Investigating Takanashi Kiara’s Hole (of death)

Video Information

Hello and welcome and in today’s video we’re going to be investigating kiara’s hole that’s right you heard it kiara’s hole the one that she fell down into and so what we have here is the hollow live en map running on my local computer and the cool thing is because we have spectator

Mode we can see everything so we’re going to be exploring this hole and trying to get to the bottom of who created it and why let’s uh weather clear time set day so first how did i get this map basically if you do some googling you can find the seed to their server

So i just installed minecraft 1.16.3 which is the version that they started the server on and i used their seat and sure enough we are in their map now of course it doesn’t have any of their buildings but it is their map and you can see i

Built their tunnel and we’ll talk about that shortly but here is the hill that kfp was built on here is this area was flattened and this is where kiara’s first house was with cali before cali moved into that cave over there here is the mountain that the kiara

And gura statues are on previously where gura’s door was here is the area where ina’s house is and where the shooting range is here’s where the tower of happiness used to be or friendship or whatever it was called before guru demolished that here is their portal

And i think it’s so cool how they just use one of the in-game portals can we inspect the chest and loot not generated yet um they they use one of the in-game portals as their portal and just kind of fixed up the platform and made it look nice but there is their portal

Uh and then if we fly over here here’s the mountain where ame builds that weird creature thing uh here’s where gura’s farm barn used to be before she demolished it here is uh the little creek where gurra built her shark house and this part was excavated

But that that little pond here is where her blue shark house is if we keep going back here in this corner right here is where she built the creeper farm which really bothers me because i wish she would use the creeper farm it’s a perfectly working creeper farm

It’s the same one that i built on my server and it works really well you just have to afk at it here is where her new house made of blue concrete is partially in development here is where hachima’s house was and i really miss hachima on the en server i hope when

They link the two servers hachima will come and do some more work here here is the island where she has her big red heart and where she jumped off the pillar um i think this island might be where ena did the tory gate uh but anyways that’s what they’re called right anyways

Here is phoenixton before uh it fell apart into ruin and then before it was resurrected by the phoenix um so here’s how it just naturally spawns and so basically you can see that we have the exact seed here now what these light towers are that i built uh i’ll explain

Now basically so here is the little island where ami’s house is you know right above here is where her tennis racket is and then we go in and here’s the exact location of where they dug their tunnel i’m going to go into creative mode now so that i could actually have physics and

This is where they built the giant staircase up all the way to the top and if you look um right here if you look at these dirt blocks these three sets of stone this piece of stone has like this little wiggly bit right here if you look at this these blocks of

Andesite with this little bit sticking out here this is exactly where they built their tunnel so i compared to screenshots from the video which you can see here and you can see that i built it in the exact same place that they built it of course

Then there’s the problem of well how do i know i’m digging in the correct spot and luckily we have some landmarks so this coal as you can see here in their server has become cobblestone because when they were digging their tunnel they took the coal and they replaced it with cobblestone so there’s

Basically a scar on their tunnel where instead of perfectly smooth stone you see cobblestone and you can see in their video that it comes right to this corner point but that’s not the only one if we go here we can see that there’s a scar here and there’s actually

One more block that it goes up but that’s probably because they they had to dig extra let’s see to get more cobblestone or more coal i mean but that that exact scar is there you can see this scar and then in their stream when they check their coordinates in the tunnel their height

Is at 41. um so the tunnel height at least near their base they go down lower later on but uh is 41 so we’re at the exact right spot um kiara decided to have her own shaft and she called it um kiera shaft and said something about get that yummy kfp

So i just put a sign here there’s a chest there in the real server you can compare of course it’s going to be raining you can compare to this screenshot here you can see that the torch is there and everything lines up and then when you go through here this i

Didn’t dig the whole tunnel obviously but this is the door that i think says like taco bell or gura’s back door something like that um and then this is the tunnel that’s permanently been under under construction and there’s a chest with the mine carts and a sign right there and if you

Compare screenshots you can see that these cobblestone stairs or these cobblestone are the back side of the staircase right because the staircase is over here and so that’s what makes that that little area this whole wall was replaced with cobblestone um at some point when they were digging this area out but i

Didn’t have time to do that so who cares and then this corner you can see this fits perfectly like that torch fits right in this t-shape this is all diorite this is all granite their ceiling is four high and you can see that it goes to right there there’s a little gap there

And then from this perspective you can see that um this slab is aligned with the end of the granite and this wall starts just after the slab so this room is basically recreated i basically dug this all out of the actual seed that they used um so

This is you know and then this path is centered on the tunnel so we know that this path is correct and then this goes to what became oma’s house so this is actually their tunnel and the cool thing is is as i was digging this i was finding the same oars

In the same spots they did and that way i can verify that my digging is actually matching what their server did so i just kept going now in the original video this tunnel was only three high but i was digging four high now here if we get a sign post

She said something like minds of mori and then did like that face or something this is where cali decided to have her own chef she was in kierra’s shaft you know haha um earlier in that stream and this was in december of 2020. she was in kierra

Shaft and she’s like i want my own shaft so she walked out of kiera shaft came over here and said i’m gonna dig here all right so let’s see we got gura’s back door whatever that means road to atlantis uh watson under construction well this may be the road to atlantis

But on that road you can also uh take a trip to the underworld how about that and here we just start digging deadbeats we just start digging and what’s interesting is if you watch that stream she finds like a silver fish here and then she falls into this hole

And then she finds this giant mine system and every other stream that kelly’s done like whether it’s a collab with gura or collab with like the indonesian members or whoever it was um or even other solo streams they spent a lot of time working in this shaft but

They never leave this general vicinity and you’ll see where that’s important later so anyways they keep going you can see like on stream that becomes cobblestone this all becomes cobblestone uh you can see if we if we uh run forwards here like there’s this patch of granite and if you watch their street

Like all of these landmarks match up and then when i was digging this i came across the lava they commented on the lava they filled it in and then once they get to this point um there was a bunch of coal here so they dug out that coal and

For whatever reason they got distracted and just started going straight from here so the tunnel just kind of shifted here because there was a bunch of coal as a distraction um and so it also became four wide at this point because up to now the tunnel was

Three wide but when they went to get the coal that was in this cavity then they started going four wide so i didn’t actually collect the resources but if you were to see their server as it is today there’d be a piece of cobblestone here it would look like this um but

I’m just leaving it the way that minecraft generated it um i’m just trying to recreate their tunnel so they actually have this little hole missing there as well so if you follow their original stream they kept going this was all exactly the same like if you here’s like more screenshots for

Comparison but this dirt block and this granite pattern all exactly like this on their server and at some point they think hey maybe we should check the coordinates and gura gets as far as this wall which they actually replaced with cobblestone and her coordinates on screen were 356 41 negative 278.

So this is 100 accurate recreation of their tunnel and i didn’t place these blocks right i just dug the same place that they did i’m using the same seed that they’re using so i didn’t have to like place these ores here or place that coal there or place anything i’m not

Recreating their tunnel based on what’s on the stream i’m just digging in the same place they did and all of the ores and granite and dirt and everything are matching up perfectly so once they got to this point they decided we should turn left guru placed

Down a crafting table and an iron or a furnace and um they started heading off this way they got to about here when they noticed that there was water leaking from the ceiling um cali got scared and suggested they dig deeper nobody was really on board but ina found

Some iron here so she dug deeper to get the iron why is it obsessed with raining today um so they decided you know what let’s just go for it and they went down and continued the tunnel now i didn’t do the entire tunnel i just wanted to get to

The point where they turned because that’s the interesting point so let’s go up to the surface so i’m going to say gamemode spectator and then fly straight up of course make it daytime again so as you can see i built this giant column here showing that that’s where the tunnel starts

And the reason why where we can see the beginning of the tunnel is because at the bottom of the stairs they turn around 180 degrees and that’s something that if you’re spatially challenged or you’re just not paying that close attention it’s easy to think that ppp is that direction but it’s not

Once they go down these stairs they do a 180 and this is where the watson railway is right it’s it’s 180 to where the opening is so this opening is there the place where they decided to turn is right here if you were to go underground where this arrow is

This is where they turned so that’s where they started digging they got this far and then they turned this way now if we look at their map um this portal is you know their main town portal this is where they spawn right here um and then they go down here they turn

And then once they get to about here they turn again and then they’re at the ppp or what was supposed to be atlantis right now the interesting thing is that guru was actually doing fine she wasn’t doing she wasn’t that far off if they had just kept going to here then

They would have only had to turn once and then they would have been there but because everybody was so worried the girl was going the wrong direction they turned early then they did the long stretch which is about like a thousand blocks or so and then they had to turn again

To to finish up the z coordinates so they actually made this s shape when realistically what i think they were trying to do was to go all the way on the x-axis first then turn right and go south so they’re trying to go east first and then south what they ended up doing

Is going south then east then south again so we’re right here where this turn happens and this dot is approximately where the mystery shaft is so let’s go talk about the mystery shaft so if we fly back to here and this just shows in line this is

Where the tunnel is right because that’s where the tunnel starts that’s where it turns so this is just straightness of the tunnel over here is where the mystery shaft is so some people have speculated that you know ame or somebody was trying to dig down to the tunnel

Um and that’s why this hole is here but that wouldn’t really make sense the tunnel if you can imagine it um goes let me goes from here underground you know still underground there and then turns there so she was trying to get to the tunnel she was severely off

Because this hole is is over there so i don’t think that that’s what what happened now let’s actually look at this hole because there’s some interesting anomalies about it so the first thing is when kiara falls in there she tries to go back to the hole to get

Her old items back but she can’t find it so she’s like hopping around all over here she’s panicking and over here there’s some caves there’s this cave and there’s this cave and she goes into this cave she goes all around here she checks here she goes down here

This is a dead end and the thing that’s interesting about this cave system is it is small if you’ve been playing minecraft for a while you know that there are some gigantic cave systems but this one is actually really small um we can basically that’s the dead end

Right there i think it goes a little bit further but that’s the dead end um so the point is this cave really small cave system so let’s get back up to the surface here and she comments like well i could probably get to my items from these caves right

But the shaft is actually right here and if we fall on that shaft boom we end up here well what’s interesting is that this is not actually connected now this shaft has a number of weird things about it first this part is all solid stone so whoever

Decided to dig down just went straight down didn’t encounter anything but then at this point they encounter a mine shaft and this this would have been full right so they would have fallen here and this is actually a pretty interesting area to explore they chose not to explore it and

They chose to instead keep going down at this point they fall through one mine shaft say nope not going to do that keep going they find another mine shaft because it’s multi-story um there’s like nope not going to do that either keep going and then they fall in this room where

There’s iron lapis lazuli and gold and if you go this way there’s more iron and some coal and there’s even more coal and and resources down this way um if you were playing the game seriously first of all when digging this hole you would have stopped here you would have grabbed that

Iron and you would have explored this cool cave system then after the first one why would you keep digging but then you dig and you’d explore this and then you’d go down here and you’d collect these resources you wouldn’t just leave them where they are oh my god with the

Something must be wrong with minecraft because sometimes it just like you can’t tell it not to be raining i don’t know what’s going on with that but um what’s fascinating is that whoever dug this hole like they weren’t after resources they weren’t like playing the game legitimately like it’s really strange so now

That’s the whole so let’s see how it connects to the rest of the server now the other thing too is we can now i dug this hole right because i wanted to to make sure that it matched um uh the hollow life server map but if you

Look at this point where there’s these two pillars for this mine shaft you can see in kiara when she’s following through in this video clip there’s the two pillars and then in the next one you can see there’s there’s two more pillars there’s some andesite there is this this wall

Here there’s a train track so you can see this holes in the exact right coordinates because there’s the train track there’s the pillars there’s the andesite there’s the the wall so this hole is 100 accurate to the game and then when um gura and watson check out the hole gur

Is standing right here trying to look in the hole and you can see that there’s two blocks of andesite there’s some dirt that goes down and then one block of stone so there’s also this little cutout right here so let’s take a look at how everything looks like underground

So if we do game mode spectator and we go underground what we see is that this mystery shaft goes all the way down to this epic mine system keeps going through multiple floors of it and then stops here but these caves on the surface never intersect with it

I ran through all of them and i lit all of them up and the farthest branch is this one down here that’s the farthest deep you can go into these caves but every single and you know that’s where we just climbed out where those flowers were but every single other

Branch of these caves is a dead end and it’s a pretty small cave system all dead ends and none of them intersect with the shaft now if they had well kierra went down here she went down this cave and the shaft is just beyond this block if you go through this block

There’s the shaft it’s literally a one block distance from the cave right right where that block is that hole if you go through this one that’s where the shaft is so when she was looking for her items desperately and she went through here i mean it would have been right in front

Of you you would have seen there’s a hole there um so it’s not connected in the game this this is a shaft that just goes straight down to the mines and it completely misses this cave system on the surface here’s their tunnel so right there is where they chose to turn left

And this tunnel like i said is 100 accurate because you can see like there’s the the coal they dug up there’s the lava they encountered that coal on the floor and that iron on the floor was replaced with cobblestone like this matches their tunnel identically and it goes to those stairs at the

Surface over there so their tunnel looks like this before it turns this is like in case you’ve ever been curious about what the underground of the hololife english server looks like there’s their portal well there’s their nether portal but there’s their tunnel portal by the way

The name for a tunnel opening is called the portal um there’s cali’s house or uh omni’s house would be on that little island but if we go underground this is what it looks like there’s the bottom of their staircase that’s where they turn around interestingly the chest doesn’t load in

At this distance for some reason there it is popped in but yeah there’s the bottom of their um stairway and then their tunnel looks like this so as you can see it’s pretty far off from the shaft if they were trying to make a station they

They were really far off i don’t think that’s what it was uh the other thing is that a lot of people were blaming cali now let’s take a look at some some clips here so first um a couple days ago when they were playing garcic phone um kiara

Brings up the fact that there’s a hole there and she says now that we have everybody here let’s talk about this iris the hole that you fell into now that we’re all here um i fell into that hole uh a few months ago several

Times and lost a lot of things and i was always wondering who made that dug the hole yes who did that hole why it wasn’t me wow they asked my viewers that no one has any record of anyone ever digging that hold on on stream but i i kept it open because i

Was like well well i was the person who dug it to fall into it but that iris we need to know who the suspect What is this what i mean it or something like that you were like reacting suspiciously oh god you need an investigation oh maybe it wasn’t who was it i wonder that whole of death where was it whole at another time like if you go through kfp back to like spawn oh yeah

I’m responsible for the the stairs uh in kfp i will own up to that not that a different pole then i don’t know different different hole that’s like one block wide but uh five million breakdown yeah yeah it goes straight down it’s out in the middle of nowhere

And when you’re just like really hard to go in there somebody jumped straight down who would stick with having straight investigation straight up no no it must have been straight down yeah i am could it be somebody who got lost and they were trying to maybe just uh make a landmark

Or something or no it’s like really close to my house so what if you did it kiara you did you didn’t remember blaming the others Cover that hole are we just gonna leave it leave it we’re gonna find just the warning sign there yeah it’s a memorial it’s an important part of holo en history And so as you can see uh nobody’s owning up to it but everyone’s kind of unsure at this point nobody really knows what she’s talking about i think they had seen the clip of her fall in the hole but they don’t necessarily like know where in the game it is

And then the day after that we see gura is in minecraft and watson joins and she’s like i don’t know where the hole is and watson’s like do you want to see it so watson takes gura over to the hole and we can see here’s the pillar and so neither of them

Seem to remember having made the hole now i don’t think that they would lie about this you know it’s hilarious and and kiara was pretty mad but in retrospect it’s kind of become a meme now and iris also fell in there but you know it’s like her first time on the server

Or one of the first times so not a big deal um so i don’t think that either of them would be so ashamed as to want to lie about it right and i see gura if if she came here and she saw this this dirt tower

And then saw the hole and was like oh yeah i did do that like she would think it’s probably funny more than anything like more than trying to lie and cover it up and same thing with amy i think if either of them actually visited this location especially because there’s the dirt tower

They would probably recognize it and then own up to it so i don’t think it’s them obviously kiera has been to the hole she’s been to the hole twice and even though this whole has been there for a very long time uh and i guess we should talk about that

As well alright and so now that you’ve seen the evidence inside the game let’s take a look at some of the evidence outside the game so here we have a very useful playlist on youtube called the hololive en minecraft chronological order now unfortunately the person who made

This playlist is no longer updating it looks like it was last updated in march but we don’t care because we only really care about the beginning of the server now these first four videos are not on the english server if you actually watch these videos this was kiara playing on her local computer

So this is not anything related to the server the first official video related to the server is guru’s channel oh you’re right perfect timing and this was streamed on october 8th 2020 before october 8th we don’t have any record of anything happening on their server if you watch this whole stream all three

Hours and 20 minutes of it she does not dig the hole the next one is when kiara and cali explore the server and try to find a place to settle down and start the beginning of the english server map and neither of them dig the hole in this video and

You know nothing else happens this was on the ninth as i say goodbye so we have the eighth fergura the ninth then i believe their first full team collab was when they dug the tunnel from headquarters to what was going to be atlantis so if we look at the tunnel digging stream lava

This was streamed on october 11th so we have 8th 9th nothing happens that we can tell on the 10th and then the 11th now here’s where it gets interesting on the 12th kiara says i got them shaders and i have that video loaded up somewhere i got them shaders

And if you go to 2 hours 31 minutes and 8 seconds in this video you’ll see a very familiar tower could be a quiet collaboration but now we can’t see the hole for sure but i believe that like there’s a dark spot like you can’t really see it because it’s too compressed but

Based on how this pattern looks like there is like some uh blocks here the hole would be right around here and it’s hard to see but i think this is it we only have two frames by the way youtube tip if you push shift question mark

You get this cool thing which tells you youtube shortcuts and uh comma and period are frame by frame play so we only have like looks like there could be something there looks like and then the shields in the way so we only have two possible frames but what’s interesting is that this tower

Is already there and i recreated that tower in my thing and then there’s the hole so she’s like over here somewhere climbing up in the shield is you know blocking and you just can’t barely see it but it seems like the hole is right there whoops which means if this pillar

Was built at the same time as this hole which it probably was because this pillar was probably to signify hey there’s a hole here we should think about if those were built at the same time then that rules out most people because this is on october 12th this is

Right when they were barely getting started on the server so this is before hachima was there this is before ollie was there this is before iris was there this is before every anyone was there this is right at the origin of the server so it’s possible that this hole

Goes all the way back to the beginning of the server now that would also explain why nobody remembers it because it’s something that happened so long ago but so a lot of people have been blaming cali so let’s talk about cali so what’s interesting is that this hole

Goes down to a mine shaft and as you know cali’s uh the mines of mori as she called them are uh a mine shaft an abandoned mine shaft but look at this this is unreal um i on my personal minecraft server i’ve explored some pretty big mine shafts but

This one is just next level so this is all mine shaft now this isn’t too uh unusual i mean this is probably like the normal size of one right but it doesn’t stop you can see it keeps going for quite a while keeps going this way

It keeps going this way it keeps going this way it keeps going this way it keeps going and that’s not it keeps going this way it keeps going all the way out this way it even intersects this ravine keeps going this way keeps going all the way over here intersects this ravine

Keeps going this way keeps going this way and at this point this is bigger than any uh mine system i’ve personally witnessed but it keeps going this way keeps going this way keeps going this way keeps going this way it intersects another ravine keeps going this way intersects this ravine

Keeps going this way and then finally ends all the way over here so for reference if we go to the surface this mine system goes from here like we can’t even see the distance like where it ends it’s you know kfp would be on that hill there

Um we can’t even see ome’s house but it’s in that pond right um but yeah that’s where the portal is so this mine mine system is absolutely gigantic so how does cali fit into this well after we go through the first ravine we see their tunnel and cali decided to start digging here

And she finds the mine system but she finds this area which is all the way at the beginning of their tunnel just barely beyond the stairs and it’s it’s crazy they haven’t explored more of this this is a gigantic system that’s right underneath like if they had dug a little bit deeper

Of course we have to do this again if they had dug a little bit deeper they would have hit this this is a gigantic system but cali was exploring right here and she did not get too far cali’s not the best at minecraft i’m not gonna lie she’s pretty uh conservative when she

Plays but she explored this mine but not very far um you know this general area she got she destroyed this spider spawner and i think this spider spawner and a couple others but she didn’t really get super far into this mine system but if you keep going

Eventually go down here turn keep going go up eventually go this way um follow the mine system go down follow the mine system and then somewhere around here i don’t know where it is is it here it is here here’s the hole so that is extremely far this is the hole

And cali dug right there where you see that see those dirt like right in the center of my screen there’s like a five blocks of dirt that’s where cali started digging that’s when you don’t zoom in that’s where she started digging this is where the hole is

So while it’s true that it is connected to her mind system she has not explored this mind system this mine system is gargantuan and if you watch her streams she does explore it but not that far so a lot of people were blaming this on cali because of the connection to the minds

But i don’t think a um she’s explored that far and b if she did explore that far i don’t think she would necessarily decide i’m just going to randomly dig down here and try to get back to the mines from somewhere else couple that with the fact that they didn’t stop for resources

Uh they left the iron they left they kept going through the first floor kept going through the second floor landed in here and for whatever reason didn’t collect any of these precious materials leads me to think that whoever was doing this wasn’t doing it to play the game they were just doing

It for fun they had nothing to lose so we’ve seen uh gura and watson visit the hole in person and they don’t recognize it and i don’t think they’d have any reason to lie about it we’ve seen kara fall in the hole twice and even if she was just messing around

Um and dug this hole herself i don’t think she would have forgot that either um you know as berber brain as she can be i don’t think she would have forgot that so if this hole was also dug at the same time as this pillar which it probably was um then

It was before hachima and before ali were ever on the server and the reason why i mentioned those two is because they played on the english server solo by themselves other jp and id members have visited the server but they were always as part of a collab never playing on their own

So i don’t think it would be anyone else and it’s it’s too early it’s it’s before it’s almost before history and that leaves two people so the two people who haven’t visited this in person so far at least that we’ve seen is ina and cali and i don’t think it’s cali because of

The mind connection but also i don’t think cali likes minecraft she said multiple times on stream how uh this this game doesn’t work with my brain or i’m no good at this or you know when she’s like trying to fight the ender dragon she was like well i’ll i’ll help but

I’m not sure what help i can be you know she i don’t think she would boot up minecraft to play if it wasn’t for a stream and since this happened off stream i don’t think it’s cali which means it has to be ina or more appropriately past ena because

She seems like the type that she would actually do things off stream for the fun of doing them off stream she also seems like well let’s look at the timeline if we look at the uh the history here her first stream the search for bradley is on october 13th and you can recall

That in i got them shaders was october 12th we can see if we go to the timestamp there’s the tower by the whole so this was the day after and then if you recall the timeline again whereas it’s here um they dug the hole on what day the 11th in here

So we have 11 we have uh 12 and then ena on the 13th and then there was nobody did anything on the 10th so it went 8 nine nothing happened on the 10th then we have 11th 12th 13th i’m not sure what days these one happened but um so

If ina played on the 10th or on the 11th and 12th not when they were digging the tunnel um think about it when you first joined minecraft you first joined a minecraft server what’s the one thing they tell you not to do they tell you not to dig down

And it looks like whoever was digging this tunnel wasn’t interested in resources or figuring out how to play the game correctly they were just digging down for the purpose of digging down they may have died down there and then came back and left a pillar like hey

This might be important in the future i should mark this so i suspect that it’s probably ina being curious oh my god with the rain i suspect it was probably ina being curious dug the hole put a marker completely forgot about it because this was basically a year ago at this point

And until she is brought back to this location she might not remember it if she doesn’t remember this tower uh you know like it’s just one of those things where you you probably have to see it and probably have to see remembering building this tower in order to um

In order to truly remember so while they did talk about it on garcic phone episode um three of the team members have been to the hole in person uh kiera watson and gura two of them have not been but i don’t think cali was the type to play minecraft off stream and

It’s been there since the beginning so it would have to have been someone playing off stream during like the first week of minecraft and that probably would be ena could be the others but i think they’d remember it when they saw it so my money is on ina

So here’s what we have to do we have to get ena and and cali but most likely ena we have to tell them to go to these coordinates so the whole the whole it’s actually just fall down boom okay so if you look at my screen you can see the xyz coordinates are

290 and negative 362. obviously the y doesn’t really matter so if if we can convince ena either through twitter or through super chat or through some method to go to 290 negative 362 which is you know at the surface what it would be and ask her if she remembers um before

Before the first hollow life collab or around that time if she remembers building this pillar and digging this hole because it’s too early to be anyone else it can’t be hachema or ali and i don’t think watson or girl would lie about this i think they’d own up to it

Because it’s actually pretty funny um and i don’t think i mean kierra would have reason to lie because she’d be ashamed that she fell in her own hole and then got so upset but i i don’t think so either um because care is the type to build pillars like that’s her thing

Um and she probably would see this pillar and be like oh yeah i remember doing this whole um i i i don’t see it being her either so it has to be cali or gura i mean sorry it has to be cali or ina and i don’t think callie would play off

Stream so it has to be ena and just for fun since we’re here let’s actually go to ppp i mean that’ll be the last thing we do because exploring their map is pretty cool so let’s do it we’ll do it underneath the ground and then we’ll do it above the ground

And then i’ll wrap it up because this video is turning out to be a little bit longer than i expected so here’s where they chose to turn and shortly after here you see this ravine and this is where they built a bridge across kiara fell right around here

And then gura and cali put the sign marking her death and they later filled this up with glass but this is that ravine wow game it really wants to rain in this game i don’t understand um so we keep going and then if we look at our coordinates once we get around

750 or so maybe a little bit sooner uh we’ll actually intersect with a a tunnel that um that runs parallel i think it’s this maybe it was 600. uh yeah this tunnel and then they they incorporated this tunnel into the railway so this is kind of where it gets bumpy

And and does like a bunch of weird turns because they’re like okay well we won’t excavate this we’ll just run through the tunnel and they kept going it’s actually remarkable how far they dug on that stream um it’s pretty crazy they just barely missed this ravine by like a couple blocks i think

They found this i remember not sure i’d have to rewatch the stream but i remember someone saying like oh i found a room i think that might be what that was um so then they get to about 1260 i think i i’d have to check the stream i don’t really remember i’m going

To say 1260. and then they turn um south and my uh what’s going on there we go and then they pop up uh right around here somewhere over here they pop up right here i i think i turned a little bit early but yeah they pop up here and here is where

Pvp is so there’s the island where amy built that lighthouse this little um cove where amazed was going to build that castle or whatever fun house here’s where ppp is here’s where they go fishing they built a little coconut or cocoapod house over there

But yeah so this is where pvp is and if we go over land so right now we’re going north and the tunnel would be underneath us and then at this point they turn and i think they have uh an escape uh hatch near this village i think i’m not 100 certain

But i know if we keep going we eventually get to phoenixton which is right here and you’ll see in the distance after it pops in where the tunnel is underground and i think right here is where they have an escape hatch because there’s the giant h which is

Near phoenix 10 and i remember i think it was either ina or kiara or somebody they had a boat and they were trying to kidnap the villager i think it was ena trying to get a villager for the iron farm but i’m not not certain and they were dealing with this ice

Trying to get to the h to get to get the villager home through the escape patch and so i think that h is like right around here somewhere at the outskirts of phoenixton but if we keep going straight you can see we were pretty much aligned perfectly with a tunnel because this is

Where they chose to turn so their tunnel the h would have to be like right around there which would make sense because it’s in line with the tunnel and then yeah this is phoenixton and then this is where they turned and then here is hq so that is my research i blame pastina


This video, titled ‘Investigating Takanashi Kiara’s Hole (of death)’, was uploaded by hypurban on 2021-08-15 17:59:25. It has garnered 139136 views and 7875 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:47 or 3047 seconds.

I used the Hololive EN seed to explore the map, recreate a portion of their tunnel and death-hole, and review evidence to see who may have dug the death hole.

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  • Rokmyst Prison

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  • Insane Minecraft Texture Pack will blow your mind! #viral #gaming

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  • Insane Minecraft Regen Plugin – Grows Diamonds!

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  • Uncover the Mind-Blowing Secret of Minecraft Sniffer!

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Investigating Takanashi Kiara’s Hole (of death)