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An old abandoned temple or something like who when you go in through the tree like that’s flunking so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go spelunking throughout all sorts of random dungeons that are spawned in including lots and lots of these battle towers in order to

Get the best gear possible so it’s kind of like our normal lucky block money hunter or battle domes or things like that except to defied man except to defied so pretty much we have exactly on the clock just 40 minutes so 40 minutes only to collect all these different

Resources and then the battle begins we’re gonna take care the time on my hot tech cellular device it’s actually a cell phone but believe it or not cell phones nowadays can tell time as well it’s a crazy new development so that’s when did that come out I honestly don’t

Know but I also recently found out that my cell phone can do this thing called a txt message and it’s basically like like you write something to someone kind of like a letter but it’s not a letter and it goes there phone I don’t know it’s

Lockdown but it really is I think it is black magic honestly I don’t know what else what else it can do but this this cell phone is really scaring me somebody or something I don’t know I don’t know man but anyway we are ready

To go on this thing so I hope you’re all having a fantastic day because I know I am because you’re all here watching this epic livestream in fact there’s over 2,000 of you in the first minute alone that are here now on you all to know I

Greatly appreciate that I love each and every one of you so without further ado let’s get to it everybody we got no other resources to start with I’m just kidding not allowed to go mining either which is gonna be quite fun no mining you I didn’t even know that was a rule

All right well here we go three two one hold on stop watch and go got it on the phone all right we all right you’re allowed to grab is a word for obvious building but uh I guess they’re me and blade are we gonna split up or are we

Gonna stand the same over this team so we’re doing two V two oh yeah and we talked about this two V two I don’t pay attention to nothing okay so this is to me – Who am I then if you’re my drum from your with the master spelunker dude

Well that’s game over it’s literally gonna be fair now you have to be my spelunking yeah I already have full diamond armor wait really no I was just kidding Oh help me for a second how funny would that have been okay you can these things are really

Deadly though 2d by the way yes sort of like did the battle towers are a lot more difficult than your honor I am I know I know battle towers really well what this was in a feed the beast right yeah yeah he’s yep yep yep I remember going through these whatever whenever I

Do feed the beast runs why in the world what I’m inside of an Ice Mountain and there’s like torches that lead to a doorway and now there’s like a bunch of I’m scared I’m getting out of here any news oh that was so many i youtuber

Month that we had to remove drone oh okay yeah there’s a bunch of their dungeons already spawned in but unfortunately it was crashing the server well i’m items left in them yeah i don’t like you will be so bright I mean I don’t I can’t talk strategies with you try the cheese plate

Okay you know I mean we can just split up calls right now when we’re doing our two feet Uzis okay there we go cuz I got some ideas of what we can do as well ah dang I rated one of these things in all I was a stone accident

That’s not four bowls some string and coal who needed that out ruff-ruff okay hmm is project in this modpack been nope oh this is not gonna be easy at all cuz we can’t mind so the first loot you get for armor has to be probably after you die a billion

And a half times oh yeah the only blocks you’re allowed to mine are ones to say dungeons yeah you need to get rid of like spotters yeah yeah okay but now I’m excited this is another new I came in on one of our many games Oh good oh that’s huge

Sir if you’re gonna go into a dungeon make sure you spawn porn before going in – I’m just gonna laid out there the battle towers have the best loot at the very top the problem is I’ve yet to even make it past floor two when I try and run in there

No it’s rough it’s rough you got it you got I mean you gotta know what you’re doing dude have you been able to do it of course I have three diamonds all right and a goal six iron oh man it’s so hard to get up there so what are the

Rules about arms like enemy mobs and competition and stuff what are you what do you mean there I mean what that means it’s a pretty simple question then I literally don’t understand your question what do we do with like enemy like mobs or like or coding okay and as well as

The competition you can’t kill us oh you mean us not to the battle phase you sure about that yep are there any things in here no that’s fine there’s nothing covert Oh anyway well that are better like armored weapon like customized or no just so I know all

Right there might be in some dungeons but they’re gonna be the difficult ones well what do you mean by that been there I mean Jerome I mean well I mean I just want to know cuz I built a diamond sword I just want to make sure I wasn’t like

Making it a waste because if it’s something I can use for the rest of game or is this something like no no it’s gonna it’s gonna be something you’re probably used for the rest of the game I doubt that we’ll see though who knows okay ah blade what it whatever what towers

Are you working on um I’m in a sandstone at the moment I was a bad that was a bad battle tower this is not looking good for us at all Jerome well I mean we’re not gonna get full diamond armor that’s what it used that’s what you

Think then what a point is like it’s gonna be difficult this is one of my more difficult challenges we’ve done that’s what Ben thinks let me know if you find any apples to t collect any apples you can get her oh I literally skipped over some apples how

Many like three but it was a while it was a while ago okay for now on let’s get all the apples okay well I got some gold blade so I can make use a sword nice I got I got seven diamonds and ten obsidian now Jerome we can go to the

Nether if we need to i-i’ve out eleven obsidian as well some good wood there okay yep sounds good oh wait apples I found apples drum how many three two okay and what’s the status on notch apples goodness still then I mean I’d say the day we decide when we get to the end

Dude okay because we don’t know if we had I’m so keen on mode yeah then I’d say no but if we only have you know gold and stuff yeah I mean honestly to drop the Trump thing is yeah you have these three apples I mean it’s just you have

Just barely enough gold but we’ll just have to see you right bud yeah – d – keep it up keep it up sorry my evil left oh do you know diamond sword to you yet oh you got some diamonds yeah I have diamonds I’m okay thanks though I’ve got to serve food and

Stuff cuz guys remember you’re gonna need food as well I have plenty of food I ran into car Alice’s house and I have tons of Corrales is fried chicken Oh a blade TP to me I found a proper proper dungeon okay drum so we need

Probably as many apples as we can get I tell you you’re allowed night fishing by the way guys alright I got two more apples for him perfect – tea okay – tea just perfect yep I mean boy we’ll only be able to get a couple of golden apples I’m gonna set my spawn

Point all winner winner chicken dinner Tootie what uh if you want a teepee to me I just found the ultimate cheat area in the game is it worth me tp’ing to do it like one Hondo be worth UTV alright I’m about to get to the end of this dungeon

So just give me a second man yeah I’m trying to okay yep TP two room whoops there we go I think that ela guy out hey bud just some instant wind dungeons as far as the eye can see wait these things yeah those they’re all I don’t wanna say it cuz then they’re

Gonna catch on the idea but if you notice they’re all well know that see the thing is drum like I I don’t know because the fact that they are this way I don’t think they provide as much loot oh I’m pretty sure that’s how it works oh you guys aren’t about the battle

Powers that are like how sticking out of the water no yeah you have to go down to the bottom of them oh really wait wait whoa what’s wrong yeah did you find something blade whereabouts are you I’m right back where we started I’m gonna go sword okay I haven’t

Managed to find anything Luke weighs in here yet but uh I was really hoping the system oh okay come on I just want to get some irons are you full and armor just for now why did you find it diamonds in the chest oh okay come on Alright let’s see is this where where is it I could have sworn I saw it somewhere what are you what what come I hit each people bedroom if I find what I think this is I think this is gonna work out really well oh okay I can’t wait to see it there it

Is there it is Wow these water ones go really far in the ground oh my god I made it to the oh I made to the bottom drill man drum drum teepee me hey bro a drum okay don’t say anything but look there what is that no there look where I’m punching okay

Like okay okay right I’m heading up late I found a couple things but it’s a bit we need a couple more you know yeah items to be able to take this place so I’m bat around the sorry the clap yeah that’s your blade I didn’t know is

There could you know see me mining can applause we need a brownie this might be a serum we’ll see right let’s head out here we stick together Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam thank you for over six thousand viewers everybody welcome friends welcome thank you for joining us okay this way is it

Is it here drum is it is this how this works I don’t know is it why she said well unless you somewhere oh it is your own okay open it gotta open it I know I know I’m working on a term it’s not easy getting over here

Right here we go I had to build too much room okay I’m getting marry me I was like Fran well okay taking a look at the timer by the way everybody we just passed 11 minutes in so we have 29 minutes left are we gonna stage room

Scene as we don’t have a setup phase but did not make sense to increase the time sure what do want to do uh 4050 I was gonna say 50 kids about it’s not gonna take its longer than five minutes okay 50 Lee’s didn’t have much fun Jerome I

Need more blocks can you TP to me bud yeah but I don’t have many I don’t need many hmm oh god I’ll just hit the water and then TP back let’s try have you got a pickaxe too late do you have any diamonds left

One will this do no I won’t do this yeah that’ll be fine that’ll be perfect okay my urn I have some goat I’ll try we’ll see how we’ll see how that goes Rin we need for if drum week if we get lucky I know it’ll be it’ll be game over

It’s so risky though I know I know but hey let me look let me look in your luck did you better pick our okay already bought point Oh gorgeous brought up got the spawner why is there blaze up here well that’s fun at those things alright this truck from time to time do

You go first that’s fine that’s fine okay I have an idea we’re good I’m going to hop down so we get to Jerome Jerome okay yeah yeah inventory pets why are we not getting inventory pets we can we can but we also need to make sure we get all

Of our armor first too but the thing is yeah yeah I understand that but inventory pets if we find a pac-man pet a slime pet it is thing if we get a slime pet think about you do we have the golden apples I mean I’m down I’m down with it

I feel like we need some kind of thing to help us fly though is there anything we can use to do that oh I don’t know wife told me right it’s so much easier to find them when you fly above it yeah I know I know I know 100% I checked

There’s no belt of flight there’s no angel ring um let me think there’s no angel ring then there’s no um the cloud puts the only thing that comes to mind jerem oh that’s gonna be so hard though I know that’ll be impossible um let me think I’m trying to think we

Don’t need it I just you know definitely just helps with the no I understand pit I understand a hundred percent um all right you do that let me let me think what is button man oh man if we find the right cloud pit it’s game over okay there’s another chicken thing I

Might go Samantha’s chicken I I’m gonna swim yeah I got a swim past this ocean because I feel like all of this has pretty much been looted by this point right oh I found one of your favorite Towers dungeon thingies that that usually has like it has is that chocolate craft the one

What do you mean chocolate quest or something yeah yeah well there’s one of those towers over here which usually have like some really good loot number okay okay I might be hit over there in a second I’m trying to get through here right now forget all the chickens yes

Two more diamonds and six more iron if you find the chicken the chicken on top of the funny enough the chicken on top of the bucket of chicken that thing is you know you should have two diamonds in it and some golden iron yeah the chicken thing is normally really good oh wait

Why is our glowstone underground underwater I mean what is this I don’t know head over to it head over to oh dude that’s the secret base this is the thing about spelunking germ it’s all about like what spelunking it’s all about exploration taking advantage of your own fate Jerome

Okay well let’s see what in the world where I’m I just dug right into some weird are you a man or a horse both okay come on if I can get okay bad bad bad bad bad okay a lot of beard that’s this beard okay oh wow this dungeon goes deep I don’t

Know these style of dungeons though have anything worthwhile sure you know this style of dungeon underground I can’t remember if they actually have anything like good in them I don’t really think so but as I say that I get a strength to potion oh my gosh Jerome remember just just pop notch

Apples to go through these things you can’t die yeah but then we don’t get to have the notch I mean but the thing is I’m getting so many apples running through here right are you really I’m getting a good amount just check all the small areas all the small poopy chests

Okay and then come on yes no if if I get the very top we get something pretty good I bet Rick that just died just bamboozled those zombies oh yes there we go hey I got an iron sword sharp there’s one on it so it’s technically better no what’s wrong

Oh no the Battle of the eye okay I’m gonna put yeah I’m okay I’m okay okay well this sword is technically better than my diamond one okay people are saying they’re good slash effect 16 okay everyone’s telling me that they’re worthwhile to be down here so what what

Do you mean what’s worthwhile these dungeons cuz I asked them if if it was worth it like cuz I didn’t know if these things actually would give me many diamonds and stuff but they’re okay they’re not too shabby a drum well nothing like about I haven’t had anything like

Seriously good yet so I found like the iron sword sharpness one so technically he’s better than diamond but if we can chant it a diamond sword at all and everything better so right yeah yeah and then I got the strength to potion which is I guess good but I’d be much happier

If I just had a what’s it called yeah hundred percent probably diamond I just want that full diamond armor pretty much if we I mean how many diamonds are you looking at I’m only looking at 13 right now it’s really only 13 killing me I’ve

Got four left to die no there’s no slash back right no there’s not sadly all right true my I’m playing the system I got to the top of one of the battle towers and now I’m just gonna build from top to top okay nice is that how you’re getting all your diamonds

Mmm-hmm I’m shouldn’t do that time to what about the golem though I’m gonna do the same thing quick 2d okay I’m just gonna collect all this would get like three or four stacks of logs and then I’m just gonna start climbing to the tops like you to D and just do the same

Thing and it should be fine right I mean it should work and thank you stream for the over 7800 people who are here right now thank you so much you guys are awesome okay oh I didn’t work what no no I mean it worked it’s just I died

I have 15 diamonds now though I found a place where I might be able to pick up a lot of diamonds nice another battle tower thingy yeah not necessarily its Thrones okay we’re doing the best I’m so confused I was doing the battle towers but I’m not anymore okay

You’re too good for the battle towers no the the battle towers are too good for me well cave spiders stop trying to climb just block them off there we go okay make him away up to the top okay oh dang I died oh I’m temped I probably

Should make some diamond armor with what I have just so I don’t die constantly all right ah 2d so I went to open the chest on the top floor of this thing and the Golem is very mad at me yeah he’s very very mad but I won’t let me open

The chat oh he blew it up he blew up his chest so that’s the key you just got to break the chest working him to blow it up okay all right I got a chest plate in lames I’m probably gonna die and it’s totally worth it because he just gave me how

Many diamonds five diamonds from that just are three wait no healing aim of three still though that’s pretty funny stream that strategy actually does work I mean worse it works right mm-hmm that is the truth of it Build up let me try another one no way we’re on where was that that really bugged me what what is it I think his spider just punched me through a wall what because there was no spider up there I was scaling the side of one of

These buildings then he’s got hit I I call shenanigans I do too really poopy shenanigans alrighty what what what kind of time do we have left her room uh too much we’ve got about 30 minutes it’s plenty of time we’ll manage we just gotta get us got to step up our

Game that’s what we got to do oh we will oh we will trust me we will all right let’s okay let’s do this I mean it’s a time now it’s just I’ve been seing this guy to destroy his own chest okay now let’s run in here we go or are you just

Braking with a hatchet apparently that works too does he does he get mad yeah he gets very angry he is very salty and I made it out nice unfortunately you had nothing in it okay these houses dang the YouTuber house is off to have nothing in them yeah normally they’re not that good

Must be the ad pocalypse where is wow this is a really bad dungeon okay I know where we go all right just keep just keep running just keep running just keep running running running I mean maybe eyes are best ah but I really think inventory pets might be the way to go

Yeah at this rate I kind of agree I mean that’s really wanted to get full diamond I mean we might be able to write because inventory pets still give you diamonds I think got the back bad pet no you didn’t that’s an instant ko I just got the

Pac-man pet dude we just are gonna instant ko that we need cookies we need cookies I keep my eye out for him either that or we can get cocoa beans sugar and wheat so we have like one use with that right no well want one use unless we get yeah

Exactly how are we gonna do the live system on this by the way let me the live system with like is it just are we gonna spelunking then it just you and me versus been one life a bug no I think we should do at least five to ten no I mean

Whatever works but if we can get cookies then Jerome yeah I mean it’s oh I mean we could just mow through them literally just mow through them so keep your eye out for sugarcane wheat and cocoa beans I think cocoa beans are gonna be the hardest but oh I did the looting

Strategy and I got them I got all your diamonds missed the battle tower Gollum okay he’s mad all right let’s see what our loot was uh okay I’m at ten diamonds total now okay so the scales at the top and dice track works well ya know that

That’s been working out rather well for me oh we asked that a lot two diamonds behind for an enchantment table especially this is one 710 and don’t need lapis I mean that’s kind of like the green light to just you know yeah exactly wind no 100% hundred percent oh

I can just put everything in here that I don’t want there we go perfect alrighty then yeah you gotta be careful cause if you open yet if you open up the bottom on the guy gets mad and he’s like yeah sorry dude no beauties go up to the top

He just gets man in general exactly but I I should be able to see if I can I haven’t knocked back sword no I could just push him off okay that works that works indeed oh I got a brewing stand I’d be shocked of these things oh nice

Nice I be shocked of these things though didn’t have any what’s it called any cookies in them like that just seems like a funny random loot that some of these dungeons would would have no I yeah no I agree a hundred a set that just seems like a weird weird yeah right

Speaking of weird things I know I think I found it one of the most lucrative dungeons ever oh what’s that oh this might be the one nice I’m halfway up my diamonds goal are you really I owe you my 13 okay I guess I’m a little bit past that I’m gonna set my

Spawn point now okay there we go get out of here come on Oh No get out of here right into this castle yes same Odin I just dig into the weird I think it’s dug into like Oh dug into a stairwell oh so that’s what this is and

A door that leads to like hundred foot drop that it’s very sensible I will use my not Chapel to beat you okay where does this okay where is this weird staircase of doom go to but can you not find where the from obviously the you don’t know where the weird

Staircase of team goes dude come on I’m going down it’s not that hard oh it leads right into here oh then I’m back here at this place do this thing get good your own I don’t want to be here I don’t wanna be here I just did

Slash kill okay come on okay no all righty and I will be right back door on my chair okay nice okay I don’t want to drown all right stream so we need a strategy I can continue climbing to the top of these things I mean it’s legitimate strategy that has

Worked for us but I don’t know I don’t know she was a hard call either way though everybody thank you so much for the 8,000 people watching and a reminder if you’re enjoying smash that like button we’re only had 2000 likes everybody but we love your love and support especially

If you’re enjoying this and subscribe as well if you knew everybody it does go a very long way and and lets us know you guys love what we’re doing and I’d love to have you as part of the Baka slurping army friends so come join us when you

Come back and you found that you’ve drowned feels bad man oh okay how’s it into that 2d oh I can just build up here see the thing is I don’t want to build up because I want to find cookies or make cookies Oh sugar cane oh nice

Good find I need those for the cookies how’s it going on your front room uh no diamond since I’ve made it to 13 so okay yeah mmm people who are saying that there’s diamonds to mine you’re not allowed to mine the diamonds so this is the spelunking quest we establish that rule

At the very beginning you can’t mine the diamonds Gooch sorry guys okay that way it’s like truly a treasure hunting challenge I just got three emeralds I mean I’m apples three apples three apples oh this is working up so well all right wheat I got wheat um Oh Jerome

This is this is turning out to be so good the simplest things are turning out bud okay good well I’m glad duty there we go and the other thing you don’t need sugar oh it’s eggs oh I have two eggs so we don’t even need sugar to tea oh so we

Don’t need sugar we need eggs what’s even worse but yes okay so we need eggs wheat and what doesn’t put sugar and cookies yep that confirms it the spiders if you build up in the corner through the crease the spiders can actually just punch you through the wall oh my

Favorite how did this fantastic so just build along the side of it apparently not in the crease okay oh I didn’t mean to do that well I remember grab your shirts everything from nice posture clothing calm go and check it out everyone got some awesome battleblock shirts my

Personal one up there and I think you guys would really like that oh wow why is that because I just had I had a really silly fall what happens to the best of us duty okay what happens if I kill this guy um what I made to the top one of these

Towers and there’s no chest there’s no nothing Oh someone already hit this one up well that’s depressing okay no there’s no eggs it’s just wheat and cocoa now that’s true but this is one seven ten was it always just we cook it is just wheat in cocoa okay I mean

That’s good for us okay drom I killed him and he dropped eight diamonds no the battle tower Golan mm-hmm how’d you kill him a lot of punching is that easy Wow I thought it’d still be way too difficult to do I mean it’s not easy at

All right at my time in sorting I’ve just whacking on him but I had him locked in a corner with my notch Apple and I just kept there whacking on so it’ll fill the bar with some of those diamonds from you yep I mean I’m not in

A very good spot anyways right bud oh well what I saw I thought you had more dimes knighted I mean I almost that bold I’m an armor so I really can’t complain too much oh so you are in a good spot I mean is that really a good spot though yeah one

More you need cookies well yes cookies I want cookies if we get cookie strum you know how much of a GG that’s gonna be I know the problem is though is we just need to jungle for us cuz I have some bones for bone meal that we can use for wheat but

All I have I have weight I have for wheat then we just literally need cocoa beans we just need to find a jungle yeah if we gotta find the final oh this is so much easier said than done I know I I feel like I need to get set up on a

Great expedition to find cocoa beans that’s I think that’s what’s got to happen I gotta set out on grand expedition expedition that’s what’s gonna happen it’s what’s got to happen it’s what’s gotta happen to him without coca means I don’t think we can beat this okay no battle talk about oh come

On I made it all the way to the top then he killed me those things are so frustrating uh he pushed me off the edge so you want me to go looking for one if I go looking for I’m gonna go I’ll go looking for it to him I’m going on the

Expedition you just do you but I’m gonna go I’m gonna go on this and just do something crazy okay okay hmm should I just keep building up to the top and looting them that way I think that’s your best bet yes that’s the best bit I mean what else

Do what else can we do that’s the problem right I’m not sure there is anything mm-hmm my bags galore if only we had use eggs for cookies wait Jerome yeah are we allowed to go get cocoa beans cuz this yeah what because we’re spelunking we can’t get like that we

Can’t go mining well yeah we can’t mind but Ben said we’re a lot alike cut down trees and stuff oh yeah we’re gonna cut down a tree and if cocoa bean just happens to form that tree I mean well yeah I mean it sounds like it’s in the

Rules for me yep no all right fair okay just making sure that we weren’t cheating here that stream we’re not cheating oh my gosh a Tobuscus tower spawn on top of a battle tower I know I saw that was not hilarious it’s just a ginormous T in the sky Tobuscus a

Ginormous one like a big Tootsie Tootsie Tootsie please stop your biggest fan I gotta get my stuff in there gotta get myself night-vision hey yes I’ll cross the water most explicit or even eluded I’m pretty sure I got an anvil pet okay oh I’m lose looking trying to get some

See some pets also and pets are the I still I still stand by the fact that perhaps pets with the way to go my friend I just weren’t there easier to find in the trees I mean I’m just like jumping from tree to tree and I’m getting oh I found another one

A sheep pit it’s not where you can also craft some of them but we might not have the resources for what in tarnation is written by the way you should teleport to me I’ve been I’ve been traveling this whole time okay I think that’s a meteor

That we just landed in hi Judy hey Jerome okay oh here’s another here’s another pet nice um furnace pit hmm I got 12 diamonds okay good good good um can you make a crafting table or plop on down real fast yeah I can finish my set

And I can give you the rest of the diamonds there you go alrighty so I need there’s my boots and then there’s my hat and then all right Jerome so you can take that also do you have any care take those that that might be useful for you

For a little bit oh thank you yeah just check that armor see if any do you need food here here’s a here’s 32 fried chicken oh I got the fried chicken already thank you though okay awesome just making sure yeah okay I don’t need too many more diamonds then okay oh I

Found another a gas pet shoots fireballs okay that could become very useful for us how are you finding all these do you have fancy graphics on yeah and just look at the top just tell me that and everything and yanqing yeah and then if any of them look like slightly

Orange and then there’s a chest in them right mm-hmm okay maybe I just have a sharp eye for these kind of things but all of these towers have yet to be looted so you should probably get on that while I browse around Iommi to climb the top I mean whatever your

Whatever you feel comfortable doing whatever new thinks like the best idea I don’t know that is a new strategy stream I’m gonna build off to the side and set my spawn point right along the side of these things from now on so that I stop

Dying once they get up to the very tippy top I actually think that’s a brilliant idea Jerome yeah that way no matter what I get the loot I want know yeah exactly we gotta figure out how to take those guys out a little bit easier but I don’t

Know about I don’t know how though that’s the problem right it’s not gonna be easy that’s for sure that’s for darn sure slash spawn point no there’s not that’s okay oh you got mad at me but coping SMI spawn up there okay um Frances there you know oh my gosh come on

Okay stop stop just abusing where you’re standing buddy oh he jumped on after me he jumped on top of my new spawn point I am astounded at how absurd this game can be sometimes wait is there something that eats apples wait can I just break

This platform is on in this yeah what oh come on Kenny Paul to his death Jerome I don’t know I’m just trying to I’m gonna try and get away from laundry just do your best do you buddy just broke into his tower did have any salty about that one

Yep I just broken through the side and let’s see what the loot is on top I think you blew it all up ah just blew up all that TNT and it blew up all this loot what I want to but he would I blow it all up what a poopy

Person I have four I have four diamonds now from finding loot pets though really okay maybe I should do that too I mean it’s working out for me right is doing it’s working out and I mean if we find like a slime petrol that’s Gigi it’s game over or a

Cloud pet if we can get I mean we have to climb up to him that Oh generating structure to D no no it said that to me – I um hi Judi ITP – you spelunking time I found another chest there’s only ten minutes left so realistic I don’t know

If I’m gonna be able to do this ender chest pet interesting not useful but interesting on I just need cocoa beans and I just want chests for inventory pets okay cookies let’s all drum if we can get cookies we can win the game so easily

How absurd of a statement is that by the way what are you talking about you know oh I found another one I found a blaze pet oh but he wants another quartz Oh nasty nasty no they’re gonna look and see that achievement be like oh great

Yeah I found one Ben was slain by the Mon kidding if they found the monkey well that’s bad but I just found two diamonds the only promise I did I found a way to D I got a house pet which on the surface is like why is that

Important instant TP out of battle of things get in trouble oh my god you feeling mm-hmm-hmm so we could I could set a spawn point somewhere and then just if things get too heated instead of dying I guess retreat and then just pop it a Golden Apple call her dang my

Goodness drum you’re devious I love it it’s smartest very smart it works and I’m just glad that that pet gave me two diamonds it really is I think you’re right is the fast way to get diamonds yeah I don’t have to work um I’m lost I

Don’t know which way to go sadly yes hmm how many do you have diamonds I have seven diamonds on me okay I’ve got three sets ten I need nine for my stuff and then we just need is it’s two diamonds so we need one more dime I found another

I found I found him I found more diamonds perfect so we’re getting an enchanting table now two people ep2 me here take take the diamonds how’s the remind you okay let’s keep getting though in case our enchants or bad because it’s one seven ten so you don’t

Know what you’re gonna get until you get it yeah yeah exactly so you do that um make the enchantment table I’m just gonna keep running around trying to find I want the slime pitcher but if we find the slime pit it’s all over we if we

Find this line pet I’ll give you this one pet and the pac-man pet and then you can just go to town on them we’ll never lose no because golden apples are what he eats and we have gold for the apples mm-hmm we literally have unlimited golden apples basically as long as we

Have apples but we and we have notch apples everywhere there’s only a 1 in 64 chance of finding the slime pet in the tree I know it’s it’s like a one-in-a-million shot I mean oh it’s actually a one in a 64 but that’s besides the point it’s it’s not easy

Guys that’s what I’m trying to get at here no it’s not easy at all and if I find it I’m just gonna squeal you know how cool that would be if I found it okay oh I’d be super cool if I found the chest I found the chest

Dang up it’s lagging for me it’s frozen and vil pet nine I don’t want a name to put oh oh so op it no I don’t want you I got a may curse in no way is any resistance yeah but he uses lapis Nuggets so make sure you uses diamond

Nuggets Oh even worse okay no that’s no that’s good that’s good we have plenty of diamond nuggets oh my gosh the fact that we have resistance now okay resistance Marie are you so we basically get permanent resistance three now drum drum wait do you have anything you just

TP to mean for a little bit sure I’m just losing this thing right now okay oh that’s good news okay I got the iron golem pet which is like a temporary shield but you know whatever but I did get some diamond nuggets and stuff so there’s always that okay all right so

Drum yeah hit me with your diamonds or with whatever sword you have wail on me with it no zero zero damage or even half forward it was like every two or three hits to half a heart of damage geez yeah that’s an to D I just got something else

Too what else did you get Enderman pet so teleport away so just like the home pet so I got a silverfish pet really yeah doesn’t he do something really annoying Oh thorns right no you can teleport through walls with them and you’re immune to suffocation hmm I mean

It’s really cool the prawns I don’t know if that’s gonna help us in this battle but that is cool no y’all don’t think you understand how good that is well if the battles outdoors is not gonna help us though you don’t I don’t like it’s it’s different I mean

Yeah like its yeah like Trump like teleport to me yeah like you can just okay see like you can just like like see look okay yeah so that makes sense then I thought you like solid walls like no no it’s like a little miniature teleport

Thing all right how much time do we have left room what are we looking at remember we it’s how long did we extend it to you like 45 50 minutes I think 15 minutes Ben wanted I was a three and a half left drum Matt hunt for manhunt

Manhunt go go go go go house I’m doing it I’ve only found two pets though really you only found two pets yeah I’ve been on the trail I’ve been looking through the trees and everything guess she’s just gotten unlucky I’ve found so many okay hmm Wait did you dilute that I don’t know if somebody’s looted that yet I found one that’s already been looted outside that was probably me hmm squid pet water breathing okay I mean it’s not the worst thing we could have gotten okay I forgot we had that strength to potion as well

Oh my god this is gonna be brutal this is good I remember strip keep smash that like button if you guys are enjoying and subscribes well if you knew thank you for coming out everybody and thanks to all 8,000 of you for making this very special for us we’re closing in on the

PvP time so get ready okay let’s get out oh never mind Oh cow pet thank you to Koki hot takiyama again for the $50 donation he donated last night as well for like paying $150 or something like that and apparently he’s back again today so thank you friend thanks for being

Awesome Trump I got the spider pet to D it’s / what do we got time wither pet life steal 25% no what’s not what’s the time in what’s the time what’s the time time we still have like 1.5 min oh my gosh okay what is the what is the wither want

What is the wither need whether soul sand so if you have another thing you near you go inside so the floors are made of soul sand on another towers I see it it’s right there okay oh my gosh this is crazy oh my gosh this is insane Well I was just house cutting heads weird it’s spawn inside of a battle tower and by the way if you see any cows or pigs kill them cows if you see any cows kill the cows we need raw meat okay uh well late in the game for that but I

Will look out for cow any kind of roaming there specifically cows it’s right has to be raw meat well 25 seconds left I will keep my eyes peeled appreciate appreciate it okay only 20 but likes um alright I’m gonna need soul sand for it yeah I got soul sand nice and any thank

You Cokie for another $5 nation appreciate your pal oh my gosh I have the spider print I can just fly to I can just climb the walls oh if only we got that earlier in the game could have climbed up all the battle towers but

That’s time so let me type in chat time okay so now we just have to if you want to see PETA me now we could start assembling all of our stuff okay yep yep okay yo TPG what’s up okay how did you write how’d your spelunking go we need alright

Alright being played feel ripped off why do you feel staff because we spent five minutes killing a monkey not for it to drop its sword no yeah no is he’s always supposed to drop it I don’t know I mean apparently not because they didn’t yeah

Oh Tweety do you have the Obsidian no oh look we lost not just good it’s not that big a deal but then we can’t get the you know what oh yeah yeah well yeah I mean I think we’re fine with the other stuff yeah that’s fine okay true um okay let’s

Split these up fairly sure and I’m thinking hey can I take some of your ours please blade mm-hmm oh you sure 2d I’m sure it’s a lot of Pat oh it died as you see are you serious it just died I guess cuz I don’t know but it’s dead

You gotta be kidding me nope it literally died I actually am so sad right now do you have any coke oh hey Ben do you have any cocoa beans you want to trade nope I don’t dang well I guess it would have been a little bit unfair what did you find

I’m just you know just a pac-man pit well you actually found a a pac-man but yeah okay that’s all sin yeah yeah yeah that’s all I was able to mine as soon as you said time I have to stop mining mmm okay and what are we doing about notch

Apples Ben I mean if you’ve got not chapels you’re gonna want show us well you can’t they don’t give you strength yes they do no they don’t chaplains no resist it gives you regeneration this just gives you regeneration fire resistance and absorption I mean if you

Want to use them go for it alrighty but just know me and play it or not full diamond are we in an either/or a sadly a plea I mean – did you have any apples but yes deep well I know I mean I have I have the yellow apples wink wink

Oh you already have them yeah oh you didn’t bee self okay I have to of the the apples but I only have four yellow apples nice okay we good okay let’s do this yeah you guys ready to go yep it’s ready as I can be so I don’t

Know where you want to do this battle but I guess we can TP to you yeah okay yeah I mean if you guys want to TP to us there’s nothing we’ve no got a good area for battle so we’ve got like a very forested area but I can no can I know it

Calm looks like we’re dealing with the forest I got an idea you ready Oh Joe my happen oh I kind of forgot here’s the idea guys ready yeah right in here this is one team spawn plant I destroy the spawners and the other ones over here if you guys don’t

Mind help me clear out the the mobs there you go so this would be one team spawn point I’m gonna do slash gone wait actually ban you guys can’t take that one then you guys okay yeah teepees the one I’m at room I’m in this one yeah

And blade TP to Ben yeah I’m here can you get those spawners that are up top oh we can just block him block them off problem right yeah yeah just block off your stairwells guys so that you don’t yeah Oh drum I forgot I kind of forgot to mention something yeah what’s

Up I happened to pick that up on my travels oh my gosh do you want a back Hagel bud thanks dude that is too that’s something nah okay it’s just it’s just nothing one of the other things that I was you know some of the guys drop here and there you know

Yeah just from time to time it just you know one of those casual drops well stream we now have 9,000 people watching and only 2700 likes everybody can’t we please smash that like button to show your love and support everybody for what’s been going on showing up for the Baka come join us

Stream bills so thanks for being awesome alright you ready to battle guys yeah how many lives should be doing five you turn fight fill up uh yeah you go to give me a second I’m meeting to do the trees lit up what caused that do you

Have any oh my gosh drone there you go what nevermind sadly this guy doesn’t work because I don’t have any other ports what is blowing this tree up I have no idea but I can hear it I can say something’s attacking something there’s a giant fire box I think it’s

Coming from one of the other golems at the top of the tower oh you see from like a really far distance I’m so confused I think I think there’s one just sniping us from really far away all right you ready yeah let’s just go with it all

Right yep and three two one go which way are we going to him no this way this one right over here to D I how many lives you guys 107 oh wait let’s do seven our scoreboard strat no okay they did turn up okay sure take two seconds inside the scoreboard yeah

I can’t camp in all right I got the top command everybody good okay you got the top the bottom one already go to bottom all right all right and go find my food now there we go yep I’m good hey guys go hey alright everybody everybody oh okay haha

Sorry Sorry plane to D oh my god spawn point yes wrong let’s go all right they’re gonna head out of there in a second turn this is so nasty I know is this oh hey man I got the blade hey Ben there we go keep it up duty this is my favorite

Oh Jerome did you use that what I do you know I used everything duty goody be careful bud well I haven’t used a notch Apple yet I’m not even bother with the notch apples I feel too bad right now they can’t do damage to me because of the you know what Oh

They can’t do damage to me well they can do damage to me some of you guys come at me oh they literally just don’t do any damage sure margatroid wait drum did you use that did you use the that you know what uh so what your your pet oh they’re

Automatically activated your escape one oh the escape one yeah I setup the escape one for if I ever need it but I’m doing alright right now oh you’re not doing too fat at all Jerome well the thing is I’ll let you guys notice second once this game’s over I’ve been able to

Just survive wait no I know exactly what you’re doing oh my god Rome it works every time g-g-gee so the secret to it is I have a wither pet nasty nasty I got a wither pet with whitey filled 25% 25% lifesteal so every time you guys

Would come every time I killed with you guys I would just basically heal up to back to normal oh yeah I had a mickr s’en pet so I literally just couldn’t die I had resistance 300 literally I couldn’t die we had a pac-man pet and we

Would have just one shot all you guys but we caught psyches our secret strat wasn’t about the armor we went in for the inventory pets we thought that would be the best asset that we really we we struggled like whatever we did we struggled you know I think I think you

And Jerome should have a 1v1 for seven lives let’s see we better get drum I think you’re gonna lose but I think so too with your cuz I don’t think I’ll hurt you with your resistance three because I have my resistance plus I have my sharpness for diamond sword oh

There’s no way because I don’t think literally II I don’t think I can do damage period to you we’ll see you want to give it a go to find out yeah looking to give it a go alright no I’m gonna go stop my streams so have fun let’s do no knocks out this

Or do you want to do not chapels no no not chapels let’s just go straight up with our inventory pets and armor all right you ready dude yet let’s do it okay Oh have I done any damage to you uh yes you have really yeah you have so this is

Surprisingly shaping up to be a decent battle then yes actually doing do you solve your strength on no that’s long gone okay oh you still get that Oh where’d I go that wasn’t me that’s your home yes your pet I didn’t use my home pet that’s how you got my

Home is it doesn’t it doesn’t automatically oh no my Endermen pet does that oh okay well my Endermen pet just ran out of uses so that was my my – when I get to half health he just tepees me away half yeah that wither pets so good

It is really good I think you’re telling me what about your Mikkelsen pet it’s kept you alive yeah we both we both have crazy sustainability and fights but I think you’re about to get a lucky one moving through to me I don’t know I don’t know man

Yeah heart oh man that was close I had two and a half hours really yeah that was close so these Wow so our armor is fairly actually balanced then with the pets mm yeah it is that is that’s crazy all right one one bud all right well do

It we’ll do it to like I’ll do it to like three lives do three lies battle sounds good oh jeez I was not expecting that hey dawn oh man you do damage okay hopefully oh there we go I’ve been I was landing quite a few shots there in a

Rose and dirty combo yeah I was okay here we go here we go what are you looking at room fire five hearts I only have three man that lifesteal is crazy yeah that brought me back up to full health that life steals that’s not 25% life steal that’s not I don’t know I

Think what it is because I don’t know it because it’s probably not armour related right because you have a sharpness one sword right that’s eight that would be that’s like what 7.25 attacking so that would be a total of like let’s just say four hearts 25% so it you know

Just so I bases it all for the no armor damage that’s what I’m assuming like how much do you heal per hit one to two hearts a hit usually yeah so yeah that would that sounds about right right so is it the final life for each of us

But if that does sound right it makes sense I mean I mean I it’s over for me Wow oh you’re silverfish pet trying to save your life here huh buddy I can’t use them forever or actually you probably kind of you have enough what do you need it iron nuggets for that you

Need cobblestone oh my gosh oh you got wait oh oh I got me twice how did I kill you twice I don’t know but I don’t have a heart GG gee gee buddy that was a really good battle that was awesome man anyway everybody I think that is where we are

Going to call this one quits everybody this is a fun new battle and if you all enjoyed that I want to see more things like it smash that like button sure to subscribe as well but not only that everybody check the description of his Ben is live right now over in his

Channel Frizzle and pops so if you don’t with the live streaming fun to end it doesn’t have to right now go check out Ben tell him Jerome says hello and in fact I got good news too I’m gonna be joining him in just a couple of minutes here if you want at

The top of the description there’s my beam account I’d highly recommend you guys go follow me on there because I live stream on beam multiple times a day and you get notified straight to your phone or email if you follow me on there and I’m gonna be going live with Ben

Playing GTA over there and it’s gonna be a lot of fun so if you guys want to see that follow me on beam and in the meantime go follow beam by going over to his YouTube channel down below the description go say hello to him let him

Know that the Baca let’s give him a big old hug and apart from that see you guys in like two minutes with some awesome streams take care friends

This video, titled ‘THE MOST OVERPOWERED LOOT IN MINECRAFT – MINECRAFT TREASURE SPELUNKER MODDED CHALLENGE | JeromeASF’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2017-05-11 01:42:03. It has garnered 367350 views and 9262 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:22 or 3982 seconds.

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    Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed himVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kuromu gets Astel to strip, then beats him & force feeds him【VCR Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Pebo-kun TL ぺぼ on 2024-09-18 11:00:48. It has garnered 13348 views and 1081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. Yano Kuromu from Vspo! @YanoKuromu source: Sendo Yuuhi from Vspo! @SendoYuuhi Astel Leda from Holostars @AstelLeda Sakura Ritsuki from Nijisanji @SakuraRitsuki More streamer server clips Please let me know in the comments if there is a translation error. I’m still learning Japanese so it is greatly appreciated. If you’re feeling generous, you can… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

    Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky's Evil ChickenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Maizen Journey on 2024-09-19 13:00:56. It has garnered 1542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft JJ ❤️ Mikey 💚 Welcome to Maizen Journey channel. Many new awesome stories with JJ and Mikey like Maizen videos are waiting for you. We hope you enjoy our videos! Do not forget to like and subscribe!!! Have a great day ❤️💚 This channel is… Read More

  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: Wiki: Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – Join the Discord! [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 🟠Discord🟠 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – ➜ Map Trailer: ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – Join my discord server – Donate to my paypal – Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Trailer: MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More