Jax’s Secret Plan in Bathtub with Pomni?

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Hey guys how cool is it to chill in my hot tub with my new bath bombs so many bubbles coming from me and I’ll finally smell delicious I love splashing around in my hot tub like a pig in mud guys judging by the sounds pomy might be

Taking a dip I hear sounds like she’s splashing in her hot tub I’ve been waiting for this day more than my birthday I need to sneak a peek at her if you want me to spy and show you how pomy B in her hot tub be sure to like

And subscribe to the channel well darn it I still don’t have a plan on how to sneak upstairs and spy on her unnoticed maybe I should build a ladder and go straight to the window hey Jax long time no see oh my gosh calmo is here guys

Someone help me calmo is attacking me wait don’t shout like that I don’t want to do anything bad to you I have a great offer for you I’m listening kmo look JX I have an amazing potion the latest development this potion will help you transform into any object like a toy for

Example anticipating your question yes you’ll be able to spy on pomy seriously if your potion really works then I’m ready to try it excellent I’m glad you agreed I was happy to help you here you go wow what a beautiful potion thank you calmo now I owe you bye for now and good

Luck to you ja this all seems very suspicious but I really want to drink this potion to spy on pumy I can’t get enough of my new hot tub and bath bombs bathing with them is so much fun now I’ll start washing my hair because I

Haven’t washed it in a week and fleas have taken residence under my caps so guys subscribe to the channel and hit that like button right now because only after you do that I’ll use this potion to peek at pomy and see how she bathes the most challenging task is to sneak

Unnoticed to the second floor and there I’ll use the potion to transform into a toy let’s climb the ladder my heels feel so good steaming in this warm water I feel like I’ll be cleaner than any princess in the world soon great I’m in position pomy doesn’t notice me now all

That’s left is to use this potion and I hope it works instantly excellent the potion worked and now I’ve turned into a cute bunny now I need to hide otherwise pomy will spot me sitting across from the entrance I’ll hide here next to the pig toy guys it’s just awesome here I

Hope no one sees me drinking water from the tap but I really love the taste of chlorinated water okay I’m tired of bathing because I’ve been in here for more than in 2 hours now after a pleasant bath it’s time to put on some fresh clean clothes stop what is this

Why is there a toy in my house that I’ve never seen before what is this cute bunny doing here most likely someone gave me the toy and I forgot about it or someone decided to secretly toss it to me exactly I need to put on new clothes otherwise I’ll be cold walking around

The house naked today there’s such a cool breeze coming in from the window that it gives me goosebumps I you need to put on a new pajama it’s so pretty stop where’s the bunny toy it was just here why is it in the bathtub now it was

Just next to the wall a moment ago guys what’s happening WR in the comments I don’t understand why things are moving around in my house okay I’m probably just imagining things but I got so worked up and even broke a sweat so I’ll have to take a bath again otherwise

After such anomalies I’ll smell like Rats from a dumpster again it really stinks I’ll go get some fresh clothes from the closet oh the water flowing from the tap is so delicious what incredible sewage additives seriously is this happening again has this toy moved from one place to another again guys it

Seems to me that I didn’t get enough sleep today or I’m experiencing some hallucinations after drinking too much tap water I’m sure it’s just my imagination and this toy doesn’t even exist it’s all a mirage I just need to take a bath and I hope all of this will

Disappear and be forgotten oh the water is so warm I’m tired of watching her trying to to figure out what’s happening time for a little prank how cool it is here guys after the shower I’ll go for a swim in the pool the water inspires me

So much why wasn’t I born a fish to live in the water even stop what’s that sound behind me what are you doing here Jax what are you doing in my bathroom while I’m showering pomy what’s with the aggression we’re friends why are you angry with me ja you’re Crossing all

Boundaries why are you holding my things and where is the bunny toy what bunny toy wait Jack are you trying to say that you were the toy no where did you get that idea I wasn’t a toy oh you deceiver how dare you break into my house and

Somehow turn into a toy to spy on me while I’m showering you’re confused how could I turn into a toy I don’t know how you did it but I’m sure it was you because you always want to spy on me when I’m showering you can’t prove anything goodbye pomy just go away ouch

It hurts so much to fall from the second floor hey guys what’s the noise what’s happening you won’t believe it Kane but Jack’s turned into a toy and was spying on me while I was showering that’s all lies and provocation how can anyone believe such a thing how could I turn

Into a toy I don’t understand anything what kind of fairy tales are these wait where are you running don’t catch me the fact that he’s running away shows he’s guilty so we need to catch him Kane get in the boat with me wait I’ll swim there

I’m not a good swimmer I’m paddling with all my might I hope we can catch him and teach him a lesson oh no he’s about to go down the water slide heading up don’t worry Kane he won’t get far py climb up quickly or he’ll ride down in the cart

Right now Kane you’re right I’m leaving you forever I hope we never see each other again Kane help me I’m drowning bney now is not the best time to drown get up here haa guys I managed to break free from these Slackers who can’t even climb up the slide now we’ll catch you

Bunny now I’ll hide from them in the mountains and they won’t be able to find me I’ll become a Hermit and if you guys want to ride on such an iron slide too then like and subscribe to the channel great guys I made it to the top Kane

Catch up with me we’re almost there oh here in the chest there’s some potion I didn’t expect that I wonder what will happen if I use it I think it won’t lead to anything good stop Jax this bridge is very unstable you’ll fall I’m Not Afraid stop you foolish bunny do you even

Understand what you’ve done you broke into my house and turned into a toy Kane where are you why can’t you even support me I’m already climbing pomy just spy on me while I’m showering aren’t you ashamed it’s disgusting and mean you’re imagining things I just came to your

House to try on your pants your excuse is even more disgusting than the situation you’ve created come on pomy you can outsmart him you won’t be able to punish me because I’ll throw a potion at you oh my gosh what’s happening to you PNE what have I done well now it’s

The end for you you’ll feel my power and anger that’s right it seems pomy turned into cfo’s sister oh my gosh I’ve never seen such an obvious transformation how is this even possible Jax be careful and run from there it’s probably because of cmo’s potion he placed in the chest

Behind me oh no I have big problems it’s time to bail out luckily I’m a bunny and can jump even on such steep Rocky slopes oh no pumy almost caught up with me how scared I am she’s so huge and massive I hope the mine cart helps me get away as

Far as possible from pomy great I’m going to ride the mine cart as far away from here as I can I spawned a gigantic monster and lost a friend who turned into a monster guys what do you think how did cfo’s potion turn pomy into such a gigantic monster honestly I still

Can’t understand what happened and what awaits me next but I feel that my life is in great danger guys write in the comments what I should do and how I can turn pomy back to her normal self hello ratha what are you doing here oh hi Jax

Glad to see you you haven’t been around for a while just a lot has been happening lately and I don’t have time for walks oh I see growing carrots again what were you rumaging through Kane’s stuff for oh nothing I didn’t touch anything pay no attention why do you

Look so scared did something happen ratha you have have no idea what happened I found some strange potion and threw it at pomy and now she’s turned into a gigantic monster that looks just like calmo are you sure you’re okay in the head that’s impossible when you see

Pomy in her new form you’ll understand right away oh my gosh who is this what is this Monster Run quickly pomy found me and wants to take me down I didn’t believe you but now all doubts are gone you were right pomy turned into a monster exactly that’s why we need to

Run away faster so she doesn’t crush us where is Kane why isn’t he resoling this situation I don’t know where he is right now it’s important to save our own hides I hope pomy didn’t eat cane otherwise this would be a complete disaster let’s climb the tower I hope pomy won’t have

The intelligence to climb after us yes I think after the transformation her intelligence dropped significantly and she won’t figure out to take the mine cart and follow us you’re right but after we get to the top we won’t have a choice are we going to stay up there

Forever pomy won’t give up and we’ll constantly stay below keeping an eye on us I wonder what PNE will do to reach us on the tower oh no look she’s grown bigger and now she’s become so enormous that she can reach us at the top with

Her teeth oh my gosh pomy has increased several times I think she’s reached a height of about a 10-story building and now indeed all she has to do is make one Leap and she can reach us I don’t understand how she enlarged to such sizes it’s physically impossible in our

Digital circus anything is possible have you seen what the potions we use here can do she keeps disappearing probably because of glitches as our world just can’t handle such a gigantic monster we urgently need to find Kane he always helps in such difficult situations we urgently need to

Find Kane he always helps in such difficult situations you’re right we need to quietly descend and run past pumy guys I’m almost there they ran in that direction I hope I can spot them right here stop what are these sounds where are they coming from exactly the

Sound is coming from this bunker we need to check what’s inside it’s quite scary of course what if Jax managed to defeat pomy and locked her in this safe and I unknowingly will set her free but curiosity takes over and I’m really curious to know what’s inside and what

Those sounds are coming from so I’m opening it oh my gosh what is this adorable creature what are you doing here little one come out of this bunker it’s cold and scary in there and you probably fear the darkness wait are you saying that kmo locked you in this

Bunker since you’re nodding it must be true and the clown kmo acted so brutally that he locked a little one in the bunker listen little one a real disaster has happened look to the right see what’s going on on there pomy turned into a monster and is now attacking my

Friends we have to save them I hope you’ll help me because I saved you do you have any ideas on how to do it I see that you do so let’s head to the circus we’ll figure out what to do there together PA maybe you can tell us what

Ideas you have to defeat this mutated pomy because I’ve gone through all the options in my head but couldn’t find a solution you say you have some solution tell me about it stop what a potion and what does this potion do are you saying that this potion will definitely help us

Just throw it at pomy if you’re sure that it will help that’s excellent news thank you okay ball run away from here and hide somewhere I don’t want you to get hurt that’s how news goes folks I have to save my friends using the potion

That this ball gave me I hope it really helps and if you believe in it too like And subscribe to the channel the most important thing now is to sneak up on pomy unnoticed and throw this potion at her if she notices me in advance I won’t

Make it so I’m in position and now I need to make sure that pomy doesn’t suspect that I want to throw this potion at her you shouldn’t get hurt pmne but I have to do this if it hurts forgive me but I have to save our digital circus

Promise that you won’t be mad at me and catch the potion ouch my bones hurt why do I feel like I’ve shrunk 1,000 times and turned into an ant don’t you remember what happened a few minutes ago of course I remember and I also remember how Jax threw some potion at me and

After that I became uncontrollable evil yes that’s what happened Jax threw a potion at you but to defend himself you wanted to catch him where’s JX I want to talk he’s up there hiding from you hey J come down plumy is no longer dangerous oh no I definitely shouldn’t come down I

Remember for sure she’ll be very mad at me after I throw it at her she’ll probably want to scold me Jax you totally nailed it you’re in deep trouble man but you’ll have to go talk to her and how am I supposed to do that I don’t

Know figure it out yourself it’s not sinking for me so I’ll jump down they ditched me again looks like I’ll have to go down and apologize to PNE for what I’ve done but I won’t descend like ratha that’s too risky maybe I’ll take a mine

Cart and figure out what to do on the way down I’m so scared right now to go down where pomy is waiting for me and what consequences our upcoming conversation might have guys I hope you subscribed and likeed to support me because I really need it now with every

Passing minute it gets scarier and scarier I hope today I’ll go home alive and with my ears intact he really didn’t hesit itate and is coming down here hey Jax you finally arrived I’ve been waiting for you come to me hi pumy I thought you were mad at me your end is

Near Jax did you think I wouldn’t hold a grudge against you no I’m more offended than ever the main thing is that everything is fine now everything worked out and now you’re back in your body please don’t be mad at me I can give you a few bags of carrots for free better

Tell me how you became a toy it makes sense that cfmo gave me the potion he said if I drink it I can turn into a toy when will you start using your head Jax you can’t take anything from kmo it never ends well and where did you get

The second potion I found the second potion upstairs at the lighthouse in a chest it’s very interesting what’s up there at the Lighthouse let’s go there quickly and see if there’s anything else besides this potion good idea let’s go check it out I’ve never looked in this chest before maybe there’s something

Else in it when we get there we’ll find out for sure let’s go hurry ahead to the adventure guys look we’ve already arrived at the Lighthouse we just need to climb up using these Vines Kane you won’t be able to climb the vines because of your weight have you forgotten Jax in

Fact I practiced parkour and rock climbing for 10 years in my youth yeah Jax how could you forget that I always knew Kane was a very versatile person and did a lot in his youth I’ll remember now I just have a very weak memory guys

What kind of room is this it looks very interesting look guys there are some Christmas toys and Gifts here could this be Santa Claus’s Hideout it looks just like it around here there are white and red cubes that match Santa’s color guys are you looking forward to the new

Year will you celebrate it write about it in the comments and also tell us what gift you’d like to receive for the new year if you do this and leave a comment you’ll definitely get the gift of your dreams yes yes it’s pure truth in the digital circus no one ever lies guys

What’s this chest doing here I’ve never seen anything like this before it looks very secretive and well protected it’s probably some mystical chest with a secret you can’t just open it without a password I wonder what’s inside guys we’ll definitely open this chest but we’ll do it in the next episode so

Subscribe and hit the bell for all notifications JX come down to us yeah I’m coming by the way guys I’ve never seen this room before they probably added it in the new update of the digital Circus by the way in the last episode we promised to show our

Subscribers this portal located in this rock yeah but I’m afraid we won’t have time today because we’re really tired and ran a lot I’m already tired and it’s dangerous to go into this portal yes pomy you’re right but I’m really curious about what’s in this mystical portal I

Don’t know guys but we’ll check it out in the next episode and this time I’m sure about it so if we have nothing else to do at the Lighthouse I suggest going down yes let’s go or I’ll get dizzy from this height how I love riding on the

American roller coasters I dreamed about it all my childhood and now it happens to me every day guys hit the like button if you want to ride American roller coasters every day too meanwhile guys we’ve already descended to the very bottom just just waiting for the others

We’ve already arrived so you didn’t have to wait for us for long yeah we got here really fast Let’s paddle to the shore in boats now yeah that’s a great idea let’s go faster oh no there’s only one boat here that’s a big problem I’ll ride with

You because I’m not a good swimmer due to my heavy teeth guys how could you leave me alone sorry Jax we’re selfish you’ll have to swim on your own it was a test guys I actually have my own boat and now you’re no longer my friend

Didn’t expect that Jax guys look we have a chicken now probably escaped from the pen it look so cute I love chickens especially baked in carrot juice Jax why did you decide to eat this cute little chicken don’t you have enough carrots you’re supposed to be a vegetarian now

I’m not a vegetarian I eat everything and you guys will be next to be eaten by Me You Killed the chicken aren’t you ashamed she was so good I wanted to take her with me and feed her wheat now you have to build us a whole chicken farm to

Redeem your guilt okay guys I’ll build you a real chicken cop just please don’t beat me up and don’t get mad and guys as promised I kept my word and built a real huge chicken Coupe now we’re breeding real chickens and having eggs for breakfast but that’s the end of our

Episode I hope you really enjoyed it because we put a lot of effort into it make sure to subscribe to the channel give your likes and also write in the comments what to shoot in the next episode how excited I am to see you here ratha today is a fantastic day and

There’s a beautiful girl sitting in front of me you’re so funny and cheerful it’s so romantic you look so nice today you’re hair is styled so beautifully oh I prepared a lot for this dat and did my hair your hair smells so good I really want to kiss it subscribe and hit the

Like button and I’ll let you kiss my hair JX guys please hit the like button and subscribe to make me happier looks like Jax and ragi are on a date they’re so bold and selfish they didn’t even invite me it’s frustrating they both know that I also like Jax and he chose

Ratha and invited her on a date well I need to come up with something to make ratha stop loving Jack no wait I’ve changed she’s my friend I won’t come up with anything and I won’t interfere down with jealousy I’ve been dreaming of a date with you for so long Raga I’ve been

Dreaming too Jax I was just hiding my feelings I’m so happy for you guys I hope you invite me to your wedding for the best couple the best cake here’s the recipe I’m proud of thanks Kane the cake looks very appetizing Kane don’t ruin our romance well Jax you’re such a

Romantic making such an extraordinary cake for me yes I really put in effort and baked it for you actually I made it oh my gosh what is pomy doing out outside the window hey Jax did you see that look pomy is outside the window what do you mean there’s no one there

You’re just seeing things my ex is haunting you everywhere it’s just your imagination it’s very strange but okay well I can’t be wrong someone was really there well maybe I really imagined that pomy was outside the window pomy shouldn’t know that we’re here okay it’s a beautiful day not a beautiful date

Nothing can ruin it maybe you’ll come over to my place tonight maybe give me a back rub in the bath you want me to come over tonight yes right to my place okay no problem I’ll come over but only if the viewers subscribe and hit the like

Button I’m so happy to have such an understanding girlfriend guys I have an idea I’m curious about what JX thinks about ragi after all ratha is my friend and I need to warn her about any bad thoughts Jax might have I do like Jax but I don’t want to ruin their

Relationship anymore I just want to know why Jax chose ratha over me right now he’s at home and I hope he’ll answer all my questions hey Jax listen oh you scared me so much hi pomy what happened I have have a very delicate question for you so answer it honestly I’m listening

I wanted to ask why you chose ratha as your girlfriend and not me I understand she might be prettier and smarter than me but why she’s not prettier or smarter than you she was just the first one to let me kiss her wait what what are you

Talking about I mean she asked me out on a date and you never did so I agreed to be her boyfriend am I understanding this right that you don’t actually like her and you just agreed to go on a date with her well I don’t know if I like her yet

I haven’t figured it out but she’s nice nice how can you say that if you haven’t figured out if you like the girl or not wait J what’s that noise outside what’s the commotion out there sounds like a stampede of hippos what’s happening ja I’m scared maybe it’s kmo bad news ratha

Is running this way oh my gosh what do I do you understand that if she sees me at your house now I’m in big trouble I have a date right now if she sees you at my place she might get the wrong idea and what should I do in this situation where

Can I hide I won’t fit in the closet do you have a pickaxe right I have a pickaxe I’ll dig a hole in your floor and hide under the bed I’ll break a couple of blocks I hope you don’t mind L’s talk more action hurry up and dig

The hole otherwise ragi will be here soon all right breaking a couple of blocks and hiding I hope ratha won’t notice me can you see me no you’re hardly visible I don’t think she’ll notice you great I’ll stay quiet perfect just sit tight and don’t stick out

Strange where is she Jax did I imagine it or were you talking to someone oh my grandma just called I was talking to her using my laptop why didn’t I know you had a grandma I thought you were an orphan said I was an orphan to make you

Feel sorry for me anyway Jax we were supposed to go on a date today right yes we wanted to have it at my place in the tub I never got a clear answer from you are you going on a date with me today I don’t know yet I haven’t decided

Definitively a wait what’s that I think I heard some sound no no there was no sound Don’t Look Under the Bed I just have some rats are you hiding something from me Jax rats can’t make those sounds darling I’m not hiding anything from you then I’ll check under the bed now and

Find out if it’s rats or something bigger oh my gosh are you serious Jax there’s really a rat there the most annoying rat in the world namely pomy you got it wrong ragi I got it right instead of going on a date with me I come here and you’re hiding your second

Girlfriend pomy under the bed there was nothing like that she just came to talk to me if you had seen us together you would have gotten upset and left so I decided to hide her under the bed I can see from your yellow eyes that you’re lying I’ve learned you during our time

Together and can tell when you’re lying and when you’re telling the truth please believe me this time I really am not lying I’ve said all I needed to say good luck with pomy how could he break up with me like that I loved him what happened Raga why are you so upset why

Are you crying can you imagine I was on a date with Jax and he was hiding pomy under his bed at the same time Jax has crossed all the lines how could he treat you like that you know today I agreed to a date with him and in the evening he

Was already kissing pomy is he really kissing PNE come to the window and see for yourself you’re telling the truth he’s at home with PNE they’re not kissing but seeing them together is enough for me what should I do now I have no idea how to handle this

Situation but I’m really devastated I won’t go on a date with him anymore I thought I found a good guy but he turned out to be unfaithful I think you shouldn’t be sad better go home and rest and you our digital friends subscribe and hit the like button to support our

Friend while you’re resting I’ll talk to him thank you you’re a true friend Kane unlike that Rabbit Jack no need for thanks my my life’s calling is to help people all right I’ll go rest lie on the bed and contemplate life and please in the meantime talk to JX maybe he’ll come

To his senses good luck with your rest ratha first I’ll go to the circus play the drums and then talk to JX pomy this is a real tragedy it turns out ratha caught us and she thinks we’re dating yes and now she thinks we’re a couple reversing that will be very difficult

Yes now she thinks we’re together all because you HD under the bed you shouldn’t have done that but on the other hand if if I had just been at your place then she would have definitely thought we were dating you have a very low IQ because of you hiding under the

Bed she thinks we’re hiding our relationship I didn’t think it through yes that makes sense what do we do now I think we need to come up with a plan I should do something to make her forgive me and believe that we’re not dating I

Think you need to run to Kane and ask him for advice after all he’s the smartest in our digital circus good idea let’s go to him let’s go to Kane I really hope that Kane will help me solve this problem because cuz I’m starting to miss ragi and her kind smile Kane always

Helps in any situation so I’m sure he can help you and you and ratha will love each other again oh it’s great that Kane is coming here Kane come here quickly I have a question for you what’s going on guys what happened we have terrible news and problems that we can’t solve without

You so we came to you to help us figure it out tell me I’ll listen you see Kane pomy came to my house to talk but then ratha showed up and saw that pomy was at my place we were supposed to have a date today but seeing pomy under the bed she

Thought I loved pomy and not her you really know how to get into trouble when you need to and when you don’t but I have one idea on how to help you what’s the idea tell me quickly you need to take and give a ring to ratha when you

Give her the ring she’ll forget all the Grievances and love you again do you have a ring yes I have a ring it’s at home I can give it to ratha well give her the ring and she’ll melt with happiness and forget all the Grievances and this incident that’s an interesting

Idea thanks thanks Kane oh guys I really don’t like this at all but we don’t have another plan so we have to stick to it I’ll always support my friend because I’m a good girl now so I’m all for making this plan work there’s a hint of

Jealousy in your words let’s go quickly you’ve caused enough trouble good luck proposing to ragath thank you I’ll never forget you I can’t wait to see how you’ll give her the ring listen pomy I have a task for you you go to my house now go to the second floor stand there

And wait make sure you’re not visible at all I don’t want ratha to suspect anything and I don’t want you to ruin my plan all right deal I’ll sit quietly like a mouse you won’t see me at all I’ll go to the second floor now and wait

For you to finish proposing to ratha guys I need to get ready to give the ring to ratha and I hope that after that she’ll forgive me and Kane’s plan will help us restore our relationship guys I feel so sad and lonely after Jax dumped

Me I can’t find my place I’m very sad and disgusted now life will never be the same I don’t understand how he he could do this I hope he feels as bad as I do right now guys this is my chance this girl got dumped and now she’s alone

Which means I can go for her hand and heart H ratha clown what are you doing here please don’t touch me don’t worry I won’t do anything bad to you then why did you come well I know what happened to you and the rabbit I know you’ve

Broken up now how could Jax do this it’s none of your business clown I think he’s not worthy of you look at me what a handsome man I am with my pumped up arm and abs I’m very wealthy and I have a lot of power in this digital circus I

Didn’t know you were such an influential clown I thought you were just an ordinary guy moreover I came to you not empty-handed I have this delicious cake for you take a look wow what a big cake it smells so delicious like vanilla it’s so romantic wow I’ll place it here and

Here’s a personal gift for you too no one has ever given me such expensive gifts yes I’m a true romantic you who is that in your photo is that Jack why is he in this photo instead of me how repulsive he looks against your beauty

I’m a real man with money and abs well you’re great you give me gifts and even gave me a huge cake that’s very cool and Jax never gives me gifts and I’ll give you gifts every day because I’m very rich and influential could it be that I

Finally found a man with whom I’ll be happy in our life together everything will be simply perfect you’ll be bathing in gold now I’ll give my queen ratha this beautiful ring guys look at how gorgeous it is and it’s in such an incredibly graceful packaging I’m sure

No one has ever given her such gifts and she’ll be overjoyed and fall in love with happiness I’ll quietly approach her house to surprise her I’m sure she’ll love it and she’ll agree to marry me right away oh my gosh what’s happening here ratha what are you doing with this

Creepy clown why are you bothering my girl aren’t you ashamed her heart is taken get out of here bunny now she’s my girl and you shouldn’t touch her otherwise I’ll eat you what are you talking about have you lost your mind how dare you call my girl your girl

Looks like you don’t know much ja rtha can you explain to me what’s going on here I came here to apologize and tell you what really happened and here you’ve already found yourself a new guy he came to me himself and started giving me gifts cakes and jewelry kmo how dare you

Give gifts to my girl well you asked for it yourself kmo turned into a monster this always ends badly so it’s better to run from here rega come with me quickly I’ll stay here kfmo won’t touch me looks like kfmo is really angry and now wants

To devour me guys let’s run away quickly get out of here bunny horned one is my girl now and you won’t be able to stop me fine you can have her just don’t touch me my life is more valuable than ratha that’s what I wanted to hear now

Ratha is only my girl and I’m not interested in some bunnies I knew Jax would be scared of me and finally break up with ragi now I’ll go to her and tell everything how her ex-boyfriend got scared of me kmo you’re so cool I saw everything from the window you’re so big

And brave guys this bully kfmo turned into a monster and ATT attacked me he chased me away from my girlfriend ratha I’ll go to PNE right now and tell her everything I hope she’ll support me I wonder what Jax is doing why hasn’t he returned yet I hope he has already given

The ring to reatha I’m back you won’t believe what happened hey Jax what happened I still can’t believe it but now rata is cmo’s girlfriend and he gives her gifts and protects her by turning into a monster with CMO he’s not handsome and he’s dangerous how could

She fall in love with this scary guy because he gave her gifts she fell for him and now she thinks he’ll be with her forever but I know he’s up to something I just can’t believe this Jax no sane person would date a clown but it seems

Ratha is an exception what should we do we need to go and defeat this clown that’s the only way you can win ratha’s heart back but I can’t defeat him alone he’s big and strong and I’m small because I only eat carrots well you’re right let’s think of something now do

You know where Kane is if I’m not mistaken he went to the circus he’s busy right now he won’t be able to help this is terrible so we’ll have to fight against kmo together let’s head down and get ready for The Showdown run down faster somebody help me save me kmo is

After me he wants something probably hungry definitely I’ll Escape through the window py Jax help me kmo is attacking me looks like a monster save yourselves ratha he won’t catch us on the ice so let’s go there you won’t Escape From Me puny humans guys run to

The ice attractions that’s where we can shake off the monster I hope we can outrun him let’s trick him too let’s ride on the carts not headon but on the tracks follow me and we’ll surely hide from him you’re right that way we can fool the monster and he won’t catch or

Eat us let’s go up quickly to the second floor there we can grab the carts and ride away hooray we made it upstairs hurry grab carts from the chest place them on the tracks and let’s ride away separately py catch up with us quickly py I’m really nervous because of you if

Calmo catches you we’ll miss you a lot so get on a cart and catch up with us as soon as possible who broke the railroad Jack we’re falling pomy be careful there’s a gap ahead wait where’s PNE calmo might have eaten her guys I’m here I barely escaped from the clown let’s

Run from here quickly because he might also be riding a cart after us or Running From Below looks like he broke the railroad tracks to hinder us yes it’s definitely him how could I believe in such a villain that he would love me guys there’s some kind of cave here run

After me guys if you want to survive follow me and you dear viewers leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you want us to defeat calmo yes guys be sure to subscribe and like and in the next episode we’ll cage kmo and take revenge

On him for all the bad things I hope we manage to hide from him in this cave otherwise I don’t know what we’ll do if he catches us oh no kfmo ahead he caught up with us guys turn around and run back you thought you could escape from

Me no you are deeply mistaken in this digital circus I am the king and God run back quickly or he’ll turn us into skeletons yes let’s get out of here quickly I hope he just gets tired of chasing chasing us guys stop what’s up pomy guys there are three of us why

Can’t we just defeat him by uniting together you’re a genius PNE okay guys let’s turn around and run back catch this clown off guard he surely won’t be ready for an attack strange he’s nowhere on the street I have a bad feeling he probably ran to the circus to take Kane

Hostage and blackmail us oh my gosh I hope you’re wrong and it’s not true and he didn’t come up with such a plan that’s a very likely scenario because all villains do that so we need to hurry he’s probably already in the circus and tied up Kane with a rope we’re finally

Here just need to run to the entrance and check if Kane is there or not oh no guys Kane is not here then all we can do is wait for kofo to come here and tell us where he’s hiding Kane because we won’t find him like this at least we’ll

Be safe here while waiting for his return why did you even let calmo into your house actually it’s your fault because you started dating PNE and I loved you supported you guys don’t fight don’t get angry everything’s okay we’re all together nothing bad is happening are you alive

I’ll tell you everything now ratha actually PNE just came to talk to JX but you came at the wrong time and pomy had to hide under the bed from you so that you wouldn’t think that Jax fell in love with pomy seriously then Jax forgive me I misunderstood everything how could I

Doubt your words I was under very bad anger so I didn’t believe you but now I forgive you Ray I’m so happy that you forgave me ratha so today we’ll go on a date okay hey guys welcome to the awesome digital circus today we’re finally diving into the anticipated

Water jumping competition I’m all set for my first test jump Kane you got this all right I’ve warmed up and ready to jump oops didn’t nail it next time you’ll nail it for sure Kane but turns out there won’t be any diving competition today because some big

Trouble just crashed the party out of nowhere enter the clown CMO hey guys check out that girl over there if I’m not mistaken her name is PNE she’s so pretty I want her to be my girl kmo the clown was so smitten with pomy that he

Fell in love and decided to win her heart what a fantastic day guys good thing we chose this day for something other than water jumping competitions little did the guys know that kmo would mess up all their plans now I can sneak a peek at pomy from underwater guys subscribe and hit

The like button and I’ll steal pne’s swimsuit right now breaking the glass gave me access to this pool and now I’ll do what I planned you guys are hilarious I sense each one of you is geared up for the competition with that sporty Vibe I’ve been preparing for a whole week and

Now I’m ready to win this contest guys subscribe to the channel and hit like if we get a lot of likes in the next ragi episode she’ll shave her head yeah I’m not kidding she declared she wants to shave it all off I want to see her bald

If we hit 20,000 likes I’ll really shave my head oh guys someone just touched me maybe it’s a fish guys look at kmo what is he doing in our pool oh my gosh I thought he was still locked up looks like he escaped and came to get revenge

Hey pumy look what I’ve got what have you done calmo why did you steal my pants I’ll take them back and give you a beating yeah guys grab this thief hold on you’ll regret stealing my pants for sure guys hurry catch him I can’t handle him alone I need your help wait pomy

I’ll help you by throwing a Lifeline but we’re rushing to help you it’s over for you kmo you won’t escape from us give back my pants nicely what are you going to do to me you can’t do anything to me now oh my gosh he turned into into a

Real monster back off run back don’t get close to him guys what do we do now I don’t know jck guys kmo stole my pants and now he’s turned into a worse version of himself we need to run home and hide there this is a disaster guys look he’s

Running how disgusting and scary we need to hide from him as quickly as possible where he can’t reach us kmo please don’t touch us we’ll do whatever you want let’s climb to the second floor ratha I’ll go up first because I’m more important than you we’ll discuss that

Later guys I’m going up to the second floor with my friends if kmo doesn’t transform back into a little clown he won’t be able to reach us due to his size pomy he’s right here guys he’s right here he’s so huge just make sure his spikes don’t shatter our window I

Think this is the end he’s about to burst in guys I didn’t expect this he can transform at such a massive speed he turned into a dangerous Giant in just a second comment below with your ideas on how to escape him maybe you have some real suggestions you see this too guys

Right he’s so scary and nasty I don’t want to be his dinner py listen to me urgently we need an immediate evacuation of the entire digital circus that’s an order we need to evacuate from here urgently otherwise we’ll all end up in his mouth soon I’m not leaving here

Because kopo stole my pants and without them I’m like without hands pull yourself together pomy your anger is totally misplaced right now let’s figure out how we’re going to deal with him now what once and for all let’s feed him carrots maybe he likes vegetables Jax do

You not understand the danger of this situation at all he only likes meat that means Us in general guys riding in Minecarts is not an option at all because he runs faster than those carts he’ll catch us easily look he’s right there ah he’s running straight towards

Us back get inside the house otherwise he’ll throw you down right now hurry get inside he’s so close I’m so scared guys it seems like it’s time to say goodbye to our lives because he won’t let us go from here so guys subscribe and hit like while we’re still alive what are we

Going to do now guys I’m racking my brain right now but so far I can’t think of anything other than the idea to distract him but I still find this idea too absurd if you throw carrots at him he won’t be distracted by them this rabbit is not worthy of the incredibly

Beautiful pomy right now he’s talking to her and I want to clench my fist and punch him in his yellow teeth I should be in his place right now I’ll teach this rabbit a lesson I need to eliminate my competitor who’s vying for pne’s heart now I’ve shrunk and I’ve become a

Real handsome guy who will undoubtedly impress this girl PNE when I see him talking to PNE everything inside me tightens and I’m really jealous well no problem I have a cunning plan to get rid of this rabbit my plan will work 100% now now I’m scattering carrots all over

The street and when Jax comes down he’ll see them and follow the trail I’ve laid out walking straight into the Trap I’m preparing now this trap will be specially camouflaged so that Jax doesn’t suspect anything and falls right into it I’ll use my professional pickaxe to dig the Trap very very quickly look

At this powerful Enchanted pickaxe I have wow what a deep trap the key is to professionally camouflage and cover it with carrots now look guys I’ve set up special blocks and as soon as Jack steps on them he’ll simply fall down and now I’ll Place some slanted grass on top so

That the Trap isn’t noticeable I can’t wait to see this rabbit fall into my trap and I’ll laugh at him because he won’t be able to stop me from winning his girl over so now all I have to do is hide and wait for Jax to spot my bait

And fall into the Trap I’ll hide behind this tree and watch guys kmo went somewhere I’ll go on reconnaissance to see where he disappeared to maybe he’s lurking somewhere to catch us be careful ja he might use different baits to lure you into a trap don’t worry about me

Pomy guys look what’s a carrot doing here someone must have hid it and it fell out of my crates we need to pick it up before it rots on the ground hooray now I have a carrot how awesome is that I’ve increased my supplies wait a second guys look there’s another carrot lying

Here who dropped it this is very strange well okay I’ll pick it up there’s never too much carrot look another pile of carrots today is a wonderful day I’m so lucky that someone dropped carrots and now I’ll claim them for myself I think someone’s carrot bag just burst and when

Someone was carrying it the carrots gradually fell out another carrot and another carrot what luck oh no who dug a hole here how could I fall into it someone please help me get me out of here I can’t get out haha got you rabbit cleverly LED you into the Trap didn’t

Think it would be this easy you wanted a carrot you got it but in return I got you hey clown let me out of here I have a wife kids and many rabbits in my family who are you trying to fool I know you’re the only rabbit in this digital

Circus you have no idea how much trouble you’ve gotten yourself into my friends will punish you no I’ll punish you because you’re in love with the girl I like when I get out you’re in for it but while you’re in the pit listen to me here eat a carrot maybe it’ll make you

Feel better why are you making fun of me clown please let me out just sit tight for now I’ll go try to make pomy stop loving you and fall for me you dare to try that I’ll get out and Destroy You what’s that sound seems like some

Mosquito is flying around guys it’s been a while since Jax is gone where did he disappear to I’m really worried what if something happened I’m starting to worry he went on a reconnaissance mission alone what if kofo caught him because he’s been gone for a while I think

There’s no need to worry he probably just passed by the car patch most likely he got distracted and started collecting carrots don’t worry so much pomy he’s definitely fine I’m sure I have a woman’s intuition but still I need to go check all right you’re right let’s not

Underestimate cough mode okay then guys wait for me here I’ll go check everything alone I don’t want to endanger your lives yeah let me stay here because I’m really scared good luck pomy all right guys guys I need to quietly go down so that no one hears me

Ah Copo get away from me hey beautiful pumy you look absolutely wonderful today you have such beautiful eyes now you’ll be my girlfriend and you won’t be able to resist it because I love you and you will love me Jax I hope you can hear me

Please save me help Jax won’t bother us anymore this rabbit won’t see the sun anymore guys this clown kfmo has crossed all the boundaries looks like he did something to Jax clown maybe we can come to an agreement with you we’ll go home have some tea and you’ll release Jax

Let’s go I’m glad you’re coming towards me let’s go to your place so what do you want from me can I come in welcome in look at the beautiful figurine on my shelf examine it carefully what a beautiful figurine calmo this is how I outsmarted you now you’ll never catch me

Stand still pomy you won’t Escape From Me guys we need to get out of here as quickly as possible and go to the second floor Kan rega alarm calmo is here get ready to ride the mine carts as fast as you can he’s here what do you mean just

Grab a mine cart and get out of here faster what’s the rush kmo is not in the window leave us alone clone I’ll never be your girlfriend let’s get out of here faster Kane you also catch up with us because we’ll leave faster cofo might catch up with you don’t worry about me

I’m a boxing champion faster guys let’s get out of here on the mine carts before the clown turns into a huge monster kmo and catches us I hope we can break away from him and he won’t catch us what did he do to Jax I don’t know but I have a

Very bad feeling because he said that Jax will never see the sky and the sun again move aside there’s some kind of obstacle there’s a real traffic jam of Minecarts here then quickly jump out of them and let’s run away on foot stop guys where’s the clown do you see him if

I’m not mistaken he was following us and it looks like he jumped down from the mine cart and could be anywhere now he was following me and now he’s gone guys look there he is he came to us from the other side run everyone from here quickly follow me into the cave and

There we’ll find shelter the main thing is that he doesn’t do anything nasty and doesn’t trap us in this cave py wait for us we’re not catching up wait guys where’s the clown why isn’t he running after us very suspicious I hope the exit from the cave won’t be blocked let’s

Hope the clown is just very slow or has a low IQ run faster because he can turn into a monster at any moment ah I knew it he smarted us run back quickly or he’ll catch up and destroy us I hope we can get away from him using the mine

Carts he almost caught me I’m trying to run faster but I can’t these are very bad news even I who can get out of any situation don’t know what to do let’s sit on the mine carts and go back this way he definitely won’t catch us each of

You take a mine cart place it on the rails and accelerate wait guys where’s the clown did he disappear again ah he’s already here he caught up with us again run run faster I’m already booking it because my ride broke down hey guys check it out looks like Kane got nabbed

By the Clown hope he pulls through cuz as he said he’s got a solid 10 years of pro boxing experience today is legit the worst day of my life guys cofo snagged all my buddies ah CMO he’s already here how does he teleport over such distances

You can’t hide from me rava turn around and run back cuz kmo is already here oh my gosh my heart is about to stop I’m so scared thank goodness I did parkour 5 years ago I can jump through trees to evade him ah he’s chasing me maybe a

Llama will save me guys we need to team up ASAP alone he’s going to devour us all together we’re a forge join us PNE run on the tracks I’ve got a plan on how to beat him all right guys it’s time to subscribe and hit that like button

Because this epic moment has never happened in our series before CMO somehow teleports through our digital circus I think he’s using magic looks like we managed to shake him off and now we’re hiding at my place waiting for Calo to get tired of chasing us man am I

Exhausted guys finally we’re at jaxon’s place and it’s safer here than on the streets guys I’ve got bad news for you I’m sure that clown kmo somehow lured our Jacks and locked him up somewhere now we’re without our friend and we need to figure out how to save him how did he

Manage that when hair is super super fast and can jump high plus he’s got a smart mind he can be easily lured if you know his weak spots and his weak spots are carrots clearly kofo could have tempted him with a carrot oh yeah you’re right I forgot about his carrot

Dependency exactly that’s why we need to find him and rescue him we need to calmly and quietly leave the house now and look for our friend or shout maybe he’ll respond carefully go down main thing don’t make any noise so guys here we are downstairs but so far I don’t see

Any signs of a struggle or toughs of our rabbit’s fur he might be here but we need to be super careful and quiet because kfmo is roaming around somewhere and if he hears that we’re looking for the rabbit he’ll hide him he couldn’t have gone far right no he couldn’t not

Much time has passed maybe he’s over there by the colorful blocks someone help me can anyone hear me I hear him shouting somewhere in that direction let’s run faster hey Jax are you here pumy get me out of here how could you end up in such a primitive trap up until

Now I thought you were smart ja seriously how could you not notice and fall into such a pit please get me out I’m scared and hungry better tell us how you ended up here I saw a carrot and then I saw another carrot and then I saw

A few more carrots and then I fell into a pit Calo lured me here by scattering carrots all over the field I told you it’s easy to lure this rabbit with a low IQ using carrots I won’t be surprised if he has a green mess message and ey

Message I have extra blocks that we can use to get out give me those blocks I’ll drop them down for Jack here you go pomy now I’ll work on getting Jax out of the pit and you guys keep an eye out for kmo make sure he doesn’t show up anywhere

Hold on Jax one block for you place it under yourself and you can climb out thanks pomy you’re really kind great Jax now climb out using these steps you can do it come on up thanks a lot guys for saving me I owe you now awesome Jax I’m

So glad you’re alive and now you’re back with us ah come back glad to see you PNE guys let’s run from here he caught up with us again and found us we need to retreat urgently we can’t handle this fight hey clown how about we make a deal with you it’s

Awkward running without my pants maybe you give me back my pants and I’ll give you the blocks maybe we should go on a date instead we’ll definitely go on a date in the next episode just give me back my pants fine here you go I hope

You’re not tricking me if you do I’ll do something very bad to you and your friends I totally fooled him guys let’s run from here you tricked him so cleverly PNE let’s all ride boats together great idea there are exactly three boats here and we can all ride far far away on them

Together Kane hop into my boat so you don’t get left behind as usual guys kmo turned into a monster again then let’s hurry and get out of here before he catches up with us guys catch up with us because kmo can also use ice to speed up

Hurry up pomy he’s catching up don’t worry Kane we’re almost there and that means as soon as we get out of the boat we’ll run in all directions guys let’s go faster we’re already here guys he’s catching up from the left so grab mine carts and go up because Kao won’t fit

Into a mine cart with that size guys we need to hurry and you our digital friends make sure to like And subscribe to the channel because only on our channel can such epic content happen these Minecart rides are thrilling share the the top of the tower is still below

Because he’s afraid of heights pomy I’m following you finally we managed to escape from this villain and now nothing threatens us as long as he hasn’t changed back to his clown form ah someone help the clown is back he teleported again will you go on a date

With me pomy Raga let’s quickly go down otherwise he’ll push us off the cliff py What’s Happening Here the clown changed his appearance again teleported and there he is how do we get out of here we have only one option we need to jump into the pool but it’s very high up

There I don’t care jumping down why did someone push me okay I’ll go next just please pomy don’t push me Good Luck Kane Kane I’m jumping after you we I’m flying after you guys too guys look the clown is watching us from above I hope his fear of height stops him from jumping

Down to us looks like he’s really scared to jump yeah guys look he’s standing at the edge of the ramp but he doesn’t dare to jump down most likely he does have a fear of heights did we actually manage to escape from him seems like this time

We really did you promised to go on a date with me you lied if all our viewers subscribe and like this video and it gets a lot of likes then we’ll definitely go on a date so for now convince your subscribers to hit that like button guys we need to run right

Now because he’s afraid to jump and while he descends on the mine cart it’ll take a lot of time and we can hide in the shelter guys it was really the scariest day of my life I hope you enjoyed this episode with a like And subscribe pomy come on please let’s go

On a date guys our episode is coming to an end if we get a lot of likes in the next episode I might go on a date with the clown and maybe he won’t be as scary as he seems hey guys you won’t believe what we found in our amazing digital

Circus I have no idea where this came from it’s like some kind of magic you guys are going to love this for sure because it’s so beautiful let’s quickly show this amazing work of nature to our followers all right guys check it out we’ve got an incredible waterfall here

And we have no clue where it came from it’s so beautiful like it’s from some Tropical Paradise it’s all cool but what bugs me is that it just popped out of nowhere come on Kane no big deal now our digital circus has a beautiful waterfall exactly Kane don’t worry now we have a

Place to take a refreshing shower in the morning let’s all try it out right now we’re taking a dip here jump in guys I hope it’s safe man the water here is so cold but it’s so invigorating so it’s actually a natural waterfall and somewhere in the Rocks there’s a source

I hope you’ve calmed down Kane nothing bad happened yeah it’s really safe here all right guys I agree it’s really fun here I was just scared to climb in but I hope our viewers have already subscribed cried and liked for my bravery look there’s some strange chest here open it

Up Kane hurry I’ll only open it after our viewers subscribe and like this video I’m already subscribed so I’ll open this chest what’s inside there are a lot of mine carts here I wonder what that means I think it’s worth taking a ride on this railroad maybe it leads

Somewhere I’ll go first I’m also coming after you because I’ve done all that too let’s go ratha start faster yeah Kane by the way we’re already here I thought this railroad led into the depths of the rock look the mine cart rolled down hey who launched an empty mine cart at me

Well now we’ll have to walk because it’s unsafe to ride down why did you do this now my legs will get tired now we’re up here and you’re down there don’t worry ratha it’s still useful for you to shed a few extra pounds yeah pomy this turned

Out to be a fun unplanned prank I didn’t expect the mine cart to go down and crash into ratha J ratha hurry up we’ve been waiting for you and it’s really boring here I’m almost there but ragi is really tired she’s almost crying ragi we’ve been waiting for you and want to

Show show you something guys there’s a very long staircase here I’m really tired my legs are already wobbly why are you rushing me it’s okay the main thing is that you came and we’re finally all together I hope the viewers subscribed and liked for us finally getting

Together wow you can see the entire digital circus from here it’s so beautiful while the guys were enjoying the incredible views they had no idea that danger was lurking Calo Broke Free and all he could think about was devouring everyone in the digital circus all this time time he had been

Underground so the guys had no clue he would appear so suddenly and catch them off guard for the past few days he had been hiding and waiting for the guys to gather together to snatch them all at once and devour them guys it’s so cool here such fresh mountainer guys let’s

Try jumping down from here it seems like it’ll be fun yeah that’s a great idea it’ll lift our Spirits are you crazy pomy what if we crash it’s such a hey plus we’re in the mountains and there might be sharp Rocks Under the Water guys come on don’t fight it was so good

Before Jax apologize to me for hitting me no way I’d rather leave here as a winner and jump down into that waterfall goodbye JX are you okay I hope he’s fine Jack watch out I’m jumping to you no Kane stop guys I hope you’re all okay

It’s such a height you can just slide down the waterfall why jump hey guys I’m sliding down look wow pomy why didn’t we think of just jumping down the waterfall it would have been fun sliding down slowly with the flowing water hey Jax we haven’t finished our thing yet hold on

You need to say sorry to me wait don’t hit me my furry Paw’s already hurt yeah Jack stop you should apologize to pomy real boys don’t act like this you guys don’t understand me I’ll have to run away because you won’t come negotiate with me Jax seriously stop now is not

The time for fights let’s solve everything peacefully okay Jax I forgive you but don’t do that again I can handle things on my own Ray guys finally you patch things up I’m so happy that happiness and kindness are back in our crew guys I’m tired of watching you

Argue this is crossing all the limits I think I’ll head home and take care of my own business come on Kane please stay we’ve already finished fighting and made up I don’t care that you’ve made up you’ll start fighting over any little thing again see you knowing that all

This drama is because of you you’re to blame for him leaving me to blame didn’t you start this conflict in the first place take that guys are you back to your old ways again seems like Kan was right you’re going to argue over every little thing interesting fact only

Losers like to eat carrots real teenagers love to eat pizza with rabbit meat how can you say that you don’t respect me at all you’re Crossing all the lines aren’t you ashamed to talk like that about carrots and rabbits guys if you don’t stop arguing right now I’m

Going to take off like Kane and go home all right everyone I’m out of here I’m done arguing with you let everyone stick to their opinion can’t believe you guys finally had a good idea it was about time to make up and move on to having fun all right let’s just stay good

Friends and forget this conflict okay Jax let’s forget about it and go go ride some rides yay we’re best friends again remember guys it’s kmo run save yourselves whoever can oh my gosh he actually made it into our digital circus guys until he catches us one by one

Let’s stick together and get out of here he’s almost caught up to me goodbye in advance guys I love you all so much ratha run faster he shouldn’t catch you until we find a hiding spot guys he’s not giving up I suggest going upstairs maybe then he won’t be able to reach us

Because we’ll be higher up hurry grab the mine and go up I can’t do it my hands are shaking from Fear I couldn’t place the mine cart on the tracks pull yourself together and do it or we’re all done for guys let’s go faster I’m scared

My paws are shaking I couldn’t place the mine cart either meanwhile while the guys were trying to go upstairs kmo was lurking nearby waiting for them to gather at the top to carry out his plan hooray we did it and finally we’re going up guys don’t leave me alone down here

I’m scared guys I’m already upstairs guys I’m catching up wait for me what do we do now if kmo is below us we won’t last long here we’ll run out of food soon and we’ll want to go down I don’t have any ideas yet but thank goodness

We’re safe for now yeah kmo is too big to come up here in a mine cart what do we do with him now I don’t know yet but maybe he has a weak spot maybe we need to throw something at him and it’ll hurt and he’ll run away and what are you

Going to throw at him Jax a carrot I don’t know yet because look how huge he is and he’s right below us guys look at how gigantic and scary he is guys I’ve made a decision I’ll distract him no you can’t risk it it’s very dangerous we

Have no choice I’ll go down and distract him and you guys run to Kane I believe he’ll help us get rid of kmo do you realize that these might be your last words what if he eats you guys I understand everything but I have to do

It it’s a friendly Duty I have to save you all if kofo eats you I’ll take all your carrots guys right now I’m about to go down but before I do that please subscribe to the channel and hit the like button let’s reach 50,000 likes and

Then I hope kfmo will leave me alone you want to jump down yes I’ll jump down for the element of surprise so he won’t expect me to fall from the sky goodbye Jack we love you very much goodbye Guys 1 2 3 bye hey kfo come on try to catch

Me you definitely can’t guys look he fell for it and he’s probably going to chase me now my main task now is to lead him as far away from my friends as possible so they can safely go down and reach Kane come on kfmo you can’t catch

Me because you’re slow weak and clumsy guys he’s so scary and huge huge I’m so scared he’s going to catch me now but it seems like I’m running really fast I’m doing all this for the good of my friends so guys you have to subscribe and like for my bravery things are

Really bad it’s not very clear from a distance but it looks like CUO caught our friend I hope he managed to hide or burrow into a hole after all he’s a rabbit you’re right so let’s hurry down and run to Kane and tell him everything yeah let’s hurry down already the most

Important thing is not to use the mine carts because they make a lot of noise and CMO might hear that we’re escaping from here yes you’re thinking very wisely guys right now we’re going down and running to Kane to tell him that cofo is on the loose and that he needs

To come up with some way to destroy him did we really make it down Yes we made it down and kmo isn’t here for now so our plan is to quietly run to the circus and tell everything to Cain yeah so before we epically run to Kane I’ll ask

Everyone to hit like subscribe to the channel and comment on what they think about our friend Jack did he manage to distract or not I think it’s time for us to run to Kane yes let’s hurry to him I can’t wait to tell him what happened yes

I see him already he’s sitting and playing his musical instruments as if nothing happened yes I see him too let’s quickly tell him everything Kane stop playing your drums we have an emergency what’s going on pomy did you argue with Jax again it’s very serious kfmo got

Into our digital circus and took Jax with him what how did he get into our digital circus I had everything under control we need to save Jack urgently it’s true it’s a nice nightmare he took him and I hope he hasn’t eaten him yet I may be very brave but right now I’m

Truly scared kmo is huge I don’t even know how we’ll deal with him but right now we need to go and rescue Jax Kane I’m begging you save our friend because if we lose him it will be a real tragedy please do something without Jax our life

Won’t be the same we won’t wake up with smiles and wait for his carrot anymore right now I don’t have any ideas on how to do it but first we need to go towards kfmo and figure out how we’ll drive him out of our digital circus guys please

Hit like And subscribe to the channel because only that will help us save Jack guys look there’s some kind of map here what is this map Kane most likely it shows the location of the potion we need wow that’s great news can we really handle kmo let’s run to the point

Indicated on the map to find this potion guys the map shows that the potion is near the waterfall what a coincidence we were just there recently let’s hurry back there I hope this map really shows the actual location of the potion I’m afraid kmo might have left this map here

On purpose to confuse us and prevent us from defeating him if we act together we can definitely defeat this villain because good always triumphs over evil I’ve watched a lot of movies and in the end the good characters always defeat the villains so we shouldn’t be discouraged guys we finally arrived at

The destination where could this potion be I have no idea do we have to dig into this rock to find it I don’t know maybe look for it on the trees here something might be hidden there because kmo is so tall and the potion might be on the

Trees I don’t think we should search on the trees Kane what’s that Tower behind us it’s a lighthouse nothing unusual a lighthous very interesting look there’s some kind of Passage up there I think we should go up and check it out let me climb up and check because it’s

Dangerous for everyone to go there together please be very careful up there don’t worry pomy I used to do parkour in my youth Heights like this don’t scare me Kane I wish you good luck I hope the potion is up there guys look how skillfully he climbs the lighthouse

Using those Vines signes seems like he wasn’t lying about doing parkour in his youth wow he’s doing it so gracefully I think he hasn’t lost the skills he gained in his use guys I made it to the top everything’s fine wait down there I’ll check the room inside for the

Potion all right guys let’s enter this room look there are some Christmas gifts here hit like if you’re looking forward to Christmas and New Year and comment on what gifts you’d like to get from Santa Santa Claus himself will read these comments and might choose you to give

You the gift you asked for guys look there’s also a strange chest here and I’ve never seen a chest of this color before I wonder what’s inside WR in the comments oddly it won’t open it seems to have some kind of password but I don’t know any passwords except for the one

From my Wikipedia account we need to go down now and find out maybe you guys know the password for this chest and guys look Kane is coming down most likely he already got the potion and now he’ll give it to us we’ll be able to defeat kmo look he’s descending lower

And lower guys we have a problem there’s a chest with a password we need the password do you know the password oh my gosh the password can we find out guys let’s run to the waterfall maybe there’ll be some hint there I feel it trust me yes let’s hurry maybe the mark

On the map wasn’t indicating the potion’s location but the password’s location let’s climb faster because I can’t stand this anymore we’ve been solving this situation for too long meanwhile kfmo is probably touching Jax with his huge paw PNE climb up faster you’re right we need to hurry and do

Everything much faster yes we’ve already climbed up but for some reason I don’t see any password here maybe we need to solve some riddle maybe the password needs to be found in the waterfall itself in this hole precisely guys it seems we are doomed to failure there

Really is no password here but maybe you guys know where it is so please hit like and write in the comments where the password is because I can’t find it guys it seems I found the password it’s hanging here on a sign something is written here most likely this is the

Password 3232 we should try entering it on the chest let’s go quickly yes let’s go down guys using this waterfall to avoid falling from the height let’s hurry to the lighthouse and you cane climb up your Vines as quickly as possible and try this password in action

Yes I’m already climbing up these Vines my hands are already getting numb but I’m trying to crawl higher and higher guys support me with likes and subscriptions it’s very important for me to feel your support while I crawl up so I’m in position and right now I’ll try

To open this chest using the password guys the chest opened it worked also inside there’s indeed some kind of potion I wonder what it does I’ve never encountered such a potion before let’s quickly go down to the very bottom and run to calmo to test this potion Kane

Have you finally come down did the password work girls I found the potion we need wow and what does this potion do I don’t know but it says here that it’s a fear potion probably if we use it kfo will be afraid of us and he might just

Run away or something else might happen I’m even afraid to imagine what could happen but we must save our friend Jack because I won’t be able to forgive myself for losing him yes we really need to get him out of cmo’s clutches because I love him and want to kiss him ratha

You’re not thinking about that we need to think not about goodbyes but about how to save him yes bney you’re right we need to hurry let’s all take the carts and go along this big Railway towards Jack’s house maybe he’s there yeah let’s go faster along this Railway because I

Can’t wait to see Jack’s face when we defeat CMO it’s so great that we were able to find the password and open this chest because right now we had a very bad mood and if we were going to kmo without the fear potion it would have been even worse guys write in the

Comments if we can defeat kfmo or not if this will help us or not also subscribe and like if you haven’t done so yet because now is the most crucial moment in our lives your support is more needed now than ever because without it we’re like without hands guys it seems I’m

About to crash into an empty cart I need to quickly push it with my hand so that it can’t stop my way hooray I managed to break it it wasn’t in vain that I practiced parkour 10 years ago the agility in my hands is still there finally we’ve arrived at Jack’s house

Unfortunately he’s not here so most likely he’s hiding from CMO guys we’re finally here this means it’s time to put our plan into action let’s all exit the house together and move towards kfmo to throw our potion at him yes that’s a great idea let’s go down and do it guys

Wait for me I’m always the last one most importantly be careful everyone because we don’t know what to expect from kmo we haven’t fully studied him yet so he can be unpredictable each of us must be extremely cautious dealing with him you’re right PNE we need to be careful

Right now we’ll be descending into the lair behind us look there it’s so cold and scary we’ll go down and throw the potion at him and guys if you want the continuation of this series make sure to hit the like button and sub subscribe to the channel let’s aim for 25,000 likes

And then the next episode will be released this is pomy and my friends with you see you

This video, titled ‘JAX IN THE BATHTUB WITH POMNI! WHAT IS HE PLANNING? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2023-11-27 19:30:01. It has garnered 210806 views and 6399 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:04 or 4024 seconds.


Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft! Exciting adventures await you here with Pomni, Jax, Ragatha, Caine, and their friends. Every day in the Amazing Circus, there are many interesting events, so be sure to watch the videos until the end and support our heroes. Enjoy the show!

Credits: GLITCH / Gooseworx

#digitalcircus #amazingdigitalcircus #pomni

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  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.siteb.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More