Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!

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yo what is up guys welcome we’re back back from the dead resurrected good to see everyone here Hank Mr felra 2v yata havlin stormi undefeated quick Vibes DS Switzer what is up guys happy weekend good morning Alpha I hope everyone is doing really good so what are we doing today well we’re doing the normal stuff the stuff we like to do but to begin with uh we are heading towards a specific location um Banner hunting once again see I’ve got a very interesting location to check out so we’re going to go there first and then we will start heading back towards spawn I think gbba what’s up so yeah we’re going on a little adventure to begin with it’s not too far so it’s uh not to worry although I’m looking at my journey map and I can see that I’ve got some coordinates coming up that I’ve already been to so hopefully I’ve not already been there that would be pretty funny I don’t think so anyway free cookie what is up dude right let us uh Let Us carry on I’m going to try as much as possible to fly through some older chunks so that we can maybe find some stuff on the way yeah at the moment we are on a mission to a an old base to see if there are some banners for us that is what we’re doing I can see an old chunk trailer mine over here so let’s go over here we can follow this so yeah you can see on the oh yeah you can’t see on the map but yeah uh I have already been here before and I stop over here for some reason and I don’t know why so maybe I just gave up so we’ll carry on James what’s up poer what is up another brown belt look at that we’ve got brown belts in the chat this is awesome plan is to do absolutely nothing today I like those type of days sometimes you need those type of days right okay so obviously I came out of this portal in 1.12 12 but as we can see the trail continues so that was lazy boy rickon that way so we’re going to continue on this Trail because it goes in the relative direction that we need to go towards anyway how far out am I I am about 200k out see a lot longer than we normally are Jerry is cool what’s up good to see you bro right yeah let’s carry on so we are as I said earlier we’re going towards an old base looking for banners to begin with and then we will start heading back towards spawn is the goal today going to find a huge stash well that would be nice wouldn’t it I wouldn’t say no to that we are in stash neighborhood as well you know we’re over 200k out pretty far from the highway as well so this is stash country it could happen where normally we’re very very close to spawn and it’s unlikely we’ll find stashes now we are very close to well now we are very likely to find in stashes wski what is up good to see you bro so yeah obviously uh if you’re not in the Discord and you are a channel member make sure you join the Discord cuz I post up anything that I find I will post up there once I’ve Tak my a little bit of course yeah yesterday some of the guys got some nice gear cuz I found a about half a Duba stuff about 100K from Spawn so that was pretty nice so yeah make sure you’re in the Discord if you’re a channel member and of course even if you’re not a channel member make sure you’re in the Discord as well it’s a shame we don’t have Trident fly anymore that would be nice I do miss the Trident fly but it is what it is oh this is nice this is uh a uh nice Trail here going the direction we want to go on so we’ll follow it I don’t want to be going through new chunks not really of course there is a chance that you’ll come across a newer base but there’s a lot more luck involved in there oh nice wski right so yeah I hope everyone’s doing really good it’s been uh God it’s been like nearly two weeks since I last streamed feels like a long time we’ve got a oh yeah a drowned Monument thing yeah I was in Dublin only for a few days last weekend and then just all last week just ridiculously unwell so but pretty much completely out of it now so which is good we can get back to uh doing what we enjoy doing right got a boat some wool going on here then anything around I guess not pretty weird yeah we’ll follow this Trail as far as we can we need to go in this direction but yeah whilst there’s stuff around we’ll continue to have a look we’re not far away from where we need to get to a tool really so um we can uh do little diversions like this if there’s nice bit big bits of loaded land let’s take a little look around why not okay we’re further out than we normally are so who knows we might find something more substantial what do you call a cute door adorable great joke great joke gerse what’s up oh you you’re coming with the great jokes I like it right let’s uh continue this way got it on my journey map so I know where I am going but we get a little bit of lag little bit of loading lag here okay let’s just look at the whole area see I have been playing the last couple days um yeah just not streaming didn’t didn’t feel well enough to stream so it was weird uh finding stuff and not having anyone to like show it to I don’t know you get used to doing all this on stream all right I’m going to carry on this way as much as possible want to stay out of the the new chunks might become unavoidable at some point but for now we’re okay another nice big loaded area here you never know what you might find so the red squares are chunks that were gener that are 1.19 chunks so it doesn’t mean that players haven’t traveled there it just means that um yeah they’re 1.19 or now 1.20 chunks yeah so either 1.19 or 1.20 so if we follow the gaps between the red trunks these these chunks were definitely been generated by someone in an in an older version so someone was definitely here the question is why what what are the secrets to this area can we find it and can we steal it is it something that we can steal so yeah we’ll take a good look around is the uh admin tools new chunks yeah unfortunately that’s only available to me that’s not available to anyone else coded it myself no it was just a gift to me by uh let’s let’s say someone uh high up in the the 2b2 [Music] T admin team I just I’ll leave it at that Hey Joe what’s up cheers DS good to see you too bro yeah so what are we searching for so yeah we are searching for that same group’s Banner so we’re going to uh a bigger base of theirs did I just see a something else on the ground there no see we’re going to a bigger base of theirs and we’ll have a look around there there’s nothing there then we’re going to start heading back towards spawn is the plan but we’re also looking for other stuff and yeah we’re further from Spawn than we normally are and we’re quite far from the highway as well so could be in the area of finding stashes and stuff this could be stash country so you never know uh Russia hack has new chunks on it and it just it just looks for copper orw yeah you can get that on Russia hack what’s this game we are playing Minecraft on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server Call of Duty fortnite yeah yeah I wonder if people actually are serious when they ask what the game is does does anyone not know what Minecraft is these days o banners banners banners banners what is this oh PR Thomas banners okay in a weird chunk there’s one down there as well that’s interesting we’re quite far out so you know maybe we’ll find a PR Thomas Base fire demon what’s up Ed what’s up Adam what is up good to see you guys oh we are actually getting close to where we need to be so those definitely were PR Thomas banners right I need to go back and check because the banner we’re looking for is kind of similar let’s just double check Ed thank you so much we will oh when I get out of here we will get your signed up down very very soon yeah thank you for that oh we got a banner up here as well so this is what we want we want to find banners now because they might be the one we’re looking for so the banner we’re looking for is a white cross on a red background so it looks similar to this but it’s not this one see it’s a white cross on a red background is the banner that we’re looking for and yeah we are we are getting close to where we need to be so any one of these banners could be it so we’ve got to check them all out so that’s not it it’s funny that we’re finding a bunch of PR Thomas banners Raphael what’s up what’s the group name I can’t really say it on stream um there’re are group from the the Russia War era they were called the fourth something but they just happened to be the only group from that era whose banner I don’t have uh actually there’s two but that’s that’s the one that I want so far gaas what’s up uh this is Anarchy server so we’re allowed to hack we all to do whatever we like so we are going to a b uh well the remains of the base uh of an old group to see if some of their Banners are still around looks like we’re coming up to something here so we’ve got tunnel ESP on as well I don’t normally have this on um but we have this on right now okay so there’s something going on here oh we got something up here right so this must be something to do with the base cuz they’re really close it looks like a massive Circle this is weird Okay this is getting exciting so what we want are when you see the blue lines yeah here we go look at this so we’re looking for the blue lines you see a blue line that means a banner okay look for blue lines this must be must have been like their main base so look for blue lines any blue tracers blue Tracer means that it’s a banner that’s the only thing that a blue tracer has so let’s uh check the whole area and then we can go and check some of the chests so yeah oh yeah we got the famous map art as well oh that red tracers okay red traces means uh item frames I can also show the I can also show the um so we got an old lag machine here these guys were prolific laggers back in the day as well so these guys had a lag machine at their base look at that that’s crazy that’s so cool uh can you use world edit in This Server no you can’t no okay so slightly disappointing so far no traces uh to say that there’s any banners around which is a shame obviously we would know that we found one if there was some around but it’s fine there’s still quite a lot to of the area to check out and again it looks like this was their main base so we will start to go and check out the chests so this is It’s the IP uh yeah there were maps in those item frames unfortunately yeah but it’s an anarchy server why can’t you world edit well if everyone was World editing the server will become unplayable right so yeah a few people did have world edit access back in the day 10 by 10 it’s stop spamming please sir okay there’s some more stuff over here and we can we can actually check the oh Cody smile yeah see that’s the problem a lot of people will have been here so I guess the chances of anything being at the base are very slim unfortunately what’s better for base hunting future or Russia um I haven’t used future in a bit now but I would assume that they’re fairly fairly similar in this place you can do anything you want accept these things look if everyone could do anything they want the server would never be up right so the when people say it’s not Anarchy I think that’s just a silly thing to say the server would literally be unplayable so it’s Anarchy in terms of you can steal whatever you want you can grief there’s no protection so to me it’s still Anarchy right what we got down here yeah Cody smile would have uh grabbed everything down here who knows maybe not when the last time I went hunting in the millions yeah a long a long time ago a long time ago it’s just it’s just a lot of time no I still call to be Anarchy semi Anarchy is when they you get these servers that are like we’re an Archy but with no hacks or anything that to me is semi semi Anarchy might we might as well go down and check it out let’s go can you use fly mode no I think these are C’s so I think these are actually something that Cody Smiles put down himself yeah right let’s go back to the base then and now let’s start looking at chests within the base oh there’s a Wither here so that’s no good so yeah this base is uh obviously seen many better days can you do a stream base hunting in the millions it would just be boring bro unfortunately there’s just such a high chance that I wouldn’t find anything that yeah it’s just not fun yeah I starting to think there going to be a little to no chance that we’re going to find anything here yeah I mean we can see the you can see basically what the map Hearts like or what the baners like so this is the the map art of it Israel what’s up is it even possible to find a base 100k from spawn of course you can find bases within 3K 2K from Spawn all over the place right so yeah we need to go and start checking all the chests just to see just to see if there’s one Banner that all the other Raiders didn’t find all we need is one all we need is one Banner we will check the area out as well it’s going to be tough let’s turn off tunnel ESP there we go so yeah we are looking for a banner get away from me freak no that guy’s dripped out yeah banners banners banners no banners what’s the biggest base you’ve ever found um good question we found some massive bases over the years no politics in chat please uh would you man recommend 2b2 in 2024 for someone has never played of course yeah the Golden Days might be over but you know the essence of the server remains so come and come and give it a go why not the longer you leave it the more the essence Le goes right so F what’s up you’re doing good quite a nice Farm here but some stuff oh is this where we just were yeah okay let’s go over here yeah looks like yeah looks like it’s all gone no chests or anything nothing for us to even look through and check that’s a shame check this one out yeah I think we’ve gotten unlucky this is where all the banners would have been I think we if we were ever going to find a banner from this group this is the best place it would have been I think we’ve going to get unlucky what’s the significance of banners it’s they’re just collectible things right it’s just something that players have made and they’re relics of the past it’s kind of like digital archaeology it’s like finding remnants bits of bygone eras of the server and the server’s been around for like 14 years so for some of us um some of us put a lot of significant on significance on the history of the server but that probably seems weird to some people who play Minecraft who’ve got like their own little world and that’s all they do but you think there’s been nearly a million people that have played here so to find relics of War we’ve had Wars here we’ve had loads of things go on so to find relics of that to me is really cool so I’m going to follow this uh big ring that they built and see if we can find one along it not giving up quite yet so we’re looking for the blue tracers a blue Tracer means Banner how would you know it’s an authentic Banner another good question you don’t Shuler box I saw that where is it oh empty you pesky dolphin uh yeah you wouldn’t know it was genuine it’s a very good question um which is why you know I want to come to an area where I know the group was Ive it makes it more likely that it was genuine uh right what way we go we’re going to go this way follow this so for some reason they drew a big ring around their base yeah that’s why I don’t yeah of course I could craft them myself people have offered me the banner to copy it but I want to find it out in the wild because then to me it might be genuine that’s why I want to find it like that and and and then it forces you to go to these cool locations as well and see these old ruins so it’s it’s part of the journey am I ever going to do a highway exploring stream yeah I might do that’s not a bad idea am I near spawn not too near spawn no about 250k out clutch without a totem please H maybe later oh there another C see yeah Cody smile has been all around here uh where’s the thing there we go so yeah we’re going to follow this uh this around to see if there’s one around here otherwise I think we kind of we we’ll check all the area inside this circle as well is tried and fly patched yes unfortunately I don’t think this is a c so let’s go check this out but this say Cody smile oh dear okay that was a bad idea let’s uh yeah we’ll just uh right let’s get organized here so these guys can’t bother us I said these guys can’t bother us right let’s just cover up this hole I just want to check that bottom chest yes right let’s get the hell out of here is it mods ah I mean we’re using a ha client and a couple of them say Ryan and Caden please Ryan and Kaden please there we go are we using mods we’re using a hack client or we’re using two hack clients TPS TPS is uh kind these days ooh Oak sign Black Banner oh it’s a PR Thomas Banner oh man just for a just just for a second oh just for a second I thought I thought that was what we were looking for oh man that’s that’s crazy right actually I tell you one thing I need to do so this book and quill uh as soon as I hit 5K Subs it might be today it might not I’m going to sign that book and hide it somewhere and I’ll post the coordinates on the stream and it’s got coordinates to a dungeon stash so yeah I will be giving away a dungeon stash at 5K there we go what mod you using to see armor durability uh that is uh it’s on every hat CL I can’t even remember what it’s called actually it’s just called durability did I see Shuler box here there another Shuler box ooh endstone Shuler box nice so that potentially means that this room road is actually a little newer interesting right so yeah we have gone the entire Ring Road around this base does that say tread tragic yeah Cody smell sometimes comes in chat that so where am I be interesting to know that when he was here if he found any of the banners I would be very interested to know but yes it looks like no luck on the banner hunt and this was obviously going to be the best chance of us finding it CU this was the main base of the group group so I still have like another five or six locations to try but yeah we won’t do those today it’s a shame but it is what it is yeah I’m just going to circle all this area as well just to make sure there’s they haven’t left any in the trees around here but I doubt it that’s another one of those Seas down there so we won’t bother going down there how far should I travel for intact Village I mean if you want a 1.12 Village or well a pre 1.19 Village you can find those within 20K of Spawn if you want a 1.19 uh or later Village you need to be going over 200k pretty much we’ll check this one out doesn’t look like it was the same oh well we’ll give them all the endstone and stuff which quadrant am I in uh minus minus IRL do I touch grass yeah I touch grass all the time bro I’m a gardener IRL so you know it’s my job not really but I do spend a lot of time outside are there currently any ways to do I mean the the saying on 2b2 is that there’s always a dupe but I don’t know what it is the last one I that was public I think was I think it was the um Pyro dupe was the last real public one I think and that was like 3 years ago so yeah there’s not been a public dupe for a long long time other than the lava dupe but I can’t I can’t tell you guys about that well unfortunately we have pretty much checked the whole area out so that is yeah sadly that is it by the way guys as you can see trying to get to 5K subs and we’re only 100 away at the start of the Stream So if you can help us get there that would be awesome oh look at that oh have I not got Auto Armor turned on there we go okay so Cody smile so I am going to let’s get rid of that and I’m also going to turn off extra sign uh so I’m going to firstly say brixon was here looking for 4 R banners none fourth of May 24 and then we owe a we owe a sign to Ed for donating thank you very much Ed there we go okay so what should we do I think well we can still check the area a little bit more but I think we kind of have to admit a little bit of defeat unfortunately which is a shame is a big shame and we already checked down there let’s just check everywhere in the base best way to get a whole lot of rockets I mean mob farm work really well now so um you can just do gunpowder farm and when did I start playing 2b2 T I started in September of 2020 any in there what’s that oh my God look at that that’s a bit crazy what could I see down there in my tracers what are those furnaces yeah I’m going to bother there I suppose we could check out some of these mine carts but yeah I’ve very much doubt like they’ve got anything yeah they’re not going to have anything in them are they we’ll check the whole biome we check out the whole biome why not maybe there’s like a secret little Outpost that no one else has spotted it’s just got a couple of banners on it you never know yeah May the four yeah May the fourth be with you well can’t really say that cuz I’m more of a Star Trek guy than I am Star Wars but there we go that’s just me remember playing this on PS3 yeah Minecraft’s been around for a long time now on lots of different versions face King what’s up do I have a PVP nah everyone’s too scared to PVP me oh Banner Banner alert I know I think we’ve already yeah these are the pr Thomas banners okay this this is where this is the way we came in false alarm what console am I playing this on this is Java bro this is this is real gaming on a PC this wonder if Cody smile’s online he is online uh Veta what’s up what’s the current PVP meta I think it’s still crystals I think it is pretty sure so yeah we are looking for a very very specific banner and then we are going to head toward back towards spawn and just doing some base hunting yeah we’re just going to check the whole area CU we’re at the main base of a very old group but yeah I think uh I think it’s uh game over for this Banner at least today I do have some other coordinates to check at some point is this game still good on PS3 I do not know I do not know what else I do on the server i ba uh I build occasionally not very often but occasionally I do build a little bit Tam Tam what’s up distance from Spawn about 220k tulip do I build by hand or with my I actually build with by hand funnily enough I never really figured out how to use like uh liaa and all of those things yeah never figured those ones out yeah I think it’s time to get up this Quest there’ll be a lot of loaded chunks around here but I don’t want to spend too much time exploring this area I want to go back to towards the highway back towards the highway and start finding some bases keep the stream interesting right let’s head back towards the base and look for a portal yep we are out of luck on this one that would have been great wouldn’t it come to the group’s main base to actually find one of the banners that we’ve been looking for for ages never mind probably a long shot to be honest it might be the the the Lesser known locations that I’ve got are probably a better idea to be honest cuz this probably had so many visitors over the years probably hasn’t been a banner here for ages see this is probably a not such a good idea to be honest but you know bro you love your PS3s don’t you I’m honestly surprised 22t hasn’t been mute it long way to go just Josh what’s up good to see you right let’s look for a portal yeah still cool to be here though I mean it’s still a historic location but yeah it just kind of sucks that we can’t find the thing thing that we want I guess that’s a good metaphor for life right you can’t always get the things you want right let’s go through the portal get back in the Nether and let’s get to a a more stream friendly [Music] distance there’s a banner right there but that will be a PR timeas Banner for sure right we are going to go uh we going to go this way turn these bits off for now there will be PR Thomas Banis would you ever try to destroy spawn completely I mean spawns already completely destroyed it doesn’t it doesn’t need my help to do it whoa dropping frames I need need to do that just for a second see here we need to go we need to go that way but need to find a gap there we go so yeah going to go closer to the highway and then we’re going to start going back back towards spawn and we will definitely start finding a good bunch of bases guaranteed yeah slash kill is back now so yeah if you’re in a trap portal you can uh you should be able to do that you there was a time you couldn’t but trap Port was a rare people don’t seem to do that these days yeah people just aren’t as bothered like to be like spawn like nether spawn used to be a highly contaged and patrolled area that there was a a real at least a 50% chance if you went to Nether spawn you’d either get portal trapped or killed or both um yeah now people just don’t don’t do it like spawn is actually pretty safe I think I think if I ever get up to like big uh subscriber numbers so let’s say I don’t know let’s say 100K if I ever get to 100K subscribers uh it can happen only takes a few videos to really take off but if I ever got up to say 100K Subs I would maybe like do a a spawn incursion or something like that see see if I could take over spawn that would be pretty fun yeah you need a a lot of a lot of people to do that favorite server ever you don’t have to ask that question pretty obvious right I think Raven Raven’s a bot if I’m honest all right so yeah we’re going to go back towards the highway and uh I’ve got my nice can of water pretty have you ever plan on doing a high effort pre-plan stream I reckon all my streams are high effort but yeah I do have some big pre-plan stream ideas I will do some at some point dream or techno ah I mean I I I don’t like dreams so I’d have to say I was a fan of techno he was a funny guy MSM what’s [Music] up all right 2v that sounds cool right we are we are now actually let’s do this one or if we can nice oh look at that we come straight out of the base it’s griefed but still cute havin thank you so much dude yeah it was it’s been a uh a not so nice weak just pass him through ACE bigma so we can still keep the signs on for a while because we are quite far from spawn um so just while my uh Aura sorts me out protects me thank you so much havin well I’m going to give you this place yourself stle killer what’s up warp and Crimson Forest are pretty rare I mean they are you’ve got to go quite far out to find them um so what way do I want to go yes we are going to go this way yeah we are really close to the highway now so we will find a bunch of bases as we go along havin the brown belt as well that is sick a few guys that have bumped up to Brown Bel now how far from the highway only a few K so yeah this is this is not the best place to build but you do find a lot of stuff so yeah we will we will find a good bunch of stuff as we head back towards spawn let’s say we’re kind of going backwards now so um let me just bring up my journey map again English I only in chat please H what’s up so again if you aren’t subscribed you know what to do here we go we got a base already yes we’re trying to get down to oh let’s go down there there’s a staircase and everything where is it over there just trying to get to 5K Subs maybe today I mean who knows right where is it hidden need to get a shovel out actually yeah you go in there so yeah trying to get to 5K Subs if you can to help us get there ooh oh he thinks it’s hidden moisty what this guy thinks his base is hidden that’s so cute yeah he thinks his base is hidden you don’t know where you’re playing bro 2022 jmd that’s pretty cute let’s let’s give them some server history then there you go have a PR Thomas Banner go nuts um what was I going to get out oh that’s right I was going to get a shovel out or we’re on the main so we can actually get our good shovel out base hunting shovel let’s get rid of the junk some was here 4 March 24 March we go Third Time Lucky there we go I getting show slow we’re getting low on glow ink sacks again I’ve got to create a a farm for that how did we come come into here here right we’ll clean we we’ll tide his base up don’t worry stream sniped am I monetized on YouTube a little bit not much but a little bit uh yeah please do subscribe we’re trying to get all the way to 5K Maybe not today maybe today you never know it could I mean it could have there’s only 100 people right it is only 100 people cool it’s not unrealistic I mean we’re up to 4 4934 already so let’s update that we’re already up to 4934 so maybe we can do it on this stream maybe on this stream we can actually do it what’s up D Toni yeah definitely not hacking we don’t hack around here right so yeah now we can just find some bases yeah I’m tired with looking looking for the the banners whatever let’s do what we like to do and find cute little bases head back towards spawn try not to get stream sniped again that was funny on the last stream actual stream snipers right Jake just what’s up you find more pandas than anyone else yeah I I’ve done pretty good I’ve done pretty good and I think it’s because I have it so that it’s the only Tracer so I ne I never miss a banner if I go near a banner I know it’s a banner I don’t even have tracers on chests or shulkers anymore to make sure that I find banners it’s like yeah chest shers who cares just give me the banners we can blast through some new chunks we’re so close to spawn oh we’re so close to the highway I mean we’ll come to some breaks here we go yeah we’ll carry on it’s not a problem when I turn on tracers I get fast SLS oh really H what are the banners for uh well what the r let me do the r tiles R tiles these means that we’re un under or let me try that again when we’re under these it means that we’re uh in chunks that were generated in either 1.19 or .20 and when we see the breaks in them like this it means that they were generated in older versions of Minecraft uh so 1.12 or before so someone has definitely been there oh a a beehive does this man ever reat I reat with the time heart uh Banners are just things that people make so it just signifies them oh look at this we got a cool floating village here nice so yeah Banners are just individual things that people make on the servers on the server and then some of us like to hunt for them and collect them here we go we got a uh nice open area here don’t want to go too far that way CU we’re actually oh okay well we’ve got a little base here let’s have a look a base with a portal right inside that’s not a good idea let’s just close this up quickly I have a look if there’s anything here that I can borrow is quite a nice design I suppose quite basic but nice really a should we leave a sign I suppose we should uh Sean what’s up ly what’s up en what’s up Mike what’s up am I cheating no never tell you what I’m going to do I’m going to put on extra sign bind I’m going to bind it to that and auto sign 4th of May 24 so now we can just go bam easy peasy I’m too lazy to type them oh we’ve got an e chest in the village let’s check the uh yeah yeah there’s something uh there’s something about this dungeon down here I want to check it out you can see a lot of mobs around someone’s potentially been here so someone’s potentially be down here and the answer question is is why any any secrets any loot no that was worth a look have you seen sign his on Stardust Adam for Meto a safe sign so they can get broken oh that’s interesting have not seen that right let’s continue this way what’s up with all the different languages in chat I don’t know I’m just like bringing communities together but yeah English only cuz I need to make sure that you’re not seeing anything naughty is the issue yeah I’m like the UN of 2b2 T streamers it’s the way it is yeah we need to know what you’re saying so uh English only please my guys even though it’s very nice to have you here from all over the place oh man look at this base oh dear this is the base we’ve been looking for ow is there a good way to AFK no I don’t think there’s any AFK ways anymore I do not think there is any way to AFK anymore I might be wrong someone someone else in chat might know but I don’t think that there is right let’s carry on oh we a bit laggy laggy laggy laggy man oh we got a chunk border we’ve got a chunk border all right let’s carry on so differences terrain generation so yeah I mean you’ll see I mean if you go to like beta terrain generation very few trees real dark green uh just yeah a little boring compared to what we’ve got today but beautiful in its own way want to definitely call it boring in but yeah very very different and you’re going to see all these chunk borders as well which are really interesting right let’s have a good look around rabbit hide H who’s killing rabbits what sort of monster are they righty right let’s do a little subscriber check we’ve gone up another 10 I think we might hit 5K on this stream that’ll be crazy hey guys if you aren’t subscribed we’re trying to get to 5K on this stream and we’re we’re getting close almost halfway there so yeah if you can help us get there by Hit And subscribe would massively appreciate it and if you can press the three little dots and like the stream as well just to see if the uh the algorithm Gods will push us far and wide once again that would be appreciated as well well thank you guys I just started playing and found it hard to Le spawn well if only there was a guide available to you in fact if you go to my channel you will find the complete guide to 2b2 the official complete guys 2b2 what oh oh it’s a temple I was like hang on a minute he just watched it ah well you just got to keep trying you’ve got to keep trying eventually you’ll make your way out all right some more bases I need bases I need Bas English only in the chat please why don’t you do the horizontal streams because I like vertical I’m a toall guy so I’m just vertically inclined ILO what’s up so the red chunks are 1.19 chunks so if Minions that it’s unlikely someone’s been there it’s not impossible but it’s unlikely yeah spawn is not as hard to leave as people would make you think people like me with the silly spawn escape videos but I mean you know those are just fun I’m not being super serious in those but if you’ve got a client you can get out easily re really all you need to get out of Spawn is full Bri that’s the main one if you got full bright you can get out super easy yeah food’s very easy as well these days so as long as you don’t get cornered by some mobs you’re pretty much okay molecular tree what’s up ooh here we go base time wow this looks very nice I like the red glass do you like the red glass I like the Green Glass this is nice this is a nice base how far out are we yeah we can still show the show the sign as well I don’t like the door design yeah don’t don’t like the door design I did what I could to fortify against mobs spawn in AR again oh that’s okay so he’s built like a perimeter fence okay that’s a lot of wheat man I hope you don’t have any intolerances yeah molecular tree yeah yeah I like your videos you do some good stuff man I recommend you put your high value items in this box we’ve got someone who’s like stealing the script from my video someone broke the boxes got what I could before it all expired this is great oh we got some vanillary stuff this is nice grief oh I can’t grief it it’s just someone’s built this with Love Like Love went into this you know it feels like someone really put some effort into this yeah I couldn’t grief this that’ be that would be harsh ORS building oh was that was yeah they’ve got some tunneling but it only goes down to 25 so this could be fairly new to be honest I do like it though all right let’s leave them a couple of apples and we will leave a sign nice very cute just the type of cute little base that I like to find let’s get some more Rockets out while we’re here how are we doing on elytra not bad at all and let’s put our crap in there right very nice let’s carry on I just died ah rip Ryan thank you so much I got killed while by a witch really oh no yeah Witch is Witch is the first mob that ever killed me killed me in Minecraft actually so yeah I I do not like witches the first ever mob in Minecraft the first time I ever loaded into a single player world the first time I’d ever bought the game I remember it was like you have to build shelter straight away and I spawned right in the middle of a a swamp in like a valley literally the worst place and um I spent ages Gathering a load of stuff and then yeah a uh uh witch just spawned and killed me it was horrible what’s going on down here then oh we’ve got a mob it looks like let’s go let’s go have let’s go and investigate down here why not they must have had some stuff in those mine carts but we’re going to have a look why not you’d be hasing the inevitable yeah maybe but what get rid of these guys first anything interesting here oh I thought those were shulkers then no oh yeah it looks like they had a whole base here yeah sugarcane farm another Farm okay looks like there was a whole base here but it’s all gone now let’s just get out of the way of the creeper [Music] you’re going to learn Minecraft on 2B that’s awesome dude that’s what I did so uh yeah go for it man right let’s just get rid of all this junk okay let’s carry on what we trying to do we are just looking for bases just hanging around looking for bases you found a zombie wearing elytra that is that is lucky nice do I have a proper base yeah I’ve got a couple of bases around how far out for base hunting you can go anywhere from like 10K out the further you want to go you know the further the better as a rough rule but hey you can find epic spawn bases it can happen what if we got going on down here then just furnaces can you wear mob heads in Java yeah you can you can I do I have I used to have some I took them all out yeah I don’t guys I will be right back just going to go make take a drink give me two minutes e e e e e right back back guys sorry about that right let’s carry on base hunting we still here yeah a few people left never mind they’ll be back uh cup of tea cup of peppermint tea that’s all I’m good for at the moment so here’s a question do anyone got a Glo ink Farm to work on 2B and if you have can you send me a tutorial of the one that you used or similar to the one that you used that would be uh that would be very useful yeah we are looking for bases bases banners Collectibles anything think we can find hey the boss hey just laid Yeah I created a big um water cave below my base I think I just didn’t go down far enough I’m sure it said you need to go down below level 30 and I was in like level 20 but none of them spawn so yeah maybe I need to just go further how do you get new chunks to work on metor uh no it’s on my uh my other client but I mean on meteor if you just add copper copper or to your search and look for gaps in that that does the same thing pretty much stream is stuttering so much anyone else getting that anyone else getting an issue with the stream might just been you then in vix City uh maybe you need to refresh I’m plug it plug it back in there always the the way to do it with tech are you using a map mod yes I’m using Journey map you can’t see it but I’m using any map there you go see so I’m so I’m I’m mapping the area that I’ve not been in before so that I can see and make sure I don’t go back there yeah youve got to use a map mod you don’t have to but to me like the map mod is like my saved progress on 2b2 T areas I’ve been to before it would just I don’t know if I lost my my journey map saves that would suck and I’ve got I I I do a uh backup every couple of months on the uh in the cloud I’ve got Cloud backups from a month ago so I’ll be fine but yeah have I been to Jesus Valley nah what’s the end light now yeah the end’s pretty cool these days people are being like rebuilding it we were there a couple of streams ago we went to the end World border baby do I keep my cloud local or is it commercial it’s Google Cloud as as as commercial as you can get I suppose did I go to pit fight nah I don’t do those sorts of things wouldn’t be fair on everyone El house it’ be everyone would want a book for me then I’d kill everyone what’s the point what’s the point I’d ruin it molecular tree nose molecular tree nose so yeah uh in my e chest I have a book and quill uh where I’ve written uh coordinates to a dungeon stash and when I hit 5K I will sign it and I will hide it and I will put the chords up on screen and I’ll also post them in my Discord and the first person to get there will not only get the book which I think is the most important thing but then in the book there will be cords to a full-on dungeon stash that will also have a very old book of mine cuz it will be like two or three years old so that will be my little 5K my little uh 5K treat for people am I in a club or anything yeah I’m in the uh I’m in the Gray beard Geyers there are a good bunch of guys Bedrock tuby toti sounds interesting still quite surprised there’s a lot of new chunks here considering how close to the highway we are am I near diagonal Highway no I am here near a um what’s the word what’s the word for a straight line straight a straight Direction my mind’s gone blank what word am I thinking of gift ooh should we give them some more gift there we go help me what’s the word I’m thinking of if it’s like a you’re go in a regular Direction what’s the word what’s the scientific word cardinal there we go Cardinal Naro Cardinal uh Highway niad look at the brown belt that’s sick dude thank you so much that means you’ve been a member for is that 3 months or four months wow nice who has the dragon egg we’ve all got dragon eggs they they’ve been dupes a lot over the years rever is oh no yeah Cardinal I was like what’s the I’m making myself look dumb what’s the scientific word I didn’t even know if it’s scientific just the correct English word yeah Cardinal that’s it oh man I do miss Dublin I mean I missed you guys last week as well but I also missed Dublin OH we found a base someone’s trying to tell me not to talk about my holiday okay fine oh there’s a lot of creepy cres around Diamond efficiency one pickaxe ah don’t worry we’re not that poor we don’t need that Gab thank you very much oh this is just a cute a cute little [Music] um I join Bedrock nah probably won’t but thanks for the offer do I sometimes destroy bases no I’m a good guy 2021 just make sure no creep creep up on us again we’re far enough away from Spawn at the moment that we can do this so and we can do auto sign as well so we’re okay poop house all right let’s make sure it doesn’t go boom but there we go cute little base just the type of thing that we want to find someone’s gone you know what I’m about 200k from Spawn how far actually what is the number DS do you know the um the sign search how far out is it it’s 156k isn’t it oh look at this this is cute is it 156k I need to know exactly so I know not to check out 128k yeah that’s it yeah so we got plenty of we got loads of time I got like 100k almost rubber player space I mean that’s what we’re trying to do if we find anything worth stealing we just keep finding poor people but you know if we do find something oh we jumped another 10 Subs guys trying to get to 5K and we are 46 people away from it that is crazy that is crazy we are nearly there so yeah if you can help us get there this is cute yeah if you can help us get there by like it oh subscribing of course that would be amazing I haven’t even made 20K yet my best was last night got wrecked by wither around 20K on the seven Canal yeah unlucky about that yeah unfortunately if you stick to the main Canal the main highways you can find a lot of Withers people like to litter them with Withers for the very reason is to get new players oh Banner time is that a ominous Banner yeah someone tried to do a raid maybe yeah that’s why I always recommend the diagonals for getting out of Spawn I just think that people care about them a lot less wardens at spawn are getting on my nerves they are a bit abundant are they and I don’t think they’re going to go anywhere because they’re hard to kill so oh this is such a good song uh window liqu by Apex Twin if you know you know what a tune whoa killer sheep for sub I can do that I think now this is going to be a case where I’m not going to be able to find a sheep for a oh there we go that I can do come here your sacrifice will be worth it there we go you you better be subbed yeah molecular tree the video is Wicked Man yeah yeah I wish I could play it but YouTube are so strict with their copyright stuff thank you IR God all right what do we want we’re going to look for some more bases nice and chilled I’m exploring the nether floor to find random drop time still yeah it’s a good strategy I like that make sure that you’ve got name tags on make sure you’ve got name tags on so that you can uh see them easily if you’re doing that how far should I base on depends on what you want to find yeah if you’ve got any uh questions on starting on tb2t if you go to my channel there’s a video called the complete guide and it will teach you everything about base hunting about hiding your base about escaping spawn all of that stuff so yeah you can find bases 5K from Spawn you can find bases obviously to the world border it just depends on what you want to find really if Mr Beast donated 1 million what how would I react uh oh look at that that is cute there’s the E chest in the item frame next to the bed he thinks he’s so safe I mean I used to do that each chest in the item frame before you could add item frames to search I did used to do that the good old days Community Farm 8th of December 2016 look at that 2016 Farm how awesome is that yeah I remember setting a bed with a uh e in ni and frame next to the first pretty big stash that I found just to make sure I could always go back there and keep raiding it was good times yeah cute little Russia Farm it’s nice to be able to look at signs I must admit I’m so used to having to turn the signs off it’s nice to be able to have them on oh we’re going to I don’t want to go that way that’s too too close to the highway want to go too close to the highway oh Mesa uhoh [Music] uhoh what happened what happened guys we crashed we crashed we had a game Crash don’t worry we’re coming back everything else is working okay yeah everything else is working okay do not worry do not worry it was just the game there’s nothing else don’t worry guys do not worry all right here we go am I going to be flying ah there we go not a scratch not a scratch not a scratch you know bro I got you what film’s that from what film’s that from anyone can tell me what film that’s from you’re a legend right got too powerful yeah I know I know they just couldn’t handle it oh we got a chunk board do you want to say the prettiest chunk border you ready a look at that how satisfying is that oh hang on a minute what we got down here is this is this what I think it is diamond pickaxe stone sword no I don’t think that’s what we think it is tub is updated yes yes we’re on 1 120.4 I believe no I don’t think that is a dead body no let’s not let’s not get prematurely upset let’s not get prematurely upset Predator drows yes good work I’m going to cut your name in two that’s what he says isn’t it I’m going to cut your name in two what I think to say man obviously some of you are probably way too young well you might have watched Predator predator’s nearly as old as am I older than predator or is predator older than me it’s close it’s closed I think Predators 87 if my uh movie trivia is any good heyy what’s up uh we are we are base hunting is what we’re doing that is what we’re doing Ain got time to bleed yeah Jesse The Body venturer godamn sexual tyrannosaurus oh brilliant Dylan you son of a 87 that was good knowledge yeah so I’m actually older than Predator well not the Predator but the film predator and you know what Predator 2 I think Super underrated super underrated and I think that the uh was it the third one they did called the pr uh no not the Predator that that one I didn’t like but Predators with Adrien Brody I also think it’s underrated as well yeah but Predator 2 with Danny Glover 100% and Gary booy and who else is in it yeah Predator 2 is super underrated super underrated I think who’s the other guy in Predator 2 like really well known he was also in uh aliens game over man game over it’s like well very well known and I just can’t think of him right now Bill Paxton of course yeah Bill Paxton in uh Predator 2 as well yeah Predator 2 is so underrated yeah that’s when they kill drug dealers it’s like in like Inner City LA K okay how do you get new chunks to work um just it’s a a feature on some Modern clients and it just looks for copper or basically yeah just looks for copper or oh yeah Tornado naked yeah is it normal for me to hear you respond to chat before you even see the messages maybe you just need to refresh maybe you’re just getting a bit of lag for right what do we got over here I’ve got a stash stash oh there’s actually stuff in here that was uh that was that was cool yeah I wouldn’t take it imagine if you were a new player and found this Nom Noms in here and everything who owns you I just a go I wonder who owns those horses ah that was lucky yeah so the server we’re on is Minecraft olders anak server and we’ve got how many people we’ve got 336 players online at the moment so quite a few okay when face reveal n the internet’s not ready for that the internet’s not ready for that I I I I want to keep my uh I want to be able to walk down the street and not be noticed you know I don’t want to lose that yeah he’s just died I know Lily what’s up Spooks when I I join September of 2020 so yeah three and a half years now yeah trying to get to 5K Subs so if you haven’t subbed at the moment please do so and yeah if you can hit the three buttons and like the stream as well that would be appreciated yes we’re on 1.20 I think 1 120.4 exactly exactly what dles just said uh I’m kind of new to 2b2 would you recom meteor yes I would um but yeah if you’re new go watch my guy to 2b2 video on my channel it will will give you all the answers to all the questions you would ever have will help you get started yeah good luck and welcome back am my admin oh I can’t I can’t say that out loud I cannot say that out loud do you ever play rust no never have I’ve watched it though it’s interesting to watch but some people say that it’s a game that’s fun to watch in terms of like highlights but to actually play it’s a can get a little tedious like a lot of grinding and stuff so yeah I don’t know if I’d fancy play in it but it’s fun to watch what’s his name will gem his stuff’s quite good isn’t 2b2 a lot of grinding yeah it is you know it can be but I enjoy you know for me the grind on 2b2 T was um oh what have we got here yeah for me the grind on 2b2 was finding stuff basically what’s this block one extend 64 blocks throw Pearl run back put code on sign okay so this is a these are Pearl Old Pearl Lanes okay yeah so these r Pearl Lanes from the old days you used to have to throw pearls into unloaded chunks I used to hate that does that mean that there’s a a base over here somewhere we got a bucket so look for a cow cow that’s not even a base they’ve done po lanes and it wasn’t even a base oh well how far out would you recommend trying to find mega bases I used to go out to like 500k H you can find big bases below that yeah Mega Bas yeah Mega bases yeah you do need to go over 500 I suppose what’s my favorite game Minecraft hey profit yeah vacation was awesome recovery sucked but I’m kind of 95% better now so um yeah says admins I know it does I’m not I can’t change that unfortunately but just pretend like you can’t see that and don’t don’t worry too much about it okay right what do we need we need a cow is what we need so we can drink its milk finally a stream that isn’t fortnite let’s go there we go you’re unmuted yeah I think I just uh unmuted muted you for a little bit because you were spamming right so if you don’t spam you won’t get muted I just found diamond tools on the ground nice put them in your e chest you just wrote me an essay did you okay where’ the cows at man where the cows at fam how do I make it so I can see the dropped item names name tags in your client what’s the most common thing that you see on stream what as in in the game am I I don’t know what that is so I’m not going to answer that there’s the cow man wait come here as in builds ah H just most little survival shelters i’ say 95% if not more people who join join once or a few times and start a little bit of survival and then just give up so oh we got some nice alter rain over here let’s check it out what’s up Swiss good to see you bro happy Saturday to you as well o here we go we’ve got someone who’s uh taken over a village we got to be quick cuz it’s night time of course oh it’s on fire anything here okay them guys are all going to die but you know nothing we can do about it SK FX what’s up uh we’re just on tb2t flying around looking for stuff we are looking for stuff all right let’s do a quick sub check okay we are gone up another 10 Subs 35 to go can we do it how long have we been streaming for ah coming up to two hours coming up to two hours we are almost there can you believe it seems just like yesterday we had that crazy stream when I went from 400 to a th000 yeah the days of getting 4 500 people subscribing per stream are long gone unfortunately but you know I think we can do 35 in one stream I think we can do it Avalon thank you very much uh no exclusively on YouTube everyone else streams on uh twitch I don’t really like twitch to be honest so I’m a YouTuber what are the red things the red things in the sky represent 1.19 or 1.20 chunks which means that it’s unlikely that someone’s been uh been in them so try and stay we try and stay away from those so all of these chunks people have been in them we we know for a fact that they’ve been in them so it makes it more likely that there’s something here nice voice thank you very much Sasha only grip is I can’t leave the app without closing off your stream well yeah that means you have to keep it open right there you go how do you use them a mod yes it’s uh in some of the hack clients it’s called new chunks so it automatically looks for copper or so so if we come down here it’s obviously copper or is a new thing if we go down you can see look copper ore so uh it searches for copper ore then if we go over here to an older area you can see no copper ore so we know this is an older area it was loaded in before 2b2 updated to a newer version therefore someone’s been there some good old brown men fireworks Brown men is the name of the group that created them uh do you watch The Fallout show I I I tried to watching the first episode I never played the game you see so it doesn’t mean much to me yeah I tried watching the first episode I didn’t really like it I might give it another go at least finish the first episode I just bought Russia before it was on sale nice hopefully used code rickon Ben what’s up base hunting yes Diablo any shows oo I mean Lots Sons of Anarchy if you not watched that very very good um obviously Breaking Bad if you’ve not watched that very very good sopro is my favorite show of all time so if you haven’t watched that it’s very very good I guess it depends on what you have and haven’t seen Homeland the first few seasons of Homeland epic uh the whole the whole show is pretty good as well actually there’s a few when did I join 2B 2020 of September no that’s not right September of 2020 nice profit okay let’s carry on this way so why is your last username was are 2b2 T while you are playing Minecraft huh cuz I’m a 2b2 t player that’s why what server are you going to play with the fans I don’t know yet I might do that though sounds like a good idea oo guys oh we got loot oh we haven’t got much loot is this a oh oh yeah that was a dead body guys so it’s customary around here when we find a dead body we have to say f in the chat we have to say f in the chat and we have to play the music and say so long friend unfortunately you didn’t make it and we throw all their stuff back are we going to are we going to keep the silk touch pick but we throw all their stuff back and we salute them you are now one with the ocean unlucky it’s so sad to see right he tried his hardest and he just didn’t make it never mind we got a good silk tck pitch silk touch pickaxe out of it though we’ll drop that off at the next base that we find we don’t need it ah he had one good bit of gear and uh and now it’s all gone now it’s all gone and all of that stuff will despawn maybe who knows hang on a minute what we got down here don’t say not again no I this isn’t a body I don’t think yeah this is just uh someone throwing out some junk don’t P I don’t think I could take two dead bodies in the space of 30 seconds i’ I’d have to quit because it just be too sad it’ be too sad I just can’t couldn’t handle it it be too emotional see yeah we’ll keep the nice uh silk touch pickaxe and we’ll drop that off for the next base oh look at that just a uh just a desert temple inside a inside a jungle standard yes tle killer yeah you might be right that might have been their stuff what inspired me to play 2b2 in Minecraft well Minecraft I was just looking for a survival game to play during Co and Minecraft looked cool and then 22t was just like the ultimate it’s like a whole user generated game something that I’d always wanted to find something like that and uh yeah completely captivating and it still is to this day aquad du just found a hue base hey let’s go nice one work right let’s carry on looking around yeah if you’re not subscribed help us get to 5K we’re getting close we are getting close oh yeah Hanks got the cords oh we got lava casts we’ve got oh someone lava casted an old these guys decideed to start make it out cuz their house is on fire oh well you you guys do what you got to do to make yourselves happy you guys do what you got to do to make yourselves happy right why would you just La aast an Old Village like that what those guys ever do to you what they ever do to you the L Sky Fox hey what’s up uh I would have checked the temple yeah I I just think it’s a bit too close to spawn but now that is good good advice I hide stuff in uh vanilla chests all the time just randomly found some shers on the summer Canal weird you can find them anywhere good stuff though what the red squares those mean that they’re uh 1.19 chunks so that it’s unlikely people have been in them so we steer clear of them the chunks without those people have definitely being in so there’s a better chance of us finding some stuff oh actual shulkers oh that is weird what modules so it’s called new chunks the module’s called new chunks but it basically just looks for copper ore under the ground what program do I use to uh edit with um I use Premier Pro hey what’s up SE find anything good uh not we found a a few little cute bases nothing super duper epic but there’re still time what mod you using to see underground entities that is ESP oh look at this we got an old uh jungle mansion look at that did I say jungle Mansion you know what I mean should we get some you should we get some generated there’s a sign there but now it is what Woodland mansion that’s what I mean are there any uh let’s see if there’s any what’s it vindicators so we can get like a a vanilla totem that’s always cool to get you’re old I know but it’s fine I don’t mind how many blocks from Spawn uh around 160k we’re going back towards spawn so we’re going a little backwards yeah we are almost to 5K let’s do a little uh a little refresh so yeah we are up a couple more but yeah guys if you haven’t subscribed we are trying to get to 5K and we’re getting super close yeah if you can help us get there be massively appreciated every sub counts these days now that the uh the vertical streams have been pulled back a little bit by the uh the holy algorithm than thanks David yeah everyone has been hit by the algorithm change on the vertical streams which is a shame but it is what it is they were way too op way way too op at the beginning so yeah lucky that we got in there uh at the start definitely lucky that we got in there at the start how do you change your view model or it’s a module called view model we go in here uh yeah you can see it’s called view model so I can do I can do lots of things with it how long have you been exploring tb2t about three and a half years September 2020 is when I started we got an old village a surprising lack of bases I must admit or I say oh no I thought it was a castle up there huh what was that welcome to oh no oh yeah look where I am 16 169 420 69 4200 there we go whoops whoops it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter and now I’m going to find the stash see look here’s the E chest now we’re going to find a stash it doesn’t matter all right let’s have a look down here Tom found anything fun so far a couple of cute little bases Ruby what’s up I should have done a live sub count can I set that up quickly uh no I can’t bothered now how long been on for it’s about 2 hours now so yeah I’m not going to do too much longer but I say that I probably do up to three until we hit 5K let’s let’s do that so yeah if you haven’t subbed help us get there help us get there right let’s carry on havlin laying down the lore look at that I love it just curious what does Mai using right now oh lots of different ones oo ooh base got a base base base I’ve got a base 22 so yeah I guess this looks like it’s definitely been grieved got some vanilla Diamond gear I mean if you were new and found this this would be pretty nice got some books as well what is a disc in there well I don’t need it the spawner another spawner I think I don’t even know what that is maintenance yeah interesting all right how do we get out there we go oh it didn’t work let’s try it one more time there we go epic flying I didn’t leave a sign oh well never mind why did you not go into the portals yeah the ne’s boring at this this distance there nothing in the nether oh God there’s a ship still find a surprising amount of new chunks can’t even join 2b2 T how come shock I’m good how are you how many uh blocks I mean you at least half a million but yeah if you got any questions about stuff like that I did a whole video on getting started on tub so if you go to the channel it’s all there including uh comprehensive guide on how to hide your base so really important you go watch that video what maybe do YouTube I mean I’ve been doing YouTube for like 10 years um all Banner um um just for fun I just enjoy it is it time to start finding ninja warus banners yeah it is oh dear it’s time to start finding ninja warus banners it’s time for my anxiety to come back how often do you see people when base hunting not not too often yeah not too often pay for proximity I think you mean priority yeah I do yeah it’s the only way unfortunately oh dear oh yeah e easy ninja wus Banner oh dear try and get out of his slipstream again it’s very hard to look for banners around spawn cuz they’re all ninja warus banners look at this old terrain oh it’s not alter range it’s just a nice Savannah [Music] laggy yellow D Cobblestone slab it’s a bit of weird stuff o we’re getting laggy laggy laggy now we’re getting laggy laggy laggy now server’s hurting just a little bit server is hurting just a little bit okay there we go we it’s working again now that’s all good Alexia what’s up all right what’s my special event well I don’t really have a special event but uh in my e chest I’ve got a book that’s got quarts to a dungeon stash which I will hide well not hide but I’ll put into a chest and put the coordinates up and someone can uh come and get it ooh oh look at this we got a big griefed base oh there’s banners though banners yes and what looks like it was a church at some point give me the Banners are they named oh no but we will keep it though what the hell is this storage well yeah duh interesting oh what the hell I haven’t seen one of those in a long time okay Farm nice uh collect banners yeah Banners are collectible it’s better than when they’re named anything good there’s still some stuff here whoever grief this base did a terrible job it’s like the worst grief ever oh it’s a shield as well should we take the shield no we leave the shield if it was named we would take it it it’s like a whole stack of the guys banners nice see I think that’s isn’t there stuff some stuff underground as well yeah what was down here let’s go and have a little look why not what was this okay dub spawners spawns dubs of Whatever item you want how do we get back out okay let’s put our sign on the back a minute did I turn off lazy sign there we go nice oh well we got a banner maybe we should uh what we need I didn’t say whose base it oh it did say whose base it was I didn’t say whose base it was oh well if it said I would name the banner after them but we don’t know whose base it was oh well very cute still Mr gentleman what’s up what anime do I like I don’t like any anime unfortunately is there a way to play 2B even if I’m broke um I mean you can join without prior it just takes a long old time grief 2020 base yeah just a cute little underground base that’s got blown up yeah good good question where is everyone watching from let us know Canada oo it’s going to be ninja if there’s a sign next to the banner it’s generally a ninja war yeah especially if there’s an item frame as well when did he put that one there 2023 Campaign Of Terror bannering everywhere Poland USA that’s cool Jordan I like that I often wonder what it’d be like if I went and play another server that had a lot of history on it it if I enjoy it as much I don’t know they not not all Great Britain yeah it’s not that great is it another Banner uh is this going to be a ninja war Banner oh there a voo Banner that’s pretty cool voco was a base from 20 ended in 2019 I think so yeah that’s pretty cool I’ve got a bunch of those so I’ll leave that for someone else to find yeah that’s a historical Banner right there so if you see those things that look like friendship Wheels around spawn but they’re not those are voo symbols so they’re the symbols of that group right where are we on the sub counter oh we taking a big jump we have got 15 Subs to go surely there are 15 people in chat right now who are not subscribed surely 15 people watching right now are not subscribed there’s got to be there’s got to be man I used to get 50 like the beginning of the vertical stream so we were getting 15 Subs a minute it was ridiculous guys if you see someone new in chat the first thing you say to them is have you subscribed let’s gang up on all the new people and get those subs subscriptions up there no don’t sub on a second account now let’s not do uh fake Subs real ones I just subbed on 10 different accounts let’s do this so yeah when I when I hit 5K I’ve got a book in my eest that that has coordinates to a dungeon stash so I will put them in a chest I will put them up on the stream I will give you guys a 30 minutes Head Start and then I will post them in my Discord and trust me there are guys in the Discord that will go and get the stuff so um yeah but the coordinates will be to the book and in the book will take you some where else so yeah it’ll be a little adventure for someone oh we’re nearly there I’m not going to update it now till we get there but we’re like nine people away nine people away let’s carry on on if you’re on this phone how you on the same account doesn’t make a difference then what’s this over here H bit weird the red squares are newer areas so there’s a high likelihood no one’s ever been there so here we know that someone’s been here so that’s why we try and keep an eye look at that ruined portal still weird to see those things on 2b2 okay what is the client uh Russia has it I know that Russia has it a nice Old Village oh we got a Mesa oh look at that got a new Village Banis but it’s new Village Banis what’s up bro right let’s carry on yeah surprising lack of bases considering how close to the highway we are it’s all right though it’s all right we found a couple of cute little ones and we’ll find a couple more don’t worry e chest all right it would it been nice to find one of those banners that we’ been looking for but never mind the next stream we will continue to do so we continue need to go look for them we are so close we are seven people away surely there’s seven people in chat right now who are not subscribed Al I what’s up nice Old Village streaming at spawn yeah I I mean we did that the other week and got stream sniped really quickly muffin King what’s up make sure you subscribed AI well you there’s only one way to sort that out make sure you do it maybe I should advertise in 2B chat you know what nah let’s not let those guys to get the free stuff what’s the air jump I don’t know what that is oh God it’s a bit laggy today it’s a bit laggy today how do you get durability 3 Fireworks um three bits of sugarcane and one oh no three three gunpowder and one sugar cane oh man it’s been like two weeks since I streamed I’m tired all right now we can make some distance I was actually flying out to try and meet you out there okay oh yeah the the the book will be at the cords that I hit 5K so I’ll stop and place the book so you know yeah if you are lucky enough oh we got a base yeah if you are lucky enough to see the wards where I found the sign earlier then you know roughly where I am okay we give these people the nice pickaxe Just Fish and stuff what do the red chunks mean the red chunks mean that they’re newer chunks so it’s unlikely people have been through them so yeah we’re going to stick clear from those if we can if there’s no red chunks it means that someone’s definitely been here and found a banner and it’s going to be a ninja warus banner I have to start griefing these I think oh there’s a dog as well okay that one’s protected by a dogs I’m not going to grief that one what’s the servers TPS mean uh it just means ticks per second so it’s how laggy it is basically I found any base yeah we found a couple of little ones like that tpss apparently 20 just do a low pass over this ninja wus for a second and I thought it wasn’t but it is the priority Q oh yeah of course yeah I couldn’t play without it how do we become chat managers uh you have to be super super cool for at least six months then I might make you one sub count is 4999 there we go all on guys one more person to subscribe and then it’s done anyone who’s not subscribed subscribe right now and get us over 5K let’s go let’s go let’s check again hey there we go we’ve done it let’s put up the number 5 that oh no not that one there we go guys thank you so much guys y y That’s crazy to think that it wasn’t that long ago I was celebrating 500 subscribers if you go to the community tab of my channel you can see me all happy for hitting 500 subs and now 5K Subs that’s crazy profit thank you so much bro thank you so it is now time to do the book so if you play on 2b2 I’m going to release the coordinates to my current location um first and I I will put it in my Discord in about 20 minutes so you guys will get a head start so this book and quill so I date it 4th May 24 and on the next tab are coordinates to a dungeon stash I think it’s a full dungeon stash it might only be a half dungeon stash I can’t remember it in my notes a just says big stash I don’t actually know what that means but it’s at least half a dub of good stuff if not a full dub of good stuff and it’s not that far from Spawn as well it’s a little bit far going to have to come here first to get the book um you have to come and get the book first and then you’re going to have to go out there so you’re on a little Mission but you also get the very special 5K sub book so there you go so let’s turn off Let’s uh put some gapples and stuff there as well let’s get some let’s get some banners as well why not right let me take a screenshot right let me take a screenshot with myself that’s a nice screenshot right there right so oh I did say I did I say yeah you are right right it is May the 4th five there we go nice right so for all you 2b2 players for all you 2b2 players make a note of that because this is where the book is this is where the book is okay and inside the book are coordinates to a dungeon stash [Music] okay it’s blocked by chat let’s make it a a little higher there we go there we go everyone got that everyone got that right oh yeah redo the screenshot good shot okay so I’m going to give it about 20 minutes and then I’m going to post that in my Discord okay so uh I’m going to give 20 minute Head Start to everyone watching okay and then it goes into the Discord for the members you can okay so minus 139 519 and then Z is 7823 there we go there is no other way I can tell you about it there we go guys so 5K Subs cannot believe it that’s crazy again it was like I don’t know like 3 or four months ago I hit 500 subs and I was super happy that’s insane that is actually crazy well should we hang around for a bit and see if anyone turns up should we hang around for a bit and see if anyone actually turns up why don’t we why don’t we do that that might be quite fun let’s go back oh God I’m might not be able to find it now there we go so let’s actually hang around and see if anyone turns up let’s put that away let’s make sure we got nothing good out just in case someone come comes and tries to give us death let’s just turn off that let’s just turn on just take off my silence armor let’s turn on water armor there we go let’s put that in there let’s put the Shuler uh Shuler let’s put the elytra away we’ll get one more out nice Emma thank you very much oh you missed it charers ah bro all right I’ll give it one more go but I I’ll show one more time yeah I’m going to post it in the Discord in about 10 minutes so yeah you’ve got 10 minutes to get here it’s doable it’s not that far you got 10 minute well you haven’t got 10 minutes to get here because you’ll be 10 minutes ahead right so yeah there we go just for you D yeah now we’re going to see if anyone actually turns up I’m sure someone will turn up yeah then you can go out to the dungeon stash I hope there’s some good stuff there I have no idea what I hid there it’s like an old dungeon stash of mine but yeah should definitely be a lot of stuff there wish had a Minecraft account ah I have no chance to have priority yeah unfortunately bro it’s going to uh it’ll go quick as soon as I put it in the Discord there’s a couple guys in there that jump all over this stuff so and again we’re only 140k from Spawn very close to the highway so I think someone could get here in about 10 or 15 minutes yeah 10 or 15 minutes someone could get here yeah I just want to hang around just for about five minutes see if anyone turns up someone was saying that they were like getting ready to to get here so we will see see if anyone turns up got the tracers we got the tracers on and everything we can turn all that off now we got tracers on still yeah tracers are on we are good we’re safe we’re safe here you’re 14k away o will you make it I don’t know your account got messed up because of the transferred to micros Stu ah damn dude yeah I’ve heard about that happening yeah two 22t is not on Bedrock there are like clone servers but I don’t think they’re quite as good right I don’t think I think it’s going to be a while before anyone gets here so yeah I’m going to give it another six minutes and then I’m going to post it in my Discord so yeah you guys have got six minutes to get as close as you can um I’m sure 2v you you should be able to make it here first as long as you don’t die on the way you should be able to make it here first fax hackers he’s been lurking there we go well I’m going to head off guys cuz uh yeah I’m I’m tired it’s my first stream back I’m still not 100% so but yeah thank you so much guys 5K you know hard to believe um so yeah thanks to everyone for watching thank to everyone for subscribing and uh yeah we will we will do some more streams next week when I’m completely back but yeah thanks so much guys enjoy the rest of your weekend see you later

This video, titled ‘🔴 2b2t LIVE: Vertical Stream! Road to 5K SUBS! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rickson on 2024-05-04 19:06:26. It has garnered 3088 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:33 or 10413 seconds.

JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft Minecraft 2b2t

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    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More