JJ EATS HIMSELF in Minecraft Maizen! Mikey to the rescue

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H another beautiful day JJ H let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful okay huh uh huh what’s that is that a crowd in our village huh what’s this about what’s with all the puppets should we run hm oh what’s this wait w huh oh no

Uh I couldn’t move at least hang on Mikey I know what they are these puppets huh what what are they JJ these puppets attack people when the Sun goes down really they’ll attack us yep what do we do during the day they seem safe but they’ll attack at night this is bad all

These in our village we need to build up our security before nightfalls or we’ll be attacked and eaten they’re going to eat us tonight no thanks we got to do something it’ll be okay Mikey let’s go to my house okay come with me see Mikey my house has the best

Security so even if they attack it’ll probably be okay your house is really impressive JJ but it doesn’t look like you have that much security oh I don’t have the security system turned on right now huh what follow me here huh there see that yeah if I flip this

Switch the security system turns on HM hey Mikey why don’t we turn it on go ahead and flip the switch sure even if we turn your security system on there won’t be anything left of us if those puppets attack here it goes mhm 3 2 1 nice W your security system is amazing

Now I’m not scared of the puppets at all isn’t it great yeah look w there’s lava perfect still we can’t be too careful those puppets are no laughing matter which means let’s keep adding more security measures to my house follow me let’s do It look here see my bed yep that’s a bed take a closer look under it wo see what’s inside it’s my secret security chest there’s a lot of security items inside cool that’s everything wow huh let’s take this stuff with us for now yeah a laser rifle and some of

This oh we’ll definitely use this mhm and some of this yep wo some of that this is incredible yep these items are pretty amazing all right now my yeah let’s set up the security systems with them sure for starters look what to get to the house we have to cross this

Bridge yep otherwise we’d fall into lava right so we should probably barricade the front of the bridge ooo good idea let’s do it right let’s make it like this right here mhm and like this wow and this sure some of this will barricade the bridge yep now

It’s no problem amazing that’s the idea the perfect security system and that’s how yep you built a barricade wow how’s this taada check it out we now have a barricade the puppets will never get to us without breaking through it let’s make it even stronger there perfect let’s nap until night but

Mikey there’s a chance yeah that the puppets may break through sure so let’s prep the bridge with some security lasers good idea we’ll put a laser here and HP over wow you’ll take damage if you touch it that’s what I call security let’s set up a few

More the puppets don’t stand a chance wow is that enough that’s plenty amazing woohoo okay are we done well Mikey if they can break the barricade there is a chance yeah that they’ll get through the lasers sure so let’s add even more security what’s next

Taada huh this is next what is it well I guess I’ll put it here see yeah I’ll start with one right here there okay put a lever on it this is a turret Mikey oh if you pull this lever yeah then extremely powerful lasers will Target the enemies and blast

Them it’s a powerful defense amazing you’re really using something this awesome the puppets don’t stand a chance yeah it’s pretty awesome next up come inside we have more security to set up just in case h like what next up equipping ourselves I’d like to build an auto equipper

Oh swords some diamond armor can’t forget the laser rifles let’s set this Auto equipper up mm H where should It Go goodbye bed Mm these go here wow and here then in here and done time to load up the equipment sure oh we’ll need swords is that about it okay wow then the button can go maybe here amazing all right so when you push the button look it equips automatically wow swords and everything

That’s awesome yep and that’s how to build an auto equipper our security is perfect H is it I think it’s perfect for now yeah still we should explore all the possibilities let’s build a self-destruct mechanism self-destruct yep if the puppets break through everything we’ve built so far

Yeah we’ll have no choice but to blow up the house and everyone in it I really don’t think they’ll get past all the security measures let’s build it just in case all right so Mikey if we self-destruct we’ll need an Escape Route oh let’s dig a hole in the ground

Okay it needs to be really deep is this deep enough mhm we’ll need to be careful about the lava let’s avoid digging upward okay we’ll dig our tunnel all the way through it’s a bit narrow though H is this enough I think so wao wow all right this is where we’ll climb out from okay wo H let’s make this out of glass like this yeah sure let’s make this into a Tower okay That’s enough it’s almost done one more thing for starters let’s lay some rails from this side let’s have them start over here first we’ll need some water on the bottom yep it’s pretty cramped so now the chest can go over here and inside of that I’ll place the mine

Carts now to place the rails just like this yes we’ll go through the Escape tunnel at high speed all the way over to the tower MH wo is this far enough oh definitely Yep this is the spot and then from here we’ll use a water elevator to climb to the top of the

Tower how’s This this is how you build it just like this switch back and forth between signs and water by doing it this way you can float through the water to create an elevator yep that’s the way okay I think that’s it all done let’s give it a try

Mikey sure let’s make sure it works so first yep first we dive into the hole Watch Out Below then we take a mine cart yep and go wo not bad not bad at all once you get here it’s into the water elevator H and up to the top

Amazing nice keep going higher and higher oh we’ve reached the surface wo wo it’s perfect wo Yes we made it to the top wow awesome now look what I’ve got H this is the ultimate bomb it blows everything to Oblivion wo this is the Detonator push this to activate the bomb it’s really

Dangerous very with that said let’s go I think I want to place the bomb inside the house where should we put it huh I don’t know H yeah let’s leave it right here okay watch out wao I’ll hold the Detonator as we escape through the tunnel to the tower

Sure then when we’re on the tower I’ll press it and it’ll blow taking everything along with it that’s amazing I don’t we’ll need to use it though we did prepare a lot of security I hope you’re right Mikey for now let’s wait for Knight yeah it’s almost night we shouldn’t have

Any problems after all our work Mikey we should prepare for the worst and get equipped okay first up equip we have swords and Laser Rifles sweet cool wow nice let’s head over to the barricade it’ll hold them off Sure all right don’t jump on the lasers right w wow this this isn’t good the sun’s about to go down will they really attack when night falls supposedly they haven’t shown any signs of attacking it’s night and they’re attacking it’s really happening there’s so many the fight back use your laser

Rifle there’s more back there get them use your sword they’re going down wao yes this is easy piece of cake yeah our security is the best you can even defeat them with swords Nice easy as long as we have our barricade yeah good good easyest pie take this and that huh huh what’s that get back Mikey they put a bomb on the barricade run away run go go go go go this is extremely bad Mikey wa crazy the turret will defeat the

Rest they’re getting through it’s fine they’re charging through the lasers I said it’s fine seriously the turret you can finish them off right what was that huh does a turret break seriously Mikey it overheated and exploded overheated really what now we do our best okay that’s all Mikey I’m out of ammo me

Too our laser rifles are useless they’re no good no this is bad what now with this many puppets it’s only a matter of time till they break into the house no way we have no choice Mikey we have to use the Self-destruct come on Mikey hurry Escape through here let’s get out of here okay just keep moving hurry grab a mine cart Mikey and go yeah let’s go make a quick Escape go go go all right now up the water elevator got to hurry Hur hurry okay keep going up all of our security

Measures have been ineffective except for the self-destruct can we really Escape I hope we can defeat all of them with It all right what’s happening wait yeah Mikey yeah huh it’s getting worse they’ve broken through the walls what that is bad phew if we hadn’t run for it they would have had us it’s time to self-destruct it’s over ready all we have to do is push it what’ll it be

Like well yeah I’m pushing it 3 2 1 Click huh wow what an explosion are we safe up here wo wo woohoo we beat them H but it destroyed the Village all right take a look at this our new house is finally finished wow what a nice house and a great location we’ll have a happy life building a village here yeah with this house as the start of a new Village we can live in peace fantastic hang on what’s that sound uh

There’s an emergency news alert on the TV let’s check it out it’s about to start what could it be let’s see what’s going on huh huh What this is bad Mikey what a mysterious wriggle monster just attacked a village nearby uh-oh and according to the reporter that monster is headed this way next what after we finished building our peaceful home what do we do H H well Mikey we should have at least 6 hours before the wle monster

Reaches us we have until then to build some security let’s fight off the wle monster yeah let’s fight it let’s go what kind of Security will we build the wle monster is huge yeah it’s so big we need to build a wall big enough to surround the entire house of course yep

Let’s do it so let’s build a gigantic wall let’s build it yeah how’s this wo look at that wall it’s massive that’s just one section it’s huge our walls need to be quite thick it’s thick I think it’s five actually six blocks wide so it’s pretty solid and it’s also about

10 blocks tall at that height it should be tall enough and thick enough I think we have a pretty good wall no way the wle monster can break through this wall it’s the strongest wall ever yeah woah now we have to build off what we have so

Far okay let’s surround the house with walls let’s do it do our best the very best all right woohoo wow check it out it took us a while but we did it yeah the house is completely surrounded by large sturdy walls that took a whole

Hour to make but now we should be safe and sound Behind These Walls right nobody can get through well Mikey sure but we built our perfect house together and I don’t want to see anything happen to it and since I don’t want it getting smashed just in

Case yeah we should build some more anti-le Monster security oh for starters let’s see here we’ll need this and that uh start with these H is that right yep how’s it look what’s this h what are you doing and taada let’s build some Iron Golems of course Iron Golems are the toughest

Troops around maybe the Iron Golems will defeat the wle monster for us they can take it no problem yeah oh Iron Golems are the strongest soldiers out there they’re the Ultimate Security Force they’ll probably feed the rigle monster for us they’ll protect our walls amazing there’s something else I want to build

Follow me what is it don’t you think we have enough protection already no Mikey it’s not enough we need to be ready for anything we don’t want our perfect home getting wrecked sure so Mikey yeah while the Iron Golems are fighting for us yeah we’ll provide them with support fire

From our bows like this good plan y we need a smart approach that’s exactly right we’ll help the Iron Golems from up a top the walls but first it’s pretty hard to scale the walls as they are now so in order to climb to the top I’m thinking about making a secret passage

Sure first we need a location how does this spot look good I’ll have it right about here oh that should be far enough now for the next Part okay the sticky piston should go something like this sure and fill that in with stone now I’m increasing the space SP we have to work with like so okay and here uhhuh how’s this and then something like This okay that should work then up here a couple of repeaters and then hook these up with redstone dust yep and then put a redstone torch right here done that it’s the secret entrance this lever opens and closes it so you’re done actually the secret entrance may be

Finished but we’re not done yet we still need a ladder to reach the top of the wall right right let’s make that next up I’m going to clear a path in this direction okay how’s that then dig a hole up and out the wall now Mikey we need a ladder

Can you do that I can do it hang on yep I’m on it oh good job a set perfect now we can sneak in go through the path up the ladder and climb on top of the wall that’s amazing now it’s perfect actually Mikey we only finished

Up to the ladder but we’re still missing something we have to provide support to the Iron Golems once we’re on the walls but we still need weapons and armor to be able to do that so in this narrow hallway I’ll build a device that automatically equips weapons and

Armor W that sounds cool H the ceiling needs to be higher there like this first I need to set up the dispensers I think six should be enough mm now in each dispenser yeah just like this I’m putting armor in each one it’ll be a full set of diamond armor like so

Next boots leggings yeah leggings right I mean leggings now the boots okay boots in each there okay in the next one I want to put some bows I’ll put in some special bows special bows yep bows with the infinity enchantment okay by doing that huh the bows can fire endlessly WOW

Bows that can fire forever it’s full of bows with the most powerful enchantment wo and here I’ll put some arrows just to be safe wo that’s it I should do this we’re done yep like so next what’s that a row of pressure plates that looks impressive watch this just walk through see that’s

Amazing check me out I’m fully geared up now I can use my Infinity Bow Wow to provide support to the Iron Golems now we’re we’re totally going to take down the wle monster look how prepared we are well Mikey there’s one more thing we need to do for the

Walls what’s that we’re going to build it right now there’s no quick way to go up from here yeah down to the ground right we could jump but we’d likely break a leg at this height that would hurt that’s why right here yeah just like this oh what is it and like

This I think I know what you’re doing you can probably tell what it is by now yeah how does that look oh wow now to pour out some water up here how’s that awesome not bad if we need to retreat we can use the water slide to descend that’s amazing now we can

Quickly and safely get down perfect I’ll shut the secret entrance yeah okay I guess we’re close to being done it’s perfect now Mikey if worst comes to worst we’ll have security inside the walls what can we make no way the monster’s getting through the iron golems and our wall right what else can

We do H well just in case it does get through I was thinking of using lava as a security measure H how about this oh oh thanks Mikey good good okay that’s how wide our lava defense will be now to fill it up it won’t make it across this much

Lava right there’s no way build the middle all the way up with lava it’s really impressive he hey I doubt even the giant wle monster will be able to cut across this much lava no no no although we can’t make it across ourselves either so we’ll have to

Fix that first we’ll raise this part up and then put a ladder here then in the middle of the lava some slime blocks now I see what you’re doing now you can climb up here jump on the slime blocks and bounce across now we have a way to make it

Through that’s right and the wriggle monster won’t be able to cross the lava the wle monster won’t make it to the other side it’s perfect I’ll put one on this side too that’s great ha amazing yeah so we’re done awesome I guess this should be enough it’s more than enough

That wle monster is going down well let’s take it easy and get some sleep while we wait Mikey hang on hang on why we can’t be too safe just in case we need to make the Ultimate Weapon something 100% effective that works on any enemy we still have about 5 hours

Left in the day a weapon that’s absolutely effective against any Enemy what is it you’ll see let’s start at the back of the house first get a shovel ready Mikey we’ll use our shovels to dig a hole in the ground a really deep hole sure how’s this big should we make it it

Should be pretty big let’s make it a crazy deeple let’s do our best yeah so let’s make it about this big and really deep it might take us a while let’s dig we can do it yeah I’m tired we dug it all up but we still have

2 hours left that’s fine take a look over here we dug a hole so deep it drops straight into the void but still who would fall into a hole that they can clearly see don’t worry we’re going to convert this into a giant pitfall trap to do that we’ll need TNT and Sand yeah and we’ll use redstone dust and some repeaters yep first uh maybe here sure all right on this layer we’ll place the TNT let’s completely cover the hole with TNT okay just like like this yeah all right great we covered the hole next we place

A layer of sand covering the layer of TNT sure just place the sand cover it up with sand that’s the way good good keep at it yeah Okay that about does it for the sand finishing up now nice job the next step is to place a layer of redstone dust okay it’s a lot of work but let’s keep at it let’s do our best place the Redstone Dust just like this all Right wow okay that’s done layer placed all right the last one the finish we’ll cap it off with another layer of sand cover it all up yeah this will be the final layer okay keep covering all this up just like This okay we did it we did it that’s it for the trapid itself all that’s left Mikey is to set everything up so we can activate the Trap sure we covered up the pinball trap already but we need to be able to activate it by pulling a lever

To drop our Target into the hole wow now to line the sides with repeaters like this nice and then it becomes the Ultimate Weapon woah the Ultimate Weapon then um that should work yeah is that a good spot to leave it looks good good now to cover up all of

This perfect perfect all done yep we’ll just leave this spot open okay that should be everything it’s done so now when we pull the lever all of the sand should drop away amazing then everything standing on top of that area will fall straight into the void our Ultimate

Weapon is complete yep that means we’ve completed all of our security measures we still have 2 hours left until the wriggle monster comes I’m exhausted the monster could show up at any time H really huh it’s the wle monster it’s here oh no oh no oh no hang on we got to

Move hurry the secret door is open get yourself equipped r monster huh the Iron Golems are even stronger than I thought they can win it’s no problem for them they’re beating it too easy I’ll give support pizza cake wao wao oh no hang on it’s coming wo at

Least we’re safe Behind the Walls did the iron golems just lose they’re still there they are hold on a second Mikey I think the wle monster is it recovering its Health did it just it’s coming hang on Mikey it broke through the wall are you serious wo at least Don’t Panic the

Iron Golems are still fighting they need support I’ll support too we can do it it’s taking damage attack the walls were so thick attack seriously the walls melt away like butter oh no the Iron Golems are all down it’s coming the lava should do it

The lava is so wide will be fine it’ll try to get across we’ll be fine there’s no way it can cross what how now I knew it couldn’t cross the lava I knew it it can’t cross wait wait seriously it’s coming are you serious we’ll have to use

Our Ultimate Weapon what about the house it’s about to get wrecked huh oh no our house about to get wrecked our house is getting ripped apart really Mikey we have to use the Ultimate Weapon you need to lead it here to the sand why me why is it always it’s

Terrible leave our house alone no our house how the wle monster is regenerating too fast can we beat it once it’s on the sand it’s not safe for you on the sand now Mikey right once it reaches the sand come to the sand I’ll activate the pitfall trap huh wao what

Ah what what was that what just happened seriously what happened oh no hold up it’s still alive that was supposed to be our Ultimate Weapon uh huh uh um I guess the wle monster the wriggle monster slipped it fell off into the void Realo well our house may have been completely wrecked but at least the wle monster fell into the void even if it slipped on its own what a relief we fought off the wle monster if you enjoyed today’s video please make sure to like And subscribe to the channel thanks bye-bye thanks for watching Bye all right let’s get started today we’re playing speedrunner versus Hunter oh I love that game now the rules are simple if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying first I win mhm before that if I die even once Mikey wins M I’ll get you JJ I’m winning today okay

But look what I have is it okay if I use this magic paintbrush uh Magic paintbrush what is that oh this yeah it’s a paintbrush that creates whatever you draw H I’m not sure I understand but fine whatever okay let’s go 3 2 1 go oh

Is that a sword all right here I come uhoh wait for me watch out for the hole time for a detour I’m out of here wait for me so fast got to go right behind you oh nice I made it onto the Treetops you’re quick I need to lose

Mikey ouch I’ll hide I fell no ow yeah JJ yes he’s lost sight of me where are you oh there he is are you hiding where did he oh there come out here I see Mikey maybe over here Mikey’s gone that way so I’ll go this way huh I’ll be

Sneaky I’ll catch you time to hide in the shadows and try this magic paintbrush Out and now somewhere over here all right I want to try out the brush’s powers down here but I don’t have a lot of time I’ll just whip up something fast so first things first it’s kind of like this and like this then over here this will be my first item start

With that and add some color Okay finished okay wo it really worked I was able to make elytra there’s one more thing I need to make to go along with elytra it looks a little like this yeah with a triangle Here and over here and swo Sosh then paint it red and this part white then with this red pencil okay I’m done woohoo it worked fireworks and elyra the perfect pairing now I’ll equip them this is so cool oh oh there he is uh-oh I’m going to catch you oh no

This is Bad come here no way woohoo seriously Mikey did you really draw those items I drew pictures of elytra and fireworks to make them woohoo that’s crazy see you later no way sorry but I’m flying far away all right I’m putting some distance between me and Mikey I’ll look for a

Village oh heyy look I found a village sh woah wo woah nice A Perfect Landing let’s check it out since I’ve lost Mikey I’m going to take my time Gathering supplies here or I would do that but I have the magic paintbrush this time if I use this

Paintbrush I can just draw everything I could possibly need all right then I’ll start by drawing the first item I want to find so it looks like this H like a stick is that right uh then I’ll change the color I’ll use this diamond blue color okay done please

Work I got it look it’s a diamond pickaxe and that’s not all I’m going to make I want lots of great items okay I’ll start with this and this looks good too like that and work oh yeah perfect a diamond sword you know I really want a complete set of

Fully Diamond equipment that’ be cool let’s see H like this there okay work your magic wo sweet a Diamond ax next up just like That yes take a look at this I have a pickaxe sword Axe and shovel but I’m not done yet I need to create more items to slay the Ender Dragon without the proper equipment it’s impossible uh looks something like this maybe like this too okay there it is

Wo it’s perfect the Diamond Helmet now for the next thing I know what I’ll Make looks something like this there we go now perfect now there’s only two things left to make start here a curve oh okay all right I got it and now finish with these was that good enough oh yeah check me out full diamond equipment H I can’t forget about food

I’d like to use the magic paintbrush to drop those supplies too I bet I can make something great for example start with a yellow circle then a squiggle on top okay come on Work check it out enchanted golden apples these are a perfect recovery item they’re delicious and well you can’t find anything better around they’re the best and now I have a whole stack of them oh right there was something else I wanted to try it might be difficult but I can do

It the shape is like this um maybe will it understand uh no way wao amazing it even made a potion wow just look at all the stuff I painted what else should I make H let’s see oh JJ huh oops wait what uh is someone there oh no it’s Mikey gotcha it’s him

How do you have all of that equipment magic honestly you’re so shiny it was easy to find you I won’t lose track this time uh-oh I really stand out oh wait where’s Mikey wait up for now I need to get away oh here comes Mikey not so fast I see you uh-oh so

Shiny uh I’ll go into the woods for some cover right behind you oh over this way you’re so easy to find JJ wait the potion while I’m ahead I’ll drink it go go go yes oh wow that was a potion of invisibility oh huh where’d you go you just came through

Here where did he huh where are you what oh he hasn’t caught on to me this is great there’s no way he could have gotten away in that diamond armor oh wait I Know M he’s this way yeah that’s right I’ll get you wow that potion was perfect he well

Then while Mikey’s running in that direction I’m going to start heading this way H this magic paintbrush is really something else it can make anything I draw it’s awesome and I wonder what I’m going to draw next all right I think it’s about time to slay the Ender Dragon I feel confident I’m

Powerful with all this equipment but I want to get even stronger if it’s going to be a fair battle this place looks good I’m going to use my magic paintbrush to draw some items let’s see first it’s something I really need it goes like this now to draw some lines on it this

Way then I’ll draw the things that go inside blue ones too looks good just color it in okay that’s the first thing will it be able to recognize it please oh I got it that was actually a bookshelf all right let’s start on the next thing I want I’m drawing something

That will ensure Victory against the Ender Dragon line here just like That diamond colored Corners now I’ll change the other colors like this it’s like this right I think so up here I’ll write something on it wow I really hope it recognizes this y it’s an enchanting table Perfect of course this is the next thing I’ll need this yeah I got it lapis lazle you can probably guess that I plan to do some enchanting but there’s still something else I need to get started right something like this then uh a DOT here then to change the color okay please work

Please wo I got it that’s exactly what I was drawing experience orbs wo I honestly didn’t think I’d get this much experience I’m moving towards level 300 I’ll use all these experience points to my advantage wow this is crazy 311 I’m going to use everything I created here to start

Enchanting now how should I begin I’ll start like this by stacking up all these bookshelves nice now I can place the enchanting table here it will grow power when surrounded by bookshelves see it’s time to enchant I think I’ll start with my helmet place the lapis lazle in here and

Zam oh yeah just like that this is how enchanting Works H oh wow it has fire protection that’s a great Buff wo nice I’m not sure what all of this this is but my armor is fully Enchanted next is my weapon wo higher damage let’s do my axe next with Efficiency wao fortune and efficiency okay I’ll do this too more efficiency wow there you have it enchanting has been a huge success I’m really powered up all of my equipment is Enchanted I’m as powerful as I can be I can definitely slay the Ender Dragon let’s go ha H what’s that

Wait huh was that there all along I’m feeling curious I’ll go check it out what could it be something’s on top yeah yeah it’s a house huh our house is like this a thing it’s kind of oh isn’t that where I was enchanting was this here the whole time all right I’ll look

Inside what do I do if Mikey’s inside whatever no huh huh oh wow yes my trap worked Mikey I’m so happy seriously goodbye JJ wait what is that some lava no Mikey don’t do this he’s going to pour lava on me what now 3 2 1

Yeah I win no what hang on I did it I’ve won ouch ouch OU there’s no way you can survive ow well I beat JJ awesome wait I’m not taking any damage what fire wa this is bad he’s on fire wait Mikey it’s your turn in the pit no woohoo

Hey how wow I’m on fire but I’m not taking any damage I wonder why now let me check my enchantments H helmet has fire resistance my chest plate has it too wow my boots Also Mikey it seems like I’m covered in fire resistance I took barely any

Damage oh wow I sure am glad I Enchanted beforehand all right man this armor is so powerful I don’t even take damage from lava woohoo now that Mikey’s out of the way we already know my weapons and armor are powerful so it’s time to build an end

Portal for the final boss I’ll use this magic paintbrush to do some drawing this is about the right shade yeah then in the middle black dot then some yellow here and I’ll draw the next part with the same color then the design like this okay oops it’s upside

Down hey I got it it worked these are end portal frames in order to reach the Ender Dragon I need one more item though it looks like This first a circle how’s this that was easy well got it check it out I use the brush to make end portal frames and Eyes of Ender which means it’s time to slay the Ender Dragon set this up Here and here and that’s how to make an end portal now I just need to fill in these slots with Eyes of Ender last one woohoo I won’t need these anymore now the portal to the Ender Dragon is activated that means it’s time for the final boss battle here I go

Woohoo I’m in the end this is where the Ender Dragon lives let’s go go to the surface I hope she’s ready to fight me wao that’s it I can hear the wings flapping wao made it this is where the battle takes place it’ll be tough the

Dragon is very strong so my first move is going to be oh uh-oh Enderman they’re attacking me uh let’s head up there to the top of that Tower I’ll have a second to think ow come on almost there the Ender Dragon knocked me off this isn’t going to be easy I need to

Come up with a plan and fast huh let need think no I need a moment alone to think I’ll dig a hole for shelter that’s better sheesh I can’t fight the Ender Dragon like this even with the best equipment but I have an advantage my trusty magic paintbrush I’ll draw up the

Most ultimate item ever made and if I can make this I will definitely win the battle now watch huh I’ll start here with a block then fill in the colors I’ll use this color to draw on the sides like this now to draw the red dots and that’s it it’s the ultimate

Item yes it worked I can’t believe I got the command block that scared me the Ender Dragon destroyed my picture that can’t be good I needed that this is a seriously tough final boss battle it won’t be easy I need to get really serious if I want to win against the Ender

Dragon now what next looks like I’m going to have to get to the top of that Tower I’ll climb up let’s destroy this yes okay it’s time to use the command block for the First Command ah right that’s it okay now oh wait I forgot something really really important

This how could I have forgotten this come on okay now I have a lever for the next part I’ll need one more command block placed here so for the first step is that right yeah and now I’ll put another command into this one it’s ready to go I’ll activate this

Command block and watch what it does goodbye Ender Dragon wait a sec huh what is that Mikey I won’t let you slay the Ender Dragon I have Diamond equipment too I’ll fight you really there you are that’s not good you look pretty tough it’s even Enchanted oh I’ll

Win wow I’m really impressed Mikey you might pose a real challenge you’re going down now before Mikey climbs up here for our fight I should activate the second command block oh no I fell off how did that happen oh man woohoo yay I won that’s so crazy I beat the Ender

Dragon well let’s get started we’ve come to a prison for zombies let’s take a look there are so many zombies here yep wow it would be awful if the zombies were to escape from this prison just because there’s so many true that’s why today yeah we are going

To build the security system H to reinforce the prison so no zombies Escape got it make sure no zombies Escape by reinforcing the prison that’s the plan to start with let’s check out the current security okay well there’s a bunch of zombies locked up so many yeah it’s crazy seriously let’s look upstairs

Okay second floor wo look at them ooh the zombies up here look even nastier definitely they’re scary yeah oh they’re trying to get closer to us let’s stay back now let’s look at the opposite side there are plenty more zombies here these are scary too let’s not accidently open the doors yeah be

Careful right man now there’s somewhere we haven’t looked at yet let’s go okay here I come look over here see there are husks locked up over here wow so many yep yikes you know no there may be a lot of these zombies locked up but even with these

Numbers they don’t look all that strong JJ is that so hey come with me H there’s something weird huh what’s all this this cell huh looks like it was destroyed you’re right it’s busted up with nothing inside plus there’s blood on the floor you’re right it’s really weird in here I wonder H

Something just doesn’t seem right hey Mikey look what’s up here do you see something oh this section here yeah the wall looks different from the rest it’s the only part worn out now that you mention it it does look a little weird wonder why oh hang on there’s a lever here huh

No way I’ll pull it huh it’s a secret entrance maybe there’s treasure inside it must be that let’s explore do you really think so it’s kind of creepy there’s a bunch of skeletons laying around oh it feels d dangerous in here yeah but let’s investigate we’re here to make the

Prison better after all right let’s check out this mystery cell there may be treasure so we have to go in right absolutely H oh hurry up JJ huh huh get over here what is it Mikey it’s awful huh no Mikey what is that Thing wa did I see that right what huh that thing hey wait a sec is it safe Mikey that monster it’s what a mutant don’t get too close that mutant Zombie is way too powerful and super dangerous that’s why it was sealed away behind a secret entrance all of the

Skeletons are there because of this thing hidden away but still what doesn’t this thing seem calm it doesn’t want to attack us watch hey well look at me you’re right it doesn’t look that violent he’s quiet but yeah a mutant zombie that isn’t dangerous I don’t buy it huh I

Have an idea let’s leave a security camera here to watch him we can check in on him regularly all right how about here that looks good the security camera is in place now yeah we can observe its every move whenever we want with this camera oh JJ you worry too much it’ll be

Fine well Mikey I think we know enough about the prison so let’s get started on the security upgrade what does it even need an upgrade the zombies are kept under lock and key right I think this is already more than enough to keep us safe

They can’t ever get out you make a good point Mikey thanks but things could happen and we can never be too careful let’s secure the prison even more well all right I still think you’re worrying too much first things first let’s get equipped let’s gear up I’m thinking

Thinking of wearing iron armor so let’s put that on first what kind of armor will you wear this kind wow sweet cool I’m ready aren’t you forgetting your sword you’re right we’re all set for now let’s get started first up a very simple security measure okay what are we

Making a little of this oh there we go now it’s full of lava security lava oh yeah nice okay wo little more looks good yep that was quick security lava is quite effective any zombies that take a shortcut burn up oh nice all right next after our lava we’re going to install

Something impressive lasers wow these are really effective too we’ll put them over The Lava nice this is how you set up the lasers good job Mikey then right here okay cool Perfect all done nice I think this is a good start right Mikey wait what there’s more just in case

Let’s think about what would happen if they all broke out we want to prevent them from reaching the town so okay a few of these a oh these are leg traps they activate if you step on them it’s slam shut on your leg and it hurts like crazy that’s

Great we’ll use these traps just in case the zombies break out makes sense let’s put down plenty of traps how’s this looks good nice all right quite a few that should be enough awesome and now for an extra layer of protection well what’s next landmines huh we can’t

Let even a single zombie escape that’s why we’re placing landmines around here oh wo be careful Mikey getting too close activates them I won’t get anywhere near them wao back away Mikey okay careful yeah okay another one wow the ground is covered a few more over here I’ll spread

Them apart oh hopefully we don’t use these I hope not okay we’re all set you did a thorough job it’s pretty good let’s go back inside sounds good as of right now we’re the only ones managing this zombie prison right but we’re still living beings and we deserve breaks

That’s true but it’s too dangerous with no one to keep watch over the prison that means we need to summon some B bodyguards who don’t need rest like we do oh okay here an iron golem it looks strong nice we can build a few like this

H and one more over here should be enough it’s perfect it’s definitely better yeah our security leveled up woohoo all right hooray we’re done it must be perfect now it’s the most powerful security ever um well there is one thing what that mutant Zombie is terrifying this level of security is enough for

These zombies but is the mutant really that powerful it’s really strong I think it would break through our security easily so I see that’s why we need to make a last resort security measure for the mutant zombie let’s start over here far away from the prison’s doors we’re

Going to build the most ultimate anti-mutant zombie trap what is it avoid pitfall trap it’s pretty serious sounding huh yeah the pit will connect to the void once it’s fallen down there it will never ever be able to return to the surface wo it’s genuinely the ultimate pitfall

Trap oh all right then are you ready to build it together yeah all right dig the pit all the way down all right okay to the void just like that wao I almost fell in forever be careful I definitely will it’s dangerous just a little more almost

Done wow it’s all void beneath us wo if you fall in there won’t be anything left nice all done now we’ll work on the mechanism we’re going to need TNT and Redstone this is how we’re going to build it see the bottom layer is all TNT okay fill it all up there we go for the next part you place a layer of sand got it oh yeah then the next layer will be Redstone Sure Nice wow for the final layer more sand okay all right not bad okay yep yeah done finished and now mhm we’ll make a Detonator switch cool I’m placing the repeaters like this I see and [Applause] then this yeah the lever will go here this is great then we’ll cover it up nice yes the pitfall trap in into the void is done it’s finished we can lure the mutant zombie here mhm and then pull the lever at the right moment to make it

Fall into the void our security measures are finished yay no matter what happens the zombies won’t be able to escape I still don’t think that’s going to happen we have the night shift together Mikey so let’s take a nap sounds good night oh hey Mikey wake up it’s time to get to work

Buddy it’s dark out morning good you’re awake it’s time for our night shift let’s do our rounds okay yeah all right be careful not to step on anything okay let’s start working nothing seems out of the ordinary let’s go back to sleep it doesn’t look like there are any

Problems H huh what oh no wao what Mikey the power’s gone out no way huh seriously oh the door doors oh no the doors are broken and the zombies are escaping they lost power and unlocked what do we do we’ll use the leg traps you okay the Iron Golems will protect us

Save us help us out yeah there’s so many yeah there are a lot oh man uh-oh oh no yikes hey wait come on run use the security system ouch lure them over here then what knock them into it wo ouch stay away yes okay help JJ

This is rough seriously we might have to use the landmines will that work ow first use the leg traps to reduce their numbers then hide out near a land mine here we go come on yes wo that was amazing but there are plenty more on the way really they’re

Still coming they are let’s fight them with our swords is it enough take this yes take that how’s it looking are we good now I think it’s working so far or not huh there’s more now the zombies from this side come on iron golems please save us please wa man keep

Fighting can we win there’s too many zombies way too many let’s run are you okay help me I’m coming I made it yes this is so crazy JJ lure them to the lava oh I’m trying they’re going around it come on save me right up to my security lava no the Iron Golem died oh no can we still will’ll do this it’ll be fine only the first floor zombies escaped that’s true we got

Lucky wait a sec Mikey the second floor zombies are breaking out it’s too much wo there are even more freaky zombies than there were first floor zombies this is insane knock them into the security system into the lava in you go yeah go into the lava a powerful security system

Yeah all right wait we lost the Golems I think we need to use the landmines again okay lure them this way I hope it works they’re not stepping on It come on oh it hit woah nice it really worked I’m glad we put these out here we

Have more zombies coming oh man it’s a lot what we can’t let them Escape we have to destroy every last one that gets out don’t even let one get away JJ every last cell is open seriously all of them let’s use these landmines let’s go lure them over okay

These leg traps weren’t great come over here they’re coming yes hey not bad awesome this is going well this way Mikey wait stand behind the landmine got him oh Mikey Mikey exploded too no way at least we don’t have to use our last resort there are still landmines no one’s

Stepping on them really I’ll lure them yes it worked yeah nice is that all let’s see wait did we defeat them all no there’s a few more some are still standing get him that Golem is slacking off for now use the security lava I was going to go back to the life

Traps there are too many JJ are you okay hey there’s one more land mine over here perfect let’s use it do you think of will be enough go W yes boom woohoo we did it this time was that the last of them either way we can blame the

Power outage for the doors unlocking last One we beat them we managed to keep them from escaping what a relief all thanks to that security I’m glad none of them got past us we did Great wait a sec Mikey hm I just yeah so we forgot something we did it’s serious what what happened huh to the mutant zombie I don’t think we saw him trying to escape H hey let’s check the security camera to see if he’s still inside the cell okay I’m checking

Well uh huh no the cell is empty where did it go where is the mutant zombie now no what huh uh seriously oh no way no the mutant zombie it’s here what now Mikey it’s on a rampage watch out run we have nothing left no landmines we have no choice but

To use our last resort weapon that’s right will this work I hope so ouch man attacks are usel Run please work lead him to the sand come at me yes go wait is it even coming for me come on W I’m the bait you activate the Trap

I’ll lead it okay we got this go yes run do I pull it here it comes do it now wo yes it worked wow we won woohoo we really did it yay wonderful we stopped every last zombie from escaping we did It have you ever heard of an underwater prison these two unfortunate prisoners have been locked up in an underwater prison and they want to break out all right let’s get started here we are huh where are we Mikey we’ve been locked up in an underwater prison to put it simply

This prison appears to be below the sea no kidding everything around us is light blue they must like light blue this must be a prison cell I’m not sure why we’re here but we’re definitely locked in this jail let’s break out how did this happen well let’s look around Mikey there’s a

Chest here careful H be careful in prison it’s empty why do we need to be careful in prison oh you’re right it’s empty there’s something under the water tank oh right what H look by the head of the bed hm huh huh what wa can you jump higher

From the bed yeah seriously that’s a thing look over here H the ceiling what is it oh a switch look Mikey wow push it something might change I’ll keep watch ready ouch H oh the lid opened we can enter here to go down there huh I don’t fit you don’t

Oh I’m in huh how’s it work how did you get in there Mikey seriously I don’t know here can I try we’re supposed to go down there aren’t we whoa I’m through Mikey I made it inside but how oh hang on there’s a chest I’m opening it okay 3 2 1

Wow I found a stone button but how am I supposed to get back up I don’t think I can how I just went down to the center of the cauldron it’s a tight fit so maybe you shouldn’t come down here I don’t want to I found this button now I

Need to get out pass it give it or maybe we should Escape together that’s right Mikey don’t leave me here maybe I have to put this somewhere hang on a second it says here it can be placed on the cauldron let’s try it it worked you put it on The Cauldron

I’m not sure why though 3 2 1 push oh huh this stuff just appeared when you came out it says it’s a reset button a reset button stone pickaxe and glass what’s with the button I wonder what the stone pickaxe is for H oh it looks like we can break through the Floor the other rooms look a lot like ours is the glass different huh this side hang on this side is huh The Cauldron is different hm how maybe we should put the glass in the same place as the neighbors really let’s give it a try right here I’ll just put this in what

Now H we can break one piece of the floor with a pickaxe just one floor block and two glass what do we do with all this stuff I’m looking at the other rooms but they aren’t the same what about the chest it’s different we can’t

Move it what now huh if the cauldron is there then how do we change where the chest goes H weird over here oh huh what huh can I try that again I just put the glass here and I broke this oh it disappeared I know you can’t see under

The chest but maybe there’s glass under these two spots oh I think you’re right that corner over there and this corner over here are both glass I see all right Mikey let’s bust out I was on the right track there’s a dining room check it out sure what’s this it’s a cafeteria Chef

What’s he for I got his Apple another room his head came off scary put it back he gave me an Apple nice there’s a chest over here but I can’t look inside at least I got an apple from the cafeteria I wonder what I’ll use this for there’s

A lot of prison cells here this is the mining room check it out this guy looks weird don’t you think actually see his face he looks like you that’s what I look like yep what’s this uh he has a stone pickaxe we could use that wow how’d you get it I

Just did wow there’s an iron pickaxe here you can mine for diamonds now I know so much about Minecraft oh you’re right why don’t we just stay here and mine huh the stone pickaxe isn’t working is it just for show then I’ll be responsible for mining nice we got

Coal there wo more digging huh what’s this wait what weird I wonder what all these blocks we found are for this is difficult ult what’s with the numbers let’s look at all of them in order there’s room 309 to 312 then 305 to 308 is it out of order 6

7 8 9 10 11 oh never mind okay let’s look through them one at a time maybe one of the cells has something in a chest oh hold up look what huh hang on Mikey I think we should follow the arrows and then dig let’s head into the mining room I’m pretty

Sure I figured it out we’re supposed to go straight for three blocks check this out 1 2 2 3 then left by three so 1 2 three then back by one so here yeah now we dig three times huh 1 2 wo W wo I would never have figured that out

Interesting we found a diamond did that do it we figured out the puzzle what’s this diamond For let’s check out the dining room they must sell something in here and I think we’re supposed to buy something from him I guess I’ll give him back his Apple huh what now room 312 doesn’t open you’re right 312 doesn’t open let’s take stock of our situation first we escaped from

Our cell then we found a diamond in the mining area but now we’re not sure how to use the diamond yeah I wonder if we need to use the diamond to buy something in the cafeteria there’s nothing else in the other chest also room 312 won’t open

H what look here oh let’s take a look inside good idea 3 2 1 oh a map what’s that it’s telling us to combine a golden apple and a diamond well we already have the diamond which means the golden apple must be hang on I’m going to take back the Apple we

Probably need to find a way to turn the Apple into a golden apple how does this work he might know you have his head maybe I can put something in his other hand an apple in the right and in the left one huh what how did you get over I wore his

Head oh you need to wear it like a hat to cross wow wao hang on I thought we saw something we weren’t supposed to we weren’t supposed to turn his Apple golden we just needed to steal the golden apple wearing his head it’s kind of like face ID I’ll give him his

Head yeah I don’t usually steal but we need to break out of here we have a golden apple and a diamond but what do we do with them pass the Apple here thanks and the diamond wao huh what did you do JJ I tossed them to you and they combined

What is it huh jail Breakers oh hang on if these are jailbreakers then maybe we can break the iron bars let’s head to a cell yeah we can’t get in from here so let’s try this side let’s break through those iron bars to get in all right they break iron bars huh cool

Wow there one down one to go yay we broke through now we can get into room 312 through room 311 let’s go the only room we couldn’t get into come on I’m heading in from 311 it doesn’t look that different from all the other cells the only difference

Is that the trap doors in the floor have water under them how do we escape do we go through the water what about our new Cutters right let’s look for another place to try them there may be another spot we can break through the iron bars so let’s look around the corner seem

Suspicious what did we look in 308 is there something there there’s a lever in the chest huh yeah sweet we can open it with this I can’t believe we missed it trust my turtle instincts now where do we put this maybe just leave it anywhere there okay I’ll put it here

Open good job another successful breakout ouch come back up Mikey hurry what’s wrong I don’t know Mikey there’s a room Okay wao that’s hot this prison is an underwater prison so that’s why this part is completely filled with water it also seems we can breathe underwater here swimming is fun interesting you’re good at swimming Mikey let’s figure out this puzzle oh do these change colors when you touch them

Huh I figured it out they change color when you touch them so let’s touch all of them oh it changed color touch the green blocks to turn them blue come on that’s all of them they changed they did but nothing happened hm I’ll look around I can find something it must be

Around here but where it’s fun watching you swim around thanks I can’t find anything did you see any other paths H I didn’t look there might be something in this room oh hold up Mikey what’s over there ouch let’s go there was another hallway on this

Side oh it’s Soul Sand if we stand there it should rocket us up to the top W wo do you hear ticking check it out the blocks keep appearing and disappearing I think it’s parkour Mikey I know wellow go all the way around the room then out through there probably good Luck we have to time it really well go it vanished that’s hard it really is do I have the timing right oh there we go I fell wao yes quick learner okay ready your turn Mikey Focus this could take a while yes yes wa you ran too far okay I’ll keep moving oh I fell off this is rough go for it I’ll wait here keep it up wow good job a close close we have to keep our momentum okay I made it this Far um huh Mikey what an invisible wall you can’t run through it I’ll give it a try I’m going to dash through it I’m sorry there’s definitely an invisible wall right here huh I’ll cross oh now I can’t jump here so what do I

Do I fell so far so good up until this points a this is hard Sprint right through don’t forget to Hop here I go yes yay nice now do this one this is hard oh no so close okay I won’t miss this time oh not again good luck Mikey I was almost there yes yes I made it good luck Mikey you can do it if I

Beat it I’ll really prove myself ow the wall ate my head one more try come on oh you can make it this time Mikey don’t dash for that part okay go jump no again okay jump you can do it that was easy wao nice job Mikey y YY all right

Mikey we’ve passed the super difficult parkour course so let’s keep going into the darkness what’s in here did we break out already is this the way out I don’t think so let’s go huh what’s that what is it there are arrows on the floor like

A crane game what for oh if I move to the right then the green block moves right if I go left then it goes left oh huh it turned orange H change them all I can change their colors what if I touch the green block to that

One oh it reset yellow turns orange when it touches green oh maybe I should turn them all orange I’m not sure is this this right you should make all the colors the same on this level oh it turned pink pink then there’s only pink green and orange

It’s like an escape room you have to make all the colors the same I wonder if that’s right pink and green probably make orange that’s time to find out 3 2 1 there uh it started over let’s try that again maybe something changed huh huh that looks like something the

Wall broke oh this way come on what’s this hang on there are blocks lying here let’s toss these H what’s this is this a door huh huh huh look what wao what is that is that the goal we escaped successful prison break we made it out we’re back

On the surface doesn’t that one look like Mikey what a weird face well I guess that means the two of us successfully broke out of the underwater prison mission accomplished mhm if you enjoyed today’s video make sure to like and subscribe anyway thanks for watching see you later thanks bye

Bye let’s get started tonight we’re in trouble something awful is coming to get us what is it sounds scary it’s a wicked creature called the siren head and it’s heading our way I think I’ve heard of that there’s no time to waste [Applause] Siren head is really bad news so we have to reinforce The Village okay got it first first we need to make a giant security house let’s build it out of wood good idea we should make it gigantic this size should be good now let’s focus on our Defense yeah let’s see defense H H oh wow it’s really big yeah it feels safe the bigger it is is the safer the siren head is really dangerous this is our last line of Defense what do you think Mikey man this is huge totally you think this is wide enough oh yeah all right let’s do this together quickly yeah let’s hurry we don’t have time to mess around let’s focus yeah or house this is going well yep okay now the roof I’ll do the

Windows thanks Mikey wow this place is huge so big that even siren head can’t reach us hopefully oh yeah this is pretty great like This almost Done okay the roof is complete who what’s that I thought that a stone wall would help let’s go defense is important it doesn’t matter what it looks like as long as it’s strong yeah totally hold on we should use glass blocks instead of glass panels blocks are thicker so they must be stronger

Oh slash all Right wow how is it looking good strong There that should be enough for now this is really great Mikey reinforced the outside with stone already I think we should add a few more windows Here So we can get a good luck yeah I want to see It something like this yeah now we can see when it’s coming this is really well built huh Mikey JJ look H whoa Mikey are you okay just fine wow good idea yeah this just has to stop siren head right lava Moes are hard to get past

This helps our defenses a lot good luck getting in tough guy hey I have an idea let’s make a beacon oh really should we put it on the roof that’s perfect about like this right okay here huh yes ready perfect okay here we go there’s some more yes so fast

Yeah okay let’s activate nice wow this will help a lot right with a beacon we can turn on its buff Powers let’s use woohoo diamonds will work great for the beacon but what to choose let’s add resistance and regeneration yep these will be really useful cool we’re a lot tougher now stronger

Awesome what should we do next maybe nothing too big a few bodyguards oh oh yeah that’s a great idea Iron Golems are the best right definitely let’s do it how many do we need four oh only four bodyguards will that be enough nice okay one more come here yeah yes

That’s perfect our defenses just got a lot better with these bodyguards now let’s add some traps sounds Good nice now that these are installed we can fill them up with arrows as many as we Can you weren’t kidding all done nice next it’s time to set up the big Redstone circuit okay looks good will will it work it definitely Will WRA it all the way [Applause] around then hook it Up a lever here and that should do it check it out here goes wao that’s amazing nice look at that wow try it out Mikey okay wao what oh man this house looks like a pin cushion look out oh that’s terrifying wow wow that’s crazy that does some

Serious damage but can we do more isn’t this enough even with this much protection the siren head might break through if it does we have to seal it away yeah let’s make a giant pitfall trap if everything else fails we can drop it into the hole let’s start

Digging let’s go maybe here looks good but Mikey how big do you make a pit that drops into the void let’s just start digging straight down huh H almost there in Minecraft yeah there’s nothing below the Bedrock wow even if we can’t beat the head we can lure it here

And seal it away forever it’s good to have a last resort like this yeah this is going to be difficult but let’s do it let’s dig okay almost done Mikey wow hooray this is really something it’s so big last step let’s turn it into a trap we’ll

Need sand and TNT yep and redstone now watch 1 2 3 4 like this okay hurry the Sun is setting you’re right let’s move it’s almost night Time pick up the pace I’m Hurrying go faster nice now spread the Redstone Dust okay got to Hurry no time siren head is coming don’t leave any gaps I hope this is enough our defenses are good but still let’s fill it in yeah Almost done there we did it now I’ll place the activation switch but who will be the bait and who will flip the switch you can flip it I mean I could be the bait too we’ll just have to see right play it by ear Yeah that’s the spot nice careful I’ll send the signal down this way like this all right H wow is it done we’re all set whatever happens only pull the lever if you have to understood Our Last Resort I feel like we can survive This cover it up all right it’s a pitfall into the void if it falls in it’s never coming back which means we’re done good job all right one last thing before nightfall let’s put on the armor that you set up for us Mikey nice full Diamond H yeah

Awesome I guess we’re ready we prepared enough right definitely I’m not worried let’s wait for the sun to set okay it’s dark Mikey I see something over there is it siren head let’s go look I see it what is that get back that’s no way that’s the siren

Head Mikey really W hey don’t get too close it’s just standing not for long wow it’s weird it’s scary but it isn’t attacking is it safe oh it’s raining now ow it hit me get in the house now get inside the Iron Golems they’re fighting

Go get them you can do It Gos get it protect us it’s working I’m so glad wow nice come on wo what a great fight this is crazy maybe it’s not so tough wait it’s covered in cracks no it’ll be okay you can do it come on fight huh uh-oh this is

Bad run away to the security house run the Golems are gone we should be safe inside right totally we’re fine attack take this yeah shoot did it work I don’t think so Mikey no way they have no effect no I’ll keep trying Hey I don’t think it can get inside it’s stuck

H what’s happening whoa hang on it can’t get through the wall right the stone wall what no way it’s through ant inside the house the wall it transformed run away this is bad Mikey this isn’t a safe house Mikey here come on hold on it’s following you

Don’t this is crazy save me JJ just a sec over here is it is it targeting me now yeah me are you sure let’s see I’m hiding oh man it followed me back to the house it took out our Iron Golems it smashed our walls we’re going to have to

Seal it in the pit yes we have to trap it away forever okay Mikey you need to lead it man be our bait just run away stop follow the lure come on do it that’s good Mikey here goes GJ it was you wait this is bad it’s after me uh-oh

Mikey switch with me I’ll be the bait well hang on hurry JJ man come on it’s after me this is bad watch out I’m running hurry please over here JJ where is it did it lose me babe I’m over here will this work wow it’s so scary come over

Here don’t fall in hold on I need to keep it away from you do it now yes we did it really it fell I think so wow I was so scared I couldn’t tell the last resort worked our trap worked woohoo even with our arrows barely

Making a dent and our house destroyed we worked together to seal away the siren head for eternity into the void we did it if you like this video please be sure to like And subscribe bye-bye well then let’s get started tonight something really wicked is heading towards this Village wait wait

Wait what what’s coming to our beautiful Village well Mikey a super Wicked creature known as the cartoon cat is the one who’s coming for us tonight huh the cartoon cat yep well what is it for now in order to protect these villagers we have to reinforce security got it let’s

Make it secure and [Applause] [Applause] survive yeah no time to waste right for starters we’ll build the ultimate security house let’s make it really big yeah huge how to iron block sound iron blocks yeah we might as well if it’s our security house sure it should be strong

Enough to keep us safe totally although the cartoon cat is seriously evil really the cartoon cat is really bad oh let’s hurry no time to waste would it hurt if we made this really tall no I want to make it big enough to look over the entire Village wow that’s high well I

Want this to be the strongest house ever made is this good yeah that’s high high enough now it’s time to make the roof make the roof let’s hurry all right the cartoon cat is coming tonight and it’ll be terrifying but we’ll be okay if we secure this place that’s the plan we’re

Finished great now let’s build some stairs over here yeah here are the steps so we can get up here quickly good now then next I’m going to add some glass so that we can see outside like this okay hurry hurry hurry the villagers are watching us they look worried let’s Go done now oh there’s a villager inside everyone should get in sure they can come over yeah it’s our job to protect them all right then we need to make it safe enough right here like this yeah I added some buttons that should keep us safe we’ll make the the doors automatic

From the inside okay that’s good nice this will be our observation deck to watch outside cool we’ll have a clear view of the whole village and just in case I’ll leave a chest full of bows and arrows emergency only good idea if the cartoon cat attacks us while we’re up here we’ll

Just shoot arrows at it arrows we could probably defeat it like that oh Mikey what’s this what do you think a stone wall that’s right I’ll make it look lower so that we can see past it okay plus the cartoon cat isn’t very tall so

If I made your wall two blocks high I think that would still be enough to keep it out what’s it look like I’m nervous next here Mikey let’s fill this in with what with lava nice idea the lava’s going to keep it out yeah ooh once we

Fill in the moat nothing will get in yeah absolutely nothing all right I’ll keep adding the lava in like this and and it’ll keep out Intruders hurry hurry hurry right nice job JJ it’s perfect all done great there we go it’s really starting to look like a security house yeah all right Mikey

What should we make next what something that’ll really boost our abilities how about a beacon huh we’ll make a beacon and we’ll put it right on top of here let’s do it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right okay check it out JJ how’s that now for the

Oops now for the beacon wa cool I know how to use the beacon to give us power great what should we use first let’s give ourselves super speed nice yeah I also want super jumping so we should build another Beacon let’s do it good idea actually the jump boost Beacon

Doesn’t doesn’t need to be as big oh really like this that should be enough all right I can give us a jump boost nice there wo I’m running so fast wow sweet now even if the cartoon cat chases us I think we can get away is there

Anything else to prepare yeah of course oh what is it we need more manpower Manpower like more people right we just need a couple of iron blocks and a pumpkin for the head then there what does that make watch this security yep oh I know you do done I was right it’s

An iron golum let’s make a couple more of them in fact let’s make a lot more of them wow with this many there’s no way we’ll lose all right we have five should I make one more yeah there six Golems nice good job we’re going to survive

This one well Iron Golems have one of the strongest basic attacks plus a really high defense I think they’ll be able to hold back the cartoon cat they might even beat it for us does that mean we’re finished not even close huh why next we have to prepare for the worst possible outcome

What happens if all the villagers and iron golems get wiped out I don’t even want to imagine that I don’t want to imagine it either but if it does happen we should destroy the whole village what okay we’re going to build a self-destruct mechanism in the sky for the entire Village

Wait what are we making we’ll need some dispensers we’re going to drop TNT from up here oh I see we can defeat the cartoon cat Yeah by blowing up the whole entire Village nice idea it’s going to look like this what how this will be amazing something like this I mean this

Is our last resort so I’d rather not have to use it me neither but I feel safer now we’ll take it down and survive right we’ll see if we can take the cartoon cat down with the rest of the village if we do that the cartoon cat

Will never reach the rest of the world that’s great okay W are you finished yet all done sweet now then wow that’s crazy yeah there awesome I’m going to put the lever right here Nice there amazing it’s all done yep that should do it I think we’ll be able to beat this thing just fine okay things could be really bad if you touch this lever I won’t it’ll activate the device there’s just one more thing to make huh what is it well

What happens if the TNT from the self-destructive Ice Still isn’t strong enough to defeat the cartoon cat yeah what then just in case we should find a way to seal the cartoon cat off in a pitfall trap trap it we should dig the pit far away from the village good point

We need to make it really big somewhere around this size in Minecraft as soon as you fall beneath the Bedrock there’s no way for you to get back up to the surface you’re stuck wo this is the pit where we’re going to trap the cartoon cat it’s our last resort huh I think

I’ll do it like this [Applause] Yeah now I’ll put sand on the top Nice ooh next we’re using redstone dust as a wire let’s go Yeah all right Right now what it’s a little bit sloppy but we’ll do something like this okay I’ll add the lever and we’re done we did it there’s so much security now finished phew good job thanks all right Mikey what is it look we totally forgot about this oh cool armor make sure it’s all on

Perfect okay now we’re ready we just need to wait for Nightfall sure thing we’ll destroy this cartoon cat Mikey it’s night time now you’re right I really hope this plan works is it here yet I’m worried not yet huh what’s that it looks really evil wo it’s already killed one of the villagers

Really is it eating him but the village is fenced off how can’t it cross the fence maybe not wao the Golem slow down why’d it go over there huh it went over the fence uh-oh now it’s inside oh no Golems look the Golems are fighting it now well did

They beat it is it down maybe they did we won it’s missing the Golems beat it really then how come the creepy music is still playing it just came back for our Golems it’s alive huh no what this is bad time to fight yeah let’s go no way I see it right there

Careful I’m hitting it wait so the arrows aren’t working I don’t think so oh no it’s hitting the villagers inside their houses how impossible this is so bad hang on what’s it doing I don’t know wow no way can it reach us it’s up on the house I hit it the arrows are

Working oh wait it’s looking right at me stay back Huh where’ it Go Mikey get inside the house I see it it was right there I think it ran away behind the house that’s so creepy JJ use the self-destruct wait a sec there it’s right there okay Mikey our Ultimate Weapon wait huh oh what is it I think I

Can beat it like this that easy this could work where are you I’m going to fight it okay maybe use the lava the lava here W look out oh nice it fell in sweet it fell right in did we beat it is it over it looks healthy even in the

Lava what the what’s it looking for let’s get out of here huh well how did it wao wait a sec stop on way wait what happened hey what was that I’m not sure you okay oh no it’s going to eat me no Mikey don’t let it see us Mikey we need

To use our last Resort let’s go the Ultimate Weapon okay here it is the final weapon Hit It Goodbye Village go TNT did we win yes wo wo wo wo what it missed seriously how no the weapon broke this is really really bad Mikey come on

We need to try the pitfall trap yeah go what a creepy laugh okay hurry right where is it is it after me it’s coming this way hurry please come on quick activate no you fell in with him you disappeared off the map I can’t believe it but still this means we won

We did it we won can’t climb out of there woohoo victory yeah awesome here shoot it with arrows that was great although the village got completely destroyed yeah that’s true but the cartoon cat fell into the pitfall trap and is sealed away forever it’s still down theree it’s

Impossible for it to climb back up here so I’m considering this battle a major victory hurah if you enjoyed this adventure please remember to like the video and subscribe thank you right bye for now Bye-bye let’s get started tonight we’re in trouble something really wicked is coming for us and it’s going to wreck the entire world what’s coming for us tonight we’re facing something called a Wither storm and it’s on the way wait what’s a Wither storm all you need to

Know is that it’s super Wicked that means we need to get started preparing some security for the village let’s do it Secure the village right first oh nice Mikey we need to build our base okay it’ll be an anti- wither storm base let’s make it as big as we can we need to hurry is a Wither storm a big wither yep wow it must be strong yeah the Wither

Storm is really big it’s the ultimate Evil being it’s super strong we’ll need some place really secure to fight back from let’s hurry I want to live right a secure place to fight back from we need to survive somehow we’ll use iron blocks to make the ultimate security house these iron

Walls are going to be really strong this is a super solid building I think it’ll be pretty strong come on wao awesome there this looks like a good height to put the Roof now we just have to fill it in got it Roof let’s Hurry okay now it’s time to pick a spot for the entrance entrance right got it it’s a bit dark I’ll make lights Nice a window will be helpful for us to keep an eye on the Wither storm once we’ve cleared some space help me fill in the glass blocks Sure oh how about some more reinforced glass on this side reinforced glass the Ultimate Security house it’s a great great shelter wow yeah that’s amazing we’re going to be safe in here for sure probably H wow great nice moving On let’s add some flooring maybe we’ll use a stone floor that’s fancy let’s use Stone I’ll lay the stone down H yes it’s all coming together we’ll be safe in our security house yay I’d say this bunker is almost finished I think some torches would go well here I also want to secure the entrance an iron door should work automatic iron Doors nice this feels like a proper security house I’m going to add some lasers good idea I’ll do it too we can install them all around the building amazing now put some Here like this on on oh oh nice I’ve never seen a safer house I’ll just slap this Here nice no one will even get close to us it would be really difficult for someone to break in there now this is strong security awesome wow Strong there that should do it Mikey are you putting down lava wao huh nice thank you wonderful the lava surrounds the whole house this is really great security no one’s getting in hey Mikey what’s up since the Wither Storm’s so freakishly strong we should hire some security guards hire guards oh you’re

Doing it I know what to do yeah yeah yeah nice how many Iron Golems should we make let’s make a lot uh-oh that’s not good those two Golems just walk straight into our laser hey hey hey that’s a problem oh whatever maybe three is enough

To it’s no use crazy how come they keep on self-destructing let’s focus on something else for now hey Mikey do you see the animals hanging out in the field yeah when the Wither storm comes I have a feeling that all the animals probably won’t survive the attack what no that

Makes it our sworn duty to protect them let’s do it luckily I have a plan what is it this what the wao that’s more than I thought JJ GJ this is crazy absolutely crazy oh the doors won’t close anymore now it’s time for the cows

Let’s do it that sure is a lot of cows yeah at least all the animals will be protected in here we’re all going to be safe even if the Wither storm attacks us we’ll be fine all we have to do is stay inside all done okay what should we do

Next Mikey when the Wither storm comes we’ll need to prepare an effective way for us to fight back right where should we fight it around here maybe yeah we should probably fight the Wither storm in this area sounds good we’ll need weapons anti- wither storm weapons maybe

This will work what’s that that looks strong wo H I’ll bet we’re able to beat the Wither storm if we use these weapons to attack it totally so you think we can win do we shoot from up here good idea wait what’s that I’m trying to

Build some kind of platform oh oh I see up there yeah here hang on what is It watch this Bedrock oh Bedrock let’s go yeah it’s the strongest resource in all of Minecraft so we’ve got a Bedrock platform we’ll fight from here if we use your guns we can beat absolutely anything for sure yeah I’ll make some Stairs there we Go nice thanks nice we’ll win from on top of this unbreakable platform and blast the Wither storm with these we’re unbeatable W hang on a sec Mikey huh what’s up well we’ve done a really good job of getting ready totally but there’s still something I

Want to build in case we can’t beat it huh like what come with me I have a plan yeah if all else fails we can make a basement in our shelter and wait out the Wither storm down there oh smart maybe around here this is good let’s make a basement on it h [Applause] it’s a basement this looks good in terms of size Perfect Awesome what are we supposed to use this basement for well Mikey I did say we could wait out the Wither storm down here but if I’m being honest that’s not the only reason why I wanted us to build it huh wait what do you mean if we can’t

Beat the Wither storm with our guns then I’m going to activate a device that will destroy the entire world okay that means we’re going to use this basement to store our secret weapons what secret weapons yep There that’s good here’s the door cool wa that’s great this will be the entrance to our basement okay come here sure first we need to light it up then we can start to install a special something what is it huh it’s extremely dangerous taada Mikey look over here

What here wo careful that’s a gift for me to you it’s a super powerful miss thanes this looks seriously dangerous if we’re not extra careful with these when we go up against the Wither storm there’s a chance we’ll get caught in the explosion what are you kidding me don’t

Worry we’ll secure them in here we’ll want to keep a few extras just in case I didn’t know you could do that four missiles should be enough that means we get two each we have to fire them through a rocket launcher I see I’ll put the rocket launchers in this

Chest nice make sure to load up the rocket launcher with a missile before you actually fire it and remember only shoot it when we have no other options just aim at the Wither storm and launch fortunately I think our our security house upstairs will be all we need I

Think you’re probably right oh wait one more thing what I want to make sure that this room is extra secure just in case this is only for emergencies right let’s add security H I Know perfect oh wait a Second I don’t want it to open too easily that’s Dangerous h I’ll set it up like This now over Here okay this lever should only be touched in case of an emergency situation wo I’ll cover it great now if anything happens just break the glass bam nice good [Applause] Work the output should run through [Applause] Here almost Done great it’s all connected now all the switches are [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] connected okay I’ll do this no wait hang on there sweet there we go that should work this is amazing it’s connected through a circuit over there you just pull this and the door opens nice emergencies only if we’re ever in a situation where all hope

Seems lost we can just run down here break the glass pull the lever to open the doors then grab the rocket launchers okay finally we’ll unload these superpowered missiles into the Wither storm but only if we need to these missiles will probably get the job done

But if they can’t for some reason I say we just give up all right I think we’re ready all that’s left is our equipment oh thank you Mikey you prepared armor I sure did not only did I make armor but I have another surprise as

Well where are the guns over here huh oh we have more bodyguards those are great but we need ammo too good point in here I’ll put yours here thanks all right okay I’m pretty sure we’ve got everything prepared nice awesome here we go great my weapons loaded I just need to equip the

Armor there we should probably do a quick weapons test looks good yep don’t forget to reload between our gear and our security house we’ll definitely be able to survive against the Wither storm yeah now let’s wait for night to come let’s do it we can survive

This here we are it’s night night time is the Wither storm really coming I wonder how powerful it actually is we can beat anything our security system is the best H security systems are fully operational the Iron Golem Army is standing guard I wonder how the village is

Doing oh they should be getting inside what’s wrong it looks like that one’s having some trouble H I’m sure it’ll be okay let’s see huh what was that what what do you see I don’t even know hang on something popped up no JJ do you see it the Wither

Storm we need to take it down fast let’s have the the Iron Golems attack I’m shooting is it working the Iron Golems are oh I’m hit shoot it shoot it we got this stop it stop it oh this is really really bad I’m hit I’m hit get inside all right we should be

Safe here come on Mikey let me in do hurry up I’m here get to the basement I thought it would be safe in here but the pigs and cows are being sucked up into the sky Mikey for now let’s head down scary let’s get inside the basement

Let’s go let’s go our shelter was so sturdy shutting the door sorry pigs our only option left is the missile quick go go go glass broken door open hey Mikey are you okay I got it let’s see we get two missiles each come on yes

What the oh well I only got two the others disappeared maybe the storm sucked them up all right Mikey let’s head back to the surface here goes nothing no it’s got a hold of me oh no it’s not letting go JJ just run for it Mikey the villagers

Are going crazy shoot it Mikey we have to shoot these ready let’s go 3 2 1 what the huh what happened did we win I’m not sure but I’m still taking damage is it some kind of Wither poison oh he beat it I don’t see it you

Got it oh look at this place you must have we won we survived we defeated the Wither storm amazing woohoo so wait even though the village is totally destroyed we still managed to beat the Wither storm this means the rocket launcher we used was the Ultimate Weapon to bring it

Down we did it the village and Forest are Rubble but I’m glad I shot it so if you enjoyed today’s video please make sure to like And subscribe we’ll see you next time bye for now see you next time

This video, titled ‘JJ TURNED INTO An ZOMBIE MUTANT And ATE HIMSELF! Mikey SAVES JJ in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzin on 2023-11-17 10:00:01. It has garnered 118523 views and 483 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:16 or 8656 seconds.


This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Original Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial

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  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More

  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

    TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh StartTechCraftSMP 1.20.4-Fresh Start-Survival SMP-Hermitcraft Inspired-Diamond Economy-Shopping District-World Map-Discord Integration-Free Build-Vanilla Experience-16+-Whitelisthttps://discord.gg/m86HH5UT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft tire HellLooks like this meme couldn’t even mine its way out of a joke minecart. Read More

  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – https://youtube.com/@roytechgamerz Follow on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mr.roytech_official/ Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake😭 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

    💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/junaid_kadu_11?igsh=MWU2cm5hc3BiZzQ2dQ== #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07XfGKpEr6w 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: https://discord.gg/45jWvUXEa9 Youtube ve klan Dcsi: https://discord.gg/umutcan hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More