Insane Survival: 1000 Days in STEAMPUNK Minecraft! Watch Now!

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For the past 4 months I’ve been building a steampunk World airplanes trains automated farming even a cake factory these are some of the things I’ve constructed over the course of 1,000 in-game Minecraft days join me as I review the rise of progress in the mod pack steampunk Minecraft you want to

Play mod packs with friends but you can’t seem to find a good server and the free ones with the big mod packs these days free servers are just too laggy luckily for you there’s BCT hosting they host my server and with plenty of affordable options they can host your

Server too and the best part is they support almost every mod pack there code double salad checkout for 25% off your first order bisect hosting a great site for great servers now that that right there I appreciate little things like that that logo just stuff like that makes the game

Feel alive anyways looks like we’re in a redwood forest well if you play the game long enough then you know what the typical Minecraft protocol is crafting table tools and hello what’s this you can see the blocks on the table and a projection of the item okay now that’s

Pretty neat uh iller better get out of his way honestly the last thing I need right now is to get pierced by an arrow from this random mob move move just go away and all is well with the world again okay we’re going to mine some Cobblestone for these much needed tool

Upgrades and that right there that looks like a wizard tower do I dare explore okay what’s inside probably a wizard you know it is a wizard tower at least that’s what I’m guessing it is I mean it’s a lonely Tower in the middle of the woods what else could it be I’m

Going to mine this and oh secret trapo hopefully something cool and there he is The Wizard of said wizard tower come on with 2 and 1 half hearts of no food I’m not going to try that but I do need to go mining and this cave looks like just

The spot to do that boxy ore I don’t know what that is but I’m taking it fingers crossed something that we’re going to need later okay but I really need some food right now thankfully there’s a herd of pigs herd flock what do you even call a group of pigs anyways

H what does it matter well there’s only one Pig left well that’s not much of a group is it and yes for obvious reasons I am going to leave that one alive I guess we can make do with a couple of pork chops oh that a player head okay

Hopefully this isn’t a decoration and I can actually eat this and I can okay that’s good I haven’t cooked the pork jobs yet so these little watermelon slices they’ll do as a temporary snack okay looks like there’s another cave over there I’m going to dive and oh I

Take a deep breath an achievement for jumping in the water interesting thin air okay one thing I should mention is that when I was exploring this mod pack there was a mechanic with the air in the game so this is how air Works in real life let’s say you’re climbing Mount

Everest well the higher you climb the thinner the oxygen gets meaning it becomes more difficult to breathe now they’ve implemented that mechanic into the game and honestly I don’t even know what to look out for to monitor our oxygen levels I mean we have a health

Bar a hunger bar but there’s no air bar so you know what we’ll figure it out as we go it looks like dinner’s ready too bad I’m going to have to take it to go but the cave awaits my only concern is the oxygen issue because I do know that

When you descend you also have to watch your oxygen as well now that I don’t know if that’s a thing in real life but for some reason in this one the deeper we go I guess it becomes harder to breathe as well you know what at this

Point I’m ranting let’s just I’ll mind the copper so that cave was nothing more than a dead end I did spot a second cave a few blocks over but I am going to need some torches before I go exploring again thankfully coal isn’t too hard to find one of my favorite things about

Playing with shaders is that when you craft torches and then you equip them in your off hand they illuminate the area around you perfect for cave Explorer because you don’t have to waste so many is that makima from chainsaw man no that can’t be a coincidence that has got to

Be makima if you haven’t read chainsaw man go ahead and give it a read or you can watch the anime either way it’s really good I’m just going to get some of this iron some of this copper and that looks like skull so I’m looking at

The mini map and it looks like there’s structures down there probably a deep dark City question is do I dare explore further getting killed by the warden this early in the game is anything but ideal I guess I could go a little further I mean this area is basically

Free XP ooh I forgot about the skull sensors I think I’ll be okay I mean we’re not even in the city yet and oh nope that’s it time to go okay I just got to get out of his range and I think I’ll be okay just have to get away from

This dark pulsing around me what was that I just randomly took damage uh I don’t like this okay uh whoa why am I taking so much damage there’s nothing around me somehow I’m going to die wait a minute did you guys see that hold on a second and did you guys catch

That well mystery solved everyone I wanted to know if there was a way we could monitor our oxygen levels and I guess there is it’s just the air meter you know when you go into the water and the bubbles appear above your hunger bar that’s all it is I don’t know how I

Missed it and I don’t know what that thing is but it’s making me uncomfortable so good to finally be out of that cave too bad the sun had to set on me well at least there’s the shelter over there I just hope the area is peaceful and not some type of enemy camp

Ha perfect got a bed some chests and whoa that is way more loot than I was expecting I never trade with villagers so I don’t know what I’m going to do with the emeralds but I’m sure we can find a use for them in one of these mods

What a beautiful morning for exploration animu huh neat and a village in the distance Don’t Mind If I Do there’s got to be something good around here what about this spot this must be some type of post office there are packages everywhere the question is what’s inside the package

Huh well that’s a little disappointing don’t mind me I’ll see myself out all right no we’re messing around it’s time to build a house and I think this is going to be an ideal spot right by the river the land is pretty flat so that’s

Perfect to build on don’t have to do a lot of terraforming there but we are going to have to get rid of a lot of this grass I’m going to clear this out and see what we can do with this area because honestly I want to build

Something different not trying to go for the same type of granite build that we had in the other create world let’s try to uh I don’t know get creative with this one ooh what’s that some type of jungle temple whatever it may be I’m going to go check it out now the one

Thing you have to be mindful of every time you explore some type of abandoned ruin of any kind is that there are always going to be traps hidden traps but sometimes they’re not hidden very well okay well everything up here seems to be clear so let’s go further but not

Before I light up this little campfire you know sometimes you can do things and it’ll trigger secret passages huh well it was worth a shot I am going to be hitting the ground a lot though got to make sure that I break up any trip wires I may miss look do you

Remember when I was saying that some of the traps are probably not that well hidden well this is a great example of that when you have a room full of pressure plates well that kind of gives away the element of surprise yeah I’m just going to clear a little path

Breaking them one by one you got to be crazy if you’d actually want to step on them and see what they do now I do want to see what they activate but I’m not going to step on them to find out what I will do is break down this wall

Dispensers you know what just for fun good thing we broke the pressure plates all right time to move on okay looking around the corner that is definitely a trip wire it’s probably connected to sticky pistons that will open up and drop us into lava time to cut who no that right there that’s

Clever that is the power of the create mod such an interesting way to use that too wow the trap’s got to be on some type of timer and eventually it’s going to open oh yeah there we go all right moving on no signs of danger okay everything’s looking good an emerald

Block I don’t know if I trust it I mean you got a valuable block at the end of a long hallway in the middle of a ruined Temple come on if that’s not a trap I don’t know what is I want to mine it but it’s almost like if the temple creators

Want me to mine it better play it safe and mine all around I guess it’s clean okay free treasure now what is this some type of pit you know what I’m just going to run across it’s taking way too long to get through some of these rooms I

Made it okay that went way better than expected usually when I rush things like that it goes terribly wrong but luck is on my side today all right pretty sure this is the last level because the stairs don’t go any deeper going to M around it just to be safe and there’s

Nothing okay I refuse to believe that’s everything on this level level though on the mini map there is another room right next to me so it’s got to be behind one of these walls yeah okay looks like theory was correct although it doesn’t look like there’s much in this room

Either but that’s what they want us to think yay more annoying silverfish love it just going to back up here and oh um okay looks like the problems took care of themselves let’s go see what’s in that room okay that is definitely a trap just got to make sure that I don’t

Accidentally set anything off off I’m going to mine under the chest see if there’s anything there and that looks like a piston there’s probably something underneath that piston so let’s see what’s under there and that is a redstone block let’s break that and see what’s inside this puppy that is a lot

Of emeralds oh my goodness you know what I would have preferred diamonds but I’m not going to be ungrateful that was a good haul okay time to get out of here just going to put some of the stuff in the chest and then after that I’m going

To go have to look for a bed cuz I haven’t seen a single sheep I’m just going to help myself to some of this guys food take some apples potatoes and you know what I think I may even help myself to this bed look at all

That sugar cane okay you know what I don’t really know what we’re going to use it for but in the create mod you do need to use sugarcane for something so we’re going to make a little farm out of that real quick and then we can get to

The main event try to keep this looking as clean as possible and then I am going to make a staircase I don’t like the way AAA wood looks I would have preferred to use oak or Spruce or something but this is all we got so we’re just I’m going to

Have to make do eventually I’m probably going to swap out the stairs for something else but until then this is going to do for now so Oak saplings are actually replaced by acorns in this mod pack which I think is pretty clever hopefully the trees grow soon cuz I’m

Not trying to work with Thea wood for the entirety of this video I’m also hoping that we get nothing but small trees it’s just such a big hassle to have to cut down the big trees and then you got to make sure you break every log

So that the leaves disappear now I’m not entirely sure what I want to do for this house but that’s almost always the case when I build anything so for the sake of tradition I’m just going to make it up as I go okay we’re going to have wood planks for floors that’s pretty

Straightforward what am I going to use for the walls I mean I could use Oak planks again but that’s kind of repetitive I could probably use more Stone you know a mesh of stone Cobblestone smooth bricks yeah I guess that could work we’ll have a little expansion out here something like a

Porch or a patio we’re going to have it fenced off of course can’t have the mobs coming in and ambushing me and then back here I don’t know yet right now I’m just going to make some columns maybe connect them with some arches who knows maybe I’ll just leave it like that that’s

Probably going to be the case depending on how nice they look I do have some plans on making a garden behind that area so yeah I think that’s what we’ll have a nice little colonade the only issue with a building like this is that it is going to take a while to collect

All the stone at least with wood you can trade one lock for four planks whereas with stone you got to mine each block one by one you know what though great things take time so I’m going to get a move on everything is looking nice and

Cozy here now the ceiling is usually the easy part when it comes to building a house I mean how can you mess up a ceiling it’s the roof the part that goes above the ceiling that one I’ve always had trouble with it’s coming up with the design and then it’s actually trying to

Figure out how to make the design work with blocks cuz roofs are very angular so hopefully I can come up with something that’s simple and beautiful speaking of simple I think this triangular type roof is going to be the easiest thing to do with the materials

That we have I’ll make it out of Oak planks like with what we have at the bottom there and other than that I think it’s going to be pretty straightforward just have the roof go directly across nothing too fancy okay I actually like the way this looks like I said it’s

Pretty simple but it gets the job done maybe I’ll leave a little Gap up here just so that we can have access to the roof I want to make sure that I always have access up there because who knows maybe I’ll add a second floor it depends on

How fast we advance and how much space we need but it’s a good thing to have okay it’s night time and looking at the house from a distance I think it’s safe to say that this is a cozy little house we have here maybe we can extend the

Roof over to the colonade just so it looks more integrated with the main structure uh and see right here this is why you need to have a ladder to the roof easy roof access I can actually place the Planks on top of the colonade and there we go I think that looks

Fantastic okay I’m going to get off the roof because now there is one more thing I need to take care of the base is still pretty vulnerable from the porch area so I’m going to craft myself some gates put them on the entrance and hopefully that should be enough to repel any enemies

That try to get inside that ought to do it and yeah oh right on time too look at that now that the gates are up everybody wants to come inside well at least it’s doing its job job safe and sound inside the gate and there is the garden just little simple Cobblestone

Wall around make it look a little ruined and we have an assortment of vegetables onions tomatoes Wheats all the good stuff and then we do have some Farmland here so I’m just going to plant the rest of the potatoes and cook the rest inside I’m getting pretty hungry but we do have

A lot of pumpkin pie from the jungle temple oh look at that it’s 3D and we can place it like cake all right I can get behind this this is how pumpkin pie should have always been now one thing I do remember needing to craft was something called a hear it’s

Part of the mod where you have to watch your oxygen and all that I don’t know exactly what it does but I’m guessing that it wait a minute where are my baked potatoes why are they french fries oh chips excuse me anyways back to the hear I’m guessing that it keeps the house

Warm based on the basic description I read but I could be wrong it’s not that hard to craft furnace iron some Cobblestone huh can’t place it on the floor wait am I dumb am I supposed to wear this actually no I’m way off maybe on

The wall oh okay yeah that works too so you’re supposed to mount the hear on the wall interesting interface we got two bars and what looks like a fuel slot in the middle that only filled it up just a fraction of the way wow do I dare add

More when I don’t even know what it does though do we need this well it’s doing something cuz there’s smoke coming up from the top you know what we got some coal let’s just put it all in okay so it looks like we okay so I was able to Max it out there’s

Way more smoke coming out of the little chimney now so the second slot is for water how does that work there’s white little puff clouds which I’m guessing is steam okay well this is a very interesting looking block it makes some great Furniture decorative blocks but I

Don’t really think we need this so I’m going to move it out of the way maybe put it in the chest room and build the chimney there okay now for the good stuff the stuff that was on the thumbnail and in the title of the video

The create aspect of this mod pack so we got some stuff to claim before we get this mod pack started like those milk and cookies I mean we just have to claim those and then there’s the usual stuff like the andesite casing that is the basis for every machine but to do that

We need andesite so it’s time to start making our first step towards create by making a mine hopefully we can find some andesite at the bottom of this tunnel that I’m making if not well then we’re going to be out of luck and the video’s over so I haven’t found any andesite yet

But I did come across this cave maybe we can find some stuff in here oh and it looks like Maka is making a comeback you know what I don’t feel like fighting a zombie right now so I just going to get out of here and she is chasing us I

Guess we can spend the rest of our time claiming some of the rewards that we have because we do have a few rewards okay we got some coal all right what else do we have here a respirator Don’t Mind If I Do guessing that’s going to

Help us breathe under water can we put this thing on and yes we can whoa got a respirator nice all right all right what’s next we have the ring of seven curses which gives us a bunch of debuffs including weaker armor more damage to us and when we’re on fire we burn forever

Yeah no thank you we’re just going to do the other one instead yeah let’s just click that and thank you all right we got some andesite Alloys we got some shafts for the create stuff here and yeah there we go and the machines are trying to fight back I don’t know if

That’s a robot it looks like a robot but I’m trying to get out of here and it’s going to kill me if I leave so it has to die so just there you go stay there and okay last thing here we’re just going to add some railing because the stair is a

Safety hazard don’t want to fall down there and break an arm or a leg so we’ll have the trap doors there protecting us and yeah one more set right here and it’s done and then last but not least we need to beautify this area because just having grass here it looks really weird

So we’re going to break up the grass and we’re going to put down some type of cobblestone path Cobblestone down there and then maybe we can incorporate some Stone just so that the path has some texture maybe some rose bushes just to give this some color I mean we do have a

Lot of gray here and well gray is a little depressing and lastly let’s make a path that goes straight to our sugar cane farm and we’ll put the stone slabs down there got to make every block count cuz stone is expensive put some fences just to make sure that the mobs don’t

Get in granted there are holes I guess the fences are more decorative than they are protective but but not least I say that again torches got to make sure that this place is illuminated and wow look at that we got a nice little Rose Garden Cobblestone path it all looks great the

First task at hand is to finish this mine I’m going to need a lot of resources in this video so it’s essential that we wrap this up and get this mine going the mine is pretty much complete and with that task out of the

Way I can move on to some of the next important steps first one being crafting our first create items andesite Alloys as well as andesite casings two items which are fundamental to doing anything in the create mod I also crafted some of the first machine parts and then I went

Into the cave via our mind system that’s when I discovered a new block called magnite it’s a magnet and this magnet has special uses one of which is generating electricity if you look at the diagram you can see what’s referred to as a generator coil when the coil is

Surrounded by the magnets on all four sides it begins to spin producing electricity it wouldn’t be much of a steampunk world if we didn’t harness the power of electricity so I added some of that stuff to my inventory and kept going but I don’t want to get ahead of

Myself before we build any machines we’re first going to need a workshop a place where we can craft more materials to make more Contraptions I laid down a cobblestone outline then I put the project on hold because there was one contraption that I needed if I wanted to

Proceed I needed a special cobblestone generator but I didn’t have the necessary parts to build one but with the help of this small setup I was able to start putting the pieces together with the iron sheets I began making some of our first machines like the mechanical saw a block that can Auto

Mine trees for you if you know how to work it I then went to the cave below and gathered some lava for the cobblestone generator on the side of our future Workshop I placed the water and then I made the classic rookie mistake of turning the lava into obsidian once I

Was able to work that out I began setting up the create aspect of the generator one that involved the use of drills but before I powered it on I began filling in the floor for the workshop once that task was finally wrapped up I went to the backside of the

Workshop and started working on the Mechanics for the drill with of the basic components that I had crafted earlier I was able to get the rig up and running you can never go wrong with a reliable water wheel and finally I had my first Automated machine a infinite

Cobblestone generator but it could be a little bigger and make more Cobblestone so I decided to double its output by making two Cobblestone generators side by side reason being was because I was going to need a lot of stone for this Workshop I wanted to base it off of the

First house I had made so this entire building was going to be made out of stone I decided to leave it alone Al while it generated the Cobblestone I needed meanwhile I was drafting more plans for the next machine one that was essential for building this structure I

Wanted to smelt the stones and make them smooth without wasting any coal so I decided to make a furnace that ran purely on lava all you had to do was place an item in front of the flames and they would Auto smelt and I’m so happy that this was actually implemented into

Create because if this wasn’t there then think about all the coal that I would have to waste with the help of our furnace and our Cobblestone generators the building was finally taking shape I descended from the staircase of the tower went through the inside of the

Workshop because I wanted to see how the outside was looking and I got to say that the shape was perfect it was everything I wanted it to be but there was another material that was essential to move forward that being kelp so I took a boat went out into the open ocean

And collected as much kelp as I could carry now the big question why did I need kelp reason being I needed it to make conveyor bels and you can’t do anything in create unless you have a good supply of conveyor belts you first have to put the kelp into a furnace and

Make it into dried kelp with the dried kelp you then arrange it in the following fashion and boom you have conveyor belts a crucial item that I was going to utilize later but until then it was time to add more machines to the workshop items like the mechanical mixer

But there was only one problem when I hooked it up to the power source behind it wasn’t fast enough and the mixer didn’t work the gears needed to be spinning faster for the machine to work which meant I needed a rotational speed controller a block that adds extra speed

To to your machines but crafting one was going to be quite the task because there were a number of items that we first needed to create but as complicated as it seemed the first step was simple I had to gather clay and I had to gather sand with the following items I was

Going to make bricks as well as Sandstone when I combined them together I made what was called Kiln bricks and with the Kiln bricks you combined eight of them into one big block and together they would form this type of super furnace to combine all eight blocks I

Needed a hammer and with the tool all I would have to do was right click a corner and all the blocks would merge I right clicked the corner and all of a sudden I was greeted with this new interface for smelting and mixing Metals the metal of the day was bronze made by

Mixing copper and zinc I took the bronze to the mechanical press and had it flattened into sheets with the sheets I crafted a brass hand a part we needed for a much larger machine I added a little to the workshop and then I came across this tribe of villagers but these

Guys were armed to the teeth so you better think twice before you Ste from them the next step involved me going deep into the caves and for that I was going to need an oxygen tank and it was going to be pretty easy to fill it up

With air all we had to do was continuously twist the top with the shaft somehow that would pump air into the tank and it would fill up in the course of 15 minutes for the tank to work I needed a special copper helmet one that would allow me to breathe the

Air the tank was full of air and the helmet was on I was now ready to venture into the deepest darkest caverns of this Minecraft world I hadn’t even stepped off my front porch when all of a sudden I was attacked by this giant spider I entered the cave with my fingers crossed

Hoping that the oxygen tank would do its thing thankfully all was well and I even came across this monster dungeon spawning more machima zombies I went forward and turned around the corner only to find a secret room full of chests and inside the chests was some pretty interesting loot like this item

Called the heart of an iron golem you put this on and you get plus four armor points only if you’re not already wearing armor I then found an essential item one that I was looking for diamonds you can’t go to the nether unless you have obsidian and you can’t mine

Obsidian unless you have a diamond pickaxe I also crafted a wrench basically you can modify the blocks and a toolbox basically a shulker box it doesn’t have as much storage space but hey extra inventory space that’s still pretty valuable speaking of inventory space we could have chest upgrades all

We have to do was take a regular chest surround it with ingots take this copper chest for example instead of three rows you get four if you upgrade the copper chest chest with iron ingots then you craft an even better chest you see one iron chest is the equivalent of one

Double chest I sorted my items then I went down to the cave to gather some obsidian I poured water over The Lava when all of a sudden I started suffering from a heat stroke my vision got blurry and I started taking damage honestly I forgot how impactful this temperature

Mod could be thankfully I was able to find another source of obsidian at this ruined nether portal I even found a couple of gold blocks and a chest with some pretty decent loot I mined most of the ruined portal and then I went back home and began working on the roof of

The workshop at first I was a little iffy about the design but I figured I could make it work once I began adding the second roof I then realized that this was exactly what I wanted to go for I used to believe that less was more but

Sometimes you have to make an exception to that rule especially when it comes to Minecraft rooftops speaking of adding more there was another addition I wanted to make to the roof that being tall chimneys you know Smoke Stacks kind of like with what you see in a Factory I

Built a pair of the two adding campfires on top for that smoking effect they enhanced the roof far better than I could hope for I then put the obsidian to work by finally building the nether portal in the upper levels of my workshop there were a couple of things I

Had to do before going into the portal you see remember that little lesson I learned about temperature well the nether is probably extremely hot meaning that I’m going to need some type of way to keep myself cool but you know me I like to procrastinate so instead of

Doing what I was supposed to be doing I just decided to add even more to the factory like finishing up the tower I built it a little taller even added a roof to it I unintentionally made this look like a medieval building even though this is steampunk Minecraft but

You know what let’s just treat it like Evolution as I progress the buildings are going to start looking more and more modern anyways I wanted to make some modifications to this room over here so I started by breaking down the Kil I made a hole in the wall and outside of

The hole I began building a foundation for the largest Smoke Stack that I was going to add to this building while I was in the middle of constructing that I was attacked by an illager riding what looked like a flying iller monster I don’t even know what I’m looking at but

This thing was annoying the type of annoying where you try to swat a fly with a fly swatter but you just can’t hit him because it flies too fast that type anyways here’s a view of the completed chimney the workshop is definitely giving more of a factory Vibe

The next task was to make ice boxes this was the key to entering the nether without overheating you see when you put an ice box in a room and fill it with water the temperature begins to drop the water freezes you know it’s basically a

Freezer I was going to use the Box is to freeze water skins they’re basically these pouches full of water that when you freeze them they kind of act like ice packs the perfect item to have when traversing the fiery hellscape that is the nether I filled him with water and

Put him in the ice box and as you can see over the course of time the temperature of the water begins to drop now I don’t know what any of this Celsius business is because I’m an American and we use Fahrenheit but I’m sure that 22° is pretty cold at least

Cold enough for me to survive in the nether for a few minutes I began collecting quartz as that was the main reason I needed to be here while I was doing that my scream began to freeze around the corners I guess the water skins were doing their job a little too

Well I went back to the house with plenty of quartz only to discovered that my beautiful roof was on fire my guess is that it was started by the cobblestone generator but I don’t know why it started burning now of all times I rushed to the Tower and jumped onto

The roof putting out the fire as quickly as I could I then took the quartz I collected and combined it with redstone to make rose quartz I took some rose quartz sanded it down with some sandpaper and made polished rose quartz I combined the rose quartz with an iron

Sheet and crafted an electron tube we could now craft the most important part of our machine the deployer we were one step closer to getting our Precision mechanisms the necessary item for our rotational speed controller there was only one more thing I needed before moving on and that was an automatic Tree

Farm I was going to start breaking ground right behind the house when all of a sudden I was attacked by this zombie silverfish man he had a huge silverfish for aead and every time I hit him he would spawn more and more of these annoying bugs eventually I was

Able to defeat him but he left behind a swarm of silverfish once I was able to clear out the infestation I began building the tree farm now I’m not going to spend too much time on this because this is probably the third time you guys

Have seen me build one of these so if you want to see how it’s done just go back to one of the older 100 Days videos anyways the tree farm was finally taking shape the saws were attached as were the deployers everything was glued and I

Even powered it with a water wheel when this thing was up and running it was only a matter of time before it could start collecting infinite amounts of wood the only thing left to do was to set up some sort of collection system you see when the saw is chopped down a

Tree the wood gets sucked into the machine and stored in a chest but how does one get the wood out of the machine without turning the saws off that is where the portable storage interface comes into play all I have to do is turn on the wood farm and it does its little

Spin around and when the portable storage interface comes face to face with another block just like it they extend they connect and the wood is transferred into the chest like that I had an automatic tree farm and a storage system to sort it all next I attach

Attached a couple of large water wheels to the side of the workshop they were basically upgraded versions of the regular water wheel meaning that they could power more machines the only problem is that these water wheels are way too slow in fact they’re half the speed of a small water wheel so we

Needed to speed things up and to do so we were going to need our Precision mechanism it was finally time to start building the first assembly line I would start construction on the assembly line right behind the house but before I could do that I had to start clearing

Some ground because there was a lot of dirt I needed to get out of the way once all of the dirt was clear and the ground was nice and flat I began setting up the deployers to make a Precision mechanism you need gold sheets this is going to take a while you

Also need the small and large Cog Wheels as well as iron nuggets the deployers were going to place this right onto the gold sheets I put the item onto the conveyor belt and acted as the base for the Precision mechanism and I slowly watched as the deployers placed the

Items onto it and by the way this is sped up it was way slower I ran it through the assembly line five times only for it to turn into an andesite alloy I guess there was a 20% chance of failure I began the process all over again until I finally got my Precision

Mechanism as you can probably tell I was pretty enthusiastic about getting to this point so enthusiastic that I began jumping with joy because now we can move on to the more interesting machines like the rotational speed controller but before I can make that I needed to craft

A brass casing similar to an andesite casing except this time instead of right clicking with an alloy it needed to be right clicked with brass I combined the brass casing with the Precision mechanism and finally I had my rotational speed controller this beautiful block was going to speed up

Every single machine in this Workshop not only that but because this is an updated version of create they even updated the UI for the block see how you can raise and lower the RPM that’s going to make our block slower faster whatever we want I’m just happy that we had this

Thing the next part was the installation I climbed to the roof because I needed access to the bigger water wheels I connected the controller to the water wheels and it instantly came to life you see how much faster it’s spinning now all I had to do is connect everything

Else to that one spinning Cog and they would all spin just as fast with everything connected the water wheel and the controller were definitely doing their job but the machines could be a little faster it looks like the max we could raise it to was 32 RPM and you

Know what that was okay it was definitely faster than before because I added a third water wheel we had most of our basic machines but I was still unsatisfied with the front of the workshop it was still pure grass and I wanted to make a courtyard type thing so

I began clearing the dirt and preparing it for more building one of the couple things I wanted to add was a front porch for the workshop I wanted it to look more like a factory so I added this loading Bay platform but looking back on

It now it resembled more of a porch it doesn’t matter it looks great anyways after that I began placing down stone for the Courtyard area a nice mix of cobblestone smooth Stone and if you stack two stone slabs you even get a new texture type of stone now I wanted to

Add some light fixtures because I just didn’t want any many mobs spawning and ruining everything that we built lanterns were the way to go I hanged them from the front right next to the doors I then reinforced the wall right next to the river that we had been

Living above before it had just been a dirt wall so I think this looked way better I also added some light posts on the ledge and then after that I used trap doors to make a safety railing I even added some trap doors to the stairs

That went down to the river yes our new Hub was finally complete we had a house we had a workshop and we even had a square would you look at that it snowed which probably means that our sugar cane farm and yep that is exactly what I

Thought anyways it’s time to build an iron farm hello who do we have here oh jeez I did not mean to hurt you I’m sorry oh in hindsight once he hit me the first time I probably shouldn’t have gone up to him a second time but live

And learn but they do need to go I’m sorry friend but you were just in the way don’t mind if I do but seriously the fact that I’m Scavenging from dead villagers means that we we need an iron farm the first step for our iron farm is to make crushing Wheels really large

Wheels that grind blocks up into a fine powder the crafting recipe is expensive and it does require a machine that we don’t have this being a block called the mechanical crafter thankfully the mechanical crafter blocks themselves aren’t too expensive it’s a good thing I was able to get brass in the last video

After this I came to the conclusion that a machine of this size needed its own space the mechanical crafter is pretty large so it was time to expand the workshop a little more yet again this meant terraforming lots and lots of terraforming but after the dirt had been

Cleared a lovely Courtyard began to take shape and within it plenty of space to build mechanical Crafters crushing wheels and even a storage area if we needed it yes friends this Courtyard was going to do just fine although there was a bald spot in the corner so I needed to

Fill that in with a tower or something unfortunately I had to stop due to the cold weather conditions the corners of my screen were beginning to freeze it was only a matter of time before I to come to frostbite so I had to sleep through the night but come the next

Morning I was able to finish the tower and essentially complete the courtyard although I did add a little detail to the outer wall you know just to give it a little Pizzazz doesn’t it look nice after that it was back to the mind for more andesite although I did get more

Than I bargained for there was this really interesting block that was just calling to me of course I had to mind it because look at it this thing was glowing it was beautiful and it was also a bomb I guess when it comes to these

Blocks you have to mine them from a safe distance because when you get close to breaking them they explode I honestly don’t even know what this material is for but it better be worth all the pain and suffering I just endured I then stumbled across a tarantula spawner now

What’s the difference between a spider and a tarantula in Minecraft I don’t know I didn’t want to find out I was not going to let them hurt me eh the loot inside the chest was okay too I guess with all the materials collected it was finally time to construct the machine

It’s pretty simple really you just have to lay out the tiles in a grid format similar to that of a crafting table and of of course there is the matter of powering the machine as well just make sure you don’t overstress your water wheels or it’s not going to work now

Comes the fun part adding each individual item to the large crafting grid this thing costs a lot of anite alloy but once all the materials are placed on the crafting grid then they all come together to form your one big item and in this case I crafted a pair

Of crushing Wheels yes the recipe was expensive but at least they do give you two crushing wheels for it I mounted them on the walls and I padded on the back because I was very grateful I added this extra space after that I had to follow some regulated safety standards

Because crushing wheels are deadly this meant platforms this meant safety barriers you can’t cut Corners when it comes to safety I mean you could but that’s only if you want to end up like that guy zero days without a workplace accident it was time to power these

Puppies and we couldn’t put them on the same power source as everything else because by this point our Factory was on the verge of being overstressed so we had to give them their own independent water wheel Wheels one water wheel for each crushing wheel once the wheels were

Rotating it was finally time to put them to the test and see what they could do so I went up there tossed in some gravel and went down to see what was on the other side I don’t know what it is about the crushing Wheels animation but it’s

Just so satisfying to look at with crushing Wheels going it was now time to add the next part of our machine a cobblestone generator one that would Auto mine and continuously feed Stone into the crushing Wheels but for this design to work we needed a new block

Called a brass funnel reason being was because we were going to have to sort items and the funnel acted as a filter allowing only certain items to pass through and the reason I needed this and the crushing wheels and the mechanical crafter all of it I needed because I was

Making clay you see when you crush Cobblestone enough times it turns into sand and that sand when washed with water it can turn into clay and sometimes there were some extra byproducts hence the reason we needed the filter is because we only wanted the clay for this to work I was going to

Need a new assembly line underneath the pair of crushing wheels so I dug a hole laid down a conveyor belt and began prepping the line for our new clay Farm then all of a sudden I was being attacked by this little Goblin Caster he was throwing fireworks at me so I had to

Put him down with the goblin dead I began placing chests and setting up the funnels and the great thing about the funnels is that not only can you filter items but you can also set an amount to pass through now this whole time the cobblestone generator and the crushing

Wheels were working together and making a bunch of sand I had been setting Stacks aside to see if we could use them as a means of testing the assembly line let me show you how it works it all begins at the crushing Wheels which breaks up the Cobblestone turning it

Into gravel and then into sand there’s also a small chance that the crushing wheel can make a clay ball so we have that filtered out right at the beginning there’s even a higher chance for it to make flint so we do have that filtered out as well the only thing left on the

Line should be sand which is stored in this chest and it’s not allowed to come out until there’s at least a stack of it and once the stack is ready it comes out through the other end and it gets Washed by the Water once the sand is washed

There is a 25% chance that some of of those blocks can turn into clay it’s a long and tedious process but all of it is crucial if we’re going to build an iron farm because what can you do with Clay blocks you can turn them into bricks that’s right this whole effort

Was to make automatic bricks a beautiful choice of building block if you want to build any type of iron farm it was time to lay the foundation of the next building like always I began with a simple stone outline I had an idea of how I wanted this to look which is

Usually not the case the floor was going to be Granite I mean come on Gran is a go-to block and It just fits so well with the steampunk theme as for the foundation it looked a little off I had to back up and look at the foundation

From every angle and I came to the conclusion that it was the bricks and the smooth stone blocks I ended up swapping the blocks having the bricks go to the bottom and the smooth stone blocks going on top there we go much better after that I added two Wings to

Each side of the building and once the wings were done it was finally time to raise the walls and like I said before Granite is the go-to block and what pair pair as well with granite Sandstone after that I began constructing the front of the building with these

Beautiful Granite columns and once I began incorporating the brick blocks that we had been making this whole time it was my belief that this building was finally getting that steampunk feel although these two random guys just decided to rain down on my parade and attack me you know for a mod pack called

Steampunk Minecraft it’s kind of strange that they’d include medieval knights but hey I guess this is progress versus the past once they were taken care of it was back to work the factory was 50% done but we still had to add the machines and there was one block I needed and I had

To go to the nether to get it went into the portal and I was instantly blown up by a creeper waiting on the other side and not only that but he closed the portal thanks to him me and a bunch of other villagers were now stuck in the

Nether not only that but then I was being attacked by this magic man thankfully he was a little clumsy and he fell to his Doom anyways this was supposed to be a simple trip for soulsand and now with the portal closed I also have to find gravel for Flint

Because any need a flint and steel thankfully it didn’t take too long before I stumbled across this really small patch of gravel now to get flint you have to break gravel over and over again but I wanted to get the Flint instantly you know my ice packs they

Were melting and I was going to burn up so there was one way of doing it through a cutting board at least I thought that was the way anyways I crafted The Cutting Board smacked it with the shovel and guess what it just gave me more gravel so yeah it wasn’t instant after

All it was a waste of time after spending an eternity Mining and placing gravel over and over again I finally got my flints crafted my flint and steel and I was off once again looking for the Soul Sand although I didn’t have to look too far because it was directly across

From me though it was being guarded by this giant robot looking demon I got a little Brave and decided to fight him head on and that was a big mistake never going back to the nether again I hope I don’t have to come back because honestly I almost always die here after

The nether it was time to go back into the mines at this point I was running pretty low on resources so it was time to stock up I even found some random Minecart loot but yeah it was pretty uneventful got some iron got some gold I

Was even able to trade my iron ore for double the amount in the form of iron ingots thanks to this Goblin Trader back at the iron farm it was finally time to start building the machine so I began by placing Soul Sand as well as a chest in

The middle and two funnels on each side I then began prepping the iron generating mechanics itself I connected a series of shoots together that way the materials could all drop in one spot above the shoots I placed millstones that would grind up our blocks the setup was finally taking shape but there were

A couple of components that needed to be added like the encased fan and with that added it was simply a matter of powering it all all right now’s the part where I have to connect everything and make it work which is usually the tricky part but in this case I already prepped a

Design in a creative world so I know what I’m doing and then with the three water wheels in the back our machine finally came to life it took a while but we finally had an iron farm the only thing left to do was to calibrate it the

Chests were a little too far forward so I had to bring them in closer once everything was shifted forward the farm was finally acting as it should the last Finishing Touch I added were some trap doors just to create a barrier between the items and the player after that I

Duplicated the same iron farm design on the other side of the building with both Farms complete I could finally finish up the building itself and I began by adding these nice trapo windows it’s finally time for the fun part at least in my opinion and that’s building this

Factory I began by carving out a bunch of Windows because number one windows are nice and number two I just wanted to Brick blocks back to use them elsewhere I filled every window with trap doors because trap doors look great better than glass even I mean look at that how

Can you not like that I then checked to see the progress of our iron farms and they were generating plenty of nuggets so it was time to harvest the fruits of our labor and repurpose them for the factory I converted the Nuggets into iron ingots and with the iron ingots I

Began to craft metal bars because those were an ingredient necessary to craft catwalks they’re basically an industrial looking platform that you’ll find in almost every Factory now they wear a cosmetic block but they also had some function I still wanted access to the upper portions of the iron farm so I was

Going to have these stairs so that we could create this elevated platform and access it the only tricky part was figuring out where to put the stairs because I didn’t design the most efficient floor plan eventually I was just placing stuff down seeing what worked and what didn’t and I came to the

Conclusion that placing the stairs in the middle was going to be the best option after that I began building the platform for the upper level and eventually this catwalk was finally taking shape I now had access to both upper portions of the iron Farms I went

Back to the clay farm and saw that we had an abundance of materials to work with so I collected it converted it into bricks and began adding more to our building and like I said before I really want this building to give off a steampunk Vibe so I was going to have to

Start experimenting with new building blocks and what better building blocks to work with than those added by the create mod itself like the copper pipe I had so so much copper to spare that it was pretty easy to make this decision I crafted a lot of pipes and began using

Them as columns for the building I usually try to hide copper pipes when I’m building them for machines but wow those look great I just think that they really highlight the edges of the building real well it seemed like orange was a color I was leaning towards and

What other orange block is there that you can get really quickly for really cheap AAA wood and there was an AAA Forest nearby so I hopped on a horse and I rode all the way over there to get it speaking of horses there were a lot of

Horses just roaming nearby all of them with saddles which leads me to believe that there was a villager tribe that was massacred leaving their poor horses behind once I got to an acacia tree I began chopping it down quickly as well as the trees nearby I collected the

Saplings replanted them near the base cuz I wasn’t trying to make that Journey all over again and then with the wood that I had I began crafting some of the first ACAA elements that being the Acasa signs I slapped him on the side of the building and they looked really good I

Then had a Builders dilemma one that I had to resolve on Discord with a couple of friends that being which column looked better the strip deasa log or the granite column leave your comment down below and tell me what you think in the end I added trap doors to the AAA column

And to me that was the best one but it’s still subject to change don’t forget to comment down below I cleaned up the sides of the building and after that I thought to myself how can I really make this building come to life what can I do

To give it that steampunk touch that we’re missing the answer was the flywheel at least it was the beginning of the answer you see the flywheel used to be an actual block that you could use for generating power but they updated it so that it’s nothing more than a

Decorative wheel and decorative Wheels well that sounds exactly like the thing we need for that steampunk element of our build next to the flywheel I added some gears they were all connected to a mechanism in the back and this right here was my favorite addition to the

Building because once I added water to the water wheel well take a look the building came to life for the first time ever we had a building with moving compon opponents after that it was time to wrap up the rest of the building so I began constructing the second floor with

Windows up on the upper level and then for some reason my bill Ty became incredibly haunted I was fighting a ghost and once the ghost was dead I went back to the workshop only to find grim reapers I must have built on a burial ground or something with the ghosts gone

I began constructing a massive Smoke Stack right in the middle of the iron farm I built a roof on both sides of the building and then after that I began constructing the very top of the Smoke Stack and for that special effect I even added nine campfires shortly after I

Wanted to duplicate what we had done in the front of the building and add more moving gears so on each side of the building I added a large Cog wheel connected it with some gear boxes and a conveyor belt and it was my goal to make

The whole thing move together and syn I connected everything to the first mechanism and once it was connected the whole building was in motion all that was left to do now was to pave the road well there you have it folks an iron farm an essential element to our

Steampunk world I’m going to do something different you see I’m all about progress and Innovation but instead I’ve decided to pursue a little vanity project instead airplanes now there’s one thing all aspiring aviators including myself understand about these machines they are extremely expensive to build and one of these parts requires us

To go to the nether so before making the trip I decided to take stock of what I had to protect myself and honestly it was not looking good so it was time for a weapons upgrade and when I say upgrade believe me that this is a textbook

Definition of an upgrade but before I decided to craft one of these Beauties I was first going to need gunpowder with no creepers around it was great to see that gunpowder could actually be crafted I was going to need salt which I could get by boiling water in a cauldron

Although I couldn’t tell if it was boiling or not at least until I stepped in please don’t try this at home I decided to leave it alone and went to go browse the extensive weapons catalog true to my character I ended up settling for the smallest cheapest thing because

Honestly anything’s better better than a bow after accidentally crafting two of them I went back to go chug on our boiling water only to find that all of it was gone leaving the beautiful salt behind all it takes is a couple of salt and some coal and boom gunpowder I

Crafted some basic bullets loaded my weapon and then I eagerly waited for the sun to go down cuz I was super hyped to test this thing no animals were harmed in the making of this video it was time to prep the staging ground for this nether fortress Invasion I began

Building a bridge and then I went back to craft the one thing I needed a blaze burner with this block I was going to be able to trap a blaze like a Pokémon and a Pokeball once I entered the Fortress I remained cautious Vigilant keeping an eye out for anything that could be

Creeping around these Halls it didn’t matter though I was still ambushed thankfully I came prepared and I was able to put down that wither skeleton with ease unfortunately I was still succumbing to the heat but luckily there was a tool that I had yet to claim a

Souls spring lamp when you have it equipped in your offand it keeps you cool within seconds my body temperature began to Dr drop I was able to freely explore the Fortress en counting a number of hostile mobs on the way until I finally trapped my Blaze the reason I

Needed this Blaze burner was because it was one of the ingredients to craft an engine not only that but I had to craft a basic steam engine as well with everything put together I finally had my engine but it wasn’t good enough you see to fly a plane you need an upgraded

Engine and to craft one of those I was first going to need some magma blocks I said sail and I came across a couple in a swamp once I collected those I swapped out the lava in our fan for some water when you wash magma blocks they cool

Down and turn into obsidian which I then had to pulverize with my crushing Wheels I put them in the chest and they went straight into the wheels below where they were grounded up and formed into this fine powder I collected the powder as well as the blocks stashed them away

And began prepping copper casings I then took a casing combined it with some kelp and made a spout I took a second casing combined it with iron bars and made a fluid drain with these two blocks I crafted a small yet necessary setup you see with the powdered obsidian we were

Going to have to pour lava over it and we couldn’t do it without the spouts or the item R I attached a hand crank to a cog wheel allowing the lava to be pumped into the spouts when I put down the powdered obsidian the lava was automatically applied but I wasn’t done

Yet the item was only half baked now with lava I had to take the powdered obsidian and have it stamped two times with the mechanical press like always I overstressed the water wheels so I had to take one of the machines off after that everything was running smoothly

Again when the powdered obsidian was stamped down twice it became a sturdy sheet the last ingredient we needed for our Advanced engine after that I crafted a couple more things like the hull and the airplane propeller I then went to the mechanical crafter put all the ingredients together and for some reason

It wasn’t working I was genuinely puzzled cuz I could have sworn I had everything I needed but I was wrong I didn’t need regular sales I needed a large sale and to make a large sale you need six of the regular ones so it was

Time to go crap a bunch of sails I went to the garden and harvested some of the hemp fibers that I had been growing when you combine three of the fibers together you get string and when you combine four string together you get wool it took a

While but I was finally able to craft my large sails the mechanical crafter was modified to fit the recipe and after that everything came together the airplane was crafted it was finally time to take to the skies I went to bed woke up the next morning and I got into that

Plane hoping to fly away but you need fuel to fly a plane and I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me then I noticed that the plane had its own menu including upgrade slots but above all else it had a fuel slot and I did not

Know what I had to put in here to make this thing go I did a little research and saw that we could actually make fuel with the immersive engineering mod although there were a number of items and a number of machines that I had to craft it All Began by crushing seeds

With a mechanical press this made seed oil now for some reason I thought that with the seed oil I could just fuel the plane with that but unfortunately it was going to take a a little more refining the first step was to craft an industrial squeezer and to do this we

Were going to need all of those blocks that you see right there I decided to start with the barrel because that was just made out of wood unfortunately I discovered that I needed a special type of wood for the crafting recipe to work the planks had to be treated with a

Special type of liquid you see that bucket of brown that is called creosote oil and the only way you can make that is by burning wood in a Coke oven and to make that you need coke bricks thankfully these were pretty easy to craft and we had every everything we

Needed to make them once I crafted the bricks I assembled the coke oven which was arguably one of the most simplistic machines I was going to build today the only problem was like the plane I didn’t know how to fuel this thing but the interface did look similar to that of

The Kil that we made in the previous episode so I guess it was powered with lava which meant I was going to need an infinite lava source I would use the classic hose pulley trick just lower the hose into the lava and have it pumped out I cleared a space underneath the

Factory to make the conveyor belt as well as the nether portal it took a while but when once I was able to get it up and running I went to the nether to duplicate the setup on the other side all of it powered by wind of course for

The rest of the night I ended up making small adjustments because honestly I did not get it right the first time but once everything was up and running I finally had my infinite lava empty buckets would go on to the nether get filled with lava and then they would come out the other

Side and go into the tank all that was left to do now was to beautify the area I stick with the orange AAA log look keeping a consistent feel for our base I added some trap doors as well as some brick walls creating this basement like

Area and up on top a system of pumps that would allow me to fill my buckets whenever I wanted with our infinite lava it was finally time to power the coke oven and wouldn’t you know it it did not take the lava but the question remained

What did I need to get this thing running nothing absolutely nothing I just needed to put the wood in and it burned on its own slowly but surely I was generating creosote oil and when there was enough I was able to harvest it by the bucket slap it on a crafting

Table and create traded wood although the name of that achievement did make me feel a little uncomfortable I crafted the barrel along with some other components needed to make the industrial squeezer one of the more interesting blocks was the sheet metal one of the necessary ingredients to craft an

Engineering block I also had to craft a redstone engineering block and lastly the most interesting yet simple process in my opinion was the creation of Steel with a steel I made scaffolding and then an engineer’s manual because I had no idea how to assemble this machine thankfully the manual was very

Informative and it even included an animated diagram showing where the blocks went I followed the instructions step by step until I finally had the industrial squeezer now the big question like the previous questions how do I Power this before I went on making something that I didn’t need to make I

Tried the coven method and simply put the items in the machine that didn’t work there was a power generator I had to craft and the first step in making it was by crafting wire cutters with the wire air Cutters I could cut up copper sheets and turn them into copper wire

With enough copper wire you could make a copper coil and with enough coils you can make a copper coil block with that being said that was probably the most expensive item to craft this generator now how do I get this thing to work there was a big hole in the middle so I

Was wondering if I could actually power it with one of the create shafts I connected it to anything that was rotating but that didn’t seem to be it I referred back to the book and saw that the only way you could power this was with a windmill or a water wheel so I

Opted for the windmill and when I placed it down it was invisible I guess it didn’t adapt well with the shaders so I had to turn them off to actually see if there was something there and thankfully there was I then had to craft sheets to

Go over the windmill once I was able to apply all l i then had to search for a place where I could put it thankfully we did have a tower with nothing on it the perfect place to put a windmill blade I collected the motor attached it to the

Windmill blade and while it didn’t start working automatically after a couple of seconds it finally started rotating power was being generated now we just needed a place to store it introducing the LV accumulator basically a battery to craft it I made a bucket of redstone acid this liquid that looks like

Kool-Aid I then had to go into the caves and mine some lead once the lead was refined and pressed into sheets I combined all the items together to make our battery I stuck it next to the generator but for some reason it wasn’t receiving the power turns out you have

To toggle the sides with a hammer one side for inputting energy and another side for outputting it the next step was to transfer the energy that’s where the wire connectors come into play with some copper and Terra Cotta we could create these useful components that could transfer the energy anywhere we wanted

In short these items could connect copper wires together a pretty useful thing to have when you need power going from point A to point B so I crafted a bunch of them placed them in a row and tried to connect all the wires together but for some reason once they were

Connected to another one they couldn’t connect to anything else this is because I needed a wire relay with the relay you can make as many connections as you want I placed the relays along the walls and start started connecting the wires together the goal was to transfer power

From the tower to the industrial squeezer and once I placed the Block in the appropriate spot and connected all the wires together the machine was finally activated I put the seeds in they were being crushed and the result was seed oil and yes I could have used the mechanical press like before but

With this machine I could make way more seed oil at a faster rate we were one step closer to making my desired fuel biodiesel but to make biodiesel we needed a couple more things for starters a Refinery the machine that actually made the diesel I went to get silver

Crushed it into powder and combined it with gold to make electrum reason being was because it was one of the necessary ingredients for a heavy engineering block a necessary part of our Refinery I follow the instructions in the engineering manual and put my Refinery together piece by piece the click of the

Hammer the refinery was finally complete lastly I made an industrial fermentor with some of the leftover blocks from the refinery reason being was because the fermentor was essential for making eth another ingredient we needed for our biodiesel the final ingredient for our fuel was nitrate dust and the only way

We could make that was with the crusher think of it like a more mechanized version of the crushing Wheels the crusher was going to break up sandstone and spit out nitrate dust by this point I was already running out of room thankfully I had just enough space to

Build this last machine I was so happy when the crusher was complete because that was the last thing we needed to build now we could finally get to making our fuel but not before we throw in the sandstone and get nitrate dust the only tricky part was actually putting the

Ingredients into the refinery because the interface was kind of glitched and so when I poured the ethanol down I got really high on the fumes after working it all out the biodiesel was finally being generated I sat in the plane put the bucket in and came to the

Realization that I just wasted hours of my time because it didn’t take biodiesel either so yeah clown me in the comments say whatever you want it doesn’t matter because now I was flying and I’m going to be honest the flying is a a little janky maybe I’m just not that good at it

But I’m sure with a little practice I could become an expert pilot I did a lap around the surrounding area looking for potential building sites for future projects after all we still have to build a railroad and we need to know what terrain lies ahead but yeah and

Here’s an expert tip for all of you aspiring Pilots out there when you’re flying your plane make sure you don’t fall out I misclicked and fell into the river below yeah that was the last time I saw that plane but you know what it’s okay because I ended up making a new one

And what’s a plane without an airport I mean obviously planes have to come back down and land somewhere anyways this looks like a pretty good spot to put one I began smelting more Stone than I’ve ever smelted before this is because I was going to put the airport on a pretty

Big foundation it took a while but once the foundation was finally complete I began building the first structure I then proceeded by constructing the hangers for the airplanes themselves after multiple in-game days worth of work the main structures were finally complete the only thing left to do now

Was to actually prepare the Runway which I was able to distinguish with the help of some Sandstone slabs yes this was a handsome airport and the runway well I kind of eyeballed it but I’m sure that’s more than enough space for the plane to take off as for the inside of the main

Building well there wasn’t much to look at I have yet to put anything in there but I’m sure it’ll serve a purpose eventually as for the hangers well there was plenty of space for multiple airplanes the only thing missing was light it was extremely dark on the

Runway and I needed a fancy way of lighting it all up so I opted for immersive engineering lamp posts all I had to do was slap a lantern on but before I could do that I had to craft a light bulb and to make a light bulb I

Needed a special crafting table I converted it into an engineer’s workbench and there I tried to craft a light bulb but to no AV Veil it turns out that I needed a blueprint once I was able to craft the blueprint I put it into the workbench and saw all of the

Recipes I could make with it but today I was only going to make light bulbs after that I crafted the Lantern and tried linking it to the post but for some reason it didn’t work that was until I slapped it with an engineer’s Hammer I set up the post next to the plane

Hangers after that I attached the lanterns as well as the relays for the power lines the setup was nearing its completion when all of a sudden I was ambushed by this horde of goblin people after taking care of the threat I began working on my power grid placing down

Posts which would act as relays for our power lines the sun set the lines were up all I had to do now was to make the final connection once everything was linked up our airport came to life I even decided to to add some street lights to our road I know this is

Steampunk Minecraft and yes we are going to have some steam machines but come on it’s pretty hard to turn a blind eye to electricity I mean look how nice this looks the runway was a little dim though so I decided to line the edges with torches I worked well into the morning

Until the Sun finally began rising over our brand new airports with the addition of the new airport the future of our steampunk world was looking golden all that was left to do was to inaugurate the runway with the first flight I took the plane out of the hanger put it on

The the runway and finally the runway was now in use I’m still going to have to put some practice into my piloting skills though gyy that’s a word I’m sure you’ve never used but what is it well it’s basically a helicopter and in the steampunk world it would be a sin not to

Own one now when it comes to speed you’d think an airplane would be better but that wasn’t the case the gyro wow this thing was fast it was super maneuverable and its response time it’s pass out of the airplane granted the airplane could be upgraded but seriously this thing was a lot of

Fun to fly and I’m sure it’s going to come in handy in the future but until then I decided to store it in the hanger next to the airplane there was a lot of empty space in here still but aside from that it was time to wave goodbye to the

Gyro at least for now because there was work to be done like weapons upgrades because the small handgun wasn’t cutting it anymore I needed something with a little more kick and seeing how there were still plenty of options finding the right pit was not going to be a problem

But what if it had to be a gun how about a nice mech suit instead a piston mech suit with the power to push enemy mobs very far away it was surprisingly very cheap just a couple of Pistons some iron blocks nothing too fancy I should add

That this mech suit is one of three that I’m going to craft today but uh seeing as I it’s the first one it’s probably not going to be that great now the movement is exactly what you’d expect from a mech suit it’s pretty slow but I think it’s a little faster than walking

I don’t know how to activate the special ability it was supposed to push the mobs away but they weren’t being pushed away then all of a sudden I accidentally pressed something and I went zooming forward it was like I activated some like turbocharge or something now as

Soon as I discovered this feature the mech Su began earning points in the maneuverability category this thing was pretty fast and then I discovered that you could actually trample over the mobs who needed the power of pistons when you could just flatten the Mobs with your

Speed so far I was pretty impressed but this little guy he had a different opinion on the mech suit but at the end of the day beside our differences we decided to just agree to disagree the next mech suit was known as the fire armor and based on the crafting items it

Was probably obvious why once again I was going to have to go back into the nether but not without upgrading my firearm this time I decided to go with a lock volt rifle shout out to the person who pointed out that when I hold an item

That requires both arms I still sprout a third arm when it comes to holding stuff in my offense Lots once again it was time to enter the dreaded nether fortress though this time I felt I was more well equipped to take on the dangers inside but that didn’t last very

Long I don’t know what the spawn rate is for the enemies in this building but it’s way too high so many Cinders so many wither skeletons even with the weapon upgrade I was still fighting for my life eventually I found a regular Blaze which held one of the items I

Needed a blaze rod with one final Punch The Blaze dropped the item and then after that I was quick to get out of there finally with all the items I could craft the fire armor now aside from being made of items from the nether why did they call it the fire armor you

Could take a wild guess I hopped in activated the Boost and I was zooming past our buildings out to The Landing Strip it shoots fire that’s right the fire armor shoots fire it has two built-in flamethrower cannons I now own two of the three Mech suits but there

Was still one more on my list and this one was going to be far more expensive because this mech suit required netherite to get the amount that we needed I was going to have to make a powerful drill machine one that could burrow through the ground breaking

Dozens of blocks at a time after all with the create mod there are plenty of efficient ways to gather ancient debris so I began collecting my materials including the components needed to construct this machine components like the blow it was basically a big scraper that could break up blocks especially

Railroad tracks and then there was the cart assembler a block that allowed mine carts to move entire structures and keep them together and lastly a mine cart with a furnace in it I began digging down trying to get to the ancient debris level but it seems like wherever I dug I

Would almost always find myself almost falling in a pit of lava here’s a second attempt and oh see there you go can’t get anything done in the nether who would have thought that digging down could have been so difficult but eventually I did find the level I needed

To be at I dug a huge space so that I could start building my Contraption and believe me I was going to need every block of this space I began by placing the drills it was going to be five rows of five for a total of 25 drills credit

To dooil 5 I think that’s how you’d say that he was the one who came up with this design link to his video in the description now this design is going to be a little tricky to explain so basically this is how it works that card assembler is going to bring this whole

Contraption to life the deployers are going to place rails so that it moves forward the drills are going to break lots of blocks and that’s going to go into the chests and that’s about it but it’s better if you see this thing in action and that is not what it’s

Supposed to do okay time to fix this and we’ll go for take two here we go second attempt hopefully this is the best one and if it’s phasing through okay third time’s the charm here we go and finally that’s what it’s supposed to do that’s

The power of the drill and as you can see the plow is breaking the rails putting them back in the deployers and it’s moving forward now this thing can go on and on so long as I keeps applying coal into the mine cart furnace it didn’t take long before the drill

Finally uncovered some ancient debris yes friends I was set unfortunately this all victory was shortlived because my lamp was running out of fuel and eventually I was going to start burning up in the nether I went back to the Overworld and looked at ways I could replenish its fuel source to keep myself

Cool I needed to put Soul Sprouts into the lamb I completed a minor achievement collected the five that the quest gave me and now I just had to figure out how to grow more for something that’s supposed to keep you cool the soul Sprouts required an extremely hot

Environment to grow in I went to go collect some Soul Sand because that was the only soil you could plant the seeds in it was even noted that they grow fastest when near lava and they were by far the most unique looking plants I had ever seen in this mod pack with the

Lavasa surus right in between all of them I was hoping that these things would grow pretty quickly for now I was going to have to make do with the ice packs in the nether I even took the mech suit with me because traveling through the tunnel that the drill had made well

By the time I got to the end of that thing I was going to be burned to a crisp one thing you should know about the mexu is that it’s not a block you can’t break it and put it in your inventory it’s an entity thankfully you

Could pick it up although you did walk extra slow due to the heavy lifting I went to the nether entered the tunnel placed down the mech Su and as soon as I got in I activated the super speed and zipped all the way to the end honestly

What would I do without this thing I finally reached the drill which was still going by the way when it came to a stop I opened the chests and found that there was ancient debris just waiting for me but I wanted to get the most bang

For my buck and there was a way to smell ancient debris that gave you two netherite scraps instead of one and for that we needed to build an ark furnace in order to construct this super furnace I was going to need a lot of items especially steel but the main block of

The Ark furnace was called a blast brick to craft that I needed Nether Bricks it’s also good to recycle so I took some nether brick blocks put them onto a Depot and had a deployer break them with a pickaxe with all the bricks and the magma Block in the middle we finally had

Our blast bricks we were going to need steel blocks steel sheet metal steel scaffolding and lastly I had to clear a spot in the courtyard because we were running out of space to build these machines once demolished and rebuilt our old assembly line it was finally time to

Start building this monster and this thing had quite the footprints it took up an entire 5×5 space thankfully I had the engineers manual to guide me through this process because there were a lot of blocks I had to place the entire building process was pretty Pleasant and

After that all I had to do was Tap The Cauldron and it was supposed to build but it didn’t something went wrong and there it is that’s the problem it was the steel blocks you see how the blocks have horizontal ridges the ones in the manual are perfectly smooth and have

Bolts in every corner so what could this mean it meant that I used the wrong type of Steel you see there’s two types of steel ingots one from at Astra and one from the immersive engineering mod for immersive engineering builds it has to be an immersive engineering block and

Unfortunately the only way to make this block was with immersive engineering steel and to make that I needed to build a blast furnace after that I played the Fantastic game you guys all know and love guess the fuel source it wasn’t cold but thankfully I got it on my

Second try it was charcoal it took a while but eventually the iron was converted into the immersive engineering steel and with that out of the way we could finally craft the proper blocks add them to the arc furnace and then right click The Cauldron with the hammer

And there you go this Behemoth of a machine that we call an arc furnace now big question how do I turn it on so many slots for so many items I just want to smell ancient debris well I guess it’s not going to be that simple there’s

Power in there the items in there there but it’s not smelting so after a quick Google search I figured out that you needed graphite and to get that you had to bring coal in a Coke oven and then pulverize it in a Crusher once you have

The dust you got to roast it in the fire and that gives you graphite The Next Step was to get a rod mold but before I could make that I had to craft the blueprints that made all the molds possible I put the blueprints into the engineer’s workbench and then I saw all

The available options including the rod mold I was going to install it on this pressing machine and to build that we needed a new block a conveyor belt once the Press was assembled all I had to do was Power It Up which meant I had to do some reorganizing because the cables

Were getting out of hand but once the power was connected to the Press I installed the rod into the machine dropped the graphite down and shortly after it was pressed into the rods I took the Graphite Rods put them into the ark furnace and finally it was smelting

Although it was smelting very slowly which was not what I was expecting you see a big machine like the arc furnace it requires a lot of power and this thing it wasn’t getting enough I decided to leave it alone a while while the netherite smelted to go check up on our

Seeds and it looks like the soul Sprouts had definitely been growing as they were twice their height but I couldn’t ignore the problem any longer I had to go back build some water wheels and see if we could get more power now these water wheels were a little different from the

Create mod ones and once I got them up and running they only generated a little more power but not enough to make a noticeable difference now I could have made this diesel generator but that was going to take way too long it for the next video but that doesn’t mean I can’t

Prep for it now I began clearing a huge space right behind the workshop and it was here where I’d make a power plants but like I said next time by this point the netherite scraps were finally done and now we can finally do what I said

Off to do craft the final mech suit I made the ingots merged them with the final parts we needed for the mech suit and after that my heart stopped because there was one more item I didn’t have gilded Blackstone which could only be found in bastions which were exclusively

Located in the nether I didn’t even know where to find a Bastion but thankfully we had a gyro with this vehicle the search was going to be a breeze I took it out of the hanger went to the Nether and began a perilous Journey Through The Inferno and make no mistake just because

You’re flying doesn’t make it any less dangerous than if you were walking because I was being chased not by guests but by super mosquitoes and these things were Relentless they followed me for most of my flight and they were just just as fast as I was so I couldn’t lose

Them if One landed on you they would start sucking the blood right from your face these things were a nightmare to deal with and then I felt really dumb because I remembered there was a structure made of Black Stone right next to our nether spawn and wouldn’t you

Know it in the structure the one block that we needed I flew to the Fortress and landed the gyro on the roof when I was Landing I noticed that there were spawners I was really quick about running towards them and then breaking them after that I collected some black

Stone and then some just in case I was going to need more l later all of a sudden I found myself peeking into what looked like a large room so I decided to dig down to investigate and then I fell thankfully I didn’t die but I was

Surrounded by glass on both sides and on the other side of the glass these ghostlike creatures I was in a pretty tough spot but before I began to panic I looted one of the chests inside after that I had to deal with ghosts I started

Taking out each ghost one by one and it wasn’t that difficult because I had a nice barrier to protect me I continued to loot chests until finally I stacked back up to the roof hopped into the gyro diine and then I made my Escape but not before being chased by these ghost

Vultures these guys were fast just like the mosquitoes they didn’t want me to get away thankfully I was able to lose them I was back in the Overworld I got the last items I needed it was finally time to craft the third and final Meg suit for all the trouble this thing put

Me through it better be worth it and its design definitely was that thing was radiating with power I jumped inside shot the Flames they were blue like soulfire guess that’s why they call it the soulfire mech suits and honestly I didn’t really notice the difference between this one and another one they

Both shot fire although this one looked a little cooler but it basically did the same thing so yeah if you’re going to play this mod pack just stick with another one unless there is a bonus that I’m not seeing but they’re basically the same right here this is the side of my

New power plants and this Farm it’s going to be the source of our power specifically the plant known as Industrial Hemp while it’s easy to overlook this shrub can make a lot of things fibers backpacks concrete even TNT but most importantly it makes plant oil one of three components that crafts

A powerful fuel known as biodiesel and believe me we need this fuel when you burn it in a diesel generator it creates electricity just the thing we need to power all these machines the windmill we have also makes power but at this point it just can’t keep up knowing this it

Was time to prepare a really big farm we were going to have a lot of industrial hemp to grow so we were going to need a lot of land to work on now one thing to note was that this wasn’t going to be a regular Farm after all my specialty is

The create mod it would be a crime if I didn’t utilize it in this Farm somehow so I began laying down tracks and prepping what was going to be an automatic crop Harvester a contraption that would automatically loop back and forth collecting mature crops and storing them for future use guess the

Key to infinite power All Began here with this machine without it we were going to have to manually feed all of our resources into the machines now do you remember when I said that plant oil was one of three components to make biodiesel well the second component is

Ethanol and to make that you can use potatoes Tomatoes sweet berries now some of this produce produces more ethanol than others like the potato which produces 80 mil buckets then there’s a slice of watermelon which only produces 20 mli buckets so naturally to get the most ethanol we we’d want to grow

Potatoes right wrong because potatoes only grow in the spring for this machine to be effective we need a plant that grows year round and almost every season that’s where the sweet berries come in they only produce 50 Milli buckets but they grow year round and a mature Bush

Can actually make two to three berries that’s right friends we were going to power everything with sweet berries the only problem is that I didn’t have any nor have I seen any in this entire playthrough so it was time to go on a quest the Quest for the berry bush I had

A couple of ideas where to start my search so I hopped into the gyro dine started it up and flew all the way to the forest I had to get my eyes peeled because spotting such a small plant from the sky was pretty tricky it took a

While much longer than I had hoped for but eventually I found a spruce forest and in it a cluster of berry bushes with the berries now safe in my possession I hopped back into my vehicle accidentally set myself on fire and flew off into the sunset back to base I AB bruted the

Prototype wheat that I had been growing to replace it with dirt the berry bushes needed a little boost because they were only one block tall compared to the hemp plants that were two blocks tall once I had planted all of the berries my impatient nature just demanded that I

Utilize bone meal to grow the berries faster that way we could plant even more shrubs I collected the berries I had grown and used them to fill out the rest of the space on the farm I then created a sorting system so that we could separate the berries from the hemp this

Was followed by the first harvesting test could the machine actually Harvest all of these mature crops and based on the outcome the test was an absolute success I was now Auto harv vesting all of my crops the items were then put on the conveyor built and sorted through a

Series of funnels with the first main task now complete it was finally time to move on to the next big project building the power plant itself I laid a foundation of wooden slabs and then after that I began erecting posts to Mark the floor plan for this new

Building I was going to need a lot of space because as you know immersive engineering machines are very big I laid an outline of bricks and then I thought to myself hey I should probably put the machines inside the outline before constructing the building that way I can

Get an idea of how much space I really need so I began to disassemble everything and before I rebuilt them I went back to the Sorting machine that I had began preparing the belts after all everything in those chests was going to have to go into the immersive

Engineering machines to make the fuel speaking of machines I began rebuilding each Contraption one by one didn’t take long before all three machines were once again reassembled but I didn’t really like the layout so I just moved him up against the wall I then connected each

Machine with the fluid pipe one for the ethanol and the other for the plant oil the first half of the fuel setup was complete but I still had to make the diesel generator one of the first things I did was hop into the mech suit and go

Back into the nether my automatic drill went rogue but not before harvesting a ton of gold nuggets which I needed I dealt with some piglins and then I collected the gold nuggets inside of the drill’s chests I needed the gold because I was going to make electron and to make

That you have to combine gold with silver I took the electrum to the pressing machine and had to convert it into wire I then crafted the wires into into coils and with the coils I crafted a coil block just one of the many components I needed to craft the blocks

To build the diesel generator I then dealt with this iller that was annoying me eventually I gathered all of my blocks and began building the diesel generator second to the ark furnace this was still one of the biggest things I had built hopefully it was going to be

Worth it because building these machines well it was incredibly expensive but as expensive as they were sometimes the achievement names just made it all the more worth it there it is this Beast was going to burn through all of the bio diesel we planned on making and it was

Going to generate us untold amounts of electricity now it was just a matter of fitting the pipe so that we could pump the fuel into the generator I contemplated a couple ways of doing this but in the end I decided to go for a cleaner approach by just putting the

Pipes under the floorboards once the more complicated things were out of the way it was finally time to start raising the walls of the power plant itself and to keep things consistent with our steampunk town we were going to be using good old bricks to build this power

Plant slowly but surely this building began taking shape to be honest I never realized how nice a quesa wood can be when working on builds I usually avoid this orange block but here it fits in so well I added a few more details to the building I mean if we’re going to have

The power plant we may as well have a nice one right speaking of details blue and orange they make a great color combination I went to the nether to go get some warp stems I wanted to craft them into warp logs because I just like that nice blue color just going to use

It for the roof look at that glow for those of you who are curious the Shader pack is complimentary reimagined anyways after finding my perfect block I began harvesting a lot of the warp fungus as much as I could carry because honestly I didn’t know how much I was going to need

For the roof and unlike their vanilla counterparts these trees they are very very long there it is in all of its Glory the Warped log although I wasn’t too happy with the texture I didn’t want it to look like a plank so I had to create what was called a Carpenters

Table now The Carpenter’s table is kind of like a stone cutter but for wood so you place the block inside of the table and there you can see all the potential textures it could have for example the Warped plank look at all those options I ended up opting for something that

Worked perfectly it was a tile block something about that tile texture I don’t know I think it just fit in with the steampunk Vibe I was going for with my new blocks I began filling out the gaps in the roof let me know what you guys think in the comment section about

The texture of the tiled warped planks do you think it looks good and once that was done it was time to add some of the smaller details that was really going to tie everything all together I went back to the workshop and disassembled the two furnaces that we had they were taken up

Way too much space but thanks to the construction of the power plant there was finally room for them I even had a couple of dedicated spots just designated for them I added some bricks as well as some brick stairs just to fill in the gaps look at that they look

Like they fit right in after incorporating both of the large furnaces it was finally time to finish the roof I ended up opting for a nice glass ceiling but I did want the glass to look unique so I put it through a stone cutter and had it chiseled so that it could look

Like panels reason being I like a lot of natural light which is kind of a weird thing to say when you’re building in Minecraft but it’s pretty relevant when it comes to shaders once I finished the glass ceiling I went down to the ground level to evaluate my work mhm yep yeah

That is a good roof the walls were up the ceiling was completed yes this power plant was almost complete there are still a couple more things I want to add but before I go crazy with the details there are a couple of mechanical components I have to finish like the

Conveyor belt you still have to make fuel I ended up linking all the belts together I even added a catwalk next to the belt on the inside that way I could have easy access to the top of the machines now when it comes to generators they produce electricity which is

Transferred via cables and truth be told I am terrible when it comes to Cable Management this area it was in need of a complete cable overhaul you have the LV coil which is the weakest the MV coil which is a little better and then you

Have the HV coil which is the best of the best to transfer more electricity I also had to upgrade the relays and the connectors and the reason we have to do this is because if you put too much energy into one cable it’ll burn up and

Break so I went into the mines to go collect the much needed materials that I needed to craft these cables and once I had everything I needed I went back put it into the ark furnace with the metals that I had I had to press them into

Wires with the wires I crafted the coils which we could use as cables for our power that right there that’s an HV coil the best of the best I went into the plants and I began figuring out the best way to organize these cables after all

They do pack a powerful shock if you touch them so I had to make sure that they weren’t hanging too low I added connectors to every machine and the tricky part was figuring out where I was going to put the wires to be honest I didn’t optimize the building in a way

Where connecting cables was going to be easy so I had to experiment with a couple of designs preferably ones that took up the least amount of space I’m not kidding about that electric shock those cables have the power to seriously wipe out all of your hearts with one zap

There was also the matter of powering our machines with a windmill just to give it a jump start I was going to have a cable go from the window of the factory all the way to the windmill at the tower for this to work I was going

To have to create utility poles you know those wooden beams that have wires connected to them once I was done counting the spaces I built the poles out of the wooden fence posts I added the relays to the top of each post and then after that it was simply a matter

Of connecting them with the cable now do you remember what I said what happens when you touch the cable that that’s what happens so be very careful when managing them so with the first pole connected all I had to do now was connect a few more without losing my

Life in the process I know this is pre-recorded but regardless wish me luck as the sun began to set on my glorious steampunk world I connected each power line one by one with the HV cables eventually I reached the factory and I was finally able to connect the last one

Which would bring our machines to life just enough energy to give them a jump start that way they can produce their own Fuel and it wasn’t a lot of energy they could have filled up faster but like I said we just needed a little zap to get him going eventually the belt was

Completed as well it was finally time I went back to the sorting system added a funnel and let all of the seeds and all of the sweet berries go onto the conveyor belt there they went off in a beautiful parade of progress straight to the power plant now on the inside the

Items went through a simple process all began with funnels the funnels would be there to organize the berries and separate them from the seeds once separated items like the berries would move on to their own assembly line and move on to their respective machine in this case that was the fermentor back at

The beginning the seeds would go into their own funnel luckily they didn’t have to travel far because they would immediately be deposited into the squeezer with the plant oil and the ethanol now being produced we were finally generating biodiesel the fuel was being pumped into the generator and

You could tell that it was working when smoke began coming out of the funnel on top the next thing I wanted to make was a fuel tank just in case we produced excess biodiesel I started setting up the fuel tank outside of the power plant and this whole thing was going to be

Made out of sheet metal once I got the gradual shaped down I right clicked it with my hammer and then it transformed into this water tower looking block it was so nice that I decided to build a second one just for cemetry sake these immersive engineering machines were

Pretty effective at what they did so I wanted to make sure that we were going to have plenty of storage for any excess fuel I switched off the generator you may notice that I built a second fermentor this is because the one fermentor wasn’t producing enough

Ethanol but with two I finally had an excess Supply meanwhile back at the fluid tank it looked like I was finally generating some Reserve fuel a good thing to have for the One season that being winter when the sweetberry stopped growing yes everything was running like clockwork all the machines were in syn

And the fuel was being produced and with all this fuel it was only natural that we had to power something up so I decided to add those last couple of details I was talking about and build lamp posts right in front of the power plant you may have noticed that I’m

Using the weaker cables for the lamp posts this is because they don’t require that much electricity and because they’re not compatible with the more powerful ones so how do we transfer electricity from a high voltage cable to a low voltage cable introducing the Transformer a block that allows you to

Transition between two different types of wire but before I could make one there were a couple of components I had to craft first thankfully I had an engineers’s workbench I then crafted a coil block and with the two main ingredients that I needed I was able to

Craft the Transformer a great design for a very useful block I had plans of attaching the Transformer to one of the utility poles at the time I was hoping it would work because sometimes the cables can be a little weird about where they want to connect to but everything

Worked out in the end I was able to connect the high voltage cable to one end and the low voltage cable to the other once that was done the lamps instantly came to life the only thing left to do now was to start beautifying the area adding paths and making

Everything look nice and neat well there you have it folks the power plant a place that will meet all of our electrical needs one that’s powered by automatic farming who would would have thought that berries and seeds would be perfect for generating biodiesel one of the ultimate fuels for powering our

Steampunk World thanks to this brand new generator our Ambitions were now Without Limits I have a big problem I want to get access to the ocean and well I can’t do that with an airplane so you you take a look at this map the closest ocean is

Surrounded by forests and I’m not trying to chop all those trees down just to build a Runway so I finally decided to build a train this is just my personal opinion but it’s a lot easier to build over the trees and just chop them down the first thing we needed was a steam

Engine as well as a fluid tank which would act as our boiler when the two are combined you get a steam engine it’s in the name steam engines run on Steam so naturally you do need a heat Source underneath and the cool thing about the create mod is that you can actually

Upgrade your steam engine so that it can handle more stress but before making the train itself I needed a train station a perfect home for our beautiful soon to be steam locomotive it’s a good thing I have a huge supply of bricks complimentary from our clay Farm of

Course it’s about time I started using this clay too because this chest was almost at capacity I had the plants I had the building materials now I just needed the build site I began chopping down many acacia trees when I noticed that my iron axe it was about to break

So once again it was time for an upgrade the iron axe with its 250 durability pales in comparison to the steel axe with 1,000 durability got to love upgrades the build site was set it was finally time to start blazing blocks I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted

This to look like I was going to stick to the ACAA and brick pallet while incorporating some Sandstone at the center of the building was going to be this massive tunnel that would still allow us access to the airports I also wanted to maintain the light posts that

We had I didn’t want to mess up any of the wiring that we had set up in the previous videos so this tunnel had to be tall anyways I kept building through the night I even had to use dirt instead of scaffolding because honestly I had yet

To see any bamboo in this world although I do think I got a little carried away with the details because this thing could have been finished way sooner had I not decided to decorate every nook and cranny after a few in-game days this train station was finally starting to

Take shape just like the power plant I wanted the train station to have natural light on the inside so I even Incorporated a glass ceiling it was labor of love but no station was going to be too good for our train one of the final things I worked on was the

Platform itself this is the area where people usually wait to get on the train I added railings I even added light posts and after replying to finishing touches the train station was finally complete and here it is here is the building at different angles we got a pretty decent platform on the outside

And one nice one on the inside complete with glass ceiling of course and as for the tunnel of the train station I decided to keep it simple the important thing is that I still had access to the airport and just in case you were wondering this is what the backside of

The building looks like now this is great and all but the only thing missing now aside from the train were the tracks so I had to make my way back to the workshop to begin the next next project and this one began with a lot of cobblestone it was time to make train

Tracks and to make tracks you actually need a steam engine well not really but our water wheels were overloaded and the steam engine was going to be the perfect source to power our assembly line crafted the steam engine and then I gathered the fluid tanks all I needed

Now was a heat source and a campfire was going to do just fine I began setting up in the space formerly occupied by our immersive engineering machines I just love how the mod devs didn’t decide to make a whole separate steam engine block but instead just recycle the fluid tank

Block when you attach the steam engine block to the fluid tank block it transforms both of them making them into one the steam engine was built but we still needed water thankfully there was a river nearby with a help from some pipes and a bump we were going to start

Getting water from the river and putting it into the machine I started building the pipe setup with the help of some shafts and mechanical belts I was able to get the pipes running by connecting it to a water wheel to see if the water was actually flowing I right clicked one

Of the pipes which made it transparent thanks to the this feature you could actually see the fluids moving inside of the pipe in real time and just with that all the water was going into the steam engine unfortunately it wasn’t enough the steam engine was too small there

Wasn’t enough heat nor was there enough water so I had to make it bigger I even had to add a second pipe system for more water more water means more Steam and More Steam means more power the steam engine finally came to life the engine

Even had a little gauge to show you how much power it was producing and we were on the low end but it could handle way more machines now now speaking of machines it was time to attach the conveyor belts because I needed a place to begin making my railroad tracks I

Attached the deployers gave them iron nuggets and then I covered the sides of the belt with an aite casings I put stone slabs on the assembly line the base item for the tracks and they were converted into railroad tracks the creation of these train tracks marked a

New milestone for our world I don’t need to remind you guys of the great train incident for my create above and beyond series all you need to know is that I was finally getting real trains eventually I added fun funel so that the materials could come out be converted

And then go back into the chest for storage back at the train station I started placing the tracks when I discovered a very useful feature instead of placing one track at a time you could actually Place multiple tracks at a time with the tracks laid down we could

Finally call this building a train station speaking of which I had to craft a block called a train station but to do that I needed a train casing and to craft a train casing I needed a sturdy sheet an item we had already made in a previous video we needed crushed

Obsidian so I gathered the obsidian blocks that I had and I threw them into the grind Wheels once the obsidian was all ground up I took it to the lava dispensers so that it could be covered in lava and once that process was complete I had to take the items put

Them on an assembly line and have them flattened with a mechanical press I then picked up a barrel where I was storing the items and moved it to the assembly line I attached a funnel to the side and the items were automatically being converted into sturdy sheets look at

Them go the beauty of automation our items were being made and then they were automatically going into the chest it took a few minutes but eventually we had what we needed next I needed to make more brass I put the copper and zinc into the alloy Kil and then I began

Placing the logs reason being we needed to convert all of them into brass casings once the logs were stripped of their bark I began right clicking them with the brass Ingot making them into the casings we needed and after we had the casings we needed I had to right

Click them with the sturdy sheets to make them into train casings I mined our blocks crafted a compass and with that we finally had the materials to make the train station I gathered some fluid tanks more on that later and after that I had to make a train controller with the train

Controller crafted we now had a means of steering the train lastly I needed a cushy seat to sit on while I was driving the train and the next step after that was to actually build it at least a demo version I placed a few more tracks down

Just to make sure I had enough space and once everything was finally laid out I took out the train station block and began picking a spot to build the thing but there’s more to it you actually have to go into the block and set it to assembly mode to start constructing the

Train once it’s activated you take a train casing right click a track and make a bogey this was going to be the foundation of our entire train God they did a good job with this mod now I’m not the best when it comes to making vehicles in Minecraft I had no idea what

I wanted this train to look like so I just started placing things anywhere my main goal was to actually understand how this vehicle was going to work so I decided to start off with something extremely simple a wooden platform on wheels that was it I know I know it’s

Nothing fancy but come on I need to know how to actually make this thing work first so with the wooden platform I glued it all together added the engine put the seats in the controllers even a chest and of course you can’t forget the train whistle every train needs a

Whistle I went to the train station clicked assemble train and everything was fused together into one vehicle now for the Moment of Truth does it work I took a seat access the controls and wouldn’t you know it I got it working the first try I took the wagon and

Brought it all the way back to the very end of the train station now when going in reverse the train is pretty slow but when you move it forward it slowly gains momentum and eventually it just takes off I had finally made a working train

Albe an ugly one but it was a working train nonetheless after so many episodes this right here this was a step in the right direction I mean what is a steampunk world without steam trains but I wasn’t stopping here we needed a real train and this wagon it served its

Purpose so it was time to dismantle it and start drafting plans for a true vehicle the first step into make our beautiful train involved crushing wheels and to do that we had to reassemble our automatic crafter now you may be wondering what are we crushing absolutely nothing we just needed the

Wheels because they looked cool I crafted six of them and they would make up the front portion of our Terin after that I needed to make steel blocks and one of the ways to do that was by putting iron in a blast Furnace so yeah this is taking way too long another way of getting seel is by grinding up Coca coal and combining the dust with iron but to get the coke coal that we needed we had to put regular coal in a Coke oven and that took even

Longer a block takes nine ingots and I was not going to be doing that process nine times and then I realized something to get the immersive engineering block you only need one of the ingots the other eight can be any type of Steel I went to my lava fan and converted a

Bunch of iron into steel these would be the reject ingots that would make up most of the block though I still had to make nine immersive engineering ingots all I had to do was make a steel pickaxe with any type of steel melt it down in

An arc furnace and it would convert it into steel from immersive engineering with my reject ingots I surrounded them with the good steel ingots and got my immersive engineering steel block next I grabbed some ice packs because I was going to the nether reason being I needed Nether wart blocks to make red

Nether Bricks thankfully there was a Crimson Forest nearby so I hopped into the Gardine and flew all the way over there trying to do my best to avoid mosquitoes the Crimson Forest was insight and as I made my Approach I was ambushed by the one thing I wanted to

Avoid you have no idea how how annoying these things are they’re so difficult to hit and they just latch onto your face I was able to dig a hole and get away from them I began collecting nether W blocks but it was taking way too long to do it

By hand so I decided to make a hoe that tool greatly increased my mining speed and I was able to collect enough for my train build I then had to make a second trip to my nether mines I hopped into the mech suit zoomed all the way to the

End of the tunnel and found my abandoned drill machine there was still plenty of Netherrack so I collected as much as I could carry and then I had to make a quick return cuz I was burning up I threw the blocks into the fire and watched them convert into bricks I

Crafted the bricks into blocks and then I merged the blocks with the Nether wart making them nice and red next I needed fly wheels because every train needs Wheels next I created this thing I don’t know what you call it but it’s that thing that goes in the front of the

Train it was a long and tedious process but I finally had all the blocks I needed to start building my train now I’m going to be honest with you guys I was scratching my head over this design for the longest time it was so bad that

I had to go into a creative world and build the entire thing and then copy the design over on the survival world after so many hours of trial and error and going through Design After design I think I was able to come up with something that I was satisfied with and

I hope you guys like it too cuz the last R I made was God awful all that was left to do now was to glue the entire thing now you’d think that’d be easy but that wasn’t the case you see glooming a big structure like this is pretty difficult

Makes it even worse when you continue to add stuff the way I did but come on these brackets on the side really tied it all together I got this idea from other YouTubers and I can see why they chose to go with this design there was

One final thing to add to the train and that was a headlights so I crafted one slapped it onto the front and look at that I mean it just looks like it belongs there it was finally time to put the train to the test and like all of

Our first trial runs uh the result wasn’t satisfactory this is what happens when you don’t glue your vehicles properly it looked like our train had gotten into some freakish accident it took a few more tries more than I’m proud to admit but eventually I was able to glue the entire structure together

And when when I was activating it I was able to move it in one piece can you believe it finally we had a working vehicle an actual train you guys can stop commenting that the create mod has real trains now I’m kidding I love the engagement but seriously I built one so

There you go I was one step closer to my final goal of getting to the ocean but I still had to build the tracks itself I laid out a ton of cobblestone in the direction of the ocean and then I came to a roadblock literally an entire

Mountain was in the way so the question was how was I going to solve this problem I had a couple of ideas but before I began implementing them I wanted to see how fast the train could really go so I laid down most if not all

Of the tracks that I had in my inventory was finally time to see what this thing could really do with plenty of track ahead of her this train steamed forward this was by far the fastest mode of transportation that we had in this world the train came to a grinding halt as

Soon as it came face to face with a mountain and there was the problem so how do you get a train through a mountain well obviously you have to make a tonnel so I decided to attach a bunch of drills to the front of the train and

I just assumed that this machine would work like the drill in the nether although there was one annoying hiccup that I had to take care of all those tracks I laid down I had to break them because I was going to be attaching a deployer to the drill and this would put

Down more tracks every time the train went forward there it is in all of its Glory the biggest drill I’ve ever made to date now I’m going to apologize already because this thing was extremely laggy and you’re going to notice the frame rate drop but as you can see the

Train is moving forward the deployer is placing the tracks down and my frame rate is suffering as a result of it but as soon as the train made contact with the mountain it began to carve right through it thanks to our drills the train was boring a tunnel right through

This massive Mountain I even managed to break through and find a cave yes everything was all going according to plan until I came across some lava and I was not going to take any risk because I’m pretty sure the lava was going to face through and burn me I pulled the

Train out of the tunnel went back into the cave and found myself at a lava waterfall one that I had to block up with dirt without getting burnt to a crisp I made a tower of dirt blocks and plugged up the hole where the lava was

Leaking from after that I went back to the train as quickly as I could cuz mobs were spawning as soon as I hopped in I went forward and I proceeded to drill into the mountain hoping that I would see the other side pretty soon and eventually I did I was finally through

The entire Mountain we were in the jungle and it wasn’t long until I finally spotted that big beautiful blue ocean our goal was complete we had made our first train line the only thing left to do now was to back up the train all the way back to the train station which

Was going to take a while but you know what I was just going to enjoy the ride regardless there you have it folks trains I have a sweet tooth so to satisfy my Cravings I’m going to bake a cake and thanks to the create mod we can

Automate a process so that we can have all the cake we want to bake our cake we’re going to need eggs sugar and dough I’m going to start off with the eggs the first thing I did was craft some cages because I was going to go C capture some

Chickens unfortunately I couldn’t find any chickens but I did find emus on the bright side is that they laid eggs as for the downside well they weren’t going to fit in the cage luckily I came prepared I just so happened to have some leads on me and with the help of said

Leads I was able to Wrangle up all the emus I needed I hopped back into my mech suit and walked all the way back to the base and these emus they are stubborn I tied them up next to a utility pole and left them there until I needed them for

Later one thing I forgot to mention is that you also need milk now you could make milk but real connoisseurs enjoy milk that comes straight from the source in this case that was going to be goats why because I couldn’t find a single cow plus they look like they need a loving

Home I mean look at that one he’s missing a horn now I’ve never had goat milk in real life and to be honest I’m something of a picky eater so I don’t know if I would try it but if I did you know what no there is no if I’m not

Drinking it but for today’s purposes it’s going to do just fine I took the goats back to town and I tied them up then I left him there to go prepare the build site for the new cake factory don’t worry friends I’ll be back for you

Later I decided that the best spot for this Factory was going to be right behind my house I mean come on don’t you think a factory would look awesome here there were way too many trees I just hate that they grow wherever they want after that I use the old water bucket

Technique to clear all the grass once I was able to clear enough away it was finally time to start laying the outline for the building itself but first I had to prep the road that would lead to the factory which meant I had to destroy the Rose Garden after that I began placing

Log LS because it was in these logs where I would start growing my wheat to make the dough I prepped the side of the future farm and then I had to go back to the workshop to create a new crafting station you guys remember the Carpenter’s table right it was a special

Tool that we used to get different textures on wooden blocks well there was also a Mason table and for that one we got different textures on Stone based blocks this is just what we needed because our building was going to be made out of granite I took the table

Back to the factory placed it down and began browsing the large catalog of potential Textures in this case I was going to turn the granite into these tiny little bricks I then placed them on the outline and after that I began placing glass for the base of the

Windows I then had to go to the wood farm and gather as many logs as I could because frankly I had run out of space I needed to use them so instead of making slabs I just decided to use the wood itself to make up the entire floor it

Took some time and I placed tons of wooden blocks but eventually I was able to fill up the entire floor and after that I use my axe I strip the logs and well there you go I then began making these beams but more on that later you

See that that’s flour and when you wash flour with water it turns into dough and that was exactly what we needed and all dough begins with a good Farm in this case it was going to be an automatic wheat farm I used a design that was almost identical to the hemp farm from

The previous episode deployers would plant the seeds and Harvesters would gather all the wheat once it’s matured I went to each deployer adding seeds as its filter and then after that I manually place the seeds in each deployer hand that looks good that’s right friends our cake making process

Was going to start right here on this little patch of dirt as for the power source of our Factory I was going to use another steam engine after seeing how useful they could be in the last episode I decided hey why not have one dedicated engine for every building I had to set

Up the PIP workk to make sure that the steam engine was constantly supplied with water after that I added the heat Source underneath that being campfires and once everything came together it was powered on and we got rotational Force I added a rotational speed controller to modulate the speed

Extra fast after all there’s nothing worse than waiting for cake there it is the power source of our Factory eventually the weat had grown but the mechanical Harvester wasn’t doing its job something was wrong so I had to stop the machine I then had to dismantle it

And rebuild it because it turns out that the Harvesters had to harvest the bottom half of the wheat not the top half I glued it all together ran it again and this time it was doing its job The Next Step was to lay out conveyor belts chests funnels shoots anything to get

The materials where we needed them to go I even included a Waste Disposal system so that we can get rid of the unnecessary items like seeds I then added a catwalk around the machines for easy access that way I could see what was going on when it comes to create mod

Builds you want to keep a close eye on everything you’re working on one wrong thing could mess up the entire system The Next Step was to prep a giant tank where we were going to store our milk I then had to design a system that could

Cycle buckets it would be a design that was similar to that of our lava Farm but instead of lava and Nether Portals we were going to be using goats and milk it was going to be a slow process but eventually that thing would get filled the next animals to deal with were the

Emus who were patiently waiting for me and just like before they were still extremely stubborn I had to walk them all the way to the Factory and then I tied them up I then began placing nine shoots where the eggs would drop through once the emus laid them I layered the

Shoots with carpet and then I went underneath to create the conveyor build system that would get the eggs where they needed to be now here’s what I love about shoots you can actually link them together so that the items can fall diagonally I set up the conveyor belt

Linked everything together and then I prepped the chest with a funnel that way when the eggs fell through they would be stored shortly after I ran for my life because I had gone multiple nights without sleeping and the Phantoms they wanted to tuck me in the next morning

Was an absolute pain because I had to get the emus inside of their little section they did not want to cooperate getting them up the stairs was hard enough eventually I was able to trap the emus behind the glass I then noticed something strange on my map there were a

Bunch of horses and they were all just standing in a line I had no idea what this could mean but it was worth exploring I walked out of the factory and approached what looked like a giant crack in the ground now this wasn’t a ravine that was too small but I’ll tell

You what it was it was the perfect horse prison because for some reason all of them were gathered here I don’t know how they all got trapped in here but I did find something interesting when exploring this little trap there were mules and the mules were loaded with

Loot they had food they had emeralds they had all the things I wanted it was all mine for the taking I gathered as much as I could carry after that I crawled out of that Ravine and made my way back to the place so I could unload

My inventory cuz I was just carrying way too much food but my main reason for being at the workshop was to gather some sugar cane I disabled the automatic Harvester and then I began prepping a platform now this platform was going to be crucial to making our cake I added

Stairs and trap doors because for something this crucial it had to look nice I then built a layer of dirt reason being because on this second layer I was going to be growing lots of sugar cane with the first side down I then be working on the second side and after

That I began punching holes through the dirt to make sure that I had the optimal water placement after all there wasn’t a lot of room to grow this so I wanted to make sure I was taking advantage of all the space I could with that water I took

It up to the platform and began filling in the holes now I was following a chart on Google Images that showed me the best way to plant sugar canane but I don’t think I did it right regardless it was planted and after that I had to upgrade

The Harvester this one was connected to the main one below I then began to glue all the pieces together H gluing is so annoying once all the blocks were fused with the glue I went down to the lower level switched on the Harvester and in sync the sugar cane and the wheat was

Being harvested at the same time I then set up a sorting system for the sugar cane where it would go into the chests and be grounded into Millstone being converted into sugar I was one step closer to making a cake we had the eggs we had the dough now we had the sugar

All we had to do was mix it all together to make our cake base and to do that I had to tear up my beautiful wooden floors to dig a hole now why did I need to do this well I was going to have a series of conveyor belts that would take

The items from one end of the factory to the other in this case that center point being a basin it was in this Basin where all the ingredients would come together I added shoots on every side so that they could go in I then toss some of the

Ingredients in where they would be smashed to make our first cake base an item that I would use to set a filter on the Basin after that it was simply a matter of setting everything free the conveyor belts would move the items in they would be pressed and we were Auto

Automatically making our cake basee but the cake base was raw and needed to be baked so I installed a fan with a campfire right above it to blow hot air and that would bake our raw cake base within a matter of seconds we would have

A piping hot cake the only thing left to do now was to frost it and this is where the milk would come into play but first I had to build a front room I would divide the building into two rooms with a factory being in the back and the

Front would act as like a type of shop I built the wall out of leftover wood logs that I had for making the floor and then I layered it with GR minut and shortly after I began prepping the assembly line where the cakes would come out from the

Back end of the factory now this next Edition was inspired by a really popular doughnut chain inside of their dining rooms they have this massive glass window that you can actually peek through and on the other side of the window is the kitchen where they make the donuts that’s exactly what I’m

Making here I cut a giant hole in the wall perfect for fitting in a beautiful glass window that will provide people a vantage point to see the factory and all the cakes being made after that I connected the last mechanical belt and like that everything was finally running

In sink as for the milk I would be able to transport it via pipe it would lead to the front and as you can see there are three the first one being real and the other two just being for show I then attached valves to each pipe and if you

Don’t know what a valve is it’s basically a wheel that’s used to turn the pipes on or off and I had three of them colored one for vanilla one for chocolate and one for strawberry and that’s what it looks like when you spin the valve I next had to install a

Deployer with a knife because cakes Don’t stack but if you slice them they do I placed down chest and then after that I had to set up the deployer which was not in the right position like always but thanks to my wrench I was

Able to fix it up I gave it a knife and it was now ready to slice cake as for the milk it was flowing from the tank to the spout all I had to do was turn the valve and let the milk flow through I

Threw a cake on the Belt just to test it out but it stopped moving I guess even though the spouts empty the Cake’s not going to move until something’s put on it so I ended up having to break the spouts and that’s too bad too because I

Really like the way they looked anyways I I threw the cake back onto the belt for round two and this time the milk was deposited right onto the cake and it was iced up and ready to slice as for the cake for something made out of emu eggs

And goat milk it wasn’t half bad the cakes even gave me the speed effect well you saw me build it now it’s time for you to see how it works it all begins here at the wheat farm where the automatic Harvester collects the wheat once it matures up on the second level

We have sugarcane being collected both the wheat and the sugar can are deposited onto the assembly line via portable storage interface after that they only have two places to go let’s start with the wheat leaving the portable storage interface the wheat goes onto the assembly line and enters

One of two funnels and as for other excess items such as seeds they enter a third funnel which acts as a garbage disposal the wheat that enters the funnels is ground up into flour inside a pair of milston once the flower is ready it exits the millstones Via Chute after

That it enters a series of chests where it accumulates and comes out in stacks of 16 the stacker moves up the assembly line and then it goes over a water fan where it’s washed and turn turn into dough and Once the dough is ready it enters another funnel where it’s then

Stored into a chest until further use back at the beginning the sugarcane is entering a shorter process it enters the chest where it’s then moved to a millstone it’s ground up into sugar and that’s about it the next process is even more simple this having to do with Emu

Eggs anyways the Emu lay eggs and they go down the chotes the eggs coming straight from the upper level are deposited onto the conveyor belt after that they enter the chest and then go down another shoot where they’re carried all the way to the Basin I finally had

My sugar I finally had my eggs when all of the ingredients enter the Basin the mechanical press is activated it squishes them all together to form a cake base they then go over the fire and get baked into a nice toasty cake the cakes then go onto the assembly line

Once again and they move all the way to the front room where they patiently wait at the spout to be frosted by the milk speaking of the milk it all begins here with our trusty milk and go the bucket then goes over a fluid R where the milk

Is dumped and after that it goes into a chest where it drops down below the bucket is then blown up by a fan through a series of shoots once it reaches the top it goes into another chest where it’s then deposited into the deployer once again where it clicks the goat with

Milk beginning the cycle all over now we’ve come to the very end all that’s left is for the cake to get frosted and once that happens it then moves down and it’s sliced by the knife I think it’s safe to say that this cake factory is a complete success look at that beautiful

Parade of cakes ready to be eaten I’m going to have to be honest with you guys we’ve made a lot of things with this create mod but this one right here this Factory is by far my favorite thing we’ve made all that’s left to do now is

To build the walls and fill in the windows with glass it took a while but eventually I was able to raise the walls with the granite I collected and I even made a roof out of andesite now this place does look like any other Factory

So I do have to add a special sign so you know this is a cake factory I hope that my little build here on the roof is going to get the point across of what this place actually is and if you haven’t guessed already sorry for the

Spoiler it’s a cake hope you guys like the design because I am not the best when it comes to pixel art there it is the sign in all of its Glory but I had to build one more thing just in case even that wasn’t enough Up on the Roof I

Ended up building a giant cupcake I recently saw the FNAF movie and I pasted it off of the cupcake that chica holds looking back on things we have definitely added a lot to the steampunk world the skyline is really coming together today we’re going to be doing something a little different you could

Say it’s out of this world all puns aside today I’m going to go to the ather Dimension why because it’s included in the mod pack going to the ather also gives me an excuse to craft another vehicle one that we have yet to make but before I get ahead of myself I’m going

To begin this video by going to the nether to harvest some much needed glow stone I went into the basement hopped into the nether portal and began wondering whether or not that plant had grown I’m talking about the soul Sprout now their main purpose was to fuel the

Soul lantern that lamp I carry around in the nether that keeps me cool but these things took way too long to grow after that I left the farm hopped into my trusty gyro and began ascending way up towards the nether ceiling reason being that’s where all the good stuff grows

I’m talking about glow stone I spotted a nice little cluster of glow stone and once I did make a safe landing I began collecting just enough glowstone to make the ather portal I didn’t want to collect more than I needed cuzz well I was short on time back in the Overworld

I scrambled all over my workshop as well as outside around the town looking for the perfect place to put my Aether Portal but wherever I looked it seemed like everywhere was overcrowded with something so in the end I just opted to build it in a random Corner in the

Courtyard the portal was activated so I stepped in and wondered what waited for me on the other side and honestly it was not what I expected I’ve been to the a there before and I remember it being well a little brighter I wanted to see if the old Rule still applied and it

Looks like it did that rule being that Overworld tools are ineffective against Aether blocks a diamond axe would mine just as slow as a wooden axe if you tried to chop down an Aether tree I was then greeted by a hostile local and without any weapons I was ill equipped

To be here so I went back made a pickaxe and began preparing for my new expansion campaign I was gifted a book of lore and I love how this thing works instead of there being chapters all you have to do is put an item in in the book it gives

You a description I then went to go collect a ton of materials because I was going to be building something Grand and honestly I’m getting pretty tired of making bricks this way so I’ll have to automate this eventually next I gathered some wood and lastly I loaded all the

Materials into my backpack to save inventory space you got to love backpacks and of course you can’t forget about weapons I lost my old rifle so I decided to craft something new hopefully this new model would work just as well and of course I couldn’t go in without

My sidearm and looking back on it now I think my weapons were Overkill but they got the job done with the enemies out of the way I began terraforming the the ground to start building my base of operations I even brought my workbenches because of course I couldn’t build

Something unless I had access to a large catalog of beautiful blocks and with that I began setting up shop a nice little base perfect for protecting me from all the evil Aether enemies that wanted me to go home unfortunately for them I was here to stay and for every

Block that I placed well that just further cemented my position I ended up building this weird brickl looking house and honestly I wasn’t that satisfied with the design but like I said it was a temporary base of operation ations after that I began building walls because the

Clouds were still bothering me and these clouds were lethal I had to clear them out every couple of minutes because they kept responding trying to knock me off the island another problem I had to face was that the ather was very cold so I crafted myself some campfires only to

Find out that fire doesn’t work here so I had to come up with an alternative source of heat and light cuz torches didn’t work either even though I was still cold at least I could see after that I continued terraforming because I had plans for an airship base we’re

Finally making blimps right before I went back I discovered a hack where you could actually place a torch in an item frame and it would still give off light I began collecting as much hemp fiber as I could you could use the hemp fiber to craft string the string I could craft

The wool I needed to make my sales to make my blimp I was going to need a lot of sails I crafted myself some andesite for my andesite Alloys using a mechanical press and after that I began crafting all the sails I needed for the ship and after that I crafted the last

Of the required materials to make my blimp I put all of the materials inside of the mechanical crafter and watched it do its thing this machine never ceases to amaze me all that was left to do now was to take it for a test ride there it

Was in all of its Glory I hopped in this time knowing exactly what fuel it needed this wood just like the airplane and I took it around for a little cruise and it flew beautifully one of my favorite flying vehicles to be honest I went to

The ather to see how the Airship would fare there I began ascending into the sky hoping to spot some cool stuff and then I almost made a deadly mistake just like the airplane in one of the older videos I almost fell out thankfully I was able to stand safely on the upper

Part of the balloon I cruised to one of the nearby islands and found a cave hoping to find some cool stuff I proceeded and found this yellow ore called Ambrosia I collected a little bit only to discover that this was the aether’s equivalent of coal and I could

Actually make torches with it I proceeded further into the cave with my new torches when all of a sudden I noticed that there was a Structure on my mini map this side of the cave I began digging down when I uncovered this weird chamber and a chest with loot a zanite

Axe I didn’t know what it did but it looked cool so I kept it in the other chest there was a zanite sword but Everything Is Not What It Seems like this mimic chest an enemy posing as a harmless block I tried defeating it with

My gun but it did little to no damage so I decided to test out the zanite sword after defeating the enemy it dropped its inventory I then proceeded further into the dungeon only to find what was called a century and then even more mimic chests then all of a sudden I spotted

This strange looking cube in the center of a chamber I didn’t know what it was so I approached it with caution hoping that it was something harmless I knew it was an entity because it had a health bar but I couldn’t do any damage with my

Weapon so I decided to mine it with my pickaxe but it woke up and it was not happy this Cube came to life that’s right for the first time in Minecraft I saw that the blocks were fighting back as a the mimic chests weren’t bad enough

I now had an angry Cube that was trying to demolish me but slowly I began whittling his health away at the cost of my pickaxes durability pickaxes being the only way to harm the thing eventually both of them broke so I had to be quick about crafting another

Pickaxe without getting killed in the process eventually I was able to place my crafting table down but I had to make a run for it cuz I couldn’t stay in one place for too long I crafted my last pickaxe hoping that this one would be

The one to do the job thankfully y this pickaxe was a lucky pickaxe this guy was agitated because it was doing such a good job at defeating him I whittel his health down until he had almost nothing left and the pickaxe plenty of durability it was a long battle but

Eventually this Cube Was Defeated I celebrated my first boss battle by doing a little victory dance it was great he even dropped some loot including a bronze key underneath the boss pedestal was a small opening inside of the opening there was a chest I opened it up

With my bronze key and found tons of loot there were all sorts of items from weapons and these weird little gummies I was decked out in all my Aether gear it was finally time to move on but first I had to play with some of the new weapons

I earned after that I hopped into my blimp and flew all the way back to our base of operations this was quite the adventure especially considering that this was our second time in the ather then my blimp was being occupied by this weird little Slime Guy I had to get him

Out of there cuz I was going to use the blimp for later then my game glitched I was just stuck in the air so I had to leave and restart the world after that I had this little epic Shader I don’t know what it did but I’m pretty sure I just

Wasted the item says it’s a Shader Grabber anyways lastly I tested out this funny little Cloud minion spawner I had two little buddies by my side and they shot Cloud projectiles quite the reward the first step for making this Air Base was by first clearing out all of these

No texture blocks I cleared out as many as I could and then I began carving into this mountain where the base would be I carved all the way to the top hoping that this would be an ideal spot for building its foundation when all of a sudden I spotted this glorious pig look

At him Majestic after that I began constructing a wood outline that would make up the shape of our air base it was going to be circular but I had to redo it a couple of times because I never get these right on the first try I filled in

The floor with slabs and slowly but surely this began taking shape I then added a sand Sandstone outline just to start spruing things up a bit next I began chopping down these annoying Aether trees I guess the Timber Mod doesn’t apply to them I don’t know

What’s even worse I had to deal with the extra annoying Cloud enemies these guys were a plague they kept trying to just knock me off the platform very difficult to work when you have these clouds just trying to send you flying into the sky with the enemies temporarily out of the

Way I began constructing columns that would make up the walls of this new base do you remember all those oak logs I collected before coming to the ather well this is where I was going to be using them I topped every column off with a Sandstone block and then I made

This ring of Acacia my next goal was to create this massive Dome and I would be making it out of the Warped logs now when it comes to spheres in Minecraft well they don’t mix so I had to use a website that generated the shavee for me

And then I just copied the design the end I topped the Dome off with the Ambrosia torches and then I made this massive Spire out of sandstone all while trying to eliminate the clouds in the way Spire was finally done as was the air base well almost there were a couple

More things I had to add for it to be complete for example I still had to make the supports it was just floating on the side of a mountain not only that but this was supposed to be an air base and every Air Base needs a landing pad for

The airships this was where we were going to land our blimp so I began building a bridge outwards towards the middle of the Void the whole plan was that this bridge would connect to a separate little island and this island that is where we would have our blimp

Land I built the platform out of sandstone slabs and then I added a railing out of Oak trap doors that way the clouds couldn’t blow me off my next job was to start working on the SS for the air base thankfully I had enough

Logs to get the job done and I even had the help of a ring that gave me a double jump effect the next job was to start turning more sand into sandstone reason being I was going to start filling in all of the gaps between the stilts it

Was going to be be a nice smooth Sandstone base I began filling in the gaps with my blocks one by one each block was placed until the job was done I then began working on the bridge Once More by adding a little bit of detail I

Wanted to make it look like the bridge was being supported by these fence posts this was another one of those moments where I was extremely terrified where a cloud would come out of nowhere and knock me off after that I backed up to look at my work and I thought to myself

That that right there that was a pretty good looking Bridge inside the actual base I placed down a bunch of furnaces to smell a bunch of glass because as you can see the clouds were still not leaving me alone and they were trying to attack me through the gaps so with some

Warped planks and some glass I made a warped window and look at that the Warped window has a beautiful texture that just goes with the vibe of an air base all swirly like reminds me of the wind I ended up filling every Gap with these beautiful glass blocks before the

Create mod I used to think that warped base blocks were ugly look at them now I was extremely satisfied with the end result this place was all coming together very nicely after that I ended up placing some torches on the platform and from there I did a walkth through

Around the entire Air Base as you can see I even added a spiral staircase I started walking down the staircase oh almost fell there and as I walked down the spiral staircase I admired all of the work I put into this build I hope you guys like the build too because

Honestly building in the ather was a pain so many annoying enemies but as you can see at least I hope you see what I’m seeing all of our hard work was finally worth it the only thing left to do now was to take the Airship fly it above the

Base and take it home to where it would now rest on its brand new landing pad I slowly approached the landing pad and began a careful descent hoping that a cloud wouldn’t kill me as soon as I made a landing and it was a rough Landing I

Got out and I was extremely happy that I was finally finished with this project this took me way longer than it should have but we went to the ather we survived this new world we even built a funny little house and above all else we made an Airship finally we had the

Capability to explore this brand new mysterious world through its machines the steampunk world is always moving forward but it can’t do that without andesite Alloys and how do you make andesite alloys with an andesite block so logic dictates that we need an andesite Factory but where to put it I

Also have a second problem I want to address pickaxes and axes these tools are starting to look like baby toys at this point there’s got to be something better that we can work with and there is a power drill one that can break multiple blocks at a time but to make

This I’m going to have to do some heavy crafting because this machine requires a lot of parts even ingots and all of my ingots were gone because I had updated the mod pack and the modded chests where I was storing them all well they were

Removed so once again I had to hop into the Airship fly around and look for a cave I hovered around for a few minutes until I came across cross this Ravine thanks to the blimp I was able to descend directly to the bottom it was a bumpy Landing but she held together and

After that I began mining all the ores and gems I needed as well as repelling the mobs that would just get in my way so once I had what I needed I went back to base my next stop was the power station where we had built a diesel

Generator I was going to need a lot of power to start smelting my ores once it was powered on I went back to the workshop and started using the ark furnace the ultimate furnace that could smell multiple ores at a time time not only could it melt them down but it

Could also mix them with this machine I combined gold and silver to make electrum the required Ingot for our power drill and there it was but I wasn’t done yet I had just crafted the base model I still needed to make the drill head as well as some other add-ons

That would make it more powerful there were a couple of drill options but I opted for steel as it was the strongest the only way to actually apply these add-ons was at the engineer’s workbench there I was able to attach the drill head after that I crafted a large fuel

Tank and a couple of other add-ons that would make this the ultimate power drill there was only one thing left to do and that was to fuel it up it ran on biodiesel just like our generator I put the drill into the refining machine where it sucked up all the fuel with the

Power drill now fueled up I decided to test it nearby and wow this thing was going to be very useful I wanted to push it to its limits so I found a nearby Hillside and began flattening the terrain I even contemplated if the area that I was working on could act as a

Potential sight for our anide Factory with this powerful tool I thought to myself why not so I decided to take out the entire Hillside in no time I was able to clear up a good chunk of this area there were some holes in the ground

That I had to patch up but not too big of a problem there I did have a ton of dirt in my inventory this flat area was going to be the perfect spot for building anything that I wanted now the big question was what was this andesite

Factory going to look like I mean how big was it going to be I decided to hop over to my creative world to designed something that would suit our needs and after a lot of time building I think it’s safe to say I designed something that would be perfect for our world I

Also Incorporated new blocks that I had never used before like the display board but more on that later yes we were going to take our engineering to the next level and to transfer our world from creative to survival I had the help of the trusty schematic Cannon a block that

Constructs your building for you and of course the canyon needs a table how else are we supposed to draft our plans I imported the blueprints from the Creator world and after that I had to decide where I wanted to place this building I sat down a preview of the building onto

The flat plane that I had just made with the power drill though I didn’t really like how it looked in that spot the second option was the space that was used for our tree farm though the tree farm could easily be relocated I felt like I needed a building hereat although

I would have to demolish some things like Noah’s Christmas tree which he built on a live stream here’s a clip from around that time in case you missed it this gift is specially pertaining to you I put a lot of thought into it okay a bucket I am going to give you this

Light bulb because I think you’re very bright a there you go hey what’d you get me you’re a I got you a couple things it’s it’s kind of like a package deal okay so first each but Christmas is over so the tree has to come down and what better use of

A spot full of cherished holiday memories than by placing down an industrial Factory I mean that is the best way to get use out of the land and besides I wasn’t doing anything with it I put the blueprint into the cannon only to realize that I had no gunpowder so I

Was going to have to go on an expedition to get some I used the four little pieces of gunpowder that I had left to make some bullets with these supplies I was going to have plenty of gunpowder in no time I flew around on the Airship hoping to find some nice gunpowder

Deposits and that didn’t take long it turns out that there was a surplus of creepers in my area what one would consider a curse I considered a blessing but killing creepers one at a time was taking way too long thankfully I did have a tool that could help me remedy

That issue it only took a few minutes before I had more than enough gunpowder to power this cannon The Next Step was to prepare all the materials that were going to go into the build there were going to be a lot of logs a lot of sandstone and how exactly did I know

What I was going to need well the cannon made a list for me every item with the exact quantity with a chest full of supplies right next to the cannon it started doing its thing you know you’ve made it a Minecraft when the blocks are building for you eventually a foundation

Appeared but I did have to start crafting some of the more unique additions to this build like these futuristic sliding doors they look like something you’d see in a space station while I wasn’t going to space just yet I felt that these doors were the perfect

Fit for our and aide Factory we were finally transitioning to a more industrial technological age and it was time for our builds to start reflecting that so I continued crafting new technologies like the display board a block that when powered can display the names and quantities of an item for

Example I put these iron ingots on a Depot all I had to do now was to power the display board and once it received that power the name iron ingot was projected onto the board granted the board did have to be a little longer but it worked there are so many useful

Applications for something like this because it updates in real time you can even set it up to display train schedules but today we’re just going to use it to measure how many items we have in a chest you can even customize it so that the letters appear in your favorite

Color while I was experimenting with the display boards the schematic Cannon was making progress and after a short while it was finally done the and aide Factory was nearly complete another raaa Masterpiece keeping true to our steampunk style this building was going to be powered by another hidden steam

Engine and as you can see there is the larger glorious display board just waiting to get started and of course you cannot forget our futuristic sliding doors here on the upper level you may notice that mounted on the walls are train Pilots or cow catchers whatever

You want to call them I thought they looked really fancy especially acting as light covers stashed away inside of the antide factory was a name tag now what was I going to do with this name tag well obviously I was going to name something I typed out the words and

Aside alloy and I was going to right click those little Nixie tubes you know the little light bulbs displaying zero well they can actually display letters as well and they make the perfect steampunk signs once you right click them the letters are displayed and there you go anyways an antide Factory needs

Lava so I went to our little lava farm and started connecting pipes that would reach from the farm all the way to the factory we also needed lava for a cobblestone generator because all great things start with a cobblestone generator now to some of the behind the scenes action behind this wall you’ll

See the guts of the factory where all the real work happens I’ll go a little more in depth dep on that later as you can see the display board is working although for some reason I don’t know why the upper line is more indented than the lower line but when the letters

Reappeared the upper line was still more indented I did want the letters to pop out a little more so I tried something new I took some soulfire threw in an ink sack and watch it turns into a glowing ink sack I then took the glowing ink sack right click the letters and now

They were glowing that pops out way better than the dull white I ended up dying the lower line blue light blue to be specific just to make the labels colorcoded with that task out of the way I spent a little time working on the Cosmetic side of this Factory the

Andesite factory was finally incorporated into our steampunk Village here’s how the factory works it all begins with the cobblestone generator the Cobblestone is made it gets broken by the drills and then it falls between a pair of crushing Wheels the blocks are ground up and turned into gravel which

Can end up in one of two places the first being a millstone which will continue to ground up the gravel and turn it into Flint the gravel can also end up in a chest which is also used to make andesite later when the ingredients are pressed with lava it makes an

Andesite block the block then moves to a mixer where it’s combined with iron nuggets when the two items come together and are mixed they produce an antisite alloy the alloy then has one of two paths it can follow they pass the reset of filters which splits them off into

Two separate sections with each section processing the antisite Alloys a little differently one option is for the antisite alloy to be combined with stripped logs when the two items come together they form an andesite casing the Alloys that aren’t combined with the log are put into a vent and elevated to

The second floor in the end both the Alloys and the casings end up side by side and for every item that goes into the chest the display board automatically updates its quantity now there are some drawbacks like the fact that I have to constantly Supply this

Machine with iron nuggets I mean I could have made them with this method but there’s only a 12% chance to actually get the iron nugget and a 25% chance to get the Flint I really would rather just transfer the iron from the iron farm into the factory and just have the Flint

Generated 100% with a millstone don’t worry friends we’re almost done there is one more thing I want to add to this Factory before we wrap it up I crafted wool turned it into a painting and with the painting I combine it with a crafting table this generates a crafting

Blueprint it’s kind of like a painting but way more useful now the big question how exactly does a crafting blueprint work and how can it help us here in our steampunk world when you right click it you’re creaded with an interface similar to that of a crafting table and like a

Crafting table you can put down the ingredients and it’ll show you what you can make the difference is that this one can actually memorize the recipes and leave them there for instant crafting the blueprint then displays an image of the item you saved based on the crafting

Recipe you put down if you have the items in your inventory all you have to do is right click it and there you go you have instant crafting now the blueprints aren’t an absolute must but they do look nice and they save you a little bit of time I figured they’d be

Nice to have since we can craft some of the more simple create mod items with the materials that we were making in the factory it was finally time to get some practical use out of this antide Factory with all of the stuff we were now able to make I decided it was only

Appropriate to start upgrading something across the street that being our iron farm you see the iron farm was great but it did have some drawbacks as well like the fact that it would only make nuggets and I would have to spend a lot of time combining the Nuggets to make ingots but

With all of the materials we now had at our disposal it was finally time to automate that process with our newly crafted items fresh from the andesite factory I began making some upgrades to the iron farm that were really way overdue and yes the process was slow

Very slow but as long as the job was getting done automatically it wasn’t going to be a problem with the Nuggets being pressed into ingots and I had to deal with the issue of getting them from the Basin into a chest so I set up a small conveyor belt system and honestly

When it comes to create this is as simple as it gets nothing too complicated nothing too fancy just a wellworking machine that gets the job done with the funnel attached to the chest the items can now freely move from the Basin onto the belt into their new storage space and with that I

Successfully upgraded the iron farm it seemed like a pretty obvious thing to have so I don’t know why it took me this long until I decided to make an andesite Factory I mean after all like I said before and side is the fundamental block for almost all of the create blocks well

There you go friends the andesite factory I hope you guys enjoyed today’s video and I look forward to a beautiful prosperous 2024 with all of you as we continue to explore the wonders of Steampunk Minecraft once again if you enjoyed today’s video leave a like and

Let me know what you thought down in the comments below and if you’re new to the channel consider subscribing for future content you can also support me on patreon where I’m going to be uploading the schematics for these builds congrats friends we just made it to the first

Episode of 2024 be sure to stick around because there is more coming your way thank you so much for watching this has been double s I’ll see you next Time

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in STEAMPUNK Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-01-14 16:00:12. It has garnered 12605 views and 428 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:18 or 8658 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days in Steampunk Minecraft! And by survive, I mean I made it through with my sanity intact! The Create is the ultimate inventor’s dream! Join me as we review our journey!

Patreon: Discord:

Chapters: 0:45 A New World 18:39 The Workshop 33:26 Infinite Iron Factory 47:58 The Airport 1:03:02 Mech Suits 1:16:15 Power Plant 1:30:03 Train Station/Train 1:44:35 Cake Factory 1:58:21 Airship Base 2:11:00 Andesite Factory

—————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵

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100 days Hardcore Minecraft 100 days Hardcore Minecraft Modded 100 days Hardcore Update 100 Days Hardcore Modded Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore in a Fantasy World 100 days Hardcore Minecraft in a Dream


🎮Modpack: SteamPunk [LPS]


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    SECRET Minecraft Optifine HACKS REVEALED! | Kingslet GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 3 Best Minecraft Optifine | PE’, was uploaded by Kingslet Gaming on 2024-03-07 12:52:53. It has garnered 133 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:03 or 483 seconds. Top 3 Best Minecraft Optifine | PE check out : @Kingslet_Gaming DOWNLOAD LINKS PIN📌⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ video: video: join discord and contact me: Intro 0:00 How To Download And Install 0:27 How To Active Servers 0:55 NO.3 1:09 NO.2 2:16 NO.1 4:19 END 6:58 Your Queries:➡ Top 3 Best Optifine For Minecraft Pocket Edition Top 3 Best Clients For Minecraft PE… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft’s Deadly Tunnels

    Secrets of Minecraft's Deadly TunnelsVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Slowin on 2024-02-26 09:00:07. It has garnered 1722 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:33 or 2073 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Soma Saika Returns to Minecraft World After Long Break! Dawncraft #4

    Soma Saika Returns to Minecraft World After Long Break! Dawncraft #4Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while since we were on our journey! | Dawncraft #4 |’, was uploaded by Soma Saika Ch. on 2024-05-17 20:58:18. It has garnered 37 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:52 or 8272 seconds. ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬( Chat Rules )▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬ Be nice to others including Soma Do not bring up other streamers unless Soma mentions them first. Get along with each other! Respect Soma’s private life. Political, religious and controversial topics is forbidden in the chat. No self promo ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬ ( Credits )▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬ Model Mama :… Read More

  • Insane Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro Yacht House

    Insane Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro Yacht HouseVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: FAMILY YACHT HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-05-07 17:00:01. It has garnered 259749 views and 4514 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:31 or 1951 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build Yacht Houses for the families! Who builds the best FAMILY YACHT HOUSE? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: Dirt House Base Build Challenge!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: Dirt House Base Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: DIRT HOUSE BASE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation’, was uploaded by TEN – Minecraft Animations on 2024-02-22 18:15:00. It has garnered 6004 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:47 or 1607 seconds. Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: DIRT HOUSE BASE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation Welcome to TEN – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God challenge like monster school =) Subscribe and leave a like for more animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro… Read More

  • AdventureSky

    AdventureSkyAdventureSky c’est un serveur skyblock open world, créer ton île et développe ton économie ! Déverouille les collections et les dénombrables crafts disponibles en jeu. Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server Details: Server: Server map: About Us: Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and community building. If you enjoy a Hermitcraft-like experience and want to be part of a welcoming community, apply using the form at the end of this post. Server Rules: No griefing No stealing No PvP without consent No rudeness towards others No hacking or unfair advantages We have around 30 active members and welcome those who share our values. Server changes are decided by member votes in Discord. Server Features: Home teleports Player head drops and more mob heads… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 5 kids, 3 chairs: Someone will be left crying

    Looks like musical chairs just got taken to a whole new level in Minecraft – where everyone is always one block away from disaster! Read More

  • Minecode: Morse Messages in Minecraft

    Minecode: Morse Messages in Minecraft In Minecraft, Morse code is the game, Using bonfires to light up the flame. With smoke signals, messages can be sent, A unique way to communicate, time well spent. No official tutorial, just a creative twist, Using your skills, in the game you persist. So grab your blocks and start to build, A new way to play, your creativity fulfilled. Support the adventure, with Amazon link in hand, Keep the fire burning, across the land. Follow on Twitter, for updates and more, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination soar. Read More

  • Got diamonds? 😉 #minecraft #memes

    Got diamonds? 😉 #minecraft #memes When someone asks if you have protection and you confidently whip out a diamond sword and shield from Minecraft. Safety first, am I right? 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the incredibly dangerous world of Minecraft Hardcore, as highlighted in a recent YouTube video. The player in the video is contemplating whether to start a new survival series or return to playing Skywars on Hypixel. While the decision is ultimately up to the player, we want to introduce you to a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience – Minewind. With its hardcore survival mode and intense gameplay, Minewind provides a challenging environment for… Read More

  • 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft: Epic Survival!

    100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft: Epic Survival! The Epic Journey of Surviving 100 Days in RPG Hardcore Minecraft Embark on an adventure like no other as players dive into the world of RPG Hardcore Minecraft. In this thrilling series, players immerse themselves in a server filled with RPG mods, challenging bosses, and epic quests. Join the protagonist as they navigate through 100 days of intense gameplay, leveling up, defeating powerful bosses, and ultimately striving to become the Zombie King RPG boss. A World Filled with Challenges From battling the Orc Lord to facing off against the Demon King and Queen Mari, players are in for a… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Snape’s Death Scene RECREATED in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Snape's Death Scene RECREATED in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 | Snape’s Death Scene in Minecraft in Full Screen’, was uploaded by THE BOYD INDUSTRIES on 2024-04-29 00:40:37. It has garnered 106 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftharrypotter #minecrafthogwarts #harrypotter #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallowspart2 #hogwarts #hogwartscastle #minecraftharrypotterandthedeathlyhallowspart2 #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows #minecrafthogwartscastle #thebattleofhogwarts #thebattleofhogwartsminecraft Hi, guys! I’m back for another recreation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. In the boathouse Severus Snape arrived in the boathouse with Voldemort and then they talked all about the Elder Wand belongs to him… Read More

  • The Truth About Random_and_Stuff

    The Truth About Random_and_StuffVideo Information This video, titled ‘People who know/People who don’t know #fypシ #scary #minecraft’, was uploaded by Random_and_Stuff on 2024-01-16 12:39:30. It has garnered 2621 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Uncover the Secret to Unlimited Minecraft Resources in Hindi with Kougat Allay!

    Uncover the Secret to Unlimited Minecraft Resources in Hindi with Kougat Allay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Make Minecraft Duping Farm Work for You | In Hindi’, was uploaded by Kougat Allay on 2024-03-04 10:31:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, we will show you how to make a Minecraft duping farm work for you. We will provide a step-by-step guide on setting … Read More

  • “Insane Kuriboh Gaming Chaos! Watch Now!!” #minecraft #funny #twitch

    "Insane Kuriboh Gaming Chaos! Watch Now!!" #minecraft #funny #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Popping Chickens SHORT #minecraft #gaming #minecraftmemes #funny #twitch #mcyt #memes #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dreaming Kuriboh on 2024-02-16 14:55:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hardcore Automation in “All The Mods 9: No Frills”: Prepare to Sweat (and Laugh?) Calling all automation aficionados, hardcore … Read More

  • Insane Steps to Install OptiFine in Minecraft on Mac!

    Insane Steps to Install OptiFine in Minecraft on Mac!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Install OptiFine In Minecraft On Mac – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 20:00:15. It has garnered 1613 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Learn how to install optifine in minecraft on mac in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server with tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers and instant setup with Apex Minecraft Hosting! GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I… Read More

  • Insane challenges in Minecraft Dungeons! PT2

    Insane challenges in Minecraft Dungeons! PT2Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying YOUR Minecraft Dungeons challenge ideas PT2!’, was uploaded by TheJollyYakHerder on 2024-04-25 14:15:03. It has garnered 810 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:32 or 872 seconds. In this video I wanted to again try some Minecraft dungeons challenges that were suggested by you guys. Thanks for watching new videos every Thursday and remember to stay jolly. My Twitch: (some) Music Used: Lud and Schlatts Musical Emporium: Read More

  • Ninomae Ina’nis triggers chaos in Minecraft? Watch now! #HoloSabaHardcore

    Ninomae Ina'nis triggers chaos in Minecraft? Watch now! #HoloSabaHardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Calm Before the Storm #ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-18 14:12:02. It has garnered 149921 views and 11705 likes. The duration of the video is 04:53:24 or 17604 seconds. ★Thumbnail Art: ★Twitter: This game has been confirmed by Mojang, and the terms and conditions ( We distribute and monetize based on the following. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Art by Me! Endcard Animated by Veranze ( #TAKOTIME #hololiveEnglish #holoMYTH ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 【Viewer Rules】 Please read the following rules so everyone can enjoy the stream! ★★I tend to enjoy my games with my own… Read More


    EPIC FACE CAM REVEAL: EPIC MINECRAFT GAMING!Video Information This video, titled ‘(My first face cam video) minecraft gaming and building’, was uploaded by HardGaming on 2024-03-07 18:10:15. It has garnered 16 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:10 or 850 seconds. Welcome to our latest Minecraft build adventure! Join us as we embark on an epic journey to transform a humble set of ruins into a majestic castle fit for royalty. Watch as we meticulously plan, construct, and detail every aspect of this grand fortress, from towering walls to intricate interior chambers. In this video, we’ll showcase our building process step by… Read More

  • Insane LAVA Gamer 2.0 in Minecraft – Epic Mobs animation! 🔥

    Insane LAVA Gamer 2.0 in Minecraft - Epic Mobs animation! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘|Minecraft Mobs animation| 2023 #subscribe #amazing #shorts|’, was uploaded by LAVA gamer 2.0 on 2024-01-13 03:59:42. It has garnered 2633 views and 127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP – Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Loot, Shops, Sort, Crates

    Welcome to the Charged Creeper SMP Server! Build, conceptualize, and reimagine to your heart’s content with the assurance of your progress’s safety and longevity. Join us if you’re tired of unstable & buggy worlds, short-lived servers, and unfair experiences. What Charged Creeper Offers: QoL: Public Warps, Personal Homes, Teleporting to Friends, Mob Heads, and more! Lite RPG: Mob Arenas, Custom Bosses & Loot Tables, McMMO, and more! Non-P2W Store: Complete chat customization, portable music boxes, and more! Voting Perks: Random rewards for supporting our server through voting. Economy: Player-owned and operated with complete control. Cross-play: Play with friends on any… Read More

  • Chance SMP

    PORT IS 2011 not 20 PMC is not showing right!Chance SMP is a fun and Cool smp with an active small community.Our world border is 1250 in each direction to ensure wars are active all of the time.Our main admin is very active is is always making sure we dont have hackers and rule breakers!! Read More