Insane Trampoline Park Build on Modded Minecraft!

Video Information

Hi Luca I can see you’re on I am just putting on the right skin and loading up the server so you can’t see anything yet but I can see that you’re writing stuff so hello uh let me just hop on the server and get going hang on a minute I’m nearly

There hi Minecraft lover okay I am just about to come on let me just quickly check if I’m actually wearing the right sort of skin because last time I nearly put on the wrong skin and I was yeah that wasn’t very good so hang on a

Minute uh oh I’m muted that’s not good okay uh I just this and okay and the right screen okay hello hello hello why am I muted hang on nope no no no no my microphone is muted that’s very strange hello how is everybody hello hello hello I oh I

Forgot I’m in cre creative and I if you double jump in Creative you just float like this yeah that’s it’s not survival but why is there a thing in this guy that’s weird okay I have I have decorated this area a little bit and I’m not wearing a funny hat that’s not good

Let me just double check okay ah okay my voice chat is off aha okay okay oh good okay um yeah I I people can hear me now let me see who’s on let’s see oh zero is on okay so I had a little chat with zero

And we want to I said I would do some stuff on the on the trampoline but Zero’s going to help me with that but I am also going to help zero with something new because he is going to extend the mini golf course um but first

Let me show you what I’ve done I have hang on made a little entrance tent here for the um for the pig jousting game so you come through here now and then this is the pig jousting game yeah but what but this is really weird because all huh

Okay that’s really weird because all the all the signs all all all the banners have literally changed to neutral banners that is so bizarre that is just the weirdest thing ever okay okay right we better change this right so how is everybody there Piggies and they are

Going exactly the same speed which is weird because I didn’t start them at the same speed let’s just do this so strange cuz these banners look really nice very very strange strange okay those all going to be green banners now okay right well okay um are my horses still there yes my

Horses are still there because I logged in halfway through uh uh week and suddenly all my horses had disappeared and that was very annoying okay so I’m going to get rid of this I also need to choose hat for today what hat am I going

To wear today let me see hats hats so we’re going to work on mini golf and a trampoline H the bunny Hut is kind of scary like a scary bunny I need a funky fun hat I think I’m going to go for flowers okay right um there we go yay

Flower girl woohoo okay amazing okay that shouldn’t be here um okay so just wonder what else Chase changes because this is so weird as we have Gremlins on This Server I think and also I have some new paintings that I made so for the immersive paintings I made some stuff

Um let’s put a painting here and a new painting load image oh hang on load image image okay I need to go on the other screen just a minute uh right outright God I haven’t even downloaded that yet ha haha haa okay okay let’s just stop this for a

Moment I um I tell you what I’m just quickly going to how do I do this there small minimize the window come on there we go okay I’m going to quickly minimize the window you’re going to see some behind the scenes stuff now so we need this and we are going on

Canva canva is an amazing app uh and I’m I’ve actually got the and this is what I need and I want to download this cuz make all these amazing signs download there we go okay and is download and there okay right so back to oops I make this big again back

To the game okay we’re back to the game and then I’m going to do this yours now these are all my paintings and I’m going to add a new painting this there it is okay this is actually I think it’s four blocks white and one block High and

A okay save and there we go and oh why did I make it four blocks wide that’s just a stupid size because this tent is three blocks wide oh no oh no this is not good this is totally not good okay so this is not where it’s

Going to go we have to find a better place for it it yeah okay where are we going to put the gting P sign maybe we’ll make a little a little thing here side let’s put it on here one think oh that’s on think I’m sign on yes you

Can yours josting pigs yes okay and there we okay that did not work did it yeah okay no gting pigs done and there we go wait this okay there we go and the sign is done now people know what this is this is jousting pigs yay okay right I am

Yeah so I’m going to quickly zoom over are still there oh look we have we have a ferris wheel that’s nice very nice cool we have a game that I don’t understand and I don’t know what you’re supposed to do here so yeah um I’m sure it will all be

Explained now I am looking for zero there’s zero hello oh hello oh dude you scared the heck out I’m not scary oh you might be maybe maybe okay hey U zero what is your solution for the problem with the um Adventure Mode thing uh is is the game still going to work

Yeah come over here okay cool where is he he’s disappeared are we at the start entr entrance entrance oh there there the entrance okay yeah okay yeah there you go you’ve just done it oh but will it automatically set itself to um to uh Adventure Mode when you uh

Leave the game well that’s what I’m going to that’s what I’m going to do okay uh I’m actually going to make sure they do step on the pressure plate by doing that okay so they can’t get out any other way than the way they’ve come

In I’m in survival basic I’m in I can’t I can’t bounce I can’t bounce look look I’m not flying just just just just F3 F4 I know but like I was like what okay oh yeah yeah yeah amazing amazing this is a really good idea you could sort of you know add some

Fences or something like that to make it like even more impossible yeah I mean yeah I might do I might even just use some barrier blocks to be honest you know what barrier blocks are the best they are they are so good um oh my my

Chat is going crazy right now hold on so Dano says that was a jump scare Diamond says hello hello um Bri’s trying to guess a country that someone else in my chat’s from um and you have people in your chat I have two people in my chat

But they’re not talking to me right now they have oh just they came in really early said hi and yeah Lucas in Minecraft Minecraft lover you hello talk to me they’re just not talking to me I think my chat just keeping themselves occupied I think that’s really nice

That’s really nice yeah I’ve usually got fairly quiet streams though so oh it’s okay that’s um I think I talk too much for I I talk so much that the chat doesn’t need to talk I mean you know what I’ve been talking a lot this stream and it’s not been uh o

Oh it’s it’s not it’s not stopped chat going it’s it’s still kept it’s still going I I was being factious I was joking okay hey look look look look look oh you’ve done a like a I’ve done it you’ve done it yeah yeah it I I had to

Change it to green wall though cuz my blots just break oh yeah this is cool yeah and then I’ve just got to uh put M all over this one now and then how many holes have you got did you did you already download the um the signs I made for

You uh I’ve not downloaded them yet we can we can add them later that’s fine painting thing hello welcome to stream tell painting thing hello from thep oh uh well they just heard you so I don’t need to do you want to make a group so you can play around six yes

Sure okay I’ll do it uh um stuffs are you making the group ohang on you made a group okay group stuffs okay we are the stuffs stuffs not the yep we are stuffs um painting things says hello hello painting thing how are you um should I maybe build like sort of

Statue over the top of this uh you could I honestly do not mind at all mean I have stolen some somebody from you that’s corx he came from your chat ah ah he says ah ah ah oh it’s okay that’s okay so what what um

Yeah that’s so kind of you um okay so have a look at this so how many how many many gol things one two three four five six we’re going to have 18 holes on here so I think this is going to be most of this area right right uh pretty much that’s that’s

Really cool okay hey sick twisted smile how are you helloo hello oh now everyone’s going to your chat they’re just coming to say hello they you get them back you get them back they were just feeling sorry this thing escaped from this thing it’s a horseshoe crab and it’s escaped from the aquarium

Over there ages ago right and it is like everywhere it’s like this is like the freerange Horseshoe crap it just just wait what this thing it’s just the weirdest looking thing right it escaped I know exactly when it happened because I was like resetting n he’s not you’re not going

Back I’m staying here hi Doo hello hello hello hi Doo okay oh are you okay this is too funny much better the over here uh uh than the bridge well I’m I’m I’m in the UK as well but I’m the Scot I’m I’m the German Scot so I don’t know if that’s any

Better everybody’s here hey check out the redeems I bet my redeems are much better than than than than zeros yes he he oh yeah they probably will be no they won’t be I’m only joking okay so what do you want me do you want me to build like

An arch over here or something so that people can’t really wax things really really high um well I mean the leaves right now are just like a tempor well they have but um redeem no no why did I say redeem oh God now I’ve got to go and have a

Sorry hang on it’s okay you got to go take a bath okay oh oh what’s this big what’s this big Square in the sky I I I think somebody was just using this to cut and paste okay so so I’m I’m I’m making myself an emergency and I’m I’m I’m clean again

And oh my God what are you doing this is oh that that was bad that they they used they used the Unicorn just after the Llama that’s so bad the smell what does the Unicorn do it farts oh right okay um would you like like a funny statue in

Here what is the theme of this thing is there a theme uh not particularly but there could be well I mean would you like some animals in here or or a giant picture of yourself oh you know what would be funny oh I’ve already got a giant ahead of me

I don’t I don’t think we need anymore no we don’t okay well we could make it sort of Castle themed we could have a big Knight in here or we could oh that would be cool I I mean I could make a knight sort of right here in the middle or we

Could have a knight that sort of you know like moves his foot left to right or we could have a giant head that sort of you know where the teeth go up and down and the mouth is sometimes open sometimes not yes but I think we should

Leave that for later I think this is maybe just a maybe just a medieval Arch just to yeah okay okay I’m going to steal some of those funky blocks here okay so why don’t we so are you going for all sort of medieval and pretty because that seems to be the

Thing um yeah why not um do you want like an I didn’t yeah no um I was just going to say I didn’t really have a plan for a theme but if like honestly your idea is well we could also make lots of funny animals could probably head back and mod over

There zero when am I moving to a better platform soon very very soon I just need to find the time to organize it and set it up but yeah very soon I will be moving to YouTube to stream soon don’t worry okay are you streaming from twitch

Right now yeah I’m streaming from twitch right now uh and I probably will just stream outright on Twitch for the last few weeks and then uh and then I will move on okay uh over to YouTube for other things oh that’s uh uh I’ll probably I’ll probably

Be streaming my hardcore quite a bit if I survive which hopefully I do you were doing really well yeah dude I I love that video I’m not going to lie the editing and stuff was amazing it really was good it really was good oh okay crashed 7 is that crashed I

Couldn’t read that on my second monitor but crashed thank you for the follow I appreciate it that’s really nice and welcome to stream that is that is actually hold on that is wait what that’s three two three three followers hello hello hello welcome to stream you ordered a better PC dude that

Is amazing at least you rocket League won’t crash now every time um and you can stream that is amazing I mean just just drop me a DM if you ever a stream hell no dude the the oh the making hellc thing did Were You There When I were you there when that happened

What are you you’re okay um what are you working on crashed oh and we’ve got cheese in the chat okay we have cheese I don’t know how I don’t know why but we have cheese real cheese what kind I don’t know someone just put cheese cheese cheese is good oh

You’re working on a mod oh dude a mod pack that sounds awesome I I don’t I wouldn’t even know the first thing about making a mod pack so I I have crazy respect for people that do that oh Diamond’s gonna diamond is going to be the death of me what is Diamond doing

So she’s saying hcom to everyone because when someone come into chat I accidentally said it trying to trying to say hello and welcome yeah and you said HC and I said hel and Diamond has now made it a thing where she says hel Welcome to Hell welcome to hell

Like come on I think helcom sounds cool H don’t don’t don’t encourage hey everybody say hellcome helc come now say it now say it now he really love he really loves it he’s just pretending he’s just trying to be shy you know and modest and he’s such a

Quiet and shy person but he really wants you to say h go for go for it go for it my go for it my chat is spamming it my chat is actually spamming it oh I love your chat your chat is brilliant sorry well I hope I hope it changes when

I move over to YouTube probably won’t no it won’t it’ll be just the same no you know what though my chat is what makes my content my content at the end of the day that is how it works my chat is like most of my content that’s how it works like I don’t

Know well yeah D Diamond’s saying it’ll never change no you’ve got the best you’ve got the best gang oh Diamond I’m in Creative how are you scaring me with creepers out oh my God if I had known he was that easily scared I would have tried that ages Ago it’s not it’s not fun it is anyway for anyone who isn’t in my Discord nightbot has just posted it nightbot has just posted the link to my Discord make sure to go join it it is an awesome community when it whenever it’s active it is awesome it’s it’s really funny I

Mean everyone takes the mick out of me usually but uh yeah make sure to say howcome to everyone and uh and that that that can be that can be it that can be the uh I told you he loves it when you say hcom oh that can be the

Thing hey dude what the heck what’s going on oh why someone just played a cave sound oh cave sounds are super scary that was very loud I’m just I’m just tabed out I’m saying hi to the people who’ve just joined my Discord and now I’ve got an Enderman in my ear

Oh okay that’s uh hey you’re a big boy you can take it you’re fine you really love that stuff you’re big and tough you’re fine it’s all good tough he’s tough oh what what just happened the creeper sounds man they’re just they’re just not doing it it’s just not

Fun oh my God that one didn’t get me every they’re playing them like every 10 seconds now so it’s not too bad but dude is it’s happening so often is this too diff is this too difficult to get around or I’m just going for pretty oh no dude this is this is awesome

Hey I love that um I think for the final level yeah oh we’ve got a hydrate hold on I need to I need to drink okay it say like something on your stream my entire yeah I’ve got I’ve got hydrate redeem oh my god um so I’ve got

I’ve got hydrate I’ve got a creeper sound I’ve got a cave sound and I’ve got Enderman sounds oh cool and I’ve got I’ve got a bunch of other okay but people are really liking the creeper sounds and the end sounds yeah um my f my my my my most popular redeem is

Unfortunately well you can guess what it is right I want to take a guess that it’s the LV no no everybody hates the Llama nobody wants to play the Llama because the Llama yeah no it’s the llama there it’s the Llama that’s uh there that looks better

This is just the beginning yeah hold on wait I need to I need to I need to see what are the sound effects I’m going to read them out now hold on so I’ve got hydrate a laughing one hello there Dum Ways to Die Mario Death idiot sandwich

R2-D2 rip got them uh and then I’ve got for a few bits I’ve got parrots of the car the warden and now I can’t yeah dude it’s this is why this is why I preferred twitch for a little bit because it’s like you can get like full on sound

Effects and you can do a lot with it uh Warden baby shark chicken dance cave out baby shark that one hold on I have the cave sound for bits hold on have people been redeeming bits or have I missed something are is the cave sound oh yeah there’s cave

Sound for 100 yeah I need to get rid of that one I didn’t even realize I had the I’ve got a double one for 100 Channel points and one for 10 bits like I’d rather just I’m sure everyone would rather just use the 100 Channel points

Uh I’ve got the air horn for 25 and then I have I can’t see it again cuz I got an Enderman in my ear so let me just see if this and I’ve got oh I’ve got the creeper jump scare again as well and people are just paying

Oh dude I need to fix I I need to fix my twitch I can’t actually no I don’t cuz I’m moving to YouTube soon so this thing is not working why is this not I’m in survival mode and I’m punching this thing is that like special armor stand that you

Use what what huh why am I punching this with a sword and it’s nothing’s moving do I need to have knockback on my thing yeah you need knock back okay have you got a test any uh I’ll just do this just hold the sword uh I’m holding the

Sword oh thank you aha okay okay yeah that’s easy enough aha hey wait hold on oh wait okay I’m going to make it a thing okay you got to go make Tik Tok you should be back okay see you later I appreciate you coming by

Okay I’m want to make it a thing where uh every time the R2-D2 sound gets played I will replicate it from now on I’ll replicate it oh wow that was a good one uh hold wait hold on how many okay oh it’s not even for any channel points

I genu I think it’s free as well oh no right so yeah you’ve got this now that’s that’s all good I no no no no no no no no no I’m I’m Wrecking stuff sorry instead of repairing stuff I’m Wrecking stuff I’m just I’m just going to go see what the

New builds are cuz there’s a big there’s a big whale aquarium over here yeah so you want to try it because um I think this is another easy medium hard it’s it’s it’s like um it’s like a um oh I’ve got myself into something

Yeah this is this is like a I’m going to M I’m going to mute hold on I think I’m going to put some beds here just to make sure under chest what nothing I’ve just someone played the R2-D2 sound so I replicated it it was the best thing

Ever oh no no it wasn’t according to damond it was the worst impression ever I’m going to put the the thing here oh oh see Dan’s saying it’s amazing so it must be amazing if Dan says It’s amazing it is amazing of course do is always don’t

Ever question Dan I I I was never going to question Dano this was the F like yeah I only recently played with doo like for the first time ever and I thought she was amazing do is amazing Dan is she right yeah yeah and you know I I I I

Have become very very careful now because just because somebody sounds like a she doesn’t mean they are a she I have learned this is like you know yeah this is all new to me I will I’m I Diamond saying don’t lie to the poor child wow is if that’s how it is what

Poor child me me okay I I I just I’m just Dano I’m just lulling him in in in false security so you can slay okay so apparently you got is slay is slay hey Ari hey how are you so we have hello yeah we have a new we have a

New game uh the matad hatter actually built this um it’s some sort of water game uh with a maze so I’m going to try easy but I have actually got really poor health so I’m going to first of all get myself some let’s get a carrot or

Um okay I so I had to go eat something no worri welcome back welcome back hey how’s it going aie I’ve got to give me a second I’ve got to replicate another R2D2 I’ll be back okay this is a busy man okay I can’t eat anything D is amazing Doo is

Amazing totally I probably just sent everyone death I’m not going to lie okay oh oh okay so I’m still oh my God how do I get in oh Onyx has redeemed it now how do I get oh okay my God this is terrifying oh D do you want do you want

A replication on your stream as well I just want to know how how I what what do I do I’m I’m dunk I’m going to die I’m just going to quickly die how yeah I’m I’m definitely how do I swim sideways when I’m in in water swim sideway yeah into a one by

One hole oh um you’ve got to be in two blocks of water yeah and then oh I I didn’t set my spawn it’s good taking the kiddos to the library okay okay okay hold on I’ll be back oh I I just nearly jumped off okay I don’t know how to do this I’m

Too stupid there we go I’m just I’m just screaming down my mind oh my God so I’m going to try this in Creative first because I am actually so I am in two blocks of water so then I how do I swim sideways I can’t swim sideways is it is it control or

Shift or whatever oh Onyx you logged in with another Twitch account and you was like where’s your 4.7k dude 4.7k uh chicken nuggets is crazy I am going to lose my voice I am definitely going to lose my voice okay I can’t get out of

Here this is the best stream I hope so I really hope so though oh I i’ I’ve got a new found energy for some reason today and I don’t know why but it’s uh it’s interesting oh no that’s not what I want to do there we go

Um zero what you uh I’m too stupid to swim sideways oops how do I put myself into like the the the kind of you know the horizontal swimmy thing yeah okay uh I’m on my way oh wait and I’ve got to replicate R2-D2 again I’ll be right back

I’m going to go and try and practice swimming somewhere where there’s like real water I don’t have to swim around corners spider if you if you’re questioning why I’m screaming down into the mic it’s because every time someone redeems R2D2 I’ve got to do it okay hold on right so I need

Freeze so I I go this way and then I swim and then I this is going this way and then I oh oh this is really cool it’s like a water mze it’s a water maze yeah so I have you have you managed to be able to

Swim I’m I’m swimming like yeah it’s it’s it’s control that you use right yeah yeah that’s what I’ve been doing and I can’t get it I’m I’m too stupid to get around the corner so even easy is too hard for me I can’t even do it in Creative I just

What are you are you holding are you holding W as well yeah should I not H okay no you should that’s why I’m confused okay maybe maybe I’m just not doing it right okay I’m going in I’m going in okay oh well I I made it okay how how do I so I

Am I am pressing W okay hold on I’m on my way I’m going to I’m going to try and fix this okay I’ve got two R2D2 screams to do this is okay I did it I did it I just oh there you go you’re doing it yeah but I can’t

I I don’t seem to ah okay I’m I’m so okay I’m I’m I’m stuck again oh I can go up higher oh I see I am totally oh my God I’m so lost oh no I’m going to are you are you in the easy one yeah I’m in the easy one

And I’m still I’m still I’m complet and I’m in creative and I’m completely stuck I don’t even know where the way out is now okay this is definitely di where you going up here oh up up I keep forgetting to look up oh this way this way no no you’re going

Back to the you came okay down and then across and then do a bit you yeah okay okay okay and then go up oh and then you know what I to okay I totally forgot that and then go up again ah and and then just follow

It along there you go yeah but are there any air bubbles or anything nope oh my God this is supposed to really this is supposed to be the easy one I think I’ll have to give people water bre oh my God I’m totally oh it’s up

There there we go where am I my neighbors must think I’ve lost the pl I have lost the plot don’t even I don’t even know where I you think I shouldn’t mute you think I shouldn’t mute and what and and just screaming to dip his ears yes and a

Stream okay I I’m I’m I’m lost in here no need to alarm but you just hit 5K oh God what what does 5K get you wait hold on I swear 5K is the video oh wait no 2.5k is a video hold on onyx you have more than double the max like

Redeem eight that that does alarm me ever so slightly okay I’m completely lost now I think I’m swimming backwards now I think I’m swimming backwards oh this is oh I got to the middle exit nice and then you good Lu finding your way out oh oh you oh

Diamond oh spider’s hydrated as well hold on I need to do that oh boy this is really difficult I will okay totally dippy who’s who’s oh my god I’ve just had two screams one after the other oh no but do you have to scream when people are sort of screaming mhm

Oh okay that’s why I’ve been muting because I just don’t want to Deen everyone on your stream okay I’m out but I came out the way I came in this is not right [Laughter] wait what I came like I I I just went the way I’m I’m this is I’m I’m never

Going to play this game again hello oh maybe I came out there I I have no idea what I’ve just done wait how to R2D2 what do you mean how to R2D2 scream yeah exactly I want to hear that too I want to hear what you

Sound like when you do the streaming a screaming thing you don’t okay where are the next time someone does it the next time someone does it I’ll do it like without M yeah and someone’s done it okay hold on okay okay I’m holding on to my horses

He’s he’s doing it now okay okay hold on then my microphone completely cut out this is hilarious oh oh there’s another one no what oh no oh my throat’s already dying I’ll make a rainbow yes you can absolutely make a rainbow um on um or Unicorn oh wait what’s down here oh

Nothing okay that’s so this so are you going to have like more things that go up and down here that’s like uh yeah I will do I’m going to have I’m going to have like one here hello I need face how are you oh you’re loud

Me yeah I normally if you’re on 300 plus but I forgot that I moved my heades in 20 minutes no worries oh is it Doo yeah it’s Doo see you later appreciate see oh Diamond says hi by the way hi diamonds okay NE re I’m losing my voice you’re

Losing your voice no every time every you know I don’t know if you know but I’ve got an R2-D2 scream on my stream it’s insane every every time someone redeems it I’ve got to do the scream ah okay well good luck with your recordings next week so so you’re helping him the

Decorations around the track uh I’m also I’m I’m meant to also do um a trampoline but uh at the moment I’m helping him yes you’re also live I’m also live yes are you are you yes yes I thought so I thought so yes yay NE do you want do you want to

Hear the screen before I someone’s just okay you ready chat you ready for this do it insane it’s a good good it’s a good thing I took my headphones off and they’ve done it again okay I’m gone I’m still the group I can still

Hear it oh my God this is so bad no I’m um going to continue building things over here just to fill it up a little bit okay and then oh I’m actually going to give up I uh need to fix the roller Co to like the the command blocks but I don’t

Know how okay and I actually don’t want what command blocks do you need well the problem is I did close this player but then it will TP the player that’s already on the track oh okay that’s not good so yeah we need to fix that but it

Might work if we just move the command blocks but I might um request AUM for that and I still haven’t done that so you could just make some spots where there is an ice under I could but I kind of want it so time time guys we’re going to build

Trees and other pretty stuff I just had a double redeem yay double redeems oh my God I really have to this is really bad you mean screaming is really bad yes you you did this to yourself I know I know I wanted to hear this screaming and now I’m regretting it

All it’s out yeah you’re scaring you’re scaring the kid voice I’m scaring the child scaring the child now yeah I will be right back I’m going to pretend I know exactly what you’re saying I said go to sleep she was she was telling the she was

Telling the kid to go to sleep and I was like yeah go to sleep we need your mom oh my okay I want to make make a deal with chat quickly okay I’m I need to because I’m going to put on my thing my donut thing okay oh amazing you going to do

What what donut thing I want to the big uh the big Ood oh the big donut hoodie okay oh that’s yes and I bought a new one today and a new one that new one has croissant and lot of mad my God and it’s also pink and I’m normally

Never from the let’s try pink and this time it’s it’s pink and pink yeah it’s a I’m betraying myself but okay it’s it’s so nice and warm a it’s so cozy yeah and it’s it’s actually really fluffy so I had a dark pink one more

Magenta no yeah it’s like a UD yeah a really big one so you don’t go outside in it but you do wear it in home America they would you know like the Walmart thing yeah Diamond says that sounds amazing yeah it is amazing now the other one I

Had a magenta uh I watched it so many times that the it’s now like really fluffy the new one but the other one is like really sturdy okay so yes Onyx for the record you could very easily do that and it’s not it’s not it’s not fun

Uh we should actually wave him over to the same side but I don’t want to you want to do what so trees generally Branch over to one side but I don’t know if I want to do that yeah I uh will do the OBS thing for uh

Outright tomorrow by the ways thing the overlays for the streaming oh okay cool yeah yeah the problem is that I did just didn’t have time so basically I went shopping with a friend I came home I ate I worked and then I streamed and that’s

How my day has been how is your day uh painting crazy I want to make I’m going to make a deal with my chat yeah if they redeem one more and I do it and then that’s the last one I do I will gift my chat a sub because I am

Actually my voice is dying already I can’t keep this up all stream so I will I will gift a sub I don’t know who to I’ll just do a random one but I will gift a sub no don’t keep screaming I’ll gift a sub I promise yay keep

Screaming then I don’t have to hear Zero’s voice every day that’s that’s ideal no you’re you’re horrible I know that’s why I have my own redeems those are not working by the way I need to fix them I need I need to have an interactive redeem if you guys can come up with

Something then you can torture me back okay both of you okay okay well you you’re the one you’re the one who keeps telling people to do the to do the um the Llama L thing yep yeah I just discovered your unicorn like the fart you know

Yeah it was last time I was like oh yeah you had it fart unicorn I totally forgot about that yeah the FY unicorn yep yep yep never seen a unicorn do that but it’s like the most funny thing I’ve ever seen uh yeah they do that unicorns know

They eat stuff and when they eat the wrong stuff many flowers you know one kind of flowers they yeah they get pretty bad bad digestion yeah he uh it’s a shame that ignit season 2 has ended else I could have done like that people could give me a carrot but

Yeah unfortunately that’s no longer valid I need to do something quickly so what was the whole thing with the carrots because I I wasn’t you know I wasn’t like kind of part of your server so I don’t oh hang on slabs there must be okay so igniter uh season 2 had

A beetroot versus carrot War basically we called it vegetables to war vegetable oh it went to Sally of all people what went to Sally I’ve just gifted a sub and it went to Sal ah yeah that that can happen yeah this is going to be a very long oh there we

Go well at least sub now maybe dude okay okay I’m not gifting another no I’m not gifting another that is it I’m not doing it again yeah let’s keep it like this that’s that’s the end of that’s the end of the that’s the end of the screams because that that that hurts dude

Why you brought that one that actually hurts hey I need okay Cherry no but seriously Chad if you know redeems for me that I can make I how how you know my server um dude Diamond what is what did I ever do to you you’re British you exist whose side are you on

Diamonds oh don’t ask it’s it’s NE freeze especially if she keeps making like that beautiful Fen RC’s been doing yep definitely F sorry dude you can redeem the r2d to all you want I am not I’m I’m not screaming no more my voice is my voice is gone it’s like it’s

Kned you know when I first came to the UK I didn’t know the word knet it’s kind of quite a slangy word right I mean yeah so I didn’t know what it was and I kept thinking that people were saying be even

Smaller nak I was a bit of a I was a bit like why are they talking about being naked that I just don’t get that yes onions were the best yeah is there a 10hour version of the R2-D2 stream I hope not oh my voice I didn’t even know R2D2 screamed um I

Think if you give him like $1,000 he will probably do it for you for an hour but you don’t have that much money somebody if somebody give if somebody cheers like 10,000 bits or something like that I will SC I will do it until my voice goes you know when we

Do the when we do the charity streaming oh I you know oh damn I’m such an idiot you know what I went I wanted to really put um put um the new trailer uh out as as in part in front of my stream and I didn’t

Oh yeah you made that right no no no that one’s not done yet so I made a trailer but uh uh the one that geek squeak did I don’t wonder the geek sque did yeah that’s it’s a really good one you would but reasons okay where’s Mario when you need

Him uh well there’s a reason I said 10,000 bits so in uh you guys some of you know cringy go right yeah oh he’s awesome yeah he’s awesome so cringy girl has like this one viewer uh uh that’s that’s not showing up Alec it’s just three

Stars for me he goes by Elon Musk he isn’t the real but it is one with a lot of money and that guy yeah he gives like a th000 Subs to like so many people including me I like h i okay yeah that’s AB abolutely not normal

But uh yeah it it made me happy so I’m not going to complain I was like that’s a generous gift you’re giving there to everyone that’s nice uh yeah it was really nice I don’t like this uh small tree all right okay wait hold on so I’ll

Reord hold on wait wait I need to figure something out so going to be the worst unicorn ever am I bearded wait what if am I bearded teach what I’m I don’t think I’m no I’m not bearded teacher I am not teach trust me I am not

Teach no he’s not teach he he did make uh content with teach yeah yeah can I be we did a crossover with teach be the teacher he’s prob oh okay this is beginning to look little bit like a unicorn or just some weird shape no dude it looks it’s looking

Really cool what should we do hey hi TR Miller uh I look 70 but 37 at the same that’s good I’m taking that I’m taking that it’s a little bit in between okay now I’m uh I’m I’m turning 34 this Thursday so I’m not the youngest now but

It’s okay younger than me my mind my mind my mind is Young if that counts you are young yeah well unicorn is beginning to look like a duck a a is a preference because if if you look at it like uh my grandmother she lived until she was 101 then still like so

Young NE you’re more of a 16y old than I am like when you’re having your moments so like me oh yeah I can be really childish I know I know I do you know why I I don’t know if if this is for sure a thing or not but because I

Couldn’t really be a kid I actually grew up too fast but I still kept the yeah the younger things oh hi bendy hello hi sorry I didn’t see you joining the stream I think this I think this thing has got a massive head I think we need to make this a little

Bit just slightly smaller or or just make the neck a bit bigger yeah I’m going to move my chat up a little I I didn’t grade your homework I also only have oh I’m having a bit of a tired tired and boring day if someone if someone gifts

25 subs or a thou 10,000 bits I will hold on how much is bits I I don’t even know how much bits are wait say this hey I’m looking for a block so M and there’s a reason because do that of course I remember you you’re mining okay 10,000

I said 10,000 bits are you on the other server and that’s a creeper that’s still scared me oh my oh anyway it’s not 7 I said 10,000 bits or 25 Subs that’s how that’s how much it would for take M take for me to do an R2-D2

Screen for an hour straight hey I think or an hour I L my voice trying to make a unicorn I’m fine I’m trying to make a unicorn I’m bit tired but yeah that’s my own that’s my own fault that’s my own fault 10,000 nuggets no because I know full well you have

Like you’re very close to doing it you have that cash if you want to do that then you do that who oh someone in my chat saying saying they world doing so we haven’t started the donating yet that’s something that is going to happen uh in December so

We’re not like doing this is not for CH we’re still preparing it so oh no not the children the whole donation thing is going to start in December and actually if you want to you can actually come and play on the server are you H hang on I need

Trapo should I do more of the coral are you on Java because this is a Java world so the world will actually be open for stream as much as you’re funny you’re not that okay open forers you know what fair enough yeah I’m not I’m not going to lie I

Don’t think I’d spend £1 120 just to hear someone scream till they lose the voice I’m sure they will oh you’re on Bedrock oh that’s a shame I think I need to keep this white wait I’m just going to make this a high this part a little bit higher

Hey let’s see you got gifted a a sub and you pretty much didn’t stream that month dude I’m I’m slowly picking streaming back up I want to be moving over to YouTube soon I’m just going to a shame you would pay that if you had that

Money no I don’t believe you Diamond I genuinely don’t believe all right I’ll tell you make you lose your voice he would defitely do that don’t underestimate Diamond I need to figure some out I can’t get this horse to look like a horse it actually needs to go down here do you see

That so from here it should actually go down you talking to me yeah I’m counting right okay I’m going to sorry I’m going to okay I’m I’m willing to negotiate with my chat I’m genuinely willing to negotiate with my chat you just need to make the scream thing more expensive yeah hi Lily

How are you what I’m saying is I I will do it until I lose my voice but I I feel like 10,000 bits is a lot of money and so it’s 25 always love on battery yeah I know well hey it’s it’s okay so this is the weirdest looking horse on the

Planet I’m not giving in but the thing is I I want to I also want to give people a chance that’s the thing I I want to give people a chance frame on there I could I could genuinely I could genuinely half this I I I would be

Willing to half the bits and say 5,000 bits if you cheered 5,000 bits I would do it because that that is half of what I like that’s half of what I originally yeah du coins are the D coining it’s working it just took a moment just took a moment

Better to put the eye there or the eye there oh that’s a better place for the Eyes no F not not 5K nuggets okay no we need a I mean I know this is really push me I yeah I do think terrible I’m not going to use an eye of enna because that’s me yeah you don’t have a lot of points how did that happen I I meant I

Mean no that’s Dwayne oh I don’t know Dwayne hi Dwayne but he only has eight well he’s got 86 points so I think he can do some Mischief with that but maybe not as much as he wants to oh redeem it’s redeem om it’s it’s a exclamation mark redeem OMG I’m trying

To let’s try this complaining that I’m trying to rob them but what they’re not realizing is that if they did it I would lose my voice yeah that’s probably what they want yeah probably exactly what they want exactly but I’m not doing that for cheap I’m not doing that that I’m

Not I’m not doing that for a 100 bits that’s like okay there it’s not even for okay it’s redeem it’s exclamation mark redeem OMG hang on I’ll typ it I I’ll type it in the chat okay I I literally set it in dge okay it’s okay so it’s like this I’ll type it

In the chat if you watch the the bottom of the screen it’s no hang on redeem what if 100 nugs like that no and no Gap no Gap no gaps nothing no gaps at all this is like redeem OMG redeem Lama it’s all like one thing

What if we do a d you screen one more time why did I tell you how to do this no now I’ve been llama no I’m I’m an idiot okay there’s some you did this to yourself I am an idiot I did this to myself where’s the water where’s the water there’s water

Here more llama oh no wait do we do water or what is that oh thank you for the rain thank you for I don’t like the rain okay I mean I like the rain to get clean but this looks so cool by the way there’s going to be monsters in this

Maze one two three British roading it actually looks like a horse from a distance oh my god oh it looks amazing okay does it look better okay look at you’re going to go eat Oreos I lost the other jealous I would love Oreos yeah does it look okay with the orange

Eyes uh with the purple eyes uh if wait is there a way have we got SL trigger back yet is that a thing uh uh wait yeah yeah it’s if if SL invisible right yep there we go oh okay if you’ve got it in your uh if you’ve done the

Thing do you want to do the other side as well oh that’s so cute oh no no how are you going to do the horn that’s my question uh that’s a very interest I haven’t even thought about that also the ey is do we have do we

Have the you know what the eye the eye is actually too small now oh this is the one we miss no I think I think I preferred it when the uh item frame was visible didn’t we yeah quite I’m so confused yeah it it looks too it looks too pale yeah I’m not

Entirely sure how I’m going to do the horn like that okay I’m going to use a glow item frame uh there oh my I can’t I can’t believe I gifted a sub to stop something I actually that you started yeah that I actually started you did this to

Yourself what you call oh G got got 221B Baker Street that is definitely it that is that’s a sh of com dress isn’t it yep even I know that yeah oh they’re trying they’re trying to like dox me and it just not quite working I don’t know why they’re trying

To dox me I mean it’s just just fun for them I guess okay I remember my first time uh redeem you were spamming yes you were Lily it was really funny okay okay let’s do this I’m amazing at this game are you are you know that’s that’s that’s

Nice you know that um hero was amazing yes he says he says yes that was good there were two options and I could go here there was either yeah that’s totally true or like are you sure I haven’t decided which one I’m going to use for you yeah I’m going with I right

Yep I’m not I think I think I’m going to NE breze apparently recording to my chat you’re more amazing so yay who typed it let I can Diamond y okay bonus points for Diamond yes freeze is amazing uh only one you think this thing should have

Eyebrows and should they be brown um no that looks stupid right I don’t really not I didn’t see it to be honest oh dang it there it does need eyebrows I think you used to be able to reveal everything about still can okay sign you want a very very pale wood like this

Wood here you know what the only problem is you know what is that I could do the same okay hippy I’m here was the Discord server also hi maram Hi how are you do we have dogs Lama we don’t we don’t have dogs this is not the but this is the front end

Okayy how do I oh my God don’t know much you know my full name my school even FS okay let’s start it away oh my I want vertical SLS I really want vertical slabs okay let’s see what we have in here oh maybe these are cute

Do oh no I’m in the boat they die stupid we need some kind of fish dude what is that they had goldfish yay I want to have the Goldfish they also have koops you know they’re kind of they also yeah they they have cooked goldfish why would you cook your

Goldfish why that is hilarious they have they have cooked goldfish oh my God uh okay this I’m not sure if these ears look like ears there we go I am amazing at this game uh I need veral slabs yeah true but they’re not they’re not okay so it’s got diamond diamond

Just used the perfect sound effect right um so the you refuse to believe I made something that works honestly Same uh we need the unicorn horn and we need I think I’m going to go for dripstone yeah dripstone that’s they’re like all clustered together so I’m going to put a few more here and see if these actually stay on the other side of the B which would be

Great okay every every hole is working so far okay the unicorn has got is the horn okay or is it too fat the the Unicorn is oh dude I love it it’s not Unicorn it’s I love it now we need oh now we need a tail for the unicorn and also a

Main the seaweed doesn’t grow on there zero qu what what make the duck sound duck sound I don’t have no duck sound I’m going to get a oh maybe you should get this redeem I was thinking of redeem wait this is normal redeem that’s that says duck and then you have to

Duck uh I don’t know I think my chat already make my my chat like literally be my whole stream if that happen does it does this work uh Diamond says the Unicorn looks great okay thank you very much Diamond that’s very kind I fully agree it is amazing now the Unicorn needs a

Main well that’s a slab oh no I can’t put it up there it’s a slab maybe let’s also add some coral a Donald Duck impression the most I can do for that is just like do do This that’s the be good yeah your cat Okay I need to you make your you make my stream more enter you know what you do you are literally my stream’s like a stream isn’t stream without chat like that’s that’s how I think about it I’m a very

Sad person oh dippy that is awesome okay now okay unfortunately this is okay so we haven’t done red okay so I tell you did I ever tell you I used to have a horse it didn’t look like this though I wish it had looked like this that would have been funny oh okay

That’s oh Diamond can’t oh no this is tragic Diamond can’t open or Oreos oh that’s that is very that’s very bad that is terrible okay shall I tease diamonds a little bit yes oh I have Oreos here mine now you’re teasing me as well because I

Want Oreos oh my God I really I I and now I really want Oreos I I also really want Oreos did I tell you about the fact that I never really like Oreos until they actually changed the recipe to be more European really yeah I like the the oldfashioned

Oreos they still had American recipe and then they changed it so it’s less sweet apparently and I would go buy some if it wasn’t 8:00 at night oh hates or are probably how much does it C oh that would be a cat redeem that would be cool I said eight I said

8:00 at night oh 8:00 at night yeah looks beautiful right there we go get food you made me hungry okay you go and eat yeah okay what can I do with this one just going to try out something you’ll drop some at my doorstep you know

What if you can throw stuff that far and that accurately absolutely it might be a little bit mcky but it’ll do come and have a look do you think the blue eye is better or do you think the chorus fruit eye is better ooh this is nice right I’ve got

An idea hold on the question is what are we going to place here though um rather than the egg yeah oh yes okay I really like that that’s better that’s a much better eye okay but you know what we can turn it around so it looks like an eyelid like

That oh that definitely looks like a unicorn by the way it looks to but with the eye going this way it looks like totally Derpy it looks like it’s kind of you know like oh no I had the hang on uh um that one didn’t get me just for the

Recordist okay so we’re going to make a tail here here we go he are my pig still escaping there’s another Pig here with a settle on yeah I don’t know why they’re escaping on I don’t even know where they’re escaping from but they are definitely escaping okay I need a there oh this

Would purple maybe I don’t know I’m really doubting about what to make here uh by the way did you talk with count when is he going to finish the entry do I want a loaf of cheddar I he he does know he has like a week I I keep

Reminding him I’m beginning to feel like like I’m getting myself very unpopular but uh he has promised but I also said to him if he that looks like a dragon uh uh I also said to him if he doesn’t finish it I will finish it or somebody will finish it for him so

He’s aware of the consequences okay um what I would what I would suggest actually is to take the Lego bricks away um and move this building no move that building over to where the Lego bricks are or just just take that away because it’s too close see I think it’s actually

Squashing this building here and I think we should just move it over and take this whole thing away but if I do that he’s going to I mean that’s not very nice if we do it without asking him right it’s a unicorn yep oh can you come to me by the way me

Are you talking to me yeah are you talking to me yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m talking to you talking to me I’m talking to you okay right uh okay hang on a minute okay I need to Let’s quickly fix something that’s look that looks better okay yeah okay okay okay okay the

Unicorn is done okay so I have one more question is a giant platform in the sky meant to stay there no no no no no no no the giant platform in the sky is hydrate redeem if you want if you want me to take a drink there’s always HD I think

This is just the I think this is just the the blueprint for the maze at the bottom if I look at it oh so I think they just used it to to cut and paste okay can you come to me you should inhale while drinking no dippy no thanks two NE

Freeze I ever neede I’m in your head oh there you are hello you were I made this a tree this tree looks great by the way I stole one of your trees and put it next next to oh no no I I I wanted to steal one of you they’re

Very cute they’re very you are allowed to steal my trees are they communal trees I even stole my own trees so no I stole trees but uh what should I make here because it’s kind of empty um I don’t know we could have like a food

Area with picnic you know what we could do we could actually replicate the whole picnic area from the staff uh area and just put it back here as well oh yes because then we can just cycle that that’ be amazing okay uh I also have one more game player it would be so

Destroy the rainbow flag I’m not going to destroy the rainbow flag I can’t imagine uh drinking a barrel of water would be um very good yeah just just I’m not talking from experience but I just I just I just can’t imagine that being great um do you think account is going to be

Mad if we actually just sort of copy and paste uh very possibly Diamond very Poss can sh I think we need to ask first yeah yeah yeah I think that’s a good idea I’m going to go and quickly move the picnic area over here because I think that’s going to look

Really good there and then we can like extend it a little bit um yeah and I hope that I I must try to message Mia Mia hasn’t been well so I don’t know what’s going on but I think you know the last two two weeks before the event we

Can actually sort of the tidying upping yeah I um still have some small things I also need to do so I need still need to uh do the trampoline and I have still not done the trampoline which was what I was supposed to do today but I’m apparently getting sidetracked into

Building unicorns which is much more fun yes unicorns we love unicorns that’s one work what oh you you wanted to have a bigger bouncy castle Yeah I wanted to make a bigger bouncy castle I wanted to try out bouncy I wanted to try out if it’s actually possible to um hang on I’m

Just I wanted to try out if it is actually possible to uh s sorry I’ve just read my uh if it’s actually possible to uh I’m just I’m just trying to work out what’s going on here okay okay okay um if it’s actually possible to uh what

It to bounce from one bouncy castle to the next that would be awesome oh that’s actually really interesting like making it a bouncy castle Park work oh hang on okay I just zero should gift a sub it’s like paying himself okay hang on it it it kind of is but at the same

Time it’s really not cuz it takes like two pound away from me do a CH Dude using the charity word against wow using the word charity against me can’t believe it what do you mean charity oh I’ve done it again um diamond is just saying be charitable and gift everyone a sub

Okay that’s not how it works unfortunately unfortunately I don’t not how it works I’m glad that’s not how it works hey gift a free PC to charot I don’t think so he can’t he can’t even pay for his okay NE that is so like passive aggressive that is unreal sorry I didn’t

Mean it like that yeah but but I mean but I mean zero is a student right so yeah yeah that’s why he’s a kid zero Zero’s a student he’s not rich de’s definitely means it I did secret no I love s you know that else I wouldn’t have told him when he

Could apply to igniter like as soon as it opened application crafting crafting gifts making gifts yourself is the best thing ever where did you want this uh Picnic Park again is it next to is it behind uh is it behind the head behind the beautiful blue head yeah yeah behind

The beautiful blue head yeah my beautiful head is beautiful well I mean it’s I was being a little bit sarcastic but it’s okay what at least it’s not glowing in the dark wait maybe we should change up the blocks for the the Bri bright blue on oh

You know they have these these Globe blocks yeah we have those we have GL hold on what I’m so what what what happen how is this wait how does this work how does what work come over here howang on a minute howang on a minute I’m just in the

Middle of uh hang on what are you doing I’m just in the middle of of walk you waiting hey Al Alpha star ala star that’s a cool name I like it hang on a minute hang on a minute I’m just in the middle of I’m just in the middle of uh let’s some

Stuff teleport to ship oh wait please don’t do that okay oh zero okay I need to where did you go you move a few blocks oh oh I don’t know what where are you guys are you are you are you I don’t know where I am are you

In are you are you trying out the the spaceship that floats you up yeah okay so you end up in the I’m making a blind box out of paper based of something oh that’s so cool okay so what he’s done is um there is actually um on

This looks so cool did you make this oh Ben made that um oh this looks so epic so this is going to be an Among Us game and uh it’s going to be all uh so basically this is like this is like space down there so so

Basically it teleports you up into space well it actually teleports you down but if you press the button you know it’s like you’re going to space how did the armor I have question I’m just in I’m just in spectator mode seeing how how do I get

Out of here figure it out I haven’t I haven’t you just you just go into spectator mode and float up there it’s not done yet whoa yeah Ben is I I really want to C this lever but I don’t know Ben and Sam are like like that they’re like next level epic I’m

Pushing it oh yeah we’re there oh oh dude where is oh yeah that’s done okay okay this is so awesome oh DPP indeed move to campfire over here including all the trees PT that scared the heck outy I love YouTube puts random channels to watch I never really watch creative stuff but these

Builds are awesome oh thank you very much that’s really nice yes so we are building this uh this whole server for charity and it’s going to be there going to be like a massive event in December and the really nice thing is if you are interested in I don’t want that if you’re

Interested um you can actually come and play on this server once it’s all done nice this is going to be really really cool oh yeah I don’t think I’ve told much about that yeah yeah if uh if if you have Java Edition and uh you’re interested in coming and playing mini

Golf and probably seeing us all then yeah hang out with us yeah exactly then uh on the is it the 17th to the 21st something like that yeah I I’m going to I’m going to put on the trailers very very soon I’m just waiting for the thumbnail but Maggie

Maggie is amazing Maggie is making a thumbnail and hi quacker Studio hello hi but yeah 17th 2 absolutely totally a mod pack sent out and you’ll have to download the mods get’s lot requirements but then you can come and play with us you can come do dumb ways to die come

Play whatever this is I think this is going to be like an Among Us yeah this is going to be among us yeah yeah uh going to be some mini golf some crossy carts playing the calino got the bean St and we even have a I oh dude it’s so amazing it’s a

Huge roller coaster oh and we can play the roll but it’s you know what I’m going to hop in the roller coaster does anyone want to do it quickly I haven’t fixed it yet oh okay oh I don’t mind going in no that we can go in but

Uh you first need to press the but the other button to see if it works for me okay right we have can you come to me can you oh you’re on bed can you press player one for me player one yeah oh yeah see it doesn’t work it teleports

Me okay wait what command what command I thought I said it to nearest player um wait what set oh set that to a bit further over there wait so why don’t you just do wait wait wait my webcam is hanging in front of it

Oh uh okay hold on so why you do TP okay oh here it says AP wait and it needs to be what I yeah AP but means nearest player yeah but what you can do is if it if it’s them pushing the button straight wait just go stand on the Block that you

Want to teleport them to hey right what I want to so go to the block that you want to teleport the place when they pleas play with yeah that would be so nice I want to play with you as well I already have those in the block stop shouting no no no

So have no no no no no that’s not going to fix it can you press play player two for me please okay oh I would love that I would love that to me I can just I can just yeah but you’re breaking my walls it was it was broken anyway I’m I’m I’m

Working on something I’m going to try and help I’m going to try and help I want to do this alone go away okay okay no I I don’t want to do this alone but I I want to have like clearance and see what you’re doing so I

Can learn from it okay because that’s that’s oh I can’t do that right now because my webcam is hanging in front of everything where I need to type I can’t see it okay stream so I can’t do it now is totally losing the plot and that’s and that’s totally that’s totally

Hilarious oh yeah do you have your arrows and bow I I can do we’re in Creative we only need a want a shovel and my chat’s going crazy right now and they’re just they’re just they’re saying they could murder and I wouldn’t you want to do a build battle you know what

I tell you what I need to see if we can maybe at some stage if I can talk to Ben and we can maybe sort of set up like a little there was still a m cart here I tell you what what I would really like

To do is something AI is kind of doing this as well uh set up a crossover little crossover server and like have regular sessions where I like play with the audience where I play with the viewers I’m behind zero okay here we go I think it’s such a

Nice thing to do I’m speeding ahead oh I’m I’m so far ahead my mouse is again not working oh no oh no yep it’s fine it’s fine no I missed ah ah oh I thought I was going to go the other way what what am I reading what I’m I’m

Reading my chat right now and it is not it’s not fun oh you want to ride a roller coaster you can join me in the charity week painting yeah you can even stream from here if you want yeah I think yeah that would be really nice if people kind of

Came and streamed we want people if you want to share the shity Z Z yeah did you see the mic chest here that rolls around okay yeah this is the picnic area there is diamonds in the that people can actually try to grab so you can uh they

Can play your game with the Diamonds oh nice so I need to have a command block there that restocks it when it’s empty ah okay yeah there’s another bin here I’m going so slow coming for you uh I’m going so slow come on speed up speed up speed up speed up speed up

Speed up speed up speed up speed up speed up speed up speed up I can see him speed up go go go go go go go go yes no he’s way too far ahead I’m going I’m going he for us I’m going no I’m going I’m going oh I built that I’m going

This I’m not even reading my chat anymore that’s that’s just I just don’t want to read just the the P oh no a chameleon got in my way this is hilarious yeah that’s that’s so that’s so fortunate there we go I’m still million miles behind you just move

That over that’s better there okay so get you’re you’re probably going to come across me at some point anyway purely because I mean I’m in the water now so this one was turned Minecraft oh my God Lily you are so sweet also your channel is doing really

Well isn’t it are you still making content me no no uh ly on my Lily on my stream she’s got a little stream she does like little animations and they’re really really cute I’m coming zero I’m coming the roller coaster just in case you’re wondering what all the noise is there on the

Roller coaster it’s mental okay I think we have a picnic area here that was easy right I still haven’t started on anything to do with I made a unicorn I think that’s a good enough achievement for one day oh no NE we’ve got a bit of a problem

What do you mean it sent me it sent me backwards it sent me backwards that’s a shame bye but if you want to start it no it sent me backwards how is not fair winning yay why is there oh these armor stands okay I no way how

How have the armor STS blow effect now hey Z you place by to we have a unicorn in here and I think you’re ahead yeah uh Slash give he’s going to go this way play oh my I can’t believe that happened I’m going to try out

Something why have the armor STS got a glow effect is that just because Ben decided that that was something you wanted uh I don’t know there was a second command block and I pushed it and that’s what it okay okay okay that’s probably something that bend it okay oh that’s that’s that’s uh

That’s not me he no hey I’m going to I have a question if I would put a goldfish with the ex lles they would they eat them uh probably they would dippy do you say could make a decent world one yeah yeah absolutely yes of course they could absolutely I

Absolutely think they could oh what’s going on no look it’s swimming there is it is it just okay um I car it and then that oh there we go that’s yay trash banders looking the other way panda is here I’m going try no the head

Here with the the sign the sign is on the other side wait what why did it not oh hey okay I can’t remember so I need is it that I feel like it’s that boots oh no definitely not thats boots boots I need something with feather falling

It oh there we wait no that that that doesn’t look like hosital sounds awesome amazing okay I’ve just got a rand’s head he oh no okay and I need that’s the wrong one yeah dipo what trash what oh I what’s trash Panda’s in game name um I think

It’s trash Panda or FL trash Panda it might just be FL trash Panda without oh oh yeah it is it’s yeah okay it I put FL trash P originally but I had an underscore after FL so um oh you know what I can do it’s really

Fun okay so they don’t eat uh goldfish because they’re proper they’re not proper fish they’re probably just like you know like weird modded fish so they don’t know they are actual fish that is not it g sick with smes head yeah I’m just trying I’m just trying to wait wait is

It Diamond try try Maggie mule as well be really nice if you had Maggie yeah we also we also need to add the others I’m just trying to find Diamond’s head I just want to wait is it oh wait no it might not even be sister smile it might

Be Diamond Horse see if we can get up here I want to oh ouch I want to see if I can get up there no it’s not I can’t remember I can’t remember the uh okay I’m in survival I know I know I remember remember that but it’s Diamond Horse

Something um I can definitely get over there do you think these will also grow 4 five9 there we go boom diamonds made an appearance aming wait wait yes okay that works it’s not a good Hospital okay I think every hospital is good is a good Hospital oh yeah these are just small

Ones oh this is amazing um but that’s just a normal birch tree what is this then that’s a normal birch tree right so going to dig down and see how far down the Goldfish AR fish oh no Neighbor come look at this oh God I’m GNA that I’m

Coming I’m just at the entrance of the roller coaster wait I’m going take it off so you can is there any way that the red stone for the um o looks interesting is there any way that the red stone for the trampoline could be made any um any more

Compact or wow go down the way the sunglasses it’s O um it probably could like a random Redstone line here that I don’t think it means anything is it diamonds oo yeah that’s Diamond Head there you go oh is there is there a switch on switch off

Here somewhere um you just have to break a piece of redstone okay it’s been running no it’s just because there is like a line of redstone here that’s coming from the outside that’s actually not doing anything wait what what like there’s there’s a line of redstone here that’s not actually involved in

Anything uh wait uh this there was a line going in this way which ended up in a repeater but it wasn’t doing anything and that that thing he is not doing anything either right yeah no so um I was messing about the best way was and so the that we

Actually need uh my redeems are still out there so the bits the bits we need is just this this this is just the repeater thing right uh yeah and I could actually make that uh could I actually make that one one level lower would that make a difference uh it actually wouldn’t

Because I did have a button here ah but it it and it activated and deactivated it but if you yeah you can make that one lower that’s no problem oh no no it’s okay because I just want to I want to copy the whole thing and duplicate it in

Sort of several several different um several different ones so I wanted to you know like I want like to be several to there to be several but they need to be sort of stacked in a way yeah I just see what you’ve done with the Redstone but we could have one Redstone

Signal that basically feeds into everything right I mean uh if you if you took this Redstone signal and fed it into the next um the next trampoline it would just as well work right uh yeah okay it should do anyway okay Le this side so so how’s your day right Oh yes hey oh that suits the skin so well oh I need that I need to clip that hold on that’s amazing you need to send out to grin himself I might actually yeah I might actually do that you think I could get away with planting these around as well oh that’s

Amazing big sunglasses heck yeah oh yes I’m I’m even I’m even using lines heck yeah heck Yeah and uh we need we need the super awesome sunglasses of Justice heck yeah there we go I’ve mastered it I mean you’re practically cringey now I know right there we go I I am insulting cringey I apologize okay I’ll stop now Jam had cooler sunglasses well I tell

You what then I tell you what deal okay the deal is set the deal is set guys if I can’t remake my uh my redeems before uh not tomorrow but next Tuesday then I need to go into the nether in my hardcore world and there’s stuff there bum a there we

Go I’ve got a jam head on so I’ve got to honk a a I wish there was someone named like Goose or something shall we see if there is we should we need a jump Goose rather than a jump bom oh but uh we the model

Was given to your HBY I need to see it when it’s finished are currently in trying to design a cherry oh my God that would be so I love cherry blossoms they are so cute dippy yes uh did Blacky already install the the cust model because he he had to talk

To um had to talk to it because he wasn’t quite sure about all the technology behind it uh yeah uh jot can also help him because jot B I found I found the goose account oh my God that’s cool you found what wait how are you making the

Redstone float I’m not going to make the Redstone float I’m going to extend the Redstone so it fires everything I’m going to connect them all but uh but I’m not that is really trippy though uh I it’s not going to I’m I’m going to build

A base around it so you can’t can’t see it they’re not going to float in the air yeah W oh nice yeah you certain that no that’s not true I still have a totem I have golden apples I um haven’t died before so we’re just going to try Okay

So uh I want you guys’ opinions okay I’ve been I also mean you to not just my sh okay so I’ve been trying a lot on my YouTube channel including build tutorials and I’m still going to do those okay yeah but uh in January once outright is over and if we die in

Fuse uh then I’m thinking about just only keeping doing the things I’m already doing so igniter and hardcore and I will probably also start making episodes again from there oh no which was the original purpose yeah well I actually went to streaming because I didn’t have time with all the other

Things going around and I actually really miss making hardcore episodes I I really I really enjoyed it yeah well I also have to say that I do miss it for some kind of reason because your progress is like so slow when you only stream yeah dude I I love

I loved editing my recent hardcore video yeah by the way if you haven’t seen it go check it out um yeah s did a good job um I was super happy with it shall shall we see shall we get a live reaction of how it’s doing Hold On Let’s uh I’m

Uh going to do like a small part here and then I’m G to stop streaming okay let’s uh let’s go on to display capture oh no oh no ah there we go okay um I don’t I’m really doubting about what to make here okay there we go and for some reason it’s

Ohug might anyway YouTube let’s see where is the axe um do I need an ax for that view your Channel it’s got 333 views oh my my chat box is in the way hold on no there we go look it’s got 333 views how cool is that what

Is show the files Forest grass block it’s not but look here we go wait hold on 744 Subs that is crazy like absolutely ridiculously crazy I never thought I’d like even get anywhere near to that so I am super super happy and then we can get rid of that

And we’re back to Minecraft although for some reason that’s all skew again there we go hey I have a problem I can’t place a block here why there we go I have no right to have that many Subs I have every right to have that

Many Subs yes he has it’s awesome see I am awesome see get told chat get told okay I have a problem this this you just stroke Z’s ego yeah that’s okay sometimes eagles need to be stroked well okay then I’m going to stroke yours dipp is also amazing dippy

Is very confused right now because dippy has like can’t place stuff in in like every time I try to place something above this block it’s just not working and I think by cutting and pasting it while it was I want to fly all the way up here to see

If I can do it just by like I don’t know what’s going on why is this not working can I I can’t I can’t like Place anything here where are you okay I I um I am in the trampoline and I can’t place anything above the I can’t place

Anything above the um the sticky piston it’s just not working good okay should we mang wait what why can’t I place anything above the sticky it’s Like dude that is so weird I don’t know I can’t place anything above here that’s like totally it’s totally not working it’s like anything in this area I just can’t place anything I think it’s because it got confused when it was cutting and pasting because it was cutting and pasting it with the

Oh okay I didn’t break it they’re not growing that’s strange did we lower the tick speed can you B meal barue yes okay yes you can you do need to aim better me we get rid of that and okay oh I’m stuck inside it we’re going to do this oh

Beacons okay falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling oh it’s loading okay bounce that’s a very high bounce doesn’t want to put anything above bounce BCE is it too much or do you think it’s okay it’s perfectly possible I think it still thinks it’s

Got I think it still thinks it’s got a redstone signal despite the fact that it doesn’t have a redstone sign can we put one here it looks okay I need to remove I I see what’s going on here going to I copied some of the Redstone and it’s it’s like it’s like it

Copied the S it copied the signal with the Redstone that so weird seems okay I might have placed a little bit too many okay I’ve there wer my B meal I don’t know what I’ve done here but something I’m so far in the air because I want to bounce

And I want I want to land on the slime blocks and I want to bounce all the way up but it’s very difficult apparently so we’re falling for like a long time let’s see oh we’re almost back though we’re almost there aha mystery here we go uh

Bounce bounce at least it has a little bit of Bounce Bounce Bounce this is the highest I can get you think it’s have I built something that’s impossible to do I don’t know no cuz when it’s activated it’ll be possible but um just I’ve just teleported myself 2,500 blocks in the

Sky I still can’t place a block here that is so weird I think it still thinks it’s getting like a redstone signal from somewhere when it’s actually not I made it oh I made it fully true yay how what ow well you just go up and then you bounce

No I went from this one from the high uh where I’m above now look at me oh you started from that one yeah and then I went I didn’t go that high I didn’t go that high that’s also that’s also cheting okay you ready Boomo boom boom boom Oh I still didn’t do it yeah I think it’s better to skip that one and go straight for the other one okay there we go I’m going to TP to you need free to you ready for NE re to here CH not working how I did you teleport us

Very I can see that oh yeah still I still have the goose head you you got to you got to stop playing now that’s why there’s something really weird going on here oh that loaded didn’t I’m still falling he wow this goes really fast

Okay oh go on go on go on yes no I may have to delete these things they definitely don’t work oh come on NE oh guys I need to delete these things because there’s something very very weird voodoo messy Voodoo stuff is going on here that I

Don’t understand but it seems to have like a weird idea about these things being like electrified getting a redstone signal so oh yeah I don’t yeah I think I’m going to close off my stream because I uh don’t have any concentration left to do yeah so J with that being said I wish

You all a very good day very fine my last I’m going to give my chat one last chance to give five to cheer 5,000 bits they’ve got five minutes and then I’m call stream off because I have nothing else to do right now I’m going to try and make this look

Pretty and see if I can connect everything what if you do if you do then fair enough I’ll do it okay so Place Terra he genuinely he let’s Let’s do let’s start with pink start with I don’t like the fact that he’s genuinely considering it right

This okay okay zero I now no longer have a webcam in front of my face yep do you want to show me the thing at the roller coaster because now I can actually see what I’m doing just G to do that and then okay right So here we go okay so in the top of here what block do you actually want to teleport to so you want I’m guessing you want this block here and the other block as well no I want the I want the person to here person one there and then two there

Oh no no no no no I only want a person there one person there one person there yes and then and then when the other button pushed one person there yeah that’s how it works but now it’s only teleporting the uh the a with the swirl and B and

That should actually be like the nearest player but instead of the near player it just always picks me all Redstone is voodoo I absolutely agree Redstone is like the worst it’s as I don’t understand what is going on yes I have that I already have that yeah hold on

There no no no no no don’t put it in there no no I’ve not changed it I’ve not changed it don’t worry okay hold on let me let me just select it and I’ll test it I’ll test it how about that I’ll just test it here first

No no no zero no this is so funny listening to you two is like hilarious no there is one command block that gives the signal uh to all the other command blocks and he was going to put coordinates in that command block which means all the others won’t

Work anymore be direct no it doesn’t it does because if you do at P then it’s whoever pushed the button that powered that command block yeah but dude it has to do a row of signals so this is going to do it uh it says at B that’s like the nearest player

So it doesn’t matter who pushed the button it’s the one that’s nearest to the but to the thing that’s going to be teleported stop fighting uh I think it was 72 then 112 all right NE push the button push this button which one behind you but do you want you get 10K then

You’ll get 50 Quid in bits and Subs yeah this is oh zero now all my other command blocks won’t work again anymore broken everything what do you mean you don’t you don’t need all those command blocks you’ve you’ve like massively over complicated it yeah but I

Also need to put a mine card there I also need to have give someone a bow in their inventory I also need to give them arrows in their inventory that’s what all these command blocks do okay then hold on we can power two at once here or we could yeah we could genuinely

Just have it power them all at once without putting like a red with an extra redstone block or anything you can just power them all at once by literally wait H so I I’m really confused by what what you mean when you say you get 10K then

You’ll get 50 Quid in bits and Subs on YouTube or twitch your choice I don’t know what you mean oops Yeah H hi beckard I should have just taken the whole thing apart and not just copied everything because that was a mistake and then he 10K subs or follows is 50 what wait

What oh right if I if right okay if you want to do that then you can do that I am Bamboozled I’m yeah it’s too late right uh right okay let me just check something quickly okay uh there we go and then what are the coordinates for the hold on wait

Have you got a mine cart spawn command block here yeah no idea what is going on in the chat in your chat or mine in your in your chat you with you chatting because you’re talking about stuff and I’m going to go like I have no idea what

They’re talking about really glad I don’t because this sounds way too comp so this aha 172 and 112 right and then the same again but one block across so one oh9 no minus one uh yeah minus wait huh hold on where the brain isn’t braining bra is hold on wait wait

Wait my brain has given up braining a while ago – 11 72 112 So what’s this one – 109 7212 okay go and see if red stone that the red you do know that people can also do it on their own right uh yeah but why is the fun in

That yeah but sometimes people will hop on and no one is there and that’s why you don’t need to to do like two uh that’s why they have separate buttons okay this is push one okay I get it okay I got it hey oh okay guys sorry

This is you didn’t do this is really boring but okay no no no no no think let me see H the coordinates was wrong oh what coordinates were wrong oh because now you’re spamming two mine CS so we you’re spamming one here and one there wait hold on then hold on

So 109 and 110 okay hold on no no no no no no okay I needed one that is next to the Piston which is this one okay so wait what I I’ve done 109 on one 10 yeah you’re doing two at the same time again which I told you not to

Do children don’t shout at each other y stop shouting he doesn’t listen can’t help it boom yeah do you now have one mine cart yep okay right and is it on the track and you’re next to it now I’ve got to get back but you also have arrows and a bow

In your inventory yep okay okay so now I can just destroy these uh I think so the problem is for some reason yeah the mine cart get oh wait you need to TP the mine cart on here no I the activator rails get uh powered whenever the mine cart spawns that’s not

True because it didn’t do that with my command blocks look wait hold on hold on I think I’m going to turn you too of this is like listening to listening to mommy and daddy fighting I’m oh maybe it isn’t maybe oh wait okay so hold on is hilarious this is so

Funny um in the meantime you’re going to head off cat’s going crazy good luck I’ll need it the Z don’t listen to NE who said that you’re never going to guess is that painting p no is it diamond yeah and she said you don’t need to listen to me yeah those are minus

Points diamond oh let’s see oh that is too good anyways I’m going to call that a day this is not working um we’re going to we’re going to end stream as cring because why not why is this not working um it should be working that’s going to be the end of

Stream that is a totally awesome stream of justice and we’re going to end it right there heck yeah thank you everyone for coming by and I will see you all next time I stream um um which might be on Hardcore if I find the time if not then yeah by there goes his

Voice wait I need to turn this up and listen to it back did you already end your stream wait listen yeah I’ve just I’ve just ended it Z why is my piston not pistoning because it’s not powered it is powered where are you hang on oh should did

Oh so hang on what what what what what so I’m powering the block that is next to the Piston right oh that’s amazing yes that’s the block hang on is it a minute hang on a minute is it yeah piston is there and it’s going yeah yeah that one is working yes yeah

So but this one isn’t the the the the one with the uh with the pink with the magenta arrows isn’t working and I don’t know why have I am I putting the power in the wrong place or what is going On he so oh now it’s doing it why was it not it’s okay can you put this SL slime box around it’s it’s it’s doing it now I think it was oh now it’s it’s working yeah I don’t know what was happening it was just not doing it

For at the moment I put the slime block on it’s not working anymore that’s weird so weird wait wait no no I want to know if it also stops working we put a normal block yeah yeah it stops I think because I cut and pasted this some something went wrong with the Redstone

Signals and now it seems to wait I have an idea yeah that shouldn’t happen oh but I can’t place blocks here now here no I know it’s it’s like some some really weird Voodoo has happened did you do this with axium yes I did this I did this with axium and

Something really bad has happened can you you need to report this yeah by the way so I think what it did it it it copied everything with a a running a redstone signal So okay I’m going to so zero I don’t know where he is where is zero zero vanished I’ve gone I’m going to ah I’m going to my other priorities if you know what I mean okay yes do you still need help dippy before

I go uh no I think this is I think this is axium problem and I think I need to basically delete this whole thing uh and just just place it somewhere else where this is a cursed this is a cursed chunk this is a cursed Redstone

Chunk now so I need to just basically copy this thing and put it somewhere else or rebuild it somewhere else because this is never going to work there something just really weird going on here yeah so how did he do this he basically made a circle of uh uh extenders yes and I

Mean and okay I can do that I can totally do this they’re all on full tick so I’m not going to have the the the trampoline park here I’m going to put the trampoline park somewhere else like go oh how does the goose game work by the

Way I don’t know I finished yet um uh zero where is um where is the course going like said it’s going to be 18 hole uh it might not be 18 I’m just sort of like we need as much space covered as possible could you maybe kind of fill up

This space back here so it sort of goes all the way back here and and stuff think that would be okay or or do you want to fill this space sort of over here see the problem is with this bit back here is literally like there probably be enough room yeah it’s not

Quite okay in that Cas I will do the uh I will try and put the trampoline park over here oh nice okay yeah cuz the trampoline park is cursed now by the way your unicorn is beautiful thank you very much it’s cute it’s cute hey h what seagull seagull I I did SL

St oh yes uh I will be okay I will see you there okay okay I’m uh going to go yeah okay all right good luck you can do it dippy I tell you what I’m going to I’m going to stop now because I’m I’m kind

Of yeah this is cursed I have to I I have the idea it’s going to work and I will do it off camera people I’m really sorry but I have to do this off camera because yeah I have to figure out some stuff but we build a unicorn and it’s

Cute and I’m going to build some more stuff in that area okay right so I’m going to go and say bye-bye to you all and uh I’ll see you when I see you okay bye bye dippy sh bye bye bye bye Luciana I think I think Lano

This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Trampoline Park on Outright CMP – Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by DippyBlether on 2023-11-21 13:42:56. It has garnered 48 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:21 or 8961 seconds.

This stream is a place where everyone should feel safe. Respect and tolerance are important!

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Join us for an extraordinary Minecraft journey as streamers unite for a noble cause! In this thrilling SMP adventure, we are teaming up with Outright International to create an unforgettable experience that combines the magic of gaming with the power of charity.

Get ready to witness the gaming community’s incredible generosity as renowned streamers from all walks of life come together for a common purpose. Join them as they embark on an epic SMP adventure, filled with laughter, challenges, and heartwarming moments.

But this isn’t just any ordinary gameplay. It’s an endeavor that aims to make a difference. Throughout the stream, we will be raising awareness and funds for Outright International, an organization dedicated to promoting inclusivity, equality, and acceptance for all.

In this stunning Minecraft world, every block placed, every monster conquered, and every friendship forged will contribute to the creation of a haven—a sanctuary that celebrates diversity and invites everyone to be themselves.

Welcome to The Outright SMP

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Also a big thank you to the Trailer Narrator:

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– In Dreams by Scott Buckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library • In Dreams – Scott… ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

The Amazing people who are joining the OUTRIGHT SMP:








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    Discover Your New Home in Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From intense hardcore gameplay to creative building opportunities, there’s never a dull moment on this server. Join us at Minewind today and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Connect to the server at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure now! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PVP Montage by Akshat – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft PVP Montage by Akshat - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ‘PVP’ Montage You Should Watch…’, was uploaded by Akshat Plays Live on 2024-08-23 16:55:18. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Minecraft ‘PVP’ Montage You Should Watch… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video 😀 Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! Editing Software? CapCut ⚠ Copyright Warning ⚠ Please be aware that posting this video on your YouTube channel without explicit permission from the video owner may result in automatic… Read More

  • Cat Sister’s Shocking Instant Karma! 😱#shorts

    Cat Sister's Shocking Instant Karma! 😱#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cat Sister Gets Instant Karma! 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-13 02:30:12. It has garnered 642 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Cat Sister Gets Instant Karma! 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • GAMING TREND ALERT! Craziest Minecraft Edits Ever #sahuplays

    GAMING TREND ALERT! Craziest Minecraft Edits Ever #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘ᴛʀᴇɴᴅ 📈 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-07-10 04:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime … Read More

  • EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker Maizen

    EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-10 17:00:37. It has garnered 82903 views and 535 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:15 or 3615 seconds. Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024

    INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘DJ Isaac B2B TNT – Tomorrowland Minecraft Edition 2024 (Weekend 1) FAN MADE’, was uploaded by The Game Boys Events on 2024-09-13 01:00:06. It has garnered 1642 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Follow TheGameBOYS: -Main Channel:… -Facebook: -Instagram: -Twitter: * This is not an official event * None of the real djs participate in the event, the event is only done for fun, we are not generating monetary income with it. *Esto no es un evento oficial* Ninguno de los djs reales… Read More

  • Duplexia

    DuplexiaThis is Duplexia, a small survival server, with some customized survival aspects. From custom enchantments, ranks, full on land customization, and custom world generation, we hope you find your home here with us. Duplexia gotten its start back in Oct, 14, 2018 as Atheran, and sadly has been down due to the owner not being be available for the server. We promise moving forward, no matter what, the server will stay online, and talk with the community on new or returning features. We’re a non pay to win server. We only accept donations, in the aspect that you will only… Read More

  • Amaterasu SMP Semi-Vanilla Cross-platform 1.21 Nations PVP

    Welcome to Amaterasu! We are a Vanilla SMP Nations/Factions Server with Java and Bedrock support. Come mine, build, grow, and lead a nation or join one. Whether you progress through peace or find yourself warring for world domination, Amaterasu welcomes you! We offer nations, which are countries you can join or start, allowing you to wage war on other nations. Interested in community and peace but still want to make your own nation? The “kingdom” option awaits you! War cannot be waged against kingdoms, and members are safe against involuntary PVP. Join our Discord server to begin your journey:… Read More

  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Always dying in Minecraft 😂

    Always dying in Minecraft 😂 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. Siempre pasa 💀 #minecraftproblems” Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on Minecraft

    Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mole people, Episode 26: Exploring the End’, was uploaded by Splash O’Pain on 2024-08-29 23:58:24. It has garnered 30 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:25 or 7645 seconds. We have one in-game day to find all the resources we might need before we dig ourselves down to Deepslate depth where we will stay. Forever. Is it possible to finish the game without ever seeing the sun again? Follow us to find out! I am doing this challenge together with: @CaptainCrumbs @ArtySun27 #minecraft #livestream #Minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

    Exploring All Secret Bases in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-08-30 00:03:49. It has garnered 567453 views and 9941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:28 or 2308 seconds. Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft My Editor 🎥 Offstagevitor 👨‍💻 Friends in video 💪 Doni 💛 Creccent 💜 Kiply 💗 if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀 Transcript Read More

  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

    "INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIND A MOB IN 10 SECONDS! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Pillager on 2024-07-07 19:21:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftshorts 360 #minecraft 666 #minecraft ost #minecraft war #minecraft zoo #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2024 #minecraft … Read More

  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link:افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK] 【1ST STEP GOODS】 Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: ・Overlays: ・Schedule: ・Mira Emotes: ・Shonkey Emotes: ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More