by the way I’m not calling the actual existence of the the thing stupid that that’s a great it’s a great device it’s a great device it’s a great device um I’m feeling stupid for having made something that is completely worthless at the moment um I’m feeling silly about that and we’re immediately changing this up I immediately don’t like how this is uh I want my power to go up one and then carry across like that uh and I might make a second mixer just for the sake of like being able to mix two things at once throw it into my mess of a storage will be forgotten we’re working on storage today don’t be [Music] mean for now we can just gear spam though well actually no no no no no no then this F goes here no here uh no no no mm- changing my mind again we’re making uh what are they called chain drives chain drives chain drives that’s what we’re making this is what it actually looks like when I’m doing stuff with the create mod if you guys watch my um if you guys watch my YouTube videos right I’m like mechanized and stuff this is the part that I cut out going this is what it’s going to be no this is what it’s going to be no this is what it’s going to be mm- I it’s so so so so so so much of the process is just like I hate it nope I hate it uh-uh I hate that one too nope hate it um cuz that’s just create uh and I need to make a wrench and that means I need to make golden sheets beautiful golden sheets I love gold the part of cut out yeah looks like it’s a redstone season device yeah yeah so it like produces like a signal whenever um the season is active not a bad thing just not what I was hoping it would be I shouldn’t have made it I shouldn’t have made it cuz I I was like oh well I could just see the season through the calendar and then I had to be like but I’m curious but I’m so curious guys and then I paid the price and then I paid the price stick th that that thick I be I be I’ve been making words I’ll be telling lies all right Bonk okay cool and now we can slone that and I need a casing like it is so and then we get a Depot love it love it there we go now the Press is nice uh and then for now we’re going to play the I don’t know what I want to do with this game and that game looks something like this Cog spam have you guys seen the Cog spam bell curve meme I’m not about to claim that this is efficient Cog spam it’s not um but sometimes Cog spam is just a good way to like hook something up like sometimes it’s just the way to do it and there’s not a problem with it does this mod a mod to uncraft things no no it doesn’t oh are you you looking for oh you did an Ocarina Redemption and I didn’t even know it a I’m so terrible I no it’s okay uh let me get that queued up for you what are we going to do today I think I’m going to go for let me let me look at the list let me look at the list here I need I need to pick something that I can actually play right now uh let’s do Song of Healing I like that one that one’s peaceful and from the best Zelda game also [Music] [Music] Sno Those ads There You Go song of healing and I gotta drink some water shoot got to drink some water after that a thank you for the ad sze by the way your favorite is Phantom Hourglass are you kidding me is that the train one that’s not that’s not no no Phantom AR it’s not the train one is it play The Disappearance of Hots Miku on the Alara first of all not how you spell it second of all I have no idea what that song is it’s the DS boat one oh okay oh Link to the Past is a quality game yeah Link to the Past is an issue thank you for the follow I really appreciate it always means a lot what type of Ocarina do I have uh if you do exclamation Ocarina uh it’ll actually tell you all about my ocarinas that particular one that I was just playing on is my 12 hole ocarina uh which is a bit Airy on the high notes if you’re not uh quite so good with it Twilight Princess on top I haven’t played Twilight Princess so I will not make any comments on whether I think Twilight Princess is the best or not I’ve seen it and I don’t think it beats Majora’s Mask but it is still on my favorite timeline so big bonus points there I’ve never played it before um if I if I had to pick like one goal one one thing that I really want to do with streaming I it would be to eventually play every single Legend of Zelda game like as a form of content in some way shape or form so that’s like my long-term like 10year plan you know just play a bunch of Zelda uh cuz I love Zelda plus randomizers are always fun that’s true randomizers are a good time randomizers are a very good time Bon it spun it Bon it Bonk nice uh and do I want to set up a system for this for precision mechanisms I’m going to be needing these guys maybe I maybe I should really like I should probably future proof here cuz train controls is precision your Precision G gy gyd that thing track switches engine engines oh merci crap right right right right right uh yeah okay all right hold on we’ll we’ll not do it like this um we’ll make a proper proper thank you very much for the follow I should not ask Soki what’s going on in the end it’s a vocaloid song which maxes out a BPM at 240 I don’t think I could play that fast I have um well I have a repetitive strain injury uh and it makes it really hard to play super fast songs I know I said I wouldn’t redo it all over but I’m redoing it all over um cuz I want the power to be up I don’t know why I had it other well I could just I could just I could just I could just like that no thank you like that and then it could just come from the top I am like overthinking things right now I am like Mega overthinking things um but that is what we do here I need kelp don’t I I just realized to make belts and stuff I need kelp sh that didn’t look like kelp I was going to say I was like what the heck is that it’s kelp I need kelp kelp kelp all right Cy time it’s copy G in the chat uh I am going to put on that magnet ring that I will definitely be able to find in the midst of all of this somewhere yep right there look at me uh do I have an ocean well that doesn’t help uh I need a boat if we’re going through an ocean you need a boat that’s just how it works Birch boat baby uh what time is it I have no idea let’s see ocean ocean that looks like an ocean to me zooming woo woo hello ducky you have a m you have a mild rivalry with kelp in real life oh yeah it’s just gross no I get it I 100% do not like KP on my body you’re so upset that dippi is a permanent residence I love dippi and it’s inspired me to turn all my like follower and sub notifications into weird noises isn’t that great that’s exactly what people want oh God the D judge of Toothless that was an actual monstrosity I could not subject people to that actually that was that was like not right I think like the government would have like checked on me they would have been like what is what is this absolute freakest doing right now you have a 12 hole C major STL uh mine is Songbird yeah yeah stl’s great though um stl’s great actually you know the Ocarina that I have they don’t sell anymore is that what oh my God it’s shamboo what the heck Shamu I love you I love Shamu man I had a Shamu plush are you coming to kill me right now okay no I had a Shamu plush as a kid is this what kelp looks like good God look at this that’s actually beautiful what the heck what the heck even uh is the magnet ring active yeah definitely definitely hey hey hey what does that sound actually what does that sound oh my God big whale did that whale just kill something that whale just killed a squid H what the heck you would hate kelp but SpongeBob makes it look so appetizing it’s not as wet and weird bro these or this orca whales just killing a bunch of squid that’s all that’s happening right now what the heck I feel like what the heck has been like that’s like something YouTube integrated like into my voice you know like watching other creat what the heck you know it’s not one those ding-ding camps up there I don’t want to do that big whale subnotica stream right now yeah I was terrifying actually it was freaking me out oh my God thank you so much to Steph and Minnie for the raid what an absolutely delightful thing to do hello everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to Minecraft Ste te punk what were you guys doing where are you guys coming from hey the the the orc is following me you back off bro I’m trying to say hi to Raiders hello how are you I hope your stream was fantastic what were you guys up to you were working on first ever Hardcore Minecraft whoa how’s it going how’s it going that sounds terrifying how long have you been playing Minecraft is this like you’ve been in the game for a decade cuz like I’ve been playing for a decade and I’ve never touched hardcore I’ve been way too afraid to touch hardcore the permanency of uh survival is is is something I I appreciate but hello everybody uh somewhere before the the absolute slew of messages is a little message containing a twitch link uh to just have twitch properly attribute your uh view to the channel uh and it would be great if you could just refresh the page with that link uh somewhere in chat um and that’ be awesome it’s horrifying but you love it you’ve been playing also for over a decade but not on stream until now and never hardcore wow that’s a brave thing to do that’s Brave um there we go mods got it pinned in the chat boom all right what am I doing I my train of thought has been destroyed well welcome everybody I’m so glad to have you all uh this is a mod pack called steampunk it’s create mod yes I am well and truly a create mod YouTuber and uh a create mod streamer there we go boom Stars got it star star’s got is like the command uh the command uh what would I say the command Monarch the command Commander yes the command Commander I’m going to give you that rooll on Discord actually um I want to make a smoker right now I’m going to try to like talk and do things at the same time we’ll see if we’ll see if ADHD allows it but that’s cool um how what was that oh a shout out yes how do I do that hold on streamer stuff that was my other moderator uh reminding me of how to do things let’s see shout out shout out shout out shout out oh no star beat me to it one day one day I’m going to do something on stream one day it’s going to look like I’m the streamer but until then I I I am sitting on the infrastructure of the world’s best mods all right let’s get Smokey uh this is bdcraft resource pack absolutely yeah this is called the steampunk uh like LPS mod pack something like that uh if you’re a fan of chosen architect thank you so much for the follow everybody uh if you’re a fan of chosen architect he’s playing that right now but I am actually going into it blind and speaking of blind there we go looking for for my iron we’re working on storage right now okay right now the goal is to fix our storage problems um that is why we have the things we have um so hopefully things will be a lot less heinous in just a second fake it till my mods make it yeah exactly the motto of stream fake it until your mods do it right that’s pretty great actually I might I might need to change my Discord status to that actually I don’t I don’t usually I don’t usually change my Discord status for that that’s pretty funny actually Steph uses bdcraft 2 but pure yeah no this is a mix of a ton of resource pack here I can open the resource pack folder uh just to show there’s like a ridiculous amount of overhaul like everything everything everything is changed and there’s even more like oh actually that one I wanted to add I did not know that was actually in the pack cool uh I want that too oh my gosh why are all these things not enabled okay there we go that’s going to take like 10 minutes ah sick job also wait I love your 7 TV paint ah should I do 7 TV everyone talks about 7 TV I should I should I know you just switched to 7 TV all right all right I’ll talk to Star about it star Stars the problem is every time someone comes into stream they’re like oh you don’t have 7 TV like no I have Carl Carl a space duck you can help me set up better ones all right all right I concede you’ve rebranded SK star you’re like you’re like beginning a streaming Empire like it’s going to be 10 years down the line and you’re going to be like I don’t know like an agent you have a fantastic um repertoire you have five tabs open wasn’t it isn’t it FJ who likes to try to watch like seven streams of me at once oh sweet Elixir well this is a very entertaining loading screen um I guess for those of you who are new uh if you type exclamation point Ocarina or the phrase what is an Ocarina you’ll learn a little about a little bit about something I think that makes my streams a little unique and I’m an ocarinist if you’ve ever uh experienced a Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask I’m one of those nerds so I learned how to pick up and play those all right there we go I think in a few minutes the Ocarina redeem should open up and I’m sure some loyal chatter one of my loyal Chatters will spend their hard earn brain cells soon to be rebranded as something um all right always out and a hydrate from Ford I will take it I will take it and a poster check all right that’s fair I needed that you’ve gotten into the habit of saying you can buy me a blank to People based on what you want all right where’s my wrench there it is nice love it oh shoot that was a quest 10 andesite alloy delicious actually you know what if I get eight buckets of water I get even more so I just I don’t have that much iron actually what do you want from me game uh I should probably try to put this in a spot that’s going to be some semi-permanent and you know what actually right back here I can cut into this wall and make a big old smoking setup or actually a very very minor smoking setup is what I’m actually going for here with trap doors Galore pran cel’s wallet is a little light cuz you’re a cuz you’re a VOD VOD fella that’s fair I wish there was a way to earn Channel points through vods I I understand kind of why there isn’t right cuz you wouldn’t want people to grind it out or anything like that but it does bum me out a lot of the time that if you like are a vods viewer predominantly you just you’re you just you just don’t get to participate in that feature of twitch I you know bonfire lit is that the actual achievement in Minecraft that’s cute that’s cute I like that I can’t I can’t believe I didn’t know that or is that is that that’s got to be custom oh hey Ria how you been welcome welcome drop a link to my playlist so you can make a playlist command uh I will um I just want to make sure that my like full legal name isn’t attached to my Spotify account which it might be um shoot me a ping right now so that I’ll get to it after the stream I’d really appreciate that uh but yeah I will try to do that or at the very least I should probably make a separate Spotify account for stream because Spotify really thinks I like to I like to listen to this music like all the time and it kind of affects like my replay and Spotify is like hey do you want more lowii Zelda music and it’s like nah it’s not the no they should have vods give Like A onetime reduced point total or something well if you created multiple accounts and it was a onetime thing that that wouldn’t be so bad I don’t know I don’t know obviously it would be a very difficult system to implement and there’s good reasons why they haven’t implemented it I sure um it’s just too bad you know ping me in the mod chat oh the even better actually uh processing by particle boom nice okay so we got belts we got funnels uh and I wanted that because I wanted to use belts in order to transport stress units because they are a delightful Su Highway uh and it’s easy easy peasy enough to say Bonk and a bonk and a bonk and a stretch a belt nice nice nice nice nice a lot of balances to work out yeah no it’s one of those things where it’s like it may even just be one of those situations where it’s like sometimes something would be so difficult to implement so genuinely like annoying even what one could say like to actually try to balance out and Implement into um a system sometimes it’s just not worth it you know um that’s a real thing uh eight belts and I get two more belts Sure Thing game anything for you quest reward my beloved I do like these kinds of packs I don’t I don’t play them a lot but I love the ones where it’s just like there’s not exactly it’s not like a progression pack like Arcane engineering or anything like that you’re just like fulfill the quest line you’re hubris you’ve returned uh to the maternal figure maternal mother I think is what that word means what am I doing here uh yes we are going to implement some goodies we’re going to do Precision mechanism crafting yes I I’m so good at remembering I’m like so proficient uh I think I’m going to do a little Vault way I like the Vault way and then we’re just going to set up its own energy source I feel like that is fair and I need three brass hands and Brass hands is four brass create actually the textures fit okay into this environment um it would probably do with a little bit of an upgrade love complicated wording deta derailed is what that’s supposed to say I cannot help that I have trouble reading it’s beyond my mortal control though yeah I guess it’s kind of like you can think of it as a benefit for stream cuz my viewers just love to be like what’s the most complicated word I could say to this man right now like what how how difficult of a phrase could I invent in this moment to express like a a relatively simple idea and you guys never disappoint on that front star showed you the toothless oh the toothless is horrible the toothless is awful um God the djjo toothless thing that was the uh if you guys remember the dancing toothless meme uh someone in my community I I don’t even remember who I purged it from my memory it was so horrible made like a version of my little guy my little character um as that thing and it was demonic oh that was star okay that makes sense actually that you know what that really checks out and I should have known um absolutely demonic star hit star ban them now the fear of long words is hip hip I’m not even going to try it I’m not I’m not going to embarrass myself and try to read that but that is very funny um that is really funny actually so some someone was feeling a little silly when they when they did that one huh explode star actually I I I dogged on the explode command when it first came out cuz I was like come on really but it’s pretty funny actually I got to say I I’ve really warmed up to the to just explode them cuz it it for some reason in my mind whenever it happens it’s the same Cadence of like um send into the principal’s office and have them expelled at least that’s just me uh God we’re so we’re jumping so far ahead here so far ahead I need to get iron sheets I need to just have an iron sheet in my inventory it’s all I need to do it’s all I need to do what Bonk let’s actually do some Quest progression here let’s think about things Iron Sheet block is that nine iron sheets okay so now I touched the blaze burner and I touch it a mixer uh okay wonk wonk wonk so I just rip that apart and then that’s all that I get iron I got a blaze cake actually it’s kind of sick brass gives me more brass because I heard you like brass so I put brass in your brass so that you could brass while you brass you know how it is chat you know how it is chat um there’s some logical word really there there’s a logical reason for the fear of long words being that long I’m going to I don’t think there is I think someone was just feeling silly I’m going to be honest like that’s just a mean joke um it’s a good one though it is funny uh okay oh there’s no achievement for okay there’s no achievement for actually making the what are they called what are they called electron tubes but the deployers the deployers on the other hand yes let us make some deployers I am normal human Who crafts deployers nice to meet you bon yeah all right there we go I love myself some Quest progression nuggets of XP yoink I didn’t need to do that I shouldn’t have done that either that was worthless that was actually stupid um that was that was that was a completely worthless Endeavor I just did Bonk Bonk Bonk there we go all right nice deployers pretty deployers main mod is funny considering you’re the newest you are the most active though like um highly proficient highly proficient um also use as a part of ore processing to Triple your yield interesting how does that work is that like from six uh is that like if I were to take like iron ore and I would crush it to get raw but that doesn’t do anything what is it talking about triple yield here I I don’t quite understand what this Crush wheel recipe is and the problem is there’s hundreds of crushing wheel recipes does anyone know what the or processing chain is um oh that’s interesting you actually Crush Rose qut that’s cool oh very cool all cool stuff Bonk command no no explode moderators no no any any any clevers in chat any clever any clever peoples in chat understand the like I feel like it would end in smelting iron grit which you get from a Crusher no that’s not that’s not it ah whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever town with the upper glass um forgot what I was saying oh not saying anything making a Precision mechanism here uh okay and that’s you which is five Cog Wheels five large Cog Wheels five iron nuggets not really a problem if you think about it in the grand scheme of things okay let’s get cracking on that thank you so we’re going to do that hold on I need wood Bonk there we go normal cogs and uh whoops I feel like there’s something weird going on with my mouse I feel like there’s a weird Mouse tweak happening is it little Cog big Cog I think it’s little Cog big Cog right yeah okay one day I will memorize one of the most important and Universal recipes in all of create mod but not today not today there will be another day where that happens uh and then a gild and cheat and then I still have to hook this thing up to power and do a bit of routing as well uh where’s my gold at as if any one would know where my stuff is in this in this absolute mess and then I think we’re going to go on a big old mining session I think once we once we kind of have the the power um and then all of this we’re going to do some water wheel power and I think I actually want to make a brass I want to make some brass funnels I want to do this like the real nice way yeah I want to do this the real nice way here um with like proper like vaults in the background as well so let me look at whoops let me look at what vaults give you you um hey huh don’t oh my gosh just case I I was like I was I was sitting there stressing man I was like no Bonk me uh probably regular mining cuz I want to see if we can’t use some of the paper we’ve been grinding up to get uh proper like enchantments like Fortune enchantments um that would be really nice some Fortune enchantments I wish there was a quest book on on the new like farming so I don’t quite understand how it works but and I feel like it’s really important to understand how it works um so I feel like I’m kind of like I’m I’m missing out a little bit on some efficiency plays here because I don’t understand how the farming stuff works a little lot of my depth of that uh okay d [Music] love this song Man song makes me happy I love I love like a a good solid video game song that just makes you happy you know craft item ro oh yeah more rewards oh sandpaper thank you actually that’s that’s actually really good reward that’s kind of nice actually and more vaults hey look at that don’t quite need at the moment I will in like two seconds I think I think we’re going to go the create route with large storage um because they’ll do really well with Tom simple Bonk test Bonk test get Bonk [Laughter] loser uh so this is going to be input this is going to be output actually you didn’t need to be a brass I you don’t need to be brass and actually it’s important that you aren’t well it’s not important that you aren’t but it makes life easier if you are not I just get to save a little bit on resources you’re going to be an andesite funnel here spitting out there we go craft andesite funnels nice Quest book is loving me the quest book is loving you uh drop this guy down with a chest of the same color just for some fancy schy pies oh that’s actually really cute texture I’m into that actually that’s a cute texture uh all right that needs to actually the belt needs to kick out one more to actually make that work Bonk Bonk I like saying Bonk just feels like the right thing to say here uh I guess [Music] technically speaking this actually doesn’t need to be this doesn’t need to be no this this can be andesite too I’m forgetting this machine I haven’t made this machine in so long I haven’t made this machine in ages like it’s something you get done so early you just kind of forget about it how could I how could I forget about this machine the iconic that’s not the way I wanted that to go I’m going to remove these for now so I can work on this easier um and we’ll pull back here like that so these guys are connected these guys are connected and then we just need to put a little water wheel engine back here well preferably a larger water wheel engine actually cuz I don’t necessarily want this to run slow everyone has a thing they say when placing crans yours as Bop what the heck did I just say I have no idea what I just tried to say there something I tried to say something something came out of my mouth you know and at the end of the day at the end of the day words had been attempted failed they were failed but they were attempted I put this way too close to my smoking setup tragic utterly tragic all right uh we’re going to hold this way back ah man my pickaxe um are there copper tools in this one actually I would really like there to be copper tools copper pickaxe create planetary tweaks interesting I going to use copper pickaxes since copper is quite abundant or is there a brass pickaxe actually I bet a brass pickaxe would be even better let’s see brass pick uh yeah I mean why not right just three brass and only temporary we’re eventually going to get like proper mending on a on a diamond pickaxe and then we’ll be gaming you can dive belts yes I love di belts should hang out more love a mod hangout stream we should organize that and I should be a part of it too we don’t hang out enough absolutely true absolutely true that’d be a good time you need to start dying belts yeah yeah I finally am doing it in uh my mechanized play through on my main Channel because it’s delightful and nice time to speedrun becoming a mods you can have friends hey you know when when when we start looking for more mods uh make sure to apply you know it is always a good time uh okay we want the wheels to be spinning this direction so the water flows this way okay so I’m going to pull this out this way this is going to be my my channel this is actually the brass pickax is pretty good how much durability do we have on it 450 isn’t great but it’s more than iron right too scatterbrain to be a mod but you’ll poke around in the Discord when you feel like it yeah no problem love having people in the Discord I think the Discord is a fun place I’m really proud of that you know it’s one thing as like a content creator you never know like what kind of like Community you’re going to end up building you always like hope you’re like man I hope I’m a good enough like Community manager or that I I attract the kind of people that you know I want to have in my community and so it’s always super super uplifting when things go the way that you want them to um that’s one of those things that’ll really make you feel good about it you know your last finals day is the first awesome look into jobs miday very nice very nice that’s a big jump any ideas any any uh any perspectives on what jobs you want or what jobs you’re looking for if you also don’t want to talk about that live on the stream I get that and thank you so much for the follow I really appreciate that um I think if we’re going from 16 that’s 16 32 64 128 so it’s 4 uh so yeah I need four gear ratios here and I have got the stuff for it to get to uh max speed and I kind of want Max Speed your old job had a few interesting spots one social media marketing position not bad 15 an hour another presentation Graphics design oh nice keeping posted that that those both sound actually like really cool opportunities or no we’re starting from ah this is fine uh those both s like really cool opportunities so we’re doing an even number which means it’s going to end on the small Cog okay right yeah yeah perfect I have trouble doing gear shifts or gear yeah gear shifts gear ratios or whatever they’re called I have trouble doing them backwards like a lot of the times I have a lot of trouble doing it backwards Bel like better died always always always always die of belts people find doing something like hopping on call oh yeah yeah I’d rather it not be stream honestly got to entertain when you’re on stream you know like streams are great hanging out but you know I have to be a little [Laughter] Charming all right so this is the direction it’s gonna flow in and then we’re centering here okay cool going to pull this back just a bit uh I think what are we looking at when it comes to deployer speeds is four times RPM so if we’re going 128 we’re going to be doing 512 so we need one of the one big guy per deployer which is not bad at all we only need three big guys actually so I’m I’m digging way too far out uh and then I might just you know we’ll we’ll try to go for the whole nine yards actually we’ll try to we’ll try to go Bigg or go home here uh okay so that’ll be I want six I think and then we’ll see if we can’t get it to be where we want it to be it’s that another Ocarina Ocarina from Ena oh yeah if your name rhymes with the thing you’re doing prepare for me to be really annoying about it uh I’m going to let these ads run because they’re about to start and then we’re going to do the Ocarina so when ads end just remind me to do the Ocarina because I will forget I will not remember to do it um so just remind me uh and we will get that Ocarina done but I want to wait for ads to be over so that everyone can participate in in Ocarina hooray also lapis Lai thank you for being amazing passionately doxing myself aara killed the create mod star what Boop nope like that and then I need one more wheel and that’s going to be the little f for the speed boost boost I love adding the little speed boost guy uh and I guess now would be a good time to realize I’m trapped I’ve imprisoned myself oh dear oh shoot ah foolish of me how how silly of me why did I do that actually I should have just dug around the this side uh all right I’ll just open up this whole area cuz I don’t like walking through the water wheel uh thing well it’s good enough if I even mention some of what it is with doxy okay well don’t dox yourself it’s like stream rule number one don’t dox yourself please nobody wants that nobody wants you to do that to yourself all right shoot I don’t know I don’t know why I said shoot like I just ruined my water supply this is fine uh run in run in run in there there water wheel there uh that let’s just make sure this is actually going in the direction I want it to it is and it is also spinning very quickly and then the hope is when I double the speed we don’t lose it all I want is just a little bit of speed just like that let me grab some more from my infinite water water water paranoid no I get it me too I don’t want my information out there just like my voice maybe my face if things go well don’t ever stress I didn’t see overstressed particles so I’m thinking I was smarticle particle hey okay uh so to tune the machine okay you have to tune the machine uh we’re going to send this guy through it and he is going to get turned into an incomplete Precision mechanism all right the tuning process of the machine has now begun we now need wool one piece of wool all I need literally one piece of wool would I even know what a piece of wool looks like uh I definitely have not gotten a piece of wool like actually I definitely haven’t gotten a piece of wool so we need to go Shear a sheep I I can’t believe oh I love the shears texture actually I can’t believe that’s the current barrier to entry um come to think of it have we even seen a sheep I I don’t think we have I don’t think we have seen a sheep at all also I like how you can see where like in the world I’ve been right because it’s like this snow rine the Snow Line This Ridge of snow is just where I haven’t been loading the game uh but the map is processed which is really funny uh although it might just be that like snow will be there as we go cuz it should be pretty cold in this biome uh I’m doing a lot of setup only to like be sure that I’m leaving eventually but I guess it would be nice if the setup enables me to like leave easier you know like that would be pleasant oh need to get more sheep in your world accidentally poured lava into the pen you had wow that’s that’s that’s an accident that’s a heck of an accident to have jeez oh Ford knows your name Ah that’s right that’s right you have a really cool name uh so I guess we’re just hoping to see sheep on the mini map or something um cuz truth be told I I don’t know I guess could I like sheep spawn egg it’s just sheep that’s cute if I were to like look at wool right no no no no as a drop from sheep biome any no also why was it face gone I didn’t like that that sheep’s face was missing sheep is this a sheep biome is not likely to be a sheep biome considering the lack of sheep in the biome should have made a gyd like I could have brute forced the first one uh well there’s a villager over here here whoa whoa this is in the this is in the um the the screen this is in the loading screen what the heck dude that’s hyped look at this this is in the loading screen of the pack hey buddy Carlo uh thank you Carlo whoa why is there MOS carpet here is this like a secret no it’s just a little carpet do you think what is this complet of the challenge discover a tinker’s workshop become the latest test subject of the Tinker I don’t necessarily want to be a test subject here but there seems to be a lot of goodies I should not have left home on an exploration Mission with a full backpack that was silly I I’m hearing strange sounds I kind of shot myself in the actually uh this is great though lot of resources lovely are these all barrels no the trap doors okay I was like whoa that’s a lot of barrels um cardboard box oh it had an item in it that’s cute cool but they don’t seem to have like a tool box for me whoa string and golden oh string will do it actually string string counts here we can turn string into wool we can turn string into wool actually I don’t mind that okay we’ll have to come back to this place when I have more inventory space I definitely I definitely want to come back to this place with more inventory space name tag gunpowder that’s cool trapped present okay well I don’t really want to open the thing that’s a trapped present do I uh this is sick and there’s something something interesting over there okay cool so this is a much warmer biome too maybe this is where we end up wanting to move our base although there is what seems to be a Pillager camp nearby I’m not sure but this place seems really important why did the map not load in there that’s odd uh more chests for me to open and then not be able to loot and then complain about not being able to loot them even though I open them perfect it’s exactly what I wanted uh is there anything in here I don’t need Grave metal scrap ah chalk box that one seems cute uh get some pumpkin pie in there fre up some slots jeez lot of goodies here a lot of goodies here I don’t think I need the clay balls though actually I can I could deal without the clay balls I could deal with the clay balls okay no cuz if I come back here I’m not going to look around for this kind of stuff you know I don’t need six nuggets of experience um oh I owe you an Ocarina oh my gosh yes I do yes I do yes yes I do yes I do yes I do oh shoot man I owe Ena Zarina from like 10 minutes ago okay okay I think I’m relatively safe in this biome I think I’m relatively safe in this biome we are going to do why did I just hear like a Geer counter what is this Fallout um we are going to do concerning Hobbits I’m feeling I’m feeling hobbi is I think there is a mod that adds zaras in Minecraft actually yeah I was going to say why is nether music playing in my ears right now sorry that was really distracting um just like an explosion in the background I wonder if that’s like a bug or if something awful is near my character but in any case thank you very much for the acarina Redemption let’s get home because I am getting nervous about the sounds that are playing around my body right now whoa Giger counter is a thing you just have no idea what it does all right sometimes sometimes you just got to sound off a guer counter you know just to keep people guessing um oh really bro come on I hate these guys they’re so stupid they’re so stupid hey hey hey relax bro that was a baby making that sound are they able to play it in game I I don’t know I I I I’m saying like I think so in the sense of like I don’t really know if there is a mod that does that I’m sure there is I’m sure if you looked up like Ocarina mod at least I’m fairly sure um all right yeah we’re definitely going to have to like move house at some point um but I’m hoping like I said like I’d like to be able to be at the point where I have like a diamond or maybe even like netherite backpack I don’t know if it’s possible to like do that where I can just have like a ton of storage space on me uh and then just do a little bit of like grab the essentials grab what we want grab what we need and then just leave um cuz we’re close to being done here uh let’s see I got enough string to make a piece of wool and that’s all I needed like that and then we are making what is called a list filter all of that uh was just to go and make something called a list filter which is going to help us out here because we can take our incomplete Precision mechanism and tell it to um ignore data I don’t know if we needed that list filter actually but I I like to do the list filter approach uh and now the machine is pretty much tuned and essentially what is going to happen is where are my vaults when I place down my vaults Quest reward for obsidian with iron and free netherite oh really uh uh do you know where that is oh I also found a location right discover a tinker’s workshop uh plus five levels found rarely in the overw okay so that was rare okay kind of cool actually kind of cool actually little bit of zinc for my efforts as well is always nice um Overworld right above the iron pick now you get a vending machine from Tom’s trading network uh that’s not netherite Tetra is in the pack yeah Tetra oh the other the other eh it’s enigmatic why let’s see but the the problem the problem is I’m not so smart and I’m curious I don’t even know what is happening make a hammer then make a workbench by right clicking a hammer oh it’s in enigmatic not Overworld oh which one’s enigmatica enigmatica Legacy uh one of these somewhere in here there’s you know what I I wonder if I could do I wonder if I could do this uh and just look it up from the quest book no okay Bren arconas I you I think you are going nuts oh it’s a possible netherite Ingot reward it’s a possible netherite inot reward see that’s the worst part when I get it in any case that is a future goal no it’s a choice oh silly me um then then that is an easy one to do right after I just finished getting this machine finished I guess uh where’s my brass funel where did it go I do not know this is why I need Tom simple storage uh there you are my friend perfect and now the machine is tuned so all I have to do is throw gold sheets and incomplete Precision mechanisms onto it and as long as it is an incomplete Precision mechanism it’ll go back into the Vault and get spat out here I mean I’ll just show you and it goes look at that looping perfectly and when it’s done oh my God it scrapped my first Precision mechanism was a scrap I am crushed that’s so bad okay fine then o they o they oh okay man all right well we need another gold sheet and I need a bunch more cogs and stuff depression Bonk there we go ouch yeah ouch the first one like it’s bound to happen eventually but the first one violation that’s that’s a violation right there um what am I doing here I need a bunch of cogs bunch of cogs uh where’s my andesite Alloy at do I have it in my backpack here I can make more of it of course of course and aite and aite andite and aight andite and aight this is like this is like the last few seconds did I use all my andesite alloy nope it’s right there there like the last few bits of me fumbling man the fumbling ends soon okay the fumbling is over soon chat I converted way too many of those into Cog Wheels I did not super mean to do that I guess I get to complete the quest get a little bit more and tode Aly to my name not a problem not an issue they always scrap the first one at least for you are you serious that’s awful that is not the way it is meant to be you you poor soul that’s miserable I’m very sorry I’ll just Bonk all those into cogs then 1 two three four okay and then that’s five and five and then iron nuggets and you know what I’m going to need two of these anyways I may as well just do that uh okay so close yet so far to Salvation I need my little Storage Solutions in mod packs is Tom’s the only storage solution in this one though cuz Toms isn’t my favorite like long-term solution um it really isn’t I like Tom simple storage don’t get me wrong um but I always feel like it’s not so nice for like forever storage or maybe it’s it’s also probably like I I don’t 100% like I don’t know everything about it but not as good as it as I could be uh we’re going to try to make two Precision mechanisms here um and of course with the way I set this up I I I can do it really easily by just tossing two sheets on there and then the machine will kind of take care of itself and it looks lovely to watch there is sophisticated storage oh right yeah they can very rarely scrap into a clock okay there we go two precision mechanisms that time around perfect perfect perfect perfect boom I wonder why this is a gear icon doesn’t that mean like start or end of a quest right okay so is is this kind of considering this to be like the end of a chapter of create I guess that makes sense that makes sense super nice though love Mason Precision mechanisms man oh the world is opening up the world is opening up but predominantly this we don’t need a Precision for that okay let’s get let’s get craon item vaults yeah item vaults or uh or item drains actually is another one that’s another one that people use a lot item drains if you ever want to do something real fancy real fancy um okay Precision mechanism done storage terminal you are up next we need you my friend has one electron tube so you you and you uh one electron tube two electron tubes no problem sucks that they use an entire plate of iron some packs make that cheaper but okay whatever you know I’m not like it’s not like I’m complaining or anything I wouldn’t do anything like that I believe this will make me I’m dumb what what is this flavor oh silly okay and then you are a redstone torch actually hold on I also need to get a brass casing out of the and I actually need Redstone to make a redstone torch that’s that’s that’s an important ingredient in a redstone torch actually Redstone not a lot of people know this not a lot of people know this this is the kind of Insider information that you get for like playing Minecraft for as long as I have but you do need Redstone for Redstone torches Bonk okay uh strip log place it down where’s my brass it’s all around things will get better things will get better in like 10 seconds maybe not 10 seconds where is my brass actually there you are Mr brass Bonk grab the brass age uh but ah no I why do I have to wait what why is it a dependency why is a rotation speed controller a dependency of crafting a brass casing wait what next tier of casing from andesite Oh I thought it said you could upgrade sight to it and I was like huh I was like that is not true you cannot you can’t you can’t upgrade it okay that confused me I’m glad that’s not the way it would be it’ be so annoying to have to do andesite casings first you’ve been using lapis no wonder it’s not working yeah you know I I mean it’s it’s just one of those things you know not a lot of people know it oh why didn’t I make a third one why didn’t I even check that oh I did make a third one I’m goober uh I just need another brass casing anyone remember where my brass went I’m joking joking uh okay cool electron tube you and then the last thing what was it it was an actual Observer uh which is going to be a piece of quat some red stone dust and Cobblestone and it’s this recipe right I haven’t made uh what the heck I haven’t made an observer in a while all right suei perfect and that should mean buttons 1 two three that’s not a button oh right you stone stone what kind of buttons can I I can make a wooden button I can make wooden buttons what am I doing 1 two three I like how big the button icon like the button icon is it’s really funny to me boom Sor terminal finally after all this time is that not a uh that’s not a reward Quest it’s just like a thingy all right now to upgrade you we need mechanical crafters and a Precision mechanism as well as a sturdy sheet which I’m going to guess is stock okay so a real process a real process is is upgrading this guy but I think it’d be a very worthwhile one uh uh so I need I mean let’s see I need 13 here plus an additional nine so that’s the 21 required Crafters right so I’ll just make seven this mod pack looks like hell this just a create mod I mean Tom simple storage is a little expensive but I am kind of rushing it like maybe rushing it I don’t know I I I I would wager that I’m a little early on to be focusing downt simple storage I just wanted to do it now because I don’t want to deal with storage in the long run cuz it’s really really really really really annoying to deal with storage in the long run um and just in general I feel happier when I’m not managing storage you wouldn’t have to do this you could always just organize your chests like a normal human being I am not I don’t do that it’s not how I roll I just want a big gooey that I can dump all my stuff in the crafting part is one of the better aspects that’s true Tom simple storage crafting terminals are pretty good uh and then what was it I needed uh crafting tables right right right right right like that and here comes the mechanical Crafters like that I mean Boop cool uh and then the actual shape I need for this is one and then four rows of three uh we’ll actually probably deal with this later cuz that that’s a bit of a that’s a thing that’s a bit of a thing uh okay so sturdy sheet and a redstone link okay Redstone link is easy enough a redstone controller is easy enough also Redstone link but you get the point you get the point you get the point uh I keep putting my sticks away which is foolish because I continue to need sticks I continue to need sticks that that’s also something that Tom’s is going to like solve is I’m not going to be going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and obviously nope found them I didn’t put them away I’m not going to be going back and forth in inventories I’m just stuff is going to be getting done uh controller is then buttons okay weird recipe but I mean actually no no it isn’t no it isn’t that makes a lot of sense uh then it is just spouting time and that’s not too bad it’s not too bad easy yeah okay unchanged recipe it’s not horrible going to do a little bit of fluid dynamics but that shouldn’t take longer than I don’t know 10 minutes uh copper age established thank you quest complete copper casing of course somewhere here it is oh and I get more copper casing for it lovely it is fun that a lot of the quest rewards are more of the item that you just crafted is that going to be the same for spouts uh no that’s just copper back okay oh there’s the electron tube why is the electron tube up here well that makes no sense the quest book is shown in tons of chapters this is just create mod this is just regular create progression uh-oh uhoh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey what are you doing in my house I did not open the door for you what the heck you’re not even selling anything good leave my house leave it go away byebye yes I have defeated him um the one thing I ever want in this world is the ability to fill a spout with a bucket I want it so bad so bad uh I’ll set up a proper drain area actually I can I can I can I can spare the time for drain get out of my house go to the underworld yeah exactly that’s what he gets man he broke in it just broke in it wasn’t nice of him and want him I keep those on me uh shears I don’t need that I don’t need uh okay okay that I don’t need none of the wood accessories can be used in the chip tables despite having the chip variants in the pack oh that’s interesting that’s that’s really interesting uh let’s do I need copper stuff now for pipes uh probably need more than four All Things Considered and then drain is probably stock as well I’m going to just I’m just going to assume that the drain is this the recipe that I expect it to be which is iron bars over that yeah which makes drains really annoyingly expensive um no rewards uh okay and then I think uh we might try to do lava Farm like a nether based lava farm at some point too in this play through cuz those are fun those are always good time fluid pipe fluid pump dude we’re just getting everything man any rewards for these no man cuz they know cuz they be knowing uh okay so I put if I put that here and that there I could put the drain uh no I think I will do it next to the Basin actually think I will do this next to the Basin there there there uh probably can’t take it from the top which would be really funny if you could though so maybe I bring the drain’s forward one well that would be why I wouldn’t do that wouldn’t it that would be a fantastic argument for not doing that huh and then the next thing is you know maybe we can try to actually use this Cog here to power the pump that might be helpful that might be helpful actually so what we could do instead that that um and then uh we’ll use a copper casing trick on this actually that goes there this guy goes here in case this fellow with copper casing and then it won’t connect nice I Believe In You There we go we’re back uh yeah will you send a refresh Audrey um man that is unfortunate totally totally fell out on my end very sad very sad uh okay there we go perfect perfect we have a draining area we have a mixing area and now I can take one of those buckets of lava and I can drain it into the spout and now we’re working with with uh with lava working with fire here uh and then the last thing we need to make a sturdy sheet I believe is powdered obsidian oo hey you get nine of it though oh from a powdered obsidian pile how foolish of me how foolish of me to be excited in this world uh okay so now we need to actually make crushing Wheels oh boy oh boy oh oh B oh boy oh B oh boy all right let’s do a crushing wheel setup this is very involved I won’t lie they they sure made Tom simple storage involved but we are so close to the home stretch so close to the home stretch just a little bit more twage d [Music] that should turn on yep okay now we got to go and kind of unearth the rest of this area we back awesome that was unfortunate unfortunate timing all right up we go uh and almost done I have so little space in this little hobbit hole thing I think probably next time we’re going to need to like move or something I have no idea uh do something about not having any living space in here time to ditch twitch and stream on Discord no unfortunately this is an ongoing problem that I’ve been having with my internet that I had hoped I had fixed with a particularly expensive solution but on fortunately it seems like the battle continues the fight for a consistent Wi-Fi signal is not yet over I’ll get it eventually yeah yeah it’s been a thing it’s been a real thing uh I did make this very hard on myself for no reason by building it here could have used like shafts to build it in a better location and still use his power but whatever we’re we’re committed here this is definitely not permanent ethernet is not an option no uh I I tried power line ethernet but the speeds were really slow cuz the electrical wiring of uh my house is old it’s very old um so I was hoping that some new rout equipment would give us a little push uh but unfortunately it does not seem to have thoughts on the Borderland series never played it zero thoughts head empty uh yeah now i’ win all right that’s a lot of anite alley uh easy way to craft and aite here or is it going to be just the basic like yeah gravel compacting or shapeless crafting with diorite and Cobblestone uh I think I have a lot of diorite and Cobblestone though actually I have 26 diorite I thought I had a lot more diorite well whatever I don’t need the diorite so in it goes you’ve got three people doing like 6our streams together but they’re all doing Borderlands thinking about raid oh wow that is a lot of Borderlands I like the weird sound that it makes when it does this it’s kind of cute actually it’s like uh dang we are I was about to say we’re starting to run really low on iron but I got these blocks of raw iron that I can deal with now raw iron brick does not seem like a super efficient use of uh anything uh looks like we could actually cook down the entire block which is kind of cool does it take longer though oh that is absolutely taking longer that’s unfortunate I kind of didn’t want to sign up for that oh well hey mysterious fell how you doing is it a living situation no it’s a Upstairs Downstairs router it’s possible it could be an issue with the coax cable at this point um I’m not ruling out a mechanical problem with the coax cable uh but unfortunately I am not skilled enough in that kind of stuff to actually take a look at it what mod is that oh it’s it’s a big old mod that this particular mod right here is create mod um but this is a big old mod pack nothing to power drill and duct tape couldn’t fix ah if it was only in my house but it isn’t um I guess living situation is a part of it yeah uh I I don’t quite have the uh Power to be drilling stuff through the walls you like Tech yeah Crea is a fantastic fantastic Tech mod um we are just finishing up thank you very much for the follow we are just finishing up this very complicated crafting recipe which will hopefully finally allow us to get moving and grooving with some nice Storage Solutions love the digital gooey um storage okay enough I’m going to keep running that though uh I think Cobblestone doesn’t work it needs to be a cooked Stone variant or like tough I think cuts it uh and then we need some planks which I’ve got Bonk Bonk uh boop boop boop boop that should do it unless there’s a compatibility issue oh slow not good at him but I love him oh yeah oh yeah I’m not always great I’m not like the best create player in the world but I got to love him trying to get better at like Tech Minecraft by doing a personal playthrough of n me Factory hoping that like by playing Greg Tech I’ll just become like a smarter person you know like my brain matter will increase and there we go please be two please be two crushing Wheels okay I got a little nervous I’m not going to lie I got a little nervous there okay now with crushing wheels on hand uh this is just going to over stress it right no oh what is the stress impact right now could I actually power crushing wheels at the speed that would be really nice uh what are we looking at oh great stress ometer hard no on that uh I could disconnect these two temporarily actually or I could disconnect this guy even sure I’ll do that we’ll do we’ll do a temporary disconnect here oh my gosh thank you you not Mars for the raid hello Raiders welcome everybody how are you guys doing I hope you have been having a lovely stream today welcome your friend plays Nomi in factorio he’s he’s usually The Tech Guy while you just run around pretending like you know what you’re doing oh beautiful uh did did tweet Twi raid me Twi I I mean no I I don’t think was TW hold on hold on I’ll give you their name I’ll give you their name that was Steph and Minnie that’s who I got raid by Steph and Minnie you like satisfactory yourself I’ve heard very good things about satisfactory and never played it um I have never played satisfactory before welcome to the stream everybody Welcome to the stream everybody uh okay so perfect this is like the right this is the totally right oh that’s interesting that’s that’s weird okay well the problem is I think I’ll overstress this if I do that right how that’s so weird you clicked one stream to raid but raided another regardless oh okay uh how how’s the playr it’s good that’s so funny so you got like you got like you false rated that’s I I didn’t even know that was a thing that can happen but think going great uh we are just about to bridge the gap to GUI based storage Tom simple storage finally he’s just confused it was like no I I get it I think I think I’ve had something like that happened to me like once in the past where I went to raid someone clicked the button and it was a completely different person thank you so much for the follow really appreciate you um yeah how was your stream what were you doing what were you up to this is of course if I I’m I’m sure one of my mods already hit the the the the pack command so everyone knows what’s going on um fate brought us together this is a destined raid Destin death though that’s not what we’re playing Elden ring um casual Minecraft Elevator yes yes okay yes look there’s a skill book in the game that makes you climb ladders faster I’m going to abuse ladders like at every given opportunity look how fast I go up these things Minecraft vtuber SMP whoa how is that going that’s cool oh cool Stars already got the uh drop a picture if you have a picture could you put it in stream talk star I’d love to see that um what what style of YouTuber are you like I guess I I in the model like what kind of model do you have I don’t know much about vtubers I just know the models are really cool hopefully that doesn’t take too long I’m not the main mod also beautiful powdered obsidian goes there gets got sploosh love that that’s the actual name of the uh uh achievement uh dump oh we’re so close chat we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close we’re almost there okay then this needs to be pressed twice yes okay now 133 mechanical Crafters uh like no it’s one two a not yet three is it five layers for this no it’s four like that and then one final layer up top no I’m I I oh am I missing one mechanical crafter I am I’m missing a single mechanical crafter oh man okay uh let’s fix that then okay it’s not not not too bad not too bad not too bad slightly annoying recipe uh but we should have an okay amount of iron cooked up wow it didn’t even get through at all um kind of cool that there’s that efficiency thing though where you actually can do a like bulk uh smelting of an item or a books melting of like a raw block oh there’s Leon troop quest of course of course also a gearbox Quest cool thank you and a stress ometer Quest okay uh and then I can get some Redstone out of that but my inventory is filling up again hold hold stop too many Quest rewards drowning in success Suffering From Success can I mix multiple Woods to make a crafting table in this pack we’re going to find out cuz I have just enough random pieces of wood perfect love it amazing yes you were able to post in the Discord sweet I cannot wait to take a look at that okay but first things first let’s get this finally finished uh storage terminal up there Precision mechanism down there sturdy sheet right there where’s the thing there it is oh hold on there we go that have broken everything almost not not quite not quite done yet I I did it wrong oh no no no no no no no why did you a boo I broke it the crafting things go here all right let’s let’s see if I can actually work these mechanical Crafters there we go it’s it’s functioning o o ah something wrong with my arm ow ow uh Max mining so a efficiency plus two is instam mine almost everywhere okay that’s good to know actually thank you and there it is the crafting terminal oh yes now we yes huge success we now have GUI crafting access to all physical storage I’m in love here let me check out that vtuber asset really quick before I before I forget before I forget let’s go to stream talk was it stream talk or art gy probably our Gallery where’d it go is I put to post in the Discord it’ll be in general ah okay okay okay okay okay that’s fair oh so cute that’s adorable I love the bunny accessory I know that was already mentioned but that is a really fantastic bunny accessory that is adorable uh okay okay okay okay uh what does a storage connector look like actually I need to like just let’s go to Toms cuz I don’t know what I’m looking for inventory connector just a shoot and a brass casing huge huge we’re going to make four of these to help us out here cuz I don’t quite have access to a lot of iron well I I have enough iron that we could do something but I want to make sure that we’re expanding our storage as much as we possibly can uh that’s really important okay uh and we do need to shoot for it the reason I’m making four is cuz you make shoots and both you both craft shoots and like things of four okay I’m so hyped I’m so hyped biggest biggest upgrade of a Sentry shoots inventory connectors okay okay let’s set up a place for this I say uh well the workshop is kind of growing over here and I’m probably going to have to push it back in there eventually so why not dig out the area here for story right no reason not to all right all right all right it looks completely different yeah the recipes are changed uh they they change a lot of recipes this is like a I think it’s a specific data pack that changes some Tom simple storage recipes to make them a little bit more expensive um once again they only really look complicated cuz I’m kind of jumping the gun here um most of these these are fairly simple things like just requiring a little bit of like you know once you progress into create you have these things me I’m just doing it weird um because I wanted GUI storage as fast as I could possibly get it because I’m lazy and I don’t like chest organization and gooey storage means I don’t have to chest organize ever uh and so we’re going to sleep and then get some more wood and then make some more bolts but I am enjoying this pack so far like so far it’s been a lot of just infrastructure stuff um but I like all the textures and stuff like it’s pretty it’s really really easy on the eyes you know the texture packs really nice uh and uh I’m loving it I’m having a great time [Music] all righty let’s do this favorite trick in all of create mod it’s the best feature I just don’t want to get too close to the Pillager Camp because that would be annoying ah here comes the snowstorm H oh no it’s all on top of the trees I didn’t think about that okay up we go thank you whoa what the hey hey hey let me out of the leaf can you not walk on leaves in this that was weird um Quest complete 69 tag filter what what does that mean where did I complete that quest in create no that’s for a saw what did I just do huh is that like a bugged uh that might be a that might be a bugged Quest that might just have been a bug Quest I’m going to drop that actually I don’t need that really need saplings either I kind of got my covered on that I’m setting up all my storage now and then breaking it down next stream maybe not next stream maybe not next stream I think next stream we’re going to focus on getting a backpack heavily upgraded um and besides like there’d be very little breakdown to actually do is what’s really cool about Tom simple storage like it it’s so simple like it’s called Simple storage uh um so it wouldn’t be like even if it actually is next stream that I end up moving this is not going to be a problem it’s not going to be an issue at all uh which is great which I love convenient convenient convenient which is after all why we are doing this uh come on there we go bucket no uh okay will we’ll make one more so that we’ll have a divisible by or we’ll have what is it that would be 10 is 13 14 15 16 so I want to make three more barrels I want to make three more barrels here uh won’t be a huge amount of storage to start off with not a huge amount of storage to start off with but good enough good enough for now I did not need to make more of those that was not the limiting factor can I turn uh I can oh nice love it love it love it love it love it why is crafting so laggy hopefully Tom’s crafting is a little bit optimized in this pack uh and then I need 26 ingots of iron to pull this off which is unfortunate how long am I going for I will be finishing once I get this Tom simple storage stuff rounded out don’t worry don’t worry I I need the rest I need the rest today uh I just got to wait for this to do Ocarina song thing yeah yeah absolutely oh man my arm is crunchy that’s my arm I don’t know if anyone actually heard that that was that was my that was my human arm perfect and the best thing is I can slap a crafting terminal on it and this is now just our storage it just is uh and then we can just start uh dumping stuff in there like just simple enough all of our Earthly desires go in the thing and it’s so nice and it’s so nice oh yes look at that time zones are whack very much so um is there a gold chest cuz I might be able to make a gold chest happen uh yeah there are but I don’t need that actually now that I think about it so what we’re going to do though is I’m going to put on the magnet ring and we’re going to have a really good time we’re just going to have the magnet ring on and we’re going to suck up all the items to our character where is my magnet ring oh magnet ring where where are where are you where are you oh is it already in here where did I put my magnet ring is it on me uh uh-oh it’s a very distinct texture you would you’d think even in my relative blindness I’d be able to find it right uh that’s a respirator not a magnet ring it looks like a ring kind of if you think about it there it is yeah ready get ready for things to be clean clean clean clean clean so we break the chest everything that’s pretty nice actually uh we can take the iron chest we’re going to want to keep that on us yeah and what we can do is take an inventory connector and put it here and it will extend the inventory so now things can go inside of this chest and the same thing’s going to happen here it it’s so nice isn’t it uh so now this is a part of the network as well uh I think it’s going to have a lower priority so stuff isn’t going to immediately go in there yeah I don’t think I can set the PRI um but yeah so we so every chest we add to this thing extends our actual storage which is so cool oh that was a lot of quests I accidentally just completed that’s kind of guess it’s a good way to complete some like Laten questing huh right uh okay so I’ll leave that for now and just dump everything in here and this thing isn’t like infinite you know what I mean like it’s it’s physical storage not digital storage so it’s going to fill up at some point uh but for the time being I can just do this and it looks like we’re not going to run out of storage uh while filling this guy up and last thing we just have to take everything out of our backpack cuz this has been bulk storage for a while uh dormant eye was a quest oh o okay okay I’ll have to look into that I’ll have to look into all these quests that we just completed on accident just like that and there we go our whole life is now away uh what’s a threshold switch looking like actually cuz I could get a threshold switch uh pretty easily actually oh whoa 50 messages deleted by a moderator oh no you hit the wrong guy you got the wrong guy oh shoot oh man that’s sad I hope I hope they’ll be able to come back killer blue caught in the crossfire whoops that was a mistake mod abuse this is why I’m not the main moderator oops Yeah H it happens it happens it happens that’s all right that’s all right that’s all right ah that was pretty funny cuz I look over and I’m like killer blue is banned what but but the message is still there that’s not killer blue it was a deception the Bots are getting so clever you know they’re they’re convincing us uh let’s get some coal I really shouldn’t be using coal based like smelting anymore there’s like there’s almost zero reason for it to be honest um what he do free my boy your back seating finally caught up to you you’re like a uh no if if I like if back seating was against the rules I’d put it in the tags generally speaking I’d put it in the tags like obviously there’s an etiquette to like hey would you like advice um but you have been more than fine don’t worry all right three pieces of stone that will get us the comparator and that puts us at a threshold switch which is going to allow us to understand how much storage we have left in this Vault uh and actually we’re doing really well all things considered uh yeah I don’t want to make another display link to get a proper display about it but here we go we finally did it all of our things all of our things in one spot isn’t that so much nicer searchable sortable Auto search we’re going to do uh ji sync standard uh and yeah descending by item amount finally we can use that one display board left over exactly um he get out of here you zomie fi piglin but there we go and we have plenty of additional storage and of course the more vaults that we can afford the more we add on to it probably next time we’re going to be looking at iron farming just to get our cuz I the more iron we have the more like storage we have wonder if there’s other ways to do it I don’t know that’s kind of crazy uh but thank you guys very very much for joining the stream I’m going to drop off I’m going to take some rest I cannot wait to see you guys on the next stream of Steampunk which is going to be on Saturday tomorrow join Audrey and I in playing St Valley and do we want a raid absolutely let’s do a raid let’s do a ra let’s do a raid let’s do a raid you got two people we can pop over oh okay all right drop the names oh raid master I will pick based off of whose name I probably see first um or or you just pick one you have a day off nice yeah check the stream check the stream schedule as always I take my R recommendations from Star Dragon nebula Borderlands with friends she’s a good acquaintance of VI and pushes you to stream she’s great but but Minecraft and a Dragon theme I think I’m going to go with the Minecraft one actually I think I’m going to go with Minecraft just for just to keep things on topic so we’re going to go ahead over and raid another Minecraft stream today thank you guys for being here for the raiding it has been fantastic we are going to head over to Minecraft Melly you guys get ready to have a great time give him some love on behalf of star on behalf of djjo I will see you guys in the next stream

This video, titled ‘Create Steampunk | Day 2 | Rushing Tom’s Simple Storage!’, was uploaded by DejojoTheVodsome on 2024-04-20 03:32:37. It has garnered 72 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:33 or 11193 seconds.

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

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  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More