Jeffy vs Marvin ULTIMATE House Battle In Minecraft!

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She gave me my daddy are competing to see you can build your most secure house in Minecraft we both empty trying to break into each other’s houses and whoever successfully steals a diamond from each other’s houses swings too bad I’m gonna win Jeffy oh you’re not all

Right so over here I already have the base structure of my building ready to go and I know right now it doesn’t really look like much but we’re gonna turn it into the most secure house ever so as you can see in my hot bar I have

Pretty much everything I need to make this house secure all right so the first thing you’re going to want to do when you’re walking you’re working your one you’re putting down your freaking door so if you don’t know what this does what I can do is just right click on this

Boom and it Blends in like a netherrite block so when we come into the house what we’re going to want to do is make a hole in the ground I’m gonna dig a hole right here and then I want to punch a bunch of lava and then over the level

I’m gonna put a secret box I’m gonna put ghost blocks now if you don’t know what guns belongs are being basically they’re exactly what they sound like so now when you walk into the house you fall straight through the floor into lava in here I’m going to build your super cool

Secure kitchen with every kitchen it needs to come at going on sink you know so you can bathe in it every house does not need a bathtub you’re doing it in your bathtub for anything if you have a sink you’re good to go just use your

Singers and toilet and you’re fine so on your kitchen I’m gonna build a bunch of cabinets to keep all my chocolate cake in and when you push them up here oh yeah look that kitchen is already coming together and inside all of these I’m gonna put some chocolate cake so the

First thing my dad is going to try and get when he comes inside is my chocolate cake and that’s knocking you happy all right I’m finished putting all the chocolate cake into all these cabinets so now One’s Gonna build my bedroom we’re gonna build my bedroom up top

Because I like sleeping on your top floor so I’m gonna put a huge bed a big old Jeffy bang now I’m on your jump on you and then right here I’m gonna build a super cool flat screen TV all right here we go let’s build a super cool TV oh

Yeah oh my goodness I can watch TV from a mile across the room I can’t wait until they put on HML in here I’m gonna watch this all day on show I’m gonna build a mini kitchen up here because dumb I know when you walk all the way

Downstairs just to get to my kitchen so I’m gonna build one up here you also can’t forget about the fridges so we’re gonna put your friends there we also want to have a friend all the way up Tom look how cool yeah actually let’s add a

Few more fringes oh yeah come on so many fridges to put my chocolate cake in oh yeah what’s this it’s a burn what don’t make the burn now there’s one thing that my bedroom needs now is a bunch of chocolate cake everywhere oh yeah and then my bedroom is filled with

Chocolate cake let’s move on to the downstairs right here we’re gonna have our dining table oh yeah there we go we have a nice little dining table let’s put down our chairs so when we have visitors over we can know them open your drinks and again you cannot

Forget about all the chocolate cake oh yeah oh yeah why don’t you put some chocolate cake on the table oh now we’re gone and actually we might be able to use all this chocolate cake to lure in my daddy so earlier I mentioned that this floor is

All alone now if you look Below in the house there’s an entire other room now here is where I’m keeping all of the diamonds and this is the room that we need to protect so what I’m thinking is we’re gonna put some skeletons on the corner so if my daddy gets down here

He’s gonna get shot multiple times and I need to find some way to disguise this room so remember those ghost blocks I used earlier what I’m going to do is I’m just going to put an entire wall of them that way this whole thing is just this

Guy he’s gonna have no idea that there’s a whole lot of diamonds and emeralds and going behind here all right I’m finally finished with the wall but here’s only one one issue if my daddy gets back into this corner find like the skeletons or something he’s gonna fall through the

Wall and realize it’s fake so to prevent him from going all the way over here and you just won’t I’m gonna put a ton of spikes on the ground oh yeah looking all of these spikes there’s no way he’s gonna survive going over this wall look

At the creeper he’s dying I’m also gonna put a ton of traps right here in front of the fake wall so that way he has his spikes and the traps to worry about and I think right here I’m gonna put a ton of fake lava that way when my daddy

Falls down he’s gonna fall into a ton of lava and he’s gonna he’s going to die all right let’s start putting in all of the fake lava now actually this llama doesn’t do anything to you doesn’t actually do any damage hence the word fake lava see watch I’m gonna go in

Survival mode and it does nothing look you know I’m just oh wait oh no oh it’s a skeleton over there I thought the fake lava was broken yeah you hear stupid skeletons so when he falls down here he’s gonna think it’s just nothing but a death trap and he’s not gonna suspect

This wall at all if he comes through this wall I’m gonna put a ton of lasers and stuff see look how many lasers there are there’s no way he gets past this wall let’s see let’s also put some netherride Spikes all over in this place that way he just straight up Canyon but

There’s one thing we want to do we want to make sure we can still get in someone’s put in all these fake blocks right here that way we can just slip in and when my daddy sees a slip in with no problem at all he’s gonna be like what

How did you get in there and also we can flaunt this place with fake lava and no it’s not going to ruin anything because it’s fake and doesn’t do any damage oh my goodness this place is in penetrable all right let’s go back up and fortifying the rest of my house now what

I’m gonna do is surround my entire house with spikes that way if anyone gets even close to my house they’re gonna die I think what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna add spikes on the outside of my house too look at the top of my house that looks

So cool it looks exactly like a castle I think I’m also gonna add a drawbridge and with this I’m gonna use on this time there we go oh yeah all of the real lava look at that that looks so cool now it’s time to add the job rage

So let’s make a little hole with the spikes and let’s make this drawbridge out of bed wrong there we go look at that also you know what would be cool if we did a bunch of fake blocks right here that way he thinks he can’t get onto the

Jaw bridge but in reality you can just walk right through it now it’s time to add a tone here boom one laser down another laser down and let’s make sure to fortify my chocolate cake so let’s put a laser here and put a laser here enjoy your hair and

Your legs are here and your eyes are here there’s no way you can get past this and by the way we also have these super cool bear traps oh yeah I’m gonna put your birthday choice to get over into my cake he’s gonna fall right through the

Floor see watch this you’re just walking along and boom you fall straight into the traps that is perfect let’s add a few more spikes around here just in case he needs to stay away from all of my chocolate cake we’re adding Spikes all over the walls now there is one thing

That I’ve been waiting to show you for so long and it’s these cool centuries I’m gonna put one on each side on top of the house now what happens with these is when my daddy gets near a little thing Allen and Tom’s gonna pop up and it’s

Gonna start shooting at him one right there on each side so we get all angles I’m also going to put them on the bottom now this place is a heavily formified now let’s go inside and add a ton of centuries let’s add one behind the danger table let’s even have one right

Behind when you come up the stairs so when you walk up the stairs you get hit from behind and then you see the centuries and then you get scared and run away let’s put some sentries on top of my TVs on top of my dress shirts and

Then right when you come into up the stairs so let’s put down some spines this is perfect let’s surround my entire bed with lasers that way if he comes in while I’m sleeping I’ll be safe boom look at that there’s no way he can get

In now let’s add a few more bear traps everywhere so he gets stuck now he has to want to go upstairs for a reason so I’m gonna place this sign down right there that says diamonds upstairs all right let’s place a sign right here boom now my son is done saying diamonds

Upstairs he’s definitely gonna fall for them that old man brain can’t comprehend Daniel to trap I just want you to add a few more things and then my build will be done we’re gonna add these super cool security finches oh yeah and by the way if you didn’t know this fence shocks you

All right the finch is done now I’m gonna spawn this overgrown skin bulletin look how cool that guy launched and I’m gonna have him spawn on each side so that way my Daddy has to fight for his life from all angles and inside the final Diamond plays I’m gonna add a

Super cool mutant zombie boom there it is look at that my daddy’s gonna have to find this super cool fat mutant zombie I’m also getting eggs all over the premises so that way I can see all angles all the time put one right in front of your front door put

One inside the house over by my kitchen and definitely right here so we can see him die I’m gonna put a few upstairs and actually I’m gonna put a big cage right here to encase a super cool mutant zombie unfortunately it is going to block my TV for a little bit but that’s

Joysticking my daddy out boom look at that mutant zombie now that I’m finished with my build I’m gonna go and check out my daddy’s Daddy In Gold if you die three times you’re done three times dang that’s so easy okay Jeffy well why don’t you get the diamond stuff from the chest and try to try the challenge oh my God I’m suing I’m ready to beat this build Jeffy your first challenge or math questions

Thanks baby too Stephie no it’s I almost gave it away but then how do you say it’s always two it worked oh my god oh wow oh my God dang this is not fair oh my God oh my God Jeffy we better not die these guys you’re so strong there’s an

Old man I’m a runner I’m a runner oh my God oh my God Jeffy run up the stairs pass on this homie can’t catch me oh you got passive Jeffy oh they can’t get up there you guys all right but how are you gonna get past these lights

Come on can you get past all these lasers jokes on you Daddy I have a shrinking Divine a shrinking device Jeffy that wasn’t again that’s against the rule no watch this boom now I can just walk underneath all of the laser and Jeffy that is insane no I’m just walking past Jeffy I don’t have a shrinking device oh one that seems like a new problem oh my goodness what is this Jeffy I built parkour that I seriously doubt you’re gonna be able to get past wooden blocks that could catch on fire from the lava oh my God your path is

Quick enough all right let’s try it out oh God fully I’m into level oh my God Oh my God Jeffy you just lost one life you have two left and all your diamond equipment is gone not all of it Danny I still got my boots oh you still got your boots you only have one more life one more one seriously now I’m gonna die one more

Time today okay Jeffy we’ll see about that oh You’re gonna give me diamond armor Jeffy no Daddy it’s even better it’s magma armor magma armor can I survive like in lava and stuff oh and also look at this boom it’s age of God a god sword you didn’t put a God in here did you

Okay Daddy try and get into my build ah look at all the turrets what they’re getting you oh no no no no no no no no I can’t die right out here oh you’re gonna die right do you have a cheater sword no oh yeah

If you gave me the sword what are you talking about you’re just gonna have to find your way in I may or may not have disguised the door all right Jeffy will you also put a grenade launcher in this thing oh no I oh no I don’t have any

More ammo left that’s that they I got the taser I’m going to change it is what does that mean it means one of these near the right blocks is disguised as a door as a door I seriously have to find what one’s the door are you kidding

Me it’s easy just come on I have to Circle this whole thing Jeffy oh no Jeffy I only have two lives left already how do you have fake fours Jeffy well it seems like a new problem yeah diamonds upstairs Jeffy are you are you kidding me no I’m not all right Daddy

Come upstairs all right Jeffy I’m coming upstairs this is they’re upstairs too different I can’t beat the turret they’re all mysterious of course they are no no you done again that means you have [Applause] build is ridiculous there’s no way I’m gonna be able to make it past this

Um what is it what good is the sword even now you might want to just come downstairs and get my chocolate cake I didn’t die but I’m in a cage oh yeah you are ah you’re in another cage and there’s another ridiculous no I’m I’m destroying this wait no you stop

Destroying the spawn goodbye Jeffy spikes what how are you doing then Jeffy Jeffy how do I even get out of here um oh my god oh new zombies oh my gosh oh yeah this sword is Jeffy the pot the sword you gave me is way too

Opie I kill these mutant zombies in like one hit oh yeah oh no it’s coming it’s gonna get you no no I died that was my last life my daddy died oh yeah that means I won the battle alright so here is the base place where I’m gonna be

Building so first off we gonna get and here we are this is the ends on your own one Tony house and this is the roof I was just talking about you ain’t there why am I why you’re a big old man me staying right there it’s spring creeping so each area of this

Room is going to do something this one right here is going to be my main entertainment area George go ahead and build your whole big TV Superman TV all the way around get down where you can be I mean I’m only having curves so it belongs down all the lines I gotta make

This totally enclosed so you can’t seem like at all this is gonna be a super expensive TV but it’s gonna be worth it look I can’t see the Amazon line and oh this is perfect I’m just gonna have to bring the team in again inside working you have a kitchen I have

Lots of sinks for me you pooping don’t you because you know you poop in your sink saying everyone knows this I’m gonna have some decorations up here very good and on Dominic engine I’m gonna have some anvils just chilling right there and that can be like the stove

Heater thing and then on the side of the kitchen I’m gonna have something called The Cake Corner and in this corner is going to be just a ton of gank because all I can say in every single build battle that we do you can never have enough cake anyone you found so

Basically like half of this room is gonna be like just pure chungling King and rolling hold on hold on hold on let me open your sink in this corner we’re going to have my roller coaster You heard me run a TNT corner you might be wondering why would you have the TNT corner right by your kitchen well the country looks cool I don’t know don’t ask me questions and then when you come into the house we’re gonna make it look really really nice now first when you

Come inside your house you’re like oh it’s really boring so I’m gonna make this really really cool looking what I’m gonna do you earned me right I might have a pool in the middle of my tiny house now when you come inside boo you’re already in your pool and

You’re having a great time and you’re splashing around and inside my pool I want some puffer fresh friends yeah go ahead and name each one of you you’re selling your bombing your puffering your pooper and your number and your giraffe yeah I just named all these

Puffer fishes by name and now they all mean you really sentimental stuff to me now this is going to be my animal hey this is where I’m on your torture all my animals and begged him for Kank so am I a moldable animals in here so first I’m

Gonna put some hay right down in here and then I’m only spawning a horse you’re gonna die later I hope you know over on this on your arm and you go hanging punch some pigs someone can murder your demoliner for baking okay for my next animal I’m gonna do a live buffer face And then in here I’m gonna have my very own cake animal oh yeah and then it’s gonna be all on my animals in my Animal Sanctuary now if you animals getting up to anything suspicious I’m gonna let you guys on fire and you’re all gonna die

And do my bedroom and you might be wondering Jeremy why are you putting down so many bands it’s because I require launch of beauty sleep and I need to watch a bedroom to do it and especially at night when you take all my pumper fishies out of this pool I need

Beds to compensate for him one bed for inch puffer fish and then on the side we’re gonna have some bookshelves because my puffer fish believe it or not they actually like to read I know it’s crazy I don’t like ringing oh you have my armor stand this is where

I’m putting all my diamond armor there we go oh yeah look at that that looks so cool if you want to just wake got me see diamond armor in your corner and then also inside my room I’m gonna have something crazy I’m gonna have a cage in

Here that in cases a whole skeleton army that way if someone tries to sneak up on me at night they won’t be able to survive because there’s like 40 000 skeletons in here running to take care of them and now there’s one super secret thing that I never told you about my

Building I’m gonna make it to where my daddy is gonna have to do crazy parkour so I’m gonna build a staircase and make a huge room underneath my house all right let’s put down these stairs and there we go now if I jump straight into this I should teleport into the underground lair

I just fell into my underground layer in here I’m gonna build a crazy big parkour course and since time’s running out I’m gonna build a super big Park corn coins for my day to complete and there’s absolutely no way he’s gonna be able to paint it so we’re gonna start off with

Something like this I’m pretty easy jumps but what my daddy doesn’t know is I’m on your point lava all over this place so that way if he falls down he’s getting your phone straight to his demise so let’s build out here and make him jump on some melon blocks in my

Experience in Minecraft Parkour melon blocks are the easiest thing to jump on in the whole world and then over block two and this is an iron bar so it’s gonna be so hard for him to land this jump and then he’s gonna have to iron bar jump

All the way over here and just like that he might just fall in your lava and keep in mind he has to make it all the way in the top now we’re gonna use ice blocks these are arguably the hardest thing to Jump On In all of Minecraft so he’s

Gonna have a super hard time making these jumps I just gave myself a barrier block now if you don’t know these blocks are basically invisible I mean they are invisible so watch this my daddy’s not going to be able to see you that red X and he’s gonna have nowhere to jump so

He’s gonna have to guess and then open this barrier block I’m gonna add some more eyes then my daddy’s gonna have it easy judge for a millennial we’re gonna have him jump from here on the way up here probably give him about halfway up and then make the parkour even harder

And right here is where it gets super hard we’re gonna have him jump on fence blocks once you have him can’t walk for a little bit and then from there on he’s gonna jump from one event to the other like these are so hard to jump on

Because they have such a tiny little hand box now we’re gonna do Soul Sand now if you didn’t know Soul Sand is super hard to move on it makes you run super super slow so I’m gonna have him do a pretty far jump in this that’s super hard he’s not gonna be

Expecting that this block is gonna slow him down right here am I gonna add a big old lava paint once you get jump to this hunt I’m gonna add a little on lava Penny right here just to make his anxiety come back cause I know that he’s

Fat bald and ugly and he is enjoying the only time here we go and now I’m gonna make this run here and one of the hardest jumps ever that way he’s more likely to come into contact with all of them right here we’re gonna have a super hard jump I’m

Gonna have him jump from this block all the way into this ice block and this is actually a really really far jump and there’s also nothing below him to save him from the lava this is like 10 times harder than anyone oh my goodness we’re getting

Really close to the top what do you guys think I should get my Danny and Jim prize comment down below also Jamaica’s parkour even or your almond eggs skeletons on the walls there’s one skeleton I’m gonna put some oh no they’re burning no Majors there we go now they’re safe now I’m

Gonna do this on each side there we go perfect let’s make this one out of a normal block again and then we’re going to spawn some skeletons they’re all gone I keep forgetting the skeletons can’t come in contact with light orange the worst thing to me just like green beans are

Mine and then I want to put the last skeletons over halfway up make sure you put the roof on this time because the lifestyle I’m just gonna change almost burned again for the skeleton there and perfect I think that conclusion parkour let’s go machine my daddy Oh Daddy where

Are you Jeffy I’m right here my build is finished and look I think it’s even better than yours what no this is not bad come on Danny once Jeffy one second everyone comment down below what build you think is better mine or jeffy’s obviously he’s mine Danny look into that

Window you can see a little horsey you can see my horse oh Tiffany that’s a cute little horsey well then I guess we’re just gonna have to see whose is better when we get inside right all right let’s do yours first all right Jeffy let’s go oh my goodness this is

Garbage garbage Jeffy but look look I have I have a pretty little picture oh you you do have a pretty good you have a pretty good Garden I’ll give you that yeah Jeffy you didn’t have any room for your garden because I spent a young all right whatever Jeffy I guess your

House is gonna be way bigger than mine but it’s gonna look pretty I got crafting stuff over here so what are you crafting so small in these sounds Jeffy a diamond armor duh come upstairs oh my goodness that you have two things of diamond armor yeah Jeffy Jeffy stop

Taking my diamond armor stop it Jeffy just look I got my pictures yeah he’s banging gnome jumping no Jeffy no all right no chocolate cake green beans for you tonight how about that um Jeffy put this background dude if you win this battle didn’t you get your

Diamonds bang I have to win the battle to get my own diamonds back yes oh my God oh my God they scare me get out of there Iron Golem no Jeffy no no no no no no his name is Thomas Why’d you do that to my iron golem Jeffy because he was in my in my way of winning this people I mean that’s it for my house what’s your house look like all right let’s go your build is like better than mine in the interior like look at my exterior

Jeffy it’s so much better than yours um no it’s annoying give me give it to me give it back to me no um yeah Daniel why don’t you go and check mine now boom Oh My Jeffy we spawned in a pool you literally spun straight into a pool

Daniel look at this this is my cakes what do you need this much chocolate cake for this is ridiculous every time Jeffy every time we build every time what do you need this much TNT for what are you trying to blow up Jeffy Joyce in case it’s Joyce for

Percussion just in case what Jeffy you don’t worry about it Daddy over here I have my son and Magic aerion is this a whole TV Jeffy yes and it curves looking cars oh my gosh this is insane there’s so many movies we could watch on this I

Know all the HTML movies upstairs in his middle room I have a burnt Cemetery I mean a pet place a pet cemetery with this TNT right here yes also this is my most valued band oh it’s so cute oh what is the meaning of life okay

Daniel why’d you go and see my room oh my God I know look at my bangs this is you I know how many beds for oh my puffer fish because I sleep in them also don’t jump on him right now because yo my puffer fish aren’t only puffer fish

Jeffy oh I sleep with my buffer fish oh look diamond armor no dang it remember I have all your diamonds I’m on your diamonds well guess what Jeffy guess what I have all your diamond armor well I got that you’re good you need it what

Am I gonna need it for Jeffy my parkour course shout it Jeffy there’s only one more floor no but you forgot the super secret floor there’s a super secret floor on these things calm down with me if you jump down inside your dare we’re getting a Teleport to my super secret

Lair wait Jeffy the super secret lays down here [Applause] oh my God this is gonna be so hard for you I won’t take two hearts Jeffy you better be careful because you just wanting your horny spark horse you’ve ever done I don’t know how I’m gonna do this Jeffy no no no

Come on all right Jeffy I I’m gonna get this come on you go just boom Oh easy no no these are gonna be super hard Jeffy why what is wrong with you oh my gosh I made it Jeffy this park oh yeah it’s too hard I know I killed you it was

10 times above lava like how am I supposed to get through this um I don’t know just don’t be banged oh this is gonna be a super hard jump remember guys he doesn’t know that there’s an invisible block here there you go Jeffy they aren’t guarantee you you’re

Knocking you make this jump Jeffy how am I gonna do this I don’t know falling down yeah I ain’t no game shut up you build an old fat man you’re on an invisible block oh my gosh why am I an invisible oh this is insane I know right I bet you weren’t

Expecting that all right keep moving I didn’t even know this existed Jeffy now all right Danny from here on out you have it easy on until the next few oh easy Jeffy no this has been easy this is super super easy what do you mean oh I

Almost missed that Jeffy Jeffy this was so hard I don’t know if I can do this you got gay oh I cannot believe I made that one all right keep going dang this is so easy Jeffy I know I’m almost there yeah you suck that this is gonna be

Super difficult this is ridiculous Jeffy I’m not gonna be able to do any of this these are gonna be even harder than the finches down at the volume you’ll be harder than the fences down at the bottom uh-huh trying to First jump out there’s no way he makes things

I believe I made it all right try and get through all these these swines all right Danny these next blocks are Soul Sand I don’t know if you know the but these blocks make you go super slow yeah Jeffy they’re hard to jump oh I feel my feet being dragged

Every time I try to jump in it grind it’s going so Sandy suck your soul out from your feet Jeffy I don’t like these oh Jeffy this is gonna be a hard one I even skipped one that was really really close I want down here almost there you’re almost there I can’t

Believe it you might get your diamonds back you might yeah yeah I mean you’re actually gonna give me my diamonds back maybe only if you don’t fail oh my God I made it I did not think you were gonna make that jump I didn’t think so either

Jeffy that was so hard oh my God oh my God all right Danny remember when I said I was gonna give you those diamonds Bank yeah Jeffy well I’m waiting all right look at my house decorating to start off we need to hand you some windows in here because

Literally there are no windows so we’re gonna add some yellow glass oh my gosh yellow is the best color in the entire world and red is the worst so automatically that’s already gonna make my building so much better so basically I’ve already won all right this room has

A series like a window you should always go hang and build all of them oh my goodness these windows are looking so good and you’ve done look at my yellow window what’s Edge home run here and here that orange looks so good now that the windows are done I’m gonna add two

Carpets right there and to greet my friends when they come to my house I’m gonna need you around your front door with yellow hello sheeps oh yeah I bet you’re gonna be so scared of these sheeps when they’re coming on this shiny house or yellow couch oh sorry man you should

Be you’re gonna have to go okay and boom look at that couch and since we can’t have a TV working you have to make a yellow TV show this team is gonna look a little weird yellow but you know I guess we can bear a yellow TV for once all

Right now I’m gonna add your painting there juicy couldn’t cover up you know the yellow signs because you have to have something on your TV and if it’s not you know it ain’t working TV then it’s not a TV now to make everything look really cool oh no my painting no no

No no no oh God re-end the painting perfect no one’s even better now I’m going and oh super cool yellow carpet just to make everything look super nice and these shapes are kind of getting in the way so I’m gonna build around them actually I’m gonna make this entire

Floor yellow with yellow carpet oh yeah my feet feel shotgun on this carpets a few more blocks and done look at that my entire room your carving now and here we’re gonna add some fire and yeah since yellow don’t try to convince me that it’s not because it is I’ll get you

Literally yellow perfect now if uh we just have to make sure that this fire does not catch all your stuff on fire all right I have won a problem with these doors they’re not really that yellow that’s a little bit more yellow if you’re asking me now let’s Point down

A few tables on each side of the couch perfect and now we’re gonna put candles on it yeah looking Look at all the yellow in this room oh my goodness my eyes feel so good right now in your hair something super cool this is going to be the world’s first yellow zoo inside of a house so let’s put some walls here from the animals how many have several slots

For several different animals and also we can only do yellow animals because it is a one color film manual and then your special Corner over here for my special animal all right now time to spawn the animals look at my base now you’re escaping your thing no no no oh God no

No everyone getting back in time get back inside your fence okay I guess you might have to deal with that over here we’re going to spawn a Magma Cube looking as yellow eyes so cute I’m gonna add some hay around here for all the animals and yes don’t

Ask me twice magma cubes do eat dang trust me I know I’m done this before These things aren’t true over here for my special Animal I Have a good in chicken spawn egg this is the coolest chicken in the game look three two one boom he’s only got a yellow beak are you okay at me all right I’m gonna make all this Champ here perfect and Daniel money

Spawning my yellow Golden Chicken all right now when you’re closing up so he can escape now just to make the house a little more pretty imma add these yellow bangers on the wall so the one’s really really good oh my goodness look how much that adds to the hallways all right now

For the kitchen aim at your beginning here now from the engine this is going to be the most yellow casing you’ve ever seen in your entire life so let’s add some yellow sinks all over these place now for these cabinets up above my kitchen oh yeah is all over these Kitchens on orange

Absolutely perfect look how many sinks I have it’s so many now I have to add the fridge that’s so ugly I’m just gonna have to like and pretend it’s yellow also I’m knowing you said the bees don’t actually have any oh look at look at you oh he’s so adorable can’t

Wait until when he stings me in my face I’m gonna put a few beehives around the entire house you know just so they have a place to stay in each room so I just put something around here perfect to shut them down in the living room oh

Yeah and you’re right behind your TV don’t show our time because you know they might want to come out and Shine Your Sleep belly shine one night and you don’t mind stop them okay we’re on behind dumb inside on my kitchen I’m gonna put a big old Grill bank here oh

Yeah look at his grill it’s so cool and then you might be wondering oh my goodness these table is so big how are you getting happy space for anything well I’m not so I’m just getting up on this on the chairs everywhere look at all these chairs I’m pointing down right

Now oh my goodness and what are we gonna be serving for dinner behind because it’s yours you’re full of honey and stomping and rolling um the bees aren’t gonna like in too much but you know they can join you look again and actually I just found something

Super crazy a yellow seed look at that that’s so much better than the other chairs I was using look at this and gone look and don’t see age all right furnace room oh let’s put down a ton of chasing here actually this can just be a yellow

Like chess corner and do some on this side too I make them come on Triple layer and have them over here oh my goodness look at all these things this is going to be a cat CH any oh my goodness source so much stuff up here also this

Is going to be my bedroom look at this huge bedroom look at all these bags now in the corner I’m gonna have something on display for the world right in front of this window I’m gonna put all this armor on this stand and this sword oh swords and armor standings I’m forgone

Look at that that’s such a cool awesome armored sand display and for the ultimate thing for this bedroom um when you have on your own custom pool inside my bedroom that is going to blow mine Danny out of the water well in this case we can’t actually use water because

It’s not yellow so we’re gonna use a lava looking down lava he’s so pretty that is what I call a lava pool and you know I could not resist chocolate cake and yes yes and I saw one of your guns just come and see other things I said Jimmy stop

Putting chocolate cake all over your floor so guess what I’m gonna put even more look at all this chocolate cake yes your chocolate cake for games oh my God this is the perfect I’m on your handsome to eat right now I filled my entire pool with chocolate cake now this room is going to be super super important this is going to be my Armory now there’s only one problem we can only make it out of yellow so we have to be very very careful so let’s go ahead and

Make the walls perfect oh yeah and to make this super super secret I’m gonna use ghost blocks with dance so in the first few blocks are real in this wall so you’re like oh you’re just not this is definitely a real one but if you come

To this sign you can just walk right through and inside this Armory armor you have a ton of golden armor oh yeah look at this my daddy is gonna want this so bad oh he’s dumb to end the bench and knowledge and the boots now to absolutely deck this place out with all

Of my gold you’re walking all this stuff oh my goodness this is going to be the best Armory you’ve ever seen in your life now I’m gonna add the full blocks of gold oh yeah this looks so good my daddy’s gonna one day so bad now this is

Called a raw block of gold this is appearance gone you can ever find in your life look at this Armory oh my goodness I forgot there’s there’s actual glass here we need to take care of that okay destroy all this glass so they don’t know my armories here and that’s

Actually just replace this with actual like um actual blocks so that way they can pick and sign and see my golden one is stealing perfect and to make this room the perfect disguise we’re gonna add a trampoline right by my Armory so everyone’s gonna be like oh my God All right now let’s go only seeing what my dad he’s doing oh Danny what doing Jeffy I’m all done and my red build is gonna be so much better um Danny what is it we could only use red so I got to use red brick on my entire build um daddy I’m

Why do you take that up with my magma cubes huh Jeffy okay boom in my cubes You’re Building socks okay all right Jeffy why why don’t we just look at the whole build okay you don’t need the distance okay let’s go inside you’re um what is this for what is this

You literally have a hole in your build Jeffy I put it there because I was gonna put something there but we ran out of time you ran out of time a loser whatever Jeffy well here’s my red kitchen and my uh red dining table and my red TV red dining table dining table

Looks like garbage Diamond dime I mean dining table oh okay Jeffy and what is this your TV’s not even red what are you talking about yes it is look the bases right oh no that doesn’t count you should have a red TV all right Danny what’s going on with

Your bed this place literally looks haunted Danny all right Jeffy well it’s gonna I’m gonna haunt your dreams at night no no no and this kitchen oh my God you need to go homemade well the fridge wasn’t red so I couldn’t put a fridge there my house is so much better

Than yours whatever Jeffy you probably don’t have red magma armor oh really well I don’t need it okay Jeffy well let’s see your house and show me why where’d you go all right daddy look at my house my Jeffy why did you have enough time to build this

Um I’m a master builder and then you look at me what is this cake oh I guess you got you have like red cherries in it so I guess it counts there’s a little bit of yellow in here Jeffy I guess you got a little bit of

Yellow in the chocolate cake so oh yeah I guess you oh you do have a little bit of yellow in the chocolate cake so I guess they count yeah of course it does all right Danny come inside look no stop breaking my shape they were creepy and they were just staring at me

Oh is this your TV Yeah dance mine TV oh look it’s actually yellow unlike yours oh my gosh it looks so nice look I’m gonna turn it off boom oh wow good job Jeffy why don’t you put it back on oh yeah I’m running on your power yellow

Beehive everywhere I have to have somewhere for my pen Beast to stay okay Jeffy a chocolate cake oh yeah look at your carpet too don’t you lying it yeah Jeffy it’s yellow all right Daddy come over here Jeffy what now look at this oh my gosh look they’re yellow look damn alone but

Yellow in your eyes oh I guess they got oh and you got you you got you got a B I got behind all in this place and I think the magma cubes are killing the Beast no don’t kill my bees Danny look I have a special part just for my gang first of

All Jeffy you don’t need any more chocolate cake please for the love of God no more chocolate cake but it’s gone and Danny look what we’re having for dinner behind I don’t know if that’s gonna taste good but we could try it I guess yeah I’m trying out all right

Jeffy do you have any more of your house to show me um yes Daddy come to the upstairs all right Danny up here is my room your room look at this beds Jeffy these beds are help help no don’t worry Danny don’t worry it’s fake lava oh oh I couldn’t

Use wire for a pool because he’s not yellow and Daniel look at the white I still have digging myself stop it stop it Daddy stop it right now no no no no no no look at my cool armor Jeffy on from me stop hitting me all right Danny do you

Like my room mine is a chocolate cake it’s awesome Jeffy look at all these oh Danny I have one more room to show you what come over here look at this oh let’s go you don’t have a helmet to protect you yeah no Jeffy I don’t why oh my gosh and

You have a balcony Jeffy yeah I’m a magnet so you can see all my jungling cake in the pool but Daddy don’t you like my trampoline it’s your best part in your mind oh no Daddy um come on this golden bridge no Daddy you’re not rich you can’t take this oh yeah

It’s all mine here working and put the big big yellow couch because y’all your base color ever and nothing can change yet right in front of these count your money and this super cool black Lego TV look at that even you guys don’t like on

Things on top of me this entire house is gonna look so good in the winter it’s gonna look like it’s straight from a Lego set mine is going to be 10 times better than my Danny’s this TV is already 10 times bigger than his whole house coffee table right in front of

Your YouTube V maybe a sign chair because you know these counts might not fit on the puffer fish and I’m gonna have over and for your finishing touches the lights and some cake oh yeah right next to the entertainment area we’re gonna have what we call the mega kitchen

Now this is going to be the coolest kitchen you’ve ever seen in your entire life it’s gonna be 10 times bigger than any other kitchen I’ve ever built in any build manual too much energy sink there or anything there right here and two and might be asking why do you need four

Sinks well because I can and this is a Lego House Bill banjo and then also we need four fridges and you know your friends over there perfect this is starting to look like an actual professional kitchen look this one even has a bird logo on you over Tompkins Jane we’re gonna have these

Cool looking cabinets and stuff this kitchen is huge oh my goodness now we’re gonna make sure our chefs know what we’re gonna be preparing we’re gonna put your tongue and chocolate cake down just to remind them that we’re only making chocolate cake in this house nothing else not green beans not anything joints

Chocolate cake and then since this is going to be the best Lego house ever I’m gonna build a pool turn me right on your house pool all right when you’re gone clear all this stuff out now we’re just gonna make sure the water doesn’t escape so let’s

Destroy all these slabs almost there oh my God okay now we can start building the pool of four and actually I want the floor in the pool to be blue look at him pretty on Blue you need some prettiest blue I’ve ever seen them on the floor of this

Pool is going to look so sick with this blue floor okay just feeling the last parts of it in three two one boom you start feeling it oh yeah oh my goodness that looks so epic I told you the blue floral looks so best and also it

Wouldn’t hurt to have our friend Jerry and Larry in here so he’s been cutting your best guys ever and you can’t have in your house pool without his own pants can you ride by the pool and you also right by your kitchen we’re going to

Have a active dinner table and this is a super cool dinner table because it’s all gone and then we’re gonna put some chairs along the side people just have to be careful when pulling these ones out because they might fall and you don’t I won’t follow you when there’s a

Shark infected water almost done with this shine and boom look at it this is already looking so much banners in my daddy’s I can tell now we need to go around and add a ton of paintings all over you should make these houses super professional and cool look at that they

Already makes you look so much better and also I thought it would be super super cool to have a massive matching fireplace right by the pool so let’s just build all of this out and since this is Legos it cannot catch on fire so you don’t have to worry about

That okay there we go now we’re just going to make it to where you can’t see outside actually you know what would be really cool if I had glass here oh yeah look at this now actually all I have to do is replace this stuff with netherrank

And now it’s time to light the fire yeah there’s no way things on fire there’s no way absolutely insane I’m gonna build like half of this second floor when half of it is going to be a second floor pool and it’s gonna go straight into this pool that way the water doesn’t get

Everywhere okay put the Warriors so good we’re gonna push some stairs here look at those Lego stairs we’re can put all the water in here now let’s build this out so we can push some other stuff up here and also who needs shares when you got a water fountain to swim up

To your second floor oh Mr shark can you get on your way thank you oh god oh no no my shark is on fire no get back in your pool no no no no no oh my goodness that was so close he almost burned today against Jackson big forgot he can’t buy

Your fire but anyways I’m gonna build some pillars up here just to keep this floor stable there we go and maybe just one more on this side that is perfect now up here on this room I’m gonna have a pool right by my bedroom and it’s

Gonna be on the second floor of my house let’s put a sign table I guess we can sacrifice a few bags for that let’s put a hangout area right here and then huge huge huge TV I know I already have one down here but I’m gonna have a second one for upstairs

Look at this and they’ve gone to me the coolest area ever now I gotta do something super secret I have to build a secret room to keep all my prized possessions and I’m gonna have this be underneath all my house now to guard this place I’m gonna

Put a herd of little tiny sheep sheep’s dance shoes my daddy will never be expecting my diamond loot to be down here now imma use a ghost block to disguise this little area so if you somehow make it past my herd of sheep statues then um I guess you’re just

Gonna have to make it past this super secret block and for all the way down here now down here I’m also going to add a ton of traps this has to be the most secure room in the entire house if it’s not then my Daddy might just take all my

Diamonds and I just do not want that to happen that would be so so bad so I’m gonna do absolutely everything in my power to make this the most secure room ever back in this corner I’m gonna have the most secure armor you’ve ever seen in your whole life this is called Echo

Shard armor and if you didn’t know it is even stronger than your magma armor the most powerful armor in the entire game so I have to protected with my life and my chocolate cake is getting protected along with the ghost box so you don’t gotta worry money but every show happens

You get past your ghost blog she can’t get through because you’re jungle cake in your wine and then down here I’m gonna build a hole so I can put my Diamond Vault in here all right now we just gotta place down all my diamond possessions and just hope that my daddy

Just never find this actually I’m gonna make this go even further back and I’m gonna put the full diamond blocks right here all day long lingo you say it’s so cool all my diamond blocks all black Legos now so I’m gonna put a gun on my diamond blocks plank here and then guard

Them with diamond spikes there is no way he gets past this the vault door for this is going to be Goosebumps that way he comes down here and he has no idea what to do he’s like oh this is in your normal room but not really it’s full of

Super cool stuff okay now it is time to make this build super super secure that way when my daddy comes you’ll find my house he has a hard time getting in so we’re just gonna add a ton of bearing traps all over the perimeter and then

Also on top of my house Amaya and decent trees these weapons are super super cool a little weapon comes down from the top of this block and he starts shooting now then we got all the doors down in your way we’re gonna put some Diamond spikes around and don’t worry they’re super

Hard to mine so you don’t have to worry about them my day is stealing them if you mind them then you’re gonna get caught and then let’s put a few traps around my house also let’s do some traps on the inside before you trim right there a trap inside the pool maybe even

One underneath my couch that way if you sit down on the couch you’re gonna get trapped but luckily I know we’re in essential I’m not gonna get trapped and then what surround my abandon when blocks so no one can sneak up on me at 9 10 cents so I’m joining out let’s build

Something crazy on top of my house and then on top of my house I’m going zombie I named Bob boom look at this massive cage now I’m gonna spawn multiple mutant zombies look at all of these mutant zombies on top of my house this has to scare away absolutely anyone

That comes across it now it’s just time to add windows and we’ll be done Oh Daddy what are you doing oh my God Jeffy it’s just for Airsoft come on let’s go okay okay Daddy what is this Tippy it’s my house look at it Gary get off the kitchen counter here we go

Just have to get up don’t touch Gary anymore don’t break Gary this is so bad you don’t even have a pool by your bag Jeffy I don’t need a pool and also the color of your bed sucks what Jeffy no red is the best color anyways no yo

No no Jeffy that’s it for my build so we need to go see yourself no Danny I want to see what’s down here no Jeffy no don’t I’m going down what is this oh what Daddy did you get oh no I just saw diamonds come on you

Dare Jeffy what you did not see diamonds come out of there I hundred percent look you literally have diamonds in your head no I don’t you just didn’t like jumping in my hand Jeffy I literally just saw him Gary you can have them back if you win this

Film Daniel uh Jeffy not again let’s go see mine okay Danny look at my build Jeffy this is so be careful Jeffy what do you want Jeffy dang can you walk on these really quick no how do you know Jeffy I know what these

Are like oh God you got me dream to eat too oh I got you trapped in it too Jeffy no do you like the mutant zombies on top of my house oh my gosh Jeffy what do you need mutant zombies for um don’t protect me from you why would

You need to protect I’m not gonna attack you you’re evil or I can’t come in shine oh my gosh Jeffy this is so this is so nice oh my God I got my way seriously chocolate cake yes oh I’m eating most of your chocolate cakes that’s too bad Jeffy I’m eating it all

Okay Daddy now I’m down we’re done with all your jungling gang and it’s heated Jeffy yeah hot hot hot make sure not to swim like right here you totally don’t get diamonds diamonds if I go swim over at the center diamonds oh my God you again all right all right

No more traps come on just show me the rest of your house look at this kitchen it looks like you have a chocolate cake assembly line Jeffy I’m a juggling Cake Factory no I’m out of here Jeffy I’m out of here he’s okay oh he is

His name is Jeb if you don’t have a creeper yeah look at this TV oh my gosh it’s so loser you don’t even know where you sit but no one Jam what’s going on your name all right Jeffy is this all your house because I don’t think it’s that much

Better than mine no dang I have a second floor for me second floor swim up um this right here is the ultimate hangout area oh my gosh this is actually pretty cool I’m not gonna lie just oh and this is where I sleep this is where you huh

No more traps Jeffy stop with the traps you like a doomsday prepper Jeffy just like calm down a little bit okay all right so that’s all the house cool oh just ignore all these sheep here and yeah yeah Yanks pretty much the house right it’s poor

No no I’m doing Jeffy I cannot believe you had all those oh my goodness what oh you finally trained in my trap Danny Jeffy this is ridiculous oh my God oh my goodness Three diamond armor I’ll take that back to my armor was your armor no danky

Alligator I’ll give you my I’ll give you your diamonds back if you leave me alone buy a full diamond armor now Jeffy so I think I’ll just be on my way yeah run guys he doesn’t know that this room is here whoa where’d you go Jeffy how

Are you doing what how are you getting on oh my goodness because I’m incredible Jeffy you hacker Jeffy I got all your diamonds no you know what I’m leaving with y’all your diamonds yes look at this house and it’s super realistic with these mods look at the

Wires don’t go on and the clouds look so good too all right let’s get to decorating so out here on the outside we’re gonna have a ton of tables for all of our visitors so it’s Andy’s first table right here right behind the pool just because it looks your best well

It’s in all these chairs right here and I’m gonna come back later for jungling cake and then let’s add another one right about here oh we’re gonna shoot around okay perfect almost done and there’s our second table and now it’s time to add all the chairs on this one

And then for the third and final table this is gonna be the best table out of all of them and now to end the third and final table chairs boom look again they’re already on so much better I can already film this house it’s gonna be worth way better than my daddy’s now

It’s time to end on the jungle cake all over every one of these tables all right now we’re gonna come over to the pool and like with just every build I do you can’t have a pool without some shark frames let’s name this one scooter and then along the pool we’re gonna have

Several chairs just for people you know like you know chill out and just jump on your pool and watching all of our shark friends have a good time and you know maybe even if they feel like it they might be able to get in with the sharks

I just highly advise him not to do that because you sharks are actually really mean I think that’s enough chairs all right now let’s go decorate the inside and it’s really really dark in here so we need to film this place with a ton of color stone perfect one underneath the

Doors no I destroyed the door okay and the door is back and this room doesn’t actually need line because it’s got the sun oh my goodness look down here we even have a parking garage this is so cool I can park my Lamborghinis in here all right over here working in the

Kitchen this is going to be the coolest outdoor kitchen you’ve ever seen in your entire life so let’s have a ton of sinks here I want to move your fridge over here actually once you have three fringes oh yeah and then we’re gonna have a ton of kitchen counters on the

Way to the end and then just a few more things in between because you know I only walk all the way over here just to wash my hands then over top let’s have a glowstone bar so we can put our cabinets on it and stuff and yeah

Over here we’re gonna have a magic real real so many cakes and yes you can Grill cakes they just melt and all over these calendar jobs let’s add or don’t think everywhere all over the kitchen actually all over it and now that’s more like a King James over in this corner of the

House we can have a really good like study Corner even though I hate studying so let’s just have a big bookshelf right there on perfect and then maybe a table in front of you judging me when you want something or you when you want you know playing chess and then maybe just one

Jungle cake on there you should keep it busy along these walls we’re gonna have a ton of paintings this makes this house looks so what doing with the zombie get out of my house oh my goodness this place is still super dark I’m gonna put even more gloves showing everywhere okay

We got all the paintings we need in this room I think this can actually be the painting room oh yeah look at this it looks so good and this room is going to be my bedroom only I have a ton of beds I’m gonna put some bookshelves on the

End of my beds I’m gonna have three fringes right there and then I’m gonna have a super big couch along this wall I’m gonna have some paintings everywhere so I can look at some cool paintings like a skull and then the coolest thing in the house probably I’m gonna add a

Pool right here you might be like but Jeffy you already have a pool in your house why are you needing another one because I can and I’m rich look at that that’s so cool and then I’m gonna have a chocolate cake Trail all the way up to

My pool that way in the morning I can just eat all my chocolate cake all the way up to my pool and then just think about what I’ve done can you hear I’m gonna have the coolest fireplace you’ve ever seen in your whole life it’s gonna be like a fireplace staircase all right

Watch this boom boom and boom look at that that’s so cool and it makes this room super super bright so that is absolutely perfect I just hope nothing catches on fire and you hear on my Edge a ton of countries and maybe a fridge because millionaires we super realistic

Now she should have fridges all over your place in here I’m actually gonna do a second Jeffy Band Room which is gonna be perfect because look at this it’s outside basically but I’m gonna surround it in fire all right well I need it on fire now I’m gonna add a massive massive

TV in this room actually it’s going to be the biggest TV I’ve ever built in any build battle ever there we go oh my God it’s basically the size of this entire wall look how big this TV is you can watch Jeffy in 4k now there is just one

Thing left to do I have to make a super secret room so I’m gonna make this light up a little bit someone’s destroying these walls and get rid of this zombie in here oh my goodness you’re so annoying there we go and done look at that now we’re going to replace the

Floor something really good okay perfect and done now for the first part of this floor I’m gonna add a ton of diamond spikes just in case someone tries to break in or something like that and then the second half is going to be actual diamond blocks look at the lying in here

It looks so cool I’m gonna destroy the zombie with a god sword get out of here on it was so annoying for so long all right just to make it super super hard to get past this area I’m in your head a dawn of security look at all this this is basically

Impossible to get through so let’s just do this a few more times boom look at all of these lasers if you try and come through these you’re gonna die and then let’s add just a stupid amount of traps all over these planes and then some of these traps perfect oh yeah and to

Disguise this place we’re gonna put some ghost blocks here all right perfect and nobody’s gonna be EXP is and replace this with ghost blocks now there’s a completely secret entrance ghost block this perfect boom look at that now whenever I want to go down to my secret lair I can just do this

And whoever doesn’t have the right access to the underground wire it’s gonna fall straight down into the spawns and at the very end of this I’m gonna have the most powerful armor in the game this armor is called glowstone armor look at you it looks so cool and since

I’m joining out I’m gonna go ahead and add a crazy security system on top of my house and now that we got the cage all done like spawning Billy boom one Dominion Billy you’re gonna protect my super ultra racing releasing house and for your finishing touching

All the way around my house that way if someone accidentally stumbles upon my house and tries to walk up to it they’re gonna get blown up Oh Daddy where are you oh God awesome my house is complete you’re done yeah I just finished my house what this judging along realistic

At all what is this what do you mean oh my God I’m gonna need it oh my God it is so dark in here what I’m gonna need it towards just to go around Jeffy I I was done with the house but I didn’t start

Lighting it oh my God I need to place lines in here just so I can see this looks garbage oh Jeffy all right I’ll Place lights over there chill out and what is this what is this entertainment area this is the smallest TV I’ve ever seen Jeffy it’s not that

Small of a TV yes it is it’s like one engine cross Jeffy what are you talking about it’s one inch across it’s so small Danny what else you have to show me well Jeffy upstairs I have a loft bedroom this is the Molly’s bedroom off ever how

Was this small Jeffy this is huge what are you talking about what you only have two beds you don’t even have a pool by your bag Jeffy Jeffy whatever I don’t need a pool by my bed where is all the chocolate cake if he no it’s only green

Beans in this house Jeffy oh my goodness oh this is actually gone and cool this is like out of 100 points for your house you have one only because you just pulled and it’s gonna grow and cool Jeffy it’s not a pool it’s uh it’s a

Cave it’s a cave River engine game pool sure sure Jeffy okay Daddy you lose I hate this house Jeffy you didn’t even see my dogs oh you have dogs yes let me see they ain’t just telling you him you have dogs yeah Jeffy where all right Danny let’s go check out

My build look at this that’s the oh my God look at this I even have my own parking garage Chevy this is crazy you could I could store like the most luxurious Vehicles here Jeff you mean I can store the most luxurious vehicles in here you

Don’t get here at all all right then no more chocolate cake no Oh Daddy look at this pool why are there sharks in your pool why is your not sharks in my pool what do you mean Jeffy what if I follow it again oh dang that was really cool she almost

Got eaten by a shark Jeffy that’s it you know what I’m doing no stop eating my chocolate can you yes you get your chocolate cake daddy do you like my big tables no Jeffy what do you mean you don’t like my big tables Jeffy because it looks like

You’re gonna get a sugar rush no I’m getting ready Jeffy I know I’m getting rid of them goodbye goodbye goodbye all right Jeffy no more chocolate cake let’s see the rest of your house fun all right come over here to the kitchen the kitchen oh my God CJ that’s what happens when you’re

Trying to destroy all my chocolate cake so many burgers on it Danny what would you rate my kitchen out of 10. if you took the chocolate cake out probably a 10 Jeffy what but Jonathan came to your base chocolate cake made into four moving on all right daddy here

Is my paint slash study room Jiffy what are you studying oh dear how uh different recipes on how you make chocolate cake yeah Jeffy all of these realistic paintings cost me like 20 million dollars if you don’t even have 20 million dollars Jeffy I don’t know all right next room I

Don’t care about your painting room okay all right Danny here’s my bedroom my two seriously you have chocolate cake behind it yeah Jeffy I’ll give you this your TV is like one of the biggest TVs I’ve ever seen I know right and I’ve got fridges in here

You have a cake Trail leading here my feet chocolate cake in your pool get out of here hey why are you not like something King I don’t know because you get a sugar rush and then you act like you’re a crazy person in here I’ve got a bedroom oh yeah another Pool Jeffy

All right Danny come over here to like my super cool fire pink oh my God that was close yeah that one’s close and you can walk out here and oh my God I’m looking the Diamond Board oh Jeffy I can okay okay Daddy get back up here look at this

Room couch room underground room no one cares about your red couch from Jeffy and here is my second bedroom and I’m laying on fire because it’s on Banger my sleeping I hate myself Jeffy looks like we’ve seen all your house I guess it’s all right what you’re not supposed to be down here

Oh yeah oh my God oh my God you have to dodge all these lasers if you want the glowstone armor and the end no Daddy you’re not supposed to be able to do this Jeffy you literally can’t get through it if I don’t do this okay [Applause]

If we’re going to his house and we go through this fake wall boom boom oh my goodness this is going to be so cool and super super secret with this little disguise Shack all right for the entrance let’s make this super super Homie by adding accounts here and on so

Much and on TV now Joyce because this is a super secret house bill bound doesn’t mean you can’t be super luxurious so let’s add a really really good TV right there as soon as you come in your house it’s literally going to be the biggest count you’ve ever seen in your life look

At that Superman cool couch and and the manual working you have a really cool table just in case everyone wants you know have some chocolate cake while they’re sitting down watching a movie you know over here we’re gonna add another massive TV in fact this might

Just be the biggest one I’ve ever built I’m actually gonna make a tank on the entire wall there’s only one problem these people on Dish on the encounter can you have a really hard time watching the TV because you know it’s behind them but this challenge can you have no

Problem oh my goodness this entire onesie TV and look at the free thing one Dome and Division in this room we’re gonna have my bedroom on the show you my baby I really hope dungeon aligned the entire house and farm that’d be really bad oh

We’re dumb to find a wing on your hands showing these netherring slabs you’re showing down your burn everything down because oh yeah you are me all third TV we already have three TVs in this challenge that is absolutely insane all right there we go perfect look at him fire

Planes I’m also going to have a couch on each side just you know I’m chilling once you’re chilling my band room and your hair is gonna be like the dining room table because oh no and Kanye just feels like a dining room area so on my Edge all these chairs around this really

Cool looking table I’m not really sure what these tables mean yeah I know and on the table working yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah it’s all gone over here we’re getting it actually I thought about hanging in your TV but I was like oh maybe not nothing you have a rolling big bunk

Shelf in this room so planned I’m gonna make a disco four oh yeah you heard me right ah this come on four in this room you’re gonna have all the fun you possible and can you’re just dancing around all day long having your time in your life look at this dance floor foreign

And here’s going to be my second bedroom or I guess like a a visitor’s bedroom if they want it but um for the time being it’s gonna be online run here we’re gonna add on TV because on Union TV in every single room I’m in and they’re working in

All over this room oh yeah yeah he’s gonna give me my Danny’s worst enemy for some reason I don’t know why but he does not like chocolate cake anywhere I have no idea why he ain’t gonna want that but he doesn’t and I hate gang next one don’t like him are

You dead orange because he’s fan blonde and juggling but you know and you can’t smell like ashes and your own Bible and you’re all like Georgia yeah you’re doing your cake over these planes you’re gonna use the bunch thingama and here is going to build you again she on second

Kitchen uh-huh a second and here is going to be the best room I bang you doing for knowing about you but I didn’t guys I think the floor of this bathtub should be jungling tank so I start adding in your water perfect the islands for your sink in here maybe a

Couple of them and I guess you couldn’t learn to have on your good union here which point for a drawing there and uh drawers right there perfect and you know what maybe even your couch inside the bed and maybe even one onions on Herman and there we go look again it’s

The perfect couch pool couch band pound couch pool same thing and now guys in here is where we’re storing all of our diamonds inside this chest now we’re going to make this place super super daddy proof so I’m on your end on few spikes around the garden perfect Joe

Show my Danny can’t get anywhere and hear me especially by the doors and we’re gone and look at this huge pool I’m gonna put some Spikes all around it on the diving board maybe even at the volume of the pool and since there’s not much time left in here behind these

Stairs I’m gonna add some ghost blocks because I am a super secret dressing here holding all of my diamonds and there’s even more intimate tests George and some spawns here in Orange and your ghost block perfect now it’s super super secure too now right on the entrance

Let’s add some traps also and Jason gets secure from Mob being stuff let’s do some turrets oh yeah some turns on each side of your house perfect on your Edition all right let’s go and check on what my Daddy’s doing Danny where are you Jeffy Jeffy what are you doing yeah

Going on oh Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy I’m finished with my home you’re finished daddy is this your home is this literally oh um enter at my own risk yeah Jeffy this is my house are you check are you ready I don’t know if I want to enter but

You’re okay right down here is my bed right there oh my God boom Oh a mushroom cave what is this one day one evening this is garbage it’s mushroom caves Jeffy daddy I’m the perfect name guys can you fix this yeah yeah you know what no Jeffy no no no Jeffy stop it

That ain’t once I’m here it doesn’t matter Jeffy just um it’s garbage this is garbage Jiffy dang what are we doing come on Jeffy wait no way they you built your house underneath mine so technically you your house is mine get works all right Danny since you

Build yours on your mind whoever wins this gets to keep both houses all right Jeffy well I guess we better check out your house am I right all right daddy guess one what Jeffy here’s my house seriously Jeffy big engage oh I know Ryan’s great are you kidding me but

Really daddy step back behind here oh my gosh oh yeah oh my God Jeffy of fake walls super secret walls Jeffy this is insane oh my gosh I’m dead what’s in here no did you leave day alone dangerous hop and crunch here and come explore my house oh oh my God damn blue

And stuff the first thing I have in my house she accounts with a TV on it kind of a small TV um but Daniel look at this TV no way Jeffy it’s literally the whole wall oh my gosh and you got a fish tank in here that is insane and then another TV

When bumps on you I see that Jeffy they’re not real monkey young I know you can’t read so it doesn’t matter all right Danny follow me over to the dining room [Applause] that’s weird Jeffy what is wrong with you they’re not weird yes it’s super weird Jeffy he’s not weird no I’m not

They I think this next room is going to be your favorite my favorite oh come over here boom look and dance dance flooring on Dancing Jeffy I Don’t Dance all right if I see one more piece of chocolate cake you’re getting a thousand green beans stuff coach

On the cake room Jeffy do you have anything else to show me yeah I have a hole upstairs oh my gosh Jeffy we’ve only explored one floor look I have another kitchen and Jeffy what do you need another kitchen for hungry oh hey storm eating my chocolate cake

All right Jeffy I I ate all your chocolate cake so like what now all right dang calm Allen Shawn this is my favorite porn all right I’m getting off I’m getting off did you knock your head on that every single time Jeffy you need to make that

Taller boy ain’t got my helmet on so it works that is a huge TV and the bed is really nice too all right Jeffy that is insane oh my gosh no no stop taking my diamond no goodbye Jeffy these diamonds are mine 30 minutes to decorate this entire big

Lucky Block house with only Lucky Blocks so let’s go hang in place down our first looking block and see what we gained oh yeah yeah yeah yeah donkeys yeah I like doggies for orange second Lucky Block ones joining out boom oh we got a

Ton of cash we can pull these cats in my house come on little kitty cats they’re not standing up what are you doing kitty cat what are you doing okay I guess we’re not using the kitty cats all right let’s open this oh we got so many items

We got corn stairs oh my goodness so let’s go ahead and actually just decorate the volume which I’m stairs and stuff I’m gonna have this actually reading couch dig a fire place like right here and put these night of courts or I think they’re flammable so we’re

Gonna be able to use them for a farmer where’d you put these slabs on top of the fire pit Show Your Fire doesn’t get any money block of course why am I getting doing this maybe I’ll just use this as like a shelf or something I don’t really know lunch Point are more

Shelves on the walls maybe a few shelves right here actually it’s blocking these things I’m doing right there and uh play around here perfect no that it won’t win some blow up uh don’t worry about it Jeffy okay all right change my name definitely just had

Some blow up on him we’re gonna make another lucky block three two one boom oh my goodness we got such cool stuff I’m gonna use this stuff Angeline kind of a door so we’re gonna do a fish at your door and I also got an item frame

From there so let’s go all the way upstairs and run here I’m gonna put this hero sword again oh it’s glory now for the stairs let’s actually replace these stairs because they’re ugly and I also have some TNT that uh you know I think I’m just gonna put underneath the house

Just in case you know you can get you need to blow something all right next Lucky Block oh my goodness one guy in iron sword and there’s no really his phone but you know all right let’s try this next one what is that is that a goldfish I’m funny I’m definitely gonna

Frame this I’m on your frame my little face on your wall that’s gonna be my framing wall all right oh my God I just barely dodged the Anvil oh my goodness yeah you’ve been really really bad how am I gonna get out of here oh God what oh my goodness

We have let’s use one of these Lucky Blocks oh diamond all right back at our lucky block pyramid you working open two more boom oh my goodness we’re getting so much stuff all right let’s open more boom oh wait what is this why is this is a

Massive Lucky Block what oh my God what is this I got a Lucky Sword too all right let’s try this Lucky Block what did you do um oh what’s happening what’s happening what is happening oh oh my goodness I just got so rich that was so lucky I’m gonna go frame All Nation

Put it on my chest Danny one got it that go good over here okay I’m just gonna ignore him all right let’s store all of our stuff inside this Chase that’s gonna be our lucky block change so let’s put the sword in there all right we still have monkey blocks to

Open right here so all he’s doing no way I got rainbow shapes let’s go I’m telling your rainbow and sheep someone’s going down in the Jeep and I got another Mash of a super lucky block someone drawing open it three two one oh man it’s gonna happen again let’s go oh

Yeah I’m getting so lucky I’m literally the luckiest person alive right now all right that’s all the lucky blocks for that pyramid and now let’s try another one oh God my dad my dad really bad luck over here all right let’s make another Lucky Block

Boom what is a big old Palmer man you can’t hang in there I’m not getting really good stuff right now oh no worries why am I in your slime jumping gas you’re looking so fun right yeah yeah it’s cool it’s cool we need to move move on hey are you kidding

Me I mean I guess you belong so we can use it let’s punch him hey out Shawn on guess not really sure why I need it I’m good for the rainbow sheep oh came in your Rainbow yeah you guys keep coming John come and shine yeah we’re going in

There I guess I can put some hay in your Corners some hay right there and you know maybe even you can hang over here other than that let’s get back to Lucky Blocks all right another Lucky Block here we go one yeah is that a hero villager is your villain you’re one

You’re doing your name all right that was pretty lucky I guess I don’t know all right here we go Saddles oh my God that’s so boring let’s try another one Heroes fishing rod what do you find throwing a fish on this one again I get another fishing rod okay it’s pretty

Boring okay hero what do you want do you want your fishing rod is that what you want take it get out of here a wishing well maybe I should throw a coin I’m gonna throw a hand in here oh my goodness no that was so unlucky I’m sure I’m glad

I didn’t do that inside my house that would have been really bad all right time to put another lucky boy no no no Oh Daddy shut up I’m trying to do my own thing over here I don’t care if you’re unlucky boom there was a golden apple inside James

That’s so cool all right let’s try another Lucky Block oh my goodness look at how many arrows I got I can put this in my chest in the chest it goes all right let’s try this again one I got a romantic Rose maybe you’ll give me to my

Daddy at the end of your video all right let’s try one more Lucky Block oh my goodness lucky potions look at all of this oh my goodness look at all my friends I’m actually Invincible oh my goodness there is so many rabbits and cakes chocolate cake

I think that was the luckiest out of all of them potions I was using the wrong potion and since there’s no much time left arm and the points down a super unlucky block inside my house but I’m not gonna revealing till my daddy oh my goodness what is going on in here

I’m done with this Lucky House Bill battle Jeffy is your pigs on top of pigs in here Duffy I couldn’t tell you the lucky blocks they’re crazy they hate me oh my God why do you have a zombie named Bob Jeffy I couldn’t tell you I wear

Jiffy where are you oh my goodness there’s so much why don’t you have your head on top of your house I don’t know don’t ask me look there’s creepers in my house oh my goodness what is going on I don’t know Jeffy I couldn’t tell you I

Couldn’t tell you first off this house is garbage is pure evil garbage at least there’s a piece of chocolate cake down here these lucky blocks are horrible this was a bad idea Jeffy I know um daddy maybe I think I hang a little bit more luck than you so let’s go and

See mine there’s no way your house is better than mine Jeffy follow me Jeffy you can’t even make a house with these Lucky Blocks yes you can all right Danny are you ready to see mine yeah Jeffy I’m ready all right let’s see it or on three two one

Look at this what you got a whole Lucky Block that looks so cool I got an entire house menu lucky belongs Jeffy that is awesome oh here golden horses over here you didn’t get any of the bad moms like I oh there’s a couple songs but I did

Rainbow sheep got a bunch of rainbow sheeps Jeffy yeah all right Danny come inside first don’t worry about that lucky block I’ll show you that in a minute Daniel look at this is putting out my fire dog getting your fire doggy man burn oh Jeffy the inside of this is

So cool it’s a giant lucky block and you’ve got stairs right here like a couch I got all of these from the blocky blocks yeah you’re not gonna believe what you say I’m here with a rainbow you got a diamond sword and a golden sword all hung up and inside that chest is

Easy really look at all of it there’s so much Jeffy there’s so much no okay Daddy I’ll give you one proposal what Jeffy if you win this challenge you can keep all of that but only if you win only if I can keep all these diamonds if

I win the challenge but you’re not all right Daniel come downstairs it’s time to activate the last monkey block okay also I forgot to mention there is TNT all under this house Jeffy why did you put TNT under the house um just in case all right Danny are you

Ready yeah yeah he’s gonna determine the winner right here one okay so over here we have my building spawned now there’s just one problem I don’t have the bass drunk around the way yet in three two one oh my goodness there it is that is our bank structured oh my goodness it

Looks like all the water is already gone let’s go and check on the on rooms we’re going to check all the rooms to make sure all the water is gone hold on oh all right I’m gonna get rid of all the water in here stay out of your hair

Wander I own my place you smell like fish okay almost done you with the water there we go oh and I have to add entire walls oh my goodness he’s gonna take forever I’m gonna build some glass here so the water doesn’t get into my house

Okay almost done and boom now all the water should disappear from here oh yeah all your wonders oh wait hold on I need to take a poop in your corner oh no oh my pump just destroyed the walls oh god oh no oh no okay now then

That is just out of the way let’s go decorate so in the first room I want to decorate is this one I have everything I need in my inventory to make this the best kitchen ever first we gotta get rid of this drown you get out get out of my

House get out unless you’re gonna give me chocolate cake oh my goodness they’re all over there’s two of them in my kitchen okay fine I guess I’m just getting built with all these guys in my kitchen fine we have all these cabins I’m gonna put some cabins up here too so

We have infinite storms for chocolate cake right here I’m gonna put a kitchen counter oh yeah I want to make a little end date right there too bring us out one more and boom this is gonna be the perfect kitchen it’s already looking so cool and along the counter I’m also

Going to place chairs down you aren’t there we’re going we’re gonna put so many years let’s put some cabinets all around your signs oh yeah very nice you can put some in here too oh and I almost forgot the sink let’s make a huge sink oh yeah that’s a big singer mom ever

Seen one we’re also going to add a fridge oh yeah no there we go and why not have two fringes and I know that there’s counters right here but I want to have more of a formal eating table right here oh my God y’all these two

Drones kissing no no kissing in my house I’ve got really nice tables oh yeah there we go we’re gonna make this a nice big old table very nice I think we can actually have a big hole in your meal a chair here a chair here and here here

And here and then you might be asking me Jeffy why are you getting your point for Daniel I’m on your point eight on your own chocolate Pink There we go jungle cake for everybody yes jungle cake chocolate cake chocolate cake on these counters in something that my

And look cool is a few painting on the walls oh yeah just to make it a little cool looking and you’re painting right here what if we have a painting on the glass oh yeah that one’s sick what if I have like a long hole in the glass I

Hope the warrior doesn’t fly in I think that’s coin and the wire is not finding anything that’s okay let me open this up a little bit more and oh my goodness that one’s so cool I think this concludes your kitchen let’s move on to the next room and for the next room

We’re gonna have to come up these stairs and then we’re gonna be in here and in here again I’m gonna play my bedroom oh my god oh no I broke holes in the ceiling oh no oh no all right so around right here I’m going to start building my bed okay we’re

Gonna add some step UPS right here and you might be wondering why I have such a big Penny store for just a tiny little bed well because jeffy’s important and boom there we go look at that that’s such a cool band Penny stool I feel like

A dog walking up here and sleeping on his bed so this is my bed when I’ve forgotten to build my chocolate cake bad so over on this side we’re gonna do the same thing before can you build your penis don’t form a trunking over here in this corner I’m gonna add a

Big sofa look at that that’s so cool and I might just do the same thing on the other side let’s see how this looks oh yeah these looks so cool and watch jeffy’s room without more talking tank everywhere chocolate cake I don’t have any obsession with chocolate cake I promise you and maybe

Over in this corner I can even have my own personal jacuzzi for this I’m gonna use Frank lava so not actual lava Frank lava I mean it’s still gonna be just like having a Jacuzzi look at Danielle cool so now if I wake up and I’m really

Cold I can just walk over here you can’t have a room without an armor set so if a bunch of fishies invade my house Alma you have any armor set right here oh yeah here we go right there to find them and now for the next room we’re gonna come downstairs

And we have the living room for the living room what we’re gonna do first is add a fireplace so let’s put some Netherrack right here and let’s go ahead and light the fire oh yeah it’s gonna get real toasty in here now to make the fireplace look a little cooler I’m on

Your Andy’s cool slabs on the side oh just like this oh yeah look how cool how cool it looks now ride by your fire I’m on your Pony cool little chauffeur why are these drowns all over my house she should be unacceptable and when you’re

Calling it comes oh my God he scared me I think he just wants to get near the fire and Ride by the door I’m gonna put these little slams here and get some bushes oh yeah you make it look really nice and I’m on your connecting over the

Top to make it look like a pretty little princess entrance and also when you have people come straight through the doors you’re getting one you scare them so I’m gonna put two husk statues right in front of the door so if someone comes in they’re gonna be like oh husks run away

Exactly what you’re gonna do because you’re scared and yo we’re on remember a Jeffy house is never complete without millions of chocolate cake everywhere no room we have this room this is the room that I’m gonna be keeping all my precious diamonds in so I’m gonna have

To make this room super secure all right to make this room super super secret I have some ghost blocks so I’m gonna go ahead and you just block this off so when my daddy walks I’m here he’s gonna have no idea that there’s a wall here

And like I said I’m gonna have to make this room super super secure and I’m Gonna Keep My Diamonds right here in this corner the ominous start building a vault oh my God there’s no way he’s gonna be able to break into this Dad complaints the Vault

Now let me go in really quick and just placing all my diamonds oh yeah I’m so many diamonds so many diamonds I have some Diamond spikes too I shaved all these diamonds in the spike so if someone walks in here they get spawned oh when you punch them on your showing

Too why I’m also gonna do is put some ghost blocks here too and then throughout this entire room ominous and lasers one laser here we’re gonna put a laser across here so if you walk through you’re just gonna walk straight into a laser and then I’m gonna put a laser

Across the entrance of the door here also I’m gonna put a bunch of centuries let’s put one there let’s put one here let’s put one here and let’s put one actually inside the Vault so to distract my daddy from these big 99 blocks in this big bowl with all the diamonds

Inside Army and put a ton of chocolate cake over here so he can’t resist and then when you try and cover up this Century with trunklin King so we dungeons see it let me also add some traps on the entrance of the door and I’m gonna add some traps on the entrance

Of this vault door and then I’m gonna add gym traps all around my chocolate cake because even though I easy to turn I still want my trunk on cake to be safe and finally to make it super hard for my daddy to get my diamonds I’m gonna put a

Mutant zombie in here oh no what is he doing no mutant zombie I’m sorry what’s wrong oh no it’s my centuries they’re going and no don’t do this entries no you know he’s a mutant zombie he shouldn’t be fine I think he can take millions of shots all right I’m all done

With my build and now we’re gonna go check out my Danny’s Oh Daddy are you here oh my god oh I almost drowned down there dang it what is this place Jeffy I made a underwater dome made of glass look at it but yet what happens if a

Fish puffer runs in your glass and breaks it a shift puffer a what a shift buffer fish I don’t even know if that is Jeffy but I think it’d be fine look then this boy sucks what are you talking about Jeffy look I got cool arm

Jeffy why did you take my Armor All right well I have this one um well I’m gonna take this one too Jeffy no don’t take my armor stop you know I have all your armor and Daddy what is this why you have a random blocking you oh no oh dude what is this

Place Jeffy stand here stand here um is this your iron gone any jokes on you before you finish your building I made a secret layer in your build in my own build Jeffy what are you talking about I gave myself a super powerful sword what so jump in your eyes

So all your diamonds are mine no stay away from my diamonds Jeffy you have to beat the build first you have to beat the build I gotta check out your building Daniel okay yeah if your bill is better than mine I guess I have to give you my Diamonds oh I know it’s

Better than yours they get in here what are you doing how did you have time to build this this is insane I know it’s my build I’m a master builder I even have a swimming pool underwater it’s a little silly because it’s underwater Jeffy but I like

It I know it’s already bigger than yours right no Jeffy mine was a whole class all right let me just see the rest are you scared from the from the husks are you scared Jeffy feeling alive um then he pulled him down he’s mine Jeffy why did why do you have this here

This is weird um because it’s just scare away people and you destroyed my my husk Jeffy I don’t know what that was that was the weirdest thing ever and why is there so much cake in your house I love chocolate everyone comment down below if you think Jeffy gets point the

Points deducted for having cake all over his beautiful living room no I don’t no I don’t okay all right whatever okay Daddy do you like the living room or not yeah Jeffy the living room’s cool okay let’s go on in the kitchen the kitchen look at this

You even have a fridge down here I am too fringes Jeffy how do you get electricity down here um my my poop generator I’m pooping doing generator and then it makes it power no wait all right let’s I’m just gonna go upstairs Jeffy oh God you have

A gold armor stand Jeffy come on just in case a little fish pumper comes into my house why do you have lava right next year this is my jacuzzi is this fake lava Jeffy um yes it’s Frank lava because I can’t actually have a Jacuzzi full of real lava y’all Burn yeah you’d

Burn to death Jeffy like what is wrong with you hey you like all my chunk and Cake right here yes Jeffy is good all right Jeffy your build is like pretty cool I have no clue how you built this massive Mansion under underwater um well I do but then there’s one more

More room that I guess you’re just gonna have to find could you be anywhere who knows please [Applause] this room’s insane oh it’s got diamonds everywhere now my Daddy has to give me all his diamonds but you guys have to like And subscribe first if he’s gonna give them to me Jeffy no they’re not gonna like it oh my God [Applause] this tree is so big it’s gonna be so

Hard to get in the top and it’s gonna take forever so I’m gonna have to make this staircase so big almost yeah oh my yeah almost completely with this staircase just a few more blocks to go and done and in here I’m gonna start building a Langer so we can get up to

The Tipping each arm and then as soon as you come up here we’re gonna start building the living room which means we’re getting a building couch all around here and then we have to make it to when there’s a good old TV so let’s build the TV right here like man just

Super tall super big super cool TV and then by the couch let’s put some drawers some damn way people can put your juice boxes somewhere so he says there’s no power up here I’m just gonna have to put a big old painting of a pig on Dolphin

Mine TV because there’s no way I’m getting power up here behind my couch I’m on your point I’ll open you have some cake right there just find your couch you can make it smell really good and then down over here we’re gonna start building yeah and then we’ll serve them some chocolate cake

We can also put some paintings around here to make everyone feel like home down here is where I’m gonna point on the kitchen stuff every single tree house is not complete without a full set of kitchens all right let’s put down some counters and then let’s put your

Gun off two piece fridge right there and then on Japanese calendars we’re going to prepare Antonio jungling Kank a nice day when you’re in my dream house I forgot this sinks there we go wash my hands now I have to build my cabinets on top of my cake because I

Just want to catch these long line this is going to look so cool when it’s all done all right let’s put my cam names up here Perfect Look at that one’s so cool and then I’m feeling serious like I’m chocolate cake in here so I’m on your end just a few minutes

There is no way my Danny can be dancing there’s no way no way possible and you know what you would also look super cool my tree house a waterfall so let’s make a waterfall to make it fall all the way down your three ounce and you know

What’s cool about this if it flows over and eat my steering so the way up you can just swim all the way up to the living room brightness my chocolate cake and then up here in this treehouse perch I think I’m gonna build something that no tree house

Has ever had before its own pool all right on this Foundation because weaves can’t hold any wires so we’re gonna put one there and now let’s start ending For the winter times let’s make a whole fireplace by my pool now we gonna be really careful about this because my entire Treehouse is made out of wood so I don’t want it to burn down all right let’s check the fire only I don’t really

On fire oh no my dream house is catching on fire oh no no no no no no no no no oh my God no I told you this is why we had to be careful because my own three hundred me on the one oh no y’all make

Your ninja Jerry’s dying I’m gonna need something I think they make this fire and pink even more stable I’m gonna have to surround when even more Ninja rank oh yeah three ounces on fire I didn’t even see this surrender place in water no no

No no no no no no gosh this was not supposed to happen I hope I don’t run anytime okay is there any fire left any fire at all I think we might be okay oh my goodness I almost had your heart attack because you say man who you fires

In your tree house would be a bad idea what’s inclusion someone can’t catch myself on fire and now I think we can light it now we’re completely safe from all the burning wood what time is it catching on fire again no no no no no no

No no no okay fine I guess I just won’t have a fire in my crowns why am I you bonding no I hate fireplaces I give up now let’s go ahead and do my bedroom digging on me the best room ever I’ll buy my bag where you can play my drawers

So I can put my jungling tank in here and one gum or something and then you need your friends to be right by me for midnight snackies on top of here in Japan shark named bomb I don’t make the bomb he’s gonna be fine he doesn’t need

Wire he’s okay don’t worry about him and then also I’m gonna have my own personal pool in my own bedroom looking Daniel you’re so cool also on my you have an emergency escape something tree houses on fire and I need a Quick Escape I’ll just jump off and then I landed and then

I theoretically would land in this big one you’re paying right here perfect and now I should be going to emergency escape all right let’s test it out oh my goodness oh it worked and since time’s running out we’re gonna start getting to diminishing stuff as you can see down

Here I have a crazy secret lair about to go down down here this is gonna be my secret life so I’m gonna build your wall around this whole place and this is where I’m going to keep all my valuable stuff I bet my daddy’s not even gonna

Try to make a secret liar in his tree house all right following it now we’re gonna start putting all my valuable stuff in here looking all my diamonds I’m gonna put my diamond spikes in here just to make it even harder you steal my diamonds and

Then something cool I’m gonna put a D Coin diamond ore now if you don’t know this right here is actually a synchron deep slink diamond or mine Sylvie steps on yes you he’s gone you’re gone boom and then down here in this corner I’m gonna keep my super secret magma armor

This is the most powerful armor in the entire game so I need to make sure he does not get his hands on you so let’s go ahead and start making this super insecure by adding lasers all sorts of lasers oh let’s make it super hard to

Find my secret lair by adding a ghost block look at that that is basically impossible you see you would never think there’s a secret layer Behind These blocks and then even if he does manage to get past this another secret belong that way he thinks it’s just a dead end

But really you just fall down into my super secret layer now that that’s done we’re gonna start making his entire base my Danny proof so we’re gonna get any Anton on these bear traps all over my tree house the property absolutely just surround the place with them perfect I

Don’t think any bears are gonna try and slip in here there is no way and yeah inch mechanism like these centuries now these centuries if my game comes near them they will pop up from inside of this block and they’ll start showing them or recording and Antonio around the

Entire property even some up here there we go and also show them in my kitchen and then most certainly one by my bedroom and then around the entire Treehouse I’m gonna add some traps now when you walk on top of these traps they expand and then they trap you do I add

One there there way on the stairs a super cool place to have one inside the pool that is absolutely perfect and then let’s add the last one inside the kitchen now for even more defense Omaha and super cool skeleton archers so let’s build into cage and I’m spawning the

Skeleton no it’s making a little hole right there so he can shoot whoever’s outside trying to get into my house but that’s not the only one we’re gonna add we’re gonna add one on this side too there we go and your lunch spawn your man and now for the ultimate part of my

Tree house I’m gonna make my daddy a prison that way when he tries to get into my build my skeletons are gonna trap him and put him in his prison now my ultimate goal for this entire battle is to trap my daddy in this so it better

Happened and then for your final thing because time’s running out we’re gonna put a ton of Tyrannosaurus Rex all around your mind build oh yeah looking on these guys look at that that’s so cool I am so many dinosaurs around my build I’m gonna name this one

On to scare everyone away mama and this super cool cage inside this cage I’m gonna put a mutant Enderman now whoever sees this is going to be terrified of my build actually let’s add a few more in here look how many Endermans are in there that would be so bad if they

Escaped it’s a good thing I’m gonna need cage there oh daddy where are you Jeffy I I’m I’m finished kind of you’re finished Danny what is this Jeffy look it’s my tree fort this is your dream foreign it’s amazing those are so expensive and now to the only in master bedroom Jeffy

Master bedroom you’ve literally got a tree sticking up when you’re talking to your bedroom Jeffy it’s part of the tree house it looks cool and wine you have all these checks well I gotta fill them with green beans and diamonds Jeffy what else Jeffy my tree fort does not suck you

Take that back until you see mine Danny you don’t even have a pool Jeffy I didn’t have time to build a pool you came and interrupted me before I could finish oh sure daddy is this really in yeah Jeffy it’s amazing and I doubt your tree house is that much better than mine

Prettiest yes all right let’s go check out yours let’s go check out yours okay all right you gotta jump off before it burns oh this is huge how did you do this um I’m doing a really cool tree and then um you you just got lucky that you found a

Good tree that is about it Jeffy these these stairs are hard to get through oh my gosh I know I know just don’t don’t don’t look look mutant Enderman oh don’t they scare you but don’t do anything weird here or else they might hurt you Jeffy

Jeffy why would they hurt me I’m not gonna do anything weird all right I’m getting so OMG it’s not like I’m gonna burn your tree house to the ground Jeffy oh why would you do that I’m never hurting him before I’m getting dead Jeffy yeah but I don’t have power so I

Need to put your painting on you all right well that’s no that’s first if you want chocolate cake Jeffy bad boy Jeffy no all right Jeffy all right show me what else is in your tree for all right come over here to my living room I mean my

Bedroom where your emoji seeing that you’re wrong yeah Jeffy while I saw it look at this oh my oh you got a fridge right in your bed that’s so convenient and I’ve got my own pool I’m gonna pull Jeffy oh my gosh this is so nice I know and look at my benches

Jeffy you can’t jump on that I just did this is where I keep my pen shark and Jerry there’s no water in here well I mean he’ll be fine probably on you know hey you doing hey Jerry I’ll put you out of your misery buddy sorry Jerry you killed Jerry

Down here I’ve got my uh my dining room slash kitchen you’re not eating chocolate cake for breakfast dinner why do you have so many sharks Out of Water I’m gonna eat on this cake before you’re taking away from me Jeffy no no no yeah all right Jeffy what’s next is this is

This all your house um no dang you forget we need a bang spawns I’ve got a [Applause] yeah you have chocolate cakes all right Daddy come over here Jeffy what am I doing now um nothing I just have to show you my super secret area you have a super

Secret area come on jump down your hair all right Dane do you notice anything weird about this area no well one besides being a giant tree well look at me oh oh my gosh oh my gosh that way when I have all my baby friends over we’re gonna have all onion

Chocolate cake there we go um let’s not forget about the joggling tank oh my God over here likes point oh and open up on count showing people are done eating they can come over here and take a rest facial over here working and putting some paintings on your wall look at them

And just finding oh my goodness more paintings yes yes yes of course maybe even your painting right there oh that fits perfectly I know I’m not supposed to do this but I’m gonna add some bookshelves on your book shock ew no money likes books but it kind of looks

Nice come on there we go finishing up in here I think I’m on your point ugly old kitchen I just put the counters right here I hope nobody cares I’m gonna put the fridge right there just under the stairs so when I come down um for midnight snacks I’m gonna open up the

Fridge let’s put this ink right there and um I’m just feeling this place ain’t big enough so I’m gonna destroy all this oh yeah and then I’m on your brain now look at this island this is the best kitchen I’ve ever seen in my life I like

To see my Daddy’s Kitchen when he’s done I bet he’s gonna be complete poo poo and they right in here let’s go hang and make a good big TV this in here is gonna be the super cool entertainment room let’s just add one big couch across here there we go

Perfect now I can have all my friends over and we can watch tons of HTML movies let’s also add a fringe right here okay you’re just gonna float when it’s gone another one over here and then maybe one right in front of the TV because I just cannot be asked to get up

In the middle of a movie to grab some chocolate cake from The Fringe just not gonna happen and for this room I’m gonna make this a good old study room studying for chunking cake recipes some chairs right here once a boyfriend it’s right there because we need chocolate cake everywhere um

I think that works in here working in Punta Girl bathroom so once you put your Hopper right there I’m gonna get this one take my poops oh that was the biggest problem of my life oh my God I’m strong and can’t get in here and Johnstone just to make you

Smell a little bit Banger and yeah Marshall getting punch some sofas in here just because when I fall off the toilet I think this is a pretty good bathroom and along the walls your army and punching more paintings oh my God I’m thinking here maybe a painting here and

Here and here and here and you’re looking in painting wall this is the coolest painting in the entire game and then all the way across these floors I’m going up on your Trail all the way to my bedroom now in here is gonna be jumping room so let’s play some Songs let’s put some drawers oh it’s all right by my bank I’m gonna put your fridge filled with chocolate cake and then right above my baby cool ninja booster is so cool and then over here on the other side of my bedroom oh man you’re putting a big old town and then possibly

Right here since I don’t want to walk out to the pool all the way over there let’s go ahead and make all my very own your hot tub there we go and you’re on your Warrior now when I wake up I’ll go straight into my hot tub for sure rounded my chocolate cake

Here Alma you have my pet Jerry I’m going to bring on Frost creamer one dony and ninja Gary and you know so I’m gonna have my other friend bomb in here Bob major bomb getting on you here this is my friend Bob oh your Bob no he’s dying no I mean your mom

Oh my God she do something well wall Mr mom’s just having a good time in here obviously he’s doing something you know let’s come out hearing and some badge by the pool I love sleeping by my pool and the inside of my pool I’m on your end a few shorts because

Um I don’t want anyone else inside my pool except for me and if anybody else gets inside my pool you’re gonna get eaten by a bunch of shorts I hope my daddy Falls in my pool and gets swollen hormones shark no no am I making their bum I guess I’m

Going in the bomb the judge like every house that I do and build I have to make an entire room damn dedicated to chocolate cake so that’s exactly what this room is going to be everything in here to chocolate cake even your walls bearing gun yeah yeah here we go one

Lesson you’re always learn in your life is that you can never have enough chocolate cake oh yeah we’re almost finished with the chocolate cake wall and we just and I think we’re good we’re gonna look so good this is like 10 times better than any other house I’ve

Ever done before look at my chocolate cake room look how goofy now looks from Ally’s on it looks so cool and with this room all my employees all my diamonds in engineer so my daddy can’t get in here I’m going to put all your diamond spikes

Around so if he walks up here he’s gonna get impaled oh I’m perfect and to block you off mommy Andy’s cool electric fence nice my electric fence is broken why is this happening I guess we’ll just have a weird colored fencing little do you guys know this actually electrocutes you if

You get near it till my daddy she’s all these diamonds doing his wall and gets a lunch reunion he’s going to fry I forgot about something this house needs a road the villains clear on these blocks here we go England he’s bringing young to him about here and now it’s time to start

Building my road doing just gonna bring all this thing on your way out here there we go and yeah I have most of my rooms ready to go let’s add the things in the middle of the room I’m not really sure when these are gone but whenever my

Daddy takes me out to your store I see these young ones on your own and I kind of want to lick them because you look on your dancing there we go and done look at that road I know he’s the best run you’ve ever seen also outside my house I

Need protection I’m gonna add all these really cool Century weapons all around my house that way if someone tries to come and get me while I’m watching my TV shows and fgml movies and eating on my cake they’re gonna get destroyed and boom now this house is also Totally

Secure now that my house is done let’s go check on my daddy Oh Daddy are you done yet Jeffy yeah I’m done what is this place this song’s like dog poop Jeffy looks like dog poop what are you talking about it’s beautiful look at it well you manage all yellow it looks like

Hey Jeffy do not say it looks like pee it does I’m such a big TV and also why is why is this train from a machine Jeffy leave my iron golem alone all over him Jeffy that’s because we’re in cartoon land right now Jeffy it’s because we’re doing a baby

Build battle okay stop okay Jeffy you like my big kitchen oh damn my kitchen’s way bigger than yours your kitchen’s bigger than this one yeah Andy has chocolate cake but Jeffy this kitchen’s huge and I’ve got two Iron Golems to protect me while I watch my football

Well just wait till you see when I’m going to protect my house all right well let’s head upstairs to my bedroom your bedroom is this world on your manager camping yeah Jeffy magic like uh pillow fights and stuff you know um this sucks Jeffy you take that back

Right now it really does trust me this is just a small bedroom it ain’t even got your pooling yet all right Jeffy all right whatever Jeffy that’s there on purpose oh I’m sure it is all right whatever Jeffy all right well this is my roof where people

Can come and hang out and have all sorts of fun yeah but Danny what is my fun room you want to go into survival and check it out um again someone trying yeah all right oh you almost killed me Jeffy why are you coming back up there’s a surprise in

That room Daddy I saw the surprise and it almost game ended me that’s not the surprise Jeffy oh God you’re zombie Jeffy get back up here now you know what I’mma you come back on but in creative mode all right Jeffy that’s just that’s okay Jeffy you have to be in survival If

You’re Gonna Go a million die am I going current survival mode diamonds you’re always support you were supposed to be in creative mode Jeffy this is cheating no is she not he’s completely normal all right let’s check out my bill on you use white diamonds

Well if you win then you can have your diamonds bank but if I win when you’re not Jeffy my build better destroyers it’s not going to they look at my bills oh my gosh you have a T-Rex uh-huh I don’t you what protects my bill you get your own T-Rex

Oh my gosh this is crazy You Gotta Give me the full tour of this all right dang come on Yang oh my gosh this is my truck nice on trees and yes I built this on by hand that’s insane this is my garage where I keep my super cars well you

Don’t have any supercars Jeffy girl is they’re still on your way okay all right whatever all right Jeffy take me through the rest of your house all right then come on they look at my pool oh my gosh if you look oh oh my God

Oh my God why do you have so many sharks on the pool Jeffy um because I knew you were gonna try and get in there that does not make it a joyous experience Jeffy that is so messed up well um come on come senior right now points deducted

I don’t know about that Jeffy yeah you’re going in the wrong entrance come over here oh my bad Jeffy this is the main entrance oh thank god oh look at your chocolate cake your kitchen’s insane I know it’s so much banging in yours Ryan Jeffy you do

Not need this much chocolate yes I do okay stop destroying my cakes no cake for you Jeffy fat boy you have a random fridge right now I have these fridge here Jeffy this house looks so good with this baby theme I can I know right they look

Look at this this is my study room dang Jeffy because you don’t need my best chocolate cake and a couch all right then let’s go upstairs Jeffy enough with the chocolate cake Jeffy you just knocked your roof in point seducted my build’s better what no you haven’t even seen your race in my

House leads to my bedroom you have a chocolate cake Trail oh my a three tier bed Jeffy there’s so much room in this oh three Ben for all of mine oh my cakes [Applause] I even have a hot tub in here oh Jeffy oh this feels ew game what are you doing

In my hometown it wasn’t your hot dog I didn’t fart in your heart yeah yeah I smell like Jeffy no I didn’t all right do you want green beans you have so many Diamonds oh Jeffy dog these diamonds are mine no you can see we have this beautiful corns

Block surrounding the entire house and then we also have several floors in this house so we’re gonna build something super Epic on each floor all right first off to keep this a little secure we’re gonna add some water on the outside and then we’re gonna add a big jaw bread so

You can cross across the river to make this a little faster I’m gonna go ahead and use commands so we’re gonna do slash slash cut there we go here we go now we can start pouring some water in to make it look all nice and good there we go okay we

Finally have all the water done and look at that I’m gonna go do something to my daddy’s house real quick and I’m gonna come back and add a drawbridge all right guys I found my daddy’s house and oh my goodness this looks like garbage what kind of millionaire house is this it

Doesn’t even have Quartz in it it’s all wood dirty one it’s gonna think of one if I was staying in this house it would smell like old people so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do something a little mischievous so we’re gonna go underneath the house and then we’re

Gonna blow up the floor all right so let’s dig a hole here and go underneath the floor and then we’re going to put a few TNT’s down here and then we’re gonna go ahead and set it off there we go oh my goodness what’s gonna happen

Oh my goodness no no no no no no oh my God were there creepers over here I saw it would have been so it wouldn’t have been over here there must have been like a creeper award that they walked into no no jeffy’s definitely gonna beat

Me oh I was gonna beat him anyway but now I definitely am and that’s gonna set him back at least another five minutes so that gives me more time to win my build all right now we’re back in my build let’s build a jaw Bridge there we

Go let’s just make this a few blocks wide almost done we’re just gonna add a little thing underneath it there we go now we gotta get some stairs there we go very nice very cool jump rings I know now you might be thinking oh it’s so

Easy to just get into this house because there’s an easy jumper and she can just walk over but when people aren’t gonna expect is I’m gonna have lasers on each side oh my goodness If somebody walks through this jump Bridge they’re going to get caught in half we’re gonna go

Inside and start decorating the rooms so first off we’re gonna add some sofas all over the place because we like laying down and not doing anything all day we’re gonna put some cake around there we go um we you can’t have too much cake there’s never enough cake remember again

I’m getting kind of lonely in here so I’m gonna put down a ton of cats all over this place oh yeah catch catch catch catch all your love on these cans yeah hey Mr Ken do you want some chocolate cake there you go now we’re gonna add

The fireplace hmm where should we point it I’m sorry Mr Cash we’re gonna put the fireplace right here now we’re gonna say all these on fire and then we’re golden we also want to have some tables you here showing we’re eating our chocolate cake it doesn’t get all over the floor

And I think that’s good enough for the forest form now come up to the second floor this is gonna be my Zoo yeah you heard me right I’m gonna have a zoo in my house now you might be wondering Jeffy what are you going to have as a

Pet in your Zoom T-Rex is in here yeah T-Rex T-Rex yeah we’re gonna have a ton of dinosaurs in this house since it’s been a while since I’ve gone in trouble my daddy I’m gonna go give him a pet dinosaur oh my goodness is that a fish

Tank with a shark inside of it guys I’m definitely stealing that idea for my house but you know what seems like a great idea I’m gonna sneak inside and then blow up his fish tank all right he’s only selling right now so he doesn’t notice me all right I’m gonna

Blowing up three two one oh man oh man oh my goodness look at that I just blew up his whole face tank in all the all the fish are swimming out I’m gonna go invisible so when he comes inside I see his reaction what was that no no no no

No no no no no oh my gosh shark no get back up there get back up there no no no no no no no so man what happened that the shark break the freaking glass I didn’t even know they could do that you didn’t even know there was me that blew

It up oh my gosh no no that’s definitely gonna send him back another hour at least am I gonna get all my fish back in here he’s never getting his face back in there he’s gonna have to go buy more fish okay now now we’re back in our

House we have more floors to do and now then we have our Zoo done we can move on to the next floor which I think we’re gonna do a swimming pool we have to build walls around here so the water doesn’t flood the entire house I have a

Really cool idea guys what if I have a hot tub full of lava so the rest of these can be the normal swimming pool oh yeah don’t drown T-Rexes I see you poking up above the floor now we have a lot of swimming pool and then we also

Have to play some chocolate cake here because when you’re in the hunt I’m full of lava you on your main turn down you’re eating your chocolate King you stay along all right guys we have two more floors to decorate now guys for this floor I have something special

Planned oh my goodness look at this this is my cake Room everybody this is the room I come to in Danny me green beans and I just gobble up on this cake all right guys we’re finally at the final four now for this floor I’m gonna

Make this my own tree biome so what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna add a ton of grass blocks in here and basically make our own forest let’s put some saplings down all over the place very good now then we have bone meal we can start growing trees look at this

This is so cool I can climb up to the top of the trees and chocolate cake this is gonna be the best house ever and judge for the sacrament we’re gonna put all this chocolate cake on the top of my house now that we’re done decorating we’re gonna go make this house super

Proof so what I’m gonna do first is underneath my house I dig the huge hole look how big this hole is and underneath this I’m gonna put a trap door on the entrance of my house so my daddy tries to walk in and steal my chocolate cake

He’s gonna fall into a huge pin of lava but there’s no way he’s just gonna walk in and fall into that lava I’m gonna put a diamond block right here and then I’m gonna put the chest right here with a diamond pick so that way he’s gonna try

And mine this block and when he stands on it he’s gonna fall to his death there we go diamond pickaxe inside the chest and also I’m gonna be putting lasers all over this place oh my goodness look how many lasers there are and of course he’s

Gonna try and get my chocolate cake so I’m gonna put a laser right here so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put a trap right after he gets off the jaw bridge that way it prevents him from getting into the house now I think the first

Floor is pretty secure now we can move on to the second floor now here’s the thing we basically already fortified this form because there’s a ton of T-Rexes in here so that just leaves us with the final three fours so what I’m gonna do is put a ton of traps inside

The swimming pool that way if he swims over just one of these it’s not gonna go gun and by the way we’re gonna make this swimming pool super super cold put massive ice blocks all over it after my daddy’s bidding this freezing cold water he’s gonna want to get in the hot tub

But he’s gonna have a hypothermia and he’s not gonna notice the super hot hot tub and by some chance he makes it past his level without burning let’s move on to the next one now this level has got to be my most pluralized possession so

This has to be the most secure room in the entire house so let’s put so many lasers here he can’t even comprehend it oh my goodness look at this room it has so many lasers inside of it now we’re gonna move on to the fifth and final

Level now for this one we’re gonna put in mutant zombies now if you didn’t know mutant zombies are super super strong damn gonna be the strongest thing in the game made me even stronger than the team rankings so we’re gonna put three of them in here now I think that should be

Good enough to wrap up our build and fortify it so nobody can get in so now let’s go and check on my daddy Oh Daddy are you home Jeffy yes I’m home but I’m not done yet you wait 15 minutes to get it done how are you not done yet Jeffy I

I haven’t even added my bedroom yet Jeffy um well that seems like a new promo I got my house completely done so how did you not get yours and mine looks so much better than yours Jeffy because someone blew up my house with like either TNT or a giant creeper oh I

Wonder who that was I have no idea you come over to my house no I would never do that okay then give me a tour all right Jeffy well here’s the kitchen um detention time do you have chocolate cake in here you know I haven’t been kicking your phone I haven’t I didn’t

Have time to fill the fridge Jeffy because you didn’t give me enough time if you didn’t have a chocolate cake in his friends and what’s the point of even existing okay Jeffy well what about this all I really cared about was my gigantic plasma like oh my God this might be the

Coolest part of your house actually I know Jeffy it’s amazing I can watch so much football just kidding it’s not even on it doesn’t even turn on all right Jeffy well I bet your house doesn’t have a giant TV like mine oh really oh these aren’t going right all right Jeffy come

On let’s go upstairs Daddy what are these stairs one is why your house made out of one by the way because I like what Jeffy one I think look at this balcony I can watch TV from the balcony too why would you want to watch TV from

The balcony instead of the couch like if I feel like a Japanese I don’t know it’s my house um okay all right Jeffy come up here now there’s a secret up here it’s awesome oh my goodness yeah Jeffy it’s an awesome fish tank huge fish tank that’s actually really

Really cool so swimming pool a swimming pool if you get bit on your face Jeffy well the the shark’s not in here anymore so I’m probably not gonna get bit you had a short in here yeah Jeffy I had a shark in here and someone destroyed the

Entire thing oh I wonder who did that Jeffy one we talked like that sounds like you might have done it I didn’t do anything My house is just times better than yours than yours all right Jeffy well let’s see your house if it’s so much better okay Jeffy my house is huge what are you talking about oh well just wait until you see mine now before my daddy comes

Into my house I have to send the keypad to one two three four he’s never gonna guess that is going to be the most complicated cone I’ve ever heard of oh Danny it’s time to review my house Jeffy all right come on let’s oh wow T-Rex is

Poking out of the side of your house um no you don’t even have enough room for him Jeffy look there’s no squished in there I don’t know what you’re talking about Jeffy I didn’t why why is it so reinforced I thought it was a mansion not a prison or a death to keep

You out why would you want to keep me out Jeffy I’m your dad um because I don’t like you yeah you feel me green beans all right Jeffy that’s nice good luck in your crunchy Jeffy what is this are lasers are you serious all right let me Jeffy

Let me out of the case oh thank you all right let’s go oh my goodness now you have Jeffy a keypad are you serious right now just guessing coach it’s something super crazy what that’s the code of my lunchbox Jeffy hey get away oh you are taking my chance to

My cats now Jeffy how are you getting passed on these lasers what what are you doing no stop stop taking my catch I’m throwing you into the fire yeah oh oh no that’s a design flaw trying to mine the diamond block all right Jeffy if this is a trap you know

What that means um if I blow up so do all your cats okay get down there Jeffy Jeff what Jeffy why would I say it on the domain diamond block to buying it hey you just stole my cake you just stole my Kink Jeffy I will go into

Survival mode or greater mode right now oh I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here oh my God oh my God I swam past them I swam past him Jeffy I am so done with you today I bet you’re exhaustion from all that climbing and

Avoiding I bet you want to swim don’t you yeah Jeffy hop in oh Jeffy oh yeah it’s so cold it’s so hot oh yeah you see those ice blocks you can get hypothermia in about 20 seconds why did you trap me seriously all right

Let me try it in the ice cold water okay I’ll let you out only if you swim let me out no not again are you serious oh yeah he’s so cold he’s going he’s gonna want to get in the hunt Tom Jeffy it’s so cold conveniently there’s a Honda right here [Applause]

All right Danny you get one more chance to redeem yourself oh you got trapped again nah Jeffy that was not cool Jeffy let me out again oh Jackie look at all these laser beams what no let’s stay away from my cake no damn what Jeffy all your laser beams are

Broken they don’t even work they’re not doing anything what is it looks like you failed Jeffy maybe you’re not ready for this little does my daddy know that these mutant zombies are up here okay Danny come to the next level all right Jeffy I’m coming look at this oh my God

No oh my God no no okay Jeffy just what thank you for spotting me I’m finally got to the end Danny don’t eat my cake stomping stop it stupid oh he landed in your water I’m out of here I’m out of here ten thousand likes and we’ll do another one of these

This video, titled ‘Jeffy vs Marvin ULTIMATE House Battle In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2023-06-22 18:28:24. It has garnered 492647 views and 3111 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:03 or 10203 seconds.

Jeffy vs Marvin ULTIMATE House Battle In Minecraft!

This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed!

Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever!

SUB TO @heresmarvin !

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Parkour Adventures! Are you a fan of parkour in Minecraft? Do you enjoy watching videos of skilled players navigating challenging obstacles and showcasing their agility? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players who love all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience. From epic PvP battles to creative building competitions, there is never a dull moment on this server. Join now and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Explore new biomes, conquer challenging parkour courses, and make new friends along the way. The IP address for Minewind… Read More

  • Crafting a Labubu Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Labubu Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Labubu Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Labubu in Minecraft! Dive into a realm filled with unique challenges, exciting quests, and endless possibilities. Join forces with fellow gamers and explore the vast landscapes of Labubu together. Let’s delve into the fascinating features of this Minecraft world! Discover the Portal Labubu One of the most intriguing elements of Labubu is the Portal Labubu. This mystical portal serves as a gateway to a realm filled with mysteries and treasures. To create the Portal Labubu, players must gather rare resources and harness the power… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Farming: Grow Every Crop!

    Master Minecraft Farming: Grow Every Crop! Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide 1.21 Are you ready to take your farming skills in Minecraft to the next level? Look no further! This ultimate Minecraft farming guide 1.21 will show you how to grow every crop imaginable, from potatoes and carrots to pumpkins, melons, sugarcane, and more. Get ready to learn how to use the hoe effectively, how to farm with water, and how light affects your crops. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide has everything you need to become a master farmer in Minecraft. How to Use The Hoe Starting with the basics,… Read More

  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

    Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft's Funky Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I bring you the news, with a rhyming spree. From updates to glitches, and everything in between, I’ll keep you entertained, with a rhyming scene. So join me on this journey, through the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and we all wear our socks. I’ll keep you informed, with a twist and a turn, And together we’ll laugh, as we all learn. So hit that like button, and share with your friends, Let’s spread the joy, as the fun never ends. And remember, in this world of Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

    Minecraft Wither Meltdown When you accidentally summon the Wither in Minecraft and suddenly realize you’re not as prepared as you thought. It’s like trying to take on a boss with a wooden sword and a piece of bread for armor. Good luck, buddy! Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

Jeffy vs Marvin ULTIMATE House Battle In Minecraft!