Invoker Mastermind vanished? Journey to Mirror Dimension!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody we’re just getting set up uh let me try hitting some buttons and see if they work yes they do all right so uh craft to Exile it is a Minecraft Loadout let me go ahead and get this set up here bam uh play selected world yes so uh this is based heavily on Path of Exile it has the Path of Exile skill tree it has the Path of Exile uh support gems and other mechanics it has several classes but uh those aren’t necessarily Path of Exile inspired uh although um the general game play uh is based around killing monsters in order to get exp level up get gear gear is very important so uh it’s going to be fun um we’re going to die a lot you see um we just finished up all the content in the Overworld in the last stream I’m actually going to go ahead and make sure that that is available give me a second second here playlists load up playlist yes okay I’m just going to link that playlist there because um what it happens is um in the last one when we uh hunted down the invoker Mastermind that was a really good stream we uh managed to kill the boss um almost died in the process you know lot lots of other fun stuff but um uh what do you call it uh basically H that was the big boss of the Overworld so uh that the Pillager Mastermind anyway if we pull up our um our settings here we can see that uh here we go um what do you call it we have six strength uh 55 intelligence five dexterity and those kind of govern different aspects of the character uh we also have what it’s called favor where um you lose 250 of it on death but it increases your exp and Magic yes there’s magic find in this game now um as we can see different skill damage things like that chaos damage go over to our classes we are currently using the Warlock class we have an additional spell point we can spend if we wanted to like get a minion explosion or black hole up but I I really don’t see a uh huge reason for that I’m just going to go ahead and put more points into a poison blast because I’m insane uh no no I’m going to hold off on the on spending more spell points let’s look at the passive points though passive points say summon damage uh spell life Ste spell life steal is great by the way I’m actually thinking about putting more points into that uh see cast speed is great uh damage cursed enemies and damage overtime life steal for like a poison but um I don’t know I don’t know what I want to run with right now so I’m just going to hold off on putting any more points in right now it’s a pretty big investment the talent tree is normal we actually have a point to invest here this is this is a very simple talent tree as you can see not complex at all if we go over here uh we’re looking at the different uh first of all we went over and we grabbed this Jewel socket then we got minion frenzy which increased the damage but reduced their health then we got Summoner for more summons afterward we ran over and uh got a Mana battery so that a good chunk of damage is absorbed by our Mana instead of our health also another jeel socket and then we went up here and we got increased summon damage as well as an additional summon so now we can summon up to seven zombies simultaneously it’s pretty cool um I’m kind of looking at other things you know area of effect Elemental damage there’s another Jewel socket there trying to see what I’d want magic Shield healing I don’t know if I have any powers that can regenerate Magic Shield yeah this is all totem stuff I think uh Divinity Elemental Hammer damage let’s let’s look up summon and see uh what could okay these two talents would increase summon damage and this would increase Magic Shield that’s not too far off uh this is a Golem maner that would be the opposite of what I got when I got my Summoner perk it would uh reduce my maximum summon and increase my uh Golem summon Health you know it’s it’s not great what I want to do but um yeah over here is some more summon health I might need to get that you know like there’s a summon damage talent that we picked up and if we cruise over here we can get more Mana more Health more Mana more Magic Shield intelligence dexterity and then summon health I think we should do that um let me see if there’s anything else else we maybe want cuz uh there aren’t that many more summon talents there’s some over here like there’s this whole section here with summon damage and uh that’s kind of nice that would be another 10% increase in summon damage if I wanted to run all the way over there but that’s quite some distance actually um let me see here 1% of your health has extra summon Health that’s really good if I want to grab that oh boy that would take quite some time with let’s see 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 so yeah that would require eight levels of investment I’m not ready to spend anything I have one extra point and I don’t know what direction I want to go at the moment but uh it’s not that big a deal so what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be hopping into the mirror dimension in just a second it’s a uh lovely Place lovely uh face what uh give me a sec I need to hit a button to make sure everything is set cuz someone asked it they said they they uh can’t see the uh stream no it’s it’s it’s okay I suppose my goodness tired from cutting the grass I uh I lived that life uh these days uh the the the grass uh in front grows wild and the grass in back is almost non-existent outside of a couple little areas where it is allowed to thrive uh We’ve uh Gone gravel in the back and we’re very very tempted to go gravel in the front but currently the grass is just dead due to recent winter you know so um it’s uh very very special now um let’s we’re in the quote unquote Overworld right now so um we’re going to first uh yeah head on down uh this is the portal uh does the uh gravel get super hot during the summer yeah I mean not super super hot but as hot as dirt would you know thoughts on the Minecraft Gravel texture I don’t know I’m being stupid not passing through the door we going to take a nap here good so uh that is the portal to the mirror Dimension that one right there uh that will uh like the um the Overworld where we live right now uh let’s head on out to kind of show it off there’s clouds by the way um I can head up upstairs yeah so we’re in the cloud layer right now but uh the Overworld where we are right now damn it the Cloud’s coming for me Silent Hill anyway uh what was I saying yeah so the Overworld where we are right now is uh pretty cool but it’s capped at level 15 so as much as we want to explore we won’t run into anything any good gear or anything that’s really over level 15 um as a result oh by the way way this area is where the uh The Mastermind we killed was was right here you can see the area where we blew a hole in the ceiling when we fought the Mastermind that was frightening but uh we we did beat them so uh anyway uh point is where we explored quite a bit of the Overworld and uh now we’re well past level 15 so uh what we can do is we can go to the mirror Dimension which is like the Overworld is not the Overworld that is to say like like so the The Villages may be in the same spot but one Village may be intact in the normal world but is destroyed in the mirror World vice versa you know there’s uh there’s like a settlement spot I found in the mirror Dimension that didn’t exist in the normal one stuff like that so uh if we go down here I have a nether portal as you can see the nether is terrified and kicked my ass so I kind of want to go explore the mirror dimension for a bit the mirror Dimension caps at level 50 so uh I can Gear Up and or find cool stuff for the nether there speaking of which let’s equip my spells and uh toome uh let me see here does delaying Corpus further improve your health and strength uh yeah yeah it does that’s uh that’s what we did with our uh our setup in in marind is we started uh delaying the Corpus cure cuz we we checked it out and we lose we lose the most recent increase in base Health uh sorry not Health it’s uh endurance and uh strength Right End not Health it’s endurance anyway uh you we lose the most recent increase but it increases by one every time Corpus quote unquote worsens right so yeah yeah it uh like basically if you’re at let’s say say you improve your strength by 16 points and then you get it cured you will have an overall Improvement of 15 points not 16 because the like the effect gets wiped away and doesn’t get added to the total that’s that’s what I observed anyway if I’m wrong that’s fine but that’s what I observed when I played last so um I need to figure out my backpack my backpack is atrocious uh let’s see here before we go to the mirror Dimension or anything we got to clean clean house yes clean house but anything that’s like a solid block we’re putting away there uh there’s a Magic Shield augment where did I put augments augments here yeah so um going to say there should be other one yeah coal can go there iron can go there we’re going to be using iron pretty soon so uh uh any essential mods for Oblivion uh just The Unofficial patch really um there should be like a stutter remover type uh like like look for anti-rash mods really but Oblivion is an innately unstable game so you want to go with as few mods as possible people will tell you essential mods they they will give you ideas um keep in mind like one bad mod can basically uh nuke your uh load out out uh as it is so be very careful about what you decide to add and uh just keep in mind that the um I’m just going to put stuff away as is yeah um just keep in mind that your [Music] um um like anti-rash stuff should be your focus that’s all I’m saying anti crash okay just need to finish emptying out the uh the backpack as nice as this has been uh yeah we’ll we’ll go for some Inventory management later ah ah right um shovel no you don’t have to worry about that there’s some iron there to repair stuff with but yeah I just need uh you to be worried there even New Vegas guy should uh uh have a mod pack you said interesting uh yeah that that is true um the the it actually hold on let’s let’s pull that up real quick I’m curious enough uh the leveling system is um broken for harder difficulties but really all you need to do is bring the difficulty down as the uh as the game gets more annoying basically the game is going to level with you so if you don’t level optimally you’re going to find that the game gets harder as you progress so just lower the difficulty bar if things start turning into bullet sponges that’s all you have to do um people will say no I will play on a hard difficulty always like okay self-inflicted wounds fair fair enough yeah the leveling system is broken so just like bring down the difficulty toward the end of the game because the game is uh not fair in its leveling system that’s all uh yeah it you you brought up a good point though Viva New Vegas let me let me pull that up so uh we got the Viva New Vegas guide here we go over to we got Tale of Two wastelands Fallout Forest SC special edition looks like they took down the um looks like they took down the Glory of siril guide for one reason or another uh let’s see here comprehensive it’s been archived Now read only ah okay let me see here yeah it looks like it was archived uh let me look at um I think it was so yeah I can’t find the um I I can’t find what was originally the uh glory to seril guide I think the Viva New Vegas guy took it down which makes sense uh New Vegas is a pain just a real pain uh let’s see what else we got [Music] uh okay one more thing I’m going to go look at and then we’re going to get in there and start traveling uh uh yes okay let’s get going gear stat soul for a Tome let’s use it let’s let’s uh figure this out okay what do we get Magic Shield 95 that’s better than 63 but I feel like all of these Jewel sockets might be better like um I’m wondering what we want a socket CU we we’ve got Jewels we can use right um I’m contemplating just uh using the gems let’s see let’s put this book down here for now is this one 31 this one’s 29 but yeah we’ve got we’ve got sockets for Jewels so we should consider by chance let’s see it should be in weapon so it’ be energy on hit cold damage cha yeah this this would be increased chaos damage but I kind of want to combine those see these are yeah these are plus three chaos damage I’m thinking we combine another set so let’s go do that right now uh we go over here uh by the way did my Anvil survive yes it did just putting it next to the door apparently breaks it frequently yes uh anyway one two three take three of these no it’s not working H could have sworn that there was a way to combine cracked emeralds um what was the button uh Emerald we we do get a fair amount of jump scares in this game it’s true all right so we got the cracked emerald and then the look oh so it’s just three cracked emeralds at the top that it that should work like just one two three there we go chipped emeralds cool so we got three uh we’re going to put those into our toome right now we’re going to take these chipped emeralds and yeah shove them into the toome so one whoops uh need to move it there here we go uh it says could not have more gems or runes socketed but there’s sockets right there I don’t understand what’s what’s wrong with you Mr toome what’s what’s what’s going on hold on let’s try one at a time yeah it’s for whatever reason it says could not have more gems or to sockets so uh h i mean it can only be cracked ones NOP for whatever reason these sockets don’t work huh I’m wondering if they’re Rune specific let me see here uh let’s let’s try some runes I know they’re around here somewhere where did I there there’s the runes okay so if I wanted to uh create a rune word um let’s see about making a rune word in this okay we’re looking for chains of Honor uh chest pants necklace staff okay this one’s for Tome this is ancients pledge that’s Elemental resistance chaos G resistance Mana regen that’s not bad it’s senos do do we have do we have those uh looks like I don’t have any sen runes oh no sen and then M and then dose okay so that’s th that is the way to make the Rune word we want to kind of do that uh yeah put those away and then do that okay so in theory if this home will accept sockets we go send m and do [ __ ] I did it wrong didn’t I I did no most I I didn’t do dose [ __ ] I did it wrong I [ __ ] up the uh ah I [ __ ] it up uh I I should be able to extract them how do you remove the uh G uh see uh remove runes I going to I want to see about removing the runes o i put them in the wrong order um yeah I don’t I don’t see it right there let me uh try to figure this out okay oh H Fallout London got delayed well I I haven’t been super anticipating it it’s something I just knew existed and I Shrugged and went okay I’m waiting for it um yeah let me see okay Jewel sockets things like that yeah yeah okay uh my goodness with the grinder work H probably but let’s uh look we got the smoker the smithing sorry the salvaging station would uh extract it completely uh which is kind of not what I want to do the stone cutter brewing stand I know there was a particular thing hold on let me let me look at my uh quests here specifically the earlier ones should say let’s see blocking gems gyms and runes here we go uh gyms and runes can be socketed combine three of them to get to the next tier yes yes yes gym extractor tool right click while holding the Rune I see um gem extractor let’s look for extractor okay so it looks like uh common Soul extractor uh socket extractor tool so we need Coram this is endgame [ __ ] so you’re you’re just expected to get rid of your uh your stuff I think um let’s see yeah yeah it’s the socket extractor tool that uh it basic they’re basic basically saying hey get get get ingame [ __ ] before you do that so this toome is uh kind of borked for now I’m not going to worry about it uh yeah I’m not going I’m not going to worry about the T I managed to shove some chaos resistance in oh oh it’s it’s considered armor okay well we learned now we’re going to put these gems away and just say screw it I’m I’m happy about this I learned I learned what to do I learned what I did wrong so um you know I’m not not flailing mindlessly about it I’ll just run with the improved toome [ __ ] it equip it yeah it’s it’s still a better toome than we had before so uh let’s go over to the mirror Dimension now because we’ve uh finished up uh everything we really want to do in the normal Dimension so we’re going to go to the uh where area where everything scales yeah this is the mirror Dimension so what those are my summon zombies o uh fact that door is open is terrifying okay what was I saying yeah yeah wait wait let’s let’s go over the uh the Overworld real quick there’s one more thing I can show off before we uh go go so uh the zombies I may have summoned a bunch doesn’t matter okay so say we go out here it’s it’s nighttime and raining we’re going to take a nap hold on okay uh now that it’s morning uh uh let’s explain so uh what happened originally is I started the game um what do you call it um I started over here in this uh in this like Village there’s actually a dungeon Under The Village I’ve died there several times it’s funny um but the um I ended up going over here dying at this Village uh then we ended up kind of coming back and finding our new our home base quote unquote uh which is this uh was originally this Cathedral that I’m standing on top of but then I built this whole like necropolis on the backside just a big old Square block that acted as my base I also built those Farm Fields you nothing major just um just kind of set this up the way we could anyway uh after I did that I finished exploring like we I explored in both directions pretty significantly you know we found different Towers uh but the most important part was um we we found the masterminds Hideout over here and this is the big hole that got blown in the um in the building by a mega creeper me mega creepers are like a normal creeper but then it has like spindly legs and it’s gigantic uh anyway it it blew up and took a whole of the mansion with it but uh we we killed the boss here and um unlocked act two act two is the nether we’re not ready to go to the nether yet so instead we’re going to train up and gear up in the mirror Dimension which is basically just a reflection of this Dimension but then like this Village is a ruined Village and not not un not like a water Village you know it’s uh and up here where there’s nothing there’s actually an area where you can make uh your own uh settlement you know different areas are um uh design like there slight variations in the mirror Dimension but more importantly everything here scales to level 15 and um the area we’re going to scales to level 50 so uh you know no big deal we’re going to head on out now actually hold on this this pickaxe we should probably do we have iron o uh we should grab a a a thing of iron and we’re going to repair our uh Enchanted pickaxe so we just need a a bar of iron uh there’s there we go cool we use those bars of iron to repair our Enchanted pickaxe cuz like it’s at half Health that’s not going to survive our journey so we go over here and then we put the repair in and it says 34 levels of Enchantment that’s basically all our levels that’s awful that is atrocious uh sorry that that’s all of our ex uh what call it enchantment exp [ __ ] it level one enchantment who cares anyway we’re going to keep this iron with us but uh yeah that that repair allows us to keep our um our stats um and and stuff doesn’t uh break the item we go down here there are other there are destructive repair methods anyway uh so you can see the portals back here this is the the uh mirror Dimension and um you can see instead of having a gigantic like you know four uh four to six block area instead we have a one block area that is just the portal right and so um yeah you better drink up anyway um that’s it we just have a little area here in the uh mirror Dimension it’s not that big a deal um anyway we’re just going to stack these cuz they they they are eminently stackable and there’s no reason not to have them be stacked there we go uh all right close that perfect and yeah so we are out in the mirror Dimension you notice that we have no Farm Fields here and um yeah this area is just completely like it’s a different version of the original Dimension um the dungeon down there killed me again you know in the mirror Dimension kind of way but what we’re going to we’re going to do is we’re going to start heading south into the forest that’s what I figure we’ll do um haven’t been this way and actually no not South we’re going to go Northwest we’re going to go yeah North by Northwest that’ll be fine how long do you think it’ll take them to support the new patch I have no idea this is like two patches behind so it’s got some good stuff from the more recent uh versions but I don’t really care about new Minecraft version features what I care about is the stability and performance gains that uh the old like the old versions just don’t have like the the the game runs a lot better with sodium and whatnot uh he said uh fallout London I I don’t care about that right now I’m sorry it just comes down to uh like they the new patch is going to have to come out before they know what what needs to be updated so eh I mean I I have a pro when it comes to modding the way I’m approaching things is um when it comes out I’ll care about it and that’s something that uh vexes a lot of people in our hype driven uh gamer culture you know what I mean like I have enough stuff right now I I I I I I will be happy when I get more stuff but my life is not diminished for not having that stuff right now I I’ve got more games than I uh can play right now next up is uh holy crap I I I bought a game for like a dollar on Steam I I [ __ ] you not um let let me pull it up real quick uh the the steam window so there is this game here if we pull up the store Page okay by uh yeah so uh here it is this is what I’m excited to play right now is uh Drax andren right and the idea is that it’s uh Legend of Zelda sorry Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link but it’s uh yeah it’s Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link but it’s an indie game that’s legally distinct and so uh that that’s what I’m excited to play right now um I I haven’t started on it yet because I already said I was going to play Minecraft but I picked this up for a dollar and uh you know people talk about uh oh the the the shadow of the earth tree or you know uh what do you call it Fallout London but you have to understand those haven’t come out yet this is out right now so you know it’s it’s that that’s my Approach like I’m I I’m I’m increasingly anti-hype at this point and uh I’m more more and more invested in the things that I have that I haven’t played or I want to play again so you know if you want to get me excited about something it’s going to have to be playable now o whoa I hit the water thank goodness that I was going to die let me see here never heard of that maybe I have but uh let me let me see [Music] here oh yeah that that that game does look interesting okay um yeah let me see here um all right I’ll go ahead and add that to my wish list thank you for bringing it up cool that’s something I’ll keep an eye on it’s very apparently uh people are saying that uh because I liked Demon Lord Resurrection it’s uh in the same ballpark it’s uh people are saying it’s not as hardcore as Demon Lord Resurrection which is a good thing in my opinion but uh no from what I looked at um like I I name searched that in a uh Discord and so uh yeah I’m not really I don’t really care about historical realism in RPGs that that doesn’t really um do it for me it’s uh something that usually hinders more than helps but uh in this case like mechanically it looks good like it it looks like a fun game and that’s what I’m uh judging my interest based on all right let’s continue this way into the forest we’re going we’re exploring the mirror Dimension right now when it gets to Nightfall we’re going to get attacked but uh that’s neither here nor there we got 64 breads we should eat one there we go yeah when people talk about hungry hungry Henry or Kingdom Come Deliverance the historical realism part isn’t what interested me at all it’s uh the game playay systems and mechanics uh Jesus Christ be praised I I I I you know it’s a fun meme but uh that’s all it is for me all right this is a what do you call it a base of uh baddies I remember this I’m going to start summoning yep the cumans might as well be uh uh some a fantasy race for all I uh you know go go to their camps and slaughter them LOL yes you like it when uh games include folklore of their countries like The Witcher yes no no The Witcher is super interesting because it uh it pulls not only from local folklore but like a ton of different um uh different cultures like The Witcher is super interesting in that regard all right let me see here uh hold on right yeah The Witcher you know the thing that ripped off the the other series um holy crap okay this is a pit we don’t want to fall down there I want to avoid that want to open this up though got to be careful you see what I mean the cultists are dying yes they really don’t know what to do they got stuck oh crap yeah there are cultists there they dropped a gear Soul what the hell wow I’m summoning more yep there’s still more more guys coming through that’s a scary yeah yeah The Witcher is uh basically plagiarism but uh I I freaking love it and people go re how is it plagiarism re yeah you have to understand I’m going to throw around terms like that willy-nilly for fun and you got to get used to that all right let me see here yes H bommer guy takes plagiarism very seriously anyway let’s see here um would I ever play Witcher one to two I Witcher one is a great example of like every every game developer should be forced to play The Witcher one as an example of how not to design your combat system uh but The Witcher 2 is pretty cool I I do think though I need to replay The Witcher 3 soon so that I can play the DLCs cuz I’ve never played the W like the DLCs weren’t out when I played through the Witcher uh one uh sorry Witcher 3 so that’s just something that needs to happen eventually uh that is a wizard good the wizard is dead oh God you saw that right that’s an evoker [ __ ] he summons those bear traps okay we got him o so dark Sun dark sun is cool um like I really like dark Sun um haven’t had the opportunity to explore it as much as I wanted to but that’s neither here nor there uh let’s see orb of infinity Rune is that a that is a smithing template for vex armor okay smithing templates are consumed when you uh activate like one of those armors it’s no big deal uh totem of undying as long as I have that I won’t die from a lethal hit that’s pretty cool but yeah yeah elri that’s that’s what I was uh um that’s what I was thinking of it’s not that big a deal I uh I actually like uh The Witcher but um I I I like how do I phrase this I like The Witcher games I am not a huge fan of the writing style it’s just not really enjoyable for me as a reader um you said The Witcher one isn’t that bad no The Witcher one has the best story and um and uh what do you call it uh yeah Ju Just the best story out of the entirety of uh of the franchise but um I I I maintain that uh the combat system is the worst uh one of the worst that I’ve ever played so um the writer got upset not the the writer didn’t take the game seriously and when it turned out that people were um uh what do you call it [Music] um when it turned out people were basically uh making more money than his whoops um um did YouTube put you in uh bad boy jail for comments uh well let me look hold on uh comments held for review um nope I don’t see any of your comments in the filter NOP um um let me see no no I looked I looked at the I looked at the filter I don’t see any uh anything there let me check the offensive uh partition uh okay yep yep yep no I even looked in the offensive set section uh and uh I didn’t see anything so it you you aren’t uh it it’s YouTube isn’t partitioning your comments there are multiple levels of filters we’re we’re killing these cultists here we go okay yes another totem of undying these cultists have tons of them what the hell we’re also getting tons of books I’m pretty sure yeah inspiring Tome these can be melted down into Stones this axe doesn’t matter oh YouTube shorts don’t know anything about that okay no don’t know anything about M uh Minecraft geez I don’t know anything about YouTube shorts I uh I’ve always considered making some I have some quick ideas to Yap about I know they wouldn’t be popular in fact people would probably the the real issue with YouTube shorts is that they get new viewers right and people um people kind of get they they like well you need your new viewers in order to stop your channel from stagnating well that doesn’t that doesn’t I don’t give a [ __ ] about that no the the real issue are tourists right so um tourists are people who have they don’t know about you at all and and they they just kind of leave driveby comments and Andor they get offended on behalf of um you know preconceived notions from other spaces right you know uh like they will call it hypocrisy when I am a self-proclaimed hypocrite for example it’s just like [ __ ] off kiddo anyway uh it’s not really how they perform it’s more that I have to deal with them yes all righty then Mr Macky is a um what do you call it uh a URL according to uh well watch out we’re getting a fair amount of gemerald off these guys though I’m pretty happy about that uh let’s summon some more zombies I only have two of them is questionable now hold on yep yep yep mhm yeah that’s good what do we got I don’t really need the feathers or books I’m going to put the books back away in the chest because it doesn’t matter that looks like what the hell is that anyway uh there’s a banner and a glow stone there very strange very strange that’s a bed with paper we’re going to eventually need paper I I remember using paper for arrows in my uh uh or some some kind of mechanic in my last big run kind of weird that guy’s an enchanted Shield my zombies are good at their job though okay we’re about to break into the main area yeah we’re this is this breaks into the cave system underneath this is just standard Minecraft Caves from here yeah going to go ahead and tear through this wall to see what’s where uh here we go I knew it freaking skeletons see what I mean when I said uh normal Minecraft Caves yep that’s a glow skeleton cuz it’s at the lower levels there we go who killed it got an amulet that’s cool another glowy skeleton I think I just heard a Enderman die crazy well anyway uh this is pretty nice I suppose we’re going to head on back up and out I think yeah we me to dig our way out cuz this area is just just keeps leading deeper and deeper there’s actually ore down there [ __ ] uh what was I saying no uh so uh checking things okay so I’m scrolling up for a second um I played The Witcher 3 I liked it a lot I did not like but when I played it it was new so the DLCs weren’t out yet this is a common problem with me is uh I don’t stick I don’t usually return to games when DLCs come out so uh hearts of stone and blood and W uh blood wine haven’t played those I I I would like to replay The Witcher 3 maybe with mods and then play the DLCs I I I’m considering that uh let’s see what else we got all right so um what else what else [Music] uh still looking uh do you think new modern games are less immersive than the previous generation depends on how you defi like the problem is immersion is a deeply personal concept right I mean I can get completely immersed into star explorers the interstellar Dungeon Crawler that’s a $5 game on Steam and I can spend like you know 10 hours uh you know just playing that straight and what I’m trying to say is not that uh not that star Explorer is great although I do enjoy it um I’m trying to say that there are some uh like other people will say star Explorer is boring right that that is just unavoidable so what I’m trying to get at is uh I’m trying to say that these uh like immersion is a deeply personal thing some people can get you know very immersed into classic Fallout whereas I get hung up on the combat system I’m not a hor a great fan of uh classic fallouts combat and uh you know I’d say New Vegas is when I hit my stride and say could say I truly loved Fallout I became a Fallout fan as of Fallout 3 uh I I played the original fallouts the problem is that again it was uh they were the combat system just simply wasn’t for me and I’m not saying I don’t like uh turn-based games I’m saying I don’t like classic Fallout special brand of turn-based games and so it’s um kind of a weird system me say um it it’s weird to explain because like I I would universally state that classic Fallout specifically Fallout one has the best story you said believability and suspension of disbelief that that’s something a lot of people don’t care about as much in the current generation believe it or not that that’s something that that is a value that um I think is uh is also very subjective you know uh believability suspension disbelief I would argue that that it’s much worse personally but uh you know when it comes to storytelling it’s uh Different Strokes for different folks I mean there are some people who swear by The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and you know outside of believing that uh in a in a true Wizarding World Slytherin would be right and that’s terrible but also you know go look at uh compare that to say Fate Zero and understand where the where the Mages Association is coming at with its uh you know Bloodlines being the most important part of uh sorry uh fulfilling your Bloodlines research is the most important part of being a m age it you know like different uh story lines have different goals and at the end of the day you know is uh is Borderlands more believable um than other you know like other looter uh action RPGs looters of the time I’d say no but um you know like mechanically they’re good games so just have to kind of shrug I’m stealing some torches from this place not all the Torches just some of them any anyway uh I’m going to move on uh marind has spoiled you yes yes I agree Marin has the best world building out of um any of the Bethesda style games and I mean that Bethesda style as in um you know if if you like okay let me let me let me let me say this if you are a um if you are a fan of something like disco elisium or plcape torment and that that particular like brand of Storytelling is why you come to uh uh what do you call it uh why you come to the genre in or in the first place you know like you uh say you wanted to play things like um uh what do you call it um uh gez uh like say you you really wanted a um like a planescape Torment level story inside of an Elder Scrolls experience that’s an unrealistic expectation unfortunately yes anyway let me uh let me see here I’m going to pull up the uh uh someone asked me about uh my my opinions on the Fallout show so I’m just going to really quick do a copy pasta and I’m I’m pulling open a word processor where I can just like put the copy pasta because um all right uh post one uh post one and two there we go I liked the Fallout show but and there the giant asterisk um there there there is uh there there are stipulations to that so there you go I I linked it in the chat and uh yeah that’s uh that’s all you need to know H red carpet well I’m done here yes I am uh definitely definitely done here oh that falls into water you’re kidding me I didn’t know that that’s pretty cool oh before we go any further down this road let’s go ahead and uh cast yes we’re summoning our zombies cuz we know there’s going to be enemies around there’s so much down here this is a Pillager base which is kind of cool I guess but uh just have to be careful about what weapons I’m working with give me a sec uh we can put the wheat away we’re getting rid of the rotten flesh go away um I’m got I just got pushed into the rotten flesh by the zombies that’s great all right raw zinc iron nuggets raw copper that’s cool gunpowder uh don’t need name tags those can go away good good we’re set what up any any way mhm I don’t recognize this area with its uh like these fountains it feels very strange like the uh the generation is bleeding into this area which is kind of cool actually but it just means I’m going to grab some of the resources yep coal is great I can hear different monster types around as long as they don’t get killed by a grw or something we’re fine uh I don’t I don’t think there are Gus in this version yes okay yep yep yep yeah but the if Bethesda wants to add on to the Mythos in a way that I disagree with I just have to kind of shrug and go oh well this isn’t for me um but let let me let me explain how I deal with uh or how I view modern if I I’m sure I have the link here hold on yeah so this is how I view Bethesda Fallout I like Fallout 3 is what made me like I I played I played Fallout uh 1 and two did not like the combat thought the story was great thought the role playing was great left it behind haven’t played it in years because I don’t like the combat right Fallout 3 made me a Fallout fan because I got to experience the uh the you know a wasteland in a way that I enjoyed however Fallout New Vegas showed me that you can have your cake and eat it too unfortunately those days are done and this is what we have left in other words if you are a Fallout one two and New Vegas fan you need to give up on the franchise you know how dead money is about letting go you should you should probably let go of the Fallout name and you know occasionally go back to the games you like Fallout 1 2 in New Vegas and otherwise forget about the games that you don’t like and when whenever Bethesda announces something new that’s Fallout related ignore it I’m just saying like if you if you have an attachment to Fallout uh one two in New Vegas it might be time it might be time to uh to give up that’s that’s what I’m saying now I personally like Fallout 3 and four but Fallout 3 story is dumb Fallout 4 story is dumb Fallout 76′ story is okay but also dumb um and I enjoy those games that’s it that’s it you want to be yeah exactly so uh uh bagas there is actually thinking he he’s thinking let go you mean let go of poverty check this [ __ ] out that’s what he actually means and and that that that’s fine but in that case you have to you have to take this with you you have to you have to actually kind of pick up the new fallouts and run with them which is uh you know uh in this metaphor might not make you happy that’s why I say Letting Go might be best now I personally again I like all of the fallouts for different reasons even 76′ landscape was great and dungeons were great right um You said sneak out using all the bars using an exploit you don’t have to use an exploit you can uh they give you Stealth Boys you can use the Stealth Boys to get out you just have to have a you just have to have sufficient uh sneak skill um sufficient sneak skill plus the um what do you call it um uh plus a stealth Boy and you can get out true uh let me see okay we’re going I’m grabbing the uh chests here having chests in this Dimension is valuable actually these are oak logs I can probably turn those into chests let’s deconstruct this hell yeah I hadn’t thought about that but this is a good idea oh there’s a chest up there I would I wouldn’t have seen those chests up there I not started to deconstruct this this glorious just glorious oh my uh this is this is great hold on hold on we’re going to we’re going to start putting away some stuff that’s uh I’m I’m happy holy crap I I had no idea like I I would have uh missed out on some diamonds and other fun stuff had I not uh tried to do this this is uh pretty incredible I I would have missed out on that that whole thing yeah crazy but let’s uh and pick these up so th those are uh the items we need yeah cool yeah these oak logs are going to be very useful good so we’re going to be able to make treasure chests with those we’re going to bring a workbench with us actually I have an idea so bam then workbench and then we’re going to place a workbench here cool so we place that workbench and now we’re going to make chests out of the other ones that’s what I’m going to do yes how many chests can I make I wonder probably like three yeah that’s fine okay so we’re going to access our backpack after we deconstruct the uh workbench we going to put the workbench and the chests in here in case we need them for later what’s this feels like there’s some something to this it’s very strange hold on oh yeah yeah that that’s it I just got myself a chain mail chest piece which lacks a soul I don’t need it yep anyway um this is uh craft to Exile actually uh as you can see we’re level 31 we have 56 intelligence we’re running the Warlock class whoops uh yeah we’re running the uh warlock class you can see that this is a perfectly normal Talent tray and is not at all convoluted uh we went up using magic skill damage went over got summon damage got a jewel socket then we went over and got minion frenzy which increases the minion damage but reduces their health then we got Summoner which increases minion damage and and get lets us have three more summons then we went over and we got uh Mana battery uh which when we take damage instead of damaging our health 35% of the damage is goes to Mana first and that’s pretty good uh then we jogged over here and got minion damage minion damage minion damage and extra minion so we can have a total of seven minions now uh summoned at once it’s good stuff uh I also got this extra chaos damage which I’m I’m going to go ahead and pick up the last chaos damage node here bam done uh next up is chaos penetration where if an enemy has chaos resistance we’re going to be able to do that very good very good and then uh yeah yeah and then 10% more chaos damage so like the chaos damage is whenever we throw a poison bolt or whatever at enemies it’s uh pretty good um all right we got what we needed from that room this is the room that we got the uh the items from that’s a a a Pillager Banner the pillagers are uh quite terrifying uh let’s summon some minions before we uh get hit by something yes okay yes I just talked about how I uh don’t really care about these large projects until they actually come out don’t get me wrong I will play and enjoy them but uh by necessity I have too much to play right now therefore uh I opt not to to care about them let me see that’s books uh lost candle interesting I got the Lost candle not going to care about this area is flooded kind of funny have I checked out the new patch of the System Shock remake uh not yet I’m going to play The System Shock remake when they deliver my physical uh copy I uh I I backed it to the point where they owe me a physical copy so uh when that gets delivered I’ll uh I’ll play and enjoy again yep [Music] now yes exactly mhm the next game I’m going to be playing is uh this uh what do you call it this 99 cent game on Steam no I am not joking um right how do I put this uh yes like this this is the next game I’m going to be playing $1 a it’s a plays like Zelda 2 anyway they buffed uh the difficulty level of uh System Shock cool I I didn’t play it on the highest difficulty so I’m looking forward to that yeah what’s that game called uh I’ll link it cuz uh darn Axton okay I linked it in Steam sorry in in chat chat chat chat chat we go this way got to be careful don’t know why this area is flooding but uh looks like we got a library here a crap there enemies in there oh yeah those are villagers in there shooting at uh pillagers they’re shooting at me okay mhm got him I thought I got them okay I I got them I don’t think there are any treasure chests in here sadly just some bookshelves yeah it’s Library doesn’t have [ __ ] okay uh we got to put things away give me a sec uh ink glow sacks we don’t care about spectral arrows are nice Golden Apple we might eat one of those soon ah uh gold copper Emerald okay some more iron more iron paper can go away way okay oh we got some melon seats damn right melons are great now then Dust is fun just don’t combine it with too many other mods or you will break the intended gameplay experience okay what is this amethyst damn that’s an amethyst node crazy how’s progression go um do I mean yeah there’s there’s stuff that you use in a base but you know this is uh like you don’t want to live in the base you don’t want to farm in the base you want to go out and explore and uh level up get your skill tree uh up yes uh what call it um you need to go loot new areas so that you can um you you can get uh new Jewels for your uh what do you call it your talent tree as well as Jewels for your skills and then uh what do you call it let’s let’s look at our armor there uh yeah so look look those are runes and a and a cracked Amethyst in there amethyst Emerald cracked Emerald Point is that uh there’s sockets for gear and gear is randomly generated so um you know you you want uh like it’s an action RPG so you can set up a base if you want but the crafting The Mining and the crafting is uh in service of the action RPG well there’s there’s a unique monster there my my guys can get oh God hold on we we we shot a poison bolt in his face he’s dead uh there are more damn so the pillagers made their way out of the um out out of the prefab section that’s weird well I can grab those items hell yeah got some money money yeah we have a wallet here that holds our money and then we have a backpack that holds our extra gear so anyway let me see is that glow lyen I think that yeah that’s glow Len I probably don’t need anything from here but I’d like to check that’s smooth pistol that’s gravel zinc I was hoping this led down to Diamonds but I don’t think we’re deep enough for diamonds not in the regular so we’re going to go back up and uh leave this place and continue exploring the forest yep iron ore is nice very good perfect what the hell was that uh Celestial or block okay those are bonus uh drops that you get uh based on your skill and uh the bonus drops turn into um uh what do you call they’re consumed for higher end crafting specifically uh I I believe like rrolling gear stats and stuff damn I can’t remember how to get in there oh well you know what we should be able to break in through oh damn okay fair enough summoning zombies oh yeah we got him playing a Summoner so you know I just need to I can summon zombies and I can detonate them usually their damage is enough but uh detonating becomes necessary sometimes whoops oh jeez oh he’s right there bastard okay we got him oh he dropped a rare amulet looks like uh what did he drop oh it’s a map Rarity upgrade orb you hold on to those until you start ingame maps and um then you can uh Whatchamacallit uh upgrade the map tier using that orb maps are like uh on the-fly procedurally generated dungeons you get them in the higher tier Dimensions we’re uh we’re past the Overworld Dimension we’re now in the mirror Dimension which is like the Overworld but it continues to level up technically in the progression track you’re supposed to abandon the Overworld at level 15 and go to the um uh Whatchamacallit um you’re supposed to go to the um uh the nether as your First Dimension and then it goes to like the the ever Evergreen I forgot what the other places are point is that there there are other dimensions that you’re supposed to do after the nether but uh I haven’t even really started on the nether to be honest okay I’m out and about it’s night time great means we’re going to be accosted by monsters in the forest it’s fine though our goal is to go Northwest yeah um little bit West and then straight North I should say in that order because we don’t want to go through the ocean at night drowners will come up and try to grab you okay there is a zombie okay two zombies a whole horde of uh okay fair enough that they I have a hord of zombies they have a hord of zombies doesn’t matter I’m going to ignore most of them as long as we don’t end up uh running into a creeper thank God Point Blank uh chaos bolt I thought I was going to die I pretty sure a creeper uh explosion could kill me if uh I don’t I don’t know about my energy Shield but uh that’s an old growth uh Britch Forest interesting we go north straight North from here it’s a nice Forest but uh oh one of my zombies went off and killed a uh killed a spider the spider dropped a shield for some reason what a weird thing for it to drop okay going to put some blocks away that amethyst isn’t very important but we’ll hold on to it for now Tower Shield of the immortal Yeti see it’s got a aix’s and everything just like a normal action RPG but no I have a big base um a giant base I spent like 10 hours on uh in the um in the Overworld but I’m currently in a different dimension which is the uh the mirror Dimension the mirror Dimension has almost identical stuff for example this ruined Village was originally a uh a water Village in my uh in in the in the Overworld right but in this version it’s an abandoned Village and it isn’t flooded like they it it doesn’t have gondolas or anything it’s just uh it’s just a destroyed Village without water so it’s uh you know some minor changes here and there but the overall layout is the same like the terrain is mostly identical to the uh to the Overworld even though the mirror Dimension uh has different stuff at points of interest um yeah me see what died over here yeah skeletons got him cool got to love how enemies just uh appear fall over and die okay we’re going to summon our skeletal archers just in case just for a second I don’t think they’ll be necessary but uh who really knows going create a black hole for funsies and see what happens that has a 15sec cool down okay not the best uh Maneuvers ever going to continue North if we look at the map we start like our our main portal leading back to the uh uh to our Dimension specifically our base is right here like in the in the Overworld this is where our base is our base is basically like a big square like this on the front of this Cathedral right we kind of attached our our base to the cathedral but uh we have a tiny base here which is which hold houses the portal back and that’s about it but uh yeah I don’t know if there are any rules regarding the creation of beds or other things here like uh changing my respawn point to the mirror Dimension I don’t know how that will work the Overworld is nice but uh It’s Quickly Left Behind once you uh you know uh move to higher tiers there we go these guys don’t have much in the way of loot going to go ahead and I don’t need I’m not going to use rotten flesh for basically anything but uh stat Souls emeralds whoops H was that it was a mini zombie it’s fine looking around there should be loot over here the the sun is rising we’ll be encountering less zombies soon yep okay good let’s see wooden sword yeah as long as we’re getting um items like that I’m wondering if we should put down a uh a station for uh deconstructing things of salvaging station might be nice I definitely uh H I have one in my uh in the Overworld but I don’t have one in this world and I think just taking one with me might be a the best option hadn’t thought about that that I can I can do a mostly nomadic playthrough with the inventory space in my backpack and strategic placement of chests but um wh hello the the the creeper almost exploded there hello hello I uh I got uh rather sleepy had a nap woke up and got busy um was busy for about 3 hours before I got uh doing other things let me uh see here all right someone said a thing very strange yeah uh for those who are unaware um I don’t actually respond this is uh I just I got one of these messages right now but I don’t actually respond to hey hi uh what’s up or um what do you call it um and you know uh basically introductions without a topic not because I don’t uh like talking to people but because I would be doing nothing else [Laughter] uh nice but no what I’m talking about is like on in terms of like um Discord and stuff like that oh God we got we got crocodiles crocodile crocodile terrifying um yeah we got to kill that one too what the hell makes that spawn there is that a sword base thing or is that a staff doesn’t matter but what I was trying to get at was like on uh on social media specifically like PE people will send me direct messages and go uh like hi and it’s like well if if I answered those if I if I engaged in small talk I’d be doing nothing but that instead of playing my precious video games in other words uh if you got a topic to talk about I I probably won’t complain um just saying like if it if it seems like I ignore people it’s it’s either because I was busy and didn’t notice and the message got buried or the person uh or the person didn’t give me a uh a topic that that’s usually uh what it comes down to yeah I exactly noticed Me Senpai right okie dokie so this is a uh settlement we’re not we’re not dealing like this is a settlement Builder location we’re not dealing with that to be honest I get what the game was trying to set up but I’m going to continue North yeah again I I’m not uh I’m not against chatting with people it’s uh just a little Quirk let me see here what do you got Diablo music yes this uses Path of Exile music and Diablo music because this is a um this is craft to Exile let me see you just hit thousand hours in Skyrim and you’ve never completed the main quest that’s always weird hearing people say that I completed the main quest in about 30 hours on my initial playthrough uh completely vanilla unmodded and as a sword of board Nord sword and board Nord like I think that the mainlining the main quest in a in a Bethesda game is pretty cool to do the first time and then I use it as kind of like a uh a stopping point in my playthroughs where I go like I’m starting to get bored of this specific thing or I finished all the side quests I want to finish let’s go let’s go complete this run by doing the main quest you know which I do frequently people will very often look at um look at runs that are you know like say say 30 episodes long or 40 or even 60 episodes long and go uh like did you do the main quest I’m I think like you know around maybe episode 50 or 60 out of the you you know somewhere really high up there in numbers toward the end but I I usually use as a way to cap off uh a an adventure as it were MH I’m doing an external backup to clean files found mods from over 10 years ago that aren’t even on the Nexus if they aren’t you should uh probably see about curating or sharing those in some way you know people might uh might appreciate that sort of thing okay preservation of the Arts you have been playing Oblivion for the first time I want to play Oblivion again I really do I’m just so flooded with other things I want to play at the moment um what’s going to have to happen is I have to finish either Daggerfall or morrowwind when I finish either one of those I’ll start an oblivion run but I’m also getting tempted to make a uh a Fallout 4 run because everyone’s yapping about the show and Fallout 4 is the closest thing to the show it’s not um you know it’s not gritty Fallout like people want but uh you know that’s uh something wow that tree is on fire this is going to start a forest fire I think that’s terrifying yeah this whole Forest is going to burn that’s uh kind of nuts I don’t think there’s a way to avoid it either like it’s just going to burn everything down that’s great mhm anyway uh my goodness thoughts on the show of course call it Jace so uh I like the show but and this is a a huge a Proviso um let me pull up both of these I’m I’m copying the links so that it’ll be easier to uh throw up later because uh this is the unfortunate reality of uh get asked 15,000 Times by the way froggy thanks for subscribing uh those are the links that that is my uh my statement as is because unfortunately um like I can’t just say I like it I have to uh add a gigantic asterisk to that and so there we are all right I I don’t I don’t just like things when I like something I typically have to poke at it figure out what I like about it I haven’t really finished uh like going back and watching it a second time which is something I’m going to do dripstone Caverns cool that’s nice is this the silk touch one hope it isn’t [ __ ] this is the silk touch one use the other one yeah I looked at it and I’m like okay so this one’s uh increased reach that’s fine yeah good I don’t want to mess with the silk I want to use the Silk Touch one as a last resort yes I can hear Caverns down there I haven’t unopened them but the game is just stated that I’m in a cavernous region which is funny because it doesn’t feel like it I got a spiritual L nice at least this isn’t uh rlcraft where you end up getting uh murdered when trying to loot one of these there we go cool nice oh thanks for the prime sub I appreciate that uh anyway let’s see uh so yeah yeah uh like I going back to Oblivion for a second um I really enjoy like the sandbox of cidel I like I nitpick it because I see the potential there right people very often say um but it’s not a um it’s not a jungle and a jungle is actually the least um annoyed thing I am um I said uh what call it um I’m least annoyed about uh uh what you call it being a jungle I’m more annoyed about the lack of the Dragon Riders of Cil Imperial airships the Imperial Navy you know all of the things from uh Elder Scrolls battle spire and uh redard that they uh they talk about and then we see Jack [ __ ] of when when we go to siril that that’s what annoys me because not because oh I hate Oblivion no I love Oblivion but I like I’m I’m hit with that missed potential every time I play it you know all those really cool things that we could have had and didn’t because the developers weren’t ambitious enough and uh you know wanted to like the Imperial uh the Imperial Cults shouldn’t be there they should there should be separate uh separate factions you know and so kind of looking at that it’s weird what is this book it’s a colony oh no I’m I’m not I’m not running a colony here that’s that’s in that’s interesting but I’m leaving yeah you PR DND and there’s different dungeon Masters for each game that’s exactly what I said though like I I said that um I said that um installing mods is just home brewing your tabletop experience and that um like just like how the the um the cannon of the Forgotten Realms is kind of [ __ ] uh in the sense that they ruined it with the spell plague and stuff um the cannon and the Elder Scrolls is kind of [ __ ] and they ruined it with like Oblivion and Skyrim so just pick the part you like and Homebrew it it’s that simple like it just treat it just like tabletop and if someone gets pissed at you for doing that like they’re they’re a random internet loser who cares go north you’re not playing the game the way we want you to play it I’m sure we’ve encountered those people before Oh damn there’s a lava flow down here that’s crazy anyway you said rlcraft is one of those things that you think about uh playing and uh like it would infuriate you okay so the the interesting thing about um about RL craft is that you can modify it I like to add the map like the mini map mod I’m using right here I like to add that to rlcraft cuz you can place markers at your favored locations so like you can create a new Waypoint if we go over here you can see like the goddess statue last death main portal you I could teleport back there if I wanted to right I add that to ourl C and then I also uh disable item drop on death because disable item drop on death disincentivizes exploration an exploration is what I play an adventure game for yes you said Chris matson’s DND game book where he makes not Azeroth um nice um I would like to have a look at that someday I think could you go ahead and um at me on uh Discord with a um with a like a purchase link or a product link anything I can get more information about it because I I might pick that up um I am I am not really interested in blizzard as a company nor am I interested in Warcraft as an electral property but I’m super interested in the creative minds that brought us blizzard and Warcraft you see what I’m saying um yeah just uh put it in the link spam channel so if anyone else wants to check it out they can uh they can do that that’s uh direct messages are nice but uh sharing with the community is best um I’m not going down there that’s for sure holy crap NOP not going down that way it’s like a quarry all right [Music] so we’re going to continue on north um like I uh I used to be into Warcraft a lot I know back in the day I um I actually kind of I I played Warcraft 1 but I like kind of bounced off of playing it more than once like I I played it and I’m like okay I’m done with this I but Warcraft 2 I was playing on the Cali uh service with um what do you call it oh is this a well it’s a well just a random well in the middle of uh the forest let’s see and nothing here let’s just continue up north there’s a spot up way up North that we can go check out but um I was on the Compton server of the Cali service so uh I ended up meeting a bunch of uh blizzard employees there and we ended up uh playing Warcraft 2 together and kind of forming a community and um that’s that’s why when I talk about like all all the times I Used to Know past tense used to uh know uh blizzard employees um that’s where I knew them from like the the old uh people from the Warcraft 2 Starcraft uh Warcraft 3 uh Diablo II and World of Warcraft days you know like uh I I used to hang out in Irvine with them but whoa yeah zombie isn’t too bad he’s not as scary as some of the other monsters but uh let’s have a look at our backpack real quick I I I’m confident in my uh my Minion’s ability to kill the Zombies it’s the the Super Creepers and stuff that we have to worry about when a Blood Moon happens things get very scary yeah been collecting various Trident I’m going to need to get a salvaging station up sooner rather than later because uh I’m I’m just collecting too much gear Enderman I’m going to look directly at him if you look directly at an Enderman and they get pissed and they chase you I’m summoning oops okay there we go zombie was slain by Enderman crazy anyway I always want more ender pearls always and forever well that’s a common pig that got killed but uh as you can see there are enemies everywhere my while my minions deal with this stuff I’m going to mine some Whatchamacallit whoa boom crazy I was going to going to mine Some Coal thanks creeper for exposing the coal for me nice wh damn that’s zombie fell right in the hole we pick up his stuff good not that big a deal I that Creeper explosion by the way actually hit me if you look at my health and uh energy Shield at the top my energy Shield is empty and there’s a reason for that you see the the Creeper explosion took out all of my energy Shields I uh I I wasn’t Point Blank so it didn’t kill me but it would have had I not had energy shields uh in this game you can get oh nice I leveled up I was going to say you can get armor uh call it uh like plate armor gives you the Armor stat that protects you uh then there’s other stats like uh like leather armor gives you evasion where like it there’s just a chance for things to not do damage which is great um by the way my zombies will attack the spawners if uh possible it’s funny um oh there’s a an orb of infinity there those are nice that increases the quality sorry yeah the gear level so you can increase an items level by five that’s good stuff uh I haven’t figured out what I want to do with uh a new PS um we’re just going to wait here and let the skeleton spawn and after that I’m going to go ahead and do this one thing I liked about rlcraft was the ability to create um uh what do you call it um blank in the name um uh sorry destroy spawners if you destroyed spawners then they dropped a big pile of loot that was greater than the loot you would have gotten from the the enemies that were spawned and I thought that was really cool as a concept golden horse armor everybody got to love how that’s a thing in the game very funny okay what’s this the suspicious stew o probably don’t want the suspicious stew but who cares let’s uh let’s take all this stuff real quick is that a leather yeah it’s a leather tunic uh beets and things okay we need to put away some junk crocodile scales I’m definitely not using rotten flesh but cab cabbage seeds are nice so are melon seeds but uh what I really need to do before I get horribly distracted by anything else is I need to see about making a um salvaging station what is required for that so it’s just a bunch of cobblestone uh common Stone that’s easy we can do that right now I’m pretty sure like with the stuff that’s in our backpack we got the Cobblestone uh we got the crafting table and I’m pretty sure we picked up some common Stones already I’m just being stupid there it is okay cool we can make a salvaging station right here uh let’s let’s do that at the moment oh first things first summon more zombies cuz the zombies are going to start despawning and I want uh to have protection in case while I’m crafting a bunch of monsters decide to jump me they are all around like I can see on my mini map the monsters are like over the hills and stuff they haven’t noticed me though which means I can you know craft and pace for a little bit so we do that and then we make a circle of stone which is supposed to make a furnace right but then we put a common Stone in the middle and it becomes a salvaging station so we put down the salvaging station and uh oh whoa whoa that guy was a pain okay fair enough um first things first we’re going to grab the sword uh all those axes actually let’s see our current our current axe has life Steel on it that’s crazy anyway uh mana on kill is also good but uh yeah we’re just we’re just uh dropping all of these there we go wood an axe okay so we go over here and we shove these items into the salvaging station and see if the game will accept and Salvage any of them no apparently not those okay fair enough um wait this is the workbench isn’t it God damn it um I accidentally use the workbench not the salvaging station there we go that’s better let’s see if they actually take the wooden axes um yeah it’s a deadly war axe cool yeah we can we can do that panicle DUS blade so it just melts down the items that we’ve been uh picking up and turns them into common stones and things like that it’s uh not a big deal you kind of see how that works so like these shields I don’t need not not not the horse armor per se but anything with stats anything that’s like a weapon or an armor piece that uh you know like a necklace whatever um anything of that sort can be uh melted down so like this staff here of gluttony where it’s Health on kill skill damage increase crit chance uh might look at that soon but uh the most important part of what we’re doing is just ensuring like accuracy we don’t need energy Magic find to is nice but again mostly irrelevant these plate boots can go so yeah like a lot of these items that I picked up that you kind of look at in there this is worthless well yeah but we can salvage those so we just kind of uh you know put these resplendant plate boots in there I’m going to compare it to my current wand what’s my current wand uh see poison crossbow yeah put these amulets away as well and they will get smelted down they they’ll get smelted down while I’m doing that so I can kind of look at my current wand which is 3330 yeah this staff of gluttony needs to be melted down as well so we’re just we’re melting down all the items and uh getting good stuff the zombies are going away cuz uh they’ve been out for long enough but that’s no big deal so we’re just kind of smelting down all the weapons we uh had picked up get keeping uh my compliment of zombies to protect me in case like a creeper spawns or something but you can see how all of these common Stones uh and Essences get generated and that’s about it I don’t think there’s anything else we really need to worry about right now so we’re going to grab everything from the crafting station and then we’re going to dismantle these two so we just kind of do that I think it’s a pickaxe no it’s definitely a uh normal axe fine that zombie is burning to death he wants to try to kill me it’s funny yeah didn’t do a good job did he ah uh it doesn’t matter so we uh dismantle that table as well well and now that we have both tables we put them in our backpack and we uh come at them later so we got the crafting table we got the salvaging station we got six treasure chests in case we need to you know emergency dump some stuff that runic staff of gluttony hold on a second H I’m looking at this going okay four skill damage armor penetration this one is 14 skill damage and crit damage well I mean it doesn’t have armor like I don’t need armor penetration because I’m not doing basic hits so much um yeah let’s go ahead and give this a try this is uh crit damage and skill damage this is just a better wand overall I just found one yeah runic staff of brutality I’m going to put my old staff in there just in case but otherwise I think we’re good to go so I’m going to go ahead and uh basic Stone uncommon Stone lesser Essence I’m just kind of organizing things in my inventory for the moment but um other than that I don’t I don’t think I’m going be oh orbo digging that’s good um I’m going to yeah I don’t need rope there’s a lot of items I don’t need like these name tags for instance do not need them I’m going to go ahead and throw them into my uh garbage bin yeah get out and get out get out good okay our inventory is a little clearer let’s continue North we’ve got uh little place to check out over here yes uh Chrono Trigger was the most memorable game that I ever played it’s my favorite one actually no I I take that back Xeno gears Zeno gears is the most memorable game I ever played um due to its Story characters and and World building unfortunately unfortunately Xeno gears is also uh disc 2 sucks disc 2 is awful and there’s no getting around that uh fact and I think that adds to why I think about it so much because it’s it’s my eternal number two would um uh would love to yeah you said disc 2 was all tell no showing all they yeah what happened was their team got uh got transferred over to Final Fantasy 7 and uh couldn’t finish the game so like they ended up like the end of the game uh like leading up to the final boss battles is all just constant constant uh uh yapping you know like they they tell you what happened uh in the parts of the game they couldn’t actually make it’s very sad uh let’s see okay we can go up here I would love to get water breathing that would be great that would make exploring those underwater tunnels possible I mean technically it is possible but you know it’s not feasible to do there’s a church here this is like the other church I had over here damn I’ve gone up north really far fair enough though isn’t this where the the for like the the enemies the uh the invoker the the the masterminds Fortress was here meaning that uh H that’s pretty cool anyway let’s go inside the chapel see we got that’s the entrance right over here oh there’s a cave right there where monsters can spawn nice so this is just a normal Chapel nothing special about it at all contemplating a precise boat that’s nice night vision what is glow stone used for anyway what’s the button combination again to view what makes something [ __ ] I can’t remember oh well bundle a bundle what I I don’t understand you can have 64 of something what’s this blue axe deadly warax of brutality that’s pretty cool I don’t meet the strength requirement to use it though H I don’t understand this bundle concept it says it has it’s a two uh two item slots but they’re empty still to think this is uh this is where we were um I mean this Chapel looks like a great place to set up a temporary location I suppose let’s set up a treasure chest here we’ll name this uh far Chapel going to place it right here um yeah yeah I know how to do it bar Chapel good so uh we have a uh an area now that we can kind of ping pong back to marked on our map bar Chapel going to grab all the uh spider webs uh yep cobwebs got some iron lapis lapis is used for something I just can’t remember what oh well shouldn’t matter a whole lot let’s drop a couple treasure chests here uh yes um just two damn the item placement is driving me nuts okay anything on this side no no nothing okay fair enough Let’s uh build the chests up front this is not what I was expecting at all ah we’ll build them right here in the middle this is precisely how chests are supposed to work thanks carpet all right things to put away for now we’re going to put away all the souls these are non-stackable items the souls so we want to come back and get them later and it shouldn’t be a big deal [Music] additionally um over here I’m going to place a wait I just do crap I made a bow by accident used one of the souls it’s fine really but uh let’s put down that salvaging station here since we can make them pretty easily that this yeah this is a carpet God damn it I’m going to go ahead and break down the salvaging station and then uh I’m going to break the carpet yes the carpet’s going to drive me crazy I’m just I’m going going to break down the chest as well yeah so uh there we go now the chest can actually go where they’re supposed to the salvaging station won’t drive me nuts there we go and now we can put the salvaging station up here and I yeah now I don’t hate it okay all right bow get in the salvaging station along with the other bow and the axe I don’t meet the requirements for that axe so who cares but yeah it’ll it’ll process while I put away these [Music] again now let’s see is there anything else here that just non-stackable and uh yeah bow Bow’s non-stackable Tower Shields non-stackable that should just about do it I don’t think there’s anything else we need to worry about I’ll I’ll put the amethyst away there too and I’m holding on to this uh boat this uh wand for now I don’t know what to do with it let me see you’re surprised no modders have tried to make a true version of dis 2 or such modding console games is very very diff difficult uh when you don’t have access to the source code the reason why Mario modding took off so well is that we got the source code and then like basically comparing the source code to the like uh Dev tools that they managed to grab people were actually able to decompile some Nintendo 64 games you know um turn to you that 10 years ago was 2014 I mean yes yes absolutely oh jeez let me see here all right that’s funny hting a button um okay y you said they didn’t care to keep the source code I’m talking about the community like mods and stuff the reason why we were able to make Mario stuff is cuz like both Super Mario 64 and legend of sorry Ocarina of Time and a few other games source code got leaked on the internet I don’t know if squareenix has the source code I don’t think they do uh but that’s just a arbitrary guess and has no basis in fact okay let’s go ahead and put away the blocks of amethyst and Lapis since I don’t commonly come across those in the Overworld is there anything else we can put away I don’t think so so we’re just going to stuff items another a medium Essence a lesser Essence medium Essence that’s good um these Tower Shield needs to go away so we put that there Tower Shield looks cool I just not using it on this character so um let’s go ahead and place More carpet yeah rather silly why the carpet isn’t you know consistent like the whole thing was supposed to be carpeted and then it you know got broken in pieces which makes sense but is very silly uhuh said SX openly didn’t keep the source code in the 90s why the PC version of seven is glitchy they had to use an early beta version that’s awful that yeah that is truly awful okay I think we’ve uh more or less processed everything that needs to be processed um I’m going to say that I’m going to drink a potion of night vision but otherwise we’re going to head on out yeah as soon as it gets a little darker it’d be awesome if we could get one of these Spirit lanterns equipped on our person yeah let me uh see here I want to see if there’s a spot for it nope what a shame it would be cool if there was I don’t even know where the charm slot goes but uh the lantern can be equipped in the offhand I believe no no glow from that holy crap okay fair enough then I’ll go ahead and uh um put my book back on and uh cosmetic armor yes out a pure curiosity um oh hold on cool I didn’t want the gear to be visible anyway hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about okay not not helpful even a bit that is incred all this is incredibly unhelpful all right put the lantern back let’s go mhm Monkey Island Yes Monkey Island is good uh have you had the opportunity to play Bourne Punk by chance Bourne Punk is uh was made by a guy who was like extremely inspired by Monkey Island but then he turned around and uh oh jeez weapon requirements not met jeez what am I missing on this one level 34 so this staff is higher level than that explains why I couldn’t use it okay uh what was I saying though uh so um it’s cyber Punk but um with uh Monkey Island inspired everything yes damn what was that skeleton good my zombies are dealing with them that raccoon wants to steal everything he’ll do it again I don’t want to go back uh here I’ll link it I’ll link the game in chat there you go There’s the link it’s there but yeah if you’re a fan of Monkey Island uh that is cyber Punk Monkey Island that’s the best way I can explain it you should uh be in the habit of clicking on absolutely everything in the game world because the character will comment on absolutely everything there’s an obsidian pillar is is that a portal to the nether on a volcanic island is a it’s a portal that’s being suspended there that’s weird uhhuh okay well I can I can recommend the game on its own mer it’s just it’s just straight up a good video game so me uh see here oh wow obsidian cool we found a bit of everything golden leggings first of Vanishing destroys the item if you are uh oh wow okay so if you die with it being in your inventory it just it just destroys the item instantly that’s crazy uh is there any other treasure chests around here there probably are but uh that’s a solid gold block crazy well I want to get that weeping obsidian that uh yeah I definitely want that weeping obsidian let’s see diamond pickaxe has silk touch we need to use silk touch for that may take a moment please loot thanks good and we need to be careful we don’t fall in the lava and then we can mine this and it should fall directly onto us and not into the lava weeping [Music] obsidian we did it okay we can switch back to the other diamond pickaxe now I just wanted to uh yeah it’s the silk touch one we can leave that be behind a sec need to put more zombies up I don’t want all my zombies to go I can see the enemies on on the uh Island over there the mainland and just uh scary okay weeping obsidians away in the backpack flint and steel when did I get one of those must have gotten it from a treasure chest glimmering cloth chest this is probably better than my existing one it’s just a Grumble Grumble it’s you know I need a magical one really okay yeah this is the S touch one I’m not going to worry about that I’m going to put away the golden armor though that’s kind of nice golden armor can be enchanted to a higher value as I remember it but uh I don’t think I need any more obsidian like I don’t need to make a nether portal here in this Dimension yes what was your first encounter with games that made you interested in games it was called pong it was in an arcade cabinet I’m not joking people grossly underestimate my [Laughter] age all right let me see here ah Gold Blocks gone the first gaming console I played with was an Atari the first gaming console I owned was a Nintendo Entertainment System all right whoa zombie zombie zombies crap crap crap crap crap here we go here we go uh Vortex time get [ __ ] zombie all right look at Mr Macky uh underestimating My Age Again that’s nice okay damn it that’s my skeleton I was trying to attack my own summon skeleton yes I have uh been privileged to live through uh many many many games uh like the the the how do I put this uh time I was growing up I didn’t have of video games initially at uh like the uh the Atari and Nintendo were new things new fangled uh brand new um and uh you know then uh yeah I I lived through all the different generations of gaming yes yeah arcade cabinets I didn’t have as many much access to the early arcade cabinets like Donkey Kong and stuff as I wanted to you know centipede so on uh the original Mario was pretty good well the the the origal origal Mario was uh great in fact the it was called Mario Brothers kill the music kill it there’s a music producing Monster around here run run run no okay oh that was scary we almost uh got pulled in by it anyway we’re going north oh well I’m done uh playing the guessing game instead who I got teleported back to where the uh creature was that was strange all right yeah oddly enough I had seen the Original Pac-Man but I hadn’t had the opportunity to play it until Miss Pac-Man yeah it’s uh not because it didn’t exist but uh was just one of those cases of oh um you know just uh that there was a period of time in which I didn’t play Arcade games uh the uh when I say an arcade cabinet for uh pong it was uh it was at a uh a non arcade location just say okay let’s keep going we got to be careful yep pinball machines yeah now I played a fair amount of pinball I admit to really liking uh this one game for Doss it was called Pinball Dreams Deluxe these days I actually enjoy Skyrim pinball yep was the world black and white no but uh cell phones didn’t exist we’d occasionally hear about the mythical car phone but I’ve never seen one in person uh let me see here um look at a [Music] thing you were really important if you had a pager but those were just uh those were brand new at least around me they were let me check something mm okay all right I’m uh I we’ll be back what does a Pedra actually do so uh a pager is like little box that you have with a with a little um with uh a little screen on it and what You’ do is you would call the number like of the pager and you would leave behind a series of numbers right and that was supposed to be the number that you were supposed to call back so you look at the pager and they’d see that you’ve been paged with this number and so you’d go to a physical phone somewhere and like dial that number um and uh then uh you know you’d call them back essentially and because like you didn’t have phones that you carried around with you you had like a little little box that would tell you what number to call when you got to a phone that’s how it worked let me uh see here oh wow um okay I need to get up for just a second I’m going to leave the stream on just need to go grab a thing uh yes it told you to call someone correct correct and that’s how you knew while you were out and about away from a physical phone that you needed to uh um you know go call someone remember spam calls weren’t a thing back then um that uh that developed toward the end of the pager era and uh you know like you uh and yeah there were call centers with scam calls but they were rare right you they they weren’t quote unquote spam calls in the sense that there were tons of them you know spam is usually dictated by there being a lot of it anyway I’ll be back in a sec e Wings boneless boneless chicken okay go we go north what is this place I’m looking at the um the map and it what it changed there was some some kind of Fortress here and then it just disappeared it’s got good ore I’ll take it oh yeah but yeah I mean um whoa big skeleton big skeleton boss boss boss yeah it’s a boss oh jeez cool I got him I killed him with a Vortex he dropped a spear I don’t care about there’s his head can see it looks uh like Darth Malik or whatever but a skeleton anyway important thing is uh we killed him before he could kill us this area is full of monsters because it’s uh dark all the time and anywhere there’s Darkness then um yeah there there’s a fortress here it’s just underground like when you hit the top level it doesn’t exist anymore now I want to know if I can get in there hold on no it’s not that way when you look from the top there is some form of like tunnels and stuff but they must be underground I’m looking at this I feel like this isn’t a good idea to explore right now yeah it really isn’t it’s not above you no oh God it is the Flying Fortress you’re right when you’re right you’re right Flying Fortress crazy I I I cannot comprehend the true form of the Flying Fortress I’ve seen airships before but I’ve never seen like an actual dungeon in the sky well that’s not for me sadly hello hello we have uh boneless chicken to the north anyway our goal mhm you prefer proness chicken over chicken bones I don’t mind bones it’s just that um it’s a lot easier to deal with okay we’re going to check out whatever this is this Grove looks interesting I think I’ve been to Chick-fil-A a whole one time but um I think this is a Wing Stop in fact I know it’s a Wing Stop I thought about it for half a second and then um suddenly had a flash back to my wife saying going to Wing Stop so therefore it is Wing Stop [ __ ] um we’re paragliding down here screw this goodbye oh what’s that there’s a chapel over there I think let’s go over there hell yeah look at that just coming down from whatever the hell that all was going to that Chapel there yes yep there are the zombies okay breath of the Minecraft yes that should be a fortress full of uh baddies I open a door they all come out to kill me I loot their stuff that’s how this works H he that H they became aware of me they will start casting spells outside the walls oh no I can see how uh difficult to get into okay the moment I pull this switch oh I’m already getting attacked by Magic through walls [ __ ] okay uh let’s do it I’m running I’m running let them die to my minions there’ll be more of them there are always more of them oh yeah all right give very good we got them what they dropped Emerald s my inventory is full [ __ ] let me deal with this what the hell is that there’s some angry little fairies after me I’m going I can have up to seven minions at a time it’s uh pretty generous actually okay I think we’re good there comes another one see the way he made a charge for me tried to go right through my minions using a shield wall that was nuts there’s the fairy it just died they scream at you as they uh go by that’s said they drop exp so they’re worth it um think there’s a guy up top there’s the evoker that’s the main boss of the area he’s already dead they drop a to Totem of the undying which is nice always good to have one of those always good to have those uh common Stones as well to repair things I should look at my armor and see what needs to repair had thought about that that another Vex armor yeah it’s another Vex armor I don’t care about that the bucket’s nice though I can always use a bucket melon seeds uh a lead is oh a diamond hoe incredible had thought we’d ever run into one of those trying to think of uh what we do with that I guess enchant it with efficiency that isn’t even good I’m contemplating what uh we should do with the diamond toe mhm Diamond hoe is sacrilege I can’t think of any any benefit you could get to making one out of diamond instead of a different material it doesn’t make any sense to me okay we’ll go pick it up H gunpowder of Plenty that’s just about do it that’s a a VX armor trim as well should always be [Music] fine and what else oh we C down on string yeah we C down on string 64 string already jeez I don’t see anything up here so yep man between po World hell divers 2 and um what do you call it we’ve already got you know you know a packed year we’re going to have um Final Fantasy 14 da tril with um you know the Elden ring DLC um Shadow the Earth tree so it’s just like okay [Music] um when do I get to play my old games that’s the great part you don’t give me a sec [Music] hello crazy I jumped down the pit it was all pillagers all pillagers all the time I think it’s hilarious though if we think about it how um people keep complaining um that modern gaming is [ __ ] modern gaming is [ __ ] but I certainly been enjoying some of this stuff the evoker is dead good the reality is and this is something people uh haven’t come to grips with yet most of what is wrought by human hands is bad and rather we look for the few good ones at top the pile but if you go back to your nostalgic era where they made all the good games you’re going to find a lot of bad games too it’s just that when we got those bad games we tolerated them because that’s all we had at the time now we have H A history’s worth of games to choose from in addition to current ones coming out someone holds up their hand and goes Suicide Squad I say Superman 64 [ __ ] off like bad games have always been made yep anyway let’s see I’m going to break those uh yep breaking those down damn I need to put more stuff away should be fine that iron hoe is something special existence defies uh reality I want to grab these uh these wood logs here yeah I can hear the angry uh pillagers they want to kill me you’re not going to be able to but they want to yep you said like everything in pop culture people romanticize the past and forget about all the crap songs games and movies yes the overwhelming majority of all comic books are bad there’s only a hand full of really good ones that we kind of look at and go holy crap that was so good you know it’s uh what people romanticize the comic book industry you know going oh yeah you know the Marvel Cinematic Universe is bad it’s like you know no big deal give me a sec [Music] H uh let’s see um nice to the princess to invite us over for a picnic gay Luigi is that what you were saying yeah okay good old memes good old memes let’s see what’s in that chest holy crap that’s a rare plate chest we can break that down at a salvaging station yeah mhm you said Suicide Squad was made by a reputable developer yes but we can we can look at history of uh look at Richard Garett he uh he went from making some of the best games in the world to making garbage and that’s because his team changed and it turns out that you can have a guy with the best ideas in the world but if their team and their publisher isn’t up to Snuff they’re going to produce garbage it’s that simple video games are a collaborative effort other words a lot of people working together mhm what oh they’re going away that’s fine okay yeah I think we’re good I’m going to have to build a salvaging station soon concerned ape oh no are you talking about stardew or was that Terraria yeah stardo okay concerned ape is interesting because he actually he actually made his game twice people don’t know this but stardew Valley under the hood is a completely different game now from the original on he had to rebuild it from scratch to be multiplayer because it was a single player game originally yeah he like a complete rewrite of the game from scratch give me a sec okay we’re going we’re exploring now there’s more enemies down that way I’m going to summon more zombies you always felt like stardo is best single player well he never once compromised on his the single player G gameplay Loop he just facilitated the optional multiplayer which I think is great I mean uh friends of mine spend huge amounts of time in that game together okay mhm a clock this clock will tell you what time it is it is currently nighttime this staff looks pretty good um gear weapon damage is up no we’re just going to melt that down we’re going to melt it down there’s horse armor in this game in Minecraft it’s true we need to eat we can’t eat yet crazy too much food okay let’s access the backpack and figure out what we need to do cuz I’m looking at this going uh School me I’m going to die my inventory is basically full at this point I need to grab a couple more of these chests we’re going to be using these in this dimension for sure anything else I missed no the horse armor DLC no it’s just in the game it’s a meme it’s a joke okay let me uh check this hold on there’s a game called DLC Quest you can check out where one of the first DLCs you get is a uh a horse armor okay we got enemies to fight oh crap there’s an evoker over there it’s a cauldron what the hell that’s insane there’s some alchemy there yeah there’s a brewing stand here oh wow there’s a potion of strength and a potion of swiftness in Here Local Brewery is right I just got hit by Magic through the wall got to focus guys around here somewhere there’s going to be more baddies I don’t know where they’re they’re up over here maybe I think they’re in the walls let’s find out crap Vindicator okay we got their stuff crazy I need to mine my way out of here mhm are you talking about the uh about Yung because yes the uh Shadow is something to uh definitely consider anyway over here dirt any anyway I have to focus I see some item drops on the right side a lot of items Yep this is where my zombies came through you’re going to start Final Fantasy 14 from scratch h i mean it usually isn’t necessary to start from scratch but I if you want to there’s definitely no problems with that I’m on the uh Ferry server in The Ether data center if you you were so inclined I am usually willing to rerun stuff yes uh okay staring at Final Fantasy one they are different universes uh [Music] uh each Final Fantasy game is its own Universe okay with the exception of some crossovers uh have you been stream sniped I mean I’ve had tons of people go uh why why you using name of Scrolls tuber and stuff like that anyway um uh what was it uh um [Music] so I’m trying to think of any other games Elder Scrolls Online people have followed me around a lot like I I’ve had lots of people stalk me in in uh ESO 14 not so much I’m usually inviting people to hang out with me in uh 14 because like my real life friends who used to play it dropped off when um during the um content drought and so um it’s mostly just me and uh some random people in the uh free company mhm MH give me a sec well death Tron I just need a um reliable way of contacting you because um when people’s um what do you call it when their name on Discord differs from their name in game and that the name in Game differs from their name in uh stream chat I start to scratch my head and go I know a couple hundred people and I don’t know any of their names in the crossover memory becomes very difficult we’re getting rid of the ash okay yeah you can send a friend request on Discord I’ll uh I’ll pick it up in the fullness of time this mine cage of the storm looks great can’t wait to break it down let’s see what else we got looks like there’s room in fairy yeah yeah you can uh you can create a character there um hold on I’m still putting things away I really just need you know what we got the Cobblestone we got the common Stone let’s build a salvaging station right here and break things down so first things first yep here we go make the Cobblestone put the common Stone in salvaging station good let’s start me smelting bows we don’t use bows we don’t use Shields look at this Magic Shield this is uh not as good thank you and now we’re going to access our backpack and grab a bunch of uh random things this axe has sharpness three I want to hold on to that for now yep spear cap these chain mail leggings do not have a soul so I don’t know if I can smelt them I don’t think I can but we’ll give it a try anyway yeah only things with Souls can be smelted down I believe but uh we’ll see we’ll see what is this this plate chest looks awesome I can’t wait to break that down anything else uh this staff of the moon is bad compared to the yeah it’s a miserable staff this runic staff is good but I can’t use it yet cuz I’m not of a high enough level but um I think that’s about it no we got a sword what else uh a stone hoe that’s level 58 geez that hoe is pretty powerful do not challenge the hoe lest you find yourself unprepared okay I think we’re good so uh let’s go ahead and use the smel station and we’ll start smelting everything yeah all of these items I don’t care [Music] about very good keep that though that should do it mhm very good yes staff of penetration can uh absolutely be a source of crude humor all right let’s see soon as we finish this we’ll continue plundering we just need need to make sure all of these are stacked properly as you can see this area fills up pretty quickly we’re getting a fair amount of salvaging XP you can see right there we just our salvaging just increased to 20 out of curiosity uh salvaging I don’t know what’ll happen when that hits 20 gear I haven’t crafted any gear I haven’t done any fishing or Alchemy or uh animal husbandry done some mining haven’t done any cooking yet that’s crazy uh what’s this oh it got ejected somehow doesn’t matter we grab all these have to grab them manually that sucks like I can’t just shift click uh okay we put all that away fills up that location there let’s uh grab the salvaging station it’s going to come with us along with the uh cra crafty bench yes crafty bench goes in this corner salvaging station goes in uh next to it and then common Stones go there you’re able to clear up a few inventory slots by uh purging that should be fine I mean no one actually takes the horny fist seriously and uh in that uh wow okay I didn’t realize there was a support gem there some of these chests actually have items Madness let’s see no that one doesn’t damn it point is I take the chests and I put them in because we have 12 chests at present which is good wish I had more got a decent amount of cobblestone this is good we’re going to have to head on back soon like as nice as this uh domination of this uh Pillager Fortress has been we got other Shenanigans to deal with soon see those guys right there that is the archist yeah damn archist is dead did he drop a book I think he dropped a book books are kind of not great in this these look like beds but they aren’t okay looks like a wand Soul would love to get a wand Soul how do we craft a wand anyway let’s find out uh not that way though I don’t want to get shoved into the darkness all right let’s find out wand sta staff so if we want to craft a staff um iron wood some of these staves need to be made from other things that’s fine an staff of knowledge staff of Shadows no it’s just the regular staff so what we’d do is we’d get some sticks and make some diamonds we can make a yeah let’s let’s go ahead and make a staff and then view it with a soul and see what happens that that sounds fun mhm have I tried Minecraft adventure maps that were for sale no I have purchased nothing from Minecraft that is not Minecraft I purchased the Minecraft Beta and that is the only Minecraft thing I have ever bought with the exception of the creeper I got I got a creeper recently hold on let me eat this lemon pepper okay just a moment okay so um I got this creeper recently you can see it right here a it’s a Minecraft creeper nothing special about it yep that’s it anyway oh I was uh given uh a Steve amiibo I don’t know why there’s a Steve amiibo but there’s a Steve amiibo and then there’s the female Steve yep there you go but those are the amiibos I was giv all right this way I don’t know what we’re doing trying to get out of here Gull up how there’s just water spilling into all the locations got it cool treasure room we’re taking the everything good treasure chests are uh a good thing to grab nothing in there good floating away I got it okay cool and that one just has gold and copper uh I I see tons of ingots everywhere okay fair enough where did the tag go I picked up a tag by accident there it is MHM you’re going to make Microsoft go bankrupt yes they they need me to continue purchasing Minecraft related things think of the poor uh the $1.2 trillion Mega Corporation I’m just thinking about how in the United States there are a lot of people who have a tendency to uh evangelize and you know play uh PR on behalf of Mega corporations because uh deep down in their minds they know they like they aren’t Rich they’re they’re poor but one day they could be rich and when that day comes people like them better watch out all right now let me see here we got to get out of here n got to keep going but yeah the um the general um like there there’s this sentiment in the United States Ates that uh you know like one day I’m going to be rich pre press uh what’s it called press X to [Laughter] doubt ah geez I’m trying to figure out where I my torches in depth there’s there’s my torches okay cool um yes now then when someone uh what was the uh the meme about uh Bill Gates um B uh let’s see hold on okay uh ah yes found it okay listen to this nostalgic Bill Gates visits garage where he first had idea to be born rich that is a hard drive article I will go ahead and Link it yes Bar’s no longer available ah then just uh pick any spot in the E through data center no problem I mean data center travel is available but World visits easier okay there there you go I I linked the article for anyone who is interested uh anyway [Music] yes I uh don’t remember where the pit is at this point ah ah there’s looks like some more down there this is a maze it just occurs to me like this place is bigger than I gave it credit for I mean I got a fair amount of loot from here so I’m happy but uh at the same time okay this is the pit this is where we we get out through that uh that door there yeah that’s how we get out there should be monsters down this hallway no that leads us out oh jeez goodbye Vindicator no oh the flame staff that he had uh went away a flame staff that catches on fire who would have thought no evoker you don’t survive I’m stronger than you oneon-one I can beat an evoker it’s when he has tons of little Minions that I’m annoyed [Music] uh I need to actually come up with a um like an actual list of to the people I know who like on on these these here streams who play uh Final Fantasy 14 because I keep losing Touch of who’s who with the different user and character names and uh it’s getting a bit uh much so let me see here I’m going to I’m going to open up a what do you call it a Google sheet right now and uh there all right new sheet so um let’s see online [Music] name uh character uh sorry uh online uh let’s go with the stream name Discord name ff14 character uh yes uh uh I I I’m making a chart right now uh data sorry uh server data center okay so I’ve got um I’ve got a thingamabobber setup here uh as we can see uh you’re literally all the same yeah but I I just uh I went ahead and uh just B built a sheet here real quick so uh let’s see uh it should [Music] be okay so going to go ahead and increase the font size on that um that should do it going to embolden those real quick um yeah embolden the top row and there we go so it’s very simple right so in this case elbin uh you are um uh like that yes there you go and so that that would be uh we just copy that over to Discord B am and so you said Sagittarius okay I I’m building a document so that I can remember who is who because I I deal with hundreds of people um across multiple Persona and so it’s just like uh excuse me so yeah yeah let me uh uh s Sagittarius uh ether got it good good good so um next up is uh uh yeah Ren Slayer okay and then you’re just going to use the same one for Final Fantasy 14 that’s that’s fair enough yep okay it’s going to be quite the list well I mean it’s only going to be right now the people who are on stream right like the people I know from 14 I know them as the person from 14 there’s no crossover it’s uh the the issue is when I see people on uh YouTube or twitch and they talk about Final Fantasy 14 I’m like well who were you again it’s uh it’s the the person having multiple names that’s the problem so uh like there are many situations in which it isn’t an issue where like the names are identical but uh I’m going ahead and just grabbing uh n names as is just to have a a list there available so uh that’s good it’ll it’ll make things uh less hectic on my end I played cball space program a little bit not a lot just a little bit the physics are crazy and that’s fine mhm just uh let me see what kills you starting Final Fantasy 14 in the uh carriage uh and you just got done backing up the Skyrim mods yeah I get that okay I think we’ve uh finished exploring this area and we’re basically good to go we’re going to check out this hallway real quick there is an evoker there you’re going to kill him oh there’s a treasure room we haven’t checked out either cool he’s dead uh the evoker is dead more importantly that treasure room is unlooted we will fix that right now uh resplendant cloth jeez the game has not been throwing cloth at me very often so they’ve been kind of bad cloth so I’m wondering if there’s an orb to upgrade the Rarity of an item not just the uh the type anyway we’re going to chop these chests up and put them into my inventory good that’ll do it uh grab some wood while we’re at it good enough can’t take that it’s fine let’s uh put stuff away real quick okay that’s better uh books and candles we’re going to get rid of but uh a lot of this other stuff we can just kind of there’s no deep lore yes I just remember the wonky wonky physics that’s that’s the beginning and the end of my cball space program fun yeah you know the real deep lore about cball space program is the uh is the studio getting screwed over yeah that that’s the real lore of Kerbal Space Program mhm so let me see here not going back down there we’ve already explored well in exess of where we wanted we need to be so let’s go uh Southeast it’s South South Southeast yeah we’re going to try to explore some more remember pumpkins you get pumpkin seeds and then you get uh oh damn I killed like an otter and got a resplendant pants these are Level 34 I can’t wait my goodness the global cool down oh yes the global cool down uh is um y you’ll be feeling that to like level 60 uh like the idea is that at starting at about uh level 50 you’re going to have a complete class kit and then by level 60 you end up getting um abilities to weave in between the global cool down to the point where you’re always doing things but um you know the game gets kind of frantic by level 90 uh by comparison but uh it’s not something you like at the end of the day if you don’t want to be bored by uh you know the the difficulty slope then you just have to kind of shrug and go oh well you never made it past level well here’s the thing level 30 it like levels 1 through 30 are basically for people who’ve uh never played video games before true it’s uh it’s I I’ve said this before on stream and I’ll say it again it’s not a difficulty curve it’s a difficulty slope like a a very low grade difficulty slope um so wh yeah it’s great for being free it’s true I don’t recommend anyone buy it new oh jeez okay let’s get out here skeletons I’ve summoned my skeletons they’re going to shoot all the enemies oh jeez that’s a rare skeleton he’s got powers had powers he’s dead now y you got to level 45 and you couldn’t get into it just being too slow oh trust me it’s very slow there is a uh a lot a a whole ton of uh uh what do you call it effort that goes into leveling up and it definitely isn’t an action game in the same way that other people would expect you know uh like say World of Warcraft to be um like for example tanking in um in 14 is uh proactive not reactive what I mean by that is you like in World of Warcraft if you take a big hit you activate your uh uh what do you call them um oh jeez that’s a strong spider that is a really strong spider anyway um oh level 33 nice um in World of Warcraft if you take a big hit you activate your okay we got a rune um you activate your damage reduction to uh you know not die but in uh 14 you activate it in advance yes you have to do and know content beforehand not so much there there is a good amount of guessing you can do um you know like when you’re pulling packs and stuff you know to rotate through your cooldowns and stuff um but they aren’t emergency buttons they’re basically use all the time buttons and that’s where it throws off like healers they see their special abilities and go uh is this for emergencies when it’s something they should be using like on cool down all the time time let me see here trying to be careful yep okay damn so many jewels and other things to check out crocodile scale can go away we’re going to figure this out bit by bit that fishing rod is not special it’s just an ordinary fishing rod I don’t need it crazy how many oh that was a lizard man CR yeah all right mhm mhm go against the loneliness of the game yeah this is an action RPG we’re uh this isn’t uh build uh build your lonely cabin this is uh travel through multiple Dimensions fighting uh hordes of monsters and leveling up and progressing you know you’re you’re looking at uh you know a complex skill tree like this coupled with augment items that uh oh jeez it’s an iner man he’s dead good good good good good I dropped a carrot huh weird okay I better eat got to keep myself full up anyway uh is that a chapel over that looks like a it looks like a chapel well we’ll find out in a second might be a tent uh I kind of want those carrots but I don’t think I can carry anything anymore uh let’s slap down a um what do you call it hold on um who’s dying in the water weird are there towns with npace seas and quests there are radiant quests that are not story driven but mechanically driven so you know depends on your definition of a quest all right let’s go ahead and start melting down some of these items [Music] yes uh hold on you’re asking yes yes we’re we’re running the uh the cat made obviously but uh more importantly let’s figure out what we need to do yeah break down the hammer Celestial hammer do not care more items that we need to kind of grab hold on basically anything that’s a uh a magic weapon oh wait what’s this magic on kill C no thanks I don’t need chaos resistance here maybe in a future thing uh moon staff no don’t need that either yes one’s kind of terrible cast speed no one needs that so my zombies are dying that’s the tick noise that’s happening um that should do it touching indeed I think we’ve uh melted down all the things we needed to melt down so well everything’s in the container for it I mean salvaging skill being what it is yep got those cool we got a bunch of uh Stones we’re just going to put all that in the uh the backpack cuz yeah they belong there good anything else Dodge rating gy don’t need that these gear Souls need to be put away I should make a uh a diamond staff just for fun I think we’ll do that soon in the meantime we’re going to grab our salvaging station and get going that’s uh yeah salvaging station goes down here respondant cloth pants can’t wait to use these in a level going to say that we’ve got uh this staff to use in a level and that to use in a level uh two levels yes fine is that a skeleton in the water they can’t burn to death in the water oh mhm the hell is that oh damn I thought it was dead thought all this was dead okay fair enough fair enough let’s see across the river I thought I saw something yeah I see like a stone structure I want to see what that is MHM Stone Cold okay this way it’s a bridge I thought it was some sort of building you know like an actual like structure that you could live in but it’s a bridge goes down pretty far too H let’s see what we got down there zinc what this kit the hell is that what is that material looks interesting [ __ ] welcome to drown okay I don’t know why drowning reduces my energy Shield that doesn’t make any sense to me I can just imagine now building a bridge as your um your main base because uh this is actually a kind of a cool place to have a base I’m not going to use it as such what the hell is that I saw a okay that’s the portal I saw earlier no big deal though we’re going Norm I want to see what that signpost is all about going to try to make a leap yes that’s better mhm good funnel mobs to it yes I mean that makes a lot of sense whoops what’s this a signpost signpost up ahead 1,800 blocks in that direction we’ve already been to the bridge so that can’t be it is it pointing at one of these locations it’s kind of weird oh well let’s go in that direction anyway and cover this land I’m interested wait hold on I see a structure there never mind yeah want to see that well The Well of well wishes awaits you in the cryp of Decay where’s a mod that makes the game into beta I mean you could just play the beta oh we’re in a savannah okay that’s a bit different what’s this floating block uh that is a dripstone block cool wasn’t expecting to make that jump but I did ostriches emus the great emu war will begin unlike Australia we won’t lose oh God rhino the [Music] Rhino I put it in a Vortex and it survived the vortex but died to my poison Splash that was crazy I was not expecting a rhino mhm a real RPG I mean yes we’re level 33 we’re going to put a a couple points into intelligence here uh then we’ll go check our talent tree and you can see we’ve got two points to put into our talent tree so what we’re going to do is we’re going to uh go up uh This Way specifically uh you can you can see how we went up this route here went over to that direction got Summoner went over this way and so we’re going to pick up uh chaos penetration and then 10% extra chaos damage so that’s my my poison spray and stuff like that that that all comes out that’s all chaos damage so um yeah okay mhm this way onward and sideways yes grifters uh say that ground Rhino horn is an aphrodesiac it’s not true um there are actual chemicals that work on the body as as an actual aphrodesiac proven by science Rhino horn is not one of them it’s Rhino horn is one of those uh uh pseudo if you believe in it hard enough it’ll it’ll have a physical what do you call it uh a physical reaction through sheer belief LOL uh azurine this is an interesting type of material deep slate placeo yes placeo okay but I mean when it comes to how the human sex organs work a lot of it is um psychological you know uh quote unquote performance a a good chunk of that is indeed in the brain so if you believe that something’s giving you a boost then um you know it probably is no Shader could properly capture the uh uh the Majesty that is uh before you yes wait what okay we’re summoning zombies yep yep okay play uh Sonic uh what’s that Sonic game called uh uh Frontier no no it’s uh so Sonic forces sorry where they all do the double boost true true okay we’re going this way onwards and sideways I don’t know what that Tower is but I’m going to it no Sonic forces is a pretty amazing uh game where you can make your own original character do not steal at the end of the day isn’t that every everyone’s goal to make an original character uh in in Sonic that is Canon at least that’s what the internet has told me to believe where’s the there’s the entrance okay cool uh what do we got chase that is an epic Stone and some runes hell yeah okay we’re sleeping sleep till morning good that is why we have a sleeping bag more importantly uh we got to go back back to whever so we’re going to trade this as uh what it call we need to mark this as Tower uh Bandit Tower which it is uh W yes so now we’re going to travel as we can see Bandit Tower there uh jeez can we yeah it’s not a bird or a cat why bother troll uh jokes we’re going to main portal oops take me there okay there’s a chocoo nearby I could hear it but no we got to mess with some stuff okay should be able to get through here we’re going back to the main world for a second definitely uh jeez I need to take the souls with me yeah we’re definitely heading back any other Souls we’ll put the Apple in here grab the boots the wood in there grab the the soul we need to make sure we have all the souls um anything else that I missed those Pillager chunks are not a a Palladium Chunk Holy crap okay we’re going yes the Overworld excellent so now we are in the same place we were before which is on the back of the chapel so you can see here’s the chapel s same place right the idea is that uh this is the real world and we were in the mirror Dimension see up here um there was the uh the what it call it the masterminds base and we just we killed them and then Mega creeper came in and blew up a chunk of the uh uh The Manor there but uh yeah that was last stream where we uh had a big boss battle in here it was pretty cool uh and anyway from there we uh we we explored a fair amount but we’re uh we’re now back in the main World which is uh different to the mirror Dimension so let’s close this up real quick and focus on is there anything I guess we could repair this iron pickaxe that would be nice let’s get that repaired to possible I say iron pickaxe too expensive really so even if I put iron in there I can’t afford it that means the pickaxe has grown power um do I remember a texture pack no I do not remember the texture pack sadly forever forgotten okay let’s go ahead and put away anything that can be put away we’re going to have to get a new chest for this sadly just for all the junk I need to keep the souls but everything else can go and the Rune I suppose but yeah I’m just looking at all this uh bottle o enchanting can’t wait to do a bottle o enchanting it’s going to be special yeah these boots are also bad so we’re going to take the totem and the bottle enchanting is there anything else we can grab while we’re here hold on anything that’s a uh breakable so yeah this here the wand of vampirism has a 1% life steal it’s lightning I don’t need that same thing for the bows we’re going to put these away right now uh and these cloth boots of the snake are in fact bad so we’re going to go upstairs and shovel these into the uh extractor extractor should be this one yes that should be fine and it’ll start salvaging those without me yep okay going to see if there’s anything else yet this sword can be salvaged El scin can be salvaged but just trying to make sure I’m grabbing anything that is salvageable I’m just saying hey it’s time to smelt it down these crossbows can’t what a shame um this iron a Max has efficiency which increases the speed of the tool it’s kind of nice that’s compare it to this one yeah this one’s actually bad let’s uh let’s switch them out is this one’s Stone yeah it’s Stone and it’s uh it’s like combat oriented this one is uh has no soul but it’s efficiency based so uh very good very good um yes sure uh let’s see gear stat Soul there glimmering pants going to break that down anything else I’m looking for anything that can be uh smelted at the moment this warax of brutality looks amazing and I don’t want it so oh an epic Stone take that more importantly though there’s 64 common Stone so I can repair all my stuff with this I think let’s find out let me see okay this iron pick does can I give it a soul I don’t think there’s any souls for pickaxes which makes sense imagine repairing those with common Stones would be way too easy yeah it would be way too easy um let’s go ahead and open this uh let me see what’s next I’m not a fan of uh Game of Thrones no but I rather liked the Fallout TV show it’s uh it’s dumb it’s a stupid show yes RAR Stone Essences what else here I’ll uh do this for you hate Fallout what are you talking about I like Fallout I like Fallout uh uh three New Vegas for 76 well I’d say New Vegas is my favorite but uh here’s the thing New Vegas is not like classic Fallout aka2 New Vegas isn’t the same series as uh what do you it uh 3 4 and 76 and people say yes it is like only From bethesda’s perspective if you look at it from the creative minds that made them they are not no uh here here you go those are the links for the Fallout TV show you can go read those goodbye we’re done talking about it thank you uh let me see here moving along moving along uh we need to smelt some more need to smelt some more very good very good uh so we grab all of these specifically yes all those stones all these stones and then the rare Essences wait that’s not a rare there’s The Rare Essence okay cool now we can put these items away to be smelted all of these items the game is going to uh smelt them down into material yes me while it’s smelting let’s go yeah shelter was pretty fun once you mod out the timers uh shelter is a pretty fun experience doesn’t last that long because you modded out the timers and the game is based around timers but um it’s uh a little fun little management game while uh it lasts LOL magic thank you for the dollar I appreciate it okay what’s this this is the glimmering cloth this is actually bad as well I’m trying to go through and clear out any and all um like smeltable items at this point I’m just going to like fill up my other chest in just a second yes mhm looks like they’re full yeah that’s full what a shame um okay we’ve got plenty of stones for this I think that’s about it let’s drop that there it’ll be nice to see what they do with Fallout Frontier soon they’re going to be changing stuff yep there there it’s going to be a different game allog together we got most runes got got uh plenty of most runes I might add cool I’m trying to grab all the souls grab any runes anything I missed did I miss anything sort inventory how does that work by name by count by Tags by tags cool sorting by tags is amazing I freaking love it okay cool we don’t need that many common Stones we can put some of those away um let me see yeah that makes things so much easier okay let’s put that away now what else we got yeah I’m not talking about the Fallout show here uh uh I will uh I will link to you uh uh I I I’ve been linking this in the chat pretty frequently here you go that’s uh that’s all I have to say on the matter let’s put those Souls away now hell yeah so many jeez I just realized how many of them there are these are item tier zero these are item tier one so I’m thinking it might be cool to make a how about a cloth chest there let’s go look at uh cloth chest there there we go cloth chest okay so this one lacks a soul how do we make it it just just a repair item that’s unfortunate cloth okay um this is just a yeah the all these cloth chests are just kind of uh repair using themselves I was hoping to generate one that was decent but uh doesn’t look like we yeah we’re just going to have to use the item and uh that’s it unfortunate we got a fair number of these let’s go have a look here these are the gemstones pretty sure we’re good on the gemstones for the moment now what about the little rocks the little stones that uh are like Gear Repair and upgrades do I have a chest dedicated to those the answer is no so we’re going to dedicate this chest to them right now because otherwise we’re just going to be in for a billion years of uh sorting this junk ah it’s fine really just uh yeah this chest is where we’re going to put those uh not the ender pearls just the uh Essences and Stones this is good all right New Vegas is 249 on Steam right now New Vegas highly recommended it’s a fun game all right but yes okay put the runes away we’re good rock and stone okay yeah there so many of these little gemstones what else there should be augments here more lightning damage Shield regen those don’t matter and then these uh those are orbs of quality I believe I have a set of orbs where where are they could have sworn I had like a chest dedicated to just orbs it’s going to drive me crazy ah um let’s see those are more blocks rare blocks you know what f it for now we’re just going to put the orbs in here and I’m sure we’ll have a whole another set of orbs to deal with later in the meantime everything else we’re just going to dump in a pair of chests uh no big deal we we’ve been uh establishing uh the supremacy of these chests we got oh there’s 17 of them yeah cool so we do that one two three 4 One Two we to dig these out yes oops I don’t want to sleep here the bed is obstructed oh no but yeah mostly this is just junk to be sort chest T you know sort later type deal which is fine good so we’ve now made enough space to dump absolutely everything from our inventory um yep that’s that’s what we’re going to do for the moment can’t wait to deal with crying obsidian again that’s a good material and in the meantime yeah yeah just we’re grabbing everything from here and uh we’ll deal with it in just a moment okay paper I know where the rock copper goes jeez I have what three of those yes um my goodness we’re not automating anything no it’s going to be fun okay what we got here I have a hopper this is the only Hopper I have turn the compost puts the com puts the bones in the uh top uh sorry the the it composts that that’s that it it takes the seeds and and makes the thing there yes what about it so uh yeah yeah we got to go this way few things we got to put over here going to take several game days for us to sort uh from one of our Amazing Adventures uh there we go oops iron going to grab some iron and see if I can repair that pick I don’t think it’s going to let me repair the pick I think it’s like excuse me um so yeah pick says too expensive if we go over here bam see it’s too expensive you we can’t repair the pick it’s it costs too much more than 31 levels that’s how busted my gear is or how busted overpowered it is yeah the answer is use other material that’s it okay so in the meantime we got totems of the undying we only need one totem of the undying we’re going to put the other totems of the undying in this chest just so we have like a giant thing there yep yep in the meantime grab all the things diamonds I was going to make I know exactly what I’m going to make I’m going to hold on to those diamonds and we’re going to have some fun time for fun okay uh yes we need sticks and we need diamonds um we’re going to make a magic staff so uh where do we get the sticks it occurs to me that I uh have a lot of uh wood material let’s eat some bread hold on let them eat bread she said that was mis translated into cake or propagandized into cake I mean the thing is that uh bread alone cannot feed people okay we got two sticks there we need more we need more sticks we need more wood we need to scream more very loudly and uh hopefully no one misconstrues that all right grab a couple of those dusk blades just uh smelt down yes okay there we go um should do it mhm now then what are we doing yeah first things first I think it’s something to do with that like you put the sticks here then you put like three diamonds something like that it’s not right nothing’s right nothing’s ever going to be right again okay so wand staff that’s what we’re looking for we’re looking for a staff so it’s three sticks two diamonds got it three sticks two diamonds got it magic staff oh all right let me see here we’re going to delete that from now on yes okay let’s see what else we got uh right follow is a dating Sim nice okay Elder scolls dating Sim was uh that exists here I’ll I’ll link it to you everyone can experience the Elder Scrolls dating Sim made by zenim Max by the way let’s see okay it is the smolder Scrolls Online you two can date Darion yes there you go you can See’s nice Lo with brey’s got there o la la anyway uh you will get choices and consequences uh I thought I’d try to relieve some tension yes there there you go so uh that that look look at the website though this isn’t a joke look at the actual um uh look at the actual um URL it’s the the official website yep it’s it’s a it’s official it’s Canon you you you two can date your uh date the characters in the game it’s just great why ESO because they decided they decided to uh yeah have I played this game which game are you talking about uh craft to Exile because in craft to Exile you uh we’re currently playing as a warlock so our primary skills are poison blast summon zombie uh summon skeletons and poison Cloud occasionally we can get away with using a black hole but that doesn’t work very well uh as for our talent tree you can see how the talent tree Works our main goal is to um we started here at the staff and we went up through all magic damage then we joged over to summon damage got an extra Jewel socket here then we got minion frenzy for after we got minion frenzy increases the amount of damage we do uh sorry damage uh they do but then reduces their health so after that we jogged up and got the Summoner where we ourselves do less damage but our minions do more damage and then we get three additional minions bringing that up to six total then we uh went over here and grabbed the Mana battery and an extra Jewel socket the Mana battery is super important though because that uh reduces the amount of damage we take and causes it to be taken 35% of is taken by Mana before health so it’s much harder for us to die after that uh we jogged over and we picked up uh more summon damage and an extra summon bringing our summon count to seven then we went up for chaos damage 2 two two got four chaos penetration and 10 chaos damage total I’m going to spend my next level on 10% more chaos penetration in case a monster has chaos resistance that’s a good thing there but uh we’re slowly progressing through the uh through the skill trees at the moment so uh yeah craft to I played the original craft to Exile a while ago but this is craft to Exile 2 it’s the sequel because uh the original crafted Exile was made for a very old version of Minecraft and wasn’t um wasn’t very good unfortunately now we’re going to take this magic staff and we’re going to try to enchant it using a staff Soul so it looks like this is our best bet here this s this Soul right here the rest of the souls are like tier zero so I’m going to try a tier one soul on this staff I just crafted bam it is the staff of ease is uh extra skill damage attack speed crit chance it’s not very good like it’s it’s worse than our current one so we’ll smelt that down that was a failure waste of some diamonds unfortunately um so what we’ll do is we’ll just throw it in the smelter uh just kind of break it down and it’ll turn into an Essence for us usually get smelt damn right it became an uncommon Stone and uh some of that’s good that’s good stuff we can use that to repair items in in desperate need so you can see from here we got our salvaging station we’ll put that down there the runic staff we want to hold on to for the moment uh but I need to double check everything else so um the common Stone and yeah The Uncommon Stone Essence those can go there everything else needs to be put away in the corner over here but um yeah just kind of shove everything in the corner where we can get at it later suspicious stew Is Not Great oh the flaw opal where where’s our gym container there it is fla opal can go there that’s just more crit damage that’s great uh anyway I think that’s about everything from here we need to continue grabbing stuff from our backpack though uh yes good good coal we can is it raining it’s raining cool I don’t mind to look outside though o we’re in the cloud layer we’re in the clouds this ain’t the B ain’t the place to be right now High Elves French jeez it’s a loud storm much louder than I remember it being oh well what I need now I I need to make a extra salvaging station if possible I guess that isn’t necessary at the moment but it’s something I’d like to do sooner rather than later contemplating if there’s anything else we want to do we’ve got enough bread we don’t have to worry about anything we let’s head back to the mirror Dimension now because the uh main Dimension isn’t that big a deal so uh like the the dimension we’re in right now caps at level 15 so I’m going to put the enchanted golden apple up there but the suspicious stew in the music disc need to go oh God I still have that diamond hoe that’s nuts on yeah I can hear the storm from like several levels underground that’s Bonkers okay Diamond ho do music disc I don’t care oh is that the extra book yeah I don’t need that Magic Shield either yeah I think we’re uh good to travel now I just um I’m kind of concerned about my iron pickaxe I should make a new one just for uh the sake of travel I’ve got my silk this is not the silk touch meaning my my silk touch pickaxe ended up somewhere and I didn’t pay attention to where I put it damn it oh well doesn’t matter let’s grab this and the sticks and let’s make ourselves a uh an iron pickaxe it’s our current one is kind of damaged we’ll uh only rely on our current one if we need to afterwards so in the meantime put those there put that there bam new iron pickaxe to replace the old one um I got this iron axe for chopping trees I’m fine with digging uh let’s get a shovel screw it might as well we’re we’re good for iron now like we we have enough iron to the point where I don’t feel bad about using iron for basically everything okay building anything uh big probably not other than another base maybe if I decide I want to hang out in the nether or someplace else I’ll build a a big base in that Dimension currently though we’re exploring the mirror Dimension which I like don’t get me wrong the mirror Dimension is really cool uh let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of these real quick these crossbows I’m never using a crossbow so there’s no reason not to just let it get uh smelted down let’s go ahead and smelt some real quick if anything I’m raising my smelting skill uh there we go one 2 3 4 5 cool my salvaging skill is going up but um I got the pickaxe I got the axe I need to F I need to go downstairs and see if uh I can find my other diamond pickaxe let’s see worst case scenario we pick up a bunch of stuff to meltdown it’s no big deal um seraphim chest plate yeah there’s a fair number of items I’ve found that can be smelted down that’s cool but uh what else these are these are lowl items that just need to be broken this one’s 34 and these resplendant cloth pants are actually pretty good let’s uh hold on to those and just break down the others h no pickaxe though just checking real quick we’ll see those are the extra totems totems totems [Music] totems no i’ I’d say we just grab some potions and run yeah grab a couple restoration potions and a couple Mana potions and get the hell out of here yeah mhm mining stuff to craft stuff and consume stuff to mine stuff with well and uh fight enemies to level up using my skills as a uh as a warlock specifically poison blast summon zombie uh some skeletons poison cloud and sometimes black hole we can also detonate our minions um what do you call it uh our talents here again we like the big game changer talents we picked up were the Summoner Talent over here the uh minion frenzy uh maximum summons chaos damage and Mana battery among others you know PL we’ve got some Jewel sockets as well keep in mind we got to use uh our skills can be powered up with these um with these support gems so our poison blast actually has like faster projectile speed and uh and damage and then you know G gives me magic shield on hits so I get some of my energy Shield back every time I uh hit someone with a poison bolt stuff like that so we’ve currently finished uh like the the main goal here hold on let’s just go upstairs uh oh ho ho so the main goal of the starting Dimension uh the Overworld is to uh find and kill the uh the invoker and uh we ended up finding him eventually he’s The Mastermind he was right here in this Fortress now that said a mega creeper appeared that’s a creeper with like you know like spindly legs and it’s gigantic if blew up this hole in in the Fortress while we were fighting it was really funny um but uh yeah it’s um we we we went through the quest line defeated the uh Mastermind and opened the way to the nether now the nether is open we have quests to do there however the nether is kicking our ass and while the Overworld caps at level 15 we are going to an alternate Dimension called the mirror world that caps at level 50 and is um what do you call it almost identical to the Overworld but has some changes so for example like uh if you look at the Village over here uh right next to us this Village looks like it’s it’s like it’s got Pathways that go through water right this Village is no longer in water and is completely destroyed like they’re just empty shells of buildings that have been like torn apart um in the mirror Dimension you know whereas there are actual people living here in the uh in our Dimension so uh there are differences between the two worlds anyway let’s go ahead and put away we’re going to smelt down some of these uh pieces of gear I don’t want you ever heard of Path of Exile this is called Craft 2 Exile 2 it’s the sequel the original craft to Exile is running on an outdated engine and runs poorly uh and is prone to crashes this less so we’re just smelting down these items getting some uh crafty components uh out of the uh gear any gear that has a soul uh can be converted into these uh materials yeah so but uh you can dual spec in this so you can be two different classes at once but that’s your limit all right I think we’re good let’s go ahead and put everything away and then we’ll head back to the mirror Dimension yeah that should do it I’m keep I’m going to keep this resplendant chest along with this runic staff cuz Next Level I’ll be able to upgrade to these I’m looking forward to that mm yes casually visit hell that’s better um damn Let’s uh dig this out that’s much better okay I think we’re done here so down here there is a nether portal but the again the nether kicked our ass so we we kind of just keep it behind this gate in rlcraft the mod that I was playing a while ago uh nether creatures could actually start encroaching through the portal so you had to keep it you know keep them sealed basically that that’s what this gate is for is to keep the nether creatures out even though I’ve seen no evidence of nether creatures infiltrating in this uh mod pack it’s uh it’s something that it’s a habit that I made with RL craft and I’m just sticking to um did the same thing with this Dimension here we go we’re jumping into the uh uh the other dimension yes okay let’s get going going to keep these potions down here for now we are now in the mirror Dimension should should be mourning anytime now oh there’s a chocoo chocobos are the uh Premier mounts that uh you’re expected to get they’re G Shaw greens all over the world you collect those feed them to the chocoo and they’ll let you ride you can breed chocobos to get a better chocoo the best chocobos can fly yes what’s the difference between the mirror I just talked about that you missed it see this uh completely ruined Village this was an intact Village in the in the regular Dimension yeah uh the ne the nether what are you talking the nether is a is hell yeah you’ve never seen the nether before that’s interesting okay the mirror Dimension is the New Concept you want to see the nether here we go I can’t wait to die here here we’ll go downstairs and I’ll show you the nether okay mhm here’s the nether look it’s a great place don’t you want to live here don’t you don’t you want to live in the nether it’s a great place yeah yeah lava waterfalls and everything okay you can see something resembling the sky that’s just uh load distance issues we can see further than the game can render that’s all yeah okay whoops uh we got to go we’re going back to the mirror dimension for a while we’re training up in the mirror Dimension yes okay we’re in the mirror Dimension now we’re going to we’re going to check the map actually yeah the map the map Works Cool okay we were at Bandit Tower so we’re just going to warp over there yeah this is where we left off is in the Bandit Tower and we were looting this stuff yeah it’s it’s uh we’re just looting the items of the Bandit Tower no problem this is our backpack don’t need the goat horn but I definitely need the orb of infinity and potatoes carrots yes runes no problem why did I keep those crossbows damn it I I could have had a larger inventory than this oh well we’ve looted the Bandit Tower let’s go got probably pillagers to fight around here that is a [Music] smoker well skeletons going to fight them very good I heard an angry lizard man who just fell over and died excellent that’ll work you can see we’re hunting the enemies and looting their corpse but uh more importantly it looks like there’s a base up there yeah there’s some some kind of tower like right uh oh it’s a that’s an alchemist oh The Alchemist is dead good I wonder what he dropped uh gemstone crazy oh pillagers oh yeah this was a Pillager Fortress that I knocked over it makes sense there are pillagers around uhhuh yep the skeletons and the pillagers aren’t fighting each other that’s crazy it’s almost like they’re on the side of evil but no uh we did well enough let’s grab our stuff and go uh yes there are more but I want to go check out that area in the distance Southeast I say is more spiders spawn in good mhm pillaging the pillagers is a good deed correct absolutely correct anyway uh when we get to the other side let’s check out this Tower I’m interested to see what it is there’s a Pillager over there I’m assuming this is a second Pillager base yeah this is another Pillager base there two of them right next to each other that’s crazy Dam yeah I’m regenerating my energy Shield like they’re shooting me with their crossbows and stuff and then I’m regenerating my energy Shield using my uh bolts my my poison bolts here are uh have a support Rune in them that a support gym I should say that regenerates your uh energy Shield a little bit every time they hit so I’m just kind of uh using this I’m getting um every time these hit I get a uh Soul charge and then I can release that charge on my uh oh jeez it’s a rhino got to kill that thing good good don’t see anything there it’s fine yeah it looks like this is one giant Pillager camp that has two like two sections yep good oh Jesus that that’s an invoker I didn’t realize that we had a Pillager invoker so soon that’s it’s not the invoker Mastermind just a regular invoker you can see he’s trying to kill me with those traps and summons good yeah it has minions it’s fine kill them all Enderman [Music] Enderman they get very angry if you look at them oh jeez okay let’s go back over and check out that other Pillager compound over there by uh this direction we’re getting hungry though that is the Bandit Tower we checked out though this one over here so yeah my inventory is completely full I’m just going to feed everything into the backpack for now that’s a lot of bows damn kind of see we’re just kind of spam poison until he’s very much dead okay lot going on there emu oh oh no begin the war has it’s an emu begin the Emu War has I made a joke about the Emu War earlier because of Australia you know declaring war on the birds and then uh losing to the birds the population still persists really the farmers just learned to build better fences but yeah Australia lost a war against the birds it’s true uh let’s see uh yes here here is a picture from the great emu War you can see there they uh they managed to kill a couple of them yeah all right here we go mhm oh [ __ ] no no no look at this 986 emu confirmed killed one minimal impact on the overall emu population where you go that was the outcome no okay let’s let’s go back to I’m I’m going to go to the uh the good thing about Wikipedia is that we can look at older versions of Articles and we’re going go do that right now we’re going to view history I’m going to go back like uh this is there’s a lot of 2023 now let’s go back to like I want to see one of the earlier versions of this article before they uh edited it let’s see okay like 2018 let’s go read this version of it here we go this this is the one I read okay here we go check check this [ __ ] out date the 2nd of November to the 10th of December 1932 location Campion District Western Australia also known as great emu War participants emu Sir George Pierce major gpw Meredith Royal Australian artillery outcome failure emu population persists see aftermath there you go though see see failure emu population persists that’s the the the original statement there I I I I that that’s how I remember the great emu War as as failure okay that’s the great thing about a Wiki is you can go back to previous iterations of the Articles like uh the the newer uh version uh is more informative yes but is it as funny no okay we’ve looted a fair amount we’re going to go check out the other Pillager Tower there’s so many pillagers here holy crap I need to summon more zombies I can have up to seven zombies summoned at a time there’s no excuse for me only having two running around yes okay let’s go up the tower level 34 the time has come new staff new uh new pants uh yes new staff new pants okay let’s get those let’s get equipped okay new pants and new staff hell yeah going to say does a lot more damage so this is this is good going to put the other two the old staff and old pants away actually I’m going to put a lot of things away I’m looking at this it’s a voodoo hat of the Drake it’s it increases totem damage what does my current hat do let’s find out my current hat is lightning resistance song skill this is a Bard hat [ __ ] that we’re we’re going with uh we’re going with our uh the totem damage hat cuz that’s just better 21 53 yeah yeah absolutely I’ve massively increased my energy shield now so I’ve replaced three parts of my gear this a copper backpack what the hell a bandit had a copper backpack I mean I have a diamond backpack so it’s way better by like an order of magnitude but uh I want to see what’s in this copper backpack now I’m I’m curious so let’s uh get equipped oh jeez it had some golden stuff in it I’m going to keep this around actually hold on this is great we can use this back yeah this single backpack item can hold a bunch of other stuff now here’s the real question okay the real question is can I put the backpack in the backpack no no they don’t they don’t let you put a backpack and a backpack they know what happens when you put a bag of holding in another bag of holding and then uh a black black hole opens up and kills everybody H jeez okay what do we got here gemstones hell yeah mhm I am so glad that we still have Buffalo because uh cooked properly their meat is so good also uh nature is you know it’s it’s te it’s morally wrong for us to you know wipe out whole species and all I I will say that much however from a personal perspective a a thing that speaks to me is uh buffalo meat is actually pretty good when properly cooked anyway let’s get going I have bad Omen five wonder why this way now yeah we got to keep uh I I just want to kind of fill in this area I haven’t been here in the normal Dimension so it’s interesting just exploring this is a cool area I should at some point take the fight to the like the lower depths I didn’t do that in the over Overworld I didn’t um go to the lower depths at at all basically um just once or twice yeah had buffalo burger at a festival was pretty good yeah absolutely okay it’s always good to know that uh you know they there will be some preservation of natural species of course what about mosquitoes yeah mosquitoes do suck don’t they damn it trying to get this iron as long as I grab every iron I see I will never have uh issues with iron yep we’re getting a fair amount of coal as well if we combine sticks and coal we’ll make torches I need a fair amount of torches come to think of it I don’t think we have enough right now uh or any really no we don’t have any torches so I’m going to do that I’m going to fix things up so actually let’s let’s take this backpack and I’m just going to put uh I’m going to put everything away here the St staff of restoration heal strength that’s interesting um going to ignore it for now but that’s pretty cool okay so anything that doesn’t stack like these gems the souls I’m going to take like basically non stackables and going to put them in that second backpack right now this is kind of amazing I I didn’t think about that like the possibility of um you know [Music] actually um jeez you know what this crossbow it doesn’t have a soul and these items that don’t have souls we’re just going to throw away we’re going to we’re going to get rid of them so it’s fine that that we’ve cleared up our inventory quite a bit yeah that’s good okay so um good we open the upper backpack and we put away all this stuff good so yeah the copper backpack can sit in our inventory and it just takes up the one slot and it’s all these slots so that’s great uh now these crossbows we’re actually going to consign to the trash slot which deletes them from the game that is not a problem and now we access this good uh anything else uh a ring staff that Focus staff of pet uh penetration oh boy U I’m going to hold off on that just going to put that in the area with everything else and probably delete it soon who knows uh e cruel rusted sword lacquer Shield okay yeah cool we’ve cleared up our inventory quite a bit now that we have this extra backpack I’m so happy like we got an extra inventory basically that’s uh that’s just the reality of it let double our inventory um essentially or at least two more lines of it and that is glorious okay delete those and then put these two away yeah our inventory is much better than it was before I’m super happy about that just what a random Loot drop can do for you I had no idea absolutely no idea that you could carry around extra backpacks and that they would count as inventory you know like that never occurred to me that I could just bam you know open the backpack throw some stuff in it no problem these arrows are not needed I do not use arrows so get out of here let’s see what is this that’s the blue skies manual I don’t need that and this [Music] is ARS arcs I don’t understand what does it mean arcs okay then so we go south but out of this hole so weird not seeing any companions around it’s cuz I uh didn’t spawn any new ones in finding a Summoner and I’m all alone but the Savannah’s over there so the there’s another Savannah with a pillagers tower I believe doesn’t matter I just need to figure out what’s where we’re exploring wait it’s a bear I am going to assume the bear doesn’t want to kill us but at the same same time I’m summoning my zombies just in case let’s let’s go talk to the bear well never mind never mind oh damn the uh the Regeneration on uh my energy Shield plus the sheer amount of Shield okay that’s not a pillagers tower that’s one of those Eastern uh inspired Towers filled with ghosts and goblins and loot I’m I’m grabbing the loot of course but um yeah this is good I will definitely wait what’s this says 300 blocks that way and 1,400 blocks that way okay so 300 blocks in this direction I’m pretty sure I can just run that way and see if there’s something we’ll see what uh it’s pointing at that a slime a rare mer of frost mer think’s just that’s yeah it’s like a little pig thing damn it does have Frost Powers it died but didn’t give me any XP but oh I see it I I see the there’s like a little village over there damn break through Break On Through God did I just get some air of the bear that’s a uh yeah there’s a village over there is this Stonehedge yeah we found a ston hedge more importantly there’s some kind of Village over there we can go back to that Tower later the village looks more important considering the Sun is going down we don’t need to steal anyone’s bed we have temporary beds that we can use it’s just uh you know pain suffering horses the horses respawn that’s the question that is like what a weird Fortress house this isn’t a village this is this got to be like a town hall oh what’s this hold on hold on hold on what’s this a bounty board okay they want a cure cure a zombie villager to get an ender pearl oh God that thing took like two-third of my energy Shield before I realized the drowner was coming for me oh yeah okay secure a zombie villager emerald plus gold lapis and uh Mana potion what’s this uh blaze powder yeah I don’t I don’t want to do any of these I think damn pillagers oh there’s a raid on this Village okay fair enough there’s two Raiders left so this is indeed a village being raided I can raate it myself as well but uh you know who’s left there’s supposed to be two pillagers around somewhere oh yeah this is a big town didn’t realize how big it was is that a pillar no it’s a skeleton damn I was hoping it was a pillar nothing of the sort what a shame I like how some of these houses are overwater very silly haven’t found any evidence of pillagers though it says there’s one Raider left but I feel like that might be a lie most of the P oh jeez never mind we got creepers out here yeah that was a legendary or oh sorry an uncommon oh big zombie zombie Hulk that zombie Hulk’s about to revive itself guaranteed I uh held it in place with my Powers it’s got one more life left in it before it uh it’s going to reincarnate one more time see it gets back up that think can knock you into the air and kill you okay it’s dead dead pretty sure I’m almost certain it only has three lives four Lives four lives okay fair enough yeah I got special boots apparently what’s happening my zombies are pissing off Endermen there are so many Enderman here yep [Music] okay so many angry oh vampire enemy crazy uh wait hold on yeah I dodge rolled away from a creeper more importantly what the hell is going on here with the beef and leather and everything yeah this is nuts so much gear oh nice uh there’s still supposed to be one more Raider around I don’t know where they are mhm you playing this mod pack a ton since uh my stream first introduced you to it cool it’s a fun pack there’s a lot to do and it really does feel like you’re making progress uh it’s like an action RPG not necessarily a uh uh what do you call it not NE not necessarily it still is an open World sandbox but there are things to do on who’s shooting me the Pillager is dead Okay looks like there’s a new uh the raid is going up to next phase let’s figure out who is where uh okay uh chicken chicken chicken I don’t see the Sheep skeleton I don’t see the pillagers though I see zombies I see unemployed that’s pretty funny no well my zombies will kill absolutely everything that’s not a question I hear them I hear where they’re coming from they’re coming from this side they blow their horn and then they attack there they are oh they got a Caster with them it’s a good thing I’m spraying poison all over the place wow I lost some of my health that was that was crazy thankfully my bolts give me my health uh my energy Shield back or I would be uh very unhappy right about now oh that’s a legendary skeleton well screw you legendary skeleton I give you Vortex well you get vortexed oh jeez a creeper just jumped in and exploded that was funny that was very funny okay yeah creepers keep appearing behind me and sizzling very silly there is one Raider left somewhere no idea we’re 52% into our current level but you can oh there’s a mega skeleton there crazy okay I need to use another Vortex [ __ ] this uh Mega skeleton get vortexed damn he’s outside the radius I failed to hit him properly there we go we got him good [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn’t mean to kill the horse it’s too late I I saw a rider and was thinking oh no we must fight the rider no it’s it’s a oh chase that was scary mhm what’s next got him freaking creers yes it’s diablo music Path of Exile and Diablo music are in this pack that is absolutely true speaking of uh Diablo look at this amazing spear which we’re going to melt down or this respondent chest piece with its two sockets you like they aren’t uh they aren’t trying to hide where they got this pack from okay grabbing all the loot there’s some more but it’s not a big deal I’m yeah I can jump straight into a creeper’s face and shoot a poison bolt at it and if as long it’s not a legendary I’m fine if it has a uh orange name over its head I have to Pelt it a couple times before uh jumping into it like these creepers here will die in one hit usually by the bolts yep here we go I got to deal with that Pillager raid sooner rather than later I haven’t been summoning in a while I need new summons oh jeez okay need to go whap an enemy to get some Mana back and I was killed by a creeper that’s it Iron Golem oh boy uh your favor has been lost there sorry 250 points of favor lost uh RI rip to Pieces we we go okay we’re going to organize our backpack by type and then we’re going to move our salvaging station to the corner and we’re going to guess keep the a so it’s my summon skeleton that’s funny that he was there anyway more importantly we have to figure out what we’re keeping what we’re getting rid of because uh we’re we’re processing most of this stuff I just want to make absolutely certain like I get these out the gear souls and the runes eventually we’ll make some Rune words of some good items but uh for now it’s mostly just melt down these plate armor pieces that don’t matter a whole lot so let’s go uh here we go smel station this leather cap doesn’t have a soul what a shame it can’t get melted down but these can these definitely can okay how many dimensions have you been to uh the mirror the the Nether and the uh mirror Dimension currently there are higher level Dimensions which we do afterward uh specifically if we go over here go to um act one Let’s see we yeah we went through act one and you kill the Mastermind at which point you open the way to Realms unexplored then on act two you’re supposed to deal you’re supposed to do nether stuff and then uh the what do you call it on Realms unexplored should be the uh Reflections which is like this is an optional hey do you not feel up to the nether for some reason well go over here instead to the reflection the mirror Dimension so they they kind of give you that option they also tell you make a sleeping bag you [ __ ] bastard that’s what we did we made a sleeping bag uh see supplementary utilities would be jars notice boards uh bamboo spikes oh boy yep it can apply poison the flute will attract tame mobs uh cage to grab mobs Supple uh supplementary jars can store four buckets or 12 bottles of any liquids yes like the little supplementary stuff but the point is that uh this is yeah so then act three will be um uh what do you call it rot Lings I okay so wa hold on at the end of act two you would be going to uh the under Garden so the under Garden would be the next Dimension after the Nether and we’re not doing that yet taking advantage food diversity I should but I haven’t been okay more importantly let’s let’s make one of these blue staves and see what happens let’s make one come on staff okay what’s this accuracy skill damage this is 34 this is [Music] 33 I don’t think so it’s this wait this is plus one to chaos skills [ __ ] yeah this one’s just better it’s like yeah it does it’s less to skill damage but the plus one to chaos skills is already just just playing better yeah incredible I didn’t realize I’d get something that good just randomly glorious but uh no I will have to actually deal with the um farming at some point what I really need to do is cook I need to get the Cooking System down and I have haven’t done that I haven’t touched cooking basically at all y mhm okay let’s go ahead and pick up all this stuff my sleeping bag needs to be over here we’re just going to start smelting some stuff down yep same thing there chest piece this is supposed to be a 35 chest what’s my current chest piece looking like this Golden Hat of the storm is bad get rid of that entirely no problem oh we got a greater Essence that’s good for other things for sure but uh not that big a deal at the moment yep precise bow cruel this what’s this onion crate don’t know about an onion crate not even a bit but uh it’s kind of nice to get all these things smelted and combined we’re almost there my goodness uh cooking be of a grind to get the diversity up and you can lose it pretty quick yes exactly that’s part of why I just didn’t bother cuz I was so busy you know exploring and doing dungeon things which I’ve been enjoying a lot it’s just that uh I realized in my heart of hearts that a lot of the mechanics just uh won’t be for me you know I won’t be taking advantage of everything I like how Minecraft has tons of automatic uh like uh things like Hoppers and stuff that I I don’t really take advantage of you know you can create all kinds of automated systems in Minecraft and I choose not to for the most part uh I figured that I wouldn’t be taking full advantage of this uh mod systems but that there’s tons of Adventure to be had regardless cander Pearl what else iron we should start smelting we have a 64 stack of iron there is no reason for us not to SM smelt this stuff so let’s do that right now bam what else okay I’m going to have to go back to the site of my death geez that sun staff you know come to think of it it it it didn’t occur to me until now but we should look to see what kind of Rune words we can get for um like staff let’s see the novice is just increases gears damage from 70% yeah chains of Honor this one staff is the plague which is plus one to two to all skills increases the Gear’s damage bleed damage poison damage chaos penetrate geez the plague looks great oh V I don’t have any Zur runes okay yeah it look it looks like there’s a bunch of runes from other dimensions that I’m going to have to get yeah that’s absolutely right I’ve already uh tried to make one but I accidentally screwed up and used the wrong Rune which is not a big deal just Grumble Grumble okay some only dropped from bosses yeah it makes sense okay iron is a processing let’s go ahead and start just putting everything away yep I don’t need to worry about what goes where right now as long as is it uh can be used later very good okay and the rest of these can go over here yes we’re just putting stuff away for now we’ll deal with that in the fullness of time good enough let’s uh smelt down that item and then we’ll uh get things going here we go smel and smelt that should do it two items are getting salvaged salvaging experience points I would like to repair this uh pickaxe that would be lovely and it’s like well how many levels do you have crazy person I see that good get [ __ ] all right pickaxe here too expensive still how many levels does it need then I wonder I’m just looking at it like this this pickaxe here got efficiency 2 and uh it’s too expensive like uh yeah unfortunate okay just going to put those yeah what else that should do it get out okay that should be uh good enough for now our uh last few items we need can go up in the top and the corner here yes mending on it uh mending I mean these are random items that dropped I haven’t been enchanting anything myself so it’s not that uh I haven’t been trying to get one with mending on it it’s that uh I have been um uh what do you call it that these are just the things that dropped okay good let’s go ahead and head on out I guess may need may need to grab certain foods real quick we shall we bake the potatoes h ah terrible idea actually let’s do that let’s get a a cobblestone stove and coal set up so we got coal here we got um some more coal and some sticks that’ll make torches but more importantly we need that’s tough where’s Cobblestone that’s andesite did I not gather up Cobblestone of course I didn’t it’s got to be one of the chests there I’m certain I have some cobblestone uh I would like to make a steel Forge instead of a stone one ah uh you don’t get the choice there we go that that’s some Cobblestone oh yeah mhm okay that should do yeah yeah so we’re going to go to the portal we’re going to the mirror Dimension and now we’ll build ourselves a furnace here where’s my uh crafting table there it is all right so we build a furnace there and we just put the furnace in the corner yep and we can now bake potatoes do I have potatoes no I don’t have potatoes okay then I one of my main goals in this Dimension will now be to get food ah uh no big deal so first things first uh shove the cobblestone in here for now we’ll come back for it later make torches so I don’t die that should do come on there you go 16 torches better than nothing like mine number nine I do hope that guy found a new job after he said that that was just an unfortunate blunder okay what else we got yeah it wasn’t the Japanese guy who said um it’s better than nothing he it’s the um um what do you call it what’s his name gez blanked on it the community manager yeah okay all right uh this has been a fun four and a half hours but I got to take a break see yall in like 5 10 minutes where we will be going out and adventuring and killing specifically we’re going to be heading to where we died and fighting stuff but I’ll see youall in like 5 10 minutes it’s I gotta get up and walk around you know stay healthy and all that e e e e e e e e e e e yeah the uh wife wanted something from the car so I like well I said I was going to walk so I’ll walk right out the car and that that’s what I did uh I am going to go fil these water bottles real quick and uh then we can continue as nice as as it is to you know drink coffee like this you know um 11 cups of it I do occasionally like water as well so I’ll be back in just a sec but I am done with the walking of the outside that’s for e e e e e e e CS were helping CS are always helping very very helpful all going have to go grab one thing just second but for now Cherry pastry good stuff I got about a minute before I have to run grab uh my coffee cup which is Heating and then come back with it that’s it though okay we’re moving on to the next area for just a sec it’s night time we’re going nowhere I have to have my full attention for that of course anyway put this stuff to the side good last one of these and that’s probably all the food for the rest of the night anyway grabbing that coffee now okay got my coffee got my water everything is good as you can see perfectly normal water there is uh nothing out of the ordinary about this just uh ordinary water okay we’re traveling wh I didn’t realize you’d have enemies there we go so that’s where we died we got to go up there we’re going north to last death I talked to the Enderman and he said welcome to die good we go with traveling we’re hunting the creeper the crepper yes that is perfect I uh got plus one to all skills on my wand so I’m doing more damage with everything good stuff got a stardust Jewel right off the that what’s this augment effect plus 1% don’t need to worry about that I’ve got a fair amount of augments I just they like getting plus 1% to them doesn’t mean a whole lot [ __ ] yeah creeper was scary oh this lava flow wasn’t here in my uh in the other world this was a um there was a big pole here where the where a mega creeper exploded but it was otherwise a normal location and in the Mirror Universe there’s lava here but that this is precisely where the mega creeper exploded mhm yep exactly but if I could get like a slight bit more health or something probably be a better Jewel little more energy Shield you know okay let’s head on this way going north my last death was 800 uh meters that way this wasn’t Mega meters huh cool I do like uh getting coal easily accessible yes what else is around here treasure these are books item frames I’ll take the soul and the spiritual or those are good I don’t think there’s anything else up here no doesn’t look that way hello zombie v villager oh well that was strange mhm what a dungeon would be like I went to a lower level one uh sorry a dungeon beneath the uh Tavern and it was uh it killed me but uh summon Cod I’ll take that miserable axe cuz we can melt that down summon duration plus 32% I’m contemplating the usefulness of that okay so let’s look at our skills skills and incantations for those with the talent to cast them okay so 22% more summon damage what I need to do is get skeletons to 10 oh I have 42% summon duration never mind I don’t care about that the back rooms I was actually looking at a back rooms game on uh on Steam thinking that’d be fun to pick up I know they’re all like really really basic but uh it’d be a fun little thing to poke around at for you know 20 30 minutes what’s this [Music] creeper the crippers must be destroyed summon my minions see what that is salt coal weird the way these villagers have coal in their uh areas close that door what’s up here treasure well I was worried about running out of bread now I got more bread and a potate this boundless Tome is not very good it’s got a high amount of energy shield and a little bit of energy regen but it’s otherwise worthless so H this is nice what’s this now this this Jewel has a fire and lightning resistance the fire resistance is really good if we’re going to go to the nether that’s for sure let me go ahead and switch out the Rune and then we’ll access our backpack the Rune in there along with these Souls the bow and the SW the axe uh extra gem sure this should be fine yeah and now loot that give me my gemerald Dr Robotnik getting the chaos gemerald anyway um someone uh created a mega thread today that was uh like every YouTube poop ever to utilize ping ass and he like ordered them in order of uh like how based around uh ping Gaz it was pretty impressive to say the least that someone would go to that effort to curate uh those old uh memes but yeah it was like 80 pages long it was something special oh they’re beating down the door okay this the moon’s going uh the Moon is setting and the sun is rising this is good we’re not in trouble yeah no problems did I kill the Villager my bad sorry Mr villager damn I did not mean to kill the unemployed villager but alas there is no way to apologize or Surrender there is no uh we call it to oh no no no no no no no no I got I got to run got to run that villager is AG Ro uh sorry there there there’s only Victory or defeat that was the the yes unemployed villager that’s what it said that is literally what it said it doesn’t matter we can glide are you doing yeah he’s not aggroed aggro radius is kind of small so not that big a [Music] deal I remember they used to be called nitwits mhm player of needs jeez uh speaking of did you hear he about sheep lass um I’m I’m rather uh impressed with the fact that we might very well get a game out of this guy uh Robin Poe like uh I thought he was just a chronic uh uh chronic internet [ __ ] poster but uh you know who occasionally showed off uh Shenanigans but uh hold on a second like he’s actually making a game yeah yeah I I’m rather impressed so as you can see right here um cheap Blass is a game that he just put a Kickstarter up for and so you know I I I said this let’s see if this mouthy bastard can actually release a real video game instead of saying he’s going to do it for years on Twitter and then you can see right here the uh but but that that’s what I said in reaction to his [Music] Kickstarter so uh yeah he uh he’s poor okay he he can’t really afford um he can’t really afford the steam fee to uh put his game up you know like 200 bucks right so I [ __ ] you not um hold on uh uh yeah sheep lad is a Zelda 2 game sheep lass is a links Awakening uh Style game let me see I mean we pull up the Sheep last Kickstarter um so there it is I got it yeah so he couldn’t afford the uh uh the 200 bucks to put on the um what do you call it to put it on Steam so he uh he created a goal of uh $200 and uh it ju just happens that uh he’s at 12,000 right now so he’s pledged that uh the rest of it going to go into [ __ ] like a new piece PC so that he can you know better develop and stuff like that which is kind of neat he’s got 5 days to go but uh you know 12,000 out of a $200 uh goal is pretty good for a poor you know someone who can’t afford the $200 right like that’s uh that’s pretty good I uh I threw down 20 bucks because I want a copy of this game so you know like it comes with a copy of the game and my name and the credits not that I care about the other part really but uh it it’s funny because uh yeah geez okay let me look at the other one Robin Poe okay we click on Robin Poe we click on their creations and it should be uh uh sheep lad Kickstarter yes there we go okay sheep lad is the uh the unreleased Kickstarter hasn’t happened yet right and so uh this is a Zelda 2 inspired action platformer you know it’s it’s going to be uh Zelda 2 like but he’s basically going to fund his sheep lad with uh with the Sheep last uh like proceeds because he only needed $200 for the Sheep lass and he’s going to turn around and uh put the rest of that toward development of a sheep lad it’s pretty cool yeah anyway yeah I I I looked at it I said this is something I want uh so I uh I went ahead and uh threw $20 at it and uh yeah my my uh again for anyone who missed it my uh my initial reaction to the kickstarter was simple let’s see if this m y this little boy uh sorry this mouthy bastard can actually release a real video game instead of saying he’s going to do it for years on Twitter which is what he uh did with sheep lad for a while but it looks like he has actual uh it looks like he’s getting close with sheep blast he’s uh it’s um the game is going very well from what I’ve seen yeah he’s been talking about sheep lad for years and it’s just like four item slots for sheep last yes yeah that was one of his uh things that he uh mentioned anyway let’s go go it’s gool it’s gool a friend has been making the point to you earlier that Final Fantasy 14 and Skyrim have the same time of game You Adventure around fight monsters get into dungeons gather resources yeah I mean kind of sort of except one is heavily story driven and the other is mechanically driven yes mhm you know I haven’t uh you know I haven’t put out anything under uh Mazer name so you know like you could say like well why are you criticizing games that’s just it being a Critic isn’t saying I’m going to be a Creator other people have said oh boy Z’s going to create the next big game I I wh why why are you saying why are you making up [ __ ] wh why are you making up [ __ ] I never said that anyway uh what what I’m trying to say is that uh like Robin’s been saying he’s going to make this uh the Sheep lad for a long long time and hasn’t been exactly I’m not a game developer exactly but people thought I was because I uh have knowledge of game development from uh from friends and some earlier experiences yes you know I I I know people who work for blizzard for example I’ve spoken to people who used to work for Bethesda and so people get it in their heads oh he’s the game developer no no I hope to inspire game developers if that means being a bit silly and a little argumentative at times so be it but uh oh jeez this cave is scary [ __ ] wow didn’t think that was going to happen this area is frightening but no like I’m really happy when people like the developer of ardenel or um you know some of the other folks online have cited uh you know some of my uh videos as uh um mild inspiration like uh talking points worth considering and I’m like as long as there they you know people can find some value in it that’s that’s great makes me happy because uh I I just Yap for the the sake of yapping you know I I I like talking and uh some people get angry because I talk other people are happy that I get talk I talk but uh you know just uh when someone actually finds real value in it and actually uh can you know like apply it to their creative process then uh you know that wasn’t the original intention but I’m glad uh I’m glad that someone out there has uh found a point and purpose to it you know all right let me see here moving along though but uh yeah what do you call it watch a lot of content in the past cool but yeah what I was trying to say was um when I look at a project like that where someone says they’re going to make it for years and years and years I uh I have to kind of uh uh I I have to kind of take advantage of it when they uh they actually do um um when they actually do get started you know I’m like hey hey hey hey hey hey you’re finally doing it this is good this is very good anyway um point is that I may poke at Robin now and again but I really do hope he succeeds and that’s why I threw him 20 bucks because you know that’s that’s nothing in the the the long in the uh scope of things but the fact that he’s then you know made $10,000 off of what was supposed to be a $200 uh thing is amazing and I I really hope he gets that gets a good computer gets uh you know any kind of software he needs all of that together you know you’re uh making you think star citiz will maybe come out one day well the problem with Star Citizen is that Chris Roberts is actually incentivized to not put out Star Citizen that’s the sad reality of it that that is uh like it reminds me of uh yandere Dev um we won’t talk about him a whole lot for various reasons but uh I’m just saying like he tried like he had uh uh he was supported for what seven eight years off of a community that was hoping he’d one day finish his game and uh it went from this is just a tech demo to I’m I’m doing the whole thing this is a vertical slice I’m going to do a Kickstarter you know so on and so forth yep I think it was mostly you say he finally crashed and burned but um you know he he talked about inappropriate topics in public spaces I do that too but I don’t have any aspirations of uh releasing a commercial product at this time under this namey or brand so um yeah what what what actually got him uh you say he got a professional publisher well tiny build was originally going to work with him and then um tiny build like uh he kind of uh he didn’t understand the code the tiny build uh the guy was you know trying to release he didn’t understand a lot of things oh jeez what the hell is that okay that’s that’s frightening yeah that thing’s trying to kill me damn I’m summoning my minions my minions are going down there to fight it oh jeez doomed to fall I was doomed beautiful literally that was the ability they cast Okay my skeletons are out my skeletons are out this is fine yeah I know they do damage I’ve killed that guy damn there are treasure chests everywhere [Music] um what the hell oh got a soul nice actually I’m over encumbered and can’t get a soul can I I no I’m not over encumbered we’re fine but there is a gym inside of uh that spot there yeah there are more Raiders no question about it did they attack they attack this way they’re the Raiders damn I can’t I’m I’m blinded I’m blinded iist iist why are there zombies holy [ __ ] that was frightening okay then well I didn’t expect [Music] that expect the unexpected I guess expect an early winter with lots of [Music] snow okay well let’s head on back into the dimension terrifying I was murdered by all kinds of things damn it work me back okay that was scary yep oh no what is that what is it oh God no [Music] run dive away I want to check something real quick uh he said the dwarf base style okay so my base is uh I’ll show you Momo so if you look here I started the game in this Village I uh then found a church and I built a uh I built a base behind the church and what I did was I dug into the ground in order to build the walls and ceiling and so this whole area that I’m at right now uh by the way uh everything in this world is level 15 meaning I can destroy it almost instantly LOL uh but yeah all of these walls and ceiling are born of the stone I got digging down here and so I created this big open area eventually I created a um what do you call it a like a containment zone for this uh this portal but uh you can see the other levels where I dug and then I dug and then I dug some more down there into the very depths of the Earth but if you look over here you can see the uh portal to the end uh end uh sorry nether the nether portal and uh but all of this is like all of the stuff above is born of the digging out of these lower levels basically and so um yeah that’s I’m I like I’m up on the cloud level so the mountain is huge and full of uh stone that I used to build this so I dug down in order to build up as eventually and thereby creating two levels of spaces which was originally just this church you know but um we’re going to go back to the mirror dimension in just a second yeah there’s no reason to wait y want to go up Dig Down exactly yep anyway we’re back in the mirror Dimension which means if you look at where we were now this is this is the church no problem but the mirror Dimension everything caps at level 50 which is way higher level than one would uh like level the level 15 in the normal Dimension yes so I’m not going to stop I’m just just going to keep going I’m going to eat num n and run God that’s a mega skeleton [ __ ] this we got a mega skeleton here going to use my skeleton archers going to create a Vortex good The Vortex did its job and then some got an augment gem for that perfect need more money good should do it Baran orbs are plenty with any luck I can finish enchanting yeah sorry get get the EXP I need to prepare my uh big pick who hold on yeah we’re going to head over that last death soon as possible as quickly as possible the raccoons will steal stuff wind yourself a labyrinth down to bedrock and expand from there I uh absolutely did not have the uh the strength to fight the uh corruption and other monstrosities that exist at the Bedrock level you have to remember how uh scary things are at the the deepest depths all right let’s go we’re traveling zombies died oh wow okay yeah that’s pretty funny hey creeper creepers kill me in one hit still they blow up next to me especially if I don’t have any energy Shield up speaking of hello creepers okay good enough we’re going should do it now kacon would be in the nether wouldn’t it yep come to the heart chamber see I died there too cuz I my timing was off I I should I have no favor left right like cuz I died tons of times in a row I’m pretty sure I have no favor let’s see 200 no 131 favor that’s what I’m talking about yep yep yep or generates 500 favor per hour that’s what I thought yeah I’m at 1.0 in turn no no exp No Loot drop bonus just normal exp normal loot drops uh yeah once maroin or Daggerfall finish I’m probably going to get a an oblivion load out that is um oh jeez there’s so so many items mana on kill crit chance this is pretty good stuff holy crap um hold on a second I’m curious to see if I can afford it repair too expensive what about my diamond pickaxe too expensive what is the um what governs the cost anyway I had thought about that like what governs the cost for these okay well let’s look at these 55 I’m curious so if I were to put 55 iron in here and the pickaxe it still says too expensive H that’s interesting the more you use it the more expensive it gets yeah which is why it was weird because it definitely wasn’t expensive earlier you know like uh oh boy well let let’s get going the real answer is I shouldn’t be traveling at night but I’m traveling at night cuz I’m an idiot we go north hello base did did we actually have a base here oh jeez no wonder I’m using this enhanced Stone it’s so much more durable than everything we had before [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah this is uh yeah I am impressed wow that spider shot a web at me from a distance why do you have ranged attacks I hate you all right my old death is that way that’s where I’m going no problem we’re traveling we’re going to our old death over there no problem hello hello okay you know I’ve never explored that Cavern in the mirror Dimension I’ve only explored that Cavern in the regular in the Overworld since we’re in the mirror Dimension there might be different things in that cave down there makes me wonder okay we’re going to have to start summoning immediately actually let’s go to that Tower let’s go directly to that Tower ignore everything else directly to the tower here we go I’m summoning zombies I can have up to seven zombies at once assuming the resources allow it so that’s pretty cool uh we are out of inventory space we need to shove everything in got a fair number of items already that’s pretty cool um yep okay we are at present Let’s see we are Level 35 I’m going to go ahead and put another Point into intelligence yep we’re at 60 intelligence that’s good bit by bit that that Mana regen is important but uh let’s see what about our talents uh let’s go ahead and put points into chaos penetration yes um chaos skill damage damage over time sure that’s good I don’t know about a super blood moon got him the Enderman is dead huzzah okay we jump up there whoops that looks like it was an old nether portal that’s been broken yeah that is an old nether portal that’s been broken I can see all the magma around it uh do we have our silk touch we did not bring our silk touch with us we left that at home so I cannot take the uh the tiered uh obsidian that doesn’t matter I already have a nether portal up at uh in the uh I was going to say in the regular Dimension there’s all kinds of loot here as well this is a cool place let’s see if there’s a uh a Way Stone up top we’re looking very very top there is no way Stone but I’m Mark this anyway as nor uh um nor mid Tower yes uh norid Tower bam it’s marked I like to Mark the tower lava bucket I’ll take that thank you just pour the lava lava bucket at the top of the tower and watch it spill across the land that would be terrible you shouldn’t do [Music] that okay okay let’s keep looting we’re going to be super looting got it bone meal isn’t bad there’s some wheat we can use combine wheat make bread oh we just got bread okay fair enough miserable staff we’ll end up breaking that down what else cool bottom level got some beetroot seeds regular beetroots skele uh zombies are starting to disappear which is fine the cloth pants none of that’s necessary okay there should be a couple around the tower as well yep another uh staff couple wooden hose that don’t do anything should be one more yep no big deal the orb of digging is interesting has a chance to add a socket or do nothing yes that’s uh that’ll be interesting to see if uh um it costs Potential from the weapon which is a uh potential is an internal stat that all items have so use up all it’s potential it can’t work anymore there’s there’s locations here which look interesting but no we got to go north we got to climb this Cherry Grove trying to remember I I know in uh rlcraft specifically you could uh you could level up your parkour your agility to the point at which you could uh do double jumps and like ledge climb stuff it made uh traversal so much easier this is a legendary Swift wolf it’s legendary Swift which makes me wonder if you could um you could tame it you probably could and have a legendary Swift wolf to ride but uh that’s not going to happen in this playthrough that’s for sure at least not the way I have things set up at the moment oh well it is what it is we’re going to where my deaths were yeah Old Death uh okay we just go to the edge of this tree and we jump off no problem Glide we do past that old well it’s pretty effective way of getting around isn’t it goodness gracious and now we must run wonder why the zombie is getting hurt like he’s poisoned or something he’s definitely poisoned mhm choco Bobo this is where I died to the last Pillager raid down here I got blinded and killed by zombies it was not great can see the Raiders here there they come oops and that’s what I’m talking about I’m running away as to not die summoning my skeletons my my skeletons should be up for it how long does blindness last holy crap uh there we go I wasn’t able to see so I was freaking out it’s that wizard that damn wizard what that is a necromancer he’s a necromancer see the power flowing through him fine we’ve killed him necromancers are dead Madness utter utter Madness got a couple map roll orbs that’s kind of neat what’s hitting me like there has to be Raiders alive here to be doing this Darkness oh oh [ __ ] it’s a Vindicator crazy ow ow ow ow [ __ ] fire who’s killing me who has the touch oh holy crap dead again dead again the mirror Dimension is not playing around well we’re going to grab everything we got and we’re going to grab some uh potions as well we’re going to we’re going to change things up for this next attempt wait what’s this holy crap I just got a really good chest piece like this is really good we’re going to put that chest piece in here for now now I’m also going to grab two totems of the undying so I die like the totem dies instead of me uh what else stat reset potion you can reset your stats in case you want to like build your character in a different way did you know you can even like quote unquote change characters on the menu you can be like uh hey um wait salvaging is a vital process yeah Rarity of item oh yeah yeah okay most items with auto salvaging will not give profession Essences uh yes yes yes mhm auto salvaging system ah yeah oh okay I see what this is auto salvage for common it’s uh the skill gems yeah common Jewels common gear yeah Auto Salvage common gear thank you uh Auto Salvage uncommon gear yes and then anything that’s rare or above we actually no let’s just go with the auto salvage common yeah I I want all the common stuff to be Auto salvaged just because I can’t I can’t be bothered uh let me see charact uh characters here you go you can add your character to the list and you will lose all your ex pay all your stat choices Jewel like everything unique to your qu unquote character will get added to this list and you will start over as a new person and you can then swap out like you get you know basically you can Respec essentially and these are your specs they’re they’re called characters it’s really funny but essentially you can uh you could be an Archer and you can be a Summoner and you could be all those different things you just switch between them that’s uh the way that system works yeah uh how do you sh R good to see you we got our ass kicked by uh all kinds of scary people in a Pillager raid at least I figured out how to more easily get back to where we were so we’re going to go do that in just a second after I finish uh getting some potions from somewhere there’s okay four common potions these will be nice get that instead of a shovel uh what else yeah [ __ ] it we’re going okay so as I was saying we’re going back and we’re going to warp ourselves to nor mid Tower so we’re we’re at nor mid tower now our goal is that way so what we do is we equip our glider so we don’t go Crunch and we just kind of Glide over there instead of falling down there which would be painful but uh we are much closer to our previous death we’re going to go loot that Village if nothing else it’s a shame because up until uh up until I started in the mirror Dimension I uh I was actually doing pretty well like keeping my favor much higher than uh you know my my deaths but uh it is what it is I suppose whoops on let’s try this again I want to try to Glide to that nope I I I know I can do it I’m trying to like Glide to here and then uh okay let’s uh take a nap real quick only at night or thunderstorm [ __ ] I know what’s going on here they just want me to die to monsters so we’re going to put our uh our sleeping bag on the um on this here yes yeah yep you uh were unfortunate and spawn next to a a uh a post there yeah yeah okay so we’re going this way yeah we’re going to travel on over to our old death and we’re going to deal with it no issues whatsoever we are a okay so let’s [Music] go okay first things first n never mind I didn’t realize we had more gliding ahead of us it’s fine really long as I get to my destination I do not care okay yep this a new Zelda game I’m I could not believe that no one made a pack for that already where’s the climbing I mean I could imagine a breath of the wild Minecraft pack being really really good just steal everything except maybe having your weapons break instantly the right go go go I liked Dagger Falls durability where you could do like two to three dungeons before you’d have to consider you know issues okay here we go we’re going to have uh some issues here yeah the these Pillager raids are crazy yep we’re killing some pillagers there’s a necromancer in the distance that guy’s powerful and the reason Pillager raids weren’t difficult for me in the past was because the Overworld was capped uh at um uh what do you call it the Overworld was capped at level 15 but this isn’t the Overworld anymore it’s the mirror Dimension where everything’s kept at level 50 and I’m level 35 so uh you know explosions pain yep okay let me put this stuff away what’s this totem of freezing neat I don’t oh that’s a that’s a charm let’s let’s get that equipped oh crap crap crap crap crap crap oh jeez I’m I I oh wow I was killed by an illusioner damn see what I mean by that place being crazy I love it but uh let’s see what this this totem of uh Frost was about where was it where did it go did it drop on the ground no no an illusionary dust what this couldn’t be it oh there it is okay okay that’s better yeah but my totem of the undying didn’t prevent me from dying so I think that’s uh that’s crazy let’s uh let’s get that totem of freezing equipped hold on okay we go we go down to the charm Tab and do that didn’t do anything weird totem of freezing hold on let me let me see [Music] um totem okay this to Totem of freezing is encounter the ice a lonely iller who lives in deep snows you can find him in the spruce cabin if he spots you brace for Icy attacks huh yeah I’m trying to click on the totem ref freezing got it so um what’s the what does it do okay here we go I I need to figured this out if the player is holding a totem of freezing in their offhand or main hand slot and receives damage while under half of Health the totem activates the totem of freezing must be in the player’s hand main hand or off hand for it to work it does not work if it is in the hot bar unless selected the totem can be used only once it disappears after use cool well it doesn’t need to be in the main hand or off hand because we have a charm slot for it now but uh yeah basically it activates if I’m at half health I take a hit it will uh it’ll freeze everybody near me yep uh freezes all entities in a uh range slow effect removes other status effects grants a speed read to you got it yeah that’s it um yeah good to know let’s do this again so it’s a onetime use then it gets consumed so we’re going to nor mid Tower and we’re going to we’re going to do it again we’re just going to go over there again I’m I’m I’m interested in that uh that that Pillager raid there interest in Rage 2011 rage 2011’s pretty cool but I’m going to be honest with you like I don’t think that’s in the cards because when I think idtech I’m probably going to go play Doom uh or Quake or Quake 2 right there’s there’s a like I really really want to get on the Machine Head uh remasters for those games like uh for Quake and Quake 2 I I’m I’m really I have I’ve not played the like I’ve only played uh scourge of Armageddon and desolation of Eternity haven’t touched anything else and so I’m super hyped to get into that stuff and uh since I haven’t um what do you call it it’s going to be a little while um due to my lack of time but then I haven’t played Borderlands 3 and I haven’t played um what do you call it um uh I haven’t played the Pre-Sequel so I kind of want to play the pre Pre Sequel and uh Borderlands 3 so like when when I think about playing rage it’s like yeah but I kind of want to do other post-apocalyptic kind of game first you know and so what I’m saying is that I have months of uh stuff I want to play first and then I will probably get sidetracked by new game afterward yes that’s the uh the issue there all right let’s [Music] go the pre-sequels overed yes but I I I I kind of uh I don’t like Handsome Jack and I don’t like a lot about the Pre-Sequel that said um I haven’t actually played it so like I I can’t hate it I’m just like just like biased against certain elements like oh boy one of the characters you can play is a fake Handsome Jack that sounds terrible I hate Handsome Jack you know I I’ll I’ll I’ll say this Handsome Jack is a divisive character which is kind of cool yeah look at that the illusioner just took almost all my health this is amazing I don’t know how the illusioner is that strong but he’s that strong yes play as clap trap in interplanetary Ninja Assassin clap trap that is one thing I actually liked was that stupid uh interplanetary Ninja Assassin clap trap at the end of uh Borderlands okay oh jeez the illusioner is making things very dark for me there is one Bandido left the raid is regenerating no no hero of the village huzzah we did it we did the thing we got a barrier augment Elemental 21 Elemental resistance that’s just that’s just all elements then isn’t it huh that’s not bad for a uh like augment reservation I’m going to go ahead and uh hold on hold on let’s let’s go look at our augments I’m curious now uh talents no it’s not talents it’s je uh skills and it’s the augments are here so yeah this one is plus chaos damage and poison chance and this one is Magic Shields I think I would rather go with the 21% Elemental resistance and just take less damage overall no no that is that is a fair fair amount of Magic Shield [ __ ] it I’d rather have the higher grade magic Shields looking at that whole situation I if I I looked at it and I said no so we know these uh these totems of the undying don’t actually prevent me from dying that’s interesting they are not all they cracked up to be so to speak huh more non-critical damage nice enchanted books Ricochet sharpness wait what’s this a book and quill you too can write things I remember in Asheron’s Call you got to be able to write um what do you call it uh you got to be able to write in-game books and that was really fancy one of my favorite things you could do uh let’s see it’s getting dark uh nice we got a fair number of runes here going to be looting the village for all it uh it’s worth loot The Village we’re going to be fighting monsters soon uh checking the different houses not that one this one yes apples and a crossbow we can uh melt down definitely want to melt down that crossbow we’re going to have some serious inventory dump to be doing soon that’s for sure I can hear the monsters grumbling in the distance okay what we want to do is put back the dandelion can you eat the dandelion oh cooking you can cook dandelions interesting it’s seasoning for uh yeah it’s that’s kind of weird put the saplings away let’s fight the monsters that come to the village and say hello in the middle of the night they’re nice aren’t they let’s go over here let’s uh we haven’t been inside this little keep here this town hall what the hell is this area barred off for this is supposed to be a bar of some sort but uh don’t really see a point and purpose to it I see a Battlement here um three battlements okay and then like just a another section there we can climb this yep that doesn’t matter so there are different levels to this and they don’t seem to do a whole lot got it oh this keeps going up weird let’s go up another level there’s nothing here have I seen any good Pathfinder bundles I haven’t used Humble Bundle in the last few uh months other than to um what do you call it um oh wow this is an interesting area like it’s goes down below the the main floor really strange the way this area is built I was hoping there’d be treasure or something but no I’m assuming I’m going to go around the corner and there’s going to be a creeper yeah the the zombies are knocking on the door this postapocalyptic hell world full of uh zombies okay there [Music] okay yep potato okay fair enough we need to access our backpack and put away most of this stuff but then we need to grab individual items okay we’re going to grab things that don’t stack so like these totems of the undying probably don’t want to even deal with those but uh no we’ll grab the souls these souls are tier one which make them infinitely better than basically anything we’ve had up until now um yeah augments what else going to make sure we got anything anything else this uh wow this glimmering chest piece of the Drake is not bad it’s just you know above our level at the moment so now we’re going to switch into the backpack um uh what we got over here wait eat first eat first good now was I saying backpack yes and we’re going to put away a lot of the gear Souls specifically as much as we can before we are yeah the backpack okay the backpack is now maxed out so this backpack we can just shove into a corner of our inventory there is nothing there’s no more space for it that’s fine okay okay that should be fine grab all the bread the invigoration potion and that deadly Imperial crossbow [ __ ] okay we got him thankfully I’ve got that extra chaos penetration now I thought I was going uh okay zombies skeletons will do okay skeletons go kill this guy yes good good my skeletons are out uh let’s just go fight the creepers yeah all the monsters are out here good [ __ ] explosions okay have to be careful Blood Moons can uh show up and then the monsters will start digging through the walls it’s great zombie children I think we’re good though damn yep we can see that uh yeah a lot of skeletons there’s a creeper here these fields are just full of monsters holy crap yep Path of Exile and Diablo I for sure okay I think we’ve taken care of the pillagers so that’s good we’ve also regained all the EXP we lost uh we’re at 66% to the next level so um whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that creeper just went flying what kind of powers does that creeper have holy crap I think we got a few more gear Souls damn it okay think we’re good who hello yeah creeper can still kill me at a point blank range unfortunately even with my 600 uh energy Shield die a while and listen yes but um that’s kind of neat so you build up Soul Stacks by uh hitting enemies with this right I just gained one I gain two I gained three right every every time I use this in combat I gain an additional Soul stack once I have five I can release those Soul Stacks by using my poison AA and it hits all enemies twice so basically you do that and you watch the enemy just fall over dead yep that’s a potion man he was uh ascending that was a unique spider not that it matters he’s quite Dead all right oh mega mega zombie mega zombie okay uh summon my skeleton archers good uh we’re going to create a Vortex The Vortex is up the zombes about to get back up yeah okay I’m still summoning zombies this is quite terrifying actually he’s back up he can do like Mega leaps and stuff he’s got one more life in him guarantee you one more life in that uh mega zombie we got him he’s dead good now let’s see if there’s anything else we need while we’re here I guess we’ll head back to the village for now we just uh came out here because we were dying to that uh Pillager Illusionist he’s really freaking frightening it’s a spider type sorry illusion type spider that’s fine yep mega zombie Mega dead exactly now thankfully everything’s fine no issues we’re going to grab the loot if we can bread is good uh we can get rid of the spider eyes and grab that tyrannical spear that spear isn’t really useful we’ll probably just melt it down Auto scavenge It Auto Salvage it sorry um let’s see what else we got your achievements your favor has risen to Mythic thank God okay so good news everybody if you’re f favor passes 250 um you lose 250 favor on death by the way but when your favor passes 250 you start gaining an exp and loop chance multiplier meaning that you get better and better Loot and better and better exp and harder monsters spawn you may be wondering why why would harder monsters be good well harder monsters drop better gear and that that’s why so it’s kind of a weird situ situation anyway we’re just going to pick up what we can and uh get [Music] moving I wasn’t expecting lapis that’s fine let’s go put everything away how many orbs do I I have three map Rarity upgrade orbs can’t wait can’t wait to be running hard maps at the end of the game we’re barely anywhere at the moment it’s really funny like our uh the the main quest has us going into The Nether we are nowhere near there okay this Bandit Tower we’re actually going to delete that wayp point cuz that is no longer relevant uh far Chapel is still relevant to us but we’re going to start going east always to the east it was nice we managed to loot that Village and we’ll probably have more things to do with uh looting later but uh for now we must travel we’re going into what looks like a savannah area no big [Music] deal I dive in here mhm I was making a Diablo I reference but no we’re we’re still not competent enough to do the main quest um at least as far as I’m concerned maybe oh a sa savan Plateau okay that’s pretty cool got to be careful though God I’m so missing RL crafts uh like double jump and ledge climb that’s something that uh is really helpful in traversal admittedly they want you to just get a chocoo and then uh use the breeding to get a golden chocoo and fly around that’s what they really want you to do but uh we’re not doing that right now we’re busy still looking through this there looks like some sort of tower this way the towers are a means of navigation so yes good mansion I don’t see one I mean I’ve already been to one earlier there like in the normal world this was the uh the Mansion where we had the big boss battle at but uh this is the mirror Dimension so you know the landmarks aren’t in the same spot going to look over the edge big wide structure oh this this thing right here is a uh it’s an Eastern Tower it’s got ghosts and stuff in [Music] it let’s go see what this is I have no idea a tower looks some sort of a um what what is this looks very strange I a feeling it’ll be a mistake to come down here but uh hey there’s some quartz this is deep Stone Caverns interesting H mining level 20 [Music] to remember when I was playing rlcraft and I couldn’t mine iron yet because I hadn’t gotten sufficient levels in mining that was definitely interesting and terrible okay so yeah that’s that’s just a crater there not quite what I was expecting let’s continue East distractions and so it is silent wait are those kangaroos I have no desire to kill the kangaroos did you know if you kill an emu it gives you an achievement that says the great emu War has begun true I I was joking about the Emu war and then uh what yeah I am now honor bound by uh yep be careful the Australians lost that war yes that’s the joke what is this this place looks pretty fancy it’s a regular Savannah cool spider don’t need anything here yes no the issue about the Emu war is um that the farmers uh learned to make better fences that’s what actually happened is uh they just kind of ended up ignoring the Emu Crim site uh Crim site huh polish Crim site pilot interesting so Crim site can be oh sounds lovely there just those guys sound so happy it’s a lizard man H damn it just keeps going deeper this is a problem this is a big problem I need to get out of here yeah definitely not for me not here yes we go east getting through here is going to be a pain okay the deep dark awaits yes well there’s corruption under the ground deep down it’s uh some sort of spreading blight someone was uh uh playing that Japanese cartoon song the the the rising Hope from the uh uh from from the terrible Magic High School show uh anyway um yeah they they were like someone just kept uh saying it it kept commenting on Rising hope and I’m like how about Rising dread uh because that uh that uh show is awful just awful yes okay this way I have 12 magic potions I can sip in case of uh bad yet Rising nihilism jeez okay I want to see what that is over there these cherry blossoms this whole section there rail gun no no no it was called like Magic High School something or other I don’t remember it’s it’s the most convol Ed [ __ ] ever but the idea is like the main character has to go to the magic high school because he’s uh uh he’s going to be his sister’s uh bodyguard because his sister is the head of the F going to be the next head of the family or some [ __ ] he’s treated like a uh an outcast in the family like uh he’s he’s treated like [ __ ] even though he’s actually the one who like pioneered all of their magic Tech and he’s a veteran of the last war and and it’s just what what the [ __ ] is any of this like he he’s basically he has experi like he’s crammed he’s crammed some of the biggest achievements in that world’s lifetime into like three or four years of adolescence and to the point whereas Alias is known as like the the the genius uh the genius creator of little devices they use the little the little smartphones they use to channel magic uh it’s really [ __ ] terrible um it’s it’s the it’s I I I can’t even I can’t even that’s why you don’t watch Japanese cartoons I know I know but it’s it’s amazing it’s amazing in how bad it is it’s incredible yes it yeah you said power of fantasy something like that but it is um there are a lot of power fantasies that I can look at and I go damn that’s good and then there’s that one where it’s oh my God is there no limit is there no limit to uh to this yeah right okay Tower time there’s an Airship where’s where’s there’s an Airship we’re going to go up to the airship in just a second walk to the world border uh we’re not in the normal world right now we’re in the mirror Dimension it’s a it’s a different dimension that has different rules I mean I could go to the O I could go back to the Overworld and then think about uh walking to the edge of the world but that would be dumb and a waste of my time all right I’m I’m checking there’s okay what which Tower is this uh this [Music] is East mid Tower um yeah I mean I would just sling myself across using magic if I were going to do that right like there there’s no reason to go at normal speed when you uh literally have a whole talent tree of magic at your disposal RPG yes anyway Dracula really that’s cool and let me see here okay this this uh copper backpack’s full this diamond backpack’s also full you know what I’m going to I think I’m going to mark this Tower and then um head on back to the portal and we’ll dump everything out in our base and come back a lantern why did a lantern just show up that’s really strange wait I don’t need that get get out of here come poster we’re looting these different chests real quick uh o an augment for fire resistance we just have we have 20% capacity let’s go slot that in hell yeah um yeah let’s go let’s go uh wait what’s my yeah my food diversity is non-existent don’t worry about that okay so what we want to do here is assign the augment so we go over to skills and put the flame barrier augment in there and it should bring our augment total to zero we should have zero capacity for augments once that’s slotted in [ __ ] minus 15% why does it cost more okay so chaos damage is good Magic Shield is good it it it requires 35% capacity makes sense it’s above what I can afford unfortunate what a shame I’ll put it in my chest where everything else goes which is this chaos resistance that’s also a good augment Health on kill intelligence cold resistance that doesn’t matter more importantly yeah sword uh soul for a sword let’s finish looting yeah we’re we’re looting this Tower before we move on M do you think they’ll make uh fallout 76 private service they as in Bethesda will never do that uh will the community will will there be eventually a sort of uh piracy like with uh vanilla wow you know like turtle wow and Ascension wow yes I’m I’m pretty sure f 6 has enough uh people who are like Hey we’re Fallout fans but we don’t and we want to play Fallout together but we don’t want to put up with this [ __ ] and uh they will eventually create private servers I imagine I I’m I’m I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure the community will get around to it in the fullness of time yes okay already exist you say all right already exist let’s go look yeah server 76 you’re right and when you’re right you’re right server 76 Okie doie fair enough yeah I’m looking at it right now yeah server 76 uh can I start playing this today yes it’s not a one to one uh emulator or server emulator got it uh don’t expect a one to one of his live server won’t happen we don’t have the necessary data to do so so it will always be a little off I see okie dokie uh yep yep if you own fault 76 on Steam you can use server 76 to um to connect apparently to a private server that is off of bethesda’s grid that exists now all right let me see here first things first we’re going to go uh East Tower mid um yeah okay so this is East Tower mid we’re going to from here we’re going to warp ourselves back to the main portal okay so now we’re back at the Cathedral yeah you can see the cathedral around here um we’re going to go through it and you’re going to see how things are different in just a second after I finish killing the spider because I’m obsessed with death why are you so in love with death oh I hear bad things I’m going this way yeah I’m going inside [ __ ] it okay so from here you’ll notice that the door is on this side we go inside and we jump in this portal now we’re in the Overworld we’ll warp out here and you’ll be able to see from here we go upstairs right and so we’ll go through this door which leads us through the chapel remember the chapel with the door on that side there’s no door on that side there’s a door on this side that’s because this is the true Overworld this is we were in the mirror Dimension before but the Overworld has a gigantic base here with Farm fields and everything like we’re we’re doing well for ourselves for the most part so what we’re going to do is we’re going to try to make backpacks so that we can stay out in the mirror dimension for longer but I also need to deal with my farm Fields cuz like everything’s grown up so um first things first I’m going to dump all my loot into miscellaneous treasure chests unsorted and I will go and Resort some stuff later but in the meantime uh we’re just going to try to get everything out of our inventory as is and uh deal with it in the fullness of time so uh no NPCs to help with the farm at present this will change give me my backpack back okay maybe that’s wrong there we go cool so uh same deal grab all the stuff we’re going to make another Diamond backpack um going to be able to handle all this yes an emu horde approaches that’s in the uh you know that’s a very good question I wonder which mod uh added I think it’s friends and foes hold on let’s let’s find out uh let me let me look uh friends and foes emu War hold on [Music] uh good um people are saying there is actually no no there is no emo War uh it’s just a meme reference yeah what a shame okay so we put away everything we’re taking the onions we’re looking for seeds tomato seeds yes uh what else uh seed that that’s what we want deep down in our heart of hearts more seeds Okay beetroot seeds are good just checking to see more seeds yes those are rice grains those don’t count they can [ __ ] off also orbs of digging orbs of infinity those are nice orbs of quality we’re grabbing specific items now that we dumped everything okay before we do anything else we are going to try to make new backpacks uh that’s a good good idea we need to dump our other backpack [ __ ] uh where was it [Music] mhm the iron backpack ended up where there it is so that’s a copper backpack point is we need to upgrade this backpack but we also need to empty it first so we we already have the best backpack on our character at the moment but uh we’re trying to put backpacks in our inventory to kind of manage as well all right let’s have a look at these so that’s a d those are dagger Souls there’s a chest piece Soul let’s go ahead and activate that see what happens that is pants of the Yeti level 14 they suck I think I had to open it in the mirror Dimension that’s just my guess my guess is I had to open it in the mirror dimension in order to uh make it the higher higher level I think that the level cap applies here which sucks all right uh lightning penetration gym let’s see if that can smelt down cool yep these gems can be smelted neat okay well in that case we are uh very much focused on uh smelting down these items I don’t care about anymore now these pants of the Yeti are terrible as well so that’s basically what we’re doing is we’re just trying to uh smell smelt smelt smelt yeah that Thicket bow looks amazing but uh we don’t want it so no problem okay my saav scavaging salvaging skills 24 now this is good what else um staff of restoration don’t need it same thing for this what else resplendant philosoph er no don’t care get out mhm there’s a mod that makes every emu hosle as soon as you kill one the Emu yes begun the Emu Wars have h j okay you watched the new Dune movies uh yeah yeah I uh we watched uh the first one at home on a streaming service and then we went to the Alamo Draft House and uh watched the uh the second one fairly recently I’ve got to say those are good movies they are bad adaptations but then again I look at the Sci-Fi original that was a bad adaptation I look at the original the the the older like the oldest movie and that was a bad adaptation so um I’m starting to wonder deep down in my heart of hearts if it’s not impossible to adapt Dune well that’s that’s that’s uh that was what I was thinking just say okay we got everything we wanted from that let’s go let’s have a look inside this uh backpack I knew it I knew there’d be more these must be smelted they must be broken down into their base components that’s about it I don’t need these augments the the more summon damage is nice but um the augment reservation is a little excessive more fire damage I’m not going to use ever and this uh this Magic Shield chest we’re going to hold on to that thing looks amazing but I’m going to have to kind of leave it off to the side because I do need to clear out this backpack so um yeah that should do it yeah we got better area of effect gems as well so we’ll just get rid of this one you see that that the other one was better ah uh okay should do it I like how it doesn’t make any of the crafting noises at all in this area for whatever reason it’s just dead silence all right you should play Dune 2000 000 the best Menat is gimly from Lord of the Rings [Music] yes um welcome conscripts am Nori mono meet to the Duke you won’t regret joining Leto’s men not when we won Dune and we’re all rich with spice eh riches is that why you’ve come to this bloody sand pit crawling with Haron in would rather drink your blood than their mother’s milk filled with worms the lengths of a 100 men keeping you clinging to the safety of rocks like children let me remind you we are here to fight for the Duke for the Duke we will mine spiced in the Imperial Basin and for the Duke we will rid this land of har Conan keep that in mind and you’ll beune men yet okay for the Duke yes exactly all right moving along moving along yes yes okay see it’s a good game though like it is a really good game it’s a realtime strategy game RTS RTS all right let’s figure out what we’re doing next wait what’s this hero of the village I still have that buff for some reason I don’t care about that what I care about is putting these Souls away assuming there’s room for them there is not that is the spoiler there is not enough room for these Souls these Poor Unfortunate Souls okay all the tier zero Souls get melted they all get melted yep that should do it I don’t care you’re all going away okay so those souls are getting melted meanwhile we have to figure out where uh where we have the diamond hoe can’t remember where the diamond hoe ended up it was terrible honestly the fact that we got one of those but it would be nice if we could get a magical harvesting hoe instead of the regular kind this one right here here is double 2% double drop chance it’s almost broken I don’t care I’m going to go use that we’re telling the fields and getting uh jeez I’m just looking at the sheer amount of nonsense there okay cool so put those away like that and that should do it I say to myself as I realize like all of the issues oh the Duke yes um yeah we just put these souls in there we’re going to keep this chest Soul I’m going to use it uh not right now but when we get out okay uh here we go we’re going to put all this stuff away for the moment and now we Harvest oh boy my farming skill has increased to level 35 already I don’t know why but but it has the hoe increasing in power doesn’t matter but uh we definitely want the beetroot seeds for sure um yep we’re almost there we’re literally just going to make a whole ton of bread and call it a day we can also put the extra seeds in the processor why is there cabbage here I’m Dodge rolling the Cabbage okay uh potatoes sure you plant a potato and you get more potato that’s how it works but no we’ll uh most of these seeds will end up getting uh processed into the uh Hopper we have you’ll see in a second hello hello got it okay Minecraft skin strimmer eh I don’t know who this strammer is but uh this is a very normal and not degenerate Minecraft skin okay so as I was saying uh we need to continue this we’re going to finish this off mhm wall we got to go ‘s are wasting you dislike Frank Herbert I liked everything he did up until the chapter house the Chapter House of Dune was unfortunate uh the he really kind kind of uh he uh was losing it by the time he got to that point like he was too close to his death at that yeah my goodness the fact that you’re asking it’s already all over for you all right let’s go H yeah we got to put these seeds away you’re on episode four of the Fallout show I’ve got uh let me see here I think I have a copy pasta for the Fallout show if I go really quick going to make sure it’s all all set up so the copy pasta is that one there you want to know my opinions on it I uh I have that there unfortunately it’s the case of uh when you have a rotating uh you know like 20 30 people all asking the same question you end up just preparing a prefab response okay we’re going to put everything away here but we’re going to grab the seeds I say as I managed to T put my magic staff in the wrong spot uh iron axe what else uh the stone ho doesn’t matter this miserable ax needs to be broken down what the heck okay seeds we got the seeds we’re going to we’re going to put the seeds in the hopper and uh have them broken down so that’s that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to plant these beetroot seeds though before we do that so mhm up this should be the beetroot seeds yes middle click should sort the inventory but I don’t want to sort okay um that’s fine let me finish okay root seeds are in we’re going to take all the other seeds and we’re going to put them in the hopper and you you’ll see how this works in just a second so you see this Treasure Chest up here on the roof this Treasure Chest here um we take the seeds and you’ll see the seeds start to get uh get drained right the seeds are actually going into a different uh container which is uh then uh processing them this way yes and you’ll see that uh the uh treasure chest down here will’ll get bone meal every once in a while like you can see yeah 61 bone meal and so that’s how it’s working mhm anyway we were going to we’re going to expand this backpack that’s that’s our main goal right now now that we finished farming so we’re taking everything out of the backpack including some resistance things I want to deal with did I upgrade to Daggerfall 1.1 I have not messed with my Loadout at all so it is very likely that there are bugs and glitches and problems that could be fixed by upgrading I’m I’m certain I have not upgraded to uh any uh anything new in the Daggerfall Unity space so you know it is the un fortunate reality of me not having checked so once this finishes we’re going to shove everything else back in no big deal but uh yeah let me see yeah I’m sure that some of my problems could be cured by just upgrading and Daggerfall I mean that said uh we won’t be running Daggerfall till I think Monday because there’s a bunch of other stuff I want to do and the wife has plans for tomorrow so you know in the fullness of time okay let’s go ahead and put these augments uh this yeah I’m pretty sure augment can be melted down as well so let’s go ahead and do that yep augment can be melted down as well excellent um I’m just going to shove everything else into a chest and call it a day to be honest I’m looking at this setup here going this is going to take forever so uh is there games that try to replicate what Daggerfall is doing uh waiver drms that’s it that’s the only only game that’s trying to be Daggerfall everything else is um usually marrow wind replicating yep mhm good luck on your journey to the The World’s End may it be filled with the happiness okay we’re going to cook some potatoes uh actually we’re going to keep those potatoes there I’m going to eat do I have the food no I put away the bread by accident somewhere there it is Bam grab bread good oops Yeah I’m just grabbing these so the poor Fortunate Souls and Stones these are all the repair items okay we’re going to make a new backpack yes okay put all that away now where’s the runes there we go cool so we’ve gotten a fair number of runes at the moment it’s these sen runes that feel like they’re new Ben and Har kind of weird oh new Fallout game yeah yeah I agree all right it is almost midnight correct we’re having fun let me figure out what we need to do okay so this backpack here this iron this copper backpack we need to figure out how to make a backpack so from the copper backpack we need to make um there it is copper iron so we yeah we take a yeah we just need iron around it easy peasy we’re going to upgrade the copper backpack to iron in just a second we need to grab all the resources it’s uh gold iron diamond I think I think that’s how it works okay so we go go access this and we take the iron back sorry the copper backpack and then we place iron around it and that will make it into a iron backpack from there we place gold around it no no that’s not it the iron backpack is good like it it’s bigger as you can see but um we need to figure out exactly how this works so from Iron gold gold gold is surrounding it got it okay that explains it we take that place gold around it okay then we take diamonds and I think we have to surround this thing with diamonds frightening okay we got a diamond backpack now so bam inventory inventory we have we we now have um two separate backpacks uh this backpack will sit over here let’s see about making another how many diamonds we have two diamonds at present there the question is do we have any other diamonds hidden around in places where I’m too stupid to find which is very likely or it’s more likely than you think uh but you know I’m not using an auto sorting system or anything like that no no I’m I’m going through and looking oh boy keep moving um I think diamonds would be at the end if we had them mhm well out New York that sounds funny honestly Fallout can work anywhere but where I’d like to see it people ask me would Fallout outside the United States work and I’d say yes I want to see Fallout Canada and there’s a reason because the United States annexed Canada so as a result you can keep the United States theme but then have an undercurrent of Canadian culture being oppressed by America and that way you can you can keep you can keep it being the America anti-communism theme right but uh as like as the um as the you know overt um set of themes you know a present and then the the undercurrent would be the um what you call it uh the the the Canadian culture that’s being oppressed that’s what I was thinking anyway and just kind of like what would happen 200 years later you know after um like the uh after the bombs fell you know and like Canadia can reassert itself but uh Canadia geez Canada can reassert itself but you know in a broken ass post-apocalyptic state that is mixed with um American culture and that’s why I’m saying it would be interesting you know mhm that everyone’s too nice near Raiders with cannibals what are you talking about Americans uh took it over meaning that uh you know you got you got the uh the the depraved um the the depraved bastard children of both yeah they’re nice as they rip your face off think about that okay potatoes we must cook the potatoes we’re going to do that right now we’re we’re going to cook potatoes I’ve been having lots of bread but I want to cook potatoes so potatoes potatoes and potatoes good potatoes are cooking mhm not everyone nice as you seem to think correct humans are human uh once once you take away the uh the racial stere and and uh racial and or um uh what do you call it uh country stereotypes National National is the word I was looking for yes okay let’s still contemplating what we want to do here I haven’t found any extra diamonds meaning that we actually have to go mining for diamonds if we want to make another Diamond backpack but I’m super happy to have a second Diamond backpack because that means like we’re going to be able to store a lot of junk a lot of junk it’s going to be glorious so what we need to do do here is gather more wood so we can make more treasure chests to temp to store more temporary Goods cuz this ain’t going to be enough It’s never enough what’s this ooh 36 uh 33 okay yeah I want to equip this new armor yeah this one right here Giants cloth much better and this old armor we’ll just put it over here for now but yeah this is the one we want at 36 we’re 35 right 97% [ __ ] I’m going to take this one with me hell yeah we’re going to get the upgrade pretty soon yeah I thought oh well what what are we going to do about it the answer is Victory okay get our iron pickaxe here put the gear stat Soul away yeah the soul away there we go okay mhm yep yep in real life it takes an hour to bake a potato you say we got 12 here’s how fast the potatoes are baking and we’ve got three ovens working on baking those potatoes simultaneously so this is fine we will have a fair amount of potatoes um when we’re yeah when we’re done it’s uh pretty good let me see yeah the crops are still growing which they’re they’re still uh growing up in the mean time I still have another gear stat so why do I have these that’s an axe type iron axe you know what this this gear lacks a soul let’s let’s go ahead and shove it in uh wait do I have a better Soul different colored Soul by chance no I do not okay fair enough let’s go ahead and uh slot it in wait no a I don’t think this iron ax can be slotted in never mind never mind this this axe now has a soul it is ridiculous yes it is a poisoned war axe ridiculous I I will probably never use it okay okay let’s put the ho away and that’s it I think we’re good to go let’s grab uh the potatoes interesting we get some exp for that but yeah those okay so we got 63 uh potatoes and um 60 bread so that’s enough we look over here we can see now that there’s uh more bone meal because we put you know stuff in the uh chest up top and it filtered down through the compost bin which is kind of cool that’s a nice trick [Music] um put these iron away here for now and let’s go going back to the mirror Dimension so we’re in we’re exactly where we were before except this is a the mirror di the the regular Dimension is oh god um sorry the regular Dimension is uh capped at level 15 the mirror Dimension is capped at level um oh boy got it I hope I don’t hit that choke there’s a there’s a robot over there look at that robot we’re going to be fighting that in just a second it’s a Golem do you know it has the guardian laser from uh breath of the wild good thing we can kill it fast enough [Laughter] yeah ah fun okay so our old death was up there and the tower we were at was the norid tower and then we found the East mid Tower which was over in that direction what I’d like to do is actually go down kind of uh Southeast a bit more yeah we’re we’re on the top of a really high mountain so we’re just going to Glide for a bit no problem this is how things work no issues whatsoever so looks like there’s a village down there as the blocks populate in and say okay yeah I’m going to go check this out we’re gliding okay it’s a nice way to travel jumping from yeah cuz our our base up there is at the very very top insufferable BS mini games in Final Fantasy uh 7 rebirth eh oh this is a destroyed Village this is unfortunate there there will be no villagers everyone’s dead here this is the second time I’ve come across a village like that crazy can I can I loot everything though that’s the question o is there anything left to loot the answer may surprise you um and in doubt get string no there there doesn’t seem to be any treasure whatsoever very unfortunate there should at least be destroy like empty treasure chests oh yeah okay we’ve been here before that’s fine it’s a good way what’s this repair and disenchant oh yeah yeah yeah you can repair things but uh they lose their special powers they they get factory reset essentially that’s cool like how there’s another one here take that true hit bow that iron helmet is not Enchanted so I don’t care going to eat potato good I don’t need another grinding wheel but I’ll take one of these uh ovens going to go ahead [Music] and really quick just open up this other backpack this is uh this backpack should have a furnace a grindstone and a salvaging station yeah let’s get a uh wooden table soon soon as possible I know I can’t do that right now but uh when when we get to the trees we’ll go ahead and do it yep mhm here we go God that’s a powerful axe I know it’ll break it sooner rather than later but it’s still a powerful axe okay that should do it let’s get these uh melted down so here’s the question if we go two different types of wood yes they can two different types of wood can make a workbench neat I want to combine them all into a single stack well too bad kiddo you you you chop down two different types of trees they will forever be different yeah we We There we go now we have a like a mobile base there we got got a bunch of stations ready to go in the meantime Let’s uh work our way up what at some point I should plunder the depths oh speaking of plundering The Depths everybody it’s a [Music] mine okay let’s go ahead and mark this location mine wait there we go this area is great we’ve been here before I’m pretty sure maybe we’ve been to the easier version I don’t know but it’s just taking us straight down into the cave sections below this is going to be great treasure pain suffering pretty sure we’re deep enough to fight anything oh yeah I haven’t been here uh no no i’ I’ve been here I’ve definitely been here I know exactly why I’ve been here too cuz I dug around the sides yep open that that Treasure Chest up already so we got uh things to look at all the way down o la la okay uh let’s dig this out red stone is good to get mining experience ex pays wonder what else is down here could it be death pain suffering yeah there’s nothing over here there’s a bunch of vines we can climb if I get silk touch can I gather those Vines and then place them dynamically in my uh base to act as ladders that’d be pretty cool going to sneeze there we go I hear a lot of monsters but I don’t see a lot of monsters I think they’re in the other track over here there’s supposed to be another track over here new treasure chest oh that’s a lot of common Stones okay fair enough glowberries what’s this rice why rice why a rail an activator rail crazy and a cooking pot I don’t H I didn’t have a cooking pot what the hell hold on dinner served we can now cook properly let’s stick those glowes blueberries in there with some golden apple do not cook the golden apple you knit okay I I don’t know how it works exactly but we have a cooking pot that’s cool okay which way next it dead ends here I don’t believe it continues in any way shape or form I don’t see anyone behind me okay this is where we start using torches oh is that lapis that’s lapis give me bread give me potato yeah I don’t see anything else going to keep going this mine doesn’t feel like it goes anywhere feels like it’s just a series of dead ends that’s unfortunate I remember this place was packed full of enemies earlier but uh I guess that was a blood moon or something very inconsistent I should look up more often is that a like a harvestable mining cart uh breaking the cart will delete your unique loot items interesting wow incredible all right I hear enemies that way did you know that light generated by lava it does not uh stop monster spawns great okay good news everybody we’re digging around why are we digging around because I absolutely refuse to go up against that lava that’s why that’s better okay let’s get ourselves some torches crazy I think we just hit the big cave oh yeah we hit the big cave look at all those monsters the good thing I have energy Shield that regenerates when my poison bolts hit or we’d be in for some bad times here I see some glow soldiers that’s nice uh get out here skeletal Warriors all right my skeletal archers are now shooting the uh whatever that glow Soldier is that thing is terrifying uh he had some glowstone dust nothing big Ender you mean Slender Man yes yes and indeed my favorite part is when they fall over dead yeah that hurt a lot okay I’m going to place some torches on the uh kind of in the middle here nice bones oh Crystal crazy all right I’m I’m trying to dodge trying trying to dodge here Crystal yes these monsters didn’t exist back when I was playing the only monsters I really miss are like the dragons from rlcraft they’re bastards but they’re supposed to be bastards you just have to kind of figure out you know wh hello um how not to get murdered by them okay I only have six more torches left I could stand to use some coal if I could find it okay breaking down some stag uh mites stag tights are the ones that come from above stag mites are the ones that Come From Below all right we’re out I see a torch there I’m following the Torches this is a terrible idea I’ve been here before haven’t I ah uh it doesn’t matter let’s dig our way out maybe no no I see what is that is that gold is that diamonds no that’s golden zinc okay fair enough um good we’re done here let’s go the other way I hear the monsters don’t land on the stalagmites they hurt great how spikes are a thing okay we’re going to put away basically everything and then get hit with a crystal uh Spike that works okay fair enough break the ears God I remember when Terraria had the ears that was uh good stuff feels like Minecraft really did look at Terraria and went oh we should do that too yeah Terraria and um what’s the other one um Terraria and stardew Valley are two games whose Community doesn’t hate their developers it’s kind of crazy I’m just thinking about how Starbound was like a a huge grift specifically the uh oh I got to kill these Crystal zombies what was I saying no uh the developer of Starbound the lead developer convinced people to put in their time and effort to you know get exposure and then kind of cycled them whoa well that that isn’t what I wanted what a shame um what was I saying oh yeah yeah uh to get exposure and then uh you know turn around and cycle through the next person who should get exposure with you know the the the theory that they might get uh paid later that was uh and you know when someone started to burn out whatever they were just replaced that’s what I’m told if there is truth to that well there probably is I believe them I believe the people who said this let me phrase it like that okay but did you know that Starbound source code was leaked so uh unless the developer starts coming in making new versions we’re going to end up seeing some pretty dramatic modding online it can’t be used for commercial projects obviously but uh um there will eventually be some pretty uh pretty big mods made out of it okay let’s see if there’s anything else we should care about a lot of different seed types I’d like to jump and not hit the ladder feels like the ladder is stopping me from progressing it’s a shame yep yeah it’s just bizarre of the yeah I don’t know I’m going to go ahead and build a exit out of I was going to say dirt but apparently tough is what we’re using today yes damn there we go very silly there was an oven here too for no reason very strange wasn’t expecting to see a uh scary creeper on the side there oh well I need to get out of here was a fun little uh dungeon plundering uh trip but uh I really need to find my way out seems like there’s a staircase over there I can use yep that’s the way out out of torches though it’s unfortunate need some coal all right we’re climbing on up out it’s not a problem oops ah uh uh nearly fell off don’t worry the zombies coming with me it’s great no issues you fan of Ben 10 not really no Ben 10 uh started airing well after I stopped paying attention to most cartoons all right I’ve seen a few episodes it’s not like I am entirely ignorant of what Ben 10 is it just you know okay let’s get going got everything we needed we are heading out we find some coal along the way while we’re in those mountains that would be best because then we can make some more torches but in the meantime not a huge deal sticks are plenty yes um no I see coal right now so I’ll be able to make at least a couple torches dig that’ll do it cool we got uh few units of coal that’s nice [Music] damn it’s funny how uh what were those shows it was uh uh Thundercats Roar and um oh jeez it was ThunderCats RAR and um Teen Titans Go yes the the the the like the lead uh the the showrunner whoever was in charge spent an inornate amount of time like dunking on other shows trying to say uh that uh oh look uh you’ll never get the show you want and treating people like nerds and such it’s it’s great you know like you know obviously they are nerds but uh you know trying to espouse some sort of superiority complex it was very interesting how uh like th those particular uh people were very very full of themselves I like to talk but you know uh do you really uh you really sacrifice the uh Integrity of a show Just To Go na n at the people who uh are kind of offended that you know they’re not getting what they want well I don’t know just just kind of stupid isn’t it like you have the uh you get a particular intellectual property and then you butcher it in the name of your own ego that’s uh what they did what was the uh Powerpuff Girls one called there there was a Powerpuff Girls uh one as well in the same vein as uh as that that basically butchered the series it’s amazing like you basically hand the IPS off to people who don’t care about the originals basically at all and uh it’s incredible what ends up happening I mean I’ve [Music] only I’m only 10 ually aware of most of this stuff because like I’ll be discussing how uh certain shows go wrong and why and people will bring up things like uh the new Powerpuff Girls or Teen Titans and such and to to be fair I had no idea until uh they mentioned it and then I looked I had uh well past uh paying attention to uh you know American cartoons oops got an egg for some reason we’re going to Glide this we’re definitely going to Glide this we’re going to that Tower there and those are all usable treasure chests this should be fine entrance is right here happy happy chocobos okay so we climb up shouldn’t be a big deal get the top and that is a tower that horse armor leather horse armor okay that’s fine you stopped watching cartoons after Doug and Ren and Stimpy I was occasionally recommended one but uh yeah yeah I I I get what you mean Rugrats was a good one for that era totem totems totems totems a rune there I don’t need that block take those pants we’re looting all of the uh parts of the tower whoa ruby ring with three sockets that’s really good like really really good SpongeBob came far far after that uh I was aware of SpongeBob because I was um before the memes I was aware of SpongeBob because I was babysitting friend’s sister and uh you know as a favor and she liked SpongeBob so she had that on the entire time and you know eh if it makes the kid happy so be it of course that kid is now married uh like she she is now an adult so you know like it it is what it is like time uh Time Marches ever onward okay what do you mean you don’t agree with me that that is one of the best clips from Ren and Stimpy do you know who you’re talking with too then he just nukes half the planet okay we’re going up to Mark this’s south tower mhm [Music] let me see here yeah there’s horse armor in there I don’t care about that uh south tower mid good good good Salute Your Shorts uh that was like a summer camp show I think I remember none of the characters at all but I I I do remember the opening theme song specifically yes uh all I remember is the opening theme song None of the characters none of the details not even a bit but I’m certain that the uh yeah oh there’s got a statue there cool go uh yeah I’ll just kind of drop down here this goddess statue will uh mark this for uh yeah goddess statue South there we go let’s keep going mhm the actor who played the camp counselor died H makes sense I mean it was a long time ago we’re going east I see some sort of uh looks like a base a Syndicate base yes ah coal excellent want more coal good there more coal over here yes there is oh boy I love getting buried underneath uh you know this material here yeah like that do we have a shovel yes we do let’s get rid of all this junk good that should do what tiger this is a type [Music] of okay yeah the Fortress should be over to the east I think yeah we uh we can go down there and nuke some enemies and there looks like there’s a Stonehenge over there that’s pretty cool looks like there’s some docks down there as well he say it’s weird seeing holiday say Holly actors from the early 2000s transition to YouTube it reminds me of uh Adam cesler in which he was called upon to uh apologize for uh some uh pretty damn racist uh xplay segments very anti-japanese um I thought they were funny but that’s because I’m going to hell um yeah anyway what the hell I’m getting attacked by Magic like the guy sees me through the window um here we go now then um who here we go kill him he’s the archist archist is dead move on up we’re going to have a an enchanter up there there he is he’s the evoker Pillager evoker we got him hell yeah okay Angry Beaver Show happened later ooh level 37 book that’s a pretty good one oh [ __ ] I qualify for this book uh this chest piece now hell yeah let’s get it equipped damn right this one is fire resistance some health yeah this one has more Mana Shields that’s better let me see this book here has uh yeah armor Health socket yeah has 100% potential meaning yeah this one has higher potential it doesn’t matter um 73 versus 63 that’s that’s not too bad we’re going to look at what’s lootable greater [Music] Souls I don’t really care about that grab the melon seeds we need to grow melons I love melons this way okay we’re dropping into the water good good we’re going to fight now then mhm what else oh jeez that was frightening guy dropped a Normal book I don’t need that book damn it heard something oh yeah he’s the archist archist does not matter he drops books they they’re not important watching my zombes spread out is kind of terrifying it means there’s monsters from all sides hello we got monsters out there H I don’t see any of them right now that said you can see how they’re loading into the pre like they’re not necessarily loaded into the prefabs correctly funny treasure chests I’ll take that is that’s lesser barrage hold on a second you’re kidding me okay uh less projectile damage more projectile count ooh that looks great I kind of want to try to slot that in on my poison blast and see what happens yeah the individual attacks do less but it fires more bolts which is interesting let me see anything else more melon seeds that’s great copper iron yes yep yep lesser barrage let’s have a look my current food diversity is rather High what do you mean cuz you ate a potato and then you ate some bread yes that’s that’s how it works yeah one55 uh okay we need to get these treasure chests uh axed out uh hold on where’s my axe there’s my axe okay back here just P all this away for now no big deal that magic Tome is going to be interesting if we can get a rune word in it I don’t think we can yep the game thinks otherwise as long as they’re different items L okay behold summon some [Music] more here come the enemies well I got hit by something it’s magic isn’t it oh yeah there was a guy there he dead now diamonds excellent that’s what I’m talking about if I can make another Diamond backpack that would be best got um hell yeah seven experience orbs off that guy pretty funny what’s this lacquered chest pce and amethy amethysts well hello they fell down here okay yep all kinds of monsters here you I’ll gladly kill them the what do these totems of the undying even do holy crap um yeah I was going to say to the undying is a combat item that can save the holder from Death it is dropped by evokers it didn’t doesn’t work though yeah okay if the player is holding it in their hand Okay cool so all we have to do is we go over here and we’re going to uncheck the totem of freezing and we’re going to put the totem of the undying in there no no to Totem of the undying has to be in his hand AKA it has to occupy the book slot AKA it’s not worth it good to know let me see what else we got a lot of the other totems can go into a special slot there okay one more thing I need to check real quick um almost ready to continue nonsense should be under monsters no there chest a clock but it’s nighttime according to the clock I’d like to build will break down the clock for valuable materials instead of just having a clock hello sir huh he’s trying to throw uh axes at me crazy ow indeed damn that guy’s a pain The Marauder has been defeated looks like there’s some treasure chest there what do we got nothing okay we’re going to chop that chest up grab the loot same deal there wonder why this area gets flooded the way it does it feels like it’s a generation bug kind of funny either way all our treasure chests come from these little mini dungeons very funny no name tag thanks and it’s funny watching the Torches like spray out water somehow H this way I believe nothing there that’s uh pre looted and I think we’re leaving I’m going to look uh for Treasure CU I think there’s like a couple dropped items over here yep more importantly I see some iron that mining experience is good some items through here that’s the coal we wanted so the cool thing about getting the coal we wanted oh nice my iron pickaxe is now upgrade done common which means it’ll have uh powers that don’t matter okay lot of gemerald there haven’t really found anything it’s funny in the rlcraft run I found a fair few things that I wanted from the um you know from the gym vendors but uh here I haven’t really found anything that I really want that uh isn’t easily accessible okay got those treasure chests hell yeah that should do it looks like there’s a couple enemies that spawned over there well never mind T chest there yep B we got to access our storage it’s down over here yeah unfortunately those totems of the undying I don’t think they do anything for us as sad as that sounds not even a bit that is yep that’s a magic item all right straddle jump straddle board jumps what the hell is a straddle board never heard of that before so many uh mechanics in Minecraft that are unknown to me should be a monster around the corner here got him and he dropped his soul nice good I’m going to start heading on out I suppose the stronghold is nice but uh yes very silly this is the way out tada so we’re done here we can leave is it day or night you’ve no idea okay um I’m going to do is I’m going to grab specific items that are um unstackable yes un stackable items and we’re just going to kind of put them away what the we’ll sort there we go cool well yeah that’s a reinforced plate we’re definitely not using that okay we’re going to select the other backpack and in this one we’re going to start putting away those items yes the uh just kind of making sure that our normal backpack the one we can access anytime is a little more uh not empty but a little less full yes if we look at this and we go for these two Magic Shield this one is a hat of markings we’re going to keep that in the corner but looking at uh other things you know we got another gear soulle over here this ruby ring looks really fancy I don’t think we’ll end up using it but it looks fancy I don’t know about these totems of the undying I don’t think I can make them useful at all let’s go to that Stonehenge looking area there that’s what it looks like for from where I’m standing oh wow pillagers wow okay uh back over here damn that looks like a dungeon exit or something [Music] anyway so gemstones there Spruce Le you don’t have to care [Music] about what oh it’s a wizardo yeah oh wow that was strange oh we killed the guy the archist there’s more down there apparently kind of crazy what is this Soul campfire how strange uh hello Mr Pillager how you doing yeah that’s what I thought okay well that is a grindstone cobweb there oh yeah yeah I can see there’s a uh PA chest underneath that resplendant pants of the Yeti truly the Yeti’s pants are resplendant see how they glow with power no no I don’t that’s an anvil let’s take that with us I will regret everything speaking of regrets if we wanted to repair this pickaxe we’re using right now we don’t have enough levels so no it doesn’t say too expensive it just says we can’t do it which means we just need to get some iron chunks out yep so we do that iron and it only cost three levels so yeah apparently at the like because this pick hasn’t been used a whole lot it makes sense that it’d be cheap okay well we’re going to do is we’re going to pick up the the Anvil and we’re going to put it in our second bag so what we do is we uh equip the second bag and we put the Anvil in there with the other tools we can just make a whole base at this point it’s really funny like we have all the tools we need all the stations we need to make a whole base wherever we want okay we eat bread first then we eat potato kind of toggle through between uh bread and potato and that way we keep a quote unquote food diversity it’s not a great food diversity but it’s it’s a food diversity let’s see what’s down here hello that’s a pretty cool place damn yeah I need to kill that thing crazy that’s that’s the uh Caster yep that’s an evoker and that’s an alchemist crazy it sounds awful I mean impressed I had no idea things would be this awful okay are they living down here with cobwebs so thick I have no idea they’re trying to open the door they are opening the door this guy they keep opening and closing the door that’s that’s what was going on yep sweet berries huh what’s this ring energy drain fire damage no big deal H let’s sleep NOP not night time fair enough I have weakness my respawn point was set to this area though which is questionable at best killed him with melee he has been defeated what do you think you’re doing okay going to put away everything we got here yeah couple Treasure Chest what’s this accuracy strength some bath we need to cook the beef I need to figure out how to use that damn cooking pot okay let’s figure out where I put my sticks okay I’ve got 12 sticks here got 60 coal so we can make torches now we have 15 torches which is not enough we take the coal put it on top scks on the bottom that’s another thing about rlcraft I didn’t like was the the lit torch Tores mod where you had to not only craft torches but then you had to light them um and then you would light them with like a matchbox the matchbox would be like a super accessible flint and tnder uh FL flint and steel sorry um the issue I had personally oh jeez this place sucks um the issue I had was that the um the Torches would burn out after a while and I thought that was terrible just awful okay we’re going to dig up using a special type of mining it should be an escape tunnel yes and so we do that we make an escape tunnel and that gets us up and out we are now going to repair our item yes we should have the repair tool here let’s access our other yeah I didn’t I didn’t dislike the idea of oh yeah got to you got to light the Torches with their Matchbox I thought the matchbox was a really cool tool that I kept you know like in my backpack at all times you know to use whenever ever I need it I thought like I thought that was awesome but then um then I found out the Torches burn out and I’m just like oh God like imagine the logistics of keeping an area lit forever that’s why I would steal torches from cities and because they were the pre-lit forever lit versions um yeah that was not fun um having to subvert the core mechanic in or one of the core mechanics uh would have rather they just said oh use this magical powder to keep the Torches lit forever you know I would have been okay with that all right let’s see we need to get this Anvil down here yeah use the Anvil and we’re going to get this iron pickaxe repaired using iron do we have iron yes we do good so yeah it should be fine cool should do it not a big deal can I do this with my bare hand no that’s fine okay then we use the backpack put the Anvil back away and access our normal pack put everything away there cool did what I did employed dger to keep the Torches lit forever that is so awful they can open doors but uh don’t worry they’ll keep your torches lit okay our Escape tunnel is set it’s morning now so we should be a okay this kind of got us out from the pit yeah this is the pit where they were that’s soulfire uh definitely yeah I I knew it I knew there were other treasure chests I hadn’t picked up that’s why I came back yes that is a knife of Devastation crit increase critical chance and crit damage that is an amazing knife if I were a knife user I would freaking love that thing it’s also plus one to fire skills which is insane a hoe with efficiency very good splendent everything some mutton okay rout I think that yeah that that’s the way down that uh we dug an escape tunnel out of cuz it didn’t work oh God they really don’t want us out of here well whatever cool so from here looks like there’s a flying Island up there I don’t think we’re going to be able to get up there in any timely manner what a shame instead I’d like to dig through the forests to the east Adventures question mark rning a spear build uh focusing on Dodge and crit oh and this sounds good yeah it’s uh that’s a fun thing to do absolutely okay we’re going to dive across the water there East always to the east anyway this gets us across the water pretty fast imagine having to swim that whole way of course whoa excuse me who’s shooting at me drowned or throwing Spears at me there is like a legendary drown down there epic armor [Music] drowned I I’m on the verge oh I I did drown [ __ ] oh well it is what it is did you know that we set our respawn Point here by sleeping in that bed I should have used the sleeping bag I should have done that but instead of respawning back in our base in the other dimension we respawn here now doesn’t I mean I can teleport back to the portal destination anytime I want but I got to go over there and uh show those monst just what for o going to get killed again should be fine in the meantime we go up here yeah so climb it oops not quite what I was expecting oh well that should do it more or less okay we’re going to Glide over to our last death it’s going to be great okay there’s our last death lot of drowners down there a lot of dead fish too I’m just going to drop in I don’t know if there are any other monsters here there’s a fishing pole here come the drowners come on skeletons okay my archers are ready to shoot and I’m out of the water of summoning minions into the water because why should I bother with such things yeah I’m seeing all kinds of fancy items floating around lot of meat I don’t care about too but uh you know where all the drowners came from like that there was just a whole pack of them all of a sudden including a legendary one that crazy there’s an orca I’m going to walk away from the Orca I say is there’s more drowners I think they just spawn here naturally just by uh virtue of you being there yep okay cuz yeah I’ve I’ve encountered several now this is a epic cursed drowned I hate the cursed okay we’re out I’m leaving I’m not going to subject myself to more drowner attacks okay so a hammer Soul neat what else uncommon axle nice let’s have a look at the other back pack see what other Souls we got we got a staff uh which is a standard soul I was looking for uncommon to be honest I’ll take this uncommon ring Soul though let’s use that and see what happens um Inc common ring [Music] Soul yeah can put that soul back in there along with these gaves this chest piece yeah we should be fine that fishing rod has no value I assume let’s let’s have a look let’s see what this fishing rod does who knows um have I heard of that maybe I’m uh confusing it with something else but I think no H yes the name eludes me but I’ve heard of this what was that um there was a different Theory which uh it reminds me of where there was um the idea that the uh the random fluctuations of a um uh what do you call it a nebula could actually um be because uh because the um the particles inside uh would be pulled together by gravity constantly the theory is that uh like a something akin to a human brain could uh form within the uh within the chaos of a uh like a nebula and uh I I remember hearing about that thinking that was kind of interesting this uh yeah but um yeah life is kind of a um like there is a very good possibility that life developing on Earth was a fluke like just a complete and total impo almost impossibility like you look at how mammals brains work and you look at how um you know how similar we are to each other and you know is that a lion a crap summoning zombies I think we’re about to fight a lion that’s a cow that’s just a that’s just a cow with uh yeah it’s a vampire it’s a it’s an uncommon vampire cow that is great it wasn’t a lion it was a vampire cow okay or in Jesus you say mhm it’s a lion it’s a cow it’s a vampire cow yeah the true king of the jungle yes deep discussion on life must wait to be honest I am massively unqualified for the uh deep discussion on life what I was going to say was there’s a very good chance that all life on Earth is uh a fluke and um like a virtual impossibility and so so like even among earthlike planets and so the uh the optimistic future of like Starfield or other you know no man’s Sky whatever where there’s a ton of oh it looks like there’s a portal over there let’s go uh where there’s a ton of planets that have life is uh it is very very possible that there were maybe one or two planets that uh could have supported life and among them you know other than Earth I mean and among them um it’s possible that like any kind of condition may have occurred to wipe out said life this portal is almost complete geez that’s pretty funny anyway Let’s uh see here I wonder if the mirror oh what’s this curse of Vanishing Golden Axe golden shovel crazy uh my goodness or we’re the first of the party yes but um what I’m saying is that given the number of planets um that exist in the Galaxy or you know even the universe there should have been some sign already and the fact that there hasn’t been means that uh like that that’s where the fmy Paradox kind of comes into play where uh there’s talk of the great filter you know much like uh much like on my live streams you have you have pictures like this right and so people will immediately click off once they see something like this you know they they are they are filtered right yeah so uh but no the the the the great filter is something that is terrifying and very interesting to look at yes okay but uh seriously it is something to look at yeah [Music] anyway again I am massively unqualified to talk about uh this stuff but I do anyway because LOL okay we sleep we sleep here okay we’re going to go uh South I want to see what this is Miss seagull those B bird bastards okay oh we found some iron over there we’re going to go for that yep there we go crunch that’s the iron I wanted now how do I get across I want to see whatever what this is there’s some crazy stuff over there I see like Tower and the big old structure I don’t know what that is I’ll find out mhm wow what is that nonsense oh there’s stuff down there glowing glowing in the darkness drowners [ __ ] cold ocean I challenge you drowners damn right where’d you drop the problem is as you go for the drowners loot then more drowners pop up there’s like an endless uh Saga of drowners what is that mhm good good good wow this is great think this is meril’s song pretty sure this is meril’s song there’s something out there some sort of structure [ __ ] stop hurting me okay mhm we know more about surface of the Moon than life of the bottom of the ocean yes frozen ocean this is great is this this is packed ice yes I too like packing okay this way good onwards and sideways what’s down here there some glowy crystals we go back up subnotica I don’t think so I need to figure out what this is right over here ice maze what ice maze crazy well time to start shattering some ice okay that’s better this were RL craft in the default mode we’d be freezing to death but hey don’t have to worry about that an ow Rune life steel a toome with 72 Magic Shield that’s glorious this is all good stuff an hour Rune though that is super rare hell yeah to uh [Music] soul soul we raw card what’s this fire damage and burn chance that’s a pretty good uh marker there we don’t need it but it’s pretty good going to break this damn right okay we’re out it said ice Maze and they weren’t joking when they said this was an ice maze want to see what that is I was going to go over there to that Tower but now I’m interested in whatever this is yeah this thing this little Tower of nothing I just heard a warhorn pretty sure whatever’s over there is hostile great what are you spine fish got I’m going to be doing so much fishing in Final Fantasy 14 you have no idea I’m going to dedicate like one or two days to just casually catching up on [ __ ] in that game not now I got other things to do but uh soon yep that’s a Pillager all right I can hear him so this is a Pillager [Music] stronghold how are you supposed to get up there oh it’s connected over there okay this world has been connected tied to the darkness yeah I don’t need any minions to kill one single Pillager you’re pathetic okay this way we need to eat before we do anything else you hear that horn good and then we step up there over here good now we just have to make the jump cool this shouldn’t be a big deal slide around a little bit no no huge deal there this should cross over to their compound yes yeah those guys are something else you know what it’s time for a black hole Yep they’re all very hurt more importantly though where the hell are we supposed to get in hello uh yeah about that I’m chopping my way in [ __ ] it I’m regenerating my energy Shield by using [Music] bolts that’s supposed to alert all the Allies doesn’t actually do that though basic attack damage attack speed draw speed that’s really cool basically says hey you want to attack faster you can attack faster be a basic melee hit guy chaos damage and cast speed this staff is going away let’s go kill the rest of these guys well there’s other levels to this place so I assume Really you can climb the chain the chains that bind hello good good good good yep which way that Lecter these beasts from the depths prowl for someone to devour oh I see wait there’s more we are Waiting in Vain for rescue we are no longer able to heart to heat the fort resources are out our supply hid our supplies uh valuable cargo underground Poseidon has cursed US during the storm liutenant washed away into the sea along with the master case the Hope remains similar keys on other ships in our Fleet cargo without the keys I will not be able to retrieve the most valuable cargo search the other ships around really so in other words just find shipwrecks um for cargo keys and then come back here and get the big loot under underground that’s funny Pirates pouch oo you know how much I like those let’s go ahead and uh open open that up that was d uh dublet of the sea tramps I say critical hit and armor bonus it’s pretty funny there is more treasure pouch to be had what is it oh gold nuggets emeralds yeah yeah that’s good stuff okay and he more pill out and about oh cartography stand just think you too can be uh killed for uh making bootleg maps cartographers are a ruthless organization who will not stand any form of uh sorry any kind of uh rival is getting in the way of their business yes you need to uh do do you have a license to make those maps how do you assure intellectual property well you just kill everyone who uh or break the hands of the people who you know refuse interesting we’ve got a blast furnace what’s the difference between a regular oven and a blast furnace does it consume uh fuel faster to cook faster or does it do other things I’m wondering curiosity iron there is so many materials here that are great use explosions to cook what does that mean uh what What’s this post armor trim neat mm yep okay let’s see what we can put away here the answer’s nothing then we have to switch over to our secondary backpack yes now we can put things away here as well you feel vibrations under the ice what vibrations under the ice that is disturbing let’s go up this was a ship and it got stuck here basically that’s very interesting what but yeah like the game assumes that I am on the ice and not oh God I see floating whales those are devours there’s like a whole pack of them that’s a gemerald a chosy gemerald I want to check what those are well I’ll be back just you wait and see in the frame oh right no that’s that’s an that’s an emerald yeah [ __ ] need to check the rest of these Souls Stones leather pants leather boots H suspicious stew those make you sick pretty sure it makes you sick let’s let’s get sick shall we terrible idea let’s do it oh wow when the stew is sus it just filled up my entire bar Uh crap a dose Rune some bamboo no one cares about any of that nice um yes you can get the item from the frame I know but however I don’t want it I suppose is the answer don’t get me wrong whoops another dublet of The Grotto okay cool um orb of imbalance that’s nice daggers more of these another most Rune kind of leather cap is this Unbreaking wait what sorry what was I saying oh yeah so uh it’s an emerald it’s not that big a deal it’s I thought it was a diamond initially because you said it was a diamond it’s not a diamond it’s an emerald a chaos gemerald warax of vampirism or quality see gray cloth bleed chant support gy red okay what we’re going to do since we’re basically uh wait what happened we should be fine yes he he he okay first thing we’re doing we’re going to access our other backpack and we’re going to pull up out a salvaging station and then we’re going to put the salvaging station on our bar and we going to salvage some things real quick just a few things yeah I don’t think yeah this chest is lacks a soul these both lack Souls they cannot be processed but everything else can bleed chance support not for me thank you very much okay okay what else mhm right poison staff not the oh yeah this this crossbow we need to melt that down melt it all down that’s fine what we do is we put these in like that should be okay then we go over here put the crossbow in there along with the wooden Bowl because we won’t be making any soup right now same thing for the bamboo we kind of move some stuff around so it won’t be too awkward when we uh grab a bunch of stuff from our backpack again oops there we go so again reinforc pains poison this that that that good just make up clearing up some space here from our different containers this ring is fire damage we ain’t using that okay good enough let’s go ahead and uh just finish smelting this this will make uh some inventory space for us these are items we don’t necessarily want but we picked up cuz we know we can break them down for their resources oh hello that is a golden moth the golden moth doing H too bad I hear more of it I killed one of the golden moths and yet there’s more there’s always more why okay [Music] that’s most of our gear taken care of so sh T we can get rid of going to grab these iron bars to melt down same thing for the rails same thing for the gravel I want these gone yep fair enough uh yeah that’s about it I’m going to go ahead and do a sort really quick on this container CU otherwise I’m going to be here all day all right glimmering chest piece yeah get out of here anything else a ring a ruby ring going to keep that okay cool so we’re going to get rid of some of these items here no big deal just uh they are trash so we got rid of them and now we’re going to finish smelting down the last couple items before we uh get back to it but we cleared up some inventory space great because uh this whole area has been packed full of Loot and I’m looking at the situation going uh my inventory is very very full but I’m not ready to go back to town yet I’ve been my loot mongering has been enabled far beyond anything it should have been yeah we’re going to break that break that what else we can keep that ring that hat is bad we’re going to melt that down that should be the last thing to melt down from that uh container this container on the other hand we should be able to pick up some resplendant Graves and and an old chest piece that isn’t as good it’s 89 is the uh the current number it says let’s find out 89 yeah 115 definitely so that should do it and now we’ll just uh break these down in our inventory the fence the paper the string well we’ll get more strings soon there’s no question about that it’s spitting stuff out because it’s full that’s funny all right I hate that we have to manually grab like we can’t just shift click and bring into our inventory that’s an annoying part about this okay chop it up got to be using the axe no problem pop okay so we put away the salvaging station then we put away the leather cap double it and then we just deposit the rest of this stuff no big deal okay our inventory is much clearer than it was not clean just clear enough that I can grab the rest of the loot in this mid level damn it I mean there’s chests everywhere so we might as well go with the ones on this floor first crack Des right yes uh pixie’s Hat Gear defense gear defense short resistance trap damage o you could uh you could have a trap build just like uh you know the assassins in Diablo i/ Path of Exile everybody these are a bunch of barrels I hear all kinds of crazy stuff down there there’s a lot of barrels here all right the stones the trim that’s all nice I don’t need the leather cap it turns out it’s uh aqua infinity increases mining spe underwater no thanks I’ll take the orb of digging though mhm yes going to say um I mean I think we have one of those hold on um yeah yeah we got an El stalo that that that exists anyway let’s see here tomato seeds another suspicious stew we’ll grab that for no reason spine fish ooh Hammer of repetition that hammer we can uh break down good stuff same thing there y I mean it’s your fault you did you uh you inflicted yourself with that by mentioning it congratulations okay you didn’t have to yes you could have stayed silent on cool you get us up there hell yeah pirate pouch got to love a good pouch let’s open it up see what’s there regret everything that is a hat of the Dead Sea died armor and attack damage out of curiosity let’s see what the hat looks like um you were talking about Zelda’s magic pouch okay that’s a different matter um Let me let me pull up the Wanda gamon tutorial because that’s a big deal uh let me see here okay come on let’s go fight ganon’s evil Legions I’ll show you how first move the Triforce to pick a place on the map hold on uh in fact it makes them talk too luckily I brought my smart sword it won’t hurt anyone friendly in fact it makes them talk of course I’m on your side but I still have to sell the stuff just pick what you want I’ll handle the rubies okay uh there we go to open the pouch yeah there you go this one magic pouch ma ma magic pouch there it is when you want to buy something from the merchant shop touch it with the sword the sword also picks up tools and rubies listen luckily this is the important part right here I have my magic pouch I can carry as much as you want to open the pouch make me Crouch down and then there you go that that’s all you need to know okay let’s get going so we’re going to go with the uh Magic Tome there just picking that up uh damage on hit can you imagine just dual wielding books that’s pretty funny there no no big deal yes okay so we got to put these away y yep no no big deal yep it’s uh no big deal so what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be we’ll end up playing our zet probably uh like Tuesday which is uh for those who don’t know a true spiritual successor to that game it’s a legally distinct um game that uses uh her voice actress but yeah I’m I’m aiming for Tuesday I I you know I very often aim for something and miss so uh keep that in mind but uh the intent is there let me see let’s continue to yeah soothing Ring Of The Wind chaos resistance there’s a bunch of raw Cod here not going to go for the raw Cod right now I’ll take take the tower Shield cuz that can be smelted there’s a lot of barrels here that are just irrelevant to what we need to do unfortunate so that is a monster the game says please to kill monster yes I’m going for it oh God they’re fall they’re coming up here cocal cocal almost like a fan almost like a fan eh uh yeah thato that water is very Frozen as in I think it debuffed me crazy that these things come on land that thing have treasure in its mouth that thing has treasure in its mouth crazy I’m taking damage it’s great [ __ ] this whole area is painful you’re going to freeze to death wow fins fins are not fans only fins can’t wait there’s an Airship over looks like an Airship over there we need to go west now yeah we need we need to go directly west the way we came but yes it’s freezing and there’s rain did you know that in an area this cold it probably shouldn’t be raining it should be snowing or hail imagine getting pelted by hail that sounds like fun and not completely distressing uhhuh ice ice ice ice ice ice there are fish under that water and they hate me okay mhm perfect the terrible Ms what this way we’re going west see a bunch of items on the ground a whole big pile of them makes me wonder what’s going on over there there’s also a sky Fortress which we’re not going to at the moment and yeah this is the way cool so there’s supposed to be a bunch of items over here right here as in like right here yeah when it said the Ice uh vibrates under your feet I understand what they were getting at there is there’s a monster underneath that’s after me okay so there are items this way just seem to be in a weird spot very strange going this way jumpy yes definitely jumpy so where like there are items under the ice kind of that way I think there are more Ms over there that’s great I’m not I’m not doing that I’m not I’m not having anything to do with that I’m going to go over that Tower that’s another another pillagers Tower kind of crazy I see a golden butterfly look it’s the malls again there are more of them okay what we need to do is switch to are skeletal archers and they should help us clear out these bastards yep Gathering fins I wonder what the fins can give us find fish in the mouth of the enemy sure bread could definitely use some bread mhm oh treasure pouch nice I’ll grab one of those it’s money gold and gold nuggets would love to get some diamonds there I don’t think that’s going to happen there’s some more pillagers this way I assume that the way up into their Fortress should be you know accessible is opposed to terrifying good can hear the golden butterflies we’re climbing me villagers you’re doing a terrible job at this yep pillagers awful job let’s [Music] go I don’t know what’s next I’m confused this looks like a uh like where we were before [ __ ] so this area can I climb the lamp no I cannot climb the lamp chain ar ar ar mate I mean there’s only one option left it’s called black hole oh it landed benath them that sucks uh okay I need to use my Hatchet to get in I’ve undermined the structural Integrity of the entire base and yet I feel no remorse no pity okay what else we got spine fish you should eat raw spine fish it’ll make you happy no it won’t where’s the potato but let’s see potato Moto is there’s carrots up here that’s food this in uh Final Fantasy 14 the uh minion was called the linator uh 4,000 and the idea is that the dwarfs would always go LLY ho when they introduce themselves so he just not know remorse uh or pity or fear and he absolutely will not stop until you have been Lolly hoed true okay Terminator references are regurgitated everywhere don’t worry about about it okay I found the bread but that’s not a potato is actually very concerning the lack of potato oh it’s right here in my inventory that’s explains everything good L dose [Music] Rune lower projectiles we’re not taking the Pirates s uh s anymore they’re nice we’re not taking them right a nose Rune dos and nose let’s put the dose Rune away I guess we’re at a point now where we just kind of have to be aware of what’s available and kind of grab everything these leggings are terrible in must go the leggings must go okay good can grab the wheat and make more bread there’s always too much bread I can hear the monsters beneath us they’re scary hold on a second salvaging okay Auto Salvage common gear here yes let’s just say salvaging is a vital process and slash here you can a variety automatically be salvaged upon pickup yes haven’t seen any auto salvaging happen yet what a shame let me see what do we else we got Jewels can be placed in these uh slots once they’ve been allocated to Jewel sockets on your talent tree I see an additional way of enhancing your character I haven’t seen any evidence of that uh hover over the GUI elements to learn more oh really thanks Wiki character salvaging I could have sworn there’s like a way to turn on the salvaging cuz this feels off like it say it’s was on pickup so I wonder if I drop this Tower shield look get Auto salvaged the answer is yes but it has to be Auto it it has to be uh picked up as loot that’s crazy yep it is uh is creating them let me see what what else did it say about Auto salvaging though instead that uh will not give profession materials such as Essences okay so it’s just an easy way to deal with them in other words what I’m going to select is um light overlay what that overlay I name that’s fine um so many horns in so many directions okay what I need to do then is turn off the rare ones and only do it with the uh like the common ones cuz common ones suck I picked that up and it yeah automatically processes them that’s fine like the lowest end common materials I don’t care if I don’t get a you know lesser Essence from common because you know lesser Essences are not as good as the greater Essences that’s just how it is so uh in this case if we wanted to we just take this lacquered chest piece and have it AO yes that’s exactly right that is precisely what I wanted to do so in this case what we do is we yeah yeah a lot of these are higher rank than I can do with the automatic thing a bobber that I have turned on but like this one for example is terrible so we just bam so it doesn’t happen when you loot it from a container which is 99% of the time but it makes sense Auto uh autoprocessing the lowest grade materials suspicious to really that’s funny villagers what a shame you’re next who’s left damn level up what I’m talking about we haven’t looked at our Tech Tree in a while come to think of it we have two points to invest I’ve already technically yeah we should do the chaos damage there we go we got all the chaos damage we’re ever going to need I want some more summon health I don’t know area of effect is good as well yeah if I can get more area of effect that would be good for the splash attack I use Elemental staff damage don’t care about that that song effect duration that’s for BS I guess I’ll wait for a minute but I should probably consider getting another Jewel socket or something else increases Magic Shield reduces health regen interesting uh probably a terrible idea but this is a thought it’s definitely a thought rest duration critical damage up here is Staff damage mana on hit more man on hit and this one yeah so that’s interesting you can like Bonk people with your staff uh I don’t think so I would like to get intelligence followed by a jewel socket though like yeah extra Mana plus a jeel socket wouldn’t be a bad idea curse effect let’s see reduced Health increased magic Shields chaos resistance the stare of the Abyss looks amazing you just uh lose all your max Health who gives a [ __ ] you are now a uh energy Shield tank uh that is not good for what I’m doing cuz I I should be getting a perk that turns our uh our health into minion Health this this one has 15 summon uh percent summon Health that’s actually a good thing Elemental resistance wouldn’t be bad to get I actually think that’s uh that that’s what we should grab right now um yeah let’s do that let’s uh we’ll go up here and get uh uh 14% more Elemental resistance because when we get to the nether it’s all going to be fire which is why we’re hanging out here in this oh God as I was saying it’s why we’re hanging out in this place as it is that poison arrow yes people do that all the time damn Splendid pants of the storm these are terrible we’re going to melt them down mhm oh God we’re going up there’s pillagers up there damn it a I hate this there we go is it on YouTube I’m sure it is somewhere people uh make all kinds of weird edits what’s this parents of the monster I’m running out of spice really is uh let’s actually look at this we’re going to grab all the runes and put them in the second bag not because runes aren’t good but because uh I need to be careful and put them all in one spot so I don’t overlap yes sort those good all the runes are here yeah ano Rune I didn’t have before so I’m only getting those from this area is kind of interesting I should really figure out cooking skill reinforced cool Pirates pouches stack okay I can loot them without with impunity now so yes [Music] mhm okay we got vicious stew there scorched that what’s this some lines on this oh oh hello monsters that want to murder me I’m just going to break up the edges so that it’s clear that that’s the case otherwise I’m going to fall through and it’s going to be my fault cuz I broke it all right tractor Ruby hey that’s good stuff not done yet okay yeah we should be fine a lot of onions makes me wonder what we can craft with that yeah well get out Spruce stairs damn it I keep accidentally putting away a no run like that’s not what we need to do access the other one and yes good we are putting everything away filling up this container very quickly grab that stone no problem always be grabbing the stones [ __ ] this is quite annoying let’s figure this out Netherrack Netherrack is fine better yep on the verge of being done with this Mana regen augment that’s kind of nice chest piece chip [Music] turquoise I don’t see the keys like it said the keys were in a different ship our princess is in another Castle what God damn okay I can’t go up that way so I got to climb over there we go still looking there’s always more so we reach the very top yep it’s the same deal here if we look at this yep uh whoa whoa whoa we’re no longer able to eat the fort running out uh crew began do a shelter ground there are more structures underneath the ice I have to go down to these terrible fish and then cargo Keys got it so same deal as before just uh we have to kind of figure out what’s going to get oh Mana steel interesting I hadn’t considered Mana steel as a mechanic that’s [Music] fine ah Mana potions and a diamond that’s all good stuff let see what else put those stairs away we won’t use those stairs ever best not to think about it okay switch over to the diamond the so the secondary backpack going to say diamond backpack but then I realized oh they’re all diamond backpacks like both there’s a reason I have multiple backpacks what’s this no it’s just a way forward this area is like a unique biome I hadn’t considered such a thing before it uh not a unique biome per se but I mean like it wasn’t in uh the game when I played before all right potions chest plate okay diamonds hell yeah we might just have enough diamonds to be able to uh make backpack yeah very rare I mean uh I definitely wasn’t expecting that but yeah we found two of these ships kind of interesting Up Up and Away there’s also a floating Fortress up there in the sky but as I understand it those can chop in any biome okay it’s getting dark I think these pillagers would you know have a place to sleep that’s the interesting thing about like towns and Villages is they they for the most part wait what’s this what did that do I don’t understand oh nice look at all those slashes why are all those slashes oh it’s the light highlight thing that I was messing with how do I turn that off I don’t remember I don’t remember okay oh it’s over here yeah light overlay there we go B nothing oh here we go tyrannical bow that bow is tyrannical cannot trust it like how this is supposed to be an elevator for this section did I did I by chance an now I need to know if I accidentally by putting Rock On It made this elevator nonfunctional it’d be cool if it was a functional elevator doesn’t look like it is that would have been really cool if that was the case though and it could go down oh nice those creatures want to kill me they’re right here yeah going num Noms hello good all right this is pretty cool I’m going to dig like a crazy person did you know that uh one of the worst things you can do in Minecraft is to dig straight down that’s why I’m freezing to death now it’s great now imagine if that water were lava that’s the destiny that can await you the Minecraft player for digging straight down in Terraria because you can see under yourself it’s actually a great thing to do you get this um uh what do you call it I’m trying to remember what it’s called in Terraria Terraria it’s called the oh God that Orca is destroying all the ice no um in Terraria it’s called the uh the elevator yes you create a tunnel going straight down and if you’re smart you fill one side of it with water so that that uh you uh you know he said losing is fun losing is only fun if you number one you don’t feel cheated by it and number two um you learn something from it in a way that makes you feel like you can definitely win next time what are these spine fishes delishy fishies we’re going west yeah this uh Pillager Fortress here teally it’s one of their ships that got stuck on the ice which is hilarious Yep this one feels a little little different though yep don’t you ever sleep why would I do that why would I ruin a perfectly good evening with sleep okay we’re going this way all righty then no I did take a nap in the middle of the day skeleton destroyed more zombies oh God I fell in the water it’s freezing okay we’re gonna destroy that perfect we need more iron wait what what is this cave section why does it exist that’s terrifying my zombies are being slain by fish I love how my chaos damage uh works on Undead really shouldn’t but it does handheld PCS like the steam deck they’re great for people who uh travel a lot um specifically people who uh aren’t driving when like so for Europe and Asia where there’s actual mass transit that doesn’t suck uh yeah steam deck is like one of the best opportunities for sure um but but uh for me personally no no it’s uh I if if if I’m out I’m driving usually so all right what is that Remnant saber it’s a Seawolf weapon the hell it lacks a soul it needs a soul adaptation um deals 100% more damage when in water that is an interesting weapon pretty terrible actually I imagine I’ll never use it but uh hey pretty cool so let’s uh finish putting that away grab those potions yes I will take the coal good Enderman hello that was a special Enderman destroy the creepy yes I have a creeper uh that I got uh what do you call it uh the Little Creeper toy it’s uh right here it’s a ve very very creeper as you can see right there yep okay as I was saying I haven’t played a new Star Wars game in a long time sorry Jedi night 3 Jedi Academy was pretty good that was a pretty fun Star Wars game like I I my my opinion is like people still buy Star Wars games but why um what else there was uh Republic Commando was a good game yeah cool fair amount of cult let’s figure out where we’re going now we’re definitely not going further into the Frozen waste that’s for sure uh I like how there’s Savannah up here Frozen waste down there uh yep we’re going west you like failed order I uh um I had a point where I just stopped caring about Star Wars don’t get me wrong um I enjoy the old games that I played and I know I can go back and play them again and have a bunch of fun but um do I feel the need to play new Star Wars or watch new Star Wars the answer is no it’s kind of like like uh hey is there a new Star Trek you’re a huge Star Trek fan you going to watch the new Star Trek series no I don’t need to I already know that’s not Star Trek anymore yep wh spiders okay I’m not really going into this particular Fortress cuz I’m not a fan of it but we’re going to go check out that uh nearby town this one here I am missing the capital cities that I used to get out of uh what do you call it rlcraft those were pretty damn good mhm why do you say uh new Star Trek isn’t Star Trek anymore because it isn’t all right it became action schlock when uh when they gave it to jar jar Abrams the same guy who ruined Star Wars yes it ceased to be an optimistic look at Humanity’s future with an occasional falter right and it became uh it it became something that is runs contrary to the original message that the show was trying to convey and so I just looked at it and said no thanks uh there is a kind of fun uh one it’s called um on I’m I’m dying there there was a kind of fun one it was called uh strange new worlds that was okay wasn’t terrible this is supposed to be a meadow nice and there’s water in the blacksmith’s Forge here Str but here’s why strange new worlds is at all watchable for me it’s because it’s a lazy rip off for the most part of the original uh Star Trek series that’s the unfortunate truth of it is uh it’s Nostalgia bait I understand and accept that and through accepting that it becomes watchable but um you know I I’ve really really really given up on uh um needing next new thing uh of of every franchise some FR some um stories are best left complete and um appending onto them when that story has already finished uh that that’s for other people to enjoy I will look for new and different stories that are not part of that intellectual property yes mhm okay sorry we we don’t allow that word here uh positive or negative context sorry unless you’re waking up in the morning you know all right hello common unemployed this this this this guy look how small he is he’s a common unemployed is is this what the unemployed people look like and are are they are they this tall is this true what is what is this game trying to tell me yes anyway because he is the common unemployed see no no it literally says come unemployed see that’s the title over his name yeah y okay I took a screenshot really quick I see well put some of that stuff away I don’t need rice mhm kids are in fact unemployed no no he is the common unemployed yes that that is what he is as defined by the game who shot at me Fletcher oh so I can give you uh sticks for coins or coins for arrows that’s neat who’s shooting anyway that was a creeper it’s dead now creeper has been defeated yes um n honestly it has absolutely nothing like Star Trek has always been left leaning heavily so it is always been a progressive political commentary from the the get-go it’s just that people arbitrarily draw a line at um I was young when I watch this therefore this is the state of normal to me and uh any anything further than that is uh you know noo bad that said however new Star Trek is terribly written and that’s due to Hollywood nepotism it’s uh it’s got awful Riders period and uh no amount of um I was going to say there there’s there’s absolutely no way for them to fix that can level up Merchants by placing a workstation interesting very interesting but no uh Star Trek has always been a progressive political commentary from its very insception that’s what Gene rotenberry made it to be it’s just that uh it doesn’t have good writing to prop it up so uh you end up with just [ __ ] oh here we go perfect we found a new location so this town has a Way Stone which means we can warp here whenever we want neat we’re going to go uh Northwest yes this campfire I’m surprised it hasn’t been burning this tree alive I guess the campfire doesn’t mean anything yes I’m not going to say whether all media is or is or is not that’s uh that that’s a bridge too far for me to comment on I’m merely giving you the facts that like genan Roddenberry intended it to be that way so it shall be but uh nepotism nepotism is uh sorry Hollywood nepotism is what ruins the [ __ ] out of basically everything these days it’s um they aren’t looking for the most skilled person for the job they’re looking for they’re looking they’re looking to promote their friends and their acquaint you know the their to network to uh to be recognized um among their peers it’s um a completely different mindset from you know the hiring of uh like Star Trek originally hired writers uh for the uh for each like episode right you know and occasionally they’d have returning writers and such right but uh like the whole point of the different writers was to uh tell like an individual compartmentalized story they were stock characters well they moved to like the new Star Trek’s moved to a serialized format and in doing so they were trying to keep people hooked with a more action sort of um uh what do you call it uh you know a an action uh what you call it the the words are failing me but I’m also jumping around Minecraft so you know not exactly Peak brain power here jeez okay so that’s more Frozen B this Frozen biome is huge it’s gigantic yeah we got to go Northwest then there’s there’s no uh there’s no way we’re getting through that you okay actually let’s do this climb this but no it’s it’s super interesting to see the direction that Hollywood as a whole has gone not just Star Trek it’s um well here we go uh those are potatoes I’m just eating raw potatoes I was supposed to eat baked potato don’t eat raw potato you’ll get sick all right here we [Music] go let’s see silk touch I have silk touch somewhere else but um yeah that bear is going to want to kill me I’m going to summon the bear is going to immediately yep I knew it good there are more bears that is a special bear we got him now cool mhm okay yeah we’re currently in the mirror Dimension we’re not even in the the main game we’re in a alternate Dimension the main portal will take us back to the uh the normal world the mirror Dimension is higher level and uh whereas the main World kind of caps at uh a certain level whereas there’s level scaling in effect here yeah okay we’re going to go over this way Northwest yes we’re doing well oh there’s some coal over there going to go grab that yes got my zombies just kind of zoom over to me yeah gliding is fun it definitely helps out when you know you’re you’re looking at those long Cavern there can you kill your can you can anything kill you yes absolutely I have died many times oh God backing off uh drowners drowners okay uh Point Blank Creeper explosion will kill me even with my 00 energy Shield I’m able to regenerate my energy Shield by using my bolts because of how I set up the build H jeez hold on got got to tear through this yep so uh let’s let’s go this way I’m going to drop this yes we dropped a sleeping bag we sleep now okay what was I saying oh yeah if I go over to to uh let me see my talent tree I got one point for the talent tree right now not that big a deal h no that’s not what I was looking for um give me a sec skills skills okay do you see this um what my my poison blast is the skill I have equipped right now and I’ve got faster project Iles where the projectiles do more damage and they’re faster cuz the poison bolts are normally very slow so what I have is Magic Shield on hit support where I get 26 magic Shields when I do a hit with those and that that accounts for all three bolts so it can allow me to recover my Magic Shield uh fast enough to kind of tank shots but uh if something kills me in one hit something kills me in one hit there’s nothing I can do about it unfortunately the nether was killing me on repeat so I’ve been spending uh this stream in the mirror Dimension because uh the Nether Again was super painful no big deal though I can’t just sitting under a tree it’s funny okay so let’s look at the map here yeah this is uh the main portal which will take me back to the primary Dimension uh what’s my favorite biome H that’s a very good question I don’t know um a lot of these biomes didn’t exist back when I used to play so I don’t actually know which like what all biomes exist but um like currently I enjoy just the generic forests really sorry the Dark Forest the overgrown ones those are nice but uh we got to continue this way jeez so much snow I hope I don’t hit a snow patch one those you know one of those powder snow like death traps that would be terrible Let’s uh see if we can put anything away here clear up some space maybe uh uhhuh doom de yes I loved I loved rlcraft the fact that it used Doom demons I thought that was hilarious [Music] um okay let me get a shovel just grab an iron shovel and in the event that the game says let’s actually sort those yeah so in the event that the game says uh you uh uh there we go I not have any Dam there’s my damage shovel good in the event the game says you’re buried I can pull out the shovel and uh dig myself out that’s fine cuz I have to be careful about the uh these snow drifts like I can get sunk pretty deep in them the P powdered snow all right from here we’re going to go west a bit mhm yep let’s do this let’s dive back here here do no can’t can’t get to there quite the way I want to got it okay we’re going that way yep but uh there are great places for the glider you can actually Glide straight down so that is good for areas like gigantic M shafts or holes in the earth that you want to go down C like Caverns you anywhere that’s gigantic um I find that uh gliding really does help since you can’t be Spider-Man zombies creeper I killed it but yes a point blank Creeper explosion will still kill me and then there’s a creature called the mega creeper and it will um it will actually charge up and uh like when its health is almost zero because what it does is it basically enters in invulnerability state when it’s almost dead and it turns around and charges up and then explodes but while it’s charging up it’s sucking you in so you have to uh you have to move away [ __ ] didn’t expect that zombie to just suddenly jump up a tree oh well going to see where this leads yeah I’m going to try to go around the uh all of that I guess we should uh head on back to the main portal and then go west maybe yes mhm a creeper get struck by lightning no no no there’s there’s a giant creeper like it has it it has the body of a creeper but then it’s that’s actually just its head and then it has a like a big square body with like little creepers as its legs it’s like a giant spider it’s um maybe like it’s about the size of this tree here this this uh from the a little little bit bigger than that tree yeah it’s big um I could show you what happened uh the what do you call it uh what’s the name of the boss um so The invoker Mastermind the one I fought at the um uh you know in because this is the mirror Dimension but in the normal Dimension over here is where the invoker’s uh like like it’s a giant uh Fortress and so there’s a big hole missing from the um there’s a big hole missing from the for Fortress right and that’s because uh a mega creeper exploded and just took it out like a huge chunk of it hey guys how you doing unemployed of the vampire versus a common unemployed I just want look I just want to check out your stuff here okay yeah I’m checking out your ship Souls area of effect okay fine wait let me grab uh one of each just in case I knew it I knew there’d be a quest for the fish what’s this enchanted book Nature’s men repairs tools using Aura what is Aura and where do we get more of it I thought maybe I could go down into the ship but no mhm and a mega creature become charged ahh ah don’t worry about it Mr Blue I I I do appreciate the sentiment but I do I I do actively do things that discourage uh growth I play games that are outside the algorithm and uh when I see a new game coming out I go I’ll wait three months to play it you know all kinds of weird stuff I’m I’m definitely not your average uh ubby if you know what I mean I uh I’m not chasing in the same way other people are I’m just here to have fun okay let’s do this there’s a creeper there we got to get him cool run away run away damn I think we’re almost yeah we’re almost full up on inventory space I don’t think I hope we can get some more diamonds but I think we got to go back to the original like the basic Dimension so uh hold on yep yep a dedicated unstable fan base I I filter people very often I I I’m very good at that now what is that pillar there um the mod pack is great actually um so it’s a it’s a it’s called craft to Exile it’s based on Path of Exile so it uses the Path of Exile skill tree you know for progression so you know you build your character how you want what I’ve done is I built a Summoner so I went up here uh sorry I started over here then I went up here getting magic nodes went up here got some Jewel socket uh over here got uh more minion damage at the S to sacrifice minion health for it then I got Summoner where I can have three additional summons and more summon damage but I deal less damage myself right and then we went over here and got Mana battery where uh damage is taken from Mana instead of Health um for 35% of it anyway then we uh jogged over here and got extra summon damage and then more summons followed by chaos damage chaos damage chaos penetration and damage so it’s all chaos penetration and damage we got up here I’m not entirely sure what I want to grab next but uh we’ll figure that out in the fullness of time yes the answer is more summon damage H uh maybe I don’t know I use a combination of I’m currently running um uh what do you call at the Warlock class so I have seven spell points to invest I should probably spend another uh 10 into poison blast uh sorry we’ll spend another five in Poison blast I think that way we can uh apply more uh support gems to it let’s do that cool so our poison blast is now faster that’s good um 58% of weapon damage as chaos damage that’s fine it generates a soul stack um kind of want to increase my poison damage chance cuz cast speed is nice life steal is also nice but I think I should really yeah you know what I’m going to go for poison chance there there’s a reason for that so yeah have 24% poison chance now in other words uh I poison an enemy is going to tick down and there there’s a reason I chose that specific uh thing because if we go over to talents what I’ve done is I’ve invested in uh chaos damage over time which is poison right and so that that’s kind of what I did is uh extra chaos damage over time and I should look at overtime and see uh let’s see okay um hold on let me check this top node over here okay so that is cold damage overtime lightning damage overtime fire Dam so yeah I did the chaos damage over time bonus what’s this more damage overtime just just like Global damage over time is pretty good then if we wanted to get over there we could travel one two 3 four five six so we need we need six levels to get there if we wanted to do that not entirely sure I want to do that yet alternatively we could go over this way is element yeah these are all Elemental skill damage I don’t want those nodes to be honest I don’t care about those nodes but I want to go down this way it’ be Magic Shield magic sh you know that’s actually a pretty good idea if we go down here we can get more magic Shields and then get the damage over time as a side effect of that the Magic Shield is how we survive so let’s let’s do that let’s get some more defense bam we just got a 3% more Magic Shield we we can uh go in there for another 10% Magic Shield but that’d be good that’s uh that’s our primary defensive layer right now is Magic Shield so I’m pretty happy about that okay now that said what the heck is that oh that’s an air ship okay that’s just an Airship I don’t have to worry about that unless it has its ladder down is that I don’t know what that is at all all right we’re going north we’re getting out of here we’re heading back to base uh is that a that’s a whale that is a really big whale got it I’m going to pray that the whale doesn’t kill me on my way over here CU I’m going to go I’m going to jump onto this tree and use it as uh as a uh springboard to Glide over to that other side there here we go then cool so as long oh I see the zombie chasing me down that’s no big deal oh God the whale went right for that position no no no thank you no thank you Mr whale Mr Mega Shark huh common whale okay no problem then I thought it was a scary Mega Monster it’s apparently non hostile can’t wait to find a zombie version of that did you know that in the Fallout Universe there is a creature known as a ghoul whale you get to see their corpses the the corpses of small ghoul whales around in the um in Far Harbor but you don’t actually get to see any real uh ghoul whales like living ones I hear something crazy over there yeah we’re going we’re still going north okay this island stops here we got to go that way bufi Dolphins H that is a possibility on a second let me eat one of these uh stews and get rid of them good and now we will toss that bll more importantly we go this way now we’re doing it they really need to take advantage of radioactive sea creatures so what I’m saying yep empty oceans and Fallout for were waste I agree but yeah even in the lore they talk about ghoul whales and stuff like like that like the oceans are supposed to be uh it’s it’s kind of funny why like water in the Fallout universe is IR radiated cuz uh like water can’t actually hold radiation directly rather it holds uh Radioactive dirt right and when the dirt settles at the bottom of the Lake sea or seabed um the radiation goes with it water doesn’t actually hold the radiation to my knowledge I could be wrong but I’m I’m pretty sure that’s how it works in other words um what I’m trying to say is that uh after 200 years um the things wouldn’t be as radiated as uh nearly is IR radiated at all people like well that that’s because nukes have been going off this entire time things have been getting nuked I’m like yeah that’s still kind of terrible all right uh let’s see yeah we’re going to go north away we go I can’t wait to go in that cave look like the best place to go for funsies zombies zombies with magic weapons okay fair enough let me go check out some other areas where I summon this yes mhm you explored the ocean in power armor and Fallout lots of garbage no sea monsters yep yep yep yep [Music] yep correct but uh I hate to say it but when it comes to exploring the ocean in Fallout 4 I would have probably just used uh like a fast version of TCL that’s uh it unfortunately um my faith in Bethesda right now is kind of low so I uh I would expect there to be nothing and therefore I wouldn’t uh I wouldn’t want to waste my time that’s that’s just the sad reality of the situation don’t don’t get me wrong Fallout 4 is a fun game to play I enjoy it I’m just saying like the the days of uh like great hidden secret levels that’s uh that’s kind of gone now yep [Music] mhm yep but yeah I I like Fallout 4 more than a lot of Fallout fans who get angry at me that isn’t anything like Fallout like yeah I understand that I like Fallout New Vegas a lot for different reasons from why I like Fallout 3 which has a very stupid story it’s very difficult to explain to someone that the game play needs to be good first y um well we got a lizard man and as long as the game play is good I will excuse bad storytelling I will still complain about it you know I I’ll make a video where I Yap about it being bad because it could have been better but at the end of the day uh a bad story does not stop me from enjoying the game uh you never seen me play Fallout 4 on stream h i mean it’s been uh like a couple years but uh you know like if we look at my uh steam time let’s let’s look at my steam time go yeah okay hting my profile my inventory is currently private oh really it’s it’s yeah yeah almost crazy okay so me see here we need to close the wand of gamalon tutorial that was open from earlier uh uh here we go so um weird yeah okay get give me a sec to get through my uh steam here all right anyway I um I’ve played Elden ring like five times it’s good good game twice vanilla three times modded I kind of want to play cursed Dark Souls by Inferno plus that’s like a great expansion pack anyway let’s see okay clicking on games give me a sec uh Warframe Skyrim Scrolls Online here we go Fallout 4 all right so yeah allout four right here we hit that here we go what’s this last played yesterday could it be that I was checking out mods yes yes I was yep did I watch the DLC trailer for El ring I skimmed I like skipped through it a little bit why would I want to massively spoil the stuff that’s in it I just like checked a little bit to see if it had substance and it had substance okay fair enough um Let me let me see here I’m uh not hugely into trailers or anything like that am might to stream Fallout 4 in the future I might uh what do you call it okay so let me see [Music] here uh game franchise that pissed you off sorry uh one game franchise that pissed you off so much that you gave up it despite liking it I mean no I don’t think that’s ever happened you know they only made one Dex game right you know that people have these delusions about some kind of Invisible War or mankind device divided or something but those don’t exist um oh Mortal Kombat they made they made three of them and they made Trilogy which was a super cut of the those three and they never made another Mortal Kombat game ever again that’s true okay let me see here we’re going uh we’re going Northwest yeah Deus X was a was a one game series true like it was a masterpiece too like the that game it’s crazy well I managed to kill it mhm got him Enderman got um M let’s see here oh hello if like I have a cool down on my shots so if I fire my shot and then a creeper starts hissing I’m dead okay like there’s there’s no surviving that uh but as if I have my shot ready there’s a good chance I can one-hot the creeper I have been unfortunately unlucky a couple times and uh Gone explosed yep eat the bread where’s the soup good as it should be mhm don’t know anything about that whole taming thing didn’t exist no idea okay we go up here and then we’re going east no we’re going north we yeah screw it we’re doing it hell yeah goodbye zombies feed cats fish I haven’t seen any cats oddly enough not a single one I’ve seen Badgers and all kinds of other monsters but uh not not much in the way of uh you know cats okay I saw some emus I killed one and it said the Emu War has begun do we have any jungle biomes around here I don’t think so um no Forest different like four four or five different types of forest some open Plains some Savannah Savannah uh Mesa different Forest snow what what’s a jungle I I found jungles in rlcraft so I know they exist it’s just uh you know rip all right lots of mines and gold in the Mesa yeah what do we use gold for anyway I don’t even know okay this way there’s some chocobos see the chocobos these are perfectly normal Minecraft creatures you can feed them gisha greens it is very important uh jeez okay we do is we do this okay so our farming skill just went up but more importantly we take the G Shaw green and we give it to the chocoo yes yep but we need a saddle for it yes can’t say I’ve ever done a giant City uh I know for a fact fact that um I played on servers with giant cities before okay so you see this this is the chapel that we started at or well technically we started at this Village over here but uh then we went up to this chapel and we built our gigantic Mega base now that said we went to another dimension and in this Dimension there is no mega base there was only this portal room jump into the portal and now we’re back at our Mega base Bas go up here and up to the roof and you can see this is our base it’s bigger and it’s also got a word bubble for the Farms but more importantly you can see the Chapels here and there’s that there’s the uh uh thing there but look over here up here where I said uh yeah this is the The Mastermind Fortress and you can see the big hole in it where a mega creeper exploded that that that is that is the explosion radius of a mega creeper it’s and it tries to draw you in it when when it hits low Health it becomes invulnerable and then starts sucking you in and you have to like try to run away and do Dodge rolls as much as possible to get as far away as possible because it uh yeah it explodes uh pretty big yeah okay anyway point is it’s terrifying this is uh we’re going to get things set up here okay yep the farm field my goodness hey cheers Zill okay we’re making baked potatoes but uh more importantly um this fire resistance and energy I don’t need energy I like this is a rare Jewel and all but it’s terrible so how do we ride a chocoo that’s a very good question I want to take one through the portal uh through the dark portal that that is the way um okay fair enough so um figure out what we need to do here first things first it’s [Music] uh I don’t need either of these These are bad gems um technically this one’s cast speed right I’m thinking uh we’ll try the barrage attack but for now we’ll go get rid of these yeah get out I don’t need uh any of these souls okay so going to put everything else away assuming I don’t have yeah this enchanter book what is Aura repairs tools using Aura and I’m like I don’t understand what that is I’m going to put it away for now just for now lightning resistance and skill damage that’s an interesting ring let’s have a look at our Rings we probably have terrible rings so this one is plus 17 mana and 6% Magic Shield and this is uh 7% skill damage and 5% magic find well both of these rings are terrible so I’m going to unequip this one uh as nice as the uh 6% Magic Shield is I’d rather have uh 9% skill damage and more Mana so mana’s good it lets me cast more often but I I need a better ring that’s for sure this ring has two sockets in it I could even make it slightly better not that I’m going to I’m going to melt it down I’m going to melt all of it down but uh seriously we just kind of go over here and be like yes stabilizing soul ring it’s fine okay um yep salvaging exp we 90% of the next level I need to figure out what the hell the uh Salvage even is here hold on these are Level 10 one that’s crit damage we’re going to see if there’s anything here the okay this whole top row of gems we’re going to put into the uh into the salvager just to kind of get it out of our way as nice as they are I need their resources so there we go I’m not going to be using them anytime soon so it’s fine can kind of see how quickly we earn those oops Yeah salvaging exp still 92% so we aren’t really salvaging well enough like we need to be salvaging brand new items not really the terrible kind this huh this glittering to of the Yeti we picked up is for level 39 and it has 119 Magic Shield and two sockets I kind of want to use that I’m going to go ahead and put it into um I’m going to take these orbs cuz I know where those go double cheing everything okay runes we need runes where the runes should be in this backpack back here yeah perfect so we put the runes away jeez I’m just looking at the sheer number of runes we’ve gotten so far all right what else going to go downstairs and shove things into compartments not because they’re good but because it’s what we should do okay uh grab this room it’s an eer Rune no big deal but um I have to go through all of these chests eventually I have not sorted any of this stuff so it’s just a case if I have too much stuff and I haven’t been fixing it at all Oak signs would love to make those signs but uh yeah we’re grabbing the Essences what else okay yeah this poisoned War ax is hilarious I’m double cheing all the end ones yeah if I want to level up my skill I probably need to use some of the higher grade uh materials we’re going to put this Stardust Jewel away for now grab those Stardust Jewel goes away good we go upstairs I’m trying to get the Sorting done so we can go on another Adventures question mark I’m at 9 hours and 32 minutes and that’s all well and good but uh I’m sure we can do uh yeah okay the Rune goes in here the ITA Rune yes I have 18 of those I should probably start actually supplying uh stuff here hold on let’s put away these oh look at that do that do that that’s aad ger you think you’re safe yeah if you think you’re safe you’re not there are Digger zombies that was uh almost morning too terrifying okay well we should put that block down there some gemstones I need to kind of get where did I put those uh other gemstones I I need to smelt down a whole ton of things I just need to make like multiple smelting stations and uh say screw it and like just smelt down all the gear I have into stones but uh yeah I have uh few map orbs we’re working on these different orbs the spirit orbs I want to get so I can get more HP you can permanently increase your HP by 10 every time you use those uh fun little uh spirit orbs there all right good good good um let me see what if you make obsidian can they break it that’s a very good question I imagine they could could eventually maybe but uh you could make obsidian bricks and then it’d probably be completely immune at that point obsidian bricks need to be uh uh it’s a little more difficult but hey Celestial produce don’t care about that but what else do I need to do here the answer is probably just uh yeah grab that axe anything else probably yeah okay I need to put this book somewhere where it won’t I need to put it in the end here where other options should be yeah right here put the book in this section then we need to grab everything yes going to say bit by bit we put everything away okay you can see how well that actually works it’s kind of Madness ah uh we’ll put everything into a new storage chest in just a second there’s no question about that I need that wheat no those are the signs cool we’ll use this we’ll fill this up with everything but uh yeah for now we just need to make sure we have a suitable suitable storage space for ourselves that said uh it’s the diamonds we’re going to have to look out for soon yeah these totems of undying are awful in the sense that you have to hold them in either your primary or secondary slot and I’m thinking about the logistics of that going no no that’s terrible why would you do such a thing and uh here we are um The Ring of soothing is chaos resistance in Mana regen not good enough but um yeah kind of see how much nonsense there is we’ll we’ll eventually be sitting down and uh completely processing everything but in the meantime it’s just uh go through uh go through the bag take all the things so uh yeah the fact that there’s 264 stacks of common Stone speaks to uh how ridiculous this is common stone is uh a repair item let me see here okay chests good bam we need to dig we’re going to just make a couple more chests good enough that’ll do it now we just mine that out perfect and chests good Delete and we need a torch up above if we don’t have enough torches in here then enemies can spawn in doors oh okay more importantly that torch in there we need to access the other one yes what do you mean it’s insane yes it is okay keep the Anvil keep the cooking pot and uh let’s do that again wait yeah there okay bit by bit okay let’s see yeah that stays up there I I’ve I’ve gotten so many iron tools it’s kind of nuts all right yeah those are the items I needed and we do it again yes I think that’s insane don’t worry about it we’re going to be repeating the same action expecting a variant reaction surely isn’t a sign of madness Okay that magic tone we’re going to hold on to put that in there there we go that should do backpack is almost done we’re going to be uh smelting down most of this we’re going to get a lot lot of uh those smelters and we’re going to put them side by side and just process them like Pro have everything get processed I mean okay second book Magic Shield 36 72 Magic Shield no we’ll we’ll just put that up with the others we want that processed we want that dead good so we take this and we put all those up there those are our crafting stations for being mobile and um guess I need one more iron pickaxe yeah iron pickaxe we don’t need any more iron shovels the fact that I have that so many iron shovels is already already boggles the mind but um you can just put an extra iron pickaxe up there and so we have two we have an empty Diamond backpack and we have a a diamond backpack with some tools in it and that’s good that’s good that’s uh some great stuff uh more importantly uh we are basically good to go for another Adventures question mark uh but we need to eat and we need to I was going to say I I put all the food away there it is okay cool so uh baked potatoes sure then we need to make some bread there’s there’s other stuff we can probably make with a cooking station but I’m not ready to commit to cooking today being that we are at the 9h hour and 40 minute Mark I’m not saying I’m quitting right now but I am saying that I’m going to go do something else pretty soon so uh you know we we want to get things in order we’re going to dive into The Nether see how well we can do there we’re going to take all these Essences and stones and stuff and put them into excuse me can you process thanks thank you okay so as I was saying we’re going to put these in myh backpack just bam and as for the wheat we process that into bread right now not a whole ton of bread but hey good enough do it leave us one bushel of wheat doesn’t matter so what we basically want to do is eat some bread then turn around need a potato and that keeps the food diversity up Beyond uh one you technically you should be eating a whole lot of different things but uh you know it it beats eating just one thing anything else we need to do while here we got the we got the axe got the pickaxes got the shovels um guess just put the stat so away is that down here though okay we’re going to go to the nether probably die horrible death it’s fine uh last thing we want to do double check one thing looking for a specific item may not be here come on wait no Mana potion I’ll take it there are other potions hiding there that is is less yeah invigoration they say wait yeah I’m going to go check the first couple and then give up uh there we go eight eight uh health potions that’ll do I guess I was hoping for better bigger but I don’t think that’s going to happen I think uh those are yeah we got 10 regular potions let’s go to the nether so in here is the mirror Dimension which we’ve been fighting in the Blue Moon Rises you feel lucky well I don’t care about being lucky here so that’s uh we’re going to another Moon so we’re going to the nether the other dimension don’t worry about it everything’s fine wh Pigman the Pigman is defeated you may be wondering why kill the Pigman isn’t the Pigman a nice person you might think that like what what you know why why would you do such a thing oh God here’s another one but in reality they are The Horde The shambling Horde so um we go over to our I should have brought a door with me I’m going to go get a door mhm do you know when you’ll stream your new Fallout play through I don’t know I uh I’m kind of tossing a bunch of different things all at once uh but let’s see here okay I got to I got to focus we need iron door and Cobblestone or regular Stone button so to make regular Stone button we need to go over here we need Cobblestone so we grab some Cobblestone we need to bake that into stone then interesting the piglins drop uh gold swords and gold nuggets that’s funny um okay the X Files dead yes that was real I made potatoes we should be fine but no more importantly we need to bake this Stone that’s tough tough isn’t Cobblestone at all it’s tough it just has the icon of cobblestone mostly there’s Cobblestone okay so we put the Cobblestone into the the oven and it Cooks into stone then we need to make some iron doors real quick where’s that iron yeah there’s some iron okay we’re going to make an IR door and then we’re going to Cobble we’re going to get a stone button so we got you know a couple Stones there um stop in just a moment bam done okay now we take the stone and we put the stone like that and that is a pressure plate just single Stone yeah so that’s a two Stone buttons one on each side then we need to use this to make uh the doors yes so our goal here is to uh kind of build a opening section where we don’t feel like we’re going to be murdered any second yes okay so we do this whoops hello that was a zombie scared the hell out of me okay cool so uh that kind kind of did it I did it wrong though it needs to be on the outside like that good then we need to use the stone button to open it yes and we do the same thing over here hit the stone button it opens we go in uh but not that way over here yeah now that said put out the fires maybe I don’t like the fires uh um obviously we’re going to need to use more Stone because this area could easily get blown up but uh yeah this is our entry base here where it should be fine I’m using at launcher right now but um yeah it’s uh good because it worked like I just looked for uh the simplest um for for like multi- launcher for uh what do you call it uh multiplatform that is a Strider we got to fight that thing okay put these out look at that thing terrifying monster it died all right the nether it’s a lovely place I think there was a fort yeah there’s a fortress down here if we go directly south we can reach another Fortress my last death was there at basically at the entrance very silly there’s a lot going on there with a big pits going way way down yes no big deal we’re going south we’re heading toward what looks like a fortress on I need breathing room oh no okay these uh yeah these Flames make me very anxious okay Straight Ahead then let’s do it I see some blazes I hear some scary monsters this is great look at that they damag the terrain and everything The Blaze is dead like some blaze powder please thanks okay maybe not happening doesn’t matter yeah the end is uh after the under Garden I believe there’s another Blaze this The Blaze is not very tanky it turns out we uh yeah we did what we needed to do there we go wait what did I just hit God damn blazes more blazes ow it hurts a desert blaze a desert Blaze desert Blaze fire and War okay what did I get nothing just some XP let’s uh Glide down there for a second I see some pants on that magma pretty sure those are pants yes those are pants my zombies are getting massacred by the Flames oh crap that hurt a lot I drink my sippy cup Big Man is dead damn blazes good come on we got him cool we got red sand off of them more pigs are coming ah crap I need to switch over to my my skeletons good here we go that one’s dead as it should be oh damn pigs everywhere Angry Angry Pigs I’d like to really quick if possible check this okay apparently I have just I’ve killed three piglins and no hoggins and I need to kill both piglins and hoggins they straight up say uh these are not innately hostile but we need to show them we mean business so kill kill pacifist monsters basically um see red worms great we need to be careful about that yeah our current our current Quest is kill innocent Monsters the ones that don’t attack you oh jeez but then afterward we got to go uh other worldly beings we’ve already killed Lum marians so we’ve already killed those we could get a loot chest anytime we want no no um wait wait they’re they’re fighting already what are they fighting what are they fighting I’m a pro um no but I’m having fun so let’s uh let’s go ahead and make sure we get these piglins down the these are zombify piglins they don’t count as normal piglins unfortunately what is that that’s a enchanted crossbow oh it doesn’t have a soul yeah it it it lacks a soul so we can’t break it down for good stuff yeah these uh these zombified piglins oh God there’s why is there a lizard man here why would lizard men be in the uh nether that’s really strange okay The Fortress Is much further down uh yeah our stto up there wait there’s a fortress right next to where we started crazy but what kind of Fortress Is this this Fortress is different and there’s some weird areas there that I’ve never seen before you know what I’ve already committed to going south so let’s uh really go south we’re going to Glide there we go no problem I see there’s a bunch of gold nuggets there probably craft that into gold uh if I get a silk touch I could make uh get those gold uh those light spheres whatever they’re called but in the meantime let’s just uh travel on South okay looks like uh jease getting shot that was one piglin down good I do need more piglins down but we’re doing well enough okay that one good baby piglins zombified piglins piglin of frost come on good what do we get we they keep dropping gold nuggets which is really strange to me okay I’m going to eat a potato then I need to switch to bread and then I eat more potatoes yeah but more most importantly is the potatoes so the reason I eat bread is for the food diversity see I have a 2.47 diversity buff which just means food is more effective there’s a waver no those are those are the things I need to kill those worms yeah that thing yeah yeah it’s a red worm all right I need to kill a few more of those uh for one of my other objectives good good what’s this nether quartz who what what attacked that is a gas yeah there’s uh oh jeez that gas just keeps moving away doesn’t it like it really uh doesn’t want to stop we got him all right the ghast is defeated after it blew up huge chunks of the landscape anyway thanks thanks Mr Gast um all right what else we got yeah we got to kill these piglins zombified as they are so it looks like uh all the training we did in the mirror Dimension really got us ready for the nether I’m not feeling terrified as I was before yeah the uh the gas can still nuke the terrain and knock me off but I can in theory uh go and switch to my glider and you know like not die if I hit the right button anyway which you know uh 50/50 shot there HH okay let’s dig gold nug it’s interesting yep mhm that’s uh that’s cool John do but uh don’t bypass the filter okay elongated muskrat is a dumbass but he’s I I suspect he’s also bipolar so you know manic depressive [ __ ] plus massive egoism born from being rich and you know flaunting it all his life but uh let me let me make this clear I’m not speaking in support of him I just don’t want those accusations uh here on this this year stream that’s all there’s a reason I filter the word okay that is the pigin we need to kill cool how many piglins are we at right now let’s find out okay uh we are currently at 9 out of 12 piglins we found no hoggins where are hogins are they in the fortresses or h H I’m I’m curious now curious where the hoggins could be also wondering um what these gold nuggets amount to contemplating mhm forests forests there are forests in this Abomination more likely than you think what is this like I understand this is a fortress right uh well actually that is a fortress this is some kind of weird location it is a Barons Barons Barons nether waste nether waste uh quartz Flats okay okay let’s go that way and see what happens oh boy I can go down down down down but eventually I’m going to die so I’m going to go ahead and do this while the guy doesn’t see me going to summon my minions yes could have sworn I saw a gas here all right we got a fire Cube fire cube is dead it splitting others okay I think we’re good what yep gas breaking [Music] [Applause] gas that thing is angry all the time all right time to Glide we’re going to get that stuff oh God is that that’s an air current that goes up you mean I can can glide up there awesome I think I found some air currents so like these Flames are like some of these Flames are air currents which you can use to Glide up that’s really neat as we F keep uh jeez it’s so much stuff okay we’re going to access our backpack and deposit basically everything including some extra potatoes since you know too many potatoes uh might as well put the doors in there as well anything else okay let’s try this then I’m curious to see if it actually works um let me see H that’s pretty interesting yeah it’s very interesting doesn’t go too high but uh it’s definitely a way to travel yeah those uh some of these Flames are putting out Sparkles that seem to mean they are air gusts so well all of them are okay all of the Flames are air gusts that’s kind of incredible uh now I am being attacked by lizard men and pigs so I should probably land and start killing things but I could in theory fly over most of this like the glider seems super helpful the zombified piglins must die they don’t count as actual piglins but uh you know that’s a piglin Okay cool so how high does this one take me I Wonder the blue ones don’t take you too much higher unfortunately but uh yeah that’s uh pretty effective actually wow yep let’s see if this one can get me up no not quite wait the oh I see okay that explains how it works not the best in the world doesn’t get me all the way up but uh it’s definitely better than I thought it would be okay can I get to this one at least no the answer is affirm no but I can use this to climb some more would have been a torch ended up there’s a fortress yeah that’s pretty cool looking let’s go what what kind of rock is this Nether Bricks huh what is that oh God what are you that is a gy blaze oh it dropped a blaze rod that was scary those statues come alive you yeah it’s a gibl statue and it’s a blaze rod so we get blaze rods from those guys cool that’s really neat and scary okay I need to you know what I have nether rock I have a lot of nether rock I should be using that to climb but first things first potato good uh nether rock there yes mhm hello I’ve got a uh incoming oh eyeball that’s good okay oh God it hurts what is happening I can’t see I can’t see what am I Fu about wither resistance invisibility okay what’s happen happening I don’t understand what what hit me I don’t understand what oh I broke it whatever I was inside I just broke free of potion thank you that was very very scary I managed to break free of whatever it was seems like these are Spore projectiles yeah some some kind of spores those blazes are something else I dropped him down there though that’s unfortunate oh God it hurts it hurts again I can’t see anything okay uh I don’t know how we managed to avoid whatever that was but uh I think there are blazes up that are hitting me oh that hurts so much okay let’s go ahead and kill these guys good withered away wither wither what’s the Wither I don’t understand what is generating this nonsense sense good yeah that thing hits me in the face and makes things painful okay so as I understand it blaze rods uh sorry blaze powder be gets uh sorry blaze rods be blaze powder blaze powder plus I have Ender oh he’s a special [ __ ] I’m pretty sure it’s that guy one of these uh special guys the gas disappeared why’ the gas disappear so that Fortress doesn’t feel all that Fortress feels small is that a giant is that a giga piglin pretty sure we found a giga piglin a big one a bigan well that’s a big bigan yes it’s a okay uh what’s this Crimson B okay do I have any other blocks that I can use here I’ve got a ton of cobblestone okay fair enough not quite there we go H not quite big piglin that was a stalwart piglin I’m going to break through this gate Transcendent block [ __ ] okay so these are all blazes if you want blaze rods you fight the statues these are like armos from Zelda you know you touch the statue and it uh becomes real this is fine wait there we go Mr Piggy good we’re summoning allies okay [ __ ] that’s a mega Ender teleported there’s a blaze rod down there [ __ ] what is Breaking Free here that that’s a mega Ender oh that thing is is putting out like a m an aura that okay he’s good he’s dead did you just drop an eyeball I’m wondering uh oh God it hurts it hurts I can’t see again what is triggering that it’s awful and if I didn’t have a life Leach I’d be very sad right about now okay I’m going to I’m going to dive down here wh wither whatever wither is supposed to be um you say kind of annoying I’m saying terrifying I need to get over to the other side I’m in the middle of the Fortress I don’t understand come on I’m wondering if it’s those spores yeah I think it might be those spores right there okay what are these strengthened by fire Eyes of Ender I’ve got four Eyes of Ender from that Mega ender man that tried to merge Mur me just now I need that Blaze Rod over there [ __ ] okay cool I got lots of blaze rods I got uh some Eyes of Ender this is uh pretty good so far those are regular piglins what is that like I don’t know what this is crazy going to summon some more allies yeah this little Fortress is kind of awful actually I want to see what’s up at the top of those ramp Parts if possible don’t know don’t know if possible [ __ ] yeah mhm okay I don’t know anything about Slender Man stabbing sadly that is uh unknown to me oh [ __ ] Blaze Rock exp you’re getting a lot of exp what the hell is this Spore apparently oh it’s the Spore effect okay so when I’m in this area apparently there is a Spore effect going on and uh it’s causing it so just being in that area is causing it I don’t care break it break the pick okay the pick didn’t break but this leads down into a area down here so basically it’s a debuff you get for being in the vicinity of those spores like being in that area where the spores are causes you to get that debuff and then it ticks down and when it’s done ticking it uh explodes with damage that’s what’s going on okay new pickaxe let’s go we’re going to move over to a different area we got plenty of Blaze dead um it’s going to Glide out [ __ ] it yeah yeah this Fortress is kind of done so if I want to go go south that’s that’s I need to go yeah need to go south that guy got hit by the spores anyway there’s piglin uh zombies over there we go look at our menu here you can see we’ve actually killed all the piglins we need to find hoggins if we can find hoggin we can move on to the next uh shenanigan which is a terrible Fortress yes and um yeah we go to another Fortress then we collect uh wither SK oh we’ve actually killed the Wither Skeleton so we can advance to the next one after that uh bounty board impossible where we can literally put down we’re literally told hey put put a bounty board down in the Nether and see what kind of quests you get H that’s funny you know you get r quests at Villages well put like see what the nether gives you oh jeez that’s silly okay let’s go so yeah the fire uh creates a updraft that we can use to go up up and away that’s uh that’s another nether fortress or at least maybe these aren’t fortresses maybe they’re just small outposts doesn’t matter we can use these Flames to go up don’t think we can go up high enough that way no we need to find another way up music [Music] run this place sounds great there’s a guy up there he sounds so happy he’s he’s so delightful we must kill them all I don’t care which one is generating the noise it must be destroyed for the sake of all yeah they’re like hey uh that is a piglin of the vampire meaning he heals himself zombified piglin of the vampy okay we have ended the noise and we are basically good to go we’re hunting these guys good that should do it okay well from here I would very much like to get to that Fortress I saw so I think I can use my 52 Cobblestone to kind of get up there and uh that’ll be that yeah so oops we’re just going to climb directly up wh I jumped in fire cuz I’m smart drink a potion yes we broke our way into the Fortress [ __ ] it there’s lava everywhere it’s glorious okay we should be fine these spores suck there’s no getting around that okay move over this way destroy that oh jeez The Blaze is dead I’m going to break this block I believe yeah that’s that block is generating the [ __ ] oh jeez okay yep yep yep yep uh okay right mhm yes we break this and hopefully that stops the spores no spores okay so there is a there is a strategy to dealing with this we can stop the spores spe SP vaporizers really I mean we could make them ourselves and just kind of spend send them around places wouldn’t that be great just Spore vaporizers everywhere everyone get gets to have spores you you get to have spores and you get to have spores um so clearly this area is not what I thought it was yeah gas there’s a gas there yep I don’t know if I can do this [ __ ] it okay I I can hit the the Spore Blocks From a Distance without being flected oh God hello statues statues statues okay so again we can destroy all the Spore blocks and kind of move on afterward that ghast is irritating but not the only thing we deal with I would like to figure out where the hoggin the hog and Doss uh were looks like there’s an area there but let’s do this let’s try ding down as nice as where we were was I want to see what happens if I go down this way probably a mistake oh jeez okay I see what needs to happen yep okay [ __ ] I touch fire what do you mean he gets caught on fire don’t worry about it that should do it there is no lava in bossing say please stop burning thanks I drink my sippy cups okay once the lava is gone we should be able to head on through uhhuh what’s down here looks like a four section room there’s a treasure chest here huh Spore bottles potion of strength diamond the diamond makes this worth it the diamond definitely makes this worth it but um yeah we should grab everything except maybe the name tag the name Tag’s stupid hello [Music] everybody yeah that is a room with [Music] enemies I would like those blaze rods thank you good yep keep looking how much favor do I have right now one 1,000 so yeah you need at least 251 favor to get loot bonuses it’s like how much do I have a thousand it’s fine you’re incentivized to not die that’s what what favor for no there’s no reason to open that one let’s open this one instead okay this is madness so far another trasure chest good grids there’s a diamond cool don’t really need those books I don’t think those serve a purpose I’m going to get a my axe out where’s where’s my axe you have my bow yes okay there it is okay I’m going to grab that other one as well I know there’s a name tag in it but hey whatever let’s go see what’s in here nothing nothing’s in there there’s more but wait there’s more and blazes cool there might be something else in here I hear bubbling for now I will gladly take all that is to be grabbed those Nether Bricks are kind of nice I suppose no there’s nothing that way think it’s a dead end then oh let’s see ah here we go out the other side going to check one more thing check this side no that’s just didn’t okay see where this leads okay what do we got no nothing here so far I I I’m finding wait is this easier to break of course oh hello I lost uh most of my I lost all my energy Shield [ __ ] okay but yeah it’s easier to break these the actual doors are way stronger than the uh and the actual structure that’s hilarious there’s a blaze over there those were statues Once Upon a Time now they are something all together different nothing interesting there’s a divider here very strange yep let’s break the other side and see if we can get something out of it damn faction Fallout D that’s a very good question so I mean I find the NCR versus Caesar’s Legion really fun in concept but um in experience um honestly the the the the brozen hood of Ste is actually kind of fun and so that’s kind of what I uh base it on not necessarily um you know how well written it is but just like are the faction mechanics fun and at present the Brotherhood uh has kind of the best mechanics there oh the spores come out of that that explains everything okay uh let’s figure this out okay but yeah I’d say the Brotherhood uh is the most fun to play with uh mechanically speaking but uh wait a second if I use flint and steel I can make a fire wherever I want [Music] huh that is a Golem a robot I see I’m going up but yeah yeah if I use flint and steel I should be able to travel however I want there’s a zombified pig one let me get that guy up there hey dead good kind of want to see if I can get up there somehow cuz down there is pain that’s another uh Spore spew crazy yeah yeah nether just keeps going down and down and down and I need to go in a different direction that ghast is going to attack me [ __ ] all right here we go yes s oh there it is down there neat dropping there we go those were the days wow polished this is a wrecked [Music] place piglins I’m getting swarmed by piglins holy crap think I got him excuse me you guys please stop existing okay good good that’ll do yeah I I don’t think so we’re uh we’re not discussing that here today I think LOL as nice as that is uh H how about not holy crap let’s uh let’s see now this is an old fortress I think a Bastion uh some sort of weird thing I don’t know there’s this goes further down right absolutely it does go further down don’t know about this okay it goes back that way some distance like a bridge but looks like there are multiple levels to this and they go up if I can use fire to Glide let’s see nope goodbye everybody I drink my sippy cup thank you who the sippy cup is on cool down no holy crap okay so the glider has a function to fly over fire I thought oh hey I can fly lava doesn’t count it needs to be a small flame like those you see those small flames in the distance needs to be one of those if I had a flint and uh what’s that interesting let’s go ahead and uh title this bridge come back to it later call it uh dark red yeah we’ll call this bridge there we go cool so we marked this location is Bridge we now know where it is in relation to starto which is where we started I have no idea what this is this looks some kind of Crucible like the way it’s shaped it’s very strange to me but um let’s see what that Pera is looks interesting we’re going to head down there probably going to die oh we’re going to die of hunger already holy crap okay bread so what we do is we have a little bit of uh potato and a little bit of bread and what we’re doing is we are uh um uh we’re kicking in food diversity as you can see food diversity means that uh food is more effective we just use one bread for every like two or three potatoes it’s not that big a deal so uh everything else needs to get put away holy crap at least we have plenty of nether rock that’s or Nether Bricks okay fair enough baked potatoes let’s go then we Glide we’re gliding there we go no problem that Fortress is bigger than I thought goes both directions this is a lava well kind of nonsense is that not what I expected not what I wanted let’s head over there by way of killing everybody some of my zombies okay we get our zombies summoned before we enter combat this will be best we can summon seven zombies total then afterward we let our uh a regen oh interesting what’s what’s going on what are they fighting each other is that crazy okay uh that is a goblin a goblin Trader wow you mean we can get oh jeez I I don’t want to spend my Emerald coins I don’t have anything more expensive than that uh anent debris gives me scrap uh Diamond he can actually give me blast protection diamond leggings that’s crazy fire aspect sword these Goblin Traders are kind of crazy I’m not going to bother with them right now cuz I need to get over here but uh hey um yeah my minions have been clearing this area out while I was busy talking to the goblin Trader that’s why we have minions let’s head on up so Up Up and Away I have died so many times good to be able we went to the mirror Dimension to train up for a while and we’re definitely better off than we were before but uh yeah my one of my zombies just tried to swim in lava that’s great okay anything else over here we got to go up [ __ ] I can’t see third person perspective well uh okay I know what I need to do I need to go over here I to build a path up yes that’s what we’re doing build a path up and get immediately killed by lava that works too so lava all right man this is uh so much unintentional fun wondering if we can use this to Glide up hold on no not quite high enough unfortunately yeah I can’t Glide any higher than that oh we can use this side to jump up fair enough I didn’t realize that this was uh as accessible yeah that gets us up to a wayo activate the Waypoint yes okay my zombies will kill the piglins good [Music] zombies wow that is a long way down but uh hey we uh don’t need that that fake Waypoint anymore because we got one that we can easily teleport to now neat wasn’t expecting to get an actual uh you know teleportation destination but uh it is what it is that’s a piglin brute it wasn’t going to survive oh nice uh skill gem a terrible skill Jem I’m only uh I’m only after uh what do I call it not uniques but uh rares and above now I don’t take uh normals okay uh what do you call it um this has the um Path of Exile perk system actually yeah this is this is the Path of Exile perk system kind of starting to it’s also the sphere grid from Final Fantasy 10 but you you know like you take a certain route through as you level up in order to pick which abilities you want in my case I went with the you know Summoner and uh whoops oh crap crap crap crap okay gests gas gests we got them but as far as uh quests go there are only bounties there there are uh only procedurally generated uh random tasks not uh not dialogue nothing like that it is uh an action RPG and with an emphasis on the action part yes okay treasure hell War Pigs indeed invigorating ring that’s cold resistance some magma cram uh what the hell kind of block is this gilded Blackstone and chains I’ll take a bit of everything I mean I will take you know everything this Fortress has to offer what is this focused staff of restoration okay so skill damage now this is this is healing this is for an Elementalist yeah this staff is meant for an Elementalist I’ll just break it down for sure what kind of uh thing is this uh snout armor okay so it’s Pig armor interesting let’s go ahead and put away everything we got I’m glad we found uh a couple diamonds so far but uh I should grab the nether rock yeah nether brick that’s fine what else okay obsidian’s nice what’s this a netherite upgrade for Diamond equipment what does that mean a smithing template okay hidden in the depths indeed that’s ancient debris oh the Goblins want that right right so if you take the ancient debris to a goblin he’ll give you uh stuff in return that’s kind of neat uh gilded Blackstone the Gilded kind okay it’s funny how Minecraft generates monsters based on light level and dimension you’re in whereas um what do you call it what’s that other game a Terraria bases the on the blocks that make up the area so for example if you were to move in in Terraria if you were to move the dungeon bricks to the beginning of the game then the beginning of the game would be would actually spawn monsters like a dungeon because it uses that brick type same reason your house doesn’t uh generate uh bad guys it’s because uh your house is considered a safe Zone by the game based on the brick type the player made bricks [ __ ] he’s poisoned zombie go had the zombie go and smack them yep so we’re on the top of the bridge now well there are some more piglins out there I just want to make sure okay I want to Glide down over to where they are cuz it’s clear with that lava pouring on top of it I’m not going to get access to the whole thing so you know I’m trying to be careful guide my steps okay this is back where we were before yeah this is exactly where we were before neat yes I challenge you Zombie helps I can worst case scenario detonate the zombie like that you know it’s not that big a deal but uh no like this is very different from vanilla Minecraft in the sense that there are um like you follow the um you know you go from the [ __ ] goodbye p oh [ __ ] gas gas gas gas gas gas okay um I would like to show off things but I’m also being you know attacked by piglins another de Deon yeah monsters on okay so if we click over here go to quests and then we were to you know the prologue is the tutorial teach you how to play the game then act one will guide you through to killing The Mastermind once you’ve killed The Mastermind two paths open up the Realms unexplored which is the Nether and Reflections which is the um what do you call it the uh mirror Dimension and we spent our time in the mirror like we first first we came to the um well hello um we came here and died uh so we went over the mirror Dimension to train and that was the correct decision ah [ __ ] Flames everywhere well it’s dead the Gast is very dead now what’s cool about these Flames is that you can use them to Glide like I can go up here to grab these uh big old gold bricks yep block of gold and so if I need a block of gold well I got him here it’s pretty fancy okay I’m going to dive down here grab those before they fall into the abyss but yeah those are great quartz I don’t care about so much but the gold absolutely let’s dive down here a bit more I say is I’m not you know equipped get equipped thinking about uh Mega Man uh what do it call it uh someone posted a meme for uh how Capcom didn’t announce any new Mega Man stuff uh so it uh he had the Mega Man you know you got and then it’s supposed to say the weapon name but instead it goes you got nothing which is honestly accurate No don’t crossbow me man freaking pig do not trust the pigs well this is weird this feels very strange like intentionally laid out this goes down to the lava doesn’t it h I just want to be able to see you out there yeah it’s just lava but the way this is designed it feels like a uh jumpy spiral staircase there’s a lantern here [ __ ] there’s a freaking Lantern there wondering what I should use the Gilded Blackstone for build a place outside of the nether for it and this isn’t going to work I’m on the verge of losing my pickaxe I have a diamond one that I can use after this but uh feels like a waste to be honest let me see which way is this that is a dead end and this yes fire and War different fire but still we’re going up there’s lanterns here so this area is a bit off okay well going deeper into the Fortress didn’t Avail me anything unfortunately weird though okay we’re going to Glide over there yes cool that’s the Waypoint NE freaking moblins all right yeah those were moblins in uh the classic Legend of Zelda they got uh kind of changed in later zeldas to be called boblins and they smaller weaker more pathetic looks like there is more yeah I don’t know like there is a whole different area down here that I want to check out these Ash Barons but we’re going to use the uh Way Stone here oh boy looks like I can go anywhere I want in multiple dimensions that’s that’s crazy oh well our actual destination is starto good and that’ll get us through the portal and back yes welcome to the Overworld generic as it is we’re going up so uh yeah yeah we’ve been kicking ass in the nether for a while this is fairly impressive and terrifying going to go ahead and put all my nether stuff in here and we’ll figure things out as we go going to grab this cuz this is the smithing template looks important also eat more potato and then we should have bread wait bread let them eat bread okay more importantly we’re going to use some of these repair Stones we just kind of drag that onto our gear let’s have a look at our other gear pieces the Rings are fine the yeah we need a new amulet we have a level 14 amulet that’s not great and we have a level 15 ring which is also not great the magic find is cute but uh really we just need uh to do better with this on give me my quiver back just in case I decide I want to use a quiver more important L we need to grab all the stuff again so much junk that ring that’s cold resistance no all right my goodness I like the T The Fallout TV show well enough it’s uh a dumb show among other dumb shows there are a lot of people who made the incorrect uh what the very very incorrect expectation that it was going to be a serious show and not you know Fallout 4 which is what it was going to be it was it was always going to be Fallout 4 uh fans of classic Fallout really do need to unfortunately uh um you know like learn from dead money yes dead dead money it’s about letting go yes said what a good Fallout show should be no no no no it’s it’s it’s actually one of the best adaptations uh ever made of a video game specifically Fallout 4 you say Fallout 4 are not worth pirating therefore you know the the series wasn’t made for you bees to Fallout is not for you it’s that simple uh it’s time to uh disengage with like anytime you see anything that says Fallout you should probably um you should probably just ignore it I actually said this earlier today about Star Trek like modern Star Trek is uh you know I I’m in that that camp like I actually like uh Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 as Dungeon Crawlers I really enjoy them as Dungeon Crawlers but um um you said uh Fallout 4 was a joke so the analogy doesn’t work LOL uh yeah either way I’m uh what do you call it um you said you agree Fallout one 2 and New Vegas exist and then they never released any other Fallout games yeah I mean that’s that’s what I how I treat uh Mortal Kombat and Deus X um you know they made three Mortal Kombat games they made Trilogy and then they never released any more Mortal Kombat games I get that now me personally I like uh Fallout 3 New Vegas and uh sorry Fallout 3 uh 4 and 76 as Dungeon Crawlers I enjoy them and I I realize they are stupid and they are not really Fallout right they’re they’re bethesda’s bastardization of Fallout that said you should really if you don’t want to get disappointed and angry all the time you should probably um you know not interface with new Fallout at all like anything that says by Todd Howard or is Bethesda related you should probably just kind of uh tune it out you know not even acknowledge its existence and that’s how you’ll probably be the happiest you can be because um let me tell you they’re not fixing that all right we got ender pearls and vaporiz can I put a vaporizer in here can I give myself the Spore sickness I I need to know know I need know if I can give myself the Spore sickness yes I’m giving myself the Spore sickness yes wait yes there we [Laughter] go oh jeez incredible mhm wow how long does it last am I getting uh infused with multiples is that it did I just kill myself did I commit suicide incredible wow I broke it I actually broke it let me uh see here okay so I still have the curse but H glorious that is really funny okay so let’s see wither resistance okay so if I wanted to try to survive this I’m just curious now do I still have it no interesting so let’s go back to the base let’s see if I destroyed it made it a permanent Bastion of pain and suffering that would be glorious so those are the plague spewers there they need to be stopped incredible yeah those would have killed me had I not uh stopped them but that is hilarious you can just bring the nether into is it BFG uh what you mean a backpack this this is a backpack it’s full of stuff I have a backpack on my back and I have a backpack in my hand there you see this is this is a diamond backpack very silly anyway let’s see but yeah I’m I’m trying to say that uh like Bethesda like if you are a fan of classic Fallout and you very much dislike what they’ve done with Fallout if you have any kind of emotional reaction to it at this point it’s best to um it’s best to disengage with Fallout at this point in time like anything that’s new that is uh titled Fallout is probably going to be uh something you don’t like I am a okay with Goofy Fallout because I can mentally partition the two as different series and you know it’s a shame that they never made a new an extra New Vegas but is what it is um let me see here okay I cleared up my inventory well enough but I’m debating if there’s anything else I need to grab I have two rare restoration potions which is nice I guess but it’s not really going to see me through this these Shenanigans too well um as things are I’m debating if there’s anything else I need to grab for optimal travel I think the answer is no but I would like to find Those Eyes of Ender I put away by accident yeah um there’s the Eyes of Ender yeah we need to grab those for later and blaze rods blaze rods make blaze powder uh let me see how many Eyes of Ender do I need to access the end anyway doesn’t matter we’ll just put them all up here yes Krypto can you imagine if they tried to do crypto Minecraft that’d be great okay so we got some blaze rods and we got some Eyes of Ender let me make sure that I don’t have any ender pearls yeah I have 16 ender pearls cool um SE 17 oh yeah they only stacked 16 got it okay so we got uh we got these here so we should break down some blaze rods uh I think that’s it yeah blaze powder good enough I’m not entirely sure what all is required but uh we’ll put these down here and then um let me see yeah so there’s IE of Ender I of shulker I of Ender is uh Blaze Pearl I have shulker is there there’s no information about it whatsoever yep I of Blaze NOP eye of Pillager can’t cannot make any of those other eyes but that’s fine we’ll go with the Eyes of Ender right now we’ll just make a few of those for fun ender pearls yes mhm okay the original crater director of uh fallout one said he actually liked it the Fallout TV show he he came out in support of it yep anyway let’s see now blaze rods there you go oh oh wait that’s a salvaging station I need to go over here I don’t know why I thought that cuz I’m tired haha it’s fine Eyes of Ender got 16 Eyes of Ender no problem got it mhm be interested in what he thinks of the series once it’s finished I me I don’t okay 20 Eyes of Ender very good uh blaze powder blaze rods we got some diamonds here yes diamonds okay so we look at this quests and we go down over here to act two we’ve actually finished half we’ve killed the piglins we have not killed the hoggin and this is a problem because I don’t know where hoggins are if they exist at all but we’re going to head on down to the the Nether and uh then teleport back to that uh place we were at hold on maybe he’s getting residuals what it really comes down to um do I work in the games industry or defense industry that’s funny defense industry that that that’s amusing okay let’s uh drink some more okay so uh we’re ready to go through the portal and uh let’s move on I mean the fact that you’ve heard anything when I have not told anybody uh speaks volumes yes okay so we are going to warp over to this area and start heading south our goal is over here but um this will I guess that’s way too far down so we’ll just start gliding wait wait we need flint and Tinder that’s what uh flint and steel flint and steel what what do we need for flint and steel because I can use that to make uh Glide points I just realized like I I can use those to make Glide [Music] points okay I’m uh getting ready to take off for like two days by the way I I’ll be gone the rest of today and maybe tomorrow uh let me see here Tuesday I’m going to play our zet but that’s a whole another issue oh right um mhm I’m uh blanking on this it’s going to drive me crazy so uh let’s go look uh oh uh Flint flint and steel so literally it’s just flint and an iron ingot I don’t know uh feel like I already have a flint and steel in the chest upstairs let’s find out hold on could have sworn I had a flint and steel somewhere Grumble Grumble okay so it’s obviously nowhere I I guess I had one at one point but I don’t anymore got to love the way the uh Wizards have Chemical X in this game I have a bucket a bucket what if you bring water into The Nether and uh then pour it into the lava ahh ah just kind of uh let it sweep across the land no it’s got to be downstairs then maybe not in here glittering melons everyone loves glittering melons I don’t see it I’m going to give up I’m just going I’m just going to give up and I’m just going to climb the oldfashioned way yes you haven’t ever caught one life that’s a shame we’re uh we’re pretty close to being done for the day being that we streamed for 11 hours quite terrifying all right we’re getting out of here well cool we can glide up this way now from here we need to head straight South so that’s North this is South we’re going cool we’re uh catching the air from these uh uh from these Flames so they kind of boost us back up so as long as we kind of uh go go over here you can oh God the mosquitoes no no holy crap that’s freaking terrifying the m EO just uh latched itself onto me the nether is a great place look such a lovely place it’s great ow it hurts I I just jumped into the fire cuz I’m smart all right good no okay okay we go this way now good be fine just need to keep going south long as we Glide over this yeah we’re in the nether wastes right now it’s stay okay you’re a great place filled with lovely people as you can see just some pig soldiers and other things as long as we just Glide over them we should be fine unless another mosquito latches onto us holy crap um where else okay The Fortress Is Still to the South got it going to be a while should be fine take me up okay up okay [Music] good that’s how it works come on yep we’re there that’s a ghast those things are terrifying yeah um she no no no no no no no no no no no Fireballs Fireballs everywhere Fireballs everywhere okay these are quartz yeah the Ghasts are everywhere okay we’re gliding up crap crap crap crap Fireballs Fireballs explosions explosions got to keep going south there’s uh yeah unfortunate but true thought I’d uh oh jeez I just saw an arrow fly by in the day it was only red there’s the Fortress I see it I see it a crap okay I need to go over there that big old castle did did my game just crash no it just lagged to hell what is this place there’s a okay this there’s a fortress here but then down here there’s a castle the dust settles okay fair enough this uh Citadel looks lovely and totally not an Abomination uh okay let’s go ahead and start dropping I’m going for that big circle in the middle here we go yep all of the piglin king damn ow it hurts Make It Stop they’re they’re shooting me from the battlements turns out gliding into an enemy Courtyard is not a smart thing oh God piglins Go zombie go the Hall of the piglin king okay so there are treasure chests everywhere and they look good is that is that pork I haven’t had pork chops in this entire playthrough I’ve had pork chops in other playthroughs but not this one yeah there’s also the cake so delicious and moist uh these points of data make a beautiful line out of beta we’re releasing on time jeez how many por chops are there the that campfire is cooking pork chops what I can’t access it from here but I can see that there are pork chops cook yeah C how many pork chop what the heck yeah I’m looking at this how do I retrieve the pork chops I need a empty hand don’t I that’s fine I don’t need a totem but I would like nope I can’t have the pork chops I need to retrieve them the oldfashioned way what’s this uh blue ice what is ice doing here diamond block I just got a diamond oh God I survived with 97 Health it cost me all 820 of my energy Shield that was impressive I’ll be taking all that loot thank you yes yeah I uh I almost died there that was really funny I mean it was tempting wasn’t it there’s more blue ice there okay mhm [ __ ] that guy tore through blocks as if it were nothing he Glen Knights okay you survived yes okay I still haven’t found any hogl which is what I was looking for I was supposed to find hoglands and instead I’m going through the Fortress nether fortress give me your carrots kind of totem is that jeez okay let’s put away everything we got here including that freaking Diamond brick kind of nonsense is that that grab that what is this uh trap damage I see uh give me a second here someone was uh joking about that earlier you know what I mean okay what else we get people saying things don’t care that scroll scroll scroll [Music] me see what else mhm okay let’s go distractions reinforced Voodoo hat that’s armor wrapped fungus warped fungus I mean yeah we’re trying to loot all the treasure chests here okay soul for a ring I should I should roll that Soul right now actually yeah let’s let’s roll that Soul right now what I get one Magic Find 32 lightning resistance maybe the under Garden would have a reason for lightning resistance but fire resistance is King here in the nether reminds me of how everyone in World of Warcraft needed fire resistance for um what’s his name uh um for Molton core you know the uh the the lovely guy uh rag no roosy and uh then um afterward um that new is old okay um then afterward it’s like oh well what do you what kind of resistance do you need next uh none okay like one of the major points of the of world of warcraft’s uh progression was uh to make sure someone in your guild uh had specifically one person of each trade skill had the thori and Brotherhood reputation so that you could uh make it through that there’s another room over there crazy but yeah thori and Brotherhood so that you could uh craft the type of resistance gear so like each each person could only have two trade skills yeah and the thorium Brotherhood kind of gave you the fire resistance you needed but that was part of the that was like the whole progression Loop for uh like for the post game for the Post leveling World of Warcraft was getting ready for oh jeez I got to say the piglins are something else I wasn’t expecting there would be this terrifying I am impressed okay is that what I think it is that a weeping nether portal is that a can we activate this thing we don’t have the Flint [ __ ] where do we get flint now I’m curious if we can like I want to open this godamn nether portal that thing looks amazing okay uh we’re marking this uh nether portal in Castle there we go looks incredible though I marked that location so I can come back here instantly if I need to dark prismere I’ll be taking the gold thank you I don’t know about the dark prismere but the gold is absolutely worth grabbing yep more gold a trident has uh fire aspect and knockback these are C water cauldrons hello EGS more pigs more pigs okay we did it we got our archers in on this my archers are a temporary summon the skeleton archers the uh the zombies are long lasting but uh oh a Scavenging table so we could break down items if we wanted to Crazy what’s this magic eight skill damage 97 Magic Shield I’m I’m going to replace the magic find with that just because uh feels much better for now yep level 30 as opposed to level 15 there we go we’re at 995 energy Shield this is good oh a ceremonial Hammer that’s runed we can uh make some real good mun off that uh there’s no money you just uh break it down for Stones ah wait what interesting that is a jukebox that is empty uh oh these clocks look lovely what time of day is it here in the nether clocks don’t know mhm thank you all righty then diamond leggings they’re not for me they are uh the diamond sword on the other hand no none of these they all lack a soul what a shame we’ll take these boots at least we can melt those down we can melt mold down this is a gear upgrade station I don’t even know how gear upgrade stations work that’s the best part I am uh blind and dumb diamond shovel money mending repairs using money from your wallet okay fair enough is my money draining H let’s equip it and see what happens it’s repaired money mending crazy so I have a diamond shovel that steals my money to repair itself this is [Music] fine got some cool stuff here hold on let’s use the glider and fly what awesome can glide right in here detonate well that’s right increase block chance don’t need that augment but uh we’ll put everything away what’s this Scouts battle Helm you can hide but you Cann out run the Dancy Scout it’s a patron item meaning someone who is a patron of uh uh the the mod uh got to put this in the Dancy Scout is his name uh makes sense that’s pretty funny it’s a unique meaning it’s really good but I need to break this no nothing it’s not for me though it’s armor armor isn’t for me damn blocks of gold else another portal crazy these portals are just asking me to turn them on oo whoa you can fall down oh we’re almost to the top apparently like the down is way down there okay this way pig [ __ ] got him we’re set climbing ladders they’re climbing ladders this guy no he’s digging that guy dug out the terrain that’s freaking nuts all right yeah one of these days I’ll mess with people and say not even a little bit with a very sad looking face all right let me see here what are we doing uh This Way ah crap pigs pigs pigs damn there’s more of them oh jeez there’s a guy digging through the the floor okay the guy’s terrifying he’s digging like they come with the pickaxes and they start digging out the uh yeah they start digging out the uh ground becomes terrifying mhm right go up here what’s this that is a Fletching table I don’t understand oh my zombies attacking these uh Pigman crazy fact that they have capes is oh God he just flew at me well that guy fell down he tore through the wall and then got cast off yes is he going to break through the wall I guess that guy can’t other guys can summon duration gy they’re not that great miss boots of the Drake these are fire resistance I really wish I could you know make good use of them I can’t though I really can’t is that chocoo is there a chocoo in this hell huh okay then I’m going through killing the zombies climbing up here hello Mr Pigman he went away okay so from this Tower no can’t see it still looking yep see the way has that pickaxe that pickaxe he holds up he’s tearing through the terrain when he does that it’s freaking terrifying yeah it’s a piglin fortress I still not finding any hoglins mhm evercraft what know about that oh what is that it’s a common alley okay it’s one of those little uh creatures that the invoker had uh under his control crazy let’s see yes what is this this chamber here it’s terrifying good want to see inside good pork so much pork and golden arrows piglins are obsessed with gold it’s fine really c tography stand there where does this lead out to the rooftops that isn’t right there’s a suspension bridge oh [ __ ] that’s the diamond block there’s another diamond block there I survived with 90 Health it burned through all of my 995 uh the hell oh God there’s a piglin skull up there it’s terrifying set a yeah there’s a block down there on that’s a uh Treasure Chest crazy stuff it is a pig face makes me wonder what the hell are we doing here why are we here just to suffer uh eat the bread eat the baked potato and eat the pork chop okay got to be careful tips for an open MW mod list I [Music] mean I uh I just figured you go over to data directories go over data directories click append and uh after you dumped all the data files into to a specific folder you append that folder you don’t you don’t install it uh you don’t install maroin some like you don’t install it into the Marin data folder you install it into any folder you want otherwise and then you use a pen to add it in and that way your maroin is vanilla but then you throw extra content folders on top of that these are all different data folders that I can mix and match and give priority over one another it’s uh it’s very simple it’s right under data directories right next to content files yeah that’s what I do basically openmw is its own mod organizer that’s the best way to explain it functionality is built into the actual program itself [ __ ] oh God my energy Shield is gone they just shot me up there was no chance to survive okay yeah my and shield was just gone okay there this is the skull Yep they’re eating away at the skull in order to get to me it’s great their AI has them digging yeah that’s insane okay we’re digging this oops Yeah it’s smooth quartz but it looks like a giant skull oh there went the pickaxe do I have any other pickaxe yes I do good I was scared there for a second there was going to be no pickaxe for me all the piglin king okay it’s just sarapin Pace more pork so many pork chops okay what’s this more magic steel damage reduce crit damage that’s really weird never seen that kind of uh modifier ha blocks of gold all the blocks of [Music] gold okay did I get that diamond no no that’s explosions and pain and suffering I know what that is I been there before that’s a nether portal that’s crazy okay I got to use the glider to get over there yep there we go I was able to Glide up using the air from that uh flame yep yep yep oh it already blew like the the diamond block already blew up and gave us some fun already yeah Crimson door like how this is not a bed it’s just a red carpet that’s glorious these are some Diamond gear yeah it’s I’m looking at this diamond gear it has no soul so I don’t need it but uh chain mail leggings protection Unbreaking yeah but this is armor type I need energy Shield not armor I wish I could melt that down but it doesn’t have a soul blocks of gold diamond axe on the other hand Will Repair that and it’ll be a great Axe I love these items with the curse of Vanishing curs of Vanishing means if you die the item goes away it gets deleted from the game it’s great oh Flint wait did I I just got flint and steel I just got both flint and steel workbench do your do your job flint and steel damn right I can now make flame I’m pretty sure that the flame I produce can take me up with the glider but let’s grab a lot more steel first it’s uh pretty good golden hoe it is Unbreaking oh okay it’s a Thundercats yes um okay next There’s No Loot container there said there’s a loot container yeah we’ve already seen that what the hell are fire charges how do I get more okay so what I want to do is go further up uh what the hell hold on think this might do it this Courtyard will take me up yeah pretty sure we can do this yep holy crap okay this this is very cool oh piglins coming in they like to Break Down The Walls and Ambush you you can see how they just start dropping in yeah okay there’s a oh that staircase goes all the way to the bottom okay that that makes sense so how do we get up there that’s the neat part you don’t okay take more iron I’ll take the Flint diamond [Music] shovel Unbreaking and efficiency diamond shovel incredible the enchantments on all this stuff now unfortunately none of this has a soul so this is going to be massively inferior gear but for now it’s good is definitely good for now let’s try to put away everything that we have I like how this is meril’s Cavern like the the music that’s really funny saram of the storm but yeah diamond pickaxe natur’s men repairs tools using Aura what is Aura I don’t [Music] understand let me see I’m Googling that right now Nature’s men here we go it’s from natur ARA you pass through through in high ARA areas what is a high ARA area someone asked you use the mod to generate Aura H okay hold on it’s about collecting and replenishing the ARA naturally present in the world used by certain Dev es I see you would need to use a Nature’s alter for this in other words I would need to build a specialized place of power that would regenerate the weapons charge makes sense crying obsidian that’s the good stuff is that a saddle hell yeah pick up that saddle we’re going to give it to a chocoo sooner or later just you wait and see now in the meantime we’re going to try this okay um I’m I’m going to go up wait what why are you on fire why are you just randomly on fire okay going this way just randomly on fire not a problem okay that is still the way to go we’re going for him oh jeez it hurts They are tearing down everything between me and them oh they’re climbing yeah it’s so strange hearing merveil’s song here they knew what they were doing I’m killing them with poison wow he dropped Redstone and everything that’s neat I can’t wait to uh switch to my backpack and put away more stuff oh jeez I hear them pig man I don’t know who’s up there okay new players quitting Destiny after two hours Destiny 2 yeah Destiny 2 is a little special oops what’s this Nether wart let’s Harvest that I get nether wart seeds no just Nether wart can I grow Nether wart in the regular world like Oblivion kind of shanans potion strength weakness that’s strength and weakness strength and weakness strength and weakness why are there potions of strength and weakness next to each other Shee Destiny 2 is a mess I agree okay backpack we got to go up wait is that what I think it is dig um that’s dirt I think where’s my shovel there the diamond shovel money mending here we go NOP it definitely is a pickaxe what the hell so this was capped off but it was real okay yes I will take wait they decided to uh remove all the cutcenes and critical story quests you mean just treat it like a a Sandbox a shooty bang bang game I don’t know I can’t comprehend what they’re doing with the game I played Destiny 1 I enjoyed it and then they uh they promptly turned around and undid uh like when they released Destiny 2 they basically undid all the things that I liked you know all the uh updates from the DLCs and stuff so I looked at it and I said well I don’t need to play this other game where they like uh you know and uh that attitude kind of lasted through the entirety of Destiny 2’s existences I don’t need to play this you know mhm they hold your hand through all the plants for nothing it’s empty cuz they remove the story quests that’s that is very funny what’s this that’s a blaze hello Mr Blaze how you doing I can’t actually fight this guy what what’s worse is the towers just keep going like I’m looking at this and this is seriously Bonkers this Fortress Is gigantic yeah these a lot of these procedurally generated rooms repeat but uh I didn’t realize that I’d be running into a nether castle I alas am out of time so um I will be back what do you call it on Monday probably probably and uh yeah that’s about it I’ll see yall later I I can’t uh run the stream 12 hours or it’ll delete the VOD so uh we got to go now it’s it’s been fun it’s been a fun 11 hours and 48 minute 46 minutes sorry yeah yeah so I’m planning on Monday if I can to play uh rette but if I can’t then it’ll be Tuesday either way we’ll we’ll see we’ll see rette and the Jewel of farore is Legend of Zelda the faces of evil uh SL wander gamalon again anyway I’m taking off I’ll see you later it is uh nap time for like 3 hours and then I got to go do stuff so bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Invoker Mastermind is GONE! We go to the Mirror Dimension!’, was uploaded by Zaric Zhakaron on 2024-04-14 11:57:17. It has garnered 1974 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 11:47:27 or 42447 seconds.

Craft to Exile 2 running on Minecraft Java version 1.20.1 | Path of Exile and Diablo inspired nonsense.

  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

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  • Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21!

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  • Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short Gameplay

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  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

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  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

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  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

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  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

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  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

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  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: Website: Discord: Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

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  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

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  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

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  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

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  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

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  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

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  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

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  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More