Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯

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[Music] hello is this thing on how we doing how we doing uh playing a little uh well today it’s a special day we’re trying something new today we’re playing multiple games today I’m trying this out and it’s all going to be the same stream that’s that’s the experiment today we’re going to play a little stumble guys start it out cuz we haven’t played that in a while and we’re going to play a little Roblox cuz everybody always loves Roblox and finish it out with Minecraft cuz we love doing Minecraft um so yeah we’re g to um we’re going to see how that goes cuz I I haven’t experimented with that too much as far as like just keeping the same stream going but uh like switching the game and seeing how that affects the performance of the video so we’re going to find out today um anyways we’ll go ahead and switch over to the game here um I’m gonna shove myself back in the top corner and then we can do our free Spin come on give me the Cat Skin I’m broke I don’t have any more gems dang that was kind of garbage but what’s up Eli how are you doing Looney tun these skins look crazy uh okay so we’re going to start out with a normal game everybody loves a normal game stumble guys we got the code here 6877 68 if you’re joining us stream keeps freezing uh it looks fine on my end should be fine do a face reveal okay here you [Music] go there you go I did I really didn’t know I still had that I should probably make a new one here wait we’ll make a new one while we’re waiting for people to roll in here in case there’s any stragglers all right wait there we go that one’s actually pretty good that was pretty believable yeah there it updated already okay all right let’s uh oh the Goofer made it in thanks for coming the goster all right we’re going to start this up I don’t think the DK overl or overlay exists anymore I think I got rid of that did I normally play on keyboard why does this feel unnatural I always play on keeper I don’t know why this feels awkward maybe it’s just cuz I’m this my first time playing this game on the new setup might be what it is get out the way I got to catch up with tigers for life oh yeah look at the movement oh look at the movement why did that just happen why did that just happen all right at least qualify there we go GG’s I tried my hardest it’s all right this is the warm up the Goofer is right in front of me I’m I go crazy on this map though I do have to warn you okay well wait what is that timer what’s the timer on the side that’s new I’m crazy though what’s up monkey and VR and what’s up CJ and clar Adventures yeah we’ll get you in here next game o personal best I like that I like that it tracks your time that’s a good feature I’m a fan of that I don’t know if I’m going to ever end up at the top of a leader board but I’ll certainly try and put in some times that I’m proud of there’s no timer on this one though only on like race Maps or something yeah I’m not I’m not winning this there’s already like five people ahead of me unfortunately oh I didn’t even was that Donuts that won congratulations Donuts uh I think that was all right 181 986 if you’re joining what’s up five ppin this is [Music] Terraria all right you better be fast noob better be fast oh my gosh it’s peps now look what the Cat Dragged In okay we’ll start it up uh having the freeze frame picture is probably the funniest thing ever I don’t know why it’s so funny to me pick the map thank you see it It sped up when it heard me yell at it sometimes you got to yell at it all right I’m about to go crazy on this uhoh why are you going this way this is a stupid way but I have to follow you I’m way behind the pack I went the stupid route out of the way whatever I’ll take Ninth Place true I did I did see that I think he’s he’s probably going to do it I’d be surprised if did not overtake t- series originally it was pretty cool as a concept cuz it was like whoa like you know uh cuz the whole thing that was interesting about the like PewDiePie versus T Ser is like PewDiePie is just one guy you know and t- ser is like a huge brand so for PewDiePie to be number one it’s like that’s that’s kind of cool cuz it’s just one YouTube but like Mr Beast it was cool for but now he’s kind of like a business too so it’s like it’s just a different business being the number one on the platform but at least it’s like content specifically made for YouTube I guess so that’s still cool and it’s funny Mr Beast so I don’t really be watching Mr Beast though hey see you later Eli is the stream desaturated you know what it is there you go I turn on there’s a filter that I turn on for terrarian Minecraft which which brightens things cuz those games can get pretty dark but but the problem that comes with it is that it it it does desaturate things but I turn it on for Terraria and Minecraft because those games are like so dark that you’re squint your dang a I could have won this one dang it I was too careless I can tell you what I don’t I think Santiago $2 is going to win this one they haven’t even got off the ship yet but maybe this is a oh never shamoy didn’t make it either Jackson watch out there’s a big shark oh this is a funny celebration gig Dante guys everybody be quiet noob’s brother is sleeping be quiet be quiet guys who I got XP I leveled up I unlocked Taurus Ted we go goster okay let’s do a custom game I think it’s about time [Music] what is yeti yeets I don’t think we played Yeti yeets before I want to play Yeti eats and then we’ll do block dash for the finale cuz people love block Dash and then we’ll do behold the gold I want to behold the gold I 576 620 if you’re joining thank goodness new [Music] 80% done but how long’s it going to take to get to 100 it only takes 2 minutes to get through a game trust me by the time you’re done updating and loading up the game and all that we’ll already be done with this one this will give you time to equip your favorite skin ah I don’t even know what we got ourselves into here ow I’m just trying to behold the gold if you know what I mean why would you ever go that way well sadly didn’t mean to do that can I go up here though oh we are so about to behold this gold ow first place look Noob you’ll thank me later when you have time to equip your favorite iconic skin and uh I don’t know man there was no way for me to tell 80% could have been 0 seconds or 500 seconds I think they’ll get a stumble guys collab soon all right Yeti yeets huh oh I see what we’re doing here okay I see how this works oh wait can you literally just emote the whole time am I like red I look red my username is super tals with a little smiley face guys I’m getting Yeti yeated okay I qualified eight people left these are the top eight players in the world and they’re all meeting here today to play block Dash andless the most iconic stumble guys game oh oh gee I sure I sure hope I don’t lose I’ll I’ll give it my all I’ll accept your invite after this game whoa that one was close stop I don’t trust you with your dang flower power whoa sometimes I forget how slippy slidy this game is forget that you’re playing stumble guys on ice I mean look at these two guys they’re literally made out of ice um Emoji Jutsu I’ll never forgive [Music] you not cool not cool this is a funny what’s up madx I can’t accept your invite I got to see who’s going to win a whole month it’s a long time it’s a lot of games that I’ve played in that time period I looked away for one second he’s doing Moon Jumps I would say this is probably better Paul guys was it SM emoji justu that won well congratulations even though you killed me In Cold Blood and I’ll never forgive you for that congratulations check your WIS I don’t even know where I do that I think I scrolled past you I don’t even see you on here what’s your name up top I don’t see it [Music] top left top left I had it this what are you talking about I think he’s checking to see how many he has oh there which one is it the 179 or the 21,000 that’s a lot I only have five okay how many you have where you even at 632 1,731 no wonder he won the last game Okay Legendary block Dash can we fit everybody in here wait this C gems der we’re not doing that [Music] all right you know what we’ll do a full block Dash we’ll do a full block Dash this will be this will help us warm up again 9149 93 914 993 I’m doing good how are you doing scuffles what game am I doing next stream next stream I’m thinking about doing the Sims but I might postpone that but it’s something that I want to do that’s been recommended to me but I’ve been trying to find the the right day for it my favorite game is probably Super Paper Mario it’s my usual answer C of these I’ve only played a little bit of it not on the channel but uh my least favorite game probably Sonic Heroes 914 993 if you’re joining I actually haven’t played either of the first two Paper Mario I really want to play them especially the because the ttyd got remade I’ve literally never played it and people are like it’s so good it’s so good I’d probably enjoy it I don’t see why I wouldn’t I liked all the other Paper Mario games I liked color splash I like sticker star uh origami King was it was decent there was there was parts of it that I liked but then some of it I was like which was weird cuz it feeled or it felt a little bit like people enjoyed origami King more than uh publish Splash and sticker star which I don’t know why I don’t know why people hate sticker star it’s like it’s I don’t know why people think it’s so bad beats me I remember loving it and then I played Color Splash like four years ago three or four and I love that too that was that was a good experience I enjoyed that um I got some water in my throat but I would not I consider paper jam in the Mario and Luigi series um because it fits into that format like way more um I never beat paper jam though I don’t know why it was probably just another one of those games where it’s like you you get that game and then you get another game and then it’s like oh well I guess I’m playing this game now so then I never I never got backed up oh I love Little Big Planet you want you want to talk about best games of all time Little Big Planet 2 is in that conversation for me that’s one of the best experiences I’ve had playing a video game in my life on Little Big Planet why is chat like there we go I want to see here’s the thing espo I would love to do stuff like it and I got to start doing stuff like that I got to start pioneering my own journey I got to I got to go Sigma and I gotta just be like you know what I’m I’m going to play Paper Mario I’m going to play Terraria I’m going to play the games that I like and you guys are going to have to suck it up cuz I’m funny I’m funny I know I am and I can play Terraria and I can be funny and if one person decides to pull up then the rest of the people are just stupid only showing up for a dang Minecraft I love Minecraft but look man there’s so many other amazing games out there like Elden ring I was on I was on Elden ring before kais everybody played everybody’s playing Elden ring now after kaette did it I did it just before he copied me that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying yeah I didn’t play too much of Little Big Planet 3 cuz well I don’t know I still enjoyed it I remember I did the story mode and I did a good amount of just expl but like I don’t I I just feel like Little Big Planet 2 was really where cuz they took Little Big Planet one was really really good and then Little Big Planet 2 it it it’s kind of like a Mario Galaxy 2 situation where um they’re pretty similar but like they just added upon what they already sort of had built um and I think I don’t know I which this is a bad comparison maybe cuz I think I actually prefer Mario Galaxy one but um the first video game that I ever played I the first one I really remember playing is Pokemon diamond on the Nintendo DS there’s a couple others Mario Kart Double Dash Legend of Zelda Wind Waker um what else uh Mario Party DS um oh no my finger slipped my dang finger slipped from the S key to the X key I had that I so had that GG’s though that was a good game CJ Cy good job oh [Applause] dang that’s unfortunate that was a good try on my part though uh you know run that back I want to do another one I want to I want to do another block Dash cuz I was that close um I forget what it was I was talking about something before I got distracted well actually I was kind of talking about like three different things Little Big Planet oh yeah uh the dive in feature was so good I made one of my best friends at the time through Little Big Planet we played everything together and uh man I missed I missed those times um but yeah there the ability to just drop in and play with people it was fun yeah I’m excited for the update um is this everybody I think so I think we’ve already kind of gotten like half the update through the experimental features like the dogs and the wool farmer and uh what else what else is already in something else is already in I know it is what is it I don’t remember I don’t know yeah I don’t know I think it’s kind of weird cuz it’s you obviously you look back at the older updates like um I remember like I’m trying to think of a specific or like being like oh dude you see they’re adding more than two flowers to the game you know like that’s that’s what you get EX like you know playing Minecraft when it was just dirt and stone and brick and like stairs and you know it was definitely a a different time oh they’re adding horses oh dude they’re adding um I’m trying to think of even earlier stuff that I remember them adding I don’t remember the first update that I played maybe when we get to the Minecraft section of this stream I’ll I’ll try and find that penguin you hit me into that this song is such an earworm we need to beat cuphead me and friend of the show AJ we did a couple of cuphead streams and we didn’t beat it we still need to do that that’s that’s we have to do it before the end of 2024 you know it’s still kind of 2022 in my head I think it’s just maybe it’s just cuz that rolls off the tongue so easy so easy to say 2022 2024 you got to put that hard F in there that four you know requires a little bit more mental power oh yeah we’re playing we’re we’re playing multiple games today that’s we’re trying it out we’re going to see how it does you’re not getting me um is this a he-man skin I’ve been looking at it but I haven’t really been thinking about it that’s a random crossover um ah what was I saying oh we’re going to play multiple games today tigers for Life I’ll never forgive you we do hollow night is on my like list of iconic games to play it’s a lot of games out there that’s why I don’t want to just play the same games over and over no I just I bumped into you and then it made me hit a spike so that’s that’s all that happened but anyway we’re going to play uh stumble guys until I get bored and then also congratulations to D Nots 32 big [Applause] dubs will I remember you guys when I’m famous look here’s the thing it’s pretty hard for me to forget a name if somebody shows up in chat more than like two times I usually remember them like when scuffles showed up in chat like 10 minutes ago ago or 15 minutes ago however long it was I remember that username I don’t I don’t remember where I couldn’t I couldn’t tell you exactly what stream but I recognized that username Monkey Business you know these are these are names that I recognize like in chat even madx madx hadn’t hadn’t been here for a whole month and I still I recognize that usernet so um it does get trickier when it’s like someone’s got a different username in a game versus YouTube chat and then sometimes um they also ask that I like call them something different like your local rat asks to be called Mark I’m pretty sure um um so things like that but let’s see what do I I want I want to switch it up a little bit let’s let’s pick uh hit me up with super slide we always do super slides classic and then we’ll go into a little bit of uh we’ll do the Hot Wheels map I always like the hot whe the racing Maps well hey we do all sorts of fun stuff besides Minecraft uh what was the last one I was going to do I think I was going to do laser Dash where is it at no not laser Dash laser Tracer I do I’ve been I’ve been eyeing that block Dash teams thing and I I do kind want to try that cuz I don’t think we’ve done that what are some games I plan on playing on stream um I’ve been looking at there’s there’s like a dark souls type game called a crab uh what what is it called the crab game it’s called another crap grabs treasure I think so I think that’s what it’s called um 5198 91 if you’re joining by the way we do Subspace Emissary I want to do Super Paper Mario I want to do um I don’t know we just got to shut up and do these things well here’s the thing is that I the reason I don’t even post V I’m scared of things performing bad that’s why I don’t put out YouTube shorts that’s when I don’t put out video I am scared of putting a video out and it flopping when a video gets 60 views I’m like boohoo does it really matter the answer is no but I am really good at getting in my own head we’re going to start up this this game here um I’m trying look I feel like I’m pretty open with you guys I gotta be even more open I saw that I thought that was really funny um we played Garden of band ban for uh spooky Tales I only played the free one I don’t think you’re going to catch me spending money on Garden of ban I just I’m not 100% certain if that’s going to be a thing that that happens but who knows that’s not a Roblox game it’s a it’s on Steam game or maybe it was a Roblox game and it got turned into a Ste game I don’t know I could have done better than that it’s all right we’re hanging out we’re having a good time with chat today today I don’t know I got a whole bunch of stuff that I want to play maybe one day uh maybe even tonight maybe tonight we’ll type up a list of like games that I want to play on stream at some point Minecraft’s always the chill portion of the stream so we’ll we’ll throw that in there too that’s why I like Minecraft because we can just hang out what time is it for me it is four 4 uh also I’m doing I’m kind of doing three streams in one cuz I I was thinking about the fact I was like well I didn’t go live yesterday CU it wasn’t feeling good good and then uh I am about to fall off but you know we’re going live today and then also I’m probably not going to be live tomorrow uh I was like you know what I’ll just give people a big jam-packed Extravaganza of a stream on Saturday and we’ll just stream for a real long time and hopefully people will accept that as a apology for not being ly no what I I’ve never lost on that one before I’ve never lost on that one I’ve never lost I didn’t even know you could I thought the Bots would always throw so you could win the Vlogs are fun I like the Vlogs I have um there’s a couple more on my second Channel um I’ve thought about just re-uploading them here I don’t know if I will do that um but who knows we’ll see uh there’s different there’s different reasons that I’m proud about different ones um I really liked the West Virginia video cuz I felt like I did a good job of taking a vlog that was really like nothing of substance and still turning it into something that was funny um but the other ones I like too hey tigers for life I don’t think I’ve actually ever played totally accurate battle simulator I’ve only played totally accurate battle grounds which is the Battle Royale game that they made congratulations tigers for life big dubs yeah the second Channel I I I’ve stopped posting on it because anything that I would post on there I’m I’m now trying to put on here because this is the main thing that we’re trying to uh uh grow figure it’s easier to put everything all in one place block Dash teams all right we’ll do block Dash teams in laser Dash legendary oh my gosh I’ve never even seen this before [Music] wait wait wait better idea better idea laser Dash legendary is the finale lock Dash teams is the second one and then regular block Dash to start so we can filter the Bots out now I’m thinking the weekly objective skin I have not I’ll look at it if there after this game I’ll give it a review it’s bad I’m curious to see what it is 726 790 if you’re joining hello Sebastian welcome to the stream thanks for being here you’re welcome to join us if you’re here to play some stumble guys uh the code is 726 790 we’re doing some block Dash and some laser Dash right now oh you’re already in well there you go uh we’re going to go and start up we do punch next we can do punch next room we can do one with abilities and one without see somebody had somebody had the Looney tun emot let me hit my little dance hey hey hey whoa how wait wait wait do that again cheesy or penguin does he does he just drop into it or does he do the back flip like in funny fortnite I will say I like this new desk setup that I have but the one thing I do miss is having a leg rest I didn’t realize how much I used the leg rest until now that I don’t have it which I don’t even know if it was designed to be a l rest but that’s certainly what I used it as what is that where’s my teammate I got a rabids teammate all right we got this oh no man I’ve never played this before whoa the anime skin is crazy what here wait we’ll watch you Sebastian I mean it’s you did better than me so I feel like you’re pretty good that was good oh no no sebas oh oh I was rooting for you dang another win for tigers for life all right let’s run it back custom game special emotes enabled this time 931 654 we can do a block Dash team I’m down we’ll do that uh after this H the skin I’ll I’ll remember after this one I’ll remember after this one what’s Up DJ 931 654 if you’re winning or joining shut up Bina laser Tracer teams I’m down for that I like that all right let’s see what you people got I’m going to try as hard as I can to to represent the group of people that don’t have any of the special abilities cuz I I don’t I don’t got him get out of the way people this is the game of my life we can’t be messing around like this that watch me when you die that’s a bold statement that’s if I die oh me and donuts team smiley face we got this me and donuts are for sure women Espino can try and punch me all he wants nope ain’t happening told you me and donuts what is this skin on the right I don’t know how I feel about that guy all right I’m locking in I’m going to be ultra focused uhuh stay away from me you freak stop I don’t trust any I don’t trust you I don’t even know if I can trust penguin anymore come on it wouldn’t let me slow down it wouldn’t let me slow down I got it was the nerves it was the nerves congratulations to my my block Dash teammate though Donuts all right uh weekly it’s not necessarily what I expected I’ll say that all right uh what were we doing we’re doing block Dash teams only just block Dash teams we’ll keep abilities on 73 2253 what would you need to make the lobby for Sebastian what’s stopping you from getting it you just got to do the weekly challenges right to disable dice oh well hey man you got punch what’s the difference I gotta avoid all of them hey time flies when you’re having fun Abby watch I’m about to I’m about to win this me my teammate who’s my teammate Grayson me and Grayson are about to win this and I’m about to use no abilities you’re not going to believe it guys I’m just happy to be here see my happy face emoji I’m just happy to be here oh you see that jumping off of somebody’s head that’s good technique right there okay easy quality ification who’s my teammate this time oh same same person me and Grayson to the end [Music] another qualification another win for the super tals oh my gosh this is a serious finale donuts and Sebastian are on the same team what me and Grayson got this I know we do no no no all right congratulations to penguin and emoji another block Dash Team all right we’ll do one more 2 32921 if you’re joining [Music] I think this might be everybody P my chat up again there we go okay oh me and penguin are on the same team oh I got one of the winners from last [Music] game we got this ball guys I don’t know I don’t really have any plans particularly to play that again soon penguin save me oh my gosh he did dang it dang it man all right cool we qualified oh I’m winning I’m winning just wait this is a winning team this is one wa wait revive me though revive me though get the revive no way ah Donuts 32 that was a crazy team though you got to admit that’s that’s a crazy team I got to claim my 500 Stars what do you do with these Stars wait I can claim a prize box well that sucked I can get 50 gems though it’s funny I guess wait do I have enough for a spin special wheel who’s on the special wheel there actually a couple cool skins in there I don’t even have enough anyways rare skin man I don’t want this I don’t want this uh okay he just what I’m feeling I’m feeling uh hook me up with man I don’t know I don’t know if it’s pay to win but it does seem like it’s maybe pay to have an [Music] advantage uh give me the other race car manap where’s turbo Temple and then give me rush hour for the finale no 5713 um 5713 is the code it’s the code joining 500 well I guess this is all of us I’m sorry I’m sorry but you had to go should you buy the pass I mean that’s up to you I wouldn’t because I know I wouldn’t play this game enough to finish the pass but if you’re a if you’re a pro stumble player then sure why not what I just get scammed I’ll take third place I’ll humbly accept that you got your gems back what happened to your gems all right guys it’s time to get serious this is the most serious you’re ever going to see me play this game I almost jumped off hey don’t be too serious Work Hard Play Hard the Super Tails Channel we we like to have a little bit of fun oh oh it just got fast dude wo hey what did I say I told you I take that I take that seriously what you know what you know about rush [Applause] hour take Rush Hour very seriously wait play again what’s going on here this is what this is the who hit the start button who hit it who is host everybody jump off the edge pending inites there you go uh all right let’s do a little bit of um perhaps some honey drop no we’ll do that second we’ll do lava Rush then we’ll do honey drop and then we’ll bring it back to the lava for lava a land boom we’re never playing fortnite ever again no more fortnite I’m just kidding I don’t I don’t know I don’t know it’ll be sometime soon 607 239 if you’re joining us what the wait why am I not the host anymore what happened how did this happen well I guess we’re start I’m not going to be live tomorrow that’s why we’re playing more than one game today get out of the way get out of the way oh my gosh that’s so frustrating I’m going to lose my marbles don’t make me lose them oh log off and I did that’s that’s ridiculous I think uh I think nikolai’s got it I think he’s going to make a comeback never mind none of the bots made it not a single bot made it well this is going to be a little bit more of an intense honey drop game wait it’s broken I’ve never seen that before negative one people to qualify all right guys I want a nice clean game it’s not going to happen emoji it’s not going to happen you guys let this person win I can’t believe it you right conratulations all right new code watch this we’re going to start with uh super water park and then we’ll have the finale be uh bombardment we’ll do block Dash teams next we’ll do block Dash teams after this 74821 for this one though 748 211 if you’re joining I don’t even really care I was salty cuz it kept pushing me oh I knew that was going to happen the second I pressed that space button what I tried to be cool and I’m going to try again all right I qualified that’s all that’s all that matters to me I qualified that’s that’s the important thing my favorite stumble get is rush hour I like Rush Hour I don’t know there’s there’s good ones I like honey drop I like laser Tracer um Donuts what are you doing man you’re throwing okay well it didn’t really matter cuz it was full of box but hello far all right finale time we’re winning big I’m calling it I can see your text are you talking about the one where you forgot to click to join we’ll get you in here next game don’t worry this is scary that was ridiculous I got sniped from behind what was I supposed to do about that for Espino got kind of dealt a bad hand here oh well now now it’s pretty even actually no penguins got the better situation oh maybe not anymore though oh now it’s pretty even now it’s pretty even well congratulations the penguin pop big dubs all right I did not mean to hit this button um block Dash teams huh block Dash teams first you want to block then you want to Dash and now you want to team huh [Music] okay let’s see what you got is this alliv us 7361 186 okay me and Bugs Bunny oh it’s great again I’m going to try playing on controller see if I do any better I can’t remember if I did better or worse in the past on controller [Music] don’t worry Grayson I’ll get you back no way that was so clutch that was so clutch it’s not over yet Grayson uhoh gr uh gron you’re supposed to hard carry for me this is my reaction all right we’ll spectate you oh let me you’re playing a dangerous game right now Sebastian you’re playing a dangerous game what [Music] [Music] oh my gosh no way that’s how it ends after everything well congratulations [Applause] ESP what just happened what just happen here wait everybody leave this leave this one it’s all bot actually okay there’s like one person in here [Music] what [Music] we got eliminated you got too Saucy with it I I gave up cuz I thought you were just going to play for me I was like oh let me let me take a second to look away from the screen [Music] Espino and donut seems like a winning actually I think that’s the only team that’s real people so I think we have our winners here who knows we’ll see what happens well there you go all right let’s start another actual one where we get everybody in here [Music] what’s up yes but we do so much more than rec room and that’s what’s so beautiful about this channel we’ll do one more one more normal and then we can do one with the punch it’s okay philli yeah I’ll accept your friend request after this game but if you’re joining us the code is 72872 yeah stumble guys is good it’s it’s silly well it hasn’t been two hours just yet oh it’s me and donuts this is a pretty good team feeling good about this one I I have no clue how long I’ve been playing stumble gas I mean on and off for months hasn’t been a whole year yet tell you that much Emoji doesn’t seem okay [Music] [Music] man we let somebody get respawned what are we doing here okay easy call Easy call all right I’m ready to play like my life depends on it [Music] [Music] is noomi a real person [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] woo let’s go I told you I told you I told you this was a good team oh yeah [Applause] all right we’ll do one with the abilities as’s your punch or whatever there you go 680 782 680 782 who’s on my team oh all right Sebastian You better lock in You better lock in this is your chance [Music] okay well there you go next round we got this easily I Believe in Us oh I got to accept that person’s friend request after this game can’t forget about that hello what’s up jorian we do have a Discord and you are welcome to join I know for sure the link to it is in the YouTube description but I don’t I think I have it somewhere on Twitch I’m not let’s see do I have it on Twitch how do I go to my uh let’s take a peek yeah there’s a button all right I’m locking in don’t worry I’m here for the backto back wins nothing more nothing L actually I’ll take something more why not [Music] one team’s already been eliminated careful back there Sebastian [Music] [Music] dang it man okay I’ll take that big dubs all right we’ll do one with kick there you go invite for [Music] what oh a friend request I don’t I don’t do friend requests you’re welcome to talk to me on the super Tales Discord server but I I don’t friend people 85613 if you’re joining wait wait wait actually I have a friend request to accept there we go sorry about that new one 44 is that baby Yoda back in chat welcome back to chat baby Yoda I’m filming a YouTube video deal or deal and stumble guys uh would you like to be a contestant would take 10 minutes I sure let’s do it I’m I’m in what all what all does it entail here we’ll go ahead and start this game up or actually are you saying do it now or are you saying in 10 minutes okay yeah I’ll accept your friend [Music] request not mean to hit that button all right well let’s uh here wait we’ll leave this game and we’ll do this hey hello hello how’s it going it’s going good how are you doing good so basically um we’re doing deal or no deal but instead of money it’s gems and you’re going to be a contestant okay so you can take home some big Gems or go home with nothing all right oh my gosh okay um and then I’m going to send you a screenshot of the case numbers okay and we can hop right into it if you’re you’re feeling feeling like it oh this is big okay first decision all right so I just pick no so so so so um it’s a workshop map so I’ll bring you in I’ll send you a code you can Jo okay okay I like that so uh make sure you’re the first one to join this and not uh have your chat snipe you okay do I need to block the code no no no it’s it’s ma out at two so as long as you’re the first person in here okay Works uh can I call you Super Tales or taals super tals or tails either or all right cool um what was I G to ask is it cool if my editor uses your VOD for your POV oh yeah go for it it’ll it’ll be up after stream great I’m GNA be in my YouTube voice if that’s cool all right that works uh you know how Deal or No Deal works yeah uh more or less yes I mean you pick the cases and then you’re you’re slowly eliminating them all right for our next contestant we are joined by the YouTuber super Tales go so start things out you are going to pick a case and that will be yours for the entirety of today’s game okay all right I’m going to pick case number 11 11 okay so now that you have your case we’re going to go round by round in eliminate cases to hopefully get you home with some gems are you ready I’m ready all right pick three cases all right give me case hold on let me let me look at my little ch um get rid of case one eight and four all right case number one what do we have 5,000 has been eliminated you suck at that this okay you said number eight yeah all right here we go come on be a small number leave with 10,000 gems just be conf small number 50 okay okay there you go and then one more what did I say I said four I think sure are you hyperventilating over there a little bit I’m nervous man this is big gems we’re talking about here and five okay there we go okay so for your first offer it’s going to be 500 gems gems I mean you got to risk it right it’s deal or no deal no deal I’m choosing No Deal okay you get to pick three more three more okay um we’ll go two that’s my first pick okay there we go don’t be a big okay okay all right um I keep my eyes keep going back to nine so I’m going to go number nine number nine all right here we are come on don’t be a big number 758 bad that’s not bad not the worst last case I’ll let you go pick it yourself oh there let’s see lot of numbers here that is true all right I’m going with this one I don’t even know what number it is but I’m touching it that would be number six all right number six oh let’s go what a pick all right your now offer is 1,000 gems o you’re doing the best by far out of any contestant I’ll just what do you think do we take Deal or No Deal chat what do you think Deal or No Deal could to go home with 10,000 Gems or five gems just letting you know 10,000 gems I’m just letting you know the most anyone’s won so far and we’ve had four contestants is 300 gems ooh so a th000 would be pretty good that is pretty good what would you do with 1 th gems huh what do you need we we could probably we could probably spin the wheel a couple of times there’s been a specific skin I actually the gems we got from you last time I ran out of them trying to get one specific skin but hey I got I got this lucky skin twice though so we could we could get some good spins in seems an answer it seems like chat’s saying no deal so I guess we’re going to keep going all right no deal two more cases all right two more cases I’m gonna go we’ll go five and then what should the last one be we’ll go five and 10 okay I hate to do this to you but behind Five is, gems you doing so good I was oh all right what was the other case the other one is 10 10 okay don’t be the 3K no oh my gosh you got it what are the odds of that oh you from ,000 as your offer to now 400 gems deal or no deal we’ll take the deal I mean we have to what you’re accepting what I don’t know I I’m scared man I don’t want to lose it all okay wa all right I’ll go I’ll go to chat again what do you what do you guys think dealer no dealer 00 that’s still 400 that that’s still more than anybody else’s W so far true you still have 2,000 on the board and 1,000 on the board just FYI but you also have five and or I guess not five you have 10 and 50 if I got 10 though I’d never forget chat’s saying deal so we’re going to have to go with deal we’re going to have to run away with the 400 right well you are definitely the biggest winner so far congratulations you just got 400 gems thank you very much thousand though oh no thanks uh for being a contestant and everyone go sub to his YouTube Down Below thank you very much for having me of course thanks for playing um but you’ll get the gems in like one two weeks Max okay that’s cool thank you very much thank you have a good one good luck with the vid thanks bye well thank you baby Yoda that was fun I can’t believe it man we could have had the Thousand that’s that’s how it works man it gets in your head oh no dude I mean you even talking about in The Real Deal or No Deal um I’ve seen interview clips of har mandelle talking about that where he’s like really try he’s like are you sure you don’t want to take the deal I should have I I should have got my my gotten kept a thousand it’s all right hey 400 that like like Abby says that’s still a good amount I’ll take the win so I’m happy with that anyway we’re going back to block Dash teams so 74815 five if you’re uh joining us will chat be in the vid I don’t know you’ll have to see I’ll have to see I’m excited that’s fun that’s my that’s my first collab with a YouTuber I’m pretty sure I don’t think I when is Minecraft uh I don’t know we’ll probably I think we were going to do a little bit of Roblox unless people don’t want to unless we just want to skip the Minecraft then we can skip the Minecraft is this everybody feel we’re missing a couple people but they might out I don’t know 74815 by everybody’s disappearing where are we going it’s all right you have five people’s all we need except for what’s his name left what happened to uh sebas you got Hollywood on us cool for us all right we’ll just do these six then we can maybe make it we can make this our last game and then switch up to Minecraft I’m down who’s on my team Donuts again all right this is a dream team when they talk about dream team this is who they’re talking about Donuts no come on all right you’re back in whoa settle down people uh oh okay we qualified that’s fine that’s fine we take this locking in watch this donuts oh I’m glad that I have committed to that is this little brother playing what’s going on here [Music] whoa that was [Music] sketchy I keep forget I’m not used to this new desk and having like something on the side that I can I’m used to swinging my chair around like a freak not used to it we got those donuts everything everything that happened I’ll forget all the other times that you fell off you just got to flush up right now right here right right now this is the big [Music] one no wait you got to revive me I got too silly with it come on Donuts get the orb get the orb stop fling get the orb there we go okay I that orb get that other orb don’t give them a chance to revive don’t let him breathe keep the pressure on I wonder with my character being paper is my hit box no watch this oh but imagine though I don’t even think that’s possible I think you got to do some donuts what are you doing donuts donuts this is so unnecessary no Donuts how could you do this congratulations tigers for life in RS we know you know what that’s a good team good people on that team I’ll be I’ll be Sportsman like all right [Music] um uh uh uh let’s see if we can work on getting this Minecraft server up if not we’ll just load up the [Music] blocks well we’ll probably we’ll load it up anyways but okay switch up a camera oh I got to log back into my Roblox account I think I know I think I know the I think I know uh I want to here wait I’ll play some music for you guys in the meantime Man play some actual music don’t play the freaking ambient music on the Wii menu okay log out please and I would like to log in to the blocks the blocks okay we’re [Music] in what’s up RS Vina uh yeah I don’t know that was that was a cool experience um like I said I I don’t think I’ve ever gled with an actual YouTuber before only my friends so that was that was cool I mean we’ve had like their raids and stuff before but I mean that’s totally different cool stuff uh well I have to wait to get the Minecraft server up there’s no guarantee like I don’t I don’t run the server which is a stupid decision that I’ve made but it’s too late somebody somebody else was just like I I’ll I’ll do it for you and my lazyness was just like oh that sounds great and uh now we have to deal with the ramifications which is having to ask somebody to load up the server do I even have the regular Roblox thumbnail I think I I think I only have the one that cheesy made whatever it’s all the same and I know it’s not Minecraft dang it we’re testing something here anyway nor [Music] this all right we’re going to play a real game actually you know what I haven’t done this in a little bit I want to join some random person’s world because it’s always funny when I do this let’s see which one of these would be an easy one to join oh red Benny’s an Obby Creator let’s join this person I forget who this is this might be Finn Nicholas hey what’s up do they recognize me oh my gosh that is just too dog on big whoa you’re inside here I’m I’m not giving you baby Yoda’s Discord and that much is final man I’m not getting any funny reaction from this guy all right we’re leaving see you later we’ll join uh this person I don’t even know who this is off the top of my head oh what’s up what’s up Ben I didn’t know you joining in chat I don’t know how I missed that I knew that was you I didn’t even see cheesy’s Avatar I think I saw I didn’t I didn’t see s me what’s up monkey VR why is this taking so long to join it’s also confusing [Music] serers full get me out of here then we’ll join somebody else um oh my [Music] gosh all right who else can I join is this a game that I can immediately [Music] join oh wait they’re over there get them get them what’s up what the heck there’s people in the ground is that Phoenix right who is that oh oh what the I got frogged uh-uh no dang no I’m going to die I got to get out of here o oh wait a minute wait a minute ow get me off the wall uh-uh oh pie him up pie up wait I’m lowkey cooking them no no no no no no no no dang it wait no that’s my kill hey get off of him that was my kill oh well that’s enough of that fpes beta I don’t know what that is but maybe I kind of want to join a couple more people though and mess with them I can join this person on adopt me bro please adopt me I like blue man trip me out real quick fantastic thank you put a lot of work into this oh wait they teleported to me who is this there you go get back to bed all right let’s get out of here that was you I’m not ready to adopt a fluffy kitten I’m not I’m not prepared for that who is the Spy why can’t I [Music] move what is the word it’s got to be player five right that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard somebody say get him out get him out get him out nice try buddy oxygen not even close why can’t I move in this game I can only oh wait what just happened there was two spies hey you can play Spy with word it’s probably one of these planet people one person says Planet everybody says Planet I’m V for Jen what did penguin say multiple people said rings I’m going get him out of here uh oh wait it’s wait why’ you V for him a like I guess he did answer kind of late um orange orangish that’s my word it’s a textbook word it’s not monkey now get Annabelle out of here what is that what is that get on out get him out what are you you’re throwing um I don’t got too much more um I’m voting for I’m voting for why are we voting for this person this person’s definitely not it it’s probably this per it’s probably player three that’s my guess wait who’s magic cupcake how long has this person been here did they even say something seven R I don’t I don’t even got nothing bro I got rocky centor that’s what I got we’re saying it’s Jen I don’t everybody knows what it is what don’t it got a big eye don’t they talk about Jupiter’s eye wait wait wait let me Google this make sure I’m not being the biggest stupid planet Jupiter uh the big red spot the big red spot big red spot no you idiots it’s the big red spot it’s the the big red spot dang it oh get her out get her out get her out she thinks it’s sadurn the dang dim wit come on now use your brains here get her out get her who’s her this is her sister what are you doing I was a spy oh whoops it didn’t tell me my hair is it didn’t tell me did it tell me did it tell me I don’t remember it saying not to talk I don’t remember it saying anything what is this was it was it was sadurn the whole time I didn’t know all this noise off I can’t see what are we supposed to be doing what am I looking at here huh this is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever done in any video game get me out of the options GE isz what’s going on in this game I don’t even know who are you this person’s cool I don’t know why what is is this a person oh are you a human who are you wait give me that what is that it’s big glowy thing way learning is fun this game is dark what do I do with this stupid book why is there just a floating book all right what do you want to show me I don’t even see you on the list I got friend requests yes there’s too many Corbin dang it we’re joining this person I don’t have permission all right we’re joining this person I don’t even know if they recognized me oh they said hey let’s go that’s all I needed [Music] I’ll be a team player dang [Music] it oh what oh thought you could jump the Adventure Continues how deep does this go oh my all right you guys want strongest Battlegrounds you know what you’re gonna get it who’s the person I have friended in This Server where they at is is it this person it is this person hey [Music] well how my abilities whoa what’s going on over private server better fine gosh why is the group button below all right [Music] I have to take somebody off the friends list I’m getting rid of uh well this person has multiple accounts so I’m getting rid of one of them um Billy guest if you’re a guest account you can go uh we can get rid of uh dang sobody people to add oh wait this is people you may know no requests that’s a [Music] [Music] lie I think I accepted [Music] it all right [Music] I keep hitting the group button because it’s where the server button normally is I hate that all right man that was my kill who is this ow oh you’re trash man this is just a mess yeah we can play murders versus sheriffs I’m down I’m dead again what I was blocking stay stay away from me get away from me get away man hit him hit him what is going on hit him come here cheese it won’t even let me play with he give me up I don’t know how to do my ultimate ability why is the controller not working anymore that was it oh snap I hate this game I’m going back to join our random people as well [Music] [Music] bum bom let’s see here show me my friends list BR I swear espo doesn’t exist get a pizza [Music] place why are we all right we’re do before we tackle this we’re going to murderers and sheriffs cuz I did say that I would play that we haven’t played this in a while there we go for [Music] wait you’re not on my team huh how did that person get hard no oh come on clutch let’s go let’s go team oh nah that’s hacks bro come on now what is that what is going on here gotcha h ah come on clutch clutch clutch Finn Finn clutch he’s behind you no oh let’s go it’s not over until it’s over people oh we traded okay that’s fine no is that it is that the end no wait wait there’s more it’s not over just yet oh you’re lying what oh never mind I didn’t see who got me come on Finn get the 3K dang it all right run that back for sure we run that back [Music] man there’s three of us dang it get over here we don’t have enough people for four player oh my gosh send the Link in chat to the server I don’t even know how to do that I got to do that over here hold on I’m m game I gotta clutch up that’s a teammate from where dog actually from where though [Music] [Music] nice I even get to play there round but it’s all right all right I got to clear out more of my friends list in between rounds so I can accept more friend [Music] requests I don’t think I’ve seen this person in a while I wish there was a easier way to clear out my uh friends list but dang it okay I suck at this uh okay uh get rid of I don’t think I know who this is I don’t know man I feel like I feel like 200’s kind of small for a friends list with a game with with this many players you know okay I think I at least cleared out enough that I should be able to accept all the current friend requests and then somebody said put the private link in chat I don’t know why we have to do that but [Music] there’s the join link for you all [Music] right I think we have enough for a 4v4 now don’t we let’s do the 4v4 all right good luck team oh i h a clip oh oh my gosh wait a minute this might be the one we might be able to do something [Music] dang it I’m dead nice try oh let’s go team let’s go team no oh I thought I had something there for a second it’s all right we come back no dang I’m trying out here nice big Play We traded that’s all right y’all got that oh come on it’s a 2v one scenario you got this come on nice nice very nice [Music] nice good work team [Music] oh my gosh that guy just took a bullet for me yeah what a team what a team good work do we have enough people yeah we do central was a pretty good map I’m down to run that one back all right see if select my weapon well I’m going to pick that gun oh snap shoot wait you’re not on my team he shot me from backwards [Music] that’s that’s for last time dang watch out Olivia to your left to your left uhoh close close [Music] why am I naked what help let’s go oh I knew it oh um nice Bart no [Music] ah I’m dead knife is crazy no oh no Olivia watch out oh she’s crazy come on no oh h so close where are we going we going left or right where’s The Horde going to the left or to the right to the right okay [Music] I don’t even know what the teams are okay this could be a promising team well oh come on Olivia big plays big plays dang oh No Just bacon here no no [Music] come on Olivia Olivia big BL big plays no oh snap somebody uh oh uh oh it’s just me it’s just me but that’s all I need baby come on what was that wait we lost a person God come on we got to get one win no way no way okay [Music] I don’t even know what the team there’s I think there’s more people than there are people that can fit on the team all right good luck oh this is a good squad I ended up with a good squad and look I’m I’m participating I’m holding my own [Music] oh shoot oh crud oh rats we’re going in with the knife okay never mind oh my gosh they never expect this play where did that come from where did that come [Music] from yeah I feel like I’m pretty I’m feel like I’m playing pretty all right I’m pretty happy with the way that I’m playing not amazing but pretty decent Oh I thought that was me I think the weirdest thing for me is getting used to like the walls and stuff uhoh that should have been a hit B I’m in trouble there was three people I thought it was only two uhoh there was nothing I could have done there’s no way I’m clutching the 3v1 scenario dang what happened why are we washed all of the sudden oh no okay all right don’t worry [Music] guys I came to win this time what do you mean I didn’t hit either of those people come on please clutch cheese how did I not hit either of those people come on jeez ooh that was close come on nice good [Music] stuff oh my gosh where’s the rest of the squad how am I not hitting him I don’t I don’t understand the ninth quite as much that’s the second time I’ve done that today don’t fall all the way okay man somebody move over to the other [Music] side wait I don’t oh all right we’ll spectate I can’t spectate oh wait I can all right oh my gosh Here Comes far this is the shot pin’s coming in with a knife makes the shot thin kills her to win the round we’re in a 3v4 scenario but there’s some some good good players in here oh watch out penguin oh just bacon here sitting up top looking for a snipe oh my gosh that was a clean white ol Olivia already down she’s going to with the knif that’s penguin actually this is not going great for the Green Team here wait can Finn clutch again will this be the comeback story of the ages D all right well they got one more chance let’s see what they can do I don’t know cuz the server’s not up I can’t do anything about the server I can see if Aug wants to pull up the old server you refuse to play the old server why dude this is oh oh wait what just happened oh another person disconnected uh normally I go live around like the 3 to 5 range like Eastern Standard time but I don’t think I’m going to be live tomorrow but we’ll be live later next week I might even go live on on Tuesday and Wednesday to make up for that which normally those are my days off but I might stream something to like balance it out so I won’t be gone as long wait get me on this theme I want to be on this thank you for subscribing preppy [Music] life can do build a boat oh yeah get me on Central this is the map I go crazy [Music] on Oh wait we’re on Ridge I don’t go as crazy on this m oh dang it man I couldn’t back up in time [Music] [Music] dang come on you got this nice ni you love to see it how did I not hit that well I didn’t even need to team is clutching up for me don’t worry guys I got a Kill ah [Music] Let’s go Team who’s this person right let’s see what you got us you know you think you got what it takes to beat the master nice try nice try you lucky son of a [Music] gun I’m winning this 5 5 5 o oh uhoh there you go okay gotta vote for my map prototype is definitely not my map what okay oh okay all right all right it’s not over okay H I almost misclicked this is a bad play it’s a bad play I’m dead no no oh wait no oh oh my [Music] [Music] gosh I don’t know where you’re at and that scares me oh big play Big play [Music] where the fart did she go oh I lost her it’s over I lost her IO this is a bad spot hey what can I say you know GG’s dang I’m kind of good at this game hold [Music] up I’m liking the on V ones I’m liking the on V ones be careful spin’s actually pretty decent well seen them clutch before oh snap it’s over no the thing blocked my shot uh-oh no it that was a bad shot no a dang it I thought he was in the Box watch this though I knew re like a dang book I like this cuz there’s like there’s a psychology to this to a certain degree I mean it’s about as much psychology as like rock paper scissors maybe but it’s still I don’t know there’s like a there’s still a level of thinking to it and I like that no [Music] okay oh why am I like kind of good I’m like kind of good who am I going up against same people this person all right Ridge okay uhoh no I’m good oh is that the case fin all right wait a minute no oh nice we can check it out wall [Music] dude I actually I love this game [Music] now no I’m in trouble now no I’m double in trouble yeah you better run dang it I’m kind of good I don’t know I’m kind of all right who is this I don’t even know who this is let’s do it oh they don’t even have my map on here we go Lodge I haven’t played this one yet but then again it could pick somebody oh yeah okay protype I’m fine with this at least I know this map I don’t know this player though I’m dead H okay prototypes a hard map dang the jump was smart uhoh no he got there so fast nice okay it’s not over yet no no no no no okay he kind of went through the wall there no how do you throw the knife I don’t know how to throw the knife he doesn’t know where I’m at though no that was so real to me I quit actually I I’ll prove that I’m better than Finn real quick I’m not even going to vote on a map so you can pick whatever map you want I’m cold just not as cold as that guy oh whatever are we playing the whole Mario Party 8 soundtrack no I that I was trying to do a big brain thing all right CS you I was trying to do like a double fake out okay [Music] gotcha I’m dead unless I’m playing aggra I’m was behind a wall don’t lie I was behind a wall [Music] [Music] gotcha gotcha oh I think we’re going to do this just Daytona game and then we can do an Obby I’m down to do an Obby though I love a good Obby Wall’s been asking that we check this out for a for a bit though we’ll see what it’s all about um I think I got to clear out a couple more people on the friends list all right so what is this we’re playing oh the server link no not people you dimwit me get the link link uhoh no it closed it what oh username is on screen but there’s the There’s the link all right so what do you want me to do here give me a car [Music] spawn [Music] C oh you got to go with the 2015 xinity for never mind it won’t let me pick it it won’t let me pick any of what spawn the car [Music] oh am I going the right way I feel like I’m going the wrong way pretty sure you’re supposed to go the other way I lost a wheel this car sucks give me new car here we go all right I’ll add you one second let me crash into this wall real quick never mind okay um I need friends I need go we get rid of this person there you go what’s up Hayden y I’m going 212 miles an hour I crashed all right give me a give me this car guys you guys are going the wrong way 191 this thing goes slower it’s works this is [ __ ] up give me the 2022 Toyota that door Dash logo oh my God all right well let’s try that again this car sucks oh my gosh this car sucks oh here we go it’s like I’m I’m really there I really feel like I’m going 190 miles an hour good turn coming up you think it’s salvageable this car crash brought to you by Dr hey get back here get back here you all right get me out of here okay no I just drive wait I like latched on for a second I’m done with this let’s do the Obby what’s the Obby that we’re doing I’d go crazy in an Obby right now Sparkle Obby no oh I’m about to pop off watch this boom easily y’all don’t know but I go crazy on the sparkle Obby it’s hardly an obstacle it’s really that close guys I’m so good at this why was cheese Wizard so opposed to uh playing on the old server man we can get you your inventory back I have heard of the strongest Battlegrounds in fact we actually played it today normally I don’t play it because I’m not a huge fan of it but we did play it today what game are you in no I couldn’t see bro no any’s going to take the lead is what I would say if he was going to take the lead no greed [Music] how’s he getting up there so fast no I swear he’s faster why is he faster cying his movements no it’s over it’s over oh okay I’m not even trying anymore welcome back ESP you good huh what’s up Ro Island rails how are you doing now it helps me more if you watch on YouTube # just say [Music] penguin they’re saying you can touch the red stuff to instantly win AOS must have how it’s a crack AAC one who okay this is a bad look no man I’m so I don’t know I’m just holding the W key I’m so good bro it’s funny to saying that about this game I’d be in the lead if I went for that dang checkpoint oh let’s go no wait wait I was I was going to let him catch up but I didn’t realize he was that close bouncy dude I’m getting so many awards what are Awards do in this game literally nothing [Music] this is a good song I don’t even know what it’s I’m assuming it’s Animal Crossing pretty sure it’s Animal Crossing but it’s it’s doing something for me right now I don’t know why it’s exactly what I need to do here it’s just very relaxing it’s caling [Music] [Music] guys I’m so close we’re so close to [Music] 100 and this is where it all fall falls apart this is where it all falls [Music] apart no how did he know how how I don’t know how I knew look at this whoa [Music] well good face there [Music] dang it [Music] [Music] what’s happening to me I can’t move help I can’t move [Music] [Music] can I move now all right well there you have it what is this [Music] game I don’t even see you on here [Music] oh my gosh is this Sonic [Music] R what’s going on how do I race I’m trying to Grand threee what I don’t know what’s going on here somebody’s Tails though I’ve literally never played Sonic R before ah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wait penguin already completed the race dang I thought I was doing pretty good [Music] y going for the same map again [Music] okay what he actually just been doing this whole time uhoh [Music] no I’m not going to win we are right [Music] without [Music] [Music] how are you changing characters what the heck is this [Music] [Music] I don’t know when we’re going to do geometry dash again no [Music] [Music] [Music] this get up I got the Chaos Emerald dang he dang what the heck bro how long yall playing this for [Music] all right this is the last one oh never mind I guess that’s the link so you guys can join if you’re in chat and you want to join click the [Music] link we’ll see if that works [Music] I feel like I picked a bad character [Music] I really like the way the characters look in this game [Music] though what man let me cheat [Music] [Music] what is this little spot oh well that was dumb you would think the guy that could literally fly over everything would be the best character to play as in this game how did cheese finish before for [Music] me make it makes sense [Music] [Music] and get up there get up there you stupid idiot it’s funny I’ve never play played this game before but all of these Maps I vaguely remember from watching a YouTube video on the game and I’m kind of surprised by like how much I remember [Music] them who is is that Amy how did you get ahead so far little cheater the spin dash low key sucks [Music] I went the wrong way how did he get so far ahead oh what’s this way [Music] oh there you go [Music] I think if there’s one thing I learned it’s that I picked the wrong character and if there’s another thing that I learned it’s I don’t know how to change characters why are we back on this map out of the way going to be a brighter day [Music] what was that oh yeah oh I smoke them yeah know the music’s fire in this game he’s Metal Knuckles everybody always forgets about Metal Knuckles except for the people who made Sonic Superstars they didn’t forget wait we already played this level how did we get this level how the fart did he already get a lab complete ow oh I found the dang water he’s right behind me wait he’s going the other way how’s he doing that how did you do that oh that’s lame well I fell it’s WS oh well if I had known that [Music] well I got a whole bunch of junk in my dang notification bar Ready Set go Mighty what are you doing here is he even in this game normally I don’t think so feel like I remember that feel like it was a pretty thin cast it was just Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy I think you can plays Eggman and then the Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll and Super Sonic I’m leaving this Roblox we play oh what game is next we’re gonna play um has still on work at a pizza place I want to be the cook oh yeah oh yeah who is this why you stand on the dang table get off the dang table have some class I swear people these days ah well well well another day at the store what’s going on over here oh free money guys don’t worry I’m getting the store some money the boss is going to love this wait what why did it tell me to put that in there ah I don’t know what to do with the money put it in here guys don’t leave me in here well I got burnt to a crisp all right let me go get a house I’ll be right back where do I want to live ow oh is this my house oh here we are home home sweet home not much but you know hello yeah no I’m playing work at a pizza place no I’m not working at the pizza place okay goodbye wrong number oh of course my Pirates Booty of course which I love to put next to my flame Emoji um and my like button for people to smash uh and then I always put my iconic bunk bed in the corner with just enough room to put the couch over here and then we shove the light in the corner and there you have it and then we lock that guy inside man get out the way people what happened to me the money is for upgrades that makes sense I got some money right here this pizza’s cold hey one cheese pizza one pepperoni pie coming up not ordered I’m seeing it right oh that’s sausage oh this is awkward hey one one pizza pie one pizza pie coming up cooked style he one cheese pets why was I hitting that okay oh oh look at him go oh they ordered just dough right some somebody ordered just dough hey bro this pizza’s about to be [Music] fire I would eat this how about now you hid me an espo Pizza all right here you go it’s got [Music] cheese and cheese and pepperoni what the the pepperoni is not going on the pizza here we go stop my pizza is get stolen I’m trying to make the dang espo Jack harlo meal but I can’t cuz people keep stealing my dang Pizza okay I quit you know what I quit my work isn’t respected oh my gosh I just got a Bonus so tell me why why do you want this job I didn’t like that answer as manager I am Pizza doesn’t even make any sense I’m a pizza boxer I don’t know where the oh all right guys we’re going to deliver this pizza Olivia what are you doing here oh my gosh it was him the whole time what did you guys do to my car oh I fixed it accept your friend request I haven’t here wait I got to clear out more of the friends list you go I would like to play Minecraft but if we’re not able to get the server up I can’t I can’t do anything about that I’m taking this thing around FR yeah but I don’t want to lose the old server I don’t want to make a bunch of progress on a server that we’re never going to play again what’s the point in that I pinged them on Discord and they didn’t answer they’re not even online right now oh my gosh oh my gosh hey I got my paycheck I did a good all in a day’s work I could try and set up um I don’t have any incoming friend requests have zero incoming friend requests e I don’t want to play any of these characters I’m dead already okay okay hey I killed somebody oh Dam we could have won that it just took us a second run that back why do I look so angry I’m locked in I was trying to focus we are going to be live on the weekends more often look that all right time for me to pop off real quick what the heck was that one hit kill I’m bad all right I guess we’ll figure out the server thing you know what for and why is the server offline what happened what speaking of what happened oh this is probably from uh the one stream [Music] we’re gonna try and do Minecraft for a little bit for a little itty bitty bit pull up getting litty lit [Music] [Music] [Music] um okay I need the Minecraft [Music] thumbnail you know I never changed off a stumble guys but that’s okay [Music] [Music] this sucks [Music] go online it won’t start now it says it’s online [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] this is the code if you’re joining it is I don’t know why this is what is this delete this super Tales 999 aternos me and then the port is 5031 not so we’ll see if that works [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you know what this ain’t a bad spawn [Music] oh sorry I I’ll uh I’ll put it in chat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s my tree I worked hard to find this tree [Music] [Music] hey no respect stop I’m getting out of here [Music] you can’t join are you you guys trying to join on Java or Bedrock or [Music] what Java I don’t if you’re going to be able to join cuz I don’t I don’t know what the plugin is or whatever bed Brock you shouldn’t have a problem joining like I said if you’re playing on Console though you might have to change your console’s internet settings which you’ll have to Google CU I don’t know how to do that all right I’m in VC if you want to join [Music] I want to live up there this whole area is sick though hello hello hello Tails what’s up whoa what is that that was clutch make a bed fast the world generation on here is crazy I need to find a sheep hey let’s go mil I made it in oh God I’m dying I’m going to die this is not good and there’s a lot of cool spots to build a house here hello m okay keep hting I’m at three hearts I’m going to die originally I thought I was going to live here but now I don’t know uhoh my God there’s so many I got to get out of here hold up there’s lava here ow ow what ow I’m gonna die no all of my I’m also going to die oh my God it’s a SK I mean not a skeleton it’s zombie oh I don’t know what the command is oh no I dropped my crafting table okay okay don’t kill me I swear I was only trying to cheat a little bit cheaters no baby zombies I do not like [Music] cheaters says it’s off lunch shouldn’t [Music] oh did you type it all incorrectly right port number and everything ow get me up here all right I should be safe I don’t feel the slightest bit safe just got to get my back there is a creeper literally right by me I said it doesn’t work for Java I don’t have the I don’t know what the plugin is to make that work we’re only on Bedrock right now [Music] I think I see you down there all right I’m on my quest to finally make a cool house ow did I just iron um I’m leaving uhoh uhoh doesn’t work on bedro what are you playing on [Applause] trying to go up [Applause] here God we become day again this is pretty underwhelming thought this was about to be a [Music] desert well I can tell you right now since I’m playing on the server it’s definitely not offline oh jeese wizard [Music] [Music] maybe this is the spot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don’t know where I’m going I’m just kind of walking but I’m having a good time so I keep going oh wow I think think I might have found my spot don’t look at me like that we got to get down here safely though this is for sure the spot though my voice is cracking a lot today uh but yeah this is this is sick look at this dude look hold on look at this mountain and tell me it isn’t the coolest Minecraft mountain ever and it connects to the water where are y’all uh I’m at 650 and then like 23 is my Z coordin what the heck this is crazy dude no way this island is sick I love this little Valley area in the middle yeah that’s cool anyway got figure out a way to get up there actually [Music] I what game is this from this feels very wi U oh this we [Music] why are you hitting I’m getting this gold I got to try to find you bit of a walk I did just kind of turn my brain off and start walking for a little bit oh yeah built-in elevator [Music] [Music] there’s more iron up here there’s iron everywhere the exact opposite problem it’s not a problem exact opposite of where did everyone go I don’t know [Music] well need one more piece of [Music] w you’re not w and there’s a horse up here but not a sheep oh no I cost I put everything on fire [Music] [Music] [Music] watch out ah what the heck you jumped on my dang head wait get the string didn’t droping if we get if we get four string we can get a bed there’s two he’s got crazy reach we just played Rec the rec room stream was like a week or whenever it was I don’t know when it was Friday oh my God skeletons are the worst thing to ever be invented oh hey what’s up what’s up hello DJ me get out of here all SP I’m really sorry burned down your house it’s fine got the Woolf the baby the where are yall we’re up on a mountain AR no I’ve really been want to get the I are for me what is it daytime again should be looks like it is uh joining you okay you’re joining wait wait there’s an end near me there is an Enderman literally on top of a block I’m in oh no tails what’s up saying that the server is offline for some reason letting me on which are you playing on Java or Bedrock Java I’m trying to play on the laser version but my game keeps crashing so I’m not sure how to fix the problem uh well we’re only on Bedrock right now cuz I I don’t have the server set up to do um Java because I I I don’t know how I mean I’m sure I I can look into it here wait I’ll look into it I’m not doing anything else right now let’s see this seems like a lot to set up for a temporary yeah I think I think if fix I I don’t think I’m GNA be able to set up the Java thing so I think if you want to play you’ll have to join on Bedrock just for tonight I’m gonna be talking to you on Discord and playing on my mom’s iPhone okay audio comes to the computer and then it goes onto the TV D when did I get this much iron I don’t remember yo I just found obsidian you do just let it be can i m can I mine obsidian with an iron pickaxe you can but it’s not going to drop the block oh thank God you said that cuz I was about to [Music] so can you make it so we can see your coordinates Tails oh do this just move your camera bit down I just crapped it a little bit oh there you go I’m not going to accept your friend request on Discord Philip or Phillip on the phone you’re cutting in and out a little bit it’s hard to understand what you’re saying on the yeah we’re on bedar it’s saying that the server is also offline it’s on bed um interesting you used the um wait wait I didn’t do it never mind Ser is on you use the the IP and the port number from the pinned message in chat wait seems like I have to go to your YouTube channel cuz it’s not even honestly show up in TV channel yeah the the IP and the port number on the channel in the end message in chat why is it so much easier to find iron on This Server that’s what I’m saying it’s everywhere I know I found some oh wait no that’s just copper starts again it’s offline what the what I didn’t actually think I was going to make that jump more iron I’m trying to steal as much as I can on this uh Mountain before anybody makes their way over here I got to get to that mountain fast oh more iron May problem I’m trying to Jo on my and it’s um what do you so read the read the address out to me that you have typed in um it’s super tales. that’s the wrong one that’s 99 go to go to my YouTube stream and go to the pinned message in chat and that has the the current uh address and port number okay try get on the computer it’s not it’s not going to work on Java it’s not going to work on Java you still have to play on Bedrock it’s a different server so you’ll have to use the new IP and port number is everyone have a bed [Music] uh never mind I’m pretty sure only one person I’m like near you Tails I got to try to find you still oh all right I think you’re in on Dismount Tails Tails who are you I don’t see you uh my coordinates are on stream think I like the other server better it had the I wanted to play on that server today I don’t where did I get this uh but that server is not run by me so I wasn’t able to get it online so I had to make my own but it’s just temporary don’t get emotionally attached to anything that you build on This Server because I don’t know there a village here where on I got to get down there where’s the village I think I think you were near here oh let me get in let me see this Village me and my mom made an agreement of not stealing catching nobody on fire and killing people all right here’s here are my coordinates for this Village 658 70287 my way over there uh that sounds like a good agreement uh DJ should be near here hey Tails I have a question what’s up if he wants you near him we Dead all [Music] yes it is condition uh I’m trying to make my way to you you’re so close to over here what were the coordinates uh 66 73326 there was nothing good in that house should be near uh the link to the Discord is in the description if you want to join the VC I think you’re really far away now from I need I need this leash I look are you saying I look younger now or B you’re so close to over here you’re not close you’re still like 200 blocks away guess what I finally found some all right I should probably loot this Village what am I doing I did get a haircut ow is this a nether portal oh my God this is epic you already have here here’s here’s a gift thank you yellow bed kind of mat everything in that chest everything wait wait wait I should probably get these torches I could really use them what’s happening I see what’s happening here let me see oh that’s very mean here let me help you you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead here let me help you dead dead dead you’re dead dead rhymes with bread can you there’s some iron all right well here you go I think I gave you more but can I get that draw Iron back okay then not Happ look at this baby villager these iron what’s up baby villager thanks oh wait I can hey do you want to go to the nether I’m going to die for what’s up Michael yeah oh Michael if you’re joining us it’s a new server by the way just to warn you Tails what’s up finally got IR thanks for the bed for NE ready for hello hey do you want a totally not poisonous potato it’s totally not poisonous I get the bed back he oh that was not me that that was definitely not me my home bed was missing or obstructed no way did you respond all the way back in the beginning how do you join well if you’re playing on Bedrock which right now we’re only on Bedrock um normally we’re on bedrock and chopp but just for today we’re only on bed uh you’ll use the Pinn message in chat has the server IP and the port number and uh you’ll put that into the ad server option on bedrock and uh what well I guess I should ask also it depends on what you’re playing on if you’re playing on uh M what you doing right now oh know oh thank you Michael um if you’re playing on mobile or PC it should not matter like that you should just be able to put in the IP and the port number if you’re playing on Console you might have to change your console’s internet settings I don’t know how to do that it’s different for every console uh so you have to Google that and if you’re playing on actually no that’s it if you’re playing on PC it should be fine this is what it looks like for me you just copy this the server name doesn’t matter but put the rest like that and uh should be able to join don’t please go to bed I’m trying I’m gonna dying here ow you guys hear me good I yeah we are really in Desperate of food oh my gosh that’s from the village uh we do Java you usually most times we do uh Java except for today we’re on a we’re on a different server than usual so yeah I should also say that don’t get don’t get too emotionally attached to anything you build on This Server because I don’t know the next time we’re going to be on it have to go goodbye all right see you [Music] to build us a farm we are really in well mostly me but I am we really don’t have any food up here yeah there’s not there’s that much to work with there’s one cow I think maybe one chicken some where on the side of a cliff he’s got a egg though see do we get a chicken from the egg nope going to use some of the iron to make a bucket so I can get some water for the farm good where is the iron this wa is z there’s a whole bunch of the side of the mountain I don’t know how accessible it is though I should have enough should have enough wood to get back up a pink she pink sheeps aren’t really that rare anymore work is s how about I actually get some food so I don’t fall off the cliff and die because I’m at three hearts you can steal a couple of the potatoes have to plant all of them at once I was there’s another M on server [Music] [Music] creep [Music] [Music] I already [Music] had who are you right now uh I’m at 590 190 103 those are my [Music] coordinates read [Music] you oh I it kicked me out of the Discord for some reason what happened nothing shot me with an arrow no well look I shot past you with an arrow and it happened to hit your hit box I found C [Music] not cheese Wizard he hit the ground too hard cheese Wizard [Music] no I don’t have a spawn there or anything [Music] [Music] while you were gone I got like a whole bunch of coal oh [Music] nice that scared me I’m I’m naming my parent Hector salka oh wait I forgot I didn’t have Sprint oh no way I made it make sure to keep make sure to take your Keep Your Spawn over on the bed I think it’s still there think I reset it I clicked the bed and everything I don’t know why I don’t know why I didn’t respawn there spawn was at the bed this game this game is stinky poo make sure you’re punching responsibly on the [Music] server who is this I don’t know who this is what’s up feel like I it’s a character from something specific what does his character look like all right he’s got like green spiky [Music] hair oh that’s Cameron your like abs probably have to get Discord in the first place [Music] Xbox all right where do we want to put the farm uh anywhere mostly I’ve done a before [Music] you have the double hug forer I don’t see we’re at the top of the mountain it’s a really tall mountain whoa he’s at the top of the [Music] mountain wait which m is it is like I’m on it’s like a very like it’s not really a mountain but it’s more like it’s more like something that will be on like those top 10 speeds for Minecraft that’s found bamboo also watermelon I thought before I used to like watermelon before I used to play this game a lot I didn’t really think that swords were used for other things like as much as fighting but now I realize it’s made for a lot of things why does cheese with what why does he keep dying I don’t know you’d have to ask [Music] him Mountain whatever you want to call it like it’s behind [Music] oh they’re just laying each other you didn’t even got a chest out here I didn’t even realize Michael made it up here hey everybody’s found up here [Music] now yeah let’s get DJ up [Music] no here DJ we have a house just for [Music] you my need some help I have two people chasing after me where you at I’m at spawn H joining my mom what do you mean h you you shot me with an I’ve been here for like really I you didn’t sleep sleep in the bed I did sleep then why didn’t it okay rep respawn Point set let me let me test this out make sure it works should oh gosh that is a way bigger Dr okay of course I directly land in water [Music] uh I could use this to drown myself [Music] so I’m going to see if this [Music] works I think the first time I did see you on stream I think I was just dumb because remember when I couldn’t uh like get on your server uh yeah like I always for some reason I always used to put for like the the server address instead of a turnos it was Al turnos that might have been why probably did oh Michael’s chest I’m shaling your stuff no I’m just kidding oh he left Intruders sir I’m going to be honest with you you have a big forehead you can’t catch me you can’t catch me joining oh this is our this is our beautiful Farm it’s well we need more water oh I see another water source we should make an infinite water source and I know how to do [Music] that yes I got the thing of water the quickest way to get up here I going to see if I can remember how to work this wait I’ve got a vision borrowing the farm borrowing the farm okay yes I I did it I did it easy okay W I got Okay so so we got beetroot I think maybe whatever you put over here need [Music] okay I like how our house is in the middle of a cloud oh I have clouds turned off I should probably do that because these CLS are getting annoying what’s up B and what’s up miles and what’s up uh wall so much more there’s one three four five six seven there’s seven people excluding me and you also you’re welcome to join this what was I going to say oh yeah I was intentionally going for extra longer today on stream because I know I’m not going to be live tomorrow and I don’t know if I’m going to be probably not going to be live on Monday so this is my uh sorry I’m not going to be live stream but we might be live on on Tuesday or [Music] or all right how stupid is this look doesn’t look great uh just put it in the corners like a normal person I think I just don’t like with dog looks like sweet potato dog hello I’m back guess what what happened why don’t you just make the other kind of infinite water source this one is simpler where did everybody go uh everybody’s up on the mountain except for like cheesy and actually there’s a handful of people that are up here oh I guess I should head over there oh who I need to get more wood okay something wood a lot s what’s good what’s up uh not much actually see I spared you from saying the ceiling I wanted to say it so bad but you know that the worst answer okay that mountain right off the bat I already don’t like how I already see like two trees floating oh yeah I don’t what’s going over there is Lally one of the splash text messages I yeah I ran away from Spawn I got scared of that place why what was there I people but then everybody moved over I’m scared of people as well if too many people start building that spawn it’s going to turn into an anarchy server trust me from having a server of my own I would know and it kind of gives me PTSD oh my gosh oh God nice fan you got in the background or whatever that is I’m making White die I got the I got the best thing here I got the this [Music] yeah oh man everyone’s here I don’t know I was trying to I was trying to find Tails which one real Super Tails one made it sever using now oh oh no are my worst fear children there there are two there’s three baby zombies what is this what is this I’m also scared of children why are the spawn rakes like cranked up to like 10 I don’t know we’re we’re supposed to be on this this little tiny freaking cave that I found is like buil to the brim with Mobs and it’s kind of scary now if I had full iron I would have freaking jumped in there yeah well I don’t mean to flex but I do have a lightly damaged leather cap right now oh dang bro that was way better than the full netherite I had in the previous server man dang it yes food come here I require sustenance what the heck this is insane SC all right what you want put that to the test wait y’all found a deep dark oh I know how to I I know how to Tri that so if if you need help I can get down there because I because at the end of the day I have like nothing to lose because all I have is stone tools and three Rock what is my man wearing that’s what I’m saying it’s crazy I think that was from the the universal collab I think I have that oh I have the best thing ever oh my God there’s so many cows slatter that is pretty good Slaughter no to know it’s not you very much that’s the there’s two options to this and this is the option C that is not the correct we started we started this land so we’ll finish it by finishing it I mean I’m going to kill everybody when the server’s done good luck with that buddy I’m the window can’t kill someone who isn’t online for starters I’ll put I’ll put down our I’ll put down our welcoming match okay manslaughter two seconds later okay I’ll put down the welcome M well yeah you got to have some class don’t know where you are we’re not Savage ask while you’re literally committing first deegree murder my animals you know what you you have a good point you have a good point can y’all stop dying for like two seconds think the answer is no knife that’s how it’s made that’s how we’re doing this I just going to do Cobblestone hey y’all lasted 5 Seconds that’s a new record maybe you can improve I need to kill one more sheep or sheer it I’d rather kill it than oh I just broke the bed so make sure you reset your spawn I didn’t think about that late does anybody have one white wool what’s good be probably never going to use you so this and run Bonk and run yeah yeah that’s right that’s right get out of here I really need to like get more coal I think this might be my favorite house we should probably we should probably move our stuff person can have a complimentary couch we are actually playing with viewers on PS5 you’ll have to look up how to change your internet settings obviously by the fact how there is more than one person talking at the same this is a viewer this is a viewer that’s me this chicken is not a viewer but he’s here it’s not a viewer kill it kill the chicken it’s not a viewer they know the policy the policy they knew the punishment I just saw the chicken see what we’re doing here slauter why is there just a random shoot at B this is my someone’s been here 100% okay I don’t mean I don’t mean to be mean to the person who looted this Village but you kind of did a terrible job there is like so many hay bals you could have grabbed for if you’re talking about the village we went to I I looked at the hay bals and I walked right past them yeah a really good fruit source for the start of the game like come on you know what you’re right I thought you were going to try and make a comeback don’t I’m interested to see what he says I got nothing in retaliation wait why do we have a pumpkin in the middle of the farm I was about to say two and a half stacks can make an enchanted pumpkin I’m I’m God damn it I am too used toel Sky Block I am way to me cuz it makes really good freaking boo why is if this for Hypixel Sky Block though that is that’s Jerry Jerry I I like this guy he’s got colors furnes you know that’s mine you got to protect this dude I’m gonna drone it give it a cookie where is it give it a cookie no balls I heard that it gives regeneration to the parot if you feed a cookie Source me definitely definitely not from the sketchy website that I found this tree sucks but I actually I kind of want to keep it cuz it’s that bad I love I love this orange color this is probably my wood planks are probably my yeah I always is my favorite come on guys still in this Village you didn’t even kill that okay no somebody did kill the Golem you are awn or it might have respawned cuz this Village does look pretty looted trying to think of there was a nether portal this is Jerry the back rooms entity real now I just need a bed to complete this house but I only have two wool are you still trying to find you right here good I’m still trying to find you do you want me to just teleport you no okay I swear to God I’ve searched like every single gosh darn Mountain it’s the coordinates are on the stream listen I’m Still’s Lally asking to be stream stream sniped look man it’s going to happen regardless yeah I don’t know these I know what’s gonna happen just the I built Jerry it’s just how it’s just how these servers go man all right everybody occas uh jumping off the cliff and dying moment whoa actually almost joined you in that moment could you stop could you stop dying for five minutes that oh I wish I had bones right now I found a wolf fa in how did you suffocate in the wall wait who who did that how you had to have like intentionally done that I wish cuz never in my life I ever seen somebody accidentally suffocate in the wall never in my 19 years of existence wait where’s my where’s my what was that giant ring noise that I just heard honestly if you died to that on accident that’s honestly more impressive than embarrassing what did you just say to me oh I needed to back to the top of the mountain no you didn’t in the hole have you ever considered I don’t know not jumping off the mountain I got a gift for you take racing wait get back here racist you should upgrade on your house material racing you should upgrade good try Dr what [Music] good yeah I got a try I’m taking you guess it’s Michael oh my God if I can find a Riptide book it’s it’s it’s j this is a treer spot I’m the world bamboo planks what [ __ ] bamb somebody stealing our is somebody stealing our [Music] door I mean doors are hard to come by man economy’s [Music] tight mean I definitely don’t have any of my inventory uh you mind you mind you mind giving me those sticks because you just destroyed yeah because you destroyed our door M our welcome M I asked the two carpets that it was made of Tails she destroyed our door match wait the only bamboo around in the area now I’m jumping off the cliff I thought you were going to say the only valuable thing in the area basically I know I didn’t know what that was you know it’s theable in the house is a welcome map I’m sorry okay you make me want to jump off a cliff a stop it you’re going to make blush what nothing also why’ you why’ you have to use the the the bamboo planks for the sticks for some sticks there’s like so many other trees we had to use the only bamboo Place where’d you get the bamboo from uh from J the bambo because uh I was at spawn and there’s there’s a jungle at near spawn remember are you getting are you getting glass you asking me yeah uh I’m not anywhere near Sand but glass would be nice I am only issue is I am nowhere near [Music] you actually I should make a shield now that I have I’m have fuel SCE I put the there for I’m I’m not used to bed rock man I’m I’m I’m so used to holding right click to to use the shield make a water D I wish it was like that last server where we could join on Java yeah I I just I was looking it up and it looks like a long process and I just wanted to get the server up for tonight so yeah suppose it kind of It kind of did work a little weird on it’s a little laggy but I made us new it worked a lot better on Java if you had Java maybe I should have been playing on Java it’s going to take you a little bit to to put Jerry back in you might you might have to get a lead I’m jumping off the [Music] quick that’s just the easier solution real I look at our new doormat guys suicide is not the answer going put that out there oh snap we got a mo ah drowning huh what did you say about suicide it’s not the answer guys you got got you got to stop jumping off the hill uh say say that again say that again over oh I’m drowning I’m drowning this is also a torture method water boarding except it covers your whole body which at that point that’s just called swimming is this going to is this going to be your house Michael what is this are you recreating Jerry’s house oh my gosh cuz that’s like real I’m going to make a chair of my presents I didn’t get my coal dang it don’t say that don’t say that this put Z back in and I’m getting my shovel and oh something happened oh my God this is our first civilization why why did the Ping jump to like 8,071 one for a split second oh my God I need signsing is that something on my end no my m is only 36 there’s a spider at our base which is surprisingly good here now I have string zero Tails Tails I’m making as rocking [Music] chairs good question y’all play Deep Rock by CH I I’ve never played it I mean I know of it but I’m if there’s something that you should play on stream that that would be a blast hey Tails what’s up it’s also on Game Pass for Xbox I don’t got no Game Pass also I believe I believe when they release the next season I think there’s going to be crossplatform even though I do have it both on Game Pass and on Steam because I kind of have a mix out of friends who play on both platforms although my progress on Steam is a lot better than on Game Pass I’m the king of the pipes I love grinding bro the echo when you said that was crazy sound like you were actually in a cave maybe that was the intention who is sharing their screen oh what’s [Music] up like other server better CU then have all stuff like kill all that stuff Tails I made chairs of our of our powerness power power whatever you call it a thr I actually don’t know is that the word you’re looking for why is there just a random house over there the sand I’m going down here because I want to see whose house is this all right I’m making the glass now uh this is not a around this is a regular server I don’t know if that’s old CH that might be old CH I’m dead I’m dead how am I alive how I landed point blank on a stag Mite 10 blocks down I’m somehow still alive prank I pranked my mom that was too funny what’ you do so I realized where Tails has been this whole time no wait wait wait I have a gift I don’t think I’ll ever find where you have a gift they’re in the walls they’re in the walls they’re in the walls whoa baby pig mayy Pig might be the best animal in this game or mob no it’s most definitely The Strider look at this little thing his head is huge yeah that’s a petrock exclusive thing I could I could hit you off the cliff right now man I could hit you off the cliff that would be insanely funny I’m not trying to imply anything that that would be insanely funny it’s landed in water so I mean I’m going to drown anyways because I found a cave underwater and it looks cool there’s a whole bunch of iron in here is that diamonds see Cameron’s on my side they said that is a pig which is true this Village hasn’t been moved yet all right do racing do you do you like my do you like my outfit racing ring you like my outfit thank you does anybody have one wool like it doesn’t even have to be like white or anything just wool I have four string but that’s pretty much the same thing but he’s also 5,000 miles away probably yes you can use four string to make wool I have one string and I have nine White die although making a two fishing rods would be infinitely better another we might have to put him down he’s getting too many parrots he’s getting too powerful guys wait is it Jerry and Gary kind of good names though on their own they’re they’re they’re just kind of mid but like when you put them together mid kind Jerry’s better than Gary but actually me personally I would have named it Jus Baro Jr thei I would have named it uh what would I named it my okay yeah hey this is this is just in case you want to just you know okay what is I always put my front do is no longer Frozen C’s house is actually a look bro like it’s honestly better than our house man let me see this I just see you just falling down speed it’s just T whoa okay I’m working with this but also let’s see oh he did kind of cook this is this is not even the best part what’s the best part are you talking about the level I think be cooked by me and little Ace on man VI bro who is that what’s doing on the server ow wait Cake Man back here on the server that’s what you get for the cff I have a gift try are you giving him aveng no I gave him a carrot he can have two two carrots for having a cool house oh there’s a mountain B wait wait a second wait a second that was too close wait a sec if there’s a mountain biome here if there’s a mountain biome here yeah we’re like the opp wait I I I I actually kind of know how to try uh what your I know exactly mine down to get like the why should I tell you if I find it and loot it without dying I feel like I deserve the loot man I really walked in here and didn’t notice that oh I guess I probably did this huh cuz I’m open the floor let me go let me cook what is there a hole in the floor well no it’s there’s a upstairs and a downstairs and I didn’t notice the stairs existence what is happening I definitely use that for how useless it’s going to be for armor if I accidentally wake up the warden but I’m actually surprise this is just to boost my confidence I got a parrot his name is I’m I’m saying like I know there is even though I don’t I don’t have any okay so it’s usually Jerry the ninth coordinate I found Jerry and then down and then if I’m correct if there is an asent City I should like dig like pretty much right into it ah I died again hello little bit of reaction I’m finally here it only took me 300 years Jerry make sure you don’t die now do you like our rocking chairs they don’t really rock but again how are you suffocating the wall accidentally I finally made it up here please don’t kill me I got a put my respawn here never heard of a game getting over it all right I’m back okay I was about to say if that was on a would have been oh no the cycle repeats oh oh shoot bigger fish now it’s my turn to die ah your turn to die oh wait wait you were the one who killed me so goodbye get no yipp I did it arill you know I probably should not have done that cuz now it’s down there I feel bad destroy your bed right oh wait never mind I thought I thought that was the AR oh God lit about die fall M now it’s time for me to kill you bye oh thank you hey Tails what’s up please now it’s time for me to destroy your bed and then kill you please it took me an hour to get up here it took you an hour to get a bed no say I’m not trying to imply anything you must have like a serious skill it takes you an hour to get a bed oh there’s a skeleton there’s a skeleton I’m definitely not shooting you there’s skeleton around SK shoot me instead any day now any any any day now I can access the or do that that’s fine too don’t forget you have a sign that that says Jerry is there but he’s not that on my really that’s so crazy you know what I believe you for oh so much that was funny thatgr something so powerful I might be able to destroy the server I’ve died I’ve died so much that let’s just say raising Oh no I got a communication what are you doing yeah I’ve been getting been kind of getting a whole bunch of communication errors there we go although it’s not all bad because that because because that gave me an excuse to actually wait for all my IR how did you not I not die because yes racing do you have any wool like it doesn’t have to be colored or anything it can be any man the last time you us this question you could have bang got wo by now respectfully there’s that’s what I’m saying bro there’s barely any sheep we’re on we’re on the top of a the and find some sheep the wait ton and find some spiders I found a new welcoming map destroy the other one if you want to to find food right wow this house looks beautiful we like this house you go I would like to I would like to live here now it’s it’s free makes sense bu the house on top of the house yeah let’s get teleport yeah let me get my zero to me yeah let me get my bed in there I’m not building on your house I’m building above your house there’s a difference I’m sorry I didn’t I don’t know why I did that pranked oh wait I do have I do have stop it I’m sorry sorry just [Music] for sorry about that I didn’t I didn’t mean to I’m sorry something came over me m they didn’t like didn’t someone like literally one piece of get more mud it’s almost dark out that person more mud where’s your crafting table but I but I made them go get their own W like here oh trying to make I’m sorry I’d give you one if I had one but I got so easier with a sword I got to see this so you coming are you coming it’s either going to be a little cozy mat or it’s going to be the most atrocious thing you’ve ever [Music] seen do you like our welcoming match let’s see this all right I mean it’s definitely something this W looks so good I like it what to Gary what happened to Gary in the chat was it not actually tame Gary has died no I no I think no I no it it it says uh par was shot by skeleton and then it says he got killed by a zombie and then and then you slept all right all right all right all right moment of silence moment of silence that’s not silent no that’s the trumpets the yeah but moment of silence meaning no all right nothing fine okay time’s up okay time’s up y don’t know how to listen when I say moment of silence not trumpets silence I Trum who’s in the nether right now silent club step type of Silent wait Trump don’t means silent no they make noise so obviously they don’t my life what what what what’s up that trumpet’s making noise yeah revolutionary info did you steal my mom’s furnace I don’t even know where your mom is dude I just need to make sure feel it why is why is your mom mad about a furnace it’s literally eight Cobble touch that’s like the second most cheap Block in the game oh my sounds like it my mom’s not mad with a f okay she is not mad she justo sounds like it yippe I can make a bed I feel like dying uh I don’t know what to tell you champ too late I already did it it’s yes do again it was fun okay judging by how much I’ve been digging down this area I don’t think there’s an ancient city I didn’t want to live you have to pick it up and oh it’s Michael Miner Michael there’s like a whole news people like wait it’s now got to get back up there real Mel Miner yes Michael Miner is this uh spacious this is Gary’s replacement oh wait let’s see it Gary 2.2 2.2 on the server it’s making crazy no I’ll give this the house Waring gift Michael Michael I I created a wooden tomb stone for G you hey why isn’t he hey hey hey [Music] he this is taking a long way to get back up here there is legit murder happening I don’t know how to feel about this I’m getting like why do you guys why who doesn’t love [Music] murder why the word would you do that we just left this here uh I might have found an ancient city I could be wrong Tails tails come here come here I heard skull I heard skull careful though I’ve never been to an ancient city oh here we go I see see dark there might not be it there’s sometimes yeah I know it doesn’t mean that there’s nature City but deep dark is still nice for like XP and stuff I would that would be in there you okay I don’t see you gotta Crouch you got to crouch no that would not be in there cuz if there’s cuz theard how this works is you get three strikes basically for a Sher like if there’s no shers nearby then you don’t have to worry about making noise and whatnot but if there is then don’t make noise why also Remer don’t step on them that also activates them I I forgot racing God if only we had the freaking voice proximity mod I forgot racing had a parrot named course like it’s an actual seeing any shers but that doesn’t mean that there like isn’t one behind the walls or something you need to get out there right now okay cuz it’s creepy it’s not I’ve killed a warden or two before Cakewalk you just got to get some range in between you and the war and it’s fine I think there’s a ward here be honest I don’t see a Sher so it might it might be okay actually I don’t like the word it’s really scary it might blow your mind okay cuz it didn’t blow my mind after I got used to it that’s for damn sure okay I don’t think there’s a Sher I’m going to burn down your your vacation H what why also uh little little fun fact tals if if you make a hoe and break a bunch of these skull blocks you get Hella XP like if you keep doing it m like hold on if I do it real quick if I do it if I like sweep this like floor real quick already level seven from just sweeping that entire floor and watch this it can also reveal diamonds because technically skull blocks count as uh being submerged which means you can find better Diamond veins under them this is an actual like hardcoded thing specifically for Bedrock I believe but I could be wrong what do you what did I do I’m not sure whether or not it’s bedrock uh you just Ked for no reason bro racing just killed me for no reason that’s racist yeah it’s in his name I’m 25% Hispanic oh wait is there oh I wasn’t going to actually burn his house I was adding stuff to the back of the sign uh actually there’s a bit more C [Laughter] and why did I take so tails what we learn about teleporting people next to a ledge we learn what we learn okay wait who else wanted cheese Wizard oh no they almost walked in sit it down Sit it sit make it sit why is it on my why is it on me why is it on me get off get off I uh oh get off there we go got it you can take it back now if hi cheese don’t spawn a war accident please I’d rather have XP than be dead why you hurting there there’s a bunch of lapis here that’s that’s nice your boy would like to have some enchantments something to use all levels I’m just so happy to be getting down here here I’m going to UST you je careful careful careful there may or may not be a Streaker that although it doesn’t look like it really goes anywhere over here so no no no no no that was Revenge For You killing me no you can’t be doing that now why you kill me what did I do I’m going to kill myself okay my ho broke I make another one jeez if if you want if you want a lot of XP down here make a hoe and then just go to town and you get Hella XP love you know what you know what this is an investment I’m going to make a diamond ho this this is an investment not a mistake what are you doing mining the skull for XP hello Al I hear I I hear cave over here wait wait wait wait wait there is another part of skull over here I want to know where that is there is another part of the cave here I don’t really want to oh there’s a spider here here let me get it off your back Tails okay like goes up [Music] here take this spider ow I’m not a spider I don’t think that was a spider spider Shez quiet quiet quiet quiet there’s a streer quiet what the quiet I respawned all the way back to the spawn hold it’s all right I’m gonna break it I’m gonna break it I’m GNA break it I’m gonna break it I’m G break it broke my bed all right got all right got the streer Y sa if you if you can break the streer without it detecting you then it doesn’t go off it TP me to you all right I’m not sure if you want to be in the deep dark but uh you do you water bucket hell yeah yeah don’t really necessarily see there’s no shers right now it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay for you to avoid SK that if you Sak no you don’t you don’t avoid the sensors if if there’s like no shers around the sensors then you could not give a crap about making noise it’s that it’s just when there’s shriekers in the area that’s when it becomes a problem to make noise I already R the place of streer so you are safe oh okay I get now yeah although there is oh [ __ ] Tails why are you putting down shers I didn’t I know your little tricks you are losing it you are losing it I can see through your BS that does not make sense another one get killed a little mischievous as Gremlin the cosme just use command yeah ta what are you doing nothing do I need to come over there what okay get Ked okay cuz I never been in the dark and never will I’m staying over here y’all have fun with that what hey what are you doing um I need to know what you’re doing want to get K oh wait wait wizard what are you doing wait Tails there is a major fluke in the system you are trying to do only naturally spawning shers can actually spawn the warden ones you place down like that do nothing they don’t add strikes it doesn’t do anything I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t want to have to spoil it but you seem pretty eager about it so do anything okay okay yeah sure oh flip Tails I know how to do a soft lock flip [Applause] hey I don’t have the darkness effect so that means it doesn’t know I’m here what the what yeah you don’t know I’m here bud yeah yeah yeah try it is this what you want come on strike me down zeusy is he sniffing up where’s it at it’s fine me although because I’m crouching it does not know I’m here it’s it’s detecting a zombie over there oh it wants it it wants it want dude it’s freaking go look at it it wants that zombie it wants it scream okay it wants it this is why I always have my camera up to like the max you know it’s not going to do anything if you just next to me it’s it’s still only going to want you and specifically you only voice here is what’s good I didn’t think he wanted me Instant Karma he tried to lure it towards me and then it went after him that’s what it gets it still doesn’t know I’m here whoever done that that’s that’s what that player gets cuz I’ve been crouching the whole time it doesn’t know I’m here what’s good what’s good man what’s good what’s good how’s your day then bad yeah I sort understand that I understand that man I understand that a [ __ ] I unced for like a second all right before I leave all right tell me where he is the whatever his name is the warden can just tell me where you are for a second am I GNA just just just know whenever you go AFK expect there to be a freaking curse of binding pumpkin on your head just know I’m not going AFK I’m long enough by the way when’s the next time you’re going to stream uh Geometry Dash sometime probably in the future eventually I’m also thank you for the game oh for playing yeah you know if I had at least iron armor I’m pretty sure I could have fought it a little bit better but I have like no armor just made was I just uncrouch for like a split second and that’s what no dirt in there dirt tail how dare chest how dare you I’m GNA kill you you ran away uh well I’ll probably leave the server but I’m gonna go put FK sensor actually I do all right I’ll see you guys later yeah the stream is ending anyways uh I’m not going to be live tomorrow probably won’t be live Monday I think I’ll probably stream Tuesday and Wednesday to make up for that um so I don’t know what those streams are going to be but look forward to them uh but I’d say this was a pretty successful stream um the server the server’s still up if you want to keep playing I don’t know when I’ll close it eventually um but for now I I’ll leave it up um oh look it was either you or me uh I’m hitting this button now I am tired the craziest thing was probably when we collabed with uh baby Yoda that was pretty Prett crazy but that was fun that was a good time was silly we th we could have done better than that we could have I could have had the Thousand gems Sor right 400 is still plenty to be getting for free we’ll see we’ll see what it gets us the next time we play stumble guys uh anyways see you guys later this week goodbye thanks for watching hope you had a good time peace out

This video, titled ‘LIVE – PLAYING MINECRAFT WITH VIEWERS (+ Stumble Guys and Roblox)’, was uploaded by SuperTails on 2024-06-02 03:00:21. It has garnered 350 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 07:26:59 or 26819 seconds.

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    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of automatic sorting systems in Minecraft. If you’ve ever wanted to streamline your item organization process, this is the video for you. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up a full automatic sorting system in Minecraft, making item management a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to optimize your storage system or a beginner eager to learn new tricks, this video has something for everyone. But why stop at just watching videos? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO – Giant Planet House

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO - Giant Planet HouseVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: GIANT PLANET HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-09 17:00:13. It has garnered 241658 views and 4172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:12 or 2052 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build Giant PLANETS houses! Who builds the planet house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • “Insane Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft! 🔥” #minecraft #mod

    "Insane Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft! 🔥" #minecraft #modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft #minecraft #gaming #superhero #mod’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-03-07 00:02:14. It has garnered 10004 views and 526 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Arrzee and friends simulate the classic Gun Game mode using Custom Superhero suits from the Enhanced SMP heropack! If you like Marvel and DC Superheroes, check out Season 1 the Enhanced SMP!: Thanks as always to ALL of the Patrons who have supported me over the last 7 months, I couldn’t keep doing this without you! Get both the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Material Collection!

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Material Collection!Video Information This video, titled ‘Siap Siap Ngumpulin Bahan Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-15 13:36:13. It has garnered 6095 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:10 or 3310 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : skin minecraft: Donate saweria: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia… Read More

  • Insane Pranks & Epic Wins: Minecraft Bed Wars #179

    Insane Pranks & Epic Wins: Minecraft Bed Wars #179Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #179’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-04-05 21:00:20. It has garnered 3385 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • Raiding Richest Base on LifestealSMP! #crackedsmp

    Raiding Richest Base on LifestealSMP! #crackedsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Raiding Richest Base On Public LifestealSMP #lifestealsmp #crackedsmp #minecraft #cpvp’, was uploaded by Emiron on 2024-07-12 07:32:07. It has garnered 842 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Public Minecraft SMP (free to join). Join this new public Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join this active server anytime with your friends or by yourself! Its fun to grind with multiple game modes and a active welcoming community! SMP IP ➤ SMP Port ➤ 19132 SMP Store ➤ SMP Discord ➤ Kindly, if you have… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Critical Damage in Minecraft 🎮

    Unbelievable! Critical Damage in Minecraft 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft nostalgia 🥺’, was uploaded by Critical Damage on 2024-02-16 05:47:19. It has garnered 2576 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft but minecraft survival nostalgia Minecraft nostalgia minecraft nostalgia that will make you cryfunny memesdank memesmemes compilation Memes minecraft but challenge Minecraft trending minecraft mod minecraft speedrun minecraft challenge fresh memes minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo,… Read More

  • EndyCraft

    EndyCraftEndyCraft is a BRAND NEW lifesteal SMP that is striving to create a fun, challenging and safe environment for all to enjoy Read More

  • Lifesteal anarchy – semi-vanilla, anarchy

    Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Anarchy SMP We are a small and new community playing on a semi-vanilla server with lifesteal abilities, /home, and /tpa commands. We welcome all types of players, from serious to casual, even griefers! There are minimal rules, with the only restriction being no spawn killing. The server is located on the east coast. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist and get the IP! Tags: Minecraft, Lifesteal, Semi-Vanilla, Small Community, New Server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers Chug Mountain Dew to Charge Up

    Looks like those creepers have been hitting the Dew a little too hard! Time to switch to decaf, guys. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft 😀 (Minewind)’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 01:22:39. It has garnered 5 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol

    Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol When you try to prank a stray in Minecraft but they end up pranking you by stealing all your diamonds instead. #karma #minecraftstruggles #strayshavetheupperhand Read More

  • Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft

    Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft The Death Hole in Minecraft: A Legendary PVP Experience Are you ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft PVP? Join the adventure as players face off in The Death Hole, a legendary battleground where only the strongest survive. Into The Fray As the countdown begins, players brace themselves for the intense battles that await. The adrenaline is high as they enter The Death Hole, ready to prove their skills in combat. First Fight At the sound of the horn, the first clash erupts. Swords clash, arrows fly, and strategies are put to the test. Who will emerge… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players embark on exciting adventures, face challenging tasks, and explore endless possibilities. In this particular scenario, players encounter a unique challenge known as “Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure.” Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing gameplay. Trading with Villagers In Minecraft, players have the opportunity to interact with villagers and engage in trading activities. Villagers offer various items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources to enhance their gameplay experience. The trading system adds depth to the game, allowing players to acquire… Read More

  • OMG! I’m Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberlive

    OMG! I'm Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberliveVideo Information [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] next Don’t don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor me [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] Halo the people of the world ketemu lagi sama nekro di [Musik] sini halo halo ada netizen random ada alion Halo Kak baru spaw iya boleh Mamang aing live juga cepa openening keblet boker gue ya elah tinggal boker Ya bokertinggal boker first time kagak telat gue Anjay Muhammad yulias halo halo yang baru datang Jangan lupa di-like dulu ya teman-teman Aku suka main Minecraft Iya nanti ajarin aku ya Aku juga baru mau main ini baru… Read More

  • Yasha’s Minecraft Meltdown

    Yasha's Minecraft MeltdownVideo Information bro are you oh my [ __ ] God bro all right I can’t [ __ ] this Bro [ __ ] this bro oh my [ __ ] God bro like I know it’s small bro but bro this is like for another day bro I don’t know I do not [ __ ] know what oh my God bro oh my [ __ ] F [Music] God bro you already did your [ __ ] damage bro why would you do this oh my [ __ ] God bro oh my God [Music] man This video,… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft Punishment – Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viral

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Punishment - Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viralVideo Information как же сломать бедрок в Minecraft Ну все мы знаем что это невозможно но так говорят в слухи на самом деле можно если ломать бедрок киркой то уйдёт много времени и ничего не выйдет но что если попробовать взорвать его при помощи TNT стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой и напиши комментарий бедрок по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили но и TNT не смогли сломать бедрок Это что получается невозможно но мы просто так не сдаёмся добываем и из неё делаем мотыгу добываем мир что… Read More

  • Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!

    Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!Video Information hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hi JJ tell me do you have a big car I would really like to move all my things to the city Mikey I’m sorry but no I have just a great idea JJ let’s build a truck today wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone dear friends Mikey and I are going… Read More

  • Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!

    Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!Video Information आज भी प्रॉब्लम सेम ही है गाइस प्रॉब्लम तो रोज का होता है मगर बस ज्यादा ज्यादा हो जाता है यार कभी-कभी लेकिन कोई ना लेट्स सी आज तो मैं प्रेयर करता हूं भाई प्लीज आज बस थोड़ा अच्छा चल जाए थोड़ा सा चल जाए बस इतना इतना बोलूंगा मैं फिर दो घंटे स्ट्रीम आराम से भाई मजा आ जाएगा नहीं तो भाई पता है ना तुम लोग को यार नेट का कैसा दिमाग खराब होता है नेट का प्रॉब्लम ही प्रॉब्लम है गाइस यार एक मिनट सर्वर ऑन कर रहा हूं फिर बाद में आता हूं दो… Read More

  • Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft – ZS’SKAYR #shorts

    Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft - ZS'SKAYR #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-23 14:45:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts link in description:- search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral … Read More

  • Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯

    Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯Video Information [Music] hello is this thing on how we doing how we doing uh playing a little uh well today it’s a special day we’re trying something new today we’re playing multiple games today I’m trying this out and it’s all going to be the same stream that’s that’s the experiment today we’re going to play a little stumble guys start it out cuz we haven’t played that in a while and we’re going to play a little Roblox cuz everybody always loves Roblox and finish it out with Minecraft cuz we love doing Minecraft um so yeah we’re… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattle

    Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro gavr up #minecraft #hypixle #hypixel #pvp #hitsync #swrz #dragclick #minecraftpvp #bedwars #pvp’, was uploaded by One_chance on 2024-05-12 10:18:24. It has garnered 2219 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parody

    Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parodyVideo Information greetings square ones let’s take a journey I SP the world where the MS are really mean blue black and green there must be something in the wall here we a diing just above a m yeah oh no yeah the mom break the neck trying to creep a little sneak peek you come to my world but no one comes close to my ey and thr watch you battle with us you’ll be rolling on night night Super Natural Mobs with undefeatable battle dues and all on the on top Mad Skills own so hard we’ll drop… Read More

  • GlowMc

    GlowMc[Cracked] Welcome to GlowMC, the ultimate test of survival in the pixelated wilderness! In this daring realm, adventurers brave the unknown, navigating treacherous landscapes and cunning foes to emerge victorious. GlowMC is a realm where darkness reigns, but hope glimmers in the form of resilient players determined to thrive against all odds. Embark on a journey through an immersive world where the landscape is as unpredictable as it is breathtaking. From towering mountains to vast oceans, every corner of GlowMC offers a new challenge and a chance for triumph. But beware, for danger lurks in the shadows; hostile mobs roam… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+ Economy Create Focus

    Join Our Discord Community! Are you 18+ and love Minecraft? Join us on SteamCraft where we enhance the Minecraft experience without overshadowing its core essence. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or Redstone expert, there’s a place for you here. Be part of a community where every block placed, adventure embarked upon, and interaction matters. Make lasting friendships and see your Minecraft dreams come alive. Feel free to DM for any questions before joining! Join us now! Read More

  • Minecraft server

    Welcome to Survival Green (1.17.1)! The new and improved survival experience! We have spent far too long on developing and adjusting various areas to make the experience of the Rexkraft better for you! We have so much to offer, with some that you may already be familiar with, and some that you are not. Check out the list of new things and some adjustments we have made for Survival Green! New Features: Custom Resource Pack – Yes, you read that right! RexKraft will have it’s own resource-pack for all players to use! This extremely lightweight resource-pack is going to allow… Read More


    Crive SMP || ANARCHY/PEACE/ECONOMY# 🌟 Welcome to The Crive SMP! 🌟**Version:** Bedrock / Java 1.21 Crossplay (Newest version) **Season 2 Coming Soon! 🚀****Join the Discord Here!!**## Features:- 💰 **Economy Mods**: Build your empire with our robust economy system!- 🏞️ **New Biomes**: Discover amazing new vanilla biomes in the Overworld and End.- 🗣️ **Proximity Chat** (Java only): Enhance your gameplay with real-time voice chat.- 🚫 **No Elytra, No Hacking**: Enjoy fair and balanced gameplay for everyone.## Popular Plugins:- **Essentials**: All the core commands you need.- **GriefPrevention**: Protect your builds from unwanted visitors.- **LuckPerms**: Powerful permissions management.- **DiscordSRV**: Stay connected with our community on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Duo”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Duo"It’s nice to see a creeper bringing families together instead of blowing them apart! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore Welcome back to the Minecraft scene, Where version 1.2.2 is now the theme. I’m here to share the latest news, In rhymes that will surely amuse. In this update, not much has changed, But my water source has been rearranged. I’ve got my lava, ready to explore, Cave systems galore, what’s in store? Stay tuned for the next episode’s delight, As we delve deeper into the Minecraft night. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe, For more Minecraft adventures, let’s vibe! Read More


    BLAZING COAL MEME “Why did the coal break up with the diamond? It just couldn’t handle the pressure!” Read More