Intense Piglin Head Battle – Minecraft 594

Video Information

[Music] oh that music is nice hey buddy oh I haven’t named you yet come with me today feel so nostalgic starting off here with an episode with the trial key our first trial key if you didn’t catch last episode we got our first one we also got a few more can you fly with me on my shoulder oh you can it looks interesting but you’re doing it look at you go look at you these are my retired tools interesting right what was the last one we put up here Tomahawk 16 18 21 22 oh we need to go get an updated version of our house yeah all right but this key goes on the wall of just this is no longer the wall of first what I call it personally rare items so there it is still don’t know what they’re used for but they’re cool but why is that not locked I think I’m too far for it to update but I locked all of these Maps oh maybe I was still updating this whoops stay here but today we are going to build a farm I’m going to do my absolute well not necessarily A Farm well kind of I’m going to do my absolute best to make an area to get piglin heads because I want them so badly get one of the house I think we just expanded once correct okay we can log that one forever no what because I don’t need that one up there I could just expand the wall one of the best maps I own right here earliest version of my house swear to God if any of you update I’ll be furious 2024 so weird typing that out in this world I don’t think much has changed between these two oh we got a pink tree train station Isn’t So gray anymore oh and an expansion of the house right here but of course we won’t lock this one until this year is over okay let’s go get to work oh man it’s going to be like right over here guess that’ll make it somewhat easy I guess 104 please link up oh good these things were gaslighting me for the longest time back in early Bedrock Edition linking portals didn’t work and I was doing my best to link portals in my world but I don’t think the devs knew at the time that there’s a huge bug in the game where it would always come back to the same portal no matter if you try to link them and I was absolutely losing my mind I thought I was going crazy but it turns out it was just a bug gaslighting me anyway as you can see here I’m just going to go for this trick so I’m going to carve out a dark area in here get some creepers to spawn then the idea is to have them chase me out and fall in here I’ll have some blocks in front of the portal so they don’t go in immediately we’ll name tag them and then back here I’m going to create the same thing I don’t know if I’ll I guess oh yeah I need obsidian wait why did I use all my obsidian there I’m going to need it here mainly ah but we’re going to create a similar room I’m going to get a bunch of these guys gathered up in there wait for a gosh dang thunderstorm which is going to take an eternity make a Charged Creeper force him through the portal and hopefully blow up a lot of piglins to get us a lot of heads let’s try it out where’s the dooo heads at there’s one come here no no no no no don’t play like that they’ve redone the weather system so when you leave the game it kind of resets the weather cycle so I guess hopefully I can get lucky I can try to there’s no way there’re that smart okay Jesus I can try to just keep leaving the game until we get a I forgot to plug it up oh Dallas any other takers swear it’s always when you want them right it’s every mob in the game except for the one you want come on dooo now your name’s doooo head don’t blow I’ve never killed Bob in my life on here that is a goal I’ve always strived for I kill his llamas but I’ve never killed Bob but he is actually probably going to ruin this now actually no if he makes it through the portal and ends up where the charge creeper is and dies by him I should get his head but that’s not in the game but he he’ll be dying by natural causes okay I’m going to trust this game as long as that creeper has a name tag on his head he should not despawn hi Rexford I’m about to go take a lot of damage so I don’t want this armor to break on me actually speaking of we can put on our explosives gear how’s the health on these do oh gosh it’s seen better days ah it’ll do fine oh God that won’t there we go don’t cost a fortune please sweet first repair we head up into my attic here actually store yeah there all I still have a lot okay now this is the question I’m wondering well all of these guys despawn even though I push them all oh God this might not be going easy as I thought come on guys just follow me just follow me it’s this way there’s a creeper in oh yeah like what the no you’re supposed to go in the hole guys in the hole in the hole in the hole in the hole oh that hurt there you go yeah yeah yeah just keep circling just keep circling oh I forgot to finish the trap doors so I got to keep God dang it don’t Hur the creeper oh they’re shooting each other I hate it when they do that bro get in there oh Lord wow how the heck is that already broken that much get that repaired I just now realiz I have 14 Notch apples I’ve really been collecting those lately I remember I had a hard time getting one of those only having one slight issue well we haven’t even got to the thunderstorm part I can’t no no more spawning nah I’m only down to one in there now they all despawned and nothing is spawning up here where is all the biglins you ruined everything and My Arrows fly right through okay we got some buttered up ones here oh my God that’s what I need oh my God and all these things keep spawning I just can’t catch a break okay are they still chasing where’ you guys go how’ they just give up what happened oh my God that’s so many everyone just please get in that would make my life so much [Music] easier don’t push me towards the guy with the sword get in there get in there oh God it’s getting close no get in there get in there get in there oh God Sprint oh that was almost in the lava you have a sword too that’s not cool let me get this on go away for a second heal up no don’t kill your brethren who oh my gosh just heal up we need the why don’t we have Java’s edition of healing yet it’s like the most necessary thing ever it’s been in Java for like what 6 years now or something how come Bedrock doesn’t get it this really sucks I’m trying not to stay too far away because they will start despawning it looks like they’re still in there though get in there get in the hole oh get in the hole is my friend still there good Grand wonderful okay I don’t know how many piglins made it in there at this point I don’t really care we can just do it again I just want to see if this process will work I could probably f- tune some stuff we got the fulminator where’s my creeper right there I’m just going to keep leaving and joining the game and seeing if I can get like a thunderstorm and why is this music so loud oh good you’re still down there I think it’s been like 45 minutes I don’t think think the thing leaving your world and coming back constantly would increase your chances I think you just have to sit and wait uh it’s annoying but anyway no no after all this time it’s going to be ruined because the creeper is stupid I don’t need to waste another name tag right it just died it just died are these losers H take that okay can I have my Trident back how about we flash him what the heck what was that sound can you not charge creepers anymore they’re just killing them instantly oh I have’t paling five on this that’s not good Phantoms are the worst I used to love Phantoms I’m just you know what I’m just mad that’s what I’m doing I’m complaining about everything come on Dallas use your brain think fast or just die tools tools tools weapons here we go oh my God I keep almost killing myself hurry up you stupid slime where’s it at oh channeling loyalty en channeling that’s exactly what I need come on come on come on come on come on I got this i got this uh uh uh fast fast that’s a good name come on give me a creeper please give me a creeper yes you come here come here come here come here see me drop in there you dummy drop and get electrocuted come on come on yes he went in go back home no oh my God go oh my God go everything’s trying to kill me go away guys run for all the stupid piglins despawn okay we can do this oh yes this is the moment of truth let’s do this no yes oh look at all the heads oh my God I got six heads all the pain and suffering was worth it oh my gosh I finally have these you know what they should make it in the game why don’t they do that I wonder if that’s a thing instead of when you obtain these instead of having to wear gold when you’re in here they’re so stupid you could wear one of their heads and be like oh he’s one of us is that is that the case is that the case nope so the main reason I got these piglin heads is of course for our upcoming prison we’re about to make which not really sure when I’ll start that hopefully next episode for all we know is getting annoying is that too noticeable that’s very noticeable this is the one spot I’ll just get rid of these for now oh no oh I got it ah okay so uh but the first thing I want to do with my piglin heads is make a nice Grill to cook them out on is this messed up I don’t think so I’m hungry after all that work yeah we’re cooking the whole deal even the head oh wait I missing some get rid of this one just throw a little campfire under there there we go might as well throw coal in it so I can actually cook stuff in it so did you guys see the new mob being added to the game yes a new mob it was just announced this morning actually like I just saw it a few minutes ago the bogged skeleton it’s always nice to see new Mobs added to the game which I really like it’s going to be something in the new trial Chambers but it’s also going to be found in the regular World which which is going to be swamps which I find really cool so they basically just look like skeletons with a bunch of like moss growing all over them but they shoot poison arrows at you which will be interesting and scary there we go there’s my grill no forgot the signs on the side now it’s done oh god oh why is this still up it is February I am taking this down right now I didn’t used to be like this I used to like leaving Christmas decorations up but now for some reason at the I’m at now once Christmas is over I want all of the decorations down I think I’m only annoyed by that because there’s still people in my apartment complex that still has Christmas lights up on their balconies in mid-February you guys see how much copper I got by the way look at this this is all my oxidized copper and all of this is almost all waxed oh Lord all this is waxed too oh man I still have all that so strangely the hardest part is going to be finding a place to put a whole prison now this isn’t going to be some crazy huge prison it’s going to be decently sized and I’m not going to put hundreds of villagers and piglin heads in there it’s just going to be a prison sized for this city um so it would probably go best on the outskirts somewhere hi guys I need some Gunpowder thank you I need some paper thank you I need some Rockets thank you almost around a size like that but a little bit taller of course and surrounded by giant walls this is almost the preferred location back here because this is considered somewhat of the slums maybe back here in the mountains or something like right up there on that hill or what if there was a road that led through here got Elevate no okay I believe I found a spot I’m comfortable with I don’t want the prison to be all flashy and within City Limits where you can see it because I want it to look cold and boring in a place no one wants to go so right here where this road turn turns I’m going to turn it to the right right here it’s going to go up this little Hill not going to have it right here I’m going to get rid of all these trees and I think I’m just going to plant it right here I never thought in my life I’d be getting be building something next to this water I always back in the Pocket Edition days thought this massive water was thousands and thousands of blocks away and I am now building next to it that is just crazy to think about maybe I’m going to design something in my test world but I don’t think it’s going to be built today I’m sitting here getting rid of the trees and all this and I’m just getting so many ideas all of a sudden this is all it takes is just to start working on it and the ideas start flooding in so I am actually going once we get this place built build a whole railroad track to get out here from the city and this is going to be the prisoners railroad track so whenever I feel suspicion in the city of one of the villagers doing something bad I’m going to put him on it and send him to prison and then we’re going well who actually should make a courthouse and I can be the judge is that getting way into it probably okay we’ll just focus on the jail first all right I have the prison ground all laid out ready to go um I’m pretty excited to start it actually but we’re going to start it next episode because I got to start pre-recording stuff and keep these videos relatively short so I can get a lot out over the weekend while I am gone on vacation for a week I still want to have like regular uploads so I’m just going to cut them down a little bit I’m pretty satisfied with today though we got the piglin heads finally I thought it was going to take multiple episodes to get that finished where’s all my oh I moved it all up top trying to see if I have any endstone left because I want to finish these little rooms up here like I said I’m going to end it off here I’m going to thank some donors first from Aaron bogs and Max wallert thank you both for those kind donations I appreciate greatly endstone endstone End Stone End Stone anywhere End Stone no no I don’t have any End Stone left yeah I do HA 594 we’re moving up from Avery collar what do you or how do you you approach large builds what are the key steps to take when taking on a daunting project how do you lay it out how do you come up with the colors or blocks to use thanks oh boy well you know that is a good question because I never really explained the process I usually just attack it I don’t know what to use for an example I’m me just put this in here for now I’ll do this later on um so a daunting project is maybe of course it’s snowing is the new slime science center which I’m thinking about rebranding it I actually want to keep my original slime science center as the main Science Center but I want this to be a division of some sort because we aren’t necessarily going to have experiments going on in here it’s going to be all about production and my training stuff but yeah it all comes down to usually the first thing I do is research giant buildings maybe look up artwork of a dystopian City skyscraper that’s kind of how I came up with some of these ideas and you look very closely at the details see how this building has a slant at the very top it also has these protrusions right here this is like one big area also has a protrusion right here has smoke stacks off centered look at all those details on that building and when you’re doing the layout just go all willy-nilly like say oh maybe I want to have a little expansion here such as this part right here it’s just a random Square poking out but eventually I’m going to use it for an emergency staircase or like a water drop I get ideas from other Minecraft Builds too sometimes you just Google what you’re wanting to build and see how other people approached it get ideas from that like these pipes I’ve gotten this idea from another build before just use andesite to create these tubes and then just use these uh walls to make it go in most random directions it’s really fun when it’s very randomized because it looks more realistic like I have a random dish right here solar panels random pipes right here that have no purpose at all other than to look cool little buttons just dotted all over the place very randomly but also uniformly in a way to almost looks like Windows see I got that idea from someone and it’s meant for more large scale builds to look like small windows but in my opinion it just looks adds this really nice detail and when choosing blocks just pick like five different blocks that all are very close to the same shade so you can add in details like this like I have these stripes in here to break up the solid pattern also have these vertical weird things that just kind of look like worn out spots or panels I’m using this building in particular because it’s the most unique looking one in my opinion and even the corners like this I have this random section of stone slabs and this corner piece taken out with some sort of machine it all comes with practice you literally just have to keep building you can’t expect it to just hit you it’s kind of how I started with the city I just started building hoping my building skills got better even though my first build was pretty cool this well technically it was that one but this one was second and this place looks freaking amazing if you ask me but all right guys I got to call it here I got a pron to design I’ll see you in the next episode [Music] bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Piglin Head Struggle! – Let’s Play Minecraft 594’, was uploaded by Dallasmed65 on 2024-02-14 20:03:28. It has garnered 19663 views and 1735 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:28 or 1168 seconds.

In today’s episode, we finally build a sytem to produce piglin heads!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! – (Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

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World Downloads (Ep.550): (Bedrock) –

Download my skins here! –

World Tours: Ep.46 – Ep.100 – Ep.150 – Ep.200 – Ep.250 – Ep.300 – Ep.350 – Ep.400 – Ep.450 – Ep.500 – Ep.550 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world: This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world: Race: Slime Age: 28 Country: US World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014) Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 – Record With: OBS Studio Edit With: Shotcut Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion) Headset: Astro A10

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    🔥 Herobrine X Daku Collaboration 🔥 | EPIC Minecraft EditVideo Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] نا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] رو [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ر [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ر [موسيقى] رو This video, titled ‘Minecraft Herobrine X Daku Edit 😈 | Minecraft Daku Edit’, was uploaded by Sagar Gaming on 2024-02-11 09:33:40. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. #minecraft #animation #animatiovideo video credit ‎@SquaredMediaAnimations music credit DAKU Hello Friends Thank You For Watching This Video. Please Like & Share…!!! Comment…!! Don’t Forgot To Subscribe….!! 🔍Top searches ~ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft… Read More

  • Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft

    Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [音楽] おいおいおい上にが関係や This video, titled ‘Minecraft oi oi oi #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by King Demon K.D. on 2024-07-13 08:15:18. It has garnered 13234 views and 237 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #Shorts

    EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #ShortsVideo Information C [음악] This video, titled ‘Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts’, was uploaded by Twi Shorts on 2024-07-14 14:00:15. It has garnered 24309 views and 1342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts ►Subscribe! ►My Info: ►Merch: ►Socials: In this video, I place amethyst blocks in sync with the theme song from Inside Out 2, which is a well known animated Disney movie. Disclaimer: I did not build the pixel art by hand. It is an image from the series… Read More

  • “ElManx_ – Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP” #clickbait

    "ElManx_ - Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP" #clickbaitVideo Information es como Que Que entiendas mucho lo Que te estoy diciendo no no Hay problema no Hay problema no Hay problema no This video, titled ‘No hay problema.. #minecraft #skywars #maincra #minercraft #minecraftshorts #pvp’, was uploaded by ElManx_ on 2024-01-11 00:07:57. It has garnered 30 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥

    Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-04 15:53:07. It has garnered 10779 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • Ametium

    AmetiumÊtes-vous passionné par Minecraft et souhaitez-vous contribuer à une communauté dynamique et compétitive ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Amétium est à la recherche de talents comme vous pour rejoindre notre équipe de staff et participer à la construction d’une expérience de jeu exceptionnelle ! Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play, more info about us in our server! Join Us: First join our discord: then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist You can find the mod pack and IP in the severs Info channel Read More

  • [1.21] Severation SMP (Whitelisted / Semi-Vanilla / 18+)

    [1.21] Severation SMP (Whitelisted / Semi-Vanilla / 18+)The Short & SweetSeveration SMP is a Semi-Vanilla 18+ server, whitelisted, running on PaperMC.We have few and simple rules, focused on creating a healthy and friendly SMP experience, such as no griefing or stealing.Server Start: 28/06About UsWhat started off originally as a friend group playing Minecraft together, evolved into a full blown community server, made by players interested in the community and comradery aspect.We like to keep it as vanilla as possible, while still having some quality of life features, such as teleportation, visual features like teams and colors.Our FeaturesShopping DistrictDynmapTwo-Way Chat between Minecraft & Discord ServerInteractive chat commands, such… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it Fact or Cap? Pls Tell Me

    Minecraft Memes - Is it Fact or Cap? Pls Tell MeFact: This meme is so accurate, even the creepers are nodding in agreement. Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Crazy Bow Fight 25th April 2024

    Minecraft Mayhem: Crazy Bow Fight 25th April 2024 In the world of Minecraft, on the 25th of April, A crazy bow fight, watch the players brawl. Sharpshooters aiming, arrows flying high, In this epic battle, who will reach the sky? The gamers are skilled, their strategies tight, Each move calculated, in the heat of the fight. With bows drawn back, and hearts beating fast, They clash in the game, till the very last. So click the link, and watch the scene unfold, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Don’t miss a moment, of this thrilling sight, Join in the fun, and game on with delight! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Robot Memes!

    Hot Minecraft Robot Memes! Why did the robot go to the bathroom in Minecraft? Because he heard there was a Skibiditoiletmeme waiting for him! Read More

  • Touring a Modern Minecraft SMP Base

    Touring a Modern Minecraft SMP Base Exploring the Modern Beta SMP Server in Minecraft Embark on a journey through time with the Modern Beta SMP server in Minecraft! Step back into the “golden age” version of Minecraft from 2011, beta 1.7.3, recreated in Modern Minecraft for Java and Bedrock Edition. What sets this server apart is its server-side approach, eliminating the need for mods, launchers, or resource packs. Simply join and play to experience the nostalgia of Minecraft’s early days! What is Modern Beta SMP? Modern Beta SMP is an SMP server dedicated to recreating the essence of Minecraft’s beta 1.7.3 version within the modern… Read More

  • Sponge & Diggy Shenanigans

    Sponge & Diggy Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures: Terraforming and Ocean Cleanup Introduction In a recent Minecraft stream on Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarked on a journey to clean out the area under a new tower. The stream was filled with excitement and creativity as the player showcased their terraforming skills and tackled the task of mopping up the ocean. Terraforming Marvels The stream began with Music Free Gaming showcasing a giant tower that needed some serious work. The player had already started terraforming the area around the tower, using stone to create a basic foundation. The goal was to texture the area… Read More

  • Blazeonix – Infinite Hearts Minecraft SMP!

    Blazeonix - Infinite Hearts Minecraft SMP!Video Information फ एमसी से और मैं इस वीडियो में दोनों तरीकों का इस्तेमाल करने वाला हूं हार्टस कन करने के लिए सबसे पहले ऑक्शन से करने वाले परचेज और उसके बाद लास्ट में बंदों को टीपी ट्रैप करने वाले हैं सो अब एक काम करता हूं मैं सबसे पहले पैसे कमाने के लिए जाता हूं ताकि मैं ऑ से हार्ट्स खरीद सकूं और हां इसमें पैसे कमाने के लिए मैं यहां पर करने वाला हूं डायमंड माइनिंग क्योंकि वो सबसे बेस्ट तरीका है जो कि मैंने अभी तक इसमें देखा है डायमंड माइनिंग करो 4t 3 से और उसके… Read More

  • Intense Piglin Head Battle – Minecraft 594

    Intense Piglin Head Battle - Minecraft 594Video Information [Music] oh that music is nice hey buddy oh I haven’t named you yet come with me today feel so nostalgic starting off here with an episode with the trial key our first trial key if you didn’t catch last episode we got our first one we also got a few more can you fly with me on my shoulder oh you can it looks interesting but you’re doing it look at you go look at you these are my retired tools interesting right what was the last one we put up here Tomahawk 16 18 21 22… Read More

  • Insane Parrot Stand Hack in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Parrot Stand Hack in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information I I This video, titled ‘Parrot Stand Tutorial In Minecraft #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Sigma Bhai on 2024-05-31 08:14:39. It has garnered 14709 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal on 24/7 Minecraft SMP, Join now! [PE+JAVA]

    Insane Lifesteal on 24/7 Minecraft SMP, Join now! [PE+JAVA]Video Information हेलो दोस्तो फिर से आकाम के साथ ना नलाइन हो चुका है और सबको शेर कर देता हं की मतलब सब कुछ सेट कर दिया हमारा क्या उसका नाम सु भाने लगन कर लेता पले कर देता उसके बाद सेट कर देता क्योंकि इधर काम होता है ना तो देख लेते कोई बंदा तो दो मिनट ठीक है दो मिनट आज बहुत बढ़िया स्ट्रीम है हमने सुब भी एक घंटा किया था तो अभी तो दो घंटे का ट्राई करेंगे पता नहीं कैसा होगा इंटरनेट बहुत बढ़िया जा रहा है और उसने सेट नहीं किया लगता है उसको… Read More

  • Dolt’s EPIC Minecraft Server Livestream NOW!

    Dolt's EPIC Minecraft Server Livestream NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-08 01:56:35. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:39 or 1599 seconds. 🎮 Streaming via Turnip #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Today I am streaming minecraft. Other popular games: PUBG Mobile Garena Free Fire Among Us Call of Duty Mobile Fall Guys Call of Duty: Warzone Grand Theft Auto V Fortnite Roblox Minecraft Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi… Read More