Jack Manifold 24h charity stream part 3 | 31st July 2023

Video Information

Don’t make like I can’t control how loud we are yellow Jack I’ll stop being louder than actually I can baby sensory images this is our modcast okay too long for the ride donate and I’ll shut up um how old I’m so sorry next person to donate ten dollars I have a really funny

Surprise from you it’s coming out no everyone’s talking about Barbie Heimer but you know what my most recent Banger double feature was I watched onions eyes of brew and then immediately after I watched Joker 2019 now that is two movies you need to watch in Rapid succession OMG he’s eating oh my God

With the light on ready ready y’all ready lgbtq is pop champ that was your surprise I hope you loved it I’m really hoping I hope you got your ten dollars worth yeah we love our lgbtq the POG champ lgbtq is POG champ I’m trying to sleep and hearing Tommy in

It yeah I know what that person is like happy with whoever Thompson Oppenheimer is bad that’s just a bad take I mean he is pissed off he’s not pissed off he’s just getting up he’s hungry y’all will ever go to bed and then get up and need something it was Auto deleted already

Public is the star but yeah I’ve been having yeah I the title he’s really making progress no oh [ __ ] does anyone have perms to update the title Richards thank you so much for the for the ten dollars I I really hope you got your money’s worth with two kids

Shout out everyone shout out Ella Richards shout out they donated the ten dollars I just need them to get their money towards thank you thank you we need to play like summer camp games like one word story and Etc I want to play sticks pardon I don’t think that one

It was the game you play with your fingers fingers and like you add on to this yeah I was so bad at that game and everyone would be like tapping their hands together and like twitching hands I’m like well it’s basically I think it’s one of those games where whoever goes

First wins like yeah is it concentration um what’s the one where you guys have to like try to like they pick a topic and then say something and then try to get to the same word have you played that one before it’s like three two one blank yeah you wanna try that

With everybody yeah I guess we with everybody would be a bit chaotic but we could we could just I don’t know we could do you want to do it together to start even me cat oh my God yeah okay let’s make the word like things in Minecraft

Oh no actually no we just say something random right we don’t need to have a subject it’s just okay right it doesn’t have to be Minecraft it could just be something random okay okay wait I’m gonna get a word I have one okay I have one too okay three two one water bottles

Oh man so you said creeper I said water bottle oh okay I think I have one yeah okay ready yeah three two one watermarket Yahoo we’re giving someone donating for that because we’re just that cool oh yeah somebody did it he’s back on my screen lullabies um

Do you think he’s actually gonna wake up no I think he might it’d be embarrassing as hell to snooze his alarms live oh my God no Port I know port um guys should we do oh my God no Port I know Port um guys should we do another round of that game

Or was it boring I thought we’re gonna do this is a very weird feeling chat are we doing good Jack ET reasonable um if the title is still making progress on the tsmbs making progress in his sleeve he’s gaming in his mind guys he just is not powerful

Um well the mods are better than the baby sensory videos thank you I think I could beat up all of them okay I’m not going to don’t worry guys but I could like a saying Goliath do the radish would definitely pull out no I could take the radish the

Radish would like hang onto my ankle and like bite it and then I just like flick it off and step on it you know someone just said night father [ __ ] ain’t your dad he’s like yeah laughs if you think he’s parental do you think he’s for rental follow Adrian manifold on Twitter

That’s the reality he called his son one time okay he literally said okay I’m not your father I’m not your father I love that gift can can you work the word loofah into your next sentence I just bought a loofah that’s so adults of you

If I wanted to take with me to college so I can eat chips I have cheese sticks I have two cheese sticks are y’all cheese stick biters or peelers this is a must know peelers peeler good stick hole um I’m disowning them I got like a box of Junior Mints that’s about it

Junior Mints are gas though they’re one of my go-to movie kids they were leftovers from the Travis Goblin because it was like an hour I didn’t eat my candy it was only an hour I eat my movie during the previews most of the time uh when I saw Oppenheimer I literally I

Had eaten like 75 of the popcorn before the mm-hmm which I’m kind of glad because I was just like shaking it was like on the edge of my seat the home when I saw the driver’s guide movie I could see I could feel the Oppenheimer in the theater next door because it was

An IMAX viewing I could literally hear the hear and feel Oppenheimer he’s really addicted to his cell phone keeping his Instagram feed before he goes to bed sounds like Toby required oh my God this is like last time when everyone that Murdoch sounded like oh my god um

I was like a monkey they made me do dream impressions literally all I have to do is put the littlest bit of energy into my voice I’m not doing it again you guys have any other Impressions though that aren’t green um would you say let Moody do the dream impression for donations

Yeah I will do that if someone done it you need it you need a limited 20 bucks I need the like script again how’s it going bro my name is no I’d say that I feel like I have good Impressions under my belt but I can’t remember it good night yeah laughs

If you donate he’ll hear a little noise that’ll try to wake him up so you’re a little silly noise do you want to play the metal pipe um no not yet I’m Gonna Save that one okay man I got him the metal pipes could like reverberate through his house

When he’s like actually asleep he’s doing The Tick Tock thing guys that is the sound I’m assuming that I guess so we don’t so we don’t um play too let’s just alternate okay so do I am I the next video okay because I really wanted to do this

I have no idea how to do that YouTube to MP3 I’m gonna get that um British accent um what does he do that’s other than people British accents too America like he’s too yeah y’all keep sending the dodos in try to wake him up we need him up oh um

He’s like why aren’t y’all donating oh he’s repositioning the camera wait how many times what if you did like a backflip through a flip that needs to be a soundboard as well do a flip now hold on y’all I’m getting I’m gonna make I’m gonna make that as a

Soundboard and I’m gonna make the ice cream so good oh my God gang gang I promise you have to go and you would have to go into a different server to test it oh no you can like test it while I add it okay wait have I even um well the Roses

Okay oh wait they did okay so I go and then you go yeah okay I’m gonna go with the classic lgbtq is popular your turn I already did mine oh you did it was realistic knocking sound effect I don’t know how loud it was though are

You [ __ ] kidding me I muted and took off my headset and said hello hold on I for real thought my mom was like what happened oh yeah so one said a fart I think of farts fart sound effects are iconic I have I have a couple boards

What is the best part you have like do that wait guys I’m gonna I’m gonna defend so I can although the sound effect damage is wet fart fart Reverb let me look up if I type in art I fart fart with Reverb explosive fart and wet next donation we’ll do a wet fart

Other there’s a lot of opinions on wet farts you want to hear a wet fart I also have a really good soundboard coming up y’all just wait for it now what I’m listening to jpeg Mafia I’m watching babysense three videos and it’s it’s like way more sensory than the actual

Sound of the video I’m So for real chat like you just gotta over dub your I’m not hot take but baby Century Music is could be better it really could okay okay degrees of clawed music if it was baby sensory noises over sneaky snitch that would be awesome

We have a music bot we could literally put Kevin McLeod on right now we’re not doing that no no I’m gonna be too bad look am I looking I will leave I will leave soon foreign wait you guys should all pull up his like video or whatever too on like the

Call or whatever I mean this is actually like reacting yeah he’s got his camera y’all keep the dodos coming you’ll get to a wake-up Jack with a little eliminated one dollar guys Drake Drake’s in chat hold up hold up my turn my turn sharkboys again oh my God 28. 00

With another oh my God yo this is 28. what it means you need to do your dreams yeah hold up my turn the dream impression isn’t a soundboard you still gotta play one let me look at this in the beginning of his videos do you want me to cover this one

Will you do that okay uh ice cream so good thank you gang gang gang gang what was the other one that I was gonna do well in this video three of my friends try to hunt me down and kill me in Minecraft this video down in this video me and my friends

Protested in the street we’ll just even doing those videos he’s like you want to know how I got these ender pearls that was really good yeah what was the other side speedrunner um someone said wait no someone said what the what the dog doing um in real life

No yeah I’m watching the camera too but I’m gonna watch for the notif because like I keep looking at the thing above it like with all the names and I keep getting confused so I’m just gonna look at the motive on this oh bruh okay I’m gonna try to like falls asleep

To do a metal pipe no no wait until he’s like almost asleep and somebody donates like more than like five or ten bucks that’s the I have the Boeing from Mall [ __ ] freestyle oh my God oh my God I also have the cartoon run sound effects

I have this one video that is probably like one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen and it’s just this guy doing a really exaggerated Tick Tock dance with a bunch of cartoon sound effects play in the background actually that was a good one I think I’ve put it in Mediashare

Like multiple times because I just think it’s so funny did we miss a couple I do not want to put Rick Roll in I’m sorry I don’t really either Rickroll in the year 2023 that one oh sorry I don’t think you guys heard it someone

Done it again I want to play that one again I’m gonna take the next one because I want to play that sound effect again mark my battle pass I have um I have multiple bumps they’re amazing fortnite battle pass just started playing foreign good mood up what go I apparently we

Missed five so miss five yeah so you you go I go oh yeah ice cream so good thank you you go again lgbtq is Puck champ there we go there’s your five dimples we missed if we keep him up too long he’s gonna be grumpy y’all

Don’t tell us to wake him up you guys are gonna donate to wake him up okay you guys gotta put that put the money in put your put the money where your mouth is one hour only mad only I don’t care if you’re broke donate a dollar these nuts

It’s not up to us it’s not up to us to keep him up Chad you guys gotta donate y’all gotta donate oh there we go I’ll go ice cream’s so good take a seat anytime you hear a fart it’s actually not a sound boarding also y’all that would be oh my God that

Would be so embarrassing for him bigger Donuts bigger Donuts equals louder or louder sound effect right is that how we’re gonna do it okay yeah we’ll say that total’s over twenty dollars get 20 bucks and we’ll do the metal pipe yeah 20 bucks for a metal

Pipe which is really loud it might wake him up so if you want him to wake up twenty dollars for a metal pipe I will definitely wake him up foreign and and what perhaps is this French flag roses are red okay guys oh wait was that Ella Richards did I did

We get that one oh deck your knives we giggle champ who sounds like Toby McGuire I mean like who would it be okay the next dollar where it sounds like Toby McGuire next dodo over five bucks gets DJ Cali’s Khaled sound because I just put a really funny one in

It but it’s kind of it’s a bit loud so give me five bucks and I’ll play it what time is it for Jack right now a seven yeah you’re right so he’s he’s seriously wants to get two hours of sleep yeah I mean that was what basically what happened

The last time I had to pull an all-nighter for one of my finals because it was due like two days after my classes ended and I still had to do my work for all my classes so you know I got maybe two hours of sleep on the floor of the study room

I’ve been there though but also like this dude ain’t studying for [ __ ] yeah look at this dude that’s a good hold up do we have that one yeah get it get it a chat actually it’s out of curiosity what kind of what kind of music y’all listening to right now

Like right now is in the second or just like in general like what’s your summer Vibes 45 here we go let’s go golfing let’s go coffee lots of love joy I went to their tour it was it was a lovely they played in Minnesota which was surprising yeah but

I did not go to the show I went because one of my friends who I met in the Jack manifold official Discord server plug plug the server um gave me a free ticket because someone she was gonna go with didn’t go it was lovely I mean they did Wilbur really you could

Tell he wanted to be Alex Turner so bad I’m like I respect it is ago it was awesome that’s so sick I really wanted to go but I couldn’t get anyone to go with me and my brother had the car guys I saw the Cure in June oh

So good it was so good uh yes it’s so good thank you pause pause champ it’s so really good yeah I have tickets to see Death Grips but it’s in September on a Wednesday so I would somehow need to find a ride back to the cities which is like three and a

Half hours and then take me back home the next day and um I’m going to Death Grips but the one in my city is on a Friday I believe I want to go so bad and I got my ticket for dirt cheap because I pre-seailed it damn it’s so nice

Maybe 50 bucks and um I sent the person to like a bunch of my friends and then they were like sorry I didn’t see it now the chicken starts 200 I’m like that’s your fun that’s your fault sorry I keep tracking your bike point out and I’m really bad I’m seeing Arctic

Monkeys in uh September Arctic Monkeys and I’m really excited I’m really excited I’m opening up another 20 another 20. what’s another level let’s go golfing again I was pretty loud just play something let’s go coffee actually hates his life okay we’ll have like designated loud

Ones for like over 20 and then like yeah I have to use it sparingly so we make metal pipes 30. we can limit it to every like no more than one per like blank time period too okay yeah can we get just twenty dollars we can play Let’s go golfing because that one’s

Pretty last wake up wake up sound effect wakey wakey that one how many sound if I type in oh there’s only two I have a couple sound effects just called alarm wait I can’t is there a way to oh yeah hold it you get like the Apple iPhone alarm

That would be just cruel that could be good I have the Breaking Bad sound effect too Drake run run now I’m there I can add that one yeah who’s there for that I was there who else remember that was there remember who remember run just wait is there a video I can’t find

Anyone got the clip of that like manifold TV run oh found it oh hi milk um oh wait has milk been always been here I like didn’t oh sorry okay oh okay I’ll add the run but it’s gonna be also one of those like loud ones so because it’s pretty loud nice

I guess I could turn this down sound volume a bit but um I totally forgot I’m going to see buddy bear like Tuesday like literally that’s gonna be fun it’s it’s on the waterfront of Lake Superior so I have to drive and then it’ll be like it’s like

On the bay front that sounds beautiful though it’ll be good guys next next uh next donut over twenty dollars um we’ll get run run run run there you go hold on look at his ass he’s running for [ __ ] he’s so Evie there you go why Sonic doing the greeting they make like the

They make the baby sensory videos but like with like cartoon characters is there like Family Guy baby sense hold up I gotta research this oh my God video that’s the most [ __ ] like older gen Z thing Family Guy baby sensory video no there isn’t I’m surprised I feel like there’s overlap

Oh my God wait can we get uh was that The Bite of 87 sound effect let’s just do a FNAF jump scare Callie you’re real quiet for me I don’t know if that’s a me problem okay wait guys I’m gonna add the I’m SpongeBob um are you getting The Bite of 87 .

So I’m gonna do like the also yo um even like donuts under 20 will still get a sound effect so keep them coming keep them coming keep them coming ask your parents parents have money my dad donated earlier I got evidence for this man it’s for a good cause it’s for a good

Cause for the kids man or let me drop the link to the valid if your mom is sleeping don’t don’t wake them up but you can go to her little purse and grab her little credit card oh yeah wait can someone give me Nitro this would be so much easier okay

JK don’t raise the kids because that ten dollars of nitro gifted is ten dollars in the kids pockets I was more asking you guys in the chat I don’t have them oh yeah if you all got a gifted sub pyrocynical gifted 100 Subs earlier so I got one of those congratulations new

Subscribe sub renewed even though I got an email like yesterday saying that my payment was unsuccessful and then I joined and I still had the 30 month sub thing reminder any any donation will get a sound effect played um and if your donation is above 20 or

20 or above it’ll be a loud sound effects so if you want to wake Jack up donate twenty dollars and you can do so at this link that’s a screeny everyone remember another Emma is putting a stop emoji that is my friend and now I’m sad

Um and that won’t even do the thing um hold on oh my God okay anyways click the little link click the link y’all I did break the bot but again you can donate here it’s also it’s pinned oh my goodness yeah dono’s under 20 we’ll still get a sound

Effect that can wake him up but if you donate 20 or above you can get a loud sound effect that might wake him up so keep the donuts coming y’all we love we we would love to see more Donuts how would we wait how would we do the the Mad Libs thing

We would just we would just pull up a Mad Lib and then oh yeah I guess I can do it just take a suggestion from the chat okay yeah I think that’s so fun SpongeBob did he just turn it down oh twenty dollars do we want another life for 20 bucks yeah um

Let’s go coffee there’s also a bird like a one dollar did he turn it down I saw him wake up did he turn it down then after the middle turn I have a good Mad Lib that I need to get like set up but it would be funny

Wait I don’t know how to delete the sounds how do I do that is there where you can edit some or guys does anyone know how I can delete the little River settings soundboard okay I’m gonna delete one of them and I’m gonna add attention big pocket

Go through mine and test out and find some other loud ones besides oh no and I’m getting a Mad Lib setup I just need to like make it so that I can actually put the text in so I remember where it goes because I’m sleeping to

Like remember it’s in this I think I found a louder pipe really that’s for like a 50 maybe I’m intrigued foreign if it’s morning where you’re at it’s definitely not morning here but you know guys what’s your favorite breakfast food mine’s easy mine’s my favorite breakfast

Food is my favorite food ever and this bagels and lox oh I love a good bagel everything bagel with cream cheese okay the greatest like my my death row meal my favorite meal ever in the whole world everything bagel try it onion cream cheese big fat slice of tomato

Pile on the salmon papers I love this salmon salmon bagel with capers oh my God that is so good so fire I feel like mine definitely death Romeo would definitely be pierogies oh that’s a good one oh so good that’s my favorite food um and then have you ever said donaires before

I don’t know if they’re only a Canadian then or not but donaires are so good if there’s any Canadians watching they will get it they are so good I’m going to Canada in a little bit oh maybe I’ll see you definitely have a donor they’re so good well ten dollars

Uh let me do it oh sorry I did it did you already play one yeah I played I love you opinions on bacon love it I am not a bacon fan I’m not even gonna lie what’s the next is Unlimited but no games okay hold up I got it oh God

He is not good at any sleep tonight can I get your waffles waffles no pancakes no I’m a waffle person blueberry pancakes well pancakes with stuff in them are like better but I like waffles because they can store the syrup in the little holes that’s true it’s just flavorful you know it’s

Tactical also y’all where’s the link um it’s explanation point charity not charity um and dono’s above 20 dollars they get a loud one I got some good ones maybe the new checklist which part of the chuckle sandwich I love bacon unlimited bacon but no games no I’m I’m unlimited games I’m unlimited

Game I’m Games Unlimited but no games okay that’s what I am because I hate babies why are you the Mayo and why y’all don’t forget donate to play a sound if I was a chuckle sandwich I I would make that’d be a good sandwich I’d be a Reuben no no gets attention

I’d be a quesadilla is that is that does that count I mean it’s two pieces of like not bread but like bread like substance with like stuff in the middle our Burgers a sandwich puppy do you remember the the first incident of the hot dog or sandwich debate

Done it well no it was he’s probably talked about it since then but um oh Jack definitely said like way before dream SFP we like argued about it for a whole stream and if hot dogs or sandwiches or not well are they I don’t oh attention okay can I play Mad Libs

Jackson like that good shot let’s play Mad Libs guys I have a Mad Libs up okay my computer I need a new challenge I need a plural noun they’re not gonna know what these words plural noun come on y’all went to Like Preschool right not preschool like Elementary School they have delay

I went with bees um it doesn’t have to be the first one oh no I’m not only gonna go okay pandas is funnier but that’s because of an inside joke but I’m gonna go with it because I love it um occasion I need an occasion like a holiday or you know

Something special can we say stuff too yeah Christmas funeral I think that could be good a lot of Christmases but I think funeral could be fun can I say that you think funerals are fun wow wow um I need a place a place Las Vegas your mom’s house yep milk

Yeah while we do Mad Libs guys you can still donate you play sound effects um uh a number give me a number funny number funny number which funny number 69 420 or a funnier number that I don’t know about yet six is a pretty funny number guys oops

An adjective oh what a description an adjective is a describing word okay verb ending in ing so like running uh creeping is so good though is it moist fried I really like the word gunkies what I like crawling to wake him up something more unique cat can I do a

Really dramatic reading of it when it’s done yes I’ll screenshot with you um okay no we’re fine we’re fine it was reconnecting for some reason oh okay yeah I’ll do balls um I need a place a wedding chapel in Vegas Drive do you like Mars UK pool Brazil Mars I like more Connecticut

That’s an American moment Twitter headquarters Roblox Obby yo don’t forget please send me a donut Donuts under 20 foreign Florida is always funny right it’s almost over twenty dollars will be a loud noise keep those dominoes coming okay guys give me a give me an adjective

If you don’t know what an adjective is it’s a descriptive word sorry that was really aggressive ballsy gay a lot of gay okay oh I know what this chat is the the DJ Khaled did the Drake vocals come in here do it um let’s keep the soundboard going y’all keep the dominoes coming

Lgbtq is pogchamp send like a five dollar no no right now grandmas cactuses I’m gonna write cactuses even though I know it’s cacti but cactuses is funnier verb ending in ing I swear we’re like more than halfway done it takes for a while watching anyone anyone watching any anyone watch Barbie beaching eating

Slurping is good I like slurping I’m sorry uh plural noun get more get more plural nouns guys I’m sure you know more than five words right chat knows more than five words right right laughs sometimes I doubt that why is that Bob spamming because that’s a link to chair

Um to donate to the one of us Global foundations with you jono if you Journal under 20 you will get a random sound played for Jack in his room he can hear it if you don’t know over twenty dollars you will get a loud sound in his room to

Wake him up so keep the donuts coming I’m doing geese geese um another adjective hot I saw somebody say hot that was not in context wet big moist dry one dollars let’s go golfing oh [ __ ] I played a lot ones [ __ ] sorry rambunctious yeah you got it sorry yeah there we go

Now that’s an adjective noun it can be any to any noun foreign yeah I asked them for weird words so you know okay part of the body guys pinky too index he just he just moved it I’ll do it for you everyone else notices Kleenex box moving exit I think it’s probably

Because like a fan maybe but it like freaked me out for like a couple seconds is he okay it’s funny man hey scream uh balls not a verb [ __ ] it’s not an ing verb but [ __ ] everyone okay I’ll do [ __ ] because it’s not ending [ __ ] [ __ ] yes yes CCS adjective

This is the second to last one funeral yeah Jack’s actually dead right now we’re gathering in his honor does everyone say it was really good I forgot oh that’s um I know it’s like this is Winter Wind literally was gonna say scrumdiddlyumptious yeah we’re the Chopin fans at in chat

Magic I don’t know who that is The Pianist like the the classic Moser no wait what’s the thing oh that’s embarrassing um you need you need the embarrassing I actually hold up hold up I do I have it okay next week oh there you go there you go

I need a part of the body that’s it that’s it that’s the last thing he actually just turned it down laughs I didn’t think embarrassing was that loud but toe booty I’m gonna do booty cheek booty parentheses left cheek oh all right bye it was booty left cheeks a little too

Much it’s okay all right Audrina did you say you wanted to do a dramatic reason yeah if somebody donates um thirty dollars though um can muda greet it in dream no no not doing that not even for charity I don’t even maybe for the next one maybe

Unless someone does it right now but we could do another one no okay I’ll send it yippee give me a sec my wife is poor I’m drinking water I’m clearing my voice okay while I uh while I read it modak you can do all the sounds

If there is anything to do okay because so many people are gonna donate right now oh is this George Washing okay guys this is a letter from George hello my fellow pandas in 2020 it’s me George Washington the first funeral okay I’m writing from your mom’s house we’re

Actually secretly living for the past 4 20 years I am concerned by the creamy sand of of Affairs in America these days it seems like that your politicians are more concerned with crawling one another than with listening to the balls of the people when we declare their independence from from Florida we said

We set forth on a gay path Guided by the voices of the ever everyday cactusie I’ll become more professional if we’re going to keep slurping then we need to learn how to respect all geese don’t get me wrong we had girthy problems in my day too Benjamin Franklin once called me

A fart and kicked me in the index finger but at the end of the day we were able to [ __ ] in harmony well let’s find that scrumdily anxious Spirit again or else I’m taking my left cheek booty off the corner hey give it up for chat

Let’s do another one I didn’t do that dramatic enough I’m sorry Chad I just couldn’t get over what I was saying next time if somebody else doesn’t matter I’ll do a dramatic reading but if someone donates 30 I’ll do it in dream voice but if not I’ll just do it

Dramatically if you donate 30 to that length Murdoch will read the next Mad Lib in dream voice I I had to do and we’ll play a sound red red plays in uh in I’m not no you can’t just put request I’ll do the song um I whenever we had to

Replays an AP Spanish I would I would always raise my hand to volunteer and then just do some silly ass place I once had to play like a senile old lady that was really awesome I was just like um and like blown away but by what I was reading

There’s not very many good ones dude this happened last time with the last modcast we’re full just joined and they hear me and they’re like this guy sounds like this and this guy sounds like do you sound like a normal human being I don’t know I saw someone call say that I

Sound like George not found if he was American all right I did the Dono I did you’re doing a full split the way they stretch in literally they’re back sorry I’m looking for good map of these templates but there if someone donates thirty dollars right now modak will do

The next Mad Lib in a dream voice and you will get a loud noise played to Jack before in the damn morning why am I agreeing to these things I work in the morning oh one dollar do you want to do this one yeah why don’t they keep her to that a lot

I think he did no no he definitely it’s at max volume guys keep donating keep going y’all you should just scream at one point I can right now he definitely can hear me this is funny No One You’re gonna laugh uh yeah okay I just want to do it or do you want

Me to do callouts again um you can do it I’m tired I let me get it pulled up I I need to put um the text boxes and everything I mean Chad already told us what the what music they’re listening to these days what is um what’s the type one where’s the countdown

Did anyone pick up like a new hobby over the summer because I’ve been fishing so much oh my God fishing I um mansplained it yeah it’s not that I think there’s much to it put the hook in the water tell us a story um so I went and went out fishing

Uh last week we went out to my brothers my friend’s brother’s house and um we’re out at like five in the morning fishing and my friend catches this decently sized northern pike right and um it this is just like animal crossing it flails right as he’s trying to unhook it and he

Gets the hook caught like the the Barb included the hook goes into his finger knuckle on the underside and we had to look up techniques on YouTube on how to get it out we got it out but actually very very easily um you just have to wrap line around the

Hook and just yank because that’s um I caught it like 28 inch Northern on that trip trying to think what if I caught recently well it’s been kind of a weak summer I caught some [ __ ] yeah women fear me fish want me literally I have a shirt that says that it says

Women fear me fish want me and the bartender wants my keys and it’s from this Pub that coincidentally is owned by someone with the same last name as me but it’s in Florida and it’s not somebody who’s related to me and I have like a weird last name so like I found

It at my thrift store like I’m in the I’m like way up North like way far from Florida I don’t know not yesterday four weeks ago that’s um The Godfather like main logo with the puppet thing but it just says the golf father that is yeah recently like within the last week

Or two I did not know it was him I don’t need to go fishing in real life because every single like game I play like Minecraft Animal Crossing stardew I am always like so obsessed with fishing and I just think it would like heal me honestly like I’m fishing I’m sorry oh wow

Okay so mad lib oh yeah yeah I have the Mad Lib up I was just seeing if anyone had any more fishing knowledge to share um okay so Chad don’t forget really like dominoes under 20. salad I need a noun donate twenty dollars and we’ll play a loud funny sound effect

Donate things and also give me a noun you should get in a boxing for sure I do karate and it’s like kind of like that kind of but yeah fish that’s a topical topical uh and I’ll wait but we need an animal never mind um I’ll do I’ll use fish for

The animal and I’ll use a different noun for the nouns um Jack just moved to the side this is the perfect time to send twenty dollars and twenty dollars and we’ll play a funny noise not doing cactusia I’m not doing earthsees foreign iPad iPhone I smack um a noun that rhymes with moon

I peed I pooed that’s not a noun I need I need a noun that rhymes with the Moon and wake his ass up nah bro um another one that rhymes with moon raccoon no I needed two I’ll do raccoon um I need another noun tarantula coconut coconut okay he was silly

Um a noun that rhymes with a day we’re Ryman we’re poets guys be a poet tonight is that a noun of course gay was my first stop that’s not yeah look at them look at them all they’re all going I knew it was gonna happen I’ll cater okay it was like the only

Noun yeah I mean you could say something was a sleigh I guess I guess animals animals uh voters that’s when we released the release release the Wolves inside of us to the stream yeah yep all five of them octopus that’s a good animal yo Eddie um Donuts will

Contribute to a soundboard and if you donate over twenty dollars you can make a loud noise but if you donate under that you can also make a noise so send Donuts through because can I get a we will play noises instruments tambourine Loop harmonica I bought a harmonica at Five Below

Because I thought it would be a really good bit and it is I love keeping it in my pocket and whipping it out when when least expected we all donate kazoo because he was a good one in honor of old mod anikazoo no not a place now I need a place y’all Vegas

One of the times it’s gonna be Vegas sorry I was quoting neon Ohio Farm Yorkshire Yorkshire pudding I’m gonna put Yorkshire because Yorkshire Siller like um love I’m from Yorkshire in it no are there Brits here I don’t I don’t yeah well you’re gonna say that and then all

The chance can be like me I’m me oh yeah true I can’t do that um I need a type of vegetable cucumber that’s a good vegetable the bats okay for three of the four hours of one of my work shifts like back when I was yeah

Under 18 and I could only wear that too sometimes it’s like I’ll just put on an accident when I’m interacting with the customer because they have no idea who they’re talking yeah it’s just such a fun bit but like they don’t know who I am I totally could be from Europe and

One time it fooled someone enough that like she was like oh I studied abroad there for two years where are you from and I like made up a name and she’s like oh is that near This and like yeah I typed it into chat instead of into the Mad Lib

Do you guys see Jack right now do you see how he’s sleeping soundly you can change that yeah at this link you can wake him up um give me an adjective give me an adjective describe um something that you think is weird friends oh my God playing is not enough

Slimy sticky gunky goopy as you can end his Slumber right now if you donate um you could really end this slumber we have a lot of things lined up to end his slumber what if you donate like a dollar it’ll wake him probably he hasn’t heard

Anything in a while y’all so wake him up he’s definitely in like a noun give me a noun we need to finish this Mad Libs before he gotta get to him ice cream so good so if you donate like one dollar I’ll play ice cream so good

Minecraft he was very adamant about cup as a noun so I’m gonna do it animal what’s an animal shark why hi Tommy in it now does the animal I need a noun another noun oh yeah a third noun y’all donate one dollars one dollar and we’ll play ice cream so good animal

Is not a noun I seem so good mmm ice cream so good wait someone did someone did it lamb ice cream so good thank you see oh he moved to 50 he smiles he swallowed or some [ __ ] there was a there was a chin movement for sure keep donating y’all if y’all totally

Over twenty dollars we can play a really loud we found another like just really loud yeah guys if you donate over 20 we will wake him up look look he’s moving he’s he’s we you can end this man’s slip Slumber okay guys he doesn’t hit stage three yet laughs okay guys

He’s not in the cycle yet he’s not in the REM cycle I need one one more one more Losing My Religion one more word in this Mad Libs um and uh very short amount of time to donate thirty dollars to make moon rock read this in a dream voice um

No I need a verb that rhymes with snow oh like bro oh whoa okay blow wait no I can’t do that because yeah ho I’ll do how I’ll do how I’ll do how guys okay before whatever the next hour is in your time do not send it in the chat um

Thirty dollars before then modic will read this in a dream voice so thank you donate no don’t I don’t I donate also y’all 74 more dollars and we hit ten thousand dollars raised which is awesome so let’s keep it going y’all can we just get like a drake for everybody who’s

Donated this whole stream by the way like huge respects one dollar will like I’ll play I’ll play a sound if you donate one dollar so every donation helps every dollar helps you’re going to such a great cause yeah well one of us Global Foundation is awesome and every single dollar Penny anything

Helps my mom would literally come here if I donate 24K will he wake up we will play a lot if you donate 24K okay have we given them enough time to donate thirty dollars yeah and there’s no or actually no it’s still one more minute I’m super I’m I’m really disappointed guys

Yeah come on don’t you cry you want to hear I really wanted to come my little POG champ dween oh you got it I got it really that’s the one you choose yes I’m trying to get him to sleep so we can get even better okay it’s at one or it’s hit whatever

The next hour so do you want to just give a dramatic reading then um now I’ll pass I’ll do it I mean I got this one minute um well more dramatic this time unless somebody else who hasn’t spoken yet wants to um wait I get wait who what are you do

You want to read the Mad Lib I would love to if that’s okay extra dramatic this time okay um okay hi diddle diddle the iPad and the fiddle the fish jumped over the spoon the little dog laughed To see such a sport and the dish ran away with a

Raccoon Little Miss Muffet sat on a coconut eating her curds and sleigh Along Came an octopus that sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away but is that dramatic enough you can’t like really be dramatic with like a rhyme let me let me do the net do you

Wanna do the rest yeah you do the rest little boy blue Come Blow Your kazoo the sheeps in the Yorkshire the cows and the Cucumber where is the Slumber boy who looks after the Sheep he’s under the cup fast asleep sorry Mary Had a Little Tommy in it it’s

Mayonnaise was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went her tummy in it was sure to hoe that’s a great poem I hope you appreciate it you guys are poets who didn’t even know it knee slab OMG it is milking the VC OMG it is OMG OMG I also

Um I mean we could still do you know the little thing that’s gonna definitely have loads of money no no no no if someone donates a hundred dollars maybe I’m just waiting for Abby to wake up and like she’s gonna initiate the campaign I can see it it’s gonna happen sooner or later

No now it’s stuck in my head I hate you I hate you get out of my walls get on my walls run run run hey Chad opinions on giraffes jokes South Parker Family Guy okay we’re in like a Family Guy Renaissance right now like recently the Family Guy episodes

Have been like actually kind of same with South we’re kind of in a South Park South Park has been good recently I’ve actually never watched a full episode of Family Guy thank you well in the divorce dad come ooh those are not my favorite shows at all

Does anyone have like a mic that could like sound like they’re giving a speech um no salad um sorry for asking yours we just so much donut yeah hold up hold up on the um sorry I know that song yeah this is his funeral Ava bun with a gun

Um he’s dead and we’re Mourning fly hard Angel thump Angel thump sorry I’m preparing another Mad Libs I think this is fun oh god oh neon thought that coconut rhyme Christmas but you know I noticed some people did not know what an adjective was and I was pretty concerned I’m fairly certain you

Learned what that is in second grade yes coconut man it does okay I believe Joe Biden wants you to think Joe Biden her liberal agenda wants you to think that coconut rhymes with moon coming in with a friendly reminder to drink water um no no okay

I need to redeem myself for the Mad Libs I say we do another and I’m gonna make it the most dramatic I’ve ever been you’re in luck I have one set up I promise this time I’m gonna kill it okay all right I’m gonna appreciative

Chat needs to be on their a game for this too I need an adjective a describer describe Joe Biden give me an adjective to describe Joe Biden that’s not okay I kind of just like silly because it’s not like oh sleepy Jew yeah silly Joe he loves ice cream

Silly I need another adjective anyways soggy soggy’s funny um plural noun foreign keys moose why is the plural of goose geese but Moose isn’t Mise what is the plural of moose Chad just to remind you I will be playing a sound every single time you donate to wake them up

And honestly I’ll start playing the loud sounds for low donos if you want because we need to get these doubles coming guys um I need another adjective I appreciate your nouns I’m not going to tell you which ones I’m using now because I think that might be very much

Funnier when you get the reveal with the plural of moose is moose yeah I just Googled it that was so for real I mean what else would it be where is this I don’t think that’s what’s a noun a person place a thing oh my God

Emo oh I said it never mind guys I will stick to my word mostly unless I forget because it’s very early in the morning um and another noun a noun is a person Placer thing guys come on you know what a mountain is okay I need an adjective

While you’re thinking of your adjective the next one’s person in the room so Jack manifold smartphone oh it looks scary guys just remind chat I don’t know even like a one dollar donut will send a noise through jack manifold’s room right now to wake him up

See how it sounds like he’s sleeping we don’t want that right we want him up we want him up click that link in the chat put in a little even one literally anything helps one dollar and we will wake him up we will wake him up

He will arise from his sleep now a noun I’m sorry we were a noun a noun a noun a person place a thing I I know what a noun is some people in chat don’t yeah yeah I know it’s sad Banana Song a lot of pickle you’re not as a haunt Ed

Yeah sure Nike that was not me I did not type once I did I just literally sent from your accountant that wasn’t me guys I did not send that I don’t know what that was kind of scaring me it was plural noun plural noun selves okay muffin yeah sure okay oh God no

It’ll make sense in context yeah well no it’ll make sense in context don’t you dare I’ll zip I will leave you uh on a tiger okay oh man guys we are only 35 dollars away from ten thousand dollars come on guys let’s go let’s go let’s go

To PLC take my money oh if any of the mods came in after we introduced ourselves want to introduce themselves take the opportunity to pronouns and everything bye I don’t know whether I am oh you don’t know why well they’re doing that hit me with the adjectives chat

Well they’re doing I don’t know what they’re doing I’m neon I don’t know I said it like this okay milk milk the expired as I charge my headphones I am officially bad expired moldy milk is the expired one expired pie hi going into a chat and chat

Chat let’s get some donuts rolling oh do you want to see Jack Middlefield have a silly reaction yeah guys even like even if we just get like a string of one dollar dodos that is constant like noise going to him it will wake him up click that link Goss up wake them up

He does not deserve to be sleeping dude look at the sleeping sound like a little baby he does not deserve just leave that soundly I’m up how come he gets to sleep like that and I’m literally donating one dollar if everyone in the Stream donates

One dollar right now we can wake up Jack manifold yeah imagine if he wakes up to find that the goal is met and he has to resettle his progress that he made and he made so much of it yeah literally did he play any Minecraft in the two hours that I was gone

Uh yes yes did he die again no he was trying to figure out his like build in a super flat world I believe or did you come back when he was doing that no I was yes dramatic it’s a speech okay a political speech at that guys everyone ready

Yes hold on let me double I’m gonna do half this oh sorry I’m gonna keep an eye on donors as well one just came through so SpongeBob I’m SpongeBob okay ladies and gentlemen on this silly occasion one second ladies and gentlemen on this silly occasion it is a privilege to address

Such a soggy looking group of cheeses told by your smiling grippers that you will support my emo program in the coming election I promise that if elected there will be a pinky toe in every Santa and two cows in every garage I want to warn you against my uh oh

Stinky opponent Mr Jack manifold this man is nothing but a hairy pickle he has a crusty character and is working house in glove with the criminal element if elected I promise to eliminate Vice I will keep the muffins off the city streets and I will keep Crooks from

Dipping their fishing rods in the public Tales I promise you wonky government microscopic taxes and milky schools thank you um I would scream like an eagle oh my God guys the guys did I was that dramatic enough did I do good that was incredible now chat everyone donate one dollar if you would

Vote for me in that election oh my God I can add the eagle Screech oh God guys I’ll play The Eagle Screech sound effect if you guys donate laughs hold on yeah I got class in the morning oh I will get rid of um you donate right now I will play the

Eagle Screech and I know y’all want to hear the eagle Screech I know it okay one second I’m downloading it two Donuts apparently okay I’ll play both one second okay ready y’all was it two or three two means two yeah okay was that good that was incredible that was the sound of freedom

Let’s walk up y’all he woke up oh God keep them going keep the donuts going wake them up I looked like you’ve turned it up he turned it up keep donating wait can I just I just kind of want to play one just to scare him right now I’m

Gonna scare him run run run run no keep donating keep scaring them we got a big one yeah guys y’all if you you donated or oh yeah oh my God guys only 29 more dollars until we hit 10 000. we are over Santa really awesome if we get them to ten

Thousand mudok will play the like really loud metal pipe yeah once we hit ten thousand it’s metal pipe time he got up to look at iFunny no let him do that get him off his phone yo keep him wake him back up keep them awake notifications even if you donate one dollar oh

Um nice this is really awesome I’m so proud of you all everyone keep it going home for techno down okay um definitely just like scared himself keep it going y’all you guys are amazing there’s no way he was expecting that one when your parents come in the room and

You’re at a sleepover and you pretend to sleep and you hide your Nintendo DS under the pillow yes it looks like that your iPod Touch under your under your hello yes you’re watching like popular videos he turned it he turned it up so keep keep the Keep The Dominoes rolling we

Are not able to change the baby sensors okay wait mudok you do this one and then I’ll do not do another again um I’ll do another keep going keep them coming chat keep them coming child wake them up wake him up wakey wakey time we got what do you have one more okay

Do you want it um shut up oh and then there’s another one that just came in he approves of the eagle do you like that one he’s a red-blooded American keep them coming Chad keep them coming so good ice cream’s so good games I got it I got mm-hmm

Where where did it go oh I’ll do one in the meantime no there was another one okay and then another one came in lgbtq is POG champ and it is if we already know well it’s POG champ it is poke champ lgbtq is POG Chomp Bing chilling I love the barbecue Community

Oh my God I’m adding I’m adding a new one don’t know I’m gonna add another one because I just got a really funny idea being gay is kind of gay slash pause am I right yeah if there’s more coming let me know two Donuts okay you take one I’ll take

The next or wait Stephen okay I’ll take both oh three don’t know oh let’s go golfing let’s go coffee I think he turned it up so Chad keep going because I think it’s up yeah oh Murdock this one’s yours here really good Reverb we need to hear the Reverb One I don’t know

I’m just previewing the Nokia ringtone one but oh I got this one in my left ear that would be really funny though like offset descending in a lot right now so shout out keep on coming shout out to her real ones goddess to 10K keeping us going

And there’s real how long is this I’m just gonna get I’m just gonna get Nitro we are 17 and a half hours in huge yo I’m just gonna get Nitro so I can keep this going six and a half hours left guys I got Nitro I can keep I can soundboard again

Did I miss any oh wait there was like how many just came in two okay I’ll get them both wait never mind I can’t with the Nitro that I have oh whatever I’ll keep going I’ll do two though and then this one ice cream so good take your seat

Gang gang I got Nitro for no reason I need a refund now I can’t even use it with the Nitro that I got you need the not basic one that’s lame he did not fight with tevo because he didn’t get to 10K but he probably will make it Pizza day maybe

Yeah and then I was asking about Hobbies like earlier mood I said fishing we had a great combo about fishing but does anyone else find like the summer boredom has really gotten them into anything new lately chat YouTube um um you watch The Dominoes because I’m gonna

I’ll remove I’ll add bags which one should I get rid of the eagle had its run um the eagle is gone um bagpipes we’re blading oh we should get the screen forever oh my God yeah I just got my Ollie the other day that’s so cool manifold yeah and a cold

Bread pretty bagpipes out effect big pipe sound effect I don’t know what that sounds like pretty much any this summer pretty much anytime I’m not working I’ve been watching movies fishing or hanging out I’ve been I started The Sopranos I’m deep into that right now oh yeah karate I’m always doing karate

We got a lot of donuts okay I’ll do two you do too but you can start because I’m downloading bagpipes oh five oh yeah it’s five now do you want me to do one no it’s six guys I feel so good y’all are awesome okay you’re not smooth right here again

He’s like realizing that this is I hate that one so much that’s where my window is and then it’s your your turn last one oh never mind there’s another after that so um okay and then I’ll go let’s go golfing can someone can someone do the Breaking

Bad theme yeah oh my God you’re so real for that okay you might have already done it go kind of truly okay I’ll do bagpipes after that one that’s true Mitch did we get another normal um they’re like fine I haven’t seen a donut for bagpipes yet

I’ve seen like so many people requesting back we’ve done them haven’t we the streams I know it’s a 24-hour stream so so we just get a donut oh okay if you don’t like bags if you hate Scotland this one’s yours um all right let me try to find a new quick

Yeah start with Reverb I hate the most well I have like ones for my name SpongeBob I’ll do a next I’ll do cartoon run oh I love that one oh oh my God this one’s really long he’s gonna be pissed at this one is it mine there’s another I got a lgbtq um

How many are we behind you we’re on we’re on we’re on we’re we’re there though another one oh you guys are awesome okay you do the next couple I’m gonna look for more oh yeah grocery store and same friends no yeah this has been a really good one okay I’m down

I just found a guy screaming I’m gonna do that one are the mods I don’t know what the most clutch thing you know what I miss the Zuck memes no I’m just telling you I want next one I have the Limp Bizkit Break Stuff just the like first two notes

That song is so good okay yeah you’re on the next one I’ll do the one after I love how it goes rubbish keep it going I work at like 10. I should I need to go I have school in like six hours wait can you use the sound board if you don’t

Have Nitro well yeah but only the ones from the server only the lame ones um hey what the hell I spent so much time on those who has nitrogen I do not do but I got I just got because you want Gus sleep sometime I just bought well I know I can continue

For 30 minutes yeah so we could just we can just wait until like we’re like super close eating sounds oh no next guys keep donating give us a dollar he’s falling back asleep guys he’s falling back asleep we need to wake him up not late if we’re not allowed to sleep he’s not

Keep going y’all I got another one do you do you know guys look he’s sleeping silently you need to stop this you got this Murdoch oh twenty dollars give us about a fight I got this one let’s go golfing let’s go coffee the entire like over a minute long scene

Of Peter Griffin after he like falls on the ground with the mailbox I think you can only do like no but I’m saying on Discord um five seconds can I do uh I’ll look for iPhone alarm like does that one it’s not too evil it’s hilarious okay I’ll do that one hold on

Okay hold on I’m adding it no look you can be on the next ones that come in while I’m adding it okay yo shout out to chat who’s been with us this whole week we’ve been doing that ones and now we gotten another life is

Real life is Roblox is such a good one’s up next air raid siren I’m gonna do I’m SpongeBob well that one’s good I’ve been doing that one have any of y’all ever seen the tick tocks that are like every like different countries air raid sirens and they’re

Like ranking them oh my God and this is always the worst we saw I found a video of all like all every single countries um emergency alarm system it was a very entertaining like hour of my life okay guys I’m adding the uh oh my God pokers like aesthetic to touch recently hello

Podcast The Goat in the vodcast y’all the goat is in the modcast the goat is the go is in the building alone and Joe Biden is here oh God are you watching the donuts um I literally just woke up I scream ice cream ice cream so good okay shut up

Shut up shut up shut up been watching oh my God’s been deafened I’ve we’ve missed so many okay how many have we missed he’s on his channel three three okay I got it I got it I got it ice cream’s so good thank you okay I’m Gonna Keep I’m trying to get the

IPhone alarm going hold on he’s probably grabbing his phone to mute Pluto because every he muted all of us on his personal foe but every time so with joints they um oh he has to go oh oh okay guys he hates me wait [ __ ] I never got to do

That okay I’ll do the iPhone one in like two seconds y’all hold on oh might have given up Bluetooth okay y’all no [ __ ] ways he gets up as soon as they join that’s [ __ ] lame is he still okay wait guys when he comes back I’ll

I’ll play the iPhone one but I’ll play a couple because I don’t want people to get scammed right now run run run run question for the lads in the cast is Hulk jump and the chat who is your favorite of the spider Sonos from the new Spider-Man movie I’ve never watched them

Unless people think that’s like too spoilery but I’m not talking like talking about him like actual non-important character um the cowboy one right the cat the one with the horse that was my favorite important character I’m all I’m gonna say is the one from let’s go the ice cream is the best one

Yeah the blush lgbtq is Peter Park [ __ ] I not listen to the things you just go so you click on soundboard like in the corner and then click on the little parked color yeah the soundboard menu and you just turn down your porker wait is that real did they

Make John pork in Spider-Man I’m sorry did you just say it was voiced by John Mulaney yeah he is yeah when I was watching the new Puss in Boots With My Friends one time and we were like we’re like having a little party and then we decided to watch Puss

In Boots and John Mulaney jump scared me so hard like I fell on the floor and I was like it can’t be John Mulaney it can’t be John Mulaney I had a crisis over John Mulaney for like a good thing though terrifying when he comes out of nowhere

Do you guys think that he fell he went to the bathroom and then he fell in people poo poos very possible it’s very possible it is he got tired of this uh once he’s once he’s back I’ll play the the iPhone alarm it is funny itself he’s just like with somewhere

Else to sleep yeah with the couch or something be down sound effect wait I have a minion emo oh my God bro I still don’t understand why he had Minions on his kitchen counter can someone meet me twin let’s see that love underscore Audrina we’re twins on minions I love minions

I love mignon and 3am do not call Mickey Mouse in the back rooms at 3am or else Markiplier and the minions will be there and then The Bite of 87 will happen get back in the bed hoe oh there you go okay y’all no wait for

Him to get back to bed I got it as soon as as soon as he gets like back into like under the covers I’m gonna play that okay as soon as he lays down it comfortably ready really okay question yeah if you wanted to hear that again that’s like 50 bucks

You want to hear that again it’s a lot you did the metal pipe when we hit ten thousand right yeah yeah that was that was long ago but like oh my gosh I had the idea way earlier oh my God wait was that twenty dollars wait was that 50 again so much

He’s ignoring it he’s in denial I feel bad though he didn’t react I think his actual alarm that would be a really fun to imagine if it was like the first podcast where you just went on for five hours we’re supposed to be like in one we are at 10.1k

Yo donate twenty dollars and oh one dollar okay you want this yeah sure my name’s SpongeBob also twenty dollars will metal pipe or whatever again 20 will be allowed dodo donate and I will do a backflip you won’t be able to see it but you will

Trust that I would I give you a bag um it’d have to be like a hunt no like 150 to hear the alarm again I got it um you’re up let’s do oh twenty dollars do metal pipe after two doing a normal one you do normal one okay I’ll do a normal one

Um mmm ice cream so good take a seat I’m gonna do a different loud one okay and then there’s yeah I’m so confused and then another one there we go flabbergasted he looks like he’s a very comfy keep it going y’all twenty dollars and we do a

Loud one he’s gonna be so grumpy Murdock you’re up normal um it was that supposed to like stop him from sleeping I just like crickets true gbtq is POG champ s wait wait what’s up oh there you go loud one yeah um I’ll do the meow again oh another normal Europe um

Another Mad Libs because it’s a wrap and I kind of want to rap I will so rap right now um Let me let me get my set up real quick and then I’ll be asking y’all for some things and then you get to hear me rap Pokemon I need two heights like

Six four and five nine uh hello hi um I’m gonna really stupid one okay do it please do it well I gotta wait for it oh there you go you’re the king I’m the king killer I’m gonna add one of Wendy Williams going talking about the Killer two more

Oh okay I got one and then you do the other yeah I need a verb I need verbs I actually need a couple verbs what’s those verbs hit me with things to do guys more interesting guys someone said gripping in chess guys I found one I I’m gonna I’m gonna

Get money a million Wendy Williams saying don’t let the killer get you dude Wendy Williams is like like an American this is kind of the goat be honest she’s currently I’m I’m sending her positive affirmation I think she’s like having a lot of health problems right now oh no

Um I need I need an adjective Prime oh wait there was a donut I got it thank you yeah you got it oh no I lost it you go ugly ugly so simple but is there like a really funny word for ugly yes no uh appalling appalling I’m just trying to think of

Synonyms Jake Pauling making money the Taco Bell bong okay hold on is is there is there one for me no no no flavor okay the next one I got Cherry I got I got Wendy Williams um I got this one I feel as though that’s a free pass for

The killer all right verb you already ate Halloween he didn’t even react to that one I’m so sad don’t let the Killer games you’re a defenestry oh that’s a good word y’all keep donating twenty dollars have a nice life to reference so true oh you guys are such [ __ ] losers

You got this one someone say your favorite color I do got this one hold up green purple purple that’s my favorite color too so I’m doing it wait okay guys guys I’m gonna let the sound effects continue but I’m about to rap it’s gonna be like the ad-libs

Everyone shut the [ __ ] up cat is a rapping all right all right all right I’m like six nine four eleven hair to the floor you coconuts never thought I’d Chomp about farting hardcore no I ain’t got a killer no I never been under a club don’t lick with my granny but I’m

Still a thug I’m so deranged you can find me screaming YouTubers at night you out smelling but I just made Cherry Delight you don’t want to defenestrate me in my XXL purple tea what what that’s it that’s incredible I don’t know why they gave me like a

Seven line rap and was like that’s asleep y’all donate twenty dollars and we’ll play a really loud noise neon shut up okay say anything I should say Taylor Swift I don’t know anything about Taylor Swift other than hello who’s watching she’s watching actually I like it hi Taylor she’s watching guys

Oh my goodness snake in chat yes Nikki been in chat sneaky just not a snake intro hi sneaky sneaky can we get a high snake huge can we get a there we go it’s a free pass for the killer say hi to Discord snakey oh sneaky your husband reminder

Twenty dollars to the charity and you we will play a really loud noise to wake him up 20 to that length anyways twenty dollars and we’ll play a very loud noise would you say like that a very loud noise wait guys I think his alarm set for four

Minutes so someone please send twenty dollars so we can wake him up before then please please please you said twenty dollars please send twenty dollars someone please please song no that’s nice he doesn’t have the ball muted no back but it was gonna stop it don’t

Worry I just thought it would be funny can we play it again actually no if you want to hear more you gotta do it donate in the bar too oh my God please get me out of here bro we’re not forcing you to be in the chat

I’m just gonna be like we’re just yeah sorry us begging for 20 it’s like Phoebe Bridgers in being like twice I don’t think she was begging for money no she was she was asking no it’s obviously like can you give me twenty dollars hold on let me look up the

Lyrics She just really needed twenty dollars like that’s one of the song I don’t know my friend and I don’t I don’t know any of the songs in full so I can only just sing like Clips like Snippets like five seconds discography and sing like five seconds of each song

Wait someone waited 120. we got a 20. give us a really loud one yeah Oh my days with this Revenge Captain Sparkle’s work with someone oh my gosh is we listened to one earlier and it was like really weird oh if it looks to be that it wouldn’t work unfortunately

They’re having a party over there okay let me get the next one who said those ones it was like you’re wrong that’s really weird this alarm is literally set I think like five minutes yo yo someone else donate twenty dollars let’s wake him up before his alarm wake him up for as long

If someone donates us if someone donates a hundred dollars in the before in the next four minutes I’ll play the iPhone alarm and try to like wake him up before then but only 100 maybe I’ll acquiesce to milk’s demands oh my God yes someone donate a hundred dollars

A hundred dollars per muffin a hundred dollars for muffin exactly because of it I didn’t know what happens right I know it’s better than anyone my entire Applebee’s takeout spilled all over the floor of my friend’s car because one of my other friends made me made him play

Muffin by Bad Boy Halo and it made all my leftovers spill on the floor it was a tragedy a hundred dollars for a loud don’t know or sorry twenty dollars for loud don’t know and a hundred dollars for the iPhone alarm before his alarm goes off and we got four minutes

To do so so and we lost don’t know send them now yeah sleepy Jack Biden wake him up y’all wake them up loud one everybody lyrics muted no [ __ ] someone ping ping them we can just hold off on it give it a minute we’ll get to it yeah but it’s in before

Like he wakes up before his alarm s do a loud one oh oh I got this or do you want this one mm-hmm and what is this the Sun what is this perhaps what is this okay okay y’all it’s all up to me now send more sounds y’all again if you send

Oh wait did I delete no it’s just me you said a hundred dollars before he wakes up lgbtq is POG champ lgbtq is POG champ I definitely pretending at this point like I think he’s fully awake yeah he’s pretending he’s not he definitely was earlier when he was reacting to every single sound

Yeah Pluto I asked this earlier but I’m curious has your summer boredom spawned any hobbies or any games you’re playing I just like I never got to finish my I never got to finish it on that um not really because I haven’t had summer boredom one one one

Hey no boredom I I recently I rewatched Pretty Little Liars I mean I am I am starting to feel something coming up I am actually starting to feel something coming up I had the very very horrible idea yesterday of the sessions I’m gonna be moving like

Alone very soon and I thought and I just had like it was a very very bad idea of re-watching the entirety of Minecraft Diaries from aphmau like the roleplay watching the entirety of that and then like making a video essay on it oh my God because I started skateboarding and I’m

Like you know I like video editing so I started making like funny like [ __ ] post edits like putting memes in it all donations yeah that’s the wrong gift no that’s not the right gift cat hold on I know I don’t believe dude there we go oh there we go

That’s probably that’s probably gonna be a big project for me because it’s like it’s two seasons of a hundred episodes and then like another 37 from the third season that was never finished that’s awesome man I thought about doing that with Evangelion I really want to do

It just because it’s [ __ ] that’s like it’s so bad that looks like it’s such an insane lore behind it and is he supposed to be waking up right now we did PowerPoint nights yeah well I remember your presentation I play the alarm and you did the entire Five Nights at Freddy’s lore presentation

It was an iconic presentation I also have the hollow Knight lore presentation and I have an unfinished uh Zelda lore presentation you should finish the Zelda Lord presentation I should finish I really should finish it I really should finish it it’s gonna be a big one it’s gonna be

Like twice as big as the other two ones just because it’s so dense the Zelda lore you know what I’m finishing I’ll play the earmuffin you should shut the [ __ ] up for once please never speak again thank you just kidding yeah I’ll play the iPhone alarm because I

Think he’s supposed to be up by now right anyways um thing because I it’s like genuinely I I unironically believe that getting into it was what started the chain reaction that led me to being right here right now oh goodness started in a very different direction

And I’ve I’ve had this Edge I have one I’ve been needing to scratch um was that to like just watch it all and talk about it because right now you know when you like watch the show when you were really young and don’t remember and remember like very fakely how it was it

Happened to me with like avatar The Last Airbender because I I watched it when it was reruns and I had the episode ordered a lot of whack you know that thing you do that’s what’s happening to me like I I know something that’s happened things that happened but I don’t know

The order or like why and how they happen so I wanna watch it again from like an adult point of view I hate that I’m an adult now but yeah um wow we almost raid uh We’ve almost ready shut up we’ve raised like 300 no I think we raised way more than that

Three or four hundreds I thought we raised almost a thousand we did because it was like multiple hundred dollars it was like at least 100 away when we got on modcast 10 000. I feel so good wow yeah that’s pretty much right no Pluto that’s a that’s an honorable

Route I tend to do that and then and get like re-hyper fixated on Old interests and I’m like I can’t believe that I’m doing this in the year of Our Lord 2023 but like yeah and I’m like well why can’t I shut up about this thing that um

Was popular like years ago and I’m trying like I’m bothering all my friends who used to like that thing and then I get them back into it and leave feet like we feed off each other someone said 9 15 so six minutes but I don’t know okay

I’ll play the the like alarm sound effects yeah I don’t want to use the term hyper fixation just because I don’t I I don’t have like a diagnosis of any or whatever music but I definitely get that like the obsession with things like you can tell my my profile picture ever since [ __ ]

Tears of the Kingdom came out I’ve been back on a Zelda Rush right now it always makes you feel so like brain broken because like you’ll be into this thing and suddenly like every little aspect of life or like stupid Little Things become like oh my God reference

Reference and it’s like you’re not doing it on purpose but like your brain immediately like you see something that should be totally normal and your brain Associates it with something from like a fandom and you’re like I really just wish that I could live a normal life not

That it’s abnormal I’m not saying that’s like a bad thing for any of like any person to do I’m just saying it’s like hilarious Alexander I’m saying it wrong for so long well can you meow I have a question yeah muted I don’t know oh okay yeah either way

I respect you all for staying up so late that wasn’t me I feel like everyone’s meowing no I don’t I didn’t do that yeah sure you won’t be the first coming out Mike almost entirely me I mean who’s named I’m named cat for a reason thank you

Donate twenty dollars and I will be like really really happy it’ll be like Phoebe Bridgers being like twine be happier than a kid on Christmas hurling and uh rubbing on the corner of the wall like a cat you can really tell that cat’s been up late yeah I’ve I’ve

Been awake for 22 hours now I touched grass today I did physical activity well yesterday it’s really fog more like Adrena poop oh yeah take this time out buddy [ __ ] I definitely don’t know that person at all and definitely not my friend take that time out [ __ ] my freaking mod

View tab disappeared hold on um that was like me last time cat I was like Losing My Mind by the last hour I remember just not saying anything incoherent and I was just like laughing not saying anything the last time uh the last one I think the only reason why I

Was saying I was still being coherent was because I wasn’t there for the whole thing and I had just woken up shout out the OG’s been here since the beginning of the mudcast I never received the shirt I was oh never received this shirt because the money he gave was not enough

It wasn’t enough no for skipping it was not enough I barely offered to PayPal you what does that mean what the hell I’m sorry yeah and that’s why I don’t have the mod cash y’all don’t know who’s gonna wake up in two minutes you could donate you could donate this and stop

Him you could donate enough money to play Bad Boy Halo muffin yes you should I’ll play I’ll play two sound effects if anyone’s gonna throw up from playing bad boy Halo muffin it’s me but like if you donate 20 I’ll play the alarm come on guys missed a couple donors okay

Ice cream’s so good um ice cream’s so good okay if you donate 20 I’ll play the iPhone alarm because what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream Chad there you go there you go guys guys guys wait for this everyone oh he’s gonna kill me like he’s gonna know it’s not real fall

Asleep no the thing is actual alarm I think yeah it was actually the alarm goes off I’ll just Spam a bunch of a bunch of sounds and the lattice ones you have she’s still alive it’s a 24-hour charity stream how much I don’t know we’ve almost raised like

I’m still thinking it’s not as high as you think it is but still we’ve raised yeah over ten thousand dollars that is more money than probably any of you or most of you have like ever had in your entire life yeah are you just calling them all like two years old

I mean I’m an adult and I’ve never had ten thousand dollars me neither bro yeah we brought in like 500 which is the best ice cream amazing ten thousand dollars I’m really rich so um should I should I put the alarm oh my God beautiful Melody was his phone on before it works

I did it Tiki guys um types we go with the capital G in chat with a killer don’t let the killer get you like Halloween give me giggle with a cat yeah Aubrey Drake Graham Lobster you might be able to wake up in a kazoo Anna we were doing Mad Libs earlier and

I asked for a musical instrument and I used kazoo in your honor and we get a high in a kazoo inch oh also Anna I bought a kazoo from Five Below and a harmonica because I thought they’d be good bits guys I don’t understand he went back to

Bed what the hell am I supposed to do um like we can play stuff at 4 30 maybe give him like a 15 minute snooze I have a friend that has something and I really want to steal it keep donating we can wake him up we can

Wake him up Chad keep doing it I hope your birthday was good what the [ __ ] is that harmonica harmonic can you play harmonica man that’s my Popeyes music look at that that was really cute cool I’m so sorry if my mic is loud I don’t know what I

Sound like I’m genuinely so sorry guys I found metal pipe louder so I’m gonna bass boosted you guys donate uh someone donates want 20 for a loud metal pipe you won’t regret it you won’t regret it I do not think the music will let me play George storm

S wait are you not are you familiar with George storm I not really but he tried singing it and he hadn’t listened to it at all I mean it was really funny it was like at the very beginning of the Stream yeah from the past we gotta make up new bits and uh

But like I said we cannot play George storm I’m gonna boss the term if you guys keep spamming it up bro I know I’m trying to fix my mistakes okay wait was that I’m taking ownership those ten dollars not twenty but also play one we still have people let’s go golfing

Let’s go coffee let’s go golfing let’s go okay twenty dollars for a really loud right now but I really want to do it it would be it would be really funny if we all did it again oh my God not your mama so fat she

Burger oh my God that was so funny that was when I descended into my madness because also everyone who’s in call you should add pronouns to your name guess however it’s still all a yo mama so fat she Burger all of us she bore gear but your mom also thought she

Murdered that was when I like that was my decline last sub subathon well this isn’t a summer fun this is a charity stream but last time um guys I kept I kept saying I was like yo mama’s so fat or your mama so Burger she fat like I was like going through it

Like I was anyways that was not good no I know that was really bad uh you should leave no 420 wait you should 20 20 it’s 4 20. you should leave you’re just you’re really just like okay okay okay hey there was a junior also

Anna I I I don’t know if you were in China when I mentioned this but I never got the shirt because he didn’t give me enough money for like shipping so I just I spent I spent the money on a sub 10 though so you should be here

I know I know a place now uh like a really like a guy who make shirts and I made shirts for my friends with it um but I feel like it’s way too late right now it’s like two years too late you’ve never seen a shirt if you want to

See a shirt I made for my friend and I play I play really loud metal pipe I will come back cat’s just peeing he’s actually going to the bathroom peeing I wish there was a way to show Chad they did say that this is a shirt I made for

That Chad someone don’t know twenty dollars and I’ll play really really loud wait I want to play I really want to play uh the freaking I want to play sneaky snitch again for like like a few seconds can I play it for like two seconds yeah he didn’t even hear it

Oh baby he’s still sleeping yo chat if you donate 20 I will play a really really loud sound and wake him the hell up do you want him to wake up I do violently you donate we will literally go there and we literally grab onto him we will

Start shaking him and shaking him violently until he awakes from his [ __ ] yeah we’re actually gonna do that literally yeah I’m already outside the window chat yo cha if you donate twenty dollars oh wake him up we gotta donate twenty dollars and rattle his little brain like a maraca

And you just bounce around in there one dollar hey I’ll still play something you got games on your phone Audrina ball you stink take it take a minute pick a dump and mods why I didn’t eat I already donated ten dollars hands pan but that was about 16 hours ago

I currently do not have any money to donate I would but I can’t uh if you can donate twenty dollars would be really appreciated right now a lot of the mods have donated and uh we also respect if you are incapable of donating right now but if

Your parents are awake ask them my dad donated earlier today because I I told him about the charity so you know you might as well try and so you can check mommy’s first you’re actually donating our labor right now yeah yes you can donate through the Donate

Link um tiltify takes credit cards and debit cards but if you don’t have a credit or debit card um but you have a PayPal you can use the Donate link or you can gift subs or subscribe just to wake them up yeah he’s having no reaction that’s why you know it’s like like

He’s like sleeping should I wake him at two-thirds at 9 30 I guess this time yeah okay I think I certainly would be answered his time down guys can you hear this weekend for Anakin Zoo I’m gonna play the kazoo but there was something time to bring up the lobster

Time to bring up the whole restaurant we agreed on which character from the baby sensory video we are pineapple because I’m a sigma Lone Wolf I’m baby cut a dinosaur because I like the dinosaurs well everyone hates the strawberry I’m not the strawberry no the strawberry is cute there’s like seven there’s like

Three different strawberries which one of the three are is always Christmas I think it’s silly I found a sound effects saying this is I love this chat you guys are so August Champion poke champ like Tommy in it guys I found I found the I found this

Um sound effect that said this message is approved by Ludwig auger and I I do you think the viewing of this tape is prohibited it’s pretty that’s pretty good I I like I like the dino avocado because it’s just so absurd like why why is the avocado also a dinosaur like why why

Would that happen we got his Dino hoodie on and I’m very I’m very intrigued by yeah the philosophical implications of it which is why that is literally me that’s so real this is super random but I was thinking about like I was thinking about Dino hoodies and it made me think about those

Creeper hoodies that you zip up and the face is a creeper face because I literally have one of those oh my God that’s awesome and we decided that we wanted to decorate our room Minecraft themed but also just like silly themed and she sent me a shower curtain that had um Mordecai

And Twilight Sparkle and said is this too much oh my God I also got one of those like Dino hoodies you know the one that we can pass the ones and it just didn’t fit me yeah like it was the it was the largest size and it didn’t fit me

At 9 30. you’re tall too you’re just like I I know but like usually like double XL well fits me it’s like what all my clothes are and fits me very comfortable so sometimes I wanted to give you like a cute little crop top he was supposed to wake up 15 minutes ago

Okay there we go I’m playing the iPhone play until he wakes up yeah I will that’s oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s working wake up oh my God don’t eat it again because like I’m not gonna play that again unless I get a donation if we’ve been on a podcast for

Like three hours by the way I’m playing again we need it we need to wake him up but we need your help we need your Donuts to wake him up he’s just gonna sleep forever guys he’s gonna sleep forever turn this party into a funeral all right if you donate a dollar right

Now I’ll play that I’ll play that sound again okay come on wakey wakey eggs please governor hello governor oh my God someone said donut and I thought it said Donald oh wait there was a donut okay here you guys go Ronald McDonald look at the chess’s alarm we can’t overuse it but yeah

He’s not getting up like yeah he already doesn’t choose to get up okay come on buddy crashing sound effect hold on I’ll play like oh like um oh I wish I had this one sound effect but um come on over stimulating sound effects no no no

No no cat no oh cat cat no that’s okay it won’t play anymore it’s not 20 21 anymore okay it hasn’t played it’s not playing it’s okay the bot stopped me it knew it was too good I thought maybe it would wake him up string can you guys hear the music

Oh I’m sure they can if they can hear us in chat imagine all this time they couldn’t have hurt like the alerts the sounds no like I hear the sounds from him but like oh yeah he’s literally just not budging like he’s just he’s just a little baby he has a little sleep

Huh he’s muted and called but do you think he’s snoring play The Crickets oh my God just so I love wing in the shot in the shower wow we’re the lead buddies me he raises hand okay do not do that ever again me do not say you raised his hand I had

Asterisket around this is the part where I start to lose my mind guys join me in the um bucket guys do we need to wake him up again yo twenty dollars and I send the iPhone alarm again can we get can we please get like an arid siren or something okay fine thank

You sound effects fine Purge siren hey man I mean if you want yeah because I know Chad was wanting that so bad put dancing around but we need we need donuts for it y’all I’ll play The Purge one but I need I need donuts I was trying to donate 20

Dollars but it was declined because who else I mean you could TV Bridges neon if your cards linked to your Twitch you could gift Subs because subs and donuts to like his stream Labs go to the charity as well I will try that what should I delete

Should I delete I’ll delete my screen so good it had its run yeah ice cream so good gang gang we can always just do the Roses ice cream so good oh two dominoes but we’re one of them twenty dollars um what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that

Run run run run run run run run again I still think about that specific stream that Christmas stream or like New Year’s whatever it was that was manifold holy [ __ ] oh my God sorry I’m sorry I’m just really excited to see Ori I’m home for the summer my mom texted me

Like two hours ago but she went back to sleep I’m not that loud no you’re fine no no no you’re fine I was just I’m pretty sure my input volume’s already 50 you’re so fine um I hope he’s up in the next before three my time because I want to grow that

You can’t leave if you have the sound effects by the way yeah I can because it’s the sound effects I’m using are the group ones you just one of you would have to do it not like one of those oh yeah Darcy’s oh my God in my right ear

Bro that’s so strange who else has headphones like am I crazy it was fine for me guys I’m gonna look up a different like a really like crazy siren though like what like tornado something no looks like a crazy siren would like playing like the British

Give him like a heart attack or like play like the emergency alarm but not for the UK wait I found actually a really good one hold on why does my headphones died again guys I’m headphone lists for a second because we need to hear this I’m really sorry for you Adriana pog

Y’all can someone donate twenty dollars I found an Ohio sound effect so it’s gonna be really good this the funniest place ever someone should really donate twenty dollars right now over 100. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah or five million yes parody we love charity can we get a yay for sure

Can we get a drake in chat capital D capital D Drake for charity in chat good let’s go guys that the crowd’s going crazy look at how much we love charity yo I just added the craziest sound effect if you’re donate twenty dollars to this awesome charity right now you’ll

Get to hear it you’re so curious you’re so curious you want to know you want to know what it is so you should donate to see what it’s like You’re gonna laugh yeah and if you don’t donate you’ll never know what it is and then you’re gonna laugh and then you’ll never know

Not only are you not supporting an amazing charity but you’re also just not gonna laugh and you’re gonna live the rest of your sad little life without the happiness that this um a sound is gonna give you and really I think it really about that please

Please please do you want to go the rest of your life without laughing because you’re gonna laugh if you donate yeah exactly you’re gonna chuckle and chortle and giggly goop experienced child like Whimsy and wonder Angelic Whimsy and wonder come on y’all twenty dollars twenty dollars it’s okay if you’re broke but

For those of you who potentially aren’t por favor mostly why don’t mods do not I don’t know I have already donated today if you’re asking why I didn’t donate I did I have not yet but I plan on anymore and I’m also really tired y’all we’ve been

Babysitting you for like the past three hours work for the bank please fix my cards Epic snuffkin moment okay y’all Ohio coming up ready oops I really feel more about your bacon burger I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my life should I like play his alarm now or what like

I don’t know I don’t think he’s gonna wake up I’m gonna do it again [ __ ] it Sleeping Beauty he needs he’s gonna curse wake up okay wait I just had an idea but I don’t know if it would be possible well if we all recorded right now like a

Sound bite of us it’s not overselling what if we already recorded a sound bite of us telling Jack to wake up and we added that as a sound and played it to wake him up won’t be too much work I know but it would be really funny wasn’t

There a wake up sound effect I can find one yes there’s some good ones out there also if you if you you know what should I change it to 50 if you donate fifty dollars I’ll play muffins he’s moving Bloods out let’s go golfing run did he leave

No Easter oh my god did he actually leave and rejoin I saw so much I mean I’m I I’m Delirious bro I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know he’s donating guys he would wake up to gorillas that would be really funny wow I love Jack manifold

I love Jack’s manifold I love Jack manifold I love Jack manifold YouTuber I watch all of his videos I watch all of his videos all of them all of them all of them foreign if you’re his biggest fan and also don’t need a few pigs manifold because if you’re his biggest hater

Because it goes to charity anyways and you can make him wake up bacon burger lgbtq is Puck champ donate lots of money he did that I’m so sorry don’t put the kizu away cheese I feel like he hasn’t made it I’m gonna test it with the alarm maybe

Wake up wake up I love Scottish bagpipes my grandma my grandma has the Scottish bagpipes as her ringtone wait wait question uh Audrina it’s almost been 19. I know what a suggestion would be too much work how much money would they have to donate for us to do it

No if they donate a lot I’m gonna like they won’t do if they donate a lot I’m playing muffin by Bad Boy Hamlin yeah I think I changed it to 50 because it might as well maybe get a biter if someone done it if someone donates 100

Record yourselves telling him to wake up and gonna play it how long are you gonna leave at play don’t leave it play don’t leave it played every okay let’s say that every twenty dollars butter did you hear that that’s if he’s still asleep wait guys have I missed any donuts chat

Let me know you guys know you guys know yes one I missed one okay here’s Ohio guys I think he’s literally like out cold I think that he’s I think um it’s so Jehovah I’ll play the phone again wake up oh there he is oh he’s still mad he’s so mad he mad

Well I didn’t even have a reaction this looks like an iPad kid the way he holds his phone the way he looks at it his facial expression is ridiculous uh keep donating we’ll we’ll play more sounds while he’s like this mm-hmm oh oh my God babies came up

Wait he took the phone with him I’m gonna play him a little song oh he left he left he left if we called him what I can’t where did he ask him be called what is the sound effect was it a music box it probably was a sound effect then like

He had a dream or some [ __ ] I don’t know man this manifold is not Jesus Jesus is risen but like Lord and Savior check manifest I’ve never seen Jesus and Jack manifold in the same room now he could just be using the bathroom that’s what you do first thing in the morning

Oh I guess it is for him dude I got I got [ __ ] to do tomorrow oh my God has literally been carrying modcast you’re such a g like G yes okay tomana guys if you donate I will literally go acapella mode is he okay I’m like scared and worried now let’s get addled

I think he literally probably thought it was the mermaid oh she he left on this account bye oh my God I was about to say I was about to say that I had accidentally called him one time during a an English class oh my God true story because it said

Listening to Spotify and I wanted to see what Jack manifold was listening to on Spotify and I accidentally hit the call button one time it was the first time I had to call him for like admin stuff that I was just [ __ ] so scared yes Jackman who looks so like terrifying

He’s he literally isn’t but I was so scared nah man I’d be intimidated too in the kitchen OMG I love her just a little bit longer no he’s not searching for a little bit longer being bad times oh okay he’s up I’m gonna go to bed two more hours he gets up

Damn it is this the end then is he doing good what’s going on Google Chat he’s going on Skype this is the end wait we’ll play it foreign can’t get copy straight for how good we’re singing it’s true he Farm reactions now he’s away definitely isn’t the king

Thank you thank you Chad for making this modcast loud yeah thank you lgbtq is such a YouTube channel title yeah I don’t know okay neon that was amazing like that I’m sorry he’s gotta let us on he’s gonna let oh you guys were fun you guys were super

Fun all the donators thank you to everyone who could donate thank you for everyone in and we can keep giving him sound effects while he’s up here we go I’ll give him um before the podcast gents who wants to admit they have a crush on me or you know

Worry my love for you runs deep what if we kissed on the jack manifold modcast yeah oh my God please keep the chair related to fortnite are you gonna send like one of the gifts of the like buff men that’s like a Discord rule oh there we go

Let me go through this my favorite my favorite noise was um iPhone alarm sound but just for one Trill that was my favorite um um I mean it saying lgbtq yeah that was really good cream so good ice cream so good that one got awesome now um let’s go golfing let’s go dolphins

And then uh I don’t know if there are any others this one weirdly that on a metal pipe didn’t wake me up as much as I thought I think it’s because it’s short we played those later in the Stream too like bro made me wake up a bunch bro did

You enjoy the farts the various fart sound effects oh it’s good anyway hello chat it’s me uh oh me saying a thing that’s cool so so chat let me a sarcastic damn yeah oh [ __ ] you particularly gross the the modcast will continue while I shower um awesome [ __ ] I’m going to bed

In the world your snug as a bug in a rug I was stuck as a book in a rug I actually would love to sleep my morning routine yeah I mean I was most telling to be quick but I I have like a Patrick Bateman morning routine so uh moisturize

It five times yeah and then I wear a like an almost skin like mask to top my own face but I have to wear that for 20 minutes it’s a real procedure but we should be too much longer yeah continue with the podcast for a bit and then we’ll uh

We’ll enjoy the last five hours of this journey together yippee you guys have fun doing that I think 10K yeah we raised almost a thousand I think all right respect it let me have a look we were on the grind you guys did crazy you guys went crazy

How long was I asleep for as well like three ounces I thought it was yeah it was three there’s too much time left there’s this there’s five it is five hours this five hours keep donating noises keep donating now that it’s early enough your parents might be awake you

Can ask them to donate but it isn’t a bad point no I’m serious my dad donated okay I will uh have a good shower buddy bye-bye if I could direct everyone’s attention to the general chat yeah um it’s literally just a picture of me and Ori except I’m a little shorter

Guys I have a really important announcement my ass he’s gonna go to bed I have class in like four hours then it’s literally just it’s in the server you guys can do it it’s all there like LGB let’s go over here oh we love Audrina POG I hate Audrina

Car Wait who’s doing soundboard by the way I’m I’m gonna be doing it okay what that’s gonna be epic let’s see what okay now that now that’s since jack isn’t sleeping anymore what could we use the sounds for we can make different sounds I know but like we need we need an

Incentive for chat to donate so we can use the sounds I’ll go to sleep oh can we do another Mad Lib I will totally do another madlib yeah what if we well what if we did a debate between two people and every time someone needed we played a sound to interrupt it valid

Okay thank you what are the donuts I need to see the donors uh donate zero dollars and I will meow don’t know donate I need to open the [ __ ] donate one there it is a little buddy got the society thanks that was really good I think like a

Wreck Play Broken sinus or something I think we ate that uh yeah that was like really good and shoddy got the set oh you’re shoddy because you have a high note wow if someone could just be uh keeping a look at the donuts and I’m gonna play the soundboard hey guys donate domain

Thanks for charity yeah we’ll literally go acapella mode again who knows bark don’t park who no no barking no barking it’s enough if you just meow meow oh my God I only leave I didn’t suggest it oh but you started it no you said it I didn’t say anything give me a minute

Bark no it was quiet and he said bark no I think that’s what happened just the Wolves there are two wolves inside of me and both of them want you to donate to charity yeah that’s so true yeah can’t be stealing people jokes then I’d just be like every comedian ever

Guys donate if we should ban user user um milk supply and chat I don’t know who they are it’s it’s not even noxify you just read that wrong so well I don’t know yeah if you donate 100 I will ban one random music can we band use a snakey or snakey

These are models man here it would just be funny one second I have like 15 quid in cash in my room oh my God boring oh that’s a good one anyways yeah snakey has my protection if we do ban one random person it’s not going to be sneaky no I love sneaky

Guys I have a Mad Libs I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna ask you guys and you guys is in chat and I mean and you guys I’m sorry um okay give me an animal elephant walrus what I didn’t say anything it’s like coconut I did not say that you did no I

Did not say that I think you’re hearing things because I did not say that I mean you know what I could be hearing things yeah that’s what I thought yeah oops response um okay I got my animal um I need a place I will smell it exactly like that girl

Madagascar come on I think I spelled it differently but it’s it’s still bad um New York City facial expression oh God or like like snarl perhaps if you’re thinking like like how do people Rock sauce faces yes like it had to be more of a yes um I need a plural noun s

I’m not using coconuts I’ve used it in like three of them it always makes me think of uh think of my friend’s cat coconut oh geese think of something funny like what would be funny but like imagine hurting someone with this object no I’m asking chat

Is it I mean but I’m asking chat somebody in chat said they’re asking them all it’s not y’all I Wanna Know like piano like dropping a piano noodles noodles is kind of funny put your thinking hats on guys we need to put our thinking hats on ooh watermelon worry that would be really

Funny that’s really good really can we do it we’ll do it after this Mad Libs okay I need a I need a verb I need a verb is it’s an fiction word like doing like um like run oh Bart mm-hmm looping pass sneaking um I like panicking

Yeah it’s not ing but I’ll use Panic that’s good um I’m actually really quick I’m gonna send an email okay I need an adjective I don’t know why I needed to announce that but I did if my son wants to email it’s sending an email move adjective um

I don’t even remember what an adjective is a description or how things are yeah I mean in the I’m tired okay bro sending emails during the long um podcast I need to like like um like an object but like a place kind of object like a bed you know or a closet

You know okay feel me feel you ten feet deep swimming I’d like to suggest a fridge freezer often well beanbag is good more breathing you think tell the future remember that no I I saw oh my God it was like I was watching a YouTube video for some like

Completely different YouTuber and they were like making comments about Tommy and lore breathing [ __ ] crazy I need a name I don’t know onions it’s never heard her name before Joe is the name of my bird not a real one DJ Khaled um oh and I need one more I need a

Um I need a part of the body lean lean is good I’m taking that support just said Oregon armpit silly um I need a verb or well like like melts in that in that vibe in that in that range okay try to put your thinking hats on

Oh this is good does anyone want to read this or do you want me to read it um you can read it you can write it again if you want um this isn’t um wrappable oh but I will I will read it I will read it um should I read it in

A British accent yes please all right so this one’s called Vlad Libs like Vlad The Vampire um all right I don’t like it when walrus is an angry Rock SAS faces come from the village to buy Madagascar with pitchforks and watermelons trying to panic me through the wenis with a steak

I was only trying to piss their blood in the moist night because I was meowing this is an overreaction one person even tried to feed me cheese on bread that wasn’t very POG champ so I killed him anyway I’m going to sleep in my walk-in freezer so the sunlight doesn’t use off

My skin love DJ Khaled the vampire P.S thanks for shaving armpits but I still can’t see my spleen so it’s not very helpful wow that was so inspiring milk can read it because she doesn’t know how to read what thank you okay okay that girl from Glee

Well I know it but it’s like too early to remember it is I can’t read yeah Michelle yeah she can’t read I should read I don’t think Mel can read hey man that’s just rude you can’t type everyone everyone remember this milk from the Jack manifold Channel cannot read no reading email

Rumorable drawings I feel so bullied yeah they’re so serious serious I also got some in a walk-in freezer my fat was a jack man my father was a guitar what stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop no one is literally no way

Yeah literally no one is gonna get it I swear nobody’s gonna get it like there are five people still alive there’s nothing to get there’s nothing to get there are still there are five people still alive who get it and the three of us are me you and Ori laughs

Pluto what reference I’m just being silly and goofy my father you know what a reference and when the normal Bacons that’s when I go epic epic rifle copter mode how how long has it been since you last slept um 23 hours oh really oh really that’s insane I sound like Ted

Nivison that’s a compliment I’ll take it foreign dude I literally did that when I joined Pluto that’s been my bit for over two years now you know guys is that the manifold mod of 87 was that the burger oh my God yo mama’s so fat she Borgia

Was that the fight of awesome poggy I love I love how in the clip like because I know we have I know there’s there’s the clip of the are us doing the negotiations for the T-shirt last modcast I love how it starts with us like deliriously saying yo mama’s so fat

[ __ ] burger like like it was a mantra your mama’s so fat sheep Burger your mama suffers don’t say yo mama so fat she Burger three times in the mirror at 2 A.M at 3am because yo mama 3am I know but yo mama is gonna show up and [ __ ] kill

You yo mama shows up to my house every night Pluto don’t worry you sound like rabbits right now foreign SpongeBob I imagine your laugh is like the SpongeBob laugh sound effect S I feel like this modcast has been like Squidward’s purgatory I think it’s my purgatory let’s meditate no and make sure

Let’s keep donating donating donating where are my organ donors over origami why so serious this is a personal hell of mine thank you honey I’m so sorry that was not the song It’ll be my American boy American Boy iconic Jason yeah yeah yeah we’re so awesome this is like donate for

Our really good glass potions thank you though four hours you wanted the donors thank you how you feeling Ori you see user not OBEX sound familiar model backs what dude oh wait not Lex Banks not Lex specs it’s not model bags dude are you sorry I’m sorry it’s an alternate version Riley exactly

Alternate universe hey you I realize I keep referencing things that people don’t know but it’s okay level they’re literally not on your level you were too high level for that put into the um populations of please where’s that isn’t that a vine oh according to the Encyclopedia of

That’s literally mine that’s literally a Vine I forgot that we still had the baby sensory video guys what’s your favorite Vine oh what is my favorite Vine I like the dobre Twins when they do the back flip in the grind on me challenge L back Flippo I’ve never seen that in my life

Wow wouldn’t you like to know other boy when I was in eighth grade we used to have a school news program and like you know how they do the news on the announcements like we had a TV program and I was a part of it and we got to

Make videos for it and me and a couple of my friends got a bunch of teachers to recreate Vines for one of our videos so we had like a 10 minute video of teachers recreating iconic Vines it was the most like it was almost like 2017 experience ever because it’s like just

Enough Nostalgia But like everyone still remembers Vine that was six years ago damn no it wasn’t don’t say that to me I thought silly and also coming sorry it was actually just three years ago another thing your favorite bad [ __ ] in the whole world he just got stuck in the toilet

Um the clowns dude dude I swear that was like advertising for for the movie It that’s so true Ori we don’t have Media Share prunes so unfortunately not Mediashare I mean like screen share yeah well so like if we did it wouldn’t be able to show up on stream I don’t think

We should play after stream though hiki telepathically connect our brains and then you will see it okay that’s the sound that’s the sound of our brains connecting our brains are like Minecraft Beacon yes and they shoot upward and you can turn them different colors what color is my brain

That’s my brain oh no there’s his brain what color his brain is brain is invisible his brain is clean here his brain is smooth there’s no wrinkles smooth I’m not okay yeah no it’s very very early my time it’s been 19 and a half hours I’ve slept

For two of them and I wow I have not coming back I have no idea how much I I slipped a bunch this is oh my God we’re literally sleep deprived podcast oh my God oh my God it’s so somebody’s I hate that it’s true oh no oh God he’s back oh [ __ ]

Hide the drugs he’s back you’re not allowed to say that you’re not allowed to say that you are not allowed he lit he said don’t say anything I wouldn’t I’m not I haven’t said anything he wouldn’t are you sure I’m so certain I mean I might say things that he wouldn’t

Because I’m a little kooky and crazy but not like anything that he wouldn’t say no American Boy I wouldn’t never ever go against it I read that I read that as much you know what he would do you know what you know what he would do sing The Smiths oh yeah

One of the worst experiences of my life was when I went to a hotel to the hotel I was going to be staying after this conference and like right above the reception they had like some Smith’s wall art Morrissey it was so [ __ ] surreal and let’s start a band yeah we’ll play

The kazoo yes and that’s it knotters I haven’t used knotted in so long wait dude I I want to hear you play drums sometime one of these times when there’s like a hundred people in VC waiting for Ori to unmute the mute and play drums

Wow that’s an iconic memory I was in a Wawa gas station those of you who know know Wawa I mean cheese is better than Wawa but like Wawa’s iconic Wawa Wawa like a little baby we want some Wawa speaking of that Chad drink water BTW zip it up

Oh that is the wrong thing I I wanted to click on Chicano points and I almost turned on Shield mode um I did that once same actually I once keyboard smashed and like accidentally um removed a blocked term didn’t you clear that one time um I did so I also accidentally banned

Three people once it was it was the thing yeah I don’t know everybody’s imperfect because the people I’m gonna convince what actually that’s true if anybody there’s one person who isn’t imperfect and that’s over origami oh origami yeah see you get it everybody here can agree on one thing I agree I

Agree what should I draw um I should not answer this coconuts coconuts maybe some cat dye some cactuses cactuses yeah maybe some Meats sound effect please yes bro I hope your birthday was good it’s a bug in a rug S I changed the title of this dream it was

Not live it was it was on purpose it was planned Mega LOL I was giggle champing here we go with the capital G oh [ __ ] I forgot to press tab have we been playing sound effects for any donors or have any donuts happened I don’t think I I I I I

Honestly I honestly I’m paying attention a little sorry I don’t think too many I’m just gonna like yeah bro we really do lgbtq is is very good hey guys let’s go golfing thank you for asking chat yeah we’re doing sir what’s your favorite emote BT TV 7tv for ffz like

Encourage but that counts like you know sub emo it’s just your favorite emo I’m curious this is neon’s favorite no it’s not I couldn’t my favorite is not in this chat but it’s people run people run is so good but as far as in this chat

I like manifold Chad but it needs I’m a big fan of bone Zone that sounds quite cool I’m a society enjoyer guys I got like I saw that he was in chat so hi jhp I’m going to bed though good night yes come back to life

But I you know usually when I think the mods I ain’t mean it but this time I mean it for real I don’t know wow thank you thank you so much better ironic are we right now yeah I am ready to switch back to the main

Setup so I’m gonna cut the modcast here and any closing thoughts for helping us Jack I never got the shirt from the the previous podcast I never got the shirt because you didn’t give me enough money like it wasn’t enough I will add an extra this time for the shirt let’s go

There’s conversion rates man I apologize anyway this is the message for the chat is now uh I I’m gonna it’s gonna go that reconnecting screen you know the one and then we’re gonna be right back on the main PC uh I will see you all in in you

Know mere minutes three minutes friends Chatters I believe we have now reconnected we are back it’s day but it’s supposed to be a 24-hour stream so I shouldn’t really categorize it as day one and day two but you know I I went to sleep for a few hours and

Now I’m awake so as far as I’m concerned this is day two thank you for still being here everyone who has thank you for donating over a thousand dollars during my sleep that was greatly appreciated seriously seriously means a lot it’s nice the final hours we have currently

Four and a half hours remaining so do two things raise fourteen thousand dollars and build a spirally Wizard Tower now strawberries thank you for the pan kick kick 23 1999 to go of those before we like I mean I we could get away with a little bit less but you know roughly speaking

Anyway let me just quickly uh let me just quickly let me just quickly um my faces yeah did I do anything silly while I was sleeping by the way I don’t really I don’t really don’t let us bring back your life you lose that is the next thing we also need

To try and get a pizza night in Turbo somewhere I’ll message turbo I don’t know whether it’ll be awake if not we’ll schedule it in for later in the week oh I’m logged into the wrong account hold on we also should tweet and let everyone know awake hold on let me uh

I was too alarmed to face to be giving to charity I’ll be like that’s better you ate a donut in my sleep how’s my nap I actually feel shockingly refreshed for what is a relatively short nap for me I usually I like sleeping I didn’t sleep much the

Day before the mod cat the modcast the uh 24-hour stream so I figured I wouldn’t feel quite you know rested after three hours I actually feel pretty good hang on how was my shower it was all right I feel cleaner now than I did before which is important um um

I was letting you guys watch me tweet so you understand that I’m not just satis aren’t they only money will tell does that make sense I don’t think it makes sense that’s all right though it’s okay not to make sense sometimes that’s what my father told me um no

This is better this is better tagging yourself is crazy I always tag myself that’s just what I do just so people know it’s me otherwise how are they supposed to identify the man in the image what do they have facial blindness like that one actress who has facial blindness

That’d be a real problem for them to try and identify me just from their eyes given their blind to faces hold on so I’m trying to log into my Discord but it’s almost like I’m just gonna stop now I’ve got a two two I think I might be having a stroke by

The sounds of my uh the way I was talking just then I apologize wonderful I’ve logged back into Discord everything’s okay let me uh let me text turbo real quick and let him know that the uh pizza at night is on get here when you welcome

Welcome to the second day I’ve seen more people joining I’m gonna do what we should have been doing this whole time beg for money relentlessly how are you less than three I’m very giving you the 17 months and Hayden thank you the 15 is greatly appreciated

I’m gonna do what we’ve done the whole time oh we should have been doing the whole time should I say making this damn Minecraft tower sorry my brain shot things I was thinking about how to make the Minecraft tower the whole reason I wanted to do a 24-hour stream wasn’t even originally

For charity it was just to get this project done in Minecraft that I know I wouldn’t do otherwise and somehow despite the fact that I’ve forced myself to do the 24-hour stream but but for charity and stuff I’m somehow still not managed to actually get any progress done in

Minecraft we are 20 hours in I’ve hardly made any progress strawberries thank you for the uh quid why are you still charged who charged you all right how you got charged but it’s weird I’m a fan out of you but I don’t have Twitter where can I post it you can type

Me in on Instagram you shoot at me on threads I mean really anywhere as long as you use the hashtag Japanese I might see it I must admit I’m I’m less on top of checking it these days than I used to be I apologize for that Lily the five oh that was pretty

What time is it for me it’s nearly 11AM so it’s like actually reasonable reasonable time right now no hey don’t come near me I don’t want to be on fire though bro nice they dropped four flashes a lot what’s the best course of action here because I think we have the materials

Oh my God I forgot we have that um we just need to yeah you know what I need to do I need to order breakfast I’m realized I’m just quite hungry and it’s slowing my brain down what are you saying chat Sleeping Beauty is awake thank you I know

I’m the beautiful one who was sleeping before what will you have I don’t know I also in a chat I really want to get some donations coming this way and I feel like the way to do it is not to have these big goals that are far away let’s have smaller closer goals

That are close so we need to I want to come up with something that we can drive we’ve got four hours to or just uh just over four hours four hours twenty almost exactly right now which is funny because I don’t know if you know what that number means

But some some people out there are gonna get it and let me tell you they’re laughing okay this this wasn’t right Everlasting for the uh nine months appreciate you I know that wasn’t great it’s all right it’s fine Reddit funny what does that mean the goal is Reddit funny what does that

Mean for the people who who managed to redeem Reddit funny you guys are hungry you’re not hungry you’ve got like 30 Charles you guys are good like hours an hour why but you know because you love your Reddit I love the Japanese old TV Reddit what I’m confused about is

Would we just if someone redeems funny Reddit do we just read Reddit is that it I think that’s my confusion I just don’t really get quite what I I read your name I I looked at it just then you’re the letters c-a-o hello where’s my monitors go what

Wait chat my PC’s decided two of the monitors aren’t connected anymore what well chat is the problem can you still see me why why is it not think the monitors are connected they are why is this PC breaking I turned it off while I slept for that

The exact reason I was worried it was you know it was gonna be too much for it having been on so long and you know all that I really don’t know what to do I can’t tap back into OBS either um what what I don’t I actually don’t know

What the solution to this problem is okay uh let me I’m just gonna go under the desk a second foreign s back hello hi there with all our screens back in the end which is good oh what happened there oh now it’s this is really upsetting to me

This is causing me deep upset now my desktop looks like this everything’s all scattered around and out of order from where it should be everything has its place on the desktop and now everything is out of set order which I’m very not happy about I’m trying to be you know okay with this

I’m trying to control the rage Within how do I make you full screen what like that now that made full screen on the wrong monitor why are you going full screen on the wrong monitor hold on sorry chat Roblox what’s happening with Roblox the on on the bottom right looks like you what

The PC is very upset right now I agree what’s your favorite gorillas song please um probably bloody hot Buddy Holly I like that one it was at the primary monitor settings yeah it is that’s why I’m more confused the right one is the primary monitor that’s that’s why I’m so confused as to

Why it isn’t okay I think I’ve sorted it get Phil I don’t need Phil like this used to be my job fixing computers I can do this I don’t need filter as much as I I like having him I don’t need him Drake donate guys can we all tweet at Drake

Have you seen like that guy who tweet that like at dragon’s like drag should we should do that but we should tweet all tweet at Drake donate and just see if we can get him to do it I reckon with enough pressure he will you know easily yes let him know

I’m just saying I think I think we easily get the Drake don’t know if we’re just you know which is polite to him ain’t Drake values politeness that’s what I’d believe about him you know all the things people say about him online I reckon he just values politeness

Oh perfect the exact right amount hi chat yo bangman plays any of the twenty dollars is greatly greatly greatly appreciated you Legend I’m so out of energy I I I I want to try and push for more donations my brain is so like my brain is so Hollow right now I

Can’t think of any good ways for asking for more donors or or incentivizing them should I say I like to just ask I like to reward I actually thought I was well way more rested than I am I’m actually still feeling quite tired Jack you don’t I already did the current

Top donator is me actually it says it’s turbo but I did two separate donations that were both big equaling more than turbos therefore winning it’s still me okay we’ve tapered it in I was thinking about this and I think I think I’ve worked out the way to do this which is

To create a spiral one chat needs to move chat you’re in the way I’m sorry I love you you’re in the way we’re gonna need more blocks than I thought I’m already thinking way more still got the reflexes though MLG thank you Lily for the pound I mean the dollar

Pounds aren’t even what’s a pound I don’t even know what that is Chelsea building I’m building a big warlocks Tower uh the only problem is I need to well I want to make it like Spiral which is uh easier said than done I’m loving but I think I’ve got it

I think I’m I’m on the way to getting it we have more deep sleep good because I need more there’s a way of sitting chat in like an area just like even there would be perfect there’s no way of making chat sit like that are you sat now

Boat oh we could yeah we could put chat in a boat don’t hit us I didn’t know I didn’t hit you why would I hit you be awful an awful thing can you not hit chat I can but I’d just be awful can you imagine it’s your favorite Lovejoy song

The um the one about like how I like like like they’re like these guys that like loved you hold on I don’t have a boat on me I think there’s one in here that is chat you stay down here for a moment I need to build Daddy’s gotta work

If you could uh get in there please you could if you could uh there you are yeah you got it uh okay we must carry on building we must not get distracted by our sun in a boat well by hour I mean mine because it’s you

So it wouldn’t really be hours would it because you are it that wasn’t great that was definitely less than ideal in terms of the Whole Health situation okay well I need to stop doing that I’m just gonna swim up it’s not very gorilla’s song I did say

Buddy Holly and that was a bit um I don’t know it’s been a while since I haven’t really I’m not as into gorillas as I once was I haven’t listened to them much in a long time Demon Days was probably my favorite album though which isn’t particularly like an

Uncommon thing to hear but it’s true next goals at 15K yeah we’ve got we’ve got four hours to do it in but also I’m very tired and hungry what’s wrong with my background oh gorillas yeah I know that’s what yeah breakfast we will order some in a minute in fact actually

I just spell ordering wrong on my text I put odoring like I’m gonna sniff that [ __ ] I’m gonna sniff breakfast I was like hey dude I’m I’m ordering breakfast do you want any no one wants your ordered breakfast Chapman of older right no one wants breakfast ODed like you

Even if you do smell amazing oh I know how to do this now but I fear I may have I should have started sooner you know what I mean to really make this work seven months you big bold streamer guy odored breakfast ordered breakfast indeed am I getting this right

I kind of know what I’m going for but I don’t think I’m doing it right so the idea being that I’m basically just gonna taper it in but taper it on like the different levels Alex think of the raid appreciate you very very much hold on

Just like this I just like taper it at different points I think my laptop is a thousand degrees because it’s been 20 hours hey you can give it a little laptop break yeah that’s all right I’ll allow that chat you know if you must yes no now it’s a yes you think

I’m really hoping so anyway I think I’m getting this right but I’m not 100 sure I’ll be honest chat this is really confusing me but you I’m trying to like Spiral it around the right way so it looks like it’s spiraling up to a point but I think I’m maybe getting it wrong

If I’m honest I really can’t tell you know I mean I I think I’m I’m almost there but I’m not 100 sure okay and then okay cool right uh so I’m just trying to figure out the patterns still this is very confusing to me it’s not always my forte building

But not always I mean it isn’t my forte building I’m working it out we’re working it out yeah this is the right thing no no it isn’t definitely wasn’t now it’s the right thing and that would be the right thing but we need to go up up

I think I’m doing the right thing but I just need to now like taper it more and more and then also I’ve got to change the block types which is I wish I’d done that first really thank you whoever you are for the two dollars to the uh charity

I I needed more sleep um that’s fine also I think I’m just a bit sick is there a zombie in there with my Chad did you make a friend should I be concerned about your friend or are you are you actually good with a friend um your friend you’re fine okay hold on

Okay we just need to figure this out I just think we could probably start tapering him from here no I’ve got it oh my god I’ve got it I’m not I’m not dumb dear geometry oh God wait hold on oh wait oh I think I made it slightly Too Tall at the bottom

It just started spiraling way sooner this is my fault something here doesn’t seem right oh I did it one too far that’s why at least something was off thank you by the way whoever donated just then uh see that hey thank you so much for the 20 and now every Apple

Thank you so much for the 20 as well you guys are sick thank you so much come on so that’s what I did wrong wait what oh I didn’t even notice that right nice Prezzo welcome welcome Prezzo president what time is it for you are you in Canada isn’t it really really

Like wouldn’t it be like really early hours of the morning or really late one of the other I can’t I must say I’m not a Canada expert but they don’t call me the Canada expert but they they call me not stupid 6 a.m good morning good morning Prezzo

Oh time zone difference isn’t as bad as I thought it’s 11 A.M here that’s not that’s actually not too bad I’ve still got this wrong this is right there we go now I’ve got it okay I need to I need to stop tapering in as it goes up

We could have started that lower down actually you know what we can work it out of a minute 20 hours and we hit the 20 hour mark my God four left four left thank you Starlight Zone Star Trek you’re making this moment so sweet oh

I’m a bit of a shell at this point all right guys average Harry sent me a tick tock maybe it’ll be funny guys I can play this audio let me show you this this is what’s supposed to poke me up right now and I hope it helps you guys too that’s pretty good

I like that song a lot we all want a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle but which one will turn you into Squirtle foreign appreciate you okay and I think we should tape her in again I’m I’m finding this like thoroughly confusing but I’m trying to make sense of it no it can’t be right

We’re coming wait I think it is I think it is actually foreign Ninja Turtle do we all want a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle by the way and like as a pet or I I the way he says it is if he is implying a lover and I don’t know if I would

Actually no I say I don’t know I do know I don’t think I’d want a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a lover I don’t want that that’s not something I want we don’t all want a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle because I don’t want one I’ve kind of screwed up the spiral it

Starts too late I’m gonna try and rectify it okay I think I’m getting the hang of building in a spiral now not gonna get a hang of that though that was wrong Chad this is a successful spiral I’m expecting loads of donations I’m barely awake and somehow I’m managing to

Actually work on this project now instead of earlier when I was which is a bit weird really but I mean I’ve never you know I look to my left and I saw billzo listening to Frank Ocean right now and I thought yeah bills though this is some Frank Ocean man

Well now I’ve got a problem of I’ve run out of deep slate materials he does in fact where why do we go mining for all that I think turbo does have deep Slayer I think it’s quite a lot you’re from Instagram well welcome Instagram user I was supposed to make a

Big tip I was supposed to say I I I was running behind on starting the stream and I didn’t want to take too long I I recorded a tick tock that was like Tick Tock I’m live for 24 hours if you’re seeing this have you seen this at all then I’ll be live

Uh and then I didn’t get around to it and I wish I had because then maybe we would have people like I’m from tick tock you know and sometimes those things you’re mlging incredibly thank you I was doubting myself I’m really glad you said that

We use deep slate bricks we can we can chop and change a lot of Instagram users Jeff’s dead fine who is Jeff so if I get sent a picture of Channing Tatum who is Jeff I’m from looking at the clock and realizing it was Jack time and I appreciate you

Zombie oh oh do you guys name the zombie on oh I’m sorry that’s sad I should have built some some uh some shelter that is I do feel bad now really well and truly you know sorry for your loss you know I’d give you some Redstone as like sort

Of sorry but I don’t actually have any so uh why okay there we are let’s keep going I have done this spiral wrong I tell you why because this shouldn’t be at this level really it’s gonna look really weird hold on let me I don’t think it’s gonna have quite the

Corkscrew effect I was thinking it’s it’s starting to but here it’s gonna have like a gap I think it’s a problem oh my chipmunk mode oh I apologize he needs a memorial guys for every single dollar I receive for the next five minutes I will grab a flower and plant it for Bill

Around this place but for the next five minutes for every single dollar received to charity for the next five minutes we’ll grab a flower and give it to Bill please don’t do too many because then I will be you know forever picking flowers and not making progress but also do

Because money for charity I mean really I’m just being selfish okay I gotta taper it in one more time foreign like it should say is the Bell but the elves are thank you for the dollar you’re within the window you’re within the window we’re getting at least one flower so thank you

Izzy thank you the five dollars six flowers I think I’m seeing the pattern that’s emerging here I think this is just a three by three in which case actually finish off the tower at this sort of size oh I finally figured out the spiraling at

Least which I’m pretty proud of but I I really don’t think it’s gonna look great but maybe I can Rectify it foreign to look okay I’ll miss that that’s not the right block hello Julie I think of the dollar appreciate you guys want as many flowers here as

Possible did I say I don’t want many I lied you know me and my famous Jack manifold lying I was doing that I want as much money for charity as possible okay this is where the spiral kind of Falls to bits see what I mean I think I can maybe like sort it

Probably should eat some more food do you have any did I just eat all my Oh no I got another stack of potatoes oh they’re fine what time is it for you it is 11 15 a.m I’m gonna get some breakfast in a minute but my friend just

Woke up and I figured I’ll let him uh let him adjust to the day before ordering breakfast foreign do it to this level there all right chat this is the the height of the final Tower we actually okay I think we’ve actually made progress here we just we just

Haven’t used the right that’s deep sleep what was this oh this is cobbled deep slate isn’t it so I’m going to turn that into that and do that wow that’s incredible I wasn’t even sarcasm too you couldn’t tell because my my tone sounded sarcastic that’s just the way I sound

Not much you can really do there because it’s just the way I sound hello I have an alarm for 11 15. what a weird time to set an alarm for 16 actually 11 16 how weird all right hello hello hello the phone guy calling me it was uh call

Me to say he was calling me right now and he this is what he had to say a Travis that’s what he was saying he called me just to say that which was pretty cool Pizza would tub out I don’t be awake before we have to end stream but don’t

Fret because we’ll just do pizza tonight later in the week oh eat a bit of food eat a bit of food carry on oh it actually looks wait we’ve almost got the desired effect Ango and cottage pie oh wait guys that was the five minutes timer me thinking I’m like weird for setting

An alarm how much did we get what did we get nine flowers thank you chat um get sink cease set with nelf this wait no uh we don’t need enough 9.5 if it’s 9.5 we’ll round up to 10 which guess we will be having that now if there’s no Nerf dies

Hey you know what French hey you guys you’ll never guess what 19 is in French You couldn’t possibly guess this and if you did you’d be just as shocked as I am because you know that is not a word you want to be saying this Nerf this Nerf

Guys they’re literally saying Deez Nuts holy guys did the French predict these nuts this Nerf do not get caught saying 19 in French on rap TV I have no idea what you could be referring to but that’s all right and go leave the dollar oh wait I’ve got a place to flowers

Well he died on this hill so we’re putting the the dollar the flowers on this hill let’s just commemorate your guy’s friend chat the zombie one he was kind of badass let me move this boat a little bit moving the boat because I want to put the blue flower where the boat was

Because that’s the spot in which he died I think that’s actually maybe it there you are let’s commemorate your friend let’s get building I guess we’ll just use some deep slight breaks for a bit No One’s Gonna Be able to tell when it’s that high up that it’s not the same block anymore

Yeah well that’s quite a large amount um Ellen O’Neill thank you so much for the thousand [ __ ] thousand dollars thank you so much I really appreciate that thank you very very sweet I didn’t realize you were still watching hello oh I needed that I needed my thousand

Dollar I needed to kick up the ass a thousand dollars was gonna give me are you now the top donator I believe Ellen and Neil Ellen O’Neill guys my girlfriend’s the best guys top down air of the stream my girlfriend I won by the way that’s okay though maybe next time guys

Our deep sleep tiles look notably darker damn it oh it’s fine we need to blend it we need those further down there I think is now we need more deep slate have you slept I have slept a little bit I I I went for a little nap I went for a

Three hour nap that’s really sweet thank you for doing the the thousand dollars we’ve also probably got an additional thousand well actually we have definitely got an additional thousand from the subs so that’s also sick I don’t know how much have been donated into my PayPal but once I’ve figured that out it’s

Going as well let’s keep minding this deep slate we need to go get more deeps like Ali’s asking how I did the nap little did she know I just slept on stream well she does now because I messaged it I slept on stream but but prior to that little did she know

Right cover all that I left for two hours to sleep hey you know what Chad I’m not gonna judge you for that I’m not gonna judge anyone for doing that but guys you know what I’m gonna judge you for the lack of donations guys

If you want to hit 24 000 be on nine thousand dollars behind where we need to be now does any Rich benefactor have nine thousand dollars to give to charity this is what I want to know does anyone anyone does anyone know Miss does anyone know Mr Beast

I don’t know I’m that good like I we spoke like one one or two times I wouldn’t say like I’m I’m too in with with old Jimmy you know I can’t just like shoot him a DM and be like Jimmy I need nine thousand dollars also his things me breast yeah okay fine

I’m fine we’re doing it hold on hold on I don’t think Mr Beast is gonna be awake at this hour I believe it’s like really really late where he oh no he’s in North Carolina wait it’s a time zone difference oh wait it’s like it’s like 6 a.m maybe

Mr B I feel like he rises and grinds at Mr Beast if I eat a feast how much do we need to reach the goal no I’ll just say ten thousand dollars Mr B’s if I eat one feastables on stream will you give ten thousand dollars to charity pole yes no

He has two hours to make his mind up we’re gonna give him a poll well then democracy can like no that’s begging it yes that’s usually embarrassing but when it’s for 10 grand for charity at KSI if I eat one Prime on stream run out will you give ten thousand to charity

Poll yes no he has two hours and three minutes to decide just put yes and yes no no I wanted to know that he has a way out he does have his out but it’d be really bad you eat a drink out as much through the bottle I don’t know

[ __ ] it we’ll just eat a prime you know who else can we tweet at who else owns a product that we can consume that I might have in the house come on come on we may get the rule of three Iraq I don’t think I have any air rack product in the house

Logan Paul we already we already did Prime ninja I don’t have any ninja products Tommy in it I don’t think I have any Tommy in it I I that’s about like if I eat one Tommy in it hoodie I don’t really know I don’t have any top of the morning coffee no

No I do not a dishwasher call gummies yeah it’s weird Carl if I eat one cold gummy Festival you know what this when I realized that Carl will see it the bit got less funny it is a it’s like half a bit half real because if if Mr Beast did it

Then obviously it’d be cool filzer what do I do for filzer what is oh is he just in the chat I thought you guys were suggesting it was someone I could consume the product of but um is he just in the chat I I think I’ve just misunderstood eat one prune why

He’s here right now and you’re saying if I eat one prune philzer will have to donate ten thousand dollars to charity I think filter should donate you know tend to you know a thousand dollars anywhere between ten a thousand dollars from Phil’s right except anything more or

Less I’d you know I it elicit a large reaction from me all right we need we have a little bit of deep sleep okay that was foreign you know I figured I figured it’d be Jimmy Beast I’ve realized it isn’t Jimmy Beast but miles they give the two quids every

Time I hit that Ding now I’m gonna get excited that Jimmy Beast has said yes anyway it’s Karen building I love goats thank you for the prime let’s go oh wait no that’s not even and that’s really gonna annoy me ah Jimmy you take the zeros wrong Jimmy

[ __ ] sake Jimmy no Jimmy you’ve typed it wrong there needs to be five more zeros close close one Jimmy you know real close but no not quite so close Jimmy hey you know what I always say about Jimmy Beast he’s a Trier if nothing else you know if nothing else

Mr Beast sure does try I’ve always said that I’ve subbed enough to be a baby and thank you for being a a sub baby I appreciate it so that’s Twitter trying to open the tiltify so I can say it again what’s up Jack mate hi Jimmy W moment ah

Jimmy no yippee Yahoo thank you for the tier one close though it could have been Jimmy letter 25. have you fallen asleep at the monitor yet I did not see the message on the Allen O’Neill donation I have not fallen asleep at the monitor so much as

I got in bed and streamed it but I I have been to sleep yes I am very hungry hold on I don’t know what I want for breakfast though breakfast I’m gonna break my fast Bagel Man do I want Bagel Man I could have a leon I do like a leon

There’s a really breakfast food but I I do enjoy Leon you know foreign all right fine I’m a massive fan of bagels five dollars you know there’s this one place that I have in London it’s the only place that I like like Bagels from it’s called salt beef cow and you think

Who is that sorry thank you for the twenty dollars love the streams thank you so much greatly appreciated we’re not climbing the ranks We Are Climbing the ranks we’re about to hit 12 000. if we hit 12 000 when we officially hit the halfway mark and that you know bearing

In mind my goal was particularly aspirational halfway well I’ll feel all right with we get at least half I’ll go it was all right I was warned this might be it or you know I was warned this could be it well you know you know how I am

I feel like some kind benefactor is going to see that we’re far away towards the end and make it all happen hot salt beef bagel oh that’s what I want I love these so anyway it literally is this place in London but they only serve one type of

Bagel the only difference is like so it’s just it’s salt beef with pickles and mustard but the only difference in the order that you can get from that place is which type of bagel do you want plain Sesame poppy seed or do you want in a brioche bun

But like they don’t they don’t have any like the filling is always salt beef pickles and mustard there is no you can’t that’s immovable all right it’s the only filling you can have in the bagel however you can have any type of bagel that you desire and I find that really fascinating

Why is that the only Bagel you can have all right let’s start a group order of Bagel Man what ah I’ve texted Sarge the Uber all right my group order I’m going to be getting my salt beef or whatever it’s called on this it’s called something different but you know it’s all right

Where did I find this Bagel a second ago I’ve lost it oh hot salt beef bagel I’m gonna have a poppy seed bagel choose your sauce mustard choose your allergies I don’t a drink I have a drink what drink should we get chat before we carry on building

Ah never mind a question press rhubarb will do that’s one of my favorite kinds of press it’s all right guys I got it you can also get some pump bears with your bagel but I’d rather not have Palm Bears I’ve never been a big fan of palm

Bears I don’t know why they’re just not the type I’m not as into pombeers as I am other crisps oh I need more uh that was less than ideal I was about to say the top doesn’t look quite right it goes straight again maybe it needs to Corkscrew screw straight to the top

As you remember I put the big roof on that’s not gonna look so bad yeah I think when I put the big roof on that’s not gonna look too bad at all yeah Aaron’s goes back out at the top maybe mine should go back out of the top of it nice

Hold on I need to order my bagel man someone said Jimmy replied no way really the real Jimmy Beast guys I don’t think he did it did KSI reply guys KSI did not reply and he was on Twitter a mere 19 minutes ago check pole yeah most people are voting

Yes but I did anticipate this to be honest anyway continue to sorry I’ve got to order a bagel man don’t I priority order yes I need my bagel man now I can’t wait around for my bagel man Hefty 10 tip Jace thank you for the five dollars

The really cool J uh is that the really cool job if I’ll continue to raise money for Jerry wow 11 Grand good job Jack love you thank you Michael Michelle I appreciate that very much and realistically Michael Mitchell when we include you know the sub money and stuff like that

We’re probably talking more like 12 000 at least maybe even 13. and it’s really quite hard to say though I am I though I must admit I do want to give some money to the mods because they kept this thing afloat in my absence and raised it the mods raised

Over a thousand dollars by themselves while I was sleeping so I do kind of want to make sure that they’re they’re compensated for their time you know so I might I might I might there might be a small amount taken to a side from the sub count for the mods

Because they kind of earned it as you know I kind of like that it goes up and then spirals actually doesn’t look as bad as I thought we need to carry on building it oh we need we just need more deep slate okay we just need to mine down

I can’t remember to look for a cave we’ll just we’ll just dig we got uh oh without much iron actually oh wood do we start very much or did I drop stuff off that’s Freddy’s oh we got raw iron it’ll be all right yo we grabbed all that dark oak and I’m

Not convinced we’re actually gonna use very much at all this at this point I just saw my inventory uh okay cool oh swissy thank you the five dollars appreciate you very very very very much okay that’s fine we’ll dig [ __ ] it we dig oh I probably should

Bring a chat with me chat you can come with this time say we find you any redstone on the way it feels wrong not having you there come on Chad chair manifold let’s get you out of that boat let’s go Adventure yes let’s go Adventure Time oh grab your friends from two very

Disneyland Jake the dog it’s in the human the staircase down until we find deep slate doesn’t take too long these days I don’t think uh ah torches oh well that was less than ideal oh actually you know what that maybe it was ideal I was I was kind of like blindsided by

The fact there was a skeleton and not by the fact that really I’ve just been put in a cave where I can just walk down to the Deep slate that’s really convenient yeah this is actually might be convenient I really this is kind of very blindsided but ah

Well that was nearly dangerous uh deep slate deep slate right how come some of the deep slate is cobbled and some isn’t oh this is already cobbled deep slate is it not this looks like Cobble deep slate already where this is a bit different oh am I stupid are they the same block

Sorry I had to give some Auto mod feedback I felt like it was something that the Auto mod should really not need feedback on but it apparently needed feedback so I you know Mike Hunt thank you for the hundred dollars Mike Hunt Mike Hunt you’ve really made a difference

You know what I never thought I’d say this but my [ __ ] has really made a difference thank you so much for the hundred dollars [ __ ] oh okay water thank you I just kind of accepted defeat there oh hello chat hold on Jeff we’ll go down my cunt’s a real one I’d say so

Common Mike Hunt w I’d say so I think you have a hundred dollars I actually really appreciate that wedging ever and ever closer to 12. now I realize at the 20 hour mark it’s gonna be difficult to then double that 12 and hit 24 000 but it’s my first

Time doing one of these and I didn’t really know what to set the goal as I figured yeah 24 hours 24 000 it adds up to me but I am just one man doing this basically on my own so I will be more than satisfied by anything we hear really

I’m very hungry though where’s Bagel Man where’s bagel man when you need him yeah I I put in one simple request and that’s what bagel man gets here with the utmost haste and here I am my stomach growling because Bagel man’s nowhere to be seen

What I want to know is is the store called that or is the guy that makes the bagels called that and then they named the store after him or I suppose the man would be named after the store I guess actually just the store would just be named that and

There’d be no correlation to any man the guys the guy who makes the baby hello you just dashed in you all right where have you been plot twist you are Bagel Man stop raising money you’re raising awareness I think it’s amazing thank you I really appreciate that I am I’ll be honest

My ability to raise awareness right now is low but actually the amount of times I’ve heard someone explain what one of us does I could actually do it pretty well essentially one of us just helps out young people with lots of different things mental health like there’s some

Stuff going into like sort of careers and stuff it’s just a lot of things Matt janafold my evil twin thank you for doing something great and donating money finally we’re on the same side this is a very good cause at the end of the day there’s a lot of kids that could

Do with a lot of help with a lot of things uh and uh the one of us Foundation is there to help them with basically all of them and that’s a very very good cause in my opinion plea Torres thank you for the hundred dollars we are getting very close to 12 000.

Thank you so much are we only matches we got any matches does anyone want to go for the Top Donut spot by the way right now my girlfriend holds it and that is cool for her but like you guys gonna like you guys you know you guys gotta let her

Beat you you guys gonna let her beat you yeah she hasn’t been watching the stream right I guess you just showed up and did that you guys don’t want to take top down I’ll spot off of her what’s top down on my mouth all right it is a thousand dollars but hey there’s

Always someone there’s always someone with with you know more in their bank balance there’s always a bigger fish you know that bit in Star Wars is always a bigger fish this is now the rich ones are coming for you Ali that’s what I’m saying Jimmy Beast exactly if Jimmy sees the Twitter poll

What I said that I thought today dollar train to 12K I’m down thank you thank you for starting it thank you for the dollar chat you know what it is there’s enough of you here right now to make it happen if we start a dollar train then if

Everyone wants to join in on the Dollar Tree we would hit 12 Grand very quickly so instead of that oh the food’s like 10 minutes away that that is that’s that that [ __ ] hurt me the most bro I’ve heard this speech a lot I feel like it’s scripted

It’s not well it’s not scripted I just think it’s a really good philosophy for these things you know everyone’s here I feel like a lot of people sit there and you’re like well I can’t really afford much why didn’t you laugh at clay Torres oh I’m dumb no I’m dumb that they

The father you gave another 100 just to acknowledge that I hadn’t got I’m 20 I’m nearly 21 hours into this charity stream 21 hours and you expected me to get Clee Torres I get it clitoris it’s because I don’t believe in it I’m sorry I don’t believe it exists that’s why

We hit 12K yes wait hold on this isn’t one of the goals I had set but I just feel like we need to do it I need to pause the Minecraft for a second this wasn’t a goal I’d anticipated but it’s a goal I want to do

Oh my god I’ve been playing music the whole time I just forgot hold on who is that oh wait we’ve got another one I can’t read it wait hold on it’s too small on my screen but bro Buster Hyman that that shit’s foul that one’s fat all the others were just

Funny that one’s foul Buster hymen that shit’s that [ __ ] that [ __ ] sounds illegal bro that [ __ ] it just doesn’t sound good another hundred dollars though I’m I’m allowing you because you gave me another hundred dollars and it’s for charity but either way you guys might recognize that sound

I’m a dick uh thank you for the two two dollars no we’ll go we are gonna go here what I remember this part I only I realize I only know the chorus I didn’t know I didn’t know I didn’t realize I only knew the I don’t remember how the verse goes uh

We’re just gonna try I jumped in early and then realized that I only jumped in like a beat earlier Once Upon a Time not so long ago I got it oh yeah it’s been on strike he’s down on his luck it’s tough soda do you know I said either all day

I’m not gonna do that to my throat anymore I’ll die oh hold on to what we’ve got it doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not we gotta eat each other and that’s a lot for love we’ll give it a shot wait

Leave it on a friend take my hand I will make it I swear whoa whoa Living on a Prayer I missed the halfway there bit it’s the one billion hex I started laughing a sex ringing hog now he’s holding in what he used to make it off what Soto

Gina dreams of running away when she cries in the night Tommy Whispers baby it’s okay someday we’ve gotta hold on to what we’ve got it doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not we’ve got each other and that’s a lot full of we’ll give it a shot whoa

Oh we’re halfway there whoa live it on a bread take my hand and we’ll make it I swear whoa Living on a Prayer Living on a Prayer no I just accepted that that what you know I couldn’t nail it in any other key I was accepted that and that was it ready

You live for the fight when that’s all that you’ve got wow Living on a Prayer take my hand and we’ll make it I swear whoa live it out of breath I will make it I swear whoa living out of Prayer there we go we hit every note we hit every single note

We’re halfway there chat 12 184 dollars only three hours left to double it is this possible it might be hard but I for some reason feel deep in my soul that we’re gonna have someone come and clutch also thank you to the person that donated 50 saying please stop uh I

Understand sorry I only saw it Now www sing Taylor Swift and said I’ll be all right thank you for the 20. completely off topic but have you ever watched or heard of nukes top five for ghost videos watch all you ghost videos on YouTube I thought I’d ask I haven’t

Heard of them but I’ll give them a look thank you for the ten dollars Mr Beast will provide if Jimmy look if Jimmy Beast the great Jimmy Beast comes in then not only is you laugh you lose gonna come back we’re going to do it on this stream right Mr breast me breast

If my breast helps they’re here oh wait oh now I feel like a dick so I’ve never had bagel man before I don’t want to say this but you know when you order food and you realize it’s way too close to your house to order the food and like

You feel like a dick because because you just feel like you’ve wasted a delivery man’s time I just looked at the map and uh it’s it’s and he’s and he’s got to go around the long way because of what one way system to deliver this food

Yeah I feel like a bit of a dick I mean Eleanor always says this to me I think it’s very good advice you’ve you’ve created a job when there was once not a job that person now has a job to do and is making some money whether it seems

Like a silly little job it’s still a job for that person to do and that’s a good thing she’s a good way of looking at it she’s like you’re just helping the economy and the individual her mindset on it’s very good but I just always feel like it I feel like they’re

Gonna judge me when they give at me at the door so now I’m a bit like you know but whatever you’re making the money I know she she’s actually correct as always you know I have my fridge magnet that says I don’t need to Google my

Girlfriend knows my oh no my wife knows everything Ellie’s very good at making me put things into perspective and feel better about things I mean I guess that’s what partners are for but also like I don’t know you know she didn’t have to be that good at it I

Would have accepted less but you know here she is doing the most foreign Mr Beast will provide a look if Mr Beast comes in clutch it’s gonna be a very good day this is the time this is a good time for becoming clutch as well cyan Moon thank you for the uh

Thank you very much I think I’ve got enough deep sleep now the only problem is now figuring out how I got in here fifty dollars those of you don’t know that’s me now these cats I I don’t know for a fact maybe people in chat do know that but

I’m gonna assume that’s Ellie re-donating uh but as the cats which is very sweet I appreciate that thank you Santa Pluto will be on stream soon Ellie set up a cat tree in the filming room which means I’m gonna set up a dedicated cat cam um when I’m next to hers

Thank you for the laughing face mine as soon as also by the way if you do not have the money to donate directly to the charity like uh what Nat didn’t ask does that say also Anonymous if you don’t have money like them to directly donate if you have a

Twitch Prime which I encourage you to click subscribe and check if you have now if you if you look if you have a look and see if you have one of those guess what you can use it and I will donate that money to charity meaning your money goes to charity

Hold on my brain zoned out we got back into Minecraft I was like okay you know why I made shares I felt the the felt a desperate urge to share this sheep for no reason Maya I think that is thank you for the five appreciate it oh like like open

River thank you for the uh one dollar never actually spoken chat because I’m a VOD viewer most of the time I wanted to help with the charity you know what I should get the VOD viewers in here we should Community tab this someone’s at my door never mind after

After I’ve been to the door we will foreign foreign I’ve Got My Stream Energy back apart from I’m still a bit of an idiot I’m still a little bit sleep deprived clearly but I’m feeling a little bit more energetic we’ve got you know what thinking all in

All I was I was saying to Sarge he’s like asking how much we raised it’s like I imagine we probably raised fourteen thousand dollars which is pretty damn good and we got three hours to make that bigger and I want to make this as big as possible

In fact what was I gonna do I got distracted I was gonna put oh Community titles gonna vods Community tab Same we’re doing a 24-hour live stream I probably should have done that in the first place let me do it now I’m gonna write the community tab create post vod’s Channel enjoyers

I am live on on twitch.tv Jack manifold TV doing a 24 hour charity live stream there are only three hours left and we need all the help we can get to raise as much as possible so get in here I’m like you know what do I main Channel Community post

Do I call in the YouTube subscribers we could do it you know I’m gonna call them both him yeah I’m gonna call them both in I’m gonna do like a you know what this is what we’re gonna do watch this go on the blank screen and then I’m gonna do the Uncle Sam

Hold on cool I’ve got to save the image you can’t just copy paste an image into YouTube Community tab sometimes I remember why I don’t Community tab too much I must admit sorry chat we’re nearly there really hold on we need to it’s not quite an exactly Square image

And YouTube [ __ ] Community tab post only allows like previews on completely Square images I learned like it has to be a perfect square it just won’t like it’ll crop the text off that’s what I’m doing by the way I probably should show you guys what I’m doing when i’m doing

Them I just have a bad habit of not showing my browser I’m actually not going to show you my downloads folder in case I leak anything this is what I’m thinking oh yeah I’ll do the full link in that post you know what yeah we’ll do we’ll

Throw it on the main Channel as well throughout our main Channel okay okay let me reword this one because Jack manifold tonight at 8pm BST see leverage the new video leverage the new video there we are okay oh the eyes are spooky why are the eyes spooky I have beautiful eyes

Okay we’ve done it chat we’ve got as many people in here as possible [ __ ] image flip image generated cool all right cool let’s eat my bagel man while we chat let’s chat while I eat a bagel man and then we can get back into Mining and crafting how are we feeling chat

I don’t know this is DMC Aid it seems like it might be let’s put on no Animal Crossing while I eat my bagel man and we’ll get back on with the craft that is good that hit the spot I got a salt beef bagel and that hit the spot hmm thank you

Changing the title your day this is manifold news we are broadcasting the upcoming riots as manifold has rise together to unburn the dino dancer mode that’s all for me that was not a manifold decision who made that decision foreign why bro is the muncher I’m a Munch man I’ve been saying it

I went to a party a few days ago and they kept playing ice spice and the whole time you’re like I’m a Munch I’m on my and I just kept saying that as if Munch means fan of ice spice which I know it doesn’t but I like to think it does

The fifteen dollars I just wanted to tell me why I can’t sleep also raising money for a good cause LOL that was someone earlier but thank you I mean you’re more than welcome oh yeah because someone donated saying they’re a VOD Watcher and that’s why I did the community type post ah

Why would you say that because I’m munching right now I’m a munch you know so dino dance is unbanned you guys can use it for a little bit but I go crazy because the mods will get sad fun upcoming projects I can talk about um that I can talk about Okay so

I have that’s like I have what can I talk about I have some really cool ones I have uh one in September so I have I’m going to Germany at the back end of August to film a video and do like a stream and stuff for something that’s really cool me and Tabo

Are going to do that that’d be really sick um I’ve got a video coming out after the Stream I I’m back to uploading regularly my last video was like two weeks ago three weeks ago which by my standards is recent and um my next one’s coming up today at 8pm

It’s the arcade bug that we filmed all that time ago the arcade Vlog is finally coming out so when is it oh it’s been like three weeks it came out it came out earlier in July than I thought oh it’s been exactly three weeks three weeks today

But the arcade Vlog comes out today and it’s a Channel first in a couple of ways so I’m really excited about it also can I ask you guys a quick question since we’re being open and honest I’m asking you guys for certain thumbnail advice because the great Mr Beast said it himself

The algorithm is all people driven and you are the people you’re the guys are going to want to watch this [ __ ] right so what I’m trying to do is appeal to you and one day I realized things like tweet out thumbnails and be like which one do you prefer

Because I sit there trying to decide which one you should prefer I’m like what I might just ask so um thank you so much for the ten dollars um so what do you think of this I want to show you the the current thumbnail I have that video it might get slightly color

Corrected before it goes out but the idea is there you know ain’t gonna look much different what do you think I think it’s a good thumbnail I imagine this is on YouTube maybe a little bit bigger I don’t want to get too much bigger because thumbnails don’t get too big and you’ll

See some of the small arrows in it do we like this and would you title it differently I think I’m happy with the thumbnail but I think it’s the title that’s putting me off I think that’s the problem you know like it I like the title because my worry is I I

Showed a couple like a bit confused by what it meant and someone gave me the suggestion of uh because I don’t know she suggested um let me check the world is a bit different can you win enough tickets to buy the arcade machine done like um hmm I am

I can’t show you right now yeah do that you think that one’s better you like that more second one’s better can you win enough tickets to buy the arcade machine I feel the original you see I’m I personally lean more towards the original but she thinks the the concepts

Clearer with the second one which I agree but I think it’s like it’s just weird like wordiness to it that I I’m like you know what I mean I’m surely less confusing do a poll that’s good thumbnail to my nightmares well everyone always thinks my thumbnails are scary

Because I give the two different Subs appreciate that people always seem to think my thumbnails are scary and I never get why am I just a scary looking guy I actually think maybe because like we we did like some alternate thumbnails we weren’t outright before I started the Stream

And took some alternate B thumbnails for if this if that thumbnail doesn’t do too well and like I’ve got a really cool one you know run apart mods can you run Apollo I’ve got my hands full of bagel um the titles are we can do it word for word in fact

I will I’ll throw it in mod chat I can do that quicker than I can set up a pole the titles are and run a poll and chat and see which one people prefer you gotta get the word you gotta get the capitalization exactly right that’s very

Important here it’s my YouTube that’s my genuine YouTube advice capitalization is like this really important thing where words can stand out more if they’re capitalized right foreign buying an arcade machine with just tickets some people have said that I think my my thing my my reasoning

My reasoning for not wanting to do that is but but I’ve been told I’m stupid for this my Prime comes back a day too late but since I wanted to donate I asked a friend to lend me some money for that that’s really sweet thank you for some

Reason tiltify didn’t work for me first that’s all right no worries it all goes to the same place thank you so much I appreciate it but um I was gonna say I was gonna say something uh I was told I was maybe an idiot for this because someone put in chat like

Quite a concise one that’s probably worth considering uh they’re too long to go on the pole that’s annoying buying an arcade machine with just tickets I think my yeah like I think my issue is I want it to feel I don’t want people to know like saying buying an

Arcade machine with just tickets is like so the video like bear in mind what the video is and the video is kind of framed like we went here and we just gave this a go we didn’t know whether we would be able to do it and we wouldn’t didn’t know if we

Could pull it off and I don’t want to spoil that I feel like if you saying the title doing this thing you’re like there’s no Stakes like watching the whole video because if I say we did this thing you know I’ve done it so all the um you know that’s my concern

Can we win enough tickets to get an arcade machine that kind of works actually we can’t for some reason get them on pole I don’t know hmm someone in chat actually put one I really like I’m gonna write that one down foreign I like reading like just titles and chat

Can I buy the game with the game someone suggested going down that angle but that isn’t technically true we didn’t try no we didn’t play one game in order to win said game now we played lots of games in order just to win one you know we’ll just make the title would you

Rather have games and no games or unlimited games that’s good I like that I just got a Twitter notification is it Jimmy Beast replying to me or KSI yes it is I I I can’t check right now because my hands full of bagel I’m gonna drink a bit my drink

That was a chuckle sandwich reference I wasn’t it’s actually not it’s actually a reference that schlatt is doing on chuckle sandwich which I always find funny but it’s like he’s made it so much bigger than it ever was yo I had Jimmy B’s pull through come on

Bro Mr Beast I was just full of having me up they said the cats did donate Ellie messaged me she said the cats did say they wanted to help out so 50 Quid from the cats was in fact actually from the cats what’s Twitter I only know X oh my bad

Yeah of course X you should go on chuckle sandwich I would happily any day of the week going chuckle sandwich if those guys wanted me they turn around we want you on on chuckle sandwich like how I went I want you in my uh live stream on on YouTube I

Did the point then any day of the week any day of the week I would be on chuckle sandwich I love those guys are we eating for breakfast a salt beef bagel it’s a little bit much it’s very salty it is very salty and and the salt’s now getting too much

There’s a lot more beef on this than I’m used to when I have salt weave they’ve loaded this [ __ ] full also High cranias love you too grannies ah uh no Pluto I’ll be fine um um my brain Switched Off someone said schlatt will not have you on chocolate

Sandwich he hates you me and it’s like a boys he texts me randomly with ideas only the other day randomly texted me and went he but imagine this how to [ __ ] by Jack manifold 4.99 one-time purchase online course and he just DM me that it actually texted me to my phone

That’s what text me the other day I mean how did you come to this and he put I was sat silently reflecting in my pool you should try it sometime um yeah you know you want his other podcast I was on his other podcast I might make how to [ __ ]

I might I don’t know but I might foreign reviewed I haven’t written it yet I’m not quite sure how myself but I’ll do some research I’m done with the bagel for now oh now my [ __ ] um my mouse mat is coming in poppy seeds which is what they use to make heroin

I’m not planning on making any heroin though I don’t have any heroin plans oh we got a straw pile of the titles then we’ll get back to Minecraft we took too long eating which title for the video oh my God it’s like so close it is a pretty minor difference but

Sometimes with minor differences there’s one that is just obviously better and you can’t quite figure out why even though the difference is so small thank you the dollar I appreciate it oh wow this is really close I’m gonna give this a bit longer I’ll give this a bit longer see you see

Now can you win enough tickets to buy the arcade machine is winning and now now can you buy an arcade machine with only tickets his bank I like that this is slightly more concise this is a bit more wordy and someone had the idea of doing

Can we win enough tickets to buy an arcade machine I I do quite like that one I’m gonna try and like let me can we can we we win enough tickets to hmm you know foreign I’m beginning to not want either of these I think I may have my winner might

Be the one I’ve just written down and I just made you guys do a poll it may now be over nothing because I oh it’s actually very similar I realize it’s actually really really subtly different wording as well as how similar that is oh ah anyway

We’ll go back to it look guys we’ve got Minecraft [ __ ] to do we’ve got a whole project we got to finish we also got to somehow in the next two hours and a half raise twelve thousand dollars unless we can nail Jimmy Beast I think we’re gonna

Struggle so let’s get on with it also we’re technically supposed to do pizza tonight but I’ve not heard anything from Turbo hold on Turbo okay there’s someone there night time no no we’re just sleeping Freddy’s bed I just realized Freddy’s is really close to where I’m building

Vlad thank you for the 50 appreciate you let’s get the dodos rolling back here now we’re back to the project I’m back at the project you guys are back here let’s just get it rolling shut away jack chat mod chat now I’ve got to tap back out woe is me

I hit the woe oh I did I did see this I am aware of this is a real thing that happened while we were doing the stream during uh there’s a real thing that happened in Times Square while we’ve been doing this just so you guys know guys

I want to show you you are blad oh you’re trying to say I am bold I understand this is a real thing that happened in Times Square during this 24 hour live stream I just want to show you this I didn’t react very strongly but like this is mental well that is mental

Like my brain like I I’m so sleep deprived and like in the middle of something that I haven’t quite processed how [ __ ] mad that is basically Epi one of the mods decided to send this into a website that we’re putting things on on billboards in Times Square so now me

Wearing a t-shirt that says daddy’s little meatball has been displayed to tens of thousands of New Yorkers so that’s that’s great I mean I get that I tweeted it and more people saw it on Twitter but there’s something about it being that physically large and imposing over

Real people that is very uh is very weird cash for the blood God thank you very much I appreciate it I’m sure everyone involved this as well but yeah I uh I think hold on let me find that on Twitter IDK if this even works as a donation but

It’s all I have LMAO I think that’s I think I I I can’t spot who did that as of right now but we’ll check in a second but yes it does absolutely count and thank you very very much should I find this the the I’m trying to

Find the Tweet now because I want to quote Twitter and be like why you know what no I’ll do it after the 24 hour stream I’ll I’ll be able to be funny then I have nothing funny to say right now but there you go exclusive for you guys

I was on a billboard entire on Times Square while we were doing this which is pretty weird it is pretty weird I’ve been on a billboard in Brighton in London now Times Square I just love Billboards apparently foreign I think I think I think that’s the way forward ah here

Chat you need to move someone probably proposed in front of that yeah someone probably went on their first ever trip to New York they’ve thought about it their whole life their whole life they’ve been excited to like finally go to New York and they finally got to go and they saw daddy’s little

Meatball on a big [ __ ] billboard all right you need to you need to move oh [ __ ] my bad my bad my yes no you deserve to look at me like that my bad I didn’t mean that was like it was an X that was a real accident that I meant to

I meant to place the boat and then break the torch now I just feel bad now please get in this please get in I feel bad ouch that really hurt I didn’t mean to I feel bad honestly and you’re running out on charge and I don’t have any Redstone so there’s a lot

To figure out but we’ll we’ll do it don’t worry chat we’ll get you sorted all right oh where’s the music guy no more music Matthias thank you for the uh two dollars appreciate it Jack have you seen the screenshots of your face after your nap no wait are they are they funny ones

Something I’m calling childline I was British thing you could possibly threaten so everyone’s mum was like a bit mean to them and they just threatened called childline foreign unconscious people don’t want tea I know that I went to British school as well don’t worry you threw us off a building not on

Purpose though and that’s the key if you if you fell over and you fell on someone and you pushed them off a cliff by accident that’s okay because you mean to you know anything like that is okay as long as you didn’t mean it and that’s and that’s and that’s real life laughs

I’m trying to work out how this should look foreign this isn’t right ow this isn’t right I need to uh I need to think about this or maybe it is hold on I think it is actually uh it was not an accident judge I didn’t mean to shoot that guy that’s that that

Does get you off a murder trial he’s still maybe considered manslaughter depending but you know you don’t think about we get tried for murder yeah there’s sufficient evidence that you did actually not mean to kill that guy now I’m trying to work out how this should

Look it is annoying me a little bit something about it seems wrong hi chat we’re gonna work this out in a second go hold on I think I need to do this bit and just like make it like all the rest are you oh nope hold on cool all right

And I just need to make it look like it’s wrapping around a bit better because it just doesn’t look great as of right now I hope I managed to avoid the flowers and not ruin them oh I somehow did I managed to avoid every flower we planted that’s mad

You’re on I have 50 million power oh my God rise of Kingdoms I have like a I have a 50 quadrillion power and Rise of kingdom this almost looks right I kind of wish I’d actually done this out a bit that wraps around in wood

Now you know what I mean chat I think it looked cooler in wood I think it should have been wood the eyes that I wanted to kind of like make it like a kind of natural wizard like I was being wrapped around by a big tree

This should have been the bit that was wrapped in the big tree now I think about it what are we talking about again aren’t you tired absolutely yes so I’m not sure what I’m talking about when is our scary story time oh if I have any scary stories

Is it Mangrove no Mangrove I’m using for the roof but we could put the roof on now we can deal with this later who is that I’m living in turkey and I don’t have enough dollar to donate so I just don’t know why I have 10 over Never Dies

That’s absolutely fine it’s greatly greatly appreciated that you donated anything at all so thank you very much I was a quite the clutch anyway um go on Mangrove logs take that up there get Mangrove in the story when you went ghosting with Sam and Colby I don’t think there’s

Anything necessarily that I’ve not spoke about um foreign ever since I’ve watched that video is when I was doing the Esters method I felt someone tap me on the head but like so distinctly that I was just I didn’t even get scared because I was like oh it’s obviously just Tommy trolling just

Trying to make me scared right and then I watched the video back and realized I go oh I don’t know if it was one of you guys on or what but someone just tapped me on my head because I just and then yeah and then

None of them had Maddie I think it was two dollars but no one had touched my head whatsoever it was very weird that that did weird me out oh a bit of rain lovely I like the reddish wood it’s been a good addition to the game this is a very good

Color of wood I hope I have enough though I’m getting panicked now who’s that so thank you thank you for the five dollars appreciate you oh my nose so I’m very congested I don’t feel very well I’m actually possibly a bit sick I don’t know actually I wanna no one more down

What are we building I’m building the roof of my Wizard Tower a warlock Tower you know what we actually it’s not as as far in as I thought but we’ve made some alright progress I think we can finish this since by the time we finish the stream

We will have a tower which is better than not which could have been the option when at like 19 hours in we oh no not 19 like 15 hours in we’ve not really made one so I’m pretty happy right now in terms of progress he’s the clutch King he’s the clutch God

He’s the clutch God can we get a donation for this can we get money to charity because I am good at the game yes we can yes we can Bob the Builder style yes we can incredible incredible gameplay oh you guys want to go and shelter my God

How are you just so casual I don’t know man above the Builder mode I’ll go about the Builder mode sometimes oh come with me Chad you sit there while we build good Chad anyway I kind of have forgotten about that one donation goal that means we have to

Reset all our progress at twenty thousand dollars though like I said I demolished this at twenty thousand I’m really beginning to regret that because I’m actually quite attached to it now in a barn yeah but with a legendary duffel laughs look at the replies to your Tweet is Jimmy Beast replied

Do we finally got the Jimmy Beast reply we deserved is that Jimmy Beast the jimothy Beast guys Jimmy Beast did not reply foreign I now need to uh Anonymous wherever you are thank you for the two dollars me breast yeah me breast um what are we doing

I’d have thought then I’d have thought important thought oh I want to change the goal from destroy the thing now it doesn’t look like we’re gonna get that goal anyway but I just feel like I feel like if I Bank on that it’s gonna happen oh no the browsers are doing the thing

Again with the browsers don’t really work hold on did that make us a house not a barn you live in my house you just stay with duffel for now I don’t my nose is very blocked I apologize it’s really gross hold on chat it’s a bad house you’re the 400 [ __ ] house mate

Oh my God I’m just trying to kill fight it’s taking forever I apologize do you mind I don’t want to have to do it but you’re addicted you’re a [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] Mom Mom you’re a [ __ ] bomb your [ __ ] I do have bad Omen now though which isn’t particularly good

You’re 21 hours late no Izzy games I don’t know how I feel about this Izzy games we could bring back your life you lose I believe we might do that before the end I need to blow my nose in a second hold on I just need to I’m gonna sort the

Tilt to fight and then I’m gonna go blow my nose I apologize for all the delays to the Minecraft Gameplay it’s just I’ve been out it’s 21 hours and sometimes you’ve got to get up and sort yourself you usually I go I’ll wait till after the stream but not today

Can’t do it today incentives milestones right hydrate I shall destroy all progress let’s edit that what should we do instead for twenty thousand dollars if we do hit twenty thousand dollars for whatever reason what should we do we’ve not got long left it’s unlikely but you never know you never know what

Happens you never know what happens in this world burn down your apartment bring back Greta needs to be more than that prank calling shall I prank we’ll prank call some friends that would be good prank calls are good I was thinking about doing those yesterday and I forgot thank you for reminding me

Thank you yeah hold on okay until so far is back guys please allow me just to go uh blow my nose really quick I’ll be I’ll be back in a sec foreign foreign foreign hello sorry I’m I’m beginning to feel a little bit ill I think I may have streamed myself

Into a slight sickness yeah I think with a 333 really not feeling too hot but there’s only two hours remaining pretty much two hours ten so I’m willing to push through I’m gonna firm it I’m gonna firm it for you guys I just added some and I just

Went and had some anadin extra just to make sure I was you know all right oh what should we do as a grand send-off to this uh 24-hour live stream oh I know no I came up with it I came up with it in the shower

But I don’t want to say it yet I came up with it it’s all right how did I leave with two dollars appreciate it okay back up to the top you see look at that look at that look at that skills skills incredible yeah did that put on Coco melon I’m okay but

Thank you no actually gonna leave that there foreign Jack Fireman Sam what about him all I remember is like a naughty Norman he was naughty caused problems but like to be fair it’s quite quite bad when like to be fair you’re beefing with like the

Fire fire brigade as far as is like the services go the fabric is a pretty good one and fires and like stuff that is heroic as it gets really it’s probably not the guys you want to be beefing with in my opinion hold on I’m gonna go in and get the water okay

I know this is the best way of building in Minecraft but it’s the way I always go about it it’s a bucket of water and a dream yeah I’m always convinced it is the safest way of doing these things I’m out of Mangrove [ __ ] okay that’s fine we can give it a look

From far for a minute five and some of those you don’t know is is it’s a Welsh children’s TV show which a Welsh fireman named Sam es the uh the town of uh it’s a town called there’s a funny name Ponte or something what was it called

It’s well she had Fireman Sam’s Welsh pontypandi that’s it he saves the town of pontypandi in Wales thank you thought he was Australian how on Earth would you oh good day Madam [ __ ] Fireman Sam uh mud ah we’re going New Zealand um g’day it’s me Fireman Sam oh that’s awful that looks horrible

Wait hold on guys why does my tower look awful I was liking it and now I’m looking at it and it looks [ __ ] guys it looks like a dick and ball oh guys why didn’t you tell me it was gonna look like a dick and balls and like the

The that’s like the [ __ ] pubes that’s like an engorged vein it’s a [ __ ] I’ve just built a jar I spent 24 hours building a huge [ __ ] it looks like Gargamel’s Castle that’s fine Gargamel’s evil what a month thank you Ash for the 10 months

Okay hang on hang on hang on we need to go get more Mangrove wood uh which is uh that way actually they give it 20 hours thank you very much man appreciate it can we watch Bluey absolutely not you can continue being a child I’ll continue being an adult man foreign

S looks better than mine that’s causing me great discomfort I like that the whole point was that mine look better than his mine isn’t looking too great what does his have that mine doesn’t windows all right it’s reasonable Jack react to Scottish Peppa Pig well because it isn’t actually Scottish

Peppa Pig is it it’s like a bunch of like like some Scottish people dubbed Peppa Pig crudely it’s like there’s no there’s no episode of Peppa Pig where she’s like do they think you can [ __ ] doing [ __ ] all right there’s no episode like that of Peppa Pig in Scotland

Watch a tutorial we only have two hours left of this stream I’m so tired foreign Scottish Gaelic oh that’ll exist never mind ah who’s that sorry so now I can’t read your name because it’s small on that screen NYX something I think you’re the five dollars well done pal thank you forum

Right let’s keep going Legend has it donating makes you cool donate I’ve I’ve actually heard that Legend I read it in an ancient text I think I picked up a grimoire I opened a grimoire to learn some new spells and and lo and behold in this grimoire in

This ancient grimoire was written the ancient written the ancient tome those who doth donate are like well sick of them so you know Diego is threatening the play button on Twitter I don’t have time to read that right now but soon I will I just know it’ll upset me

What was the I planted new mangroves where are they oh there’s not grown yet great I don’t know I was thinking of the twenty dollars oh this looks like it has some goodness though I don’t need very much hi Jack just something by to say hi you’re slaying RN hey

I know but thanks for telling me I still like to hear it you know just because I know it doesn’t mean I don’t like to get told sometimes absolutely I do yeah I knew there was more wooden here somewhere I could sense it foreign just excellent I ain’t got enough anyway

We start heading back Mr Beast needs to donate for the sake of the play button I was is that what is Jago doing all right foreign subscriber plaque I’ll be destroying it unless Mr Beast donates to Jack’s charity stream completing his donation goal you have two hours

I don’t like this all that much mainly because even if I don’t get the donation goal I would like to not wait hold on hold on pause pause I would like to not lose my [ __ ] play button what is this just this [ __ ] one plus he’s just propped his phone up on the

Cell phone like held my play button up to it great excellent my God why are the stakes against you yo why Jimmy why would Jimmy care why on Earth would Mr Beast give a [ __ ] why would Mr Beast go ah yes the last thing I’d want today is Jack manifold’s play button destroyed

Jimmy Beast is gonna go I wonder how I can spend my next million and you [ __ ] congratulate me on 12K that was very cool don’t let him tear It Off the Wall there well I didn’t know he did I’m annoyed about him tearing off the wall check if KSI replied I’m gonna I’m

Gonna probably guess no yeah I think it’s a no thanks Santa decides for backing me up Santa decides has backed me up appreciate that anyway Jimmy Beast I’m so faded right now Jimmy Pierce we should tweet at Drake we should Twitter Drake um uh hold on at Drake

If I eat one hotline bling if I eat one God’s plan uh to share it um remove the power second it’s capitalized good please make sure it’s right you know uh Drake gets uh 30 minutes to respond if I if I eat one God’s plan I got a capitalization one again my god

Let’s get this right at DJ Khaled if I eat one God did I one God did on stream right now will you give 10 DJ Khaled gets he gets an hour 40 to decide such such a stupid bit it’s such a dumb bit just tweet at

Someone and be like if I eat one thing associated with a person can I get 10 grand tell them to bring out the whole ocean if they bring out the if I tell them to bring out the whole ocean will DJ Khaled donate ten thousand dollars to the Stream

This is what sleep deprivation will do to you Illy thank you so much for the 25 I thought you were maybe Drake or DJ Khaled because they wanted me to eat one God’s plan or God did but that’s all right the clutch King they call me

Two more hours we do only have two hours remaining one hour 50 minutes the only thing is I can’t go to sleep because we’ve got a thing on the way it’s getting delivered they ran me in the mail I was getting delivered after three it’s really hoping it was going to get

Delivered before three so it happened while I was on stream so that I could sleep after stream and I’ve got to stay up tweet Rick and Morty if I eat one pickle at Rick Sanchez if I eat one pickle right now on stream or you donate ten thousand dollars charity

Let’s head back up do the The Mangrove stuff let’s be on the Vlogs Channel it will be on the Vault Channel yes hahaha climbing drake drake drake drake drake that’s that’s not the Drake You Drake it was ten thousand dollars and you give me 20 pounds I mean 20 20 dollars

Great that’s not right that is Drake you owe me more than that Drake I mean I haven’t eaten a God’s plan yet but I will do it I will eat a one whole God’s plan I’ll even do that she said do you love me I tell her only I am farting I only

She said do you love me I tell her I am farting why am I what it is gone we’ve gone fully off the deep end chat I just realized that I I just out loud said she said do you love me I tell her I am farting I just said that

Out loud I was like yeah it’s just fire say that I thought that and then I said it out loud on stream Drake Drake was that one girl that was gonna get her mum to donate 2K that’s what I’m saying she was just saying that so we all thought she was cool

Where’s that two grand you know that’s meant I’ll say that yeah that’s what happened I thought that in my brain I was like yeah that’s meant that I’ll say that that’s one of my favorite sub-genre of like like Tick Tock Instagram [ __ ] I mean someone posts something really

Weirdly cringe like like I’ll be like a dude like just just like sobbing uh there’s nothing wrong with people quieting that’s not my problem it’s more just like I didn’t want to see that I hope that’s all right something’s wrong here I can’t work out what’s wrong with that um

DJ Khaled DJ Khaled you got the amount wrong DJ Carla that’s wrong Digital Color that is not the right amount you’re supposed to give me ten thousand dollars and you give me a five maybe he’s bad at counting he’s great at counting another one another one

Another one that you see DJ Khaled is absolutely excellent at counting that’s what he’s famed for arguably I’m gonna put one torsion here and that’ll be enough lighting yep that’ll do who was that Thunderbird Never Dies indeed thank you so much Catherine really appreciate it tweet a big Shaq

If man truly is not hot he will donate ten thousand dollars to my charity stream it’d be so cool look I would say all right now we have enough of a tower that like if we left it there we can say we built a tower

But but not enough that we’ve we left it there it would be a good Tower DJ Khaled ah another win all right DJ Khaled we got a little bit to go but I’m willing to sit with you through this one whenever the next one is ready it’s cool

I would donate 10 grand but I’m saving it for college that’s reasonable I understand I too sometimes think I could give away 10 grand but I’d rather keep it another one uh thank you for the uh the one dollar can we start on another one train can we just get people donating

One dollar and saying another one I’ve done it 10 grand but I’ve not got 10 grand reasonable excuse oh oh my God this is comfy oh this is how I can time sleep deprive this is comfortable oh yeah yeah that’s the one oh my back is like breaking doing this and

I’m still comfortable I could just I could just I oh I could sleep right then right over there an hour 45 to go and I’m I’m I I’m I’m on fumes foreign my parents have 10K but I don’t know if I can use it go ask politely

Go mother I need ten thousand dollars but it’s for charity oh I shoveled that chicken to death there was no need I didn’t need to shovel the chicken to death today I just did that I know it’s wrong I can make this look a little bit better

I just want to blend this a bit better too we’ll do that I’m actually Oppenheimer cosplay when I know I’d have Jay Robert Oppenheimer is the type of guy you want to be cosplaying another one another one another one we got a lot of another ones coming through

Appreciate you appreciate you DJ Khaled I I I’m convinced he’s like some genius I I think he’s a comic genius I don’t think he’s like some like idiot on the internet who just says things like I I’m genuinely convinced he’s like there’s like a there’s like

Acts of Genius occurring in his brain at all times then what convinces me of that is something I always think it’s quite obvious when someone is like like trolling and when they’re not I don’t think DJ card I I get the impression he’s trolling no I got rid of water

Okay I need to sort that I need more water now though close one get a load of this guy get a load of this pip squeak that’s me talking to you buddy in the chat another one thank you DJ Khaled I’m enjoying this what I really like is we don’t know how

Many another ones he’s got in him you know what I mean could be any really it could be any amount Oh Ellen O’Neill’s FaceTime videoing me hold on oh okay sure to earn money for charity I’ll help you for a second what’s up crime what’s wrong with it yeah

So why is it not working is that plugged into the camera ah that sounds silly but yeah uh is the microphone on that sounds silly as well what do you mean uh what were the dials set that does look on um open the go XLR app on your computer

It’s in the system tray what’s that so on on the taskbar found oh you found it there I see the system tray it’s on the right anyway um go to Mike yeah no no no sorry uh the bottom section but like that yeah there’s the headings on the bottom section

Yeah yeah Mike uh mic setup no yeah I’m asking you to go to my setup uh talk okay so it is picking you up so the mic’s not being funny uh it’s plugged into the camera right yeah that’s weird oh uh go to mixer yeah no thanks no I’m not just asking

You to go out like a Coke uh yeah go to mixer uh oh no go to routing sorry rooting actually uh and then uh online out what’s going out through line out just Mike yeah that’s right why is it being weird um that sounds more like something to do

With the camera than I would guess it doesn’t sound like a microphone issue oh okay well thanks have a play with the camera and then give us a ring back if not don’t worry um oh I’m having so much fun Minecrafting okay bye bye-bye love you guys I’ve been mugged off I’ve been

Mugged off not love you too guys I’ve got to cut cut the stream early because I’ve been mugged off yeah join me in my grief no no no this is so bad wait hold on we might have a rectifying text here never mind they are not right to find texts thank

You Anonymous for ten dollars Demi Donaldson thank you dimmy John Olson I couldn’t fix the camera now she don’t love me no more you’re sorry I’m floating yeah for some reason when I sleep I float above the bed it’s very cool in my opinion though so I don’t I just don’t question it

Bobby thank you for five dollars saying Barbie that is your name I tell you what you are a girl in a world hey Bobby hey Ken let’s go for a ride yeah sure thing Ken it’s this that’s the song that’s what I remember from yesterday that’s all better

Does that look better beforehand it just kind of looked like it was fighting thanks it’s working you didn’t have to give me five thank you Ellie it’s working now I didn’t do anything but it’s working now and now I’ve got an extra 500 quid thank you

Alan O’Neill is by far the top donator today that’s pretty cool that doesn’t look right it doesn’t look like a growth doesn’t it really how do I make it look less like a growth doesn’t really look like a spiral anymore just it’s kind of like this

Tower has a bit of a growth on it which isn’t really the desired effect hmm where did the overlay go from the top what not quite sure you’re talking about having to the best of us what having a growth so let me check how much we’ve raised

Full stop as of as of right now let me check uh let me check PayPal really quick oh you guys can see that that’s very good glad I closed that quickly because I almost logged into my [ __ ] PayPal I’m in bad because all the PayPal donations don’t

Go into that grand total and there has been a fair few I’m curious what it all adds up to I want to know now I think I have to stare at that tower for a minute longer for a second I’ll freak out uh the idea of staring at that

Tower for a second longer is is making me angry make windy stairs outside we should do that to be fair oh my God enter security code by the time it’s loaded I’ll have a new security code please use plants Jack I do kind of want to make it leaves on the spirals could

Look good I think plants would be good cacitorium with 20 donated to the one of us Foundation one of us one of us indeed okay Aaron they give you ten dollars it’s taking a while to load just doing a bit of mental maths maths that like you know tests quizzes me mentally okay

Chat we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re getting there play FNAF wasn’t one way to play FNAF right now was everyone spelling play for now because of the Minecraft thing we could not we could we can move on from Minecraft I just I kind of said this would be a 24-hour Minecraft stream

I’ll be honest I’m going Zane Taylor Swift I am the real Taylor Swift Taylor Swift I didn’t even offer to eat a uh uh 22. um that’s crazy that you’re here Taylor thanks for being here Taylor I’m just uh how much is that you know what guys the point is I did

Mental maths I think we’ve raised 14 500 roughly might be a bit more might be a bit less but roughly as of right now fourteen thousand dollars for 14 500. which is sick keep playing Minecraft I might I might I don’t know I know what I want to do for the final

Hour so we we’ve only really got enough room and we finished FNAF ruin already I think it was a good game I don’t think it has crazy replayability though is my one sort of like if I was to uh if I was to give my take on the game

You know cool game not all that much replayability actually don’t know if it needs this bit jutting out I think I think it juts out too far as well let’s do a 48 hour stream next I’m not doing even 24 hours for a very long time unless but I was saying this turbo

Unless I can do like a subathon I might do a no I don’t think I would as much as I have really I’m really glad I’ve done this and it’s helped a lot of like you know it’s helped a [ __ ] great cause endurance streaming like this is not for

Me I forgot how much it just I just I just feel like a bit on edge all the time I usually really like streaming but this is maybe like not want to stream for a couple of days so I can like decompress and usually I’m like down to stream like

All the time at the minute so no it’s been a long time since like I’ve got extreme burnout this feels like it’s gonna inspire a little bit of stream burnout and I’d rather it didn’t but it does feel like it might bring on a bit

Which is fine I I only I’ll take like a day off and I’ll be all right but you know I’ve been thinking about it lastly for ice cream is when I joined chat manifold and that is appreciated very very much so excuse that looks better that looks better

Abigail I think with the dollar that does look better does it though I think it looks better like I need a break from you streaming too you guys don’t you guys aren’t allowed to want a break right you should think oh my God the more geometrical

Content the better I can’t get enough of that guy that guy’s entertaining and hilarious and you know moderately hot moderately good looking I forget the exact wording someone called me that the other day and and I I felt genuinely complimented but at the same time it did feel a little bit backhanded

Because I don’t think they needed the word moderately talk about how apparently uh we heard rumor that uh this is the time about the Drake apparently even Toronto and this is an encouragement by the way it’s just what I’ve heard apparently if you live in Toronto and you’re at least

Moderately hot was the exact wording used by the person who told me about this if you’re moderately hot then you can probably get to a Drake house party and sleep with Drake if that’s your sort of thing I was like what really and the person who said they went yeah

You’re moderately hot you can [ __ ] Drake and I thought wow that was a really weirdly backhanded compliment thanks I think and that was really it but but it definitely felt weird I’m not I don’t want to sleep the Drake I have a girlfriend you know what I mean but at the same time

I was flattered ish I think again I’m not really sure how I felt to be honest or a bit surreal yeah you go one day then you you go from one day to the next one day you think you’re just a humble boy in a big big

Old world next thing you know oh did you know you could have sex with Drake what I don’t have sex with Drake I mean like thanks for informing me I guess but like also like I’m not gonna do it can’t read sleep with Drake I’ve never heard that one before

That’s a story thank you for the hundred dollars that was that that’s that was a crazy large donation just say never heard that one before that that that’s what I heard I almost died then that would have been bad let’s go sleep Freddie’s an even bigger minimalist when

It comes to his houses than me he’s just got a bed in a room and that’s it and there isn’t even a finished wall on this bit thank you so much the hundred dollars hmm oh I know what I want to do Jack are you tired absolutely why are

You putting l we’re gonna put an l what did I say what did I say I I I’ve been I’ve been honored I’ve been in brain land for the past few minutes anything I said out loud isn’t isn’t me and isn’t indicative of me you always died did I oh right okay in

Minecraft that’s whatever I think it’s something of importance happened I got like scared hmm I’m gonna use the dark oak now I think I have it already the water thing is probably really bad for like any bit of plant life that was around this place but oh well

I think I broke twitch you broke the whole website you might have storage watching this why are you downloading the video too you can just watch yeah this is a stream right you don’t have to download it ain’t gonna go nowhere if you don’t just gonna make more trap doors I’m just

Gonna do one at the top and the bottom I think I’m actually gonna do I’m gonna do that am I no I’m gonna do like the flower bed type thing that people do you know the one chat I’ll craft more now God this is tedious no need some slabs too

Oh now I’ve fallen great you know what Chad this is becoming it’s going really tits up I’ve left my crafting table up there the towel doesn’t look too bad it’s definitely it’s picking up I feel like Aaron has an edge right now that’s really doing my head in but but

This is a good blueprint admittedly more it I want to get this done in the 24 hour stream I I don’t really want a blueprint 22 hours and 35 minutes in but at the same time I think I’ll go insane if I stare at this much longer

In dollars give you an impression of someone all right um I mean I definitely can but uh there’s I’ve done plenty I’ve done like so many of them so many times that Chad probably bored of hearing them so I I will let chat pick what I try and I’ll do them

That’s all gonna do it also turn the music off by accident put that back on that’s the mystery City Todd from Sally face I was like dude right I don’t know how I used to do that one Lois Griffin Peter the horse is here Chandler from Mr Beast Quagmire um I’m Glenn Quagmire

I’m Glenn Quagmire it’s my clap that’s my quote I’m Glenn Quagmire that’s my Quagmire um do Tommy in it hello I one day Tommy has to tell the origins of the hello because I learned the origins of the hello on tour and I I I I I mean I was shocked

Let’s put it that way I was accurate was it I got it I discussed it a lot on tour as I said there’s a reason there there is a story behind the hello I learned yes and it’s it’s crazier than you’d think is getting there you know it’s getting there

Not it’s not quite rarensis yet but that’s all right didn’t pressure impression of Greta uh hi I’m Greta girlwig if I was Greta girl like I I talk like this I think I mean I don’t know because I’m not Greta girl wig obviously but if I was Greta

Girl with famous uh Brighton artist then I think I would do that uh Killian Murphy he’s Irish right I I don’t know whereabouts in Ireland though I think is the problem uh if I knew where he was from in Ireland I I do that I’m just doing a generic sort of

Sort of um uh Irish not too strong just just like a little bit Irish and as far as I can tell that stats that’s all you need because like you know if you’re from Ireland then you’re probably gonna go that sounds nothing like Killian Murphy but if you’re not

From Ireland you’re just gonna hear an Irish accent you’ll be like ah well [ __ ] it I know he’s Irish that’s that’s about as much as I know and that that’ll do you but the problem is yeah it could be [ __ ] anyway everyone’s saying Niall Horan now because it’s the same thing

Because it’s just we’re not Irish so we can’t really pick up the Nuance in different Irish accents I mean obviously if they they’re from obviously if they’re from really far apart but Mrs Brown I remember Mrs Brown’s Boys she’s a little bit more different that I

Actually there is a bit Nuance there Lee I think with the seven seven dollars tubbo I think I do tell her Dublin I think is I I can’t tell the difference between different Irish accents oh I can but I I forget which one’s which sorry is what I

Mean like I couldn’t tell you which one’s Dublin and which one’s [ __ ] cork I know Cork’s supposed to be like like to Irish people that’s the funny one like how like I don’t know they’re like our scousers it’s like a weird accent it’s like very different to the rest of the country Wilbur

No I can’t really do anyone I’m friends with it’s really weird once I know someone it’s really hard there’s a huge difference I know there’s a huge difference I just don’t know it do Barack Obama it’s like well let me be clear oh uh Michelle for [ __ ] 45 more minutes Christ

Uh let me be uh let me be clear thank you for the two dollars whoever you are appreciate that you know what do I want to do anything more to this Tower before I call this Tower done for now because I built the shell I built the shell you know and that’s

Decent progress oh you know I shall I’ll blend some deep sleep bricks in I need some deep slate bricks blending in because that would blend much nicer from the uh no I mean like that blends a lot nicer because they look slightly darker in hue we’ll throw these in

Can you do Joe Biden come on man I don’t know uh by not so much I’ve heard some good ones Elma Elmo Elmo I gotta do Elmo very well because the story thank you for the 50. but my voice is like failing because I’ve been live for 22 hours but nearly 23 now

But uh Elmo’s kind of like that demo TF2 oh yeah lad he’s Scottish that’s all I [ __ ] remember Scotland I remember the yeah I remember Demo Man being Scottish and that is about it phone guy hello hello only an hour left I know we are we excited disappointed how do we

Feel now it’s coming to a close chat what’s the general consensus among among chatters pyro TF2 oh sure sad damn I wonder whether somebody be like I’ve had enough now yo I’m glad I’ve been here but you know I’m glad I was here but but that is

Enough cassitory thank you for the prime really appreciate that thank you so much let me say this scarcity I really appreciate it I think you’ve possibly given plenty of money very much I gave you a hair band with a rainbow colored flowers last year at twitchcon Amsterdam do you

Still have it I do it’s probably in my box of things that I’ve been given by fans I just have a box and it’s just filled with them Morgan Freeman I am Morgan Freeman and I am the voice of God and uh the the Shawshank Redemption which was a movie that I have

Not watched I should watch The Shawshank Redemption but I haven’t seen it I am God yeah whenever I think of Morgan Freeman I think it was that one like old ass YouTube video where he goes I can smell you and that’s all that I ever stick that

That’s all I know in my head whenever I think of Morgan Freeman now and his voice all I can hear is that one fella on YouTube going I can smell you some people know I’m talking about other people are confused David Attenborough and yeah they’re either five gifted Subs it is

Greatly appreciated thank you so much you’ve been sending a lot of Support over the past few minutes really really appreciated and here we see uh like a [ __ ] bird or something Joe Swanson hey Peter hey Peter Haya having lost my voice over the course of the uh sabathon makes this a lot easier

To do Peter The Voice cracks are coming up much more naturally which is very nice peter clay dinosaur thing to say one Dr Bowes I Dr balls I don’t remember that guy’s voice Meg from Family Guy no no guys shut up Meg I have another ones around the front

[ __ ] we got more bricks I do okay thank you for the twenty dollars Anonymous Tipper blood for the blood God indeed and after the ancient they give you the 50. well dungeon manifold well done thank you thank you very much thank you thirteen thousand five hundred

You know we are like 1500 away from doing your life you lose and I will happily do you laugh you lose I’ll even extend the stream slightly if we hit you laugh you lose just before we end just to do the laugh you lose and that is a promise that is actually a

Guarantee I will slightly extend the Stream to do your life you lose oh [ __ ] I don’t want to do Media Share please uh but it’ll be media Chef a charity all the media share will go to charity and you’ll tell me that’s bad I should have done it anyway I should

Just schedule it into the stream really so if I do another charity stream we’ll we’ll do like a charity your life you lose there’s Jimmy Beast replied let’s have a look I don’t think so uh all my polls by the DJ Khaled one have ended uh no one has replies not KSI

Not Drake not it was the first guy I tweet again Mr Beast none of them I’ll call Mr Beast right now yeah do it why not the problem is though he Diego’s gonna destroy my play button now I’m not interested in this song this isn’t the vibe this was an all

14k raised is absolutely wild I appreciate that it’s such a good cause as well smiley face get some rest after baldman thank you so much I really appreciate it thank you thank you all for being here Gemma Cockrell thank you for the uh 20. 20 gifted Subs

But yeah no this has been great I’m genuinely like 14k raised is is mad is absolutely mad and I really appreciate everyone being here it is uh well I’m a bit tired but hey it doesn’t really matter to the end of the day a lot of good people are gonna get a lot

Of things they deserve because of this that’s all that really matters to me uh and now I need another pickaxe thank you we’re not long now one hour 12 minutes I know what I want to do for the final hour that’s why I’m doing this now

Because I want to I don’t want to be playing uh we’re gonna be doing something Minecraft related but we will not be doing the tsmp for the last hour I apologize but that is simply the way it is Arthur Morgan lumbago I haven’t really played Left 4 Dead uh

Left for dead [ __ ] I’ve played that uh red Red Dead I played a little bit of Red Dead one but I haven’t played any Red Dead 2. like I own it but I never actually got around to playing it which is annoying hello all I have left the blood God also chat

Come on push the next hour so we can do this chat look is 24K realistic at this stage probably not but am I going to remain hopeful that we’ll hit it absolutely why I’m the type of guy that believes in just random very kind people who stumble

Onto streams like this this is polished I don’t want polished I want bricks how do you make bricks is it just four lots of polished it is I believe in the good of people maybe Mr Beast will do it in the last five minutes well this is the thing who

Knows how many people are waiting to the last five minutes to donate now there could be like hundreds of people out there hundreds of rich people they’re like you know what we’re going to donate to this but we’ll wait to the last five minutes you never know you never know

With these things so I’m maintaining hope I’m maintaining hope that the last hour is gonna be the craziest push of Our Lives I’m like saving up energy I might even go chug a Prime energy to make sure I have the energy required the fire I think of 100 very cursed

Knowledge about the name Bender please sure that’s Tom’s dog uh not real dog Tom had a stuffed dog toy as a kid he’s one of the main characters in The Tommy in its show he’s played by Freddie badlenu but apparently there’s some dark side to binder that none of us ever knew

So I am intrigued oh oh this is looking all right oh Twitter notification is it Mr Beast no I thought it was Mr Beast Jimmy breast thank you for the uh the one dollar again slightly like a couple zeros missed but that’s okay Jimmy you tried your best laughs oh

Not wanna know what the problem with binder was binda in Swiss German means period pad and it’s pronounced the exact same way so the whole show I was genuinely dying so essentially Tom’s childhood like toy dog was called tampon and the whole show he’s going tampon

And he sings the whole song about how he’s the tampon dog I’m understanding why this is funny now the more I think about it him being the tampon dog is rather humorous there’s only five minutes left before the play button is destroyed what no can we not have that please

Tampon dog hundred dollar don’t know again I used to I used to admire the 10 I believe millionaires now but come on blood for the blood count I really appreciate that thank you so much for another 100. you’re sick really really it’s so appreciated it ain’t even got in my pocket it’s

Going in you know the Charities pocket however you know you guys have been donating a lot of money if you want to follow you know show up to the regular jump out of old streams you know donations are always enabled they don’t always go to charity but they go

Elsewhere and and then hey I hear that you know it’s just as appreciated you know that’s what I hear that’s what I hear you know almost at 14k we’re on not far from 14k at all oh however your Tower is the [ __ ] Tower from Ash’s vlog this is not the [ __ ] Tower

This is an evil [ __ ] warlock Tower I actually really like it I think it needs some more like wood and leaves and stuff but I think we’re on the right lines we’re on the right lines Moosh Bennett thank you for the year one dollar appreciate you oh

Jack did you already add the money from regular donors and Subs to the counter no I can’t I have to do it all at the end so it’s kind of a big reveal am I a chipmunk again I mean I I can estimate now and we’d be getting we’d be about 15 000.

All right if I was estimating oh my god I’ve gone so tired I don’t know what to do I I think if I have to go near that Tower again I’ll I’ll freak out oh I might make some lanterns for it maybe some lanterns for

It to hang up so it doesn’t look so dark in the dead of night but then I I think if I look at this Tower again I’ll scream do I even have any torches no I have to make them oh I do no who’s that my back might hate me but it’s fine

Thank you so much you don’t have to I mean it’s charity but at the same time you know don’t go broke for charity you you should you know also look after yourself but thank you so much oh no actually it seems really oddly low down but I quite like that

It’s like strangely low down door overhang because that is all the iron I had smelted let’s go let’s go offload some stuff into the chest sleep and stuff kasatory though thank you so much Sage right it’s either tier one appreciate you are you free yet mods no they’ve still got an hour

Believe it it is actually finally here 24 hours is nearly done it’s a very nice feeling it’s a very nice feeling I’m getting very exhausted now we don’t need this many I don’t need that many wheat seeds no kid on me yeah hold on sorry I’ve gone quiet it’s because I’m

I’m preserving energy I’m gonna be completely honest with you when like energy preservation mode I’m just sorting my inventory make me feel happy I like when inventories are sorted I mean sort of by my standards but sorted nonetheless one of my current standards oh hold on this is sorted sleep money money money

I’m not broke yet but how much do you have to lose your life you lose is in 12 like 1 200 dollars to go on the thing I mean I think yeah one thousand two hundred dollars which is a lot I don’t think you should be firming that yourself

Bye-bye play button no guys it’s still 40 seconds Jimmy Beast is going to do it he’s gonna come in close all right oh are we there already with the regular donations it’s hard to say for like a hundred percent it’s very difficult like I can’t I’m calculating roughly in my head

And like we might just be there but we also might not Jimmy Beast hurry up our Jimmy Beast has currently got five seconds to donate you better get on it 23 hours it’s over it’s over no more play button for me one hour left but thank you all right you know what

Let’s do the Tweet I’m not gonna do the lanterns right now guys let me show you let me show you what we did before we uh go on to our final hour and I’ll show you what we’re doing for our final hour oh the silhouette of it looks sick actually

Sort of spirally silhouette I like wanted to say that I recently turned 17 love from SG turning 17 signifies that ishld get over the fact that someone played me on a trip to NC last year sad face also what do you think if I did a S2 script

Some of that confused me but thank you for the 100 bets and congrats on 2017. I’d say it’s good you know what I know I said I was going to finish this Tower I know it definitely isn’t finished but it’s not far off like one more stream where we just like

Kind of put a bit of work into that and get it done one streamer I’m not like absolutely sleep deprived you know what that’s what I won so there it is but guys guys I just eat this real quick there is one last thing I want to do one last thing

And that is of course with this being a stream done for the one of us Foundation a charity literally set up in technoblade’s memory I think it’d be appropriate since to be fair I know it’s the only theme throughout this stream is we’ve done things technoblade would do to summarize

I haven’t done that on purpose and trying to do a DSM PS2 script oh if you did it you did it maybe someone would read it but um so as I said this is technically in techno by its memory no technically just is everything I’ve done absolutely has been

Something he would do I believe I chat with his dad uh we did a cooking stream cooking with technoblade right we did we sang Blitz we I’m sleeping on stream maybe not so much but I assume tender blade also slapped just throughout I realized that I’ve just kind of paralleled things that he

Used to do content-wise unintentionally but like I I just thought it’d be a sweet way I’m like what’s a nice linked way to finish it off and I figured what better than to hop on Hypixel and play some [ __ ] Blitz if it exists anymore I don’t know if it does

But I figured you know what what better way do a final tweet be like you know what guys we’re just gonna play Blitz we’re gonna play Blitz in his honor I’m gonna try and raise the last hour is kicked in right we’ve got one hour to

Try and get as close to 24 Grand as possible now I don’t know if we can do that but I said we give it our best [ __ ] effort so please for this whole hour I want it non-stop just donations donations donations donations there’s only an hour left even if all of you

Just donated a dollar this hour there is 1800 of you and if I put out a tweet maybe there’ll be more you know let’s just try the game is taking a while to boot but once the game is booted I’m gonna do this tweet where’s Hypixel

Here we are I’m in duels okay so Blitz is it a thing it is still a thing there are okay there are also only 30 players all right maybe we’ll do duels or something maybe oh we’ll do like Bed Wars he was gonna ten I was good it was

Right he was a PVP guy we might not but we’ll do a little bit of Blitz but we might we may struggle with blitz thank you for the uh hype chat did he ever make the tower he played look look I’m not saying it’s a literal

Thing I’m not saying like I I spoke every word he spoke and breathed everything he breathed I understand there was a couple of things I did that just were like direct parallels with with like some of the bigger like you know Blitz and the cooking thing and all

That and chatting with his dad and all that it just okay it was just on my mind one last donut blood for the blue God oh seven thank you so much Duncan I appreciate it I don’t need my money come on chat we can do it together anyway

I’m sure stream snipers will join that’s a good point jacked manifold yeah they know I’m here all right let’s do the Tweet let’s put on some different music for Blitz but in a second Blitz for the very first time cool let me do a screen screen grab uh

Thank you so much hold on uh let me do this tweet and then we’ll get going we’ll get started all right final hour people let’s try our hand of Blitz Tassie thank you for the 10. ninja thank you for the one kit selector what’s a good kick at the

Horse one right that’s what he says in the song where’s this horse one you mentioned that in the song a lot jockey I assume I assume jockey’s the right one right you guys can’t tell it to me right oh hold on Jack the saddle oh well hold on then

Ah I understand the horse tell me yes kill effect oh speed resistance regeneration I prefer that I haven’t unlocked it all right never mind Emily leave the ten the final person we can do this you laugh you lose and we get your life oh we can oh my God we’re really not far

From here I didn’t realize how close we were tender blade Never Dies absolutely also I don’t know game starts in 30 seconds okay wait we actually are going to start a game I’m hyped I’m hyped I’ve been playing Minecraft the whole time since you’re an app pretty much I

Had a little bit I had a little bite to eat that was pretty much it Keeley thank you for the 10. and the car using all my data right now it’s for a noble cause my friend right-click boat select kit I think I did didn’t I yeah all right foreign

I have no idea I’ve never played this before I have no idea how this game plays is it like Hunger Games if I’ve got a kit I figure heavy fishing rod thank you so much Julie for the five she grabbed out my girl until I wig

Go so give me the one dollar and one cent just stay away from that guy actually it’s just Hunger Games okay oh that is heavy uh it’s a very small Arena I kind of wished it was bigger I don’t have anything oh dear good morning yes good morning you did

Way okay wait okay you spawn a horse oh there’s an armor here I’ll have that foreign was it track was it tracking hey Apple I already had that okay I’m not great at this I’ll be honest is my horse dead did they kill my horse I think I Killed My Horse that isn’t

Ideal I’ll be honest wait is that my horse never mind you’re my horse Legend let’s go either 10 players remaining I am just running five hundred dollars last don’t know yo yo so much oh my God we’re so close to doing your knife you lose I’ll extend the stream for it we’ll go

Slightly over 24 hours to a little bit of your life you lose I think so I still want to do this for the last hour we’ll go slightly over damn damn damn okay okay that was I got balls here I got ballsy I got balls I got excited for the 500 that’s fine

That’s fine play again play again let’s have a look at the other let’s see what we we get is it only you get gold sword oh the pigment seems pretty good I’m gonna go for the pig man I think we did it with the donations look

We probably have done the laugh you lose safely with the subs we have but I want to see that number hit 15 000 on the website you know I’ve did it I did it for everything else I made sure the number hit on the website I’m gonna do it for this too

Oh seven oh seven indeed thank you for the pound who are the other chests oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear okay they’re a while away at William you’re [ __ ] William nice one kill oh my kit now please can I have my kit soon

Okay I don’t have anything to use with spawn zombie pigman yo gotta do anything for the 10 gifted Subs oh [ __ ] well that didn’t really work did it um my little pig boy’s tracking him down let’s run circles around me it’s pissing me off thank you for the one dollar

Every little bit counts indeed thank you so much okay well now I’ll leave him I’ll leave him I’ll leave him there’s other players there’s other players probably should turn off clouds they’re kind of getting in my way yes I’m the go on the go on the go on the go

On the go I’m the go I’m go dead oh [ __ ] I’m not as good I got less coated I got less good damn it oh let’s go I got less okay I became less to go I became the goat less it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m channeling it I’m channeling it

The pigment I like the Pikmin kit a lot actually that was a night maybe obviously the night might be better I know I’ll go pigment I think yeah pigman’s pretty good all right let’s keep going you lost your goal I lost my gold status that’s okay

Please guys I’m gonna prove it to you and you’ve got to keep donating that’s the way it works well nearly 15K I was only going for a bit I know I it’s the last hour baby that’s when the donations start rolling in Greninja hi hi Greninja Tori thank you for another 10 gifted

Subs you Legend thank you so much is that the third lot of 10 gifted you’re a legend thank you so much I met you at Tommy’s tour you’re amazing thank you so much that really means a lot it’s getting warm in this room again it’s getting very warm in this room again oh

So how many hours have we been live on this PC now nearly three it’s gone really quick to be fair oh no no no this we’ve been flipping between setups like when I went to sleep I turned the PC off so it didn’t get too hot like four hours maybe

What’s up okay we’re starting in 20 seconds yeah how long since my nap pretty much yeah four hours gross all right let’s do this bro I said GL thank you so much I didn’t mean to pick night pigment how do I unlock these ship ship I made a mistake I made a

Mistake I made a mistake well that was thank you I will try that in a second who was that uh thank you Anonymous for the 20. I really appreciate that YouTubers Stone ax I’m a YouTuber that’s that’s literally made for me okay I think of the five dollars foreign

Gifted Subs you’re a legend you’re insane I’m about to do it oh I didn’t come off in time two kills going crazy we got the Pigman sword now I was trying to armor up so we’ve got better armor now see if we can get it done really quick nice boots pants uh cool

Oh [ __ ] no I was so close I thought I was the goat I was not I was merely the Sheep I was merely the sheep and I thought it was the goat and honestly with the 10 gifted we’re getting dangerously closer to the left you lose thank you so much

Bad thing with the five this is a good change of pace the building was driving me insane this is I’m enjoying this I’m enjoying how ill I feel but I am enjoying this you eat Badgers that you’re the prime see freeway Goodman Shay who is that what’s your name Ace

Ace card zero thank you for the hundred dollars you Legend fifteen thousand all right we’ll play a little bit more um we’ll play a little bit more of this and then we’ll go we’ll swap over to um oh Greninja nice I’m gonna get beat now I’m gonna enter

Them again uh what are we gonna do oh we’re gonna do once for the last half how old are you laugh you lose you won’t drag it out I’ll play a little bit more of this and then for the last half hour we’ll do you laugh you lose

Play a couple more rounds of Blitz I’m gonna turn the clouds off hold on see if I got chance uh hey leave it you I’m allowing you because I’m get a grip OMG YouTuber revive Blitz please little do they know there’s two hey I needed chance to do anything for the

20 gifted Subs I’m the night kid I didn’t mean to be the night kid man kit and pick the wrong one it’s my fault it’s whatever just lead anywhere oh it does okay oh you know I can do the uh turn the clouds off completely

There we go it’s really doing my head in oh they look way more kitted than me oh but they’re not going like me they are not the goat like I am oh they are the goat they are the goat they’re guarded okay they were slightly they they were

More goaded than I expected they were more they had that dog in them like I did not expect test stories missed the base confirmed is that Jimmy Beast oh my God Zoe thank you for the thing Castle story thank you the five gifted Subs you Legend casatory equals Jimmy Beast all right

Let’s actually picked the right cat this time this is one I prefer someone donated by the way good night and best of luck thank you oh yeah you got onto the carpet assume someone’s had this yep let’s see if someone’s had this no wow okay nice nutritious wooden sword but then it’s no

Salt I guess toad is that Dench toad oh [ __ ] oh I’m not biting them too far oh they went really invisible that’s really gonna do much I can see you I can see your name tag no I’m gonna get beat though I’m gonna get beat I’m gonna get me I’m not

Strafing I’m not surfing I’m not strafing right oh they killed me I thought I killed them how how could I possibly have done that never mind Chad welcome to anyone who’s here to watch Blitz sadly well not sadly I suppose it’s gonna be very exciting we’re gonna do we’re gonna finally bring

Back German for you laugh you lose um as the final stretch of the stream because we hit fifteen thousand dollars and that was what I promised I’d do if we hit fifteen thousand dollars Castor is 29 away from beating Pyro damn impressive impressive numbers okay I love you laugh you lose

It’s all right well we’ll we’ll do your Lefty Loos oh yes like okay what’s this well like instant damage is like a healing one oh well I’m going backwards it’s all right Castle Story thing for the 20 gifted Subs only nine away from beating paracentical as top donator I mean top gifter

I recognize this map big boy pants hell yeah Casa Joy leave the 10 gifted Subs becoming the top gifter of the stream with 101 gifted Subs being parasetical by one Subs oh it’s still breaking okay um nice uh they’re breaking it’s probably better chains probably better thank you all right

Bye bye oh sorry Greninja Death Match begins in five minutes that’s actually quite a while foreign it’s just too slow paced oh indeed I’m glad we agreed on that I’m glad I’m glad we both agreed on that was anyone who is new feel free to follow I would greatly appreciate it and

Donate whatever you can to the charity that would also be greatly appreciated oh [ __ ] oh my goodness my goodness all right we probably have one more uh you probably have one more bullet centers this was worth the watch I’m very very glad I’m very very glad it was worth the

Watch for you it really really does mean a lot the whole ceiling fan thank you for the gift of tier one it is greatly appreciated my twitch screen time is like 20 hours yeah I’ll count the stream being 23 hours long but only 30 minutes remaining hopefully the media share should be

Pretty easy to set up pick a kit I did didn’t I pigment I like that one Jack I lost the little sleep I have for you how do you feel have you hey I raise awareness and money for a charity I’m feeling fine that’s the story thank you for the 20. what have

You said but for the blood God last don’t I mean at this time that’s absolutely fine you’ve earned you’ve earned that oh yeah yeah what what hey oh okay good get out of here I’ve got a bad axes are in this version I’m like why is it doing much damage

They just don’t do any damage I already got that foreign you’re having it now I’m sorry you just got you got annoying I feel bad about it but you did get annoying a man like people intervene a man like me intervenes baby okay oh it’s just luck whether it spawns

The baby that’s interesting I’m on your tail I’m on your tail boy what are you gonna do boy are you gonna do boy what are you gonna do boy so I thought that’s what I thought that’s what I thought there’s anything in here I want 28 months uh

I don’t think so oh the boots okay are you dreaming that you’re the one dollar okay we’re the rest of the people this way cool damn it I’m just gonna get involved in some like I’m just getting involved you know get going lad oh that’s my pig man I thought it was

Wait was there epo’s in there no the blitz star what the [ __ ] is that what does that mean what is that LOL oh I hit the pig man damn damn now I’m annoyed now I’m annoyed well you know what for our last game five kills I’ll take it it was pretty

Good you know I’d say I’ve never played this game before I’ll take it I’m not great at Minecraft PVP that guy was cheating by the way oh so I’m fine so basically I’m the goat I couldn’t have won all right fine you’re lucky this time it is

I’m the girl and I won that one basically Rihanna thank you for the dollar appreciate it all right everything’s got a bit laggy again because we’ve been live for a while hold on I’m just I’m gonna try and uh can’t react that a little bit bringing decided to break into my savings for

This 107. pyramid whoa oh whoa excuse me how what was that I I’ve just closed the dashboard was that 800 pounds was that’s like a thousand dollars right like that it came through in British terms but I’m sure it’s a thousand dollars foreign that’s ridiculous you thank you so much

That really that that’s that that’s crazy all right all right absolutely huge absolutely huge that’s ridiculous thank you so much How You Gonna donate that much it’s a thousand Euro it’s a thousand Euro it’s a thousand Euros my God you are insane hold on right let me set up media share then

If I can remember how to do it it’s been that long it’s been so long since I did Mediashare I actually don’t remember how to set it up um sorry I’ll drag out the stream longer questioned where do you be sending your life you losers do not worry I’m on it

I’m just trying to set it up because it has been that long that I honestly don’t fully remember how to do it I just know I have to turn on Mediashare and that’s it there’s just a button where I turn it on ask schlatt no no I I’ll remember don’t worry

It’s fine all widgets oh it’s in all widgets no I’ve got it I got it I got it I got it I remember it I remember it I remember I remembered I remembered media share you see I knew I knew I could find it enabled got it all right mods

You know how it works someone get in that Media Share a hundred dollar donation I can’t see them right now hold on let me uh thank you so much you guys are going crazy thank you so so much thank you they didn’t say anything they just gave us a hundred dollars and kept

Kept quiet incredible thank you so much anyway uh let me uh so Media Share is enabled I think it’s a case of mods approving stuff and then it’s fine I just need to enable it I need to remember how I enable it where’s Mediashare in my obs oh Mediashare is enabled okay so

I just have to try and remember how to find the media share queue I used to remember this a lot better than I do now oh it’s oh it’s recent event I remember now I remember I remember I remembered I remembered media share all right guys if you turned eight point donate not

Charity this time because it has to go through my streamlabs but all the money will get donated regardless do not worry all goes to the same place it just won’t be adding to that total there while we do it if you want to add to that title

There you can donate directly but if you want to send Mediashare exclamation point donate in the chat donate a YouTube link if the mods approve it it will get played [ __ ] it if I laugh well I don’t know I’ll just try not to laugh we we I can’t say if I laughed you

Know what no the stream cannot end until I’ve laughed three times whether we go over 24 hours or not all right that’s how we’re doing it we’re the lives we’re at my lives whether I the stream does not end until I’ve laughed three times you know what you’ll have to lose so

Yeah I feel this is so massive I’m doing an Instagram story this guy let’s let’s let the people know you guys can watch me do it and there are 20 minutes remaining on my 24 hour stream and we are because we hit so much [ __ ] money we are doing

Finally another you laugh you lose but I put a Twist on it I cannot end the stream whether we got over 24 hours or not until I have lost all my lives so you’ve got to make me laugh all the money goes to charity come send some videos there you go oh

Wait and then no you mean see me it’s posted all right I think it’s just a case now of waiting I think I think I’ve just gotta wait until we get stuff through to the if you lose we just have to wait till people start sending you laugh you lose stuff and

Then that’s it simple as that the face drops sorry it’s because that’s what I do no one has sent anything to the you laugh you lose yet guys this is of the utmost importance there are there are minutes remaining and I need to laugh King how are you not sleeping I am I

Want to go to bed it costs a lot I realize not everyone can you laugh you lose but surely some people can so the people that were just donating the charity donations were going crazy a second ago those people get some videos in send me something funny

Set a fart noise I swear I’ll laugh I might cost a [ __ ] Dan I think it’s pretty I think I’ve still got it set up the way it used to be I didn’t ever I’ve never had it too expensive let me see what it was

Let me try to remember what a media show was set up to be you know we’ll lower it oh yeah all right I’ve lowered the price Subs it is 10 pennies 10 pence a second ten whole pencils all it is a second of video is 25 Pence for non-subs

Just get some videos in here I want to laugh I wanna laugh God damn it ah thank you oh we’ve been sent a video the First videos came through you pause the music oh I shall sit back I shall get ready I’m ready to laugh I already used to

Watch things what is pence in dollars it’s about 10 cents that is all we have received so far happy they’re even a three quid we’re off to a strong start with that one there put that there interesting interesting very interesting indeed we’ll carry on we’ll carry on uh the

Weight cut off look look already smiling I I did quite like do you think I’m a simpleton do you think that just because I’ve been live for this long that my brain has turned to mush that was a bit funny but it wasn’t enough to make me laugh come on it was a

Bit funny though everyone’s saying yeah okay everyone’s saying yes all right great I I really set myself up there great excellent just just wonderful just wonderful honk honk the smirk look please oh it’s warm it’s warm okay with a quid website videos ex-witch Point donate in the chat

Did you get 10 000 Jimmy beasts Jimmy Beast is not sent 10 grand but if Jimmy Beast did send 10 grand we would have to dye my hair what was I gonna do for 20 grand again I’m just riding on my bike it was loud the only the joke there is

That it was loud okay great now I thought you ended already nah there’s 20 minutes until I can even think about ending and then I’ve got to lose my lives turn around we didn’t get to do pizza night turbo hasn’t woken up yet that’s such a shame

I’ll I’ll just mark it off this week we did hit 10 grand but we did that also bring back your life you lose we hit the Poo meeting what yeah we did a prank loud and tours in Freddy’s video where one of the guys

Went in a portable toilet so we uh put a bunch of roadblocks in front of the toilet so he was trapped inside then he just easily put it okay now it’s even funny that was good but he uh yeah we we locked him in the bathroom

And then he came out and went huh use a really funny and it really made me laugh that’s in Freddy’s Vlog it is so much can I have a shout out LOL a shout out shout out Jess for that five quid thanks Jess for the five quid kerosene thank you for the quid

How are you doing that how am I doing what what how am I dude they just leave like a bad taste in my mouth do you have anything that’s stronger [ __ ] it’s called dick [ __ ] just like you think I caught a crazy [ __ ] it’s beautiful but how we gonna deal with godsmith

You have to Boogie with me you think you’re crazy that’s the only way we can defeat that [ __ ] science speak it to the mic [ __ ] hello I poisoned that Gangnam Style I poisoned Brock you can’t be getting away with this myself okay the Jesse Impressions slightly too good

Did I jiggle [ __ ] sake I’m sorry that was a good video about that guy he’s funny okay great excellent great thank you thank you guys thank you so much guys can you say happy birthday Alex yeah happy birthday Alex I mean the app is given to charity guys I don’t know

Oh my ears you ready yeah hit it good poor guy that look like a [ __ ] hurt well I’ll give you ten dollars Haka I don’t like you how do you know my name is our username [ __ ] I am tracking you down wanna see more

Well I got a lie to a child like say your doxy that’s a bit much surely foreign what I was just flamingo no no no no thanks thank you for that one I really I actually really wanted to see I’ve actually been dying to see that actually so thank you spare Johnson

Freddy the rock Fazbear kids fail compilation this yeah this is gonna do it guys oh the same video okay accident from last time now he has the moves though I didn’t expect him to have them but he had them he had the moves kind of like Jagger but like maybe like someone else

What what this was a this was a a tonal shift how is whatever doggy Productions what that there was a jump in tone a significant oh this again I had oh a bit more this time though well I’m still not the wise as to what the

Song is it I I feel like I maybe don’t have a H sounds familiar but you know someone sent the clip of Jack waking up with the face what did I was ever talking about very overcrowded no you’re not around here I’ve not seen nobody but it’s very overcrowded it’s equivalent to

Like China or India yeah no so I guess I’d say racist man from Kettering saying the country’s over crowded due to immigration in in the [ __ ] empties I’m one oh you’re being a baby I understand um but yeah no with James hey guys together I was like oh immigration means

The country’s too overcrowded it’s like like China or India and he’s literally in a square where there’s [ __ ] no one there is not a soul are you laughing are you losing yeah probably did I put that in the title I should have done but I I am forgetful

Amazing a booby trap that actually catches boobies did you just call Megatron a booby if my Ops started calling me a booby I’d freak out my op was like am I oh am I pregnant am I pregnant help is there that’s the story Leaving the third

Thing am I pregnant or am I okay could I be pregonate how do I know if I’m pren Gan can I be pregnant can you get pregante an UB lead while uh down a 20-foot water slide Peg Nat how can I my GF pregnant when get purging at how can a nine-year-old get

Pregnant will my get pregnant what is the best time to sex to become pregnant does anyone know how many teens get I almost left it break out how many teens get breakouts a year Jack Are You The Wizard of Oz yeah oh yeah room oh that’s like bite my lip on that one

So here I go I had to bite my lip on people’s room horizontally spinning rat with random movements that looks cool look at the replies to your tweets I don’t think I don’t think there’s anything of note the best of cats oh my God we got a lot

Of this all right well I wanted to watch okay oh I didn’t leaving in the watermark too wow was he grabbing a knife brother Put The Knife back this is what we do when we’re bringing in groceries from outside we put our cats in here because guys I

Swear it’s no animal or abuse or nothing these [ __ ] run out every second they get this motherfucker’s trying to run out when he’s in a basket bro chill he shouldn’t spin that far no wait Nana come here no no that’s not your no no that’s that’s a cat what

10 minutes left 10 minutes left until yeah we can can’t officially end apart your tweets of your nap photo all right fine we’ll go give it a look leave the cats playing in the meantime while I I scoured Twitter for this image or sorry X well scour X

Oh my God this chicken is amazing oh he’s still eating it as well that’s not on man that’s not all right that’s not on and you think you’re angry but you’re just hungry oh that is me guys that’s me when I eat a Snickers

I just need to get some nuts and when I have my nuts I’m okay again hold on um that is a weird picture of me asleep when I first woke up from sleeping thank you I really appreciate it thank you so much thank you for being here wow

Find the picture I’m looking for I can’t find it it’s not saying mama say meow because it’s a cat okay I have found it ah for some reason apparently when I woke up I just pulled the rock like Dwayne The Rock Johnson face which is interesting so I like that today

Look I like cat videos three times yeah I don’t like opening my eyes hello oh bless you that’s that’s awful but thank you for being here the money’s going to a good place especially you know in regards to that sort of thing so seriously thank you loud noise loud noise

Can I get a sub amount are you whistling I’m so confused sister mini system mini can be funny but because the lady who does those videos is funny normally I wouldn’t donate so much but it’s for charity so I will send another funny I appreciate this thank you oh

Why does the cat walk like that that’s weird oh that was it just it walks a little bit weird well I mean fair enough it did it did stop pursing your lips while you poop [ __ ] and I said the cat videos were gonna make me laugh and that was really

Close that was really I didn’t expect that the cat was almost gonna like I I expect to see the straining [ __ ] face of a cat this is that video that little kid where he runs up to his friend like his like Dad or whatever his brother and

Then he goes you take him [ __ ] he’s like anything like that will make me laugh anything like that will make me laugh does someone straining while [ __ ] I can’t [ __ ] in a room with a mirror oh well yeah and I I can’t [ __ ] in a room where there’s a mirror because if I

See my straining [ __ ] face I’ll laugh and I won’t be able to [ __ ] because I’ll be laughing so hard it’s okay guys it’s not funny it’s just awful for the [ __ ] who lost their car don’t tell us the story again I just was trying to poo and every and then I’d

Look at my face in the mirror because it’s directly across from me and I’d laugh because my I was just had a strained face like that cat talking to the Battle of Sterling Bridge you’re William Wallace I understand the appeal of I’m Brian he’s funny I liked his I like that he’s

Casual about it he’s in he’s in battles every day he’s got Ops you know interesting interesting the oof’s gone now maybe that’s why I don’t think pop cat’s gonna get me I’m gonna be honest foreign well it’s hard to get any word in with this clown s what okay fair enough

I’m staying I’m staying optimistic you know that is aggressive fall okay look sadly the the title spoiled it four minutes till we have to end oh my God we’ll tell we can’t end one hour balloon boy laugh FNAF two yeah no that’s not playing for an hour no way

Skip it I click skip why is it not skipping okay all right managers on the floor red nose [ __ ] knocks out on the calls Securities come over I’ve gone fish banged three of them are knocked out Riot police come in all of it looking like this get your hands

Up in the air backflips over all the bullets landed on the van like a proper spider man I’ve picked the van up by the top Spider-Man look at it the Army are coming tanks the tanks shoots I jump on the missile the red circle please stop talking about [ __ ] sorry it’s funny

Hi do you guys sell burgers you’re a dumbass like I was having a bad day I think Leah I think of the five oh no no no brother I appreciate you this sounds like a new opportunity I just love DJ Khaled I he’s just amazing he’s just amazing

For real for real no that’s what great thanks guys that was excellent the giant horse [ __ ] weighs over 11 pounds that’s a lot of mollusk the the horse [ __ ] can we show that chat oh my God guys Santa’s trying to call me jump horse Sans Bulls that’s a really good video actually that

Was a very very good video I really like that was that a laugh it was very nearly you know I’m not even allowed to smile from now on I’ve decided not even smiling I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna like firm it from now on we’ve only got

One minute video left in the the queues if anyone wants to most people you can probably get me to smile I’m difficult to get to laugh but smile not so much so um I’m gonna we’ve got one minute oh we got 30 seconds left I have question for you yeah are you ready

For what who’s this are you ready to leave Lego Island if you select a green brick you go if you select a red brick you stay green go Bridge day three two one 24. horrible that is a crazy hamburger guys we hit 24 hours with all four about three of our lives

The only thing to do now at the 24 hour point we have 15 000 raised Jimmy did not arrive and save the day but you know what [ __ ] bear in mind the subs we gotta donate as well whatever everything all in all I’m saying we’ve probably raised 16 to 17

000 which is insane thank you so much for being here seriously like I know we didn’t manage new pizza night with Tomo because Tom I went to bed but the fact that we’re doing the life you lose like the goal for 15K is insane like actually insane I’m gonna the life

Of who’s trying to play but I’m gonna pause it a second I I yeah no just thank you seriously like my main goal is to blow hold on calm down these are always like a rough 24 hours is always rough for me I’m not made for endurance streaming it’s the

Fact that we’ve actually managed to do good with it the fact that I just had a lot of fun like speaking to techno dad doing the bits with chat getting to cook getting to the yeah if you lose I enjoyed Blitz I’m glad we managed to

Build the Tower I had fun with turbo playing Jenga like it was just a fun time you know it was a fun time even the Sleep stream wasn’t awkward only breath turned up and sent in two quit Jimmy Bress did send two quids so really we can’t complain and we’ve got 2400

Viewers perfect 24 hours 2400 viewers it’s perfect I’m not gonna end just yet I’m not gonna end just yet I I do wanna I Wanna Give the life you lose um what it deserves which is that um we are gonna go until we’ve lost all the

Lives all the donors just kind of slowly you know just Fade Out we only got one more thing in the queue I might just finish the queue depending but guys technology because you’re trying to say a cool thing and you [ __ ] it up because you’ve been awake for 24 hours nearly

Technoblade Never Dies that’s that’s my closing point this is a great charity which you’ve made a [ __ ] huge difference for like a like like a huge huge difference right and it like you guys you’re the best you’re the best you the manifold is always above and beyond above and beyond for

Everything we ever do I’m just always so happy like I’m just always genuinely so happy and and here we are just smashing it again and the fact that everyone’s here right now it it means a lot so thank you for being here like seriously it really is like you know

It’s very cool like for me I’m just I’m just a little I’m just a little guy I’m just a little guy and I’ve just sat on my computer and done things for the past day I slept for three hours I cooked for three hours I played Minecraft [ __ ] seven or whatever

Thank you Mr Beast and you know what somehow in doing that and somehow just being me for 24 hours that has managed to raise like at least fifteen thousand dollars for a great charity and the fact that I get to do that these days because you guys gave me

That opportunity is is wonderful and I I seriously can’t thank you enough thank you for sticking around I know some of you have been here the whole 24 hours and you’re a legend another one I might be a little that’s all right we’ll probably finish out the we’ll

Finish out the year after you lose Q I don’t think we’ll actually go to the lives the queues slowed down a bit I don’t think anything’s gonna make me laugh I think if we try to get the lives done we’d be here we’ll do what you

Laugh you lose soon now we’ll do like we’ll do like a dedicated charity your life he loses some point uh we have to also do um pizza night at some point this week since turbo didn’t show up today I owe you guys a pizza night I did get away

With not making my hair leopard print which is good I didn’t really want to do it I wanted to raise 24 Grand I didn’t really want to do that and also got to get away with not destroying all the progress that we made on the build as well so that’s also very good

Um I am going to uh carry on with this Freya baby oh baby sorry thank you for the year three dollars let’s carry on with the uh cues and then we’ll uh headset them reveal sure headset Dent reveal after 24 hours there you go let’s finish off the queue and I’m gonna

Go clean my kitchen because it’s still filled with all the cooking stuff and I’m gonna go to [ __ ] bed let’s finish the queue shall we that’s the wrong thing that’s just me in bed thank you for being here seriously chain chomp good meme I like it that was good that was good oh

Yeah I can’t smile can’t smile can’t smile I ain’t leaving yet I ain’t leaving yet I ain’t leaving just yet stick around I might laugh you never know on my island is buried a treasure chest on my Island did I did I smile it on my Island you

Know I’m smiling now forget all right we’ll lose the life on my island is very Treasure Chest that was if only Jimmy was here to give me ten thousand dollars though you know oh deleted scene okay what a beautiful painting I love that you said purple again Carlos foreign you’re right

You really didn’t know about one thank you for the prime there’s one more that’s the most important thing of all winning the trust of people that have I like this video a lot in US many of them for the first time and Boris will have my full support as he does that

I don’t know why I was talking to a tree classic British humor classic British humor I don’t know why he’s talking to a tree well chat sadly you did not manage to make me laugh you lose and I have been here for 24 hours now so I think

I am going to take my leave thank you to everyone who’s donated throughout this like at the end of the day I don’t mean turbo throw a bit of money in but beyond that like tens uh tens not not tens but over ten thousand dollars of this is yours

This is money you guys put in at the kindness of your hearts and it is greatly appreciated it’s going to a tremendous cause I know like techno dad and all that will be so [ __ ] happy he was like even yesterday when we was telling him about like different

Donations he was so happy so it really does mean a lot I just broke my grandparents wall while repairing their landline anyway cool stream thank you thank you for calling us the cool stream I was hoping for more than cool maybe just given like you know

Took me 24 hours but that’s all right it’s fine if anyone does want to follow it would be greatly appreciated after all this effort if you aren’t or if you’ve been watching this at all and you’re not already following I’m almost offended please do follow I I’ll be live

Again uh definitely not uh this evening uh probably not Tuesday either I imagine I’ll next be live Wednesday at the earliest I might be Thursday I might give myself a little bit of time off just given uh the intensity but do not fret for in that time off well one of

Those 24 hours of streams catch up with if you haven’t watched it already uh there’s vods channel vods to check out and at 8pm BST tonight a YouTube video I’m posting a YouTube video that was meant to come out years ago but ever you know basically the arcade Vlog for any

Of you who were there I had a lot of viewers show up to that Vlog if you were at in that video it is finally coming out today at 8pm BST that is in uh just under now five hours time so keep an eye out for that video

I’m very excited I hope you guys enjoy it but either way I am probably gonna go chill out if any of you want to make any last minute donations to the charity I’m actually going to leave the fundraiser open for another day uh so if anyone uh

Watches the VOD and wants to donate they still can so I let people know on Twitter to share this around let people know that we what we did let people donate after the fact because at the end of the day more money the better I’m Gonna Leave

The uh I’m Gonna Leave the uh the fundraiser open a little bit longer and I’m also going to throw in the uh sub money after it’s all finalized and calculated a few hours after I’ve entered the stream that should be I will let you know uh this has been wonderful thank you so

Much for being here follow my socials exclamation point socials in the chat um just thank you it’s been sick we should probably raid someone shouldn’t we uh let’s see who’s live let’s shoot you guys all that way god it feels nice to end who’s live that I know in blood I made

You laugh with on the island haha have a great rest of your day this has been the most I’ve donated to a charity Stream So W hey that’s a sick thing that is a sick thing I really do appreciate you doing that thank you so so much

Anyway I’m gonna be raiding uh Cena hey because she uh I don’t know how you say it exactly I’m gonna say it out loud uh because she rated me at the start of this and I appreciated it so I’m gonna read back I’m gonna send it back over

Her way she makes a cool art she’s made some cool jet manifold out in the past go say hi thank you to everyone who showed up for this turbo kit Diego Sargent Sarge who’s part with me for the past 24 hours I just couldn’t say with me for a week

He’s put up with me streaming for the past 24 hours he’s just entertained himself in my house poor boy give him some love hit Jago tubbo techno dad pixie everyone Ellie for being the top donate and my girlfriend just just everyone ‘s been sick thank you all so much

I’m I’m gonna go have a a nice sit down and and a water and a bit of food oh let’s give it good love you all take care have a very very good rest of your day I will see you Wednesday earliest I would imagine hi

This video, titled ‘Jack Manifold 24h charity stream part 3 | 31st July 2023’, was uploaded by Archived VODS on 2023-08-04 16:24:09. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 08:31:59 or 30719 seconds.

{Original title: TRYING TO SLEEP BUT EACH DONO MAKES A LOUD NOISE – 24hr STREAM [!charity]} In this VOD Jack started his 24 hour charity stream for the One of Us foundation! He set different goals where he would do something special when said goal was reached.

Watch Jack LIVE: twitch.tv/jackmanifoldtv

Time stamps: 0:00 Modcast 3:52:29 Minecraft 5:08:36 Karaoke 5:15:07 Minecraft 7:56:34 You Laugh You Lose

Jack Manifold, Jackmanifold, Jack Manifoldtv, Jack Manifold VODS, One of Us foundation

  • Ultimate Iron Seed in Minecraft 1.20.81

    Ultimate Iron Seed in Minecraft 1.20.81 Minecraft Bedrock Seed With Tons Of Iron! Hello guys, today’s Minecraft adventure brings us to a seed that promises an exciting start for survival enthusiasts. With an abundance of iron at spawn and a nearby village, this seed is perfect for those looking to kickstart their journey in the game. Available for the Bedrock Edition, this seed also features a ruined portal not too far from the starting point. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting seed! Spawn Bonanza: Iron Galore! As soon as you spawn into the world, you’ll be greeted with a bountiful supply of iron… Read More

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  • My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! – Minecraft Octopus Island

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  • Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Modding Experience!

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  • Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Thrilling Adventures!

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  • SpongeBob Crushes Monsters in Minecraft

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  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Frozen Fire: Ice spice video”

    Looks like this meme is as cold as the ice in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide

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  • Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and love stories? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server right now! Immerse yourself in a world of creativity, adventure, and community like never before. The Minewind server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction and exploration, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on the Minewind server. Join now by entering the server IP:… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!

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  • Bao’s Minecraft Server Shenanigans

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  • Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers – Must See For Rank-Up!

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  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!

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  • EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱

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  • EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 – Fisks Superheroes

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOW

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  • Minecraft’s Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #Like

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  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!” #minecraft #shortestfight

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  • GotaMC

    GotaMCA public survival server for the players of gota.io, old and new! Anyone is welcome! Gota.io has a large and active community that welcomes all! This server is extremely minimal for the hardcore type of player, borderline Anarchy. Here are our server rules: – No discrimination – No racism – No homophobia – No personally attacking another user – No cheating – No lag machines or anything that disrupts the server’s performance for others – Respect the spawn, build what you like but keep it clean or it’ll just get removed later. Ie: If you’re gonna do a lavacast, do… Read More

  • Nocturnal SMP – smp

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  • Hardcore Skyblock

    Hardcore SkyblockBOUNTYCRAFT CLASSIC-STYLE HARDCORE SKYBLOCKBrand New (Started 05/14)Versions: 1.20.4 to 1.20.6IP Address: years ago, skyblock was the number one gamemode in minecraft. Now, it’s a wasteland. The few servers left are overly complex, have pointless features, have a /shop where everything can be bought for pennies, and only donors or the admin’s friends can get ahead. Bountycraft fixes this. This is a classic-style skyblock server. Based largely on my experience playing Skyblock as a little kid a decade ago.This server is authentic, simple and fair. Offering the skyblock plugin, the iconic original island, and chestshop for a player-run economy. That’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “I’m lagging AF”

    Minecraft Memes - "I'm lagging AF"“I think I’m lagging… oh wait, that’s just my brain trying to process this meme with a score of 20!” Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Adraken StormWind Map Teaser

    Unleashing Chaos: Adraken StormWind Map TeaserVideo Information This video, titled ‘StormWind Map Teaser Trailer – Minecraft – Minewind’, was uploaded by Adraken on 2024-05-20 20:27:56. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. A huge build is well underway! Here is a glimpse into the next project. A Full Video will be released once the map is completed! Music by – @fuzzeketrailermusic Read More

  • Whale Tales: Minecraft’s Mysterious Melodies

    Whale Tales: Minecraft's Mysterious Melodies In the world of Minecraft, where the whales do sing, Their calls hold secrets, a mysterious thing. Cube Xuan deciphers, with humor and flair, Each episode a joy, beyond compare. From the mischievous bandits to the diamond mines, The adventures unfold in clever rhymes. With friends like Timi and MoMo by your side, Every challenge faced with a grin, open wide. So let’s dive into the world of blocks and dreams, Where creativity reigns, and nothing’s as it seems. Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure trove of fun, For Minecraft fans, a journey just begun. Read More

  • Tank gets roasted in Minecraft!

    Tank gets roasted in Minecraft! “Why did the poor tank in Minecraft go broke? Because he spent all his diamonds on armor and couldn’t afford to repair it!” 😂 #brokeTank #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Glamorous Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Glamorous Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like the one by CG5? If so, you’ll love the immersive and exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe in epic adventures, creative builds, and thrilling PvP battles. Experience the thrill of survival mode or unleash your creativity in creative mode. With a dedicated community and regular events, there’s always something new to discover on Minewind. Plus, with the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, joining is quick and easy. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and start your own glamorous Minecraft journey…. Read More

  • Win Mutant Monster Land of Mutants Addon for Minecraft PE

    Win Mutant Monster Land of Mutants Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘แจก+รีวิว โคตรเจ๋ง!! แอดออนมอนสเตอร์กลายพันธ์ุ เกิดตามธรรมชาติได้ Land of Mutants Addon Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DewCraftz on 2024-04-23 17:17:58. It has garnered 4502 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:59 or 1739 seconds. Welcome to the DewCraft channel, a channel for people who are looking for add-ons, mods, or anything else related to mobile Minecraft. Credit/Creator – Download add-ons https://shorturl.asia/CaRpU Contact me or you can send Fanart work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_ddgm Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ddgmm09 TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@_ddgm1 Line : johnnyfosky Discord : https://discord.gg/9UqmrYcnus Download my Minecraft skin https://direct-link.net/538108/drdroidgamer-and-dewcraft Support channel : https://linkvertise.com/538108/dewcraftgamer-minecraft/1 After… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Clutch Against Hackers!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Clutch Against Hackers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Najbolji CLUTCH Protiv HAKERA Ikada u Minecraft BEDWARS… *2v1*’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-03-08 17:00:29. It has garnered 1018 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. Best CLUTCH Against HACKERS Ever in Minecraft BEDWARS… *2v1* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxlineofficial/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@foxline_official Discord: https://discord.gg/R4xb3uxhj2 Bussines mail: [email protected] PC: Ryzen 5 3600 RX 6600 16GB DDR4 120GB SSD 1TB HDD 650W Minecraft #minecraft Minecraft Balkan Dex Rock Djape Crafter Vicostein Sarezza Simi Calvin Minecraft from the fog From the fog Herborine minecraft I added herobrine to my hardcore world Raft minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Speedrun Attempt with Proto King Arche!!

    Insane Speedrun Attempt with Proto King Arche!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Speedrun Attempt #6 – I don’t know what I’m doing!!’, was uploaded by Proto King Arche on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:19 or 3859 seconds. How many attempts will it take for me to speedrun Minecraft to the End? I have decided to try to speedrun Minecraft for a personal goal. This is in no way to try to compete with actually speedruns. I have only beat The End 1 time back in beta with a bunch of friends. I want… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Pink House Build! 😱🏠” #Minecraft #Shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Pink House Build! 😱🏠" #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information [Music] oh Angels sent from up above you know you make my world light up when I was down when I was hurt you came to lift me up life is a dream and loves a Dr oh now I think I must be my mys up when I was a river Tred up it came to rain to FL said drink for me drink for me when I was so thirsty put on a no I just can’t This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pink House Build #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #shorts #trending #viral #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by GamePlay Simulation… Read More

  • Join Doge on a CRAZY Minecraft SMP Adventure! #SMPMadness

    Join Doge on a CRAZY Minecraft SMP Adventure! #SMPMadnessVideo Information [Music] I thought you said you was going to stream because it’s your issues with your weather shut up all right weather decided to change for the good and so yeah so yeah the weather decid to change for good so yeah I’m back yay you know why you going H for huh what’s up with the huh for know what I forgot to do I forgot to put this back up hello hello you know what I copied hello Zan I copied some guy castle in the middle of nowhere like if I stand right here in… Read More

  • CaptainSparklez goes head to head with Master Hand in Minecraft!

    CaptainSparklez goes head to head with Master Hand in Minecraft!Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to prominence I have actually done some work in between episodes because as it turns out TPS only cost one level no matter what dimension they’re in it doesn’t cost three levels for the Nether and I guess that’s to offset the fact that in the Overworld it costs a level to do just about anything which you might take as a ripoff but we make up for it here so I will be able to show you some of the work that I did on on base beautification and stuff like that… Read More

  • “Mewcraft Ep.1: Insane VTuber Plays Minecraft!” #smallstreamer #envtuberclip

    "Mewcraft Ep.1: Insane VTuber Plays Minecraft!" #smallstreamer #envtuberclipVideo Information I played mod Minecraft for the first time this is how it went this is so beautiful there’s a [Music] raccoon oh my God hello a take it oh oh it took the food a how cute yeah wonder where you get when you kill him huh be do you think you’ll have to give them honey oh it attacked me oh no no no no no no no no oh no no no no I I diad idiot leave me alone stupid zombie die um I died what are those what are what there’s something in [Music]… Read More

Jack Manifold 24h charity stream part 3 | 31st July 2023