JeromeASF – Testing The Most Downloaded VIRAL MODS In Minecraft

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If you come over to here take a look you could jump through and it’ll change your orientation to make you upright hi hi stan i’m going to jump through to your end well dancing a great day in the world of minecraft that’s cause we’ve had five viral minecraft mods that are taking

Over the community who decided to test them out and show you guys which are worth getting and which are worth getting it’s the same thing that i said twice which are worth getting happy always told me comedy comes in threes yeah yeah yeah that’s why i have three

Noses so click that like button or else adam’s gonna cover the whole screen and noses do it you have three seconds of us so coming in at number one we have the mc dungeons armor mod as well as the mc dungeons weapons mod now these are two

Separate mods technically i mean come on they’re basically the same exact what they do is they take popular weapons and armor from minecraft dungeons the game and throws them into minecraft which actually makes a lot of sense i don’t know why they wouldn’t have done something like this already but take a

Look at some of the cool types of armor like titan shroud the arm has been passed through the hands of evil for generations and take a look at how much armor it actually gets i mean honestly appearance wise this one’s my favorite but obviously that’s for you guys to

Decide which ones you like better look at that look at me oh bro look at you you’re so colorful look at you you’re so green yeah i’m wearing tights that on top of that take a look they have a couple of custom shields like the vanguard shield which by the way i don’t

Know why they don’t have more types of shields in minecraft already i mean why don’t they have like spike shields or even like what about another right one that whenever you hit someone there’s a 20 chain say light on fire or something and then on top of that too

Take a look at all the different crossbows like cap do you know what the lightning harp one adding electrical energy to this crossbow changes wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute yeah wait a second here there’s actually a lot of cool crossbows here we got to explore exploding crossbow

Make it happen well let’s see let’s see what happens let’s see what happens you ready hold on game mode s exploding crossbow i’m reloading it right now you know instead just for that oh you and your creative mode aren’t you yeah who is it in creative mode hit me hit me

Do me yes oh i didn’t blow up wow ow my tights don’t protect me you know what what oh god my tights why don’t we try something a little different then all right so cappy figured it out it only works on hostile mobs and not players which is annoying

In some ways but you know it’s not the end of the world and makes sense too i mean mc dungeons is literally about pve not pvp you know what i mean can i use the lightning bolt one now yeah yeah all right wait that didn’t do it maybe you need

More of them let’s try it did someone just combine all those in a what should happen absolutely stack i i don’t know what what it’s whatever i’m doing okay well stop stop doing th oh it did it actually hit the one behind it look at that yeah that’s really cool so actually

Lightning strikes between them all okay cool and let’s take a look at some of the mz dungeon weapons that they add in which apparently there’s a lot of what they have spears they can actually it does increase your attack reach bro oh that’s nice that is sick and then

Frost slayer as well let’s see what the freezing does it kills him in one hit oh i found my weapon you can do a wheeled as well oh cap i really thought you were gonna go for something else yeah do you know which one that is the infinity gauntlet the

Soulfest excuse me that’s not a thing in here there is the sulfus dude all right let me see real quick about frost it does freeze it doesn’t wait actually i think it did for a second it just it does yeah look at that so it freezes them to the ground for a

Little bit of time that’s really nice so pretty much as you can see there are so many different things to explore with this additional mod and honestly i can see us using this in an upcoming video just for the mini games that we play so really cool stuff now next on the list

Is a super popular mod from prior versions but the cool part about it is that they’ve recently added it in to be active in 16 5 which is obviously really important if you can’t tell already the mod we’re talking about it’s the iron jetpacks mod which has been around for a very long

Time it makes its way into seemingly every popular ftb modpack there is i mean try and play a version of sky factor that doesn’t have iron jet packs in it yet you won’t be able to find it so the way it works is simple you start

Off with a very very very basic jet pack like a wood jet pack and you build it up from there upgrading it over time until finally you get up to the nether right jet pack or if you want to go and create about a cheat you use a creative jet

Pack now the cool part about these jet packs is not only do they provide armor which is obviously super important but they also allow you to fly around the map uh using different forms of energy everyone know how to get that energy the answer to that question is yes the

Reason i say it like that is because there are other mods that you could download with it in order to acquire energy and with that it all depends on how you want to get it so there’s some mods out there that use nuclear fission there are some mods out there that are

As simple as you hook up a combustion engine which means you just burn wood and coal uh so the answer that question is literally up to you what mod you use with it but for now let’s toggle the engine on and take a look you can fly

Through the air and obviously the better the jet pack the faster you go and the more energy that it can store the cool part about it and my favorite part is that when you hit the ground really fast your ankles break really that’s your favorite part because

My favorite part is when you took off you killed a villager did i really yes do the trails actually burn the villagers that’s so sad that’s really sad are you sure positive all right let’s give it a try and oh how are you talking about see it didn’t

Hurt somebody must have like hit him or something i don’t know but one of them died when you took off i think steve wait wait did that i think i hit him that time that was happy with the face the first time my mace steak cap oh my goodness now the

Next mod is one that we absolutely love and have used countless times on this channel but not the 1165 version which is even better it’s the secret rooms mod or the secret blocks mod depending on what you want to call what this does is allow you to make all sorts of cool

Things like ghost blocks camo blocks and more now at the end of this i’m going to show you the staff of camo which is the update that you didn’t know you needed but you really wanted for the secret rooms mod now the cool part about this

Is it makes fake blocks so for instance let’s say i wanted to make myself a hidden place inside of a mountain well i could put down this right here and as far as anyone would know from this side of things it looks like just normal blocks for something to see here but in

Actuality the blocks don’t exist so the fun with this is you can hide not only your bases but you can make really funny things like fake parkour like for instance right over here you could have it look like oh okay you just need to parkour across the treacherous spider pit

And then control your friends why you do this i’m sorry steady oh did i say spider pitsted i what i meant to say the bones imagine dying the bones dead imagine no it’s not happening today hey jerome yeah knock knock who dare jwok dwaku Another cool feature as well is the one way glass which allows you to set up walls for instance just like this and i can see through this side but you can’t see through the other so you could be spying on someone from one side of there

And they have no idea like steve look over here like cap doesn’t realize but he looks so beautiful but just don’t tell him don’t really do yeah i sure hope no one’s watching me shower oh god that’s crazy okay wait wait cap first it’s like over here

Look we can look at these villagers shady dealings oh who told him who told him well that was amazed steak oh god no now the one thing that we absolutely love about this mod and the update that we were talking about needing for the longest time is the staff of camo which

Lets you actually change what the block is so if you keep misplacing it for instance get agitated you could change it up and you could change it up on one side compared to the other so for instance let’s say i had this dirt wall here right so from the outside i want it

To look like oh this is just a normal dirt wall nothing to see here right so then on the other side though i’m like i don’t want my walls to be made of dirt i’d rather my walls be made of yellow wool well i could go ahead and right

Click the yellow wool over there and have it be different on each side so this side we can be oh look it’s so beautiful and this side oh look it’s so dirty it’s so dirty and it works with any kind of block dude you just go over here collect these up

And see look get some wood going there so it has grass on one side yellow wall on the other dirt on the other one and wood on the other it’s a crazy one and the last edition of this mod is the staff of camo rotation which

If you don’t like the way that a block is oriented you can just right click it and change the rotation which honestly probably will come in handy for someone like cappy who loves building and probably gets frustrated sometimes whenever like you know you good cats all right so next up is a

Mod that kathy has a lot more experience with than myself however it’s called the immersive portals mod this is quite possibly the coolest mod i have ever seen in my life and i know that that’s saying a lot considering playing the game for like 12 plus years

But i mean it’s that’s a genuine endorsement i mean it’s so cool so the way it works is simple you just go ahead you make yourself the portal that you want so you make a cool little frame like so and then you go over to here and you get

It could be any size you want more or less uh and then you can go ahead and put down let’s put down another portal like right on the ground here so let’s clear out a good little area like so and there it is and now from here all you have to do is

Go ahead light me on fire there we go and boom we now have a portal to another where you scuffed it bro what happened Different aspect ratios oh they have to be the same all right so uh we kind of messed that up uh they’re supposed to be the same size now they are and uh boom there we go look it is grass okay so i don’t know why i decided

To face it upside down over here but if you come over to here take a look you can jump through and it’ll change your orientation and make you upright so you can make yourself some really cool portals and of course the best part about it is that you’re actually able to

See through i’m like i could see hey stead what’s up buddy hi hi stan i’m gonna jump through to your end so you set one up at your house one at your friend’s house or anything like that and you’ll still be connected even though you’ll be super far away and look you

Come through this side here and everything’s fine or if you jump through this side you get don’t don’t do that don’t don’t do what i just did don’t do that it’s a very tricky modpack so cap this is actually a mod that if you guys watch

My channel kathy used it before to set up his crazy puzzle maze maps because you can get real wild with this thing like for instance you can make a never-ending hallway which uh it’s actually a lot easier to do than you think the villager no we went to the tunnel well uh either

Way what cappy would oh he’s trapped forever well oh no he was nice enough to show us how to make a simple trap with this real quick dude i feel so bad for him he can’t he literally can’t get out no dude that’s so sad so the way it works is he

Deleted the portal on the outside so you walk in now that portal is gone and now you’re stuck here literally running in the same loop forever and ever and you could never get out look the same villagers walk right past i was like what is this guy doing and the best part

Is if you actually go to the outside of it real quick you can see for real it’s it’s that long it’s it’s not never-ending as you would think all right so last but not least we have the mo structures mod now if you’re wondering what the most structures mod

Does is it adds in all sorts of brand new things like for instance this villager market here with these areas they might have some hostile mobs friendly mobs really good loot might just be things that make the world look a little more beautiful either way there

Are tons and tons to explore which for instance one of my favorite is the pillager factory but let’s take a look at the villager market here see nothing too crazy on the outside some emeralds barrels fishing rods basically all things you’d expect to see at a villager market including wolf boots huh

Bark woof woof yeah dude there’s wolf boots how cool is that so we can climb up through all the different areas of it and on every floor you’ll find different things like for instance this villager who’s selling hay bales what’s on the roof do you guys think whoa lots of potatoes

That’s a cool market all right guys i think we scatter and find a new dungeon scanner guys look in the distance even there’s a hot air balloon it’s like there’s not much to explore it’s it’s literally just like a tiny little balloon but let’s see if there’s

Anything inside no it looks like it’s literally just meant to make the area look more beautiful unless there’s a chest hidden inside nah it’s literally empty i mean it’s still really cute though does having like that when you like look up in the air you know cap or you have did you Do this why steve spent all of his money on that well waste of money it’s really cool if you’re looking to check out some of these builds you can actually use the slash locate command to go ahead and find some of them so for instance let’s find ourselves one of the pillager

Factories no i know you found that but i found something cooler you did oh then let’s okay steve i’m down let’s do it buddy what do we look at that is cool it’s a sky castle yeah let’s break the front door dude this is familiar he has a throat of gold

What so cathy and i are very familiar with this one actually well this is your heart come back down here you skipped something you skipped the coolest part what did i skip what’s up go downstairs i did not even notice a downstair that guy does not look pl none of these

Guys look very pleasant steve yeah so diamonds light up the outside out here yeah you have this as a mob farm it’s a built-in oh really that’s actually really cool there’s a torch down here like over by the ladder and it works out oh yeah look at that what’s in the chest

Oh golden apples i love it all right i’m gonna go teleport to a pillager factory wait till you guys see this real quick it’s gonna be super cool oh man dude look at that oh my goodness this is really cool yeah right i wonder how how do you even think you get in

Oh i’ve got the answer to that one fam cap lighted it up buddy light it up i’ll see you but light it up buddy we’re breaking in dude look they’ve even got the ravager in here that’s hilarious oh my gosh this is really neat i’m not gonna lie i

Really like this yeah but apparently they’re like pretty broke they don’t really have anything worthwhile here are you kidding me there’s a lectern here do you understand what that means science smart that is true they have smert they too have smert steve so there it is everyone those are our top five viral

Mods that we want to take a look at this week if you guys enjoyed subscribe leave a like and we’ll see you next week

This video, titled ‘Testing The Most Downloaded VIRAL MODS In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2021-02-25 18:00:09. It has garnered 5606311 views and 12974 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds.

Today we are Testing The Top 5 VIRAL Mods In Minecraft Check out my server: (Version 1.16.5)

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    Insane Minecraft Manhunt FINALE with Admin Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Manhunt, But I Have Admin Powers FINALE’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-04-21 17:00:37. It has garnered 70456 views and 4347 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:05 or 1025 seconds. Download now 1v1.LOL on mobile for FREE! A fast-paced online multiplayer & battle royal game. Choose your champions and gear, and build your way to victory! Minecraft Manhunt, But I Have Admin Powers FINALE… In this video, @Baablu and @Fantst try to hunt me down before I speedrun Minecraft and beat the Ender Dragon, I can use admin powers like opening… Read More

  • ☢️🔫 Best Minecraft 1.8 Server Coming July! 🔫☢️

    ☢️🔫 Best Minecraft 1.8 Server Coming July! 🔫☢️Video Information This video, titled ‘☢️🔫Neste mês de julho você verá o melhor server do minecraft 1.8🔫☢️’, was uploaded by clearxnode on 2024-07-19 00:34:28. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:12 or 72 seconds. Opening date on the discord server!!! Discord: IP: Site: Nick: modesmashf777 Tags: #twinsmc #rustex #rastex #rustexremake #rastmi #rustme #rust #rast #rastexremake #raid #raid #raids #minecraft #minecraft #mine #survival #modless #rustminecraft #rustmeminecraft #rustmeguide #rustmefragmovie #rustmesandbox # rustmeip #rustexip #minecake #dayzgameplay #rustmesurvival #survival #rustmeminecraft #dayzpvp #minecraftdaisy Servidor Rankup 1.8, Servidor de skywars 1.8, Servidor com maquinas 1.8,… Read More

  • Orijo Gri – I Stole Their House! 😂

    Orijo Gri - I Stole Their House! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘I stole their house! 😂I stole their house! 😂’, was uploaded by orijo gri on 2024-05-29 14:15:51. It has garnered 484 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. @PigPong I stole their house! 😂I I got revenge for Minecraft Steve by stealing the bad guy’s house. There was a surprise twist at the end in which Herobrine saves me from a Minecraft Sugar Crash Meme. Watch until the end to see it yourself! #minecraft #shorts #tiktok #minecraft #shorts #tiktok minecraft revenge, minecraft herobrine, minecraft steve, minecraft house, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • Friendscraft SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+

    Welcome to Our Grief-Free Server! Are you 18+ and looking for a welcoming community to build medieval and classical structures with? Join our server where we take our time to enjoy the game. We have events and our server is up 24/7. Apply for our whitelist here! Read More

  • The villagers love it!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pen > Sword: A Minecraft Meme

    Well, I guess in the world of Minecraft, the pen must be a pretty powerful tool if it scored a 42! Maybe it’s enchanted with the ability to write really persuasive messages to mobs. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi, Hot Damn!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi, Hot Damn! Why did the Minecraft villager say “oi oi”? Because he was trying to get the attention of his fellow villagers, but they were too busy mining diamonds to listen! #minecraftproblems #villagerlife Read More

  • Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft!

    Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Creating the Most Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Looking to build the coziest townhouse shops in Minecraft? Join in on this creative Minecraft build where you will be guided step by step to create these cute townhouse shops. This video showcases a unique approach compared to the previous videos in the Cozy Mountain Resort series. Feel free to share your thoughts on which style you prefer! Building Process In this video, the focus is on constructing charming townhouse shops that add character to your Minecraft world. The step-by-step instructions make it easy for players to follow along and recreate… Read More

  • Minecraft Dungeons Fail

    Minecraft Dungeons Fail The Rise and Fall of Minecraft Dungeons Introduction Minecraft Dungeons, a spin-off of the wildly popular Minecraft game, took the gaming world by storm with its unique take on the dungeon-crawling genre. Players were drawn to its charming graphics, engaging gameplay, and cooperative multiplayer features. The Beginning The game’s release was met with excitement and anticipation, as players delved into the various levels, battling mobs, collecting loot, and exploring the vast world of Minecraft in a new light. The introduction of new weapons, armor, and artifacts added depth to the gameplay, keeping players hooked for hours on end. Part… Read More

  • “Insane YouTuber Hack: Sub Boost Potion” #clickbait

    "Insane YouTuber Hack: Sub Boost Potion" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘구독자 늘리는 포션#shorts’, was uploaded by 공갈 on 2024-05-31 09:00:17. It has garnered 116879 views and 5624 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #minecraft 🔔If you find me here, please click subscribe🔔 Mode information 📷Link to sign up for ‘Gonggalgal’ membership (Vlog) 👉 Various inquiries (we will respond as quickly as possible) 💚E-mail: [email protected] 💜Instagram: Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel Challenge

    Minecraft Survival: Long Tunnel ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-08-31 09:00:31. It has garnered 5346 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • 🔥EPIC DRAGON Encounter in Hardcore Minecraft #100days

    🔥EPIC DRAGON Encounter in Hardcore Minecraft #100daysVideo Information This video, titled ‘🐲 Mon Premier Dragon en #hardcore sur Minecraft ! #100days #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nebulus FatGame on 2024-07-24 15:00:14. It has garnered 1557 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 💪 My First Dragon in Hardcore on Minecraft! |🔷✅ GOAL ➡ 10,000 Subscribers!! 🔷| #minecraftshorts #minecrafthardcore #minecraftmemes #survivalminecraft #shorts #100dayschallenge Read More

  • Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream Home

    Insane Build! Watch me Create My Dream HomeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building My Starter House’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2024-04-20 13:00:11. It has garnered 10950 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:28 or 1468 seconds. Chilled Minecraft let’s play to relax/study to! Welcome to episode four where today we are starting construction on a starter home! World Seed: 17 🔵Twitter – 🟠Instagram – 🟡Discord – 🔴Second Channel – ⚫TikTok – 🟣Twitch – 🌟Shaders – 🎨Resource Pack – & My own custom pack (available to download for my YouTube members and Twitch subscribers) Mods… Read More

  • The Silence Minecraft Mod: Terrifying Gameplay with FlappyJacky

    The Silence Minecraft Mod: Terrifying Gameplay with FlappyJackyVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Played the SCARIEST Minecraft Mod | The Silence’, was uploaded by FlappyJacky on 2024-04-12 19:00:06. It has garnered 6332 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:49 or 409 seconds. Join the discord: This video, we played one of the scariest Minecraft mods called the Silence. If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe! some boring tags: —————————————– Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is… Read More

  • “SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱” #Minecraft

    "SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Age will attack your base?😵#minecraft #shorts #mrbeast’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-05-09 01:00:18. It has garnered 16400 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel 😚 X (Twitter) KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!

    Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Filling out the tip (of my tower) [VOD] Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Exinerate VODs on 2024-09-25 19:57:17. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:50 or 12410 seconds. Minecraft SMP stream from September 25th 2024 Follow me on Twitch! Subscribe to my main channel! @Exinerate_EZX Check out my Instagram! Join my community Discord! Check out my TikTok Read More