Insane Transformation of Real City in Minecraft!!

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All right I am here I am tired I am cold and I am just very tired in general I have a thing at coffee next to me cup of coffee with some milk not sure the milligrams of caffeine but I’m tired um both my hands are in a lot of pain I literally

Probably have over a 100 Cuts total on both hands and for once in my life 100 is not an exaggeration and you know having to work today again of course did not help anything some of these cuts are also steeper than the rest I think I have

Three or four ones that are deep compared to the rest um I’m looking at one actually right now that is worse than I realized and that that one is on an index finger on my left hand and probably some of these should have gotten covered

Up but didn’t have a lot of choice with some of this stuff haven’t really had a lot of a choice in anything you know it’s not my job to do anything that caused this but I had to do it wasn’t technically it wasn’t forced but you know you don’t do what

Management says and they can just fire you and in my state technically you can fire anybody for any reason you can’t you can fire somebody without reasonable cause in Illinois I have no idea how that’s a thing but you can unemployment apparently is a much more of a [ __ ] thing than I originally

Thought and I will not be man even if I do quit I mean unemployment seems like such a hassle that I wouldn’t even well can’t do it if I quit if I get fired unemployment seems like such a hassle that I wouldn’t even even want to worry about it

Period uh both of those should be empty yep well maybe uh maybe the game is running better today we’ll see because I know sat or what was it was it Saturday no it was Sunday where I was having the uh Mouse issues um I might be having headphone issues

Okay now it’s fine I didn’t have surround sound for a second like that zombie that was on my left that I just killed it was only in my right ear that was weird I don’t know but then that one was surround sound there so I don’t know stereo audio surround sound whatever the

Heck you want to call them stereo stereo versus mono no my mouse is still doing its thing it’s still doing it because I had to do it when I tried to close that damn door don’t know why it’s happening don’t know what’s causing it to happen but it is annoying as

Hell I don’t even know where I’m keeping Flint anymore uh gravel I guess can go there where have I been putting Flint you know what throw it right there that’s fine I guess like I said I’m very tired excuse me that it was not supposed to be

Like that but I’m trying to see if I can drink this cup of coffee decently quickly in order to get a caffeine boost for a bit to get me going I also have something in my left eye that is not making things easier to deal with and this pickaxe is still

Broken I broke it and never repaired it got it this is not how you repair what is my brain doing not working today that’s what it’s doing on the bright side today I got to the point where I just decided to say screw it and just didn’t get upset with

Anything no matter what I have something in my left eye that is getting worse and I can’t get it out and I’ve had it there for like two hours now you think it’s a hair or something but it’s it’s not of course it only B it only acts up

When when I’m like driving or trying to sit here and you know talk for hours upon hours so I don’t eat something that’s annoying the hell out of me apparently my nose is stuffed up even though it was fine earlier yeah no it’s just stuffed up I can well hear it and feel

It I have bow with a whole bunch of arrows yep hi pig trying to figure figure out if today I should just continue leveling this mountain if I should continue Gathering dirt or doing the dirt over there or if I should continue the stone

Here cuz it’s uh not not gone my way or things did not go my way Sunday with the8 hour stream and things definitely did not go my way yesterday where I basically didn’t stream at all because of I don’t know what the hell was happening to my

Channel I still don’t know what that was but uh everything is gone all the views are gone majority of the subscribers are gone but not all of them and it’s just kind of concerning when something like that happens it’s not normal and it’s usually not good usually not

Good trying to see if I can collect some of this normal dirt oh man one this is the wrong tool and two I’m having lag a really it’s been how long we’re already lagging the game how am I doing not not great I mean I’m here but not great how are you

Doing uh today’s just another day could be worse though goney hi how’s it going welcome welcome to Twitch it’s a it’s a little weird I’m used to most people being on YouTube right now this twitch has honestly just been dead majority of the days I don’t know what the heck I don’t

Know why listening to me while you’re doing homework so it’s okay uh definitely could be better then if you’re doing homework but it could be worse too where’s a good section to start and cutting off without having all the slimes drop in like that one that just committed

Seu or do I not have to worry about these because they have to bridge a gap and they’re not going to get over that gap for example that’s the Gap yep and they’re just dropping in dying that’s lovely just lovely that thing in my left eye is not

Going to go away anytime soon today is it I’m just going to didn’t know this was here yeah no I did not know that was there just going to have to deal with it I guess for now and see what happens yeah my mouse is well it’s not my mouse

It’s the game doing it it’s like the game doing a little bit of lag and so it’s just moving my mouse however it wants I know I know how it works in my head but I for the life of me cannot explain it uh wow yeah uh I just can’t think of

Anything to say right now I’m completely out of it and tired still would like to know what happened to my channel yesterday because you know several thousand views out of nowhere is weird 2,000 subscribers out of nowhere is weird then losing a thousand of those within half a day and then losing the

Rest within the next day or so that is something’s not right there you don’t just gain 2,000 overnight and and then lose all of them that’s not normal you don’t also get all these views and then the views and likes all magically disappear like I don’t know how I can

Gain views and then have them taken away that doesn’t make sense something there did not add up and I guess it’s fine another thing killed itself got it oh that one landed on this side oh no just trying to knock it off the damnn cliff get get off get

Off think a whole bunch of bots and subbed and viewed YouTube cleared them out all why that’s why it probably disappears yeah but why is that like a thing that can happen is can’t this thing kill me that slime is very deadly oh of course there would be an invisible

One why not um can I have that blight back actually I would like to kill it that’s probably the only that could kill me I’m going to get trapped underwater or I’m just going to get oh my god um okay that’s fun that’s fun just get body

Blocked by a whole bunch of slimes run out of food can’t do anything can’t run I just ate more food ran out of food broke my armor okay game that’s a little excessive don’t you think what happened to the blight what oh it it did do it I’m going to die to

Slimes wait I’m going to die to slimes why are they doing so much damage they’re slimes I just took fall damage too from that okay lovely that was a fun experience yeah see that’s why I blocked off the other one with walls so they can’t drop down and do

That fun fun fun right that I got 24 experience levels from killing that damn thing and not much to use it on oh they’re both maxed out okay there’s like 80 slimes oh there’s a lot of slimes increase that okay and of course you know by the

Time I come up here it’s almost night time and then I deal slimes come back and it’s sunset I’m just clearing out a mountain that’s about the progress that’s going to happen for a few days here I’m very lazy but also I’m just work has been

Crap it’s off and on crap and then other things in life just making everything difficult and just having everything just everything be bad at times so I’m just doing what I can like I should take more time to stream or make videos yet it is definitely difficult to have the mo motivation to

Do all that or time sometimes like yesterday I didn’t get home until 6:30 I still had to shower eat dinner and just just exist and just sleep and you know I got like eight hours of sleep but it sure as hell did not feel like it it still doesn’t feel like it

What kind of job do I have it I I don’t know at this point I should I technically no but uh it I seem to be doing all this other crap that isn’t my job so I’m supposed to be packing boxes and shipping them out driving a forklift

And unloading trucks here and there not doing every single thing that they need done on a forklift and working outside putting wires together to build like a garden center for spring and stuff and destroying my hands in the process should not have to do that part but I do apparently can you get

Away zombie if you would just go away I could go to sleep and that’d be fine wake up and life would be I could yep mhm oh hi zombies are you guys just going to exist forever buddy there you’re breaking down the door that isn’t even there there you go

You’re breaking down the door that didn’t even matter at least I don’t work an office job I would rather work an office job it’d be less stressful and somehow probably pay more it’d be less physically demanding it’d be less physically physically harmful can I just can I just go to

Sleep can you not hit me before you come around the corner that’d be great are they too stupid to come inside like they’re um huh are they actually just too stupid to come inside with both doors open okay I mean free zombie kills I guess considering literally does they

Literally are too stupid to come inside okay that solved that problem I guess just slowly kill them when they refuse to come inside through two open doors I definitely need to put light poles up but the pro or light poles up but they’re it’s not going to stop him

From spawning no matter what oh hi creeper oh skeleton shot a creeper that’s actually not good and there was one of the the fire ochre things orc things whatever but yeah putting up light poles in the end won’t really uh make much of a difference just cuz there’s so much

Space for them to spawn in in between houses and on top of roofs yeah honestly I could put torches all on the ground and they would still spawn on rooftops is that a red spider uh well no it’s a normal spider that’s in the wall got it yeah that’s a little

Weird there’s a random hole here and of course I had to fall through it of course I had to fail to get back out of it I’m what am I hitting I am centered on the Block there we go was more effort than it should have been to get

Out not have this giant mess here I’ve created simply because I’m clearing out dirt and what’s sad is I can’t even use this dirt it’s Sandy dirt it’s garbage it it is not good for my uses so all this dirt that I’m breaking is not actually dirt and it’s not actually

Being counted towards the dirt statistic either it’s just existing and then I lag the game by living all of them on the ground for eternity and until they despawn supposed to they’re supposed to despawn after like 5 minutes or so that clearly has not been happening based on what

Happened Sunday with me just you know having thousands upon thousands of blocks sitting around are there elytra elytra is around but the super jumper thing I have yeah I don’t think it’ll I don’t know if it would be combinable it might be but at least for the the boots thing I don’t

Have to worry about uh using fireworks or making fireworks to make myself go faster I just I just go eltra I don’t know elytra has durability and everything and might be worth it might not be in the end I probably would just say elytra is not

Worth it for me unless I was literally in the end Dimension trying to find more cities it would just be useful because I could fly then and Float but for this world I don’t think I need elytra nor do I need to kill the Ender Dragon I don’t

Know how many times people have asked me if I’m killing the ender dragon I’m like I don’t need to nor do I really care to it’s just an Ender Dragon it’s nothing special it’s not like I’m going to get anything good from killing it either there’s so many slimes over there killing

Themselves yeah that’s nature at its finest slimes spawning ridiculously often for no reason and then just killing themselves and then the colors are all bugging out in the sky I can see the purple fire effect like right there just kind of existing somewhere I don’t know why that one’s

Stuck there I won’t lie don’t know why also today is going to be a short stream I’m just physically and mentally tired I shouldn’t be mentally I I shouldn’t say mentally tired I’m more just physically tired right now do I have an end mod or is this just all the

Overworld end is um I don’t think I have any mods that change the end or do anything to it I think it’s just the vanilla end with a vanilla portal and everything I could be wrong but I don’t think Arctic put anything in there that uh messes with

The end unless there’s like some end ore or something like that but besides that I think it’s all technically vanilla there’s so much stone that has to be removed oh my God why did I I think it was a good idea to try and pair down a mountain well Sunday I was looking

For well what the 8 Hour stream was looking for something to keep me busy and occupied for that period of time and well that that’s how I started doing this and then you know 8 Hour stream and it’s was not a very busy stream especially not

Compared to usual and so I just kind of eventually lost motivation I was having my mouse lag pretty bad when I was breaking down blocks and I just said screw it and ended the stream don’t even know if anybody was there but yeah that was honestly a sad stream like there was

Basically no traffic it was weird and then the then Monday you know that weird hack thing or whatever the weird YouTube bot things whatever happened and yep didn’t stream because of that and make a world eater I know you don’t want to use TNT dupers but there ain’t duping World there are

Non TNT duping world eaters I don’t know what you mean by a world Eater Not sure what that is but I’ll be honest I have World edits if I really really wanted to clear this mountain without doing it legitimately and surviv then I would just turn the entire thing

Into air I could turn the entire thing into TNT technically but uh that could be potentially harmful for everything else in the area but yes I technically could erase all this in about 2 minutes and maybe slightly more than two minutes to try and line everything up

Properly but I could could remove all of it I just don’t want to one day this world will be something better until then I’ll just be breaking blocks Slowly by hand at least it’s you know not super slowly I can still move at this rate without problem but the stone I can’t go

As fast as I can’t go as fast with sadly tried doesn’t work too well something like that one but non TNT duping I I still not sure what you mean I mean yes I know what TNT duping is but why what does that have to do with a world eater thing I don’t

Know I could make a lot of TNT technically I do have a lot of uh do have a lot of gunpowder and I don’t know if I have a good source of gunpowder or not I don’t think I do yet but I think I found something that I

Could take time to make that could give me a whole bunch of extra sulfur which is which can be substituted for gunpowder I hear a very loud one it has to be you man these slimes suck a lot don’t they I can’t even reach you come on nope

Okay you know what as long as they’re not coming up here I think it’s fine what is this going to do okay it hurts to type I I know I’m getting hit right now but I’m busy typing can you not can you not can you can you not I’m

About to just run away from you oh I spawned a blight apparently that’s great to know oh my God can I where’s all the experience oh it didn’t give me anything for experience got it for some reason like no experience right side the tiny ones don’t do

Anything that’s a shame okay back to whatever the world eater thing is oh it’s that yeah no thank you apparently there’s slime still alive it’s pushing me okay I’ve seen a thing or two on Tik Tok about those yeah no no not even going to attempt to

Figure out how that works can we not have an invisible slime thank you oh what am I looking for stone cutting yep that will actually help me break break stone quicker cuz I cannot break it as quick as like break dirt even though my pickaxe is faster than my mat but it’s

Fine I’m just going to be breaking blocks for hours I I right now I just don’t know anything don’t know what to do don’t know why just don’t know don’t know why I’m so damn tired like at work I was fine I think I don’t know it’s only

Tuesday and my I think my body is just exhausted or I have some kind of sickness now from from all the uh Cuts wounds grease and everything that’s been on my hands uh well yesterday so all the cuts came from the same thing basically um wire that I was cutting

Hundreds upon hundreds of times um you know when you cut certain wire with that’s made out of metal that metal basically turns into a razor blade where it was cut because it doesn’t really cut it it squishes it to the point of it snapping and it squishes it so so thin

That it technically does create a blade considering that any time I would run my finger or not well anytime it scra anytime it rubbed against my skin it cut me so I have cuts on top of my wrists on top of my Knuckles everywhere basically on my hands

And then you get bad calluses from trying to pull um trying to pull that wire tight and then twisting it you know several hundred times and none of that is my job to do but here I am quite literally giving blood for my job don’t know if anybody’s

Squeamish but I’ll be honest yesterday was probably the most amount of blood I’ve lost in a long time and I do not get paid enough to have my hands covered in blood grease fell in the same damn hole blood grease and sweat and sweat when it’s like 40 degrees

Out sounds painful it’s it’s not as pain it’s not too painful it’s just kind of that pain no matter what you touch you wash your hands it hurts I just accidentally rubbed my pinky and it just stings it’s not a lot of pain it’s just anytime you move anything hurts and it

Anything time you touch anything it hurts in different spots and it’s like a stinging pain and I’m probably going to get an infection legitimately somehow gotta go you might catch the stream later nice I’ll be here probably breaking dirt and stone for a while and seeing how much it hurts just

To do any anything with my hands at the moment I mean I was tying more wires today and everything but I was was using gloves even though gloves were make things insanely difficult when your gloves are thicker than the wire that you’re trying to hold on

To but I made a lot more progress yesterday than I did today because I could go at a quicker rate yesterday except for you know parts of cutting my hands in places that I needed to hold the wire yep yeah is wonderful I still like how that one I

Did on my index finger is um definitely the worst one of the bunch and haven’t done anything about it it’s just still there just like the rest but it definitely didn’t get cut like the rest it got cut a lot deeper and that was the one that that was the one that really

Bled the one that I probably probably should have take gotten taken care of because that was the one that was so bad that it was Dripping I can probably get demonetized or restricted for talking about blood can’t I yeah but it’s not like I have much else to talk

About I mean I’m breaking dirt there’s no slimes around it’s fine I don’t know besides that it’s just me complaining about other stupid crap at works so you got to pick your losing battle here you can you got to win some lose some I quite often lose but it’s

Fine was there a lava pit up here I think that’s what was here no this wasn’t the lava pit no because the lava pit would still have dirt in it probably it’s such a shame that this world is this way it is such a Shame I also really need to just create a a server or something for viewers but I don’t know it’ll probably create problems or it’ll just not be worth it in the end I’m just trying to think of things that I can do to bring in people that are simple and not so timec

Consuming but I think at this point anything is going to be timec consuming or just cost money like getting a server that can take certain amount of people is this normal dirt up here it is that’s weird I I may have placed that myself then well the sun was out today that’s

Kind of of the first in a while uh we had a little bit of sun yesterday but not like today like today was so nice that I almost just decided to take my car and drive somewhere after work I didn’t know where I’m just like drive somewhere enjoy this sunny day I

Didn’t CU if I did I would not be streaming here I still probably wouldn’t be home because it’s not even 5:00 but I I I don’t know it’s a beautiful day out I mean it’s cold but it’s nice and sunny for once and I would say Sunny with clear

Skies but no it’s not clear skies it’s like hazy hazy Skies uh this morning was insanely dense fog to the point where I definitely um not I didn’t get lost but I definitely lost track of the exact location I was at one point what was that coming through on my phone

REM reminds me of a Snapchat because it was a Snapchat I’m not even going to open that right now because um just we can just leave it at at negativity reasons how about that doesn’t don’t need I’ve talked about it enough on stream doesn’t need to be

Talked about more even though it doesn’t matter that much I just it’s just a stupid situation that I don’t still don’t understand but it’s fine I deal with it well technically I don’t deal with it because they I can’t I just have to accept it yep man I am well I’m making decent

Progress only problem I have is that I’m just not collecting the dirt I can’t Harvest it because I can’t use it and I can’t add it to the statistics which is really honestly for some reason is more upsetting to me I want to see that number be insanely high and I have

To level off an entire mountain and it doesn’t count towards it I think it counts towards another random incorrect statistic and I can’t even verify that the combination of it’s just one block that does that cuz apparently it’s several so times mind you know here’s the dirt lomy

Dirt some of this is counting as lomy dirt and some of this is counting a spectral Moss I don’t know why or how but last week both of these were very small numbers and now with with me leveling off some of this mountain you know they’re almost at one of them’s almost at

30,000 so I’ve made a lot of progress It’s just being counted towards the wrong stuff I should probably do like a million uh dirt blocks broken like special or something cuz that would be insane I don’t know what the hell I just heard I don’t know what that was that was

Weird kind of sounded like a electronic vibration in my head when I mean in my head I mean like physically inside of my head not like just me hearing it or imagining it like physically inside like inside of my skull inside I don’t know I’m just breaking dirt for a while

Seeing what’s going to happen oh and my mouse is doing the thing yep it just did it there yep I can’t I can’t go at too quick of a rate otherwise it causes problems also could probably increase my frame rate slightly but nope that doesn’t make

A difference it’s h too small of a thing to make a difference got it I just thought it might be worth it on other computers I know it’s made a difference Seven Days to Die definitely used to make a difference uh me having OBS displayed or not I think I literally

Could gain like almost 10 more FPS when I was streaming Seven Days to Die yep uh I was stream 7 days to die again but I mean I won’t lie if I’m not streaming I am probably inebriated asleep or at work there’s not much of an in between right now there

Just isn’t I don’t have a lot of time in between and so most of my free time I choose to be streaming I mean I play a little bit of balloon’s Tower Defense every day but that’s to do daily challenge the co-op challenge attempt the advanced challenge here and there sometimes

I’m actually getting to the point where I don’t need to look up how to do that advanced challenge I’m just starting to figure out that a lot of these challenges use abilities I don’t use abilities in balloon’s Tower Defense really uh but I can and I know the

Advantages of some and I learned in one challenge the advantages of a specific one just for camo detection that it doesn’t say that it can do but it definitely does because that was the only way I could beat that challenge but I didn’t have to look it

Up and I think I was inebriated at the time not too bad but enough to for me to like do some kind of cheering thing where I’m like ha I can be I could be drunk messed up but I can still figure this stuff out and get it

Done I wasn’t drunk by the way I was probably just Tipsy I think it was two drinks in drinks worth yeah I don’t like saying two drinks because it’s basically my own it’s my measurement of what the U what FDA or whatever says is one drinks worth

Which would be a 40 a shots worth of 40% liquor um or a 12 ounz can a 5% beer even though good luck finding normal beer nowadays that’s actually 5% like flavored beers you can find 5% but any other ones that are like really cheap that people buy and you know the

Giant 30k es or so none of those are even 5% the ones I’ve seen are like 4.3 4.4 4.1 um my parents I think they even drinking a four point a low four point something and they always thought it was 5% and it’s not and I say my parents but I

Mean h they one does drink to get drunk and the other just drinks because they like to taste a beer and it’s they drink beer instead of soda basically is how that works and I also don’t really deal with them much often anymore which is a good

Thing because I won’t lie they were probably more nuisance in my life than anything else yeah they’re the reason I got screwed out of a lot of stuff they’re the reason I had to I didn’t get a license until I was 19 and then they’re also the reason that

I can’t go and move back in with them even if I wanted to in order to save money can’t even um probably can’t even get that house whenever I whenever they pass away and they you know put in the will to me or whoever that house is just in

Shambles and so I don’t have a choice at this point I’m tempted to just go and buy a damn van for like 10 grand um and just kind of spruce it up some make it livable and use that in a storage unit for a while which isn’t a good

Idea however I could definitely make it work but it would definitely cause complications with things in my life I will not lie it would create it would be a good way to save a lot of money but I don’t know I mean I can make things work I can make ends meet with

That I just think it would it would it would not end well blob King welcome back I don’t know I don’t know why I think kind of want to go and live in a van for a bit or something and just save a lot of money

But I don’t I can’t I just can’t that’s not an option it just isn’t oh no stone oh no well stone is now visually breaking that’s a problem um hm it’s not breaking smoothly like dirt where it’s just erasing it maybe it’s getting to the point where

It’s there but it’s still not quite as quick oh no it’s starting to do it there with the momentum of the Cobalt pickaxe when I say momentum it’s because it’s it’s own like skill from being made out of cobalt and it it uh breaks blocks faster the longer you break

Them and there is all this gravel here which I do need whoops take that probably pick up the Flint too just because I can turn that Flint back into gravel which sounds real weird but it’s thing it is a thing in well in modded not

Vanilla yeah out of all the mods to add in making gravel out of Flint I did not expect this one mod to do that I didn’t think that mod even added in any crafting recipes uh uh I would rather have dirt on me than Cobblestone won’t lie I need

More dirt than Cobblestone and Cobblestone is technically e easier to acquire Than Dirt actually it’s not technically it is Cobblestone is everywhere dirt is randomly mixed in with Cobblestone and is then only on the surface for the most part oh boy now is the fun part now is

The part that I got aggravated with on Sunday and kind of decided to end stream because my mouse could not keep up and it only does it in game because I could in game I could not do a perfect circle anywhere else I could do a perfect circle and it’s already Behaving

Badly I’m just going to have to power through it it’s I don’t know if it’s like a slight input delay or something or the smallest amount of lag but it just it throws my mouse sometimes and if I don’t do like a smooth slow sweeping

Motion then it really will throw it so I have to do like long sweeps instead of like slow small groups where I can’t like do this because it’s going to throw it all over the place and it literally did it several times in there I’m just moving so quick that I’m just ignoring

It technically I’m just moving on anyways random iron don’t care H it would be nice to one day make this world into a server or something but it’s going to be a long ways away and as long as I can keep going streaming for a while we’ll be

Fine just got to keep making progress slow progress but progress nonetheless yep I can’t just stop I shouldn’t just stop streaming and just end it there no because I keep doing that over the years and obviously it’s not broughten anything good but I’ve definitely gotten a lot more

Progress with making random videos here and there throughout the years than uh making streams but streams are nicer and I will not lie I would rather stream for a living with minor video editing than video editing with minor streaming cuz I just video editing is not my thing

Time the time consumption not my thing and I just I just can’t I basically can’t trust me it just can’t I can’t even break blocks properly there okay uh inside or outside first I’ll do that outside and then come back on the bright side I’m slowly having less and less dirt around here

So hopefully I can end end the dirts just end it get rid of it and be done with it and then it’ll all be up to one pickaxe for doing everything also what’s the experience on this oh my God 50,000 I literally just leveled this

Thing up to H hro hro why can my brain not process heroic herotic heroic oh I don’t my I should know what it is and right now I just can’t heroic there it is heroic level that’s the word I’m looking for or the pronunciation I’m looking for yeah heroic God that’s

Difficult is this a mod is what a mod the tool the level Everything is Everything is a mod I don’t know just right now everything is modded basically I mean every single dirt block here is is uh Sandy dirt so far so that’s not vanilla and I hate Sandy dirt

It looks like garbage and you’re going to be a potential problem unless you can get unless you’re a not that oh you’re easy you’re not a problem come here yep you dropped a a helmet it sounds weird but I legitimately need that helmet that was weird okay we’ll back

Away from that for a second I shouldn’t say I genuinely need the helmet because I mean it has literally no durability that’s a good leather helmet though too bad it’s not worth anything and it’s not worth my levels for me to repair it even though I’m curious what a

Protection four leather hat does but I mean that blight slime just dropped it and gave me several I mean I’m level 15 now and I was I might have just been not even level one when I first killed it uh that keeps happening not sure if that’s

Making the game Run worse or not but it definitely could be a factor somehow and now I’m curious I kind of need to go up there and see what’s happening might go kill a few things and see if I can get some drops or well apparently they can drop things

Because I had a slime drop a helmet so yeah experiment see if I can make it up here that is there we go I was thinking I wasn’t going to catch the ladder oh my God my shoulder hurts oh good to know good to know just about everything

Right now somehow and my upper body hurts I also ruined my par a pair of pants today apparently apparently my keys have just kind of slowly eaten through them all throughout time and I’ve only had these pants for not even half a year and it’s what they’re like $40

Pairs of like black jeans no not really jeans they’re technically cargo pants without extra Pockets but it kind of sucks that oh light nice kind of sucks that now they’re damaged and have a nice hole in the back pocket all right well you’re dead I don’t know why they’re spawning so often

As a blight up here I don’t know can any of them even damage me here I know I’m just slowly drowning at this point but it’s fine very slowly drowning ow okay one of them can still damage me there is an invisible one around here it’s dead

Now God that’s I just if I need anything taken out of this world it’s the invisible mobs it’s the invisible ones they just create so many more problems and away we oh that’s that was a bad shot that’s oh I don’t have a fear of heights but

Um falling from a height like this definitely gives me a weird feeling in my head like that that fall it’s I don’t know why it shouldn’t bother me but it does no fear of heights don’t have a fear of falling but just watching me fall like that in Minecraft somehow

Bothers me yes and a video game if I was in VR it would probably make me puke but I never really played VR VR enough to get used to it I definitely got bad motion sickness from um any VR game that was actually like a firstperson shooter

Kind of style and you almost drowned once well good to hear that you didn’t drown but drowning is definitely not fun all right I’m going to see if I can I have 20 levels I’m just going to screw around with this Le leather cap for a

Second I have an anvil I think that how you keep the enchantments right I don’t know I don’t I don’t usually upgrade Enchanted gear won’t lie or not upgrade repair kind of lazy and stingy with resources in a normal world uh why am I going in there for leather I have 18

Leather but um really it costs four levels what would it cost if I just did this but it it just oh two okay I mean it doesn’t matter that much considering I can level up pretty quickly I was just kind of curious the waves were swelling a lot

That day yeah you got to be careful in the ocean you got to be very careful I don’t what it doesn’t show the it it doesn’t show that it’s Enchanted also broken shaders very very broken shaders what is what is h what is it trying to do I can see something in the

Center there that’s reflecting like behind me I don’t know that’s weird it’s trying to do use the light from something but it doesn’t know what it’s doing okay there’s that entire cup of coffee drank and I feel like it didn’t do much increase stone cutting speed again it’s tiger

Somewhere do I even do I have food I do okay about to say I need to double check that I have food before I go all the way over here and then just kind of starve to death and not being able to run away from slimes if I don’t have food

Yeah am I for real making a city yeah yep my actual City in real life so far this is just a mobile home park that’s on the northeast side but it’s progress It’s survival so you know it’s kind of slow progress especially when I’m having to level an entire

Mountain yeah we’re getting there it’s it was originally all covered in dirt so we’re getting there and can I switch shaders I can switch shaders I won’t switch shaders because every single one I’ve tried looks worse than this one in my opinion and yet somehow work works or

Runs worse What’s the progress so far as this I mean considering this has taken a lot of time and trying to line things up and trying to make things work when Minecraft only has 90° angles and things in real life are definitely not ever at 90° for a lot of Stu

Stuff makes it hard but I mean this part went well it was just timec consuming nothing has detail yet because I’m not taking time to do detail right in the beginning I would rather get a whole bunch of places built and then start working on finer

Details because if I was a new person coming to a stream if I saw this I would be more tempted to stay than if I had only one street done but the street looked really good and was um was like bidden and everything and no I’m just starting out with the frame of

The buildings not doing anything inside or outside besides a porch and lighting and then bring villagers in um that’s what several people say villagers will be a future project but the problem is also this is not even one% of the entire thing so if I were to actually fill the

Entire place with Village one day pretty sure my computer couldn’t handle it or Minecraft the Minecraft whatever engine Java whatever runs Minecraft could not handle it probably that’s what I assume I mean I could be wrong but usually thousands of mobs is not always the best idea

But I do plan to mess around with villagers one day definitely won’t be today and it won’t be anytime soon got a lot more stuff to do until then oh God the lag spikes yeah you want to know what’s funny is the lag spikes are all my fault

Uh you know game is rarely running at 60 FPS because of the shaders and because of my high draw distance even though it’s at 16 so it originally when I started this world I set it to 22 and um I just I needed more FPS and so

Dropping it to 16 actually made a noticeable difference but I do prefer it being higher but I can’t afford to go and get a better CPU and a better graphics card I can’t I couldn’t even afford to do the stuff that my car had to do this uh on

Saturday almost $900 and I don’t know where that money is going to come out of out of my ass I guess or out of the credit card that I won’t be able to pay back for another extra month or so it’s lovely yet somehow I’m still just making ends

Meet just doing what I can to well just doing what I can that’s it nothing else uh can only do so much at work can’t get overtime especially when we’re doing budget cuts magic cat hi how’s it going yeah I love it when we’re doing but we have budget cuts and hour

Cuts and yet I still can’t get everything done that I have to do in a day but I have to do like six people’s jobs some days yet I guarantee I’ll be the one getting in trouble when things aren’t done especially with a crappy manager

How much is a graphics card um well to get an upgrade for my 3060 TI I’m probably going to be spending over $400 and if I actually if I was going to upgrade upgrade I need a newer CPU because I mean this one’s an a eighth

Gen i7 at good i7 but it’s getting old and it’s definitely starting to show age especially in Minecraft when I realized that my CPU is my bottleneck sometimes and then also um I’m pretty sure my motherboard’s slowly dying over years and it’s if I’m going to upgrade

Anything in this computer at this point it’s going to I’m just going to have to get a new computer I’m not going to build one myself either your day turned from great to absolutely wanting to murder your ex and now your ex- best friend friend ah hopefully you don’t do

The murdering part cuz that’ll definitely make your day a lot worse uh but you know life is life days are [ __ ] trust me I know all about it don’t know all about dating though I just know about the other stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] oh on the bright side that was the

First time I cuss during the stream today so hopefully YouTube doesn’t ding me for it because they like to do that sometimes where you cuss once I’m like oh nope you’re done you’re restricted I don’t think my stream is going to make your day any better sadly

Cat but that’s not up to me I don’t think yeah I definitely don’t think that’s up to me I’m just sitting here breaking dirt and stone for a while I did say I was going to have the stream short I was going to go for an

Hour I just checked and it it’s already been almost an hour I don’t feel like quitting so I’m just going to keep going I mean no matter what I’m not going to have enough sleep probably today and definitely had a situation happened last night that kind of made sleep worse but it’s fine

I’m still here I’m still kicking haven’t kicked the bucket yet but and that’ll happen one day yeah one day I just I just need life to be different sometimes not better but different can be better I don’t know why I just looked at the Sun Smoke Weed um I’m good because

Lungs trust me I’ve tried bits here and there and well Edibles affect me up to 16 hours later if not longer even in small amounts which means I can’t take them any day I have work the next day even if I took them as soon as I got home and I don’t know

I I don’t I I do value my lungs I won’t lie because I at one point I definitely did some Vape things with marijuana and when you can notice something wrong with your lungs you start to realize you need to stop and I realized that that something felt wrong and

Stopped and yeah cat you feel like fighting something um well I’m definitely going to tell you just do what you can to not do something stupid I know all about it recently uh last Tuesday at work I got so pissed off that I threw a walkie a hand walkie know like

A radio or whatever walkie-talkie tiny little thing I threw it into a wall from I don’t know 30 ft away or so I just chuck the [ __ ] and there is now a walkie size hole 10 ft up a wall and it didn’t break it somehow it

Scratched the hell out of it but uh it’s stuck in there and I still have I took pictures of it I was P so pissed but I could not help but smirk when I had to stand on a table to reach that thing and pull it out of a

Wall so you got to have your little moments sometimes little aggression moments and little you know I’m stupid but that’s [ __ ] funny moments itd probably make you more violent right now well I don’t know how you’re like but do what you can to not do something stupid that you’ll

Regret trust me I’ve been struggling to not quit my job being pissed off for like the past three four months now just you got to work through it sometimes it [ __ ] sucks I broke a wall uh I didn’t break it much management doesn’t know about it I’ll

Tell you that much but no I threw a plastic walkie-talkie through a wall or I should say into a wall I would I guess I could throw a picture up on stream but it’s not on my computer it’s on my phone uh I actually haven’t looked at it since but from 30

Ft away or so I just chucked the damn thing and it it went in yeah yeah I just I’m looking at the pictures here I’m like okay well okay so I realized the thing that stopped it from going deeper was the belt clip uh Google Drive I’ll just send it

On Google Drive real quick upload I thought about doing like a YouTube post or something with that picture and saying uh don’t piss me off but yeah I don’t think people need to know about that it’s not like many people on stream are going to see it but yeah you got to

Give me a second because I have to Now open up Firefox get to Google Drive find where the file got dropped because Google Drive is updating and it’s changing things up or my browser cannot work there we we go thanks for responding uh right there download completed

Close let’s see oh that’s not what I want downloads see can I just share this entire Source add um window capture okay photos I feel like it doesn’t work um it doesn’t so that’s great love that okay then we’ll just do scene two yep okay that that is what it

Was this is not a cardboard wall but it is definitely not like you know a cement wall or anything it kind of looks like cardboard but it’s like kind of like a cardboard mesh on the outside and then the inside is like rock wall but yes

That thing is I was standing on a table to take this picture the only thing I think that stopped it is that belt clip and there’s what like over an inch inside that wall and just stuck there like that it’s very satisfying very satisfying for it to not

Bounce back still also very odd though yeah it’s just it’s in there it’s definitely in there just stupid [ __ ] and that was a flat Edge too that’s stuck in here it’s not like it it clearly couldn’t have hit a corner to start breaking it and then

Break through more no I just clearly hit a flat Edge and broke it all at once stuck in a little a little bit and that was it yeah I did not expect it to stick into the wall yep I’ve made comments about punching this wall too and I know what’s

Behind here um instead of like wooden beams or whatever like a normal building it’s called drywall it might be drywall I don’t know but um there’s definitely steel beams back there and I’m surprised I didn’t hit one but yeah it’s that’s a situation that happened it’s fine nothing went wrong I didn’t break

Anything didn’t break anything um didn’t break anything management doesn’t know nor do they need to know nor would they give a crap anyways cuz we just had management change again and then one of our manager our new manager isn’t even there this week now because she has to go and um do

Training with corporate stuff and then we have a [ __ ] ASM assistant manager who is now an active manager who likes to butt in and do whatever the hell he wants and just doesn’t give a crap about people workplace violence no workplace violence would be me throwing in at somebody or

Cussing somebody out but technically I could be fired for for have throwing that um that walkie through the wall or into it that is one definitely a fireable offense and two if HR found out about it I’m pretty sure I would be sent to an anger management class or

Something like that which one wouldn’t help anything and two would only make things worse with work because then I wouldn’t be at work to have and then I would have to clean up after more crap that didn’t get done workplace what catharus what feel

Like that one’s a type but if it isn’t I have no idea what that word is but it’s it’s fine it’s fine I mean I’ve thrown my walkie once before at a gun safe and you know it just bounced off and dented the cardboard but yeah it’s not it’s not that one person

Pissed me off either it’s the part of me knowing that something bad was going to happen between two people happened exactly like that and then I had even more people do stupider [ __ ] and then find more more stuff more stuff more stuff all within less than an hour’s

Period of yes when I say six people’s jobs I quite literally mean that I counted six exact people’s jobs that I had to go and do because they’re too [ __ ] stupid or incompetent two manager jobs one loaders job um front end’s job receivings job it was just one thing after another

And after another and then I think the icing on the cake was that I had to load up a gun safe which is fine it was already paid for I asked the person or the cashier who said that they’re here to pick it up what the name

Was what the skew for the gun safe was what the size of the gun safe was they didn’t have any information they’re just like sorry nope it’s just you got to load up gun safe don’t know anything about it don’t know who it is and this is a person who’s worked there

Longer than I have and he also like what three times my age and should just should just have the common sense of asking a customer for information obviously it’s not going to sound as bad as it was at the time but when all these things happen all at once

With all these people that should be competent enough enough to not have that happen it just builds up why is there so much trama because it’s a workplace it’s stupid and technically the drama is worse than I’ve ever said before because I stay out of drama besides my stuff my

Stuff and I don’t usually share my stuff with other people because when I share my stuff I’m just some dumb kid complaining about things that don’t matter I’m somehow one of the youngest employees there and I do probably more work than anybody else and actually do a better job than anybody

Else and at this point the only reason I’m not a manager is because I also have family working at the same store yep even though if I was a man I would the only way I would have a pay increase would if would be if I was an

Actual store manager obviously if you have the anger part here and there when things just build up after while while uh you can’t have that as store manager you just can’t you can’t and that’s something I kind of realized uh last week too I’m like you

Know I got to I got to take time and think things through a little bit but in the moment it that doesn’t happen usually it just can’t uh but n you live and learn you make mistakes and you make up for it and that’s about it that’s

That’s how I go dayto day [ __ ] happens make mistakes learn from them you don’t always have to learn everything but you make a mistake own up to it learn from it it’s also another thing that nobody at my work can do they make a mistake and they just make it somebody else’s

Problem they don’t they can’t clean it up after themselves they can’t learn from it they just do it and don’t give a [ __ ] and somehow majority of the time it falls back on me still and so I have to can’t even get my own job done during the day today I

Literally spent an hour of my seven hours working on doing other people’s jobs blob King bye goodbye yeah I can’t can’t go and do everybody else’s job but then I also guess I also get my ass reamed at work for talking too loudly once on the radio and being accused of yelling when

There’s literally people that yell on the radio every single day it’s a great place yep yep great place definitely don’t want to just quit every single day but oh well yeah that would that would be crappy if I quit the week when the store manager isn’t there because I

Feel like if I actually brought up some of these things she would say she would do something about it but she won’t she can’t it’s all people are just people are just stupid anger is nice anger is not nice anger is is a [ __ ] anger is an

Insanely bad thing that I wish I just didn’t have but kind of hard to do that kind of hard to have stressfree thing what this is the first thing you ever watch on this guy’s Channel and as soon as you saw the tiners construct damn this guy’s already a w not sure

What you mean by W unless you just mean wi but thanks I guess Tinkers Is Amazing by the way and uh Josh’s plays welcome how’s it going H I did not mean to H see there I don’t know why I did how’s the progress of me clearing out the dirt so far oh

Mostly mostly gone all this for dirt that I’m not even collecting cuz it’s crappy Sandy dirt if you want to know progress on the city so far this is all that is doesn’t look like a lot but when you actually have to place down you know several hundred

Blocks per crappy trailer home you know it takes a while also takes a while to line things up it also took a while for me to probably make all these tools and spent too much time figuring some of this stuff out you can now say vile stuff on

Twitter what do you mean you can now say vile stuff on Twitter also it’s not even Twitter anymore isn’t it the x or whatever the hell it is now crappy thing yeah don’t know what they’re doing and one of your favorite mods are Galactic Craft especially with Galaxy

Space on top uh I mean I can assume what those are and they don’t sound like they’re up my alley and you bet I’m going to be a success successful YouTuber in the future and get millions of Subs I wish but you know that’s kind of unrealistic I also don’t ask for a

Million I’ll be honest one day if I do get somewhat popular I just ask that I can at least make enough to have it as a second income I would like it for it to be a full-time job but that’s a little unrealistic second income is more

Realistic hell if I even got 10,000 views per video or stream that could be a second income which 10,000 isn’t actually that unrealistic compared to everything else they would ban me for hounding people on Twitter what I don’t know and yeah now it’s cool I don’t know you Twitter X

Or if I don’t even I don’t even know if x is still what it is but that’s stupid I’ll just leave it at that I never used Twitter in the first place but it’s just garbage Facebook is garbage it’s all just bad twitter used to be decent Instagram

Used to be good and then modern people get modern things and keep updating and somehow making things worse and I just broke them a talk I am playing on 12.2 I am definitely playing on 12.2 that is the only Minecraft version modded version I’ve played I guess I’ve

Technically played 1.9 a little bit but that was with Pixelmon and it was crappy Pixelmon and I sto playing it you say things on Twitter to deal with your anger it’s fun yeah that doesn’t work for me sadly it doesn’t I also when never have anger that bad which you know we’re

Getting we’re getting I think I’m actually starting to get a lot better with it even though last week I just had that but bits and pieces here uh typing something doesn’t help me at all talking about things doesn’t help um really nothing helps I found that I just have to be left alone

Basically and just distracted and that’s the only thing that can happen but the thing is I also think a lot no matter what I’m doing and so I still get annoyed in in my own head Pixelmon is for 12.2 it is I usually I’ve basically always played 12.2 with Pixelmon and

Everything else but there was a specific like mod pack I tried for Pixelmon which was like 1.9 it was supposed to be better than the 12.2 version it isn’t when you can’t even fly properly on a Pokemon once you actually get a Pokemon you can ride that was the day I

Never played that world again I spent a lot of actually effort setting up that world then I get a Pokemon to try and fly and you basic it’s literally worse than me using this damn slime sling you have worse control than just sending yourself flying One

Direction yeah it’s no I once I fig figured that out I was done right then and there you need to call someone inbred to get the day started properly I feel like out of all the things to call people that one would be not at that high of the list but

Sure yeah inbred I don’t know that just makes me think of jokes about inbred of just baking bread inside of bread yeah what do you call bread that’s baked inside bread inbread there’s a lot of in breads down south they make a lot of inbreds down south

Yep hey dude you bet that I’m the guy that who is starting as a small YouTuber and then is the legend in the community uh maybe one day but I mean I’m still small and I don’t know what the hell is happening with my Channel at this point

It varies so much and I’m not taking time to make videos nor do I really have time to make videos for you but videos that I make usually do do better than streams but not right off the bat the only thing you use Pixelmon for is to

Make custom maps if you play on normal Minecraft pixon on Minecraft Generation all the Pokemon just feel overleveled when you spawn in they definitely are they definitely are um I don’t know how many times where it’s you know you start with level five Pokemon you’re finding like a level 20

Meow or you’re finding high level Zig zons I’m like I can’t beat that even if you used growl the entire time and never once attacked me like you just have to find but basically I think usually I would find bug Pokemon because they’re usually weaker and lower level in the

Beginning and then you just kind of do what you can or you just stting throwing pokeballs at a higher level Pokemon till you catch it and go from there or I love it when you have a level five Pokemon you start with your starter you go and battle like a level six or

Seven centret and you lose just cuz it’s simply slightly stronger and can have an advantage if it uses the right support moves if I become a big YouTuber remember you um well one probably won’t ever happen and too I have a real bad memory I won’t lie especially with like usernames and

Stuff like there’s a few people I remember because they’ve been around for years but besides that I’m still struggling to remember people that have uh been in any recent streams won’t lie ice cream I know has been here for a bit now don’t know exactly how long

Anymore uh but I try it definitely helps when you show up multiple days and multiple streams though and you keep commenting and you know it gets ingrained in your head or whatever the term is yeah I don’t know I just you know if I tried to read a thousand different

Usernames all within a day chances of me remembering any of them are slim and yeah I mean my streams aren’t hundreds of different people but I mean if I slowly got more popular over time it definitely could get to that point uh I don’t know like remember the

Start and the people long the way to success yeah that’s a thing that most YouTubers or content creators don’t do I will try but the problem with that is that everybody doesn’t everybody say that and everybody says that yeah they remember the small ones that were there

But do they really I’ll tell you one thing um if you know the channel apmau I was there when the channel was a lot smaller still a big Channel like still around a million but I was there before their content evolved into the garbage that it is today and I shouldn’t

Be rude and say garbage but it’s not the content that I subscribed for back then it’s not the content that I started watching that channel for and the content will never go back to what it was but that channel found something that gave them more views and they stuck

With it and so they literally just stopped making all the old content that they’d used to make and just basically forgot about the ones who joined for a specific kind of content just left us all in the dust yeah I don’t know if that could happen to me but technically it could

Have I don’t know it technically could and you just spawned in casually walk around and pick him on level 25 Ians hey I’m a walk into you so you’re forced to fight me with your level five Mudkip oh yeah by the way you can’t escape and um by the way yeah you only

Can heal your Pokemon by finding a village or commands in the beginning so yep that’s another thing is that you know you could constantly battle things and lose but the problem is you have to heal your fainted Pokemon in order to do anything on the bright

Side before you find a village if you have a fainted Pokemon in your party and that’s all you got you can’t be challenged again got a quick question get a hang out in MC someday because you’re wait you have what dude you have a quick

Question G to hang out in MC someday CU you are a small YouTuber too would be fun I guess what I’m sorry if you asked you said you had a question but I don’t see a question anywhere maybe I’m stupid yeah and power world oh I I need to make time to to

Play power world I still haven’t even purchased it but I I’m really starting to want to play it more and more I don’t know it just seems like one of those games that is hard to get into it first but once you get into it and you start enjoying it can be real

Fun uh you want to hang out in MC someday because you’re a small YouTuber too well um one day if this if my streams get good enough this world I have plans to make into a server nothing’s set in stone because I have no idea how to do it at the moment

With the server that’ll be powerful enough but there are plans of having a server for viewers to join or having at least a server for members to join whenever I would turn that on where you know you get whitelisted or whatever on the server so you can join because yeah

Uh you know if you pay membership or I have a membership that’s specifically for supporting to have the server alive like to a membership that you pay basically to join the server but also your that membership is going to having the server running because I will have

To probably purchase a server that could handle a lot of people have you heard about the mom called essential mod uh I know essential mod and I used it about a year ago when I was doing a different stream series it didn’t really work in my favor and it caused a lot of

Lag because basically you’re hosting the Minecraft server on your end people join can join your worlds your local worlds but it it just never worked well it never did I should probably not be out here cuz there’s going to be a creeper that’s going to explode things yep and

Right you’re going to have a lot of Health come on Bud there we go I’m surprised I killed that that easily with what no armor come on really skeleton you can host cuz you have a spec server nice but uh in my experience I only had one

Person ever join in a stream series of over 40 days straight only ever had one person join and uh it oh it was a train wreck we can just leave it at that it was not a good time you got a lot of Health there why

Am I running you can’t even hit me from there can you you can try give me a second please apparently somebody is playing a game called blank on my steams list yeah give me a second I just heard a weird noise okay I’m back I’m not sure what that was I won’t

Lie not sure what that was but what I heard with headphones on was a slow door squeak sound which I mean if there was a door squeak in real life when I live alone which would mean that somehow somebody’s in my place and just just for my own sanity

Reasons I went and checked I mean there are stupid people people around here uh obviously they’re stupid people and neighbors are occasionally more than occasionally high or drunk and I don’t want them to do something stupid and me not be ready for it or that they have a friend or

Something that thinks their place is my place and something being stupid H let’s see your friend keeps joking about the central Mod update popups and choked if he updates it it may fix a dupe glitch for in infinite diamonds damn um it honestly probably would CU usually I mean once people find

Out that there’s a glitch yeah usually they patch it as quick as possible and hotel Mario music plays in the background what is Hotel Mario music I’m going to leave that hole there because it’s kind of useful to have yeah what is Hotel Mario music never heard of something like that baby zombie

And Creeper Goodbye Oh yeah you saw my mouse look heavy over to the left yeah that was not intentional that was the freaking like milliseconds of lag accelerating my mouse in game because it doesn’t do it in any other program I’ve tried doesn’t do it on the

Desktop yep Minecraft I can’t do a smooth Circle sometimes like moving my mouse it’s jittery yep it just made me look way up here and way down there but in yep and it’s just doing it it’s moving it all over the place it’s just jittering and throwing

It out it does a lot more the faster you go especially when you’re breaking blocks but in desktop I can make a smooth Circle without problems in Minecraft I just cannot I can’t not in this world not in this world anymore there’s just enough lag that it’s just drops it all accidentally made

Farmland what am I going to use that City for um that’s a first question and I won’t lie I don’t know um the plan was to just make a project that’s so big and possibly so unique that I could actually get you know people into the streams and stuff

And get my channel popular or something that and grow community that’s honestly it plans for the world is basically make a server if I get popular enough maybe have a stream group or like a friend group or something and use the city for like certain Minecraft games or

Something I mean there’s like Minecraft hi hide and seek things but I won’t lie I kind of need to find somebody who knows how to make Minecraft mods and I mean like not just making a few random things or changing textures I need somebody who knows coding well and you know I would

Probably pay them for the project because it would probably be a several month project but I do have an idea of something I would like in Minecraft that I have never once found that anybody else has made a public project for sadly H you’re going to invest 300 bucks

Into me and see uh one don’t two don’t three don’t don’t give me any money because I will not collect it um YouTube has a minimum threshold 300 would definitely take me over but it would just sit there I have no plan if I somehow did start making money from YouTube I’m not

Going to withdraw anything for a long time probably because it just wouldn’t be worth it you know how to make code and mods in Java you can do it okay so let me just start by saying this do you know what prop hunt is the sexon hi welcome

Do you know what prop hunt is kind of like you know Gary’s Mod prop hunt or witchet prop hunt or AF Mount Prop Hunt there’s some other games that also have prop hunt but we’ll just start with that if you do know what prop hunt is I

Need a Minecraft mod for 12.2 that is Prop Hunt I need it I I do I I just need it if I knew how to make Minecraft mods myself I could probably make it happen but I have not been able to ever find a project that somebody else did that made

Prop hunt in Minecraft at least not a proper Prop Hunt there’s been some like Minecraft Prop Hunt things where you turn into a block no I don’t need a block we need like 3D items that are are not like pixelated that are not bitted that have like Smooth edges and stuff

Yeah something like that if you need reference videos I can give you a handful very quickly but that’s what I’ve kind of always wanted to do is that well I mean apmau she used to do Prop Hunt used to that’s gone so um at this point I just need

To see what I can do and make Prop Hunts come back obviously those people will never be doing it again but I’ve always wanted to do that I’ve genuinely always wanted to make a Minecraft Channel where I could make things like that but I can’t do anything myself sadly all right

You’ll make the mod it’s going to take you a long time probably cuz uh something like that to be compatible with a whole bunch of stuff is buggy as hell and of course I also have we’ve kind of unintentionally ruined this world with a whole bunch of mods and can’t remove all of

Them remove certain mods and it’s probably going to corrupt the world I do I don’t have a recent backup of this world either but probably should do that sometime so I’ve made a lot of progress in the past week or so uh uh brain is fried yeah I would like to

Get popular enough that I could actually have time and money into the uh into the streams or videos or projects or whatever right now I’m just like I can’t afford to do anything I would do YouTube advertising but it doesn’t really help much however I did have a stream that I

Did YouTube advertising for and it’s got more views and subscribers than any other YouTube advertising I’ve done and when I say advertising it’s not a lot of money spent but it’s YouTube’s own promotion things and usually have not been worth your money basically jet chat gbt gave you a

Prop-up mod for 12.2 don’t know if it Forge your fabric mod is called hideand-seek according CH chat GPT I’ve still not known exactly what chat GPT was I used to think it was like a dis Discord mod then I kind of found out it was like the AI thing but I’m

Like I don’t know how you put a prompt in and people get like physical things or something like that contact you later on Discord we’ll discuss I about to say I rarely use Discord but the uh Channel Discord Channel link is below and you can add me

On there I basically will just friend I will accept a friend requests but I’m not going to send somebody else a friend request but I do rarely use Discord so don’t get upset if I don’t respond speaking of which I probably have a message from Artic that I should

Probably respond to but it’s fine for now and you recommend not doing sponsors on your channel you’re just going to lose views you watch many channels suffer it I the thing is there are certain sponsors that aren’t negative like that but majority of them will lose views but you

Can gain money I mean I think it’s the kind of thing that I would take a sponsor if they paid for you to do the ad read or whatever but they didn’t pay you for you know people clicking on your specific link and buying something that

That’s the only way if the only way you got paid is somebody clicking on a link won’t do it if I had you know if I had to do a one minute ad segment on one video once for few hundred bucks or more that’s that’s not bad but also if you’re

Popular enough on YouTube doing an ad read or something in in a video isn’t very costly like usually people would just skip it if they like you that much but I’m not it’s not like I’m going to get a sponsor anytime soon nor the only sponsors that

I could have taken in the past from what stream elements um would have been like rage Shadow Legends crap and that’s the kind of thing that you can only receive money from if you have people actually start playing the game and they have to be new users and no not going to

Happen would I endorse gambling sponsored no also I think gambling is a b is not allowed on YouTube like real gambling things are not allowed on YouTube anyways and I I’m really bad at reading chat right now but I scream you enjoy calling people ugly on Twitter who are

Clearly ugly to deal with anger in the morning morning well you do you but that’s kind of a won’t lie kind of a dick move but teach their own uh if you do do sponsors at least make them at the end of the video so people can exit when sponsor starts yeah

But a lot of sponsors want the um they want it in the beginning so it gets seen if you get an A U a sponsor that’s stupid you know that’s fine and you’re can make it work and they pay and they don’t get results oh I’m choking on

Nothing give me a second I have no water what the hell okay but no the thing is most sponsors do want it within a certain time frame in the video yeah obviously because they know that if you put it at the end they won’t get results and they

Obviously are paying you a decent bit of money and they want their results but I kind of doubt I’ll have any sponsors anytime soon that aren’t you know like click a link I don’t know what is standing here that has particle effects but I don’t like

It I mean what is it I watch Smitty and Smitty plus plus quite often more than quite often right now it’s probably my most watched channel for the year so far um I don’t know if he’s really ever gotten proper sponsors like he’s gotten very few sponsor um

Invitations and you know he has in insanely is quite popular on YouTube and twitch and if somebody like him doesn’t get many um offers then I don’t think I would be getting much either but he also you know makes some questionable content sometimes and also is very cusses more

Than I do sponsors usually don’t like that uh I know he has now his popular enough that he has his own gamer Subs uh Flavor now and he makes money every time somebody buys something with his uh you know link which that would be the only kind of sponsors I would probably ever

Be able to do is like hey use this discount code below save money and in the end you also support the channel by giving me a little bit of that uh revenue or you just have people are popular enough and you just have people gifting subs left and right on Twitch and that’s

It man I really don’t get YouTube sometimes with what I just witnessed it doesn’t matter but I just leave it at I don’t understand things I don’t understand why YouTube does what it does I don’t understand why I do the things that I do but I’ll I do understand one thing

The only reason I can continue stream is if people actually keep chatting which Sunday I mean I kept going just cuz I wanted to but it’s definitely difficult to talk to yourself for hours on end definitely is difficult what will I build in this area the next part of the

Town which I think is like a small business area I think there’s like um next Road over like around here there’s going to be a road going straight South and I think there’s like some kind of apartment buildings to the left side of that road and to the right there will be

Um I think it’s some businesses and smaller warehouses or giant garage things behind these and then there’s also like a retirement home around here too but right now it’s just more City that’s going to be there that’s about the best I can give you and at this point I probably should

Have just used world edit but I nah that’s cheating we’re doing survival for a reason but yes I could I could do world edit if I really wanted too I just haven’t used world edit now in like two three years so I’d be rusty at it but I

Could definitely get this entire thing turned in the air in a few minutes your Discord I should just open up Discord and accept this real quick uh I have not tried industrial craft at all I don’t think I even no I have a general idea of

What it is I’ve heard of it but I don’t I do not use it h i don’t yeah I don’t use WhatsApp either sorry uh yeah don’t know what okay I got to see what this um what this game blank is called cuz it’s it’s weird oh no it’s just bugging

Out it’s pal World why is it saying blank and hyphens then that that’s scary that makes me think something’s wrong with power world or something’s wrong with my steam don’t know also your favorite Pokemon is Trump so oh my God what is this called dumb shoes I think it’s the evolution of Yung

Goose gum shoes I think yeah why why do you like that why that’s that’s awful I won’t lie I personally am not a fan of that Pokemon even if it wasn’t you know looking like Trump I mean I like Mongo’s or whatever the real life animal is but not that

Thing not those they’re they’re not not good I still just need to play Power worlds I need I need to make the time and like just make small videos or something with power world I shouldn’t say small but like just do a session record it and upload it don’t even edit

Or anything because editing is pain in the ass but I need to just do that some someday I say someday and here I am and the game’s been out for like two 3 weeks now and it’s probably past the point where I could randomly get extra views by it just being

Popular but maybe waiting is better waiting for the hype to die down and then I don’t know one vanilla iron ore equals one iron ingot one iron dust one iron ingot one vanilla iron ore one equ was two iron dust or duping uh okay I kind of get that um I

Mean technically Tinkers has its own kind of or duping where it just not really duping but it just kind of you you can turn one ore into two instead of just one by doing it a certain way you can just get extra that’s about it I guess you get extra

And there’s also extra armor things that you can do or tools yeah weapons and armor you can smelt down for extra stuff however in my experience I have not been able to get much armor besides leather armor from mobs I’ve got some gold but every time I go to the nether now I

Can’t even get some I can’t even get Pigmen to spawn anymore it’s like they’re just don’t exist even with super high difficulty where mobs have like 20 times more Health than usual I still can’t get Pigman to spawn in the nether I don’t know why like last time I was there I was

There for like 10 minutes 10 minutes changed the time from night to day whatever just in case for some reason that made a difference it didn’t it didn’t that level yep I also like how it has protection for and it still gives me half a thing

Armor so I don’t know clearly I don’t know exactly what protection does for armor I don’t know much about the enchantments because I kind of just usually don’t mess with them I won’t lie I kind of just usually don’t worry about enchantments I don’t need them even in vanilla if I do

Enchantments it’s usually on like diamond tools I don’t usually enchant weapons besides bows um I don’t enchant a hoe but I definitely use Diamond hoes all the time I mean I’ve already went through an entire Diamond hoe in this world just to get the achievement for it just to just

To get it because I I don’t know why I just like that achievement I also like doing farming in Minecraft even though it’s crappy I like it uh add escape and run parasites to Minecraft something IM mated Endermen are definitely nice to deal with I don’t something got censored with what it

Looks like you tried to say humiliated but that can’t be right because I don’t know why that would get censored but something with the iated I have the first three letters are censored and then I m i l a t e d man I’m really bad at spelling out loud

Still the only thing my brain is bad at basically is spelling and yeah spelling out loud or knowing what somebody say says when they spell out loud what oh yeah I don’t know oh is it assimilated Enderman okay it’s assimilated yeah that’s what it is what the hell is an assimilated

Enderman uh yeah I also have sensor on for um you know YouTube reasons because I don’t need cussword it’s just stuck it’s not it’s not YouTube moderation it’s actually my own my the restream moderation uh yeah it’s not YouTube’s fault it’s restreams but I have it on because there

Are definitely people people that like to go overboard and I would not like to have you know like the f bomb just sitting on screen without Ever Changing because there’s nobody in chat usually don’t need that yeah that’s the exact reason I have it on is that I’m not

Looking to have somebody else type something in chat and then get my stream limited or restricted because they sent something yeah not not looking for that I don’t think it’s happened before but it’s definitely not impossible to happen like YouTube is kind of strict sometimes with their cursing things and they keep

Getting more strict over the years when I first started YouTube um you there were no requirements for monetization when I first started freshman in high school no uh no there were no requirements besides just I think you had to like verify a phone number or whatever and have a Google AdSense

Uh account which I think you needed a phone number for anyways obviously I was 16 so I technically couldn’t have done it because he had to be over 18 but I did man uh I clicked on my own ad once or twice and I had some videos that made

Me several dollars back then and then I got threatened for termination because um it’s against TOS to click on your own videos your own ads on your own video yet it still shows me ads on my own videos so I don’t I don’t get it but

Yeah that was a real thing that happened I mean freshman in high school I was an idiot but I I did that I definitely did get threatened to be terminated because I clicked on my own ad a couple of times on my own videos which did technically

Give me extra money but it’s not like I ever collected it when I say extra money I mean like over a dollar for a crappy video that is definitely privated nowadays don’t even know what one it would be it probably be a journey to learning what a noun is or whatever the

Hell that was yeah do I have a mod or something that makes mobs stronger oh yeah uh yeah kind of regretting that it’s still installed but Arctic made a mod pack I installed it some of the mods are good some of them are kind of annoying for building a

City but mobs currently have a lot of health and deal a lot more damage when I say a lot more I mean some of these mobs have literally 20 times more Health like I’m fighting zombies and skeletons and creepers and stuff that have over 200 Health but normally they I

Don’t know normally it’d be like less than 20 yeah or I fought in mobs that have over 600 and when it says 600 Health that means 600 Hearts Let’s see you have 230 one so I could sit here and let him burn all day he has 143 burn sessions to go

Through so yeah it won’t be dying anytime soon that’s that’s normal for health to have hearts not for it to just say a large number this is also an insanely powerful sword but only powerful to vanilla things Minecraft bosses should have boss musics try to change your mind uh no I don’t

Disagree at all I I genuinely like games that have Boss music I just don’t play many of those games but no it definitely needs it I’m surprised there isn’t like a certain like music track whenever you go to the end before like you kill the ender

Dragon or something I mean I guess you could just play a music disc and whenever if you wanted to that would kind of solve the problem but the music discs are not great just play uh the creepy disc I can’t even think of which

One it is the one that I wish I had in game I got two discs of the same kind and then another disc and I they’re not good ones and I haven’t spent much time trying to find more but I need the the cursed disc the the melted cursed one I

Need that one I for some reason I genuinely like it it’s just funny uh what level am I at 78 eight oh my God I thought I was a little bit lower to that I have this this Dirt has to go all the way down to 68 oh

No oh no um I have definitely B off more than I could shoot oh yeah difficulty is at 185 right now ow did you just knock me down bastard oh oh no it didn’t knock me down there bug block oh well found it instantly that’s

Good yep I got stuck in that for a second you always have Boss music playing in the background while fighting either the Ender Dragon wither Elder Guardian or Warden nice it definitely helps it would definitely help like if you made a YouTube video or something with you know beating the Ender Dragon background

Music can make a big difference and YouTube is actually has a decent audio library now nowadays uh ever since they did a like a kind of a what I would call an overhaul update of their audio library a few months back and their um their licensing kind of

Things it actually is really easy to use and works well usually I think last time I used it though it had issues because it was like a beta version and you couldn’t find many tracks like everything you did just kind of reset a search and it was very

Difficult at the time to find any music of any kind that was a certain genre that you were looking for for free and then I also found out just last week that one of my favorite songs is free use on YouTube the problem is I don’t have any

Things I would use that song for besides an intro and usually people don’t actually like intros on videos I used to think that was like a thing that everybody should have and over the years I kind of realized that people don’t like it they just they

Don’t you don’t know why but Banger Boss music somehow makes your skills a game better it definitely can and it can make you more focused or just in a better mood so it it’s definitely a real thing and you remember the spawner challenge it’s been so long spawner challenge my spawner challenge

Or what do you mean spawner challenge because you say that and I think of a video that I think I made on a on my first computer where the game was running at like minimum settings at 20 FPS and I did some like oh no the 100%

That was my first computer crappy laptop that I can’t even use anymore to find out what CPU it has find out how bad it was because I don’t have a charger for it I also may have taken the drive out of that thing I don’t remember

But I was using like the worst screen recording program out there which was just Windows itself because apparently there’s like in the game bar like a screen record option and that was way before I knew about Ops OBS not Ops way before I knew about anything and

I was technically just a kid making YouTube videos even though I was in high school but I don’t know when everybody first starts making YouTube videos you always kind of act I don’t know stupid kind of because you just don’t know anything so when I

Say I was a kid I’m like I I was I wasn’t intelligent I didn’t think things through I just thought that anything I made could be popular and it’s not how that worked it was just arrogance and stupidity basically and nowadays I’m putting in effort and it’s slowly paying

Off for once I would say well I did not mean to fall I mean I got people in chat constantly saying stuff so as long as I have that I’m not complaining I I can complain about Sunday where I literally put in more time than I have put in at work any day

Recently and well got nothing out of it but it’s fine it’s fine use TNT I don’t have enough gunpowder sadly do not have enough gunpowder to do that I could make it decently far but uh I would run out pretty quick and I feel like I have better uses

For gunpowder in the future anyways potentially and not with elytra either but we’ll see and this isn’t the biggest mountain I’ll be leveling out either so I won’t lie I would rather save it for um I think this one 100% this one’s gonna have to be leveled and these are just some hills

And stuff but I think this is the big one it doesn’t say the height of it but I’m 90% certain that thing is going to be twice the height of all this why am I removing all this dirt um because I have to level it off to place

The city here because the entire city is level I’m trying to make things as accurate to real life as possible for some reason like I’m it’s everything is going to be the exact same y uh coordinate because there’s literally like an elevation change of maybe Max 30 feet in

The entire Village it’s technically Village but town city whatever maybe an elevation change of 30 all I know is that there’s not a single up or downhill really in this town there there isn’t it’s it’s completely flat and it’s kind of sucks it’s all flat it’s surrounded by Farmland there’s

No nature there’s barely any parks there’s not [ __ ] around here Illinois sucks it really does there’s nothing around Chicago is a piece of crap but luckily I’m far from Chicago not super far but far enough that don’t have to really worry about it also I just realized you said

Something about a duping flying machine I’m not even sure what that means don’t know what a flying machine is okay well we’re getting to the getting close to the height for all the dirt can I really not jump I really need something allows me to jump like two blocks up I won’t

Lie oh there’s a a blight blight slime oh it’s a big one I won’t deal with it then yeah if it’s a big one I’m not going to deal with it cuz it will have a lot of health and it will actually deal damage to me if it’s a tiny little one

That can’t hurt me that’s a little different not forcing you to use mods but you should really try using industrial craft or Galactic Craft with Galaxy Galaxy space basically just space stuff if I do ever try it it will not be in this world I think we need to I need

To not add any more mods that change things in the world if a mob if a mod can be removed without causing issues then I should I would say I can add it but anything else I’m not going to worry about adding in this world because I think I’ve created we’ve created some

Potential problems for future things oh my stomach just did something weird your goal on you and your friend server is to build a colony on Mars damn uh good luck with that I’m not sure how easy or difficult that is cuz it’s well a Minecraft but good luck have

Fun I I will be here creating an entire city based on a real life City that’s I’m already having my own giant project that’s probably not going to work well uh oh man I’m really bad at keeping things consistent going around this place aren’t I oh that’s a that’s there we

Go yep love that love it when you break blocks so quickly that you bug them out on the bright side if I left the chunk if I had the chunk unloaded and I came back it uh puts the block back so it’s not invisible anymore and the Block it’s

Just physically there wow that was bad did not mean to fall all the way down there twice and then I fell even more there we go uh it’s night time Galactic Craft and industrial craft to adds a whole bunch of ores so might be careful when removing them yep that’s

That’s why I’m just don’t want to add anything else that’ll cause problems if removed cuz we already I already have several mods in here that I couldn’t remove if I wanted to because it would probably corrupt the world or it would create a lot of issues and would not be

Worth it instead of placing blocks some bugs missing ones you can just right click without having a block in hand um well I’m not even going to worry about that because I’m trying I’m trying to not pick up all the dirt so I don’t have any empty empty

Slots cuz the Sandy dirt is garbage I don’t don’t want it nor will I ever use it I also got to run to the bathroom real quick so I shall be back momentarily okay I have returned a bird hello bird how’s it going um I got to put a blanket on real

Quick I almost always have to have a blanket while I’m sitting here because I keep my place cold right now in order to save money because my gas bill definitely tripled with uh the past month of subzero temperatures and when I say Subzero it’s Subzero Fahrenheit

So insanely cold and I had to try to keep the place warm for pipes not to freeze one of them did freeze but at least it was the uh bathtub drain pipe and so I ended up just kept trying to use a plunger to see if it would clear

Up and it never did anything and then I just ran hot water in there for like five minutes and a few and then shortly after that it just cleared through and I haven’t had a problem sense but it’s the days are finally starting to be above freezing usually and so night time is

Barely right now actually at freezing uh last night it got like 28 and then tonight it’s supposed to be like 31 I mean still freezing but not cold enough that you know pipe’s going to freeze overnight um when your place isn’t 70 degrees or so right now my thermostat is set on 60

I do have an electric heater in my bedroom though which I feel like somehow actually costs less to run than my um than my furnace but my furnace is not a it’s just a it’s in the center of everything and does doesn’t have a way to circulate circulate uh that was low

Frame rate falling doesn’t have a way to circulate the heat I tried to use a ceiling fan running the entire time when it was insanely cold to try and counter that and I don’t think the ceiling fan really made a difference in the end I won’t lie I don’t think it

Did if it did I didn’t notice the difference my bathroom even with it when it was set to 75 for the furnace living room could be 75 the C would be like 90 and then and then the bathroom would still be like 55° and they say You’re supposed to

Leave your like cabinets open so your pipes kind of get the heat well if I left the cabinet open in the bathroom with how crappy and cheap this place is I’m pretty sure um pretty sure my place would have been insanely cold or my furnace would have just been running

24/7 because uh well there’s a reason this place is cheap even though it’s still not that cheap but it technically is cheap for what it is but it’s still a tiny tiny place better than my last place uh it’s cheap you know um whenever they did pipe work after the place had

To be renovated last winter because the person abandoned it and had pipe pipes freeze and animals in here and everything uh they definitely fixed it as cheaply as they could and what I mean by that is there are the holes in the wall where the pipes go through for the sink and

Everything they’re not sealed it’s just like somebody punched a hole with their fist through drywall or rock wall whatever it technically is and that was it and then put a PVC pipe through it and that’s it there’s there’s no insulation or anything there so that you

Can just when it’s cold you can just put your hand down there and you just feel the the cool air yeah not how it should be but it’s it’s fine I definitely wish I could find a cheaper place but I that’s not an option just isn’t and then finding uh a place closer

To where I work is just going to be more expensive and probably not worth it in the end I probably would still be spending more than I would be saving on gas money I kind of do wish though I could live close enough to where I work where

I could probably just get rid of my car I would keep my bike and I would use it if I needed to but I would just probably get rid of the damn car I want to live close enough to where I work so I could walk basically there no matter

What kind of weather conditions it is saves money saves gas saves the environment even though that won’t really make a difference but main part is it saves money and you don’t have to worry about getting into an accident so he can save more money by never getting

Into an accident don’t have to pay for car insurance don’t have to pay for gas I have the cheapest car insurance for my vehicle and it’s still over $100 a month and it’s just honestly not really worth it but I legally have to have it because if I if I get into an

Accident they’re not going to cover anything they probably won’t even give me um the value of the vehicle which is under $1,500 at this point yeah they’ probably just screw me over with that but whatever I mean it’s Progressive it’s cheap State Farm already screwed me over

Once so won’t be going back to them probably unless I can uh get a good deal with somebody that I actually would know but I don’t think the pre I don’t think the people I know that work at State Farm working the sales representatives they’re just the uh I think they’re just

Tech support now which apparently is pretty easy to get into tech support for State Farm considering there was an entire like Starbucks store that did that when I say entire store I do mean almost every single employee applied and works for State Farm with a work from home job even

Though they still have to go and do some stuff in person like once a week not once a week but for like a week one week in the month and I won’t lie that would be honestly kind of nice but there’s probably would be problems with it and I probably have to

Use my own computer and my own internet nah not happening let me just somehow make money from YouTube one day that’ll that’ll be good enough it won’t be but it would be nice oh my God that was yep see how my mouse moved down there and I dug into the ground

I did not make it go down there it just did it because it turned small movement into a large one with some kind of lag or latency issues it’s great that difficulty meter is getting real colorful like yeah it’s um it’s got a rainbow starting I don’t remember it

Ever being like that until it hit like 150 I swear it was always a solid color and now it’s quite colorful how do I mind Stone so quickly U mods uh I have one thing stone cutting with level up mod and then I have Tinkers with a Cobalt pickaxe where its

Mine speed is 29.6 when you add both of those together I can literally just melt dirt and stone so yeah that’s all it is it’s just it’s Tinkers with level up I mean at this point with the Cobalt moment I also just melt uh coal and everything that’s

Mixed in here now originally coal used to slow it down by quite a lot but not anymore not once you start to get a few blocks broken and I do need it to break stone quicker actually because it’s still nowhere near as quick as uh dirt

Dirt I can do a sweeping motion and everything that I touch is erased Stone not quite it doesn’t it still breaks it quick but not as quick somehow now so I can’t go and break you know I can’t go down a line and break four instantly there’s a slight amount of delay

Actually it’s only doing three right now too you’re going to add level up mod to your private mod pack called stinky that’s a weird name but sure level up mod is a simple one but insanely useful and I’ve been using it for years I’ve been using it longer than Tinkers I’ve been using

It I might have been using it longer than op OptiFine actually I had Pam’s harvestcraft before I had OptiFine I had Pixelmon before I had OptiFine level up may have come for me before OptiFine years ago this would have been when I was still in high

School and I was on my second laptop that had a ryzen uh processor not a good one like a ryzen 3 2200 U two core fourth red had a boost to like three and a half which is still respectable actually for two core laptop that was cheap to do that still a good

Boost and that boost actually made that laptop usable because if it wasn’t for that it that thing was unusable but that laptop just it had the Vega graphics and it was just enough to allow me to do a lot more than the previous laptop which I still swear had

An Intel processor but when we opened up open that thing up a couple years back without a charger and uh took off the CPU heat sink everything every number we entered was bringing up some kind of AMD CPU so it was like the AMD equivalent I

Think of acceleron but last time I had used that laptop i’ never I didn’t know anything about computers basically and nowadays I still don’t know a lot a lot but I know more than enough to get me by I could build a computer but it just basically money time money and time is

The reason I haven’t but I just I won’t I just simply can’t afford it I would if I ever can’t afford it I’m probably oh my God you see the lag spikes I’m having left and right oh that’s awful but if I ever do upgrade my computer I’m probably just going to have

A certain company build it I know they’ll build it right and I know they’ll take care of me if I have issues with it it can’t find a level up mod you’re looking on Chris Forge in 12.2 uh I think it’s I remember something on Chris Forge

Saying that it was like out of date or was archived or something let’s see if I can find it here uh level up level up level up level up reloaded maybe it wasn’t it says up to date okay so it is level up reloaded can I get like a link copy mod link

Uh I don’t I don’t know if that’s going to go through it hopefully will but that should be a curse Forge link for that it’s night time and I’m sitting here not with the game paused that’s not a good thing mobs are going to be spawning I

Don’t have any armor because I’ve been lazy and haven’t made anymore I should go and make another full suit of diamonds but I’ve already on my third set of diamond armor that’s how deadly this world has been that you go through how many different sets of diamond and emerald

Armor yet there’s no emeralds chest plate or anything found it nice all right zombie you going to struggle to come through the door or you not going to okay if it’s going to walk away I’m not going to complain Al all the blight blue slimes hit the ground too

Hard well I said I was going to keep the stream short and it’s already over two hours so I think I’m going to aim for 700 p.m. it’s currently 6:30 we’ll go with that I mean I’ve basically just been do repeating the same crap the entire time of breaking dirt and stone

But it’s fine we’re actually talking and having something to come constantly talk about and isn’t me complaining about work or something like that I just clipped in that block for a second also that shark has been there for a long time I just realized that thing like never leaves

It’s just stuck in the corner I don’t know what biomes I don’t know why biomes are plenty mobs don’t really want to despawn sometimes at your location it’s 130 a.m. you should probably go to bed I wish I could stay up until 1:30 in the

Morning I wish I could stay up until 4 in the morning like I used to do back uh back when I was fresh out of high school those were some good days especially summer days where I like had the window open had nothing to worry about I could make content freely um I

Had friend group I could play games with had valerin had Among Us uh had a couple of friends Minecraft servers that I was playing on late at night I was cooking beef jerky over a candle which sounds really stupid and it is but it was actually really nice time

Really relaxing and tasted good beef jerky with a slight amount of searing on the edges is quite good but H what I would give to act legitimately go back to those days I can’t have those days back I can’t go back to that house because it’s almost

Falling apart and that house is almost falling apart and it’s only been not even four years yet since I was last living there yep that’s what happens when your parents just up and abandon you because they uh go live in a house because Mom’s par mob’s mom’s dad passed inherited the

House and they just live in that one now and just well screw all to the old one your body is adapted to PC you to PC stay up until 7:00 a.m. on the PC but as soon as you hop off your legs die to exhaustion same with your brain like

Legs and basically your whole body turns into Jello so it’s the kind of thing is that your brain is occupied but once your brain is no longer occupied you’re just done you’re passed out that’s how mine is to an extent like I can only go so far while

Playing a game or uh watching a movie or something but I can go for definitely a lot longer if I’m playing a video game I definitely can’t go as long if I’m streaming or something and I won’t make videos late at night because I’m tired and I sound like crap

Or I enjoy a drink or or some drinks or so and I separate videos from drinking or streams from drinking I will not combine them anytime soon I probably will combine them one day in the future but that’ll be when I’m popular enough that it probably wouldn’t be it can’t really end

Up being a bad idea or a waste of time or dangerous or something it would just be oh we did this one video that’s change of pace people like it and that’d be about it it’d be a video that doesn’t happen often but would be a change of

Pace that people like and would probably end up somehow being more popular than the rest I don’t know you sold one of your online friends at 11: p.m. that you can play a game for a few minutes and you looked out the window and the Sun is already rising and your body dies

Damn just damn I don’t I don’t know how people do that I just don’t I mean the days where I stayed up until like 4:00 a.m. I mean I clearly the sun wasn’t Rising yet but those were also days where I woke up after after 12: p.m. so it was like

It’s not like I was running on that little sleep yeah speaking to sleep probably use some but won’t be going to sleep anytime soon I still have to eat dinner still have to shower still have to do the you know balloons daily thing but I don’t have to but I want

To there’s a lot that I need to do and I just don’t I still need to take time and actually make a video or so or make a few videos here and there just to add something add something to my channel that isn’t just live streams because YouTube is more about videos

Than live streams yeah my live streams kind of do better don’tno and you’re play some Minecraft too nice yeah yawning that’s definitely a sign that I’m tired it’s also a sign that whatever caffeine that I’ve had is already worn out it shouldn’t be because that’s not

How the how caffeine works but it’s low enough that it’s not making a difference now I had a caffeine Spike and it’s already gone God damn I’m about to break this pickaxe eight 9 7 5 4 3 2 1 zero okay yep durability is nice to have orrow reinforcement for durability is

Nice to have don’t come over here slime I’m busy I mean that’s that lasts quite a while that tool single Cobalt Ingot stay awake you always drink some coke I mean if I’m going to stay awake I’m not going to go and get a soda or something it’s

Just not enough if I need to stay awake I’m going to go take a can with 300 milligrams caffeine in it and go from there that’s what I would do if I needed caffeine what I mean Coke has caffeine and sugar so that does help but it’s just not

Enough it is not enough to me yeah if I need caffeine to make a difference it’s got to be a lot more than 40 to 50 milligrams I also don’t need to drink soda often I already drink enough alcohol so the less other stuff I add in

There to the mix the better probably not probably definitely this is so much what the hell happened there this is so much Stone did I know that coke once had Coke yeah I did and Pepsi was once a medicinal uh thing yeah there things have changed over the

Years my cocaine used to be a little bit different too however I don’t remember if Coca-Cola used to be like a numbing kind of thing for medical or if it was just drugs but I think Pepsi it used to be like a medical thing it was like a Pepsi tin tincture or

Whatever and it wasn’t it wasn’t really a soda like it is nowadays but originally it was supposed to be like kind of one of those cure all kind of drinks that back then nobody knew if it would actually do anything but hey it tasted good so people enjoyed

It I’m y a lot maybe I won’t make it until 700 p.m. maybe I won’t somehow me if I can’t even make it until 6:40 and I’m constantly yawning yeah maybe we have to changed it up a little bit this is normal dirt that’s nice to

Know yeah it would have been nice to know that that was normal dirt not Sandy dirt and live streaming is basically a main thing on Twitch you can live stream there probably will get many viewers people upload twitch streams on the YouTube afterward well I’m streaming to

YouTube and twitch at the moment so I do have a twitch stream going too as you have seen in chat though nobody has been on Twitch so you want to say that usually get more viewers per stream on Twitch not in my case not in my case my twitch is usually insanely

Dead usually actually I think it’s always been dead I think I’ve only ever had a ma an average viewer of three like twice on Twitch and that’s it and the average viewer three is what you need to uh become what YouTube affiliate or partner whatever so you can technically

Start making money on Twitch but I don’t have an average three viewers on Twitch not even close YouTube I don’t really even usually have an average of three but YouTube doesn’t look at it like that YouTube does watch time not and watch time and Views not average viewers and I’m just constantly yawning

Basically and I’m as unlucky as you are you upload YouTube on another of your accounts but you get nothing yep that’s kind of how things work you viewers can’t magically just come out of nowhere and YouTube and twitch really don’t recommend people but twitch is kind of harder to

Recommend YouTube kind of recommends my stuff Sunday it wasn’t recommending it at all like usual but if you notice random people kind of show up here and there and that’s that’s YouTube recommending the content so I do get a decent amount of views from suggested videos but in the end it’s still not

Much but hey if I can slowly grow over time I can slowly grow over time and that’s what matters even though at this point you can see that everybody that’s subscribed from the past has really not shown up ice cream showed up for a

Bit uh blob king showed up for a bit yep I should ice cream was here for more than a bit but yeah it’s most of the people that have subscribed they just don’t come back they just don’t like I personally don’t get the point of subscribing to somebody and

Then never watching them again but toach their own that was kind of a bad shot but it worked out well you also started six years ago or I started like six years ago you only started a couple months um I started over six years ago I definitely started over six years ago

Okay time to figure out when was the technically first real video of my channel when I had a computer that’s when I say I’ll start um sort by date opposite okay so it was uh early 2017 so it’s been it’s been seven years seven years actually almost

Exactly 7 years here soon in just a couple weeks seven years wait I thought I privated some of these oh no some of my first videos are not privated which is fine but but the important ones to be privated are I forgot that one even existed yeah freshman in high school I

Just wanted to record everything with whatever friends I had nice cream you’re hitting some weed and well enjoy I will personally not be doing that and you’re dizzy why are you dizzy Just why did that bed just move I think the cat bed entity just moved also what

Monsters are nearby I just went outside it was clear okay my nose is all stuffed up now why there’s literally no [ __ ] come on creeper I will personally escort you away you’re tired but your mother doesn’t give a [ __ ] not sure what that means entirely Zombie h creeper okay so

This slight problem is those creepers will explode in an insanely large radius and I’m not dealing with that right now not in the middle of the road not by houses nope oh my oh my God my inventory it’s bad and there’s zombies and everything dying outside lovely that doesn’t need to go

There your mother doesn’t care if you stay up or not you’re just gameing the night out nice I just wish I could why do I have a sudden speed boost I saw that I was jumping really quickly not sure why oh I almost made it on top and we

Go no it’s not the greatest shot well all of a sudden it’s very hot in my room hotter than I like it to be and somehow it’s made it slightly harder to breathe I don’t know how that works but it apparently does my body’s weird very

Weird my head is weird my uh my nose is odd with breathing I don’t I don’t know just slowly clearing out blocks and watching my pickaxe get slower at breaking things somehow slower like I just started to slowly leave more and more behind slimy boots yeah they do do uh help your speed

But I didn’t think it was that cuz it helps your speed once you uh technically activate the boots which is by jumping off something that’s two blocks high or well yeah it gives you like a run jump boost kind of thing so there’s normal run speed and then

There’s that it didn’t do it right there but it it does help with the running speed once activated technically but it does go out it doesn’t last forever I don’t I don’t really know why it does what it does it just does I just work with

It oh I got got Minecraft music playing at least that’s kind of a rare commodity nowadays for me I know I make comments about it all the time but it really doesn’t play that often even though I have had a stream get copyright claimed because of Minecraft music so it’s kind

Of iffy on why I should keep letting it play but yes I’ve had a stream get uh copyright claimed by having Minecraft music luckily YouTube has its own things in order to uh remove that it only helps if you’re bunny hopping h i in my in my practice it doesn’t

Actually you don’t you don’t have to be bunny hopping for it you can get a run speed boost but it does kind of end after a bit but no it you can get a straight run boost once you uh stop jumping or stop bouncing you definitely can I couldn’t replicate it right there

When I tried it but you definitely can so normal run speed kind of whatever and then I just deactivated by pressing shift whoops we okay once to stop bouncing I am moving quicker let’s see if it’ll stop or maybe I’m just crazy and I’m thinking I’m moving

Quicker I think I’m just crazy right now I don’t know you got a YouTube video copyright claim because some idiot suddenly started playing the FNAF music it’s been so long while you’re work we’re recording yeah people do that crap yeah for future stuff if that happens your best bet is probably just

Edited out of the video yep I mean I’m not one for video editing myself but that some certain companies really are opposed to having people put their music or whatever on their video and so it can create problems I’ve definitely had videos get copyright struck and there I’ve gotten copyright strikes before I

Think I’ve gotten two of them and both was both were when I was in high school being stupid so you don’t know how to edit that’s where the problem is blocking your path um well learn basically I mean I had to learn I learned how to edit I learned how to stream and

Everything and that was it I just learned it over time I still hate editing I don’t like the time it takes and I don’t like I just don’t like it in general but I need to actually spend some time make some videos and properly edit them instead of just streaming random

Crap because you videos often do better over time than any stream will do and videos are more seen after they’re published than live streams are while they’re going join the armed horses uh no no no just no not my thing there’s a nice giant hole here

That’s going to kind of be in the way of deconstruction won’t lie your mother was once a really popular Sims 2 YouTuber so she’s going to teach you how to edit at some point nice was once a really popular Sims 2 what did she stop doing it I’d say if anybody’s popular on

YouTube they shouldn’t just stop making videos because that’s a potentially very easy and lucrative career if you can make it work and it would be fun I don’t think so armed forces in the US usually are not fun I would say and I wouldn’t do it anyways if I

Get drafted well that’s going to be a shame but yep that’s what’s stupid about the US is we’re still sexist every male once they hit a certain age has to be put into the draft kind of thing women are not required for that at all

And I still don’t get how we can make that happen I still don’t know how you can force people to do something like that but I mean it’s the government you know Force us to take a huge amount of taxes out of our paychecks and then don’t give us any back yep it’s

Great it is [ __ ] great can’t wait for tax refund season where I have to drop at $100 and really not by choice because i l i I uh legally have to do taxes which is once again stupid don’t know why they can’t just do it themselves when they already have

Everything themselves but it’s whatever drone Warfare is fun I I don’t I don’t know about that one I I just don’t know just do drone Warfare in a video game just do that instead man I’m my brain is dying my brain is shutting off more and more I

Think the caffeine helped for a bit but the caffeine is completely gone now has to be even though it technically is still there but it’s not in high enough quantity to be doing anything your mother stopped doing videos because she stopped playing Sims she started playing World of Warcraft

Instead so she should have made videos on those instead that means like if you if you are making videos and are getting popular you shouldn’t stop like I mean I get if you want to like change up content but you got to do it so you

Can kind of transfer people over so if you only make Minecraft content you make one video that’s something else but your Minecraft content is still popular but you want to stop it you kind of need to do like a slow transition of switching from one video of kind to the

Next sugar and coffee will put you sleep I did not put any sugar in my coffee it was coffee with a little a little bit of milk uh wow my nose is not working well I’ve used all the Cobalt in ingots I’ve brought that’s how quick I’m going

Through the stamp pickaxe and eat something before coffee I definitely didn’t eat anything before coffee definitely didn’t do that probably cuz I usually just wait until I’m done streaming to eat it’s just easier that way believe it or not it’s easier did I just pick up another stack of cobblestone when I

Wanted the gravel over here yep should probably collect the Flint too cuz I I need it Pikachu’s violence hi welcome back welcome to me being low energy and I was probably going to end the stream around 7 o’clock originally I was only going to go for an hour so I’m

Already way past that point I feel like there’s gravel somewhere oh it’s right here okay not bad not great not bad my frame rate’s tanking why being unemployed is the best no no it’s definitely not trust me some days I would like to be but no unemployed is definitely not that

Good if you have bills to pay ow legitimate ow why body why am I going this way this is not the right way at all I an idiot bright side this thing’s good enough so I can continue on after doing that flattened out a lot of this

Mountain so far still got a ways to go still got a long ways it’s 6:00 in the morning for you well it’s yeah it’s about 7 in the afternoon or evening for me so it’s it’s not too late but getting there I still have stuff to do tonight

Of course I I always have stuff to do after a stream mainly eating and sleeping and showering and my nose is all of a sudden really itchy I haven’t even I haven’t even checked the stream analytics all day or all stream so so if I got restricted

Right in the beginning I would have never known well I keep losing subscribers from whatever the hell thing happened yesterday so that’s fine oh yeah today’s stream is not going well like some of the others it’s fine but it’s just I can already see it’s not doing super well

Like some of the other ones okay yep my sub count is just it not it doesn’t make sense just doesn’t yeah after whatever the hell happened yesterday uhuh what is this oh that’s the current one that’s weird that that showed up like that oh

Okay and you woke oh ow my foot woke up to send off your roommate to the airport H nice but I don’t know what happened so I gained like 2,000 subscribers yesterday I got all out of nowhere like 2,000 views on two different videos all within all between 11: and 12 yesterday

In the afternoon or morning technically and then by the time I got home I had lost a thousand and by the time I was making that video I had lost like 7 during that like less than 10 minute period so I don’t know what the hell

Happened but oh also all the views that I gained during that period were magically erased they’re all gone all the likes that I had all gone so I don’t know what the hell happened I really don’t I would pref prefer if it didn’t happen again because it’s worse than false hope that

Is just like concerning that something went wrong also concerning that my uh Channel could somehow get in trouble for something like that but I don’t know what happened I just I don’t can’t do anything about it it would be nice if I had all of a sudden almost 7,000 subscribers

But if they came out of nowhere obviously none of them are going to be watching videos or streams and still you know they didn’t but it’s fine I already have you know 4,000 that subscribed all from couple videos going popular and then none of them most of them have never come back

Great you suddenly wish to get 400 plus two I just I just honestly wish I could have right now like 10 people constantly in stream if not more that’s what I kind of just want I just want want to have a certain number to be there to constantly chat or

Something have topics to talk about and also I feel like whenever you hit a certain you hit certain numbers YouTube starts suggesting your stuff more and I feel like 10 is a magical number that I just really can’t seem to hit it’d be nice if I could go back to

One of the streams um when I was fresh out of high school where I got like over th000 views at one point I had like 30 active viewers or active Chatters all because I had one video go popular and then I Nam the stream after that video so anybody watching that

Short video got recommended to that stream and I had a lot of people popping in but those those days are gone those days are gone for sure I mean making my actual city in Minecraft it’s a nice title it gets some people’s attention not everybody’s

But I don’t know it just I can’t I don’t think I can make a video on it that would somehow magically get popular it just doesn’t work like that even if I could title it something nicely it’s Minecraft there’s so much damn competition I don’t even know how that

Uh video back then got so popular because it was a tutorial I think on somebody else’s thing and then I just named The Stream similar to that person’s one of their Channel things so I think I had people thinking that I was playing with like a popular YouTuber at

One point during that stream I think I had people hopping in thinking that I was but I wasn’t I also now have a heroic pickaxe that suddenly will take six 64,000 block breaks in order to level up again I can definitely make it level up again just not

Today I don’t know I just wish I could go back to those damn days where there was an opportunity and I lost the opportunity because of [ __ ] Co it was so good so potentially good and then I lost it couldn’t stream for like two weeks and when I did start the

Streams back up it was gone the window that I had was closed and I will never live that down I won’t lie cuz that probably was the opportunity right there to somehow get somewhere and it was just taken away by something that was out of my power

Because I was still living with my parents I won’t lie I would genuinely call off work a day or so if I all of a sudden had an insane amount of people in my streams I would I would have to make sure people understand that I can’t

Stream because I I have to go back to work but I think right now the only reason I would call off work is because I had by some miracle I had a giant opportunity on YouTube and I had to take it and I just don’t think I’ll be

Getting that opportunity if it happens I will do everything in my power this time to make sure I can you I can take full advantage of it but for now I can only do I can only do so much I can only make an opportunity for myself so far and then YouTube basically

Has to do the rest and YouTube doesn’t like suggesting small channels often it’s fine I know it’s weird sometimes when I’ve seen my viewer count also increase to like 10 plus people and then there’s nobody chatting and everybody like shows up all at once somehow and then they all

Leave leave all at once and how am I getting iron from dirt the level up mod uh there’s a treasure hunting thing I can also get diamonds from dirt occasionally I’m also getting tomatoes from dirt I’m getting sticks from dirt I’m getting clay I get wooden bowls I get enchanted stone

Tools I don’t really get much good there’s also gold in there but most of the treasure you can get is useless but I mean I’ve gotten literally like 10 plus diamonds from breaking dirt I had grown quite a fan base in your server during the time I played T

Torium I didn’t have that big of a fan base actually with toram I won’t lie I kind of thought I did but I mean when I look back at the Toran videos I didn’t have a lot of views on those I mean I had more than other videos but I really

Didn’t have much and it wasn’t increasing and I just kind of got tired of doing it I did the same thing for day after day after day for like four months straight I just couldn’t keep it up most of them were longtime players who probably found my new V po fun to

Watch it was something like that yeah but also it was the fact that I was an A lot of people made comments about how I was an English toam content creator and that was about it an English one who spoke English because like just about every other content creator they

Have is the person who doesn’t say anything all of their text is on screen but I was one of the few ones that was speaking during videos and I was speaking English I was like somehow one-of a kind because I’m the only person stupid enough to make doram videos who speaks

English because everybody else didn’t speak English or just had text on screen and that was it lots of people made comments about those and if I do get Industrial Craft Classic get ready to having to grind for a whole bunch of stacks of iron I’ll need it well I’m already

Grinding for a lot in this world so I’m kind of used to it at this point yeah that too most of the in streamers were Indo Indo Indonesians yes a lot of them were out of were not of North American or well North or South American um nationality classic got censored what

The hell it because it had ass yep trust me if I could remove that part I would but that’s I don’t I don’t know why it does what it does I mean at least it censored certain ones but it doesn’t censor hell I just realized doesn’t censor hell I mean hell

Isn’t that bad of a word but YouTube counts it as a cuss word in their um specifically in their uh what is it their not it’s not the copyright check it’s whatever is before that I can’t remember what it’s called word for word right now but one of their checks in

Appropriate language hell is specifically mentioned alongside I think [ __ ] and it’s uh if I said hell within like the first seven seven minutes or 7 Seconds of a video that video could be heavily restricted it doesn’t censor that but it does censor the f word the prop the

Normal spelling of it you say something bad you are censored ing it yourself you can control it Dam moderation just sucks these days Dam isn’t censored either I just looked at Dam isn’t censored damn is definitely another one of those words that is minor but YouTube will get you

On if you say it either too much too quickly in the beginning or things like that but YouTube is also pretty quick on the F bombs I’ve I think I’ve had a stream that was limited and restricted within the first 10 minutes of the stream one

Day that was like ear early early on in this world though oh come on spider yep I hate that I get attacked and then I can’t use this thing YouTube’s just strict on some of the stuff I get it but I also it’s they they changed up everything when they made the kids

Content thing and it it just messed everything up for everybody all right well it is 70 6 p.m. I have a lot of cobblestone to put away and a lot of zombies and skeletons burning outside lovely won’t lie it’s kind of annoying R get sped spidered by a Spiderman what

The hell does that even mean I don’t want to go oh I have a random Stone shovel I don’t want to go outside I don’t want to deal with zombies on fire or creepers right now yeah I don’t want to have a creeper blow up everything no thank you I mean I’ve

Already had them hit a couple of houses in the past let’s not have them hit another one it’s not like they’re high quality houses or anything but it’s just more work swap bags and this is the one that’s going to not have enough storage space up here okay we make another chest

Well I did great on that one didn’t I apparently that’s how you make a big sign not sure what a big sign is but I’m going to make one because it’s a thing this is a sign close Okay well it’s still bugs out with shaders oh I see it’s combinable so that’s

That’s kind of the point of it okay and Spider-Man equals Minecraft spider I got spidered you got spidered okay I got the spidered part the yeah that uh other part that’s weird oh they actually sit FL sit flush with the wall I think something looks off oh it’s just the outline it’s not

Even the same color wood it’s not the same color wood and the lines don’t match up oh well that’s annoying as hell they’re just off by a single Pixel that’s I feel like that was a major flaw that should have been caught like that that should have been

Caught by whoever made that with buried Commodities that’s a big enough mod that should have been patched out or something definitely should have been able to be patched out take all the Cobblestone the zombies are still burning outside by the way it’s been like 3 minutes love it hi buddy yep you’re yep

Get out of here stupid damn skeleton and right because that makes sense you’re on fire so you shooting shoot a arrow at me and it sets me on fire yeah that’s still BS take that that that that my game frame rate just dropped badly there’s zombie coming after me could you burn already

Oh my God you have 300 health nah just Nah if you download esape and run parasites don’t need to worry about ores corrupting your world when you’re move the mod again but you do have to worry about adapted typ parasites breaking stuff yeah I’m just not even going to

Worry about it at all play it safe cuz I think we’ve already kind of made some mistakes with with some of these mods and I don’t need to make things worse I’m not going to put all this effort into world and then permanently ruin it I don’t know what I would do actually

If I ruined this world I genuinely don’t know what I would do I’d be insanely pissed with myself insanely pissed probably get insanely depressed too and I don’t know anymore man my dirt stock is real low I used all of it and now I have slowly

Been getting more how much health do you have but you didn’t even lose 100 health and you’ve been burning all day and the stupid knockback thing doesn’t work and you can’t fit in my door yet the other ones can because they burned it down you are stuck on a cat

Bed I love burning it’s fun it’s super fun just eat some Rotting Flesh you have escape and run parasites world with your friend you build a watchtower to shoot down parasites with tech guns mod and some adapted type parasites just grinded out the whole bottom of the tower damn

Damn that would definitely be an in interesting thing an interesting mod in some worlds because uh that’s a lot better than like Minecraft normally where you know mobs can’t do anything you place a block in front of you and they can’t get through it no matter what they do it’s

Kind of what I like about seven days to die is that they can break walls and everything that’s what I kind of wish Minecraft did have where it’s just like oh you build a wall and you’re you know you’re unkillable you’re untouchable as long as you have a wall between

You uh I also have a thing on my sock I need to cut off real quick cuz it’s a very annoying that I just found very annoying and my hands hurt no matter what I do right now yep I’m surprised my thumb isn’t visually bruised it should be but it

Isn’t visually definitely is bruised on the inside least the adapted type parasites leave behind sacks that give you back all the broken blocks when you break them oh that’s not that’s a little less fun that’s a that’s honestly I would not want that I won’t lie that kind of changes

Everything so it’s not just like permanently breaking something and you have to repair it’s just like up you broke it but you can have all your stuff back now that takes out the difficulty okay I’m going to go ahead and end stream here I’m going to head

Out I need to go start take shower there’s a burning horse over there with probably insane amount of health and broken broken Shader fire which actually looks better than normal Minecraft fire difficulty is now 189 yeah things don’t seem to be getting much harder because they’re already just

Difficult as hell anyways I’m heading out it has been almost three hours originally the stream was only going to be 1 hour long so you know it’s a lot better than it could have been G to go ahead and head out hopefully you enjoyed I should stream again tomorrow uh

Yesterday was actually technically the first time where I didn’t stream because of life things and I usually say I’ll stream again tomorrow unless something in life makes it so I can’t yesterday I mean that kind of happened but I’m heading out hopefully you enjoyed I should stream again

Tomorrow about the same time maybe slightly later but I will stream again so goodbye until then

This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 31’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-02-07 01:27:26. It has garnered 168 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:45 or 10665 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind: Where Survival Strategy Meets Adventure

    Join Minewind: Where Survival Strategy Meets Adventure Welcome to! Are you a fan of strategic and safe gameplay in Minecraft? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on player interaction and survival, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with other players from around the globe. On Minewind, you can build, mine, and survive in a community-driven environment that encourages creativity and teamwork. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new adventure or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, Minewind… Read More

  • 164: Where No One Calls Home

    164: Where No One Calls Home In the world of Minecraft, where adventures take flight, Hugo-Craft-15 brings us joy and delight. Chapter 164, a tale to be told, In this virtual world, where stories unfold. Join in the fun, with Hugo as your guide, Exploring new realms, side by side. From live streams to videos, every week, Minecraft magic, for all to seek. Become a member, join the crew, In this pixelated world, where dreams come true. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, And let Hugo-Craft-15, lead the line. Read More

  • Rhyme Time: Don’t Need You, Just Me #shorts

    Rhyme Time: Don't Need You, Just Me #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I bring you the news, with a rhyming spree. Updates and features, all in a rhyme, Crafting the stories, each one sublime. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a rhyming sheen. So join me in the world of Minecraft delight, As we explore together, in the day and the night. With Music Free Gaming, we’ll have a blast, In this virtual world, where creativity is vast. So grab your pickaxe, and let’s dive in, To the world of Minecraft, where the… Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Ball Server: Super Saiyan Transformation!

    Ultimate Dragon Ball Server: Super Saiyan Transformation! Minecraft Dragon Ball Ultimate Server: Super Saiyan Transformation Join the adventure in the Dragon Ball Ultimate series, the top server for Dragon Ball on Minecraft Bedrock edition. In this episode, our protagonist transforms into a Super Saiyan, showcasing the exciting gameplay this server has to offer. Stay tuned for more! Server Information For those eager to dive into the action, here are the details you need to join the Dragon Ball Ultimate server: IP: Port: 1932 Connect to the server and unleash your inner warrior as you explore the world of Dragon Ball in Minecraft. Tutorial: Becoming a… Read More

  • Arda and Wind’s Child-Swap Spree: 24-Hour Minecraft Mayhem!

    Arda and Wind's Child-Swap Spree: 24-Hour Minecraft Mayhem! Arda and Wind, a mischievous pair, Changed the children, a prank beyond compare. For 24 hours, chaos did ensue, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. The kids were puzzled, their faces a sight, As they tried to figure out what was right. But Arda and Wind, with laughter in their eyes, Knew that this prank would be a big surprise. From morning till night, the children did play, In a world turned upside down, in a whimsical way. But in the end, they all had a blast, Thanks to Arda and Wind, the pranksters so fast…. Read More

  • Crafting a Friendly Ostrich Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Friendly Ostrich Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Friendly Ostrich Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the fascinating world of the Friendly Ostrich Portal in the Zoonomaly realm. Join the exploration and uncover the secrets that await! Discovering the Zoonomaly Realm Step into the Zoonomaly realm, a mystical land filled with wonders and mysteries. Navigate through lush forests, towering mountains, and vast oceans as you embark on an epic journey to find the Friendly Ostrich Portal. Unveiling the Friendly Ostrich Portal As you traverse the Zoonomaly realm, keep an eye out for the elusive Friendly Ostrich Portal. This… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and connect with fellow gamers. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. From epic battles to intricate builds, the possibilities are endless. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and experience… Read More

  • UNLOCKING LVL 444 SECRETS in Minecraft Skyblock!

    UNLOCKING LVL 444 SECRETS in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information uh all right cool bot RZ just join the channel shut the [ __ ] up NBO uh I will keep my camera off right now just because I came home and had the [ __ ] so I just said [ __ ] it and went ahead and took a shower anyway I was going to do that I was going to do that later and anyway like before I went to bed but [ __ ] [Music] it so I got the uh I got my fan on me right now so um yeah I I… Read More

  • Hypixel Ruined Block Clutch

    Hypixel Ruined Block ClutchVideo Information This video, titled ‘HYPIXEL RUINED THIS BLOCK CLUTCH! #bridgeduels #hypixel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Good Guy Sly on 2024-04-16 20:15:01. It has garnered 2347 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Experience the ultimate ASMR clicking sounds in this action-packed Minecraft video featuring Hypixel Duels, Bedwars, PvP, and more! Dive into the world of Hypixel Bridge and witness epic block clutches and intense battles. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, this video is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Join us on YouTube for… Read More

  • “Ultimate Clickbait: Rainbow Noob Summons Roblox Smileys in Minecraft 😱” #shorts

    "Ultimate Clickbait: Rainbow Noob Summons Roblox Smileys in Minecraft 😱" #shortsVideo Information huh [Music] H woo wow oh my God no God no God please no [Music] what wow This video, titled ‘Never Summon Roblox Innyume Smiley’s Stylized in Minecraft…. 😨 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rainbow Noob on 2024-04-19 13:48:02. It has garnered 17763 views and 809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Never Summon Roblox Innyume Smiley’s Stylized in Minecraft…. 😨 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation Subscribe to the channel so as not to miss the video! Read More


    ULTIMATE XP FARM - RULER TAKES ON ASSASSIN IN MINECRAFT 🔥🔪 || #minecraft #survivalVideo Information तो हेलो गाइ स्वागत है सभी का 100 डेज सर्वाइवल वीडियो के डे नंबर नाइन पे तो भाई पिछले वाले वीडियो में हम लोग गए थे नेदर फोर्ट्रेस में और वहां पे भाई हमें ब्लेज रॉड मिला था ब्रो हम लोग के पास टोटल दो ब्लेज रॉड हुए थे और फिर एक स्कल विधर करके कुछ भी मिला था भाई बट वो सबका यूज भाई आगे करेंगे तो भाई लोग आज के वीडियो में हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपना एक्सपी फार्म क्योंकि भाई हम लोग का सरवाइवर वर्ल्ड में अभी तक एक भी एक्सपी फार्म नहीं है… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Villager Hide & Seek Strategy! #minecraft #funny

    Uncover the Ultimate Villager Hide & Seek Strategy! #minecraft #funnyVideo Information hey Villager willst du Hiden seek mit mir spielen du bekommst auch 64 Emeralds wenn du gewinnst ich heie Hans okay okay Hans dann versteck dich ich zähle 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 ich komme so wo könnte denn Hans sein ist er vielleicht in diesem Gebäude hier drin Hans komm raus bist du hier nee da scheint er wohl nicht drin zu sein Hans bist du vielleicht in diesem Gebäude ah Hans da bist du ja los Hans ich habe dich gefunden du hast verloren Bro du kriegst die Emeralds nicht hey Hans wo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trade Hack with Mobs!

    Insane Minecraft Trade Hack with Mobs!Video Information अरे भाई भाई मा बट आई कैन ट्रेड विद मॉब्स सो गाइस तुम्हारा स्वागत है मेरे न्यू वीडियो में तो गाइस तुमने सुना हां हां मैंने सही बोला एकदम कि वी कैन ट्रेड विद मॉब्स गाइस तो देखो यार अपन मॉब्स के साथ ट्रेड कर सकते हैं और विट द वट ये क्या है बोनस चेस्ट भाई तो एक मिनट बोनस चेस्ट में क्या है ओके एमरल्ड है और ट्रेडिंग आइटम है तो गाइस देखो ये वाली चीज अपने को इने बोनस में दी है क्योंकि ये काम आने वाली है इस चीज में क्योंकि एमरल्ड अप लोग… Read More

  • Canyon Gamerz: INSANE MINECRAFT LOGIC! #minecraftmemes

    Canyon Gamerz: INSANE MINECRAFT LOGIC! #minecraftmemesVideo Information [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘USELESS LOGIC IN MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftmeme #shorts’, was uploaded by Canyon Gamerz on 2024-04-29 14:45:03. It has garnered 2692 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Thanks For Watching Plz Like and Subscribe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Benjaramire3 Chat & Play!

    Insane Twist in Benjaramire3 Chat & Play!Video Information Hola soy Benja Ramírez 3 Bienvenidos a un nuevo video al al al al al al e al al si es hora de cocinar [Música] B [Música] ah ah [Música] bienvenida mi gente [Música] [Música] acá andamos [Música] bueno [Música] gente vamos a jugar minet [Música] eh No ahí se me bug [Música] bu ah ah H [Música] ha Bueno vamos a ver ahora lo de los aldeanos a ver si es que alguno nos da un encantamiento o protección 4 o eficiencia 5 que por ahora no es el caso por ahora están despiertos los al no… Read More

  • "Caught LartisteCat Losing Mind Over Minecraft Creator!"

    <p>"Caught <em>LartisteCat</em> Losing Mind Over Minecraft Creator!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘me when i hear “creator” on minecraft’, was uploaded by LartisteCat on 2024-05-19 00:47:26. It has garnered 197 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:27 or 87 seconds. I vibe with the music, y’know! Plug me into those tunes! You bet I’m gonna be doing this on the upcoming 2024 SMP. Read More

  • MineHammer Network

    MineHammer NetworkMineHammer is a 1.19 Survival Network featuring true Bedrock/Java Cross-Play. – Custom Fish – Weekly Updates – Amazing Community Come see for yourself, join with! Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Server! Hello, my name is Alfred and just a week ago, I opened a whitelisted server for my friends and me to play on. Now, the server is open to anyone who can contribute positively and with kindness. Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanisms like sethome and tpa A leveling system for unlocking perks/commands A unique fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack needed) A server shop for selling items and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We have other features that make the server enjoyable, but we aim to keep things… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flame War: Flat world survival lit 🔥

    I guess you could say they’re really flat out surviving in that world! Read More

  • Ben 10’s Minecraft Mayhem: S5João’s Addon Adventure!

    Ben 10's Minecraft Mayhem: S5João's Addon Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new addon is here, With Ben 10 powers, the game is in high gear. S5João brings the news with a grin and a spin, Every update described with a playful, rhyming spin. From four arms to flames, the action is insane, In this incredible addon, there’s so much to gain. So hit that like, subscribe, and join the fun, With S5João’s updates, the Minecraft journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT!

    Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT! To make a new TNT, just mix some gunpowder, sand, and a sprinkle of chaos. Voila, you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster! #minecraftlogic 😂🧨 Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed! The Best Shaders for Minecraft: A Closer Look Introduction Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through shaders. Shaders are mods that can significantly improve the visual appeal of the game, adding realistic lighting, shadows, and textures. Top Shaders for Minecraft If you’re looking to elevate your Minecraft experience, consider checking out some of the best shaders available: – Shader 1: [Link to Shader 1] – Shader 2: [Link to Shader 2] – Minecraft Patch: [Link to Minecraft Patch] Features of Shaders – Improved lighting effects -… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Scariest Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind: Survive the Scariest Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “i survive most SCARY 😨 Minecraft………” and it got us thinking – what if you could experience your own heart-pounding adventures in Minecraft? Well, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating gameplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a diverse community of players and exciting challenges, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and embark on your own thrilling journey, join… Read More

  • Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft

    Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft Welcome to Reflectcraft: Building an Apple Orchard in Minecraft Survival In this episode of Reflectcraft, our protagonist embarks on a mission to create an idyllic farm filled with crops as far as the eye can see. Join them as they explore, build an apple orchard, and review their progress in this Minecraft survival adventure. Exploring and Gathering Resources Our journey begins as we witness our player setting out to build an agricultural district. Running low on food, they decide to create fields of crops to sustain themselves. Armed with a flint and steel, they venture out to gather wheat… Read More

  • YUKITO Goes Crazy in Minecraft!! 😱 #new vtuber #yukisaba

    YUKITO Goes Crazy in Minecraft!! 😱 #new vtuber #yukisabaVideo Information [音楽] DETDET [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OGOG [音楽] [音楽] あ はいえと皆様こんにちは ますマイクの方ね入ってますね配信の方 開始されてますのね立方配信ということで ちょっとねま画面がブレにぶれまくってる んですけどちょっとね今から修正いたせ ますんでえお待ちくださいまずね顔とかは ここら辺に置い てで上あれすね今日のタイトルこれを今日 はです ね別の拡張 うあ はあれもいねえしうちのサーバーついに 全員落ちたんだけどさっきまで6さっき まで6人ぐらいたの にゆきとが配信開始するの遅すぎなんだよ でねあの実はちょっとねあの本当はね サバイバルでやりたかったんですけど ちょっとさすがに建築物全部どかすのは ちょっと難しいのでちょっと クリエイティブでねあの建築物をあの どかして道幅を6マスにえっと変更をし てこう というのがま今日の目的でござい ますね道幅3マスじゃ狭いんすよね メインの大通りは6マスに変更しようかな ということでそれをね今日やってやって ければなとえっと思っております はいでまず えっとです ねどうしよっか な早速ね考えなきゃいけないところがあっ て あまいいのかいやでもそしたらなここのさ この道をねここ3マスなわけここ6マスに してビルをこっち側に全部1列分こっち側 も移動させ てそうするとねこっち側こっちが正面のね お店とかも何個かあるん でその場合どうしよっかなっていうまあ いっかどっちかの入り口封鎖させてうん いっ か日本語になってないねちこのなべ君 ね滅された こんな感じでじみちにね今日は雑談し ながらビルを移動してくっていうあの配信 でござい ますとんでもなく地味です はいで今日はね配信せずに裏でやろうかな と思ったんです けどあの最近さあの配信サボりすぎてん じゃないですかくさんなんで無理やりでも やらない多分ゆさん今後ね配信をしなく なっちゃうんじゃないかなと いうちょっと心配があったんでちょっと 無理やりでも今日は配信しようという気を 持ってあの本日はえやっており ますさあ配信とえば楽しいんですよ楽しい んだけどやっぱね毎日やらなきゃいけない みたいななんか変なねモチベーションが今 ないんですよ正直 そうベーションがないなかちょっと配信 やってるところあるんですけどなんて言う のか ななんだろうなんかねやっぱななんて言う んだろう言葉にうまく表現できないんだ けどうんなんて言うのかな まいっ かばみんな今日寒かった ね皆様の地域はどうでした東京なんかさ夜 になったらすごい寒くなって さびっっくりしちゃったよ本当にめさんも こんばんはマジ でチャリンコ用事があってチリンたんだ けどさ寒くさ 帰りそうマック食いに行ってたんですけど 帰り寒くて薄切で行ってたんですけど寒 みたいなそんな感じでしたね じ最近なんか天気の温度差が激しすぎだよ ねマジで異常気象だよ本当にみ常気象だ よ最近マジで温度差が 激しいなんか今年の夏はすごい暑くなる らしいけどね今は寒い けどどうなんだろう ねどうなるのか気になるよね今後ね日本 なんか今年はなんか暑い夏になるらしい から… Read More

  • Dancing to the HB Beat

    Dancing to the HB BeatVideo Information bu girl in [Musik] the This video, titled ‘Dance!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HB on 2024-03-16 02:41:19. It has garnered 10828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey… Read More

  • All My Fellas Conquering Bedwars 😎🔥

    All My Fellas Conquering Bedwars 😎🔥Video Information my all my all my my all my my This video, titled ‘ALL MY FELLAS 😎 | #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by Tee2w on 2024-01-10 14:47:24. It has garnered 11020 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #tags its soo cool subscribe for ur mom, and enjoy! minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard ( from Atlar clips ) Found This Desc… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Guide | EP 01 | 2024 H A S H I Y A | Click NOW

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Guide | EP 01 | 2024 H A S H I Y A | Click NOWVideo Information yo yo yo what’s up boys and for [Music] guy [Music] speee [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for 1 fore spee fore fore for banana [Music] banana [Music] [Music] for spe [Laughter] fore [Music] for [Music] m bloo I say you say no he [Music] [Music] for speee [Music] fore for for [Music] for for welcome to my party we’re just getting started a life is a dream or a nightmare scaring hand me a drink cuz I think I’m going… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Sword Tutorial! #epic

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT Sword Tutorial! #epicVideo Information [Applause] he This video, titled ‘TNT#minecraft #geming #supportme’, was uploaded by START _SWORD on 2024-03-02 12:03:47. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Join us in exploring Minecraft Marketplace with DZRKNSS!

    Join us in exploring Minecraft Marketplace with DZRKNSS!Video Information all right I had to like set up a thing darkness is going to be back soon I’m going to put my oh you’re back okay yeah I’m live okay I put on the thing oh Minecraft crashed that’s weird they have a different stream yeah only a little bit different going to just move this there you go [Music] oops wrong thing just gring Hive okay Darkness so you L okay now he’s gone is that yes okay uh yay I love chaos oh my gosh any villagers where are the villagers spawn next guys okay we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 2024 Update Discovery ft. IbxCat, Pixlriffs & Ulraf!

    INSANE Minecraft 2024 Update Discovery ft. IbxCat, Pixlriffs & Ulraf!Video Information ibx toy cat pixel reefs ulra and me got together on April 1st 2024 to play the new Minecraft April fools update a lot of crazy potato stuff happened that day and this is how it all started we have zian with us in chat which is going to be helpful oh hello it’s going to be our guide like in previous like in previous occasions yeah yeah yeah kind of like our guide but also like having fun at us but also on Nemesis at the same time not the necessarily should listen to him but he… Read More

  • Join the SHIZO 360° Experience! 🌀

    Join the SHIZO 360° Experience! 🌀Video Information money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need like a king cash rules everything around me n tremble to their feet when I step into the sea how I make this scen tell them that it’s in my This video, titled ‘360°, the perfect circle’, was uploaded by smellish on 2024-03-31 21:09:19. It has garnered 59 views… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fusion Remix Ft. Zoro & Luck ✨

    Insane Minecraft Fusion Remix Ft. Zoro & Luck ✨Video Information tuim prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impr et si tu m’abandonnes je suis pas celle que tu croisun m’ touch part [Musique] toi [Musique] cococ je suis [Musique] unetine cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine ami ami This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Sonic Fusion: Clandestina (JVSTIN Remix) with Reverse Drop 🍀🍇”‘, was uploaded by zoro X luck on 2024-01-06 13:35:00. It has garnered 2361 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. “Minecraft Sonic Fusion: Clandestina (JVSTIN Remix) with Reverse Drop… Read More

  • Avalon SMP 1.19 MMORPG Dungeons Classes Questing

    Server Trailer: Watch Here TikTok: Check it out Server IP: Avalon is Under Attack! You are a Guardian. Avalon is under attack, and you have been summoned. Join a kingdom or create your own. Will you conquer the Great Evil? About Avalon: Avalon is an mmoRPG inspired by games like Diablo, Skyrim, Destiny, and World of Warcraft. With over 90 plugins, 300 NPCs, 6 Chapters, and more, it offers a unique gameplay experience. Features: Become a Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and more NPC-based Questing Dungeons and Raid Bosses Custom Skills, Armor, Weapons, and Crafting Co-operative Towny environment Global Market system… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #21

    “Who needs WiFi when you have a score of 425 in Minecraft memes? #priorities” Read More

  • Twilight Triumph: Slaying the Forest Boss in Minecraft

    Twilight Triumph: Slaying the Forest Boss in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a hero stands tall, Facing the last boss in Twilight Forest, giving it their all. With a grin and a spin, they defeat the foe, Crafting their victory with each rhyming flow. The journey was tough, the challenges great, But our hero never faltered, they sealed their fate. With each swing of the sword, each arrow shot true, They conquered the boss, their courage shining through. So let’s raise a cheer for this Minecraft star, Their adventures and triumphs, we’ll never be far. In the realm of gaming, they’ve left their mark, With rhymes… Read More

  • My friend turned my house into a volcano! 😂🔥 #minecraft

    My friend turned my house into a volcano! 😂🔥 #minecraft When your friend takes “housewarming party” a little too literally in Minecraft 😂 #minecraft #memes #houseblast #oops Read More