JeromeASF – 6-Player Minecraft Zelda Lucky Block Walls

Video Information

Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here one with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream coming at you everyone today we have some very big things for you where’s peanut Peanut’s gone oh no well we have some very big things for you all today we’re going to

Be playing some classic lucky block walls which we all know and love then after that we’re doing hacker rouette now hacker roulette as most of you know is the crazy game mode where we spin a wheel to decide which hacks we get to use in order to Def defeat our enemies

And then after all that we’re doing a sponsor segment over on the Pixelmon server that we play on NIS so we got a lot of fun activities for you we also have a big stream tip goal Down Below in the description to have the elections for intern of the month where

Perhaps the intern might actually become I know dude it could happen Luke it could because Peanut’s sitting on the sidelines for this one he’s uh he’s taking the the month off of running he said so okay great I mean he did such a great job it’d be hard to kind of follow

Up with that you know like is Willie gonna be in the run in for this one I don’t know Will’s in the running in the description to get banned from the live stream so doesn’t even show up for the elections all right so I think other

Than that guys I think we’re pretty much all set and ready to go hope you guys are ready for this last time we did lucky block walls you guys made it insane uh I mean like genuinely you made it crazy so yeah yeah I’m kind of feeling like you’re probably going to do

The same thing again but time will tell all right either way let’s do this thing on the interns count 3 two one break them okay 3 two one break all right let’s do this thing oh my go let’s go I already have the pants and boots haha

What what if I said I already have a master sword what oh my God how oh my God wall broke God tiny Withers you guys are lucky I uh didn’t get that oh yeah I got a lot of I got a boomerang so cute I’m dying I’m dying this is fun oh

Hey you in a lava trap too hold on I’ll come over to the side of my I already have yeah I just di oh my God four blocks away from you I just looked at my wall and it it must have like an explosion must have triggered the other

Lucky Blocks there’s just a bunch of like Wells within the wall there’s like five wishing wells in the wall now buch of scattered items over here and I got to get over to them before wish you got to get up there make a wish on every single one I’m not making a

Wish on every single one dude bad things will happen you gotta be careful what you wish for happened over here dude dude it’s a disaster I know I got half armor I just made a wish and I got knowledge it’s too late Trevor D was saying what are the

Odds that I died to hot sauce today Trevor it ain’t happening today I feel it I feel it on my bones the fans are gonna be nice to me to you know I muted up for a second because one of the viewers was saying what are the odds of drums going to die

To hot sauce today and I was challenging it saying no it’s not going to happen I’m feeling it that they’re going to be n and then immediately KJ with a $75 stream said hey jome let’s start off strong hot sauce the timing on that was impeccable KJ that was uh amazing all righty

Impeccable what do you think what do you think the ials KJ stands for I think karate Jones karate Jones is pretty good dude reference it’s killjoy dude if I was if I was a wrestler I think karate Jones would be my name wrestler if you were a wrestler

What would your name be if it couldn’t be captain blastam Oh if it couldn’t be captain blastam Oh My goest is going on that’s hot sauce number one which is just jalapeno not that hot get from there though it do beef Supreme Jerome did you just say

Beef Supreme beef Supreme that would be my wrestling name sir we’re going to have to ask you to leave the arena what do you mean that’s a good wrestling name you’re a hater like that’s a good wrestling name I don’t care who you are I might have just found a trick to

Getting a bunch of good drops if you throw the bomb at the lucky block why you tell them it breaks everything dude why would you tell him this I was problem is you got to have the bomb in order to do that yeah I haven’t seen a

Bomb yet all right oh see I have two of them and because of that I got the master sword dude that is so op nice it’s pretty ridiculous sh I just uh destroyed a wall from like two things of Wells oh my oh my dude I just got TNT

Out of a Lucky Block that blew up and then set off more TNT and just kept blowing up oh I actually got just TNT here that if I can find a flint and steel Oh no I got ripped I got the worst thing in the

World the bat no the I got the boomerang I thought you could spam it but this one you can’t spam that’s fine no no I I got the weapons drum I got the worst thing and it’s the uh the old arena ticket it’s not a Coliseum ticket it’s the useless

One oh that’s so lame I’m sorry buddy I’m notal KJ with a $25 stre steak bomb on Jerry come on man deser really yeah kind of than bom oh that’s really cool that you know like the what your name means in in the old uh gallic language that’s so cool oops

Col ticket I’m just puking all over the place wish wait a minute wait a minute a ground teeth land shark dude I’ll never get over land shark land shark you left a lot of good stuff behind over on your side bro my inventory is full like I ain’t got

Enchanted chest plate I got some legs I got air got lagging yeah I think something’s wrong with theum because it spawned in like I think another two sets of M I see on I think my steak bomb is causing a lot of problems a lot of lag it might have been

I’m still I know I have like four I have like two archers in my uh go thing and like double the amount of zombies so I don’t know weird wait I got I got I got a funny I got a funny I got a pun I got a pun

Dropsy you can do those look dropsy it’s Link’s chest plate you get it you get it yeah yeah man I I get it here can you hold this she’s so proud oh page literally same page oh man I gave her a chain mail chest plate if you couldn’t guess yeah I

Think we all could guess hey hey Steve I got I got another pun for you ready Steve are these do these count turn around Steve Steve do these count as Link’s boots getting he’s getting real creative here guys Steve’s laughing like he’s being held

Hostage yeah he is got is yeah I mean is he Steve I I don’t know Steve you good ask him blink twice Steve if blink once if you’re not okay blink twice if you’re doing bad get that okay okay 15 minutes left roughly I need

To here buddy I don’t know I was just exploring okay you did okay so you can’t off 15 minutes to to find stuff man wait did the bomb did you take it off so it doesn’t blow mob grieving a boo boo like stad said boo I’m not even drum said dead said yeah

Yeah I tried to use the bomb to blow it up and I was like there’s no way they turn it off as soon as I got one boo his L definitely did his Boo this is unbelievable ah God now you took it too far now too far calm down rip guy wants

To know when the Buddy’s joke book is coming out the Buddy’s joke book that would uty I feel like it would just be full of like very corny like knock knock level jokes you know yeah oh they they opened up the explosion thing again yay okay let’s break stuff again get out

Of here Mr evoker thank you what I got jeez why is this guy running away so much like dang attempting to not die we’ll do that hello all right that effect on I have three totems now oh man I am not doing great on the whole uh armor

Thing helmet over here if you want Steve I already have one I’m doing no is the master sword at least the best uh weapon I think so okay what do you mean no I don’t know no just yeah cing problem stuff that’s what I thought you thought that’s what you thought I

Thought that you thought you thought we don’t do that here yeah we’re not out here to think guys I’m just thinking come on just give me a little more link stuff yes master sword huge gain that was a lot that happened oh de I have a master sword up for

Trades um I got a lag for the server I’ll give you perfect just what we needed why would I pay you for that whenever I can get it for free let’s see ooh those look like Enchanted boots yeah all right got link boots Now link leggings this this all right now who

Would win in a fight Lena okay I was going to say well okay link or Obi-Wan Kenobi one Kenobi so many more tools which game link are we talking about uh like does it matter yes because well one has a plasma sword dude yeah but link has

Okay but have you fought against someone playing T link and Smash Bros dude you can’t touch them okay so tell me which oh my talking if it’s Majora’s Mask link he’s just going to be too traumatized to fight so who wants to be mad at me

First this said goes I play toun Link in Smash BR a no I may or may not have gotten the poison Scythe oh how is it oh always you dude you always no dud or monk typically finds monk monk always doesn’t get anything I’m not saying specifically the

Yeah Squad I get yelled at well that is something that happens often you do get yelled at say CU he always gets the good stuff I know not always just don’t get the ticket oh no that all in a while well that’s a that was a lot of

TNT you okay so I have six of Link’s chest plates oh wow I’m all right Bud what do you plan on doing with all those chest plates Stephen throwing them into lava oh oh that’s kind of I guess that’s yeah a little rude I mean I don’t have anything

Else to do with them trade Commerce does anyone need a chest plate specifically five of them you always open like oh a chest plate you’re going to throw them away yeah I could give you well you already have M I can give you boots for a chest

Plate give you these hands for a chest PL I have three pairs of boots at this point in time I don’t jeez am I just the only one falling behind here yeah yeah maybe uh nope not there oh that’s a lot of T I mean I need pants and boots bad for

Bob dad you got an enchanting table no I do not unfortunately I just got out of the uh Arena like not too long ago oh I’ll give you you said pants and boots you need Yeahs I’ll give you prop Two Boots for uh your poison Scythe

No worth a shot Steve but was worth a shot harder oh what a drop what a drop guys I mean I’ll let you know in a little bits for an enchantment table oh I need link helmet now I have an emerald helmet that looks like it belongs but it

Don’t these things just to belong here is it me oh it’s me I am problems uh Jerome if you got extra pants I can uh trade you uh a hat sword I do have extra pants you want you you want to make a little tree I I’ll I’ll waddle

That over to you okay what color shade of gray are you are you like light gray dark gray medium gray probably one of the darker Grays I’m probably darker gray considering my my gray is usually uh technically red all right I’m breaking through this wall I hope this

Is you mean technically it is red yeah but for Jerome it’s you know that doesn’t look he’s one of the outside ones Jerome he’s not one of the two yeah I’m next to Steve oh okay good because I’m at Steve’s plot right now yeah if you go if you go to Steve

Just go to the left B boy hello hi here are your pants thank you good here is your help extra apples I’ll take the extra fairy thank you all right Steve I’m coming over to your uh lands you want boots by the way guys we do have a goal description to do the

Election for intern of the month we are now about 5% of the way there we’re getting there to that goal let’s make it happen and shout out to all the people with their tremendous love and support the people who streamed so far like our captain KJ just a reminder that during

The school year when people start going back to school in early September it does get harder and harder uh as our numbers start to go down a little bit you know as people get back into the swing of things things they always pop back up towards the end of the year but

Still doesn’t make you know end of August September and October any easier so I just want to say thank you for the bottom of my heart we really appreciate you you need Norwegian [Laughter] clubs I think deep down in our hearts we all need Norwegian clubs but they’re for us no matter

What there’s only one this Blaze killed my sniffer he must die right now I need an encrusting table badly my name is yeah your BL how about are we talking drum enough for trade a master sword for one yeah I can make I can make that

Trade where you at where you live all right I’m uh like right next to you I think actually okay well that one’s dropsy so you must be that one oh are you at your base corner I know that I’m at your base oh hi monk I’m behind you oh hello hello yeah hello

Um here are your sword thank you that was the weirdest way to trade behind you like a hogin just tried to eat you saved your life thank you for that I appreciate it all right now that I have these does anyone else have an unreasonable amount of totems uh no it’s not entirely

Unreasonable I have three seven yeah I mean there was that one time Steve that I did have like you know eight was that one video we did yeah I did have eight of them at one time for some unknown reason you guys don’t remember oh my God that is the

Worst feeling dropy I don’t know what these things mean but rip guys trying to annoy you he said that Hunter x Hunter is better than my hero Academia I agree watch either of those shows so sorry I don’t I don’t I don’t have an opinion to behold cuz I haven’t watched either know

Is that uh if I were to pick one I probably would pick hunter hunter yeah no that’s 125% seen like maybe 10 minutes of each in total and I’d probably pick hunter hunter now hear me out here I think the best anime is Gumby you guys remember Gumby get this

Guy out of here yeah get him out of here speaking perms I know what you guys got against Gumby he’s an all right guy nothing specifically but you got to find that um that gumy costume yeah you seen the video where the the guy dressed up for his dog and

He went nuts you got to do that for peanut that’d be hilarious I got him I got him a Gumby toy well my mom got him a Gumby toy recently I I was The Giver of the toy and he demolished it in seconds here I’ll I I’ll send it to

Discord so I can pull it up on stream uh so the viewers can see but yeah it lasted like no time I remember I saw him with Gumby but I don’t know if Gumby I didn’t know Gumby already didn’t survive you can’t make this up I literally

Burned five chest plates and I have another five in my inventory no no no sorry I have another four I have another four so stream this is uh let me get you the before and afters of Gumby here um oh wow this is so sad so uh guys that’s

The before for Gumby and he was already off to a bad start as could see um and that’s the after he’s uh his head got ripped open there you can see from the zoom in G be seen better days that reminds me of something that happened with my dog like yesterday he

Was playing with his favorite toy right it was a it was a T-Rex and he just ate the tail off we’re not entirely sure why but he just ate the whole tail and it is no longer there it was his favorite toy and we had to take it away from him you guys

Have seen how Max treats his toys it’s he was very sad scar yeah am I wrong no you’re not wrong he’s going to do that to me next oh no oh Thomas aren thank you for the 25b stream tip if you haven’t seen that time I got reincarnate as a slime then get

Steak bombed if you have you get to wait the time he never seen he’s never seen it I’ve seen he never seen it I can guarantee SE all of it as well it’s a good show what’s the show I keep hearing that I just haven’t watched it yet it’s literally the time

That they got reincarnated as a slime yeah a guy dies and then he’s reincarnated as a slime my favorite thing is that Luke assumed I didn’t know and he had already started it before I even had it I mean no no l Luke knows we knew we

Knew you didn’t come on man oh my God we know you better than that by now the only anime we can know for certain you’ve at least seen some I I suppose yeah attack Titan half counts cuz he fast forwards to the fights and then seen some Pokemon I tried to uh go

Back and rewatch Attack on Titan recently cuz a friend of mine kept annoying to no end and he was like it gets so good dude and I watched six episodes of it and I was like I just I’m good man it’s not good listen I know you you’d be mad at the

Ending yeah I just I I don’t know I just it’s nothing against like the thing it’s just not it’s just not your style that’s fine I just yeah I prefer like liveaction shows I don’t know they just they seem cool yeah we getting to watch the liveaction one piece I was about to

Say I also just like I can’t get behind the like and I know this is all part of anime right so like this is going to trigger a lot of people but I can’t get behind the like I must do this to avenge my family and I’m like dude just shut up

No one the top it’s over the top yeah this man didn’t like SAS it’s just like I don’t know I just like it takes me out of it because it’s like no one talks like that no one even remotely talks like that in real life you know it’s like ah well it’s it’s

It’s almost worse in a way but like I normally watch it just with the like original voices but I’ve done research cuz I was like is this somewhat normal it’s like no it’s dramatized throughout the whole thing they don’t speak like that in Japan either it’s just it’s just

For anime guys remember the old school Speed Racer I am Speed Racer I race for great speed but yeah I don’t know I just it takes me out of it because the dialogue is just so not Jam that’s fine ooh that’s big Le I got a sharp two

Knockback one on my master sword o that’s really nice that’s pretty big I only got sharpness one on my master sword maybe if I got an Amo I could combine my two Master swords with sharpness one and get sharpness two I sweeping but if you comb of

GRE it’ll allow me to draw two cards and then I’ll play pot of greed okay I need better books I got no Jerome’s noses I just got a lot of cppy bombs and lucky blocks you know what sucks is I got like four Jerome’s noses and they all fell on armor armor that

Was on the ground already so I lost them all that’s rough dude literally none of them oh that’s good I got knockback one sharp one on my Scythe oh these mobs can spawn at any moment now that’d be great all right they’ll be their eventually C okay we have five minutes left

Also surpris to organize my stuff Steve how does it feel by the way not no one’s like wants you targeted don’t talk to me right now you spoken into existence that’s the thing we didn’t talk about it today that’s that is fair I’m sorry it’s a it’s Steve appreciation day I

Forgot yeah you’re just asking for it now there you go he knows what he’s doing he’s aw know he knows what he’ll cause your boy got iron I’m gonna start a business selling Shields selling Shields oh wow actually that selling more Shields than Jerome What specifically more than that guy

Over there I got 42 Shields I can sell monks are unsustainably sourced though okay those are yeah mine mine are vegan and pet friendly you I actually don’t want the vegan Shield I want the shield that’s made with like the worst environmental stuff so I know it’ll protect me oh so

You want the cow hide leather Shield the got it sorry he mixed those up sometimes Donovan Adams good to see you buddy he with a $25 stream tip said that time I got reincarnated as a slime is a great show I must know dropsy do you agree that r

Is best boy steak forste hey uh like I said I’ve watched one episode I was going to say you got to get that if they say it then it must be true and I agree on a lot of anime so he is he is the best of boys the bestest of boys the

Bestest oh I got the most annoying thing in the world Happy SP no levitation for 12 seconds oh that is Prett that is pretty annoying for you or for someone else that’s the question though could go either way dude honestly like if I’m in

A battle and I like you know I need to get out of there in a unsp speedy get a very unsp Speedy undramatic getaway you know in very lackluster fashion dude Cappy’s that’s not Cappy’s bomb just bomb justes this so much bomb I still haven’t found a bomb Oh my God

This skeleton is so is just built different I shot an arrow at it it hit him in the face and it bounced off oh get out of here witch but which which is which brenon Blazer the $25 stream tip I think it’s a steak bomb on Steve because

The message said chat I think we need to Target Steve I agree I think we need some Target Steve’s going on why do you hate me Jerome it’s not that we hate you Steve it’s just that no it’s that you hate me if it’s me or you I’d rather it be you you

[Laughter] know he doesn’t need to poison to on our poison Scythe or sharpness to I apologize wrong I thought it came with that as well you got a poison yeah I got a poison Scythe too oh my gosh oh I’m getting smoked got a with you’re getting clobber Dr I’m going to

Get demolished you’re going to get dumpstered bro dude I I have not gotten a Coliseum ticket yet that that is the one thing that I wish I had gotten dud I’m actually built like toun link now this is crazy I got a bombo and everything nice

Oh dropsy I don’t know why but when you said said bombo all I could think of was instead of mombo number five bombo number five bombo number five how do you guys know about my secret playlist that’s very personal you guys shouldn’t be doing that IDE see when when Spotify is

Connected to Discord you oh God [Laughter] my oh my gosh hey I I just got a shield for free I’m not going to use it but guys oh oh no oh no one of the funniest memor I have now oh yep what oh god rip guy said what are the Buddy’s

Opinions on one piece other than it being too long I just think it’s pathetic that he hasn’t found the one piece in a thousand episodes that’s all I’m saying guys I’m going to stay out of this one dude I don’t like I don’t like the fact that there’s

A th episodes and after the thousandth episode they’re like all right we’re done with the story now we can start the real Adventure like H dude oda’s hilarious I I I respect at this point we got a big one here Donovan Adams with a $66 stream tip for the

Intern to come in for one whole life wow I have some golden apples that won’t let’s go in turn oh my God cap I know what you’re talking about and it’s the weirdest glitch thank thank you guys by the way we are now over 10% of the way

To doing the intern of the month elections Look Down Below in the description check it out thank you for the love at support ones that are like not the like best gapple but like the tier underneath it yeah like normal golden apples just ain’t St normal apples covered in Gold

Yeah 20 whole seconds remaining what am I going to do with all this time probably scream cry well oh probably yeah I think that might be the only Hey cap you know what you were saying you were going to do earlier with your uh with your master swords where you

Combined the two of them with sharpness and gotar delayed eight more seconds you would have did that work yeah it work okay nice I may sneak all right here we go two seconds remaining and it is go time oh charge whoa Luke you’ve gotten very quick at getting the lives actually properly you

Know I’m proud with his negative one lives yeah with negative one life yeah yeah that’s where he deserves to be all right let the games begin oh they haven’t already I’ve been hunting you specifically what you’re hunting why would you be hunting me what did I do I’m right behind you actually

Actually I’m wondering where monkeys yeah I’m right behind you that’s the thing behind you so you never hunting you I’m hunting your Anvil bro oh I see what you’re saying yeah I guess to be fair if you’re constantly behind me get him luk get him get out of here get him

Luke oh my God come L found my first Target oh oh my lucky block of my sword what did you do I hit him with my sword Lucky Blocks on it nice wow I hit you with that that actually explosives on it where is that’s what I want to know what

Are you going to do L your lightning strikes hurt a lot especially in the now oh it’s thunderstorming ah Jesus Luke how much does that do what is hitting me me reality I’m I didn’t realize sorry Steve it was reality reality is often disappointing oh the inters got one of

Those uh Pixies he got the extra life pixie he won’t for long get him can we get a mob clear or something cuz there’s a lot of lag shot lava yeah I had slowness 10 for like a little bit there that wasn’t me then I

Think we’re how are you not dying luk I have not seen anyone Steve what happened uh so well I was fighting Cappy and I fell into a pit of lava yeah where but now I’m in the Coliseum running you coward wait my pant I found found a Coliseum ticket while I

Was fighting oh that’s nice I didn’t realize I ripped my pants off where did Luke go what the heck why do I have infinite poison BL them what the heck is this I was very low dude I think I only two hit you there yeah

Luke why are you on my SL who that oh yeah that’s a lot better bombo number five guys I think I win you what’ you get from it’s not what I got it’s where I spawned Jes underground in like a one by one oh oh so I’m going to go ahead and I

Spawned underneath the Coliseum all right I’m just tping to somebody did you pick up your Anvil or should I keep looking for I picked up okay it’s on bro mind St hear me out all in turn I’m going to let you know I’m respawning I’m hearing you yeah and I’m not

The oh you were just the distraction you still di the same Steve I don’t know how Luke does so much damage though well he probably he got whatever like sharp nine Luke cheats worse than I do mon I don’t know why you’re what you’re expecting we’ve had like the same fight

Every time and I don’t understand they’re making fun I got least amount of lives all right listen here have you tried getting good oh God I’m actually taking damage here we go time to escape oh I hit Cappy with the same thing I I smacked you there we go no I fell bro

St I don’t have ender pearls you like my Escape Plan dropsy oh God Jesus no oh Jesus no get worse the lava pit oh my God it just keeps getting worse oh God that was a bit brutal the humanity I’m going be honest what just happened to him ow lots of terrible he

Was on a block and then I exploded him how you get the third time sent him into a pit Just My Vibe oh my God Dark Sword hey Brendon Hustler with the $40 stream D he wants to see what Peanut’s up to let’s see oh peanuts hiding off the screen a

Little bit though see if he gets back on on there eventually come on Peanut oh I love when Peanut’s looking all handsome he sits in the actual thing you know ah there he goes you don’t want to mess think my favorite thing about the peanut cam is that it’s just a really long

Cable yeah I know right it’s just one really long cable to show where he is it’s like a 50ft cable it’s it like cap I keep running India man I’m keep trying to other people hey man stop you have to stop meeting like that you got to fight other

People the will explode eventually there oh it will I thought you had to hit people no it you don’t have to it’s a chance to just exp matter what gosh I wasted two Steve to all right oh green oh dude crushing I mean half a heart man like that was literally as

Close get if the withered persisted just a hair longer did I I found a pair of pants I’m just going to leave on the ground who is this oh it’s Luke you don’t want this Cy oh I do gone crazy you don’t know where I’ve been

Crazy that was crazy once I’m going to leave Luke alone put me in a room a rubber room rubber room a rubber room filled with rats a rubber crazy drop to your house exploded that was C I didn’t have a house homeless I was homeless this is awkward cuz your house exploded

I didn’t I didn’t even make a house what house are you talking about just upet you blew up a house I didn’t know I had well those that your and doors I didn’t build a house yeah why did you take up residence on mine all right no I didn’t I found a I’m

Talking to Luke I found a safe spot to put myself I’m going to go get peanut on neither did I this is the first time I’ve seen you like a notch I’ve been fighting people you apparently ow how are we exploding oh bombs on a bow yeah I know

I I use that quite often works very well but still annoying to fight my screen is all zoomed in I can’t see nothing it’s the ice a dang I was trying I was trying to take his Notch Apple down man well let me tell you what the

Notch Apple got taken down for sure good good a now I’m just spawning on all my stuff I don’t want this yeah like I I don’t know what happened we’re good we’re good we good okay I we ain’t good we good we good we wein okay yeah yeah yeah

Uh okay I don’t know what happened but your your your house exploded that was real awkward for a second my house exploded I didn’t even have a house Steve are you just attacking people’s houses yeah he A Min I think we need tet Luke a couple of times now and

He’s just been on somebody’s area and I’m just like all right sure I’m going to throw a bomb all right here we go I’m getting to my new spot it’s going to be the best spot you ever saw on the wall I was about to say is it on top of

The map he’s on top of the map he’s not on top of the map all right who did it who did it do you mind dropsy he just killed me I was in my inventory okay crazy dude yeah well don’t be here on Battlefield in your inventory where else am I going

To be stead I don’t know did you take a strength two Potion No I have the how’ you do seven Hearts oh he has the buffing horn M and I have sharp two on my sword yeah let’s go Brenan Hustler with a $250 stream tip to ban Willie hide

User on this channel get out of here will buy remember you got undo that tomorrow M me the other day asking about go all right dropsy we don’t have to do ow dropsy we didn’t have to do that house is gone by the way I didn’t have a

House but cool that you knew of yeah what is going on Whose houses what are you what houses are you blowing up I think you’re just like blowing up Luke’s houses I am but they’re on top of your beacons hi St how are you Monk yes I was

Peacefully walking away you were oh and now that’s true you were walking away peacefully I’m making my own Arena at the top of dropy why why why [Laughter] why you know what n you’re at 11 lives oh thanks man well I was about to chase her down

But I was like nah Homie don’t show Mercy cap ow show Mercy there horrible mistakes were made I’m making there from there oh on top of the wall I I con the other hold trying to go over and look for Jerome I connected everyone’s walls on the top of

The map oh my God St chill bro I’m trying to god stop and now thanks to Brendan Hustler guys we are almost a quarter of the way there to the election I got shot off a cliff way there thank you Bren Hustler who shot me off a

Cliff Jerome I really just want to let you go bro was that the intern who hit me off this is all with crossbows too M he’s so annoying why do you have so many fire arrows I think I’m out of them you better be stay down C I’ll eventually make it down

Buddy a minut yeah what you do I’m help no no no no oh my goodness the a lucky block exped you done I raning no I’m trying to see what jome was building I’m destroying Jerome’s Bridges what do you mean why you build Bridges I spent so much

Time they’re all gone what no who just blew up my Ste why you don’t want this why would you do that drop didy my and then Steve just blew up my staircase W Steve you’re actually listen kind of rude bro what I was like you don’t want this

And then you turned around and went the other way I didn’t want it I just wanted my bridge ah ah okay are you all up top huh are you all up top no no I’m on ground level it’s just kind of a big map because

I I I really enjoy the six player ones of these but the maps are just so big yeah I’ve only seen oh you really did blow up the walls every oh jeez what is that okay mug I’m leaving you alone because I can’t find anyone

Else the intern is now big a five I’ve ran into you twice in the past like two seconds I actually can’t hit him leaving you I’ve been in the same spot wait instead wait there instead wait wait where you are okay waiting totally just being gas lit

Totally just being gas no I’m just dropping bombs on his head from the top of the wall oh God no oh oh no my anch wait wait wait land in the water land in the water why did the water randomly turn lava okay no we’re good that was very dramatic that whole thing

Oh oh jeez oh jeez jeez cap you got strong I thought I was going to get away with it no dude who do you thinken even a single one of your totems have I that’s actually massive oh my God it’s oh my God this staircase yeah I know right M kind irrit

My dirt staircase you like it this is good ow hey oh I don’t like the giant skeletons what you gonna do stop doing that do something different try oh oh oh God where am I you seriously what is happening I don’t know but I think you’re in a block right now

You’re such a menace D oh I lived you deserved that I don’t know what that was but you deserved it it’s like my cabbages my staircase bring it oh my God ow oh God bring it oh okay where where did you fly away to ow I just levitated up big

Booms I’ll take us both down oh je I watched all that no Ender pears it takes so long to get up there take both out he didn’t have I ran into Cappy more than I’ve ran into anyone else ran anyone else to Happ doesn’t shy away from combat I don’t know where you

Are hey bud how about some of that dead B hard feelings but like the first different person I’ve seen in five minutes cuz I got that too Jerome oh oh no no heart feelings yeah no I look hey I started that fight you know I was consquences just asked what I think

About pineapple and ranch pizza I think you should never call this number again I think you’re on the right track buddy the right track you’ll figure it out he doesn’t even know where the course begins yeah but he but with ranch he doesn’t even know where the

Does know where the course is he doesn’t even know where the course begins monk said Jesus Steve I know I’m dead oh my my God are we also just leaving the intern oh yeah he’s leaving that or really is hey wait wa wait a minute

Here also what dude the Ser is not okay just sent me like a wireless camera why would I do a wireless camera when I just have a 50ft cable hooked up to CP nut yeah man why would I I don’t know if the is okay guys I just tried to eat steak

And it took me like 30 seconds and then hit me in the head it’s rough on the serers part but uh sounds like a whole lot of not our problem bro I could totally like scuff you like I’m totally down to just leave you alone it’s lingering by your plot

That’s not cool with me oh no no no no no I just I I spawned and I you were the first person no you were ready you were ready I respected if you wanted to follow through I don’t trust nobody oh I fell c i was chasing you too

Here throw head to help out that was tragic oh no I Karma Luke dier oh no double Karma cap I’m back in it oh God the horror yeah shift okay okay we can be homies if we want we could be cool we could be cool Jerome you’re literally trying to

Hit me right now we can be cool we can be cool as he you in the head the worst part is Cap I was trying to put a Notch Apple in my hot bar but then you killed me and then it fell to the floor and then you blew it up and

Now it’s gone no I actually got the Notch Apple what yeah you gave me that Notch Apple bro now I have come on man I’m just handing out free Notch apples yeah yeah Notch apples are us you stay down from there cap I will I will walk you stay

Off of that drop hey hey I dare dare you I dare you no no I dare you bro I dare you bro I my just hit me with a get scammed kid I’m just hit I’m getting said like a chest puffer up in a gym

Right now bro what you going to do man what you going to do what did this guy just say I I don’t know but I like it I can’t believe I just got hit by a get scammed kid I can’t believe that I have an idea invisibility potion even

Though I’m wearing armor ha now you’re poisoned and wither no it only does one effect oh it does both what yeah it only shows one yeah no he’s been shredding me with that mhm does big damage o um o di OHS too I may have fallen off my perch wait

I have a new idea what if I just put Cappy’s bombs on every single piece of armor that I had soundss uh I don’t know if I can okay that already has Cappy’s bombs on it so we’re off to a good start do you have that many books though let me see cab

Bomb cabby bombs uh let me drop this in the ground oh would you look that that another Cappy’s bombs hold on a second here oh my God okay and then the ground and then uh oh you look that another Cappy’s bombs doing on every piece what just

Happened there you fell down a hole item clear but it wasn’t there when I was walking it just appeared like what dropy may have exploded the lucky block literally just appeared I can see that happening I think that was me actually and thank you again Brendan

Hustler for being a big sponsor of the channel today our captain of the live stream thus far appreciate you brenon Hustler awesome stuff little bit of a battle in the oh there she goes I’m G to wither to death oh I lied oh oh it’s you is everybody

Trade deal no I got her oh je I oh God why are you invisible Lu he already said he was going to do that now you’ll never know where I am except by the way that my armor is everywhere oh oh God you got one my tot

No now for your real toes get out of here take the totem then I’m taking the toes just don’t take the pinky toe that one’s sensitive it’s also I don’t think you can ask which one they take what’s the what’s the most important one in your opinion Trum I I

Think the thumb big toe no thumb toe big toe you trying to say thumb toe thumb toe I think all toes are important because if you were to be missing toes you’d have a hard time balancing when you walking finger toe though it you’d be surprised like

Obviously it would be easier like if you were missing the big toe that would be the most noticeable but you need every toe to balance correctly yeah the big toe and the pinky toe would be the hardest ones to lose BR J it just all that and it just dropped me into a

Pit of lava why me too why is it always you you know okay when it’s not when I’m not in combat my bow with bombs works but when I’m in combat it doesn’t want to work I see it is yeah that’s us how things go

I’ll give you like a head if you it does there you go there you go and now I chase good fight GG parkour parkour where did you come from no I well there goes my my side I was like here’s my one Hope of Victory oh Jesus Steve hey how’s it going

I’m just GNA keep making the server L what if you didn’t do that yeah just body blocking for you yeah they’re kind of getting in my way too though uh oh that’s a lag drop’s causing leg no not just dropsy dropy instead are causing lag Ste I just got out of combat

St should have thought about that proce totem nice come on Ste want put on another totem see what happens so drafty um I blow up one of the blocks and there’s a bat on the of those lucky blocks that you launched wait hold on a second here

Steve I have something to show me show you uh well it’s called invisibility potion and then he’s gone ow oh no I don’t know how to tell you this drone but you can’t outrun me with the buffing horn wow wow wow would you tell him that

I didn’t want to kill you on spawn I was just getting rid of your beacon all right see that was such a weird time I just immediately spawn in yeah I that was not intentional I didn’t know you were dying in that moment we’re getting rid of beacons now dropsy

What mine’s been gone I’m defending mine yeah who took mine actually uh it might have been a bomb oh never mind it’s apparently Jerome that I’m defending it from it’s my getaway plan you like that M but you’re still here yeah it didn’t work all right I got

Steves that’s my getaway plan is he just flies 10 blocks up and dies oh no I spent a lot of time strategizing all right I could tell I could tell I don’t appreciate you making fun of my moves stop chasing me Steve I’m on a mission to destroy my beacon I

Already did I know that’s why I’m chasing you down no go away oh you’re coming over the middle right now there he is yeah dropsy you know running from how does your Cappy’s bomb like go off 100% look CH I’ll ring you don’t want this bro I’ll leave you be I’ll leave

You be I just you don’t want this man don’t let her get monks I’m going to let her get monks she no no no we’re cool we’re cool we’re cool Dave no you who did that not the Wither come on man oh wait is it still here please please please be

The one yes I just confus his shield with Jerome’s nose and then I thought it blew up that’s huge but yeah he is like no heal Steve be chill I haven’t even done anything yet I am I I didn’t know that I saw a zombie

In the back of my uh reminder guys by the way we have only done hot sauce number one so far and we are about a quarter of the way there to our goal of doing the internal elections K STS was gone so I might just I like this jacob Hutcherson with $130

Stream tip says he wants a slash kill on Steve and a targeting on the old C wow that was awesome he said sorry Cappy it’s not personal but you’re awesome he said and your name’s on the top of the right side of the board so we got to kill you cap you’re getting

Targeted now okay let’s go Jacob thank you buddy appreciate you especially for that SL Kell and Steve you know what I’m saying yeah I think that one was personal no no Steve deser really nothing personal cap but totally personal to you Steve no no Steve it wasn’t personal it

Was just personal dude I to worry about that ow guys I I back up on the Cappy front yeah I’m I’m on a mission flying on this bat I’m trying to get over there yeah hey hey what you want you to death what you how close did I get

Very I had like two hearts dude that’s so that wither poison just rips through you it really that was me unless there was a lucky block of my sword maybe no I I have poison oh oh yes you still targeting cap no okay you put me on a bat

Again she just shot me off of mine I’m very sad about it monk I was going to attack you and then I realized you’re at the bottom of the leaderboards it’s not necessary de with Ash was asking how much to unban Willie we’ll do the same

Mount so if someone wants to they can unban him but I don’t know if anyone wants the Bot Master General back you know what I’m saying I’m going to put in the description there same to unban if you want shout out to all you guys supporting the channel here today we are

About onethird of the way there almost to doing the intern elections all right guys seven seven that’s a lot of Sev board M what happened it’s about that I hit him in the head a few times I see hro speed potion pretty much everyone hit me in the head a

Lot no the bat not even with your buffing horn can you outpace me I don’t have my buffing horn right now actually oh my God if you put me on another bat dropsy there hello yeah it’s still on cool down oh jeez oh jeez stve there we go why won’t you die

You’re putting in like a good oh there you go I just got St to proc a totem he proed two totems get him oh man it’s not I didn’t have 18 totems Jerome yeah I popped two earlier as well Drome you still have a lot to go through

Though last forever oh my God yeah you thought Jerome you thought I really didn’t think I had you on the ropes there you did you did it was it was close I wasn’t going to let you take another totem ow my hands myir stead you’re on my

Land Dead Land oh Mason black with the $50 stream said ignore the unbanned Willie be on the intern of the wait this target Steve all right good good yeah you have to let me live saved Life Mason black of the $50 stre Target Steve and then Jacob Hutcherson with a $50 stream

Tip said Steve it wasn’t personal just happened to join and see you destroyed Jerome but for assuming it was personal this one is that’s two Steve the original was Personnel I understand no he said it wasn’t personal but now the second it was personel Steve you’re going to get targeted for your next

Lives seen him where was he I haven’t seen him am mommy just fight me you’re ridiculous Steve you have like 20 totems I’m not dealing with you alone there you go you’re you’re funny if you think I’m wasting totems on lives that I’m going to be targeted on yeah

He’s not going to waste totems on these that’ be foolish wait did he fall in the pit no yeah he’s down there I dropped the bomb on his head he’s right below drum he’s he’s right there come on down is he still thought he was down there just chilling

There a I tried to throw that oh I got it in there there we go keep dropping them on his head no I think God C’s down there C froze him oh my gosh we got this we could we could do it guys all of us

Combined there go now we got to Target him one more time yeah and this one is personal Steve they both were personel yeah this is more Personnel but Mason answer your question yes we can let Willie on the intern of the month list still even if he’s not unbanned not here to

Campaign Luke is not happy about that one bit but what if I run dude if you w run you would you would win the heartbeat he’s over you guys V for me if I ran for inter oh dropsy it would actually kind of make my day I don’t know how that happened

What is your range I’m supposed to have like Plus One reach and I can’t hit him that might be server buff it might be that’s a lot of yeses cap I think you’d win okay I am now what drop you just triggered me on this bat over

Here he is now riding a bat now announcing my mounting of a bat I’m now announcing my running for intern okay well everyone was there and then no one helped and instead I died yeah I know but everyone else left as well monk after you died so it was you and me prom

Loved the fans forever everyone just left us to the what if they do something that you could never forgive what like cook a steak well done yeah what if they did dude those aren’t the real ones where did Steve get I found him are we right behind Drome I think we are

Still targeting you for this life yeah we are I’ve gotten two kills on this target Jerome because he’s on my side if you guys you guys want to help out that would be really helpful some I think we should I think we should leave them

There we go you know my bro you did it again dropsy what are you bro I’m stuck and I’m trying to get myself on a bat so I can leave should leave alone let them deal with Austin Owens with you got me on another one drops me Target Steve I’m over the

Void Austin Owens the 50 stream di to Target Steve again all right turn around that $150 Dono you missed yeah I I was trying to figure out what it meant Jacob hunterson with $150 stream tip for Ste he said as a thank you for never failing

To make me laugh Ste you get another life I was GNA give you a hey guys rip guy guys rip guy with a $50 stream tip said someone say Target Steve more question marks so Target Steve that’s two Targets on Steve 10 Roger Dodger again I’ve died trying to

Kill him yeah I we should just leave him and let them deal with it since they left us to deal with it what I killed Steve in the last one yeah I was going to say Dr No and then after that when you guys left me and monk went to kill him and

You guys were right there and then disappeared and me and monk died I I don’t know tell you what said I’m riding with you man you’re my boy oh my God Jacob huton with a $50 stream tip set just two question mark so that’s three Targets on Steve now got smacked in the

Back of the head all right that’s one of three Steve you have two more buddy they bring you out a two lives total also did Ste of get his plus one life Mr inter man man probably not he’s at seven okay so what happened where is everybody I’m right

Here buddy I’m right here hit me for oh my God help Mo get out of there H me so much damage I got back where he nearly no I don’t know all the beacons are broken ha I got another kill on Steve guys he’s got one more Target let’s get

Him send him to the shadow real dude J what is on your sword uh that gives you like insane knockback uh sharpness it has and another enchantment the bane of Stever pods yeah I thought so the Bane all right that’s all the targets on Steve Steve congratulations buddy you

Still have two lives you’re good yeah right I went from having seven to two in the meantime you don’t have to do it like this oh God no not the Wither oh gosh oh my gosh I deserve that I think you go down that fast man

You must have been weak from Steve all right give me one second I’m gonna run to the bathroom because I got an eyelash in my eye and it really hurts back one minute okay let’s go puppy guard Jerry Target Steve without him he’s got an eyelash in his eyeball no I mean the

Thing he yelled when he was running away to the bathroom don’t Target St me that’s what he said I got you that’ll do it I finally have a boss oh you only got two lives I feel bad I’ve been targeted for the last five of them I’ll only

Fight you right now Steve if we fight directly in Jerome’s view so the fans can see it I’m out of here I’m gone I don’t want to be out yet I don’t want to be out of the game I don’t dropy where have you been in front of Jerome okay [Laughter] okay okay

Friends this PL I’m at it right now it’s one of the middle ones you can choose death or not wait who’s with you I always wait to see who strike first I mean if you start it I’ll end it a I’m looking for Jerry’s plot it’ be real the middle one real

Convenient if someone had destroyed all our beacons okay now let’s just stand in front so we can see oh wait he can’t see in there can he yeah he can okay break him out break no no no we’re uh a Boo wait St what happened to you did I miss any targeting no you’re in jail now waiting for you but there was a donation for a Target me oh there it is Austin Owens with a $50 stream tip three is too odd make it four Targets this is going

To put you on one life left buddy I know ready dropsy can I come out oh he does have a beacon w i i couldn’t break you out if I wanted to I didn’t have a it would have been by explosion and I didn’t want to damage you all right guys let’s get

Sten Ste gotta get you got to find me first we’ll find you don’t go that way lava pit trap I love how it was all peaceful at the start of the stream and then it just devolved into complete chaos with the fans yeah right sounds

About it does I do like that Ste got an extra life though that was nice yeah hell so this Steve so you guys aren’t Steve correct I hope I feel like he’s on top of the wall yeah there’s this Tower of dirt over here that looks suspiciously like

Something Steve would do he’s on top of a wall I can get him down she was doing that earlier don’t worry I didn’t I’ll hunt him down never mind that hurt that hurt hit that hurt perfect shot uh I don’t see him ow dropsy stopping bro you on a b again ow what

Falling I was above you guys and somebody opened lucky blocks that that was definitely you dropy you like got that uh fake dagger Lucky Block what guys a RI guy with a $50 stream CHP and blast nothing personal I just like chaos so that means Cappy I’m sorry

Buddy but actually maybe it’s that they’re trying to help Ste out to be fair they will make you tied for first Dead once you’re done with the c o stead Victory dude I’m always rooting for Stead I’m I’m good with a dead Victory I’m making your work for Jerry oh God oh

God guys C be strong Cy strong where is he where is I don’t know dropsy I don’t know where oh my life where is I’m in the middle of the map I’m in dead center chill chill Jerry Jerry Jerry good luck [Laughter] nope guys fried Jerry was on the menu

Delicious ah no I’m getting bullied oh my good Jesus God God God just th a bomb felt a little unnecessary but all right oh my gosh by the way guys thank you so much for the love and support out of nowhere we’re now halfway to our goal to do the

Intern elections today let’s make it happen you guys are amazing thank you for the love and support on the channel especially as people grow back to school as always say it is difficult on the channel this time of year and you guys just make it so much easier and the love

And support’s insane look at this guys Daren limers with a $50 stream dip said finish off Steve so we got to Target Steve I see him and then Jacob hutter said stead chooses anyone but stead steadfast for the W so stead you get to choose the next

Target I mean yeah it’s got cap yeah right you got all right so Steve then keathan in turn said Ste could pick himself he actually can’t Jacob said specifically anyone but stead stead chooses anyone but Ste but Ste choosing himself is totally a St thing to do

That’s why he said anyone take you guys out one by one oh my gosh and then after that it’s monkey rip guy with a $50 stream tip said we got to Target monkey and monkey needs some aggressive attention why sorry dude I’ve been getting all the aggressive attention I

Can handle dude Steve is not going down without a fight here no I am not oh my gosh oh my gosh Steve bro how are you so tanky bro how many of these do you have it’s it’s the totems it’s the totems they keep giving them absorption Hearts oh I know

But you just got to keep popping you’re telling us Steve dude how many of these do we have to get through how many times he has an elytra man he’s running oh my God wait is there anywhere he could land where’d he go no he underneath the map yeah wait what

There’s stuff underneath yeah I’m pretty sure there is I don’t have an elytra where he go I wasn’t built for flight none of us are built for flight we all smack our faces half the time and die to kinetic energy oh Steve must have pulled off some crazy clutch Landing did something real

Stupid the middle of the map I believe where’s the middle I’ll get some lucky blocks going over there and hopefully I um I’m underneath I don’t see I don’t see there’s no to land under by the way okay I’m actually up on on Solid Ground okay good for you do you

Have fireworks or something oh that’s monk I did not no you about to try to kill me I did not jump off and then ender pearl back NT with a $25 stream dip says steak bomb on Cappy and he asked can we do a caveman Lucky Block see the problem with

That is the entire recording would just be h that would be hilarious though it would literally just be an hour the armor is just a loin cloth my Lo clo better than your cloth have you seeno oh he’s over here in mid he’s on

Top of the wall on top are you sure it’s Steve might be monkey who knows did you see me recently monkey uh maybe he might be cap are you like hold on am I steak oh he’s on me he’s on me he’s at my spawn if you remember where that is

So I was taking a big drink of water and someone start the back of cloud of meat it was me Stevie oh if this doesn’t work I’m going to die I’m at the wrong Corner Jerome he’s jumping off again no just leave him we will get to you how close

Did I have you to dead there Jerome uh I had like half Health where’d he go monks Jason I yeah I think you just swooped that corner monk I see did but I don’t know where he went I see a name tag down there but that’s monkey it’s too

Fast oh my goodness I don’t know how drop drop not drop come on Dr I don’t care I just just I say what would person man bad man man I am going to kill you monkey oh my God Dr you I found him he’s back at’s

Base oh okay does he keep coming home good he really likes living at your place it’s unfortunately Jerome and I get stuck with the Middle Island every time and that makes what’s up good to see it where is this your Islander or is this drops go that means where did you

Get a slowness potion from I have ice on my poison side oh Dead behind you buddy cap car’s right here L this isn’t going to work oh R up back on my feet time to oh my God oh my gosh your poison is Strunk sir it’s the Wither

Too we can’t even get him to proc his tot onstead oh my God he’s a tank tap is demolishing step uh drum’s area yeah he he just had his totem proc finally how many more do we think do we know he’s not he’s not using one right now he’s not using

One ah no he didn’t oh I got him to procket again good oh no let’s go and now oh that’s right the next one is monkey and then we’re done with the uh that’s the last of the targeting we going do Dr we going oh my God that was all right away

That clears the fans targeting right there GG’s oh my gosh I want you guys to know I still had no I didn’t never mind false line you guys ran through all seven of the totems I had I got but I’m not going to do that a cool I finally got the Zelda

Nice sick dude dope nasty I have to look up what this one is Rip guy with a $100 stream tip said we take over capar cave and it looks like that is spawn a warden not I guess that means Cappy cap you’re getting a warden buddy uh hello cap I’m

All good bro I’m good mode get put on to the bat stop it is kind of crazy this is the first Warden we’ve had all game I’m going to kill what is it cuddles you’re going down cuddles wow that for to lose all five of his lives someone hit me

Into the pit with cuddles it was me that oh my God blowing up like a bunch of Lucky are you are you I think you are again I’m literally just watching dropsy shoot arrows at the wall to explode say bra dry say bra it’s so good it is where is

She oh no having fun don’t worry about it m you suck I will win Cappy oh you’re the worst dropsy aha oh my God I’m leave you with the present do damage you’re just being a nuisance hunon with a $25 stream said hey chat you guys want to work together

To give stead the win also steak bomb on the intern oh no but who’s the intern going to puke on is the question that is the question that big Warden oh my I like that idea what do you mean why is the warden so thick oh no B what do you

Mean why is the so thick I meant what I said um he he’s huge I don’t know where he is it’s hard to miss him leg monk it’s impossible to miss him I I don’t see him I don’t know which where to look to see

Big Warden oh no don’t puke all over me intern man come on big Warden doesn’t want you to know I’m going to kill big Warden I think I might be on the other side of the map from Big Warden I wonder if I could take him down

In a hand to hand combat probably not oh I hear him I wonder if Luke increased his size with the P mod if he scaled the entire ire Warden proba mean he’s harder to kill right oh I just levitated the warden took some fall damage guys I’m doing big damage the

Bubbles are you you basic bubbles you’re not supposed to kill bubbles oh God oh God oh God oh God I got sent into a pit oh no bubbles got sh in the pit with me bro bro bro big big Warden bubbles is just pummeling me in

The pit wait I got out of there though haha oh no don’t St me back in don’t step me back in with bubbles oh God I’m going to die for trying for memes I did it for you just shooting the doing that it’s got to be Jacob hun with $2 said is Big

Warden’s hearing range swole too way too SW buddy I think I honestly it probably does scale up I don’t know I don’t think it does actually I don’t think that part does actually wait do War does that take lava damage no oh then I got to kill him

The oldfashioned way yeah I think uh I think St and I had a really terrifying incident with that once where he swam up the lava at us I want to help me drop bombs in the pit to kill bom I’ll help you drop in

The pit oh my God no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my God monkey why monkey why have you done this monkey why have you done this big Warden I’m getting away from you Monk you’re you’re a hooligan yeah okay that’s coming from

You I’m going to call for an executive vote everybody everybody gets glowing oh do we need it yeah yeah everybody runs away I that would be pretty smart glowing never mind I’m working this way away from the warden that’s a big Warden big Warden doesn’t want you to

Know C why is the warden floating don’t worry about it that is a great question oh that’s how he was doing that oh my God that was horrifying he started floating out of the pit and I just ran yeah he’s he’s ascending and I do not like it

Um I don’t know but he is he ISC he still ascending yes no is descending now but uh very slowly and I don’t know if this is he on a bat I don’t I don’t think so I want to see you this you just went right back down into

The pit what are you taking any damage like yeah some okay oh jeez that’s better than nothing there we go I don’t know where the warden is anymore whose side is he on uh I think he’s on my side I don’t even know why I asked that I don’t know

People’s sides there’s no colors anymore yeah found you bro there he goes like I was like sitting there trying to climb back up to this is not going well oh the warden’s back up say oh he’s gone back up dude the server is lagging so much I’m losing velocity on my

Arrows items oh my gosh hello hello hello hey it’s Warden man man hi oh my face all right I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m dead oh that was a that was a save that I didn’t even mean to do I’ll take that holy cow oh dang holy canly fight in my fridge

Oh that was a save and a half oh I wasted the totem but I’ll take the save on my life stay away Mr intern he’s threatened to steal my canoli that’s that’s fighting words wow that’s fight stay back try those are fighting words Third poty Man and now I’m coming for you

Monk okay I don’t know if you could call that third party man when monk is the one who showed up third that time uh no no then party man oh the W just TP the Wen just TP why get the W T why in bubbles TP

Bro I’m not I’m not dealing with a warden that can TP I didn’t even know that that was a command you can’t teleport entities to other entities even wait I’m having an existential crisis am I just an entity yeah you’re an entity try oh no sometimes a business entity

Jerome trapsy I’m just hanging out all right I’m going break the lucky blocks opposite and hope they target you I’ve got a with your name on wait C second where is she now I have The High Ground on my side oh indeed indeed indeed indeed I know where that is hi monk

Can’t away from me ow oh we glowing now you shot me into the block now yeah we do sp lava wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait God you’re there now why are you there no please you are on your lost life that’s fou I left you alone I just wanted to

Bully j o o hey Cy how about some of this how about some of that kill me oh have some of this and some of that and a little oh my gosh you saved me actually thank you oh gg gg you save GG you got me to use my totem

Oh by the way guys we’re at 60% of the way now to doing the internal lection you guys are almost there thank you so so much for your love and support you guys are the best fan base in the world I love you guys for real thank you you’re all going

Down just trying to hang out dropsy oh my God what’s going on over oh it’s a Cy uh oh hello oh God in lava C this whole thing’s going down H fast I got I got thrown onto a bat’s wings and I ascended to the heavens that

Was probably drop’s fault how did you just get diamonds for the first time me yeah uh I don’t know interesting I see you up there driving see C covering up the water supply I see you up there oh you’re gone you’re not where where’s up there she’s

On my side still I oh no the warden’s nearby I’m blind she’s in the wall she’s just spamming bow shots oh did you sneak out cap oh just in time dude just in time oh god oh dude what a fight why are we flying so much I don’t know this fight is on

My super weapon Cy was that Bob was actually hitting you in the back of the my secret weapon was with her Fair very fair sir oh man hanging out fighting your time you hiding not hiding I’m standing on a hill hiding I’m I’m in as clean view as I can

Get which Hill ow ground teeth uh one of the middle ones I don’t know which one in the middle gu was that one ah you saw me you saw me you saw me Jesus wait where’d you go oh my god dude I just got juked

Hello wow it would help if I could hit anyone there’s a ravager over there no that’s not a person hello third party man moms don’t let him third party a love third party man’s here hello here are bosss I got them from a bomb Factory man now where are you Cappy third party

Man oh TP away you can’t hide forever Cappy you see this find anybody you see and hear this as I run over the horizon oh hi Mr Warden why Dr Cappy I just want to talk to you buddy okay I heard that ender pearl get out of

Help I I’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth for this third party why you are such ow look me oh I think that was an actual skeleton that time if you heard that noise it’s because I’ve been slippery and gotten past you please leave a message after the

PE I will find you for this third party where are you guys I see monkey where I see Jerome got shot in the face by a blaze oh my God this again are you kidding me drapy I know what’s what’s happening there’s something that entire time she hasn’t stopped this

Is this is how I’m having fun just don’t I’m kind of fun no n Fun’s been banned sorry this not what we’re here for Dead Fast ow you’re just the worst kind of person yeah but now chump I’m about to do something that will probably cause people to Target

Me trying to find dropsy right now just hanging out okay that wasn’t her there we go nice Cappy I see you this is still the same third party in my eyes C from earlier with you and dropsy dead chasing you for minutes I don’t want to talk about my

Luck with this stupid pit oh getting in the way of our third party just spamming them to get out at this point I’m dead because of the fire I think you’ve got me here Jerome oh GG buddy cannot find I don’t know how low you

Were hanging up top dang when you died I had like two but then I kept she’s just on top of the walls yeah GA in that I missed my staircase to the top of the wall monkey the you supposed to be an expert at climbing but like yeah well explosive arrows that’ll do

It oh let’s see just the absolute worst kind of person okay Jonathan as is everyone getting oh for the hot sauce I’ve only been hit with one hot sauce today I’ve been doing good dropsy ha get her Jerry me and her are fighting on top of the wall here but there’s a

Water patch it’s a very odd fight Oh no I got shredded bro oh no not singular Jerry man it’s okay I’m part of the stead must-win Coalition oh my God I got I don’t think that’s going to happen with can’t tell where the fight was happening because of

A you’re way better at Water stuff than I expected okay there swiming around put wa Cappy could it be oh God fell got such a good angle see to the a to the pp why I’m Cappy on top did you say p ha get out of yes I said [Laughter]

PP you can’t spell Cappy without peee my [Laughter] guy oh god oh my god dude this is at the point where the video’s gone on too long and we’re all going stir crazy yeah well considering it’s been an hour and 40 minutes yeah it’s been let’s make it two hours even oh my

God right iare another 23 minutes life we’re all one life I no I can drag this out let see I could open up some more Lucky Blocks I saw a Coliseum ticket that I graciously chose not to use early wait really you have a Coliseum ticket

All this time dropsy I heard that no I left it on my God dropsy you are a monster I just wanted to let you know I was up here I’m going be I’m be oh I know you’ve been up there oh no I just got back I died a black with a $50

Stream tip said Target dropsy uhoh she’s on top of the walls she’s going over to this could easily go wrong for us though oh oh it’s going wrong oh I caught it I caught the water are these cool books all right so it’s a Target on dropsy here but I I

That doesn’t mean it’s going to be a cakewalk she might get us off she might I wouldn’t be surprised wouldn’t it be nice if we could stab her and we would have to fight no more yeah stabby stab stab why can I not shoot this bow and arrow my

KN I need back up here guys where I’m coming Jerry on top of the walls dude I have now been out of the game for like 30 minutes oh God guys I need backup badly up here no backup for you uhoh uh-oh uhoh oh the Slime just switched me off oh an

Anti okay Jerry okay apparently you can graze a pixel and it counts as an ender pearl oh because I was trying like I hit the block but you know just a stray pixel apparently says no and you’re not on the Block completely cap hear me out

Here J Money with a $66 stream tip for the intern to come back in and steal the we can’t let that happen we got to we got to kill the Ender you can’t let that friends cap friends friend friend uh jurar uh tribe kill Barry picker Luke this is just embarrassing

Cap I’m not done yet oh there he is cool run Luke run he he immediately steamed it into lava you’re not stealing this wind from us this time time inter turn man ow a puffer really I got poisoned from [Laughter] that got yeah let’s go the immediate backstab dude

Immediately we couldn’t let the intern steal that win not today6 hours right now midf fight J he got me a darn too late and there we have it guys the lucky lock walls they’re done almost two hours g g just make the walls a little bit smaller

Next time oh man dude that was fun though I love the lucky block I like the Lu block walls more than I do the uh SkyWars they’re so fun that was cool stuff guys Honestly though really fun thank you guys so much for all the love and support we’re going to be heading

Out over now to doing some uh uh I was supped to say secret hacker uh hacker roulette which is a really fun game mode where we get a random wheel spin to see which hacks we get Commander iFit thank you for a $50 stream to at the end there

Was a first stream tip they didn’t say anything with it uh but thank you uh that that is awesome of you thank you so much thank you for the love and support thank you for everyone else who’s out here by the way we have almost a thousand people watching which is

Awesome considering the school year you know is underway and so you know people will start trickling in as time goes on throughout the day and uh just awesome to see that number grow and grow and grow so so they you almost 1,000 of you out there watching right now and then

Commander if with another $20 stream tip same thing though they didn’t say anything um but truly thank you so much Commander Ifrit I really appreciate you thank you friend thank you and there’s the $5 stream tip I’m rip guy here’s some hot sauce bro okay well you know

What just as I’m thanking him and he goes actually fam there we go thank you rip guy rip guy is an awesome supporter of the channel I super appreciate you here we go hot sauce number two we’re on to right now which is habanero pepper jumped up from the jalapeno straight to

Habanero with the number two oh my God he had be going there he had be going wow this guy’s so nice and then boom hot sauce all luckily hot sauce number two ain’t that bad and you guys are weak so it still look pretty spicy habanero is no joke you know

Yeah but you know what is a joke Steve’s performance in that last one there Steve you died so early on dude what happened my God don’t talk to me right now God I can’t get Mumbo number five out of my head now because dude right bombo number

Five that’s all I’ve been singing in my head dude I love bombo number five uh things are saved for you Jerome you can go ahead and tear it apart at any point in time oh yep yep all righty um here we go let’s take a gander at the

Thingy here reminder guys Willie’s still banned by the way um so that’s a thing um oh we can lower the amount to give someone a bonus hack uh make someone reroll their oh that’s bad if they get something good that’s actually quite the troll all right there we go and use his

Bathroom I setting everything up Jer if you want to take a look at the roulette wheel too see if you approve all the hacks sure oh I actually did take a look earlier it’s all good um oh man I love the last one Steve I changed it to God mode player picks all

The hacks they want that’s hilarious there we go sorry jome I’m taking one second oh okay Dad sorry sorry to bother you Dad how many lives do we usually do it’s it’s not as many right it’s usually like five lives no like five I think um also Luke you could probably just do

Um uh let’s see uh do we need 30 minutes usually I feel like make it less um yeah because when it’s 30 it’s less op I guess to have x-ray so probably 20 okay yeah yeah there we go okay I’m back no he’s not okay okay see you later I’m not back

Yeah never knew would hit him GG all right stream thank you so much by the way guys taking a look we have literally we’re we’re we’re actually closing in on it now we are over 2third of the way there to the intern of the month elections thank you

So much everyone for the love and support I keep saying it especially during the school year it always you know gets on our minds a little bit it’s kind of sad because you know the viewership goes down for at least the beginning of the school year so it’s

Awesome to have the love and support of an audience like like you guys out there thank you truly from the bottom of my heart thanks for being here and thank you for being part of this awesome Community which is you guys you guys are the community so just thank you thank

You very much um also if anyone’s interested top of the live chat I have a link to my eBay there selling all sorts of cool things including Pokemon cards that I open up on stream uh you might have even recognized some of the cards from from Pack openings um and other

Cool things too like sign books and just random things that I have lying around here so if you guys want to check that out feel free my horse now Luke uh I believe it’s my horse actually we horing around cap you uh you back yeah yeah I am here all right all

Right well if everyone’s ready uh I’m down to hit start uh Florida yep started recording start recording OB started recording sorry started Alaska hold on my OBS does not want to capture the M for some reason did you try to threaten it yeah i’ I’ve done that multiple times all

Right all right cool started in that note Drome popop did you popop yeah you did yeah okay I didn’t hear it Stephen gy pop stud dropsy monkey pop Wasn’t Me Jesus CHR all right we’re good now we’re ready to begin oh my God uh we start with steak yes that’s hopes and dreams

Okay he’s just staring at me still of course he he just killed oh he’s he’s got a gun okay anyway Daniel Wickstrom with a $50 stream D to start us off with a double steak bomb on Kappy now that is a way to begin so cap you know while

You’re getting double steak bomb buddy why don’t you spin the wheel for us why don’t you be the first and why don’t you try to read with the wheel says while you’re getting double steak bombed here we go C I hear getting steak bombed like that really helps out with the wheel

Spin here let me cover up that sign too oh xray that’s actually big that’s really good all right Cap’s getting full diamond armor then no kill next go ahead buddy you mean it Dad all right yeah here we go the SP here comes I hope you get Miley Cyrus Steve not

Again please not again I know right beginning to think this is this is a prank we are X-Men here we go boy Kronos with a $25 Str I’m gonna make something I don’t think this I don’t know if it’s working right hold on x-ray for Ste X

Xay oh see there’s something else oh wow it is working who rolled that all right I did oh okay you got reach also $25 stream dip said a steak bomb on me and he said I’m going to make something explode Jerry out the server or your

Toilet you better win so if I don’t win he’s going to hot sauce me please guys can I get a free win you just got a win though cap I need another one nah all right man what are the odds that three in a row were x-ray thank you Katy McIntosh

Hello all right and drops is the last one yeah X right right oh fight fot I don’t know what that is I think fight bot is the one that like actually passes you and stuff like that B that automatically walks around and kills everything what oh my good I don’t

Think this is meant for players I don’t think it’s good see I don’t I think this is probably dog water let me see I’m curious It’s like kill spamming right it like it turned me into a robot and so I can just turn it on and

Not play I think here try and turn it on let’s see if it works like that uh okay I’m going to pause on container now all right it just turns what’s full drop bot uh C drop bot only I don’t think this does what they thought it did but I’ll take

It I suppose drop bot kills all going to set it it’s like a worse kill Ora yeah I’m not excited at all all righty well uh remember guys for this game mode keep inventory is um all right all right let’s do this thing count us in Luke on the counter up top

I’ve already started yeah I wasn’t going to say anything but I’m there’s like no trees no chill why I ran it’s garbage it’s so they like cut out that area I bet you the machine is pasted in with like a ridiculously oversized thing possible drum yeah just swimming

Over part fish part fish monk fish all problems all right I’m I’m going to collect a bunch of wood to start and then I’m going to head down below cuz I’m I’m I’m going to easily get full diamond I don’t think 20 minutes is enough though to get ancient debris do

You think oh God no no uh xray though keep in mind x-ray is a powerful thing you have to get the Mr hot hit me with a 25 pound stream for a steak bomb and he said fish always buddy always fish I’ll tell you why I’ll tell you why that’s

Not going to work because this is 12.1 and you need templates Which you know I’m a little disappointed in you guys hey we’re we’re cool right keev oh yeah we cool if you want you can pick back off the xray I don’t care I I changed my Speedo today nobody has commented on it if you just happen to

Follow me while I mean you changed your Speedo to you might have a deal here sir say you’re disappointed in a Steve what are you my dad what okay anyway uh what do what do you want me to say it looks like you’re peing your Speedo okay speedo I mean Speedo okay uh

Unfortunate um there we go Birch L bir logs the steak bombing is over I have lived all right cap where we headed first we get this iron right here all right sick like you can clear out and make this like traversible if you want I cannot see the

Ground what’s the what did we decide the limit on reacks was by the way like what’s the uh what’s the standard I didn’t know there was putting it at six I think so it’s uh or five or six so it’s one more than normal that’s three iron there’s nothing else close by not

Close by but I can totally hook you up just follow me straighten the enemy on the way what is this dropsy got the worst thing to be fair Steve yeah I did I I I literally have nothing I I cannot play which is fine I guess but dropy got the

Minor IQ hack like there you go Bud oh nice thanks uh Place one of those crafting tables down and I’ll get a furnace St oh yeah yeah all righty I am filled with stick and don’t worry Al Flac I believe we were all filled with instant regret on that

One anyway all right uh let’s see oh I can imagine yeah in regret happens whoa that’s like almost surface lapis okay see cool so if you’re in um I think the mountains that’s more likely to happen H that might be it then yeah cuz it it’s like really close to surface

I’ve never seen it that high up all right got to pull out the the chart starart I don’t need no chart fair oh Colin that is a great idea he said look for an ancient city for enchanted gear I might be able to like because I thought about that up until

The point where I was like I want to get my diamond armor first then I’m going to start looking oh but the enchanted gear in the city would be Diamond correct I want ensure I want to ensure that I get diamond gear at the minimum I ho I ho

Dig and we will go scoy hi ho hi ho that looks like there’s going to be water incoming here okay cool uh so I mean in all honesty keep inventory on off okay no keep inventory is yeah why don’t you take a death and find

Out I don’t want to I think you should deep sleep Ste oh well I mean oh my bad anything fun going on in here oh my God that is so convenient okay let me just turn off so when are they going to addal regretting a little bit of my generosity no I’m

Sorry I’m sorry yeah probably more emeralds than I find diamonds nowadays in Minecraft I hate to say it there you go me that’s just a you problem instead oh hello yeah I think that might just be you I don’t find either hey yo huh oh sick here all right I’ll I’ll stop

Bothering you have a beautiful singing voice Cappy one you just sing Fly Me to the Moon again but I feel like that’s a that’s a cap cover you know that’s something special I did sing it on your stream once I remember I think that’s what he’s

Referencing yeah it I also sang it on Steves yeah okay that’s four diamonds goody goody gumdrops goody for me oh you know what I forgot hit C if you want to turn on full bright thank you Colin for reminding me that we allow that helps out a lot and makes things

Look pretty that’s what we needed also yeah what’s going on chat everything’s a little quiet in there Echo it’s Weir there’s there’s more people watching this than lucky block walls but there’s like no one talking it’s really eerie in chat this is what happens when Willie

Gets banned I guess yeah yeah geez guess you’re gonna have to start thinking twice about banning Willie what are you talking about dude it’s so peaceful what are you talking pain no wiie Bops like what do you mean life is good over here Steve jeez man and now they’re all talking roar I

Saw in there there we go it’s because you said something that’s the thing of course of course all right I got a good amount of lapis now some here I’m just going to upgrade to a diamond pickaxe so I can dig through all this stuff faster yeah

Yep that’s fair not a bad idea I am covering myself up when did they add deep slate tole it’s very rare and hard to find actually is Minecraft x-ray still as easy as it used to be I remember back in the day you used to just be able to

Retexture blocks as nothing like Cobblestone it still is still still is easy so funny you can just saw a texture pack to do it I always wondered about that I’m like cuz I used think like oh this be some crazy Advanced hacks and it’s just like not

Nope shockingly simple I found it crazy that no one took advantage of like GIF blocks back in the day you like GIF blocks like like images for texture pack stuff were added a Minecraft like eons ago I would love if diamonds actually Sparkle it’s I think it’s mostly just a

Minecraft used to not be optimized thing and so like if you had too many like your world would lag a ton cuz everything loads in chunks and even if it was that like singular chunk there’s stuff constantly moving all the time oh that might make sense

Fair diamond I need as soon as I that was a thing I was like how is no one really doing this right now it’s so hard that’s why base Minecraft doesn’t have it is because some people really play this game on like barebone stuff and

They would not be able to run it I play on a calculator like a Minecraft meme I saw once where the resource pack turned the rain in the Nicholas Cage what that sounds great yeah okay so what is it 26 for a 26 gets you armor and a sword

Maybe just one more ironing it for a shield yeah I made sure I had a shield oh there like 10 minutes left dude the time isly FOC on get iron I know right if I stumble into diamonds great but I’m not yeah I’m not like I’m not going to make an iron pick

Until I find Diamonds oh I me an iron pick iron pig is big for I do that any time I’m playing a regular like survival world I’m not really using much iron until I find better resources H weird oh my God Ravine ow I’m huh that explains why that was

There uh oh my gosh I’ve only got 12 diamonds even with x-ray dude it’s slow M down here yes okay I I guess I’m just not good Steve Cappy I got to say this has proven very and now I’m just mining down bro you showed teer you could have

Cruised with me just for like legit diamonds and I wouldn’t have mined no like I would have just you would have been a homie i’ would be like yeah homie what’s up you got that weird Hack That Makes You stupider let’s go oh my goodness just gave me a

Debuff yeah let’s think about that for a second just got against Kora I did do that do does drop bot give you like the right timing for everything or is it just kind of spam I have no clue I think it’s spam click cuz what I what I think

It’s meant for is if there’s a server that you like need to kill mobs you know you can turn it on and well probably not they people tend to get kicked for any client like this but uh you can turn it on and it’ll just do it for

You like the server with Mobs stacks and all that I’m in I’m now in the section where I’m trying to find an ancient city good luck I’ve only got 18 diamonds still wow part of pretty good when you have a little less than 10 minutes left

Yeah I’ll work out fine with that but I wanted to I had so many Big Ideas like look for ancient city and look for ancient city you know and if we had more than 20 minutes I feel like you’d have a shot but the 20 minute time frame

Exactly why I was like I’m getting full diamond armor and then I’m going to start searching yeah I’m not even sure if from the surface you can see ancient cities you should be able to actually sometimes uh depend on your view distance yeah uh what’s it a chunks you can render set to

Wombo dude guy in chat said when did diamonds give XP like forever when did they not yeah forever you know added into the game you know what’s weird drum is Fortune doesn’t work to give you increased experience gains H that kind of makes sense though

Yeah that one’s kind of s no I’m dead that’s fair I wonder if they wanted to in the future have like a uh XP enchant or something maybe so keep inventory that would be nice yes keep inventory is ah perfect keep inventory inventory we talked about that earlier it’s always

Yeah we had to make sure that it that it is uh I iron pick just broke I got to find iron oh luk can I have I left you all the iron we found a uh uh I think I might be in the same M shaft you guys were no okay thanks

Anyway if you found a chest that has 64 steak then yes you are oh jeez oh jeez that’s the hill I nearly fell to my death because of X-ray found a geod I was like this is quite the steep amount of damage I’m taking for walking in the

Planes hey Luke these are some lovely horses you got here oh no asked for one he said no oh I don’t want the horse he wants to kill the horse instead this one’s Nam cheese oh cheese is a good name for a horse the horse a he can you’ll cheese

The horse I stand horribly corrected no it’s a great name for a horse cheese cheese Elmer oh my god oh no if you know you know I see a solid gold block over there oh it’s a ruined portal yeah neat I’m going start smell up my stuff just to

Make sure that you have enough time yeah it’s not a bad shout you only got 5 minutes left like I know I have enough stuff I just I don’t want to be caught without smelting it smelted iron five minutes I feel like it’d be cool if there was a way to figure out

How to do Secret hacker for a stream but I feel like it just wouldn’t work the same on a stream you know no it’s the same way murder mystery doesn’t work yeah yeah it just yeah it seems weird and same thing like you’re right like murder

Mystery on streams like we do them but it’s it doesn’t have the same not the same Vibe yeah I don’t know why H I definitely lost the cave system I was in I lost the game I lost instead I was trying follow what the game oh you haven’t played the

Game yet uh you should go probably talk to Joe he’ll explain the rules Joe who oh God stead you want to tell him you be the one to tell him stead someone’s got to tell have no go ahead J you do the honors I think you got to since you

Brought it up oh okay fine uh Joe demaggio the Yankees player from back in the uh yeah okay okay good old sankies e how dare you how dare you sir all right you know what infuriates me is whenever people say Houston H I hate it

It’s is H some people do it like that in New York in New York City in New York City there is a street that’s famously it’s spelled Houston but they pronounce it hon hon Street you’re wrong you should be you should feel [Laughter] shame although we know New Yorkers don’t

Feel shame no dude that’s part of their charm I think yeah charm is that’s what you’re calling it it’s part of their charm that’s what they have yeah that’s what you’re calling it yeah yeah if we have to put a name to it charm is a kind word charm’s a

Word if you’re trying to use it as a nice word sure what was that sound I guess I’m set up dropsy has died oh I am so ready for this fight now I am not I found a gapp what oh oh my good one not a god Apple gapple yeah me

Remember you have three minutes left so get your smelt on if you haven’t already yeah I might get your smelt on I might be cutting it close get your pants on Steve Terin sing that’s what I’m talking about he said I just came here from school and started watching the stream

That’s right as soon as you get home from school turn it on come hang out hey we’re about to pass 10,000 people watching let’s go makes sense as people getting home from school right now so you guys are going to fight drop no disregard the Carnage SE how did you get full diamond

Armor I told you dude M shaft I was going to say I followed cap for a bit and then I left him in a m shaft and it was nuts oh great sorry drop okay I’m not fighting I’m I’m I’m enabling drop bot and then she’s just

Going to go and I’m going to see what happens I don’t know if she uses the Shield or not but I do know she times her hits and that’s good enough for me oh great that’ll be oh that’ll be a time hold on let me

See settings I can set watch drop bot be better better PVP than drop sees Could Happen Ste it could Happ it could that’s the thing that’s what I’m worried about is like what if it’s actually better than I got to test something hold on I got I have a trade

For you all right you can TP on over if you want Steve do you have an extra shield uh I can make you one I have one minute in 18 seconds so you better you have an enchanting oh never mind never mind sorry pal I got a oh no Steve I got a

Shield okay I got a shield in no enchant table I don’t mind taking that trade it’s okay I think I can do this hey uh Mr intern I think someone destroyed all the Redstone inside of the uh inside of the roulette thing oh no no no what was this leveled

Area no Jerry’s past this point Jerry knows oh man well you know me always following the rules I guess I’ll just leave it alone what’s going on J I was able to get my iron and my shield I’m good from the horse table over here look this oh wow that was a close

One I was breaking in for each 10 seconds left oh no are we going go fight out in that big open area over here I figured this would be good I was just standing over here like honey massive flattened outline can I ask why the pasted command

You use to set this up has the number nine specifically yeah I’ve always wondered that every time it starts it’s nine and then they change the number to what it’s meant to be oh can I get mine fixed yeah see I bet you it has to do with like

That’s just the the specific command that like blade put in uh like I’m just wondering why it’s nine like why was nine the starting number you know that’s a good question yeah I don’t think we’ve ever done a game mode with nine lives thank you thank you Luke we did

Just officially hit it guys we have over a thousand people watching let’s go geez love that love to see that during the school year all right so everyone you’re not to smell and stuff but if you have you know you want to do some crafting you can do

That you are allowed to do that if you need to still you know get your crafting down all right well so with this fight do we have to fight an x-ray thank you no yes what what if we did it that way one time if

You got x-ray you had to play the entire time in xray know fun fact that Luke told me about this area what I don’t know he said fun fact the reason why it’s just a giant plane was that it was made by a giant toilet I’m assuming something was pasted in wrong that’s

Hilarious that’s that’s all he told me I asked him for a screenshot of a giant toilet this is the area all right oh well no now we know yes we this was this is apparently the area for it please no I’m ready to square up yeah I’m

Setting my spawn point right me out I don’t I don’t like that everyone else has full diamond but stad did you get full diamond too now remember you need to let me win because otherwise they threaten to make me blow up my yeah yeah you need to let me win

Okay I mean we don’t I have no say over what drop bot does it’s my birth day so you need to let me win yeah yeah exactly all right uh I’m going to eat a gapple and then start swinging without further Ado let’s do it three two one

Go okay please I’m scared of drot I’m going to be honest yeah actually let’s see what drop bot does oh I that’s a bad idea oh you’ve got reach oh my God oh my God she can hit from far away what is this Jesus what is this God oh my

God what is that can I turn up my reacks drop we got stuck we got her stuck drop bot doesn’t have smart paning she’ll walk into lava I found her outreaches my reach aack oh my God drop bot surviv the yeah her reach is ridiculous dude drop

Bot just disabled my shield when I was fighting C this is the only way ow why do you boost him in me then why you do this why me dude drop hurts yeah dude drop bot is insane don’t win this fight J the only

Way to stop drop bot is to get her in the lava that’s not fun at all you are the worst Ste oh God the worst yeah hit imately said oh my god oh no no drop on no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there we go what what drop bot

Instant drop bot activate instant kill where you going buddy oh God did she just drop bot is trying to cover the lava dropy took back over I think dropsy took back over dropy did take back over for a moment cuz I’m tired of the lava that’s

Not fun you guys aren’t letting drop bot fight I’m having fun burning Steve over here someone get rid of no no we’re not C we’re not doing this I was I’m not fighting you guys I want to get rid of the lava dead we are don’t want this I’m going to get you

Like can’t I’m trying we fight oh Steve got a tree there oh no ST Steve what are you going to do about it punk I’m gonna burn to death dude oh monk who monk come you cannot escape from Destiny oh my God why is everyone after me we not I know

But I see the whole the whole we saved you we saved just running be I just hit reverse F5 oh oh Swan Dive I mean okay oh he’s back with more lava with more lava more oh my God oh my God Ste you don’t want this again he’s got reach Steve you stop that this is out no hit him his own lava oh did you get rid of it no it’s

Gone it’s gone I tried to no it’s not it’s ni does anyone have a water bucket someone give me a boost yes I do does oh my God no no wait my lava no come back where’d it go I think actually I think I took it no

Yeah leave me alone $25 stream said Kel bomb on Jerry oh Fair I’ll let you have your Kel bomb pece sir I’m like oh is that drop spot that is drop spot okay did you get out of here I’m going to lead you away wait come on oh my

God dead give me a boo Ste never mind I don’t need stealing my lava I don’t even care yeah we got rid of the oh you turned it into obsidian at least I killed you into obsidian I killed Steve you’re chasing me so well what is happen that’s you isn’t it that’s you

Yeah bro how are you not dead Colin is that peanut that’s my other dog what what that’s wrong stead my crits are not crited I swe dude I’m hitting the crits today I’m hitting the crits today how are you not oh my God you get away you get

Away drops leave me alone everyone’s trying to kill me no ow oh that’s not you is it Steve you don’t have to do this eliminated I didn’t know that was your last lifee oh no drop Bots here if only I had some lava to stop her Steve if

Only if only but you don’t wait I have x-ray I can look for lava wait wait Wait oh no no no oh my god dude no no monkey finish it off clean up crew the clean up crew needs to run and hide for a minute he is very scared drop out hurts not as much as I’m about to hurt you MLG bed no drop bot is still

Hurting me much more than you Jerome oh yeah you basic yeah there who heard who more that’s what I thought Steve oh God drop bot turned on me I don’t like this why does drop bot Outreach the re haacker I don’t know because can hit it exactly the amount of like distance she

Has available yeah but I have reacks what is drop bot what I aim at all right hold on drop need some oh my God Steve how oh thank you I was like how is he not dead yet I don’t want that fight I don’t want that fight that fight scares me look out

Cappy c look out drop buts behind you bud oh no no no oh no oh no no no no aha my plan worked get him drop butt uh oh yes good drop butt drop but is terrifying I know just wait is I can’t that’s really jsy I think wait Willie Never Dies asked

What’s my favorite non- Italian food uh spaghetti all right let’s see I’m want get monkey down more but I’m sorry bro I have one life what you mean get me down more I don’t like Drop bot drop bot scares me yeah yeah oh God

Ow ow no no drop bot switch to an axe I thought I thought I had smarted drop bot for a second oh oh my God I might still no no drop on no drop on keep overestimating my reacks oh no oh my god dude keep running Jerry keep running

Real drop half a heart I got away from drop though I didn’t do that what you going to do now drop the real one no oh no it’s a one V One V one situation no no no no no no no no drop’s not sure what to do where is I see cap

Get her our kill it worked now third party man oh my god dude dude dude you were just getting juggled Jerome oh my god dude dude drop B’s too strong no you got beat by a bot wow drop drop bot yeah fight bot I I uh misjudged you that was that was great

What a great hack wow absurd drop bot gets the victory everyone G G I’m a little afraid because the guy was promising that I’d get hit with with with some hot sauce and I’m scared but we’re not going to be heading on over to the last little segment here everyone

We’re going to be hopping online facing fans like yourself over on the Pixelmon server it’s going to be great everyone how suggest you guys come by come hang out with us and have some fun seriously all right let’s go have some fun everyone get online come join us it’ll

Be an absolute blast also I love that with the hacks they have an option for not just reconnect but autoconnect I guess that’s like if you’re just trying to oh my God Kronos yeah you were not kidding uh at all he hit me with four hot sauces that’s three through sixy

Kronos with a $300 stream tip that also does bring us within $300 now of having the election for the inter of the mude oh my gosh dude Kronos that is nuts dude all right here we go hot sauce number three which is habanero pepper habanero powder this is going to be bad

Dude konos I thought I thought you were only going to hit me with one to be honest really don’t think you’re going to hit me with a bunch Al I love that Willie is still banned it’s my favorite he deserves it all that bopping does he all the

Bopping that he does yeah really that’s hot sauce number three right there okay all right I getting a little hot so remember guys hop on our sponsored server play. Anubis and join us on the sword realm you’ll know it’s the sword realm because it has my Minecraft skin on it

Right here I think we also have the most popular server over here yeah well everything else is rebooting we’ll just pretend that we’re just crushing them we are crushing them crushed them so hard they had to reboot so remember to hop online everyone to our sponsor serve play. Anubis

There we go you can battle me you can have fun we’re gonna be here they all and if you even if you don’t want to like watch this segment or whatever the case may be although I’d highly suggest you do it does support the channel when

You do and you hop on the server but if you don’t want to please just stick around like said we’re only $300 away from hitting the intern of the month uh election you don’t want to miss out on that so I have a strong feeling that’s gonna happen during this

Segment okay turn off a mini map there all right so monkman last episode we were talking and you said I needed to change my skill on my Dragonite uh yeah you need an ability patch to get multiscale okay ability patch all right um I’m going to have hot sauce number

Four here and while I’m having that which is Ghost Pepper why don’t you explain what that means the ability patch uh it it essentially allows your Pokemon to get its hidden ability rather than just a change from a uh from a normal ability to another normal ability

So like say for a say for whatever Pokemon uh Excadrill we’ll go with that one of its abilities is called sand rush and one of them is um something else whatever I’m forgetting right now but essentially uh normal ability capsules can switch between those but you have to use an

Ability patch to switch to a Pokemon’s hidden ability which is generally better okay and in Dragonite case kind of the only thing that makes it usable so I need to buy one of these ability patches yep here we go this is hot sauce number five now guys this is ghost pepper and

Ghost pepper powder this is where things start to get really hot I don’t know why you just hit me all at once all the time it’s always like it’s funnier it’s like no hotu no hot sauce no hot sauce here’s 20 this is hot sauce number six which is

Ghost Pepper ghost pepper powder and Scorpion pepper yikes I do have to agree with monk it is because it is funnier and you get to suffer faster thanks D appreciate it just works six we toour oh my God Alan gu how close are we we are only $300 away from the election

Buddy oh my god oh D those are famous last words before the election starts oh my gosh oh yep that that burns a lot uh Steve if you get a chance for the title in description let me know I actually just hit the save button so go all right

Now we’re rocking and woing let’s see what we got in here um yeah we’ll change some of these up here peanut okay so now I got to find the dragon tutor sweet beat a mega a mega boss slow bro I got a slow bro Night dragoner I’m actually having trouble getting the Technic Launcher to launch just use the multi MC uh what is the use the launcher exact there goang mles tell you oh my God that hot sauce is still burning uh Steve I’ll type it in nice and private for you okay I think

I just need to restart my computer your mic is little much right now yeah you peaked your mic somehow Steve I don’t know you I’ll be right back oh my God Alan with a $300 stream said open three legendary crates and maybe new Pokemon team plus voting you want me to

Change up the Pokemon but we we just started getting it situated the proper way um Allen why well that does mean we have to vote and the I I didn’t have time to take out the the crates from there I don’t know if I have the ability

To give myself crate Keys hey Drome yeah you could just you know start making your second team with the new Pok because you did talk about having those three teams because people were starting to uh you know just show up with yeah stuff you know so why don’t you start

Your you know preparations for your like next team you’re still making an all legendary team I might but I just want to I want to start off with uh I don’t know I I want I want to start off with just the oh I do have one legend key um

But I just want to start off with finishing up this team for now you know what I’m saying and then and then I’ll go from there but kind of completed then just yeah store it away but I wouldn’t mind having extra Pokemon on the side that are just like backup plans um all

Right let me see if I can figure out how to give myself one of these things or do I have one hidden in a PV somewhere I don’t think so let me see uh Uh I’m all good now my computer just needed a good restart good kicking the pants yeah it had been running for a couple days so computers always need that every once in a while yeah it’s it’s got an update technically but I was like I get that

After work today I’ll deal with that later yeah put it on the back burner all right in the meantime though while I’m trying to get those keys all figured out here let’s get to the election time now the people running I believe are just the intern we might have Willie who’s still technically

Banned but we’ll pull him up here we’ll pull him up here for now but he is technically he’s still banned on the channel at the moment um where’s up here I right clicked his name why is there no move button you got to scroll up I moved

Him yeah at the bottom of it oh the bottom hello there bottom there and then you got all right so we have the in turn we have Willie anyse drum can you look over at noce and private that is my campaign okay okay St running that no

That’s my campaign I’m not I’m not trying running I’m not trying to run it’s just happening I know that’s what it’s gonna be cap are you running so yeah sure I’ll run I don’t care if I yeah Cap all right those are the four people running cuz that’s all the poll

There so intern of the month now I’m not gonna I’m not going to put them in there yet everyone’s got to get their speeches uh oh all right uh who are the four can you Mr intern men um Willie and cppy capan all right uh most

Of us know how it goes but for those who don’t we’ll explain it again the way this works is everybody gets 2 minutes to give their campaign speech what your uh what your platform is what you stand for got to try and convince the people

Uh I’m just going to do this in the order that Jerome told me this in so all right I was going to say we just do my quick a second that’s fine but um I have a time already on my phone image up there you go can you just

Show him that that’s all I need I don’t need like a speech or anything I’ll I’ll do a timer for 30 seconds then so everyone can stare at that okay and all right that works all right there you go Ste you wanna I me I I really don’t have

Anything uh stad um laer would you like to delve into anything else during these last uh 13 seconds who st’s lawyer drum drum he was my lawyer someone’s messaging be on the sorry what was the question uh do you have anything to say on st’s

Behalf uh as as a closing exactly no no that that’s some good words some good words good good stuff good stuff uh all right better myself on the on the PO is our own uh Mr Luke current current regular intern running for intern of the month uh Luke your two minutes starts

Now oh I get two minutes awesome okay hello everyone and that’s time still a minute 50 go go go oh okay uh I’m gonna you know what I think Chad respects an honest intern and I honestly don’t think I’m beating cat all I request from you guys is that I get more

Votes instead this time because last time it got really close you can’t just like you know what listen here Mr Mr my campaign is a JPEG I don’t want to hear it but yeah um I don’t need the rest of my time just uh I get more votes can I

Just get more votes instead please I forfeit the rest of my time to cap uh no next is actually Willie Will’s next up on the on the Queue Willie are you are you ready yeah I’m ready all right all right Willie your two minutes starts now all

Right um well the only thing I will say is that I will do what no other intern or buddy has ever dared to do whiches I will host pizza party for the mods aoad wow you’re going to bribe the mods and let we are no strangers to bribery don’t

Get on your high horses okay don’t yeah but he’s going to bribe the mods that that’s a whole different story I don’t know if they I don’t know if he can do that sure he can there’s like five of them what are they gonna do

Yeah I mean they can say no that that’s all that’s all the time I no all right all right it’s pretty good that’s still more time than stead took and so man doing doing good here uh minutes isn’t even necessary anymore but cap you are last but not least on the uh

Voting here you are you ready uh yeah uh I’m your two minutes starts now I’d like to lead by saying I don’t care if I win uh good start all right this is just a platform to say that every single fan out there is amazing and you’ve all

Amazingly improved my life I love every single one of you and vote however you want my love is unconditional so I love you guys and that’s all what a nice guy boo boo your mother I’m trying jome it’s okay um with with that uh Jerome are you ready to ready floodgates the floodgates

Shall now be open and Kronos with a $75 stream tip said can I throw my hat in the ring I promise more hot sauces for Jerry unfortunately Willie is our Outsider hopping in what what’s so funny what you happen instead looking hot sauce number seven is Scorpion pepper and Scorpion Pepper

Powder and so far capar is in the lead but not by much over over Willie actually well yeah they like Willie maybe they like him more they liked him more if they liked him enough cap they wouldn’t ban him from the stream probably just like the meme it’s

A it’s a tough love thing you know L they’re keeping us at like even yes please please just doesn’t want to lose to St I’ll even take a draw I appreciate you guys that’s all oh Luke all right I can’t find this ability patch for sale anywhere so I might just be

That’s rough uh Jerome I’ll trade you a big TV tough bud I guess I don’t unfortunately there’s not much else to do oh my God it’s is hot oh that’s why they can’t they let me go for like a week and now it just hits me all wants the hot

Sauces all right cap there’s still four minutes in the polls but you’re up by solid 12 over that’s neat tell you what I’m going to go into the chat and talk to them directly oh he’s bribing them wow attention I can’t even pay attention to them not during the election no attention

Given to be fair that’s something will can’t do so starting Pokemon is Quire named Mesprit I’ll vote for myself I don’t care that’s awesome we love that awesomeness hi Big Chef I want to let you know I did vote for you as well a thank you what’s dead you’re in

The I don’t want this I voted for Luke just to try to help him get a draw against hey everybody in the chat four more years yeah more years gone to his at that’s where I thought the campaign was going to go y it’s it’s gone now

What do you mean even more years four more years here it comes in the chat guys if he use Mist that gets rid my sword dance right Mist yeah I don’t know Mist uh I don’t think it gets rid of what you have it just means you can’t

Minute that’s another Wither Skull God he had another Pokemon in mpate that use explosion oh I was above dead for a solid second stad we’re tied still oh we weren’t for a while I just yeah I know I was watching soet mist is so how guys how mad would

You guys be if I brought a Wither back to the house how do you have a Wither on the pixel I I have uh two out of three wither skulls he obviously used bro I don’t even know what’ll happen is that allowed can you I don’t know want try find said

What I don’t know I I went into the I went biome RTP ended up in the Nether and there’s wither skulls in this uh Village this Pokemon Village questions so I I really don’t know what’s going on stead Bob everybody don’t know what’s happening might spawn an evil an evil entity later

Destroy the world casual Tuesday that’s usually how it goes hey we got a new member on the sword realm remember guys to keep on hopping online help make this the most popular realm on their server supports our sponsor directly and helps us um SL Pokey redeem

Space drum also use that the first time you use that on the server you’ll get get some awesome uh free perks the first time uh let’s see oh he has the same NE crma as me oh somebody got me a bunch of things things someone got me a lot of a

Bunch of the things I like things what kind of things um I don’t know because my chat wasn’t big enough the box and uh yeah you can’t see it all right let’s see hey jome yeah Isam I have three wither skulls oh my God’s dead dear God help

Us um uh mon how do I def what what is this ncrma what is this thing the the one you have no he looks like a dragon Ah that’s probably a Psychic Dragon then oh so uh you know Dragon ice fairy usual stuff and then uh usual

Stuff yeah usual Dragon killing stuff I got to pull up your stream so I can see if oh hey that’s some soul said if you’re going nuts or not uh yeah so H crunch would probably work pretty well that’s what I did all right drum I

Am at home if you would like to find out what happens yeah give me a second to get over there but I’m down oh God don’t spawn one hey monk did you spawn it in the house uh no there’s something worse outside the house and we ended the poll

Cap you have come out on top at 45% Willie at 30 stead at 13 Luke better luck next pal at 10% of the L Luke but uh you to talk thanks for voting for me guys you made my retiring as uh we’ll now do the honorary uh honorary transfer

This Dr I’m going do you a homie drop and say no blade intern service of the month none of that in the monster industry is for you bro no abduction by aliens thank you cap see I’m liking cap is the intern of the month already all right what is Evel besides

Weird uh dark and flying dude this guy has a massive uh uh monk just TP to me or come home and you’ll see what I’m talking I have fighting fighting a big golem yeah I’m having mon here me pretty much and thank you again by the way uh Kronos

50 gaming for that $75 stream tip earlier the $300 stream tip and $3 stream from Alan guo thank you everyone for your constant love and support keep hopping on the server keep showing some love as well to our sponsor here uh and on top of that too everyone just thank

You so much from the bottom of my heart um for all your continued love and support we’re on hot sauce number eight if anyone’s interested you do directly help support the channel in a big way um and we couldn’t do what we do without you guys so just genuinely thank you so

Much oh Eevee training um probably attack and something else I don’t know let me check it I don’t know if it’s a fast Pokemon so I don’t know if speed would even be worth it stats it has 55 speed so not worth it dog dog water do not not good not very

Nice uh actually it’s more of a special attack well what I’m seeing is is special attack and speed uh I’m going to do physical attack how’s your battle go and Jerome uh my battle is special attack is much higher it’s a decent battle he using which is what steel psychic

Uh VI fire psychic yeah fire psychic about that Dragonite you know monkey took me a second realize there’s two guard shots there wait why is he still here get him out of here oh whoever got moved it wasn’t Willie it wasn’t Willie who did you kick I think Luke’s gone he DC Luke

Bro entirely wow Willie I’m sorry that you did not win but you’re now being banished goodbye I feel this pain oh you want to get banished too monkey no no that was how I felt when I he’s been banished as well wow you’re but so I’m just going to go since it’s

Health uh stat is pretty high I’m going to just go for attack and health all right and the care package that I just got from Matthew Dy thanks for that $5 stream it’s a care package delivered check your in-game care I think the command is SLB

325,000 o thank good money and I got AE because you spend a lot oh okay Steve fine sorry yous I don’t to out your spending habits all right look there’s a reason why I only have $976 I just got a shiny Larvesta from just a normal shiny key oh that’s nice

Good all right let’s open up the legend key here shiny looks nice oh Cresselia Cresselia is pretty good right oh god oh yeah monk oh no monk everything okay flashbacks to stall teams Drome so many flashbacks it’s Cresselia is fine it’s just really really annoying to

Fight cuz it learns Moon right yeah it it learns pretty much every move you need to be to build a stall team but does le an explosion I don’t think so worst Pokemon I’ve ever seen Jerome I don’t care if it’s a legendary garbage M actually does learn explosion I think yeah it

Does pretty garor Garb but why would I run gar Bor whenever I could run Muk or alolan Muk CU it’s funny no that’s a pretty good reason honestly yeah actually drum I’m going to just RTP out I won’t build the wither right next to our house no dude put her inside the

House inside the house all right what is mimikyu put it in your room besides annoying mimikyu uh mimikyu is fairy and ghost so okay poison works yeah I hear what you’re saying but I use Destiny Bond instead I just hate mimic you did you make it use Destiny Bond

Yes now he use Swords Dance on me so he’s got a choice to make if he wants to kill me he’ll take himself out he’s use sword Dance Again such a you thing to do there we go what and he didn’t die for some reason yeah cuz he used a

Destiny Bond too soon you have to use it on the turn that it uh KO was your Pokemon really yep how have I never known that I thought it was just in general no okay weird can’t just use it and have it work it’s got to be same how

Would dark do to ghost I’ll just do ElectroCity use Thunderbolt whatever it’s neutral all righty let’s see ooh big damage there come on electros that’s what I’m talking about oh he got a fly gone now Thunderbolt won’t be good against that I don’t really have any uh against what F

No it will not hit fly gun I dead come here hold on let me put this stuff away okay can you look out this window and tell me what this is what what is oh okay so your dist is really low yeah I think that’s a statue right or am I tripping

Um yeah yeah I know what it is M I just don’t know how to explain it to them you know just just TP I can’t Adit battle I’m sorry soon as that battle ends you just TP but oh no I don’t do I want to know what you guys are

Doing it’s not what we’re doing it’s what’s been done yeah uh the world mayor may not be in danger the entire world yes instead hold on you you looking out are you looking outside yeah I’m looking outside I’m ready you’re ready for it I’m ready to go um my Dragon Dance

Yeah where did he come from what why did dual Wing be he avoided both dual Wing beats really well if he avoids the first one then the second one just automatically misses who makes these rules Pokemon and who do they think they are and I’m pretty sure yet I am so

Toast here that’s gonna be it they got be good there they got you got to come see this all right just TP to you or stead doesn’t really matter oh wow You’ll see it all the same Dr TP monk that’s big oh what is that thing exactly ining masterhand

Detes oh my goodness what is that actually a thing yesus yes this is a boss you figh in the sword and sh I’m being told that it might be a statue because they cannot fight can you catch it in The Shield games or it is yeah you

Technically alter yes but not the but not this that’d be crazy this one’s stats are absurd I have the I have the start of the Wither uh down in the house um whose room are you putting a Wither in dropsies [Laughter] hopefully hello oh my God de run what

Run it actually worked yeah it actually worked let’s see if this actually does damage oh stead oh messing up Geodude he’s fighting geod friendly no he’s not cap he’s killing geod dude he was asking for he left the door open People nobody nobody nobody tell the admins no back I

Don’t know what happened but no they killed our wither they killed it whose day the mods or no left the door open you’re right we should spawn one outside the base stupid door open killed the Wither can’t believe name how dare they what a coincidence because I have three more wither skeletons skulls

Perfect I just so happen so the fans killed the Wither yeah the fans killed the uh one I don’t know if you want to drum where do you think the weirdest place we could put a Wither would be SP but drum I feel like we should have we

Should we should do it again in here but make sure the fans can’t get in there cuz they well you can TP them out drum we can’t yeah you were you were our only Sav Stop opening the door Stop opening the door just slash through I think it can break glass no I

Can’t can’t open I can’t even open this door so slash through okay yeah you you could TP to me now if you got if you want and then and we can spawn another wither remember to keep hopping online guys we have 57 players online how do you spell through

T t hru Okay Okay bam I hope that the uh wall doesn’t like stop it there it goes yeah oh does anyone have a name tag though like what do you want to name him you want to turn them upside down what’s a good name for him and how did these

Guys keep getting in here uh Pokemon glitching yeah was a ride Pokemon you can glitch it disgus oh my God they’re killing it through the wall bro dude why no Dr right there right there this guy get him out of here they’re just breaking into the stupid b no don’t kill

Din I don’t have permission to teleport him tried to teleport him to 100 blocks in the air so he’d die it wouldn’t let me I don’t have perms on the server they don’t trust I think you I think you still did it though because he’s not here yeah

True I think you still did it Dr huh trying to throw you oh it’s this it’s the love ball I believe oh the one like the one on my head yeah reminder guys as well in the top of the live chat if you’re interested there’s a link to my

EBay there I post like the Pokemon cards we open up on stream things like that if you’re interested hop on the server as well it’s another way to support the channel directly in a free way play it on on the sword realm hanging out with our sponsors

Well Boom by the way uh Steve did you add the uh uh it looks like the I don’t know if it updated the stuff for the description uh no let me do that now all right I’m gonna head to spawn although is there a way for us to

Protect this guy forever or is he just kind of nope think there is if we if we build an entire thing out of obsidian yeah like why don’t we just build so many Withers they can glitch in and kill them yeah but like we could just set them free in the world

Too you got to have respect for the Wither guys like this is this is our yeah these guys have no chill all right I’m going to head to spawn and start battling fans again also if anyone is anyone on the server selling an ability uh patch he needs it for his Dragonite

Which is terrible right now thanks I got you bu what is a what does it do again prism scale multi scale multiscale he has prism now that’s right wait no that’s your necrozma that has prism scale okay prism armor God okay what are you saying I don’t

Know confusing so much so what does multiscale do it takes uh halves the damage taken by um by any moves when at full HP so like the first hit is pretty much a free up turn speaking of free setup I just got uh someone’s dming me and saying tell

Jerome if he gets 50 hidden ability shards he can get the hidden ability I don’t know what hidden ability shards are and how you get them though no idea no idea either oh bro how did that not do more damage you you bad got him Checkmate you can buy at the server shop

Or people sell so apparently you can get hidden ability shards on the GTS wait so you get 50 of them become a neck I’m so confused all right Zuri Hernandez thanks for a $5 stream Tippy said this is the reason why St is my favorite aside from

Dropsy oh cuz he destroys servers I can’t believe that works to be honest you dude I’m still I was not expecting it to work I was just like huh what’s the odds that they just left it on and rip guy with a $5 stream tip said

Capar also I’mma head out to work now you all have a good hey dude thanks for stopping by as always rip guy you’re awesome um it’s been nice having you around uh more frequently lately so I did also release another one into the wild yeah what you just set one

Free The Boss Say dinner bone it’s kind of hanging around our area but you know he’s he’s protecting everything yeah that’s what he’s doing yeah protecting us oh there’s a Zoro that’s actually really good do you want it monk oh I just caught one but thank you all right I’m throwing one

Down what should we do I remember when monk last stream was trying to tell me that Gengar was bad do you remember that monk that’s standby oh he’s using an electros against me yeah they’re catching on is it electric ground or just electric it’s just electric so sludge wave would

Probably be all right yeah itd be fine yeah this whatever they’re catching on to the most OP Pokemon on the server oh yeah it just works it does dude oh unless he uses acid spray that was a bad choice well might not be well he did and I ain’t so it’s bad

Pretty convincing he has a Gengar named blade smells but now it is dead and so are your dreams gar oh he’s got a lus what’s it between Latos and laddio just attack and defense or something uh stats yeah they have a a slightly different stat pool but it’s

Not worth going I think uh lidios or Leos is more defensive okay that’s why people uh use people actually H speedrunners will choose what Howen game they’re playing through based on which one of the latty twins you’ll get they usually go for uh for lidios for better attack but it is very complicated

Down no I’m not I won’t I won’t go down yeah now a fight yeah whoever’s dog that is I hope they defy the orders we’re GNA brawl dude I’m not having any luck right now Pokemon keep missing what is yummy apple what I think that’s for that’s a

FL uh it’s a grass and dragon so if you got ice that’ll work bug bug should work I’ll just do flamethrower it’ll be neutral Dragon y throw out my special weapon electros game’s over now anyway instant win pretty much it just works dude guys will we get through the cycle of hot sauces

Today seven dead did you spawn another wither stad I I’ve made a threat now oh every time they kill a Wither I will put another one down on top of what they’ve killed bro oh my God you’re generating like nether stars for them bro what do NE stars do I don’t know sell

They’re probably just gonna sell them on the auction house Sly breaking the economy I love when we don’t hear Ste for five minutes and then a blue pretty that’s pretty accurate honestly oh man stead number one Global also I’m pretty sure this guy lagged out of our fight here might

Have yep all righty ending that battle Celestial gate with a five pound stream tip said drum please pick a number between one and five that will determine my starter Pokemon o four let me know which one I picked let me know I hope it was a good one I hope it was

Electros that’s not a starter as far as you know stead st’s like it’s not sure it’s not I I’ve played every game so far I think I would know dang I got to end this battle as soon as we start it I didn’t have my Pokemon healed

Up properly infinite thanks for the $5 stream drum you should go to warp Disneyland I’m afraid did someone go before me uh yeah I’m heading there oh no you’re in timeout cyber crafter you tried to kill one of our Withers earlier this is actually in cool it’s extremely impressive okay I’ll teleport

To War Disneyland right after this thanks for giving me the heads up infinite Claire what are you ground and poison he looks like Dad go downstairs he looks like if you beat wh what you’re he looks like a beached wher wow this is massive there’s another floor

Down trying to find out how to go down another floor maybe it’s not completed yet I think it is it maybe in the dirt over no it’s there’s nothing down there I don’t think it’s completed yet oh okay it’s still cool yeah you’re good to go here Jerome all right all right through

Neat oh there we go I beat the Claud sire with Gengar this looks like some sort of like race way I Destiny bonded against his Charizard here yeah got an easy free kill there there we go also guys I have a really cool Pokemon card on sale on the Ebay

Link there that is going away in a couple hours and honestly it’s going away for too low um I think it’s my like huian samarat if I looked correctly let me see um rainbow huan samot and I’m G to I’ll sign the sleeve as well happily um if anyone’s interested go and check

That out I to know why they have op weapons on a peaceful server what like oh dudee he why would have two Charizards there’s no PVP here 311 Charizard isn’t enough Mecca Godzilla uh I’m looking at like something that looks like a Tyranitar but futuristic perhaps maybe uh that is iron

Thorns it is steel and electric I believe steel electric trick okay I’ll light them on fire oh I FL become Mex in the future H it was not steel electric because fiery dance did like nothing are we sure that’s not just a skin yep that’s iron Thorns I used gigar

Drain it was super effective King panda the $5 said what was the Buddy’s opinion on the Pokemon Spectre I just got it I love it it’s a I hate fighting it but I love opinion on what it’s a horse spectr big horse no clue it’s the it’s

Your spooky ghost horse Steve it’s the ghost hor okay okay yeah Celestial gate let me know he picked a Litwick was his Pokemon no nice dude come on yeah took out the aolon let’s go that was my starter when I first played Diamond and Pearl like whenever

That came out I mean gosh that was a long ago probably what 12 13 years ago yeah that was my story was Piplup I think I chose Chimchar oh Vernon that’s you that’s so funny he say he’s the current winner of one of the auctions for the Pokemon cards that’s

Crazy nice uh yeah he he posted a picture of it in counselor discussion actually he won one one before um I didn’t know he had uh he was going for more oh yeah no I okay that’s my bad he’s going for all of them it is fun though like getting into like

Pokemon cards and like selling them on eBay and like I I’ve actually been enjoying it and it’s like it’s pretty crazy because some of the buyers I’ve had buyers that aren’t like fans like people like are just interested in Pokemon cards and it’s cool it’s like there’s a whole Community out there

People buying and selling and trading Pokemon cards online it’s it’s actually pretty sick a whole big community I won my battle I would like to give all the credit to electros because it’ll annoy the monk [Laughter] man I’m a big supporter of the electros I mean you built it so I would

Hope you’re a fan of it oh Disneyland I keep forgetting to go to Disneyland slw warp Disney all right I am at Disneyland whoa also look around for the stairs wait they’re selling uh Ability capsule hold on a second here maybe they have the ability uh thingy that I need they might

I didn’t know it was selling stuff I’m assuming that’s what or maybe there’s showcasing oh this might be yeah no it’s a shop it is a shop oh it is a shop okay that’s cool I didn’t know it was a shop I thought it was just like showing off

Every item in game you know they have so many valuables you need ha shards not capsule you’re looking for the hidden ability patch I think ability patch yeah so you need to get the H shards which you can buy on the uh GTS I believe if

You get 50 of them you can trade them in for a hidden ability uh what do these shards look like cap they have a Metagross height oh I’ve already got one ha Shard uh I don’t see ha sh or Comet Shard what is an ha shard I honestly don’t know I think that’s

Ability an ability Shard I guess I don’t know oh okay let me check again sorry guys I don’t I don’t know your your lingos um there’s hidden ability LS I don’t see hidden ability Shard oo Colin said try set ha2 to change the ability set ha yeah it doesn’t seem like that’s a

Command hey Sebastian Lea what’s up dude um he said YouTube is being dumb again but how are you guys doing today I’m doing good dude how about you good to see you again um it’s been it’s been a hot minute I I see you coming and going

Like probably like once every month or so I know you’re super busy but uh doing good man good to see you around chicken and thanks for the $10 stream and the $5 one earlier sorry I missed that one he said that was my statue I was driving till now how did

You like it um which was your statue like this area are you saying like this is your base I didn’t see which statue AJ the attorne one I’m assuming is what they were talking about oh the attorne statue oh dude that was Insanity yeah I loved

That yeah sorry it took me a second there I was like what are you talking about yeah dude that was sick um people are saying about the ha Shard so infinite said ha shards are custom items they look like a comet Shard oh GE oh no okay so they look like that okay

So I need to buy 50 of them and then where do I trade them when I get 50 of them no idea priced 300 Grand dude will I mean yeah I wouldn’t expect it to hey it’s Willie he’s still B B um imagine still being banned ha Shard spawn an item which may

Be used to set any legendary Pokemon or ditto to its hidden ability oh my God 60 of them dude that’s ridiculous I threw a feather ball Li’s head I don’t blame you let me see if that guy’s just ripping me off maybe there no never mind

No that Shard is 240 Grand so if you need to get 60 of them you’re talking about 12 like 12 M plus that’s wrong yeah the people on This Server have a lot more time to play than we do they make many monies like over 12 mil dude y That’s Insanity yeah we’re

Never getting that so she goes you can buy of servers someone said you could buy at a Dono shop the donor shop can I oh I’m not seeing it I don’t know if you can buy it in the donor shop unless I’m blind I don’t I

Don’t see it you might be thanks buddy hey I got two keys love all right shiny key there we go opening Alan said just get another Pokemon to replace the Dragonite I like my Dragonite don’t make me do this you guys are just trying to tear the team apart I got new running

Boots nice well anyone want my old stinky boots you can have them no I’m good I just threw my stinky boots at him you want to square up why are you calling them specifically you want square up cap is that what you want yeah that’s always what I

Want why are we wasting so much time talking about squaring up when we could be squaring up that’s all I’m saying I’m trying to get away from everyone here C I get already to me hello Cappy hello we must do battle SM do you not have a

Uh incense do you not have a no I’m not here for anything particular said but your team got one shoted by one move again n we just need that’s one normally here let’s go cat show me your moves except tell what Alan if I win this then

I get to keep my team for a day if I lose this then you get to keep your team for a day what was glora again uh Rock and Poison rock poison you so if you get a round set up Pokemon not really good for much

Else I’m going to hit him with I hit him with the dad move E Train moral spad move the dad move what do you mean what’s the dad move I hit him with knockoff knock it off okay gig train huh self-destruct oh jeez wait can he learn explosion he

Can’t learn explosion but self-destruct is only 50 damage less so that is a pure electric type huh go exeggutor another trap in over here whoa Sebastian Lea thank you for the 23mon membership and he said I’m going try and buy the Box you oh dude let’s go speed

Bomb hope you like it man hopefully you win I haven’t taught this guy explosion yet so I’m sad about it but ganle oh no no no no no you don’t cap salt cure cap salt cure you out of oh my God I’m going to I don’t run recover just salt

Cure you’re about to get salt cured to outer space salt cure oh my God he survived some cured yes the earthquake though okay let’s go licky licky oh what if he pulled out another gargle explosion No Cap no be fair I’m a Steel type you’re probably

Not yeah I was gonna say you’re probably not gonna kill okay let’s go one HP yep ice Shard okay let’s think Cloister you’ll Crush my Dragonite you’ll Crush my Tyranitar you’ll probably Crush purple booty but I have to go for it icicle spear you stop it oh Jerry am I am I

About about to win oh Mega Gengar I forgot Mega Gengar cat uh oh I don’t even have my Shi Tre to deal with this uh oh not it oh my God what 4% I have one HP explosions wait cap explosion he’s a ghost yeah I know but you Destiny bonded

Anyway so fair oh my God big brain boys uh let’s go exeggutor infestation chicken anatomy think that $5 stream to you could put a you could use a chisel to get a statue and use SL speed three on the ground to move faster and in air to fly faster ah

Okay you know all the ins and Out of This Server don’t you I had bullet punch so fair fair play also Sebastian you’re out of this world who said I’m a sucker for the YouTu dude I I the eBay thing is popping up you’re crazy man he likes YouTu though people love

Their some people just get into collecting random things what is Mega Metagross is he still Ste psychic same type yeah yes but I’m gonna tell you right now that Tyranitar isn’t it bro I only had it’s him and Dragonite dude I’m running out

Of ideas but I do have a I do have a move here that might might surprised you can’t be fire punch Fire Punch Yeah Yeah metor learns that explosion oh my God I won it said yeah you won ha Allan now I don’t have to change my team ha ha

Also what just happened why did I get like I’m just dropping these other the ground vote keys for everybody vote keys I mean there you go Dr yeah yeah yeah can we have a battle oh no do doer you want to get smoked out here buddy oh

No fighting words Dr TP to me buddy I TP to you but I think you’re underwater I am underwater yeah I will be there in just a second Sebastian with a $10 said someone is trying to out bid me let me have it let me have it chat uh oh he’s

In a bid war on for the you I want oh that Pok unfortunate Furious Morpher with a $5 stream di Drome do you know that knle stack is called that because na is the chemical symbol oh that’s I get it yeah it makes total sense I just never put

Two two together but that makes total sense sodium chloride do everyone here why is how does everyone here well they wanted to watch you get absolutely demolished buddy I I know I know how dropsy got here I just didn’t know the rest of you were here I thought you were

Spawn I said I want to come watch this yeah we’ll see chickeny said try speed now what was the thing oh SL speed three on the ground oh well later yeah first I need to demolish the monk man oh we can do oh oh monkey monkey palan wow so good

There is a hole in this Arena floor by the way good to note good to note what does flip turn oh do you switch out your pokon good thing I thought I knew that you thought that I would use Thunderbolt And so I used Giga drain because it

Would still be super effective but you might not have the coverage for it well no that’s just how you activate Palin’s ability yeah he’ll transform into a superhero now yep have fun oh you got me beat here I think the shiny one looks really cool oh barely not okay is that a

Magikarp oh my is that he’s wearing oh okay on your head yeah yeah he’s been wearing a Magikarp the whole time yo man jome you’re getting your butt whoop buy some pixels oh no oh no buy a couple of pixels this man got 1080 PP resolution chicken anatomy said monkey make Jerry

Get the new team is that how that’s going to work I don’t know if you crush me maybe but by the looks of it monk I don’t know I think you’ve created a monster Budd got some beef I I have but I’m okay with that personally like I’m I’m fine with

This because this is my handiwork right here you know I can smell you Jerome I can smell you I’m so sorry then cap what’s torch increases my special attack it’s the signature move of Skeletor interesting swap out but makes sense yeah I got to decide you got to

Decide if you’re going to kill him or if you’re going to use Flor placement stuff no swapped out dang had to decide if you’re going to use Fire Punch or not I was like yeah he might you might think this through but n he read he read me like a

Book like the book drain punch interesting choice yeah I’m clicking a lot to catch up to the battle we’re going to oh we’re going to sack him off no what Tyranitar it was a sacrific play had to happen oh jeez man’s head to go for the clean switch in

Wow oh that was solid damage all right that is rough stuff uh I think he just dies here oh my boy oh unlucky choice for me terribly unlucky choice for me I avoided dual Wing beat what a waste unfortunate dude that’s why you need uh devastating that’s why you need

Multiscale that wouldn’t have well it would have killed eventually but wouldn’t have been so bad purple booty it’s getting hot in here stream or is it just uh me this is this is a solid battle so far Jerome I can’t help but feel like I out

Speed you yeah yeah I wasn’t sure had to had to see that’s just all water right pure water yeah wow oh man he di The Recoil that’s unfortunate steel grass and steel so I was in the middle of sign so poison isn’t going to work yeah you’re right the steal I

Forgot about that that was dumb gg gg you look at that Allan I guess I don’t need to change up my team team h i I’m changing on my team every time we battle I’m I’m making some adjustments you know changing things up we’re going to see see how it goes

What what does that sound what it’s a gra gra I had my volume off I just hear going Gibble what sounds really uncomfortable I’m not going to lie that poor gra started hearing it right as the battle ended I was like this is weird I mean Golem goes go go go go

Go go go power range Power I found Stonehenge what do you mean garan aacle no no TP TP like oh over here stone journer stone journer is cute is he related to gargle at all or no no not no not at all they look alike though not even close well isn’t there a

Nai on top of stone Jer nope we did wait didn’t we learn that one of them is no oh oh you believed it that was totally a lie yeah that was I was I remember that moment yeah I not me that’s hilarious it’s just flat out lies yeah no I don’t

Yeah you can’t listen to me about anything yeah you learn no they have no relation they were in different Generations different everything trust destroyed Faith broken explosion imminent Ard I got a new poemon I’m I want to try to use against your team at some point jome oh this one yeah this

One wait what’s the Pokemon you’ll you’ll see you’ll see in time cuz if I tell you now then where’s the fun in that then you won’t ask I mean whoa what is this thing you’re scaring me all right chicken anatomy all right I’ll use the the flying speed three but I don’t want

To go this fast how high up can I go you can do uh different three different numbers ah it’s actually pretty cool and Diving down oh no that doesn’t work remember when they used to have fossil Pokemon all over the ocean floor it was like just not like a Mis

Generation but like they totally like I don’t think they intentionally had that many do you remember that I do I do kind of remember that we’re talking about like a decade ago literally like 10 years ago um oh yeah which is crazy to think dude my first Pixelmon series was in August

September of 2013 10 years oh my gosh I think I got to bring it back yeah you got to bring it back pixel Modas Canadian do it man ask him I support you CH he would he would tell me no he scared no he’s doing more sunny things in

Life I do have one question going outside e yes what’s up is the pack ever going to get funding for Mitch to have a webcam dude dude I don’t know man it’s tough dude wow we actually did a so while we were all together cuz we we we

Were in Malta and while we were all together uh we actually recorded a pack podcast uh and and in there we actually talk about all the financials of the channel we go through everything we do we called it the pack quarterly so supposed to like it’s the tune of like a

A quarterly like review for a company but obviously with tons of memes dude Channel’s not doing well Channel’s not doing well oh no bro I cry for you um to be fair for most of the pack they don’t know how to play Minecraft anymore what the heck is all this noise

I like I’m Rome’s response he just said he’s just like what is all this noise coming from your mouth monkey it’s like the buzzing of a gat I can’t quite hear you over my huge brain all right there we go Ivar said how am I just hear about

The podcast just now because I just told you just now it’s not over the chat convincing yeah it’s not out yet drum TP to me if you want two poke loots two poke loots uh I would like two poke loots uh do you mind waiting I just started battle yeah go

For it how dare you start a battle when stead is doing things yeah I’m doing things I’m about to make quick work out of this battle look I already broke the server today mon don’t don’t put too much pressure on me I wasn’t putting any any pressure on

You oh I just stacked up three dude I stacked up three swords dances on the crosa yeah we’re about to be making GG’s and because of leftovers and Morning Sun I am at 394 of 398 Health it’s kind of disgusting uh chicken anatomy no I keep forgetting look at CoCo ghost I will

Look it up now let me see know Jerome he do sword dance and then do a special attack move that’s what we call the old rled Dazzle what what do you mean I didn’t use a special attack move they’re both physical earthquake and Sun steal strike weak yeah they’re both physical what are

You talking about I was just making fun I was like he’s just laughing at you I’m looking at the Coco ghost hot sauce oh was part of an old hot ones pack I guess interesting how hot could it be which number was [Applause] it is it that hot or you saying it’s

Good I’m just looking at it now it seems all right oh he destroyed my uh guy there that’s okay though electros J said it’s good oh okay it’s good going to say I’m like it doesn’t sound like it’ be that hot but yeah if you’re thought about it being good I’m sure it

Isect General Giants said stead would flourish on the Buddies React channel he really would Excalibur what is he dragon dragon and Ice yikes uh he’s really good it’s just he’s a problem there we go stead Bob oh well look they’re literally right next to each other yeah it’s

Nice huh well let me well let me open them weirdly uh try leaving and coming back maybe only one player can open them every like you know hour or something that’s weird I thought it was per player Al said I need a new team no I don’t see any problem here

What you talking about Allan I don’t see any problem at all with this team works well enough for now I feel like you should go with until you like lose I just lost but you know it’s fine it’s fine no no no it’s not about that

Yeah but starting start no step me is starting now though Allan yes starting now not not earlier yeah I I see I understand yeah I see yeah see I know what’s talking about crazy crazy talking has this Village been all righty let’s see what we’re dealing with

Here I’m going to throw out my Pokemon here by the way guys make sure you’re joining in the server here we got 58 players online we want that number to get as high as possible hopefully we can bring at least 60 by the end of the stream that’d be

Awesome oh used tol I my first throw out he threw out toal to start and I threw out um my necros to start that was Steel type use protect I always wondered about moves like protect why well stall teams sometimes use them chip damage for leftovers depends

Really okay would be any reason if I wasn’t burned at the time for him to use it though um if you just burns you his but it’s an extra turn of burn damage where you don’t hit him so you know it’s good M while I haven’t seen someone run the M while in

A minute interesting I have a poké stop for you Drome after that battle Poké stop okay cool thank you maybe you can get something good from it for your mons yeah yeah I’ll go stop by who knows maybe I’ll get one of those ha uh what they call

Shards Allen Allen Allen things are uh coming my way it looks like he used toxcity against me well I one hit him well it’ll do it oh I switched out to salamance how does dragon do against steel neutral I think it’s resisted oh okay that’s good then I should probably throw out

A cuz he threw out a salamance yeah I assumed right to use dragonclaw it wasn’t good chicken anatomy thanks for the $5 stream tip has cab gone ghost hunting if now send him to aodot Asylum he did go ghost sunning we recorded it I don’t know when it’s going to be released the

Video but that all did in fact happen already yeah um so it’s a little late but maybe in the future we can send him there I wonder what AR do Asylum is let’s see buddy Asylum arale maybe he meant to say arale Asylum maybe in oh this is all the way

In Australia dude we don’t have we don’t have the budget for that you don’t even have the budget for lunch yeah budget S one to Australia my God s it’s the dream sending our friends to Australia monk I think I might just replace my whole team with only electros and see what

Happens it dude it just works it actually could be a Str why it could but it just works mon think about it you could have one Be Like Water and Electric type what yeah I think you can learn electric or water type moves I Pro you might be able

To learn one or two but and then he can have um and then he can probably make one into a stall tactic somehow God this is this is an IDE you’re out I’m listen instead I’m just not a it could be a good idea so you see I think you should do it

For uh stream one day Stall electos oh my gosh all all stall electros team I don’t think that would work as well as you’re envisioning can hold on let’s see if it can happen hold on I’m going look up the mo we’re two away come on just two more

People join in on the server can’t happen it’s just not going to be good if when it do you just got to believe M you didn’t believe in the electros to begin with I did believe rain didn’t believe oh yeah Fair never mind he learn substitute oh my

God dude instead I think we got to set up a stall team for electros elul Menace to Society we got a dude mon don’t take seriously monk okay that’s the problem I don’t of course he just doesn’t take a no he doesn’t that’s a real shame yeah oh my

God it can learn R too oh my God getting ideas he’s thinking about things okay let’s this dangerous territory [Applause] dead ste’s out here he’s cooking he’s thinking we got dead thinking come on you name me stars are ch it can learn bro and Confused R you’re going down a path

Your you are going down a path of no return what’s worse that or uh acid poison oh my God or uh or acid spread I don’t know that I’ve never seen anyone make it stall electros no one no one uses elect trust what do you mean drum’s using it right

Now he’s the first one in a long time and Fire Punch oh what chat’s thinking about this I want to see what they’re saying this hold [Applause] on dude my team is Unstoppable oh boy Alan guo has no idea what he’s talking you are yeah you are

Pretty pretty set on a team right now you know it’s it’s solid you got some solid mons that’s what I’m saying dude they all right Al said rest substitute Thunder Wave sleep talk what would T it learn sleep talk but like how would that kill him though I need to poison him it

Doesn’t yeah I don’t that doesn’t kill yeah see that’s why I was thinking um confused Ray or acid Sprint but drum I think you can do it I think there is a definite chance of being able to do it but like I would need to be able to kill the Pokemon

Yeah yeah with like uh acid spray doesn’t really do anything there’s also Giga uh Giga drain uh liquidation yeah liquidation get liquidation yeah ELR gets liquidation what I don’t know bro gosh uh apparently since uh gen n this is this is what I’m looking at bu I’ll send you the

Thing I I believe you I just I know it’s stupid I don’t know why yeah it it’s stupid yes it’s a thing flamethrower oh how about this Dragon pulse oh my God what a what a ghost well it would be mon it can learn volt switch I know

It can learn volt switch it’s an electric T oh that well yes but sometimes certain types even though they are that type they can’t learn that move sometimes yeah learn snore they said oh all right help me out here they have a gly score that has that toxic orb thing

What’s he going to do to me here kill you probably you want to you hit it with ice if you got it yeah ice I don’t have ice ah except for the ice in my veins I’m going to take this guy down oh no he ro oh he roosted but then I

Giga drain and sent him to the cleaner oh he yeah if he roosts then for that turn he loses flying type so he’s just ground well he’s done there that’s actually interesting I didn’t know that about Roost I knew it healed you but that’s cool that’s a cool little I like

What Pokemon adds little tiny features like that it’s cool so like if a Skarmory does it then it’s just Steel type cuz you know they landed H he’s Mega Guard of Waring me is that still just fairy psychic yep um Ghost type question mark uh Poison Poison Poison Poison good good sludge wave

All righty easy clap there oh no now we have Steve which is a haxus i battle ball oo that’s a nice me too I can’t believe for the longest time I didn’t realize that sludge wave was just a better move than Shadow Ball I mean it’s not 100% better and it’s also

Newer you know yeah but you know it depends it is it it is better in terms of just if you’re hitting something for uh for stab then yeah SL juice better I still remember some of the move set of my Gengar and my original Pokemon Gold

Which would have come out when I was in oh my God probably first grade before monkey was born so that was what year was that it was a Pokemon Gold release o that was 1999 so back in 1999 I remember that I remember my Gengar and you’re going to

Laugh monkey you know what he had on him same moves as he does now no I had zap cannon on oh dude I was like literally five six years old I had no idea what I was doing but he had zap I I get that I to this

Day my first Pokemon game was Pokemon Black and I have not beaten that game because I couldn’t beat the Elite Four I blame you I feel like the Elite Four is always easy enough you just train a Pokemon like if you no like legit strategy train Pokemon level 100 and

Call it a day for black and white for some reason it was just ridiculous N I just kept throwing out my embor against the the psychic leader and I couldn’t or the psychic E4 member and I couldn’t figure out why it kept dying it made me very sad I think I beat

Pokemon black but I think you’re going to you’re going to be like God you’re old but I think I was I think I was a senior in high school I want to say and I think I beat that towards the end of the school year I think let me see Pokemon

Black um 2010 that would have been so that would have come out in like that would have been my uh beginning of junior year I probably didn’t play it though for like a year or so yeah I probably did beat that in my senior year of high school then

Probably I I remember the first Pokemon game I did beat was um Pokemon X and Y you think that you feel old that was the same year I got married oh what what year was this again I got a 2010 this is 2010 I was seven six or seven

Wow all right I’m just trying to change up the uh stream Title Here uh Drome yeah you still looking for gold bottle caps because there’s one on the GTS for 300K h no I I got all my Pokemon all their IV set okay my team is looking handsome

Buddy thank you though somebody say spiffy all right there we go and perfect oh I just need a thumbnail now for this and then I was like to change it back to whatever the first stream segment was um got find the Zelda thumbnail here Steve unfortunately had to step away

Normally he takes care of this but he had to go he had to head out what a nerd and alrighty guys well I think that right there is going to do it everyone that is all we have time for today I want to thank you all so much for coming

Out to the stream being so awesome and supportive uh remember guys you can always check out our sponsor server play out nubis and we’ll be playing around all the time even some sometimes off camera as well got 65 players on line so cool thank you again guys for

Having fun with us today we’ll see you tomorrow for another day of live streaming goodbye everybody

This video, titled ‘6-Player Minecraft Zelda Lucky Block Walls’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-09-06 22:41:55. It has garnered 42806 views and 1362 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:10 or 14290 seconds.

Today we play 6-Player Minecraft Zelda Lucky Block Walls Download The Mod: Join The Server: (Sword Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us!

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    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience! Welcome to! Today we want to introduce you to the incredible world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of creativity, community, and endless possibilities, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a server where you can build, explore, and survive in a unique and challenging environment. With a dedicated player base and regular events, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become part of our growing… Read More

  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

    Automagic: Industrial Foregoing's Machine Melodic In the world of Minecraft, machines and magic collide, Industrial Foregoing, a mod to provide. Automating tasks, making life easier, But beware of the challenges, they can be a teaser. Peagasp, our fearless news reporter in rhyme, Bringing updates and facts in no time. With a grin and a spin, crafting stories with glee, Engaging the crowd, setting their minds free. Join the live streams, full of laughter and fun, As we explore new mods under the sun. Peagasp, the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the gameplay, like never seen. So leap into the verse, let the… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft's Baazigar: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, Techno Gamerz reigns supreme, His gameplay skills are like a thrilling dream. With each heist and adventure, he takes the lead, In GTA V, he’s the master of speed. Join him on this journey, full of action and fun, As he pulls off heists under the blazing sun. His commentary is witty, his skills are top-notch, Techno Gamerz is the one you can’t watch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride, With Techno Gamerz by your side. In the world of gaming, he’s a true star, Epic moments and thrills, that’s… Read More

  • Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time

    Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From updates to tips, all in a playful tone, Join me on this journey, let’s make it our own. With blocks and mobs, and adventures galore, I’ll bring you the latest, and so much more. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. From the classroom series to song adaptation, I’ll keep you entertained, no hesitation. So follow along, subscribe and see, The world of Minecraft, through the eyes of me. Fangkuaixuan,… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s Eternal Ice Challenge

    Conquering Minecraft's Eternal Ice Challenge Coolguyapf Faces the End of Minecraft Iceland in Forever Frozen Night Coolguyapf, a popular Minecraft streamer, is gearing up for the ultimate challenge in the icy realm of Minecraft Iceland. In this thrilling episode titled “Forever Frozen Night,” viewers are in for a treat as Coolguyapf navigates through 24 hours of darkness in a bid to conquer the frozen landscape. Mods and Music Setting the Tone To enhance the gameplay experience, Coolguyapf has incorporated several mods such as Cold Sweat, Sanity: Descent Into Madness, Villager Names, and OptiFine. These mods not only add a layer of complexity to the… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03

    Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends in EP03 Join the adventure as our fearless players embark on building a cozy home in the world of Minecraft. However, their peaceful building session takes a chaotic turn when they are attacked by lagguu and zombies, leading to a perilous encounter! Building a Cozy Home Our players start their journey by constructing a warm and inviting home in the vast world of Minecraft. With creativity and teamwork, they work together to design a space that reflects their unique style and personality. Encountering Lagguu and Zombies Just as the players are settling… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Alex’s first time on Skyrim LIVE

    SHOCKING! Alex's first time on Skyrim LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST TIME ON SKYRIM | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Fortnite | Minecraft – LIVE #skyrim’, was uploaded by Alex Barton on 2024-05-24 21:01:51. It has garnered 117 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:06 or 13686 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Tantrik Survives Mind Roar

    Sly Tantrik Survives Mind RoarVideo Information This video, titled ‘क्या तांत्रिक बच पाएंगे?#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-22 11:30:08. It has garnered 1504 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni funny… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla Pirate

    Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla PirateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate’, was uploaded by Bangla Pirate on 2024-01-13 10:09:00. It has garnered 2536 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate like aim 300 #sokhergamer #banglagamer #minecraftbangla #minecrafthardcormode #minecraftlive #banglagameplay #minecraftpe #minecraft #survivalseries #banglapirate #minecraftlive #minecrafthindi #minecraftlivehindi #minecraftenglish #minecraftliveenglish #minecraftjavalive #minecraftdedicatedserver #minecraftsurvivallive #minecrafttips&tricks #huaminecraft hardcore minecraft hardcore minecraft minecraft hardcore mode minecraft hardcore survival hardcore minecraft hardcore episode 1 minecraft hardcore ep… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : Telegram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 Buy member products here 👉 #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : TW : TikTok : 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : TW :… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More

  • Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C A

    Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C AVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager – Y M C A (villager ai)’, was uploaded by PvPhubSMP on 2024-01-12 06:49:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. womp womp Minecraft,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,villager ai cover,villager animation,grox … Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ Java Whitelist Community Driven

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova 🏰 Experience a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine in version 1.20.4. Terra Nova is a haven for mature players 18+ who share a love for the game and community. Features: Diamonds drive a player-driven economy with 15+ stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments. Explore Terra Nova on BlueMap: Discover Terra Nova Join the 18+ Community: Experience kindness and camaraderie while engaging in activities and exploration. Progression is based on hard work, not pay-to-win schemes. Embark With Us: Visit us at Terra Nova SMP… Read More

  • Better Towny – OP – PYRO Fishing – Towny – MCMMO – Jobs – RANKS

    Welcome to Better Towny!The better version of the game mode you all know and love. Experience ultimate progression with a never seen before leveling system (/level) Grind your mcmmo skills, Level up jobs to make money, take part in events to earn epic rewards, earn gems to unlock OP gear, fight in dungeons to get shards and gems, and so so much more!Server was launched on the 1st of June!Don’t start behind everyone, now is the best opportunity! Everyone is starting from the beginning, so if you love becoming the best player on survival, now is your chance to become… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villager Baby outshines the competition

    “I guess even in Minecraft, kids will always find a way to annoy us with their questions and demands.” Read More

  • Big TV Man’s Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown

    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme

    Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme “I’m Faded meme girl version Minecraft animation: When you’ve been mining for diamonds for hours and finally find some, but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all. #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Cara Membuat tempat tidur lush cave di Minecraft” that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine being able to bring your wildest Minecraft creations to life in a vibrant and dynamic community of fellow players. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and exciting events, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | Wynncraft

    SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | WynncraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘They Put SHREK In MINECRAFT??? | Wynncraft’, was uploaded by Pyro Swarm on 2024-05-20 10:42:55. It has garnered 279 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:22 or 1882 seconds. We find Shrek! Read More

  • Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!

    Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙂this type biomed and games like amazing 😍 get bios new biome and Minecraft’, was uploaded by 7SHORT2.0 on 2024-05-27 16:50:45. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribe

    Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Meine Hardcore Welt bald ersten 25 Tage vertical #gommehd #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Schweitzer Zockt on 2024-01-15 15:39:53. It has garnered 153 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10

    Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10Video Information This video, titled ‘Ore processing facility at scale. Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC), Ep10. Modded Minecraft experience’, was uploaded by Darkejon on 2024-02-24 14:30:12. It has garnered 1530 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:59 or 3239 seconds. Welcome back to another exciting episode of Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC)! 🏭 Join me in Episode 10 as we dive into the heart of modded Minecraft experience with a focus on ore processing at scale! 🔨 In this episode, we explore the fusion of TerrafirmaCraft and the Create mod in ATFC, showcasing the ultimate combination for a unique gameplay experience! 💪… Read More

  • Join Jack’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀

    Join Jack's 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🌏Minecraft public smp ip port 😎 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | {Java+pe}’, was uploaded by Jack chor on 2024-05-28 14:29:33. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. 1) Join my public smp server mcpe 2) 2) best smp servers for mcpe survival 3) 3) minecraft survival server 4) 4) best minecraft survival server 5) 5) Public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 6) 6) public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 24/7 7) 7) join my public smp server mcpe |… Read More

  • Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ’s Minecraft house – Maizen

    Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ's Minecraft house - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GATE, YOU WILL DIE! (Minecraft – Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ house on 2024-04-09 12:30:15. It has garnered 1982 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:05 or 485 seconds. Hello everyone! In this video, Mikey and JJ will compete to see who can win the castle competition and take his treasures! Bosses and traps will be waiting for them! Whose castle did you like? The original rights to the minecraft game and all derivatives including the drawn characters belong to microsoft Maizen – @maizenofficial… Read More

  • Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!

    Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Hololive] ReGLOSS Beach Episode’, was uploaded by Kotenryuu | 古典龍 on 2024-05-19 07:55:21. It has garnered 2478 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:37 or 757 seconds. Source streams and titles: Hiodoshi Ao POV 【Minecraft】I’m finally on the Holo server! ! 【Hiodoshi Ao #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS 】 Otonose Kanade POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba with ReGLOSS!! Boom![Otonose Kanade]#hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS Juufuutei Raden POV[Minecraft]Raden’s point of view! This is the campsite[Juufuutei Raden #ReGLOSS] Todoroki Hajime POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba on the Holo server![Todoroki Hajime/ReGLOSS]#hololiveDEV_IS The illustration used is by paum:… Read More

  • Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄

    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Custom NPC Maps Skibidi Toilet In Minecraft #1’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-07 13:01:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. skibidi toilet, minecraft, minecraft skibidi toilet, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, memes, minecraft parody, … Read More

  • SEQCRAFT Vanilla SMP Java 1.20.4 Whitelist 15+ Discord Hermitcraft-Like Season-4

    Seqcraft SMP Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing as Vanilla as possible but are looking to meet new people from all over the world while playing together. We have a hermitcraft-minded community with a strong core and welcome new members to join us. Our current world, season #4, is not as active as it used to be, but world downloads are provided after resets. We enforce a policy of being fair and decent, with no stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, or drama allowed. Playing together and building starter bases close to spawn is encouraged. We also… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This Minecraft screenshot is meme gold!

    This meme is so powerful, it’s like finding a diamond in a sea of gravel. Read More

JeromeASF – 6-Player Minecraft Zelda Lucky Block Walls