Joey’s Epic 100-Hour Minecraft Hardcore Journey!

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Okay that worked nice no it was saying a it was having an errow with the multi stream service it wouldn’t let me multi stream so we’re just streaming on YouTube today ah sorry twitch viewers sorry twitch all right it’s all good okay we’re live yo we’re finally live we’re back again

This is the episode where Thomas does not waste 28 diamonds for no apparent reason and before I do additionally stupid let’s look at this amazing thing I built okay I guess I close twitch it’s all good don’t need to have twitch there you go all right we’re live okay cool um what

Were you talking about something you built yeah this thingy just this good old thing again oh oh the thing you built last time oh okay yeah I thought you me something not anything off no not anything off stream although I can I can work on some

Actually that is my plan I think my plan today is to maybe be beef up our house a little bit and organize the chests that could be nice yeah good little good little uh project start chat I am looking at chat y y’all do realize I read the chat

As I’m getting ready to go live right so I I see what y’all say in the preview chat he’s looking I am looking are you just going to are you just looking at whenever I look at it through the face cam uh there face Cam’s actually slightly off it’s fine all see you

Sp okay now bog was white wait what was he okay now I need to boy oh oh yeah okay yes y’all talked a lot but okay I think Joey will perish tonight I agree yeah how though creeper again hopefully he won’t get mad probably just

Laugh it off maybe a lava pit what’s the most pathetic way hunger or zombie hunger is really pathetic I hope it happens oh my goodness they’re really rooting for your downfall aren’t they they really are I don’t also I don’t have that reminds me that I don’t have the

Timer up let me do that you should definitely get that let’s get the good old time up Tim y’all over here talking about my death and didn’t even bring up the fact that the timer wasn’t up oh boy okay let’s get the longer the

Time goes the more sad I get when I do eventually die just like real life I’m going to disregard that okay oh no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine uh okay that side is mostly empty actually how long we’ve been streaming for three okay we will start the timer

There we’ve been yeah we’ve been streaming for 3 minutes okay I added three minutes to the timer screen record angry boards 2 on your laptop today that’s what you Maximus you can’t say it now you can’t say Bing on the timer now that I already have it up you missed your

Chance uh oh you saiding I didn’t start it yeah that’s cuz I had to edit it okay my bad also for a bunch of people sitting in this thing we have no likes on the stream just saying it’s a fancy little like button Joseph I need to throw this the

Stuff in there stuff here I think you should take the birds out for a walk okay why is this here why is there a chest in here because I’m organizing okay can actually carry two birds I know I’m trying to is there anything in this Spar

There’s a lot of stuff in the SP anything in this Spar it’s a lot of stuff yeah like go to the side like that oh wait he’ll just teleport if I walk away yes I forgot I was just like well I guess he’s stuck there there he goes okay

Come on Jupiter we got Jupiter and Mars look at us we’re going to go mining together yay oh actually I need torches uh oh um hold on let me let me grab you let me let me let me grab you some here’s three whole torches hold on let me get

You keep a second t on Dy on me just in case keep a shield on me just just in case get the pickaxe okay is a stack of torches good that should be good enough okay worst case I can go and grab you more okay I’m just grabbing the stuff I

Need from a distance y I think a wall of barrels will probably do nicely and we have just enough barrels for that so that’s perfect okay we just have to move the heart of the sea we can move it right here need to go in that chest and grab

This uh where’s the rest of the Redstone shoot got too close there it is okay stop the r stuff I grabbed in here I also need mine cart oh there should be a mine cart over there there should be one okay let’s go y I do have both boards okay cool nice

Really F so I can’t play Wonder with them so you’re back oh I can play Wonder with you there yall go I actually don’t have my copy of Super Mario Brothers wonder anymore oh that’s interesting so I had to get for my my nephew he got Super Mario Brothers one door for

Christmas and we couldn’t find a copy of Super Mario Brothers one door so I just got my copy and wrapped it and gave it to oh dang well that’s nice yeah because I’m like I’ve played the game I don’t have any like I I do plan to buy another copy like soon

Soonish but I’m like for the time being I don’t need a copy on like on me I have 100% in the game so no I just did that I’m like there we go very selfless of you very well there’s three games he wanted the other two being Mario Maker

Which was the first game I got out of midnight release so I couldn’t give him that and then the other one was Bowser’s Fury which or 3D War plus Bow’s Fury which has a very special story to it as well so I was like I can’t do that

Either that was Fury was a Valentine’s Day present so oh yeah or a two-day Orly Valentine’s Day present for me so Yeah yeah I’ve only done four the special levels you’re for treat the final levels are a lot of fun in that game I enjoyed speed one not speed one uh streaming them although it could have been a speed oh yeah we went into the m shaft okay inde do this Cobblestone here free

Cobblestone free they’re giving that stuff out for free they are say cobone fre cob there’s a six Cobblestone probably from where I was here last time selling what fre chocolate there was selling free Cobblestone what I know that I know that’s a SpongeBob some reason that what reminds

Me of the the the PlayStation Portable ads of the squirrs oh I can’t come I’m playing nut it’s like we got nut outside what PSP it’s like a nut you can play outside outside no one knows what we’re talking about no maybe a few any of y know that what we’re talking

About I if anyone does I will uh do something fun donate five charity no that was last week we don’t give the hey it’s till New Year’s it’s the web page is still up no yeah that was that was just a joke a funny haha if you will

Yeah want do it on stre but never got a w to it I feel that dead Mar there’s so many things I’m like oh yeah I’m going to wait to do this until it’s on on stream and I just never get to it that’s like half of my that’s like

Probably at least half my game Library H just game like oh yeah I’m going to buy I buy it I’m like oh I can’t wait I want to stream this game proceeds to never stream it oh yeah daily hot sauce oh gosh not the daily hot sauce that’s like the only

Thing still up like hot sauce and uh there’s another thing that’s still up the poster the post is still up yeah I’ll put the I’ll put the link in should have never made the hot sauce $5 that was a mistake well hey it wasn’t a mistake because lots of people donated to

Charity because of it true still I have you did suffer quite a bit God like that’s my one chip challenge right there I I do not have any tolerance for hot sauce uh no those gravel who put gravel in my M shaft who parked their car on my sandwich don’t SP my are

I don’t think’ll be spail Mario window here oh shoot okay we’re good we’re good it’s just a lot of gravel you can always use more gravel you can make a gravel trap just needs more gravel there we go I can always use more gravel more some more wobbly cobbly as

Well what we professional Minecrafters call Cobble cobbly wobbly why is this another I keep run into the same M shaft I just want to make a tunnel please no no tunnel for you God if you’re will please I’ll never forsake you again just just let me make a tunnel

Gosh it now I got to make like jeez I got through this and that and this and that and this and that and there no I I watched the bubbles episode of SpongeBob today watch all my Game Boy advents how just like I feel like watching SpongeBob pulls out the game Game Boy

Advance need to watch shock tail I need to watch shock tail on my Game Boy Advance shark tail on your Game Boy Advance should I have shark tail what do I have here oh I have SpongeBob in my game boy that’s what I watched volume one look at that volume one of SpongeBob

Baby the entire first season it’s four episodes like I said it’s um uh it’s help wanted what it’s Help Wanted Plankton Bubbles and I don’t remember the other episode one of the other older ones oh jellyfishing jelly fishing so a lot of the older ones like four you

Know I guess technically it’s two full Epis episodes cuz each two segments make one episode so it’s technically only two episodes this one’s 11 minutes I’m just saying though they could put freaking Shrek on the Game Boy Advance why can’t we get a whole season of SpongeBob on one

Card I feel like they probably could they’re just cowards yeah also I found this is POR on Fior that’s how you know we have a good conversation when that when we started off with there’s a guy on Fiverr um absolutely there PO on a fiver who will put videos on Game Boy

Cartridges that’s actually a pretty smart fi thing it is I like that’s actually kind of cool like they they make the cartridge for you and everything and I’m like man like you just put and like the shorter the video the less compressed it is they like you

Could put up to I think 5 minutes it’s extremely compressed if you do but you can you can do five Minutes no no so a podcast I follow called the nendo podcast one one of the co-founders is leaving actually yesterday was the final episode together and so now the now the only host of the podcast as a going away gift got him a got him that and that’s how I found out about

It just a little and it was it was of all their diff he made it it played their um their theme song and it had and it had diff with different videos from it was like 5 seconds from each episode or something like that so it was C very compressed very

Game Boy compress pressed but very cute I’m just happy that the podcast is still going even when the host is leaving cuz that two years in that became my THS day tradition like on the way home from work I would listen to that every day and

Like I got so sad when they said like when they first announce one the hosts would leave and they’re like yeah we probably just going to end the podcast keep got like thank you I I awkwardly recorded the Mario Wonder demo at a Target just for that

Podcast they had like a challenge and I’m like I got to do it they’re giving away free t-shirts oh I did not win the challenge by the way oh too bad no so well it’s all good though funny thing was they thought I was cheating at Force as

Well because I recorded mine on the little handheld displays they have so they’re like wait a minute how did they get he get to Mario Wonder door on his switch before the game came out uh anyone else who submitted in the challenge they just recorded off the TV

And I was going to do that I started doing that and then a freaking Target employee was like hey don’t do that so then I just Oly sat there with my phone and the switch handheld playing the demo so I broke to get La for that podcast for stupid challenge

But uh it was fun okay let’s uh this m shaft is massive like I am just one in a round yeah never ends no more diamonds but plenty of chest getting a lot more powered whale and um name Tags good so I have not let me catch up with chat I’m severely behind on chat people chose to watch shock tail over lone stitch one time in eighth grade hm M it’s funny people do a lot of crazy stuff in eighth grade though yeah to be

Fair when I was in eighth grade I would have picked shock tail I won’t lie well you’re just wrong I’ve also never seen Lelo and Stitch so you don’t know why you’re wrong but you’re wrong yeah like I’m just like oh yeah like it’s funny fish but it’s funny

Alien but that’s what I got Wall-E for there’s no aliens in Wall-E wait a minute no oh no no it’s not you see where they they’ll put in Soul in theaters in January I’m so excited for that I totally go and see it again yeah

That’s I was I’m playing it too so I’m like soul I love soul that movie is too beautiful to be on Disney plus it’s probably my favorite pix one of my favorite Pixar movies at least definitely so put I have a couple that I’m just straight up nostalgic for but I

Think objectively it’s the best Pixar movie oh yeah they pretty much put in all the pandemic movies and theaters um totally not because they don’t have any other movies to release and they’re low on money yeah now it’s um January it’s that February is torn in red and Luca is uh

March didn’t Luca get um it got like a little bit in certain areas but this like world this is like an actual prop or theater thing that makes sense yeah Luca was kind of like oh like some theat decided to show it others didn’t yeah it was weird we yeah we have beat

Boot seeds yeah I believe so yeah we okay yeah I’m not going to worry about grabbing it jeez oh it’s a mob spawner spider spawner in the shafts mhm nice at that what’s in the uh the chest one chest one chest one chest Man O another name tag nice that oh

Uh more iron I have gotten 10 iron ingots just from random chests funny and get some horse armor awesome nice what what kind uh iron ah solid yep all to come back to the surface low on inventories one all out of inventory the organization’s going well that’s good I’m going to bring more

Stuff for you the organiz good it’s what I want just going to throw it up all over the place put it in the chest I’m just going to come in and put it in the I’m I come in and be like it’s inventory time and just inventory all over the

House he said it’s inventory Diamond inventory everywhere W’s not an alien he’s not he’s not I don’t know why I said wall it’s okay I do the I used to watch the Lilo and Stitch TV show as a kid I watch that all the time did you like it I

Liked it as a kid yeah I bet You’ love Leo and Stitch then probably would I’ve seen uh lee war in stitch in stitch leoy in Stitch all of the I see all the Lelo from my forward all the movies are pretty good cuz the the move outside of the

Force movie the other ones are made by the the TV show team which is mostly comprised of the movie team just of a lower budget yeah so like Leo just that kind of weird anomaly they made like two or three movies and a show and like a bunch of other spin-offs

And they were all like pretty decent at the very least is that good okay going to mine some iron I’m going to mine some iron going to mine some iron I’m going to mine some iron y my Iron’s stuck in a spider web oh now I’m stuck in a spider

Web you want s my childhood I got so mad someone taped over it that sucks man remember that remember back when that was a thing where you could tape over things I remember those days it’s like such good old days back when every had a joke about

That yeah pretty much video went guy I I watched the episode of Dan VES about video wial stores the other day I was like man you know like for the most part Dan vorce is aged pretty good like for for pretty much every episode like there one or two bits that’s kind

Of like yeah that’s a bit outdated but like that whole episode as great as it is it’s like yeah if only they knew if only they knew uh I would love to see a mod Dan voices like a reboot I just just just give give give them like 10

Episodes let them tackle this new modern day stuff be like the Animaniacs yeah I think like Animaniacs or um the Walker’s Modern Life reboot oh yeah those came out around the same time right uh I think Walker was like a year or two before but wely CU wer was before the pandemic I

Know that that was the force like Nickelodeon reboot on Netflix that it was that the the jungle movie he Ono the jungle movie and uh Invader zom ENT the fpus which is just Peak just Peak just Peak nothing else just Peak freaking love into the flus

Such a good sign off for such a great show he finally took over orth that mad man did it like in end it didn’t matter you know the world got saved at the end but still he he did it for like a good half of the movie so proud of

Him we’re all proud so proud of them leeo yeah leeo and Stitch it was like one of the I think that’s the one that’s a sequel to the original movie and not the show no it’s directly tied of the show so the way it works is Stitch Has a

Glitch it’s the one that’s a sequel to the movie yeah I think that’s more accurate cuz I have not seen that one it goes Lilo and Stitch the first first one then they made um the first movie that was like the pilot almost for the show

And then that led into the and then the finale or the last like the movie they made around the end of the show was Leroy and Stitch yep and then afterwards they did Stitch Has a Glitch I think I’m not Stitch Has a Glitch had some was made sometime during the show’s

Production but by a separate team cuz I know leeo and C was the last thing I know I’m I’m pretty sorts and on that yeah and then there’s the Lilo and Stitch anime yeah which is caned to the west of like everything else I I just can’t remember exactly half top my

Head like it’s this isn’t what happens but it’s pretty much like Stitch goes on a foreign exchange program and that’s why he’s in Japan like it’s something like that he’s just like some reason lilo’s just like yeah it’s like that scene from Toy Story with

Andy and um wood Woody he’s just like I don’t want to play with you anymore it’s just that that that’s what happened I don’t know why that’s what I’m picturing in my head I I don’t know what happened though I do know that Series has a lore like more lore than

Lelo Stitch which already has a good amount of lore in it oddly enough Leo Stitch might be the one the thing that’s most sequels out of any Disney property that I could think of Mickey Mouse well I guess outside of Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse is kind of weird cuz

Like I don’t they kind of like rebooted a lot in a weird sense yeah like Rebooted Revis it it’s weird uh that’s I would think so Leo Stitch also has like a few like Random one-off episodes as well no episodes of like specials and well they had a crossover with Kim

Possible yeah well that was one of episodes of just like the show but like after the show and it like it’s I want to say it’s initial wave of Po ity they did there been like other things I just can’t think of them next there was a Kim it had the

Most crossovers because it was the proud family they did a proud family they did a crossover proud family it was proud family Kim it was like all the shows going on at the time American Dragon Kim Possible proud family I think there was like four or five what’s the other anime

Shows going on the time um um for some reason I wanted to say Goof Troop no definitely not Goof Troop cross oh Reus Reus oh yeah that’s the other one it was four yeah re recess Kimpossible American dragon and the proud family I don’t know which one sticks out more proud family or

Recess see I I would say recess just because recess they’re both very grounded shows but recess is like a bit more grounded like proud family is like it’s it’s there nothing like Zan not zany there’s nothing like mystical and proud family but it’s a lot more wacky if that makes sense yeah Okay thank you oh yeah I forgot I was supposed to inventory all over the place there we go okay now I’ll put everything else in the chest I do what I promised I appreciate it it’s fine it’s for the viewers at least it was just a stack of whales that’s that’s easy to

Move yes okay okay the organization might be a little janky is there a wood chest no actually this should probably be the wood chest the one I’m messing with okay so I need sticks thank you for making me remind of that because I had a food chest and then I

Also had wood chest and I was Like one of these things is not like the other yeah I love the note block that’s fun all right back into the mines of course so way back in the mine got oura swinging from side to side they probably use CGI a live there is a live action we

Make of Stitch I think it comes out I don’t know when it comes out there’s one being made I think it comes out two years you just ruined my day well someone was like they better not make one I don’t want to see Stitch and CGI no no

No how could they M I can’t wait till they make a liveaction remake of the The Black Cauldron honestly if there’s any movie that gets a remake I feel like I could see the Black Cauldron more than any of them that they’ve done okay okay maybe

Not all of them but like the princess and the fog that’s when people want and want yeah I mean if they I don’t know I because I’ve had I’ve people have this is like things I’ve heard people say before I don’t so much have a problem

That they remake them it’s more or less that they’re just not it’s not that we’re nostalgic it’s more or less that you’ll have people who are upset they aren’t exactly the same to the original but like as long as you do something creative and interesting with

It that’s fine yeah but a lot of them don’t they they don’t which is what what people have problems with yeah but it’s fine now into the woods that’s a great movie Into The you’ve seen into the woods I have it’s like the only I know it’s on a rem

Remake but it’s like the it’s the only like liveaction I kind of group it in with that group because it has this kind of remind gives me that same Vibe it’s technically So Into the Woods is a musical like a Broadway musical yeah so it’s like kind of but it’s not

Really owned by Disney Disney just made it yeah so I’m just my favorite song is um Agony I I love that song it’s the only one I remember and I was I remember being like man this movie is so stupid in like a good way just my

Favorite when they they whip their they like buttonup shorts off underneath the waterfall and just just be scream Agony Agony yo there two Minecarts of a chest right next to each other what I’m really glad that you like AC the it’s so I I I I don’t think Lucas

Has seen the movie maybe he has at this point but I introduced him to that song just so I can make that joke of other people we used to do that just like whenever like we want to be like really like over the top we just both scream

Agony and act like we were whipping our shorts off actually should recreate that we’re going to recreate Agony I don’t want to rip off my shirt we can buy shorts those are coals it’s not so much breaking my shirt that I have a problem with just taking it off

It’ be it’d be some good exposure literally [Laughter] know we this CGI our bodies CG out the parts yeah we’re just making Minecraft what we enacted in MineCraft nothing bad has ever followed that no no the solo wall oh yeah also Mr undertale people are making undertale references I don’t understand in the

Chat so that that’s your job well I I I’m not looking at chat currently but um talking about Sans and papy oh yeah too funny wait you don’t get those references listen man I played that game like two years ago or no a year ago I don’t remember just SS and

Papy well like I know who that is but like I I don’t know like the the quote in Sans and Papyrus um that that’s more what I mean I get you I I remember funny skeleton man who who funny your Skeleton Man funnier who’s funny and funnier you know you

Know I I don’t Papyrus is the funnier one really yeah I think I just it doesn’t help that I thought Sans is just like freaking God because of that was like the only thing I knew about for fornite but not fortnite the only thing I knew about undertale before I actually

Played it was Sans and everyone being like oh he’s got like spirits and seven hearts and the blue ey Dragon whatever thing and whoa like bro he’s so cool like he is cool but he’s not like I I know I haven’t done all the endings but like yeah that’s fine look at you

There I do like Sans I just don’t think he’s he should be the funny skeleton I think Papyrus is the funny skeleton Papyrus is pretty funny I got to admit he’s the funny he’s got he’s got a point there man I got a full inventory again oh great I just emptied out the

Chest mail call mail call mail call oh okay I was joking my inventory actually is full oh okay actually am coming back I didn’t I didn’t think it was full that was a joke okay never mind I actually am I should just put all in the mine C

With a chest and just send it up I could get it you could just might it just might go back down oh it’s a button now so it should be fine oh then yeah it’s like Thomas sit there and you got to time the hit we have seven name tags we got to

Give us some more pets we do okay remember to go that way also I think this room looks pretty good if I do say so myself well that’s good but of course I’m only saying so myself God one a s why do I have a single botted block of di that’s

Funny it just felt like being there yeah well it’s going back up with you so have fun just like no please don’t send me up there it should make it I it’s on its way it’s going to take a hot minute but it’ll be there eventually okay s and Papyrus have great

Themes oh yeah no I don’t know why but I was like what is papyrus’s theme and in my head I started hearing the Mr Beast song that’s Queen from Delta I know but for some reason that like I mean like almost IMM like immediately that’s started playing in my

Head I said man what a way to start Christmas man to realize that I I don’t even remember why I did you send me that song or no just I don’t know how I to me about it that just blew my mind Mr Beast songs Mr Beast is from Delta

W like dude you should play Del I gotta play undertale two more times you don’t have to play Del at least one more time I want to play one more time then I’ll be close honestly well one of the times takes a really long I haven’t even beat beaten

It the three times I’ve done the one and I’ve done the two but I’ve not finished the three yet I’ll just watch play it he did a play I don’t even think he well maybe he did I don’t know Mark appliers were all great YouTubers go to go to

Even oh no I I guess now I might have to go start going the mat pet now also can you can you send some food down with the chest absolutely thank you you like melons that’s all we have no we have bread oh whatever mik melons is fine

I’ll give you some bread bread’s a bit more um nutritious actually don’t know if that’s true but we’re g to in Minecraft terms it is also I think the thing went back down the stairs I’ll come check oh I think wait hold on I don’t I think it probably couldn’t

Get up to Wham probably not it’s okay there’s a slime that’s been stopping it oh or that oh I found another name tag great nice how I’m able to get a good look at the new bats it’s stuck in a web look at him new bat it reminds me of noback that’s purple

Ears it’s very cool he had a Pokemon the Minecraft didn’t they already do that h no aren’t you a little young to be adding Pokemon into Minecraft you’re never too young to be adding Pokemon the Minecraft wait come back with that mine cart wait come back with my

Baby uh well on the B side I haven’t been finding a lot of chests down here so shouldn’t I don’t think I’ll be send up another one in a while okay just imagine like a Scooby-Doo Chase sequence happening with you m shft pretty much that’s actually crazy that you ran into a m

Shaft yeah well it’s the same M shaft that we we found it’s just like it’s pretty much imagine everything we explored there and like double it but it’s like more it’s like actually like underground underground like cuz this does does connect to the other one but it’s so far

Actually you see my name tag is yeah I’m in the M shaft this isn’t even as deep as it goes where I’m at also I made you a gift thank you also your chest is there so whenever you’re ready thank you B I’ll be send another load soon probably oh should I

Just chill here then uh no I still have nine inventory slots like I I probably want to S another one unless I find another chest wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t stop no the chest it’s going back the other

Way H I guess you see if you need more power whes for the for it now for they get up the ramp no I think it’s moving pretty quickly actually okay or to go up yeah I think to go all the way up the hill it

Does but let’s see there should be some Power Wheels that you grabbed you want to oh yeah I could give it a bit more yeah cuz I think it just needs like 10 two two more oh shoot I have an iron pickaxe I I put my spare ones in the

Chest I can grab some okay I oh my this m shaft never ends yeah it looks like it needs like one more also there were no power rails in the bunch that you gave me there was in the other somewhat powered rails no okay okay okay that must have only been the

Four set okay I’ll be coming up soon so I’ll just okay stuff then oh there’s another chest right here let’s get that though on the way out think you have yo and another and another name tag let’s go I think you have enough mine carts with chests no no I’m pretty sure you

Do do we have enough to fill up Barrel we have almost enough to fill a barrel but I don’t think you need enough to fill a barrel but for my Storage storage system yes but but but but Jo but Jo we need more we don’t have any more space Joey

We’re running out I will I will keep filling that house with Minecart chest until I bring the company down with it I just cleaned everything I am lost in this m shaft so I might not mad oh noost in the sauce never mind oh the chest came back down with me oh

Look another pain of Arthur pots book oh yeah yeah keep that pain of Arthurs my favorite pain of Arthur pots more like Sandhill more like belongs in the trash no gosh dang it m caught so pincky I shoved off all the bread you gave me no I just lost my Minecart oh no

No I got it I got it we should just cue the scoby dooo like running noise yeah pretty much I should get a should make a train should make a train get a forness I remember when you could used to make an old train can you still make fores with mine

Carts nope they took it out I think oh oh bye mine cart okay I just went through the mine caret chest I guess I’ll see that when I get backe game over okay we yeah so we need to add just a few more power wheels there

We should be the next Scooby gang you call Shaggy see look at look at this place yes I put one there what the heck oh yeah I didn’t even notice the roof wasn’t here I know this I didn’t even notice that until no I was like man where was my bed and then I look up I’m like wait

I didn’t even Noti there’s too much stuff here so I’m making a second floor to put our beds on I found space that’s just so cluttered now you can go bouncy you go bouncy wait wait watch this watch you go up here B oh bouncy bouncy I mean I could try something hold

On let me are you no not more stuff John please the diamond don’t let me around those that was unnecessary I know I’m keeping that on me oh okay gosh it I Tred oh wait wait wait wait wait there you go oh my pickaxe yeah um yeah look around I think

It’s in one of these oh my oh did you yeah did you see it you see how many yeah I think you should give it its own Barrel yeah well it does have its own bar no there’s whales in there well it used to be the rail but

Now it’s just your bar we have a stack of planks that’s sick yeah that was me oh where are the tool there are the Tools feel like we could do a lot of crossbow combined in yeah I just haven’t gotten around to it got true okay I want to go add more powered whales so I can send more chest up and down okie dokie have fun y I’ll be Here jinkies oh your Velma Jinky uh what does fed say man what does Fred say um um I don’t know if I could say that on stream uh what what it’s shoot what what do they all it’s jinkies zoinks w w Jeepers Jeepers and then Fred is we don’t talk about

FR I mean I could I could say say what he says but you would be really mad yeah uh there’s a meme I need to send you later I can’t remember what I know like it’s a bad it’s bad but I can’t remember which word it is it’s it’s just

The it’s the AVGN word that is not narrow it down my friend is it a or s it’s F oh it okay so I knew it was O blank I thought it was o s or a o a wait why would it be a wait a minute Joey H think she say something different Swedish oh jinkies probably because jenies isn’t a real W yeah it’s just kind of an automonopia yeah while on this Minecart Track I’m going to open up my bottle of power a zero is that your drink of choice yep you know I got offered a deal

From gamer Subs really you should take it yeah but I’m I wouldn’t drink is the thing you don’t have to yeah I know I don’t have to but like this kind of doesn’t ah gamer Subs to be so cool I’ll drink is this just it feels dishonest to

Like that’s fair support ay God just Thomas over like come on Joey just sell out I mean the only reason is just like a lot of like there are a lot of creators who are supported by gamer Subs who own a part of gamer Subs themselves yeah and I

Think that’s really cool yeah I like game with Subs like the like the people behind it and whatnot I’m just like oh we have a Sil silk touch um shovel oh nice that’s new I guess we got that in the raid probably but I just don’t eat or drink

Any like energy drinks let and stuff like that let alone I I’m also allergic to a lot of the stuff they put in that in that that’s very fair so even if I even my stance aside I probably couldn’t but no I actually gamer Subs I’ll put it

Like this I have a lot more respect for them than I have Prime so which might not be saying too much but no maybe not may maybe that was the best one but I have a lot more respect respect for them know they reach out to

Me on Twitter of all things and I was like yeah I’m good thank you though yo I hear the Minecraft music I’ve missed the Minecraft soundtrack dude I I miss Minecraft Minecraft was good oh no stop it Joey what you’re saying is too relatable oh it’s too relatable to the kitties in the

Audience where am I supposed to go also we have a lot of iron good more for mine carts yeah you know you know the next update needs to be called the stackable update the carts and for update um I would love just one dedicated the Minecarts I know like no one would give

A give a crap about that but like I would I would almost a funny word himself I would be so excited like that was my first the first thing I ever did in Minecraft was build a build a a roller coaster ever and then I learned what TNT and lava was

And made a city out of TNT and lava what most aols do when they they’ll give in explosives and I’ll told that Minecraft is only in creative mode and remember that remember the when I found out Minecraft had a survival mode my mind was blown what what do you mean that’s a

Whole another game mode what do you mean it came out before the other one is this I’m trying to find that part of the M shaft I found it was only one way to get to it and I can’t about to get to it it’s like a whole new

World I can show you the world shining shimmering Blended that’s enough of that fake four that’s what Velma says in Sweden fake four imagine Velma going up to uh koella DeVille fake four come on I thought that was funny Thomas was not amused no I just didn’t get the joke koella DeVille dog fors fake

Four oh yeah there you go but they weren’t fake but that that’s it’s an insult that’s the if I say skoly do toilet will that make you laugh no is that what makes the kids laugh these days if you say POG though I will laugh [Laughter] uncontrollably POG oh that’s a fun word

Mhm oh oh that’s fun man oh God man oh did you get my gift by the way oh shoot I did not I don’t know what happened that mine cart of a chest I only have one steak Oh No I gave you bread and a gift I I will

Have to find it I found a mine car of a chest but it like wasn’t loaded in like it and I think it might have been a glitch cuz I couldn’t interact with it at all but I’m pretty sure it’s the one you sent down that’s interesting it wouldn’t let

Me open it wouldn’t let me shove it so I think that’s it though but it’s glitched out so I might not be able to access your gift yeah sad very sad why you go sent me another you’re rich but it was a special gift I’m not rich well apparently Minecraft said no

You we torn the Sor that’s a funny song it’s my favorite Sonic quote the sender why is there just a full set of perfect that’s so weird I’m not going to question good don’t question anything just accept the way the government handles things and everything will be okay it wasn’t

The government I was questioning but okay man have you ever thought that Skittles it’s like the government no like you know that ad the Skittles ad where it’s like they’re like they’re like I think they’re watching us and then they like break through the ceiling

No I I think about that ad a lot and I’m like does do companies just sit there with like a whole like like like a boon a boom microphone and everything and just just watch me not necessarily with microphone but yeah you have a webcam don’t you I

Do he says as he looks into the dead dead in the dead pan h two is a force FNAF I’ve not played any of the FNAF games wait you know that’s a lie I have played five minutes of the AR game h too scary it it was actually

Pretty cool like if if other people actually play the game you could like send animatronics to them and they have to fight off your animatronics and vice versa mhm it was kind it was a cool idea I was like you know I like that I that’s fun Markiplier did an advertisement for

It once well it has to be good exactly if Markiplier says so I do everything Mar tells I do so remember when he had when he was randomly in an ad on the Food Network oh yeah you’ve told me not like for a show just like they were showing

An ad and they hired marlier didn’t advertise that it was Markiplier just Markiplier the Food Network it was for um is this I think it was like for like therapy like some not like a P service but just like General Health Care ad like mental health yeah that’s what it

Was like it wasn’t a bad ad or anything it was just like I’m sitting here watching like freaking Christmas cake off or whatever I don’t know I don’t watch Christmas cake I some one of those like cooking shows and then all of a sudden it’s just like mli here telling

Me about depression and like I’m not saying he shouldn’t talk about it it’s just a a it’s very much a whiplash you know yeah yeah I I don’t expect it this this m shaft never ends I am like I’m in a different part wait is this the outside

World oh my okay I don’t know where I’m at but I’m at a part in a this m shaft goes to a pot in a completely different cave that has a entrance to the outside worldall like did we find home that would be Crazy my sword broke yo I got some leather pants of thorns one yo Thorns one it’s crazy though I’m almost out of Torches like I have never seen a m shaft just go on for this long well went out of food actually see you Maximus have a good one finish weing the for moving on it’s w that’s fun okay I don’t have a sword anymore so I can’t break spider webs easily but at

Least do that oh never mind I know why okay man if I could just find a way out of this cave at well not out of it but like I just want this m shaft is just giving me so many goodies and I just don’t want to skimp out any of

It we love goodies I know like we’ve probably spent a collective like three hours in this m shaft probably close to the four like this is just insane Minecraft yeah good old mintcraft do I even have any coal on me I don’t mintcraft mintcraft discover a world of flavor my favorite octo dead

Reference that’s a game I should stream I should stream octo dead day we’ve talked about it yeah this the multiplay I’ve have I played the multiplayer with you no but always about it I love the multiplayer of that game it’s so fun there’s a mode you can play about

The four people and there’s a mode where after every Mission you beat it switches everybody’s what limb they control mhm it’s just random it’s like you can set like time intervals for it so it’s like every five minutes or a random time and So you you’re just doing

Something random all sounds like oh nope now you control the left leg not the right arm or whatever for is just is just some good fun that’ll be fun think me and Lucas beat the game and two play or or like we both what I control the left side he

Control the right side mhm very fun very fun much fun okay all can dripstone fall like naturally yes naturally uh naturally um I don’t know okay so I’m in a dripstone biome I just don’t want I don’t think you’ll get um KO yeah I know drip Stone’s like kind of op

Yeah I think you’re okay okay I’m I’m out of it now I was only in there for a bit but I was like I don’t know and I feel like something I should know like I have a I have two totens of undying so like you know I’m

Set okay I’m coming out of this cave entrance where the M shaft led the other cave it’s cuz I want to know where this is I’m in a Oak Forest I am at least I I guess now I know how roughly how far the way goes oh

My I almost died because of a glitch oh boy like I have a water bucket but still do you not have your totem on yet I have the totem on too but oh okay good so I would have died died but Still I not use my totem okay made a big old stone pillar let’s make my way home MLG water bucket let’s go I’m Invincible oh wait there’s a ton of watermelons here free food that’s great cuz I don’t have any food so on the music box Thomas what’s what’s the music box and

FNAF um that’s a mechanic in the second FNAF game where you have to keep the puppet at Bay by playing the music box okay that’s cute uhhuh it’s very stressful oh is that why people say they don’t like it yes gocha it’s just a lot to manage because you have to do that

While keeping an eye out for other animatronics trying to kill you while doing a whole bunch of other stuff okay it’s not cute it’s terrible yeah I want to play a little diddy a diddy for a puppet a diddy of death oh there’s also Freddy’s music box that

Plays once you run out of power in the first game yeah oh wow I’m actually I’m by um Dusk and Dawn’s grave look at that oh nice sudden and light source okay dandelions I need these always use more D Alliance watermelons ow skeletons can’t kill me I don’t know about that one chief spiders well though okay that’s I was Skelly sploosh YY I made it back home yo welcome a d Mountain don’t worry about it I’m doing something cool are you gaming I’m gaming I’m winning Dad okay need to find funny

Thing yo Thorns one pants okay I madean a smiley Face may be a shame while OB s creeper just came up and blew up um it’s funny you say that oh okay that was just targeted yo CPP boy got that all by myself at that why do I have a ladder it’s weird let me close these stores might be smart bad

Time um where’s okay I’ll find it in the morning all readyy I was spanned from FNAF when you were eight oh God fnaf’s that old yes but because you gave you nightmares yeah that sounds right oh the crafting table mov yes how much iron is this oh lot Force Tex fire wow Where where’s the do you have a thing like where the the leather leather would be we have no leather we have none yes we have none that’s a problem why do you need leather I didn’t need to make item frames it’s fine well we have item frames yeah but they’re being

Used yeah but do we really need Prim Marine chards on the thing yes that’s one of my treasures that’s what I got from the abandoned ship thing all right my treasure chest sorry that’s what I got for my treasure chest that’s why I meant everything else is like iron and

Gold that’s special for me also because in the last hardcore series I died because of a treasure chest I’m just so I I’m happy I conquered it yeah you know what I am too man my forc Emerald yeah these all significance for the most part okay um guys I’ll keep this on

Me watch it spin Lo to play the violin I don’t really care to stand Bob was was the one something something something something something something I’ll take a vow of Silence I’ll take a vow of Silence I’ll take a vow of I’ll take a vow of Silence which is I want because I’m singing M that’s such a good song that’s my favorite lemon demon song ah which one is that vow of silence ah I should have known that’s good that’s sometimes songs the names are very obvious and sometimes like I wouldn’t be surprised if I one

Just like called like I want to yell I want to shout and it’s just like yeah I I don’t I really love I really love um touchone Telephone yeah definitely one of my favorites but of course there’s always the classic oh yeah the classics H oh my goodness

Oh shoot am I supposed oh I am supposed to do hot sauce my bad so I’ve been like half paying attention to chat I don’t know much about FNAF so I’ve been like kind of glancing at it but I’m like I don’t have anything to add to this

Conversation me when Sonic except not anymore see you know who MTH mogle is you don’t count I do I do it doesn’t count once you know who he is you know who M of Mogul is your a Sonic fan like I could probably pick a less obscure character

But uh that’s a wolf and I don’t have any bones there should be some in the very top I’m far away oh never mind thank you thank you I do appreciate it there’s another wolf oh my goodness you know Fallen logs aren’t in Java yeah I actually do remember hearing

About that which is weird yeah I found that out today and I’m like that’s such a oddly specific thing oh there are so many oddly specific things that aren’t in um like that aren’t crossplay for no reason yeah I don’t like honestly I don’t as long as

They just don’t change PVP I’m okay with that well never say ever no never never do it flil in my arms is how I survive every day Thomas you just need to play your flail your arms in a more uh specific pattern no that’s just not an option

Well okay the break it to you I know me as a kid too thought maybe there was a way to not flail no gosh I keep seeing pandas thinking I want to kill them and they’re not not they’re not what I need pandas don’t give you anything when

You kill them I I keep ex sadness I’m looking for cows and pandas are like this a similar color scheme so I’ll see them O A Village another Village I found a village good for you my friend well I guess I know we’re doing our next

Wade oh did you get the effect no I don’t I’m I’m just actually probably not this what the oh I don’t know how this happened I’m stuck underneath a hay bale oh that’s cool I’m like swimming on the ground oh and I got up I get up nothing ever gets everybody get

Up if everybody would have just gotten up well no if nobody would have gotten up that song would have never happened other way around everybody get down it’s like everybody get up please everybody get up this it’s the single awkwardly sitting there constantly ask people to get up like please please get

Up just echoing through the stadium what YCA it’s fun to Stay why does the YMCA have its own song um it was not made by them the company that owns the YMCA oh was not founded by the YMCA founded is a weird way to talk about making a song but sure okay yo it’s a smoke or smoke or you should tell them that

It’s bad for him I should good night Denmark happy 3:30 a.m. a it’s a baby cat we call those kittens Z baby cat Z baby cat that’s what I call Them it’s a very cute Village this Village reminds me of home that’s nice yo a single feather let’s go that’s just got a feather and a dandelion from a chest that’s Epic oh this one has a oak sapling of the essentials man mhm is that all this vill has to offer

And some villag Dr are just good definitely and this is on the way to the home base this actually would be good to have for the future Oh no I water logged a chest I can’t pick back up my water it just opens the chest again can’t pick up my water it’s logged uh all right sorry Mr villager your house is just water logged forever are there okay there we go well the chest willever be water

Loged I I blocked it up with two hay bales okay was hoping to find cows but instead I found a village which is pretty Dandy I just heard I’m looking to find cows but I managed to find and then nothing but an exasperated sigh and then which is pretty

Dandy so that was fun it’s fun okay uh is this a beach biome or a desert just a really big beach biome hey it’s having a beach party I want you a little elevated for a beach biome you a little elevated oh that’s weird looking why is it just like a wall of

Sandstone Oh weird just a wall of sandstone in the beach there’s like five Turtles on this beach wow it’s crazy this is like at different parts of the beach they’re all just making babies dropping eggs okay there’s a baby sheep me I always feel bad for the orphans ory orphan sheep

House y I always wanted a cat cow time to slaughter the cows I’ll make minc meat out of you fox boy that was gruesome uh man W in peace Dean Bristo you are such a good Eggman PO he did other stuff too I don’t I only

Know him for Eggman I know he did other things but I don’t know off top of my head I’m curious what what all it’s the least I can do see de Dean Reginal Brer was a American actor known for providing the English voice for Dr Eggman from 1999 to 2004 he

Voiced Eggman and Sonic Adventure Adventure 2 Sonic Heroes and Sonic Advance 3 Sonic Advance 3 had voice acting maybe bit crushed voice acting probably there’s probably just like a laugh or something I’m going to guess probably he passed away due to a heart attack in January

2005 he passed the same year fellow Dr Eggman voice actor fellow Dr Eggman voice actor Long John baldry oh that was in a different language okay I’m like who why is this IMDb page just about Eggman did he okay no it okay it does have other walls on here it’s about the

Same like man like that’s cool but okay that’s how stuff oh he only really did video games okay I don’t know why I thought he was oh I’m thinking of the guy who voiced Eggman and uh uh Winnie the Poo voice actor who voiced what Jim Cummings yeah Jim

Cummings that’s what I’m thinking of I’m like well yeah what he’s he’s done everything yeah he was Lord boxmore and OK KO Let’s Be Heroes that’s funny that you know him from I I love it well it’s great since Lord boxman is just like a parody of

Eggman which made it really good when um they did the Sonic crossover no no he just did a lot of video game voice acor that’s about it pretty cool Dean Buist are you are you able to procure a bed mhm okay good I will find a bed in the

Village sounds good my friend my brother my friend can you read the Wiki page next the Wiki page for Dean bristo like I can we out here reading wiks it’s the exact same thing as the one on his IMDb page minus the part about his the Mike poock succeed in him oh

Man a he was also in Sonic Shuffle the best Sonic game that’s great Great and I always forget I always I I always forget that he was more than just Aventure one and two mhm I forget that he was the Eggman and hero honestly I always associate that with Mike poock no his force game was Shadow the Hedgehog a great

Start Joseph I was joking out Cosmic Thomas Joey I’m spot oh oh okay that’s a good one I was expecting someone to go donkey uh foundy why the foundy face paper probably didn’t expect me watch the s s h it’s all good be fa I’ve been doing a lot of

Minecraft streams the past few past week or so trying to catch back up F name wa y has flam and Flynn I like flam and Flynn that’s a fun name shoot I forgot to get the hot sauce you know all right next live stream Denmark is in I will have get the hot

Sauce for him shoot I completely forgot to go grab it he’s gone I’m G to I will next time I I’m going to text him that God he reminded me to I just forgot oh shoot Oopsy Daisy stre that’s okay people all good no one’s forcing you it’s okay

Hopefully uh hopefully we can get hope we get a chat isn’t loaded oh on streamlabs no it’s not why is chat not weird I’ve been having a lot of issues with streamlabs today I’m not even streaming on Twitch right now because Twi it won’t let me stream on Twitch

Today it’s all good we’ll just go to the chat box for today it’ll be fine so I it might be because I don’t have twitch up and it’s not used to that CU it said to Twitch and YouTube now I have to make a new one

Just to get to work the other way around should be fine see I worry about it no people realiz in the hot sauce yeah gosh I’m I’m frustrated I forgot the hot SAU man I forgot they house there’s like three cows time to meet your doom a man man horses are so so

Loud they are why can’t they just have a nice peaceful moo when they die but like cows cuz the game doesn’t want you to kill horses no no we go probably show stre now and then all righty see you later people thanks for dropping by Die and I’m going to kill the cow 3 2 1 happy New Year yay what I killed a horse Oh I thought it was New Year’s already no news is Tomorrow by 2024 tomorrow see you my 4 is tomorrow well not tomorrow is it no no day after tomorrow day after tomorrow that’s the name of a movie yep it’s about the end of the world I think that’s a lot of movies yeah like even DC Superhero pets is about the

End of the world okay let’s see oh what’s that that’s a that’s walk okay I’m going to kill this C all right oh you know what I got from one of the Pokemon packs today what I got a Deoxys wow I was I got really excited about that I was not expecting get the oxus very cool yeah got a good amount of stuff what I can’t remember anything else I got I

Haven’t organized him yet I was like you know what I want to be a child let me open these cuz I can’t wait why is there three blocks of what there’s this like a line of leaves in the sky h like it’s not that a tree hasn’t

Loaded it’s just there’s a bunch of why is there just a bunch of leaves here in the oh okay that’s I think it’s it’s where the Oak Forest ends and then jungle begins I just think some of the leaves generated weird uh I tend to do that yeah yeah okay let’s go ahead Panda know I looked up Christmas movies the other day and it was like stuff you expect like like Tim Allen to Santa Claus uh author Christmas The Polar Express Etc and then at the very end of the list was we bear bears did they have a Christmas movie

Not a movie why there that’s like one or two specials I think well not even specials just a normal episode that’s Christmas themed but like I I I don’t know I just thought that was weird like I love re bear bears like one of the greatest cards network shows my personal favorite is

Slice of Life show but like Christmas I I know is the season to bear Bears it’s season the bar your Bears bar your Bears boys we’re going the war not those Bears man imagine if we just waged war with bears they do it with their arms yeah

Like instead of guns we just grabbed bears and just like chucked them at each other not even not even like well we fight them like um we train them to fight each other but no we just throw them at each other yes everyone has different ways some

People probably like fatten them up and like wo them like Boulders some get them like nice and small so they’re easier to throw there there could be a whole bar economy here there’s a lot of potential here Thomas uhhuh to we be watch BB a lot same

That show is so good the I watched the movie actually it was a while ago but I watched a movie pretty a while ago and it’s good it’s a good little like finale what do you think of the house oh yeah it’s nice I like the

Barrels just the barrels oh there’s a wo now that’s awesome you should come and look at it give me a second I gotta find there’s the planks give me that stack of planks baby ah yes two stacks of sticks okay I want to think that part through later but we we’ll get there

Later it’s like Special enchantment P so we’ll just put like freaking B part one so I’m just doing doing a bit of organization real quick you’re fine these are Stones okay wow we almost have a whole barrel of cobblestone yep these are like tools we’ll put put the golden hoe there a minec a chest box

This our miscellaneous chest I don’t know there are a couple that are more miscellaneous in the wood chest represented by a single oak plank the armor the armor the Food there we go and the drops wat and flesh okay what are these last for mine cart okay empty whales okay that’s that’ be fine okay what do you want me to see look at the house oh it’s a tree yes oh look at the wot oh wait that’s it that’s it

It doesn’t that’s so cool I like that it’s a tree yeah I figured it look nice yeah I like trees man it’s nice now I can wake up in the morning be like man I feel like punching some wood this how we’re kill in the next 20

Hours and we got this little island next to the other Island yeah I like it I like it and I bought home item frames that’s epic very Cool’s see look at now you know what everything is yeah that’s why I needed leather that was I’ll be honest is I as much as I

Scre to have it organized it would be no different than having it it all over the place and having to open them all up to find stuff so but no no I appreciate it it looks good where do we sleep hold on I was just about I was

Going to destroy this chest but you have done the liberty of filling it so I can’t do what I was going to do um I might have done a bit of damage it’s fine we can put it up where it needs to go yeah yeah I can help let me

Help melon is for food and hay bals I’m going put the hay bals in there y I got dirty steak any we got that much steak leather swing arrows so I go in the drops nice PLS guess there’s going the wood yeah bam yo yeah let me let me Spruce this up a

Little bit there we go look at that now we got dandelion very so colorful I got whole no stack of melons in my inventory what B but no we Bears is a great show that’s that’s that’s a topnotch show what one I’m I watch that show all the time I always liked ice

Bear is his name ice Bear yeah because it’s it’s whiz Panda and Ice bear huh not polar bear no ice bear he always talks in third person I I Spar we’ll get groceries now that’s CU of his tragic backstory that’s say everyone has a tragic back

All three of the Bears have a tragic backstory in that show they do like the they like they have all they all there’s like several episodes are like in the past before they met each other and it’s just like it’s fun giz was a abandon as a

Child I guess it technically will all abandon but that was like Grizz has abandonment issues um it’s more the thing uh uh ice bear was taking care of by like this wasan like isolationist guy who talked to himself in the third person which is why ice bear talks to

Himself in the third por cuz that’s what he knew yeah and I don’t remember what pandas was I don’t know if Panda has one maybe he doesn’t I don’t know who is your favorite bear was it ice is it ice bear is that what you meant by me too

SP ice bear I think ice bear is most people’s favorite ice P good I like Panda like I like G Grizz is a good family man I see a lot of myself in Grizz insecurities and all nice orderly room oh see we got we got bouncy beds

Y bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy I love it forf and it’s all organized now yo the dab we we do be dabbing though dab for my for my audio listeners I just dabbed being Thomas my audio I just wanted Thomas said no I D that’s all and I could have used gex Clues to

Figure that out well you want to go into the endless Min shaft why not okay let me I could use a little breaking up of the yeah I figured let me get steak out now I got 30 steak this will last me at least 1 hour

Yo we have a lot of apples that’s good yeah oh wow something we have 16 apples when we just got those like just getting them I guess oh I probably got some from the village some of those are from the village are you still in dire need of

Gold uh yeah we want to keep getting gold how much gold do we have we have six blocks of gold that’s good but do you need the gold for well my thought was if we could give you a bunch of golden apples just to snack on in case times get tough

Oh we can I’m sure we’ll find more gold where case we can always go into The Nether yeah okay here seven golden apples cool for you and then we take the one I still have 40 power rails then we’ll be fine yeah okay cool now my mission is going to

Be get as much experience as I can get some wood bring some sticks okay I want to leave these whales here for now because I have not been walking on the way I so yeah I must say though imagine sleeping in a fridge I think it would be cozy

Sleeping in a fridge you would sleep in a fridge right Thomas I mean sleeping on a fridge it would be cold but once you got used to it you’d be fine because fridges don’t actually like they keep things cold but their job is to keep things at a constant temperature sure so

Like if you set it to like 50 yeah like it might be a little chilly but you definitely get used to 50 that’s what I if I Spar can do it I can do it that’s the spirit I need to make torches what of torches

Yeah unless we have some more in like a secret chest or something I don’t think so oh wait yes we have 46 okay you take those and I’ll take the ones I just made sounds good and I’ll bring my spare bed too actually he take I’ll give you uh

That as well so we both we both have about two stacks roughly nice Okay um I’ll take 10 ion ingots with those okay that should be enough and I will bring even though we probably won’t need it I’ll bring a spare crafting table too yeah I

Got I don’t have any wooden planks on me never mind I got sticks R case since we’ll be in the Sha we can yeah well no wor don’t look at that Bo board don’t got a mine cut okay going long down yeah I’ll go ahead send this

Down I love the notebook I do it’s a little it’s fun okay let me go down hello Anonymous welcome to the stream how are you doing how does it feel to be anonymous how does it feel that’s a good question do you feel secure go I shouldn’t do that just make

A random chatter feel very uncomfortable I know sorry okay I just funny funnily commenting on your username yeah and probably cementing the fact that you were want to remain anonymous yep I hope you’re having a good day though okay yep so about why there is where that M shaft starts that

Door is and look how and it just keeps going going going and here’s why I went into it again all right cool I got a chest here so we can offload our inventories if we have too much stuff oh okay it it’s here now my bread the gift oh I love that

Iron X mine’s actually about to break so I’m going to take that perfect okay follow me to the part that has not been explored yet around here see my memory serves me correct we might make a few loopy Loops here that’s okay this is a dead

End there like one way to get to it and then from there is just like super open uh isn’t this the dead end oh no no well this is an area I was looking for be careful with the Hole by the way but I think there’s a bunch of expl

Oh no no no this is also I never mind this isn’t a part I thought oh I can explore this area Could yeah oh you get to the Other M shaft from here actually I see it I’m going to build a bridge cuz this I know how to get to this part not the other mft just have a part of it I guess oh jeez I almost fell off that’s I think that’s it

Maybe I don’t know okay I’m going to try to see if I can find okay I want to keep looking see I found that there’s like one Pathway to it and I can never remember where it’s at but it’s like a whole massive part of the M shaft m I’ll find it

Eventually is that a cactus man oh no that’s like a face pal man he doing a face pal I can never remember how to find the other part in the M shaft so here this is it this is it yeah yeah oh wait copper free cop or know every is everything free in

Minecraft for the anything at the buy um villagers uh true Dy capitalis it’s okay Thomas we we’ll remain for you I actually like villagers me too they’re cute we got also Jerry Jerry we love Jerry isn’t a capital so he’s just he trades goods and services exactly that’s not capitalism that’s

Just a little bit of fun just doing business and it’s nothing personal it’s just business and that’s what we like about him exactly um let me out there you go is this it let me in let me in here it is gosh it’s like such a spefic specific way to get here found

It nice so I can continue explore on the other part of the M shaft get more Goodies you love goodies yeah what happens if we went out of space in the barrs that we have we make a bulk storage yeah must to make a giant pile of barrels on the island there’s no underw message there better we could we could move on to the floors I

Guess true you can hollow out the tree storage tree that’s a creeper oh man I get super scared at for CU I realize I don’t have a shield and then I’m like wait a minute I have totem I have the power of totem I have the power how did the

Pillagers invent totems of undying of all people um how did they that is a good question how do they do that though how did they do M yeah also I found a shaft it’s probably the same one I’m at it’s probably a br oh no yeah look just I’m

Like up and oh we you just got out of range for me oh my goodness this thing goes on forever if you just got out of range for me I that’s insane cuz it doesn’t go down here it does oh my the thing never ends it legitimately just never ends it’s like a

Labyrinth I know it’s like some kind of lost lab winth oh God that that scared me a stinking zombie jump scared me zombie jump scare God I would love to go in spectator mode and just see what this m shaft looks like oh it probably looks

Goofy do this is really long it’s it’s like the alone and execute of M shafts more like the Tangula oh yeah I guess I just like a lan executor he’s fun feel like a little executed definitely be the type of Pokemon to spike the punch at the party it’s random specific he just wants to have a fun time with everybody there also part dragon type which is I

Love I was so I thought it was since like so in his pokedex entry it talks about how ow ow ow it talks about how um it’s the like the Lord behind it like he grew so tall he grew because like all the sunline of Lola and because of that it

Awoken his inner dragon but that’s what closed himself off from the psychic his psychicness like that’s neat it’s a nice little bit of lore yeah dude I love the alolan games they’re the best I know it’s it’s it’s haai Just aside from that they have such interesting lore like people always go on about Gen 4 and Gen 4 is great but like alola is where it’s at alola has the blonde lady yes I like the evil blonde lady I like evil blonde lady’s daughter she has a daughter yes does the

Daughter have mommy issues more or less okay yes actually severe mommy issues now that I think about it I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mother daughter like villain Duo yeah it’s not very often get on that wers that I want that’s a villain Dynamic I want to see well play son mode

No but I mean like with the both villains the both villains I’m assuming the daughter isn’t a villain is she no she was not okay yeah like one like like the walking together I’ve seen a Father’s son evil Doo mother daughter both villains H I can’t I’m I’m sure it’s out

There I just don’t know an example personally there some good potential well I know what I’m whing in my book that Should well uh no I guess it’s not exactly what I’m thinking of I thought of one but it’s not exactly exactly is this still a hero in the yeah no I I guess X villain X villain maybe oh I can see you again that whoa this m shaft’s so

Big oh oh that’s a lot of mobs why is there just a ton of mobs here oh he had an enchanted bow what’s up power one okay I’ll take power one take it for myself claim all the credit how every great business starts okay let me was it over here

Yeah a I found another name tag go okay I need to make a crafting Table sorry I’m back oh okay I like H I was about to check to see if you were muted but was that yeah no I was my um parents just got home gotcha okay um jeez I am want to low on inventory Space okay let’s I don’t have a way to roasty toasty that roasty toasty yeah roasty toasty the act of roasting and and or toasy in someone it’s for S you know what I should have know forget I forget I asked yeah I found an name tag by the way

Nice gosh I have nearly a stack of copper raw copper blocks yeah we have a lot of raw copper we do it’s great oh there’s a ton of gold found an amethyst o That’s fancy I found a couple of actually no I don’t think I’ve found any on this world

Yeah I know there’s like two there’s two or three in like one cave like right next to each other at the back at spawn okay I just found like three gold V though so that’s good also you need a crafting table I do I did make

One okay I have them myself okay good goody good goody good there goes my four S pick gosh I love amethyst blocks I love money it sounds like money does money the universal sound of joy not always oh don’t know have you ever seen the force Iron Man

Movie yeah wasn’t the whole point of that kind of like money is and everything true but have you seen the second Iron Man movie yeah wasn’t there very similar message there too okay but have you ever seen the third Iron Man movie well that was just PTSD and not worrying but not

Really had much to do with money yeah true that one also ended with him giv away all his wealth yes and Iron Man’s so cool he’s Santa Claus the local mall is that a what if episode that that was the well one of the many parts of

The Christmas episode of what if the Christmas episode what if is so good has nothing to do with anything but like it’s just a fun sometimes it’s nice just to do fun stuff for Fun’s sake that’s what I like I want to talk about one of what if

Season one just so we don’t get into spoiler territory but like all the wh if episodes stand on the own except for like the finale in that season but and like I like how they did that though like you go watch like the one about Thor and like be fine you

Know like I I like that by party Thor party Thor is a good episode I like that one oh it was funny it’s funny I love how um Thor and Loki become brothers but not not not actual Brothers just like metaphorical like hey dude brothers and they have a much better relationship

Than which is hilarious I love it what if what if it’s great what if Marvel’s back what can I say guys Marvel’s finally back again guess who’s back back though Nintendo’s still dead sorry yes nintend drone you all you nintend drones you Nintendo and you like you like

Kirby you like you know who slippy is sadly yeah so if you know who slippy is if you’re able to recognize the Star Fox the starlink Star Fox DLC trailer at your local GameStop you’re a Nintendo fan uh just like how if you know who M

Mammoth Mogul is you’re a Sonic fan yeah Mammoth uh Mammoth mogle can we just talk about how great if a care M if mol is yep his whole goal is to outlive Sonic and he succeeds he does then he becomes depressed he me for real you know it

Only takes him 200 years but then he realizes huh maybe this wasn’t all I thought it would be I do like that though cuz then he become Silo’s Mentor in the future that’s nice but like he his memory is as good as he used to be so

He’s just like he’s like yeah like I vaguely know stuff and he’ll tell Sila something silver goes in the future think Sonic’s the bad guy then M then Mogul is like oh yeah sorry I got that one Wong sport I’m just happy to see man have

Happy it’s like in the future it’s like him so and knuckles’s uh like great great grandson Pender’s creation uh yes Pender’s creation that Ian took and made better that’s good cuz um he wasn’t involved with the future silver storyline till Ian came in I I honestly don’t even know what he did

What penders did with them so Yeah actual answer is probably just nothing nothing he’s like man I need a new knuckles I need another Knuckles that be great wake up in the morning just be like I need I want to make another Knuckles today this is the mind of Ken gosh best part about Ian’s one of I not

IDW of arches just when like Ken Pender’s like okay the one wool don’t kill knuckles’s dad TW 15 EP 15 issues into his one kills Knuckles is Dead that’s what I call a Pro Gamer move That’s What I Call Wi now apparently the we cuz apparently penders has this idea that Knuckles has died would die from cancer at an old Age and that’s why how how interesting of a way for a sonic character to die yeah of cancer uh it’s not any different from LSD so well no I was going to say I guess it could be worse yeah he could have could have died from liquid

Sundrops yeah and people have no idea what to talk about going be very confused yep I’m sure they love to hear about this one look up low Art’s um Sonic Arie Sonic videos they’re the best way to just get understand everything that happened on it great he he has like 10 hours worth

Of videos each each one’s like a good 2 hours long and just like dissects like gets all the mess it’s like here’s a way to easily consume it um I don’t use the word easily um to Swang there but easier here’s an easier way to consume AR um Archie

Sonic that’s the better way to put it it’s fun they’re actually really funny videos he he really just dives into the madness um with himself just going mad in the process it’s fun my goodness oh I haven’t seen one of these in so long you know there’s like

Perfectly built like cubes and that you can find in caves mhm or you used to be able to find a lot in the old generation I just found one of those H it’s cool say I seen one in ages yo I’m M car with a chest what’s in it another name tag

Thomas well it’s what we need certainly aren’t running out of those no okay let me I need to drop some of my stuff I I have some junk in my inventory let’s see don’t need the DI white don’t need W and flesh don’t need the bones don’t need the single

Granite I’m not going to keep the swing we have plenty at home okay cool no You know they’re given Fang uh miniseries in IDW next year and it takes place in the classic part of the timeline I almost said the classic universe and then I realize say wet comat um but it’s about him F looking for the eighth chaos s

World H just a fun we when to Sonic uh Fighters yeah um so I’m excited for it it’s going to be him bean and bark team Hooligans is back together at last I always love team hooligans are you still in the cave on the M shaft um

No you went back to the surface oh no I’m still in the cave just not in the M shaft part of it gotcha okay I’m gotten a lot of stuff but man my inventory is just a little a little tightly packed here I was watching a short the other day them talking about

Satchels in Minecraft they were supposed to add them but then they had trouble adding it to Mobile so they just delayed it yeah I would love Satchel to be able to carry on items with me I just think maybe I don’t know think your inventory might be cool

Or something yeah or the ability to carry more items yeah like I could see maybe like a special armor perk to where it’s like I don’t know a pack mule enchantment to where it’s like that could be cool it increases your ability to uh lift to like

128 like carry more stuff yeah I I get what you’re saying that could be neat actually be neat it’ be cool they probably wouldn’t do this but like I’m thinking like leather armor and it has like a built-in backpack just has like cloth I don’t know maybe they ever made copper

Armor I know they make it more technologically um yeah that would be cool just make Port oh okay I was going to say just make portable chest and that’s just a satchel but or what it would it be more like a Shuler or something Shuler oh like a portable shoker

Box be NE you have to like on it well sh box is portable what was that the Shuler box is portable it is yeah like with the stuff inside of it yeah oh oh yeah it’s been like that for ever since they came out with it I think huh I did not

That’s very useful I just this spar’s message from us talking about Archie Sonic I’m confused and concerned it’s okay that’s the normal reaction yeah no no like said either either watch low arts videos on it or just eventually you’ll be exposed to it enough you understand it just ask

Thomas I don’t want to talk about it it’s a chronic illness called being a Sonic fan yes man I love the M the later Minecraft soundtrack it’s so good like there’s the one that it’s like the midi horn but it’s like uh like a lilii like I love that

One that’s playing Minecraft music I I love it but I can never like recognize it because it’s very much background noise for me I can’t recognize it by name but I can like tell the distinction between certain songs sometimes I can recognize the only

One I could like tell you would be is a lot of the nether ones I can like remember just cuz they’re loud yeah yo you have been lighting up the places you’ve been going right yes but I do not have any more torches okay well you’re not in the M shaft anymore though

Not in the shaft okay cool I just want to make sure just before I’m okay so that should be good just so I’m not retracing steps this feels more like a podcast now yeah it’s typically how the Minecraft streams go kind of get a podcasty Vibe many times have St talked about

Doing a podcast would like to do one yeah it’s just time yeah Hest honestly I thought about just like we just do it over Discord and like if we could do an important and great yeah even then it’s still a Time Factor but so I know that’s part of thing like

We wanted to do like on camera in person like on the couch unfortunately something that would be too feasible at the moment definely not at the moment yeah it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot we like I just want to do it let me go get that chest before I keep

Going what’s in this chest o enchantment book enchantment book hos one nice okay I don’t need the melon seeds I can leave those behind I know but yeah that’s always how the Minecraft seems of kind of have they’ve always had a podcast Vibe so we’re not really we’re never actively

Like like this is not like Minecraft Manhunt or something we like constantly engaged if that makes sense yeah unless we’re like doing something but yeah most of the time it’s kind of just like you can typically just be on autopilot yeah although not you don’t be

On autopilot that’s how you die yeah no definitely hardc focus more on the game than most Minecraft series so I’ve had trouble keeping up with chat a lot of these streams especially when I’m mining like this but I know they’re fun I do enjoy them yo just found some Diamond Days yo how

Many uh three nice I’m just getting a ton of iron just just a metric ton that’s good we have a lot yeah we really do I also have a ton of copper I think we’ll be pretty set for a while uh honestly I think I I have

Enough stuff with like if I just want to work on like builds and stuff I could for like the rest of the exiled one mhm I feel like I could I would like to have like a few more diamonds preferably outside that like I’m feeling pretty good feeling

Good that that that sound clip just forever lives went free in my head that in woo it’s freaking Sonic Unleash whenever you jump off a wamp it’s either woo or feeling good every time oh no Woo is whenever you boost jumping off a ramp is when you get feeling

Good I love wer Craig Smith but man sometime some days I I do miss J Jason as Sonic’s voice actor it was the one I grew up with okay I grew up with both let me not Kid myself I’m not that Old blue sweep speeds by Sonic too fast for the naked Sonic the Hedgehog ah I’m good I fell Sonic got attitude Sonic he’s the fastest thing in life that was my child Hood man that I grew up watching Sonic man that yeah that that song I Would

Legitimately sing that song as a kid all the time that um Sonic Underground theme song Sonic X let’s porn the throne ofs see your Wars of a deadly face give up your children separate Now’s the Time wi and wait Sonic Underground Sonic Underground they made a vow their mother will be

Found God oh hey Andreas welcome to the stre what’s up Andre Andre is like yep I’m getting out of here children they deserve a freedom fat will the prophecy come True oh oh shoot I just light to space there we go of course my personal favorite got to go fast gotta go fast go go gotta go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast so faster f f faster speed of sound fastest Hedgehog all around got ourselves a situation

Thrown in a new location without any explanation no time for relaxation go go go don’t break don’t wait just go go go yeah Sonic on the one Sonic he’s number one Sonic you better look out cuz you watch out for Sonic God oh I oh God that’s a tongue twister yeah I will

Say the I also really like the I always really like the European theme song for Sonic X I’ve never heard it it’s just the only lyrics is Sonic X but I just really like it it’s like Sonic X Sonic X Sonic Sonic X and that’s like it goes off like a

Good two minutes and I shouldn’t like it cuz it’s so repetitive but it’s just like the music so like very early 2000s but like not in a cringy way but like a good way I mean to be fair some of the most popular songs are extremely repetitive oh

Yeah but no I just the Japanese one’s also really good um GH Sonic there’s an English version of it that I really like that it’s a fandub but it’s pretty good Sonic is is great I I’m so mad that four kids made a trailer for season 4 and

Then they never made a fourth season like gu fourth season wasn’t even in like put in production they just made a trailer for a fourth season assuming there was going to be another one and then there wasn’t they teased Shadow was going to come back that he wasn’t Dead from the fight

Against the metex and Chris wasn’t was going to come back again again again and and I love Sonic so much I was I I I I would love to see the alternative timeline where it kept going and they just kept adapting every Sonic game Yeah the adapted Sonic Battle of all games everyone’s favorite Sonic game Sonic what yeah exactly oh another chest oh this one has a golden apple in it yo gapple gapp wpp that’s what I always the rapper no I I got an ink and Pokemon and I named it

Gizor gizor yeah oh what’s an alien sounding name gizor I don’t know why yeah per with a W of some reason reminded me of that my favorite alien yes yes indeed uh don’t okay jez I am one and low one inventory space I think I’m just lost I mined into

This cave system and now I can’t find my way out of it oh I’m also very lost like I’m still on the M shaft but it’s just so big we can’t have gone far that’ll be fine like I you just do a staircas sub because we’re not like in the Deep slate or

Anything well I’m in deep SL oh well well that that’s your problem you have fun with that I will find me some more diamonds I’m looking look harder I’m just going to no I should be fine I’m getting a lot more gold part of me really wants to go into The

Nether that sounds dangerous another part of me is saying no don’t do that like I’m not going to stop you but I will mock you if you die what I’m afraid of what’s there to be afraid of you why it no my neighbors just spawn in their trash

Can you know how I know this every time they bring it in they always slam it against the fence H or maybe they’re just slaming the fence to open that happens too but I’m going to go with the ladder it’s a little extra I’m just I’m just like

Why as much as I’m joining the cave I’m I’m feeling a little caved out personally I’m just getting caved I think yeah you’re getting owned by the cave also this one out stuff that I want to throw out of my inventory that’s the another issue yeah

But I have managed to get 15 levels so that’s good that’s good I’m at 28 I don’t know why I was at before but at 28 total 28’s good you can get a good enchantment no like I got one and a half stacks of copper blocks 16 iron ore or

Iron blocks whales five mine cards of Chest that takes have a lot of inventory the M CS with a chest mhm I wish they stacked I wish we had Satchel I could just put them all in my Satchel or they could stack them I don’t know why it’s like Vehicles it’s all the vehicles I think it’s

Entities cuz like eggs don’t stack pearls don’t stack spawn X I don’t what stack eggs they stack they stack to 16 there’s a limit oh yeah okay yeah yeah I got be a say on that okay I thought he just meant like period but yeah no they stack just not great

Yeah yeah I don’t know that’s it’s always how was fun oh also on the other hand spawn eggs you never get them there’s some to get them so yeah that doesn’t I guess that’s what I never thought about it but no like man I’m in creative mode if only I

Could have 64 creeper spawn X instead of 16 but um no I don’t know that’s maybe is entities then yeah it always is entities uh what can I throw out we have glowberries at home yes I want throw glowberries I really should just throw away some of these minec of chests

But can’t bring yourself to do it can you I can’t cuz I know I’m going to be there building the freaking vaults and I’m like man if only I had more Minecarts of chests I’m going to need literally like probably a double chest full of them not even be fair you’ll

Know where you can get some more true but I don’t want have to come I don’t want to come back down here just to get some it C with chest I don’t know it’s a real canum it’s really not too much effort to make one it’s five iron and an eight wood I’m

Free you outside no but I’m out of that part of the cave so I’m good okay and I found a new part of the M shaft too my gosh y Golden Apple Tores okay do Stu have so I only have two torches left so that’s a

Problem I am starting to Loop bin on myself a lot more often now too though so I’m sure I just got to find the white Pathway to get back to more but I’m kind of hoping I went back into you I would say slim chance yeah see

It’s such a massive mine I don’t think that’s going to happen but could I think I think we’re good on seeds what do you think oh yeah don’t worry about seeds man have you seen the seed economy recently it’s not worth anything Oh I thought you going to say it’s

Booming unfortunately not I wish I wish I could say there was boom how was business booming that was a TNT business going booming it’s booming someone wai my entire stock and blew it up so then I filed it on my insurance and got all the money it was my I committed insurance

Fraud uh oh gosh don’t talk oh I I won’t bring it poor jaad man I feel so bad for why does this feel bad like I know he just didn’t know but still it’s just like man that sucks think it was a good cause you Wasing money for but it wasn’t

Yeah uh okay wh uh okay more iron o Redstone no that’s drop that’s dripstone Joey that is not red stone hello Joey how’s your day been my day’s been good thank you for asking uh I think that’s how you pronounce that how’s your day been hopefully good hopefully good yeah

Hopefully okay I God I am getting dizzy I’ve been in the same part of this cave over and over again give me to a new part please oh here’s a new part I accidentally found a new part by trying to get some cobblestone look at that

Y how many more whales can I carry I I only have five whales in my inventory look at that I can carry a whole more stack another mine cart with chest give me the goodies another name tag exactly what I needed yo I just got another name tag just what I

Needed just what I wanted Santa brought me just fine did you just take fall damage no something just took fall damage now I was just like wait a minute maybe he’s actually it is Nei look fall damage yeah I want an episode of Dan VES about online gaming that’s some comedy gold

That or swam and services swam and services could be a really good one like I’m just imagining like his like favorite show isn’t available on like the service and then he goes to buy another one and then the show got moved to a different service and the show he

Wants to watch keeps being moved wow isn’t that relatable yeah that’s that whole show baby the traffic episode’s great that I watched that one last night he’s just like what if I just blew up every car that that that’s the solution to fixing the traffic problem I mean it’s very shortterm one

You know funny thing you know what his best friend Chris tells him that he’s like you know this is a pretty short-term problem there’s still car factories he like you don’t have enough explosives to blow up all the car factories in the world I feel like that’s a dangerous

Thing thing to say to Dan considering his track record oh yeah for once he agrees with them though he’s like a you’re white I don’t have enough explosives yeah that’s just that’s a good show to watch with like friends I feel it’s just like oh man it’s that relatable that

Is I was just happy to see that show trending on Tik Tok like at the beginning of this year not a show I would be expecting but no I was just like what when I say C I heard that was trending on Tik Tok check to verify and

I was like oh that’s cool and then got off of Tik tok’s not a very indepth switch there is a crossover between that show and My Little Pony H just Dan vo is Pinky very much a yin and yang situation oh my goodness I’m about to leave this cave cuz I feel

Like like I feel like I’m just going mad I feel like I’m going into the same place over and over again mhm but everything looks the same I just found two more diamonds yo that’s two more that we didn’t have before yes oh my goodness a part of the cave that looks

Different yes no it’s just more mind shaft no let’s go this way what’s over here this part the M shaft did not generate properly cuz all the whales are floating in the sky it’s in the Deep Sleep biome there has to be something here more diamonds Diamond diamonds on a Monday the diamond

Days I believe it is a what day is it Friday no it’s not it’s Saturday I was so I was going to see how see how quickly it would take me to realize that uh I knew what day it wasn’t but not there it was split up all the days like it’s not

Sunday it’s not it’s not it’s definitely not Tuesday Tuesday ain’t it I don’t need melon seeds or pumpkin seats Yes mine car with a chest thank you oh also doing that I found another name tag sick I’m gonna hurt myself if I don’t stop that what do you keep doing I keep

Hitting the water to like go down and then I go on the water but then I fall off the water and then I go into freef fall oh yeah yeah that that you’re not supposed to do that it’s fine don’t worry about it’s okay this why I could do a water bucket clutch

Watch Hardcore Minecraft hardcore but it’s pussing Boots watch watch okay at least then I Get Nine Lives that’s a bite side mhm this is a cage this is an ocean cage here oh no he found it he found the cage no there a torch all the way down here what right oh I’ve already been down here well maybe Thomas

Has maybe where is this where am I I think this is where you’ve been no there’s too many torches you wouldn’t place this many torches I did place a lot of torches when I had them may maybe it is your place I know it’s very uncharacteristic of me I know very UNG gamer

Likee yeah and actually there yeah this probably was where you are at you would skip out on the Redstone yep oh it’s so open I’m just oh gold you Miss some gold y I’m going I’m going the general direction back to the railroad CU I know it’s this direction I

Just don’t know how far this direction oh I’m I’m at the place where me and you for split it off in the M shaft cuz here’s your the when you place your water book okay yeah okay at least I know where I’m at yeah those a skeleton full with full full gold

Armor the heck I want the shiny chest piece fighers this is probably the part of the M shaft you explored probably more gold I think I found yet another different part of my chat Y it’s not this is suffering from success I know it’s like what on freaking P Purgatory or something like it’s gosh I’m like you know I think I’ve gotten enough of this oh hello Pedro the Pikman welcome to the stream how you doing I found quite a lot of Enchantment

Books though so I found Some none of them I’m like super stoked about like I think the best one found is Pearson I found flame one sharpness 2 which is cool loyalty one and then loyalty to efficiency 3 which I’m excited about oh cool yeah I’ve only found one being that pieron book Ah that’s

Okay I had a bane of arthop Parts one but I threw it out good I went out of inventory space I’m like gosh dang it I can’t bring this home with me you don’t want to know how many stacks of seed I’ve thrown out we don’t need seeds we don’t what

Are we it’s been a lot of seeds o iron oh my goodness there’s so much iron and gold hello Asia Williams welcome to the stream how are you how how how’s your New Year’s Eve Eve going uh Thomas has been here Thomas why have you been here

I I’ve just been here okay you told me to be there I need to procure resources Thomas and if you’ve already taken said resources what am I supposed to do cry about it I will don’t actually cry about it that make me sad Al so yes hello Asia or Qui on

Stream die creeper die don’t do that oh there’s a moss biome o I love Moss biome I so pretty that’s like leaving them they are nice and untouched yeah oh there’s this small child with the hat that is attacking me well no what a small child it is dead

Well that’s not very nice well it was killing me first So okay stupid question which I think I know the stupid answer to if a child tries to kill an adult could the said adult kill the child in name of SE self-defense good luck trying to prove it but theoretically yes like if we had was it say we had like camera unre evidence

Unre oh yeah then yes that would be self-defense I mean you could probably still like people might still try to sue because it’s a child and that’s just like not a thing that happens normally but like I could totally see some yeah you you would be fine if like someone if

A child tried to do that but it would be it would be weird case yeah okay like I don’t have any plans or anything I don’t have any plans to be mysteriously attacked by a child I don’t like I just I don’t know why this the thought popped in my head I’m like

H no it’s an interesting thought now I don’t in terms of uh well I guess the CH would be dead so it wouldn’t really matter um now I like the the kid was still alive like you just managed to subdue it I think you might get some I guess that

Would be the only thing you could be charged for involuntary manslaughter I could see a case being made for that because it’s like it’s still a child and like why did you kill it couldn’t you have just subdued it but like again that’s kind of a question of

It was life and death like I had no choice but again it’s it’s kind of I don’t know it’s it feels like a gray area yeah one you pay the joy off for you paid the chair ooh protection three Unbreaking three loyalty three knockback two lure two o Infinity nice oh also

Asia says hi hi Asia what’s up I don’t know if you have chat open or not so I I’ve been looking but I I can’t always look the best gotcha okay I am leaving the cave just so you know okay I’m going chill in the cave I have 14 diamonds I’ve been I’m

I’m chilling oh good that’s a lot more than I thought you had yeah I got a little bit more um you so I somehow found my way back to you know the area where um we forc found a m shaft oh yeah you I found my way there

And I’m going through the uh the door yeah I don’t I don’t know how but I just kind of found my way there I didn’t realize I was in that section till I recognized the area where the Enderman almost killed me okay so actually what I’m going to do is

Send my stuff up in the mine cart with a chest and work on tunneling least keep that iron on me jeez 16 blocks of wall iron plus another stack of normal wall iron a stack and a half of w copper two stacks of coal stack of I think we’re I

Think we’re doing really good on resources right now oh yeah let me keep these gold let’s do something silly with all of them and lose all of them well I’m the thing is the only silly thing I would do would be whales and we’re good on whales cuz we we we have unlimited

Rails yeah that’s the one thing the other thing is that I made like a ton as well but then I didn’t even need that yo more diamonds yo I’m not gonna I’m not going to send this back to just because I’m not worried about that yo I even missed a diamond yo more

Diamonds nice you might be right about the increased Diamond spawn rate and shs because I was looking around in caves and I found a couple but like I’ve been in a m shaft for like maybe five 10 minutes and I already found a bunch oh yeah

Al okay I didn’t realize you put stuff in the Minecraft minecra a chest I did sorry I just broke it just because I’m like go let me go ahead and get this out of the way it’s it’s fine I want to I’ll I’ll I’ll ship that one out as well

Sorry no you’re good you’re good I just broke it I’m like oh oh There was stuff in there there was stuff in here I wasn’t going to use that I was just like let’s get out of the way that’s just fine that’s good yay I’m glad you kept the

Minecrafts with a chest Minecrafts with a chest yes I did it for you oh my goodness there another stack of iron in that yep and six oh I with ir ingots but see I’m like I’m thinking ahead uh here if we can manage it I don’t know if we

Can if we manage to kill a Wither we could get a beacon and we could put it at your main base and that way you could have Beacon powers like regeneration I do have two wither sculls you do just Ju Just got I got really lucky huh like from trying to get blaze

Wads and stuff like I I just the only thing is if it were if it were the Java one I would say it’s fine because that’s another weird difference is the Bedrock wither is so much worse oh yeah it’s I mean you we’ve fought it before you know what it’s like

Oh yeah I know what the wi’s like like I think we could those sort of things I know that we could do it’s something I would want to I don’t know probably something I want to do later and some I want to do a large group yeah I think large group and

Cuz and like pretty much I just I’m I just sit there like with my bow yeah you’re pretty much just not doing anything like I would sit there from like far off and y’all like keep it in a little area the my only worry is just that

Things can get just so out of hand very quickly with Withers I would be so afraid you die we would do it in a far off area I think I would make a swiftness potion so I can out one it or just like have like at that point we

Might have a few God apples do you have any God apples I do not if we ever find any you should keep them on you at all times yeah you know I had a dream last night this has not do Minecraft what we’re talking about and had dream last night

That I found a Bo of like 100 prototype video games and it was one of those streams that felt so real I like I thought it was actually whe so I woke up and like for like a few seconds thought like I actually did see I hate those I yeah I got those

Always happen when I get something yeah go okay but no and I was just like I woke up and I was like oh no never mind they’re just H they just mess with my brain too much yeah it was like what was I can’t remember what all them

Were it was it was me and Lucas of all people we were at a we found them at a GameStop that should have been my first one inside that it wasn’t real we got them at Gam stop of all used games and gam St we can beta games God I won’t lie

Woke up and I immediately was like man I see buy like one of those mystery bundles of GameCube games and hope it comes like a prototype or something I would have killed to have a prototype of a game one day that would be that would be like the peak of my

Collection wa you’re telling me the peak of your collection is in your Sonic toaster U to be fair toast is pretty cool but like that would literally be a one-of a kind item like literal like we joke about somebody the toast store and like the this well this smash by this ultimate

Post store as far as we know might actually be one of a kind I don’t know any point it is yeah like the only photos of it online are mine dang that is pretty crazy actually it’s I should put mine there’s um a website that’s like a bunch of like

Video game promotional material it’s like photos and stuff I should put my photos of my Smash Bros post to one there you I know it’s not on that website so I checked to see if anyone else had it do a service to your fellow gamer I should

Did I get my little name up there and I’m like oh look I cont tribute it to video game history um now I do have the account of three different people who have seen that poster Tower in complete all in different parts of the country so like it wasn’t just a weird

Like oh like our Walmart some reason had one even though it would be weird if they made one just for that especially where they just left it in the dead middle of the Nintendo switch aisle yeah that was that was so awkward do you remember seeing that there that Walmart

No it was there like they put it in there like the week before or the week no yeah the week before the game came out so was there the week after Thanksgiving and all that the week the game came out of December 7th and then it was there until

I think like the whole month of December because I remember getting in in January no but no I remember was just weird they had there and eventually they and then I remember when they were getting ready to like get rid of it they just threw it on

Top you know like the case they put all the switch games on or in they just threw on top of that I was like I feel like this is this store display y’all just did not want it just tuck up so much space Oh no talk to three managers and a

Bunch of different employees got a ton of weird looks and I got it freaking how old was I at the time 2018 so four years a no that’s five years ago 15y old 15 16-year-old kid W won out with a poster uh or a tower call than he

Was with a hricane and there was a hurricane coming for us that day too oh yeah yeah got a bad wether but it was like they were going to throw it out if we did not pick it up that day so my mother being the great person she was was like

Yep let’s risk Our Lives what’s what could possibly goong and it’s a hurricane it’s fine it’s whatever yeah to be fair the hurricane wasn’t there yet it was just like kind of the beginning of it was starting to hit us yeah so it it wasn’t

No we did not go outside to Walmart for a Smash Bros poster in hurricane weather well not that hurricane Force wins yeah it’s is fun to say that because it’s like oh wow what a what a what a story stupid or dedicated dedicated like to be fair you’re talking

To the guy who has dumpster dive for video game Collectibles that’s what you have to do sometimes you do because no one will just give it to you like like I understand like you have rules but like come on rules I have most of my my display stuff’s from Gamestop just because

GameStop employees don’t care they work at GameStop yo there’s only one GameStop in my area that I know like are really weird about that yeah the rest of them be like oh yeah we’ll put it at the dump store like by The Dump store on this day and they

Like if it just so happens to not to be left outside of The Dump store and someone’s too lazy to throw it in the dumpster that’s not our problem that’s why I come in with my creepy van at 3:00 a.m. and go get it well I have 24 diamonds all

Right then 5% interest rate so no the interest great two more actually is two more oh you you keep going oh see like you’ve been going on quite a Min and Adventure so you seem to be on the wall yeah I’m going keep going yeah I’m just

Working on the wh Ro I’m want to go until I went out of whales and then I’m going to go back my goodness gravel so much gra no one Minecrafter can handle this much gravel oh shoot I’m actually almost out of torches that’s actually going to stop me before any

Gravel yeah now I’m going to make my force train station here cuz I feel like we’re pretty deep into this mhm I know somewhere close to that force that Village I found should be on for little train station that be good yeah we love a train station yeah I plan

To make some just um have some okay and make a staircase out Yeah good old mining are you excited for the Minecraft movie that come out next year Thomas is it really coming out next year supposedly hm I don’t know we’ll see it’s s weaves as a Jessie oh are they basing it off of story mode I think they are we’ve only

Gotten Jessie unless they just nameing the main character Jessie for whatever I don’t know I feel like they would definitely name him it makes no sense like if one of the Kors was Jesse as like a fun weapon reference sure but like the main character I think they’re

Just doing an adaptation of story mode which honestly I’m down with yeah I’d be fine with that that’s more than more more I I was not expecting it I’m still kind of no way oh my good I found a I probably went about 20 blocks up I found a new part of

The M shaft I have probably mined so from where the the railroad ended before we we went in I’ve probably mined probably at least two how many stacks of cobblestone I have I have eight stacks of cobblestone in my inventory plus I went 20 Buck high and I found another part of this

Stupid M shaft what the heck yeah I’m starting to get that turning around feeling in this m shaft I want to explore this little M shaft real quick but I’m not doing the whole thing right now I just kind of want to get to see if I can find any

Goodies kind of right here yeah it’s like a whole n yeah I and my sword broke again so I I can’t even okay you need an upgrade yeah I’m not going through the spider web no no I’m just going to leave I’m leaving leaving stupid kind of want to find a chest that

Would be cool hey I found a chest I found two chests yo next to each other one had a ton of torches in it didn’t we get anything I did get iron pick but nothing too crazy really okay we’ll go over here that’s cool at least I got some

Good got some more mine carts with Chest we could always use more of those yep I won’t lie PM was like maybe I shouldn’t do this big Minecart with chest idea before I got exiled cuz I was like that’s going to be a lot of iron lot of wood now I’m like I have to do

This idea I don’t have a I can’t not do this idea kind of Bean Boozled myself on that one yo I’m level 30 yo you can use you can test out the enchantment table okay can can I’m level 20 myself voice okay yeah this m shaft goes on

Like so much like what in the I’ve never seen a mine shaft for so so long okay well if we ever have wanted to have another part of the M sh we just explore for a year I found it that’s good see I’m not doing all

This now I did a little bit just to see if I get some fun stuff you know some some fun times some fun time Freddy it’s a little FNAF reference for all my FNAF fans in the chat I need to stop one the wild in this

M shaft I need to get out of here oh my goodness Joey the hope for Treasure isn’t worth the get out of there it’s been 15 years and I don’t have any torches you know what I want in Minecraft I want glow chest glow chest yeah let’s a glow

Chest I don’t know if you have this at least for me whenever I see a minecart a chest down here it like lights up in the dark yeah some entities are weird like that yeah it’s like it’s like a graphical issue but like without fail every single one’s been like that and

I’m like you know that would be kind of a sick idea okay I am out of the cave but I don’t know where I am I am still in the jungle though okay you shouldn’t have too hard of a time getting out then is see too Lava Pits around

Me not familiar with lava pits being in the jungle hey sometimes it be like that true but I don’t know where you’re at so I I can’t help you do we still need leather well you can get it my like especially if it’s cows that’s meat

Okay like I have 20 Steck at the moment but you know the more beef we can get the better food source is Food Source yeah actually I don’t have any inventory space I’ll collect the beef but that’s fine no I have 30 beef going into this

I’m now at 20 so that’s been for a while so no yeah cooked beef last a while which is good eventually I’ll get out of here I if I there no that would it would be funny but I swear if I went to another part of the M shaft down

Here gosh I just can’t believe at 12,000 12,000 this is so much stuff yeah it’s extremely lucky hey what’s up what’s up fighter welcome to the stream how you doing and hello fed welcome welcome okay I’ve got to be close to the surface howdy howdy how are y’all doing

Okay I made a compass so hopefully I compasses don’t work what do you mean that brings you to spawn not will it bring me to spawn yes but I thought it brought it should bring you to your bed nope not in not in bedw walk I’ve played Bedrock for a long time

And it’s always done that oh well my compass still points to home it doesn’t point to my bed the one I have on my item frame it might just be aligned to that weird maybe CU I crafted it I don’t know who knows I’m going to follow this

For a bit because I have no idea where I am okay let me know if you change biomes cuz then I’ll probably know which direction you’re going okay there’s a lot more bamboo in this direction um sure yeah like for the most part the only really stream wall I have

Is just don’t be a jerk so you know um my stream’s on the wend page that’s nice Boro planet was talking about me on his stream also I would say no preferably don’t be racist kind of goes with the don’t be a JK wool yeah definitely don’t do that please yeah hello a

Charles we getting wait we suddenly spiked up to nine people watching spe can virus okay I appreciate it all right let’s see let me uh probably do this okay no I am not why do you say ra like that well TP so typically when a bunch of I’m I’m

Assuming here I saw some of y’all bring up someone bring up that someone a stre nam Borgo Planet talked about me typically that’s a Wade and it’s a good thing I know Wade’s normally Associated as like something bad but it’s that it’s a good thing because it’s like sharing the viewers and

Whatnot um this yeah this stream is lgbtq friendly I would say I’m not homosexual myself don’t know good job of being recommended thank you also so yeah I can here let me get to a safe place once I get back home I can show you all the toys I have on the

Couch behind me the plushies also the other voice that yall going to hear a little bits Thomas yes yes that’s Thomas okay oh yeah no nothing against uh you know the uh lgbtq plus Community I’m person out a part of it but no I got nothing against it hello wheelchair salesman welcome to

The stream Thomas yes that is the other person in the voice call yes he’s in the Minecraft world I just went not together at the moment I think I’m going the wrong direction Sho I am truly lost as well the best thing maybe I should just go back to the railroad should probably

Do that do a stream of cell who is Cowell cow yeah oh my goodness you going viral feels like like I’m kind of shocked how many people we got in the chat suddenly yeah there’s a lot of chat Messengers MH I see a lot of y’all saying I got

Recommended are yall talk about the recommendation tab or something else I feel like it you on my recommended okay also just for more of a specific uh introduction because I think couple people are confused hi I’m Thomas I am Joseph’s friend um I’m a male and not

I’m just here I’m Joseph’s friend and Joseph is the one you’re seeing who’s streaming you guys cannot see me so are you at the house no okay I’m trying to find my way back home yeah I figured okay also hello to everybody apologies I’m not able to keep up with chat

Messages I’m trying to get to a place where I won’t die in the game I’m trying my best to look over and look at chat stream is awesome thank you poron I appreciate it okay there we go I’m just going to go back the way we came I know I to get

Back home that way just take a bit okay yeah there are a lot of no please so um I don’t know why there’s a lot of people spamming really terrible things in here um yeah just since we have a lot of people coming in just a general o

PSA mainly just you know be f m racism in any form on this channel so yeah just so you guys know we’re trying to deal with it there please don’t spam messages by the way the way I’m okay I’ll just walk I lost my M cart we’ll go Planet s is

Regards what is Boro planning okay um all right we’re almost back home we have been stre before hot minute so I do believe we’re going to WP up Soon um so we have been what about yeah about 3 and a half hours all right let me get in my house just so we don’t die oh righty oh I lost my helmet weird okay you like the way Road thank you I appreciate it okay all

Right all righty um okay I’m going to take a bit of time just to look at chat um we are before you wrap up but we’re going to go like probably get ready to wrap up here so been for a while um I do appreciate everyone who joined

Thank you all so very much for Joining there we go but yeah we all going to go wrap it up here soon for another no unfortunately it is midnight where I’m at as well unfortunately so yeah but no I do appreciate it’s crazy to see this many people come on out you blowing up right now no I am

Kind of shocked on that I won’t lie but no unfortunately I do have to wrap it up but thank you all for everyone who came here no I’m not Canadian I am an American but thank you for everyone who came en joined um I will be streaming tomorrow

So Mario Odyssey if you want to come check that out um for anybody there who would be interested in more content um but yeah all right we’re going to wrap it up here have an awesome rest of y”s day please take care of yourself drink some water

And I will see you all in the next time good night Everybody

This video, titled ‘A Brand New Home: Minecraft Hardcore 100 Hours’, was uploaded by Joey 64 on 2023-12-31 04:48:59. It has garnered 207 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:20 or 12920 seconds.

There are many challenges someone can face in Minecraft. Fighting the Ender Dragon, Building a Mega Base, and one I have never been able to do, surviving hardcore mode. That changes today. Join me on a thrilling journey as I bumble my way to the top, and maybe even survive to 100 hours. ===== Check out my Twitter:

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  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest 😂 #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Héroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK 😎: OTROS LINKS: ✅comic Building😎: ☑️comic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – Discord – TikTok – Become a member – Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More