Jeremy Duck’s shocking revelation: I’m the worst criminal on the server

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H hello ladies and gentlemen hope you’re all doing well it is 10:40 a.m November 15th 2023 I hope everyone’s had a fantastic day we’re going to get some Minecraft to start off the stream today we’re going to be playing Minecraft at 5m that’s assurity but we’ll see what we’re going to be

Playing at some point after that if anything I hope every I hope everyone’s having a good morning today I’m getting in Minecraft first because I have a specific build in mind that I’ve been thinking about for a few nights now um so before I get into the game let me

Explain something to you the viewer my lovely viewers uh about how this build is about to go down and how it’s come to pass how it’s come to my brain what specific series of events happened to where this build that I’m about to build is here right so I’m a I’m a big

Uh D and fan and thus I I watch a a show called critical role many of you may know what they are or what they do um but if you don’t it’s basically a D and D campaign and it’s the best period so in campaign two minor spoilers in campaign 2

Um there is a thing called Caleb’s nent n-sided Tower and basically it’s utilizing the spell magnificent mansion from Dungeons and Dragons where the Caster makes a door A Magical Door and through that Magical Door the party will continue to go through that and they will see a place

Of the person’s C of the Caster’s design right the person who casts the spell it’s their design of the place I want I wanted to make that for some time and I’ll show you what I’ve done in the past and go ahead and get in um I’ll

Show you what I’ve done in the past I do want to come back here um because it is a good illustration of kind of what we’re working with but not entirely okay the the place can take many forms so this is my uh this is my attempt to

Replicate this right um but the problem is is I don’t like building a diagonal um so you come through here we have like a uh a dining room we have a bunch of bedrooms oh God it’s really laggy uh only one of these is finished which is this one which is

Really cool by the way I’m really happy the way it turned out um and uh you know we have a bunch of empty rooms because the thing is is I could only complete something once it’s my own right once it’s my own once it’s uh it is in my

Brain and not just me like trying to form a like a form formalize something right so today what we’re going to be doing instead of building something like this which is by the way it’s supposed to be in its own Dimension right we are going to go out to the [ __ ] side of

The world where we don’t have any requirements of anything and we’re going to go and we’re going to build our own now I already have a plan let me explain in my head before I start building cuz I think it’s a good like um angle to understand where shit’s coming from

Right uh is my command portal purple or is it blue I don’t remember it’s probably this color I don’t [ __ ] know it’s one of them anyway so uh we’re going to come out here where there’s no requirements of anything um I’m going to build probably

I’m trying to think do I want to build under water or not uh but um let me explain it so um my version is you come in right you come in through the front door and to your right you see a fountain or sorry to your left you see a

Fountain and to your right you see a pond and it’s a small dirt Trail and dirt trails like peel off to meet those but they’re not going to be even and it comes up and the Trail Ends off to a massive Mansion right once you enter

That Mansion uh there is a foyer which is just a room before you get into the actual house also known as a porch uh if you’re Canadian in specific specifically new finlanders I don’t know if Canadians call it portess um and then you come in and I

Think you go to the left and you come into this inset which means it’s uh it’s a little bit deeper in the floor um like sitting room to where it’s in front of a fireplace to the left is a dining room and to the right is a set of stairs to

The bedrooms okay now if you go more to the left there will be a kitchen and there’s also I want to be so if the kitchen uh it’s probably better to illustrate it like this if the kitchen is here the hallway is in front or behind it right and then that goes to

Other spots like um like a fighting room slw room uh that’s downstairs by the way and uh and a um hot tub Area Pool indoor pool thing h drink coffee by the way I hope I don’t regret that so that is kind of what I’m

Thinking so now uh we do need to just check this real quick I need to see what kind of status this water’s in am I no not diagonal it just looks like it okay yeah as I thought um right here should do now I could alternatively I could

Build this in the end which will give me a cool mystery look but I do want it to be quite bright and grass looks quite stupid when you do that oh good good to know that I’m lagging my dick off right now yeah 447 ticks behind because I’m in

Ungenerated chunks there we go right there I just set it to D [ __ ] it all right now I’m not sure if I’m going to build like Hills or mountains or whatever behind the viewer or whatever I’m still debating how I’m going to illustrate the sides of this place oh man too much water

Okay what the thing is this 73 um but yeah I wanted to get this build uh built and um I think this place is going to be pretty big but uh thankfully since where I’m building like the I don’t really have the constrictions of that that I usually do on these builds

So yeah that’s going to lag a little bit as much as you would think all right that’s doing good that’s doing good uh so let’s go ahead and get the top block set and I’m going to start off with this in my head I’ve been thinking about this

A lot um because um I I didn’t explain this part the reason why this comes up because every time I go to bed I usually watch critical rule when I’m going to sleep right like it’s [ __ ] like two episodes and you’re awake right um so like the they’re really long like

They’re like [ __ ] 3 to four hours and I have a huge playlist of [ __ ] 300 videos plus um so it’s uh it’s a little crazy right so uh this time I just randomly selected the the the episode that this um tow in when I was going to sleep and

I’ve been listening to that show like probably like [ __ ] 30 nights like not in a row but in concession like every other night um and uh and every time I would watch the show I would think about this build and uh it’s been it’s been like hauling to me that it

Needs to be built so we’re going to do it and we’re going to start off with what I’m thinking we’re going to start off with what I’m thinking so it comes out um like that and then it goes like this and it goes like that okay now there’s going to have to be

Specific block numbers because there always has to be when I’m building uh nope sorry okay uh so what numbers are we working with right now we need to be even and odd we’re even and even well [ __ ] uh the reason why we need to be

Even and odd is because uh we want a One not a two so you see these two blocks in front of us we want this to be one block instead of two which means we do this and it makes it a seven which means it it goes odd and odd I

Suppose because it has to be yeah all right uh so we’ll go ahead and set this to Cobblestone not that this matters but like we’re not we don’t have like a walls to constrain us right now so it goes like this and then we have a fireplace

Here which is probably going to be right here right and that’s going to be constrained by whatever it might uh so maybe brick like this I don’t know if I like it touching that I could do this instead or I kind of want to keep it

Open all right I did drink a ton of water before I get started cuz uh you don’t really want to start your day well some people do but like I don’t want to start my day with like drinking coffee immediately I’d like to have like a [ __ ] liter of water at

Least um so it gets a little [ __ ] think we remove this one and these like that um can we do like a stair situation it it feels really bulky right now it doesn’t feel any less bulky okay and I might like bring that out but this is this is what’s kind of

Been in my brain a little bit um I think uh the the orientation of the fireplace needs some work and maybe I’ll even make it stone brick because bricks kind of put me off a little bit you know honestly I wish I couldn’t I wish these were removed being

Honest like they’re cool and all but like I’m never ever going to use them for any build ever um and if I was I would do it with commands so it’s kind of like useless to me what if I did this yeah I don’t know what form of the

Walls is going to take um which is good but also can be bad because if you saw a build in anoth or sorry in the greens Kingdom you’ll know that I got [ __ ] um that was a while ago though because what happened was I built stuff that couldn’t be constrained by walls

And then it completely [ __ ] me um so like this is like a sectioned off thing so what if I did this but I did slabs instead like here and then I did this then I did this like this feels weird it feels like it’s too open you know

Um I mean if I could have something that supports this like that maybe which means this would have to be like this but we still have that he it looks pretty cool actually I I like that I like that a lot more sure a walk in fire why

Not all right um which means the form of the wood I think I’m going to go dark oak this is too be changed um oh let me just quickly check okay command portals nice let’s gra the reason why I want to grab this because I don’t want to look through the

Map every time if I just randomly forget where this spot is this map is huge that is an actual possibility here magnificent [ __ ] um I’ll just do it like uh a special name um um oh I can’t spell mansion is that not mansion that’s fine I could have done a cooler name but

We’ll figure that [ __ ] out Later yeah the house doesn’t need to be one for one either like that’s an important thing to think about when I’m doing [ __ ] like this is that like just because this is here doesn’t mean this is the exterior wall right okay and not that specifically not that that’s important do I do

Spruce I mean I did Spruce things but I was kind of hoping for that to stand out a little bit more um now this is going to be a sitting room so we’ll put some chairs and [ __ ] down I don’t know if I want it to be

Spru what if I did it as connection and what I mean by that is you do this and then you do a different Block cuz I don’t like Spruce if I’m being honest the only reason I’m using it is I think it’s a good fit for what we’re doing right now being like a a tertiary accent color this is primary this is uh tertiary and then we have our secondary which is

Going to be a more primary color um anyway I understand that I’m saying a lot of confusing things um I don’t know why I’m building this wall up it’s just making me feel weird that it’s not there so I need to um okay um so yeah what if I did just Oak

Does Birch l merge in Oak pretty well it does it does okay this is kind of what I meant no I could just like completely take good all the wood as well and just have it have the uh law or the stairs which to be seen for sure

Okay I don’t know why I’m building this manually when I have world edit okay I actually don’t mind the look of that to be honest um so I still like got I I know how I think I want to come into this room uh but I don’t logistically I don’t

Know like how so um maybe there’s like another stair here um that kind of like tapers it all in and makes it look connected you know like that okay we can set all this to Cobble right and then we’ll do this [ __ ] yeah I got lost in the pattern I

Don’t know where I’m at right now I think I’m here like that oh man that’s just work get a little [ __ ] wait how am I have three one two one two supposed to be like wait no it’s not that’s two one two one two sorry it’s three

Here so this is supposed to be there okay so now we come over and then we replace air Mo these I really like the contrast I’m going to be honest I really do okay and let’s try to keep equidistant here so two more right um now maybe it is too equidistant

Cu the way I thought about it was it’s not like that it was like the first way completely cut off and like you kind of walked in but I think having things like this is quite cool when uh when it looks awesome right now there’s supposed to be a dining room

Here man my nose is running away for me Jesus um now I don’t know how this is going to connect no [ __ ] idea um what if I did it like this I trimmed a bit of fat you know stre three like that I mean I don’t know how

That I don’t know how that’s going to look cuz what’s happening right now is that this is uh this side is getting put off because of this because it’s too close right it needs to be one to the back um which means like what the [ __ ] happens here cuz I could just move

Everything up right but like this is this do a little little chop you know like it should should be like this or like you know should it be like a little wall I’m not sure um I feel like we need to go into dining room next though and like trimming fat is not

Going to work here unfortunately um um so if oh man there’s a lot of accent going on here I don’t even know what real color of the walls are going to be so if our um if our walkways are this big right Jesus that’s huge let me like tone it down just one

Block make it a five o but if I make it a seven it does give me more room for other [ __ ] and it does take up a bunch of room which we like um trying to think now let’s go ahead and let’s uh let’s set the whole [ __ ] ground to Cobble

Here just like the the main circumference of what I’m thinking or the main area that needs to be in the middle oh man it’s just not in the middle that’s a little problematic I mean I can always move it we we’ll [ __ ] with that in a sec

Um so now what I’m thinking is that I could do this right and make the hallway kind of come in right so then all the all the hallways are down one block right oh that looks disgusting can we do this please CU it gives me the uh curled

Edge and that looks a little bit better but it it doesn’t leave much to be desired with the wall if I want to do supports or whatever can I grab a chair type thing a group chair maybe me just clear my thing so I could do this but I could also

Do I don’t have a chair here uh where is my Oak thing I have a uh I have an oak seat oh I might be using those as well because I did already customize them Palisades look really or wait podiums hang on we’ll have to have a look at

That where is my chair too it’s like a piece of Oak that is cut off what is that a ghost cloak I don’t know what the [ __ ] that [ __ ] is it’s not not this there it is it’s like that too bad you can’t have these in diagonals I think that’s

Fine um I could just make an ANL couch as well anyway I wanted to look at these damn it why you like this see that’s what I was thinking now I could do that chisel bits which would be a more effective way okay so I if uh if I’m building a

Kitchen here and then that’s the side of the wall right because I want to go down the stairs then this isn’t going to be in the middle anyway which is going to be weird because usually you would put this in the middle of the house and maybe that’s going to bother me a

Lot but I’m thinking that this is going to be on the left here um is that seven no you [ __ ] that should be simp dude this thing’s huge what the [ __ ] okay doesn’t help that my thing is misaligned yeah it’s supposed to be double this let’s do that all

Right okay yeah I think we’re going to have to make this a five unfortunately uh sorry moving one go so we’re all evened up and on this needs to be moved too we go so now we have five bottom left and five I know it’s really hard to

See um the reason why it’s set like this is because I don’t really want like that’s not where your focus should be and nor should my focus be down there like that that’s irrelevant look there sometimes where it’s useful but it’s just big enough to for I can actually see the

Number um so yeah I was thinking about doing this right so like a zigzag um hallway and I can have this hallway go to other places um so if I don’t want like if I don’t want uh to have like a staircase that goes up here to the uh bedrooms

Which you know I may that’s a valid a valid uh thing um I don’t have to which means that this is the entry way so po three blocks should be plenty um and then we go like this fully Square it should be six and six you

[ __ ] it it needs to be seven sorry it can’t be six needs to be uneven uh um yep it’s good measuring tool I’m thinking we just copy this and we paste it after rotating so we move [ __ ] okay that give me an actual middle cuz a seven turns into an

Eight right is that true yeah keeps suring even Cobblestone there we go um so that’s our entryway um I just got to keep in mind that we’re putting a house on top of this um I don’t need to completely meet the confines of where the house is

Though but I do need to meet it roughly every time I build something like this this um and I don’t do it without you know uh thinking about that it kind of gets me in trouble because it makes the build a little bit harder to build that’s

So there we go we’ll have a door there okay and I’m pretty sure all this is going to be raised a level I think the house itself is going to be raised um we’re going to have to move all this over not right now figure it out later

This is supposed to be the center though um okay so that’s the center way we have like a house going this way and this way here’s a problem where the [ __ ] is the glass going there’s going to be glass are we just going to not put glass

Here [ __ ] I do need to center it okay uh we should do this now uh we shouldn’t do what I just did let’s do it on the edge so I don’t have to [ __ ] with the staining in the middle whatever number this is better have a middle hey Siri 218 divided two

Nice 109 should be have a middle here um okay so 109 probably right around here nope back a little bit back a little bit more right there right right there okay how many blocks I got to move your [ __ ] ass over let’s just grab the actual block count please 32 blocks all right

Nice okay we’ll go and grab the top part of this and we’ll move up 32 left okay now this and this should should be completely in line it’s not I’m one block off somehow wait Really okay no all right uh 31 wait sorry what oh you [ __ ] I [ __ ] selected the wrong thing man okay uh I can’t redo now because I just did that [ __ ] Bastard all right 31 please we go yeah it looks really weird weird because you can see it like you can see the uh the center thing and like that that’s kind of putting me off here but I need it to be this way cuz that’s the shorter side right

Okay let’s go ahead and make all this grass all right and we’ll have to make the um the adjustments of this we’ll might as well just do that now I suppose um I’m going to just going to simplify this a little bit what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Set the um I’m going to set where the block is um um to the complete Edge and then I’m going to bring it in it’s just easier to calculate so I’ll bring in 20 blocks from The Edge on both sides so I have to [ __ ] think about

It I just want to make sure that that’s a good side I don’t know if the I want the house to be that big but damn block there we go now what I can do so I could do something like this bam there we go so now we have a perfectly Square oh

[ __ ] it’s uneven we we we need it to be uneven it’s fine it’s 21 instead of 20 but now we have a completely uh even Edge um so we have the entryway we have a hallway dining room is here kitchen is here no idea what’s here right I could

Put a hallway there so then I can have glass right I I do want like mansions in my bra the way Mansions work is it’s just a big sheet of glass glass right um so kind of like um I’m going for this but a little bit bigger and the roof’s going to be

Different but kind of like this right um thank God I have teleport actually the roof looks pretty [ __ ] good if I’m going to be honest the roof design works well I love that I can actually [ __ ] map teleport now teleporting with my system well novel is [ __ ] annoying as

[ __ ] you have to place these goddamn things everywhere um okay so I think that if I want to do anything with this hallway thing it needs to be here and not here because then I can’t put it in the middle unless I want to increase the entire size and I want this

To stick out a bit as an entryway so what I want to do so I want to do this I I don’t think the color of this wood is going to be Birch but I need it to be Birch so I can see what the [ __ ] is going on

Right uh do we put the hallway here or do we just make the entrance here I feel like we just put the entrance there right so we can actually have some [ __ ] glass it’s supposed to be a mansion right so like here you come out and then there’s something

Here right or maybe we just break that off and then there’s something here okay um do I have enough to like come out through here four five wait yeah we’re good it would have to be like that though like that’s the the way it would have to look I I like unsymmetrical

Symmetry it’s nice so that means it would look like this right and then that’s the that’s the [ __ ] hallway that’s it right there by the way if you’re wondering like building in Minecraft’s really interesting because I have all these like specific ways I do things so like

Anytime I’m working with the number five specifically these right this is five the way you see that number because five always has a middle in Minecraft is that you just do that so you can see five you don’t need to you don’t need to think about it

Um I could make this hallway have Windows as well so I could bang this right to the [ __ ] close to the wall right and then make it a hallway and I could do the same thing here then it makes sense and then I don’t have to build anything I think I’d

Rather do that which means this is the wall which means I can’t build into the wall but that’s fine I’m happy with that construction there we go you see how much more easy it is so we come five Off the Wall once again Birch is just a

Temporary and I think I’m going to do the same thing over on the other side as well cuz it’s easier to build bedrooms like that and it gives a little of formul but that does mean I’m going to have to have always dude I don’t know what that means

For the whole build though because if I’m if I’m building like this which means this is going to be the same I mean it’s just going to be hallways at the sides of the house what do that mean for the back of the house I don’t

Know does that mean the front of the house is all hallways and the back back of the house is all rooms I’m not sure um okay I mean I have a lot of room here but like where does our light come in through it would have to

Mean the way I’m thinking about this it would have to mean that this area right here has to have a window or it’s going to be no natural light come in good placement for the sun though for me um so like we have a dining room here

It’s going to be quite dark now mind you this could be in the center of the house right this could be the center of the house well not the center Center but it could be a center hello toilet man hope you’re doing well but this could be the

Center house where no light is and then we could have rooms here hello toilet man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream um so we could just move it back but I don’t have like I don’t have a ton of ideas for this like I have a few

Ideas um like I know I want to build deep right um okay I am building a mansion Toilet Man um and then I’ll build everything else around it uh so like mountains or whatever you’re not just going to see this when you’re in the Mansion cuz that would look

Stupid I’m just trying to get the uh the forming out so now the question is is if I want a table here or if I want to bring it in here and have a table because I could build a wall here right like this doesn’t have to be

Like the main for aair I kind of want it to be the main for aair because I kind of like the open concept design I wish I have Minecraft you don’t have Minecraft damn I didn’t know that was possible Minecraft’s like the like everybody has Minecraft I feel like every parent would

Be so um so encouraged to buy that for their children children you know in our country Minecraft is $900 Jesus what the [ __ ] economy is that Christ [ __ ] Christ wait what oh well I guess the transference would still be $900 depending let’s do that I don’t know why

I’m building it like this because you’re not even going to see this ever yeah I guess that’s why some games um some games like have it to where it’s it’s however much in your country it’s 900 taka that is a uh currency I’ve never heard of before but yeah that’s that’s insane

Like being a Canadian like I understand that you can kind of get [ __ ] by the US dollar because you know like uh I think our dollar is like two to one or 1 Point like 7 to one or whatever but I didn’t know that it was I mean I sure like Venezuela I

Suppose is the only one that like comes to mind but like damn bro rough mind you knowing where I’m at right now if Minecraft was $900 I’d still probably buy it I’d probably still buy it that’s how much I love this [ __ ] game uh because holy

[ __ ] um okay so what I could do is I could build a retaining wall that’s open still right so it means like it’s a little like thing and I could put a dining room here and a living room here and just think about that for a second um I don’t know

Man if I let me just quickly uh let me just do something real quick I’m going to do a different block sorry okay let’s just copy flip East build old mansion it will look fancy I mean yeah that’s kind of what I’m going for so if I was following the original path

Pattern of the the thing in my brain um which would mean that this right here’s the staircase I don’t like that it would look like this it’s going to be a fantasy um Mansion so I guess it will look old so then it’s a hallway that goes to

Bedrooms that’s the way it looked in my brain so this went up and then there was a dining room room right here right but maybe I just make this a huge [ __ ] living room instead right like I don’t like that disagreeing um I might build mountains I haven’t I haven’t figured out logistics

Of how the sides are going to look but I can also like the mountains I can build when it’s coming to something like this are pretty good uh so here’s the mountains that I could design to have it like like that Valley aspect but the idea is it’s supposed to

Be magical it’s supposed to be like nonsensical it’s supposed to be illusion it’s like building this is quite easy right but I could literally just copy this and paste it right these mountains look great um and it kind of Tams it a little bit mind you the logistics of copy and

Pasting that’s a pain like I already know that [ __ ] yeah C’s good okay yeah so if we just do this which is like a nice big for aair I’m still debating whether I want this in the middle of the house or not which means this is is a

Closet I mean this could even be the staircase right um because it’s a dead space right here like this right here is dead space I’ll set a stone bricks so we can see it which means this could be the dining room now I don’t have to put a wall

Here right I could definitely like just have it like is hi Wayne hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream the mountains have too many trees make more Bush and the mountains will look natural and realistic I actually really I I disagree I I really like those mountains over

There um now mind you you’re probably right in the case of the mansion that there’s too many trees but also that’s its own build and whatever I actually really like the way that looks though um okay um I don’t need to build it on the

Wall uh let’s go ahead and just as a reminder like um all these blocks I’m building is just placement a set polished like these are not the blocks that I’m going to be using see like right there like do I want the dining room to be this big or

Do I want want it to be a little bit smaller I don’t have to be on the wall here I do have to be there but cuz like this is going to be dead space and then we’re going to have a kitchen over here somewhere and I want a

Hallway over here somewhere or this goes there but it needs to connect back ooh that’s what I could do I could have a double connection to where like if we build this out a bit I could have it come in through here as well it does feel more cozy that it is

Kind of locked in cuz these are hallway right um so let’s go ahead and take a few off the top what number are we working with right now 14 okay we want we want odd numbers because we’re going to be building a table so 13’s an odd number I

Think so that means that’s seven and that’s seven okay that means there’s going to be a table here like this now thankfully since since my game’s really modded I actually have tables and [ __ ] so like I have all these uh do we do the accent I think I think we do

Right so we go like this and then we go two because it makes the front look a little bit more Regal oh can we yeah we kind of need to do this instead there we go go uh centry building at Big Manu in many more rooms like bars libraries and

Party room yeah but it does um you do do need to keep in mind toilet man that there is an overarching theme so there is an amount of real life stuff that wouldn’t be added here right so this is Medieval theme but High fantasy so magic exists in this

World wa says I never use Mods or Texture Packs I don’t have bling bling yeah mods and texture packs are like my bread and butter I I have it all uh it should be in the description too big so like just to give you an idea uh where’s a good build to

Look at um I mean this is a good illustration I suppose it’s not my best build but it’s a good illustration um so this is kind of like the kind of magical theme and feel I’m going for right um that and what else uh and this is this is the high uh

High medieval uh aspect of this you should add a dungeon oh boy Wayne you don’t you don’t understand how big this world is if we’re talking about the specific build I could I could have a small dungeon um but uh but yeah like in this world like this world’s massive like

Huge huge just for reference for reference just so you can see at the tip of my mouse this is a chunk 16 x 16 just for reference so you can see what the [ __ ] going on um like this this world I’ve been building this for 3 years or so um

It’s huge anyway let’s get back to it but yeah I could definitely uh build a dungeon okay um I need one block I don’t want to use to space so you’re making a dream and Magic World it’s not a dream not the thing that I’m building right now is inspired

By something that I’ve listened to every time I went to sleep right it’s not a dream per se the world uh is just something I’ve wanted to build for some time now um and I’ve been building for a while like a really long time Birch planks but uh the way this world

Works is um like this is supposed to be a working world it’s supposed to make sense in its thing so it’s based on a bedtime story no uh when I go to sleep I don’t listen to uh a bedtime story what I do is I have YouTube on and I listen

To a show called critical role and then with that oh [ __ ] it’s uneven all right we need to do that again um and with that uh there was an inspiration a point of inspiration to where I’m building this based off that inspiration all right chair do I have the high back ones

Yeah dark oak get nice look at that I love these tables so much and if we really if we really want to be super fancy we could do this and then this and then this we really want them to be super fancy no mind you I don’t like doing that um

I’d much rather do something like this uh red wool oops so now we can do is we could make this actually look like it’s hanging down with a mod called chisel and bit and if we grab a line these okay and then we grab let’s see

Just a single bit please uh make sure to place lots of carpets around a manchion uh just like the wooden floor uh it look like that doesn’t have people living in it good show yeah the hallways will have carpet um it needs to kind of be

Poignant so it needs to be like this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I just busted that didn’t I yep I did of course clear the log yeah this is a uh common bug with this mod really annoying so what happened is um is I dug the block behind it so then it scuffs my

Block the way you have to fix it is weird like that wait it’s still scuffed bro wait I’m scuffed oh my all right we’re gonna have to wait for a second but the way it’s supposed to look is that this is supposed to be like curved up like this

So then it kind of looks like it’s an actual thing coming down right and we actually have like meals and stuff that I can put on a table um because mods um any day now what’s my L saying uh will you place banners on the outside of the Mansion I don’t think I’m

Going to place banners we’re gonna have to force crash the game that’s fine yeah I don’t think I’m going to place banners um it’s not that kind of build um I’m just thinking about you know having it look a certainly pencil the table looks sad uh I I would

Imagine the table looks sad right now because there’s nothing around it there’s no chandelier or whatever no Chandelier the uh the sides aren’t done there’s no meals on it don’t worry I can definitely spice it up I just got to get back in the game any day now freezing

Data uh did I just crash my thing make the T table look long it looks too short um I could it’s not supposed to be a table for many it’s supposed to be a table for like six this is supposed to be a little bit more private there’s going to be a

Huge dining room um so if I make it for SI or if I make it for a little bit bigger that means I’m going to have to make everything else bigger yeah I want to have a big dining table like in a big room that’s going to

Be really nice cuz that that’s how I’ll take up a bunch of room um but this is supposed to be like a private inner interior type thing which means I’m probably going to have two kitchens it’s going to take a lot of room this place is going to be

Huge yeah welcome to moded to where the launch takes 20 [ __ ] minutes all right uh so remove this put that there um do that please okay b b b so kind of like a library no not a library um just like um this is just a cozy like little area that might have

Like a small kitchen um just for you know food and stuff two three four five one two three four one two three four five um do I want to have a PO yet let’s try six you [ __ ] damn it why are you like this are we good no we’re not good

Huh there we go all right your mod Pack’s insane yeah my it is it’s like 30 mods it is a little crazy wait what happened yeah it doesn’t like to cooperate are we in the middle I think we are okay yeah I have I have 30 mods and uh

It can get a little crazy um do I have the mod list in my description I don’t think to oh get wrecked get wrecked by nightbot uh let me see uh I’m probably going to hear myself here mute there we go uh Minecraft mods mods it’s one of

Those um I should have a whole mod list and like that includes te tector pack and all that um I don’t remember what my commands are though I keep forgetting and like my go-to is Minecraft mods thank you what is it exclamation point Minecraft [ __ ] you Jeremy [ __ ] why would it just be

Minecraft I need to have different commands for that there we go so yeah that document contains every mod I have all the texture packs all that now I might be missing a few but generally it’s usually that nice I actually really like the way it looks okay uh so now if we grab

These now we can do something like these right so that that brings it up a bit and now we have a mod called drink beer because why wouldn’t we uh and we can put like alss and stuff honestly I think this one looks the best and we can do

This we could do uh this that this and I can also switch it up as well if I would like and Bam there we go so now it’s like looking a little bit more lively and I could also put like a um like a candelabra do I have those

Candelabra I do I don’t know how good they look though they look okay they look okay my mom’s calling me and I sub thank you I stream every day see you later all right thanks for the hearts I can see those I don’t know why it’s like interactive like that but you

Know coffee drained nice okay yeah I do think this looks a little weird going to be honest I think I got some coffee in my nose okay so we have a small dining room table here once again the blocks are tentative um and I could do it I could

Do this one of two ways I have a huge [ __ ] kitchen here that is for this room and where the guest room is going to be right which is going to be a huge [ __ ] table that’s going to be massive and it’s just going to be for a mansion worth of people

Right um but I was kind of thinking about having that here right but also I wanted the bedrooms here right the way I was thinking about the way the design of the house is that kitchen was here bedrooms were here hidden underground stuff there now what I could do is I could

Move this back and then put a like I obviously the table wouldn’t be a [ __ ] Mansion long that would be ridiculous but I could have a table here and then other stuff there um um okay let’s go ahead and let’s start switching stuff now planks with dark oak plank

Okay so replace oh sorry I don’t have the second place above dark oak there we go bro was I really that low okay have some walls um yeah this is just going to have to be like that that doesn’t though okay now we can go ahead and replace all this stuff

Too no I can polish do your right uh screw planks Birch planks stone brick with Oak planks I think that just looks better does it look better though I can’t see where the [ __ ] anything is I think I’m tentative on that but I do like that this here maybe the

Carpet will kind help break it up a bit and I think I’m going to do gray like this not gray enough that’s the same [ __ ] color dude how it’s not the same color sorry losing it I don’t think I had it in the beginning but you know we’re losing whatever we had

That’s for sure so can I get a three here I can I really like that I can get a three there it doesn’t look terrible okay so then we can either wrap this around to kind of give a little bit more contrast between the two

Colors um which will work right uh or we could just have this you know go wherever okay and then the three somehow goes here oh there isn’t a three here that’s problematic how is there not a three here do I move it one forward yeah there needs to be a three here

I guess I’m moving it went forward well that’s definitely not the pro the plan so that means this this like that like that bam bam yeah that doesn’t irritate me at all it bothers me a lot Bam Bam there we go oh it’s even

Okay um so if we we just build two off of everything like that okay two one two one two two there we go let me do this yeah breaks up the contrast a lot uh how did this happen was fixed now wait no it’s not fixed okay that looks a lot

Better how it gets over there no idea not a [ __ ] clue man not a [ __ ] clue maybe I just leave it like that and you just walk over there um we could put carpet under the table like this but I don’t really like the way that looks I could put it around the

Table that works but it’s also strange because you know either there’s supposed to be a wall here there supposed to be something I think I’m going have to oh man if I build it up it’s going to put my thing uneven and it’s going to make me

Sad I do really like the way that looks though um okay we could build this here just as a little bit more room right um um and then that’s that if I put this here and I go right here and I don’t connect it to this that

Means that will be a wall I can put the kitchen here and I can put a big table here it would [ __ ] up my underground plans but it would take a bunch more room um and that would be cool it would [ __ ] up my um my underground

Plan because I’d have to put it on the left instead of the right which means that my my uh like special room here is offc Center for no reason in fact it’s even hindering me because the reason why this is offc Center is because of

That right and like I I do want it to be off center for more reasons than that as well we could build a closet there like I I like when stuff’s off center like that do we put Birch here for contrast which means we would uh a birch here like that

Reason I’m doing this is just a little bit faster that’s why I’m doing the replace air command Oops okay and that that I don’t know what I’m going to do in these Corners yet but I’ll figure it out okay so it’s looking a little bit better now we can actually see what the [ __ ] going on um the hallways are definitely going to need something though on

Interior I could build a staircase here I could just fit it in here um I could put it here as well because it goes down to a hot tub and when I say hot tub I really mean hot pool like a huge [ __ ] massive pool that is really really

Dope which means though if I was going to build it that way let me just uh me just copy this forward so we can see what the [ __ ] we’re doing bastard um so this is the way this would look okay sure I didn’t [ __ ] that up so

There would be oh man there’s just enough too that’s so dope there will be a staircase that would go through here right and then it will be a staircase down into an area I actually really like the way that that’s that’s really cool okay now if I wanted to make these

Stairs a little bit more Regal I could do it every second stair instead of every one which really helps with uh dissing out stuff but considering how how deep I want to go um I’m happy with this design here so now I can do this and then this

Sorry so that and this place dirt Cobblestone okay and then we have a little staircase like that and we go like this do I really want to move the whole [ __ ] the whole house one forward just so I don’t have this happen this is easily avoided you want to see how

Easily this is avoided instead of doing what stupid idea I have let me show you it’s like that and then like that that’s how easy that is North please there we go so yeah this is a little bit problematic cuz of any any of these uh

Blocks are updated I’ll have to do that again but it looks so much better when you do it like that when there’s a gap I actually really like the way it looks it looks sick as hell holy I didn’t realize that doing that looks so

Dope uh hopefully if uh if I relog it doesn’t update let’s just check if it doesn’t update we’re good if it doesn’t update we’re good it shouldn’t unless there’s a block update it shouldn’t and the only way a block update could happen is if I touch the blocks that’s next

To Jesus yeah I literally just woke up not two hours ago we’re good all right um so yeah down here is going to be War Room hot tub maybe even a [ __ ] treasury or something you know I do like the contrast between this and this

Though I mean I could also just like set this to to Wood right prick and then one More you bastard there we go all right oops just clear up my stuff all right so um I’m thinking not sure I’m thinking kitchen and uh kitchen’s like right here here and then dining room is like right here like an L dining room you know oh I don’t like that

Though if I’m building a dining room it needs to be straight so we have this come out to a centerpiece when we do that we can put the kitchen here which leaves all this area for bedrooms and like a big living room this is going to be two floors by

The way well three floors for concluding the basement okay so we skip a block we do this like that now this feels weird right now only because we can see it when the walls are up you won’t see it I am considering doing this though and then bringing this tapering

This in you know which means it would have to be here like that I wonder if that would fix this this corner problem having I feel like it would about the pattern at least it’s like that it goes three out like that honestly that looks pretty

Cool we can taper it in its own taper like that because you’re not supposed to walk in through there it just finishes the pattern that’s all um I’ve really like the way this looks but uh I’m going to have to be right back ladies and gentlemen I need

To go and let my dogs out to use the bathroom I’ll be back in about 5 minutes um so don’t go anywhere we’re going to finish this build or at least get a good uh good uh chunk out of it I’m building a dining room and a kitchen next Okay sorry about that ladies and gentlemen okay so now I feel like now what we do is we keep this in line with that or we have it like this but I don’t like that your back is opened like that cuz it’s a little weird dude it’s [ __ ] cold

Outside usually where I’m from in Alberta Canada uh well gu no by this point no snow now mind you we had snow sometime in October but we just don’t have any snow now all we have is [ __ ] cold that’s it that’s all we got should this be a third accent should

This be a different color like a true accent wall where it’s like an awful wall dude how cozy would this [ __ ] place be like imagine having your own [ __ ] like kitchen staff to give you food and stuff that’d be so dope God my nose like that would truly be so cool it’s

Like yeah we’re sitting down in the living room it’s like hey can someone whip me out like uh I don’t know [ __ ] homemade pizza or like um man now I’m just thinking about my favorite foods this is bad or like some some breakfast like get me a nice sandwich with some

Chips that’d be great just while you’re chilling there’s nothing I like more than lying down like a bed or something or like being like reclined and relaxed and like having food available it’s like my favorite [ __ ] thing cuz you’re so confid you don’t don’t need to do anything yeah we’re going to start

Forming up the walls now just so we can see him all right there we go uh suo uh I’m new here what are you building uh I am building a mansion um this is in a high fantasy Medieval World um and I’m building a mansion um I don’t normally build

Mansions it’s not like my build style per se but this is a custom build that I wanted to build for a while um we’re playing in my world I’ve been building in for three four years now it’s a really long time and it’s a whole continent I made with World painter that

Has all this custom [ __ ] that spent a long time building and uh yeah there’s a lot there’s a lot under the surface there’s a lot of stuff you can’t see but this place is huge you better be racing later I am absolutely going to be racing later pad

That was actually really fun and I really enjoyed it 100% hope you’re doing well all right fun fact pad uh I asked you about to expungement uh because I’m the dude who expunged you it’s literally J verin it’s just no one knows because I’m playing 8 million

DS um and I was just trying to make make sure that I knew who uh Joe uh John Joe was was that a custom uh everything in my world Poland is uh custom I I’ll I’ll just give you a little look since you’re you know uh seeing it for the first

Time that’s why I brought up Steven star too yeah um so yeah everything in my world’s custom the only thing that’s not and I need to be very very clear on this every tree you see is not built by me there are three trees that I’ve ever built and

Are not even on this world every tree you built uh you see is not mine I haven’t built them I suck at building trees um I either copied it from my um tree thing or uh I stole it from someone else’s world but everything else is me

Everything oh not these soon as I say it I’m like wait I didn’t build these tents this is Trixie blocks yeah I didn’t build a tents either um but yeah this this actually was built in survival like this uh this is a 84 uh castle built in survival it’s massive

It’s the biggest thing I built uh until I started building bigger things so it’s it’s huge like everything in my world is just on a different different it’s on a different planet from what I used to build um but um but yeah uh it’s crazy this

Was inspired by someone on Reddit uh the build it was uh called the gra Cathedral build or something we have like sewers and you know the works we have a lot like there’s a there’s a lot of moving Parts every single one of these buildings even though their copy and

Paste buildings they do have Interiors um these trees specifically actually no these trees I don’t have to give the uh I don’t have to give the reference because the person who built them said I don’t want it and also I don’t think I designed this flag I designed the colors and

Stuff but I don’t think I designed this this is something I’ve been building for a while though like we’re talking 10 years plus that flag um but I don’t think that flag is mine so that’s just one of my builds right like we have a cool ass pyramid over

Here um that I’ve been building that actually has like an actual SK skeleton Pharaoh in it which took forever even though it’s covered like this this is so [ __ ] to build with chisel and bits um but it looks really cool um what else uh do we

Have oh if you’ve never if you’ve never seen like highly modded Minecraft let me show you something um let’s see where is it wait oh that’s the wrong portal thing uh let me let me show you something crazy if you’ve never seen like highly highly modded so this is my

End uh and if we go inside you can actually see what it’s supposed to look like which is this and then we have like this cool very cool thing and this is like this is heavily heavily inspired by critical rooll POS awesome of course um and this

Is like one of my biggest builds that is like so thematic and you’re not actually supposed to see that I actually [ __ ] up uh and you can see that if you go through here this is a huge puzzle it’s a six lever um combination lock uh this is insane the like the

Heaviest Redstone I built until I went to the Maze and built something else um and then there’s this swi is the best illustration the best building I could ever built is the wooden Square house I feel that brother I genuinely feel that and Redstone yeah yeah my [ __ ] is insane that that is

A multi combination lock that I designed myself mind you it’s not a combination per se it’s just like you need to power on all the buttons but it is like hidden let’s go to the Garden so we can get back yeah this is like a 25 room crazy place of insanity

Insanity um and this is still technically in the end but that’s not even the biggest Redstone thing I built the biggest Redstone thing I built is over here um so we do this oh that’s the puzzle end so this this is a maze with a I think it’s

10 no not no it’s 10 yeah it’s 10 this is a 10 uh key combination lock it’s not a combination but that’s what I call it cuz it’s the best Illustrated that has traps within the lock so if you don’t enable all the things um stuff like this will happen so

If you enable the gry line uh which goes which is a double enabler um which has to be enabled here if you don’t do that then you get uh when you in inevitably go and unable to stuff you get poison two arrows uh just smashed on top of your head and

That’s not even the worst trap I have the worst trap I have is this one which is lingering instant damage which means out of all these levers you don’t know which one cuz this is is protecting an old God so obviously it needs to be super dangerous right but you don’t know

Which one which I think it’s that one uh you’re dead you’re dead actually no it’s the pink one so it’s literally just this one this one is a dud but uh if you enable any of these you’re dead um but yeah it’s a huge huge huge

Lock all these things are all hidden you need to enact activate every single one and since it’s a maze if we go to the front here since is a maze uh there’s two sides to it right there’s this side and then you have to drop through over here and once you drop

Through there’s no coming back right now mind you were thinking about Adventure Map style stuff and not just like oh I can just break box this is Minecraft right so this place is super dangerous and I love it and my favorite part about this entire build is this

Area cuz it just looks so cool yeah I know I know that’s that that’s my favorite part of Poland is that um is that I don’t even remember I I built this like like a year ago that’s why I’m in a thing because I want to come to a point to where I’m

Just going to be completely lost myself um but uh but yeah there’s that is there any other fancy builds oh uh everything you see here has been built and rebuilt like seven times so before this right here was a cut off point for the swamp biome the swamp biome was here

And then over here was a plains biome with this here and I had to build all these mountains recently this was done in the last seven months or sorry this is done this was done in the last seven weeks this mountain here which I just had to rebuild because my most recent

Build which is the Dwarven Kingdom kingdoms there’s two which is down here which I needed this much room for which is uh my current build and this is 16.5 by the way so if you’re wondering how I got caves and cliffs uh items and [ __ ] that’s due to uh

Mods um so this is my current build which was built with in World painter and then uh flavored with uh world edit but yeah this place is dope still work in progress obviously um and then we have another one here if you’ve ever watched Lord of the Rings you’ll understand the

Inspiration for this specific spefic area you’ll see it immediately if you’re a big fan like I am uh but mind too that was at the bottom of mountain not at the top um and then there’s a whole other Dwarven Kingdom and you could tell the difference immediately because this was

Built with world edit not World painter which is why I did World Painter with the second one still looks good though um and yeah that’s like that’s like a good rundown like I have a few more cities and a few more castles and like vampire [ __ ] and like there’s a

Whole ruined City here but you know we don’t need to get into everything like this world’s been going on for years and years so it’s it’s truly huge it’s truly huge I replace a BRI planks um so if this is going to be a big ass kitchen uh what’s the number

We’re working with right now we need to odd 18 perfect actually literally perfect um so now it’s even so I could do this one of two ways I could put the hallway in the middle here leaving all this room for um for the dining room or I can

Bring the hallway to the back which allows me to place windows I need to turn down the music a little bit or I can bring the hallway to the back and then it’ll allow me to place Windows here no idea what the [ __ ] I’m going to do for the sides but I’m pretty

Sure it’s going to be a bedroom or a a room anyway so it’s fine um but um I think if I do it like this I’ll just have to have a separator here which is fine there we go do I want double entrance or do I want them to come in

Through where’s the staff way to get in that’s what I’m thinking about because like I put it here like people are going to be confused if you’re coming down here and you just see the kitchen like I don’t want that to be the look but like I don’t do I want the

Staff coming through our main for aair either no because there’s still going to be a doorway here I was thinking about bringing it in here and having a staff door like here and here but like that doesn’t help either what if I did a small inlaid hallway that then came in

Through I could do that too or I could have a hallway coming in through here and then I could have one side and the other side right next to each other so then they immediately know I think that’s the best way to resolve this issue okay there we go [ __ ] you [ __ ]

Go God world that is so goddamn useful there we go um so then we cap this off here o i could make this turn in cuz I I I I was thinking by putting door like this right the largest thing I ever built was a mob spawner I needed a tutorial uh you

On the other hand God how long did you take to learn all this I mean I’ve been playing Minecraft and learning I guess you could say um for since the beta so whenever the beta was out that’s when I was playing um so like a while right for

Sure um but like learning it was passively done like I didn’t like take time in my day to like study for Minecraft obviously uh so it was more passive but the thing is is like I am very creative obviously uh thus um I have a lot of creative energy

So when I have Creative Energy like I do uh it gets a little crazy and I like I I have to build something in my head right um I was two when the beta came out Jesus that’s like 2009 right somewhere around there 2010 so it means you’re 13 now wait no

15 young man uh did we do this yeah oh it doesn’t really curve the way I was hoping but it does it does give the the person who’s viewing this the idea that like like they have to passes first right and that’s where the dining room stuff’s going to be

Which means I can bring this out and have like um like a really really nice inlaid kitchen if I want let’s set polished andesite here I thought it was 2009 2007 that’s not real people aren’t born in 2007 there’s no way bro oh man you just made me feel old as

[ __ ] uh I’m definitely using polish andesite for this andesite just looks so much better yeah look at that it’s so smooth uh do we yeah all right um so yeah I think we’re going to have something like here something that is INS set to where like you’re back on

And like that’s like a big part of the kitchen and we’re going to have Islands here and then this is going to be I think we’re going to do a double dining room here oh what block do I want to use usually I’d use dark oak for the floor but I can’t Spruce

No um I need to use something warm something something that um something that’s cozy could use quartz not cozy but we can put carpet we can put carpet on it uh mind you through the hallways there’s going to be carpet through the middle of this so like I’m thinking this right maybe not

Black like it’s going to be like this sort of center of all this just to like give myself a little bit of detail we’re going to have Windows there have Windows there as well so there is going to be carpet but I’m thinking I mean I could do I could make the kitchen

Polished diorite and I can make the the this um andesite I don’t want to do Birch I mean I could let’s just do Birch right now we we’ll figure it out um set Birch planks I wanted to say put carpets I think red in a center and

Gray carp in the Halls would be nice yeah I could put red in the Halls um or gray in the Halls um I could also do a mix right I don’t usually do mixes because sometimes it could look a little um I don’t know how I would put

This I I don’t like seeing the lines right like I could do this but I don’t like seeing the lines hello Carter hope you’re doing well welcome to the Stream can I help uh this is a single player modded world so probably not unfortunately um maybe I have a

Staircase here as well there needs to be a reason why this exists um I could make this another entry way I suppose like this which will make this uh hallway less useless yeah I don’t like uh I don’t like having it having in lines in it doesn’t blend

In and I don’t want it I don’t want it to be a five which is the length of the thing because then you don’t see the depth that the carpet makes and that means I can’t build stuff like um like this which I want

To to have it like to add the depth to the hallway so it doesn’t look so bad so if I just do this God World it [ __ ] amazing this is where you really appreciate world edit right here so now we can kind of see it on a better

Length just adds a bit of contrast so now if I want I could add these which are going to be supports right um and then if I add those in some sort of pattern that works with the amount of blocks we have available we can have

Like kind of like a inset look right and we don’t even need to do that we could do this as well uh where are we stripped like this and then like that so then we have this really cool look where you can kind of see a little

Bit more detail and then we can put Windows in between this as well but there that needs to be specifically um that needs to be that needs to be measured because if it’s not measured it’s going to mess up my pattern that I’m going for

Here um but I am going for some windows I’ll show you exactly what kind of Windows I’m going for not exactly but close to it this is my latest Mansion so I’m going for Windows that sort of look like this but a little bit more thought out right a little bit more thought

Out what do I even have in here I don’t even remember what I built oh yeah nothing I wasn’t done dining uh hangout so living Master bed yeah I didn’t end up getting anything done with this build yet I had just built the exterior because it’s a part of uh the greens

Kingdom which is a massive spot and then that’s our Su yeah every one of these things are places for houses which I’m slowly chipping away that um anyway oh I need to show this this this place is too cool to not show I have I have screenshots that are rendered of this

Place because of how cool it looks this is my Shipyard I think I did use a template to build these ships by the way but I have changed them to have my own look um um just as a thing and that’s just a Minecraft ship and the sales are mine

Actually I built those I don’t know how but I did that sale isn’t well hit half is you’ll see at some point yeah I’ll show you know the sales areen M um this is from a boat uh that I found on the internet and downloaded and then I only did it for the

Sales uh but the sales look amazing are you an architect IRL no what I do IRL is what I’m doing now so I I I stream for my living per se um and yeah that’s uh that’s all the builds I should show right now yeah architect IRL is like a lot of

A lot of math and a lot of complicated uh stuff I don’t think I could do it IRL be very complicated but yeah I have I have that port and then I’m going to build a another Port here I think for anoth which is what this kingdom

Is um this is a whole entire Kingdom at you can barely see the houses because I have a mod that uh changes the block type but yeah there’s a whole thing here and there’s a whole Kingdom that goes all the way through here or whole castle

Sorry all right anyway so we have our kitchen we have our dining um so I’m going to do a double dining table um yeah I’m going to do a double dining table I’m just going to start here oh I could start it back but I don’t want it to be too big dark

Oak um that’s get scuffed okay uh what number are we working with for start should be even or odd it’s odd good so I’m thinking if I come off the walls by five right um which means that we are aimic here oops whoops so that should be edges of the tables

Right if you make it one two three h we could make them a five I think yeah because we have this down the middle what’s our Edge looking like it’s a four how the that happen oh because I’m not building on the top block I’m building on this yeah that’s

How so this is four as well this is important so five five which will turn into a four once we get CH chairs down but that’s okay cuz wait this is still four there we go uh it’s fine because the chairs are going to be here which means we can do this

Carpet I should actually have this like that there we go and we keep it one off the wall and we keep in line with the pattern we have already done right uh what I don’t know how this happened like this supposed to be like that though there we

Go and then we go like this uh let’s move this one block over that all right so now everything is even and now all we need is this which is solid dark oak and then we can set these tables up uh project Blazer solid oak like that oh man these ts are

Massive Jesus Christ uh we’ll have to do something with that middle because that looks awful uh table what’s good adjacent that is reason we’re going to do this is because the table looks like it can’t support itself which it can’t not when it’s that big 29 hey Siri 29 divided by two

[ __ ] so it’s these two blocks okay all right um there we go so now the supports look a little bit more realistic right I feel like this could support that um and I’m going to copy and paste this table so we’re going to build this whole table and we’ll copy it over there

Once we’re done yeah you got to think about logic as well when it comes to building stuff like this because um it just makes it it makes it feel a little bit more grounded like if this was just [ __ ] floating like some people wouldn’t care about that but I really care about that

Stuff all right now let’s get our high back chairs we’re going to use stripped Spruce this time and since everybody is an esteemed guest meaning that um everybody gets a high chair but you know the most the most esteemed of the guest meaning the most important um will always sit at the

Heads of the table right and I want to keep a good distance here uh hold on yeah we need to do it like this CU there’s a weird metal thing so we wouldn’t put anybody there like we’re not killing for space okay is that correct no how is it not correct one

Two one two three three this is here this is there ah aha I figured you out wait how is that possible though we did 14 doesn’t make sense hold on is this 14 yes is this 14 yes oh so it was a metal that’s amazing that’s actually really good for

Us CU we just do that oh I could put I could do this now it would ruin the pattern a little but it’ll set these people a little bit close to each other and I’ll keep it centered with this right which means I can put three on

This side here there a little bit more room right it’s all about patterns and that I mind you I think there’s a little problem there but it’s okay see look at that look at that so now what we can do we can grab a carpet which is now we’re not going to

Call it a carpet we’re going to call it a uh table spread right we want people to still see the underground table thing do a double like that we’re going to do single oh could we do double like that or is that going to look too weird because there’s too many

Stuff I think it’s fine I’ll grab this right there you go we got that and now and remove all that grab meal uh yep there we go um drink beer mod we’ll do a few different ones here this SM so cool I’ll have what he’s have please put this on the other

Side now I do have like forks and knives and stuff but they’re not like individual so do that and and so your eye doesn’t see it as easy we will switch up the um thing so we’re going to copy from here right we’re going to rotate 9090 which

Is going to flip it we’re going to paste here like that so now these oh god what happened to those um which means they’re messed up over here so now it’s opposite now you can see that these are messed up but that’s okay CU we can go and replace them the

Only reason those are messed up is because we rotated it and this is a chis and bits mod so it does not like conforming with other mods the only reason these two mods are working together because this is a mod and this is a mod is because it’s on the exterior

Block and that person who built it thought ahead and didn’t make these weird um but yeah now we have our two things here and it should be a little bit harder to tell like where’s where but we’ll switch it up a little bit so we can not see

It and now we have our two tables right um which I really like the look of I’m pretty happy with this I’m going to be honest um and we’ll break up the walls once we uh build the ceiling here cu the way this ceiling is going to work is going

To be vaulted if you don’t know what a vaulted ceiling is oh boy my favorite thing in the world is a vaulted ceiling so basically we grab something like an oak log then we grab something like this and this right slab and a vaulted ceiling is basic basically how I break up rooms

Like this so like let’s say we pick a number let’s say it’s uh three right we build something like this go like that one two three go like that one two three four five oh wait no we do here where we just hop is and then we go

Down this is how you really really break it up so we copy okay you go whoa oh we’re supposed to be here I think no went back there you go so it was supposed to be five um and then we do this this this and

This and then we repeat this all the way through so when you come in here you look up and you see the whole vaed ceiling and then there’s a ceiling attached to that so like this is going to be the ceiling right and so I can

Show you what it means it’s going to be right here and then that goes all the way out and it comes down to the walls and I could even make this like go within the thing as well so it’s not like sticking up it’s it’s supposed to

Look like a vaulted ceiling which is a support be but that is my favorite type of ceiling um especially for dining rooms so now if we copy which should be completely in line we go three blocks so one two three we paste and then we follow follow that

Pattern a few times one two three paste um one two three paste okay now we copy the whole works we come from this corner it a few times go in this corner paste it oh everything needs to be moved up one block this is the power of world edit

You find a weird problem like we just did right uh which is uh that this right here is too close looks weird and then you just do that fixed so now you can see how it looks right it’s like ribbing um I still don’t like that that’s like that though we do

This you certainly can yeah doesn’t uh this this where this is doesn’t matter it just matters towards the vaulting um but I’m still going to keep it one up and uh here I think there’s a middle so we can just copy and paste with a good sh uh with uh good sh

Shaders it uh will look absolutely uh breathtaking yeah yeah we’re using uh seor shaders right now um and we’ll put uh like torches or well we’re not going to use torches we’re going to use lanterns but and now we do this to give a specific look to the

Middle and we’ll have chains coming down with our uh lighting um so we’ll have lighting here uh how’s that looking we yeah we’ll just do chains so we’ll go like this and since I have a mod that changes this Lantern stuff we’ll put lanterns like this um we could even do one lower

Actually I get away with a three and I won’t put put them on the ends like that I wonder maybe rather than lanterns and chains in the center you could build a custom chandelier I could build a custom chandelier um which I’m planning to do with this

Table but the problem is is that a custom s chandelier cannot be in center with these tables because this table’s not in the center so a chandelier would be here and I feel like you’d have to duck your head and whatever I I don’t know if a custom

Chandelier will work here even though like it makes sense to have a custom chandelier because of how Regal everything is right um yep follow the pattern follow the pattern we just made okay let me just copy that how did that happen that’s how that happened miss the block there we go you

Bastard there we go so yeah like I could do a custom Chandelier and it it’ll probably work if I put it in the middle here because the middle is supposed to be special but it’s really hard to build a chandelier in this environment because there’s no middle we will get in Chandelier it’s

Just probably not going to be the best here I think but I like what you’re thinking though because chandeliers do work in this type environment for certain now the question is is if I make this a box and have the ceiling here or if I conform it with the ribbing or the

The um uh what is it called um God I already forgot the word um God is a t me tongue what did I call this I started calling it ribbing and then it [ __ ] lost in my brain it doesn’t matter I’ll think about it in a moment

Um yeah I it’s gone it’s gone Ed of my brain support beams that’s not the word I called it but we all know when I’m talking talking about here damn I really can’t believe I forgot that worked so I think I’m going to do it like

This and I might Square it up with the uh with the thing or I can just make this its own roof do all the music discs right now vaulting vaulted ceiling that’s what that’s the word I’m thinking about yeah that’s fine and then we can just copy

This and I should be able to copy this as is by the way because um of the way it’s built uh we’re looking South right now so East is that way wait is it West got backwards West isn’t English isn’t my first language language it’s obvious even my name I’m polish yes of

Course all right really like the way this is looking now from the outside it might look a little weird but we can fix that with the windows and stuff uh we got some bug issues lighting glitch uh the reason why there’s daylight there is because of a lighting

Glitch there’s a few ways to fix that the easiest way is getting out and then backing up the world which will fix all our lighting glitches because we’re going to delete uh stuff but uh I’ll see if this will work sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t there you

Go glitch fixed when we work with world edit uh sometimes this is a just a fact that it’s just like nah bro I’m going to be I’m going to be broken [ __ ] you yeah it’s just going to be broken today um it’s fine wait unless it’s getting lit by here it shouldn’t

Be it’s not okay yeah lighting glitch uh we can fix that later but we can kind of get the vibe of lighting a little bit from here uh mind you I’m pretty sure I want to put Windows here I’m pretty sure there’s going to be

Windows uh we’ll see how it ends up cuz on the exterior if this is a wall right if this is the wall and all this is going to be windows it’s going to look a little weird when this is not a window and I guess this is going to be like

This and I’m probably going to have like a custom roof here and then over here is probably going to be one floor and then over here is probably going to be two floors I have no idea how this is going to look on the exterior but we’ll see that’s that sounds like tomorrow’s

Problem for sure yeah I’m just going to illustrate it like that um and I could make these hallways all their own ceiling [ __ ] but I don’t know if I want to well if I did do two floors it would be nice to have a staircase here or I’ll probably have it over

There because it’s going to be a big kitchen um we definitely got a lot of dead space and like where the [ __ ] are we putting a living room here cuz like this feels like the living room but like you can’t put it here and you can’t put it here you need

To put it here somewhere all right kitchen kitchens are usually both easy and difficult because I usually don’t want to use the mod of stuff for our kitchen um I want to use quartz or some other white block um and you’ll see what I mean in a

Second so if I’m going for something like this Jesus Christ this is really big my God so usually I go something like this um just because it’s kind of the way I’ve been building my stuff but the problem with this is that it’s close to

The wall and I feel like I’m going to need a little bit more room so let’s go ahead and grab some quartz blocks and let’s set all this to block of Quartz what is that actually called for BLX I think the kitchen should have a direct access to the dying Hall it does

Have direct access that’s what this hallway is for it’s not as direct as in like there’s a doorway like right next to each other but I don’t want to I don’t want the guests to see the kitchen that’s why there’s this right that’s kind of what I was

Thinking so it is direct as it can be that’s why built this hallway so then they can come through here and like guests would know like they could just do this and they’ll see this and some guest will like want to come down here and have a look at

Everything and then come in through here and then imagine we’d have servants and stuff standing through um but yeah the idea is that I don’t want them to see the kitchen I just want them to hear it yeah the sink is always a problem just thinking about how I’m going to do that

I don’t have any good sinks because it’s medieval like a water basin is what I got um let’s see I could do a fireplace here do I have a metal I don’t need a metal for a fireplace even our odd we should be fine 23 divided by two is uh 14 I’m pretty

Sure it’s one of to two numbers we do have metal we’re good yeah if I do a fireplace here it’s going to be a little strange because um there’s literally a [ __ ] wall it’s not like on the outside but you know only so much you can do wait why don’t I use quartz

Brick so if we come out through here CU this will break up the flatness as well there like a cooking area uh what do you think about the massive fireplace in the rear of the dining hog which would be there um I’d have to build it out like this

Brick have to be stone brick so it would have to be like this uh it would mess up my pathing a bit and then far would be like this yeah there would be no pathing anymore and we make it look Regal by doing this number can’t be that close actually not an option

Fire obviously this would have to be brick do this okay um I want to take out a few of these like that stair especially since it’s medieval yes right I did this is it still too close I mean it is but also that’s not bad so we do

This like that we make this stone brick like this let me go like that let me do this I mean it works um I need something there though if we did it like this oops then we made these slabs like that I mean it’s a fireplace I think it

Works I think it was a good idea p and uh mind you probably should just have the whole wall to be [ __ ] stone brick if this is real life but it’s not we can take some artistic Liberty and we’ll put a slab there so we can kill some of that light like

That still feel like it’s a little close to the chair here like we would put I don’t know I don’t know how I feel about this side here because it’s really close I can’t move it back either I’ll leave it for right now um and I can’t put something down

The middle I kind of wanted to do that like have something down the middle but I don’t have an opportunity mind you it’ be an interesting table if I just remove these chairs here and remove the food and just had it like had the two like tables kind of like

Connected by view only and not actually connected but I kind of like how this table looks already mind you this would probably be a pretty nice spot because with the heat coming off here like that would feel really cozy I don’t like that there’s light though so I’m going to kill

That cuz the light’s kind of messing me up a little bit all right good idea good sh I mean [ __ ] I could just [ __ ] copy and paste if I wanted to but it’s fine this is for cooking um I really hate cauldrons they look so

Dumb I don’t have a texture pack for it and shaders don’t work with the thing um what I could do instead of doing that because I have a cool pot that looks really dope is instead of a cauldron I could put a piece of uh just quartz I suppose SM

Quartz and then I could grab my cooking pot which is from nefs Mod can find that real quick uh it’d probably be better looking through here H where is that I haven’t I haven’t used this pot in a long time I know where to grab it

Though if I can’t find it this is it it’s over here somewhere there it is so yeah we have this really cool thing all right we can do a chimney if we want it to like a realistic way to get the smoke out yeah this is definitely going to be like a

Uh stairs do I have quartz stair brick absent from design doesn’t have it wait it does thanks yeah default Minecraft doesn’t have those I don’t know why but it just doesn’t and then we’ll do it like this like that and we’ll put a slab there slab slab slab yeah for some reason default

Minecraft’s like nah we don’t need a quartz brick slab what are you talking about brother we don’t need that but we do so that’s the idea here so you come in here with like your big like stirring stick I feel like the way you would cook

This is you could do it like this you could also do it like this could also try to do it like this and have something above it um but um but yeah I’m just kind of thinking about the heat transference um so like that’s one cooking area I definitely want another cooking

Area let go ahead and round this off because you’re going to see it and then that’s just going to go up um and then we want Islands so let’s see so we do that okay I want these so these are like tables but they’re not um and these are supposed to be like

Islands to where servants can work and stuff like that and I’ll illustrate that a little bit better um definitely need somewhere to grab water though like I I feel like having a water sink in here feels weird to me but otherwise they’re washing everything in a pond right which ain’t going to work

Either so ition of disbelief how am I going to get water in here because there’s a few ways you could think about it right Medieval Times there’s no Taps there’s no sinks like maybe they do have sinks but like maybe they have to bring in water

Right um but we’re also in a magical world I feel like having a inset Fountain from a well maybe like I I don’t think it’s unbelievable to have like a well inside the middle of the house right um but man wouldn’t I get dirty you’re just cleaning stuff in it all the

Time interesting why do I got two PS hold on where are these from that was just TI okay um oh man I it always comes down to this now mind you the way this Mansion is done and the reason why it’s out in the middle of nowhere is because it in

Itself is supposed to be magical right the only way you can enter it is with magic so we do have room to to suspend the disbelief here like 100% like no problem about it it’s just how I want to illustrate that right the way I’ve Illustrated it in this build

Here let me just go back uh wait what’s the most up to date build of that I don’t have it this is the most up to date right I think so there was no sink here who built these houses oh I do have the most up to date here it’s

Here sorry this is most up to date so I have just built a cauldron interesting um and then here would be I don’t remember how I build sinks it’s always a problem this just doesn’t have a kitchen there’s just no food here um we also have this which is an

Inn which doesn’t have a kitchen I’m kind of up in the air about this one wait hold on this would be a most up to-date uh design for kitchens because this is the um anos blade spot yeah so I had a well built in like this and then I have buckets near

It yeah this is how I buil my kitchens beforehand which by the way just shows you how uh crazy all the mods I have like these are pancakes oh man I love these mods so cool um this is like our Log Cabin um this is actually inspired a lot by uh uh until

Dawn which is a horror game which is something I’ve wanted to play for a while but it’s only on PS 4 or PS5 PS3 I don’t know um okay I think if we built like a fountain here I think it’s not too far out of the

Realm of possibility if we had a cool Fountain here like a font of water how far away can we hear that that’s a little bit better I me lower low it a little bit here that’s better um what if we did here no I don’t want the noise mind you

I I have control of that sound like I can change it um let me get a slab quartz slab please I don’t want no weird Minecraft that’s all okay so that’s like a lifted well it shouldn’t be here though so we paste that if we rotate it 90 and paste it

Here feel like that could be cool [ __ ] it’s not what I wanted uh it needs to be in the middle though think that’s it four and four yep and then we just remove all that changes we just did there we go make this to be back in back to an

Island there we go so you have like a little little Fountain of water there that’s all um and we can put like um buckets or whatever in fact since these look better we’ll do that instead matches the aesthetic a little bit more uh do we want slabs

Here no I do want this to be a walk-in dude imagine how [ __ ] hot this would be though [ __ ] I think we do build this out though like this just so we can take some of the heat all right so we’re going to have a bunch of stuff here A bunch of stuff

Here A bunch of stuff here um do I build like a so I I I don’t need to be symmetrical here I could build like an island here uh or I could push this back push it to the right and then make it centered with this and then make it a bigger

One I think that’s probably the best idea so then it’s not blocking this area here so move four no five and push it diagonally and then we just build this out to this and then we follow the inset pattern so we move this two blocks to this way I’m do the same

Here and then we bring it in like this I think yeah no idea how someone gets in the middle of this couldn’t [ __ ] tell you man couldn’t tell you I didn’t even know how they were getting in the middle of the first thing and now this thing’s

Massive yeah it’s kind of ruining my workspace here we’ll just make it longer you want stuff to be logical right like it’s logical that someone could just reach out and grab something in the middle there um okay I think that’s fine so we’re going to have food there food

There food there um that’s how we’ll decorate it and honestly I think that’s it I don’t think I need to do anym like yeah sure I could add like another wall thing here and whatever I don’t want this to be huge like maybe I’ll add like some furnaces or something somewhere

But um but other than that like I’m quite pleased about like the decoration space because I don’t have to do anything too crazy and it matches the pattern I do my kitchens still and like we have like a little Fountain here uh let’s go ahead and grab a quartz wall place it here

Instead as it’s a little bit better looking there we go so I don’t want to decorate this right now though I’m getting a bit hungry myself all right so so far what we have is we have our dining room we have our hallways some of them hallway still

Need work because we want these which means there going to be an amount of math happening um we have our living room area sorry our cozy uh sit Sittin area um we still want a living room and then we’re going to have to have bedrooms and [ __ ] now the living room’s

Going to have a vaulted ceiling as well but we’re going to do a vaulted ceiling like this and then we’re going to do a uh oh and I’ll have to fix that and then we’re going to have to do like a rooms on top of

It um if we do living room here and we want we want a number amount of uh bedrooms so we’re going to have if I do this all centered we’ll bring this to here and we’ll have it centered um and then we’ll have a [ __ ] ton of bedrooms like as many bedrooms I

Can get really and they’re all going to be generic so I’m going to make I’m going to make two bedrooms and I’m going to copy and paste all of it and paste it um and then I’m pretty sure I’m probably going to move this to the middle that’s the way I’m thinking about

It right now but yeah ladies and gentlemen I’m going to have to be right back uh I need to get some food I didn’t eat before stream because I wanted to uh have a nice uh early stream so I’m going to be right back it’s going to be an

Hour at this point I think uh so I’m going to be right back when I come back though we will be playing 5m uh I will go ahead and change the titles and stuff right now I just need to get uh my time stamps and stuff set

Up let’s go to full face cam here but yeah I appreciate everyone coming in for the Minecraft version make sure to catch the VOD the VOD will have all the stuff it needs I can’t stay for entire hours all good I’ll go ping um it’s not expected that people are going

To be sitting in waiting for me to do my thing um so intro was how long I think it’s about a 4 minute intro just check I’m just trying to get time stabs up right so there we go clip 403 so yeah if you watch the VOD you’ll

Be able to see like the chapters and all that 03 or sorry zero 04 z0 and then Minecraft 0403 2 02 five uh z z then we go break yeah this is a this is important to keeping the bods as is all right and I’m expecting to be

Back at uh 03 something we’ll see and then when we come back we’ll be playing 5m all right let’s go get the title changed or the thing there we go criminal gameplay we’re going to use that title for a bit after intermission whoops intermission all right ladies and

Gentlemen thank you for watching this portion of the stream I’ll see you in an hour hopefully less um could be 30 minutes um because I got a few things to do before I um get my food in so we’ll see I don’t even know I’m going to eat

Yet if it’s something as quick as like something that can be cooked in a mic wave uh I’ll be back in [ __ ] 20 minutes um but yeah see you in a bit for e for for e for for hey we’re 30 minutes early this is awesome oh where’s the music what the

[ __ ] why did my headset shut off what the [ __ ] hold on I charged it though I can barely hear this okay sh Minecraft’s just too too much too much all right what did I name the [ __ ] stream History Day that’s what I named it nine there we go uh 03 2850 all

Right 5 m Niner zero all right all right hello everybody so let’s go ahead and let’s uh get in game 14 people at 2 p.m. holy [ __ ] rough day what day of the week is it Wednesday H TR I guess h hello confition oh sorry sorry I

Was looking at my other chat my bad’s not here dude what is around my nose today man Jesus run away from Me all right I love I got uh nightbot functionality again shit’s so important to me we got 5 in sound on y all right LS Lark um last pause is underground so we’ll go here give me a sec all right uh [ __ ] my this Dude here we go we need gas need gas and a repair all right unfortunately I have to pause this beautiful song rip okay 1500 which is uh 300 p.m. all right so 22k for 3 p.m. Legion circuit woof that [ __ ] ain’t worth it uh damn we got a [ __ ]

96k let’s go let’s go that’s what we like we like that Jesus Christ all right I’ll have to be right back real quick give me two minutes 2 Minutes E E Sorry all right that’s on the hour I’ll try to make sure we have a third all right all right closest uh gas station’s going to be uh over a little soul all right uh I guess we’ll go to little soul one even though that’s gang territory I’m

Pretty sure I’m friends with the gang I I don’t know if that’s black diamond or whoever have a look I need some food locals dude does electric cars in the video game need gas like do you need to gas up the electric cars in the video game or the day fix

That so I feel like in my mind like some people might not even think about that I mean that’d be pretty nice like no gas cuz they wouldn’t have like an electric thing right let’s go ahead and grab like a thousand doll for food all right should we grab a um another gas

Tank and keep one in a trunk I don’t know if that I’m pretty sure this takes it out of uh yeah I can fit it though I have to spend enough [ __ ] Grand I do like the new system um can’t press enter though Jesus all right dark one’s so

Much better I don’t even know why I thought any different did you know that Discord has a night mode [ __ ] oh now I’m getting hit with the sneezes really oh man more are coming this is why this is why I use paper towels because my my um sneezes too

Violent tissues not unless they’re like 18 fly I have other sneeze come on bro I mean at least it’s not happening when uh when the uh [ __ ] race is happening I don’t want to jinx it but you know on yeah but I I don’t like using tissues

Even though this is going to [ __ ] up my nose but only so much you can do oh my God Jesus [ __ ] Christ that’s for sneezes in the Bro make a five you know maybe bringing my hat in my room was a bad idea you know maybe it was uh let’s do interior I don’t think I shot in this car but I think it’s time for an outfit change really you’re not going to follow me bro what are you

Doing love that’s the easiest [ __ ] pullover in your life impressive me I guess he’s responding to something I wouldn’t have a b up for me even though last night I was doing some racing Jan cut me some slack saw Jan last night in game I was doing some

Practicing all right what do we got nobody is the current outfit I have all right um I think I just upgrade from this but honestly I kind of like this outfit like maybe I can get a hat if it won’t clip like I know the Hat I

Want it’s this but black let me just see if it’s clipping it’s not thanks oh man this is like the weird hat you see right there where it’s kind of like transparent that’s what’s weird about it my nose hurts why is it like this did I cut my nose I think I did

Feels like I did no I’m not a stoner um let’s see if I put glasses on I’m going to look too much like my characters I already have a mask but my mask is [ __ ] everything [ __ ] Clips dude why is it so laggy in here looking like a straight gangster no I feel

Like all the gangs probably wear this [ __ ] dude why does every [ __ ] thing have to clip I mean I could just make my character’s face smaller but I don’t really want to [ __ ] around with that um what if I just rock a t-shirt or something could do sweater

Um or I could do that um that jacket like it’s up in 60s that like you can get a hood for that one I have to switch my Shir that’s F there we go yeah I don’t know how this place is still [ __ ] laggy whoops so we can do

That the clipping is not too bad but let me just see if there’s anything else like can I get a hat combo you think can’t [ __ ] see yeah if I do that give me a second I got to itch my nose these paper towels are gonna [ __ ] me

Up yeah something like this not like that hat because that hat is ugly that hat ain’t bad that’s fine nobody too okay so now what I can do so I can do this and this right and then when I want to be serious or whatever I

Can put my hat on put my hood up I can do that all in the vehicle yeah we need a quick repair we got about an hour we got Han open we go there I just want to see if I’m being watched that’s why I’m stopping we’re

Good TR to be a little bit more cautious today that’s all hello what’s up how’s it going it’s all right you fix yeah I just need to make sure that everything is green to green on it oh if you check if I have turbo on I feel like your car is just weirdly

Faster than mine and I don’t know why well yesterday in that first race you were faster than me so I was like what the [ __ ] so then I put semi slicks on and I was faster than you can you put semi slicks on mine yeah so you’re

Missing right now you only have turbo wa don’t have yeah you don’t have Brembo brakes and you don’t have semi slicks can you put those on of course might be a little bit more competitive here yeah that’s probably you’re complaining about oh do you know where to get a lighter by

Chance yeah the weed store Christ it’s across the street wait really yeah we own that as I don’t even see it on the map is it on the phone map probably I don’t know I’m pretty sure Rob’s going to be there to do it oh [ __ ] I don’t know there’s a dude in

There you can speak to like a local but I don’t know if he sells liers cuz someone gave you mine y I’ll be back there’s nothing important in my uh thing my trunk that’s so cool that it’s that close def that definitely doesn’t match puff puff piss that’s what that says

Bro was that sit down all I can’t get it yeah he can he can feel free to search my trunk there’s nothing really just some scuba parachutes stuff Crim gear that’s all it’s really nice being back in the city though feels like a living breathing World especially when you’re

Just finding people that you’re chilling with we got a nice few races coming up that are really nice 96k that’s awesome it’s just annoying some of repeats like there two Industrials three Legions yeah the legion ones are a little sus Legion it’s all right but it’s [ __ ] too

Quick do you want everything above 70 or above 80 above 80 Jesus Christ I hate you is everything at 70 yeah what what’s uh can you just get my oil up there up to 100 or whatever yep so these must to be at the same time every

Day are you still using a [ __ ] car or what I thought you get money off Rose oh for [ __ ] sake it’d be cool if you could Rob those trucks top right so you’re still racing so that black truck that’s parked by that blue vehicle just pulling out

That’s going you want to borrow my Su or what to get um food and [ __ ] be cool if you could Rob those yeah yeah mind you the front pip other players come to H um yeah I’d watch your back in the races of oscars though

Why is he someone who Rams yeah he’s a [ __ ] idiot is Oscar one of you guys or someone else unfortunately yeah he is hold on while I add it up for all of that it’s 5.5 all right then if you want nitrous as well one day that’s

15 can you can you do nitrous now if you want to pay 15 I only have 15 it’s I wasn’t using it yesterday I only put it on today and I don’t I don’t really use it unless there’s like six people in the race yeah I barely know

What nitrous is so uh after our like first or second race maybe I’ll get it it’s good it gives you an acceleration boost right uh yeah I mean you can test it in my car if you want I don’t care I thought it was breaking you thought nitrous was breaking I’m

Kidding I’m kiding Jes you want to test M no I’m good either way I’m going to get it even if it’s [ __ ] it’s it’s all right but it’s something crazy all right well I’ll see you guys at uh whenever the [ __ ] that first race is happening you’re get you my 27 minutes

28 minutes I mean all right I do yeah that’s G let’s go ahead and give her a test go semi slick uh I didn’t know that a tire improved your speed so we’ll get go up and uh head up go and hopefully not see any cops the 145 is usually where I’m

At speed wise I just hit 150 not on a slope okay definitely an improvement let’s try to hit this turn over here I mean I feel like I was just going so much faster God I love I love this car when it’s nice in the like black color it’s just so

Nice it just looks clean like I really like the blue color but I need to swap because I was on that race yeah it’s like a few miles per hour faster all right oh D let’s just see if the black Market’s here right now oops all right not um

Budy um wait what’s the actual named command what is it Called it’s not sh dude I remember the keybind I was forgetting all right um check down at racewood oh hold on they could have meant this [ __ ] racetrack that would have made sense that would have made sense a lot all right this is the uh RAC trck uh or sorry this

Is the the uh one part of the track I just set up the other day thing is is you can’t full beans it it feels like if you want to be safe you can’t really bull send it feels like all right where am I going going to Raceway track

All right I mean I don’t think I’m going to find it at racewood track but I do know where look few spots in fact only so many doors here they cool to own this house too but I feel like it’s better to like actually have a business with that like Rebel radio

Yeah where I think it is it’s that building right there the acceleration of this car though Ridiculous okay I still think it’s there but I don’t know could be there or it could be [ __ ] over there I didn’t even see that one last time I need to [ __ ] Camp these areas when the thing resets and a hel or like on a [ __ ] Crane or

Something I swear this battery don’t last for [ __ ] man it’s so hard to find [ __ ] cuz it could we could just pass it like seven times and it’s just in a different spot every time where’s the other spot it’s over there we’ll go on the road all right screw last two

Spots King of the [ __ ] ring I got to check that um I got to check my truckers I’ve been playing a lot I could have like three grand or five grand in there I’d imagine right all right um wait where are we going not [ __ ] we going to miss the race

Well we’ll just set the Waypoint there Legion one’s going to be sus Legion one’s going to be really sus it’s not a ton of money oh we’re going down to terminal I just remembered [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah just slow down a little bit before we uh before we wre ourselves here I wonder

If it’s faster to do this than it is to stop I imagine not right oh man I’m being an idiot huh I PID for it they holding space yeah when I do this hold space and W so we got space brakes which is that and we have S brakes which is this which

Is really fast and then we have holding space and um doing this no there’s no way that’s even supposed to good I wonder if it’ be good on turns though I don’t know probably not [ __ ] I was looking at your chat use W and space to clear intersections easier than

Stopping why would you stop just go through it at 40 I’m going to store and take this out again see if I can get a quick cosmetic fix yeah I don’t know if it does anything you know I don’t think I’ve ever been crashed into in an intersection by players only by

Locals it only ever happens with locals please fix my car thank you tell me I got some amount of money in here all right that’s good enough all right you know I could get another truck and I really should but I want to have some money

Okay I think we got to start making our way over there now I wonder if the semi slick thing is Placebo or people have actually tested out but there probably is PBO that a player holy [ __ ] it is how much cash I got on me 200 should be fine I don’t want to

Die let’s go go go go go we need to get a legion oh that was almost so cool that was almost so cool dude space brakes suck all right all right I’ll be right back this nice toasty in here all right All right why is this empty take a bag closed like there’s food in it so in8 minutes uh we’ll have that so 22k there’ll be just three of us so we’ll get 8K each it looks like and who whoever wins will get 10 I think is that math

No I think it’ll be 10K 8K and three or four hey Siri divide 22,000 by three yeah so somewhere around there all right so it’s just right over there by beam machine so we should be fine so yeah the racing thing has been pretty fun but I haven’t been arrested

Yet there’s going to be three of us now does Verdin know that they go on slowest person no obviously I know obviously I know but I don’t think Verdin or sorry leis l l does it’s the first time I’ve accidentally called him verden you know

How many times I had to avoid calling my character duck it’s a lot like I almost I always tried I almost always [ __ ] that up that’s why anytime I was talking about my character I stopped for a second and made sure to call him ver in but that’s why I revealed it on

Stream to tole hood dude what the [ __ ] is this command sharp two dude how did I forget this if I do this does it stay in like That it’s kind of cool that we’re like kind of stock in the area you know all right well I’ll need 65 to wait how much is it 40 to 65 the fact that that’s how much the camper is [ __ ] crazy surprised there’s no class races nor S-class all

Right there’s not a ton of people on but it’s all good hey what’s up he’s in the trun I’m just going to have my drink and then I’m going to take a sleep he’s in passenger seat he’s going to make my car slow why don’t you just put your eyes

On no man he’s happy in the TR how can you see got got a people he can see both he can see both you rear peek over the back seats there you don’t see Jesse Trinkle head back how does she you Lally did it yesterday what do

You mean no we did not do this one not this one but you know how to [ __ ] raise yeah but press M on your GPS you look at doesn’t look suspicious at all call more unmarked I’m not using it I have bro I put it on today just in

Case we get a big race yeah yeah yeah just cuz bro you probably don’t even know how to get [ __ ] exactly I figured it out the second you told me that’s how I figured it out you the [ __ ] Boos T it’s only 7K is it up you see it no he’s trolling

Bro it’s like the Jes Christ one lap is like a minute dude why does my car sound so good now you crackhead man I hope he knows that we’re getting [ __ ] all for this yeah say too great doesn’t even give you dirty money man good I hope it’s straight

Did he crash already no he didn’t okay dude this car just so much Faster [ __ ] your feel get the [ __ ] out of my way [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] Jones dude dude he’s just gone he smoked me it just feels like his car is so much faster and we’re in the same car with the same upgrades I can’t even see him bro come

On dude if these roads were [ __ ] flat I’d stop catching air bro learn to drive [ __ ] Christ how much damage is this car going to take I am officially first time getting chased by police officially dude he’s getting gaped Jesus [Applause] [ __ ] is in your Car can’t be happening all right that is the first successful pursuit in three or four years it’s just as easy as that man you take one turn and you turn off your engine G lights up I literally shaking though um not doing Legion circuit I’m skipping uh five for 15 14

[ __ ] man that was stressful that was my first time man um a e is the only thing open dude that was stressful Jesus Christ it’s the first time I’ve had adrenaline in a while storm vehicle only changes cosmetic damage unfortunately me kind of overpowered if it did anything else nice

Yeah she still needs a fix but right now we can either go in that or we can go in our deity or whatever so we can change the color to like a f i don’t know I’d imagine they have my plate right [ __ ] let’s find an ATM it’s ATM that gas station over

There guess I’m going over to that gas station you sh hang on that was stressful dude I’m so happy you can deposited ATM so cool all right we’re going to go store our car and we’re going to wait a bit I need to use the bathroom is that player there don’t I don’t

Care all right all right ladies and gentlemen I’ll be right back enjoy the music E Oh God oh God I have a Discord invite and it’s a gang name a oh it’s just B&G though H I’m back hey what’s going on brother grab some gas yeah sometimes it’s not going to be that easy to lose police the only reason it was easy there

Is because it was chaos and I uh I pulled a move all right we got uh 2 [Applause] minutes I’ll see you at the G I got so excited I’ve been here I’ve just been on Crim which is rare for me well it’s not rare anymore I’m always playing Crim now oh I

Need to move go go go go Oh I thought it was a 21 all right oh man these races are stressful dude 27k is nice though look at these monies like I want all these but not not the one of my mouses on the [ __ ] Rags riches Insanity seems

Good can I take a picture of my plate piece of [ __ ] it’s so cool I love that there’s like a meeting place I kind of wish the meeting place was a little bit more like I I feel like there should be people hanging around the meeting places

Where you go to get races set up like I’d much rather have like instead of have a tablet have an actual place for it but there will need to be an understanding between crims and police that they should only be chasing them on the road and Crim shouldn’t be leading people back there

Either so it has more problems than what the tablet does I just want to see people hanging out at an area that is like kind of like a criminal area shut the [ __ ] up and get ready for the opportunity of a lifetime okay boys we’re coming we’re cutting it

Close oh he was getting gas that’s what happening you guys get away easy from that Pursuit yeah so they pulled me over and for some reason they said get out straight away instead of asked me for my ID first so I was like well I’m not

Going to get out cuz I’m going to go to jail mm and he went well You’ been street racing need to get out and I was like no so I just drove off oh yeah I had Jed them so they were chasing me I guess uh they lost the third and they

Were chasing me so I P took a left turn took another left turn turn off my engine they all drove fast that’s basically what I did as well I pulled into the red garage went up one level like is turned off my engine no I did it

On the street I was on the highway like they literally drove right past me I was just sitting you got on the highway yeah I was uh I was on uh it wasn’t on the highway it was uh it was in little soul actually oh yeah postal

727 I pulled into Ginger Street and just sat there and they all strove past that’s the way it goes man yeah that was my first real Pursuit go get some Adine from that yeah I did first time I got adrenaline in a long time you you get used to it wait

It’s 25 where the [ __ ] is the thing sometimes it’s slow there it Is surprised there’s no other vehicle class uh races so the way you do that is like say you own a b class and you just host to race yourself in the bclass it will start coming up on competitions as bclass races yeah but then you got to pay it

Right what do you mean pay it like you got like if you want money like don’t you no no still the same oh just people will get pissed off of his bclass races on a competitions cuz nobody wants to do them as much I guess oh there we go F

Start all right I practiced the [ __ ] out of this race I can’t look at chat I’m sorry [ __ ] crashed like that oh that’s good all right this is longest I’ve been in first place can someone tell me how many laps there is I can’t look at that side of my screen like

Genuinely I don’t want to look for for it dude this is where tax of speech would be amazing D he’s on my ass two thanks Jing come on come on bro come on bro come on bro I’m going to stop talking oh my God holy [ __ ] I’m not dreaming right Jones is

Nowhere to be seen there he is okay I really have gap on him I just need to upkeep good turn there come on he’s catching up on me does two M laps mean three laps dude he’s so slow today head getting [ __ ] on right now Dude he’s so far don’t get overconfident Jeremy this is our chance this is our chance to show ped or Jones or Joe or John that we are we are a guy to be uh to be a dark horse you know now mind you I don’t want to get in

The gang but allies with the gang is really good for me like I need that dude he’s so far oh no automa oh [ __ ] that’s not good that’s really not good where the [ __ ] were those automatics at don’t get complacent do not underestimate pad dude I don’t [ __ ] see him about

To hear him damn that’s not a good sign boys wait can I go left holy [ __ ] come on bro we’re [ __ ] final stretch counter counter yes good job okay I see Power say something yes let’s [ __ ] go Baby Woo [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] yeah yes dnfs right wait I was 2 seconds ahead

Of I heard automatic you guys good again osar oh [ __ ] they rammed him three times and he wasn’t too happy about it well [ __ ] GG man I was catching I crashed out yeah I saw that you uh on that jump uh cuz I did some practicing on that one you

Always fly so I always hit the brakes there the road side so I was like well I got to go on the left and I got C by a truck you were 2 seconds behind it said up in the end but it wasn’t enough yeah I was trying my hardest man I was

Just trying to get ahead Nitro to try and catch you use Nitro you bastard I’m at the [ __ ] uh one more yeah I was following weird train track I’m yeah I’m on the [ __ ] train track right now just [ __ ] makeing sure that no one’s following my ass no just they shouldn’t

Mistake you for but just be careful yeah all right uh when’s the next one um can I check on [ __ ] um 83k re riches uh what time so I need to repair 20 minutes from now all right I’m going to find somewhere to repair unless you want to

Open up hes but I don’t know there all right I’m on my way dude that’s really good use nitrous to try to catch me press two not F2 [ __ ] fast this way go through 68 go through 68 unless Sand’s there yeah we’ll go through 68 we’ll store our money

Dude that was really stressful I did great I’m so happy for myself like PS man PS PS on the back stress dude that was stressful that’s not cop 14k s amount dude this RP I mean it’s not role play right but this gameplay Loop is super fun and I’m having a great

Time like straight up having a super good time right now yeah let insert our thing in the void what what did I get for first place 11 bro I have 50% of the budget yeah that was the cleanest race I’ve ever done crazy when I actually know a

[ __ ] rout that I can actually stand a chance I feel like so take Great Ocean Highway floor it down it avoid the speed traps feel like I’m going to have a bomo for [ __ ] sure this is a safer route and I can get there faster no one’s up here ever I don’t

Want to change myself but it’s true r r to we haven’t done yet such a [ __ ] dangerous road dude holy moly that was crazy you want to kill it change L uh yeah if I can get blue and I also want NS do you have one or what no I don’t

Even know where to get it I have a spare one I just put mine on do you have to like refuel it or whatever uh so you get five tanks a tank will last you like quite a bit but once you use the five tanks you got to

Replace it and buy a new one damn bro yeah I killed the [ __ ] guy in BCS Sox what’d you kill him at why does that matter man I wanted to know what automatic you have how’d you know automatic CU I heard you shoot but like my car stole by hitting

Like a like the small ass like stop sign right and then um like the car w start it’s both change both to Blue any blue any blue it’s fine like dude I hit the [ __ ] stop sign my car STS I’m still like rolling down the hill towards like the bridge by

Airport doing 100 like I break to [ __ ] start my car then the cop hits me one time that’s fair enough and then I come to complete stop he hits me one more time I can’t start the car so I stop the car again he Rams me again

And he’s like why you R checking me why you break checking me like why you break checking me I thought they didn’t do that during Pursuits I didn’t even street races they meant to chase the guy in last and not like not really do anything to us until

The race is over dude like I was [ __ ] second for a minute right right behind this guy and then the sdx comes flying past me and he’s just [ __ ] blocking me from passing him in the M like mid- race he’s [ __ ] blocking me at one point down

At the [ __ ] air I I had everything going for me that race holy I was racing he let me pass let me pass once he realized I was there I guess wait I let you pass no no the oh but I one point he did try and pull

Out in front of me so he did try and kind of [ __ ] kill me yeah I don’t have my uh illegal firearm on me I got it stored it’s too risky I don’t need it right now I always carry one but no if I’m going to go to jail I’d

Like to go to jail with nothing on me no I’m going shoot my way out if I have to depends what it’s for if it’s for a street race I’ll probably just fing surrender you think they have a warrant out not a chance really no way I don’t

Do warrants uh so power outs let’s said yeah have to do a solar race on a different how they I’m not s my car so yeah but they’re fun though they haven’t got any of not bad plus I have a mask on so they can’t

Just [ __ ] P me just by knowing who I am so got to see my face even if I did have a war wouldn’t be too scared to be honest it’s still winning in court I’d imagine that because they had someone at the front like if I was a cop

That’s what I would do sit at the front wait until everybody passes collect the plates run them and then you know see if you can find a car or whatever but I don’t know I don’t know how the cops uh act in this city I haven’t been here very long as a criminal

Some of them are stupid as [ __ ] and some of them are cool at this point I’m hoping I get a Warr it kind of cool to be on the r but I mean I guess they’ll tell me if they pull me over right uh yeah they should they just randomly start pointing

Guns for no reason would they shoot if you ran you think from a No they only shoot if like well supposed to be a point so dude that if you’re just uh if you’re just running on foot with no Coke or nothing then uh good luck I mean you could try to Ambush them I suppose like take a a switch blade or something go across a

Corner like really fast because it’s a fast drw speed may be dangerous but you could definitely do that but if there’s more than one you’re [ __ ] and just how you think this durability of 17 and the 18 is going to last just remember guys killing cops is

Not even an option for me you got to remember that this character is ex chief of police Jeremy duck so killing is not going to be something to do now I am getting into like a part of my arc to where I’m going criminal so imagine [ __ ] went down like

Completely down bro start backing up so we had the ver ground right and we didn’t complete it and we came back a bit with this different Arc I didn’t see it after that now it’s a part of the arc so it is a long like long Arc so

It’s bro I really want to be that guy [ __ ] just shoot SC like like that but when he’s [ __ ] ring me three times when my car is [ __ ] like not moving just pissing me off I get it but I’d never shoot over Street unless it was

Like no I’m not uh I’m not going to shoot someone because I’m upset nice I’m so glad vending machines exist they so [ __ ] useful how much meals are these days is [ __ ] crazy I don’t like 600 per meal damn like 200 pops or whatever that’s such a drive though

How yeah it’s seven minutes I thought you missed it oh man this is the big one now make sure you have cherry can and [ __ ] boys yeah I do I haven’t done this one shouldn’t need it for this one for like for the higher paying ones yeah

It’s going to be like five laps or something yeah I fixed yours your car eats everything Lou mine got a whole [ __ ] fresh car here yeah uh well when I was uh talking to you on the phone I straight armed into a [ __ ] side rail

So I put on and then I’ll I’ll just guess the price this drive oh Jesus it’s like a three minute dri y don’t hit the gas station this time Oscar actually don’t use that one that one’s kind of SC if he hits that gas station I

A [ __ ] 20K I’m going to kill him I swear to God wome to the car and your man and fills it up yeah that’s it he doesn’t know how to gas up his car Jesus he doesn’t know how to use a Jerry can bro I know how to kill cops apparently

So six minutes well actually seven minutes CU it’s like a minute to get there yeah all right you got everything you got nitrous too I’ll build you when we’re up there so I can actually make it yeah uh nitrous is your left control or your left O where do you want to bring me do not bring me that way this Oscar in front of me why is it driving so goddamn slow [ __ ] okay it’s not that fast I was expecting like to be sent to [ __ ] super speed it’s left off that my thumb off oh it’s both hello

Yo dude that gu sounds like condition wait I was behind him that’s why he’s so [ __ ] slow where the hell’s Joe there he is okay this is Great 83k Divide it four ways um well actually hey Siri 83,000 divided by 4 so I’m getting a minimum 15K for this I

Think even if I lose did you bu me that’s a good idea said I uh I’m not going to do 15 I’ll do l we got all the boys here was this five people yeah I guess I’m using nitr man yeah hello squeeze in I I’ll move to the other

Side hopefully you’re good I Haven done one this in a While 50 seconds to Bild I’m just going to do it after you going to hit that pole hopefully not you want to check uh bro he’s going to hit the pole who’s going to hit you and then you’re going to pick me well no I’m ready dude I’ve never done this one

So four laps Jesus Christ This goes to [ __ ] Vinewood doesn’t it this goes everywhere Jesus well I hope I’m not the slowest wait where’s our fifth oh he had to dip he needed an oil change yeah all right have fun guys I hope this goes straight I’d be pissed

Dude what is that car ahead of us Bro I hope we’re still ghosting Oscar [ __ ] on Us I’m [ __ ] on You bro oh my God look at my back tire bro what the [ __ ] four laps of this dude I’d be happy not to get a dnf listen it’s 14k all right I’m happy about it dude you can drive through there that’ be a quick uh thing do next turn

Turn dude [ __ ] this race actually holy [ __ ] I was like your turn it’s maintenance I’m like well [ __ ] no no slow down Jesus what are these brakes dude oh my God uh I don’t see anybody I’m pretty far away oh boy the car has been better he at least I’m out in fif

There’s no fif but at least I’m not in fif come on on dude where is this taking me Joe is in the first of Course listen if you aren’t leaning back when you hit donos are you really a fan of any movie oh I’m catching up I see ass we’re making good time come on that was a perfect point for no yes good all right splits splits splits I know it’s four lap

Shing but I need to I need to get some time and I’m tearing up so much uh my speed’s going down that’s not good listen all I need to do is finish fu okay good splits D he said I had five bottles and I’ve already spent them all

What I’m going to per point for no okay check the right this time I wasn’t confident on that I wonder if I still made time on that one good local spawns [ __ ] open my [ __ ] M Jesus Christ why are you doubling it it’s not not what I asked you to

Do save the night for this stretch Jesus Christ a turn come on bro come on bro no more nitrous I just went through it all in one [ __ ] race I lost money on this race I just spent 15K for this race oh no I’m so far behind this is lap two man

Woo taking risks because I’m Behind dude I’m floring it man just don’t pull it in front of me please On dude I could definitely [ __ ] hold her right there [ __ ] now I’m really slow more dude I’m only going to get like 16k This why is my speed going down okay I just love catching air on a [ __ ] highway for no reason it’s my favorite yeah I had a chance and I lost it okay confidence is key you what you some plas me local come on tell me someone wiped out be [ __ ] great I’m getting

Reallyy that shut off my engine yeah pretty sure I lost it’s whether I finish or not really why am I going so fast oh my God this thing is turning radius so bad I’m trying to slow down so I can [ __ ] Turn [ __ ] what was that that was is this the last lap I [ __ ] hope so it’s not bro we need like a pit stop or something well I don’t need it now I just need the repair off as [ __ ] change my wheels oh man Jesus

[ __ ] dude I can’t see anybody like I’m I feel like I’m going to get laed hereo soon well I can’t get laed now but feel like I was close best lap was 5 minutes let’s see if we can do it without NOS whoa hold on wait what how am I doing 140 here

Hold on I think I just figured it out I think I figured out how Jones keeps beating Me I think I figured it out boys yeah I just figured out how to do 20 miles faster on that road that’s important is this an exploit no no he don’t hit the fences car might never turn on again definitely stay L for that one

My eyes are burning I feel like I’m not blinking enough all come on okay slow down here if I’m close what I’m doing is so much faster I feel might seeo but oh man I’m close oh man a whole minute and a I’m almost a minute and a half in front of me

Jesus 13k though restore my vehicle see if I can get it back in operational dude rough really rough Pursuit so hot what’s next 17K or 96 um is that in an hour and a half or is that in 20 minutes what the [ __ ] we Poli my

Question back to Blue yeah for uh I wanted to change my color that was a good race we got [ __ ] on though we got Race by a whole ass minute that was a rough race mind you I had no never done it before but I got [ __ ] mean a few

Times you just like it do it looks like the old sasb cars no I like black more I might put a liy on it this time though 13 49k I lost money that one where they switch every time you take out a car I don’t know I never used a liy for uh

Oh [ __ ] oh my just started Brandon I don’t want to put a li Liberty on right now see it oh that’s out of liy using different Vehicles they have one at is that it’s called it’s matress call for holy [ __ ] man oh let me make sure that Joe didn’t [ __ ] stash something [ __ ]

Holy [ __ ] man that was a hard race I’m pretty sure we’re in different cars it feels like I’m at like 50k now I’m doing good it’s just like I can’t [ __ ] sell anything first cell to there we go man it’s so hot holy [ __ ] you’re be e for up

Bro when have time can you fix the car I got to do a head real quick oh also can you can you install this for me install it and then like repair it I’ll be back e for all right Jesus use uh my car doesn’t have any liberties

Uh do you want to Li uh I don’t know why I can’t change it myself you can’t no we could have different cars dude I don’t even [ __ ] know is yours a retro custom or rh5 rh5 you sure I’m sure you should have a I need a fix by the

Way it is this NE race in like 10 minutes um on 1639 from me yeah 10 minutes damn bro [ __ ] back to back to back to back mhm [ __ ] crazy was there any cops on that one or just too slow uh no okay this [ __ ] man oh Dam

There’s no way there’s like two cars that look exactly the same but aren’t right the Retro custom’s similar but it looks like an rh5 to me so I don’t know I’ll try it it’s well I checked the menu and it there was no liveries there was just five extras and no liveries

Uh maybe have to make mechanic or something did you try it at bennies or you just try like the vehicle controls I DED vehicle controls I mean I looked at very BB I suppose you can see you get I have to be in the Middle Bay for of us it depends if

Back what’s up Robert what you trying to race stop telling everybody about this awesome race godam I’m going to get less money you got to use R5 man you’re out did you get a loer by the way no no one was there okay robs around so we can so you after

The race yeah [ __ ] see back up there again that one was [ __ ] challenging had I not done it uh yeah it’s your first time we will know but one comes up like every day so everyone knows that try I could tell you didn’t at the start like there’s one

Part where you didn’t break and you almost sent it off the [ __ ] like Hill bit at the start is yep that’s what [ __ ] me Y and I was like this I can tell you never done it yo DT you feeling like a [ __ ] today or you want to race rh5 man

Only you know something you could do you’re just needed oil 700 or your last bill something you could do is when people show up to the race you just shoot them after they accept it’s dirty racing but you know it’s not against the rules if you have a reason to shoot him’s toxic

Am I all done yeah you’re L all right man [ __ ] me try not to kill myself here this relatively 6 minutes go oh man was pissing it it down oh man stressful I kind of wish it was limited to two people cuz you could [ __ ] grind this

[ __ ] and I think that’s why it’s not anymore do you get a nice chunk right it’d be cool if you could do him solo but they’d have to they’d have to say it’s like oh yeah beat the race in this amount of time if you were going to do

That or like race against AI or something which would be really cool a good sh all right dude that money would be great split three WS 96 Grand hey Siri 96 divided by three it’s 32 Grand each obviously it’s not going to be that y it is raining for

You right y okay we just don’t want anyone to have it unfair Advantage we checking you have any food uh no but I’m full I need food we got two minutes and there’s a gas station right over there EP dude love the alies though just finding random leg all you hear is a

Oh it’s back behind you guys it’s way back behind you guys dude I went to the wrong spot got 20 seconds robn you Hur but I’m NS this is [ __ ] dude I can’t [ __ ] see it’s too dark they’re all the same car yeah this is so dope dude dude I got to stop twisting my [ __ ] uh legs it’s [ __ ] my coordination up a that’s funny so dude I can barely see with this [ __ ] light you little [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate this

Part okay stay left on this second part here [Applause] where can’t read chat right now yeah this course is huge no really it’s not that Easy my car is faster [ __ ] [ __ ] you DT I think it’s DT [ __ ] [ __ ] rat [ __ ] dude oh my God I hate the [ __ ] rain turnt it off I’m trying to get [ __ ] third place man okay it’s fine I’m really good at this part usually so just don’t hit the brakes that’s

All got three more laps yeah but I’m going to I’m already getting Gap by first and second w the Hawks man the hwks So Co bro wait I’m catching up on second unless he’s fifth this is my focusing face come on come on bro come on bro come on bro come on bro

Yes loser Fu goddamn locals dude oh my God please [ __ ] off dude I get destroyed every time I play this one left stay left come on bro come on bro come on slow down those yeah he’s [ __ ] slow he’s he’s gone come on second place is still touchable dude [ __ ] taste

It come on bro all right I can see second good drift good drift dude he’s so slow keep the lead keep the lead keep the lead I don’t know where the [ __ ] is he must be really far power I’ve so stressed in my life okay power power power power hold

Bu beans bu beans do not hold do not stop holding W don’t let go woo come on bro you got to get up the second man okay had to slow down there [ __ ] had to I see him okay I’m about uh 10 seconds behind him I think or less good

Split is that my fastest lap bottom right my speed up 150 yep small little turns we’re catching up I’m on your ass baby I’m no longer on your ass baby [ __ ] locals dude on [ __ ] that turn up come on bro come on bro [ __ ] up [ __ ] up come on come on good

Save 6 seconds behind I think okay good save the left going to the right there there Slow Down slow down turn turn turn come on come on on dirt for a better traction and gaining power through [ __ ] he learned a trick wait no I didn’t good oh man I thought I missed that

Don’t hit anything D imagine doing this with a racing holy [ __ ] it’s like 10 seconds ahead of me now maybe 12 the dirt for a little bit more traction nice good Dodge got to hit a little bit of space are there okay he’s pretty fast now definitely got fourth fifth is

Gone no idea where fifth is power through [ __ ] off Lo okay this is where I make up my time I want to make up anything it’s going to be here dude I just don’t see him feel like he’s taking the corners a little bit faster than I

Am it’s fine I’ll take the straight away little faster got L off a little bit of gas there all right 10 seconds still got to close the gap we’re so close up here no bro we 20 seconds behind him now [ __ ] locals dude can’t see him man in my [ __ ] blun

Spot God damn it okay we’re not getting we’re not getting second place unless he blunders like a [ __ ] idiot we’re not getting it that’s the only way you’d have to blunder bad where I can make up [ __ ] 20 seconds I find it unlikely wonderer saved it though hey don’t [ __ ] crash

Here if this is where you should be playing a safe cuz it’s that car every God damn time Rockstar designed their game to [ __ ] you like this I hope you guys know that the way they have scripts and like locations to be spawning stuff like it’s wild pisses me off

Actually cuz if you’re going fast you don’t have much control you kind of get mean dude that’s me at full turn radius by the way [ __ ] dude he’s so far ahead haven’t seen rad in a while but I haven’t been looking behind me I mean I’m going to see him soon if I

Keep [ __ ] driving like an idiot I don’t know how I passed a dude who was uh in the red car after he blundered me here or after I blundered myself and then bro come on okay I just got to I just got to lock it in make sure I don’t blunder this

Section third place is all about assured if I don’t [ __ ] bunder yeah I’m good I got third place than [ __ ] oh man that was [ __ ] tough dude I did get stuck for like 5 seconds on top of a fence though my voice oh it’s because it’s raining that better is that

Better [ __ ] that one was tough who was in fif here Cod zero rip yeah right first I’m quiet what the [ __ ] fix it you got to wait for the DN who was in uh last the person in red in huh you yeah had a big crash apparently yeah we crashed together on

Um on uh the [ __ ] offramp but I caught up I think he’s missing an upgrade or something maybe cuz I I kept on passing him I don’t know oh man that was hard one fcking rain as well yep bro why does this vending machine not work see that’s all for the day that’s

Crazy there’s more in like uh five hours really y they don’t show up though they don’t show until like an hour before yeah I noticed that like the they all happen towards 5:00 p.m. my time yeah then there’s more than 5 hours for The Late Night people I’m snoozing that

Yeah okay um sometimes it’s nice to show what surpris what’s the dnf time is it [ __ ] 180 seconds I don’t know give it two a minute yeah he like he was behind me and we kept on passing each other but uh then uh I didn’t see him again even finished yet something must

Happen oh he left yeah I was 30 seconds behind uh you Joe I was 24 behind all same car right I didn’t have NOS I did but I use it I’m lying I used like two times you must have the last race I used all my no in one

Go I used one at the start and then I used one after like I got stuck on a fence for like 5 10 seconds each time or just a little bit no just a little bit like I ta to you know dude where the [ __ ] are the cops though this

Is this is an easy Pursuit it is an easy Pursuit but after I shot one I might not want to respond for damn I mean I’m happy with that just free money for me I’m [ __ ] broke uh you got to build me by the way yeah same here to going to go you

No I mean put it on the house no I ain’t got I ain’t got time to spend money like that after you beat me I got to do you so it should it should be like 700 17 oh my god dude [ __ ] 18K that’s so good is there an ATM nearby

It’s ATM ATM over here boys you want to store it find a truck so happy you can [ __ ] just store these now don’t look at my p c bro I’m not looking at your p c look away from my f Cod stop looking away man I made I made $500 that

One 500 man oh man that’s great that whole race jeez where am I at now let’s have a look to up man myg dude I’m still at 49 near 2.6 Jesus is there ever going to be S-Class races do I need to get an S-Class people can make an sass if they

Want but not many people like no one’s going to show up to those why not no one really has this classes jeez either ugly or too expensive or they just don’t handle well enough people to actually want it I mean yeah do police have S classes they

Don’t all right um well that’s not enough time for a repair I guess nope all right well it was fun gentlemen I’m GNA be here tomorrow doing the same y cuz this is just easy easy easy money it’s probably the easiest so like hard to get as well be last just don’t be

Last I need a lighter when you fly back you can all right tsunami is happening what a fun [ __ ] time I’m having really see here’s the thing though about what is happening like there’s role play between all of us and there is a roleplay investigative opportunity but

It doesn’t feel like like it’s the best roleplay police could get like I understand why they not responding right but it doesn’t feel Grinder like that’s the thing for for me right it doesn’t feel like super super grindy because um I can get down to St

For a minutes um because the way I’m thinking about it right is that all they need to do is grab plates and get warrants that’s it I mean God forbid they [ __ ] try to compensate conc cars right which is also a huge risk um so yeah that’s like a thing as

Well can’t prove the driver what the [ __ ] you mean no report 100% you can prove the driver no report uh no like Stone vehicle Report honestly that should be fair game to police like that’s way too easy for criminals it’s like hey guys you got to

Like the meta would be hey uh my car’s stolen and it’d have to go and meet with them right now obviously there’s ways around that which is you go hide your car and meet with them didn’t change Ro whatever but that should be the meta not

Just oh I can’t prove that the person who owns the [ __ ] car wasn’t driving it and plus when I was a judge uh I I basically said that it’s like the car should get points based on how many times it’s involved in crime regardless of if you know the driver or

Not now I don’t know if that’s still being followed but why is everything so blurry um but yeah I think the whole approv the driver thing is really really dumb cops should be able to just put points on the thing it’d be more fair cuz prove the driver is

Unfair now mind you obviously it negatively affects me if that’s how they can do it but you know it’s at of fairness right I feel like I’ve been gapping every cop I’ve been chased by so far gapter at Smarted um so yeah I think uh I think that needs to be relooked at for sure but yeah that was really fun guys holy that was really fun we’re at 5m now we’re six hours in we play Minecraft today um we had a long intermission we played

5m for about 3 hours I’m I could happily end today um but I do want to get back on and just play for a little bit more that’s all just a little bit more dude Daisy would be fun to play on stream I can make a a really good good

Thumbnails for that game as well I haven’t played Daisy in ages though and I feel like it’s way too arcadey I feel like the way um the way Daisy used to be would be a great thing to upload because like I like a certain

Like the way I like to play my Daisy is very specific right so like specifically first person only uh and realistic day and night which some people [ __ ] hate right but I love that [ __ ] I literally love that [ __ ] it’s so good realistic night and day is so

Stressful or even a 12h hour right like even going around with a flashlight it’s so great helicopters full Vehicles no Jets obviously to overpowered you can balance it by you know nerfing the [ __ ] out of stuff but all right dude if uh if 5m has evolved so

Much as what it it was right like previously 5m has evolved a lot I wonder what Arma life’s like I wonder if that evolved I wonder if people are still playing it oh dude I don’t know what kind of Christmas music I’m going to have that’s going to be awful

Bro you piece of [ __ ] do you know that’ be cool too um Skyrim together is a a thing right where oh the server just went down again um Skyrim together is a mod for Skyrim where it allows you to be multiplayer right what if we had a 5m for

Skyrim how would you do that you would just base it around a city right that’d be really cool because you would have police guards you’d have crime thievery murder all that you’d have good role play you’d have cool fights mind you not as good as they could be because it’s literally just a

[ __ ] hacking slash right uh where is the thing server’s restarting doesn’t tell you when it’s up um Graphics mod uh Edge is it EO I don’t remember I literally don’t remember it’s not that I’m confused oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh great it is GTA what the [ __ ] going on

What if the server just got shut down by 5m for whatever reason that’ be sad you know out of all these servers I’ve seen here I’m surprised that I haven’t seen erotic roleplay yet I’d imagine there are servers like that right but man that would be really sus because

You can’t tell who’s underage and not because there’s no like oh here’s your ID by the way mind You’ be weird to do that as well what’s going on is the server coming up heyo the [ __ ] is that there we go imagine so we just got [ __ ] panel snap oh dude that would

Suck I wonder if I’m ever going to get caught I can imagine so right but like if I’m doing this racing thing and they’re not responding I’m just going to have to be cunning right dude I spent 1K on repairs buying us is a bad idea

Damn I joined back and I got money nice I feel like the move should be buying two more trucks like genuinely here am I number one bruh number three [ __ ] you who got number one a [ __ ] no one’s got number one it must have been me and then it got uh

Scuffed we can turn up the game now still a little bit loud but I literally couldn’t turn up my mic anymore unless I want to touch the game on the microphone itself which I could hey look at this damn’s going on Brother all Right the [ __ ] yeah so far out of everything I’ve done Racing’s been the funnest for sure racing is dummy fun it is surprising that all the gangs run every uh business though like is there any like cuz like to me my understanding the way like this would work would be all the

Gangs get money from all the things like they’re invested in the uh the businesses and stuff but they don’t directly run it but the problem is I’d imagine that we don’t have enough people like we had a thousand people on the server um like you know let’s say like

Bi- weekly we had 1,000 people in an another server then it would make sense to kind of have like that requirement and have checks and balances there but like right now it’s just stupid to require that because like you know who else is going to do it when there’s 14 people On hello I go oh it doesn’t tell me my car is locked anymore it doesn’t no um can you change the color to Black and see if there’s uh liveries available I don’t want them I just want to see if they’re there yeah you have liveries

Okay yeah they all suck they don’t all suck yeah every single one of those suck you suck you want it black again yeah black again I was so stoked about I get in third place and then you took all my money look man you kept reminding me about it

Listen I ain’t going to steal it I mean you could have it for [ __ ] three I forgot like twice for like three times 60% finished I made it all back from racing anyway so I don’t really give much of a [ __ ] so we got 179 134 115 7,000 then 1488 and that’s

It that’s all the money I made what’s that like 50k 50 60 am I why is everything so bright okay my mom what’s your [ __ ] point I don’t have an NP on oh thank you literally brought up CL you said my mom’s a [ __ ] oh sorry my fault Danny my bad

Get on your [ __ ] I am second in command get on your [ __ ] ugly ass Nero isero quick I don’t know DT isero quick uh yeah quite quick but you don’t like what that looks like joj that [ __ ] looks sick n it’s cool I just you know that’s exactly what I

Do finally enough my nickname is JJ IRL you want to fix my par for me you talking to me yeah what’ you say you want to fix my Pari for me uh how much you pay what do you mean you didn’t just pay for your repair you

Didn’t even you didn’t even say the magic word man pre please could you fix it thanks Danny who’s the guy who runs the weed shop Rob is he around uh I don’t know he was before the storm so he might be coming back around I’ll make him playing do lighters have

Durability no thank God so sick of these bananas just going [ __ ] moldy in 10 seconds you got to get some meals man you got to step your game up well I don’t eat bananas anymore I’m eating the [ __ ] uh ven machine v machine yeah [ __ ] you custom I could turn my

Back honestly it’s going to get to that point Soon customer you call me a customer not like we just [ __ ] broke the law ran from police seven times in a row over two days that’s pretty pay to you maybe I had so much adrenaline I couldn’t [ __ ] figure out where my racing tablet was I was there open my

Phone [ __ ] looking at my looking at my phone’s apps seeing if I got to download again no you you get used to it yeah hopefully to worry about the Cs not to be well usually I’m I’m just ahead of the last person it’s not even fixed in my eyes

Did you want a chassis too yeah looks fine to me it’s missing two windows stick your middle finger up Windows fixes it no I still want my glass that’s what I do man you got to speculate to accumulate oh there we go we’re good oh [ __ ] you I just got the part all

Right you say there’s races in 5 hours no one’s going to be on at that point trust me they will b& of freaks would they shoot you over a race PNG no I feel like you know a terrible strategy would be pull up to the race

Everyone who pulls up you just hold them up and tell them to [ __ ] off so then you have three people yeah but it’s more fun with more people yeah I suppose but it’s just easier with than that Us in it for the money but you don’t want the fun uh yeah

Well I’m I’m in for both really it is quite fun it’s stressful though yeah I’m screaming scream screaming at my [ __ ] uh wheel every time I get hit by a [ __ ] local I’m about to get out there and [ __ ] tear them apart you sound like OS

Bastards what SC you got to wait till you SC Jesus how many people you have in your [ __ ] group of fans group of people uh 10 11 no like eight I’m counting rows oh uh yeah about 10 11 is there a limit 12 kind of like so you can have 12 who

Will participate in like say if a gang chose to war us 12 like members can [ __ ] up that gang mm but you can still have people you do crime with and [ __ ] who are outside of the that’s good still doesn’t make me want to join any gangs though this [ __ ]

Sketch you’re just scared of the Bahamas man none of us have been baham in so long yes I’m scared of of Bahamas for a good reason bro you literally just got back from a trip or to you want about shut up wait you were on a trip yeah

Maybe what happened I may have pick up at 1:30 bro you guys sent for that yeah Jesus I deserved it to be honest I think he was kind of made did it for stopped doing this [ __ ] kind of thing oh which I agree with but yeah no cops I’ve seen he just [ __ ]

I’ve been stationary rammed at 150 by bricks like three times in my life so that’s why I did it cuz I’m like well people always do it to me so I guess I’ll do it never seen in all my time I’ve never seen someone like straight up blatantly purposely Ram

Someone at more than 90 you’re lucky then I guess very Lu yeah you’re really lucky maybe I just don’t see [ __ ] on the road you know sure you will we’ll see can you can you get can you get uh body armor from weed still or is that

Not a thing yeah that’s how you do it so can you buy that from the store or do you have to make it uh e oh is it expensive uh depends which ones you want there’s different ones for different types of body armor well some will like [ __ ] up your

Vision for 10 minutes and some will [ __ ] it up for like 30 seconds okay so who the what the [ __ ] 10 minutes how much how much are the ones that are 30 seconds like I just crack 2,000 joint damn and you got to you got

To buy those from the store yep uh yeah but they get a bunch of different ones so I’ll show you some examples so they get ones like this right M um they grow them and make them themselves at the store okay and then you got ones like this

Which people make in other ways but then they sell it to the weed store because the weed store can legally sell them oh are they like expensive cuz I I found out where $1,000 ones I found out where and how to make those but um but I don’t know the

Recipes pretty sure Rob would tell you you were like selling to him I’m going to keep one if you don’t mind yeah feel free I was I was going to let you keep all of them how much armor does it give you uh the green ju yeah makes you feel

Fully fully armored up you can smoke all of it and you’ll get full and then you can pass it on to someone else and they’ll get like half oh awesome with the other ones you don’t want to I’d recommend Purple Kush and what’s the other one the other good one

Is it Pineapple Express yeah so them ones they uh they definitely get you to 100% armor feeling but the other ones they sometimes only get you like 75% so they’re like the two best of like the pre-rolled stuff M and then you want to focus on the green gelato and then

You’ve got one lower than green gelato which is just like regular joints but it’s like the same as green jell they grow it out on the streets and sell it um they give you like 50% armor feeling so with the um with the location where

You do it um does it call the cops if you’re successful no really pretty sure it doesn’t dude I [ __ ] suck I did it twice and barely got out [ __ ] broken leg limp explode and [ __ ] yeah it explode and burned me to death almost I once had some [ __ ] [ __ ] suicide

Bomber come and try and fail it yeah um I didn’t realized that there was a different type of like CU I thought my understanding was she just did triple one and you had green gajol a one cannabis one rolling paper and then my boy I don’t want to out him but my boy

Said it’s like nope they’re very specific and I [ __ ] it up twice I’m like no I’m just going to get get it off somebody it’s too risky man I got a gun I’m pretty sure that’s drug trafficking I don’t even know what you would get for it to be

Honest cuz if you have like if you only have so much weed if it’s like less than 10 grams I think it’s fine well I nearly escaped the first time I hid in an Alleyway while cops just drove past and I had to [ __ ] Bolt out but it didn’t see

Me was stressful is the one [ __ ] Forum uh see uh yeah 855 I found that one one I found that one I found all the locations which is just two I guess and then I found uh something in the oil fields as well it’s purple 72

Yeah I found that one I don’t know what it is I think it’s opium can’t remember oh and I found uh I found uh some purple leaves uh purple flowers that one was hard purple flowers yeah you can Harvest purple flowers I think it’s a it’s

Opium oh that was red nope purple it might be it might be something else it could be coca no it’s not coca cuz I know what that looks like it was it was purple flowers for sure but that one was a [ __ ] to find I

Had to [ __ ] really think of a box for that one and someone told me that they move so I’m going to kill myself which ones move the [ __ ] leaves apparently I think the leaves move just a black Mar yeah the leaves don’t move maybe they P my

Leg not from what I’ve ever seen anyway no we’re not really like that big drug guys I wouldn’t even know where to sell it if I figured out how to make it cuz it doesn’t tell you the component so I don’t know how many for the purple one

It is I don’t know if it’s rolling papers or if it’s something else it’s probably some chemical [ __ ] I’m sure Rob knows but yeah if he’s around I’ll ask um how much longer are you going to be on JJ uh probably hours maybe well if he

Comes around yeah oh my God if he comes around why don’t you message me and uh I’ll uh I’ll pay if he wants me to pay um there you go you can be a little weed right yeah if I can figure out how to [ __ ] make it but if I can like that

Seems like a good Loop when it comes to weed what have you found out so far well I know I know how to make it or sorry no I know where to make it I know like the I have all the ingredients to make it I

Just don’t know the recipe to make it and I don’t want to tr one spot where you make it into bricks and then there’s one spot where you could can cut it down into baggies and Joints what oh my there’s a place where you have to make it into bricks Jesus [ __ ]

Christ what does it look like at least like is it a crafting bench or is it like a just a circle uh there’s like a little green circle on the floor I can’t actually I know where it used to be but I don’t know if it’s still I know where I think

Is it up north yeah still in the [ __ ] uh Alien [ __ ] okay that’s why you made a joint I’ve checked there there’s a green circle there yeah Al check 303 around there 303 uh just south of Sandy shes oh no no no it’s the uh UK loop

Trail 312 just North 312 yeah I have checked there and I didn’t see anything I’ll check there again last time I last time I ever made joints I went up there and it was like next to a table and like a Jo joints is

In um joints is in grocery now cuz I had that’s different that’s different wait so rolling papers and uh cannabis and the other thing is different no I don’t get to Haze we need weed information you’re a we gu says it right over the [ __ ] radio he’ll know everything

Say if you’re willing to make weed and sell it to us and I don’t really mind him giving you the recipe and locations that you need for it yeah as long as I got someone TOA to I’m just sing it for the money not for any other [ __ ]

MH we need weed people we don’t really have any right now yeah we don’t that rushing guy he’s something you’re a Russian guy in your crew not in our crew he’s a it’s like starting his own crew he’s he’s a character I’ll tell you that like he is literally just a crazy

Russian y Robert yo what’s what’s your name leis Lark this is leis Lark he um he want he wants to basically get some more information on weed and he said he’d be willing to basically sell whatever he makes to us okay um so I don’t mind you giving him

Like all the information he needs for the weed [ __ ] CU I’m confused on where spots are I only need two things what do you need so I know the thing inform drive or [ __ ] postal uh 855 I know where to collect it I just don’t know the recipes to how the

[ __ ] to make it and also apparently there a place to make bricks yeah okay well the place in uh the place in form is where you brick it but also you process the straight cannabis into the uh into the bag [ __ ] so when you get there you’re going to bag it and brick

It it might be the way right it’s one of the two but Breck it and then bag it then you then you bag it and then a there’s a second spot that you we’re cool giving them everything right guys yeah we already told him the okay are

You telling the other one up in Sandy yeah okay yeah up there is where you uh where you roll in the joint so let me get my he needs the recipes and [ __ ] too okay yeah I got you man let just check my notes yeah so uh basically when you’re

Gonna turn it into a wait does he know about difference between Canabis and green gelato like the two different no no okay so when you’re picking it up north like by PLO y almost always you’re going to get just straight cannabis leaves but when you’re picking sometimes

You might get a different strain that’s the green gelato strain which is like significantly better so I’ll pay you more for those when you make them obviously they take a little bit longer to get but they’re well worth it basically like when you smoke a regular

Joint it gets you to like around half like feeling like half toughness for the green gelato feels you up all the way okay so yeah so there’s those two and then when you go down to form you’re gonna use are you ready to write this down or anything like that I am

Definitely writing this down okay got you so it’s gonna be eight cannabis eight bags and one large scale and that’s the and instead of can Canabis you substitute for green g buds do you have a large scale yeah uh I bought one does it is it a consumed when you use it

No no you just need more so eight cannabis eight bags one large scale what is the green gelato one it’s the same as that but you substitute the cannabis for the green gelo buds so it’s eight green gelo buds eight bags and one large scale okay and then you can turn that

Stuff in the brick yeah so you’re going to use five of the bags that you just made so the little little weed baggies use five of those one small scale one pair of scissors and one uh one brick like that you just made oh wait yeah sorry not five bags just

Five strandard bag sorry five what so okay sorry Sor let me why don’t listen listen why don’t you just you know write it down on your notepad right I got it right here and then just pass it to him so he can just read the recipe you know

Oh I mean yeah that’s true that’s true I got write this down it’ll be much more simpler basically you don’t just have it no I have it on my notepad right here bro that’s what I’m saying yeah just write up another ingredient list and just pass it over to him um basically

With the with the green gelato and the weed it’s basically the exact same recipes you just transfer out the normal weed for the green yeah I got that I got that okay cool just the bricks that I’m confused on where do you get scissors it’s just a store grocery store

Stes the bricks is what you make first and then you turn the bricks into the Bag okay oh man there a lot of moving parts of this whole thing I don’t think I ever would have went eight bags eight cannabis I was doing three ones remember took people ages to find out it took so long man we months so you had to just trial and error it yep

Pretty much [ __ ] man there was a lot [ __ ] explosions and and like uh is opium worth doing I found flowers but opium used to be good but now that we got access to oxy it’s not really there’s no point in opium meth is where it’s at apparently

What color is the meth uh manufacturing thing is it purple or is it something else for what meth yeah what kind of color is a circle idea cuz I know there’s a spot up in the oil field 782 no I know meth’s good CU four I was

Speaking to four go and they said they were grinding it for like a day together and they got like three Mill and dirty in a day what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ that’s thing we know the recipe for meth it’s just we’ve never really touched it

Because and there is a money line to be found right that’s oy that’s doing oxy runs yeah so you’ve basically got to find a guy um his name is Myers when you when you look at him you’ll see a little like name badge on him called Myers and then you

Talk to him you start your shift and it’s basically you’ll get some packages and you go and park up somewhere some locals will come around your hand off of packages and a bit of dirty money and they’ll give you some clean money and some oxy awesome

Big old man you know if you want to take that there’s everything written on it right all right awesome so you guys definitely want the um the uh wait can you make bricks out of the uh the other stuff the other type of weed yeah it’s the exact same process

For both just different uh insert you make the bricks for the green gelato and then you’ll make the bags joints okay yeah uh and nothing is consumed other than the bags and the weed right like scissors aren’t consumed small scales NOP scissors aren’t consumed nope nope nope good I’m so

Happy that when I found a black market that I actually picked up a large scale cuz holy [ __ ] I saw it there I’m like I might need that and I bought it so all right well I’m going to go test this out I got to go collect some

And hopefully you know I don’t get rolled or something blow up yeah well uh I I don’t think I’m going to blow up I’m just hoping that there’s no people patrolling it or whatever like I don’t know what cops are doing do you want to go rob give him

Your number we guy and then um you two can work out a price in the future whenever you first come up to him with some joints or [ __ ] I’m switching up the price at the weed store pretty soon so I’ll let you know like what my purchasing price will be there you go

Bro I’ll uh share mine back there you go appreciate you all right well I’m I’m happy with any price as long as I’m just making a little bit of cash for the time that’s all I’m my my normal income is either racing or doing illegal hunting illegal hunting yeah that’s what I

Said what the [ __ ] very L racing fun though oh yeah I [ __ ] love racing all right nice chat and gentlemen have a good One dude this is awesome this is so good for me like this is genuinely so good for me we’re finally getting in infiltration is happening man it’s going to be so funny when everyone realizes that you know Jeremy duck was just faked his death and was undercover this whole time going to

Be great every motherfucker’s going to get arrested imagine a [ __ ] imagine just doing all these crimes noting it down that would be amazing that would be [ __ ] hilarious what’s my gas light gas is good no I’ll pick baggies up there there dude the long threeyear Comm that would be so [ __ ]

Funny mind you it would be so mean like I don’t think there is a single meaner thing than to do that because like you’re just full infiltration and never trust anybody again mind you I’m pretty sure it’s legal to sell to him you know if I really wanted to make

My whole like trial or try ego thing that’s happening right now now like really on the nose about like the fact that I’m Jin and Jeremy duck I could make my picture a duck that would be so mean really on the nose you know that’d be hilarious I should have asked for a Later dude I got to figure out how to do oxy runs I guess that’s what oxy runs is instead of moneya laundering but like you wouldn’t know that I got to make a note in my feedback Thread all right but it is very um encouraged to um talk to other people to try to figure it out but you need to know how to prompt the questions right my [ __ ] trunk’s full uh that will work garage K I forgot I had this [ __ ] thing I should [ __ ] sell this bro

G3x Yeah I can’t press uh I can’t press G or anything which is my store key and my uh other key I forgot how [ __ ] sexy as car was Jesus definitely get you at of bind for sure all right what do I got is this sa exempt no it’s not

Good 88 or 85 that’s good it’s not a Ben I’d put the Benson in there if I was doing this for a while but I’m pretty sure there’s probably no car call generated I imagine Bro [ __ ] off it requires bro come on guys I’m trying to make some money get your [ __ ]

Together come on guys we need more cops it’s it’s 5:00 P PM it’s prime time let’s let’s go come on [ __ ] dude there’s no cops on broh Jesus all right let’s switch and look for um [ __ ] thing all right I need a Benson I wonder where I can get one of those

Car car is a nice truck though all right we’re going to have to go get my helicopter is this an a class no shot right this is definitely a be it’s a cclass bro came and throw me a b [ __ ] [ __ ] vehicle uh we’ll head to grape seed and do it [Applause]

There but yeah it seems that uh I keep on stumbling into people like genuinely stumbling in right to to the right people like Jones or sorry JJ which I’m going to call him because it’s just going to be easier um or P like he literally just

Came there at the same time I was there and we had a huge conversation cuz we had the same car and now I’m literally in like well not in as in fact of like I’m in his gang or whatever but I’m not going to join his gang

Anyway but doing a little bit of work on the side for them like that’d be great and if I could buy a [ __ ] um big truck that has a bunch of storage in it that’d be amazing I do weed runs in that not a cap like I wouldn’t do them um I

Wouldn’t do them there I would p me all bad like I might like stash my truck somewhere and then [ __ ] do it like have a Sanchez or something inside there’s a dude named Myers somewhere for oxy so it’s an NPC but yeah now that I’m actually learning

A bit more and you don’t have to find it all out yourself which is you know hard enough like I’m doing pretty good wonder where the [ __ ] Myers is oh God damn that dude’s going to be hidden hidden imagine he’s in the city somewhere oh do you know what before we

Go here we should should go check uh to see if there’s a green circle at uh Alien and also we need to mark up the map poo the map the map that never lies but probably definitely just lied uh uh photopia there we go I don’t know why I don’t have this

Bookmarked open computer um where is it I am a mad man let me go ahead and close my bookmarks let me go ahead and close my bookmarks let me let me go ahead and close my bookmarks or I capture uh if it’s on this water we’re fine um B There we go uh

So well is it truly lying though if it’s uh it’s kind of lying a little bit dude what is this [ __ ] spread [ __ ] map God damn it well I don’t know if it’s there yet you know I thought I already knew that it was at the alien spot but I’m pretty

Sure that was on cop let’s see now if I remember correctly on cop it was right there I a hear any I drove past it man I drove past it I [ __ ] checked here bro oh my God I could only imagine the Tilt what is this [ __ ] Bro all right [ __ ] kill me

Honestly I literally checked here I literally did I don’t even have my five emerals pinned let me go ahead and pin that five likes we love that now we got six you’re welcome jermy all right pin thank you all right oh [ __ ] we are uh six Subs away from

400 it’s been a grind to get up to 400 tell you that bro we need a cop on like seriously this is important yes all right we got a cop on welcome’s up player no um where am I own food um okay two juice three five bananas or whatever

Utilities probably shouldn’t have bought that small scale if I’m honest dude it has durability [ __ ] you [ __ ] game sh durability thaty kind of looks like uh Tommy Goose a little bit not a player though all right well we got body armor so so if we get in a gunfight we do have

A slight Advantage but they might also have body armor so aim for head suppose I don’t know if body armor protects your head but you know and the thing is is like I could go and like take my [ __ ] my glock my automatic Glock out of

Storage but like one it’s not fun for police to get killed and two I my character disagrees with killing police like just straight up man y remember xch chief of police right so like there’s a lot going on here so like it would be a it’s going to be a

Character moment if he kills a cop like if he accidentally shoots a cop um it might even be a a situation where he like goes and renders Aid instead of running like that kind of moment like that [ __ ] would [ __ ] a [ __ ] an X Chief up for sure I would definitely [ __ ] up

Uh Jeremy duck and by the way to be clear though Jeremy duck the character is a murderer right he killed uh James Libby um who was played by rdk um murdered like he’s dead dead um now mind you it was years ago but like it would be considered a cold

Case and I don’t think there’s a statute of limitations when it comes to murder in the first degree and it was planned it would be first degree putting someone in a Downing Someone putting them in a trunk and bringing them to a place and then dropping them off a dam is 100% first

Degree 1,000 I’d have to read the definition just to make sure there’s no a bro can you stop rolling thank you Jesus that didn’t even affect the truck I should make a threat about off-road vehicles going faster off-road than they do onroad because that would be a cool

Touch and like maybe bringing off-road vehicles up to bclass instead of C is it better to have my thing back here clearly not might be better to be right here though what if I just park it inside that yeah that’s so much better okay nice green off the bat really

Good so we got a recipe P now I kind of want to lock it in grind for a bit we need eight of each we’re going to be drug trafficking so I think when I’m drug trafficking I will in fact be um I will in fact be grabbing my uh

Automatic okay I gotta protect myself from uh players that’s like a heavy heavy heavy fine usually that’s Court dude and do not spam e here because you will go prone all right yeah do not spam me it has spam protection for a good reason because

That’s how we used to glitch stuff um in the past like I’m talking [ __ ] 2017 here like everybody chill and I would I I don’t want to try to animation cancel either cuz I feel like that’s also an exploit mind you I feel like you should the second this is

Done you should be able to move [ __ ] For all right dude I’m getting really lucky in the cannabis for sorry I’m just texting my mother dude if cops are smart they’d walk up don’t give me a chance walk up gun in hand so anytime I if I draw I’m [ __ ] right now if they do not shoot me me

While I’m re reaching for my waistband youve run if you’re getting held at gunpoint and you’re you’re kind of [ __ ] you run that’s what you do is that a player might be why are they [ __ ] flying so stupid your first time old man I hope I just [ __ ] roasted the [ __ ]

Out of somebody that’d be great honestly you person I didn’t see haven’t seen in a long time’s TBO I wonder where he’s to for it’s Sor right guys I usually message my mother this uh thing but we’re sorting at Christmas stff I’m just trying to check something it has to be a player

Dude no it’s not not if it’s sound like that mind you I’m not trying to meta game I’m just genly curious if someone’s actually flying or not because I’m usually the only one who flies all right yeah I’m just trying to secure a purchase for the Quest 2 I’ve been

Very very excited to get back uh get uh VR not back into VR I’ve wanted VR for a very very long time um like straight up a really long time uh I tried it when I went down to Newland I know it is so close um but um

But yeah like super super excited uh to get a headset now I’m expecting that I won’t be able to stream it because you know GTA is still laggy so it might be have to wait until it PC upgrades but we’ll see I’m not sure how comfortable I am

Streaming while I’m standing up as well but I’m really excited I’ve tried it I I’m someone who gets motion sick didn’t get motion sick played it for 8 hours straight not a cap first time playing it 8 hours straight blade and sorcery didn’t get motion sck once and I was climbing

Dude [ __ ] climbing hey Siri uh 100 divided by 8 okay we need like 12 dude I’m getting a lot of green okay hold on let me pull up the thing I’m so happy to someone got on absolute Chad so think you’re fine one week baggy two rolling paper dude I should message Rob

Again eight cannabis eight bags one large scale oh [ __ ] dude Rob is so dumb the way he wrote this is so stupid it’s just really confusing to me like I don’t know where you do what I’m pretty sure I do but but I’m not entirely sure so we’ll see uh Hey

Siri 107 / by 8 108 divided by 8 110 divided by 8 give me an even number you [ __ ] hey Siri 110 / 8 112 divid 8 112 we’re good hey Siri 29 divided by 8 [ __ ] God damn it give me green thank you thank you ass and shall receive come on

Even me up hey Siri 34 divid by 8 [ __ ] I’m close I’m so close I’m so close 4.25 we’re good we’re good I did it again what did I do ow what I do one SK all right uh we’ll check alien may my Siri go off

You should do VR streams I want to I just I I don’t know how comfortable I am standing up on stream for that long and I also I don’t know if it’s feasible either so it’s going to take uh take some time godamn all right I need my illegal

Firearm no I’m not I’m not going to do the quest three I’m going to do the quest two the the AR thing is not something that I’m looking for and the resolution is not that much of an improvement for me to want it I’m honest like it’s it like an extra like $1

$200 like I can afford it I just don’t like I’d rather spend the extra money I have on games and [ __ ] you could sit down and play VR I mean I could but we’ll see uh yes it’s faster I mean not really it’s dangerous but I’d have to come in through here anyway

So and also there’s another problem while my office is awesome and like super sick green wall and all that I don’t know how feasible it is to play V are in my office like just thinking about it now mind you I have a living room

That I could [ __ ] like I have like 20 fet 20 by 20 so we’ll see [ __ ] oh man it nearly got me okay man I really hope I don’t use lose my glock but I’m taking a big [ __ ] risk right now hey Siri 112 / by 8

14 is it 112 yeah okay so 112 of each sorry I had to boys I cannot do that amount of division I can’t do any Division I suck all right so I need to grab my large scale I need to grab um 120 bags not those I hope not [ __ ] you did it

Again okay uh so four so 34 wait no uh8 sorry 34 / by8 um it’s four time 8 right 32 okay [ __ ] let’s just grab another 100 [ __ ] I don’t know Jesus uh and I need a large scale small scale scissors which I have all of that I just need to go grab

It dude I’m stressing I’m [ __ ] stressing now you got to remember this is Chief of Police Jeremy duck he will not shoot cops unless there is a and if he does there will be a switch in the arc or you know I I will I will decide

Then but I don’t don’t want to shoot cops just because I’m afraid of losing my items I need to keep it keep that in mind because you got to keep in mind that this person while doing illegal [ __ ] is not to the point that he would um kill a cop not even

Close not even [ __ ] close now do not I mean this Jeremy do not forget that my [ __ ] thing is here if I keep this a little bag am man I’m going to shoot somebody bop bop bop make sure we are green to Green this is an AP pistol I don’t have a

HUD but I’m green I don’t know where my Hut is green yeah unfortunately doing this uh puts a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] things in the bottom left but there only so much you can do do not [ __ ] blow up you idiot all right so we got to go just

Position one which is in the city I think I’ll ask Rob I mean I could check yeah I’ll check [ __ ] it stop loocking your car yeah it’s still not coming Up yeah we can get really [ __ ] here if we’re not careful so go here first just a check and we’ll make sure that this is the wrong place we have the recipes right I can’t believe I pass this place so many [ __ ] times it pisses me off I was here

[ __ ] circles bag scissors small scale bags what does that mean that bags of wheat that’s what that is if you look at Satellite now do I want to run away from police I could right we’ve already effectively ran away from police once um and we’ve done a lot of races

Today and I’m pretty sure there’s only one cop on there might not be enough cops to do it today I [ __ ] hope there is but there might not be And honestly if I see cops right now uh doing this speed I might as well just [ __ ] floor it I might as well just [ __ ] send It and I should get another trucker cuz that brings up my my price my money per hour a lot now if I get caught I’m not going to let myself get caught but if I do it’s going to be bad like really bad like it’s either you

Go to court or you pay like 100k fine or something ridiculous I’m surprised you can’t Harvest weed when there’s no cops on feel like Myers will be out here apparently that’s his Name really oxy runs back I will hold up a cop if I need to though keep that in mind if I need to hold up a cop I [ __ ] will we have an automatic weapon this is where it changes boys Victor I 85 Zulu 72 Niner

Won’t brandish my farm unless I need to if I need to rush someone with a gun with a knife I will or bring a gun to a knife fight cuz uh you know you get rushed unless you shoot me in a lag and in You’re Dead come on baby

Let’s go all right they weren’t lying this is [ __ ] great I don’t know why it’s in this random [ __ ] location though we need we need better more realistic spots takes a really long time there’s a lot of smoke I’ve never seen anybody Patrol it here wait oh [ __ ] I just accidentally

Pressed E I was trying to open the thing wait I can do this four times right four we’ll check we’ll make sure we’ll make [ __ ] sure we’ll make goddamn sure yeah I just saw it we accept all kinds of diversity just a regular post that everybody

Makes mind you I can’t look right now I’m very scared okay wait it’s just crafting by itself automatically go get a drink or something dude this is stressful do I have to press stop does anyone know dude if this thing blows up because I don’t press e I’m GNA break my [ __ ]

Monitor so no one can catch me you know can I open F1 in this bro stop doing it without my consent [ __ ] if it doesn’t again I have to run I’m going to be scared dude if this doesn’t call the cops I’m flabbergast it and also I’m running this

Way on foot ass and heels with a gun out decisions will have to be made I will hold up a cop okay please stop thank God thank God thank God holy [ __ ] this is a brick oh I’m going for a piss what the [ __ ] was that did you hear that I heard

That MAA ass for I’m so stressed dude I’m not even at the PC and I can hear it I can hear how stressed I am can you can you open F2 while you’re doing this oh I don’t need to I at four I have 10 more Jesus Christ can I open my

Phone we’re good keep doing it Jesus [ __ ] Christ what the [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] I’ve never been more stressed than my entire life dude never been stressed so much what is this okay five five is that five so we got we got seven more dude [ __ ] dude for holy [ __ ] come on

Bro I wonder if you stop if it it blows up I’d imagine these bricks of co uh weed probably stink right it’s either they stink or they don’t stink right because weed in itself stinks but if it’s bagged and properly sealed it wouldn’t right mind you’d probably have to smell

The plastic I don’t know that’s for a debate I suppose I usually lean in the way of allowing people more information than less personally love to see some opinions on it though no I have four more this is a gamber this is a gamber stop stop bro you’re taking my bricks stop

Uh can you let me go please stop I can’t let go someone’s pulling my leg some [ __ ] was doing that I bet you anything that someone was clicking their [ __ ] button I just want to wait here for a few minutes I got three more left they take a [ __ ] long time dude

[ __ ] you LSPD [ __ ] I’m going to stay right [ __ ] here your ass will get held up don’t [ __ ] try me [ __ ] do bank trucks no no I’m not doing [ __ ] bank trucks that’s too risky like yeah sure I could have good ideas with stuff but I don’t know bank

Trucks are weird I don’t like bag trucks I’m sure I have a ton of ideas but they’re probably not fun some of them are water escapes some of them are parachute escapes like we’ve all seen and some of them are just outskilling uh during driving right I know suspicious activities will go out

After crafting a lot of weed I asked Rob and he said no wa I don’t I don’t even know what the [ __ ] it considers a lot all I know is I’m [ __ ] stressed got two more three more oh it canceled nice yeah this crafting is so [ __ ]

Stressful and you’re so close to the goddamn Road like [ __ ] I thought it was going to be instant Jesus this is too stressful and cancelling doesn’t work please [ __ ] off MAA s come on bro come on just one more just one more shut up cat this is last

One dude I got to go up top and do it oh my [ __ ] god the thing is is like that’s not even metag gaming too if anyone’s concerned about Sparky saying that I don’t think that’s metagaming I think that’s just explaining how mechanics work and I think it’s important to understand how

The Mechanics Work mind you should be explained to the [ __ ] Layman what do you mean I did one more did I just duplicate that [ __ ] 112 hold on 112 divide by 8 14 I did lose one I’m a [ __ ] God damn it wait I could [ __ ] cheese this hold

On yeah I can [ __ ] cheese this if I if it you can jump while in it I could jump in one of those rooms is that illegal is that illegal anyone know an ethical gameplay okay ran [ __ ] clear I will [ __ ] kill you do not [ __ ] with me

Okay so we did lose a brick how how did you [ __ ] do that I don’t know if my car’s locked or not I can’t [ __ ] see and it’s not giving me a Notification Jesus 100 baggies hang on 65 85 we’re good got buying those 100 baggies was a good idea locked wait can’t hear it pretty sure I’m locked Okay welome I am stressing dude cops better not get off I need you ow you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay one wait you need rolling paper so [ __ ] ow um wait no you don’t wait what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] joints can you just make that yourself I don’t know uh one

Brick one scale one scissors five backs I think I just split my lip I hope not it’s just really scary so that means the baggies are more than the bricks because the baggies are broke down into baggies from the bricks dude this whole [ __ ] math thing it it the math ain’t

Mathing all right it’s weird seven seven time 4 so 28 uh bags this is still trustful okay okay one Bre Bre or one green galato okay hey I don’t know if there’s a specific spot to craft joints turns into seven weed bags or seven gato bags turns into um weed SL galato brick

Man this is stressful okay I don’t know how my durability isn’t going down at all like [ __ ] dude okay I thought I wasn’t taking it I was like wait what the [ __ ] it takes it at start so that’s uh 13 time 7 that’s 91 bags

I need to ask if they want it in bags or if they want it in whatever 91 bags dude what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve never been so stressed doing something in a video game before name it more stressed time I mean not even the csgo do I get distressed

Like I dream of like 1 v5s 1 v4s and 1 v3s and like 1 V2s and whatever especially one V ones and like I don’t get adrenaline from that anymore but this where I have [ __ ] my whole money on the line um like that’s uh that’s a little sus

Dude that’s why I have my [ __ ] my glock right that’s why I got it like that you know while I’m doing this should I make a post about uh a suggestion about adding the your amount of weight to this top thing I don’t know if it’s possible though it’ be

Cool so when you hold tab you can see how much room you have what’s the most bit of weed I’ve confiscated off somebody with this system I don’t think it’s been a lot I mean the difference between the Green gato and the [ __ ] weed is hilarious from the the icon

Car it’s going pretty quick I’m still trust though and I’m pretty sure I could exploit this which I’m not going to do but I’m pretty sure if I unlock my car and press F that I would get in and I would be able to still craft wherever I’m

Standing uh but don’t do that if you can I’m not going to test it and imagine it would take you out of your vehicle as well be pretty funny just like crafting weed in your [ __ ] car I mean if that was if that was allowed that’ be PR be harder to catch

Cuz like I don’t know how many people are doing this because you got to think about it right um drug trafficking pretty serious charge let’s have a look we’re just chilling here uh State stat there we go let’s pull it up criminal code class updated by Kane and verin

That’s me uh so drug trafficking let’s see CDs um trafficking control substance is a Class 2 felony and it’s vehicle held to trial and your held to tr now there is uh there’s exceptions here but yeah but it’s above 240 G above so it’s 8 Time 4 or sorry 84 Time 4 well

Actually it’s 91 * 4 so I have 364 gr of this time kind and then plus so that’s 364 remember that number so I have 476 G of weed on me right now which which means technically under this statue I could probably not they wouldn’t do it but I could probably get charged

Twice need to get to my aircraft oh do you know what let’s no go to the aircraft first store the majority just grab a bag or two and see if we can uh break it down who the [ __ ] find that the only time I get in this [ __ ] aircraft is when I’m doing

This okay wait hold on one wee baggie and two Rolling Papers which means one of these to be clear I almost [ __ ] did it again and just so I don’t uh me myself I want those on me all right so now if I just use this [ __ ] I got to go

Somewhere not the laboratory no is there another place oh Let’s go back to the laboratory and we’ll go back to other spot as well like I don’t know if he wants them in joints or not cuz like damn that’s a lot of [ __ ] joints [ __ ] I still have an illegal firearm on me well it’s [ __ ] staying on me now yes nice

That’s two joints for one give me a second two joints for one 91 990 now times two that’s 180 joints and then that’s 28 * 2 so 56 that’s 236 joints 236 joints dude now the guy was saying right hold on hold on we’re not done the guy was

Saying that one he’s changing his prices and two the old price was 1 to 2K probably 2K for the good ones probably um probably 1K for the bad ones right now I imagine this is probably going to get cut in half so let’s say bare minimum bare minimum

We make a th off of each one let’s just we’ll we instead of doing 1,000 what we’ll do is we’ll do uh 500 for one and um 1,000 for the other so 56 * 1,000 which is 56 Grand huge amount huge amount and then uh 90 * 2 180 *

500 [ __ ] 180 time 180 times you bastard 180 Time 5 0 990,000 so 90,000 plus what was the other one 28 * 2 28 * 2times that Plus 90 that’s 146 Grand dirty or clean sorry that’s 100 and that’s a lot of money dude holy [ __ ] that’s clean one

Trip and that’s not even including those two joints let’s not take get our vehicle are you supposed to be in the front [ __ ] gun Jeremy what are you doing Jesus good haven’t done any Glock picking stuff yet man I’m so stressed holy [ __ ] Graves and Grub what the [ __ ] is

That so over here what the [ __ ] we do pizza this by six meal and we’ll go to uh the other spot and buy six meals I should be able to afford it I really need to change that I don’t know why it does that I tried it’s just too [ __ ] Expensive dude I don’t know if police are P trolling proactively or not but I rarely rarely see police I’m also curious how bcso is doing after the uh after the change with the um patrol zones which have been added back I’m curious if that’s been a positive or negative

Change as I have always seen it and always talked about it being negative oh dude I just got to like you know when you think about something that you really really you’re really really happy about like Christmas for you know people who are uh that religion or just

Celebrate Christmas and you get that warm feeling inside I I just remember that we are 15 days out until decorations go up mind you I want to do it early at [ __ ] appreciate it you know decorating is like half the fun for me now as an adult cuz we have a

We have a really nice house because you know very fortunate and um and it’s really nice to see this house when it’s you know set up the way it should be decorated the way it should be you know whoa Aiden’s back I thought Aiden was banned welcome back dude not too

Late nice to see him I think juice is aen anyway pretty sure I’m going mock Jesus Oh Wonder there snow today you know how I was talking about like I haven’t seen snow since October well Mother Nature [ __ ] heard my ass and said hey what’s up what’s up right in front of me man I’ll run this red light [ __ ]

It Graves and Grub is this a food [ __ ] spot this is a [ __ ] morg dude I need to get this car it’s going to look weird we’re sitting here by hey well then I’m just is this a food spot or a [ __ ] morg what what do you mean the graves and Grub spot

I’m not sure I believe that it’s a Food Spot it’s open yeah there there’s no one [ __ ] sakes D do you have a spare lock pick uh I got one who is this little s there you go oh please tell me it’s no it’s the [ __ ] garbage

Ones bro I don’t [ __ ] know the difference hello is there anybody here hello BR I all right we go to Pizza this can’t wait to H the dude I haven’t seen any cops man other than the two I just saw but they’re on a Pursuit I want to offer RP I just don’t

Want to have like something set up or whatever I could do setup but last time like it wasn’t respected so I didn’t want to do it again [ __ ] place better be open dude hello anyone home anybody here oh I don’t [ __ ] want music dude and gelato ice cream isn’t that weed

Dude how is there no one here interesting you know if I had this pizza place where I lived this [ __ ] would be awesome mind your candles are a little bit romantic but you know hey how’s it going hello sir I’m going good just looking for some pizza

If you have meals that’d be great I don’t know how they work yeah we got some meals what you look for uh can I have the maximum amount of meals please uh pepperoni pepperoni cheese pizza uh yeah is that even star if that’s SE star I’m G have to

Shoot him in the head right now just gut him [ __ ] murder no I think it’s the other guy the guy who looks like Steven star what it’s in happening on a monitor second why freaking out how much that’s going to cost me sir uh 900 you buil to Lis lock do

Building not going do Jesus six meals how much is that per meal then is that like 1502 200 oh the pizzas are 150 damn pretty good what was your name sorry uh Lis arer l e w s thank you very much are you guys open often or I don’t know where you guys

Were too earlier oh yeah we’re basically time all right and what’s the limit like how often can I come and collect meals I need to get a little bit of a stockpile going so I can actually survive off of anything that’s not vending machine food uh I think the

Limit for a place is like six six for hour or something or is like six for hello uh how can I help you hey how’s it going all right I’ll come back when I need it good day uh I’m not too sure i’t all right 8 Hour stream Man 9 hour the

Stream’s been Great I wonder if I can bribe a cop with pizza that’d be Funny I’m going the wrong way I should check Mosley’s I’ll come back I I just want to see what liveries are there so I was pulling um Joe’s leg when I was saying they all look like [ __ ] so 90 plus 56 It’s closer to me oh not that close other side yeah go out further if you don’t have to find it you got it like I’m on the [ __ ] Edge I’ll let you get it oh okay it’s letting me do it over here all right great yay thank you you’re

Welcome wait only one person can use it at a time that’s what’s going on okay wait wait wait hold on you got it it’s all good I only need to change one thing holy [ __ ] liveries there’s 51 liveries what the [ __ ] jaanese sorry this is not my car I don’t know

Why can’t help it oh man so many shoes oh that one looks good Cuban cigars I’m a [ __ ] Advertiser that’s better minimalist four grand [ __ ] Christ all right good day ma’am you too 50 [ __ ] liveries Jesus Christ did I fix anything yeah it did a little bit it’s okay I mean

Um where’s the [ __ ] face Ray wait isn’t it over there wait what the [ __ ] is it not coming up for it’s moved how could they wait wait it’s moved here too wait where the [ __ ] are the car washes hold on um got no support in case you haven’t noticed word

Has me on my feet all day baby what you think oh word those prap all right I wanted to see what this looked like yo I’mma call you this weekend apparently I’m scuffed cuz there’s no icon Adam just sent me a picture and it’s not there

It’s there I mean I just want to see what’s in here I wish a [ __ ] would run up on me for wearing a hoodie Jesus [ __ ] guys po grand for a [ __ ] Livery though like Jesus Christ guys need to fix that [ __ ] that [ __ ] redonkulous that [ __ ] should be

Free I paint my whole car by a livery like damn all right I’ll message uh Rob real quick 56 bags of the good okay um wait sorry I did the wrong math 28 sorry 56 or sorry we’ll do 180 I’m so excited impant Outsource is on tonight I’m so addicted to

That of the good stuff it will equal it to um joints hello all right I want a car wash and also I would like to change my siren sound I’mma pray for your Tri what the [ __ ] is that cleaning job clean my [ __ ] nose dude got to Rel log ladies and gentlemen

I’m going to relog clean my car have a look at it and then we’re going to call it I think a 9 hour stream is plentiful for to 5m people love this [ __ ] mind you I like that I play more more than just 5m I’m quite pleased

Yeah while I’m relaunching I’m going to go ahead and put the sapphire Rumblers for police real quick oh in my back Jesus [ __ ] of course my [ __ ] thing’s scuffed Properties rows where the [ __ ] is my rumbler it should be over here Sirens of mods uh there we go the sapphire rumbler you bastard audio sfx bop bop bop replace all right and get five in back so now Sirens will now sound sick holy [ __ ] how many people are on 46 people

Nice nice nice nice okay uh what are we looking for uh vote tracky 46 people on nice to see a nice healthy population right here I was a 46 it looks like or tracky how many votes we have the this month oh I can see our top players for

The month as well o October wait that’s 26 hold on I was saying October 29th right I’m like oh man that was a really bad day 26 players uh October 30th we had 32 we we’ve hit 50s pretty regularly honestly we’re doing pretty good we just need to keep up the pace

Guys uh we had one vote on the 1st of November I I’m pretty sure that was me dude not enough people are voting we we need to turn that money up make it 10K and you’ll have [ __ ] 20 votes every day not a cap uh let me just ask in

Chat or sorry will Ellie will I said we’re only getting about about one vote a day will Le Ellie consider um increasing the amount of money you get from it question mark yeah like it’s most this whole day H or sorry this whole like since October 15th we’ve gotten like

30 or sorry yeah somewhere around there all last pause it’s still not showing up P spr are there though what the [ __ ] is that bro what is that the [ __ ] why is it so fast what what oh my Jesus [ __ ] Christ what the [ __ ] is that

Oh my God that thing is fast as my car holy [ __ ] pulled Over jeez [ __ ] oh man uh let’s go ahead and clean up the vehicle as well I don’t know if uh drugs or anything if I type in Hood will that work [ __ ] dude what is the [ __ ] thing I don’t know what it’s called Visor bag shoes visor shirt radio top [ __ ] you top really how did I forget that holy [ __ ] decent let’s go see if Benny’s is like clear now so I can actually spend some Time all right how much are these [ __ ] liveries seriously 2000 what oh it it just goes up I see okay so nothing that’s fine it’d be cool if you could um like move uh the thing it’s like I kind of like that one [ __ ] I don’t I don’t like the Checker that’s stupid it’s the same [ __ ] okay a little bit darker I think it’s a Black Version that’s gross um nothing really worthwhile here decent little childish but decent absolutely not absolutely not that’s way too much no I mean it looks cool no absolutely not absolutely

Not green is not my [ __ ] color dude what are these [ __ ] prices on these liveries dude zero why oh because I have it see this one doesn’t look too bad right cuz it it gives the lines and like we could really make that pop if we give a

Good color for it so like 30 is tentative if we can find something like that that’s a little less in your face like that’d be great not bad damn damn white and black has always look good together dude imagine paying almost 10K for a [ __ ] Livery what the [ __ ] is this

[ __ ] bro what am I looking at so like minimalist is usually my go goal but like having words in your car looks really dumb like that’s okay Seven Grand why I feel like if we did this and we like did a white or a black like that’d be pretty cool is that true

White hope so I kind of like that because you can’t see any of the uh words like you don’t see Cuban cigars there mind you I feel like some people would think that I picked it for the 69 meme but I didn’t I I picked it because

It looks really cool with uh the lines and that’s the only one that looks cool and you can kill some of the words with white rear bumper needs to be fixed you see uh how it cuts off right there so I’m using that one so that one’s good that one’s

Good so that one’s not good that one’s definitely not good no definitely not I like that a lot I don’t like that I have to pay [ __ ] 10 grand for it but it’s okay I’m using spoiler 13 I really like the white it’s a really nice car build [ __ ] that fix the

Hood I got to fix the hood it’s on our [ __ ] grand for sure dude I can’t see it’s too [ __ ] white no I I just came back in mind you I’m still streaming yes um I actually really like this look like this is a nice looking

Car and is I didn’t pick it for the 69 meme really didn’t respectful guy I feel like this car now goes faster all right I don’t know why this white is killing my [ __ ] eyes though yeah waited for me to leave and all man what a respectful

Guy like we removed the head injury thing H is open yeah I kind of want to keep this car looking like this for a while cuz it’s just really nice I just don’t know why my eyes are melting maybe my brightness is too [ __ ] up up let me check that would [ __ ] do

It man it’s still [ __ ] super reflective like it’s weirdly reflective it’s not supposed to be that bad did I apply that I didn’t okay oh R’s a little bit more dark now but it’s okay I I’ll fiddle with it in a minute yeah even even with something’s [ __ ] up cuz even with

Um even with the modification my brightness is still over bright how much money I got now I’d imagine I’m at like 30 20 any mechanics here guys yeah I just need a um I need to make sure that everything’s fixed and I if you could turn down the white

Brightness a little bit if that’s possible um I don’t know can do that that might be a Bend things you can do it in this place here okay you good wait yeah just charge him extra uh right hand drive sir oh okay what happened to that car over

There it looks like it’s kind of stuck the RX7 yeah it looks like it’s in the middle of the ground there uh looks fine to me oh there we go yeah I feel like um the brightness on this is a little bit too much hey don’t destroy my car Mor is already

Destroyed can I just see if it’ll pick it up you know it will pick it up no does you want to put some money down what I guarantee you it w will not I guarantee that I’ll pick up anything in anything no it will not I guarantee you go ahead I’m going

[ __ ] damn C that [ __ ] kind of lame zero left dude I [ __ ] always use those things what the [ __ ] okay I’m just doing an inspection on everything first and then I’ll tell you what the percentages of everything and then you can tell me what you want it at all

Right I just went I just came from bending and I spent 14 Grand there for four upgrades delivery cost me six grand what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] bro that’s crazy yeah I don’t know why I did it yeah my7 over there was like6 and that was just after UPG hold On uh next time maybe next time you fought [ __ ] off my for Cliff man it’s a nice for Cliff man be a shame if something happen What happens if you shoot the metal thing in the back would it blow up which one the forklift oh the propane thing yeah I

Take this sh out and find out I do in the middle of [ __ ] Street I mean if you don’t want your car blown up i’ you probably prefer to take it Grant I will [ __ ] your [ __ ] up need he wants an inspection on everything give me a minute this [ __ ] [ __ ] takes

Herever the inspection is the worst part is it’s just how much time it takes damn so that’s what people are doing when they’re kneeling down they’re not even fixing [ __ ] they’re just looking at it Christ well you kneel down to fix it to but I’m just inspecting the main

Things that can or go down easily so your engine oil is at 67 your tires at 71 your brake pads are at 71 your transmission oil is at 87 your fuel filter is at 6 your spark plugs are at 77 and belt is at 77 all right fix the

Things at 60 to whatever 70 or 80 or whatever but everything else is good and then are you wanting any brakes or not brakes mind you already have row Brakes in there turbo yeah I should have all the upgrades and slicks and all that your

Chass is down like a little bit do you want it fixed as well yeah yeah okay is there’s your filter [ __ ] 30 20 time 30 see I ch you’re upgrades are going to Tak as long as this [ __ ] repair is take your ass down and enjoy the show or so we can go from the 15 to 30 Vols we get the m to 600 just by tell okay and then you wanted the paint

Change as well yeah I want it a little bit darker than the white it is currently so it’s like it’s it’s super super bright I just want it to be a little darker you understand what I mean yes like that uh yes yeah that’ be better cuz the ice white is [ __ ] with

My eyes is that all good is that look yeah that’s perfect oh wow you can see theban cigars now cool let meate everything for charge all right LS Lar I’m trying to get the uh vot thing changed hey man you you should you should come on down to pop up pass if

You get your car repaired and buy you some joints man poo py what’s that yeah it’s down the street right there oh we sell some of the best weed in in city man uh do you guys sell lighters yeah we sell lighters all right I’ll come down

Right after I get my bill to get a lighter that’ be great yeah I’ll be down there get that loose yep let’s get that paid watching all my money go away I’m sorry man I appreciate the business though no I’m a I’m a frequent flyer uh

I don’t know if you know who JJ is but me and him are uh [ __ ] thick as thieves of seems the last few days all right you nice St sir see you Man all right please rob me dude that’ll be so great hello hello all I need a lighter lighter just one just one unless they have durability they don’t have you sure you don’t want any like weed or anything no I already have some the uh uh L Ark um I don’t know if

He owns the place but uh let me see if I can find his name Rob gave me some oh yeah Roba he owns yeah uh who you with are you with anybody um are you with uh BD or are you just a a free agent uh I’m I’m just

Everywhere really I don’t work with nobody that bro I feel that slightly affiliated with the Royals not anymore I mean are they still around they [ __ ] apparently man uh they got mad they accused me some stuff uh some stuff I allegedly did you know allegedly I okay I’m gonna say this

Uh hypothetically if I even did uh they won’t know about it and they wouldn’t win let’s just say that you know fair dude dude yep enjoy that lad yep thanks so much dude you have a good one no problem you too man all right let me see all right how does this work

Dude dude where’s my windshield I forget my buttons extras please bro you [ __ ] [ __ ] me yeah it’s fine it’s fine let me figure out how to smoke I don’t know if this is a stress system or Not Jesus but we’re going to go and check it out real

Quick like what’s the purpose what’s the goal what does it do for me dude brightness is still [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] oh for what purpose though what is the what’s this do you get armor for this or this just cosmetic that’s not a cigar all right we’ll log off now I

Think yeah I I don’t know if I wanted the Cuban cigar thing there but it’s weird that this lighting glitch is happening there’s no mods on this this is unmodded like it shouldn’t be this glossy and I also turned on the brightness as well unsure save us a

Draw if you know you know man but yeah I’m really liking the way the um tail ‘s looking now I’m really liking the way the tail end looks I like uh I actually liked it better when it didn’t have the Cuban cigars logo on it it was like the perfect amount of

White but you know there’s only so much you can do right I feel I don’t know why I’m looking down here but you know might get lucky definitely need to work up to buying a house hopefully we can win some uh some uh races tomorrow and get some

Money but also we can get 140 Grand right now uh if Rob was on if Rob was on right now we’d be [ __ ] green dude now mind you I still have to uh craft a bunch of [ __ ] joints so I need uh let me see it’s 90

90 plus 56 no sorry not 90 plus 28 um and then doubled wait no 118 is not doubled wait no 118 is double cuz that’s how many roll things I need 118 dim 2 so I need 236 uh paper yeah I don’t know why my game’s

Looking so weird when the only thing I have in it is a audio sfx and I had already restarted like audio shouldn’t do [ __ ] to this game so stuff’s a little bit weird right now oh my lights are working now though before this was scuffed I don’t

Know all right ladies and gentlemen we have have streamed for 9 hours 26 minutes and 14 seconds I think this is a good time to call it an end to the stream I think we did great today we had a lot of fun um playing criminals a huge

Breath of fresh air I enjoyed it when I did it with incy and we were role playing with NPCs and together was super fun then it’s super fun now hopefully we can get a little bit more involvement from the police department when it comes to races tomorrow and hopefully we can

Get a few more traffic stops cuz I want them to have role play too I don’t want to just you know W Crim right I I do want some interaction um and uh you know we can move her story forward um understand that from the character’s

Point of view this is J verden this is Jeremy duck this is my old main character who faked his death the works right did the whole shebang and is now back doing his whole thing again um and trying to find Mr Noah Haynes and uh you

Know that relies on other Arc stuff so like there’s certain people who can activate my arc um so uh Jackson Stone’s one of them Noah Haynes is another Richardson is another daddy dubs is another like all these characters could activate different points of my arc

Right so we are like if my arc goes from this side of the screen all the way over to here right uh that that that Arc can split off into different um sections and areas depending on if I meet certain people or if I get to the end the my

Goal looking down the road at the end of my Ark and slight spoilers I guess or Major Spoilers but my goal is to see if uh if Jeremy duck becomes good again right to see if he realizes that everything he did was bad everything he did was wrong and that he understands

That he had murdered someone he taken life and that he turns himself in and gets in prison for life right but we have to we have to avoid a lot of [ __ ] to get there if Noahs comes I’m going to kill him case closed if I see him I’m

Going to try to murder him um and um and that will split my Ark I will go deep into the dark depths of that Ark meaning shooting cops robbing banks taking people hostage you know the works of the deep deep criminal endgame right but I’m

Only in light right now like we are we are probably about a foot deep right we’re we’re just dipping one leg into criminal but it can start getting really really dark so yeah I hope everyone enjoyed today’s stream and until next time have a good One

This video, titled ‘Clear RP | Lewis Lark | I am the WORST crim in the server’, was uploaded by Jeremy Duck on 2023-11-16 03:56:10. It has garnered 97 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 09:29:12 or 34152 seconds.

Timestamps will be in the description if I remember to do them… Intro 00:00:00 00:04:00 Minecraft 00:04:03 02:55:00 Intermission 02:55:01 03:28:50 FIVEM 03:29:00

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    Annoying Me - Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. With its endless possibilities and creative freedom, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. The Minecraft Experience In Minecraft, players can gather resources, craft tools, build structures, and battle mobs in a procedurally generated world. The game offers different modes, including Survival mode, where players must gather resources and fend off enemies, and Creative mode, where players have unlimited resources to build whatever they can imagine. Key Features of Minecraft:… Read More

  • Dronio: Insane AI in Minecraft!

    Dronio: Insane AI in Minecraft!Video Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком спавнятся ютуберы Итак я заспавнился и Пока что нету ни одного ютубера Но с каждым вашим лайком они начнут появляться и Подождите что откуда здесь столько жителей кажется я понял здесь компот и посмотрите там Эдисон уже добывает дерево ладно А наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз я думаю это будет тяжелее чем кажется ютуберов становится больше Это означает что вы продолжаете ставить лайки я ка кажется я нашёл деревню о и здесь есть кузница в ней у нас Подождите что This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Sneaky Ways to Mess with Friends in Minecraft

    Sneaky Ways to Mess with Friends in MinecraftVideo Information 各游戏的补偿机制由于后台崩溃 所以给每位玩家补偿1000金币 王者玩家1000金币还没我送俩人头多呢 吃鸡玩家1000金币我签两回到就有了 还有你火影玩家啊啊 感谢腾讯爸爸送的1000金币 真是好兄弟呀 我方的上路一直骂我大菜鸡 这事儿换我,我忍不了哥替你出气 跟着世事典韦马上到你家门口得罪我兄弟的人 我全都要下黑手,哎 黑手,哦哦哦哦哦 男生取游戏名,诶 你们游戏名叫什么 我邀请你们咬一口甜甜的鱼 蜡笔小新眼子,爱嘤嘤嘤嘤斯坦 你呢 我叫方块轩他爹 对了,这个鬼啊 魑魅魍魉是我女生取游戏名,诶 你们游戏名叫什么 我加你们草莓果酱括号已有闺蜜,你呢 王俊凯,千万女友 嘿嘿 各游戏补偿机制三由于系统再次崩溃 所以补偿各位玩家 5000钻石火影玩家,瞅我干啥 跟我没关系 你看那俩乐的 哈哈哈MC玩家 不同游戏一个648能干什么 那我能买三个传说皮肤 那还够我买俩普通皮肤对 一个648那能换多少钻石啊 一千两千三千了算了,八多少 一个648你最起码得四个 你给我买个忍者你没法打对,打不了 玩几天打不了,玩电影里主角与配角的血量 哎呀 兄弟们 也就在前几天,我碰到一个50年未见的老同学 他说好久没跟我联机了 说让我有空去他存档看一看 于是我就去看了一下 这不看不知道 一看吓一跳啊 我去 我总感觉哪里不对劲 要不我带你们去看看呀 看到这个房子,我就觉得这个事情不简单啊 房子都是倒着盖的 这合理吗 这不合理 牛顿直接哭了呀 那边还有农田 哎呦我去,兄弟们哪有竖着种小麦的呀 小麦都种墙上了 哎呀,哎呀 太疯狂了呀 这样种小麦你们见过吗 牛顿现在的表情是你们表情包里面最惊讶的那个 快发出来看看吧 哈哈哈,看到这里还不快给轩哥长按点赞支持一下 什么 你不点不点,寒假作业翻倍 对对对啊哈哈,再来看看这边是什么 哎呦,我去 这这是他养的鸡 这么肥 这是吃了伽马射线了吧 哈哈哈哈哈 再看看这只,居然是村民头 怎么长得跟村民似的 我去,真是让人匪夷所思 还有这只,你到底是鸡还是牛啊 鸡牛头鸡身的牛头鸡身 哈哈哈哈哈嗯哎呦我去,这啥意思啊 哎呦我去,难道刚刚那只催命鸡 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 原本以为鸡就够离谱了 但是接下来的这一幕让我颠覆了对MC的认知 你们看看他养的牛,你告诉我这是牛 这确定不是牛人 唉,这得喝多少核废水才能让它站起来呀 咦哈哈 一个字,绝 这还没完啊 再看看他养的猪 你们看看这猪还算正常 就是这后腿,呃呃 长得有点励志啊 我估计是他在外面收养的流浪猪吧,搜嘎 再看这只直接成人了 你说他是猪人吧 猪人不答应 唉 总之就离谱,哈哈 再看看这只就更离谱… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft on Warden Difficulty – JeromeASF

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft on Warden Difficulty - JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here the buddies and welcome to a beating Minecraft Extravaganza where we have to go to the warden dimension in order to defeat this game that’s it the goal is simple though we’re not trying to kill a warden just although we do have to technically kill a warden to get to the warden Dimension we are still trying to kill the Ender Dragon but Luke what is the stipulation do we need a warden weapon what do we need from the warden Dimension okay just because I have zero faith… Read More

  • EPIC SURVIVAL: Building Cherry House in Minecraft

    EPIC SURVIVAL: Building Cherry House in MinecraftVideo Information [संगीत] तो हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल माय नेम इज अकल एंड भाई आ चुका हूं मैं फिर से एक और न्यू वीडियो लेकर तो आज मैं अपने सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड के अंदर बनाऊंगा अपना प्यारा सा हाउस तो चलो वीडियो में चलते हैं लेकिन उससे पहले अगर अभी तक आप लोगों ने मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब नहीं किया है तो सब्सक्राइब कर देना सब्सक्राइब करने में आप लोगों को ज्यादा थोड़ी एंड वीडियो को भी लाइक कर देना तो चलो चलते हैं वीडियो की तरफ को तो गाइस वर्ल्ड में आते ही सबसे पहले मैंने चेक… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker 😱 #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker 😱 #shortsVideo Information what the noob you built outside the red lines you’re not supposed to do that let me see okay come on I got to go through this door what even are you doing your house is also on fire Noob you’re going to deduct points for that wait at a table and chairs hold on what’s this little secret door okay fine keep your little secrets Noob I’m going to go look at the prob base and you are definitely not winning you get all the minus points and I’m even going to shut your stupid door okay… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Tricks with Owen!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Tricks with Owen!Video Information one WR Minecraft okay are you in okay you’re in all right guys welcome to another live stream here yeah we’re doing something something differently we are doing Minecraft we’re building something crazy as I got a nice nice little doggy here look at that little dog look at a dog look dog with the armor dog with the armor armor with the dog it’s a nice it’s a nice it’s a funny dog very fairy dog yeah so yeah let’s see how it’s going to work I I will probably not have CAD because my computer’s going… Read More


    CRAZY MUTANT MOBS locked on LAVA RAFT!Video Information wa we’re on one raft in the middle of a lava lake and oh no you guys aren’t my friends what the what is that bang boing whoo is that a nether TOA I’m a crisman Frog what that is awesome and Crystal is that you yes sersi how did you know cuz of your voice and wo do these things live in the nether dimension yes seriously I can even go in lava wa that’s awesome but is that a ginormous mutant blaze yes you will listen to my orders boy waa wait a minute Alexa is… Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwars Showdown with Ana 💥 #MINECRAFT #PVP

    Ultimate Bedwars Showdown with Ana 💥 #MINECRAFT #PVPVideo Information colocar stream Labs para esse lado G família você entra na minha Live e manda lá no chat é que não consigo mandar Live manda lá no deixa eu ver se consig gritos da morte você US do qual o do Ruivo n b né nãoque Quebrar cama quebrar cama bruxa solta bruxa solta é chato porque depois você vai perder a mira você vai achar que o player e fica solto montão de BR a partida quebrar seran um F em cima meu man tá travando um pouco e Luiz Otávio muito bem-vindo meu querido Luiz Otávio… Read More


    HUY POTATO GOES CRAZY IN MINECRAFT! 🤪🎵NEVADA🎵Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been painting every fence I know every color beds into the same cuz before you go and walk away yeah you better way you going Wonder just like me yeah you better why you’re [Music] going yeah you [Music] you I’ve been painting every I know every car the pleas to the S cuz before you go and walk away yeah you better know where you going I’m just like me yeah you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you around around just like me yeah yeah you better know where you going you better know where you’re… Read More

  • Colesium – Anarchy PvP 1.20.4

    Welcome to Anarchy Minecraft Server Welcome to, the ultimate anarchy Minecraft server with no rules. Experience a world where chaos reigns and the freedom to play is unrivaled. Our server aims to provide a rule-free PvP environment with minimal changes to the Vanilla Survival Gamemode. With a fresh world and no tedious queue like other servers, offers a thrilling alternative. What to Expect Hacks, swearing, raiding, and everything else is allowed. Anarchy servers have no rules, granting you the freedom to do as you please. Unlike other servers, we prioritize player creativity and the owner takes a… Read More

  • CoconutCraft [BRAND NEW] [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [Community] [SMP]

    CoconutCraft [BRAND NEW] [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [Community] [SMP]Are you on the hunt for a fun and welcoming SMP? Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, you’re bound to find the right thing for you on CoconutCraft. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We also have datapacks that enrich the vanilla experience. You can find out more about this info in our discord. We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creeping

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepingWell, at least it’s not a negative score! Looks like someone needs to level up their meme game. Read More

  • Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness

    Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With boys in animation, their tale untold. Magic and gates, a mysterious blend, As Martin narrates, with rhymes to send. Through Telegram and Twitter, his story he shares, With music by Tom Wilson, each moment he dares. Boys love in Minecraft, a theme so divine, In Martin’s world, where the characters shine. In Arabic script, the words do flow, As Martin’s tale continues to grow. Darwin and Matthew, a bond so strong, In the world of Minecraft, where they belong. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In… Read More

  • Guess who’s following me in Minecraft? 😉 #hotMinecraftMeme

    Guess who's following me in Minecraft? 😉 #hotMinecraftMeme “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities #minecraftlove Read More

  • Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos

    Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos Minecraft Hardcore World Adventure: A Tale of Loss and Exploration Lost in a Strange Minecraft Version In a bizarre turn of events, a Minecraft player found themselves trapped in a corrupted world, losing all their belongings. The player, in a panic, sought help from the community to unravel the mystery of their lost items. A Hardcore Journey Begins The player embarked on a hardcore adventure in Minecraft, showcasing their skills and newfound high FPS count. However, disaster struck when they discovered that all their items had vanished without a trace. The player’s confusion and frustration were palpable as they… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join after watching that awesome video on building starter houses? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and survival instincts. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! #minecraft #minewind #survivalserver Read More

  • Steve’s Epic Showdown with Enderman!

    Steve's Epic Showdown with Enderman! Steve vs Enderman 2! – Steve Life (Shorts) Ep 5 – Minecraft Animation Movie Episode 5 of the Steve Life Shorts series brings back the epic battle between Steve and the Enderman in the Minecraft world. This animated short, created with Mine-imator, continues the hilarious scenarios that follow Steve’s adventures. More Content, More Fun! These Steve Life shorts serve as entertaining interludes between the main episodes of the Steve Life Adventure Story series. They aim to provide viewers with additional content and keep them engaged in Steve’s escapades. Join Steve on His Epic Journey Steve’s adventure in the Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Potions Guide – Unbeatable Combo for Anything!

    Ultimate Minecraft Potions Guide - Unbeatable Combo for Anything!Video Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft potion combination for all categories. @slipered @camman18’, was uploaded by Non Mazer on 2024-05-10 08:21:58. It has garnered 9 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Minecraft potion combination for all categories. In this video I will tell you how to become a pro in potion.I am selecting it with categories such as :1 RUSER 2. RUNNING AWAY/SPRINTING 3.ADVENTURE 4. FUN (TROLL FRIENDS). PLEASE LIKE AMD SUBSCRIBE. related keyword potion potions minecraft potion guide minecraft potions how to make potions… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock Viral Tik Tok Hack

    Minecraft Bedrock Viral Tik Tok HackVideo Information [Music] he he This video, titled ‘BEDROCK IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-22 02:30:16. It has garnered 6012 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. BEDROCK IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMINGGAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • “Ultimate F1zX Minecraft Revelation! Season 3 Arjun MP Madness” #1million

    "Ultimate F1zX Minecraft Revelation! Season 3 Arjun MP Madness" #1millionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arjun mp server season 3 #minecraft #arjunmp #shorts #1million #anarchy’, was uploaded by F1zX on 2024-03-25 09:08:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Crafting Chaos on Day ?? by Deluxe2O

    Unbelievable Crafting Chaos on Day ?? by Deluxe2OVideo Information for for for [Music] that’s how long have I been muted I’m [ __ ] idiot welcome everybody I’m eating chips so anyway I had to hurry up start a stream perfect I had to hurry up and get all that stuff watered as you saw as you’re probably coming in yeah I just replanted got my [Music] um my stuff let’s get uh let’s all these that in there somewhere thr that in there somewhere um and then [ __ ] you would think you think as long as I’ve been streaming I would know how to… Read More

  • 10 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods of the Future! 🚀

    10 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods of the Future! 🚀Video Information hello guys in this video we will review the best mods that you can add to Minecraft to improve your experience and make the game more exciting and fun our first mod today is OptiFine this mod significantly improves game performance and increases frame rate per second FPS it also adds Advanced graphic options such as Dynamic lighting and realistic Shadows to download the mai you can visit the OptiFine website if you are a fan of exploration then Biomes O Plenty is what you need this mod adds many new and diverse environments making the world more… Read More

  • Realistic Mikey in Adventure Craft! Watch now for crazy parody

    Realistic Mikey in Adventure Craft! Watch now for crazy parodyVideo Information hi JJ hi Mikey listen I had a strange dream today I became a real person and now I have a feeling that I really can become one maybe there is a way I really want to become a human being do you want to become a human but why I want to try it it was so cool to be human in a dream maybe I can really do it hm I need to think about it yes there is one method cool and which one we need to go to the witch she will definitely find… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE GAMING GODS FALAK & DARSH – Top 5 Tips to Feed Otter! 👀 #viral #shorts

    🔥ULTIMATE GAMING GODS FALAK & DARSH - Top 5 Tips to Feed Otter! 👀 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👉Dop 5 Level 251 Feed the otter #gaming #viral #shorts #short’, was uploaded by FALAK & DARSH GAMING GOD 007 on 2024-01-03 04:04:40. It has garnered 2421 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. HIMLAND’S DARKEST TRUTHS & ODIN’S PLAN – Minecraft Himlands – Day 76 – [S3 E11] In himlands new video, Now in front of @ezio18rip and @MrFalanaG .. @YesSmartyPie fall into a evil pit.. Ezio fight the evil while @DREAMBOYYT fight with King Odin Social- Instagram- My Reddit- Discord- Intro BGM -… Read More