JJ and Mikey Turn Into Vampires and Bite Villagers

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Mikey yeah check out this Village see that look over there there’s a massive building oh you’re right it’s huge what’s it for I want to figure that out should we go investigate let’s go wao this is big why don’t we take a look around inside open what the anybody

Home H there’s a skull on the desk it’s creepy in here there’s a painting on the wall but I don’t don’t see anything special yeah you’re right H hey what’s on the wall huh looks like a sword and bow this place is pretty nice I want to

Live here yeah it’s really elegant wow there’s a ladder over here is there treasure did you hear something weird must be the treasure H what’s wrong Mikey wait huh what’s that I don’t know huh what wolf really H I’m not sure wao it attacked me for real huh it says

I’ve been infected with like anthropy what does that even mean what no way what was that I’m getting out of here no that hurts it attacked me again it’s too dangerous to stick around here I think I got infected with something I have a bad feeling about this Mikey let’s go where

I think that thing’s a werewolf so it’s half human half wolf yeah that’s basically what a werewolf is B you that’s right it said I was infected with lycanthropy it must be a joke though cuz I feel fine maybe I’ll change when Night Comes under a full moon in a clear sky

Hey Mikey let’s wait for nighttime the moon’s starting to rise soon but I feel fine so far huh oh well JJ huh huh what no you’re a wild is that me I must be dreaming I guess that means I’m actually a werewolf now no way you

Need help we have to kill you JJ but how I can’t believe I’m a werewolf you’re right we need to find a cure for this absolutely we can fix this what’s that H what there’s something over here for real yeah I think it is wait I have a feeling we’re supposed

To go to these coordinates oh yeah 12,000 by 9,000 there must be something hidden there let’s go I just realized now that I’m a werewolf I think I’ll be able to use my werewolf Powers huh one special thing about werewolves is their speed check it Out ni awesome oh yeah I can paralyze whoever I tackle really yeah no joke I’ll try it out on you ouch what else can you do JJ I can jump really high check this out see oh amazing wow one sec you can run fast and jump high that’s right nice incredible

That’s it I think I can hit harder too check it out oh really see the Sheep went down in one hit what really that was quick yeah there’s still more I can do what watch sure huh see you pick me up y i car them I’m

Stuck I’ll throw you wow amazing W this is great it is now what you still need to be cured I just want my JJ back right I think our best bet is to head to the coordinates we found let’s do it since I can run faster I’ll carry you thanks

Let’s go this is fast come on wow we’re on our way to the coordinates hang on I’ll take out these enemies in our way Dam werewolves are so strong yeah really I’m using my Paws take that s you’re so strong oh I think werewolves are overpowered I know did you stun them

That way you can capture them you’re right good idea awesome this is sweet look out for that zombie Mikey huh save me leave it to me I can pick the zombie up and throw it Away what’s wrong that was close I almost fell in what w Clow crazy I didn’t think being a werewolf would be this fun we still need to cure you right I don’t want to stay this way forever let’s find the Cure follow the coordinates let’s go I’ll carry you

Thanks sweet let’s get a move on Mikey I just realized what well the sun is starting to come up and taada you’re back there how’ you do that it looks like I can go back to being human when it’s daytime oh makes sense so what next do you see that Village over there

That one let’s check it out I wonder how the villagers would react if I transformed right in front of them H I bet they’d be surprised maybe they’d give us a clue on how to cure you oh let’s try it sure a villager 3 2 1 I’m a werewolf

H I guess he doesn’t care maybe this Village is friendly to werewolves who knows strange yeah what a weird Village let’s look around I’ll stay on the werewolf form it’s faster okay I still need to find a cure though I know Mikey why don’t we stick around here for the day sure we

Might find a clue around the village in that case let’s just chill here for now awesome good plan is there an empty house there’s a church I guess I could check out the church in my werewolf form I’m sneaking in through the roof wao I’m

Going to spend the rest of the day in this church Sweet the village is in big trouble JJ what’s the problem Mikey look what’s happening a werewolf attack no way they’re attacking the villagers we have to help them this is ter terrible hang on there’s one right here he’s not attacking me it must be because I’m a

Werewolf too uh-oh I think he’s after you Mikey I’m hiding on the turch roof it’s staring straight at you no way it’s all up to me to save the day don’t let it bite me whoa he’s attacking me save me huh are they after you yes okay tackle paralyze punch uh-oh they’re way

Too strong for me oh no this is bad careful who wait this werewolf is attacking those villagers I think they’re trying to eat us where are you I’m in a house yes are you okay I’m scared time for me to save you get them all right let’s do this did

I feed all these werewolves where’d they go strange I can’t see a single one anymore did they leave I guess I successfully defended The Village thank you good job well I’m glad that’s done with but there’s still work to do Mikey we can’t stop looking for a way to

Cure me I don’t want to lose my mind like those other werewolves then I’d worry about becoming a monster for real don’t even think about it we’ll find a way to cure you unfortunately there’s no time to rest Mikey let’s keep going let’s move here he I got you buddy

Woohoo come on find the C those coordinates we can do it this is terrible oh Mikey I heard you were in an accident are you okay here an apple a day oh and flowers oh I tripped and hurt myself I can’t walk weird huh what you can’t walk

Really yeah but I’ll be fine after surgery that’ll fix me up uh Mikey the thing is H surgery is expensive oh the cost is $3 million huh no way I don’t have that money what am I going to do oh wait I have an idea really mhm do you do

Mhm what is it what are you doing on the computer well hm have you ever heard of crowdfunding what’s that it’s when you collect donations online that’s how I’ll get the money you’re going to use crowdfunding for that it’s that easy it’s easy to raise money like this I’ll just mess around on

My phone while I wait oh MH Mikey oh I’m here to visit you a thanks I love having my phone oh hey how is your crowdfunding right I should check do I have 3 million yet let’s see well oh h Huh what no what oh how much that’s weird I didn’t even can raise a

Penny seriously I’m doomed $3 million is impossible you didn’t raise any money well you can’t give up huh you have to walk again Mikey I’ll look for a part-time job I’ll work for you thank you all right mining is the highest paying job around so that’s what I’ll do

H rare ores oh there’s one I’ll mine as many as I can if I find enough of these I’ll get a bonus all right rare ores are more common the deeper you go wa oh no way it’s a diamond ore wo oh that’s great nice I’ve already found

Diamond and iron I think I’ll try going even deeper down there might be more rare ores down there I’ll just have to be careful not to fall into the Lava huh let’s see wonder if there’s something around here wow looks like no one is mind Beyond this point they handed out Dynamite so I’ll lay out a good amount of TNT a really good amount and then and light it run away run away run away wao now any rare ores down there

What huh what really emeralds and diamonds there’s even a lot of gold W this is amazing look there’s even Some Coal too this is is unbelievable yes it was pure luck but I found so much look how much I found here I’m going to get a crazy huge bonus this

Job is so easy wow all right well then let’s get started all right then I worked hard at my part-time job for one whole week it was tough it was difficult but I searched and found plenty of rare ores it’s time to collect my pay okay oh that’s the place I should be

Able to get paid there hello I would like my pay for the week please in cash he’s counting it all up I bet it’s going to be a lot I found so much I’m so excited oh looks like he’s grabbing the money how much did I make come on come come

On huh you’re done huh that’s all seriously you’re joking I worked hard for an entire week in the mines and all I got was a measly 0000 what how how is that possible at this rate I’ll never be able to make $3 million huh oh I have an idea there’s a way to

Help Mikey get his surgery without spending the money let’s go Mikey huh hey I’m sorry but I couldn’t make enough money oh no but I thought of a way for you to get your surgery wait are you serious yes if I become become a doctor and do your surgery what you’re going to

Become a doctor are you sure you can do it that’s extremely difficult I’m still going to try oh wow starting today I’m a student I need to pass my medical exam and get my license then I can do the surgery for Mikey I’m going to Works super hard okay where’s my first class

H oh I see this is an ultrasound I need to be able to understand scans like these h h ah what do we have here H this is where I learned to do surgery huh oh so that’s how you sedate a patient cool and these are the tools all right

Huh this here monitors the vitals fascinating okay okay now I just have to study I need to memorize every single one of these books to pass the test it looks difficult but still I’ll do my best I’m going to study absolutely Everything Mikey I’m here now JJ are you my I have some good news I am now your doctor wow you really did nice yeah well Mikey it’s time for me to do your surgery woohoo let’s do this ready mhm let’s get started phew finished Mikey it’s time to wake up now what

Huh wow I’m cured I can walk again thank you JJ look what I have this item can reverse time if something bad happens I can turn back time and fix what happened I’m planning on using it all day waa huh what was that something exploded oh no Mikey’s house is what

Exploded what just happened oh that’s Mikey Mikey talk to me oh no Mikey’s dead oh this is terrible but it’ll be okay today I have a special item that lets me turn back time no use waiting Click huh what happened where’s huh it’s Mikey’s house before the explosion it looks like I really have Turn Back Time hey Mikey no there he is hooray Mikey’s alive he’s just sleeping More importantly why did this house explode H I need to find the source of the explosion so I can stop it from happening I wonder what exploded H hold up there’s a secret lever here oh a secret entrance let’s take a look what’s this room for no hang on there’s a fire

And it’s right by that TNT it better not spread let me grab a bucket of water so I can put out the fire there we go pH close call that’s much better I think the fire is extinguished I managed to stop the explosion before it happened hey wake up Mikey huh oh huh

JJ what are you doing in my house well Mikey your house was just about to catch on fire huh what do you mean what are you talking about JJ look there’s no fire I turned back time but I wasn’t able to explain to Mikey what I did I’m

Just glad Mikey wasn’t hurt H oh right JJ I just remembered an errand I need to run so I’m going out oh well be careful yep be right back I’ll see you later it’s been 3 hours but Mikey still hasn’t come home I’m getting worried I better check up on

Him huh is that Mikey it is isn’t it oh no he’s dead what could have happened to him but it’s going to be okay I still have the power to turn back time I’ll use my device to investigate what happened to Mikey and then save him

First I’ll go back far enough to give Mikey weapons and armor for protection huh what oh all right I’ve gone back in time uh hey Mikey huh what’s wrong JJ oh that’s right I have an errand no wait Mikey huh why well it’s dangerous out there you should arm

Yourself before you go what arm myself there’s no need for that even if someone tried to attack me I’d beat them with one punch just hold on a sec Mikey I’m preparing some equipment for you huh I think I’ll give Mikey a suit of diamond armor and I should probably throw in a

Laser rifle to take with him all right this equipment is for you oh put it on what’s all this huh a full set of diamond armor huh and a laser rifle wo JJ I don’t need any of this look around we live in a super safe Village well

That’s true Mikey but I’m begging you take this with you I don’t really need it though huh I guess I have to you’re such a worry W JJ okay I’m heading out I’ll be back soon be careful Mikey see you later phew I finally got Mikey equipped before

He left but I’m still worried though so I’m going to follow him something happened to Mikey somewhere around here okay stay Focused oh there he is huh what’s going to happen next oh someone’s here oh hello huh huh huh what you’re robbing me hey oh no wait what I’m being robbed no I don’t want to die so it was robbers somebody help fight back Mikey nice hooray he beat them all I’m strong I’m glad Mikey isn’t hurt oh JJ wait what are you doing in a place like this H that was a close one you could have been in real danger if I wasn’t here I think the robbers might have attacked you how horrifying it’s a

Good thing I saved your life JJ uh well sure Mikey thanks no worries the extreme heat wave will continue for many days today it’s 120° make sure to drink plenty of fluids what 120 that’s insane no way it never gets that hot H maybe we should take shelter

For a while I should probably check on Mikey I hope he’s handling the heat okay wa it’s so hot they weren’t kidding wow it’s never gotten this hot before this is crazy pH it’s hard to focus hang on oh no the fields dried up the water evaporated so all the crops

Died let’s find Mikey huh wait is that him that’s Mikey right he doesn’t look so good are you okay Mikey hello Mikey what’s wrong with him so thirsty no energy water please uh water yes there should be some in here who what the well has gone dry oh

No this is really bad Mikey must be really dehydrated too uh here I brought some water for my house oh drink up in fact Mikey you should probably drink up a lot Thanks that’s so much better pH the tast so delicious you saved me I thought for sure I was a goner thank you JJ wow I’m so glad you’re okay Mikey we’ve got a problem the the well ran out of water and now the villagers are all in

Trouble now that you mention it the village is really quiet let’s check on everyone okay there’s no time to waste huh let’s see H what Mikey this villager collapsed could it be heat stroke let’s share some water with him yeah drink up okay what about the other

Houses this one’s empty what about the black Smith H oh no Mikey this one’s collapsed too uh-oh here take this water this is bad seriously poor villagers this is a total disaster they need water right away no not this one too here take some good job all this running is making me thirsty

Too things are not looking good Mikey this Heatwave is a big problem how much longer will it last wait a second huh Mikey do you see that no no no hang on that house it’s so hot and caught fire no way oh this is really bad we have to

Put it out uhoh let’s hurry there’s no time to lose come on I can’t reach oh no it’s burning down water we need water let the well is dry what are we supposed to do it’s out of control we can’t give up we have to try it’s spread too far

There’s no stopping it was just too much oh sheesh it grew so fast it’s a lost cause Mikey yeah it’s over yeah it’s already gone oh well hopefully it’s the only one I hope so losing this house is sad but it could definitely be a lot

Worse we have to protect all the others right the entire Village is in danger from this heat I was planning on just taking shelter but we can’t leave everyone else to suffer we have to protect the Village from this heat but what can we even do it’s so hot I can

Barely move where would we even start you’re not wrong uhuh oh I know huh could we refrigerate The Village what how would we even do that well I have something that might help seriously here’s my house Mikey come on in it’s nice over here huh let me show you the basement down

Here ready woo I have something down here that’ll come in handy what is it I don’t want to spoil the surprise let me see come on mhm just a little bit further behind this door is a big surprise let’s go in open it’s colder in here than I

Remembered check it out it’s freezing what is it I thought it would be smart to build this room in case of emergencies oh wo there’s plenty of ice and water see this is amazing you never know when you might need ice yeah all right there’s nothing more refreshing

Than ice cold water this could cool The Village yeah we can use this ice to basically refrigerate The Village this should feed the heat until the heat wave is over yeah let’s do it but wait how exactly are we going to cool a whole village I have a plan let’s get this ice

Up to the surface okay here we are let’s build a refrigeration unit somewhere over here which should be able to cool down the entire Village first we’ll build a big row of ice like this got it here we go just like this okay that should be enough well maybe a little

More we’re building a wall see oh this is step one we’ve got this yeah H this this wall of ice is going to be huge but how will it cool The Village it will trust me I don’t really see how don’t worry remember this wall is only step

One then what’s step two we’ll get there if you say so okay I think the wall is big enough for now we have a wall of ice but how will it refrigerate The Village well the secret is this block I’m holding we’re going to use fans

Oh watch this okay I’ll place a fan uhuh it’s working a few more fans will make this freeze even stronger that’s so cool the fans blow cold air because of the ice that’s one row built it makes sense now let’s build a second row okay more

Fans I want them to be evenly spaced like the fans in the top row Mikey do you want to place the last one that breeze feels so nice yeah I’ll add the last one wow this looks awesome check it out the ice cools down the air and the

Fans blow that air across the village it should cool off in no time wow nice check this out Mikey what look at what the heat has done to The Village’s crops they’re going to need more than just some cool air the field is all dried up yeah the water evaporated

Leaving the plants to wither up let’s give them some new water like this so they can grow back but that’s ice not water yep okay yeah like that here’s why oh the air is hot enough that the ice will melt into water oh I see that makes

Sense next up the well this needs some more water too right the heat dried it all up muh yep wow it’s going to take a lot of ice to fill it up all the way but I have more than enough that is a lot

Lot mhm you did it good job JJ nice this should restore the well once the ice melts it’s definitely getting cooler but it’s still really really hot we should make a pool that’s a great idea Mikey we could be cool and comfortable with a pool let’s do it

We’ll start by digging right here perfect that’s a good size maybe a little bigger yeah that’s good nice we’re done digging now let’s turn this pit into a pool this is exciting it’s going to be so sweet to have a Pool I’d like to make it a bit deeper good thinking not bad it’s starting to look like a pool it looks awesome all done woo now we just need to fill it in let’s use ice again all right I can help with that the heat should melt all of this

Into water pretty quickly yep the pool is almost ready mhm just a couple more ice blocks almost done that should do it now we just need to wait for the ice to melt I think everyone in the village is going to love cooling off in the pool

Mhm I hope they all start feeling better soon yeah check it out the village is cooled down and everyone is feeling better the ice melted too we did it yeah this feels great yeah this is fun woohoo and so refreshing yeah oh and check this out

The well is full nice mhm all the water we want we can use the well again oh look at the crops they’ve recovered wow the field is back to normal now everyone in the village will have food yeah all right I think I’ll celebrate by eating some watermelon mhm here oh thanks Down

The Hatch everything turned out okay that’s right woohoo well then it seems like we’ll be able to outlast this heat after all I’m never getting out of this Pool all right let’s get started today we’ve been Shipwrecked in the Arctic it’s so cold we might freeze to death we got to get out of here but how look there’s a ship over there come on JJ we can use it to escape great idea let’s get inside hurry it’s cold no

Kidding huh huh what is it JJ hold on a second why bad news Mikey this plan isn’t going to work this ship is completely stuck in the ice it’s not going anywhere what are we going to do I’m not sure hey Mikey yeah right now it’s

December but maybe it will thaw on the summer we just need to survive long enough for the ship to thaw out then we can escape from the Arctic we can do it it’s not going to be easy since it’s December we’re going to have to survive

For 8 months in this miserable cold I feel like I’m going to freeze to death to top it off I’m getting hungry our first priority is to find food and shelter if we’re going to survive yeah let’s take a look around sounds good okay fingers crossed there’s nothing here what do we do

There’s nothing here but snow and ice as far as the eye can see what do we do wait hang on I think I see something right here under this pile of snow it looks like there’s something made out of wood I see it too what could that be we should

Investigate wo look there’s more wood in here this thing is huge yeah come on Mikey let’s dig it out what is it I don’t know he digging what could it be I really hope there’s food in here yeah huh woah look hey is that a door yeah I

Think it is is this a building I think you’re right Mikey this looks like a cottage W what a find awesome it’s buried under all this snow let’s clear the rest of it away yeah let’s dig it out we’ll make it look nice all right this might take us a while but we’re

Going to uncover the whole building there’s so much snow almost done yep wo I can’t believe we found this Cottage yeah I’ll just clear this away it’s seriously looking good M wow look at that awesome now that I can see it this house is nice yeah what is a cottage

Like this doing in the arc who knows H now we’ done a chance of surviving let’s Venture inside okay you first let’s go yeah what do you see in there wow oh beds it’s a bit old cool anything else oh look Mikey a chest I wonder what’s inside let’s take a look

Wo woah we have food great and supplies sweet and hat hold on a second that’s delicious Mikey stop don’t eat those potatoes why seriously Mikey stop those aren’t safe to eat slow down and take a closer look here do you see no they’re all green and

Rotten the meat is rotten too no it’s all rotten I guess they did taste funny oh Mikey I’m going to be sick don’t eat anymore oh I won’t well what a bummer it looks like we don’t have any food after all not good but it’s not a total bust

We still have some coal a couple of stone shovels and a bunch of logs here Mikey take a shovel thanks let’s see sheesh this place is a mess this house is kind of disappointing yeah there’s got to be something else here right did we miss something let’s keep looking

Let’s see hold on what’s that huh there’s a trap door we must have missed it what’s on the other side let’s see wow it’s a basement cool let’s go in okay I’m right behind you ouch wo let’s see it’s cold weird look there’s a chest over there and some armor let’s go

No yikes H careful Mikey there are traps in the ground we have to jump over them scary let me try you can do it Mikey ouch careful are you you okay yeah good we made it yeah anyways it looks like there’s two suits of leather armor here

Score perfect for the cold weather oh you’re right well what do you say we try him on M it’s a perfect B hey Mikey what are you up to open up Mikey oh JJ how are you H Mikey uh do you feel all right huh well yeah I suppose I feel all

Right you sure you’re definitely okay what something looks different huh M I’ll hang this on the wall there I put a mirror up here take a look Mikey look in the mirror sure I feel the same as Always nope what no way is that me Mikey you haven’t stopped eating cookies since I got here it’s not healthy let’s fix that okay it’s dangerous if you keep that up I’m worried I’ll do my best to get py that means first things first you need a balanced diet

A okay let’s look in your house may I come in uh sure thanks what huh Cookies Cakes burgers and steaks this lifestyle is bad for you it can’t all be burgers and snacks no what should I do let’s go to my house huh Mikey okay I’ll show you some healthy

Foods healthy foods awesome thanks follow me sure this is my house thanks for having me look Mikey this is my yard oh oh I grow my own food oh carrots and beet fruits yep that’s not all inside here I have some healthy ingredients for salad oh this goes here sure some seeds leafy

Greens dandelion okay wow check it out Mikey here wo this yeah is a salad a tasty salad hoay you’ll need some carrots and some beetroots okay here Mikey have some thanks sure so Mikey stick to eating healthy food here I want you to eat nothing but vegetables for a while snacks and

Burgers are off limits until you’re better I can only eat vegetables understood it’s a no snack all veggie diet I got this good luck thanks okay okay all right the field looks good time for lunch H I guess I’ll have some vegetables too oh right I wonder wonder if Mikey is

Getting better I should go check surely he’s eating veggies instead of burgers and snacks let’s sneak a Pee oh good he’s eating salad lunch time yep that a boy veggies are yummy yep but they don’t fill me up at all all H I know snacks are off limits but a little couldn’t hurt oh that’s the stuff huh it’s so good wa M so yummy yeah stop it it’s so good

Mikey JJ hiding it won’t help you’ve been eating cake I said no snacks H but I can’t stop myself I’m so hungry Mikey you have to snack in moderation I guess I’ll hide your unhealthy foods for you what your Burgers confiscated a your cakes too no it’s all coming with me Oh and these steaks too all confiscated especially this cake okay these jars too Okay all right now you stay over there Mikey I’m going to hide it all gotcha thanks for doing this this JJ I’ll do my very best from this point onward okay now to make sure Mikey sticks to his clamp I’ll make a hole in the ground and

Put a chest here this is where I’ll hide all of Mikey’s unhealthy Food and just in case he does find it I’ll put a lock on it all right this is good if Mikey can build healthy habit I’ll give him back all his Food I just can’t get full on salad push through Mikey it’s tough maybe I’ll sleep okay I call it it a night sleep it off Mikey good night night Mikey wake up morning morning what’s up starting today to stay healthy yeah every day we’re doing 10 laps around the

Village wo 10 laps that’s easy pie of cake ready go This way 10 laps is going to be tough okay oh Mikey you’re really into this amazing easy as P can you keep up this pace you’re doing better than I expect It one lap down nine to go Huh time out I used to do 10 laps like it was nothing it’s weird the more you try the easier it gets great I’ll keep trying keep sticking to your Healthy Habits Mikey okay lunchtime let’s swim sounds good I hear that swimming burns calories really well oh sounds easier than running I’ll

Try do your best I will Yep wo this is awesome okay I’ll go for a swim too all right wao let’s swim a little more Mikey it’s already night no amount of salad can fill me up I want cake but I have to resist time for bed at a boy Mikey sleep away the

Cravings let’s do this for a Month Mikey it’s been a month how’s your progress ta well how do I look wo you’re so healthy look in the mirror you did it I did yep oh yeah yeah I feel so much healthier now thanks JJ I’m glad today I’m going to hang out with

Mikey but he already has a visitor who is that oh wo huh wo oh you’re really giving me these delicious apples thank you so much she gave him something wow these look great who is that person she’s acting Suspicious what was that I’ll follow Her seriously who is this lady no I got to Hide H did I did I just see that she was a witch the entire time this is bad I need to stop Mikey oh wait Mikey no don’t eat them Yum Yum Yum what delicious apples Mikey did you eat the apples oh hey JJ a nice person just came over and

Gave me some apples did you want some too I’m too late those were poisoned apples huh what are you talking about your friend is actually a witch that’s not possible she was so kind besides if these were poisoned don’t you think they would have taken effect by now huh huh they really were

Poison huh look at your body what are you talking about there’s nothing wrong what are those I’m turning purple Mikey we need an antidote I’m Too Young To Die JJ JJ find a way to cure me ow Please let’s find the witch she has the Cure let’s go she ran off into the forest Hurry she went in this direction but where I don’t know I don’t see the witch anywhere we got to find her quickly and get that [Applause] antidote but where y it’s her huh it’s the Witch you tricked Mikey into eating poison apples give us the cure cough it up She’s making a run for it Mikey after her don’t let her get away hurry wait up we can’t cure you if she gets away oh no we have to get the antidote and cure my poison please run F come back here hey give us the antidote stop running away from us don’t lose

Her huh the path split which way did she go JJ we lost her what do we do oh H I’m not sure let’s try the right really okay where did that witch go I hope we find her h Huh wait huh huh it’s a dead end

Seriously what do we do oh but the witch isn’t here at the dead end that means oh JJ the witch didn’t go right she went left let’s go come on GJ uh Wait Mikey there’s a button here huh what let’s push it it’s a secret entrance wo the witch might be inside mhm Mikey there’s the witch oh come back hurry Mikey hey give us the antidote stop running wait up stop almost there there’s nowhere to run hand it

Over we’re not leaving without the Cure M huh no way the witch is crossing the broken bridge What the witch fell into the canyon it’s already dark out oh I should make plans to hang out with Mikey H I think I’ll give him a video call okay here we

Go oh hey JJ what’s up this cake is delicious it’s awesome Mikey hey did you want to hang out tomorrow oh sure let’s do something together it’ll be lots of fun huh uh Mikey what he disappeared where did he go Mikey what happened who’s that huh was that a

Ghost seriously what happened could a ghost have attacked Mikey this is bad I have to save him uh I’ll take the computer with me all right I’m off to help Miky there’s his house that one let’s Go seriously what happened over there I need to hurry over why did he suddenly disappear H the lights are off is nobody home if Mikey is awake the lights should be on I’m going to peek in the window huh no what huh whoa It’s the ghost

Oh it’s real that’s the one that got Mikey oh man it looks really strong and I’m unarmed if I try to fight that thing now I’ll lose okay I need to make some Diamond equipment then I can beat it I need to go mining first I really need to find a cave and

Fast all right I found a cave I need to hurry up and find those diamonds without equipment I’ll never beat the ghost where can I find them H oh there I see some I hop down here okay I’m getting them yes there’s quite a few here but how many oh

Wo I found six but that still won’t be enough I need to find a lot more yes more Dam diamonds M here’s more okay I have plenty of diamonds and now I can finally craft a set of diamond gear once this equipment is complete I need to rescue Mikey right

Away first comes the diamond armor I’m making it to incre increase my defensive power and then the diamond sword yes nice I prepared a full set of diamond equipment let’s put it on yes perfect with this I can go and save Mikey all right here we

Go please be okay seriously you have to be all right here here’s the house wao huh lightning whatever is Mikey okay huh the lights are on in the house maybe Mikey fought off The Ghost and came home a ghost wouldn’t turn on the lights let’s take a look [Applause]

Huh weird Mikey seems fine did I imagine it I mean I should go in and Check is that you Mikey yes come in h okay h uh thanks for having me wow I’m glad you’re safe I could have sworn that you were attacked by a ghost a ghost that’s weird here come have some cake and while you’re eating don’t look behind you you’re giving me cake yes okay

Thanks don’t look behind me y h I guess that’s fine this cake looks good I’ll help myself to a Slice huh uh uh um what Mikey what eat your cake who is that huh what huh huh hurry up JJ who is that h Huh Mikey yes what is it um You Are Mikey right you were told not to turn around while eating cake weren’t you mhm hurry up and eat your cake

JJ come on doesn’t it look good yeah no something isn’t right I can see its true form in the mirror hurry the ghost shape shifted into Mikey I have no choice I have to use my diamond equipment to defeat him okay H aren’t you Hungry I knew it you disobeyed my my orders I have no choice I must eat you you won’t take me that easily yes I did it I was sure that was the ghost I defeated him but Mikey’s not here where is he where could he be Mikey Mikey

Huh sounds like the noise is coming from the ceiling h Huh looks like there’s a ladder hang on didn’t Mikey’s house have an attic this is probably it oh huh hm oh Mikey JJ save me please Mikey you were locked up here all along yes I’m free thank You

This video, titled ‘HOW Mikey and JJ Became a VAMPIRE and BITE VILLAGERS? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2023-12-16 17:00:40. It has garnered 13687 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:16 or 3736 seconds.

HOW Mikey and JJ Became a VAMPIRE and BITE VILLAGERS? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

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  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

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  • Vanilla MC

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