JJ under LOVE SPELL in Minecraft – Maizen’s TV Woman Trick

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this is the perfect time for me to put my plan into action everyone is sleeping it’s very late now let’s look to see if there’s no one else on the street just to check even thinking that it’s very late and there’s probably no one there 1 hour in the middle of the street besides me let’s now go back to our spreadsheet I’m going to get you you’re broken Mikey you’ll be totally mine now I’m doing it perfect my plan is going very well perfect now let’s go back home as soon as possible so he doesn’t wake up and I get caught in the act anyway let’s get out of here as soon as possible oh man what a beautiful day I woke up with a huge desire to talk to the TV woman today man she doesn’t stop making me think about her I never dreamed about her today and now I have her on my mind now anyway I had an idea help it’s very perfect for an idea I had in my head now I’m going to pay tribute to her I already had an idea it’s already done I’m going to get in touch with JJ and he’s going to help me in this case I’m sure let’s go and ask him for help I’m planning a picnic here in this really big place and today it’s going to work out let me just get my things here so I can go and talk to him let’s go we’ll make it he’s awake now now at this time too but if he’s not we’ll wake up now open the door there JJ I hope you’re there I’m going to knock until you wake up look at his house how beautiful it is this house is really huge let’s continue here knocking on the door so he shows up wherever he appears then you finally appeared that’s cool JJ I want to talk to you man today I woke up with a huge desire to celebrate a year a tribute to the TV woman and I want you to help me come on please I’m counting on you perfect thank you very much JJ I knew I could count on you you are my best friend that I have anyway accompany me here come on let me show you what I want to do look at this place how beautiful it is man I was thinking about doing it in this place here perfect for a setting for my plan and this plan is about us being able to create a romantic place in this wonderful place look at these trees look at this water what a wonderful thing it is and it’s very cold in other words let me tell you my plan look I’m going to get the things we’ll need to do it okay so okay guys let’s go leave a like And subscribe to the channel so we can help Mikey so let’s go perfect and then my plan is as follows we’re going to make a big table for a romantic dinner for me and her to have this afternoon so let’s go join me in helping here she likes I know this because I know her I’m crazy about her and I know everything she likes anyway it’s almost perfect thank you very much for completing my table now let’s place these chairs here these two are not necessary but that’s okay and finally we managed to finish our table now now let’s move on to the next step which is placing the food let’s go for now you stay JJ don’t leave then I’ll be right back perfect so Mikey since Mikey left I had a really good idea I think he’ll like it I’m going to get some flowers so I can make this romantic table more beautiful let’s look around here let me see I found several here this red one is very pretty go ahead look how beautiful she is this dinner will look great with these flowers on the side to make it very pretty and detailed so let’s go let’s go and let me see if there are any more here perfect I just found a really beautiful blue one wow this one is the best of all I found look how beautiful it looks here I think it’s really beautiful man I think they’ll like it hm TV woman you weren’t supposed to be here now what are you doing my God you’re going to ruin the plan huh what are you doing this to me huh don’t stop it now my God I’m very much in love with you what have you done to me you are very beautiful my God man hug me and take me wherever you want and now I am totally yours wow how I love you man I finally arrived brought the food look who they are where are they you are there where did you go you didn’t tell me anything I told you to wait man what now did he come home dwarf makes sense for him to return home and is imagining here could it be that he went to get something I have no idea anyway let’s go look at his house let’s knock if he doesn’t show up because he’s really not there let’s see hey JJ are you there please show up unfortunately he really isn’t there and now that I’m going to do it there’s no problem I’m going to continue anyway the plan with the most important woman TV later I look for him 1 hour he will appear again I’m going to fill this table now with all the foods she likes so she feels very loved because after all that’s what I feel for her love come follow me here I want to show you a business Mikey look what I found and I had the woman I’m very much in love with her sorry but I had to tell you this man I’m crazy and in love with her what no how did you do this to me man you knew I had a crush on her how did you tell me that this can’t be done man you were my friend I don’t want to know anything anymore I’m leaving here bye I don’t want to know anything more about you please get away from me no Mikey no please don’t do that I’m sorry my friend it wasn’t because I wanted to so now tvom what are we going to do we can’t leave him like this leave him alone come for an hour he will recover come accompany me I had very good news to tell you follow me right here look this wonderful house that I bought so we can live together will now be completely ours I just got it it’s very exciting for us to be able to buy our things and have it very spacious look come follow me let me show you up here she’s fine too there’s another floor here look how gigantic it is here it could be our very big and beautiful room I think it will be really good oh man I can’t believe it I’m very sad how could you do this to me he was still helping me to win her over and now he shows up with her AA wants to know it won’t stay like this I’ll find a way but it really won’t something may have happened and I’m going to find out what it was to leave it with me there’s no way this is going to stay like this neither me nor him so let’s go now let’s figure this out let me see I already know what to do I you I’m going to fix this now you can leave it to me I already know what to do guys I have a very good witch and I’m going to find her right now she has a very cute cave I can’t believe what I’m seeing here they’re living together now they’re even starting things they bought a house together but that’s not going to stay like that it’s not going to happen I’m going to put an end to all of this I’m going to find the very good witch that I know she’ll help me with this I’m sure come on I’m already there look at this look at this bridge full of traps and it proves that not just anyone can find her so let’s go I have to be very careful to get past these traps that’s it to get past the first face this blade is very sharp I have to be very careful look he was inspired too as little as I was skewered calm down let’s be calm let’s analyze and study so we can pass this on and now these blades here are almost cutting me I already have an idea I’m going to jump over the bridge that’s perfect wow I’m very intelligent we managed to get past their traps now we’re going to continue exporting the dark here anyway let’s go in so we can find out what’s going to happen on the other side ah wait what do you mean so I was deported look at this cave it’s creepy man I’m a little scared but let’s go in I’ll wait okay no I fell amp what a crazy place man I’m getting disturbed by this place what a weird thing uh look there’s another dark place here let’s see wait dude what kind of crazy magic is this that this witch uses but I finally got to the place here man it looks like a scientific base scientific look at these Labs look at these potions man I finally found the portions could this be the witch’s face she’s probably a very good witch so guys we got some potions that’s not all we need let’s go back now huh wait now there’s a from nothing door what do you mean let me see no man that’s it I didn’t just fall man I’m scared what’s going on hello witch I finally found you please make me a potion to find the real imposter I need it as soon as possible only you are good enough to do this right boy you can leave it to me I’ll make one from scratch for you this portion here you can play on whoever you want but it will only work on those who have really been forced to have evil thoughts so take this you will discover your true enemy so it’s already done but be very careful it can’t be used in any way she is very strong I’ll Trust you okay now you can use it in peace on whoever you want good luck boy on the way okay thank you very much witch you did great man this Witch is great the best I’ve ever seen and now let’s continue with our plan now there won’t be any mistakes let’s go I’m almost here at their house that they are living together that’s it I’m going to fix it now all of this is something wrong out of nothing he couldn’t have fallen in love like that but I have all the potions I need in my hand I’m going to end this now once and for all let’s go into their house let’s knock here look I’m finally against you and you stop dating in front of me now I want to talk to you what did you do to my friend please let him go what do you mean he did something to me no don’t listen listen to him JJ is he going crazy is he jealous of you so take this here huh where am I what’s going on AMP tvom Mikey what’s going on um what do you mean you’re a witch man I can’t believe I was dating a witch all this time man I’m getting out of here I’m going to take you down now man Mikey I can’t believe it man you saved me true friend sorry for everything that’s it guys we did it we defeated the pull we managed to unravel our mystery here we go guys we did it leave a like subscribe until the next video guys thanks for your help today we’ll see you in the next one bye one week later look what’s happening hello guys good morning let’s wake up let’s go downstairs here let’s see what’s happening a little outside apparently it’s a beautiful day for us let’s analyze it depending on what’s outside it really is very beautiful guys I had a really good idea let’s go wake up Mikey his room is upstairs almost close to mine I had a really good idea I’m going to call him so we can have a nice picnic like a coffee in the morning let’s go call him come on Mikey will show up hi JJ good morning to you I just woke up what do you want with me guys leave a like subscribe let’s go for another adventure today so leave a like if you’re going to like it and subscribe to the channel so let’s follow along come Mikey follow me I have a really good idea you just want a surprise I’ll let you you know when we get there when it’s a little here look like I said it’s beautiful so that’s exactly why I’m going to take you to another place come follow me that’s exactly where you’re going look this beautiful garden that we have next to our house is completely ours we can make the most of it and the idea I had is that we could organize a big picnic for ourselves today look what you think I think it would be perfect would not go not that picnic what JJ I have a much better idea come with me like this it will be a much cooler and more timely day and also because it’s very hot today so we have to cool off a lot so let’s start the campaign I’ll show you here don’t stop following me and you have to be silent because now the neighbor’s house is very dangerous she can hear us look and that’s the secret here our neighbor’s giant swimming pool and she doesn’t see it we could take advantage and take a cold shower in it today after all it is very hot what do you think wow you had a really good idea Mike anyway it would be really good to take a shower today it’s a very hot day we have to make the most of it right so anyway I’m with you I hope she doesn’t catch us in our shower anyway let’s go back to our house so we can equip ourselves let’s get our boys let’s go now that’s perfect we already had it ready let’s get our things inside our house now so we can enjoy ourselves outside let’s use our buoys they vary and help a lot so let’s go we’re ready now let’s go back to follow me here look we’re arriving at the place this is the place wow this pool must be really good look at my jump that I’m going to do now wow this jump was really good you did very well in that jump now pay attention it’s my turn now mine will be much better than yours look you thought that jump was really good right I really liked it too anyway let’s continue here taking a shower go jump from there I want to see if I don’t jump damn your jump was really cool I really liked it skip another one again I want to see what you’re going to do again try jumping higher this time let’s go I believe in you come on Mikey be careful not to fall or get hurt go I trust you damn you went backwards you did great you’re very brave anyway now it’s my turn pay attention look this jump was much more timely I did the 360 and you were left behind with my jump anyway you’ll jump again but you won’t make it huh wait what is that I don’t believe Mikey get out of there now she’s the owner of the house she saw us my God and now what are we going to do what are you doing out there boys you’re bathing in the pool without permission I won’t allow that I’m coming after you now get out of my house now run Mikey run Mikey she’s coming after us my God what danger I’m scared to death we’re not going to run away from here as soon as possible don’t stop running man she’s coming after us she’s going to catch us my God never stop running hey JJ not that one be careful look to your side damn this isn’t from my God in heaven help he was run over I can’t believe it everyday life please don’t die I need you man it won’t stay like this I’m going to take you to the hospital calm down let me get you here my dear please don’t leave me please please don’t leave me it was supposed to be just a painting today you ended up in this tragedy but I’ll find a way to rescue you friend please don’t abandon me let’s go to the doctor as soon as possible there’s a doctor out front come on come on man JJ that’s horrible it happened to you friend please hold on don’t abandon me man I will do everything for you to come back please don’t leave me oh my God man how did this happen it’s all your fault tvom will a doctor come out please to help my friend please as soon as possible you cannot die calm I’ve arrived you can leave it with me here don’t worry it’s in good hands I’m the best doctor here I will do everything possible to save his life oh man I hope everything goes well he can’t leave let’s wait and see what happens man I’m very nervous he’s really hurt he hurt himself badly in the accident what a horrible tragedy it was supposed to be a happy day anyway he’s taking too long let’s see what’s going on me too I’ve already knocked on the door but so far nothing I’m going there again let’s see what will happen please the doctor will come and give me some news about us well I just saw it here unfortunately the day is no longer with us it just died no don’t do that please he’s my best friend I only have him now I’m alone in the world don’t leave it there because you did this to me man please don’t leave me don’t leave me man I’m very sad and now what will I be in my life without you my friend I’m leaving I don’t accept that at all my God I can’t take this anymore how long am I going to stay like this now my God man I believe my day is gone anyway here is his body inside this Cemetery dude let’s go visit him my friend I’m very sad because you left you shouldn’t have left it was all my fault I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t want it to be like this anyway me and TV we are very sad for you but we came here to pay a great tribute to you because you are a great friend and you cannot leave without a great tribute I’m crying I’m full of tears and we brought you these flowers a little of each because you deserve it huh wait a minute I’m here like this what’s going on huh Mike and TV woman not this guys I became a ghost and now what am I going to do with my life dude look at this photo it must be my body there guys now leave a like subscribe so you can help me and bring me back from Life guys let’s try to talk to them they don’t listen to us look at these flowers They’re throwing at me but they don’t listen to me my God man they’re not listening to me they’re still crying and I can’t speak with them so help me like subscribe let’s follow them we have to find a way to talk to them come on guys we’re going to make it huh I try to hit but they don’t react I can go through their body it’s really very difficult to talk to them I had an idea I’m going to try to use all my strength to get their attention in some way since hitting and Crossing is no use I’m going to throw these flowers here I hope it works come on we’ll do it huh wait a minute where did these flowers come from could it have been AJ I don’t think so he must be somewhere else now anyway I really wish it had been him but I’m very sad about let’s go TV I’m very sad I really wanted my friend here but anyway I don’t think so he can’t be doing this he’s dead now let’s go back home man I still can’t believe what happened with JJ day I’m really sad what now it doesn’t stay like that Mike don’t worry come on it was all my fault I shouldn’t have kicked you out so as compensation I’m going to invite you to stay at my house with me today come let’s go in you’ll be invited from now on we can live together so you don’t feel alone I’m really sorry I really shouldn’t have kicked you out huh what are you doing at the TV House woman huh my God I have to go in so I can talk to them my God look at this they are there crying oh man I have to talk to them come on come on I still can’t believe it happened to him I’m very sad seriously man how did this happen and now what can we do to bring it back oh man I’m here they don’t see me I’m going to change everything here let’s go I hope that now they can see what I’m doing wait things moved out of nowhere how could this have happened man I’m sure JJ is here Among Us let’s look I’m sure we have to find a way to talk to him or being able to see him I’m sure he’s here Among Us these days if you’re here you’re listening to us we’re going to find a way to bring you back so don’t be like this it’s going to be okay man you’re going to come back to us good they finally noticed my presence we already have a plan follow me I know a perfect place for us to go so we can look for the right things to bring you back if you’re here follow me too guys follow me I’m already here it’s here like I said about this witch she is better than in the city let’s go talk to her as soon as possible guys come come hello witch we finally found you man we want to ask a big favor urgently a friend of ours died and we wanted you to help us yeah I know he died I see he’s right behind you wow seriously I can’t believe it please make us see it there too of course taking this position for you there with that you saw them and they will see perfectly they will even be able to talk they just won’t be able to touch each other wow I’m finally seeing you DJ wow I can’t believe it man you’re so good seriously wow wow I can’t believe it thank you very much witch you did a great job guys they couldn’t see me now I’m with them well now this is the potion that I’m going to give you to bring him back to life so as it’s new you still have the chance so run as soon as possible because if it takes too long you won’t be able to bring more so go there and good luck with your friends back perfect thank you very much witch come on guys let’s bring you back join me day you where is your Cemetery come on come on come on we’re almost there don’t waste time don’t waste any time get here JJ please don’t move away from us stay close so the poaching can work come on we’ll be able to bring it back not long to go my friend hold on a little come on now will be the moment of truth let’s see let’s see what is happening what I don’t believe it worked guys I managed to come back thanks to you thank you very much guys you did great guys thanks so much for the help see you next time bye bye guys one day later oh my God what is happening everything is shaking everything is shaking what’s going on is something wrong on this island I’m going to have to call the people they have to see this too something very strange is happening Mikey is here in front let’s see what he is doing he is not answering he is hey Mikey he is watching he appears here come here you got scared why not you need to be scared come here follow me look can you see this man everything is shaking here on the island what’s going on I have never seen anything like this before this very strange thing could it be the volcano erupting my God if it is we have to get out of here how soon guys man but I have no idea maybe it could be or not but if it is it still is look the girls showed up let’s go talk to her also they have to know something hey come on Mikey is with me don’t stay there girls hello how are you I’m just seeing this everything is shaking did something happen to the volcano should it have erupted oh I have no idea I think we better go look it must be something important look so that’s it boys man I have no idea I really don’t know I have no idea what it is in truth I really hope it’s something really stupid but if it’s something much worse we have to get out of here as soon as possible we can’t stay here in this place it’s horrible I think we better look so follow me I know exactly where the heart is it’s true you’re right so we have to get out of here as soon as possible let’s take a look at the volcano eruption depending on how it is we’ll be sure if it was him or not so come on follow me we have a long way to go then the heart of the volcano is right on the other side of the island so we have to go as far as the girls go well we can’t waste too much time let’s take care of it as soon as possible because if it is we have to leave as soon as possible that’s why we need to know so let’s go come on girls we’ll be able to find the reason for all this so follow me don’t get lost well I think I’m already recovering from the path I’m already recognizing a little of where this place is anyway you can leave it to me now I’ll take you you can stay with me and Mikey we can handle it come on girls follow us no if I lose us the volcano is right there in fact it’s not the volcano it’s its heart and it’s up to him to find out if it’s erupting or not because if it’s really high it means it’s really really wanting to explode if it’s low everything is okay with it so let’s go right down here let’s go come on follow us don’t lose us look we’re finally here let’s find out now yeah man apparently everything is fine with the volcano I think the problem isn’t him we thought it was him but everything is fine apparently with him that is something is also a very bad thing because now we don’t know what the reason for all this is and now what are we going to do girls and Mikey we have no idea idea what it could be now what are we going to do we have to find a way to find out this as soon as we vote we have to continue our journey to find out what this is well guys it’s already happening we tried to look for what it was but now it’s happening we’re not supposed to rest so we won’t be able to go home now because we’re too far away but anyway I’m glad I prepared myself I brought equipment for all of us I brought a hut for each of us and now I’m going to distribute it to each of you so you can rest and put it in your right place so feel free I brought one for each of you according to the color you prefer so let’s go guys make yourself comfortable I hope you like it wow thank you very much tvom you did great you didn’t save anything you are incredible anyway let’s take care of sleeping now it’s already very late see you tomorrow ready guys did you did you hear that strange noise exactly the same as we heard it last time oh my God guys it’s true in other words there is something happening here and it is close by so it is not something happening in our region anyway look there’s a secret base there right in front of us my God man I’ve never seen anything here on this island before look this secret Bridge man this bridge is all old finished anyway we have to find a way to cross minus don’t worry JJ and I will lead the way it will contain you so be very careful damn there aren’t lots of sharks down here so you have to be very careful and pay attention to us because anything wrong you could become shark food so be very careful JJ and I are Paving the way for you just do what we say and what we do has nothing what to fear is that they trust us everything will be fine girls come with us we have to do our little things here because we can’t fall and get caught by sharks then it ended then it was screwed for everyone so let’s go we’re going to make it let’s go guys I trust you with this photo now just the two of you come as soon as possible we’ll get this now we just need this one perfect guys we did it we’re now on the other side of the bridge and we managed to cross the island perfect you guys did a great job finally man I have no idea about this side of the island I never imagined they would have a secret base or something in inside our Island man that’s crazy good thing we were very careful not to get caught anyway let’s continue we have to investigate this place I hope there aren’t any monsters there or someone is setting you up anyway let’s go let’s find out let’s walk there man my God don’t you guys don’t just look at this there are skeletons here and lots of blood someone came by and did this to them my God could this be the thing we’re looking for what must be messing with us oh my God man we have to investigate this whole place look how many blood types there are look at all the skeletons my God we totally have to look at this place let’s go inside a little now to see what we can find let’s go huh cool now leave it to me I’ll look up here what can we find cool Mikey is there look I found a chest and there’s a gun with ammunition in it perfect let’s go outside now girls something is very wrong we have to pay attention to find out what is happening here anyway look I’m getting some noise up front let’s look at what we can find my God this isn’t a giant monster now we discovered what was happening he is the cause of all this my God he’s eating people so let’s leave as soon as possible we can’t eat his food either dude run a lot not this one I’m behind everyone my God guys I didn’t leave me behind so let me become worm food help me please oh my God what a huge thing strong as soon as possible JJ oh guys I’m scared to death run girls oh my God not that that’s the strangest thing I’ve never seen anything like that before man oh help someone help me with this one I just fell he’s going to catch me help me please don’t leave me there sorry no I fell too I couldn’t help anyone oh my God I’m not alone and now someone can help me Mikey help help me as soon as possible stay calm tvom we’re here stay stay behind me I will protect you I won’t let anything bad happen to you Mikey and I are going to face it he stays calm Mikey already knows what he has to do doesn’t he all right let’s go that’s our plan that we shared so let’s go as soon as possible go there I trust you I’ll take care of him you can leave it to me I’ll face him stay behind me he had a wife I will protect you from everything bad he will do huh what’s up giant worm you think you’re good but you’re no match for me so if you can catch me come after me stop looking at her the focus is on me not her so come after me if you’re really good let’s see if you’re all that huh you’ll never be able to catch me you are very weak I am better than you much better indeed you’ll never be able to catch me there’s no point in running come follow me so if you’re good look I let you escape you’ll never find me look I let you look again you will never find me you are very horrible you worm the stupidest worm I’ve ever seen in my entire life you will never accompany me hey where do you think you’re going you’re in a lot of trouble you’re never going to find me you’re going to the wrong place I’m going the other way you idiot you’re not going to find me I’ve never told you that you’re no match for me you can’t handle me race look I gave you another dribble you’re really bad my God perfect Mike the time has come now it’s time for the truth get everything ready here I come okay so come on come here just stupid worm you won’t be able to catch me taking this now so catch me now I want to see this we did it JJ you did a great job and she fell directly into the hole we made good Mikey we did it good guys we finally managed to arrest her perfect she’s here she’s not going to leave now no matter what our next plan is to eliminate this giant parasite once and for all she has no right to be here among people man I’m going to take her down now look we did it we are friends back the TV the camera Roma and the speaker are together again and that good one Mikey you did great guys leave a like subscribe we brought our friends back that’s it guys we’re together thank you for everything girls you did great that’s it Mikey and I managed to rescue you thanks guys another video thanks for your help leave a like subscribe until the next video guys we’re together and this was today’s adventure stay until next time thanks guys see you next time one day [Applause] later my God what is this two children were left at the door of our police station let me pick them up they can’t stay out here it’s raining a lot they’re going to end up getting sick leave me poles here on the floor my God look at these two children my God it’s responsible adopted from the police station now they will work for us you great police officers oh oh Mike finally our first day is cops my god look after growing up so much in this company we can finally become police officers finally now we are at the shooting range so we can shoot M or is this a policewoman how are you I hope you are well well here is the shooting range where we have several obstacles and several targets for us to shoot and there are some weapons in the chest you can get them I’m looking at them here Mikey and look there are a lot of interesting and pretty cool weapons here for us to use it it will be a lot of fun really get out of there Mom you can’t stay where we shoot it’s very dangerous and and if he accidentally shoots you let me take it out of those glasses look how cool they destroy it the weapon is very strong and its ammunition is quite heavy and look it’s a revolver but that’s okay it’s time to test it on targets just look at this this rifle so I V I’m going to recharge it so I can take it out take this your targets take this you can see how strong a weapon it really is I think you can see this it’s a lot of fun being a police officer good thing the police adopted us and today we are children who lived at the police station that’s really cool interesting isn’t it Mikey well now I’m going to test the other remaining weapons I think it will be fun to use them it’s a rifle and another revolver it’s actually a pistol it’s going to be really fun use it I can’t wait let’s see how it goes I think it’s going to be cool let’s go test it check it out Mikey Our Truth JJ this weapon is very strong my God we have to be careful none of this is a joke this could end up hurting someone so we better be very careful fortunately leaving the shooting range I could have gotten badly hurt I’m glad you didn’t do anything man yes I’m glad you left the shooting range and accessed it but they really are very dangerous but man we got to get back to the station we have to see our first mission I think it will be quite fun let’s go to the police station now a is we finally arrived at the police station my God it’s so cool here they told me that this is where they left us when we were little but let’s go in let’s see our first mission hello police officer what will be our first mission so I have a very dangerous Mission but I think it won’t be good for you because you are newbies but there was just a prison riot and everyone kind of escaped all the bandits fled and we need to contain them so they don’t escape my God we need to find a way to get him back into jail or I don’t know stop them from spreading in the city hey lady cop don’t worry we’ll get this Mission we are newbies but we will make it don’t worry let’s go to the car Mikey we’re going to use this car to go to the prison and make sure prisoners don’t do that anymore true JJ my God you are right let’s get in the car and get there to the prison and make sure they never do that again exactly let’s do this let’s just get in the car let me call okay here let’s go let’s protect the city okay we arrived more than us we have to be careful we know the prisoners there so we have to be very careful and use our weapons so every day I was thinking about what’s best for me to do I think I’m going to wait here in the car because I’m a little scared I don’t know how to use these weapons so I’m going to stay here for a while you can do whatever you want you call me and I’ll call reinforcements from here you can to be my my God Mikey you have to stop being chicken there only a few bad guys out there but that’s okay I’ll defeat them all by myself you can wait in the car for something call for reinforcements you’re going to stay there but that’s okay it’s time for me to act I have to go alone I’m going to use the first grenades to disperse the people in the middle I think this smoke grenade will help a lot and the other will be a light grenade I think it will help me a lot wait I think the secretary is weird too my God the grenade exploded the arrow grenade very different my God the bandits saw me I have to take them out get away from me you Bandits you will never beat me get out of here as quickly as possible you weren’t supposed to make any Rebellion I’m in charge of this city I’m the greatest police officer who’s ever been here you respect my entire story take this you’ll never beat me get away from me you won’t beat me oh my God they are very strong but none of them are going to win I’m stronger than all of them take that take a shot you’re not going to beat me my God I’m supposed to be here helping me but he’s there in the car my God I’m out of ammunition I have to reload as quickly as possible gun take this take this lack of Lula’s ammunition my God how am I going to do this do you want to put an end to the to these Bandits soon take this look the news is almost out my God I’m going to wipe everyone out there won’t be any left I’m going to bring Pride to the city and to the police officers who adopted me I took this take it ready I think I’m almost there only one left only one left he’s coming after me my God calm down I’m going to defeat him take that then I finally managed to defeat them all now I need to get back to the car I need to talk to Mike and explain everything that’s going on we need to go back to the police station that’s our home and we need to take care of our home too and let you know that we manag to complete our first mission come on everything will be fine hey Mike I managed to complete the mission I sent all the other Bandits to valow and none of them will bother us bother the city let’s go to the police station wow A J you really cleaned up your act back there but okay let’s go back to the police station we have to see if there are any more missions for us we have to go back and do a tour of the city and protect our city from all crimes come on man wow JJ you really cleaned up your act back there but okay let’s go back to the police station we have to see if there are any more missions for us we have to go back and do a tour of the city and protect our city from all crimes let’s go we just arrived is there anyone there at the police station at this time I don’t know I hope that JJ is a masked guy in front of the police station with a mask and such armed God we have to do something but again I’m staying in the car I don’t have a gun you know I think you should protect me and everything so I’ll stay in the car you from this guy me my God Mike you’re going to be chicken again dude you shouldn’t be like this but it’s okay I’ll go alone it’s okay stay in the car and be careful okay let’s go I need to defeat all these guys there and help maybe there is someone inside the police station I don’t know but even if I don’t have time to protect the police station I can’t let this become a mess take that take that these guys are very strong very strong I think the prison is having a rebellion function the distraction for these guys to invade the police station my God that’s really why take this you thugs my God these guys are really idiots but they’re not going to beat me take this my God I broke down a little from the police station I hope it’s okay to take this one my God it’s over I have to use the pistol for my ammunition I don’t make a lot of mistakes but that’s okay I ended up defeating one more person I have to be careful ready one more was I don’t think there are any more up there but let me take a look and check it out I don’t I don’t think there’s anything else I think maybe there was more down I don’t know I hope there wasn’t my God there’s one more here that I have to reload my gun before he sees me my God he saw me I have to run and protect myself take on this Bandit these guys are very strong but that’s no problem I’m going to beat them all take this crazy Bandit I managed to win there’s only one more shot look I managed to beat all the bandits wait why was that guy at the door is there someone behind this door wait my God are you here how are you are you well what happened you will not believe the bandits invaded here when you left and they took over the police station I’m glad you arrived you saved my day my God I’m glad we adopted you since you were little you’ve always always helped a lot of people anyway thank you very much for helping then stop and let Mike go why are you learning him man he’s good he’s just a police officer that’s it I’m just a good cop shut up Turtle I’m not talking with you I want to talk to your friend I want all the money from this police station I want a helicopter to get out of here now if not I won’t release the police officer from you okay we’ll give you whatever you want but please let our friend go first you can trust us just get closer don’t take this we won’t give you anything you criminal then we manag to save the police station and Mikey then we did it finally cash arrived at my house I managed to get all the money I needed today now yes I’m rich I’m very happy for today now yes no one will stop me anymore now I have all the riches in this world and I would be the richest guy of all look at these others look at these coins keep everything here in my secret chest so that no one will see it no one will suspect or touch it um wait what the one right there on my door I can’t believe what you’re doing there is the Enderman woman on TV bro what is she doing there that it let’s go see what she’s doing man she wants to come in I’m not going to let him come in here that it she teleported hi JJ I finally entered her house very beautiful by the way you thought I wouldn’t be able to get in right but I teleport I’m an Enderman woman so I can go back to any place I see look at this chest here let me see it’s interesting No don’t touch it no my riches no where did you go my money although not that guys I don’t believe it she took just took my money which I just got and took it away I have to find something to fix it come on guys we’re going to make it oh man I can’t believe it hey where did that one go let’s find her she left with my money it won’t stay like this what does she want with me I never did anything to her man she’s leaving look she’s going to the castle now I understand that castle is where she lives so if we go there to look for her you can be sure it won’t stay like that I already had an idea I’m going to Mikey’s house right now so he can let me know help and explain everything that happened and now come up there with me climb up there so I can get our riches back anyway come on let’s hit him here man I think based on the time he is sleeping I had to leave quite early so that he wouldn’t get suspicious end up waking up and not find me and I wouldn’t know what to say Mikey answers you’re finally awake man look you won’t believe it the TV Enderman woman was at my house who lives in the castle and she stole all my money dude you have no idea and that’s right you have to help me now let’s go behind her the sooner she accompanies me accompanies me dude this isn’t going to stay like this old man she lives upstairs I had an idea it accompanies me accompanies me I just remembered that there was a creeper woman down here on TV and now she can help us she knows how to control the Endermans and this will make it much easier so let’s go come on let’s not waste time let’s go to her Den her Den is right here let’s go it’s a good thing she lives very close to us man I hope there aren’t many things here for us to face but anyway we’re going to talk to her and here that’s it now I hope you top in with me until then it’s a little scary but we will be together so time to love is a little deep come on Mikey will we make it well we’re already here and now what will be the plan Mike Mike we have to find a way get in there anyway I think we can go man let’s go perfect JJ let me see a little bit here because we can do it look guys everything is okay for us come on I’ll go first let’s go let’s go my God don’t look at this just the size of this mutant creeper let’s defeat him beat him up JJ you have to defeat him he’s very gigantic my god dude what do you mean is there a deal like this here well here it must be her security to protect the creeper woman TV so come on good JJ you did great man look there’s a chest here whatever there is there must be one inside it take a look I can’t believe it Mikey it’s a baseball bat full of nails so it will be much easier to defeat them come on there’s one more here let’s defeat him help he’s hitting me really hard but now he has a stick like this no one will be a match for me let’s defeat them now let’s go go J J hit him you’ll get him to like you stronger than all of them very well man you did good now what look we have to continue with our plan man and now should it be here we’ll probably look a little closer look at this waterfall we have to climb it I’m sure let’s follow me day by day and my plan will work wait my God don’t look at the size of this creeper my God this clip is very big look there’s one more here too damn and now I’m a little scared but they’re not attacking us so it must be good anyway let’s go up here to cachua as soon as possible so we can find the creeper Woman TV so let’s go we’ll make it then we finally arrived look at this one she looks huh you finally found me wow you are very beautiful I’m in love with you but anyway what do you have to make me come here it must be something very important yes the female TV render man is very important she stole all my money we want your help to defeat her because you know how to defeat Endermans please help us come on come to us with me shall we go man she’s very smart she took my money and she mattered anyway she’s with us on TV creeper woman help us we’ll be able to defeat her let’s go let’s go but we have to get up here I know exactly where her hiding places she was going to him she didn’t even hide anyway now she’s revealed her hiding place so this way it’s easier to find her and then defeat her so let’s go JJ you’re right you’re right but come with me here first and foremost we have to wait a minute we can’t go like this we have to organize something and here is a perfect place for that follow me look hello here it is please help us I wanted to get equipment for myself for my friend here so we can face a great villain of course you can feel free here take this 12 this equipment here is the best I have including this wing for and so you’ll be able to fly and be 100% equipped to dodge whatever you want so go out there and good luck right thank you very much seller what now let’s go I’m already gearing up here the boys have already gone look at Mikey how he flies so quickly now it’s the TV’s turn the creeper woman look at her she’s flown she has a special effect I’m flying too guys look at this this is very timely finally we arrived guys we’re already here look at these two giants here Ender bro must be the Enderman TV security guard let’s beat them let’s face them shoot them and get them out my God the gun is loaded shoot now you can leave it to me now I reloaded I’m going to kill them now that’s with one shot I killed the two this weapon is very good there are more here I’m going to defeat them all be careful the shot doesn’t hit you take this you weird purple things I’m going to take everything out of all of you you won’t be able to escape me take this man there are a lot of you but there’s no point there are three of us and we are very strong together so take this I’m not giving up we’re going to get our plan we’re going to get my money back anyway let’s keep walking here look at one more here I killed her now let’s continue one more here too let’s shoot him anyway it’s already been taken down now let’s continue here on your journey and now that’s it do we owe it here perfect Mikey well done you did great Mikey hits him too not to help me perfect man you did great perfect we did it now let’s stay here our plan is now in this place I think the time has come guys let’s go carefully leave me to myself I’m prepared for anything I came here apparently for nothing now it’s time let’s go hey TV Enderman I’m here I finally found you man I came with my boys now I want you to return what you took from them you can’t do that and you won’t now all good so I’ll do it if let me keep them because they’re really beautiful and I’ll give you back whatever you want no it won’t stay like that so I’ll at least keep JJ and Mikey as mine perfect so that’s better no but now I want the two I want the two and I’ll give you back the gold let me keep the two and the gold is yours no no that won’t happen it won’t stay he’s mine there’s no point it is so if you’re not going to give it back to me then take this I’ll keep both of them once I defeat you so take this you won’t be a match for me like these shots I’m going to take you down take this so you want to fight so let’s fight so come on take this shot here I will never hand the boys over once I defeat you I’ll get the serum back I’ll keep the two of them alone and along with the gold so take this take this you’ll never be a match for me look at Mikey look at this fight my God man I’ve never seen anything like this before look at this they are fighting over us to see who gets to stay with us man I’ve never seen anything like this before no one has ever fought because of us man this can’t allow that we can’t let this happen I have an idea follow me look we’re going to put an end to this once and for all anyway let’s go talk to them hey girls stop it please we stay with you everyone stays together like this everyone wins what do you think perfect for me so very very well great this is much better so come on okay boys this is the deal made now everyone will be together so that was a wonderful idea I’m glad you thought about it and now we won’t have to fight anymore we’ll all be together and now we’ll go back home from day-to-day life like this we’ll all live there there’s more space there so let’s go back as soon as possible I take advantage of the power of flight that I gave you so that’s perfect guys now we are a group of United people and now there is nothing left for us to fight about let’s now go into our house which will now be ours and no longer JJ perfect guys let’s continue this here inside my house now and that now I’m going to get things from my house so I can bring everything here and the TV creeper will come with me let’s go guys we will be able to live together now happily ever after perfect let’s go it’s not long before we can live together we’re just going to get the things the things that are missing wait a minute don’t leave us alone let’s go soon and we’ll be right back oh I don’t believe it JJ I finally got with you and now we’re all together we did it our plan worked very well we did very well that’s it we did it that’s right women were successful but we did it now we’re all together forever that’s really good I can’t believe this happened look they’ve already brought it that’s it guys we did it our plan worked we achieved one day later girl why did you keep me here I want to get out of here get me out of here now I need to get out of here I shouldn’t be here right now you remain silent there you are disturbing me in my experiment soon you will know what it is about and why you are here now please don’t distract me you’re disturbing me a lot I need to end my experiment right now and you’re getting in my way wait experiment I’m kind of a lab rat please don’t do this to me one ready now let’s see what happened that’s it he turned into a zombie wait no oh what a headache I have a little stomach ache too what happened wait for my experiment to work out the guy turns into a zombie and runs away from here my God but he attacked me but I think I’m fine he was right here but he disappeared where did he end up it’s good to look him or not anyway it’s better not to leave him alone it’s better to keep doing what I was doing now I need to go home I have to go to the bathroom it hurts a lot and so does my head I don’t understand why I’m in so much pain I need to get inside the house did he run away that guy probably ran away but anyway leave him in the bathroom I hope it hurts a lot my stomach had never hurt like this but that’s okay let me go to the bathroom I need to use the toilet my God hey wait it hurts a lot my head is waiting too what is that wait I’m green what is that I’ve never seen before with me I hope I turned into a zombie my God and now what am I going to do the dwarf was supposed to turn me into a zombie too guys what do you think I should do leave a like subscribe to the channel and comment what you think I should do my God I need to do something against this I can’t have a zombie a brilliant idea awaits you and if I create a zombie apocalypse I will infect everyone and I will turn everyone into a zombie I think it will be a great idea what do you think guys do you think it will be a good idea to turn everyone into a zombie if you think so subscribe to the channel to help me but I hope second what am I going to infect first I know I’m going to the TV woman’s house and there I’m going to infect her and she’s going to be one of my first infected people and she’s going to in infect everyone else too haha she will be like my apprentice and everything will be fine we will infect everyone and cause a zombie apocalypse well I finally arrived at the TV woman’s house and look it’s done the night got dark very quickly my God and look the Moon is beautiful today it’s a perfect night to create a zombie apocalypse in this city it’s going to be really cool and fun and I’m going to make it work let me just call her a TV woman here so I can infect her play company wait a minute where is The woman there was a delay here damn I need to talk to high Woman TV how are you help help a zombie came into my house help can anyone help me oh my God I have to go next and now what am I going to do hello tvom welcome to the world of zombies you are very welcome I hope you enjoy it because it’s going to be fun you’re going to be a new zombie and you’re going to help me commit a zombie apocalypse on this planet and it’s going to be the best apocalypse ever we’re going to make it work infect many people and cause many zombies to appear and no one can beat us we will be unbeatable and you will be like an apprentice to me hello boss thank you very much for this honorable opportunity truly now we are going to infect this whole city this whole planet and we are going to make the biggest zombie Apocalypse of all time and no one will be a match against us we will win I’m going there to infect people good luck TV woman I hope you can do it because we will be able to infect the world we will make the biggest apocalypse that has ever been seen on Earth and now I need to infect people too I’m going after one person to infect right now and I’m going to make the biggest zombie apocalypse ever ha I arrived in the city center now I can find some people to infect look there was an old man up front I’m going to infect him I need to take it slow cautiously and very quietly so he doesn’t see me because if he sees me he might want to attack me because he will see that I’m not normal and he will see that I’m a Zombie but anyway I will even he saw me I’m going to attack him now now he’s reborn as a zombie now just wait haha more people need to be found I’m going this way because there doesn’t seem to be anyone here so I need to go to a place where there is no one so as not to attract attention and infect as many people as possible look there’s a guy there at the gas station he seems to be a gas station attendant I’m going to hit him and turn him into a zombie not long to go I’ll make it and I’ll hope he doesn’t see me because if he sees me he’ll want to attack me too I think the word about the zombies has already spread but that’s okay let’s try he hasn’t seen me yet Dam am he saw me but I’m going to infect him okay I infected him and he was also reborn as a zombie but okay let’s look at the front at the bakery maybe at this Bakery is there anyone I need to look calmly and carefully let me see wait there are two people there’s a woman inside I’m going to infect this woman and this woman is going to infect the baker it’s a great idea let me go in the back very cautiously and silently so she doesn’t see me this will work I’m sure if I open the door here now she hasn’t seen me yet I got infected and then she hit me and managed to infect her she will be reborn as a zombie attack the Baker and spread even more but that’s okay now just wait for the zombies to be reborn and infect more people ready I’ve infected more people and probably those infected infected even more look at the zombies up front damn many people were infected and now it’s finally possible to create a zombie apocal infect many more people but that’s okay damn there are a lot of zombies here a lot of zombies I have never seen so many Santo zombies and my mission will be completed I will be able to create the biggest zombie apocalypse of all in the world and in this city and everything will be fine because I’m the best and then I left now all that’s left is for one person to be infected one person I hadn’t weighed before is Mike I need to go to Mikey’s house to infect him I’m I’m going to gather some zombies and take them there so I can infect them he will have nowhere to run or Escape everything will be fine and I will create the biggest zombie apocalypse this city has ever seen if you think this will work leave a like subscribe to the channel and tell us what you think in the comments but okay come on I need to infect I need to infect Mikey do I need to make them turn into the zombie too come on I’m going to his house oh oh my God sya preaches we need to rest a little wait who is ringing the bell for the first time it’s very late I need to see who it is wait let me answer the zombie door wait JJ turns into a zombie and I need to be careful I need to see what this is from the balcony my God let me see here damn old man there are a lot of people a lot of zombies here in front of the house even the woman TV turned into a zombie oh my God I need to do something wait I have to do something I have to protect myself how can I protect myself I already know I’m going to get a knife that’s hidden here I’m going to use this knife to defend myself I’m going to hide up there I have to hide somewhere for those ready I already got Mike’s attention now he has seen that there are a lot of zombies in front of his House’s door and everything will be fine I’m going to be able to make the biggest zombie apocalypse of all time and TI tvom have you infected many people I infected a lot of people and now I’m going to infect more I’m hoping to sort out Mikey I’m going to solve it now I’m going to go into his house hunt him down to solve this problem let me see if he’s here in the garage isn’t he my God let me see here there’s nothing here I need to go up one I need to look here to see if he is inside the bathroom he is not inside the bathroom and now what am I going to do look at me in the mirror the handsome zombie but wait let me see if he’s here he’s not in the kitchen we need to look up he must be here it’s not possible let me see here now okay he’s not in the room no he’s on the balcony too look at my whole team from downstairs but let me see he must be in this other room it’s not possible hey Mike come on now I’m going to infect no I’m not leaving here you won’t be able to catch me I have a knife to protect myself get out of here now get out of here I’m going to get out of here I’m going to run away no wait ah you’re going to be a zombie now Mike you transform now just wait a little see you have turned into a zombie now you will see we are going to make the biggest zombie apocalypse in the world ha we will do it of course let’s infect everyone was going to end the world and turn everyone into zombies

This video, titled ‘JJ under the SPELL of LOVE TV Woman – Funny Story in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-03-14 11:30:07. It has garnered 32861 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:13 or 3853 seconds.

JJ under the SPELL of LOVE TV Woman – Funny Story in Minecraft – Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Original Maizen Channel – / @maizenofficial

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    Maroon Beret Magic: EfeKan's Minecraft Turn-Up! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures take flight, Efekan became a Maroon Beret, what a sight! With skills so sharp, and moves so bold, He’s a legend in the game, a story to be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Efekan does it all, and always wants more. With each new update, he’s ready to explore, In the world of Minecraft, he’s the one to adore. So join him on his journey, through valleys and peaks, As he crafts and he builds, and never seeks retreat. For in the world of Minecraft, where dreams take… Read More

  • Ultimate Jenny Mod Update for MCPE

    Ultimate Jenny Mod Update for MCPE The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods: Jenny Mod 1.21 and 1.20 Are you ready to dive into the vibrant world of Minecraft mods? Look no further than the Jenny Mod 1.21 and 1.20, along with other exciting updates like the IMP Mod for MCPE and the Ellie Mod. These addons bring a whole new level of creativity and fun to your Minecraft gameplay experience. Discover New Features With the Jenny Mod, players can explore unique characters and elements that add a fresh twist to the game. From Luna Mod to Bia Mod and even the Slime Girl Mod, there… Read More

  • Boy Love in Minecraft Animation Part 4

    Boy Love in Minecraft Animation Part 4 Minecraft Animation: Exploring Love and Music in the Virtual World Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft Animation where love, music, and creativity collide to create a unique gaming experience. In this virtual realm, players have the freedom to express themselves, forge relationships, and embark on exciting adventures. Love Knows No Boundaries In the latest installment of Minecraft Animation, players delve into the theme of love as they navigate through the virtual landscape. Whether it’s forming bonds with other characters or expressing affection towards their own avatar, love takes center stage in this captivating storyline. Choosing Your Character One… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedwars Livestream with Subscribers 🔥

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedwars Livestream with Subscribers 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars With Subscribers !! Live !! Itz DKFighter !! Acentra !! 1 Hour 🔥’, was uploaded by Itz DKFighter on 2024-06-22 02:54:22. It has garnered 58 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:15 or 3495 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars With Subscribers Live Itz DKFighter #minecraft #minecraftbedwars #minecraftlive #minecraftbedwarslive #pikanetworkbedwars #hypixel #wallibear #purpled #mcpe #skywars, #minecrafthindi _____________________________________________________________________________________ Servers , AcentraMc = play.acentramc.com ! Pika Network , Jartex Network ,, Crack Other Servers , (TLAUNCHER Java Edition) Texture Pack : DKFighter 16x Texture Pack | DKFighter 32x Texture Pack | DIscord Link : https://discord.gg/R5G7pGe4Zv… Read More

  • UNLOCKED: Insane Dream Status in Minecraft! #shorts

    UNLOCKED: Insane Dream Status in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dream Status (Unlocked) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ZYELOE on 2024-07-30 00:44:29. It has garnered 2824 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Most W Escape! I Feel Like Dream Loll Here Is The Link To My ZYELOE Skin 🙂 https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/22712357/zyeloe/ Don’t Forget To SMASH That Like Button Pretty Plzzzzz This Server Is Called Lifeboat Survival Mode! Come Join So We Can PvP For Fun Or Team 🙂 I Do GIVEAWAYS Like REAL MONEY Or Gaming Equipment Like A PC Or A OP Headset! The More Yall Support… Read More

  • PSYCHO LORD’S INSANE HEART TRICK || #minecraft #crazy

    PSYCHO LORD'S INSANE HEART TRICK || #minecraft #crazyVideo Information This video, titled ‘AJAO GUYS SABKE HEARTS KAM KARTE HAI || #minecraft #youtube’, was uploaded by PSYCHO LORD on 2024-01-10 00:38:20. It has garnered 38 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. AJ HARSH KO MAAR KE BAN KARDENGE 😂 || MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL #minecraft #lifestealsmp DISCORD – https://discord.gg/GtGYZcYcCP Welcome to our Minecraft Lifesteal SMP adventure, where the thrill of survival meets the power of lifestealing enchantments! Join us on this epic journey as we dive into the heart of the Lifesteal SMP server, where every battle and encounter becomes a test… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods with Leafy McTreeface! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Mods with Leafy McTreeface! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods – I Love my sword! #funnyshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-05-04 21:45:00. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. I love being to one shot just about anything with this totally OP sword 🙂 Watch the video series out now! Leafy’s Discord: https://discord.gg/AxR9pkRxcT #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #ATM #livestream #live #streaming #stream #streamer #gamer #gaming #funny #leafy #allthemods9 #playthough #letsplay #gameplay Become and Official Member of the Garden! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeqUlA4JmvHSQ6i3MHarmw/join Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Keyboardist Plays Epic Silentfrost 8327 Song

    Insane Minecraft Keyboardist Plays Epic Silentfrost 8327 SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #keyboardist #minecraftsong’, was uploaded by Silentfrost 8327 on 2024-05-27 01:49:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HegicChronicles

    HegicChroniclesHegicChronicles is a minecraft server based on the topic of magic. Every player is a witch, who manipulates the energies around them to create magic. Not all will find satisfaction in the natural energies and will seek a source that allows them to cast devastating spells, in order to reshape the world at their image. Join now and choose the path you wish to walk, the fate of the world we know hangs on a thin thread, you will be the change that is needed; for the light or the darkness. hegicchronicles.vpsgh.it Read More

  • The Lab SMP Semi-Vanilla Season 4 1.21 18+ Whitelisted

    Welcome to The Lab Season 4! We are an active group of Minecraft players looking for new members to join our community. The server has been running for about a week and a half now, and we have a welcoming and active player base. General Info Current Version: 1.21 – mostly vanilla/fabric Server Location: Texas, USA Render Distance: 10 Simulation Distance: 10 Game Mode: Hard World Border: 10k x 10k FireTick: On (usually) Features Head Database (/head) Dynmap Discord/Minecraft Chat Integration Proximity Voice Chat Faster minecarts If you’re interested in joining us, please join our Discord server here. Open a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – r/minecraftmoviehate: The New Spice of Minecraft Memes

    Minecraft Memes - r/minecraftmoviehate: The New Spice of Minecraft MemesLooks like the hate for the Minecraft movie is scoring higher than expected! Read More

  • Minecraft: Cube Xuan – Crafting Fun, Two in One!

    Minecraft: Cube Xuan - Crafting Fun, Two in One! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter all around. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, Creativity and joy, in every sound. Pirated videos, not the real deal, Only on this channel, the true appeal. Funny and humorous, with every spiel, Minecraft facts, with a playful feel. Subscribe today, don’t miss a beat, Join the fun, take a seat. Fangkuaixuan’s world, oh so sweet, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy and laughter meet. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Lava Bucket!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Lava Bucket! “Why did the creeper cross the river in Minecraft? To blow up on the other side, of course! #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Weed’s Dream Gone Wrong

    Weed's Dream Gone Wrong Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Welcome to the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft! Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for exploration and building. Exploring the Blocky Universe In Minecraft, players find themselves in a blocky universe filled with various biomes, creatures, and resources. From lush forests to desolate deserts, each biome offers unique challenges and opportunities for players to discover. Whether you’re mining for valuable resources deep underground or battling hostile mobs on… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Iron Golems!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Iron Golems! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative and innovative Minecraft builds like the Iron House for the Golem featured in the video “I Made a Iron House for the Golem in Minecraft”? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will challenge your creativity and skills. With a dedicated community of players and regular events, there is always something new to discover on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an adventure like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just… Read More

  • Veggie Farming Shenanigans | Minecraft PE Ep. 3

    Veggie Farming Shenanigans | Minecraft PE Ep. 3 Welcome to the World of Minecraft Minecraft, created by Mojang, is a beloved sandbox video game that offers players a world of endless possibilities. From survival challenges to creative building projects, Minecraft has something for everyone. Let’s dive into some key aspects of this immersive game: Gameplay Modes In Minecraft, players can choose from various gameplay modes to suit their preferences: Survival Mode: Test your survival skills by collecting resources, managing hunger, and fending off mobs. Creative Mode: Unleash your creativity with unlimited resources and the ability to fly, perfect for building and designing without limitations. Adventure Mode: Explore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trolling: Destroying Pay-To-Win Server with Elytras

    Ultimate Minecraft Trolling: Destroying Pay-To-Win Server with ElytrasVideo Information This video, titled ‘Destroying a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server With Elytras’, was uploaded by eTurbo on 2024-09-14 21:36:37. It has garnered 50809 views and 2758 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:54 or 654 seconds. Destroying a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server With Elytras #AntiP2W #minecraft Subscribe 🔔: https://youtube.com/@eTurboMC Discord server: https://discord.gg/eh9hSztdP3 Twitter🐦: https://twitter.com/eturbomc Instagram📷: https://instagram.com/eturbomc SHOUT TO EXBEANZ FOR FINDING THE LAG EXPLOIT! In this video I destroyed a Minecraft Lifesteal SMP server, specifically using the elytra or elytras. This is similar to The Horizon videos such as CRASHING A Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server with 100,000 Snowballs – #2 or… Read More

  • Amelia’s Wild Minecraft Stream Disaster

    Amelia's Wild Minecraft Stream DisasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘impulsive minecraft stream bc sso is a dumpster fire’, was uploaded by Amelia Dreambell on 2024-05-29 11:56:48. It has garnered 3327 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:41 or 3221 seconds. come relax Read More


    INSIDE OUT 2 vs SMILING CRITTERS in MINECRAFT! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘INSIDE OUT 2 vs SMILING CRITTERS in MINECRAFT #minecraft #insideout’, was uploaded by AprieCraft on 2024-07-23 20:00:10. It has garnered 322038 views and 7403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. INSIDE OUT 2 vs POPPY PLAYTIME in MINECRAFT #minecraft #insideout Credits: RomBESM, Tiredy Read More

  • CandyXXL creates GIANT water park 🚀

    CandyXXL creates GIANT water park 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Candy baut den GRÖTEN WASSERPARK in Minecraft Stadt’, was uploaded by CandyXXL on 2024-08-28 10:30:09. It has garnered 526 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:05 or 3905 seconds. 🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! My music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1UBBs_BQJkPj1iz8lW0FIZ8dVSiBEd1 This video is child-friendly / family-friendly Read More

  • Unbelievable Hunt for Hidden Key! Minecraft 1.21 Cozy Let’s Play

    Unbelievable Hunt for Hidden Key! Minecraft 1.21 Cozy Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Great Search for a Key! aka My First Attempt at Trial Chambers | Cozy Minecraft 1.21 Let’s Play’, was uploaded by SkepticalNessie on 2024-07-26 16:45:03. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:57 or 2937 seconds. Hey guys it’s me skepticalnessie! On today’s episode you will get to see my first ever experience with trial chambers! How many times do you think I will die? xD All My Mods and Texture Packs are listed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jlvKc0uJVTU0F69KzQeAVustldm4CK-3r2GNwstrnjY/edit?usp=sharing All my music is from Upbeat.com from various artists, if a… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 3 Pixel Player vs Haunted Server?! | Minecraft HauntedSMP

    Insane Challenge: 3 Pixel Player vs Haunted Server?! | Minecraft HauntedSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can a THREE PIXEL TALL player survive in a HAUNTED SERVER?! | Minecraft HauntedSMP’, was uploaded by RyeTwost on 2024-03-19 04:37:52. It has garnered 541 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:56 or 7796 seconds. I’m actually so excited for this you have no idea ———————————————————————————————————————- Maybe get me something…? https://throne.com/ryetoast Stream Layout by https://www.twitch.tv/mislakane Program for Stream Layout https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920720/mtion_studio/ Foxy TTS art by https://twitter.com/frogletfern Here are all my socials and ways to support the channel! https://koji.to/RyeToast Join our growing community on discord! https://discord.gg/RKz6eVAmYQ ———————————————————————————————————————– Full server list: Ambience https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaRiQukU4x6RV2WatV1Y3w Azazel… Read More


    PFP DISCORD RATING PART 1: SCARY TWISTS & TURNS #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘RATING PFP DISCORD PART 1 |GUA MERASA SEDIKIT TAKUT NIH #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by OnlyZee on 2024-01-04 11:58:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord : https://discord.gg/MXa3TyUxdY Donate to help this channel grow Donate : https://saweria.co/akuzee … Read More


    INSANE Minecraft MUTANT SPEEDRUNNER vs HUNTERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HUNTERS vs MUTANT SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Masim on 2024-04-26 13:51:52. It has garnered 10975 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:19 or 799 seconds. Masim and Kera are in an NOOB vs PRO HUNTER vs MUTANT SUPERHERO SPEEDRUNNER BATTLE in Minecraft!, in this Minecraft crazy fan girl hunter vs mutant speedrunner, who do you think will win? Will Masim BEAT the ENDERDRAGON or even BECOME one? or will Kera beat MUTANT Masim?! Watch to find out! If you enjoyed this Minecraft video, make sure to SUBSCRIBE! You can… Read More

  • Kouta神 Transforms into Girl to Infiltrate Women-Only Minecraft Server! OMG!

    Kouta神 Transforms into Girl to Infiltrate Women-Only Minecraft Server! OMG!Video Information This video, titled ‘男子はBAN!?女性限定のマイクラサーバーを女の子に変身して侵入調査してみたらヤバすぎた!!-マインクラフト【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by kouta神 on 2024-06-11 12:03:10. It has garnered 18484 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:06 or 666 seconds. I tried to break into a server for women only, where men are not allowed! Other videos in this series▼ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX1_2_rG0fMl14LhEIKDP3P6J4zbkb4zQ ☆Please subscribe and rate my channel![Turn on the notification🔔 button to be notified of the latest videos][I don’t like single comment videos, so please stop]🔳 Second channel “Koutan GOD” https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTrxgtdyFhu-UiwZqhGgFSw SNS▼🔳Twitter ▽ Main account(@koutatv620) https://twitter.com/koutatv620?lang=ja Private account (@kouta_kagiakaa) https://twitter.com/kouta_kagiakaa Akari (@Akari_JK620) https://twitter.com/Akari_JK620 Support image RT account (@fa_kouta)https://twitter.com/fa_kouta 🔳Instagram▽… Read More

  • PolarPrison

    PolarPrisonWelcome to POLARPRISON SEASON 2 [1.8-1.21] MANY CUSTOM FEATURES, INCLUDING: – Custom, Upgradeable, and Animated Pickaxe Enchants – Private Mines – Gangs – Bosses – Pets – Crates and Keyalls – Free OP Items play.polarprison.net Read More

  • 🏖️Glimmer Shores SMP PVP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Java Bedrock

    ✨ Welcome to Glimmer Shores! ✨ Survival Server | Version 1.21 | Java & Bedrock Edition At Glimmer Shores, we’re more than just a server; we’re a vibrant community dedicated to creating a safe, welcoming space for everyone to explore, build, and connect. Our server is constantly updated with the latest Minecraft features, ensuring an ever-evolving playground for your imagination. 🎉 Community First! Our dedicated Discord community is the heart of Glimmer Shores. Here, you can meet like-minded players, showcase your creations, and stay in the loop with server news and exclusive events. It’s the perfect place to share, learn,… Read More

  • Minecraft server opsucht.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: opsucht.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Too late, I’m already spicy

    “Why build relationships when you can just build with bricks in Minecraft?” Read More

  • “From Dirt to Diamond: The Ultimate Minecraft Ore Challenge!” #lol

    "From Dirt to Diamond: The Ultimate Minecraft Ore Challenge!" #lol When you’re Ore Rank 1, you’re just a little pebble in the Minecraft world. But when you’re Ore Rank 999, you’re basically a walking diamond mine. Good luck surviving that challenge! #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • 28 Wild Minecraft Creations

    28 Wild Minecraft Creations Exploring the Boundless World of Minecraft When it comes to Minecraft, the possibilities are truly endless. From building intricate structures to embarking on epic adventures, this sandbox game offers a plethora of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. Let’s dive into some of the incredible things you can actually do in Minecraft! 1. Build Your Dream World With an array of blocks at your disposal, you can let your imagination run wild and create anything from towering castles to underwater cities. 2. Explore Diverse Biomes From lush forests to icy tundras, Minecraft’s world is teeming with… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Trailer Breakdown

    Minecraft Movie Trailer Breakdown The Turbulent Journey of the Minecraft Movie Trailer Levy (2014-15) In the early stages of development, director Shawn Levy was attached to the Minecraft movie project. However, due to creative differences, Levy eventually departed from the film, leaving fans wondering about the future of the adaptation. McElhenney (2015-18) Rob McElhenney took the reins of the Minecraft movie from 2015 to 2018. During his tenure, the project underwent significant changes, with McElhenney’s unique vision shaping the direction of the film. Despite his efforts, McElhenney eventually stepped down, leading to further delays. Sollett (2019-21) In 2019, Peter Sollett was announced as… Read More