Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!

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[Music] D happy little Minecraft music in the morning greetings everyone this is Winnie wle welcome back to the steampunk mod pack today we’re in front of the bunny house because the first thing I want to do is feed the rabbits we actually have other bigger things to do today and that is we need to go after the Wither boss I’m not really looking forward to it cuz I think it’s a little bit beefier than it normally is because of the bygone Nether and I’m a little nervous maybe possibly so I’ve prepared a space in the roof of the nether so we can hopefully maybe cheese it a little bit just cuz I’m like that uh let’s see what’s on our too list do we have milk we’re going to get some milk because Farmers Delight lets us put milk in bottles that stack that should help a little bit with the Wither effect I also need to make some more apples just in case we might even spend one of our Notch apples don’t know then we’re going to go fight the Wither like you do and I also have in my pocket check this out a Minecraft Pillager it’s the guy with the flag I stumbled across him when I was flying around yesterday and um I decided to put him in my pocket so we could trigger a raid wherever we wanted mm I don’t know that I’ll be able to stack up a bunch of bat Omen but uh at least we’ll get one raid and hopefully an evoker and hopefully the eye and maybe the thing from the witches that drops that we can make the other eye and then maybe the rabbits will breed and we’ll get a foot and that’ll be a third eye and then we only have three to go yeah we have ways we have other stuff to do too by the way okay while I’m contemplating our redonkulous to-do list let’s um pull chat out where I can see it that would be good that’s thing pop out come to me good morning sweetheart how are you D happy Wednesday okay I also need to close all this other stuff and put my mic so I can see it and y’all get the privilege of my little Shenanigans every morning it’s like settling in with Winnie in the morning I have my tea it’s lovely little Earl Gray might have been steeping a little too long I’ve been on a computer for more than an hour because it took me a long time to find the actual configuration of Bedrock we need in the nether roof mhm it’s not easy okay let’s feed the bunnies while we’re down here uh did bring carrots yes let’s put some on my offand so they’re calm to begin with hi rabitos what’s up babies look I have prizes for you let’s have some more brown bunnies maybe good got to get the Jean Pool a little expanded here oh putting grass in here might have been not the best idea can we get you is there any anybody else that needs oh we can make you grow up faster that’s it we’ll have a rabbit Massacre later you know a controlled culling of the troops in the hunt for the leg I hear you zombie pigman sneaking out of the portal really okay when are youall going to grow up I can’t see you because of this grass there we go 163 seconds about you you’re 246 can I give you more well there we go under a minute I love it am I going to run out of carrots yes potentially they’re riveted or are they rabbited good morning chibby how are you doing today you’re just popping in for a minute a that’s so sweet thank you so much for leaving it playing okay no spoilers you’ll get there eventually oh 5 Seconds we’re going to get one more bunny out of your group oh there he is and how long do you have 8 seconds we’ll wait till you grow up possibly maybe three two one poof there’s one there’s one unas rabito hi baby bunny I have a feeling the white rabbits is going to be a theme here sorry chunky your jean pool is not being very aggressive right now yeah okay we’ll leave these guys to do their bunny thing a they miss me already what if I don’t have carrots see it’s all about the food with them mhm mhm I see how it is okay let’s make some buckets of deliciousness here with our cow friends hi cows one two three four and then if I were smart I would have a crafting table I put it all the way over here what the heck is in here I was making trap doors so I I believe I believe yes we can do this there’s four and I hope these stack I don’t know if they stacked to 64 let’s try [Music] though I think they only back to 16 yeah okay we’ll make an extra stack just in case I don’t like if we if we can’t dispatch a Wither in 32 doses of milk I something wrong with us or we’re way underleveled um I’m still wearing the pyromancer gear I’ve just turned it off with our uh cosmetic armor um because it’s actually better armor like it’s 36 68 and three and I think the other one is 37 five and three um and it’s got the same protections on it rabbit is Koo in Spanish K Coro to see my brother-in-law is Hispanic my niece is [Music] bilingual uh my sister is almost bilingual I understand probably 80% of what I hear I just don’t have the vocabulary to regurgitate I don’t speak very well at all um I speak better Japanese than I do Spanish which is sad since I know very little Japanese I know enough to Comm Comm unicate basic directions and food ordering and that’s about it okay let’s thr some of this back now that we’re done with the bunnies and there goes that okay our to-do list uh we got milk yes I want to make apples then we’re going to fight the Wither then we’re going to trigger The Raid and then we’re going to keep running around the world looking for bosses to bother and uh do I want to take this other armor I don’t think so I think we’re going to be fine in our Mage Armor today so we got the Pillager with us let me put that in my wow we got eggs oh backpacks on pickup nice oh I took the magnet ring of magnetization out of my backpack because we have the backpack ability to magnetize things so let’s reset our backpack memory I do have another bed roll I realized watching the video back yesterday that I had left the bed roll on top of some tree somewhere perfect should stick those in there yeah no no espol is bad it is and adding an O to the end of words is just not that’s not Spanish but I grew up in Texas you think I would understand more like I can say hola Gra to and it’s terrible I’m still just I speak like a Texan trying to speak Spanish bad okay apples we’re going to make apples um oh we’re going to sleep first because the apples are actually out at the tree farm it occurred to me I was looking in the storage unit for apples and nope they’re out here in a barrel and I’m hoping I think we have I might also need to um Commander some of our gold to do this too so this is a great place do I have I don’t even think I have a crafting table out here got be crafting tables everywhere okay that’s a stack of gold o plus some wow if I could I can’t put things in a crafting table today there’s a one two three three four five 6 7 8 n hopefully that’s another stack of ingots yes and another eight apples one two three four five six seven eight nine I’m so glad we grew these trees not having a gold in my gold stash to make you know half a stack of apples one two three four five six seven eight nine is pretty amazing we grew this gold on trees how cool is that that ought to do us accented yes but understandable yeah I am uh I do much better when I’ve been around my brother-in-law for a couple of days then my accent gets he speaks castian Spanish like it’s gorgeous and beautiful um you know he can speak street Spanish too CU his grandparents are from Mexico but one side of his grandparents are from Mexico the other side’s from Spain um so it’s funny to listen to his family talk sometimes it’s very slangy with English and sometimes it’s just this gorgeous like Javier Jam bardam beautifulness like just lovely to listen to okay we have all the apples yay I’m should probably restock on Cobblestone I might have used a bit today getting ready for this and I do want to equip our book although I fully intend to you know go our traditional sword and arrow unless let’s see what would we use we might throw down our healing circle before we start the battle and do maybe I think probably just a Firebolt although I don’t know that it’ll do any damage but we’ll start with the the healings the healings of the things okay I’ve got plenty of food we probably could make better food I looked at um resistance oh we should probably make a strength potion maybe let’s go see what we have in the potion bucket that we can just use without having to wait for anything I have some instant health I have some drinky instant health I could be invisible that’d be nice resilience jumos regen I mean we’re going to get that from the Apple there we go strength that’s really what I want bottle of ior oh consumed to obtain one charm slot permanently can I I’m doing that does that have a cost do we know to contempt the gods one must know them I’m doing it I’m doing it live I’m drinking the bottle oh wow I should have saved that holy crap did we get an extra charm slot we did what do I want to put in there also oh wow I really should have saved that regen resistance fire resistance for like a minute and a half wow that nope give me that back wrong you can take that bottle okay we’re going to drink strength then we’re going to put healing in our hot bar we got food I don’t need a shovel right now I feel like I should put my like at least a couple of my tools away uh drink that nice hello Jacob welcome Happy Wednesday we are getting ready to fight the Wither oh you know what it would really help is if I took the Wither stuff with me uh the skulls and the Soul oops the Soul Stone I know we only need four of those right nice I’ve got all the potions I’ve got apples is there a I drank the thing to give me an extra charm slot let’s put a put a ring in it I know we can put a ring on it uh one little Blaze storm one armor I don’t know if we can put those in the Charm slots hold on no only in the ring what do I have that’s a charm a Hypno watch let’s see oh when he left her phone on again such a feature it’s a feature okay um we have fire protection from the anomatic Legacy charm what else is a charm summon damage we don’t do that that’s uh get rid of stuff in your inventory are there any charms we can make that’s a really good question extrapolated Mega sponge I don’t want to absorb water um slain monsters drop double experience we have we have we’re wearing this the treasure hunter okay chiby you’re really going now you’re trying to type with your brightness way down so you can’t see okay have a wonderful sleep we’ll see you in the chat later a blood but I don’t know what that means um whenever you die while having equipped summons an extra dimensional vessel we don’t need that dormant eye I have a dormant eye but I’m scared of that one I don’t know what it [Music] does replaces your name tag if renamed in an anvil allows you to see your own name tag that’s not really useful summons an exential vessel protects you from an attack creating a small Soul explosion oh you can use lost souls that’s cool right shock wave protects from fire inflicts wither oh that’s the unusual end we don’t have that um over thermometer we don’t need that right now uh Golden Feather we haven’t been to the Aether yet shoot Fireballs nice [ __ ] trees feather okay we haven’t done any of that okay uh I guess we’ll put our totem of undying in there that seems like a very reasonable thing to do yes yes bombs we can take bombs I have two are they wither worthy we whack we’ll whack the Wither with them we’re a Wither whacker let okay this I’m going to stop because otherwise I can spend all day in here and not actually do anything about the Wither have the things to build it yes we’ll be back hopefully [Music] so good okay so I built a thing here we go we’re this is the most boring part of our journey today a cobblestone encased ladder to the ne roof woo well scaffolding and I built the scaffolding without the Cobble and then I thought that seems like a bad idea as I shot a cast so we’re in Cobblestone so nothing can see us I mean what’s sad is it’s a really nice view up here I think I left some blocks broken at the top oh Smite Smite you’re so right um here let’s use our if I do this and that and that magically we’re back home okay uh I think I have okay I have a sword do I have anything that already has Smite on it that’s the real question Smite five I know it’s only an iron sword should I I might have a book two oh we should take more arrows um I do have this Smite five Unbreaking three let’s see what we have in the way of books real quick cuz that might be the easiest I have Smite four and an ancient Tome let’s see if we could roll Smite sweeping Edge sharpness that wouldn’t be a bad bad thing actually uh we get nope not goingo again please Soul [Music] Reaper nope come on you know what I don’t like about the recent I mean recent as in the last however many years of Minecraft changes uh do I have a book please so we can reset these and sleep although our turrets should take a care everything yes I got the um I got that in the graveyard place that graveyard Place punch P none of those are good go away Smite four that’ll work nice with a Smite four will give us Smite five right boom boom and then I think I have oh smite’s exclusive you can’t have sweeping Edge and smite right do we care about Unbreaking I have soul Reaper but here let’s put Unbreaking three on this for sure so now we got Smite five small small reaper soul Reaper and Unbreaking and does that Tome like will that go on the sword oh it does smite six baby uh store how many levels that takes 30 levels we’ll call this the Wither wrecker smites can I have that oh I have to have another give me the sword yeah okay thanks for the reminder we ended up with a fantastic thing Smite six Soul Reaper three that doesn’t suck yeah got it got it I read your mind see great minds think alike Smite six I’m going to whale in this guy okay once more with feeling [Applause] here where’s my see my Cobblestone thing to the sky guy it’s awesome so attractive you know sometimes you just have to be practical in Minecraft not always should have put points in ladders again I took them all out to put them in other things okay here we go okay thanks Jacob we will have fun defeating the Wither we’ll see you take care thanks for stopping by I’m excited Smite six sword of course my plan is to trap this guy in the roof okay so look how high we are I put bumpers so I couldn’t fall off something like that oh there’s stupid mosquitoes down there too jerks so if you didn’t know this is a way to manage so you can either do this in the end but we’re not ready for the end clearly we don’t have any end eyes the only other place where there’s Bedrock that can be used this way is the roof of the Nether and what I was up here looking for for quite a while this morning as you can see by how much I dug out is a 3X3 I’ll move this eight I forgot my obsidian God bless Dinger dong oh well do we have to have the obsidian I feel like we have to have the obsidian hold on third times a charm I knew I should have put it in my little to go chest That I Used to Be Prepared where is my obsidian o there it is okay we only need four pieces oh and it would help to take a diamond uh cuz I can’t mine that do I have it in my I have in my pack okay fine it’s fine it’s fine third times charm God that’s like we’re 26 minutes 26 minutes into the episode I had planned to be done with the Wither by this time you know best laid plans and all that here we go to the roof to the roof so what we looked for what I looked for was a 3X3 um chunk of Bedrock on the ceiling that had enough room underneath it to lay the Wither down on their back I really hope this works cuz it’s byon nether it should I think the only change is you have to lay it down and use Soul Stone instead of Soul stand if I’m wrong about that we’ll see we may have to move on to the next steps um but if you put it just two blocks underneath the three blocks and I’m praying there’s an empty block above it I don’t know if not it’ll be fine probably maybe cuz I can’t tell cuz I can’t get up there like I can look hello sir I think my Golden Gloves count as gold right uh yeah so those guys don’t bother me anyway we’re looking for a 3X3 now it’s covered in one block here and I think there’s a block above that I hope there is this is as close as I could get there’s another one over [Music] here same situation where it’s a 3X3 but there were two three blocks in the way of what I think is a 3X3 so I thought I would go with this one instead okay so my understanding is that we put I probably want to build him this way would be my guess that we put the obsidian in the center of the 3X3 and then build it out like oh I can’t yeah I can I can put the head no I can’t put the head there D it okay we’ll have to build him this way yes which is why I’m glad I checked to be sure I I had my other pick does it matter as long as we build it One Direction wow that was fast holy fre holess okay so we do him this way yes yes and there’s still room okay okay y’all can go away I need to stand up here go like this right right and there’s still a room to put the three heads and hopefully his butt should pop up right where his feet are hello golden King 2024 welcome to the stream we are about to hopefully dispatch the Wither boss from bygone nether I expect this to be very creepy and very scary um for YouTube purposes I’m going to like this up cuz I know how freaking dark it is okay are we ready there’s two I want um we’ll put my bow in that spot that’s Health in case I need it regen in case I need it milk Apple strong regen milk go I think he’s in there this may be way shorter than I thought I would like to not take damage when he goes boom okay oh Smite six wow that world Bree is relieved without a burdens some presence of that horror okay somebody tell me if that’s docm tell me this is that’s stock M’s voice right am I crazy we need to do that again like 40 times there is our nether star there is our wither eye I don’t can we use that to do the end remastered is that one of the end eyes I don’t think so I think it’s a crafting thing uh uh uh uh and oops and remastered it is one of the eyes okay so we got an eye from that I didn’t realize that and we have another star so we can fix our um to teleporting no what is the word storage so we have storage access anywhere in that Dimension anywhere in the Overworld okay I’m going to leave this Magness here we get a fragment of Eden oo what do we do with that we can make a Sigil of Eden what have you done oh wow that’s nine of them that’s a lot of Withers very excited about the ne star though okay so that was a perfect spot to do our are withering I’m very glad that that worked out yay okay that took like 10 seconds hello sir I just killed the Wither I did did you hear it pretty good right prise me okay that was awesome now and our little nether fortress right outside our entrance um has a metric ton of wither skeletons so it it was like it took 25 minutes to get two more skeletons yesterday it’s not too bad and let’s uh use our awesome teleport home recall how come you have a question says golden King how come Endermen don’t like to be looked at but when you go to the nether to get your stuff after I die they all want to try to make you look at them I mean they’re Enderman right they’re sneak hey boogers oh you think yeah jav’s dark try playing Bedrock Bedrock like y’all don’t even have mods and things that can help you with the light like I have shaders cranked up to a thousand so it’s not so dark in here um withered blood what do we do with that we can make Ragnarok Edge from with Tetra stuff that’s pretty cool or a solonite alloy mix a solonite Ingot okay I’m putting this in the potions box all the things this milk a potion I’m going to go with yes milk’s a potion and then our bottles can go I’m sure I had a stack in here maybe not okay you play Bedrock you can’t afford shaders that sucks that sucks okay I guess let’s keep [Music] our apples wow that weather star needs to go in there why are those ingots there and our I can go in our Ender eye chest bombs go back in gear I have so many like random mob drops wait do we need these I need this broken spawner scraps but maybe those can go in crafted since technically they were at one point crafted ink can go in ink crap okay yay wither okay now we need to make a beacon um the good news is we have the technology Beacon with another star yeah do we get give me that oh I guess I have to set it down right so if we have a um level one Beacon to take 10 stacks of iron I can’t remember we’ll come back and get more if we need it should I equip classic textures it’s free that’s entirely up to you I think textures are always a good thing I have um I don’t change textures I’m not a huge fan of texture packs because it my brain gets confused about what’s what because I don’t recognize the shape of things especially in the crafting grid crafting table like I took the texture pack off of this mod mod pack were in the um steampunk mod pack because I just couldn’t I couldn’t craft or function because I couldn’t tell what stuff was in my inventory okay where am I going to put a gigantic Beacon oh and do we have we don’t have enough diamonds for the top row maybe we have gold I have 16 blocks yeah we can do our top nine blocks and I’m going to do this and say Minecraft full Beacon image because I need to count the bottom layer 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 no I feel like it should be um is it 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 n 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 it’s nine it’s a 9 by9 right yes that sounds right okay that’s big where are we going to stick that um maybe over here and then I can put it underground later so we can go one two three four five six seven eight nine right mostly I just want um the storage to work I not really interested in the well this also um we can set it to insulate the base just fabulous you’re wondering where all the iron comes from and you’re new to the stream we have a vanilla iron farm over to the side of the base that produces a massive amount of iron for us like uh almost three stacks an hour and it runs when we’re not on the server when I am not on the server so it’s always giving us the irons that we need wow I feel like there should be one more layer of this like I feel like a 11 by 11 is a full Beacon am I crazy uh let’s feed it what do we want to feed it h beaconator uh what’s my shortcut for storage there we go we’ll feed it a piece of gold and a piece of [Music] iron four let’s see speed speed’s probably good regen probably regen speed and regen speed regen nice okay now the test is with a beacon we get more than 64 blocks away from base can we still use our storage that’s the whole point of this so that while we’re out looting and shooting I don’t have to worry as much about filling up the storage Are we more than 64 blocks away uh one two three four five six seven eight chunks yep that’s 80 Blocks can we use it terminal out of range what what that should not be out of range do I need to reset it now that we have a beacon let us see what Tom storage says I think I need another layer of blocks I think a full Beacon is okay here we go Advanced Wireless terminal range is 64 block the chunk has to be loaded yes oh maybe I need to make sure the chunk is loaded build a level one beacon in an eight block radius oh within an eight block radius of the bound terminal to make it accessible from anywhere in the dimension build a level four Beacon to make it accessible from anywhere across Dimensions our Beacon is too far away from the terminal that is easy to fix we will just maybe build it underneath has to be within has to be within how far within an eight block radius of the bound terminal okay radius means up or down do we worry about other Dimensions right now I think we don’t worry about other dimensions and instead just worry about this one and we’ll build our little beacon on the floor above in the house golden King says as a Bedrock player they feel deprived of some features but now that you think about it there are a lot of exclusive things in Bedrock there are bedrocks just a different animal but still a fun one blackpaw how’s it going friend are you are you doing some Arc this morning on the server or you just hanging out I’m playing some steampunk in Minecraft we’re pretty far along to the series we’re about 25 26 episodes and I’m trying to set up this Beacon so that our storage mod Works across Dimensions we just killed the Wither this morning sorry dispatch the Wither YouTube’s getting picky about what words you use and I’m trying to practice saying nontriggering words for the algorithm can we take a nap and then we’re going to set up our beacon in here hello you know I have that whole Space up there that’s not being used I guess that’s going to be our Beacon place can I hide a beacon in our base let’s see okay so five blocks right above us I actually think we have um we can activate it maybe give me that do you need iron or are you happy no oh you don’t have view to the sky oh my God it’s always something oh how are we going to do that I don’t want to make a hole in my roof [Music] M we’re going to we might have to how are we going to get you within eight blocks of this do I need to move my storage terminal over here I probably do I really want this to work okay let’s some 1 two three four five six 7 eight and I’ll bunch of hole through the ceiling over here so where is I’m pretty sure it’s centered on this pole which means this block right here is the center which means I have to punch a hole up through the roof oh my Lord yeah it’s going to be better if I can move that just like that puts a hole in my building I’m not really excited about that maybe I don’t need the terminal right here maybe the terminal could just be wherever and I can access it okay so if I stuck it what’s that by the way oh that’s the back of the clock okay if I stuck it where the clock is or in front of the clock then that would be 1 2 3 four 5 six 7 eight so the center of the beacon would have to be here at least it’s not hole in my actual roof this time it’s just the side of the house wow I don’t like that either we don’t need that terminal right there I’ll just always use it from my pocket so where can you go that makes [Music] sense well let me get my Axe and my [Music] spoon and let’s put the iron back since we aren’t going to need to build a huge thing and let’s poke a hole eight blocks from where it currently is sitting and I will move and do Shenanigans with it off camera okay so it needs to the center the beacon needs to set right here where my flower box is jeez okay and then we just got to say everything above it has to go away so we nope can you nope wow that’s annoying I’ll have to me on top of it okay it’s fine it’s fine here we go I mean at least there wasn’t a create an actual create Contraption on top of it small favors right there should be just a little just a couple of blocks wow even the lip of the roof up there oh there it goes so many Shenanigans okay now it has a Fe to the sky thanks for making me put a hole in my roof jeez Mr Beacon that’s so attractive big little beam to the sky if you didn’t know though watch this what do we have some glass can I I think we can use the chipped glass this may not work we’ll see if it’s or dictionary to the the colored glass or if it’s a different entity uh yeah I think that changed it you can put a piece of colored glass on top of a beacon and it changes the color let’s try just a plain piece of colored glass do I have anything like that no let’s get back a piece of orange glass there we go the it’s always about the details right there we go see orange nice it goes with a steam punk color theme okay yeah so do we have anything activated we’ll do speed for now nice that should give us a little speed boost when we’re running around the base that’s nice actually that’s very good okay that should mean hopefully that’s within eight blocks one two three is the wall four five 6 7 8 ah this terminal is accessible anywhere in this Dimension with out with the advanced Wireless terminal let’s go test it again by running out here more than a 100 blocks away from the base woo black boss says it’s going good you were on Arc for the last six hours and got to play with the whole gang oh that’s nice I’m glad how about us I’m doing pretty good very good I killed the Wither in like 4 seconds because I cheesed it against the roof of the nether so that’s good look at that look at that storage from anywhere now when we get stuff look I can just throw it in there it’s magic it’s going to be absolute chaos but it’s pure magic oh I’m so excited let’s see I need to do this and this and store there we go look at that storage from anywhere in the Overworld oh my God so if I forget stuff from now on I have the ability to say oh I forgot a thing but look I can get to it woo okay next up that only took an hour but it’s good it was worth it was totally worth it 100% now I want to what was the other thing let’s feed the butt ow that wire is live in case it’s unclear cuz it’s connected to power cuz we were doing things with the ark furnace oh and I didn’t figure out how make it work did I we’ll do that in another episode fun with Winnie today okay we don’t need the extra arrows what do I normally have over here that I’m missing a bucket of water wi oh my there must be neighbors outside and how do we what do we have in the backpack my totem of undying is on my hot bar which is great oh I know we’re going to go trigger a raid right so let’s do that I have my Pillager and we just need to I think we just want to go to one of our little places where the P where the um vill ERS are on a boat and protect them and then trigger The Raid what is that arcs oh I don’t know what an arc is Arc who knows no idea mysterious tab in my inventory with with no explanation the beacon sound though can we this is what I want to add the muffling mod which I don’t think existed in 1.9 okay uh let’s check our to-do list and switch swords hold on cuz we got Smite six we had a toome of smite that I almost didn’t pick up when I saw it and that made we hit hit the Wither I think four times and he went kaput yeah that was nice okay we got milk we made apples we fought the Wither now we’re going to go do a raid and then do a little bit more explo exploration I want to find some of the Mages that are out from Iron spells and spell books that are out in the world and raid their uh venues so that we can get some of the loot there also a couple of other d that we maybe not have experienced like if we look at the map well if we went down in our let’s do it is it dark yes this is a great time to go down we go down in our M shaft all the way to the bottom which I hope has water it does it does good job Winnie um here we go and we look at our map oo there’s all kinds of stuff down here right so like look at this over here I don’t think that’s a m shaft I think that’s a dungeon right pretty much that’s how I found the Tetra stuff um right yeah that does look like a dungeon doesn’t it what else is down here that’s how I found the end portal as I was in M shaft and look at the map and there was [Music] Tada stuff and if we go up our old ladder to different levels like well let’s start here and look at the map there’s all the Tetra buildings but here is a regular M shaft there other dungeons down here with us [Music] not in our immediate vicinity there’s there’s the top of that one so we can keep going up and wherever we do like I’m going to go we can’t go over where we found the end portal there’s a ton of stuff near us there we can come up I think I have a digging place at around level 20 yes where our amethyst Shard amethyst geode was look at this all that’s a lot of catfish feel like the catfish are a little bit of an overspawn problem there are all kinds of goodies in here let’s see if we can see anything so far I just see regular cave systems but like that’s Square what is that that looks like a little dungeon don’t even know there’s a square room a lot of it’s just caves oh this is a glowing Grotto I think we want the mushrooms from there that so this might be another episode where we go there’s another glowing Grotto um where we go hunting for things underground today I want to focus on things that are above ground and I hope do I have water down here I don’t think I have water down here nope I’m glad I caught myself let’s go up our bubble column so that we can be inside at night bubble columns are the best especially when we’re so freaking high up nope don’t fall down 20 do I leave myself a way out kind of not really okay let’s good let’s sleep and we’ll hop in our adventure boat and head to a villager boat I’m going to take a little bit more building materials so that I can make a platform and maybe do I have any [Music] ladders no but Gates might come in handy okay let’s take those with us maybe not all of those there we go out we go especially now that we can get to our storage and I believe I did actually clean out and re yes look at that clean inventory all the lava let me get this one bucket since it actually used it tada and let’s go let’s go to a um I don’t know oh the turrets are killing the Flies good job turrets okay we just need one of those villager boats um that’s out in the water like this might be a great one because it’s got that Island next to it and that’s yellow flags which means it’s a villager boat let’s go there so that is do South easy peasy and I want to get out the Firebolt we’re going to use some of our Mage spells I want to practice using the iron spells and spell book stuff that way I can hold on I’m Shuffling screens there we go I want to use some of the iron spells and spell looks I want to get better at that I think that’s very powerful if I could get you know it’s like playing Skyrim right you have to get used to the mechanics of selecting a spell casting a spell waiting for the cool Downs everything takes practice right all the some of the fun stuff especially so if you’re really bad at something don’t worry about it everybody who starts out is bad or not perfect and I think I talked about this in a previous stream that one of the most important things you can do is fail at something so that you can get better at it that’s a great lesson okay these guys should technically be a village that little island might be the perfect spawn but maybe it’s not close enough um um I don’t know if the Orca is orry let’s do this let’s build a little what is that oo fancy underwater ruins good morning [Music] koala how are you lady friend we’re about to trigger a raid because we’re crazy the Winnie is crazy [Music] today I’m going to make I’m going to build a bridge out to this boat this probably Overkill I don’t care here we go nope okay we’ll make it one I want to control the Ingress and egress good morning [Music] friend it’s the Glorious exciting pulse pounding riveting building but we’re about to trigger a villager raid I’m hoping an evoker comes in and we can get him to drop the eye that we need this is us attempting to foil the Minecraft spawning mechanics I’m so glad I brought two stacks of Cobble wow I may have to mine up some more we’ll use wood too Minecraft doesn’t care as long as it’s a solid spawnable block and I hope there are enough villagers left on this raft to count as a village that is the other key don’t want to be too close I think this is good we’ll be faster going back the other way and if this doesn’t work out we’ll try something else but I think we’ll be okay I don’t know what the spawn mechanics are I just know they need a solid o oh if you hold down shift I can change my spell who knew huh shift and mouse wheel changes the spell H so the order in which they go in the book probably is very important Mr Squid pardon me of strangling a little bit this morning I have some tea forgot my water which is normally something I have out oh wow got scroll not holding shift there we go okay and I think what we want to do oh I want that give me I want to try to make a spawning platform like here wow more squid things thanks I feel like this should be a good place like it’s far enough away I don’t know what the distance is I feel like it’s [Music] um I think I have a stack of wood in my inventory too oh and there’s wood on the boat so we can use that too I want this here’s what I’m doing I’m making a platform big enough to ensure that the game continues to spawn the raid enemies on this instead of the boat hopefully if I make a tempting area for them to spawn for the game to spawn them um it should prioritize the tempting area and not the boat game mechanics it’s what I do can you tell I worked as a project manager for a software develop vment company for many many many years we did prototype software development which is even more terrifying for large Federal organizations and okay and if we put lights on here no matter what time of day it is I don’t think they follow lighting spawning rules and hopefully they might like spawn down here too in little chunks go away this is like a we’re sciencing controlling raids oh and I’ll grab the milk out of my inventory in case I need to cancel my um bad Omen wait am I out of really out of blocks game there we go okay I believe I believe I believe I’m going to set my spawn on the boat that should and if I were really smart I would make myself a little like will this prevent spawns I don’t think so but I bet we can park like right this is like parking cars that drive in yep yep yep yep and down boom beautiful can I can I get out of there thanks can I set a bed down oh I don’t think we want a bed I think we just want well we better set a bed down I know it’s going to ruin our ability to teleport home but that’s why we brought this okay we have villager friends go down there go down there stay down there stay down down there you are now safe Yes actually don’t is there anybody in here yes guess what you’re getting some railing okay stay there fish and things and stuff let’s um [Music] also here’s what we’re going to do here’s our strategy the boat oh those are all slabs is there anything that’s spawnable anything no you’re not you’re not spawnable stop dying on the boat please I’m putting buttons in anywhere there are spawnable blocks right cuz I don’t want the pillagers to spawn on the boat this is how you keep uh Iron Golems from spawning so I think it looks for a I get over there nope come on I think it looks for spawnable groups of spawnable blocks what a great strategy okay do some more all these Shenanigans it’s like you’re like I don’t want to science Minecraft Winnie really does anybody want a science Minecraft I do and I don’t want an invoker to spawn in my head pardon me okay that should mostly eliminate any like there’s some up there do we care I mean maybe we [Music] do I don’t I really don’t want them to spawn on here I’m gonna use all the wood to make this unspawnable because I’m like that oh I keep missing this fence B There we go oh I’m going to tear that down like so Overkill they should not spawn okay I’m I’m officially out of things to put on here to keep things from spawning we’re going to add more fences I can’t really get up there other than the ladder let’s see okay call that call that good that’s as unspa as I can make it for now perfect and I have no blocks it’s proba I’m going to probably regret that it’s fine it’s fine do I have any I got nothing do you all have any no I have bread that’s good here have some squid and random things you know fences might come in handy and Scaffolding that won’t stop anybody but that’s fine okay we have a Pillager in our pocket did I bring Apples I did let’s have some of those in case uh we have a bed our spawn is set I think think if I dispatch oh do I have a way up to the boat [Music] that’s that seems important can we um yeah let’s let me have some of that thanks we don’t want that to be spawnable anyway right what and stairs aren’t spawnable so let’s make it stairs up here yeah okay um if I do like that and that and then this and this and that and that okay we got it we have a way on the boat okay and there’s nothing really terrifying out here that’s good hey junk hey junk boy it’s good to see you on the stream you are here early enough to catch me live we’re giving ourselves hopefully bad Omen yes and I’m hopefully going to trigger a raid there it goes all the things come at me Bros Banner of Victory you know we might also [Applause] um why would y’all spawn up there that’s so annoying I spawn proofed things just for that reason oh my Lord Lord I need I need you to come down here please I hear an evoker dude where are they are they inside no they fall off the edge he did Raiders remaining I need to look on the thing where are they where are you dude ah there’s one one left I see his little face is he up oh there he is aha I need you to drop your stuff dude did you drop a thing let’s see it’s the evokers we want no let me turn on my backpack so we can pick stuff up nice this all I want is controlled a controlled spawn come here yo hello hi wow they’re a little bit oblivious I’m not going to lie I mean I will stand here all day and fill you with arrows that’s not a problem for me po let’s go get all that come to [Music] me I have to make my own fight music I mean being out of render of their attention is a little weird I think it’s I don’t even have my Thief hood on you know what let’s um let’s use some of our what’s my range sorry about the fire to the face not I am a mage of super awesome power how about a magma bomb well that was disappointing how bought a big Fireball ready Big Stuff nope Fireball on cool down back to regular Fireball that really doesn’t suck I mean I real that some of them are in the water should we just go up there and wreck face I see that evoker though let’s get rid of the ravager oh now you see me huh that only took a million years not enough Mana come on Mana Boop okay and now the witch I’m not a witch I’m your wife and that guy what are y’all doing you having a convention out here drop your magic thing that I can make a thing with lady hope we got everything from that I’m going to go back here because it seems to work really well for them to spawn there God dingly damn Dinger why are you on the freaking why are you on my boat I these I made everything not spawnable what you suck don’t no no no no y’all stay in there no God oh God mistakes have been made oh Archer only the Archer only you I don’t have sweeping Edge I don’t want to freaking use it come here okay you’re down I’m sorry in advance oh no y’all move ah villagers suck can I get can I get out thank you no not y’all not y’all you shouldn’t no stay stay there where are these guys are you up you’re up on the da die I’m sorry be dispatched got look on the hello aha ow that was to my face I don’t like it they in the water I see one of you Johnny feel like there’s one more Hello fer can I can I scroll to see you yes you are on the opposite side of the boat okay boo boo where’s the other one um facing [Music] you Aha and a hunter nice okay raid retreat triggering I still don’t think we have the thing we need hopefully we will by the time I check the backpack where did they spawn everywhere some on the ship most of them down [Music] here oh dear you’re a big boy suck it ravager look Orca okay here we go we’re going in we’re going to eat an apple first cuz I need the Looting no no I need you to drop things that are important [Music] okay I realized that it’s totally cheat do we get everything I’ve got my backpack picking up [Music] loot free Willie oh no oh no what was that where’s my tea so we can read it be granted a blessing from a wild Orca that’s pretty cool we still running regen yes where are you evoker man come here I need the evoker don’t we’re getting a lot of emerald is good I wonder what blessing he gave us y’all aren’t very sturdy I’m GNA I’m going to stay out here in the hopes what do we got deep slate Geo did we get the eye from the evoker no God you leave a mark you definitely there’s two of y’all okay look vexman oo eat another Apple yeah come at me bro I don’t like the tee things okay that’s that made enough of that star oh I don’t want Starfall oops oops oops somehow I managed to flip my spell wow hi orca look out ah vexes vexes are so vexing come here you little boogers have another Apple ah oh I’m sorry Look Out Mr Orca okay got him vonni vula it’s like um feel like they don’t even see me it’s a little weird witch I’d like you to drop the witch thing too what are you incinerator no thank you where are you are we looting fooding oh are we done Victory okay so that’s nice except for also Orca I’m so impressed that you didn’t perish and all that good job buddy um I want to make sure we picked everything up that there was to be picked up yeah give me some give me some Dolphins Grace oh look orca’s might thank you did you make me stronger oh no oh careful oh no no no what’s [Music] happening what’s happening why are you dying don’t die don’t die I rescued you don’t die don’t die come over here there you go there you go why are you taking damage I don’t understand a did that happen you’re back they’re not doing anything I’ve got orca’s mic right the iller of the FL they didn’t do anything right like they just stood there like I know they can’t do anything when they’re floating in water but it’s weird that they were standing here and not doing anything like they were definitely buggy it’s very right big question marks not like it’s weird I got it the witch pupil and the Magical eye okay that’s the only reason that’s two more eyes for our end journey I am very confused as to why they didn’t attack back although we are ridiculously op right now to um mostly I think with all the points that we have in our skills like I’ve got 15 out of 20 Dent skin and we still took a lot of damage um we also have 12 of 15 strong fist and 18 of 25 attack speed which is crazy I needed to add put like what does three levels give us in swimming speed not a lot let’s put some more in there nope uh where is that pardon me let’s do more 10 levels in swimming what does that do okay that’s like having dep Strider on like dep Strider 2 that’s pretty good that’s nice actually movement in water let’s make it a little bit higher not too crazy 13 that’s good hi Mr whale that’s lovely I also want regular speed speed okay y’all are now our villager location for raids cuz that was super easy buggy easy but awesome okay let’s pick up our bed the villagers are safe for the moment let’s head back to base reset our spawn the ravager horn gives me bad Omen oh that thing nice so I could stack it up right although we met our goal I got the two eyes that are possible from a raid I got a hundred emeralds from that that doesn’t suck and four totems of undying that’s actually really nice oh I can’t get in my inventory there there we go you’ve seen chosen architect’s video where he was going from corner to corner in the water with the amount of speed yeah that looked a little too fast for me although I want to go after an ocean Monument probably next week for another IE and I think having the Crazy Fast swim speed for that would be very beneficial yeah I should just I’ll take down the sales for the next one that in hindsight that would have been the better plan for sure the one that is used breaks instantly are you talking about the [Music] horn I think the base is this way potentially yeah we’re good we would go let’s [Music] go I’m going to make the eye and put this other eye away that’s my goal while we can can can look at our new path to the villager trading Hall looks it Blends in with the village looks pretty good down we go nice how are we on fuel still a full tank I love it okay there is a magical eye we got a Wither eye from dispatching the Wither this morning uh and I think the which pupil can be used to craft I don’t have an eye vender we can though there we go and then we can say give me a witch eye beautiful so that is nine of the 12 eyes we need we need three more and I think I wrote them down nope uh okay we have the witch eye the Wither eye only they’re not called that are they hold on cursed eye wither eye magical eye witch eye we have cursed eye magical eye witch eye wither eye are those them which magical wither curse yes and then old Rogue nether lost cryptic old Rogue nether lost cryptic okay so those are the nine we have we need to get the evil eye from the Villager trade um okay we got the magic eye we can get so we’re growing rabbits so that’ll be doable we still haven’t found an igloo but we could do a buried treasure or a Pillager Outpost if I could find one there’s one 35,000 blocks away I think that’s ridiculous I feel like that’s not a thing also why am I not seeing an eye on the list from an ocean Monument um will of the ocean is there one we don’t want cataclysm we want end remastered end remastered eye exotic ey yeah Atlantis right so that’s got to be an ocean Monument an undead eye I don’t know where we get that one Guardian eye that’s probably also [Music] ocean black eye from a pirate ooh so maybe we need to conquer a pirate ship we could do that give sh to the legendary Black Pearl every have we seen a pirate ship in our Journeys I feel like wow hold on let’s go outside so I can see the map look sir are you stealing my food jerk seal like Sky rats seriously I have seen a pirate ship that’s one like a not a not a villager ship for sure that’s pretty close let’s go raid it yeah yeah let me reset my spawn cuz we want to be able to teleport back here nice let me get some of this random stuff out of my inventory and grab some Cobble and more wood since I used it all let’s go Oak and put my backup wood in my backpack oh God I forgot we had all this crap in here okay you can go [Music] here you go here you know where you go and you do and you do who do you do here ravager horn banners banners is not technically here but where else are we going to put those I don’t need any of this I have a magnet maget I need a trash can Mod game save that save that that that that that that that can all go away that goes in there that goes in storage those wow we got a lot of ravager horns got a deep slay geode from Ider um undo the memory put that in there put an extra one in there sorting good and let’s put all this stuff away you should know where to go it’s fine it’s fine there we go oh arrows would be nice let’s take two stacks they’re small got all the things got our catchers our things our stuff take a nap I can interact with the geode okay hold on let’s look oh is the undead eye craft oh a sunken ship is what we [Music] need have we seen that we saw there’s a shipwreck out in the icy area but there was nothing in those barrels and that was from Ider that was all the Ider loot from Ider RPG um here we go the Deep slope G says what could be right click holding a PIX pickaxe in the off hand to crack open I must need a diamond pick there we go woo coal and two andesite nice I love it it’s a Wy wles wonderfully Wacky World wanderings yes oh7 to you too babe how’s it going Drake I have been playing with um in fact I just did a villager raid with the help of iron spells and spell books and had a blast really uh let’s make a few more chicken sandwiches with that recipe nope do I have chicken bits I do there we go 28 gives us 64 nice we are I’m headed out to go check out this pirate ship what do we got we got like 20 minutes that’s fine we’ll have adventures in 20 minutes easy peasy wow our ship was a little worse for wear and we are headed east for our adventures today I killed the Wither Drake cheesed it in the roof of the nether in a heartbeat it was awesome has to be a vanilla shipwreck yeah so the yes the one that’s the treasure eye you to I have to find a treasure map right and it should be in the treasure chest I cannot find a freaking vanilla shipwreck I have looked in every ocean that we’ve crossed like I don’t know if I need to try to locate one with Minecraft oh look at what’s that is that an underwater shipwreck this blue thing kill the seagull oh cuz he’s taking crap out of my inventory okay we’ll do I I we’re g to go check out this ship which is a pillagers maybe I can get another hit of um bad Omen haha although we’re done with the raid we got both eyes that I needed from that does the mod pack have a structure Compass I don’t think so we have the um Nature’s Compass oh I say that we have a recovery Compass a wave W Compass the trapped Soul points toward its home who knew I’m going to go check out these two shipwrecks this one and then the one to the southwest of us it’s a good question Jacob do you know if there’s a I don’t think there’s a structure compass I don’t mind using locate we’ve done that before I was just trying to find one treasure maps can also be found in ocean ruins inhabited by drowns rare chance oh that’s right in the little the little like architectural ruins underwater either the sand and the warm oceans or the stone brick yeah yeah yeah we’re we’ve got a lot more adventuring apparently I was uh looking at videos of the various mods and some more of chosen later stuff in the pack although I’m glad we’re getting close to being able to do the end like that looks very much Within Reach now okay where is this ship wi oh we’re not there yet okay but let’s cruise the coast and look for a shipwreck since I’m not always on the lookout for those and it should be easier to see from the air I even went up to the warm ocean and cruised around because it’s easier to find them and that’s how we stumbled on the crazy ice [Music] biome with the scary fishes okay this is the boat I want to check out oh no that’s a villager darn is that the no that’s not where I’m going good to know it’s here though hi guys YouTu too might be another raid location okay holler if y’all see something in the water and I don’t like are those ruins right there I feel like they might be no it’s just strange gravel things ah it’s so difficult to see especially over the Deep potion there’s kind of an odd something happening that’s definitely a structure is that a dungeon that generated look at that that’s a dungeon okay I want to go check out this ship first have to see drowns on the map up yep you’re right you’re very right because they would be the things that indicate it’s a little underwater ruin there’s one of those stupid Enderman fish things I don’t like you at all you carry Trident oh our ship is over here um pretty sure maybe possibly it’s weird that I haven’t seen any shipwrecks at all like it’s like they had them I think there’s just other stuff competing for their attention we’re just going to land on this and um kind of comicazi it hello I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here yep uh Apple probably would be a good idea and you all have spawners somewhere mostly I want your loot are yall downstairs hello oh God you are an evoker holy crap you could not summon vex’s right now that’d be fabulous ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch are they still [Music] spawning feel like there are there’s a spawner oh super secret chest found your super secr secret chest nope uh look at me just going down here there we go all the loot thank [Music] you is that it nope Hey Now You’re an Allstar each game on hey know look I even put your [ __ ] back kind of sort of not really mostly so I don’t fall down buer hello oh yes please oh I mean hi I did just take all your stuff what is that evoker Fang charm nice all the things so this is like Treasury but not necessarily the stuff that we need but nice oh that’s funny that’s carpet not loot winie I will not turn down a whole bunch of emeralds and gold beautiful worth it probably doable a lot more early game than we have done um you know what I might keep that yellow C carp but it’s happy and bright so a bunch of Ender Pearls five blocks of emeralds nine blocks of gold really good an evoker Fang charm cake more emeralds iron [Music] gear paper just checking droppers oh nice with fire charges oh we’ll take those that’s [Music] cool a little bit OCD about free loot especially stuff that requires gunpowder what can we do with this in the future to cause chaos wait a second I feel like I was just channeling Drake there okay a corrupted eye in one of the chests what there was did I miss it or there should be probably in one I opened earlier and didn’t take all the stuff from I’ll go back and look I will go back I promise okay we definitely will take the nautilus shell the extra [Music] Arrow ey Apple clock Compass more arrows golden carrot another Golden Apple oh there’s a rare structure sorry got backtracking backtracking oh the little Enderman dudes that are that have Trident in the middle of the water they’re called deepings they’re related to the Leviathan boss which is a very hard boss okay there is a rare structure called a Pillager Camp from it takes a pillage and there’s a map that leads to a bastile and the loot contains Pillager Outpost loota bles so there might be a chance for a corrupted eye on one of the chest yes okay so I’m guessing is the Pillager camp that camp that has the evoker on the roof like it’s a stone tower with a little Courtyard around it like a um not a [Music] bastile you know the word I’m looking for we’re going to sleep here oops I should have used my backpack okay that’s okay okay I’m glad that I checked all the chests though hello little dolphin I hear you ooh I will take the prismarine nice arrows paper and I never turned down the food because we haven’t had to actually make food or Farm food oh I hear another friend oh I wish that were a treasure map that would have been nice not a treasure map on these is there wow hold on too much stuff potato I’ll be right with you grumpy pants I hear you over there oh scoop that’s cool more arrows this is a great loot location I hear you down there I don’t know where you are that flying fish sir sir I can hear you complaining sir okay oh it’s like the captain of the ship was hanging out I’m sure there is a spawner somewhere that I have not dispatched aha one more chest of food Wow Let’s put all the food stuff in the Airship and and the loot let’s just let’s just do it with the thing yep yep food first and then the rest can be the loot like so nope not sleeping bag Winnie there we go I despair of ever the our Airship ever breaking because if she runs into the wall um like what is that that’s a sunken thing why is there why is that in the water that’s I’m unclear is there a booger in here there’s a barrel iron nugget gunpowder and paper is it just a weird just a weird spawn I feel like stange yeah I definitely did a number on the boat there good job okay let’s go check out that boat that’s underwater uh because that one very much interests me if we can get there quickly where did I see that near the base scrolled in and was like oh crap look at that it’s under the water what is it wow I should have marked it come on Winnie that is it but is the boat that we saw was it way the heck over here feel like it was near the water I’m sorry the cold place oh you think it was meant to spawn on the beach not in the water that makes sense that makes perfect sense okay I was centered on the base place and we were looking for ships and I said oh I’ve been over here and haven’t seen any there it is Waypoint geez ship thing okay where are we over a St bad let’s go zoom zoom quickly quickly I’ll catch up on chat the Wayward Compass points to an ISS boss structure I’m really backing up in chat depending on the pack you can use other mods to capture the boss or get the boss DNA and make a blank Rune Farm yes please also a look it’s the Pillager Castle we kind of sort of conquered at the beginning that might have Pillager loot you have to see around on the map the deepings and the Leviathan boss I’m guessing is the Leviathan boss from mousy probably okay a rare structure called a Pillager camp we should keep an eye out for that one oh the one I’m thinking of is an iron structure you’re right that’s the irons yep yep you’re right okay so we want a Pillager Camp possibly I’m going to um add a pregeneration mod to the world because it looks like there’s so much exploring we still need to do L Enders cataclysm mod okay yeah cataclysm mod I noticed there’s stuff that in here this is good I don’t know that we are we uncovering new territory a little bit that’s good see new things I want that hammer that chosen has from killing that I think it’s the nether boss that spawns in that structure am I wrong that crazy Hammer I’m jealous of the man’s Hammer okay we’re going to check out this ship and then wrap it up I’m just dying to know what it is if it’s the pirate ship the sunken ship with the I that’s all I really want to know I really want to know yeah that’s that’s a complete graveyard one for once interesting the netherite monstrosity thank you yes I knew it was nether something I was very nervous about the Wither today and he turned out to be kind of a piece of cake and not just cuz we had Smite six on our sword but you know I mean I to be fair I did trap him in Bedrock and smack him in the butt with a sword which is my favorite way to dispatch a Wither really normally I would do that in the end but um we’re not there yet that should be fun too let me forget to put an airship in my pocket when we go end exploring too so far it’s my favorite favorite way to get around and pretty quick with the upgrades like it’s not I don’t think it’s too painful oh there was also um Villages that have the special Villages that have a tower in them the temple there’s loot in that that Temple the weather seemed like a joke compared right like after God like a after that Frost paaw thing he was just I’ve lost my marker hello where’s the marker there it is still to our left I just don’t know why it’s not showing up oh there it is it’s high in the sky weird weird is that thing up in the sky I will laugh if the thing I thought was underwater is actually up in the air surely not I mean don’t call me Shirley but surely it’s actually no it’s in the sky what the actual heck what’s happened to the guns they’re in they’re in my cabinets we’ll get them what are y’all why is there a ghost ship up here made out of prismarine like what can you land little thing come on the ship is like it’s not my fault you’re a bad driver winie here we go park it park it Sparky all right of course it’s nighttime do we not say we did thanks ow nope booger it’s a ghost ship in the sky like what the heck bones more scoots bottles of enchanting W I know diamonds gold fish more things I mean it’s not fabulous loot but it’s cool cool turtle egg nice scooty scoot more arrows I [Music] mean it’s kind of Awesome how do I get out of here where’s the ladder I just fall in here I’m sure there’s a better way than this but barrels barrels barrels barrels of nothing Fire charges so this must be similar to the pillagers but full of skeletons yeah nice very proud of their um ey glasses in here this is awesome very creepy lot of nice blocks that lime terra cotta is beautiful D oh this must be from uh Undead Unleashed that makes perfect sense now oh I can’t rest it’s freezing really game just killing me Smalls you take all that instead thank you okay I think that is um a good set of Adventures spiraling down to the ground through the clouds towards our whale friend until things come back in render yay hello Mr whale and we’ll head off uh to the east I think is where home is and I think this is where we are going to part ways for the evening or morning or whever you may be thank you all very much for watching if you enjoyed the stream please hit the like button on your way out it helps me out and I appreciate it and uh we’ll be back we’ll be back on Friday with some Conan Exiles and then back in steampot mod pack on Monday for another adventure filled week we will try to get to the end Monday Tuesday Wednesday I’ll see what I can do about setting things up and finding things for us to get the last couple of eyes is first thing Monday morning 8:00 a.m. eastern youall have a great day remember you are all the shiny stuff that awesome is made of take care everybody bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 26’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-06-13 02:23:22. It has garnered 52 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:37 or 7777 seconds.

Wither we like it or not, we need to dispatch the Minecraf Wither! We also need to feed the rabbits and go overworld boss hunting for some more loot with our new Fire Mage build from Iron’s Spells and Spellbooks mod. Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft.

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World

    Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube tutorial on how to build a compact medieval house in Minecraft. The attention to detail and creativity showcased in the video truly blew us away. It got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could showcase their building skills and creativity on a larger scale? That’s where Minewind comes in. With its vast open world and dedicated community of players, Minewind offers the perfect platform for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and build, explore, and create to their heart’s content. Imagine being able to… Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore Welcome back to the Minecraft scene, Where version 1.2.2 is now the theme. I’m here to share the latest news, In rhymes that will surely amuse. In this update, not much has changed, But my water source has been rearranged. I’ve got my lava, ready to explore, Cave systems galore, what’s in store? Stay tuned for the next episode’s delight, As we delve deeper into the Minecraft night. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe, For more Minecraft adventures, let’s vibe! Read More

  • Wheel Decides My Skywars Victory

    Wheel Decides My Skywars Victory The Wheel Picks How I Win Skywars Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft Skywars, where every move is determined by the spin of a wheel. Join the adventure as players face off in intense battles, showcasing their skills and strategies to emerge victorious in this thrilling game mode. The Wheel of Fate Imagine the thrill of not knowing what challenge awaits you next as the wheel spins, determining your fate in the Skywars arena. Will you be blessed with powerful gear, or will you face daunting obstacles that test your abilities to the limit? The… Read More

  • Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight

    Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight In the world of Minecraft, where challenges abound, Our hero takes on hard mode, with infinite night around. Facing off against monsters, in a battle of might, Crafting, building, surviving, in the darkness of night. Epic fights against creatures, like Martha and Kuki, Sightings of the unknown, mysterious and spooky. Love arrows flying, food to sustain, A magical well, where dreams may reign. But beware the dangers, lurking in the dark, Our hero must be clever, to leave their mark. With humor and skill, they navigate the land, In Minecraft, they thrive, with a controller in hand. So join… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Experiment!

    Minecraft AI Experiment! Minecraft Neural Network: A Unique Creation Introduction to the Project In a fascinating video, William showcases a neural network entirely built and trained within Minecraft. The project involves a giant blackboard, a special brush, and a network that can classify handwritten digits based on pixel values. The neural network predicts with impressive accuracy, showcasing the power of machine learning within the game. Implementation and Training The neural network in Minecraft is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with an input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. Each layer consists of neurons that perform weighted sums and apply activation functions to introduce… Read More

  • Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft: Bloqué dans un Chunk – Épisode 5 Exploration et Enchantements Dans cet épisode de Minecraft, Tonnian se retrouve bloqué dans un Chunk, mais cela ne l’empêche pas de poursuivre ses aventures. Il se lance dans l’exploration des mines pour trouver des ressources précieuses. Après avoir pêché pendant un certain temps, Tonnian parvient enfin à obtenir un livre, essentiel pour la création d’une table d’enchantement. Il s’attelle alors à l’enchantement de son armure pour se préparer à de nouvelles rencontres et défis. Construction et Projets Futurs Tonnian envisage de construire une sphère magique en haut de son arbre géant,… Read More

  • Villager Oi Oi Oi Meme Madness

    Villager Oi Oi Oi Meme Madness Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Meme Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 items per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, ensuring efficiency and convenience. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including various subversions like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and more. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, unfortunately not available for Bedrock Edition. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders. Resource Pack: Utilize the default resource pack for a classic Minecraft feel. Mods: Enhance gameplay… Read More

  • 100 Days in Elden Ring Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Elden Ring Minecraft Hardcore I Survived 100 Days in Elden Ring in Minecraft Hardcore Surviving the Elden Ring Modpack Imagine facing off against Elden Ring bosses like Malenia Blade of Miquella and Starscourse Radahn in Minecraft. The challenge is real as you strive to collect all Great Runes and become the Elden Lord. Upgrading weapons and building a base to withstand player invasions adds to the excitement. Challenges and Adventures The journey begins with a precarious encounter with an Elden Ring boss in a village. Crafting weapons like an iron spear and shield becomes essential for survival. Exploring dungeons, battling zombies, and acquiring… Read More

  • Surviving Day 7: A Mix of Everything

    Surviving Day 7: A Mix of Everything Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 7) – A Little of This, A Little of That Today in Minecraft, Solomon, also known as PCG, embarks on various tasks in his vanilla survival let’s play. Join him as he explores, builds, and strategizes to collect all 145 trophies available on PS4/PS5. With natural regeneration turned off, Solomon faces challenges that require him to be resourceful and strategic in his gameplay. Discoveries and Realizations As Solomon reflects on his past episodes, he stumbles upon a portal with ample obsidian, realizing missed opportunities for gathering resources. He also uncovers a nearby… Read More

  • 🌋MagmaCraft Season 2! Vanilla SMP HermitCraft VoiceChat

    Looking for New Members! If you’re eager to play Minecraft 1.21 with an active community, join MagmaCraft SMP! We offer a fun and interactive experience with optional voice chat. Who are we? MagmaCraft SMP is a fresh server looking for new players. Season 2 has just started, so now is the perfect time to join our community! How to join? Simply click 👍 to join our Discord server and fill out a quick application. We’re excited to welcome new faces! What we offer: Fun, active, and friendly community 24/7 Minecraft Server with lots of RAM Voice chat for a more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this dank moss?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this dank moss?I guess they finally found the elusive moss block in Minecraft! No wonder it’s got such a high score, it’s a rare find! Read More

  • Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style!

    Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style! Yo, Blockheads, it’s yo boy yo plays on the scene, Diving deep into Minecraft’s new Allay machine. No need to tame, just befriend with a gift, Watch them collect items, give your gameplay a lift. Find them in cages at Pillager outposts and Mansions, Free them, befriend them, no need for expansions. Hold out an item, let them take the bait, They’ll collect more of the same, no need to wait. But remember, their radius is small, Only 32 blocks, don’t expect them to haul. They’ll collect dropped items, not ores in the ground, But with their help, your… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creepersgonnacreep Read More

  • Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Creating the Naruto Portal in 2024 Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when players like UzeMing take it to the next level. In a recent video, UzeMing embarked on a journey to create a portal inspired by the popular anime character Naruto in the year 2024. Building the Portal UzeMing started by gathering materials like Flint and Steel, along with additional items like orange and black walls. With a 4×5 size in mind, the portal began to take shape. The intricate design showcased UzeMing’s creativity and attention to detail. Entering the Portal As the… Read More

  • 11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft

    11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft Important Things To Know If You Just Returned To Minecraft Minecraft, a game that constantly evolves with new updates, can be overwhelming for players returning after a hiatus. Here are 11 important things to know if you’ve just come back to Minecraft: Diamond Armor Without Diamonds Did you know that you can obtain a full set of enchanted diamond armor without mining a single diamond? The key lies in the armorer Villager, who, when leveled up, can sell you enchanted diamond armor at a reasonable price. Gear up quickly with this trick! Optimize Crop Farms When it comes to… Read More

  • Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!

    Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Story – Episode 3 – Abyssal Chasm [EN]’, was uploaded by Nico Nirva on 2024-04-04 22:05:25. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:45 or 945 seconds. [Twitch] [My Twitter] [Music from Youtube Audio] Bug Catching – Emily A. Sprague Shadowing – Corbyn Kites Two of Us – Saidbysed …And Ragnarok Online – 49 – Watery Grave #NicoNirva #Minecraft Read More

  • Terrifying Cave Mod Adventure

    Terrifying Cave Mod AdventureVideo Information capítulo 2 de este mod del cave Horror Story Okay señores bienvenidos al capítulo número dos esta vez estamos donde lo habíamos dejado Señora Vaca usted no va a ingresar ahí sí sí lo sé estamos en el capítulo número dos en el cual vamos a intentar sobrevivir ya que como les dije estábamos en modo difícil y Bueno hay muchas cosas por hacer de momento que esto marcadores no me interesa bueno de momento Entonces vamos a estar haciendo una mina Mena Porque necesitamos recursos pero también necesitamos hacernos un huertito creoo que no Ah no s… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 06:26:30. It has garnered 2008 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:11 or 3311 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!

    INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!Video Information last episode we went ahead and summoned the Jojo and made a fast andesite Farm producing many different resources ready for Automation and this time we’re going to be building quite possibly the biggest Factory I’ve ever made and automating the entire and asai age of create mostly I’m probably going to forget a few things and in between episodes I have been a busy busy boy as you can see the most obvious thing uh we have another giant custom tree which is looking wonderful and I’ve been hard at work expanding the decorations around our world… Read More


    "INSANE REASONS TO JOIN MY VIRAL MINECRAFT SERVER!" #games #dutch #smpVideo Information alle Minecraft servers zijn natuurlijk niet volledig uniek maar toch willen we jullie een paar redenen geven om onze server wel te joinen onze server is lang in development geweest en alle functies werken nu dus het is goed speelbaar Ook hebben wij speciale features leaderboards en natuurlijk Kermit op span ook krijgen wij binnenkort een nieuw seizoen en een hele grote zomerupdate Laten we daar even induiken binnenkort krijgen wij een nieuw seizoen waar alles reset maar er ook heel veel nieuwe dingen komen en hoe je op de hoogte blijft van alle updates en de leaks… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›

    Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›Video Information hoje aqui no Minecraft a cada 3 minutos vamos Opa conseguir aspirações mais fortes Ah cara aliás eu tô com um pouco de dor de cabeça então mano Ah Espero que isso não atrapalhe o meu desempenho porque eu não quero perder essa série aqui para quem não tá ligado a gente tem várias portas de cores né branca como dá para ver azul e a preta e bom atrás de cada uma dessas portas tem um poder diferente do juts kaisen e esse poder ele vai ficando mais poderoso a cada TR minutos e assim você tem… Read More

  • Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 – Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!

    Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 - Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!Video Information hey guys Mar here welcome to Minecraft story mode I don’t know why six to seven years ago I did season 2 and not season 1 but this time I’m here to do season 1 for yall since I know this game is no more because tto games is gone and uh now maang or Microsoft has t me up with Netflix to make something else entirely so thought I’d replay this add it to the list of videos I should have done before season 2 so here we go I’m only going to do episode one tonight… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!

    SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!Video Information parce que en gros il a dit [ __ ] sur Oui écoute on va voir ça on vair ça jeoupe la comm pas je rej dans le [Musique] à pas il y a pas de qui t’a dit qu’ prison il y avait PASF tinquiète une BD où se trouve vasy dis qu’on a fa continue à parler tu vas je va les [Musique] baisere la [Musique] Ve [Musique] pour nuag bloqu dans le mirage 4 service pas SOS a que moi qui peut me servir je vend pas la mort faudrait [ __ ] Servier les… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi’s Basics 2 Showdown!

    Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi's Basics 2 Showdown!Video Information hey everyone Baldi still thinks he has a chance against me so let’s show him that I’m still the most powerful and evil being in Minecraft by hitting that like button did you hit it good now let’s get [Music] him if I were you I’d start running you know normally I would think that that was a good idea but you still have one more question left to complete the first not book I don’t want to play your stupid game Baldi I want to kill you plain and simple oh wow you’re really evil aren’t you… Read More

  • Vonix Network

    Vonix NetworkA survival and creative velocity minecraft sever with several plugins including Slimefun Iron Elevators and more, you can check out the website for feature list! We aim to create a memorable and fun experience for you and your friends Read More

  • TownThrive SMP – Whitelisted, Towny, Voice Chat, Movecraft

    IP: (whitelisted) Discord: ~ Server Information: 24/7 runtime, hosted in Florida Average of 20-30 players throughout the day List of Plugins & Significant Features: Towny Squaremap Geyser (Bedrock Crossplay Compatibility) Movecraft Cannons FlagWar Brewery Simple Voice Chat Compatibility No Economy Plugin No (/tpa), (/home), (/back) No P2W features No End Crystals Read More

  • DarkWater SMP Hardcore Lifesteal (VoiceChat) (GriefPrevention) (Cross-Play) 24/7

    Dark Water Junior High School 24/7Very simple basic SMP with added plugins for added difficulty for Minecraft latest version.Plugins list:GriefPrevention VictoriesJunior High School LifestealHarderMobsAntiCheatSimple VoiceChatHow To PlayPlayers are encouraged to work together and or build/survive their nations and towns to their will. Everytime you die you will lose a heart and after you lose all you will perish. PVP is enabled and so is voicechat. All players have equal commands and permissions and there are no ranks. If you die you may be revived with a revive beacon or you may simply craft more hearts to survive. There are no… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Java? More like Meme-craft!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Java? More like Meme-craft!"Looks like Java decided to level up and become the ultimate Minecraft master! Read More

  • Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple

    Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple In Minecraft, a modern house we build, With a courtyard small, our creativity filled. From foundation to roof, every detail precise, In this three-story home, our skills entice. Material list in hand, we start with a plan, Dark prismarine foundation, a solid stand. Quartz blocks and light blue concrete mix, Creating a structure that truly sticks. Second floor layout, rooms taking shape, Windows of light blue glass, no escape. Twisted birch door, a unique design, Stone brick walls, a look so fine. Moving up to the third, framing the roof, Smooth quartz blocks, a design that’s aloof. Twisted mushroom… Read More

  • Adding a Lamborghini in Minecraft: Ultimate Guide

    Adding a Lamborghini in Minecraft: Ultimate Guide Minecraft: Adding Lamborghini to Your World Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine cruising through your blocky world in a sleek Lamborghini, turning heads and leaving a trail of dust behind. While the game doesn’t come with Lamborghinis by default, there are ways to add these luxury cars to your virtual garage. Modding Your Game To add a Lamborghini to Minecraft, you’ll need to use mods. Mods are modifications created by players that alter the game’s code to introduce new elements, such as vehicles, weapons, or creatures. There are various mods available that… Read More

  • “Oi Oi, Villager! Got any emeralds for me?” #minecraft #memes

    "Oi Oi, Villager! Got any emeralds for me?" #minecraft #memes “Why do Minecraft villagers always sound like they’re saying ‘oi oi’ instead of ‘hello’? Are they secretly British or just really excited to see you?” Read More

  • Minecraft Civilizations: The YouTube Takeover

    Minecraft Civilizations: The YouTube Takeover The Rise of Minecraft Civilization Videos on YouTube In recent times, civilization videos have taken the Minecraft community by storm. With creators like MagicGum leading the charge, these videos have transformed the way players interact within the game. Let’s delve into the fascinating journey of how these videos came to dominate the YouTube landscape. The Genesis of Civilization Videos It all began with MagicGum, a high school student with a passion for politics and gaming. Combining his interests, he created the “Trapped in Minecraft” series, exploring world history through the lens of the game. As the series gained traction,… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!

    Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!Video Information [Music] D happy little Minecraft music in the morning greetings everyone this is Winnie wle welcome back to the steampunk mod pack today we’re in front of the bunny house because the first thing I want to do is feed the rabbits we actually have other bigger things to do today and that is we need to go after the Wither boss I’m not really looking forward to it cuz I think it’s a little bit beefier than it normally is because of the bygone Nether and I’m a little nervous maybe possibly so I’ve prepared a space… Read More


    RAINBOW HOUSES SURVIVAL MINECRAFTVideo Information I found new colorful houses in Minecraft and very many interesting characters subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys you have a zombie with you today let’s take a look at some colorful new homes some really cool Persians here look it’s Spider-Man sitting on the head of lat 4 that’s teacher baly minions right there that’s what monkey pink is all right well let’s get started let’s go from the very first Red House get likes subscribe and we’re off to see Spider-Man wow guys it’s all flooded… Read More

  • Solo Minecraft Speedrun with Turnip! 😱🔥

    Solo Minecraft Speedrun with Turnip! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by RAPID GUYS on 2024-06-07 22:02:36. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:48 or 3468 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip RAPID GUYS: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you… Read More

  • BEST Bed Design EVER! Cherry Theme – Minecraft #shorts

    BEST Bed Design EVER! Cherry Theme - Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed design (cherry theme) in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mine builds OG on 2024-04-10 11:03:16. It has garnered 3002 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking SORCERY SMP App!!

    Shocking SORCERY SMP App!!Video Information bro why are all these s smps so bad oh wait sorcery SMP hello my name is Ross this is some reasons I should join the sorcerers one because I’m a really good [Music] grinder reason two I’m a really nice guy in general [Music] this is my third and final reason why should join the sorcerers SMP because even though I only have little subscribers I still been making consistent uploades every s off this CH now I have one final [Music] question am I am This video, titled ‘SORCERY SMP APPLICATION’, was uploaded by Rossin12 on… Read More

  • EPIC GAMING CHILL ZONE BMC4: The Hidden Sky Village

    EPIC GAMING CHILL ZONE BMC4: The Hidden Sky VillageVideo Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #39: The Village Hidden in the Sky’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-06-08 09:00:00. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:05 or 3665 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please… Read More

  • Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!

    Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ukri wurde GEBANNT aus Minecraft..’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-01-13 16:30:09. It has garnered 259000 views and 9798 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:11 or 4091 seconds. Ukri has been banned from the YouTube island SemUkri City. Will Ukri quit Minecraft and record his last episode on the Minecraft island today? Will Ukri leave the island forever, including his friends Semlaki, Billy and Matwi? Watch the video to find out! 😀 💬Here you can find me: 💦➜ Ukri & Semlaki Merch: 💻 ➜ Community Discord: 📸 ➜ Instagram: 🎬… Read More