Joey’s Wild Challenge with Lizzie and Stacy

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ah good day everyone and welcome to another challenge video today I have Stacy and Lizzy and we are going to be trying to tame the most amount of pets within an hour who’s going to win obviously me I’ve been preparing for this my whole life oh yeah woof woof it’s the it’s the dog girl look I literally have a bunny on my head wait how come I don’t have an animal that’s not fair I’ve been taming bunnies since day one so it’s cuz we’re more interesting than you a oh all right these are fighting words I see how it is hey you promised well you no killing my pets but you I guess you can kill me okay deal okay so from here we have to split up and fill our pens with as many unique animals as possible okay okay are we ready to begin I don’t know I’m nous think the gates like up a level this is they just do that with the walls yeah it’s cool I didn’t know wow um I’m looking around I’m noticing a few animal in the close vicinity right now I’m wondering who’s going to get those first hold on you guys need to close your eyes for at least 10 minutes for me to I’m starting I’m going wait are we going is this it let’s stand let’s stand here okay and then on the count of three okay we’ll run off and we’ll start okay okay Stacey what is that on top of your head it’s raining that is hor what do you mean it’s my dog Mom oh gosh it’s like blinking did you put oh I don’t like that kill her like Voldemort on the back of the head oh no it’s so cute Stacy we love her so cute mean vemo vemo I love it I’m leaving okay go 3 two one go I got my first sheep hello oh my God she’s got a little headband on you look so Chic and cute oh wait I need a lead wait how do I make a lead okay so this is a mod that Stacy has created uh where you can teame all different types of animals oh wait there’s the lead oh wait what’s Stacy’s lead those are different I don’t know but we’re going to do the Stacy’s lead oh my God you just followed me that was so cute of you so you can teame all types of animals and mobs oh wait who’s come here yes okay oh that is adorable yes just wait there I’ll be back with more friends okay might as well just start with the basics you know okay so this is a dead collar we’re just going to oh wow okay let’s try the lead see how that goes it did not work oh maybe Stacy’s lead makes it uh so they either follow you or don’t follow you come on in here come on yes and sit oh their sploot is so cute okay we got to go for a little bit more challenging of things what else do I have here that I might need um honestly I don’t know what the stuff is for we’re just going to go for it we’re just going to go for all the things that we can get what type of animals are out there a squid would it die immediately probably all right I have a sheep I have a cow we need a pig we need a chicken C wait let’s just try an animal I’m just curious can I tame a fish come here fishy fishy wake up okay you can’t tame a fish it’s been decided a pig and a horse oh this is per oh wait do I need a saddle oh come with me hello horsey oh I did need a saddle I needed to bring a saddle with me but maybe it’ll follow me because I heard if you feed a horse rotten flesh it’ll turn into a zombie horse if I take these two horses hopefully they’ll follow me now are you guys my pets Miss Iberia says our be kind of broken I love this by the way Miss Siberia is sorry I have to kill you because I can’t let anybody else have that no one else can have a horse except for me I have Texas speech chat on says I’m having a hard time too maybe it’s because they are pollen full I don’t know but these horses and this cow is coming over this is so amazing wait I could just keep going and then they’ll just keep following me I love this so much this needs to be a regular Minecraft thing let’s try and get a chicken while we’re out here because the fact that you don’t have to have a lead pulling them around the whole time and you just have like a posy of people following you is so cute all right clu is where you at come out come out wherever you are the Sun is setting which means bad guys are going to be lurking at every corner let’s get our pets back to the pen so we can go and try and get the baddies come on in it’s home okay sit sit why won’t you sit how do I make how do I make the horses sit hey get your butt in here there you go okay I’m going to just make them stay with using Stacy’s lead that should make them not follow so they won’t teleport out here yep they’re just wandering now okay fabulous all right Darkness Falls I’m scared let’s go get some bad guys now there is a potion you can throw at them to make them nice oh wait zombies aren’t an option just kidding just kidding I was just kidding it was a joke don’t come near me okay wait you know what I am actually going to make one of these potions it just requires glass bottles powder no we cannot Stacy plays is sleeping in a b I’m not sleeping I need the darkness the darkness needs to fall that’s just unfortunate for you guys wait I can’t put Stacy play says yes oh cuz they need to be filled with with water I need Darkness I need to find a creeper a spider oh gosh oh gosh yeah you guys focus on fighting each other is sleeping in a bed to skip to Dawn two more users need to sleep in beds at the same time Miss Spider come here spider come here two more users need to sleep in beds at the same oh oh no don’t go for my things oh no oh so many things two more users need to sleep in beds at the same time spider I got a spider Miss Siberia is sleeping in a bed to skip to Dawn two more users need to sleep in bed oh my God there’s a spider coming for me there’s a lot of bad guys coming okay I would like to sleep I would like to sleep bed is too far away respond Point set okay that uh that was a little bit rough wasn’t it oh was shot by skeleton oh my gosh okay where did my spider girl go I guess I can get another one oh come with me this way spiderus this is stressful oh my gosh come on in here don’t get out of there horse Miss Spider of Sunny Patch yes okay now sit good girl um okay well I exploded this whole area so let me figure this out real quick I can’t let my horses Escape oh okay let’s make some calming tea for myself as well so to make some calming tea you just get fill up some of these okay I need three and then you just add any type of flower in it okay well that’s going I guess we don’t need a saddle really cuz they’ll follow me which is amazing cool and then we’ll just add gunpowder to make them splashing oh look at how many we have 1 2 3 4 5 six oh we’re just smashing it okay well might as well do the B thing since they’re right here hey get out here I just wasted that okay we’ll try it again you’re calming oh I got you come with me this way this way oh right they can just fly okay wa wait hold on hold on hold on wait you’re supposed to be following me the disrespect I am feeling are you’re all the way up there all right are you following me now I think you’re following me yeah okay yeah now just come this way why are you so high up there yes okay you know what that’s close enough we got to focus on other things what is happening here hello why are you under the ground what are you oh she was on a horse oh she came with a lot of things you know what that’s a great idea let’s take a horse to go Adventure actually you know what might as well just go into The Nether wait let’s make some more of these if we’re going to go into The Nether we’re going to do it right how did she already get an Ocelot this girl is crazy okay we need to take this up a level we need to go find a winter biome I’m going to take one of the horses farewell losers I’m going on an adventure to find a polar bear and if we went to a jungle and I got all the parrots well probably just one parrot is needed okay I’m trying to think of all the animals that are oh the jungle’s right here that’s not that hard here I thought she was being so impressive we’re going to go get parrots we’re going to go a turtle how do you get the turtle Stacy play says no h wasted my potion all right we’re going to find parrots we’re going to find ocelots we’re going to find so many things in this jungle biome and we’re going to find a rabbit too she got a parrot no it’s my parrot I mean it’s my cat it’s a mine now you’re mine it loves [Laughter] me o another one don’t mind if I do oh my God a creeper can we can we tame you oops wait I have have a potion did that cat die no I have the cat okay good all right perfect she doesn’t love you she’s mine I have a creeper now too oh wait I me the creeper stay let’s kill the zombie for zombie flesh so we can turn one of the horses into a zombie horse perfect love that okay it’s real dark sided okay so I have a creeper and I have a cat I wonder if the creeper will die in the light is that something we need to be worried about oh my God the Creeper’s so scary I love that we stole the cat from Stacy oh that was the best the horse should follow me too right parrot was slain by Stacy play WoW Stacy killing parrots that’s so rude she should be ashamed of herself Miss Siberia says horsey you scared me okay come on in creeper come on in here where’s the cat here kitty kitty kitty uh cat don’t sit weird okay well I’ll just let you be freeing fell from a high place well that’ll teach Miss Siberia AKA Lizzy okay cool oh you love it all right well we got let’s go find an Enderman I think that that would be amazing if we could get an Enderman like who else is going to get an Enderman no one although I don’t think you can I think any humanlike thing isn’t an option uh okay maybe we go to the top of the mountain and see if we can get any goats or something oh wow where’s the horse come here don’t drown hello villagers don’t mind if I come on in being on a horse is amazing I wish I did this more often okay you got sheep Can you tame a villager let’s find out probably not I don’t think so you cannot it’s been decided but where there’s a village usually there’s kitty cats what about an iron golem nope there’s a cat you’re ruining this for me come here kitty kitty kitty [Music] kitty come here you’re baby you ruined it for me no stop running away from me yeah stay right there stay right there stay right there we’re just going in for it okay that one broke I need to get a couple more already yes I got it no you’re coming with me we got a kitty cat we got a kitty cat you’re following me okay good we got sheep I already have one of those what else oh let’s go to the wintry biome I bet we could get a wolf oh there’s definitely wolves here and I’ll kill all the rest of them so Stacy can’t get one maybe there’s a fox hi goats oh you can come with me and we’re going to kill your friend cuz no one else can have her there’s a wolf wait where did my goat go right there she is are you mine yeah you are okay you oh my God it’s a white fox that’s like super rare I better get extra points for that I’ve been searching for you forever all the way from X life [Music] days Miss Liberia says can we have some more leads PLS yes oh my gosh three white animals oh gosh oh gosh get me out of here get get me out of here don’t die don’t die teleport to me teleport to me said sure teleport you have been given lead asterisk 5 oh my God oh my God that was that was so stressful who do I have who do I have I have my white fox I have my white cat and I have my white billy goat and I have my horse oh my God that was so stressful oh my gosh time let’s go back home the girls are going to Quake when I get back they look in my pen and they’re like wait what is that I can’t wait to see the look on their faces they’re not even going to know what to do hi Stace she has a Zombie horse look at my look at my fine Stace you wish you wish you could have these you wish look at how jealous she is looking at them I know you sit oh you don’t sit okay do you sit billy goat GFF uh something tells me you’re going to just jump out of here and where’s my white cat she’s trying to get in okay good the Cat Sits um I think I need a boat for my billy goat and let’s give this rotten Flash oh it converted okay nice um okay well you come over here how do we make Miss billy goat not able to jump out of here a boat who’s following me oh my gosh get in the boat can I pick you up in this boat come here where do you think you’re going you’re coming this way who do you think you are putting you on a lead now stay there let’s see what they have okay parrot oh I’m I’m doing really well oh she got a llama where’d she get a llama from we never got a wolf did we we still could get a wolf okay we need a wolf and a parrot and a llama that’s what we need let’s go get our parrot since we know where we can find those and let’s try and find a donkey is a donkey one a a thing and a thing mate or is that a mule I wonder if we can also what if we found a bamboo forest and we found pandas I like the idea of that I very much do also still need a chicken where are all the chickens at oh hello probably want a cracker ah that was so easy okay we got the parrot is it following me I think so uh parrot now let let’s go try and see if we can find a bamboo forest I might want to get in a boat for this hopefully you guys will follow me yep they do perfect we’re going to go find a bamboo Grove why aren’t my horse and parrot where’ they go oh no do I have to go back okay so maybe the boats don’t work hopefully they’re not just drowning in the water now there’s my par there’s my horse hey guys boats don’t work well do they okay well I guess we’ll travel by foot okay I feel like I should try the Enderman thing let’s get them in a boat though you are not shooting my horse I know that for damn sure okay we’re going to try making you friendly okay you are not friendly no you’re not I think I’m being chased by the innerman oh my God I’m just going to close the door on you how did he get out of the boat oh wait you can’t be here sir oh my God you pervert don’t look at me through the window like that that’s so creepy yay you’re mine we’ll get two just in case perfect I still need a chicken a chicken yes I’ve been looking high and low for someone like you oh gosh took you long enough now I think I’m a little bit lost to be honest rabbit fell from a high place a rabbit oh someone’s trying to bring their rabbit oh no okay let’s get this roasted cooking all right can we get everybody in here please very nice very nice thank you everybody okay the cat cannot no girl you need to where’s the chicken okay rabbit hit the ground too hard oh that’s quite unfortunate um okay you guys can both stay here now you we need to lead you there you go and then we’re going to take you with me let’s go find a wolf okay I think everyone’s good here I’m way less stressed whenever I bring stuff back oh let’s oh she got a panda oh wow go out the competition she has two pant does no she just has the one she has a donkey oh my gosh oh she has a donkey too but none have a fox and none have a wolf okay oh of course she has a wolf we need to go get a wolf we’re getting a wolf and what else can we get maybe a donkey a llama no we have a llama but we don’t have a maybe I do is the Llama the same thing I don’t know hi I don’t have you ah that was so easy wait would you guys like make something oh you did make something we’re going right back we’re going right back with you guys they made a a mule right a donkey or did they just make a donkey I don’t know they made something someone’s going into The Nether it’s Stacy or maybe it was Lizzy once I get a wolf I’ll go into The Nether but like I can’t not have a wolf that’s just insanity if I could get a rabbit as well and I had a wolf and a rabbit it oh I’d be so happy perfect oh my gosh the stress that I have been under come here bunny foofoo get your butt in here nope went too far there you are there you go stay there okay I didn’t get a wolf but I kind of want to go into The Nether so I’m putting you in here I’ll be back wish me luck we didn’t get a wolf but we did get a bunny let’s store some things that I won’t mind losing the sun is rising you know what while the sun is rising we’re going to take advantage of the daylight it’s probably our last chance of daylight I say we go find a wolf and anything else of the Overworld let’s actually take a look we could get a wolf and we could get a panda she got a hoglin oh my gosh wolves you would think they would be literally the easiest to get since they are the only table mod in normal Minecraft mostly okay I think I pretty much got all the Overland things I could get aside from a panda so I’m going to spend the rest of the time going into The Nether even though I’m not sure what I can get in there maybe like a slime and a hoglin so we’ll see what we can do you stay here I think that’s probably what Stacey did she probably walked right off that it fell right into lava oh there’s some right there how do I get down to there safely holy that was just a baby one oh now you’re running off now you’re scared okay I accidentally made that one sit oh sir you’re going to I have to make this wide enough for you too now maybe if I go through the portal he’ll come with me hi buddy I don’t know where we are who are you why are you following me are you my child I don’t remember taming you you need three come on in all right let’s see if I can get you to sit yay you do sit okay hi Stace I think we could get a panda Stacy plays is sleeping in a bed to skip users need to sleep in beds at the same time you may not rest now there are monsters nearby respond Point set Stacy plays says Joey can I borrow your striped lead look at me being so kind helping my competition out Stacy play says time’s up time’s up we did it okay oh look who decided to show up from the nether look at his little legs why isn’t he purple he’s not purple if he’s not on lava look at him oh he should be shivering right now it’s I guess it’s cuz he’s tamed your spiders oh I have an extra spider I’m going to kill it y you got a goat too I sure did Death be with you killing all your pets already I just have so many you know oh I don’t why did you just kill your spider what I have another one back there oh I see him I see him well well I guess it’s time to count up and see who has the most okay should we go to you guys both got parrots oh yeah my parrots aren’t they so annoying no mine was so easy first try yeah I love mine too I saw you had some trouble with some bunnies yeah that that was me the bunnies they kept taking they just kept falling they kept jumping crazy oh my God I nearly died from the fro so many times that was so scary I can’t believe you got a fox I know a fox my prize a white was looking for one of them oh cute I know okay let’s count how you’ve got you got the cat I did get a cat you got a cat too yes do how did what I know how many unique animals oh I don’t know okay so your goat is each count our own yeah let’s do that okay everybody count your own so this is wait is this one of my ocelots though yes is it in your pen well it’s not in my pen but was that a rule no okay I think I have my number okay how about we all go to the middle and on the count of three we say how many pets we got okay okay 1 2 3 2 oh I heard teens and I heard that I won you win woohoo oh my gosh you got so many unique ones 2 one did you count your llamas twice maybe wait that doesn’t count why you count your llamas twice I don’t know let me kill one real quick so we don’t confuse you don’t have to kill one but no okay we got to count for Joey now yeah make sure one two wait a minute do you did you count my girl on the back oh she just jumped in and then the be behind Stacy and the cat the counted I think I counted 18 too with the ocelot yeah one and the bunny back here did you get the bunny back here maybe I didn’t here just write call them out Joey and I’ll write down I have mine all written down oh the parrot I forgot the parrot oh so you have wait okay hold on so is it a top maybe parrot wait okay uh creeper uhhuh chicken mhm Bunny wolf horse donkey mule llama Zombie horse cat goat cow spider regular Horse no you already okay uh hoglin no he said Zombie horse no no he had the horse he said hor dony hog I see it hoglin Pig Yeah sheep bee okay ocelot think you missed the fox parrot Fox was the pirate at the start P was at the start yeah oh okay 1 2 3 4 five 6 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 oh maybe the 21 was the Traer llama do the Llama I definitely missed the it’s winning either way you definitely win oh well we would have tied if it look another wandering Trader here get the Llama right now we get the Llama I have a llama no but the trading llama it’s different right it’s different I don’t know maybe not no I guess not okay wait what’s everyone’s most prized rare fine that they found oh ooh I thought it was the panda The Strider yeah I guess that’s one that no one else had was your Strider he’s wearing a little headband oh no I don’t think I have anyone that’s not he’s ready for aerobics class you don’t have I was super excited about my no I don’t think I have a unique one oh that’s so Stacy mean I like your cat that’s a cute cat yeah thanks I got him when he was a kitten a sit up yeah I don’t think I have a unique one sadly wow wait what just happened L llama who’s the why is there a llama attacking Joey oh cuz I hit Joey probably oopsy oh they’re all coming to get Joey oh no they’re all coming to follow you so as the winner I get to explode everyone’s pets right no no my pets no my pets no no hey you know what we should do we should um we should try to tame a no we should summon a raid or something or someone should put in a ravager cuz you can tame the ravager really I don’t know yeah oh I don’t know how I guess you’d have to it could be the first how did you how did you manage to bring a Strider and a hoglin back from the nether the hoglin was hard they’re like allergic to the bals like they want to do anything but go through the portal oh mine just went through on its own G it was so annoying I got Lu well I thought it I thought it would turn into so I guess if we had brought a hoglin through the portal Untamed it would have turned into turn into a zlin but that’s harder cuz they’re not tamed at all so they just don’t want to go through wait should we have all of our pets fight for us can they wait who is this guy it’s a villager why does he have like a cloak he’s a Cel cleric I’m sorry he’s a he’s a cleric he’s a cleric a cel Joey calls him Cel Lexia that’s finest wait wait there’s a raid coming where villagers oh wherever the horn came from release the hounds wait should release all of our pets to fight us fight for us how do we do it oh yeah I don’t know the only the ones will’ll fight would be like um a creeper they killing vill Ste the creeper the pillagers are killing the villages wait who else will fight for me the I don’t know oh the wolf yeah the wolf everyone when the villagers are dead they are going to kill you oh but it’s just these guys right they don’t have a ravager come on chicken hopefully I think the third wave might have a ravager come on cow everybody let’s fight oh the creep oh I spawned oh nice I really bed spider oh it killed a hoglin it’s killing the pants no the h that H will be remembered oh leave him alone SL by Iron Golem I’m going to kill the Iron Golem now you guys are on your own hey leave those alone uh-oh oh wait who has a caller does anyone have a Coller to try to tame the ravager what spider was slain by Vindicator where’s The Vindicator there’s a Vindicator oh yes he’s over here no I got him the wolf got him my children why aren’t you helping me your father needs help why it oh golly okay I’m going to try to who has a collar Splash it Splash it Joe I splashed it oh I got him wolf was blown up by Creeper explosion blown up I know you could ride these things was blown up by Creeper explosion of course the winner would get it blown up by Creeper explosion no you can’t you can’t ride it it’s part of the it’s part of the mod the mod makes you able to ride it the ra the ravager yeah that was you could ride a ravage Oh no you’re right yeah cool mod Stacy thanks well I guess that’s it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did give it a thumbs up check out the links down below if you want to play this for yourself and go check out Lizzy and Stacy good damn bye oh my gosh Lizzy the chaos they’re attacking me rip

This video, titled ‘The TAME CHALLENGE!!! w/ Lizzie and Stacy!’, was uploaded by Joey Graceffa Games on 2024-03-31 19:00:30. It has garnered 163207 views and 8387 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:01 or 1921 seconds.

Welcome to a brand new Minecraft Challenge with Lizzie and Stacy! The rules are simple – whoever tames the most pets wins!

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to! Today we have an exciting recommendation for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever felt like the odds were stacked against you in a game? Like the server itself was conspiring to make your experience frustrating and challenging? If so, you’re not alone. Just like in the intense Bedwars gameplay video titled “Pika Hates FM_Boss,” where the player faced unexpected defeats, crazy glitches, and just plain bad luck, many players can relate to the struggle of overcoming challenges in Minecraft. But fear not, there is a server out there where you can test your skills,… Read More

  • Sow & Reap: Modded Minecraft Shenanigans

    Sow & Reap: Modded Minecraft Shenanigans Reaping What Is Sown – Modded Minecraft Roleplay Episode Overview In this episode of Salvation SMP, Ada finds herself in a challenging situation as she attempts to mend her relationship with Lyphie while dealing with the unexpected death of Xillis at the hands of a member of the Flock. Repairing Relationships Ada starts the episode by apologizing to Lyphie, hoping to mend the rift that has formed between them. The heartfelt conversation showcases the importance of communication and understanding in maintaining friendships in the world of Minecraft. Xillis’s Tragic Demise The sudden death of Xillis sends shockwaves through the… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments in 2030!! 😱🤣 #IndianGamer

    INSANE Minecraft Moments in 2030!! 😱🤣 #IndianGamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funniest Moments From 2030 #Minecraft #indiangamer’, was uploaded by RODIEENO on 2024-07-26 15:31:43. It has garnered 611386 views and 28650 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hey, Subscribe and turn on notifications to get notified whenever I upload more videos. Thanks For Watching !! Tags :- #trending #gamingshorts #funnygameplay #viral #minecraftjokes #lockedin #brainrot #viral #sigma #meme #edit #youtube #music #trending minecraft,minecraft funny moments,funniest minecraft clips,wtf minecraft moments,craziest minecraft clips,the best minecraft moments,the funniest minecraft moments,minecraft funny,the best moments in minecraft history,minecraft fails that will make you laugh,minecraft speedrun,minecraft manhunt,minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Museum Tour! Unbelievable Blocks and Items! 😱

    Minecraft 1.21 Museum Tour! Unbelievable Blocks and Items! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING A MINECRAFT 1.21 MUSEUM (ALL NEW BLOCKS & ITEMS) – 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-06-17 08:36:26. It has garnered 2057 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:22 or 6202 seconds. ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep up with my latest… Read More

  • Mapucraft Chile

    Mapucraft Chile¡Bienvenido a nuestro servidor de Minecraft, donde la aventura y la creatividad se unen en un mundo de infinitas posibilidades! Sumérgete en nuestra comunidad con características únicas que te permitirán explorar, construir y prosperar. Características del servidor: Towny: Forma parte de una ciudad o crea la tuya propia en un sistema de protección de tierras colaborativo. Economía: Gestiona tu dinero y comercia con otros jugadores para construir tu imperio económico. Survival: Sobrevive en un entorno dinámico y desafiante, donde cada decisión cuenta. Orientado a construcción: Fomentamos la creatividad y la arquitectura con recursos y herramientas especializadas. Llaves: Descubre tesoros ocultos… Read More

  • UnderscoreCraft Semi-Vanilla 25+ Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Discord Java 1.21

    UnderscoreCraft UnderscoreCraft is a whitelisted semi-vanilla survival Minecraft Server recruiting adult players 25+. Our community started in Spring 2020 and is beginning its sixth season. Maps last 6-12 months, with experimental mini-seasons in between. Community We welcome players worldwide, but English is the server language. All play styles and abilities accepted. Rules Respectful behavior, playing alongside other adults, and common sense are required. No stealing or griefing. Pranks, jokes, and PVP allowed with mutual consent. Discord account required for communication. Data-packs Anti-Enderman Griefing More Mob Heads Player Head Drops Silence Mobs Single Player Sleep Dragon Drops Elytra Customizable Armor Stands… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Ruining It’s Own Fun

    I guess all those creepers finally got their revenge by blowing up the meme’s score to 8080! Read More

  • Crafty Chats: Elders’ Minecraft Rhymes

    Crafty Chats: Elders' Minecraft Rhymes In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter in every dive. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts a world that’s pure delight. No pirated content, only originals here, For Fangkuaixuan, the message is clear. Each video brings joy, each moment a spark, In the world of Minecraft, he leaves his mark. So join in the fun, subscribe and see, The wonders of Minecraft, through Fangkuaixuan’s glee. With humor and happiness, he’ll light up your day, In the world of gaming, he’ll show you the way. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Animation Memes!

    Hot Minecraft Animation Memes! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Omad Games: Ender Dragon Slaying Madness

    Omad Games: Ender Dragon Slaying Madness Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Are you ready to embark on an exciting adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join Omad Games as they take you on a journey through this blocky universe filled with endless possibilities and challenges. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the shoes of a brave adventurer as you explore the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From lush forests to treacherous caves, there is always something new to discover around every corner…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Challenge Exploring Minecraft Mods: A World of Possibilities Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration, the game continues to evolve with the help of mods. These user-created modifications add new features, mechanics, and content to the game, expanding its already vast universe. Unleashing Creativity with Axiom Mod One of the standout mods in the Minecraft community is the Axiom Mod. This innovative addition introduces a plethora of building tools and features that take construction in the game to a whole new level. From advanced building… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST in FAUGET GAMER’s Minecraft Series

    INSANE TWIST in FAUGET GAMER's Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Survival Series: Episode 1″‘, was uploaded by FAUGET GAMER on 2024-07-21 05:09:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Episode Titles (1-10) 1. **Episode 1: The Adventure Begins** 2. **Episode 2: Mining for Glory** 3. **Episode 3: Building Our First … Read More

  • Solving Scary Minecraft Seeds with PrestonPlayz

    Solving Scary Minecraft Seeds with PrestonPlayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds To Solve Them…’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-09-07 14:15:04. It has garnered 646177 views and 12114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:29 or 2549 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – 👕 FIRE MERCH – 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – ☛ Instagram – ☛ Twitter – 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video without… Read More

  • Unbelievable Lifesteal SMP – Join Now!

    Unbelievable Lifesteal SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Actual BEST Cracked Public Lifesteal SMP (free to join!)’, was uploaded by ScarlettFrostyYt on 2024-07-12 20:30:56. It has garnered 6315 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #smp #minecraft #best #minecraft #best #new #minecraft #best #new #smplive #minecraft #best #minefiresmp The Finest Minecraft 1.19+ Network. The Minefire Network, best for ALL including Minecraft Launcher, Tlauncher, and everything. Try us today! Java IP: soon Bedrock IP: soon Bedrock Port: soon This server is hosted in Singapore, Central of world meaning all EU players, American players & Asian players… Read More

  • Princess Gaming – Laggy Duel in Minecraft! #gaming

    Princess Gaming - Laggy Duel in Minecraft! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘duel but the game was lagging ….#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by princess gaming yt on 2024-02-20 09:49:01. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hack: OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 Download!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hack: OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 Download!Video Information This video, titled ‘OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 – download & install’, was uploaded by Minecraft Guru on 2024-04-05 12:30:44. It has garnered 77 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 – download & install 🔥 Get A 24 Hour DDOS Protected Minecraft 1.20.4 Server from Apex Minecraft Hosting! ✅ Download OptiFabric Here: 🔴 Join my Discord Server! 🔔 Please take a minute to hit that subscribe button —————————————————————————— 🎵 “Sappheiros – Dawn” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Stream – Join Now!

    Insane Bedwars Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘chill bedwars stream Join up y’all’, was uploaded by Seven tbh on 2024-06-18 14:07:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hive live #hivelive #hive #mcpe #minecraft join the discord Read More


    SHOCKING REACTION! HoloFam ID's Kaemiko EXPLODES in HARDCORE EVENT!Video Information This video, titled ‘MOMENT KAEMIKO AFTER LAST MINECRAFT HARDCORE EVENT~ |Kaela kovalskia & sakura miko hololive|’, was uploaded by HOLOFAM ID [V-tuber Cliper] on 2024-05-21 01:45:48. It has garnered 92 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:50 or 110 seconds. KAEMIKO OR MIKOELA try to choose gess ____source video___ kaela pov; miko pov; channel sea neck kovalskia; Sakura Miko; _________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #sakuramiko #minecraft #holoh3ro #holoid #holojp Read More

  • Ultimate PVP Watermelon Sky Drawing Madness!

    Ultimate PVP Watermelon Sky Drawing Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-04-03 18:59:55. It has garnered 573 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:34 or 7834 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open area rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to cheat minecraft sonoyuncu 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack,… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Building: No Plan, No Problem!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Building: No Plan, No Problem!Video Information This video, titled ‘MineCraft NovaCraft :: Building in MineCraft with no Plan’, was uploaded by Rev Arco on 2024-09-09 12:00:35. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:21 or 1941 seconds. Hey there Traveller, wake up, grab your headphones! It’s a new Minecraft Monday video! 🎶 Welcome back, welcome back, in today’s video I am recovering from a shot, however we still manage to get some things done, AND we left a gift for a friend. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think!… Read More

  • VulpesMC

    VulpesMCHi there, VulpesMC is a 1:500 scaled version of Europe. The server features plugins such as Towny, and has all the features you need on a server to be satisfied, along with a small and nice community that we are trying to expand. Hope to see you there! 🙂 Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.6 EU No Hacks No Reset

    Welcome to UneasyVanilla IP: Version: 1.20.6 About Us Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Join our community today and unleash your creativity in a tight-knit, relaxed environment. Our server offers a blend of anarchy and survival gameplay with rules to ensure fairness. Our Vision We put an emphasis on authenticity, staying true to Minecraft’s original vision. Explore a 4+ year old world where your imagination has no limits. Build bases, explore, and engage in surprise encounters with other players. Join Us Join us now at and experience the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chill out, it’s just Minecraft

    Looks like this meme is more popular than my social life. Read More

  • Guilty Parkour: Minecraft Shorts Episode 7

    Guilty Parkour: Minecraft Shorts Episode 7 In Minecraft Parkour Shorts, we take a dive, Episode 7, the challenges thrive. Faster Gaming Plays, the hero of the hour, With skills and wit, he shows his power. Parkour Guilt, the theme of the day, In Minecraft world, where he’ll play. Subscribe and like, show some love, Join the Discord, fly like a dove. Twitter follows, for more fun, Faster Gaming, number one. Stay tuned for comedy, coming soon, In Minecraft Parkour, under the moon. So join the adventure, don’t be late, Faster Gaming, the master of fate. In Minecraft Parkour Shorts, the legend grows, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Palestine 2024 in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Palestine 2024 in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Building and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity, exploration, and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, mine, and survive in various environments. Let’s delve into the fascinating features and elements that make Minecraft a beloved game for all ages. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create their own worlds using blocks of different materials. From simple houses to intricate castles, the possibilities are endless. The game’s creative mode allows players to… Read More

  • The Most Useful Minecraft Myths #shorts

    The Most Useful Minecraft Myths #shorts Minecraft Myths: Unraveling the Most Useful Minecraft Myths #shorts Join this channel to access various benefits: Channel Link Introduction Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft myths? In this video, the host explores some of the most useful myths in Minecraft, offering insights and tips to enhance your gameplay experience. Roblox Blox Fruit Collaboration Don’t miss out on the excitement of the Roblox Blox Fruit collaboration! Join the host for a live mabar session and immerse yourself in the world of Roblox Blox Fruit Indonesia. Follow for Mabar: Name Roblox: hasyablock Stay Connected Stay updated on… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Iceberg Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Iceberg Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The MINECRAFT Iceberg: Secrets & Easter Eggs’, was uploaded by atlaste on 2024-09-01 19:00:17. It has garnered 1001 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. Uncover the mind-blowing secrets and mysteries hidden deep within the Ultimate MINECRAFT Iceberg! *SUBSCRIBE NOW to join the adventure!* Huge thanks to SecretlyMC for the amazing help! Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:34 Layer 1 5:39 Layer 2 8:58 Layer 3 11:24 Final Layer #minecraft #minecraftvideos #iceberg Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Playing and Chilling with İsim Memo

    Minecraft Madness: Playing and Chilling with İsim MemoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sizlerle Minecraft Oynuyoruz Takılıyoruz #38’, was uploaded by İsim Memo 2 on 2024-08-31 15:04:18. It has garnered 1052 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:13 or 7573 seconds. My kick address: If you want to donate, you can do so here (it would be a great support): We play all kinds of games Roblox, Minecraft and more of course if you want 😀 If you like my broadcasts, you can like and subscribe. Thanks in advance 🙂 discord; Read More

  • 🔥 Insane MC RTX 4090 Gameplay 😱😮 #Minecraft | #NabiGaming

    🔥 Insane MC RTX 4090 Gameplay 😱😮 #Minecraft | #NabiGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 😍🤤 #shorts #minecraft | #11’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-19 17:37:52. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing… Read More


    INSANE BUILD: MY CITY IN SURVIVAL - DAY 33Video Information This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 33’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-02-10 02:52:03. It has garnered 181 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:48 or 13728 seconds. My Etsy: AGR Read More

  • 👻HAUNTED MINECRAFT SERVER – Join NOW! Java & Bedrock | 24/7 Survival | IP in Description

    👻HAUNTED MINECRAFT SERVER - Join NOW! Java & Bedrock | 24/7 Survival | IP in DescriptionVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Joinable Minecraft Server SMP (PUBLIC) | 2.10 Java & Bedrock Survival Server | !ip (ReRun)’, was uploaded by GHOST HAMMER GAMERTZ on 2024-01-14 11:44:53. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:41 or 401 seconds. TO BECOME A SPONSOR /MEMBER: 1.Click the JOIN button next to the subscribe button 2. IF your on ios use the link above MINECRAFT INFO: Pocket Edition : ip – Port:38990 Java Edition ip: This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More