JeromeASF – Making THE MOST OP Pokemon Team in Minecraft Pixelmon

Video Information

Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with stead and welcome to an awesome live stream today we are doing a little bit of Pixelmon uh on our sponsor server plate Dot and then we’re gonna switch it on over to our other sponsor server for some under

Block it’s gonna be awesome we’re gonna hang out with fans like yourself and hopefully over time the Buddies uh come around as well I don’t know who’s gonna be stopping by I don’t know if everyone is or isn’t but I know that stead’s here right now and isn’t that all you ever needed

So you could ever ask for that’s what I’m saying dude that’s what I’m saying all right so I think we are all good here I do just want to change the tummy here whoa look at all those people in there welcome friends thank you for coming by

Um I see a lot of people all hanging out and talking in chat what’s up guys oh six Steve already got me a thumbnail for this that looks nice to see you all nice to see everybody here oh my God I didn’t expect as many people

I guess it is a weekend though what’s up everyone for those that haven’t been able to make the live streams during the week uh welcome it’s nice to have you here now um very nice to have you here now hey cookie starts off strong with a five

Pound shrimp to how are you in the buddies and peanut I’m doing good stead how are you doing I’m doing good all right hanging out with you you playing some Pokemon that’s what I’m saying dude and as for peanut peanut has had a great day he’s very

Tired brought him out early we woke up early brought him to uh to a small little town went to a cafe brought him around for a walk around a lake he drank some of the lake water not great uh and then we brought him out to a big old

Patch of land hanging out with a bunch of people he’s had a long day he’s had a very long time so you wore him out yeah yeah it seems Seems like we definitely wore him out today at least which is good it’s good that’s a good thing you don’t

Have to deal with them later then all right dude he’s uh I love peanut today they always are all right everyone so we are pretty much all set here I’m just getting the lesson touches on this and boom there we go oh that’s right I gotta put in the description here uh the

Different stream typicals um colors and then we have I don’t have a lot to bruh do I just not change it I’m not gonna change it I had I had caps lock on I’m just not changing it I’m just no no no it’s a classic I’m literally just you’re

Taking after your dad you know it’s it’s in the spirit dude exactly exactly my dad has been perpetually in caps lock mode forever forever is this phone stuck like that too or are you no his phone isn’t but he has this weird neck where he’ll always

Text your first name at the beginning of every text message or your nickname for you so like every time he texts me it is bubs and then the message bubs message bubs message every time Tori texted okay she might be bringing peanut out we might be able to get the

Peanut cam rolling let’s see Actually I don’t even know in the other room let’s see let’s see oh he’s not in the other room yet well no we’ll know she’ll probably text me when he goes in the other uh into his into his Chambers into his Chambers

But yeah welcome everyone I hope you guys are having a fantastic fantastic uh start to your weekend here but uh but yeah um let me see real quick um [Applause] and under blood also guys as a reminder as always I have a link uh in the top of my live chat to

The eBay page we sell a bunch of cool stuff there you know some of it’s signed some of its Pokemon cards a lot of Pokemon cards really I’ve been having a lot of fun with that um there’s a lot of cool items there though and it has just you guys go and

Check it out and have some fun we also have 49 players online I would love to see if we can get that up to like 60 players or so that would be so awesome to get to that point so please consider hopping on in and hanging out with us

I’m waiting for a nice old Challenger here one I want to face off against some people see what happens bated ghost said I don’t get weekends off see y’all just wanted to ask how you were doing ah dude I’m sorry you don’t get weekends off but thanks for coming out beat it goes

Appreciate you our mod there awesome awesome stuff all right let’s go let’s go infinite you want some of the smoke oh no they’re going down instead all right let’s see let’s see I think you know which one I gotta start off I gotta start off with the one that rain hates the most

Oh no I just saw it drop out dude electross yep I just saw I just plop I was like oh no it’s gonna start with this isn’t it I love electrons the rare boy weekend streams I see yeah dude glad you can make it out we have a

Another one tomorrow coming too hey hey a live stream with a 50 straight I’m starting off saying let’s get some new Pokemon I agree after this battle I will be opening up another pack of Pokemon cards it’s gonna be good it’s gonna be good you know I was gonna ask have you

Thought it about any new Pokemon for your next team oh you’re on team change it up huh you’re well at some point you’re gonna have to because everyone’s just gonna come at you with a team full of your weaknesses it depends if I end up losing

I don’t know I’ve been doing pretty good instead I don’t think I need this all right I’m being salt cured right now but I’m Gonna Keep On Giga draining I hate being self-cured there’s nothing I know that’s why I was like I think you should change something at some point

To at least counter that I don’t even know if you can Alan guo for real though thank you for uh for starting off this live stream so well on a weekend that’s so cool of you dude for real thank you okay what is ursuluna’s type because I’m getting absolutely pummeled by this uh

Ground normal I want to say it is yeah ground normal huh I don’t know if I have any fighting moves I don’t know if I have anything that’s super effective to ground normal well it’s burned anyway I’ll probably die after this turn oh my God why did facade kill it in one hit

Uh if you got water grass or ice moves I did have grass but Al guo said yes please destroy drum ow I can finally make it to a stream work is so hectic and that is a hashtag bandwilly have you guys see anyone seen Willie I haven’t seen a mellow stream anyway

Oh well wow feels like he never comes around anymore you know new Gamers thank you so much for the 100 stream tip it’s unfortunate that Willie couldn’t join us today but you know what it is when you said you were keeping the caps lock I didn’t realize it was like that

No did you see the description [Laughter] I’m just leaving it oh that’s perfect that’s perfect oh my god dude did Pharrell know the new gamer thank you so much I say it all the time but especially during the school year it gets harder and harder to do

What we do as the viewership kind of dwindles a little bit just for temporarily right September October um and so having supporters like yourself really does make a huge difference here and helps support the channel and the company and helping us do what we do every day so thank you

Gyarados I don’t really have much of a retort to this though sadly oh that earthquake is brutal oh I didn’t know Gyarados could learn Earth yeah I didn’t either but okay it doesn’t it’s very painful there we go I got a quiver dance off there ah I died anyway all right Alan well

Let’s go ahead and open up that pack of Pokemon cards for you let’s go shattered again to our sponsor Plato let’s see how many people we got 58 players on now we started off with like less than 50. you know not bad it’s not bad we’re getting there we’re getting up

And up and up in the numbers [Applause] v-dog said my number’s might go up to the hall yeah it’s usually how it goes here’s a September October everyone goes back to school and then they pretend that they actually are trying hard in school so their parents get off their

Back and they always come back sorry is that too real I I didn’t want to be the one to say it but it’s true though you know it’s true yeah yeah I know it’s true all right here we go we got the cards here we’re ready to rumble first starting off we

Have a water energy then after that we have zizu all right zizu I don’t recognize easy then we have curlya oh curlia going then we have canceling cologne oh there we go I don’t know what that does wrong questions yeah right canceling cologne sounds like whatever they put on

At the Jersey Shore Jesus man we got Fox there we go Togepi oh shout out all right all right Colin has to just being steadier today it seems like it at the moment maybe some more people will come around we’ll see we’ll see Magnemite oh gotta love that come on

Give me something good here oh get out of here I got a reverse Hollow Roxanne I like that and then I got dude a star card Mighty Etta and there it is you know it’s interesting I actually think I I sold that exact money and I had an exact

Mightyena like that I ended up I put it on my eBay dude I’ve been listed a bunch of my cards in there I think I sold that exact Mightyena model like literally a week ago I think I put it in the mail that’s so funny wow thank you Alan guo

For that tremendous generous stream trip the 50 stream dip and think of the new gamer for a hundred dollar stream tip by the way has anybody at all seen Willie I mean I saw him Pixelmon dude he was he was briefly here yesterday but I haven’t

Seen a bunch this week I don’t know what’s going on here dude I think he’s been grinding on Pixelmon because he keeps it like showing up at spawn and then disappearing ah that makes sense fake sense mine it said Jerome dot dot what’s wrong man oh dude this guy’s Wailord is done for

He’s heavy slam and I literally got all the health and Brian I get all the health back from from um what’s it called leftovers I have now triple swords danced this the Crosman taking zero damage oh this guy’s only level 50. that’s why I’m gonna end this

Battle forgot to raise the cap sorry buddy Italian gamer thank you for the uh five I want to say that’s Swiss money is that Swiss Francs let me see uh that is Swiss Francs thank you for the five Swiss Francs buddy the Unseen thanks for a five dollar dream

Tip hey old man what are you up to all right all right listen wow I am old uh also Rick and Morty a good thing to watch uh Rick and Morty I don’t know I so my personal opinion I haven’t been a big fan of the latest couple Seasons I

Like seasons one and two and then I just personally have kind of like fallen off of it over time yeah no I can agree with that yeah I think it’s lost some of it’s magic touch you know yeah personally personal opinion though to be fair I haven’t seen the latest

Season maybe they came back a little bit but all right I’m facing I think the same guy as before but now here is the cap this time a day I did raise the cat I’m doing electrons first oh my god dude oh switched out to matang all right all right buddy

We started getting your full team of Vestal electrons oh my God too far am I even entirely sure how to understand I just don’t know don’t she usually just make blade do it exactly the place not here right now I thought Willy was banned though

He was banned but just in case he gets unmanned you know well could you send me a link to your channel because I think that’s the direct way I can unban you any any of that someone on bansy you know otherwise you know you’re stuck here all right throw out a car chop

Dragon that’s gonna swooper yeah for real though guys it’s so saddening that Willie never joins us anymore I just don’t understand I don’t see why it’s like he hates us or something yeah hmm I’m almost dead but I did get the outrage off oh I died though to Salt cure but I killed

Him too dude song Here is like the bane of your existence uh dude I think salt cure is the worst thing a Pokemon ever added oh he threat Vol Corona just feel tight all right that’s it we’re gonna crush him with a big rock I should be yeah I should be quadruple effective

Bigger Rock oh no no no he’s got Wailord coming out oh no we gotta throw up big macrozma I barely did anything swords danced that up even with Hydra pump he barely did anything heavy slam barely did anything dude this Wailord does no damage I sure

Don’t know the base stats of Wailord I know he probably has a ton of HP but I’m assuming he’s more defensive than offensive right I think he is technically more deep and so yes poor soul a triple swords danced on him and I basically have near to full health now oh no [Applause]

That’s game right there G G on that battle see Alan why would I change up my team Mr Alan guo if I’m just swooping people left and right you know what I’m saying oh stephenard Mr Morris art himself buddy oh no need I remind you of all the

Butt kickings that I’ve delivered your way over the last couple weeks do you really need this again if you need the reminder old man I can bring it to you but but oh actually I plugged this at home fluids I had to charge my ring that’s an interesting sentence yeah it’s

A it’s Coral ring it’s extremely similar to like a Fitbit except for your ring finger so it’s like less I find it to be personally less intrusive than like sleeping with a band on that tracks your sleep activity and things like that it’s really cool okay yeah that’s why

Sometimes I’m wearing it sometimes I’m not if I’m not wearing it it’s probably charging that’s why um Whoa We got some stream tips there Andrew Williams what’s up dude they were 75 stream dip said hey drunk I’m back from boot camp well thank you for your service buddy thank you very much and

Congratulations on passing boot camp I’m now officially a U.S sailor glad I could be here let’s go thank you Andrew appreciate you buddy thank you so much for your service and thank you for being here thanks for treating us a generous dream tip let’s get some hot sauce going

The first hot sauce on our list today is only jalapeno it’s not very hot but it gets further and further all the way down to spontaneous combustion made with 1 000 or sorry 1 million Scoville a little bit different than a thousand a million Scoville

Um so we got a long way up the list today but let’s start things off in a big way with jalapeno we also got something like you’re gonna have fun with that one oh dude I I don’t mind I don’t mind yeah I’m saying it’s

Like a spicy sauce or the first one and then number four is where derails because number four is Ghost Pepper right that’s where things derail big time well let’s hope you don’t get there today that’s what I’m hoping for man it’s the weekend I don’t wanna have my stomach explode

I swear that’s never a good thing also Luke is trying to contact you nice and private oh let’s see Jerry Alex asked me to ask you to please respond to his text message I told him no what [Laughter] um I don’t know I I just thought it was

Funny and I figured you should oh my God I was ignoring him to be fair all day uh Italian gamer they gave the five Swiss Francs drama forgot to type in a message for her I love you man I watched you and Mitch in sixth grade and you made me

Love Minecraft hey let’s go thank you the Italian gamer thank you for the two stream tips and thank you for being a big fan back in the day and also thanks for remembering us and come back and saying hi it’s awesome that always makes me so happy to see

The Unseen they give her a five dollar stream tip the Unseen said do a stream tip for a week to have stead meet Jerome and Vlog it oh you want a big stream tip goal to fly stead out you know could be a thing could be a thing we haven’t done one for

Flying the Buddies around the reason why we’ve taken them off the list of like things to do is solely because we have had such a backlog of them we have like four that are already recorded and the editor has been so busy hasn’t had a chance to do them so it’s like

Why do we keep backlogging them you know but we’re gonna bring him back can’t have time to do them yeah exactly there’s no time to do them Alan goes what happened to the survival 100 days series oh it’s still being filmed we have a big thing coming so um

We’re not getting into too much detail and we’re gonna have to we’re gonna need a lot of support so the people watch right now I’m assuming for the most part some some of the mega viewers right some of our super fans some of the people who

Love the buddies and we love you back so I’m gonna let you guys know a secret here uh the spicy Secrets we’re hoping we’re hoping for August 1st and we’re that delayed that’s how far we’ve come along with it because we’re gonna make some massive changes to the upload

Schedule on the channel right and in doing that we want to make sure it’s done right we don’t want to half butt this we uh you know we really want to put in our best effort here um and so because that it got delayed from August 1st and here we are

September 9th and we’re looking at hopefully doing September 18th um we’re going to be moving so live streams will stay on this channel right we’re still gonna live stream Monday through Friday 2PM to 6 p.m it’s not changing it’s not changing at all but you know how we upload the live stream edited

Videos yeah see that isn’t really going to happen on this channel we’re gonna do that probably on a new channel or the Jerome live channel so you’ll get the same style so if you like the videos right like the cut up videos of the live streams it’s not going it’s not going

Away you can still get that you’re still getting that you’re just getting bonus okay just hear me out here if you’re getting bonus so that’ll be over on another Channel um but hopefully by the 18th we will have the new system set up with the editors and everything on this channel

For extra high quality content um and what we’re looking at doing is like we brought on a new editor and we’re only gonna do two videos a week one is going to be 100 days to start and the other is going to be a custom data pack developed things on the channel so

Like for instance if you build it I buy it or uh making a million dollars in Minecraft and we have a code so every block could be sold for money things of that nature um I’m really nervous I’m not gonna lie it’s huge it’s the biggest shift we’ve

Ever done on the channel uh this channel is uploaded daily for over a decade oh yeah I forgot about that his Channel’s uploaded daily for 12 13 years and we’re switching it twice a week that’s how much I believe in this new system right and so I’m very nervous um

But I just know in my heart that this is the right call um so that’s what’s happening Andrew Williams like so here you go Andrew it actually is to be fair I literally I’m editing this stream I’m ending this stream at like what are we ending it at probably around like 6

30ish something like that and I literally leave for dinner that I have reservations at 6 45 and I’m heading like immediately out so oh wow thanks you don’t get stuck oh Andrew Andrew number two is habanero pepper very hot man I had too much sweet stuff today my teeth hurt

I mean did you brush your teeth after you had the sweet stuff no I didn’t I brushed them really bad but see that’s what you gotta do is after you had the sweet stuff you gotta brush them but um but yeah uh Andrew that one’s habanero

If we get to number four that’s ghost pepper and that’s where things really go downhill but that was still kind of hot rip guy with a 10 streamed of hey buddies I’m having a tough time this past hour unfortunately on the way to the work which

Where I am now my bike chain broke so I had a wall oh God rip guy I’m sorry to hear that buddy but um I hope things turn around for you soon and uh yeah that’s an unfortunate way but don’t let it ruin the rest of your day you know I

Heard I heard a big famous thing a long while ago you ready for this and I like this one a lot so pretty much let’s say let’s say that that you know took over right and that ruined let’s say like you know an extra 10 minutes of your day right that’s 600 seconds

Are you really gonna let that’s 600 seconds Rune the other 8 000 or sorry 85 800 seconds you have of the day you know what I’m saying basically what I’m getting at is don’t let one little thing make you sad for the rest of the day and it mostly applies

Less about like something like that but more of that like you know if something bad happens in your life or like someone like let’s say like you get an argument with someone and it’s like ah dang like or let’s say someone said something nasty to you for 10 seconds you can only

That 10 seconds roon there’s 86 400 seconds in a day you’re really gonna let 10 of those seconds dictate the other 86 390 seconds it’s crazy right when you think about that that’s crazy arctic wolf with a 75 stream tip said hot sauce number three Andrew Williams

The 75 streamer said oops finger slips that’s three and four so we’re on a ghost pepper now Bryson Lance with the ten dollar streams and no more Sunday missed those videos dude I do too but uh they’re very busy and so am I but I’m

Sure I will do videos with them in the near future at some point I’m sure it’ll happen the Unseen with a five hour stream nip Jerome ask you a professional question how do you pay the Buddies like can you explain how you do your work

With YouTube a little bit yes I can but I want to get to doing hot sauce three and four and then Rising Blade with a 50 stream that said open a pack of cards you got it hot sauces first then we’re open to pack cards for Rising blade

Um and then we’ll go to the Unseen questions we got a lot of things going on here today remember to hop on the server sporting the server supporting our sponsors does support us directly you just gotta play on the server that’s it hop online come play hang out number

Three is habanero pepper and habanero pepper powder Pepper powder all right here we go it’s gonna be hot but not nearly as hot as the ghost pepper which is number four dude the worst part is zoom in the hot sauce right now it is just chewing it hurts my teeth man deadly

That’s very interesting yeah the dentist says that I grind my teeth so much I basically don’t have enamel and probably won’t have teeth in like 20 years here’s number four that might be why your teeth hurt yeah and the acid from the hot sauce probably doesn’t help I’ve

Been yeah I’ve been grinding my teeth in my sleep my whole life so for 29 years I’m guessing you have like a guard or something oh I used to as a kid but then I stopped using it because I didn’t want to and so I’ve just completely damaged my entire teeth

My whole life all right here’s number four I got the hiccups a little bit just from number three that’s crazy how quick the hot sauce is hitting me some days it hits me hard and I don’t know why I still wanna I I don’t know why because there are

Other days where like I can do these good and then there are zombies where number three makes me have the hiccups and there’s some days where it takes a little number 11 till I get the hiccups here’s Number Four with Ghost Pepper shout out to the people who made me do

This which is Andrew Williams an arctic wolf but specifically Andrew Williams on his third one my God Andrew my God there we go yeah I mean how much like hot protein did you have today protein yeah like like chicken because like that could be why protein affects your hot sauce really

Well your stomach lining Fair not a ton I’m saying like the the more food you’re like meat and like at like non-acity things in your stomach um kind of affect that that’s probably why all right Rising blade now on to your stream tip there which is to open the

Pack of Pokemon cards let’s go strip who out there is feeling that I got a V-Max in there who else is feeling it Mr Krabs I think you’re feeling it dude I just found a a rip a ripped vodka drum a ripped vodka what do you mean are you

Strong yeah he’s like got abs no he’s he’s in front of you I think no no God wait so is it Steve Bacca China look uh oh my God yeah what is that I’m looking at him right now right all right I think he’s a rip vodka dude all right guys get ready

Here Comes dead here it comes the Crimson Chin Crimson Chin all right first one on the list here we have oh let me let me make my my thing big here there you go we have psychic energy to start off all right then we have immediately into a bronze

Song with a pretty cool art actually oh that’s cool it actually does look pretty sick then we have do what all right here we go do what into yon Mega I got some pretty good ones in here Ralts okay I feel like we get a lot of Ralts and we got the fox

And we got Togepi interesting another one yeah right another Shadow too a lot of repeats another Magnemite dude we’re getting a lot of repeats here wait me his suing Typhlosion reverse holographic oh that’s cool that’s genuinely sick and then here we go is there another one there is wait a minute

Lucario B oh bro Lucario B let’s go big pulls we opening Pokemon cards out here hey what’s up cat what’s up my dude hope you’re having a good day I am definitely having a good day Andrew Williams out here they’re trying to make it worse with a 75 screen

Tip for number five hot sauce so after that pack happened a nice snack to go with it thanks Andrew how did you know that was exactly exactly what you wanted that was it yeah I needed I needed a nice snack to go with that pack nice refresh oh man I

Joined just in time for the server to be rebooted oh [Laughter] I bring Ghost Pepper Patty but yeah cap how is your week going to be going me instead of talked about hours so far and now he uh I have been cleaning my bathroom it sounds not fun but at the same time hear me out not am I arguing that’s fun

But there is something quite like just like ah you know what I mean like just being like like yeah doing something like not work related sometimes if you if that like Rings true with you Jerome no no no shut up shut up always work always fun

But no I was like it’s zero brain uh turn the fan on though so you don’t like get hit with those fumes too much speed are not getting hit by the fumes dude I that is hot that hot sauce oh yep oh my God geez like this is pooling in the

Back of my throat it like took a second and then it just got worse oh that’s insane wow yeah that’s bad Italian gamer oh my God dude I don’t know what it is today some days I think it’s because of the enamel it might take like I don’t I was telling

Stead like I had sugary stuff earlier today and now like even chewing a chip hurts and now the hot sauce dude is hitting me extra hard today and I don’t know why I think it has to do with like just eating sugary things is that I hear

The opposite I hear that’s supposed to help but it does not help me I feel like well another thing to keep in mind is your gums oh my non-existence well if you do you ever brush and occasionally get like a little bit of bleeding because like I don’t brush ever

I don’t believe in brushing okay okay we’re gonna have to take another like lap around this no um I know what you’re saying I do know what you’re saying so like I’m just saying if your gums are weak it may even be more intense just because it’s

Getting into your gums and closer to your nerves on your teeth foreign my big problem is uh I’ve been grinding my teeth since I was a young kid I had a mouth Garb and I was like five and I haven’t really worn it since and my dentist told me that my

Enamel’s pretty much gone and I won’t have teeth in like 20 years I’m like okay 20 years you’ll be 60 bro like 20. I’m like dude what is that 20 43 that’s not a real year like yeah like I think we’ve got other concerns in that year Jerome

B Smith with a five dollar streaming so since you’re changing the release schedule for ASF does that affect the nope no changes to the ace outside of uh the content that you’ll be seeing there that’s the biggest thing oh that that’s new to me so talk to me about that uh

Which part Ace or ASM schedule I don’t think I know about ASF is it because the summer is over and such no no uh it’s just because the videos in the channel are dying and we’re trying something new um so we’re doing uh two videos a week

Uh that’s why we recorded those big ASF videos so the normal like stream cut-ups those are going to go over the live channel the live channel the moment was just like the raw footage of the streams cut up yeah but now this is like the videos that are normally on ASF are

Going to go over there for the people that want it then okay the uh uh what’s it called this channel is going to be at the moment two videos a week super high quality new editor new everything um like like we’re talking like like amazing style editing and all that uh

And that’ll be one like data pack custom thing like we did the million challenge I don’t know if you remember that one like we’re gonna try to make a million dollars things like that or like the if you build it I buy it or yeah that and

100 days at the moment see how they do and then Ace channel is just going to be content style changes because like none of this stuff we’ve been doing has been growing except for Sunken Lind and so we’re gonna try and bring back some like survival style games because those just

Seem to do well um yeah in the audience just look for ways to grow the channel um found a sale I’m still doing good no no nothing to do it I can’t I cannot express enough how nothing’s doing good on any of the channels so we’re changing everything

Um rip guy with a five dollar stream I won’t let it bum me out too much the only bummer is that I just had my bike tuned up that is unfortunate but yes don’t let it ruin the rest of your day he his bike broke down on the way to

Work oh he was very sad um Andrew Williams dude is trying to get me killed out here with a 75 stream if someone said that you wanted some more here’s a little birth to get it’s dude my birthday’s in March it is not my birthday this is number six

Though which is Scorpion pepper and ghost pepper you’re trying to put me down you’re really trying to put me down here Andrew Williams cat these guys have no mercy oh they wouldn’t why would they all right here we go boom number six scorpion pepper this is

Gonna be bad this is gonna be very bad here we go yeah I’m trying to catch a turtonator right now that ain’t it oh dude I thought you already had one cup oh no I don’t uh it’s one of the few fire types that are good not like I’m

Gonna get an ultra Beast right now oh that is hot that is very hot you have your milk oh yeah milk no no milk kind of figured Andrew has it out for me today seems like I don’t know why but Andrew has it out for me big time today

One thing I don’t know why Andrew he makes you want to cry though Andrew Williams thank you so much dude this is bad today why it’s not like going away to burn and I don’t know why Andrew said I’ve missed two months of Stream So gotta catch up you know how

Long is so Andrew tell me here how long is uh basic training for the Navy he just he just got back oh that’s so interesting I have a brother in the Navy or they were in the Navy they have since retired I was gonna say I was like I didn’t know your

Brother was still active they were they’re not active anymore but one of my brothers was in the Navy the Unseen sorry buddy did I miss Ed trying not to let’s see yes you were asking about the Buddies uh Hyrule champions for a five dollar stream tip how about more GTA races with

Guns and more blade in videos related videos is a terrible idea for everybody um but uh GTA right yeah we could we could work on doing some GTA changes absolutely could we look at some cool different things to add in by the way guys I did just list it I’m

Gonna go ahead everyone and Link it I’ve always wanted to do one of these I haven’t done one of these in a minute since I pretty much started doing the whole eBay thing but pretty much pulling apart immediate listing it and same thing if you want send me a message I

Tell you all the time like send me a message on there if you want me to sign the card or a sleeve or anything I always send them with a sleeve but like that’s something people want yeah you gotta tell me but let me see if I can link it [Applause]

I think you should be mate like able to get the link like immediately um who was it oh yes so the Unseen is how do you pay the Buddies like explain how you do your work with YouTube a little bit uh sure so I don’t it’s kind of a broad question I suppose

Like how do I pay them bank transfer with money yeah with money from a bank no but I’m assuming it’s not the answer you’re looking for uh they’re employed for the most part uh some of the the buddies are employed uh some of the other people who do like the background

Stuff some of them are contractors most are employed some are contractors though like so for instance like um the thumbnail artists we have because they do thumbnail art work for I don’t know how many right I don’t ask I don’t ask their client tell us but I’m assuming

It’s hundreds some of them I mean that’s that’s sorry that’s a gross exaggeration I’m sure they probably have like three or four other clients right um but uh yeah for the most part they’re employed um that’s about it and I guess I don’t know what else to really say uh Monday

Through Friday usually the hours are 10 a.m to 6 p.m anything outside of that is overtime uh yeah I mean like not not to like un like I don’t know what the word is here but like not to like make it sound boring it’s not boring we have a

Great time doing what we do but it is like a business right like it’s like a company right like yeah yeah it’s work don’t get me wrong we enjoy it like I hate when people look oh they just do it because it’s working no no it is work of

Course because I hate to break the news to you guys unless you’re an adult but um things cost money and so yeah living is expensive yes and so we’re fortunate enough that we get to play video games and have fun and make a living that’s

Awesome uh but you know oh no we do have bills um uh the Unseen ass are they salary or a salary um except for the overtime stuff which gets paid out hourly if there is overtime but that’s like unguaranteed that’s like if I like for instance like today I was just randomly

Like hey I feel like doing a live stream on the weekend anyone around boom you know they can say no they don’t have to be here yeah um and it’s like not as like high pressure for the overtime or anything like that this is like they’re just you

Don’t it’s optional you know most of the time I just ask them like it’s like come and go if I do a weekend stream like just message me when you leave and where so I have like a time stamp of it so I can because it’s impossible for me to

Keep track while I’m doing my thing you know yeah yeah um dude I hate the new like uh Paradox Pokemon because I don’t know what types they are which one all of them I just don’t have that dude like all but I don’t have any idea you know what I’m saying like like

Iron thorns and I’m like I don’t know what to like slit now like what the heck I bet if I drop a rock oh no it killed me in one hit you just doing some fan battles uh yes nice uh Slither Wings is weak to fire psychic flying in fairy

Is weak to fire really but it is he I mean I guess his past form was fire it’s interesting what’s the typing there instead uh the typing is a bug in fighting bug fighting and there you go there we go guys I just linked it in there there it is all one Sentinel

That is the Lucario that I just pulled like I said it’s been a while since I’ve done something like that that is Lucario that I literally just pulled jeez it’s cool to do though I like doing something like that dude I’ve been having so much fun like it’s selling

Stuff on eBay I’ve been like getting it into like Pokemon cards and stuff I’m doing oh my God you good hello the hot peppers no the hot peppers back when I throw it there for a second oh Andrew Williams with another dude Andrew what the heck with a 75 straight dip

Again wow this is number seven now bruh this is Ghost Pepper scorpion pepper this is hot is what it is Andrew hot he said so boot camp is 10 weeks long for the Navy and a M.I.A school is four to five months long okay Kathy what did

Your brother retire as so I have a question for you Andrew before he answers that what is a school or was that like a typo he said and my a capital A School I don’t know that was a typo or not but I’m curious um and cap what did your brother retire

As I’m gonna be like uber disappointing here and say that me and my brother have literally never talked about it I just obscurely know that he was in the Navy at some point oh he’s never brought it up like I’ve asked but he he just didn’t want to talk about it

Or maybe he was special operations and never not allowed to talk about a sleeper agent here it is number seven scorpion pepper and Scorpion Pepper powder and ghost pepper and ghost pepper powder number seven is where things really like get very bad and and it just gets worse

Andrew this is for you buddy dude I’ve never been into this the Unseen said just went to the shop and got Ranch popcorn seasoning did you guys ever get into that popcorn seasoning stuff uh no no butter and salts all it needs I didn’t get into it unless it’s like caramel [Applause]

Oh my God that one was hot oh dude it’s like getting embarrassed I don’t know no the number seven I don’t know why today it’s like so much more unbearable than usual but it do be a Dooby Doo Bishop oh dude that’s hot I need to go

To the bathroom quick I’m sorry but actually let me finish this bat I’m in the middle of a battle here okay good yeah be right back oh that’s hot and it looks like we got our first one cent bid it pinned to the comment of the live chat there if you guys are

Interested that’s funny all right listen have have you been today stud I’ve been good I’ve been hanging out here nice yeah personally I just like yeah I’ve got like an hour or so to kill why not hang out with Jerry yeah where is he you can always just TP to him

I keep forgetting I have just perfect straight up teeth I’m currently EV training this curtinator to oh Crush Jerry this is looking like a nasty team stead Bob what is it okay I know you you had to turn so I’ve got a glamora which is pretty awesome like it’s my new favorite opener

For my explosion team uh then I’ve got turtonator which is one of the more reliable fire types plus it’s also a dragon type very good coverage there uh my Cloister because skill link Cloister is op then obviously dark and Echo you know because he’s gargonacle Metagross obviously my favorite exploding mon I

Gotta run it Mega Metagross is too good to pass up for this team and then alolan executor so I’m running Double Dragons right now interesting I also have a heat ran I could use which may be more my speed honestly what would be the difference ah I believe Heatran is a steal

A little fire type my mouth’s on fire Bryson Lance with a five dollar stream that both are the best Star to prove me you’re wrong Bryce Bryson why would you even bring that here why would you that heart that hot trash why would you bring that hot trash of an opinion here

Uh but Andrew I was looking out in the chat for your for your response so did you mean anything by the a school thing um like I said I didn’t know that was a typo or if that’s like Academy school or something or what what that means

Oh V Smith was the one who bit on the card oh is that why I jumped to 2.25 we’re getting big out of here it is funny to see it though as it like Rises like during the stream you’ll be like one cent two cents four seconds wait a minute

For like all of that yeah it does it alerts my phone yeah and all of them the craziest ones are the YouTubes people love that stuff oh yeah those are like legitimate they’re like special merch though yeah they’re like collectibles yeah that’s why they want them

You know what I don’t get though is the uh God the Funko Pops they’re cool I don’t like them I don’t like okay all right why I’m not coming with you guys on that one and I’m gonna tell you why is because I like it yeah because

Look at what happened to Beanie Babies like I mean everybody thought they would be like hyper collectible and it turns out they’re not it’s like so if it’s just like there’s people I can get behind it for like a select few things that I’m just interested in like there’s some like

Good shows that have Funko pops but there are some people who like collect them as like a legitimate money thing oh no I I would collect them just to have and like there’s some people who would just like have a huge wall of them that’s not me no like hate on if you

Like like them but I wouldn’t do that now you give me anime figurines though buy them for the sake of like collectible hoping that they become valuable like what about people who just like it’s it’s just their thing it’s an enjoyable collection some people enjoy items if they just like and like like

And like more power to them but like they just enjoy collecting that’s all good yeah I always love it they look cool I never got super into it I have a couple that I like really liked but that’s about it like I didn’t buy them for the

Sake of like reselling I was like these are pretty tight these are neat like they’re some Funko Pops I definitely want to get one day like one of my favorite shows Letterkenny has their own Funko pops and I’m like oh really it’s like yeah that’s like a little bit of a

TV show thing I’m like wow that’s interesting and like one of my favorite TV shows I could definitely see having them there’s like a whole collection of them but then I would have to figure out somewhere to put them like oh I’d have to get a shelf for him

And that’s how they get you Jerry they sell shelves I can already tell it’s gonna be a rough date night tonight with the hot sauce number in less than one hour it’s how a doobie doing though it happens sometimes remember to hop online guys to sponsored server plan on out of the sword realm here it’s awesome to have you here we have a bunch of people I’m just at spawn literally fighting people the number one rule of eBay is don’t tell people your top bid he goes I also bid 20 so these puny bids are weak buddy

Now they know what to bring you up to you don’t rat yourself out like that basement burn it burn it come on it’s the number one rule can’t tell people you’re your max pit personally I think all the major bidding happens in the last hour oh yeah none of

It matters up until then yeah so like If you bid early you’re driving up the price so do it do it [Applause] uh okay this guy he has he has a Landorus named Mesprit nice that’s funny ah someone I wonder where they got that from how does it work with Landorus like

What is it called it’s called Dog form is that uh Therian form I think is the name okay what type is that is it still ground flying I think it’s still gr I think it’s just ground at that point I think all the cloud like when they’re in

Their like cloud form I think that’s when they’re flying okay or I know uh the green one has like uh I wanna let’s say a bird form okay I don’t know if that changes anything I don’t exactly know with these either because they’re very confusing and weird [Applause] foreign

Uh lanalo what are you not very clearly very lunala that’s the bat one right yeah yes that’s a ghost I believe oh painful is what you mean he’s very painful see I’ve been of the I with so many Pokemon I do think and this is gonna be a controversial opinion I do

Think at some point you should be able to see the typing in the battle because let’s be real I just Google it anyway half the time the time so like I mean yeah why not honestly it now tells you what moves are uh least effective super effective in no effect at all

Absolutely so I don’t see why not okay Andrew Williamson was not a typo it’s where I go to become rated AKA my job in the Navy on my sub okay cool very cool so what do you do then on the sub also I want to hit you

With another 75 but I can’t save by the limit plus my bank call but bro don’t worry Andrew do not worry about it man just happy to have you here hanging out um yeah what are you doing what do you do on the sub what’s your what’s your role there

I have found it the alternate form uh is still ground fly okay so I think they keep forms no matter keep types no matter what uh I gotcha rip guy with a five dollar streamer said Willy Bop at unfortunately will y’s not here he’s I don’t know what’s going on with this guy

Lately cap hmm Brian with a for the Vmax and the 550 tip will happen someday what what are you talking about the 500 tip it’s not even possible it’s maxed out of 500 on YouTube I think he’s saying maybe one day they’ll remove those limits but I think as long as you

Know YouTube wants to be friendly to kids they’ll have that Limit Oh yeah well it also I think you I I don’t think that are going to lift that limit anytime soon I really don’t yeah but that does mean we get to open up a pack of Pokemon cards in the hopes of

Getting ourselves that the max card and then oh my God the Unseen with a 50 Sherman said I tried it was 75 but it goes from 50 to 100 but that’s I do oh that’s weird but you might have to like click the amount and put it in

Manually as in like typing the numbers out then I think yeah that’s possible like the basic stuff is a slider I believe um he said I work blue collar I don’t know how people work White Collar uh I mean yeah so I guess that’s why I was asking the questions earlier but I

Mean I do have to open up two packs of cards let me go ahead and do just that real quick um but yeah I guess that would explain why you’re asking all the questions earlier yeah ah I don’t really know I don’t know how to explain it it’s kind

Of just the same thing you know we just a lot of White Collar jobs I think are different in the sense I think a lot of them are more so salary than they are hourly um that’s all I really got I don’t know right and it’s kind of like the big difference yeah

Yeah that’s all I got really I don’t know um but the bro uh Brian and the Unseen thank you guys for the 50 stream tips uh we are going to go ahead and open up uh two packs of Pokemon cards for ourselves so let’s take a game here we go boom

I love opening these cards up let’s see if we get something good we’re going for the B Max we’re going for a V-Max car we got another well dude we only got a v it’s not a V Max oh okay okay they’re still that it’s really good don’t get me wrong really

Good really cool but the Vmax are like the you know the top dog are you opening right now my dude astral Radiance actually they’re astral Radiance yeah they look probably like two years old at this point yeah they’re a little they’ve been marinating marinating nicely like everything else

All right here we go we start off with a steel energy oh Brian with a 50 Euro stream that’s another another pack so we got three packs to open up here now today said limit for me says 550 euros maybe they’ve raised conversion right well Euros are more expensive so in

Theory it should be uh barely nowadays barely but yeah they’re like five cent more so in theory it should be like 450. so that’s interesting I wonder if they did phrase who knows they made the Larry’s limit I don’t know um he said he’s going back to lurking now all right all right

Um column said I had to register a mate’s address in Chicago why I I don’t know why it’s not letting you bid from uh from Ireland you were telling me that earlier I I that’s crazy I don’t understand it Helen said I bet Jerry forgot to marinate the chicken I didn’t forget to

Marry the chicken this time we’re going out to eat tonight [Applause] for ugly oh it’s a code card gotta take that one out then we got Teddy Ursa Suey and Sneasel come on give me the VMAX then we got misdreavus it’s Cod then barboats Scyther who’s only a circle that really

Bothers me should be a star reverse Holo Togetic that’s actually pretty sick I like that that’s kind of cool yeah I do like that a lot then we got holographic adamin I’m not sure I know that trainer it looks like a trainer card though I’m looking at these cards now I’m just now

Realizing the circle and star thing like really in the bottom uh did you not have Pokemon cards not as a kid I just never knew that that was how they denoted Rarity circle diamond star so diamond is like semi-rare or something like that diamond Circle and Diamond they’re not really

That important okay so you want ARB pretty much you want Star Circle and Diamond are they’re good bass cards because you need to you need to evolve your Pokemon same as an actual thing right it’s like I can’t just throw a Charizard right I need to throw a Charmander and then typically speaking

Diamonds are like Evolution so like if you had a charmeleon he’s probably a diamond card um usually a circle denotes bass which means like it’s a base card you can throw it out usually uh not at any like limitations um Diamond usually denotes that it’s not

A base right and it goes on top of something else or it’s just slightly more powerful nice um but those aren’t like concrete rules I suppose but star is good we like Starbucks I think my favorite card I’ve ever gotten was this Ford uh Flareon that had

Gary in it oh that is pretty sick yeah like it’s not worth much but it was just oh I was like oh man Gary and it’s after he started actually loving his Pokemon here we go dark sorry dark energy identified a fossil we have another pack after this to open

Up so wish me luck guys we’re going for the VMAX and dartrix there we go drift blimp chicken anatomy says we have 67 players on it let’s go player count is jumping love that love that now we got rowlet all right suing quill fish Oshawott Hood hoot okay

Pawn eared come on the Max B Max uh reverse Hollow rowlet it’s hard to see because unfortunately it’s green and the green screen normally Cleaver okay account holographic and that’s it all right well not the best it’s non-hollow the cleaver but it’s fine we’ll take it we’ll take it

And now we got the next set here Joe Ramsey said it Willy get banned of course Willie got banned come on it’s Willy yeah one doesn’t he dude I love how he gets banned all the time never gets on the band though very rarely it’s unfanned I guess

There’s that one time but it’s rare [Applause] Beast bit said I got outbid SOB bruh you were telling people your mess can’t be telling them I did link another one though I I I linked something new up there that is a different card that doesn’t have any people who bid on it so

That way it’s you know a paintable Evie Heracross the Unseen with a five dollar streaming said I’m out to I need I’m out need to get out of this house we’re 50 80 hours apparently over home and when I’m not I am I always want to run the

I’m sorry buddy yeah I don’t know what’s going on there but definitely get yourself in a place where you’re happy and surrounding some people make you happy and if that’s no one get her dog well if that’s no one you’re not new people you’re not wrong find new people

And get a dog dogs are cool dogs oh dude dog’s the best we don’t deserve them they’re so good he’s doing masculine oh I think I think it might be a full art they always get yelled at people like no it’s a trainer card Art card and Steve

Always gets upset about it I’m calling it a full art Gardevoir that is sick that is really sick actually and then I gotta shave it I got another star card in here oh dude dude that is the coolest I love this Gardevoir so what I need to like

Pull up the screen so I can see which one it was but describe it to me handsome oh so handsome no it’s just a full art like it like literally the whole card is Art value okay I’m gonna pull it up myth I I understand I’m doing my best to

Take care of them I don’t know what to tell I don’t know what I did wrong in terms of the opening the card pack but I think I did all right preserving the value oh I’ve seen that one that’s a good one Jerry it is sick

Ripped guy with a five dollar stream tip said a Wonder actually have oh yeah I mean that’s a tough one like I mean is it just all cards total all cards are like sleeved cards and like protected cards if it’s all cards I’m gonna guess like two thousand

Yeah I was gonna go like maybe I’ll guess a thousand yeah I had to go a thousand still don’t have emacs I don’t know what’s going on here I think you gotta like uh I think he had like like do a ritual like you know the shoe on your head

I think that’ll help yeah something like that but with the Pokemon cards maybe that’ll help you uh okay oh there we go demolish oh dude I beat Mouse scareda and dragon pole in one hit purple booties crushing them and then he died well I got two kills though all right let’s see here

Rip guy said Jerry’s the closest I have about 2 500 cards jeez that’s a lot of cars 2500 okay Oh I just burned to ursuluna um dude facade is such a good move it keeps crushing me every time I come across it is a good move what type are you mimikyu is Ghost fairy right uh mimikyu I think yes it’s something weird that goes for yourself but

Poison and the fire this thing is Andrew Williams dude geez thank you buddy the 50 stream tip my God he said my rate is going to be MMA I’ll be machinist mate uh Ox so I’ll fix most things okay my rate is gonna be MMA I’ll be machinist

Mate Ox so I’ll fix most things in the sub and stuff like that thank you everybody well thank you buddy thanks for watching so thanks for my favorite YouTuber thanks for watching dude thank you for the support the love thank you Andrew Williams um that’s really cool actually so you’re

Pretty much just like an all-around repair if I understand Carly just like all around like anything goes wrong with the sub they’re calling you sick we had uh one guy at her streams used to come around all the time Mr Hayden Hayden was uh not not in the Navy

But uh he I think he was in the Army and he worked on Blackhawk helicopters um we always make fun of him because he lost the screw so don’t don’t lose any screws while you’re working on the side yeah because we’re never gonna let you live it down Andrew we never would

Poor Hayden all right that is another pack of both side of this battle I’ll go ahead and open that up and hopefully we can get our hands on a V-Max card calling it it’s Gotta happen at some point today dude it’s Gotta I believe Jerry I’m losing faith I don’t know man it

Hasn’t happened yet thank you Kion said I have a friend with over 10 000 cards oh my gosh dude that’s insane but here we go we have a new pack of cards we’re ready to go let’s open this up calling us what uh section of military is blade blade was Army

All right here we go I’m struggling to get this pack open this is another astral Radiance it is a national radiance nice I’m ready to fight you after this Jerry Cappy campy can’t be if you want to get if you want if you want the smoke I mean

You know you just have to be willing to deal with the stress of at any time I could explode fair that is true all right we got a V-Star we got a V-Star card there those are always cool then we got a dark patch we got pile of swine

We got super effective glasses all right Beyond we got Poochyena okay come on give me the Vmax today we got yanma we got driftlin Sudowoodo thanks we got a Combi then we got okay we got a reverse Hollow Ursaring what’s going on here and then our Star Card looks like a

Suing avalug it’s pretty sick and that’s it for those of suing avalog love that I think the full art gardevoirs the winner though for sure so far yeah for sure rip guy with a five dollar stream to give trying to count them all by hand at about 1500 but I

Know by now I have at least 2500 also I remember Hayden yeah you remember Hayden and Andrew thank you so much Andrew Williams for becoming a member on the channel thank you buddy oh my gosh dude you know what’s my some of my favorite cards are the uh the full art

Like the full trainer ones those are just yeah what I’ll usually do is like I’ll beat a gym member like a gym leader and then I’ll reward Myself by opening the card bag you know that’s cool that’s cool I like that yeah so like it’s just a little section where

It’s like oh man I did really good I beat the Elite Four that means I get to open some cards like yay all righty throwing out another Pokemon here thank you again everyone for coming out to the stream thank everyone who’s here so far thank you the 60 players on the

Server as well super awesome to have you guys coming out fight me fight me no fight me cat picking fights out here always picking fights one doesn’t he oh it looks like Willie has a love letter for you like love mail or Well he’s got like a mail for you here I think he wants to give it to you um is it the male is oh he’s a willy yeah it’s Willy it’s that Willy guy ah guys if you didn’t know Willie’s been banned from the stream we don’t really I don’t

Know if like isn’t it kind of against the spirit of the band if you read his message that’s what I’m saying dude I don’t know stream what do you think type yes if I should read his message or no because he is banned from the stream you

Know until he’s back I don’t know if we can be really reading this stuff watch all it is is a letter that says Bop it might actually be I wouldn’t actually open that a lot of people are saying yes most people are saying yes they want me

Yeah read it what if it’s just Bop do you want me to look first I don’t know the most expensive card I’ve pulled to be honest I’m not sure well he’s gotta read it like do it he’s gonna read it he’s doing the sad walk of sadness where

You crouch and then you look in a corner you know it’s probably because it’s it’s a bob it’s probably a Bop all right Willie most people said yes they want me to read it so all right as soon as this battle’s over we’ll go and read it buddy

Also Jerome you’re still full screen yeah you’re still full screen on yeah sometimes I present that this is like this is wow that is funny I had no idea I was just bad I was just having a blast as long as you’re having fun all this Moltres is going down

How is Thunderbolt not super effective to Moltres I guess the font is electric is it neutral to fire is it the new uh is it the new Moltres unless they changed it Ultra should be if it’s normal Moltres it should be fire flying plus it’s like pure fire now what typing is Moltres

It’s uh fire flying yeah so it should have done it should have been super effective Fire doesn’t resist electricity electrons dude one yet another battle huge all right well we did say that we would read his thing so yeah yeah he’s got it for you over here all right

Let me see so that’s TP cap hello yeah all right Willie let’s see the message I don’t know how much reading he expects Jerome you are big buns wow being so gracious as to read his letter and he insults you next one also Bob all right that that tears it

Willy this is why you’re banned from here to and I didn’t want to say it but stead called you basic too wow I mean I’m gonna fight me Jerry I crazy uh I just started a battle cat but I’m down I Cry Sometimes when I’m playing Minecraft because my Jerry boy was left

On blast I can’t believe Willie comes out here insulting me like that oh me and this guy both changed that Pokemon at the same time I guess I’ll do knockoff on on this oh when I one hit the oh because he didn’t raise the cap oh well there’s no point oh

My team’s actually looking pretty interesting Jerome I’m coming cat let’s go buddy oh sweet okay let’s go battle or rules huge well I just got hot sauce in my eye that hurts a lot do you need a minute you good it’s not gonna be better in a minute so let’s

Just roll with it yep misery whoa Okay so let’s go like this oh wait cap Queen yeah I was gonna say let me go ahead and type out of this guy how to get oh that is on oh this guy’s no worries man on the scene if idiot

Do you know who Joe is oh my god dude just troll this guy sorry who’s being mean to people on the server so all right yeah yeah don’t be mean don’t be whiny oh you switched you you finally got him you were talking about this yeah bro

Andrew Williams on an ALT account with a 75 300 hot sauce oh my god dude wow all right this is number eight which is Scorpion pepper Scorpio powder Carolina Reaper pepper and ghost pepper and eight pretty but it’s um you even have flamethrower on this thing that’s crazy dude electross is my hero

Oh you blew them up no here we go though Andrew you really just want to ruin date night don’t you that’s what’s going on I know you have flamethrower but I think Metagross can take it here it is Buddy oh it’s a heavy glob oh bro

Didn’t make sound as it came out of the bottle it might as well out oh my god dude that’s bad that’s hot just like dislike nose number eight Andrew that is ridiculously hot oh my God what punched your electrons off the thing that’s so hot oh my God that’s sitting wrong in the

Stomach I can already tell okay let’s see oh my God Isaac thank you for the 10 stream tip he said money is tight I just don’t remember oh dude but don’t worry about it you don’t have to stream to them um my master Issa Fitness certification I’m going to

College become a sports medicine physician then med school that’s awesome dude he’s watched since he was 14 dude congratulations keep it up oh my God sorry the hot sauce is killing me it’s fine dude keep it up and and I’m happy for you man thank you for being a

Long time fan thanks for stopping by and just saying hi for real dude very very awesome path you’re taking power gym though all right what type is glamora Rock psychic Rock poison not rock psychic my bad Rock both okay yeah dude that is hot oh my God um uh mortal spin

I hit him with bigger Rock okay let’s see that is Rock dark so you fool well I also have earthquake ah if it’s an earthquake and you want it’s an earthquake and you’ll get okay let’s see Andrew Williams is trying to kill me today and I don’t know why it seems like really

Cloister oh did you switch out no I died didn’t you die oh no I J for me Tyranitar was just on the screen for a little bit longer oh yeah he did oh oh you killed him oh no my go wait are you in it okay cap how far along because I’m I

Haven’t hit your Cloister yet okay now he died he was already dead yeah yeah I I died pretty quick on that one we’re experiencing some lag or something technical difficulties yeah I was still evolving when you’re like oh I’m dead I was like what I literally

Didn’t even attack on my screen oh it might be because of how long mega evolving takes might be yeah good fight dude good fight good fight also during that battle stone drop vending machines on me in a clock yeah that happens whenever we get together oh wait Willy’s over here that

The mail I dropped off a cliff because I didn’t think it was from Willy I didn’t know who it was I don’t I don’t open the fan mail on the server because unfortunately to my knowledge there’s no way to filter it is still going bad there’s no

Way to screen it and so someone could type and I I’m not saying they would but someone might type terrible horrible things on there and if I open it on stream I get in trouble you know what I’m saying yeah I can screen it for you

If you want but like that also sounds exhausting I threw it off a cliff I appreciate the gesture but unfortunately cap we’ve had in the past and then everyone starts setting it and then it’s like dude I like I’d want to play the game I don’t want to re-read

Non-stop oh I’ve run into that before where you’re just like oh God I love you guys but I really want to play the game also guys the server is rebooting right meow as we speak there we go action reboot pretty quick yeah remember guys keep hopping on our

Sponsor server plan on and go on over to sword run we still have not gotten the V Max car that we’ve been looking for also I linked a card as well uh I’m like I’m linking all the cards like don’t have bids on them every once in a while

In there so if you’re interested I have a bunch of cards over on my eBay page but in the top of the live chat there that is the latest card that is my Bia Full Art card which is really cool it’s unfortunate Jerome a lot of your

Team can counter my stuff well I mean it’s fortunate for you fortunately yeah I was gonna say I’m not complaining [Applause] drop one of these bad boys out Colin said can I face Willie in a Pokemon battle well he doesn’t stand a chance well he’s a coward

Oh okay throw out a Tyranitar on us the Unseen think of the 10 stream how long are you gonna you going for gonna listen and drive probably going to drive for a few hours don’t know where but somewhere always wanted to just go on a

Road trip and just drive no this is your mind I thought about that before dude that honestly sounds like like I I’ve thought about it before I’m like wouldn’t it be cool just to like take a couple days and just drive in One Direction and just it’s nice let’s see

Where it takes you um but answer your question I’m probably gonna be live for like another hour and a half so yay bro I just got the craziest setup on this battle I’m doing right now yeah so I got the toxic spikes and stealth rocks out

And I also have a salt cure which you know does damage over time of course and then I also to avoid a chestnut hitting my uh gargan Ackle with like a grass type move I switched out to my exeggutor and I got infestation on them too which is another damage over time it

Did like 50 of their health in one turn oh that’s pretty dude what is walking wake uh that’s the Paradox form of suicune Paradox form oh my God yeah I think it’s I think they did the legendary dogs dirty I think the Paradox forms look weird but I’m just not hip

And cool I’m not hip and coo I you know cap neither am I hmm someone just mega evolved Lucario closed combat into my turtinator and I shell trapped and I killed them in one shot oh my God okay [Applause] see I do all right against people who don’t know my entire gimmick and

Usually the name Captain blastom just kind of gives it away well there we go took out pointy bird oh he’s evolving to Mega uh meta champ all right here we go oh I got him and GG there we go so guys remember to support our response server

Played on over on the sword realm if you’re interested in Pixelmon otherwise we’re gonna be heading on over to the second segment of this live stream we’re gonna be hopping over to our other sponsor server under block so if you guys want to hop online and play

Alongside us we’ll be playing on the SkyBlock server to start um uh and then we’ll go from there we’ll probably go to uh you know the uh prison server well then I I’d like to say I enjoyed the hour I got to spend with you girl I

Hope you have a good rest of your stream oh yeah now yeah I got some errands to run all right you gotta finish cleaning that bathroom and Andrew Williams don’t worry I got you buddy I see you stream tip there let me just change up the uh the

Information over here on the stream and then we will get a rolling with this cap all right I’m just gonna send this to you status so I can change that up later alrighty so yeah everyone I’m just gonna change it up here we still got another like

Hour and a half to go here plenty of time to have a little bit of fun um uh let’s see boom I just gotta change with the thumbnail sorry guys doing what I can’t uh we don’t have Steve on the weekends yeah you gotta do Steve’s job now

All right there we go guys so we are all set and ready to go and let me just move this over here so remember guys if you guys want to hop on our sponsored server you can do so by going on over to play dot under block dot GG

Get on in there come say hi we’ll be playing on the sky block server here all right guys playing on the SkyBlock server uh should be a fun old time we go hop on there boom and let’s do it Andrew Williams thank you for a 75 stream tip we’re gonna be

Having some hot sauce that’s number nine Andrew Williams said uh plenty of time to get to that number 12 hot sauce bro Andrew I’m begging you and then Bob thank you to answer please the one man in a dream drove dude he’s a one-man wrecking show instead like Bruh Bruh there we go

Oh that hot sauce looks gross that does not look appetizing whatsoever no I wouldn’t say every time I see the like massive dollops that you do in them oh my god dude yeah what number was that Ah that’s number nine oh my God nine oh God oh my God

During this stream alone I’ve gone through over half a gallon the limit of my life savings don’t spend it all at once unless it’s for hot sauce Bob also I’m JK I’m popping in and out while working okay because there’s a don’t waste your life savings please save save some money

Oh thank you dude oh my God Andrew you’re killing me and then Andrew hit oh my God the Unseen with a five dollar Sherman how many miles have you driven in a day my personally I can uh Advocate 400 or 600 a day have my CDL I did

In 26 hours so I slept for a little bit I drove from St Pete Florida to my parents house in New Jersey which is about exactly a thousand miles away a little more than that so I I’ve done in about 24 hours about a thousand miles

People are gonna do the math on it be like that means he averaged 61 miles an hour he was speeding the whole way anyway sacred wolf with a 225 dream Dipset has some hot sauce and Andrew Williams the 75 dream tip so it told us four that

Means sauce is 10 through 12 plus spontaneous combustion which has a million Scoville on it ridiculous I didn’t expect to hit that at all today my stomach’s gonna be killing me and I guess it means we have to reset the cycle which I was not expecting at all

Either but if people put hot sauce any hot sauce Everest it just resets the cycle Jesus you guys are nuts why have you done this on a Saturday I was even gonna stream today I wasn’t even going to stream today number 10 this is Scorpion pepper Carolina Reaper pepper

Ghost pepper all those also in powder form and one times capsaicin extract number 12 is all that times three capsaicin extract and spontaneous combustion God knows what’s in here but it’s got at least a million Scoville conversation extract in there somewhere so yeah while I’m dying everyone’s perfect time

To remind you guys that I have linked uh in the live chat there I think in my eBay page trying to get rid of all my old cards and things uh that card right there has no one who’s bid on it it’s been shown no love so there you go

Number 10 here we go bro this is bad remember to hop on our spot server played honor come spend some time hanging out with the gang here please instead of mercy here we go number two I mean you did say it was Dayton I know

Not my world and yeah you know what happens after that bad things yep yep oh my gosh so hard oh my god dude that’s very hot dude that is hmm no oh my God here’s number 11. I’m just gonna speed through these and then I’m probably gonna die in front of the

Bathroom to be honest here’s number 11. do it I’m gonna I’m gonna be the reason I know that we’re gonna die instead you and I are on crop duty today by the way oh yeah oh no hold up uh let me sell my inventory oh my God oh my gosh I hot

And number 12. oh my god dude oh my God I think we gotta wait a bit number 12. oh the crops aren’t fully ready yet no no no no not feeling it Mr Krabs no today’s not the day oh my God here it comes the Millions goville at least million there we go

Spontaneous combustion oh my god dude no is that you’re on your own oh my God I hope you guys are happy this is what you’ve done to this man uh we need to start start putting 07s in the chat guys I think you’ve killed Jerome I hope

You’re happy Andrew I hope you’re happy I don’t know like I I can’t how what am I supposed to do like I can’t move him can I move him no I can’t move him uh do I have a fishing rod oh stupid there we go nope pushes him away okay

And we can’t pull him down oh this is an issue guys more hot sauce I don’t think he needs more Hot Sauce guys I think he I think he killed him I think he might be gone can I push him nope cap oh I guess we’re going to just sit here and

Look at him awkwardly guys you need a playlist to drive to I I don’t know unseen and thank you for the tuna thank you for the two dollars okay Jerome’s currently in the bathroom uh I don’t know what what what are good driving playlists I don’t even know any playlists I kind

Of just listened to some music until I get sick of it and then I turn on something else this man is in despair I hope he’s okay more hot sauce I don’t think he needs more Hot Sauce I’m smelly how am I smelling rip Jerome yeah rip Jerome he’s he’s

Gone I think he might be like actually done for this time the worst part is is he has the Harvester hoe so I can’t do any of this so we’re we’re kind of waiting for him can I TP him to me TP drone I don’t have permissions to do dang it hmm

Start the funeral preparations oh yeah yeah Fair actually I could do that um uh let me see no way there’s wood over here all right are there any grass blocks here we go I guess I’m gonna start drums uh funeral preparation area I don’t know how well off the skin

Wow you guys are really killed no all right we need different things for this one I can make a harvester home myself I don’t know if I I don’t know if it would be any uh effect because I have not touched um harvesting I think my my herbalism is very low

So I don’t think it would be worth me doing it without someone that has a higher stat to do it hey Vernon how’s it going I’m currently making Jerome a coffin yes so much milk yeah this is why I say do you have milk when you start this I do I think from

Now on I’m gonna have to have milk next to me because I was just literally just I chugged like half a carton upstairs like oh my god dude I’m getting your coffin ready for you by the way my coffin yep oh did you thanks Dad thanks I’m just gonna bury myself

Yeah cool um here’s the trapdoor that’s the start thank you oh my God Andrew and sacred wolf you guys just that I don’t know what it is about today I said some days I just wake up and like the hot I wake up obviously but someday

The hot sauce is just it’s just way worse than others today it’s one of those way worse days oh wow all right so let’s take a look and see what we can do today I think oh we could easily hit the Harvester Quest done oh yeah I might not even

Touch the potatoes because we don’t have the rest of the crew here I genuinely might just do sugar cane see where that takes us and then the rest sugar cane hasn’t been uh fully yeah that’s the only issue is we’re waiting on it to fully grow to three it’s starting to get

There yeah it started to get there once you went away but all right maybe then do you want to chop up some mobs in the meantime you and I I’m done I might go and open up a crate quick so I’m gonna go slash pv10 let me

Open up one of these awesome crates here remember to hop online guys we have 80 players alive if we get to 100 I’m gonna drop a key at spawn all right guys you know we get to 100 players you know what else you gotta do

Uh oh we gotta do the daily spin we gotta open the lucky blocks we got a lot of stuff we gotta do okay you listen both of the things I wasn’t going to tell you there we go dude I got 50 mil from that that’s big

So we can buy those spotters we need that Garrett’s back hey what’s up Garrett good to see you again the unseators had got Apple music Jerome your go I’m not sure what you mean by that oh he uh asked for a playlist for driving oh a playlist for driving

Yeah I I don’t have one and I said I don’t have a playlist specifically for driving I I mostly on Spotify I have a shared playlist with Tori we got one of those Blends where you can like I don’t know if you guys know that it’s pretty sick

She told me about it uh where you can actually um oh my God I have so many keys still from this G um but pretty much it goes based off both of our tastes and like every day it just gives us music that’s based off of like preferences that’s cool hi

Four servants there now Angie Andrew will Andrew bruh Andrew Williams with a 75 dollar stream tip restarting the hot sauce back at number one my nose is still running I don’t even know if you can see that I I swear you said he was done too I know I thought he was done after we went through them all

Starting off at number one jalapeno oh dude Alan said Andrew’s putting drum in the grave day dude I know as long as your grave has been fully made so whenever you’re ready to crawl into it go for it right now go for it it’s back behind the chest it’s ready for you

I’ll be there oh my God oh that’s hot it’s not that that that’s hot normally though because my tongue has been destroyed from the hot sauce earlier even that’s bad huh yeah it’s already kind of burned off the flesh I guess that was there and then

You’re adding more spice on top of that plush that was already like peeled off in a sense dude the uh what is it Colin said be glad none of the other heavy hot sauce donators like Chronos are dude I’d be dead mm-hmm cookie 20 said I hope you enjoyed date thanks

Thank you wow oh it’s gonna be bad um I did get an Enderman spot oh let me see instead by the way that’s that so those are the t4s so instead if you don’t mind could you kill not them but the Ender so the t4s we need to kill Enderman or Guardians

Creepers or witches that’s the issue oh geez what about Guardians oh even one at Guardians My nose is just rough hey at least you don’t have to have your sinuses clogged anymore yeah right you know you’re nice and opened Dylan Dylan said are you visiting the islands today potentially yeah and then bro bro Chronos with a 75 stream tip said you

Called it’s like do you just wait in the dark in the darkness for moments like this to strike oh my God Kronos oh my God dude Cronus Cronus what why Chronos here’s number two which is habanero oh That better not make me go around the horn again today I mean what you got an hour and a half left hour left I think you’re fine it’s dead oh laughs so rolling those extreme books Aimbot one dude it’s still hot even though it’s only number two it’s hot because I went

Through all the rest of them earlier I am about three Elemental shot demonic restoration soul Hunter no no no no dragon protection five could be good but um I don’t personally go for the bosses like I did get a multi-kill three that’s nice oh well let’s hope

I think everyone might have it so you might be good to sell it but I would wait to check with everything else because you can sell that in for a pretty penny especially multi-kill three I think I bought my multi-kill three for like 30-ish mil um so you know maybe next week check

And if not sell it off because we need the money for spawners oh my God Kronos the 75 stream tip he said perhaps I do oh that is hot sauce number three Kronos that is hot sauce number three guys keep up with the server of 84 players we’ll

Get to 100 I am dropping a key off at spawn come on get on the server there we go hot sauce number three Oh my God Andrew Williams was 75 dollars for him he said man did I miss your streams dude wow even mine is trying to help Andrew Williams that is a ghost pepper hot sauce number four Andrew why have you done this today he woke up and chose violence he’s like

Oh I just got past basic training in the Navy I’m gonna go home I’m gonna you know I bet it’s because he’s missed so many of your stream you know yeah or he just so he’s gotta really lay it on thick for coming back you know dude that is hot

I would love to say yeah with all these hot sauce instead ah probably not well the hottest thing I’ve had is the mango habanero wings calling us how empty the bottle is getting I had to buy new ones recently oh oh my God wow what sponsors do I need to buy by

The way what’s like the cheapest ones so um we need to buy T4 spawners so witches seem to be the cheapest shoes oh my let me make sure dude I think someone gave me a bunch of stuff I think someone’s been just putting it in our pocket stroke because

I randomly had seven mil after you came back from your bathroom right I need this because uh the I need 150 mil because dude even the witch spotters are 100 or 1.25 mil so I’m literally gonna be able to buy like a hundred witch Bonners with this one yeah that’s

Insane and we need a lot more than that so I was just shy of two stacks I bought five okay we need 5 000 of these oh my God it’s never hitting that Mark foreign stead let’s get destroying on this stuff shout out to uh cookie for the five euro

Pound sorry five pound shrimp dip drum did your school ever do a good mac and cheese it was okay mac and cheese it was not bad it was not great it was okay what about you said did you not really no it was like a little

Better than the craft mac and cheese but I think I would prefer to have the craft mac and cheese I think um I’m trying to think the uh outside of schools uh pizza was probably its best I like it yeah the pizza was always cool I like the pizza for sure um

So we now have more witch spawners than we do guarding spawners so that’s a plus at least see the word I don’t know do you think it would be worth killing the wishes or do you think because they would drink Potions all the time I don’t know if

They do that let me see I’m also underwater here I hope I don’t drown I don’t think you will down here but all right we’ll find out I mean can you tell Jerome I got lungs built in of course then of course oh oh they moved

I wonder why all of a sudden it that happened it’s because we apparently can’t one hit them because they have a lot more health or something apparently oh oh what’s wrong with it got it I I had to answer a math question not the math you know it was it was a five

All right we’re doing good stuff a rip guy with a five dollar stream tip said hot sauce Bop mouth numb yet it never gets numb dude I just it’s just terrible at all times but it never never do you ever mess around with hot sauce instead

I mean I like them I just won’t go like one million Scoville units like in my free time no but I’ll you know eat them Andrew Williams is hyping people I would be very happy if you did join us on scene no stop recruiting people for your evilness

Andrew Williams said he’s doing this at a pure love and pent-up donos bruh I mean at least he’s honest to you yeah there’s a thousand Guardians over here if you want to kill those thousand nice uh yeah let’s do it we need to kill dude I’m not even gonna tell you how many we need to kill in order 1.5 mil

Size bed is what I was expecting I was expecting at least time you know if we look at our missions list here though the um what is it so we look at our missions it’s an entirely different system that we only need 670 000 more that’s not that bad oh dude I think

Someone gave me another 150 mil thank you ah drum yeah I got 100 Mil as well thank you all right let’s go spam uh which spawners did yeah I mean that’s the goal we don’t have to keep shifting between the mobs right we can just sit there at one

I’m also gonna go and check on the crops too yeah I just flew up there it looks like they’re almost all done I just don’t know like it’s up to you if it’s worth breaking them if it’s like one or two that don’t have it or not I’m sure it’s fine I

Don’t think it’s gonna it’s not gonna kill anyone Andrew said Jerry my bank yelled at me so no more oh dude no worries at all dude no worries thank you very much Andrew for real though Andrew Williams is our captain of the live stream buy a million leaves

Insane absolutely awesome and I really appreciate having you around buddy thank you so much I I tell people this all the time especially during the school year it’s harder and harder for what we do because a lot of people go back to school it’s difficult to get the same

Level of viewership we normally do and so having Ultra supportive fans like yourself especially ones that just stream tip like that like that’s nuts dude um so just thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us thank you friend thank you that herbal is equal to 560 now said

Jeez getting up there dumb Oreos what’s my favorite anime um I don’t usually I so I’m not a big anime guy just say Pokemon Pokemon I mean that’s probably the one you’ve watched the most losing props Jerry falling over the edge furillo Andrew Williams I just want to

Say again thank you very much man like that you didn’t have to do this you didn’t have to be so awesome just thank you very much hey I wasn’t even gonna stream today so having some love and support like that is just crazy thank you

If I get a train for MCC probably not but I am going to be flying down uh to go visit Preston for it so I’ll be in person with Preston for it foreign yeah and dill pickles are Dilly pickles said that they’re the one who gave us all the

Money instead thank you Dilly pickles thank you that explains why I have another 100. oh my God oh my God yeah yeah I guess just keep spending on those wishbones dude yep come on after once I get done taking all this stuff up there we go 87 players guys we’re at 87

Players let’s get to 100 players come on Hop online let’s go all right good chopping uh I don’t know I wasn’t going to question it either I was just gonna like you deal with it after all right let’s see where we’re at with this missions

93 000 still yikes so many more to go um where is it Lane wants to ask if stead likes the Green Bay Packers I don’t watch football I know what they do they put uh a football and a goal Ah that’s what happens right oh that

Doesn’t make any sense at all oh okay I think it’s a packaging company yeah something they pack up packages or that are the colors Colin said if you break the top of the circuit and then do the middle layer counts for double per layer oh it’s interesting I could just break

The top and the middle but and that’ll give me two instead of three in the middle yeah it’s fine I’ll do that in the future but for now like this is gonna be enough to get us to our goal right there’s gonna be enough well maybe not this layer but with all

The layers oh I think we don’t have a village a reminder guys I linked at the top of the live chat there a link to my eBay this particular thing is one of the items that has no bids on it yet but Colin said about two cable area oh it’s

True all right I’ll start harvesting the top and then I’ll switch to the bottom layer what like we’re getting extra this way yeah so when you break the middle it only gives you one even though two breaks but if you break the top and then you break the middle you get one

That that’s interesting yeah it is what it is it makes sense but it is kind of annoying you would think they would give you both but like I said you know it would make sense foreign tip said so stead is a hole in one a touchdown I think so

I think so too yeah it means that are in a green suit I think that is sounds about right thank you oh this thing doesn’t stay in the chains we got most of it done we just got the top layer now yeah alrighty uh Colin said you also don’t need the

Sand to be there because sugarcane grows the same speed on dirt as it does in sand oh yeah yeah I don’t know why we did that uh this is a good question I guess none of us really thought about it you just usually in the wild in Minecraft see

Sugarcane growing on Sand above I think that’s the only way it naturally spawns I don’t think I’ve ever seen it like spawn on like grass or dirt blocks Lane said they want us to look at yeed a friend dude that Roblox game is fun they said there’s some updates including

Entrance now pretty sick Colin has Steve Sean said Steve asked when you were planning it but nobody answered him oh I guess Steve caught on with them no one else would know that’s funny I don’t remember that but I believe you Dilly pickles said Jerome guessing number one to 80 million

Okay dude that sounds important that’s 53 million 427 265. I’m gonna have a one in eight million fans today you mean you’re not wrong I think after the top one you might have a full double chest of us oh I I think he just gave me the 54 note

I should have guessed 80 miles I should have guessed I take it back 80 mil 80 that’s funny thank you dude now we could buy more witch spawners whoa all right we have 96 000. I’m breaking all the top level sugars in here and then I’ll go and break the middle level

Oh yeah or like forces of nature or something something like that emphasis on you or something yeah yeah real big guy oh there we go cutting down the sugar cane like nothing like it’s butter loving this so far thank you again by the way to Chronos 50

Gaming Andrew Williams and all of our other amazing stream tip supporters who’ve gone just absolutely above and beyond during this stream like that that dude you guys have been mind-blowingly crazy with it all um so just thank you so much instead I think they’re all ebayed out

At this point no one’s bidding on that car either that or no one wants the car I don’t know I think it’s a cool car but this card isn’t it’s a trainer Full Art card oh that’s cool now you might be all fitted out okay you know that’s probably why that’s

Probably why it’s about the bitty just gone quiet they’re waiting for the last hour when the rest of buddies come on next they’re gonna be blown away that we actually did work foreign dude I don’t know where he is either he’s been he’s been no-showing a lot

Lately to these streams yeah it’s kind of weird anyone seen Willie guys have you guys seen Willie anywhere so I’ll say Willie’s at the fishing party go to Willy’s Island to fish nah yeah he keeps asking about that really what will what are you doing are you positive

Mutiny no he wants you to join his Fishing Party he’s probably gonna meet me over there maybe you want to go check it out A thousand more sugarcane after that done I’m guessing you want to go investigate sure we’ll head over there after that 580 herbalism so nice once it’s a thousand now this Auto replant with 100 success rate I’m surprised you don’t get like a multiplier for uh breaks as your level

As well so say like instead of breaking one and getting one you got like yeah right it’s because so far I’ve only picked up uh 26 sugarcane so I think we’re doing better the other way I hate to tell you this I don’t know how much you have

My overflow backpack has to have so much sugar cane in it it’s got 46 000. okay see that’s where it’s all gone Colin said he thinks that you upgrade the Harvester hoe at 50 000 blocks I’ve broken 71 thousands I don’t know I don’t know

I get Farm oh I got Farm fortune on it Colin said okay that is trying to get Farm Fortune One thank you what is that I’d assuming it’s like Fortune for oars except for Farm basically get like more props for a break oh yeah like right there we just got two and one

Interesting that’s cool all right we beat that to a hundred thousand crops done all right let me go buy some more spawners all right slash shop ah yeah which spawners are going spam through these oh we have so many witches here we’re just gonna abandon them for of all people Willie

Maybe we don’t have to he started a mutiny over here it’s just a pop sure what you know what this means send them I’m taking his boats out of the water I’m gonna throw him in a lava pit here what this is where you learned that

There we go I burned his boat in lava literally just burned his boat down wow there we go I’m coming for backup they’re trying to pull it back into the water I’m here for backup oh got it we got it we’re good all right we’re good let’s get out of here all right

All right 10-4 Roger daughter without it okay now where were we instead um okay that was weird that I didn’t let you one hit it I think it was because of my fire aspect yeah because now they’re all drinking fire aspect potions I don’t know how I feel about this but I

Got an uh witch head oh disturbing all right I’m gonna go pee real quick guys I’ll be right back foreign I think you said he was going to the bathroom foreign foreign hello how’s it going dead Jerome oh sorry my headphones foreign they come here unless my internet’s breaking oh how you feeling uh not great not great okay bye by the way stream how many of

You out there are going to be able to make it if I live stream again tomorrow I do the same exact plan get some streaming in what do you guys think I think you should pull it there’s a lot of people are saying me a lot of people are going all right good

Good good all righty there we go outside I wonder if Willie was too much it’ll show up if we stream tomorrow like I said he’s been hit or miss dude he hasn’t been coming around as often I don’t like the noises of the witch drinking potions it sounds so weird

I know it just sounds very disturbing all right some people don’t run out of witches soon oh don’t forget to use slash fix on your sword Colin reminded me I almost forgot again I always almost forget did you almost break your sword again it’s possible surprise sweet like

Prisons when we can have like I’m breaking like 50 right I’m surprised we can’t get stuff like that over here like I’m breaking 50 upper swords or something I wish to all right thank you B Smith for the five dollars during Here’s my thought process I meant

What I’ve been so either what wait either one people stop bidding to raise the price or two someone outbids me to me it’s a win-win all right so that’s why you told people your then foreign huh I see I see what you’re up to I feel I feel it we appreciate you

Vernon’s one of my loyal eBay customers it’s funny I I see like the fans come through and it’s it’s cool it’s very cool that’s always fun reminder guys as well if you’re interested I did link a new card at the top of the live chat there that doesn’t

Have any bids on it and if anyone’s interested I’d appreciate it I just literally listed the thing until it gets at least one bit and then I just changed it out for one of the other ones that don’t have any bids to be fair there’s not many things on there

Hesui and overquill doesn’t the Via card doesn’t yeah well like action is like four so four or five cars I don’t have any spawners or skycoin generators oh I have plenty I have so many and I just have that is a good question I don’t think any of us have

We should set up an area I think next stream is what we should focus on doing set up another area for it I think right now though it’s time we’re gonna head over to the prisons server so guys if you want to join us we’re gonna

Hop on over to the prisons server over here if we get to 100 players online globally we’re at 88 if we’ve got to 100 we are going to go ahead and drop a crate off at spawn so please consider getting online and showing some love and support

Everyone to the server we love hanging out here and hanging out with you guys so thank you all right let’s see what my quests are today instead I have sell 485 000 blocks purchase two Advanced books kill a bunch of mobs I’m already killing mobs so I’ll keep these loaded for you then

All right I got like 500 here with me so if you would like to come kill some now is the time the mobs okay yeah there’s 600 pegs ready for you 600 pigs ready yeah I had them apparently loaded still from last episode or last room oh yeah apparently they just kept

Loaded since live stream well that’s it which is interesting that’s really helpful because getting 1 400 kills of them that they wasn’t alive yeah now they’re at a thousand there you go have fun all righty go Selena van said I started watching Jerome in elementary now I’m in the

First year of uni jeez wow it’s crazy I see comments like that I forget sometimes like oh yeah I’ve been doing this for 15 and a half years a long time that’s a long time Jake Whitsett I’m back after years thank you oh dude thank you for coming out

Thanks for watching after all those years appreciate you buddy that’s awesome Justin Allen said which buddy would most likely go to jail good question that’s a real good question I need to buy two Advanced books I think that’s a group discussion that we could have for like one of these streams

Skye takes a five dollar stream Jerry you want to feel old I started watching in third grade now in my third year of uni Brew wow making me feel old today what did I do to deserve this stud I mean I don’t know people have made you uh

Like very like very near death today as well considering the hot sauce that too dude that too links to the best videos are just definitely the old battle dumps dude on the pack Channel we’re thinking about doing another battle dome soon a little rematch okay open two mind crates fine easy

Surprise we haven’t done a battle yeah right we haven’t done one on the channel in a hot minute all right XP shop what’s the cheapest thing I can buy here I think is on breaking Crystal they’re five thousand each all right I think those are the cheapest

Though so that’s kind of okay per like your quest wait well does that count as breaking these blocks if I just throw uh yes because it doesn’t help no not gang Miner I have to actually break oh gang Miner no I thought you were talking about like your Merchant of blocks

Yeah gang binder is a rough same with lucky blocks I think I have a lucky blocks one for like oh it’s not that bad I’ve already found uh 37 out of my 55 lucky blocks and I’ve only mined like 15 000 blocks hmm okay I have Savory Atomic warts but I

Should probably refine these don’t you need savories though a lot of the time for quests so I’d say keep them yeah but I think there’s other cheaper ones oh is there Savory ones you can buy okay there we go so I think there’s like so stead like

For the Savory ones I think there’s um really bad what are they called there’s like some that are just like absolute garbage that like you don’t normally use like for your Savory Fizz whiz like I’d rather use those it just gives you rapid fire too which I don’t even know what

That does but they’re not nearly as good you know what I’m saying yeah that’s right so I’m just doing the questing let’s do that but when it comes to like actually getting the goods like stuff I’d probably just refine that that way I get like the max that’s oh my great sure

Happily open up one of those and give me one second Dan said Jerome is a secret Island you might want to see I don’t know if he has another prison server might have been the other side of the other one you’re not to worry about him here

Though we’re safe here we have 85 people on the server we need 15 more to get to 100 and then I’m dropping off the great head’s phone I I never thought I’d hear the words prison and safety set into the same sentence yeah right but you know it’s fine

Alrighty keep on trucking through this stuff foreign probably be very disappointed uh but 23. fine dude I just play a bunch like not even dirt streaming you know yeah I just gotten super unlucky with having to have a lot of the quests for refineries so I’m like waiting a lot of the time

Laughs do you think you’ll pass a Prestige 100 this season oh most certainly I don’t know about today just because right now I’m so hung up on this gang Miner quest for I’m It’s 121 000 blocks but there’s no real work around with it right it’s

Not like I can throw bombs and I can do whatever so it’s yeah yeah and uh stead by the way uh Colin wanted to say you can upgrade your Refinery I already knew that but if you didn’t know that you can upgrade your Refinery and

Make it go faster or have more things in queue so mine I could have a bunch of things in queue okay at the same time see I think that’s what I’m I think I upgraded it the wrong way that yeah mine I can I do a bunch at once so

That way I don’t have that I don’t ever get stuck on those quests you know what about 150 which was your goal at the beginning ah that it’s I’m not saying it’s not a goal anymore it’s still a goal you know that’s about all I gotta say

About that it’s gonna be tough not impossible but tough I will try I will try now that I can guarantee I’m at forty six thousand at 121 000 so I’m making progress on it better keep getting here guys 87 players we’re only 13 away Eric Larson threatened he said stop

Banning willier I’ll make it so dude I don’t know what you’re talking about Willie Bean Band Whatever are you talking yeah will you Willy’s just not been here yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about dude I can’t believe they think working red Willy we want him here as much as you

Guys do yeah we’ve been missing if you see Willie let him know we’ve been we’ve been asking for him yeah mine I only had seven of the salmon candies so I decided I wanted to refine them and make them better I only had seven left

I don’t know if that was the right call or not but I was like ah like I’d rather just get the most bang for my buck considering how good they are check though maybe I have some of my PV or something no I don’t I was gonna say I probably

Would have used it no oh what are these I do have some of my PV huh well that’s very nice it’s quite the nice find there I had a bunch of them in my PV actually oh look at that that’s that’s nice Instead This is speeding things up tremendously yeah yeah

You know what else is speeding things up the candy trick that yeah told me about yesterday or the day before Ah that’s mine it’s trick ah yes thank you very well needed all right there we go and that is a quest down items on that

So you might be able to hit it tonight yeah dude depending on how bad these next few quests are let’s see Farm 99 crops easy two pieces of savory candy all right um the Savory Fizz whiz sure I can get that in a second okay so far

So far so good might have said it’s not his trick most veteran players know about it oh so we’re just basic Stead I mean to be fair how how often do we actually get to play compared to some of these other people I mean I play enough that I

Should know better but yeah you should I’ve noticed you’ve like kind of skipped out on your your cheating attacks cheating tactics say I mean I I saw it with the Vic the other day you you didn’t vote to sell the keys I know and now I’m regretting it too I

Should have yes you should have done that dude I think you guys started uh making it up and start doing it more so now all right Spend 4 900 easy and then servant collect dude these quests are so easy the ones that I have here this the servants help out so much too the cash collection or like the big collection that you need to do instead bottom on my last quest of prestige

I mean how long are you left is in the season you might be able to get 50. it’s a minute I think there’s at least a month or so more like it’s it’s going it should be a while so then you probably could get 150 200 yeah

I think it’s pot 200 maybe not 150 I’m gonna say yeah well I mean if you get like quests lineups like this this is he yeah right you know you might be able to get it I love those instances where the mine uh freaks out because there’s like an issue

With loading chunks and I just see you play like around in the middle of the Mind Over the point and I’m like this is very comedical Colin said he believes there’s still nine weeks left if there’s nine weeks left then yeah where you should be able to hit like

All right there we go I am freezing through this mine now good Leah what about yourself Eric guess what hot sauce bro I’m number five now we already went through the whole thing once today and now we’re on number five but we have 14 more players to go to be

At 100 and then we’re dropping a key off at spawn if we do um but yeah remember guys if you want to support the channel in an awesome freeway you could do so by supporting a response or playing on the server flat under Barilla does support the channel directly so thank you

I’m telling us if I redeem my mouse nope no I have not I feel like that might actually help you if you do though I know but I just keep getting told what to do by the chat and it’s starting to get like impossible to actually play the game and focus on it

So I’m just ignoring everyone’s like do this do this do this and I’m like all right you know I’m done like I’m not sure like I’m trying to enjoy myself here and I just keep getting told what to do and I’m like I’m not enjoying it now uh use

19 mind bombs like that’s easy foreign I don’t know she might be down there you see her down there yeah I think I think that’s her blowing up the mines here are you surprised though no not really that was Prestige 100. I don’t know if this is prestige 100 like I don’t know

If it means like I need to beat this to be Prestige 100 or if I am Prestige one I think if it says it on the side of your screen I think it means your prestige safe measure I’m gonna try and get through this might have said GG on

Procedural hard if he considers a Prestige 100 then we’re counting it let’s go oh there we go tomato clownfish I feel like that’s not a real type of fish let’s see oh so the actual thing oh my gosh foreign I feel like most of the fish that are in

There are like a hundred percent uh there was one of those literally called fishy so okay besides that besides that there was one little just called fishy like okay you win oh yeah but like if they have an actual I feel it eat two pieces of tasty candy okay dude

I am crushing it out here now got the enchanted mine request again for 123 000 blocks the good news is though I did find some of those Salmons the batteries is I need to eat go ahead no I don’t actually I just realized because I can just go

Slash spawn go back and forth do a little trick here ah it’s not working right now it might have a delay between the servers because you know as much 50 seconds in one server 50 seconds of another server but it flopped back quick before that 50 seconds of other circles

Dude the salmon makes it so easy to get your Enchanted mine request done I don’t know if this would count but try your plot server I don’t know if plots are I think that’s a whole nother I feel like mine would have told me if that one worked

I mean I’m assuming it would but I could be wrong because that’s a lot of plots to keep on like one or two servers I feel like yeah that’s fair so you could try to see oh plots are the same as spawn apparent Leah uh Leah wants to know said if you

Got the dog because you were saying you needed that yeah I got the dog food nice nice ran out before uh uh work I just got peanuts dog food on auto ship from Chewie see I would love that but they don’t offer this oh they don’t offer all the shipping there

Well no they don’t offer us food oh thanks yeah swishing it you know it’s kind of pain so I mean I just run down like 10 minutes down the road which is nice it’s better than what it was the 30 minute before Colin said I see that blue he uses only

Colors that dogs can see yeah I heard about that probably like a month ago and I was like oh that’s really cute it’s Peanut’s favorite show so it’s actually a dog show not a kid’s show yeah it literally uses colors that dogs can see so that you can put like I

Put it on the peanut yeah loves it I might have to try that for my dog gy cartoon Dakota said and I give you another 20 bill with your drop key at spot oh you gave me 90 bill that’s for that camera I have 101 bill

I’m sorry I’m only doing the dropkeep we get to 100 players online instead yeah I have one more quest to go let’s see what it is mine wow 2 400 physical blocks that’s fine that’s 1700 right and then that’s not that bad I’m telling Prestige 100 then dude

Jeez yeah I’m tearing through him today that’s really good for you oh there we go 2475 in like two seconds and another Prestige down nice [Applause] all right Prestige top Sky fire dragon has 241 where am I on here wow you got me off I am

Let’s see there we go I’m number 68. that’s pretty good yeah that’s not bad at all 68 that’s not bad in the slightest reminder guys as well if you’re interested uh at the top of the live chat there I do have a link to my eBay there that’s a

Card right there it’s an awesome car that I really like uh that no one’s really taking a look at yet I’m kind of surprised by so if you’re interested go check it out dude I have a quest the only 6 500 damage to the boss oh you

You’re Gonna Want to re-roll that dude that’s insane like why would I not re-roll that foreign that’s what I say my re-roll specifically for I don’t re-roll until I get those there’s a fall one Garrett wants to know our favorite class my favorite class at school was always history I loved history

Was fun I don’t know just does the DodgeBall you did Jim cone I’m gonna say Jim doesn’t count because that would be obviously everyone’s favorite yeah okay I should say everyone’s actually there are definitely people who don’t like you I love Jim no gym I don’t know chemistry was kind of cool

Was all right by having things like kind of explode in front of you in like controlled areas I did honors Kim though so it was like very you know it was just very serious yeah you just probably didn’t do like the fun stuff you did the extra work everything

Along with like mathematical equations hmm playset what number hot sauce we’re on we already went through every single one and the next one is five believe it or not so we went all the way around again oh see what quest we have stuff to mind those scrap seven books now that’s

Something I can do um lots of e-tokens all right let’s see Slash quests oh my God Blade with 75 dollars dream dip said round two that’s hot sauce number five dude that is habanero pepper habanero powder and ghost pepper and ghost pepper powder blade you’re nuts

Like why are you doing this to me try to have a nice relaxing evening after this you know just trying to have a nice time after this bruh number five they’re a little bit extra for you blade there you go just for blade you know I feel like this is paid for yesterday

That’s what I do yesterday oh the giant Minecart oh my god dude that was so funny the two you said could you maybe spend my weekend fix yourself dude but that was hilarious and you know it also that’s very hot oh yeah that burned the back of my throat a little bit there

It makes sense so that’s hot so I went right around the whole shoe of it already so I’ve already done that once whoa I don’t know how your insides aren’t like just unhappy you know they’re not just completely yeah I don’t know how you’re just sitting there still I I would

Definitely yeah I’m not sure either I’m not sure either Leah said does Peter have a favorite Bluey character I don’t know if he has a favorite he has a least favorite though hey it’s Jack Jack’s a punk whenever Jack comes on screen he starts barking up a storm hates Jack wants

Nothing to do with Jack so you can tell when Jack’s on yeah oh yeah here embark you know what you can get him you could get him uh Build A Bear stuff in an animal of one I think oh right now my quest is to kill 5 000 mobs Let me see I don’t think multiple three it’s not the best oh really not the worst blade said did you know the reason dogs love watching Bluey switches because they actually yeah dude uh we were talking about that earlier actually a fan brought that fact up I had heard

About it like a month ago maybe for the first time it’s pretty cool though oh my 2500 Piggies down these poor pigs you got those can’t be that bad Lane said watch out blade turbo might send you the editors around yeah blade I have that power you know

All right let’s see oh it’s always five times one is the captcha literally always yeah I know I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose and I think there’s an upgraded slash P shot that gives a multi-kill like effect I have multiple three on the sword already though multi multi-kill

But I said Jerome forgets he’s not actually lost around here I am it’s true that’s why we keep distracting him by blowing up the servers it works not running it does work so steadin in the old malver I’ve still yet to get anything very rare

I don’t know if you still have it I’m wondering if it’s like something you need to like unlock later on or something I mean maybe not no they wouldn’t say no there’s no way yeah they would say something for sure I bet you you know how you told me

The bug I think it has to do with that I think you might have I think it could be oh because I’m with you I’ve been like looking nothing there’s like there’s no way like I’ve gotten multiple like very rare things from the fishing in this game yeah like there’s no way

That it’s this bad that they changed like their rates that I’m about to get through the 5 000 mobs and nice you have just 30 more dunzo all right let’s see if the ore chunk is respawnable probably not oh it did actually look at that there it is all right everyone I think

This might be the perfect place to call things quits for the day but we had a super fun live stream and I hope you guys did as well remember to hop on our sponsor server everyone and just because we’re not live anymore it doesn’t mean I’m not gonna still be on

I’ll still be on a server playing around for a little bit here tonight so if you guys want to stay on hang out with me you could do so top of the sponsor server apart from that I’ll see you all tomorrow for some more live streaming goodbye my friends and thanks for

Joining us

This video, titled ‘Making THE MOST OP Pokemon Team in Minecraft Pixelmon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-09-09 22:53:52. It has garnered 15108 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:17 or 10997 seconds.

Today we are Making THE MOST OP Pokemon Team in Minecraft Pixelmon Server IP: Bedrock: (Port 19132) Discord: Sponsored by UnderBlock

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    Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘egg’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-07-24 19:45:03. It has garnered 452 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. keywords: Minecraft beginner tips, Building a Minecraft house, Redstone tutorials, How to find diamonds in Minecraft, Minecraft survival guide, Best Minecraft mods, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft PvP tips, Minecraft adventure maps, Minecraft server setup, Minecraft command blocks, Minecraft farming techniques, Minecraft mining strategies, Minecraft enchanting guide, Minecraft potion brewing, Minecraft update news, Minecraft combat tips, Minecraft texture packs, Minecraft world tour, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft redstone contraptions, Minecraft mob… Read More

  • Ravaz’s Epic Minecraft Livestream Adventure

    Ravaz's Epic Minecraft Livestream AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft stream(Livin and Minecartin)’, was uploaded by Ravaz on 2024-07-31 15:39:12. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:01 or 6961 seconds. Come and hang out as we play through more of the Minecraft server === Hosted by Ravaz with Guiests auJs “The Open Discord” ==== Socials: ==== #minecraft #mining #1.21 #gamenight Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MineLogic on 2024-04-19 13:00:49. It has garnered 6243 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraft

    Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is the fastest way to find diamonds? Pt.1 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mad Tui on 2024-05-09 17:00:38. It has garnered 3782 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. What is the fastest way to find diamonds in minecraft? Well look no further this #shorts series is going to look at 9 different diamond gathering methods. From mining, to redstone contraptions! All with the quest to find the most OP method to get a world record number of diamonds! See the FULL video here where I get… Read More

  • I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!

    I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became Unbeatable in Minecraft Lifeboat Survival Mode sm16 with this Enchanted Sword ⚔️ || Part- 1’, was uploaded by kibo Playz on 2024-03-12 10:28:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HLO Everyone !! WELCOME TO ANOTHER MINECRAFT RELATED VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL.. ☺️ Today I will gonaa … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 💖 Manic Links 💖 #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL TWITCH CHANNEL Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

JeromeASF – Making THE MOST OP Pokemon Team in Minecraft Pixelmon