Insane Wavemelon Gaming! You won’t believe what he’s doing in Minecraft!

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E E Oh Oh Oh Oh N Yeah it’s very goofy all right hopl welcome to stream anybody is in stream further up okay I’m going to start streaming before that I’m going to get water by the way at near the end of season six your old account joined the server and then left okay what you say can’t hear

You okay I can hear you now okay uh anyways as I was saying I didn’t I forgot to tell you but uh back in season six uh the last season your main your uh old account joined and then just left oh okay that makes sense what how did your how did your old

Account join I got a new computer ah and you got into the you got into the old account no I got into the different account different account but but the computer I play on is my family’s computer downstairs and as an Apple computer oh that’s where your old one of

My friends comes it is we one of my friends will come over a lot and like one of my friends friend one of my brother’s friends will come over a lot and I let him play on that account like on high pixel and whatnot so he must have accidentally

Joined I added you on top light yay one sec let me get a thumbnail I searched up the pop light and I love what came up so basically oh I can’t copy and paste St okay so I need to download polight is an old Greek armor this guy’s name isore melons nice Grand I Lowe’s knows the best deals are the ones that keep on giving So okay buddy today’s the day we break out of school could have been worse can’t you do it you’re the one with the car come on let’s try it again what was that dude what’s going on I sound even younger than before nope no more videos

I guess they’re too messed up to be on TV now yeah as if anyone else could do what I do no punch down is is never mind well that was unnecessarily elaborate kind of just a clip show sorry Tobias takes more than that to scare us

Dad I am going to collect my cell phone really quickly hello hello hello wave wave are there any updated rules for the server yeah no TNT mine cards wave wave I’m gonna 100% disagree with you on that you’ve seen how good J is me Dave and Dylan literally the only chance we’re

Going to have against them is with carts well I mean they’re not they’re not crystals it takes effort to learn how to use them and the thing is the the reason that the thing that makes TNT mine carts so so balanced like like the most like balanced like explosion

PVP usage rate item is that they cannot stack they take up a lot of space inventory AKA we will have less totems less pots like less resources to fight them like hand in hand and if like if you’re going to like to Nerf like carts

Cuz the thing is like last season wa you know how I got like a bunch of kills with carts yeah and then I faed backlash because you got a lot of kills with cs and people didn’t like that so they came to me telling that that is not my fault I’m

Just going to say yeah but if PE it was it was basically a test if people didn’t like them then I would ban them next season if people liked them then I would keep okay the thing is that that I mean the thing is that’s the same that’s the

Same thing with crystals if someone doesn’t have like good pin or something no cuz cuz the thing is okay the other day I fought I fought my friend use and they’re stackable so that yeah no no no no if if anything I would if anything I

Would say if like I would say Nerf carts like make it so that you can only have like three of them in your inventory like like four of them so you can only C four times and then like you have to like run away and restock or something

But like I would but don’t make it so that the like carts are just banned because the thing is uh they are you you got to admit they are pretty balanced they’re not stackable they don’t do like a crazy amount you can’t spam them unless like you take the time to learn

The skill and you like you can build a gunpowder farm and stuff but then as way did I already make the point that like hard to get if you have carts in your inventory like you’re not going to have like pots to like you’re not G have like many much other

[ __ ] hold on can I talk real quick yeah let’s be honest if you don’t like cart and you die to it that sounds like a skill issue no honestly no no cuz cuz the thing honestly you can just C because you’ll be a have a lot of like

Like also since people are going to be having like totems that’s not like people also as an issue raid forms are banned so how are you going to get that many tots without dying I mean on hard mode you get five tots per raid and the thing is with like

Max and like two teammates you can pump out like a raid every 10 minutes you know is and you know where villages which is really easy also don’t forget there’s SL set home you can just TP back in like to like the rail all all I’m all I’m saying is that like completely

Banning carts would be a bad choice also is it going to be the same thing as Diamond until end yeah yeah the same it’s been the same thing except for same thing no strength pots no strength pots and [ __ ] until end yeah it’s basically the same every season oh yeah

Also no fether falling iner no feather falling in depth Sher wait no feather or de no uh I I am going I am going to allow feather falling but you fine I don’t care about death sh too much but what about respiration respiration and aquity I mean what’s what’s the point of

Taking those away in the first place like you can like run in water really easily dep Strider it’s banned because people can run way too easily and I yeah yeah but you can also out after them way faster but you can also get death sh yeah it won’t be that hard cuz you

Get like always go the same speed no matter what it doesn’t death Sher doesn’t increase the speed of your of your actually I’ll be honest actually I think death Sher might be a good thing to take away get Dolphins true like no no what if someone gets a dolphin in an

Ocean yeah then they’re gone yeah can not die to Fire and Light yeah but all I’m all we’re saying is that taking away carts would just be like I that would that would just be like hurting the server cuz the thing is if me and Dylan and Dave are like 3v3 a

Mikus a Gula and like U and and like um uh J moment how the [ __ ] are we going to compete cuz the thing cuz the thing is me me and Dylan what’s it called what no no no no it was me and Dave right Dave yeah me and okay because the thing

Is me me and Dave did a 2v2 against uh amius and agula in cart like with a kid that was Mo it’s mostly just pot but it had like a couple carts and like some like [ __ ] for like that we actually won we like we we won it we bar we barely

Won it we absolutely get destroyed and short and everything else the only way we actually we we won both rounds three to2 if you’re just going to like take away everything if you’re just gonna take away all of that all like all all like the entire chance that other people have

I would say that’s just gonna be a rip but because the thing is like without that stuff it would just be unfair okay I I might consider lifting lifting the ban on carts but you can only have three and they will be banned until the inight Bann Until the End fight oh until

After the end fight not until the until after the end fight well I wasn’t ready so I kind of popped so also I couldn’t ban carts anyways because people use some some people use carts for traps and I didn’t want to ruin that so C aren’t really like physically banned other than like

Crystal okay wait wait sorry wait wait can I tell you what I think you should do what this guy is so I mean a card amount you can just craft more no I think I think I I think four carts in an inventory four inventory until what like

What’s it called uh until end fight and then after end fight you can like lift it to like I I think you should be able to have like carts before thing before what’s it called yeah but then but then you could just go up to an unstacked

Player EG me and then and then just blow them up in one hit because if you w by the time everybody’s to be if you weren’t stacked okay but if you’re not stacked enough to survive like one like if you’re that sack that we walk up to yeah

We’re not we’re not going to be we’re not going to be we’re not how about this we won’t kill if you don’t threaten like we we don’t plan to kill with mine carts unless someone threatens us we’re we’re honestly we’re probably use mine carts against like the really

Good pvpers like J otherwise we just used like the longest time I was chill with I was chill with J moment until he decided to you know yoink his trust away from me and just kill me in the uh in battle yeah we’re we’re literally going

To be like only we need to take them now we’re we’re kind of like like like that’s it’s kind of like the only prob defeated but the type of gear you’re you’re describing that like oh yeah you could one tap that you have that you probably wouldn’t even was mine cart on

In hard mode carts can one tap if you if it is a direct hit on 10 Arts if it is a direct hit also the thing is unless you’re like good unless like like are you like like for like three days me Dave and D have only have just been

Practicing cart for this season so if like you like get rid of carts or like Nerf them too hard it’s just going to [ __ ] like like cuz like it is kind of like big big money let me go into my ban item plug in just like like like no no like

Keep wait are you watching my screen share no not I’m screen sharing I don’t know about you you I’m also streaming on YouTube by the way I think Dave is as well I’m about to cuz wait like wait watch my screen watch my screen okay I’m watching your screen

Sure easy like me and Dylan and David have just been practicing cart like like d okay Dave in the I have a weighted Mouse so that’s my in the nicest way possible Dave Wa the ni way possible Dave has never you green Dave has never been

Really like the best at PVP oh what’s up fact that he that he that he and Kyle dropped me in the in fight but we don’t talk about that I killed I killed Kyle just because I had like a god Apple bro like I had God no everybody everybody I

Jum jumped you in the inight Dave because everybody said that you were an op and then everybody was after you but you somehow got a good combo on me I PE to the Fountain to run away and Kyle crits me out and kills me n Dave are you

Gonna take that person he said somehow no I saw that he said some honestly I was I was surprised too I was going crazy there I wmed up with PVP beforehand like get I was eating I was chugging Gap gaps my moue didn’t feel last heavy because it was actually warm upstairs it

Was just perfect timing type thing I got like a full inventory by the way I got the other that is very annoying I just missed all my cards yeah I I really need I really need to get a lighter Mouse like I need to weigh how much my wide is

My mouse is it’s pretty much like one PB that is a heavy ass Mouse yeah you think you think one is a heavy a pound you’re a pound yo yo good is Yo bow him bow him B 10 of your mice yeah easy okay so so wait what are

Like the what what are the PVP rules that that I should know about that like we should know about uh well I don’t I don’t really know again like most enchants are pretty much way down to what people would would consider a g set being hold up you said

Um no instant damage by the way right yeah no instant no instant damage Arrow unless instant damage for crossbow instant damage one no I also I also banned that because I also banned that because I got backlashed from Neil L dog and everybody else well it was just Crimson that was saying

That the damage one actually give giv crossbows a Fighting Chance like and I got poison crossbows without that they’re they’re trash I’m going to be completely honest you say crossbows are trash without farming one they’re they’re not they do like double yeah I know but with the reload

Time they just don’t compare oh you poison me wait wait wait check this check this yo I’m prey charge I don’t yeah know that’s that’s wor wait I’m going to pop fight wait I’m popping what’s called back back There’s A oh that’s really annoying one one box boy was poisoned and wasn’t taking any knockback cuz he just kept taking poison dicks but wait on okay you’re still spectating I’m playing very bad because I just got on and also you like my hands are freezing cold but like the thing is like we

Bait shotgun bro you can only really die to TNT mine carts if you’re chasing someone down yeah also I suggest adding a pearl cool down of like maybe like four or five seconds problem is I don’t know how to do that I would I would do that but I just don’t

Know but think about like life SMP like people like not all people know it you don’t need we don’t need this to be like having way too many rules that everyone doesn’t know what is te we want to have it simple is there make like a three

Person team limit it’s just when the server when the server became PVP focused it’s much harder to manage what’s overpowered and what isn’t really like I think crystals are overpowered and a lot of other people do so that’s why it got banned that that is true that is

Very that’s also why instant damage it can be overpowered if you don’t run if you like but if you away can just be banned in general I mean I did I did disable crystals being placed with a plugin on the wave melon SM so you literally cannot I wouldn’t

Say place because res summoning the Ender Dragon I say maybe crystals are still placeable in the end which is a problem that have to deal with in the future but in the Nether and the Overworld crystals cannot be bro my bow isn’t working again no remember yesterday hazy when my bow

Never wanted to work is it working is it doing that now yeah I have to look around how are we supposed to get a load I’m going to do some some One V ones wait get Legacy real quick I might die to uh versus two oh that guy’s one ta one sec

Um was he killed himself I’m getting this but yeah all I’m saying is that do do all I’m saying is do not ban uh what’s it called what’s it called carts just if anything make it be like you only have like five in your matur time I I think

Five’s Fair because that that’s why like that’s like because the thing is five cards is if feel like you mess up your cards and don’t get a good card there’s just one G that you can’t use in the fight well think about it some take some pearls they have the

Sword Advantage we should have one advantage ourselves yeah yeah they have they definitely have the sword Advantage they are way better than us at sword honestly I think I could be good at PVP but my mouse weighs like a pound why does your mouse

Okay log g502 no no no no no it’s about gaming he doesn’t know like any no not not about gaming but like he doesn’t know what you need to PVP because he hasn’t been PVP Sidler oh he’s so low he’s get him get him get

Him you like you see this like like me and like like R three like uh what’s it called teamwork is I’m just getting [ __ ] over I’m just getting [ __ ] over y talk about teamwork I just got [ __ ] over that’s not gonna happen in real game because

I’ll have totems but like he’s gonna die yeah you got it gra my [ __ ] yeah yeah all I’m saying is don’t ban parts if anything make a cart cap and uh also also you should make like a make like a stack of pearls like limit no no cuz then you have to like

Get away in like like then you have to like Escape in like a smart way also do you have it so that you can’t like in a hot moment so I might be suck I might is all your gaps and Pearls why do you have to

Drop all right all right I don’t know I was just I was just talking to wave and I just like kind of got like went like really bad you got ITB wait I’m going check my I’m checking my budy for webs right I made Che but he’s on

Me he’s chasing me bro I can’t get webs he would have picked up your webs cuz he has webs he did I’m in a versus two by the way wait wait I’m SC I at one more Pearl wait join the party join the party I’m gonna show you what I mean by like

Was gonna I’m gonna one one Dave real quick okay since he’s not on yet I can I one one you uh sure yeah okay I’m back Jo the oh okay what versus are you in versus two wait let’s do two let’s do a 2v2 me and Dave versus

Dylan no we’ll get we’ll get absolutely clapped I need to I want to fight him first no no no Dave is getting better at C he’s not he’s not as good as Meely whipped and he might accidentally team kill me cuz I always get in the middle of

Everything here uh oh you’re dead there he doesn’t know how low you are oh you Splash Turtle accept the Dual invite no I don’t have cards okay I’m in versus two I sent you a d okay I haven’t warmed up so oh crap what’s the wave pre inight

Kit I do not like wait wait why is there a health Tower uh I just added that because that’s what it is that’s what it’s like in wave andp count wait there’s a heal oh yeah I forgot there is a counter oh wait no it’s gone oh no it’s not why this guy

Have so many webs that’s yeah no this is going to be pre pre wve right yeah this I don’t know how I’m so alive my helmet is broken Dave Dave’s Mouse is just kind of bad which is one thing oh wait if I win this I’ll be honestly

Surprised but I’m not yeah got 17 all right I’m dead party me bar do spectate wave or wave oh that combo that combo no no no this is going to be the pre-wave okay wa thee sorry the pre-end fight wave SMP is just Diamond pearls gaps and then uh no

Strength or speed it’s Fire Res regen pots and NES hold up um can y’all actually see each other with HP or that just for me it’s just us cuz cuz with invis they can’t no no but the thing is if like we get like a good card on someone like pop

Them and boom we all like the same HP I want to tell you that no Dave is actually not doing bad I’m not doing bad but I’m definitely need to crack my fing Dave I I think you’re you’re not the thing is no the thing is no I Dave I’ve seen

Your pre- rail skills I’ve seen your pre- rail skills your your pre- rail skills you’re not bad at cart but the thing that’s holding you back is you you keep having to run away from people cuz you can’t because like you can’t get them low enough that like you have the

Health Advantage you’re not good enough in sword that you are able to fight cuz C cuz the CU the thing is if if someone’s on like 10 Hearts you just run away and then cart them they’re going to like live on eight hearts and you’re going to and you’re going to have to

Like back up again but like if if like you get someone like maybe like six hearts by like sword fighting them like you get like a couple hits you get like eight howow you Dave was on three hearts I’ll give you a Dave’s higher HP by double right

Now but Dave the thing is like like if you get someone with like six hearts then cart them it’s an it’s definitely a kill also wait wait wait is there like no totems allowed until to nobody nobody nobody you can use no I not finding you while you have regen

Too da just Dave just just TR wave just wave wave I would I really wish I had a four how do I get a fourth kit spot bro what is this oh my God you’re in combo by absolutely comve wve all right yeah Dave you got to heal

Bro you got to heal Dave Dave you think you got to heal no that that Dave that was not a pearl moment that was not that was a turn around com be rightl that was a turn I threw my sword I threw my sword that’s so cap okay honestly Dave at that

At that help you don’t have way cobweb just eat a gap and you should yeah no just eat a gap and because there’s no strength you cannot get quicked up eat a gap and like know what you do is you eat a carrot then Gap also also Dylan but Dylan just

Letting you know like at the beginning of wave the most [ __ ] goated combo is uh what’s it called regen one for 30 that what even was that regen one for for uh what’s 30 and then golden carrots because you have enough enough saturation to your stuff and you’re

Getting constant regen you literally do not die if you pop regen 1 minute 30 my God com like Dave is not doing bad Dave is not doing bad just because know I’m I’m saying one thing but like in the nice in then there’s a bunch of mean things I could Dave

Bro yeah you’re not winning that trade by the way I know you don’t have enough there you go now back up and heal wave is down a pearl that Pearl may may cause wave in game if if you just keep like getting oh that’s combo Dave Dave

Dave you have so much opportunities to PE right now Dave Dave you’re not winning this what I keep on dropping my [ __ ] I keep on dropping my [ __ ] that’s so stupid wait Dave no more X you can just just play your Shield just play wait wait is there vending and re on The

Shield is there vending and un breaking on the shield oh Dave just play your just play your Shield just play your Shield wave can’t do [ __ ] about it oh if you if he combos you just hold your Shield yeah if yeah no no play regularly and then if he

Starts like getting like a Health Advantage just like [ __ ] like play your Shield we’re not cheating chill chill chill chill wait Mel we are not cheating by the way okay we are not capping No Cap No capat No Cap all right you are hold Shield you Dave you’re lower by the way

I the team is I guarantee I guarantee not you do not need a just place a web yeah that was not a pearl that was not a pearl moment all all of my moments are a pearl moment sorry I mean you you should you should learn Sean moments AKA web

Moments where you just turn on play a web and then back off and need G hold are there like Pearl or Gap limits wave wave wave has a big Health Advantage over you right now I would say web and back up I’m used to having freaking axe but I dropped it like an

Idiot you should no no no no wait wait wait you should lock your hot bar slots you should lock your hot bar slots in the fight I’m Mining and crafting I’m Mining and crafting Dave are you making a new is there any IR in theit making play Arro wave making an axe play

Aggro oh don’t let him craft break his crafting T Pearl break the crafting table break the crafting table you have an ax break it break it break it break it break it yes oh no wave got wave got it why’ you break it with your sword you had an axe

PE PE Pro PE don’t watch you pe to the ground PE on him yeah that’s probably why that’s why you if he places the table you Pearl on it yeah no just keep going just keep going just stay stay aggressive you need Pearl n on him Dave

Break it break it break it break it break it don’t let crap Dave no no my crafting table good he can’t break the wood quick enough you got this play your Shield play your Shield play your Shield you’re taking damage honestly just Spam crit yeah no no no just

Shield you’re getting [ __ ] you’re getting [ __ ] he’s making crafting table he’s getting one day Pearl D I don’t have pearls this this is why don’t you don’t no no this is why you should learn Sean moments AKA C moments don’t break it break it break it

No Dave crit crit him out if you had gotten him if you could have gotten him if you had gotten him a Cobb he wouldn’t have been able to run cob cob Cobb no I actually had the shap wait why are you so slow at C I’m not a speedrunner like

Everybody else in this server I’m Speed Run it’s not hard to make yo yo Doom Dragon Doom Dragon we’re having we’re having a nice time by ourselves we don’t like yo da you have so much more XP not XP help stay on him

Yeah no do not do not do not do not oh yeah you have no pearls you have no pearls Dave he your armor heal your armor heal your armor Dave this is why you need to save your pearls yeah you can’t always you can’t always on hat no

No no no no no no no we’re coaching we’re coaching we’re Co no cuz the thing is cuz Dave if you’re getting CED by J just like spam pearls you’re going run out of your pearls no listen Dave if you’re at like eight if you’re at like five hearts

And if you place um webs and web him he’s gonna have to Pearl out or water and that gives you so much time and if he PE on the thing is like G takes one like two and a half takes which is like I think like a second or something and

It takes two and a half seconds for water to do shop and you can pick it back up and you’ll be slowed that so yeah you should learn cobwebs bro is not GNA help you play your fuckingo I’m not I’m not Mad wave I hear your mom yelling I know he’ll be whipped oh bro craft that a d bro don’t let him don’t let him ax spam you you’re you’re going to take so much damage Dave you Dave cobweb cobweb Dave yes yes Dave good [ __ ] oh no my gold carrot didn’t go

Through you’re swinging opposite way Dave Dave Dave Dave you have the wait Dave you have the cobab keybind for Q right for Q right yeah you should you should learn how to just like flick around in Cobb oh that’s not bad that’s not good that’s

Not good I’m be honest I usually put my um what I usually Dave eat a gap Dave eat a gap eat a gap and then and then just break the C into your sword just break the C your sword there you go just break look look above you you have enough Health to

T it there you go now get out now dip oh he’s lowerer wave wave W wave is lower K ass gaps four no he a gap in a he’s going to have what’s it called a lot more Health than you back up C good [ __ ] we are coaching his ass bro yeah

You got it you got doing so much damage bro don’t don’t this is this is a fight you can win if you just play your card you can’t play your Shield anymore I would have said I would have said when wave had no ax you should have played

Really aggressive not let it not let it like wait Dy you agre you agree that when wave didn’t have an Axe and can’t like really like break your Shield you should he should have played really aggressive and just like I’m be completely honest by the way you’re

Lower like you are you are you are c c yes oh that’s so dumb I had him at two I no I forgot to heal you got it can we leave this or can we like do like a naked round so I can win Dave or

Wave no no we’re doing 22s after this me and wave versus Dave and Dylan okay I don’t think that’s too Fair what that’s fair I think W just kind of played stupid no I accidentally double pear no no it took pear damage yeah that’s wait wait you added a health

Indicator to W to W one that’s a w i’ like that no it’s been seon one there’s been a health indicator in wave melon S&P since season one I haven’t noticed I feel like you should take that away I’ve been playing for three seasons I haven’t

Noticed I I feel like I feel like in Heth season also indat no no Health indicator can be can be a bit like unfair but then the thing is it’s also just like really useful I know but I know but like you can just see but everybody has health

Indicators I can see yeah now everyone has it so it’s like so basically you have to rock invis or got that combo I just got the biggest combo ever oh no Dave Dave cob cob Dave I do not have cob he doesn’t have I don’t have them in my hop bar okay he

Turned around he turned around I can W Dave W Dave you’re you’re way higher on Health Dave not anymore not anymore he held up W Dave W Dave yes good good you made him back up which gave you a couple free hits you have a

You have you have a good you have a you have a good oh those those two crits are going to win you that fight you’re going to win this exchange that was a good PE crit P crit Dave you got peit more no no that was not a pro moment Gap Dave Gap

Dave Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap he pop regen just run just waste it waste it waste it waste it C up and run C up and run run good [ __ ] let Bo you let him boost you wait let him boost you wait Dave if he hits you farther come you got it all

Right web web we Dave web yo yo Neil Neil Neil me and Dylan are coaching are coaching Dave uh how to get better at PVP and he won against wave melon which is actually like a big Improvement I mean in of yeah I know I was watching I was watching the stream

For like 10 yeah I I was watching uh wave’s stream for 10 minutes I will say that was pretty crisy fight no do you see how Dave’s getting better I know Dave was dominating the entire fight why are my hands shaking this is making it so much worse for me my hands are

Shaking eat a carrot Dave eat a carot and po eat a carot and poy uh hold on I’m gonna give Dave a bit advice whenever I place down my water try to block it up with cobweb oh you no splash it down Splash you should look

Up try to get okay whenever I water whenever I place water destroy the two yeah no no wait wait one two three four there’s a yo yo yo yo yo yo guys you want there’s six players in this VC right now 333 33 I want to critical information we we

Can’t count Dave you’re at like the same HP that was not you didn’t you didn’t even need to do that there cuz no no no no no no Dylan Dylan remember this Dave like since Dave hasn’t been PP he doesn’t he doesn’t like have the game sense he’s still learning that he he

Will okay within like maybe like three weeks I almost Dro I almost dropped my axe again that would have been a disaster for forage you have enough Health to fight back for now go for crits oh no carrot cob up carrot car it don’t wait that long I I don’t have enough my

Hunger The Invisible Shield really got me [ __ ] up okay hold on I’m going to get some there you go if he PS away a lot of the time you like chasing it with don’t get get him get him Dave okay take theice as well I

Probably oh da you have are you guys are you guys using the wave melon in kit this is yeah this is no this is waveone kit and end fight like where it’s like regular I honestly I honestly love this mean this is technically also the inight

Kit it technically is no wave wave wave wait why you sword spamming why are you sword spamming no he used to play a lot of where’s theid at is it in like the Discord where yeah no no no no no oh wait you should post the in the Discord

Oh you did it is in the Discord I put I put it on the Wikipedia yeah he actually did he actually did the block over his head jump that was so smart wait wait what is it what where is it it’s an announcement it’s an announcement it’s oh it’s an

Announcement all I’m in announcements where the hell is it oh it’s here oh yeah no no okay no you should all right you should you should do this um what’s it called wait oh that was you got you got to add more util you got to add more util

I’ll be H I might have to organize a lot I do not organize myself yeah wait wait is is there a Gap limit until until end fight is there a Gap liit or is it just you can have a stack of gaps this this Gap no no this is why this is why

We’re gonna this is why this is why we need cards not drop anyone oh yeah there you go we need carts we need carts wait doom doom you use carts doom doom do you use carts yeah I’m a c pvper yo yo yo yo wait wait wait are you on

Team yet are you on team yet uh no yo me Dylan and Dave are all cart users you want to join yeah but is are carts allowed like carts are allowed we have convinced wave to let C last season were allowed now no no wait yeah cards were allowed last season but now

There’ll be a lot everyone got mad cuz I got I I killed a bunch of people with carts and like every got mad we said cart limit is four right yeah no cart limit is like four or five I think guys I got to hop off wait you guys are in

Versus two right versus no no no no no yo yo Doom you should definitely you should definitely join our team oh that that was I’ll join back later but I gota go all right guys honestly I already I already Doom could be a great team teammate a

Fourth no that means we can have two people banana carding at one time if you’re on a please whenever whenever the season starts please don’t hurt me I’m already guessing also wait is is mini map allowed isap allow uh yeah mini map is probably allowed let’s go [ __ ] go bro

I’m using I’m I’m using green diamonds I’m using green diamonds bro there’s no point of using green diamonds bro diamonds are everywhere in they C well no yeah yeah but then no no but don’t forget GRE is just like you can see him better Dave

Careful cob cob Dave cob I know you I don’t have cobs in my no I got my axe there’s no way is actually sing Let Me Dave’s actually him Dave’s actually him I lost both let’s do 33 I lost bothum and I Dro My axe we have to get

One more person Doom left Doom left we have to get one more person all right well why while we wait for that let me and um Dave are wait one I want to do do me wait who asking I heard that you said that we’re equal in you run some e is

Crazy I’m gonna absolutely get whipped by h no no no no no I’m I’m trying to I’m trying to get like good at better at UHC I can actually oh this isn’t this isn’t UHC this is more like like diamond okay Neil okay is he being imaginative is he being y rockot the

[ __ ] the [ __ ] good luck good luck you don’t understand oh good luck oh WM I love I love the name c Bing on the helmet it’s to it’s it’s to prevent people going full Enis and just trolling he can you uh oh well why can’t

We go full in this h of course you did that you’re pretty good at both yeah all right Dave can you come quick so I can only want to M oh no way I’m about to get quick drop I’m so low got four and a half

Hearts I’m not used having my cobs here no I’m such a dumbass I’m such a dumbass I’m such a dumbass I dropped my axe again you dropped your axe again bro oh my God wave you’re actually selling I’m just not going to play that I’m I’m I’m

Decent I’m not good enough to fight what’s they called I’m waiting for Way’s mom to walk in the room again B what the [ __ ] are youing honestly that was [ __ ] hilarious no no that was whenever me and my brother were screaming man I hay you’re too good for

Me to be fighting like this I barely warmed up today I’ve only fought Dave hey hey we were both warming up there yeah I’m extremely Rusty as well I feel I feel like Dave has like a similar skill level to me you’re officially on the same age is lower a he’s on a

Yeah I mean I I usually main B you God finally I finally disabled your Shield once he’s at 10 hearts ha’s at nine Hearts A is on am can you shut the [ __ ] up he’s on five Hearts oh no I’m he’s on two hearts for him aggro Pro he’s on one heart

Let me one one wave everybody’s going to Quick drop me the only Wrong wave wave you want me to train you in cart then you can actually [ __ ] like put up a fight I don’t I I I don’t have no for people who aren’t as good as like aula and like [ __ ] like I I think no I think I’m on the same Pace as

Aula but for people who are who who aren’t as good as like J andas [ __ ] cart is going to be like my team savior even with car I would I I would still get quick dropped by J moment in 10 seconds I cuz I got quick Dro by J

Moment in 3 seconds the that no no that is why you need to learn no that is why you need to add a pearl limit of like a stack because the thing is J moment has four stacks of pearls in his inventory I I I I’m guessing most of the times cuz

What he does is as soon as you Pearl out he pearls on you J moment’s entire play style is I’m playing aggressive and cart literally counters aggressiveness cuz like all you have to do is cob them and like waste their pearls and then when they’re out you can just get them in a

Single cob and then [ __ ] cart almost an insta literally cart is going to like save my [ __ ] life against D moment like no no like I [ __ ] no me and Dave guys guys no guys listen to me wait me and Dave beat a Gula and a Mikus in a

Duel in a 2v2 in a fair 2v2 same exact stuff we beat them by the way let me talk real quick um Leo and comp only one and Leo had carts and clown Pier still won so that kind of proves a point I know exactly you want to go run it again

Dave wait can send me no no wa wait my door wait right oh D okay I guess I’m going to get whipped I meant to do Bow but I guess we could do this oh no it’s been so long I meant to do Bow but I guess I barely use axe

Anymore this is going to so mess me up I haven’t PVP in a while so I guess Dave oh yeah use your use your sword when you break his shield hold your Shield Dave let them waste arrows don’t only use your axe Dave GG yeah no no you you better be coaching

Him D you better be coaching him yeah Coach Dave Coach Dave all right I got you hold your Shield hold your whenever he pulls out his um bow hold your Shield he’s pulling out he’s pulling out his [ __ ] he’s pulling his [ __ ] out this is n

This is W this I got my wave kit I got I already have my wave K also the [ __ ] the thing is I’m [ __ ] spending like I don’t care how long it takes I’m building a SC Farm cuz I need [ __ ] Turtle res pots bro don’t those are because resistance until they fight

Until after oh my God I was on half a heart for five seconds I thought if you turned around and hit me you would have won wait Neil do you want to fight do you want to fight then Neil wait what I want I want

G5 do you want to Du in the what what what okay I’ll D you I’ll do send me a du um probably get I I don’t have any kids that you would like I’m probably gonna get my ass but we see I I only have C wait wait wait you’re in version

Two right yeah yeah we’re in versus two I have car do I just went into a game with NE you have to do FP FP FP yeah do that to do that to find me because then you can find that I’m in the game with NE oh no no I sorry I

Tried to do you when you weren’t in the game and just wouldn’t oh maybe you Jo wait is this cart kit oh no it’s it’s not no it’s all right I’m I’m I’m I’m putting bets on wave wave got this w got probably losing this but whatever no wave I believe in

You I believe in you what the hell I said I’m losing this hold on he’s going inside of me and it’s thring me off no what no no not like that not like that wait uh wait wait can you can you like me play rest a okay yo guys what’s

Our yo Dylan what’s our team name gonna be the Carters the car the trillionaire no honestly should we just keep the billionaires as our name the billionaires is a pretty W name but I don’t know honestly okay why it show your on the God you should on God bro you should name it

Dy the team of Dylan and hazy plus also Dave’s kind of there I guess and and kind of and kind of Doom if Doom joins our team and like no no first your lag is is freaking phenomenal wait you do not have a Health Advantage yeah I know I’m known

For it you got it yeah I know what why do you a 360 ask I Haven PVP in a while ne’s just cool like that wait wave last time on Wave wa wait wait oh my Wave Wait are you have you guys been teamed like last

Season I honestly wave I I did you did you actually like like be on a team last like last season no everybody everybody kind of everybody kind of saw me as loot backs and didn’t want to uh team with me I didn’t I just kind of allied with

Wave I never really teamed with it I was mainly no no like no like uh gaming Neil and wave and like uh gaming Neil wave and like Dave until like until Dave was on our team like you guys didn’t really have a team right no I didn’t have a

Team I I everybody saw me as loot bag no so like what you did you just have to my gear and then died over Neil was looking away from me and actually hitting me watch out oh oh that was aob and run that was a cob and

Run bro wait wait wait you’ve never been on Team no come on at least you how do you own a server and you don’t have a team I just said like this is the third time I’m saying this people saw me as as a loot bag they just want they just nobody

Wanted to be guys guys do we invite wave to the team you don’t know cart we can’t have I don’t yeah no no no no wave if you’re put if you’re willing to learn if you’re like willing to like train with me and like learn like a like a decent bit of

Card we got that combo that was a nasty combo yo you have suck Health Advantage yeah drop his ass drop his oh you should have I was low I was a bit low he’s back gaming back at it’s because it’s because he healed I wanted you have Health Advantage oh no

You don’t oh my what I just got comboed by Neil I just got comboed by Neil how are you let that happen buddy don’t if he has to Shi just a sec let me one let me one V one anyone except for Haz bro bro Neil strafe method is so weird

Yo by the way ne’s about to die but you both kind of are about to die he’s at two Hearts he that one heart yeah what wait meel can you one can you send me a sure hey wave want to One V one and hope you don’t drop your

Axe I shut up I I know I dropped my axe you don’t have to rub it in all right I never used this K yet so wait except wait except wait I need to figure out how I want to use this kit bro hold up

Oh why is there a luck potion for what luck true can you let me organize CU I’ve never used this kit before I’m kind of uh I don’t know how I don’t I usually organize my inventory like easiest way to use scroll wheel because I don’t have

Uh I don’t have vins and I use or godamn thing is so weird no no wave I’m I know hey hey chill chill chill chill youart after this wave I’m you where are you oh god dude my lag is insane you’re lag the whole reason I at

275 copious oh you should have seen me with my old Walmart PC I was at 10K literally at 10K p Dylan you have you have a Health Advantage I’m aiming for where you are the trick is I need to aim where you will be you do not have a health manage

You do not have AAL I’m just I’m just trying to see his HP cuz the bow shows me oh the bow show oh oh that’s actually a strat no idea why I plac my bucket there [ __ ] candy crushing with regular arrows BR I just abely hopped over his web I’m

Many I never used this you had to have been low you had to have been low oh my God die I just want to see your HP bro stop being Dylan Dylan I will calm his HP for you all right tell me what is it

13 he’s on he’s on nine you got it you got it you got it you got it he’s not nine he’s on 14 oh my God no no he’s on N Health that means four Hearts no I am not on four Hearts I don’t know what you are

On never mind I’m wave is on Wave is on 12 yeah I believe in you oh wait I just lagged what the hell this is a decently even fight this guy is way better than me I’m probably going to lose Dyan is really good but I don’t 14 like what no I’m

Just going to waste it bro it doesn’t matter I need to get stuff in my hot bar I’ll be right back I’m grab my headphones why do I have this in my hop bar bro what all right there these arrows do not do any damage bro yeah because they’re not instant

Damage I have The High Ground I can see yeah how are you still on 20 like are you your lag wait oh wait I’m Not Invisible damn yeah that’s probably a good idea for also me uh y got luck I said y yeah I got luck but

I’m going to kill you no he has the good luck I’m dead it’s over y I think I I think I might have been right cuz I immediately got locked into a freaking combo and a crit immediately can we please like chill on F real quick and let me do

Something like pretty pleased cuz I want to like how you on 17 what G is he low did you lose yeah these no I’m trying to figure out how I CR I just actually a regen what why did you do that that was so goofy how you won 17 I

Crit you 20 times in a row how do you know where my health is you cuz when I bow you I can see you had to have been low there wait what was that shot that shot was horendous that’s not me even D not this Dylan the other Dy

Low dog he he hits better shots than thatly [ __ ] combo that combo was legendary combo you are you are the best out there I’m trying to figure out how you’re not losing HP bro like that’s what I’m try to I know but I’m saying Dylan had had a better shot than wave

Just put on yeah that shot I’m not good at Bow I’m not good at Bow I suck ass at Bow no does Dylan and Dylan can actually hit something you don’t get these webs or these ones I’m just all these webs but I already did no I’m destroying all

The other webs so you don’t get any you seriously just kind of taking out the web I already got all my webs I don’t need anymore what is wave on bro cocaine massive amounts of it I’ll trying to do something I don’t care imagine this was

Wave and PE scenario this is the exact thing that would be happening except I’d probably already be dead because I’d be super nervous shaking and quaking in my boots I’m trying to figure out how you aren dead I’m trying to figure out how you’re on Max HP

What my mouse died my mouse died for a second I’m going to be honest that would have been I’m trying to figure out how I you 30 times in a row and you’re just not losing HP that’s what I’m trying to figure out right now’s I’m not haing saturation

Reg power he hasn’t popped he hasn’t if you hack if you hack then that’s just another way of saying that you suck at the game and you don’t know any other way win like bro you have you that’s a I don’t care I don’t I’m also you guys are you guys are

Even on health right now not anymore wait never mind you’re back un even never mind oh I had you low why did I oh not the unexpected axe I’m out of a why you still shooting me with a bow how much gaps are you on

By the way nine damn it imagine I’m on 13 no no me me and D are really good about using carrots I swear combo I just got comboed I just got comboed I just got comboed out of the Multiverse out of the freaking out of the

Spider just hit him with a split jump oh get him you win this you win this you win this right here you bow that you bow that no Dylan you bow that I did not have made a call he just jumped right out my

Web on my screen I did I did jump off your web or no I did I jumped over your wh I’m shaky bro come down why are you shaky I’m wave melon I’m like I’m like notable for being the got you got this you got this B B B B B

B that’s a bow moment I got idea I got an idea this season my v i want to I want I want to like like later in season I want to get something like I want to get something that’s like important and it’s like you do like a quest of you know how

Power like power five bows are overpowered not overpowered but are really good power five most seasons we just don’t get them this season we need to get bows why I you guys don’t get bows couldn’t you guys just ask me I had a i had a whole skeleton Farm set up and

I just got like 10 bows at the like when season ended actually I had 10 maxed out bows when the season ended I kind of forgot that we had a get cuz the thing is last season I had a single flame bow hexat came online hexi cat came

Online yo heck yo heat you guys game the game froze I’m no I’m not even joking I was about to CRI in my game Bros I’m not even joking I’m just I just have that quad armor you keep jumping right over my arrows bro it’s actually like main character Vibes No

Cap BR leave me alone bro like you don’t lose HP I can hit you how many ever times I want you just don’t I probably should have but I don’t have a lot of pearls wave that’s that’s the area where you should uh you right here

You wi right here you wi right here combo combo ass combo is ass D combo’s Ass let’s go Dy God I tried 360 and I’m note 360 was crazy you got it Dylan axe no no back up no no no no no no you ate a golden

Carot you would have had you would have had the saturation oh oh actually maybe I shouldn’t be doing this he’s on 16 you got it dyl oh oh wa actually I’m probably going do the same thing hey Dave you want to run some more botles no

No I’m do wave after I’m doing wave after you guys should watch that I usually do this thing in like SMP where I where I eat and then I throw PE I’m going to see what DS there are cuz like usually the say goodbye to your how

Do I get oh he popped the regen didn’t he no I didn’t I don’t have any I I you four times and you lose one heart but I don’t know what you mean by you don’t have region I wish I I wish you could spash inventory like I I wish

You do like God you’re on me why you there’s no way I’m actually out of Sprint me and my dumbass you got no I wasn’t out of Sprint why wasn’t I able to Sprint I just want webs bro leave me alone go get your own no here oh damn oh

Damn oh it’s over my shield is gone it’s over oh who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who Dylan fin house I why wasn’t I sprinting no way you didn’t fall for that I didn’t even notice you placed a web and now it is I tried all right I’ll just follow over

Here of course it might be it might be J for you bro no it’s cuz he’s not losing Hearts BR like I could hit him as many times as I want and he just doesn’t die I’m just I’m just the strafer Y are there any by the way that that was that

Was probably the biggest life I’ve ever told I suck at strafing all right I’m just going to go AFK real quick a damn it I Got you crazy and I’m going to just erase all your cobwebs not I’m not even going to take you see your H though you see your H though get his ass Dylan oh my God you have no gaps left bro I already know it no I have five how that

Does not make sense you just choked like three or two gaps no I I I eat a carrot and then I eat an apple bro and I was preserving my Apples because I didn’t have a lot oh you’re wait that’s what I do that’s I do I Apple that’s what I do too

There’s no way I actually lived you done who’s J moment no I erased my water I erased my water it’s actually wa my weap in place bro what my weapon name place okay J having how how did J know you as were a year you’re not taking any d damage I

Hit you every time I want you’re just not taking damage if I actually win this without any water I’m going to be ecstatic moment if you have gas I’m actually surprised cuz you’re pretty low I forgot to look at my how do you forget to look

At your HP how are you not dead I crit you four times I’m just him you’re three and I crit you four times and you didn’t die Hest surprised oh uh thanks for running away so I can eat another carrot uh that’s very nice of you you’re welcome thanks oh no really that’s

That’s you don’t have water how I crit you 10 times you did not take damage you’re still at 15 you did not take damage what is the owner is the owner of cheating it’s like is the owner cheating yo oh no it’s over it’s over I’m dead it’s over how you not dead

What oh my my armor is about to break that’s really nice now cuz mine’s at 400 still but I’m not at 400 if you’re wondering all right yeah I’m chilling I crit you so many times how didn’t you drop that’s what I’m saying you know how I

Feel there any by is there any cob playing around oh look oh you’re about to cob oh wait take that thanks there are zero return I get healing also I’m only at one Gap now fire a damn you have another oh I might be scared then cuz you have fire got

It bro definitely has two Min he’s looking how much stuff I have right now you have a massive Advantage you at it don’t don’t get combo Dylan Dylan oh wait hold on that was funny make him eat his last Gap make him eat his last Gap uh all right I’m

Dead Dyan do you have any more cops oh oh I won against W no Dylan your helmet gone yeah that’s what I’m saying I can’t win I my god did I say I beli in you did I say I believed in you hold do you want to hear my excuse

Want to hear my excuse he’s played on this kid for his whole life I’ve never never played this kit before no I I I’ve only played on this kit for like a month my God exactly a month I’ve never played on this kit I’m going to see who J

Moment is or J moment because I’m and also I have no clue why this La J it’s j I love you Matt wait no wait is that how you spell is that actually J or F booy it’s fboy B boy what the [ __ ] are you doing

With an account Nam J moment j m j m it’s so easy to web you I can’t believe I called you Daddy I I J’s daddy you oh you had your Shield up why your Shield break you had your Shield up I’m actually gonna get oh you’re popping regen all right

Yeah waste it waste it waste waste his ass waste his regen man I’m just gonna it’s a it’s a dick I mean it’s a dick move but smart yo Dyan no Dylan go get that cob go get that cob Dyan oh yeah W coms go get behind you behind you w behind you

Grab it there you go yo yo yo Dylan Dylan there’s another cob by the tree I need to practice my pre places you’re weird oh wait grab yeah turn around turn around turn around wait let W go go grab more CS in the corners like in the corners

Yeah no no see there like there was one over there but he’s going to go get that is he though I am watch me get that get that cob get that D get that I’m where the hell did you go oh he broke the cobweb doesn’t matter not then he’s not getting

Why did he break it because I don’t web and when I do web I use very little I only like use one or two honestly people spend like 20 CS at one time racist he just walked right through my we kill him are weting know how he’s walking

Straight through my web half the time I’m just I just jump a lot of the time so I jump over your web like bro I right in front of youo what you placed it behind me I heard it placed behind me that’s how you got your Shield was up when I hit you

You have a massive Health Advantage you have a massive Health Advantage Seven I ins you don’t tell him please it be wa was on nine Dyan you’re and you know what your oh yeah oh oh wait hold go get these cob get those C I know I’m healing mother don’t let get them bro pear he was gonna Goan loves CS that much he’s

Pearling on them I tried I tried it’s really satisfying when you pre-co some when they P Bro there so many that so good Dylan wait no way he’s high on HP right you you have Dage he’s on for he’s on for you kill him right here AGG Pearl aggo Pearl

Aggro Pearl aggro Pearl po how he’s on two he was on Two And you missed all your bow shots I hit I missed one bro you missed three I missed one by I I think I I think it’s time I tell you you’re out of invis yeah sry well now you’re not but

I’m not wasting my invis say save it save it that’s what I do I’m just MLG MLG oh Dam that was that that was really cool of you I’m not going to lie yeah style points you know bro honestly Dylan drop your helmet no no Dylan drop your

Boots wave melon did a clutch so he got s drop your boots give him an advantage oh it’s over it’s actually over how did I walk through that over wave is wave is up eight wait was on eight wait wait just wait you win right

Here you win right here if you get good crit no those were not good crits I’m disappointed in you yeah cuz I was in water you have Health Advantage you have Health Advantage right here it’s over it’s over B his ass he’s I survived I

Survived I was at half a heart I was at half a heart I was that half a heart twice yeah I saw that Pearl how did that Pearl not kill him I don’t know I hit him at 0.2 and there’s not even feather p on the boots I’m pretty

Sure D you got Health you got Health Advantage how is bro not how not bre I’m just that he’s he’s on 10 he’s on 10 you you have a lot more Health you have so much more Health than him Dylan oh oh no no no no no it’s

Over oh W Dylan yeah I saw 14 gaps nine PRS u 10 wet W rizle Dylan Dylan W now I need the luck real quick yeah I got the good luck first though So yo yo boy I see you I see you fan booy bro hi f booy can you please stop like walking through my web it’s pretty cool though it’s cool for the style points oh yeah okay Dylan Dylan I think you dropped your sword because of that I you dropped your

Sword can you stop bringing your shield down the second I bring out my damn axe thank you is he low oh I yeah no I’m not low I was totally not low I was totally not yeah bro was bro was not low bro I don’t know what I’m talking

About I I’ll just be grabbing all these webs can you just give me a few seconds okay so H this is the goal we get full God Armor by day two no by day one no no no by day one by day one no no no don’t wave wave do you think you

Could open the server like on Friday this weekend cuz no school on Friday and then we have like three day weekend on Friday uh no yeah same here yeah no don’t no I have LOL not nool you w right you right here you oh I didn’t was on uh what’s called

20 he’s on 20 hp he has was on 20 he Gap just regen regen regen reg I’m still at win this fight you’re not going to win this fight he’s just he’s back on 20 Health you’re not going to win this fight just back

Up he was on 15 like inant back 20 yeah good [ __ ] Dylan I know I actually know how to use my webs like no but no but don’t don’t turn the server on on this Saturday or like know this Sunday because then then like no like it’s

Going to go like give everyone like the weekend to grind I don’t want to do anything this weekend you won here you won Dylan Dyan you won you won you won no oh I could have all right I think that just proved I’m better and I just was not warmed up

On the first one yeah I think I’m just the best over here though cuz I’m the real J moment you suck J moment yeah I’m like J moment if autism yo yo yo wave except my door I’m like down let me get a let me get a

Screenshot of this I’m a I’m a I’m I’m I’m acoustic you’re a I’m I’m dude no dude I I I’m I’m J with the down you know guys this is this is definitely my J brother J yeah no no make a second Discord account named J moment and then just copy down J

Moment’s like a Discord profile as like oh yeah become J moment I’ll make it like dumb yeah dumb moment acoustic moment I’m not yo my next yo I’m making wait by by the by the way wait by the way um B booy like like

I was next time I was going to change my username I was going to make it a el moment and make it a baby dragon skin from Minecraft from uh Happy Sky Block no no no no not uh young dragon not young dragon uh what’s it called Superior

Accurate wave wave are you there yeah except my doio or G it’s not not it’s not I’m back myet just cut out that’s great it’s this what do you mean this is this isn’t cart what do you mean bro all right hold I’m going to change my Discord status on this what

Is on bro I’m going to change everything to look identical to J moment bro this is cart what do you mean this is not cart I don’t know I’m gonna cry what is blood on about this is not cart heart oh you were on fire there how okay

I thought you were going to play something there dude who’s Pon essay what the hell see uh I get quick Dro in cart this is this is what I’m telling you I get quick dropped in cart PVP then Pearl there’s two stacks of pearls use

Them oh well I was I was trying to pot but my freaking items weren’t moving you 10 seconds 10 n n eight eight you missed that regen you missed his regen I did now I only have seconds two one zero I guess I can’t the reason I

Can’t play freaking carts is because I don’t have I don’t have Vines then get vs I tried to before and I was ass with it you have Mouse buttons right I do I’m just gonna I’m just gonna punish heart you I did not work all right my I’m now J moment the real

One J moment watch out for the thing behind you okay I really want people to be fighting and then I log on people think I’m J moment bro are you actually not EXA that is exactly how we’re going to have a chance to fight J

Heart I want I want people to log no J moment’s J moment’s High tier three in cart I know no but that thing is he doesn’t use them I at least I don’t think life still it life still get you want 2v2 do some 2 V2s no NOA and and mik

Can since since there’s uh yeah I’m going to become I’m going to become J moment I’m going to join J moment’s team you’re going to join J moment’s team n that just be all right all I’m saying that that’s going to be way too busted we’re not going to have a chance

If you do like no cuz the thing is the reason me Dylan and Dave have a chance right now it’s because Dave is learning C and me and Dylan are pretty Dave’s getting good Dave’s getting good that our chance is literally okay card PVP it’s literally mine cart that’s our chance

We’re good we’re good we have everything about J moment we are J moment with a status though cuz I’m not deleting that [ __ ] I’m fighting I am fighting the Dave 101 underscore again all right I d uh I I you oh sh hold wait wait wait should I wait should I call

You f moment no no you can call me El do I’m Diamond one in this game I don’t play this [ __ ] but it’s all right though I’m going call you f moment okay I’m pretty much Jay if he was like bad at the video game and didn’t play this game

So Prett the opposite J wait just a sec oh my God why are you act spamming I wanted to disable your Shields so bad so I had to do that to disable your Shield oh why did I Pearl there that was not moment oh my bro I can’t eat my mouth

This an autistic kit is this a normal one anyways what do you guys think of my suggestion of having a only PL 3 only nah man n that’s a problem the thing is it takes 20 not allowed to have pots until end fight it’s no cuz know that’s like it

Won’t be like too much work but like it’ll just be annoying I guess I just don’t play this game and I don’t want to so whatever makes me play the game less you know oh what the heck that was that was rather rude if you I don’t if I say so

Myself this shit’s not fortnite what meant to do oh God what am I meant to do this isn’t fortnite I’ve been playing nothing but fortnite and people are messaging me now they don’t message me all day until I’m playing fortnite oh my God I told him I was going to play

Fortnite with them I lied I think oh my mouse died this is this is not a good moment this is not a good moment for wave melon this is not a j moment you know why I’m literally just J it’s regular T okay I if I were you I

Would have started critting me out what is is this just I did start critting you out me spe two strength too cuz I was at half a heart there [ __ ] oh well don’t play this game I was on like five I had the Health Advantage I threw my sword no you’re not getting that you’re not getting that that’s like my that’s like the one thing I need Oh I thought that was mine for a second I thought it was J I looked on my screen like oh J baby boy

Doom baby boy Doom can we do 33 you mean baby boy dude the [ __ ] okay pause all right pause pause pause pause I didn’t mean like that okay but all right you’re you are a Carter would you like to would you like to join our team I’m not I’m not especially good at

It but no no no but the thing is me Dylan and Dave are getting better at it and we can teach you so annoying I’m just I’m just to joining any team I’m invited to because I suck at the game and I need all what

Which one is it uh versus two yeah that was a w part the [ __ ] oh wait I was just like why did I hear somebody pop a totem and then I realized oh watching a stream ah oh God I’m being chased really that’s not going to do [ __ ] wait Dave are you

Screaming this is not fortnite save the world that’s a w oh God did you seriously not there yeah I’m I’m I’m like J moment so I don’t die anymore I changed my name and I haven’t died is it just not possible yeah if your name is j moment you just can’t

Lose the game that’s how it works you know it’s within the rules I should change my name to J moment no there’s no more J moments allowed we should all our name to no we should do a moment b c moment If you want if you lose if you lose that would be that would be really embarrassing cuz I’m eating right now you get P the diff imagine up you that you I don’t even enough fire resistance yet why you cuz I don’t play this game that’s

Not something I need to do in fortnite dude I kid you not I’ve only been playing fortnite like the past month bro said that’s not something you need to do in fortnite dude I don’t remember having oh no I actually do kind of need to PO

Up in fortnite never mind I’m a little bit slow hold up give me a minute save the world only play save the world so respectfully hop off my meat all right you play save your world in dude I need to get my v-bucks I need to

Get my daily v-bucks man and I got addicted so how be though bro s World probably doesn’t even have like a thousand people anymore bro it is it had 30,000 less than I was on only you [ __ ] body block that [ __ ] so hard I don’t want to hear that oh my

Lord fig out I figured out I should pick up your sword I will I will one one you in one second oh hey m is online I I have what’s I have a replay mod of me doing explicit things start AFK I’m God start right now no

You obliged to give that back you are obliged to give that back no no I wouldn’t give it back on Wave melon until I won the duel I have my own cart if you not cart uh hey you should drop how we just do like beating you

With an a yeah I one of those kits if you want to play it I have oh you’re dead all right uh send me the thing is I’m [ __ ] this game you not out there why did I take away your sword this is very annoying you got to

Stop bu man dude I don’t play this game in my defense so you can’t get mad at me fair enough yeah I play [ __ ] fortnite dude this is my fortnite how do you know how to pre and you don’t know D don’t play this game no no uh F

Fem used to play cart yeah I used to play cart and then I hopped this game and then I how good C is if you’re good at C yeah I play I used to play Crystal so this is not Crystal I mean the rail’s kind of the obsidian the guard’s kind

Oft you got you know yeah this is Crystal but better this is Crystal but [ __ ] what do you mean no this is better about Crystal I’m getting a sword and can you pre Obby I can pre Obby so you know I’m pretty good at this game yeah might hit

Crystals used to be insane and then I don’t play this game give me a hot minute to reorganize my inventory crystal crystal is too overpowered and it’s yeah everyone everyone’s like Nerf Crystal Nerf Crystal like the [ __ ] this is just knockoff Crystal it’s Crystal for poor people no it’s Crystal

Butt Crystal PVP butt hotties play it no cuz I don’t play this [ __ ] so it got to be yeah but you’re not a hottie so like are you meom me doom and me doom and Dylan and Dave this is not fortnite what I me to do ax is

Overpowered I mean I mean I would be using axes chronically if I if I sword yo oh my God oh my go okay hazy hazy this is just embarrassing that’s just embarrassing literally you just went the thing is that’s so embarrassing I’m [ __ ] whooping this kid how do how are

You saying this dud I don’t play this game it might no I like don’t play this game and you’re still like you realize all he was doing was Bo for like aot like two minutes yeah but then I hit an insane SW combo and then you couldn’t Crystal you couldn’t even

Do the thingy and I’m gonna run all the way okay you drop your doing the Doom Dragon the Doom Dragon hey in my defense I haven’t played this game in like a month I missed theend fight I missed the I missed the final fight like

I you cannot do [ __ ] I’m Leo Bro Look At Me Leo okay hello Leo welcome to life stepp lat bro welcome to the life Ste all right every time you get a kill the server you steal one heart all right you you may be wondering 20 I’m going to 20

Hearts I’m probably I’m probably just going to get my old I’m run no no doesn’t piss th I’m not used to speeding cart you should wave you should make it so you can only have speed like like level like STK one speed one no point of speed there’s no difference between just

Walking oh that was close bro doesn’t know how to PR Dave is yeah against you but against other people no you were break against hexat I I I saw I saw oh I saw an announce I saw an announcements that you of hexy cat sneak peek of her video and you and you

Were fighting her in the end I was yeah oh I need to get on I need to see that could you send that video to me I honestly haven’t seen hex’s cat videos go to I I’ll send it I’ll I’ll resend it in vc1 text Channel no no okay

I’ll check it after the um I um yeah put in vc1 and I’ll check it afterwards thing is your B your biggest mistake is going to be not wearing a totem yeah totems they’re good they take but if you have Shield use Shield like oh wait unless the other person’s using

Just if you have Shield use shield and yeah no no cuz now you can like no no cuz like in20 you can actually like block [ __ ] finally yeah screw this game I want to play Knock back to Thorns I need to uh just to piss off all the

People that are good at the game yo that was crazy off my earbuds okay here if you you knock back through the whole season if you end up this now no no pull Crimson P Crim in the end no no no no I was thinking of whole

Inventory of pills and gaps a bunch of XP bottles and then just a knock back in my inventory you just weren’t doing that again okay I you’re not bad at why we want you on the team we we need more cool people like you that actually play

C yeah but who plays code just play it just play for where’s the video he do want to One V one in Sword I feel like a or something did you repost in player announcements like where is it no like think click oh no you don’t have strength no where did my strength

Go I should have died there oh I I I messed up the hot key mug him I’m search I’m searching no wait I I aim too okay that was a skill issue I’m gonna be I’m glad that you’re not bad at cart I’m I’m so glad uh c

B bro no they bro where are they I I convince wave I convince wave today at 500 p.m. I I’ll give you the Google doc I’ll D you the Google Doc it’s on the no I I convinc I convinc wave by llama 32 seconds in 32 seconds

In um dude I can’t find the video just go no go to the text go into the chat on vc1 and then click on player announcements oh that does damage yeah yeah there’s the uh bring you to and then it’ll bring you to a video that

Hexi c s in on November 11th just click on it and go to the time St 32 September 11th 2001 no wait that’s in my that’s my grandparents side holy [ __ ] I’m so sorry for your loss no no no no they deserved it they some bad people you know you

Should learn you should learn to preil probably should get back in the mood of doing it like that oh I don’t see it this is very I’m I’m very here I’ll just share my screen I’ll I see that he cat thing they posted don’t see my username it’s so BL

Hey sh it’s no longer my off hand you look at my sh screen Dave yeah I put I reposted it on oh you reposted it okay no I didn’t repost it I’m just going no I did I did J moment reposted it the real one Dave did you win the

Fight yeah I won the fight you wait you killed wait wait you killed hexi no I killed Way Gone oh no no uh I do you see on my that that was really good that was really good all right I got I got I got to focus I got to focus

That’s you that’s that’s a DA 10 one you hit hexi back why were you fighting hexi where right here on don’t remember a [ __ ] hey hey you are really good at walking out of my C is the thing hey hey next season next season alcol people next season wait could you screen

Share I just did wait wait I feel like you’re the most so if I create if I create AIT thank you okay I’m watching it now oh wait [ __ ] uh look you have got to be low is that oh yeah news to me wait I killed hexi no you hit her

But I was getting I was getting rolled there okay I don’t remember that I don’t remember ever being there like oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa you so good at getting out of my cob oh wait I think I remember that I

Think that was on the beginning where I joined I basically got given a set and said Kill hexi ah I was basically G I was basically just given a noted that from hex’s teamate and and said go after I once di to that I once

Died to that like I know I had no totem and like was trying to break someone else’s car and just triggered it did they update PVP Legacy no no you like Shield still cannot block it that is weird honestly this this server is literally basically This Server should be called

PVP practice uh what’s it called this it’s it’s not PVP Legacy it’s PVP practice that was closep how did you we yourself it’s a strat trust it’s a strat hazy there’s already Dave I know this is probably going to be a bad idea but I I want to

Fight you in a different kit it’s very holy [ __ ] I’m out no I have slowness that kit is fight recraft the thing is I you just get out my cobs you’re you’re little you’re a slippery little Easter Bunny aren’t You bro is a slippery little Easter buddy if you would actually getting my webs oh that was close that was that was so close okay you’re good at cart I want you should one me and this sword all right why are you we are you are you the

BET are you the betraying type dude I don’t really I don’t know who that’s directed at I mean do you can you really take my word for that because either way if I was you’d I’d say no I don’t know I want I I I like I like

Being able to trust people hey hey hey hey he you could trust me I’m just trying to make a brewery this season and not get griefed I’m going start the Cel yeah I’m going to start I’m starting the Cel this season I’m down let’s do

It yo can I yo can I suck off J in that cartel like the actual one oh the real J no we don’t talk about him the fact that you’re off handing your sword your ax is pissing me off dude cuz I don’t know if you’re one of

Those weird people that use left hand mode that’s actually don’t know how to read I know I don’t know how to read it’s great I hate this I’m automatically more afraid of people who use left hand than right hand yeah it’s you assume that they’re good at the game you

Know maybe I should use left hand instead and see how like maybe I should play this if your right I dominate it’s just going to [ __ ] I’ve tried yo maybe I should actually play this game for once no way no no no like like wait I’m throwing wait I’m throwing on wait skin

Customization wait Dave uh oh God no he’s using left hand mode this time okay I’m me start with the axe switching to the sword what Dave I’m going to fight you in a different kit this time and if you win I will shout Dave just for a silly what we’re good

We’re good we’re not dead yet we’re not dead yet this is progress it’s a it’s a neite kit oh oops that was the wrong one don’t accept that one don’t accept that one that one uh no hold on I have to wait 20 seconds I about you’ll give me a custom

Ha you respectfully how much do you play this game like on on the server like on disc just really good at sword combos oh no yeah I’m really good at not playing this game and acting like I’m good what I barely play I’m I’m going be real

I play like two I play like how about this you give me how about this you’ll give me a custom be honest that’s that’s infinitely more than I play I log into the game CL my daily a on Hop PL then log off why are there 2K okay like on

God that’s L what I do again if if you win then I will shout dayon one is the goat okay I have to win yeah ass oh well got an idea of something I want to do for the server there’s no C stupid just remember everything you try

To do on the server will get [ __ ] up by either JM or llama cuz they no they’re just going to whatever no that’s a g g GS what if you do GG’s G yeah IAL when you actually healed you did better yeah when I actually play the

Game like I’m supposed to you know so of [ __ ] eating my pasta sauce it’s on this that’s on my right hand side you know a much better hotl kit you know with [ __ ] God we [ __ ] so long I’m used to the knock back yeah died [ __ ] gg

Gg uh I didn’t know if I should I should have stayed in that I should have stayed yikes oh well yeah I don’t play this game I’m doing dragon and and op okay I’m so much better when when my sword is in my main hand I use right hand i’m

Beast oh I’m a bit weird hey hey I’m willing to Du anyone in Crystal cuz I’m [ __ ] at everything Else that’s a nice PE cret you are quite laggy my man I know I I don’t know why but I’m having like really bad lag spikes right now I’m not doing well I’m super laggy well like there’s legitimately two saacks of gas I can just do this all day

Sogy right now yeah I can tell bro what is this you got some good Peak rits I will say my got go through I got didn’t load okay do okay good that’s good 2.6 yeah you gave us get way too many pearls well uh I kind of forgot to first time

We don’t talk how good you a crystal oh [ __ ] no not Crystal I’m I’m decent I’m decent I’m decent I want to see if I can beat you dude that’s what I want to know oh no oh no no I hate I’m not the best I used to

Play this like way more than I should have I used to not touch grass and now I’m no longer single so yeah and now you you play what’s it called no should I should I that was the dumbest thing I could have done I tried

To throw a pearl oh my God I play fortnite save the world cuz my doesn’t have skins so yeah okay yeah yeah okay yeah this is winable for me this is definitely winable for me yeah I except the except the duel all right this is not winable for you buddy I don’t what

Are you on about what are you on about Buddy Boy I saw you hit Crystal it’s not that good but Al oh I have ping Advantage oh yeah this is game oh the crit the I have double I have half your ping no you don’t here’s three quars of

It same difference I have failing math so don’t don’t worry about it maybe you should be doing math instead of Minecraft yeah no I don’t play Minecraft anyway so you know you think I play Minecraft you see how [ __ ] I am at this game I don’t play Minecraft you know I play [ __ ]

Fortnite the thing is what my touring skills are actually un how did you beat me GG I’m doing not playing [ __ ] my promise you will not be able yeah know yeah I know let’s Go wish I had shout so I could disagree with that he beat me in a b again again one more one more one more all right one more one more one more I’m so bad at tunnle PVP like that [ __ ] I’m going to FL ground okay okay I got a lock in

Buddy3 I know I2 I don’t care which one wait say yo we’ll do 22 Why You Doing Crystal this it’s the one kid know to play who playing [ __ ] undertale not me not me I got potion be completely honest bro hazy why are you wasting your eight stacks of pearls

Bro even doged on hazy oh never mind oh yeah you’re not let’s go I’m playing ass you can tell’s focusing up right now cuz he’s not [ __ ] talking you know oh oh oh okay GG got sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry no no run it back run it

Back this time I’m actually going to not [ __ ] be eating pasta and watching YouTube at the same time I’m going to I’m going up we’re going to keep doing Crystal I’m going on death all right need to focus up here you focus on waitone want to PVP again

What want to PVP again what K the uh SMP or the W I’m bored um I don’t really care just want do I’m just for a bit so I’m guys I am versing at the actually no feel like wave I’m be honest if when I play when I

Play wave n bro I not going to use that kid they are are we GNA uh wait yeah Wave by the way um are we like can we wear netherite at the end fight or do we have to wait till after we have to wait till after the end fight

Only oh like after everyone goes to the end world I for I keep doing I’m a bit slow oh I forgot to sort my inventory hold on uh imagine oh hold on don’t hold on I’m going to have to do that for every single match so I’m just going to do you

Again you better not hold on you better on them right now wait this is are our CS banned um noar they’re banned until until after the inight oh wait I thought you said we have four Maxs inventory yeah but that’s after the ight that’s like

Total all right so we can’t even have CS before the end fight at all no cuz then you could anyar well that means then end fight too we’re just going to get destroyed dang like bad why do I do that all Le said us have like three carts

Each it’s like only just because just because people are bad at PVP doesn’t mean they’re Heth like yeah but oh I guess one like J kind of though it’s not just people like me who are bad at progressing in the game you do not have a Health Advantage here

Buddy you might you actually might yeah okay in a minute one of my friends what you just faed through my freaking webs I should have chose to water around water around name one person that can kill the two best VP on the server there a thing called J moment and

He is kind of really good at the game is he the best PVP if I can if I can beat you even in one match I said I just said who do you think can beat the best people on the server he’s the best you can beat him uh probably

Probably I would say hexy cat or um no hexi could not be Jay no can I could Jay for he’s high tier three and L everything I mean if I if I was giving given time to I am not no he you know how good Jay is right

Yeah yeah they’re saying they’re saying they could be J respectfully it’s not happening no no not like in a PVP match like if I if I had time I think I could no time time to download a ha I think I don’t I guess anybody could

Beat to be fair yeah that’s what I do that’s the one time I beat Jay actually the one time I beat him because he forgot to eat gaps and he was like I’m not saying like I can beat him straight up in a one V one I’m saying that I can

Beat him L probably still wi yeah he’s really really good he’s top five if he didn’t see I put on in chat he’s top 500 overall right now oh uh Kyle could stand up against him but I don’t thinkle I’m known for glazing Kyle but nah glazing glazing W wage what is that

Wage wage sure he he’s good at the game but is he smart yeah yeah I mean if you can drop you I don’t really I I has the intelligence of only fans that’s how at least let us have like three cards each person before fight all no no no four cards walk

Through my we now we now we saying zero until afterite what no no no no no no no no that’s what I’m saying like if we can’t even have cards before andite all it doesn’t even matter how much people team up we’re going to lose yeah J is

Going to get all the notch apples they can use cards as well oh no way you’re just going to Anchor oh my they can use cards as well they can use carts as well they’re good they’re like not bad at CS like they have the sword

Advantage like the close let yeah let us have an advantage this is why to win the end fight like why why is this why do we have to win if I win the end fight I’m making the dragon egg into an omelet again you’re not winning the end bro no

I’ll steal from J moment TR probably yeah how B is theorder going to be by 5K by 5K I’m pretty sure you [ __ ] I hate pearls pearls are [ __ ] bro can I be added to the billionaires Club bro yeah no no invite invite him do you not know how to Pearl how to

What’s it called Pearl uh what’s it called I’m so dumb why can’t I don’t any swe Techni stay there I I right click the thing and then I right click the other thing and hope it works cuz I can click fast there’s a reason I don’t play this

Game like you’re sweating I don’t know any of the sweaty techniques I know how to left click and right click pretty quick good that’s about it that’s why I’m not good at this game I don’t Le any of the [ __ ] meta techniques get helmet Pop I feel like

Llama is washed though win this cuz I was able to crit out Lama last time sucks oh this kid’s horrible you can pay you know let you do that you boot pop solid how why did I just find a kit no no no no no I I no

When I used to sweat I I beat what’s it called uh what’s it called I I beat someone in Crystal with no armor all right no more totems someone with Crystal and no armor I feel like they killed like beat without popping once in Totem when I was eating mac and

Cheese like wait if you’re naked if you put a crystal and use it you’re going to die no I don’t think there’s anything worse than losing to someone in Crystal press my one key which is where my ax is on God we should just start the server

Right now no no seriously start up right now wave no no no h I’m going to send you my wave melon kid it’s so it’s so good this the one use all next season rank two netherite ax no armor no no no it’s better it’s better Saturday when you do it right

Now wait the kit look at the armor you already know I call this kit AIDS so just letay it enough yo wait I love AIDS honestly yeah this I’m be real I want to give everyone AIDS there’s this K this Kit’s amazing and no one ever can beat it I was playing using

This fight then I didn’t show up to it so yeah my of the best part look at the sword knock knock two yeah this SAR I feel like I’m getting worse as I play wa you want to use I’m going to use this on the actual server you

Ready we can we let you on the team if you start the Ser right now what do you think of the cat ha it’s pretty good right po what it’s amazing it’s Peak oh and we win God this this Kit’s so easy I hate it bro I’m going to use

That in the actual SMP and you’re going to have a lot of fun against that I’ll discard you yeah I have totems I’ll put totems in the shle box and car them around all right also good like getting close enough to actually be able to land

A cut you know no no no cuz that’s the thing I can I can in I don’t even need to get I don’t have to C nothing yeah I have this thing called knock back too and Thor so you’ll die from Thor damage n warn’t do like working

Explosions yeah I know but still he’ll die I don’t care I’ll figure out way oh with that [ __ ] dude no no this way this way you do this is how you kill me with thorns what you do is uh you like I shoot a boat into like a what’s

Called bub them and then why am I trying to crit you out it’s weird like that I guess I don’t know bro little hot smacky guy where’ you go Mr smack Mr smack come back Hello not done than jumped guys I’m getting jumped on the deadliest Minecraft SMP he’s getting jumped I’m the deadliest most cheating Minecraft you’re so [ __ ] cringe man I’m just running around in circles eating my [ __ ] plasta dude let me eat when will you die how about um

Never blood is not technoblade I’m sorry Yeah I’m not playing that game and catch me no [ __ ] fight me hole bro fight me come here I’m not fighting you in your holee fight no give me your phone it’s much easier you know when I’m the one in the hole I’m not good at you know

I want to take this is my hole now so it’s going to work a lot better my is better oh there go your helmet oh no oh no if I was good at the game you would have died there oh no right now the right now please no you

Should make the bo 100 by 100 what if I give you wait are you starting to ser no no I’m starting the server on either Friday or Saturday I don’t know no do do Sund uh do uh Thursday night Thursday night Thursday night no right

Now no cuz I got boxing tomorrow I can’t I don’t I don’t know if that’s too bad wait what’s on wait what’s on Friday bro nothing then what why is there no school uh for me it’s a like a like with teachers get their [ __ ] together there yeah

Yeah yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t know if they’re called if they have the same thing called in the US but I you live where do you live uh I don’t know actually that’s a good question that’s a perfect name for it by the way what what country do you live in

Florida America where America Florida Canadian I live in the country uh what’s it called uh the baby big no you’re not right you you live in a country um China bro bro guys what state do you live in China bro his ping is not I live in Canada in China

Kore I live in Korea where it’s cold and [ __ ] I have three of sow sow oh wait what’s so low you had doesn’t Antarctica have like you tell I have it’s 8 8 8 de it’s 8° you guys guys guys 11 wave wave wave wave if you’re not all right all I’m

Saying is like turn the server on like Friday night nice don’t don’t no don’t turn on like after the weekend’s over that’s just a waste of the weekend yeah wait wait wait wait want to grind during the weekend you you said did he say you were

Going to turn on on Sunday no either either Frid either uh Friday or Saturday do it Friday like do it like at like Friday like do it like Friday yeah do it Friday when everyone’s not at school no no Friday 4:30 Friday 4:30 like like whenever when like people like are you

EST are you EST it is 646 for me 646 for me hold up oh yeah um don’t do it that don’t do that then I’m still be at school oh do it do it all right do it at like do it at like 5:00 p.m. do no do it

At 500 p.m. EST how about that yeah yeah 5 wa when’s that for me though that’s like eight no I we all voted to do it at four EST think when’s that for me is that like 6 pm. for me I’m down to do 6m when’s that for Mountain Standard

Time Yeah Dave Dave’s in Colorado he’s weird yeah because I decide my fate whether I’ll be able to get on Dave can name can I your government name no yo who wants government’s name bro who wants my name uh uh is is it um little Fe [ __ ] No

No’s government name is ha he always smush by gravel bro yeah my Discord name but no no in hoplight in hoplight I’m always getting graveled so what we whenever you we get gravel like literally people go I’m getting hazi Whopper whoer watch my yo guys watch my screen share not

Screen Monkey what he you want to hop on Hop two two hours how are I that I have I have more pocket money than you but guys how how much pocket money do you have hold on let me load up let me what I only have a lunar client

Do I hold on hold on hold on what time is it for you is anybody 648 648 and wait what time did you say guys pantar joined the server actually actually I can probably do who did who did who did who did P joined the reversus

Too yo I’m sucking his dick right now BR where is he wait is he still in here no actually I think we can do 4:30 H’s time no no yeah no 4:30 my time so that’s 5 30 for me I think yeah I’m I know I’m the most important buddy I’m

The most the entire it was going to be EST which everybody voted on all right 5:30 EST that what time is it 4:30 EST for me though 530 EST that’s hour ahead you’re an hour behind an hour ahead of me I’m to what what time what time you what is it for

Me well it converted shut up for a second shut up for a second hazy what time is it for you now uh 6:49 okay so it would be three it would be 3 whatever it is no no it’s 649 a.m. 6:49 a.m. yeah whatever it’s it’s

It’s SI it would be 3 whatever did you say 6:49 a.m. please no if I didn’t pull off that Gap I about to say do you live in China oh P move to 1249 549 for me what time it would be two it would be two whatever it for

You wait wait did yall just hear Dylan he said hazy lives in Vietnamese what day what day what day are hiding in the Friday or Saturday or whatever the f I don’t know what days go go to announcements and it tells you go to announcement I usually get home around

Like 3:30 EST so I can probably do like four if you look at the if you look at the message right above the uh right above uh the guidelines thing it’ll show you and it will convert to your time there we go now we got a valid login

Session we’re going to play Hypixel I’m trying to search up if I have school on Friday let’s see what time is 2m all all look at my screen share fing how much pocket money I have all right let me do this no what do you mean what

Time is 2 2 p.m is that means it’s 2 p.m. 3. I think other one it’s slub got it bro it just it’s a world board won’t open until December 9th at 2 p.m. yeah time no no no it transfer to your time it’s for me kind of slacking slack

On how do you do that time okay so you got like you got like you got like 200 mil you got clean the funny thing is just to piss off FDI just spent 300 mil on a mage set oh what do you think of my 100 Mil Bas so I can

Do Friday but I have school I’m pretty sure on that day so Friday why why Coco minions why Coco minion though it’s a piss off all the sweats and know I make like the most inconvenient minions I have [ __ ] Cobblestone minions that’s bro Cobblestone minions aren’t that bad the

Thing okay currently what’s my what’s in my burst what my yo are we GNA get maxed out armor on day one okay no no no no that’s what I’m literally doing bro I’m literally getting I’m I’m getting like full I’m getting full like God [ __ ]

Maxed out base by two days by two days I got my minions I’ll make the base and you can get the armor can I can I borrow some of the stuff you have in your base trust me I’m cooking oh okay I’ll suck your cck okay watch my scre watch my scre watch

Next me next me next me next he’s going to have so much money I’m going to be very upset once again me next pretty please oh we said pretty please I think we got it now oh [ __ ] honestly yeah I’m rich I’m kind of Rich right now I mean I

Just had I just spent 300 mil and [ __ ] but like that doesn’t matter you only have 600k person 1,200 bits even like I have no oh I have no CL what that is I’m be honest no look at this right oh Bann you’re banned you’re banned you’re banned you’re ban it says banned

I have a JuJu I have a JuJu I have a livid I have a gilded Midas so this is 50 mil though yeah but look at the gear sets though only talking like this know got a mage set and then look I got what’s it called like [ __ ] star Terror

Are you using nekron right now or which one you using which one you using right now I got NE I got nekron and storm I got a m and set did you buy yeah I’m not I’m not cool enough to use that yet so I’m still using uh which where’s my set shadow

Shadow assassin W yo hazy you should honestly coached me in a Solo hotl game in a Solo hotl game no no no I’ll put his p in a Sol like all right wait no I’m going to claim the minions no no no literally I I literally don’t play

Anymore and I just piss off F because he said he wants he F he just wants to like leave our like minions working but that’s rude right so I got to claim them yeah yeah you should honestly bro oh honestly I might just what’s issue COC one

Mil I get per day for my minions per day I claim like like I claim the minions like once week and I like okay okay I’ve left these minions alone for four days let’s see how much money I’ve made for four days I claimed them four

Days ago yeah but you also have like the max everything in them like it looks like like so I mean this wasn’t this was like an 100 Mil setup so I mean okay 100 Mil setup and I’ve made around like three 300 mil from them yeah I have this thing called uh I

Have a 50 mil minus so who’s winning I know look at this 32 mil and and I’m not even doing with the last row I’m just going to tell I don’t play this game I play [ __ ] Sky Block I used to play this game oh

Well a lot more yeah no [ __ ] 42 mil bro no no and I bro four days four four days 50 no four day like 4 days 50 mil anyways I’m going to go back to f pumpkins for the next 20 years I just I wait visit me visit wait wait pause

Visit me no bro coach me coach me hazy just no no no no no no no visit no visit my what’s it called visit visit my garden this is the No No No I made 300 mil from farming and then and then and then to buy like a bunch your Island

Ha this is my this my garden uh okay I was about to say that’s a really nice Island I got a j oh my God I’m so black right now what E I know I hate it too bro I can’t break this wood nice 45 Enchanted pumpkins bro

Coach me like you’re so bad stick out your GI the rizzler I already told you you’re black all right I’m getting nice I’m onop no I’m the solo hoplight goat I swear you got one wood and you think you’re that guy bro I hopped on I hopped

On the civilization event no no no no they mean no I’m so mad that you can only have parties for three like literally it’s actually okay I’m I’m getting on hoplight we’re going to solos everyone going to solos no no no I I I have a solo win which is like

Really nice to feel but also the thing is I I get in I I get in Death Match like 70% of the time and I get like there’s always that one guy that has like maxed out armor bro I swear there’s always that one guy who has midest seven uh

Seven no no no no no once I landed at the desert temple and I got what’s it called three gut apples from it oh my God there’s so much gold what yeah I three God apples from a from a from what’s it called two different chests in the Spinx oh yeah I

Got and then I had full diamond and then I got and then I dropped no way you dropped with great God apples and no no no no in Def it was me versus last guy he had Reaper he stole my God Apple didn’t you have two more no no no

No I used one to make Midas and I ate one earlier in the game and then last guy uh what’s it called made Reaper for the for the last fight he didn’t have it and and then what’s called I went you know you should have done you should

Have fake eat a god apple and then you would like ate like a normal Golden Apple oh true that’s bro Che out my G for the rler thinking booty monkey I’m start saying Che out my the rler and slide my booty damn damn you got the

Damn oh my God bro I got I got Diamond Plus go people underestimate how good crossbows are they’re insane they have been insane at least off especially off and I just wed off my youp bro W call smack my booty and call me the zest damn Daddy what that wait I see more

Diamonds yo okay I’m going to hop on Hop light imagine not no you’re not no you’re not not want to play sh want to playo diamond diamond golden gaps from my from what’s it temp from Temple chest that’s horrible you suck you’re actually me DI in Gold gaps iron and powder shut

The hell up bro wait is it is it my powder cocaine yes sir yes sir what’s good wave I’m the wave not the wave goat oh yeah Golden Apple let’s Go I would kill sep n Dylan Dylan are are you the wa wait let’s party up let’s party up no going solos I believe those are diamonds but I can’t tell if it’s water or diamonds bro God are you are did you already solo it’s diamonds I already in solos I’m sorry

I’m already in solos too and I’m kind of Stack no I’m kind of stacked so I’m not leaving this game yeah for real me too I’m not I’m pretty stacked as well also the thing is also also also they buffed archers do you only get like half a regen when

You or something no no no no no no no you get what’s you already get that the regen for like 12 seconds but what long time got this more diamonds for w how much is it looking like and I got a present and I got nothing out of that present but I can

Make a saddle w did you join us into this game yo wave I’m going to go private VC VC what no what no why because I can’t D betray Dave betraying da is betraying Dave is betraying join his teamray Tey [ __ ] this guy guys let me eat you

Oh what I didn’t I’ll invite you to the party yeah invite him now he’s betrayer yeah what I do he you betrayed the team that’s like a monkey monkey guys guys that’s reasonable that’s reasonable to kick him out of the team he betrayed right oh yeah yep you literally joined VC with

Wave his VC no no you he was going to that’s betray yeah I’m not even to play a game in hoplight I’m trying to make a red stone Contraption but I’m really bad at Red Stone me and Dy have tried to like trap together and it’s gone so wrong every

Single I mean we got one kill I mean we got one kill yeah what scer guys scer what what is this drip guys what is this drip Stone probably got really good dri what is this drip Stone bro no it’s probably really you’re not screen by the way oh

Never mind you’re not this game but oh my God bro what is that drip Being I saw diamond on my mini map but then they just disappear no you I legit walked right my path I I copied my diamonds one Diamond all right buddy okay buddy so I do have a lot of gold give me some I’m in the back look the Mir my patience is I want I want it I want my patience is waiting entertaining and it’s likey F that or or or I can’t do it well oh yeah why does that seem to be every kid’s childhood around my age yet I neveron be honest I’m so good at like that seems to be everyone around

My age childhood and yet every time I this is like the first year I’ve even heard about it I should have added to the FNAF movie but it would have made it four times better honestly they should have they should have like like like when I haven’t seen the FNAF movie but when

They did the the when when Freddy when when uh fredbear had that little munch on that kid’s head he should have started doing the gritty And yo guys I found I found diamonds I found I found all the iron all ever need but I can’t find coal like legitimately I can’t find coal honestly sounds like skill what I didn’t say anything there’s Cole okay W Co love you I hate you can you please

Suck on me what did I say I said no I have no clue what you’re talking about mini map’s kind of dog water bro I’ll be honest mini map’s dog water it’s not showing me the exact spot where diamonds are bro like like bro do better are map supposed to do that wait what you’re talking about uh

Uh never um um JK JK yeah just kidding just kidding I’m not kid kid I lagged I lagged I lagged I Lagged oh yes my ping took over over like I’m like bro I’m on 43 ping bro it took over I promise like I would not lie to you all right I’m XR wait no no don’t tell them who’s that don’t tell them who that oh don’t

Tell don’t tell him to St to get a bunch of diamonds and help Battle Royale we can’t be Shing that out right yeah we got to kill them we we we got to like hide it from them you know yeah we got to R yeah but hazy is crazy isn’t in

This game right now right right you you guys are safe you guys are safe right now how much AMS you have uh I’m going to an eight Bane currently so I have five diamonds how do you know it’s not four I think I might make the warrior does just enough Dage the warrior

Pickaxe the warrior pick the warx the the theora not best not best legendary weapon The Lorax I SAR is the only theora is the only game that makes coal worth something or not coal uh that makes copper worth something bro speaks for the tree my name is hazy I speak for the gay

Then when Dick we like dick what I speak for the G and I’m and I’m my name is hazy I am very gay when I know and I don’t I don’t know rhyme for gay you have a small PK I have a small I

I have a small ciper PK yo I have a small ciper PK yo yo you’ve never had a p you never got complimented yeah no a a a told you I [ __ ] told you bro Big Deck energy Big Deck energy it’s kind of funny how I saw more diamonds than you

Though oh my God I I actually I oh my God I guys I have two gaps 10 diamonds 29 gold in P in I still uh 10 minutes of no five minutes of PVP yet zero [ __ ] I I I have I have AO wi what do you have what do you have

That that was so good I swear yeah yeah yeah it up up brozy is still coming back from that one N I can come I can still come bro said yes zero right that’s gonna get me that’s gonna get me kicked off the team guys you’re still good you’re still good

No’s he’s saying you’re good he knows it’s true bro and it is true no no okay no no but one thing is okay no Doom you should know I am gay so I’m I’m kind of fine that I get Zer [ __ ] I’m kind of fine yeah that that’s fair that’s fair so

You’re saying don’t even get boy women kind of suck I’m not going to lie then you then you don’t get any men what about that uh I mean the thing is I have a boyfriend so yeah bud fair enough fair enough bro is gay what no really no really I just clipped you

Saying I just clipped you saying that you were gay I’m going to send it to everyone can I’m getting cancel okay I can make a diamond chest plate wave model oh my God oh my God hazy two Diamond save two diamonds for don’t make a chest plate don’t make a

Chest plate make boots leggings don’t be stupid yeah stupid yeah stupid oh thank God D okay that was kind of G let’s go bro I can’t make no I can make no we’ll need to vote for I I can make half I can make a diamond chest

Plate boo sword table stup and stinky you’re stinky stinky poo how do you know that huh cuz you’re stinky poo poo I I can smell you from here buddy I hate stinkies they remind me of hazy oh wait wait wait no wait okay okay this is epic

Bro I’m not going to lie bro stinky remind me of hazy bro he’s really stinky yeah fair enough fair enough no it’s called it’s called it’s called it’s called testosterone you you know that considering you’re around him so much like true no okay me I mean I mean me

And Dylan likes to sleep in my bed sometimes wait what no no because of them Dylan likes to sleep in my bed sometimes because he get scared with monsters under the bed so he can like smell me sometimes you know I feel like I feel like you would be the one in my

Bed if I’m scared bro really I don’t know man I don’t know man you’re pretty you’re pretty straight I don’t know if I’m into that you’re black says you no I’m like actually yo please note that x-ray mods and texture pack I’m using x what xray

Mod I would never use x-ray bro like why would I ever do that like x-ray is for noobs I’m about it guys be I just exploded a creeper and exploded another creeper that dropped gunpowder w w w creeper is bro I know this creeper does me

N oh God I hear cave spiders I’m out of here boys I need one diam here for the next video I’m out of here boys I’m not messing with no K spiders run right into wait a second wait a second wait a second something ain’t right oh that’s so

Op what’s so op but you can put food in the in a furnace and then mine it with the smelter pickaxe and it gives you the cooked yeah yeah you didn’t know that you didn’t did they only just do that did they do that this season because they didn’t have it last season

They yeah you you I have five gapples pvp’s not even turned and I’m about to get a free head by just killing this kid real quick there’s a there’s a person he’s he’s not on the he’s not on our team bro hazy you’re probably not even

Like run away from I just yed his p I got boots leggings so unless you really want to Y I need a bungle bro oh my God Four Diamonds I’m gonna suck right on your balls what did I just say I’m gonna kill you B get up here butd bro I have 13 diamonds what should I make it on I need to make a diamond I want to make like a warrior pickaxe why you g to make it’s not

Warrior pickaxe bro all sorry sorry do you have the T no I do not have the TNT sadly then you can’t make it cuz tanty you’re not killing creepers for tant oh true okay what should I make with the diamonds then uh um wait how much time this

Infinitely fast um I have 15 all right make mind never mind never mind never mind tell me how much you have if you if you have have 17 all right so make all right all right so you’re going to have one extra make got chest plate boots

Sword and then eat table I’m [ __ ] dead bro oh my God I I’ve developed I’ve developed a weapon you are a weapon you’re crazy guys I’m on half a heart okay chest plate boot I’m decent at Red Stone so I’m actually doing well here BR like oh I just found infinite Water Resources

I need oh my God that’s actually super lucky I actually needed water and I just found an infinite L around guys guys I guys guys I just killed first guy that spawn PVP but the thing is now I’m on one heart add a cave spider spawner didn’t you have five

Gapples yeah I I ate one and killed him yeah where are those other five gapples oh the other five gapples I ate one no I ate one killed him and he had one on him honestly said see you later and just left bro oh god wow there’s a guy right here I’m

Gonna go chase him down well not thing is this kid gave me oh I don’t I I don’t want to make an AR’s blessing right guys nah do it no I’m making I’m making a head makinging now I’m about to junk with kid so be quiet please you’re mad buddy you’re mad

You’re mad shut up shut up you’re mad you’re Mad oh my God he get so much gaps how many eight oh this Obby on him how much he had five Obby I can I can just make an eat table right here oh my God you’re melon I have so many diamonds insane how many

You oh he had gold he had gold ww bro I I made make that the sword I have Diamond chest plate diamond boots diamond sword and enough to make bro my inventory is so clogged oh my God you had two prop books I can make

Prop Diamond those go and oh my God I have 30 gold God damn and he had oh my God and he had four sh can I can make a table let’s go I’m so good all right chilling back healing up I got a goldhead so next fight I I do I will win

As long as I get enchant I will you’re not going to win you suck you’re horrible quit okay yeah quit I’m making a nether portal smartart you’re proba bad yeah know you you probably didn’t even speed portal you probably didn’t even NE rush if you’re going to the nether at least nether

Rush get B okay the only times you should be going to the nether is if you’re like Nether uh or what’s it called or you have a god app and you’re going for the or Quest G on G on G guys no gap on G not even trolling not

Even are you my G cuz I’m your what can you do in the nether W remember at the time oh my God I only have sharp one bro it’s actually horrible Shar one’s honestly kind of ugly I just wasted all my Obby and stuff and there’s an eatable Lane there bro I

Quit yo you chill you chill he is probably not chill you should probably run for your life he’s my teammate I don’t think he has voice chat though oh bro bro playing well still has imagine playing Civ and you probably don’t even have a kill yet like n yeah honestly

That that could not be me or that could not be I have a kill you probably don’t I have a kill remember oh actually surprising wow how rude yeah you’re BL yo my feelings are hurt no out of Border but I’m actually gonna Scream Wait wave vote for me vote for me

Yeah but I’m running that doesn’t matter SAR if these diamonds are I need these diamonds why are you guys running I think they’re out of Border I think the B is legit right here wait what no way the diamond are out of Border oh my

God okay I got to run for my life cuz Border’s legit five blocks away from me hold up let me concentrate all right I’m already out okay I need I need to head back in the caves bro there’s legit like a 4 or eight ve of damage right thereo I could

Got him but there were like three blocks out of Border I’m being attacked right now what um don’t die I’m getting hazy I’m getting hazy all right I’m chill he’s getting hazy guys bro that’s like probably like a four or eight B bro just right there out of board I

Just 100% masturbating trap this guy’s 100% masturbating a trap on God on God I can make so much gas oh God guys guys guys guys guys please help please help okay oh I can’t there’s a lot of players above I need to C my inventory bro I got a

Bungle oh crap just run just run just run oh gr has I think I think you’re getting away maybe I hate it when people just come up to you like hit you a couple times and just run away it’s just not even it’s just not even worth it to I mean if you

Have a Midas and they don’t see it it makes sense I think I got away the thing is I don’t have AAS that’s the thing I don’t have AAS running oh my God I think I got away oh my god really W he’s crazy is he the

Skiy G rler answer yes or no yes or no probably not oh he’s not the Skiby get rer damn yeah he’s kind of bad honestly That Couldn’t that wouldn’t be me that that couldn’t be me like you don’t even have a kill in Civ bro like that’s

Crazy honestly it’s so easy to get kills in Civ all do or kill stolen just walk around for okay this guy’s Diamond Bo I can fight him come on bro Border’s right here I’m just trying to make it a surface I’m at y 61 let me to the surface already this

Is why Archer the goat I just shot him and then got regen for what’s it called 12 seconds you I’m I just came up from the surface and the board is legit four blocks away from me crazy I’m just like that though so like it doesn’t matter I’m going toward bule up

Bro honestly no no Santa is actually kind of goed you have to have you have to bro like that’s honest GG this kid playing with Diamonds oh my God I thought there was a guy running up to me but was this a sheep eating grass that’s crazy is that you underground

Dave yep right click the compass to actually find out [ __ ] no they did change it they did change it it’s regen two for 5 seconds down try try try to get Lea try to get Lea get leather get Le I already have six you have sugar can uh no I don’t

Make I can make okay get some sugar cane then come down and we can make you table I found I found one of our teammates oh my wait I’m only on also come down come on give me apples bro appreciate it g my God I’m getting a ton of

Apples do you have the Le do you have the sugar cane Dave have you got your second one yet no I have not I have been not playing really bro yeah really need get your winds up bro get the winds up Dave go seven CS easy

Kill damn you only have one kill maybe two maybe maybe three not even two kills wait wait wait uh just sec I want pants bro I only have Pro one diamond on iron pants and I want two diamond where oh uh oh I see you on the

Ground yeah dig down to me dig down to me I’m over here where is everyone bro I want to get a legendary weapon I know I’m probably not win this game CU someone has magma club and I’m pretty sure someone has Midas too but like same thing oh I need more GS

Bro I just with war pick and now I have War wait power power two power two drop thear drop the sugar even good bro I don’t have sugar can but I have thing I have Lea Archer perk is [ __ ] bu I have the leather we need I

Need the sugar can I asked you to get some sugar cane oh I didn’t know uh yo I’m about I’m about to clean I’m about to clean I’m about to clean I’m about to clean yeah uh I’m going to S find there is a have two iron kids that

I could very much easily uh clean but I’m going to Santa cuz I can get like totems and like diamonds and [ __ ] I I have three kills I got War pick which actually isn’t that this guy hold up no this guy’s opening my Santa this guy’s opening my Santa

Boxes he’s gonna have to die though he’s on It come on I’m about to get Midas let’s go I got Midas and a war um we do not have that there’s aam there’s some guys there Shar Shar we can’t take them without our teammate is actually low we couldn’t do that we don’t do that my heart is my heart is beating oh my teammate teammate

Oh my God power four flame two wait how send one with their flame two in the game I don’t care there’s two gs right here flame too it’s actually you lava me bro look at my look at my screen hazy if you can I’m stacked four

Head War pick Midas a power we have to shake this guy bro I don’t win this I’m actually going to quit bro yo I’m bro I’m pulling up on a what’s it called No I erased by accident yeah try and get him away from you honestly okay I see sugarcane off in the

Distance they’re golden head I have three golden heads what oh my God he had magma Club too hold up someone after you someone after you no no I kept on falling and taking damage bro okay I got the most stacked kill I think I’ve ever got just get

Stacked as hell we have like one of the bigger teams like oh no we have kind of like the middle oh my heart is actually I’m going to die wait I’m do Airy blessings work on ground do they they do not they do not they do not wait wait if did they

Die our team our team’s over here run the other way the other way the other way um we run this way we run this way CRA boat craft the boat not oh my God I can hold magma club for fire W so many do

Not they do not see me okay I need to craft Bo a wait on how did you die I was so low CU that guy lava me our teammate killed you basically so [ __ ] dumb you should have I wish he didn’t join us like he’s definitely scared off some people but

Like okay I’m making the table now oh that guyy has magma Club but too bad he’s only an iron sword I I wish you would have you would have heard to get that stuff earlier to get the sugar canane we might have been Enchanted and came back

Up oh my God actually I’m stacked I do not want to fight that’s way too much people what I’m on 24 I need Mak an Aries bro I need okay um making uh che where where’s please F oh my God speed2 pot and 32 gold oh my God I’m

Stacked the that [ __ ] actually laved us because we didn’t give him things bro bro I’m the last person on our team probably you though no you’re not’s that means you’re good cuz you’re the last person right that means you’re crazy Dave you’re the last person hold up um death

Mat is in 36 minutes yo W not good W are you dead yeah yeah I died watch my look at my screen sh bro look how stacked I am yeah okay I got stacked wave I’ve never been this stacked in my life here’s what it all comes to Bro the

Death match hopefully no one’s really sad I’m actually nervous hold up how do you get those freaking swords this you craft them I have a power two I have so much arrows and I honestly if I don’t win this game I’m actually sad also I might find out puer fist

Maybe maybe I might try and get creepers oh he’s a trident oh wa this actually kind of stack hold up ouch I’m going to go to my Santa maybe sit back my S why my FP dropping now this K really going to be annoying AR miss me

Bro oh nice two Diamond if I get one more Diamond I can hings and ACH I prom y just chill I’m not I’m not trying to fight anyone you got this St I might have to go sadly which is the sad part I really do got this but yo um I don’t think we’re killing this told Diamond bro we got to

Make a truce to something like not team but TR okay I’m heading to the Santa like I’m not trying to te with anyone but I’m not trying to fight you either oh you’re gonna arrive at my old Outpost where I was jumped I’m just going this way for I

Swear if I wasn’t being tov1 I would have won I would have killed them I know it’s it’s annoying but they got me low and then I ran away and then that other guy lava us if your teammate had if you hadn’t gotten lava yeah cuz I was actually getting a

Bit more Health but then those people came out over the dogs yeah uh that’s not the direction my Outpost was set up it’s behind you but okay well I’m going going to the Santa yeah the Santa really close the Santa yeah there’s just a 100 blocks this

Way Diamond too I think this I think there people here I saw a name tag um yeah there’s people out there there’s just a one guy oh W what the hell there’s just one gu probably I’m just going to go over here y’all can do y thing to be

Honest okay well Sant like a sharp four five sword God damn uh he’s going into this building yeah I’m going I’m going to follow him in what gear does he have uh he’s using Stone axe he has full iron and he has a fishing rod oh I have no Fisher pack

Oh he oh I I was about to say he took fall damage but he water bucketed he’s way under stack but he’s pretty stack you can get him how do you still have full health like I don’t get this he’s running away I’m not sure he

Sees you does he have voice chat oh God I’m dead no he bro dang it he’s going towards my old Outpost what team is he in tell he is uh part of a team that has seven people oh he has an enchanted diamond sword okay be careful he has an

Enchanted diamond sword he’s fishing wait he’s fishing yeah at this River you can see him just jump him his team might be nearby though so be careful if his team comes and runs I don’t doubt it if you can grab that lava if you don’t have any lava I have I have lava

Okay then lava him it’ll slow him down and it’ll catch him on fire he’s going to hit you down just go go down willingly bro oh he’s coming back regen regen regen regen regen regen regen bro I’m going oh he died did we both die you you traded

Kills with him died to a guy with a sharp five sword that’s insane I died to someone with a Shar bro bro someone’s just going to walk over there and find full diamond fishing rods they’re going to be so some here Nam iy oh well all

Oh somebody here is named DTE why do so many people play hoplight with these cool ass names I’m going to invite you I right quit h play bro I died to someone fake he said he had a sharp three and a One V one and then he had a

Sharp four I was g i was GNA invite you to a party we could play bro I sh oh he stole my kill bro I would have had Shar four bro I would have had a sharp for Midas but he so two my Kills oh my God that’s actually annoy I’m pretty sure he’s a leaderboard player too or at least he used to maybe yeah he used to be a leaderboard player he used to be on top of solo kills of course bro if that guy wasn’t in my game I wouldn’t that easily bro

Everyone was full irons early can I get S hell yeah yo bro I got you who you trying to kill here I’m going to def on Discord and you’re welcome three Uso I’m not D because you you yeah uh yo just getting comboed just getting Comboed you kill me some black where you at them black you’re not going to for that yeah thank you shoot you you’re taking to kill you though over I High Ground look at me fa it’s over I got the ground you’re done you’re done him yeah this is my house okay no one’s

Going in my house this is my FBI I am the FBI I am the FBI I’m the FBI this is I I I I I heard of you I heard you got photos this house looks SI perion okay get out my house get out my house get

Out my house that’s not very nice you thought you could escape from the FBI you thought you could escape from the FBI you thought you could Escape nobody escap I guess the FBI then welcome my crib all right this is my house okay this the house call me

Springtrap because I always come back not this guy bro I just keep on dying you just rush okay we’ll share the bed together we’ll share the bed come in the bed I don’t want to fight a KOA yeah this is so nice die help this place is sick what okay this is B Pillager Outpost where the [ __ ] is the Hance okay I I will I think I go horn it’s crazy let me prove it let me prove that I’m on your side you now listen carefully this is and [ __ ] cave Spiders whatever the hell you doing before you hun okay what was I doing Mickey on a railway picking up Stones down came and broke Micky not the Eng driver I don’t I mean all right it’s all good is find right there on the screen but how could we know for certain

We’ll never be like that again you don’t have anything to say about me getting hello you this on your own you okay let’s do a little quiz which of these rooms was the room you found your thir can you remember I actually don’t I don’t remember at all office didn’t have one

Are you anyway yes we found in I can’t I remember being this room but It’s okay and this one was Ware I remember clearly is to me I made aate theow thanks man thank you so you it and we came to the last colle the final the r and bl this a in my mind perhaps because was one all the other yes that’s all of

Themed it was a unlike other okay except up the okay hole see and you fall you’ll never understand no you’ll never understand you never ever understand I ever understand no I’ll never ever yes that video me too man you never you’ll never I think I swear to God there were like 10 of

Them you died to a 10 of them I swear to God there were like 10 of them I was legit coming to you bro are you in this cave yeah the M where’ you die died to a Goddamn cave spider bro there were like 10 of them in your

Spawner and I was stuck in a cobweb you know exactly where you died I I know I died in the middle of a m i don’t know how good yeah I’m in that M shaft right now was I was legit coming to you bro yeah I was already merked by a bunch

Of I was already being merked by a bunch of cave spiders before that and then and I forgot to craft a set of iron armor wait were you on a spawner or what were you I was inside like webs that were SP I had I had a bunch of diamond or not

Diamonds I had a bunch of materials do you know exactly where you die I really you know your cords no not really mean I can turn on my mini map and see oh but there’s diamonds I just found byting yeah I see him on my mini map too right

Here why you have the dial legit coming right to you as 50 blocks away from you oh my God there’s a lot of hold up a whole another and there’s more behind you I know there more here there’s going to be a one though oh wait three

Maybe it’s just two I got seven now bro why’ you have to die like I was I was singing while I was mining and then I just get jumped by like more than I think someone else got your stuff CU there’s no like there’s nothing on the map that shows where you died

Well I died pretty deep into the M shaft the stuff is probably going to despawn like were you inside the M Shaft or in a cave in the M can you try like a retracing your path for me over me turn on my mini map real

Quick I did D near a couple of mine carts wait I think I might have found I see a zombie on did you die near Lush leaves maybe unie but I aie on my zombie yeah cuz there’s a bunch of cob hold on hold on forget your loot I see a spawn

On my map if there’s a disc in it I can get Gerald it was I was I was going into Co I was going like breaking cobs to get uh to get there’s a lot of stuff on the ground in or is that something else found

It why you have oh you’re the one that blew the horn I heard it bro I want the damn oh here come the cap Siders I knew oh wait there go yeah now you understand my problem uh how do I make it to the spawner area I think it’s all right so

This is the closest I can get I don’t have a water bucket W you left a stack of behind I have a stack of iron already so it doesn’t really matter who oh J oh yeah it’s the real Jame yeah the oh my bro some someone yeah someone F you yeah I know

It’s he’s being cringe yeah he is he kind of sucks I’m be honest how’s everyone I don’t know we’re playing hot play he just died to a cave spider so I died to multiples of them kind you got destroy I’m doing a text stuff I’m trying to update my J back to that

Be really nice if there was a disc in this I got SRA I’m going to go get something to sip on I’ll be right back why do have a gold sword N N Bro I no bro I got the Fountain of Fate from a damn jail bro I actually quit Lo if you want to play hoplight then join vc1 where everyone bro I just want to use this thing and man it’s only you that’s left alive on on our team our

Team was ass I know no I I legit made Gerald and look what I got bro I can either get right into our aborption 5 or I can get wither two and instant damage Dr crazy horrible crazy horrible and having is it horrible and crazy or is it so horrible that it’s

Crazy horrible it it’s horrible and crazy it’s either I can get absorb it’s either I can get absorption five for two and a half minutes or I can get wither two two and instant damage three that’s basically saying there goes all my health or I am not

Dying that was a that was a pretty bad voice crack pretty yeah I know I’m having such big lag spikes bro godd damn like my game is freezing do you have um mods I’m going to start spamming log 1976 on I don’t have that much are you running sium at

Least yeah what version 1.20.1 no okay you might have five fre I don’t know buto it’s like freezing I have that problem I know H light swamp swamp light never seen a swamp light like I can’t even time my jumps cuz this H freezing is your CPU ped

100 I don’t know it happened before and then all I had to do is refresh game like close Minecraft and reopen it in less than five minutes but now I don’t have a teammate to protect me when I do it wait press F3 you should see like Ram at the top

Right is it like oh there’s a Temple over here um what I supposed to say let me should be like memory used m is it just mem because it says 90 okay 9% kill switcher died pretty ironic God I oh my God the who’s even in my game bro going play my

Game where is everyone but I’ve been searching all around the map oh there’s a is that a solo Oh I think that might be cherry blossom team oh that’s the guy that’s the guy Dave in that’s the guy Dave traded kills with last match oh yeah it is got whatever he’s running bro

We it’s only at 35 but he has enchants my God I can’t fight with this lag I’m freezing I can see on your screen he’s dead God this lag I’m freezing like I’m SC it nice right there you only a sharp one actually did he have e table no way

He didn’t bro my God he didn’t didn’t have it no I don’t what bow oh flame mending W flame bow did you not have gold actually no he did um oh did he not have arrows don’t tell me this boy had a bow and he didn’t have arrows there see Original Gangster

This guy was fishing old game it looks like yeah that’s what he did last time was very goofy does he have like n e he has 40 raw Cod oh yeah I think he was he was fish I’m I have one I have a g and I

Don’t have gold actually no I do have gold CED both yet I’m Mak pleas hope was CHR yeah I’m not going to lie bro he had a I don’t know why he only had a flame minion no power eight gold hate this game let’s go actually hate this game SP a head for

Eight gold bro Le I don’t have oh basically I only lost not a lot actually except he no [ __ ] arrows I want flame just so maybe a little bit of help did he have Flint or anything yeah prop three where’s his an I know he had one my

Inventory damn bro like bro my that fight was so scuffed bro like I cannot fight I’m pretty sure that’s oh wait there’s two people there’s two people watch out they’re coming up from behind you they’re full iron so yeah but it’s still 2v one I

Think God damn this lag oh oh my God I didn’t know I was that low wait am I still on gge counter oh no I’m not about to say God damn this lag oh he fire he laved himself Focus him Focus him bro this Lag to let guy got regen he yes I’m unkillable Bud bro I’m freezing he’s on five bro this is why I need arrows they’re so they’re both so low I keep on seeing you freeze no way it’s j j I didn’t pick up the arrows

Bro really oh my God I’m the real I’m the real J moment no way bro we got two J in no we did have arrows I just didn’t pick them up we got do J J moment ver moment you know bro the guy had arrows I just didn’t pick him up this game

No just oh God there’s a whole team over there I’m out bro I just Bas I wish I have oh they’re going after you they’re focusing you no they’re they’re looking at the fountain I saw absorption 5 for a minute I’m going see if I can chase this guy

How low is he I can’t see anymore I see his teammate flying I wonder if he can see me bro this flag no he cannot see me HP is that cuz I haven’t tagged him oh my God I can’t shoot with his aim all right he’s on five hold up he’s dead you

Strange problem Oh there’s only two people left on his team well that’s not the that’s not what I’m worried about bro if you are wondering I’m worried about the guy that has a team of nine still just I could care I could care less about these two

People oh wait no one of them died they’re in to fight with the other team but they only have three people so they might get once again that’s not my problem there’s a team oh wait oh yeah Oh I thought you meant the other guy died on the

Team yeah know one of the team died yeah that’s probably good um oh my god he has so much gold nuggets if I can get apples which I don’t have oh they’re coming they’re coming we way what there there’s one person he sees you okay never mind see

You yo you can have the loot bro it’s just like oh never mind one of them have voice chat yeah I can tell that one of them has voice sh one’s the king too my God bro leave me alone I’m lagging this isn’t fair no I’m just going to go bro I you

Really want to mess with this though it doesn’t even have power on it right yeah all right I’ll just dip bro I’m at Max Health basically I’ll just go run to that team of N I know exactly where they are or eight now he can hear you oh there’s two people fighing over

There one hasd W I’m right to them oh my God I’m freezing Jesus leave me alone R what’s up bro can you kind of save me please I’m kind of getting chased a little bit or Chas me oh oh W that’s so cool no I know I still know

Where the team of eight is I’m just going to run to him well seven now why are they why are they dropping what if they chase you too what if every chases you I’m to get CH the whole server everybody sees you getting kills you’re just the

Op nah bro GG but like I’m not dying that easily I kind of am though but like you’re not ding and I got three kills at least let me get four at least let me get four it’s like a world record wait oh you have two Wait no that’s how Map

Works nah bro I’m I’m filling map I’m be honest oh another I’m not going to be a to make it through game moment which Minecraft server are youe that’s that’s H yeah we got a one verus one in Minecraft oh I got the two heads I’m currently uh doing mod stuff

Cuz I found out that 1.20 was running 10 times smother than 1.1 because it only had want to know what mod is making all the star so I can delete it and have a cool game Flying I guess I’ll what’s different about y’all names bro there’re legit the same name why is

One bigger and one longer oh what what one’s got an M one’s got an N oh at the end m is not a display name okay let’s play another game could be actually hold don’t start one don’t leave this leave this I’m going to refresh my Minecraft

Bro okay my my P is like acting up it feels like or the difference the difference is one of us is good at the game the other one isn’t you know and and let’s say the bigger is always better you know is who’s better the nrm uh the big it’s bigger is better

AJ is bigger I am better exactly yeah I’m the I’m the best Minecraft pvper of all time God exactly I want to play hoplight with the hoplight god wave melon SMP oh I need to do slot does have Nitro the M does have Nitro exactly wait hold I I can same person

That doesn’t so wait I have a [ __ ] I have a terrible idea how do I reset my map uh I is there way to reset your map on a map thing I don’t what it’s called X’s map Journey map what Journey yeah you need you just go on the

File and delete whatever server it is oh okay okay so file explor run yeah yeah under Minecraft would be feather client Minecraft Minecraft feather and it should be I have a do feather right it would be mods Minecraft do Minecraft and there’ll be where I’m honestly just get I’m honly

Going to get off my pink stilling up would this be called like Maps or something no it’s called join the map I’m going to get off wave Journey map oh there you go and server I you go to data no not server not Ser oh data okay that

MP and then whatever server it is I’ll delete all of them cuz I don’t know half actually yeah Del all them I don’t play any those anyway so delete all my map data what the [ __ ] how much gigabytes was it let’s just say it’s currently at

8 oh mine’s was at like 20 you’re fine yeah but like oh I these servers one server alone was 10 gigabytes it’s not that special yeah but I don’t play this game okay I’m going to play around you probably just played a lot of servers okay I need to quit disconnect

And close this and then try again it’s data and then MP right usually MP yeah data and then multier okay MP stand for m if you didn’t know okay okay perfect and then I launched the server again all right cuz I have a w idea Jay

If you want to hop into uh LD Jay can I team with you next season if you want I’m trying to start the cartel the cartel I’m only going to tell you probably low dog but I’m starting a religion over water iang got wait I’m going to have to

Ditch you for a second El SC I’ll be back though G [ __ ] sh what was that for man clown Pier skin clown Pierce wait that’s insane that’s crazy man oh ain’t no way this guy just got into spe no why no who’s running and leaving let see

Sing Oh my God it actually worked my yeah like I and thenon your noise the person is like killing you by the way it’s not me do anything huh your noise suppression is ruining everything yeah to join this I got I got that mic so sound like terrible or is it terrible

No like keep voice suppression on because if I do I can’t this J I just ran into a cactus’s going on this that’s I can barely just barely hear you very what hold up let me fix this fix this somebody died to a zombie and hopl there’s no way dude it’s at 92

It’s not my not my fault my mic’s at my mic’s said 100 so barely hear like that cuz everybody thinks I’m loud in my other servers there’s no way I just did that I still quiet also I’ve been asking this to everybody uh will you be participating in next season

Um I mean I put I put that thing that I will be I just kind of want to be a member so well it doesn’t really contribute much if you’re not really actually playing yeah I want to I want to cuz I’m waiting for my new keyboard oh no keyboard sucks I haven’t

Played Minecraft in like forever uh well in in your absence I have been training PVP and I can I can now eat Dave 10 one actually I still can’t actually won most of the that that scares me I don’t I still suck at P whatsoever so

What’s been going on the server you know what’s happening you missed an entire season that’s what’s been happening I know because I mean like I’ve been here I’ve been like active like looking at what everybody’s doing I’m just like lazy yeah I know I missed like it’s like season seven right yes

This is It’s season seven now I knew it so smart yeah probably because I announced it multiple times that it’s going to be C7 yeah I kind of just like looked at it each time I I did do the both thing actually did

I yeah like on some of the polls I I did I did some I one of them yeah is a server up yes it is oh okay it has been but like it nobody’s been able to play because you know the server hasn’t actually opened yet so the

Server’s up but it’s not open yes oh so nobody’s light listed okay no everybody’s wh listed like just fine but like the server hasn’t like actually opened everybody cannot break blocks and like stuff like that oh it’s very goofy the border is shrunk so I guess like 10,000 by

10,000 uh I might do 5,000 by 5,000 this season you’re going to do 5,000 by 5 yeah cut it in half oh my 5,000 by 5,000 bu there’s not going to be time to make a base can’t even make a base you’re G get found two seconds well everybody yells at me that

That that that this that the server is too big this world I mean I have a very very secret plan to make the server way bigger and like add more members and then put it back up to 10,000 by 10,000 dud there’s a lot of people that play your server

Looking you have like how many have like how many members now like a lot it’s like 70 no 80 84 I think no you have you have 61 MERS are you getting your money up or your funny up are you getting your money up or your funny up

Um I’m personally getting my funny up oh that’s crazy it’s funny I remember when I I remember when you kept saying was going to start I wanted to I was like N I have nothing so I don’t feel like yeah some people just don’t go just

Go into the in which is a smart move like where’s the Copper at on server right now huh you on server right now I’m on hoplight oh what the maybe I will I’ll pop in a couple times in the Minecraft server I don’t know if I will maybe Poss probably

Not but I might I’ll be like hi and oh yeah okay yeah don’t fall actually I wonder how many people have threatened to kill them oh Jesus yeah I I almost died multiple times I just okay let’s see Crimson is now crimbo yeah glitch is still Delta C what are you

Doing everybody’s still the same name well some people if I want to kill he has an underscore now or well he he’s not named bons ey Brad anymore I’m pretty sure you already know that I completely forgot who that was but okay yeah Bonsai Brad is Dave

Oh wait no yeah I know that yeah he changed it oh yeah gold gold gold yeah you have like yeah like you have a lot of people in your server but they don’t play there’s like a total of like aund over a 100 members in the disc no you have hold up 49

22 60 like 61 6 like 63 members I’m not counting the okay a bucket what I what I’ve been doing nothing I’ve just been in with like other friends from school finally got my finally got this setup got like my my nice good set up just comes into my stream says men

And then leaves you’re streaming oh wait no never mind he’s he’s here he’s in the Stream still you’re streaming yeah oh what’s that YouTube Chanel it’s wave melon live I’ve been streaming on this channel for two years wave melon my God is that wave melon wave

Melon live is it a thing um I looked at wave melon live yeah I don’t see it Oh that’s oh that’s watermelon W whoops wave no not not watermelon you should be that’s not you that’s not you either I’m trying to find your I’m trying to five wave melons I found

It not mining or Minecraft but I’m still playing Minecraft oh Lordy Lord your stream is delayed I know it’s delayed by a whole like five seconds okay now how am I going to get out of this goofy cave that’s the question dig up do

It what if I join you in that server and just completely find You’ be funny oh no this is this is a this is an entire game it’s A it’s like a battle royale except my team has six players oh okay let’s see how many people two people are watching congratulations yeah me and low dog well now you I’m watching your okay I’m gonna use my stone pickaxe don’t want to break my entirely break my iron SM this

He’s still here wait J Mozy died what’s up Sir Something wave melon here fine wait Mel you’re so slow oh my God another goofy is here yeah I’m not doing this who’s the goofy scares me which goofy is it the Doom Dragon the Doom Dragon oh my good God man what does that oh my good God man what is up my my

Fellow gamer fellow G been playing Minecraft for for two hours that is very scary i’ just been AFK oh okay wave has been playing for 4 hours that’s very scary has not been AFK why is everybody Indian wait you got something against it bro like yeah yeah good God man

What do you have against Indian people man yeah like good God man you racist or something my God racist anyways you you V have computer oh my God I’m I’m so I’m so sorry maam but somebody is trying to buy Amazon packages we’re going to need your credit

Card information and all in your social numberers on the and then and then I’m going to send all your money back that they have spent on you and then you should be good to go okay my CR card is 451 oh no oh no oh

[ __ ] not good not good wait a minute I actually accidentally say it oh wait let me check we’re good we’re good good the back on one 2 three uh the the front numbers are 58 2 7 5 9 okay I almost died good God man

The friend numbers are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n best numbers in the world the exem real what those numbers are extremely rare there might be like a Pokemon card yes very rare into like an Indian moist critical I don’t know man what do you

Have against Indian man this is just my against Mo critical man good God man I have everything against Mo critical bro no I’m joking oh my wordy word word critical most critical is now awoke oh my God that is that is not good man not good don’t

Like me no like like you know like that is is not good not good not good man do you think you could like follow somebody home with uh if they like SL TPA with you on their head yeah 2024 no I’m joking it work it works like that for

Uh what you call it for pearls I’m serous if it works for tping as well what now I think about like the Str wait wait what if you oh oh okay I may have I may have just thought of something very highly devious what is that what

If okay let’s say it does work and you can’t and if you are on top of somebody’s head you do TB with them what if you went inis and got on somebody’s head follow to your base or follow them to their base that so funny it doesn’t tell them when there’s

Somebody on their head actually do you want to log on it are you guys both in a game right Now are you both in a game of HP light no not playing I’m here I’m just here can you hop on the wave melon smpp and uh test it with me because I’m actually really curious that scared I never played Minecraft in like two years actually it’s been a year never

Mind oh um my game feels it’s crazy wait are you not on have you not logged in before he yeah no he’s on he he he played from like season three to like season I forgot this kind of the first actual season I’m playing like yeah and

I got really mad at some people and then I kind of left wave melon and I kind of came back and just never talked until now like I was just kind of like silent cuz I didn’t want to interact what the [ __ ] they scared me oh yeah nope nope

Nope NOP no no and I just been know in PC with my good old I do not like that guy he seems very very mean I’m dead oh I lived I lived I just fell into a massive Ravine and almost died I think I accidentally what you want these uh I want

Them should give me them Doom Dragon where do you live what 315 negro Royale Lane oh [ __ ] neg Roy Lane 308 negro Royal Lane ALU cookie new mexico7 yeah my name is Walter is your name Walter Hartwell White yes no it’s um it’s it’s I’m going to find my teammate it’s PA

Bob bad I’m not going to find my teammate uh I’m not Walter Heartwell white I’m Bob heart bad black dude like I remember like like like when I like when I was stacked on W melon server bro I was like stack they have really good things they have really extremely good

Things I am not going over to them I am not going over to them once you once you uh Hop Off pop like you should uh you should come on the wav Mel andp and we need to test this no I want because I’m bored you want to do

Some glitch hunting with me yes because I’m bored I want to do something I’m gonna meet up with my teammate uh before my friends come over like Friday I got three I’m come over this going scare me you’re goofy off are you uh logging on yeah yes it’s

It’s going to take a bit cuz I haven’t loaded up Minecraft in like two years fair enough no it’s going to take like two seconds and I’m gonna get my new dude my new keyboard’s gonna come in sooner or later oh my it’s going to look so

Nice what the [ __ ] he just went he just clipped into the backs and and in the void dude the keyboard’s going to go like this for real he’s got the funny mic yes bro bro like my my old mic was as when I mean it was as like like it didn’t sound

Like this the whole time no it was just quiet but now I I actually have a real good one I have my older sister broke my mic so I had to uh so I’m currently using headphones I like a mic stand and everything I used it for like three years and then she

Came into my room snapped the cord and then just left dude I could have fixed it easy though got you who I actually have an I I actually have an image on my phone from from when it happened like exposed Wire yeah like with this mic I could

Cause a m a mass chaos of wind I could just already okay are you logging on oh it’s okay it’s going a little fast scar Josh Hutcherson actually I wonder what this sounds like on w w I’m do the all right let’s see thiss I need to go to the rest of my

Team away that works What okay sounds like the funny on the stream dude it’s paper one do oh my wait it huh for making it paper one dot you’re just on the wrong version I know I have to go back I’m lazy I need to see my teammates Last Christmas I Gave You My

Yacht the very next day you Last Christmas I gave my heart and the very next day [ __ ] um Mur I just ran right past two stacked plays without even knowing it Last Christmas I gave very next day G I’m saying shut up I’m just gonna y backo my team all right this this

Should be good I don’t know if it is it might not work if it’s 1.20.1 then we’re good it is I think the very next day I’m sorry I just do it a lot when my friends you know like I just like to oh my god it worked I’m Joining all right all right all right get down here down here IIT do SL RTP SL I teleported no no no you need to you need to do you need to stand still for it that’s what I did I did Slash RTP and I gota wait gota Waites

Saddle oh wait it just disables it yeah oh it just disables hold on do SL ho hold on SL set all right I’m going to do this all right yeah right click on me yes ma’am all right let’s see yeah just disables teleportation oh wait no no no no hold on

One second let me I got cool down you have some leaves yes very Phantom tax huh so it just disables TP all all figure out how to get to get out it just disables TP get hello get out there way to get out the water usually it it’s just like um dying a

Bunch of times and helping you respawn outside of it how do I die where do I die right hello squ up I see people is that squeam Fancy Pants I’m going to intercept this guy that is that is oddly strange how it just completely disables

TPS oh got I think no I think this is the spawn no no no no you it’s in a radius so you can spawn outside the world border it’s just very rare oh very rare okay wait I have the best idea just set up a you TPA

Somebody with them on your hold on I I want to test this Willam all right click on that in chat I want to see what happens if I TPA to you while I have while I’m on your head okay so it just teleports you normally um this is this is strange

Holding get on my head on my head on my head on all right I oh it’s 26 seconds all right uh well very sad that that isn’t a glitch we can abuse but all right get back on my head all right RTP yes sends like all the messages but it doesn’t ever

TP very strange all right I have figure out how to get top those hacking hold up wait a minute I’ll be back wa wa wait wait wait wait be really funny if I oh this horse is real fast look through like what is see oh but it doesn’t jump very high all right Now all I got him wait a second I bet day you gave it away I don’t want you what you here get out hold on what are you doing here oh my good what I I Don’t I’ll be back uh no you won’t I say nuh oh wait does it just come in with the built-in thing oh it does hold up you autistic oh my God it has all my old stuff hold up what back oh wait it does have all my old stuff I’m like big brain

I’m smart uh nuh you’re a liar y wave melon wave melon hop on the server hold on yeah you better because like y’all about the see something really funny still in this game I just realized we’re one of the bigger teams die already there’s my

Team te this kid say he wants to fight me that scared like that I I’ll fine I who is it what’s their username what what’s the person’s username that wants to fight you bro it’s in real life dummy IRL got does not know what IRL

Is hey I’m back you want to know what I have something really funny something really is up it’s the hilarious thing wait hold up hold up hold up I gotta see wait I remember are you about to be filled up with helium bro like hold up

Hold up hold up I got to figure out which one it was which one was oh Zoom oh Death Match is beginning in 1 minute that’s going to be kind ofy oh oh one thing uh not that not not okay how where the how the hell do I

Turn this back on I want the shf Hat I’m not trying to figure out something really funny right now all right here we go hold up oh here we go what’s the button so it’s this oh my God I figured it out hey stand up real

Quick I can’t I I I am now worm all right what’s up byebye I said get on my head now we’re going places we’re going places we’re getting out I can show you the world we’re going places oh I’m getting a call one second it Poss getting am I getting call

From God I’ve never been in Death Match dude I thought the world B has a height on but it doesn’t careful careful why does it feel like we are rapidly descending um because there’s no height limit feel like I going down very why why why is the air going up instead of

Down um what is yeah all right I got all right I got this ready all I got to just figure out wait I don’t have okay is there a thing I can just trying to find me take3 bam B please um oh it’s called wall I got it ready all right I got

This why am I why do I walk oh I don’t want I don’t want that is not let’s be honest you do actually I’m trying to figure out how to get it’s somewhere I forgot what it’s called you okay okay yeah um a dude I’m just checking out commands

Man where is f party the [ __ ] rotation anti where is there’s a thing I know there is I’m going to try to find it I’m going to be able to get I think I found it wait wait I think I think I found it I didn’t find it wait oh I got it

Come on te I need you to TP to me I have an idea get okay I have a big idea wait actually actually wait here uh get on my head get on my head Team all right ready ah get out get out get out I it doesn’t work oh man I got

This bro you straight stole my kill on all right but maybe you try like teing to me what is that oh [ __ ] on what’s the most [ __ ] up position I could get myself hold on I idea wait wait a minute wait a minute I almost had

It wait almost had it I was out for like a whole second oh no wait how do you do SL crawl slash crawl dude I think I can do it stop ready ready I did it I’m out sh I’m out get on top of you while you’re

Bro dude I’m like almost out I’m like right there hold up bro you are flying green This is like a motor this is like sitting on a motorcycle oh oh wait a I died that’s that’s that’s sad come on come on just give me dude I was like almost wait ready I got you are my Transportation yeah I’m trying to like

Get us out oh wait melon we’re not doing anything suspicious up here we’re not we’re not hacking or anything trust yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah going on here yeah yeah yeah yeah like trust yeah yeah like trust trust TR yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like

Trust TR I found out a cool I found out a cool um command you can do it’s called SL on SL op where oh slash op the Doom Dragon yeah jokes on I don’t I don’t have admin powers on this account l oh bully him bully him hack on him so he

Can’t he can’t ban you oh wait hold on oh oh wait hold on I’m let’s go let’s go totem po bro you sitting on my head messes up TPS that’s stupid yeah I know wait slash RTP bye guys don’t sit in my head oh you’re such a monkey you sat on my head

It’s not going to work you sit on my head know what that’s that’s because you sat on my head actually I have to turn off my mic get on I’m sitting on your head just just just stay away just oh okay know what they wave melon want to try to get

Out I’m gonna hold up let me just let me just get up here real quick um what what I got out let’s go I I got to my home I wonder how what wait sit on head yes oh I’m out we’re out we’re out

How did you get out get on my head get on my head get on my head no no I know I know how that works but how did he get out oh wait he he has a home out here wait slash wait SL set anyways I’m going to travel into the hold

On welcome to um uh welcome to uh Airline Express if you would like to get on um in go places I’m gon anyways I’m gonna see you guys on the oh [ __ ] anyways I’m gonna see you guys on this flippy a you canel it this is Airline

Express you want to okay okay yeah yeah I can’t I can’t get on top of you hold on oh wait wait hold up hold up hold up hey guys there we go guys all ready all right like this is like Airline Express all right so um airl where would you like to go

All right you ready um how about directly that way all I got you I think we died let have a SL oh Doom Dragon got out Doom dragon is out he spawned outside the world B oh wait oh wait I am well you did no way you you

Fakeing a fraud get me out oh I’m back hello what uh I’m going to go on a walk to clear my head oh oh yeah same how am I not die I don’t know man what if I just oh [ __ ] I gota wait two minutes to use RTP

Again yeah [ __ ] I guess I’ll just walk RTP he guys how you not dead yet of course the world border kill hold up I got to use SL RPG wait can we can we a all right guys you ready I’m going to leave me here here he’s

Sonic I I’m going to go on another walk to in the forest to clear my head same bro I bet I will walk faster than you can oh [ __ ] he’s dead wait for me oh you know those uh tins that that are supposed to have those butter cookies in

Them hey buddy wait if I if I I open I open one of those tins that are supposed to have one of those butter cookies in them and I opened it up and it wasn’t a sewing kit it was cookies wait wait can you crawl like slightly

Out the water and I can just get on your head oh I can that’s epic hello there sir hey wave melon thanks for smuggling over thanks for smuggling me over the Border goodbye no problem dude enjoy Express sure wait get over here you’re going to take Express express delivery oh oopsies oh

Hold up hold up we’ll go over the P let me let me just magically teleport on the other side oh hey buddy let me back in oh okay all all right all right guys airlin Express all right I’m gonna I’m gonna get we’re gonna fly get on get on Wave

Melon you’re going on come back into the wait I can’t get on your head unless you’re like yeah that’s why you got to I know just like get back in and get on on his head uh okay I got it all you ready guys this is going to be Airline Express

We’re going to go that way guys are you ready Kids I don’t think um it worked you think no I don’t think hey guys I just H I never have can you like make the world B like bigger yeah why not I’m going to I’m going to figure out how to get down here some I’m gonna start spamming loow do to

Join get get on my get on my head get get on get on my head thank you all now get oh hey hello there no I’m just like yeah get back in segregation oh okay never mind such a nice day such a nice day onwards guys wait onwards uh going

A as fast as I can what back okay guys this is this is the guy from the from the deadliest most cheating SMP known as the hacker from wave melon SMP the most cheating all right guys this has been a lot of fun but I I think I’m g a [ __ ] it takes

Another three minutes to use RTP again [ __ ] not that hack not that hack I swear I swear oh right guys uh talk about Spirit Airlines bro is this like the new space tourism thing they have youing at yeah I’m just I’m just enamored bro guys hey guys look up better experience than Spirit

Airlines at least this is spirites not going to lie spirit Airlines we truly delivered you to Hell yep all our planes are from hell that’s what that’s what Spirit Airlines is their problem Doom Dragon guess what what why the [ __ ] are you flashing ah I’m cross over the hey guys hey

Guys y should look up what up segregation hey give me back in no you’re you’re gray you you you’re black you can’t I want to cross the border this man this man is green however stone blocks aren’t allowed on the other side yeah yeah yeah wait get get on get

On you’re you’re allowed hey hey hey get on now what what segregations I’ll be back I’ll be back haha I’m out I cross the border what’s up gang we are going to murder you by slowly pushing you into the yeah yeah yeah that’s how we’re gonna murder him bye B

I always knew they were witches y should look up I always knew that you were anyways we should kiss [ __ ] I gota wait another 14 seconds guys Dam we should kiss not gonna lie man I’m dead oh I’m phasing through the block I’m half buried man get

Out wait wait that guy is great he’s not supposed to be over here my R you stop my r TP I got to wait another [ __ ] three minutes we only I’m sorry I’m sorry but we only I’m sorry but we only allow black white and green people here

I’m sorry no no you’re you’re but I’m black yeah you’re no yellows we got to fix the yellow patrol please don’t come after me I’m not here you don’t see me because like if I don’t see you you don’t see me I don’t see you like you don’t see me

Oh ha oh run Patrol oh [ __ ] [ __ ] if I don’t see you you don’t see me that’s a fact I Actually what do I have on here let’s see oh my God I know what guys I’m going to go in the oh boy this is you know what guys like while y’all are just sitting there I’m going to go on the free cam and just look around

Dude there’s like 500 dude one two three mob spawners I spawn wait what wait wait wait wait wait Mel there’s one two three four five six s wait no seven eight oh my God all right I’m back dude there’s eight mob spawners over here what’s up there’s so many well everybody on now

No oh I still have my I’m Still Still zero volume I you show you where um where all have you seen how the work the ground you see how they yeah where where is not wave holy [ __ ] God man it’s bald it’s a bald man hey man hey man he’s flying hey

That’s hey that’s my hold up hey you can’t hey you can’t fit Square Pacer test is a multistage AA capacity test consisting of okay than who wants D KP me me let’s have a race as to who can fly up faster oh yeah yeah ready hold up hold up ready three two

One hold up hold up yeah oh wow a lot wearing dried kelp on your head I have the trifecta of bride kelp should give me some yeah yeah yeah might just want to gnaw off my head like I have enough oh my god oh [ __ ] D help so many so much

This nibbling on dry K so tast hey I have a satle here for you oh oh I forgot how to turn off that give me potato now guys how do you access guys I love having man I love being I’m better [ __ ] I can’t I don’t

Have anything in my hold on I need eat all this dried before I okay there we go I’m the best give us hunger 1,000 protects me all right then head no get me out here I want to see you try I’m eating ass okay okay hold up wait for it wait for it

Wait this is what this I’m going to keep this St no how did I no I wanted to keep the dried kelp of my head for the game no how did I die from dehydration the fu slime I’ll play the server slime fun no no slime

Fun man it’s man it’s totally not like overpowered or or anything I spawned outside the map what’s oh my drag k i sto some yes have to leave have to go hey J a moment oh [ __ ] they’re they’re flying nope I’m just I’m just watching them

Play you want to hop on hoplight J moment I don’t mind does the there the real J moment want to hop on hoplight are we doing save sure no do you want my do you want my uh poisonous potatoes my crown doing Civ or solo I mean if we’re playing together

Civ I’ve never got that death message percent One S was SL by percent two s that’s so funny oh it’s the gay man come on but wait I yo I think the world the world is a little small because 5K by 5K is RTP distance can you hop on uh what call no

I’m doing no no I was talking to J can you hop on uh yeah yeah uh can you hop on PVP Legacy yeah sure I want it right now actually are you on you need to make the world world bigger like that’s physically impossible cut half seconds pretty

Long oh my gosh guys I’m I’m going to fight I don’t like this oh what’s what’s your main then YC I mean fair enough we can do this forever I’ll win you know what’s do you like your death message you were shot by uh by by yeah this is

Boring I’m using a sword uh no um wave can you hear me wave yes I can you need to make the world border biger impossible to in going to a you but NOP byebye RTP is literally the most unsafe option now the traversing well well I I can just lower the distance you

Understand uh yeah that’s not his real skin that’s that’s not Squam 131 13’s real skin go into skin customization and turn hat off oh hex uh let’s do all I’m want to say are you GNA search a server the N I also where ISAT why is FD

Here I also want to say this I know you’re trying to encourage player interactions with the smaller World border control messed up hang on like why it all reset bro wouldn’t it make sense to encourage building near spawn like I’ve been suggesting bro damn it my

Celium 5K is just way too close to spawn I’m just I just don’t think it should be that small I think that 5K is fine no I’m just saying 5K is like a problem because of um you know the arpas and I know encourage play the how far is

The RTP distance well he says he can change it it’s right now like 5K is like the average RTP distance like I’ve been looking like it could go up to 6,000 like I’ve one start DP to like 6,000 that’s one 2,000 blocks outside of the border so my gosh

You oh she get on my head he said like it would like make like oh run away uh because I knew I would beat you and yeah it’s trying to encourage player interactions but I’m done that’s hexi myum so so it’s start on Friday like 4 BST okay yeah I’m I’m dead here

Yeah I’m stop playing garbage he wait you said Friday oh wait I accidentally okay I’m so bad I’m so Bad wait this is on your own servers as well right rip I’m putting a Le cap on so I know what uh slot my head is is it Friday 4 p.m. favor starting how much do you play yeah oh no Saturday it’s uh Saturday wait why are we doing

Saturday why don’t we do that’s what the original date was yeah but why don’t we do it before the week when everyone’s done with school and also we have another day isn’t Saturday the weekend no but like Friday we have Saturday after like when everyone some school it’s already

No one has school anymore so like do it at like Friday no do like Friday when school’s over and then start the weekend early so we have more time to play if it’s Saturday we only have one or two days and if it’s Friday we have

Like two and a half to three why is bro floss h I’m dabing bro oh you’re gone oh can you launch me please yes wait please don’t drop me oh no leave all right oh that’s not okay what if I told you that this could

Be you by the end of this video not Jo back it’s not letting me join back it’s this connection throttle all right um we yo let me clutch on your head CL see you oh wait I’m dying no help me I’m kind of outside the Border W exploiter let’s

Go God I’m about I’m about to load you can never I think oh great you from up here huh love it’s like 50 blocks did you place like 100 chers on me or something bro I’m I’m going down I’m only at y 100 or no not my 100 just y 100 with an

Extra zero yo Place water at the bottom please please waste water No why did you launch me do that again launch blast me off wait uh blast me off what oh um wait wait hold up all right going on a trip F actually on my head get on my head my head get on my head really funny oh oopsies oh go

Like please Place water at the bot actually hold on can you SL give me a water bucket you should honestly SL give me a water bucket right now byby oh let me on your head let me on let me on let me on no no

No damn it it it why there how do you how do you clutch in head I can’t get give me a water bucket give me a water bucket bro I don’t I can’t I don’t have that power how can you fly but you can’t give me a water bucket we don’t

Talk about that yo how do I fly SL fly um slash fabric command why is there a fabric API in this now I can’t get up hold want stay there suffocation Wait can we all fly what is that what does that do give me fly I want to fly no I’ll dab for you if you let me fly my game dab oh he’s going to launch me 10,000 bucks okay hold on y turn PVP on why do you have command block on your

Head should be scared oh yo you’re going to Land Unknown I’m the better flyer I land back on your head oh my I’m so good bro my head’s better I God imagine falling to your death couldn’t be me how did you not die we don’t talk about that I’m head

Clutch on you just fall like all fall wait a you flew away what’s a completely useless item um red terracotta pick a SE pickle why does it declare war Channel you have no no you can get die from sea pickles hey wave melon what you know the cool particle

Thing I told you about yeah why okay do it with 10,000 particles instead of a thousand because it looks cooler what are we even doing two more zeros okay wait he’s he’s a really cool one uh El do it with the Elder Guardian one wait I have a horrible

Idea replace the the the ambient entity effect with the Guardian particle I don’t really know what it’s called I have a horrible idea oh I can’t see oh no no please do the Elder Guardian one it’s really funny I promise oh let me head clutch please do

With the Elder Guardian particle what I want you to do I want you to drop me and then um like go high up and drop me I’m going try clutch on your head Elder Guardian it again oh God it’s so laggy no no on my it would crash the entire

Thing well I only did it a thousand oh no if you do 10,000 it crashes yeah that’s 10 times than that oh I know something that’s completely useless you are not going to drop me you cannot drop me see I’m too good wa no I mean the only reason you would need this

Is for building go I’m so good I’m so good oh watch this watch oh this still blocking me this still blocking drop wait no you’re now hexy cat but bricked up yo what yo can you give me a head can you can you put a diamond block head now

I can’t get off your head too bad oh my god let’s go I got Free Bricks hold on it’s hexi cat but bricked up hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold on he’s a really brick yo give me brick up hold up me

Wait hold on I gotta go I gotta go some bricks and brick what are we even doing anyways why are we in the server I don’t know cuz we’re gaming my bricks my bricks Myck no longer bricked up up stand your head I’m never this is this these are the shenanigans that go

On whenever not wave joins the server how are you this good at staying on my freaking head you’re not going to stay on here oh I will kind of has a reputation of hacking I would not be surprised if he has Aimbot and an auto clicker on I

Don’t have Auto on your head constantly yeah oh ex I’m on your head now I’m trying to get on your head no it’s not happen godamn oh you were close why you on way melon you’re a poopy head I got wait wait yeah got this no I was just on your

Head on your head better I’m on your head uh uh give me oh okay and melon here wait uh hexi rejoin okay okay guess what some balls you’re gonna love this okay I actually closed Minecraft because I was about to start playing a different game I’m launching Minecraft

Again guys I swear moment of all time oh my armor is spidered bro I could never hack I’m in free cam Whoa wait if I just wait wave melon Crouch be really funny if this works oh my god it works a guess what well I think I installed the wrong binsky be armor Hood I’m feeling a little sick yo what I would never [ __ ] can’t back

Out of the walls I mean I I can’t uh legally walk outside of the barrier uh enjoy enjoy your enjoy your tasty little snack enjoy your do you want to enjoy a tasty little snack why the [ __ ] is innocent’s forehead so big here oh God he’s here and oh k k turns

On my Kora and shaders eat up e the spider eyes yummy hold on oh crap now you’re forced to eat the spider eyes this is very uh treated in because you see SP listen you think this is cheated just wait till you see this no no not

Watching hey I knew I wasn’t alone yeah this food tastes great you know yeah I’m T kind of kind of fire hold on oh William is still trying to survive my food where’s all my I hate you for okay enough being goofy uh I think I might starve

Actually I think I might just starve all right I don’t feel like playing Minecraft anymore I’m gonna hop off of wave melon SMP this was very very very goofy uh byebye ah he has left that was the goofiest call ever yeah drop play MCC uh sure as I have locked it on

You this is a friend on R Leo cuddle mittens huh the guy joined somebody in my stream chat I forgot you were streaming how else would I get all that goofy moment on stream I know very very goofy shoot uh it we’re in a private VC

Right now we’re we’re in a uh we’re in the wave melon SMP chat I’m pretty sure if you did enough resource you could find it because I don’t really want to send it in wave my life watch your YouTube you stream on what is it twitch or YouTube you

Stream mod uh YouTube but I have streamed on Twitch like once in my life think I can find I could just look you up oh found you ah do I’m going to hop on Legacy we can might maybe do temp there might be a Lobby oh we joined the same

Lobby is there a 10 V10 there’s two 10 v10s wait we join the best Lobby ever what yeah versus one usually has like tons of 10 V10 it’s SMP okay this Lobby is insane okay the SMP one is good but I hate Manhunt kits they’re so bad I don’t

Like did you have hacks on huh I saw the little particles on your feet oh that’s that’s the Mystic rank no uh I mean I can change my rank to Mystic but like I saw I saw like as you know when you’re running there’s like particles of

The ground that come up yeah if you have hacks on and like speed or something it like it changes that to like it like if you have speed or hacks on or something there those running particles are always there maybe was a light sh yeah I saw what what you meanin I

Don’t who’s this guy all right I’m going to start a party Okay wait if that was the case wouldn’t hack clients like just stop the particles it’s like it’s something to do with like speed hacks that like just occurs cuz I’ve never heard of that thing before yeah you know give me a user whenever whenever he would like have his hacks on

It’s like articles would be kicking up out of his feet oh oh 10 I think no it’s I think it’s NE oh it’s full 21 people are there wait in the kit yeah he didn’t join in time yeah unfortunate that’s tragic do you have a kit for or should I

Make one I have a tier list SMP and wave melon smpp K like free and fight wave melon do you want to do pre fight that would be a sick 10v 10 it would last like 2 hours what if we did the pre-end fight kit oh yeah that would be

Silly it would last like 10 years pee open May oh God this is going to be super goofy beams are insane a this is got to be good F why is that lava we have FL come here cromus King I’m going to murder you shut up bu oh wait there’s a clown Pierce

Skin why is it whenever I change that I haven’t played PVP Le in a whole minute this guy regret hitting me why are there no diamonds what does he mean why are there no diamonds I don’t know you should have a tried to this kit it’ be 10 times better oh my run

Out I have everybody on me right now no don’t die where are you what side of the map are you on what side of the map are you on oh I see you style he just got bodied be regret ever taking out that sword I need to defeat you get

Like oh San’s on our team epic our team is already dropping why is it this guy is lagging he really tried to murk me our team are like all gone wait five no only one person died why it feels like we’re doing like a 37 theas I’m

Defending I used to watch oh my God I’m actually getting bodied right now I have four people on me right now no this is Goofy this is so goofy get him bro he away spash inv you should Splash invis so they don’t all taret you wa I have where are you invisibility hold

On oh he is done that Bish I can I bed right into a car oh he’s so dead he’s so dead we got two clown Pierce skins on on our team and the first one died already I’m goingon to die it’s over what is that Dam [Applause] [ __ ]

Okay I’m a going to question it I’m being free one this is accurate uh let’s see the party list Spct moment wait did you die yeah oh crap I got like 2V1 and then this guy got me low and I died I need to Quick Draw someone I want to like actually have a no no wait what are the teams 4 V6 I think is it 4 V6 I’m not off than

Anyone my ping what oh my God you have three people on you I know that there’s luck lock potion give me luck yeah it’s for good luck okay can’t see anything potion of unlock was a potion of unlock how suck is holding up oh soccer fishes is just fine let’s check out

Chat snaky can I join yes yes you can PVP Legacy versus one uh that water just decided to not place one two three four okay that is a lot of people we SMP accurate yep at this time they all have Loot and not actually like bad at the game

No how you catch up to me he’s speed hacking no he’s using the bars yeah B boosting I added punch like two no punch one I how was he still got pearls my pearls like gone and years ago ohon’s going to die he has two people on him

No I’m doing a one one his helmet is broken he has somebody on him it’s helmet is broken I’m I’m a pop oh my god he has he okay the clown Pierce skin is helping him but he has two people on him who left that guy is so dead ohon’s dead might be

Too I could have quick dropped that guy no he was on like two Health he B don’t yeah call up your own teammate keep doing that I got it’s a 5v3 a 5v3 wait three no it’s a 6 V3 you’re wrong oh yeah okay I I oh slay’s

Dead now it’s a now it’s a 6 V2 Bro I like these ODS going to run out of pirat steak wait should I should I go up that was a bad idea I have an idea is it a 1 V6 no I have a epic idea it is punch B so big problem be careful your

Shield I’d rather my shield break than my helmet break to be honest okay I’m getting messaged on Discord right now all right uh by who slon join the server Gladiator latest I think it’s Jo over I think it’s Jo over it’s j it’s Jo I’m getting 5 V1 I’m getting 5 V one

I have a singular gold canoun it’s almost his helmet is broken it’s over it’s so over it’s it’s Jo R oh rip inde rip inde how am I alive well these people suck here I’ll send the VC like let’s see how far I can run invite they just got Jed invite no wrong

Way okay I’m not doing that okay that’s my boot scone I’m might get one [ __ ] one shot rip it was supposed to be like temporary uh turns out these team were out how the hell did he how no how did everyone get quick drop in this K we have like Regen

Is going to die clown is dead there’s another round 6 V4 we can do this right holy snap why why’ you do it’s a free free4 2v4 oh okay I left I left because it’s two rounds that’s already enough chaos for one day I can I can screens share if you want

It’s all right I’ve Len you in a while over melon I’m not going to hold you H your voice has changed a lot did you quit streaming no I just can’t stream anymore what’s it called um P Studios doesn’t doesn’t like it doesn’t support magbook

So now I can’t I don’t know how to stream anymore where’s my shout I would probably like help you help your channel out but like my uh my Discord server got like deleted and that and that one had like a bunch of YouTubers it was an actual

Discord server where it had like a bunch of YouTubers that I knew yeah so they probably would have been able to help you as well yeah I have certain connections to certain people but like I just can’t I have connections to strength members Nexus members and Alice hourly

Members who this sounds like a low dog um it is a Lo do no SL I’m slay on that guy is someone different oh is that the Lo jump SL oh yes yeah I’m the loog from the slim It video this guy is this guy keeps

Like he won’t stop cob me I’m beating you still anyone want to duel me in Hypixel Bridge uh I guess my’s going to drop my guy’s going to drop wave it’s going to be20 wave it’s going to be 1.20.1 right uh what i s f the server is going

To be 1.20 Point person’s gonna drop some gonna drop some guys gonna drop also what about dep Strider and respiration is too op because people just run away in fights it’s annoying all right okay that’s okay I get that aqua affinity Frost Walker respiration this kid is very goofy but

Uh hurry we’re doing a game now have time oh did we just leave this game oh this is very come on I wanted to dual you in a Hypixel I’m G drop these kids but they won’t stop toing me caspan can you stop raging while I’m streaming it makes it really

Annoying actually I might donate I might donate your stream if you I don’t have donation set up so it’s not going to work I wish I could then I’ll probably boost your server then my P is going to die someone uh my person is going to die it was on one

Heart he the G with like who’s Leo cuddle oh this guy was just spinning in the air for like a solid 10 seconds yo uh slon are you Leo cuddle mitten no no my original username was purple be live that was a twitch streamer no um no

There’s a guy in there was just a guy in Wan’s chat um that was Leo cuddle mitt asking to join so I was just I I would just join the versus but like w my own teammate’s trying to crit me out with an axe BR there’s like two guys on me

Holy just say love to you guys thank you oh the guy that I’m fighting is about to drop he’s on two hearts oh my God he just regenerated Pearl was it’s funny that my private SMP server has more members in any of my other servers combined I’m going to die

What do you mean what do you mean your private smpp server this one yeah it has over 100 members my both both of my other servers have like less than 50 yeah you got you got 36 s so I don’t like M also it’s funny because Z It’s funny because I actually

Whit Liston into the wave like over over half a year ago huh yeah half a I am too half a year ago I wasn’t playing Minecraft I barely started playing Minecraft in like like in the middle nov long time ago it was it was whenever I watch your streams

Like whenever you stream a lot yo I wish I wish I Y can someone hop on Hypixel I want to D Them last time you D me you kicked my butt me but no I I I’m a little autistic I’m like good and hop on versus PP Legacy i’ people I’m bully 1.8 players before it’s not that hard you could just one hit them it’s the same thing as 1. a you

Could just like one hit I’ll tell you when somebody somebody left no I’m not joining why because like I I’m trying to get better at bridging and cuz I’m trying to swe but I suck at bridging and I’m trying to like not be not be ass

You Neil did you just I mean Neil yeah I was talking to Neil about what is that a casual conversation you guys have like me have autism oh oh that’s not the weird Rob no dud G that’s not even the weirdest thing that goes on in my school some kid sent

Me uh like 46 Gifts of white men kissing on Snapchat do you really have to be white kissing on wait a minute wait a minute I forgot W was my armor is on like one durability all right check this out I’m so good at bridging that I suck

Ass oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my godness who is cool Halo Freddy bro oh my God bro one sec let me get like this Bedrock Bridge uh he he’s in the game I’m playing very goofy bro is cool Halo Freddy oh wait actually I’m going to see

If my there’s cursive binding on the helmet there’s no way yep no there isn’t yes there is wait are you playing are you playing The Wave on some peit I I I don’t know I’m playing with J on me yeah we are we are okay he copied

My kid that’s what kids are made for yeah that’s the way SMP preite kit or inight you remember my biggest fan um JD jd1 yeah I see him around the one that kept like that kept getting like what’s it called like he got revealed that he

Like said the N word and all of that oh I didn’t know that yeah he got re he someone uh like a bunch of people revealed that he said the N word he told people people that kill themselves he even said the effler before

Too yeah and I think and I think that he said the hard R too like like I I I saw him around PVP Legacy a lot and we would just talk to each other but then he just randomly left everything wait wait what do you mean

Esler cuz there’s only one that I would know of uh I think it’s F yeah that one ah if I say I’m going to get cancelled yeah and if I say my stream’s going to get turned off sused off YouTube because you know no it’s going to be moved to uh ss. do you know what sus means it means I’m going to get suspended or banned no it’s going to be moved to ss. YouTu G that happens I mean let’s be honest voiders has said the same exact thing I wouldn’t be surprised if he called me

That like voiders on my stream has said the fur multiple times and he’s just Shrugged it off thankfully he didn’t use well he’s voter’s Edge you forget that oh triangles yeah I’m going to go uh get my ass be in uh Hypixel holy let’s see how many people yeah I

Got to go to bed actually it’s 10 10 all right I have no I have no c i was I’ve been listening to Eminem for no reason is it because of the fornite no kind of um I didn’t really see the event really um but like I saw I

Can’t yo check this out this is the most W thing I’ve ever seen in my life guys look I cannot download fortnite you just cannot be consulted wave I can’t download forite I’m being assaulted right now um look just look at my streen yeah they’re both running

Yeah ago a long time ago some guy made me a custom pag you want to see it a custom what it’s fire a custom pack like a custom PVP pack with the totem and everything I can show you right now ah that’s cool I even it

Even has the do you know the mum totem why do you why are these people treating Story one word at a time like Story one letter at a time I don’t know goofy wave melp has always been goofy you know that you’ve been here since season and

They’re treating Story one letter at a time story one word at a time I tried to rearrange it they I mean now now they’re just doing both of them one letter at time it’s weird okay what the flip whip I clear war against administrator and moderator

Bro yes I’ll see if I’ll play the I’ll see if I play the that one the W I don’t know what to I don’t know what I’m doing with it I might join the wob melon S&P or start playing on it wav melon you’re wh listed you have them for long

Time that’s not a long time that’s like like 6 months ago yeah that’s kind of a long time because I’ve been like gone for like six yo yo simply just voice revealed online I got to watch this [ __ ] simply useless voice reveal wait wait wa wait um J moment J

Moment J moment what of the guy on me is going to drop he’s on like six hearts this guy on 200 ping speed F get that guy get that guy I thought I got server deafened no you and server muted I didn’t server mute you you no with this

New no I know but with this new I killed him I killed him with the new thing it overlays it as red oh yeah it’s weird and it looks like your server death the impos Among Us uh welcome to fortnite wait what happened this guy this guy wearing the

This guy wearing the clown Pierce skin said just because I am a clown Pierce skin doesn’t mean I need four people on me at all times wait what happened to frosted last video he made was a long time ago I talked to him yesterday yeah why isn’t he

Posting I asked him when his next video was and he says that he doesn’t know he’s been focusing on you serious that was Ser my pants are going to break oh my God you I don’t have anymore mind we just dropped him oh yeah I forgot let get the pants

One bro we did that I forgot he added a YouTube playlist of his old videos good fine let me get it never frosted to W never mind are we doing one getting the kill getting the kill no please please please let me get the kills please why

Is my T key not don’t drop them please let me kill them let me kill them actually it’s my kill actually did you know this Minecraft SMP that is my kill this this random this Minecraft SMP I stabed 16,000 children I mean I for 16,000 speaking of this J

Is best player on the yo guys guys guys yo guys here’s here’s like my idea for a video uh here’s the intro in this Minecraft S&P I built owitz and forced all of the members inside of it how do you guys like that J I just hurt my ears what

Uh wave how do you like s him uh get out of your game real quick I’m I’m F to show you I’m I’m going to Showcase my pack to you pack I want to show yeah I’m I just like the totem a lot I I huh oh that’s a netherite

Potion that was when I think when I started playing like spirit Spirit SMP I I’m thinking about getting tested on um on on SMP but I’m I I I just I just think I’m way too bad and like yeah I just think I might get tested on um I

Might get tested on um uh UHC with no training I mean I haven’t trained and I got high TI 4 in just like a week span and I got I got high TI four on um what’s it called what’s the best one what’s the best the best one to for like

Skills and everything uhhuh that would probably be like U because like no if I’m really good at the game do you indicators without getting kicked the last time I accidentally left health indicators on I got kicked for like invalid packets I know but like I accidentally left it on

Once and I got kicked for invalid packets because I had it on no maybe he sending inval packets my my tester just stop sending inval packets my tester I would would have been low tier three but my tester I two owed my tester and then after that the

Last round it was it was a water it was a water thing so um wait what are you and West oh okay so basically I think I find it funny I find it funny I could be either na a West or na a East I’m like right in the middle I’m

Going to get a VPN so I can get better ping on everything I’m going to add you on essential that’s not how it works unless your routers got like three billion people connected to the same server holy sh Ono yeah I told you he’s the best player on the wave melon SMP

He’s the deadliest the he’s like the greatest he’s the most deadly Minecraft player on the most minecrafty Minecraft cheating Minecraft cheating Elite cheating uh deadliest cheating Minecraft PVP cheating deadliest Minecraft said cheating then most cheating he said cheating almost like 15 times I’m not even hold you it’s a reference another member made

Because I used to cheat a lot on the server and admin abuse it was bad yeah I know I I still x-ray what I built to raid Farm last season B them wait you heard it you heard it yourself I to ra if I hear that you X-ray for the third

Season in a row and after this season I’m Banning You For All Seasons no and a raid Farm because raid Farms are stupid please I want the raid Farm though no The Raid Farm is bad if I find another okay what if I build a public raid Farm

What if I build a it would still be a ra f it would still be too op and you would still get banned I’m getting cled up still get World edited out of existence I must be Terri what if I just like am better I must be terrible with Shield because I’m

Getting dog on and I used to be able to clap low tier 3es that’s some bull maybe I’m not low tier three maybe I have 4 Z to my 10 what is better High tier low tier and then on the ranked and then ranked like how do it go like low tier

What to high tier what goes from How does it go is it like so it goes It goes High it goes low tier five to high tier five to low tier four to high tier four low tier three wait low tier three High tier three low two two high two two okay that’s

Weird as hell I hate thatte that it’s just a spiral downwards no I think it should go the low tier five to one and then High tier five to one that’s what I think it should do low tier five to what low tier five low tier

Low tier five to low tier one so low tier five low tier four low tier yeah oh because it has a bigger number yeah bigger number is worse right no it’s just that what’s it called uh I feel like it’s better just to do that because like number one like

They’re trying like if you can see in MC tiers in there it shows like the number for tier three it’s like a bronze bronze medal for for low tier two it’s a silver medal and for the rest what’s good children yo what’s good llama L who Jo oh hi llama standing Still I have silly goofy CH K hello how I die from terminal phos bro I was was here before because look look um won look it it has my old username so I was here in the W SMP before oh that’s it say look look it says formerly known as um I tickle the

Pickle and I tickle the pickle was my old username I know that’s when I actually no that’s that means that’s when I wh oh there you are come back go back go the island but I will do wav melon yeah that’s like the funny thing in thison yeah that’s how I play it’s

Annoying this is why I’m so good I just get people to quit after the third round because there’s like 10 Rounds oh yeah everybody’s in game I’m gonna I’m going to get wave I’m playing J moment in that funny kit that’s like has like 600 different just

Random I’m playing J moment in my funny kit actually wait J moment can I do something real quick I want to do something sure I don’t think you should do something I don’t think wait wait wait wait J moment J moment I almost found the exact spot for something uh oh

[ __ ] J moment I lost it oh it’s right here my FPS is dying holy crap yeah I’m being J I need to go I need to get it first I want to I want to can I please get it no it’s mine it’s mine J you don’t get it you don’t get it

J you you like you’ll like be like autism like it’s only for autistic people oh well then yeah I can have it okay open the chest you won’t there wait wait wait wait pause pause pause wait I don’t think it’s there anymore it actually might not be

There anymore okay I did not mean to throw that speed PLT down guess something oh pranked pranked pranked okay I’m out mama just said that he’s better than you yeah it’s true Lama’s the greatest of all time oh it’s j it’s actually J oh oh J you missed I’m also op Over oh my hey hey iing I wouldn’t free on AC I wouldn’t free C on accident all right all rematch rematch rematch I need to I need to wig my dignity back dang let me do this it’s funny okay j a second there was a delay J this isn’t

Nice why is Frosty you know him yeah well I don’t know him know him but I’ve been one of his events you died to fall damage I don’t care J moment please stop it I really want to do something foul this is foul you’re going to win this

Kid yeah because usually people quit that’s the reason I win CU it’s so annoying be like this I swear no hard feelings right all the hard feelings I’m being absolutely bodied right now see I I am not good at whatever the [ __ ] uh uh neot I I suck at

It I don’t mean this I just picked it because it it looks good yeah W melon your streams are the best you have to you have to show your audience that you’re the best yo honestly not Wayan is the greatest Minecraft pvper of all time you have to

Show that you’re the greatest Minecraft PVP of all time L Frosty that is far from the truth GG I’m sorry yo J moment can you quit for me I got to win I got to win in my own kit no IA that Frosty L Frosty messaged

You while melon oh my God I just realized you can see me from the arrows sticking out of my ass wait w melon W melon do dual um LOL Frosty real quick how could you ever say that I am crap I like I like whipped by this guy

I’m I’m going to get whipped cuz he’s like cracked the did you take the Na Na pot did you take the NAA pot I think I be I think I beat him I think I beat I clutched up in his in his little event um it’s sort of end oh this gu so

Long this used to be my main I play SMP now I’ll play you inp after this yo llama don’t tell him where I am llama leak his cords leak his L if you leak my cords J moment’s better at PVP than you I haven’t this in a oh sensitivity just pants funky

Tail he’s invisible I know I am yo by the way I have strength like seven you can’t hide that burp nuh what do you mean I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m tired I ate ham today honestly the builds here are pretty cool like this shipwreck is awesome I’m getting clipped right

Now honestly this honestly the shore I like that like this Shore in the East W melon gets destroyed like it hasn’t happened before yo guys guys guys if you’re watching wave melon stream right now like And subscribe for good luck I’m going to do LOL fossy after

This wait let me let me let me ask it let me ask it goodly can I do you pretty please with a cherry on on top and a peanut butter on the side no I want a cherry on top and a w melon you know you do understand it’s wave melon not wava

Melon I say wava melon because that’s my thing I’m special I’m forcing him to void that I’m special I’m special nuh that’s me my mom my mom said that I’m I’m I’m a special kid I was born the wave melon special shout out to L Frosty The Wave melon

Special mom my mom said that I was a special kid when I grew up when I grew up yes I was very special wait wait wait oh yeah I forgot Won Won Won go go in uh go to the front go to the front go to the front um in custom

Do come here come here won come here come here press the top right go watch YouTu bro join it thank you J M are you really just like like wasting your time watching YouTube now because I’m not I shall use no KB yeah I don’t use KB either because I

I actually Nam my knockback sword in my KB in my uh SMP kit for the KB plebs he just stands there no I misspelled uh I misspelled uh how could I ever do that yo where are you J moment J moment where are you I got

Quick dropped oh my bad uh yeah I didn’t think that would oh come here here let’s do a drink kit no no no no we could do a drink kit we could do a drink kit we could do a drink kit all right here here wave wave

Wave okay I’ll beat you in this kit though I bet I’ll beat you in this kit J I bet two2 that I get quick dropped in this kit as well this is not a cutie K Buck I could beat you in this kid though you know

What I’m look at your stream and I can only fight you through your I can only fight you through your stream all right I can’t I I have I I have my phone over my hot bar so I can’t see anything wait hey moment wait what’s over what’s

Okay this is a pretty cool kit isn’t it J moment you like this kit don’t you oh [ __ ] I forgot there’s piercing I might need to remove that major disadvantage I’m going to use Axe are you I’m I’m a little bad I hope you know that this is

Goofy power mind he’s still he’s still goated with the sauce no it’s just flaming Infinity how how how bro I suck at this video game I hope I I hope you’ve already realized that I I’m on 30 FP I’m on 30 fov with um with with uh third person yo

I got him I got him almost half that’s like a oh no my totem I’m GNA burn it yo I I got I got J moment to um what will I ever do why don’t to pick up the goddamn totem right now do it now I just cobweb myself on my end because

Because it’s a baby wave melon okay I got I removed his absorption Hearts that’s a win in my not even close it I play I can’t play I forgot there’s no Fire Res or is there I can’t I can’t I can’t play I’m just goofy oh oh no way actually there’s no

Way there’s no I told you I don’t play this video game y I got below I got low half Health though it’s perfect it’s perfect do me in this I I want to fight low dog I want to fight the Lo wave we’re doing my kit though we’re

Doing my kit oh but your kit is always goofy watch actually this is uh this isn’t you should check your won you should check your chat someone said oh my God hi I love your streams oh wow tell them thank you yeah this this guy

This guy this guy is like such a small content creator compared to me I can’t believe it oh my God Lo dog you’re so goofy you’re goofy Lo dog yeah I killed wave honestly a w I’m almost going to molest me in UAC I haven’t played UAC in a hot

Minute I’m tier five that’s crazy wait let me do it let me check tier tager if you’re lying this guy couldn’t compare to me I actually should probably preap the god Apple you’re lying there’s no way I usually hide the god apple and food in my inventory because like I know

PVP Legacy players oh I forgot there’s no you removed it cuz you’re goofy no I actually never had an axe in this one I do remember an axe or I could just let’s go craft one hold on let me do that I’m going to remove crafting after

This I hope you know that y goofy I’m going to call you goofy multiples llama are you trying be dead ass are you trying no llama’s never trying he’s just that good yeah LL doesn’t have to try he has he has his monitor closed and his eyes open

All right get off all right I will dude you’re not going to get this can I finish this in a sec can I finish this real quick you’re not going to get this D I will can I all right can I you got you got to get the

Stuff how did you live that way can can you just can you just be a good sport and get hit by my sword okay man no I cannot bro wait did you just leave did yeah how could how could I ever be killed once in my I think playing this kid again let’s

Play this kid again it’s really fun moment after this I’m going to hop off wave please I have to hop off soon wave please I have to hop off soon please it’s a goofy again I’m going to cry why am I falling out before I go

Before I go I have one last request do not do anything do do not do anything all right I have one last request all right I need to get no stop please Simon say s still Simon say s still please em no what’s my emote hey Simon Says stand still Simon Says

Stand still please how are you low tier three in every kid you’re the definition of low tier three at this point that’s literally my line you stole from me by the way I don’t think I’m this bro I’m checking teer tager you’re low to three in this I am ler free in this

Technically I’ve improved so much past when I got tested I think I’m oh I’m getting clapped on high tier one that he okay honestly Neil honestly not I’m sorry I’ve been talking a lot you’re probably like a you’re probably like a high tier 4 right now or like low

Like low TI three probably because what’s it called i i d Arin in this kid his main or no I think it was hitting me through my shield either Arin or flame frag I this no that’s I got [ __ ] I dropped immediately just get better that’s very I got I like dropped

Almost immediately they’re American though right yeah yeah this is American server so I’m on you that’s why you take barely any KB okay this is it this is the round these are the two rounds where I win and beat L dog 1976 the champion of P the clown Pierce of the wav melon

SMP it was a draw we have to fight we have to play again though no we don’t we can’t end on the Tex right now I have to finish off as the best PVP or llama F that that that’s that’s chat GPT please please him me no good

Fight good fight sir wait duel me good fight accept my duel you know you’re a goofy right wav melon wav melon wav melon shake my hand right now I need I need I need you to shake my hand won’t you shake a all right J M shake my hand right

Now come here shake my hand he’s going to have some like bio virus on his fingers no I just got the European virus turns out I have the the black PL no not British people I British people laughing so hard right now I hate you are you

British I’m sorry wait are you like where are you from in Britain cuz like there’s got to be like oh then you’re okay like I actually like Scottish people yay and Welsh people and Irish people except English people I mean I might be speaking their like dirty ass language but hey

Still I’m going to be honest I hit you through your Shield that time I have no idea how does not know about the five tick Del sheeld delay I hit you from behind how did I how did that block my attack cuz I’m hacking guess he also hack

No yo yep that’s right guys I’m actually hacking can confirmed I’m hacking one sec let me just turn on fly hacks I’m going to beat logg 1976 I’m going to beat Lo dog 1976 I’m going to beat him yes Honestly though go why are you awake okay uh the [ __ ]

Huh you’re like oh by the way wave I’m I’m recording right now so I have proof of you hacking so if you don’t let me win right now then yeah you have proof of me hacking how I have proof of you tell like actually admitting to hacking I’m the big

Hacker haest hacker ever to hack you really think PVP Legacy moderators are going to look at that and go oh yeah this guy who died to the other guy to who died to the who died to the opponent multiple times it’s hacking because he want a couple

Matches yes I do believe that’s what’s going to happen yeah but you straight up said I actually hate you through that your shield and then if I say I HTE you through your Shield a maniacal laughter I could prove that you’re hacking with a little bit of

Editing like oh I’m going to steal your entire video I’m going to just like download your voice recordings from my video and I’m gonna put them into chat GP and make you actually say I love say I love saying the nword and canceling on Twitter man

Except that I’m Gonna Get You must fight me in that kit it isn’t the wave melon SMP goofy kit it’s this one you’re goofy you’re really you’re really dumb I mean goofy goofy at least my kid’s fun okay P list let’s see how many people are in the list uh game moment

Okay wait do me guess what no look in the TBL list I don’t see a wave melon I see wave melon I don’t I don’t know what you’re on about yeah you just removed your Legend I don’t know what you’re on H and what’s this weird melon that’s

That’s a guy with the Mystic rank man well I didn’t know way millon bought Mystic no it said no it’s the man with a member rank oh wait way Millan also bought member boing this is the weirdest combination I’ve ever seen like it’s so huh didn’t

You have to go though oh I accidentally left uh wave if you CL me in my kit one more time I will leave it put me in [ __ ] versus Five hold on let me get back in vers one someone just joined tell me when somebody leaves someone just joined left left left left

Left I said what I said I let all get to my head also that Frosty guy he was just joking cuz you know it was a joke that happened I I think it was with ity rocks or something and then another person they were just playing

Around yeah wave join My Stream watch I mean play my video play my kit yeah B Obedient Yo No Way Frosty’s actually like check marked and he loves your streams no no he’s just a pleb you’re a pleb I cannot believe you would talk to your fans like that if someone said that to me you know what I would do I would come up to them and

Kiss them on the that’s a pretty weird way to like talk about talk about YouTubers that hate you probably because it’s your favorite YouTuber but you know I don’t even know who Frosty is I don’t know I mean I I do know who he is he’s a Content

Cre no way he obviously has over 100,000 subscribers to have those little verif can you just be a good sport and put that shield for a second how how I you I would easy man one hit one hit one hit one hit you probably just win the clown

Pier looks like you forgot to pregap youle no I tried to pregap but it wouldn’t pregap for me like I’m not even kidding I’ve tried to like wait what how did didn’t that hit you ha admit it to hack I’m going to report you and get you banned on

Everything yeah but I gave him $40 how did you hit me that’s so cap okay he hex hex no that’s too easy yeah coming from the clown Pierce of the wave melon SMP I mean yeah that is what you kind of get from doeling the clown Pierce of the way and

SMP I’m like the the most overpower the strongest player on the fake SMP on God by the way uh voer joined the fake S&P and he kind of ruined everything so you know like fake SMP season 2 he he killed the he killed the villagers which was Goofy of him

No yo are you are you ready for fake SMP season to no fake SMP season still going I just declared war on him and stole all his Hearts I mean you like do me one more time and I leave w w is here where he left

Uh it just said he was in the server it showed unless I’m just freaking tripping you’re tripping all right join my D yeah oh my duel wait where he’s in a 2v2 wait who’s he playing with I don’t know King Justin wait accept this and then I’ll leave for you

Wait if you accept this du request I will not not build ashz at spawn I’m going to kill you if you do that um I’m going to build also why also last Seas why did you kind of kill me take all my stuff and then proceed to blow up my

Base okay can I tell you what I did I killed you placed all your stuff in a chest and then didn’t log on okay I got get I came back and my base was blown up not me and all my villagers were dead and all the bad things that happened happened that wasn’t

Me cap no cap cap fact that’s practically what you did though like you banned so many like really important things to that make the way way M&P like TPA or tping no I didn’t ban those I just kind of nerfed them yeah you Nerf them and that M that makes the

Way millon SMP way millon SMP I wonder when I should get T teer tested okay I honestly don’t care um that thingy when season one should have like p and po honestly 2our grace period honestly a w I must say that actually I haven’t looked at that poll in a while uh oh

It’s a one day grace period And I hate that yo do you you do not know how mad me and the like Neil and Crimson are because you did this like I said oh by the way the Border’s 5K five at everyone the border is 5K by 5K

Everyone did you read announcements in wayp it might be harder uh and then they’re crack they’re cracking further down on people also border 5K by 5K and then Neil just replies with BS and then bruh you like season s is going to be like uh yeah this guy

[ __ ] he’s hiding a child somewhere won’t show me where you know what that means we can’t throw bir fredd yes we need to findus I’m if you could only code in one program language which CH hosting an event uh well that’s an interesting question because I don’t know how to answer that is

AAL who the [ __ ] are you he walking on most Minecraft SMP all right I got to leaveing MC he is gone did you say wait M the most cheating Minecraft SMP the most cheating Minecraft cheating Minecraft cheating cheating cheating no the most M the most Minecraf cheating Minecraf is cheating Minecraft Minecrafts Minecrafts

Cheating cheating cheating Minecraft DS hacking cheating fortnite battle pass Minecraft cheating most dangerous pvper Minecraft pvper Minecraft most dangerous Minecraft most dangerous Minecraft most dangerous cheating is cheating is Minecraft SMP bro really be looking for those click rates you should make a video over the

Way Mill and SMP and the next it’s like a documentary of the way M&P and then like at season I was going to do that I was going to do like you know and then like the title No the title is just like you know it’s just like that entire

Thing and then the intro is like you trying to say what the way be is and it’s just like a full Star Wars type paragraph explaining the way like it’s just a Star Wars paragraph of just Minecraft supp cheating us Minecraft cheating us Minecraft do you know who

Bill wz is Bill wz yeah I was going to make one of his typee like a type of video kind of like his but like wave melon SMP like whole history of wave melon SMP I guess that would be funny hi welcome to way melon SMP here I’ll read out the

Script where is it it’s in documents uh okay entire way history of w SMP I guess season zero 3 seconds of silence and wave melon standing next to River yeah there’s nothing here another one second camer pants to show never frosted oh yeah there’s also that guy season one

Wave melon built this Hut and he’s and he’s very proud of it a player named low dog just joined fun oh is that void’s Ed and I don’t wake up the server is getting and MTV Cribs was destroyed and replaced with a box oh look at that a

Castle also wake is a war criminal which turns wav melon into a war criminal in season 2 and yeah the server has gone public some problems arise because one wave melon is AD been abusing and two the members are feeling a bit slient boom drama and wave melon SMP has died

And season one has ended season two nothing much really changed except everything more members come and go a player named Crimson arrives wave becomes even more of a war criminal and blows up wake bace but proceeds to pull a stupid and blows himself up proceeds

To ban and no because he Angy so many new members I can’t count Emerald Empire forms who lives in who lives in an ocean monument and the holy water becomes a trap for voiders and wave Mel to kill the emerald Empire but it backfires when wave Mel blows up Sir pyramid base with

Abuse and the Empire doesn’t like how goofy wave is being so they proceed to lag out the server boom drama again oh no and then say Oh No and then after that boom drama again and then say Oh wait also low still here just because I

No no no no just wait just wait season 3 3 seconds of Silence with wave melon standing in a village with full Enchanted netherite this feels a lot like season zero one more second of Silence camera pans to show L dog oh also this guy’s here season 4 new players we have mimix

Hexy cat innocent potato and they’re at War also wave melon S&P application guidelines become stricter so and and I just didn’t write the rest of it way to go Superstar so season four h oh oh by the way um so for season F like so just

Say like just when around the time mimix got removed from Discord and say like oh this dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] or something like yelling oh this kid banned mimics and he definitely won’t this kid banned mimic from Discord mimics definitely won’t hold a grudge some person Captain is wearing a red skin

No no but it goes um oh oh oh by the way loog banned mimix from Discord because he said some questionable things in Minecraft mimix won’t definitely won’t hold a grudge from that yeah mimix got mimix got unbanned and he’s now making videos about like saying oh I’m G to get

Revenge on this SMP you’re kidding me he got unbanned from Discord no he got unbanned from the wave melon SMP his ban expired but he’s not in the Discord anymore yeah but he’s still contacted me using essential oh that makes okay then I told him that

The server would be back up in December 9th God damn it I have to okay I got to go tell the also mimic is coming back you also need to talk about my extremely adct how addictive I am to building raid Farms building those raid Farms it’s not

Going to get you anywhere good I’m just saying that all right I’m going to play some will do my best to I don’t know what I’m going to play I might just in stream yo I don’t see that mimic video you’re talking about you know the one where it’s he’s making uh hold

On M well he made one before he got banned it was the uh eventful something is abusing shorts bro makes a video every week and then says call makes a video every week with the dumbest ever and then and like he got a verified YouTuber comment

On his video I got two I don’t like this though because bro straight up like straight up he says this is effort by camping in like random versus doing FP towards Big YouTubers so like he played rendering frames renders and then sharill cuz he around in that and like some really big

YouTubers in PvP because he just sat around in a it’s called like eventful Meetup or something event what eventful Meetup and it just shows him killing you is greess wait is it the uh is it a short I think so yeah okay one sec let me just scroll down for

An hour or two short okay what what’s it called eventful Meetup yeah oh I found it it’s called eventful Meetup wave melon SMP why the [ __ ] did it go on this video you can also just search wave melon smpp and by uh shorts or by video and then you’ll find It what if you what if you commented on it I’m going to say this is the only good video that this is honestly the only good video that mimix o has should I say that if you want to like like It just shows him killing you and placing your head on the ground yeah shows how literal literal effort he puts in his other videos and you’re and the L is capitalized on your name that’s not accurate all right I got I got to go now okay all right see you

And you have too I put tracking devices in all of your balls and if I find out you come de 1st I’ll [ __ ] your mom your your sister and I mean only what is this this is Goofy okay I’m gonna end stream now cuz everybody left goodbye N n

This video, titled ‘not mining or crafting, but still playing minecraft’, was uploaded by Wavemelon LIVE on 2023-12-07 05:26:14. It has garnered 39 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:28 or 23908 seconds.

Hey, Y’all! Welcome to Wavemelon LIVE! This is where I’ll be streaming on.

This is my live stream, on my live streaming account. If you are searching for “Wavemelon” check out the channel on this channel’s homepage.

Join my Discord Server!

Funky Friday Link:

(Note: When I’m not live, I usually don’t play on the server. When I play Funky Friday (and I’m live), you can join me.)

streamlabs created this for donations. I would have deleted it but I’ll leave it in: (i dont have a proper donation page, but if you still want to donate for whatever reason, i have a cashapp: $RayneIGuess)

tags ignore wavemelon, wavemelon smp, joinable smp, pvplegacy, pvp legacy, playing minecraft, minecraft with viewers, playing minecraft with viewers, roblox, roblox funky friday, funky friday with viewers, playing with viewers, neverfrosted, lodog1976, playing roblox with viewers, real time livestream, hypixel, bedwars, bedwars with viewers, hypixel with viewers, voidersedge, voiders edge, fortnite, fortnite backrooms, pvp with viewers, minecraft pvp, minecraft, dueling viewers

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Bobby’s New House Tour on Minecraft Server!

    Bobby's New House Tour on Minecraft Server! Minecraft Bobby Serveri Nasฤฑl Yapฤฑlฤฑr Part 11: Bobby’nin Yeni Evinin Bitirilmesi Minecraft oyununun popรผler oyuncularฤฑndan biri olan Bobby, hayranlarฤฑna yeni evinin bitirildiฤŸini duyurdu. Bu heyecan verici geliลŸme, Bobby’nin oyun dรผnyasฤฑndaki ilerleyiลŸini ve yaratฤฑcฤฑlฤฑฤŸฤฑnฤฑ gรถzler รถnรผne seriyor. Minecraft severler, Bobby’nin yeni evini merakla bekliyor ve onun maceralarฤฑnฤฑ takip etmeye devam ediyor. Bobby’nin Yeni Evi Bobby’nin yeni evi, oyun iรงindeki detaylฤฑ รงalฤฑลŸmalarฤฑ ve รถzgรผn tasarฤฑmฤฑyla dikkat รงekiyor. Minecraft evrenindeki kaynaklarฤฑ kullanarak inลŸa ettiฤŸi ev, Bobby’nin oyun becerilerini ve estetik anlayฤฑลŸฤฑnฤฑ yansฤฑtฤฑyor. YaratฤฑcฤฑlฤฑฤŸฤฑyla รถne รงฤฑkan Bobby, hayranlarฤฑnฤฑ yeni evinin iรงindeki detaylarla bรผyรผlรผyor. Minecraft Bobby Serveri Nasฤฑl Yapฤฑlฤฑr? Minecraft oyuncularฤฑ, Bobby’nin serverinde oynamak… Read More

  • Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents

    Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents Exploring the World of Minecraft Villagers Unique Traits of Minecraft Villagers One interesting fact about Minecraft villagers is that they are always bald. However, some villagers can be seen wearing hats, adding a touch of variety to their appearances. Each villager, depending on the biome where the village is located and their profession, has their own unique clothing style. Interactions and Symbolism When it comes to interactions, village villagers are not capable of counterattacking. Occasionally, iron golems may gift a villager a rose, symbolizing friendly relations between them. In ancient times, villagers would simply stroll around the village, occasionally… Read More

  • Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness

    Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness In the world of Minecraft, a haircut’s the talk, Before and after, the difference is stark. From looking messy to looking so clean, The reactions are wild, a hilarious scene. No diamonds in sight, just a mining quest, But keep on searching, you’ll find the best. A sister’s late for school, a brother’s in a rush, The chaos ensues, oh what a hush. Dad’s off to play cards, mom’s coming home, The homework’s not done, oh what a tone. But in the game, there’s always a surprise, A secret passage, right before your eyes. With 3D drops and diamond… Read More

  • Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play

    Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play In Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Girlfriend turned baby, chaos unfolds. One day to protect, from dangers untold, Stupid things done, the story is bold. Superngao, the hero of the hour, Facing challenges with gaming power. Defending his love, with all his might, In Minecraft realm, a thrilling sight. Emojis and rhymes, in every line, Engaging the audience, feeling fine. Minecraft news, with a twist so grand, Superngao’s adventures, across the land. Stay tuned for more, in the gaming zone, Superngao’s journey, brightly shown. In rhymes we trust, the story sings, Minecraft magic, in all its wings. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures and Illegal Ender Dragon Eggs! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “I Obtained illegal Ender Dragon Egg in This Minecraft In Lifesteal SMP”? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience. Whether you’re looking to test your skills in PvP combat, build awe-inspiring structures, or simply make new friends, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Bob’s Papa, Jackbhaiya – Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts

    Bob's Papa, Jackbhaiya - Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Jackbhaiya and Bob, their adventures bring. PvP training, lucky blocks, and more, Their gameplay in Hindi, a gaming lore. Bob Ka PAPA, Jack’s rival in the game, Their battles and challenges, never the same. With Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet in tow, Their Minecraft journey, a thrilling show. So join the fun, in this virtual land, Where creativity and skills go hand in hand. Jack vs Bob, the ultimate test, In Minecraft world, they give their best. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Modern House Tutorial In the vast world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In this tutorial, IrieGenie showcases how to build a stunning modern house with intricate interior design. Let’s dive into the details of this architectural masterpiece! Exterior Design The video kicks off with a focus on the exterior of the modern house. From the sleek lines to the contemporary aesthetic, every detail is meticulously crafted to create a visually appealing structure that stands out in the Minecraft landscape. Interior Decoration As we move inside the house, the attention to detail is truly impressive. The… Read More

  • Bedwars Shenanigans

    Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars Adventure with BlueLedYT and WeebRed Software and Equipment Used: For this epic Minecraft Bedwars adventure, the team utilized: Recording: OBS Studio Editing: Capcut They also had the following hardware: Keyboard: Random Logitech keyboard Mouse: Bloody A60 Mic: Portal 7.1 HG28 (headphones mic) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 RAM: 16GB Resource Pack: The team played with the Bombies 180k resource pack by Tory, adding a unique visual flair to their gameplay. Subscribe to BlueLedYT and WeebRed: If you enjoyed the gameplay, make sure to subscribe to their channels: BlueLedYT WeebRed Highlights from the… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GรœVENLฤฐ TรœNEL EVฤฐ YAPI KAPIลžMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. ๐Ÿ’ฅNOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft๐Ÿ’ฅ โžก๏ธAdam’s Channel: โžก๏ธAhmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications ๐Ÿ”” so you never miss new videos. ๐ŸŸฅSUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREEโžก๏ธ ๐ŸŸงYou Can Join My Discord Serverโžก๏ธ… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – ะฝะฐะฑะพั€ ะฝะฐ ะŸะ ะ˜ะ’ะะขะะซะ™ ะธ ะ’ะะะ˜ะ›ะฌะะซะ™ ะ ะŸ ัะตั€ะฒะตั€ ะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ ะ”ะถะฐะฒะฐ ะธ ะ‘ะตะดั€ะพะบ – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ“ข My Social Networks โšช TWITTER: ๐ŸŸฃ TWITCH: ๐ŸŸ  INSTAGRAM: โšซ TIK TOK: ๐Ÿ”ต DISCORD: ๐Ÿ“ง Contact: [email protected] โš”๏ธ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฆ #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ปSUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ป #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜บ Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! ๐Ÿชต๐Ÿชจ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿก Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “๐ŸŽจ Hot Minecraft Artwork! ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More