Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Movie!

Video Information

This series will follow the Minecraft timeline all the way down to the latest Minecraft version whatever that may be but to begin we have to start all the way at the top well not really because we’re not going to do any of the indev or the alpha or the beta even though I

Did consider it they’re just too messy honestly so we’re just going to go with full releases which means that our journey starts on the very first major release of Minecraft in 2012 11 years ago and that update was the adventure update and that was a big update it added the end enchanting potions

Breeding villagers mushroom ran deadly fortresses more nether mobs snow golems and hardcore mode which is an interesting thought now we could technically start in exactly 1.0 but to make make this a little more sane since we will be spending a 100 days in each major release I’ve decided that we’ll

Just play the most updated version before the next release does that it was that coherent I hope it was which means that we’ll be starting with update 1.3 so there’s a little more to the update than that than what there was just in 1.0 because I mean essentially

They released 1.0 like huge changes right but then they had the smaller releases afterwards that were essentially adding on to this idea of an adventure update they just didn’t have official names because they were just continuing the idea but that’s just a theory the update 1.1 added spawn eggs

And super flat worlds and also beaches that’s a good one update 1.2 added jungles which is awesome Iron Golems ocelots redstone lamps that’s a big one bottles of enchanting pretty cool abandoned M shaft that’s a good one and zombie sieges which actually that one’s pretty cool too and finally our little

Tour of the first official release of Minecraft was the tradings and temples so update 1.3 and that update added villager trading desert temples jungle temples emeralds one of the bigger currencies in the game aside from diamonds I guess right the Ender Chest which mind blown but also added trip

Wire hooks writable books which is amazing enchanted golden apples and adventure mode which was very fitting for the name anyways explanation aside let’s go into the world hello and welcome to Minecraft through time today we’re going to be playing on Minecraft 1.3.2 or we could just say we’re playing

On Minecraft’s first major release so Minecraft 1.0 and and that means that things are very different here so let’s just what do we no stop stalling just create a world just the single player let’s create a world um I think I think of a name let’s name

It dance world because I named the other one deons and well it’s like the same thing and then I’ll do m m no no no and I’ll do MTT which stands through for Minecraft through time and then we’ll go straight to hardcore I’m just kidding we’re not

Doing that this is our seed we’re on Survival anyways I’m sing and create world so how you guys doing what’s going on oh this is actually funny okay so we’re in world this is stressful we have 20 minutes for day one technically okay so we have our starter chest a load of

Nonsense but really good nonsense what even is this why would they give you three pickaxes what what is the meaning of this I mean I’ll take it I I I think that’s pretty nice I feel like the newer ones you get food I guess they’re just skimping out so okay real

Quick funny story since this is like early Minecraft they’ve removed the ability to have your custom skins I think it’s like anything after 1.7 I believe and so that meant I was going to be Steve for these recordings and I was like I don’t know that’s not really

Great not a lot of Personality there I mean Steve’s pretty cool but he’s not me so I was actually able to throw together a resource pack that changes the like character file not the character file the character texture so I just changed it to this it’s very flat but hey it’s

My skin and also you know what the Simplicity is kind of nice that’s kind of funny is it just me or does the shifting sneaking feel different or does it feel more violent why does it feel more visceral I don’t understand anyways we’re wasting precious time even though we’re going to

Be here for a 100 days remember when we could punch sheep and their wool fly off that would be nice and then I could make a bed that’s the thing about 100 days I’m technically losing time if I sleep so there’s okay think about this there’s 10 minutes of light there’s 10

Minutes of darkness and together they make 20 minutes that is so 20 minutes time 100 is is a number and that number technically decreases if we sleep so should we sleep should I ban sleeping that seems absurd but then we lose so much time but then I’m wondering is it

Too much time what if we have too much time what if we get sick of this place I mean we’re going to be here forever okay so anyways um yeah so 20 minutes * 100 what is that like 2,000 hours sorry I’m stupid that’s 2,000 minutes so 2,000

Minutes oh gosh what is how many hours is 2,000 minutes okay so then what was I saying where am I if there’s 2,000 minutes and there’s 60 minutes in an hour so then that would be like um 30 30 something hours that’s a lot of hours oh

My gosh so wait that would probably be according to the calculator that would be 33 hours about give or take it not it’s not exact so I’d say we’d have about 32 hours we could cut it down to just 24 hours so we have 24 hours in each version oh it’s not as

Exciting when you put it like that only 24 hours I need to go faster guys we have things to do I need to cut down more trees this is the content that you’re getting we’re going to be cutting trees mining killing things I mean fighting defending oursel we’re going to

Be defending oursel that’s that’s what we’ll be doing okay also if you guys saw my recent upload goodness I really hope you guys aren’t louder than me because that was loud anyways if you guys saw my recent upload I started playing uh it’s not really a mod pack but it’s

Essentially a mod that modifies Minecraft Beta 1.7 so if you want beta content I mean as in like Minecraft Beta content go watch that cuz we’re we’re playing the official releases here um but basically I was going to what I was getting at is you can’t like the animals

Behave differently right so I’m guessing in this version we can breed them and stuff I’m just rambling at this point am I just nervous talking what’s going on what do you think chicken oh you know what we’re going to take that let’s just let’s calm down everyone just calm down

Listen to the nice Minecraft music stop being so hysteric play please stop being hysteric control yourself look there’s a pumpkin over there this is nice all right we’re wasting time just don’t it don’t be in a rush just live your life stop being in a rush you hear me what if

This was the rest of the video what are you going to do about it what will you do oh sorry I’m so sorry that that kind of was threatening I’m so sorry I’m not I’m not showing who I am you get what I mean like day one I already have full

Netherite right like I should be on top of things the Ender Dragon should be dead first hour you know sorry not even first hour first day first 5 minutes Ender Dragon Dead full netherite and I’m over here I’m Doling I’m just Doling gosh I have quite the Dilemma guys I I

It’s just weighing on my brain do we sleep or do we not sleep because if it’s only if it’s not 20 minutes that means that it’s 1,000 minutes which means that it isn’t 30 we’re just going to didn’t Happ that means that it isn’t 31 hours

16 well we’ll just say 15 that means that it would only be 16 hours and that’s hardly any time at all when you think about it maybe part of the joy of being in this world is living every moment instead of just letting moments

Pass you by there’s a bug on the wall oh my gosh hold on okay the bug was dealt with I feel better and by dealt with I mean nothing violent never never violence we would never do that anyways isn’t the look at the old Minecraft textures aren’t they so wonderful they

Bring me so much joy Honestly though I there is something special about them I just like the Simplicity I don’t know why is this what I’ve been searching for all this time I’ve been playing Minecraft for a decade there’s something so I don’t I hate to say nostalgic but

There’s something special here something unique isn’t that crazy I could title this video man discovers playing Minecraft for the first time or something stupid yeah Minecraft special where where have you been it’s like yeah yeah I know I know it is it’s it’s a special game it has a lot going for it

And that’s why it’s survived for so long and I think it will continue to survive we got our first four iron that it’s very nice and these very classic caves very simple they’re not giant enormous holes they’re just caves just simple little CRA kasses simple crevices creases crevices whatever you get the

Point they’re simple and the ores are here and we’re getting the ores this is good information guys so you need 24 raw iron obviously in you know in this in these versions it’s iron ore right they didn’t add the raw or items until I believe caves and cliffs I believe it

Was in part one if I’m not mistaken so mining is actually not as efficient in this version because you know at least with iron and gold you don’t really get your money’s worth for mining oh oh no not you okay everything’s fine I don’t know why I panic we can’t make shields in

This version I’m going to kill you I’m going to do it I’m going to do it I shouldn’t I really shouldn’t I he could do a lot of damage absurd amount of damage I could die instantly not even through our first day and I could just die let’s um let’s

Just get some upgrades excuse me sir am I going to be a stickler about this guys I think I’m going to be a little asinine anal about saving things technically I didn’t craft these so they they don’t have as much sentimental value in fact I’m going to burn this but I kind of

Like the idea of saving my first tools I need to be careful how does how does vision work in F5 cuz I don’t want to look at that Enderman I do not want to look at that Enderman hi there I feel like I should save my first tools like it just feels

It feels important to me and then we can like open a museum and we have people over and have entrance Fe and stuff like that and it’s just it’s going to be a grand time also I stopped here because I wanted to appreciate these old Ravines which the

These are still in the game right now but there’s just something about the generation that hits different in the older versions with like layers and I don’t know I just I’m fawning over the old game I think I’m going to try and kill this Enderman I’m going to make a

Pickaxe no I’m going to make a sword first and actually I’m going to wait till I have enough for a chest plate there you go only need eight I believe you need 36 iron to make a full set of iron armor and tools but yeah I’m pretty sure it’s

33 then so then the 36 is if you want a bucket and if you’re playing Modern Minecraft then it would be 37 I guess to also get a shield hi I know you really want to die at my hand oh dear oh dear why did I do

That I I probably should not have done that I shouldn’t have done that he placed out its dirt though it’s mine now gosh why are Endermen so sporadic why is that spider so loud I’m going to regret that decision he’s going to come back and slap me that spider has

A lot of passion it’s got a lot to say and I’m going to have to do something about that all right Mr spider I think you’ve said enough I think you’ve done it I’m all done up now got my little bit of armor little bit of tools okay Doom there’s Doom everything’s

Fine I reacted accordingly and saved myself from Total obliteration hey hey you come here [Applause] you Menace okay I’m a little bit on edge after that encounter because Mr Enderman will probably be back to try and hit me again honestly we’re playing a game of

Tag at this point and it’s only a matter of time no okay it wasn’t worth it that is not fair I I looked over at my phone to check the time and he instantly teleported he was trying to kill me we survived and we got nothing for it but

That’s okay I don’t know if I want to no I should I should stay in this cave until I have full iron I’m just going to get oh is that the wet slapping sound of slime oh my hello what a find oh hi soda pop has joined me and

Just meowing for attention so I think I’m going to go pet him I’m going to go pet him and in case no one knows who Sodapop is that’s my cat and no one probably knows who that is because I don’t think I’ve ever said that in a recording so I probably sounded insane

For a moment there if not for the whole entirety of this recording thus far but that’s besides the point oh I know Soda it’s just absolutely okay um hey that’s some lava and obsidian look at that nacho cheese lava I don’t see any diamonds we’re not going

To go down there I don’t think essentially a dead end I’m just going to go like this and I’m just going to sit here and let this smelt while I pet soda po so I guess I’ll be right back what was that did you guys hear that

Uhuh no I just got chills I was on the floor combing soda pop I swear I just heard someone walking or placing a block I don’t appreciate that I’m not playing with I don’t I don’t like that was that just the furnace what was that was that even in game I don’t like

That oh my gosh I’m on I that was weird I don’t know what that was I’m being like guys I this is not like oh haha like o I’m actually playing with them mod like that has like him in it Herobrine or like it’s like a bit or

Something nope I’m not I’m just playing regular Minecraft no mods I’m just going to make my armor and rationalize that that was nothing and that I’m just making it up because of recent content that I’ve seen and also like this is base game Minecraft there’s nothing

Like that was never in the game so we’re fine it was probably just like an idle sound right okay wait no what am I doing I’m so distracted that I didn’t make the rest of my iron tools I’m just going to make them I feel so exposed now I swear

I’m going to go crazy there’s you know there’s Nostalgia but there’s also fear in the older versions I’m going to go crazy guys I’m going to cut down every tree in like a I don’t know a thousand block radius just to make sure I can see everything

Is this where I came from it was hi was it you were you up here banging around also old combat kind of cool in the sense that it’s like incredibly simple you just Spam it’s it’s honestly just nostalgic to slap vehemently furiously until your opponent is gone

Into the ground I’m going to make sure I have a little more iron so I’m just going to pick up this iron and then we’re going to get out of this cave and go start woring about food because I was a clown and went down into this cave

With only an apple and apparently I thought that was a good idea so I’m going to go to the surface now where it is day thank goodness and do what needs to be done I hate to do this but I am going to have to at least for now I can start chopping

More trees down to to hopefully get more apples I me I need I should break some grass too to try and get seeds we’re going to set up on this hill here hey yeah you don’t follow seeds in this version you follow wheat cuz you’re like everyone else just a plain old

Chicken who follows wheat like any old sheep or any old cow or any old Pig no one has uniqueness Look Away chicken it’s not what you think I’m I’m starving do you think he knows do you think they know so like were you guys up here making noise

Was that you I hope it was listen you guys would tell me if there’s anything going on right he nodded Okay so their best interest they’re looking out for me I’ll look out for them maybe I believe we’re on an island I did pick a specific seed because of the idea around the

Content so I believe we’re on an island I did kind of scout it out just a tad just to make sure that I was on an island that’ll be nice for converting in the future just to like clean up the chunk order because we are playing in the release of

Minecraft before they changed the world which I believe was update 1.7 huge update and they changed World Generation but they obviously didn’t do it like they did with caves and cliffs so the chunk border transitions are really messy they’re not very nice all right I think that means that we’re on

Day two that was day one This was oh gosh wait was that the end of day two oh my gosh we’re already on day three this is crazy time is just flying by I mean I won’t really know until I get to editing this like when I have all 100 days I’ll

Put it in a long a long video like a little movie and that’ll be that so I’ve decided that since we’re not sleeping I’m going to do the ugly thing and torch spam around this area which I don’t want to die I do not want to die and I don’t

Have good a good food source oh my gosh that black sheep kind of scared me what was that I really should sleep but I don’t even have wool so what am I saying should I make a starter house guys I don’t feel safe safe hey did I mention feeling a little crazy I

Don’t feel safe I’m going to build a really ugly house and we’re going to put oh my gosh I’m already out of Cobble okay we’re going to design this nicer yeah yeah yeah this is going to be really nice we’re going to like be so happy in here I’m going to

Base it off of a villager house for our very beginning gosh I swear that I just heard like the creeper fuse sound oh I know Soda okay I feel safe now soda so okay I’m in this hole now we don’t have glass for Windows I mean we don’t have sand

But we have our friends so I think I’ll just um I’ll just hang out in here for the night and I’ll be back with you guys when I um feel like moving out of this hole okay what was that it was just the Sheep I am so paranoid we’re still in this

Hole and you know what I’m over it but we’re just going to move on there’s nothing wrong with this world we’re perfectly safe and sometimes you just have to Gaslight yourself um into believing that you are safe where was I going with that I don’t know it sounded horrible

Though I was reviewing the footage yesterday just to you know check volumes and stuff and I noticed that I just don’t shut up I don’t shut up so at this point I might just make this like instead of doing like every 10 episodes we do just an episode you know like I’ve already

Recorded 40 minutes basically I don’t know if I’m going to break it down into like 10 days equals one episode and then we have like that would be like 10 episodes right because that’s 100 for each one blah blah blah or if we do the episode for like every few days or just

Like however many episodes I can you know string together based on the footage that I get whatever that’s for me to figure out you you guys don’t need to worry about that I’m just going to shut my mouth now and cut down some more trees I really would like oh there’s a

Skeleton I shouldn’t mess with that I would really like to make a hoe for one and we are going to go with iron because we’re irresponsible I I was just going to be sad because I couldn’t craft a bucket but we have we had more iron

We’re going to need a bucket for what we’re going to do next and I have a single seed that is absurd hi you’re somewhat easy to deal with this is just this is a problem because first of all let’s get all this crap out of our inventory have an apple could

Just rely on apples for food I think they drop pretty frequently right just slowly chip away at the forest and reach in through our window to get some coal so we can make more torches and slowly light up this area I see you Mr skeleton you will not

Have my body not today not ever Oh yay wait the sun’s going up we’re starting our third day I think so it’d be really funny if it’s actually like not even the third day and I just called it the third day honestly before long we’re going to have this whole island

Lit up and it’s just going to be horrendous just hideous my chicken might start killing some of the chickens nope NOP nope I don’t feel like taking damage leave me alone please oh he’s going to die wait oh my gosh the auto aim is insane even in the older versions that’s just mad

Okay we have some bone meal now I can grow this and it’s the instant is really nice but I also think that means that I don’t get a random amount of seeds no I don’t that’s too bad but I can make some fences and start getting our sheep pened so that we

Can eventually make them into food is that not how you make fences was it there was an old fence recipe wasn’t there I don’t remember what it is what is it okay so quick Google um believe it’s this which is just absurd oh my gosh that’s so weird I barely remember

That clearly cuz I didn’t had to look it up I mean it’s much cheaper I think so yeah okay that’s more than enough fences yeah I want to flatten this terrain a bit much right now I don’t normally like to do this but you got to do a little bit of terraforming okay

Things are getting dire with the food just going to do this put a vence there and gate there and start collecting the Sheep hi where’s your friend no stop running away join me I’m going to need them for what I want to work on anyways so this works

Out very nicely come on guys you can do it into the pen oh gosh their AI has always just been terrible and it’s definitely much worse here come on you can do it get through it okay goodness I don’t know if I’ll get more because that was just

Sad might just breed those ones there was some over here oh yeah look there’s a bunch of them hey guys come on Mr spins got to stay close and don’t get blown up that’s the the biggest goal don’t get blown up don’t blow up anything

I have to suck it up and deal with creeper damage because I normally don’t like playing with that on cuz I am a builder and it just is highly offensive come here when a creeper destroys all of your hard work okay go ahead breed I don’t even I should probably

Kill okay now that I have them in a pen I’m going to go find oh that is weird I’m going to go find another sheep and kill it because I don’t actually know if they even drop any meat I’m pretty sure they added mutton like way later in the game oh I hear

You I’m so sorry I need to know yeah that’s what I thought okay so we need cows or I don’t want to drag you guys home maybe I can get a chicken just from the eggs that they’re dropping and then breed it in that pen nice this little chicken Hill over

Here oh I should go get those sugar cane I’m going to get this pumpkin oh there’s lava under here is that one of those little lava poles love the lighting errors okay well there’s lava there so that’s good to know um cuz we will be going to the

Nether in fact I think my goal will be to get all of these achievements I know one of them is like go to the end which means killing the dragon but I figured like why not I mean I it’s it’s so simple right like there’s so many less

Achievements I remember looking at this like when I first started playing being like Oh my gosh there’s so much to do and you know like the goal is I’m going to get them all I’m going to get all these achievements and you know it was a

Like a guiding force in the game oh that broke really fast okay I like this little like Peninsula we have kind of cool maybe we’ll do something with that oh you know what I need to kill some squids hi and you’ll find out in a bit

Why I need to oh you swim so slow that’s wonderful you you not only swim extremely slow you know there’s no animation you can’t get like a Sprint underwater essentially incredibly slow but also um no water breathing there is no water breathing unless I’m just crazy I’m

Pretty sure they added that and update aquatic I’m going to get you chicken I’m sorry the water chickens have to go they’re just floating in the water you know causing lag terrorizing my world they have to go I’m sorry and I need the food and thank you for your

Service oh he laid an a I should probably cover this hole and I can fix this I can fix our foundation guys no no we’re not playing this game no no no no escaping and then I can do this right yeah make some gray dye I’m going to turn all of this into

Gray dye I’m going to make some shears and we’re going to dye our sheep I don’t think I want black but I guess I’ll just keep them black because it’s nice to have variety now they should breede calm down she goodness now they should breed and maintain the color and it’s

Night time we really should have spent more time lighting things up so I could cut more of the forest down but that’s okay I’m going to try and run through here here gosh it’s so weird not having a sprint button and you just double tap W it’s not as efficient for running

Around oh we got got a red Mushroom more chickens there’s so many chickens okay light this up not the experience or orbiting me come on you can do it you can do it get in come on come on okay fine you can hang out with me I guess okay I know this is kind of obnoxious just like putting torches

Everywhere but I don’t know what else to do cuz I don’t want to sleep and waste time this time is precious hi hello Mr sheep I want your wool I should go kill some skeletons tonight because I’m going to need more wheat and I need more wheat

Because please I need more wheat because I need more sheep because I need more and I will tell you why I need more wool when we get to that point let’s put our water down our hoe out shut the door come here thank you no white sheep

I’m sorry I honestly might just do this to get in instead of opening the gate twice less chance for them to escape let’s breed them again get more sheep uhoh should only breed the gray one I don’t need more black sheep sorry sorry Black Sheep I mean you can stay in there

I just I don’t really need black wool that I know of I mean it’ll probably come in handy in the future I just don’t need it now okay let’s um you know what while it’s night let’s work on our sad little starter house and put a roof on it get some stairs ow

That really hurt oh wow do they not update nope they don’t that is so unique we just won’t have connections then you know I could do this let’s just do this and keep it simple can you put logs on their side you Can this is going to be expensive if I do it the way I want to but I think it’ll look nicer if I do it that way instead so go like that and like this I know it looks crazy right now but it’s going to come together in a

Moment oh dear I forgot how finicky these were uh let’s do this side and I still Clos the door out of habit which isn’t a bad thing it’s just kind of funny um the only bad thing about making the roof out of full blocks is that the mobs will still spawn on

Top but that’s okay we’ll just put torches here and okay we need a bit more more [Applause] logs okay I need to cut more trees down but if you look at the house from one angle or a few just not not the side that’s not finish I mean it it looks

Pretty good it looks it looks finished there you go that’s quain let’s keep chopping the trees down uh that’s nice nice music you know this is very different than my very first time playing Minecraft that first experience was definitely with a lot of fear lot of fear

But we’ll we can talk about that some other time let’s finish the roof on the house place this there there there oh no not like that like not like that oh goodness let’s just back up and need some space there we go put a torch here in the

Middle and that should hopefully light it up enough that we don’t get mobs on top and we’ve done it now let’s actually let’s run to the beach let’s go get away and get some sand I’m just going to get four I’m going to need a lot more in the

Future but four is fine for now let’s cook our sand torch there put a door here I don’t have to go out of of the house but I just put that glass I think I am going to put a door there so I can be lazy that makes much more sense cuz I’m

Going to be coming in and out of there a lot to get the wool and there we go put a window there too cuz why not let’s expand our storage just a little bit so we can put some other stuff away I’m going to start working on a chicken

Pen and I think I’ll just put it here a fence there fence there wa fence I mean a gate eight okay here we go all right well that worked out perfectly we just needed two and now we just have to wait for this to grow and that’s a

Problem we’re going to need to expand this a lot and get a lot more seeds or else we’re never going to survive let’s chop these down since they’re blocking our view I like this big oak tree I think we’ll try and keep it there and just cut the other ones I’m

Totally not saying that just because big oak trees are kind of annoying to cut down I could always burn it down though that is an option and there goes our axe let’s put our iron away we don’t need to hold on to that even though we need some right now to make

Ourselves another Axe and we should probably go mining soon I haven’t been to this side of the island so might as well explore a little bit cuz who knows maybe it’s not actually an island I think that’s this is the end of day four if I’m not

Mistaken and I picked the worst time to go leave our home because it is nighttime oh there’s another Black Sheep there’s a bunch of sheep over here hello sheep and more seeds I beg give the seeds from thy Earth I plant chunks are having quite a time loading and The Horde is

Here oh joy there a nice cave here I can get some coal I kind of want to get some more bones but that guy was in a bad position so I’m not going to fight him I’m going to go fight this skeleton okay fine fine fine

Please just go to one side of them should we just run around and try to get yeah let’s just try to get bones I’m not even doing this for food cuz this is not a efficient actually I Could Just Kill all these chickens I really just want the wheat so

I can breed the sheep and get more wool cuz I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot I’ll just die all right hello zombies goodbye gosh all the footsteps are a little unnerving use the trees for cover and then miss all of your hits that’s

Crazy o that was mean that wasn’t very nice the locals on this island are out of control all right I think that’s going to be the end of of our Excursion because I’m out of food I swear he took way more hits than he normally does to die let me

Home let’s plant our Seeds and harvest the Sheep there’s some eggs in there and expand the farm oh I could make a bow soon that might be good are they still weird in this version where you can’t draw back feel like they might be you know I feel like I’d like to make a

Quarry and I think I’ll do it right there actually h I have to figure out where I’d like to put the house not that one like the actual base might end up putting it on that like Hill but I need to scope it out to make sure there’s enough room cuz building

The house itself like the structure I have in mind is going to take some resources so I need a good base or else this is going to be a m massive Endeavor to also do terraforming while constructing the house itself so let’s check this out got this weird blob here it’s really

Hard to tell with all of the trees I mean it seems like we have a good amount of elevation Here you know if anything no I think I I think I should put the the main building on top here and then have stairc like a staircase down to this open area here and then also have like a back area oh hello creeper I think this will work out

Nicely I won’t really know until I clear these trees and I would burn them but I don’t I don’t even have Flint so I can’t do that um but I need the I’d like to get the wood anyways I don’t necessarily need it but having wood is nice uh and I shouldn’t be

Wasteful so I’m not going to disclose what I have in mind but I will say it’s pretty large and I might be biing off more than I can chew especially so early on with such like primitive tools and such but it’s what I have in mind and I’m just going

To run with it so I think I’m going to make like a quarry here and basically that just means I need a lot of stone and you know that also means I need a lot of coal because I need Stone not Cobblestone and now I’m beginning to

Wonder is silk touch a thing in this version or is it not I mean there’s enchanting cuz we have levels right so let me check that real quick so good news they it was literally this release 1.0 if I read it correctly that they added enchanting so that’s when they added silk touch

So we’re going to need 30 levels which is going to be fun we might want to try and get those 30 levels from just killing zombies cuz I feel like they’re the easiest mob to kill and if we find a spawner that’d be really cool um and then maybe we can get

Some silk touch to make our life easier but for now we can’t rely on that so I’m just going to start digging a big hole and it’s just going to be nice for the future because we’re going to get a bunch of resources from it

So don’t know how much of that I’m going to show because it’s just me digging a big hole but yeah I’m going to get started on that I think first we got to clear these trees but I want this skeleton die thank you got to clear these trees first

Though of course there was the absolutely largest Big Oak tree right here it’s like a little mini game trying to find all the logs or well I guess they’re branches but you get the [Applause] point okay goodness looks like the creeper was eager to start the demolition process that kind of

Hurt just a little bit okay I think I want to make this like 16 by 16 so let’s start right here wait one two three four five six oh I got some Flint um I can already tell this is going to be a painful process to dig this hole out to

Bedrock even though the world isn’t as deep as it is in the current version um that’s still a lot of blocks but they’re going to be our blocks and we can use them for building then plus we good experience from finding ores so that’ll be good and our

Shovel broke let’s set up a little base of operations right here throw all this stuff in here there’s so much of it than goodness for more food throw that in there okay we only have enough for this and that’s okay because hopefully we’ll find some more

Iron as we dig this hole let’s also light up around it so that we can continue this endeavor into the night without any major risk of being harassed all right this is our last piece of iron it’s not looking great but it’s almost you know the dirt’s almost gone all

Right Sun’s going down on what I can only assume is day five or day six not entirely sure and we’re getting into the stone layer we could find some iron that would be wonderful because this pickaxe is going to break soon all right I don’t actually want to

Break that pickaxe because it’s our first one so there it goes why why my feet making so much noise it’s making me paranoid we stuck with stone for now it’s only slightly slower anyways okay you know what I’ve decided I’m going to go insane I’m going to go

Insane I’m I guys I barely dug anything I’ve just dug a few tunnels I can’t do this I need faster tools I’m going to lose my mind um so let’s just go mining let’s go mining let’s get some better tools before I go absolutely Looney digging a hole with only Stone

Pickaxes um but first let’s go check on our sheep yeah check on the farm too don’t think anything’s grown nope and we’re going to descend into the mines I can’t I can’t I can’t mine that hole I can’t do it I mean I could I just

Don’t want to do it knowing that there’s more efficient ways to do it not to mention we’re going to need to smelt all of that anyways and that’s not ideal let’s go in our original cave look there’s iron right here how crazy is that a little liberal with the

Torches oh good there’s coal as well everything’s going to work out gosh I don’t know why but I F on edge mining really do there’s just something unnerving about it and sounds like that do not help all right and we are back and we’re delving

Deeper and you know what it’s a new day new day new day new fears but the old ones are gone and I’m not feeling particularly fearful right now so so we’re just going to speed on through these caves because I have things to do there are things to

Get done I can’t you know just twiddle my twiddle my thumbs what what’s the saying that doesn’t sound good um I can’t just sit around in fear the whole time I got to I have things to do I have a base to build and nothing is going to stop me from doing that

And that wasn’t coherent in case you were wondering that wasn’t coherent not even my own irrational fears will stop me for the most part I’m tempted actually to dive into that Ravine I’m feeling crazy because I just I want diamonds I want diamonds bad I need them now and I think the

Ravine okay wait let me orientate myself and recall which pathway I went down so I I really feel like it was this one but no I I think this is the pathway that oh no I’m oh no I at the other Ravine I want the Ravine that goes into the lava okay

So there is that Ravine don’t really care to go down that one right now I believe that means is it this way this doesn’t feel right I think this is a dead end yeah I literally just went over here goodness and this is just sad okay I’m pretty sure the Ravine

Is up there then I believe it loops around right cuz it goes through that circular cave that branches off and then it goes to the big Ravine that goes down to Lava and then hopefully in there we can find some diamonds okay I’m not leaving these mines these

Caves until I get diamonds and that’s that I came down here for diamonds well I mean realistically it came down here for more iron but I want diamonds and we’re going to get them we’re going to find them and hopefully it won’t be the death of us to find

Them I am going to go down these other caves though oh my gosh look at all the coal this is great we need coal Coal gives us experience and experience gets us closer to better pickaxe hello no thank you we’re actually well we’re either at the bottom of the ocean Or okay this is definitely the ocean and there goes all our torches you know said we weren’t leaving until we got diamonds but I only have three more chicken left and um yeah well I’m sure it’ll be fine just so sad you get hardly any resources from mining it’s so

Grueling but oh well no complaining just mine and wow that water did a a lot of damage to our torches goodness that was just absurd oh I think this is the Ravine oh this is perfect yes ominous cave sound there’s some Redstone over there and a skeleton oh he just hid

There’s one down there too and that pesky spider don’t see any diamonds or do I no I don’t see any diamonds it’s like playing I spy and I do not spy any diamonds this is going to be really sad but really rewarding when we hit Level

30 and we’ll enchant a single item and that’ll be all our levels and we’ll have to get 30 more but that’s okay because you know what we’re working towards is worth it and the working towards part is part of the journey because we can’t get anywhere by doing

Nothing you know this is kind of nice with the music you know maybe I know there’s other reasons why Minecraft might be scary for some people you know especially the earlier uh versions which were just kind of devoid of life and just just kind of empty like you really felt

Alone and you know that that loneliness or just the fact of being alone you know that’ll make your head come up with things that make your mind race but I also wonder maybe people were fearful because I feel like there’s a part of us that doesn’t like to be alone with

Ourselves because then we have to think about things we have to think about life and more often than not we tend to dwell on things but then again I guess you know playing Minecraft it’s almost an escape so I don’t know I’m going to dig down over

Here gosh when that spider hits the floor When the Beat Drops on the spider it sounds bad it really sounds like it’s cracking all of its little limbs you know oh heck okay just put that there so no one can get up and blow us oh and this

I swear I keep hearing sounds but it’s just it’s either me or another mob and I just feel paranoid for no reason I don’t think that’s appropriate it’s a little schizophrenic hey now don’t be growling and stepping on dirt did you guys see how that creeper was

Like yep I know you’re in there and I’m coming for you look at the fog the fog is so nice I really miss that in newer virgins virgins wow I really miss the fog in newer versions of Minecraft it’s just not the same there’s just like an eerie but also beautiful

Atmosphere that it brings and been playing with a mod in the newer versions 1.20 that kind of brings back that fog effect and I’m excited to record some videos with it cuz it just it really help with the atmosphere I see you skeleton I’m just going to ignore him

For now he’s fine okay okay gosh the Minecraft combat in these early versions really just feel like you’re holding a stick and just wailing you’re just wailing like arm fully extended just wailing with a stick it just it looks so funny but it’s also Charming like stay back stay

Back and you know what I I totally get why I’m starting to understand why the fog isn’t as intense as it was I mean from my perspective right now based on like you know thinking about like Herobrine and like mods or data packs like from the

Fog you know what I wonder if the the like scare Factor the disturbing factor of the fog is part of the reason why Mojang like decreased it so much or changed it so much obviously that’s probably not the actual reason um but I wonder if that contributed at all it’s again it

Is very eerie and not like a oh this game is so cozy sort of feel now if you’re on the surface like in your house or something it is definitely like oo this is cozy you know for for only so long but then you start to wonder what’s

In the fog is something watching me am I truly alone in this world will I ever know for Sure and the truth is you are you are alone in this world and the scariest thing in the world is you if you’re really think about it ha I got the jump on you you really thought you could Slither your way over and harass me I need to be

Careful if creeper could drop down on me from up there and just instant me I’d just be dead instantly just sudden combustion and then I’m dead oh well that was just rude just rude I feel like that happens a lot less in newer versions I swear new versions I

Like don’t feel like I run into that problem as much where there’s ores above lava and then I M you know you mine the ores and then you fall you you fall in or the or’s Fallen or both just don’t seem to have that problem in newer versions not that it’s

Not you know there oh lapis lapis some nice blue dye ha I got some of it before you burned these tight caves little holes that go nowhere for the most part but sometimes there’s diamonds o we found a m shaft this is great very cool also we’re close to bedrock I

Believe because it’s getting really dark okay that was risky we got Redstone yes and my pickaxe broke that’s unfortunate just running through seeing if I can find some diamonds then there is none There’s a Zombie up there though I’m going to run over here where there’s light and

And O this isn’t safe I’m going to go right here I’m going to make two because we’re going to be down here probably not for much longer because again I only have one more chicken so that’s not great but maybe we’ll find I don’t know I don’t think they have Minecart

Chests in the M shaft but I believe there’s still chests which means that we can get some food maybe like some bread haven’t had bread yet that sounds delicious we’re getting some gold too it’s kind of nice hey oh my gosh am I full no I just

Can’t pick it up okay you saw me I didn’t think you did you nuisance it’s really the skeletons that are going to make me suffer make me have to lead this place before I find diamonds could just speedrun so I can find diamonds sooner oh you know what would be terrible cave

Spiders what’s so this suspicious gravel I don’t appreciate that that’ll be the death of me definitely sounds like cave spiders yeah and I believe there’s a spawner over there oh dear I’m going to get seriously lost if I’m not careful oh a chest yay maybe

We’ll find diamonds in it oh my gosh we found our first diamond in a chest how absurd do we not get a achievement for diamonds no okay maybe I have to mine uh-oh that’s a cave spider spawner and there’s a cave spider okay just run by everything’s

Fine I don’t want to deal with that I believe I hear a Creeper ow that was rude hello I knew I heard a pter patter on the top Keep Your Head on a swivel do not hesitate cuz they won’t they will not hesitate you cannot hesitate either death comes for you in many forms but none of them will take you unless you let

It oh another chest oh bread wow I should hold on to the rotten flashh even though I don’t want to eat it um we got melons that’s actually great that’s a great and which is surprising to say cuz it’s just melons but that is actually a great food source

Right now at least I hope so if we can plant a bunch of them we’ll get a bunch of melons we’ll be good for a while at least until we can get you know more chickens hi there oh you know what would be great is if we found a dungeon

Too don’t you dare blow up well that’s fine I know there was a another one over here he’s going to be behind me no I know you’re in here I know you want to kill me there you are yeah let’s just blow up it’s fine okay let’s be a little Frugal with

Our food and only eat when we can’t Sprint anymore cuz at this point it’s getting a little Grim it’s getting a little dire oh y more food okay things are things are looking out I’m still going to ration though because I don’t want to risk being in a situation where I need

To run and not being able to cuz I am quite far from the entrance at this point and I may just have to dig straight up all right this is dangerous but you just got to be brave you know you can stay there I don’t feel like fighting you oh a

Chest well that that’s not ominous at all oh my gosh that is so unnerving it’s just a creeper though goodness you see what I mean that’s horrifying he’s like looking around the corner oh diamonds these are our first raw diamonds this is it if we can get

Three sweet okay we can make a diamond pick now get some obsidian and be one step closer to an enchantment table haven’t seen a cow yet that’s one unfortunate thing we don’t have that’s one thing we unfortunately do not have is better English goodness we also need a plant actually wait a

Minute I’m pretty sure we don’t need leather in these versions for books unless I’m mistaken and I probably am everywhere is a death trap at any moment I could turn around and just get blown up by a creeper it’s horrifying are you going go away hello H take that Mr

Skeleton oh my gosh that actually made me jump goodness oh okay fine you win skeleton goodness that was absurd that made me jump so bad for no reason hey I know you’re over there come on come on now is this who you are oh I just knew it you wanted the

The cheap shot you knew I had to come around the corner and you were just going to take the opportunity it’s just sick you get more experience from Redstone I don’t know I really don’t know oh a chest lovely oh a pick and um we’re running out of Space just cuz I’m low I’m not going to keep the arrows cuz I don’t have a bow and I could technically make one CU there’s a bunch of spider webs but I’m not too worried about that lava is having a hard time lava’s having a hard time disappearing you don’t got to stick

Around it’s okay disappear I like that we’re going deeper it means that we might find some more diamonds and that’s kind of funny oh we’re officially at Bedrock level okay that’s cool a more diamond for me only two though right only two okay yep only

Two hey I’ll take it we have the magic number we have five that means a pickaxe and a sword that is a magical number gosh the Bedrock fog is really intense don’t miss that as much it’s kind of a nuisance but also you know it was atmospheric oh D oh my gosh they’re

Right in front of me goodness hey if we can get like eight more diamonds we can make a chest plate I we probably shouldn’t we should probably just save our diamonds for like pickaxes and tools cuz I’m going to need them oh my gosh we just found the

Best we just found the best Dungeon are you kidding me this is great oh we we found a saddle too okay um string can stay in there I’m going to take a screenshot of the coordinates here here and we’ll come back here and do something with this I’m not sure how

Different the older Grinders are but I don’t imagine they’re much different it’s literally just water right you just push them around and then funnel them somewhere um actually they are different because we don’t have Bubble columns so I’m going to have to look up a video for Like An efficient one

Or maybe I’ll just do something simple oh you know what I’m dumb we can just have them fall from a you know like as far as we can make them fall without dying but also you know so that we’re close enough to the spawner still so I’ll just have like a water

Trap and they’ll go down and then into a single line and then that line you know what we’re we’re close to bedrock though actually so that’s probably not going to work oh well I’m not going to worry about it it might just mean we have to hit

Them uh a lot to actually kill them for experience I think this is a perfect spot To get some obsidian also that was weird why I don’t know why the water hesitated I you see what I mean like there was this you know the lava pole kept going but it was like kind of blocked off so it’s like a mystery of like oh I

Could go through there but maybe I don’t maybe I never figure out what’s on the other side o Emerald that’s cool this is our first emerald too that must mean we’re in a different biome does it oh wow I’m in in Extreme Hills where the heck am I how far have I

Gotten from Spawn cuz I mean clearly not that far but dang they did add you know this was the version that they added them so that’s cool I’m going to get rid of that and get our Emerald we’re not going to be able to do absolutely anything with that Emerald

You know cuz it’s only a single Emerald but hey at least we have one hello oh another one this little cave just keeps on going oh we hit Level 30 excellent well I think that’s a sign that we need to leave so I’m going to get some

Obsidian I’ll just get up from here and I probably shouldn’t stand in the water cuz I feel like it’s going to kill me put this down make ourselves a diamond pickaxe want to make ourselves a diamond sword too all right here we go we just need four but I might get at

Least 14 so that I can also make a portal cuz we need 10 for the portal and four for the you know table but I’ve been mining obsidian for eons I used to play on like faction servers which is absurd to say at this point in my Minecraft career

Because I don’t really enjoy PVP I mean PVP is fun but yeah like the rating bases and stuff like oh I don’t know I just I just don’t like that anymore um it’s a different times obviously but I remember playing on a action server like you know early days of

Minecraft and you know you need obsidian so I remember Mining and Mining and Mining and mining obsidian obviously with Enchanted tools but like it was a lot and like you you know you’d build up your base you’d mine a million obsidian to protect it and then you know someone would break in

Eventually someone would find you and you’d lose everything you’d have to start over kind of a sad story not really though and look just like that while I was telling that little story I already have 10 time flies all right home stretch we just need this one to break and this

One and that should be it there we go 14 we’ve got our gold to smell so we can pick this back up we can eat a piece of bread and and maybe let’s just leave the crafting table here yeah let’s just leave it how deep am I why

15 okay I don’t really want to Tunnel up so let’s play a game so let’s not use our pickaxe our Diamond one as much as I would like to I should not I want to go home and enchant it okay let’s play a game can I figure out

How to get back home I think I can and the cave disagrees I mean so far I’m going in the right direction and also I did kind of take a linear path with the Torches so this shouldn’t be too difficult right okay somehow I’m going in

Circles oh yeah I went a big circle okay I I’m I’m a little panicked so let’s just get our bearings oh dear I didn’t go this way before Oh at least I’m getting higher that’s something oh no we’re here oh my gosh we’re going in circles I’m going to lose my

Mind okay we’re missing something this is this area it goes this way well now I’m kind of determined I would like to get out through the Ravine um but have other options now and we’re going to take them I was trying not to cause a flood goodness all right we’re going out this

Way here we go slowly but surely let’s see if we ended up near our Island we did okay I think there’s our house oh my gosh so we entered over there and we came out way over there that’s funny uh home sweet home fair and simple may it

Be we have succeeded in our adventure and why do I feel like why did I try picking up the eggs when I’m literally briming Al I’m a fool I should have planted the sugar cane and I’m going to go do that now let me pick up the

Eggs there’s only one let’s have a keeper um and I do want to pick up my Shear so I can start shearing the Sheep again hi Mr sheep I don’t think you’re supposed to be here I don’t feel like you spawn naturally gray I feel like you

Somehow escaped the pen and I don’t appreciate that maybe we should try finding a village so I don’t have to rely on the sugar cane to grow before we can enchant and honestly it is the adventure update so I think we should go exploring now again I don’t want to you

Know explor too much because of the chunk borders and I guess worst case scenario I can use a chunk Editor to delete the chunks I just don’t know if that would work you know since this is such an old version of Minecraft I don’t know why it wouldn’t but who knows I

Guess I’ll find out hey Mr Chicken oh didn’t mean to fall I’m sorry things are going good for us probably going to go adventuring probably shouldn’t take our diamond pick with us either I’m being honest let’s make some more chests we’re also going to need a boat and that’s

Going to be real fun cuz I’m pretty sure they’re explosive in this version oh yeah you couldn’t put chest next to each other uh that’s unfortunate we might want to get more food before we go exploring but you know what we’re going to be out in the wild so we’ll just find

Food and that’ll be fine we’ll just take some coal with us put some of that in there we have Cobblestone we have wood and I just know that you’re not supposed to be out of the pen that’s messed up is all I have to say now I got

To Wrangle these sheep you just can’t have nice things can you get over here you escapes you thought you could have a life of Freedom you’re wrong please get in the home come on you can do it get through the gate you can do it Miss come

On come here oh dear I’m going to lose my mind guys I’m not kidding oh hey we can block I just realized that again you can block I kind of missed that wait I’m dumb wait I can literally block I’ll still take damage I think right but I

Can block arrows wow all right I keep wanting to press M to like open a map there’s no map there’s just our eyes let’s just go let’s go on an adventure we’ll be back we’re going to go I don’t want to get lost whatever let’s just go the terrain is not happy

But we’re getting a sneak peek be cool if the um stronghold was nearby make our life a lot easier I really need to find some House nearby but I don’t think we’re going to cuz I’d like to get them for the milk to make a

Cake this ocean is a lot bigger than I would like it to be not to mention it’s pretty Barren and it’s just like speckled oh the baren oceans in their speckled bottoms that sounds terrible but you get what I’m saying oh is that a swamp ooh oh and a jungle okay

That’s pretty nice actually we get cocoa beans we get lily pads and there’s Cows as well very nice hello Coes and there goes our boat like a bomb it literally imploded I’m going to try to skirt around the skeleton kill these pigs for food oh my goodness please there’s no water tension stop

It nasty piece of work you want to fight I have a diamond sword and you have your hands your fist I was trying to crit that zombie but I was like timing my hits like after 1.9 and I can spam don’t forget that I can spam i i f your present skeleton

Don’t you dare shoot me okay that’s a good amount of food I’m not going to kill the cows this is also like a just a really quaint little swamp next to the Jungle which kind of feels like oh is it is it actually decently sized oh wait we

Got a desert too this is just wonderful all we need now is you know a tiger right we just need a tiger so we can get some Spruce Wood and I think that’s all the woods in the game at the time no there’s no dark oak no Acacia um well definitely no Cherry

What’s the other ones I think that’s it so I believe what we have right now is just Oak jungle Birch and Spruce oh and obviously we don’t have Mangrove either like come on guys those were added very recently and let’s get some jungle wood

Oh we got a sapling I would like to get at least four because then we’re more likely to not have to come back here I mean I’m sure we will it would be nice if we could find a village actually say I I would like to take advantage of the fact

That we have um more grass and actually my inventory is going to fill up really quickly I’m going to start collecting things that I normally wouldn’t have at home don’t think double tall ferns are a thing yet fact I don’t even believe any plants can be double tall yet

So these are quite rare I mean not that rare cuz we have a whole jungle right here also these poor large oak trees are struggling in this version of the game because there’s something wrong with the the leaf Decay and the logs so they would just like they would just start decaying and

They’d get like this pyramid shape and it was really just quite ugly quite sad well hi ocelot we could actually get some fish and get a kitty if we really wanted to but I don’t have any string so we’re probably not going to do that oh y another sapling okay I think we’re

Good on our way back maybe we can pick up more I want to go into the desert which I’m wondering now are desert Villages yeah desert Villages are a thing I’m pretty sure we have desert and plains Villages and that would be about it I don’t believe we had tiger let me get

The old version of The Villages that’d be cool if we should try and find one of each type I think the way I’m going to do this is so our home is that way and I’m just going to have this area be the old terrain area and load terrain this way

With the old terrain and I think whenever we convert I’ll just try and trim the chunks if I can so that the only chunk borders are on water that way they’re not as messy so realistically we should explore around the perimeter of this land mass until it cuts off with water or

Something that would be ideal look at this this cool glitched Lighting on these old style I mean these are Minecraft mountains essentially they’re called Extreme Hills because I mean they’re not really mountains but they are more mountainous than hilly if I’m being honest and honestly when I first started playing Minecraft I

Think this was like my favorite biome like I I would always settle in one of these biomes and I did that for a while and then and then I started to dislike how it looked cuz it’s like you know it’s always so messy with like the floating stuff and I know that’s like

Part of the charm I mean look at this we got a natural waterfall weird cave formation you know there’s a lot of charm it’s very very interesting but there’s also there’s some downsides it’s a bit chaotic for my liking at this point in my life so ooh look there’s a desert temple that’s

Actually great maybe we can find more diamonds this place is going to be perfect for what I want to work on because I’m going to need a lot of sand because I need a lot of glass so that works out also look at this this

Is so cool that it’s you know it’s the old style with the the orange wool cuz we don’t we obviously don’t have terra cotta and also look at the wool it’s so muted it’s almost like it’s pastale instead of vibrant interesting that kind of it works nicely

Though oh and we get some more wool in here that’s kind of funny um okay let’s go down and try not to blow up okay we’re safe now okay I don’t want the rotten Flash oh diamonds gold another Emerald some bones more diamonds wow that’s

Great um let’s get the TNT as well well I wasn’t expecting this but hey it it is the update when this was added so that’s really cool and now we have it in our world I’m also going to go around oh that was sad I’m going to go

Around this desert and take advantage of all the reads that spawn here naturally it’s going to be really helpful for getting us a full enchantment table sooner than later you know what else would be really helpful a village because we could just loot their library and we’d be we we’d have a full

Enchanting setup in no time with that so fingers crossed we can get ourselves a village to show up soon or within this Zone this is also a very nice desert it’s nice and big oh yeah I’d be surprised if we didn’t find a village I don’t think there’s any witch Huts in this

Version feel like that was in 1.8 because um witches aren’t even in the game yet yeah I think that was the either the pretty scary update which will be coming up or it was added after that I’m not sure I’m going to stop here and cook some food it’s kind of nice

Exploring in our new world and finding new things and honestly it’s it’s a nice change of pace to like get away from our Island cuz it is I mean it’s just a little forest and this is an adventure update I mean the the game progressed a lot

During this update I don’t want to just stay in one place nice so we’re going to keep exploring find new things I wanted to look at the achievements and see um that’s odd oh that’s unfortunate wow okay I should make those I I got jipped cuz I didn’t make

These all the other stuff I accomplished oopsie okay what’s our other ones let’s construct another furnace we might as well so we can cook this this meat too and let’s get an upgrade oh wait did I do that wrong oh no I to smell iron acquire Hardware oh

Dear well this is quite the mess okay well that’s unfortunate what else can we do so we need to bake that Harvest some leather we should try and just find some iron somewhere so then we can progress this and then we can get diamonds and then we’ll have to go back

Down and get some obsidian annoyingly actually there is some um there’s some lava nearby on the surface that we found on like day two or whatever so that’s good I could try getting Monster Hunter let me fight this creeper there we go monster hunter was that

Snow what is that over there it is ooh it’s snow I got a tag of biome okay we’re definitely going to go over there and get some fruce because it it is one of my favorite wood types and it only got better when they added the trap doors and stuff thank

Goodness for stackable food because if I was you know when I’m I’m playing beta 1.7 like at the modded thing and not having stackable food and I mean we don’t even have a hunger bar there’s no hunger bar no stackable food you think Inventory management is bad now or in current Minecraft

Goodness thank goodness they improved in at least this category here with food hey now don’t be doing weird things with me don’t be doing that come on now oh please they’re so finicky I’m going to kill you ow you’re a nasty one that’s what you are why is he doing this to

Me stop it fight me you I despise you no please I’m just going to take damage so I can kill him come here getting sick of your nonsense stop it okay never mind that is just absurd this is a problem well that didn’t go how I wanted

It to I was thinking to myself oh I should kill the Enderman and get some ender pearls how stupid the Enderman are Relentless okay what am I doing I I need to go to the tiger and get that wood I just I really wanted to see if I could find a

Village all right we’ve made it to the tiger let’s get some beautiful Spruce Wood any saplings come on guys don’t be stingy I see you you Tormentor oh you nasty oh of course than thank you okay we have one I’d like to have at least two okay there’s two there’s

Three okay we’re I’m fine with three we can live with that I’m sorry getting rid of the wood I need inventory space cuz I would like to continue exploring oh ow why why that was so violent what’s going on come on guys what’s going on with the

Terrain can we at least take a peek nope okay well I saw that there was an Enderman in a cave far away so there’s that okay let’s go back towards this desert here and maybe we can load the rest of it and fingers cross that there’s a desert village that would be

Wonderful oh nope but there is another desert temple full which is kind of absurd uh we should try and we need to get some iron ore should find an openface cave in like the worst place possible goodness I can’t work with that that’s just horrible I can’t work with that hole hello Cave no okay all right that’s fine let’s ow let’s loot the temple oh more Diamond dang I’m gonna we’re gonna have so many diamonds gonna have the ability to make a diamond chest plate and back into the desert is there anybody out here has anyone settled in this desert please say

Yes all right this is the end of the line the Great Sea border that’s unfortunate I was really hoping there’d be a village here well we could go home cuz we are very full of Things but we could also circle around this little body of water and start heading actually let’s just make a boat I know boats are explosive and very finicky I kind of want to avoid them but let’s just make a boat and let’s ride the water along the edge here

Let’s see what we can see go where no one else has gone and Conquer what no one else has conquered which will hopefully be a village oh Slow Down slow down slow down you’re going to explode oh my gosh oh yeah I can’t like shift out of the

Boat or at least it wasn’t letting me ooh there’s more desert okay so there’s still and the Sun is setting which means it’s day like I don’t know um it’s like day 11 at this point 369 it’s like 3 days every hour it’s been like 3

Hours yeah my guess is that we’re on day 11 I’m going to have a counter you know I I’ll have a display when I edit the video but right now I have absolutely no way of telling Because unless I’m just completely blind which is very possible I did not see it displayed on

The F3 screen so dang this terrain is just going and going and going hey the minute we hit ocean this that’s it we got to start looping around and I believe we’d hit ocean well that was ominous okay I’m tired of running through the forest I’m

Going to try and go start coming going home now I’m just going to take a wide a wide turn I’m going to go that way and take a wide turn to try and get home I nearly fell there please don’t shoot me let’s try and go this way to load

Some more terrain and hopefully find something new something anything definitely not a village I mean please a village Actually I don’t even want to find a village anymore we don’t need it it would just you know it wouldn’t even be that cool really so I don’t I just don’t even care

I we could never find a village ever and I would be happy I’d be perfectly fine cuz I just I don’t care to find one and I think um that if we never did that would be totally fine because I don’t even care to find one I was hoping if I

Didn’t dwell on it that maybe it would come true and at this point I’m starting to get annoyed with myself so no more Village talk we’re done talking about villages uhoh we found the edge this is ow oh my gosh all right well let’s keep going home we got what

We needed let’s um let’s check this recipe real quick before I confidently go home and realize that I need leather oh dear are you kidding me I need leather this is the version with leather I need to kill a lot more cows oh dear at least there’s a lot of them I

Could get this done easily I just need to backtrack a little or explore some more and get some more cow kills how unfortunate for the cow population is all I got to say all right so we have 16 how many are we going to need a lot oh the solemn

Piano oh befitting of our situation oh a tragedy to be so naive as to believe that things were going to work out the way you’d wanted them to how unfortunate nevertheless little pig we have a job to do so we must continue Onward oh my gosh and there’s a village well I’m dumb I just recorded that whole thing without actually recording so we found a village and you saw that bit basically there was a librarian got the books which is great we can make a bunch of bookshelves now

And I’m just harvesting the seeds so that we can go home and that’s about it we also looted this which had a diamond and I think some gold it’s nothing crazy and I blocked in the villagers and we’re also really far away from home but that’s okay I’m going to get this feat

And then I’m going to start making my way back home oh dear yeah there was some Carnage I have too much gold and more diamonds o that’s a lot of diamonds okay we’ll have to come back for the other stuff time to go home this is going to take a while

And I was going the wrong way home is that way or that way gosh why is there so many sheep all right time to sail home oh my gosh I think that’s our Island it is okay finally finally we’re home okay so I just want to say I know the last

Couple Clips were pretty monotone and that’s mainly because it was late at night and I was recording so I was much more excited to find the village then I actually sounded because that was a huge find we were looking for it forever and now we’re home and now we have what we

Need and we’re going to do we need to do something else first oh actually okay we can make the enchanter now so let’s go ahead and make that we have that made and I think we need like 16 bookshelves I don’t even know if we have enough we’re so eager to

Get home I don’t even consider that we didn’t even have enough books yeah I don’t know if that’s enough 369 actually I think it might be or at least close to um we’re going to be janky and put it here I don’t think this is going to be

Enough okay so we put the enchanter down let’s see what we get okay we’re getting 24 so we need like two more bookshelves and I think we still have some leather so I think we can do that actually okay we can do this I already had paper that’s

Crazy eight more books o I don’t know if this is going to be enough really need a level 30 enchant no we need two more books H also what am I doing wait I can make one more bookshelf I literally just need one more leather you kidding me um let’s put that

There maybe this will be enough I’m pretty sure it’ll be 28 yeah I need one more book wow um okay well didn’t want to have to do this but I’m going to go on a really quick Excursion to kill a single cow cuz it must be done ooh are you kidding me

There’s wolves and I don’t have bones oh you guys killed a sheep okay I’ll be back for you I just don’t have bones oh cows okay let’s make our final book let’s not use all our leather cuz we don’t need to and let’s get our enchanting table we don’t need lapis cuz

It’s that version of the game that we don’t need it unless I’m mistaken and I very well could be yeah no we don’t obviously let’s see what we get o fortune 3 okay that’s actually a really good pick it would have been really great if we got silk touch only slightly

Disappointed because normally you you you want fortune like you you definitely want fortune especially fortune 3 and we got Unbreaking so that’s awesome do I probably shouldn’t enchant anything else because I wanted to enchant my sword but then if I enchant it I can’t remove the enchants cuz

Grindstones are not a thing in this version we we did all that so we could mine but we didn’t even get anything with efficiency so you know what we we do we should go mining to get more experience especially now that we have Fortune dig this hole I need to dig this

Big hole you know what despite what I would like to do I think we should just go mining don’t know how much of that I’m going to show but I’m going to go mining and hopefully get a bunch of items actually what am I saying I I I really don’t want

Items I just want experience hopefully I can get a bunch of experience so much coal and experience we’re going to be rich in coal which isn’t amazing but it is good okay oh wow that was so wonderful that was really special that was something that was actually a little

Terrifying if I’m being honest if we can get another level 30 enchant I mean even if we don’t get silk touch and we can get like efficiency that would be really helpful for digging that pit and also you know while we mine we’re passively getting Cobble Stone and we also need a

Lot of coal for all the smelting that we’re going to need to do in case we don’t get silk touch you know we also have that skeleton spawner that we could turn into a grinder this is the place where we were before yeah we went down there we

Went through that that Ravine there and over there is the m shaft so I’m going to put wood like this to like signify this is the M shaft way I can see it from there and then I go down here okay that was uncalled for and that

Did make me jump and that was absolutely terrifying you you did not have to do that to me so now I know that way is the m shaft the zombie was behind me okay that’s scary you know would not be wonderful dying in lava at the at this time that

Would actually be horrible and detrimental oh wow that’s three creepers those are going to be a problem I can just fill it they’re going to drop down on me absolutely obliterate me and that’ll be it that’ll be the end of our hardcore series there’s a lot of zombies in the

Wall that’s a cool cave okay we’re here to mine not siy skeleton and the creeper hello Mr Green could you could you reago please hello hey come up here oh you had a friend it was just it was it was a trap they were trying to kill

Me oh my gosh another one what is happening why is this one being so docile is that all of you oh dear that was horrifying I don’t know why I just jumped ow I cannot get any piece in this place it is just out of control but at least we’re getting experience

Okay so what do we think think I can get 30 levels sooner than later oh diamonds I think so I mean I’m I’m already at 14 almost halfway there we’re going to break this actually yeah I had a feeling one and two wow Fortune did absolutely nothing oh hello

Zombie so nice of you to fall into lava don’t you dare blow up that Redstone which mine can’t wait till they add uh the nether quartz into the game because that’s going to be a wonderful way for us to get experience okay not in the lava please and we’re fine everything’s

Fine the cave disagrees let’s block up this lava there okay hello I’ll just it’s fine I’ll just go the other way I don’t need to go that way feel a bit more Reckless now that I have so much food obviously I could still die but be a little more

Fearless so sorry you didn’t get to fulfill your life’s purpose eventually we’re just going to be able to run through this whole thing and mine everything in complete safety for the most part all right let’s mine all this coal and get one step closer to level 30 you know I was

Considering we could just try and Rush our way to the end which is pretty dangerous considering we have to go through the nether first and find a fortress you know we could speed run to the end kill the dragon and get a bunch of experience from it but I say that and

You know the game is different now than it was so it would you know it’s going to be a little harder you know it does take a while to get to level 30 to get that level 30 enchant but it does make it feel a lot

More rewarding to have to work harder to enchant so that’s one thing interesting I guess I don’t think it’s necessarily better I just think it’s interesting it adds a different layer of challenge to something that honestly feels a bit more trivial in Minecraft’s current state but

I would not want this to return you know I’d want the system to maybe change but I definitely don’t want exactly what it is words I don’t want the enchantment system to return to what it was and I like what it is but that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t change you know there’s

Always some way they could adjust it or maybe make it more interesting or more challenging again who knows ah the beautiful fog it’s not as scary now because we’ve lit it all up I’m going to have to return to the surface in a second here because I’m almost completely full of

Items and we cannot make coal blocks how did you not detect me it’s not what it looks like I’m just Mining and you’re just doing your job too so I’m just going to keep Mining and we can be friends okay never mind just turned on

Me like the flick of a switch he just turned on me tried to kill me just like that look at that that cave looks cool hello ow that’s okay oh is this the another oh okay that was horrifying it’s another Ravine there’s our Enderman friend I want to stop in mine

But oh my gosh it’s a x Ravine that’s horrifying I’m so determined I just want to get 30 levels they definitely make the you know early game mid game last longer by making it take longer to get experience well I guess not necessarily to get experience but it’s more

Expensive to enchant right so it takes longer for you to get all geared up and all protected and to make you feel comfortable so in like in that sense the game is doing a good job of making you stay in this state of mid game longer which is interesting to think

About because Mojang is currently in the process it seems of adding more content to the different levels of the game they did it with the nether update they’re doing it with the trials update you know they said specifically in an article that this is for Mid game right I mean

Like it’s kind of a given I guess that a feature that they would add would fit somewhere in the game timeline in the game pipeline or the game’s progression that’s the word whatever they add it’s going to fit in the game’s progression most likely unless they’re just adding

Like nonsense mobs that just add to the world but they’re not really well they are doing that cuz like things like the armadillo they do add something useful but I guess we’ll find out how useful odd to talk about future things while playing in a really old not really old

This isn’t a super old version I mean this is it’s only 2012 and honestly guys I would tell you I would tell you what I want to make with all this Stone and possibly stone bricks I just I can’t and you can blame you can blame the game because the game

Has forced my hand it’s making this whole debacle take so much longer than it needs to we’re probably on like day 15 at this point and that’s quite all right cuz we’ve got a lot done and we’re playing the game the way it was meant to too I think

But I mean that’s also relative to the individual so I mean we’re mining that’s a huge part of the game so I hope the game is appeased well if I need gravel I know where to go there’s so much gravel down here like they removed that in the

Current game feel like I don’t find as much gravel underground anymore at least not like like this where it’s like locked in a cave to like imply a cave in I just I I hate to keep saying stuff like that like oh current Minecraft this Minecraft and that Minecraft comparing I

Mean it’s the same game it’s just a different time in the game so it doesn’t really change anything the game is what it is and it was what it was it’s just easy to say oh this is this or oh this isn’t like this because I’m here I’m experiencing

It and it’s been so long since I experienced the game like this if Minecraft never changed would it be as popular as it is now I’m not sure probably I mean they has so much potential in the modding Community probably would have stepped up really heavily I mean more maybe more so than

It is already right now and really made some unique mods and you know in quotations updates to the game if it never continued development but it is and thank goodness it is cuz they’re doing great only one more level guys this is it and I killed the Slime you

Know I’m so sorry you got a little too close to my pickaxe and I I just feel like you wanted to die cuz why would you do that to yourself we’re almost there just a little more come on our inventory is absolutely full we can’t even pick up

This coal anymore we did it we can leave Freedom At Last okay this is the way out over here right right it’s not it is oh my gosh it is ah finally out of the dark into the light oh my gosh I heard you but you didn’t sound that close oh my goodness is it just me

Or all the Sheep escaping I mean at this point my sheep should just be free Ro because they C they CLE they CLE they keep glitching out of the pen it’s quite ridiculous goodness they’re just vibrating let’s see what we can get fingers crossed we get silk touch that would be absolutely

Amazing we didn’t but we got efficiency so I’m not going to complain and you know what that means it’s time to mine the hole down there that hole that hole down there that hole down right there right there right down there not on my face

Down there okay I’m going to do that for a while and um maybe show you some of that footage we’ll see we’ll see but now I can just do it mindlessly and start getting materials for our big expansion which I’ve been talking about forever it feels like I’m

So glad I decided to invest some time into getting a better pickaxe because I’m already spending time our precious some precious time of our 100 days of our 33 hours you know on mining this hole and now I can do it so much more efficiently way more cob Cobblestone SL

Stone that I need to actually progress than I would have if I did it a different way and by different way I mean with horrible tools that would have taken forever you don’t have to do this to me don’t have to do this we don’t have

To fight we can come down this mountain together please don’t shot me out anymore nonsense I’m going to keep Mining and if something interesting happens you’ll definitely see it or something you know if absolutely nothing happens and I’m just talking to the wall maybe you’ll see that too because why not ah kamakazi

Spider goodness was it worth it I don’t think so I know it’s so exciting this sheep loves this hole I know it’s great why is there more sheep what what is going on at this point should I even have a pen yeah the Sheep are definitely escaping which is kind of

Upsetting so I guess we have to go on a scavenger hunt to share our sheep and you I’m putting you guys in a hole sorry you guys are problematic so I had to put you in a hole I’m sorry oh my gosh are you suffocating your

Friend what is wrong with you guys these um sheep are having a hard time they’re trying to fade from this reality look at our hole it’s going deeper wonderful back into the mine Sh okay so we mined and mined and mined and mind and there’s a sheep on the tree how fascinating we want to go backwards and don’t fall off okay so we Min the hole it’s so deep now that I can’t even see the bottom from here and that got me a

Little scared which is why I started building this staircase with the rail the railing I mean I need to do it around the whole pit because this thing is just I mean it’s just a death trap at this point and I’m a little weary of it

Um but we haven’t even you know we’ve gotten pretty far but we’re not all the way down to bedrock yet so and we got 30 levels again got silk touch which is amazing finally but unfortunately it didn’t have Unbreaking so it’s almost dead again and I don’t have 30 more

Levels and the sheep are so loud but I’m thinking that I’ve dug in that hole for quite a while I kind of want to change a pace I’m trying to decide what I want to do I can’t decide if I want to build a mob farm so go to that skeleton grinder

Build a mob farm get experience get better tools and then come back up here and harvest like cut down the trees maybe finish digging the hole and then start building the big project I might need to make the Sheep pen a little bigger if you can hear me over them

Goodness there you go guys just a little more breathing room I think this is good I think this works we have a lot of stone now so that’s good I also turn some into stone bricks and there’s more Stone there and there’s some wool here I

Would like this to be filled that would be ideal and even then I don’t know if it’ll be enough but I guess we’ll find out okay you know what I’m kind of at a loss for what to do because there’s so many things that I want to do that I’m

Just going to shut that door and I’m just going to make a board I’m going to make a board with all the things that I want to do and we’re just going to write them down let’s put it by this tree I like this tree let’s make it

Five wide cuz who knows how many things I’m going to come up with I should plant these trees and start cutting them so I’m going to plant you there plant you there you can go actually oh when it’s rain just lovely sorry Mr tree so we’re going to

Do this call this the progress board if I can spell and one of our goals is build the thing but we need collect sand plus end end pearls because if we’re in the desert we might as well get Enderman kills because they it’s really easy to find them there but enchant tools better

Harvest okay so we want to enchant our tools to harvest things you know faster but in order to do that we need to make a mob grinder okay oh tree gr perfect what else is there I mean okay well we want to we want to kill the

Dragon but there’s quite a lot of things we need to do before we get there I see you creeper you better not ruin this board so the way I see it in order to make all the things that I want to do which is build the house and kill the

Dragon well build the thing you know the the thing and you know collect sand and do all this and kill mobs I should just make a mob grinder it’s not going to be the best mob grinder but I might as well just make one so I’m going to go get the

Coordinates for the skeleton spawner and and I guess I’ll meet you guys over there unless something happens which could okay so we got the coordinates the top one is the skeleton spawner the bottom one is the zombie spawner that we found I don’t like the lightning if I’m being honest don’t like

It one bit because it burns down whole Forest I saw that right it struck our tree listen I’m I’m traumatized I normally play with fire spread off in fact are game rules a thing that’s crazy um I normally play with game rules like fire tick off because I am

Traumatized I have had entire bases burned down out of my control because of lightning and that’s just disarming if I’m being honest um let’s try uh I I there’s not even even worth trying it I know Mega the mega spruce trees are not a thing yet at least I’m pretty sure

Because you know the biome is not even in the game this is good I don’t really have plans to use Spruce in our main base but having variety will be nice and again Spruce is my favorite wood so do I really want to go out in the

Storm not really I’m being honest but kind of want to get out of the storm our house is so small and confined okay let’s let’s figure out where the spawner is 168 362 it’s that way it’s either going to be in the water or over there on that land mass yeah nope screw

That I am not building in the middle of the ocean I mean I could just build a tunnel the little tunnel with a bridge uhoh by bridge I mean with a ladder um let’s stop this fire before it spreads you know this is actually when I would

Like to sleep cuz things are going to get out of hand if our forest starts burning down stop it it’s hard being a firefighter when things are trying to kill you goodness I’m going to terrorize the trees just trying to put out the fires

I’m not a fan I’m not a fan I don’t like all the Thunder I we all the lightning is it going off so much okay let’s go find the other one we’re basically on top of it we just need to go that way which is perfect because that’s towards our base as much

As I would like to make the skeleton spawner our GR grinder if I don’t have to travel a mile away to get to the grinder that’s even better 147 dang it’s actually behind our house oh my gosh it’s so far to another tree okay that one can just

Burn this actually kind of cute it’s over here on the peninsula I make a stair right here this is perfect we’re right on the outside that’s exactly where I kind of wanted to be this go way smaller or maybe it’s just cuz I haven’t dug the flooor yet um okay I’m going

To take this out a little bit we’re going to be grinding before we know it it shouldn’t take too much pain and suffering to get this set up our little zombie is absolutely spinning out of control let’s go one more down so if we were smart we would have also brought our

Enchantment table down here because chances are this is going to be our primary source for enchanting you know for experience I mean so we might as well have just brought our enchantment table down here but um I didn’t so oh well also going to try and make this somewhat nice since

This is our first mob grinder and then let’s break it to down and we’re just going to funnel them into a hole we’re not going to do anything crazy at least I don’t think yeah I’m just going to put them in a hole okay so we got that now we can put

This how far does that go that goes to right here let’s just make the hole right here there’s no point not not doing it um okay now I need to get a way to the hole so we make the landing here we can go down this way place a crafting

Table CU I’m thinking this will be like her storage area for now so let’s do this not like that oh well that’s a problem how did I mess this up oh my gosh actually I think we’ll have enough stairs to make it all the way to the top

Yeah and then we can we’ll come back here with more Stone to make this really nice so like does fire not spread because what’s going on with that tree over there it is not burning which means that I should probably put it out before they make p

Spread okay the good old run backwards and play stairs trick and it failed the minute I talked about it there we go we have our way down and up and we have plenty more stairs so it worked out moment moment of truth this is our very basic very beautiful mob

Grinder let’s see if this is good enough for us for our needs and it seems like it will be I might have to get rid of that torch down there though seems be letting in a lot of light unless it’s this one actually let’s see is that this

Torch oh it is okay so the torch down there is fine and now we can go down here kill them T mob grinder isn’t that crazy going from down there I don’t know I might have to stand up here I’m thinking I’ll have to stand here I’m also thinking that I might want

To move this stair surface to make it go down over here cuz eventually I’d like to put glass here that’d be cool yeah I think I could I could okay I’m going to do that I have an idea so we’ll cut the stairs off here and there will be a

Landing here and then they’ll go down this way to a door yeah yeah okay but the door will have to be here okay so the door will be here we’ll block this off can break this we’re going to replace this with slabs and we can put

Half slabs here all along this floor I’m make a hole in the wall and the zombies are getting very loud which is totally fine because like that’s that’s good that’s working oh this is going to be great I should definitely get the enchantment table mov down

Here and we got even more storage oh we can do it I was wondering if you could actually Place stairs like this in this version but you can so that’s cool let’s wait for a class and before you know it we’re going to be fully functioning and you know

What for safekeeping I’m going to leave that pickaxe down here and someday we’ll come back for it and we’ll put like mending on it or something and we’ll rejuvenate it won’t that be something when we have mending that’s going to be a special day and a big change to our world oh gosh

Why is there fire everywhere stop it oh please creeper now now’s not the time okay whatever I’ll just leave that wood he’s following me this freak stop it oh my gosh can you believe that sheep that was horrifying okay is there any more fires around I’m not seeing

Any there is this one though also look at that that’s a nice view of our house was worth a picture lightning storm sure did a number on our forest thank goodness Fire doesn’t appear to be spreading they could have added lightning rods a little sooner ow you know what this has been bothering

Me I’m about to fix this there you go beautiful sheeps sheepies oh I don’t have shears hold on hold on sheeps and I trampled that get as much stuff as we can out of us and Shear our sheep oh ow oh my gosh what are you doing stop it right next to the

Sheep that’s just called for some people have no respect I think at this point each Harvest we should be getting about a stack of wool if we’re lucky let’s pick up the enchantment setup so we can bring it down there with us bring the wood let’s bring our diamonds and I think that’s

Good we’re going to bring a stack of lapis too because um eventually it’ll require lapis and we might as well have some down there for when it does this is so nice having a grinder that’s on the island not super far away we can literally run to it and eventually maybe

We can make a little like a pathway so we want to enchant these four items and then obviously we’ll have to go mining again to get more diamonds but that’s okay torch here and Bam we got our 30 level enchanting sweet or you know what

We’re going to be level 30 so I’m going to AFK for a bit kill a bunch of zombies these and hopefully get all these items Enchanted and I’ll show me enchanting them so I will be back just going to bang my head against you know side to

Side going to bang my head side to side so I don’t lose my mind just slapping them over and over again I mean eventually this will hopefully be easier or not easier but more enjoyable when we can enchant a diamond sword let’s enchant F of arthropods are you kidding

Me could have at least give me S might instead of sharpness no it give be Bane of AR bonds just ridiculous and let’s do this oh my gosh perfect that’s exactly what we wanted all right number three uh that sucks you know it’s too bad I didn’t save this looting sword

Because I could have used it to kill Enderman get us one step closer to hopefully finding the end but oh well okay we’ve made it our very last one let’s enchant this chest plate what okay well you know you can’t always win and that’s okay let’s just enchant everything else since we’re

Here cuz why not we’re just just not we’re not going to have a sword I need to go back upstairs and make one back up to the surface we go I’m tired of being down here so I’m leaving so long okay let’s just hope it’s not nighttime and

It’s not perfect home safe we go hello ow we’re doing pretty good on the wool okay so we made the mob grinder we Enchanted my brain is melting guys my head hurts I think I’m dying I’m not but I just feel dead um okay so we got the mob grinder

Done we Enchanted our tools you know we have some better stuff not that great if I’m being honest but I really don’t want to spend any more time down at the grinder so I think I think I’m going to clear down this Forest now as much as I

Want to go do something fun I think I’m going to do that probably won’t show much of that but it needs to be done so here we Go

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Through Time | Days 1-25 Movie’, was uploaded by Daeyon Creates on 2023-12-30 08:00:34. It has garnered 1909 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:02 or 9002 seconds.

Minecraft Through Time so far, days 1-25 (plus a few extra lol). Eventually, I’ll do a 100-day video where it’s cut down and highlights each day, for now, we’ve got the long-form content with a bit more nonsense :D. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

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Minecraft Survival Series #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Letsplay #MTT #MinecraftThroughTime

  • Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore! The Journey to Overpowerment in Minecraft Hardcore Building a Trading Hall and Villager Breeder In this exciting episode of Minecraft Hardcore, our protagonist embarks on a quest to upgrade their gear to the max. The first goal is to create a stunning Trading Hall and a Villager Breeder. With a diamond axe in hand, the journey begins deep into the caves in search of essential diamonds. Maximizing Diamond Armor After acquiring the necessary diamonds, it’s time to craft the coveted diamond armor. But beware, the journey is perilous, and the iron armor might not suffice against the dangers lurking… Read More

  • Roblox Blade Ball: Mastered All, We Stand Tall!

    Roblox Blade Ball: Mastered All, We Stand Tall! In the world of gaming, we find our tale, Brother Ian and Ethan, never fail. Roblox, Minecraft, BTD6, they explore, Their channel, a place we all adore. Blade Ball, a game they tackle with glee, Spinning, driving, a wild spree. Emojis, laughter, their style so bright, Every update, a pure delight. Ian and Ethan, a dynamic duo, Crafting content that’s never slow. In Roblox realms, they roam and play, Their energy, infectious, every day. So join them on their gaming quest, Subscribe, like, and be their guest. For in their world, fun never ends, Brother Ian and Ethan, our… Read More

  • Guess the Themed Build Challenge!

    Guess the Themed Build Challenge! Minecraft: GUESS THE BUILD: THEMED! Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players come together to showcase their building skills in a fun and engaging minigame. That’s exactly what happened when Jimmy, Impulse, Gem, Skizz, and Joel gathered to play a unique building game in Minecraft. The rules were simple: each player would build something based on a theme, the next person would guess that build, and then build someone else’s guess in a cycle until they had swapped three times. The result? A hilarious and creative display of Minecraft builds like you’ve never seen before. Theme:… Read More

  • Ultimate Super Smelter Guide – Endless Fuel Hack!

    Ultimate Super Smelter Guide - Endless Fuel Hack! The Light Speed V3 Super Smelter: A Game-Changer in Minecraft Introduction In the latest Minecraft update, a revolutionary super smelter has taken the gaming world by storm. The Light Speed V3 Super Smelter, part of the Light Speed series, is now faster and more efficient than ever before. Connected to a new duper for a fuel system, this smelter can fill up furnaces in just 10 seconds, making it 2x faster than its predecessors. Key Features Unique Design: Designed by Ender Cuber, the new duper connected to the super smelter offers a unique and innovative design. Enhanced Speed: Utilizing… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server

    Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we have a thrilling story to share with you that might just pique your interest in joining a new Minecraft server. In a recent YouTube video titled “Someone Cracked The Cipher | Monster Marauder Part 5,” adventurers on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a groundbreaking discovery. After deciphering a mysterious code found on a remote island, they uncovered the words “Crimson Keep.” This revelation has sparked a frenzy among players worldwide, as they flock to the town of Crimson… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. Experience the thrill of PvP combat, the satisfaction of creating intricate structures, and the camaraderie of collaborating with other players. With a dedicated server IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily connect and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back… Read More

  • Vanishing $1M Minecraft Server

    Vanishing $1M Minecraft Server The Mysterious Disappearance of a $1,000,000 Minecraft Server Recently, the Minecraft community was shocked by the sudden shutdown of a $1,000,000 Minecraft Server that was once thought to surpass the popularity of Hypixel. The server, known as Tubnet, had a promising start but ultimately met an inevitable downfall. The Rise and Fall of Tubnet Tubnet, a project spearheaded by popular Minecraft content creator Tubbo, gained significant attention upon its launch. With unique features and gameplay elements, Tubnet quickly amassed a dedicated player base. However, despite its initial success, the server faced numerous challenges that ultimately led to its demise…. Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Tiktok Cape in 2 Minutes!

    FREE Minecraft Tiktok Cape in 2 Minutes! Unlock the NEW Minecraft Tiktok Cape for FREE! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a stylish new cape to your collection? Look no further! The latest addition to the Minecraft cape lineup is the Tiktok Cape, and the best part is, you can get it for free in under 2 minutes. Follow the steps below to claim your very own Minecraft Tiktok Cape: Step 1: Download Bluestacks Before you can redeem your Minecraft Tiktok Cape, you’ll need to download Bluestacks, an Android emulator that allows you to run mobile apps on your computer. Head over to Bluestacks… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. If you’re a fan of hardcore gameplay and challenging adventures, then Minewind is the perfect server for you. Imagine diving into a world where every decision you make could mean life or death. That’s the thrill of playing on Minewind. With its unique hardcore mode, you’ll be on the edge of your seat as you navigate through treacherous terrain and face off against dangerous mobs. But Minewind isn’t just about survival – it’s… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we have a thrilling story to share with you that will surely pique your interest. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can You Crack The Cipher? | Monster Marauder Part 4,” adventurers on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a groundbreaking discovery. Following coordinates found on the walls of Tolfaldir’s sewer, they stumbled upon a hidden island that housed the hideout of the notorious Monster Marauder. Inside a cave, they uncovered a mysterious cipher that has yet to be solved…. Read More

  • Robo’s World Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.4 Java Bedrock

    Welcome to Robo’s World! Hey! I’m Robo, and I invite you to join me in my world. I have been playing Minecraft for 12 years now, and I have finally made the decision to settle into a world. Let’s have some great adventures together! This server is in the same spirit as the iconic hermitcraft smp, which means that there is no stealing or griefing of any kind. Everything that happens in the server is done 100% in survival mode. Let’s have some fun together! <3 Apply on discord! The server launches at 4pm CST on 5/15/2024! (Today) Read More

  • Green Gem 1.21 Survival

    Green Gem is a Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot Survival server. Play with your friends on this USEast 24/7 hosted server. Currently there are no plugins as this server is in its 1.21 Snapshot testing phase. When PaperSpigot is updated to 1.21Green Gem will start adding plugins. Check us out! We are a small community that is growing more and more every day. All are welcome. We want to meet YOU! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – All memes are legendary ’cause all are Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - All memes are legendary 'cause all are MinecraftWhy did the Enderman bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house! Read More

  • Crafting Oklahoma: Minecraft’s Wild West Adventure

    Crafting Oklahoma: Minecraft's Wild West Adventure In Minecraft, Oklahoma’s beauty will shine, With plains, hills, lakes, and forests divine. Build Oklahoma City with a cowboy’s grace, And Bricktown’s charm, a lively place. Don’t forget the Memorial, a solemn sight, To honor the past, a beacon of light. So grab your blocks and let’s begin, Building Oklahoma, let the fun spin. Read More

  • Enderman stalks me, even the Pope! #minecraft

    Enderman stalks me, even the Pope! #minecraft “When you’re trying to play Minecraft peacefully but the Enderman keeps following you around like a clingy ex.” #minecraftproblems #papieżpapieżowi #endermancreeper #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Sand Farming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Sand Farming Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Imagine being part of a server where you can explore different versions like 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 1.20.5, and 1.20.6. Whether you play on MCPE, Xbox, PS, Switch, or PC, Minewind has something for everyone. Joining Minewind means joining a world of endless possibilities. From fully automatic farms to high-performance gameplay, the opportunities are endless. And… Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese-style Minecraft Home

    Crafting a Japanese-style Minecraft Home Exploring Japanese Style Architecture in Minecraft When it comes to creating unique and beautiful structures in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. One particular style that has captured the imagination of many players is the Japanese traditional architecture. From serene gardens to elegant interiors, building a Japanese-style house in Minecraft can be a rewarding experience. Building a Japanese Style House Building a Japanese-style house in Minecraft involves paying attention to detail and incorporating elements that are characteristic of traditional Japanese architecture. From the use of wooden beams to sliding doors, there are several key features that can help bring your… Read More


    EPIC RELIC RUNNER CREATIVE STREAM | Live from IgnitorSMP | 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘RELIC RUNNER CREATIVE STREAM | Live from IgnitorSMP Season 3 | Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-05-11 20:11:09. It has garnered 85 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:48 or 8748 seconds. My name is Vid and in this series, I play Minecraft 1.20 on a server with a few other players! Join me for shops, farms, automation, building, redstone, villager trading, and more! Click the Like button if you like this video! Subscribe now! Leave a comment and tell me what you think! Here are some more commands… Read More

  • Herobrine Nearly Gives Me a Heart Attack

    Herobrine Nearly Gives Me a Heart AttackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Almost Gives Me A Heartattack #minecraft #herobrine #scary #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Seimon on 2024-01-18 11:30:21. It has garnered 201 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Herobrine Almost Gives Me A Heartattack #minecraft #herobrine #scary #shorts #minecraftshorts You can find the whole Video on the Channel. This is a short created from my Minecraft Herobrine From the Fog Survival Let’s Play Series. #minecraft #herobrine #scary Read More

  • Unbelievable! ManTreKs – Guardian Tales (4-3) Full 3-star Desert Madness Oasis

    Unbelievable! ManTreKs - Guardian Tales (4-3) Full 3-star Desert Madness OasisVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guardian Tales (4-3) (Full 3-star) world 4 Desert Madness | Oasis’, was uploaded by ManTreKs on 2024-02-15 12:09:53. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Guardian Tales ( 4-1 ) world 4 Desert of madness | Entrance to the desert Minecraft Pe,Minecraft,Minecraft Indonesia,Minecraft Survival,Minecraft Noda,Minecraft Hardcore,Minecraft Series,Minecraft Animation,Texture Pack,Resource Pack,Shader Pack,Mod Pack,Skin Pack,Erpan1140,minecraft mods,minecraft song,minecraft style,minecraft xbox 360,minecraft herobrine,guardian tales,guardian tales indonesia,guardian tales speedrun,guardian tales season 1,guardian tales season 1 story,guardian tales season 1 speedrun,GT,GT indonesia Guardian Tales Arena,Guardian Tales PVP,Guardian Tales Lynn,Guardian Tales,Guardian… Read More

  • UNREAL! Building Village in Minecraft Creative – Day 3141 #shorts

    UNREAL! Building Village in Minecraft Creative - Day 3141 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3141 #shorts’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-05 01:30:07. It has garnered 2501 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3141 #shorts Read More

  • Unlock OP Items in Minecraft Fast!

    Unlock OP Items in Minecraft Fast!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Download & Install Just Enough Items In Minecraft – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 16:00:03. It has garnered 779 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Learn how to download and install just enough items in minecraft in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate links): Tubebuddy (YouTube tools): Microphone: Laptop: PC: Some of the links in this… Read More

  • INSANE TNT Speed Run in Minecraft! 😱#Gamer

    INSANE TNT Speed Run in Minecraft! 😱#GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Runing #minecraft’, was uploaded by FAHD GAMING on 2024-02-24 11:55:40. It has garnered 5620 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Runing #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Progress in One Block Skyblock – Day 2

    Insane Progress in One Block Skyblock - Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Progress? Minecraft Skyblock One Block Day 2 With @cryovision_yt & @pandagirlgamingcorner’, was uploaded by Anna Sweets on 2024-03-27 05:51:18. It has garnered 223 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:44 or 12764 seconds. Join my Discord for chats etc.! Support me: Textures by Mizuno: Skyblock Reborn by: Read More

  • Unbelievable: JahirVar’s Zombie Wears Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: JahirVar's Zombie Wears Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombie with Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft: Mods Battles’, was uploaded by JahirVar on 2024-04-05 08:00:14. It has garnered 77 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:04 or 244 seconds. Mobs used in this video: 📌 Mob battle Mod Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Monster to Save Zombie Girl! – Hero29

    Unleash Your Inner Monster to Save Zombie Girl! - Hero29Video Information This video, titled ‘How to BECOME STRONG HELP Poor Zombie Girl Revenge – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by hero29 on 2024-02-22 13:32:30. It has garnered 54 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. How to BECOME STRONG HELP Poor Zombie Girl Revenge – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #animation #minecraftanimation #monsterschool #skibiditoiletminecraftanimation Read More

  • Magic Tavern

    Magic TavernThe Magic Tavern       by: Gaming Under the Influence   If you’re a fan of Minecraft but want to try something a little different, this might just be what you have been looking for! With premium plugins and multiple worlds, we try to accommodate for everyone. Our survival world has lots of features that we really hope you enjoy. Players can craft magical items and level them up with the Magic plugin. You can create your own shops through Chest Shop. We offer land claim so members can claim their land to protect it. You can even make your own alcohol!… Read More

  • The Crew Minecraft: smp, semi-vanilla, modded, pve, roleplay, whitelisted, 1.20.1

    Join our discord channel to apply! Welcome to our Minecraft Server, where creativity knows no bounds and community thrives! Throughout our 2 year history, we boast an active player base that is always eager to embark on our next adventure. At the heart of our world lies the Create mod, along with several other hand picked mods, to enhance the basic survival experience. Dive into a realm where imagination meets innovation, where every block laid is a step towards crafting your masterpiece. But it’s not just about building; it’s about building together. The Officials of our Homeowners Association (HOA) meticulously… Read More

  • Origin SMP: Season V

    Origin SMP: Season VWelcome to Origin SMP!A friendly minecraft smp where everyone is welcome! However, there are a few requirements:account_boxDiscordmicMicsecurityages 13-16headsetHeadphoneskeyboardKeyboarddesktop_windowsA minimum of 15-40 possible frames (higher is allowed)space_barJava minecraft (cracked accounts or hacked clients will be banned from ip)gavelExperience with playing minecraft  Rules, mods, and how to apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speed run strats!

    Minecraft Memes - Speed run strats!Why did the Creeper cross the road? To get to the other slide of the meme with a score of 9! Read More

  • Minecraft Mortality: 50 Ways to Bite the Dust!

    Minecraft Mortality: 50 Ways to Bite the Dust! In Minecraft, dangers lurk at every turn, Fifty ways to die, you must discern. From falling off cliffs to drowning in lakes, Each demise a lesson, each mistake. Creepers explode, zombies attack, Skeletons shoot, spiders crawl back. Lava burns hot, suffocation in sand, Each death a challenge, part of the grand plan. So watch your step, be cautious and wise, In Minecraft world, where danger lies. But don’t fear the end, for respawns await, In this blocky realm, where adventures create. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” 😂 #minecraftlove #creeperproblems Read More

  • Zero Teamwork: Machines & Magic

    Zero Teamwork: Machines & Magic Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring New Mods and Adventures Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with the latest 1.20.1 modded version. Dive into a world filled with exciting mods that promise new adventures and challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, there’s something for everyone in this modded Minecraft experience. Discovering New Mods Join the excitement as our intrepid gamer explores a curated selection of mods in Minecraft 1.20.1. From familiar favorites to brand-new additions, there’s a diverse range of mods to enhance your gameplay. Uncover hidden treasures, unlock powerful abilities, and test your skills in this modded… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?とてもかんたん115” which showcases a fun spot-the-difference quiz in the world of Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the creativity and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re someone who enjoys exploring new challenges, interacting with a vibrant community, and unleashing your imagination, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With its unique gameplay features, thrilling adventures, and endless possibilities, Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack | Minecraft Mod

    Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack | Minecraft Mod Minecraft Create Mod: Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to optimize their gameplay and make resource gathering more efficient. One popular method is creating automated farms, and with the Minecraft Create Mod, the possibilities are endless. One such creation that has caught the attention of players is the Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm. How It Works The Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm utilizes the Create Mod’s advanced mechanics to automate the process of generating cobblestone. By cleverly utilizing various components such as belts, encased fans, and mechanical arms, players can set up a system… Read More

  • Minecraft HalloweenMoonCrab – Catch Rare Cobblemon! Day 1

    Minecraft HalloweenMoonCrab - Catch Rare Cobblemon! Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:54:25. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:26 or 21266 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • Secretive Minecraft Stream on Hypixel

    Secretive Minecraft Stream on HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Стрим Майнкрафт играем на Hipyxel и общаемся #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aninone on 2024-03-03 20:09:25. It has garnered 39 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:40 or 10000 seconds. 📒On the stream I will be playing the masterpiece game “Minecraft” below there will be useful links, enjoy watching and streaming! 📕Donat (message on screen): 📗Discord server: 📘теги :minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft shorts, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, camman18, minecraft but challenge, minecraft speedrun, shorts, minecraft but i cant touch grass, camman18 shorts, camman18 minecraft, minecraft but you cant touch the… Read More

  • INSANE SPEEDRUN WIPE w/ Cyrox Senpai #mustsee

    INSANE SPEEDRUN WIPE w/ Cyrox Senpai #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘FASTEST WIPE EVER #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbedwars’, was uploaded by Cyrox Senpai on 2024-03-26 10:03:04. It has garnered 85 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Note:- All The Memes,Bgms and clips I use in my videos other than my gameplays and some other things aren’t mine I don’t take any credit for them. All Credits to their Respective Owners (Thanks Peeps Nothing Without you guys)💜🫂. Disclaimer:- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism,… Read More


    YARALELツ - HILARIOUS MINECRAFT STEVE ZOMBIE! 😂😂😂Video Information This video, titled ‘VERY FUNNY MINECRAFT STEVE ZOMBIE😂😂😂 #minecraft #story #meme #funny #trand #xd #brawlstars #shorts’, was uploaded by YARALELツ on 2024-05-26 01:17:30. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. hey, folks! Welcome to our channel! Here, you’ll find the funniest and most exciting moments from the world of Minecraft and beyond. We offer you: Short clips (shorts) with funny moments, including epic fails and hilarious mods that will have you laughing out loud. Exciting stories featuring Minecraft heroes like Herobrine and Steve. We create funny animation… Read More

  • EPIC Fireball Showdown in Novassy #shorts

    EPIC Fireball Showdown in Novassy #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight Smooth #shorts #minemen #minemenclub’, was uploaded by Novassy on 2024-03-31 13:33:09. It has garnered 10143 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #gaming Drop a LIKE 👍 and SUBSCRIBE 🔴 if you enjoyed the video! Remember To Click The Bell 🔔 Fireball Fight Smooth -Keyboard Apex Pro Mini 60% -Mouse Logitech G Pro Superlight 2 -Pc RTX 4060 i5-12400F Dont Read These ASMR Bedwars Hypixel Minecraft Bedwars gameplay Minecraft ASMR Relaxing Minecraft Whispering gameplay Soft-spoken commentary Multiplayer gaming Online gaming experience High FPS Minecraft… Read More