InsideMC Podcast – PrimeStrat – Why He Quit Twitch Streaming & A New Minecraft Bedrock Tournament – 019

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All right Lads welcome back to the inside Minecraft podcast everything you need to know inside Minecraft uh we are back again for possibly the fourth week in a row and that’s unless thunder strike twice and the guests I have on actually turns out to be a curse

Um uh but today I you know no cutting around a Chase uh kind of on the kit whatever I don’t really care welcome Prime strap hi hello how you guys doing oh yeah so a fun fact for anyone who might not know it sorry I didn’t mean to

Call you off that primer I’ll let you talk no worries a fun fact for anyone who might not know it um me and Prime recorded a podcast back in December uh that was when I was meant to be making a comeback for the inside Minecraft podcast however um after recording the podcast with

Prime shot I decided that I wanted to work even harder than I already was meaning I had no time to edit and they’ll still add the motivation Etc uh so sadly that podcast never got it alongside Dr ky1 last summer meaning that um meaning that we’re recording it now

Because to be fair I could have still uploaded it because some of it was still relatively um like relevant I guess however a lot of changed and a lot has changed and a lot of um there’s been a lot longer since you’ve been doing certain things

Which we’ll get into in the podcast so that’s why we’re recording it today and I’ve said it to you prime I hate re-recording podcasts I absolutely hate doing it because I’ve already talked to you about these kind of questions before luckily enough though I don’t really

Remember any of the answers so it’s you know there’s good on that front as well um but yeah sorry I don’t really talk hopefully there’s enough Nuance you know I mean there will be introduce yourself how’s your day been gone is it it’s selling point I’ll let you do your

Selling point now sorry I just want to give you that first things first if I sound dead I’m a bit sick but don’t worry I’m I’m I’m I’ll live uh so I’m Prime Strat I am now a Minecraft Bedrock YouTuber I’m also a uh a moderator for

The a hive I think those are like the main things that I’m kind of known for um I love making content I love and I’m also working on a bunch of like big projects within like just micro the Minecraft like oh my gosh the Minecraft Bedrock Community but yeah I guess

That’s just me so to jog your memory a little bit just in case you forgot because I read it I somewhat remember the last time I had you on a podcast five months ago both of us were struggling from demotivation and both of us hadn’t really made much content in

That period of time or before that period of time you had just become a hive helper or not just because but you were a hive Helper because I believe you became a hive mod in January so you must have been a helper at the time or you

Were just freshly Hive mod I’ve wanted to it doesn’t really matter anyways and the third thing was you weren’t unwell we were both we were both feeling quite quite quite well and uh yeah and buff and as well I don’t know if you’d start on it or not but it hadn’t been

Announced your tournament which once again we’re not going to talk about any of that right now because we’re going to talk about it on the podcast I don’t want to admit that mixing much things you know how I am with my little you know making everything in line kind of

Thing Prime strap um but yeah so so that’s just a jog your memory a little bit on what we did talk about once again was never public never is going to be public sadly because I’ve deleted the recording and everything and um yeah welcome back great to be back hopefully

This does get uploaded and edited unlike last one like I said unless you’re a curse I’ve actually just finished recording the hand sandwich podcast which comes out a week before your one however yours might not go out on a week I wanted to and my God the week after

Not because of the motivation because I’m going on holiday this week oh exciting so I I’ll talk about that a little bit sorry prime minister this is your podcast but I did want to talk about a little bit um so it is currently May 1st when we’re

Recording this kick sign me quite well I’ve just had an amazing stream as well uh I’m gonna I like to promote myself on the podcast a little bit because people with us on the podcast will most likely like watching streams as well Prime I hope you understand

Um so uh I just finished an amazing stream got a little bit not really emotional but I wrote like a really wholesome announcement you read it so um there’s that uh streaming has been going quite well and uh my birthday’s on Thursday May 4th Star Wars day so on May

5th oh my gosh so May 5th I’m going away for the weekend just going to Island uh with my with my girlfriend so and tomorrow May 2nd I will possibly have a brand new stream intro and Prime shot it looks so good I am so hyped it’s like my

One right now is amazing it was made by gm19 my new one is also being made by machine 19. but it’s just it’s so good it’s so it’s just a relatable intro you know you know in scene orbits it would be really cool to go to slash

Insane orbits with two Z’s at the end to go and watch this new streaming show tomorrow exactly well I mean you say tomorrow I mean it’d be it’d be uh it’d be quite a while because this podcast is planned to come out on the oh yeah the

12th um beautiful things if it doesn’t go into pan and if people want to find you uh we’ll you’ll be you’ll be streaming on YouTube which let’s transition into talking about you for I’m sure uh yes so wow the yeah there’s a there’s a lot to unpacked there so it’s a

Kickstart before before we talk about talk about a YouTube thing I want to talk about the name Prime strap okay and I’ve asked you this before once again this is one of the questions I asked previously however because that broadcaster went public I’m asking you it again where did the name Prime Shrek

Come from I I would say whether the inspiration of the skin come from but it looks a lot like you so I think that answers that answers that uh but but but the name Prime shot what’s the deal so uh okay so years ago uh essentially I

Had the idea of like wanting to do content creation and I felt like getting like a name that I’m gonna stick with was like something I really wanted to do so uh at the time I was really big into like strategy games so that’s where Strat or strategy came from and then I

Just kind of mixed matched words together until I found prime Strat and I really like the name and then I proceeded to go in every so social media platform I could get my grubby little hands on and just claim that name and that that’s essentially uh how Prime

Struck came to be wait wait so but like why why like but like Prime straps together any any reason for that I guess you know I again I just really I liked strategy games at the time and I don’t know I just kind of it just kind of came

About after mixing and matching words I hated what my Xbox generated name was what was that I knew I definitely all right um there’s a history so I think my Xbox generated name was like thicker pack something with a bunches oh yeah why would you want that yeah uh and then

Like I had an Xbox account for like 10 years right so somewhere around the line the edgy Prime edgy Prime at the time changed his name to like dark legend or something like that and then eventually it I I got Prime straw and I was like

Okay this is this is good we’re so there’s like no reason like it’s just in what you liked and just said that is what I like it it sounded nice yeah there’s nothing super special about it other than maybe it describes my personality a little bit but I’m very

Analytical and then the skin the skin that you’re currently wearing did that come about before or after you showed your face um my skin came about before I face revealed um I I guess uh my like first ever skin I made and it was terrible because I I

I’m terrible at making skins and then eventually it evolved with many many many different viewers creating different variants of the skin um with the two most known versions of my skin being made by silver pvps who I don’t believe is even in the hive Community anymore and

Um and then I later adapted and evolved by uh my friend’s uh crazy kitties and uh Bean roll up or Amy and uh Amy made my skin yeah oh really yeah yeah my skin mask because um add the profile picture I said I see I need like something

Relatively like it and then at first I was a bit when I first saw it the day I was like and then actually and then like literally I think it was five minutes later I was like actually I really really like the skin and now I I haven’t

Changed it it say the exact same for about a year and a half now maybe wow ever since I got my new profile so we have the same with the same skin makers so uh I guess with like with that all that really being like you know I knew

That wasn’t going to be that long but I still have um stuff to talk about regarding your past Etc it’s just not related to your name so you got so I I you started off with Hive helper right to be a hive mod you have to be a hive helper first

Um essentially essentially how moderator is chosen what we tell everybody essentially and this is how it works is the head of moderation uh which is like I guess the the rule um which uh the head of moderation at the moment is Holly yeah and essentially she just hand picks who becomes a

Moderator and uh this is usually from the pool of helpers that’s correct but it can also be uh ex-staff who have had the role before so did you start as a help or did you just jump straight in his mind I started as a helper

Yeah I was about to say I I think I became helper what was it I I think it was August of last year okay so about the time that I stopped making content and that’s when I got the most yeah about August even I did upload a podcast

In October that doesn’t really count and then you got moderator in January yep so it’s actually kind of located at December one never came out now because it’s better talking about you being a moderator than a helpbox I can ask you more about it give or take obviously we

Can’t talk give or take while you’re on the podcast because you’re a content creator I’ve not invited you on because you’re Hive stuff I’ve ever had Sean because you’re content of course I know you being a moderator I I obviously want to ask about it you know yeah I get it I

Mean Hive is a pretty big featured server and it I guess it’s pretty prevalent in the Minecraft Bedrock scene so it makes so with helper to mod then you said there’s like it just gets hand-picked how was your time as a mod been then have you like I guess I guess

You must be like active on better condition but with studies and I’m not sure if you have a job or not I don’t I believe because you’re studying you don’t right it did I mean if you don’t want to have a job at the moment okay so with your studies with making content

With streaming and stuff like that like now you’re a hive mod how how has that been treating you um I’m very busy I’m not like a holy crap it’s insane because you know I as you said I do have studies and usually that sucks up about four-ish five-ish

Hours of my weekdays and whatnot um but overall it’s been really good I really enjoy helping out the server uh and that that is the reason why I became a helper to begin with too I wanted to contribute to the server that I just really loved and

Um and I I always enjoyed kind of helping in the behind the scenes I guess in that sort of sense um I have been staff on Minecraft servers prior to Hive which ones um you I don’t even know if anyone would know it but there was a Java Pixelmon

Server uh specifically it was the oh yeah it was a big Pixelmon fan uh in the past um I still am but I don’t really play it as much uh the Pixelmon server was uh I believe it was called Pokey ninjas it is uh the owner of the Pixelmon Generations

Mod was the one who owns that server um I at the time that I was staff on there I think the server averaged around 200 or so players and then around a thousand over the whole network no okay that’s not too bad um but yeah uh overall I I just I when I

Became a hive mod uh other than the fact that my responsibilities uh differ from when I was a hive helper I in the end I am still helping the server just in a different way fair enough God if oh see this is why I hate to re-recording

Podcasts because I you know it’s been it’s still amazing tokens you don’t get me wrong I just so amazing talking to you like it was the last time but it felt like I had a lot more to ask you last time I could like back then I I

Knew you a lot more so yeah I’m in so it’s a lot easier to do like research on you but now it’s like you know but I have I have a feeling I have a feeling in the next few things we’re going to get into anyways is it’s gonna it’s

Gonna lead to a long conversation so that’s not too bad so when did you start streaming again recently and not recently because I mean by that like when was it when did you come back about because I believe you came back in March about the same time I did didn’t you

Yeah wow so yeah about that time I okay so I think around the time that I became a mod I think like a week or two after I was very uh I was planning on coming back like throughout December but I knew that I wanted to wait till the year kind

Of rolled around because I knew that I wanted to kind of get a good grasp of like um being on the hive again what I wanted to do I guess um I I mean I didn’t really know I was gonna become a hive moderator uh at the

Time that I was like planning to come back to content creation um so you know um it you know that delayed things a little bit but I came back essentially like mid-January uh or at least in terms of like trying to stream again um I announced that I was going to move

To YouTube because I believe at the time there was just a lot of twitch drama and I have not seen twitch growth in literally a year I gained a few followers now and then but yeah I guess it just felt like I couldn’t make progress as a content creator on Twitch

And eventually I was like you know what YouTube is starting to make a lot of changes with like the new live streaming tab where I can have my live streams public without ruining what my videos look like and a bunch of other stuff like that so I was like you know what

I’m gonna move back to YouTube and I’ve actually been very happy with it because I didn’t really change a lot about what I’m doing content-wise necessarily I I have a lot more creative idea I’ve been making a lot more YouTube videos um because I’m you know with streaming

On YouTube I’ve been more motivated I guess just make videos and I’ve just kind of been doing my thing for a while I’m pretty happy with the fact that I’m basically averaging around 1K views on videos now I guess that’s I guess that’s

The bulk of it I I think I would I was just really demotivated with twitch I knew that if I switched to YouTube I felt like things would be better and it has I’ve been growing a lot faster on YouTube so did you when you say go back

To YouTube did you used to stream on YouTube before you did onto it I did um so when I first joined the hive Community as a whole I back when I had like two to 400 subscribers um I used to multi-stream Twitch and YouTube um yeah but multi-streaming kind of was

Difficult as well and then eventually I just started doing just YouTube and then eventually I moved fully to Twitch because yeah I I guess so I started to get rated by streamers like MJ owns you and potato pie seven yeah dude MJ was a huge inspiration for me I can tell I’ll get

Into that in a second I like you talking now and I’ll explain why yeah um but I guess from that point um I was talking to uh Anakin um if you know that streamer on Twitch yeah I always put them on one can on one can yeah but this back when you moved

Over to Twitch for the first time or you talked about previously when I first move over to Twitter because Anakin was a bigger streamer and I was kind of and I had contact with him so I was just I was just kind of like hey I can become

An affiliate now on Twitch I was wondering if it made sense to just move fully to Twitch get affiliate and kind of try to grow on Twitch on hive and and you know he gave me some advice on you know do what you want to do I personally

Really like twitch and all my favorite streamers were on Twitch so I moved to Twitch and then in the end I moved back to YouTube but that’s the time it seemed like the right decision so when you so obviously so when you’ll stream on Twitch I didn’t like really know you too

Well ah first into it obviously I knew we were later on but I mean when you first started off uh after interaction was having you sing dream mask so do you I don’t know how much of you how much did I remember you remember sorry but back in December so vividly I

Remember I was so scared because you called me at randomly I was on my PC I was I was about to get on a flight it was literally like and I was literally like I had 15 minutes to get into a car drive to the airport and get on the

Flight and I got a call from you as I was just finishing up something on my PC and it’s like Prime strap I need to answer a few questions or not but I forgot to record my audio for someone I think it was your one like

It was you yeah yeah in the edit it’s just like you talking but I was sorry because you was in CCC and I thought I need someone interested and I I like at this point I’d known you but we’d never interacted because like starting back for the chat now my first summer message

To was literally call me I want to ask you a few questions or something like that so we’re never like yeah I think I talked to your Twitch shots and stuff before but like um yeah you know so with with uh back to I just wanted to get

That in back to uh back to talk about twitch for a second and we’ll move over to YouTube streaming in a minute so you were like doing decently well on Twitch you’re averaging what 30 to 40 viewers or am I wrong and thinking that oh all

Right all right so this one 25 right I so here’s the interesting story about that um my height of twitch was um I believe it was about two weeks prior to your uve tournament oh you played in that as well I completely forgot about that yeah so yeah two weeks

Prior to that I was averaging around 20 to 25 viewers and I played in your tournament and you said I could say anything and I plugged my stream because yeah and that stream was essentially a stream where I would keep going until I finally hit a thousand followers that was my

All-time best stream Ever Getting Over 20 different raids and shout outs I well off so much um after your tournament yeah I got I I got over 20 like different raids I got a shout outs from like half of the Discord servers from a lot of the bigger

Communities I believe I was averaging I can’t remember yeah I was averaging like 90 to 100 viewers geez with like my Peak being like 140. I everybody was there like a bunch of content creators a bunch of Hive staff um it was like an insanely huge stream

And yeah and then by the end when I finally hit a thousand followers I and I averaged around 50 to 60 viewers for like the next week and then I applied for streamer yeah but it was still that was probably my height of twitch and then it kind of

Went downhill after that and after like three weeks when I got back down to like 20 to 25 viewers the demotivation kind of sudden but that’s because you like it was kind of an all-time high and it kind of just fell and like as much as I I I

Can’t preach enough the fact that that shouldn’t Den motivate you it’s hard like it’s easier now that you’ve been in my heart yeah no but like it’s it’s like it’s like now that you’ve been demotivated about it it won’t demotivate you again if that makes sense exactly

Yeah but like I don’t care about my viewers anymore or well that’s I shouldn’t say that I don’t care about my viewer and you guys screw you know about my viewers what I meant is is that like I don’t care about the numbers nearly as much as

I once did admittedly it affected me a little bit and now it doesn’t anymore I don’t really care if I’m averaging five viewers or 19 viewers I’ll still act the same now yeah and I can’t really say that I acted or could say the same back

Then no because I it’s easier said than done because this and that wasn’t a reason for my optimization mine was just because I got a job um but I was talking about on stream uh earlier actually today um on uh like the emotional kind of thing I guess afterwards um I said like

I can’t stress enough the fact that like when I used to average 50 during covert I just I I appreciated my viewers but I did not appreciate the viewer accounts I always wanted more and I always wanted like 60 average to get partnering I always wanted something more than what I

Had and it’s like you know and you’re a perfect person to talk with about this and say on a podcast like I appreciate the view accounts you have just I appreciate someone being in your chat talking yeah I guess you can turn around but with no one’s in my chat talking

You’ll get someone one day but just appreciate one person like don’t because that’s what the motive do because you’re like oh yeah and you applied for stream rank after a week of meeting requirements and that’s why like when you know you was at an all-time high and

Then it kind of just dropped at the moment you when it shouldn’t have but I thought like I’m not saying I’m not saying all prime shot screw you I can’t believe you on the motivated by that but you go I mean like looking back on it

Now you can admit dashing at the moment that’s true yeah so um although that I believe that instance was a lot different from why I moved to YouTube I guess the reason why I moved to YouTube was just because twitch seemed to have something bad happen to it literally

Every other week for like a few months yeah yeah that was during the time and I wasn’t streaming so yeah and YouTube has just seen so much better gifted uh yeah it’s I don’t know I love twitch I love how twitch chat works but I guess

It just made more sense for me to move to YouTube talking before we once again before we get into YouTube I’m already delaying it here but we will talk about let’s talk about it I guess a little bit more about like all kind of interactions

Because I kind of wanted to touch on it with um this has all been in the present thing I was gonna adapt talking about the motivation was meant to be a pass section but this is all talking about the present so it’s going to be like a

Big big section for this but it’s fine so talking a bit more about like us um like things so obviously uh with the whole dream um the whole dream video now just around call and after that it became like a bit of a we started talking more obviously I

Invited you to the uve you were part of The Underdogs you made it to the semi-finals and just about lost to Rubix or but let’s be real Jake was winning that tournament it doesn’t matter I I felt so hopeful because we did a couple practice matches and they actually beat jakester

Um but oh my God I I was so angry with myself because I threw a Boombox and I basically took out half of my own health it was a bit yeah but you know you still did good you go to semi-finals and after that you kind of got like this big Drive

Of motivation to stream and stuff so like you’re welcome by the way yeah well thank you thank you you were also in my interviewing streamers video one or no because I’m doing that again this year actually I believe I was in uh I’m pretty sure I linked the video too

Because I was when I was scrolling for a try I saw it um I remember something so yes yes you were in it we did you were you were in that video which you’re going to be in again this year but it’s going to be a lot different because you’re no longer

On Twitter you know and you YouTube so moving into our YouTube streaming thing so you’ve been streaming give or take daily I don’t think it’s properly daily is it I’m gonna be real ever since you started streaming on YouTube I haven’t already kept up with you I’m sorry I I

Don’t oh no you haven’t streamed in the last seven days oh no I’ve been sick for a while yeah well okay so Alvin and the finals were literally like around the corner with it like like yeah like past week basically so like that that explains that so it’s with YouTube

Streaming so you moved over to YouTube because you’re in a time when you got out of your demotivation you came back twitch was having a lot of problems YouTube seemed like it was on the rise I was there for it um I wasn’t streaming at the time but I saw YouTube again all

These amazing changes however um which was just like slowly slowly burning to the ground however twitch is like better now with YouTube streaming how is it how’s it been have you felt a lot better like what what are your average view counts on YouTube as well because I know YouTube streaming is like

A lot easier to get viewers so uh with YouTube uh actually I’ll go in real quick just to look at my Analytics so I can give you a better a bit a bitter a better under understanding a bit a bit yeah yeah yeah yeah um uh so on average

Um I think it’s safe to say um around it depends on the Stream So if I’m doing something that is a little more original I can usually get somewhere around 30 to 40. um if I’m doing just like Hive Customs or win streaks it’s like 20 viewers

Um and obviously that it you know depending on when I stream those view countries uh mcci I think I average around 14 viewers to start off and it went down to around five to nine yeah so people over time sadly not but uh I don’t know again I

Didn’t really I know that most of my viewers are there for Minecraft Bedrock content I say that because I can average about the same if I do something like playing a Marketplace map yeah um but yeah I mean if I have a Minecraft Bedrock viewer base it doesn’t you know

It’s obviously not going to do as well if I play Java I still want wanted to I had a lot of fun doing that stream but you know because that’s that’s the thing of me I have like maybe two or three Bedrock viewers but like my audience

Like I said today I have reached 26 Euros yeah I got like a raid but I don’t think and like none of the raid viewers left they will actually and to be fair I actually I’m not even too sure if I it was the right viewers because I was

Averaging the same amount beforehand anyways I don’t know how to sustain it but the point is average 26 years I think it was off my own back and about two of them who were there every now and then were Bedrock viewers the rest of them are a whole new community who I’ve

Built in the last month literally they do follow HD I’ve only been following me for a month and that like some of them have three days four days watch time already that’s insane I feel like a whole new audience and I somehow did it really really quickly as well because I

Started streaming in March but I did variety I started streaming Java specifically around about the end of March star of April and that’s when I took it seriously Java content was in April and ever since then I’ve Just Seen rapid growth wow I mean I can sort of say the same because

Um though I I’m gonna say I’m gonna add bullet 60 or 70 percent I guess of my twitch viewers did like follow me to YouTube that’s good um that yeah that was really good I I have like a whole new chat on YouTube it’s crazy because uh you have to be

Your pay good challenge you have the YouTube Chatters ah not all of them are papega not all not all of them there’s a deuce in the mouth though I I surprisingly got a lot of Danny as the bomb viewers from that one time like over a year ago where I streamed on this

Channel and they’re like I remember you from that and I’m like Jesus Christ oh my God there’s been a high mod like the viewers do you think like have you have you gone really um um most of the time when I get a new viewer in my chat they don’t know that

I’m Hive staff oh okay um so I I can actually pretty confidently say that me my rank really does not affect my viewer count at all um I mean I guess it’s um I don’t know I don’t I also don’t advertise it like that I don’t like to to advertise my

Staff rank for views but you could I I could but I I don’t know it’s not something that I want to do because I I also don’t want to get into a situation where it’s like I’m now known for being Hive staff and my viewers would now only

Watch me because I’m Hive stuff I don’t want to get into that is what happened to MJ to an extent MJ was just a good streamer don’t get me wrong but I think arguably a lot of people watched him mainly because he was actual Hive stuff

And he was a streamer I don’t well that definitely could be the case um but I don’t know they might be a bit biased coming from me but I just think MJ was an amazing streamer really great viewer interaction communication it almost felt like um you were a part of that family the

Instant you entered his chat I think it was a good streamer but he was like I don’t know I don’t know see the issue with with me is it seems to always be a case of like I nothing against MJ so I’m not like trash talking him um what’s it

Called but I’m saying like it seems to be a every streamer that everyone loves in a community I seem to be like yeah they’re not really my kind of streamer I don’t know I don’t know where it’s the same with the community I mean now like

I want to say names but it’s like a lot of streamers who everyone absolutely adores I’m just like I don’t know I prefer watching the smaller craze anyway but I guess it’s because like I guess everybody has their own opinions of course I mean

Um I I think a good example is like Gigi the puppy um is a Minecraft Bedrock no no streamer uh uh or the or at least she streams Minecraft better actually she streams of a few other games as well yeah and does Java from time to time but

Um you know uh a lot of people really like GG streams but then a lot of people would oh yeah but then also a lot of people may like uh someone that’s a lot more hyperactive like gm19 I guess I guess it just depends on what kind of

Viewer you are like do you like more chill streams do you like more hyperactive streams do you like uh do you like this personality over another there’s a lot of things that go into it in my opinion so with with what I was mentioned earlier about the whole like I

Kind of see a bit of NJ in you is like it’s not bad bad thing because like I said MJ was a great streamer but like I don’t know just I don’t I don’t know how to explain it but I just like with the profile picture and with like sometimes

I like how you are on stream and stuff like that like I feel like I did like you can tell that you were as an MJ fan I don’t know I don’t know if it’s on purpose but it feels like sometimes your streams are a bit inspired by his or is

That nice assuming I mean I feel like uh nowadays especially it’s a lot more just me but there was a beforehand oh for sure I was every a lot of things were inspired by MJ although I feel like that um a big Turning Point as a content creator was honeycomb SMP that even

Knowing that kind of didn’t do as well as a lot of people had envisioned um that kind of opened the connections to a lot of the creators that I got to know uh because that opened the door for me to get invited to the CCC and and a lot

Of other uh things like around that nature and then um and then I guess from honeycomb SMP and build out building a lot of connections I started a actually learn how to do good videos and how to edit better and making thumbnails and just overall becoming a better content

Creator and also just becoming more original than what I had originally portrayed myself as I guess I left CCT CCC a long time ago and like uh from now where I’m still like mentioned a decent amount in there which is I don’t know I

I only go in there to get advice or to look at like thumbnail resources fair enough honestly I mean I think it was all right um I guess the last thing that I wanted to ask about uh you being on YouTube and then the next thing we’re going to get

Into is still about the present however uh I like to mention how I transition stuff I don’t really know why I do it because the viewers know when I transition it but I’m actually going to have this as a song or no session and then we’re going to transition into the

Next thing which is still the present but it’s just a thing it’s been interesting by the way at first I was a bit worried it wouldn’t be so long but we’ve been recording for 36 minutes so far Prime so you know you know it’s times kind of flying I can’t believe it

So the last thing I want to ask you and I have a feeling I know the answer but I want to ask anyway when you transitioned over to YouTube or when you came back from the motivation why did you stick with bedrock content oh oh I can feel

The comments section oh boy all right so all right um more comment section I’m very aware of that Java’s uh I guess bug Rock bad sorry sorry Karen my bad I’m aware that Java is kind of the mainstream Minecraft that a lot of creators uh stick to

Um my first instance of Minecraft better Rock Edition was the fact that all my friends no longer played Java it was easier for them to play Bedrock and I in turn played Bedrock um I love the hive for a lot of different reasons but the hive is kind

Of like my first big server that I stuck to in that Community because I was never like a high pixel uh player or um or I didn’t really play a ton of java servers I used if I was playing Java I would always be playing like modded Minecraft or single player yeah

Um I guess Minecraft Bedrock is just originally for me when I first started doing content creation I thought Minecraft Bedrock had a lot of potential to grow and evolve because it reaches a lot of different people than the competition you see in Java and also with the hive specifically I guess I

Felt like that was a smaller medium in content creation that would allow a smaller Creator to start really building and that’s kind of what drove me to just stick with Minecraft better I don’t know obviously being a hyphen mod probably contribute oh it’s hype help but Hive stuff probably contribute to that as

Well right I wasn’t really um I don’t know I guess um I could play a part of it a good life partner you were a hive mod when you came back from your the motivation oh yeah and you can’t you do your whole thing about being a hive mod but you

Were still actively playing Hive see when I came back to streaming I left back dock Edition I moved to Java and honestly honestly I am so much happier in this Java community and like I have my own viewer base in Hive I shared all the viewers and the issue as well is

Prime with with that like all the viewers I shared they all watched potato pie they’ll watch Henry and stuff like that so they’d always want to watch their stream and I had to stream like seven or eight pm just to cater to the American audience because Hive players

Are all American or the highest pitchers All-American it’s so I get I stream a 4 pm BST now to about seven I I got to stream today and then come and do the podcast with you at 8pm give or take we started up earlier without having to

Worry about being on last years I was actually on more viewers yeah I miss out in the American audience but Summers around the corner Summer’s only a month away for you guys so yeah you know I’ll be streaming at 11AM give or take I mean on days that you know they’re off so

That’s what I’m saying like I I that’s why I moved away personally because I find a lot happier but and once again a bit of a weird hot take but do you think you you being American contributor to you staying on the hive as well because

One of the reasons I’m like as I’m not trying to be funny but one of the reasons I moved away from the hive was because I’m British and I just I don’t know I don’t know I I think I talked about this on with the with the comeback

Podcast it’s not me trying to sound pity like pitiful but like I feel like I’m more valued in this community if that makes sense then I was in the hive like do you do you think like value has a part of it as well like because a lot of

People appreciate you including myself that’s why that’s why I went out of my way to nobody went out my way but that’s why I wanted to re-record a podcast with you because I appreciate you like you do you think that also plays on plays a

Part in it I I get oh that it’s tough to say um in terms of like if I was an American like answering that first question um I really wouldn’t be able to give you a good answer for that because I feel like yeah I just kind of just said it

It’s it’s a little difficult without being on that other end of it but um forgive me what so what was the other other part of that question the other one was just like being valued like because you you you’re quite valued in this community do you reckon that’s why

You said that I didn’t feel very valued I’m a bureau so um and I I guess I never really gave it a ton of thought but that definitely feels like I do feel like that I’m I’m appreciated uh a lot uh by a lot of different people I feel like a

Lot of like I collab with quite a few creators and whatnot um so that definitely could be a contributing factor it’s it’s tough to say because I don’t know I I guess I never thought that I would be in this sort of situation um and I’m very grateful to be in a

Situation where like wow a lot of people kind of look up to me in like the hive Community but yeah have sweet not for everyone at the same time I I know that like for you it’s there’s a lot of differences in uh in that sense but

That’s just I I also I’m also very happy that you kind of founded your own community and your own like path and content creation yeah I feel so content Java 1.19 is so well like so good I don’t know Hive just got stale for me I

Like I I like I said before I don’t think the hype server is dying but Hive content died in my opinion I think it’s like outright dead in my opinion anyways I used to stream it but I don’t know like custom servers are fun and stuff

Like that but I watched potato pie play Skywatch yesterday and the dude ran into so many hackers and like could I get stream sniped but my stream snipers aren’t toxic nor are they cheating nor do they really Target Hive stream snipers entire different story and there’s like I I understand it’s a it’s

A free position and like once again I’m this is coming from me so Holly if you’re watching this this isn’t Prime shots worse this is mine Hive modes I understand they’re doing it as like a free position and they’re not getting paid for and stuff like that none of

Them watch streams they don’t so like I I just like and it’s so easy to cheat on the hive like I don’t have an attitude but it’s like it’s so easy to just break draws and like nothing’s ever really been done about it in my opinion so

That’s why it’s like that’s what kind of steered me away but I’m glad you’re enjoying it still so I name is gonna run I have a very different opinion about that share it I don’t know I okay uh so my personal opinion on it is that I feel like

Um from what I’ve seen and I can’t really go into detail about it but um reports are handled daily and a lot of them are done there are a ton of reports um I I do actively see a lot of cheaters in Skywars specifically uh I feel like

SkyWars is sort of like a hot spot for cheaters Yes which is a shame because SkyWars is also one of a very popular PVP game mode that’s why um yeah um because when I play treasure Wars or Survival Games I’ve rarely run into um like hackers at all

Um but you know every server is going to have a bit of a cheater problem and I don’t know I feel like the hive is doing the best they can with regard with regards to it I also understand that sniping is another like big thing especially for like someone like you who

Has a pretty decent following and um you know if you have YouTube rank or any partner rank um Nick exposing and stuff you know you never know because there’s um you know people were like oh they have a cool rank I want to snipe them I want to play with my favorite streamer

Or I want to get this clip there’s a lot of different reasons it’s still not allowed you shouldn’t do it but it does uh it does happen it’s just like I don’t know I feel like content just went downhill once I enjoy left but like then

Again the only the only reason MJ could stay so I sort of agree actually I I have one quick thought about that okay I’ll say what I was gonna say you go fast so with okay uh I’ve actually I actually very much agree with you in a

Certain sense I kind of take after Danny’s the bombs take on it in a sense which was um five can be a great tool for Content creation but it shouldn’t be the main focus yeah 100 um so I feel like if you did a video like getting the most World Records and

You implement some of the hives uh like submissions into that video along with maybe a bunch of other servers that would work a lot better than just being like I I got every Hive world record but that’s just I guess that’s just my opinion on it I do some I

Do still make some videos that are Hive specific but I I don’t really um I’ve started to kind of move away from advertising it that way I instead of saying or putting Hive in the title for example I would instead say I joined this Minecraft tournament or something

Similar yeah if you get what I mean yeah yeah no I get it but the thing I was gonna say is um the thing with MJ once again sorry I I don’t mean still so much by MJ but it’s like Nintendo what we’re talking about I agree with the whole

Movements YouTube stuff um I thought the only reason he could stay so entertaining is because he had Hive rank the the amount of times this dude used to go to a screen and like even made a whole thing about it even I don’t know Customs custom screen about where he

Could just go and ban whoever he wanted like he he beat like you could join his game one time and you’d get banned it happened so many times like he used to just ban and kick and do anything he wanted because he could and that’s why he could stay entertaining whereas like

The average content creates are like myself Teo turbo we never had that ability I mean we never will have that ability makes sense but if like turbo is constantly at a stream so sites they have to go to the hyponic Discord they have to report it they don’t have to

Wait five years for it to actually be dealt with because no one really checks that channel in the first place and it’s like that’s why I also feel like once he left that’s why he kind of went downhill because he was the only one who could stay entertaining yeah people used to

Watch potato and turbo and stuff like that but once he gone people just once he left people just stopped using twitch hot take but it’s true I I mean I think it’s true anyway I know a lot of people disagree with me but there’s a lot of

Things I’ve said in the past and then a few months later people are like actually orbits you were right but you know that’s my opinion it obviously doesn’t reflect on you we’re just having a conversation about it but yeah so so back to the thing you moved over to yeah

I understand your Viewpoint you moved over to YouTube because twitch was dying when twitch was having a lot of bad moments and you’re having a lot of fun there still yeah pretty much um it was a pretty sweet last twitch stream I did I so uh when I decided to

Move to YouTube I did like a final twitch stream um and it was it was you know we just kind of did a lot of the stuff that everybody enjoyed doing twitch streams for uh I made a thing thing where like I would we would joke around and look at

Like Hive related reddits and stuff uh we did custom servers we did all that um and at the very end we it was like a little video compilation of all my moments that led up to that point yeah um and then yeah I I do think that uh

Hive content on Twitch is certainly not in the best state right now uh I don’t know if that’s necessarily hive’s fault I also think that just the landscape of twitch is changing to such a degree I think twitch streamers are still doing well like onikan is doing all right as well like

Anyone here they are I I just I guess I just mean more like um averaging like 100 viewers and he doesn’t anymore but I was also thinking that’s true covert definitely could have influenced it a whole lot so that’s why I said like whenever I say are you

Savage 50 viewers I always like specify during covert so like that and like even with that like Hive is just slowly falling off and that’s why like people’s thoughts because the thing is with like Java I have so many things I can do like today like the other day I played about

Four different servers in one stream whereas like with bad Rock Edition it’s only really The Hive I I’ve tried streaming Galaxy every single time I stream the outside keeps me from games as I said I’m not playing anymore and they keep letting me keep my partner wrong because I physically can’t play

Until I fix my issue says that keep craft is all right I like cubecraft Java quite a bit Bedrock not so much hive’s there what else can you really play on The Hive on Bedrock Edition I guess that’s why there’s also that issue of like people can’t really like do much

Variety the only thing to stream is Hive SkyWars or like Potato Head does have SkyWars turbo does have skywards MJ did Hive treasure Wars like you normally wants to watch survival games plus it gets a bit boring to play can’t stream just filled why would you stream hide

And seek deathrun is death run what else have you got Scarborough’s kit it’s cool you know so I don’t know I mean like high content in general it’s still doing really really well it’s just it’s just hard to like grow with it the hive Community itself with content isn’t

Really growing in my opinion I I can actually uh agree with that too and Stan um I I do feel like that you’re gonna benefit a lot more from Minecraft Bedrock generally uh at the very least once you hit like even a thousand subscribers you’re at a point where it’s

Like you should probably start doing like Bedrock if you’re doing better condition content at all you should keep it very um open to not being you shouldn’t be make it like server specific I I think it’s kind I I don’t know about other content creators but I’m and this

Definitely could be actually I it is it’s not because I’m hype staff in fact it might be it might be a result of me I guess it was a prerequisite to why I eventually became Hive staff but I play Hive for fun uh outside of a Content creation

That definitely might play a bit of a factor in it yeah that might be like I guess a part of it but yeah that that’s YouTube in a nutshell for me nowadays it’s just I I still really enjoy it but um I guess I I need to also figure out a

Way to move away from hive content personally because I feel like my journey as a content creator is very different from me being Hive staff yeah and that’s that’s why you’ve come on as like uh as a Content writer but you can’t we can’t help but talk about you

Being hyped off as well because it’s there for sure yeah yeah I guess moving on then because we we I I this podcast went from oh no we’ve only been recording for 17 minutes too oh we’ve been recording for 51 minutes uh so this next part we’ll spend a bit of

Time talking about it but with the podcast I try not to make them too long because I still want to take care to the view of like wanting to listen to the entire thing however I still want to like talk enough about um like us I

Think the podcast has been good so far like you you’ve been all right with everything yeah so let’s talk about wmct what’s this saying we make cool things was the original acronym and as like a funny play on words uh we are calling our tournament we make cool tournaments so social tournament what

What is it what is it about what’s the deal okay so a long time ago when I was looking for innovative ways to make new content on micro better recognition I started making my own little mini games just out of command blocks in my own survival worlds and I would invite my

Viewers to the world and we’d play these games and eventually that evolved into a little group that I made called we made cool things where I invited a bunch of friends to help me in to use a little projects uh entirely for Content creation of course we didn’t have any

Overarching goals at the moment uh and then eventually um around this time I got invited to mcpc and if you don’t know what mcbc is for the viewers is it’s called Minecraft Bedrock championships and it’s essentially a MCC on Bedrock Edition they have their own original games but

The format is very similar to MCC and that was kind of like their big inspiration uh but it was a really good tournament and and what was surprising is that they made this thing on Bedrock Edition aside from mcbc from the research that I’ve done uh there aren’t

Really a ton of decent large tournaments that are for the Minecraft Bedrock edition of the game and I wasn’t aware of any of it in mcbc other than like mcmcc Recreations like there’s like one or two but yeah exactly um but that’s what kind of inspired me

To be like okay well what if we made a tournament on Minecraft betterock edition for Content creators that is our own unique idea completely separate from MCC type tournaments um and try to make something uh incredibly large in that kind of in in the Minecraft Bedrock tournament scene

Because it’s like vacant there’s no there’s nothing um well again aside from mcbc mcbc uh on top of this group eventually turned into what we make cool tournaments or WMC tournaments so who’s is who’s in this group that you can name anyone I may know oh you might

Um there’s a bean roll-up or Roman yeah yeah um butter Pals in it crazy guys in it uh flame stream oh okay um there’s a few people uh I’m but yeah essentially we got together and we started drafting all these ideas and we wanted to make this really big Minecraft better Rock

Tournament with their own unique takes our own completely you you know we have like our own system for the tournament there isn’t like a finale bit with the top two highest scoring there’s no voting system but uh it does carry a lot of the same charm with how a point

System kind of goes I don’t want to reveal too much about it because I want it to be like a big surprise when we finally release a lot of important in-depth details um but yeah I guess that’s like the big thing with it and I’m like I I’ve been very excited for

For it I because it’s it’s become way bigger than I had originally thought it would but I I guess yeah that was like the big thing for it I wanted to make a Minecraft better for Content creators that is incredibly high quality and and something very original that people

Could participate in and my hope is that that kind of uh I don’t I just want I guess to make something cool for everybody to experience and that was the big inspiration for it so streaming being ill Hive mod um we make cool things and studies Jesus

Prime sure you have you have quite the bit you’re juggling right now huh oh yeah when for sure can we expect this tournament to be up I do not want to give a date dear God um give or take how much progress percentage-wise do you think you’ve made

Like 50 so we have 30 78 okay um no one no like okay disclaimer you can’t base this on anything because if it’s currently 78 Anything Could Happen putting it back down to 70 that there we go I’ve made that the statement for viewers now you can give me a percentage

There you go I’ve covered you back so the wmct group essentially took a very long break during school season we about um a month or so ago we started working on it again and we made absolutely insane amounts of progress in such a short period of time I don’t know if

This momentum will stay so that’s why I’m very I don’t want to like give anything specific but that’s what I’m saying based on like everything my hope is the is that it releases this year but I don’t want to guarantee that um if I would if I were to give a

Percentage we’ve completed um three maps for three different games or so one map per game and we’ve one of those games is almost in like a play testing stage and we have all a lot of like animations and stuff done I I want to say maybe like 20 or 30 percent yeah

That’s a lot less than I realized yeah but bear in mind a month ago it was more like five percent which is why I was like insane progress you want to also wanted to be Tom bright like it doesn’t want to be a case of um you know and now

Like announcing a tournament sorry and uh uh what’s recording and like it’s like two years later nothing’s happened kind of thing exactly um we do have like a public old Discord server for like suggestions and we kind of give like what we’ve decided to do is

In order to uh start building a bit of a community around it and getting and like spawning interest is um in this public Discord server we kind of give like developer updates every few days on like what we’re doing um and yeah it’s very uh I think the

Things that take the most of my time nowadays is uh doing stuff as a hive mod and doing wmct stuff which is uh insane because I basically like I do school I get I get home and then I go on the hive for like a few hours and then I do wmct

Stuff for a few hours this is just fun some busyness you don’t really get any like I guess time to yourself right now that is true although the difference is is that I just I enjoy being a hive staff and doing wmct stuff so much that it’s it’s a like I enjoy

Doing it it’s not like a chore for me that’s fun honestly you got what I mean when I say about me time I mean just like sitting down vibing kind of thing it’s like when you’re on the hive you’re still a moderator when you’re done MCD

It’s still making a tournament do you do you know what I mean like although you said enjoy yeah it’s still like not just chilling time kind of thing I guess so yeah I’m also a workaholic so there’s that but I always feel like I need to be doing something

Um which is why when I get sick I get so like oh it sucks because I’m like oh I want to move around I want to do this I want to do that but I feel so terrible doing it I got like a little bit on board last

Night and you know I still don’t feel the best now like I felt like my iron has been a lot like low lately like really low so I’m taking medicine for it so this entire time not like because of the podcast I mean just all day even

During my stream I’ve just felt really tired as I’m trying my best and I’m sorry if it may not seem like I’m all there but I do have like a reason for him we discussed this before I began anyway so you know this same way how you

Are almost like you know I don’t mean any like if I do seem offer points it’s not like thing it’s just it’s physically don’t worry I can’t control right now I hope I still want to do the podcast with you because you’re a great guest um so

With with we make cool things is there anything I’ll be making tournaments I should say is there anything else you you want to talk about regarding it um I have a lot of high hopes for it I really do hope it’s like something that a lot of content creators kind of uh

Gather around to I want to partake in at one point oh that would be really cool let’s see um we are I think like the only main role for it is that like if you do plan on participating that we expect you to like stream or record it

To some degree oh yes I’ll stream it like I still play lgbc I’d be planning on one this weekend if I could if I’m on holiday don’t worry insane or if it’s I’ll win for you okay so you want to team Rivera and um no that’s not your

Team is that no that’s not my team so what’s your thing uh I am with uh slits and kidial that’s not too bad that’s good too yeah about the Remake all tournaments one of the requirements of streaming so like how often do you reckon tournaments will be once a month

Twice a month um I I think we’re gonna aim for around once a month maybe something like six to eight weeks uh it very much depends on how things play out uh we’re very hopeful with um with the development side of things because like I think um actually the

Other day yesterday uh we did like a big beta test of sorts to kind of test things like the connection and the server seemed to handle like 20 something and players fairly decently so I I I’m very excited for it it’s uh it it’s definitely going to be something

Different because the way we structured this tournament is it’s going to be almost like you’re playing in an adventure map while having these tournament aspects play out throughout the uh the event I look forward to seeing you honestly I’d love to uh show you some stuff sometime yeah yeah maybe

Maybe not maybe not off podcast it’s going to be quiet oh yeah yeah I I think because you mentioned before a bunch of times here uh you did uh you did quite a hyperactive stream and now you’re doing the podcast you’re probably gonna be pretty spent also it’s not just that

It’s like it’s mainly the iron thing honestly like this medicine it’s because it goes out because it’s low iron so I have to take medicine to build my own up and uh I used to be anemic when I was younger my mom reckons I’m an ebook

Again and it just makes me feel so drained and tired like it’s amazing we just feel dead inside like it’s not me again soon I I really wish I was upbeat with this but I I this is in the end of the podcast we’re still going to be talking to Sam I’d

Love to have you back on once the tournament releases anyways it’d be great have you back on talking about it because that podcast about you the podcast would be about a tournament instead which would be cool so oh yeah I guess a short little segment then before we get into the only

Twitter question I have and it’s about the future so normally I might ask you a few questions regarding this but I I think we’ve had like a really good conversation today so yeah regarding future of your content I was gonna say future of my um we make cool things but

We can probably talks about them we don’t want to leave too much anyways we want to be to be a surprise but with the future of your content is there anything we can expect do you think you’re going to stick to the same thing uh your

Studies are over in less than a month right so it’s summer full blast from what oh yeah I hope to be doing a lot of streaming definitely I want to post a lot of videos I don’t want to promise that I’m going to be uploading daily or anything like that I’ve learned from

Previous instances of me promising these things that that things happen and the unexpected but uh over the summer I definitely plan on uh making up a lot of content on my main Channel and actually uh on the wmct YouTube channel posting some updates on there and doing a lot of

Content creation on both ends which is going to be really nice um but yeah I I have a lot of really cool ideas I want to I think think one like big thing uh that go into more specifically is I I want to boost like my viewer um my

Viewers on like my videos to like 3000 and I want to start making a lot of like Minecraft Bedrock videos um and starting to do things like oh I I uh I coded this into Minecraft and stuff like that so I’m really excited to do stuff like that I know we’re never gonna

Get are we never gonna see you back on Twitch you’re never gonna make any Java like you’re never gonna move to Java are you sticking a bedroom I don’t know if I you see I think bedrock’s gonna be my main content I’m not opposed to making Java content I’ve done Java streams

Um I think given the opportunity and depending on like my mood at the time I might randomly do like oh I’m gonna play some mcci today or some Hypixel or um or even doing something like oh I’m gonna go play this Minecraft mod with some friends so you know stuff like that

But if you’re ever doing any stream and you’re on Java there’s a there’s a Mario Party server that I’ve got on Potato by hooked on I I love it and perturbate no genuinely potato pie is Hope Destiny and he just wants to play it all the time

Like he was streaming live yesterday he said I really want to do the Mario Party server so if you ever get a chance to say to us a German server and it’s really really good yeah IP yeah if you ever again trust me trust me honestly play it with your

Viewers on streamers it’s just like custom servers it’s mini games it’s so fun but you can’t do custom service so you just have to get into public again so there’s like 24 spots subscribe I’ll definitely give it a shot yeah sure but sorry I cut you off my bad what were you

Gonna say no no worries um yeah I think that’s the I think that’s like the big thing for uh content creation at least all right so to bring this podcast to a closing uh there was a good few Twitter questions only issue is the majority of them were on social partner podcast so

However there is one that hasn’t been answered and I purposely didn’t ask it because I wanted to save it for this so it’s from Ian the laden what future plans do you have with all of the coding slash programming experience later on perhaps working for Mojo oh wow um one

Thing that has crossed my mind is working for Hive um as like an entity developer or something somewhere but uh I think I am gonna definitely give that a lot of time because I am still in school I am studying computer science and programming and all that uh but I’m not

Going to be done those studies for at least another year and a half or so um but if I’m still invested in Hive and um and things play out that way uh I could definitely see myself uh applying to work for Hive or something somewhere that because I’m very involved in a lot

Of these like gaming communities so I definitely want to pursue something that has a similar interest and now that is similarly interesting would be high five or game development or something somewhere because you’re definitely very talented very skilled as well I feel like I always have a lot to learn so I

Don’t like to say that about myself yeah no but even if you have a lot to learn you can still say to like you know do your talent I feel like I feel like I definitely have a gift for it it’s something that I’m really interested in

Learning so that does help and then honestly he’s down the line but we’ll get to see some of the shine of course yeah well Prime shot oh yeah gone I was just gonna say that’s kind of what stems from uh that’s kind of like my idea with

Oh I want to code this into Minecraft Bedrock instead and stuff and similar videos for the future so you might be able to see some some of these instances uh sooner than you think but then we make cool tournaments as well that’s part of it I guess oh very very much so

Yeah more Prime shot once again I’d like to apologize if it seemed like I was like tired or anything on the podcast I have explained to you and you know and obviously I’ve said it on the podcast so I I am deep be sorry about that um I

Wish I could but it’s like physically nothing I can do about it so but you have been an amazing guest for the end plug anything you like anything oh let’s go all right everybody right now go subscribe to my YouTube channel let’s go it’s just Prime strap on everything you

Can go and my YouTube you can I don’t know why you would follow on Twitch but I I technically still have it uh it’s trying my Discord also Discord energy juice Prime shot go go go go you’ve been amazing Prime and it’s been great to talk to you and considering I

Don’t like re-recording podcasts I really enjoyed this one once again I do feel a little bit annoyed so I feel like there’s more I asked during the previous one considering this has been like half an hour less but you know it may I mean I enjoyed the conversation nonetheless

Talking about moving over to YouTube into motivation and stuff so it was all good and I hope everyone everyone got to hear what they wanted to hear so but yeah hopefully hopefully this has been you can always have me on again I will I will one day this has been the inside

Minecraft podcast everything give or take you need to know about prime shirt female for watching stay safe don’t eat too much bread pieces you’re gonna you’re gonna say bye oh boy there we go all done

This video, titled ‘PrimeStrat – Why He Quit Twitch Streaming & A New Minecraft Bedrock Tournament – 019’, was uploaded by InsideMC Podcast on 2023-05-12 11:00:19. It has garnered 186 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:37 or 3637 seconds.

In the nineteenth edition of the InsideMinecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with PrimeStrat (for the second time now, yes the first one didnt get uploaded im sorry prime ok) to talk about PrimeStrat’s previous demotivation leading into his strong return back to making Minecraft content, content in general. They also talk about what its like to be a hive mod, bring up lost figures from the past, as well as mentioning why he quit twitch streaming and moved to YouTube streaming. All to be followed by talking about a brand new up and coming bedrock tournament he’s making called “WMCT” “We Make Cool Things” “We Make Cool Tournaments” and they finish it all off with a twitter question about being a dev and Mojang! This is the PrimeStrat Podcast. Interested? Lets get started…

A very special thank you to our Guest(s): @PrimeStrat:

Podcast Socials: Spotify: InsideMinecraft Highlights: Twitter: InsideMC Community Discord:

My Socials: InsaneOrbitzz: Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

Profile Picture & Banner by: my mate Joe

Thumbnail by: @TheAuraCat

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    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Crafting your skin, let your imagination take the reins. Open your browser, to Minecraft skins dot com, Click on editor, let the fun begin, no need to be calm. Tools at your disposal, to edit and create, Make your skin unique, don’t hesitate. Download your creation, with a click so fine, New skins to explore, in the latest section, divine. For private servers, download with glee, For public servers, use the link, you’ll see. If this video helped, give it a thumbs up, Subscribe for more tips, don’t interrupt, just sup. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

  • Craft Rise: Why You Need to Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Craft Rise: Why You Need to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and action-packed world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of bed wars, PvP, manhunt, survival, and all things Minecraft, then Minewind is the place for you. With a thriving community of players from all over the world, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. Join us at Minewind and experience the thrill of intense battles, the satisfaction of building and surviving, and the camaraderie of playing alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. To… Read More

  • Herobrine Haunts Minecraft! (The Horror) #2

    Herobrine Haunts Minecraft! (The Horror) #2 The Mysterious Herobrine in Minecraft Herobrine, a legendary figure in the world of Minecraft, has been a source of fascination and fear for players around the globe. In a recent video, Herobrine made a chilling appearance at 05:30, sending shivers down the spines of viewers. Who is Herobrine? Herobrine is often described as a ghostly figure with glowing white eyes, haunting the game and causing mysterious occurrences. While some believe Herobrine to be a real entity in the game, others dismiss it as a myth or a hoax. The Horrifying Encounter In the video, the player encounters Herobrine in… Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore!

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, Cube Xuan reigns supreme, With animations and humor that make us beam. From classroom antics to funny memes, Every video is a joyous stream. Fang Fangxuan, the master of MC fun, Bringing smiles to all, one by one. With child-friendly content, safe and sound, In Cube Xuan’s world, happiness is found. So subscribe and follow for more delight, As Cube Xuan’s channel shines so bright. Minecraft facts and humor in every line, In the world of gaming, Cube Xuan’s design. Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: World Border Tutorial

    Mastering Minecraft: World Border Tutorial How to Make World Border in Minecraft Setting Up the World Border To set up a world border in Minecraft, players need to follow a few simple steps. First, ensure that you are in creative mode to have the necessary permissions. Then, open the console command by giving yourself a command block using the appropriate command. Using Command Blocks Once you have the command block, place two of them in the desired location. On the first command block, type “World border Center” followed by your location coordinates. To find your current coordinates, press F3 in the game. On the… Read More

  • Eggboy Island: Eggman’s Black Room Boom!

    Eggboy Island: Eggman's Black Room Boom! In the world of Minecraft, a new black room appears, On Eggboy Island, sparking both joy and fears. Cube Xuan, the creator, brings laughter and fun, With animations that shine like the bright sun. Child-friendly content, with safety in mind, No harmful elements, only joy to find. Pirated videos, unauthorized and wrong, Cube Xuan’s channel, where happiness belongs. Every day, a new video to enjoy, Filled with humor, laughter, and playful decoy. Subscribe and follow, for more fun to see, In the world of Eggman, where happiness is free. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Multiplayer Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Multiplayer Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of multiplayer gaming in Minecraft. If you’re a fan of playing with friends and exploring new worlds together, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the YouTube video about Minecraft multiplayer games for Android, you may have felt a sense of excitement and camaraderie that comes with playing with others. Imagine taking that feeling to the next level on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of… Read More

  • INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeed

    INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘KSRTC bus omg💀wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts#trend #shortindia #youtubeshorts#indianbikesdriving3d’, was uploaded by Ak star gaming on 2024-05-07 06:39:51. It has garnered 55 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. KSRTC bus omg💀 wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts #trending #shortindia #youtubeshorts@MrBeast games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5… Read More

  • SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #Clickbait

    SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Internet is Holding? | #minecraft #streamer’, was uploaded by OddManMC on 2024-03-18 12:00:12. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Join us Tuesday and Thursday for Minecraft Livestreams! Support the channel on Patreon: For Questions Business Inquiries: [email protected] Follow on Socials: Twitter: Insta: Twitch: Tiktok: The Odd One’s Discord: Interested in what I use for Gear?: Affiliate Links (Purchases Made from my Links provide a small Commission back to me): Amazon Storefront: Microphone: Headset: Mouse:… Read More

  • Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer Titanium

    Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer TitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-03-31 06:27:25. It has garnered 362 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:21 or 5361 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness – Diamond Gamerz #shorts

    Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness - Diamond Gamerz #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙋 Parrot 🐦 Swing Cage #shorts’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-01-09 13:00:49. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How to build a parrot swing in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Blockers LifeSteal SMP

    Blockers LifeSteal SMPA Lifesteal SMP for fun. we are a new smp trying to gain more popularity i hope you enjoy the lifesteal SMP Read More

  • HexArchon SMP – Custom Worlds, Items, Mobs, Skills, Abilities, Enchants, Boss Fights, Dungeons, Quests, Land Claiming, Furnitures, Heads, Events, Dynmap, Wiki

    HexArchon ☄️HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique gameplay features such as Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and more. 🔗Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki 📖Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique, focusing on quality work and community feedback. Community voice & transparency Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Trust & respect Dedicated updates 🎮Gameplay Mechanics Custom Mobs Custom Items Custom Enchants Dungeons Quests Abilities Stats Auto Farms Player Shops Pets Fishing Quality-of-life Improvements 🖥️Technicals Server performance and responsiveness are top priorities, with powerful hardware specifications for zero-lag gameplay. The server… Read More

  • ThePickaxeSMP

    ThePickaxeSMPThis is The Pickaxe SMP for minecraft premium and cracked version.MC Version: 1.20.1Ranks:[OWNER][ADMIN][MODERATOR][VIP][DEFAULT]Java and Bedrock Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gordon Ramsay roasts Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Gordon Ramsay roasts MinecraftGordon Ramsay’s reactions to finding out someone built a poorly designed kitchen in Minecraft would be pure gold. Read More

  • Crafty Trials Update: 15 Paintings, Minecraft’s New Score

    Crafty Trials Update: 15 Paintings, Minecraft's New Score In the Minecraft world, a new update arrives, With 15 paintings, a feast for our eyes. Tricky Trials is the name, bringing new art, To decorate our builds, a creative spark. Java Snapshot 24w18a, Bedrock Preview too, Both versions get the update, for me and for you. Hyazora on Twitch, sharing the news, With a grin and a spin, no time to lose. Minecraft news, in rhymes we trust, Crafting updates, a must we must. Stay tuned for more, the gaming delight, In every rhyme, the truth takes flight. Read More

  • Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme

    Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #gamerstruggles 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP!

    Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP! Minecraft Shenanigans: A Dive into Swift SMP Session 1 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new chapter unfolds with the Swift SMP Session 1. As players embark on this journey, a mix of excitement and mystery fills the air. Let’s delve into the intriguing events and features that make this session unique. Illegal Commands and Creative Mode The allure of accessing illegal commands and gaining creative mode has captivated many players in the Swift SMP. From uncovering glitches to secretly using creative mode for extended periods, the gameplay is filled with unexpected… Read More

  • INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!

    INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEWS FOR MINECRAFT BEDROCK PLAYERS!!!’, was uploaded by INEVERMINE on 2024-04-09 21:00:06. It has garnered 1351 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Where about to get more Minecraft bedrock servers, and these servers do things we have not seen before so lets get into it! I hope you guys enjoy! If you guys would like to support this channel and all the fun stuff I do on here link the link below to join and get EARLY ACCESS TO NEW VIDEOS, MEMBER PRIORTY TO COMMENTS AND… Read More

  • Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!

    Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘amazing Minecraft build hack in Minecraft PE #minecraft #halloween #minecrafttutoria’, was uploaded by GAMER RAVIN on 2024-01-02 12:19:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980

    Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980Video Information This video, titled ‘Some changes and then Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rey980 on 2024-03-06 06:19:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Want To Join The Call? join the Discord im sitting in lounge! Support the stream: Join The … Read More

  • Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!

    Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Birthday Timelapses: Mom’s Birthday Timelapse!’, was uploaded by Zeta Beetle on 2024-01-08 02:30:39. It has garnered 235 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. When I uploaded Ninja Cricket’s birthday timelapse, I hinted at doing 1 for Mom next. Let the record show, I’m a man of my word. It’s Mom’s birthday, and I’m uploading this, regardless of how late it is. Bc, by the end of the day, I want my longest time supporter to be the main 1 that sees this! #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttimelapse Tracks (in… Read More


    🔥HUNT DRAGON NOW! 🐉[MINECRAFT ADD-ON] #ADSAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MARI KITA BERBURU NAGA – MINECRAFT ADD-ON’, was uploaded by ADSA on 2024-02-26 01:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Help continue to support this YouTube channel by subscribing, liking and sharing. Thank you for clicking on this video. Read More

  • Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride – Minecraft Animation

    Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-03-15 09:32:09. It has garnered 102243 views and 860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:51 or 1731 seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation Hello! 💚 Thank you for coming to GA Animations Channel! 💕 Have a nice time watching video on our channel. Minecraft is my greatest passion of all. Give your feedbacks, comments and likes my videos! ► Disclaimer: GA… Read More

  • 100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd Island

    100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Turd Island (Chill Stream)’, was uploaded by FLATLEY TALKING on 2024-03-18 17:12:38. It has garnered 238 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:30 or 6810 seconds. #drama #commentary #tea mILTOWN BEST, SMP, MINECRAFT NEWS CALL IN’s WELCOME jks its ok ill also be talking about nothing Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:45:14. It has garnered 94 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr Aldi

    EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr AldiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Goose House – Hikaru Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft Note Block Cover’, was uploaded by Mr Aldi on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered 513 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. In this video I made Goose House – HIKARU Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft note block cover Thank you for watching my videos. I hope you enjoy. ————————————————————— Tools : Capcut (Video Editing) Pixellab (Thumbnail) MCPE (V 1.20.32) ————————————————————— 🎵Original Song🎵 Please Subscribe Because Its free Like and share if you like my videos You… Read More

  • Cosmic Unknown

    Cosmic UnknownWelcome to Cosmic Unknown ! We strive to have a friendly and creative community with fun events. Our server is a modded server with the main focus being on Dinosaurs and Magic. We also have tech mods, farming mods. We tried to make our modpack fun for everyone! Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Tight Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis Community Hello there! Welcome to Ethis. A warm, welcoming and inclusive community awaits your arrival. Here are some highlights: Key Features: Thorough Applications: Ensuring a positive and inclusive environment. Voicechat: Connect with others in a stress-free way. Shopping District: Explore and contribute to the cyberpunk district. No TPA/Land Claiming: Simple and vanilla gameplay. Gamenights: Weekly events for fun and socializing. Additional Details: Regular Events: Keep the inspiration flowing with in-game activities. 5+ Years of History: A strong, long-lasting community. Diverse Player Base: From builders to casual players, all are welcome. DM for discord invite! Read More

  • Reichan

    ReichanReichan is a brand new Survival focused server currently running on version 1.20.4!• ESTABLISH YOUR LEGACY: Stake your claim to the world and protect your land as your own using GriefPrevention. Invite friends to your claim and create an own town together. (Soon.. Towny)• QUEST AFTER QUEST: New Quests every week, twice the amount for Champions. Well developed and thoughtout Quests give your Survival experience an extra touch of fun.• RENT, SELL, PROFIT: In the world of Reichan, everyone has the unique opportunity to rent exclusive Markets, providing you with the privilege of independently selling the resources you’ve gather.Collaborate, compete,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dinnerbone, the Upside-down Builder

    Minecraft Memes - Dinnerbone, the Upside-down BuilderWhy did Dinnerbone join a band? Because he heard they were looking for a new bass player! Read More

  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

    Chambers' New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With chambers and rooms that will bring us cheer. New progressions and trials to explore, With twists and turns that we can’t ignore. The Great Room in Chambers, a sight to behold, With new features and challenges untold. The Trap Changes in Chambers, a test of skill, Navigate carefully, or you may meet a thrill. The Room Tuba, a place to relax and unwind, A peaceful retreat for the creative mind. The Gathering Room, where friends can convene, To share stories and adventures unseen. The Room Change Eruption, a… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition

    Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition In 2024, just offer the Minecraft zombies a peace treaty and some diamond armor – they’ll be too busy admiring their new bling to attack you! #minecraftpeacekeeping Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need!

    Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need! Exploring the Top 7 Mods for Minecraft 1.20.4 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with these top 7 survival mods that promise to enhance your gameplay experience. From overhauling the overworld to adding immersive portals, these mods bring a fresh perspective to the game. William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld Experience a revamped overworld with William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld mod. Available for both Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this mod introduces new elements and challenges to keep you engaged. Farmer’s Delight Dive into the world of farming with the Farmer’s Delight mod. Designed for Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this… Read More

  • Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server!

    Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server! Are you looking to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further! While watching this amazing video on Minecraft tips and tricks, you may have realized that you need a new challenge. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. Imagine a world where you can showcase your pro skills, build incredible structures, and engage with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind by entering the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Explore new adventures, conquer challenges, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

InsideMC Podcast – PrimeStrat – Why He Quit Twitch Streaming & A New Minecraft Bedrock Tournament – 019