Jax Kidnapped and Kissed Pomni – Digital Circus

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finally we were able to gather all together for a picnic and relax yes it’s so great that we finally got out into nature and made such a tasty carrot thank you guys so much I really love carot stop why did kmo decide to fall asleep right in my tent honestly I don’t know maybe he’s tired hey kmo what do you think you’re doing guys try not to bother me I’m tired of being a villain and today I just want to relax that doesn’t sound like him but let’s not disturb him yeah we wouldn’t want to upset him right now yeah you’re right I think we can have some soup now and then go for a walk in our amazing dig circus that’s a great idea but I have a lot planned for today and first things first we need to go to kao’s mansion He asked us to upgrade and change it a bit yeah I’m really glad you didn’t forget what I told you today go ahead I’ll catch up with you later I’m so comfortable lying here that I don’t want to leave he’s really lazy today seems like he’s really exhausted yeah guys right now we’re heading to cfo’s mansion and we’re going to do some Renovations Jax hurry up you’re walking very slowly I almost bumped into you you’re just walking too fast I don’t want to rush anywhere stop pushing me I don’t like it we need to go fast I’m telling you again guys you’re all so impatient he’s still asleep anyway and I doubt he’ll follow us right away by the way I heard our friend is already there I can’t believe ratha managed to come to his Mansion alone she’s trying to overcome all her fears now yeah that’s really true I’ve also heard that she wants to become very brave all right let’s go to the mansion quickly otherwise we’ll lose a lot of time if we keep talking for too long we need to do everything very well so that he likes our renovation if he doesn’t like something we’ll have big problems yeah he said that if he doesn’t like the layout we make he’ll cause us a lot of trouble but of course I don’t believe that actually I think we should decorate this Mansion H looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a long time oh hi rava we were just talking about you hi guys I’ve been waiting for you for a long time now we can all together renovate this mansion with you first of all I want to start with this room because it looks very plain yeah you’re right it does look very boring and I definitely wouldn’t want to live here but I haven’t decided yet how we can decorate his Mansion but I think we’ll definitely come up with something together now I urgently need your help all right let’s all get started now I hope we’ll do very well so we finished the renovation already yeah we’re almost done we just have a couple of final touches left and the renovation will be complete if you want you can evaluate our layout honestly it doesn’t look very good and this design is very confusing why did you put a window here what’s the point of it actually I don’t know myself but let it be here it will be an emergency exit from the second floor oh here he is hey CMO we finished renovating your Mansion you can come inside and see that’s great thank you so much for keeping your promise so why is there another window what’s the point of it being there at all it looks very ugly this window looks better than you we did the renovation and you’re still not satisfied I warned you not to upset me I really don’t like this design I want it removed from here it’s completely ugly how could you even bu oh my gosh it seems like calmo is really angry and we need to run away from here right now before he does something bad please forgive us we can fix everything I don’t want him to fix anything he’s always dissatisfied I haven’t finished with you yet oh no he wants to chase us in his car this is not good we need to escape urgently it seems like he’s very serious and wants to teach us a lesson for the terrible renovation we did it seems like we managed to get away from him for now but not for long we need to get out of here urgently before he catches up with me guys wait for me hurry up and come up to the roof we’ll be safe there py come on you’re running very slowly we need to hurry up and escape from him before he leaves his lair I can’t run so fast guys you need to hurry before he gets here this is the only place you’ll be safe I’ll teleport us to the roof now it seems like we’ve succeeded we just need to wait here for a bit he’s already left his lair it seems like he’s looking for us hey kmo you won’t be able to reach us that’s what you think I have plenty of ways to get to you haha now you’ll be without your car what have you done he you made it worse he’s even more angry with us we need to leave here urgently he could fly up to this roof at any moment and then we’ll be trapped we need to escape from here urgently we really shouldn’t waste any time guys let’s go quickly I found a place where can jump down everything will be fine with us just be very careful you might miss and fall to the bottom are you sure this place is safe I’m always sure of what I say JUMP after me yeah you’re right we could descend very quickly here that’s all well and good but we shouldn’t stay here for long let’s run away from here quickly guys I’ll try to hold them off as long as possible come up with something for now we need to leave here oh my gosh he’s already climbed onto this roof and is trying to hit us with his staff I told you to leave don’t stand here it could be very dangerous retha wait for me I can’t keep up with you where do you want to run to we need to go down into the underground tunnel that’s a really good idea I wouldn’t have thought to go there we were just here recently picking carrots with Jackson trying to clean up let’s hurry to his house I think we can stay there for some time I heard that there’s a potion in his safe that can stop this clown he stole it from cfo’s laboratory which he built in the mansion that’s great news now we need to go to his house urgently actually his house is very gloomy and sooner or later we’ll have to clean it up pomy try not to get distracted we don’t have time for this now we urgently need to find this potion but we won’t be able to handle alone we need help guys right now if you want us to defeat kmo then like and subscribe to the channel it really motivates us and gives us a lot of strength pomy look it seems they’re still holding each other back they’re still flying around the circus we need to hurry with you yes you’re right we need to go right now and open Jack’s safe and take this potion I hope you didn’t deceive me and it’s still there yes I saw that it was there yesterday open it quickly yes the potion is here now we can calmly go to our friend and help him I’ve got it let’s go from here quickly I hope we can help our friend I don’t want cofo to defeat him we won’t be able to handle the situation like this Kane has always helped us you’re right with this potion we have a lot of chances to defeat this clown let’s hurry look they’re still trying to defeat each other it seems like Kane is running out of strength we need to run to him urgently if we don’t make it now we’ll be in big danger Kane hold on just a little longer we brought you a magical potion that can defeat him guys I’m completely out of strength it’s a good thing you came to me here take this potion quickly it should help you in this battle thank you so much I couldn’t have done it without you now we can defeat him for sure sure good luck to you Kane we’ll be here how excited I am to see you here ratha today is a fantastic day and there’s a beautiful girl sitting in front of me you’re so funny and cheerful it’s so romantic you look so nice today your hair is styled so beautifully oh I prepared a lot for this dat and did my hair your hair smells so good I really want to kiss it subscribe and hit the like button and I’ll let you kiss my hair J guys please hit the like button and subscribe to make me happier looks like Jax and ragi are on a date they’re so bold and selfish they didn’t even invite me it’s frustrating they both know that I also like Jax and he chose ratha and invited her on a date well I need to come up with something to make ratha stop loving Jack no wait I’ve changed she’s my friend I won’t come up with anything and I won’t interfere down with jealousy I’ve been dreaming of a date with you for so long ratha I’ve been dreaming too Jax I was just hiding my feelings I’m so happy for you guys I hope you invite me to your wedding for the best couple the best cake here’s the recipe I’m proud thanks Kane the cake looks very appetizing Kane don’t ruin our romance well ja you’re such a romantic making such an extraordinary cake for me yes I really put in effort and baked it for you actually I made it oh my gosh what is pomy doing outside the window hey Jax did you see that look pomy is outside the window what do you mean there’s no one there you’re just seeing things my ex is haunting you everywhere it’s just your imagination it’s very strange but okay well I can’t be wrong someone was really there well maybe I really imagine imagine that PNE was outside the window pomy shouldn’t know that we’re here okay it’s a beautiful day not a beautiful date nothing can ruin it maybe you’ll come over to my place tonight maybe give me a back rub in the bath you want me to come over tonight yes right to my place okay no problem I’ll come over but only if the viewer subscribe and hit the like button I’m so happy to have such an understanding girlfriend guys I have an idea I’m curious about what Jax thinks about ratha after all ratha is my friend and I need to warn her about any bad thoughts Jax might have I do like Jax but I don’t want to ruin their relationship anymore I just want to know why Jax chose ratha over me right now he’s at home and I hope he’ll answer all my questions hey JX listen oh you scared me so much hi pomy what happened I have a very delicate question for you so answer it honestly I’m listening I wanted to ask why you chose ratha as your girlfriend and not me I understand she might be prettier and smarter than me but why she’s not prettier or smarter than you she was just the first one to let me kiss her wait what what are you you talking about I mean she asked me out on a date and you never did so I agreed to be her boyfriend am I understanding this right that you don’t actually like her and you just agreed to go on a date with her well I don’t know if I like her yet I haven’t figured it out but she’s nice how can you say that if you haven’t figured out if you like the girl or not wait JX what’s that noise outside what’s the commotion out there sounds like a stampede of hippos what’s happening Jax I’m scared maybe it’s kmo bad news ratha is running this way oh my gosh what do I do you understand that if she sees me at your house now I’m in big trouble I have a date right now if she sees you at my place she might get the wrong idea and what should I do in this situation where can I hide I won’t fit in the closet do you have a pickaxe right I have a pickaxe I’ll dig a hole in your floor and hide under the bed I’ll break a couple of blocks I hope you don’t mind let’s talk more action hurry up and dig the hole otherwise ragi will be here soon all right breaking a couple of blocks and hiding I hope ragi won’t notice me can you see me no you’re hardly visible I don’t think she’ll notice you great I’ll stay quiet perfect just sit tight and don’t stick out strange where is she Jax did I imagine it or were you talking to someone oh my grandma just called I was talking to her using my laptop why didn’t I know you had a grandma I thought you were an orphan said I was an orphan to make you feel sorry for me anyway Jax we were supposed to go on a date today right yes we wanted to have it at my place in the tub I never got a clear answer from you are you going on a date with me today I don’t know yet I have decided definitively aw wait what’s that I think I heard some sound no no there was no sound Don’t Look Under the Bed I just have some rats are you hiding something from me Jax rats can’t make those sounds darling I’m not hiding anything from you then I’ll check under the bed now and find out if it’s rats or something bigger oh my gosh are you serious Jax there’s really a rat there the most annoying rat in the world namely pomy you got it wrong ragi I got it right instead of going on a date with me I come here and you’re hiding your second girlfriend pomy under the bed there was nothing like that she just came to talk to me if you had seen us together you would have gotten upset and left so I decided to hide her under the bed I can see from your yellow eyes that you’re lying I’ve learned you during our time together and can tell when you’re lying and when you’re telling the truth please believe me this time I really am not lying I’ve said all I needed to say good luck with pomy how could he break up with me like that I loved him what happened Raga why are you so upset why are you crying can you imagine I was on a date with with Jax and he was hiding pomy under his bed at the same time Jax has crossed all the lines how could he treat you like that you know today I agreed to a date with him and in the evening he was already kissing pomy is he really kissing pomy come to the window and see for yourself you’re telling the truth he’s at home with PNE they’re not kissing but seeing them together is enough for me what should I do now I have no idea how to handle this situation but I’m really devastated I won’t go on a date with him anymore I thought I found a good guy but he turned out to be unfaithful I think you shouldn’t be sad better go home and rest and you our digital friends subscribe and hit the like button to support our friend while you’re resting I’ll talk to him thank you you’re a true friend Kane unlike that Rabbit Jack no need for thanks my life’s calling is to help people all right I’ll go rest lie on the bed and contemplate life and please in the meantime talk to JX maybe he’ll come to his senses good luck with your rest ratha first I’ll go to the circus play the drums and then talk to JX pomy this is a real tragedy it turns turns out ratha caught us and she thinks we’re dating yes and now she thinks we’re a couple reversing that will be very difficult yes now she thinks we’re together all because you HD under the bed you shouldn’t have done that but on the other hand if I had just been at your place then she would have definitely thought we were dating you have a very low IQ because of you hiding under the bed she thinks we’re hiding our relationship I didn’t think it through yes that makes sense what do we do now I think we need to come up with a plan I should do something to make her for forgive me and believe that we’re not dating I think you need to run to Kane and ask him for advice after all he’s the smartest in our digital circus good idea let’s go to him let’s go to Kane I really hope that Kane will help me solve this problem because I’m starting to miss ragi and her kind smile Kane always helps in any situation so I’m sure he can help you and you and ragi will love each other again oh it’s great that Kane is coming here Kane come here quickly I have a question for you what’s going on guys what happened we have terrible news and problem that we can’t solve without you so we came to you to help us figure it out tell me I’ll listen you see Kane pomy came to my house to talk but then ratha showed up and saw that pomy was at my place we were supposed to have a date today but seeing PNE under the bed she thought I loved PNE and not her you really know how to get into trouble when you need to and when you don’t but I have one idea on how to help you what’s the idea tell me quickly you need to take and give a ring to ratha when you give her the ring she’ll forget all the Grievances and love you again do you have a ring yes I have a ring it’s at home I can give it to ratha well give her the ring and she’ll melt with happiness and forget all the Grievances in this incident that’s an interesting idea thanks Kane oh guys I really don’t like this at all but we don’t have another plan so we have to stick to it I’ll always support my friend because I’m a good girl now so I’m all for making this plan work there’s a hint of jealousy in your words let’s go quickly you’ve caused enough trouble good luck proposing to ragi thank you I’ll never forget you I can’t wait to see how you’ll give her the ring listen pomy I have a task for you you go to my house now go to the second floor stand there and wait make sure you’re not visible at all I don’t want ratha to suspect anything and I don’t want you to ruin my plan all right deal I’ll sit quietly like a mouse you won’t see me at all I’ll go to the second floor now and wait for you to finish proposing to ratha guys I need to get ready to give the ring to ratha and I hope that after that she’ll forgive me and Kane’s plan will help us restore our relationship guys I feel so sad and lonely after Jax dumped me I can’t find my place I’m very sad and disgusted now life will never be the same I don’t understand how he could do this I hope he feels as bad as I do right now guys this is my chance this girl got dumped and now she’s alone which means I can go for her hand and heart H ratha clown what are you doing here please don’t touch me don’t worry I won’t do anything bad to you then why did you come well I know what happened to you and the rabbit I know you’ve broken up now how could Jax do this it’s none of your business clown I think he’s not worthy of you look at me what a handsome man I am with my pumped up arms and abs I’m very wealthy and I have a lot of power in this digital circus I didn’t know you were such an influential clown I thought you were just an ordinary guy moreover I came to you not empty-handed I have this delicious cake for you take a look wow what a big cake it smells SM so delicious like vanilla it’s so romantic wow I’ll place it here and here’s a personal gift for you too no one has ever given me such expensive gifts yes I’m a true romantic you who is that in your photo is that Jax why is he in this photo instead of me how repulsive he looks against your beauty I’m a real man with money and abs well you’re great you give me gifts and even gave me a huge cake that’s very cool and Jax never gives me gifts and I’ll give you gifts every day because I’m very rich and influential could it be that I finally found a man with whom I’ll be happy in our life together everything will be simply perfect you’ll be bathing in gold now I’ll give my queen ratha this beautiful ring guys look at how gorgeous it is and it’s in such an incredibly graceful packaging I’m sure no one has ever given her such gifts and she’ll be overjoyed and fall in love with happiness I’ll quietly approach her house to surprise her I’m sure she’ll love it and she’ll agree to marry me right away oh my gosh what’s happening here ratha what are you doing with this creepy clown why are you bothering my girl aren’t you ashamed her heart is taken get out of here bunny now she’s my girl and you shouldn’t touch her otherwise I’ll eat you what are you talking about have you lost your mind how dare you call my girl your girl looks like you don’t know much Jax ratha can you explain to me what’s going on here I came here to apologize and tell you what really happened and here you’ve already found yourself a new guy he came to me himself and started giving me gifts cakes and jewelry kmo how dare you give gifts to my girl well you asked for it yourself kmo turned into a monster this always ends badly so it’s better to run from here rega come with me quickly I’ll stay here kfmo won’t touch me looks like kfmo is really angry and now wants to devour me guys let’s run away quickly get out of here bunny horned one is my girl now and you won’t be able to stop me fine you can have her just don’t touch me my life is more valuable than ratha that’s what I wanted to hear now Raga is only my girl and I’m not interested in some bunnies I knew Jax would be scared of me and finally break up with ratha now I’ll go to her and tell everything how her ex-boyfriend got scared of me kmo you’re so cool I saw everything from the window you’re so big and brave guys this bully kfmo turned into a monster and attacked me he chased me away from my girlfriend ratha I’ll go to PNE right now and tell her everything I hope she’ll support me I wonder what Jax is doing why hasn’t he returned yet I hope he has already given the ring to reatha I’m back you won’t believe what happened hey Jax what happened I still can’t believe it but now ratha is cmo’s girlfriend and he gives her gifts and protects her by turning into a monster with CMO he’s not handsome and he’s dangerous how could she fall in love with this scary guy because he gave her gifts she fell for him and now she thinks he’ll be with her forever but I know he’s up to something I just can’t believe this JX no sane person would date a clown but it seems ratha is an exception what should we do we need to go and defeat this clown that’s the only way you can win ratha’s heart back but I can’t defeat him alone he’s big and strong and I’m small because I only eat carrots well you’re right let’s think of something now do you know where Kane is if I’m not mistaken he went to the circus he’s busy right now he won’t be able to help this is terrible so we’ll have to fight against kmo together let’s head down and get ready for The Showdown run down faster somebody help me save me kmo is after me he wants something probably hungry definitely I’ll Escape through the window py Jax help me kmo is attacking me looks like a monster save yourselves re he won’t catch us on the ice so let’s go there you won’t Escape From Me puny humans guys run to the ice attractions that’s where we can shake off the monster I hope we can outrun him let’s trick him too let’s ride on the carts not head on but on the tracks follow me and we’ll surely hide from him you’re right that way we can fool the monster and he won’t catch or eat us let’s go up quickly to the second floor there we can grab the carts and ride away hooray we made it upstairs hurry grab carts from the chest place them on the tracks and let’s ride R away separately fne catch up with us quickly py I’m really nervous because of you if calmo catches you we’ll miss you a lot so get on a cart and catch up with us as soon as possible who broke the railroad Jax we’re falling py be careful there’s a gap ahead wait where’s PNE calmo might have eaten her guys I’m here I barely escaped from the clown let’s run from here quickly because he might also be riding a cart after us or Running From Below looks like he broke the railroad tracks to hinder us yes it’s definitely him how could I believe in such a villain that he would love me guys there’s some kind of cave here run after me guys if you want to survive follow me and you dear viewers leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you want us to defeat CMO yes guys be sure to subscribe and like and in the next episode we’ll cage CMO and take revenge on him for all the bad things I hope we manage to hide from him in this cave otherwise I don’t know what we’ll do if he catches us oh no kmo ahead he caught up with us guys turn around and run back you thought you could Escape from me no you are deeply mistaken in this digital circus I am the king and God run back quickly or he’ll turn us into skeletons yes let’s get out of here quickly I hope he just gets tired of chasing us guys stop what’s up PNE guys there are three of us why can’t we just defeat him by uniting together you’re a genius pomy okay guys let’s turn around and run back catch this clown off guard he surely won’t be ready for an attack strange he’s nowhere on the street I have a bad feeling he probably ran to the circus to take Kane hostage and blackmail us oh my gosh I hope you’re wrong and it’s not true and he didn’t come up with such a plan that’s a very likely scenario because all villains do that so we need to hurry he’s probably already in the circus and tied up Kane with a rope we’re finally here just need to run to the entrance and check if Kane is there or not oh no guys Kane is not here then all we can do is wait for kmo to come here and tell us where he’s hiding Kane because we won’t find him like this at least we’ll be safe here while waiting for his return why did you even let cfmo into your house actually it’s your fault because you started dating pomy and I loved you supported you guys don’t fight don’t get angry everything’s okay we’re all together nothing bad is happening are you alive I’ll tell you everything now ratha actually pomy just came to talk to Jax but you came at the wrong time and pomy had to hide under the bed from you so that you wouldn’t think that Jax fell in love with pomy seriously then Jax forgive me I misunderstood everything how could I doubt your words I was under very bad anger so I didn’t believe you but now I forgive you Ray I’m so happy that you forgave me ratha so today we’ll go on a date okay okay I apologize to you again I love you Jax but that’s the end of our episode it seems kmo got scared of us and decided to retreat to his lair so guys leave likes and subscribe to the channel if you want Jax to finally propose to ratha in the next episode also write in the comments where we should put the clown Cal moo it was me pomy and my friends Goodbye Oh yes Jax swimming with you here in the pool is so much fun yes yes I like everything a lot it’s really nice that we are together today Kane fixed our pool and now it looks pretty good hey guys I have urgent news for you get out of the pool quickly what news do you have for us and what happened why do you look so scared you’ll see it for yourselves i’ I’ve never seen anything like this before guys this is our Christmas tree can you believe it I found something truly amazing oh very interesting what is it show us I don’t know guys what it is let’s see what it is is this some kind of green door that appeared in our Christmas tree yes that’s exactly what it is a door that appeared here in your tree and it seems there were Keys nearby once but now they’re gone but where could this door have come from I’ve never seen anything like it I don’t know but it seems the Green Door is a Hallmark of kfo and in our digital circus this can be very dangerous that’s exactly why we must see what’s behind this door I already tried but couldn’t get in without a key apparently someone took the key keys so what can you suggest where can we find the keys we need I don’t know guys but if it’s the Green Door we might have to go to Kos Lair oh no guys this is very dangerous but it seems we’re in for unforgettable Adventures today guys if you want to know what’s behind this door be sure to like And subscribe to the channel and you can also write your guesses in the comments about what’s behind this door we’ll be very interested to read yes yes guys definitely write in the comments we’ll be very interested but guys let’s not waste time and go look for this key and why are you so sure Kane that the keys are exactly there I’m not entirely sure but it’s very likely because this green door is somehow connected to kfmo and we need to check this out right now guys maybe you’re right it makes some sense and we should check it out hey how did you jump so high Jax I don’t know I guess I ate some kind of magic carrot today the carrot really gives you some amazing strength wait for us Kane we have to jump into this circus all together of course guys I’m waiting for you right here at now and we’ll be ready to jump soon and we’re jumping right here yes this is the portal to our digital circus very soon we’ll be there and start looking for the key to the green door so guys we’re off to the circus and I think we’ll soon find what we’re looking for well here we are guys and just look how huge it is it’s been a while since we were here we almost forgot about this place yes but now we’ll refresh our memory and head towards Adventure can you imagine guys I think this is what you’ve been waiting for but we have to be very careful first guys we should check out kmo stage maybe there we’ll find something that can help us follow me and hurry up let’s hurry I can’t wait to find out what’s behind this green door and just look at this guys it seems like it’s still New Year’s at cfo’s place and he hasn’t cleaned up anything look he didn’t even unpack his gift because these are enchanted gifts that can’t be opened I’ll look around here for something that might help us what should we do where should we look for this key I don’t know I don’t see it yet maybe we should go right into his air and look around there isn’t that dangerous after all I don’t want to take risks today guys maybe you go without me because I’m really scared to go there are you a scaredy-cat or something Jax if we’re going in there it means you can too of course guys in any case we have legs we can run away nothing too bad will happen we’ll go there and back okay yes I believe you Kane let’s go in and see hey wait is that kmo over there oh no it seems he’s looking our way look he’s coming right at us we need to quickly take what’s in the chest look there’s some kind of map why you come to my Lair I didn’t invite you here leave before I get angry don’t take my map leave it we will definitely return it later and everything will be okay look it seems he’s coming towards us oh no run guys we need to get out of this circus guys I don’t want to scare you but he’s running and not stopping oh look it seems he doesn’t run Beyond his circus he stopped in his standing there guys please I really don’t want this let’s run away don’t worry guys it’s all good he’s not even leaving his circus I told you guys it’s very dangerous we barely escaped and he’s probably very angry at us now it’s all good the main thing is that we now have this map show me what map it was maybe we’ll find something through it let’s see what this place is on the map very interesting look Kane oh guys I don’t want to scare you of course but it seems the place on the map points right to a challenge what kind of challenge is there am I understanding this right yes it’s exactly there maybe we shouldn’t open that door after all I don’t want to go through any challenges Relax The Challenge isn’t that hard I think we can easily handle it let’s hurry guys so we don’t waste time oh guys it seems we’re in for Adventures for the whole episode today and to open the Green Door we now need to pass some sort of challenge but here we are guys just look there are challenges with lasers here they are very hot so we need to be extremely careful today I didn’t eat too much so I think I can get through these lasers yes I’ve passed through such challenges many times I think it won’t be difficult to do it again I like any of this and I think I’m going to touch the laser no everything will be fine see it’s really very simple you just need to jump here and it’s all good now we need to get through this small parkour I hope you guys can handle it we’ll easily manage it hey ja it’s going to be all right just don’t worry but it was a bit hard to get through guys look it seems there is some kind of trap waiting for us here if you step into it you might get hurt as you can see there are arrows yes it’s a trap with arrows don’t worry guys I’ll disarm it now just like that easy now we can pass through that you can do that so what’s next another laser challenge waiting for us here yes but this will be the last Challenge and just look there’s some kind of chest here really a chest oh my gosh it seems we’ve stumbled upon a whole puzzle yes now we need to open it and see what’s inside interesting interesting guys there’s some kind of map here and another map we need to see what it is it seems there’s a Red Cross leading somewhere and what could this possibly mean it’s another Mark and I think I know where it leads wow and where do we go now I don’t understand at all the map shows that we need to return to our world I was recently walking through our digital circus and saw this guys this is getting more and more confusing it’s like someone is playing a game with us maybe so but I really want to see what’s behind that green door likely we will find out everything very soon guys go ahead and be very careful I think I can now do this parkour with my eyes closed guys hurry up why are you taking so long Jax are you still not used to these challenges actually no I’d rather be sitting at home playing on the computer right now this is better than a computer and here here you need to jump over jump like this as I do guys that was really hot don’t get caught in those lasers Jack be careful bney are you okay you almost touched that laser are you hurt is everything fine everything is fine I just slightly touched it it was very hot but everything is okay that’s good Jax then put the map down and I’ll see where we need to go oh guys that was really hot don’t get caught in those lasers Jax be careful pomy are you okay you almost touched that laser are you hurt is everything fine everything is fine I just slightly touched it it was very hot but everything is okay that’s good JX then put the map down and I’ll see where we need to go so guys I think I understand approximately where it is yes we definitely need to go to our world and there is this red mark I don’t know who left it there but we definitely need to go there I wonder if all this was set up by kfmo does he enjoy watching us solve his puzzles apparently so if that’s what he’s up to all right guys let’s go to our world and look for the key wait for us Kane I’m waiting for you guys we’re going to our world now come on jump quickly after me so here we are Kane show us where we need to go now follow me guys and you’ll find out everything soon this place is beyond our ice track wow where did that place come from I definitely didn’t see anything like it before there definitely wasn’t anything like this in our amazing digital circus I also only noticed this Mark recently but I haven’t explored it yet if the map points to it then there’s probably something there that can help us oh guys just look it really is the red mark you this is exactly the place I haven’t told you about it yet but I’ve already explored everything here wow but what do we do with it there’s nothing here at all and I think that right under this Mark is what we need we can try to break this block and check how can you know there’s something here are you sure you didn’t build this of course not I would have told you but usually there’s something right under these kinds of marks it looks like a treasure or some kind of hidden treasure then guys let me do it and just look there’s some kind of Passage hey what’s that Kane is there a room you can check for yourself py yes there’s some kind of room maybe there’s something in there that can help us if anything guys I’ll scream and you’ll help me hey Kane wow there are some skeletons here and a chest in the middle of the room if there’s nothing dangerous then check that chest maybe there’s something in there let’s see of course right now so I need to open the chest and guys just look there’s another map here there are many but I took one of them show us what kind of map it is yes show us us we’re very interested in what’s next I wonder where it leads us next here just take a look at it maybe you know where this place is oh it seems to be the place near our Railway yes that’s exactly the place and we need to go there but could there be something there there was nothing before we’ll find out now guys let’s run most likely together don’t you guys think all this is suspicious maybe someone wants to lure us into a trap and we’re just going there I don’t think so if calmo wanted to capture us he would have done it earlier when we were in his circus let’s go so quickly stop wasting time so look at the map again and put it down yes look do you see anything yes it’s just beyond that Railway guys let’s run quickly so we need to take this map and run quickly just look guys there’s some kind of abandoned house with cobwebs over there most likely it’s cmo’s house because by its appearance it perfectly fits his house and just look there’s some kind of structure on the right wow this is really interesting what could be there if this map LED there maybe the key will be there now most likely yes but first let’s check the this house probably there we can find something really cool let’s climb in guys and see what’s there but we need to be very careful because as you see there are Holes in the Floor and it’s easy to fall through it seems this house has been abandoned for a long time all right let’s climb in and see what’s there the staircase is still not sturdy inside it all looks very gloomy just look this is a room with skeletons and cobwebs and it seems this house has been abandoned for a long time most most likely this is where kmo lives I completely forgot where he lived oh no guys I think I fell I fell down hey PNE py I told you to be very careful are you okay it seems so I’m fine I’m not hurt just my leg hurts a bit hey is there nothing in this house check the chest Kane no there’s nothing here we’ll have to go into that cave then come down quickly guys and let’s run it’s very bad my leg hurts a lot and now we have to go into that cave I warned you to watch your step you could easily fall from there yeah yes I was just very careful but I will definitely get better wow guys there’s a whole cave here can you imagine and I think I see something there wow really and there’s some kind of mechanism here yes apparently someone mastered mechanisms and used them here I thought only I could do that let’s go in then and check what’s here guys there are green blocks here oh no guys this is very bad do you know what this actually means it means that this is where calmo resides what could all this mean it means that he is is most likely somewhere here he lives here and this is his strongest place oh no why did he bring us here something tells me that we will find the keys somewhere here now be careful guys let’s go down and look there’s some kind of Cannon here hope it’s not loaded it seems to be just a dummy guys look there’s a chest here and I think we need to search it no no we don’t need this chest look the keys it seems we’ve completed the quest today and these are the keys to the green door but it’s great guys that we were able to find it now we need to get out of here as quickly as possible and go open that green door and we will soon finally find out what has been hidden behind this door all this time let’s run I can’t wait to find out what’s there there must be something incredible there must be something cool there and you guys don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel because it really motivates us and soon we’ll find out what’s behind this green door definitely guys like And subscribe to the channel we’ll soon find out what’s there let’s run then quickly I think it’s going to be really cool I can’t wait to find out what’s there either hope there will be barrels of carrots come on you’re only thinking about carrots will you be very upset if there aren’t any well actually yes I’d be very upset in our amazing digital circus there are many different things and not just carrots I have no idea what’s there but like you I’m very interested today we went through so many challenges and we all hope for a good reward well then py open the door we’re all waiting who guys this is so exciting we’ve come such a long way and now I’m standing in front of this door oh my gosh there’s kmo standing there can you believe it we open this door and he’s standing there oh no no guys we need to leave here quickly but first we need to close this door so he can’t get out it seems he’s growing in size this is very bad guys let’s run I’m scared oh no guys he’s grown and broken our Christmas tree our tree is broken and now it no longer exists just look kmo broke it it’s gone we need to run away from here as fast as possible and come up with something before he destroys everything here this is really terrible news what do we do now it seems he broke it very badly and now it’s gone we need to escape and climb up after me he’s so huge I can see him through the window he’s increasing in size the main thing is that he doesn’t engulf our world what have we done guys we shouldn’t have opened that door let’s then take the carts and get away from here quickly maybe we can come up with something now I have some tools that can fix all this but first we must get away from here as quickly as possible I can’t even imagine how upset ratha will be when she sees that our Christmas tree no longer exists we must and will explain everything correctly and she’ll understand us I think she won’t be too upset but for now we need to run from here it’s a Pity the cart can’t go any faster the main thing is to never open mysterious doors again well we won’t do that again guys because it could have ended very badly but we were lucky that we managed to ES so guys I think we need to discuss everything right now yes we need to discuss everything and come up with a plan to fight him you think we should warn our friends what happened to our tree so they don’t go there it’s very dangerous there now and we need to find a way to get that information to them how can we do it in order not to fall into the hands of kofo Kane you always come up with something and get out of different situations I think you should do something now I think I have a laptop in the circus that can reduce his size and then we’ll restore our Christmas tree I think you’re plan will work perfectly Kane at least I really want to believe it we will help you with this because we are your friends oh yes guys let’s do that now let’s run quickly let’s run guys we’ll handle everything now guys hi everyone I’m currently on the circus roof and you just look at what my friends are up to they’re swimming together at the lake right now ratha with JX I can’t believe they didn’t invite me along we need to go urgently and find out why they did this first JX hangs out with me and then he calls ratha I’m tired of this I need to express everything now I’m really upset with them you just can’t imagine guys I’m already near Jax’s cabin look they’re still swimming at the lake let’s go to them quickly you just see how cheeky they are honestly I envy them so much for not inviting me hey what are you two doing here why didn’t you invite me along with you today we didn’t invite you because we wanted to spend time together we’ve been swimming here for a while now go away from here J tell her not to drive me away yeah I’m fine with you being here we can swim together as a Treo are you out of your mind we wanted to spend that time together let her leave us alone and go for a walk alone why are you being so rude to me girls enough calm down we can all go for a walk together you want to go for a walk so badly then go without me do whatever you want I’m leaving you and I’m very upset with you everything will be fine let’s just walk together it seems like she walked away from us and we really hurt her when will you stop behaving like children and getting upset over trivial matters when you’re all grown up you’re acting like children don’t even get me started guys you can like And subscribe right right now and also write in the comments who will be the best couple me with Jax or ratha with Jax we’ll be very interested to read and know your opinion stop saying such things you’re making me very uncomfortable with this because for me you are both very good friends oh my gosh just look it seems like Kane is coming to us on some kind of car wow I thought he’d still be tinkering for a while and he’s already managed to fix it and now we can ride on it let’s go quickly to him I really want to ride in this car yeah I really want to ride too I love Transportation especially planes look he’s by the American Hills we need to hurry to him before she drives away from us hi Kane what’s this tell us quickly guys hi just look what I managed to do this is an improved bus with lots of seats for passengers it’s versatile and now we can all ride together around our amazing digital circus just look how huge it is it’s awesome Kane can I start it up and go for a ride no way it’s very dangerous if you even touch this car I’ll punish you don’t even think about stealing it from me maybe then we all ride together I really want to ride on it yes hurry up there’s enough space for all our digital friends here we can even fit calmo or call ratha later haha Jax your head is sticking out of the roof you won’t fit in this bus haha it’s not funny it’s very windy here and all the dust is flying into me guys this is very uncomfortable you just can’t imagine let’s stop riding on it soon I feel dizzy I don’t know it can’t be like that it’s very comfortable everything will be fine we’ll arrive soon and you can get out calmly look how quickly we’ve traveled the whole amazing digital circus in such a short time yes it’s very cool it’s very fast I always dreamed of having a car in our amazing digital circus I feel sick now I’m going to get out of the car I feel really bad I can’t sit here anymore I need to get out of the car I’m going to throw up Kane stop the car quickly Kane Jack fell out of the car we need to stop urgently haha I forgot to mention that this car doesn’t have brakes so we won’t be able to stop so now we’ll have to drive to the workshop to slow down and put it there why didn’t you say so immediately it’s very dangerous it’s okay see we’ve already arrived and I’m standing in the work shop Let’s go see what’s with our friends probably shouldn’t eat so many carrots before getting on Transportation plus this car is too small for me haha you’re right don’t eat so many carrots all right I’ll develop a larger transport I’ll raise the roof and we’ll be able to ride together that’s great Kane that you managed to build such a bus yeah I know I can just leave it here and when we need it we can use it later I’ll teach you how to operate it and you’ll be able to drive it soon I’ll develop many cars that’s awesome all right Kane we’ll go for a walk with Jax then you take care of your business yeah he’s been busy with Transportation development maybe someday we’ll be able to fly away or leave from here that sounds very cool too bad there’s no way out come on you said it’s all fairy tales don’t lose hope sooner or later we’ll find a way out of here let’s go apologize to our friend I didn’t behave very well I shouldn’t have interfered with your fun let’s go hopefully she’s home now and we won’t have to search all over the amazing digital circus stop what’s that haha just look at this hey CMO why did you steal the kid’s bike haha this is so funny I’m dying of laughter look at how it looks looks ja it looks very funny indeed he probably wanted to make himself a transport but it didn’t quite work out he’s so big and riding such a small bike it looks very hilarious hey kmo where did you get this bike from what do you mean it’s my new ride if you want you can try riding it wow really I can try yeah of course nothing’s stopping you sit down and give it a go H I can’t seem to ride it it doesn’t start well that’s your problem everything works for me you just don’t know how to start a car see you later guys I’m off looks like he learned to create cars too yeah you’re right he didn’t even throw any potion at us that’s very interesting I think we should go to our friend and make something for her to forgive us I think we could get her some gift or make a little cake it would be really cool if she could forgive us if we didn’t want to fight I think we can get her a really cool gift then she’ll forgive us for sure come quickly I think I have a very interesting idea that’s a great idea look there are still some gifts left from New Year let’s grab them and give them to her why not do it right now yeah let’s grab a a couple of gifts quickly I want to take this red one and I think she’ll really like it I want to take this blue one look how beautiful it is I would take it for myself but I think it should be given to ratha let’s go to her quickly I think she’ll definitely forgive us now we should have taken some flowers as well but it’s too late now I think that’s unnecessary already guys I think she’ll forgive us it happened before that she was angry but then very quickly she forgave us and everything was fine looks like she’s standing right outside her house let’s go hi ratha we’ve come to apologize to you I don’t want to hear anything from you you really hurt me today by the lake why did you come here to me I don’t want to talk to you wait we have some very interesting gifts for you we want to apologize to you please forgive us for behaving so badly yes please forgive us these gifts are specially for you please forgive us once again guys you didn’t have to do this I would have forgiven you anyway thank you so much for caring about me why did you bring me here what do you want to show me follow me you’ll see everything yourself now this place is very interesting you’ve never been there before so I think you’ll like it honestly I don’t like any of this are you sure this is a good idea it seems like some kind of trap don’t worry we’ve already entered this room I just wanted us to spend time together well okay oh my gosh what is cfmo doing here Jax we need to run CMO why did you come into this room no one invited you here you’re really audacious this is my house and I live here why did you come here we wanted to spend time together I didn’t know this was your room where did you bring me what are we going to do now you came into my room without asking and now I’ll punish you for it punish only Jax it’s his fault he brought me here I didn’t want to come here at all he said there was some surprise for me here and that it was safe I didn’t think this room was CFOs when I was here alone there was no one here anyway it’s time for me to go nibble on carrots don’t leave me where are you running ha looks like your friend left you uh what are we going to do with you now please let me go I’ll never come here again I didn’t want to do this Jax brought me here I have a very interesting potion that I want to try on you please don’t do this I’m very scared of these potions you always turn me into a monster please don’t throw anything at me I promise I won’t do it again ha let’s see no to be honest I feel really bad about leaving my friend alone with that clown I think I should go to Kane and ask for his help I hope he’ll help me get our friend out of there and we can save her from CMO I think I hear some sounds seems like he’s doing something in the workshop hey Kane I urgently need your help a very bad situation has occurred why are you shouting so loudly you’ll scare all my cats calm down and speak quietly sorry but I need your help urgently something really bad happened what happened will you tell me or not I found some room in the cliff and called pomy there but when we got there kfmo was sitting there and then I just ran away leaving her there you’ve acted very poorly Jax we need to go and rescue our friend before he does something bad why did you just run away like that I got really scared all right I’ll take a healing potion right now and then we’ll definitely go to her I’m very ashamed of her we need to hurry don’t worry we’ll help her now okay I’ll wait for you here hurry it should be somewhere around here here it is let’s go quickly Let’s help her if something happened to her this potion will help her lead me to the place come on follow me quickly it’s not far we just need to go up these stairs and we’ll be there are you out of your mind why did you go there right next to his lair it was clear it’s very dangerous here I thought everything would be fine there seems to be no sound something seems to have happened to her oh no we need to hurry up there we’ve come we need to get right here Kane look she’s lying right in the bathtub what happened I really don’t understand don’t worry we’ll help her now I think she just fell asleep that’s all don’t worry she’s completely out of it she’s unconscious and not moving at all I thought you wouldn’t notice that but we’ll definitely come up with something now let’s try throwing this potion at her and help her be careful not to miss this could be really bad I hope she forgives me after what I’ve done this potion should definitely help now we can handle everything what happened to me and how did I end up here why am I lying in the bathtub what’s going on around me Romney forgive me for leaving you I remember everything now come here I’ll show you how it feels to be left alone with that clown you thought I lost my memory well I didn’t I remember everything don’t run away from me where are you going I’m sorry pomy guys it’s been a long time I think now we can see what pomy is up to it seems she’s in her Treehouse right now I think we can see what she’s doing there I think she’s already stopped being mad at me let’s hurry up and go up to her it is necessary to appear unexpectedly so that she is surprised and forgive me what’s this what are you doing here why are you following me I saw you standing here alone so I decided to come to you don’t you want to go for a walk with me today honestly I’m still upset with you I promise I won’t do it again forgive me let’s go for a walk all right if you’re sincere about it then I forgive you let’s go for a walk quickly and see what’s happening outside in our amazing digital circus today’s weather is very nice we can go swimming in the pool right now I thought the water there would be very warm and we could have a good time there yes I also wanted to suggest that to you let’s go and swim in our pool right away by the way pomy maybe we could go on a date sometime take a walk in the circus in the evening eat something delicious you treated me very poorly and I don’t want to go anywhere with you all right I guess you’ll change your mind eventually I’ll ask you next time let’s have fun in this pool I love swimming here you can’t even imagine have you changed your mind about going on a date yet oh I haven’t decided yet you’re out of your mind it’s only been a few minutes since you suggested it to me okay I won’t ask you anything else the water is really nice today just look how clean and warm it is yes you’re right the water is really nice today what should we do today I have a small surprise for you let’s hurry and get out and I’ll give it to you you’ll really like it I told you not to get me any gifts hey don’t get too carried away you might drown you’re completely underwater it seems I can’t find it in my pocket wait I’ll definitely find it now I just can’t get this gift out of my pocket what do you want to give me tell me quickly I don’t understand what you’re trying to do look it’s a very expensive ring wow but I can’t accept it it’s awkward for me I don’t know if I should take it or not I don’t expect anything from you just take this gift and that’s it I’ll be very happy if you do okay thank you very much you’re welcome it’s just a gift from my heart I want you to be happy I also have some flowers for you but they’re at my house right now we can go there so I can give them to you okay let’s go quickly I love flowers very much and what kind of flowers are they if it’s not a secret I’m not particularly knowledgeable about them so I just picked the ones that were available they’re very beautiful and smell very good you’ll like them okay let’s go to your place quickly I really love flowers I hope there are a lot of them I have a vase at home for them come inside quickly I’ll give you everything now okay Jax where are the flowers I don’t see anything here here they are these are very beautiful daisies I’ve been collecting them all day I hope you’ll like them thank you so much Jax this is a very nice gift I love it when I’m given flowers like all girls I think we can go for a walk together now I think you won’t have to go anywhere now what are you talking about I don’t understand anything now you’re going to be so surprised oh my gosh it’s kmo how did you manage to transform into Jack now we can have fun together you won’t escape from me you should enjoy this no let me go what do you want to do with me hello everyone guys how do you see it right now I’m in my laboratory and I want to brew a new potion I really love doing this I think I’ll need to go for some new ingredients now let’s go quickly haha look it seems Kane is left for his own business and his laboratory is unattended now let’s hurry and see what he brewed there we can go there and take something before he notices there seems to be a lot of different potions here I think we can take one of them and he won’t notice at all I can’t believe it this one is labeled as a love potion I haven’t seen it for a long time it seems he brewed it very recently I wonder how it can be used the main thing is for not to notice me here otherwise he’ll be angry we need to leave here as soon as possible although I think he won’t notice let’s hurry to pomy I think we can try this potion on her I hope it will work and she will love me so guys I got this potion and now I’ll go home I think I’ll need to hide it and then go to pomy and test it on her the main thing is not to use it now at any moment Kane can come and take it from me if he notices missing we should run home and hide him oh my gosh what are you doing here kfo how did you get into my house get out of here I heard you have a very interesting potion which you stole from your friend maybe you’ll show it to me I’m very curious to see it I don’t have any potion you imagined it come on show me I know you have it if you don’t show it you’ll regret it I wouldn’t risk my health if I were you I have nothing I just wanted to go home and relax I have one last offer for you if you give it to me I won’t do anything to you but if you don’t you’ll regret it all right I’ll give you everything now just don’t touch me it’s a love potion I stole it from Kane if anything it’s your fault not mine I didn’t steal anything that’s how you should have given it to me right away I’m not afraid of anyone I can confidently say that you stole it haha you know I’m the main one in this circus don’t tell anyone about this everyone get out of here I really need to relax all right I actually needed to fly off to take care of my own business this clown is so annoying I wanted to use this potion for my own purposes and now he took it from me I don’t know what to do seems like I’ll have to do nothing but play computer games today how sad I’ve come up with a brilliant plan it seems Jax thought he could get away with it so easily but it’s not going to be that way let’s quick I managed to transform into him now I can prank him I think we should quickly lure him into a trap and then go to pomy he’s just playing on the computer and suspects nothing let’s set up the trap for him here how clever I am only I can come up with such Insidious plans haha hey Jax come here quickly I have a surprise for you who are you why do you look so much like me where did you even come from here it’s a very long story it doesn’t matter come to me quickly I have a surprise for you haha I’m going to teach you a lesson you’re not real oh no what have you done why did you set up a trap here haha this is so cool guys look it seems my plan worked now I can go and have fun with my friends Jacks without them suspecting anything let’s see how this potion works on pomy let’s go and try it out hey guys I finally finished cleaning up my house now I think we can go for a walk with my friends today is a very sunny day oh hi Jax what are you doing here you almost scared me haha hi pomy how are you you I came here to invite you for a walk outside today the weather is really nice yeah you’re right let’s go quickly and swim in the pool I think the water there is very warm now and we can have fun without any problems let’s go to the beach instead look how sunny it is there we’ll need to clear the ice here spring has already come and it still hasn’t melted I think we can handle it later everything will be fine we’ll definitely clear it up let’s quickly swim in the lake I think swimming in the pool now won’t be much fun you seem somewhat suspicious today Jax oh no everything’s normal as usual let’s just swim together and then have fun we can go to Kane’s circus or his laboratory he was just brewing new potions that sounds really cool by the way I prepared a potion for you I think you’ll definitely like it how did you know about it I saw the potion sticking out of your pocket by the way you’re holding it in your hands now yes you’re right this is the exact potion I wanted to try on you look how beautiful it is are you sure it say wait something is happening to me I can’t understand what it is hang on you look very handsome and attract acve today I never noticed you have such huge muscles I just carried a lot of carrots and now I’m very big and strong it’s normal maybe we could go for a walk or have fun somewhere we can go to my place it’s clean there I’ve been cleaning all morning that’s a great idea let’s go have fun there’s renovation at my place and it’s very messy there I think going to your place would be a great idea I have a very delicious cake that I saved for such an occasion we can have fun and have some tea with cake that’s awesome I really love sweets you seem somewhat suspicious you said you never eat any anything other than carrots are you sure everything’s okay with you yes everything’s fine with me don’t worry I recently decided to try the cake and I really liked it now I eat cakes and carrots wow now I can make cake for you someone help me kofo has trapped me help me hold on did you hear that scream what was that no I didn’t hear anything at all someone asked for help the voice sounded like Jack oh my gosh what just happened how did you turn into Jacks what did you do to him tell me quickly it was me all along I transformed into your friend using the potion where’s my friend what did you do to him show me quickly where did you put him have you completely lost your mind why did you do this what did he do to you I locked him in the basement of his house why did you throw the potion at me I realized something was wrong here I was just curious to see your reaction and besides it’s time for me to go about my business so good luck to you I hope you’ll help your friend haha guys we need to figure out how to get him out of there urgently I don’t understand what’s happening today it’s a very strange day kmo decided to transform into Jax just to prank me I think I heard that he was here somewhere look it’s Jax Hi how are you well as you can see things aren’t going great thank you so much for opening this hatch it was jammed and I couldn’t get out where did that clown go he just flew off to take care of his own business I saw him literally a couple of minutes ago if he were here I would have definitely taught him a lesson he lured me into a trap and left me here that sounds really bad what even happened here how did he turn into Kane why did you invite me to the pool today instead of just walking around the amazing digital circus I actually wanted to propose something to you I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and now I’ve decided to do it I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about you’ll find out soon enough I want to kiss you you like it wait oh my gosh that was unexpected I’m sorry if I offended you don’t worry everything’s fine just look at what they’re doing over there I can’t believe they just kissed how is that even possible I can’t believe it how am I going to erase this memory now now we need to teach them a lesson that was very hurtful why would they decide to do that pomy and I were a couple and now she’s with Kane guys you have no idea how upset I am right now well never mind I’ll definitely come up with a way to teach them a lesson so that this never happens again I’ll find some potion right away and throw it at Kane to make him scary and PNE will stop being friends with him Kane I think it’s time to go for a walk in the digital circus now what you did was unexpected let’s go to the beach I think it’s time to go for a swim since we’re already here and it’s the perfect time to Sun bathe on the sand oh looks like Jax is there look he’s running straight to us hey guys how are you doing tell me quickly maybe we can all go for a walk together no we don’t have any plans for you today and we’ll be alone oh come on don’t say that I just want to suggest that we go for a walk in our amazing digital circus why are you trying to upset me I haven’t done anything bad to you don’t ask too many unnecessary questions it doesn’t always turn out that everyone wants to hang out with you you’d better not say that you’ve really hurt me with that and right now I want to throw this potion at you I hope it teaches you a lesson and you’ll never never speak to me like that again what do you have in your hands where did you get those potions from please don’t throw anything at me whatever it is you deserved it you’ve hurt me a lot please forgive me let’s go for a walk together it’s too late to apologize now you’ve hurt me deeply and now I want you to feel what it’s like not to be treated rud why did you do that ja he asked you not to throw the potion at him oh my gosh look what happened to him what did you do Kane Jax return everything to normal what have you done why do you always ruin everything guys I don’t understand what’s happening to me why do I look so scary it seems like it was a potion of ugliness Kane I thought it was a potion of bonding and you would just bond with pomy but it turned out to be a different potion I’m sorry I didn’t think it would be this bad come here I’ll show you how to throw a potion properly where are you running away from me stand still and fight me like a man Kane calm down we’ll definitely figure something out and you’ll be back to normal we won’t figure anything out Kane don’t get so worked up we’ll find a good potion and anyway I don’t want to hang out with you anymore you’ve become too scary ha looks like my plan worked so pom where are we going this time do you have any ideas for our walk honestly I’m not sure we could go to your place and play some computer games that sounds great I just downloaded a bunch of games Jax don’t you think we were too harsh on our friend I think he got what he deserved next time he won’t behave so arrogantly all right let’s go then we’ll play computer games at your place I hope we’ll have a good time and no one will bother us maybe we can snack on some carrots later yeah I love carrots we can make carrot soup which I love and add some cheese to it it’s so delicious you you have no idea how much I love that soup then we can go ride oh my gosh what was that just now where did it come from do you see anything Jax it seems like it was CMO he’s standing on the colored blocks right now yeah he’s right there shooting at us with his magic staff I don’t understand why he’s attacking us let’s quickly go inside my house it’ll be safer there he won’t be able to hit us with that staff while we’re inside it’s terrifying this time he didn’t even bother talking to us he just started shooting I think we’ll have to come up with something to get out of here what should we do now any ideas well I’d start by playing some computer games like we planned then if kofo lets us out of here we can go for a walk that sounds great let’s turn on the computer and play some games yeah that’s a great idea I love playing games come on sit next to me oh my gosh what’s that sound do you hear it it seems like kmo is firing rockets at your house we need to get out of here urgently look they’re flying past us look he’s launching new rockets and they’re flying past us again we need to run for help urgently I can’t even even see where he’s standing it seems like he’s launching them from his lair we need to get out of here fast let’s go quickly we shouldn’t linger here hopefully Kane can help us deal with this clown and everything will be okay why would he help us just look at him he’s destroying everything and shooting Rockets we need to run back to the circus as soon as possible I really hope Kane forgives us and can help us deal with this clown I think he’s there let’s go quickly and see where he is it would be very bad if he hit us right now we will have one problem more your jokes are not at all appropriate now we need to rush to Kane’s Workshop I’m just trying to clear the air stop nagging like an old grandfather oh no that’s Kane stop what are you doing don’t come near me I don’t want you to see me like this leave me alone I don’t want to talk to you you’ve hurt me so much Especially You rabbit always messing everything up please forgive us we urgently need your help Jax what have you done why did you throw that potion at him you’ve hurt him badly I think we should go after him before he leaves I was so jealous that you didn’t invite me to swim with you so I decided to teach you a lesson not to leave alone that’s why I threw it I didn’t even know what it does well done now we need to solve two problems at once we shouldn’t have thrown an untested potion we’ll come up with something now I think we should apologize to him and throw a healing potion at him I happen to have one with me but I don’t know where it went let’s try to go after him and see where he flew off to maybe he’s at his circus right now most likely that’s where he is he must be somewhere nearby he couldn’t have gone far from us yes I hear him walking hey Kane please forgive us we came to help you I told you not to follow follow me I don’t want you to see me like this go away don’t come near me we came to apologize and help you I have a healing potion that will help you and everything will be fine it was all just a joke we’ll help you now if it helps me then I’ll forgive you just throw it quickly I don’t want to be this scary anymore everything will be fine this potion I hid long ago for this occasion it seems to have worked hooray it worked you’re beautiful again I won’t thank you for this as you were the ones at fault for this don’t ever do this again I’m sorry Kane next time I’ll just shoot you with my staff haha just don’t miss Kane what were you doing here why were you standing at this room with lasers I wanted to check if there was any healing potion left here King why did you gather everyone here what do you want to tell us guys I have very urgent news for you I recently discovered a very huge mansion and I want to show it to you that’s very it seems kfo built it and as you already know in our amazing digital circus strange things are constantly happening you just can’t imagine but this Mansion appeared literally overnight there’s also a huge iron door seems like a safe and there are a lot of treasures inside let’s check what’s there that sounds really cool I want to see what could be there soon maybe there are some dangerous things Kane any guesses I don’t have any guesses yet but I think we’ll definitely find out everything very soon let’s go see what’s there it’s very interesting what’s inside guys if you’re also interested in seeing the Mansion like the video subscribe to the channel and also comment on how calmo managed to build it it’s all very mysterious I can’t imagine how he managed to build it so quickly it seems like some magic I don’t know about yet guys last time I didn’t go into this Mansion I’m really curious to see what’s inside I think it’s going to be a very interesting Adventure ja I’m asking you just don’t even think about doing anything bad behave normally this time otherwise he might hear us and it’ll be very bad for us everything will be fine don’t worry I can’t believe my eyes it’s so beautiful here did he really build all this alone it looks amazing look at all the cars here I really want to ride them look quickly let’s ride can you calm down no need to make noise he might hear us and it’ll be very bad what’s the big deal I just want to ride around that’s all stop acting like a child you’ve completely lost it they’re not ready for use yet and you could get hurt we need to stay calm guys enough fooling around we came for this safe that’s the most important thing to see right now we need to figure out how we can open it how are we supposed to do that do you have any ideas maybe we can blow it up we’ll definitely come up with something but we need time for that wow it’s so beautiful here look at all these posters I didn’t know this clown likes watching movies just look it’s amazing I can’t believe it I’ve never seen so many posters Kane what was that just now why did you throw them away some potion or something I didn’t notice it probably fell out of my pocket don’t do anything with it I don’t remember what it could do to us it’s better not to touch it okay I won’t touch it guys I want to take some posters look there’s a Batman poster here it’s so cool I’ve always dreamed of it I really like it look how cool it is enough fooling around let’s go see what else is here last time we didn’t explore properly we need to figure out urgently how we can open it the main main thing is that kmo doesn’t come here yeah you’re right it’ll be really bad if he can come here what a huge house he could build for himself it’s just something with something Jax do not do anything bad and do not break anything we will be covered there’s another room let’s check it out I don’t see anything particularly useful in this room either how can we open this safe it’s so cool here just look I’ve never seen a piano before look there’s also a computer here it’s powerful better than mine behave normally stop fooling around why do you need it you already have a computer I really want one like this for myself just look maybe we can take it behave normally let’s think about how to open the safe guys I don’t see any clue that could help us open this door well I don’t see anything either maybe we can use Dynamite I don’t think that’s a good idea we could end up blowing up the entire Mansion we need to come up with something else I just remembered I had a construction key in my pocket maybe I can use it to unscrew some bolts and the door will open let’s try something here quickly I think we can definitely open it oh my gosh it’s kmo guys we need to run away from here urgently I warned you not to come to me without an invitation why did you break into my safe you’ve really become bold get out of here or right now I’ll throw some potion at you look it’s turning into an abstraction we need to run away from here urgently just look it’s chasing us let’s get out of here quickly the main thing is not to let it bite us oh no look it’s getting bigger we need to run away from here quickly let’s run away quickly wait it seems we forgot our friend in this Mansion what are we going to do now we can’t go back there anymore we’ll have to somehow save him later or come up with something right now well it seems the abstraction isn’t chasing us it’s all good we can stop and not run anymore I can’t imagine what we’re going to do now he’s in danger we definitely need to come up with something it seems he stayed behind to play on the computer we need to get him out of there now what’s this stop I saw you ratha come out quickly you can’t hide from us come out fast what were you doing there tell us quickly nothing special just walking around you’re completely out of your mind how did you manage to go underground what are you hiding from us there I’m not hiding anything from you there’s nothing special there I’m just standing here and talking to you okay now is not the time to discuss any relationships we urgently need to save our friend we need your help it seems our friend got stuck in the cave guys I’m really busy let’s see if you can manage without me for now okay just make sure nothing goes wrong here and don’t go there alone all right I won’t do anything maybe we’ll go and try to save our friend maybe kmo has left there it’s too dangerous there right now there’s no point in going we need to wait a bit you’re right we need to prepare for this event somehow it’s very dangerous to go there now we need to go to my laboratory to brew some potions because this adventure could be very dangerous and something might happen to us let’s go to the workshop and check if there are any Potions there all right let’s hurry but I haven’t seen anything special there yet maybe you hid something there yeah somewhere here I had some items hidden I left them specifically for such occasions when we need to prepare well it seems there are going to be some very large scale battles ahead we need to be very well prepared all right I’ll be on guard all the time we’ll definitely make it it seems we’ll go straight to cmo’s Lair to save our friend Jax this is a very dangerous adventure and we need to prepare very well I hope you’ll help us yes guys we really need your support you have no idea how powerful this computer is it runs absolutely all games I hope my friends will come for me because unfortunately I won’t be able to get out of here on my own this abstraction won’t let me escape from here I don’t know what to do with it now I hope I’ll definitely come up with something or my friends will be able to save me but for now we can play computer games together with you there’s nothing else to do here anyway there are a lot of interesting games here and I want to play them I don’t have such games

This video, titled ‘JAX KIDNAPPED AND KISSED POMNI! POMNI IS PANICKING! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-04-13 20:00:17. It has garnered 4180 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:08 or 4088 seconds.

Jax became a villain and caught Pomni! He kissed her? Who will save Pomni?

In the digital realm of the Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft, a startling turn of events unfolds as Jax, once a cherished ally, succumbs to villainy and captures Pomni. His actions escalate when he unexpectedly kisses her, crossing a line that shocks the circus community and marks a dark turn in his character.

Pomni, now in a precarious and vulnerable position, urgently needs help. The distressing situation leaves the rest of the circus troupe deeply concerned and galvanized to act. Among them, Caine stands out as a potential savior. Known for his leadership and moral integrity, Caine is likely to take immediate action, driven by both a duty to protect his friends and a desire to restore peace and order within the circus.

The community’s response to Jax’s betrayal and the effort to rescue Pomni will test the unity and resilience of the circus members. As they strategize a way to approach Jax and secure Pomni’s safety, they may also seek to understand the reasons behind Jax’s drastic transformation, hoping to find a way to bring him back from the brink.

This dramatic scenario not only heightens the suspense and emotional stakes of the circus’s narrative but also challenges the characters to navigate complex moral landscapes and personal loyalties. The resolution of this crisis will likely involve a tense and poignant confrontation, which could redefine the relationships within the circus and highlight themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring power of camaraderie in the face of adversity.


#amazingdigitalcircus #digitalcircus #pomni

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  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Wolv21 ● TIP: https://streamelements.com/wolv21-1801/tip YOUTUBE ● MAIN: https://www.youtube.com/@Wolv21 ● CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/@WolvClips ● STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/Wolv21/live SOCIAL ● KICK: https://kick.com/Wolv21 ● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/21wolv ● INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wolv21 ● SNAPCHAT – https://snapchat.com/add/wolv21 ● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wolv21 ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More