InTheLittleWood – Live! – 1ST NEW LIFE STREAM – Minecraft New Life SMP

Video Information

Hi how are we we all right good afternoon welcome to the stream hope you’re well hope you swell uh I am currently just grinding also speaking of that face you might roll it with that face straight into it yeah it’s just I just thought there’s no point going on the

Other screen today not much points at all there is one thing I want to do actually today though when um we go to the other screen oh yeah equip some play a little hello I mean we have this cool thing on the server where it says live on my tablet

So people know when I’m live and stuff like that so there’s no behind the scenes chit chat in the Chit Chat no behind the scenes scenes I’m currently over at uh gems place this is gems uh Mob Spawner which I’m pretty sure Jim’s already showing off

Um I’m gonna try and keep this as spoiler free as possible for other people’s areas and whatnot um but yeah basically I’ve just been doing just kind of like the the grindy work for episode two today so like setting up my little wheat farm and stuff like that

I don’t think she has if I remember correctly I don’t know because she was saying to me a moment ago when she showed me she was like oh some people in my stream were telling me how I could make it more efficient and this that and the other let me have a look

But yeah she showed it in stream and not video oh okay yeah okay yeah as long as it seemed publicly already that’s fine basically I’m over here because I need a silk touch pickaxe uh and I can’t tell you why but I need a silver touch

Pickaxe for my episode two so that is currently what I am working towards and for um it’s currently what I’m up to got bones for days my dude do they go into oh Warrior boots wow look at this sort of stuff wouldn’t I didn’t realize you

Can make wooden stuff oh you just made wooden stuff out of like logs oh that’s cool Ice Palace I can confirm it’s not the ice palace though I don’t think anybody would actually guess what it’s actually for if I’m honest um but we’ll see also thank you very much for the uh

Gifted Subs uh famish congrats to Lizzie streams and gaming floral Rose and also Dana vet and also uh cookie space thank you very much let me just um plug listen stream subscribe so I’m just trying to oh dear oh wait you guys can still hear me interesting

I don’t even you guys would be able to hear me if I uh if my go XLR went funny very interesting all right there we go I’m just trying to actually hear you guys you could always use more subscribers no that’s not working can you guys still hear me or no it

Looks like you can from my end but I might be wrong go XLR is completely busted everybody else was talking about how their go XLR does this and mine like never did it and then all of a sudden one day it now does and it’s really sad

Like if you just even sneeze near your go XLR it makes it seem so interesting there we go yeah it makes basically it makes it seem like everything kind of like falls out of place um it’s very annoying come on level 30. we’re almost there I mean I guess I could enchant some

Armor whilst I’m waiting as well mind if your opponent would you be a unicorn or a pegasus uh I mean Pegasus can fly right although we’re imagining this is the Unicorn that can like run on a like an invisible rain oh and not an invisible

Rainbow but you know I mean does it have some means of running in the sky because you always want some air time if you can the server break when CPK was only broke the server twice for him yeah yeah he was on earlier on and um it was only me

And him that were online and then it crashed he told me what he did to make it crash so I will avoid doing that if I ever encounter what it was he was doing oh there we go level 30. perfect cool right let’s go go right let’s stay in

Spoiler free chat spoiler-free we’re gonna keep our head down we’re not gonna look at anything I’ve got a rough idea of where this is head down spoiler free spoiler free oh my God they’re sheep spoilers sporting free Exploder three oh there’s birch trees oh no I think I’m almost there

It’s only three spoiler free head down head down one too far is it this mound here is this mound here lovely all right cool uh diamond pickaxe in also she was only on that level why do they think silver touch was on the other level oh I could have gotten that ages ago

I could have got that ages ago although I guess like Fortune three is that the highest that goes Fortune three let’s have a look Fortune three oh dear oh no see now this one’s a different kind of error this one is a client-side one so I actually have to

Completely reload my entire client um yeah that that’s an annoying one uh uh Minecraft launcher there we go just a quick question will the videos be on a schedule like limited life or you just upload whenever I’d like to have them on a schedule like maybe putting

One out every Friday would be a nice would be a nice thing because I tend to have like family things happening at the weekend um and stuff like that so maybe it’d be nice to aim for every Friday I’m gonna give myself the flexibility of not setting the time in a day because

Otherwise then I’ll just feel stressed trying to hit it um but yeah I like your shirt I’ll buy them Minecraft sheep Minecraft sheep Mountain space is definitely an igloo it’s to be honest this isn’t even for my base and that’s the funny thing it’s not

Even for my base so there you go all the New Life mod pack be released on curse Forge um I don’t know only because I don’t think you would get the full new life experience from uh uh from doing that because I think there’s some like custom things that we

Have on the server side as well as other things so like I think there’s a few Origins that we have that aren’t in existent mod packs and stuff um and I think it’s just like the odd quality of life feature as well which we’ve got on The Mod uh on like the

Server side but I mean maybe maybe someone will maybe Scott will share the uh the mod list uh by the way this comes out on Wednesday two days to grab display for the Yuzu Mandarin uh flavor of sneak and they’ve got all the other all the other sick merch with it as well

Are you the new Elsa everyone keeps saying this everyone keeps saying that this is Barbie and the I’m Elsa which I’m not completely against but uh I’m enjoying being my um my little my little my little snow boy at the minute um do you wish to recover that file I

Should be all right I don’t think I need that try and log him back in there we go see if that works oh power Ade hi everyone come on in hope you’re well hope you’re swell uh you join me on the new life SMP which is pretty cool

What were the negative effects of your origin again um I have slow attack speed which is very annoying um what else do I have is there a button for is it in that one yeah there we go so um for those of you just joining in from Harry stream this is the perfect

Time to do this and answer this question so the new life SMP is basically an Origins uh centered SMP so Origins if you don’t know um is a mod where basically you get given An Origin or a class and basically there are positives and negatives um that are applied to your character

Whether that be jump high physical size cooldowns like you can’t touch water or lava or whatever else it may be there’s some some interesting stuff um so I’m the chilliger so I’ve got the what’s the negatives um where is it oh yeah the fine motor skills that’s basically the only

Negative which is kind of kind of funny um but yeah basically I can’t attack very quickly but other than that I’m pretty good it’s a very op um origin because I can um drop down ice platforms maybe if I just run over here all spoilers spoiler spoilers

But if I do uh this button right here oh platform a big old platform of Ice uh have I just got like some Stone I’ll use wood that’ll be fine oh God oh God don’t float the place don’t float the place don’t float the place there we go I’m slowly learning how this

Ice Works in relation to my ability well if you drop the platform on yourself I would probably perish or be pretty close to it uh and then the other thing is this so I can do uh this and I can freeze I basically become like May um

So yeah basically I become may I can freeze I get regen uh for the duration that it lasts and I also take zero damage it like no damage from falling no damage from mobs nada nothing zilch um so yeah pretty good pretty good uh right then so I need silver touch from

You that’s all it gave me silk touch damn all right what else we got efficiency four uh what’s my sword looking like just wondering whether it was worth trying to enchant anything else I do have my diamonds on me to make other gear so I could try and make my

Like how much armor does an iron a diamond helmet give you three and two toughness yeah you know I can swap out for that what can we get protection three oh only level 30 for that though I guess I could go grab a little bit more

Yeah maybe if I do that let me open up the old backpack uh pop some of those in nice all right let’s go get a bit more XP oh what is that record which oh that one so I got that from so we actually do have a

Skeleton spawner over a hour uh base which um I saw Timmy found in his episode so I went in and made it a little bit more efficient like this but not not nearly as actually to be honest I didn’t at all I basically just made it

So you can stand under a slab and attack the mobs and that’s basically all I did um so that’s that um but yeah I got it out of the chest but it turns out you can make like a radio with it which is kind of cool so you can um

You can make a radio with with it and basically it plays music you can Mouse wheel up and down to switch stations you need to put a jukebox either side of it so really it costs like I don’t know why did I think the Jukebox was diamonds that’s noteblock no

Wait wait all right old note blocks either side not jukeboxes sorry yeah my bad um but yeah so that’s that yeah my origin is called the chilliger I already have this week’s episode planned and I have a few pieces pulled together for it um the silver touch oh

Do you mind you’re not supposed to be spawning out here did you follow me from out there I think it might actually let me use the old sleeping bag whose is this spawner this is gems she’s shown it off on the stream so don’t worry it’s that it’s not a it’s

Not a spoiler that’s the thing I’ve not been a part of an SMP before really where you have to worry about stream spoilers it’s either like the thing is all streamed or it’s all video but never never a mixture of both the decoration looks super nice yeah so

Randomly these things here these are bones they’re like they’re like bone pillars or something where is it uh bone where is it yeah bone walls that’s it so you get full bone blocks and then to make a full bone blocking four bone blocks which is made with bone meal

Which obviously given that you’ve got the Strays here to kill constantly um it’s pretty good and what Gem’s done as well is gems used the create mods to go and grab loads of different spawners so there’s like two in there there’s like a spider one over here somewhere if I remember correctly

And then you got those there as well like it’s a bit mad super duper efficient like Jem’s been gaming on the server since it came out I’ve basically done what you’ve seen in the episode and then maybe like an hour or two outside of that so

The only thing I’ve done today prior to going live is um I’ve done a little bit with the create mod um so I’ve just made like a simple farm and but like you say I say a simple Farm it is a simple Farm but to get there you

Need to make like a press a millstone super glue like all that kind of stuff um actually quite a lot to get to this position but it was fine it was all good like I was saying the other day I’ve been listening to the infamous kids podcast whenever I’ve been um whenever

I’ve been you know messing around on here which is good also I’ve got something to show you as well um so I don’t know if anybody else has had it on their Tick Tock but you know with the know the new Photoshop like generative AI have you seen how um

Have you seen how like people have been cropping Pokemon cards down to just the artwork that’s in like the the little sort of like rectangle box and then they expand the crop so it’s all white around that picture and then they have it fill in automatically to like just see what

It throws out and I did that but not with Pokemon cards I’ve actually done it with some of the hermitcraft TCG cards and I was like they actually look really cool one of them in particular looks really cool um just give me a second I’m just I’m

Just gonna upload a little vids yet saying that we’re live where is that I think I have a thumbnail for um saying that I’m live on real life fingers crossed I do uh New Life SMP I didn’t realize this was going to be a new live stream but I

Think we’ve that’s what we’ve settled on we’ll do a mix we’ll do a mix uh 2023 new life I don’t have a new life thumbnail for streams I’ll just use the square one from Twitter just will that be okay this will be okay foreign got it also by the way um

It’s mad where is it so the episode for New Life um is currently sat at two out of ten which I’m incredibly surprised by given that where is it yeah so basically compared to like my 10 most recent uploads um my limited life finale is only about

10K views ahead of what my new life episode one has done which is mind-blowing to me um I really didn’t think I’d have that much of a of an interest or a presence I mean maybe it’s because it’s the debut episode but still like even in like

Limited life I didn’t get quite that many views on the debut um so yeah it’s it’s a big old surprise to me Big Boy surprise uh let’s get to that one let’s see I’m just gonna put a bunch of this stuff away here I’ve got loads of

Like bows that I just really don’t need yeah I’ve got level 32 now I tell you what I’ve just grind out a few more levels whilst we’re chilling here and we’ll go from there I was so excited to watch your episode first yeah a lot of people said that

Actually I was pleasantly surprised by that and I guess people had to come to my episode because I didn’t really cross over with anybody else too much um so yeah I think the only other person’s debut episode that I was in was what in the hell is that Warrior chess plate

Five armor six armor up to 20 damage oh wait up to 20 damage when injured oh wait so does that mean that my abilities go up 20 when I’m injured but yeah I was in Catherine’s episode where we uh did an intervention about Catherine building another base with

Star windows and I still kind of want to do something with that in episode two I kind of want to force her hand with the windows I think that could be quite funny the new life tag is filled with Ito WR yeah that that surprised me um like really surprised me

Like basically me and Scott were like two of the people that got drawn the most from the debut which is kind of nuts wasn’t recording our interaction because I was in admin mode I hadn’t realized you were going to use it no yeah it’s

Well what it was was I I got the vibe that you’re in admin mode but I was still playing up the personality on my side but you you were matching the energy well enough um like I I vastly cut down that interaction between us um

Just to kind of keep it Pacey and keep the energy there um oh no you were you were fine in that Scott genuinely it was cut I felt like it cut down nicely so where like you weren’t like because I think when we both aren’t in streamer camera

Mode we both speak a little bit more monotone but you were still like all your inflections and stuff were there like it was good your thing was teleporting to getting you back down was perfect yeah literally yeah yeah you can always use more subscribers there we are oh random

Questions Scott the immersive painting thing does that update like in real time so if you if you place one and then choose the picture for it does it update immediately or would somebody have to re-log to get like a fresh ping to the to their server or

Something or does it upload to our server like does it upload to the does it upload to the new live server it works immediately okay cool you can track Timmy with that immediately yeah yeah you can upload it from a file on the PC that’s what I’ve done so far

I’ve been experimenting with it in single player mode but I just wanted to understand how it works in um in multiplayer okay prank Timmy again we will don’t worry I’m actually really surprised I didn’t come across Timmy um in my first episode but I think what

It was was I recorded my first episode prior to us going away for his birthday um and he didn’t record until after his birthday trip which is fine he didn’t he wouldn’t want us going to his birthday trip like stressed out or exhausted which I totally get because I mean he

Still had like another like five six days to he died work on stuff when he got back yeah loads of time loads of time have you played Five Nights at Freddy’s I haven’t actually oh I think I have played it like once but I’ve not played

It to any any great extent you know what I mean the video is trending in the wait was mind trending in the UK because I was talking to Jim about this a minute ago because Jen was saying that uh she could see on her trending page she saw like most people’s episodes so

She saw like Scots Timmy’s and who else was the other one and Joel’s Jones was the other one the only one that I’ve seen on my training page was Joel admittedly and even then it was like trending number 35 so it was quite a ways down

And then that made me realize like I’ve not actually looked at the trending page for ages and um the trending page for gaming now is like mostly shorts it’s kind of sad to see I feel like they should be completely separate algorithms you know what I mean but I mean I guess

It is what it is um let’s just put a bunch of stuff in here say what I’m not gonna be short on arrows for a long time am I bloody hell have you watched anybody else’s episodes yet I think I’ve watched everybody’s episode I think watch Catherine’s I’ve

Watched Timmy’s I’ve watched Joel’s I’ve watched I tell you what maybe Scott’s is one that I’ve not watched yet um what other ones have I watched I’ve watched flips I audibly gasped it flips um which is quite funny I won’t say why because people might not have watched them all yet um

But yeah flips made me gas and then who else is have I seen oh yeah I watched Owens oh chat so you know what Owen has got like the whole like Japanese narration at the start of it like the sort of the the monologue I so want to get some like audio red

Um maybe I can find out on the slide maybe maybe Scott can give me the Scott Scott might know of who did Owen’s uh Vo so that when when Owen comes across me I can just drop some hoist lines in although I guess we wouldn’t go for the

Same voice answers because then that would then be as though it was from his end but I should get someone to was it Crow no way I’ll snap yeah no I won’t get the same vo I won’t get the same video because that will confuse things

Um but I would love to I think it would catch him off guard so obviously don’t tell him I think it would catch Owen off guard if um I had an interaction with him and suddenly like my internal monologue starts going and it’s also Japanese I think that could be really funny

Um and also as well I’ve wanted to do some kind of like japan-themed build or something in um in Minecraft for ages um like I kind of wanted to do it in the 30-day hardcore but we ended up just not having the time to really build anything

So maybe this will be the s p where I can finally do that that’d be quite nice I think also sorry if I’m like fidgeting in my chair a lot I’ve woken up today I’m from like the sort of the base of my like head down to like my upper left

Shoulder it’s it feels like I’ve select on it funny but also I think there’s like a trapped nerve so it’s like a really horrible combo just making me really like real comfortable it’s not it’s not good thing you need your sausage building lessons to continue I do yeah

I promise though I haven’t got time to connect to them now um yeah I don’t know bro I got like 38 levels there should be enough for me to sort out my uh oh yeah I ran back to get the lunch pack by the way loads of people were

Screaming at me in the comments about the lunch pack so I finally got that sorted um I don’t know if I really feel like it’s taking much space I guess it kind of does if you only put food in there um but yeah I loved episode one by the

Way to me genuinely I’ve only seen one negative comment about episode one and it didn’t even get through to the comment section and got caught by the um by the sort of the the spam troll filter on YouTube so I was pretty tough with that

And it was like it kind of it wasn’t even like so much giving their opinion like it wasn’t like a oh I wasn’t really feeling the pacing of this episode or whatever else like it was just like a straight troll episode it was like this

Is a garbage video and I was like all right okay that’s basically nothing but nothing uh right then so I want to go for protection do you want to give protection three whilst I need I need a chest plate let me bang a chest plate together oh I’m breaking three

You know I’m gonna risk it yeah all right cool proc3 on breaking three Thorns too I’ll take that why not that’s not too shabby helmet fireproc nah uh what else do I need oh boots now my issue at the minute is um I’m obviously living on this Big Snowy

Mountain and there’s powdered snow everywhere so I can’t actually wear uh diamond boots all that often because otherwise I’m going to keep falling in the floor um so I’m not sure rest in peace can go I know we never we never got around to finishing usw did we

I think finishing it I think I read a lot of the law and the nether didn’t have any lore into my memory so the thing that I was getting from that series was enjoying the law and the exploration granted we didn’t get to see the end just yet but um yeah maybe we

Can do that another day um what else do I want I’ve got my sword there I guess in the bathroom arthropods in there there you go see if there’s anything good on there there’s not uh let’s try the sword again sharpness three I’m breaking three you know what I kind

Of just want to go for all the unbreakings oh it’s only Unbreaking oh I feel like I could have gotten something nicer out of that um Do I have any iron just to make a another helmet I must do right I’ve got gold but I don’t want to waste the gold on it uh right there we go I’m hailing and protection one that’s fine what’s the sword got Smite Smite there might need the backpack for his packed

Inventory that he never organizes well that’s the annoying thing I mean maybe I’ll make one today is um I do not have the bigger backpack because what’s a shame is once you make a backpack and you put the frame on it you can’t then use that backpack and

Upgrade it to do to do other things you have to kind of like stick with um you have to stick with what you’ve got which is really annoying um so yeah that’s fine right hold on a second uh so I’ve got my silk touch I’ll keep hold of that for now

Uh you know what I might take the Unbreaking off for that because I’m breaking three is not that uncommon on helmets and obviously what else I can get uh what else would I need that’s kind of everything right I guess I can just throw a bucket and just reset the uh

Reset the stuff I guess I could always Find oh protection four yes please let’s do that protection form breaking three respiration three fantastic yeah I’ll take that Happy Days I really should make some boots shouldn’t I and then just swap onto the powdered snow ones whenever I happen to need them you know I’m gonna do it because I

Really like this origin and I don’t want to lose it um to something silly protection four as well brilliant okay cool I am gonna have to go grind out three more levels though BRB But you can’t freeze right uh I shouldn’t be able to but I can currently um I have fed that back to the to the dev team I said to them I don’t need to be able to walk on powdered snow like my character’s already Opie enough but I can currently um

Uh I can currently freeze which is quite silly but yeah do you know squishy quack I do I don’t know like what was the terminology because then they’re non sorry no it’s not non-binary they’re gender Fae but I don’t know what the terminology is because I know they use mugs for like

Documents and things but like like say you have like a brother-in-law or a sister-in-law whatever it may be like what what’s the what’s the I don’t know what the other ones of that are like I know that they go by they them sibling in law okay cool good to know

I guess I just never really thought about it I’ve never had to refer to them in that way but yeah they are my sibling anymore if you didn’t know flip we just can’t stop taking elsewhere what’s happened okay I thought I thought he died then you scared me I thought

Something had happened to him thanks don’t do that chat spook me well this is nice they’re having a full diamond armor what I’m doing is well chat is I am I’m recording everything that I’m doing is just the gameplay um and it’ll probably be similar to last

Episode that I did a lot of them all grind the repetitive parts of the gameplay um I will show but I will do it more in a montage kind of style kind of I guess in a way like how Lizzy does it to be fair um

Just because I mean like my farm is another one of those Circle ones it’s gonna be like everybody else’s so I wouldn’t explain what the farm does and stuff um but I won’t get too in depth about stuff like kind of like in my episode one I wasn’t super going into detail amazing

Content ah smile thanks Don much appreciated dude also there’s tons of people following the stream today thank you very much everyone absolutely tons of you rolling through the follows remember that a bunch of names real quick whilst the uh the skelly’s dropping uh oh is it Frozen

I think it’s frozen for a second there we go uh God these are all within the last 15 minutes thank you very much to uh avanash to three Rin uh my name Maxi we got tip called Truth uh we’ve got Sangita and we’ve got Robo Ricky dies lagging Grim project case

Adrian Adrian Adrian net shipper that’s a long name uh we’ve got uh chaos Gremlin Aqua drawers Rogue leech it’s not Vibes uh make 505 fandom gifting a sub to Scott thank you dude um Elias thank you very much oh the lights was in the two month threesome

Thank you very much dude also they put in their message loving NLS MP so far is that the hashtag we’re using for New Life SMP there’s NL SMP because I’ve just been writing the whole thing out like new life SMP foreign oh there’s level 30. uh yeah you know

What I’ll just take it as is I’ll take the level 30 and I’ll crack on only moly 1K viewers yeah so um I think that’s a mixture of I’ve just put a video up on the YouTube channel saying that we’re live so there’s a lot

Of I think fresh new life peeps oh hello so I’ll be out your way soon I’ve got just like one more enchant to do so I am just going to work on the entrance vibing oh okay proc Forum breaking three depth Strider three oh diamond sword as well

I don’t have enough of that uh wait on them um yes I think it’s just a bunch of people rolling through today also we got raided by uh Barry at the start of the stream as well so there’ll be a bunch of people from there um

I don’t know if I I tell you what I won’t bother with anything else for now I’m just gonna sneak away I don’t want to be on gems land too long I don’t want to disturb her while she’s working right lovely here we are uh just so

You’re away chat the the Old Colony continues to grow The Colony won’t stop getting bigger um we got those two in there we’ve got another two there another two there and another one there that it just it’s just getting bigger and bigger and I absolutely love it the colony is just

Absolutely smashing it it’s having a great time oh I should have done and maybe another diamond pickaxe I should save that one what would be good is if we could get like a mending villager as well um I’ll show you what I’ve done since like the last stream I guess

Um it’s really not that much for the last uh since episode one um oh yeah I’ve got a bunch of this uh sugarcane mostly because I wanted to be able to make some of those immersive paintings as well um sleepers yeah I got you I got you

Oh yeah nice and there we go um yeah so I got this Farm going so this is the one that basically all of us are doing just because it is Mega efficient so the thing spins round it grabs um any of the wheat that’s fully grown

And then once it does it throws it in the old chest here and you just get a bunch of wheat which is pretty good that is that is if it’s working I don’t know if it is working hold on so anyway if I stop that there and if I put

In fact Let me let me let it turn for a moment I haven’t actually checked to see if it’s working because I know some of that wheat I put in there myself right leave me there for a sec so if I put in let’s just say I’m putting the

Diamonds let’s start that going uh I did have a diamond hoe at one point did the diamonds end up in there ah yeah okay so it is working perfect I’m gonna have to get my my bloody hoe we’ll go from there got me moo blooms nothing nothing crazy going on there

Um and yeah so you can see that I’ve really not done a whole lot since the last episode other than like a little bit of uh grinding oh god oh geez hold on there we are how can a frosty man get cold riddle me this chat

That’s from when I came back here a minute ago and it was um bow Central there we go oh I made this thing just for making cooking oils and stuff a bit easier I’ve got all of my create stuff inside of this chest just so I’ve got it somewhat set aside

Um and then these chests here are just very very messy so I do need some kind of sorting system underway uh for everything so that was the plan was to uh to do a bunch of that today was to get a bunch of stuff sorted uh I’m gonna drop let’s see

I’ve got like 51 Chevy cane in a minute so yeah too I’m just gonna drop all this out really probably what I should get is a bunch of wood so that I can finally um well that filled up real quick there we are uh put the silver touch there yeah I

Should probably just sort out my chests Jimmy just went live go and meet him oh wait is he is he Streaming new life solidarity is he on New Life today oh he is oh that’s exciting okay yeah we’ll go say hi I mean he’s not online yet we’ll wait

For him to come on maybe I can convince him to do that dungeon with me that we saw before um but yeah sorry what I want to do real quick is I want to just get a bunch of wood um and I just want to make a somewhat

Organized chess system it is still just going to be chess in a in a cave oh I didn’t get the uh the hoe I’ll grab that Challenger hijinks there’s not really a whole lot I can do to the guy at the minute um I’m aware of what his origin is because

I’ve seen this video so I know um to be careful you can mess with Ken I know you just it’s just a Kendall isn’t he a glorified candle uh see yeah see what I’ve not made yet I’ve not made the fridge let’s do that real quick what was the workbench again workbench

It was wood and an iron Inger easy business easy I’ve gotten literally the perfect amount although I might need another chest to pull this off we’ll see um just pop that there right then so inside of here I then need what’s the fridge there’s the Xbox series X fridge which I

Don’t think I need there’s that one there there we go so iron Redstone in the chest all right sound um Iron Redstone chest I’ve got spare wood in here anywhere that’ll be enough sweet oh I already had one in my hot bath silly me uh I am is here

I’m sorry Redstone was there that’s what I meant there we go I’m gonna do it inside of that one that’s it so it’s what it’s iron chest redstone uh iron chest oh wait I am is it in this workbench or am I wrong yeah there it is the iron fridge lovely

Oh boy now this also doubles as a chest but the main thing that I want to use it for is turning rotten flesh into leather because that’s just super handy because then I can make boots for days for people that come and visit who don’t want to keep falling in although you

Just throw that in there now this is where the silk touch pickaxe comes into play because I need ice to put in there and I don’t remember I’ve got epic ax I thought it was bottom center yeah there we go I mean what I could do is I could just

Use my ability right oh yeah let’s check let’s see if I do actually have an infinite source of um of ice no even with silk touch I can’t pick it up damn okay well that sucks oh God okay so I don’t have an infinite source

Of ice but I have a lot of it this is fine makes sense though yeah yeah I guess so oh my gosh oh yeah I feel like these ones I can grab lovely I bet it goes in quite a ways as well oh no she’s not as deep in this I thought

Of course also by the way people that have been drawing uh the little Collins almost a bit like um I can’t even think of what the Pokemon name is but drawing it more is like an all fours uh kind of monster in loving that genuinely really really like

That I think it looks really really cool there we go throw away for me to produce too small ice like if I have large bodies of um if I have large bodies of water on a biome like this would it freeze over on there I’ll see that one picks up

There are ice Farms I need to I need to look into that then right there we go um bang that in the freezer I’m intrigued to know what the trade-off is so for one piece of ice how much how much zombie flesh can I turn to leather

Okay so it’s more than one I’ve got so you really don’t need much maybe I don’t need to turn my Mountain inside out surely it’s not just the one and it works forever aren’t they creepers mixed with goats yeah kinda I’ll show you the artwork that I mean

Actually let me find it it was on my I think I re vlogged it on Tumblr yeah here we go literally straight away I love the idea of them being like this and I kind of wish they were like this and then there are a couple other ones

I mean even that one’s quite cool we need a little calling me and little Colin it’s weird saying that name so much because that’s my dad’s name this is the first one that I saw where I was like oh my God yes I love them I like them tall like style

Is all right but I really like the idea of them at all like to me chat this is what Colin looks like in my head that’s my my little canonical boy little canonical Colin oh man this thing is just going and going damn um so yes it’s something I wanted to do

Today is I just wanted to tidy up all my chest because at the minute it’s a bit of a mess I will make like a proper vase eventually but I think it’d be nice to um sort some stuff out also chat are barrels one chest big or are they the

Size of a double chest I’m trying to remember because it’s open slabs oh it’s in the size of one chest oh okay fair in that case then I will just get some wood and we’ll just make some regular old um some regular old boys when you not have a disorganized

Inventory to be fair this is all messy because I’ve been doing a lot like all the create stuff required me to get like a little bit of this a little bit of that and kind of just like cracking on with everything um but yeah all right sir grab something sweet

Get myself some stick go meet Jimmy he’s not online yet bud not online nice all right breathe these boys palmy does want to share all of these just because they are kind of annoying because they keep dropping flowers which means that when I then go to um well then go to

Kill them and pick the stuff up I just end up picking up like 10 flowers is there any reason to keep them as smooth blooms or or no I don’t know what the benefits of a moo Bloom are because pretty chat I go for function over form I don’t

Care if it’s pretty at the minute they’re a bit of a nuisance You’re trying to get Blended in with the crowd but it’s not working there you go 12 40. uh that one’s there nice right is there anything else I want to put here uh look flowers flowers seeds I’ll throw some sugarcane in the bottom there because why not

We’ve got anything in that backpack I’ll just arrows so many arrows easy flowers for dye Farms okay yeah real quick eat yeah we’ll go see Timmy where he’s on I’ll give him a give him a buffer then we’ll go over and uh mess with them

Nice right yeah let me grab a bunch of wood basically just want to get a semi semi-decent inventory system going sometimes that goes a little bit funky the old um so if if basically if we Crouch and then mine the tree then it does what it was meant to

What do you have in mind for your base so I’m kind of torn at the minute I really don’t know I really like the idea of um like I think basically all the ideas that we’ve had so far have basically all been the same kind of vibe

Of like there really isn’t that much snow or ice there so I was thinking of making something large on top of it and making it look as though stuff has spilled onto it so the first idea that I had was like putting a massive ice cream cone made of

Like say Birchwood or something right the way to the top um but I’m not sure that would look that great it’ll be very opaque from a distance and stuff um so there was that idea then oh there’s no one sleeping I wouldn’t sleep with nobody else’s

Um and then the other one I do like I do like the idea of doing the snow globe but that would have to be a big snow globe like a really big snow globe because the idea if we did it is I want it to be a big snow globe and then

Everything is like falling out of it if that makes sense and then we would have different little platforms within it to represent each of the origins that I end up having some people said an ice castle but that feels a bit obvious right you know what I mean

Like it feels it feels like that’s it feels like that’s the obvious thing to do like I want to try and do something a little bit unique and a bit of a challenge but also I’m not like the world’s greatest Builder like I’m very amateur on that scene

So I also don’t want to push myself so hard that it becomes a bit of a misery to participate in wait did you get Thorns from shooting me with an arrow let me stand still a second oh maybe not oh cool by the way did I show you the um this spawner

Um I don’t think I have just yet we’ve not been over here since I’ve gone live so basically Timmy found a spawner in his episode and I just went to the coordinates of it and here it is um so I basically just created a way

Down to it and a way back up from it so um basically it’s a long old drop and then there’s just like a safety net at the bottom which is nice and then basically we can just chill here and we can um get a bunch of skellies so it’s not

Nearly as nice or sophisticated as um the one that gems made seems like an easy way to kill someone yeah God if that safety net wasn’t at the bottom boy oh boy I mean I could always do it in fact I might even do it for science I’m just curious if I fall

But I’m in my ice form no I’m not gonna do that because I don’t want to risk it I’m not gonna risk it you can move it later with the create mod I think yeah Jim showed me how to move it or at least I’m aware of how to move it

Oh there we go look at him typing in bold just because he knows how to do it now what a nerd hi Barbie want to go for a ride [Laughter] there we go let’s go see him let’s go let’s go see him real quick don’t worry about my inventory in a minute

You asked for this who did let’s go see what’s nice is the way that I’m recording this currently chat means that um on my gaming PC um I’m recording all of this but it doesn’t have my face cam and also doesn’t have any of the music because

Look how close he lives to me so I’m literally there and he is right there okay I can see him what a nerd uh did I get all the snake out did I eat all the steak that I made in fact I’m sure he’s got food I’ll steal food from him

Chat how many hearts has he got could I kill him I am the bad guy don’t make me do it I’m gonna do it you’re gonna do it wait what’s up wait oh my god oh that’s crazy how scared you sounded for a bad guy that’s wild have you have you

Seen him I’ve seen him flip yeah where is he I didn’t just kill him did I dude did you kill him dude I don’t think you realize how strong my disability here is what look at that look at that come here ready watch come here [Laughter] have you killed whip you had stood

Opposite me going wait I didn’t kill him sorry I’ve done it again can you can you clean this up please yeah yeah hold on sorry I’m getting used to these abilities I’m not used to it yet there we go right um by the way chats chats all chats come on

Let’s have a clap Martin’s welcome to the s p family everybody so we were talking about this the other day I completely forgot about one life and also summer camp and those just completely vanished from my memory yeah yeah so those were after Evo oh dude but

Dude they were they were so long ago they weren’t even long after they weren’t even long after Evo so oh yeah that’s a while I mean and that let’s let’s have a ability right right you can call me your previous your previous two I literally just lose your second one oh

Did you know I’m the hardcore professional of the group yeah I was running around and I was like there’s no wither skeletons up here I turn a corner and four fall off of the roof above me and uh uh yeah that was that was a rough one

And then the second one I’d like to blame the game if I was trying to place a block at the end of a line on my roof and so I had to jump to place it but because that was the hair and when you’re crouching as the hair it sends

You three blocks high on the jump oh and so I jumped so high that I and I had the slight momentum backwards that I couldn’t catch the end of the roof it just fell down yeah skill issues yeah to go outside yeah I like that sorry flip I think Owen gets

The hardcore expert now yeah to be fair he does he loves hardcore he he does um [Laughter] true true so guys my my you need to see about to be wait oh yeah that would be cool how do we do it dude I know that was just jealous of my yellow no it

Hurts mine how did you do yours you said your life how do I do mine no no that says I’m live yeah the lives count not that we’re live Jim saying she wants to be able to see you like red green yellow whatever from the

Other one yeah yeah I know we have a resource pack though to change our hearts to match the um yeah um uh so yeah yeah I know that yeah Owen’s done a lot of law I chat I’m not gonna lie to you really not I’m a bit

Sick of law so I’m just being myself with abilities um that’s the worst thing you could be [Laughter] that’s my whole thing wait is that like that do you press a button to do that oh do you have to eat bread to get big yeah no I I just oh that’s cool

So everyone keeps calling me my law is not Ken I am not Ken dude you live in a big house the movie’s coming out soon you’re a walking ad no I better email them I should be getting paid what is this trying to be on the trending page

Can we can we right this is my ability you saw the TNT one I can also do this no no that’s gamma 1500. wait what wait don’t go into the light don’t go into the light wait I feel like ah his other ability is cheating God wait yeah wait oh

Why is it not working anymore wait did you add some more mods maybe uh yeah if you added those mods I added they have it’s always you it’s now anti-climation they were optional buddy gamma toggle let’s just put it something else um who’s killing me stop stop right now

Let me wait there we go oh I like you better as a pelican I know wow you look so much um and then I’ve got another move which is when I’m really low on HP it kind of like gives me an attack boost and stuff um and HP back

I’d rather not I’d rather you really want to go you really want to go um I need you to give me meat give me Meats please me yeah I was just opening my lunchbox then I have very little uh more meat please why why are you

Asking for Martin’s meat come on but you are a real Chad aren’t you lucky you got your guns out you’re like I need my protein like 10 minutes give me meat there’s still some in that chest in there oh yeah that probably is actually I supposed to take one but yeah Chad did

You see Chad you got my waist not really working here yeah yeah I got yours okay cool wait hold on what’s that ability what they’re just really quick Sky man he’s gone wait have you got hockey for someone who’s died twice do you know what I’m saying wait no

Genuinely was that an ability or is that ah thank you thank you where is everybody coming from how did you get to the waist though did you have some kind of portable Way Stone item or guys I’ve just got a new future I don’t know what just happened you sent me all

The way wait was it you was it you or him Ken just started looking a lot better thank you I promise I will I will I need this is this man bothering bad guys you want me to send him away yeah can you get rid of him please

12 pieces of meat I was actually you’ve actually exhausted it there we go no I sent him back wait so it works over that kind of distance you tanked him before he left and now he’s back at his house that is absurd I stayed there to laugh

At him before I left so that’s pretty good he’s gonna have to spend XP if he wants to socialize now yeah I didn’t even realize there were food bags I got excited and took away Stone and I think some like bread and I just never read this one can we all go back

Oh there he is I’m getting sick of you already see how quickly Jimmy can not suffocate excuse me there we go guys do you think he has tools on him is [Laughter] where is he hello bad guy he’s a bad guy feeling really sad guy he is a sad boy

Wait would he have gone back to the small spawn he hasn’t even released yet he hasn’t released yet I have a stream up hey you are an absolute fool there you go what am I supposed to do you’ve ruined my whole stream no just go back you’ve

Got it you just come back use your original wait we’ll break it it’s like I’m confused I was trying to break stuff [ __ ] it buddy no I was using myself just right click the thing your hand right now there you go nice wait I don’t even know what to pick

The same pick bad guys go back to what you’re wearing wait are you wait are you letting me keep that yes you weren’t meant to be an Eddie okay you still can don’t worry about it you’re good jeez all right everyone that wasn’t that was uh Ken’s Dreamhouse

Sleepover by the way it says I’m on four lives and I I haven’t died anyway you’re fine oh okay thank you right let me go back to it nice my God Jeremy you just break what I was just playing Chad can back me up I was trying

To break the blocks this is like Jimmy jumping down in the lava pit on X life all over again yeah or drowning two inch water no I’m uh by the way where’s all my don’t tell me everything yeah let’s go back to spawn Scott you might need to teleport I mean there’s no

Levels okay yeah just stay salsa was it is that spawn protection or not yeah no no oh no we patched it up I know where it was it was somewhere like here tries to do a funny bit this is what happens wait is my stuff there it should be down

There somewhere it will be there’ll be 20 bucks it should be oh yeah there it is I see it well what a day I’m so annoyed I’m so angry yeah me I don’t understand that you did I’m so angry at you Scott I’m so angry just amazing everything I’m so angry it’s on

Me yes on me are you yeah it’s right here come down come on Jimmy on me but I’ll I’ll help you out I’ll put some ice here do you want to watch Jimmy suffocate guys and you both went yeah why do you this isn’t on me you should have been yeah

I’m freezing to death Martin oh yeah sorry I forgot about the freezing bit I’m dying oh my God sorry I’m sorry why didn’t you at any point just use your TNT ability to blow a hole together because it would land on me yeah and I

Would die yeah but if you have a shield you just hold right clicking and you don’t take the damage you’ll think you’re trying to think of loads of solutions to cover up the fact that you tried to suffocate no I’m just figuring out how you know no you are in the wrong

Except that you’re in the wrong here no he could have got out of that right let me go down I’m on five is it down there yeah yeah yeah come down this way but right here right here no that’s right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m coming down

Can you pick up pick up the water for now so I can go down yeah I picked it up right we’ll just leave them there this will be fine yeah where do you live I’ve not been to your down quite far one day like this way over that way

Ah okay it’s 20 blocks Jimmy I’m gonna lose my little face down here [Laughter] all right I got everything nice let me foreign you’re actually just a liar I watched you punch for most of your hearts with a sword and then it’s like a bucket and

Then you do flick to a pickaxe but you don’t hold it down you just scroll you did you put me 20 blocks deep in what in a in a block yeah I said I want to get another short that’s going to go viral so I’m gonna ask matters you know that’s

The do you know what that’s the only positive to this situation Mark what’s this I you look I am so annoyed right this man is trying to cover I’m not suffocating wow this is a whale that he’s even doing prompts in game to justify it he’s struggling there mate

You’re trying to come back always throw it in tunnel under there yeah yeah there’s space under here oh oh steady on now come on um hold on a minute wait don’t get me part of this game there we go there we go all right now I’ve had enough of you already I’m I’m

Getting out of here oh now I have to run all the way home no levels fantastic I can still bring them back two seconds yeah when he gets to the top of the hill can you just Port him back over here [Laughter] that ability is so unbelievably trolley and I love it

I’ve really flooded this place I don’t understand how water and ice work which in my line of work probably not the best idea oh it’s waterlogged that’s why it’s happening right I understand now oh God I didn’t destroy spawn the Timmy did it tell me did it fine

Look at that no no one will ever know this is fine I don’t know where anybody’s gone wait you’re already one’s gone I don’t know no it’s fine you know what I’m oh God uh I don’t have the dirt for this I’m going home I’ll see them all in a minute

Jesus right this is fine [Laughter] what a ridiculous interaction I’ll be honest I didn’t have Timmy dying on my list when I was gonna go over and say hello to him I didn’t I didn’t expect that to go now you can’t trust us on any Server chat ever ah let’s see

I really need to like get my inventory sorted and my chest sorted oh did someone just teleport to me or was that someone teleporting by no nobody’s at the dollop oh God yeah the amount of people that were like panicking in the first episode that I hadn’t named My Way Stone by the

Way was like unreal but I can’t believe how many people were like genuinely like freaking out in the comments about it I was like it’s fine it’s okay don’t worry about it but uh no people were pressed oh wow so we did 42 leather from a single block of ice

That’s really good I’m not impressed by that holy moly right then uh let’s figure out our inventory system so say what we’ll let the Collins be the Protectors of it all what is that crafter candelabra am I the only person who always just reads that and reads candle bra might

Just be me but who knows so what I’m gonna go and enchant my um I’m gonna go and enchant this iron pickaxe maybe real quick just get a little bit more oomph out of it these levels aren’t exactly a worry now did Jimmy die he did yeah but it wasn’t

Uh it wasn’t a cannon death because it was through shenanigans that it happened uh let’s see just love that in there that’d be all right missions can tell you that’ll do and I’m breaking too lovely what about the sword what are you saying oh I’m breaking three but that doesn’t

Have to grind out a bunch of levels yeah I’ll leave it let’s jump back to the dollop Scotland for patrolling Timmy some more what what are they doing to him I should probably go back over and have a have a little mess around um right

Okay yeah let me let me Hollow at this area a little bit whereabouts are they currently are they are they over by Timmy’s base or no I really don’t have much of the way food by the way on the whole um the whole Timmy is Ken thing

I’ve already got some memes of brewing for that don’t know when they’re I don’t know when it will happen but I’ve got some ideas next to a village they are thanks Yoda why have you written your message like that yeah all right cheers that’s not me I’ve not misquoted either

Drac in the chat 76. all right here we go just want a bit of a chess system here I guess I’ll grab all this coal whilst it’s available I just want a bit of a chest system so we have like mob drops stone wood that kind of thing just so everything’s a bit

Easier to find 2390 minus 200. uh um oh I reckon there are um I reckon they’re right oh actually no wait what was it 2 300. oh I know where they are they’re a glossy Kaku where is it stream can always use more subscribers I bet you’re in there in this Village hello

Oh no you said oh no you did you said minus 200. it could be this way he said 2390 yeah they’re they’re around here somewhere then now a snowy mountains oh bloody Olive they’ve gone back to now my house I bet I’ve just missed them I’m just burning levels on all this teleporting

Where is the waste Stone is it there is dollar Riley do I have eyes I don’t see them that’s fine I carry on what I was doing I think I see Catherine’s base oh okay so they’re walking back to his to be sure I’ve got Catherine’s base as a Teleport as well

They’re almost at Ken’s house all right uh maybe I’ll go over to Ken’s house and have a little a little Chit Chat have a little play with them I’m gonna play all my friends more subscribers playing with my friends got a bunch of torches lovely God this

Inventory is hella full why is he logged out why is he logged out what have they done oh Dad oh no I think you’re really messing with him and they bullied him off the server on him uh Tim land hello the Catherine’s place maybe hmm they’re near Jimmy’s oh God chat do you

Realize how many levels I’m burning doing this saying they’re near here no idea not a clue might as well get the XP from these boys then they’re a large body of water oh it’s probably down there then there’s big water there oh I just saw someone teleport

I don’t see anybody on my base I’d love that that’s just within render Distance by the way I love that from my way Stone you can see that way Stone Ah there we go I see got it dramatic Zoom no it’s dude is your head coming is your brain Jimmy it’s not bursting through your skulls so Jimmy well so first Jimmy chat can’t see um you’re still on film um but also it’s not as it’s just chat

Really enjoy seeing you get messed with it doesn’t matter if it’s by by Oz a demon chat tell me tell me if that’s true seems to be struggling about what’s he up to it’s just it’s just there it’s just glitching out I don’t know why oh right such it I I generally that’s

Just ghost box man it’s so weird I had a good nice idea nice chill strain to start the series I’ve got an idea to me you’ve genuinely ruined my day you’ve ruined my whole day I’ve had an awful day today and you’ve ruined it all right Timmy come with me

I’ll get you away from you I’m having a good day you’ve you’ve ruined my day come with me I want to show you something cute this this will make your day all better again then you’re gonna you’re just gonna show me money can you actually blow this I said I’m gonna show you

Something cute yeah gross could you TNT that no you have to fix it sorry guys I mean I don’t love her in Tiara it’s fine yeah that’s fine we can just leave that there all right come with me let me show you something cool and you guys are all zipping all over

The place yeah Japanese learned he can’t really run away if you can’t get away you can swap places with them if he’s got the XP for this if not we can just walk no uh nope okay we’ll just go we’ll just go this way I literally live there so it’s fine okay

I’ll grab Martin’s will you swim while I’m here it’s at the top of the mountain got a nice little landing spot for it I thought I wanted to put something in because I am literally Tony starking it and living in a hole in the side of the mountain

Um I was like I’ll put something at the waist Stone so it doesn’t look like a mistake I definitely thought it was a Structure I just went to find it and I was like what’s at the top of the mountain I was like oh it’s Martin oh you thought it

Was like a modern thing yeah I thought it was just a random generated structure I was like I don’t know what’s a structure and what’s not in this world oh yeah you got me yeah we had a lot of powdered snow mean [ __ ] can teleports famous for Jimmy

He’ll end up getting caught by him I’ve got some I got to be fair I got loads of leather on me so you’ll be sound oh there we go that’s the first bit oh geez I’m a I’m a frost man who can freeze do the thunk it there we are

Yeah if you just follow my iPhone muted I know I was mean is it is it snow that can you can fall for it around here or not uh some of it yes and some of it no it’s a bit of a mixed bag but check out these little guys where are they

I got a lot of them now they’re all called Colin um I’d like to introduce you to the Colony look at them all oh wow sweet little boy do not touch or else yeah watch um wait he doesn’t but if you punch me I’ll head back you yeah yeah so they’re chill

They’re they’re nice I mean it’s only if you want to get it I like that wait who is it wait oh they’re the same thing I thought they were like oh wait what I told you they’re all called College costume creepers who’s Colin right and then check this out Colin sometimes

One of these right is it gonna kill me or not Oh no you’re fine you’re fine all right ready is it working hopefully I sent him Sky High let’s see did it work did it work Ed I’ve just launched him into the sun oh man I’m gonna need to tell them

Can you hear him no I couldn’t hear him you can’t hear me wait what maybe I’ll keep Jimmy going wait what you can’t oh my word I’ll teleport him here I can make me I I still can’t hear Martin I still can’t hear Martin but I can hear him let me TP Jimmy

Uh oh my gosh days off again the way his voice just Fades out you got clear as effect and then it doesn’t let you clear the effect breaks he needs to just real look okay Timmy you got a relock reload relog yeah no no no no no

No no no come back down come back down come back down cheese all of you deafen and undefinite survivors can you guys hear me yeah I can hear you okay good I got it all right oh my God why have you done this to me seriously he’s a bad boy [Laughter]

The visual I had of him just like ascending into the sun was amazing as soon as you got him on there I was like I know exactly what you’re doing I didn’t know if it would work for everybody relog it or if it was just gonna be a uh like like if Americans

Logged in or something about one time yeah oh my God bring me down oh I can see him if you zoom in you can see I’m just going I’ve tried the dramatic Zoom there we go yeah teleport him down hopefully he’s also he’s such a little

Dot in this guy yeah you can actually Zoom really far in yeah you need double this thing can you do the I think you can do the regular yeah you can you can do the regular zoomify and then if you press F6 as well it does like the

Dramatic Zoom you can also scroll wheel on Zoom effect oh there he is I didn’t realize you could do that uh uh I do with that one okay trusted yourself full-heartedly Martin if it’s like Martin’s just good to be nice to him with like the cute Collins first yes it

Is I came over and you’re like see the guys I was like I know what he’s doing and then you logged out and it didn’t do it it’s only when someone logs in it doesn’t oh it sounds good yeah because when you logged it you didn’t do anything it’s like huh

Is it good to know I had to test I’m sorry right there we go now imagine a nice dive please don’t tell me that gets fixed that’s really I don’t think we can fix it I think it’s just the that happened to me on my first day just by accident

Gem logged in whilst I was filming my first episode on did you just write questions on it that’s amazing yeah maybe try it no don’t no no no no it’s only when someone logs in does it do it so you would need to have like really unfortunate timing

Right you kind of tricked me though Martin because you were being really nice yeah I’m the bad guy here guys all right don’t try to take my role but no but things are Brewing yeah yeah but you’ve made me mad which now will turn me into a bag

For a while yeah no guys guys no don’t stop no don’t start this don’t start this my inventory is pretty full I might need to become a bad guy no wait what what I didn’t really oh a bag I thought you said bad again I was like oh no oh I get

It okay I’m not George Ezra I don’t rhyme like the same word together twice there’s there’s only one there’s a type of guy only I can be but none of you’re allowed to see and I can’t say we’re in DOS either uh yeah I don’t think Jimmy Jimmy one England quickly though

That’s not it yeah why am I not getting it that’s worrying me wholesome wholesome guy awesome guy oh there we go right damn you’re like oh you mean we can tell I’m an ally if that word didn’t come to my mind at all yeah he went to jeffy’s hardly quickly yeah wow damn

Stop why are you making me look like the bad guy you’re not playing in Pride this month now because of that we’re literally we’re doing what you you wanted us to what do you mean yeah um could I have some iron please and some

Meat and I give you I just gave you me I give you like I also give you like 30 cabbage rolls you got any cabbage bro I’m not oh well I do I can’t eat them I don’t eat meat can you eat this oh is that an actual character trait yeah I

Thought that was your role play and I thought you would be like a protein boy wait I don’t know if I can eat that or not oh it kind of says unedible I can’t give me something I’ll take it I don’t I don’t just have Basics I’d love some iron gone flip yeah

I’d love that oh hello he’s going to say yeah I’d love some iron please cheers wait what’s up right there we are oh well try oh do you mind do you mind you need to come underground again I really just realized I should become a police dog

I’m dying you realize yeah I was gonna say you know that you know if you die in this one that’s on you yeah you provoked me you attacked my land he’s freezing right you threaten The Colony you get you get Frozen how do you actually unfreeze you don’t

You absolutely it’s a waiting game oh my gosh I’m actually gonna die up down up down I’ll take you down seven times punch I’m on Two and a Half I’m on one half oh my gosh I don’t like this I don’t like it don’t you ever defile these lands again

Otherwise it’ll help file them I’ll defile you and the lands you’ll do what I mean um shut up small man look at him with a hamburger uh maybe no maybe not let me just let me just I need to go cook some food foreign Okay he’s legit blown up oh no maybe it’s all there there we go Oh I thought it blowing up a bunch of my um punch my sugar cane like it was going on that was my worry obviously headed home all right tell you what give myself a

Moment chat I’m gonna uh sort out this chess situation that I was working on all right um all right cool you to there you to there chess Galore lovely right oh go back crouching jeez see the more stuff like that that happens the more I’m like oh well there

You go there’s uh there’s more of an episode for me and the original things I planned for the episode might not happen now but that’s fine I’ll take that uh let me use the backpack a bit let’s throw some random stuff in there yeah actually I’ll tell you what I’ll pull

Out the Cobble throwing that a lot do they have modded chests um you know what I don’t know I haven’t actually checked uh chess or chest even uh uh there’s a chest of drawers better nether jeez um there’s like regular Ender trap chest I’m assuming that all of these are just

Kind of the same right there’s the looter chest as well which are pretty cool those ones actually I think there might actually be some for me to loot over in uh the village that’s over that way there’s a village that’s that way that maybe we can have a lot of pop over to

Um all right then so I’m gonna do my usual thing so I’m trying to figure out how I want to do this basically all my smell to stuff isn’t it smelts and Foods yeah so maybe I’ll do what I normally do I normally start off

With like uh Woods any any kind of wood or like Greenery kind of goes in that top one then second one down is often my stone um maybe what I’ll do is I’ll put the ice also up here as well um like that yeah sort of greenery

Nature wood all that sort of stuff can go in there and then I will put um normally I have a mob drop chest as well maybe I’ll put mob drops just there so your mob drops this will be very boring for a moment chat so feel free to throw some

Questions by the way whilst I’m doing this um I’ll get another one for like tools as well I think nice yeah maybe uh actually should we do mob drops higher I’ll tell you what we’ll do tools at the top mob drops um beneath it Face um will you be uploading your new new uh life SMP vods to YouTube yeah yeah yeah so we’ll put up uh obviously I’m gonna be doing like proper edited episodes at least once a week uh hopefully and then I will do um any time that I stream it I will

Obviously throw that VOD straight up onto the YouTube channel as well which is good um so that’ll be nice um and that’s kind of a general plan so far beyond that I don’t have any other major plans for this SMP other than just kind

Of vibe out and just kind of enjoy it I think like Timmy I’m trying not to do too much in terms of law with this one and just really trying to just go ahead and just like you know enjoy being in a modded series and you know participating in all the things

Um you’re gonna put arrows in mob drops or should I put arrows and tools I feel like because it’s something that I would use I’ll put it in there we throw the iron into here what was that two seconds have fun foreign [Laughter] ‘s good

Um it was just the wind tucked the door as they were leaving the house I just panicked for a moment I thought something was wrong uh tools yeah cool uh what else we got uh Mob drops can go middle hopefully this won’t actually take that

Long uh maybe I’ll do oars and ingots in the bottom in that case then um okay wood up there um maybe I’ll put that in there just for the sake of it or something that’s in the bottom uh seeds isn’t that is it I guess I’ll do another one for like food related

Stuff so if I make a couple more chests there as well sorry I completely missed everybody’s questions were there any other questions you guys had for me because that’ll give me something to do whilst I’m doing the mundane if you’re a Frosty Boy why do you need a winter coat

Uh because I’ve been changed and molded by the environment there’s me saying I wasn’t going to do LOL I started off with the uh without a coat and then I had an Awakening in the mountain the coat wasn’t enough and then I kept it on for The Vibes also you

Don’t want to see what’s on under the coat Jesus um but that’s not it’s not real look I’m just messing um mob drops middle lovely uh yeah Divine helmet can go in there boots and then foodie bits of drops nature uh that’s a mob drop sweet

Tools uh I’ll put a book in there for now and maybe I can do a separate one for enchanting stuff another thing about it apparently somebody already did Multiverse law lol not sure about it oh really well as in a Creator’s done it or was it just like a fan made thing

That uh too I’ll throw the backpacks in there for now just in there just for a moment are you involved in Empire’s SMP I mean I was for the for the end of the season and for a couple of Timmy’s episodes uh but not not anything crazy beyond that

Uh put these seeds in the food one got some seeds in there sweet what I will do as well as I’ll grab the sugar cane out of there and put the sugar cane maybe in like an enchanting one oh someone’s logged who is that I thought somebody logged out them

All right let’s do it just grab a bunch of stuff out nice right cool uh do you plan to decorate your cave well that’s the thing I’m still undecided on what I’m gonna do I don’t want to do too much in terms of decoration until I know exactly what I’m

Gonna do because I don’t have that much time in my day to actually work on everything um so I want to be really I want to be really careful about what I’m I am and I’m not committing my time to I want to ensure that I kind of you know get

Everything that I need done um so for now not 100 sure um I need like a miscellaneous chest don’t I maybe if I do this you can be miscellaneous it’s like Nautilus shells and the like uh bones webs I’ll put in miscellaneous uh foodie bits glowberries rabbit for that in there

Uh food and bits poison potato miscellaneous I’ll throw potions in there I guess all in English that technically counts How long do you think the SMP will last I genuinely have no idea I don’t know if we’re gonna just play it out it might be one of those things where it’s like oh we’ll just play and then when everybody on the server feels as though they’ve

Kind of done everything they wanted to maybe that’s when it would conclude but to my knowledge there’s no there’s no hard and fast date on anything just yet I think obviously the Empire’s Gang This is their whole bread and butter at the minute so I can’t imagine it going anywhere anytime soon

Um so yeah so it should be should be fun let’s do what I’m gonna put that one in the grass chest just because um it’s like an earthy Woody related thing so are the doors mob drops from you uh miscellaneous candles oatmeal string sleepers oh God where did I put the

Sleeping bag so like I don’t have a bed behind me oh God they count as mobs don’t they hold on a bit further away got it who’s involved in this SMP it’s a big old list actually is there a new life Wiki just yet or no

Let’s have a look new life SMP Wiki I bet there’s a list on there uh the live Series wiki that’s not the right one life SMP afterlife SMP maybe it’s under there not sure there’s 19 people I just don’t know all the names off top of my head believe them

Oh maybe not for long though oh God oh geez sorry got attacked there we go yeah Scott’s uh YouTube video description has it we’ll have a look at that in a minute lovely right um do that so we got tools that’s an awesome English Joby rich soil oh that’s for the farming

Stuff so we’ll keep that there uh equipment and gear uh spider eyes bam miscellaneous will be cloth food will be the gap or something that’s will be my gold that gold by the way is for my uh new backpack which we’ll try and make before the Days End which will be lovely

Uh sugarcane maybe we’ll put in miscellaneous maybe name tag as well well then maybe name attacking going tools no it’s not it miscellaneous um I’ve dropped bones bones and ingots nice all right I’ve got a lot of stuff that I just really don’t need but it’s fine all right cool

And you know one thing I don’t actually have is I don’t have like a lava pit just yet I should probably get around to doing that hand crank is a uh to be fair I should actually make a chest specifically for create mod so maybe I’ll do that

Maybe this can be the create chest uh food food nature nature mob drops on there nice Pop Drops again flowers dies in nature where did I get that from that’s still that from Timmy Maybe yeah my stuff what’s the what’s the stolen a bunch of his pink concrete my bad

Um let’s have a look bow Flint I’ll put in the stone category um somebody that was asking whether I have um interact with Ollie I have so my my side of that interaction will be potentially in my episode two um although not not very much of it I

Kind of want to just have a brief moment of it I’m actually thinking of opening the episode with that interaction and then when the thing happens then cut into the title card and then going straight into the episode if that makes sense so um that’s the plan currently Uh Wood there we go

He’s more subscribe subscribe I don’t need that much snowballs do I I’m just get rid um let’s see I guess for now if I just pop that into there that’s there that’s there uh gravel can go in there as well peace how much more we got

Some alloy stuff in there oh I really like my ring actually I’ve got a Axolotl rubber ring look at that I think that’s way better than the um than the Pelican one or Jimmy’s death be in it yeah probably but I think we’ll probably very hardly preface it by saying that it

Does not count because it was just admins being goofy goobers and messing with Timmy mob drops uh create chest or maybe I’ll put that in all fingers just because that’s the typical place it lives uh tools I don’t think I’ll need the sleeping bag again just yet because I’ll leave that

For a second uh miscellaneous I guess dies were going miscellaneous uh wheat flour that I’ll go into there bones again sand I didn’t even realize I had anything that’s exciting what’s the bottom one there oh the bottom one doesn’t have anything it’s fine uh tools for the Rope gear uh miscellaneous for dies

Unless I put the create stuff in that bottom left one that sounds right Stone maybe that could be another chest yeah I don’t have any plans to go to the nether just yet actually I can’t think of anything that I would need from there I kind of don’t want to risk too much

Tell you what I would like I’d like some Limestone but I don’t know how common that is in this in this mod pack uh right Stone put you in there that’s a mob drop wool ocram’s a ground one and the site uh wood would be ladders tools Stone

You and you mob drops I know I’m doing this in a very sporadic manner but I don’t know I just sort of I look at the the spot and I’m like oh yeah that goes there that goes there Coco there and there’s not really a proper logic to

What I’m doing in the order of everything In there maybe the potion can go in there too yeah I like that this can be Nether and Potions why not um ground yeah I’ve got two Limestone I have no recollection of where I got that from chest open peace like them uh we’re almost done with our job chat good stuff

Um I guess I’ll put that in there Nether and Slash and city or a deep dark even um well you can just hear a million screaming outside there we go food I’ll swipe the bread into there mob drops uh I guess mushroom technically goes under food a bit of wood there as well

Stone I think I have a lot of stones in here and I was saving them as almost like texture sort of ones like grain ones maybe I’ll do that actually maybe I’ll make maybe I’ll put the chest here and I can do different different color categories for them

So kind of like you know like gray stones will go in that one any kind of gray or like dark Stones can reside in those chests this is like the darker palette this is like dark grays maybe even I put the white ones in there as well Red I’ll definitely bring out so we got dark yeah let’s do let’s do dark then light so if I grab all of the cow sight out of here as well like that nice and then Blues basically go in the bottom I’ll leave the stone cutter there

I don’t know why I’ve got a single snowball there I can for now then maybe I’ll do this doesn’t mean I have two Stone chests in here but I’m not bothered about that um this looks nethery so I’ll put it in the nether palette used to there I think that is us just

About done I don’t trust single chest anymore all right cool I think we’re good uh just quickly throw this up there I don’t know why I have so many water buckets can I convert the water buckets into anything because I really don’t need this many of them thank you nice all right lovely

Uh I’ve got so many bows reduce some combining don’t even need to thanks for this between well this has been a bit tidier I feel I feel better about myself Right that’s better uh oh yeah rose bush into there we’ll have the coal into there as well sweet oh yeah don’t have to break these every so often get XP oh boy 16 levels pretty good pretty good oh did they fall into the other dude they fell into there we go

Yeah all the coal oh yeah so half in there and then the rest of them there sweet nice chat there we go does your origin stop you from going to the nether it doesn’t actually or at least I don’t think it does there’s nothing in my uh like bio that

Would indicate that but I’ve yet to try it so I actually don’t know let me get one piece of ice get those last bits going have I got any more zombie flesh yeah just a couple more um one piece of ice does it work with regular ice no it has to be

Compressed ice contrasting but there we are bottom half lovely tweeted your link to the new life Wiki nice nice also something I was asking uh earlier on the stream and I just never kind of got around to replying uh yes I have seen the going merry teaser for um for

The one piece live action and I’m very excited about it very very excited oh yeah my uh create chest nice all right uh oh that was gonna be create wasn’t it was it this one yeah this is one lovely yeah look at that awesome sheet metal as

Well yeah that could live in create that that feels purposeful nice right I’ll tell you what I do want to do uh let’s make this backpack because I’ve been mean to do that for a while so how do I make the golden backpack Uh golden backpack oh if I just put backpack so if I need to make this regular one here and then make a golden version of it so for this I’m going to need four leather a chest and some cloth uh didn’t I have a spare chest guess

There’s still one from here unless did I put one in the wood chest I did there we go nice uh cloth would be in miscellaneous and then leather would be in mob drops uh let’s do this backpack nice and then to make the golden one it’s four Gold Blocks four cloth and

Then that’s the rest obviously my gold blocks three uh yeah perfect and then the next one Up’s like netherite and diamonds and stuff which I’m never gonna use um and then I just need to make the frame don’t I the frame is just ladders and planks I want to say oh and string

As well we got it Uh Wood so we need wood ladders any sticks in there yeah and string sweet uh let’s make a few more ladders sweet and then it was frame bam got it packed bench one two other way around no wait what what have I done wrong

Have I done something wrong do you need a different pack frame a different frame for it oh no have I done that wrong any it upgrades Your Bass one what I thought it couldn’t wait so do I put this one into the bench do I put that one in then do that oh

That’s how you do it so you do use your original one but you still have to make another one to do that ah okay I mean yeah sure why not oh and then oh wait wait so I get a backpack back out of it so the ah right interesting

That’s nice now though because I’ve now got a double chest oh actually it’s not quite a double chest is it it’s a double chest is one two three four five six this is four that’s not bad at least I’ve got one made though that’s good

Um do I have enough gold to make another 25 gold I’ve got any gold chilling in here no that’s it oh I’m just short I mean I do have a strip mine but I won’t I won’t bother with that it’s two-thirds of a double chest that’s

Pretty good going in it that’s all right by them um oh and you also get the I know the frame was just left over wasn’t it guess I’ll just throw this into miscellaneous yeah or maybe tools maybe tools yeah I’ll be fine in there right then um ax all good

So what I would like to do is maybe go over to that Village that’s not far from here and go and grab um any stuff that’s in the chests so I think those chest would have reset now or at least now that we’ve got looter on there might be

More for me to get so let’s do that I think have I got any Wheat at the minute I’ve got five wheat yeah let’s do it um I could do with more tell you what I’ve got like no iron left unless there’s a bunch in here I’ve got very little iron left that’s

Mad hmm there’s a shovel there for me to use sticks I’ll make another pickaxe just for or I guess I could just buff this boy up can I oh I need a oh I need a handle to do that course I do I started I’ll just

Make another one I’ll use it when that one runs out yeah let’s do that keep the arrows out put the pack inside the pack there we go lovely uh all right then let me go and see if I can make some more food then we’ll be all good to go I’ll tell

You what I will get boots I’m gonna grab my leather boots just so if I’m running around on my own Mountain um I’m sure of it yeah there we go did luta get added after the server was already running yeah it did yeah so it wasn’t it wasn’t in my first

Episode but it is in my uh it will be from here on out Tim is still on nine years how’s this getting on is it broken what happened the server Frozen or oh I think it just embarked did you stop it early I don’t think I don’t believe I did no but

It’s fine all right let’s get a bit more steak I think I’m just slowly whistling down the moo blooms as I do the breeding process so maybe that’s my way of getting rid of them must have unloaded or something yeah it’s fine it’s no great loss is it

Oh I should probably use a knife I’ll bring any extra iron with me I did yeah a cheeky knife on the go excuse me hold up that’s better yeah hopefully this will give me a little extra out of the gate sweet got it how much steak have I got eight I’ll get

A couple more anybody else still breeding anybody breathing anybody breathing they’re all good nice all right we’ll cook these oh there’s ten in there already okay I’ll tell you what I’ll just take that as is then in fact I’ll take ten leave Tim nice Sheena Martin yeah I know I think I just

Enjoy murder a bit more though to be honest oh yeah let me pull up the list of who’s in the SMP somebody tweeted me the link to it me make it smaller there we go all right so in this SMP we have got Scott flip gem scar which was a surprise to me

Um there’s me on the list uh Joey isn’t it Joey Graceffa uh Catherine Elizabeth uh LD Shadow ladies we’ve got Lizzy in here um oh we introduced TV Owen from rats pal Creations uh we got Pearl pixel riffs CPK Shelby we’ve got Timmy Stacy plays Strawberry 17 sausage and the Orion sound

There’s a bunch of us on here so it’s a nice lineup it’s a nice mix of um sort of Empires and others and then we’ve even got a cheeky little cheeky little Hermits in there as well uh let’s see climb up this way be easy like that

Have you met CPK uh I mean in real life yeah a bunch of times but on the server I haven’t just yet we’ve been online at the same time but we’ve not actually interacted Pearl pearlescent Moon according to this Google doc here this Google doc says for um for pearls

Origin it just says inch link question mark tell you what I’ll do I’ll throw the boots on whilst I’m running up this scar hasn’t posted but uh we must be patient yeah I think scar will be like scar has hermitcraft going on so he is probably gonna be very busy doing

Numerous smps I’m actually surprised he joined in on this but you might just want a nice little break and do some um to do some modded stuff which is pretty cool right yeah let’s see if any of the chests here have become looter ones um I don’t know if they will have but

We’ll see aha they have oh this can be loot City isn’t it uh we’ll leave the item frame as is oh there’s one there I mean there’s a little bit crazy here but anything’s anything will be nice tell you what is going to bug me if I

Don’t fix the builds as they as they were presented so I will make sure I do that uh he has create two so I was surprised oh what is he is he gonna create server as well this building’s so Good by the way this one’s just here for um for sheep

It’s just like oh there’s normally more than that but still decent either way um what’s in there is this where the flat body is upstairs no it’s not just a random Emerald chilling on the floor I love your skin thanks it was um Cherry who made it so Cherry’s my thumbnail

Artist and also for this was also my skin Artist as well which is cool I saw one just there that’s my water bucket see oh two can two candles is that it that’s mad oh there’s so much wheat here I so desperately just want to take it

All just for my own Farm but I won’t uh there is chest in there impression is that where is the way in I walk past two more Chester didn’t I you’ve got to appreciate that chat my eyes are going to be looking in different places to yours and also

I’m glancing at chat at times as well iron knife lovely uh let’s see she said our Ram has two chests where were they were they back this way or no I’ve only been in like two buildings oh yeah there’s one beneath there stairs there is there another one around here or no

No was it just on this floor did you clock that or no I can’t imagine how you clocked that oh that one that one I really didn’t spot there was nothing crazy in it but still I just thought I’d get these just so they’re like they’re done and dusted it

Removes that that question mark doesn’t it removes the unknown oh one in the field just a bunch of wool and that’s there all right let’s start filling stuff up pull this backpack out so we’ve got that for later finding another knife just yet that’ll be fine for now

Lovely I don’t have a sleeping bag on me but I do have the wall to make once we should be all right another quartz nice I’ve not got any of that yet but imagine I never need to go to the nether the dream the other is the chest down quickly pop

Upstairs very low roofs in here I don’t know what kind of origin would be living in here I don’t need the saplings don’t need the tall grasses I guess I should be more selective about what I’m taking screw the nether guy doesn’t want to go to the nethermore 11. yup that’s me um

See anything in here just oh saddle lovely cabbage seeds different it’s a bit of a change of pace check the very very top floor mushrooms that’s about it I think the only thing that I’ve previously taken from this Village was the rich soil so there was some rich soil which is

Basically just means that your crops grow quicker I don’t know if there’s any other perks or positives to it but um yeah I did grab the um I did grab the rich soil that was in one of the farms in this Village oh boys come here yeah yeah I’ll leave that there

Has the ability to avoid fall damage sleep I can try hold on I need a crafting table have I got I’ve got no wood on me all right we just off the tree real quick sick clutch man look chat don’t come for me okay just leave me um there we go got it

I’ll leave that crafting table there you go I can’t walk past them and not you know what I mean poor buggers we’ll do some eating is this rich soil here let me see oh it might be I might have some rich soil on our hands may open up the old backpack

Um let’s see throw the sleeping bag in cabbage seeds glowstone was that rich soil oh it is lovely lovely this one isn’t quite done yet I probably shouldn’t break it actually I’ll even be oh what are these are these tomato plants oh they are oh do you just plant the tomatoes as oh

No you don’t you get tomato seeds yeah you do I thought I had seen some a minute ago that’s rich soil as well isn’t it I’ll be taking all your soil thank you I’m actually I think the only other town that I have actually searched around is

The uh the Gauzy Kaku one this place here that I um that I’m exploring at the minute all obsidian and a diamond God damn and Diamond horse armor bloody hell I guess I’ll keep the leather I know it’s zombie flesh chat I can turn it into leather as well what I’m saying

Um let’s see let’s see yeah obsidian keep some bread nice oh an observer maybe not just now I can always make an observer if I need one I believe you can wax them so they never age oh no I don’t mind I don’t mind bringing them back to life slightly oh

Dude look at all this rich soil yeah does anybody know about the rich soil and what it actually does and doesn’t do I’ve not looked into it fully just yet it’s part of the Farmer’s Delight mod I want to say uh rich soil make sure it’s Farmers Delight yeah oh there’s rich

Soil in this rich soil farmland uh oh there’s a chest there oh you’re right click and get glowberries today I learned I’ll tell you what actually those ferns are useful because those ferns will allow me to make a green dye which where I don’t know where there’s any cacti at

The minute it’s actually quite Big Value so maybe I will quickly grab that I don’t want the glow berries though take the ferns we’re not miles away from a jungle so the jungle would be our location for grabbing some of that anyway I’ll tell you what I’ll take from this

Bridgestone occasionally ticks uh crops on it with bone meal I think that’s the one yeah oh yeah that’s it it’s immune to trampling that’s the big value that’s the one so even if someone like Timmy comes over and starts stomping around because he’s some kind of bad guy he at least won’t

Ruin my crops sea pickles I think they make a kind of green dye don’t they opposite line I don’t have to cook it maybe because I feel like I use Sea pickles in the in the the other live series oh I’ve got this rich soil yes where’s my shoveler to get shoveled in

There oh yeah um grass and sticks nah uh do some more Nether Warts why not I could do with bringing some of the Soul Sand but I’m not I’m not overly desperate to use it I’ll just leave that as it is that these other people can prosper from it oatmeal yeah ferns yeah

Oh what’s that we got oh a hoe with mending go on then I’ve been finding some like really good hoes on this um on This Server I’ve got like a diamond one that has like efficiency form mending and something else I got it out of um like a dungeon chest it was bizarre

Carl bizarre left hanging yeah it is wait Scott Scott will like that one Timmy maybe not so much [Laughter] that’s good I knew we’d react to that that’s good funny funny funny oh but I run out of Sprint then tomato seeds tomato seeds lovely oh I don’t have a consumerator

The funny thing is is like Timmy giving that attention gives it way more attention than it ever would have gotten it’s one of those things right dude my heart oh another one my whole like Farmland with my like crops is gonna be massive which is good because it means I’m gonna

Be getting I don’t see my crafting table from the last time I was here that’s funny um but yeah like if you don’t know what I’m talking about you’d have no idea so anybody who knows is old enough to get the joke somewhat um anybody who doesn’t get it won’t even

Understand what that message in the chat means uh where is it I don’t see anything up there I’m not seeing the chest there come here boys oh it’s wood I wonder what was going on there right then I think I’ve done most of this town that’s another Bell Tower have I’ve been

Up to that Bell Tower just yet I did the other Bell Tower a second ago uh what’s the quickest way up there oh some of these aren’t oh I’ll tell you what I will take those and actually no I don’t need any more seeds do I oh oh yeah this building looks nice

Let’s have a look oh this is where the flat butt joke was I think I know it wasn’t bread get ready for the outer context moment I want to tell you what there is actually an out of context video already for um for this SMP I’ll have to watch it at

The start of the next stream or something because I’ve just realized I do have to go in a second um so I will just sort of loop back out of this Village and head home so I can at least log out on my base the hell are you why is he

What does he do did he eat all right what do you he’s a mob vote one the the Mauler or Mauler oh oh well there we go that’s my decision made for me when you have your client open for this mod pack for too long it will just die

Like that so I guess uh you know that’s it that’s a wrap

This video, titled ‘1ST NEW LIFE STREAM – Minecraft New Life SMP’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2023-05-30 14:00:21. It has garnered 10431 views and 542 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:09 or 7449 seconds.

There’ll be LOTS of content in these streams that you’ll never see in the main episodes, so I wanted to ensure they’re archived here ๐Ÿ™‚

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    Transforming Minecraft into an RPG! Minecraft RPG Modpack – Dungeons & Heroes RPG Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Dungeons & Heroes RPG modpack! Join the excitement as players transform the familiar sandbox world into a thrilling RPG experience. With the help of content creator @WarZe327, Minecraft enthusiasts are diving into a whole new realm of possibilities. Exploring New Horizons With the Dungeons & Heroes RPG modpack, players can expect a fresh take on the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Dive into dungeons filled with challenges, uncover hidden treasures, and encounter formidable foes. The modpack introduces new quests, characters, and items, adding layers… Read More

  • Griefers Beware: Minecraft’s Battle Roar

    Griefers Beware: Minecraft's Battle Roar In the world of Minecraft, a war has begun, Socktopia versus Lilybayou, who will be the one? M1lkys and T3SS, the biggest griefers around, Their reign of chaos, will it be bound? The battle rages on, with blocks and swords, Socktopia fights back, with all their chords. The tension mounts, as the two sides clash, In this epic showdown, who will have the last laugh? Stay tuned to see, the outcome unfold, In this Minecraft tale, so thrilling and bold. The music sets the mood, as the story unfolds, With twists and turns, as the plot beholds. So join… Read More

  • Underwater Automation & Painting in Minecraft!

    Underwater Automation & Painting in Minecraft! Minecraft Submerged: Exploring Resource Automation and Painting Pipes in the Underwater Questing Modpack Welcome back to Seaopolis Submerged, an ocean-based survival questing modpack that takes players on a unique underwater adventure. In this latest installment, players are submerged into a completely customized world teeming with various mobs and structures, offering a fresh and challenging gameplay experience. Surviving and Thriving Under the Sea Players start off in a small room under the sea, tasked with surviving and thriving in an oceanic world unlike any other. The modpack features classic mods such as the Thermal series, Opolis Utilities, and Strainers, providing… Read More

  • Futbolcu Efekan vs ArkadaลŸlarฤฑ YarฤฑลŸฤฑyor!

    Futbolcu Efekan vs ArkadaลŸlarฤฑ YarฤฑลŸฤฑyor! Minecraft Parodies: Efekan and Friends Compete in Various Challenges! In this exciting Minecraft video, Efekan and his friends engage in a series of thrilling competitions. From long-distance ball kicking to target shooting and spinning wheels, the challenges are diverse and entertaining. Which competition will be your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! Competitions Galore! The teams, led by Efekan and Keko, embark on a journey filled with fun and excitement. The first challenge involves kicking a ball the farthest without crossing a black line. The stakes are high, with valuable prizes up for grabs. As the teams… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Hรฉroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK ๐Ÿ˜Ž: OTROS LINKS: โœ…comic Building๐Ÿ˜Ž: โ˜‘๏ธcomic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ั„ะฐั‚ ะกะตะนั‡ะฐั ะฟะพะบะฐะถัƒ #viral #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ Subpishis โžœ Our social network social network โžœ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyoneโ€™s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – Discord – TikTok – Become a member – Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More