Insane Vault Grinding in Modded Minecraft

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Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh There we go there we go hey what’s going on everyone this is me yours trly R bite welcome you all back to the stream I hope you’re all having a fantastic day so far welcome aboard today we are here with some balers Gate 3 um it’s been a

While since I played this game it’s been a while since I streamed this game uh ronuk welcome to the stream it’s so good to have you here I think somebody in my chat mentioned that they wanted to see more uh single player games uh on stream

So I decided you know what uh balers gate just one game of the year um it’s been a game that I’ve been enjoying ever since the day of it releas actually before it’s release because I bought the game when it was in Early Access and I’ve just been having such a blast with

The game and I would love to stream it hey yo Dean welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here but yeah as people said they wanted a single player game on stream as well sometimes so I decided you know what let’s skip over Walt Hunters today and let’s do some

Balers gate so we’re going to be having some fun uh balers gate is inspired of course by one of my favorite tabletop RPGs Dungeons and Dragons so it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun we’re going to be messing around we’re going to be doing some Shenanigans and yeah

I’m playing a very heavily moded version I won’t say very heavily but a moded version of balers gate so it’s not going to be the entire Vana experience uh 420 Subs let’s go we’re like 80 Subs away from um 500 so if you’re new around here consider consider subscribing it’s

Absolutely free it doesn’t cost you anything and it really really helps me out so yeah we’re going to be having some fun we going to be doing some Shenanigans welcome board Dean welcome board moit welcome board ronuk it’s great to have you all over here good to

See you good to see you how’s the day coming along yeah welcome to balers Gate 3 if you don’t know about the game it is um made by L Studios and it is based on Dungeons and Dragons it won the game um you know um Game of the Year this year

And it’s an absolutely amazing game just wait and watch we’re going to have some fun let’s get into it um so CH Chad do you want me to start a fresh because the game is long or uh start with the character that I’m already playing my Tuesday is treating

Me good deance how’s your day treating you how’s the Tuesday been so uh I have um elisy at quel which is based on one of my dndd campaigns and then I have all of these saves uh this one uh which one is this uh I don’t remember uh this

Tab which I don’t remember there’s Siri which is I think at the same point as elist slightly behind I guess there’s Amber herd which I started on stream there’s uh another LEL which I started on stream um which was my first character I think was Olivia no wait did I did the

Save just get deleted deleted that’s one R I was in act three there and my save got corrupted I don’t think yeah I just think it got is was it shalant oh yeah it was shalant and this save got um sa contains missing mods maybe that’s why it can’t load

In build a character with a short recap um continue your character what do you mean build my character with a short recap oh yeah we’ll just start with elisy with a short recap of the story yeah that works with me Ron and thech all right let’s hop in time for some

Balers gate three chat it’s been a while since I’ve done this uh so yeah let’s roll going to be fun going to be fun I think yeah that’s why my um so that that save that particular save was like at the end of the game but it got corrupted

Because I think I’m missing some mods and I’m not sure what mods I’m missing so I don’t know like how to do it then that that say is like gone I can’t load into it but yeah welcome to bers Gate 3 we are currently in the goblin Camp uh so far in the

Story um we uh were kidnapped by the iiits which are the main evil guys so to speak who are following a God by the name of AP the absolute and we had a parasite inserted into our eyes and ever since then we have been looking

For a cure for said parasite uh we found other people that have had the same issue and have been infected with the parasite that is namely the people in our party and yeah oh I clicked off screen not good uh so we were here in the goblin Camp because the goblin leaders were

Worshippers of the absolute and they were looking for answers here we met a bear a druid by the name of hson who helped us take out the entire Goblin Camp so we just I just got rid of the um you know the leaders there’s still people around the goblin camp but uh I

Think oh we also have a iled parasite that we can use um I like that that’s a good uh P toggle I can change one hit into a critical hit which does more damage and the more the merer am I right all righty so yeah uh um my character is a

Recreation in game is a recreation of a DND character that I played by the name of elisy erun who I played in the world of The Witcher it was a d andd campaign set in Witcher 3 uh or like Witcher uh video games world so yeah it was quite fun

Um but yeah my character was a hex blade warlock so entirely melee based tank build sort of uh but yeah I guess we going to leave the Goblins alone for now I think was thinning out the herd is going to be annoying okay I teleported somewhere and

I don’t know where I am now overgrown cam oh no we at the start of the game the ravage Beach I have a few mods uh added on the game to make it like slightly more interesting what is this hidden Goblin stash oh yeah um we got like uh

Information on some like hidden Goblin stashes um so there’s one over here which we have to check out I think it’s through blight Village I’m not sure we’ll have to see chat uh but I guess right now we can head back to the goblin

Camp and we can take care of the rest of the Goblins like scattered around there it’s going to take a while it’s going to be tedious but we got to do it oh first before we get started I’m going to go to will and I’m going to summon his imp uh where is

It common servant I think I’m just going to do this spider there’s a raven there’s a rat there’s a frog crab and Cat I’m not sure which one of these is actually going to be more useful uh what do you what do you guys think chat what

Would be more useful a spider a raven a cat or a rat I thought he could summon imps apparently not I was for sure he can like summon him I don’t I don’t think that’s happening I guess but anyways we we’ll get back to the uh summons in a bit let’s just uh

Explore the Place so it’s an isometric game top down view but I add a mod that allows me to freely uh like unlock the camera which is great like look at the views you can get now like look at this you can’t get to this angle normally there’s like

Still like some um like weird stuff happening because you’re not supposed to look up there like this you’re supposed to be looking at the game like this zavier welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here man how you doing welcome aboard welcome aboard we are headed in the totally opposite

Direction how you doing Xavier it’s great to have you here man welcome aboard we’re trying something new here today a new game so to speak what cooking today we are doing some balers gate a new game uh so nothing much cooking today just um thought we we will try something

Different because people did say uh they want to see more uh single player games on stream so here we are with like a single the you know a game that has won U game of the year this year bers Gate 3 a game that I been enjoying before the gamees release the Early

Access uh so yeah that’s that’s what that’s what that’s what’s cooking today uh there is a quest here which is uh I think which takes us to the underdog which is find the Night song um but I did we defeat the spider is my I don’t

Remember I’ll have to go check but first we deal with the goblins um if you have any ahead we should do some good positioning CU I don’t want to oh look look at that sharp eyed snor is his name and he’s like somewhere up there so I’m

Just going to go sneaky sneaky uhoh I think I’m going to send estaran you welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here how you doing how you doing uh because estan is a sneaky little bastard so he can make his way up there uh he’s

A rogue also people up here so I think what I want to do is just uh yeah can I hit him from here I don’t think so right first of all I have Advantage because stuff um kind of want to climb up here oh my god um

Yeah didn’t mean to do that all right the rest of you get into initiative man kind of kind of Royal screwed our no stop stop stop stop stop stop there’s a quick way to like stop characters I think it’s a right click I’m not sure um

But oh I think I can just deal with you from here like hold up path is interrupted uh what is it a rock stopping us uh but yeah I love this mod because you can you can like aim like this you can’t do it normally in the game path is

Interrupted where can I go to hit you bastard over here maybe if I if I hit him from here I’ll just pull him down welcome to the stream to how’s your day coming along man it’s great to have you here it’s great to have you here as well zavier how’s your day coming

Along look of the far RMS let’s go critical hit so he didn’t fudge which is kind of Shame uh you know what you know I’m feeling generous today wait is he oh he’s he’s dead all right will it’s all up to you man snipe him I he missed he he [ __ ] missed all

Right is there a h sneaky way no we can’t go through there yeah there’s no sneaky ways around um sleepy day though why sleepy day though I’ll keep aan up there because aaran is not really a sneaky guy we can go all the way around here but do I want to do

That you know let’s let’s just go through here because I I kind of do I want to sneak carac oh wait hold up this is good I can keep carac over here and uh like once the initiative starts we can do something uh she has Advantage so we can

Just like oh wait no Advantage from here that is weird what do she have Advantage from here oh I guess it’s just the oh hiding failed oh no uh any so there’s like one 2 three okay okay I’ll just hit you then there we go and that’s how we get oh my

God all of us rolled absolutely horrible initiatives except estan asan’s kind of just wiing in his own League time to move I guess so we don’t need to hide anymore we can just like start a sniping so let’s let’s get rid of the big guys first like claw over

Here 16 damage not bad uh I’ll apply Hunters Mark to you I should have done that earlier but it’s it’s fine can I hide here is the question I can’t I don’t even have my bonus action it’s fine so this guy I think he can hit us pretty easily missile snaring

Good completing Journal late night yeah that sounds that sounds draining uh do not call for backup that be painful they’re all lower level than us okay these two will use their movement to get to us which is nice and the best part is you also have carlac here uh

Which is the main melee unit and I mean San can do decent damage melee as well uh these two also use their movement and again main melee unit good I don’t have my action though oh [ __ ] and that that ain’t good and my guy doesn’t have

Shield do I just Missy step out of here where can I Missy step is there like any advantages position I get but that’ll leave will all the way down here which I don’t want that because will is not tanky the guy has like 13 AC my guy has 15 I need better

Armor for this man honestly he has like medium scale M armor I need like better armor for him what’s his dexterity like why is his armor so low why is his AC low so low uh game looks complicated it is it is a like a top down it’s like a I I don’t

Know the genre man it’s a it’s a tactic game though and it’s based on D and D man it’s like a recreation of d andd d andd is pretty uh uh no hex uh let’s hex you on Charisma it’s pretty much useless why would you want Charisma

But oh I only use uh bonus action with this guy that is a bonus action seriously what can it do then okay oh I can do Thunder Wave that’s going to hit hit my guy as well it’s kind of no wa I can reposition myself there we go 11 and four and I

Think I hit a piece of wood there for five damage all right now what can carlac do okay carlac also doesn’t have her action oh sad well it’s a Stan turn he can do well he can’t he can’t uh no we can we can we can uh disengage from here I

Guess we oh we can head all the way over here at uh High Point no I didn’t take my action I pressed space and that’s oh crit hit not good There Goes My false life uh yeah this is not looking good because these both get like Melee hits on me oh missed

Good missed nice and uh he hits will I do have Shield I won’t do it though oh concentration broken I maybe I should have done that um B one damn um will got some serious Firepower under his belt artifices are great at least in this game the mod that

I’m using uh dndd also like they’re pretty pretty useful uh he can create a black hole I’ll show that later because it crashes my game p is ever easy uh do I do I want to waste my M to go all the way there or do we just want to misy

Step okay you know what I’ll just use my last spell SL to misy step here and and come to me well never mind he just died before that [ __ ] yes okay we don’t want to go close range okay melee I missed is I I wonder sometimes why is my um paladins uh two

Hits so low there’s probably like some reason for it I haven’t checked I’ll have to see game is kind of complicated but it’s fun tube light you should definitely give it a check try out if you haven’t that guy is dead uh so there’s only two uh and you

Miss it’s got like a lot of Niche stuff that you can do like this like just so okay no that’s not good falling for backup is there any goblins around here who heard the backup making okay people dead here uh where are they coming from oh there sometimes the only

Way out no will I had to move you um there um hope your soul is in good there we go uh no can’t reach white was a Stan standing there on what path lies before get here uh we need to get C in the front uh carac still has HP will can’t survive

That Goblin assault um aan we need to get you we need to get you dashing and we get we need to get you up here then you can strike them easily I don’t think he have Advantage though we can easy get here do you have L line of sight on any of them

Yes you do not enough movement what do you mean you literally see the guy my God unreal so he can do you can hit it from here but okay I can’t do a sneak attack I can do a normal attack though what is this game like look at

This why is why is this game being so difficult why do I have to move for a sneak attack and oh my God uh maybe just like just like sneaking gives like lower like SL of sight I don’t know yeah I guess that’s the only reason well anyways that he

Died armor of agus so he gets like five more HP that’s not a lot um tur Backlash good but will did get hexed uh will I’m going to have to I’m going to send you here you won’t be in the direct line of fire but if

They come to the gate you can hit them can you hold I don’t think you can hold actions in this uh you can dodge I guess we’ll just T the dog action wonder if this is worth the cost uh where are you going my guy I

Guess I’ll just s ditch Blast From Here can’t really okay can’t really do that either all right carac it’s go time over there carac you stay like here what are you going to do bless okay okay now a Stan can move no Advantage though sad he won’t die but he did lose hex

Another there we go absolutely amazing yeah I don’t I don’t think this guy can do much here uh can I go around oh I can go around sneaky what difficult terrain great blood 6 hp really um whatever that that didn’t do much damage no Advantage again now I have

Disadvantage that is mud I think that’s why like taking like double there we are uh right let’s group ourselves together I have no uh warlock spell slots which is absolutely amazing uh so I need to throw wait hold up let’s get everyone together so that everyone can heal this

Is a great feature I love this so if I go to Alistar uh throw of healing better find somewhere to Camp soon you can heal like a group of people uh I don’t know why Alistar it’s himself is is not coming in the group but first I think I just move like estan

A little closer right uh right there there we go let’s get going why did you two move well well well why okay my God AI is being stupid no one back home will ever believe thisal to base now you can’t move throw as just dumb sometimes I agree there we go we all

Heal except me and then I heal there we go use like two portions to heal everyone rather than four economically better all right uh exit on this mode now will why don’t you cast let’s cast Um not that oh that protector so we get like 7 temp HP there we go absolutely brilliant free HP who doesn’t like free HP I love free HP seven free HPS like one attack from lower level things like just fully absorbed fully absorbed absolutely amazing

Oh by the way I also bought um uh does anybody know how um lethal company works I bought the game today uh I tested it out meaning I played a little bit AKA um I couldn’t figure out anything it’s it’s it’s kind of janky but it’s also kind of

Yeah with randos it’s not as fun I guess it’s better with friends it’s kind of like Among Us you have to like find friends to play but no no one I know like plays the game at least from what I know you know we’ll see we’ll see the game looks good though looks

Fun any goblins here that might be oh there’s a dirt Mount though we can dig it we have a shovel good I thought for a second we don’t have a shovel and that would have been trouble I could go for a good meal okay hold up before we do

Anything did I already cast this once oh yeah uh this guy has bag of holding and carry like a lot of stuff without being over encumbered so he’s like our Back Mule now I think I should just do with that with my main thing guy uh rotten stuff uh I don’t think I

Need that uh my main character is also cursed with baleful knowledge uh which I need a cleric for that and I don’t have one either a cleric H can I does a rify remove it if you die and then you get rifi does the CSE go curious we’ll try the long rest I

Don’t want to but hey wait we have like only Ry Scrolls I don’t think we have like rify rify okay uh no I see like people there we’ll have to find a alternate route better with friends yeah I don’t know anyone that plays the game though that’s the issue h

Mhm have to keep going yeah we came through here um where can we head uh what what is our Quest we have one here find the missing shipment uh hidden Goblin stash did we go into the well and did we fight wait hold up that depends um oh

Yeah yeah we did find the spider it should have given the gem right I think I made I made aerian read the book didn’t I where is the book there’s a book that cursed my character and I’m pretty sure estan read this book this we should find The Gem

Like at the spiders layer open for you at least it uses to open for why is C like dancing what to do should we try it out on stream in a on stream like in a little bit or do you want guys want me to continue with balers gate or switch

To Minecraft what do you guys think what should we do there there’s a lot of like remnance of my um actions here okay let’s head to the goblin stash let’s see what’s what’s in there hiden Goblin stash should we try lethal company on stream or should we like switch to Minecraft

For a bit and do like stuff there or we can continue with bald this gate what do you guys think uh perception failed all of us failed perception are you serious I just shovel around here somewhere oh yeah you will find it oh my that’s of stuff I’ll send to

Well I don’t have friends that play the game uh I checked uh no one um I talk to play plays the game it’s just going to be us with randos so should we do Minecraft then why is blue star playing Divine knout I thought he was playing uh fin

Weird we do Minecraft then what do you guys think all where are we headed um there’s one here as well talk to zor speak with zor meet hson okay so let’s go to the emerald Grove then uh we’ll come back to get rid of the Goblins in a bit

Let’s go talk to the um Keeling and hson zor oh the Gangi Warrior what updated where is it the gank Warrior zoru has left the EM we need to find a ganki crash without his help okay that’s a shame open sesame there we go we uh zlo by Del’s virtue the blade of

Frontiers what’s happened will I paid the price of angering the wrong devil believe me I couldn’t see than most a moment passes as Sor contemplates Will’s words he then turns his attentions to you a scout just reported the Goblins leadership has been decimated we might escape this place yet I took a

Collection from all of us it isn’t much but you’ve earned it oh yeah we should start exploring the underdog as well enough but it’s all we have hen will likely want to thank you too mind he returned just a while ago I believe he’s catching up with corer as for

Us no armies at our heels amazing we can finally leave so these guys are also headed towards balers gate we need to go over there as well uh we are finding our way to the main city so we have to go through the underdog um yeah sure let’s go to the camp uh

We’ll see you at the camp uh we not going there right there now we need to find hson are you encumbered my guy no you aren’t why are you fudging guardian of the Forgotten folk hero what an Inspiration Point we’ll save the game right here we have we made

18 hours on in this sa alone coin maybe why you walking can you can you can you actually like what’s why you walking better be cautious Swift as my feet can carry me I forgot is there I I it’s been a while since I played it all right why is my character

Walking why are you so slow you not uh actually no he is encumbered amazing uh we have a solution though will where are you will hopefully this doesn’t create a black hold infusion bag of holding there we go no more uh um encumbrance we can run free as thein

Amazing I love I love the artif mod it is so good it is so good chat oh there’s um hson hson hello you took it upon yourself to undertake the right of thorns I ought to Exile you from this place forever instead I shall listen to

The explanation that you owe me an error most grave master I beg your grace bestowed by Nature not me you will stay as a novice a new you have forgotten the ways of The Druids the natural order of things it is up to you to prove the

Lessons have been learned once more so as you say and so it is done master it shows great spirit I think I I think that’s what um at Le I would say once you will never live down bahadur’s gate Z welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here man

How you doing welcome board good to see you here man good to see you here I owe you my thanks that you do ro stands give me the money nature prevails and again I am in your dead speak to wrath he will reward you for your efforts what happens next journey to

Moonrise towers and all the ders that that entails how you doing so it’s great to have you what’s up what’s up take some time for yourself tonight turn based game it is a turn based game I like turn based game what do you mean

I’ll be by your side I play DND all good all good good to know good to hear good to hear forgive me can we steal this now we can’t shame did you get something out of that I needed money man H and you gave me nothing that’s that’s that’s sad

Um we do have save the first Druid we saved the first Druid what’s wrong should we switch to Minecraft should we continue with balers chat what do you guys think I can’t decide because I kind of want to do a Walt uh no rat’s down here um where’s rat

Rat’s in there I think in there oh by the way Chad do you want to do you want to see something fun um before we do anything else so you do you know what happens when you put a bag a bag of holding inside a bag of holding

In a in like DND it creates a portal to the Asal plan it like collapses I’ll do genjin tomorrow only because tomorrow uh 4.3 comes out right we get Navia man Navia looks so good Navia looks so so good I would raen I have Raiden so I don’t want

Raiden extra one slashing damage that’s all wait hold up is does that increase that just one slashing damage that’s some that’s okay if you say so game if you say so this game is really good there’s like so many like decisions and things you can do to make things so much different

It’s so good is that dirt can I dig there do have do you have treasure for me no bad I need something we have to go through here are you r no you’re I wasn’t sure about you at first thought you might be trouble I was very wrong oh glad to hear you

Realize that now it looks cool it’s just nav has the guns only what else do you need a gun Count Me In where’s this man rat there he is you done it you brought in back thanks strategy game isn’t suitable for me no thanks is not enough I love

Meaning it’s it’s I I am usually not a huge fan of strategy top down games as well but this is DND and I love D and D so I got a rock in my mouth from something I ate that’s all Greening no think nothing of it uh it

Was a hell full of blood and Ash I’m glad you survived intact and I promised you a reward didn’t I let me show you on your map where you can find the cash and I kind of want to run u d with the UPS 20 P

Enough for Navia um depends on your pity man and your luck d right I believe your truck luck is pretty good I kind of want to run DND with you guys old because that’s like Peak RP Peak role play best be on my way okay so we have a tablet

That leads somewhere Rune of the wolf n why n you haven’t even tried it don’t don’t put off something before you try it story like I speak with animals I want to try speaking with the wolf does the he have any dialog why what’s the issue stranger

Come to vex me what will you do hunt me grab my tail my tail shout until my head my brain will fly out it’s not that hard hard you just RP man silence your help is not required that’s by me at least that’s a this wolf

Has an attitude man get back here leave you are not wanted here man you have an R I’m not sure if I like it no I won’t do it I won’t do it I won’t do it I I won’t follow my inner thoughts all right what do you have to

Say heal bir Wing still a little stiff but I’m getting stronger they have dialogue for birs chat this game is amazing okay so Rune of the eagle Rune of the bear and I guess here’s where the Rune of the wolf goes no one oh I see a mushroom there R of the Wolf

Combine aha wish I had a bag of holding you have a bag of holding uh so what do I activate this do I activate all of them better not be cursed is there a specific order how do it look close up ah they actually look they had like

They have the symbol interesting look at look at this that actually looks like is that a owl bear what have we I don’t think that’s an all bear that’s a wolf weird looking wolf but a wolf nonetheless ooh spiral staircase hidden wall oh my goodies secret societies of the sword Coast

Exposed Harpers Shadow Druids the order of clar and dark justi ear Harpers oh we have a lot of Potions there uh some vials of toxin and some spell Scrolls uh we have I I’ll look through every single container in this room another visit from the golden

Paladin it said we’ll get the answers we need about the Tad pole if we Infiltrate The Cult the golden Paladin oh yeah carac is a paladin uh I changed the class we’ll need to be discreet to get into these power might help then let’s just do that uh and let’s just do

That there’s a lot of hold up oh there’s a one I want to ask so so you and maora seem to know about each other how both part of zari’s inner circle her by choice we’ll do some Minecraft I want to do like a few walls because I have a DD

Session later so I can’t play lateral to Zar sure I’ve got the engine but I wasn’t even her strongest fighter but she favored me like a child fav as a captive pet maora envied the attention I suppose I’m sure when zariel gave her the order to hunt me down mizor was

Delighted uh I can see to escape the fighting the chaos the Betrayal it had the makings of a good stage show but I did not want to be one of the players what were you looking at me for what’s it look for I st what you stated

At I don’t know you think she’d have more important things to do devils and their pride all right time to uh continue searching was ways after ways uh o there’s a Sor a beautiful glaive so why does touching it give me a knot in my stomach and we have Rome of

Summer GRS to full damage that good for that good for will uh first of all we need to put all our Scrolls inside this sack because otherwise my inventory is a mess we need to have like some sort of organization Bo and Potions no those are for Keys uh excuse

Me uh no where’s my potion back there it is toxins and Potions can I filter uh if I remember corly there’s a way to filter Right I don’t remember how to how to filter um oh yeah Potions there we go there we go we got all of the potions inside our one bag uh Druid note oh hold up let’s read this the emerald encap won’t said help even I asked the land is wounded and the

Rot is deep but it’s deep everywhere I can’t wait for H to come but per perhaps I need to face the darkness alone was this uh the uh I forgot the character name already the chick who um collaborated with the dark TOS I think that’s the

Note by her maybe just a random Druid that just left the spear for us haha we have a free spear where is it I lost the spear it sorrow there we go it gives us trans transmutation can trip sorrowful lash any we’ll switch to Minecraft I’ll show you what happens

When you um open a portal to the astral plane in um this mod and borders gate you just have to once per long rest well I can’t show you what happens um sad actually no I can show you because there’s a save back here where I haven’t done the

Shenanigans and I was thinking of doing it I’ll show you what happens when you cost if you put a bag of holding inside a bag of holding it uh so like lower wise it opens a portal to the astral plane it just like erupts sucks everything around it and

Opens like including light and opens a portal to the uh like drops it in a random point in the astral plane of course this game doesn’t have the astral it has the astral plane but like not right here you can see we are already transmitted and if I do

That we do Max damage to everything and crash the game the game crashed it’s absolutely amazing I you there was like some sort of Animation or something but know uh when did patch five drop November 30 oh it’s been a while I didn’t read it though but they added like oh yeah two

New game modes and like an epilog uh need to finish the game I’ll probably work on it um like work on finishing it slowly we’ll do it chat we’ll do it but right now we’re going to do some W hunters and then we’re going

To see if we can go from there we got to do more balers gate in the future though don’t worry about it it’s it’s an amazing game it’s it’s just overall such such a good game uh balers gate um I’ll quickly go grab something to like drink uh I’ll be right back

Chat uh till then Minecraft’s launching so I’ll just give it a few back chat let’s go the game is launching it’s going to take a while we got to play some music till then I got some U milk and cornflakes some that eing so great let me edit the stream to uh game

Category Minecraft if I can do that somewhere here Um Minecraft I also need to change the description so let me quickly go we have the entire thing copyed spe so we have like one good um wall to run today and we also have like a few more that I like a crystal that is still

Like I’m still modifying uh so one uh the current one that we are running is going to be like a 12 times ornate which is like 300% more ornate chest which is like amazing what is DVM so there’s like two options Java jvm oh did the game Crash no shouldn’t have they just in the loading screen Yo we have no audio there we go we should have audio No what Java virtual machine doing here Minecraft runs on Java right I don’t it’s I forgot it’s jvm or JRM it’s Java Java yeah sushi R Rig hello hello what’s up have you been crafting helmets Yeah what’s your proficiency uh let me check it this I think 15 currently

SW a decent place I want to get like helmets up now5 oh [ __ ] think before reaching level 100 will you reach anything level 50 what do you looking for I like three that’s all hello hello uh I said I only have three that’s allo I’ll get back to you in a few

Business days [Laughter] man if we put any Catalyst on that then we won’t get any other Catalyst in the vault uh yeah meaning you won’t get any other modifiers that you get randomly like Prismatic and you won’t get like yeah you would get the fragments

Either but I think we are ready for the next Vault uh it’s ornate Vault so I want to like have more item rity add tons of wooden C switching between this set and this set more cat yeah I I did that I tried that man doesn’t work they thought they they thought of

Our strategies they’re like n man too easy they were prepared for it they were prepared yep they were prepared for it so I think I’m at all set let’s just hop in oh you’re doing a chaos chaos is it a chaos or is it a orate nope it’s an ornate yeah it’s

An but good modifies on there where it going can I also join sure same oh it’s at my base by the way the portal oh okay you know there’s a new lawyer in town oh scared interesting no not really should be not lawyer judge judge oh sorry judge surpr element surprise

Pleas there we go got the milk shout out I’m only six walls away from like 300 walls let’s go oh 300 WS we have good modifiers I don’t like the shter I don’t like the draining yeah wait I’ll just wait did bers gate go we change games man we’ll

Do like a few walls because I have a d andd game in a bit I wanted to do this specific wall we’ll continue with bers get U wow yep yes okay by the way um I’ll be doing the event this Sunday yeah baby Maniac join do you have

A uh nope oh does minc has a Jo giant heart no I I have it uh dude remember the 10 like 10 HP thing yeah that was the giant heart and like my gear which had like all HP modifiers low xon uh Event Event 26th 26th okay okay yeah W maniac maniac

Where you at Maniac there not a lot of time now it’s only like a week I’m going run off then Maniac yeah hold ourselves yes yes my wings are making me flly itching yeah yeah we do bers gate uh we’ll do balers gate like after tomorrow I want to I

Want to do I want to do more bers okayed in Vault I’m going to go straight for yeah I’ll go right what vault is it if I feel scared I will come to you invite me now oh wait is it in his base yeah it’s in his base uh Ru

Break yeah it only applies to me I have seen multiple guys doing this including report report report everyone I’m going straight pment right so you can go left oh there’s a dungeon what the hell is this bro this or chest it’s a Challen I went right you want to do a SP

Engine with me yeah where is it come right come right hey guys here here here what what is it spider challenging ah oh I just m out a lot of area over there using my CLE oh there’s a dung in the first room as well spider they G me so much

Damage just don’t die I am out heal and come back I’m here to get yeah even healing is not healing enough extreme Sunday event Sunday is which event it’s a build event oh yeah isent build is not on Sunday build is not oh ra ra event on yep yep yes I know

I know I I know what I’m doing I changed I changed the event thing I’m I know what I’m doing now definitely because I’m drawing lot so no I’m tell I’m yeah I looted everything you went out to heal I do not even need to go out Ando going have it

That’s wow don’t it’s like 300% orinary chest you’ll find anyone left side I went left you went left right okay then I’ll go left and take a right from there you’re going behind the portal basically yeah yeah you can go behind the [Applause] portal ooh the amount of ours

Yeah yeah behind the portal there are Omega rooms what I say that’s how I found dickite bro we have a lot of carbon out of there I’m mainly trying to get uh trinkets uh here Um just mean mining five to six orates at a time I haven’t even found a single oret outside after that how how do you do this I have no idea man that’s that’s some look for it we have a lot of car and I’m hoping some like um focus as well I’m going

With like 175 like item ready so I’m hoping we get like something good out expectations dude I’m running like an 100 item on me yep I have 175 thanks to uh I am I have like 175 item R thanks to the Gear you gave me uh-huh and I ask seven heart

Diamond I don’t have the thing to make it what do you need why don’t you have the thing to make it what are you missing no I got why no bro I made into chunk to make an auto Miner Auto oh it’s really use someone who is using ORS it is

Helpful for them if if you are not using ORS then I don’t use ORS but it’s still helpful because I don’t have to mine is automated everything’s automated I love it cuz you’re using mechanism stuff mechan stuff needs that okay I basically I just needed it for

Uranium and I’m like you know what sure I’ll get it for that I also have to work on my second reactor this week oh just waiting for days and Y I also need to work on like some other things let’s see uh tomorrow’s Wednesday right yeah probably

Tomorrow yeah a d session today now so I can’t play long today RPG I’m just trying to find or in the VA skipping every other loot I agree no Of course it does there you go my God that’s there’s like ornate Gore here more there more there more down there please champion champion crab wow guys what happened yeah guys so what happened what’s going on here why is there so many mobs one strength sounds like a good

Idea right now oh by the way why are you doing a ornate one do you I doubt you need armor from this uh no I’m just doing it for funsies that’s the only reason I want to do living but I didn’t have when I’m about to die

Well good luck good luck big boss I honestly don’t need anything from like coordinate chest because I have carbon I have trinkets I have armor I just hide catalst I’m like you know what I’ll make one and uh wow yeah oh it’s it’s it’s future Assurance

You know if I need it ever in the future I’ll have it damn never think like that thought that oh bro I Min so many or let’s see how many how many total on chest we Mine by the end of it yeah okay um I know I won’t be match able to

Match you but still yeah it’ll be fine so for the event I’m just thinking we’ll do like a turny sort of thing um it’ll be fun it’ll be like teams of so it’ll be teams of two running scab walls and like you’ll be running like elimination so the teams

That it’ll be Vault yes outside is too easy bro that’s too easy that’s too easy less RR I doubt less RR even I thought that bro because the because the teams are going to be drawn through uh Lots so still there RNG yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s why there will be and uh like the teams have to help each other like the team members you

Can’t like take help in the wall that’s like C do yeah what is help what is help good question man my God why is there there’s so many ores I love it yeah I still didn’t get what I wanted Oh no I got it very little of

It what are you looking for fundamental focuses dude when I want that that’s that’s why I did this nearly 50 yeah I have I have zero now I have zero same zero orate oh sorry fundamental what the hell did you guys use it on dude on your this thing armor dude I

Have Banning waxing Focus literally I thought like you meant 500 okay it the thing is I I I have like my entire armor set is like Omega sets so I like I try to roll them like at least to perfect so I use like almost all my focuses there and a lot of

Gold Plus forging more gears going more Gold yeah I’m just at this point I’m forging GE just for the fun oh it’s my necessity because I need lucky h on my helmet oh yeah I need that as well I still haven’t gotten it but for now I’ve like CR resist so I’m like you know what I’ll make do with

It till I get uhuh like some chest down there lag I forgot to enchant this armor no I did enchant I loved it I just blizzard and all the three times the champion only got stuck no trinket so far which is kind of bad I like so much item rity like

Jeez you all have even completed and still one guy who hasn’t completed you are not finding or I find orates are giving the best in here this world what is the best thing you can get oret uh trinkets maybe trinket depends depends what you need for it is fal good things to get

It fundamental Focus or waxing focus vanning focus oh my look at that down there good gear got a trinket nice pupp it get some help I 100% tra on my ven Also 100% T this arm is so good yeah I have it on my other things just not wooden I have done my like main tool just by have wood and everything so it’s amazing yeah assist your allies finally yep we’ll do plentiful one after after

This we I need like a more few more cataly because the thing is still not modifiable and I want it to be the best I can run okay I don’t want to mind all the wood man that’s just decreasing durability from my thing mushroom room o honestly design wise that’s like my favorite

One ah huh what’s this weird music now I like that when we try to jump on the ropes it sorts of see the animation of falling down falling down yeah yeah there’s like a majority oh never mind there’s like one here and one behind us all right

Cool we we’re low on durability on this thing like 700 cuz I keep mining wood next time I think it would be a good idea not to get axing or like stuff on it we delete 100 durability every single time we break a wood or something with

It I think I should stop like breaking like stuff in like bulk with it IE ve Miner it’s faster but it’s also like durability trading in case I M something Al we should do like T breaking like this stop it [Applause] Listen to some stard music man it’s so good I love the game My God this is a lot of ores I love catless walls they are amazing is they’re just so satisfying one yeah the amount of [Applause] chest oh you found a village yeah it is it a on Village no it’s de

Ah oh look at that look at that we go here First we only have got one trinket out it which is kind of sad but it’s a trinket all Right and after the x mark room there is one Above I need to get 100% some actually yeah bro it is Must 2,000 carbon so far not bad not bad not the best but not bad we don’t have item quantity if we were breaking this with our item quantity thing that would have been a different case cuz we only have how much item quantity we have 56

Yeah it’s not the best it’s not the worst I’m just going for focuses in this one so so that’s why I’m like using just item uh Rarity like a bunch down there one down There [Applause] guys zero same bro what do you expect from Rick’s SW I haven’t checked same buy Looting making the most of my time oh champion What I’ll just switch to start music this like minecra music is pretty weird especially the Minecraft dungeons Thing not a lot of man bro now a Mexican bro my entire big backpack my junk item backpack are filled with armor pieces really send some omega this way I’ll reduce it level and take it mean I don’t know if it’s Omega until I roll it man yeah until you see the

Color yeah but you can see color no before you open no there are few chances even the crappy things can be yep I really find like Omega plus things I just like roll my God uhhuh I need to do my w and put carless on care yeah it’s the best thing you can

Do chaos or maybe modifying chaos only chaos uhhuh I find chaos not to be the best CU you can like chaos W before this what was the main thing in it a living and ornate ornate right ornate is what I need dude and champions a lot right that’s Champions [Applause]

AB a lot of ones below us also need to get back um I see new skeletons also looks like a pirate thing this place or lava lav he did a jump P pirate skeleton are in this theme wall huh uh part find found U some for you

Right I just HED the entire water body man I these few chest which don’t inst break strongholds no no not the strong oh the ones that glitch out yeah yeah they’re annoying wait who is in Mexican room I was I left it because I don’t want to focus on gilded [Applause]

[ __ ] [ __ ] you good man there three FS out of there that’s why wa was it your place yeah where have you been going I thought you went left I went left side I went right just straight I sent it uhhuh yeah bro oh no my potion is also GG GG’s well played

Oh I need to return to the Lo Stone whoopsie but greed is good chat greed is good so will return to my Lo Stone oh room I’ll skip it I’ll show you the crystal that I was working on yoos how you doing welcome AB great to have you here man welcome to the

Stream what’s up why will you focus on woodens in this world Uh oh I found another one if oh this Lo Stone if Exon don’t have it was if it’s below it’s mine like in corner oh yeah this is below I doubt in the corner right yeah but I doubt you you ping it I can ping it but you haven’t been

Here cuz there was a spawner next to it and I just activated it you haven’t reached here I’m doing good I’m doing good how you doing how’s the day come along yeah yeah it’s not yours bro I got mine here don’t worry it’s not yours bro I panicked for

A secondo like it’s my Escape don’t take it away I’m going to clear that gilded area I’m wasting time seriously focus on no the lordstone is right next to me no oh that’s other thing but trying to loot gilded I don’t suggest this no ornate is

There now next to it that’s there are few I tried doing that mushroom room but wait I forgot out I was wasting time cuz if you find a ornate POI there will be tons of ornates in it that’s the best point in this world no Check R oh lotone found it oh [ __ ] elephant spawned dude elephant ravager oh there’s a load Stone right here and there’s only chest right down here I’m finding so many load St I think I’ll head back to my load is anyone eating for a second you had your Lo Stone right

Beside lock yeah lock uh yeah I seen one that’s oh I got a trinket let’s go let’s go let’s go luck indeed RNG man moit RNG RNG the gods bless us the RNG Gods blesses today good yeah yes I can leave any time no yeah I’m good I’m just looting

Hyper concentrating okay I hyper focusing yep well if we looting and in more Ki right so I’ll keep looting you can eat Ki for us he never eats [Laughter] For who’s eating right now look at his Hearts let me let me know when you stop eating okay how did s bye-bye you stop eating it yep there we go I’m still on fire CH oh he’s gone oh you are still eating can I lo I’m coming

Out want me I found a Lo Stone right there no no I’m going to loot more Armors yeah we gotus focus just are you kidding me good amount of focuses man and good amount of carbon let’s see what all things I got we’ll save this Vault we’ll save I got a lost Bounty I got seven waxing focus and one vanning focus and x man which I wanted four fundamental

Focuses how many on chest did you did you guys mine oh yeah 180 around 180 d That’s nice 180 is I don’t want to say mine I don’t want to 18 2 24 Omega 39 epic very good yeah it’s 48 we got a lot of XP they need to fix

This UI thing man it just like overlaps with the Great Wall is 90% great w I want to get more catalysts uh because um I have this thing look at this thing and vanning focus nine plentiful I want to get more PL seven waxing one vanning I got n 15 vanning and 14

Waxing what I also got a oh yeah we need to I’ll go last you had the max I I’m sure wa maybe uh the number is overlapping it’s 151 oh got 10 of this necklace I didn’t have this giv us more item nice because I was focusing on I

Did some livings also I did we make a living as well uh let me see look at the amount of gear we have in here only need to get this in into the system rest bro was easy killing mobs instead of looting yep no I didn’t find that much or

Anything I mean I I I didn’t I wasn’t killing things I was skipping it again definitely say you have killed more mobs than me how much you killed that’s a good question how many moms 68 we did 600 n that’s pretty good 48 I kill 315 automatic collateral damage Yes um I got like 408 ores and I kill like 670 something mobs 48 D 48 destion what’s up how you doing uh 77 Soul chots ooh that’s pretty good but it’s a rare one I’ll keep it I don’t think auto click is going to

Help you man man I think I think I think I think with the auto clicker even you won’t be able to do it so it’s I think I think it’s just a skill maniac I got X subcription too skill issue I open thiss oh okay okay do we get any good

Uh I don’t see anything good I’m just looking at magnets decent Shield nothing think oh oh oh that is pretty good that’s like insane amount so like 157 I also have which has laser damage 100 plus it I’ll check I don’t I don’t need it it’s like

Overall other than that it’s just bad I have this when it has 115 but you have so much but expecting this level another is it better than this one no it’s not Technically yeah why do axes exist oh 45 yeah even I think nope just we need to sit here and do this saying by the end you need to have at least 200% item Rarity yeah bro you need to uh you don’t need to I haven’t felt

Need I don’t know I not reached to that level yet okay I got bunch of uh rare it’s R oh my God you got it it’s common though no no it’s it’s fine it’s it’s nothing that I just hear just heard yeah it’s pretty good bro they are saying they want It one level of 103 attack damage yeah it’s pretty insane I need to add another chest of this it’s pretty good how much damage do I deal with it check not good enough technically yeah uh hold up there you go um let’s uh uh yep oh now it’s

Better uh it it went into the world remember 217 oh yeah yeah this this one is good I think it’s how much is it again yeah just change the implicit from 31 to 41 yeah I don’t think it’s good 41 is not good 42 must be [Laughter]

Good uh we scrap this and we scrap this got a Omega boot have good sets going on here want this or should I just I’m going to do some gamblings uh yeah please send in my way my leggings are about to breakish I do have spare once but I I’ll

Have to sort through them I’m going to make 4,000 banish Souls let’s go I don’t want to waste my Bon which is possibility which is for sure I want to use it when did they add B I didn’t know these existed ah oh my God what are these was [Laughter]

Like the sword will go if someone has a poison if you have a I’ll check that have a look at this this is made Soul banish let’s see bro 187% by yep that is very good M Reas can I have that bro I need some man

You can’t use it s it man guys oh another one from it says 62 every Will just do the maths and do it oh my God changing three four five items into low level I mean to my level so I will it’s rigged man it’s rigged it’s rigged [ __ ] it need [Laughter] 64 just kidding yeah we we have okay let me just show

You how much item rate we have total now okay if we like run this gear for like a special W so to speak PR PR prepare prepare to be shocked I want to keep any of these I guess I’ll just keep these two for like the funsies H look at this HP over

Here I don’t think thns goes any High the same with block chance block chance also doesn’t go any higher on you’re not playing Auto autopilot game you actually have to play the game in we can scr and scrab those now wait hold up look at look at this

CH do you want do you want to see item rate do you want to see item rate dude I got another uh helmet right now and wearing that and with like the rest of the things I have 220 item Rarity I love this whatever Maniac who else

Uhit what the [ __ ] I agree what the you just add tons of this thing wooden wooden wooden and do that yeah yep uh does anybody have plentiful crystals like catas I only have one kind of Crystal that is me no no not Crystal I catalst that I know is Crystal

Rose I have it but I’m saving it for the and void Vault then I’ll probably have to do a normal W God damn it I don’t want to do it now I want to get I want to get uh more uh plentyful on this it has like 180% w to

I want to get more it’s already like maxed Cur though and that’s fine I don’t really care we’ll run a normal W insane item Rarity though like 220 what the [ __ ] I I agree a myth but yeah it’s it’s it’s just we we do we do things a little differently here you

Know you know how it is we speed running and we breaking the game just just just a little bit different I that’s all it’s nothing serious you know andit how you doing uh that that more look like admin gaming hey I don’t ex’s the one who has as the admin I don’t so

If you have to blame anyone for admin gaming you know who yeah reducing level of 95 to level 82 won you get the level 82 gear yeah you will get the level 82 gear stream finished that’s why I told you now just work on the Epic and Omega

Stuff don’t work on everything yeah I’m only doing uh this thing epic they can be good still a gamble dude everything is a gamble here you need some catalist so that’s what going to be our one of our focuses and then we need XP I’m doing good man

I’m going to remove the Prismatic feather and we’re going to use the burger for once I want to get to like level 100 as soon as possible we’re like 96 we we’re really really close but we can just run an accustom W right how many accustomed do

We have or rig what do you do trip uh exam exam exams like I I went on a trip I I didn’t have exams then man where did you go um I went like rishikesh nice nice with friends or with family uh friends friends College friends we we’re hoping for completion because I

Want to get as much xp as we can from this one I’ll have to leave like a Min a bit for like dinner as well as like my d andd game we’ll do like this one quickly so do we have everything yeah we do just just having a blast we did some

Bers gate and we just like had some fun um oh my God I hate this all the best thanks man I appreciate it love to remove all Mastery from all of these things and just like jump it into another Mastery oh nice Shield all right if anybody’s joining in hop on

In yeah I’m hopping in that’s very good way make exp but still not builds shut up oh I also need to build stuff let’s see I’ll do it sometime building Stu it’ll happen man it’ll happen hey man at least at least i’ I’ve built uh like more quantity of stuff

Than you man so I don’t know what you’re talking about basement what are you doing that’s what I said uh-huh uh-huh yes continue continue uh the portals at the spawn by the way um oh no m helmet reaches durability maximum R rip man it was nice knowing

The helmet I’m coming to the Vault without IR let’s go let’s go what can possibly go wrong let’s go make him the president at least have built stuff unlike you know certain someone who’s just stuck um with oh I’ve buil the lab I’ve built my base I’ve built my

Basement I’ve built like four floors to it I built like a nuclear reactor yeah H good question modifi thing hop on in change BL all let’s go it’s another more oh no yes oh dig site amazing it is not a right it is not a myth oh Mite

Yep no no entering now wait I never seen a thing like this what is this I feel like someone is going to die this is the dick sidea it’s pretty good I what do you what do you get I don’t know I’m getting catless fragments I’m happy with that man [Applause]

Wow what the [ __ ] is this yeah your dude whole Hammer will run out I need a shovel it broke yeah you need very good Hammer does looting affect the sand I don’t know can repair this one time the fortune should affect it not that yeah looting You by Fortune I mean like item

Quantity item R nah I don’t think that it shouldn’t be working on that it shouldn’t be working on the scav items it canot it doesn’t work on the no I think it works on scab items uh quantity I think I’m pretty sure like Rarity works on it you should get around 18,000 sand

18,000 18,000 uh treasure sand make a treasure castle for you guys man I wish you could pick up this to decorate Off how much uh the best part of mining site is don’t go too late two people are it’s almost done mate that’s only one of the holes there’s like yeah now almost complete two damn speed [Applause] Sonic okay now we need to pull out uh the repair

And we also get Catalyst from it which is the main thing that I wanted uh to make the to at least get like a little bit more plentiful on the thing you can run It you also get chest [Applause] plates jewels as well a lot of soul shards it’s a shame you don’t get Bounty pears from [Applause] this I’ll probably build something uh I’m think it’s like looting 177,000 wooden chest in 5 minutes is I’m going straight okay how are you what the

[ __ ] Boomerang bro how you hitting that far huh Boomerang Boomerang oh Boomerang I’m going uh never mind I’m going uh left I changed my mind you’re going straight I’m going left this is not straight wa where is spawn spawns this way okay yes so I’m going right not left

Yeah then I’ll go straight then yeah have there’s a can’t be that but what happened okay I’ll go left I think I think we both have the same decision eh oh by the way um look for the uh obis yeah yeah then definitely 17 key

Pieces I have a lot of key pieces I don’t have the echo gems for the pieces [Applause] though 152 catless fragments let’s [Applause] go wait what is special about this world experience right yeah experience that’s what I’m saying to complete the VA I already did one of the uh weather oess things what this fire cutas are crazy I agree so are the wither skeletons man [Applause] man we found di side today as well we got like a really good ONN Night wall turn my God been such a good day our luck is back chat it’s gone for a bit it was on a break now it’s back in full force in full

Form yeah I just need like a a few more like uh um plentyful cat to do like the mining room which I’ll probably do in tomorrow’s stream cuz we can’t do it today my D andd session starts at 8:30 we’ll go like a little late unless is already delayed

The only issue I have with oh um X Mar room Nothing Here and luck finding that oblisk on he won’t find it he won’t Just good good good neighbors you are very good yeah you very good within 10 seconds or you shall be dead by Crystal fire reply this by by CH maniac the group he has I think gone to deal with the quote unquote Intruder my God RP he’s doing a challenging spider dungeon and the like the spider just like kind of ate away my HP like one hit four HP go like huh hello oh oh Serious yep yep was tried to hurt water I tried to bye thought was killed my Maniac yep yep by I agree he must be trying to save himself in [Applause] defense trying to hide the [Laughter] evidence purple and thingy Alpha dead to kill the other can you hear us Cod I can’t type in the I can I can do the others I I just can’t find them if I find them I do it hello [Laughter] [ __ ]

Now I know people are not saying in the [Laughter] C give me some building ideas man I want to build something work on something at least other than on the server do it do it help what there’s something up there a Al Though no BLK I’ll look for like one more and then I’ll do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it oh all 42 mobs good incoming wait where are you running off guys it’s time oh oh unboxing 31 crates go 38 yeah so by the way all of you are

Free uh this Sunday I don’t know I’m Free a busy person or something nice i’ I’m still searching for artifacts man scam my God that’s a lot of piglins I just need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ARS I need 11 more how do I have more than you uh

Because you gave some to me yep I give like two dup pleas more dup pleas dup pleas suck man why do you get D pleas for artifacts we need to grind more artifacts we’ll be doing that soon am I too early I think we need to do few treasure rooms

So that we can get the fragments and then just like Vault completion and I’ll just do normal crystals because there’s a chance of getting the one where you get like guaranteed artifact while uh Modifier on the second last Wess hey welcome to the stream man it’s great to have you how you doing welcome welcome uh Chad what’s the best oh no we also need to work on our wheel we you know what we’ll do I want to work on uh

Doing uh my God altars cuz that guarantees an artifact like every every 24 hours right because if we complete the uh the god Walter yeah we haven’t done God Alters in so long CH my day was good man it’s just it’s just the thing God alars are so like

Fincky first all you need to find the god alar of your God then you need to actually do it and it’s still like a RNG thing if you get a fa or not it’s just not good I just don’t like the system I like the old one better you just like

Sacrifice something this is more challenging yes but at the same time for find the thing find the right one uh no I found the second last one I didn’t find the last one you found the last one I didn’t I didn’t okay sorry there is too much sound here it’s fine it’s

Fine CH do you guys know uh a good way of like getting artifacts and like getting God alars done if so please let me know I would like to know we reach like level 100 pretty quickly though I don’t think reaching level 100 would be an issue Hunter I

Have Hunter I have Hunter but it’s still like I found I found uh the god Alters but I found I didn’t find for my God the one I have the Affinity with that’s the issue finding gold Alters is not the issue it’s just like a I need like

Valara or something right that’s the issue you don’t get the specific one that you need absolutely sucks I usually love RNG I playa Games but at the same time it’s just bad it’s not a skill based thing it’s a it’s skill based thing is a if I find the gold alter gold alter I do the challenge I’ll get like the Affinity change no actually my magnet is fine tablea table

I found the last but I’m trying to get the god alter thing dude it’s I need to do God alter as well bro but suck but there’s a treasure room here so I don’t know if I want To what okay I mean I think I’m going to need contact SP need to come to christas Place hold up yeah sure hold up let me just transcend Dimensions oo I agree in your level you don’t even see epic also just want oh my God yep I agree that is true though I don’t dig up S are so rare I’ve done 295 walls I found one in 295 walls they’re that rare Dragon o One more let’s go one More ooh almost like 300 volts uh you got to do the last monolith uh I I still haven’t found one I’ll do it but you got to give me some time I’ll eat K don’t worry yeah but I’m doing this God alter challenge first so I need like 10 extra minutes in

This world yeah that that not that’s not going to happen Man what’s the time remaining 3 minutes and you want 10 minutes no I’m just finishing this God alter thing bro because I’m spawning the wait not every room this thing will spawn or what someone uh every room yeah no because uh it’s not a there’s no spawners that spawn dwellers now are you

Man it’s just random bro it’s 20 20 out of 42 okay I don’t think it’ll happen right just do the just do the thing yeah know just do the thing there’s no point just do the thing before we get the curse in case it’s like fading or something that is not going to

Happen I meaning just like get get started it’s better than not getting started from the also get back to it that yeah I’m going back to it a okay you you eat K I got the I’ll do It I just found it I just minute it’s not possible 5 Seconds okay it’s going to come in I don’t think it’s going to be bad it’s not going to be bad he says it’s not going to be bad he says you need help do the block thing now and

Finish it I don’t need help and it’s Easy I want to see how much xp we get out of this should be a decent amount Not bad 330 XP L XP I I got I don’t know how to count this I got like 30 I got something l or l three lak three L three L yeah um wow such a cool Gear six and we are at 60 walls without dying four more walls I just need to do four more walls I just need to do because I’m umel oh you also get no no not level 100 uh level 100 like to complete 300 walls please give me

A oh my Jewels box was before my trash box that’s why it pcks it picked the jewels oh artifact got one finally I swear okay Dragon one it’s not a duplicate we need 10 more artifacts now jeez good luck I’ll go for dinner uh right now

Chat and I’ll end the stream um because I need to go for my D andd session after this after dinner I mean so yeah Decent Vault uh we need more knowledge Essence at this point I guess because um we need one 2 3 four five more mods uh for like automatic genius and uh yeah but this is going to be expensive these five mods are going to be expensive as hell look at this plus 49

And add 12 then this will add 12 so it’s just going to be expensive as well the total two gears I’ll see you guys uh thank you for hopping on today uh but yeah I’ll catch you in the next one I hope you’ll enjoy today’s stream uh this

Is going to be me by no signing off uh take care everyone have a good day see you guys around fear five Cloud if anyone has fear build disc good so many builds if you guys want to do

This video, titled ‘Grinding Vaults | Vault Hunters 3rd Edition | Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by RIGBYTE on 2023-12-19 15:45:41. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:43 or 8503 seconds.

Join me in uncovering the secrets of a new Minecraft mod pack as we start afresh and tackle the threats and challenges thrown at us by the vaults!!! If you are new around here, consider subscribing, its free and it really helps me out! Lets get to a 1000 subs soon! 📷 Instagram • 🕊️ Twitter • 😃 Discord • 🕹️ Twitch •

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

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    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – ● TIP: YOUTUBE ● MAIN: ● CLIPS: ● STREAM: SOCIAL ● KICK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● SNAPCHAT – ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More

  • Aphmau’s Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen Girls

    Aphmau's Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen Girls on 2024-06-04 23:00:05. It has garnered 1790 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN BOSS ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!

    Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!Video Information This video, titled ‘adding up #056 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-01-05 20:00:12. It has garnered 48 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:02 or 842 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: ⌨️ Keyboard: 🖱️ Mouse: 🎧 Headphones: 🎛️ Audio Mixer: 💻 Laptop : 🖥️ Monitor : 🎮 About the Channel: Dive… Read More

  • Escape the Overworld – Exclusive Minecraft Bedrock Stream 2 🚀

    Escape the Overworld - Exclusive Minecraft Bedrock Stream 2 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘*EXCLUSIVE * Minecraft Bedrock: Escape to the Overworld STREAM 2’, was uploaded by Mr Mof Gaming on 2024-06-09 11:17:10. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:50 or 5510 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #exclusive #beta Today we play my new map. Escape to the Overworld Lets do this: Can we defeat the Ender Dragon after being dropped 10,000 thousand blocks out from the end fountain with basic items…. This map was created by Mr Mof Gaming (me) from scratch. Its my first time doing any kind of coding in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Vtuber Plays One-Block Donathon

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Vtuber Plays One-Block DonathonVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Donathon] Minecraft Tapi Satu Blok?! – Vtuber Indonesia’, was uploaded by Dzeiya Channel on 2024-03-29 09:19:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Support Me : (2000) Saweria: (10,000) (Can Send Gif & Video) … Read More