JJ and Mikey vs Digital Circus Monsters in Minecraft!

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all right today we’re moving to a new house and it’s our last day in this house we’ve lived here for a long time and it’s starting to show its age I loved This Old House though moving can be so sad it’s hard to leave these memories behind but we have a new house to move into well it’s time to go let’s hop into our moving car okay ah goodbye house bye-bye all right let’s go our new house awaits what’s our new house going to be like we’re driving up the road to our new home now I wonder what it looks like is it big let’s see here it is oh Mikey this will be our new home this is our house yep what do you think oh wow after seeing this house I’m actually happy that we’re moving mhm other houses in the area are really luxurious wow let’s start checking out the inside of our new house it’s seriously huge good idea it’s also brand new looking mhm let’s check out the inside wo wo look oh oh it’s amazing beautiful here’s the kitchen what a nice kitchen the dining table and look a sofa and TV awesome we have a huge TV Kevin Ball there’s a pool in the living room wow there’s even a pool it’s perfect so cool wow let’s check out the upstairs let’s look we should have a bedroom up here oh really oh yes here it is open let’s see wo awesome this is amazing look at the view what a perfect house there are even paintings on the walls and we have big beds wow this is the best house ever I’m so glad we [Music] moved it’s night time already I’m pretty hungry yeah me [Applause] too H was that the doorbell oh it’s there nice huh what is it oh thanks huh wow what it’s what I ordered check it out JJ oh what did you order Mikey well Tada M here have some oh is that yeah yep I ordered a special Pizza mhm oh wow let’s eat while it’s hot what a nice surprise let’s eat so good huh H what oh H it’s so dark in here now oh the power must have gone out wait there’s something on the TV huh it’s an emergency news alert Our Gang has successfully taken over everything in this town belongs to us huh oh the pow’s back on Mikey did you see that news alert yep our town has been taken over by a gang I don’t know what that means well I’m sure we’ll be fine as long as we stay inside our house I’m tired from the move so let’s call it a night that was weird well I guess so I don’t know any more than you do H we’ll be okay if we stay inside it’ll be fine yeah it’s really late now so let’s sleep I’m tired pH good night JJ mhm sleep well huh what was that noise hey wake up Mikey what was [Music] it who is that Intruder what back off Mikey wao hold on ow I think this what’s going on is the gang from the TV no way really the gang of Thieves from the TV they broke into our house get him yeah no take him out hit him hard wo sheesh wow wo the gang broke into our house the windows are all broken oh [Music] no I was so afraid of more gang members breaking in that I couldn’t sleep a wink we can’t keep living like this oh let’s reinforce our houses security yeah but uh how are we going to do that JJ I brought some supplies just in case look h t oh security cameras let’s start putting them up everywhere good idea H like here uh-huh upstairs and downstairs okay we’ll need need cameras on the first floor yeah where else should we put a camera maybe here yeah mhm I’ll put some outside nice okay they’re all set up great H next up Mikey let me give you this all right these are barricades oh that guy broke in last night through the window so let’s reinforce them that’s a good idea just put them up like this see no one can break in if we use these let’s cover up all the windows okay how’s it going Mikey looking good this house is fancy but having so many windows is just a pain in the butt it’s a lot of work but at least we’re safe yeah that’s a good point so far so good nice let’s do upstairs all right they broke in through the bedroom window good job we need to barricade this whole place Mikey we can do this all right okay let’s do our bedroom next H I don’t want them breaking in again while we sleep let’s barricade these windows extra tight okay okay these windows are really reinforced just like that oh and now we can fix the windows that were smashed yesterday H now for the barricades looks good nice no one is breaking in now yeah I think our house is a lot more secure now don’t you mhm all [Music] better we spent the entire day securing the house pH we really built up an appetite let’s eat more pizza what’s the noise outside huh huh what is it huh no way it’s the gang seriously sheesh what’s going to happen to this neighborhood I guess the Gang has taken over oh what are we going to do if they break in I think we’ll be okay we spent the entire day securing the house I don’t think we need to worry about the gang breaking in so let’s try to get some sleep okay yeah you’re right Mikey H there’s no way they can break through all these barricades m h I’m still worried about them though let’s try to get some rest let’s go to sleep JJ there’s no way they’ll get in here right mhm good night night [Music] night what was that it sounds like glass breaking again huh huh no way gang broke in and there’s two of them seriously two gang members Mikey we have to try and take them out get him JJ take this yes we got one nice job hit him Mikey yes sheesh that was close again seriously wait look they broke the barricades no one else got in right we’re safe wait Mikey huh hold on I think I think I heard someone downstairs let’s check the [Music] cameras no the gang member he destroyed all the barricades he’s in what do we do I don’t know oh what’s he doing just turn around and leave already huh huh no we noticed the staircase he’s coming up this is bad he’s coming upstairs we need to hide in here quick JJ hurry up what’s going to happen we safe let’s check please no he came up he hasn’t noticed us right is he looking for us JJ shh oh h he’s in the bedroom now’s our chance to get to the basement hurry don’t let him see you do we even have a basement Mikey I actually found it earlier huh see see what over here this corner of the house leads to a secret basement that’s a relief let’s hurry inside it must be this lever flip wo come on Mikey let’s hurry let’s go stay close okay hurry Mikey pH the secret basement wow for our peace of mind let’s barricade the door okay just like this I feel safer already yep as long as we’re here we have plenty of food see oh good there’s even beds oh we should be safe let’s stay for a while thank goodness sheesh I’m exhausted let’s get some sleep the gang won’t find us in the basement we’re safe now right mhm yeah let’s get some sleep good night h Huh what’s that noise I hear something hey someone’s kicking at the door what how no way did the gang find out we have a basement and they’re trying to get in but but the door is barricaded so the gang can’t break in can they JJ what huh what’s that sound oh wao they broke in how did they find us Mikey he blew up the door and broke in no we have to fight take him down Mikey yes wao we did it we got him that was scary miky I have a bad feeling about this the town seems doomed oh the Gang has taken over the town what do we do now oh well let’s visit the weapon shop tomorrow we can pick up a few things uhuh okay we need to protect ourselves H are there any gang members outside let’s take a look oh I don’t see the gang but look at the town oh no our new neighborhood is completely trash Mikey but it was such a nice neighborhood JJ the Gang has wrecked everything here we need weapons to stand up against that gang let’s go the weapon shop should have what we’re looking for come on I think it’s over this way W let’s go just be careful you too y hun ouch ouch ouch are you okay that was bad I almost died careful of the lava pH this is terrible and now uhuh oh there it is the weapon shop oh let’s hurry yeah let’s head inside mhm open up what huh the weapon shop has been raided it’s empty you’re right oh there’s no weapons they’re gone it’s all gone they looted all the weapons and armor Mikey there’s nothing seriously keep looking around there must be something H it’s gone wait Mikey look what is it huh wow h that’s amazing oh what is that Mikey check it out huh what is it I’m not sure it almost looks like an elevator going into the sky wao really the villagers are all Gathering to look at it too what’s at the top though I’m curious is there something up there Mikey let’s go inside and find out it’s an elevator right let’s go up let’s do it the villagers are watching oh you’re right everyone is looking at us there must be something good up here where does it go what’s this huh I don’t like it I’m being attacked what are these creepy things we’re under attack by some creepy monsters but we don’t have any weapons just punch them come on let’s just try fighting the same one take this yes we got one ow stop hitting me I think we can do this nice oh one more got it we barely won there’s armor in here but let’s open the treasure chest first let’s see open oh there’s a gun huh and golden apples oh wow wo these are some really tough looking guns yeah yeah let’s eat our golden apples to recover and grab the armor how cool are these Wow Let’s put all this on and awesome bling oh these guns are definitely strong yep I don’t really understand this elevator but wo we’re fast want to keep going up let’s go this elevator will probably have more stops along the way if we do we can find out what’s at the top there must be something great up there what could it be let’s go all right I wonder what’s on the next floor H wo we can see the whole village from here we’re so high up what’s next oh what’s going on huh what are they uh they’re creepy they’re black and pink creatures shoot them get him oops sorry Mikey go yes these guns are strong wo nice job JJ oh a chest oh nice let’s open up this chest 3 2 1 oh wo look swords and golden apples these are cool let’s heal with the apples those enemies were scary all I got was that they were black and pink but we took care of them quick let’s keep moving what’s up next I think it’s going to be something good I hope there are no enemies just treasure let’s find out all right let’s go up I’m curious about what’s up there it’s so exciting look outside we’re so high up it’s a little scary what’s next on the third level there must be something good H H there’s something in here but what huh huh there’s something in the cell it looks like a fox a it’s trapped wait is it a wolf ouch H did I imagine that I thought I got hit were you attacked well it does look like a tough enemy hey Mikey there’s a lever here should we pull it I want that treasure we’d have to let it out though we have our swords so we’ll be fine no matter what you’re right we don’t know that it’s an enemy and I’m curious about the treasure flip the lever ready please be friendly huh no it’s not friendly it hit me attack it I’ll use this sword I got I’ll use the gun bang wo keep hitting yeah yes we beat it we’re strong H hurry what’s the treasure huh let’s open it let’s find out 3 2 1 what’s this we got new guns and golden apples these look great w cool what is it looks strong there’s Fire coming from it I’ve never seen a gun like this before they’re flamethrowers awesome these are strong we can beat up whatever enemies come for us with these ready to keep moving up Mikey we’re only on level three let’s go there must be more above us I hope it’s good going up wo wow look we’re so high up I can’t even see the ground yikes wow we’re above the clouds wow wait what what is that are you being attacked there’s something really weird up here JJ what just look at it a robot is he friendly I think it’s an enemy it hit me let’s fight it take this let’s use our new flamethrowers H wo wa flamethrowers are strong I didn’t even need to use my sword now let’s open this Treasure Chest 3 2 1 open wo there’s some really great stuff in here there’s some cool armor and are these rocket launchers let’s try on our new armor these are sweet cool wow we look so awesome now we look like astronauts and these rocket launchers can lock on in fire not at me oops I don’t want to blast Mikey and check this thing out what is that it looks like a weird head thing what’s it do who knows I’m not sure but I have it are we near the top maybe I really want to know what’s up there let’s find out there’s definitely something good come on man I seriously can’t stop wondering what’s at the very top me too I hope it’s awesome we’re so far above the clouds I can’t wait to get up there huh wait there’s nothing here we’re here but it’s empty wow we’re so high up be careful not to fall that would be awful wait H there’s really nothing at the top there’s something but I don’t know what it is weird it’s TNT and weird heads huh wait I have one of those heads maybe I should place it on there oh maybe we’ll get treasure it’s weird but let’s try it I don’t know do it let’s try it we’ll be fine you’re right we have rocket launchers swords flamethrowers and golden apples too that’s right all right I’ll do it I can’t guarantee what’ll happen but I hope it’s good 3 2 1 plop huh this is bad why Mikey I think that’s a mutant wither I’ve never seen one stop it’s dangerous why because it explodes Mikey run away that thing is terrifying ouch firing missiles just keep shooting at it flamethrower come on oh no just hit it bling on wao wait where did it go we beat it really I got a nether star from it wow that’s awesome it was strong but my rocket launcher was stronger I didn’t even get to use mine so what’s a NE star it’s kind of a rare treasure here you can have it thanks yep wait was that it was it wait there’s a house over there should we go in let’s go I already took off my armor it was too hot it’s too hot yeah because we’re close to the son I guess how do we get down and what’s with this house I’m a little scared so you open it all right let’s see huh oh something’s in there yeah let’s go inside and go huh what’s this I don’t know there’s a button can I push it be careful it might be a trap but there’s nothing else in here go what happened Mikey just fell down somewhere no way are you okay seriously what hurry down here JJ now I’m curious what could it be 3 2 one click what is this wow isn’t it great a water slide yeah wo this is fun it’s so awesome it’s taking us back to the Village that’s perfect wow I’m glad we went all the way to the top we came down so fast that was fun yeah now we’re back home a mysterious super tall elevator appeared in our village and we rode it to the top we fought the boss and rode down the water slide if you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe thank you bye-bye

This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey SURROUNDED by All new Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft Maizen Security House’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-05-07 00:00:11. It has garnered 29377 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:53 or 1553 seconds.

JJ and Mikey SURROUNDED by All new Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft Maizen Security House

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial

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    Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! - Chill Survival - #18 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring the End and Crafting a Shulker Trap Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling survival adventure in the Java Edition. With a focus on creativity and exploration, she delves into the mysterious realm of the End and crafts a unique Shulker trap. Let’s dive into the exciting journey filled with challenges and discoveries! End Exploration and Shulker Trap Construction Meikyan’s journey begins with a successful defeat of Endora, acquiring gunpowder for elytra fireworks. Her creeper trap watchtower stands tall, a testament to her survival skills. As she ventures into the End,… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?

    Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feed’s and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT STRESS FESTVideo Information I can’t lie bro y’all got to like this up this got to be the most stressful video I’ve ever recorded in my entire life yo what’s up guys as you can clearly see yeah we put on some Shader packs I’m not going to lie I ain’t even test it yet I mean I seen it but I ain’t even test it in game okay oh okay all right bro that’s that’s a little too bright I’m not going to lie to you but okay bro hold on my render distance is mad chopped but hold on… Read More

  • 🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!

    🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Public Smp Live Free Join’, was uploaded by HR NITIN GAMER on 2024-06-04 16:36:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT IP-HRNITINGAMER.aternos.me port-38157 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! Read More

  • Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥

    Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист в разноцветных красках искупалась кисть сами начинают руки рисовать ведь талант не спрятать И не потерять может творчество мо моё вызовет сомнение только не справляюсь я с этим вдохновением Может вам покажется This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Secret Bases At Different Ages🤔🤯(Masha And The Bear) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-06-18 12:46:58. It has garnered 16530 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerz

    Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerzVideo Information केलिए मिटने वाला है और हम अपना बदला लेने वाले हैं तो गाइ भागने के लिए तैयार रहना इन थ्री टू वन लेट्स गो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो लेट्स गो विजय भाई शायद This video, titled ‘Minecraft server distroed 😂😂🤔😙😙#technogamerz #proboiz95’, was uploaded by Teddy bisht on 2024-02-19 12:24:45. It has garnered 515 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775Video Information go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

    EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely… Read More

  • Can You Guess Who’s Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #Sharingan

    Can You Guess Who's Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #SharinganVideo Information [Music] ding ding [Music] ding This video, titled ‘Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime @narrowdude333′, was uploaded by NarrowDude on 2024-03-04 13:39:54. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime ‎@narrowdude333  Title: The Enigmatic Eye: A Minecraft Build Guessing Game Introduction: In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can build anything from simple houses to intricate landscapes, there exists a game that challenges players’ observational skills and creativity – “Guess… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shortsVideo Information [Music] everything’s perfect here and the sun is shining hey everything’s perfect here there’s nobody crying I got a bad feeling about This video, titled ‘Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aakib Playz on 2024-04-16 12:29:01. It has garnered 12937 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft Inspired: @PROTER Song: @JagwarTwin Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, parody, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and… Read More