Insane Twist: We Play Minecraft Instead! #MoberiLive

Video Information

N N Oh oh my gosh okay I did appear well at least like my Fogie did appear I am so sorry I don’t know what the heck is going on today like nothing was too work and I was losing my mind I’m losing my mind oh my God my my body doesn’t want to work

Today and there’s I tried everything I really did I tried everything hello thank you so much you guys are the best for waiting for me like you guys are absolutely the MVP you you deserve a round of applause for waiting for me for so long and I I’m a I’m a chibi

Character right now and that’s what we’re going to go for that’s what we’re going to go with um I had this whole thing set up right I was very very excited cuz this is like my phone right and I was going to show and this is

Pretty much kind of like at this point you know it’s whatever but this was going to be my phone and I was going to show everything that I did like for hot mat and all that kind of stuff in my phone so yay SC I know right oh my God

Oh my God I was losing my oh I don’t know I just could I could not I can’t I I I don’t know what’s happening I I cannot like get her to work so I had this whole thing set up right where I was just going to I was

Going to scroll through my phone see I made my little phone and everything I made a phone so I can scroll through my phone and show you everything that happened in hmad and you know talk about like all the cool things and videos and stuff and well

Yeah at this I I just wanted to show you my phone now cuz I couldn’t get I I couldn’t even get that app to work either and and I had everything set for so long I had everything said yesterday and everything I was like okay I got it

I I I’m ready and then today my computer was just like you yeah I don’t think so nothing’s going to work like oh my gosh it was fun times fun times let’s go is real technology technology is a little bit it’s a little bit crazy for me I don’t know I’m still

Trying to figure it out but but being technology we we are we are Frenemies we are four FS four friends friends so I was thinking probably for is PNG sh today is PNG shio cuz cuz my she magic and Technology yes I wish I could use my magic on my on my

It on my PC in all honesty I really wish I really wish I could use Magic on any on any device so that way hello yeah you’re you’re so a you’re you’re so with it good good with it Magic versus Tech yeah the the the magic I I need more magic I need

To get better at Magic and then and then I’ll I’ll be able to magically make all of my stuff work cuz I don’t know what happened and you all honestly I really want to do a I kind of still want to do this stream later on so probably I’ll try to do it

Like either later on in the week or next week or something just because I want to I want to get my phone to use you know I just really want to use my phone I wanted to use that feature where I like like scrolling around it make it look oh

Cool as stuff and I can’t use it I’m so sad I can’t use it yes oh of course three days of no streaming it’s already enough to rust to make me Rusty oh my goodness it was it was crazy it was some crazy time a crazy time but

You know what it’s okay everything’s going be okay we’re going to make we’re going to make the best of it and instead of doing the what is it instead of doing um the hallat stream first we’re just going to go straight into straight into Minecraft and then

Relax there for a little bit so that way my my fluffy brain can relax cuz it is just like malfunctioning right now there’s like Sparks yeah that’s exactly what I’m going to do I’m just going to talk about it while I play cuz cuz why not because

That’s it it works better for some reason for some reason the universe doesn’t the universe decided that that this is this was not going to happen and instead we’re just going to play Minecraft and I’m just going to listen to it and just go with it wait

After you imagine I’ll be so mad at this point I’m just like I’m I’m not going to make anything work out of spite if everything works it’s like no you decided not to work so you know what you’re not going to work anymore so you’re not going to work for the rest of

The stream nuh all right I’m going to direct you guys to the to the to the playroom to the playroom I’ll see you there bam oh my goodness yay we are in Minecraft wait what that does only hurt myself no if it I mean in all honesty if

If it were if if it were true that everything does start working out of nowhere I would most definitely just go with the working part you know like I would I actually want it to work I want it to work so bad and I don’t know why it’s not

Working I think had the longest meat Andy oh did you you really it was the longest one oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you it’s p yes it’s PNG she your time cuz cuz my model was just like I’m sleeping what the heck why are you you waking me up this

Stream like this is all you’re this is what I’m supposed to do oh my gosh he supposed to wake up for me so we can stream but no sir not this time whoa what’s happening hold on I’m trying to do a thing there go hi hello Mary hello Mario

Hi Vio let me say hi to everybody hi Texon sailor hi the rag hi everybody thank you so much for coming and thank you so much for putting up with me and my and my technical difficulties technical stuff is crazy how do people do this like how do how

How how oh my God Stephen hello Stephen and you gave me the love oh yes wait did you do the thing that I told you to do what was it that I told you to do oh so I’m for Minecraft I’m actually working on wait

What oh no is this is it not working either is it is it not working why is it not working what so in Minecraft what I was doing was um I was actually doing a my fairy my fairy uh Hub I was doing a fairy house in the in the wilderness it

Was going to be a tree house but uh I can’t get in the server so I don’t know what’s going on it says that it’s just not it’s not connected it says the server is not connected typ the the game everything is H is it today is there something going

On today that I don’t know of like it I don’t know is there something going on why what’s happening this is like you know at at a certain point I think I I think this is not a coincidence anymore this is just this is just not a exactly yes you’re right

Mario this is not coincidence anymore I don’t know what’s happening in honesty this this is starting to scare me I I don’t know why I can’t oh I need to update the how do I do that do I just refresh well then everything everything on January 2 needs to be updated and

Refreshed I don’t know maybe that’s what it is it was Saturday but I left the convention at 8 because of oh because you you were TI yes oh my gosh I was so tired after the after everything too I also got sick oh so at the second day I was just like

Dying I got really sick yeah I think it’s National te and you’re right I think it is National technology technology sleep day that’s probably what it is cuz yeah I don’t even I don’t even know anymore man I don’t even know I don’t I don’t I don’t

Know I wanted to have a a nice and chill is 120 oh really good oh my goodness wait oh oh you so there is a new update do I go here where do I go you need to 1202 oh here it says 120.4 hello hi yes of course please join

Me no you’re good you’re good yeah okay wait back back oh okay yeah yes at the very least Minecraft gotta work yeah oh yeah let me grab let me oh okay yeah the server was also like I get to have my days off nice oh you can’t wait a second they can’t hear

You ghost you’re ghost I I look insane I’m like yes I’m just talking to myself at this point the whole time I was talking to myself yet oh my God let me see how can um how can I have you I have it here oh yeah I got you here um

It’s the the voice your voice you guys still can’t hear Chio right Chio oh you can’t can’t hear me it’s a buoy Mo Cheeto more berries a t wait they can’t hear you what yeah oh right okay I think you should be good now hello hello can everybody hear me I am

Buly your TCH supp OT for the evening yeah yay hello and my emotional support too I am also time I’m the volunteer emotional support otter and we are little baly pngs tonight because um we had some technical difficulties earlier yeah you can hear me that’s great hello floops

Hello to your I hope you’re doing great this evening I’m see if I can help missry make it into mft I just realized my my fogies oh my voice is reacting to your fugie yours is reacting to mine that’s so funny we swap the bodies

Really as long as you can hear me let’s see yeah that’s good okay it’s all the PNG people you should um have the Minecraft launcher all good right um the Minecraft launcher yes okay so I turned I turned on my microphone up but it might just be our

Discord um if my volume is still low through chio’s chat let me go to her stream I’m gonna give it a quick listen yeah put up yours a little bit so actually in Discord you might have to go this is tech support AO time and if anybody’s interested in streaming

Maybe you can learn something so what you’ll want to do is um you can adjust everybody’s individual volumes through Discord cuz uh I think you already know how to do that but there is another area where the output goes through and that’s going to be in your user settings and

You go to voice and video voice and then underneath your output device there will be output volume it’s sometimes it can be a bit low there oh yeah it’s actually lower than yeah so I usually have that up to like 150 plus just cuz Discord volume can be kind

Of strange once it gets pushed through everything I think this is this probably should be good how do you guys hear Bo oh how is my volume now can you all hear me better hopefully yeah all right oh the F the PNG it’s it’s it’s it’s thankfully easier the yeah the

Pngs are super easy to do um there’s there’s a very uh a really great website for that and it’s called reactive. fi. and uh all you need to do is connect it to your Discord and you can set up different little pngs really simple right there yeah you can hear me wonderful

Nice Perfect all right now let’s see if we can get Minecraft working for you sweet all right So so so our server is currently on um 1.2.2 it has not been updated to the the latest version so in your Minecraft launcher we need to take you back to a previous version oh I see okay sorry yay yay good good okay so do you do you know how to do

That um to go to a previous one oh I probably I see something here oh no I’m not sure it says latest release and latest snapshot I’m no um or maybe in settings okay so are you in the launcher and you’ve chosen Java Edition you yeah usually there’s um versions

Oh like different versions for it yeah you could see like installations or versions you should be able to cuz I do have one down here that says latest release the 1.20 then latest snapshot and then that’s it but let me see if settings might have you good okay bear sent you

Instructions in your DMs do you want to check those yeah sweet oh okay here oh I see it oh but you guys are in the two point yeah 12 12 and two right if not we can always just move back to your room scene and I’ll chat with everyone for a little

Bit and I could see about getting the server upgraded it’s just gonna be a random Adventure kind of night yeah oh sorry oh my gosh yes for sure all right so I mean I think I did oh you got it I mean you could try

To log in now let me see if I can in cuz I think I was able to do it all right nice oh my goodness look like we’re like bouncing on your little clouds here yeah that’s we too it looks so cute oh I’m teeny tiny make a big see not

I really I really love playing Minecraft Minecraft’s one of my favorite games I’m so glad that we were able to make a server for CEST yeah okay all right looks good so far make sure you click C this CS one yeah but it didn’t

See I’m want to go back to my room SC so I can figure this oh okay oh by it’s saying you’re up upgrading the Ser sorry so you’ll want to switch back to the latest version okay looks like um oh no you’re FY fogy you’re fogy I’m fogy oh my goodness so while we’re waiting for that to update and refresh you can just have a nice little chat with

Everyone yeah all right so let me let me add you you can be with me you can be inside of it yes I want to be in your phone I’m going to talk to you through your through through my phone put my phone to you yay yeah just like normal just like normal

Yeah can you flip your Boogie so it will look at My Boogie oh yes yeah flip us while we’re looking at each other oh right now we look like like facing each other ring ring ring ring oh there you go ring ring ring ring ring ring watch watch hello who’s up hello

Sh hello I need to I I need to move you to face me too face me please oh there we go yeah you got it nice my God buy is jailed no she’s not she’s inside my phone I’m the phone yeah she’s inside the phone I was shatting inside phone hi

So uh how’s it going yeah how how you guys doing how oh CH ask me how I’m doing yeah recovering it’s going slow I feel like I’m on like one of those really slow like HP regions it must be like a level one beginner HP regen cuz I’m only

Getting like a couple of HP per day go the important thing is that it’s going I’ll send you Mana oh thank you that would be great I could use I could use some spare HP potions the kind of potions I’ve been taking lately they’re kind of grow thank you bu

They’re pretty growth um it’s called I think vix Vick not SP Vick VI my favorite yeah but I have I have a potion all that’s called vix and it’s with honey oh from from my personal opinion it tastes like Beast bit yeah oh my gosh

I love I love the bees but it tastes like bees fit and I feel like for the flavor with the amount of HP I get from it it’s maybe not worth it but I am slowly getting better so I can’t complain too much yes you sound

Better too which is great yeah I feel like I have maybe two or three more vocal cards available today that I did not have like on the New Year’s stream so Oh slowly but surely The Voice is coming back thank goodness got the update that the server is working so what we’ll need to do is we’ll need to swap to the latest release yeah in and then we can get in and then we can play he you coulding

Oh oh you’re you’re cooking Mario okay into the mind it’s so nice that we have some people who are joining us um who met us at H yeah oh my goodness you guys are awesome yeah are joining us tonight that’s so wonderful yay thank you guys

M all right I think I think it’s finally there you go oh my gosh we’re going to make like a bombastic celebration fireworks and everything like New Year’s again once this starts working like finally something works it is it is a big accomplishment yeah I’ll need to this is this is good

For me cuz I’m going to need to update my um CL the yeah what the things that make Minecraft pretty oh mods well I don’t have mods but they’re like um gosh the textures goodness oh I can’t remember words oh no all right I’m gonna get I’m gonna get in

Wait what happened what did you what’ you say I’m sorry um trying to remember oh yes Roco that was so much fun Roco paper scissors oh God what is that where am I shaders I need to update my shaders oh five years later the was that’s me oh my God or sometimes I

Just don’t remember at all yeah yay we are it what the heck I do remember where I do remember where I am but I can’t find my I can’t find my house you’re at your house my house where the heck is my house is my house like overgrown with oh I see

It welcome back we are returning home for the first time in in weeks hello yes that’s right the first time we have played Minecraft in weeks that’s right I missed kind of unheard of for me I missed Minecraft I needed to I’m lost again I I I know my house supposed to be

Somewhere here Escape her hibernation hole I did Escape my hibernation hole I was sleeping sleeping for two weeks in there okay I can’t even remember what I was doing last time so I’m impressed that you were able to remember oh no I was just like in I don’t know why I was

Inside a hole when I came out when I like came in Minecraft but I think I think probably I don’t know I was put inside that hole cuz I forgot to to um I forgot to to exit out and I was going to die if I didn’t

Exit I remember that I think that was your last uh the last time you streamed Minecraft yeah I forgot to I forgot to I always forget I don’t know why it’s not until like yeah so I have a fun story to share Story Time Story Time shortly

Shortly after debut we had a collab stream where we all played phasmophobia together it it was a pretty tough stream to schedule because Gio was about to leave for Japan like pretty much right after the stream pretty much right after that that stream you wereing up I have

Half of my like luggage done yeah trying try to make it yeah but but but Chio stayed on phasmophobia so like you know how you could see what your friends are playing on Steam so so the members are all just like we could all see that Chio was still playing

Phasmophobia we’re like oh my gosh and so we were like screenshotting it every day and it went up to like 14 days I’m a hardcore game it was seriously like been playing fast for 14 for 14 days it is funny trapped in there with the ghosties I was trapped with ghosts the whole

Time oh my God I remember coming back and you guys talking about it I’m like what are you talking about like 14 days in fast mode what and then I saw it what I forgot to I forgot to take it out I’m pretty sure I was I I was taking screenshots like

Regularly and then sending them along to you oh my God I thought it was hilarious how was it spending 14 days with the ghosties I’m traumatized I’m now I mean I’m proud of their tribe now I can I can hunt people once the ghost tribe did they teach you how to

Haunt yeah they they taught me a lot of SK a lot of night nice tricks and skills of how to haunt people did they teach you how to do that thing where like you can go through walls maybe go invisible um they taught me but I can’t do

It what about like what about making the air feel cold like impossible oh that that that was get like really cold you learn from the GH that was pretty easy yeah yeah that one’s easy yeah that was not that was I can’t I can’t reveal the secrets that okay that was easy I’ll

Have to have my own uh ghost you need to you need to be in fast for 14 days ghost campost ghosty Camp ghost I learn how to be spooky yeah exactly and then we both can be spooky oh God the f oh my I’m sorry

Oh my God I got scared that’s okay we’re just going to give you a little go czy okay yeah I think I do need it well he’s dying now I I’m to my thing broke where are you I don’t know where my I am I’m in our Village um where the

Food is I’m checking on the food I lost my house I’m in the middle of ghost C the ghost hostage yeah thank goodness I escaped I could never imagine actually being like would you for a million dollars right would you um stay overnight in a haunted house like in the

Middle of nowhere it’s like you will I a scar no ghost you ain’t scared of no ghost think smashing scar no ghost I a’t scared no ghost D you you you’re strong you’re strong oh the game out is loud really hold on I can’t believe would you do would

You ever how would you react if you see if you saw ghost like what um well I’m not yeah well so I I think the ghosties they were once people right yeah okay I’m being attacked by monsters just a moment please every wants people so so just like people I think some

Ghosties might be good some ghosties might be naughty some ghosties might be bad so I’ll just take my chances also I think that maybe I could be scarier than a ghost I I wish that I was not scared of Co I so scared of I’m trying to figure

Out where the audio for the for the game is because it’s it’s loud so if you’re uh you could yeah you could do it in in game I suppose uh where you’re at options you was Ed by a okay if you have your routing set up

Uh properly with the books oh you could just take your game audio slider and slide that down otherwise you could go oh you died again did I okay I need to get oh wait no I’m just watching it on your stream sorry oh okay I that moment oh my

Goodness I like no I died all right let me see which why we can’t take breaks you for too long and you forgot everything you learned I that’s true oh my gosh no more breaks we’re done here that’s I will oh gosh oh God sorry I didn’t mean to

Shout this skeleton that’s just standing under these uh blocks I made for for the trees wait where is I think I can do OBS it doesn’t really appear in OBS no you should have um in your PC Tex supp otter moment in your PC audio settings oh where you can see um you

Know you go to like the apps and you show Advanced and you could tell you could tell the audio which track you want it to go to okay then you could tell Minecraft to go to your game can I lower it from here what about what

About now guys yeah you can lower it from there that’s the overall settings or you can you can adjust things uh a little bit in game by going to the options music and sounds and then in there you can like customize it a bit oh okay I think hi

Yeah hi Ramsey okay so I think I think I might might be can’t tell unless you play oh of course yeah yeah let me respond all right how about now it’s funny because I can’t hear the game at all so Minecraft doesn’t really have too much um music it’s pretty much just the

Block sounds or like more like sound effects yeah that’s true and it’s pretty cool you can individually adjust the different sound effects so you can make like the animals quieter or the weather quieter and what I do when I play Minecraft is I will turn off the

Minecraft music and I will play like my own uh like BDM grp oh I think toast oh halfway there where’s my stuff I think I I think I thank you everyone for your patience while we are getting accustom to streaming again yes I feel like especially after the

Holidays like coming back to be fair um oh the craziness getting sick I know both of us got pretty sick getting sick affects the brain power as well I I’ve had brain fog really bad oh my gosh yes I did a practice uh for My Stream today I

Definitely needed it cuz I was like oh my goodness I’m I’m going slow going slow my gears are are a little rusty there some there’s some something yeah that’s how that’s how I feel few oh still what is that huh what L I’m take a little Liston okay

Thank is there a monster somewhere around here yes I was wiped out by the by the sickness but I’ve been to the doctor down to the sickness MH yeah and I can I can talk now so it’s not too bad I’m so glad that my voice

Came back yeah cuz for a little while there I couldn’t talk at All there’s this like weird sounds what what sounds are you hearing like it’s probably a monster a monster around here like in real life oh no no not in real life no thank goodness not in real life I found an ocela at your your house did you I’m

Going to drag I’m going to drag this to yeah I found a kitty found a kitty cat come on kitty cat oh it’s a polar bear oh wait no I shouldn’t bring it I shouldn’t bring it close to your uh parrot and might eat it I almost oh no I

Almost I almost oh there’s polar bears yeah yeah that’s what it islar bear oh my gosh that’s so cute what the heck oh my God it’s that a baby polar bear yeah um on M’s Minecraft adventure we we found those polar bears bear brought them home for us what a champ

Bear was such a trooper he brought those po Bears home all the way from like it must have been like over 2,000 blocks away ohnow biome oh je and there’s a is is that a fox there’s a fox yeah dog is there’s a red fox too we we were collecting animals

And I want to make a zoo oh my God it’s so cute you’ll have to help us make a zoo later okay I’ll my room is like over it overgrown overgrown yes it’s so funny yeah guys this is my room it’s like all Pines or trees I don’t know things vines vines

There Pines are trees they’re like Christmas trees an enemy wife sh you’re right if not there you are oh hey hello so I only played a little bit um like off stream over break I I would did some like mining cuz we need materials so I did Mining and I did exploring

Oh a little bit and while mining I found a skeleton SP so that’s crazy cool because I’ll be able to make us an ex farm and we’ll be able to get bone meal is like good for oh my God you’re doing great to my potential in the

Boat oh the master the master yeah I want to jump left come on get in you can you can right click there I you acoss my ladyo I think I will put we got so many Bon here oh there is I think this is it oh my

Gosh I think I did it is it good now guys thank you for so we don’t have um we don’t have very many builds started yet on the CEST server pretty much just have the Welcome Center made yeah so the Welcome Center is kind of where we each have our own

Little room we can right click to get out oh no I’m trying to get out yeah right click right right yeah come on Cheeto yeah like right click it’s right click right right click I thought it was also right shift shift oh shift oh okay

My bad I also thought it was right click so you can’t trust what I say I’m only right like some of the time kind of I always trust yes we got our our Welcome Center where like our shared storage is and and we all have like a little dorm room

There oh I forgot to yeah and then um I started making some like farms and stuff in that like Village area so that’s where we have like food and I started um a villager food farm there and yeah so that’s should be finished soon I think next time I play I’m going

To try to finish that villager food farm yeah oh nice but since I did some Mining and I found that skeleton spawner that’s going to be great for exp and bone meal yeah oh well for 11 years I I started 11 years ago but then I stopped oh whenever the game

Came buoy sings really well lives in the sea rocks are we sure she isn’t a siren I could it be it could be disguised it’s an AR time I will I will I will lure the sailors to their Doom oh no not me though wait I’m good to you

Please CS Town yeah CS Town sounds very cool so um I’ve been doing a lot of thinking because I can’t really do much else right now right if I can’t do streaming and I’m not really well enough to do work I can only think like think it is

Right so I was thinking of ideas and um one of those ideas was like a CEST fandom mascot and a CEST fandom name oh oh that would be cute yes and I really like the idea I came up with a couple of ideas I really like the idea of

Cestal cestal cestal kind of like celestials Heavenly Vibe going on C CEST oh like celestials that’s so cute yeah celestials um I was thinking of these little like fluffy Cloud Cosmos looking cute things oh oh my gosh little clouds maybe something I could share a little bit more about later yeah

Oh my God that sounds actually awesome yeah cuz we start we have M and her sweets TI and her fls and Bully and her bullies um but for fans of all of CEST we could have the calss yeah for everybody that’s so cute by the way I just imagine them like the

Mario the Mario Galaxy Stars yeah like little Mario Galaxy STS I was talking about U you know in the New Year’s stream I was talking about my resolutions and the goals and I really want to do a concert someday you know um yeah and if we could if we could someday

Have a CEST concert you know that would be nice yes in in other in other oh gosh a zombie hold on I have to get to safety I cannot talk while my life is being threatened okay yeah let’s I feel that okay oh no the boys I’ve watched other uh

YouTuber concerts and they’ll have like the little mascots there like holding the pen lights and stuff and um I mean it’s really cute when members have their their own individual mascots but I think if we get some they have like a group concert it would be really cute to have

Little little mascots for uh that could be there too yeah oh my gosh that would be so cute so I just love the idea of like fluffy little Cosmos little cloud guys maybe holding pen lights cheering for us someday that’s that’s my dream right now God a spider I yes TI really

Likes singing and Performing too yes I can’t wait I really wanted to do the which I still got to figure out how I do that do karaoke yeah like karaoke streams or like uh cover cover cover cover song cover song I hly cannot wait to do karaoke stream uh there’s a couple

Of challenges with that so yeah for for me uh I’ve practiced doing karaoke streams but with since we’re beginners I think you could tell we’re beginners um there are some little tricks and things you have to learn to be able to to do karaoke U first of all there’s a lot of

Like copyright issues so it would of course be unarchived like karaoke streams would be unarchived so that means we would do but would not stay up oh no I didn’t know that oh my gosh and then oh hold on would you want to do a collab with YouTuber Sea Dog

Conor do you know Connor from trash Chase Gio oh yeah would you do collab with him um yeah I would I mean who wouldn’t if they had the opportunity to right yeah have I had the opportunity to they’re like so I I really like uh watching their podcast like watch the

Podcast yeah I mean we’re all pretty friendly easygo and girls so I feel like we would be able to get along with anyone if the opportunity came up for sure yeah I would definitely yeah but with um with karaoke streams we would have to like pick out

The songs and um probably like download them so to make sure there’s no like leg over the Internet yeah that too mhm and then you would have to play them off of your PC this is teex support otter sign some behind the scenes tips so I think the best method would be to

Pick out the songs and download them and then play them and then you would have to do practice recordings to figure out what your like what your offset is what your delay is oh I left my bed somewhere hold on I’ll the I got my cat

So kind of figuring out the audio side of that it just it’ll take some practice before I I it will take some practice before I feel comfortable doing my own stream I’m thinking currently I’m thinking um maybe February of doing like a Valentine’s karaoke oh really M that’s

My current plan cuz I don’t think my my voice will recover in time for me to like fit it in this month yeah oh I see I see I don’t know if at least at least for me for karaoke stream um I’m not entir sure when I could do that I know I

Had the like videos in mind but yeah no I have to figure out how the stream will go sure that that’s what that’s what tutorials are for true we’ll keep learning and um but you you already um I feel like you already know a lot of songs giio oh yeah

Like karaoke style songs oh yeah I I it’s so funny because whenever there’s nobody in the whenever there’s nobody in the house I would put karaoke songs just so I can sing really loud and I was just like singing or in the car I yeah well when you visited me

You were even singing a lot of songs what are you singing while you’re here I think you’re were singing like um oh gosh it was um I mean we were singing sparkly fantasy like all the time oh yeah um cuz we were practicing it too right

Yeah what was it oh gosh I can’t remember the names right now like oh Bring Me to Life from vence yeah yeah I freaking love her oh my God I want to sing like every song she got you know a lot of songs I think you

Could do that oh my God I just gonna have a whole oh um a emo oh no I don’t think I can still sing actually like well I still have the even better can you See yeah that’s going to be the whole karaoke my range is completely destroyed like if I lowered the octave I could like maybe see like open like almost it’s like really deep for me it’s kind of hard to do that yeah no when it’s like deep yeah I

Mean don’t think I can do to be come on Bobby let’s go oh my are you okay oh like did I just did I lost her what she go am I can you hear me yes I can I I can hear you you sing the high part

Oh see oh see your your voice works come on go just a little bit just a little bit Yeah mid 2000s karaoke relay we should make that an event you know been brainstorming all kinds of events I think that’s a great event cuz we we need we need to do events I love

Events yes events are fun I really like events too which one is that one oh it’s the it’s the the mem one hold on Baka Baka Mii so actually my favorite version of baka Mii is the um it’s the one where it’s like remixed with snation but yeah oh Think heard It you got it I can’t hold hold on I want to do this dummy Dy let me let me listen to it again and see if I can figure out where I can put my voice to do this now I got that stuck in my Head my voice is just God oh you can sing uh in a low voice you can sing um Adele songs cuz Adel I feel Adel songs are really like lower hello which ones Adele Adele oh she she lower yeah she got that like low R I don’t know if I

Know any Adele songs so that’s the problem with karaoke is like okay I don’t really know like the full songs of like any song but I know like the Tik Tok portion of like every song oh okay I did too imagin creation you should if you rewrite it I

Will sing it for you yeah oh Rewritten songs you imagine Rewritten songs we will sing those I’ll make a I’ll make a short I’ll make a Tik Tok of uh CS Barbie yes yes okay let me let me see if I can do this dumy dumy let’s see let’s

See yakaza is such a crazy series I’ve never played like before but I really want to I do Not I don’t know how what song is this I I honestly have never heard this one okay so can it’s a older meme I’ll send this you on Discord dummy dumm yeah so it’s an older meme it’s a song from the game series The the game series is called Yakuza and they

Have a lot of they have a lot of uh different games um it’s a really cool game but it’s also a really silly game yeah and so they have a lot of silly mini games and this mini game is when he goes to like uh like a bar and sings

Karaoke yeah and and the song that he sings there or one of them is bakam and uh and it became a meme yeah oh I didn’t oh my gosh I need to hear the whole thing it’s kind of like a sad it’s kind of like a sad song oh what

The yeah it is like Baka Baka uh Baka you know what Baka means right yeah yeah I do but I thought he was like singing something funny I didn’t know was sad so bakam basically means like I’ve been a fool like um I’m so dumb I’ve been

Mistake a mistake about about like you know about like whether it’s like romantic or something like that it’s like he’s like that’s so dumb oh no I’m so no yeah I did I did another I did another door fence dang it I how to do fences I haven’t been helping you at all

I’m I’m just here as an emotional support ERS like hanging out at your Bas I don’t know I guess if a zombie attacks you I can throw myself in in between I’ll be like no no a stop it not her but kind of like yeah but kind of in

The context of the song yeah it’s a sweet yet lonely song yeah but there’s also like a snow remix favorite uh holiday song is snation but specifically all of the remixes oh my God how did you say that did you see the new what is it um I think vjo did

It yeah under cover of snation was so good yes hopeing we can do something like that someday yes I would love that I remember them announcing it I’m like what I need to see that I justst should I just post this on the server what where would I post it if I

Want to share bakam Tha snation to everyone if 24 hours what channel should I postday what’s what 24 oh um oh man I don’t know in general I what’s uh cerella General okay think General’s probably okay was 24 hour Cinder Cinderella oh no I’m going to look it up now yeah

Oh I love TW I I love this with miim yeah I love this oh my gosh okay I’m gonna have to also check Waitz I want to know what to Do No not heard okay maybe we should just switch this to reaction in stream are we allowed to watch YouTube videos um on stream oh manager manager oh my gosh Warrior hello where do I um where can I post uh YouTube videos in our Discord for everyone to

Watch yes we are having the difficulties of Technology tonight so yeah the difficulties of the difficulty p tonight yeah that’s right we’re going to go into the deep ends of YouTubes all right I’m just going to post it in general if I make a mistake posting memes oh is it memes

Okay well it’s just going to be yaku out Clips the world is dangerous outside they’re going in there they going in there they’re going in jakuza you said I love you love you you love me oh the FL shot yeah oh somebody already got into it

Faster than me TIG got did T you see before I post a clip I have to watch it a little bit and sing along with it a little bit again I’m so oh my gosh girl Oh I thought the doggies were looking at the the full moon n we’re just sharing we’re just

Sharing good times tonight um also giving people context of what we’re talking about so that’s why I thought I would post the videos oh yeah is there do you know if we have any fences in in the in our CEST place yeah yeah probably fences fences no I’m in with the

Fishes I can’t wait for S along let’s go all the yaku man I have so many games to play but I really want to play Yakuza um I don’t know if you’re into that series at all Gio but I have um yeah yeah go ahead

Tell me about it oh no no I was going to say uh I’ve seen videos and I do want to play it yeah it seems really fun yeah but you know I saw a commercial or like a preview that they’re going to have like like an animal crossing inspired yaka

Game um it’s like a vacation island with with yua characters really looks so funny oh my God I would love to yes that be so fun now but you could probably look through the the storage underneath and okay I’m going to go down there one of these yeah there’s chests

TOS yeah there’s chest silver on this side probably some of them have wood like planks and logs over here down here you can make l fences oh nice yeah so there’s probably wood and then there’s like sticks somewhere too how do you make a fence uh oh here’s planks oh planks um

Planks you need sticks and planks you could use a crafting table so and then um you either type in fence and it tell you you need four planks and two sticks oh four planks I need planks yeah it’s like like a dragon Don Coco Island

Wait what is that what so like a dragon uh D dond island is Yakuza series like answer to Animal Crossing oh really so it’s an animal crossing Style game where they’re on an island but it’s all Yakuza oh what oh my goodness yeah um so I guess I’ll put

This in memes too I or should I put it in games I’ll put it in games Said um not planks so um to answer the question about CEST right now um you could think of us as just a vtuber group but we current we we do have the the structure in place to become a small company when we are ready to but currently currently

With just these three members we are technically independent because everybody’s um like financially everybody is responsible for themselves and for example if you choose to support any of us or donate to us everything like entirely goes to to the talent but once we thank you oh sorry I was like being T

But yeah once once we are a to grow a little bit more and um we can we could put some things in place to to to become a small company but currently right now we do we do everything ourselves yeah yeah yeah Freedom who’s out there right

Right we currently have a lot of freedom but but we are we do hold each other accountable and we do have some guidelines that we follow so basically these these first three members have decided to like put in the ground workor and put in the effort to to build it up

And support each other yeah but if you want to be technical yeah currently we we function um like technically as independent but we we do have like a mod and a manager in place to help us and support us and uh we do have the structure and place to grow MH yeah so

Then when we are able to we will we will probably form a small company properly but yeah just to be completely transparent with everything yeah sweet and have a good night F yes thank you so much for stopping by and you can you could think of it as well that like

I um I I was probably the the central one uh getting things started and I I scouted Chio and to join me she grabbed me with a with a net yes yeah a very big butterfly n m she grabbed me yeah and she summoned Mila with the pan yeah really Mila really just

Appeared out of um one cotton candy one day and oh she was praying I don’t know yes I think that’s a great way to put it we’re currently structured as an agency but yeah but act as individuals so we are responsible for for ourselves right

Now but we do support each other and and we do have the structure in place to grow yeah oh I’m trying to make like a whole bunch of fences I I hope that CS comes bigger and um you know hopefully we can we can succeed in the future and be able to do

More and more we definitely be trying our best this is very very early days for CS right now very early days you said that the beginning of everything we haven’t even like hit the three months Mark yet which I think is crazy I’m like so much

Has happened that I feel like we’ve been doing it for like six months but no we haven’t even hit the third mon third month yeah we we still don’t have very much experience as as streamers yet either I know I’m a big fan of YouTubers so I

I’ve been um very Fletchling days yeah we have just or just baby birds who have currently fallen out of our nest and we are flapping violently think we’re flying yeah yeah know that’s why I can only fly like very very little yeah yes you all can say you were

Here that’s right we were struggling but it’s like I saw them scuff so many time for for me my mindset is I I would rather start like I would rather start streaming and and give it all I got and learn as I go and you know then

Everybody can grow with us yeah rather than rather than waiting until we’re good like you know I’m sure some like that’s company Styles like they’re going to pick people who are already good or already established or and then have the means to support them like you know through ads or assets or

Equipment but we we’re starting with just just the basics just us and it’s I mean it’s always the best way cuz it’s like we got to start from somewhere you know and we’re learning as we go exactly and learning as we go and I feel like

Like moments like today it really um no that’s that’s really like how we learn a lot of the times like for next time we know how to be prepared and then yeah like you didn’t expect those things to happen but like maybe next time you’ll

Be able to to test your stream a bit sooner or yeah exactly test it the day before it yes it did work yesterday right pre-record this stream oh my god do absolutely everything just like like the stream has to happen but then sometimes things have to update five minutes before the Stream

Yeah there’s there was quite a lot that happened today yes well thank you for stopping by Stephen yes thank you so much for stopping by thank you thank you and are we going to home at 2024 you know what I hope so yeah I also hope so

To be honest I was really grateful too to have the opportunity to go to H at I really put put my all into that the members worked really hard too I also I was also very grateful and I really do hope so because it was a whole lot of

Fun I met a lot of people what I what I want to do is um I want to write up um that we were so cool a cool thing is we were invited to go to other events so um we’ll be following up with other events

So hopefully you’ll be able to meet us other conventions this year um but I I I really love H that and uh I definitely hope we can go back and what I’m going to do is I’m going to pitch some ideas so hopefully we can do some more types

Of content there yeah oh that would beol I think our booth went really well like I’m I’m really happy with um with how the booth went yeah sorry I’m a little tired you’re like that was really successful but um but like the panel I feel like I would like to plan out like

Uh something like the panel a bit more yeah or or be able to do some some more different types of content there like you already know my dream is to do a concert so maybe uh maybe if we can do like a Christmas concert or sing Christmas carols around the oh that

Would be cute could you imagine if we were uh if we got those like little like those little scooter things with the screens and and we just drove around oh my God yes and harassed people that would be so funny it’s like to stop by like play have a lot of ideas probably

What I’ll do I’ll reach out I’ll reach out again I will pitch my ideas and we’ll see what happens yeah but definitely um I hope we can bring the booth some more yeah oh and yes happy birthday by the way one pun that was so it was your birthday uh oh

You’re the one who had your birthday at I remember that oh no you someday you’ll meet me he meeting you right now but someday yes but you can be yeah like hi hello I’m Cheeto I’m Cheeto I keep on writing Shido too do you yeah it’s accidentally

I’m like she it’s because it’s like right there next to the Y it’s next to the Y and then I I press I’m like okay I’m good I’m like wait can you imagine where we’ll be by the end of the year I know right I I I think

About it sometimes cuz I’m like you should you got to manifest that dream you dream it you can do it exactly it’s possible M it’s possible so that’s why cuz I’m like man we’ve been like just a little bit and I feel like even with the scuff and all like we still

Work you know work pretty hard and I like I don’t know I really like how like where we’re at right now yeah I definitely I’m definitely very motivated to to become a better Entertainer um I I definitely encourage all the members like rewatch your streams and uh

Think about what you can do better and think about like you know how we can make the conversations flow better and yeah I know I was a little bit of a menace on on the New Year’s stream that was it was so funny though

I do like to try to think about how we can like banter off of each other and yeah ways we can make it more entertaining this is more like a just a casual trying our best type of stream yeah nice too my brain was fried after yo you expect these very often like

These are these are a rare occasion kind of stream they should be yeah our best to stream but I feel like car needed clam juice not the car I’m I’m getting more flashbacks not the carbonated clam juice hello could I interest you in some delicious carbonated clam

Juice my favorite I drink it every morning it’s so delicious okay so um story time story I’ll tell you the I’ll finish the behind the scenes of of the carbonated clam juice so it was my resolution to be a little bit healthier right so I was looking up

Different Health stuff and health food no not block game rare sorry uh but like this kind of behind the scenes casual chatting uh scuff stream rare rare oh yeah yeah that exactly yeah yeah the the SC stream is going to be rare block game is all the time as much as possible yeah

No game is not happen always I’m a Minecraft streamer so expect plenty of block game BL but back back to my story um so I was browsing on Tik Tock as one does looking up health foods for fun you know yeah and just random facts not anything in

Specific but I found out that clam juice is like one of the most like nutrient dense foods you can like consume um oh yeah but it doesn’t say so on the label it has like micronutrients in it um yeah which are not like the FDA like labeled nutrients which are like just specific

Ones but yeah it has a whole bunch of like micronutrients in it which makes it like one of the most of not the most like nutrient dense like food oh so then I was like PR cool and that made me look up car like that made

Me look up clam jips right so then I was like okay well I got to know like is clam juice even food like what is it and like how do you cook with it what can I make with clam juice to get those micronutrients right like I be healthy I need nutrients

Yeah so then I looked up clam juice and one of the videos that I watched uh was this guy that carbonates different stuff it just said carbonated clam juice that was that was the title that was the caption like how could I not click on

It wait did he get to drink it then yes so this guy what he does is his chat will suggest him like things to carbonate and then drink um so I watched this guy like he reads the cap and you know when they like put the comment on

The screen and they’re just like carbonated clames okay he does it and then and then he opens up this little jar of that murky stuff oh my God and he smells it and he’s like and then he drinks it the whole video I stop watching and I was like laughing and

Crying and I was just you know I was having an experience it was completely disgusting like I’m pretty sure he threw up so after watching that like I couldn’t like not share it but I didn’t want to like share it to you because I I feel like I’m already enough of a menace

And you’re going to be like why are you sending me this I would have loved to see it though okay my brother yes please cuz with the stuff my brother says me from YouTube and I’m like you have a brother okay so you understand so for me and like my

Brothers like if you smell something Rd you have to share right if you eat something disgusting you have to share smell awful you smell it and you’re like and then you pass it to your bro you’re like you just like stumble into their room just like he’s like oh

What the heck that smells so bad you know like you exactly so if you eat something gross you like hold it in right you’re just like oh and then you’re like hey bro taste this and then they’re like it’s disgusting yeah sibling way that is oh my

Goodness I didn’t know is that yeah so I shared it to bite and then when bite put oyster or I think he put oyster in the quip lash but I knew what he meant and so that just like activated my brain oh my God yeah oh yeah I’m definitely one of the

Boys one of the booy boys I can be I can be I’m flexible I can be one of the boys if I got something gross I will share it with you always oh my gosh it’s so my brother and I used to have this game where we would say like something

Gross as in like something like that like like what you just said right carbonated like clam juice I don’t know why we used to this this game but it’s like he would say something gross that would like like that and then I would have to like make it worse and then he

Would have to make it worse and then I would have to to one of us will be like a that’s disgusting get it get it yeah you gota like one up and yes so that was the game and he’s like no I can’t go I can’t go past that but I usually won

That game was so great he’s like no why would you say that it’s gross exactly yeah you get it oh my God but another that I like how I’m just like literally strolling around yeah the story storytelling by just like running around but that’s why I like Minecraft

It’s because like I can be focused and like I can be buoy building or I could just let my buoy brain relax and just have lots of fun chats yeah exactly oh my go there’s so many fan game I don’t know if we I don’t know if you guys want to play that

Though we we could do it for a challenge any time stuff like this comes up um I like to remember it as like okay this is being added to like like a challenge or like a sub say something gross oh why I just realized I I went accidentally to Mila’s

Room but Mila has like the flag from the Oh Yeah from um the the pillagers yes that’s so funny I love it should get plants for I’m oh how how I forgot how to do this too let me see if I can make The yo there’s something appearing and disappearing next to me so I think I think there’s an Ender oh my enemy my mortal enemy yeah so um but would you drink that Juice by the way my friend who who watches my streams yeah got me um an Enderman Lego set for Christmas oh what

It’s a Lego set that has an Enderman in it and I was like have a good night tex say Sor thank you so much for coming by thank you oh yes thank you have a good night have a good night bye but a oh is that what that’s

What what is it what you wanted to do then the you would like to for my Legos stream no for my Lego Stream I’m will be starting one of my my big builds oh the big big one yeah probably I think um I mean I posted it

In in my sorry let me get a c job okay so I posted it in a picture of my my Lego backlog at least a portion of my Lego backlog yeah um it’s in the Discord I think most people seem interested in the the blacksmith um set oh

Blacksmith yes it’s it’s let me look up what it’s called Legos o yeah it’s it’s Lego ideas medieval blacksmith oh my God that’s so cute what the heck I love that yes so I think that’s what I’m going to do first I like it cuz there’s like a little puppy

It’s just like a little puppy there yeah oh that’s cute what the heck yeah it’s it’s it’s got the vibe right it’s got that nice fantasy vibe and or like a a little bit of a D and D Vibe or maybe the like Adventure game Vibe Adventure game Vibe yeah I think

It’s one that um I think it’s one the oh it’s going to take a while so I want to start that one soon mhm oh okay yeah that’s what I wanted to do with Spirited Away it’s gigantic so big yeah that’s another big one yeah so I want to I just don’t know

Don’t even know where to put it when I started cuz I be like what am I GNA like transition it it would be I mean I’m sure if I put it together it’s not going to break yeah okay I think about that too like um cuz typically my hand cam streams I’ll try

To do a set up like at my desk like my streaming desk um but there’s not like that much space here and I know your situation you have even less space yeah I got a little space you’ll probably have to set up a separate table um yeah so that’s what I was thinking

Probably just having table or something and then making it there somehow I see I definitely wanna I definitely want to make it I love Spirited Away yeah me too that looks so pretty I’m glad you like Legos we can talk about blocks together we can talk

About blocks we can oh my God I love the flower ones those are so cute oh definitely yeah I have like my own Minecraft label like garden garden yeah like if I can’t keep they keep coming out with more and more too so I feel like eventually you could have a whole Lego

Garden if you wanted yes oh my gosh I would love to cuz you I think you’re so oh there we go I did it I was trying to do trap trap doors that’s what I was trying to do um yes but I saw those the other day and

I was like what the heck I didn’t even know they existed they’re so cute they’re big too I’m like if I can’t keep regular flowers alive I can keep Lego flowers Al that’s how I feel and um I I tend to keep an eye on like the new sets that come out

Too like the the creative sets and oh there’s so many there’s like a a little hamster house and they they’re really as like just way too much like Lego Lego has way too much going on yeah oh my God they was good they’re going hard yeah I

Like when I saw all the stuff they had I’m like this is not for kids anymore all all the kids that grew up with they grew what well well yeah grew up so they’re like well now we’re doing grownup ones CU yeah they they really are there’s there’s all the different series like

Ideas icons oh jeez too many oh yes I would love that and Mar you Mario Tik Tok is full of kittens puppies and the most foul and hilarious things oh and Pokemon I feel like that is not like kittens and puppies mine is also filled with kittens and puppies especially

Puppies yeah I have so many dog videos in my anal Tik Tok is a good place to be it is I love that and once in a while I get like spooky Tik toks but I get them in the worst times of course cuz that’s usually how it

Goes I usually get them at night no well this so interesting yes do you like animal cling yes I do my house is full of like cockroaches but I do love Animal Crossing yes yeah they’re they’re going to be coming out with an Animal Crossing on Lego the crossover or really yeah um

Probably in a couple months now if I’m remembering right what no way MH oh my gosh I got to get back luy they have like most of the popular characters clean up my house they’ll have like Julian and the blue unicorn and Marshall and they’ll have most of the popular characters I think

Oh oh my goodness I would love that okay I’ll play it oh I can’t put a thing oh they’re like um they’re like Lego sets with Animal Crossing uh characters and stuff yeah oh oh okay oh my God I would love that for some odd reason I was I wasn’t

Even sure how it’s going to happen but I was thinking that the game was going to have an update and it was going to look like Legos oh like Lego fortnite yes I believe it fortnite kind of already is Animal Crossing well not really but it’s more like

Minecraft true true it’s more like Minecraft I want to keep playing it but it’s honestly kind of it became more difficult than I thought it would be so I I if I play I might have to restart and make the settings easier cuz I was trying to play it on stream like before

We left a break yeah and it was a little too challenging like there was Monsters nonstop my tools kept breaking and I I was like oh my gosh I think this might be too hard for me like I barely got like the single I I had to travel to a different biome to

Get just like the single resource I needed to like make the thing and the entire like two hour stream I was just trying to survive oh my goodness everybody is trying to shoot you yeah there’s like Monsters and enemies and all kinds of stuff happening

So I’m like okay well I think I need to make the settings easier and I need to like um I don’t want to like lose my items when I die that’s frustrating I’m also thinking of of making that a mod on our server so that if we die then our

Items will go into a box oh that would be great cuz I lost all my items when I yeah like dang it yeah I’m big sad yeah that way at least they’ll be retrievable yes oh my good I’m trying to put some flowers in my room nice be full of

Flowers you could probably check the the boxes downstairs for flowers and stuff too oh they are flowers yeah I have some blue flowers in my room o Che flow yeah probably the hilarious sh creat a tombstone yeah kind of like that I’m deciding which which one to add

But usually you could just it’ll just like make a box with your items in it when you die that’s what I’m thinking of that’s that’ be so that’s cute it makes a tombstone you die oh my gosh oh what yeah there is one that makes you g to oh

What ghost for a key I didn’t know that I don’t know if we’ll do that one that is really funny though cherry blossoms oh yeah oh cherry blossoms they’re so cute but they’re like they’re like petals on the ground that’s fantastic is if you

Grab go ahead and grab a few of them and then put them on the ground oops oh put them on the ground oh those are the saplings you want the flower petals oh oh my gosh gr oh these are like full on trees oh okay

Okay oh where you let me let let me come back to you I’m going to go back I just getting tired so I was pretty much just like locked myself in a room you’re good oh is it oh these are all the flowers yay oh my God look at pink

Petals and you found them oh my god did you from my room or did you find them from the box I find them from the box okay and then the Shar B some like the the cube what oh my God I’m going to I’m going to plant these in my in my other

House I was going to have to make enough blocks to rebuild build the space all pink oh my gosh yes mine’s going to be oh cherry blossoms I didn’t know there’s cherry blossoms in this game oh my goodness I didn’t know they updated it to zo we went to the

Um to a sakura tree biome and collected all of what oh where are you now oh I’m going to I’m sorry I’m going to the other house to to your raid your tree house okay yeah to my tree house yeah I’m starting to feel tired so

U I might I’m going go to bed soon yeah no you could I also have to go to bed soon Sor got I got wake up early tomorrow oh Angelica’s here hi oh my gosh for you Angelica cuz I know I know time zones be wild T been wild change you have

See see here look oh it say if you have the the flower blossoms yeah like the petals the pink petals you can put them on the ground oh my God and then you can you can continue to place them and they’ll get more like that what so you

Can kind of like vary it up a little bit if you want oh my goodness this is the best thing ever what this is so cute no way oh my God I’m obsessed what this is so cute yeah I’m pretty sure if we have bone meal we can make more what I’m

Taking these home it’s late but y’s playing Minecraft so I can cope with it a thanks for stopping by Angelica thank you yes yay we feel you mhm although it’s it just quite late for me me too I so I I probably going to be um saying good

Night soon yeah I’m probably also gonna be saying good night you think so how long have we been streaming I think an hour and a half okay it say 100 minutes ago yeah you missed all the stuff yes we’re having a bit of a struggle getting started today yeah some some iPhone

And stuff yeah yeah it happened cool we got through it we still streamed we had a good time with chat it was pretty good it was pretty good you think you um want to want to move us back to your room and we can have a a little goodbye chat yeah let me

Go ahead and before I forget disconnect from the game cuz mhm I always forget to that’s an important step getting to my room yes important yay well at least we stream for a little bit yeah we were able to get the PN still work too yeah I was able to join

You which was not planned so that’s I thank you so tomorrow I think I’ll need to um I’ll need to save my voice oh yeah yeah you’re good thank you thank you thank you you’re my my emotional support today after all um since it’s early in the week are

Usually uh usually near the end of stream what I like to do is go over the schedule and and tell people about where else they can see us for the week so do you have did you um do you have your schedule I do have oh to I do have my schedule to

Show I have to pull it up PO that up on and tell everyone about all the streams you have plan probably I’m still not sure if I will be doing like the this one that was supposed to be like the whole Master oh yeah but I’m not entirely sure

If I think what you could do is whatever ever your next stream is you can just plan like the first portion of that to have your home at child that’s true mine is going to be on uh oh my gosh what’s today today is Tuesday Thursday there

Go yeah so my my next stream is going to be on Thursday at 7 p.m. and we are going to play Super Mario World I’m actually planning on um um finishing it girl do you have your graphic I’m after I look for it yes take your time take your time and find your

Graphic oh you I’m excited for that yeah in the meantime I can talk about um my plan for the week since I’m still sick and recovering I don’t have a definite schedule for the week I kind of have to figure out if I’m okay each day like one

At a time right now um um but for me I will have my first stream back tomorrow uh we’re going to be doing a chat like uh just a chatting stream a Zazu style stream and it’s going to be the light up after party so we’re going

To talk about my new song light up light up after party yeah it’ll be a Salu stream just for however long my voice can last um I don’t want to wait too long to talk about the song and share all the little behind the scenes tidbits and stuff with

You and then on Friday if I’m feeling well enough I I might do a little gorilla stream a little surprise stream I was thinking about trying out the the New Vertical format of Streaming that looks really cool I’ve seen a couple of streamers do that so I I wanted to see if I could try that but only if I feel well otherwise we’ll be concluding my holiday Rock the Rocko ornament Christmas coloring event on Sunday January 7th so we’ll officially

End the holidays then you’re doing good too yay you not already feel free to color a Roco we’ll be taking a look at all the ornaments on stream on Sunday so that’s where you can see me this week and now it is time for Miss tberry to

Share your schedule go ahead show them your artwork woohoo oh yeah my art oh my God I want to do more chibies I haven’t done like chibies like this in Forever all the art that I do is now like I don’t know grownups it’s mostly like fashion

Designs and stuff like that but I did I did a shiy the other day thank you I did I did this shiy though and I got really I was really happy about it it was so much fun to actually create a shiy but at least what is it um yeah for two

Thursday Thursday the fourth I’m going to have uh Super Mario wonder I’m going to do Super Mario Wonder again and I’m really hoping to actually to actually finish it this time I’m like right at the end yeah I like to draw yeah yeah Chio is our artist and she occasionally does

Drawing streams too it’s really nice I I enjoy watching Chio draw I I do want to do probably for the next one I wanted to make what is it for the next drawing stream to make some what this called emotes emotes yeah to make them cuz I keep on making M like really

Elabor yeah I’ve seen online that uh people have like emote bases you can use um so they’re like they’re free to use and you can just draw your like character on top of them ooh I think those are are really cool I I would myself if I had time yeah so so maybe

You might be interested in trying that out oh that would be nice I probably could do that for a stream too yeah I’ll see if I can find any of those emote bases and then you could just draw cute chos on top of them yourself a nice set

Of otes that would be really fun oh that would be so cute heck yeah I would love that and then what is it oh for for Friday at 6 I’m going to do some more Zelda some more what is it tears of the Kingdom we’re pretty much just going to

That that’s gonna be take me a while to actually finish that game so we’re just how much progress have you made in that game not much to C I watched a couple of your streams though you have oh my God in that game it’s uh there just so much

To do it’s kind of like overwhelming at this point it’s just so much and I’m trying to get like to stay on track with the story instead cuz there’s so much to do that I don’t want to actually like get like deviate from it too much cuz

I’m just going to be like roaming around and but it’s really fun to ro around regardless so I still kind of like discover new things but I’ve made like a little progress like I really haven’t made too much progress but I still want to play it I still I still want to play

Some more and then I did wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy I haven’t done that one so that’ll be a new game oh excited yes this is my favorite but I played it so many years ago yeah I don’t remember much of it but I do remember it being my

Favorite I’m excited for that oh my gosh yes it’s so good I’m really excited for that one but yeah going to be my my schedule for for this week I’m excited for your comeback week yeah I’m also excited for you we’re back we’re back yes yeah yeah yeah

And and we’re actually going to hopefully we can continue to recover to 100% health and probably by next week we’ll we’ll be back to our regular streaming schedules yeah I will be yeah I’m gonna yeah but probably next week is going to be a little bit like similar to this one for me

Too that sounds great yeah so yeah well thank you so much guys by the way for I it was ni said like chill talk this time and I liked it it was it was it was nice yeah very a very relaxing uh chill and stream those are always great I love

When we can have like nice chats and anything else and thank you everyone for your patience today while we work through the technical difficulties and thanks to those of you who stuck around the whole time you are incredible yes thank you aome real real dedication for

Sure you guys are awesome oh my gosh yes super oh my God but thank you very much and thank you buoy oh my God you say yes it’s bab bedtime and time for buoy to say bye-bye buoy boys you have do you have a goodbye or greeting greeting

Good um I us should just say bye I’m like thank you thank you very much I think um it’s just a suggestion but I think you should work on a a te greeting and a Teo goodbye so like I have my greeting where I

Say I say and could say bye bye Bo boys bye bye bye oh oh by oh so you do you do that at the end too like byebye bo boy yep I do know I’ve only did it a couple times cuz I forgot to think of a bye-bye

Well good well H A Goodbye for floops goodbye floops yeah we got to think of some a clever thing that works for your character I do have to think about a clever thing I just buy everything that’s that’s how I get that’s how I get

By we got boy brain we got Quantum buo we have buo in her many forms we just make words with yeah um so what could be yeah what could mine be I can’t you are you Miss mberry I am the word was mry Mo very well sometimes I’m not very smart the the chat is smart for me when I cannot be smart and creative be smart and creative so maybe you could take some time to oh come through oh like I love that next time FL I love that oh my gosh you need you need a moment a little star forehead star I’m so excited that’s so cute that’s actually super cute CH they can say CH have a good night oh that’s so cute I love that CH have a good night okay so should we

Should we end stream with our good nights bye-byes yeah all right I’ll do mine first and then you can do yours okay so I just ramble and I say good night buy boys I hope you sleep well and you have good dreams about lots of food

And that you get a full night’s sleep and you don’t wake up having to pee so B by oh no that’s not me well CH I love her I love that have a good night flu and yes I also hope that uh you don’t have to wake up in the middle

Of the night having to pee or eat have a good R sleep so much fun I wanted to say I know bye bye everyone Bye N N N what

This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft】We Playing Minecraft Instead! #MoberiLive’, was uploaded by Chiyo Moberi 【CIESTE】 on 2024-01-03 15:39:31. It has garnered 116 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:50 or 6950 seconds.

I couldn’t make much progress so we just having a nice and chill Minecraft time! lol


【CHAT RULES】 Be nice and respectful to all. Listen to the mods! Keep things positive! Respect privacy. No personal info in chat whatsoever. Keep the chats in English for moderation please. Avoid selfpromo and spam. Enjoy your time here! Respect proper chat etiquette: avoid spam, don’t fight for streamer’s attention, don’t promo unless asked, remain on topic, avoid taboo subjects, avoid negativity, be positive, avoid spoilers, and be nice about backseating!


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GENERAL: #ChiyoMoberi Live: #MoberiLIVE ART: #MoberiART Assets: #Chiyoprops GROUP: #CIESTE

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[Chiyo Moberi]Twitter: Youtube:

【Mila Marlenka】 Twitter: Youtube:

⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ CREDITS:

Art & Character Design: Live2D Rigging: Stinger Animation: Starting & Stinger Illustration: Stinger Animation: Logo Design: Logo Animation: Thumbnail Chibi Art: BGM: @lil_xiaolongbao Assets:

Christmas Background and Hats – @designedbyzer0


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  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

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  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

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  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

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  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

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  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

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  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

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  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Mining Competition One life to live your best life. DoN’T DiE! About Mining challenge lasting 254 weeks Earn a revive by winning Sunday competitions Special Team Competition on Sundays Prizes Revive on ultra-hardcore world In-game advancement shout-out Details Server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn points Scoring: +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point Rules Play fair and friendly No unfair advantages No hacking or hacked clients Apocalypse DataPack Features Players killed by zombies turn into zombies Enhanced skeletons, biting bats, spinning spiders, defending Ox-Heads, and more Your Discord Invite: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Woah, Minecraft wolves making baby wolves?

    Me after finding out I can breed wolves: Sorry ladies, I’m taken by my pack now! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More