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Oh buddy what’s going on everyone to roam here along with Alex Tootsie and Steve and welcome to monsters industries 2.0 everybody coming at you for some epic epic fun times today we are going to be having a blessed and Alex do you want to tell me why we’re having a blast

I totally just made it look at a spot yeah there actually really was no right answer I just really want to see how you’d respond but sorry Ben’s not here and I usually just dish off the explanations to Ben yeah well I was I was kind of expecting you to toss it off

To Ben but then I forgot that he wasn’t here I know I know isn’t it great okay it is a 2.0 if you haven’t seen the last and believe two or three of these that we’ve done it’s basically an updated version of monsters industries that is a

Ton of fun but now for the very brief and poor overview of the game that I give every single time ago to play monsters industries because honestly it’s one of those games you have to see to really understand and experience but here we go my best explanation ever that

I can give pretty much there are pressure plates on each side of the map there are two teams of two your jobs step on this pressure place to get paper from there you use the paper to buy workers who will naturally get paper for you you can use the paper to buy armor

And weapons or you can use the paper as well to buy monsters and things like that now the monsters you spawned on the other teams side and when you kill them with those monsters you get 100 stock so there’s basically two currencies you got paper which buy stuff and stock which is

Your overall amount which is needed to win the game at 1000 stock you automatically win you can also spend the stock on special power-ups as well if you think that’ll help you along the way so for instance you could turn off the other teams lights you can delete their

Inventory using stock things like that so pretty much the goal of the game is kill your opponents enough times that you get a thousand stock and win and there’s also another small aspect of it we usually don’t resort to this but you technically can for an extraordinary

Amount of paper buy stock but it’s very very costly so most of the time you just do it by getting kills and that’s more or less it like I said there’s so many mechanics to it’s impossible to explain but it’s best I got typing GG that was like pretty good I

Think I think I did a good job by the way make some you guys gonna join the creeper Corp well that’s right right yep come on Alex because they stole our favorite ones all right I now work for creeper Corp I’m ready yay okay let’s start game Oh start came

There it is I like reading the signs I’m like which one starts the game which one starts the game all right let’s do this it’s wear it if it’s all right so see we’re not gonna hop down best of luck do it alright perfect Alex I’m going to

Take from these ones right over here and let’s go ahead and let’s go for the Eco Stratton upgrade our papers to two times the rate do it alright perfect so we’re going in and thank you stream we have over 2500 people watching in the first two minutes of the stream

That’s incredible welcome to those people hope you’re having a fantastic day and it is Thursday Friday’s coming up and it’s the weekend the best part of the week really I mean let’s be really that’s I don’t know you guys I love the weekends unless you have to go reverse

Schedule maybe you would like I never liked something yeah I I can’t really think of too many people who have that reverse scheduling yeah well technically actually we do work earlier on the weekends which it’s not a big deal but it also means we don’t get to sleep in

So funny enough everybody like we technically work less hours in the weekends but funny enough we actually wake up earlier so we don’t get to sleep in so we actually sleep in on weekdays and wake up early on weekends but other than that we work longer on weekdays and less than weekends

It’s strange anyway I get the two stacks of paper yes in the chest we do that just because also it gives us a chance to do stuff at night if you want to go have dinner with the the office crew or something yeah no that’s true that’s

True it gives us time to do all that stuff and we also do it as well because we like to accommodate your guys’s schedule because we know in the weekends you guys want to do stuff at night and you don’t want to you know whatever whatever so we kind of get up there

Early so we can make you guys the content that you love to watch and see early on in the day so we do it mostly for you guys and thank you for the $10.00 stream tip from get those diamonds and he said be my dad please

And are you going to play risk soon yeah I believe we probably will be playing risk soon we haven’t played in a long enough time that I think to do you won’t kill me if I ask to play it yeah the guys get mad at me when I make them play

Risk sometimes okay yeah then actually I just checked I’ve been upgraded the map or had it update and didn’t tell us because you we need 384 paper to get level 3 a paper I will for snacks in the chest oh geez okay yeah that works how weird is that

Though that it upgrade without anyone knowing that’s crazy and putting alright that’s fully upgraded Alex so let’s go oh do we just do it at the same time as them yeah Ronna the same pace nice all right well let’s get ready to buy some workers coming at you there are a hundred each

And we get up to tier two so we need 1000 total paper stream if we want to be able to get all of workers yeah alright there we go I got a second one for us alright II think it’s surprising though normally we don’t all do the same

Strategy at once like normally one team goes econ the other starts throwing nasties Adam strange that they’re also not doing or they’re not doing like the the nasties that are also doing this one the eco strap well it looks like they’re gonna go for less of an eco strap than

We are because they’re getting bones to file all we’re getting work I think we just heavy focus this to the bitter end I think that’s the move yeah okay we’ve got five workers okay that’s 100 and thank you for the $15 donation from Jordan Chisholm and and hey I actually

Do I was about to say I do remember you cuz I saw your profile picture I remember that you are Air Force friend that that came out to support us but Thank You Jordan for the $15 stream tip and he said Jerome its airman chasm with the USAF United States Air Force from

The other broadcast I’m looking for a spotter team cover my boredom while stuck in the barracks I love you bro oh well thank you so much man and honestly it’s funny you mention it I’m not gonna do much detail but we have been looking for something with my second channel almost

Like a group of people I would like to like join me for things like that so we don’t know what we’re doing with that like if we wanna do like I don’t know applications or something or like that try out sounds like a weird word for it

I don’t know you get the point though we are looking though maybe to get some more people on board that can help out with like my second channel stuff cuz most of my guys now at the dude said nice posture are busy working on our main channels like like alex has got his

Own channels and stuff and so does 2d and Ben and so I don’t know we’ll see alright room I’m gonna up create are there bones bones okay cool cool I’m gonna get some stay out there starting to spawn in I have a ton of resources though so I’m gonna retreat buy armor

And just crush these things alright stand out I’m gonna die from there come in here oh jeez they are coming at me okay stay alive Alex yeah I mean try not to do that whole dying thing it’s bad yeah yeah yeah I’m trying but oh my gosh

Level 3 Skeletron I’m almost dead even with the armor I have I am dead wah-wah-wah-wah Wow yeah they’re pretty good too low through Skelly’s I’m surprised they could afford that right off the bat I really am yeah and let’s see man that is rough okay you gonna killing each other so that’s

Good oh my gosh just read the level three skellies every guy’s about to say they don’t miss and then he finally missed one oh geez all right I’ve got like no elf left come on okay okay like the Sun or ridiculously strong yeah I’ve almost got yes

Okay killed that guy hey Thank You Man Pro Falcons he was the highest donator of the other stream and he was doing $20 said hi I’m here again well nice to see you again friend now have you been in the last it’s been like two hours how you been buddy

Okay so Alex what do we want to attack I think we do bones and doove indicators on them alright let’s do it okay I’m working on getting armor right now since I didn’t have much okay nice nice yeah I need boots still but other than that I’m doing good and bone Wow

Bone even the bone one the first one was like 192 I think I think they’ve upgraded how much everything costs wouldn’t Ben do this I think I was about to ask why didn’t Ben tell us but let her realize because he’s done sure him you have no idea how many times Ben will

Like he’s the kind of guy that he’ll set like something up and know about a change that was made to the map or know about like a secret kind of thing and then he just won’t tell anybody like for any of you people out there that are older like myself or something I’m

Having that ultimate 23 like really not that old but uh but I play like during the Halo 3 days who would always have that friend who would make a map in Halo 3 and hide all the secret weapons in one corner of it and not tell you hey well

Go to his new map I made and then he would just go and like you just be playing with like a little pistols and stuff and even run out there were like like Rocka capture and sniper gravity hammer and you like how well guys you know

Apparently there’s a bow now we can buy a bow really they added that in yeah when did this update happened I sleep activity Wayne wait once a five-level for boned it jump bones my little for and that’s saying bones to level five oh yes police

Yeah if all we need 320 paper okay hold on I almost have enough is it glitched what I have recess 24 how much do you need I hear I should have enough for hi-fi sex alright won’t put them in what it I guess it’s just like a super

Upgraded that’s so wait wait from 2 to 4 though we are right about that right it can go to level 6 wait go check how much bones do you get from collecting oh yeah before we waste their money on this let’s just make sure we actually do get five at a time

Oh my gosh it actually does Alex no way maybe that’s how they got alright I mean this is unnecessary though dude this is gonna be crazy for our army this makes it so much easier to get bones and everything I mean to be honest with you

Alice I don’t even it could get seven or now nah six to the max I was about to say yeah Ben doesn’t like to tell us stuff apparently that’s oh my god how many how many bones yeah oh geez lots of indicators they just got there slowly

For now I have full almost four stacks ah sounds gonna say if it can upgrade again just don’t like cuz I’m gonna start click the bones faster than will collect the paper needed from and at that point is pointless I’m going yeah I’m gonna save you bud

All right I’m just gonna shield up I’m shielding get your level three vindicate is out of here all right we need I think we need to enchant our armor and our swords as well all right oh yeah I agree what okay they’re getting some good hits in yeah I’m gonna start throwing curve

Balls their way oh my gosh that is a lot of paper we had a lot a lot of paper in there yeah all right oh no I’m gonna get mobs level – he’s so rough right we have mobs level three buddy all right nice and thank you

Again – MedPro Falcons for the tenth oh my gosh they took them all that’s all the goons a my armor as well can you get the when you get a chance to get the bones from that Chester make sure nothing kills me while I do I’m not the

Bones of paper sorry no way how did I die I just died okay we’ve got four nearly 4 stacks of the paper all right so okay yeah I’m sure sonically I’ll do some indicators because they’re gonna keep killing you jeez this is obnoxious yeah they just

Turned off oh well I have nothing now thankfully the indicators can’t swim through the water but this is absurd check ah dang we had a chance with we had a chance with the whoever with those Vindicator x’ but now we don’t have those I don’t know what to say now you

Don’t have armor either we got to prioritize that yeah we got a pyro is getting our armor back I’d say so yeah I’m working on it now that’s rough yeah let me get another sword heat up here in the sword now try just getting on wire normally you think

It’s up to you the unbreakable I think it might be necessary just cuz a sheer number of mobs have been thrown at us yeah that’s fair it is cool they have the whatever it’s called now the the bows I do like that yeah that’s pretty nice yeah unfortunately I think we’re like

I’m sort of the point of no return because since we’re behind they’re just gonna keep getting ahead no unless we pull off the curveball if we work super quick so click the paper up as quick as you can Alex I’m gonna go as four stacks of bones for Vindicator x’ and we just

Got to go I think we just gotta drive alright well thank you once again for the $10 dream tip from MedPro Falcons appreciate you bud Oh Thank You wolf plays 1 2 3 for the $10 stream tip thank you everybody for being awesome how all was everyone’s day

Been so far everybody hope you guys have been having a fantastic time come on all right collecting the bones keep collecting the bones I’ll keep getting that paper all right I’ve got his four stacks so we’re good all right pretty that’s pretty fast so that’s good okay

Now we go and hope for the best yep I will keep on collecting paper this goes we’ll need it do you need anything for your armor at the moment yeah I have like nothing I have a chest plate maybe I think I don’t know level-3 Vindicator czar a costly

Business yeah they definitely didn’t need more paper I can do some no no no paper I’m all good on it sites the bones that shocked me it’s 20 bones per I class summer I remember they’re like 15 I guess they must have nerfed um as I’m

Saying yeah I guess they just update it I’m surprised Ben didn’t say anything about all these upgrades yeah all right I have 12 level 3 Vindicator x’ so this might be enough for like some kind of a quick little onslaught on them yeah that could help out might throw them all face

A little bit and I should be able to buy up all my armor again I just don’t really have a shield I can afford though to be fair I’ve got I’ve been collecting paper we’re gonna have enough yeah I have enough money for I should have enough money for everything

Nevermind I stand corrected boots check and then I’m gonna buy a sharpness sword what’s this one do did you spread the love they just destroyed our Vindicator x’ oh did you send them through whoa dude you can now buy bones and and you can buy any of those things for five

Paper what it’s right next to the the room that has the enchantment books no way if you have some too much paper you can just buy stuff yeah that’s like yeah pretty much actually like that’s crazy crazy that is very crazy I like this all right well I guess do

You want to get on that bow and grind again and I’ll actually I’ll use some I’ll get paper and then maybe use some of the paper to buy stuff yeah I’m down with that so you get the paper I’ll collect more bones and we’ll do the same thing again

We’ll do like yeah four stacks Ozzy it’s not even that taxing you get like six stacks of this bait bones just cuz I get six at a time No right I’m gonna get some enchantments quick sweeping edge get some sharpness then protection three it’s not they can’t they don’t have enough money to

Steal our stuff so if you use a stack of paper you get 12 buttons so it’s really not worth it but a stack of it no no it’s not worth it at all unless you’re like the only legacy being worth it to see the extraordinary amount of paper

And let’s say that you’re like oh I forgot to get one extra bone for this like two round yeah Alex yeah what’s he about to do I don’t know that’s a ton of skellies I think he just did all level one like skellies all right retreat to the mob room Alex and I

Got something special I’ve gotten six stacks of bones and a ton of paper why do you say oh my god how much is ridiculous I think you spawned over like a hundred are you serious no sirree geez I told you guys I can’t whenever I say are you serious

Siri opens up but when I say it and try and get her attention while working are you serious I didn’t what dude this is like literate this happens on a near-daily running through it happened it happened again today how many days in a row is it

Correct me if I’m wrong this has been an ongoing thing where I say are you serious and oh my gosh Siri she did it I finally got her to do it intentionally well if there goes all my hard work and effort okay cereal I finally got to do it

Intentionally that’s what I said Siri your your gem your gem of the Apple Nation and by that I mean what mmm yeah well I’m gonna clear out these skellies all right on the east of look and I’m gonna go spawn in an extraordinary amount of indicators on them oh I got it

I’m just gonna run past ignore these Skelly’s even if it kills me okay here we go I got a minute don’t miss oh my god alright come on Retreat retreat retreat house I wonder wait wait why don’t we test out the bow and arrows from the spawn rooms I would

Love to I don’t know how good they would be I have no idea either but something to think about yeah a lot of there’s a 65 paper thing game win if you buy this you win but it doesn’t do anything does it no it has to

Do something an asset is no no you can’t you can’t buy it it’s $6 paper it’s not 64 one it says oh I get it yes you need a glich staff hah that’s easy just aspect those fun he’ll get a glitch attack so I’m very sad that herb indicators did not vindicate anything

Yeah I cleared all this kill oh never mind hey how do I look wow you look like a great pin cushion there bud thanks thanks dad well if there’s something else you want to collect oust we have a lot of paper now coming in hot so yeah by chance there’s something you

Want let’s go for it um you know good good a good question let me get take a look I’m gonna look at the mobs look at us our selection see what we can choose from we have the finest selection of mobs Otis I want to get a husk let’s get

Some pus I’m gonna upgrade our cult yeah okay nice nice cuz I don’t know what they do and I want to try them out okay here we go unless we have like a million billion paper so well thank you Tara England she said I love his channel it’s

Great thank you so much for being awesome and yeah we love to uh to make you guys happy and we hope you enjoy all the stuff that we put out there so thank you so was it spam click the letter ha I don’t know if can you I

Oh my gosh I think he’s right I think you might be able you don’t have to individually click it each time now well yeah well we tried Vinick is what we want to do this time we could get like a bunch of level 3 Skelly’s everyone’s asking for cookie we’ll get cookie next

Round I love that everybody yeah next right oh you have alls of paper oh yes NORs let me know if you don’t need it good honest are collectings I have so many bones it’s been there well yeah I put a little bit more paper in there yeah oh you like papers

Superfast oh geez Oh surprise Vindicator attack there we go got him Wow the Vindicator still got to him I thought those were all cleared to be honest oh nice all right we’re going inside there we go someone said we should get thieves before we get all the Vindicator what do

You think Alex Eve’s oh man that’s expensive biz but I’m down with it do you wanna do it we could probably get all our things back we’ll run some we’re still taking care of some thing Decatur’s my only fear is that we’re gonna end up clearing the same guy’s

Inventory twice which happens a lot but I’m down to try it and then just we’ll try it twice or something sure all right whenever you’re ready Alex let me know I’m just buying level three of indicators oh that’s right they had sent in more and I’m just trying to deal with these

Days oh no no rush I still have gonna be a second alright I’m in it for the room now I don’t come out the right side because that’s where all the Vindicator sorry okay there is a problem at your home because my brightness is on all the way bright

And I can’t I literally can’t read okay okay higher seas I found it okay don’t called you just yet okay I have 21 of indicators I’m gonna make a mad dash plant these things and then run it okay so it’s just timing when to run

It alright and run it run it twice oh no way we got lucky and it cleared it both of theirs individually nice that’s ridiculous most of time it you don’t get that lucky they I got my stuff removed too once we clear out those guys from you hopefully

We’ll have enough paper as well from our workers that you can be pleased hey there we go nice well as we make our investment back and they died it’s long a night twice their games we made our investment back there we go alright now I’m gonna go and get myself some Lema again

Oh my gosh it got him again just the fact that they’re there pretty much is stuck they can’t get out now cuz can’t it’s camping their paper thing yeah is there they’re all camping their paper oh no it’s that’s unfortunate it’s camping right on top of their paper

Chests so they can’t get any money out that’s what we want that’s what we want to see now do you feel bad though stream that’s that’s a rough bargain I expected better from you yeah I’ll start calling you Ben Ben’s out of town I’m the newbie All right I’m just not gonna get enchantments at this point just because I keep losing it they’re definitely gonna call the thieves again if they live from this alright Ron I’m gonna start getting some cold probably nice we might actually end up winning it right here to be honest yeah well yeah there

We go GG yes that’s nasty that’s not even it’s not even fair it was my check don’t want us to do what like once you do that it’s literally over the Grizzly that’s game over house-front else oh you took too long I guess miss to you but oh oh you want me

To be on to you I’ll give you a to you seems like you’ve been so confused Stephen joined the purple team and 3v1 I mean oh I see I see how this is oh hey Stephen hey hey I’m you wanted Stephen you wanna battle Stephen poverty boobed poverty boobs probably probably

Probably booty so what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing Jerome ah the plan is I suppose we could keep the same teams or I could be with a 2d I don’t care either one I’m looking down and the chat says arc alright so I

Guess we’re doing arc monsters industries no yeah that’s round so Steve if you want to go to green yay cool let’s do it okay let’s go boy luck you’d get I need it allison is sitting on DM real quick so cool alright here we go let’s start yes I responded bed all

Right well we’re gonna go join the other check hard room was doing all right good alright room the first thing I want to do is I want to I want to vent my frustration on how poopy Ben is for not telling us yeah okay when did this all

Occur like all the changes like I would I was just sitting here right and I just look at and I just see they have bone generate a little foot I’m like what no he’s a board level it went from bone generate a little to and then it went

Bone generate level for me I said wait what and then we looked it was like looking five weight because your sinks yeah that’s crazy six six bones every thought with that’s in that’s insanity and and the the rate of paper as well no it’s not ready to papers max two three no no

I know but to get the level two one it’s no longer 128 I’m sorry it might still be 128 the level three it’s no it’s 256 and then 384 three that’s what it was that’s the difference 384 that’s I meant to say okay I just put a spooky scary

Skeleton down a level two skeleton let me know when you get enough paper to do a second stack I’m trying to take out this one skeleton come on also the biggest thing that you guys did which is I’m actually gonna die no really that what what the poop was the skeleton that

Could I mean he is full leather armor and apparently I couldn’t ever do what you beat him yeah did you how many times did you punch him glory twice just one – wow I’m actually very sad I just cherry picked it I’m so set drum I have to sighs here

Here take that I don’t think you would okay that’s great no paper then what was on also one thing that happened that is you guys never sent anything to us except for those of indicators right so we never had any chance to get leveled up or get protection on our armor like

No chance ever all right so we couldn’t get sharpness or protection on any of our gear we got destroyed especially since your stole over here cuz you guys nasty but we need now we need a total of six stacks okay or this be able to get

The next set of paper right if we can’t get that then and then we should go for I don’t even know what do you think’s the strategy here uh I think cookie everyone chad has been asked me to do cookie strapped even last round all right we’re doing it that I got three

Stacks for you and three six yep yep yep in the chest Wow even with the skeleton we’re still ahead of them I’m thinking the cookie strat – Dee let’s do it all right there we go so what do you need what do you need very cookie cookies spider eyes okay imagine if we

Upgrade that to six and then we start both double taking it Oh we’ll be set we’re gonna be able to get some I think we need to we need to get a care here’s pork chops fun Thank You cancer anytime anytime alrighty what we need to do okay there

We go perfect all right yeah well let’s definitely do the cookies gonna be awesome you know would be Jerome you know what we should do we should I don’t know if we can get the stock for it but we should launch a giant attack and

Right in the midst of all the chaos we spawn in the Evoque ER oh because there’s pretty weak though in the past no no nope I thought the thing is Jerome he’s weak because he takes time to charge up right oh is that why I don’t

Know I don’t know either but it seems like like he starts like charging up and by the time before he can get fully charged up you get you take him out but like he imagined in the myth of the chaos he just spawns and he starts just

Pummeling everything I mean I’m down at to check it out I just don’t know the man drew about it yeah I don’t know right I’m not sure all right let’s start upgrading our workers I’m about to upgrade one of them what does it cost to upgrade a hundred still it’s essentially

Like buying a sixth seventh eighth ninth and tenth worker okay yeah so just a hundred papers sheesh all right let’s go upgrade them wait have you oh this is the most is upgrading the workers is literally companies buying another worker so okay okay oh my gosh I just upgrade them three

Times and we’re done upgrading so there’s no more eco to be had to tea now we can fight our eyes spider eyes definitely spider eyes and if we can get the spider eyes that’ll be crazy good cookies like just just tons I’m talking like a massive attack here okay let’s

Keep standing up and so we have like eight stacks we’ll go over there with those upgrades spider eyes like all the way alrighty yep yep yep yep yep I have one two three four five six I have seven stacks but we need like like 15 stacks

If we really want this give me all the paper you have right now or just put it all in the chest okay let’s see how many times I can upgrade these oh my gosh you’re home all right this ought to be good what was it sure I’m just ready spider

Eyes right yeah for how much for five um 320 paper so I need three stacks of paper got it alrighty yep perfect alright I can get the next I can get the next cookie there’s a more level I’m guessing yep and that’s 384 which is I

Have four I need four stacks five three to five eighty five stacks well yeah but I already have three stacks on my person okay there we go so that’s one two three four five you stacks away but we’re good alrighty how much paper like what’s the exchange rate

For killing rabbits I don’t know because they changed that to I’m pretty sure protective indicators are completely different now as well are they okay what levels can you get the killer rabbits killer rabbits only level one no no no I mean like all monsters room 300 K I’m gonna start you

Start going on yeah you do that I’m gonna start working on paper and figuring out what exactly we need beauty yip-yip oh that’s the wrong one okay I I did the wrong one Jerome I accidentally got foul tactics oh that’s not the worst but well yeah when you mob

Selection three buddy all right yep yep yep I’m working on it how many spider eyes would you like just keep getting in but keep getting them I’m talking a massive massive attack here good I’ve got four stacks I’m gonna get like six stacks six sacks okay let

Me I’m running over to the mob selection level three and then I’ll tell you exactly what it’s so easy to get just keep getting them just keep getting them it’s it’s equal amount it’s 1515 per killer bunny 50 stacks of paper we have and that’s so many things of these don’t

Collect oh so far we have about four stacks okay I’m working on seven of these fill seven stacks yep I’m just done now seven snacks oh nice all righty you wanna all righty here wait put all your stuff in Jerome put out pull them all in okay can we both trade with this

Guy at the same time here usually you can’t show you the same guy at the same time if you okay I’ll go buy the rabbits you escaped working out spider eyes because we’re gonna need more more spider eyes you got it more cookies okay Moss cookie now those you got there

Watch that don’t know what that’s about lava keep calling rabbits cookie it’s cuz I have a pet rabbit at home and her name is cookie and she’s very cute cookie okay I like cookie there we go there we go Oh what did they just upgrade uh coal supply which is that

Wither yeah it is I have 29 cookies perfect yeah the weather’s gonna be a pain though all righty um how many more do you have how many more do you I have three more sacks all right hand them over should we just like Oh body this is this is almost like

Ah just ah this is gonna be so much fun there’s gonna be a good attack okay how many are we going in more total I don’t know I’m no I’m gonna launch them at now I’m gonna launch this out of now because you know they’re getting ready for

Attack and we’re not ready for that right so we need to strike before them or else we’re in big trouble all right fire away bud all right we should probably upgrade our coal as well to get withers I had 44 of these bad boys want me to launch them all in one

Spot or Jerome Jerome I think you should launch this attack bud okay okay okay thank you kind sir of course just for you bud okay there we go all there he’s panicking dude that is so many bunnies should we get cold for the wither now do

You is that what you think what do you is that is that the next move I think so I think so all right I’m doing it I’m sitting I’m going over to do it and then we should upgrade here I’m gonna get all right Cole’s level four I’m gonna get

Armor for the both of us alrighty captain okay I’m just sending something over in discord general alrighty captain okay let’s go with oh my gosh is it not in general oh it’s not something I guess I’m running into lag issues on discord and Oh Jordan Chisholm said my my last name is

Pronounced Chisholm well thank you for the donation pal and duly noted because I know you’ve been around for a while I’m sorry called your chasm I didn’t know is cheesin everyone’s your buddies oh and they’re yelling at us to get armor yeah I totally remember that

That’s kind of a thing that we need that’s what I just got us both armor oh it just came through – yeah from all your stuffs in the chest okay thanks but armor yeah whip on yes banana no no banana no bananas wait oh my gosh did we kill

Oh we killed Don DOE and Steven yeah we got a double kill with all the buddies let me know when you’re ready for the next shipment they still have more killer rabbits yeah let me know when you’re ready for the next fighter i shipment um how many do you have

Not too many like one or two stacks wise drum you have like 50 yeah I got eight stacks all right it’ll hand them over button already come on Keep launching the killer bodies of Awesomeness oh my god hey can we win with just bunnies I think that’s the plan here I think that’s the meta I mean it’s definitely a possibility but it’s not gonna be easy what if we cleared their inventories oh no we’ll save that for later

What clear the inventories that spotted a bunch of bunnies oh my gosh um you know how nasty that would be that would be so nasty very sad 2d yes Oh God Oh God it’s time what what just happened they spawn in a lot of husks what do us do

Oh they got swords and they’re angry I locked myself in the bedroom – that’s a lot of us okay I had to lock myself in the bedroom because I don’t have any armor since you oh you never picked up the armor I gave you nope I’m running to it

Now hello you didn’t you don’t buy the good stuff stroke I didn’t have enough paper okay why are they all what are they all trying to go after my dad is there like a villager through that wall or something there might be it’s her secret villager in that painting there’s

No there’s no way well that’s the wither painting isn’t it and did it the wither painting used to have the wither in it and like the old version of this map wait what if they brought back the wither and Ben never told us oh my gosh

2d husks are too big to fit through to block high doors oh my gosh this is this hilarious ooh look I got him that won’t hurt me oh my gosh that’s how is that a thing okay but sadly note your own you cannot try it it doesn’t work yeah I tried it

There’s nothing I don’t know that’s really weird all right it’s a second oh my gosh the rope look they’re stuck up against this painting as well maybe it’s against this painting it’s having a really good detection of villagers through the wall I don’t know well with that painting

Breaks but why doesn’t it break that’s really strange yeah why did that particular painting break I have no idea well I got a painting now okay oh my god you so going alright well how many when’s the next onslaught of bunnies ready I already sent two that on

During that whole husk rampage okay killed Steven should we yeah should we do this one has a clear inventory and spawning a bunch of killer bunnies what if we did this in the evoker ah that’s 300 though it’s so expensive do you want to try it just for the

Giggles I’m down you are sure we have so much paper I just realized here we’re both gonna just run in for this oh yeah dude this is the only one I think you could double up on oh my gosh I love it I know I love it too – tea

This is gonna be insane Jerome I don’t think you understand this is gonna be so insane oh this is gonna be this is gonna be madness Jerome this is gonna be such a big attack that they I don’t think they don’t understand what’s how they’re going for the

Gunpowder supply level 5 twice I have eleven stacks so just let me know when you’re good I mean should we try it Jerome should we go with or should we just keep going well huh do we even have that much paper yeah yeah we do we do we

Do we do now let’s just pull it alrighty let’s do it bud there you go I just put a bunch then back for you wait put them all in the chest wai-wai-wait or do you want to do you want to get the bunnies well I already

Got mine so I got my spider eyes papers you get yours and then but can we both trade no of course not so then why because logic sure Shiro it’s not my fault oh my fault oh don’t pay attention to D hmm when blazes aren’t that expensive what about Withers Oh weathers are

Pretty skilled expensive um let’s see one of the things wait Jerome yeah what’s up you can buy resources yeah ya mean Alex found that out last round how weird is that it’s very costly though still all right let me know when you’re ready and let’s do

This bud Jerome how many how many do you have 34 bunnies whatever with yours probably a full stack then then what are we doing – are we clearing their inventories or evoker it’s your call in the end what do you think I don’t know that’s the thing

I don’t know well I wanted to clue their inventories but you seem keen on the evoker I mean I I don’t know it just see the thing is playing their limit or ease is so lame okay we can clear one inventory and send one of ochre we could

Do that spawn at two T spawn it wait wait wait Oh spawn the invoker or spend the bunnies just follow the bunnies and I got the evoker all right I just put in the 919 killer rabbits go go go go go go all right I’m rushing back

Okay spawn all your bunnies now there we go clear clear I’m gonna clear one inventory now all right go big go big come on get Don oh please be Don though come on yeah I know all the bunnies are blocking their paper Oh exactly yes yeah

Oh my gosh let’s see if we clear again can you think we can get Stephon oh maybe maybe they’re gonna hurt us I don’t think so more killer bunnies more Oh any more paper oh my gosh these guys are getting mowed why paid off severely well oh my

Gosh they’re getting mowed down dude it is paying off big time drum drums drums Ramona goes I’m gonna go set the curfew maybe do you wanna should I yeah I think Stevens locked in now wait did he die they both just love it they both just

Died that’s game that Gigi wait I don’t think they can surrender what can they not wait what how do they keep dying is it locked in the room with them no wait no way the bunny got better she hilarious that is so funny the punji there’s a loading gate locked

In the room with you the wind I think cuz last round I think accidentally broke a window on our side tro-clon paper whatever near our spawn and then it didn’t fix it during this round so they just sort of got stuck in our room oh no that’s actually I’m gonna go get

My stream ready sugar bar Brad but no that was a lot of fun honestly what was your favorite like strategy that we did in all that Trudy I think the bouquet the most overpowered one is the inventory clear right the most that’s the most overpowered one

Easily by the way I just looked at where’s a thousand people watching but only 1300 likes guys come on show some love for Jerome what’s going on everybody what we always let’s get that up to 2,500 right now everybody if you had a fantastic time

And of course if you like the shirt that I’m wearing everybody go and check it out it’s at the top of the description it’s one of my custom new shirts that came out that you can literally customize not only the color of the shirt from white to gray you can also

Choose to be have a hoodie or you can even choose a different color design so right now I’m wearing the red and white one and for instance behind me I have a white and a green one which is pretty tight and then I also have my ends well it’s an inside-out because I

Was wearing it earlier but a gray one as well that is gray and blue so take a look at all the different designs they had there’s so many some your true bakka go check that out you get him signed or unsigned which is epic but either way

Everybody what I want you all to do is head on over to Alex’s channel as soon as you can he’s doing something epic he’s live-streaming virtual reality so he managed to set that up and down below in the description under his channel I believes can be on Alex’s right I hope

So I think so okay so he’s gonna be doing virtual reality live streaming you did it the other day and people absolutely loved it so if that interests you which it totally should I would go and check that out everybody go check out the virtual reality live shirts with Alex apart from

That I will see you all later tonight with some more arc live streaming it’s gotta be fun everybody so I hope to see you there take care friends

This video, titled ‘OP RAGE STRATEGY Minecraft MONSTERS INDUSTRIES 2.0 – EPIC SECRET UPDATED MAP | JeromeASF’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2017-04-28 01:23:44. It has garnered 530633 views and 9584 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:08 or 3308 seconds.

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    ULTIMATE WISHING WELL LOCATION IN ZOMBIE CRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE RIGHT WISHING WELL IN MINECRAFT ZOMBIE’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-03-20 13:00:39. It has garnered 2875 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:50 or 1670 seconds. THE RIGHT WISHING WELL IN MINECRAFT ZOMBIE Read More

  • Takomee – FIND THE END PORTAL NOW! (Minecraft)

    Takomee -  FIND THE END PORTAL NOW! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘PROCURANDO O PORTAL PARA O FIM!!! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Takomee on 2024-04-15 23:54:18. It has garnered 110 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:29 or 9329 seconds. Hey, good morning! I’m Tako, and I do lives lol 🦴 Message via pix on live 🦴 • ✨ Here is the link to my networks: ➜ Twitter: ➜ Discord: 🦴 RULES🦴 • Don’t be toxic! • No spam. (Not even with the Bot) • Don’t disclose ANYTHING in the chat without permission. • It is forbidden to tell gossip… Read More

  • Unleash Pixel Perfection in Crafting Adventures! #GameHiveHub

    Unleash Pixel Perfection in Crafting Adventures! #GameHiveHubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 12’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:09:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Rap Artist Drops Sick Villager Beat” #trap #creeper #music

    "Minecraft Rap Artist Drops Sick Villager Beat" #trap #creeper #musicVideo Information This video, titled ‘moye moye villager #music #rap #artist #lyrics #trap #song #minecraft #creeper #play’, was uploaded by Minecraft dude on 2023-12-29 17:15:04. It has garnered 5 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • PvP Network

    PvP NetworkPvP Network Factions, Events & more Discord: Store: Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide a true vanilla experience. With a dedicated community of players over the past 4 years, we welcome new members to join our friendly and welcoming community. Server last reset 2 months ago with no plans for another reset in the near future. Our priority is to maintain a stable environment for our players to work on their builds and projects without the fear of a reset looming over them. Explore More – 📜 Discord Invite – 📷 Instagram Account (Screenshot gallery)… Read More