IRONMOUSE VODS – Playing Minecraft with Nyanners, RubberRoss & Snuffy

Video Information

It’s me your worst nightmare hello oh no my mic stand it’s falling it’s falling it’s falling hello everybody it is i set one sorry about yesterday uh yesterday oh my my internet was being stupid so i couldn’t stream uh our fun game night but i hope next week next sunday it behaves

And i hope it behaves today hope it behaves today i’m gonna be honest with you i have not slept today i had a lot of nightmares uh i just had like a really like uh high anxiety day with nightmares and stuff so i didn’t get enough sleep so like oh

Should i try to sleep or should i stream And i decided to stream time Oh my ear Yeah i wanted to come on uh to hang out a little bit and uh hang out hang out hang out with me ah what the [ __ ] is up with my thing Uh where’s my hold on i’m gonna fix it So That’s what i thought Okay i think it’s i think it’s working now I think it’s working now Sorry about that oh my god what’s happening jesus jesus christ Oh hello then hello hello everyone hello welcome to jurassic park did you have a good day today it’s monday today is monday did you have a good monday you like my new background oh it’s my room do you like it you got all my favorites here you got my old outfits here

You got boobs uh you got this that this is nothing this is nothing right here there’s nothing my favorite coucher my favorite coucher you got a a booby plush a monkey plush a picture of me and the girls a puerto rican flag A puerto rican flag twitch logo on the atasha neanders figure a me figure i run mouse logo old iron mouse logo speak of the devel snow fifi good helmet uh this picture that’s not a picture pay attention to this picture it’s me and nian this is uh this does nothing again

That’s nothing again uh nina’s hell a hat lucas lion augustus being the girls and caisson man uh this is this is the scythe of a friend of mine my friend’s safe she left it here you see she left it here you see i did not steal it huh i didn’t steal it

I don’t have to steal it people just let me borrow things five finger discount that sounds like porno something porno oh mousey i hope you have a good day thank you very much i hope you’re having a good day are you having a good day i gotta say the iron mouse already

Yeah they put me on a car did you see it’s pretty it was very pretty Thank you for the donald wonderful and awesome person have a great stream i hope you and connor have a great time on your next irl stream get some great sleep when all this is over i will try my best kick the nightmares but i’ll try my best

Guys i know i said that the channel points are gonna be ready by today but i decided that we’ll do it by the end this week because i know that once i activate them you guys are gonna [ __ ] change my stuff all the time and i want to enjoy this

Body for a time thank you for 10 gifted subs uh also i know i said that i was gonna debut a new form this week but i decided that we’re gonna wait and they’d be the new form next month because i’m having too much fun in this body guys

I’m having too much fun in this body guys i’m having too much fun in this body the other body is really cute too also uh i need to get a couple things adjusted i gotta get a couple things adjusted so it’ll take some time tooth what about my tooth huh thief

What about my teeth cat shiny teeth i can show my shiny thief lungs and cat more furby oh you no not now later later later later later we have a very fun week ahead of us this week i’ll tell you whoa hold on oh god oh my god it’s so cute

Sorry i got some video it’s cute it’s cute I go did you just bathe me into doing the night go [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i hate you i almost hate iron mouse hate uh let me go over before we begin our festivities for today before we begin our festivities for today uh uh hold on one second i’m sorry

I’m supposed to have a jessica nigerie on tomorrow but we had to reschedule and i’m trying to find a good day to have her come on uh speak of the devil this week um Let me send her a quick message okay sorry sorry have to send her a message i’m pronouncing your name wrong how do you pronounce her name i pronounce everything wrong oh like onigiri just a cup it’s jessica it’s jessica jessica jessica come here you can’t leave out of this household jessica

That reminds me of watch reminds your true blood just do you want me to jump out of a window that is closed oh [ __ ] hey okay i had to ask her if we could reschedule residual now before we begin let’s go over the rest of our uh let’s go over the rest of

Our stuff this week this week did you saw the kamen rider w double double w double aha futo p yeah i saw it it’s really good that the henshin sequence was really nice too i i i see great promise in this in this new common writer in kamen rider wwe listen

Good and listen well today i’m really stressed out so i’m really stressed out today i had horrible nightmares had a massive anxiety attack i didn’t get enough sleep as a matter of fact i got no sleep i can’t get no sleep so i think it’s i think it’s good that we

Got minecraft today because i need to calm down so today we’re doing minecraft tomorrow we’re doing q a a bunch of people send me a lot of marshmallows so we’ll answer some questions and you might hear some answers to interesting things that you didn’t know from before uh on wednesday

We have hang out in games what kind of games you’re just gonna have to wait and see uh on thursday we’re playing with monkey playing with monkey on thursday i don’t know we’re playing yet uh friday is uh friday i was supposed to do i don’t know

What time i’m doing speak to the devil it has to be early because friday’s silver’s birthday and she’s having a celebration And then on saturday on saturday i’m playing friday the 13th with friends and i’m gonna be the best killer i can be yeah we just play madame medan and then on sunday you know it’s games with friends but i’m hoping that this sunday i’m hoping this sunday i’ll be able to stream

Uh this time because i haven’t i wasn’t able to stream i felt so bad that i didn’t get to stream last sunday i feel like it would have been really fun to stream since we had proximity voice and we were having some pretty interesting conversations i know you guys missed you guys missed

Out guys missed out on some interesting chats that we had in the shadows don’t tell us i’m not gonna tell you now they have a question do you like monster high of course i like monster high m-o-n-s-t-e-r monsters monsters soul bazaar oh god monster monster high monster high monster monster high

You thought lord and connor are so funny i swear to god everyone was out to get me that day that shows all the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sherlock we’re not necessarily talking about anything new here what neons griffin died no I wonder if i wonder if she wants to chat while we play minecraft i want to show you guys what i’m doing in minecraft i started already the construction has begun her stream died no no not peter griffin no please no not peter griffin i want to show you guys the what i’ve

Begun constructing The chat there i feel like we need some ambiance what is the vibe that we’re going for today um Is that what you want hardcore holy [ __ ] aquatic ambiance what is aquatic ambiance what would that be considered mermaid music penis music is this this is one hour of mermaid music sounds boring as [ __ ] sounds boring as [ __ ] fantasy tavern music all right we’re doing bard core [ __ ] that [ __ ]

Wait there’s not the ball is not for phantom bone it’s membrane phantom skin what can i make a phantom bone what can i make with the ah yes a phantom chest plate or a helmet i want to get a phantom chest plate and then i can turn it into i need a core

A frost core a flying pink cat raid thank you for offline pink hair wait let me message now and ask her if she’s okay are you okay do you want to play minecraft together on call you want to play minecraft on call i can help you welcome everyone welcome we are also

Playing minecraft welcome girl i know i know what it’s like to have [ __ ] up pc problem let me move to minecraft sub the minecraft category trust me my pc is an [ __ ] what’s this on snuffy is on silver’s on and ross is on snow fifi where is snowfie oh she’s in her area Yeah thank you for the raid i love you play minecraft with me come on call play with me play with me let us go on an adventure out okay this is the bottom this is the floor of my of my house i don’t know i was thinking about making it a little

Bigger because i feel like this is too small is this too small or am i overreacting hey get out of here what the [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] what do you think you are throwing arrows at me where are you guys coming from there’s so many of you

And a spider too what the heck you guys never come around here what are you doing here what are you doing here God damn oh man i thought they disabled the blood moons i guess not there’s two people in voice chat should we join them should we join them should we join them hello hello hello mousy oh my god hi you guys are playing games i am on stream playing game

Hello yeah bryce is also streaming too yeah am i allowed to be here yeah yeah yeah welcome yeah to my house too by the way okay you made it i always have to eat really quick you went to her house yeah i’m at your house right now i’m a

Goblin so i die really quick what my you’re so short yeah i’m tiny dude like manly dude like a like a kid you bring to like work you know bring your daughter to work day i don’t think i have anything noticeable on me other than i’m like on fire when i

Walk i’m like yeah you are on fire can you set things on fire by mistake i’ve never seen no snelfie i want to see you it’s not that interesting i literally just have like tiny little flame shardicals appear behind me when i walk i take more i i deal more damage if i’m

On fire and i think that’s really all i do other than being immune to like lava yeah but why wouldn’t i want to see i want to see your flame shardicals we live next door to each other kind of i’m on my way i i went to there’s a forest by your house

Uh of hakaranda trees i took some hakka on the trees oh is that how you say it the purple yes yeah i loved it that’s why i made my biome here is because of those trees they’re so pretty they’re so pretty they’re purple and beautiful yeah they give really cute pink wood too

Yeah that’s why i i i harvested some is this your merchant i don’t know he just kind of showed up he wasn’t here before you should try later yeah trap the merchant yeah so push them in let’s let’s go around the other side i can’t open the gate um yeah

Privilege trap i have no idea how to add people to my biomes i’m gonna i’m gonna run and push him i didn’t make the jump hold on as we push him in he’s he’ll stay in your home yeah trap that [ __ ] three merchant make him be your slave spawn uh your sex slave

Oh my god i’m gonna homonym you and your big nose marching six lane i’m gonna hurt He’s stuck in the corner he looks so like he’s looking at me like please don’t do this oh god he’s already worried oh wait oh i can’t cut down anything here because i’m not pre i don’t have permission oh i don’t know how to add this there’s a person full stuff maybe

The full stop i only know how to claim land uh i had silver before i don’t know how to do it you gotta go into the you gotta go into the uh you gotta go into the thingy uh the map thingy there’s two maps there’s a journey map

And then there’s a chunk map here i think the journey maps on j and the trunk map is on n if you do it on the chunk map all you need to do is uh right click on the squares if you do it in the journey map hold on oh

Oh no i got him in snuffy but you didn’t have the doors open uh if you did in the journey map there’s a there’s a there’s a little there’s a little grid on the right side of the screen that says ftb chunks claiming mode you click on that and then you just

Select the squares and that’s how you claim your chunks of light how do i like if i want to add like a another person to my chunks so they can use my chunks oh i i forgot how i know ethel i think ain’t to learn how to do it but i don’t yeah

I don’t remember i can do it i think so does silver and bay so i gotta figure out how to do that too his llamas are carrying him yeah you gotta you gotta add them to your party well how do you add them to your party maybe userna like slash party space name

Maybe join the team i know either uh an invite and i had to accept it hold on it’s if you type slash help sometimes it will give you commands for the mods uh help me Uh-huh oh god i can’t go in oh yeah yeah oh wow you got in oh oh my god you’re shorter than me you’re still a little bit scared goblin i’m a tiny little man you little please just take some apples and go give me all your diamonds thanks for the apple sucker

Top left in inventory and you can do teams slash party oh yeah top left yeah i see it so if you hit e and then it’s up there it says team wait what create party yeah so it’s it’s in the um oh it’s a little dude standing together oh my god okay yeah

So then oh my god you are literally on fire literally yeah so shardicals oh my little charcoals look at them go literally shorticles literally shorticles i really don’t have that many perks other than just immune to fire everything else is just a like a negative

I do i think it would be cool if i if i like lit up like a torch wait for something do i type it because i don’t work i don’t know i just no you click it with your with your with your mouse so open it for real yeah yeah

Open the chat and then you click on it i think it worked okay cool oh yeah that worked yeah cool can you use my like doors and stuff can i touch you um yeah you can touch me i don’t do it i don’t know about damage

I’m afraid if i touch you uh it’s gonna be bad for me that’s good we’re like polar opposites you’re the water one and i’m the fire one i’m from water world you’re from fire world we’re two different people i’m from tiny world tiny small neighborhood over here little baby man Oh baby baby man i bet you shop at old navy kids section bet you shop at baby gap baby cap it’s like gap but for babies yeah is snuffy a blaze can yeah how did she get out of the never i don’t even know i um

I literally one took like as many chests as i could find found enough obsidian build a portal then find iron to make a flintstone look at the portal the rest is history man there’s a secret portal cracked or cracked it’s true i’m cracked i was before they nerfed the server too

Absolutely correct you should be on hard mode yeah yeah it was on there dude that’s how cracked she is she did it all on hard mode hell yeah i [ __ ] bear grylls with another she is she’s bear gorillas i got so many death markers i literally just kept dying and spawning and

Respawning and then like yeah that was the whole strategy how did this guy get out of my little cave what the heck could he bypass that this little [ __ ] it’s time to die is it because i have his llamas but they can’t get in maybe maybe oh the

Llamas can’t enter because if they’re like three blocks tall maybe yeah you need they need to be a bit bigger i got i got one i got the other one i got his llamas oh and i got his leash to his llamas too he dropped it you’re

Maybe if you open up your door um like just one block we could push them in yeah just squeeze them in there yeah just just squeeze them in where did this water come from oh my god oh god ah wait what that’s the one thing you need to avoid

Why is there water inside your house i have i have a so like i can’t function with rain so i built this like uh above my house is actually my garden oh yeah but i can’t you know if i ever walk outside and i’m like oh [ __ ] it’s

Raining i’ll take damage immediately so i built this little like porch so i can like walk out and be like ah i can still do things wow this is a very eco-friendly household exactly i figured out how he’s getting out how is he getting out is it because this is like right

Grass corner right here oh oh yeah drop them in trap them trap them trouble i think i have a fence in my chest here destroy his laugh perfect what is everyone’s origin i’m a siren ross is a goblin and uh snuffy as a blaze skin

And kid in the blaze yeah nian is a feline she’s a cat uh aethel is a knight oh watch out i did a mistake i did a bed what did you do don’t come in the house no i tried to open up the door i didn’t realize the water was above i missed

That part i missed that conversation i was solving the fact oh yeah eight thousand yeti did you get the the log yeah i did i just had to panic and use wool yeah i’ll back off because i i’ll i’ll take damage anyway actually i’m gonna go make the journey back to my

Nether portal at the spawn and bring it bring it home zen is a paladin oh what is a paladin i don’t even know i don’t even know what a paladin does uh they take this right they do more damage to undead and but they take more damage from undead so it’s like

I never tried off oh Pikami is a goblin there’s three goblins in the same right yeah the goblin faction the goblin faction fruit is a necromancer That makes sense i don’t know what that class does either though um they can resurrect mobs to like fight for a short time i think but goblins baby villages are hostile to you i think yes oh yes all villagers are hostile to necromancers like hostile like they will actively

Attack you or they just can’t talk to you and they won’t trade with you i think that means their golem will attack when i played pixie they won’t they won’t trade with you but they’re not hostile they just don’t like you so that was already annoying though i

Can’t even imagine getting attacked by villagers though that would suck oh god they’re coming the phantoms are coming wait phantoms where yeah oh yeah i haven’t slept i i need to get a bed okay i’m gonna go inside because i as a little goblin i can take two hits

Oh you have two hearts no i have uh six but everything seems to do more than you only have six hearts yeah oh my god you’re so freaked i’m so fragile i’ll protect you please i have tough shark skin yeah i killed them i killed them just like i killed your

Mother last night okay wait so where’s your nether portal snuffy it’s at the spawn i buried it underground and left a torch there so i basically have to wander back to spawn really quick and it just happened to be nighttime i guess you buried your portal

Yeah cause i didn’t want anybody to come in and steal my stuff because i left my chest right up there oh right in front of where the portal is oh god there’s so many bad guys i’m definitely going to perish i’m definitely where did you go

I’ll reenter spawn but then in one night time and don’t i’m not very good at this game oh goodness i’ve got too hard oh god there’s an ocean that’s the probably the worst thing about my class is that i have to make make sure i have dirt with me all the

Time so i can pass you you need a jar of dirt i literally need a jar of dirt oh i put a job done me at the mobs at the zombies the thousands of zombies right now i am defending your home from zombies i i died i run away I’m dead no i’m sorry i’m sorry i ran away i i i died doing what i did best dying [Laughter] now paddish is hello i love you i love you my [ __ ] stream died i’m so obsessed yeah happened connection what happened my [ __ ] my griffin died and then my [ __ ] stream

What the [ __ ] peter griffin oh the disconnect protection only stays up for like a minute so then i was just like man [ __ ] this [ __ ] tonight what the ugh there’s a manatee was it the same stuff that happened in the last time oh no it was weird like minecraft didn’t

Crash but v2 studio and obs crest and then like i couldn’t get obs back for like 10 minutes that’s annoying oh what the [ __ ] i think my computer is haunted i don’t know yeah it happened i’m telling you that was me the other day i disconnected six times

Because of your internet or obs i don’t even know sometimes sometimes i think it’s my internet but sometimes i think it’s obvious oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh oh oh goodness oh goodness oh oh no oh no there’s a tiny man this is a tiny man

There’s a big man there’s a large man oh no there’s so many men there’s so many men on me right now what oh oh there’s so many men on snowflake oh my god right now they’re coming all over me oh my god oh my god oh no oh this is so terrible

Now they’re sounding fun whoa that sounds like a party great if you guys want to [ __ ] with me come in this lava pit [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they’re gonna [ __ ] in the lava pit oh no i just realized something while billy eyelash plays in the background it’s nothing you’re so far away that i’m

Freezing to death before i can get to you what oh no i think what you gotta do is just get a full suit of armor that usually helps is that yeah that that was my full set of fireworks no oh no i don’t have it anymore do you need some

Oh it’s the northern lights what the heck where do you normally spawn are you oh you’re all the way wait you’re listed as cup of snoffy’s party now i think is that is that you know how to change the name kappa okay wait i found some copper cloths that might help me

I literally have half a heart i’m just camping in this like lava pit i’m too afraid it’s so stressful i because they posted like 17 nerfs they’re like it’s easy mode there’s half the mobs now they won’t like do any damage and me still like sweating every day of my life like

Okay killed my [ __ ] griffin [ __ ] bastards we should just change the peaceful mode what peacefulness is creative mode oh my god i can’t [ __ ] i can’t [ __ ] see it’s [ __ ] fog is there a way to disable [ __ ] fog holy [ __ ] i don’t have any oh my god maybe it’s just me because i’m

A mermaid i think it’s when you’re having a temperature effect it does that oh maybe yeah maybe because my screen gets really like how do i get in here yeah join the game i love you i’m freezing to death in my home oh my god don’t freeze i can’t get to Of seasons seasons can we get rid of these seasons can we get rid of stuff guys can we kill winter can we get rid of my favorite season we can’t see the oh we can’t see the aurora borealo oh says frozen to death why did you say the way no

That was like my narrator voice that’s that’s false id reporting on my death oh my god this just in yeah i almost forgot for a second i have two streams going on right now what i’m texting likes to do this thing where he invites youtubers to just like youtube it up

So i’m like what in history did you just say are you still there i saw that yeah like before gardek oh my god yeah you being like one of those like girls on like a game show that just like shows up and is like pretty and like yeah i do

My little dance and i like show off the like the big wheel and i’m like yeah sparkles oh my god there’s like three dudes that are i’m just going to dig a hole just bury me i’m just going gonna hide in a hole now i have half a heart and there’s like

Seven skeletons with knives oh [ __ ] i got a food quick i don’t know how to get to my stuff where is it it’s at the top of this [ __ ] mountain with a [ __ ] mushroom village and [ __ ] guys that killed my [ __ ] griffin mushroom village there’s mushroom villages yeah

Let me see i’m gonna look on the map to see where you’re at oh god i’m out of food i’m out of stamina i can’t run and i’m so close oh my god this sucks no no no no let me see man how far are you oh i i

I see i could try to get to you yeah i’m gonna try wait i think i almost got my stuff i just gotta okay what is this place i gotta drop off my [ __ ] though everyone here is hostile is it a pillager oh i slipped and fell i was so close no

Yo the bears are like evil what oh yeah the they get real mean when you get close yeah for something they’ll get mean you need to see oh my god there’s a clip of fruit that she’s right next to a bear she goes oh look at

The bear and then all of a sudden the bears eyes turn around and start oh no and i was like oh [ __ ] i got my stuff i’m getting the [ __ ] out of here get out of there quick All right okay is it daytime that’s daytime yeah it’s there okay let’s have a look at the map and see how where i died okay honeycomb where huh my hole i had to put more clothes on holy [ __ ] am i near the spawn i’m playing on a different computer than usual well i’m

Playing on my main computers usually playing on my laptop but does anybody can you might confirm look at you my main computer my main computer computer’s all catered to each activity that i partake in this is my minecraft computer not to be confused with my sexy modded sims 4 computer

You should need a whole other computer for all the sims i really do that’s pretty much what my laptop is guys i made i’m gonna make magic wands and i’m gonna give you guys some magic that sounds awesome i wanna be a pretty princess want to be a pretty princess you’re

Already pretty princess everyone’s a princess really like yeah princess yeah i don’t have a tea party we have a tea party yeah yeah i’m gonna make a uh i’ll make a magical tea party place so we can have it in the woods after i make my damn house that’d be so cute

Yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll have a magical tea party place so we can have a tea party i found oh thank you guys for reminding me i found a village in the sky i want to go up there yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that’s the one i found and then

I fell off of it and couldn’t get back up oh no is it the one by the spawn when we first spawned yeah yeah i want to go there i have tons of blocks your stuff yeah i have a phoenix that i accidentally left we gotta get it really oh chad Do you think it would be would it be sketchy if i pinged foodie and asked him to resurrect my dead griffin no dude grief is real just do it girl he died in a really unfair [ __ ] up way tell him if you explain to him that he

Died in an unfair [ __ ] up way i i bet he will yeah he could use like a cemetery magic and bring him back yeah yeah yeah he’ll do a special magical ritual and bring back your griffin it won’t be the same because he’ll be a little weird and a

Little different but it’s still your griffin it’ll be like the like full-out metal malcolmis yeah yeah full metal malcolmus yeah when they brought back their dead mom dude in the middle and they’re like wow mom you look great and she’s like We’re going on vacation and then they go on vacation with their lumber flesh mom dude wait this is random i watched it because i was on tech tone earlier he watched the clip man where you were like thinking of doing the uh the the survivor thing

He said that he would totally be down to do that and he would love to i don’t know if you’re still planning on that but yeah yeah this server is a perfect survivor server it’s perfect for survival me already i i did like a meeting actually with

Some people and lisa jill about the minecraft survivor yeah we’re making plans for it i’m so excited yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah on the the shojo server he said he maybe i invited him i don’t know if he’s whitelisted yet i might have to paint about it um

I got some friendzo wants to join oh yeah yeah we could have a good team going yeah is the kitten caboodle a real word in the dictionary is it kids and caboodle or kitten kaboodle no it’s kittens it’s kits and kabuto and kabob oh so it’s like diamond doesn’t i’m not

Even white and i know diamond doesn’t so wait it’s not diamond it’s not oh diamonds does i just confuse this what the heck i’m so confused what the [ __ ] i’m sorry i haven’t had enough caffeine today no it’s okay it’s okay i don’t think i got enough oxygen in my brain last night

Well i never get enough oxygen to my brain i feel you brother yeah would i survive on pure copium oh god into like the room where my [ __ ] griffin usually sleeps and it’s just empty because he’s [ __ ] dead so [ __ ] depressed it’s gonna be okay we’re gonna bring him back

We’re gonna take him to the pet cemetery and we’re gonna bring back your bird he’ll live on again it’s like he didn’t even leave well thank you for listening says how the [ __ ] do i get in my crafts i’m messaging the stuff yeah [Laughter] This trader is selling an entertainer’s hat and it looks like a fedora with a feather in it for 64 emerald that’s a lot of emerald that’s too much there’s a lot it’s not that entertaining it couldn’t be it really doesn’t look that funny hmm i need a chest

Dude is that a snake is it gonna attack me uh only if you attack it i found out the the hard way and died instantly i’m so weak i i wonder can you reroll your like your race is that like a thing you get allowed one free reroll

Oh really yeah yeah you probably have to talk to the staff and they’ll like uh i guess but if not you get all you need to do is find an origin uh uh what is it origin or something there’s some there’s an item an origin something that will help you

Roll but if not you get one free one if you talk to staff oh maybe because i tried to the first race i tried was um troll which is like six blocks high but every time i logged in the server the server crashed so uh well oh i was up with that because

You were too tall i i guess it’s like i tried it out on single player and it’s so huge you just kind of like barrel through villages as it’s like a tiny sword it’s really funny holy [ __ ] that’s crazy hmm maybe uh maybe uh i know somebody who was like a shulker

That was a pretty good one hmm what did shulkers do they are very strong and they have very tough skin and they can hold a lot of itoms oh vae is a joker i thought vayne was a goblin she i think she rerolled oh yeah it’s hard goblin is very very very

Very hard so wait what is a shulker we what can i do joker they hold a lot of stuff oh my god the ac turned on thank god it’s hot as balls in here jesus do i have a little piece lazuli oh my god they can they can resurrect my griffin Www i don’t care i’ll practice the dark arts i’ll bring you back is it about is it raining uh it’s snowing uh i hear i thought no yeah it it’s raining it sounds like it’s raining but i don’t see yeah i didn’t see it but

I hear it and i started taking damage so i’m just sitting in the ground it’s just a froggy day just a frog a day hmm Uh there’s wait there’s thief armor for invisibility what Why you can be invisible yeah someone in my chat says there’s thief armor it goes it’s ambush equipment is that real i’ve never heard about that See that would make being a goblin less cringe When did i get an axolotl in a bucket you want to attack the wattle yeah bro you know what i’m going to do do you want me to put if put it in your house you will probably kill me if it’s in water well i mean as long as you don’t go

Under the water you should be fine and build them like an aquarium yeah i don’t have any glass but i’ll do the best i can My heart hurts over a video game animal uh i get that too don’t worry i can’t believe this happened i kind of want to make a chest plate and put something on it you can like decorate them i got books for magical stuff magic you for the better nice okay

I love video games yes enough you have a you have an axolotl tank it’s not great but it’s the best i could do with what i had if you look at my stream it’s just going around and circling did you make it oh my god it’s not it’s not it’s not perfect but

It’ll do there’s two of them coming from me axolotls are so cute i must jump in the ocean i used to have two of them when i was a kid what for real yeah because in australia they’re legal to have as pets so um i had

Two yeah so i had two axolotls um and they lived for probably about two years and then um they do this thing where if they um get too old or i think i don’t know what causes it but they turn into salamanders what yeah so people don’t a lot of people

Don’t know this but um axolotl is actually transform into a salamander after a while um but normally that means they’re dying so they don’t live that long after that yeah it doesn’t go too well and um uh yeah unfortunately unfortunate it’s it’s it’s sad but um i had two and they had

Babies and none of the babies survived because it’s extremely hard to breed axolotls oh yeah what the hell i heard that like all the ones that you can get as pets and like legal to have them aren’t they all like bread and like captivity and like yeah

They are because i think they only exist in like one part of the world or something i can’t i don’t know i don’t remember but yeah they’re mostly all bred in captivity as far as i know yeah axolotls are the adolescent stage of a salamander that’s right yeah

What the [ __ ] yeah they did evolve that is nuts it’s a name for like axolotl like doesn’t it come from like mayan culture i think so mine like i think i’m pretty sure they come from mexico right i never knew where they actually came from yeah well sorry i pushed my bird

Well i’m in a blue forest right now oh apparently they’re nearly extinct in their original habitat that’s so sad yeah that’s like they ought to be brand captivity that’s sad they’re really bad at surviving kind of like pandas kind of like me yeah i’m so afraid to go outside Oh i’m up i want to fix my booties any day now it’ll stop raining and i can leave this game can i just construct an umbrella for you or something i really wish i’m not i’m trying to look up if there’s like an umbrella there has to be something

Like even vampires know to use an umbrella like they shouldn’t give you that option oh wow another model why am i not surprised [ __ ] you’re so late i’ve been had this body for days i have contacts what that sounds so funny i’ve had this body for days i’ve had

This body for days where the [ __ ] have you been not in my Oh i found an underground villain it’s pretty slinky On his stream right now about how he doesn’t understand how to play minecraft oh no wait is did he get in he wants to i think he’s i think about it i think they said 45 minutes yeah okay i would love to play with him yeah yeah he’s cool that sounds great

Like yelling about how he doesn’t know what his minecraft name is well yeah he forgot his login he doesn’t know what it is he’s like why the [ __ ] should i think what the [ __ ] my minecraft name is minecraft [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] now i’m sorry it’s the first process of grief it’s like uh it’s like seth rogen you know like everybody yeah like doesn’t mean i can’t believe he’s donkey kong i can’t wait that killed me dude i don’t know like if you saw how i reacted but man like i [ __ ] died dude

Oh it was so good whoa sorry that was a creeper exploding on the front of snooki’s house oh god i just i just jumped oh [ __ ] wait is mod griefing on no no it it no it’s yeah it didn’t blow up the house but it certainly took a [ __ ]

Chunk out of my the side of me i think as long as it’s cleaned landed it doesn’t get sunk out of his butt yeah i’m i’m one cheek missing took a bite out of crime When does the mario movie come out i wanna i wanna i wanna see it whoa random thank you for the 100 gifted subs what holy [ __ ] what thank you very much that stopped did i hear it oh no it’s still going sorry i don’t know dude the biome your biome where you live

Snuffy like there’s no rain falling but i hear it it’s weird is that just my shaders here i don’t know i think it’s like a weird weather phenomenon is it the fog that you’re talking about is that what it’s about your rain though but it’s like there’s just rain sounds but there’s no

Rain like i don’t i don’t see any this is weird maybe the mods [ __ ] up that’s the only thing i can think they really do what what did you say it’s at the nights yeah doesn’t it feel like the nights are like really long and the days are really short yeah is that

Is it because it’s winter time i don’t know i don’t know i don’t want to even try to leave right now oh come on not again go away i just want to leave all right wait make two more make one more mom you son of a [ __ ] why are you so fast

I’m lost inside of an underground labyrinth oh no wish that was me what if only it was me god it was that roomy i keep groaning I had a nightmare last night about that man i had nightmares too we really oh my god i had nightmares all night i couldn’t sleep i got no sleep oh my god it wasn’t just me last night oh my god probably i was it was so bad what

Was it is it is it stream appropriate uh i mean yeah mine’s pretty stream appropriate i guess i just dreamed that uh people people i care about were being like uh threatened to be killed and i had to saw my own legs off oh god some soft [ __ ] yeah

It was like soft i was in like a saw trap where like i had to they would set them free if i just sawed my own legs up jesus huh but it didn’t give me like a good saw they gave me like a giant like it looked like a saving razor oh

Worse god that sounds like it’s my nightmare do you think it’s because you you you cut your leg the other day yeah because of that and i i didn’t want to get out of the shower because it wouldn’t stop bleeding so i was just like standing in the

Shower for a really long time waiting for it to stop in a puddle of my own blood that [ __ ] me up when that happened to me once so like that’s why i feel like it stuck with me is because like ever since then i have to like straighten my

Leg angle it perfectly go backwards 360 on the like make sure everything is clean and then like go for the cut because like otherwise it’s just like it’s really Like it’s like a tiny cut but it always feels like you literally just like cut your [ __ ] leg off yeah i literally i literally took a slice out of it like i don’t remember i told you guys but it was like i was i was young so i was like

New to shaving my legs and my mom didn’t teach me anything i was like i’m adult i can do this i took the razor in the and i had my legs like basically if you have your knees and your legs together like you put your leg up and

Instead of like completely flat or straight so then i went like right where your like thigh touches your like leg slice A slice and the worst part was it didn’t feel like anything at first and it just you kind of just like stare at it and like in all like did i just do that and then you just see the red start forming and it starts I’m like oh that makes me uncomfortable i don’t like blood so i’m uh it’s okay it’s okay that’s pretty good that’s scary bro when i was like 13 and that was also around the time where i saw i watched elephant lead for the first time oh god

The first time i cut myself shaving really bad was after i watched like an episode of elfin lead where that girl’s like legs get [ __ ] chopped off i remember like standing in the shower and i just like feel that you know the feeling of like when you catch

Yourself on the razor and it’s like like blood just like erupts out and i’m just like standing in the cold shower going mama mama are you crying for my mom oh my god so sad she didn’t come It’s so sad dude i couldn’t i watched elephant leave like episode one and i literally like just noped out and i was like yeah i can’t do that so it’s [ __ ] up wasn’t stranger things inspired by it elephant lead i’ve been watching it i’ve been watching i just finished season one

Oh you just started yeah i just started oh how are you liking it um season one was kind of weird i feel like if it just like ended there it would have been i don’t know i feel like it was a weird show like i don’t think i would have like

Been like oh wow that was really great i loved so-and-so character from season one i feel like it was just kind of like a little tantalizing taste like oh you like that if you like that yeah we’ll get you more of this soon no more baby that’s what i feel like so

I don’t know i like the cop guy hopper he was dope oh yeah he’s cool dad goes meat there’s an enemy house hi ron mouse i am behind you oh i have here take this what do you have on you what do you have uh i have 12 apples oh

I have a magic wand for you oh my goodness if you click right right mouse button and then left mouse button and then right mouse button it’ll teleport you to your house say that one more time if i click the left mouse button then the right mouse button right left right

Right left right you don’t know this spell yet oh yeah you gotta learn it i have the book but i don’t know where it is i left it somewhere oh you have to like learn spell books once i find my books i’ll share them with you

Share me your books i’ll show you my i have every single spell book so that i can give it to you to learn yeah i’m doing all the combos and it’s just like you don’t know that spell you don’t know that’s spelled yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] did i leave

Didn’t do i have enough wool for a bed i was so happy i’ll find him i’ll find him and i’ll bring him to you hair yeah Oh i gotta stay full of health because if i don’t have health i already have so little health every every heart matters always do you want a bow i have a crossbow oh well that’s a better bow take the bow take a shot do you need armor i have

Steel armor or iron armor so i think that’s okay rmr2 also rotting that’s not for you that’s for the choice oh okay well i’ll eat it anyway i can eat that can can i eat this no i thought it was a goblin i had a bad diet what no don’t eat that okay

I’m a raccoon i’m literally trash trash looks yummy sometimes i don’t know it really does people can be wasteful what is that you have nothing on your head i do not have anything on my head take something for your head i have copper wait wait how come there’s

Like multiple slots for armor you can wear multiple things like stack them i guess so yeah i’m wearing like two pairs of shoes huh does the does the armor like like stats stack with if you have two of them i don’t know i don’t think so or maybe they do huh

That’s broken if they do where am i i think one of them is just so one of them is like to look pretty ah gotcha oh it’s like um glamour from i’m almost done Gremlin i need to play fallacy 14 again but i i have not done the new update yet i really want to do they have the islands yet no i think that’s like yeah i’m so excited i’m definitely god i’ve been playing in so long yeah same i

I i’m looking forward to the island thing because everyone’s like it’s like stardew valley but in final fantasy and i’m just like that sounds that sounds really good i want to play the australian one the what now there’s like stardew valley called dinkum and it’s like oh yeah i got that

Yes i got the game i got the game yeah i bought it today i really want to try oh my god let’s play it yeah i literally just got that uh last week because everyone’s talking about how it’s it’s like animal crossing stardu valley but in australia

And uh i love that yeah i got it because sakura was like hey there’s this game you want to play and i was like sure and i got it do you guys know what dinkum means what does dickham mean so in australia when something’s like good and you’re like yeah that’s good

Enough you just go that’s fair dinkum oh fair income means um yeah basically like that’s that’s great fair yeah fair deal good good stuff wait ross how come your accent isn’t like super australian um i had two parents who were from dublin so i grew up yep i grew up in

Australia uh i immigrated when i was 24 i think oh yeah um but no both my parents are from dublin um they’re irish so at home it was hard to talk to talk to protector patotter um and uh yeah i just over time you can kind of like lose your

Accent and i’ve been here for like 11 years in the us so just it just happens over time i can hear it when you say australia when you see water i can when i say bean like i’ve been somewhere i’ve drained somewhere yeah i hear it yeah it’s like really slight but the

Funny thing is if i get on a call with my sister she’ll be like how are you going ross and i’m like yeah pretty good hey how you going i’m okay hey i’ve got a guy’s job it just like comes back i remember when i was just like a wee viewer and like

Not even thinking i could do content creation i used to watch your videos all the time and i remember you had like a vlog back when you went to australia and you saw like your family and stuff and i remember clicking on it and being like huh

Let me see what this is it and i remember i opened it and you were all sudden like full-fledged like just like what the [ __ ] i was like i was like this guy’s [ __ ] australian yeah so i i have a video of me as a baby like

Literally like i dude i would have been 19 and i was on a a tv show where i did um i did animations for them it was called a good game they were like an australian uh television show about video games right and they interviewed me and it’s still on

Youtube so you can listen to me at 19 with this like super thick australian accent i gotta send it to you it’s really funny that’s gonna be weird it’s so weird dude and people keep finding old videos of me with an australian accent and they’re just like who are you

Actually i’m gonna find it right now i’ll post it in the chat i don’t know accents are that like malleable um it’s not for everybody so um there’s this thing called linguistic accommodation so some people are really good at picking up on accents so um like over time you’ll pick up on

Things and also it’s just kind of like you want to avoid certain conversations like if i go to buy milk and i’m just like i can have a bottle of milk and then they’d like oh my god where are you from and then i don’t want this conversation so you just don’t

Yeah i kind of did that with my michigan accent i just stopped pronouncing things a certain way i did that with my accent too because i feel that i always say that like i sound midwestern i never understand what it means so maybe i don’t know i was very self-conscious

About mine so i was like i need to stop this accent [ __ ] so i started like trying to sound uh not like uh where i’m from okay i got it i’ll i’ll share it i’ll share this video over discord so you can hear it hold on australian wait what was that thing that

I sent you one time ross where it says like marjar jar jar jay and now you don’t go Um hold on i do you see yeah i see it i don’t do you hear audio yeah okay okay so this is me at age 19. uh i am over 30 now whoa what a mermaid show h2o sounds completely different yup wait play that bag wait i want to listen

This is so crazy what the heck yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where where where are you guys hearing this but then i think i was using flash uh for about about three years yes right i miss it i want it back

What the [ __ ] what is this who is this person i don’t know i don’t [ __ ] know dude oh my god [ __ ] awful who is this person i miss my accent so much it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s gone maybe bring him back i think i could you can bring him back

It’s never gone forever i think what i just need to do is spend more times on call with like people like joey and just be like just talk to me i just need to have a conversation just just just channel it super australian yeah we hung out cause like i

You know i i was very self-conscious about my accent and i was like man i don’t know people people are not going to want to like i don’t know i just felt really like insecure about the way it sounded so i’m like i need to sound white yeah i feel like

I’m like i need to sound white now so then i started you know talking like you know like a like a good uh like a kid you know and then now it only comes out when like i’m mad yeah yeah i i do the same thing if someone

Gets me mad i’m like what the [ __ ] did you what did you [ __ ] say to me wait that’s the secret if you want to bring it back just be mad all the time i just gotta get really mad my secret right i’m always wait is this like a girl thing or do

Does like everyone do this but like do you when you spend too much time with people like with your friends do you start to like pick up on their mannerisms and like yes okay so i have this friend um jacob he’s uh alfred on youtube and he was he would

Always do this thing where he would go true and i just just started saying it and i just didn’t stop and i haven’t been able to get rid of it just true my child would know it tenfold where like i have a friend his name is rowan and he’s um flamboyant

And it’s so like as soon as we get going on stream we’re immediately like oh my god she’s giving so slay she’s so slimy [Laughter] and all of a sudden we just become like two gossiping queens just like going off and it’s just like but then on stream

I’m like just by myself i’m like okay what’s up everybody [Laughter] one thing i didn’t mention to you guys is that like i’ve done voice acting for video games and i’ve done roles where i had to do an australian accent but the people in question didn’t know i was

Australian so it’s like holy [ __ ] is australian accent it’s so good So i don’t tell it’s just funny it’s funny to throw that at people no no i never remember the story i said on stream the other day oh god oh god and i i’ve had this whole rant it’s probably on youtube already where i talk about how much i hate uh

The song uh america from from west side story not west side story is it we’ll say story yeah it is west side story [ __ ] i’m i’m a little messed up i’m sorry my meds are kicking in that’s okay i don’t like that song i don’t like the musical okay

And when i was when i was a kid when i was uh a wee demon i was asked to play a part in the musical uh and to beat anita to sing the song and they asked me to sing the song and then they were like you gotta do it

With the accent and i’m like what what sing with the accent yeah cuz the song the song from from the musical it’s about these puerto rican people that they they’re they’re happy to be in the united states they won’t want to go back to puerto rico because they hate it there and So it’s like this whole thing where they’re like singing about how they want to be in america and this and that and then they were like no you gotta sing with a very heavy spanish accent oh and i’m like oh my god and then i thought i talked about this because i

Told my dad and my dad was like of course they do of course they want you to do that during hispanic heritage month of course i’m like god damn i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry that’s so awkward they like did it not sound like exotic enough for them

They just wanted they just wanted me to sound like i was from the musical and when you know what they don’t know is that the musical was recorded a long time ago where i was just like do the accent yeah can you sing it with the accent Pronounce it very well just like you would if you were a puerto rican person i’m like but i am a puerto rican person yeah but i am one what the [ __ ] and that’s not how i would pronounce it you have to send authentic call god it can’t be real you gotta

Sound authentic jesus christ what people really expect though is when they say things like that and you’re like bro i literally am and you’re just and they’re just like no no no you gotta you gotta make it sound uh more foreign you know what i mean like yeah and

You’re just like bro get your head out of the clouds and the hell is how real people speak yeah i mean i think when people think of australian accents they think of um either like the american australian accent that was in cartoons it was like all right guys i’m from australia or the

Uh um or they think they’re really far side like um like steve irwin irwin yeah like oh beautiful creature oh she’s a beaut absolute beaut that’s so good i love that one though that i mean i one of my favorite shows of all time now is

Uh bluey so that’s why i love bluey and i keep quoting there’s an episode where they go to like home depot practically and they get a a pizza oven and the way that their neighbor says it is like oh check it out baby i got a new pizza oven and

I’m just like i say that all the time now from like pizza robin have you seen the um it’s the episode where he has like a sock puppet or something and he goes he’s talking to the sock puppet the sucker off it’s like well what if you’re a puppet and he’s

Like don’t be ridiculous that’s silly and he goes to bed and he has a dream where all the animators are like animating him waking up it’s really funny is that one of the new ones yeah it was really new it’s it’s really funny i haven’t seen any of the

Newest ones i really really want to watch it i just bought the dvd for season one and two i love it dude it’s so funny it’s like i i yeah i oh i think that’s a show that i wonder if my nephew watches that probably i watch it with him when i visit

Everybody i’ve talked to is always like parents with kids or something and then there’s just me who’s just enjoying it vigorously for the like serotonin honestly it’s so good i made it home finally did mouse’s internet die no i’m here i’m just streaming i’m just uh i’m uh i’m really medicated right now

What what the [ __ ] medicated i love connection is that evil how far can your balls stretch sorry give me 20 minutes it’s got to be a proper temperature yeah this science experiment [ __ ] man i was god damn it i don’t remember what i was about to do i was looking for

A key bind in this options and i forgot what it was [ __ ] what’s it doing uh what do cat no what the [ __ ] i thought i was going to go measure my balls no i’m not doing that no chad i’m not gonna measure my balls i found phoenix but

I don’t have a saddle oh i have one i have like i have a couple if you need to wait how far away are you um let me look where you are maybe not that far because they’re out there you’re in the depths yeah i’m heard the wastelands

Kind of want to do like a group expedition in a mine does anyone anyone down for that i’m down for that i need to do something i was going to craft my new nether portal but i’m going to put it away i would have waited

Oh god how far are you i can hear him in the background by the way yeah he’s like playing minecraft on his discord right now and i think he’s in like a cave and he found diamonds or something i don’t know i’m facing together what the [ __ ] is

Happening by like what i see in the chat window me when i find it I can’t do the like sloshy like you don’t help me i think i just have [ __ ] up teeth or something i have like a [ __ ] lisp because i had like absurd amounts of dental work done when i was little and then they’re like okay we’re taking off your braces that you

Had on for like five years now wear this [ __ ] retainer and i was like i’m not doing that and my teeth got kind of [ __ ] up again but they they look like they look pretty straight it’s just that i don’t know i don’t have enough room in my mouth my mouth too small

I get that dude my teeth are like uh how do i describe it soft yeah i got soft washy milk yeah my mouth is all like soft and plush and it’s not a good thing no it’s like mushy yeah i get i have i’ve been getting anxiety lately because like i’ll be

Eating something and like yes okay yes i should go to the dentist chat you’re right but i’m just hold hold on okay that’s a lot of effort that takes but i’ll like be eating something and it feels like i’ll get like my own teeth it’s like decaying in my mouth is that

[ __ ] up i don’t know like a crumble of my teeth yeah it feels like they’re made of sand and then like like one of my front like little big t fruits is like so soft and like i don’t know like it’s exposed gum fro yeah i need to see you doing this but

I’m afraid of the dentist it’s so scary it’s so painful that this is so painful i don’t want to go Yeah you should probably keep your teeth i i asked my mom like mom with her dentist i’m getting teeth problems and she went on and she was just like oh i’ve been going to this dentist but this dentist is really mean and he’s really shitty and it really sucks but here you

Go and i’m just like wha don’t wanna go yeah go to the torture dentist he’s cool yeah here’s the dentist he sucks by the way have fun and i’m just like Oh What happened to mousey i think she’s really medicated if you’re still here oh i accidentally sat on these stairs where are we dungeoning engineering um we can dungeoneer anywhere you want i’m drinking dirty water yummy drinking dirty water i don’t have any way to get water so i have to drink

From the river because i do that i get sick oh yeah how do you get clean water i don’t know actually i i i boil it or something minecraft my minecraft stove actually uh oh hello i’m sorry i keep getting disconnected oh my god it’s it’s gone god is visiting me

How is visiting you is he giving you a vision yes i’m saying singing huh hello foolish mortal i’m moving my eyes my lord your skull your your skull scalero will burn my sclera you have summoned me for this infernal pact what is your trivia uh i have a cookie

That’s good enough for me oh yeah snowflake where are you oh you’re actually at your house did you did you did you see the the fish tank i’ve made to you it did it’s perfect are you inside your house i’m outside my house oh i see you i’m right here where’s my stuff

Oh no thank you god what the heck pants grip I’m gonna spawn it i died when i did see it i don’t think did you die it didn’t say you died at any point it’s gone i’m gonna restart my [ __ ] now this trader is selling an entertainer’s vest you can get a hat window vest what does that do entertain who it says

Defensive sure fabulous absolutely that’s all it says you can hear the chin on like the inside of your mouth the blue moon rises you feel lucky what i feel like oh that means that we can find better loot so if we were a mining adventure right now we find good stuff

Okay where where am i where am i where am i okay we had boys no fee this way i’m coming okay yeah why is it getting all foggy outside i’m sorry i don’t know man that’s that fog [ __ ] is so annoying it’s scaring me i’m gonna take damage if

It starts waiting oh there’s a way to disable the fog in your settings but i don’t remember how to do it i need to learn one of those know how to do it am i going the right way not really oh hopefully this starts soon i do restart my name mama went home

With a griffin egg i hope i get a white one just like the one that died please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die oh you got an egg yeah i’m going to rebirth my griffin who died it’s gonna hatch okay wait are we are we mining

I’m trying to get to you i’m i i i i i’m trying to get to you um i i’m apparently a thirsty little boy i am i am full incredibly thirsty i’m going to die breaking news i’m a thirsty little boy i’m a thoracity with a boy i just got

The news from my doctor thirsty little boy guys i i got the news i’m terminally a thirsty uh little boy And i need your i need your juices you need to water me with your pee i think i see you wait is that you snuffy no you’re so far away that is not that is not okay that’s a ghost that’s an actual ghost i saw a ghost ghosts are real zombies zombies oh

My god okay i’m going to waste in the town and you’re just going to come to me how about that because i’m scared yeah i’m going to wait with this extremely buff and handsome golem oh i’m gonna come see that guy as well yeah absolutely i can’t i just sound like sean connery

When i try and do like the nerd voice wait what how what do you mean sean is that sean connery i don’t know what does he sound like sean cutter oh yeah i try and just i try and sound like like the nerd with like the list and i just i

Sound more like i’m rashed i think i want to be an impressionist but what happens when you’re so like absolutely like when you’re good at something but you’re like the worst like you pick the worst thing to want to excel in because it’s just that bad that’s me oh i had an

Anime girl voice i used to do on game grumps that literally people [ __ ] hated and it was so obnoxious so intentionally obnoxious that people were like would say they clicked off the video when they did it oh my god it’s terrible they do it again you [Laughter]

I must avenge my father he is he he was killed what the [ __ ] i guess you sound like mickey mouse oh god there’s a witch a wedge yeah i’m in that village but there’s no there’s a witch bite that lives next to you me yeah no i don’t want people to ride me

Oh god i’m just chilling with my buff metal husband right now and uh i feel safe oh yeah big village i like how all the villagers have names femi briar yorker yonkovic oh it must be related to weirdo sachin benno i got lorcan i wanna get monkey with lorcan today

I want to find you guys because i want to give you it’s nothing i want to give you a magic wand and i want to give neon the magic wand i’m not a magic wand can leave one by my house in front of my

In front of my haze i went to your house and i got attacked my own wizard i went to the netherlands and nobody knew you t tech tone is coming oh yeah they’re they’re green lighting him i think yeah no one knows because i saw

Him in the in the channels he got eaten i saw fujitek i look forward to seeing my good friend techtone i’m ready for my ears to be smoothed with this manly voice oh yeah and him dying to a creeper and then going what the [ __ ] does he know how to play minecraft like

Has he played before i think so does he even know how to play minecraft a hello emily Emily and she was she was amazing she killed it emily do you want to join our minecraft server yeah come play minecraft emily emily come play [ __ ] god she’s uh apparently napping now oh okay let me send her a message in japan yeah japan time oh [ __ ] japan yeah dude she moved to japan so suddenly we like finished tour together and then i was like we’re gonna hang out when you’re in l.a japan

Me i would i would do that if i had a chance honestly yeah america kind of stinky though i’d i’d really do these stinky i’m i’m trying to look into other countries right now i don’t know how feasible that is but sometimes you can just yeah

Yeah i found i found this place that’s in like wisconsin i think and it’s like an island and there’s island number one and island two and i was like okay well i’m just gonna buy because island two was on sale for like 150 000 so i was

Like yeah i’m buying an island too i’m inviting my whole gang we just got to live on an island easy it’s the best idea ever i didn’t know they even had islands in wisconsin yeah in the in the great lakes oh that’s right there’s an island in the lake

There’s a lot of islands there’s a really cool island called like mackinaw or something in michigan mackinac or something yeah and it’s cool because like there’s no cars on the island everybody has to ride horses and shits wow nice peaceful for the british it’s cool in theory until you go there

And literally everywhere is like cakes and horseshit and it just like smells like one of mackinaw’s island’s like main tourist draws is the fudge that they make there and you just walk by and like walk by all the various like fudge shops that they have and you just smell a

Combination of chocolate fudge and horse manila yeah just fudge and fudge yeah chocolate fudge island oh snuffy hello hello i’m behind you yellow i’m looting this place for all it’s going to i i did loot it quite quite a lot quite i needed a shoe how do i go

Uh so you make it with wood and one iron i can help you with that actually no i can’t my iron’s gone no the villagers robbed you yeah i’ll find you guys yeah we’re at this village that’s just south of my house all right i’m gonna i’m gonna find you

How the heck do we drink other than dirty water you’re gonna purify it ah that’s that’s hard i’m just gonna keep drinking i was gonna keep drinking dirty water yeah there’s nothing wrong want like a brain amoeba yeah that’s how you get a buff [ __ ] i forgot how short you were just seeing you like crawl up like a kid in the playground being like [Laughter] i’m a tiny little guy i’ll find you guys it’s great because i’m like i’m using a tiny little low poly guy right now and i’m tiny in minecraft

I love the low poly avatar yeah i i so i got a um a v tuber model because we’re going to do the um uh the v tuber drawing thing again with more people but next time we do it i want to have my own model so i got this

Like super scuffed low poly one made all the comments the last video were just like nice avatar russ it’s very definition unreal engine youtuber i’m robbing these people of all their emeralds they’re asleep so it’s oh no one will not sleep with this man’s wife that’s how far are you guys

Holy [ __ ] you’re gonna go down what oh snuffy i fell there’s a hole there’s a bear in this one be careful oh dude okay maybe maybe you guys are different but i can’t do it you guys come up with these balls jokes all the time

And i don’t i’m not smart enough i can’t do it like people could like i couldn’t handle it ethel did it like yesterday and i literally like choked on my food and had to like are you talking about these nuts jokes yeah yeah i can’t do it it seems like so

Easy it’s so like hip to do it these days what do you mean you can’t really like something that sounds like i don’t know like put put in my boom oh [ __ ] i didn’t mind putting my dick on your face i don’t know these nuts i got snuffy while we’re playing guard

Do you remember snuffy no yeah you don’t remember what then i don’t want to prove it you said you said what’s your favorite alcohol and i said sake and then you’re like sake i was like suck on these nuts what the heck is that what is that

Yeah it’s a it’s a deez nuts alcohol joke yes siree bob gotcha good snuffy everything gets me and i don’t understand that i’m so bad you’re gonna mind these nuts got em yeah diamond do you want to mine for diamond well you’re going to die on me what is

Was i’m not supposed to kill it i don’t know there’s a creeper outside right i’m scared oh i could claim it oops well she told me that earlier before i killed it he’s gone is this me or my lagging yeah i lagged a little there just a little bit it’s time

Spawn all right i’m i’m finding you guys i’m finding you guys we’re just sitting in this village it’s directly south from my from my claimed land yeah i’m going i’m going south i’m i’m making my way to the south on my way down walking fast fast faces pass and i’m hoping All the diamonds gonna make a minecraft version oh yeah do you think I didn’t see the hall because i’m small and i was behind you skill issue no it’s not as scary oh god you fell into these knives you did it stuffy you did it you did it you did it We’re so proud of you yeah thank you thank you i’m proud of myself luckily the momentous moment okay so luckily i slept in a bed in that village so i respawned like right next to it okay good i was about to sit here for like ever and be like

Where are you trained i was doing it in the house right next to the hole are you in the hole there’s a skeleton oh my god oh my god oh my gosh i was caught a guest oh i see you on the map i will come meet you

Come mate me i need some water you know i bought no water dude look at this tiny villager what is this karen hapooch who’s bigger me me or them oh he’s definitely smaller than you he’s like a he’s like a barbie doll oh my god

Where’s mousey i saw her oh here she is we’re behind you mouse dude you’re like six foot and i’m 5 11. this is wait are we behind your weight where are you i see you like right here oh there there you are where are you what the hell where are you i’m right

Here jump scare oh you give me a jump scare here look this is for you take it stuffy right there for you what oh it’s all for you damien [Laughter] i’m initiated i’m just an initiate once you learn some spells you’ll be able to to to to you know what

We’ve got to look for where is there uh where where is the church where is the judge oh the church villages have churches where are the sacred texts the sacred text ask them to me the ancients they have been training for this moment get out of here Oh god i’m sitting my name my name i don’t think there’s a church none of these buildings look very fancy i shall look i shall look at yourself uh there’s a castle in the middle fine i shall look and i shall find it hello and i will mine a thousand blocks If i could just find diamond yeah okay i’m gonna go maybe should we go into this cave that’s under the village yes oh there’s that line as long as the bear isn’t there yeah that’s what are these fancy little spongebob the bear is there berry slippers

I mean you guys have a bad problem you have a beard problem he looks so friendly are we sure that he’s a he’s offensive let me go ask oh there’s two of them what a [ __ ] offensive band uh his eyes are not red so that means

There’s no cubs around is that how it works no he’s just not high yeah good little guys does he want some meat i don’t think i can feed them wait can you tame potatoes bears i hope i could tame bears i feel like that would be pretty cool no they don’t really care

What about cooked steak oh nothing does it for the bears quite like wait what’s this skeleton skull where oh i got one in my hand i got i picked it up oh you can put it on your head i think it’s a hat oh i think i was just in here

Where the flesh of another okay totally you have twerking when you look at an enderman for too long yeah [Laughter] oh i need one i think this one to the right is technically deeper but i feel like it’s just gonna be like two feet tall we can

Just it’s already a scary man okay well he can’t reach us so we just hit him and he can do he can just do nothing about it i bathe in his blood wait hold on i got an arrow i’m gonna hit him with an arrow oh wait i missed

Where did you get that i i got it from uh mouse she gave it to me wait what what did i give you you gave me a bow and arrow oh i did i did yeah yeah yeah i’m very bad at aiming with Where did you get the phrase though where bathed his blood Oh my god these [ __ ] are [ __ ] in the bushes wait wait biggest minecraft scandal yet wait they added sex to minecraft there’s there’s totally there’s totally hearts coming out of the [ __ ] bush and there’s like five guys in there goddamn there’s something here see okay so i commissioned my minecraft skin hey yo

They’re [ __ ] on screen in in the guy who who made the minecraft skin like sent me a preview of it and he was like okay do you want like uh absolute territory and i was like what the [ __ ] is that oh is that the thigh thing yeah and i was like

And he’s like yeah for like your thighs do you see and he like zoomed in and he showed me on minecraft i have absolute territory where my thighs poke out a bit and i can’t i can’t i can’t believe that on minecraft i have sex appeal you you have

The thigh squish is what you’re saying yeah like here let me take the pants What the [ __ ] wait what that is so minecraft horny what the hell you literally have minecraft sex appeal wait how do you have thai squish in minecraft you guys you guys double layers we have it from the same mom the same maker right you guys got the same guy

Right yeah so like if you look where your socks are you should have like a little layer of like skin pudging out it’s pretty weird but i’m here for it absolute teddy teddy okay let’s see how long this bad boy goes i uh i made kiwi’s skin and it took me three hours

Oh my god yeah i like making pixel art skins it’s fun you’re a man of many trades and talents a few uh some i’m bad at a dozen like music i can’t say that that doesn’t mean you oh oh there’s seals in minecraft oh yeah and there’s manatees too no no

There’s seals and there’s manatees right behind your house snuffy But i’m allergic to the water Does this game have scuba diving gear oh maybe uh a lot of the mods do you can make like rudimentary like so i imagine maybe that would protect you maybe i don’t know i feel like i’m [ __ ] i know like nian is feline and she can like enchant armor to help her like

Through what the like debuffs the game gives her but mine didn’t say anything about that mine is just like you will die if you touch water they should have a like a workaround that you can like you know play towards right yeah you would just be unable to do certain things completely

I guess oh god it’s like a challenge for people who are tired of vanilla minecraft this cave was very lackluster yeah i have a pretty cool cave by my house if we want to try that yeah where do you live um so i live in a hut that i found and moved into

You found the hut yeah it was a like j world generated abandoned home and i tried to house flip it oh ooh you played you were playing hgtv uh-huh uh-huh wait i lost you snuffy there you are okay hold on let me let me bring up my

Map uh okay so we are oh i see i are in the mouse near us do you want to come to us okay and then my house is right here uh wait yes can i add a waypoint cr wait is this can you see waypoints if i put them down

Uh you have to share it in the chat i think oh okay okay okay i’ll copy wait hold on is there a way to do that yeah there’s a way when you make the waypoint i think there’s like you can right click and [ __ ] in chat okay i’ll try that house

What the [ __ ] i love how baby villagers are just tiny men there’s so many there’s like seven tiny little babies going on what are yeah they’re all [ __ ] in the bushes making babies there’s like hundreds of babies they just won’t stop they can’t stop [ __ ] can’t stop lone stop

They’re just pushing them out god i wish i was one of these villagers yeah i had a whole town that was just like i was just the local like baby pusher man what oh boy oh boy i can love minecraft i [ __ ] love minecraft yeah um i’m stuck in a hole help me I don’t know where’d you go i’m still in this house wait where oh yeah you are i guess okay how about we all uh move in the this this direction yeah follow me okay because i found a really cool cave i believe it was this way i can’t slurp that water

Yeah you can’t slurp that water oh we got a skeleton Oh my god we dog piled that skeleton that was awesome yeah he didn’t know what to [ __ ] do he made him my little [ __ ] [Laughter] little [ __ ] you’re a little [ __ ] skinny-ass [ __ ] [ __ ] little skelly ass [ __ ] [ __ ] okay wait he’s somewhere here okay i’m okay i’m okay oh there’s a witch

Oh no it’s a witch it’s a witch she’s gonna poison you okay i’m out of here bye guys i i what do i do what do i do i got hit i’m dying you gotta run run from her run okay i got shot in the buttocks oh no

I i feel like i’m oh i made it where did stuffy go it’s nothing i’m coming i’m slow i can’t run because i’m thirsty i’m making it what’s all that light over there it looks like a home it might be a village oh that one yeah it’s like a campsite everything’s on fire

Wait are these flowers oh it’s a it’s an unfinished uh nether portal what are we gonna do sometimes there’s chests around these oh my god there’s crying obsidian uh oh my god obsidian oh i found a chest nothing in it someone took it already damn it let’s spoil some water

Click what the hell what the hell was that did you hear that roar that’s because i haven’t seen oh maybe no wait no it’s a flying flying flying monster yeah it’s a phantom these attack you i thought i slept it must be one of us one of us hasn’t slept

In a while it’s me it’s me it’s me okay uh uh okay hold on let me check let me check okay this thi this one there’s a witch behind us too uh follow me guys are you where are you guys where’d you go i’m over here behind you

Behind me oh yeah i’m here i’m sorry i know i’m small i get lost in the grass really easily oh god i’m getting chased i’m gonna chase i don’t like this okay uh did you kill the witch uh maybe it’s me this thing is attacking me

Okay i’m gonna find a bed in one in this village over here and then just lie down and hopefully they’ll leave me alone and stop being annoying come on the bed you’re attacking me maybe i thought i slept the other day that’s weird i had finally set my spawn for the first time

You guys can’t be happy for me you [ __ ] okay i got a bed i got a bed okay um where where’d you guys i’m fighting them off you’re behind us what a [ __ ] idiot hey oh god oh wow i’m really close to dying yeah your name is red so is mousey oh do

I have any food hide in this house up here there’s holes up here oh [ __ ] i’m healing out of my chunks guys there’s homes there’s homes in here can they come through the homes no creeper behind you i killed one of them oh goodness go in the water okay i killed him oh

Good good good creeper oh man oh man i love minecraft music yeah not like game music but like parody songs bum gardener how long ago it was me but i remember you had a stream oh god what was that you had to stream forever ago and you

Like sang this karaoke song mine after mine and ever since then i have that one lyric and it just plays in my head over and over and over again mine after mine and i just always think about it all right you guys um are you guys fans of eye of the spider

Yes i am That’s a that’s a banger that one yeah i love a music video for it amazing we must kill everyone is there a church in this town we must kill them all kill them all slay the villagers say them all show them whose boss oh is there um we’ll find we’ll find

Yeah we’ll figure something out is this julius caesar the minecraft villager what i never said i was smart is there some nice houses what is this is this monster oh my god it’s a butterfly is it phoenix rare because i see one yeah i got three of them oh okay well there’s

I had i have none of them there’s one right there i have saddles at my house i should have brought one dang it oh my god it’s a mooshroom and he’s got lily’s yellow yellow with yellow flowers He’s called the moo bloom Hey where did i get this broom what the hell you guys got a broom um no i don’t have a broom wait do this brooms in minecraft are you paranoid are you gonna fly on it it says sweep your enemies off their feet with the cackling broom

Oh [ __ ] maybe it’s an item to push people anybody want to take a swing yeah come hit me i’ll do it i’ll take actually maybe not me you know what i’m sad in this village how do i get cats again you have to just give them fish right and

Then they there’s fish there’s fish in some of the chests some rocks I want this cat yeah it’ll follow you was that a chess board what the hell excuse me oh i’m in a flower forest that looks like mousy this villager’s name is abu bustos this is literally named after asbestos there’s a dog in this village too they have dogs they have multiple people

You got all kinds of animals they got birds what the hell a snake yeah there’s a snake here oh my god look at him go oh i gotta get this this night you want this whoa i don’t know how to tame a snake he’s just kind of doing like doughnuts overdrive over here

Oh my god dude oh [ __ ] did i did i get raided who is that huh wait was it lee who the [ __ ] is this oh i got ready twice okay hold on one second guys i’m gonna talk to my chat no problem a guard what are you garden what are you buying

I want to get this cat come here kitty come here come on bring your little [ __ ] belongs to me now what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i never said i was a good miner minecraft [Laughter] i don’t think i’m ready i’m not ready for this i don’t think it wants my fish

[ __ ] don’t wanna bite come here little one pussy’s not hungry i acquired this cat it’s mine now the [ __ ] is yours it is mine my cat look at my cat what do i do with this now have you seen that clip of tecton saying that white saying what

You can say that say what there’s like a clip of text on like looking at the camera with like the most terrifying expression possible [Laughter] that’s like from like 50 shades of grey right what yeah it’s like a quote from fifty shades of grey where he’s like

Let’s see belongs to me now if some dude ever says that [ __ ] to me like like slaps her ass and he’s like i never said i was a nice guy the next words out of your mouth should be if some guy ever said that [ __ ] to me i

Swear to god my vagina would cave in upon itself and disappear where do i i kind of want to watch this movie just to see how bad it is i heard it’s really bad it’s like the like the good kind of bad maybe right right uh I don’t know i don’t even know what to say or think i don’t know i heard like a lot of people that are like into like the bdsm stuff they say that’s it’s a horrible movie it’s bad isn’t it just twilight fan fiction yeah it was twilight fanfiction I’m back oh my god look at these little dogs so you got you got a kitty yeah i got a cat i’m gonna lock him in this house yo i want this [ __ ] wolf how are you i’ve never seen an ambulance there’s a dogs over here but they have

Collars on so i think they are already owned dogs yeah wait these villages you just got a love heart yeah does that mean he’s yours you’re dumping their dogs oh it says owner who the [ __ ] is kubic727 bro was that tech tone the yeah in he’s in tech tone real

Tech tone try not to yell challenge impossible literally he’s saying hello and he’s just like hello he’s like guys what the [ __ ] race do i play tell him to tell him to get a call tell him to get a call okay yeah i’ll feed the puppies anyways Oh Hello hello yeah what’s the op class uh goblin yeah you should be a goblin that’s what i was gonna pick okay i’ll be honest with you i’m a goblin and i take two hits and i die it’s like hard mode it’s awesome okay i’m so fast i think they picked

Goblin she respect because it was so hard if you want to be if you want to do something funny pick um pick troll and basically everything you hit is counts as eating it but you’re also six blocks high actually i think that might crash the server maybe don’t do that one

Well this could be a shulker shulkers are pretty strong yeah what about a damon it says i serve satan oh that is rough that’s actually hard mode you’re weak in the overworld you’re strong in the nether a water kills you um it’s really hard you’re gonna have a bad time

You’re gonna have a very bad time okay so what’s someone where i can have a good time uh um hmm i mean i’m liking goblin because i just think it’s funny but i think if you want to kick some ass maybe like paladin or um i’m going to google minecraft medieval

Tier list and i’ll let you know what happens oh my god for real actually actually let me let me know i should have done that [ __ ] let me know what’s at the top i’m telling you the best class is siren siren okay hold up yeah because i’m a

Siren and i can breathe underwater and the water heals me so if somebody attacks me i just jump in the [ __ ] ocean there’s a downside to siren insta-death if you touch fire oh damn i don’t even get ends to death if i touch water where’s the fisherman i need to steal

All his fish oh are you trying to tame our cats yes i’ve located another the [ __ ] camera the [ __ ] collection where are you You see me on mama where did i add another [ __ ] to my collection i don’t see i’m already in your collection lord ethos um i’m like oh i see you i want to bring you a present oh a present should be far from where we are yeah i’m gonna go to her

Should we all go to her wait where are we i need a saddle too oh you need a saddle i’ll bring you one if you want to go give her the wand i can bring one of them phantom what is phantom what does that do bro you don’t have human half phantom

You can walk through walls disappear and fly what the [ __ ] that was on the menu the other guy yeah but you can’t be you cannot be in the sunlight yeah you will you are a vampire you will die you will burn to death in light you

Have to you can only be out at nighttime that’s such a big debuff oh my god if you do that [ __ ] wait but nighttime is scary yeah it is it’s scary yeah that’s that’s i don’t know if that’s a good trade-off man the sun will always find you

Yeah that’s wait did you find a tier list yeah then i got bored trying to figure it out i think they said what are you doing what the [ __ ] you start in the nether yay then you gotta fight your way out yeah i swear blood and tears to get to

Where i am mm-hmm that’s why she’s got a crown bro there’s so much reading bro holy i’m sorry i’m sorry you just gotta read it’s good for you i’m like a werewolf dude that would suit you just random i think oh you should be a werewolf paladins are good hurry bro what the

[ __ ] paladins can uh they’re strong against undead but they’re also weak against undead so it kind of evens out unfortunately well that sounds [ __ ] awesome yeah well i mean yeah paladin sounds pretty good i was gonna go paladin but then i picked goblin because i just thought it

Would be funny yeah that’s a high risk high reward type thing more damage but i’d take more damage yeah that’s what i said dude oh that’s sick where do i live do i live somewhere close by it’s all the way up there we went all the way oh my god i gotta get

This at home all right oh you oh you’re bringing the cat home yeah and i was gonna have a saddle for me and if mousey doesn’t i got i got a saddle i’m on a little way over there i just realized the error of my ways i like i went out

On a journey and completely forgot why i did the thing i did and i see where you are i’m gonna go get you uh necromancer you will not be able to enter villages they’ll be completely hostile to you and you can’t sleep either so every night you’re going to

Get attacked by those phantom things what are you going to play as like guts from berserk uh that’s cool what have you maybe not read that [ __ ] what have you not read berserk rose no i know berserk yeah it’s like when he goes to sleep and then the demons try to kill

Him in his sleep yeah yeah that’s exactly ma’am what a weeb i thought you meant you found one that got a big sword i got confused i found you i found them i i totally lost i have a saddle i’m just still climbing this goddamn mountain wait i have one more thing Once you learn the spells all you need to do is click the mouse in certain ways you can teleport home what yeah oh cool thank you you’re welcome what the [ __ ] sailor moon moment yeah i’m powering up do you need any food no i’m good on food do you wanna don’t

Go home with me i’ll go home with you and my plane oh let’s go with you my lady uh i’m kind of far away because i’m just climbing that’s okay uh skyrim in minecraft i could go with you and then i could uh teleport back home okay cool let’s go milady this way

Why is there so many downsides to every class why is there not a class that’s just like this class is [ __ ] overpowered because that’s life yeah getting actually the pretty overpowered one life yeti yeti yeah i saw evil play yeti yeah no downsides to it i don’t know man i don’t see any

Downsides to the siren either except for the fire generally will die yeah but who the [ __ ] is going to go on fire not eyes oh i almost fell to my death that was that kind of cringe i think i found the way through and where are you

I’m still at the top of these mountains i don’t think you needed to go up that high i’m like at the bottom and i just walked around it no oh i’m moving it i’m over here i’m moving it i’m running for my life there’s so many creatures

Right here yeah i don’t even think my cat is following me i can’t see through these [ __ ] trees right here right here i see let’s go through this queen [ __ ] i need to i need to get it i need to make a shield oh dude yeti seems [ __ ] broken it is

Oh my god yeah yeti’s pretty good solid solid pick oh i i could see you as a yeti you seem like a kind of yeti kind of guy what do you mean by that i just mean you got a big personality like a yeti oh my god you got a big personality

I’m gonna cry i don’t know if my cat is still with me i don’t i don’t hear like meowing or anything they they teleport look like i’m jacking off yeah it looks like oh my god these blocks are so sexy every class oh it’s just so hot in minecraft

Every class like the villagers just [ __ ] hate so why don’t we just kill them like why do we care if the villagers like us they can trade trade them in chat racist [ __ ] bastards who cares you know what i agree let’s just set him on [ __ ] fire oh

There’s always something special in here my cat didn’t come with me oh no for real there it is i don’t know i i made him unsit but i don’t oh do you think maybe he got killed by a creeper or something you didn’t notice how about you just get a cat after you

Find the teleport spell and then it will just teleport with you maybe my cat i gotta shovel my [ __ ] in order to take him with me you gotta smuggle it through through tsa yeah are you gonna are you gonna do the potion thingy on them

Yeah what do i do do i just throw it you gotta break the top and throw it at them wait i think i think i did it to myself i’m getting out of here i’m embarrassed now [Laughter] sorry i guess i’ll have to be uncured can i drink the

The water where my axolotl lives why no you have to be submerged oh wait you can no [ __ ] wait i didn’t even do that i didn’t mean to do that oh my god Okay okay slurp him up how did you do that like shift right click is that what you’re doing yeah hey are you gonna open it up okay wait i’ve got a quick question no no no why is he getting out of the water yes i drank all the water

We put down a skull on the water oh my god he’s gonna die we gotta find water for him oh my god i have water i have water i actually get back in get back in get back in wait careful careful cause you you’ll die oh thank god okay we saved him that

Was very stressful what’s your question zoe why is your stream titled going to kill snuffy on site end quotation mark what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you think i changed my own title come on i don’t do that that’s [ __ ] mamas i need the name and address to whatever

Moderator uh go ahead and fuss up splits on them all right go ahead give me your ip address i no longer think we should have given him the quote unquote most busted yeah maybe not okay i’m thinking ogre paladin or yeti what do you think ogre oh [ __ ] did you

Look at the enderman i think i did yeah pixie is great pixie has no downsides actually i played it in the last server and it’s actually busted isn’t it like one block or like less than a block tall yeah but that’s not that’s not like a downside that’s just

Like a factual like it’s a downside it’s small you know yeah let me play as a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah literally play as a [ __ ] where you can like creeper explode next to people but yo neanderthals can you pick my class ogre paladin or i don’t just hear a dog

Uh no that’s a zombie in your home oh god let’s [ __ ] go good good good good pick all right here we go what the [ __ ] what was that electronic deoxidation from a safe what was that what does that mean what is that what i don’t understand

Why did i just explode we got hit by lightning like we almost did but we didn’t what the [ __ ] it says you assisted paired pear trillio’s electrifying deoxidation that’s a lot of words strike me down zeus how do you get a gun uh well we got crossbows

Let me call gun run to kick this man off the server excuse me i’ll be right back what do we do what do we do now like where do we go well i i know where there’s a really good mind but it’s back at my place

We went we went halfway there and then went back maybe oh god oh yeah yeah so it’s um uh just when you you’re making it just type shield in the search menu and it should just give you the blueprint okay dude i’m enormous oh my god wait did you pick well

True to life i’m an ogre bro wait what do you mean why is it saying server band who what what’s this i’m honestly confused wait what there’s there’s like no thunderstorm server is that you server we need to ban tech tone immediately toxicity Wait i can’t go in the doors i’m too big to go into houses what oh that second one we’re getting actually like rained on right now oh my god watch out get out of there run run run run run run run run they have trains I asked for a gun and just got like instantly removed by like emoji Thanks for playing wait what was that did you just break your desk what what was that noise i don’t know i heard it he waits quick no he’s coming back i think oh god adam to come back i don’t want him to be sad did he really get bad

There’s no way i took the stream and it said he got he said you were no longer whitelisted what i was just joking i don’t think they’d later what the [ __ ] oh my god oh there’s a manatee oh the huge man no longer a baby spot oh i think he’s sad

Oh is he sad good stay said I wonder he picked ogre right that’s what happened to you ross right no uh i picked troll and it i was i got i got it basically you crashed the whole server here’s all the servers are both like the same size but he crashed the server but ektone just got like kicked personally

Wait lifesteal oh this is an e this is a this this skeleton has a health bar what the [ __ ] it’s called the lifesteal skeleton what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he just suckled mike like minecock server uh i was just joking uh can you like unban

Him please oh my god on stream he looks so sad oh oh no no he’s literally just like lean back in his chair just like no his smile and optimism gone literally that’s his expression right now is just optimism no i don’t want to see tech tone sad i feel real bad

Is he playing sad music too oh god play oh no You had to bring tekton back ato wanted to play with him so bad he was so excited when i told him that like we invited i mean i didn’t do anything yeah yeah yeah there’s not even any advents on nuffy keep your shield up oh

God he’s gonna kill me wait i gotta eat he has infinite health because he keeps getting it back every time it says lifesteal withering entity yeah what’s up he’s back i feel real hectone real yeah right unleashed A little okay i’m going to the west why does he not care about you at all just keep your shield up i’m punching now my sword broke my hand is getting tired from clicking but it’s working please don’t say this monster behind me [ __ ] i think it’s an enderman we’re fine

Wait hold on i have this him holy [ __ ] you so far wait i got a pickaxe and a skull wait i’m dying i’m dying what’s the question yeah does this work like the same as the other minecraft like do i gotta like build [ __ ] or do you like gotta

Like would it like do i have to build my own sword or like will like one be given to me by like an adventurer oh there’s a starting thing by spawn are you are you asking if people are gonna carry you through the game or not know where you’re asking no

I’m saying like in legend of zelda there would be like a guy who would come up and give you a sword to fight your first moment yeah ain’t nobody gonna come and give you a sword but you can find a sword i’m on my way they’re starting here

Yeah if you think it’s a chest maybe shoot it first don’t come even near it they will chase you for like 10 hours too yeah they’re nasty there’s like 20 of them at spawn enjoy bro this music is super nice yeah right it’s good huh amazing

Oh my god i’m gonna make a scope this damn mountain i think this is a shortcut we just don’t rush can you send me a sword and shield in the mail um yeah i’ll just uh head over to stormwind and do that real quick all right please bro please

I’m just some stupid ogre bro please what is storm wind yeah what the [ __ ] oh my god don’t worry it’s it’s it’s it’s from a game no one place yeah it’s runescape i’m in i i where did you go i’m on uh i’m just a little farther away

I’m sorry i’m i’m blessed i got distracted since possible what direction are we gonna get home as soon as possible i was going in the the area where i made the cause you’re walking for my cat all right i’m running to you i’m running to you is that the right way

Where are you where is she oh my god i’m across the river okay so how do you how do you like win um get the big house uh what yeah you know um uh second life start a family uh is there a mod to actually like sex people for children yeah

What no wait um maybe rethink the sentence No four four no four no four four no you just i mean like to start a family your little minecraft family right guys you have some weird slip-ups like that time when we were recording you said does your family ever have hanky-panky and we were like what just ohio things yeah

I got this debuff i grew up in the corn fields it’s just not the same oh god ohio girls make do all right are we going the right way still question number two ross yeah yeah yeah how do i open my inventory uh that it would be e my dude

What the [ __ ] is that this guy ran my minecraft i am in a competitive scenario dude stuffy in what world is inventory e that’s literally how it is always is in minecraft ever it’s always been this are you kidding me this is part of the mod because that’s the way it’s always been

That’s the way that it should be huh why don’t you change your keyboard you can change your keen bindings bro if you want it to be [Laughter] yeah no this is a different one i know it’s not my this is where my cat marker is my i put my kitty marker right

Here [ __ ] marker my cat would have been in this building i think oh my cat’s right here look it’s my cat he’s stuck in the chair that’s why he can’t come over to us he got stuck in this chair my cat is still here i think i should leave him here maybe

Yeah maybe come pick him up you know from school after soccer practice kind of thing yeah um okay where i lost you i’m here i was checking where are you i see you i see you okay uh i could go to my place and then whip up some armoreds and swords and

[ __ ] i guess uh Rotted flesh look at the bookshelves if there’s any books in the book shows oh um how do i look in bookshelves dude i have a sword oh my god how big is it big or small it’s a bag with you is there a pvp in this game i mean yeah you think so

Don’t tell him yeah but if you his twist his stream title is literally kill stuffy on site elements but i’m not gonna do that title it’s actually in the rules that you can’t do pvp you will be for real band so yeah i’m just saying i walked up and

I got hit by another player and i was just asking what i can do to retaliate did you get hit by a player or did you get hit by an npc no their name is carmilla and they came up and they beat my ass what is that oh

Oh dude there’s checkers what the heck i found that before i was like what the [ __ ] the freaking dick man where’d you go i’m slime i see you coming up the mountain Where are we going snoofy i don’t know i was i’m sorry you lead the way i’ll follow you okay okay so i have a mine shaft that goes down to a very deep nice cave um which uh i think we can go down this way i’ll just triple check we’re on the

Right we’re going the right way here seals they were fighting a zombie oh he was in the water oh they’re so cute oh there’s a phoenix i should have brought a saddle how do i find dragons you guys uh i found a dragon and it was

In a cave of a village and i didn’t know you could tame it so i killed it by putting a bed down and attacking it from behind a wall what the [ __ ] did she drop anything cool nope nothing oh my god absolutely nothing it took me so long and he lived in the

Cave right over there and i was like i’m gonna kill this dragon to be a dragon slayer so this weak little boy killed a dragon i’m so proud of you thank you man goblin tiny goblin that could i’m like basically uh bilbo baggins no not over there there’s like a village

With a cave and a dragon spawned there um oh actually i haven’t actually gone down that mine shaft but there is i have a home at the top of this hill which uh i built a mine shaft in your house is there any like talents and powers in this game yeah

Yeah you’ve got like special abilities uh i think how do you i’ll be right back i’m gonna go to the bathroom and i’m gonna hide in your house okay you might have to map them in your keyboard oh really okay welcome to my home this is the this is where i’ve been living

Oh it’s so cute cool yeah i i’ve been having this little hill i house flipped it this was here when i got here and i just kind of boarded up the windows and watch out for the the bonfire and my lava pit i don’t think i said ice no fine

Make yourself at home so uh this is my home this is where i live i need more room because i’ve got so much garbage in my chest uh i actually i’m gonna make another chest real quick why is melcy taking damage is she hungry i figured i would just cut

Her out that way oh god wait let me check her stream no she’s he looks fine wait i was about to leave oh [ __ ] am i freezing are you oh i did oh you froze that no i did i did i’ll be back for my stuff

Don’t worry i’m gonna go to the bathroom really quick and then i’m gonna go back to your place okay Okay okay where where’s your cave is this it uh yeah yeah i got a i got a real real nice cave down there so i’ve come to realize that i you’re a goblin you must make this so small yeah well that’s a valid point i think i still need to dig two so

I don’t know i can’t go under this can you go under this wait really can you not fit in mike mike and you know he’s gonna say can you not fit can you not fit in my hall oh god all right hold on wait i need to make a

Sword in this whole either wait yeah i can’t look oh wow what the [ __ ] i’m too waiting to fit in this hole okay well we’ll we’ll stretch the hall a bit go wait like crouch if i crouch i can squeeze it in oh for real yeah okay

We’ll give give it the goatsy treatment get in there yeah all right um i’m gonna quickly build a squad if so bro in what world does stick and stick and rock not make stone sword that’s exactly what makes stone swords that’s correct you you got it right yeah you’re correct

Wait why did it not work you need one stick two stone yeah one stick extra long don’t worry girth no you just in the middle you put one stick at the bottom and then you put the two above it what is that what are you bringing in what is

That i’m gonna check here that’s not that no stone doesn’t there’s no stone sword in this you need cobble i think yeah uh i don’t think it works what the [ __ ] is that why can’t i just have a mossy stoned sword i don’t know version’s [ __ ] rude

Okay snuffy did you go down yeah okay i’ll come down so it goes into like an expansive cave dig a staircase down to cobblestone and max tools okay and i just keep going oh keep going oh my god yeah and it should open up into a cave almost there minecraft is hard

Wait what happened to the light i put down here it’s nighttime it goes out at night no i’m in a cave bro oh my god wait i’m so big i can’t do one block dirt down oh hey do you have any torches snuffy i do because it is dark as [ __ ] down here

Oh what are these called stagmelites it’s stalactites and stalagmites or something like ones up ones down i forget how it works have what have you explored this yeah i did i mean you can keep like digging in a direction and then eventually like you’ll hit um you might hit another cave like like

Connecting cave i guess but um like there’s some that open up from the surface all the way down which is pretty cool but i was like hoping just dig and find more and more stuff i love the way minecraft caves look now it’s so cool i haven’t explored any

Caves really since that update so i’m kind of like whoa have you ever been in like a real cave system what does that mean is this different than this no i meant like just in real life in like yeah no those scare the [ __ ] out of me honestly

The guy who like had to die in a cave like oh the guy you’re trapped yeah i was like that [ __ ] me up and now i’m like i’m good on that and no reason to go in a game i got to go to the glowworm cave in new

Zealand it was like very pretty glow worms did it actually glow yeah so like it looks like um you know james that’ll be super lame don’t laugh at me yeah no it’s cool it looked like james cameron’s avatar in like a cave and then you went like on a little raft and you

Went through um you like go through this like raft water raft and everything’s glowing like the walls are just like sparkling with like blue little worms it’s cool that sounds [ __ ] gross the hell is more kite you’re gross i take that back you’re not gross thanks

I was really worried about that yeah i know i love it see that much [ __ ] nasty ass [ __ ] bugs bro that’s disgusting hmm i’ll just set them on fire oh stone x let’s freaking go dude snuffy do you want to pick a direction on mine just what’s going around what’s this gold that’s

Ash gold right there riley what the hell is that oh it’s redstone i run iran oh oh we got skeletons we got skeleton skeleton oh what the [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] see [ __ ] this is how you spend your second life your second chance at life just to die

At the hand of a cubular man right with squishy with thigh squish with minecraft thigh squish oh my god wait flames in this game you all know fleam oh dude where are we right here no i mean where are we i’ve lost i have no idea yeah i’m totally lost we’re [ __ ]

Oh yeah all right well we can just always dig up wait there’s there’s a what is that diamond wait what no it’s silver wait sorry there’s something in front of me there’s a monster in front of me it has teeth really sharp teeth do you have light i’m stuck in the water

Oh no oh no okay hold on i’ll i’ll build a i’ll build a uh a thing to stop that wait i have a bucket give me a sec i’ll stop that water i forgot i forgot you’re allergic i’m allergic i’m sorry wait hold on what what i gotta get the source block

That’s not the source block what the [ __ ] okay here’s what i’m gonna do i’m gonna cut off the water source and that way the villagers can’t have access to running water and that way when they start to get dehydrated that’s when we hackle for them exactly honestly

You know that’s a really that’s really smart that’s that’s we get them into human don’t look at that thing i think i think that’s like a ravenous enderman with sharp teeth oh we found a mine oh a mine whoa hold on let me look at all these oars in here though

Holy moly you [ __ ] jelly tan skeleton back at it again huh back at it again with the crispy cream i’ll be right back i’m going to group up with the goons in the start zone goons what you got goons what does that mean i don’t know this is a dead end but

There’s nothing left okay yeah so let’s go to that cave maybe what is this i gotta get off the call my [ __ ] stomach is killing me i’ll be right back yeah no worries hope you feel better eh okay this is what this is going well i like the look of this

Cave should we go into this minecraft i mean mine we should go into this minecraft play this minecraft yeah i i think we should go into this minecraft into the darkness advancement what the [ __ ] what does that mean scary okay so i think there’s yo there’s like a soul oh dude the crips

Are opening dude the the coffin just opened on its own did you see that oh my god what is that what is this that’s a monster attack attack attack attack what is that okay there’s evil spirits apparently i’m gonna die oh god he’s really strong

Okay if i get hit by this i’m gonna die oh no oh god i i stuffy just put your shield up put your shield up run run i’m trying snuffy careful you just need what okay okay snuffy retreat retreat let’s get you healed oh god that was okay so

That is like a skyrim cave where the the druggers come here they come out so i you know what i think we should do if we could get flint we could burn the coffins oh or we could wait they’re ghosts they can go through walls think of the loot in there though

I know i looked for a sec i got a block of amethyst and that’s it hello so far hey welcome back Yeah she said she wasn’t feeling good tummy aches oh she feels better yeah i gotta go get my [ __ ] oh god yeah oh there’s so many people playing right now this is okay it’s actually it’s awesome more coming more more more more coming oopsies okay maybe if i body them with my

Broom what broom no thank you for the batteries what the [ __ ] okay i see that soul thing popping up yeah what is what is this i don’t know soul fire brazier i want it give me a weapon i want this other one i took the other one okay let’s let’s

Loot the cop oh do the coffins have dark iron ingots in them what is dark iron i don’t know but it sounds so metal dude i wanted with withered roses and gun powder black candle oh be careful help help help help i’m a little little that’s true i’m a little baby boy little

Baby boy okay i’ll get behind him for the crib damaged what the heck is carmilla i do not know okay this is new to me oh dude this filter has there’s another one there’s another one oh okay maybe every time we open one oh my god it’s scared of me what happened

Okay uh [ __ ] scary scary zombies i’m gonna put more levels in and then i’m gonna level up my health i’ve literally only been putting stuff in the constitution because i just i just need help i don’t know i don’t know who that is oh vitoria oh who did it

I think uh camilla they’re neutral this is weam’s first time i i know camilla i’ve met them in vr chat um y’all partying i want to party into your chat i want more of these candles there’s regular candles but i want more of the black candles yeah i i agree let’s just

Be really careful because i think there might be a boss in here what i’m just i’m just saying like i don’t know what to expect because this is like oh in front of us this is like a legit like minecraft dungeon this is the mod this is like this is

Straight up like crazy there’s more crips up here watch my back okay i just robbed a grave okay me too gun powder gun powder gun powder bone meal i’m getting spell books i think really yeah i think so yeah you need them so you can learn the

Spells and read them okay we should stick together because if we get jumped by a ghoulie it’s gonna be bad oh that one just opened on its own or was that you i think that was me okay okay um just so you know there’s actually

Some up top as well they’re like yeah i looked at those ones what is up there at the top you see that what is that huh it’s like i don’t know these like weird like gem colored things there’s like hold on let me see if i can

I don’t know dude where are you guys we are we found a like skyrim dungeon basically it’s so cool it’s copper dude i have so much [ __ ] in my inventory i don’t even know what to do this is crazy dude are you able to get to us at all modesty

Like do you know how to teleport to us or anything uh no but i’ll make it there eventually something here something here yeah okay i wonder if there’s like a monster spawner or something i think maybe it’s just a chance every time we open a crypt i want to say yeah

Dude i actually think i’m actually dying of thirst we might need to build a water source oh another one another one did you you have a you have a bucket right yeah i would water in it yeah maybe mine up one block and put it in

Take a sip and then put it back i’ll kill this guy okay okay okay uh let’s do it down here back in the beginning so we didn’t have to worry about uh maybe dying those big deeps you know what we could you know to be really safe we could build a

Tunnel a tunnel up right to here and then uh put a bed and then put a bed at the top and then we can just look up what what the [ __ ] is that dude that is a flying beehive what can you see that from here yeah so if you hit c

Uh you should get it like a zoom oh it zooms in but i can’t see what it is yeah i mean it looks like a beehive some kind of maggot creature okay i’m gonna try and drink water wait hold on how do i do this i can’t it’s not working

It’s working it’s working come drink up shall feast you have to put something away i think yes it is pea water it it basically is okay that is a that is a thirsty slurp i’m having a lot of fun with this mod this is really cool yeah i really like

It i didn’t really get to try it before so i’m really glad we picked it up again i just love all the like class stuff and whatnot oh there’s another it’s definitely as soon as we open one yeah i think it’s random yeah because it seems even if we’ve

Already opened it before they just kind of show up anyway oh candles okay so we want to break our we can enter in through here oh dude it’s getting crazy now i found more of it did you guys see that i almost died hey do you want to do you want to play

It super safe and then make a tunnel back up with a like a expedition hut like with beds technically i guess well because i don’t know how to get back here yeah yeah yeah so how about we just play this super safe do we have enough pickaxes to get us up

I do i do i can get us up maybe follow my lead uh i just need light because i can’t see anything uh do you have one torch that you could just give me okay then donkey uh and i will put that in my hand okay

Will you be able to fit behind me though yeah i think so oh what the [ __ ] okay we’re back to where we were okay oh perfect perfect dude this is the entrance from my mind right here so let’s just make sure it is easy to figure out uh like

Yeah highlight it with something yeah make it like really obvious this is this is the entrance to that and then make it this really obvious that this is the entrance uh two or three yes sure why not whatever i don’t know it doesn’t have to look pretty

Perfect okay cool now i don’t feel bad about getting lost that works out really well actually oh my god i’m so i’m so yeah i’m i’m nervous uh this this is this is the kind of place i think i could die and lose a lot of

Stuff but if we got a clear path back we should be fine my first like dungeon i’ve done in this actual mod i think like i didn’t even really know that dungeons were gonna be like this extensive okay let’s check these coffins maybe but also like watch each other’s back okay

Yeah uh make sure to oh my god the reach on the store is so bad okay top one i don’t know if i should take this amethyst but called apple oh i got it back off though you want hitting you’re dead he’s flying he’s flying

Good actually i do more damage if i’m on fire but i haven’t realized a way to quite utilize patching myself on fire i gotcha for combat i’m going to i’m a little too short i can’t re whoa i’m really fast right now uh okay i’m afraid also afraid of traps

Yeah i actually that the house that i entered the one that i moved into actually had a booby trap in it and it shot out yeah it shot out one booby trap of tnt the bull beads yeah okay this is actually [ __ ] awesome what the hell can i live here

Yeah i actually kind of want to move into this place oh my god look up dark iron and see what you can build with it you can make so much stuff there’s so many different types of metals that are other than like iron and stuff yeah this really it’s it’s like a lot

It’s so wondrous kyber that i really like that’s pretty strong like like star wars star wars you mean like kylo ren no no no no no like the star wars uh the lightsabers are made with kyber crystals that’s exactly how is that what that is a star wars reference

Yeah lightsabers lightsabers that’s how they get their colors and stuff whatever color your kyber crystal is we can make a lightsaber in this game that would be badass um there’s a zombie man oh he’s very fast he’s very fast oh okay okay vindicator careful careful you got stuck in my series you gotta

Look for lightsaber no there’s no lightsaber in the game it came from a spawner there’s a spawner okay let’s stop it okay guys you never know what you’re gonna find you know you got the spawner yeah i got it i hear okay movement i do too i think i think this is

Infested with zombies oh god don’t forget to put levels if you get them oh yeah yeah actually good good really good point uh i don’t have one yet but i think you even get wait do you hear that is that that’s not you right like going upstairs

What is this that sounds like monsters snapping and growling at the walls yeah we need more torches yeah i only have two left uh i don’t oh wait i think i can i can make more i have sticks hold on yeah i have sticks too if you have call i don’t have cool

Uh i have call i have call i can make sure i want it for me i want this for me okay hold on what’d you find a geyser a geyser like the things that shoot water yeah it looks like it’s turning out it looks like coomb yeah cause it’s very white

I need some touch never mind i could use that too i don’t know yo zombie get swept oh this is monster spawner what that got it okay cool yo encyclopedia of eden i don’t know i have dive and horse armor if you for some reason would want the fire uh

Oh iron horse armor i don’t have that i don’t even own a horse okay here where’d you go i just went back because it’s only i think it’s only one way okay let’s uh explore more of what this uh i think oh dude actually you should come back there’s a ladder

Really wait no it’s not a letter i’m wrong i’m wrong it is you see like ladders like there’s one here but it leads to like nothing i think it might just be decorations Wait what is i’m hearing stuff though like there is more to this yeah it sounds like it was i was expecting something to be around this corner but there isn’t this one because there is a lot of room here are you sure we have not explo okay there’s

A there’s a cultist behind us occultist okay so just stand still just still watch out there’s a lot run run come towards me come towards me they’ve got knives i don’t have arrows i don’t have arrows oh my god there’s like four of them running

Nope you know keep running i need to get in here i’m running [ __ ] oh no i’m caught in a spider web oh i should i should have i should have checked my spawn over there i’m gonna take a quick uh break really quick yeah you’re all good okay unfortunately i am lost

I ran further into the dungeon and one of the cults is is is right there oh no oh no i think they might have seen me oh oh no i left her door open oh no i hope she’s okay and i left your door open by accident i’m sorry

Oh no and the blood moon is rising no not while i’m in a dungeon oh no oh no you’re gonna die what do i do hide perish die die for certain you shall perish i’m gonna hide real good i’m gonna hide real good yeah yeah i’m safe i think snuffy lost a lot

Is she yeah and this this this mine is brutal like we just like went around a corner and then just like 40 tucked like cultists all swarmed on her with like knives and they just stabbed her knives yeah they’re running they’re like little villagers with like cult masks and they stab you

Oh my god oh i could level up oh yeah you can level up you can choose a job too wait you can actually change job yeah you can choose three professions and you can level up your professions as well as level yourself up i’ve been leveling up myself but i don’t

Know anything about professions Twice yeah it goes um r r wait r r r brings up this attributes menu and then it has the tabs for combat and inventory Do you not see this folder maybe your keybindings are different than mine or change them but yeah you may be maybe i’ll figure it out a bit it’s not a big deal can you be like a fisherman or something mine are my i have my jobs as mining

Smoothing and crafting you get extra hp every time that sounds good not hp experience my bed gotcha gotcha oh no let me write a message herring milk i had to drink some milk oh i found it it’s you gotta tap p uh twice it’s p for you yes yes yes I’m gonna become a fisherman and a minor a minor i’m not a goblin this whole time i’ve just been a minor he’s been a minor this whole time yeah just being a tiny little guy i think i’m gonna make those bigger hmm hmm What are you doing right now uh i was gonna go exploring but i i’m i’m trying to build a cottage on the lake that’s good real estate yeah can only go up in value i’m gonna be a tycoon minecraft tycoon oh [ __ ] what i’m gonna be a tycoon nice minecraft tycoon

Oh [ __ ] we hit 666 on twitter oh really yes it’s awesome congratulations on reaching the number of seton yes my magic number do i’m gonna get rid of running flesh i tweeted okay uh i don’t know if i want to make this big right now i feel like it’s small 666k yay

Look how much i’ve explored already not enough well this is cason’s place did she do this on purpose uh yeah i see her in the shape of japan i kind of want to like open this up here you guys think actually i kind of want to go to the the

City in the sky yeah where was that i haven’t seen one it’s by the graveyard uh i i’m just gonna get a bunch of stuff to go up there if you wanna if you wanna come with me yeah i’m down i the only thing i’m worried about is

Getting snuffy stuff oh [ __ ] that’s right she went afk but now i’m just trying to dig a tunnel that’s like relatively close to where that was just so when she comes back then maybe it’s a little easier for her yeah but uh once i’m once i’m on the surface

Yeah i’m super down silver legs server leg yeah i just felt that the rubber banding the leg bros the leg oh my god hopefully i might get disconnected oh yeah yeah is it just on your end i don’t i’m not getting any lag right now but i’m getting one a lot yeah oh

Holy [ __ ] oh my god the [ __ ] lag oh jeez yeah i just pulled up your stream that is bad jesus okay this is not good i am drowning you drowning why i dug into what i can only assume is an underwater uh like like i don’t know river or something

So i’m tr now i gotta dig around all this freaking water all right oh my god oh i’ll bring all the garbage i got bringing all the garbage i have to make it to the city in the sky you’re gonna need a lot of ladders well i don’t have lighters i’m just

Gonna bring a bunch of blocks with me build a staircase yeah yes oh jesus what the [ __ ] oh you got a lot of monsters just holy [ __ ] did you guys see that [ __ ] [ __ ] help what the [ __ ] oh my god i’m gonna die again oh my god it’s so bad is it because

There’s so many people on oh yeah it’s probably the blood moon i think we should get it disabled the blood moon gets kind of irritating and the weather is rough too but eh oh mortal he did whoa what hello [ __ ] oh my god let me kill you oh damn jesus christ

This blood moon is serious it’s it’s really bad i just muted to talk to some raiders and holy [ __ ] i am literally on a pillar right now surrounded by zombies oh my god it’s so bad this is so bad it’s serious and it’s laggy yeah i guess it spawns in more enemies

When it’s like this and i think that might be what’s lagging the server oh maybe i could just do i have arrows i do not oh no i hear a baby oh my god oh my god jesus jesus holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god i can’t this is horrible

This is the worst what the [ __ ] did you see that [ __ ] i missed it yeah it’s like i’m going back in time i keep getting the rubber bands thingy yeah it is it is nasty right now it’s so bad hello hello jesus christ oh the sun’s rising thank god thank god

Holy [ __ ] that was ass dude i lost connection oh for real yeah sun’s up sun’s out guns out all these monsters are gonna die thank god thank goodness thank goodness kill them all kill em all it’s time to go to the castle in the sky oh my god this is so dumb

What are you what are you up to uh i built a pillar that’s not that’s just tall enough that zombies can’t get up but just the right distance that i can hit them so i’m just been clicking for about 15 minutes into a pile of zombies oh my god Right there it is all right we got a lot of levels from that one i’d love to see it through brute force my tiny goblin body has lots of health now i have leveled my goblin Oh my god oh yeah i forgot to bring a bucket with me it could have oh yeah you could have made water elevator damn it where are you maybe i see the thingy i see a lizard that was a giant lizard that i want oh the salamander yeah i see you yeah

I really want one of those i tamed one but i don’t have a thing hey what’s up i i made a a like a tunnel down to where you died oh thank you and i made a little pillar that shows so we don’t like forget where it was um so

If you can make it to like my house i guess i can show you how to get down but you know hop in just a sec yeah no worries oh i forgot i got one of those soul brazer things i can make my house look real spooky oh i like those yeah

I got dark iron ingot i should make a sword with that if i can i don’t you found diamond is that what you said no i got dark iron ingot oh dark iron the one we found down in the in the mine i just figured it

Would be like cool to make yeah like a cool sword with it but i i i don’t know if it makes swords i’m assuming it does nope doesn’t make sword what does it make i think i looked it up and it’s literally just like an ingot in a door or some [ __ ]

Yeah emerald there’s emmerdale’s uh yeah i can’t find anything about it what the hell what about corruption whoa there’s a man up here oh what the heck you found god in the sky it’s god well i’m satan you sound like actual god because i’d believe it with this month yeah i would like

I think you could find god in the sky in this game he’s gonna be in like a heaven dungeon jesus final boss wait so there’s actual cities in the sky yeah oh try not to make one piece reference a hashtag impossible i love you one piece oh you do yep

Oh okay all right you’re current right yes yes yes okay cool oh did you not did you did i didn’t know no i knowingly knew mousey loves one piece so now i’ve just like unleashed two huge fans because i’m avenging it for like the last like

Month i love monday so much it’s i think it’s one of the greatest stories ever told oh my god yes uh [ __ ] wait who’s your favorite straw hat oh sorrow yeah that’s a that’s a yeah that’s a good pick i like i love luffy too i i can identify with luffy a lot

So i i don’t know why but i know i do know why i i like frankie a lot i love frankie frankie is like my favorite i just me and my girlfriend we’re like we’re a frankie household and we’re very very upset that every time we uh go to a

Store that’s selling one-piece stuff there’s never any frankie merch and i get really sad it’s really popular you know i yeah i know i got really excited at anime expo when they hit the big um thousand sunny and i did the super pose

In front of it oh my god i wish i could have seen that in person it was so cool i loved it dude um yeah i yeah i could gush forever on one piece i i cause i’m recently current um 2021 uh i was feeling pretty down so i my friend

Was like you should read a manga and i was like okay and then i started one piece and it cheered me right up it was great super super nice story i i i think that’s kind of how i started and how i got into it it was like i was

Going through some tough some toughness and i needed something and i started reading and then i started watching and i’m like oh my god why didn’t i read and watch this sooner it’s so good i i i read a big chunk of it but then um

So kiwi my girlfriend who you met in the uh the drawing video um she watched it with her best friend um up to water seven as a kid so um when i reached water seven and frankie joined uh in the manga she was like if you get there i’ll i’ll watch it with

You and i was like okay so we started watching it from water seven so um yeah that’s that’s where i’ve shifted from uh manga to anime and then of course i went back to manga for the recent stuff yeah it’s pretty crazy now yeah it’s a little nutty i’m looking

Forward to seeing where the anime goes with them i’m excited too i’ve been waiting i feel like i think it’s really interesting how it’s like all this time to build up to this that i’m like and the the like the seeds of destiny he sewed throughout the 25 years of this

Fight it’s so it’s incredible yeah it’s incredible sorry snuffy snuffy you should read one piece i know it’s a lot like well it’s like uh so my first favorite anime is guinta i haven’t done that one yet is it good it’s so good it’s so good okay it’s really good and

It’s really funny i love funny stuff but i feel like a lot of people don’t want to get into it because it’s like it’s one it’s long until uh it i feel like it has a lot of like uh japanese humor in it cultural cultural references and stuff

So people that like aren’t really that into it like they won’t really get it but i think it’s hilarious and i think it has a lot of fun stuff in it also it’s like it’s one of those things where it’s like you know one piece can make

You laugh one piece can make you cry the sacrifice is amazing it’s and guinta was the same the same way like you’ll be watching it laughing your ass off and then all of a sudden it’s like a serious moment and like it has badass sword fight and i’m like what the [ __ ]

Oh yeah so good have you have you watched the recent anime stuff and seen the fights for one piece oh my god i’m a little behind i am too i keep seeing them on twitter and i’m just like i’m covering my eyes no i’m trying not to see it i want to

See it with my own eyes oh god it’s ugh okay snuffy snoopy’s gone sniffy’s gone she’s gone they’re gonna talk about one piece for an hour dude it’s okay okay because if if i had your ear because i don’t like talking about one-piece theories on um stream because like i don’t want to

Spoil it for anyone yeah but like oh my god i’m in a discord of uh creators that is all current people so like point crow alpharetta and everything and people just oh it’s a party in there for theory crafting bunch of [ __ ] nerds i can send you an invite

Uh yes please okay i will everybody who i talk to that are supposed to be into anime aren’t really into anime connor casuals casuals they are they’re so casual i got to meet connor for the first time at ax oh yeah that’s right how yeah how did how did you like it

How did i like connor we had it we had it we had it rate my extras with connor we had a long chat as you’re telling me this i’m gonna text him and tell him what you’re saying he is he was he was so nice we got to talk because he’s uh

He’s starting his tour soon um with real good touring what’s that he’s such a nice guy oh yeah no he’s wonderful dude i had i had a wonderful time talking to him and um i was telling him about like my touring experience the real good and

He’s just like i was telling him what to expect and everything yeah and touring’s fun i i i think he’ll have a really good time oh no no doubt he’s gonna like get a lot he really likes being like out like and about meeting people like it’s his favorite thing you know

He’s very extroverted yeah he was like so jealous very very very like good at holding a conversation he’s he’s he’s a lovely man extroverted people are too powerful what why why you say that because that’s so good i feel like for mental health is like always do something always talking to people

Always like traveling i don’t know i think in a way like it’s good but there’s also like moments where it’s like it’s not that great to be an extrovert because like you still always second guess like i know for me like i always worry that like i exhaust people um

And then i overthink are you an extrovert i am like my i’m really weird because like i’m very extrovert and i’ve always been an extrovert but because of circumstances in my life like i became introverted and i had to like i lived like an introvert and i have

Like a lot of like introvert tendencies but like if you get me around people like um i just love talking to people and i like making friends and i i just i love being social i believe that’s called an uh extroverted introvert or something there’s like

A middle ground one if i was so the reason why i’m introverted is due to uh you know my health and stuff like it’s caused me to like get anxiety and like be like uh um i guess you can say like retreat into myself but if i didn’t have any issue

Like i swear i would be like i’m crazy i’m crazy i want to talk to everybody i want to meet everybody i want to be friends with everybody i want to do everything i want to see everything i want to be everywhere at the same time

And you can do that now with the screens that’s truex yeah dude we gotta go further beyond we gotta do that one thing where they have like 3d models actually like track to you that was oh yeah ar that meant like in pokemon go dude that’s for v

Tubers that’s dope yes yes i think ar is going to be huge i um yeah i love the screen thing the um what do you call it the the what i don’t know what to call it the thing that was going around ax the the stand with the screen

Oh yeah did you see me you saw me right now uh i saw who did i see i think i saw zentreya but i didn’t i didn’t talk to anyone on the screen i think i talked to silvervale and then i just saw people from a distance i

Didn’t want to interrupt it’s really nice it was a really nice very surreal i called it the um reverse irl backpack it’s like i you know i haven’t i haven’t left my house since uh uh the start of coven january 2020. i have not been outside at all oh god uh

So it was very surreal to me to be able to experience a convention uh like that and to be able to see stuff without like leaving my house i i get that um kiwi’s mom is immunocompromised so for the first year of kovid we didn’t go outside once like

At all like we had to be so careful because she lives alone and we have to visit her all the time so it was family like it was really rough uh you know um you know compromise and my family had to like isolate themselves with me and you know

People humans are not meant to live like that you know and it’s like for me i’m i’m used to it because even before kovit i had to basically uh pretty much like isolate myself a lot uh due to the fact that i would get sick like really easily um but when

Covert hit it was like super extreme lockdown to the point where everybody at my house had to not go anywhere and i just know it took a toll on my parents mental health a lot and It was a lot for them and i felt so bad i felt so guilty i still feel guilty now but it’s like i i get it it’s it’s really rough having to be locked up inside all the time yeah yeah it was it was a rough year for everybody

I mean it has just been rough in general like um uh i don’t want to break down the mood i had something no it’s fine no my parents like they first came out they they started going out recently and yeah uh yeah the second they went out they caught

Oh god and then i caught it oh no oh that’s so bad and i’ve had it for over two months oh so it’s been a very strange a difficult journey but i’m you know what though like i’m glad that it happened now and not at the beginning because i don’t think

I think if i would have gotten covered when it first started i would have been troubled like really bad so uh this is this is a real bummer story but i’ll share it um so yeah my yeah oh hi well i was gonna tell bubba sorry but hi technology yo dude

Real quick i just bought a diamond helmet dude what do y’all want it no i’m okay dude thank you i’m too far okay i can’t use it because i’m a big dumb stupid ogre it doesn’t fit your head no i’m just i’m too stupid well i it’s a diamond helmet and it has

Mending oh that’s good yeah almost made it to your house i can make it i got a whole bunch of stuff and i got an enchanted book that gives multi-shot so you can put it on your boat like like crossfire where did you find this i don’t know where are you

Like going around oh i see where you are i charge into a wall and then a chest exploded and then i got like you know god himself came down and kissed me i knew god was in this game god i knew it was crafters all right so if you’ll ever want iron

Helmet iron leggings uh an enchanted book or a diamond helmet hit me up bro i got you i’m the supplier i’ll let you know okay i love you i mean i love you too baby um what are they saying so kovid was so bad for me because uh my

Family lives in uh perth which is the west coast of australia and they were a fortress of like nokovit at the time they completely shut off the country are basically like the western part of the country and my mom was passing away with cam from cancer and i couldn’t get back

Yeah it was really rough um so like that was like the hardest part of like uh covid because it was it was awful like the way australia did it was that um if i wanted to go home uh it was two weeks wait in sydney basically like quarantine no sorry a

Month it was a month and it was a month in sydney and you had to be in a hotel jesus and then you had to pay for that hotel and then after you’re done with that you had to do another month’s quarantine on the west coast of australia just to get

Back to see my mom and i couldn’t get back in time it was awful dude um yeah so kovit [ __ ] i think it [ __ ] everybody up but man that was like the worst thing that happened like straight down dude sorry bummer story but like yeah that was like the worst thing that happened

During kobe for me it [ __ ] sucks dude is gonna be good conversation yeah but overall like i i’m just happy that like i don’t know i i got to go to a convention and you got to go to a convention recently so that’s i guess everything’s on the up yeah i

Got to go in a very strange unconventional way yeah it was it was cool though i i liked seeing everybody at the i was at the v shoujo party and i got to meet like people on screens and i just thought that was so cool

It was [ __ ] cool dude yeah i had it man it was really nice to be able to see people and talk to people and like to be able to look at the person i was talking to it was incredible it was really nice i got to talk to people that i never

Thought i’d ever be able to have a conversation with i still don’t know if i’m going to do twitch con i can’t i want to but i’m just like i think code policies made me kind of eh on it are you back yet snuffy i’m i’m almost there i’m climbing the

Hill i died right before i got to climb the hill last time so i think i’m almost there again oh i’m gonna die oh my god i made a water elevator yes hell yeah now you guys can i look at where you are on the map i cannot i made a water elevator

Now you guys will be able to wait may i please have an actual elevator no a lava later can i have a lava later yeah we could do that i got i have lava do you want me to bring lava well just to get to mousey’s house i’ve never been to massey’s house

Is that what you meant is you built you built the water elevator to get to your house Where was the castle uh it was i know where it is it’s um kind of near spawn where the graveyard is yeah i’m i’m pretty close no actually no i’m not i’ll get the same spot did you die again yeah i was like right at the base of the mountain

You could have hollered at me i would have run down and got you oh there was nothing i could have done i ran out of stamina oh this is this is a torturous crawl this is exactly what happened to me at the first time i joined this

Server i lost my clothes but i couldn’t survive winter because i had no pants so i just froze to death every time i tried to get my stuff back i don’t know if i take dammit i think i still take damage from cold which to me

Doesn’t make sense i feel like i should be immune to cold if i’m literally made out of lava uh but my other thing is like i don’t understand why i mean i can i can live in water but i feel like it’d be cool if i could like drink it or

If it would heal me i don’t know i feel like there was my class could have had some perks other than just doesn’t die to fire yeah that’s i mean you don’t really run into fire anywhere like unless you’re in the nether yeah the perk i have is i deal more damage if

I’m on fire but i feel like that’s a little unrealistic to ask to be on fire constantly well unless there’s an enchantment no yeah you could do that just get a flip flint and flint and steal whatever just keep lighting the ground on fire just literally just being like hold on

Guys everybody hold on hold on i gotta okay okay i lit my fire let me just step in and all right engage battle now that i’m on fire just because like i saw you saw ethel’s ability right he gets like an actual like time stopping snow manifesting he freezes in an aoe

That’s insane right wait that’s what he’s got like he’s got like a world of warcraft skill what the [ __ ] yeah he’s literally got a world of warcraft skill i think where he literally hits a button and everything around him freezes completely in ice wait do i have anything like that if you do

Go into your okay go into options go into keybinds and under keybinds it will specifically say for uh like uh well it starts with a p i forget what it’s called sneak is space what wait sneak no left oh wait do we wait is there stealth in this game can i stealth

Kill people why what does it say it just says well i mean i know it’s normally like to like go slow but does it i wonder if this game actually has proper stealth pick block attack destroy uh it should be under p like there should be a specific mod section

If you scroll really far down it’ll go by mod specifically oh okay okay okay uh open mod waypoint config um dragon breath oh so if you ride them when you ride the dragon you can breathe fire oh my god [ __ ] bad that sounds it’s like awesome right now uh fancy menu miscellaneous game

Interface multiplayer creative mode no i can’t find anything i think goblins just kind of suck yeah i don’t have one either when i played pixy you can it was really fun it had a meaningless ability where it would push people back slightly and make a creeper blow up noise

Oh that’s kind of cool yeah it wouldn’t damage anybody but it was it was pretty much just a [ __ ] with people oh my god now it’s [ __ ] raining oh my god oh no no no [ __ ] rain not the [ __ ] you’re literally a mall person this

Sucks i know this is instead of being a fire person i’m actually just like a mole person i have to live in the caves oh god wait transformation ability do i have that k and r i think it’s like if you’re like uh oh it’s it’s okay it lists it if you are

That clap like yeah gotcha like if i was a werewolf or whatever oh gotcha gotcha gotcha that’s a witchcraft thing that’s a witchcraft thing that’s a thing for ranches sadie charlton the nitwit what is this who’s this name what sadie charlton hello where are these end pieces oh my god i

Hate these [ __ ] trees i hate them that’s checking on kiwi okay she’s good all right um i don’t so do you want me to meet you somewhere or like i don’t know if there’s anything we can do um i’d have to literally build a tunnel

All the way to you which i don’t even have a pickaxe or somehow build completely above me the entire time back to your house i just got killed by a skeletal creeper oh yeah we have those yeah it just like came out of nowhere and then just

Bust a knot on me that sucks all right oh my god it’s 10 p.m i should order dinner because i’m gonna play minecraft [ __ ] it’s happened again this always happens with minecraft i get super hooked on it yep story of my life and i’ve just been hopping around my

House doing literally nothing but opening and closing inventories waiting for snuffy but she keeps getting like a meter away and then dying i feel so bad no it’s okay this is part of the the endurance run yeah i’m not a real crafter i take no [ __ ] okay

Where is my phone i want to order chicken tenders yes what’s your chicken tender dip of choice That’s a good question i like i like ranch i like um ranch i like i gotta get oh god i like oh honey mustard’s a good one um let me think what else hmm i’ve had one place that did like a cool teriyaki dip that was really good

But i don’t know what do you like barbecue i like barbecue barbecue too i get barbecue for my mcnuggets i prefer barbecue always but i do think honey musty is also very delectable yeah now like hunger french chicken dundees i really like i i actually got a place

One time that had like smoke like smoky barbecue but it was like a like a spicy barbecue almost it was so good i’ve always just loved barbecue it comes in so many flavors smoky sweet tangy there ain’t no tangy smoky sweet honey mustards there’s like fine wine honey mustard what sorry honey mussy

Mussy you know there’s like artisan honey mustard but it doesn’t come in smoky tangy spicy sweet barbecue flavors like such a drastic change right yeah i feel very passionate about my dipping sauce you know what that’s i love that actually you know what again you’re making you’re hugging hungry i’m sorry

You weren’t sold on chicken strips you are now yeah i know exactly where i’m ordering from where i can’t say because then people know where i live or i guess oh it’s supposed to be uh yeah it’s not a chain it’s not okay okay yeah i was good i was expecting like a

Like a wendy’s or something yeah they don’t have chicken strips remember mcdonald’s wait what you could have got me wendy’s nuts man exactly you gotta i’m not thinking of nuts these nuts constantly how do you guys do this how do you always have these nuts in your

Head in your brain i got these nuts on my mind i wish i did i wish i did dude i’d never understand these nuts chicken selects what yeah you guys do you guys remember chicken selects i don’t is that where where are they from i don’t mcdonald’s i don’t used to have

Actual designated chicken fingers but they were called chicken selects in somebody’s inuit she’s talking in my chat and she’s she’s excited she’s excited for chicken slicks oh yeah yeah they’re the normal chicken tenders yeah didn’t you yeah i have them pretty recently kiwi i remember you got some what

I could have sworn she did the ones at my location kept telling me that they didn’t have any left for the day and then eventually they just didn’t have them ever on the menu again and that’s like maybe it’s regional because my i haven’t i swear mine hasn’t had them in a long

Time five years ago maybe or more mcdonald’s in australia is so good oh i went to a canadian mcdonald’s once and i just didn’t understand it it was like a it was like literally like stranger things upside down you were just like this why is it

So good like it’s actually well made and there’s love put into it and it’s real it’s not fake [ __ ] what the hell is going on it’s so good and it’s so hot and well made i couldn’t it’s um yeah yeah i truly believe the food standards i’ve seen a lot of tick tocks

Lately that was like i’m an american who moved to like germany or something and they like it’s weird because they’ll have the same food but they’re made differently for food standards so places that have actually healthier laws on food still have the same exact thing just actually good for

You it’s [ __ ] i hate it i hate i hate it dude australia has like like do you know mccafe that started in australia and yeah when you go to yeah so if you go to like a mccafe and like for instance like near my in my

Hometown of perth um they give you like proper like like cups like like nice cups that you like return back like it’s like a real cafe yeah it’s crazy um and you get gravy fries and [ __ ] it’s so good i miss it yeah well i’m not with poutine like the

Cheese but just like gravy fries um but in australia we call it mac as maccas i’m glad that’s real and that’s not one thing people lied to me about on the internet no that’s true and the only the other weird one is um the burger king is

Called hungry jacks which i is so weird isn’t that like a real place no i’m not hungry no hungry jax is burger king they just had to change the name for legal reasons when it came over oh no i’m thinking of jack in the box oh oh gotcha gotcha gotcha oh

But you guys aren’t allowed to have a king in in australia no false burger kings they they already had a king that didn’t go well um he was beheaded i’m not i’m not familiar with australian history yeah me neither is it like english history too right no it’s got

Its own history i mean it was a prison colony um do you know that um australia had their own like badass evil iron man what yeah so back like when guns kind of sucked there was this guy named ned kelly and he put on a suit of like iron

That he made like like a robot suit like of armor and he went and robbed banks and [ __ ] and the cops would show up and shoot him couldn’t couldn’t hurt him because like the the the the caliber of the guns back then couldn’t pierce the metal so he would just go and

Just [ __ ] [ __ ] up and then leave it was awesome what the heck that’s crazy yeah absolute badass absolute legend oh yeah heath ledger played him in a movie that’s right what the [ __ ] yeah yeah there’s a deli movie what was the movie called chat do you remember i don’t remember

It was way back i just called ned kelly i think it’s called iron man it needs to be an australian marvel character uh is there no way unless it’s something silly like from the comics where it was literally oh he’s in the dc he’s he’s one of the

Flashiest enemies yeah he literally made the joke and it was real it was real captain boomerang is an enemy of the flash what the [ __ ] is he gonna throw a poop right here he does favorite eggs of people i don’t know he’s just a picturing guy he’s a boomerang man

Roll melody you’re building a gundam yeah it’s badass holy [ __ ] oh yeah isn’t it good for that yeah it looks like a start of a gunpla kit it’s awesome where did she get all this stuff from where she get red concrete powder and smooth quartz block red concrete there’s concrete yeah

There’s cave roads dude uh there’s a ghost in my house kill it i is he fairly no oh um you just came by it was really scary he just came by to say hi just murder him you can’t kill that which does not live snuffy are you close yet i i still i

Still hear rain so i’m still just underground right before the mountain like a little bit like i’m in the field i guess waiting patiently for my we just sprout like a beautiful flower oh you you poor thing these april showers bring snuff flowers dude i don’t know how we’re gonna get

Back down and fight we need like an army to fight that many like how many did there end up being i saw four before i died uh there were i think upwards of eight cultists there has to be like a spawner for them maybe i think so maybe but i don’t know um

Yeah like jason masks and [ __ ] was so scary yeah it was creepy it was really creepy like it was they’re actually probably the creepiest mobs i’ve seen in this mod so far because there’s just something ominous about like normal ass villagers wearing masks and holding knives and

Cloaks running towards you and like huge groups i wasn’t expecting it the ghost is out here Um is the rain over no i still hear it damn it oh the that’s really weird the do you know the the merchant he doesn’t go huh he goes they’re learning to communicate yeah it sounds like he’s saying robert ross and i’m like what that’s scary

I was like is he saying my name your game is like like a hand starts reaching out uh dude i need i run and everything to go take back your your shite what do we do i’m almost there is it just stop raining if we need we need an army that’s what we

Need sorry i have such a handicap oh my god everyone’s calling me nostril baby again what is this insult this is what his mouth breather okay no so the the the scuffed v tuber avatar i got for the next youtuber drawing thing that i’m using right now his eyes are really tiny

Little dots and everyone says they look like nostrils and people keep taking screenshots and then drawing eyes next to the eyes so that it looks like like voldemort it’s really oh Yeah and everyone’s calling it a nostril baby i hope somebody in chat please wink wink draws you doing like that pose where voldemort like is like massaging his head like he’s doing like a pantene commercial because remember that’s that’s a very specific scene here wait can i post it is there a chat

For this i think i’ll just post it in medieval general and hopefully people don’t i’m like what a [ __ ] contact nobody questions why i post like washing his hair shower voldemort it’s gotta be somewhere what do i call it before touching it well the port baltimore stroking head i don’t voldemort head voldemort

This way i found it i searched it was good you see this where he does this wait wanna oh god voldemort is a creepy looking dude i don’t understand how he still has ears but he doesn’t have a nose he has a nose so i mean like he doesn’t have the

Cartilage though right yeah but he’s got like nose slits that’s only a movie thing you know because he has a nose in the books really yep did they have to did they word it like that like with his nose his weight he has a nose in the books they just did

It for the movie to make him look i still don’t understand though because like ears are cartilage too right so like wouldn’t he not have actual flappy little ears but that’s the thing he’s not he’s not supposed to be missing anything he had work done for the movie i think

They just wanted to make him look as snake-like as possible which is why they took off his nose because his car crux one of them was a snake his face was giving clues yeah clues it’s still raining day 34. day 34. dear diary i have been stuck under a rock for the

Past 30 days i want to see the sun i miss you fill in the whole diary this bird country or what bird country i found two phoenixes two phoenix’s flying high ready for me to conquer them and take them home i don’t even have one phoenix i got three badass i got three

Oh he’s just looking they’re just begging for me they’re begging what are they begging please ride me ride me your wish is my command baby bird amy raymond huh a rainbow a rainbow is it wait is it raining yeah look at the rainbow on my screen who are we

I’m close he’s killing me the rainbow no the zombie look how pretty oh my goodness i gotta get the shaders installed because my game just looks my game don’t look that good with the regular gamer did you have something actually like actual shaders in i have shaders okay okay mine are complementary This the the mod pack said you didn’t need optifine like it purposely says that so maybe you just you just drag and drop i don’t know i tried to install and it said you have not played 1.19 and i kept trying to open it and it refused to

Install so i just gave up Okay let hmm love you upon my deaths okay let’s see where you are i see oh we’re close we’re all close to each other should we maybe do we maybe try save snuffy’s stuff yeah you want to come into a spooky dungeon with us it’s really cool what

Do you want to come do the spooky dungeon oh am i close to you guys oh yeah [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how did it get yeah yeah i found a bird oh i want a dragon i tamed them but i don’t i didn’t bring a saddle with me

Oh i have one in my house maybe we can find one in the dungeon too yeah there probably is one the dungeons are i’ll just i’ll just put a a marker bountiful yeah i built uh there’s like a weird What happened whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ow come back here you [ __ ] bird i’m gonna make you into fried chicken dude that that llama just spit on me that was very mean what a rude little [ __ ] wait i see you i see you and your bird oh you mean mousey yeah hi

Hello hello i put a marker hopefully the bird doesn’t fly away is it can you make it sit or something if it just gets down there You have control of that thing no uh should i should i get a ladder um go down you stupid [ __ ] And he’s gone i mean i i see him around here a lot the most unruly bird i’ve ever met we can’t be compatible after you got off wait wait i need a sticker Oh stick stick stick stick i got stick six six sick right here right here right here right here stick stick stick stick okay now he won’t move see i’m sitting he’s scared of sticks take your sticks now oh they’re there right in front of you oh he’s going to sleep thank you he’s

Going to sleep yes go to sleep you little [ __ ] oh i don’t have any food and i am getting hungry i have can you eat honeycombs i don’t know you’re a goblin right i think you guys can eat everything yeah because like sometimes people eat raw meat or

Something yeah yeah yeah i did say goblins diets are oh yeah that helped that worked that worked you’re welcome thank you you’re bad you like to eat lay’s potato chips and yeah i’ll be right back okay no no no i’m talking to my bird okay [Laughter]

It’s important oh he was looking at me he was looking at me like where the [ __ ] do you think you’re going so this this is the mind that goes all the way down to the the hidden temple but we need we need we need snuffy because snuffy snuff all snuffy stuff is down

There somewhere it’s true i think [ __ ] i don’t have any gleaming powder on me hmm i was gonna make a monocle so i could see in the dark i have a wait no i didn’t bring it i had a telescope thickie um you just we just hold a torch in like

The other hand or something but i kind of need a shield who most quite a predicament oh i should just make a fishing rod then i could just eat fish see where are you stuffy i’m in your house wait what yeah but i had i made a tunnel to get

Back to where we were from where from where we are in your house no not in the house i i dug all the way back up oh yeah really really far dude oh okay mike where were you and mouse here is that where it is yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s

It’s like a little uh thing with torch’s little tower um so just come come down gently there you are don’t mind me just shimmying on down i don’t think i’ve actually seen your skin without armor on i’m nakey he wants to see you naked i have green arms i don’t know why

It looks like i broke my arms or something and now i’m wearing braces yeah why do you have green arms i think it’s something weird with the skin i gotta talk to the guy who made it maybe oh did you pick a slim model is there a choice yes you do slim or

Normal i think what happened oh that’s not the that’s not the tunnel This is i haven’t actually been down here to be honest but uh the other one’s over there what was that oh let me get out of here is that a bomb uh something exploded here oh okay yeah i thought i heard an explosion did we do you want us to come

After you or i’m i’m getting out of here yeah come back up we’ll go to the we’ll go to the um the entrance to the diggy hall that i did diggy hole over here brought swords and junk [ __ ] oh chat says they yeah they explained why your skin is uh busted so

You gotta when you’re starting minecraft in your skin you gotta pick the alex model not the steve model there’s a slimmer one minecraft feminism in this game yeah okay i can’t your skin is bulky woman well you can you just get green arms all right uh i don’t have any oh i

Actually do have torches okay so it was down here it’s a bit of a bit of a goddamn mess but i had to dig up in the dark you didn’t put any torches i had no torches i i limped out of here after defeat like this was i barely made it out alive

Hello hello are you in there yeah oh yeah okay let me make sure i’m going the right way then this way then down here i’m bonking my head sorry my goblin holes are very small your goblin holes my goblin holes gobbling holes are very gobbling these nuts baby yes

Okay let’s wait for everybody because behind this door there is a bad guy what what is it it’s a cultist that spawned on a um uh a thing i don’t know what it is okay so when we come out here and to the right there’s gonna be a bad dude

He’ll spawn in at that that shrine yeah he’s he sees us he’s he’s trying to get to us but he’s stuck so i’m gonna attack him oh god where’s where are we i had to run oh god there’s more coming there’s more coming ah i don’t think this is the way to go [ __ ] i died in the exact same spot again did you set your did you set your respawn to no oh no oh definitely i forgot about that oh no i’m on my way mouse are you alive i i kind of i kind of teleported out of there really fast oh these just failed

Oh no that’s very that’s very reasonable you know i expect that i don’t i don’t blame you i’ll just say that much somebody call me a coward and then somebody else in chelsea cowards live that’s very true yeah you really just noped out of there like we need we need like nether armor

To go into this thing this this place is hell night items i’m gonna see if i can gobble gobble in and gobble out [Laughter] gobbling i’m going max speed they can’t they can’t catch what they can’t see let’s just say listen i was prepared but i wasn’t prepared to see those scary

Cult people i don’t know what the [ __ ] that was i told you they weren’t like jason masks it’s so scary yeah they look i got my stuff yay i’m gobbling out i gotta gobble in yeah what an interesting place you guys found what the [ __ ] yeah it’s crazy it’s like

Hella skyrim it’s cool actually i kinda wanna go to that that town next to it there’s another one there’s like a bunch of towns all around here honestly i just went through one that i don’t think either of us have been to either but it’s just on the other side oh god

Oh god oh no oh god what sorry i’m just getting involved to death don’t mind me okay okay okay dude this is a unicorn what what did you just say a unicorn did you just say you saw a a unicorn um are you flying with me pony my little pony my little pony It’s my favorite part of the song how’s the rest go my little pony i just wonder what friendship could be my little pony until you all shared its magic with me big adventures tons of fun a beautiful heart faithful and strong cheering kindness just an easy feat and my magic makes it all

Complete oh little pony You’re going beyond what the [ __ ] I’ve been sitting like l from death note for like hours oh god i was i was feeling in my toes after that Wait what the [ __ ] oh my god music oh oh my god your shaders are so pretty what the [ __ ] oh my awesome yeah get complimentary shaders they’re so good okay i’ll look that up i’m taking a shower right now i’m gonna listen to you guys like a podcast i love you neon

Hell yeah enjoy your shower or what’s our what’s our first topic on today’s podcast listening to 69.69 fm you’re listening to 69.69 fm what the heck what that that’s so good yeah he’s not just like he sounded just like a radio guy give me something to say give me

Something to say in the radio voice is this the no wait yeah oh my god yeah welcome to 69.9 new dj mcsnuffy today on the show we have m.c snuffy alive in the studio oh my god thanks for having me jim uh it’s good to

Have you uh tell me about your new album uh reverberated farts what was that about honestly i think it really predates my last album uh snuffy shards so you know it just it just speaks from the soul try to make relatable responses you know piece of crowds snuffy sharks

Was one of my favorite albums i liked the uh song splash zone splash zone actually came from a personal experience of mine uh i was at the water park you know ohio has the sanduskys the big old ohio corn fields you know and what makes us better than corn water parks man

And [ __ ] yourself exactly that’s kind of the result everybody sharks stream now on spotify i can’t just listen to this in the shower i’ve lost my mind dude it’s like [ __ ] how long have i been playing minecraft oh seven nearly eight hours that’s it’s a full day at work

I have been playing for eight hours no it’s probably seven because we did garlic i did the garlic video first and then eight hours oh fine yeah it’s gaming hours anyway kiwi’s got like mad work to do right now so i i got nothing else going on oh there’s a green ass bird

Flying around i must own this green ass bird why is it green i don’t know there’s nothing in here is this an abandoned village it’s a martial marjar jar jar i love the powerpuff girls powerpuff girls my favorite show i love mojo my favorite i’m sorry

Mojo jojo i like he’s got a little funny brain on his [ __ ] head a marjar charge [ __ ] i’m dying i’m just running around my minecraft home i almost got my stuff out of the hole i couldn’t find the hole i got it closer to the actual opening of the like the whole

Dude i don’t know where you died dude i cannot figure it out i i got i got the waypoint so i got it it’s pretty much in the room where that guy spawns now i think so right at the opening wait no but that’s here that’s where you died this time

Yeah but i had my stuff oh you got it yeah i’ve just slowly been like inching closer and closer just just if he runs at you just build a wall just build a wall and keep him can came on this side i was already low hp from running all the way over there

Though so i was kind of just like screwed that’s okay i’ll get it i’ll get it eventually this is how i survived the nether dude endurance power it’s about power power oh you sound like jeremy fragrance unlimited jeremy does he know that he’s named after perfume yeah girl you just go

I found your grave my grave no i found ross’s grave oh you found one of my graves ye well wait what crazy go to youtube and look for jeremy fragrance you won’t be disappointed jeremy fragrance i’m nervous it’s just gonna start giving me weird pretty cool content creator you know

Oh jeremy fragrance out of context yeah it can’t be worse than that [ __ ] avocado guy right uh prepare to be amazed oh no okay all credit goes to jeremy fragrance i’m just gonna go based off of ross’s reaction he’s already speechless so okay he just said i just jerked off a

Little bit and i want to high five he’s like it’s just like a he’s like a juggalo what is he no juggling i mean that’s a clown i meant the other one gigolo same thing is it the same thing he’s a fragrance influencer a freight wait a what a fragrance

Influencer wait so he’s about cologne yeah he just goes cologne yeah i don’t i don’t do cologne so how is he a clown how does this tie in well he’s a clown judging by the like five seconds i’ve watched so far holy crap sounds like something i’d say

Okay i guess i have to i don’t have screen share on my little goofy obs right now sorry i don’t i just have to tell you once you know of him your life has forever changed yeah i i know for real i know a few internet personalities like that

What does that mean though you have examples yes but you don’t want me to say them i do i do heavily now what i retract my statement yup what did you say i said nothing did you know he has the same birthday as me wow it’s great um

If you don’t know your life is like 20 times better who is that well i didn’t hear the name no maybe it’s for i mean she probably knows like who doesn’t know right yeah who doesn’t know right that silence was like poetic your silence is happening snuffy like holy [ __ ] oh

Oh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think you should google jeremy fragrance snowfie is this is it this bad like comparable or just wait is it comparable to the it’s in yeah it’s an experience though it’s just a different experience i mean

If you’re current on you know who it it’s yeah no i guess that does that does just kind of make sense like all levels there’s just nothing like it yeah but i will check out jeremy fragrance um there was a there’s another guy that i really like um who’s kind of he’s not

Super well known um he goes by dino attendees do you know about this guy who’s dino tennis so he was a guy that like so the lore is and i learned about this he would he she would show up on the 4chan cooking board and he would

Yeah and he would post like pictures of like this he would take pictures inside like abandoned homes and he would start cooking with [ __ ] just like possums like in the background and just wild animals like no he’s like treats the animals really well but um like he would just it

I can’t even describe it like he just [ __ ] put microwaves in microwaves and like and everybody would be screaming on the cooking board getting upset at him and then he got um and every time he showed up to like post the thread about cooking it was just like

Hell on earth um and then he opened up a youtube channel and it’s just [ __ ] like it’s like art like i don’t even know how to describe it like i i think youtube took his channel down because he was in he was breaking into homes like like

Abandoned homes to like cook meals i don’t fully know the story but like he he he has these possums that he loves and he looks after right and he heard that i talked about him and he showed up on my discord and he posted in the pet’s channel’s pictures of his

Possums just out of the blue and i was like what the [ __ ] this guy is like i i i i think some people in the chat know what i’m talking about but this guy is like bananas it’s so great if you can look up his content i recommend that it’s it’s high art

Yeah yeah kiwi’s in the chat she says he was a squatter i’m pretty sure i don’t i don’t think he he was he was in homes that he shouldn’t have been in or whatever that’s cool i think he was australian maybe i can’t i think yeah yeah australian is youtube’s still up okay

Good good good good good um i’m trying to think of anyone else like that that was like a really weird history online hmm like old old old old old [ __ ] i don’t think i ever i was i feel like i was very normal i took in a lot of normal content yeah

I mean i i was a new grounds baby so like i didn’t it was oh yeah i guess that does count yeah i just just [ __ ] me up dude like the games on that site yeah no no young lad should be playing those oh yeah what kind of games oh um uh

Uh meat and uh kiss uh and um oh god gang uh friendly girl and uh um uh um uh in the zone tan uh um oh boy i could go on these are great wholesome children’s cartoons that i am referencing uh jesus it was it was a different time i see did you

What did you ever like go on the side new grounds back in the day i know of the site but i don’t recall ever going on there it was interesting it seems interesting it was very cool lots of i mean everything spawned from that website in the end like charlie the

Unicorn numa numa [ __ ] everything came from newgrounds back in early internet okay i don’t remember the source of this episode this site but i remember when i was really young one of the first like internet meme sites i partook in was a place called e-bombs world oh so okay interesting thing about elon’s

World so they got in a lot of like people hated them right is that where all the porn was no i don’t think they had porn but um so ebon’s world was like taking like content from around the internet and slapping their watermark on it and then reposting it so from like

Newgrounds something awful 4chan everywhere right and everybody ganged up on them and you do you know um oh my god he goes by lemon demon um uh what my god why can’t i remember his name right now chat uh oh god anyone to chat neil neil uh uh neil

I can’t even never say that sir sariga he back then he was like making stuff on newgrounds and doing music and stuff they made this song about ebalm’s world and how they were stealing everybody’s content and then just this like mass like doxing and all this crazy [ __ ] started

Happening to the website like ordering pizzas because they were basically just making millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars off stealing every other website’s content basically and everybody hated them and they made this song like lemon demon made a song about their website and it was like legendary back then

It’s like it was like uh right before ultimate showdown came out if you remember that song yeah yeah yeah the busting busting busting makes me feel good yeah oh man okay yeah now it makes me worried that i might sound stupid but yeah yeah questions are only educational that’s right

That’s right that song that song boston he made that song that uh the the boston makes me feel good yeah i i was that his remix i feel like maybe it sounds like a lemon demon one ghostbusters right no no he did a remix where it was like

Instead of busting it just he just changed maybe it was i’m pretty sure they changed the song to like just basically talking about busting a nut like by changing the lyric order around so instead of like um ghostbusters like busting makes me feel good it’s a great

Song and you also did um two trucks having sex which is one of my favorite songs of all time what huh look up two look up two trucks having sex i i okay i know that’s something i know how that sounds but two trucks having sex is like the it’s a banger

Dude it’s such a good song i don’t think it’s on spotify wait no it’s just called two trucks yeah two trucks two trucks yeah i love this song now it’s gonna be about having two trucks having sex now i know i i i’m looking it up right now two trucks lemon demon

Oh my god there it is i’m gonna post i’m gonna send it to you for later mouth okay or you can listen to it now it’s that’s up to you american-made this sounds like a prompt from that jack box game yeah yeah i love this song what the [ __ ] someone has a dragon

Oh i’m so jealous i think sakura has a dragon oh yeah it’s like i’m lying what color is it it scared the [ __ ] out of me i was like i’m dead of course i could know where is he it’s like kuno that man is cracked

I know he’s like level like 7 000 on the other server i i fear that man that’s a flex right there oh he always does this oh my god look how far he went how far he went I want that bird for me i want the bird for me what’s good brother yeah how the [ __ ] do you get a backpack you gotta find them you don’t find them wait you can’t make them you can’t make them nope oh bruh no way ah i haven’t ever found any that must be

Rare dude i’m out here with like ten thousand stacks of bread and i’m dying out here ten thousand stacks of what bread i need a lot of bread and ogre i eat so [ __ ] much bro oh yeah does your health drain really fast it’s my food

I i consume food at 2.5 times right and whenever i use my ability it takes half my food oh [ __ ] damn rip the nut diet what are you all doing i’m listening to music chillin you know climbing a mountain back home well i have i don’t know what level you

All are but i’ve attained a level nine so if you ever need a hired gun let me know oh we actually wait do we we actually found a crazy cool dungeon with like wraiths and [ __ ] and it looks like something out of skyrim but we get jumped by a bajillion um

Cultists it’s super deep down though wait do you do you do you require my assistance i mean it would be pretty [ __ ] cool to to to jam with you my dude and take down uh take down a big [ __ ] occultist operation under the ground but i’m a little uh a little lacking in

In gear right now i got i got my ass kicked by some cultists uh i have 10 diamonds i can use if you want to make armor dude if you want to like gear me up i’ll i’ll give you a kiss on the cheek wait really yeah i’ll give you

A kiss on the cheek okay yeah i would love that why did he audibly blush [Laughter] okay i need to make chain mail just i i do if you see where i am on the map that’s where i found the entrance to like the the the cult i need a stick

What do the sticks do i need this i need a stick to control this [ __ ] bird oh many zombie mindy zombie dude this is actually so much [ __ ] fun on yeah right it’s actually obnoxious because like i thought i would be ready to go to bed by now okay

I’m gonna go to sleep tonight bro dude i’ve been playing for eight hours no way All right so my plan is head west okay i have a game plan i’m going to gather my party ross once once we’re on your location we join back again uh do you want to uh can you bring me gear because i got my ass kicked and i lost

Pretty much everything that would be actually i got a little bit of good armor actually i think i don’t have any weapons i will i will make my way towards you and bring you whatever i can you’re the best thank you dude love you too man interesting that’s my homie

I respect it yeah me give him a kiss you guys can kiss in front of the cultists yeah make sweet broski love dude Oh my god everyone’s on tonight this is awesome hopping for a monday

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Nyanners, RubberRoss & Snuffy’, was uploaded by IRONMOUSE VODS on 2022-08-22 22:00:20. It has garnered 11826 views and 363 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:29 or 17849 seconds.

Streamed on: 08/08/22

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  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft

    Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft Building a Japanese Temple + Interior in Minecraft Welcome to a detailed tutorial on how to construct a magnificent Samurai Temple complete with an intricate interior in Minecraft! This step-by-step guide is designed to assist both seasoned builders and beginners in creating an authentic Japanese temple to elevate your Minecraft world. Materials and Layout Before diving into the construction process, ensure you have the necessary materials and a clear layout plan. You can access the materials list here. Additionally, download the map from here and use a custom seed with the Vanilla texture pack and BSL Shader version 1.20.1…. Read More

  • Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€

    Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Chronos SMP Talent Show (Winner Gets In SMP)๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€ [Live]’, was uploaded by JakeJxke on 2024-06-17 16:50:44. It has garnered 367 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:06 or 4626 seconds. Join My Discord Server: #jakejxke minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2024-06-22 19:15:09. It has garnered 67495 views and 2931 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! MODPACK: ______________________ โ™“SHOP: ๐ŸŽฎ Discord Server: Music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! ๐Ÿ’œ MY SOCIAL MEDIA! โ–ถ Twitter: โ–ถ Instagram: โ–ถ Twitch: Read More

  • Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts

    Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Save Herobrine ๐Ÿ˜ณ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-30 13:30:00. It has garnered 206547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen roblox 17. sakura… Read More

  • INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!

    INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The ULTIMATE Storage Base In Survival Minecraft (P.U.B. II)’, was uploaded by ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–’๐–†๐–™๐–”๐–“ on 2024-04-20 15:00:06. It has garnered 124056 views and 8323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:01 or 3001 seconds. This is episode two of Project Unknown Builder, a Minecraft film project that I make for fun as a hobby. It is not monetized to stay authentic and true to it’s purpose; be a form of creative expression. Enjoy! This video has music from two of my favorite musicians Zayde Wolf and Thomas Bergersen (and some other cool ones)…. Read More