Insane Vtuber Breaks Minecraft World Record!

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what the heck we found diamonds we got this in the B the RNG wow what the hell let’s go don’t look at the names of my world please thank you I [ __ ] with him what did I do to deserve this what did you expect what if I catch fish would that be a crime wa get over [Music] here Echo there’s an echo wait you lie so obviously today we’re speed running Minecraft in hardcore mode there’s a lot wrong with that sentence because first of all it’s me doing that don’t forget to get wood it helps early game that’s a good point that is a good point God it that’s good totally not trying to find a file right now for someone who has 2.7k right now that’d be embarrassing to be this full of stuff right where the freak is my thing where the heck is Minecraft on my on my thank you so much the boy what the heck okay so without further adoo when’s the last time I played Minecraft a few days ago for my stream that one time oh wow wa did you wa what hello this is awkward what is this oh there we go I was so proud of myself for not having scuffed for the past few whils the last few streams have been really really pretty good when it comes to scuff but but dang okay oh now I’m gone and everyone’s gone gone oh now we’re back now the desk is really big what the heck is happening I’m supposed to know what I’m doing I thought I thought I supposed I’m supposed to speedrun and this is the seed I get what did I do to deserve this what divine power does not want to see me winning I get a doy I agree don’t look at the names of my worlds please thank you oh this is better we ready boom okay what if it didn’t even okay there’s wood right underneath me okay this is very calm music for a speedrun but that’s okay did the timer not go oh [Music] he I think this is honestly going to evolve from speedrun to just can I beat the game [Music] you there we go this is not speed be hello be okay Speed Run Speed Run for the timer’s off screen oh you’re [Music] right oo wo that’s scary oh this is so dark can you guys even see anything what the I’m not cheating I swear what is that what is that why is it lighting up why is it what is that what the heck I think it is Shader stuff yeah yeah I think we’re giving up on this speedrun we’re just trying to win the game at this point I want cave I’m going up that’s not where I’m going to find a cave I want to find a thing okay I don’t like this map it’s not my fault it’s the how do I pause this thing pause new run this is the real one stop the cap didn’t even need $20 no I forgot about the incentives o oh okay okay I like this okay are we ready okay wait I can’t I’m okay that was a fluke actually if you believe that that was a real one that’s your own fault she still dead uh-uh first was a warmup yeah like I’m sure you know swimmers probably swim a lot before they do the real swim that’s a quote for all the haters who didn’t believe in me that I could speedrun watch this I’ll not do it but at least I meant to not do it huh we have a b oh I just reset the timer no one saw that we can add the initial time back to the end uh what do you mean initial time we just begun we just started what if I catch fish would that be a crime I’m in my natural habitat hey guys it’s you guys get over here get over here don’t look don’t look this is this is insens I’m tring yeah it’s a bit of a massacre please don’t look bone meal where’ that come from our brothers and sisters how could you I’m sorry I had to do what I had to do natural selection okay I don’t think I could do anything cuz every 5 minutes there’ll be something hey buddy oh don’t yeah who oh my o amethyst that was so scary what the heck oh the creeper was just the gift that kept giving what the heck we found diamonds what the [Music] heck what the heck that was wait that was the same one as that my object permanence is obviously lacking I was just going to run right past this thank you creeper shout out to the creeper wow oh that’s crazy we got this in the bag I don’t think it’s a speedrun I think it’s just me playing hardcore yeah I mean let’s be really honest what did you expect why is this [Music] so where the zombie I heard a bir where are you where are you and I’m so sorry oh God B you scared me oh stop scaring me wo what is this place that sounds like a like a line in a movie when they discover something wao what is this place I don’t know seems a little sketchy W oh my god oh that’s the hot bar at least my diamonds see I just toed on my ownit okay I got to get rid of all these stuff thank you Alex for the oh thank you Alex for the oh no it’s okay I have my stone pick but Alex thank you so much for the don’t [Music] e the immediate chaos that followed Alex you CSH this this was you okay guys close your eyes oh this is like a nature documentary look at him he’s dancing oh he’s dabbing that’s embarrassing not in 2024 not in the the year of oh the little spin oh it’s like he’s dancing for his life show me what you got yeah yeah yeah o little SP [Music] o it’s impressive but you know what else is [Music] impressive you’re not dancing anymore now he’s for sure not dancing anymore why did the earth oh my God uhoh uhoh oh my God it’s 21 not 20 it doesn’t count I’m kidding it does count thank you scoin nator what the heck how do I pause this dang timer there we go well that’ll do it get me out of here let’s get a creeper all right the scub inator this one’s for you well now we got got scoor doing am I on a damn Island Again W that’s cool though it looks like a that looks like a that’s all I got oh oh oh this is such a spawn quick we need $20 oh hell no that’s crazy wa what the RNG wow what the hell oh my dealer you got the good stuff buddy no you don’t is that wal white where oh cuz they’re bald so many Walters Walter do I kill the Iron Golem or not because I know people do that for speedruns but low key I like him I him oh it’s quite a small area I mean I mean average size found you saw the little fish reel and here I am hello scar welcome in okay I’m going to be honest but Scar from l King wood I didn’t say that Turtles I didn’t say anything I didn’t say I don’t know what I don’t know what you’re talking about actually wow we’re so high [Music] up that was not intentionally a homage to my earlier comment that just happened to happen why don’t I have a crafting table I think I left it [Music] somewhere what what what what what what what what what what no no no this is not how I go this is not [Music] that was a beautiful spawn it’s okay you know why number three baby cute witch I chose fight out of fight or flight whoa I can work with this wait how do boom yes oh oh I can’t even get oh okay you stream with my phone can you stop pushing me you’ll pay for that with your life oh oh Alex not even 1 minute Alex thank you oh I’ll cry you somehow made my girlfriend laugh and she never laughs at anything anyway back to driving can’t hit me with that sweet comment and then also have Alex donate $20 69 oh I’m going to cry dude I’m going to cry I’m so glad shout out to AA girlfriend but also just the tip and what is happening dude okay Alex this one’s for you I will insta die but one second it was he blended into the rest of them who was it I think it might have been this one he’s looking at me all funny yeah you’re pushing your friend away huh I know it’s you this is what you get for pushing me around okay goodbye sheep think about what you’ve done for eternity here we go as I drown 07s for Alex please 07 goodbye think think about what you’ve done by I had to quarantine the Sheep yeah I had to keep his evil from everyone else wow this is a very dramatic place the end thing yeah I think we might call it a night for now I will be back I promise okay I will beat Minecraft on Hardcore I will will it be Speedy I don’t know okay thanks for hanging out thank so much okay bye guys bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘Vtuber sets World Record Minecraft HARDCORE SPEEDRUN (Real)’, was uploaded by May Ray on 2024-05-21 21:30:06. It has garnered 1004 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:27 or 627 seconds.

I am actually so goated with the sauce its not even funny. Minecraft hardcore speedruns are too easy.

edited by: @Raaven___

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    Insane Hive Live with Viewers & Cosmetics - Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live ||With Viewers!||Cs’s And More!||Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzMqgicX on 2024-05-20 03:48:15. It has garnered 164 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:38 or 5858 seconds. Yo and welcome! Im Magic/Mqgic.I will be streaming HiveMC and you can join and play! enjoy your time with us. Like always there are rules that i shall be going over: [Dont curse [Don’t be toxic [No racism ofc [No stream sniping [Have fun! [how to get raided] -Dont ask -Make sure to talk -has to be Hive/Zeqa etc -Read chat ~questions~ -Do… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Mod Showcase

    The Ultimate Minecraft Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ce block fait tous ce que je veux | Minecraft Moddé Saison 3 : Épisode 01’, was uploaded by Zotux Gaming on 2024-05-04 18:00:11. It has garnered 157 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:51 or 1431 seconds. Bienvenue dans la saison 3 de Minecraft Moddé, une aventure avec 37 mods ! La série te plaît ? Alors abonne toi ! Version : 1.16.5 Graine : -8157299575343332572 Mods : – Security Craft – Apple Tree – Attained Drops – Better Dungeons – Biomes O Plenty – Blocklings – Botania – Computer… Read More

  • ✨EPIC 100 Day Minecraft Survival Challenge 2024✨

    ✨EPIC 100 Day Minecraft Survival Challenge 2024✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More