InTheLittleWood Shorts – InTheLittleWood REACTS to Minecraft Life Series ICEBERG

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So here it is then so This Is The Life series Iceberg I thought originally it was uh limited to just limited life but it’s not this is the entire thing so we’re gonna go through it top to bottom if you are unfamiliar with what an iceberg is basically it’s a big frozen

Thing in the ocean now I’m jugging um a nice burger in terms of Internet context is basically where you go through um the kind of commonly known theories and conspiracies and things like that regarding any franchise and the further down you go the weirder and weirder and weirder it gets so

Um yeah let me find maybe if I zoom out on this then I can sort of scroll through it a bit more so I’m intrigued to see how much of this I know and how much of it I don’t so first firstly green owns the live Series yeah basically Korean green conceptualized

The life series and um he was on that kind of pulled everybody together for it and he kind of gets like first and final say on everything so that’s good um aha I’m ready to notice that there I guess that’s why we got The Hourglass here nice uh repeat teammates yeah it’s

Um I didn’t repeat team mix was touched on really nicely by impulse and skiz on their podcast um even talking bintango as well is that basically people tend to gravitate to one another again and again and again like you know me and ren because we enjoy working together and like like

They said it’s very much you’ve got the drama kids and then you’ve got like the it the tech kids like there’s a difference in style of content so you can understand why people merge together you know what I mean uh name changes I guess the name changes is just

Pertaining to each season’s a different name correct me if I’m wrong in any of these uh 5am Pearl is obviously from the double double like no last life is it was it double or last for 5am Pearl but that was in there double it was double okay cool uh animatics the animatics are

Great half of my reaction half of my Clips or shorts channel is uh animatics they are fantastic and genuinely I saw scar tweet earlier on today saying like I’ve got a confession like my favorite part of the life series is the fan art and it’s kind of true honestly it really really is

Um for me it’s the fan art as well as the theories like I really like that kind of bundle because on my POV which I don’t think you’ll find on any of the other povs we have more narrative and more kind of stakes at play which is

Quite nice and then of course the canary curse if you’re not familiar basically Canary birds were used uh in olden days when you would go down into a mine and it would be able to detect things like carbon monoxide and stuff like that so if the canary bird ever stops singing or

It died you would know that there was something in the air which was going to be toxic and lethal to uh humans and basically Timmy is the canary of the life series because Timmy has gone out first every single season even including limited life which is uh interesting uh

Moving further on the iceberg now so we were Sky High everybody knows about this stuff for the most part oh and of course scar scams as well he always has a scab he’s always got some kind of contract some kind of deal that he’s absolutely not going to uphold

Um and that’s that so now we move on to the iceberg which was stood on it we’re looking around we’re dipping a toe in the water going that’s bloody freezing not a chance um and the first thing we’ve got is you bet which you can’t see under my camera but you bet

Now what does that mean what does you bet mean let me know in the chat and we’ll Circle back to it uh ether is washed up a very new revelation uh ether is uh washed up is basically an ongoing joke between the clockers and ties um basically saying that ethos PVP skills

Are washed up which I don’t think gems video from hermitcraft has helped you know soften the blow off at any point You Bet Your Life from last life so which game was that because there was dare to flare in third life but what was You Bet Your Life

What what did that uh entail and that’s for you bear oh it’s You Bet Your Life sorry that’s all one word sorry yeah uh the clockers family tree I mean it’s on the iceberg and I think the reason it’s there is because nobody truly understands it am I an uncle am I

A Godfather am I the clock father still absolutely no idea oh yeah the big one the big uh Bet Your Life the one that Lizzy won yes sorry I do remember that now yeah God she cashed in her like bear and won it within like minutes that was really really good that

Was really cool uh jelly pandas of course scar had uh for the pandas in his Sanctuary um he had all of the pandas look like his cat jelly pretty funny uh affirmation station I love that that name is stuck by the way I love that um affirmation station obviously in the

Most recent series limited life that is skizzle man’s uh weekly hype up um his like you know his affirmation or his admiration it should be called the admiration station really um but basically telling each of the players what he likes about it what he likes about them why he appreciates them

Uh the helmet rule of course means not wearing any helmets in the series um I’m actually surprised that we maybe didn’t bring that back for this season I think because we got a few seasons not wearing helmets even though we’ve gone for a minimized armor set and a resource

Pack that this time around I think the reason we’ve left helmets off is because on even on a hard mode with Protection One on just chest downwards you do still survive TNT blast so I think that’s why we decided to keep it off we did a little bit of experimenting and kind of

Came to the conclusion that like yeah that’s probably the way to roll uh monopolies there’s always some kind of Monopoly whether it is types of wood gunpowder sugar cane whatever it may be the enchanter in itself is a single item uh Monopoly in uh last life so that was

That was interesting very interesting and I’m pretty sure that’s everything for that one now we start to head underwater we make our way beneath the surface of the cold cold blistering freezing lake or ocean that is the life series and we begin with Tilly so Tilly uh was Pearl’s

Dog her one and only her truly trusted companion um and basically the death of Tilly sparked what is now known as 5am Pearl it was the final thing that made uh that made Pearl snap uh and obviously a new bit of trivia that has come to light

Recently is that I cremated Tilly after Tilly perished so there you go that’s what happened there uh secret soul mates so his secret Soul Meets maybe where people were teaming up in double life even though they weren’t actually tied to one another um by like you know the the invisible

Threads that are it is okay cool gonna understand that uh cows I’m guessing cows is just it’s always the food source it’s always one of the many not even so much monopolies but people really put a big weight and Credence on the cows because their saturation is decent green

And Bigby specifically for secret soulmates okay cool gotcha uh green kills his allies yeah happens pretty often happens pretty often sometimes intentionally more often than not just accidentally so there you go uh hard mode is funny because every series so far and maybe even in this season we

Always forget to put it on hard mode at the beginning of the season and there’ll be kills that should have worked in the first few episodes with TNT or even melee or whatever um and they didn’t work because we forgot to put it on hard mode it was

Either on normal I don’t think it’s ever been on easy but it’s been on normal um so there you go modified recipes which is what this thing over here is so modified recipes being simplified recipes to ensure that monopolies aren’t quite as dangerous or simply just to

Allow people to not have to grind so much because that is so much waste of time making nothing you know what I mean like if you’re always in ages for sugarcane and uh or not so much sugar came up with a gunpowder and the like because sugar can kind of grow passively

In the background it’s basically a means of ensuring that we play for three hours two two and a half whatever it is and we’re actually getting to do things the whole time we’re not just waiting around yeah maximizing TNT output basically um I don’t know what this one is are

These two separate things because the font size is different barbecue rub and pizza or is that barbecue rub Pizza I don’t know what that one means at all and then the timing consistencies is I’m assuming for limited life where where people aren’t on the times that they expect or for example when Scar

Logged out at the end of his episode when he turned red it meant that it wasn’t actually on for like a final 15 to 20 minutes oh it’s for pizza the Llama so what’s the barbecue rug bit about oh wait no pizza is just pizza but then what’s Barbecue Rub Barbecue Rub is

Impulse and B-Dubs from double life is that what they were called they were called barbecue rub the barbecue rub has something to do with blaze part of what barbecue rub was a deal between Ren and Mumbo there there are a lot of conflicting stories here I don’t know

Which one of them is real they’re all getting committed to this video but that’s hilarious but this is what happens dude the further down the iceberg you go the deeper into the depths of the ocean you travel the more the more convoluted they get did you know there’s actually a Mew

Hidden underneath the Woodland mansion a friend of mine told me that on the playground and I’m pretty sure it’s real he said he’s got it on his Game Boy and he’s gonna bring it in next week so we’ll see I’m pretty sure that’s it just wait until the SSM pulls into the

Uh into the coral isles that’d be a bit mad wouldn’t it barbecue rub means blaze powder at me it was meant to be hot sauce but they changed it okay okay now we go deeper this is my territory the watches so the watches for those people that are

Unaware is a separate narrative that is running in the background or I guess it in my in my sense the foreground um of the life series which is basically do the voice okay I’ll do the voice on them um we are people who speak in rhyme we do it all the time

We like to have a shot of vodka salt and then some lime they are basically uh originally from the Evo Series so Minecraft evolution was a series that myself green Timmy Bigby a bunch of other people are all in um and the way that green transitioned

Out of that series when he wanted to leave was by the way of rewriting the end credits of the dragon fight um and basically altering it so that there were two beings that were because I can’t remember what they’re called in the original credits I don’t know if

It’s just like player one and two or something like that but it changed to be Watcher one and Watcher two and the Watchers were basically a personification of uh the audience basically so when green left the idea was that we all went through the dragon fight together and The Cheeky Watchers

Pulled us all into individual Dragon fights and then when we came back one of us was missing and that missing person was green um and green and myself wrote you know a bunch of stuff for the watches in the lead up to it and then because it was

Green’s idea then I was assisting with writing like the cryptic books and stuff and then green I think green Soul he wrote the whole um the whole credit sequence um and yeah basically the idea of the watches now is that the life series is a repeating cycle of death games um

And that basically the Watchers are the ones doing that so when green left there was another entity that came into existence and made itself known to myself and Timmy called the listeners um who may be further down this document I’m not sure but basically the listeners weren’t happy with uh what the Watchers

Had done by taking one of the players out of the world um and since then there’s been this kind of like power struggle between the two and kind of the loose idea is that the Watchers are punishing so basically we tried to flee the players that still

Around tried to flee by a way of help of the listeners but the idea is that the live series is a looping death game where basically the Watchers are punishing people that tried to flee uh and then the idea that green is involved in the series is that green

Um became a watcher didn’t like what was going on there it’s much more elaborate the law than this but basically green now inserts himself into the games to be a bit of a disrupter um and basically that’s the the law the law is quite complex but this law specifically the Watchers law

Um I actually answered the question this afternoon about it is that this is basically just uh an au an alternate universe um it’s basically a full lore that is only digested from my perspective and it’s basically just an offshoot from the original Watcher listener stuff um so it’s not canonical to anybody else’s

Experience and stuff like that it’s very much something that I enjoy watching I think people enjoy uh participating in the law and Theory crafting and stuff like that um so yeah that’s always the best thing to categorize the watches as we know it now as is very much uh is very much an

Au um I think I think some people think that the Watchers stuff is Canon for the live series but obviously it was Green’s baby and I’ve just done an offshoot from it because that was what somebody was asking them saying like oh well why don’t you do XYZ with green and it’s

Like well Green’s a player first and foremost so I don’t want him to feel as though he has to do anything to play into it all I took custody yeah yeah I guess so um but yeah if you want to know more about what you’re listening stuff we’ve

Done a few live streams about it it’s all on Tumblr as well it’s a fun little concept and it continues to go on um and then I also have my YouTuber law as well uh which kind of runs uh alongside that but that’s more personal

To me anyway STS car I mean I’ve seen the MLG bucket clutch uh is there any more to that I’m not sure Scott versus Joel a repeated pattern of combat If we’re honest I mean even in the most recent limited life episode we’ve seen that uh the dark oak zaplings

Is funny because the dark oak saplings was basically green thought he had a monopoly on dark oak saplings we found a bunch more trees in the corner of the map this was during whoa third life I want to say it was third life um and basically we went over did a

Magic trick where we were like surprised there’s more of them and then he just like flipped out uh the castle coffins so there was a point of Interest the POI in third life called uh the crassle uh which is where B-Dubs resided and the joke was that the

Cratter was small and it was all a bit of a euphemism for penis that we all joked about a lot of the time um but then there was a point where I don’t remember who it was someone can clue me in but somebody built coffins outside of the castle so beds with trap

Doors flipped up around them and that was like a really haunting visual it was scar yes scar basically was trying to sell people coffins which was just brilliant another scar scheme basically uh the green lives Club so the green lives Club was supposed to be a secret society of the remaining Green Life

Players uh during last life that would live beneath the central spawn point of uh the world the service or wherever we started where we’d stand in that circle at the beginning and where originally the enchanter was supposed to stay um the idea was that we were gonna have

A secret base underneath that it got relocated in the end to somewhere further away but very quickly it was trapped by other people uh Tango’s rage I’m not 100 sure on what is Tango’s rage and then I do know uh uh uh Ariel Ariel saw 11. so Ariel saw 11 basically does

Really good and really concise um recap episodes and summarizations of the various sessions during the different live series and they do really cool infographics you post them on social media and they make everything a bit more digestible because there are so many moving Parts in the Life series

That is basically what um Aria swords videos aim to do is to kind of like you know tie everything together and give you a sense of what’s going on if you can’t watch every POV because let’s be honest this sometimes upwards of 14 of them they can be almost an hour long

Each it’s too much to ask of anyone so yeah it’s good um Tango rage during last life when BDubs betrayed him and during double life when Scar burned the ranch oh okay yeah so it’s it’s basically when Tango snaps Tango is scary when he snaps but in like a fun way

Um Tango’s final double life moments you’ll have to remind me what happened there because I don’t know if I was present for that uh Martin’s law I love that that’s spelled with an eye instead of a white right there even my spelling is deep down the darkest crust of the uh

The bottom there um some people saying go home so what was go home Tangles final Tango’s final double life moments did he just say the words go home it’s over let me have a look through the Tango Tech uh double life finale let’s have a look is that it did you only get

Episodes in the end right let’s have a quick look at what this is um let me pull this up to here so let me see the very end of it oh it’s over go home right gotcha damn dude was doing watchalore and he didn’t even know it very similar stylings there

Isn’t it geez uh okay so yeah we got the double life moment uh the Village People the Village People were basically uh the collective um that were in third life and they basically lived in the village that we had it was the only it was the only MPC

Village we had in the whole of third life and it was in the I want to say it was the Northwest and no Northeast no Northwestern corner of the map I want to say it was uh only a short distance away from the uh from the wrenchanting dog

Warts site which is pretty cool um so that was interesting yellow snow was that a joke that I made that feels like a joke that I would make was that a joke that I made during one of the episodes I can imagine that being the case it was or was it not

Oh it was the horse scars horse was called yellow snow right okay gotcha feather fair and which series was that in last life gotcha okay cool uh Ethan if it changes his skin troop facts I think that should be Sky High actually I don’t think that this deserves to be

Down here uh dare to flare is a game from third life uh in which you had to Traverse uh repetitively fall in lava or pouring lava in order to get an item out the chest at the end of the obstacle course and get all the way back out of

Which I think I might have been one of the only successful people to do it because there were rules on the wall but there were the rule about an ender pearl wasn’t in there so that was quite funny and I got some like feather falling boots from it something like that

Um and he ended up having to continually update the rule board until eventually I think one or two people died playing it and that was quite funny um and then of course uh there’s Martin’s law which I think is the Watcher listening stuff as well as my

YouTuber stuff and I still to this day I’m not answering the question about whether they are linked who knows it’s very deep down very deep down um Second Life so Second Life simply put was going to be potentially the name of the current series which is limited life um

And the only reason we didn’t really go for it is because there was a pre-existent chat room uh or you know website called second life and we were worried about the SEO clashes with that even though I said like you know afterlife SMP never struggled with that

So um you know we sort of just went with it I can’t believe this is on here bad maths bad maps not only have this spelled my name wrong but they’ve also highlighted some of my worst moments at the bottom of this thing bad maths is basically the recognition that I am all

For uh in game in real life I’ve got incredible accuracy when it comes to throwing catching all that sort of stuff um but bad Maps is basically the fact that I am unable to gauge distances I mean you saw my ender pearl throw right look at my ender pearl throw trying to

Get up to Tango on on their Tower in the last limited life episode it went up and down didn’t even reach the tower uh punching Cleo off of the mountain or the the sort of the the platforms reaching over to the bleeding heart Bastion um also really bad maths so yeah I did

Punt somebody to their death by doing that so my bad uh evil Anvil so evil Anvil is somebody who makes songs isn’t it pretty sure is it songs or animations I’m fairly certain songs evil Anvil life series I put envelam for my bad it’s songs right yeah it is it’s songs that have

Been created and some of them are really really good they’ve even done a song which is a remix of our reactions to one of their songs which is just Bonkers if you want to look it up it’s called Uh I turn third life into a song featuring

All third life as it’s very good um we have got Dragon ogre and taxes I that sounds like something Wren would say but I don’t recall this Scott hates the watches okay yeah we’ll come back to the Dragon one oh those were the names of Lizzy’s dogs from last

Life I feel like this isn’t really the best uh Iceberg ever if I’m honest I feel like a lot of this stuff is quite known in really strange orders like I feel like the watches should be way further down because only if you watch my POV do you know of it

Um but yeah so that was their dogs I think I killed one of those dogs if memory serves or I punched one at the very least um Skizzy is always out third I didn’t know that was that the case this time hold on uh limited life Wiki no Joel was

Out third this time right wasn’t this gives out second yeah skips without a second this time so that one’s been broken interesting um and then with Scott hating the watches basically that was Scott’s refusal in last life to participate with the boogeyman um so yeah basically oh no sorry excuse was

That second and maybe I misspoke um but yeah basically Scott hates the watches is that Scott has has been the boogeyman but previously didn’t participate and the reason for that was that Scott was going to go down to a red life Anyway by the beginning of the next session um

So what was the point you know what I mean like it was there was no point it was just going to happen anyway um so yeah there you go that was that one um winners oh wait wait is this all one word winners Theory pale white horse alternate universe

Winner I’m gonna have to Google this winners Theory pale white horse Au is it two things is it winners Theory so wait what what’s Winner’s Theory if you want to clue me off on both of those I’ll look up uh live Series White Horse AU let’s have a look White Horse AU

Oh man there’s some angsty art here the Thematic of sun star and Moon Sun Moon Stars I think when is theories that they’re all the only ones that remember oh is that what that is uh interesting I mean from my perspective from my law they all remember everything but it’s the

Negative emotions and the panic and the fear and the Betrayal and everything like that are the the sort of the feelings the emotions that are fed on by the Watchers between the different death games um and everybody retains their memories which is why we can refer to different

Traps and things like that but because they eat all of those things all of those resentments are gone allowing for a clean reset and to go again um so yeah that’s my take on it but still um but yeah what’s what’s the horse thing hail white horses on Tumblr I

Think scar dies early and Green joins dog warts I think hmm an au that changed the story of third life and makes scar be eliminated by Ren therefore Green joins dog warts and Chaos happens but it’s so angsty that you will cry oh interesting I’ll have to check that out I’ll have to

Give it a little read we can read it on stream if it’s good all the listeners are in here okay cool so the listeners um are actually in or at least their presence is felt in limited life we’ve not spoken about this yet but we will probably post season uh but the

Listeners are basically the counterpart to the Watchers um and I won’t go too much into who they are and what they are but they originate from the Evo series they were trying to help Liberate the players and get them away from the ogling eyes of uh the

Watchers who wanted to see the players go through each of the various Minecraft versions in Minecraft Evo um and the listeners were basically what it was was the Watchers were in a way demanding and then the listeners came as a sympathetic ear you know all the sort

Of symbolism stuff and the idea of the listeners is that they were listening to what the players wanted whereas the Watchers just wanted to see what they wanted to see um so it was kind of slightly souring the intent of what the watches were from Green’s initial conception and making

Them a bit more a bit more spooky and nasty in my version of events so there you go Terry nobody knows this is why Terry’s so low down the iceberg nobody knows who Terry is Terry was the first ever cameo in the Life series forget you

Know gem playing as Cleo and Lizzie as Pearl like Terry is the is the Rogue player don’t know who Terry is nobody will ever know SARS but put him at the curtain for a second Terry was basically Bigby when he went into witness protection during one of the plot threats

Um croak frog pet dog burn log was the chant that myself and Big B did to try and summon uh 5am Pearl or what was becoming 5 p.m 5 a.m Pearl at that time it was basically just a very jumping around the bonfire uh basically being a

Bit maniacal kind of chant so there you go uh who burnt the wall that was from last no last or third I want to say it was last life I want to say who burnt the war was the last or was it third oh okay so

Basically who burnt the war was uh Timmy and Scott were living in the corner of the map they had like their little like like flower and Canyon thing whatever it was uh and the question was who burnt the wall and it was Joel yeah the hobbits in third life yeah that’s what

That was right then moving down how how much further does this go oh not not too much further okay the blue sword boys one of the gravest betrayals and weakest alliances that has ever been forged in this entire life series was me giving up diamonds to both green and to Bigby for

Honor and for protection and Alliance right the way until the very end all the way to the very end and I don’t think any of those alliances came to fruition in the end I guess Bigby stayed with us but that felt like Bigby was staying with me more out of like just location

Big me lived next door to us so that’s why he stuck around with us but grian never uh never run at the blue sword boys thing it was episode one I found some diamonds I gave them to them nothing else happened uh scars crystals is an interesting one so from the last

Life series scar created a Wizards Tower at the top of a mountain and was basically running another one of his scams where he was selling various kinds of crystals we’re talking love crystals like you know don’t kill me crystals there were there was all kinds of ones

Like they were they were bizarre scars crystals actually worked did they though which ones worked let me let me know which ones works we’ll go back to that but that’s basically one of Scar scams from the series uh Boogie so Boogie is the boogeyman boogeyman is the concept uh

That was introduced in last life I want to say it was whereby once per episode there is somebody chosen very early on in the session to become the boogeyman the boogeyman um gets a free pass regardless of what color life they are on um to kill another player and in the

Most recent season the limited life version means that the time taken from the other player and the time rewarded to the boogeyman is doubled now the whole concept and the whole worrying thing with the Boogeyman and the reason people do act upon it is because if you

Fail your mission as the boogeyman to acquire a kill before the end of the session you’re going down to the next tier in the next episode so in this season for example in limited life it was basically um that uh you go from say you know 24 hours you

Start off with and you would drop down at what was it 18 hours or something like that if say you’re on like 21 hours you didn’t get a boogie kill then you’ll go right the way down uh to there oh it’s Boogie blockers oh sorry well Boogie blockers is basically a business

Was it me did I set a boogie blockers I feel like how you set up a business to block the Boogie I don’t think I ever actually did it though but Boogie blockers would have been pretty cool but yeah but either way it’s good to explain what the boogeyman is anyway for

Anybody catching this one they’ve only watched like one live series and stuff like that you wanted to but never did okay fair fair um oh that’s also scars crystals actually worked yeah okay fair um what else we got Joel is the most evil last lifer yeah dude’s always on a

Rampage every season I don’t think that’s a secret to anyone honestly is the movie still in limited life because everyone is red yup I uh yeah it just rolls every week regardless uh scissors best hair what is this I don’t remember Miss kiss’s hair when they were team

Best I remember team best than setting up their TNT cannon service but I don’t remember the hair interesting very interesting uh Martin’s Red Springs oh okay so this was a uh Martins Red Springs was basically a plot that I was going to enact where basically I would

Betray Ren and the whole plot the whole thing I would say in chat is winter is over and spring has begun and basically it was going to be a case of I kill off Wren and then I take over um but given the improvised nature and the total chaos of the series

Um is basically that never came to came to fruition so I shared that on a live stream once that like oh that’s a thought that I had or something cool to do you know what I mean um so there you go uh is the bloody horns from double life

Annoying as hell never want to hear them again so Nam uh is pictured in this screenshot here uh is the uh data pack or plug-in developer for the live series no no big secret there I don’t think uh the between season sleep so this I think stems from my law rather than anybody

Else’s and it’s the idea that between each of the series um the players are thrown into basically a limbo where they are um asleep and the Watchers will feed on all those negative emotions and almost like kind of get them back to a reset Point um and basically that is the the concept

There so we are just continually lifting these games again and again and again uh scars cut death what’s scars cut death what’s that one Scar’s cut death and then love Crystal yeah what did who did I have a love Crystal I feel like I had a love Crystal

And I lost it I could be wrong though scar died to magma block I think oh what skydiving magma block off screen oh what in third life an off-screen death that was reset due to technical issues hmm very interesting you want to know a secret there was another cut scar death in

Third life it was at my hands it was in my hands I can’t remember where it was or when it was but um well I remember where it was but I can’t remember what episode or what sort of time it was at but it was um it happened very early in the episode

The only thing I remember is it happened at the crassle and skara gone in there caused the Ruckus I was outside doing my usual slinking around and Scar comes out all hyped up after like slapping a few people in there with swords or like whacking around the flint and steel and

Then he just charges at me and I was like do I kill you here and I can’t remember if it was like the last life he had I don’t know if he was red and then came out and then I bopped him but the whole I think because everyone was so hyped up

And amped up in that moment it just made for a very awkward exchange where we almost had this kind of like awkward silence and standoff um and we ended up going like no actually that that doesn’t that doesn’t feel right or like that wouldn’t mean that scar doesn’t have much of an

Episode and this that and the other um but I pinky promise and I don’t [ __ ] around when I say this that is the only death that we’ve ever gone now on um other than like if there’s a technical glitch but that’s the only death that we’ve done where it’s like

Um where we were like no like let’s let’s reset that um so yeah so there you go and then that doesn’t really help the final point at the bottom of it’s all scripted because so many things happen there are so many coincidences this that and the other

That it seems as though the series has to be scripted but I again Pinky Promise it’s not scripted we we play the game we go absolutely nuts with it there are too many moving parts and we are not good enough actors or organized Minds to pull off such

Such ridiculous scenarios and such silly deaths and everything like that there is just it’s just it’s just too much honestly um so yeah so there you go you got a big old Secret at the end of this video but that is the live series iceberg top to

Bottom most of it I knew which I’m quite excited about I was expecting it to be more like offshoot stuff if you really wanted to digest pale white horse Au I can compile something for you to look through on stream the art for it’s fantastic I’m so now I’m so

Down yeah let’s do it so there you go Iceberg complete

This video, titled ‘InTheLittleWood REACTS to Minecraft Life Series ICEBERG’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood Shorts on 2023-04-18 18:48:29. It has garnered 86359 views and 5073 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:27 or 2127 seconds.

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    Playing ROBLOX Horror Map 'DOORS' in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】 Exploring the Fusion of Minecraft and Roblox: The Doors Map When it comes to the world of gaming, the fusion of different platforms and games can lead to exciting new experiences. One such example is the Doors map, originally a popular horror map in Roblox, now available for play in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The Doors Map: A High-Quality Experience The Doors map is renowned for its high-quality design and immersive gameplay. Players who enjoyed the map in Roblox can now delve into its mysteries in the Minecraft universe. The transition from one platform to another has brought a fresh… Read More

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    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic video titled “I BUILT THE ULTIMATE SLIME FARM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by Epitome Gaming. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy watching epic builds and creations, then you’ll definitely want to check out Minewind server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re looking for a new and thrilling Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind is the perfect place for both new players and seasoned veterans to come together and create unforgettable experiences. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, explore vast landscapes, and conquer challenging dungeons alongside fellow players from around the world. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or a seasoned pro looking for a new challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at… Read More

  • Minecraft HorrorPlay Season 3 – Episode 1

    Minecraft HorrorPlay Season 3 - Episode 1 Minecraft – Летосплэй (3 сезон) | HorrorPlay – #1 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Mods Join Cpgdpro (Максим) and Salat (Виктор) in their exciting Minecraft adventure with mods and a fun montage. The Cave Horror Project brings a unique twist to the game with its collection of mods, promising a thrilling experience for players. What to Expect: Modded Gameplay: Dive into a world where Minecraft meets horror with the Cave Horror Project’s mod pack. Experience new challenges, creatures, and environments that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Collaborative Fun: Watch as Cpgdpro and Salat team… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive and Thrive in Minecraft’s Eternal Night

    Join Minewind: Survive and Thrive in Minecraft's Eternal Night Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a thrilling and unique gameplay experience. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers endless possibilities for exploration and adventure. Explore a vast, ever-changing world filled with challenges and surprises. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join forces with other players to conquer dungeons, build epic structures, or simply enjoy the beauty of the landscape. With regular updates and a team… Read More

  • Curing Social Awkwardness in Minecraft!

    Curing Social Awkwardness in Minecraft! Exploring a New World in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you join the journey to overcome social anxiety in the multiplayer survival series. Follow along as the players navigate through challenges and strive to build a thriving community in this virtual realm. Unveiling New Series The excitement is palpable as a new series kicks off, promising endless possibilities and unexpected twists. Despite encountering technical difficulties during the creation process, the team remains determined to forge ahead and achieve their goals. Stay tuned for the upcoming episodes to witness the evolution of their… Read More

  • Villager Crop Farm: Minecraft’s Automated Charm

    Villager Crop Farm: Minecraft's Automated Charm In Minecraft’s world, a farm so grand, Villagers work, crops in hand. Automatic and simple, a sight to see, Harvesting and planting, all for thee. Version 1.20.4, Java’s delight, Villagers working, day and night. Hoppers collecting, items in tow, Efficiency and beauty, all in a row. Inspired by blockical, a master of farms, This creation shines, with Minecraft charms. Music from Mojang, setting the tone, In this world of blocks, where creativity’s shown. Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exhilarating Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a Minecraft race with a 1000 TL prize, you may have been inspired to join in on the fun and excitement. And what better place to experience thrilling adventures and challenges than on Minewind Minecraft Server? With a vibrant community of players, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Crafting your skin, let your imagination take the reins. Open your browser, to Minecraft skins dot com, Click on editor, let the fun begin, no need to be calm. Tools at your disposal, to edit and create, Make your skin unique, don’t hesitate. Download your creation, with a click so fine, New skins to explore, in the latest section, divine. For private servers, download with glee, For public servers, use the link, you’ll see. If this video helped, give it a thumbs up, Subscribe for more tips, don’t interrupt, just sup. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft’, was uploaded by Weuo on 2024-03-06 13:35:52. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:12 or 4092 seconds. Im witerally playing minecraft if u tryna pay me heres the link my friends links Ven: Za_Gaming: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play… Read More

  • Passerines Network

    Passerines NetworkNEW! ETHEREAL REALM – Build your own town, Fight for the throne! Ethereal Realms is a PvPvE capture the throne RPG game that is built around a magical fantasy and medieval theme. The weapons in this game includes giant greatswords, sabers, bow, crossbow, magical items such as wands, magic staffs, spells, mounts such as dragons, basilisks, leviathans and griffins. Lead your people, build a town from the grounds up, create an alliance and take the throne. Whoever named king shall wield the Excalibur and rule the realm. VELOCITY – Fast-paced Melee & Gun PvP Take on the role of an… Read More

  • SagesCraft SMP Semi-Vanilla

    SagesCraft SMP SagesCraft SMP offers a unique Minecraft experience where you can explore your building skills, create farms, build redstone contraptions, and make friends in a survival-focused environment. Features: A friendly community No admin abuse A long-term server An engaging experience Join the Discord for more information: We hope to see you on SagesCraft! Read More

  • FairyWorld Vanilla +

    FairyWorld Vanilla +**FairyWorld** is a **Vanilla +** type server. This server is aimed at players interacting with each other without the intervention of administrators. On our server, people unite into cities, unions and clans. The players on our server are adequate, and our active moderation bans griefers. **The server is young, but there are already an average of 11 people online in the evening!****Since our server is “vanilla+”, we have a lot of cool mechanics!**- Custom enchantments- Custom fishing- Souls and soul abilities- Alcohol- New structures- Pumping characteristics||To get to the server you need to go to the DS in my profile… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Every small smp drama ever

    Minecraft Memes - Every small smp drama everEvery small smp server needs a designated sheep herder to keep those wooly troublemakers in line! That’s how you know it’s a truly successful community. Read More

  • NICO’s Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived!

    NICO's Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived! In Hardcore Minecraft, as Nico I spawned, A baby in shock, my partner Cash gone. Surviving 100 days, a daunting task, But with skill and luck, I’ll surely last. Join my Discord, where we plan and scheme, To create epic videos, a Minecraft dream. Rhyming updates, with humor and flair, Keeping the audience engaged, with stories rare. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Crafting Minecraft news, like a gaming king. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this hardcore world, let the rhymes begin! Read More

  • Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue… para o Nether! 🔥

    Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue... para o Nether! 🔥 “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities Read More

  • Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA

    Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: Controlling Cars in the Game 🚗 Are you a fan of Minecraft and love exploring new features in the game? If so, you might be excited to learn about the latest addition to Minecraft – the ability to control cars! In this article, we will delve into this exciting new feature and explore how it enhances the gameplay experience for Minecraft enthusiasts. Introducing Car Controls in Minecraft With the introduction of car controls in Minecraft, players now have the opportunity to navigate the vast world of Minecraft in style. Whether you’re cruising through lush forests or speeding across… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? While watching the latest YouTube video on the one block Minecraft pocket edition map, you may have felt a surge of excitement and creativity. Imagine taking that excitement to the next level by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking to explore new horizons, challenge your survival skills, and connect with a diverse gaming community, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place for you. With a wide range of gameplay options, from survival mode to house building to crafting challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!

    Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found Quailman & Bison – Minecraft Animal Adventures (Ep 17)’, was uploaded by Erose on 2024-04-07 17:20:12. It has garnered 375 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. Hey… I have a ton of pixel animals and I need to build homes for them. What animals will we find today? Today we find Quailman! A cute little quail buddy that lays eggs. Not all hero’s wear capes, ok. We also find a bison! Today we cook some waffles and find some tropical fruits. Minecraft Animal Adventures with… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Massive Secret Build

    Minecraft's Massive Secret BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Biggest Minecraft Build I’ve Ever Made’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-03-21 20:14:33. It has garnered 2268 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:05 or 9425 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Hypixel’s minigames! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More


    INSANE 2b2t BATTLE: DONFUER DOMINATESVideo Information This video, titled ‘The LARGEST battle in 2b2t history’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-18 19:42:41. It has garnered 1522 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Dangerous battles happen on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft #2b2t Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍

    EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft ep 2 “Playing Minecraft survival world ;)”‘, was uploaded by Arnapy on 2024-02-26 14:56:40. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:22 or 2782 seconds. !this is a recording of the stream! another stream alone:(( but I hope you’ll like my content:))) also if you want more content when subscribe and follow me on twich(still don’t know why i can’t put a link, it’s says that i need to build a history) PS: here will be not only recordings of the stream, so follow for… Read More


    BOMBAY KA JAY - EPIC 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Join My New Survival Smp BedRock + Javaedition Cracked 24/7 online public smp live’, was uploaded by BOMBAY KA JAY on 2023-12-28 12:58:27. It has garnered 613 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. Upi I’d – jayislive@fam #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcpe #gaming #live #minecraftsurvival #JAYISLIVE #jayislive Minecraft #GamerFleet #MinecraftHindi #THEHEROSSMP #JAYARMY JOIN JAY ARMY WHATSAPP CHANNEL 👇 JOIN TELEGRAM 👇 Discord link 👇 MY INSTAGRAM👇 Vlog Channel 👇 2nd Channel 👇 Join this channel to get access to perks:… Read More

  • Get FREE Donuts on SMP – Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLuke

    Get FREE Donuts on SMP - Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLukeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rating bases/Grinding?Giveaways … DONUT SMP!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by ItzLuke on 2024-03-03 03:35:46. It has garnered 155 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:57 or 3777 seconds. #donutsmp #cpvp #minecraft #live #vanillaplus #legendtoken #giveaway #endcrystal Read More


    EPIC FACECAM SHOWDOWN: HIVE vs ZEQAVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE AND ZEQA LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-03-17 03:16:36. It has garnered 3419 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:27 or 6387 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BATTLE FACTOR - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Battle Factor’, was uploaded by BATTLE FACTOR on 2024-03-24 21:24:11. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:40 or 2920 seconds. Epic Moments Of Biggest Indian Gamers | Techno Gamerz | Battle Factor Hello Guys… 🙏 Thankyou so much for watching my video… ● Watch,share and Comment ● Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments! ● Don’t forget to subscribe my channel to help us reach to 1,00,000 Subscribers ❤ Second Channel : Like Us… Read More

  • UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥

    UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️’, was uploaded by ENTRO GAMERZ on 2024-04-15 15:13:17. It has garnered 453 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:32 or 692 seconds. মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP 16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️ #mincraft #mincraft game #mincraft 100 days #mincraft smp#mincraft Bangla #mincraft gamplay #mincraft survival seerise welcome Gyez ————🥰 Instagram: Mincraft Bangla gamplay 👇👇 video: ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ About: Entrogamerz is a YouTub Channel,Where find gaming video in Bangla, I hope this video was Usefull and you liked it, if you did… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded vanilla

    Harmony Survival Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Discover true vanilla gameplay on Harmony Reloaded. Join a community focused on exploration, creativity, and friendship without toxic chat or pay-to-win mechanics. Experience the magic of Minecraft in its purest form. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and readable chat Active moderation against toxicity Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard Hosting: US West World Border: +/- 40,000 for player interaction Watch our trailer here Read More

  • InfernalSMP

    InfernalSMPCustom ItemsMinesLifeStealCratesBattlePassPVP ArenaJOIN NOW AT: infernalsmp.minecraft.bestDISCORD: JAVA Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft, What in Block World is This?

    Looks like this Minecraft meme got hit with a critical fail in the popularity department! Read More

  • Graveyard Giggles: Catacombs in Minecraft

    Graveyard Giggles: Catacombs in Minecraft In Minecraft, I craft a graveyard so grand, A house for the pastor, in my city’s land. Improving the catacombs, a spooky delight, In my own survival server, shining bright. The Iron golem statue, a sight to behold, Check out the video, if you’re feeling bold. My English may falter, but my gameplay’s strong, Join me in Minecraft, where we all belong. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Mixtape Drops, Roblox Players Shook” #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Mixtape Drops, Roblox Players Shook" #minecraftmemes Why did Herobrine go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop haunting Steve in his dreams! #minecraft #animation #memes #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #meme #funny #roblox #herobrine Read More

  • Escape Barry’s Prison Obby 2 with Kaan & Dania

    Escape Barry's Prison Obby 2 with Kaan & Dania Minecraft Adventures with ItsKaantastic and Dania ItsKaantastic is a channel dedicated to gaming and having a blast! Kaan and Dania often dive into the worlds of Roblox, Minecraft, and other fun games on this channel. Expect exciting roleplays from places like Brookhaven, Adopt Me Town, and beyond, along with thrilling challenges. Subscribing is the best way to stay in the loop and not miss out on the fun! Exploring Minecraft Worlds One of the highlights of ItsKaantastic’s channel is their Minecraft adventures. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, Kaan and Dania take on various challenges in… Read More

  • Unpredictable Minecraft Adventure with Random Mods Daily

    Unpredictable Minecraft Adventure with Random Mods Daily Histórias de Minecraft – Aventura Imprevisível no Minecraft Explorando Mods Aleatórios Todos os Dias Embark on a thrilling adventure with Fabulas do Luar as they explore the unpredictable world of Minecraft, delving into random mods every day. Join them on their journey through this ever-changing landscape filled with surprises and challenges. Exploring the Unknown With each new mod, Fabulas do Luar dives into uncharted territory, discovering unique features and gameplay mechanics that keep their audience on the edge of their seats. From new creatures to powerful weapons, there’s always something exciting to uncover in the world of Minecraft. Adventures… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Live with Zelix! (April Fools MADNESS)

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Live with Zelix! (April Fools MADNESS)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Survival LIVE (Happy April Fools Day)’, was uploaded by Zelix on 2024-04-01 17:41:24. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:41 or 10841 seconds. Playing Minecraft Survival Live 🙂 My socials: Twitter – Discord Server – Support the stream here: Read More

  • Gara: Minecraft Bodyguard

    Gara: Minecraft BodyguardVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft as a Protective BODYGUARD!’, was uploaded by Gara on 2024-02-26 04:59:00. It has garnered 27513 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:06 or 1446 seconds. Today, Gara has to play Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE BODYGUARD! Will he be able to? Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #GaraAndKylie Read More

  • EpIc 7 Day Battle with PZ33! 😱

    EpIc 7 Day Battle with PZ33! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fought Him After 7 Days…’, was uploaded by PZ33 on 2024-03-29 16:00:20. It has garnered 287 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:14 or 914 seconds. #PVP #Minecraft #MinecraftPVP Creators featured in this video: Assets used in this video: (Clock animation) Music (in order): (Please don’t hate me for having a long and unrelated description but it helps my content reach out to more people in the YouTube algorithm) Tags:… Read More

InTheLittleWood Shorts – InTheLittleWood REACTS to Minecraft Life Series ICEBERG