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[Music] how cool it is that you and I decided to take a walk through this beautiful Forest today look there is some Village in the distance let’s go there yes let’s go to that Village oh no this is a village with monsters some zombie creepers and other monsters live there they noticed us and are attacking us we need to somehow defend ourselves otherwise they will kill us all oh God be careful because they are all in armor and with weapons and they can fight cool it seems like we’re not doing very well you need to quickly run away from them let’s quickly run into the forest so they don’t catch up with us after all they are very slow in their armor I have a plan I would like to go to this Village and live there with the monsters let’s go to our great sorcerer and ask him for a potion to turn us into zombies I think this is a great idea this way we can understand how these monsters live and what they think about and what do they even do it will be very interesting it’s so good that we have a sorcerer who can make such cool products and now we’re almost there oh great magician and wizard please make a potion for us thanks to which we can turn into monsters because we want to live in a village among monsters and understand what they do and how they live and we will be very grateful to you for this and we’ll pay as much as you say now I’ll quickly make a very cool potion in my laboratory you will definitely like it excellent my potion is ready and now I can give it to you for 10 emeralds and you can become very cool zombies who never distinguish between real zombies and can live peacefully in a village for Monsters unfortunately we don’t have enough emeralds to buy your potion so for now we will go to the residence to look for work to earn more money and then we will come back for these products you need to earn as many emeralds as quickly as possible great we came came to a Sandy Village and here we always need work and something needs to be done so we will now move on to some resident who will tell us what we can do hey hello residents tell me we want to earn a lot of emeralds could we do some work for you yes you could help me very well now I’m just preparing to open a store if you build it then I will pay you normal money great if you agree then take all the materials that are needed to build it and at the same time I will pay you emeralds right away I’m waiting for you to finish this work great we found our first job and we need the best way we can do it to complete it because they paid us normal emeralds for it but we will need to do something else to get enough emeralds to buy a potion from this sorcerer we need to really try to make very beautiful shops so that this resident will like everything yes I think we will make very cool shops as always after all we know how to make cool buildings and always do the best how good it is that you and I came to the Sandy Village to earn money there are a lot of Rich residents here who always need something done for their money but they themselves don’t want to do anything therefore here you can very quickly and easily earn a lot of emeralds and that’s why we are doing this now we have a very cool building and everything is very beautiful I would definitely go to such a store that you and I are building moreover we are making two of them well you and I are actually some kind of professionals everything turns out so beautifully and cool this is because you and I are best friends and we always do everything together and support each other thanks to this everything always turns out great and we emerge Victorious from any situation because there is no one in this world better than us YooHoo we finished building these shops and now we can look for the next job to earn more emeralds I know another Resident who needed work done urgently let’s go to him and find out what he needs to do I’m sure he will pay well hello resident tell us what work we can do for you to earn emeralds we don’t have enough to buy the potion we will do anything for the sorcerer yes sure please collect all the crops that have already grown in my beds and for this I will pay you emeralds great now when we complete this task we will have enough emeralds to buy a potion from the Sorcerer And we can live with with you in the village with these monsters and find out how they live and what they do there and now we need to very well collect all the crops that ended up in these beds and then sew new seeds so that something will grow there again and everything we collect and put in the chest and we can calmly go buy a potion it’s very cool that we were so lucky to have these residents who needed to do all this work and it’s just not hard work at all you and I will do it very quickly and easily and very quickly we will be able to get to the village with the monsters excellent we have completed all the tasks we have enough emeralds now we are going to the sorcerer hey sorcerer come on open the door hello sorcerer we have earned enough emeralds and now we can buy these potions from you so let’s get out your potions and we will give you our emeralds so that we can turn into zombies and live in a village with monsters great now you really have a lot of emeralds and I’m ready to give you your potions now I’ll go upstairs for them because they are in a special place where they are protected from harmful environmental radiation great I brought the potion Now give me the emeralds and I give you your potion and you can easily turn into a zombie YooHoo now we have a potion here thanks to which we can turn into zombies and go to the village with the monsters and live there and find out how everything works there how cool is this so let’s drink the potion oh I feel some strange Sensations it seems like a transformation is taking place wow you and I have now become zombies and you and I can calmly go to the Village you know I have such a strange feeling I feel like I want to eat someone’s brains I’m all green and I feel so bad in the Sun that I want to hide quickly I never thought that I could turn into a zombie after all you and I have killed so many of them and now we’re using them ourselves I don’t even believe that this could happen but I’m already looking forward to coming to the village and seeing how zombies really live there and what they do I’m sure that not only zombies live there but also creepers and other monsters that live in such Villages wow it turns out their Village is no different from ours and they also live in houses and do all sorts of important things that are important to them and go for walks this is very cool and incredible but you know we need somewhere to spend the night that’s why we need to buy a house from someone I don’t know how to communicate with monsters it seems like something can be done in that house oh look we can buy a house from this creeper let’s give him the money maybe he will understand what we want from him and give us the keys to the house YooHoo we managed to buy this cool and cool house in the village where monsters live but you know I’m so tired of of working today and doing all this how well you and I slept what a wonderful morning what stop our potion has run out of effect now you and I have become ordinary again and we are inside a village with monsters oh God what should we do now we can’t leave the house otherwise if these monsters notice us they’ll all attack us there are too many of them here and it’s very dangerous okay we need to check the situation let’s open the doors and see where everyone is maybe the zombies are still sleeping and you and I can quickly leave this Village oh no it seems they noticed us quickly close the doors let’s stay in this house I don’t even know what to do now they know that we are in this house and all the zombies are coming here to attack us you and I tried to get out through the back door but they noticed us here oh my god there are so many zombies here we need to somehow try to fight them off but it doesn’t work out out very well because there are too many of them here after all these are their Villages and they can call even more of their zombies and then they will kill us all we need to run away with you urgently because we won’t be able to defeat them all now but I have an idea we can run just to the store that we built after all they sell Dynamite there great we’ve already come running to this Village hey hello resident please sell Us dynamite and a lighter and also shovels because we have to defeat the zombies there that attacked us yes of course here take everything you need and pay me the money great now we have everything we need to defeat these zombies I figured it out now we will run with you as close as possible to the village and there we will build a trap with you we will dig a big hole with these shovels and there will be a lot of dynamite there then we will lure these terrible zombies there then they will all fall all and we will blow them up and thus we will defeat them all and there will no longer be a village with monsters great you and I are on the spot and now we need to dig a very huge hole here and then we will definitely succeed we need to try really hard because there are too many zombies in this Village and they just live next to our village and sooner or later they will find out about our village and want to attack us but we must not allow this to happen because we always protect the village and our residents who live in it it will be very bad if there is a zombie invasion so now we’re making this cool trap and we’re going to make a really big hole we have to make it very deep so that all the zombies that we lure into this trap will fit there and then we will throw Dynamite on top of them and everyone will look at it and it will be very cool and cool because we will save people from a village with monsters yeah well I was deceived by this terrible sorcerer he probably wanted these zombies to to kill us well he didn’t succeed but why did the potion have so little effect and you and I turned into ordinary people and we also paid him or so many emeralds well it’s okay it happens and we just now know that we need to be more careful with it or maybe we somehow use the potion incorrectly who knows the main thing is that now we are doing everything we can to kill the invasion of these giant zombies and everyone who will go there this way we will save them all great we have already made our trap now I see the zombies coming here we need to really lure them here into the hole so that they all fall we need to do this very well and try to get all the zombies who are now coming towards us there but we need to be careful so that they don’t hurt us or even kill us we should be like best friends and work harmoniously and support each other so that everything is in order and each of us survives it’s so good that we came up with the idea of making such a trap to lure zombies there and kill them this is really cool professionalism and it’s cool that you and I did all this and now we’ll kill these terrible zombies oh great we lured all the zombies we could and now we need to build a small bridge to the center of the pit and now we will throw a lot of dynamite there to blow up and kill all these terrible zombies wow there’s so much Dynamite here now now now you need to very carefully set it on fire and it seems that this is enough you need to run away as quickly as possible because now there will be a very large and strong explosion that was a really cool explosion and now we killed all the zombies it was a really cool job none of them survived now you can move on now you and I can go and check if there are any other monsters there hey look now there’s an invasion of creepers there are a lot of them here but we need to be very careful with you because if you get too close to it it explodes and can kill you or it could kill me too therefore we need to hit them at a distance and then quickly Retreat otherwise they will explode and kill us along with you they are very dangerous but in principle we can do this so that it is better for us we will beat them a little so that they explode and they will explode each other and then we will kill this entire invasion of creepers and again emerge Victorious from this tough battle hey you and I defeated all the creepers but there is still one more zombie left here let’s finish him off quickly and then everything will be very cool and you and I will be completely calm yes we were able to defeat this zombie with you it serves him right it’s also good that you and I managed to do all this but today was a really cool adventure

This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Turned into a ZOMBIE and INCREASED an Infected Monster Village in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-07-10 23:00:10. It has garnered 1252 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:21 or 801 seconds.

Mikey and JJ Turned into a ZOMBIE and INCREASED an Infected Monster Village in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, I make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. This videos is exclusively for fans of Maizen. I just want to create exciting stories to this characters(mikey and jayjay). Enjoy my videos. Good luck!

Original Maizen Channel – @maizenofficial

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  • Insane Solo Leaderboard Grind on The Hive – Vx3

    Insane Solo Leaderboard Grind on The Hive - Vx3Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing on The Hive live (leaderboard grinding solo)’, was uploaded by Vx3 on 2024-07-12 17:45:34. It has garnered 173 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:37 or 11617 seconds. hope you enjoy the stream! #hive #minecraft #live Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Creates Epic Cartoon Song!

    Minecraft Pro Creates Epic Cartoon Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Famous Cartoon Song using Noteblock in Minecraft | GamerLuffy535’, was uploaded by Gamer Luffy on 2024-01-13 16:14:58. It has garnered 392 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Read More

  • Argonix

    Argonix| SERVER Vitajte na serveri Argonix, vašej bráne do nekonečného sveta Minecraft dobrodružstva! Zbierajte svoje zbrane, zosilnite svoje srdcia a pripravte sa na nezabudnuteľné dobrodružstvo v našom epickom svete survivalu. Naša komunita na serveri Argonix vám ponúka oveľa viac ako len klasický Minecraft survival. Tu na vás čakajú autá, ktoré vám umožnia preskúmať tento rozsiahly svet rýchlejšie a efektívnejšie. Pretože naša kreativita nepozná hranice, pripravili sme pre vás aj množstvo nábytku a ďalších customizovaných vecí, aby váš domov bol úplne jedinečný. No a ak máte odvahu a odhodlanie, vyberte sa do našich dungeonov, kde vás čakajú nebezpečné výzvy a poklady,… Read More

  • Townscraft SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21 Whitelist Towns Community-focused 4+ Years

    Townscraft ────── Townscraft ────── TL;DR: Townscraft is a thrilling Survival Multiplayer server where your imagination shapes the world. Dive into a vibrant community where towns are more than just clusters of buildings—they’re living, breathing realms of creativity. Whether you’re drawn to bustling cityscapes, enchanting steampunk floating islands, or the quirky charm, there’s a place for you here. Quick Links: Rules Discord Photo Gallery Video Trailer In-Depth: Our server is a whitelisted SMP with a unique approach to promoting town-building and general community events. We strive to maintain a vanilla player-honored system for a natural and organic feel to play. Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Stop mob spawns at night in Minecraft!”

    “Step 1: Don’t play Minecraft at night. Step 2: Profit!” Read More

  • Wither Weather: A Minecraft Rhyme

    Wither Weather: A Minecraft Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Withers and creepers, ready to thrive. But fear not, dear player, for you hold the key, To conquer the challenges, and set your mind free. With a sword in hand, and armor so strong, You’ll battle the mobs, all game long. From caves to castles, you’ll explore with delight, In this pixelated world, where day turns to night. So gather your resources, and craft with care, Build your own empire, beyond compare. With friends by your side, the adventure won’t end, In the world of Minecraft, where fun never bends…. Read More

  • (New Rail Hack) Villager Oi Oi Oi – Hot Rails!

    (New Rail Hack) Villager Oi Oi Oi - Hot Rails! When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Read More