Jaden’s Terrifying Minecraft Stream! Don’t watch alone!

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Yeah what we saying boys I see there’s already a few people in God damn you let me joining real quick yeah oh old on hold on let me get let me get some light ski on yeah what we saying is that bit better can I turn it

Down no that’s your best that’s the best again how is it going boys how is it going hold on right here let me make a bit smaller it’s 3:00 a.m. in your place and you’re out here watching me me bro you’re crazy go to sleep man go to

Sleep listen uh st’s ain’t here today uh he’s working that’s the reason why he ain’t here um however we’re just going to be chilling today I’m only going to have a few mods in um it’s going to be a chill one today boys it’s going to be a chill one I

Don’t fancy uh screaming too much I am going to keep the uh Cave cave dweller in um I’m also going to keep Herobrine in um a couple scares is I uh but it’s going to be a chilly one I want to be able to read read the read the comments

You know what I’m saying I want to I want to chat to you guys while playing the game you know what I’m saying hello everybody hello hello hello hello yes sir Minecraft Minecraft it is yeah uh I’m just getting it said hold on my my neck yeah isn’t looking naked there we

Go yeah scary but not too scary scary but not too scary you know what I’m saying um I just need to add them into the file and then we’re good to go let’s get let’s get popping uh uh right okay I’ve still got every single one in in a

Minute I need to take a couple out yeah herob Brian is in this uh there is more lethal company to come at some point uh the Goatman mod I have thought about it that is something that we are looking at adding at some point soon uh

I feel like it’ definitely be be good for a video um I love your content keep going mate nice one Alex appreciate you bro uh what color are my eyes my eyes are blue as you can see I got blue eyes um right okay what we’re saying

Though boys how’s your day been yeah chat to me chat to me what have you all been doing today yeah I’ve been I’ve been a busy Dawn I’ve been working brosi so it’s been uh it’s been a long day today I just come back chill out with the gang um is the mask

Comfortable it can be it’s it gets a bit hot but it is what it is I can breathe I can breathe the nose holes are quite large so I can I can breathe I can breathe um right okay so we’ll keep that in uh uh keep that in um we keep that

In keep that in uh honestly I don’t even know what some of these are just because I don’t remember what they are in all honesty um I don’t know which one’s which I think the the man man from the fog is is Herobrine I don’t know you know we you

Know what we’ll just add him and we’ll roll with it we’ll see what happens yeah cuz I’m I’m not no [ __ ] so you know what I’m saying so we’ll keep we’ll keep it we’ll keep it we’ll keep it um do you know what we’ll keep we’ll

Go with that we’ll go with them right let’s kick this [ __ ] off you know what let’s have it going um hold on let me launch this let me launch this let me this oh can you hear me all good hear me all fine and that yeah stick my finger through the Gap to

Prove it I mean oh I missed but I mean I can stick like I can stick my finger in there you know what I’m saying uh okay I F was okay sweet uh I did have the K I did have the cave dollar I can’t speak

Yeah I did in fact do a little um solo world uh when was when was I playing it I was playing it a couple days ago um but I didn’t have no mods on it I was just chilling it was a really good spawn area it was like a really good world to

Start off in as a solo anyway so I just just thought of the idea of doing it in here um the new dweller the new the new cave dweller I’ve seen a new uh night dweller Donnie I’ve seen him I haven’t seen there’s a new cave dweller though if

There is I will definitely be on that uh the Goatman I’ve not tried the Goatman we are looking at trying that uh we’re thinking about it we’re thinking about it cuz uh oh that’s okay so the cave door okay hold on hold on hold

On I’ve not put a certain mod back in it requires one mod to run the cave dollar or something so I’m just uh I just had that and then we got to go yeah we run it we’ll run it we’ll run it there’s a wo mob there’s a mimic dweller

Yeah the nightmare. jod what’s that what’s the nightmare. J mod chat to me uh right okay we need that right now we’re good to go now the game should open bro because because Tom isn’t here like I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to these mods bro I have not a

Clue he’s the one that tells me everything um can you the old cave dollar sounds those are more true to the core idea of the cave dollar I know see I was thinking that because the only thing is with the new sounds is when he’s actually making a

Noise he’s not in that direction so it’s like you you’ll might hear the noise might happen behind you but he’s not actually behind you he’s everywhere everywhere anywhere oh I’ve not told you guys I’ve got a new skin right so you all saw my last skin which was uh like

Me with my mask in a Nik Tech but I’ve changed it completely I’ve changed it to what people will actually recognize now if um if you’ve if you f me on insta I put a selfie up of me with my mask and I’ve kind of based my skin around that so

Oh there we go yeah look at me I’m chilling Sh um anyway let’s get into it bro yeah I’m sorry that he was working on F I’m sorry I’m sorry I still want to see it like finish it let me see it I want to I want to see it yeah show me it I

Want to see it as listen as long as I’ve used as long as I have used the skin then that’s all that matters in my eyes I still want to see it any fan out that any of you guys do I need to see bro I need to

See um once I get into this world I’ll F5 so you can see my skin properly uh we’re just going to call this stream world yeah uh yeah yeah yeah yeah I need someone with clock it listen bro the XXX sh I had to do it bro he’s

Listen he is my favorite artist I have got I’ve got him tattooed bro he’s my favorite artist um I related to the Donnie a lot so uh I’m a big fan of him bro so that’s like it’s like an iconic t-shirt like if people see that t-shirt

They know it’s me like all my mates if they see me getting about and they see that t-shirt they know it’s me uh but yeah there it is boys yeah what you what you L saying Ro what’ you reckon um nothing on the back do you

Know what I might I might add the print on the back because they’ve got the print on the back of it of like his hand I might try and add that print as well um but yeah man I think I think I’ve smashed that out of the park boys I

Think I’ve smashed that out the park so um yeah we’ll uh let’s get about let’s do some let’s do some let’s do some [ __ ] yeah what’s the volume saying are the volume’s good let me know let me know chat to me boys chat to me hello everybody that’s just tuning in

Appreciate you for joining I appreciate you all for joining really you painting while watching me what you painting from I want to see it I want to see all this I’m so intrigued with like whenever you guys tell me this these type of things I’m so intrigued of what you’re all

Doing I it’s um uh what’s on my chest so there’s a post I put on my Instagram um the thing that’s on my chest is a picture of XXX tasson cuz that’s the T-shirt I was wearing um cuz I’m a big fan of him so uh yeah

That was like my first selfie that I uploaded for you all to see um and I’ve had a bit of I’ve had multiple pieces of fan art with me wearing that t-shirt so I thought why not yeah uh we’re just going to get straight done any goal for the stream I don’t

Have any like specific goals uh it’s just like a survival world didn’t it I’m just you know what I’m saying we’re chilling we’re just going to get um we’re just going to you know see how far we can get with this um like I said I’ve got the I’ve got the cave dweller

So I’m not going to be too ecstatic ecstatic ecstatic yeah that would um pretty scared right we got three for a pickaxe three for an axe two for a sword one for shovel yeah we’re good get some clothes on Jaden stream till I get some clothes on bro

It’s too cold to be out here doing these things a [ __ ] listen b as you know I am not the best at Minecraft so chill out yeah if you see me not doing good Minecraft things I’m out here trying my honest best um right so we’ve got the basics Dash that

Cuz we don’t need it BN it uh let’s get this D here give me that let’s have another one somewhere where’s he G uh I’ve been wanting to make I’ve been wanting to make a biolog I can’t read bro I’ve been wanting to make a biologically gred reimagine of the cave

Dweller the idea is that it is a highly deprived and specialized yo not a clue what that word even says I’m I’m going to I’m going to try and um I’m going to try and say it but I’m going to butcher it te teos spond T temos spond tus bundle tus bundle amphibian

This is a top Auto carnivore of C ecosystems but we using big words she man like Tom sty you know I’ve got crumbs on my top R watch your dirty mouth you dirty head yeah brother I know if you’re using long words around me bro I can’t I can’t word

Yeah I’m not I’m not good at wording R um we’re going to make a bed in case I need to panic put it down and set my spawn here yeah bro right so I don’t want to get you all too excited yeah but uh as I said at the beginning of the Stream

Reason Tom’s not on at the minute it’s cuz work schedules not the best however you might be joining the stream later on tonight I don’t know I don’t know so don’t get too excited he might join he might yeah let’s hope he does everybody everybody in the comment in the comments

Everybody in the chat right now tell him to get his ass online yeah I want him online tell him get in the Stream bro tell him get on the get well actually no to be honest he won’t be able to even join my world I mean it might I don’t

Know how to set it up but um yeah tell him get in here bro give me this I need this there’s another one come here thank you uh I’ve just found you and you’re streaming already wild yeah bro I I wasn’t like 100% planning on streaming today I was just

Working and I was like you know what I’ve not I’ve not uploaded anything in a couple days I’ve also not edited anything just because bro work’s been draining me man so I’ve not managed to edit anything such as F I’m just going to get a little stream

Out there I know you buys will appreciate it either way uh I got what hipper poot hippot monstros equi to deliv for you V yeah yeah you know what I’m going to say I smashed it I’m going to say I smashed that oh um Discord server is coming soon

By the way uh I’ve added some extra things to it there’s only one more thing I need to add which is like um so the second like for example everybody joins it’s going to put everybody into one category um it will we’re going to call you guys our kids

Yeah cuz you are kids and that yeah so um for anybody that’s actually watching and they don’t know what our kid means our kid is just another way of saying like my mate so if you go into a shop and you’re like you’re right mate you’re okay mate you’re all right bro in

Money we say AR kid the letter R and then kid I’m waffling Um what do you do for personal trainer you big stud sh up bro little WAFF man uh fear of long words yeah bro I’m not good with long words I don’t be worded uh is your nose really that long or is it the mask my nose is nowhere near this long at all

Uh hold on I just seeing would that would that make J Dad or Mom I don’t know what’s going on there but I’m going keep moving I’m going keep it pushing I don’t know what you lot of chatting about right there it would be cool if the there was

A public mcast server I’ve do you know what one of my boys recently said that to me and I’ve been thinking about it because I feel like it would be pretty cool just to have everybody in see what amazing build you guys do um it’d be cool it would be really

Cool to see I can’t wait to just I can’t wait to kind of meet you all on that like I’ll just be seeing everybody in the Discord server chatting to each other cuz basically I’ve got what I’ve done is I’ve created like multiple chat servers so well not chat servers but

Multiple voice channels uh so that everybody can just join in different ones and talk to each other meet each other and whatnot um but you’re going to want to keep your eyes out yeah because do I spoil it do I tell you guys do I

Tell you guys or do I keep it a Secret I don’t know I don’t know if I should tell you on not I might keep it I think I’ll keep it a secret to now I might keep it a secret T now um I’m going to create a little bolt little 2 two bolt so I can uh going exploring that

Yeah I don’t remember how to make a bolt smashed it first time let’s go W’s why is the MK scarier than horror Minecraft it ain’t bro my mask ain’t scary bro uh Minecraft server with horror mods oh M if I could make that bro it would be sick it would be class

If I could make a Discord not Discord server Minecraft server where there’s horror mods bro it would be amazing you’d love some spoilers Discord servers your Christmas present oh I might have to finish it for Christmas you know I might just have to yeah I might have to do it

It what we saying where shall I go I’m going just keep it keep it push and keep it going see what going down here damn bro I’m already sweating in this Mass from warming it oh Village do you understand how beautiful that is all right let’s get this um and then I

Shall get inside the well oh does everybody see that it’s herob look at him what’s he looking at oh he’s looking at me now oh my God Jesus Christ I forgot about that we downloaded a uh a new and updated hero Ryan where he’s kind of like an Enderman where

Donnie will just rush you uh do I plan on doing a face reveal um maybe in the future possibly I don’t know I don’t know I guess we’ll see uh I’ve got no plans on it up to now Um yeah I don’t know all right tell you what let have a look in here thises why is am I tripping three houses three a three housee villager what right we’re just going to go in here what’s my man got bread skis yeah yeah give me that give me all that give me

That uh 10 mil sub that’s that’s that’s uh that’s High Hopes right there for 10 m e bro Herobrine was definitely saying I’ve got crumbs on my un fun fact for those who dislike bugs it was a period in Earth’s prehistoric prehistory sorry my bad would you higher

Where you higher oxygen levels bugs could get to the size of a man what cap cap uh hey I’m a little bit late what’s how’s it going you’re not a little bit late Lizzy we’re chilling we’re chilling uh I’ve only just pretty much started to be fair I’ve just got to the first

Village we’re chilling um deciding what I want to do for the stream I’ve not got a clue uh have you seen the Goldman mod yet Jan I have seen the Goldman uh the Goldman mod we’re thinking about it we’re thinking about downloading it um nature truly has potential to be

Far scarier than Fiction it really does it really does um GNA get this yeah I think I might just oh the cave dweller forgot I forgot the cave dweller bro miss you J miss you too man bro this Donny’s pulling out some mad facts you know this guy actually listened in school

Oh I want that chest give me that I say that thanks let’s see what going over here because I might straight get down into some cavton because you know what I’m saying cuz I’m just not no [ __ ] mate you know what I mean I’m just yeah not [ __ ] leave me alone yeah oh

Okay let’s get the bread in get the bread in bro Studio LS everything F shitty I’ll be using big words big words big facts it’s crazy do you know what I might have to move on from from this area G’s looking pretty dead pretty dead I ain’t going to lie

Ain’t going to lie to you o yes Liv I am human deposit of all information about prehistoric Eco systems it’s like I want to ask you questions yeah but I don’t even know what to ask you bro go on tell us some more chat chat some more facts to us bro cool IG thank you bro appreciate it

Yeah chat some more facts to me Fam tell me some more you’re you’re educating everybody in here uh the Minecraft is going decent up to now up to now I’ve had one jump scare and it was hero trying to Li me and I ain’t about

That BR give me like a good cave or Summit in the minute it’s just kind of do you know what let’s get some Stone let’s make a furnace real quick yeah make a furnace and a smoker honestly is it was uh it wasn’t the best

I’ve not like I said I I said it earlier but I’m going to say it again for the people that uh weren’t here when I did say it um I have removed some of the mods I’ve not got all the mods installed uh I wanted a chill stream I wanted to

Be able to read the chat um so we’ve just got the classic cave dweller and the Herobrine um I don’t think I’ve got anything else I don’t know know I can’t remember if I have get these sticks out of my hand uh that BOS BOS BOS BOS yeah

BOS um the funniest part is that despite my Academy knowledge I still ended starting I still ended starting a small fire because I forgot to add water to the mic oh my God fam that’s like one of the main ingredients bro if you putting ramen in the microwave my dog

What uh the Discord server Olivia is yeah it’s coming along I just need I just need one bot I just need one bot bro I need one bot um and it will just put everybody into as soon as you join it’ll put everybody into that one section um and then I

Think we got I think I want to add a couple more channels um but other than that we’re pretty much done um any as well any I mean I’ve said I’ve said it in the past but I’ll say it again uh any fan art that you guys make

Please please message please upload it and tag me I will get a notification I tag me or send me a message on Instagram or Twitter um I I mean I’ll have to put uh put my Twitter and uh everything in in the description uh but yeah um anything I

Can help with if you can help with just getting that bot set up li it I will love you forever I swear to God every every single stream yeah I’m shouting you out if I’m eating you’re eating too uh rest in peace my light D here I

Know man rest in peace OG he’s an OG Rest in paradise a man like Dan will forever live in our hearts hell yeah you will hell yeah you will uh aren’t you cold not really uh hands hands are a bit do you know what aren’t I cold yeah not

Anymore bro yeah man’s got the radiator kicking yeah that will warm me up I don’t want it on for too long though because God damn it will get hot in this mask um you play any other games beside Minecraft I do um well not many uh at the minute obviously Minecraft um

What other games do I actually play I don’t even know uh I would say I play valerant but I just genuinely haven’t touch that game in literal months um I’ve been playing that new finals I played it in the closed beta me and one of my boys got access to the closed beta

So we were smashing that out and smashing it out bro and we was actually insane at it um destiny 2 I be playing that um still trying to learn everything because I came obviously from Destiny 1 and I knew everything about Destiny one so uh a lot of things have

Changed um so I’m still learning a lot of things about Destiny 2 uh lethal company lethal company is another good one L yep play lethal company when when boys are on I’ll play lethal company um what else what else are always what what what else to

Play um I’m looking forward to that fire and all light bro that fire and all light oh my God like gaming is like there’s not a lot of games that are different now it’s every now and then when a game’s different so there’s nothing to really play

Um you guys you guys do read but no I well the thing is with Red Dead Redemption yeah so Red Dead Redemption we played it when it first come out one of the best story lines I have ever played in my life honestly if any of you guys haven’t played Red Dead Redemption

Please please go please go play Red Dead Redemption too the online’s okay it’s a grind but please go play it if you haven’t it honestly that that gameo strong story L um but 10 out of 10 game 10 out of 10 game the online’s okay the online’s just

The online’s Just A vibe it’s just if you’re chilling with your boys um ttk what’s ttk again why do I recognize that what’s ttk chat to me chat to me Uh uh do my tattoos have any meaning so my tattoos have a lot of meaning I don’t have many because them [ __ ] be expensive um I just got my fingers tattooed uh so as you know I’m a big X fan um so I got hold on hold on on let me stand up

Yeah so what we got in fact what I’m going to do here I’m going to do this so you guys can actually see but I got X tattooed here you probably can’t even hear me I hold on hold on John yeah so we have X I also have juice World from the um

From the robbery music video when he’s in the suit uh I am planning on getting little peep on the back of my arm here and then I got very rare across my fingers very rare Across My Fingers um yeah that’s that’s it U tattoos have a lot of meaning um

Yeah just because music has been there for me more than anybody could ever be so um Oh my Jesus Christ bro what was that what mud is that chill oh my God it’s going to kill me um okay oh my god I’ve only oh my God

I’m so sorry oh my God I’m so sorry oh my God I’m so sorry none of you guys actually saw what just happened I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh my God I didn’t realize I’m sorry bro I died I died I died God damn it bro

I’m sorry none of you guys saw what just happened bro I didn’t know I had I didn’t even know what I don’t even know what mud that is that I just that I just Dragged In bro oh God damn it bro and you guys didn’t even see you guys didn’t even see it

Oh basically I was chilling um I’ll be honest I don’t even remember what I were doing bro I don’t even remember where I went I was chilling um I started smacking up a some uh pigs a lightning strike happened and one of them turned into some Pigman with lit eyes and

Just instantly started getting at me uh I did not teleport to the Village bro I was I slept in the yellow bed I should have put my bed down there and just God damn it man like where did I plus if I did cheat you’d see it right

There you’d see it right there if I did cheat um boys where did I go I don’t remember where I went did I got no cuz I saw this and then I went back I went back down here and I went near the GFF I think I remember where I went

Um did I go that way or did I go this way I’m going to it’s I’m going to I’m going to guess I’m just going to guess I went this way where did you come from where did you go where did you come From yeah IO you SC wag yes sir I did go this way I did go this way cuz it was saying the oh I know where I am I know where I am I know where I am I know where I am I know where I am give me the boat give me

The boat give me the boat let me Dy a boat uh do I need a channel design uh what do you mean for like streaming or do you mean like for YouTube in general um because I don’t know I’m I’m pretty I’m a pretty like simple simple

Guy you know what I’m saying why was it just XP here did I go down this way where did I go guys help me out boys I remember seeing the horses it was over here wasn’t it it was there was it up there boys I remember seeing Lords of

Lava I make stream overlays com to logos banners thumbnails Etc I mean if you if you want to help out bro any help means so so much like any help bro honestly anything it means the world to me it really does yo what’s up doc I think I was over

Here wait was I over here oh my God I was over here let’s go D’s in the chat’s in the chat right now yeah She wait I didn’t did I kill it I did kill it it was the fire that finished me off that was another thing every single time it hit me it was uh it was on fire like the zombie pigman thing was on fire so every single time it hit me it was

Just setting me on fire brother it was not a good time um I love that I I love whatever I said the in the chat everybody spams it BR anyway I got rudely interrupted by this done here um by the freaking Pigman R ruining my dare um

But lot shs her R’s been here uh but the tattoos yeah tattoos I’m getting more they’re all pretty much going to be music related um oh my bro what is happening do I hit him again yo oh my God the Sheep is atting me bro

Oh my God oh my God oh my God what mod is this holy [ __ ] bro yo dip D is it because I’m near the Herobrine area is that what it is bro look at them all is that what that is is it because I’m near the Herobrine

Area oh why am I why am I still doing it bro these things won’t leave me alone um I mean true infinite food yeah to be fair hold on oh you guys just see it um sorry I I was also speaking to play play’s design uh I do have Discord um I Can I tell you what keep your eyes peeled I mean if if if you’re like watching my content I mean you’ll see my Discord because um I’m putting making a Discord server so when uh when the Discord server up if you want to join

That it’s up to you my bro um you don’t have to do it for me it’s it’s chill like it’s it’s all good you can join the Discord you can hit me up any ideas you’ve got let me know there’s a village in there shall I do it to a cow let’s see

What happens if I kill a cow is the H uh yeah it must be just the herob it must be the new Herobrine mod that’s what it will be let’s try let’s try it with a cow okay the cow’s chill that cow’s chill maybe the C’s are chill

Yeah let’s try it on a pig because let’s if it if it happens again H that was weird bro you learned a song bro ski what what’ you learn what’ you learn on what doing what yeah what song on what instrument playing what are you singing with it I want to know the

Lot yeah I’ve also learned a new song actually I’ve learned two new songs two new songs on the UK yeah why do I keep telling you guys these things why did I just said that cat her welcome to the stream brosi by the way when I say brosi I’m

Not meaning gen like all my days I’m not meaning a guy I call everybody brosi I call I say it to my mom bro yeah I learn this song you told me which wait which one bad Vib Trevor I remember you I remember I think I remember I’m pretty sure I

Remember chat to me chat to me what’d you learn F what’ you learn oh we’ll take that we’ll take that give me give me give give give give give yeah oh bid your heads to the peak of the world hi brother love from India thank you for tuning in rosi Mahesh mahes Lena

I probably butchered the name I tried honestly I do really need to build a GFF in it let’s be honest bad VI forever bro do you song I’m trying to learn that on the UK I’m trying to learn it bro but that [ __ ] be hard I cannot put my

Fingers in all the different places that they need to go on for the strings bro it’s I’m not good with that but I’m trying I’m out here trying you played seven days to I’ve not I’ve not played 7 days to dieet bro I’ve not got around to playing much

Recently like I said the work schedule has been uh which schedule has been off as of recently I’ve not managed to play anything tell you what play uh play design play his design uh go to my most recent video um you will see my Instagram in the bio or Twitter whichever you prefer

M hit me up on that and we’ll chat we’ll talk in it I’m active on there tell you what I’ll make it I’ll make it easier for you let me grab the Instagram right now for you guys yeah hold on we got to go to this screen

Yeah let me grab that Instagram for you real quick bro uh I’m going to put it in the chat so if you haven’t followed already uh if you want to follow um I just put like all updates and whatnot on there anytime I’m streaming um anything I put on there

Anytime I’m streaming editing uploading shout me on there bro yeah I’m going to put my Instagram in the chat right Now uh there you go slap it in the chat for you get at me on there if you haven’t already follow that boys yeah cuz that’s um that’s all everything that’s uh how you can follow me you can chat to me I chat back if you messag me on

There uh I will message you back well B this guy for spaming please hey oh was me a got uh what is that what game is that bro tell me about it tell me about the game brosi bro hitting that freaking hitting that pig at night is

Made me not want to hit another pig ever again do I build around here cuz I really like the Aesthetics R look at that [ __ ] should I build at the top put a look yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s ADHD kicking in right there boys I’m building

Right at the top here I’m going to slap a bit of water there so it’s going all the way down I can swim up that [ __ ] I can swim down that [ __ ] in fact I see what there I’m going to use that to get up why is that Lit Up oh it’s

Lava uh you should just be able to message me I’ve had a oh reply to my story reply to my story people normally reply to my story and that’s how I that’s how I message them uh what a eyong right let’s get up here yeah uh I’ve never played Star

Valley bro I didn’t know I had that mod in I didn’t know I had that mod in I didn’t know I had that mod in hold on hold on hold on hold on let me get up here let me get up here let me

Get up here let me get up here let me get up here let me get up here there’s too many mobs too many many mobs too many mobs too many many mobs we need less mobs in here we need less mobs in here sh yeah quick root skis in that a bit of

Scr right might as well just get this is it robloxs princess tycoon when my dog a not R I don’t even know what that game is well I know what Roblox is obviously right I think this is where um where I’m going to build um I ain’t going to go on my phone

As of yet because I’m streaming uh cuz I get stupid stupidly distracted if I go on my phone bro I can’t come off it yeah so uh if I see if if the messages are I’m going just hit you up after the stream yo how’s it going hypocrite destroy hypocrite Destroyer yeah

Hypocrite Destroyer why going blade where going blade we’re going to build the GFF up here yeah I’m going to do the exact same GFF that I did have I got wood for that I’ve not oh no I didn’t come pre SP tell you what tell you what I’mma do I’m Uh build I’m do I just put my [ __ ] here I think I might just put my stuff there I think I might just put my stuff in a chest I can swim back up and up and down and that what’s good GM doing fine bre yes

Sir it’s good to hear F I’m glad you good B yeah I don’t know if I can build up here bro the cloud look at that think I want that I don’t want that you want me to do a dirt house bro yeah I might just do it on the side of

This brov the clo man move this cl’s bar rude bro we’ll let it be yeah we’ll let it move because I can’t see [ __ ] oh my God I do have a bed see what I mean this is what I mean when I say I’m bad at this game

Bro sh yeah big up who was that that said that zombie me yeah big up you big up you f I just realized at night you can’t see either so I’m going to put touching my hand um how long is this clo bro longest CL I ever did

See right I’ll tell you what I’m going to where’s the village right the village is down there that means the Gaff is not the Gaff the yeah yeah here this is where I’m going to build right here sounds good yeah this sounds good to me right here GFF here little waterfall

Here emergency exit Cloud’s off in the settings no I don’t want to turn the clouds off bro cuz uh it don’t it don’t make it it don’t make it look the best U my brother wants you to say hi to him his name is I’m going to butcher that name bro

And I’m so sorry how do I say that Ida Ida I think I buted that name bro yeah man you know your shaders might have an option to bring up the cloud altitude o I don’t know how I don’t want to mess with that though cuz I feel like I’m

Going to break some so I’m not going to touch it right I’m going to build the G here yeah cave exploring is happening the second I’ve got this Gaff going you know what I’m saying and what a joke oh shh I got iron boys I got iron can the blast furnace smell iron

Sh come on I love your mask reminds me of the lethal company mask do you know what I recently fought that when when we uh did our latest video on st’s channel um one of my boys picked it up and he put it on and he didn’t know what

It did and when he put it on I didn’t know what it none of us knew what it did and um the second he put it on his face he was saying oh look I’m J bro and then it killed him if you haven’t seen it go

Watch go watch the latest video on st’s channel bro it’s on there funny funny as [ __ ] great video make a nice GL I might have to make a nice glass roof it’s a bit High though isn’t it is it yeah it’s a bit high I might do like multiple floors or

Something I don’t know I don’t know what I’m going do but we’ll figure it out you know what I’m saying cuz that’s the good part about this game you know what I’m saying you know what yeah I’ve got enough wood okay good good good good good BOS

Pickaxe and now we’re good to go we’re good to go you know what I’m saying a lot of people seem to think I’m Australian I’m I’m not Australian I wish I was Australian because the Australian accent is up there with one of the best accents um we’re going to go up a

Floor we’re just going to make a little temporary thing um so guys don’t get too bored while I chat some [ __ ] and uh build I don’t want you guys getting too bored so I feel like you guys are here to probably see me cry and scream

Um I do use OptiFine however I don’t even know what I’m doing on there so I genuinely just don’t touch any of the graphics is that all the coal no no there’s still a bit more um let’s just replace a floor with Cobblestone because I don’t want it half

And half I want it all looking matched bro cuz I can’t do oh I’m going to have to smell some stone for that yeah do you know the good thing about being up here Herobrine isn’t going to get me unless he’s like around here or down

There and I look at him or down there and I look at him then I think we good or if he’s up there I don’t know he’s not going to get me um hold on let me take this brace off man I can’t I need my wrist to be free

For a bit you know like do you know when you take your socks off late at night and you start rubbing your ankles brother that’s what it’s like cuz I always have some around my wrist so it feels weird when I don’t um I have joined this stream to stalky I

Mean Hello block lunch you’re welcome bro um what’s going on here KN dweller night dweller goed night dweller is scary man G done it uh but is he goated with the sauce who is who goated with the sauce uh you should do a several layer room with a ladder leading to the top

Like I watched That he’s on to some boys he’s on to something yeah he to BL he’s on something let me just um we’re just going to slap up no I don’t want this being over here I don’t like it being there yeah we’ll do that just get all this out already you know what

I’m saying so we’ll put this here realistically I don’t need a furnace because I’ve got that these two in it I don’t really need a furnace is it so I’ll keep hold of the Furnace for my inventory we’re going to slap that don’t know what it does but it upgrad gear

Apparently oh is it does it what does it do is it just gear is it just armor if that’s just armor then fair I mean I guess it’s C I guess it’s good in a way where’s the Gil listen I’ve changed I’ve changed I’m I mean there was there

There wasn’t this many people before yeah but Bosh yeah there’s the new skin I’ve upgraded the skin to me the skin is now me so there you go a lot of people were saying they miss the ghilly suit skin but then a lot of people were tell

Me to change it so I changed it to me in a Nike track suit and then everybody was like nah they don’t want it so I changed it again um the there you go and now it’s me we got to is he my friend oh okay we’re going to pick this you’re Joking where’s my bed going bro where did my bed go what a joke I got to swim all the way back up that [ __ ] oh a sh we back up we’re back up we’re back up I used to think that I was enough and I us to that I try to f Right we’re going to smelt this yeah can we not smelt that in a blast furnace does it only do and we can’t put it in a smoker because smok only Cooks food in it okay so we got to use a normal furnace so we do have to have a normal furnace so

We’ll stop right there BOS BOS yeah here we go honestly bro b got out of there real quick fam real quick that’s what I’m saying brosi he ain’t going to get up here bro how’s he going to get up yeah it’s not happening what’s he going to

Swim I love how I said oh hero Ry isn’t going to get me because where’s he going to go there there or there bro was inside of my GFF literally in my go trying to figure Out G what’s this all about and I can’t believe you’re hurting me what you see in her you SE in me your iconic character could be a Bushman with the mask true true it could be but the thing is though now that the skin is me if people do fun they’ll look like

Me it looks exactly like me girl see the thing is with the bush skin yeah like it was basically the reason the reason I even chose the bush skin hold on yeah there we go so the reason I okay we go so the reason I chose the um

Bkin uh was cuz one of my boys we was in a survival server and we had a suspicion that one of my boys was um oops one of my boys was cheating going into creative so we thought we’d catch him out I chose a camouflage skin

And we hid in some uh hid in a tree and we was and I said to him like o I’ve just come out of the cave I beg somebody sleep so it turns daylight cuz we had had a mod where if one person slept it would turn it daylight and he

Was like yeah yeah just give us a sec and he was building and then he just got up and started flying away so I recorded it I made like a little video out of it however I deleted the video which I’m upset about but I made like a little

Video out of it and we kind of exposed him to everybody in Discord and then I just didn’t change it and if you’re watching Connor my bad for that but it was funny looking back at it was funny um anyway just shut up waffling Jen uh if you’re

Living in the cave so there’s a chance of the cave dollar could just spawn right in your face um I’m praying that he doesn’t um I I can see a cave on the bottom right where hold on on the bottom right here no that’s not cave that that’s a thingy Oh you

Mean like down underneath me that is also on not a cave um it’s just a uh yeah um is it hot or cold wearing the mask of literally the next stream no man is not the next stream don’t label me dream that guy is is not a good guy he’s done

Some rough illegal things so he is not somebody I want to be compared to BR yeah um I figured it be could be a unique look uh never seen any other Minecraft Youtuber like that true marketable P it true uh but it’s not about it’s not about the business yeah it’s about my

Connectivity with you boys you know what I’m saying uh I like I don’t even like calling you guys fans it’s more just like a community like you know what I’m saying because you guys are all in here chatting to me is it like you could you you boys could be doing anything else

With the day and he said he decided into watching my dumb ass play this game screaming and I appreciate you all for that um there should be a biological evolution tree for the cave dwellers true it was in fourth person mod there was a cave it was in fourth fourth

Person what is fourth person mode is that behind me someone I was facing this way what do you mean uh you are so much better than Lads of other one mlion YouTubers I appreciate that bro that genuinely means a lot I’m trying I’m trying uh J Jen is the next

Bofy I don’t know who Buffy is brosi I am sorry if that hurts anybody’s heart I am sorry I don’t know who Buffy is braia let’s build this GFF brother I’m waffling oh in fact in fact in fact I’m going do the roof as well you know what

I’m saying to match the floor yeah yeah roof matching floor in that oh no well I mean it doesn’t matter because it’s all going to be Cobblestone up there in it did I just th how did I just do that it’s a nice little yeah what we saying what we saying John

There’s a cave behind the GFF there’s a cave behind the GFF hold on hold on hold on hold on get get some get some of that some of that action going yeah we need some doors because I’m not having anybody run up on my ass

Pause oh yeah look how roomy it is in a and a chest where’s my chest I’m going to put the chest here uh we going to put that let’s just put everything in and then take everything out that I need so I need to cook all the food I’m going to cook all

The food and then we’ll um we’ll get exploring yeah we’ll get out and about out and about out And Uh we’re going to keep that we’re going to keep that because we need it right let’s cook this food and then we’ll be off um yeah keep Ming you find in the cave except the low uh can you call your cousin and spawning

At J to kill him no don’t do it put some glass on the front on the front wall around the door so you can see if her oo it would also help with the light you know true average Bri’s house conf that is confirmed that is very true do I put

Glass no bro I’m just going to man it up yeah I’m just going to man up man up bro if I need to you know what I’m saying if I need to throw hands with anyone I’m throwing hands with people you know what I’m saying um let’s grab half of that put

That in there and cook that while we cooking I’m going chat to you Don yeah what was in uh what’s good Jay I’m not bad icy lry I’m not bad how are you the framin Ator hello bingus yeah what we saying though boys what we

Saying I know what I can tell you about the possible new video uh we did record part what is it is it part seven is it part eight I don’t even know anymore yeah but we recorded the next part of me and stoopi on our series that is in the works he’s

Going to release it first and then I’m going to release my point of view a couple days later um yeah do you eat beans and sauce believe it or not even though I’m British I do not like beans bro I you can’t convince me one good thing about beans like what is good

About beans you can’t tell me what’s good about them I’m sorry I’m more of a spaghetti Donnie yeah spaghetti on sa o bring that to me any day of the week I’m scanning it Ro yeah um watching you and St WAFF waffling is actually so relaxing after a long day

I’m glad we can uh I’m glad we can be that person that type of people you can come to and just listen to just to help you to chill out you know what I’m saying um I’m glad we help with that uh music stream when Livy I don’t

Even know music stream H what you mean my music stream cuz if you’re on about me playing the ukulele I only know three four songs on there so it’s going to be like a two-minute stream uh yeah I I read the new video soon um oh do tell I love your videos

Yeah new video can’t wait I I just need to get editing it man uh do I still have my old PE point of views unfortunately I don’t Lizzy I don’t have my old um point of views uh because I uh my OBS was messing up man my OBS was uh my OBS was

So bad at the time but I mean it’s allight now we’re all good um beans and sauce is a weird combo it is a weird combo bro I don’t know why is that why that’s like a a thing in the UK but I mean everybody’s different everybody’s their own

Person beans are definitely mid biscuit and gravy what are you on what are you chatting about Rob be biscuits and gravy M you’re waffling it’s like the Minecraft horor mode equivalent of TIG don’t even know what TIG is bro I’m so like I don’t know anything about Minecraft bro like I only

I stopped playing Minecraft in like 20 14 20 yeah about 2014 and I came to to every now and then again on like Xbox back in the Xbox days and I haven’t really properly played it since it was like an every now and then one like for one week in a in a whole year we would

Go back to it and play every now and then um beans are rank so it’s ketchup I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree with you there ketchup is top to uh Skyrim stream o let’s chat about that what are you lot saying you want to see

A Skyrim stream me and Livia uh me and our kid Livia thinking about doing a little uh stream where we do Skyrim multiplayer for a stream she’s never played Skyrim before which is absolutely insane by the way Olivia even though I’ve said it many times that he crazy um

But little multiplayer Skyrim stream what we all saying um karaoke stream listen if I didn’t get copyrighted for it I would be done uh I have some jelly be the just cave noises uh so relaxing while watching studying I’m glad um I’m glad you’re here bro I’m glad you’re

Here uh it’s an American thing biscuits and gravy that’s crazy Jaden you know where the Goatman basically cave dweller button not cave oh is it I might have to do that then she’s on toast Bagel is Elite I’m more of a cheese on I’m more

Of just like a cheese on toast type of guy like not toasted Bagel or anything like that I’m just like yeah straight cheese on toast what’s my favorite food Wing Stop Wing Stop is Elite um typical game player has an obsessive Minecraft phase at least twice a year

Yeah it does it does but I mean because of YouTube it’s like an every it’s like almost an everyday thing what about God of War Ragnarok I mean yeah that I’d like to but I’m on PC in it unless it’s out on PC if it’s out

On PC I’ll get it but um I don’t think I’d be able to stream that I need a better computer W Guan mil you put one Guan go milk man I’m [Laughter] just oh yeah man what are you saying Hy reveal we don’t talk about that uh best

Way to improve beans on toast is to give a Japanese twist he so roasted bro Studio you coming out with some mad fact you know I don’t even know what that is uh you need the cave dweller reimagined for the gold R so work okay I have got the cave dweller reimagined I

Think I’ve got that installed now um uh I believe we call your biscuits scones in the US biscuits are ain’t no way you d a yamming skones with gravy bro that that’s crazy you eat Mite nah do you know what I’ve never even tried Mite I see Jaden is streaming I click

Just here welcome to the stream bro uh bro yes I do be a shark King yeah I think I’m taller than kai though kaon it isn’t he shorter than liluzi and Lil uzi’s like 5’4 unless he’s the same height as Uzi I’m taller than them too anyway that I know

Of right that’s enough of me waffling bro you’re probably all sick of hearing me chatting a’t it unless you guys are just happy sitting here and not me screaming and just having a nice time in general yeah uh I need to cook the potatoes and the chickens so I’ll cook them and

The mutton and then we’ll be off let’s cook that get some more Co cook that um as a Taiwanese I have no idea what Jay talking about favorite food favorite F favorite food bro Wing Stop bro Wing Stop is top 10 bro top five bro I don’t know why I said

Top 10 I meant to say top tier bro but I just said top 10 randomly Um what else we got in here uh what do you think about to toast sandwich it depends on what you’re putting on there it depends what you’re putting on there um don’t eat my M it test how cigarette smell don’t want it don’t want it anywhere

Near so IFI had Qui girl can’t be as short as me I mean depends how short you are in the we got buttery biscuits with Savory sa sausage gravy bro why is sausage yo you Americans be onome different bro however I’m trying to try it um man I love hearing you talk that’s

Why I’m hearing it I mean fair fair I appreciate you for being here I love a streaming when they when they were talking to chat I mean listen this is why I said like I wanted to do like a chill stream just to talk to you

Guys I like talking to you guys is it because I’m not good at just talking to myself um come C and face me since Ginger hairs there Ginger hairs there Ginger hairs think they’re so tough what do you mean Ginger hairs who’s Ginger hairs southern biscuits are far more buttery than British

Scorns I mean I I’d like to try them what’s up Lexi I saw sandwiches a sandwich ining between two slices or better uh I mean sure yeah but I mean like I said it it depends um it depends what’s on the toaster you know what I’m

Saying why does the mask look so weird though it doesn’t man I mean oh it might be because of the lighting like if I turn the lighting off if I turn the lighting off you can’t really see me though I mean you can but what are you

Saying are you saying with the light without the light what do you guys think I have a purple room in it like all my lights are purple so what what you saying with it with the light or without the light chat to me um 411 and done growing 411 and D growing is

Crazy I’m not a shock I’m I’m definitely not a shock was 41 uh Americans really have the most creative waves of speed speed fun in life yeah uh St got a new channel profile he did he he got a new profile picture uh the person that did my everybody saying without fair you

Know what say less I’m going have it without them um the nose is kind of long the nose is long bro look how long that b is bro um what else what was I reading I can’t remember what I was reading where’s he gone where’s he gone

Oh that’s what I was saying uh sorry my bad distraction uh st’s new profile uh picture it is um it was from my recent video my thumbnail from my recent video uh they’re the same person that did my thumbnail as the person that did the Bano for stopy and his profile picture

Same person W person by the way um do you know what I’m going to share them out right now on Instagram um this person right here let me turn my brightness down real quick I’m going to do this as well and I’m going to remember to change it back

This time but this person right here if it wants to focus focus God damn it this person right here go give them a follow go message them give them a comment or something let them know that you’ve come from my stream bro go follow them please please go follow them they are

W this is a w person right here bro please go follow them that art ah beautiful beautiful art um but yeah they’re the person that did the thumbnail and um the person that did Tom’s picture and bunner um right what else you saying oh yeah he said the nose is long it is

Long I have bisexual lighting listen purple’s my favorite color man purple is an elite color bro like you can’t tell me it’s not I have everything purple my mouse mat’s purple my keyboard’s purple my mouse is purple my lighting be purple if I tell my female robot in the corner and I’m not

Going to say her name because she’ll start listening to turn my lights on lights called Purple them purple’s a w light my my iPhone is the purple one my phone’s the purple one like purple’s just out here with the best color um the maskk looks weird because

J’s serial killer I am not I’m far from a serial killer if a serial killer is somebody that has social anxiety and doesn’t like leaving the house then yes uh lights off you get scared more I’m not turning the lights off bro if I turn the lights off you don’t even see me

Bro uh what are your thoughts on cheese and cheese and beans like I said don’t like beans I like cheese um the nose is giving Pinocchio like I said the nose is B long bro the nose is really long on this mask eventually I want to be able to

Sort the mask out I I I take inspiration there’s a British Artist called M huncho uh if you guys are familiar with him or not um I took inspiration from him uh he basically doesn’t do anything without the mask but and when he does nobody nobody knows what he

Looks like so he has a private life on the side but when he’s got the mask on everybody knows him and I like I like the thought of that I like to be able to go out with friends and family especially family and be chill and then

The second I put a mask on people know um where we where where was I going with that uh Lizzy said uh I wish I had insta I would have sent so much art honestly you guys could be so much well listen if you’ve got any art and you haven’t got

Insta I do have Twitter you can hit me up on Twitter my Twitter is down in my description of my latest video If you go into that go follow me on there put a post up tag me on that I will see it I promise you I will see it if you go

Follow my Twitter go follow my Instagram whichever one any follow me on there message me on there I’m going to see your message I promise you um put his channel in the description please oh yeah true true I could um bro your skin went from the bush man to a

You to a you to a NE Evolution as finest um I love the purple it’s my favorite color too purple is such a w color bro uh show you gaming setup I would but my camera man it’s not it’s it’s not a a thingy one that I can just

Take off and move around I will plan on getting one of them at some point when my setup does look a lot nicer I will 100% do a uh a setup video uh do you have eggs with cheese or no cheese um I’m going to say no cheese I’m not about

That my man’s I know bro it’s cuz I’m trying to keep up with all the comment uh um what are your thoughts on chicken nuggets chicken nuggets w w chicken nuggets whatever you go ma is you got to get chicken nuggets bro why is everyone hating on this man’s nose uh

Because it’s a big ass nose bro look at the size of that like I can grip that uh when will the Discord be ready the Discord will be ready very soon I’m working on it there’s just a few more touches that I need to finish we was

Going to pay someone to do it I’ll be honest we was going to pay someone because it’s just effort isn’t it and I don’t want anything to go wrong I want it to be perfect for everybody um but times are tough Christmas coming up so we’ve not um

We’ve just not done it and we’ve been doing it ourselves um I’d love to do F but I don’t know how I draw how I draw sty like I don’t know his character uh his character is his profile picture on YouTube if you have a look at that there’s your inso it’s

Basically like a cat a white cat with pinkish reddish glasses sunglasses and a black hoodie um I think your mask is amazing ignore everybody that hates about your mask the mask gives you a personality and makes it who you are exactly thank you brosi I mean nobody’s hating

Nobody’s hating no there’s no hate in here every this is the thing this is the thing with you L everybody in the comments of my videos and everybody in this chat everybody’s just so nice to me everybody’s just so nice to me um that’s why I love you all man you’re all just

None of you have said bad things about me at all I had like one bad comment on an Instagram post and I just deleted that and I went on his page and he said he will following me so that said enough um mac and cheese with hot dogs brosi

That is a crazy combin combination that ain’t for me that ain’t for me I don’t like mac and cheese I’m sorry to anybody that has been offended by that but I’m not a fan of Mac cheese and hot dogs are decent it depends depends what it is Um yeah Livia is in the Discord please C in time okay okay right okay yeah I’ve been waffling I mean I’ve been answering all your questions in it I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry listen yeah you’re all distracting me it ain’t my fault

Yeah right we’ll uh we’ll P this in here this stream almost went from uh Minecraft stream to literally just the chatting stream um we’re going to grab many blocks the reason being is in case I need to build up or um yeah take a furnace because you know how that be

Um literally this community is so is so sweet it really is honestly it you guys really make my day uh I don’t well I’ll be honest I’m a fussy eater so I don’t really try a lot of foods so it’s like whenever I see some I have to be in

The mood to try it and if I see it and I think it looks dead I’m not trying it so I’ve never believe it or not I’ve never tried mac and cheese it doesn’t sound appealing to me at all so I’ve just never tried it I want to try the nand

One apparently Nando has got a new one and apparently it’s banging apparently it’s banging according to chunks Philly and angry Ginge so I want to give it a try um Pand Michael Mayers honestly man n it wasn’t it wasn’t even P line bro it was it was it was a

Knockoff um home bargain honestly waffles I’d love like a a dessert place waterful with ice cream right now stop it you making me hungry count a classy Mac cheese with like I said mac and cheese I’d have to try it but I want to try the one from nandos cuz apparently it bangs

Bro um another live stream yes sir another live stream uh I want to be doing live streams more because I I like chatting to you guys bro I love chat I like I love talking to you all so it’s like I just I just love it yeah I love doing the live

Streams oh my god oh I’m such an idiot oh and you all just caught that on live stream as well I just shift clicked all my wood [ __ ] God damn it bro I just wanted to make a couple sticks now I’ve got so much wood I’ve got some bad neck ache bro

Um right so we’re going to take the B I’ve not got any iron to cook I need iron we need to take food with us 100% I’m going to take this um I’m going to take some of that as well I’m going to just be fully stocked on scaning it Um okay we’ll take that we’ve got that do I just take do you know what let’s not take them I’m just going to take these two and we’ll be good with that yeah all right Che it bro let’s just get in these caves uh without stopy you’re really

Soft spoken bro brings out the best in you I am quite well the thing is yeah the thing is with me and Tom um so basically when I’m with him his like ADHD really kicks in and because his is going it kicks mine off so I like there’s a lot of things that

We like a lot of just noises and weird things we do that don’t get put in the videos that you guys don’t see um so it’s like we just have we just overreact we make so many weird noises and whatnot so it’s like yeah irhd can really kick um

Uh I mean do you need logs I mean I kind of do need some logs can you just run down and get some on the way I need to um I do have a lot of wood that’s going to last me um honestly I messed up with them

Planks is there is there water down there because if there is I will jump off right now there oh do you know what I’m going to no barall this yeah what we saying I’m going to jump from here to that water do you think I’m going to make

It chat to me chat to me chat to me place your bets place your bets please bet if I don’t it’s chilling it I’ll live around the corner honestly I do have unreleased footage of them of us two speaking Minecraft enchantment table what we saying I’m going to jump bro do

You think I’m going to make it or not chat to me oh I’ve got some people saying no BS I got some people saying un sure I’m saying no oh man I don’t think I’m going to make it either but guess what yeah I’m not no [ __ ] bro so I’m going

To do it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it yeah do I have a run up shall I shall I put a couple more blocks here so I can have a run up or do I just do it do I just do it let’s had a couple more

Blocks listen yeah all you people are saying I’m not going to make it yeah I’m going to prove you all wrong right now bro yeah I’m going to prove you’re all wrong right where about is it do it but I’m not sure if you make it I’m going to make it yeah [Applause]

Yeah what are we saying now come on man made that man did that with that was light work that was light work I was I thought I thought I was going to die not going to lie I genuinely thought I was going to die it was close was it y look at my

Man honestly that was a w jump right there it was so close right we need the goal is now we need iron and we need well we just need iron we just need iron I’m going kill these get some more um Jesus Christ I forgot about that what is happening wait these just

Chill out oh my God oh my I just died by a c i just died by a cow bro well we know I can make that jump ow so I’ll just make that jump again and if I don’t make the jump again then it is what it

Is let’s just get back here I’m just going to smash it out the pack again yeah you ready oh my god I’ve not made it oh I have made it let’s go Smiler with the one donation brosi thank you I really appreciate it bro you didn’t need to you didn’t need to we’re

All here we’re chilling bro I got clapped up my with my cows bro never in my life did I ever think I would die byy some cows oh my God why is he still hunting me down chill out oh my God he’s coming for me oh

No sweep in for the loot sweep him for the loot sweep oh my God he’s chasing he’s running her rine give me that oh I’m going to die like her [Laughter] again yeah well done yeah how’s that for you now I did just survive a 70 block fall to get clapped by a

Car body B honestly man have a quid for not dying my doggy you know thank you bro are these going to like dip are they going to leave me alone or what did I get everything where’s my sword bro I bet he’s on top of my sword is

It he is on top of my sword I knew it right what I’m going to do is I’m going to have to to block this give me that oh chill out not going to lie I thought I’d mess that up then where’s he going bro really did took it personal

He’s start running towards me bro it takes 3 days for them to despawn Ain’t No Way come here oh [ __ ] come On let’s go they gone is that lava going to go she m one all right let’s um let’s eat first of all put them back there so you guys can see are you going to turn no okay that’s good right we need to get in a cave

That’s what we need that’s what we need we need a cave we need a cave we need a Cave I’ll hammer it yeah get a hammer in a nail and a nail and a Hammer Hammer it yeah about the lyrics I Don’t Know lyrics why is there just XP okay why is there just XP everywhere um I’m going go around I’m going be I’m going to make the smart

Decision and I’m going just go around yeah smart plays smart plays okay right well here’s another thing that’s got a problem with me Ye Ye thank you I saw where I jumped off from there was some iron up there so do you know what I’m going tell you

What I’m going do what I’m going do what I’m going do what I’m going do I’m do I’m going to go back up to the oh [ __ ] the skeleton has clocked me oh the worst thing about this mod is that the skeletons they clock you from a

Distance and then they just turn fully automatic bro they’ve got problems bro let’s get up here we’re going to Kip we’re going to have a little sleep here a little two two sleep oh did just see that iron however I’m going to sleep first

Right make a b and Tra him true I could have done that he’s lit he was camping my uh for the Discord are you going to add a channel where we can suggest mod do you know what there is already one there it’s a mod suggestion little chat

Thing is Greg on Greg is Greg is on Greg is on I just need to find a good cave how are you going to get up uh get up where hey my house oh water broy oh J mean where I just where I jumped off I’m going just go from

Here um I’m almost finished in my painting sh I want to see tag me tag me in it see if you get stop SK on he’s working right now um rosi’s at work he saw me on live stream and hopped in for like a

Second but uh I did say to him when he’s finish work he should hop on just hop in the Stream for a little bit um if he does I don’t know it depends what time he finished he was supposed to finish at 700 and it’s almost 9:00 right now so uh

Yeah so I don’t know if that’s going to happen or not um I’m going to smell this and then we’re going to make a sword out of it so I can have a stronger sword yeah mod you want to suggest say brosi save him for that uh save him for the discar

Bro uh I don’t think dellas can break through trap doors uh so you can have a few of those is a do true St SK is getting that rain right well you know what we do with rain yeah audio weather off shut that up bro yeah look at that peaceful again uh sty

Really do be getting the money right now brother’s on a grind um I’ve I’m hopefully going to be uh dropping my hours at work so I can focus more time on the YouTube uh focus more on just making videos streaming hopefully that will be very soon when that happens

Um what’s your favorite mod so far favorite mod so far uh I probably said the the new Herobrine because we’ve recently installed this new Herobrine which is doing this to all the animals and he teleports to you and stuff I’d say this I’d say this mod up to

Now um it’s a pretty damn good mod cuz I don’t know what I don’t know what to expect like bro’s always doing something different uh you’re like a kid that’s so that’s too scared to leave his house bro I am uh I think the man can break doors

Who who can Herobrine Herobine can break doors and we can open them um right that’s enough yapping yeah Yapp Yapp Yapp bro let’s just go I’m offering a got a dub step Banger that I’m offering the man clash and I’ll offer him out I’ll be knocking him out and I’ll stomp on his

Mouth offing got AEP Banger that I’m offering the manash I’ll offer him be knocking him out and I’ll stomp on his mouth yeah show window kid window okay is that cave no oh look at my man um bro there’s like no caves somebody said there was a c around the

Back by back of the GFF uh how long am I planning on streaming for um not too late uh just because I am up for work early in the morning I’m up at half half six um so not too late and it’s currently push it well almost 9:00 call

It 9:00 so maybe if uh another hour maybe another Two I don’t know uh BR there’s something wrong with my charger it keeps turning on and off stop doing that chooses when he wants to work and when it doesn’t that song was 1 out of 20 what was 1 out of 20 the song don’t no don’t do window kid dirty like

That well that song was all vs that song is a 10 out of 10 song Get Me Up This Mountain I’ve had enough get me up have you heard the song substance in Floren by 10 ton I’ve not I’ve never heard it yo certified Qui girl bro you best

Tag me in that I want to see it I want to see that um you should play the mod from another you should play the mod from another world uh just watch the thing 1982 First okay you live in Britain I am live in Britain UK and that come

On if you celebrate got any plans for Christmas I do celebrate Christmas uh I mean it’s just normal plans planning on um spending time with a f really I might do a Christmas stream what’ you reckon what you telling me John what you think Christmas Stream Christmas stream yay or nay

I was thinking about it I was thinking a Christmas stream or a new year stream whichever I don’t know which one would you prefer maybe both maybe a Christmas stream and a new year stream we got a yay that would be a good present you know okay we got another yay

I might do it I might do a little uh little two two Christmas Stream Christmas night and that yeah when all the fans gone home and we’re just in the gaffa yeah for sure but priority if I’m yeah yeah they will be 100% they normally they normally leave at like 900

P.m. anyway you know what I’m saying so oh the had zombie bro getting in my way we got a couple more years I might have to oh I might have to do a little uh Christmas streaming what bro do we want another do we want more lighting

Hold on because I’ve just looked at my camera and it looks quite dark so what I’m going to do is excuse me I just shake uped I’mma tell my robot to turn the lights on you and if you want them on say lights if you don’t want them on say n get them

Off yeah Alexa turn the lights on I feel like that made no difference Alexa turn the lights off it just affected my background bro you know what n staying off no point no fine y j got another mod for you the nightmare cave dweller has is covered in

Blood he’s faster and he deals more damage plus scary sounds yes I want that he’s got a gun mod he’s got a gun mod yeah uh come look F on my own am head out see you later mate thank you for the donation brosi I appreciate you uh sad

To see you leave but people have got important things to do in it so I appreciate you for being there bro barely any difference yeah everybody yeah yeah F the same thing bro is that what it is that it’s the nightmare. J that this made him cover in

Blood and that do you know what just because oh no wait hold on hold on I’ll I’ll and then I’m hit hit this okay I thought something might happen because I’m mining this [ __ ] um well we’re back at this Village what is that noise uh I don’t know what to

Do this looks awfully Square why is that so Square okay no never mind um by the way the trees are stri of all the leaves are called Herobine Forest yeah I W sure if I could mine them though without him kicking off of me I’m going take his torcha because

He’s a [ __ ] and he won’t do anything about it uh what’s my favorite movie favorite movie that’s a hard decision bro favorite movie favorite movie flush away don’t care what anybody says nobody can chat to me about flush away saying it’s bad flush aways top tier

Um yeah I was looking at that the carp stalker don’t s guys I’m not going anywhere now I don’t trust him one little bit I don’t trust anything in this game it’s getting dark time for the monsters to come out and play it not when I start Kipping it isn’t yeah

Plus like Frank yeah can protect me bro BR we need to find a cave you know what give me this bed I’m just keeping this bed flushed away is honestly top tier bro if anybody says flushed away is not a good film bro then they’re waffling I don’t know anybody that says

Flushed away is boring or flush away isn’t a good film flushed away is 10 out of 10 bro I remember yeah watching that as a kid loved it watch it as an adult I swear I found it 10 times more funnier cuz I understood the joke so if you’ve

Not seen it Maximo go watch it bro it’s a flushed away it’s called Flushed Away bro it is amazing oh where this where these Caves at there’s some there but it’s not worth going for isn’t that movie about the rat guy yes Lizzy you haven’t seen it I ever what is

Happening right so flushed away for the people that haven’t seen it it’s uh it’s a talk top the all like it’s animated talking rats uh it’s like the makers of um it kind of reminds me of I don’t know if it’s the same people that made it but

Uh Wallace and grommet look at Herobrine struggling to do anything with okay so he was up there and he was struggling to run um yeah I think it was from the makers of Wallis and grommit um because it’s like the same art style it’s amazing uh all right okay yeah I was

About to say I was say how have you not seen flush away oh there he is again Herobrine but yeah flush away amazing film like if I’m if I’m watching it I can quote some of the lines I’ve seen it that many times yeah I’m a pretty sad guy uh

Yeah now flush away amazing fil yeah the weaping angels are rough in the ne so I think the per on me oh we talking about the purple oh I yeah I saw somebody say something about that but then I started waffling about FL brother my brother is any or anywhere

What wait what the only unfortunate thing is that it was done by adman Studios after their Studio burnt down and they had to do CGI instead what wait the people that made flush away that H that happened to the people that made Flushed Away nah surely not

What how how do you do that how do you make a weapon that one shots him so I can tell Tom about it whenever I next play with him I was up there for what I was up there for a reason because there was iron oh don’t quote me on that all right

Okay okay understandable understandable bro I’ve got this one song stuck in my head here and it’s uh Love by uh what’s her name what’s her name Kisha sorry K Kisha Cole Kisha Cole Love by Kisha Cole what a song I’ve got it stuck in my head I just had to get that out

There um right let’s get up here let’s get this honestly FL away in cinema bro amazing amazing film honestly I might have to just I might have to go back and watch it tonight before bedis yeah um I’ll do research on the offia my

Guy my guy see I didn’t want to do it I I didn’t want to like spoil it for myself but if you guys are doing it then that’s not me spoiling it for myself you know what I’m saying cuz at the minute everybody’s like everybody always asks us what the

Purple orders but we just don’t look it up we just kind of we’re kind of like oh yeah let’s just figure it out but then we’ read comments see what people say in the comments and we like oh maybe we should do it so if I end up finding out then off

You guys then it is what it is and I’ll tell him and then we’ll do it I’ve already been this movie stream if if I could without getting copyrighted I 100% would I’m pretty sure I would get a copyright strike because it’s using thingies like that trailer for example that trailer

That I showed in my last stream where we was all just chilling and I was like yeah yeah watch this it looks sick I got a copyright I got a copyright strike for that uh legit off the FL off to watch Flushed Away do it bro amazing

Film bro fix my my sleep schedule my sleep schedule was chilling bro oh no it wasn’t because of their Studio burnt down is because it involved a shot uh sh of water which is impossible to do with Clay what do you mean or did I just read that message totally man my favorite

YouTuber see I have some massive uh I have like YouTubers that I like to watch but like he is extremely offensive to everybody but I have a very dark sense of humor so I find him hilarious um cuz I’m one of them you could you could say a lot of stuff to me

But I won’t get offended I’d probably just laugh and also join in on me being ripped into uh who but who’s my favorite YouTuber favorite YouTubers are definitely chunks Philly and Harry poo and darkest man oh mate I love them it’s a dream one day to be able to film a

Video with them to be in a video with chunks Philly and darkest bro they wouldn’t I feel like they wouldn’t even be able to record because I’ll be laughing that much I wouldn’t like cuz I’m one of them where like something’s funny it will be it’d

Be really bad to put me and Philly in the same room if you put uh buys holy [ __ ] that M goes even higher I’m going check that out in a minute but I’m going check this out first oh yeah it’ll just go into like my requests so when you DM me on Instagram

It go straight into my requests and I do I do see the requests so don’t worry I’ll uh I’ll have a look it’s all good it’s all good I’ll be able to see it um the movie The flush away was supposed to be clay crazy I reckon they would have smashed that

Yeah why is that there obviously it’s a Herobrine thing but I’m I’m going just go down um I just saw I just saw Herobrine again bro bro I apologize about the stream I was meant to be going in caves and all that good stuff but there’s just no caves anywhere

And okay but I’m going to just go to this giant letter e see what I mean look at him he’s on Full Auto bro and he’s going for me at this distance that’s crazy what is this that you trying to be all scary but it’s kind of funny yeah bro it’s a weird

Ass block what block even is that what block is this can I break it oh I got a message I got a message from someone hold up hold up hold up let me break this block for yeah it did nothing right I have an important message wait what time was that message

At wait what are you saying uh you hopping on can you guess who I’ve just messaged I’ve just asked them if they hopping on yeah can you guess who it is can you guess yeah put your guesses in for your guesses In probably need a diamond pick I’m going to need a diamond pick never knew what I was thinking it is in fact stoop ski stoop Meister the one and only stopi broki man’s messaged me whoever he’s not messaged me on Snapchat bro I always tell him to get at

Me at Snapchat because that’s where I’m going to reply Rob Tom yeah if you if you’re watching snap bro in fact do you know what I’m G message him on Snap first yeah wait what you saying you hop in on my stream the people want to know Yeah oh hello yo what’s Up the one and only St ski how you guys doing you guys good they chilling man they chilling we’ve uh we’ve been chatting we’ve been chatting for a hot minute I’ve been watching M I’ve been watching yeah bro the stream hasn’t gone that well I’ll be pretty honest I’ve been trying

To find a cave for the longest time not found a single cave I’ve just been getting bro this Herobrine mod it this new Herobrine mod is insane bro what’s that then I don’t know bro you can’t mine it um that’s mental mate I’m watching now that’s crazy yeah can’t M

That can’t mine it bro if it takes about 8 years to mine it what four dude honestly bro it’s either an e yeah or it’s a three or it’s a letter m on its side or Herobrine’s dyslexic and he doesn’t know how to spell he doesn’t know how to spell Herobrine and he

Put well every everybody’s Gast your everybody’s Gast I’m Gast how you doing yeah yeah I’ve been I’ve been doing a little bit of editing yeah oh have you been editing part seven part Seven’s going to be kind of funny you know kind of good kind of kind of good yeah M I

Need to get editing it BR I’ve not had any time to edit it oh bro honestly I’m like halfway done yeah when did you start it last night oh you started it last night you edit quick not last night the night wait yeah no yesterday during the

Day I was editing for a few hours I smash Mo most of it out you know but guys you ain’t ready yeah I me and Jay screamed like the most we’ve ever screamed in the entire Series in this in the first clip man the first clip oh got

An IT sh on my face hold on I’m got to put my whole ass hand in my mask G yeah one day the straps are going to snap and if they do it is what it is that will be my face reveal maybe I’ll I’ll do a face reveal by me purposefully

Snapping them I just pull my mask really hard Bro you’ve got to do you got to do a face reveal if like if we ever well we obviously we’re going to meet in person again but we’ve got to be with each other in person man what when I do a

Face real let me take it off yeah the face real yeah will be you ripping it off my face even if it’s to the point of me falling over right it be you ripping it off my face and then you turning the camera around and that’s your face

Real such like a [ __ ] [ __ ] production value just like recorded on a [ __ ] iPhone like you just shred my mask off my face I’ll face plant get up and be like o that that and you’ll turn the camera around and you’ll be like my bad bro and that’s the whole face Reve it’s

Like 10c video what doing in your chat dude I know bro I know he’s been here for a solid minute what are you doing are you hopping on I think that I think the people want to see what mods have you got you got the mods um I’ve only got the cave dweller

And the new herob Bine mod that it yeah I’m literally just doing like a chill stream to like be able to read the chat but still scary stuff that’s fair that’s fair to be honest I’m probably not going to hop on sorry I’m sorry guys Len I’m sorry yeah it’s late I’ve got

I’ve had no sleep yeah why have you had no sleep bro sh to me just just just haven’t yeah why is your house so high up in the mountain why did you think bro look at it it looks sick he eyes not my problem uh FNA Five Nights at Freddy’s Michael

Michael Michael don’t leave me you Michael Michel you showed me that video we were just the uh the red Ben red Ben CL red Ben Clemson red B Clemson oh everybody saying Stoops teasing us yeah I can see Lizzy shush shut him off yeah when you guys getting sound physics

Remastered loads of people have said that what is it it’s just a mod that makes like I think it makes up the re the Reverb and like all the bro you just jumped off that Cliff mad um it like makes all the s it makes all the sounds like reverbed in like more

Ambient sounds to be fair give it a bash yeah I mean I’m done I mean wait let me look right now sound physic remastered I want to see if it’s for um the version we’re playing on uh it is okay cool we’re going to do that one then yeah yeah mhm wait 1.9

19.3 hold on we more 19.2 we rob earlier somebody said um somebody said in the chat oh then let me scroll up and find it it’s probably going to be a while up uh send it you just send it you but I can’t find it but somebody said I speak uh way

Softer um I’m so so what was it I’m So Soft toned when I’m not with you but then when I’m with you I’m way different and I’m like yeah bro because you bring out the ADHD in me yeah when I watched your um when I watched your single like solo

Video you sounded so like chill and tired bro that was the same thing for you though bro yeah I know yeah I think it’s just when me and Jay get together we’re just like crazy man yeah m m Jay’s got that drip on he always be

Dripping Jay is a drippy dude I’m not going to lie yeah come on yeah proper drip Stu do you know oh do you know what I need to buy for my room bro so basically there was a couple things I wanted to have before I um I started

Streaming uh do you know how a while ago I was looking at mini fridges yeah so one of my boys got a mini fridge like one of the ones I was looking at he doesn’t use it and he’s just like I’ll let you have it so I was

Like say less so I was going to pick that up today I was going to remove all this sponge off the wall so it was going to be a white backdrop I was going to put the Shelf in up so you can so I could put stuff on there so it’ll be

Looking nicer and then I got home just barely bro I literally got home and I had 20 minutes to eat [ __ ] setup stream so I just didn’t do my room why are these Hills so tall I don’t even know uh Siberian Shadow bro youve I I swear you’re the guy that said it’s

3:00 a.m. over there why are you still here bro go to sleep yeah go to bed man that’s not good go to bed SK bro stop listening to me CHS get your eight hours or your two hours probably only going to get a couple hours let’s be real if you’re

Like 30 minutes if you’re up at 3:00 a.m. that means that you’ve bro that 3:00 a.m. was about an hour ago maybe two hours ago you [ __ ] it wait you [ __ ] it yeah yeah you’re done out your sleep schu’s done out yeah so you say byebye to healthy

Sleeping uh Mad Love From New York bro keep up the great work thank you brosi I appreciate you yo Nina 12 12 a.m. is not bad all right you can still Salvage that yeah yeah you can still Salvage that if you go to bed in like the next hour you’re

Good yeah but if you if if it ticks past like 2 2 a.m. I mean you could still potentially Salvage that depending on what time bro I shut the [ __ ] up to my doing I’m chatting mad right now oh Baby K I’m on I’m on four hours of sleep as

It is I’m oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I just smacked a baby carier and it’s on smoke wait is it not hitting me oh my God it is hitting me is it when I kill it is it going to

Multiply I don’t want it to hit me cuz it’s going to kill me oh my God it I’m actually going to die by a baby cow bro hold on John yeah come over why would you hit the baby cow in the first place bro come oh my God I’m watching

Bro I’m watching The Stream man’s off I just saw herob then oh my God he did so many hearts bro that’s what I’m saying bro this herob mod is Nots uh sorry bro but I like sleeping at 500 a.m. that’s what Nina just said bro 5

A.m. uh what the hell p is 1118 p.m. so I get to watch your stream till the end I mean [ __ ] what what I me8 PMS if if Jay streams for like 12 hours then you’re [ __ ] so which I’m not going to be doing bro I’m up at half six tomorrow

Bro oh that’s that is rough out but I finish it at four in it so I can’t complain really I can’t really complain je it’s a Sho bro what are we saying fam not Don that did the fan out for us our first ever piece of fan bro yeah bro

How is it going it’s bro has that Legacy bro honestly you can forever say that if if me and St blow up big time you pulled the title for the first ever piece of fan art ever done and sent to us it was amazing and it was amazing yeah it was

We should frame that [ __ ] man honestly oh my god do you know what I’m going to do frame that in my room I’m going to when all this Spong is off yeah I’m going to put my shelf up in View and I’m going to print a picture of man like

Danny and it’s going up on that shelf brother and it’s always going to be on camera shot it’s happening oh yeah hell yeah brother man it’s a you bro you’re going to be on my shelf forever bro going to be on my shelf and if I make it into the big boy

YouTuber world it’s got it’s going to be crazy because it’s going to be coming everywhere with me it’s the first piece of fan art ever made for me it’s going well I’m glad I was able to catch you on stream hell yeah I’m glad you’re

Here H happy I got to Popp right when you’re getting folded by a baby car yeah it wasn’t the best un like Danny is a legend he really do be cave fake C like man like Danny was just such a idol yeah man I miss him wait what somebody said stoopy would be

Throbbing for that throbbing for what bro what preppy yeah chill yeah what you saying bro uh Nina says why aren you playing bro because I’m tired yeah and if I was playing on this world I’d probably literally just start doing some dumb [ __ ] because bro my brain is

Just all over my brain I’m going to give you a fun fact about Tom right oh my God have I just accidentally stumbled up across a cave I’m going to give you a fun fact about stoopy yeah when he gets bored in a game bro just either stands there does

Nothing or does everything to inconvenience you and piss you off do you know what was really funny at the end of this first stream we did the other day do you know when I um what’s it I like just Dove for that that guy in the in that massive like church I just

Went through yeah and then like someone in the Stream in the chat was like yeah St we know you did that on purpose just so you could end the stream and I was like laughing to myself because it was true because like just I was so tired and I was like

Oh I’ve lost my go I found another Village um you got potential I wouldn’t doubt it Lizzy I’m praying I’m praying you guys are slowly making it happen you guys are making the dream happen and I apprciate to think bro like in two in like two we’ve been doing this for

Like two months now yeah I remember the first the video first video uploaded was uploaded on October 18th I’m pretty sure so we’ve been doing this about two months makes my desk a bit smaller there we go that’s insane two months and look how far we’ve come already that’s insane

It’s crazy is it it’s crazy it is crazy bro um I’m here cly painting and I just hear that uh everybody saying take time female cave dwell J what I’m confused face reveal or no I better not uh yeah somebody said W just for you being in the Stream and

Talking um material it’s material Jean she hello yeah what’s up what’s up thank you for tuning in thank you what a legend man what a legend what an absolute yo cryptic pepp bro chill God damn CTIC man you need to relax a little bit yeah we love the videos St ski you got

To sleep bro we we want to see you what wait what you said you got to sleep we want to see you so all right let me power [Laughter] upy wait what yeah what is what it is Um day 113 of asking random people to kill a v it uh I’ll be sticking around as long as possible you guys are both awesome thank you thank you you’re the reason you guys are the reason why we keep doing this so with you lot sticking around

We’ll be doing it as long as possible as well I saw your first vid on my recommendations and I’m so glad I clicked that video I was overcome I was able to overcome my depression I’m glad we can actually be that type of Escape for people cuz we’ve been me and Tom have

Both been in that deep dark Rock um and we know what it’s like how humbling it is do you know how nice it is to just read that like I’ve had a few comments of people saying that like our videos helped him through a dark place and bro

That is actually so heartwarming like honestly it makes feel so [ __ ] happy inside like that’s like I don’t know it’s just the it’s Lally just me and Jay being ourselves like messing about and we can just have that effect like for us it’s not like for us it’s just natural

And we’re just we’re just being mates and we’re just pissing about but like for some people that’s like massive for them do you know what I mean yeah it really is is it’s good to hear though like honestly just when when you guys say things like that to us the fact that

We can be that escape it makes like like Tom said it just makes us it makes us feel nice and warm inside um the reason I killed that villager was because uh PR pref prees I don’t know joined the stream and said he’s been asking for 113 days for somebody to for

Streamers to kill a villager so I did it you know what I’m saying like I didn’t know that villager he didn’t know me I’m going to do it you know what I’m saying it’s bro what it’s a chew what are you doing yo keep up the great work always love

Your content it’s always nice getting to watch you guys you’re both are hilarious if I could make a 100 plus pieces of fan out for you I would just want it just give you some love bro a bless thank you so much I genuinely love you with all my

Heart you didn’t need to do that man I don’t even know what to say that’s crazy it’s the true bro we we DM each other regularly bro I appreciate you so much honestly you are one of the best supporters I could ask for you constantly hitting me up with fan art

You constantly messaging me just showing me love showing me support thank you so much honestly I’m it means the world to me it really does everybody spam I want W’s in the chat for it’s a right now bro I want W’s in the chat in fact while I’m

At it if you haven’t already hold on hold on hold on hold on yeah if you haven’t already yeah hold on John um hold on hold on hold on hold on there we go see that’s what I like to see I like seeing these W’s keep them going keep them

Going honestly here we go yeah so this right here is it going to is it going to open where is it here we go right so I want you to go everybody go and follow it’s the true right now on Instagram I want you to all go follow

Them go and show them some love please they deserve nothing but love and positivity so please give them a follow show them some love because their art is amazing they show nothing but positivity like that they didn’t need to do that and they did that they messaged me all

The time they didn’t need to do that and they did that honestly it means a world to me it really does so please go give him a follow go show them some love on all the fan arts they do fan art they they do take requests and stuff so if you’ve got any

Requests you want to make BOS go to it’s a true bro please show show him some love oh yeah I need to stop sitting with my legs crossed bro because that that [ __ ] be hurting um it’s hard to find people like you guys you don’t do it for the views money

Honestly ever since I saw the cave dweller videos your content is has been able to stop my suicidal thinking please don’t do anything like that um please don’t please just keep if if watching our videos and watching our live streams really helps you please just reach out

To one of us reach out to people reach out to family reach out to anybody you can reach out to cuz there will 100% be people out there that love you with all their heart I guarantee it including me and sty like you’re here the re you’re

Here for a reason Bro think about that you’re here for a reason I’ve been in them dark times I’ve been in them dark RS and you just you got to push through it there’s always light at the end of that tunnel you know what I’m saying that’s why that’s why we that’s

Why we was talking about it before when somebody asked me what my tatto is about this honestly the music relation that that helped me through so much if music helps you listen to music I promise you you will get through it it’s it’s somewhat it’s somewhat hard

To get through but I’m telling you all this negativity something positive will come out in the end I promise you so Mahan kosnik I’ve probably just absolutely butchered your name yeah but we love you don’t do anything stupid please reach out to people I want

To see every time I stream I want to see you in my stream chatting to me yeah um that inst page is very Cy they do have an Coy insta page I’m being honest you guys uh you guys just having fun with each other makes me happy to for

Some reason it feels like at home a safe place uh and very comfortable while laughing with you guys bro honestly I don’t I don’t understand it yeah why why why have we got this type of community bro like it’s so humbling bro this this could like you guys show nothing but

Love to us all the time bro you’re constantly showing love um people are saying they followed the page it’s a true I’m glad they have my grammar sucks even though it’s my first language is English same here agreed n watching them feels like we’re hanging out with friends it I’m glad we

Do I hope you guys realize there’s so many moments you have that is so an animate animate I can’t read bro I can’t read animate worthy animate yeah uh you guys are sweet people ever I mean we just we we’re just nice people I suppose

Um jayen I want you to ask stup ski what he would think if there was a female cave dweller um I think that would be cool man see this is why guys I’m not Li I’m so tired bro I’m actually so tired um see this is why this is why the best

Channels are the ones with some that are some hold on a minute jeden read yeah see this is why the best channels are the on where some friends just get together and do whatever and have fun raw unscripted fun just the absolute best I mean I feel like if you force it it’s

Just not going to be good though is it I am a couple seconds behind in the chat because I did just give some speech but I’m a couple of seconds behind in the chat but if you’re forcing your content bro delete it bro we’ve recorded for four or five hours before

And we felt like it was forced and we deleted the whole footage like that [ __ ] happens honestly bro uh you attract the right people we try I’m hoping we do I mean it’s it’s worked up to now you you guys are all lovely people I love you

All uh I’ve been horri uh I’ve been having horrible times too I’ve recently lost someone very close to me uh but music and art really helps me too as well as your guys content I found out it gets better um [ __ ] man I’m like I said I’m glad you I’m

Glad we are some form of an escape for you I’m glad we’re I’m glad you just here chatting with us in it so honestly everything does get better it it slowly gets better I promise you it really does just time man time he I know it’s a

Cliche saying but time does heal wounds it does yeah you just got to give it some time let yourself heal let yourself let yourself feel those emotions I think it’s so important to just like actually like take time to feel the emotions you’re feeling and like respect yourself

And actually like accept that you can feel these emotions and you’re allowed to yeah and it’s good to because you can learn from it and you can like develop as a person but I’m going to get some tea does anyone want one yeah yeah I CER

Yeah how many sugars uh we need grab another 46 T’s yeah yo yo everyone in the chat what what tea do you want how many sugars you want yeah let me know um I’ll message you yeah yeah just just yeah bro all right to all right bro

Um right where am I in the chat here because I’m getting a lot of big paragraphs and I want to read them out because there’s a lot of people that are opening up and it’s important to talk to you guys about these things um can’t lie Jay’s been on one of uh

Jay’s been one of the sweetest Minecraft creators I’ve ever seen will always be my favorite thank you thans thank you yeah you guys are the reason I’m doing it bro um I uh yeah uh been here since like 2 minutes after the first vid and this

Channel is the best thing ever two of the funniest Brits I’ve ever seen don’t change for No One Jay you’re too funny I’ll be not I won’t be changing for anyone bro I’m not that type of person I can’t do it I can’t do it if you’re not

Going to be yourself then what’s the point um whoa whoa whoa my chat’s just jumped my chat’s just jumped hold on hold on hold on I’m having to scroll up here uh I try my best to be always be in your streams but what what the hell was that

Pronouncing what pronouncing bro uh I love this community uh I love this community is so wholesome um we love you guys so much thank you for making us laugh and experience TR together I’m um I love you all honestly I don’t like you guys are all just here showing me nothing but

Love man this is crazy my actual name is valdrin Yo that name is top tier that’s a sick name bro valdrin I hope I’m pronouncing that right yo that’s a w name bro uh stoy half asleep is bro uh the cave do is down bad e do be down bad

Um sleepy sty got to go back to work have fun everyone have fun at work material Jean I know it’s not massively fun I mean I don’t know what you do but the grind is the grind you know what I’m saying have a good day at work man uh so

No one’s going to talk about that pron I I know what pronouncing you mean um I got to go get dinner uh so I’m a hop off just wanted to come on and give you some love before I headed off again keep up the great work love your

Voice love your voice personality what you guys do honestly it’s a true you probably left by now because I’ve had to scroll up a bit but thank you for tuning in honest and the donation I love you man think you and uh thank you yeah have

A good day CH I hope this community stays the way it does uh honestly so do I I hope everybody stays like as positive as this because I don’t I honestly I don’t see any negativity from anyone bro everybody’s just sitting here being positive there was one guy but

Like I said it was comment on my Instagram post I deleted his comment looked at it and he was following me so I don’t know what that was about but other than that like you guys are nothing but showing love honestly it’s certified quiet go bro yeah if you’ve got any Instagram and

You’re ever feeling down if you’re ever feeling [ __ ] depressed please reach out please reach out what is my camera doing bro why does it keep turning by itself yeah um please reach out on Instagram or Twitter whichever please I am I am here to talk I really

Am here to talk I’ve been there where you’ve where I’ve had nobody to talk to so please reach out um everybody’s asking for Two Sugars Two Sugars yeah two Two Sugars y I’m back uh the best uh Two Sugars oh [ __ ] I did eight you did eight eight sugars in each

M r yeah yeah yeah sorry guys the how many sugars did you put in yours none bro sugar you have sugar yeah sort it out yeah uh Z zzan got out got out I don’t want to go but I got school tomorrow brosi go first yeah uh I ain’t leaving even though I

Got a homework I think listen as long as you’re doing your homework while watching me that’s fine just yeah concentrate I don’t want to be the reason why you fail even though I failed but it is what it is you’re pronouncing my name right sweet yeah oi did you hear what his name

Was uh did you say yeah what did you hear that guy’s name who uh the one that I was talking to about the Suicidal Thoughts um BR his name is sick Bro you ready wait what one is it valdrin B his name is valdrin oh M what like his actual name

His IRL name is valdrin B that’s sick name bro how mad is that that’s a sick name I swear I’m opening up to you I swear I’m opening up more up to you in a week than I than my parents on my life listen your parents care about you your

Even though your parents might not seem it but they want nothing but the best for you they don’t understand a lot of things that’s going on in that like in this time of day but they want nothing but the best for you it could be anything for example like me doing the

YouTube they want nothing but the best they might not fully understand it so they might not understand me like doing Simple Things like dropping my hours and whatnot or work or quitting my job and stuff but the reason being is because they want the best for me they don’t

Understand this all they know is to work and to have the grind on at work and that’s that’s how I’m where I am today from them working bro so they want nothing but the best for you and yeah they might stress you out sometimes but like I said bro that’s that’s they they

Don’t know they don’t understand all this so listen if you or if you if if you open up to your parents thank you for subscribing brosi I appreciate you um if you open up to your parents they will they will understand I opened up to uh to my

Mom probably like I was feeling probably like in one of the worst places I’ve ever been in life and I opened up to my mom um and ever since then I’ve been an open book like that that was probably the the worst situation I’ve ever been

In in my life and I couldn’t have I couldn’t have done it without her honestly I probably wouldn’t be here without her um so big up Mumsy in the chat yeah big up Mumsy um but yeah please uh what did I say what did I say your name was valdrin I’m going to

Remember that you know yeah valin valdrin open up to your parents bro and if you feel like you can’t open up to your parents reach out to body I promise you you’ll get through [ __ ] I’m telling you now uh cryptic prey uh you were one of the best YouTubers I’ve ever seen you’re

Kind of like speed silver you don’t scream oh that word uh yeah because if I do scream anything like that my mom will literally beat the [ __ ] out of me So you’ll notice if I ever say the f word I am Whispering it because my mom will beat me um somebody said eight sugars refund us only joking guys if you no but if you actually drink tea like sugar sort out mate please it out that’s that’s not right mate that’s

Not right bro thinks with the1 donation love you guys more than anything no bro I love you yeah I love you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you and all you

Lck back there I was going to but then I lost count thanks thank you for the 10 pounds brosi you didn’t need to brosi you didn’t need to but I really do appreciate it your mom says amazing she is she honestly is best mom I could ever ask for w donation it really

Was um who at this point yeah at this point I’m just going to go to this screen I’m just going to go to this screen and talk to you guys somebody put a finger with f oh bro yeah let me show you something bro I learned two more songs yeah

One so you know how I was learning Rip Tide I could play it a bit better now yeah let’s I’m going to mess it up a couple times but you got to give me a Second oh hold up valin said some Val means waves in our language and dren is a famous river known in our country bro you have got a such a w name I was named after jayen Smith BR [ __ ] off I was no you was n you’re

Lying I’ll get moms in here right right now I was nerved after Jaden Smith bro how I he’s younger than you how the [ __ ] does work he’s up what the [ __ ] Jenny SMI is old yes um yeah you got a sick you got a

Sick name bro I wish I had a sick name like that I just have a unusual name well it was unusual back in the day went from scary M it went from scary Minecraft to whome therapy really did dead going to make me cry what the f y the so

Sweet BR thank you so much for the donations it really means means a lot um are you Stoops in your 20s we are in our 20s he’s younger than me though I am Jay’s got how many wait how many years older are you um three years older

Than three years older yeah yeah yeah I think so yeah man Jay’s three years older than me guys how crazy is that yeah uh he’s put no way to me being named after Jaden [Laughter] Smith yeah that’s very very crazy can we just talk about the uh economic state of the [Laughter]

World I butchered that one sh Nina’s back anyway I’m going to freaking do this yeah on yeah play some music uh give me you’ve got to give me a minute you’ve got to give me a Minute I was scared of den and the do I was scared of pretty girls and stting conversations my friends green don’t know the wor to this song stach that rhymes with Green and there Stuck I’m yeah what aune what a tune learn that we’ve learned that you know what I’m saying um and then I’ve also learned another one brother yeah but this one’s this one’s a bit harder bro because I’ve got to try and remember it my ring kept smacking the

Desk um somebody says you sound like wilb bro yeah wil bro love joy is sick man I rate love joy I don’t know what it is bro why is why oh okay I thought this um is it V what’s sy’s name again I don’t know but it’s be wet in my

Mask y your the guy in the chat man one of your viewers Val what’s his name oh valin yeah valdrin I just saw he randomly put in about Mount Everest and I was so confused and then I I think is wait what what is even saying good old

Climate change in Mount Everest in exactly 2013 3rd of June at 12:34 in the morning and 17 seconds what is that when you were born what that’s mad you were born in 2013 now you’re chatting West don’t be telling me that that scares me that makes me feel

Old everybody’s loving the music yeah I’m glad everybody’s loving the music I’m inan your Twitch I’m inan a twitch chat I love that song when you said my name I just felt happy I don’t know why I don’t know I just smiled like an idiot probably because no one has

Ever said my name so calmly before everyone around me be yelling my name listen n i a I might I might scream your name next time when you’re done I’m like Sho hey also whoever said finger that’s my nickname yeah you and wio saying saw like you could be related R

Yeah not going to answer that Tom now say oh sorry again sorry I can hear you somebody said you and Wilbur sound like you could be related yeah bro because we are I’m Wilbur’s cousin yeah are you are you ready for the tune by the

Way yeah yeah see it wait let me see let me make sure this is the right note wait that was it is it is all right okay I’m ready I’m ready you ready let’s see if you can guess it let’s see if everybody in the chat can guess it as

Well oh wait wrong string wait this a this is an X song Right it got That and then is oh oh is it bad vibes forever no Oh I thought it was that I’ve heard it bro what is This what is that bro I know it tell me what it is tell me what it is I’m not saying No yay you ready who needs love that he never change [ __ ] the I CH [ __ ] been r with with game [ __ ] with hey trippy red broppy red it’s trippy red brosi trippy red I thought it a song from XO everybody fighting might have been X you

Know sad yeah everyone say Sad yeah no bro trippy red all trippy red who needs love who needs love that never changey word I love trippy word I love trippy word I love trippy word I did start learning uh rap star by Polo G but that is just Next Level

Hard I can’t do that I do want to learn uh bad vibes Forever sing a Christmas song it’s almost time yeah when are we going to get a Christmas stream oh we should do a Christmas stream do you know what it’s funny I said for Christmas I’m probably

Going to do a stream cuz basically all my family will probably like dip it around about 9:00 and I’m probably not going to be in the work next day so I might have to do a Christmas stream here something crazy go on I’m working Christmas day no Christmas Day I’m I’m

Working Christmas Eve I’m working Christmas day I’m working Boxing Day yo what I need I need some yeah man I’m I’m I’m out here who’s wish could do a Christmas stream who’s going to a restaurant on Christmas day bro yeah it’s Christmas dinner at at Gaff that’s that’s what I’m

Saying bro but I’ve lost my Gaff in Minecraft drop the Discord on Christmas that would actually be I know bro I was thinking of that you know yeah that would actually there’s only a couple more things yeah I need for the Discord server to be perfect have I made it back

I made it back to the ging someone said Bo you better sing last Christmas for us bro watch I was listening to the uh the slowed version of that yesterday and it was crazy man I love Last Christmas I gave you my heart and the very next day you gave it Special I don’t remember the Lyrics CH Oh I thought you was going to carry on then I started cooking [Laughter] yo man like Danny Christmas March bro get a man like can you imagine a man like Danny on a knitted Christmas sweater sick that imagine that someone make that and send

Me and J One honestly if you actually did that I would probably cry that’s crazy that’s insane how cool would that be do you know what’s crazy I went on your YouTube earlier today and I saw you hit 21k I was like bro you’re going to be getting 100K plaque soon [ __ ] mental

It imagine it’s nuts you’re going to have to wait for me before you show it though you got to wait for me to get my 100K as well so we could just be like you’ll be on 300K and I’ll just hit like [Laughter] 90k oh man that right now lost my

SC Bo y do it do it I no I literally just seen it do it make one for my cat for your cat I Haven showed a photo of my cat yet you actually haven’t I need to the best bro do you know what’s funny I was recently

Going through I was like going through the group chat last well today and I was scrolling up through all the saved things and I just saw the video saved of cat lick in your window and then the default dance music in the background yeah man such a goofy video that in

It uh give M like Danny a gold chain and a backwards cap BR he’d be wearing a forwards cap my guy he’d be yeah I like I think stsk is almost at 1 million total views you actually are bro holy [ __ ] actually that’s crazy bro a good Christmas gift uh would be some

Merch from these buys listen if we had enough money to make merch I would 100% be down to do it but making merch actually cost so much money it’s crazy well it depends because you can get um you can do like the cheap way but I don’t think yeah but you don’t want

Cheap merch you know what I’m saying because it’s [ __ ] and it what the [ __ ] was that so there’s so much work that goes into it man that’s like something for later down the line you know what I mean plushies though I I didn’t know I installed him I didn’t know I installed

Him I’m going to look at him and see if I installed the wrong version what the uh oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] move out the bed man oh my God oh my God oh my I died see this I want to see this [ __ ] he just spawned again and I’ve just spawned in

Move I’m stuck on I’m stuck on nothing brother I’m stuck on nothing I’m walk look I’ve not even got my mouse on the keyboard I’ve not even got my hands on the keyboard I Can’t Stop Moving backwards oh there we go it’s fixed where did I

Die I died you can you guess which Gap I died in [Laughter] boys Christmas ow piss off yeah wait you want to get box in a carner br I eight a eight oh my God I’m actually about to die okay right BR all all my shit’s going to be freaking burning in the

GFF okay yeah do you know what I think this streamer world might be R you all all my shit’s just burnt and gone oh my shit’s just burnt and gone oh I just accidentally minimized everything BR everything’s gone boys everything’s gone uh the merch listen if it gets to

The point where like we can do merch and afford the merch like it will it will happen but right now like for example yeah let let me put this into into perspective for you guys right somebody I know is currently making his own much um it’s costing him I think when he

When I spoke to him to make 500 hoodies it’s costing him at this like Factory place and it’s like really good stuff as well it’s costing him like 5K maybe 7 and a half k to make 500 hoodies yeah but the thing is the hoodies are really good quality so it’s

Like that’s what we’ve got to put into perspective like if we want to do much and we want it to be good we’re probably looking at that price range and then that’s not that’s without packaging bro like that’s just the hoodies themselves and we got to get P packaging we’ve got

To get shipping and stuff so it’s like you’ve got to these are all things that you’ve got to add up so it’s it’s really not cheap to do merch so it’s like if we if we do merch it’s got to be good quality so we are probably looking at round about that price

Range um it’s crazy I know it’s crazy like for example when he does do the hoodies I’m going to show it on stream because one of the hoodies are hard and I want one and I’m very much into my dark wear emo wear whatever you want to

Call it that is what I like to wear so it’s I want to wear that on stream I will be promoting it because it’s my boy and if I’m eating he’s eating too um so yeah um I got asked by the way Tom um what was

It somebody asked me uh this wasn’t in today’s stream um they said uh am I not like that you’ve got more subs than me and I just straight up hit him with a no not really I said because at the end of the day I’m seeing you Su I’m seeing you getting

Successful progressing and the dreams coming true why would I be jealous of that you know what I’m saying feel like as well it’s like brother I wouldn’t why wouldn’t have like the amount of subscribers or the views or this audience if it wasn’t for Jay as well that’s the thing it’s

Like it’s it’s like a two-way street if it was just me it wouldn’t be the same if it was just Jay it wouldn’t be the same it’s kind of like it’s a like I don’t know it’s like a thing you know we made this together yeah yeah 100% even though even though I

Have more subscribers that still doesn’t change the fact that we both made that we both got like we both had like a part of that we both made a part of that you know what I mean yeah 100% like every every every single time I’m seeing like

Your subs go up I’m getting gassed for you bro like today I just randomly thought I wonder if his subscribers has gone up anymore I checked it it’s gone up another 1K and I was like she I showed my boss brother I was like oh my is getting better Subs you know

Look at this [ __ ] it’s nuts it’s 6y in it it’s 6y in it and it’s just going to get bigger from here brosi I can’t wait to see what happens it’s going to be nuts there was asking I had somebody ask me um who are my favorite

YouTubers who would I like who would I like to do a collab with do you know who I said who chunks Philly Harry and darkest bro can you imagine me and Philly in the same room ra if somebody says something funny I am going to be

Dying and Philly is like me where he laughs dramatically at [ __ ] so that’s going to be me um maybe we could get a sponsor I mean [ __ ] if if somebody wants to sponsor us like hit us up a summer I don’t know I don’t know what like what we could get

Sponsored by o Red Bull yeah Red Bull please sponsor me bro Red Bull please sponsor me I will have it on display I drink Red Bull all the time I love Red Bull Red Bull is my favorite drink yeah if we were to get a sponsor would you

Reckon it would be Red Bull no like for streaming Red Bull and I’m not and I’m not saying that as a joke I’m saying that as a serious thing they sponsor streamers in it they sponsored ninja they sponsored everybody and they just have a freaking mini fridge of Red Bull

And that’s what I want bro I was looking at a mini mini fridge Red Bull fridge in the corner that would be sick but uh Red Bull sponsor me yeah safe uh but what were you saying um don’t know you were saying who else would you think a funny like a funny

Sponsor like like um would you Reon give us an example I don’t know bro I’m I’m just like a a funny like not serious sponsor that we’d probably get mean like gamer SS isn’t it gamer Subs is still pretty decent I’ve never tried a gamer

Subs until now if you go on to gamer Subs 20% off um you guys should take uh take it slow and take your time uh in growing and planning when it comes to mer 100% bro we it there is something you want to take time you want it to be

Perfect um this video was sponsored by I wish it was sponsored by Red Bull bro honestly I kind of drink Red Bull just for the taste I’ll be honest I’m a weird guy I like the battery acid taste yeah s they can’t agree to that Red Bull

Makes me feel dizzy and sick really it’s crazy annoying it affects people like that to be fair with Red Bull I rarely like I only have a Red Bull if I really need to like BR I’ve been drinking that [ __ ] daily I have it in my my fridge

Downstairs right now right this second right this minute go get it I no I don’t want to drink yet cuz I’m up at half six Red Bull finner makeer cam with Jay’s face printed on it oi stop teasing me like that yeah stup she struggling to speak you listen

Bro listen yeah listen that was Nina by the way she said give him some sleep unfortunately I can’t have Red Bull because it negatively affects my anxiety but I’m glad you like it that’s unfortunate man cuz Red Bull be slapping yeah I feel the same way but for coffee

That’s fair I don’t like coffee I can’t do coffee man coffee be tasting wack asaurus Rex bro coffee unless it’s sweet coffee I don’t know how people drink like black coffee that that’s crazy yeah uh to be honest I’ve never Dr I’ve never had any sort of fizzy drink

Really that’s good man that’s good yeah that is very good you’re missing out but yeah you’re missing out but it helps your body is is booming right now yeah CP preppy I know right Red Bull be the go it do be the go um what time is it hold on hold on

John yeah what time is it I think I think I might end stream bro I’ll be honest it’s been 3 hours I’ve died I don’t know where my Gaff is it’s wraps for today I think it might be a case of starting this world again I’ll be honest it’s been

Waps um but listen yeah you have all been here today chatting with me FY people it’s been FY people pretty much consistently since I started the stream yeah I love you all for being here I appreciate all the donations I appreciate you all I’m going to be streaming more because I genuinely this

Has made my night like sitting here talking to you guys I’m probably going to stream way more often I might even stream tomorrow to be honest because I finish I finish at 4:00 so I might even stream tomorrow never know but I’m definitely going to be streaming more um

I’ve L chatting to you guys I love you all with my whole heart um thank you all for joining talking with me chatting with me um I appreciate you all really do but uh anything you want to say Tom H just the same yeah same kind of

Thing like we appreciate you guys thank you for sticking around thanks for checking Jay out I mean man’s man’s got 40 people that’s that’s a lot there’s a lot of people put slapping 4 Donny’s in a room yeah staring at me chatting was is crazy if he was all in

Front of me I won’t be able to do it but cuz you’re on a screen I can do it but yeah bro um new video new video soon soon I still need to edit mine so just keep your eyes peeled for it yeah keep your eyes peeled it’s coming and

It’s going to be scarier proper proper spooky bad do proper proper proper bad and bad as well but um yeah by yeah guys need my sleep bro I appreciate you all I love you all

This video, titled ‘Horror minecraft – second ever stream!!’, was uploaded by JaDeN on 2023-12-18 12:00:59. It has garnered 951 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:28 or 11308 seconds.

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jay19dot98

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  • Deceiving Minecraft Confession

    Deceiving Minecraft Confession Minecraft: A Journey of Lies and Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure filled with lies and challenges in the icy winter weather. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the game, encountering unexpected twists and turns along the way. Unraveling the Story The protagonist sets out on a quest to find brawl stars’ Aki el primi, facing various obstacles and puzzles. As they progress, they come across intriguing messages that urge viewers to subscribe for a chance to grow old in a beautiful place. However, the protagonist humorously advises against subscribing, adding a playful twist to the gameplay…. Read More

  • Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft

    Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Creating a Cozy Bamboo Well In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly coming up with creative building ideas to enhance their virtual landscapes. One popular build that has caught the attention of many is the Cozy Bamboo Well. This charming structure adds a touch of tranquility to any Minecraft world, making it a must-have for players looking to create a peaceful oasis. Materials Needed: To construct a Cozy Bamboo Well, players will need a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood planks, water buckets, and stone bricks. These materials can be easily gathered by… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Planting & Mining Minecraft Terror#5

    Crafting Chaos: Planting & Mining Minecraft Terror#5 In Minecraft terror, planting and mining, oh what a thrill, Harvesting seeds, planting crops, with skills to fulfill. Stairs to the cave, mining for ore, Almost died by a villager, what a scare, what a lore. Crafting armor and tools, with gold so bright, Facing monsters in the dark, with all your might. Exploring the depths, with a sword in hand, Facing danger in the mines, a treacherous land. But fear not, dear player, for you are brave, Navigating the dangers, with skills to save. Keep crafting, keep mining, in this Minecraft tale, Your adventures and struggles, never to… Read More

  • Iron Golems and Swords: The Ultimate Minecraft Fusion! 🔥😂

    Iron Golems and Swords: The Ultimate Minecraft Fusion! 🔥😂 When you have x999 Iron Golems and x999 Minecraft Swords, you better hope the Ender Dragon has a good health insurance plan! #minecraftproblems #overkill Read More

  • Coal Speedrun Chaos

    Coal Speedrun Chaos Minecraft Speedrunning: The Quest for Coal Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you race against the clock to obtain the precious resource of coal. In this high-speed challenge, every second counts as you navigate through the blocky landscapes in search of this essential material. The Journey Begins Our intrepid player starts by swiftly gathering resources, starting with a tree to craft basic tools. With tools in hand, they dash towards a nearby cave, the potential source of the coveted coal. The clock is ticking, and the pressure is on to secure the coal in… Read More

  • Zombie Torture in Minecraft! 😱

    Zombie Torture in Minecraft! 😱 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Zombies and Torture 😱 Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft where zombies roam and players must navigate through challenges to survive. In this virtual realm, players encounter various creatures, including the infamous zombies, adding an element of danger and excitement to the gameplay. The Zombie Invasion One of the most iconic features of Minecraft is the zombie invasion. Players must be on high alert as these undead creatures lurk in the shadows, ready to attack at any moment. The survival instinct kicks in as players strategize and fight off the… Read More

  • SCARY Ben 10 in Minecraft?! 👽💀 | Carnitrix Mod

    SCARY Ben 10 in Minecraft?! 👽💀 | Carnitrix ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘👽💀بن تن ترسناک در ماینکرفت؟! | Carnitrix Minecraft mod’, was uploaded by AMIRIO on 2024-06-18 18:55:16. It has garnered 843 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. ⚜️ Hello, how are you? … Today we came with another funny video that I hope you will like from the scary Ben Ten Carnitrix, which is very interesting! I hope you liked it, if you like it, don’t forget to like and comment!❤️ ———————————— —————————————————– ———————————– mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/marshys-secrets-of-the-omnitrix https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ancient-spellcraft https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/arcane-essentials https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/electroblobs-wizardry https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extra-spells-electroblobs-wizardry https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/heroesexpansion https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/llibrary https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lucraft-core https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lucraft-core-id-extender https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pymtech https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/speedster-heroes https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-fifth-world https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wings… Read More

  • MINECRAFT vs Roblox: First Time Play!

    MINECRAFT vs Roblox: First Time Play!Video Information I’m back again with another stream I’m not raer but I make you scream for Joy po boy enjoy this stream yeah this song is just a I make other shots head shot knock knock open up the door or the window for make me this whole song I made in 10 minutes is better this rappers put off my w w i go for to make this what as your favorite raer not I make all my backboard or TR just give me a game on a and I’m all yours I’m going off topic so what… Read More

  • EPIC Evolution In Minecraft Factions Vanguard! #1

    EPIC Evolution In Minecraft Factions Vanguard! #1Video Information [Música] fala meus manos minhas minas suave quem tá falando aqui é o mano trazendo mais um vídeo rapaziada mais um vídeo aqui de factions e nos primeiro episódio tá da nossa primeira série aqui do factions Vanguard certo Aqui nós já estamos com a Farm de fungo estamos aqui já em C e Mateus tá rind aqui porque eu t em C E eles não quer falar o nada e cara vou dar um barra aqui para vocês ver como que tá aqui como que tá o servidor ó cheio de gente e aqui tá o z… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art: Epic USA Flag & Map in Minecraft!

    Insane Pixel Art: Epic USA Flag & Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘USA Flag and Map Pixel Art Masterpiece in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Game PlayMaster on 2024-02-23 15:56:00. It has garnered 643 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • InfiniteRex Minecraft SMP: Join Now for FREE Diamonds!

    InfiniteRex Minecraft SMP: Join Now for FREE Diamonds!Video Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20.1 Java & Bedrock Survival Server | IP: kingdomsmp.xyz’, was uploaded by MyInfiniteRex on 2024-01-14 21:22:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. publicsmp #smp #minecraftlivesmp FEEL FREE TO JOIN SERVER IP Server ➟ Kingdomsmp.xyz Port ➟ 25565 … Read More

  • Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender Dragon

    Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender DragonVideo Information kemarin tu marah-marah dia eh enggak lah aku tuh baik hati dan tidak sombong kok malam ini tiba-tiba di gua e dikasih Night Vision apa Night Vision apa blind Dark blind blind kok ti-tii gua diturunin sama Teh Botol kamuagfirullah harus pakai PW Po mo Iya Bang kenapa ya Minecraft biasa nglag banget Bang eh di server gitu nglag Enggak maksudnya di single player ng tuh di single player rend render distancenya biasa Oh iya I Iya render distancenya dikecilin paling kecil sama itunya juga kalau main sendiri Iya ngapain ada pohon di bawah sini C punya aku… Read More

  • Pekora’s SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱

    Pekora's SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱Video Information [Music] try okay yeah again continue continue continue try again try again try try Hur me H me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah try again try again yeah than youill everyone once I am happy to be heref ending that’s such a perfect ending I know I don’t know I’m happy and I want to cry now it feels like a dream a week it’s super crazy week I want to say thank you so much P Senai thank you so much for um all of the Hol members and then I want to say thank you for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information h This video, titled ‘SKYWARS #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #flop #minecraftmemes #mine #craft #skywars #pvp’, was uploaded by Craftt on 2024-01-08 00:03:28. It has garnered 496 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

    Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35Video Information today I’ll be voicing over Alan Becker’s animations also if you hit the like button it’ll turn blue enjoy the video and I present to you green welcome to today’s concert I hope you enjoy the show oh hey guys this about to be fire listen up I’m about to sing I’m ready one surprise a time there was a frog and a princess they were soulmates meant to be but there’s a problem he wasn’t a frog he was build different it was me I was the Frog that’s not right yeah not a frog I can… Read More

  • Zephyr

    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: https://discord.gg/gR6TGBgg6j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

    Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme! “Why did the troll face go to Minecraft Sigma Boys? To mine for laughs and craft some mischief!” Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

    Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans Minecraft Gameplay: Building a Villager Trading Hall Introduction In the latest episode of SG World’s Minecraft gameplay series, the focus shifts to constructing a Villager Trading Hall. This new project follows the successful completion of a fully automatic sugarcane farm in the previous episode. Building a Trading Hall The player, guided by SG World, embarks on the task of creating a trading hall within the Minecraft world. This ambitious project involves intricate planning, resource gathering, and strategic placement of various elements to ensure the trading hall functions efficiently. Key Features – The trading hall serves as a hub for… Read More

  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

    Epic GR Legend gameplay - 2hrs of Minecraft madnessVideo Information where Chris for I never installed it did I I’m s ah yes one you in chat is it by chance well that’s going on G to pull this up as well this over here so I want to quickly few people anything back oh that’s going on I want to test a couple things or cast Shadows let know what this does oh breaking n complet for how that works over here Shadows the b in the chat what’s going on bot not this for real I kind of want to try blood blood and bones honestly… Read More

  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

    Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl StarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY RANK🤔BRAWL STARS RANK UP⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ASTROM YT on 2024-06-05 14:10:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, Charu ghai maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey … Read More

  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

    Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1Video Information hi my name is Analisa your favorite dumbass and welcome aboard I don’t have my train whistle cuz I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment but uh choo choo I have been posting a lot of Jennifer coolage Minecraft videos on my Tik Tok and my Instagram and they have been doing a little too well for context there was a Minecraft movie announced for 2025 and at first they just said oh Jason M MO is going to be in it then they said Jack Black’s going to be in it then they announced out of nowhere that Jennifer… Read More

  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

    Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Release Best 2024 Minecraft Mod That Will Boost Fps’, was uploaded by OmniOp on 2024-01-09 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello In this video I am releasing the best mods for PvP and fps boost watch the full video to find out ➡️ Credits – Thumbnail By … Read More

  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

    "OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!" #shortsVideo Information me reportaron que un usuario está estafando a más jugadores en mi servidor Así que ahorita estoy en una cuenta alternativa para poner a prueba a este usuario este estafador está vendiendo la armadura de Bowser pero lo que reportaron es que esta armadura es falsa me puse de acuerdo con este estafador que nos íbamos a ver en la mina de peach Ah míralo Aquí está le voy a mandar intercambio me pidió un stack de manzanas de noche a ver ya me aceptó el intercambio Así que le voy a dar un stack de manzanas y… Read More

  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

    Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀Video Information what is up and welcome back to a brand new video on Minecraft 1.21 anyway in this video I’m going to be showing you guys the five new best rounds supposedly on 1.21 so without further Ado guys let’s go and get right into it and as always all the ones for these will be in the description like the codes so if you guys want to go and check out any of them be sure to go and check them out in the description below but without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and get into the… Read More

  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

    Shocking Prank: Meicha's Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!Video Information let’s see this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no W to days [Music] [Applause] later can I ask that we do not leave May unattended it’s too late please leave her unattended she always do funny [ __ ] no she she she this is why I brought her this is why I’m I’m about to crush her head she blue tooth all my chest I love her so much I love her so whenever she feels like it she can just activate my chest from a distance and it just open and close exactly I love… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc

    eventyretmcEventyretmc.dk Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Enventyretmc.dk Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra Evenentyrtmc.dk staff team Eventyretmc.dk Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

    The Bluemoon SMPWelcome to the Bluemoon SMP!The Bluemoon SMP is an old server some friends of mine used to play, but since the owner stopped paying for it, We decided to bring it back relive the memories and hopefully create new fun memories for new players.This is a Vanilla Server with simple plugins like TPA, and Home, Currently still working on the server with the plugins, but right now everyone is welcome to join and have a great time with us and hopefully play the SMP for fun, for content, for war, or just to be there!Hope you enjoy this SMP! -… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy”

    Minecraft Memes - "MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy"Minecraft PE YouTuber be like “I don’t always get diamonds, but when I do, I make sure to mention that my meme has a score of 3400.” Read More