INSANE TRANSFORMATION: Our Minecraft Gym Build! #18

Video Information

W N I N Hello hello hello hello hello tell you what it’s weird coming back after a couple of days off isn’t it holy uh anyway hi hello there let me just very quickly open up this so I can actually hear any alerts that I’ve got uh we got three month membership on

YouTube thank you very much to Diggity duck three on YouTube 24 on Twitch let’s keep going thank you very very much dude much appreciated and also brand new member on YouTube as well uh Electra fight thanks dude much love much love thank you very much thank you very much

Hope everybody’s well hope everybody’s SW can always use more subscribers has been a busy couple days um I’ve just oh did I just pressed the insert ad button I was trying to get rid of a popup and then it pressed it whoops whoopsie my bad stream could

Always more subscribers J right let me close that window down there move that one to there right there we go and then drag this one up to here but yeah dude it’s been a very busy couple of days so um basically yesterday we had a very belated birthday meal for ny’s sister so

That was one thing then the day before that we had uh Net’s friend who lives really far away came to visit um cuz she was going to visit family cuz she’s originally from around here um so we hung out with them all day and then on

Saturday what did we do on Saturday that meant I was off what was it on Saturday no can’t think of what it is can’t think of what it was on Saturday but we were I just been so busy the last couple of days the amount of speculation

That I’ve been off because I’ve been recording some new SMP with Timmy in that lot no I know literally nothing about whatever that smpp is like genuinely I don’t I don’t have a clue I know nothing I know nothing um and then yeah oh that

Was it was Saturday I took a break cuz I was Tiding my office yeah or maybe it was I don’t know I feel like I’ve been on stream since tidy in my office hence why the camera angle is a bit lower than usual and you can see more and stuff like

That oh it was the music day it was yeah so we basically went around to Net’s Auntie’s house um cuz they play loads of instruments we’re talking like saxophone clarinet guitar keyboard drums they they play everything um her and her partner and yeah basically we just basically

Took Amelia there cuz Amelia got to play a violin at Nursery a little while ago and we were like oh you know we can take her around and she can have a music day so that was really fun just sort of seeing what to what she wanted to play

What she really gelled with and then she’s got this really cool uh keyboard now that they bought her just as like a I guess really is like an early birthday gift I would guess cuz her birthday’s not that far off now um and yeah and basically she has been loving the piano

Um she’s been playing the keyboard loads and there’s a microphone on it as well which is probably what she does more of the time uh which you know very noisy but it is what it is you know what I mean so there you go um today the plan

Is to play some BCG it’s been a little while since I’ve played I’m very excited to jump into it um is there anything I’ve missed the last couple of days we we’ve had a whole weekend away we’ve had a whole weekend away there was a Super

Bowl on which I didn’t watch because I thought can’t be asked like if I’m not watching it with friends like in person I’m not bothered I don’t think I’d even want to have stayed up to watch it on Discord or anything with people you know what I mean um so there’s that uh

Speaking of um I just saw Portal’s message about twitch alert uh winter bin with the 11 months thank you very much we got uh Turtle of Power with a 16 Prime um we’ve got cois with a 13 thank you we got portal with the 68 months one

More until funny number he says uh and we’ve also got uh buzim pan as well uh with the 12 thank you very much was mid no Ravens look you’re unbelievably biased Appo I didn’t even know you’re into American football I’m honest um sorry I’m just grabbing myself

A drink um so yeah so there you go uh in terms of me and my life and my day and everything like that uh I’m going away later this week just as a heads up uh cuz it’s going to be dra’s birthday on Saturday so going to head over to the

Old Netherlands to go and celebrate his birthday with him so I’ll probably be away Friday Saturday and Sunday and then so long as I don’t get sick whilst I travel um I should be back and doing everything as usual on the Monday which will be good um so looking forward to that uh

Anything happened with the sponsorship stuff so I’ve had an email back from holy which is the energy drink one um I’ve I’ve yet to reply to them but the rate that they’ve suggested is just really low um considering I stream basically every single day it would equate to like barely

£10 1010 made per day uh if if I advertise them which obviously is is not even close to what you should pay for a a sponsorship which is fine like that’s just that’s just the first figure they’ve put across I’ll have to reply to them and let them know about that um in

Terms of the other sponsorships if you’re not aware the other sponsorship I’ve been uh speaking to um is partner partnering up with streamlabs and Logitech it’s kind of all one thing because it’s all the streaming stuff that they do um and that’s gone well I’ve sent a figure over to them they’ve

Said yep that money works for us I’ve said y those deliverables work for me um so as far as I’m aware that’s that’s a basically a done deal um you know so far I’m obviously waiting to sign the dotted line so I’m not going to say it’s done

Done just yet um but yeah it should be pretty cool it should be pretty cool I’m looking forward to it and it’s one of those things where it will make my live streaming on its own financially viable which is always a really really nice Comfort to have to know that um I don’t

Have to worry about YouTube performance and chasing algorithms and stuff like that we can just do you know fun live streams like this be creative do a few different bits here and there and we can we can pay all the bills you know what I

Mean so um so yeah so I’m I’m I’m quite excited about that also this microphone will be changing um cuz they’ve got a microphone which is basically their equivalent of the sh s7b there are two versions of it one of them is uh white and black and then the other one is

Black and black and I I’ve I’ve sent them a question cuz I don’t know whether they are different I don’t know whether they uh differ in anyway cuz they look the same in terms of the shape it’s just the colors are different but then they’re listed as different products so

I wanted to find out which one which one’s witch basically um I mentioned them as well I was like I’ve got a razor branded chair would you be able to sort me out one of those fancy Herman Miller Logitech ones and they were like yeah we

Got you so yeah so it’s good interesting you’ve had the shore for a while I have yeah a really long time um I was even considering ordering a new one recently um but obviously this has all come about so um so yeah that’s basically the plan

Currently so again like I said we’ve not signed on any dotted lines just yet but both sides have said yep that works for us that’s cool with me so I’ve just got to hope that nothing falls apart between now and then um I know they said they

Wanted to get stuff squared by by the 16th which would be I guess this Friday something like that Um but hopefully that’s not we need to sign the contract by that day hopefully that’s more just they wanted to figure out numbers and if this was actually happening by that date and maybe it’s the thing we start in March and it goes WR from there so um yeah so that is all

Looking really good and it’s making me a bit more optimistic about the year ahead because I don’t have any major plans for YouTube content for 2024 just yet so I was going to be leaning into live streaming more and if we can obviously ensure that live streaming the hell

Is that coming to me cuz I’m holding this oh it is oh that really confus I thought somebody pranked me and put a an enchanting table beneath my base um so yeah so basically that’s the that that’s how things going so far and you know I like to be transparent with

You guys and let you know what I’m up to so you got a sense of what’s going on because then if there’s any days where I’m stressed or if I don’t want to engage in topics I’d rather you guys know what’s going on and I saw um Diggity duck saying Martin getting free

[ __ ] we love it um the other thing that I got for free which I don’t have with me right here is go XLR were really kind and cuz I’m I’m having the thing that happens with some people’s go xlrs um it’s happened to Timmy and I think maybe one other person

I know it might be Owen potentially um where basically after a while of having the go XLR we’re talking years of having it um if you even slightly move it or nudge it or twist it it just disconnects um and I don’t why does it it may just

Be a a wear and tear thing or something like that but I mean I’m really good with my tech I look after it and I don’t knock it about and obviously it’s only gone into a box from one house come to the other and then it’s worked fine for

Ages and it hasn’t happened to me loads I want to say it’s happened twice in the last month but it has made me start looking at other mixers and you know interfaces to plug microphones into um so I just tweeted out saying like hey what mixes has everybody got in the

Minute what are you using so I’ve been looking at the road one um and I think there’s also one from a company called macki I want to say um and then yeah basically I tweeted that out and immediately in my business email and in my DMs from the official TC

Helicon account um I just had a DM from the people or the parent company of TC Helicon being like hey like obviously you’re totally free to check out other the mixes and this that and the other but we would like to send you a new one

And I was like okay sure thank you so they sent me a brand new white go XLR with um one of their little they added in a little extra which was one of their um one of their own branded XLR cables so I’ve not plugged that in just yet

I’ll obviously ride this one until the wheels come off and then we’ll go from there but um yeah that was really kind of them so big thanks to um big thanks to goex for that as well cuz I mean like it’s one of those things where it’s like I don’t have to

Talk about this publicly it’s just something they’ve done on the back end they didn’t ask me to do any kind of tweet and any kind of promotion they were just like we’d love you to keep using our product and that was that they didn’t say like oh be great if you

Tweeted it out when you got it um so yeah so there you go and I’ve biged them up for years it is is a great bit of Kit it really really is and there still isn’t anything that is quite like it on the market that road one is the

Only one that comes close but even then you have to use some like other software to kind of get it all going um so they’re just no other companies are just there yet they’re really not the only company that comes close is Beacon um but even then I don’t like knobs I don’t

Like twist styles I know I shouldn’t say I don’t like knobs and do this it’s not a good look high kill I know kilt’s probably lurking and just clip that shut up chat you’re ugly uh anyway let’s play some video games can always use more

Subscribers go XLR is like the one it is yeah it’s just my my only apprehension with go XLR is the fact that they um got rid of a significant portion of their staff and then and and then didn’t give really people much of a road map of what lies

Ahead for for go XLR and then they basically went ahead and said like oh hey like rather than actually addressing not controversy but addressing the business the business of them getting rid of loads of Staff um they didn’t they they then just went oh hey we got a

New a new white version of both of them and then they kind of had to then have get really pressed on social media for people to then reply to them and and then they actually made a statement about it all um but it’s not giving people much confidence in what they’re

Actually doing moving forwards like I don’t know if their plan from now until forever is just they’re never making a new version of the go XLR all they’re going to do is just continually update um you know the firmware and make sure it it works on Windows still for the new ones

Um but that’s kind of that that’s all they’ve really said is that they still have staff and the future looks bright but obviously that’s just so unbelievably vague it’s unreal the only reason I would want to move away from the go XLR to say the road one is

Because the road has more faders on it like you know the sliders but the issue is is that the faders on the road one at the moment only work for like physical things that plug into it so there are four microphones you can shove into the

One that I’m looking at cuz I think there’s six sliders four mic ports and then I think the other one’s like a ethernet port and another one’s like an Orcs in or something like that um and basically I need I need it to control all virtual things now OE the

Oran sound just got one and he mixed it with a program called midi mixer um and then he basically turns the big road thing into a midi controller instead it’s just a very expensive MIDI controller um but Road have said that they are adding um they are going to do

A firmware update where they will then allow you to actually do all the rooting and basically match the go XLR so that’s when I’ll have a look and consider what’s going on and see and see what’s happening there as well so yeah so there you go sorry feel like oh oh zombie

Villager I guess I want to bring you with me don’t I will I be able to get you down down here will you come downstairs in fact I can pick up villagers can I pick up zombie villagers as well oh I can’t maybe if I just do this real quick there we go

Nice nice okay okay hold on a minute now I just need a boat I tell you what I’ve had as well for ages I’ve had another zombie villager haven’t I over in um haven’t had another zombie villager outside my house for a lifetime that you literally fell into that that was

Great let me just go quickly have a look I like Tech talk it’s fun me too dude I really enjoy the creative process you know what I mean um um like I love I love like the tech of how everything works and all that sort of stuff

Speaking of tech I’ve done a Teensy bit more just messing around in blender um I did this thing which was just like another go a low poly character so I watched a YouTube video uh of someone who made a low poly character and they put up these two reference images like

Kind of straight on um so we got that and then we got the front on view as well so there was that one uh what other projects have I done I’ve just been tinkering around a lot with low poly and getting used to like doing textures as

Well there was this one as well I know all the proportions are kind of all over the place but this one was a different method because it started with a plane um so it started off with something that looks like uh where is it oh am I in

Edit mode no um so it started off with something that looked like this um and I basically turned this into what you see here a lot a lot with this one is me basically just like slowly but surely learning how how to do things like you know select these two or like select

This one and then you know moving around moving around things and even just like selecting undersides of faces and then you know like making it like the darkest color and stuff like that so there’s like noticeable drops and things so you can always use your subscribers it’s

Good I’ve been I’ve been sort of just figuring out a bit more low poly stuff cuz I think low poly stuff is what I want to make his eyes are still than three there you go good um but yeah I’ve been wanting to do more low hly stuff which has been

Fun Violet on Twitter makes me want to mess with Cinema 4D again me too dude yeah me too although to my knowledge I’m pretty sure Violet just does everything in um in blockbench to my knowledge I don’t think I don’t think Violet ever touches blender or Cinema 4D or any of

That kind of stuff um which is pretty cool um the only reason I go for blender over blockbench for doing some stuff is just because cuz I have a bit more I I feel like in the long run it will be more versatile than blockbench will cuz obviously blockbench has a very specific

Purpose you know what I mean um although one thing I will say is that I much prefer texturing in um in blockbench I much prefer being able to like cuz I know you can do texture painting or whatever on um you can do text painting or whatever

You want on blender but doing pixel art via blender is just not quite as fun or quite as you know what I want um so yeah so there you go the main reason I was tinking around with blender again is because where I’ve got all these animated emote slots on

Twitch now I I I think I’ve got something like 20 available or something absurd like that um I basically wanted to utilize those um and basically make some kind of character W my God you scared the life out of me you deserve it for scar me with that stupid dragon head

Dude oh yeah of course I forgot about this I think I showed stream it I’m pretty sure I showed them the clip of you getting your wings dude it was genuinely terrifying and you did that with everybody right how many Dragon hits did you have to find only

Three jeez I got wings for yi uh Timmy and Ros just cuz we were the four that fought the dragon I mean it works well like you got to you got to admit like I got I’m kind of snazzy looking I was going to say we we color coordinated

Them you got red uh Ros got purple obviously um and then I gave Timmy yellow just because people were desperate for the canary curse uh to be represented so okay that’s pretty awesome yeah so I got kind of got everybody hooked up I got some wild

Stuff now i’ got a runic Twin Blade I’ve got a mythal pickaxe I’ve got full netherite armor like I’m I’m kicking it right now I got uh iron boots and uh an enchanted golden apple and a sh we uh did you just we no no no no no oh god oh

No oh no I would help but this bucket is following me oh no you’re right you got it I haven’t seen this little bar me just yet hold on oh it’s just it’s just a barn so far all right Fair These Wings oh there you went oh my

God yeah I just quickly popped to the barn I just wanted to see whether there was anything inside it just yet come with me I’m just going to go quickly feed the I guess the cows yeah I guess I kill feed the cows I’m mostly doing it

Just because I want the infinite Stak have you seen this so there’s like a there’s like an I don’t I don’t know what the odds are of it but there’s a chance that the cows when you kill them will drop a steak and it has like a gold

Outline on it and it’s infinite so you cook it and you will have infinite steak on just one inventory slot that’s actually wild yeah Rosa’s got one she said she just got one from farming I’ve just been suffering with eating apples from my farm to be fair

I’ve been I’ve been bone mealing carrots over here at the farm and then I’ve just been getting ungodly amounts of gold out in the old um out in the old nether or even in the caves around here let me see let me see if I can get

Any jeez what the Yeah that’s they’re like all scramming around look at them it reminded me of like a Nintendo DS game where like it’s like a round where everything’s like scrambling you have to pick up the correct one oh come on one of these has got to have

This infinite steak one of them has to cow murder cow murder I don’t want to kill too many of them more trying to get the big boys ones that what was that I swear there was something other than raw beef I I swear I saw like a sack as random as that

Sounds jeez were you guys calm down come on was that it no no infinite steak for me never mind lagged for a second to where everybody froze right when you said will everybody calm down I like we God for a second I was like genuinely scared just stop just stop and the whole

Server freezes damn so how are you what’s what what you been up to on here well you know I had an awful sleep schedule going to bed at 9:00 a.m. oh damn um now I’m not which is nice I went to bed at 2 woke up at 10ish 11-ish now

Now I’m here I was like oh well Martin’s on I might as well check check out what he’s doing almost a normal member of society oh we’re going to your place almost almost yeah go to my place look how cool this is that we can just like fly and follow each other

Around prob join a group no no no I can stay in range of you all right all right see if we can keep up with me we need to build an obstacle course for these CES and everything it’s great we need to build an obstacle for uh course for this

Oh we could like around spawn maybe yeah yeah yeah I still don’t have a bridge yet but you know I’ve been expanding my little little claim more over here I don’t know if you notice anything different oh wait wait upstairs yeah you down there you can see

The head that you scared me with which I still hate you for oh I keep forgetting I’ve got these is it on my boots yeah I’ve got bunny hop on my boots whenever I’ve got um whenever I’m St on grass or I think maybe even wood I like jump

Extra which for These Wings is perfect what’s oh that sound I added like a little oh yeah I have bees everywhere and stuff look there’s like hives and everything ah ah very useful I’m going to add like Bridges around the trees and stuff to make them like

Walkable ooh there’s like a water thing I love the idea that the Heracross is like a gatekeeper he’s got a good name for it oh my God yeah kind of you shall not cross oh speaking of Pokemon I got a new Pokemon wait have you seen peanut

Yet or no peanut no this is Peanut oh jeez they’re pretty cool yeah uh so that’s peanut they’re like like the like the innocent one that accidentally kills everything and it’s like super strong and then Twiggy don’t tell Twiggy I said this I think you already know Twiggy is

The idiot who doesn’t know what a fight it like always loses we love Twiggy oh yeah he looks um happy happy as yeah he’s so happy you’re so happy twiy and then we have Buton who’s like our little tank gal she she like fights and stuff like

She’s so that’s that’s my three that I have right now I’m trying to like make every single like Pokemon I get mean something or something so like my chat gets emotionally attached to them so if I ever let them go they cry you’re already prepping people for

Pain well my Pokemon are called uh it’s like a nuzlock where is it my Pokemon are called gaha oh god oh Lord execu he actually Blends in really well here uh we’ve got Ivy Sahar we’ve got a the stream could always p p is that a shiny it is a shiny yeah oh

My God that’s so cool and then we got Vulpix what what’s wrong with Vulpix nothing what do you mean what’s wrong with Vulpix why why is Vulpix not likea V Vulpix AA because Vulpix is the greatest Pokemon ever and shall not be defiled in such ways okay what if I just

Like oh that didn’t work what about if I just boots on yeah that’s right that’s right you don’t touch Vulpix right my plan today is to start uh working on my gym I’ve got I’ve got the theme of the gym I just need to I

Think I need to pull together a bunch of the create technology I want to do that and I want to do a little bit of testing with Nether Portals as well I want to see whether I can make corridors in the nether so it makes you feel like you’re like

You don’t really leave the Overworld if that makes sense I want to go in a portal appear in a corridor walk around it and stuff and then you come back out and then you’re in the battle arena cuz then that way I can kind of divide out

The are you making areas that you could like make little like you know how like Pokemon gemms have like little challenges and stuff to them and everything and like yeah yeah yeah uh like I remember playing like black and white back in the day and you had to go

From like platform to platform or whatever like you could have like different corridors you have to go through to unlock and like try to find the area I might do like a like like a three-part thing so like we can have a riddle one a parkour one and then maybe

One of them is just I don’t know they straight have to pay me money to get through the third one exciting actually oh my God that’s so cool so that’s the plan today I think I’ve got to think i’ got to work on some create stuff there

Is like a quest Tre for create so I might just like knock out a bunch of stuff in that checked out the quests yet are they cool they are they really good for XP especially the Pokémon one there’s a Pokémon one where um if you defeat 10 Pokémon and you can usually

Just like one tap a load of Pokémon um then you can get what’s the rewards you can either get three experience candy medium eight Great Balls 500 XP to you as the player or 10 coin pouches um and that’s repeatable as well or you can catch five Pokemon

That’s repeatable or level up 15 Pokémon and that’s also repeatable as well um to be I still need to do the defeating Pokemon one CU you get um XP shares from those so I should probably do that as well I wonder if there’s any way to like cap levels on Pokémon cuz

Imagine if all of our gym teams were all like level 50 and like that’s like the only thing you could do oh yeah I didn’t think about that does anybody know does cobon have a a way to limit levels cuz then we could all have like

The gym teams and stuff where like they don’t go any far farther or something that I was thinking when more people start making gyms and stuff I want to start like connecting them so whenever you get started on your gym we could have like a a proper for connection to

Each one kind of like how on the games you have to go from like City to City we’ll give them an order we’ll have an entire like cobon league on This Server it will be great yeah that’d be sick I so badly I need to look into how to do

It but I would love to make a bunch of the um the power World characters in The Cobble Monon style to see whether I could like mod them oh my God that would be so funny that would be wild you’d have to you could probably retexture

Some stuff yeah I I got a lot of wheat but then over here actually we can just walk in actual path um I have all of my my apricorn trees and stuff so if you ever need apricorns we got a black one yet yeah I

Do I have tons over here need those for the old Ultra Balls over here oh yeah damn yeah so you and Scott both got tons I think I’ve just got very random my’s bit more impressive than Scott so like you know I think it is to be honest I’m not going

To lie I think yours is definitely more impressive his is just like a bit of a wall it’s a bit it’s a bit harsh oh the Moon looks fly up real quick fly up Moon looks a bit scary tonight why can’t I fly am I hungry you got to look at the aerial

Aesthetics why can’t I fly hello oh oh wait oh no I can fly we’re good Appo looks oh no oh no he’s run out of saturation Appo no oh I died as well oh my God it’s a good thing I had a totem of UND died in my off hand that was chaos

And now there’s creepers God save me please I don’t know what’s going on there spiders let me just climb in app’s hole and cry hold on please I didn’t expect to land quite so harshly hello Appo where are you oh my God I’m over here where are

You oh my God I might have messed that up dude I messed it up and I luckily I had a totem of undying in my like weird off handy slot I tried to drop down to catch you I literally was zooming in like using the zoom key and you would

Looked tiny on my screen and then I just saw you stop gliding you just fell yeah I kind of lost all my saturation I don’t have any that’s so funny oh my god did you see the aerial view of it though what of the

Base yeah yeah I to be honest I by the time I was about to look down I then um did that yeah let me go have a look again hold on let me go see what the how are you how are you so much quicker than me what

You have to okay so like get down for a second I’m going to teach you how to use this thing bud I I fly around really quick normally maybe I’m just going to you got to so no you yeah you’re going up too steep you got to like momentum

You got to like properly angle it and stuff like so you have to go down and then up go down and then up like if you go down and then up you go faster like I’m already faster than you damn I hate having to think it’s a nice mechanic oh yeah look

At that this is the farm we got all the apricorn trees everything wait are all of those brown ones apricorn trees yep stop it okay yeah yours is better than Scots for sure damn I tell you what I do need to do he’s died again Appo stop dying where’s

He gone this time will you stop where is he oh God hold on come up don’t talk about all that kill it give me a second death aerial battle hold on a minute nice although to be fair doing aerial battle means that I don’t get eyes on where the loot

Drops here it comes it’s okay go down to the hall I don’t want to go down the hole I want the loot boo maybe I would tell you what I’m going to Bow them out the sky watch this hold on oh sounds good wait come with me towards spawn followers I think or

Actually it’s be fa even our hero work let me get my bow out real quick hold up let me just hide up this tree for a second where’s my BG see the tree provides cover the stream could always use more subscribers I have any arrows

On me oh I don’t have you got any I can Farm some apples um here wait I think I have some in my base I have a stack of arrows for you bud sweet there we go thank you very much all all right where’s me where’s me bow if fact where’s

The I think the Phantom left oh it was scared whoa desert creeper what is that sound oh you’re scary watch this Appo ready they never saw it coming what’s going on there oh my Lord oh again again let’s go oh I think I got Appo to one and then

They finished him off why did he stand in the Huddle I was clearly attacking the Huddle no set a zombie not my problem why’ you kill me I didn’t kill you it wasn’t my fault you did it says in chat apuna was slain by zombie you got me to one I I’ve

Never heard of one oh one cannot perceive one one is far too Regal for such Affairs I need to light up my place a little better I think by the way um I have a villager at my base in in the basement that is selling mending books oh okay that would

Be very useful actually I think it’s literally only like 10 emeralds which I think emeralds really aren’t hard to come by the server I like that I like um if you ever need those they are there and they are ready to to to purchase absolutely I’ve got a few more villagers

There now so I’m going to try and breed a bunch of them and we’ll just get a few different books on the go don’t really know which other ones to get I guess like protection four books or something like that would be good I need to start expanding myself into other mods cuz

I’ll be honest I’ve just been fixated on this Pokemon thing since I got on the server and I’ve just been like really getting into that to be fair I think that the Pokemon thing for me has just been like an extra like I’ll be going around doing lots of the other stuff the

Only mod that I’ve really leaned into so far is the which one was it um you see I’ve done a bit of the the the metal stuff that’s really worthwhile by the way I’ve got the um Mythic metals and there’s like a forge that you can use

You can feel free to come and use the forge in fact come over to my place I’ll show you okay sounds good you see I’m a silly stupid Minecraft role player so anytime I see anything like Pokemon I’m just like oh that can that can be story

Even though it’s not really like like I can be the very best light no one ever was I can be the very my chat is so attached to these stupid like little pixels or whatever now it’s actually crazy where you at oh you are there I’m I’m following you I can yeah basically

There’s this Forge out the back of my base which it just runs on um it just runs on lava and you get really good kickout from it I think I basically quadrupled my ores so you just drop stuff in the middle there like a furnace and then there’s that slot on the far

Left excuse me can we not that’s so rude of them what the heck dude did not know who I was playing with Trev oh I mean I feel like it’s in the littlewood I need to have that don’t I level 35 what have I got uh burning lava no

AO I don’t I can’t save him he’s dead he’s just dead what at what point did I say help me out here Appo I’m struggling to deal with this Trevon never I never uttered those words not once I’m so sorry I’m so sorry now you got to deal with them see no

Was can’t believe it can’t believe he’s got and done that uh 11 emeralds and that right let me go whack things Martin I’m sorry will you ever forgive me nope how about if I give you an enchanted golden apple ooh what we talking like a A Notch Apple Notch

App is it a redacted Apple oh yeah go I’ll take that redacted Apple redacted Apple a redacted Apple let’s go just for you and also you know what as a sign of Goodwill a stack of Great Balls oh that is actually fantastic thank you so much

Or or and also 16 Ultra Balls cuz I actually do feel really bad cuz that would have been a cool Pokemon for you it would considering that I’m in the little wood and all oh now get off my land before I slay you okay what’s in the daily shop today ah

Put water in your base oh damn it whatever what are you doing nothing I was about to tell Appo about the plane mod but the the plan Mod’s kind of irrelevant when we have Icarus Wings realistically Appo I swear that man will feel my wrath one day right

Let’s throw he’s just logged off just drops water in my base and logs out what a guy what a guy right then uh we’ got we got mended on that we’ve got we could put mended on the pickaxe but I’ll throw it on any armor that doesn’t

Have it just yet helmet doesn’t count so chest and legs we’ll pop it onto chest thank you and legs as well I’ve said the words backwards but you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying lovely so mending mending mending uh that will break eventually uh and then I’ll make

Myself some kind of diamond one before it breaks I’ll oh no cuz I can’t take it off kind of cuz it’s curs of binding I was going to say I’ll try and pull the enchants off it didn’t I have a copy of that helmet somewhere else I do although

That one is not Enchanted H fair right so we got that um I will pop one on the pickaxe just because I can oh but I do not have the levels for it oh dear okay fair um right I tell you what let’s go do a little bit of mining

I’ve been wan to do a bit of mining for a while just get a bunch of like nice ORS W jeez let me get the old torches in the off hand as well where are they there they are um I just don’t know what I’m going to

Need of anything May if I just grab loads of stuff just grab a bit of everything there we go is that that’s tough that’s tough tough tough tough but yeah we can maybe look into grabbing a bunch of stuff so then we can do some of the uh create mod stuff today

It it’ be nice to work through the create mod tree cuz last time I kind of just use create mod a bit like randomly but if I can maybe be a bit more focused with it well that’d be good for XP actually for the old mending thank you there is this big old

Tunnel that I can use as well the drill pickaxe has a modification to it that is like built-in mending that doesn’t use experience oh interesting so what does it use instead then does it use actual real world experience you know what I mean that Bedrock Bedrock looks really different

In this what y level am I at- 58 not miles off h bit of gold lovely I think there was some other ores at the bottom of that bit that’s nearby and by nearby I mean like nearby my base Violet patella thank you very much or Violet spella it’s always hard to

Know I don’t know if it’s their actual username that’s written like that or if it’s just not capitalized on um on the stream elements feed I can never be 100% sure it’s always hard to read people’s names where you can’t see where the the capitals are supposed to be have you

Been keeping up with hermitcraft this season you know what I genuinely haven’t I haven’t watched a single thing other than watching Zed’s episode uh on the first day and I think that’s it I went to load up sk’s episode to watch it but then I think I realized that I was

Procrastinating and it maybe shouldn’t be I think this this time around it’ll be the first time that I’ll probably um try to actually watch like pix’s um hermitcraft recap thing cuz I’d like to keep in the loop about stuff this time it’d be nice to just have an idea of

What’s going on just on the off chance that I end up being you know invited onto the server again for whatever reason that may be um you know which may not even happen this season I mean it only happened last season for the first time ever um but it just realiz be nice

To be in the loop with stuff you know what I mean and also it’s just nice to see what my peers are doing to get that kind of inspiration rolling over uh let’s do this oo that was a longer drop than I expected Z is all you need you’re good

It was a good video it was the uh the hot bar challenge one that I watched I’ve not watched anything really beyond that um getting an awful lot of copper which I don’t anticipate I’ll need but I’ll just keep grabbing the or as them when I see them cuz I’m sure I’ll need

Them eventually uh ni I always think that’s diamonds and it’s just it’s just not mumbo’s editing is really good so the one thing I have seen from Mumbo is cuz I saw someone talking about it on Twitter that’s the thing right it’s like Twitter’s great cuz Twitter like throws

Out all of this random stuff that I wouldn’t normally see and what it threw out for me this time around was uh Mumbo doing very I don’t think it was Tarantino was it was it Tarantino doing like the Aro title cards or something and I and then I saw a post of him

Saying like oh I’m glad people noticed it I’ve been reading this book and someone and so forth cuz I don’t think everybody knows about mumbo’s um Instagram account where he does kind of quotes oh Wes Anderson that’s it Wes Anderson I knew it was some director I

Just just couldn’t remember the life of me which one it was um yeah M has like an Instagram page it’s not like a secret or anything um I know some people people are aware of it um where he would just put quotes and then they they just like sort of they

Seem to be like experimental illustrations that he does an illustrator and stuff like that um there are some really really cool ones and it feels like those vibes have come over to those little title cards those title cards are something that I’ve considered doing for some time I kind of

Do them but often just with a black screen and then um often just with a black screen and then just like a bit of white text in the middle of it don’t I so it’s always been a thing I’ve wanted to do but I’ve just never felt as though I knew what

Style to go for that’s not to say I’m going to copy the style that mumbo’s decided to adapt it’s more just it’s it’s title cards or something that I like to use to punctuate my videos and give them chapters if you will um but yeah hello I heard you don’t like knobs

You know what I knew Kil would get wind of that eventually everyone’s in this together now I feel like oh almost Di bit Redstone yeah maybe today it’ll be fun to actually um it’ll be fun to get some of the create mod stuff going and not even

Necessarily I mean to be honest I do want to use the create mod because I’d like to make a stadium that opens up properly as in like the battle floor for our gym that’s something that I’ve thought in my head for some time I would

Like to have um but my uses beyond that I don’t know but I’m sure there’ll be degrees of automation that I can benefit from um by doing that Forge from the from ather the Aether Mod’s not in this is it we have a super secret chat dedicated to sharing things about you wouldn’t

Surprise me wouldn’t surprise me there you go nice uh what else we got see if I can just dump any more in there is there anything I can get rid of trash uh uh get rid of a bunch of Cobble deep slate there’s a bunch of stuff like this

As well like hats and stuff two pieces of dirt uh some sticks just kind of empty out the inventory a bit more more Cobble more of that more more kite I hardly know uh where we looking oh that’s actual diamonds nice h those barrels have some good loot well

I’ve already been down here before which is the reason I’m not looking in them that’s the only reason I knew this place existed is cuz I’ve been here previously Blackstone in the Overworld feel like a very modded thing does Rite ever hide anything no it doesn’t seem to jelly

Beans what even is that I just got raw Adamantite Adamantite to be honest I hadn’t made the connection until you said that but it’s so Sanderson um God I love Fantastic Mr Fox yeah he tweeted out a book um about that about those titles specifically so probably worth a read if

You if you enjoy those titles I don’t know if the book is necessarily Wes Anderson I think it might be another um creative but it’s in a it’s in a similar realm what are the ores we got I’m just kind of grabbing everything in my immediate vcinity just so I’ve got it

Saves me numerous trips down here in the end M those two are fighting good old Lefty versus righty as you do thank you right I think that is most of what a Gastly I thought it was something that would that I just died having pancakes today you know what I haven’t had any pancakes um nti’s gone

To her sisters today um and they’ve been doing Pancakes there so I I don’t think I’ll be getting any pancakes um today which is weird for me cuz I’m normally big on Pancake Day I think we went out for food yesterday and I’ve honestly just felt full since then I had um we

Went to a place that does Japanese food and um I had that and rice and I just I honestly haven’t recovered oh oh we did the recipe I was wondering what that was doing wait out oh jeez did I get them yeah look like I did nice uh let’s go back

Upstairs oh what are there alls there see there grab some of this iron oh gold hello gold nice but yeah I I’ve not I I need to maybe have some pancakes I need to grab some dinner on the way in tonight as in like so I’ve got to go pick up NTI and

The girls from the train station later um so I reckon I’ll probably grab some from the shop at the same time as grabbing dinner and have a little treat oh ow uh okay here we are to be fair the gunpowder’s good in case I need to use

Any other create mod stuff as much as I don’t really need to kill creepers that much oh and theight yes no oh God I was about to say speaking of create I was about to say that I need on theight and all of a sudden it’s presented itself uh what can I

Drop like a spider eye I guess there you go thr a gap here nice let’s see if I oh I can breathe in water now I forgot about that right backpack what can I get rid of get rid of you get rid of a cutting board let’s sort you uh like wheat seeds

Gone bit of bread can chill put the tools away as well can I not put tools in there I can a I’ve not been using my fortune pickaxe this whole time like a stupid dumb Dum oh I could have gotten infinitely more Ores this whole time what’s wrong with me

D never mind get a bunch of andesite anyway that’s what we need at the minute am I not in water there oh I’m not for some reason uh I do need inventory space though let me just trash those what else can I trash to be honest there’s a lot a lot

Here I can Trash I’ll trash like a bit of iron a bit of zombie Flesh that’s regular Stone uh some and sight there we go platinum or ooh I don’t think I come across that that often actually uh gunpowder I’ll keep and it’s like keep I guess the Ragnarok bow can go into there there you go nice tell you what it’s weird cuz I swear the andesite

Looks different in the create mod I think it’s this mod pack is slightly changed how it looks not used to seeing it look this way nice Caro or not really heard of that before I don’t think tell you what I’ll do I’m I’ll put down a little note on this to see that

There’s a bunch of um and theight here where is it what’s the what’s the map icon again there you go Way Stone add and theight there you go nice sweet all right let’s go home nice right let’s start working on these quests then I

That’s what I want to do what I’ll do to begin with is I will drop everything out of here uh stop it is that what that Q is it’s a quick stack I did not know that’s what that was I thought it was Q for that’s my

Drop key today I learned today I learned dude you got your Pirates pin today really hope uh we get a pirates panel at twitchcon I guess what isn’t there submissions now for doing stuff isn’t isn’t it currently you have to submit for your panels and everything I thought that’s what it was

Was dropping all these ores Cobble Monon is the bottle M drop the balls in there right if I just organize that a teeny bit there we go nice Stones uh and de side I’ll throw in the create chest just because that’s nine times out of 10 where I’m going to use

It from isn’t it what I’ll do is I’ll get a lot of these ores out in a minute and cook them in the old cook them in the old FAS or the forge whatever it’s called there we go Cobble Monon Cobble Monon that chairs decoration pop you up

There you go into there got so much food to cook let’s have a look 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 that’s where I can put that for a minute there you go pop fly hat in there as well lovely Martin opinions on jolen skids

Joining hermitcraft I’m super stoked for them it was funny actually I it was really cute I I feel like I should have saved my first reaction to record it or whatever but I kind of didn’t realize what it was until I was watching it was um skis getting invited to hermitcraft

So literally if you didn’t know basically uh impen skis have got a podcast and they were recording an episode of it you know a couple months ago um I get the vibe it was like like November time something like that I guess um and basically um they had the cameras

Rolling and and then uh impulse was like we want you to join hermitcraft and then that that was the conversation um and it was just cool to see skz’s initial reaction I mean I love that skz’s initial reaction was why are you doing this whilst we’re on camera I want to

Swear I was like you know what valid absolutely valid like that’s that’s that’s totally you know what my response would somewhat be it’s quite funny uh drop that hat in there do this nice but yeah no it was a really cute clip but yeah I was and what’s funny

About that sorry the point I was going to get around to uh was that wait hold on a second I do store emeralds in there it’s just it is just full let me see if I can get uh compact upgrade um but yeah basically impulse was saying that he

Raided me so he said that he basically spoiled to chat not spoiled but told chat that like the next announcement tweet was going to be at I think 6:00 and then at 5:57 impulse raids me on Twitch which obviously not the normal time a day he would normally do that and everything

Like that so then you lot start freaking out thinking that oh impulse is right or his audience coming and goes so impulses raing Martin right like a few minutes before the announcement tweet and it just it just didn’t it didn’t read right did it it was it was just really funny I

Sort of commented on the uh the impin skar podcast episode sort of mentioning that at the time I I wasn’t aware of this whole new member in like 6 minutes or whatever it was um I think somebody told me like as they came in but I wish

I’d known and I would have kind of played up to it a bit more you know what I mean I’d have played up to it and night been like oh be back guys just got to write a tweet or something just to like really mess with people up until

The last available Moment Like up until the last second um I think that could have been quite funny but I I didn’t do that in the end unfortunately um let’s get a bunch of these nice haven’t checked out cobon are people liking it uh liking it more than you

More than you know what is is it blasphemy to say Pixelmon what’s what’s the problem with Pixelmon editing Pirates right now do you remember the random Freddy Fazbear jump scares what that’s him from Five Nights at Freddy’s or were there equivalents of it on Pirates I don’t know if I remember it on

Pirates oh in chat hello Mom hope you’re good uh let me just see let me see there you go right let me make a couple of these upgrades real quick we’ll get a row and I reckon we’ll make a column as well just to flesh this bad

Boy out for a second so we got that one and that one now we got loads more space this compact storage mod is so good I love it nice uh quick Qui pop these back into ingots where we can let’s do does ancient would I put ancient

Debris in there I would I put ancient debris in Ney stuff uh I’ll put it in here cuz it’s like something you smell and melt and it turns into something bigger when impul said that he wishes all his success with skizzers was so cute right yeah that was

That was a bit of a uh that was a bit of a tear jerker moment like it’s the thing is it’s one of those things right it’s skis isn’t underrated it’s just I don’t think he’s had as much exposure I think some people say that sometimes if somebody’s stream

Numbers are low they go oh you’re so underrated and it’s like no I don’t think you’re using that correctly underrated means that people are aware of you but they don’t appreciate what you do um you know what I mean like as in they see it on the surface and they

Don’t understand either how much work goes into something or being that funny or whatever else it may be but in in skis this case anybody who watches him loves him immediately falls in love with him how can you not um it’s it’s actually more so just skis hasn’t had the same

Exposure like it’s I think when skis finds you know when audiences find skis they immediately latch in and lock in they’re like oh right yeah I get it this guy’s great um yeah I’ve got a I’ve got a lot of time for skars to be honest all

The Hermits like they were a really really unique Bunch that’s the reason their series is so popular is because there’s a lot of you know there’s a lot of sincerity in the the content they make there’s not you there’s not too much in the way of egos or anything like

That it’s it’s it’s good it’s a very very very cool space uh I’ve got another mending book there don’t if I need it for anything though I still got this gyro I guess I can use this if I ever get in like a tight spot I just don’t

Know if I necessarily need it take this out pop you into there um right let me see boop boop always bring some wood with me buck a lava for funsies flint and steel I guess I’ll always bring with me in fact I’ll always bring some obsidian with me as well cuz

Why not you have to make a portal uh another mending book good the stream always use more subscribers or to be fair it would be good if I could we we need some kind of XP farm on This Server do you know who the biggest Chad guy

Is the second word if this message I cozy Pock kro Gunk oh cheeky cheeky they were saying it’s me they were saying I’m the biggest Chad guy uh let me just see real quick nothing in that backpack either cool got it sweet sweet sweet right let’s start knocking

Out these quests then let’s do it let’s uh get rid of that one Arrow oh it does that doesn’t it or it does that thing sweet all right cool create mod let’s look at these quests um we do have the Pokémon ones as well which I could do how many have I

Defeated 13 Pokémon let me see if I can find a Pokémon to defeat surely there’ll be some lowlevel ones around right Al I think they spawn kind of I know they don’t spawn relative to our level all right fair just quickly knock out two of Them let’s see um payback I guess we’ll do yeah there you go nice is there another little fell around here the chunk oh didn’t kill him he’s a strongly chunk there you go and that should whoa I jumped way higher than I expected there right so that’s that Quest completed we

Get another XP share bunch of ultra balls and then we got to defeat another 15 Pokémon I should probably start popping the XP shares on my Pokémon how many have I got now I swear I’ve got like at least three maybe four uh XP shares XP shares unless I’ve

Already popped them onto Pokémon but I feel like I hadn’t see but you scared the life out of me dude just I didn’t I didn’t expect to turn around and see him there uh how do I see a h item all right so oh it’s only Ivysaur that’s got

One how many quests have I done then defeat one Pokemon one one so that’s the first one that’s the second one oh okay so I do only have two for some reason I thought I had more let’s throw an XP share on I mean really I

Should be pulling out all of the dog Pokémon I want to use and going from there I mean Vulpix could definitely do with one Vulpix is a fox but whatever who cares uh yeah how does this work then is that I need to bring Vulpix out

And then right click on it with it no that’s not it so it must be done by the menu uh held item H how do you do it oh shift click ah there you go awesome thank you chat I know nothing I know nothing is there a way to make a Pokémon

Specific spawner like an alino chancy Blissey spawner would be an XP farm for Pokémon you know what I don’t know let’s have a look there’s monster spawner but it only shows us being like a natural spawning thing it’s not like the live Series where we can just put a bunch of

Iron bars in the square and away we go seems like that’s not a thing unless we find some good spawn eggs here just looking through here see if there’s anything of interest in the daily shop that would be a no I think yeah nothing in there I particularly want

Ni throw that in there right then uh let’s go back to create mod then keep saying I’m going to do create mod and then I don’t we’ll just try and knock out all the quests and make one of everything I think that would be nice cuz then once I’ve got one of everything

I’ll be able to make a lot of the Machinery in this game so we’ll start with a large Cog wheel so we need andesite alloy and all that sort of stuff so it’s andesite and two zinc right so um just do this to make life easier there’s zinc

Oh do I need to cook the zinc all right well if I do this I’m assuming this Forge will take this as well won’t it yeah he’s taking it nice what I will do is I will quickly throw this water here oh we did have a whole lava bed here but then obviously

Appos nuked it damn it is that my exeggutor oh it’s not oh it’s a it’s a whole it’s a whole another one I didn’t even realize my bad I guess let’s just fight one another let’s see how this goes I’ll try and catch it although I’m pretty certain I’m just throwing the balls

Away into my backpack Legend absolute Legend they look like they’re having the worst fight ever don’t they they’re like they’re really trying to step on each other’s toes what is this love Island I’ve come in here and I’ve got to step on some toes but you know what they

Say in this game I’m looking for love not for friendships my turn to there you go nice first a dog gym then a tree gym I’m down with that go on what you barely got any HP what did you do oh he koed it I wasn’t expecting

That I can’t do more than 9 9% HP it’s just got to work you are a fool it’s come on am I really going to waste all these Ultra Balls from the quest a second ago on not catching the exeggutor I can’t do any I don’t have a

Move do I do I have anything I could hypnosis isn’t that going to confuse him and then he hurt himself in the confusion what does it say egg bomb but missed uh hypnosis but it missed okay oh hypnosis asleep oh hell yeah then let’s do that yeah there we go it’s

Asleep no way they have asleep States oh my God they do I didn’t even realize that’s actually really cute I did not know they had sleep States is there a way to trigger those specifically like can you tell your Pokémon to sleep I’d love to see what

Some of them are nice that’s some good XP share there by by the way catch a dragon oh Teddy yes so you know I’ll go for it uh just do a couple paybacks on you reckon one more yeah 16% HP will do certain move heals your mons but uh

Makes them sleep so kind of yes okay nice cool got a little teddo Vulpix is leveled up as well yeah that XP share is working wonders what was going in here for lava that was it oh hearing me can we not buddy rather you didn’t uh we’re looking oh

Jeez oh no I tell you what I could do with I could do with getting a bunch of I could do with getting a bunch of this mil out the backpack let’s do that uh oh God please we go I’m just going to have to drink it

All watch a grown man drink milk in a video game someone just paid to do that P Gast a love that you’ve got a one piece username don’t see enough of those around these parts by the way subscribers watching uh a video on YouTube made by uh the library of Ohara

Uh or Arta which is his name which I don’t know if that’s Arthur and it’s pronounced that way or if it actually is arur it’s spelled without the H um I never knew if it was an accent thing or or like a the way he’s translated it cuz he’s very fluent in

Japanese but I don’t know if if Japanese is like his um I don’t know if Japan is like his kind of country of origin or whatever but basically he uploaded a video which is like the entire history of one piece so it’s basically all done in timeline chronological order

Including things that we only know tiny bits about so far which is like oh 500 years ago there was this mystical character and blah blah blah blah blah um so obviously a lot of the revelations might not hit quite as hard in terms of you know oh that character

Did this or this means that but yeah it’s it’s a whole video it’s like a 2hour video just a just a preface I just didn’t know whether people would want to watch that cuz I want to watch it just cuz I think it’d be cool to see some extra stuff uh that

I may not know or just stuff I’ve forgotten cuz I mean the series has been going for decades like it’s stuff that I’ve definitely forgotten at times and then anybody that wants to get into the series that might be a cool way for them to get a sense of quite how uh extensive

The lore is of it if people wanted that as like motivation if you will thinking thank you very much make a hose to fill and empty the backpack easier and you can drain the milk straight from the ho is that a thing a hose hose ply oh yeah traveler’s

Backpack traveler’s backpack hose nozzle gold and iron oh is it that one that you mean so we need oh we need a hose nozzle anyway that’s fine um so gold and was it iron as well yeah and then what was it I need a green dye did it say I’ve got a bunch

Of cacti which actually probably be growing shouldn’t I I should grow a bunch of this cacti oh boy who do I think I am green or scar nice got it uh yeah what else do I need I need did uh the hose nozzle which is this one which is iron iron gold bat

Got it and then the other thing I needed was lots of green dye okay yeah wait did I say purchase for 10 silver is it in the shop today purchas for 10 silver is it in the shop green dye green dye or is it just saying that it’s an

Option sometimes oh no no it is it’s there maybe I’ll do that actually cuz we got no other way of making green D at the moment halfway oh wait better end survives underwater green caria Chara or there tomato shrubs what else can I use ferns oh that would be a good

Reason to to do that cuz I’m pretty sure ferns are all over the game aren’t they Fern and large Fern and then you can just pop it into a sawmill is that called it it’s not s Mill is it Millstone that’s it h cool I tell you what I’ll use some of this

Silver for now to buy some um just buy some dye I’ll make two and I’ll buy two I I have to cook it don’t I God I’m an idiot so stupid grab some coal from here nice we’ll do that oh exeggutor recovered from fainting let me just heal you boys up hold

On we do need to finish the inside of this house first time catching one of your streams what’s going on dude welcome welcome welcome pretty Chill Vibes today actually I’ve not streamed in a couple days so this has been doing a little bit of catchup nice got it right so made two

Will buy to uh purchase two nice there we go do that oh I think I bought an extra one by mistake whoops oh no I need a oh no I only need four never mind mind right got it sweet and then what did you how does he how do

You use this I don’t want to use it and then suddenly Flo my base with Lava do I do I literally hold the hose no there’s a keybind for it okay let’s have a look uh controls category Travelers backpack uh toggle hose tank uh let’s do the I don’t know right control that do and what do I press also need to change hose mode on

To oh wait maybe I’ve done the wrong keybind just then hold on category traveler’s backpack hold on oh oh sorry hose mode toggle host oh wait so there’s a button for toggling the hose and then toggling the mode oh right I’ll put that on right control and I’ll put this on H for

Hose no what what what clashes with h in a minute ke H season Hood options now get rid right hose oh I see so that’s toggling between lava and milk lava and milk with you and then if I then do this one oh look wait wait hose drink hose suck hose

Spill oh no wait what happens if I tried to drink lava would it let me oh my God it lets you let me see what happens oh ow I didn’t think it would let me I really didn’t think it would let me just straight up drink lava all right good to

Know uh let’s see so we’ll go for milk I’m go like this and then what button was it again H oh wait spill mode so is it a case of this would replace the bucket for me so say if I was to use I was to press this and go to hose

Suck mode and go grab some water so can I bucket clutch with it is it does it work that quickly oh I need to go to uh spill mode okay ah interesting okay cool very cool okay so that that will mean I can go grab a bunch more lava way

Quicker which is pretty cool lava uh gives uh lava does give you speed and Mining fatigue when you drink it though oh did it well just felt like a very brief period was it very cool well good to know good to know I tell you what I’ll pop into The

Nether and go grab some I was not paying attention I was basically trying to reach my keymind for the hose so on hose suck mode there we go oh of course I drank milk yeah you’re right switch out all right now what is it then so that’s filled that side up okay and

Then suck mode again and then there am I on the right mode empty tank suck mode is there something in there oh there’s water in there sorry I tell you what I couldn’t read that visually for some reason some reason that didn’t read as being full full with water oh that was

Close all right cool I basically just wanted to grab a few bits of lava so that I’ve got some um some resources over here by my Forge this will do uh let’s see so get lava there I’m going to change you to spill mode oh yeah that’s actually super

Useful dude I’m down with that I like that lovely lovely lovely I do not want to do a lightning strike on anything I did wonder where my twin blade went then I got a bit worried Panic for a second really paniced oh bugger off go away trying to do some create mod

Dude maybe what I’ll do then is if I get rid of the bucket I can try using this for a bit um spill mode and then set it to water a little bit press the hose mode while holding your sword uh oh interesting that swaps between them

Ah okay cool I think that’s a key bind you guys were telling me about a long time ago and I just didn’t really listen to you I’m so sorry tell I’m going to sleep it’s getting hella of thundery no thank you wait how is Port gas the a a a 3mon

And a one month sub at the same time or is that telling me that they’ve just resubbed after a while and they previously sub for two months that would be my guess right then create mod he said for the 18th time what rewards have I got cool Pokémon

Candy fantastic let’s do that one get some XP for myself cuz why not actually that’s really good cuz I do need the XP for doing was it mending or was it there was something I wanted to do I tell you what I would like to I’d love

To pull Fortune off of this pickaxe and throw it onto this myth myth Ru one that’ be nice right Quest quest Quest main quests right I guess we just start in the middle right we just make a bunch of stuff so we need to make some andesite

Alloy and then we can make a bunch of other stuff after that so what I’ll do is I’m going to grab this here I’m just going to bring this inside just I’m not having to run back and forth constantly quickly turn that into a crafting table in fact would that work as the

Base just so I’ve got something here by the tables doesn’t look that great but it’s fine anyway uh and aite alloy have I got what I need for this so it’s a bunch of those isn’t it and I need to get a bunch of and theight from the create

Chest uh let’s make a bunch of alloy cool we got a stack I mean that should be a good start point right I’ll throw this all into here maybe I’ll finally pull these music discs out cuz I’m I’m not going to need them in here anything else that’s not

Create mod in here the Airship I’ll leave there that’s not a problem I will put you in tell you what I’ll make the upgrade for this what was it again for the upgrade compact storage that was it one of those and one of them nice uh which chest was it it was that

One want to put all these music discs in uh yeah cool nice can we make a shelf for the discs you have a crafting table in your backpack yeah but then I can’t to my knowledge I can’t utilize this slot so it’s saying that I don’t have a 3X3 or

At least hold on let me do something I could actually make right now um uh yeah I think even if I had the stuff I don’t think it would let me do it let me see if I had a chest would let me do it with the backpack window double

Check oh it does no way huh well the I learned it’s fine right then so we wanted to make a cog wheel to make that we needed to get what was it andesite alloy and that what was it oh a shaft that was it so two andesite alloy top and bottom all right

Um I’ll do those to begin with nice oh that’s actually a proper stack and I wanted to make a cog wheel we need loads of wood for that is it a plank City for that one um where is it Cog wheel nice cool we’ll just make one of

Everything to begin with I guess and then we’ll play the quest out from there so ticked off Bam Bam got that uh next thing would be a gearbox a gearbox is loads of little Cog wheels so it’s one plank one shaft I need four of

Those so uh where is it one plank one shaft uh do that 1 2 3 4 oh 1 2 3 four nice uh then what was it again I was making a gear box oh anite casing oh God yeah I forgot about that so i’ got anite allo in slot

One and I just need some logs to case up that’s already stripped so I’ll just do it with that there um nice got it it was you in the middle boop boop boop boop nice cool what I’ll do is I’ll just keep making these things then just drop

Straight into um straight into there I’ll try and dect the inventory just the teest bit something dying outside don’t know what it is long as it ain’t me I don’t care um cool what I’ll do for a moment actually is nothing cuz I don’t have the space

For that nice right let’s have a look Quest that’s that one done just get a ton of XP out of this as well so that’ll be good for try get some more enchantments going what’s this one gear shift right and theide Cog wheel and Redstone Dust all right Redstone where you at redstone

Dust and we’ll do one fact let me make those into planks first uh where’s the other andite Cas in that I had was uh was it gear shift I was making here um got it sweet what’s next grab the rewards uh a radial chassis what’s that three logs two and

Theight alloy cool can do I don’t know if I actually have just any regular old logs does like I do let me go grab some maybe put men on your pickaxe and get it mended through the quests oh yeah would that be a thing it would actually so it

Delivers the XP doesn’t it and that could repair my stuff why are you so smart you’re so smart very good chat let me do that real quick I think I’ve still got The Mending books on my person I got a mending book on my person um boom boom efficiency 4 Unbreaking three we

Want to pull Fortune over to it when we get a chance but um yeah what I’ll do is I’ll put it in my off hand just so I always know that I’ve got got it to hand if that makes sense pop you in there for

Now let me see uh what was the next Quest quests so Cog Wheels done nice shaft done gearbox done uh it was in chassis wasn’t it or chassis chassis chassis I don’t know how you pronounce it there one of those lovely easy peasy what’s the next quest uh next one would be adjustable

Chain gear shift electron tube right we are going to need to do some machinery for that one I guess I’ll try and make everything that doesn’t require anything electron tubby and stuff I think a lot of this will Precision mechanism needs an entire line that needs another electron

Tube this can make I think a l chassis yeah so it’s just the same again uh a line you want nice and this music’s going for it what’s next secondary linear so how do you do that you just put a linear one in and it it converts it right with

You secondary linear gotcha don’t know what it does but but I’m sure we’ll find that one day for now it’s easy XP see uh so they all required stuff that I don’t have same with that one what we looking over here train casing I didn’t realize there was trains

In this or maybe I did wasn’t flip going to make trains on new life I SAR that that’s what I made my Outpost for and stuff ooh we got here oh superg glue that is Iron Sheet slime balls and iron nuggets maybe I should set up a bit of Machinery

Re going to make a factory for all of this what do you reckon reckon I just straight up set up a factory I mean I could always make it downstairs in my base it’s just that it tends to be quite loud is the only issue maybe I can make it somewhere else

Guess I wouldn’t want to put it too far away may maybe if I build a factory like here I won’t build a factory factory for now it will all just literally just be out in the open it’s not going to be glamorous just going to be functional to begin with oh

Oh nice got it what about the cavern under your base would it would be far enough to not hear it I mean I also don’t want it to be difficult to get to either I don’t want it near my house so I don’t have to hear it all the time but equally Um I want it to be quick to get to I want to be able to just like jump off my balcony do a quick Glide and I’m there you know what I mean maybe what I’ll do with this is I’ll change the the tunnel mode to mining tunnel I guess large

Tunnel that work just for like flattening the area out uh if I put this and do that just to flatten as much of this out as possible the reason I’m putting this block higher up is cuz it takes the source block and builds a tunnel outward

From it cuz if I do it too low then it will start going into the floor would be the issue uh so therez it’s basically doing a three by three at the moment it’s quite a simple way of leveling the uh the world isn’t

It does it take wood when it does it no it only takes that that’s pretty cool nice it don’t off gobble up some bloody XP uh some saturation though does it and to be fair some durability on the tool as well quickly going to bed I mean this could even be where we

Build this Factory now and do all this stuff this could even be the basis or the location for our gym I do feel like maybe the gym should be in its own its own biome its own space you know what I mean I think this will be good enough for our

Needs oh oh is that still doing tunnel whoops uh shapeless got it right lovely oh that really dog a bloody tunnel there didn’t it Jesus a chunk can we Not there we go so we got it mostly flattened out it’s pretty good this grass will spread eventually I’ll help it out a little bit just by filling in some of these gaps generally this should do the trick kind of forgot that I’ve got uh Sil touch on my shovel which means

That’s why we’re getting all these grass blocks I’ll fill this in just enough so nothing spawns in here be right B otherwise I don’t know what I’ve done [Applause] there nice first time catching the Martin stream thank you very much uh narathan for the the two bucks H that works good enough my

Dude hey hello do you like grass blocks on top of grass blocks looks good right looks good looks great I’ll leave that one has is [Applause] right there we go we got a nice big open space here we can continue pushing it outwards if and when we need

To nice cool we got plenty of space here so Machinery rise uh what are we doing what are we doing break those two actually nice got it um so machiner wise what are we up to I guess I guess we need to press I’m just trying to

Remember how you bloody do all the um try remember how you do all the stuff as in how you make like the fastest wheels and everything I know that we need a wheel like an actual uh water wheel water wheel tends to be the quickest way right uh water wheel water wheel water

Wheel water wheel there’s water wheel and large water wheel there a difference that’s planks around a water wheel and then there’s this bad boy here I mean I guess I’ve got to make that one anyway as the basis I can try and make a large water

Wheel why not s it I’ve never made one before I don’t think how big’s this thing oh it’s very large very large indeed I guess really what I need is running water sources trying to remember how we did this before how do you make a a nice efficient

One guess if I maybe if I worry about making the Press first that create press we need to make a uh we need to make a Anvil or whatever it is this is the version of create that was released in the middle of New Life

Yeah so I’ve a lot of the stuff here I’ve not seen before some of this stuff is like super duper new to me and I I feel like I only somewhat scratched the surface of what create can do even in in New Life I built kind of like one of

Every machine which is kind of what I’ll repeat here but um there’s certainly a lot that I’m unfamiliar with uh what do I need from here I need need some iron to make a block of iron can’t remember what else I was coming here for how do you make the is

It is it an anvil what’s it called Depo that’s the word yeah Depo God I’m surprised they got That Uh and oh no alloy gotch you nice cool Depo um sweet so we need a depo and then we need a press so the Press requires at create press the press needs caging block of iron and a shaft okay so make another block of iron got some shafts on me oh

I’ve got a spare block of iron for some reason oops uh I need one more casing not You where is andte Cas in got it uh need you bam bam bam got it cool we got the Press then we’re probably going to need a bunch of Gears as well is that my Vulpix a wild one oh tell you what do I have n yeah let me

Just check the box probably going to despawn by the time I turn around but we’ll have a look level 10 I do have a Ninetails but it’s only level 25 I can try capturing that where’s it gone hello Vulpix uh what are you going to fight I’ll give you an onyx

To fight I guess Seven Levels lower than you but see what it can do rock tomb surely that’s going to do some damage ooh 49% I’m going to try it 2% can’t ask for anything better than that that’s ideal let Go yes well that one is definitely going to become the Ninetails of our party so that’s exciting in the new version of create water wheel creates maximum stress units with any amount of flowing water oh in interesting was it just they realized that people weren’t enjoying having to

Make crazy amounts of uh of stuff tell you what I do need I need a wrench that was it I was trying to think of the word I need gold sheets to make a wrench which is why we’re making the press all right good um so we’ve got

The Press already so that’s fine I guess let’s wi down this water wheel then oh let me see it’s cool that it shows you the the floor space that it needs nice there we go uh look directly upwards nice right so then if I use my

Oh if I do the block placement thing is it place a oh maybe not oh I don’t know is it I need to put a block there and then empty this out maybe TR remember how it’s done wasn’t it done with wasn’t it you’d you’d have flowing water so you’d put like that

There where’s my hose I have water yeah I do spill mode all right cool so you put that there and you put the water wheel trying to get the placement so do you have to you have to do it differently for the large one is it only

The small one you can make it rotate in a circle on that sort of plane it is a bigger wheel than normal I just didn’t know how how large the water flow had to be onx oh you go buddy let’s try again so yeah do that and then let’s try that from here

Al I don’t know is that even going to work I me that seems to work the water doesn’t even get all the way around here what about if I do this and then do even more water no it doesn’t seem to get any quicker okay but you were saying that this

Works at maximum stress or whatever any water’s full speed cool I like that then um and then is it you do shafts out there don’t you trying to remind myself how to do this I’ll go grab the uh gear boxes things like that uh let’s

See oh we already have a wrench oh cool have to worry about that then we need the gear box maybe a large Cog I don’t know that’s that oh I came back to get the gear box and what else was it oh there we can put pop the goggles on why not

Nice gotcha uh all right let’s pop down the uh let’s pop down the depot and the Press like so use the wrench here oh that just destroys it immediately I forgot about that that’s better I wanted to do it that way I was just trying to remember

How this all works works work how no W are gone God I really can’t remember how this all works I guess I know guess if I just pop a gear box there that’s fine the gear box just there nice uh wrench there you go so is that now operating at Max

Speed I pop down what was it I needed for the what was I making for the quest Quest I wanted to make say this for example I needed for the electron tube I needed iron sheets I just get some iron ingots oh that’s slow as hell hold on hold on unbelievably

Slow oh it just me or the visual is flickering okay you need to turn up the RPM with cogs oh God I have to do all that again don’t I all right hold on just pick this stuff up my I my inventory for give me a second I need to remember how

To do all of this let me make a few Cog Wheels uh make five of each 1 2 3 4 5 right cool got it uh where’s the little ones where are the small ones where’s the little ones I made oh did I turn them into big ones oh yeah yeah okay

Gotcha 1 2 3 four 5 nice cool right then let’s see what we got uh I just can’t remember how to do this 32 so is there a little infographic anywhere chat of how to how to get the speeds going super duper quick try remember my how to do

It uh swear it was Like just can’t remember for the life of me what it was just trying to figure out how I’m going to link them here I know it’s I know it’s not doing all big ones I’m just trying to think of how I’m going to position this stuff

Okay every big gear to small is a bit faster okay R myself out to do this so big big to but when you say big to small you mean that’s in like on this angle yeah cuz none of them seem to be going any quicker is the only issue also this

Light flickering is really hurting my eyes um just quickly sleeping that put a shaft on top of the small and then a big on that shaft okay let me do that real quick hold On so it was what was it uh shaft on top of the small and big on top of the shaft nice and then uh that’s not going to connect though is it got to think of how to lead that there might be better to have the water wheel vertical against the wall instead

Of put on the floor yeah maybe I don’t mind giv that try what suck mode am I on oh is that not doing it I thought right control was suck mode H changes then oh there yeah for some reason it wasn’t working before suck mode uh there go spill mode uh okay water wall that way then or water wheel sorry going that way oh let me follow this out of bit put it on this wall here H

Up then where is it do you put it just there Jesus I just flatten this area out sure that works for me and then is it small then then going be a shaft and big and small one I guess that seems a bit quicker question mark exclamation

Mark more I need to figure out the placements big adjacent small another big shaft another adjacent small so big adjacent small oh I didn’t like that do you mean is that what you mean oh I can see a slight speed up on that one compared to those ones I guess I shaft

Gearbox shating gearbox will that do the trick guess I just need to in fact if I just put the Press there on there can’t I just put that there now yeah there you go is that still going to be slow though it’s just so slow it’s at 128 how

Did flip get like a super duper fast one before I remember flip having like a mega fast one it just go wham wham wham wham keep stacking more cogs oh bloody hell right hold on all right so from there what do I do is I then put

A big one on the face of it is it yeah and then big one and Tiny Boy on you oh wait does that not work okay that’s going hella quick now jeez 512 I mean that sounds pretty quick right okay yeah cool it’s a lot of work isn’t it try not to overstress it that’s fine isn’t it that’s 512 and that’s 512 is it a case if I if I gone another level then it would have then capped out I think I’ve just gotten

Lucky there and not capped it out too hard cool nice nice nice uh what were we making how do you make the rose gold again it was quartz and oh you need the Sandpaper God yeah I forgot about the Sandpaper where’s the Sandpaper uh paper sand is it sand space paper it is

Yeah Diamond grit sandpaper is there a difference oh you can just turn paper into Diamond great sandpaper what or you can do red sand or you can do that what’s the difference between them see paper would be in here we just put that into there oh do you need some kind of

Tool what does it do H more durability maybe not sure it doesn’t seem to be appearing I won I won’t risk it for now if we think it might be something that could potentially be scuffed I’m just not even going to bother there you go sandpaper and then what was it again I

Needed rose quartz polished rose quartz is one quartz and a bunch of redstone dust cool quartz quartz quartz there’s quartz put any wood away into there for now then Redstone Dust uh was it quartz rose quartz there we go nice and then it’s you have to off

Hand that put that one there and then you just rub them together you get polish rose quartz sick some of it coming back to me Iron Sheet electron tube Gotcha what am I making adjustable chain gear shift uh encased so that’s andite casing in three nuggets got you Uh not stri out log oh this is zincing that’s why it’s not alloy silly let’s go through the recipe tree backwards nice nice another Quest done rewards oh that is not what I thought it was there you go that’s what I wanted one at the

Top nice oh we got the ones for the water wheel as well sick nice oh we’re just picking up random ones over here as well that I hadn’t even noticed anything else extra we’ve picked up no all good uh let’s go for the sequence gear shift uh brass casing right now to make

Brass it was brass and Brass is made with the oh God the blaze thing oh yeah we need to get a blaze burner Christ I forgot about that hold on uh Blaze burner need an empty Blaze burner four iron sheets and one piece of Netherrack easy easy my

Dude uh say easy I thought I had more Netherrack than that I only one don’t I yeah uh got the sheets as well got it right let’s go grab a blaze roll quick there’s often one just shooting at me randomly when I log into this bloody nether

Anyway oh yeah the forge might do it you can make brass in your Forge oh really oh well I’ll do this anyway cuz it’s probably part of some kind of tree isn’t it that I need to do anyway is there a a little man in there there was a little

Fella there’s my pickaxe there it is aha easy to fail oh there’s a portal right there uh are there blazes knocking around here have a fly around I tell you what there’s normally Blazers over here right about here somewhere there any knocking them out today or No o couple wither scals we get a torch out I must have searched this chest right yeah thought I had m no Blazers here I’m really surprised there’s no Blazers I don’t think I’ve disabled a spawner unless somebody else is disabled a spawner potentially there are a few places around here

Regardless so we’ll be able to go to another another Fortress checking the corridors up here oh that’s dead end not the result one hoped for see the map where were the other ones uh there’s that place over there why does that look like the thing from

Tesh’s Castle you know when you run in and that you got to try and get out the other end without falling over it into one the water outside or two meeting the the fellas that were in there that would put all this like ink on your

Face I love that show looks brutal I definitely break something going on it but it would be fun there’s a blaze hello friend got you thank you boys oh I’m out of saturation I can just do slash home easy peasy nice all right so we got

That lovely right then um what was I making here oh we were doing the whole brass thing but let’s see how we can do brass in the Forge just cuz people said I can do that so how do you create brass uh brass brass Ingot you need raw copper and raw zinc

Okay I bet as the kids say we should put some stuff in here real quick uh just trash a few things so we need copper and zinc which Is zinc I got zinc no I’ve got no raw zinc apparently oh is that cuz I actually did all my zinc oops I think I cooked all the zinc cuz I was so worried about making undersight ingots yes I may have done that buer it was that that was what it was

Right looking for brass let’s see brass brass brass so doing it via the forge yeah damn it also oh that that is my fortune pick we’re good we’re good I want to go was it this way I swear maybe it’s by Timmy’s house I’m thinking of

I be able to do it with ingots check the second page uh oh you can all right never mind I’m good I didn’t realize there was the second page to to look at that’s I just need a copper ingots and I put them in my inventory sorry

Zings there you go nice cool oh God no not that many yeah cool I keep for getting how good the forge is it gives us loads beautiful house build by the way thank you very much very proud of it it is basically styled after like generic Pokémon starting town houses but I do

Like it sweet got it right we got the brass uh what was the brass for making it was for Mak taking the sequence gear shift that was it oh that was it brass casing so I need a log I thought it was a Pokémon Then R sweet I know there’s a a zombie coming but he can wait electron tube didn’t I just make one of those is it my backpack did I use the electron tube for something else I probably did I can make another one that’s fine Rose where was it what was the quartz

Thing was it quartz there Redstone and quartz Redstone check quartz check oh it’s fine nice got it the kick in this song really reminds me of the sweet dreams are made of these who am I to disagree oh C wheel bloody H would have thought I need a cog wheel at this

Point nice another Quest Done just going to keep chucking the one of everything in here maybe oh no gear shift can stay as well that’s fine nice what’s the next one do I get a big reward for completing all of these by the way oh no that just opens up the tree that’s fine display

Bard is another one of those all right I know the recipe now might just make a couple yeah let’s just make two for Now sweet uh still in my off hand nice got it right let’s do rose quartz is there uh what was I making spay board oh electron tube I still need I think another a metal sheet which I did leave Iron Sheet back there where’s the Iron Sheet that I

Dropped have I picked it up since yeah I have that one there I got nice what’s next next one is this one oh the rotational speed controller this is actually sick I do like the rotational speed controller I do have to make a conveyor belt for this though that might

Take a hot minute um what about this one oh that that’ll be quick enough to make redstone comparator actually need some smooth Stone by the looks of it think I’ve got some smooth Stone in the base get this chest if anywhere yeah there’s some smoo Stone um do it that way

Threshold Redstone oh Redstone torches I need get so messy when I’m crafting lots of stuff in Rapid succession every time nice uh we need another one of those what was the other thing I needed oh brass casing easy peasy where’s my brass got it there’s another one done uh Mob drops that

One can we check what the conveyor needs I think it might just need kelp uh yes let me check belt mechanical belt is just dried kelp yeah and you can just dry it out using the fan the fan is actually really cool I might make a fan real quick cuz I do

Like the fan it’s a good bit of kit create fan uh that one there so we need that we need a propeller which is four iron sheets and some andesite Alloys I make need to make some more iron sheets I think let’s get a bunch of sheets on to here uh yeah I’ll

Do thank you sir yeah I love how fast this is look at it go look at it go dude they’re just a bit annoying to make the three hand boys yeah oh God no don’t put my runic twin blade on there Jesus I don’t want that getting squished oh my God

No uh what else do I need propeller is that one thank you and an andesite case in as well see what I’ll do I thought I was going to be quick about this think I am it’s fine I can definitely automate this Pro later on but it’s not necessary for now

Sweet cool there’s the fan then we can pop the fan down with a bit of fire get some Netherrack which I might have on my person no I don’t just trying to think of where I get kelp from I mean I know what biome it spawns in got most biomes uh accessible now

Steel nice I think that I think you can put that there right and then you can just put you can then set this on fire or was it like that was it was it you put a shaft here and then it can’t go past it or something what else can use the fan

For um try remember what else you can put but now for the fan even if I did like food or something do I have any raw meat yes I do sorry bud is that it oh it’s not hooked up of course it’s not I’m an idiot I’m pretty

Certain you can do that or you can at least place a Depot it’s something like that uh pop that in there nice cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool uh fire water soulfire lava can be used with a fan you can use lava lava is a blaster water’s washing Soul fire is

Haunting scary very scary right cashing these quests nice that’s that one guess I’ll just do the collector some of them don’t seem to work on collector though nice oh it never made the glue what was the glue again oh iron sheets yeah of course it was that was the whole reason

We did that in the first place pretty sure I’ve got some slime balls the on the mob drops me thinks yeah blue super glue nice pop the super glue away for now ni what else is on this lower reach oh the windmill sale yeah yeah yeah right get the XP as well windmill

Bearing what do we need infested all right okay you can just take regular stone slab and a shaft all right cool um what’s it called bearing we more bearing what am I missing tough Stone I’ve got stand in my inventory haven’t I yeah TR up oh missing a slab go that do

It sweet that’s that one done we are knocking out so many quests here steam engine is that new I feel like I don’t recognize the steam engine block of copper and theide alloy in a golden sheet tell you what let me grab some gold real quick some gold here Nice it is nice that I’m I’m at a point now with this mod pack where I feel like I’ve got a lot of everything you know what I mean kind of whatever my whatever my direction is that I want to go in I feel as though I have like at least like the

Preliminary resources to kind of start that momentum towards making things you know what I mean which is pretty cool uh boop boop steam engine hello friend oh block of copper I got copper ingots on me or at least enough of them no a minute I’ll cook this copper real

Quick get a bunch out of it steam engines are new as of 5.0 so what do they do then are they a more compact way of getting power into machines or something like that and is it you just fill it up with lava similar to the forge or something like

That or is it something completely different can turn water into rotation o what was I making again uh steam engine that was it oh no lock of copper first look oh it was there so what do you do link it up to the water it need to be heated by Blaze burners um

Okay old W to ponder yeah I forgot about the Ponder tool actually so you place that down you pop a tube into it so what’s that there steam engines ooh this all looks cool you put Flames underneath It they will generate rotational Force minimal uh setup requires four fluid tanks okay then you put the blaze burners underneath it so the blaze burners make it run hotter then waa look at that higher power levels require water size and heat the boiler’s current power level can be inspected with the goggles

Inspect uh insect goggles no way with each add of power level an additional engine can outpull at full capacity cool Jesus Christ that’s massive wow at that damnn well that looks pretty bloody cool so what’s this thing’s job then the steam engine is is that the rotational

Arm that I was seeing on that thing I guess it must have been right what’s the last one for this one windmill sail uh sticks andite alloy and wool pretty sure I’ve got wool uh sticks I’ve got I might even be able to make that right

Away what am I missing oh sticks could have sworn I had sticks oh I’ve got Twigs not sticks BL H uhop boop boop boop got it that’s another one done another Quest completed lovely sick okay damn tank stuff look really cool I’d like to try that cuz I’ve not even

Done that previously when I played create that that would be brand brand new to me that’d be really cool what else we got train casing I’ll worry about the train stuff later let’s just try keep continue ticking off boxes here portable energy interface a copper spool need copper wire which is copper

Sheets going into rolling into a Rolling Mill not made one of those before but we need Iron Sheet shafts and theight case and andite alloy let’s do that one um what was it called again rolling was it that was it what am I missing currently I can just make it straight up already

Damn so I just can’t place this down can I that’s a shame just kind of stuck in my inventory I can just line up these machines just so I have them placed here so I can have a look at them all what’s this song called This song is

Called The Atheist by Trek one t spell T R3 k k space o n e there are uh what was next was the request to make that a second ago I think it was oh it was it was part of this wasn’t it oh no no no

It was to make I was making the spools so I can make those nice I make it empty spools then the next thing was what was I looking at oh it was the portable thing wasn’t it a shoot uh can I make that make a shoot don’t need oh some more iron

Sheets I got you iron ingots slap that half how many do I need for the shoot just two oh shoot check b b just brass case in there oh no I need to make some some of this so you put copper sheets into to The Rolling by the looks of

It how many CPP to put in there I do does it need power this thing doesn’t look like it does it looks like it just exists I’m not sure how you power it how how let me look at it I’ll ponder it there it is right so you power it up

Oh no you do power it from the side okay fair I can do that let me just go to sleep real quick see Power from side on it just didn’t it just wasn’t Apparent at a glance was it just check my phone check NY and the girls getting on okay I haven’t heard

From them yet so I’m assuming they’re all all right daytime by the way chat uh as a reminder what day are we on today we on Tuesday so there’s no wiggle Wednesday this week but I think we’re doing something on Thursday with the wiggle crew just so you’re aware

Um I will quickly for now Chuck some stuff in here just going to grab you real quick up uh going pop you and this thing doesn’t have to be fast right to be honest that’ll be fine so how do I feed into it a look Hond again wiggle Thursday as it St yeah

That’s it it’s wday wait what did that say sorry go back go back go back go back go back that say drop them on oh I see you drop it on and it spits it out two copper wires and then how do I grab them do I right click on it ah yeah

Look at that what happens if I drop numerous on will take all of them okay cool so I’m assuming you can yeah like you were saying you can just do uh you can probably convey a belt to it it looks as though it works just fine doing this nice and one

More lovely lovely got what we need got what we need right let’s see this one here this one here that one there Bam Bam Bam do it again so now we can make one of these oh brass casing sorry friend forgot about brass there’s my brass there’s my logs gotcha there’s another

One making all sorts of stuff check in a few more of these random things I’ll keep the case out anything that’s create mod I do that and then double click does it show me everything that’s create it does lovely I rate that nice just quickly check the quest

Log sweet what’s the next thing a redstone contact we need just some Cobblestone to make that it’ just be nice taking everything everything off the list it’s quite satisfying if I’m honest sweet put that one away some may see it as a waste of resources I see it as an easy XP grind

Cuz I’m almost at level 50 from all of this an accumulator waa that looks a bit complex a copper Rod which is just a copper Ingot going into the rolling easy peasy what else do we need brass casing a gold wire just a gold sheet going in there easy a

Capacitor also very easy sick a digital adapter whoa what’s that seemingly no recipe for a digital adapter Clic to view recipes just exists I guess analog lever and aight casing and a stick sure oh I think I already had some andesite casing whoops uh and case in Stick there you

Go shoot is normally how you drop stuff into machines I mean to be fair if I was using if I’m doing a lot of stuff in the future with um uh like the the rolling and stuff like that I would definitely do that 100% sort and sort

Yeah right uh just quick CH some food in there there a lot stuff I don’t need like a second arrows can go in there excuse me behind you what’s behind me a murderer in the house uh let’s see what was I doing next what’s this connector I’m not seen

One of those before I tell you what let’s get some copper ingots and lob them into the um into the shoot thing it looks like a couple of things require copper rods here so we’ll make a bunch of them just real quick copper Rod or copper ingots even

Oh that how you make a copper rod copper Rod copper ringer into the rolling no where are those shoots maybe now’s the time to use the shoot items move downwards yeah cool H interesting don’t know why they wouldn’t pass into there like the previous ones had that is rotating but

It’s not telling me that it’s doing anything with the items but those are still inside of there what’s changed Rolling Mill oh wait is this this definitely is this called The Rolling Mill or is it called the roller maybe that’s the problem oh it’s called The Rolling Mill what’s wrong with my copper ingots why don’t you like them copper inot maybe it’s full I mean I’m left clicking and right clicking nothing’s coming from it oh now it’s doing it what there’s no you know what it’s fine it’s doing it just fine chat we’re good

We’re all right we’re all right the link controller oh have they updated anything about how the the wireless Redstone stuff works cuz I really like that before like I really really liked it thank you oh it makes two for the recipe lovely what else required digital adapter that one was the weird one

Wasn’t it uh mechanical Co piston what do you need a piston extension pole sure make some of those where was it mechanical piston Nice the wireless Redstone in crate is great perfect for newb friendly piston doors that I can understand I used it in New Life to to a great effect in my opinion I made an entire entrance to my base that was basically an enormous fridge freezer

Which I was very proud of I thought it looked really cool very chuff with myself all right Quest then bam bam bam bam we’re getting there I tell you what we’ve ticked off entire Central column and we’re getting loads of stuff here done like the millstone and stuff that’ll be easy enough to

Make oh info does not exist on server did that say mechanical drill classic classic I’ll be able to knock off some of these ones down here with these actually I didn’t even think about that mixer yeah go on them we need a whisk sure and we can make the

Mixer what else can we make milstone go on then what do I need one Cog wheel look at this who needs an XP farm when you’ve got quests uh mechanical sword on them what do I need I’ve actually run out of manite casing no way didn’t think that would happen anytime soon uhop

Boop where is theight way there it is s nice what else we got uh a nozzle nozzle one wool and four andesite alloy got any wool I put one in the color chest I did make a nozzle real quick sweet what’s next Basin sure make a basin easy mechanical plow sure

Easy that almost accidentally made eight of them crushing wheel oh see I’ve not used this before this is something I would like let’s try the mechanical crafting that’s something I never got around to doing before uh need another andite casing uh oh oh whoops oh I wait I did I oh I

Think I sanded the wood didn’t realized I completely forgot that was in my off hand wait was it so can’t make it a crushing wheel Harvester sure we can make just about anything on this bottom right corner deployer electron tube and a brass hand need some brass

Sheets I have any brass sheets no apparently not oh we go I always struggle to get off that first bit ow that looks silly of all my friends uh let me unconnect and disconnect you nice so it was you then you gotcha back down all the brass this is going to be

Good so you what in fact let me try the acceptor rewards thing here it’s not working it’s fine I think it takes one of the rewards like the XP but not necessarily the rest it’s kind of nice it’s giving me back some uh materials maybe that’s why it feels like

I’m not bloody running out radiant casing block Loot drop what did I need for the deployer as well electron tube rose quartz uh I still got sandpaper do I still have the stuff to make rose quartz I doubt I’ve put the quartz away have I no I haven’t nice

WL it oh there goes the Sandpaper I was kind of expecting that anyway it’s fine deployer bam electron tube Bam Bam Bam deployer deployer need that brass hand next which is going to be thanks to these BR hand I need a few of these actually uh cuz I need to make the the

Line for making the uh what’s it called the timer what’s it called Precision something but for now I will just make this to get the quest done perfect and anything else that I want to make right now Shadow casing neither of those have a recipe they just seem to be of

Something else but I’m not sure how you come across those and then we’ve just got this one here which is the crushing wheel which again is only made with the mechanical crafting which is all a separate thing so I think that’s pretty good look how much of the create stuff

We’ve kicked out and that’s not even using the whole stream that was we kind of decided to do that in kind of the last 45 minutes or so I next time we come on we make one of everything else and we just we just keep going with it

Then once we’ve got one of everything we should be able to make most Machinery or at least have the initial building blocks of them and we just make stuff as and when it’s necessary you know what I mean it’s pretty good and push in anything that is create and

Pull out anything that is not oh uh that one there as well you and you anything in my backpack Bally everything create goes into there Bam Bam definitely pull out all of these and just turn them back into um turn them back into ingots just to save some space Oh Oh Boy

Nice gotcha and is that chest we’ll probably expand this chest as well before we go just cuz as you can see it is basically at capacity so get some of that get some iron nuggets oh I already had a bunch of iron nuggets let’s do a compact expansion two ways I think one

Two uh one two the oh oh God no sort that bad boy nice dude good stuff got any tips on building the mega base Martin uh I have never built a mega base so that’s I I genuinely have no no tips for you I wouldn’t even consider the col

House a mega base a mega base to me almost like I would imagine it being like a citadel or you know something something incredibly sizable um but I’ve genuinely never made one unfortunately so there you go where the hell did I pull a Mason table from guess I can go in

There right there we go all done happy with that progress that’s bloody goggles look at them look how stupid they look they they make my face Go pass through what’s that about that’s so weird that’s so weird anyway right we’re done thank you very much for watching Everybody much love I’ll be back

Tomorrow not entirely sure what we’re doing tomorrow maybe some more BCG on Thursday we’re going to be doing some uh wiggle Thursday and then I’m going to be away on Friday Saturday Sunday away for dra’s birthday and I’ll be back Monday of next week um and yeah that’s kind of my plans

For the next week or so I’m going to try and finish up a Pirates episode tomorrow to go out tomorrow so long as I’ve got the thumbnail from Cherry um and then hopefully I will finish the edit of the other Pirates episode which is the finale like the actual final episode and

That will go out at some point over the weekend so you’ll probably get an episode of pirates tomorrow fingers crossed and then another one on Saturday or Sunday and then that will be that series concluded on YouTube and then we have to actually sit down and have a

Hard look at ourselves and figure out what it is we’re going to do with our lives but I don’t know I’ll figure it out I’m sure it’ll be fine right cheers watching on YouTube bye- bye-bye by

This video, titled ‘🔴 CREATING OUR GYM – Minecraft BCG SMP #18’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood aka Martyn on 2024-02-13 20:09:42. It has garnered 3344 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:17 or 9017 seconds.

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    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe โœ“ Like โœ“… Read More