Joe Bartolozzi Minecraft Block Wars Tournament

Video Information

Nicholas Cage Fran I’m from a lower middle class family me and my brothers and sisters played hide and seek I have good memories from my childhood [ __ ] my favorite toy was my [ __ ] fire truck I used to play with that [ __ ] all day long until I learned about sex from

The Sears catalog and then I played with my [ __ ] all day long about 10 times a day man all year long my favorite song [ __ ] I don’t like to admit is a Celine Dion song from the movie Titanic every night in my dreams I see you I feel you every time I hear

That [ __ ] [ __ ] A Tear comes to my eye why the [ __ ] did Leonardo DiCaprio have to die no I’m not afraid to say that I’m a sensitive guy sticks and stones break my bones but it’s the words that make me cry like that timing grade three when a

Girl called me stupid face she really hurt me why’d she call me stupid face is my face stupid how’s that even possible a person could be stupid but a face that’s impossible [ __ ] happens all the time and you’ll hello everybody flooding in hours everybody doing on this fantastic [ __ ] Saturday chat

We’re live early today we’re live early today we’re live a bit a little bit early you know eight minutes early because I gotta do an explanation of this [ __ ] Minecraft tournament before we start it up but nevertheless it’s still a dub that I’m [ __ ] early for once Arthur uh

Tomorrow nolas for the simplecom tablet for the Thousand but he’s got some cash decided to slide some year away love the streams of watching for a while thank you uh cool Bob uh wild Tyler holy Rand Pixma Harrison peep narc Mr Speed dizzy Tristan and Eminem for the [ __ ] sub

So many individual Subs paslow uh pause little little it’s uh and pug for the sub as well now for the sun chat what are we doing today well we are in a Minecraft block wars tournament right now if you don’t know what that is it’s basically um like a massive streamer event there’s

Different categories of them they have MC championships at the top uh they have block wars and now they have Block Wars rookies right we’re in a block wars tournament today uh that mainly consists of variety streamers that are trying to get more into the Minecraft realm

Um and I don’t know how many streamers it actually is but I think it’s like six to eight teams or some [ __ ] uh each team has like five people I’m on a team with me Point Crow Wolfie fan fan and we were with Abe but Abe got subbed out

Who are we with now who is our [ __ ] fifth teammate I don’t know we’ll introduce each other we’ll introduce ourselves to them in like two minutes because I gotta [ __ ] join the call but uh it’s going to be a fun ass tournament today uh it’s me and

A bunch of other streamers we’re all on different teams we’re trying to uh compete in a bunch of different mini games to see if we win uh out of all the teams that are set up and then maybe we’ll be invited to other tournaments in the future now

Uh after that we might watch the new Mr Beast video for the people that are gonna say the Mr Beast videos out but I am in this tournament right now so I can’t watch that yet uh but um we could probably watch it after Now do y’all want to see the game explanations

Before I join the call right because there’s a lot of mini games they give like a 20 second explanation of each of them uh and it’s just to help us prepare or me prepare um to actually do good so we’ll probably watch that uh Dr uh doctor Max for the

Sub neck and not for the sub uh blue Flynn PT plot Becca it’s loose uh and little for the sub uh again thank you for the [ __ ] sub holy for the three I got love bombed over the summer I don’t know what to do been really sad lately

Your stream’s helped me a lot I’m glad my streams could help dude and I mean if you’re like fixating on something that didn’t work out that’s probably why you’re feeling like [ __ ] uh or if you’re just saying you’re love bombed you don’t know what to do you can try and talk to

Them pause the uh positive for the sub Alice for the subjects for the 2000 betties how’s your day going I gave Susie some of your lunch money yesterday here’s it back thank you all right Chat lock in here for the game explanations what are okay what do you think I’m

Gonna do well today yes or no right twitch Rivals events I am notoriously a bad performer uh I I’ve been in two Fortnight tournaments both of which I got second to last uh I was in a multi-versus tournament with JoJo that one we were kind of

Middle of the road I was in a Fall Guys tournament where we kind of placed I think third to last uh but this isn’t twitch Rivals and everybody’s a variety streamer this time except the captains the captains of each team my captain is Wolfie they’re like the Minecraft pros

I think we’ll win extraction is a team-based PVP game where eight teams of five will face off against each other in seven rounds the goal of this game is to eliminate enemy players and extract from the battlefield extracting is done by sneaking in the middle circle of the map

And takes eight seconds you will still be able to extract without killing all the opponents but your progress will be reset if you take damage so be aware when extracted you will gain extra points but you will turn into a spectator for the rest of that round typically there will also be potions

Laid out around the map so watch out for those there will be seven but then when you extract one of your teammates now you don’t have as many to [ __ ] defend you to get more people out one minute 20 second rounds of extraction meaning you will face each team once you receive

Points for killing enemy players and every time someone from your team extracts from the battlefield before the time expires Battle Is A Team Battle Royale Kit PVP game all eight teams will spawn in one big map and will be forced to fight their way into the center as the world

Border gradually shrinks in the center is a capture point if all living members of a team hold it for 10 seconds without any opponents entering the point that team will receive that’s domination I know construction is a team-based speed building game oh chat oh [ __ ] oh ggs ggs you have

GG’s on that one yo yo I am not in the mental space to be able to [ __ ] do this right now oh [ __ ] I feel awful today teams race to complete various builds oh my God I’m not yo we all have to individually do it I’m gonna [ __ ]

Drag my team down members of your team will be required to do because we can help Okay good the build in the center as fast as you go I’m gonna need to get carried oh God I gotta recreate Batman if you finish your own build before your

Teammates you’ll be able to help them with their bills okay good [ __ ] tank [ __ ] thank [ __ ] move is a multi-round game that challenges the various facets of your movement abilities each block wars will have a set of four movement games that will be revealed in the events respective update video some

Games include parkour dropper ice boats I love dropper I hope we play dropper I’m a [ __ ] Menace at that we’re not gonna be able to get through all these explanations also chat look at what cloak made me cloak me please made me a seven page

Guide on how to do well in in Minecraft block wars and he he messages me he goes I went a little overboard yeah no [ __ ] dude I’ve read like two of these Pages he wrote me literally he wrote me notes on how to win Spleef best strategy just stay alive

Yo nice nice nice [ __ ] advice there cloak nice advice there man that’s really gonna [ __ ] help that’s definitely the winning guy he is a four round party game with multiple unique mini games these games will be revealed during the update video of the event and will be played in a random

Order these games in rotation I don’t even I can’t even [ __ ] watch this whole thing it’s almost two I gotta join the call hold up where’s my teammates we got our team our team is going to be prepared alongside other teams we’re we’re all together choosing for a an

Order that is beneficial to everyone oh yeah in my chat but not in the what fan fan what are you doing I need to poop okay sick just put it out there we’re gonna have a unhinged ass freaking team out here it’s gonna be great

Right now yeah yeah yeah yeah one of our teammates is currently uh not on their PC but on yeah it’s scary oh yeah that’d be horrible oh yeah yeah so the Strat is by the way I talked to some of the other team captains you’re gonna get like the

The hard and sweaty games out first there’s not many of those by the way uh and then all the fun ones where we can get silly we’re gonna do last because the later games are played the more points they’re worth so if we get really

Silly we get a lot of points and we win that’s true that’s a huge stretch that’s a good shot I think party will be the the most fun because I’m still surprised that that’s even possible to be made in Minecraft there’s it exists there’s also like uh freaking like Valor Deathmatch type game

Mode in there extraction I feel like battle honestly a little bit too because uh there’s capture points yeah yeah a disaster yeah I could be Sage I could literally be Sage guys yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna freaking Sly this event so they’re too loud I turn them down and if we lose we’re

Gonna be like the most entertaining POV right surely oh a hundred oh I don’t wanna I don’t want to say I’m I’m not I like you know I’m confident in my capabilities today but I will say you know I know this isn’t twitch Rivals every twitch Rivals event I’ve ever been

In I’ve gotten second to last um you know I’m not a performer in those aspects hey second to last if you flip it upside down that means like a second that correct that’s true so because this isn’t Rivals I don’t want to say I would

Have gotten last in one of them but in a fortnight twitch Rivals event um I only got second to last because Carl Jacobs team got off because they were doing so bad but they were still doing better than us before they quit fair enough

Yeah I think so wait so do we want to try for like valorent-esque gameplay late because there’s like two games that have that and wait so what do you think do we get the games late okay so yeah oh I should probably explain how this entire event Works

Before we get into the details okay yes it’s a mini game event right but yeah um we votes like every single for every single game and uh we play yes yes and then we do that for every single round like because there’s gonna be eight games played in the for

The first round we pick a game and Etc and the later a game is played the more points it’s worth so there’s some strategy to picking certain games early once early and biggest little thing there’s nine games in the roster so one will be skipped somebody said my texture pack is broken

I do have a very large scoreboard that is taking over like half of them but can you share your screen I can maybe help you yeah um you might have to turn on a setting when you join the Minecraft server um to allow like texture packs or click

Enable like a query yeah okay you do not have a texture back on so you log off and then what do you mean log off like leave the server off the server yeah yeah because you have to reload like you have to re-log with a setting turned on

I go here then what yeah then click on it and then edit and then there you go click that one and get enabled should be fine and then join back you should get a prompt or should there you go all right now you got the resources you

Should see like a lot more stuff yeah thank you no worries all right what were you saying no sorry I’m sorry I interrupted you um okay so yeah so there’s a game that will get skipped so we have to tactically pick our our games we could vote for something and then just still

Get out voted yes yeah yeah so everyone votes together so all 40 players in the event are all thrown into like one Dome um and we all like have to stand in a little slice of like a pie I guess which is like color-coded which corresponds to a game mode

Um it’ll be much clearer when we actually get into the dump but um for example red could be like a PVP game and then um if the multi multiple people standing there it’s like the majority of people from the 40s stand in the red a little

Slice then that game will be played but um yeah there’s also modifiers in the voting area which can you know hinder your voting or benefit your voting it’s going to be a little bit of a little bit of Chaos you have a specific game that you think um

I think so there’s a couple games in this event that like rely a bit on Minecraft skill and like um I think if we’re going to be honest we’re probably a bit lower end on like uh PVP sweats games late okay it’s fine by me but I know how to hit left click oh okay oh wait oh also genuine question is this PVP like the the PVP where like we have to hit slowly or is it like you could spam yeah this is yeah okay but to

Be fair there’s only one game that relies on the type of PVP the other PVP game is purely uh crossbows which is like a an insta fire like boat yeah which like you charge and you know just right click and it fires yeah three times you’re like dead yes hello

It’s good how are you guys good fan fan thanks for the follow I appreciate it oh no no problems not like we’ve known each other for like several months now or anything yeah no problem I just followed you I didn’t really know yeah the [ __ ] that are saying yeah Right Point who Bob for the sub dirty for the sub map for the sub Sanders for the three all right are you on this fine day good Carson Jack AJ Larry what’s up Molly I’m gonna be obviously okay [Applause] yeah okay so we’re we’re we’re pretty

Caught up then you know and I mean I can I can sit here and explain uh to explain the event for another freaking 30 minutes but do you think our team is I haven’t played Minecraft in like three years of this event yeah four compared to our opponents

Um not necessarily I think it seems like you were kind of saying that you know when we were talking about okay see the thing is there’s certain teams there’s certain teams that have uh speedrunners that had the world record of Minecraft Minecraft yeah but like number one several people are there

I said I was a little terrified but I think we could but those are the casters right right no no like yeah but you’re the better Captain right I mean I mean I have host Advantage so yeah you just like kick everybody I could do that actually they might take

Away my admin firms during the event so maybe not I mean you hear me out like if I slip you a nice Fiverr like you know you could do it yeah slash ban yeah can server defend them in Discord which would be really funny I mean

Consider right like it might be it might be your last win ever but it would still be a win yeah I haven’t even won this event yet and I own it it’s been freaking a year but this time it’ll be different okay oh yeah we have the best Minecraft players

In the world on this team [Laughter] is like slightly above average oh yeah say I played a lot of high pixel Bed Wars in my days but yeah yeah is this bed War uh I played a lot of Hunger Games when I was in Middle School but I didn’t have the same yeah

Yeah that’s just Slack little little side note you might notice that the other teams are all like have skins that are like color coordinated with each other oh I I know we also got skins made but I did not want to go through explaining that

I was just like I saw them on Twitter oh yeah it makes us different yeah we’re different from everyone else I just didn’t want to have to explain how his kids work in case anyone didn’t know and also it’s just a hassle nowadays because they updated the launcher like five bajillion times over

The past year fire breath man in this tournament no fire breath man is not in this area he is not here breath man I don’t know but he has like a slack but one of these walls like the best biker player and probably the worst person you could ever meet in

Your entire life yeah yeah foreign ‘s not here but um a person named Feinberg is and yeah he’s kind of the best that I can’t really elaborate well he hasn’t he hasn’t met me so yeah oh true hasn’t seen our capabilities in these events yet yeah

So when we’re not just going for gold all right we’re going for breakfast we vote after every game like we’re not doing like a voting order all at once it’s just like yeah after every game we get to pick what we want to do yeah so what happens is like once everyone hops

On which there’s only two people that are not on yet but once everyone’s on uh there’s like a timer that goes uh like for a minute and then after that we all get launched into the like decision area and we votes and we play game one and

Then we go back to the hub and then we wait and we vote and then that goes on for a little bit until we’re done and then if we make it to the top two important uh we play a final game which is like uh only the top two teams play

Yeah it’s only the top two it’s for the for the ultimate Victory you know what game is that that’s it’s called um but we only have to worry about that uh if we make it run like a 20 minute prediction I’ve never lost this before oh me neither

My mod or cloak also just pinned a message be sure to pay attention to the Minecraft chat that’ll tell you about the events in your settings to turn on the music there’s a game music slider and a hub music slider yeah I’m into this music right now it’s all custom and

Copyright free there’s no copyright so I think I’m going to use this and you’ll be chilling yo chat am I like the only streamer that just plays copyright oh my God there’s a dancer I oh yeah that’s the theme park themed after me I was not responsible for that by the way

You’ll listen to [ __ ] 30 songs that was a joke but yeah that is at full volume you’ll get banned I’m gonna give anything you end up getting a warning yeah there’s also like Joe you’re funny looking oh [Laughter] Tommy you’re a real [ __ ] jokester

There man ah yeah I get it I get it you’re saying you’re [ __ ] hilarious belief so this is where you are is the individual Podium so after the eight games are played they will reveal like the people yeah and it’ll be like an epic like little parkour moments before the final like

Team scores get revealed and oh okay this is practice that’s so cool right because rookies Michael sucks for the five gifts you know I really got this under control Eric’s learning real fast okay originally we’re getting there oh my God and then to the left here that’s the

Like winners Podium so at the end when like the finale game is over and stuff like uh the winners will cut on that Podium oh freaking snazzy and they’ll take a screenshot and post it on Twitter oh yeah so yeah that’s that’s that’s for the for the you know

Chat everybody everybody screenshot will screen collect this I just lagged the absolute [ __ ] out of my screen trying to take that screenshot Aaron for the side besides Michael thank you for the five gifts we’re getting there milk for the three buddies uh I’m ready to watch you rage oh yeah no I’m

Definitely gonna get pissed uh did you hear about the brawl in Alabama totally getting every [ __ ] happening now everyone gets on and then one person Um dude there’s always one per yo who isn’t here chat there’s 39 out of 40. ant is logging in you already give their team minus 10. who the hell are these people oh patreons there’s so many staff here special media manager how many how many staff members are on this

I mean it is a massive server Michael think of the 10 gifteds dubbing the chat for that take them if you gotta stop that give the 10 gift hits Michael sucks I appreciate that [ __ ] bro you get five other subs too like them if you got

Something give them the five gift is the fan up for the stuff is it starting right oh shoot oh that was the ready check I’ll try it’s not ready Did they press not ready yeah yeah wait this is this is so nerve-wracking if you say not ready like you’re saying not ready on everyone’s streams true that’s true that makes me so embarrassing yeah so embarrassing what happened so we all need to be ready we all need to be ready

It’s mad like I’ve streamer events where I believe is like the server like accidentally or like the code I made sure I wouldn’t do that today I don’t know if there’s like a white listing on this one either but I was just like yeah let me know but

Um I was in The Fall Guys tournament and I read the code out loud yeah yeah that happens what how do you hide that uh busy for the Stop The Phantom brother also it’s nice to meet you guys I haven’t said hi like like hi it’s nice to meet you all right

We’re gonna have a freaking awesome timer right oh yeah like avoid Olive red is that true by the end of this please yeah they are good players yes PVP game I just constantly Target them and distract them oh perfect okay let me just murk them first right so they could be a threat

Music I can’t I can’t do anything by the way like I I don’t know how to I I’m really dog [ __ ] oh we’re gonna I hope that’s fine yeah I mean this event is is made for for people to get introduced you know everything why the [ __ ] is red

Team there okay well so certain people uh you know we’re like I can’t make it anymore so uh let’s get [ __ ] go and put me a dropper [ __ ] I’m gonna [ __ ] get first [ __ ] place I’m gonna get first [ __ ] place I’m gonna be weaving those [ __ ] sideways trees going down the

[ __ ] mouth and I’m gonna land in that [ __ ] waterfall and I’m gonna run that [ __ ] I’m gonna [ __ ] carry this team that or I’m gonna [ __ ] run this game down I’m gonna sell this sad ass music there’s a lot of silly animations you’ll be hopefully pleasantly surprised with

The the quality of this event Oh no no I wouldn’t take that I wouldn’t take that don’t let Missy do that to you It’s whatever you know I see how it is it’s fine I’ll just never talk to this account ever again in my entire life ever yeah I’ll take it extremely personally crazy in the text box if you want to read it you’re welcome to you don’t need to read

It necessarily always sometimes it’s you know I’ve already told you half the half the events explanation wow they multiply to 3x points on game yeah yeah so what game would we want on game eight and I think especially in this event just being slightly good at that game

Like aiming I think will go a long way wait so what’s my game plan if I’m not good at aiming or like doing anything uh clubs start count no case up with a five chickens avoid the job like hide I can move Chad over here I’ll try to give like

Comms in every single game oh oh that’s so cool you guys broke up here you know yeah you guys are a great team new team Joe’s the only one online team or three no oh yeah it just didn’t I think it broke because there’s so many new people

There’s so many new people yeah it was like overloaded oh yeah we do our little introduction spam shift whenever we we spot it we’re gonna start working okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah all right yeah we’re gonna spray all right [ __ ] yep I’m doing oh my God [Laughter]

My Minecraft account from when I was in Middle School I keep getting sticky is that is that why it’s cold [Laughter] did you like my skin your six packs specifically it’s great yeah oh yeah we’re getting along okay so this is where we vote at looking

For the shop yeah this is called the decision dog you can’t eat it Floating in the air you stand in a little round you get a power up that you can use there’s many power-ups you can always know what they do by hovering over them they’ll be little modifiers okay so wait so what are we doing what are we

What are we voting for we’ll just wait until the the games get like shown I think the first game we’re gonna go for is either sleeve or Construction it is holy [ __ ] I’m panicking already oh my gosh oh my God Oh my God don’t worry guys we can hop back into it once the fire goes yeah once the fire goes up oh I died I died I tanked it I painted it I mean what just happened oh did I not mention that oh wait so we’re not allowed to vote because we

Died yeah oh my God what is this half the lobby just perished stop the steel I could I couldn’t give a little debrief so order up is kind of like played up this game very heavily relies on teamwork and crafting in Minecraft whoever is the most knowledgeable about survival Minecraft crafting should be

Hair in the kitchen oh my gosh dude I’m so good at Teamwork okay there’s also like if you the there’s also like on the board like instructions on how to craft it yes okay there’s three sections so are we gonna be working in like a supply chain oh

Where are we all just doing your own thing as fast as possible we’re all working together so everyone will have like little tasks to to complete and like we’ll assign everyone so for example I could be like Joe you gets like carrots from the farm and then you

Go to the farm and farm some carrots and bring it back to the kitchen and then whoever’s in the kitchen can craft it into whatever we need you know you are the team captain so you gotta oh yes so you get the you get the items from like

The designated area and then you give it to the crafting person yes yeah sorry yeah you can choose like whoever wants to do it like if someone’s a Craft You Can Craft yeah like it’s not like one person has to harvest the carrots it’s like anybody could do yeah we can

All work we’re all in the same map like as a team so we can all work together yes okay and then once all the items are in order then you deliver it to the NPC are we chasing against other people to deliver it before them are we just on our own point system

Yeah it’s not like we’re competing to get an order out before them no you are so what I’m saying the order we could also still give the order yes it’s more like um like an order is for every single team it’s just whoever does it faster it

Gets more points yeah per order this is how it works there’s like an upgrade system too and everything oh my God this is the most complicated game this might be the worst introduction game this is the hardest one so visit the upgrade cable what the [ __ ] okay so what we’ll

Do I’ll take care [ __ ] boss to fight for a Rewards or something yeah you can find gold those in the kitchen okay upgrades I can Farm yeah I’ll Farm okay so I can’t do anything else I’ll okay so I’ll be the I’ll maybe go get the [ __ ]

Job I have a lot of people farming oh I’m gonna be so the farm is to the right there will be a block weird block looking thing is which is called a zip line which you right click with your Mouse um to like Zoom downwards uh I’ll call

Out everything we need I’ll try to just call out a name and then you get it in the farm there will be like giant big items in the sky and below that will be like the area to farm so there might be a big carrot a big piece of steak okay okay okay

Right click this thing everyone oh pork chop pork chops okay and then once you get something once you get five of what you you’ve been assigned say that you’re done and then I’ll assign you something else I am okay okay Joe you get four uh Cod which is a fish

I have to find them yeah they’re in the water no actually where the water is yeah what sorry hello okay is anyone done with their task already yeah I got five cod uh I got five pork okay Eric you go kill chicken um Joe Yuko kills salmon which is also a fish

Yes fan fan hello okay they should be when you enter on the right side to the right this might bring it back like should I bring it yeah you bring it yeah you can bring it back yeah right from the chickens okay cool then um if anyone’s

On the farm someone can get a wheat I preferably like 10 or 15 and then we need let’s see what else do I just drop this on you you can put it in the chest right click and put it in the chest all right thank you and then um you can guess Fall down oh it’s a person so two people go if two people go and like Let It Chase one person the other person can just like Target like kill it oh my God it is so coolnesses in the middle why don’t I just start killing everything all right dude okay sugarcane This machine this is [ __ ] the water I don’t know what the [ __ ] am I gonna do quicker Chad how am I gonna Harvest it quicker all right I brought stuff back okay good and a bunch of meats yep okay I’m just getting meat I guess yep good you say

Sugar cane oh I see it yes I see it okay Joe’s honestly carrying I know okay we have eight minutes left okay I’m working on it just grabbing as many things as I possibly can I’m gonna try and get apples okay Frank I might have to do the orders of [ __ ] oh yeah

Yeah yeah yeah okay JoJo running orders [Laughter] all right what do I deliver um it should have like above your hot car it should be a little like arrow that points towards like a player yeah you should be a glowing player and then once you get close to it they’ll glow yeah

What else do you need um break uh do we have money already I ordered I gave the delivery oh my God just get just get a bunch of [ __ ] okay grab whatever you can man cooking stuff okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] great guys this is great I asked them

Before screen if I could curse oh this game you’re getting so 11. yeah literally here all kind of I’ll kind of nice we did it nice okay I got that one I got it yeah you got it okay huge okay anything else um just just keep getting [ __ ] all right

Get like weeks or sugar or meats or stuff there’s a lot of meat in there uh yeah there’s a lot of meat in there I feel like we need more crop okay so we’ll get more crops yep good do we need apples for anything because

Yes uh so apples and punch the tree and you get it okay nice have we had that problem there’s two cows for us um completed complete two three three nice it’s actually not bad Joe carried that boss battle I know I was creating the chat outspring that that Iron Golem right

That was like a 10 out of 10 performance oh there’s already [ __ ] 30. so yeah if anyone’s not doing anything just get more coal we actually do need more coal coincidentally yes anything else in particular do you need like someone in the kitchen um that would be nice yeah another

Crafter would be pretty pretty poggers I can come craft okay thank you um okay go see another one ready okay so um yeah you see like the board with the recipes you can make those okay um we’ve done four uh which puts us in like it’s fine

I was already worried about this but it’s fine it’s gonna be another flashback to switch Rivals Chad I’m getting nervous okay I’m doing order one if anyone is crafting what to do so Batman’s doing order two yeah how do you make golden ingots oh they’re up here

They’re up here I okay yo this is way too complicated bro oh my God wait should I do it like should I do a different order yeah you can you can complete uh like order like on the right order four yeah that should be good I’ll get more cool

But and then I have a lot of stuff here for you guys in the chest oh there’s yeah okay I bet nice yes how do you do oh I got it how do you deliver it the order yeah you you right click uh it’s not ready you have to do

Every single item okay okay got it are we gonna skip this boss battle are we gonna do it uh honestly we could probably just skip it it would be better if we just get more orders done we need a milk bucket up top here here up top

We’ll just ignore the bus the boss doesn’t matter oh we have so much coal okay um anything else we need or just orders uh beef okay I just got some I just got some okay okay there’s three in the chest trying to cook some stuff nice nice three golden apples [ __ ]

[ __ ] greedy ass [ __ ] I got one I’m taking an order down nice dip nice okay uh I just I just spent five minutes making a cake that’s fine they’re great though you’re great you’re doing it though at least it’s being made where’s the salmon oh okay taking this

One okay keep it up keep it up let’s do it somebody took the cinnamon out of the [ __ ] furnace uh no just if you can Eric just craft okay wait how do I how do I do the orders now that I have two pumpkin pie

In a cake you put it in the chest yeah I put it inside the chest oh I’m just doing order two buddies um I delivered let’s go uh order three we have cookies I got it okay and then order one anyone doing order one I’m not doing order one now order

One slightly more points order one is just slightly more points yeah and push-ups are done from order one nice uh and then pumpkin pie for catching up guys uh we need okay so egg because uh we got a minute Doom order one uh I need one cooked button all right four again

Some chicken I’m doing order three right now yeah Chad we’re coming back the hustle exactly like what’s the what is this game like not played up well it’s kind of like Play-Doh let me just need two golden apples and a half here uh order one should be done if one

Uh someone wants to deliver it but we’re going for like super fast now so yeah I think we should have had more people here there’s two golden apples in um order one should be good okay good grab it with Cod is are the apples done as well

Uh yeah all right uh I’ll be able to get the Pokemon card right now nice 45 seconds okay 45 seconds we’re gonna run this okay I won’t get anything I need one more I’ll just into the things all right let’s quick question oh wait wait wait wait wait Earth is almost ready

Where is this [ __ ] there’s no two cat pod in there uh give him that [ __ ] we’re coming back and three quick rabbit I think oh no there’s one cooked 22 seconds that’s wrong oh I got it I’m taking it back you got that for your life oh my God I mean like you you like directed us that was that was awesome my guy yeah that was positive okay what a great iGo no that was actually great no that was amazing thanks man that game is extremely hard first when it was worth the lease

If that’s the one that we had to get six on then we’ll take it yeah so the way that game was initially intended is foreign yeah I was gonna naturally find them but like my chat helped me so it’s awesome Okay so okay so what what would we say are like

Our strengths because we have to play into those right we have to yeah Okay Minecraft player ever I’m the best dropper player yeah I’m like okay unless I do bad that I never said that but I also the PVP was like I’m gonna try and not die this time what do we want to vote for okay so leave still

Yeah I think we’re just gonna stick and sleep there’s a lot of people in sleep just make sure that if you see fire jump out of it I died hey there’s a lot of cats in here well I’m frozen why am I Frozen Okay so a cat

A cat is an extra boat that counts as a player oh nice zombie apocalypse everyone ‘s here oh my God when does the voting happening yeah What happened every every round before you vote like they try to kill all people to ruin they remove the floor under someone’s feet and then they can die if there’s a void below them there’s multiple layers yeah it’s actually kind of it’s pickaxe with concrete but that acts the same way yeah um

Okay it’s like hexagon from from Full God oh yeah it’s like okay I don’t know if it is but you gotta shoot yeah you can slap where but you can like yeah okay so important you see it in the tutorial snowballs you can get from breaking blocks you right click them to throw

Them and if you throw them on block it disappears oh but you can also throw them at players and it knock uh uses knockback so okay you can like how much does it knock them back uh not a lot two rounds of normal sleep and one of TNT

Bows this one’s terrifying so in Rocket Jump by shooting under yourself with a supercharged crossbow yes supercharge has a cool down to five seconds so but naturally we try to eliminate people or just stay alive as long as we can like should we be like floaters in this game or

Um I don’t think I feel like about targeting people I’m more likely to die myself there’s some people already yeah we’re already on it that’s sick or stay alive yeah okay the goals survived not to get other people out yeah you do you can get

Points for kills but it is very risky it won’t the block won’t break if we stand on it right you you can only Break It by clicking on it okay yeah everybody try to stick together falling down one layer is fine as long as you don’t fall into the void

S okay wait no we could be the we could be the the second layer gang okay we don’t like the first layer okay yeah okay this is I am offending anybody off that gets near me okay so yeah the way you approach this game is you should what

He’s trying to avoid people in general you can try to break blocks to like try to fight the clock I’m almost third layer it’s fine it’s fine you’re chilling oh the whole thing will be the USU I see you I see you I’m careful okay oh my God yeah I understand

I understand I can I can see colors okay we’re fine give me that Oh yeah also the layers do end up decaying so like even if you were to make it like uh survive for a long time on the top layers it eventually just disappeared give me that oh my God I’m shredding people try not to attack the green people okay

Everyone on our team should be glowing so try to stay away from those people Second layers decaying I’m on the second layer right now oh my God what’s the record to the final layer you have to be extra careful because that’s when people get can get eliminated [ __ ] is it me oh my God no okay poor player I’m kind of I’m kind of oh my God yeah okay be very careful Eric that like let’s go you can die down which is like scary you know death is pretty scary oh all right how many layers how many layers are there oh no there’s two five five knees

[ __ ] I think I think it’s five maybe it’s more trash Oh my God let’s go all right none of us are first out of the first out I’m I’m pretty sure I was first out no no no no no okay we’ll take it we’ll take it we’re chilling I just fell

That’s fine that’s fine just just watch some some gameplay from other people to see like how they uh yo ghosty keep it up oh my God just just try to try to spectate other players and kind of I got one kill playing the game oh nice nice right

Oh my God Joe cow [ __ ] oh there are no blocks left oh I just went on the Rampage pretty long for this yeah yo oh my God we got that we got it repeat that round okay rounds okay so I think at the start we try to group

Together so all the oh we got fours on that one that’s actually not bad I mean we go middle of the road everyone more place it’s fine it’s fine we can regroup regroup I’m following Eric yep that’s good okay oh God okay survive survive I’ll just try to laggy like aggressive

And try it yeah this is like the last yeah because there’s like a bunch of blocks like being broken and stuff um yeah I’ll try to like be like kind of solo and try to like get people away from us you guys just survive and slay and then

We’d be we’d be good you know let’s drive targeting me because I’m actually targeting me right now he’s literally oh my god dude he went in let’s go fan fan you’re popping on the last place I wasn’t even here I mean nobody’s attacking you in here remain calm let’s go

No we we actually kind of got this top layer down I’m not gonna lie no Eric oh my God I think we’re also on the top wait I’m not home this might be really good for us this might be good for us two of us owned the top layer right now all right

Nice perfect perfect you can just Farm snowballs since this is gonna be okay [Laughter] ghosty you’re killing it right now yeah I wonder I wonder Closing in oh nice job keep it up keep it up give it up first trying to get some kills yeah try to be really careful of people like being aggressive hey you’re in a good spot there on sound I missed you freak oh my God oh oh okay God foreign

Let’s go go crazy I was just coming after you just yeah throw balls maybe they’ll accidentally fall and you can like snag it kill them real quick oh okay nice oh my god do you have her right nice oh my God Joe you’re killing it actually killing it you’re done it’s a

Dodge nice oh my God I’m on the top level oh my God stay there literally just stay there oh be careful be careful that’s fine brings the best player in Minecraft Wait I won oh my God Guys so this one if you fall down if you can time it right um You can you can time your Rocket Jump upwards you can test it maybe you can like watch yourself up it’s your second in a hot bar slot and you right click and these lunches you up yeah I shot

Straight down and um I oh yeah make sure to make sure to jump as well oh right okay oh wait can you kill people yes you can shoot them down sorry I keep killing myself I’m not gonna try that again okay yeah I mean if yeah I’m free oh shoot

Just try to try to shoot at people maybe you can get like a stray kill somewhere Oh God just knock back I’m so bad at this one oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s fine that’s fine I’m gonna go oh nice oh nice how do you do that who want to jump up you did the jump yeah I I’m not trying again I’m too scared I [ __ ] it up twice and killed myself two times you don’t let the top guys stay up there

Oh [ __ ] I shot at you Joe on accident don’t worry didn’t hit you it’s closing in what am I doing nice no I just fell all the way to the bottom that’s fine you’re chilling no I died no it’s chilling actually I mean three of y’all are still most of the people

Are dead Mr cat’s still up top oh [ __ ] on them they gotta come down oh sorry it’s fine it’s fine oh maybe get back here [ __ ] yeah that’s what you get y’all are still the highest let’s go all right that’s five up it’s over oh oh it’s not over I lied

It might be over all the Rocket Jump that’s crazy that was the biggest play I’ve ever seen huh that’s fine it’s fine we did really good yeah we did really good yeah that was fantastic GG okay look at us in second place well one of us might might have made top five maybe it’s a pistachio from the Thousand buddies we might not give it a thousand buddies there am I banned no you want to be able to get bits of your band I did not pay attention

[Applause] oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my god oh yeah what the [ __ ] oh my God huge holy [ __ ] that was a huge game for us holy [ __ ] [Laughter] it’s like iconic that second game literally outpride was like he was just like no I’m going down with you he took

Me all the way down I was like bro dude oh I’m so confused how does this worked last game leaderboard it says Fanfare got second I got a third but that’s not what it said in the chat I think that might have been that round oh is this flipped wait what I’m so

Confused uh what happened is is there overall it’s individual are you in fifth right individual yeah overall yeah My ass that’s We can we can bounce back but we might have to play like one of our worser games next to make sure we have the good games at the end again what’s our worst game so we personally battle our extraction I feel like we gotta get those sweaty

Games out of the way I think instruction might be good for us um we could we can vote with the crowd here a lot of people don’t want boob okay maybe oh Grace go race blue blue go race yeah right race to this I’m putting the cat down Yeah we win this vote yeah easy easy look at this what is what is this one we race like running oh suffocating grenade I think we’re getting more now yeah now we have more yeah we got it let’s go that was the castle yo blue thank you

For the five gifted thank you thank you for the five gift it’s blue I appreciate that y’all are y’all having fun watching this I think this is fun as hell oh God immediately oh yeah so there’s a lot of things there that you have to be careful of the pink pads

Are speed pads you want to try to use those because without those you’re really slow so try to grab those the Pink Pads you just run over them you just press things and it opens yeah when you when you you get launched in the air and press space hey it’s Eric holy [ __ ]

Let’s go relax yes yeah okay so you’ll just learn from the first lab don’t don’t worry if you do bad the first lap you’ll learn from it for the next one so yeah the Pink Pads the grains jump upwards red launches you like forwards and then the purple 10 seconds items Let’s do it better go freaking crazy dude you just run you can you can you can you can also Sprint jump Sprint jump when you don’t have speed because you’ll be faster okay you’ll see a green a green pad you just press spacebar on the green pad and it should launch you upwards

Go left go left here I’ll go forward the forward path is hard just do left so you lose as little time as possible okay what’s wrong with the forward path this is just like a lot of Parkour it’s hard unless you can do parkour well then you

Can go for the forward going if you’re confident in your parkour skills you can try that one okay oh I’m goofing up right now okay after that there should be a cave I have no idea what they changed here I have no idea what’s going on just

Freaking run forward okay just go for it all right just go go crazy [Applause] oh my God wait how do you get past the wall oh you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m just following the pack here yep I don’t know just keep talking why there’s people who know this web yep swimming swim through the little holes yep exactly I’m stuck Okay okay so yeah from your first lap you should kind of get an understanding of how the map kind of works a little bit and if not just follow the pack further okay it’ll be fine there’s gonna be people around too wide okay there’s gonna be people around you at

Most times okay so on the Elijah you will manually have to press spacebar once for your wings to like no oh my God what do I do do I just have to run [Applause] sorry what where if I didn’t make the Elijah jump just run oh my God this is

Gonna run the run for your life brutal that’s insane foreign there’s no way oh do not okay so I don’t actually know what happened you might have just said that’s good wait I got a lot too okay come on Chad I gotta turn up here everybody turn

The boosters on WE lock in for the second half inventors thought that puts you back to your last checkpoint okay so unless you’re like stuck wait what puts you to your last checkpoint the the the like barrier in your ninth inventory spot do not press that because right

Clicking that will put you back to your last checkpoint wow through this one a little bit more racist normally by game two normally I’m not bad at race we’re like [ __ ] parkour maps I just ended up I didn’t know that I missed it I could just [ __ ] press space and just reset

Now I’m behind everybody yeah this game’s just gonna be hard because there’s gonna be people who have way more experience with this than most of our team so you know it’ll be it’ll be chilling it’ll be chilling this is why you played early why did I just go under that I’m taking

The slowest possible pass I mean I’m all the way in the back right now Chad they’re finishing lap too I’m just so focused I’ve never been more focused in my life Hell yeah baby I finished 36 dude there’s two more laps keep running it should be finished coming back a minute or two so I’ll make sure to help you guys out because you need to expect spectator help the Stream the [ __ ] a team brother I don’t know

Why I’m jumping running is just quicker I’m being stupid right now awful I mean it was so brutal it is very difficult it is very hard It’s gonna lock back in it’s not a big deal try to finish as fast as possible 2.7 okay mad right now this is insane The second lap getting laughed how did that [ __ ] oh yeah you swim there’s friends like in the water to swim I’m down rescue path oh I don’t even know sprinting was a thing in the water yeah that was added like uh that’s okay [ __ ] Never Back Down number one no

All right I should have gone this path Chad that was so [ __ ] stupid I’m about to finish oh my God nice all right popping off you’re popping off I think I’m dead last no no you’re not okay great at least I don’t think so I can’t really

Tell but I’m in [ __ ] 30 up dude okay I hate every second of this yep you’re doing good you can look down slightly further you’ll go a little faster All right go to the pink pad it’ll make you go faster yep and just run and just find more pink flowers I gotta clutch up and pass here give me a gonna light your jump speed dialed in now you can go another speed another speed should just be straightforward running yep another one

I go off course for it this entire section is running until you see a big red square you press spacebar on that nice oh my God no I didn’t get that I tried to jump that’s fine yeah here we go oh I didn’t even know yeah you’re you’re fine you’re fine please nice

Oh God damn it yep enough you have to shift yep nice 29th Place atrocious this is good that’s all right it’s right it’s right yep and you go on the lily pads Never Back Down never give up is really working for me right now okay 30 didn’t come in clutch

If I just reset dude if when my elytra didn’t like when I didn’t make that first jump if I had just reset to the earlier checkpoint I would have stayed in like 10. dude actually that was actually brutal that’s brutal bro because I was just like oh I gotta run

And then it flew me back like 30 seconds nice good swimming a lot because I didn’t know about the Sprint Sprint to him yeah you’re fine you’re fine got it nice okay y’all even hear me that entire time that music was so loud Square for the three you should play

Escape the bathroom is excellent stream there’s a bunch of new levels I got it with Max one day double for the three uh blue Trevor for the five gifteds Oscar for the three we need to put my dog down this morning you’re pretty much almost there we’re gonna shot for uh

Dude I’m sorry just get my band all right now fly like slightly aiming downwards throw it back relax okay Count Me Down 30 seconds this should this should be fine yeah and that’s that’s the Finish Line This should be good foreign all right nice I’m so happy I didn’t get

Dead last that would have been so embarrassing This is why we put rice early I was actually really good that we got that game third because this one’s also really hard for uh new players so yeah oh it was meow Mooney who was dead last oh absolute trash dog [ __ ] player so embarrassing

I’m having so much fun right now yeah I mean this is the stupidest file I think this event’s been in the running for a while did we just haven’t hosted an event like this before this is the first time this is actually pretty fun it’s great oh yeah

All right I actually don’t know if meow Muni will be able to finish we didn’t get fourth on that one um we got seven let’s see over there got passed by 25 people and then it reset me I was in like seven all right better than eighth yeah better

Than eighth still not good this person should be finishing soon and then we should be good so yeah that was tactical right yo chat I’m not trying to diss the [ __ ] that’s still racing right now out of the way how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] dude I’ve

Been done for I went to the bathroom I talked to my chat it’s been like four minutes who’s still racing where are they look how long does it take Oh my god do you need to go through a lighter rings what are they still racing the team finished fourth dude we’re not Orange oh no that’s I is that no that’s this game mode we’re live we’re an eight oh my God we’re in [ __ ] eighth for this game mode

This is brutal chat this is absolutely brutal game ends in 30 seconds oh All Tribe didn’t finish Mueller did meow Mooney oh they’re right there oh and he left again no you’re in force we’re in fourth overall all right hey we take that yeah no the points aren’t that different

From each other like first place only like what 470 more points wait how did we finish fourth but we got last so as a team we like all of us completed the race together no actually you did good because uh as a team we finished fourth like some of the

Other teams had people left who still hadn’t finished yeah they just had people who individually did better did really yeah they might have had like two individual points were like just ridiculous the gap of points between the teams is still really small yo look at you number five yeah just a tad

But we bounced back I still I think we still have a couple of really good games for us on the lineup I think every party you were gonna we’re gonna pop off and hopefully there’s a couple of games there that I think will will probably I think we

Could do pretty well in the build one yeah you guys know all the blocks uh no so the build pool’s randomized every time so nobody knows like but I mean like like what blocks are oh there should be a colorblind option that uh puts like a little text above

Your hot bar that like shows what block you’re looking at oh [ __ ] how much longer am I gonna stream uh into this whole event and then we’re gonna watch this video Video today or tomorrow where did that go because tomorrow’s already a react day but I mean I always say if this video comes out I’ll watch it that day you can watch it today in the middle I can’t find this you can watch today and then just do reacts tomorrow because we

Already got a [ __ ] shitload it should be awesome exclamation point Discord pin to Discord monochrome logo chat join the Discord if you have any videos okay so now we want um I think either battle or move I think next is probably more beneficial layer Grabber yeah okay yeah you right click

On someone and you pick them up so try to get an opponents find an opponents oh my god I’ve been grabbed what the hell yeah right right click just a random person but let me see if I can pick this person go in party extraction or blood signs

That sounds like hide and seek but yeah yeah just frick it might be one of the games you want to play yeah it might be [ __ ] okay so this is like hide and seek it’s like we’re playing hide and seek it’s quick fire hide and seek wait how what

How what how how we’ll explain it it’ll explain it and I’ll explain more if you have questions the game can explain it better than I can so the way it’ll work is there will be like eight rounds one of those rounds will be the hunters the other ones will

Be hiders and we have to hide in like randomly generated rooms uh around the middle room and it’s only I think it’s only like a minute or something per round um the the hunters will be like floating right now I’m just kind of like standing in the yeah yeah this is the tutorial

It’s just like yeah oh as a hunter your goal is to find and eliminate all the players okay oh so each one oh it’s eight rounds so what we will we’re gonna get Hunters once yes okay as long as possible okay Oh I get this is cool yeah yeah how do I get tped out of the Dome um three by three should be hide together around individuals no no man this is sad this is so sad bro I can’t see the tutorial once the chat okay

Oh there it is okay yeah wait is there no bang in soundtrack for this one there is it just hasn’t started okay okay I’m that’s my favorite part uh okay wait so can you give me a rundown of the game because I didn’t see the uh okay so

Uh every round there will be uh wait they said three logs so I should re-log okay yeah you should relog yeah so every round there will be um a randomly generated map where we have to find a hiding spot and we have to stay away from the hunters who will

Be glowing in a color that is not ours so this time for example it’s going to be pink so if you see a pink long person yes every team going to be honors every time or like one time yeah yes but like we can choose what block we want to be all right

Guys yeah just split up just try to find a good hiding spot uh in the short amount of time you get and then if they get really close to you right try and go high up that’s a good Strat yeah I think I found a really good spot in

The uh one of the corner rooms okay so you’ll see paint blowing people through the walls try to avoid those and then you can see uh our entire status there’s a good spot police tell me folks and tap you yes they do want to have you

Oh my God someone’s hiding with me why get your own spot I personally recommend recommend playing this in F5 mode but if you don’t like that then just play in whatever you want oh I see I see what we’re talking about yeah because you just got a little bit more vision

Oh no oh no make sure to Sprint if possible there’s no hunger so you can just infinitely Sprint we’re doing really good I’m not saying I’m in the worst spot possible yo peep everybody dying before me we’re actually really good spots I’m literally back in the OG room right

Now what I’m so scared is that you Eric wait are we in there yeah that’s me across the same spot all right cool cool we’re doing really good I’m not gonna lie I’m coming coming speed too yeah whoever whatever hunter that is has not found anybody they’re just running back

And forth we are popping up the only team who hasn’t had anyone died yet wait we might all survive just try to try to stay alive I think we all survived yo let’s go it’s a new map new map so it’s randomly generated every single round don’t

Forget you can hide in the middle room that’s what I did immediately don’t hide there immediately though yeah only if they come by and you know yeah yeah more like a second you know Plan B God I don’t know oh my God I don’t know where to hide me neither oh my God

Oh no this is this is fan fade and ghosty are here okay we’ve got a lot of people in the same room yeah it’s okay though we just need to run like if they come here we’re fine we’re fine they’re not coming yet okay they’re not ready yet

I like how you can see them it’s nice okay we’re chilling on our in our Corners so far we do have an ungodly amount of people in this room like holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of people there’s so many it’s like an ant infestation I’m coming oh cycle

That are you fine Wolfie I’m chilling oh my God chili I’m so chilling though it’s like who know can’t catch my ass that’s crazy I’m doing great though Yo Joe nobody’s been close to you dude Somebody went near me stay alive for 12. okay go see I think we’re chilling yeah

Yeah we are I don’t see anyone nearby Hey we’re chilling oh wait oh okay I thought we’re gonna be there oh we’re the hunters oh God no no we’re not like I feel like when we are when we are we’re gonna we’re gonna go crazy oh my God yeah so on this is literally my game this is

The game the most game ever out of all the games oh my God oh my God this is my favorite map this is definitely the game I’m so scared I found a spot time for me to sit here the entire game I’ve not found a spot okay it’s such a

Bad spot I’m in not a great spot right now horrible spot I wouldn’t recommend standing up there just come over to me or go to where you were okay this is gonna be a scary team oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they don’t see you either this is terrifying this is the red man

Holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God what a spot oh my God you guys are insane right now we’re balling they can’t touch us oh my God okay well yeah it’s 30 seconds oh no oh no no no no oh oh my God oh my God oh my God

Oh just trying to get to the top that’s why oh yeah there’s three people out there oh my God oh my God 10 seconds they’re they’re like we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good oh my God yeah we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling dude but I also go to like The Highest

Potential spot so I don’t know like how easy that is to pull off every single time some of them are some of them are the same oh this is freaking terrifying I am in a really bad time it didn’t work last time it’s fine we stick just terrifying okay so there’s a blue

Person like running around oh they’re going up the stairs bringing that’s why you find yourself you’re chilling oh dude that was so bad there was the blue glowing on top of the Blue Block that was like such a bad timing you’re doing good so far you’re doing

Good so far we got two alive oh God this kid’s chasing me oh you got this jump what am I oh my God oh my gosh oh all I had to do is stand there oh fancy you’re actually gutted at this holy crap but you’re the last one alive

Oh my God that was terrifying ghost is alive too oh I’m with someone I don’t know who okay so I don’t think they’re going to Fan fans room right now I think we’re we’re good oh no there’s one there’s one coming there there’s one coming through every round oh my God

The hunters just get points for finding people I’m assuming yes maybe like one of the later hunters and I guess it might be it could be last okay I want to do a risky Strat and just start in the same in the in the in the

Spawner in a smarting room okay yeah I mean I respect it and so have one of us survived every single round so far I think I have yeah this is dude I’m telling you this is actually my game this is your game you’re going [ __ ] insane hi hopefully this pays off

I just picked the top 10 worst spots ever yeah me too me too I’m yeah oh come on boys I swear he’s stream sniping me oh my God yeah this is this is officially top 10 worst [ __ ] spots ever holy [ __ ] I don’t know how it’s working I’m get out

Of here I look like a [ __ ] apple right now oh I jumped down I’m sorry I can’t see [ __ ] oh my God oh my God hold up I’m getting nervous No way he didn’t see me all right we’re doing we’re doing solid so far this team is so far not very good at hunting I’m [ __ ] terrified I’m not gonna lie I oh [ __ ] I’m done I’m done yeah two people were in my room and they’re

There I want to get up there so bad you think I can make that jump oh there’s only thing I think when we seek we gotta we’ll see which side has like most people and two people will go there and the other three we can just have one person real

Real yeah you can’t make that job because your head’s always just gonna head out yep run over hey let’s go guys yeah they were kind of [ __ ] they didn’t find that many people oh this is gonna be terrifying okay yeah we all go One Direction at least

I’ll go south I’ll go I’ll go east yeah okay yeah a bit go see do you want to come east with me yeah we can go east together okay okay [ __ ] go here we go dude I’m going north I’m going south or by the [ __ ] them up I got it I don’t

Know what’s coming wait somebody should clear the spawn room okay I’ll clear it really fast before we go east okay oh [ __ ] I got blocked I killed someone in Reverse at five am I dumb or am I just blind am I bad at this game no this is so annoying hunting is rude

I got one someone is in here let me just go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] tried to run away from me oh I’m chasing this kid Ryan you can spam flick by the way because it insta girls so if you Misses everywhere he’s faster than me sprinting that’s why

I don’t see anything I lost him oh there’s a person 22 seconds they were doing pretty solid so far I’m back in the spawn room oh [ __ ] nice five seconds Hey nice pretty good fine okay wow that was great barely anyone survived we did we killed an entire team that’s crazy oh we got first oh yeah that we did pretty well how many people did I kill chat uh uh all right same strats as before as a freaking reset and a half

Holy how many more rounds is there uh two including this one it’s on the scoreboard on the right it says around seven out of eight oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh I just entered whenever there’s a lot of people I feel like it’s a bad spot whenever I’m on the floor I’m worried

Okay yeah we have to be careful of Aqua I kind of forgot what you were wrong so I was about to save be careful blind but no sorry it’s all good nice that sounds crazy the [ __ ] combo man let’s go Joe let’s go go see papa Let’s see yeah that’s a that’s a great spot I feel like nobody ever goes over here because it’s like why would you ever sit here yeah but once they run your way you are dead that’s only if they pinch me okay pretty pretty good Strat yeah no they do not see anything they’re

Chasing someone else 17 left this one person’s been in the middle room the entire time oh never mind there you go okay let’s go Joe yeah it looks huge I’m bad not bad not bad huge it’s great no friends Successful jaw surgery Wednesday yeah uh where for the three uh I already read that and milk said I’m not mad I’m just disappointed stop all right I’m not going that way I don’t know where I want to hide Corner rooms are usually the best like in the four corners but sometimes

Uh you can just find a good spot elsewhere Chad is this a bad spot yes this is a really bad spot I’m gonna run oh I’m so screwed yeah you know I’m gonna I might just I might just troll someone the [ __ ] is [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me

This is a better spot s is this good chat it’s actually like a god like ungodly amount this is a trash spot I’m chilling I think this is good Joe I’m joining you man oh but you said this was a bad song everything back I take everything back

But they might be coming our way gotta be real careful here I feel like he’s knocking I feel like they’re not gonna run over here um see you know maybe like why would anybody sit back here true yeah this is like the dumbest spot everybody right at the end [Applause]

Hey you could have stayed oh I’m chilling don’t worry I actually was never worried Holy [ __ ] that was insane second place yo nice that was terrifying oh [ __ ] wow oh give me that fourth place yeah oh I’ll give you that for a place yeah holy [ __ ] actually insane okay there’s now a break so if you guys need to like you know seven minutes

I have a funnel don’t worry oh there’s also a vote on Twitter we can kind of manipulate the way like uh the next game goes by voting for like um stuff so the second most voted game uh on the Twitter uh will be played and since there’s people like Cabo and

Psychuno I think we can probably get second um so they’ll get first then votes we’ll get started what game do we want um I’m saying we vote for like battle okay because that’s probably because I’d like PVP and I think we can do okay at that

Um and then all right up for battle all right guys vote for battle ship battle’s the least voted for right now replies to it it’ll and he says battle it’ll be number one okay true Am I actually 40th Place that’s actually so sad oh my God how do you tell how do you tell don’t right click your person in the leaderboard Eric we can we can we can we can help you out here it’s not even close either it’s like a hundred points dude you can

We can get you up there okay we can help yeah how many people are wait is that last that’s last that’s right hold up ghosty Joe and fan are all like right next to each other oh my God I’ll grab it oh God David’s golf rules you know maybe we should revert to that uh what did I miss so far uh just a bunch of mini games thank you like a huge holy [ __ ] Hold up hold up uh while we’re in this seven minute break you know while we’re in this seven minute break how much how much longer is in this break four minutes you know we could hit a quick a quick and a humble all of you and last but not

Least very special Joe is hungry get well shout out to Robert Maliki today we’re headed to Culver’s to check out their re-release of a limited time offer they last saw the light of day eight years ago the pepper grinder Pub Burger which is the sum total of all its parts

Hey Culver’s never Frozen beef patty a slice of cheddar cheese a slice of Swiss cheese two slices of bacon peppercorn mayonnaise on a lightly better than toast peppercorn mayo that sounds gross fit everything bun you can also add a few more Free Toppings if you choose ketchup mustard and pickles raw onions

Lettuce and regular mayonnaise I did not add any of those in the interest of science to give a fair and unbiased review the grinder put burgers comes in three sizes a single Patty version coming in at 940 calories a double single patties 940 oh [ __ ] five Eleven

Hundred and ten calories a triple Patty version the triple Patty across is the Finish Line how many calories is a Baconator chat I feel like it’s got to be like a thousand five hundred like just the sandwich I’m gonna fast forward to where he where he tries it because we don’t have that

Much time reveal Sorry for the Vibes that’s four of my hands okay thank you Mill for the uh 30 up turn to 21 tomorrow what’s your favorite alcohol heart alcohol rum or whiskey bite alcohol I don’t really know this is what it looks like it still looks pretty good and this is what it’s

Supposed to look like this is what it looks like I would rather eat that and this is what it’s supposed that looks like fake still look like tests Amazing [Applause] Oh my God the diet coke slide everybody everybody just prepare yourself This was Obviously made with care it was not a sloppy or a wet Burger yet still retain a moderate amount of juiciness the everything bun was soft a little bit chewy but held up well with no evidence of bleed through the pepper infused mayonnaise was the dominant flavor almost to the point of distraction it

Has a bowl peppery aftertaste that lingers long after the first bite this mayonnaise blend rings in at about so he is [ __ ] giving this a good ass rating no doubt 3.5 on the Joe heater meter in spite of it I can still taste the bacon it’s crunchy and appeared freshly cooked

Could have used four slices instead of two six slices even better that would have sealed six slices of [ __ ] cheese Joe Jesus Christ talk about [ __ ] myself after I eat that [ __ ] six slices deal the two slices cheese blend well gives the burger a well-rounded background cheesy flavor if I had to do

It again I would definitely go easy on that mayonnaise blend maybe some of the free condiment options pickles lettuce maybe a dash of mustard would satisfy my taste buds does this burger travel well to answer this question let’s go back in time and do the Joe is on angry sneak

Noodle by sneaky doodle bite number one God I love what he [ __ ] houses the burger doodle bite number two bite number two on the bite number three and you can doodle bite number three hot juicy a little bit of spice bread a little bit spongy let’s move on with

This video with that little bit of insight I don’t think this burger actually travels very well at all so I’m gonna recommend eating this thing in the dining area or even I still think I’ll rate it pretty hot oh I’m ready oh you gave it a seven I’m ready also ready

Let’s start back up everybody lock back in intro song oh yeah okay one second you’re back I need to I need to like Channel my internet okay Never back down over what That’s gonna be our pep talk in the finale we’re gonna get there disappear let’s [ __ ] go guys Block Wars has un like revealed something really bad about my past because someone found me through the Minecraft category and was like hey where did you used to play whatever and

I was like yes and he was like did you use the e-date mark Snipes and I was like yes oh my God and that was from the days when I had a Skype account and I was catfishing as a white girl so oh my God Jesus

Okay oh so it’s move okay so this game it’s uh four different rounds of movement in Minecraft one is parkour one is dropper and one is called obstacles which is where we place blocks to make it to the end and then uh this won’t be played thank God and then the other one

Is ice boating which is really hard but it’s like an iceberg this is Joe’s game uh not the iPhone no no The Dropper isn’t here you know may or may not have seen that literally my first it was literally first place in dropper yeah if you don’t get anything but first place dropper

Uh you jump and avoid blocks when you go down yeah we just go through like have you all alone yeah we’re all we’re all solo so okay the barrier will go away and now you can jump down in one of the levels you just aim for the Blue Water avoid everything else

Oh you have to complete all of them okay okay a little tricky initially I got it okay but we’ll we’ll learn don’t look at chat by the way there’s gonna be people who like finish this immediately just ignore them because they’re chariots and before it’s me oh

I’m stuck on the smiley face one all right I got third how many is nice uh nine there’s nine levels we’re actually doing really good so far oh difficult I can’t do this one oh okay let me try to find you all oh okay so if anyone’s stuck just just call

My name and I will assist ah oh my God I’m on six huge yeah just if you’re like struggling with one just just ask and I will try to find you a path I think I’m struggling okay oh yep okay last one the last one you just kind of have to

You have to kind of like I feel like I can’t like how am I gonna make it all the way to the other side yeah okay I was gonna say you have to like make kind of like Microsoft that’s good go take those oh my God I keep going on the edge

That’s so annoying on the last one how many are there nines nine okay nice you made it yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to contain my guilt right now but like oh my God I got stuck on the smiley face one for like two minutes

If I had just done that one quicker I would have finished so much earlier like movements in the air uh try to go away from like watch the video I’m not watching the news and then you should yeah I know he showed his [ __ ] again dude it’s gonna be a little tight yeah

How do you do that oh that’s so hard it’s gonna be a little bit of trial and error maybe try to jump like a little bit uh earlier oh we’re in sixth on this one [ __ ] DJ Don for the sub love for the three bullets for the sub

Oh that was really close that was really nice don’t worry [Laughter] we all made it to the Finish or at least to the final round which is really good you all get points for that okay I suppose I recommend playing this in uh third person which how do you get the third person

So in this there’s a lot of drifting don’t hold forward and spread the entire time because it might go too fast there’s a lot of yeah you just have to drift so if you’ve ever played like Mario Kart drifting it’s a little bit similar checkpoints yes there are checkpoints they should be relatives

Okay should be relatively clear with like polls and like a different uh yeah this is so hard this is the hardest part of this entire game so once you get adjusted to that you should be okay you can take this a little bit slowly um it’s better to just

You know make it to the end then to try to do it fast and follow which is also okay I’ll try to finish yeah just don’t say [ __ ] chat don’t say [ __ ] I was doing good initially don’t say anything I’m gonna clutch up oh the drop part

Face it’s like colored Dreams yeah it should be really close to the end the end is like uh of course with like trees [ __ ] yeah nice okay that’s like the final part I’m on the lantern I’m so behind that’s fine what I’m doing just try to try to go as straight as

Possible if if you can I finish nice good good all right so nice you should see the Finish Line relatively soon just try to dodge the trees okay yeah you got a really good line here just try not to fall off nice yeah you’re pretty much there is this the

Finish yeah you got it nice 30th I’m not gonna make it stop control don’t press forward too hard just try to try to aim a little bit to get through nice we did better though you can do that for the next one as well we’re moving up we’re moving up okay

Parkour I’ll do better okay yeah freaking try to go as fast as possible you might actually be able to make it still yeah not making me go straight like what the [ __ ] okay but you get blocked so we can actually work as a team here I will try to place

Blocks you can just follow me all right yeah I’ll try to make it as easy as possible for everyone to just finish so you should be able to make these jumps and then I’ll place blocks you can make the jumps there you go and then we just go around as a team

Actually just make a bridge doing the bad War strap literally insane yep okay that was one we’re all consistent we’re good yep just keep going ghosty will also help here nice yeah oh I didn’t realize you can’t build on that okay take your time guys nice that’s another Bridge

Are you all good oh there’s actually a filter we have time we have time oh there’s like a small hole we have to go through so yeah you can just try to try to follow me try to follow the green blocks I’m almost messing up

So it might be a hard jump there you go oh my God I have the wrong controls I’m following Wolfie he is literally carrying me right now like 100 percent yep uh okay nice you can make this jump here oh here you can be able to make this

Jump here I’ll make a little staircase jump here make another staircase and then jump here there we go okay what is this okay oh oh nice job oh Joe oh my God Joe’s insane what the [ __ ] yeah we can make a straight Bridge okay their blogs disappear oh

Okay and then the Finish should be really close okay this is the end just try to place blocks while going forward okay we’re getting to the Finish nice we all finished here right there is huge third [ __ ] place okay okay um it’s fine it’s fine yeah you don’t have to worry about finishing

Okay okay just try to make a bridge and then try to place blocks in front of the block I’m calm yep nice and then you can make it through the hole and then you make a bridge nice keep it up keep it up wait how did she how did she fall

Behind the the like yellow black stripes jump to those oh she fell right here place two blocks up you make that jump and you make three blocks up or you can go around that works too yeah make it nice okay um I hope that they’ve made it easy but

We will see I’ll try to give call-outs see each other right yeah so if you if you’re not very confident in parkour try to just calculate your drums good how many are they uh nine again not a big deal yeah own it you’re not allowed to jump on the edge there

I didn’t know that okay there’s a trickier one where like there’s not a clear path there’s a ladder there should be like arrows where you’re supposed to go some of these jumps are a little tricky near the end God but I should be finishing now yep okay I will help whoever needs help

Yeah so okay I just finished nice yeah you can go hard yeah the those poles are really small hitboxes just try to like very precisely try to jump specifically like nice nice huge all right anyone else need help brutal God I don’t hear any call outs so everyone’s

Doing good good where am I supposed to go oh okay okay so yeah you go to there oh oh my God and then to the right or left in the middle should have landed on nice and then you go I [ __ ] nice cute okay this is gonna be tricky again these

Are very small hitboxes that you’re walking on yeah that one’s gonna be a harder jump um try to Sprint while jumping nice and then you jump to the chain on the sides nice and you go up and then forward throw the Scarlet sharks have this is the final one

Yellow this one’s gonna be a little hard nice you jump to the nice hey all right all right uh okay you have to jump around nice there you go another yep that block topside nice forward it’s huge okay this one’s gonna be a little tricky

Try to jump on the trap door which is the the like iron thing the thin one uh you can try to jump like against that wall Runner yeah and like that’s right Pokemon [ __ ] Zelda and like games like that right okay that’s okay a lot of people didn’t finish we did

Really good we got third in the entire game yeah nice not bad that’s huge it’s fine yeah no it’s not a big deal okay that’s pretty good oh my God nice yeah third’s actually pretty good this is the first where we all individual leaderboard I want to know what our rankings is

Like four of us finishing pretty much right next to each other is yeah Wolfie is killing it what the [ __ ] okay so a team oh my God I mean we could really shoot up yeah we just need to have like a pop-off game and we can we can like bounce back

From fifth to like first uh we got this yeah please please please not 40 not 40. yes Some [ __ ] pure testosterone that made you get 39th there holy [ __ ] I’m sorry uh three and then if we make it to the finale well there’s technically four what is the last ones for top tail yeah so usually what uh what happens is like everyone’s like spectates

Um while the top two finish and just so the entire like events experience is like done and then after you’re good to go yeah so yeah there’s uh three more games left I think next we want to go wait which many games uh there’s battle extraction yeah

Construction and party I feel like we want to do good in construction we could we could have a turnaround in construction party for sure I think wait what like there’s classes for extraction right no that’s right yeah classes for battle Yeah we want to skip okay we want extraction then we

Don’t want to do what do you mean skip battle like one game won’t get played yes but how is extraction like valeranda uh because it is only crossbows and the map is like made like an FPS game oh it’s a team versus team as well yeah it’s like there’s a round robin so

It’s 1v1 teams oh uh okay so we want Construction yeah we don’t want battle just anything but just stay away from the aqua thing I’m kind of worried people will go for that they are going they’re saying battle Yeah okay if we can get a fire bomb please game like the fireball

Oh Capo oh I got killed oh [ __ ] I don’t know what everything is okay okay That’s fine it’s fine we try to just stay in here because many people to stay here there’s some people here if possible yeah oh they have a lot of cats though this might be really close it’s really close yeah okay okay nice okay what was that little hack of like

Um the accessibility stuff oh um there should be above I don’t know I think that might be on by default above your Hardware I hope this uh is enough dude foreign likely the best player of this game I will be you can help your teammate so you everyone gets their own plot you

Have to complete your build once you complete it you can help your other teammates you can break Blocks place blocks for them Wolfie thinks he’s the best rude awakening then uh up until I think he’s in it for a rude awakening from the BART man [ __ ] finishes

Okay will they give you the blocks that you need automatically yeah so this is all about just quickly looking at the build and trying to replicate it as fast as possible and that’s it and then we work as a team you can help each other

Um so right away here you have to right click the click a climb a plot I’ll be in the middle back left this one yeah just claim a plot so uh there will be a practice run first so you can get used to like uh how you want

To place the blocks this should be it doesn’t have to face the same direction right yes just exactly what’s there is what you want to make that’s okay if this one is slow we’re just doing a practice oh my God I’m so bad at this you can also practice like helping the teammates

You literally did it wrong okay great that’s fine nice hey okay let’s go nice oh we got this yeah we got good teamwork there so okay nice try to call as early as possible if you notice that you’re struggling with the build try to call it as early wait so if I finish

Early like immediately try and help somebody else oh that’s just okay okay these are actual builds It’ll like make a little thing when you can figure out that’s like the sound when you can start building nice well oh wait okay guys I didn’t run yep nice

Okay this one you can kind of do from outwards to inwards so you start with the dark and then the white and then the purple that’s okay Yep this one quite nice this one’s very straightforward it’s just in the order of your hot fire nice

Oh I recorded the wrong way around oh my God I’m so stupid Oh my god I’m an actual idiot Eric so sorry Nice yeah huge oh God let’s go hey we’re doing good oh yay it turns behind let’s go Nice That I wasn’t last let’s go small things that matter Nice nice oh my God oh my God [ __ ] locked chat this one’s also pretty difficult I would say like the the gameplay itself isn’t too hard it’s just the speed that makes it really difficult thank you guys some momentum going let’s go nice nice I got we’re locked we’re

Locked we’re in [ __ ] third chat Herbie it’s an axolotl oh never mind nice nice we’re making a comeback Nice okay not bad not bad um Let’s go we’re pretty good Yep yep okay oh Nice oh no it’s huge banana this one’s a little bit of a weird shape there you go sorry no it’s okay Yeah you’re good I got him huge that was a weird shape nice all right Wolfie thinks I’m the [ __ ] weakest like now but he’s coming to help me I got this [ __ ] Wolfie big loads We’re finished actually really close this one’s in order of your hot bar from top to bottom yep that’s build Nice you take those holy oh my God probably eight of my builds for me yeah see like seriously though that’s what the tip works for you though I’m so bad at this one construction sucks I think this is wait wait wait wait why does it say fourth we finished third

Uh so the way the scoring works for this is you get points for every individual build compared to how quickly every other team oh gotcha yeah so I think we had a little bit of a slower start but we picked up the pace so for the earlier builds we probably

Scored lower but got more points I’m so sorry yeah the golden gorillas um also right in three minutes as uh what teams are completed the build I don’t know what quarter that is in but that’s not the uh gotcha it’ll it’ll update the points right now pretty much I think um

Bad so anyway yeah in chat there will be like a lot of text now okay not yet but oh the fastest players did not work this is the the text we actually didn’t do bad we got like in the middle and like a couple firsts yeah we got second we actually went up

Oh my gosh oh nice a second huge oh we’re safe yeah there’s a [ __ ] chance chat we might go to my [ __ ] 10 hours oh my God look at Scarlet that’s it definitely [ __ ] I’m gonna turn off everything oh my god of purple the the points are super close yeah that’s crazy

That was actually insane oh something scoring they might have to update something okay crazy dude that was so intense everything is so intense hey 38 we’re going up we’re going up oh yeah oh yeah look at this [ __ ] red team there’s such a bunch of tryhards

All five of them got first oh my God it’s on the come-up chat on the [ __ ] come up on the [ __ ] come on the [ __ ] come up 10th place that’s kind of trash but you know oh Point bro got it because he was finishing we’re warmed up

All right uh so if we don’t have to replay um it’s like I need to oh whoa I’m Number Eight in that event that was so oh my god really nice oh my God yeah in the top ten oh holy [ __ ] oh my God yeah Joe’s 10. let’s go you’re you’re 38th now you moved up more I am yeah I’m not 40th we’ll take it

I’ve gone up one place every time since I’ve gotten 40th so it’s only up to where yep it was really the Nic a30 intro that that got me ahead oh yeah it was like Never Back Down never give up I was like wow for the five wanted to thank you for

Helping me you’re super funny and make me feel better I appreciate that [ __ ] donut and the nice message repo for the sub receipt for the five uh Muslim keep it up sin for the sub June Frosty landano for the sub Rift useless I don’t know if I missed any other Donuts

Uh but thank you John I think I’m getting sick again do I sound sick oh I think they’re looking into something with the points I think the points got messed up uh oh gotcha Why are they all standing are they doing a little YouTube are they doing yo should I ruin it yeah let me ruin it let me stand in them and they all disband and they all disband yeah I get it I get it I get it my Skin’s shirtless you know you know

It’s a problem I see okay okay I see how it is you know they all disband after I you know going for the little screeny oh my God except the Asian Canadian Canadian oh my God where’s tubbo hold up where’s tubbo somebody find me tubbo where’s tubbo at chat

Oh my God oh my God is that point Crow screeny screeny full screeny screening for The Vibes somebody batch him Tavo I don’t even know where he is there’s so many [ __ ] players in this wait who else was supposed to be really good in this it was Feinberg right where’s feinberg’s team

I don’t even see him Chad what team is Feinberg on oh he’s in [ __ ] second to last seven we’re in third I mean we still are like 400 points away from the purple Pelicans but I feel like if we just have one good game like if we get like second in a

Game and they get like fifth then we’ll be in second overall I don’t think we’ll place first going into the final game but I think we could get second and then go to the finals feinberg’s first individually yeah no he’s carrying but his team is still

Losing is what I’m saying I don’t even know wait I want to go see who is first overall who is first overall and where the [ __ ] am I how is it going up for them oh yeah let’s get it to 500 000 today chat What the [ __ ] am I doing what the [ __ ] am I doing what the [ __ ] am I doing is [ __ ] not even talking just staring at the [ __ ] cat right now I just Zone the [ __ ] out oh that’s last game I want to see overall yeah feinberg’s doing the best

Bye uh not by far actually Wolfie’s carrying for us tabo’s doing ninth overall what how many points do I have I have a thousand four hundred fifty four well I somehow did really well I think I could get like top ten I don’t know Aunt Venom’s been doing

Minecraft for the last uh you know 45 years though so I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to beat him Joe why is your name Joe bartolozzi because that’s my [ __ ] legal name what kind of question is that and [ __ ] after the three avanto for the

Three I live in San Diego I’m about to get hit by a hurricane also have you heard Counting Stars AI cover you I have yo should I play that right now yeah one of my mods one of my mods sent it I’ll actually play that oh don’t tell me don’t tell me they’re

Starting up now Hold on everything That kills me makes me feel alive This music’s starting to make me go go crazy chat like genuinely I’m starting to go I’m starting to lose my mind right now oh ones are fixed I got 21 friends you cycle I got 100 but you ever do Ox battles yeah I don’t know why but I’ll

Take it that’d be fun just turn it off in the background I don’t know set it in chat yeah I guess mine were just regular all right cool yeah same wait what happened in chat um they they gave us like extra points we got seven points but they gave us extra points yeah

That game has like an individual bonus and I don’t think that worked this time so that just did it manually all right what are we going for um we don’t want battle we do not want battle extraction extractions Last minute I’m sorry everyone’s doing parties no no get out of there get out of there get out of there I’m just punching people okay okay okay that’s fine either of these are wallet as long as it’s not battle true okay oh yeah extraction got this yeah no one’s in battle eggs

This is the [ __ ] first place it’s PVP you know it’s all right give me the Vandal oh my God so like you’ll just you fly up into the middle okay how do you use a crossbow I’ll be real with you you right click so you hold right click to load it and once

It’s loaded you just click right click to fire it yeah and that’s it and then you release or you hold and then you click you so you you’ll hold to charge it and then once it’s charged you can just move around freely and then once you record again you can fire it

Um it should charge pretty quickly and you also regain like arrows smoke bombs around the map Jesus that’s like an actual smoke it’s not like it’s a little bit see-through so like it isn’t like as good but maybe on this map it’ll be okay to protect someone that’s trying to so

Like [ __ ] out the goal here is we want to try to kill the opponents while staying alive because you get points for kills and for like extra do you respawn yeah team versus Team yes so we will only face one team it should be uh we’ll go against every team once yes

Okay yes okay okay so um [Laughter] I’m about to run it down dude there actually isn’t a knife just for reference there’s no mail it’s just you can’t fight with people but it does no damage all right so charge up right now yes also uh you have 4-H I just wasted a I

Just wasted an arrow that’s fine you’re all good we have four exes yeah we should all go right yeah yeah how many numbers can we take four four so yeah make sure to call out like everything like uh people ahead okay good yeah yep there’s no team damage

Right nope I already extracted oh that works too oh okay it’s fine that’s fine taking their smoke on ah I’m gonna die I died was that stupid that I extracted so early oh no you secured points for yourself you don’t have to rely on kills now oh I died

It’s okay now your team has less players to fight yeah Wolfie’s got that stuff see nice yeah Wolfie’s got this right faith and Wolfie all right that is let’s Chillin okay I just I oh yeah that’s important yeah yeah that was a bad play on my part my bad there’s no

One there so I was like you know Wi-Fi is this extract we just okay we want to try to work as a team I saw a chat I’m sorry try to like um use the momentum once we get a kill so just try to go okay try to stick together because if

You’re a solo there’s a high chance to just get picked up yeah because we got six because uh we got a couple of kills I think oh six okay shoot with with right click okay yes so we go right again I’ll go the same side

And try to call out if you see people and then try to just uh position yourself and try to just use angles to shoot them I think they went left okay so we can we can just oh there’s one person here one person here oh there’s two actually

I’m gonna flank them yeah they’re coming behind us oh I missed oh I died I didn’t die you got MZ I killed taboo nice absolutely ratio dubbo I’m getting chased I’m getting chased I have one hell I’m dead I’m about to die there’s people coming from behind

Okay go see let’s work together here I have no idea how much HP they have you can’t I have one HP can I extract oh you can try you’re gonna get shot though probably try to try to work with okay okay go see to try to get some kills oh yeah All right let’s go all right why is this so hard he’s so smart for all of us to just go together we’re just grouping up yeah I feel like you you would want like a three one way too the other way we can do that I can I can go left with

Someone I’ll go left okay we can just try to call out as fast as possible if you see people so we can play around dude oh left side there’s one left no one no one right right I’m running around the back oh I just made myself Superman nice oh God

Oh there’s two people here coming behind me behind me here Ninja’s one that’s the one someone’s extracting extracted no oh no I killed him everybody dead I don’t know I’m extracting got him I got him oh my God I didn’t think anybody yeah if they’re alive that was actually huge that was the

Number one team so far that was a good round holy frick all right yeah now we just got a lock in now I think the three the three lane two-lane thing is gonna do that wpj the sub or G for the sub right for the sub

For the three watch Dr Phil and sing again now so that’s not worked I think we we stuck together yeah we need the number one team yeah we we played it around uh their positioning pretty well though I would say so we just do the same things

Trying to make good call outs uh if you see them and then we can like flank and stuff like the other one right okay nothing left Joe we flank here there’s two Med oh shoot I’m kind of flank with you nope let’s try to pick people off

Oh my God I’m missing every shot I’m gonna die oh shoot I’m actually dying I was I thought I’d ugh I must die you too oh yeah he hit me Chris won there’s three there’s three over here that’s crazy I just got clobbered our Korean bro I just got two shot

I was missing every shot I had got candy I watched you guys I would have been into it all right that’s fine though it’s fine we’re in fifth for this game mode we’re still doing pretty solid we’re doing math we’re currently in fifth which is I think there’s a lot of teams trading

Um so I think a single team has like one every round this is what I can tell from points I’ll get right yeah so me and Eric go left and then the rest go right or we have three lights I’ll stay back a little bit I keep

Getting killed like ASAP so yeah and you like be more protective of myself I’ll try to peek and then give a call out if they’re here they’re here no one’s right they’re left left okay I’m coming around or left oh [ __ ] I’m already happy for you

[ __ ] okay that works are kind of solid right now that’s fine yeah mine’s fine oh my God there we go I did oh I died as well they’re behind us they’re not spawn are they’re like close response holy [ __ ] that was a creepy smoke oh they’re everywhere I’ve been trying to stick together

Oh my God Um there’s I’m getting mad I’m getting mad as [ __ ] I might wait and try to extract uh assuming nice just try to try to play play corners and try to just shoot people they’re gonna like all work oh [ __ ] yeah they’re gonna yeah they’re all gonna stick together

Where’s FNAF El chatter already in Hell chatter where’s FNAF next Wednesday dude I say I say my schedule all the time today’s MC Mr Beast video tomorrow’s reacts Monday’s VR Tuesday I’m doing this celebrity alcohol game Wednesday’s FNAF and some scary react Thursday I’m doing the makeup with Charity stream all

Right here we go uh where I’m doing unbans and [ __ ] uh expanse episode three and then I’m gone for four days then when I’m back I start my school years and 2PM we split and then just call out if there’s people if there’s a lot of

People just run back and try to regroup all right other other side can try to flank or flunking all on me they’re just me they’re all on me holy I’m running they’re chasing you they’re on me oh okay I’m whipping so hard oh my God oh my God they’re like scary

Where are they they’re all in the center they’re all in the center what’s good a lot are in the center oh [ __ ] one right with me like on me I died what the [ __ ] jeez I got one came on me there’s one more there’s one more I think there

Might be a height he’s right he’s behind you he’s like uh he’s outside I see him coming to the center okay is everyone out [ __ ] All right one more round yeah we got this we’re doing we’re doing solid we’re in solid we’re probably gonna go down a little bit because some teams are doing real good but we bounce back and party all right same shot oh Rain Hole is be very careful here because uh respond from response

Now wait no he’s two nice nice I’m getting [ __ ] I’m getting [ __ ] from behind they’re all in those originally left side oh there’s notes they’re rushing me oh I died I’m gonna try to loop around oh I died that’s right I have five drops twice though Yeah they’re extracting oh Jesus knife was insane wow Chris has to go against [ __ ] sleep oh my God I fears [ __ ] yeah that was good though we did we did solid so you guys got 20 damage and oh my God we got seven like a 11 kills 37 damage oh my god oh

Geez we’re [ __ ] out here how much how much damage did you get 37. let’s go it’s still good you get a lot of points for Damon and now we do Party Guys what are the party games though like what is that uh one of them is platoon one of them is

Crossy Road one of them is like valorent deathmatch and the other one is uh I cannot remember are the other ones like um it’s uh fast there’s like a floor it’s like kind of floors lava but not really it’s like really weird to explain yeah it feels like a like a Mario Party

Type game yeah we’re gonna need to get like 3 000 points plus we bounce back good here the points look scary but we can be scarier Just a humble for sure man I heard you were beating up my cat who said that no idea allegedly allegedly I’m not even gonna respond oh rare catch Koi carp o just humbled you Joe we can’t let that happen gotta spin back a neck a30 where what is Tabo seem taro’s team is

The third bro we could clutch up in party games though like we easily could you have now killed tifu and Taro yeah I have killed tifu and tubbo I’ve killed uh or whatever the [ __ ] his name is too Buddha Buddha Eric all right we vote we vote yeah we

Go party ready okay Eric I was told I mean my chat was just saying that like doesn’t Point Crow play this game do you actually play Minecraft no okay isn’t Point Crow a speedrunner I said yeah yeah Zelda speedrunner yeah that’s what I said that’s what I said I said you

Sneezed Rock like Nintendo games okay yeah we’re just voting parties oh we got party let’s do this yeah getting top twos can be real tough but we can we can give it a shot I think battle would be worse for us but it does have the bigger like Point difference Yeah all the spots won’t battle let’s go Society man about the world all right We’re about to have a freaking blast out here all right yeah this game is quite literally like in the description it says have fun well you know what I’ve never wanted doing that so we’ll take it that’s literally crossy Road that’s no that was Splatoon this is not

In by the way you can ignore that okay that was that one was called Deep test which is the fitnessgram Pacer test in Minecraft but it’s like Aussie Red crossy Road crossy Road he’s insane all right let’s [ __ ] go we just have to cross the road

And knock it down are you if you if you get hit you’re out right or do you respawn no you respond okay there’s a finish okay it’s like race then okay yes I feel like being in the middle is the best track there’s so many people I can’t see the

Cars yeah they should become invisible yeah it’s just boots do not hit the cars this is my advice oh let’s go Joe he’s insane across the road oh [ __ ] I was a little too silly dude we don’t move on the logs oh yeah this is a Minefield oh shoot the hell

Oh I didn’t know there was I didn’t know there’s pushers there the the lava part is like the Finish like this is the the like last bit oh [ __ ] I went too fast oh my God I might actually be lost I’m so sorry guys oh it’s okay all right I got third

That’s good they could have gone first I didn’t know if I knew that The Pusher was there that’s crazy I got seven let me take those oh oh I’m so dumb I just jumped into the lava it’s like chill dude there’s people all the way back here is everyone doing your God

Eric that one looked like you were like Point Crow really is solidified himself like the right side I guess because it’s like the one I mean he still has 30 seconds I made it do not stand on the pressure let’s go now you got 20 seconds you could finish

You’re also not last if you do finish that’s what I did the first time yeah I ran into it all right that side damn TNT we bounced back we have three more games I’m begging you should I get sushi okay okay I’m still mad at this one wait

Is this one where you like shoot guns that have paint in them right yeah yeah there’s there’s a lot of mechanics in this one but the the things that are important is trying to cover as much area with our color and then you can try to kill people as well

Um and then the way you shoot is right click and the way you reload is you have to hold shift on your color so okay uh on the line blocks what do you mean on my color so you see lime on the floor uh once you shoot

You hold shifts on that and it’ll reload your gun okay so I’ll just focus on what is it one shot and then I have to reload no no you have a you have an ammo of I think 30 or yeah like a MAG with like 30 or 40 I think okay

Yeah you should focus on painting and if you see people try to just kill them because they’re waiting so we should just paint as many blocks as we can but then yeah yeah but yeah and as many blogs and you kill them yeah you respawn uh if you get

Like a small kill streak I think it’s like three or five kills you actually get given a bomb a paint bomb which one’s thrown will like cover a pretty large area with your color is every team in this you’ll see people but like you might see

Like only like oh like you might only see like teal and finally Joe Bart plays Splatoon yeah um and then yeah so you’ll get a paint bomb you can throw that uh my chat saying to save those until the points are counted just I mean if you it’s on

The on the scoreboard on the right it’ll say like points counted in whenever yeah you know that’s what I’m doing okay you should be fine if you kill someone by the way it also like um explodes them with your color so there is like actually a benefits is it

Like permit death no no it’s a response no respond okay yeah we respawn like where we are right yeah kills we need the bombs I saw from three I already read that in the lap of the sound but try to spread out see this Gamers just cover as much ground yeah

Okay I’m gonna just go to the middle so you can hold right click to paint and then you should see above your hot bar there should be like a little bar that shows like your ammo I actually screwed up you have to shift on your color to reload it

Oh just anywhere on your color okay I got murdered too does murdering people section yep okay oh my God Mystic cat’s like how do you get all the way over here oh oh if you shift you can move through your territory faster like stay tuned yeah oh cool yeah

[ __ ] stupid little [ __ ] [ __ ] I just died there oh [ __ ] try to take other other people’s color as well purple’s doing the best right now I’ll take purple nice it’s either Health too nice yeah you can tell from their armor I don’t have ammo what do I do

Dude I don’t know how so many people are here dude okay Gracie is such a all right oh dude I swear there’s like 20 different teams in our area yeah I don’t know people are just on our [ __ ] right now yeah we’re actually insane I’m trying to

Just get our spawn yeah [ __ ] off you try to avoid the the left side from our spawn if uh I just died I’m avoiding that side I feel like I gotta run out and spread oh [ __ ] oh my God what what all right it’s okay we getting a lot of blocks

Real fast if we just try to cover everyone else’s area oh the game’s actually almost over I just died just I am everywhere Pretty solid it’s pretty nice fire oh what is Photon this is yeah okay okay yeah you’re just this is you uh one shot kill it instantly reloads oh that’s very important no response is that just Deathmatch oh oh Deathmatch it’s a one shot kill yeah one shot kill one chuckle and uh

It auto reloads uh you can’t spam it it has like a little cooldown but it doesn’t automatically reload for you foreign this one is pretty tough dude I’m actually going like mold here we killed each other I didn’t even get to shoot are you kidding Crazy though dude [ __ ] you rainbow no way I got you over there I’m camping I can’t Camp I [ __ ] up eat my [ __ ] dick [ __ ] you five bucks little [ __ ] oh my God how am I getting sniped from that far he’s got enough for you Cabo I swear to God like I’m okay

I [ __ ] hate this game mode I hate it let’s [ __ ] go [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s right I swear I can’t kill anyone I can’t I’m sensing that you guys are having a great time yeah I’m teaching that this is a great game for you guys [ __ ] [ __ ]

Can you like can you how did he [ __ ] kill me oh my God oh my God oh my God you little [ __ ] let’s go holy [ __ ] I’m throwing I’m camping I’m camping oh my God [ __ ] did you see that he’s [ __ ] camping up there oh my God

Bro he shows on my [ __ ] ass I’m coming across this [ __ ] oh yeah no I’m coming for your ass oh my [ __ ] Kyle you [ __ ] yo I’m [ __ ] locked yo I’m [ __ ] locked chat Where’s everybody let’s go oh my [ __ ] five up that’s right where is everybody oh my God I’m just wasting someone behind me I didn’t realize no Joe was on a Seventh Street my penguin I flick is [ __ ] insane oh my God [ __ ] fine bird oh Yeah okay cool that’s fine what I got seven that was really fun dude that was that was a great which one’s Crossfire yeah yeah you sure Eric that’s great or something okay this one’s this one’s the one where you don’t stand on Orange and then you just like stand the sand do

Not stand on orange dude avoid avoid orange at all costs okay we’re not playing with anybody else you are you just can’t see him yeah so don’t stand on orange or magma blocks just stand on it in my box yeah just stand in the sand stand yeah also this

Is going to go real fast real soon so okay get ready except it’s very terrifying I’m gonna deafen so I can lock in okay fair enough they’re not giving us much time here all right so far so good oh yeah here it speeds up I was so lucky shut up sorry

Oh my God it’s so fast now foreign I got saved though we’re fine we’re fine oh oh my God oh I’m dead let’s go Joe no NT s hey guys there’s only three people alive sir Joe you got fifth in that round those were good how many rounds are

There is there only one that was it does it wow this is actually the last round uh I’m sure this is going to be the score breakdown of Brewster yeah yeah I’m curious I don’t think we made it to top two but uh I got 26 for that somebody said I’m crazy stop Is that the lot is it finished look at your child we’ll get in there so there’s a guy oh the results okay we’re getting the results there’s results and then there’s going to be the finale in the watch and then after we’re done they’re just thinking all the

People who spend money on this event it’s genuinely a lot of fun especially with this team yeah now this was dead I like this team a lot [Laughter] yeah I’m also glad that it wasn’t with somebody’s [ __ ] oh yeah Just not in the previous game mode okay obviously fun you know I mean um okay all right please please yeah I mean we perform pretty well in parties so not six yo okay not six okay not six what not faster top five oh no okay top five is pretty huge top five is

Pretty huge yeah who are we going against who are they going again hey hey not stuck in the last all right not second yeah okay obviously this guy yep this is gonna be real entertaining now I’m very curious to see how this will play out since it’s gonna be so wildly different wait Yeah wow like edged out right like barely how close is that that was actually pretty close yeah Take time yeah so every team gets two people with a bow yeah All right I’m done being sad wow all right you can fly around in spectator to like get real close or like get it Um I want the uh upset you know I want the wait yeah I want purple Pelicans let’s do it let’s go purple yeah yeah go purple because because Red’s been in the lead all along the whole Greninja made his way through with the defense it doesn’t matter though oh my god wow

Okay so what what happens now is the person the the team that’s ahead and now has a longer respawn time so if they die it takes longer for them to respawn than the other one I didn’t actually know that that’s crazy yeah that’s like a way to balance it out you

I’m like this music dude Is Unstoppable oh my god Do you just have to get into the one area Uh I don’t know if you see this because of the 20. uh I’m a deaf say this is one of the most fun streams in a while so glad you got invited to love these kind of tournaments yeah no the [ __ ] was dumb it made me again I’ll definitely do it

This game now works it’s my first time Yeah I think greninja’s team ran uh wins the Scarlet sharks they were voting for PVP every [ __ ] time that’s like their points and the first uh thank you Oh my God again oh my gosh oh my God this might be last round the hell holy [ __ ] Extreme’s lagging no it’s not okay moves closer to the blockwork servers just to get these days That’s Greninja scored every time yeah all three of them oh my God holy [ __ ] hurry dude insane the question mark remember you killed Greninja Leaf yeah you know I don’t want to say I’m better than him or anything but I’m one of the better players defense

Wow no way you [ __ ] got saved by that carries through but the other thing oh yeah oh my God [Applause] Oh my gosh Good games in the chat no I wish I performed a little bit better than I did but overall I’m not disappointed in my performance You know This was so much fun did you not like I’m actually just going to plan on being like I’m gonna practice Minecraft for like 30 minutes a day just for the next time I invited any of this right it’s literally like oh he just got quiet my [ __ ] skin

In October that isn’t rookies but crazy people all the time Eric hey guys I want to give you a big old kiss Eric no thank you thank you you may you may I don’t know why you made every enemy by existing why is everyone against you everyone was a guy command someone in my chat I never

Do that but I had to do it today there was just blood on your on your hands hey dude dude somebody came into my chat was like I got bad for [ __ ] flexing that they got banned for hating I’m like wow I got banned I’m like cool you’re getting banned here too

And breathe well you want to go like step outside Sunday with some umbrellas and like Mary Poppins dude I’m gonna I’m gonna take a long break and celebrate my 38th Place dude I can’t believe you beat me by 100 points my whole goal is the place above you Eric the craziest part

Is that I wasn’t even here for half the video all right y’all want to go into uh and watch the Mr Beast react yeah you’re an eye yes all right word I’m Gonna Leave the call all right we could do the little Mr Beast react new Mr Beast vid

Uh and then we’ll still do a react a tomorrow but we’ll react to the Mr Beast video today wobble for the three The Tick Tock uh Miles Morales real character if somebody called him corny on live uh and he ran after them threatened to beat the [ __ ] out of them

Yo what’s up I’m on stream what’s up man are you busy uh about to run uh the reaction to the new Mr Beast video that I’m gonna get off what’s up all right like you want to play you want to play a game of fortnite are we playing ranked or regular Duos

Yeah I’ll pop in for a game like right now I’ll do like one game though okay yeah that’s great that’s perfect all right hold up I’ll call you on Discord should I just immediately die and leave the call hold up let me let me ring him up

We’ll run one game of four and then we’ll do the Mr Beast vid Hey Joe hey what’s going on man yo what’s up man you haven’t gotten any fortnite wins wait hold on wait can you say something real good what’s up hey Chad do y’all hear him hey bro keeps

Hey bro keep going just just say that you just want me to keep talking there you go now you’re perfect wait this this thing you’re well let me turn you all the way up I gotta change my title for this exact thing I’m putting getting JoJo fortnite win

This is so good so bro uh the reason why I’m struggling is because uh uh so my like my chat kind of just ask if we could play again I won every single game that we put on a list um yeah you have to win one game in every game

They gave you yeah so it was fortnite Apex CS go Street Fighter 6 valorant war zone Fall Guys Roblox Madden 24 rocket league and that’s about it and you’re only on fortnite no uh I took a break from fortnite and I went to go

This video, titled ‘Joe Bartolozzi Minecraft Block Wars Tournament’, was uploaded by Everest on 2023-08-20 01:42:20. It has garnered 10926 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:39 or 11379 seconds.

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    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: ➡️Ahmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

Joe Bartolozzi Minecraft Block Wars Tournament