Insane VTuber Bear Girl Takes on Hardcore Minecraft!

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Go morning sorry I had to unmute yo am I reading this correctly someone in chat wants my sleep schedule please take it I am I don’t want this you think I want my current sleep schedule I do not want it you can have it please take it off my

Hands I am suffering I am living my worst life right now it’s G night I just woke up okay AMT I don’t know about you I don’t know about you and your your normal normal ass sleep schedule but I just woke up so I’m going to say go

Morning I was like oh I’ll take a nap I’m kind of sleepy yeah nap like 5 hours later I basically slept like a whole night’s sleep in that time like F I don’t want to lose my mind every day but it just happens to happen sometimes look at madd’s Night Eyes well I I’m sleepy leave me alone leave me alone I’m just glad that I managed to stream you guys my monitor decided to disconnect

From my PC today it was like yo no I don’t want to do this myom monitor was like Maddie I deserve a break please do something else I’m like monitor you can’t do this to me bro I I managed to connect it by by crawling under my desk

And collecting all the dust so I have good news the dust under my desk is cleared out yeah that’s right are you guys proud of me I cleaned today unintentionally clean today yeah wake up throws piano on her I’m awake no need to be rude damn I can’t even play the piano

What should I do with the piano H you better clean that mess up I’m not doing it that’s right I’m not doing it e with bear I’m just a e Little Bear today I decided to to try like last time after I played Hardcore Minecraft which is like

Last week cuz it’s Tuesday uh yeah it was it was on Sunday I I I was like so tired like I was in the nether I streamed for like what 5 hours maybe 4 and a half I was so drained from the nether that I just went

To bed right after I was so tired but I decided that I need to try again and I need to get good and I need to actually um find another Fortress so I’m I’m definitely going to do it today even if it takes me 17 energy drinks I’m going

To find another Fortress today and I might even try to farm netherite I will do my darnest to to win this unintentionally clean exactly your mood has been lifted oh I’m glad have a good day kid and thank you for dropping by gamer dust sniffing yeah it explains a

Lot about my personality the amount of gamer dust I’ve been sniffing Hi O and zero Yonder welcome Hardcore Minecraft POG yeah I just want to be good at it I’m scared I’ll die but I’ve been like looking up stuff you guys I’ve been res searching Minecraft I’ve been Googling

Like golden apple and golden carrot like I figured they might help to like I don’t know give me more life or something also hello there real KN hello there Maddy’s brain not like this my brain was like bro that was exhausting I need to rest you guys remember those big

Pigs I was running away from and the Wither no not the Wither the gas they’re the same okay okay wither and gas they they are both wide big blobs right I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Wither properly other than like screaming and running away from it so

I’m not sure but the gas is just a white blob and you know there’s there’s other there’s there’s other creatures like the wither skeletons those are dangerous if they give you PE PE poo poo debuff then you get pee PE poo poo damage that’s not good there’s a lot of stuff in Minecraft

That makes me clench my butt cheeks to say it in a say so manner madd’s brain oh no oh no no hi Tak hello hello yes me think we’ll go back to nap for a bit more Vapor you and me both for some reason do you guys know

The feeling when you manage when you don’t have an alarm and you know your body knows there’s no alarm you sleep like a baby but when you know you have an alarm setup you like sleep so badly I don’t know know I had an alarm setup today and maybe that’s why I overslept

Cuz I just my body my body does not like rules I will not succumb to some stupid phone alarm telling you when to get up it’s me who decides when to get up the phone alarm can’t do anything to me G it thinks it can’t control my life no I

Will actually go back and nap right now to show that phone alarm that I got nothing on me m I was going to wake up at 700 but then the alarm rang I was like no now I have to sleep until like 10 I don’t care it’s it’s out of

Principle out of principle I have to sleep longer loot yeah we’re going to be looting a another Fortress Yeah and hopefully get um um um um blaze rods and and not die not die it would be great I don’t want to die that’s my goal today I’ve heard that the sounds from

The Gest come from a cat it sounds like a cat girl like an anime cat girl that moaning sounds sh sh you have a family member who act like my alarm they’ll know why they wake you up so early you guys know those stories I I keep seeing stories on Reddit of

People being like yo I work the night shift and then at 10:00 a.m. after I’ve just gone to bed my mom wakes me cuz she thinks I’m lazy I shouldn’t sleep during the day I’m just like shut up shut up mother that sounds awful why would you

Live with people who who mistreat you oh my God it’s just such a mom thing no I mean a real mother freaking calf a calf a calf oh my God it was actually from a real cat that’s interesting who voiced the villagers I just want to talk to

Them they have inspired my life in so many vase vase oh my God that’s almost German the the the the Villager people the way they’re just like it inspired me also I think it was was it a a skeleton dying or zombie dying the that sound it plays in my head rree

Half the time too many good sound effects in Minecraft or like the crunchy sound like of you eating something or like like destroying dirt Minecraft sound design is 12 out of 10 I I I can’t tell you otherwise it is so satisfying I love

It my dad used to wake me up at 8: on weekends after I gamed all night well jar that’s your fault for being a hardcore gamer excuse me why were you not studying for your GED or whatever the Americans do hm yeah that’s right my child will never be allowed to game my

Child will only be allowed to study my child’s going to be locked up in a room after school with no internet and no TV and only math and science books I’m not raising an idiot you see how that turned out with me I’m not making that same

Mistake that my mother did while raising me God beware my child becomes a vtuber that would be the end that would be the end we don’t want that to happen I need to work hard I need to work hard the child will thank me when later when it

Goes no contact for me torturing it all my life it’s going to be great huh yes actually a great impression of a Minecraft zombie oh it was a zombie then not a yeah I wasn’t sure if it was a skeleton or a zombie but that sound of them dying is just so

Good to me maybe it’s cuz they’re dying I also love the sound of the skeleton when it dies cuz it does like that bony clinky sound and I love that who’s that behind is that an Among Us is that two Among Us fighting that’s an interesting em mode I I only see Aus

And yeah I I agree hi Timmy welcome do you know what’s funny in Minecraft you played an old version of Minecraft where Shields don’t exist you only have iron armor and you’re locked in a room full of skeletons ah ah no thank you you know what that sounds like hell uh like

Actual hell like I’m not even joking hell hell is what I imagine that would be like yeah yeah yeah no mm- no thank you oh tracking do you still work it’s seems like it still works it was slow for a second I was worried I was

Like yeah I was like mildly worried not not really worried because my reaction was like oh no I have to fix it oh man a sucks whatever what a mild reaction ping the amus is pinging the other amongus with the gun it’s it’s this is why Among Us realistically is America

Who else would have guns I’m sorry not among us could never happen like this in Germany um except with knives maybe hi gangam how are you hello hello you had two hearts but you survived hey hey hey you survived good job honestly can’t can’t really complain there you survived and that’s good I

Would have probably not survived to be honest skeletons without Shield are my biggest enemy in the game I don’t know why but they’re stupid arrows I just don’t know how to dodge them I run right into them and then the skeleton seems to have like endless

Arrows so like I guess good for them but not nice for me I don’t like it I also don’t know what to do about like possibly getting Infinity on a bow I was already thinking of like having Rema show me his tactics of um you know I know it may sound questionable but

Abusing villagers um he usually puts like 40 villagers in like one like tiny room and has them made with each other and then he puts them in cubicles um where they only have one block of space and then he makes them make books and then he he

Scams them for those books uh so I don’t know I I feel like if I want Infinity on a bow I’ll have to become a villager abuser and um somehow uh try to do the same thing but I think villager trading Hall is like really really annoying to

Build so I don’t know if I want to actually do that imagine I die afterwards oh my God on a hardcore server I don’t want to hello Pauline welcome it’s not inhumane they’re not human true villagers guys what where do we come to the point where we don’t don’t treat

Villagers like C actually no never mind feel like the Minecraft Community has been doing that for a fat minute and I mean who’s to blame really why the heck do the villagers send sell such damn good things if they don’t want us to murder them if they don’t want to

Be exploited how about they don’t sell good things huh huh I feel like it’s their own fault I’m not trying to victim blame them but like I I don’t know I don’t know I’m just saying I get why why why players do that I understand villagers love being a mandatory

Volunteer exactly so maybe villager trading coming up if I ever manage to get past the nether I also would like to try and farm some netherite today but I don’t I’m not I don’t feel I don’t feel like I will be able to craft a whole lot

Of um TNT so I don’t know about that yet because I think you need like gunpowder and stuff and I haven’t killed that many creepers and I’m not about to make a creeper Farm yet so um I don’t know I don’t know we’re going to have to see um but I

Might just use a good pickaxe and just use that to mine through the walls in the nether but I need to like enchant it really well otherwise it’s going to take ages to get nether ride hi Andrea hello hello hey mono every Minecraft pro does that yeah yeah the Minecraft pros built

Their farms and honestly I get it I was always on servers and I always profited off the farms and now that I’m by myself I’m like holy moly how the heck do people get these materials without Farms it’s such so tedious I get it now finally I get it

Farms please Builders I appreciate you farm Builders also normal Builders let’s be real they slay the house down with their beautiful builds um hi Yaki welcome look if they want to leave then they can escape like all other prisoners exactly if the Villager don’t want to be in my villager trading

Hall where I exploit them and murder them them and their families why why don’t they just leave that’s right why don’t don’t they just unionize and liberate themselves I think it’s their fault they sell good stuff and then they’re like oh no why are people imprisoning me like why do you think

Sherlock yeah no I’m a villager blamer I don’t care I don’t care it’s a video game I’m allowed to mistreat them justifying mistreatment you found a baked bean Among Us oh my God I want to be a baked bean Among Us I just feel like I don’t

Know it’s such a Serene existence it must be beautiful I can show you how to make a microwave with redstone why would I need a microwave me doesn’t beat Ender Dragon doesn’t go nether builds microwave let’s freaking go you already got an iron farm

No no what an iron farm who do you think I am I’ve never built a farm the only Farm I’ve ever built in my life was a flower farm with a YouTube tutorial okay I know I buil lots of stuff with YouTube tutorials but I could never build a farm

Without one so yeah that that’s about the extent of my like uh Minecraft builder m a Farm building journey and even that I kind of mess it up in some spaces but I was pretty proud cuz i’ never built a farm before so still pretty good what happened here where you mean

The new room or what do you mean there’s a lot of things happened here um it’s called having a bad sleep schedule it throws my life out of proportion oh oh I just remembered something I am so sorry for not posting a schedule this week I

Wanted to sit down and make one and then I realized like I don’t even know when I’m going to be awake so I was like H it’s going to be hard to make one it’s going to be difficult this week I I wish I hope whenever we move houses I will be able

To keep a good sleep schedule so pray for me right now I’m just busy with packing and then IRL stuff and then like like moving stuff and then stream and then working for off stream stuff it’s just a lot right now so I don’t know my body is kind of not well

Adjusted I want to say I’m well adjusted to society but I’m really the opposite I am not well adjusted with Society how can you live like this iron farm for life oh okay Pauline you come over here to Germany and sit on my PC at my PC and

And build the iron farm for me I don’t freaking know how to make one okay I could just look up a tutorial but it’s funnier to force you to do it for me so get over here you got depressed oh I’m so sorry I hope you feel better who I’m M

Awake where what no no no no no no I’m sleeptalking I’m not awake guys me awake I’m in hibernation it’s November it’s almost December y’all think I’m really awake any of these times no no I’m I’m sleeping right now I’m not awake but I must say I have a pretty good

Self-control over myself while I’m sleeping that’s that’s wild that’s wild just make your mods do the work for you that’s what I’m trying to do yeah see as a streamer you need to be creative you need to learn how to Outsource your work so so I will I will like um I will

Outsource the Farm building to Pauline and then I will Outsource the um building my base and making it pretty I will do that for like tomato can do that and um I will Outsource Rema as my personal bodyguard so he can like kill all the monsters for

Me so I think I’m going going to get a good thing going um I I’ll just make all the mods like do different tasks for me like for example I I can just imagine putting unborn heretic just putting him in a desert and being like mind this

Entire desert and put it in Chalker boxes cuz you never know when you need some sand you know you going always need some sand so feel like I feel like my mods would be very happy on my Minecraft server she’s too funny to be awake ah I’m not hurting I’m not hurting I’m

Not hurting no it’s you’re right you’re right I’m definitely I’m I’m asleep I’m asleep I’m not witnessing your words I pretend I do not see how could you can’t go to Germany my cat is sitting in in my lap oh well tomorrow then okay tomorrow we’re going

To get it done somehow thank you for the follow thank you thank you welcome I hope you have a good day she’ll wake up just in time for Christmas gifts Chas gifts I mean I don’t usually get a ton I get like maybe a gift from from rema’s

Mom that’s like the only gift that I get but it’s going to be a good one it’s going to be like bed sheets probably for when we move houses so you know you know it’s the good stuff it’s the good stuff Hi Crush welcome hello hello you

Forgot about who’s going to make your armor oh my God I I I think I think Jerry could make me armor I feel like he would have the drip and could make like cool netherite looking looking thing I think that would I would have Jared do that or maybe Amy

Amy has an eye for design so for sure imagine makes the mod mine out a whole desert then when they’re finally finish server closes I would do that just to spite them uh that sounds that sounds pretty good actually onboard is like can I can I

Take the desert to the the dirt to another server please at least can I can I transfer the the the sand somehow I I I worked all this hard for for what I remember Rema once tried to build a pyramid and he also like gave up halfway

Through cuz it was so much sand he had to get but he tried really hard he always goes for like really ginormous builds and then he’s like surprised pikach face when he’s not in the mood to finish them I’m like damn could have just built a house you know it would

Have been a little bit easier probably how are you Maddie I’m good how are you crash I have a bad sleep schedule but I’m playing Minecraft today so I’m happy how are you hello hi oo hello oh my God your name almost says hello

Oo I like it I like it good good I’m good and I don’t sleep understandable wait wait wait I’m pajama bear I’m supposed to encourage my audience to sleep you little you need to have a good rest how dare you not sleep anyways now that I was being hypocritical cuz I

Don’t sleep either um yeah let’s go let’s go good thing you never saw the render distance sized automatic Quarry I built just because I had some free time wait automatic Quarry like like you were digging everything out from the ground that’s pretty funny I think um I I’ve

Seen those type of uh quaries before where they have like a a drill and then they just drill everything from the ground pretty POG I’m good and I only sleep exactly me simultaneously I do not sleep but I also always sleep you know that’s

Me at the same time sleep as far l i I’m a werewolf so I will never sleep isn’t that more of a vampire thing though I’m I think vampire I think werewolves still need sleep no aren’t they normal people except for like on the full moon they become full-fledged furry and put on

Their fur suits and meet up with their furry friends and and then like a day after they’re back to being a normal human don’t they like need to sleep in between the the the big the big moon nights the big uh full Moon nights don’t

They don’t they need to get some rest I know vampires never sleep they have a coffin instead of a bed like wouldn’t it be really cool to have a coffin instead of a bed those are like the kind of wild dreams that I will never make true in my

Life but it’s it’s my wild dreams your server has create no not my no no no no no not my server no no I’ve seen people build drills but not not on my server I mean just in general in Minecraft not not on me no no no no but

Remma I think Remo wanted to play create mod maybe he can make a server for you for you create lovers I don’t know I don’t know I’m not I don’t like the create mod it’s complicated for me I like to farm things with my hoe and I

Like to build things with my hands and that’s how I live also hello there ger how are you don’t vampire sleep like decades vampire sleep really they do but why looks like a wall of slime block Madness it’s vanilla and it just slowly marches through the world collecting all the

Blogs some werewolves I see so different werewolves are different I see you learned how to control your werewolf side and you turn it on on command oh you become a kimon Mimi I see I see well I can’t I can also do that I can I can

Turn off my ears and tail and will look wee I’m a we bear confirmed it turns out I’m a were bear um create life this mod create life no create it’s just called create mod I don’t know I don’t know remma likes it I

Don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know which one it is I mean they got time not like they’re going to die from old age I wish I was a vamp ire sometimes I just want to stop

Time so I have time to finish my shows and finish uh my books and still have time to stream and sleep and work I’m so stressed I’m so stressed vampire sleep because they’re dead the dead don’t exactly have hot blood so they do sleep e your package

Will be here tomorrow poggers a racing game from 2011 can you guess the game no need for speed that’s the only racing game that I know no I actually I don’t know any racing games but I hope you enjoy your game I hope it arrives safely and doesn’t get

Stolen I I don’t know why it would get stolen I’m not out here jinxing your package you got this good night toga have a good sleep put put the Bears back put the ears back it looks illegal illegal illegal okay there you go you would never know that I’m not a real bear

Underneath it’s hidden n it’s fine oh sorry wrong button sorry sorry my head went real small there for a sec it happen sometimes if you want to become a werewolf you just have to ask me you’re able to turn humans to werewolf I mean I’m not sure why I would want to suffer

Every full moon and turn into a monster um I’m good thank you I’m already a bear people already judge me for being a bear they’re like Maddie don’t mom me Maddie don’t eat tapeworms a Maddie um I don’t know what else do bears do don’t don’t

Break into my trash can you know that’s what they say to me I don’t want to I don’t want to have the wolf stereotypes on top of that also can you imagine a mix between a we wolf and a bear that that sounds like a mutation what does everyone call us

Monsters hey hey hey hey monsters not a bad thing it’s just a description it’s just a description hey why do you think people like monster girls okay people are totally into those nothing bad about it nothing bad about it also I can call it I can say it’s a monster because I’m

A monster okay it’s it’s I can I can use the word monster is the new slur for for Kim MIM tubers please what was that it was my brain going small it’s my small brain emote now the hand is way too large actually the bear like head in

Comparison to my head looks scarily big now I don’t like it it makes me feel insecure about my brain size you guys think my brain is at least average please please tell me my my brain is average I I just want to be like everyone else I just want to be

Normal it’s shift to unleash oh I’ve never heard of that game monster equals someone something people are scared of no I’m going to Google you a monster definition monster girls would not I’m not scared of Monster Girls they’re cute no way monster what is that stupid job finding website I do not

Care so it means they are imaginary fantasy animals they they are special because they’re big because of their size strength or ugliness it just means that um that that that you’re particularly tall strong and ugly no shame in that no shame in that you know what destroy beauty standards of society

Who says werewolves are not cute who says that thank you for the follow thank you thank you I think they’re very cute they got a lot of things going for them yeah what if it has great personality exactly I think the monster has great personality I would never judge it like that you

Know okay I I I I’m so I’m sorry maybe we’re right maybe we right hello there hello atis Fox hello how are you welcome welcome I’m going to hop into Minecraft now cuz it’s been around half an hour I haven’t done just chatting streams in

Such a long time maybe I should do it again but my voice always starts like going cranky after like half an hour so I don’t actually want it cuz I feel like it’s such short um short streams when I do it wait one sec I’m changing my is the music from Minecraft no

Right there’s no music coming from Minecraft right now uh oh wait I want to full screen it it wasn’t on full screen f11 yeah there you go there you go hi Fox you’re from Brazil hi I’m from Germany welcome welcome hello hello oh you meant my

Brain size well you are the guys to judge my personality not me you need to tell me if I have great personality instead okay tell me if the game is not set to Minecraft but according to my calculations it should be set to Minecraft it should be said to Minecraft

Me just going to adjust my model real quick there you go I’m almost went onto the server but we’re not playing on the server right now don’t forget to back up oh [ __ ] it’s a snapshot one sec I need to restart sorry I forgot I was on the server

Yesterday and I accidentally started Minecraft and snapshot version but I don’t want the snapshot version hi gang how are you hello hello Maddie that’s how you can make any guy happy Minecraft music hey me too me too don’t get me wrong I love it but but if

I have other music in the background it stresses me out it’s set to GTA 5 well then we guess we’re going to have to just play GTA 5 besties I’m not making the rules if twitch say GTA 5 who am I to disagree

You know who am I who am I to say no we’re playing Minecraft now oh no wait not the server single player you don’t listen to Minecraft music do you have depression I don’t know I feel like there’s only one reason to not listen to Minecraft music and it’s like intense

Sadness in your heart cuz Minecraft music just brings happiness and joy to people around the world uh why did I log on here I forgot what I was going to do I think I was going to put stuff in the chest I think I was going to put stuff in the chest

Wait let me calibrate my model is like looking to the side weird whenever I do this is this okay this looks a little bit weird but it’s fine it’s fine oh you’re going on the train home did you have a good um day at work I hope you

Did you have anxiety and depression me too I feel you I feel you not so much depression anymore like it’s got it’s gotten a lot better for me but anxiety oh my God half my life is anxiety this is what happens when your mother teaches you that everything in the world is

Scary it’s not it’s not very good and everything in the world is Scary For the record extremely frightening uh where’s the chests can I make two oh I can make too yippe okay okay need more space to store stuff really we found Albert yes I found Albert he was wandering around close to

My base he came home for me because he loves me I am his owner his mother he wanted me he wanted me back oh wait wait no no I’m not going to where did my steak go I I accidentally wanted to recook the steak imagine cooked cooking cooking cook imagine cooking cooked steak

Imagine I I will never cook cook cook I will I won’t I will not cook cooked steak why is words difficult diamond sword and diamond pickaxe we’re going to keep that I don’t know if we need the diamond boots I will keep them just in case bone

Meal I don’t know about torches you guys think I’ll need a shovel in the nether maybe I want to keep my inventory empty cuz if we’re going to go out to L thank you so much for the reub hello hello hello I really appreciate it thank

You for your support thank you thank you look at my cows look at my cows breathe [ __ ] have lots of little babies for me please oh oh wait I don’t have seeds right I was going to breid the heck out of those chickens uh for XP but oh my

God I only need three levels to be able to enchant more uh but I don’t yeah I don’t have enough seeds I have like two seeds Albert can you not do this please boy boy hold back stand back I think I’m I might try to get some seeds and just

Breed them because because and maybe maybe I’ll just not skip the night and actually try to fight some monsters because I feel like I If I Could enchant a new pickaxe for the nether that would be pretty POG right but I also just want to go and explore

The nether as well so I don’t know sorry bro if you’re not if you’re not caught in my pen that means you’re free real estate all cows are free real estate if they are not caught by me I’m sorry bro your meat just tastes so goddamn delicious and I need it for

Survival I’m sorry bro bear no speak bear prepare bear still speak what do you mean hi Tony welcome hi Jordan welcome hello hello you have Spectrum arrows yeah I do I got them from um the traders in the nether the Pigmen Pigmen piglins hoglins hog guys half pigs half

Guys I have hog hey yo Lilith thank you for the raid oh my God me not missing a raid oh my goodness hello hello hello everyone please check out Lilith Lilith is a fantastic YouTuber hello how was your stream what were you up to oh my God wait 2

Years you’re right oh my goodness thank you for supporting me for 2 years what the heck what the heck yeah you popped in right before I know I know how was coffee talk I I think I saw your stream announcement earlier as well did you

Like it is it a game you would recommend it looks it looks cool it looks very Co cozy so I hope you had a I hope you had a cozy time yeah it’s so cozy your meat is delicious the chickens do have yummy meat oh the chickens the the cows sorry give me

XP I need to mass breed them there’s no other way I need to mass breed wait I have so much bone meal why don’t I just do this what the hell I’m stupid why didn’t I just Mass why don’t I just use the bone meal that I

Have I I got literally a bajillion bones I am the bone master I I caught I found fossils in the nether so I used them for my advantage oh you make drinks for a cast of characters and learn their stories that does sound really nice give XP please please

Getting XP without XP farm is seriously difficult I don’t know how I’m going to do the Ender Dragon without like an Enderman Farm or like without just getting Enderman XP I don’t know how to do it okay let’s try to stay awake and we will stay a little bit further from the

Base and try to kill a bunch of monsters yes I mean monsters derogatory also why did my background music just stop one sec I know I’m standing alone is it life what happened why it mute why mute I can’t really I need to I it’s okay I’ll make my own band cow music

Um Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down wait I can just pause I’m an idiot I can literally TR just pause so why is the music not playing right now it’s muted they’re all sold out uh okay no that’s not what people said where is the music Minecraft

Theme wait am I deaf do you guys still hear it hey it worked it worked what the hell what the hell what the hell Minecraft music Minecraft music does this work what happened why did I mute it did I somehow mute my browser what’s going

On I don’t hear it on Twitch yeah me neither hi dark Rider welcome hello hello I’m so sorry my my audio just suddenly died out for no reason whatsoever my audio was like I don’t want to work today I do not see the point I mean I feel it I feel it

But oh there you go it it somehow the browser got muted for whatever reason so you guys are saying okay now it’s a bit loud you guys are saying Minecraft music Loi uh Co cop no copyright Minecraft lowii and chill let’s go so this is Minecraft

Lowii and chill don’t judge me if it sucks I’ve never listen to this playlist before look in OBS no OBS had nothing to do with it actually it was it was my browser the browser was the culprit I’m afraid of like creepers spawning near my base now that I’m live

Letting night happen but at the same time I need some XP maybe if I I I will see how much xp the mobs give and depending on that I will will or will not like fight them man I’m resorting to killing innocent chickens cuz I don’t see any monsters spawning around Me do I see free gunpowder over here hello Mr gunpowder he didn’t even drop gunpowder what is this society sucks bro oh my gosh she actually does a lot of damage where’s my meat my meat okay I’m running never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind ah

Mother my mom was right the world is scary and dangerous I’m not even that low I’m fine hello Albert how are you well at least Albert is doing good at least Albert’s doing good oh oh wait Lilith did one of my mods give you a

Shout out I’m so sorry if um if they didn’t I don’t know if there’s any mods in chat right now if they didn’t I’ll do it real quick I’m so sorry my I I recently I have not really had a lot of mods in my chat at all

Times so um I I don’t know it’s probably cuz I stream at weird times so it happens sometimes that would be the second shout out well let’s let’s do three I don’t care Lilith is great Lilith deserves all the shout outs okay bro come at me hey coward coward stupid

Coward calling this man coward for no reason let me equip the diamond boots while we’re here makes no sense to why is the Sheep pushing my prized nether dog excuse me rude very rude sheep it was being a bully but yeah um I think mono said

Something I guess one or two streams I wasn’t there he did a few things I did so many things in the hardcore run so I’m still alive that is the crazy thing as someone who barely ever played hardcore I’m surprised how I managed to do that

Oh my God look at them they got they’re so dripped out he got a leather armor I don’t even have a leather armor he’s way cooler oh my God chain mail un ironically my favorite armor in the game I think chain mail looks so cool and I

Wish you could like craft it I just love it so much chain mail for Life dude oh wait I have dogs what do I have dogs for I feel like one dog is missing didn’t I have four did I lose one in the nether ah whatever he can’t have been that

Important no dogs dogs whatever that was on purpose are you are they killing the skeleton my dogs are taking care of the skeleton good job boys good job boys yeah gang yeah good job gang let’s go boys let’s go boys my dogs are the best

My dogs are the best hi tomato how are you hello hello oh there’s a spider gang move in gang gang please gang oh my God gang please there known as run Enders baby zombies people said baby zombies have ended quite a few runs in my Minecraft

So you good boys no don’t breathe don’t breathe don’t breathe that was not my I didn’t want I wanted to give you meat whoa whoa whoa whoa I just wanted to give them meat so that like to thank them for their hard work I didn’t want the dogs to start

Breeding now they have a child they are with Child oh my God so many boys casual Monster hunting in the middle of the night anyways we have we have a new family member guys chain armor is like legendary to me I don’t know why chain armor is so pretty no puppy is everyone okay does

Anyone need some meat you eat some meat meat his tail is fine now you’ll be okay they’ll be fine you didn’t even get one I mean to be fair usually I just my mods do the shout out so um I I usually rely to one of my mods being

There doggy yes take him take him doggy good good good puppies good any more any more monsters over there there’s some skeleton howdy boy yeah now you’re running I love seeing skeletons scared that’s my most satisfying feeling in the world skeletons have killed me so many

Times in this game seeing them run for their life in terror is my only happiness there’s a creeper let’s get the creeper ah puppy you shouldn’t run like close to the creeper boy don’t not don’t not do that okay we’re almost level 30 it’s actually kind of going well just need

To kill a couple more I hope there’s going to be another Zombie Invasion the zombies are are you kidding me why did why so annoying when they explode I don’t want to fix all these holes later on I don’t want my surrounding area of my home to look this

Ugly o sorry I hit you guys I’m sorry you ran into my sword I don’t feel like it’s my fault okay another sheep I feel like I feel like I don’t know has have people done stop stop bring in front of my [ __ ] Shield dude there you

Go it’s my nether dog I can’t be mean to him you can get chain mail armor how how do I get chain mail armor are you getting exure hunting mobs yeah I am getting XP that’s right I want to level my either my I don’t know either my pickaxe or my sword

Uh like not level but like enchant properly I don’t think I’ll get the Infinity enchantment on my bow just like that but uh can the dog stop [ __ ] sorry can the dog not like run into my sword I don’t know if I want to kill

Blaze Rod blaze rods blazes if I want to kill blazes I feel like it makes more sense to enchant my sword but if I want to farm netherite it makes more sense to enchant my pickaxe it would be the best if I couldn’t enchant both but I just do

Do not have the resources unfortunately I don’t know where else to get more levels than I already have you breed breeding gives a little bit of XP don’t scare me like that cuz we’re still not even level 30 uh I could breed some more chickens look at all those Chi

Chickens don’t kill any of the dogs you’re saying this like I’m known for being a dog it’s not like I’m trying to I I don’t want to kill them they are the ones running into my sword nah they’re they’re literally like the dogs are here to like uh help me out

In fights so I would feel really bad if I killed one by accident but also they run in front of my sword so they need to be careful too like I I get it would never kill one on purpose but they also need to be a bit

More careful if they want to like not die you know come over here boys boys get out of my freaking Farm I need to farm I don’t want to bone meal you feel like I lost another dog somewhere or did did one of my dogs die

Maybe it was good that I breeded them together maybe it was good this T this way I can breed both chickens and cows no I messed it up okay that’s it let’s put some seeds down Okay who wants who wants baby look at that yeah level 30 let’s go okay okay okay

Okay I see I see staying awake all night does not help breeding chickens all night that’s right baby that’s the real thing breeding chickens let’s get more chickens in the house okay one more chicken in the house no it spawned outside okay how did it bug into the

Wall two out of three baby chickens were accidentally killed for no good reason it was literally just an accident go give a polar bear head pet no I you guys even as a bear I’m scared of polar bears I respect fellow bears but polar bears scare me I would never go

Close all right have a good sleep night have a good sleep I will cry if one of the dogs dies me too bestie me too MADD why can I only have your stream on 360p I think that is um either it’s on your end or it’s cuz I’m not twitch

Partner and I can’t control the um what is it called um um transcoding not not sure which one of the two it is though cuz my stream should run at more than 360p so uh probably on your end or on twitch’s end how can you be scared of one of your

Kind have you seen oh oh how can I be scared I guess I guess murderers for you guys are not scary they’re they’re humans right they’re humans they’re not scary yeah yeah yeah you know that you know you know regardless of species there can still be scary individuals polar bears are

Dangerous as heck normally it’s on 720p well like I said I can’t really uh influence the way that it runs on your system I’m very sorry the only thing I can do is have like check my upload speed but my upload speed looks just as it does usually

So I don’t think it’s on that end you know there’s no difference in what what it usually is like oh my God Sorry horse oh more more raw meat I think I’m going to cook all the raw meat just so my hor my horse just so I don’t die in the in the nether I’m going to need a lot of food will I need all those Birch fences probably not like I’m struggling I’m

Already started burning like all my fences and everything cuz I don’t want to go out and farm more wood farming wood is so lame Earth so you high brown bears rise up brown bear let’s go hello hello I hope you’re doing good a restarted that helped awesome awesome m

Mhm didn’t you lose your horse yesterday I did and guess what I found him at the end of the stream he was wandering around close to my base he came back to me Elbert came back to me my beloved my beloved pet Albert Elbert but yeah I

Love the brown bear redeem it’s so cute brown bear YouTubers are also really really freaking cute I love it I appreciate it brown bear appreciate a time okay we can put the leather in here can I burn the stone sword I really don’t need that stuff anymore iron chest plate

Cobblestone I feel like a lot of stuff that I own is trash bone white wool I don’t need an iron sword H I’m thinking what I should enchant nether I I’ll keep the Netherrack cuz we’re going to use that in the nether anyway anyways ah should I enchant a sword or a pickaxe

I feel like I feel like enchanted sword will get me further right what’s the goal today nether fortress I want to find a nether fortress and maybe get some netherite armor or like well you know look for ancient debris and then I don’t actually know how to get netherite

From there but I figured if I have it I can always always Google afterwards how to get it so you know I I’m kind of going with the flow um I wanted some iron for what oh I want I think I wanted to make another Shield as a

Backup so I don’t have like just in case cuz if I’m fighting blazes I’m probably going to be using my shieldon Albert please Albert doesn’t like this mine cart he’s very very confused by it you can tell that he’s having some issues isues with it to be

Fair I should have probably built this man’s a stable but I can’t be bothered to be honest I can’t be bothered and enchant the sword but I’ll get further with the pickaxe probably if I enchant that I don’t know I feel like I feel like a pickaxe

Um feel like a pickaxe will get me further because I can mine for netherite and stuff so maybe I’ll just enchant both but I’ll make a new diamond pickaxe because this this one’s almost dead and I still have quite a few diamonds so I can do that no problem me me with endless

Self-confidence meanwhile Chad is like no Maddie you’re wasting diamonds n n no I don’t think I am I think I’m fine I’ve never had to use my diamonds quite this much cuz usually on servers I will just play and someone will be like hey do you want a diamonds namely rebba

Efficiency four that’s pretty it only has efficiency 4 let me put the Unbreaking book on it at least I feel bad like it’s not even Unbreaking what’s going to what’s the efficiency going to do for me soul speed that’s good right for Soul Sand I could put that on like my I guess

Soul speed you can only enchant your boot boots with it right you can’t really enchant anything else Unbreaking too where’s my Anvil there it is so my new diamond pickaxe gets Unbreaking I will call it actually I will not call it anything because it costs less levels I’m sorry and then only boots

Right hi Sunny can you enchant a netherite ax well netherite axes are made from combining diamond with netherite so it would still have the enchantments of your diamond gear on them no isn’t that how it works ask if I can get some diamond from you I mean this is a single player world

So it’s going to be a bit difficult to give you any of my diamonds I’m not going to lie it’s going to be a bit difficult I guess I’ll get the golden I’ll enchant the golden boots because I I I’m going to wear the golden boots in the nether I’m not going to

Wear the and soul speed is really only relevant in the nether so that way I can walk fast on Soul Sand that’s something good too oh the multiplayer yeah I think you told me I think I think you left a sign that you took some diamonds I don’t

Think you asked me I think you just took them but you at least you left a sign so I would know so it’s fine my Addie help me critical you need to get rid of the honey jars I’ve been watching you die slowly suffocating from honey jars you

Need to be careful you need to you need to stay strong have more babies come on I’m level 13 oh my goodness enchanting is so expensive guys I cannot enchant anything else ever in my whole life I broke that’s it I broke what am I going to do I guess I’ll

Just go to the nether come on blue boy you’re my boy you’re my doggy blue Dogg is coming with me he was with me last time and he did a fantastic job at staying alive in the nether so I’m very proud of him and I love him a lot I

Think he’s a splendid doggy I’m going to leave the iron here ah jungle planks we have some Cobblestone and Netherrack for for building arrows I don’t I don’t know if I will need an axe but just in case I don’t need wheat I don’t maybe I’ll put the Torches

In the hot bar Shield iron yeah okay this looks good oh no let’s skip night first yeah yeah you’re good you’re good to gu guys since you left if you if you left like a thing for me that’s fine if you want to waste diamonds you can do punishment one damage drop one

Diamond oh no no no no not on my hardcore world no hell no but I could do that on um my normal my my community server I’d be down to do that but not on hardcore hardcore is the punishment what do you mean I’m already like doing the

Punishment right now so no no no can’t you make at least a sharpness sharpness you mean enchant it I don’t think I have enough for enchanting it maybe I can do like a lowlevel scum enchantment on it you’re right maybe maybe 13 levels is enough I don’t know let’s

See ooh I can do Smite okay Smite good me me oh I can just Smite also me is is that good wait can I can I cook the chicken now oh wait it’s I’m dumb the chicken was too small to drop meat this is this is weird champ because

McDonald’s makes like makes chicken nuggets out of babies all the time this is Cap you can definitely eat them for sure Kum dring in adorable Minecraft animals help me oh my God if I could edit it that well I would love to maybe one day hi

Puppy I’m wearing gold right yes I have another dog in here wait I have three dogs in here turns out none of my dogs died they all just went into the nether that’s pretty funny well it’d be like that okay we I think last time we went this way and

Then we went also went this way in the past but I I don’t know actually I just don’t know what I’m doing I’ll just go this way I should wait wait wait actually let me check if I still have the coordinates of my nether portal

Before I go anywhere cuz I don’t want to freaking die um okay it looks like I still have it looks like I still have them 45 let me double check 46 45 yeah okay I I got my coordinates we’re good we’re good do you like cocky

Cocky like poop cocky I don’t know what what’s cocky oh my God is it a is it a is it a joke are you going to are you going to tell me what’s cocky your mom I don’t know are you are you going to your momy or something

Now okay these boys are chilling I need more gold I want to be better friends with them actually okay this is more of that biome so I read that the nether fortress could be in any biome so that’s good technically that’s not not a bad thing

Um however the problem comes in when you realize that you don’t know there’s a baby there’s a baby oh my God there’s like three of them why is there three of them oh my goodness that’s so scary I I don’t want to talk about it oh my

God I thought the dog was one of the pigs no offense but those pigs are my biggest fear in the world actually full offense they can go to hell do you hear their weird noise what what a sorry sorry sorry oh my God that was so scary that was so scary that was

So scary leave my dogs alone [ __ ] they killed the dog dog teleport up here you idiot dog teleport please I’m worried for you are you okay where’s the why would you attack it okay they would attack it cuz it attacked me first they were just defending

Me I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m going to breed you lots of new brothers and sister I’m sorry I feel so bad I mean I know it’s not my fault they were just doing what dogs do you know they were they were the definition of what the dog doing

But never want wanted it to end like this is a screamer NE portal challenge each time Kuma enters the portal she has to do a task to unlock the exit these are amazing ideas for my community server and I’ll keep them in mind but I’m not doing that on my hardcore I’m

Not doing that in my hardcore world can’t you just put the coordinates in Minecraft chat I mean I’d rather have them written down because when I leave the game server it’s going to like they’re going to disappear like they’re going to be here for for for a short while but then they’re going

To disappear like when I log out so I’d rather have them written down IRL so I can just always pull them up you know what I mean but yeah technically writing them down works too okay there’s a gas somewhere there’s a gas somewhere and it’s spitting fire and I don’t mean it’s

Wrapping really well I mean it’s literally Spitting Fire there it is [ __ ] I suck at it ah this bear is on Fire am I really going to die from a gas is this how I die one sec one sec one sec just throw an arrow can you do that y’all are thinking I’m better than I’m actually am at this but I’ll try ah oh okay they’re easy to kill with

Arrows I did not know that this is my second time figh fighting one thanks for the tip I didn’t know they were that easy to kill with an arrow come hardcore mode reacting to hardcore mode sensorship stream please I just never been in the nether by myself okay I have my knowledge about

The nether is um very limited ooh a gas tier I love gas tiers because it reminds me that I cost them terrible suffering and that’s what they deserve I mean sorry but gas are VI disgusting creatures that should never be happy and God should have not created them to be

Honest God was wrong with that one like I don’t want to I don’t want to say like anything but I feel like some things should just not exist is that a skeleton did I hear a skeleton why did I hear why did I hear P like XP is that in

The Minecraft like is in the music I’m listening to what’s going going on I’m just scared I’ll fall into the lava down there so I’m trying to be a little bit careful no wolf tried to swim in lava no my pets the nether be damned I will never never forgive the

Nether for doing this to me and my family the nether tearing apart families happy families last time my wolves survived just fine these wolves my my other wolf was built different I mean he died too but he was built different man this place is on fire dude that’s not good oh

No I don’t want to hear that disgusting that disgusting anime girl noise again let the anime girl moan that the gas do do so well oh yeah I’ve been trying to hit the Firebolts back but it’s actually easier for me to aim with the bow I don’t

Know I don’t know why but Firebolt is too difficult for me I hear the gas but I don’t see it h Huh surely it won’t terribly harm me if I just try to build a bridge across right right it will be fine right copium let’s just go there is nothing else that

I can do I already lost my family my wolves are dead like there is no happiness you know there’s no more happiness in this uh hardcore run not that there ever has been in Hardcore Minecraft but you know I’m unhappy with the direction I chose my my dogs would have still been

Alive if I if I had gone a different way it’s my fault I’m an irresponsible dog parent never let me have dogs IRL don’t you have a dog never mind he tried to swim in lava he didn’t exactly understand that lava is not like water I I guess he just didn’t

Know it’s not good cuz he died unfort I’m just I hope I will find another Fortress sometime hi boys I’m on good terms with these guys cuz they appreciate they they support me cuz I wear gold they admire me cuz I’m just like them you know it’s good to know I have

At least some allies until my gold boots break that is NE they tearing families apart since 2013 exactly you got a fun mod which one at least I’m getting some levels if nothing else I’m a bit sad about the dogs but to be fair I still have some at home so I can

Just breed them in this in this playthrough I see the dogs more of a tool than a family member because I need them for survival like a little bit so I also see them as family members but I didn’t even give them names so you know there’s no like that the emotional

Connection isn’t as as deep as it usually would be for me with the Minecraft dogs ah level 19 slowly but surely very slowly actually leveling is so slow when you don’t have a farm piglins don’t respect the poor so true bestie so true they’re like you

Have gold you’re one of us you don’t have gold go away scum you know I’m actually going to get get more gold from them just because I feel like later on it will still be beneficial for me if I can trade with them and this is like

Literally my only gold Source right now so cuz I ain’t about to go back to the underground for now I might go caving again later but I’m just trying to get this nether Arc behind me feels like nether is the most stressful part about Minecraft so just let just let me get it

Done I do appreciate the XP you can get here but what was that sound was that a piggy dying I don’t want the piggies to die cuz then they will think I killed them or something and I don’t appreciate that oh by the way wither wither it’s a it

Can spawn here right it’s not something I shouldn’t be worried I should be worried about right now right with wither can’t spawn in the nether it’s an end thing I remember summoning it in the ends so I would assume it’s an end thing the weer can spawn okay

Cool I don’t know I I think you need to spawn it if you want to fight it but I you never know maybe it will just automatically spawn cuz I accidentally trigger it cuz I didn’t know how it works you know not about to lose my life to that

Nahh oh you have to make it okay okay make sure to make golden boots I can right now I don’t have a crafting application on me so I’m going to have to just try and survive maybe I’ll find some at the nether fortress that I will surely find

Today right right guys I’ll surely find a nether fortress surely there’s no way that I wouldn’t Right oh don’t tell me we’re going back to the stupid forest biome I haven’t even seen a single like Dark Forest it’s all been the stupid red forest with the stupid pigs no offense but they’re so annoying I mean the big pigs not the trader guys the trader guys are all

Right what is why is there so much of the stupid red Forest everywhere hi Nate how are you welcome hello hello everyone check out Nate Nate is a cool vtuber hello hello oh my goodness I don’t know what to do with my life I’m so tired of this freaking

Biome I’m doing good how are you enjoying Minecraft enjoying what’s there to enjoy I’m in hell I’m like literally in hell this is this is Minecraft hell um but other than that I’m great how are you but yeah no Minecraft today is terrible suffering in a good way way

Like I love it it’s still it’s still fun but how the freak do I get down there do I actually need to go to stupid forest biome for this I already see one of those dumb pigs it’s it’s j it’s j for me thank you for the YouTube sub thank you thank you

Welcome you can ask chat to have coordinates for Fortress do you guys have the coordinates even if you don’t have the seed is is that a thing can you do that I feel like I feel like you need the seed right to know the coordinates

[ __ ] I wish I had sand on me I could drop the sand down like a sensible person Oh my God why is the music so scary all of a sudden I’m just trying to survive here the music is so dark it’s like cheating well I don’t even have the seeds so I don’t worry I can’t I can’t if you like fire or lava or pigs

Maybe E I don’t like any of those things you do in fact need the seat for that see I don’t have it oh my mouse disconnected no no no no oh no no no no no you know that is very bad news when your mouse disconnects I’m going to try and find

Another way down I guess it’s obviously not here so okay Pig boys hi Pig boys I missed you pig boys I like that almost everything in the nether is just centered around pigs did pigs ever hurt anyone why did the developers of Minecraft go like oh yo so

Let’s make hell and the only inhabitants of hell are going to be pigs like did pigs kill their family or something I need to know the lore like why why is there this uh quite obvious hatred for Them there such weird little mobs okay let’s go it’s just cuz I saw some quartz here and I want it I wanted for the selfish reason of leveling up there you go that’s it I don’t need anything else down here tell me if you see nether

Fortress I don’t even know how they look to be honest you can eat yourself no thank you I’m good no I have not watched game theory on it anyone want to give me the rundown on why why it’s pigs I I mean I know Game Theory but I just don’t like

Watch it super often oh my God it literally why this pig lives in the nether how the heck did this pig I’m sorry but you have to be a special kind of dumb to be a pig that literally lives in the Nether and still die from like lava like isn’t this like

Isn’t this your house how did you how did you die here cringe I’m sorry that Pig was a little bit cringe H guess I’d want to go down there somehow I bet the nether fortress is going to spawn in this stupid biome in the stupid like

Like in the stupid forest biome that I hate with my whole heart I bet that’s where it’s going to spawn I bet I’m going to have to fight the big pigs additionally to blazes and everything else what did I do to you guys what did I do to him what did I

Do wait what did I do I don’t have boots I’m so [ __ ] what if I use a golden sword does that count are they going to like me are they going to like me if I use a golden sword [ __ ] doesn’t need to be shoes well there’s Forest here so I can

Make a crafting bench real quick I just hope none of them Finds Me in this Time fighting for my life you guys oh my God thank you for the follow thank you thank you oh my goodness I would like like to um do a formal apology to um the forest biome it just saved my ass forest biome just saved my ass I would have not been able

To craft golden boots without a crafting table oh my goodness my heart oh my goodness okay I’ve been I’ve been complaining about the stupid forest biome but literally I would be dead without it right now told you to make extra golden boots it’s fine I obviously survive no problem

He see see this game is so easy no Problem no need for worrying I mean to be fair I didn’t think they would break that fast cuz last time I was in the nether like the whole time and my boots were like hanging on by a thread and they didn’t die they were like chilling so I was

Like I was overestimating their durability I think I was so shocked when the guy just randomly started attacking me I was like damn what I do to you what did I ever do to him you know hi Kalisto how are you hello hello I’m good I almost

Di sorry almost died you know um you know I almost pooped my pants just now as per usual how are you I suddenly got attacked by a mob because my golden boots ran out it was stressful good morning MADD and I have High Hopes let’s go hi Phantom good go

Morning high hopes for me to continue surviving hell yeah I’ve been surviving for a while I’ll have you know Chad I would consider myself a professional gamer at this point I’m just like honestly I’m looking for nether fortress but more than anything I’m just mining cuz gold first

Of all and second of all uh XP feels good feels good to have I don’t know where the freak another fortresses I’ve literally never seen one in my entire life I think I would probably recognize it if I saw it but I mean I already found a Bastion

Once which is not what I wanted so it was a major disappointment but you know you know how it is oh my God there’s so much xp here okay I will I will build myself over it’s so deep but if I fall I’m dead we okay no

Problem freak why did I get over here this was a stupid idea this was a dumb idea hi wellie hello hello have a good night yeah I’ll try not to die I’ll try to stay alive have a good sleep and he attacked you because you broke gold wait I’m not allowed to break

Gold blocks huh wait they get mad cuz I when I break gold blocks how unreasonable is that they literally want me to trade with gold they are greedy Bri BR britches they’re greedy for gold but then they get mad if I take it so that I

Can trade it to them I make their whole economy and they get mad at me for what I can’t believe this ooh you watch your country play they won they qualify for the year 2024 yo you’re going to go to Germany let’s go let’s go let’s go I think I think

They were playing like one of the games like you mean you mean football like soccer right I think they’re playing one of the games at the time of doomi and D off a lot of people a lot of hotels and stuff are already booked out that’s what

I heard about Euro but I mean POG I’m glad your team qualified that’s pretty cool it’s their gold bring your own that is my own gold what do you mean their gold belongs to me I don’t see them walk around with pickaxes I’m sorry they don’t even look like they

Harvest their own gold I don’t want to sound judgmental but I am and I don’t care uh I feel like the piglins or hoglands or whatever the heck they are they don’t seem to care about gold gold nearly as much as they pretend to do I think they’re posers to be honest if

They really cared about gold they would not care where it comes from they wouldn’t care that I’m stealing their resources for my own benefit okay there’s nothing else here more quartz I will literally never find a fortress at the speed I’m literally just like oh but it’s so much quartz though

Just give me a sec oh it feels good I’m going to build a palace out of quartz when I’m out of here amount of quartz I’m collecting yeah literally double standards mad you don’t even Harvest your own gold most of the time yeah that’s cuz I understand capitalism

Bro why should I if I can if I can exploit people to do it for for me oh my God I I I became like one of those people who breed villagers completely unhinged and and inhumane I’m so sorry I never meant to turn out like this I realize she can’t hydrate because

She’s in the nether no thanks for the for the hydrate high-tech thankfully I can still do it in the in real life but yeah no hydration in the NE that’s another thing how are those pigs like happy with their life whenever they when they can’t even drink water like I’m

Sorry what do they drink lava like it does not make sense of our biological standpoint that they are even alive you know it makes me angry Minecraft floor makes no sense whatsoever they need to rework that where the heck did I come from what the heck am I

Doing maybe they don’t need water to survive but it seems stupid they’re pigs pigs need water to survive we made it to level 30 that means we can enchant something if we ever get home I say if because I’m losing hope fire potions oh they drink fire

Potions that does not not sound very delicious at all that sounds like a awful thing to be living like another is hell you can’t die if you’re already in the afterlife true which brings me back to the questions how did all these pigs end up in hell what is wrong with pigs for

Minecraft to think that they should all be in hell does a justify eating pork I’m sorry guys this a freaking I see nether quartz and I have the like compulsive need to mine it I just can’t help myself do you see how much there is

Look at the XP falling out of that as someone who has trouble finding XP this is like a gold mine actually it’s a quartz mine H cuz you know it’s literally quartz okay let’s continue I’m walking I realize there’s nothing to continue onwards to there’s no space here to

Walk what if they did the Unspeakable what okay I I guess I don’t ask what the Unspeakable is cuz you can’t speak of it but like what the hell what the hell what the hell I need to know what crime did pigs commit I don’t see a path I guess I need

To go like all the way back up here to find path Pigmen are not free of sin there is no Fortress there is a fortress somewhere not here though you’re right obviously not here I mean we could go okay maybe not here we could go this way surely this is fine right

Maybe I’ll use quartz blocks as building blocks cuz I don’t really know what to do with it otherwise okay careful careful oh man I really don’t know where the heck there’s a a fortress where where oh is this no that’s not a fortress that’s a whole different

Biome oh my God why is there so much nether quartz ah a they did something that sounds like Texas evasion I mean Texas evasion is um valid Okay who wants to go to Texas valid tax evasion I guess it’s justifiable like to get punished for it Texas evasion in my opinion should be

Legal I’m evading Texas on a daily basis I say this is someone who’s literally been to Texas so I obviously didn’t do a good job edating it I’ll be real with You these sounds are they from the freaking Minecraft remakes that’s going on in the background the chest opening and closing sounds the Minecraft noise like bro I’m thinking it’s from my game it’s so trippy to listen to it while you play okay that that’s that looks like a

Big area where I can just walk no problem okay I see see I saw Frick I saw nether quartz and I didn’t have to mine it I say this and then instantly do it again oh level 33 that’s maybe like even two enchantments at this point so good

So good oh my gosh nether quartz my baby my baby I’m getting used to the nether I’m starting to like it here nether quartz love of my life look at that look how much xp it gives me it’s probably better if I use that XP up

And then come back so I can gather it back faster but not about to walk all the way back there so where’s the gas I don’t see it let me know if you see a fortress somewhere This is literally just like nothing this this this this hell is a big nothing Burger do Bo to what does that even mean ah thank you for the sub thank you thank you I appreciate it there’s maybe a for can’t you increase your chunks what does that mean my render distance or or

What don’t think it looks like another Forest down there but it could also be uh the biome I’m looking for well I’m not looking for a biome it could also be what I’m looking for h n it looks just like a forest to be honest oh [ __ ] O easy peasy kill I love it oh my gosh I almost died emotionally not physically I don’t think I think I physically I was completely fine but like my heart died a little bit in that moment holy [ __ ] Okay well since I’m already down here I might as well check out that weird Forest that I saw maybe there’s a this does not look like a fortress right it just looks like the woods I just don’t want to go there anymore W Mario

W w i I don’t know if that was the sound you’re looking for I love the new Mario voice acting when he dies it’s Like I I think I just love Super Mario I think he has that charm he’s the perfect man heem he embodies masculinity the way that he can like clean your toilet and like un like Plum it and stuff what does a plumber do he does toilet things right the way the way

That Mario does toilet things like no other man can do it you know appreciate him so much truly an icon where H Mr Andor oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] guys what do I [ __ ] do I think I’m going to um I think I’m going to die IRL

Actually did you make the advancement return to the sender I did I did save and quit okay so is it going to despawn now so what do we do now mine through the wall mine through the wall that’s a good tip me I might do that so what do

You guys think now we never load it again true I never died in hardcore if I just never log on again okay I will try to save it eat food and cover around with blocks cool that worked that is not good where is it I wish I had aim [ __ ]

Fine guys I’m fine I’m fighting for my life but I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine yeah it’s hardcore I will die if I die like I will die IRL if I die in the game so guys aiming am I right it’s kind of hard where the freak is

It okay well I’m not going to question it you know what it’s just gone I do not care I do not care I do not care I am going I’m leaving I’m not hanging out with this thing any further um I’m done I’m done here goodbye easy okay I survived somehow

Somehow I survived let’s go you die in game you die in real life exactly hi regular hello hello I mean if that was the case I would just literally never play the game that’s the easiest way to survive what do you mean you would be mortal found

The path to immortality well it depends if you can still die from other ways then of course not But oh that was pretty stressful I’m not going to lie but um we’re good now we’re good now I really thought that wasn’t my run would end there I really thought I was like okay that’s it we’re we’re so J it’s so J turns out it wasn’t quite J yet

Bro I’m just sad about Nether Fortress Is apparently not existing in my freaking world hey there’s pig boy does it matter to me though I just need to pass through this stupid biome I love how I Enchanted my boots with Soul Sand then never found Soul

Sand and then my boots broke like thanks game that’s really cool that’s really poggers I am cry no nether fortress right that’s why Soul speed sucks because the boots break and then you can’t even speed on Soul anymore yeah I’m just hoping the pigs give me another Soul speed what was

That was it one of the evil pigs it’s not one of the based pigs I think it was one of the evil pigs pigs oh my goodness that that was not very nice of me I don’t freaking know how to Traverse this stupid place I want to go home the

Overworld why would they make a Hell in Minecraft why would they even do that huh why would they make a hell and then not not add a single nether fortress for me I just want to I just want to beat the Ender Dragon is it too much to ask

Is there any blazes anywhere else in this whole game you guys see a fortress I don’t see a fortress I don’t I don’t see a fortress losing my freaking mind but you know what at least we’re leveling at least we are leveling if I ever make it out of here I’m going to

Enchant my gear good a and chest randomly oh so that Bastion that I found maybe there it could have been in there but the Bastion also seemed pretty dangerous to be honest so it doesn’t make a difference to me not even mining any gold anymore like I became such a like [ __ ] no

Offense do you have any idea what it took to get in here love that love the random music in the background I feel it in my soul right now do you have any idea what it took to get in here ooh oh no I said ooh but it’s Soul

Speed biome it means I’m slow here but it has bones bone is good bone is life I say this as if I was a dog vtuber Better Call Saul oh my God that’s like which TV show was it that people like that was by the same makers or something I don’t [ __ ]

Know there was a there was a popular TV show come up police SMH okay shake it harder I don’t know which one it is shake your heads breaking bed oh it’s baking bread I wasn’t looking yeah it was from baking bread exactly that’s the one I was thinking of off you know

What why is there a weird outline around them how many arrows do I have maybe I shouldn’t waste all of them just occurred to me that I don’t have Infinity on my bow that’s not very good if I just use up all my arrows right baking bread m my favorite TV show I’ve

Never seen baking bread guys I’ve never watched it I was like a cooking I’m not that interested seems like there’s a lot of cooking going on in that show bro why can’t the nether be like one straight platform I don’t understand why does it

Need to be so much up and down like do I look like I would I want to climb mountains for this [ __ ] no offense but no bro well Soul Sand feels very squishy so it probably doesn’t hurt falling down there right right guys falling down on Soul Sand definitely does less

Damage it wasn’t breaking bed right Better Call Saul was it breaking bed the other show like was popular was it really okay where is that gas does it spawn after making those sounds cuz whenever I look around I never just see it so relatable actually outline oh it’s cuz I use

Spectral arrows thank you they’re both popular oh damn are they now this just in spectral sand still hurts to fall down on fun fact things you didn’t know about spectral sand understanding spectral sand with Maddy Kuma spectral sand Soul Sand sorry I don’t even know what I’m talking

Aboute please don’t please don’t consume my informative content I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about spectral sand what game am I playing right now what am I playing I don’t know about spectral sand at all is that a fortress down there no right no way no

Way I know it’s not otherwise I would go my my extreme Minecraft knowledge has prepared me for this moment I bet I missed like four Fortress like I probably walked past them and I was just unlucky and just like was in the exact right angle that I wouldn’t have seen

Them this is a such a painful time in my life how the freak am I going to get down there oh my gosh I’m really scared feel like I should I don’t like it I don’t like it no no no no Mr Gast leave me alone I hate the sound that it

Makes okay I’m fine I’m fine well I’m I’m fine and like I’m alive not fine but oh another [ __ ] Forest are you kidding me is this the same one I’ve already been To you deserved a [ __ ] loser loser I hate gests it doesn’t jump no overd done no does magma block cancel fall damage I don’t think it would it would make no sense to me if it did thank God I didn’t try it out I guess I cuz I don’t think it does right

It cancels drowning damage ah yeah yeah it makes you breathe underwater Maddie just going in circles at this point yo I don’t know where I am I’m at minus 520 yeah gu I’m not even that far away from where I came from like I I would have assumed I walked

Thousands upon thousands of blocks but I guess I haven’t so how do we feel about cheating in this game um I’m just kidding I would love to just look up the coordinates but that’s not that’s not how hardcore works that’s not not how we’re going to do

Things oops goes into creative mode by accident flies around the whole nether by accident finds nether fortress by accident well guys since I’m already at this nether fortress that I accidentally found you know I might as well loot it oh changing back into survival mode no

No I I don’t think I will do that I don’t think that’s necessary okay actually haven’t seen this area down there yet hi kot cutie how are you how are you bridging that slowly I’m in hardcore and I don’t want to die that’s how I’m not going to go fast and then

Fall like no way no way I’d rather have some patience and be a bit more careful I’m I’m happy for you if you can Bridge super fast without fearing for your life but that ain’t me the fear for my life is something deep andrain into my soul that I can’t just turn

Off hi Annie welcome how are you hello hello oops types in locate Fortress oopsy doing pretty good I’m good I’m good I’m I’m I’m suffering in Minecraft today but the suffering doesn’t really even come from the nether it comes from not being able to find a nether

Fortress I don’t know why I’m just like there’s none I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I I thought I from what I read it can spawn in any biome so I was kind of hoping you know that it might spawn but oh okay we can just build down

Here there you go easy these guys are not dangerous right you can ride them things that you can ride are never dangerous mounts can’t hurt you I know I don’t understand why you would ride it but you can apparently if you have a saddle I

Think I think you need a carrot on a stick or something eh you can mine gold barter with the dudes get obsidian and Fire charges actually I was I have some gold I was scared cuz they one of them started attacking me cuz I had gold like he got

Really mad at me and since then I feel insecure about him I I feel insecure I think they’re going to attack me again when I but it’s not it’s only these guys that attack not the other ones so if I’m careful hey you you you hey I dropped gold for

You maybe he gives me blaze rods oh my God that’s just what I need bro each track has a specific meaning to a specific specific person there’s no villager song There’s No song for killing creepers they’re all personalized they’re going to come on when you’re doing something unique what

This means is the music is the or string is that it is you dropped me a string each world isor made for the player not something that many players would notice but in this way Minecraft’s music captures the essence of Minecraft in another form just like your world seed

Minecraft’s music is made for you and there’s AAS music is made for me did you just take it where is it are truly in hey hey what did you drop for me what did you drop for me he just took my golden ran oh it’s ender pearls never mind that’s pretty

Cool ender pearls are great why is it so loud though oh this is a Minecraft music playlist shouldn’t you compact the quartz in your inventory I can compact it well guys I feel like I know what I’m going to do next oh my God I thought you need like I don’t know

Even so I have a crafting table so it would have still been possible I Guess yeah that does help a little bit actually that does help like a little bit hey you let’s trade more oh they attack you when you to take stuff from chests I did not know that the fire charges could be useful to me later on

So you can’t uncompact it I mean I don’t need it to be uncompact compact is fine what’s that give you more give more spectral arrows Papa please please Papa this guy gives me one thing I’m here calling him daddy like what what soul speed ah iron boots but they have

Soul speed but if I wear iron boots he’s going to attack me he’s like hey look at this drip he’s trying to trick me into wearing it so that he can attack me for not wearing gold he wants to fight me actually give me something good what’s

That uh Soul Sand okay honey give me something like actually good come on more ender pearls so I don’t have to fight Endermen later on for for thingy you know for to locate the the end portal I don’t know how it works okay I’m just guessing when you drop me leather hey

I’m giving you gold dude you need to be more appreciative I don’t feel like this guy appreciates me at all gravel he gave me gravel he gave me gravel can you believe it sorry I I tried to turn on some music hey hey what’d you drop ooh oh Nether

Bricks I mean better than gravel but what am I going to do with this trash can you believe these guys I’m going to collect more gold over time but not here cuz one of them is here and they don’t like it when I take it their stuff surprisingly enough

Surprisingly enough they don’t like theft so I’m not going to steal until I don’t see one anymore wait where was I going wasn’t there more gold I saw just now whatever you can throw the whole stack at once oh thanks for telling me I did not know

That me out here going real patient throwing one after the other didn’t know you can just throw the whole stack I don’t see another Fortress I don’t see one I need to be Fearless like in the beginning when I just grabbed the gold cuz I didn’t know they would hate me

When I did that and I got so much gold from it cuz I was Fearless fear is is um slowing me down who’s going to hurt me over this nobody hi Sarah welcome hello hello it’s me hello that does only find one done by a small animal true for some

Reason it’s really cute when small animals steal things I agree how can you be mad at them they’re just small babies what are they going to do succumb to capitalism and pay for it nah-uh you they can take whatever they want from me they deserve everything another red forest biome do I

Am I cursed am I cursed maybe I’m really running in circles could it be could it be I’ve been running in circles feel like I’ve in this biome like 15 times where am I – 700 no I’m definitely further away now yes you like my profile and why are you ignoring me I’m

Literally reading out your messages and said hi to you I don’t know where you taken it from that I’m ignoring you but yeah I can’t see your profile right now so if anything I’d look at it later but uh yeah I don’t know I don’t know if I I

Like your profile I haven’t seen it more more more more more more normalized streamer not reacting to every message instantly because people are focused on stuff oh this Forest is a dead end okay never mind stupid forest and there’s nothing to to like it doesn’t even continue like

What what are you going to do s the hippo cam to jail sent the hippo to jail I mean it would be entertaining to see the jail like workers deal with it so maybe yeah actually sounds like it would be extremely entertaining to see oh and here I thought there was something

So which level was netherite on wait which level I’m I’m starting to give up on the nether fortress thing minus minus What minus 14 or was it 14 was it was it on around 14 let me Google it thank you for the L Stefano I appreciate it um what is it called

Netherite uh level why level 8 to 15 most will spawn at level 15 okay apparently y to 15 guys y to 15 I’m at 35 so it’s not even that far down which level am I now 29 okay it’s it’s a little bit away me without any explosives just

Hopes to come in and find ancient debris easy netherite has a level yeah yeah yeah a specific y level where it’s easiest to find it it does I mean at least according to Google and according to chat so Chad told me last time there is

Level and it was I think chat’s at 14 I’m not sure like which version has which but wait let me just uh put that up real quick crafting table we’re going to compact the gold cuz I have way too much in the way right now taking up so much

Space the bear doesn’t plan on getting back home definitely not no I mean I’m so far away from home at this point I still have like 25 meat that will that will be good for a while thanks for the follow for some reason I don’t hear the follow notifications from

Twitch today I heard them earlier in the Stream and I don’t now I don’t hear them but I hear the YouTube ones it’s really weird 18 17 wait which level am I on now 16 okay this is it I guess it wouldn’t do me bad to go one

Lower oh there’s one easy see guys I told you I told you there’s a level for it yeah no problem Oh wait I didn’t pick it up yet there you go ancient debris found hogers so how much ancient debris for one netherite guys how much for one hi Jackson welcome hello

Hello so hardw dous Loki Gast sounds so lud oh my God why like why is she moaning like what is this this sorry I’m just need to Mark the exit so that I know where the exit was just just so I know so if I would look here do you guys

Think I would recognize this as the exit four I’m going to cry four four that’s crazy let’s see how long my pickaxe can handle I’m obviously not going to completely empty out my pickaxe but cuz I don’t even have mending on this that’s why I thought about like exploiting villagers at one

Point where’s the exit I forgot I don’t know where is it I don’t see it pickax is losing durability fast guys it’s so over for us well at least I found one ancient debris you know I’ll definitely need to make some explosives somehow cuz I feel like this will just

Take me a long long while or a lot of diamonds for a lot of different pickaxes one of the two uh do I need string do I need ancient debris I don’t think so I think I can get rid of it hello yes gold thank

You man where was the exit a I found my exit I love my genius idea of marking the exit you know I will never lose my way at least here it’s a little bit easier to get the to get to the level of ancient debris me still obsessed with nether

Quartz oh a smithing template is there smithing templates down here I I guess they would be in the nether fortress right oh my God aleandra did a hello there and I didn’t hear it because my my alerts are bugged out today hello there I’m sorry for ignoring you aleandra I

Didn’t hear it I’m so sorry I hope you’re doing good wait which level are we on oh I didn’t mean to screenshot it okay 13 that’s fine okay there’s some Lara no problem Lara I don’t know her Lara no no no no na n n n

Nuh-uh oh man my pickaxe is dying fast oh and the Bastion the smithing pamplet I mean smithing templates are really cool but I don’t think I’m ready for that yet just like progress wise like my progress is not quite far enough for it maybe maybe if I if I ever manage to

Beat the Ender Dragon in this playthrough I’ll get myself some cool drip I’ll get the dragon head and commemorate The Drip by putting it like it up in my base I’m surprised that I’m even still living like that’s pretty cool being a life feels good man

Let me know if you guys see a ancient debris let me know fighting finding four this way would be hell like I found one with a lot of luck and my pickaxe is already almost dead like what I Don’t deeply stressed and unhappy about the situation I’m not going to lie I feel like I should also like let my pickaxe rest just a little more I still have a second pickaxe on me after all I hate my life yeah yeah it’s not looking good

Your U is dying slow my U yes inside my U is dying slow my me the personality in me it’s dying slow ancient debris probably a very tasty cheese hell yeah debris hi itumo welcome welcome good morning uh it’s actually I think almost midnight oh it’s

Oh it’s past midnight how long have I been streaming shesh it’s only been 2 hours for some reason yeah I started at 10:00 p.m. I started pretty late today that makes sense I was like huh how is it at this time already that’s crazy yeah today is kind of a late

Stream my sleep schedule is really messy right now so I couldn’t really um stream earlier unfortunately who says we’re sleep I mean uh I mean it’s Kumho said good morning so I assume they were sleeping I don’t think you guys were but what maybe some people in chat were sleeping beds

For mining yeah I don’t have any beds on me right now otherwise I totally would I might come back with beds I will try the beds method I’ll need to try I want to try it like in Creative or something first so I know how it works without blowing myself up but eventually

Yeah how my my boots looking they’re still okay also if necessary I guess I couldn’t make a furnace I guess I couldn’t smell some pigs and eat them sad I was thinking what happens if my meat runs out but doesn’t look like it’s very likely to happen anytime soon cuz it’s

Like I’m surviving pretty well so let’s see Ah that was the dead end okay let’s go into the other direction I don’t want to die all right see high tag have a good time just make a tunnel boore what is a tunnel boore tunnel B and these nuts no what what is it

If you guys have any other advice on how to find a nether fortress I’m I’m willing to try anything at this point that maybe does not include cheating because that’s that’s stinky I remember Rema also looking around for ages for nether fortress but he found it I

Didn’t I want to go up there but I don’t want to die hi elestial welcome hello hello hey Ura doesn’t feed you guys oh my goodness Yura hi thank you so much for the raid can we please have a shout out M um hello everyone please check out Ura

Ur Ura is a very very cool YouTuber uh do scuff member you know um we’re living we’re living how was your stream hello when were you playing hello hello welcome Raiders my name is Maddie I’m a bear and I I’m a pajama bear normally I encourage my chat

To have a good sleep schedule but right now I can’t do that uh with a good B because my sleep schedule is super messed up I woke up at like 900 p.m. today I I wanted to take a nap but I ended up sleeping for like 4 hours 5

Hours instead that’s a long that’s a very long nap so you know but I had a good time um and we’re playing Minecraft today uh Minecraft hardcore my first time hardcore I’m somehow still alive this is my first time like in my life really doing nether exploration

So yeah it’s it’s painful oh my God I shot it back with the arrow that’s a thing sorry one second I’m fighting for my life oh did it dead did it dead I guess it’s dead I don’t see it anymore sleep schedule what’s that exactly that’s what I’ve been telling chat

That’s what I’ve been telling them oh it’s still alive sh I thought it was dead I thought it was dead I know good players can bounce it back but I can’t I can’t bounce it back it’s I love how the pigs are not helping me isn’t this ghast also your enemy what is

This I’m using up all my good arrows for this sorry sorry sorry I’ll try to bounce back you know what I don’t care anymore oh my God this man’s dropping items for me meanwhile sorry I’m taking the gold bag bro you’re dropping water for me actually water can be good here right

Water potion is it is it not good here H what do I drop I guess I don’t need the wood that badly I’m so stressed yeah it’s hibernation time hibernation time helps a lot it helps a lot Mary sleep schedule her EPS I just pass out I tried to schedule my EPS but

It’s not working very well cuz I’m just EP all the time anyways okay well the gas is gone copium it’s probably still around what is this crying obsidian more crying obsidian this is this guy still dropping me than I kind of got into like villager trading I imagine trade a villager trading it’s

Not villagers it’s a piglin pigman piglin whatever I got into trading with them I feel like this is just like the Minecraft equivalent of like Bitcoin trading or whatever whatever those cryptocurrencies are doing feels like this guy’s scamming me feels like I’m falling for a scam cuz

I give him like real life gold that I dug out from like a mine and he gives me back like rocks you know I feel like that’s not feel like we’re kind of not feel like I’m being scammed by him a little bit I mean maybe maybe rocks are really valuable to them

But I just I feel like he should also respect my culture and just give me stuff that I find valuable like sometimes they give ender pearls which I like ender pearls are great but but but but rocks crying obsidian what am I going to do with crying

Obsidian they it could have at least given me the non-depressed obsidian but no no we’re getting the depressed obsidian you know have a good dinner EUR thank you again for the raid I really really appreciate it thank you thank you these rocks will shoot up in value in no

Time trust me yeah that’s what they want you to think don’t trust piglin Traders they don’t know what they’re talking about they might look trustworthy but I’ve been scammed by them too many times I can confirm that they are dirty Liars but the Press obsidian so pretty

So people only use it for building is that all cuz it sounds a sh another one I’m so tired I’m so tired of their [ __ ] uh but yeah Chad actually like the reason I’m in the nether right now is cuz I wanted to do another Fortress

Or I wanted to find one in the first place what can I say it didn’t work oh my gosh I’m done I I still haven’t found another Fortress or anything other than the pink forest like that’s literally all that I found this whole time also thank you for the follow thank

You thank you in case anyone else followed earlier um I I’m sorry I don’t hear the notific ifications right now but I’m really grateful if you do thank you so much uh for some reason my twitch notification like the audio broke today not sure what happened but uh it just

It’s not working I don’t know I don’t know let’s just build around it I don’t care at this point the gas is not here to shoot me off so we’re fine she says and the gas shoots her off immediately that’s going to be great

Oh my God I thought he was an enemy for a second I lost so much hope in life that I’m not even picking up the oh my God another red Forest I’m going insane you guys I’ve been they’ve been spawning around me for so long these red Forest

I’m going to try to go just into this direction which direction is that minus 800 perfect that looks like a direction I’ve not been in yet that looks like a direction that might have another Fortress cuz I I haven’t been there yet so we don’t know what’s up there right

Right yeah oh my God it’s a green forest I’m sorry this is such a rare site for me I just need to see it with my own eyes something that is not a freaking red Forest that is wild ow look at that oh my gosh it’s a different color

I’ve never seen a different colored Forest oh my God there is Enderman here we need to be careful just twitch things TM itd be like that the good thing is I am insecure and I always look at the ground so if even if I see an Enderman I’m not going to

Look him in the eye cuz I’m just socially awkward and I don’t like like talking to people so we’ll probably be fine in here right hot tours destinations let’s freaking go well that was fun anyways you see there’s an Enderman I feel like I’m just going to

Go towards this direction I just wanted to see the forest I I didn’t mean to hang out in there I just wanted to see it with my own two eyes it’s really not that big of a deal what exactly seeing the seeing the Green Forest maybe not for you

You haven’t been like like blinded by Red forests for the last 8 hours of game play you haven’t been suffering through like like awful awful biomes always repeating the same biome over and over feeling like you’re trapped in actual hell instead of Minecraft ooh looks like a staircase to

Another Fort no never mind oh my God almost jumped into lava that wasn’t even falling that would have just been straight up jumping into lava don’t know if there’s like any biomes where it’s more likely that there will be a um a fortress I don’t know at this point is that a

Fortress is this a NE guys please tell me this is a nether fortress please Chad please is this a NE Fortress Is this another Fortress is this it is this is this where we died do we die here oh my God oh my God I can’t wait to die

Here this is going to be the sickest place to pass away now I genuinely don’t think I could survive it but let’s see or is it a Bastion I see pigs in there [ __ ] is it another Bastion but not like blown up I don’t know this game well enough I’ve not

Played I’m not played enough nether to know the difference between them to be honest they look the same to me means it’s probably worth checking it out either either way okay bro care to trade bro want to do some Bitcoin trading give me something good bro wow they have their kids trade wow

They start early look at this guy that’s a child why do they think I want to trade with a kid they’re trading them really young is it crying obsidian again I don’t want to press the obsidian please stop giving it to me I don’t want to

Press the obsidian I didn’t mean to give you the iron boots did I pick them up again he he’s wearing them a that’s cute was he wearing them before did I just give him boots did I just give accessories to this boy can’t believe I gave him his drip to wear

I wish I had a shulker box right now like a shulker box would do me a lot of good when I go in there why are they so mad right now they’re making noise animals making sounds I’m like why are they so mad right now can they not just shut

Up I think they’re sus of me cuz I’m doing cool moves like this like just building myself up I don’t think they do that I want you guys to pray for me please I don’t believe that I got this but it’s whatever what choice do I Have okay I found a staircase some sort of staircase I guess aha that feels nice and safe down here yeah yeah yeah feels nice and safe what is this godforsaken place what the heck what is this what Nether fortresses are like I’ve never been in one so I

Wouldn’t know but like hi bendy welcome seems pretty nah it’s not that pretty here I’ll be real with you if anything it seems uncomfortable and scary what sorry for making random like Waluigi like sounds but genuinely confused what the [ __ ] this place is great they have big pools of lava

This is very um not concerning at all this is actually great yeah yeah yeah I’m not worried for my safety or survival in the slightest hi oi and I’m done wow so that was a Bastion then I died so fast they they just looked at me and they were like

[ __ ] at least it wasn’t a really dumb death oh I can spectate I can still look at it can I go into The Nether oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my Nintendo switch wait mon my Nintendo switch one second Z game my Nintendo switch died on this day it hurts more than losing Minecraft world

God damn it let’s restart I believe okay how would I how would I do that that Fortress without dying was it a fortress or a Bastion what is the difference they look the same to me it is sad Beck it is sad we lose just like that H Albert you’re

Going to have to live on with where’s Albert did they take my horse my animals they took my animals oh it was a Bastion oh man it wasn’t even a fortress I died to a bunch of pigs can you believe it they were so strong even with full like diamond gear it was

Crazy it was crazy hi Angel welcome hello hello F indeed indeed let’s do it again Pig suck Pig suck let’s go wait world oh oh you can do seat generate structures bonus chest no no no give me give me the bonus chest what do you

Mean what are oh no no no I need to write it in again I’m bad at typing I’m going to Google what I before I before I go to the nether next time I’m going to Google what the [ __ ] a a a Bastion a fortress what it freaking

Looks like because I don’t know the difference I just went in I was like minding my own business not hurting anyone you know I was being a very nice and and calm person and these pigs they started attacking me and my character for no reason whatsoever and I must say that it hurt

My feelings a little bit just a little bit hi taste like chicken welcome thanks for the follow hello hello sadly my alerts and everything is my sound is not working today I don’t know why on the YouTube’s end like on the YouTube stream everything is working perfectly fine don’t know don’t know why

Twitch is like that right now okay we’re going to make a pickaxe and instantly get I think I think this time I’m going to be a lot faster not going to waste time building a house or or or or a thank you for the follow thank you thank you but yeah if I

Don’t hear your guys’ um follow alerts or whatever I’m so sorry uh it’s not on purpose wait wait wait oh yeah no that makes sense I want after all I want I want I want pickaxe if I have pickaxe I can get stone is it that deep

No three stone enough three stone all we need I’m so sad that it’s I died to some dumb pigs I’m so [Applause] sad I I thought it was a for nether fortress I was looking for so long but actually you know it might be a blessing

In disguise because to be honest I hated the nether spawn point it was the worst like my nether I felt like my nether was just unlucky I just hated the way that my I I don’t know maybe it’s just that I hate the nether maybe it turns out I just

Dislike the nether as a place but I was so annoyed by the red biome that I kept spawning in and it kept being everywhere on the whole map so that was kind of annoying so if next time I spawn in a different biome that would be great I

Need to select my spawn spawn point wisely I to hate the nether yeah the nether killed me I need to restart my whole run it’s okay I’m going to do hardcore runs until it’s some point I’m so good at the game that I can actually like um beat it that’s my

Goal this is just this is just like like boot camp for me right now it’s it’s boot camp so that I learn how to uh properly play this game my first lesson identifying what another uh Fortress looks like uh uh result failure I didn’t manage to correctly identify it and thus I ended

Up dead I was like oh that’s a that’s a nice nether fortress let me go in there and get some blaze rods and then instantly like I walked into the first room and like a bunch of pigs were sitting there and they like turned their heads and decide to just absolutely

Annihilate me they were like oh this is our house what are you doing in here and I you know what I feel like they had a point it was me breaking into their home like I I don’t know feel like I don’t really have anything to complain

About I didn’t break in on purpose but I still did it so like I was I I wasn’t looking to break into a bathroom but it just happened usually pay people to go to the nether for me I feel it I feel it but I can’t do that cuz I’m um playing

Hardcore by myself so I can’t I wish but I can’t but I already learned a lot of new things I learned oh my God there’s horns I mean I mean um goats hello hi you wanna you w to play you want to play attack me okay that’s not what I wanted but do

They need to run against rocks to give you horns or any block will any block do why is it running at why is it coming to me it’s worrying are you going to charge me I need I want their horns I know I know I’m playing

Hardcore right now I know I know but I want their horns look what a distinguished gentleman oh there’s creepers in there maybe not while I have a stone axe only come on how do I I want their stuff sorry cow cow any cow we see it has to

Die are you not going to charge me man this is the only time I’m asking to be charged and it’s still not happening they’re jumping no physics scary ow what the hell you I I’m so offended I’m actually like so offended he attacked me while I wasn’t

Looking yeah the snow physics I’m I’m not going to chill in a snow biome I’ll be real with you uh cuz the like I I died from powdered snow many a time so I’m not risking that I’ll probably just go live in a plains biome or something something safe not threatening non dangerous

Peaceful relatively I guess I want to also I need iron so I can make a shield cuz Shields are like kind of a big thing here you can walk on it with leather boots really I did not that’s so cool that’s good to know so leather boots do have a

Point huh huh leather boots existing for a reason huh that’s crazy I already reached level five only a matter of time before I can start enchanting I’m not worried about it at all without sinking yo that’s poggers also thanks for the follow thank you thank

You ah yes I’m not going down there [ __ ] that I’m sorry for cursing so much today the stress of Hardcore is getting to me yeah no no screw that screw that I’m not going down there come on I want your horns can you not just charge me

Please charge me charge me coward coward coward coward charge me charge me coward coward coward coward coward coward he’s not very easy to provoke I’ll be real with you fine I’ll leave the goats to it I don’t have all day I need to find sheep

To build a bed so I don’t die at night these goats are lucky that I am a fool cool I don’t know how to use the goats otherwise I totally would okay I found the sheep that I need for my bed so that’s good wow my axe is strong baby look at

That look at that damage wow you know what I’m keeping the stone axe cheap should be soon yeah I found it hi strange bunnies welcome so I guess guess I need a crafting table bed we got a bed very nice o I should pick up some Cobble so I can make like a

Furnace furnace is always important to like cook my meat and stuff cuz I’m already like kind of getting hungry I say this as I’m also getting hungry IRL actually I need some real meat too girl oh boy there you go my furnace yippee after playing rlcraft so much I

Feel like this is so chill the beginning is always so easy here if you look at they goat they goat they won’t charge you oh you need can’t look at them oh my God imagine if your community plays hardcore how many would fail I was actually going to do like a hardcore

Server sometime and have just people be able to join and and see who can survive the longest I mean we do have some people who are really good at the game so they will probably survive for a fair minutes Dre you redeemed yipp I’m so sorry I’m didn’t see it I

Was probably stressing in that moment so sorry but big yippe hell yeah hell yeah oh oh God oh God I thought the rain was a creeper the sound was similar oh sorry I’m rubbing my eyes right now okay I’m fine it’s getting night time time to sleep sweet dreams are made of

This love getting the advancement we’re not dying yet I still have a couple good years for me couple good Minecraft days left over oh my God you redeemed it when I was raning about dying to a pig it hurt my feelings that I died to that pig it’s

Going to be my my soul like purpose now anytime I see a pig in the Overworld I’ll have to kill it I will be like munching on pork be in front of the in front of the piglins just to show them to like establish dominance you know what I mean

I’m going to try to not look at the ghost for a second so that they charge me thanks King I’m going to leave my stuff cuz I’m coming back there anyways well if the goat doesn’t kill me that is goats where were they where they up here did I did I lose them

Already damn that was fast where did they go Hey where’s my goats I want a horn I never had a horn I want a horn I want to make music wow they’re gone did they all despawn or something or was there a big bad wolf that came to eat them like what

Happened where the freak did they go there is an ancient city under you you have a feeling wait is it cuz the goats are despawning is that like a mystical sign there is an ancient City where’s my furnace and my crafting table remember when I said I would come back

There come back where come back where I don’t remember where I said I would come back but I would I lost it I lost my Way need to kill animals out of anger just kidding I just need meat there’s a okay I can’t kill a mother and it’s baby sheep I can’t do that I’m cruel but I’m not that cruel that’s that’s something I will nod these sheep die ridiculously fast sorry bro you’re f family members

In the nether were really mean to me I need to I’m sorry you didn’t do anything wrong pigs I’m just like I don’t know I have an unnecessary hatred against you now it’s not your fault pigs oh no another these these animals are all breeding right now cuz they know I’m not

Going to kill a mom with their kid they’re all breeding for this no mountains ah wait the mountains is a giveaway that there is a um ancient city I see I’m going to let you live an orphan now but being an orphan will make it stronger I’m doing him a

Favor going to build a nice house out of all that wool that I’m getting right now to be honest I’m still looking for like my crafting bench ah I found it oh there’s so many pigs I feel bad I feel bad I mean I want to do an ancient city

At some point but I just you guys will really think I could do it by myself I mean if I have a rocket and Nethers and an enchantment on my boots that lets me sneak fast sure sure maybe but but I I don’t know hi aat tsumi how you doing welcome

Welcome fighting for my life right now am by fighting for my life I mean just standing around doing nothing thank you for the follow thank you thank you I will I’m not standing around doing nothing I’m waiting for my meat to cook I’m going to kill more pigs while

I’m at it I’m going to let the horses live I can’t Des made every living being on the server after all also I could maybe get Albert 2.0 from one of them on one of them horses so I would I don’t want to kill them cuz I they’s still

Practical use to them to their existence but yeah pigs are going to have to die cuz they personally offended me and then cows are going to have to die for leather and sheep are just going to have to die cuz I’m hungry feel like that this is exactly

Why the piglins in the nether were angry at me me killing their family members and not feeling bad about it I feel like that’s that’s a big indicator on why they would murder me speaking about meat so much I kind of feel like eating chili K con carner like

Right now I haven’t eaten it in so long it would be so good right now I like that already establishing a healthy amount of food cuz I noticed that food is pretty important in this game mode here you go use my wooden pickaxe please I might cook the rest of the meat

Later cuz it’s so much and for what like right now I don’t need it and I want I would rather go find a place to live honestly my my goal would be to find a village to be honest I feel like a village I don’t have to build a house

But I have like beds and villagers for trading and I I just feel like there’s a lot of like upsides to finding a village you know so I might just go do that I’m sorry your family member offended me I’m sorry bro I’m sorry your family member

Was mean to me I’m sorry I feel bad now and Farms true they already have Farms like there’s literally no downside don’t know where Village is we’re just going to walk I’m just going to walk and see and maybe we can find one okay that’s

Water uh okay that that’s are we on an island or something looks like an island I love the biomes with like the bunch of flowers it’s so cute such a cute biome to be honest I’m sick of seeing cherry blossom biome so anything that’s not cherry blossom right

Now is like a blessing to me cuz on the community server I played in cherry blossom for so long I’m just tired I’m tired of seeing the pink leaves everywhere I’m tired of the Petals on the ground that don’t let you build properly because you need to mine

Them before you can build something on top it’s just so annoying sorry bro anyone got any eggs do I already pick up eggs no I let these chicken lay some eggs first I need I need them to make a chicken farm for me later so checking for iron I don’t know if

Iron can be on this level but you never know I’ve seen it before on like just the ground so it could happen but it was an older versions of the game so I don’t know if it’s still happening so this is why bears hunt wild pigs yeah wild pigs

Killed me in hardcore so now I hunt them for a living I dislike their existence so much due to them personally offending me they literally ended my life to be fair like I feel like I have enough reason to actually be offended at these pigs okay I don’t see any iron

Here maybe it is only in caves or maybe I’m unlucky there’s iron not only in caves it turns out I need a block wow I collected so many blocks you guys so many freaking blocks I literally only have one dirt block yay one iron baby

Oo oo I can’t even make a pickaxe with that yippe it cucked me I was like hoping it would be more than one and then it just like like it dropped one it was like we’re done here it was like damn I see how it is I’m not sad I just

Thought I was getting more out of this you know but it’s okay it’s okay yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t see any more iron here anywhere I’m I’m just checking if I am on an island because if I on an island I might have to build a boat

To get away o that that looks so pretty wait that actually oh wait a cave iron iron iron thank you for the follow thank you thank you oh mayhaps mayhaps there’s a lot of monsters ha use your enemies to your advantage guys you see a creeper have

The creeper do all the hard work work you don’t have to do anything if the creeper blows up everyone else for you I could just live in a bear cave like this too flint and steel oh yeah I’m going to have to get flint

And steel later when I want to go to the nether currently it’s not uh an issue boom you could cook the pigs with that true oh yeah with the flint and steel you’re right then I wouldn’t have to cook them in Julie you’re right that that’s kind of smart is already night time

Yeah sleeping in a cave It Feels So at home like being a bear this feels like home really feels great I woke up from like a well rested night cuz I slept in a cave maybe I will make my house either in a villager Hut if I find a village or in a

Cave I’m really feeling the cave lifestyle right now but you know villagers are useful so I still want to find a village regardless maybe there’s a cave near a village that would be perfect maybe I will destroy the village and build a big cave for me and the

Villagers instead yeah this is what I saw earlier it looks so pretty nilly thank you for the resub you I plac nilly and attack position this turn allows me to put MADD wait wait can you resend that message in normal chat I’m sorry I don’t see it

Thank you thank you for the support for so so many months thank you thank you I really appreciate it this in turn allows me to make another summon now I place sleepy MADD in the tucked in position and end my turn yes please please do that that sounds that

Sounds cozy I hope you’ve been doing well nilly I haven’t been able to talk to you in a while but it’d be like that sometimes thank you for the follow thank you thank you we’ve both been busy I hope you’re doing good just got home from work and shopping let’s go enjoy your

Dinner I just died in Hardcore Minecraft so I’m having to Restart I’m not crying I’m not crying I’m fine I’m fine yeah that’s a creeper no thank you I’m almost at the point like I feel like I have to craft more stone tools soon cuz I can’t afford iron yet busy Bear yeah yeah yeah live busy life

Busy the copy pasta with pot of greed and drawing three cards I actually don’t know that I don’t think hi heavy welcome hello hello Busy Bear yes forgot the check out messages I mean LLY to be fair half the time I forget to reply to them anyways

Um so it’s not so bad I draw what do you draw voltic which card are you drawing hello o pork ribs no stop talking about food I’m so hungry pork ribs are you using the piglins that killed me in my hardcore run to um in my first hardcore

Run let’s say like that uh to to make your food please do they deserve it I want them to see them punished for their behavior you know for their crime of murdering me exclusively the piglins thank you thank you I appreciate it they they deserve it they were brutes I was

Just like being really nice and not harming anyone and they ran at me with their axes and killed me like three hits yeah you can send it you can send it in like I don’t know which channel memes I don’t know but yeah you can send it in

There hell yeah Nicole says hi hi hi Nicole tell Nicole to join our voice so I can befriend her too I’m like godamn my mod finds a girlfriend and she’s not my best friend yet what is this food I was drunk AF making carbonara at 3:00 a.m. on a Saturday oh

Wait the straining the pasta the lid slipped and it all went into the freaking sink no I was like living for your tail I was like oh my God yes tell me more about making carb onara oh yeah it’s so good and then you’re telling me it fell into the sink I’m so

Sad that was that that’s that must have been so painful for you in that moment when you were drunk as heck like damn we’ll drag her in soon let’s go not all the tales have a happy end some end in misery How could a spaghetti tail end in misery I don’t understand

Society is cruel society and fate is Cru Ru pasta should be here to make us humans happy Not to cause tragedy thank you for the follow thank you thank you sorry I don’t hear the follow notifications but for anyone who followed today thank you I appreciate it

I’m so sorry I did in here I’m so sorry okay do I have any other building blocks I could use this I can use this going to collect me all the kumas hi Misha oh my God a fellow bear hi fellow bear welcome thank you for the

Lnly I appreciate it thank you thank you we are a bear appreciator Club here very exclusive very appreciator no what the I don’t want to go all the way down there just to get that iron but I guess I don’t have a choice really okay bye there’s a creeper bye no no no

I love how I just gave up I was like and then I just like accepted my death I was like okay whatever I’ll explode then I’ll take it I know right oh my homies appreciate Bears hell yeah bears for life I mean to be fair I also appreciate

Like cat girls and and all kinds okay I appreciate everyone but of course as a bear whenever I see a fellow bear I’m like hyped you know it’s just the principle I really tried to Mario jump oh my gosh for real I was like jumping like like

Panicking hey it works for Mario I just want to say it has worked for Mario in the past so why wouldn’t it work for me and I make a shield finally it’s been 10 minutes like come on me not having a shield is a travesty also me not having any wood

Right now is actually also travesty cuz I was going to like craft stuff I’m going to grab some wood real quick imagine I just fell down like into a huge hole right now that would be embarrassing still lurking and drawing awesome I hope you have a good time drawing let’s

Go I appreciate it thank you appreciate always appreciate the lurks always appreciate them I’m I’m a lurker in a lot of chats cuz I’m too shy to talk most of the time so whenever someone appreciates lurkers I appreciate them okay iron sword for sure for sure

And then do I have enough for iron pickaxe I should I should have enough iron pick oh oh no I I have enough I’m being gas lit by myself right now it’s not okay okay iron pick and iron sword I don’t think I need an iron axe yet if anything I’ll just keep

That that that Island over there looks so pretty look at that Minecraft did really like I don’t know I feel like in the past their generation of the terrain and stuff didn’t look as good feel like now it just looks crazy I guess whenever they rework the mountains and everything that’s when it

Like really became amazing amazing looking you know the the saddest part about losing my hardcore world is losing my diamond tools I’m used to better mining speeds like I feel so slow right now I feel so slow I’m just grabbing a lot of coal cuz I remember the last time I didn’t grab

All the coal and at some point I noticed that I I had to burn wood cuz I didn’t have any coal so I want to have coal when to have lots of coal at the beginning so that it lasts me hopefully for a for a minute you just got down

Pogers 1.20 plus generation is really nice yeah they also uh I I want them to rework the end next the end is like a really boring biome right now cuz you literally only go there for elytra and shulkers and it’s kind of depressing well not depressing but like you just

Fly around and like there’s nothing to be to nothing interesting you don’t even like I don’t want it to be dangerous or anything but there’s just nothing you know I want it to be exciting I want something to happen there I don’t know just checking if I oh I think I

Missed an iron over there going back for it did you recreate the world you lost no no I’m didn’t rec created I just started a new one I don’t know I feel like it’s better to just start fresh it also gives me different like generation for example

I’m not going to end up in the same nether which is probably for the better I hate the nether never played HC is it lose all your stuff too the world The World Is Gone Forever well I can still look at the world like in in like

Spectator but I can’t play in it anymore it’s lost for me but at least I can still look at what I managed to build in that time so it’s not all lost I would say but you know obviously I can’t continue playing on it it’s it’s very cool concept but it’s

Also difficult because I’ve been some I’m someone who’s not familiar with NE cuz I always like I never go myself I always make other people go for me which in hindsight you know not that good of an idea huh not that good of an

Idea okay I got I got I got the iron boots nothing nothing bad can happen to me now can only sleep at night come on you know what that is the worst thing about Minecraft you can only sleep at night do they not know that my sleep schedule is

Messed up and I sleep at all times of the day and all times of the night like don’t don’t limit me bestie don’t limit me I’m just joking of course I know why they do it at night I just personally disagree it doesn’t align with my values in life

There’s a mod for that let’s go they know what I want also hi minimums hello hello I want apple trees like that you can pick a different apple trees in the Overworld nether at the end that would be cool you could also do a lot of stuff with like different golden apples

Then maybe maybe extend that somehow I don’t know Minecraft has so much potential and all they’re doing is doing mob votes and then like adding the most like basic boring ass mobs and having us pick between them instead of just putting all of them in like like come

On I feel like mods really improve the game a ton but even so like I can see I can see some of the improvements they made and I do appreciate those I can appreciate the improvements that actually like change a lot about the game I just wish there was like more of

That instead of like just mob votes and stuff like that mob votes are cool but like why deny us the mobs why deny us some of them it’s s I want all of them I don’t want a mod yeah I want IRL I wanted a normal game pouring one

Out out for the boy Moon Bloom Moon Bloom there was so many cool mobs honestly now that I’ve like build been building a lot in survival I’m like okay that crap that makes like your reach distance better would have been the best choice but also the diamond the

Dog armor the armor for your wolves I I mean I voted for it so I I clearly I want my dogs to have drip but also I CRA like reaching reaching further while building is also kind of neat I’m not going to lie ah I just also penguin sounded so

Cute feel like they could have been one of those mobs that are just like really really cute so I wish we could have seen that but you know how it is we’re only getting one of them insomnia mod you just fall asleep randomly and wake up randomly because

Hardcore is not random oh my God real re rlcraft but hardcore mode that would just be like the shortest Minecraft play ever I don’t know if you guys know rlcraft but it’s basically a mod pack that is designed to bully the player to the point where they

Want to die like it’s it’s you die like every second that you spawn you literally end up dead within seconds most most times or like a lot of the time you will just die so fast it’s it’s Prime bullying it’s still pretty fun to play sometimes but I couldn’t like stay there

Long term cuz everything tries to kill you I don’t think I would I would be able to sustain longterm on on oh pumpkins sorry they got distracted on an rlcraft server or rlcraft in general armor for your dog equals David Bowie Diamond Dogs Wait was that like a song I don’t know I

Don’t think I’ve heard it before Diamond Dogs that sounds amazing I wanted Pango no I know right I want so bad pengu would have been so cute there they they they need to stop denying us they need to just give us everything clearly they already thought

Out the mob how hard could it be to implement H H how hard could it be to implement all three also stuff like camels they added camels to the game bro I did not even know they exist until I watched like hermitcraft or whatever because they had a camel in that I was

Like what are they using like a mod to make the horse look like a camel and RMA was like no Maddie there’s camels in the game I’m like like I’ve been to deserts and stuff and I’d never seen a camel I don’t I don’t understand where did it come from where did it

Go there’s some there’s some like suspicious codon I Joe stuff going on here am I back I think this is where I spawned around here yeah the horses that’s a good indicator the horses are a great indicator that I’ve been here before H let’s just go this direction and

See see if there’s like if there’s still Island then I’m just going to go on a boat and try to find a village this is the time I would spend building a house so whoa what the hell the cave generation goes what the hell goes this this looks hella cool but also

Something I don’t want to fall into so let’s walk around it ourcraft is wild I know right I I played a little bit of ourcraft like my my subathon recently oh my God inside and outside I died a little bit just a little not not completely oh a shipwreck a shipwreck

Shipwreck I don’t know why I’m telling you guys you guys can obviously see it or is it a shipwreck or just a ship I guess it’s a shipwreck getting getting Shipwrecked instantly I like how only unlock the recipe by jumping into the water I like that I didn’t think of it

Before that you’re hearing me double oh my goodness you got to check your hearing I’m just kidding you probably have it in both platforms right should just make a boat and travel yeah I agree with you I should I don’t actually want slabs I just want

To find the chests here lapis oh iron so much iron I’m so happy this is the best moment of my whole life I’ve never experienced more joy than right now I’m also taking the whole chest okay there should be another one at least right like down there maybe

That’s okay gunpowder is pretty good potatoes are good for me right now going to take the potatoes I’m going to take the no the gun po [ __ ] hell I don’t want to pick up dumb stuff g hi Zer I’m here now I’m here now I’m

Here oh my goodness I don’t know if I want to go to Cherry Blossom the biome I would like to live in a uh honestly I’m probably just going to go to the first V Village that I see there you go I was a little bit dumb

Doing that just now I’m not going to lie uh what else do we not need necessarily I guess we don’t need seeds yet I kind of want to try the suspicious stew fine we’re not drowning right now Moss block do you guys think Moss block is

Necessary I don’t know what to swap it with I guess zombie flesh okay let’s see if there’s more oh breathing chamber nice they have a whole ass breathing door here just want to see okay there’s nothing else love that there’s a door here okay yeah nothing else pretty good though so much iron

That iron is a blessing probably going to make a boat now in a sec H let me eat the sus stew so what did the sus stew do to me do jump boost oh I had a jump boost for like 5 Seconds or’s our lifes Savers

Yeah I noticed that recently Rema um had me well he didn’t have me do it but we did like a a a like a ocean Monument together and I drowned cuz I didn’t have a um what’s it called I didn’t have doors and he was just like living in the doors

He was chilling I was like damn good for you I guess I was like fighting for my life to say to survive m emeralds feathers I have way too much stuff Here think it’s going to turn nighttime soon uh I mean we could cook some raw pork chop I don’t know if that will help my situation but my situation being inventory to full oh I could build a chest piece yeah I don’t have iron left nice uh inventory emptier

Now I’m going to just keep the gold yeah okay it will also help if I cook the pork chop actually H water breathing is a scam cuz of doors true doors wood literally everywhere wood for life do I have enough wood for a boat should have yeah nice we are ready to

Continue I’m still going to wait obviously for my meat to finish oh where’s my blanket I’m getting a little bit cold let me grab a blanket real quick don’t worry it’s right here I don’t even have to stop talking ah everything is breaking today okay I’m fine can you get me some

Sleep enjoy Kuma have a good sleep yes yes going to come back when I I am up late at night let’s go yeah get yourself that sleep sleep is very important me asleep influencer oh my God if I influence you guys to go to bed am I a sleep influencer oh my

Gosh go to bed Chad if anyone actually listens to me maybe I am you know what I always say like I’m not a mommy vtuber but who tells you to go to bed your mom it’s not even a Your mom joke it’s just the truth maybe I have been your mom this

Whole time yeah Moss block can get me a zelia yeah Moss blocks in general I think they can like with some bone meal you can just make everything into Moss they’re certainly not bad to have I think just going to check out these planes over here Mom Morey chicken

Nuggets in the freezer I taught you how to make them yourself Dr come on come on whatever I been teaching you for you guys just want the special baby treatment of me making you food and I’m telling you I’m a terrible cook and you’re going to regret that you’re going

To regret that also thank you for the follow thank you thank you my God no my boat my boat almost lost my boat just checking for more iron but in general so what we’re looking for right now is a village Village Village village Village I’m also looking around for iron

Because I want to have a full iron armor because once I have a village I’m probably going to go caving and find some diamonds and everything like that can’t believe I died I need to get to the nether today so that Rema never knows that I died I don’t want to

Disappoint him to be honest he never even expected me to like live as much as I did in my first session and this is like my third or fourth so I feel like I’m still doing good but you know I can’t be a disappointment I can’t

Be goats maybe would be POG if there were some goats cuz last time I didn’t manage to secure a horn and then it was too late bro where them villagers at though I bet lowy they’re going to have like a house and it’s going to be in the

Worst position ever it’s going to be like inside of like half inside on top of a big mountain and the villagers are just going to be like on the brink of falling L to their deaths anytime they like step out of their house that’s how I know villagers

What sorry I was looking at this hole almost fell down wow the freaking cave generation is going crazy again I’m very impressed and slightly worried I will just try to avoid that cave for now I might make a bunch of torches later and maybe go down there

And check it out but dep honestly depends on where I settle down cuz I’m still looking for a place to settle a donkey if I had a saddle right now I would commit to that donkey I see a village we found it yay oh my gosh that’s so good that’s so

Good I feel happy it’s going well it’s going well I’m happy mushroom islands I don’t want to look around for a mushroom Island right now you live for now I want to see if the villagers like cuz if they live this close to the Village then I might be

Able to catch them later o okay this might be our mine that we go mining down I’m going to see I’m going to check the houses and take the one that I like the most and the person who lives there is just going to have to get evicted or

Otherwise they are going to die so I feel like they’re they’d rather are you kidding me a pool of lava that’s good obsidian baby that’s really good oh my gosh I am hitting the jackpot right now so I don’t like these like small houses oh they don’t they don’t do

Anything hi sir what do you sell sir sir sir doesn’t sell anything apparently I got five emeralds to my name someone sell me something s okay this one has two beds okay this one is four beds there’s four people living here I could not be like a big

[ __ ] and kick out four people from their homes you know so I’m going to look for a different house that’s like a whole ass family living in there but I also want like a big house too like I don’t want to live in a shack

So I’m going to have to and I have to check oh it’s iron I know there’s an iron golem right there but he’s my bro we’re Bros I can’t can’t do anything about it since I plan to live in this Village I can’t oh cats I could have protectors against creep

Creers that one’s too small I don’t like it but I also don’t want to live up on a hill you know what I Mean I guess I’m going to move into that house that had four people living in there when I said I’m too cruel to kick them out but then I’m looking at this oh it’s so pretty I love Minecraft Landscapes I’m looking at this I’d rather kick them out yeah

I’m I’m so going to kick them out I don’t care that big house is mine that’s a silly moderation moderation what’s going on did you get caught by automod automod sometimes does does random stuff I agree sometimes so that house down there is my house hello little one

My name is Aunt Maddie maybe this one ow Yoda what the heck okay I’ll take this one then this one’s mine let me put up a chest put all my stuff in here okay actually the furnace can go out and this can also go out the oak boat I might still need it That’s B okay you know what this is barely enough stuff I’m definitely going to have to put some stuff in the big house next door but that’s okay I’ll just put it in there it’s whatever I’m going to use their house as a storage space nice so let me grab some

Sticks yeah that’s a couple torches this should be fine for uh exploring the cave a little bit there was a cave like right behind my house actually that I was going to check out a little bit hi Mike how are you hello hello I was making a choke choke joke

About how bad cook is is why channel is brought to you by Blue a print uh yeah sometimes Auto mod like it’s just an automatic setting it just catches like random stuff and then it’s like yo this this definitely needs to be moderated besties I use the S word oh

Sponsored oh do they not like the word sponsored is that the one that you were using huh that’s so weird automod is like I’ll fight you about that what the hell that’s funny that’s funny that’s funnier than the joke let’s go I’m doing good let’s go I’m glad

You’re doing good I lost my front in hardcore so I need to restart ah but the restart so far is going well I found a nice Village to live in with really nice villagers I say really nice but they haven’t even talked to me yet I get that

Like having someone else move into your village and forcibly take over one of your houses is like a new situation to them but I feel like they were really like not super polite to me just now I don’t know I’ll definitely have to like call a village meeting for that and just

Like tell them that they like I didn’t feel very welcomed by them when I first joined the village they were just like I feel like they weren’t really respecting me like if I want their house like who are they to like complain about it you know okay whatever

Loser oh my gosh this is a way bigger cave than I thought okay just lighting it up before I get like massacred by more monsters I’m definitely going to mine all of this stuff just don’t want to get killed I get wrecked oh nice what why is this so big what what

What what what it’s too big it’s too big oh no no oh the Discord is not closed right now um is there any way you could go on the twitch side of the stream for a sec because uh uh if someone in chat types an exclamation mark Discord they will give

You the link that is active I didn’t know the one in the YouTube description was inactive thanks for letting me know yeah yeah if someone if someone in chat does exclamation mark Discord real quick in twitch yeah there will be the link and if you just click on the twitch

Link you will be able to just click on it without having to like join chat or anything yeah we got the invite right here I hope that works hope that works I’ll definitely like check the link later to see if I can update it maybe it’s the one that’s still SL

That still says SL medikuma I think cuz I lost my level three um level hi hi hako welcome hello hello because I lost the level three Discord boost I think that’s why they took it away the the custom invite link they were like no you don’t give me enough money madduma

You don’t pay 25 bucks a month how dare you cuz I think that’s around what you need to pay to even get there a Panda Village oh my gosh I actually need to get pandas that’s a great idea imagine I just had a bunch of little pandas running around and had

Them BL I I love that the panas have different behaviors and stuff they’re literally so cute I definitely need to look for some later on and and like bring them over somehow probably with a leash I guess going to have to wait for a Wandering traitor to violently murder

Him and take his leashes off him as one does so right now I’m just getting a little bit of iron and stuff cuz there’s not really any diamonds on this level they’re in like Caverns at least I have enough iron to make another iron pickaxe let’s freaking

Go like I said I’m not playing around with coal this time I’m getting all of it last time I did not have enough coal and food is the important things oh and maybe while I’m gone the village will still take care of the farm not sure but I could imagine they would

Cuz it’s Al it’s actually technically their farm and not my farm so I feel like they’d want to take care of it you know don’t know if it works if the chunks aren’t loaded though that’s the only thing that was a disappointing Corridor there was nothing

Also love the XP I’m getting If I Only Had An enchanter well this time I can have one real quick actually boy boy boat work pandas looks funny in a boat because of their size heyo boats work let’s go just going to have to row across land really slow to get the pandas

Home maybe that’s a project for my community server actually I feel like that would be a lot of work in hardcore but for the community server it might be fantastic oh my gosh I’m tired tired of creepers showing up and trying to ruin my life I never did

Anything to them I did not deserve this I don’t deserve the slander creepers are awful to me for what oh okay I guess the Discord link and card link and card and then YouTube was the same one thanks for letting me know I’ll change it I have milk milk delicious please give

Milk hello welcome hako anyone seen that Sora Panda doing Kung Fu with his little stick why can’t Maddie be that cool hey you know exactly I would never do something cool like that why can’t I be that cool you’re right why can’t I be like cool one

Day believe in me Chad one day I’ll be cool I will work hard every day I will do a training montage to become just a tiny bit cooler and one day I will do something where you guys will look at me and think wow that was not lame that was actually

Cool love your hair thank you I hope you’ve been doing good a ghost closed the door hey what are you doing in my house sir can you believe it they go in and out of here as if it’s theirs excuse me oh he sells carrots so we have one guy that is

Talented and sells something and the rest are they leeching off of him or what’s going on here like literally one single guy in the village seems like he’s doing like some trading what are the other guys in the village doing everyone’s knitwits look this this is the only V like person who

Sells something this guy doesn’t sell stuff these guys this is a child nobody else is capable can’t believe I went to a village full of idiots I mean that’s what village idiots do right so when do you say you’re going to be cool I I said one day uh after practicing for a

While um which realistically means uh likely never like if we if we speak on a realistic standpoint never I kind of need a bucket at least for for later on I’m going to put that here and then what armor head and pants can’t make either of those with that little iron that’s okay

H could make a couple more sticks couple more torches okay let me go explore let me go caving we need diamonds see this guy is not capable it’s quite sad to see what became of our society these are the men representing the future you know you came to Twitch what else did

You expect from us no this is exactly what I’m here for I need to be humbled twitch chat is for bullying me and humbling me I appreciate that thank you guys I I I really needed that I was I was feeling almost con self-confident like come on

Who does that right right that that would have been really weird I almost got over the crippling anxiety that I feel every day bro the creeper couldn’t wait like half a second longer no he just had to explode this is going to be a Minefield when I’m done here

Okay well thanks for killing the other creeper I guess I the creeper working together oh my gosh there’s so much stuff here it’s fine I’m a monst I’m somewhat of a monster hunter so don’t worry about it actually not that bad at killing creepers and stuff I don’t know why I’m like suck

Okay I’m actually not that bad at killing shut up Maddie shut up shut up okay let’s light it up no more Monster shall spawn here the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you this is a safe space for everyone now feel free to come to my cave nothing

Bad will happen to you here well maybe down there but not over here well maybe over here I actually can’t promise you I’m not I’m not like that professional of a monster hunter I’m just kind of assuming you could die anywhere at any time double creepers is just cheating I know right

Bo I was calling chat that Village of idiots oh oh you were calling chat oh my God please they got no well I’m also one of the village idiots because what are my competent stuff like I’m not a competent either what am I selling to the villagers nothing they’re probably thinking oh uh

Someone new is coming to Village ah they’re not even selling anything they’re not even a Trader like so boring what can they even do you know they’re probably disappointed in me they’re probably also disappointed in me cuz I am trying to just take over their house that they built uh and

That’s not very nice of me but you know in this economy I just can’t afford to pay for my own house so I’m going to have to unfortunately Squad this this is not an economy that is friendly to poor poor people and on terms in terms of Minecraft I’m very poor right now

So don’t really have much of a choice I mean even getting this iron it took such a long time until I could afford it okay we’re we’re basically done with this place there’s nothing else here well I’ll probably dig down from here into the C Cavern and find my diamonds

You know not here in Minecraft Christian server yeah this is actually a Christian Minecraft server um it is to have like uh talks about um faith I don’t have faith in myself that that was my talk what about what about you guys what do you guys have faith in

You have faith in our economy your faith in politic okay that’s on S of politics discussion actually that might not be a good idea ah do you have faith in in in me surviving this hardcore run of Minecraft oh my butt hurts a oh man everything is pain oh my

Goodness it hurts it hurts sorry I’m stretching oh my God I have faith in my next leag team not Ting wow okay migueles I don’t want to call your faith stupid but like people in League doing what I’m sorry you’re offing copium you’re going to lose that route and it’s going to be

Because of your teammates let’s be real I have faith in us that have faith in you sort of okay that’s that’s better than not having any faith in all I guess W I see this as an absolute W so okay melas next round in League you

Will be playing like a god you will be playing your best performance ever and you know what you will still lose cuz your teammates don’t know how to play the game and this ladies and gentlemen is why I don’t play mobus but I am also the

Bad player in mobus a lot of the time so like me hating on bad players but I am actually the bad player so it’s difficult it’s difficult sometimes you I I know that I am the problem though so that’s why I stopped playing I was like oh it’s me I’m I’m

The bad player so I will just stop playing so that they don’t have any bad players in their team that’s what a league player would do Maddie you are a good player I’m I’m not one day someone will redeem the play leak on stream redeem and uh I will

Fail I’ll show you guys just how bad I am I would equip the Torches in my off hand to place them faster but I I don’t know my off hand is only made for me holding my shield at this point I’m a shield fanatic should also make an axe so I can

Get more sticks so I can get more wood League wasn’t fortnite before I play a lot of different games my sub is now as old as Maddie 26 months oh my God I’m pretty young how many years is that that’s like two years am I

A 2-year-old to you am I are you telling me I’m immature and a little baby God damn it thank you for the resub I appreciate it thank you thank you that is crazy I’m a literal 2-year-old 26 months holy moly I know right yeah I play a lot of different

Games yeah I do play Fort I played fortnite for a while but I I would I will probably play it again at some point but also play league I I play like competitive multiplayer games I’ll usually start them with my friends then my friends will not be into it anymore

And then I just like you know stop playing at some point but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the game anymore I’m just like taking breaks from them you know still still a dedicated gameer thank you for the follow thank you thank you I said before sadly I can’t hear the

Follow um alerts today so I’m so sorry if I didn’t say thank you to you directly I’m so sorry don’t know what’s up with my audio today it just died Midstream at the beginning I could still hear it you just got out of the mental hospital what’s up

Yo I lost my run in Hardcore Minecraft that’s what’s up what’s up with you did you have fun at the mental hospital did you was it good did you have fun I assume you went there for nursing work and not cuz you needed it but I

Don’t know no shame in needing help you know if you did more power to you you got this I feel like this is like Mafia music it reminds me of the mafia vibes the best PVP game you can play is Candy Crush true Candy Crush is a mother game

You will lose against against moms in that game I’m sorry to tell it to like that but the moms are better than you at the game they they just are they’ve been playing this for years this is their only game on their phone crazy I was crazy once you could

Say that was pretty crazy Bazinga please who says bazinga in 2023 who I need to talk to them what how this is for real I just hear guys sorry oh my God I’m getting tired again oh my God my sleep schedule right now is like I sleep like 3 hours or 4

Hours and then I wake up I’m like ooo I can do some tasks I do some tasks and a couple hours later I’m like oh time to sleep the other four hours of like my daily like8 hours you know like my sleep schedule’s kind of split up in 4 fours

So earlier before stream I slept for 4 hours I feel like like slowly my body is like yo you might want to sleep the other four hours I want to go back to like a full 8 hour sleep schedule but it’s exhausting but as you guys know I’m a huge human

Mess huge bear mess actually so kind of difficult what does bazinga mean wait have you never watched The Big Bang Theory I mean it’s old as hell I can’t blame you oh my God I thought that was a cow with a creeper head a cow Reaper if you will oh my God

The amount of monsters on here is unreal this is unreal amount of monsters what the what in the hell mad Kuma has made the advancement not today thank you what is the advancement not today thank you oh deflect a projectile with a shield oh guess I did

That you woke up an hour ago how was your how is your sleep then I mean let’s be real I probably sleep too much sometimes be like that sleep is my favorite thing and it’s hibernation season I’m just doing what it’s natural to a bear which is sleep a lot and sleep very

Happily you sleep too little I don’t know I feel like you need to have that good balance which I don’t have so you know left your door open I’m sorry bot I didn’t mean to scare you I’m so sorry I just wanted to jump into the bed so fast

So that the monsters couldn’t get to me but I feel like that that like leaving the night the door open at night when there is monsters is also pretty dangerous so yeah well not my smartest move let’s say it like that Minecraft EPS player hell yeah 3:00

A.m. for me it’s 2:00 a.m. for me so we’re close we’re close last time I had a decent sleep was when I was still in an incubator oh my God don’t remind me I want to go back so bad I want to go back to being a fetus

And still developing and not having to do anything and Society doesn’t have expectations that was like the OG timeline it was so great back then you didn’t have to worry about anything you could really just chill and have a great time no torch okay I feel like feel like I have enough torches

Let’s keep going oh my gosh sorry fighting fighting against the tired fighting against the EP if the EP doesn’t get better I’ll go Eep but I’ll try I don’t want to Eep yet actually I do I since I’m sleepy I do want to sleep but why did we win the

Race honestly who who thought it was a good idea to give me conscience and like feelings it’s difficult to handle the homework was to add 2+ 2 2+ 2 is four minus one that’s three quick maths everyday man’s on the Block bro that’s such an iconic song man

Was cooking when he did that man man was cooking whenever he whenever he rhymed that on that like radio show where it was like super random he he was Cooking I’m so glad I’m a pajama themed vtuber that way it’s not weird if I’m EP right it fits right in if I wear my like hat and have my plushy out like epest epest Minecraft player right here EPS vtuber I just hope we get to a

Cave or a cavern or whatever they’re called oh it’s just St Rock stock how far are we down right now 11 11 are we in some sort of mountain biome or something what is this 11 11 the stuff is on minus something 11 ah more diamonds I just want

Diamonds I want to have a cool blue drip that’s all I want I just want to look stylish and cute oh I think we’re getting there I think this is the where the starts the diamond cave Caverns I like that they added the caverns I think add so much variety to

The underground underground in general got improved so hard remember you when you would play subnotica yeah that was like the first game that I ever streamed it was good times sometimes I want to stream the like I stream below zero that was like my first stream game ever like two years

Ago and sometimes I just want to stream the normal subnotica cuz I don’t think I’ve ever actually played that like I played it but I only vaguely remember it cuz I had Rema play all the scary sections for me which was like half the game and now like in hindsight I regret

It because I’m really not scared of horror games I just didn’t know it back then back then I thought it was scary and now I realize that I could have easily done it by myself sometimes I would just want to play that maybe one day I will you know maybe I

Will you haven’t no I have I just don’t remember it that much I remember some bits and pieces but overall the story if I played it again I would probably not remember most of it hi leel that’s really sweet I love you guys too yeah I also have some really old

Clips still I remember I remember subnotica honestly was such a good time I remember receiving my first ever like raid during that time and I got like so excited and like there was just so many first like like things firsts during that time it was

Great I was a baby streamer I was I was such a baby if you don’t remember it’s like playing it for the first time that’s what I thought like it’s not entirely first playthrough but close enough you know like if I’m not wrong H Nikki hi thank you so much for the ring

Hello any mods in chat that can give the shout out if not I’ll do it hi everyone check out nickin nikada is so cool the coolest uh uh Tanuki ever uh for life oh thank you for giving the shout out thank you I appreciate it um um please check

Her out Nikki is great hello how was your stream what were you up to last Faith what kind of game is last Faith did you have fun and hi Raiders I’m Maddie I’m a bear I’m a pajama bear I’m an EP pajama bear and we’re playing hardcore Minecraft today I already lost

One Hardcore Minecraft world earlier I must sadly say I had played like 15 hours or something in it and I was in the Nether and I walked into a room full of pigs and they looked at me real angry and then they within like two hits they

Killed me like it was it went so fast I don’t even I don’t even remember what happened happened it was such a quick death it was so sad but we restarted we restarted 2D Souls like metroidvania ooh nice that sounds pretty fun oh we had a

Good stream and thank you again for the raid I really appreciate it yeah it wasn’t a Bastion I thought I’d finally found another Fortress and I go in and it turns out to be a Bastion and then the pigs like instantly like murder me thanks for the follow thank

Than you thank you I don’t I can’t hear the follower alerts on Twitch today so I’m so sorry if I don’t thank you personally but thank you thank you for everyone who followed today appreciate big appreciate are you having fun with Minecraft yeah yeah it’s fun it’s fun I

Sound like I’m coping it’s really fun I’m I’m really enjoying I’m not coping I’m having a lot of fun I’m really love this game it’s my favorite game yeah hi sexy Taco welcome hello hello no I’m having fun I’m having fun it’s just like a little bit of a pain to have to

Build up everything from the ground up like I have to go back caving and get everything now from scratch hi when I’m sus hello there hello taco cat Welcome hello hello just trying to get into a cavern right now so I can hopefully you know get diamonds

Let’s see how deep I have to go before I encounter a cavern I hope I don’t hit like the bottom usually Caverns are kind of easy to find so I’m really surprised that I’m have to look for this long there’s usually just so many of

Them I don’t know I usually I find it like I want to strip my and then I find way too many Caverns right now I want to find a cavern but I’m not not finding anything oh I hear lava feel like I’m already too far down right – 49 where where’s Bedrock yeah that’s that’s it great uh uh let me just I guess let let me Google real quick which level it’s good to strip mine on let me Google that real quick um or not strip mine but like Minecraft diamond level the best level of Yus 59 we’re not even there yet wait

It’s further down wow I didn’t know it goes that deep nowadays that’s crazy okay well then I am really unlucky cuz there’s so much lava here that’s not good h H H it’s going to be hard to dig around that M guess I’ll mine to the side a little bit and then maybe maybe then I thought the best level to strip mine was – 69 they should have made it that way but no no the Minecraft developers don’t want us to be funny they don’t want funny they want serious minus

59 I wonder if they like like how they they said that I’m going to cry because yeah because of this this was my beloved last fast iron pickaxe which means I don’t have iron I think I don’t have iron left in my base which means you know it’s not doesn’t

Really mean anything but it means that I have to fight for my life I have to fight for my life and fight more iron first before I can do anything else and I think it’s night time too which means that the monsters are going to rip me apart

They’re going to rip me apart and they’re going to bite a chunk of my soul and they’re going to make a hor Crux out of it and I’m going to spend eight movies trying to find them God damn it I wasn’t ready for that I thought like I I was getting to chill

Here but no it’s over it’s so over I’m hopping I’m hopping up the stairs and it’s raining too wow the game is setting the mood here he there’s something where I could maybe find some iron I mean I can’t like use it anyways right now I don’t have

A don’t have any pickaxe on me yeah yeah this place could have it I might come back here I’m going to have to see are you kidding me is that a skeleton like a predator waiting up there just looking down at me for a sec

No it’s a sheep sorry I thought it was a skeleton I was like damn these these guys are getting desperate no no no HHH no no no no no no no no forget it whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to lose my life

I’m going to lose my whole freaking ass life okay we we miss me miss me miss me miss me miss me Iron Golem Papa help me Papa poy we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine I’m good I’m okay I’m fine nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Nom one Iron Stone pick it is G use my stone pick to farm iron to farm more iron to farm more iron hopefully so I have a couple things that are going way better here than in my other playthrough but also a couple things that are going way worse so be like

That don’t have Sticks no sticks I would also like to make an axe at some point but I’d rather make it with iron so I’m just waiting until I get more iron creeper hello Mr Cow I want to murder you so bad but I know I’m still going to

Need you later on so I’m getting you letting you live I’m being very nice to the cow but only for selfish mean reasons ooh so many bones right now I still feel like I need bones so pretty good is this music just Final Fantasy 14 like the login

Music it’s not the murder bunny right bro the bunny is just like me we’re both just suffering from Fall Damage bunny bunny is trying to do a Maddy maybe he is just showing me that I need to jump he’s like dude Maddie it’s worth it just restart again restart one more time o a bow not en chanted though oh it’s almost broken these skeletons got nothing going for them I swear they

Don’t even have proper gear how are you going to be a skeleton with a bow and not have proper gear like I’m sorry sorry but that’s ridiculous look at all these skeletons dropping their stuff it’s so embarrassing for them to be honest thank you I I love their death

Sound oh I’ve already been here oh gosh darn it are you for real okay I never went this way though from this cave there might still be Iron here I I Fighting fight of my life fighting for my life okay food food food food food food God I’m such lowlevel scum I

Swear literally such lowle scum can’t justify it I missed my cool diamond gear I just miss it ah no I’m done I’m done I’m done Vader Vader this is the worst time my cat came here I guess he came here to support me oh you don’t can’t break my

Mic like that Vader can you guys still hear me hello he took the cap off of my mic Freaking Creeper ruined my life Vader you want to die you want to die you want to die my precious baby wants to die thank you Vader you cheered me up I only feel 90% depressed

Now I don’t even need to see that’s shitty world sorry this is how I feel right now anyways yay hardcore am I right am I right I’m fine I’m fine I’m not coping I’m I’m happy guys I’m happy I’m happy I love this game it’s my favorite game

It’s it’s good it has um lots of blocks and it has cool monsters where is Stone there’s Stone good good stupid stone pickaxe stupid stupid I’m going to use my anger Maddy di to the verient detonation mans came up to my back okay he he was not playing fair I’m

Sorry you can’t tell me that that creeper was playing Fair he was not that creeper was an ass hat and he knew what he was doing I can’t I can’t approve of of of people like that creeper behaving in that way I just can’t approve of it are you throwing up Darth Vader

Vader nah my cat was making weird noise I’m sorry sounded like he was throwing up but I don’t think he was you know who should be throwing up right now me cuz that was awful awful I guess that’s how most people expected my hardcore runs to go like

That second death the first one where I survived for like 12 hours nobody expected that one everyone was like oh Maddie’s playing hardcore Minecraft that’s going to be a nice looks at watch 15 minutes stream die already you make me angry that pig like doing nothing wrong

In his life me blaming all my life’s problems on him I actually don’t like Birch Woods I think Birch looks super tacky not super tacky it looks like a little n it looks okay now I feel mean for saying that it that’s great it’s a good Block it’s it’s

Nice for building you know when you want to use like light colored stuff it’s you can build with it it’s it’s cool it’s not the worst hi GD mu welcome hello Hello one second I think I paused right I think I paused H I’m sorry I cannot hear the jump scare right now I’m sorry I see it pop up on my screen my my sound is not working I’m so sorry I’m so sorry send me a horror video and I’ll watch it on

Stream send me send me a scary video and I’ll watch it on stream it can even have real ghosts in it I’ll accept it I like accept everything ah yeah my audio today is super messed up I’m so sorry I am so sorry okay there you

Go sorry I was just I was just trying to okay sorry I was tabed out send me a horror video I’ll watch all of it you got lucky I got I got very lucky that my audio isn’t working but I also feel bad about it because like like you know I

Want it to work I want it to work I don’t even hear any follower alerts or Raid alerts or any alerts right now I feel like the ones of YouTube I can hear so it’s an issue with my twitch connectivity or something like it’s definitely not my audio setup or

Anything so that’s why I’m like super confused cuz I can still hear the YouTube alerts and everything it it makes me sad but I don’t know how to fix a Midstream I’m going to have to check after stream on what the heck is wrong with with twitch like sometimes even just restarting can

Help but I don’t want to restart Midstream you know I’ll get you next time all right I’m so sorry that it didn’t work I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it might not have scared her but it scared me see you jump scared chat let’s go chat was just minding their

Business well at least at least you guys at least someone got scared SC that’s good that’s good it wasn’t completely wasted hi Brian welcome Hello hello o that looks like a big like fist or something okay it looks like something a little bit weird and inappropriate actually H we’re going to go

There oh I can’t make those boats I can only make Birch boat worst wood boat just get me out of the Birch Woods bro I’m tired look this is such a cool shape that’s such an interesting shape I like it I like it way more than

The Birch Forest Birch Forest can go to hell Birch Forest not even my mom likes Birch forests actually she would she would love Birch Forest thinking about it if anyone would love it it’s my mom I want to find another Village but now that I died close to Village I feel like they’re

Cursed but I still want to try Again cuz maybe the first time dying near to a village it was just a fluke you know no iron no that’s that’s okay I didn’t need iron anyways I’m okay with iron like the other playthrough went better like the other beginning the other other one was a little bit better than This I need to quickly grab Some stuff for a furnace not enough freak now not enough freak I’m not looking at the numbers so I don’t actually know how much I have there you go make me Foods I think I might go go and make some real life Foods soon cuz I’m getting real

Hungry I really like this like Mountain looking thing like this weirdly shaped Rock in the middle of the of nothing it looks so cool lowkey want to live there but I’m not building another house after I lost my first world you know I just I

Don’t want to relive it I don’t want to relive like having a house and having a horse and having happiness and getting it all taken away from me I don’t think I can take it I’d rather just die like a pleb having nothing die like a peasant okay think on second thought I

Don’t think Vader was throwing up I think he was destroying something cuz I can hear him ripping apart I think it’s a cardboard box he’s destroying it I don’t think we have any important cardboard boxes right now other than the ones that we need for moving so that’s probably the one he’s

Ripping up that’s great I I will surely appreciate it when the box that all my belongings are in it’s just going to rip apart cuz my cat destroyed it yippee oh I like that there’s even trees growing on top of that it’s such a cool looking

Thing but now I’m going to look for a village and after I find a village I’ll probably end stream so I can start fresh from next time cuz restarting a second time is Like it’s hurting me no no no no no no no no iron sorry I don’t know I don’t know what I was saying no iron unfortunately but we have some coal which is great we’re definitely going to need coal later on can’t believe I’m only level two like

I was working so hard on those levels my hardcore my first hardcore r I’m so sad that I lost it went so quick three piglin brutes and they just got me I couldn’t even react I couldn’t even pause they were so quick like it’s time to mourn my first death eight torches

Perfect iron iron iron iron I don’t see any ah why so unlucky I’m sad hi TK n raid yeah yeah yeah Nikki’s raid came in earlier hi welcome hello hello ah oh wait that was just Cobble I don’t have a bed I don’t I didn’t kill any sheep I’m so screwed I’m so

Screwed okay I see lava Pond which is not helpful in the slightest actually cuz I’m proba probably going to die [ __ ] should have made a bed I should have made a bed I should have thought about it it’s okay there’s still a chance that I will meet some sheep and or find a

Village oh I find I think I see a village okay okay okay so if I get there safely that would be great planes always have Villages planes for life and I see sheep too like in case there is no Village after all I can still use the

Sheep No I see a village oh but there’s so many monsters on the way let’s see if I survive with literally no weapons no anything is that a nether portal wait are you kidding me is it one of those nether portal tutorials right at the Village okay that my God I almost fell

Down that’s actually pretty cool get out of bed that’s my bed now get out of there I teny hello hello true I have an axe you’re right you’re right I have some sort of weapon I didn’t have a sort though some sort of weapon ha glistering fire charge I’ll take it

Wow a nether portal that’s going to be my nether portal I feel so much better about this spawn point now what I don’t feel great about is this but you know how big are the chances I’m going to be so careless that I will fall in there right right nobody nobody’s that

Careless yeah the nether portal is so lucky I hope that I will just look how dangerous this this this place is there’s a brewing stand that could be of use I just feel like half the stuff here is like a Minefield I hate it when I feel like

Villagers should have like a base thing that whenever like they spawn it can’t be to to like the the area around they shouldn’t spawn on like this type of area that that will just have half the houses be in extremely dangerous territory I hate that the poor villagers don’t deserve to

Live a life like this they deserve to live in safety and happiness and when I say they I really mean myself cuz I’m moving in here ah ah okay bookcases that is awesome feel like no we’re in a good way here but I need to live first leather oh my

God okay I have some drip there was a skeleton if you have any Minecraft questions sure sure I mean right now I don’t cuz I’m about to log off actually but I’m I’m I’m going to continue this world then hopefully get good hopefully I’m going to get good but

No I’m right now I’m just feeling super sleepy and exhausted so I’m probably just going to take a break and I’ll be back tomorrow and we can play more we can play more I don’t know if I will actually play um what’s it called hardcore I might just play on our

Community server tomorrow let’s see I haven’t streamed on there in a while I’ve been on it like I’m playing on it all the time but I haven’t streamed on it in a fat minutes so I thought about maybe I just should just stream on it you

Know sorry my nose is itchy looking for a raid Target right now we could raid we could Ra let’s let’s let’s oh my God oh my God ripy is streaming oh my god let’s read ripy let’s read ripy ripy is a quby tu rney is um is the girlfriend of one of my mods let’s go let’s go thank you guys so much for hanging

Out I’m a bit bummed out that like I I died in that world but this new world with the nether portal looks promising I think I’m going to spend some time next session like patching it up a little bit like the ground around around it and you

Know hopefully that will help and help me survive so I don’t I don’t like tragically die again like last time and I hope that I will be able to to survive longer this time around I hope you guys have a really good night thank you for hanging out I really appreciate it

Um I’ll probably go take a nap and make some food one of the two or maybe both at once see you guys tomorrow bye-bye wait let me turn off the music let me go into stream end yeah yeah do the sub rate and end and check out my socials

Please I would appreciate that a lot anyways Bye-bye can you guys hear the background music I can’t hear it why can I not hear it ah ah my background music is messing with me anyways have a good night guys

This video, titled ‘[VTuber] MULTISTREAM – bear girl vs. hardcore minecraft’, was uploaded by maddiekuma on 2023-11-22 01:45:27. It has garnered 89 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:40 or 15640 seconds.

also live on twitch right now 🙂

social links: twitch: twitter: clip channel: VOD channel: tiktok: Join my discord:

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  • Bucketry Minecraft 🌟 SMP PvE 1.20+ Pyro Mining & Fishing Dungeons Ranking & Prestiging Quest System Thriving Economy Land Claiming 200+ Enchantments

    Welcome to Bucketry Minecraft! 🌟 Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Features: 🏰 Progression System: Ascend ranks, conquer challenges, and become legendary. 🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with server and player shops. 💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills. 🌟 Custom Spawners: Craft your own unique creature kingdom. 🔮 Enchantments Galore: Unlock over 170 advanced enchantments. 📦 Envoy Crates & Voting Crates: Open crates filled with surprises. 🗺️ Custom Claiming: Protect your territory with our custom claiming system. 💰 Banking: Manage your riches and become a true tycoon. Read More

  • ✨ LIEMVN COMMUNITY ✨ ‣ ( 1.17 / 1.20.X ) Welcome to the era of Liem » ( NEWS )

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Platinum Legion Freelancers

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  • Minecraft Memes – The last thing you wanna see at night 🙈🔥

    When you’re peacefully mining for diamonds and suddenly hear a creeper hiss behind you… *cue the panic* 😱😂 Read More

  • Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to Action

    Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to ActionVideo Information [âm nhạc] he [âm nhạc] This video, titled ‘”내 인벤의 작은 돌검이 죽이라고 속삭였다.” #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #memes #마인크래프트 #하이픽셀 #배드워즈 #게임’, was uploaded by 클라르테Clartte on 2024-05-16 10:08:38. It has garnered 424 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Even if the opponent looks strong, I just have to be stronger so don’t be scared. I’m not a Manchester United fan. I’m a Tottenham fan. Read More

  • Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft 😂

    Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft 😂 When you’re so desperate for better Wi-Fi in Minecraft that you start blowing up your house with TNT just to see if it helps. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftproblems #techsavvyexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Are you a fan of Minecraft? Do you enjoy challenges and survival mode gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! With a rich and immersive world to explore, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. Join us on Minewind server and embark on your own survival mode challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. The possibilities are endless, and the adventures are waiting to be had. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and see what all… Read More

  • My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! – Minecraft Octopus Island

    My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! - Minecraft Octopus Island The Exciting World of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası, where friends come together to explore, create, and conquer challenges. Dive into the realm of mystery, excitement, and danger as you navigate through this virtual landscape. Exploration and Creativity One of the key elements of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası is the freedom to explore and create. Players can build their own unique structures, mine resources, and craft tools to survive in this dynamic world. Whether it’s constructing elaborate buildings or embarking on epic quests, the possibilities are endless. Collaboration and Competition… Read More

  • Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op – Mind-Blowing Lyrics!

    Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op - Mind-Blowing Lyrics!Video Information yo I’m Steve just the do in a pixel scene punching wood planting seeds living out my poy dream got a diamond pickaxe Swinging with that bling creepers ising but I just do my thing Minecraft oh Minecraft it’s a builder’s Paradise crafting day and night keeping those mobs in my sight stacking rocks high in my world so Grand in this game of Cubes I’m the blocki in the land I’m the blocki in the land I ride my pig yeah I’m looking so fly jumping over Ravines under the square sky and the dragon’s roaring but… Read More

  • Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!

    Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!Video Information oh hello there guys welcome back to the Minecraft oh my God my screen just you see this I’m going to fix that right now there we go guys we’re ready and where are we now I don’t know we are under uh the dome in the sphere wherever guys but this map called Under the Dome and we’re going to be surving here today guys and I have some questions guys what do you like what do you prefer play with view bobin or without that maybe I’m going to turn off this guys and it feels… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Fail! 1000 Ways to Not Survive #36

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Fail! 1000 Ways to Not Survive #36Video Information 1000 scale 10.000 scale devo fare una gabbia un po’ più alta però perché Wither così non si alza non è il massimo proprio nel fare porco dio porca madonna No no raga no This video, titled ‘⛔ ⚠️ ❌ ☠️1000 modi per non vivere su Minecraft(hardcore) – Non doveva finire così #36 #shorts’, was uploaded by Fabio Mason Minecraft on 2024-01-15 17:23:27. It has garnered 2790 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ⛔ ⚠️ ❌ ☠️1000 ways not to live in Minecraft – Betrayed by the Void #36 #shorts NO COMMENTS… YOUR… Read More

  • “Dadduji’s Mind-Blowing Sand Art Secrets Revealed!” #minecraft #heart #shorts

    "Dadduji's Mind-Blowing Sand Art Secrets Revealed!" #minecraft #heart #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Video of Minecraft Sand Art Video | heart pixel art |#heart #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Is Dadduji on 2024-01-08 05:43:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. heart #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #amongus #freddyfazbear Hello Guys, Hit the Like and Subscribe button to reach … Read More

  • “DEADLY MOVE to End Portal – Minecraft SMP 45” 😱🔥 #MinecraftSMP #EndPortal

    "DEADLY MOVE to End Portal - Minecraft SMP 45" 😱🔥 #MinecraftSMP #EndPortalVideo Information [音楽] Y This video, titled ‘Moving To The End Portal 😱🤯!! Minecraft SMP #45 #minecraft #gameplay #freefire #bgmi #gaming #roblox’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-04-25 15:02:00. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Moving To The End Portal 😱🤯!! Minecraft SMP #45 #minecraft #gameplay #freefire #bgmi #gaming #roblox share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft… Read More