This video, titled ‘I Built an Working Windmill in Tamilcraft | | CBE_Ghoul[Tamil]’, was uploaded by CBE_Ghoul [Tamil] on 2023-12-25 10:30:12. It has garnered 9115 views and 740 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:36 or 1356 seconds.
#minecraft #minecrafttamil #cbeghoultamil #tamilcraft
TamilCraft Channel:
Note: Tamilcraft is an Tamil Minecraft Multiplayer Server focusing on friendship and chaotic entertainment purpose of building a community which is strong as Bedrock and smooth as Blue ice.
and a final key message. watch the videos on Tamilcraft official YouTube page to get bloopers and other exclusive contents. the profits made from this channel will be returning to the Tamilcraft Community
@Bals @SZEtamilGaming @mrexpandablesgaming @okSpaceman
#cbe_ghoul #cbeghoul #minecraft100daystamil #minecraft100daysw