Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!

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like that last pick I don’t I don’t think get armor [ __ ] I forgot to buy a he is iron arm you know please help me kill pink please help me kill pink they’re a pain in the ass you know what wow like you just got raped I’m just gonna go places I’m not going to be bothered by that person how the [ __ ] do you break a bed you know what never mind you yeah I [ __ ] realized D I’m so glad I got that he’s dead he’s dead [ __ ] yeah I’m done for I’m done for ow one this bastard’s breaking my bed you’re done you’re done uh not if I can run yeah I [ __ ] realized I maybe I hey l oh well you’re done is anyone else alive I am on what team are you I don’t know yeah I’m I’m dead I’m dead you forgot that you can teleport to people oh boy I can do you down what the heck I’m not I am not yellow a yellow isy hey hey buddy hey buddy if that’s the guy that you thought was lagging cuz it’s the new account I’m not [ __ ] Stucky how the [ __ ] did he see you hey hey buddy hey buddy is that’s the guy that you I can’t I can’t do anything I know he knows I’m how the there we go how the [ __ ] did he know you were alive [Music] though how the [ __ ] did he see you I don’t have a bit I wouldn’t have I would have had get him get him push him off push him off kill him oh my god get him wait can I have help you no pill the [ __ ] up L got him off I don’t have any blocks I would have pilled up by now honestly you guys you guys have to team on this guy he’s probably going he’s not that good I can probably take right though I know but like oh never mind I cannot Pi it you’re naked still got a lot more gear ow he has a bro naked ha bro guys someone want to join like I am so want to join someone my chat uh s i i [ __ ] all right uh uh invite this guy you can invite him what to the party he wasn’t join he said yeah but you’re able to invite him oh okay um how do I invite people I forgot how to do this f p all right right uh S I sent him got it who the hell is that that’s the guy that’s the guyam what’s good sway blindly how are you doing I just realized lake has a bed he’s probably going to win this wait L has a bed oh he I feel aent yeah like he’s in full diamond why would you tell him no not you Owen I’m talking about lag Fleet oh never mind I I wasn’t even spectating you I was at Lake like just ran over to the guy and almost got around can take good job Owen you own [ __ ] well good job Lake come they changed it lost his bedam yeah L’s [Music] dead should I spare myself the humility I don’t you’re in full diamond now so you have a chance yeah but he has diamond sword I do well still try if you’re better than him you might be able toh I don’t no he’s got have to like really put him in a combo or hit him off proba I might be able to but I don’t I’m not good hi he’s coming to you oh you’re dead yeah you’re dead oh good good thing with the warning huh oh yeah you’re you’re in hide you’re done oh this is a really anticlimactic fight we already know got the bonus hits yeah I would have loved warning dang well that’s a piece why I [ __ ] take this game he was well he got he got the first hit so he won yeah but this game is genuinely [ __ ] [ __ ] now it’s still I still feel it still feels the same not going to lie no it [ __ ] sucks block drop block drop oh hi yeah I’m good you guys you got this I’m good you guys yeah this is where Lake uh kind of [ __ ] me over probably stop swearing some much we’re streaming I think I actually a Axel’s not streaming is he yes bro how I how do I knew that guy’s username good try I play PC yeah dude nice I’m a bit to be fair watch out Owen up oh my God I hear like eight voices how do you hear eight voices dude I I can’t tell which one is you Axel it’s like three axles no I tried to spell Quicky dang it bro Axel why are you talking about quickies no I try to spell quick stop screaming I got to mute the game why cuz there like eight how do you hear voices in the game cies the [ __ ] is talking about quickies bro what is bro saying 012 Axel 2 who the [ __ ] is it bro are you watching my stream or something I hear like I don’t know spidery are you watching my stream dude dude I hear I cannot okay I have to mute this wait what is blood doing give me a second there’s like I actually might kill myself I have to fix this way oh my God I just oh my [ __ ] god that was hor whoops I muted the game holy [ __ ] how do he how do he even hear voices what the heck you good in head oh oh yes dude there was that was uh what the sigma hey sway blindly you are doing very good and you deserve no praise but you’re actually very good proud of you he’s at the top he’s being so much better to your right to your right to your right to your right I was at the top bro it’s a power up it’s a punch you can kill like oh yeah well I was at the top for as long as I could have yeah well good news I can finally distinguish the [ __ ] voice es but how did you hear but how did you hear double voices though that makes no sense dude there were like 84 [ __ ] voices how it they were all [ __ ] max volume we’re not asking what we’re asking how there were voices like what happened dude three tabs of a stream just opened up bro so dumb so I oh my God it was so [ __ ] loud guys he has two knockback Nemos I have three W well good thing you’re at the bottom yes oh suck it hey sway blindly uh sway blindly we should totally team against Owen the master I agree yeah Owen the master we should team up against them right guys [Music] why is it so quiet he’s over there I’m still trying to like distinguish voices but now there’re substantially less oh yeah do I sound like a no uh oh he’s on my floor hey buddy Axel use your knockback Nemo on him hold on I was try Owen cuz he’s more sweaty Axel and Owens are twins like you would a was the only Mexican I don’t want to hear it he’s he’s Mexican too what the [ __ ] yeah he just he just lives in California um okay oh fall already no okay well I have seven volts that’s cool I’m no Tac feathers I’m no Taco muner okay budy okay late I finally all of the voices are muted now I can finally IES in my head did you know there’s a voice mod where you can actually chat with the people in the hive there are many voice mods oh yeah I think I know which one he he means by I don’t have that anymore you’re Hive sweat good [ __ ] rid uh Owen is the hi Sweat Lake lake is the hive sweat I have eight rols why why do I SP can you check if someone in my chat cuz I can’t see it right now check your yeah I have two [ __ ] monitors I’m looking at both does someone say anything or no all right well the top player is just being removed now nice SPID is someone in my chat yes or no sway blindly new people I mean no okay there’s four people watching but I’m pretty sure it’s just way blindly byebye hey swe blindly if you’re gay C yes nice actually you’re gay uhuh oh you want me to pull up your Instagram no oh shush shut Owen Owen shush oh my oh my God shush all right SL Q oh no SL anything else anything SkyWars okay SkyWars bet I’m doing I’m I’m not doing solos it’s been so long me and nobody at the same level no way uh yes nobody’s the same level as me cuz I’m such a [ __ ] awkward level oh wait we have a fifth person yeah why this is solos right this is Squad oh my god oh do solos no we’re good oh my BR this guy like is level 7 what what a is the try hard told you that Lake was the [ __ ] try hard Jesus Christ like is such a I’m just like uh R player uh sorry uh Omen forgot my fault blame him my bad I’m sorry but Owen is slightly gay homophobic and stupid that’s you what are you talking about nuh B nuh dude I hey guys who wants to diamond sword seriously I got like a dozen of them all right well lake has all the blocks and he’s not breeding oh this guy oh has all the there goes come on and he’s the one streaming IMM he immediately [ __ ] in nor Lake and went straight from me that’s cool special teams no I just realized I’m totally [ __ ] in this fight but I’m going to fight anyways cuz I can dude I had no armor someone stole hey Owen Owen yeah to has to let let him join he proba will say racist but I don’t know I don’t I don’t trust I mean to be fair he just spent the last hour streaming with thought I’ll give you a kiss hold on all well there goes that gu uh uh solo yeah after you know whenever they die or whatever hey there’s someone new in your chat it’s followed Lake 585 calling your oh my God so dumb dumb oh if you make him M he’ll just talk really smartly oh oh that’s critical that’s you Owen do I invite Todd [ __ ] sure go for it all right oh oh is bald good job Lake how where’s I am outplaying this dude I’m simply D never mind there’s two people all right talk better not be racist six people watching what up all right Todd what up save the N word for $20 shut up $20 is $20 no I’m joking he’s not racist I understand the streamer problem with people saying the NW yeah that was one time party was one time swear said it one time the exact quote is um oh lake is spamming I almost said again you get the yeah I guess join uh add me real quick [ __ ] you Lake I have not played on hi so long I got Bann posted it how was like already dead cuz you know how he is he’s stupid LeBlanc my beloved what mode are we playing um whatever the hell violates women the most what Todd that I I bite you I think I’m not sure well here I said [ __ ] how do I join oh someone wants to join too oh hold on man let me finish the game or when I die cuz I don’t oh yeah oh yeah sted orgy this is amazing I’m sticking with this guy now I don’t care if I die I want to I want to [ __ ] this guy for the rest of my life all right my man there’s only one God in here buddy that’s me great yeah yep me and this guy me and this guy for might man thisy letel how lucky honestly I’m down but uh wait I’m pretty sure everyone here has Java only to are you on yet or no yes I’m in I’m in Hive right now I need to invite username in Discord I’m try I I I sent it but it’s not let for some reason oh and you stole my orange that wasn’t orange whoops all right probably you’re in a game Ao no did you just call him a or axhole a no it it does let me invite some reason I ain’t getting them invites I don’t have any invites oh hold on let me just die H I think I think Todd has to glitch what am I going to do with the leap this wow that was worth it join I’m not sure God I don’t want a [ __ ] Cosmetics uh Todd can you rejoin hi like leave him rejoin fine hold on I I think you like the glitch or something the twitch and my Willie come on you got this oh my God how how dang spider still alive oh and the other guy too I haven’t gotten any wow this is a really hard one I got [ __ ] speed boost sweaty blind and jump boost I got jump boost right now what do you think I’m going to do oh [ __ ] oh no moment bro died so lucky with that um okay all right dude if I got any good power up that entire game I could have won I got two speed potions and a [ __ ] jump boost I rejoined all right let me try again all right let me friend you oh wait uh Owen Hub Hub Hub Hub I am I’m in the hub yeah let’s go to the hub all this is okay yeah like genely your worst video we watched all of your videos this weekend and they all suck are you sure that your name we did watch them yeah like your videos kind of he miss he miss it yeah oh yeah c videos were better than the others the only reason they were good [ __ ] failing there you go boy po oh did I I put two P’s I’m I’m so sorry this guy all right all right what game what we doing who are you guys oh hey Todd hey Todd hey hey sway what’s up what is it good I don’t think you [ __ ] someone someone wmart bag you got the anwers S you ain’t got the answers I have not played wait what are we playing now survival games uh sex games okay okay I like I like his game better all all all right okay he has a better game than I agree what’s up Brothers It’s Duos oh come on you know what I’m not even mad that I’m team this time random Owen why as long as I didn’t end up like Owen I’m happy you’re not by Owen you’re such an egg we got to run we got to run I I got nothing I’m soose you always got Duos I’m gonna have to pass on that like where are you I’m scared hey Todd wants to grope you like the full grown man he is L better carry Todd oh what is God play wants God level get Stu uh Spider oh no way oh my God why is that suppos have big lead boost oh boy a no way dude why does everyone leave everything that’s good in the chest and then just forget about it [ __ ] like I can find at least three good things okay this is actually no way AEL behind us yeah I’m I still it’s God level cult I still need God level C oh no Lake where are you I’m scar are you sure you don’t want to fight God level is your teammate dead is your teammate Dead uh I have no teammate can I team with you you have a teammate okay buddy my I had no teammate so yeah yeah but we have better communication than me and axel anyone in the chat yeah probably I’m not I’m open my chat in my phone so I can see I abandoned CU it’s totally worth it what good s you ain’t got the answers oh you want theme oh God who the [ __ ] is that I got sidetracked uh who is that I want to gr up you I don’t know who that is hey Owen hi there’s a guy that’s slightly more stacked than I am you might want to get him um please I need a chest plate what the heck oh oh y cook buddy you’re cooked buddy T cooking my teamate just left me wow I was looting oh my God what’s that oh and uh by spider to kill someone nice W I’m I’m iming right now okay you guys are making me be that good I didn’t expect myself to even get a was even that is the second time I went into a [ __ ] chest and got rap to be fair I cleaned him so he’s probably why are you level 30 like scares me I’ve played this game for five years okay yeah he’s kind of a sweat I don’t want to [Applause] sandwich I I’ve heard things about that oh what the same it’s like fortnite I hey where oh oh SpaghettiOs that’s what I’m saying so blind guys someone’s trying to get my and how did you get that link I’m so I’m soed I got nothing one I just sent in chat bro I don’t have a chest plate oh I just when you were when you were talking about Jenny’s body I holy what is going on molested four people behind you there was four people behind I think I’m a I think Todd’s done for no I will Sur what is happening oh my God okay I think I’ve escaped I have I’ve killed them all thank you ow come on they killed each other and then you finished up the we got be kidding me oh there’s a very weak man in the middle a very weak oddly Sexual Man in the middle owow I don’t want to do this stick sword up his butt stick up his butt oh he does not want to team okay stick your sword up his butt oh I’m so cooked I’m so no no please finish set is B finishing set is B I want I want to see what why have you won again is he playing you you want to see me e win I’m sucky sucky 20 hours H do you have Diamond Bo I have nothing AEL did you get the x x s I come back I’ll give you know here drop the boots and then run backwards shut up could I join [Music] your shut up oh my god did you uh invite that guy invite who have to repeat that entire [ __ ] message again God God no he’s in he’s in he’s in already I was he’s still alive he’s still alive no not not actually he’s not still alive he he uh got he went after me like in the beginning I just Ked him oh I I kind of don’t want to repeat that message maybe I should I need a chest plate ASAP I want uh this game is way too long okay Todd I’m sorry rape the potato rape the potato sorry I’m oh [ __ ] soed I’m so cooked I’m I almost died there GG hey I send you my love to the middle and you might be able to get a free kill might get I need I have nothing there’s no one in the middle who are you yapping about no like I need better armor SP die my God stupid teammate dude we split up for 10 seconds you spit ax use your hats bu I may I should gangster I should where is everyone yeah Axel I I really don’t have that smart idea I only want his sword oh my God I’m so unlucky 10 second you say you’re so unlucky but you have two diamond swords what I need a CH I don’t want diamond swords it doesn’t matter you this is is like still alive cuz if he is I’m probably dead no like died okay good he was like one of the first ones to die oh my God use I’m with Axel Axel turn on Hacks bro what bro keeps nothing I think why you just Spam boom boxes ax dude this is a comedy fight I’m going to let Axel do that are you going to wait for him and then you guys you’re going to have like a dual of Fate yeah yeah Axel you you can cook him they’re using an axe which yeah hold on no wi you guys got have a fight fist fight fist fight fist fight okay you guys are going to fist hey okay oh you got to kill oh you want a fist fist yeah fist fight yeah oh okay dude I’ve been waiting on this guy to update the game for like five [ __ ] days I missed my drum reset you are so cooked Axel use your hacks use Auto clicker it’s all he’s good with dude that’s actually good P even though I didn’t no I was so close oh you were you froze no that’s no you froze oh you you know I I’m going play a little music for this battle hold on let me uh no don’t kill him yet huh you two should AB what is happening right now oh someone’s on the water dang I was going to start playing uh where bro I had you I had you actually I had you I get so tired I get I see him I see the guy that I recognized in chat where God plays yeah God plays I see him no himself oh Fu I couldn’t yeah if we’re doing this again I cheating I am cheating if we’re doing that again I understand all right so let’s go with this is even worse arguably wait what are we doing now it’s I forgot what game this is what game oh my God I’m cooked we have enough for two no like your only job is to bridge that is all you’re good for a your that’s proved by your parkour capability this really is not much of an audience playing we’re just kind of like pulling them everywh well no no Owen only people com stream if I put Hive like I said like your toss with the other people [ __ ] bad at everything else and I’m with other person like swear hey just to let you know Axel you’re fighting your viewers yeah yeah your one-year-old viewers okay man over your viewers commit suicide Axel you gotta win over your yeah you gotta win over your skibby RZ I forgot how this works oh thank you I love you why can I not why can I not I I you to bridge go oh never mind we have Axel [ __ ] you like you’re useless all right like you go for that chest ax was just a better L being yeah I kind of agree with that [Music] statement except not mute better at PP anyway probably L behind you good luck how do people Bridge so damn fast I just I just ditched like I have viers hey man oh my he’s kind of good oh hi there his teammates are behind him nuh you yo guys L people comeing over here go go distract them while I run away so like are you are you having fun with Axel’s viewers oh T the potato oh [ __ ] I tried to kill you like oh thanks P getting rid of my enchanted pants I’m sorry I had to be oh where were you at shut up I’m about to get Ambush getting gang oh hey hold there was four teams I thought there was only two a does anyone have a chest plate no but I have half enchanted diamond armor and not a chest plate oh my entire teammate is just watching Green guys over there I’m killing him my team’s cooked yeah I’m my my team watching in the corner yeah I’m oh my God is karma dang I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I third party I’m so sorry please forgive me I’m reporting you for third partying no I’m so sorry man can I have help suck a this who fell oh okay I’m going for kills now come on like that’s never a it’s all you’re good for is like half Comm communication let’s kill red take one-sided communication you what what is this Blood doing oh yeah oh he’s red too he’s literally a blood it’s literally you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done we’re actually only good when we’re all teaming this is oh wait wait wait yeah go L go bro I’m proud of you l dead L I’m very proud of you help me spider oh there we go I am we won guys this is really funny Jesus Christ like oh yeah Axel I’m sorry but I kind of killed one of your viewers all I did was kill Todd you got you got me to four and a half you got me to four and a half then you still at nine I don’t know oh [ __ ] EXO added sway to the chat you got the I I sent the link in the you’re not was my nut oh the dude I’m sorry for what I did sway but as soon as I saw you Pearl I had to kill you I had to kill you at that Pearl wait I’m not gonna lie not you’ll see you’ll see critical like weird stuff guys you have one job you have to do this job or players who is ano just what is good God play oh and helmet helmet helmet there what about it helmet hey just to let you know I just wasted all of our red stone nice I forgot what does r okay so extra heart I I to learn what every block does BL forgot dude yeah like you are completely outmatched here I do not need you at all should I try no don’t fall don’t immediately kill yourself oh yep what oh dude sway is also a better wait oh wait go go s is better than the thing is building is not he cannot it’s not sway is better than like a he’s going to go oh no he a real one Owen sorry I got a gift for you ow I got a gift for you I want show you a gift I want to show you a gift ready ready yeah you want a flat block stand on a flat block oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die yeah dude I’m I’m dirt [ __ ] po and I’m just that everyone drops hi Todd please I’m hey just to let you know I’m about to die Owen Owen here Owen go over here the only thing I’m good at you bet your ass I’m fleeing I got get stuff Axel and the Power of Two Gods beat this game leave get out my you know I don’t really feel like we lost anything I was at three hearts running away from everyone I was cooked either way I don’t think we lost hey s oh is good he’s cooked oh [ __ ] sway oh [ __ ] okay okay I’m here I’m here I’m here oh my god oh just Ambush axle Ambush axle I God oh my God I fuing killed myself he [ __ ] just accept your dick and then dude I’m so like like like you just you’re just come on three kills out around I’m pretty happy all right GG honest to goded I killed myself and L was explosion fool me off cuz it gave me a jump boost death run oh co oh son of a [ __ ] you know this death run running dude I’ve never been the tra I wanted trap someone so bad so I I’ve never played death run in this I’ve played it I I just want to be the Trapp I I like death run oh my God I my God there’s no way dude you know I’m gonna wait [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that de on this trap this trap all right what what this do dude [ __ ] off teammate I don’t care boo axel yeah ax come here Axel come here thank you Axel that was very worth it I know that’s not going to affect Owen at all what do we do here oh that was ha you’re stupid it’s good to just have everyone run ahead of you oh you actually helped me do that’s the most useless trap yeah [ __ ] off this is my trap I’m going to kill somebody here actually here I’m going to kill myself oh [ __ ] I messed up good to know I killed all three of you with one TR dang I one I killed I messed up I messed up at the fin I’m so cooked wait yeah I I Ked to Todd you’re almost there you’re almost there you got this first place first place y’ cook hey what wait what are you guys doing here oh my God killing you Todd I killed him twice I killed him twice that was worth Todd all you got to do is Sprint on that part just Sprint don’t oh my Todd do not jump out that part yeah there we go first dude I’m so glad I got to kill him twice Tod do do you know what the what the feather what game should we play next viewers you what game should you play next uh what games anything that Owen’s not good at not me game to sub yeah [ __ ] for real watch this toilet videos shut up watch toilet videos not me for what game play next I say gra entire toilet anything you guys like first place I swear yeah yeah what are what is this this is dropper a lot worse why it is a lot worse Axel chose this Axel chose this Axel you’re a terrible person you should hide andek next but for a lot of people hide and seek can be really [ __ ] funny oh yeah yeah yeah y all right is dropping Axel [ __ ] off I’m trying to get good angle my my mustache [ __ ] dude how the [ __ ] do people die on that first level wait hold on I mean I understand how I die when I can’t [ __ ] see anything how the hell am I oh my God that was so close oh it’s cuz I died cuz I couldn’t see [ __ ] cuz it’s still loading in stop that’s what’s happened to me it’s all still loaded okay I made it it all just is loading and it what the [ __ ] I just landed on something then up your render distance you got to understand my render distance is all the way up mine is at 60 oh actually mine is at a solid how I meant to get past those hey spider I see you spidery oh no you guys passed me no you guys are doing you’re doing fine spider why you just keep because I keep getting [ __ ] up stupid Parts like this oh my God I edged I’m not getting past this part I got to like Edge that’s why I keep do it every night and for some oh my God what are you doing what what are you doing now touching I finished first what the I can’t do this I’m maybe you guys just suck oh my God I do I hate droppers I’ve never liked I just did it two times in a row I don’t want to hear it shut that’s cuz you’re good at falling off oh my God have you seen how many times I’ve killed myself in the last eight servers you good job Lake good job almost don’t do that it kills you you want to know something funny what all right I’ll take it second [ __ ] yeah first second third fifth okay I’ll take it do the viewers is Goofy this no hide and seek hide and seek hold on no so go play that hasn’t finished yet hold on ladies I I still need to cook all right come on Todd got this Todd’s cooking shut up no Li oh do of the last wait I got confused is not the last level he’s on the fourth level oh wait wait this level is easy I love the fact that everyone has me muted on my soundboard huh yeah I I use my auto clicker on it twice and all of a sudden I’m muted on every guys first place like usual oh my God first place my me I can’t believe H hi yeah no yeah I didn’t know you could jump on these far oh my God all right on high sink okay what my map what map literally it it doesn’t [ __ ] matter what’s good Todd mustach I do agree with it does do that hold I got the music video yeah I I agree with that sway we have enough people to kill the Seeker in the first Sometimes s does have the answers what blocks you be literally [ __ ] I’m being I chose Anvil Anvil Anvil Anvil got it noted noted I’m I’m riding this down okay oh it’s this map purple tent purple tent purple tent oh we’re all We’re All Hiding H okay let me just purple tent dude everybody whoever the Seeker is I feel bad the [ __ ] is Craig I hate dead I got hit twice I see magic trick I can disappear oh wait oh [ __ ] L’s dead dang L’s dead normally means try hard spider let’s do the Strat which Strat you know when you block something up uh testicular T yeah I I kind of I’m already doing we got to meet up but now lak’s a Seeker so we can’t oh I think this is one of our boys I’m I think I’m buy one of the front of me they’re actually so foolish Hey ow on on Owen that staircase what that staircase I’m on yeah go that way here right here right here right here right here right here I think this is one of the viewers the hide on the inside like the corner yeah okay if anyone gets here beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of I think that’s sway I think that is is that is that you sway oh yeah if if anyone gets here we fight and especially if it’s Lake we want to kill Lake as quickly as possible cuz Lake’s gay like already died goober yeah yeah my game crashed dang I I hate the I hate Bedrock so much if you Tab out Tod I’ll give you a tip Tod I’ll give you a tip oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Tod if you if you want to switch tabs press Escape press f11 and then go to your mouse and click on the on the button that you want to go to and then you’re fine okay okay I the thing is I’ve open get ready everybody uh oh is everyone ready to attack yeah oh yeah time to attack guys out no no no wait wait wait hold oh he knows stream while I wait oh we’re just attacking him okay this guy’s actually good by the way I don’t [ __ ] care I genuinely don’t care I just wanted to jump him a they died it was pretty fun jumping him you got to admit seers oh no we’re done for oh ax just hiding like a little [ __ ] okay oh wow okay yeah Axel stop Mak I’m level 24 let’s go you’re hiding space I know Todd ter you should just where is he where is he where just Todd orse he’s over there he’s over here he’s everywhere yeah I they had enough time so I couldn’t I I love your hint Todd thank you for telling me where he is what’s good swe I appreciate that and I’m on my way listen uh it smells like a house oh yeah he’s streaming how you [ __ ] suck he’s leg I swear yep leg stre thing I got yep leg stre thing leg yiping where where is your L like I I swear to God you stream sniped me never swear to never swear to me bro I just want to start punching [ __ ] so bad but no one’s here I I know I realized that I realized that God God just run just run we don’t want to give away Axel okay buddy like this is the first time I’m actually on AEL side this is the first and only time I will be on your side I can win this please please guys no I see spidery or is it spidery can’t tell yep it’s me it’s me get out of here sh I’m not here caressing you I’m not here oh and don’t don’t don’t don’t [ __ ] no come on ow I was so close on winning yeah it’s cuz ‘s a little [ __ ] yeah I do against you and I yeah yeah what where I just where where just crouched on top of you yeah [ __ ] you Owen for real he did he did my exact Strat though and guess what it did it got them killed how did he [ __ ] learn nuh dude someone’s going to walk in here be super [ __ ] upset with me yelling at 11 o’ at night and I’m just going to get like yeah my dad’s going to beat me what game is this basically that’s what I’m getting at that’s what I’m getting at I enjoy though it turns me on when he does it though I don’t tell him though okay okay um no barrel barrel barrel yeah I need an invite by the way ohdd fuckdd you just jelly because I’m so gangster at this game wait do you guys think we could just barricade off this house like just block off the front can you me yeah yeah yeah I’m doing it I’m doing it dude we’re one block short Axel come on come on Axel I’ll I’ll join you and whatever you’re about to do where are you the [ __ ] house we’re four barrels blocking the staircase invite by username which theato no we’re not inside of a house we’re on the front lined up oh never mind I have been it was to XP I can’t find you guys there you go I like we’re going to be recing by the way so don’t don’t don’t bother trying I was totally right I got yelled at you got yelled I was I was totally right all right sorry ax viewers but we’re gonna be recing because uh Todd crashed PE I I tabed out board do Boardwalk oh to just don’t tab out just press f11 and that’s it well no the thing is I was press alt f4 ah of course there so solution to all my problems we going are we going to home God plays is level 20 you’re level 27 and I’m level 30 uh what’s what is that map barrel barrel barrel trust me on this and do barrel you can hide anywhere Barr you can hide anywhere as a barrel and it works you’re a barrel wait we should Stack Up on each other you’re a barrel of fun where are we going where we going all right um go to the Bri pink car go to the bright pink car on the road okay where do we go what I’m almost there hold on follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me all right follow follow the cat you good oh guys start running bro you better have a good idea man I do have a really good idea is it line up here oh you’re still going what is he doing okay buddy good luck good luck with that that was totally worth it I’m not going to lie I managed to lure everybody to the Seeker that was fun oh God what is this fool doing no no no there’s someone I’m sorry sway but uh I had a little Axel Axel fist fight fist fight right here right now what what that you doing the emotes right over there what emotes the the confetti one I saw it oh man I can’t do the gritty no [ __ ] you’re a block bro I want do the gritty oh man you [ __ ] energy you see the Barrel in the middle that’s me oh boy I’ve missed over 20 [ __ ] hits It’s Over ow and I have the low ground do I do damage no there’s a completely rigged fight in my favor I was to say I probably should have killed you we are so I hope you know that should have we just fisted each other did that uh oh oh he’s edging us yeah I’m I’m not even gonna like try down ax what God Spot Axel if anyone comes in here we just if they come after us okay here we go God Spot wait wait you’re here wait where are where are you uh I cannot say right now okay for there there is a very scary man I agree uh alternate root way this week oh my [ __ ] god Axel what the [ __ ] is that it’s got butt [ __ ] by some random dude did you actually die no I’m running it just scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me I scared spidery I just Jed him I just shed him you got the I just shed him oh my God this is so hilarious s s way way right here right here yellow building yellow building yellow building oh my God this that’s not a yellow building there is no way I just did that that that is a [ __ ] yellow building oh and follow me where wait SP did you get okay that that is the Y building this is really hidden what the [ __ ] do you mean okay here Owen let’s go to the other side then from where we were in we on the other side of the map wow he’s a barrel somewhere around here just to let you know no no no I was checking something hey I got AO the world is saved come on this is a goed spot oh son of a [ __ ] I I literally I literally J spidery that was so awesome is everyone dead I’m there’s still six people no but like in our there’s three barrels so one of us a friend stop I invited oh my gods I’m pretty sure everybody’s dead no it’s Lake hi hi Lake you [ __ ] tryhard okay okay now everybody’s dead new everyone had part and dead I feel like uh what would be another fun one tag God God play just said no God play just said no oh Todd everyone [ __ ] Todd Todd what is your problem me testicle man uh what is good hey firewolf did you join the party woman yes why the [ __ ] is there a woman here oh my God not seen one in a few years for real for real for real for real like why is there a woman you never seen a woman play before bro this is the only actual well second wait hold on how many was there like there’s three in total who have been in the melon Earth server and uh this is one of one yeah one of them a pedophile one of them is an artist and then the other is a person wait what the hell are we playing murder mystery murder mystery you forget about one person that was ow where are you want sex we’re we’re talking about melons Earth not Emerald where are you want to sex youill me oh my God who kill me I’m in the main room one of us is somebody kill me my life is worthless wait so is it just like like live no more yeah it is okay if you hear me over spider yet is like if you get 10 coins you get you get one shot to kill to kill a murderer I’m going to you if you if you shoot the wrong person then you’re dead hey I found the killer it’s a he’s in the hub yeah he’s chasing me is he trying to get your pants down no scam he’s just is his name Lake no no goodness gracious I found him who’s the murderer a just AFK in a corner no I’m look I’m I’m I’m I’m looking at I’m trying to the murderer is AF wait I’m right here hen who’s the murderer is that is that you okay we’re on firewolf oh my God I’m dead why in I was I was inside the murder oh my God oh my God Mur over there by the way black guy AEL I’m scared oh we won oh my God bro got myak CL what why you invite your bch what why did you invite your B guys guys told the woman is talking I I know it’s all [ __ ] guys and then Axel just brought his [ __ ] in here neuron activated I don’t even hear that is basically true I finished I finished three [ __ ] things in one day that was supposed to last me all week I really don’t do much what is this man this is new guys I’m the murderer fa me uh oh I don’t have a sister he’s the murderer I’ll Edge you you have a step sister what what you’re right I do have a step system better hey lake lake come here come here come here come here lake lake come here here where Lake come here um L scares me [ __ ] you run L get over here kill you no after me a no [ __ ] save me hi Lake I can’t save you [ __ ] you Lake come here oh wait is he not the murderer never mind I want to kill lake so bad want Edge are you the murderer behind him I’m behind no spider I missed bro so dumb oh never mind yeah the murderer was right next to Lake though the Ruby armor has been found what was that what the Derp what is that wait yeah it’s it’s Hazmat guy it’s Hazmat guy who’s I I got a you know right cook recall what’s the I no way it’s Hazmat guy I’m G to go cook him where is he oh is the yellow guy yeah he’s just camping the thing oh he is just get coins easy I missed rip kill Lake let’s go i l lake is just L is just him no lake is gay hey actually your [ __ ] muted your [ __ ] is mute now what do you mean your side ho is Imagine SPID not having woman friends okay spider you would not be saying this all this if you saw his Instagram I’m just saying if I were his sideo I’d [ __ ] kill myself ohow what you Owen Owen what do you mean uh you’re zesty that’s what I mean you you’re gay he’s calling you gay axel his nails he hates his fingure nails no he means that you want a dick in your butt that’s that’s gay that’s the whole [ __ ] point I’m not SRA you’re gay shut up no way it finally did it finally click do you understand Owen’s Point guys I’m murderer hey L’s actually the murderer I’m behind him he has a he’s chasing Owen Owen oh lake is the murderer lake is the murderer the murder Lake on site shoot Lake on site Lake I’m going to touch you just like your dad does what the sheriff I was chasing Lake and the [ __ ] Sheriff shot me I was chasing Lake who was chasing sheriff and I got shot by the [ __ ] Sheriff oh s was the sheriff you should have go that was not my fault s that was not my fault that was not my at all that was all you that was not me I was chasing like and you shot me well spider you should have se you should you should have just like aboy the arrows SPID was all yeah spider you say I can avoid the arrows but have you seen me I cannot avoid [ __ ] yeah probably yeah you can’t even avoid your you’re going to be the reason I lose my Edge and streak yeah SPID be plus others put me in the title Lake um the back rooms no let’s get oh oh this is the back room I’m pretty sure I want to kill a woman me Mur yep I’m murderer fear me where is the female I want to kill the female good Todd what’s good blood I’m the murderer you should fear me sexism activated I will kill this woman last thing I do I think that’s called uh what’s it called blood hates woman that’s called just looking at me now who the [ __ ] is this there’s a coin over there I want oh no oh you know what [ __ ] whoever Mur it’s so [ __ ] try hard who’s the murderer some I’m not I’m Shar snitching but I think I am [ __ ] I think the person deserves to die in real life we ruined the birthday party me oh and like we’re all just having sex around the cake bastard killed me we’re having a classical or [ __ ] he almost the woman I wanted to shoot the woman oh well Sor you be the killer what is the woman’s username uh Sgt stalker zero Sergeant stalker zero Sgt oh [ __ ] fcker yes I [ __ ] remember her yes you you teamed in CHD yeah yeah I’m bad memory yeah and you came last place you came you came last place because spy no we won that we won the event I think it was uh I it was like I was second oh yeah okay buddy SP wasn’t like last elb murderer oh yeah baby oh wait um I can’t believe I’m the murderer the murder I have a plan I have a plan oh hey SPID the murderer I have a plan spidery oh that was game nice who was a murder oh pink Igloo special team you know we have eight oh we have eight people I know who two of them are oh we can do squads oh you don’t know who ax is huh what what oh we could do squads you’re right yeah we have eight people yes we could do Lobby ever as long as I’m not teamed with Sgt stalker she’s I think she’s better than you I’m not sure I’m not going to lie all have been [ __ ] all I’ve been doing is cod it why is this area dark I hate the color black why is there so many particles I’ve never seen this before this is weird this is like different this is weird I like different from the actual back room map yeah cuz and these parles were not you know what I’m glad that that happened I’m very glad that that happened I can’t believe High mod Hydra is okay Hydra what 4,100 made all this he made Hive all by himself yeah watch out for a the particles are like are like the ne particles watch out for red eyed Brown actually badass I’m hearing like nether noises what the heck like I [ __ ] love this map why is I know I’m trying to track down a woman I’m trying to track down the woman dude I don’t think she has so it’s going to be kind of hard to do I know but I’ve kind of murdered like everybody I think that’s actually her behind think I found the murderer yeah hey you turn around yeah why were you following him fire hey you I got touched by a black d who the [ __ ] is the sheriff I don’t know who the Sher oh hey that’s the sheriff El elbow though I didn’t know who the sheriff was until I found him oh who are that guy is to be fair to be fair I did get 10 kills I’m kind of happy with that the double dig I wanted to have a civil conversation with you and you tickled my balls it’s cuz you’re black well guys you heard here at least he’s honest almost almost was honest honest honest I got murderer twice you guys know who else was onler you were murder last time I don’t remember no I don’t think I was was I wasur this wait wait oh do you see nether particles hey like I’m in the same spot where I [ __ ] killed you last time Mur hey yeah hey hey L come back here I want to talk to you I’m in the same spot that I killed you last time if you want to get your revenge how is that person come in from that far okay all right I think you know who it is I’m just hanging out with God right now I I think it’s a woman I’m not sure cuz I thought I thought going to that direction what was that noise okay God what give me a second I’m playing Minecraft in Minecraft I’m telling someone to kill themselves I’m going in let’s go kill Wonder oh nice I’m surprised I’m surprised do didn’t just shoot me when she was in the room with me I’m not going to lie I’m actually genuinely surprised I was is so scar of woman imagine metal cup drink he has no experience uh off no backs again I like that why am my percent so sh right why back rooms what is your effect I know people like B rooms it’s different type of map oh God isn’t even in the VC that’s disappointing oh hi do who no God is murderer fear me follow the emo if they don’t kill themselves I haven’t got anything I’ve just been innocent every I murder yeah you’re always murder oh well he wasn’t lying love that I killed you I killed myself yep he wasn’t lying like I hope you die I hope you die like I kill yourself oh was like when you kill yourself like like like oh wait oh it’s Lake oh no it’s not lake is the murderer lake is the murderer yeah it’s Lake it’s Lake again murer like the Mur the woman is uh following why do I heard flashlight like you have a [ __ ] following you just to let you know that thing gave me a flashlight what the brother wait minute it’s not even late what you talk guys talking about no no the the impostor is always [Music] late oh my God is Lake murder right there oh my God Miss never mind weed be one dude no way s dude I keep trying to say Sgt every [ __ ] time bro bro bro is confused with FGTV no s Sgt CU it’s the first three letters in her username what we should all play TR no join who joined is this L blank Square no if it was leblank it would be um him trying to [ __ ] who’s that guy oh the blank his Universal MK would just collapse the VC is he go play I’m not sure the blank no he’s new like I I have a plan I have a plan yeah I don’t know who this is anyone who wants to live oh come follow me why am I never murderer what the heck if anyone wants to live go to the pool trust me on this okay I don’t even know where the pool is I don’t trust you we’re going there is a secret dragon head in this vent and if you stand near it you are temporarily Immortal you’re definitely murderer oh maybe not I’m actually I’m actually innocent this time oh yeah everyone stand in the corner everyone stand in the corner for a little oh yes this is this is genius I know I guys look no one’s found us yet have uhoh uhoh it’s not axle no one’s found us yet have they no not yet okay no okay I know who it is uh are get in safety Corner get in this safety corner I know it is safety Corner the [ __ ] just shot at her I just see an arrow you guys are leaving the safety corner I know safety Corner safety Corner hello safety Corner was truly the safest yeah Axel a killed himself I’m being told that’s Axel’s fault let’s [ __ ] kill him AEL Axel if you didn’t walk over here the dragon head would have protected us exactly Axel’s fat ass all your all the Rays he blocked all the dragon Rays he [ __ ] us over he’s so [ __ ] T it’s all a it’s not it’s the truth that fat [ __ ] [ __ ] he blocked everything why the light guys I the lights that okay didn’t shoer don’t look in the bathroom there’s a how did I miss you suck that’s why probably cuz you [ __ ] suck okay copycat maybe you should just stop being gay Owen maybe you should just kill yourself no never oh my God was spider you got killed before me so don’t even talk C on God you kind of [ __ ] suck like oh the murder can sabotage the lights I see oh the music okay no it is so dark H yeah dude she in the bathroom she’s in the [ __ ] bathroom she’s in the bathroom and doing something that’s not Pepsi that is friendly all right firewolf in the bathroom if you go to the pool take her right in the same cave looking for mind is amazing W they took [ __ ] slow they took so long to shoot first death too bad it’s not too bad first death imine think I would die first oh [ __ ] we’re doing quads yes all right let’s see who am I going to be with uh I’m so cooked hey the team you want me to add your crush to the VC who’s my crush what you are my my I’ll add your crush to the VC don’t you dare don’t you dare not that bad shitty we’re fine are you gonna ban me if I do if you do Edge I I just you couldn’t inv I have Pro of all edent in VC can you just make it so I can’t invite her is this the person I’m thinking about oh yeah who who uh the very loud one yes okay wait what Owen yeah Owen Owen is making sure I can’t invite his Crush what melen is this true Owen or is he lying he’s he’s a he is a big Capper here let me is he is he theor I’m not letting someone leave the chat I will add them and you will see Owen panic and try to kick them he’ll try and Edge them for a different reason though listen I need some what’s the reason then Owen what’s the [ __ ] reason sorry he’s gonna leak our location bro they’re already going to know where we are no like I’m mean like uh there someone that go it’s your [ __ ] Crush it’s your [ __ ] Crush Owen just that’s the whole point yeah oh wait this is not my break real quick I’ll add them and you’ll hear Owen start it’s L’s group chat panicking yeah because he’s going to leak our location [ __ ] off no I was doing good [ __ ] am I going to do this run that is the only thing I’m [ __ ] good at that is the only thing I’m good at hi Lake goodbye Lake dude I was so close there was so many people son of a [ __ ] is Pearl tracking me all I’m at is running I have two and a half hearts you know what like let me at least one V one this guy for my death let let him handle this let me one V one this guy from my death please this this guy is so bad please please let me one one please let me one V one him imagine at one heart I’m at one heart oh my God you suck I was on fire I was at two and a half I had to I had to dude was camping oh really yeah so I’m I’m running over their area oh sway was on my team I didn’t even know go on sway their I kind of just Lake and then I didn’t realize I forgot he he’s not in our team so’s actually so gangster I was about to say we should play bridge with that just wouldn’t work so close wait who do you think is the best at parkour here me definitely not me mmm has proved to be that I’m boot par you stuck at the ladder stage no no no I ain’t even get past stage one oh Owen did you ever finish your floor in the tower I know what you’re talking about no I don’t really care about that yeah do you think you could beat everyone from the top of the tower oh I don’t want to play that though spider you lost what happened what do you mean I still I lost the One V one cuz I jumped into a pit of fire bro he’s he did nothing to you or he did who joined I know he just ran the whole [ __ ] time who who’s joining who are joining oh oh wait wait can you kick can you kick hog who is that kick hog don’t do not invite that person I won’t invite that person hog champ is he actually h i mean [ __ ] I’m team with a woman I’m thring bro is notna like don’t Bridge don’t Bridge we’re teamed with a woman let her do everything soend I mean I can bridge I mean yeah do it you say that hey who wants a knock back Nemo let’s make no I’m going to kill myself I just lost a diamond sword I want to watch you kill yourself I want to watch you do it don’t worry I’ll send you a video he actually your crush yeah you I feel like I feel he’s not anymore like don’t Bridge you stupid oh no he definitely is don’t Bridge don’t Bridge it’s just someone that will literally leak your location cuz oh yeah no they don’t even map Owen they don’t even know our [ __ ] location they’re more [ __ ] our city name our city name okay I’m I don’t know our city name is hell don’t what’s going on you are overestimating the [ __ ] out of them oh no yeah oh oh oh kick kick hog kick hog why do you want inv so bad I’m not going to [ __ ] invite them just kick we should go this way I just don’t want that final slot fi I can invite someone moreable well you’re not I get I get distracted by your name and I think you’re my team oh I got a question oh what is there so many people why is every many people get him how did you take no knock back knock back Nemo that guy is [ __ ] Immortal oh my God he Tes like a block of knife back to a knife back Nemo oh my god dude no I fell from the tree come on dude whoever that guy is just got one V oh [ __ ] wait hey who wants to see the worst person at Minecraft I no you you’re just going to show an image oh my God no not purple not purple no not purple oh no I’m down for purple no you guys [ __ ] bully the [ __ ] out of purple I feel like crack is worse why I feel like that person would be better they’re horrible at Minecraft yeah I don’t I don’t feel like talking the real worst person is uh big house oh yeah oh no big house is a gangster like I don’t think I’m GNA add purple not add purp no I just turn off my microphone okay I know who purple you want to know the funny thing you want know the funny thing some silly little French guy he’s a silly little French guy that you send a bunch of porn to we can’t do squads anymore uh only because you told me to though I’m gonna do one last round and then I’m yeah you literally told me to do that though what the heck just happened my go hey we lost the woman we’re free let’s go bro is the biggest inel I [Music] know is the Harvest Bountiful [ __ ] maybe I just yeah this is great you’re all playing without me so I’m just gonna go these oh yes wait what is this this is TNT run yes or that hold let me see to Potato game play Zero Victory zero I think I’m gonna win guys I only had 11 victories dang that kind of sucks that you’re kind of bad I agree I’m gonna get my ass kicked I’ve never played this thing life oh who just talked one second I’m being the genuine nuisance that I am I think he has a question guys hey Owen kick Owen kick him Ohi kick dude wait I actually can’t talk anymore it just froze can you kick you know time that I played a game where I was running I ended up falling off as a first person oh yeah I remembered that you okay I’m no suck my balls you stink no practice for for for yeah never going to happen Eminem he missed Axel you’re actually being really annoying well you’re what can we do my testicular you know what hey guys you guys up for one more change this time the uh more challenge can you stop dming uh not when’re actually streaming no it’s not going to include porner or anything yeah yeah oh my I have a plan for this one you all have YouTube right well you all got your own little YouTube channel I get to make the YouTube b for whoever loses first okay that actually sounds like it’s something funny to do we know who lost lost next round next round I want to watch the round I want to watch it happen watch watch the stream I’m going to be getting off after this to participate one more one more to one more one more all right fine but here we’ll put it as my twitch Banner cuz I don’t I don’t do YouTube literally anything I’ll have the thing done by tomorrow or t what should we do what should we do for the game I just okay for the game I feel like we should do I didn’t know what that thing can we do a server with just us on survival games no no no I want I want to do SPL honestly isn’t like gamee on this what whatever this is T oh the the block drop BL I’m I’m fine with that should we just sure uh so are we doing it like first person or like are we doing it in a full lobby with people uh whoever who doesn’t win how about that yeah whoever whoever dies first besides me because I’m going to kill myself so I can spectate guys he he died first he loses no I already made my banner I already made my banner your banner is just your gecko anyway no my ban is not my gecko I will do whatever it after my Geo after my gecko died oh my God you’re giving me ideas you’re going to regret that oh boy good luck guys a remember whoever loses is changing their Banner the first the first person I I really hope it’s Lake I want Lake to die I wait everybody Banner is going off the first the first person who dies yeah it’s the first person who dies okay well I tried sacrifice myself to get axle down but it uh didn’t work no what the hell is this energy drink I love root beer okay I’ve broken some a blocks I’m a little man everyone okay you want to know how good I am with women zero zero no no no I got an actual story about today today was supposed to be game night with a woman and I got ghosted gangster Elbo imagine G got he’s got more than me genuinely that’s [ __ ] hilarious I know ity this is not [ __ ] off Blake I’m going to I’m going to eat with with a woman tomorrow oh please be l oh my God I swear Can it can it be the first two people to die cuz I want to make two B no whoever be very entertaining as funny as that would be everybody who doesn’t win is everyone everyone that doesn’t win then everyone that doesn’t win I’ll make a banner for when you mean that a win oh so if whoever whoever wins doesn’t need to get a banner made by me but everyone else is getting a banner made by me what if I want a banner made of by you well then get ready for get ready for the [ __ ] pride flag no on that one yeah I’m making all of your banners I going [ __ ] ruin you not like inappropriate though I’m keeping it like thank you you spare me I’m I’m not going to get you guys demonetized but I’m going to give you a good old story to tell tell my my papa my my father I’m I’m hoping for Axel Owen or lake to die thank you they have the big channels that I could really [ __ ] with lake does not have a lake does not well L’s video is L’s biggest video is me falling feeling to do a full block J yeah to be honest I think I might have one of the bigger ones in the group except for my subscriber count that’s low but my view count is all right cook me okay all right potato you better cook me up store it should just be a gay potato I take it dude for some reason my D that was bad [Music] anyways [ __ ] I didn’t know what the Vault did and I tried and I’m dead this is a fight of Honor now ax turn around oh that’s go plays ax right oh you kind of sound like someone I know who oh about yeah let’s do the like top two people hope he di now we’re doing everybody who doesn’t you know just anyone who doesn’t win dies gets now we got to get axles we got to get axles ow if you per if you somehow get Axel to die uh I’ll suck your wee we why would you use that you ruined everything Axel all right so it’s me Lake and uh oh it’s just a battle between Owen and uh axel Time Out n there’s yours so is l dead is dead that’s it you suck at wait he already finished no that one’s his he homophobic so I chose that one for his I’m not homophobic though yeah close enough you’re going to be called Gay for the next few times I don’t even use my twitch anymore oh well the two biggest people to like actually mess with oh my God yeah if Axel dies then you can C him it’s not looking too good for ax right now yeah I’m waiting for the I’m waiting for the big boys to fall whether it’s like Owen or oh L’s already dead yes I got a plan for I want Axel to die so bad so do I oh I think oh come on come on Owen you’re making me Edge yes go oh my God we should F the rules okay why was I was expecting a to hit you with the thing and he just never did no CU I I was going to but I didn’t get close to you but you just fell you were right behind me yeah I didn’t re I I didn’t have enough reach for you you were I was right I was inside of you a no you weren’t let’s go well that’s like I won’t be getting the banner Axel you still have to put on a gay Banner nope no no such thing I call that one I’m sorry I’m taking that one no you got G one are you ending stream why I was just asking last was axel one yeah so Owen you got it’s I’m making one for you Yep this will be fun like bro I like I was so nervous Owen Owen almost got me I was going to hit Owen but I I lost my calculations on my blog so I died what’s up Lake I’m following you I didn’t know what the Vault thing did it makes it makes you fly I went yeah and then I went flying into the catching Roblox child Predators ax look out made that m i I’m the leader of the group he’s the alpha guys I’m so Alpha you’re not Sig oh my [ __ ] god shut up nerd wait Todd do you know do you want to know the sky Theory again I totally should have made I want to make Axel SK oh boy oh God guys it’s so gangster hold on wait I gotta go to my YouTube I’m yeah Owen I’m making yours right now like sucks that’s something you would do you would you would do anyway guys I need you guys to see this real quick watch stream the man is so against a Majesty oh critical I I think you really did well with this one hey no that’s Lakes Banner you got the gay one no’s one’s L it’s been claimed I can’t get to that you know what I’m gonna give it the che’s kiss real quick a shoot I fell whatever okay well here if I’m going to make that in my background you need to make uh where is it uh where is that me you could have made that his background you got make that his profile picture hold on wa I have an idea let me save this real quick one second one second I’m making Owens right now guys all right here it is [Laughter] guys it’s truly who made this I did it’s beautiful truly thank you I can’t even see it yet I’m still in the game oh okay never mind what is that here I’m going banners these banners suck here the point is I’m not getting you guys demonetized okay but what if I want I’m just making it stupid [ __ ] I I’m keeping Lake sucks I don’t care it’s so gangster whoops okay Jesus listen oh my God I improved upon it all right hold I gotta go be right back so don’t start a game Owen yet hey Owen I’m not gonna lie I think you might have gotten the worst one listen I expected that to be honest I made Lakes even better as your why is the P bear in there Owen enjoy your uh skiy Riz toilet I have a feeling that was supposed to be I have a feeling that was supposed to be axes but you just it was like you got to understand owan one’s yours now all right this is that was entertaining yeah I I think I improved Lakes a lot well conr made you made it through High Friday without saying the special word no I made a a axle stream without saying a racial slur somehow also made a without saying the word h you know what I’m still kind of mad at the person that intruded on me twice I have a balloon in my room and I’m tempted to pop it you know really grindes my gears all these it Owen Owen you uh are you making it your banner right now how do I change my banner you don’t know how to change your banner I haven’t done it in a while go to view your channel customization and then Channel customization then Dash yeah a gift for you child porn giveaway the music makes it better I swear it kind of hey anyone on actual stream I just want to say it doesn’t dirty wait wait you have to make it stream I’ll see yall in the next video my thought see y’all stupid [ __ ] in the next video sorry guys accident oh how is your banner coming along H it’s not able to be used I think that’s a lie you can change the size of it okay use your Photoshop or whatever the hell it’s called I just use Ms paint yeah use that but it’s got to be it’s got to be the background you have a [ __ ] oneup in your background right now it’s going to get a lot worse I really was hoping for Axel to that would have been it was if it was Axel it would have just been all skimy to he should have said that as his background listen it what it made no sense oh I want to see Axel’s Channel there’s nothing there’s not really much on it yeah but I how the [ __ ] does he have 258 subscribers I’m back that is like I miss um we all set a couple slurs to try and get this video down real oh my God I IED actually did too this wagon AR trust spidery or Todd you want to know the truth thing all right I changed it oh the truth it’s all own’s fault yeah it’s my fault talking about the scy theory that’s that’s the newest video I see oh yeah there it is I I see the sky toilet monkey and then a smiley face on the side yo yo yo yo yo it’s me oh your stream is delayed had neck I had if I’m not wrong if I’m not wrong oh that that’s that’s a banger video by the way Axel you got so lucky with your fortnite festival thing it barely beat skibbidy oh no Beat It by like a thousand oh bro that thing CAU do I have no idea how you got lucky with that I’m so sad that the sugs Earth don’t show up Sur a TR I would I would have had so much fun just changing your background to like a full grown skiy [ __ ] maybe did everyone leave no I’m oh if that it’ll be it’ll beat this gway video by 2K by 2K views yeah the thing is my most viewed is 766 but no my most if I didn’t take down my uh Scary Larry video then it would be like 20 million views let’s be honest scary my this is my most be shorts video that was Peak it was just n minutes of us walking around and ding that’s my most viewed short video like 10K guys you want to see something cool see something cool I want to see your Wier so get ready for the best reaction ever okay no oh no who’s that oh he I don’t know who that is oh Emerald earth guy no no no no no no don’t do that don’t do that I miss God everybody literally the one person I I just don’t want you to invite I I am down with literally anybody else yeah if you don’t know who that is that is the ugliest girl in our school is that Owen’s boyfriend wait really yeah that is the ugliest girl in school why do you have as a friend I don’t know why why wait why are they in Emerald he adds people say what can you say oh how lucky h [Applause] nice one you want to know something weird I have two group chats of the same people listen I think this has to be the most emotional video please nice I’m not going to lie I’m not allowed to invite anyone to any server good you know what purple if I invite anyone to purple server he gets [ __ ] pissed instantly because what I’m gonna invite a few people to this group chat thingy no all right member [ __ ] B is not picking up not he’s offline we’re fine he’s cooking right now no it’s not the new one it’s just tempor it’s just temporary for your [Music] stream are we are we the only two people here still uh no God play oh God sorry I I’m at like the perfect amount of Subs right now too I’m at 269 I’m just spring I don’t get another or lose another I feel like do you play for any tourament doesn’t that mean I have to do your banner too yeah do you play for any tournament wa do I get to do your banner as well no no no no no no no no 2969 subscribers better drop to 169 oh boy it’s the Trapper guy oh boy capping on watching cuz it’s so late right now 10 p.m. Hey ow you should send the uh 25 guys that’s it I’m Z bomb the 25 megabyte cat picture stop I’m G gigabyte cat picture you got to send it dude I was I wasn’t even in the Trap this bro oh you suck got you you don’t you got to go sorry guys that was just kind of nasty you want to hear magic Tri can I hear you m that’s not you fart in the mic I don’t want it oh targeting me so badly holy crap want it oh you suck you want to he do you want to hear music oh my God Owen you suck you suck do you want to hear music so much go oh it’s everywhere oh my god oh I got lucky oh my God what a walk of you know oh my That’s What I Call Music call yeah do do the mic thing you but you want me to do the mic thing everyone who wants to hear true music made by me and me myself only type in chat if you type in chat if I see a single yes in chat I will play some good ass music right now soon as I see a yes I’ll do it oh my God that’s two okay see you all right just this is my beat all right I temporary muted him oh please I muted him I’m going the best dance in my life music Let me hear it ah just mute him that was pretty what the heck ask what I’m doing you don’t ask questions iard oh who’s quacking why can’t I hear myself cuz you’re not special who the like AR here yes I also want to hear you far into the mic yeah blink oh god oh no it’s bad come on that sucks oh I couldn’t make that [Music] jump he showed me the person one time and I was not pleased what did the person look like no when I when I went to his house he show me in person I have I have M I have’t muted I’m not even going to bother looking [ __ ] how is no finish I have I have to finish it you hold on you post it after I’m done I’m cooking hold on how I how they ow lost I was so far behind oh I was AFK for most of it oh yeah yeah what the heck’s critical oh I gotta fix it yeah I’m G skip I’m doing so bad on the sea on thing [Music] dying with it not Li yeah I spelled it wrong Mr guy I hate being an Inger there we go I have a plan imagine getting third imagine not being first hey guys who wants to see stuff from from this folder who wants to see some from that folder why you like yes of course why you like this oh you guys want to see you guys you want to see stuff from my folder okay here you go yeah there you go you to be fair oh my God it’s everywhere it’s too late you said you said you wanted to see stuff from that folder right no someone did it’s just thumbnails he takes pictures that come in [ __ ] this is why do you keep doing death I’m not really playing I still streaming ax yeah oh keep playing I’m no keep playing keep playing I’m I’m almost level up death God please wait hold on I’m I’m level level 31 I’m still on fire okay buddy I don’t want Firehouse Subs oh come on that’s a you’re cring for that sucks I could make that I just don’t want to she know I will know how annoying it is trying to model a human torso you don’t care [ __ ] sucks think of just like a long bean that you have to circumcised so much oh ain’t no way that’s racist huh that’s racist for realc circumcision is racist yeah come on so you’re racist exactly you’re racist we are what the [ __ ] happened to my T I’m not racist Axel without stream on you’re the most racist person on the server bro never I I no I I never am i’ honestly I’ve probably heard you say the uh that you know what we’re more than B I’m not going to lie nah no chance absolutely just you it just randomly slips sometimes I’m not even going to lie I’d never say that capping on God I’m not capping I know you’re capping I’m not capping you’re not capping but you’re [Music] capping wild Bell spot in what why do you where did you get that image B sent it hold on I got another one let me find it hold I gota reset Discord real quick on my phone so I keep all my favorite images what does the I look over his face kind of does holy [ __ ] what is what what is this turning in um another place for me to spam my my silliness stepen Joy St that was just pinging L because I but like whoopsies do me to send that second one well you guys are going two videos I forgot youen yes my mom came to the room and saw those saw those [Laughter] images I almost got caught I a joking hold on pants down this other B R Spot in another wild B Spa in all right I’m back why does he have these I don’t bro oh I Lally had to like say like it was a meme and she thought she she she wait what which one did you see uh the big fat betties the the one where you send that you [Music] sent uh let me see what else I got a like L almost made me get banned from Discord lifetime oh hold on you want to get banned from hold on let me send something no let me cook hold on oh no I’m already cooked which one shall said you have no IDE close I was you have no idea I have idea I’m trying to Edge your mother okay buddy put your mother on the mic no [Laughter] I am not trusting that at all this party combination to something else I got to tell you two guys all right guys I got new friend wait wait what did you say hey no oh way I got another one I find it it went from just normal fat people and some gay things to just racist I am no be it’s a mix all right a new game new game I’m level 31 now oh I got [Music] my that last picture all the way in the bottom looks like Parsons oh all right it looks like Owen Owen is it solos is it solos it’s Duos ah but no no I’m almost on the B so you guys just on no join anymore left there’s three people that’s it wish did 911 there’s no one in in this game I’m team with no one I am wait wait wait wait you me you want to see something very C I know who who wait how many women are there in this group chat I think onef okay so there’s only one yes yes okay I’m going to be confirm though I’m gonna be a total creep real quick give me a second oh good boy negro messy she’s going to start having L RZ come on I don’t have a weapon all I have is a bow and arrow it’s not going to mix [Music] [Laughter] ad cult is just like I don’t know what you mean it’s hanging out I’m getting teamed on I’m near getting teamed on right now I think you’re a lying about that I’m not joking check stream I’m getting teamed on right now by two people okay you guys want see something I can probably get me banned oh boy oh check stream I’m getting teamed by two people right now yeah stream oh no I can’t right nowed Discord a shoot how [Music] I’m about to get jumped here I’m just sitting in the waterall I’m going to some I’m game oh when check stream check stream yeah I’m being chased by two people right now oh I think we’ve officially broken Discord it’s not loading anything anymore oh oh yeah you are try get better stuff okay I then they stopped freaking teamers report them isn’t it Duos and there’s two people I wait is it very Duos uh oh wi yeah you know you know that might just be a coincidence but oh no wonder Welcome Back Lake nothing happened while you were gone I swear yeah nothing happened I’m alone were made I swear axell oh [ __ ] not another one I just hit myself with one of those to throw another [ __ ] at me come on Exel we can just watch your stream seriously all right I’m here Owen let me uh quote you real quick if you’re gonna do all that being chased but I do I need stuff before I go into combat I was trying to close the door I like moying big black things what how did you actually guess my quote that’s the only quote you have of me that’s any good touche and now you have one of me saying the nword so I’m not very happy about that I got a late quote Oh there’s not too many good late quotes I’m not have a um okay let check yeah I might have I have I have a few lates all right I’m getting off as as soon as get my fur am

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive Friday | Viewers can join’, was uploaded by AxelGamerXX20 on 2024-04-13 19:21:12. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:36 or 7416 seconds.

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    SOULFORGE SMP Are you tired of searching for the perfect SMP and feeling unlucky? Welcome to the SoulForge SMP! Here you’ll find everything you could ever ask for: Features: 1 – Lifesteal plugin: Experience the lifesteal plugin in action! 2 – Friendly Players and Staff: Our community is always friendly and ready to assist you! 3 – PVP: Sword PVP is allowed, while Crystal, Anchor, Minecart, Bed PVP are not allowed. 4 – Crossplay and cracked: All platforms, including cracked, are accepted at SoulForge. Don’t wait any longer – join now and start your incredible journey with SoulForge SMP! Recommended… Read More

  • VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]

    VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]VitalCraft Minecraft ServerIP: play.vitalcraft.orgBedrock Port: 25581Factions | Skyblock | SurvivalA little about us: We are a brand new server looking to grow in all areas of Minecraft! Our team has worked very hard to deliver a truly special server for all types of players to enjoy. Our team is active, we listen to our community, and we are always looking at ways to improve not only for ourselves, but for our community. Join VitalCraft and find out what it is like to be a part of a loving Minecraft family.================================================================================================Factions Description:Our factions server has what everyone wants… Cannon Raiding |… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade always prevails!

    Technoblade never dies, he just takes a quick respawn break! Read More

  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

    Survival Twist: Minecraft's Delightful Flight In this Minecraft world, survival is key, With a twist that will set you free. Watch till the end, our hard work you’ll see, Playing on mobile, editing with glee. Like and subscribe, show some love, Share with friends, rise above. Minecraft facts, in every rhyme, Survival with a twist, it’s our time. Read More

  • Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza!

    Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for your friend to come along and accidentally knock it down with one swift punch. RIP tower, you will be missed. #minecraftfails #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

    INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MAXING OUT a New Class on Wynncraft!’, was uploaded by Olinus10 on 2024-05-18 23:55:19. It has garnered 3374 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 05:35:48 or 20148 seconds. Time to level up a new class because its DOUBLE XP on Wynncraft!! #wynncraft #minecraft #mmorpg #minecraftserver โžค IP: โžค DISCORD FOR COOL PEEPS โžค Check out my Official Wynncraft Content: & @WynncraftOfficial โžค Join Blue Builds โžค Check out our MODPACK: โžค Wynncraft LOFI: @WynnbeatsLOFI โžค Music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio Read More

  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

    Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP With Viewers, But Technical Issues Fixed(?)’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-02-27 08:11:36. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:46 or 12466 seconds. On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork . Sir Horse is currently just working on random projects and trying to create a map of the SMP while hanging out with friends in a VC. โ€‹โ€‹Server IP: Port : 42069 Discord: All music used this stream is created by… Read More


    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort’, was uploaded by ION GAMER YT on 2024-02-16 13:59:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ytshorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort Watch this … Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in #shorts

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip:’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: ๐ŸŒ Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. ๐Ÿ™๏ธ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ruining the Nature of Minecraft – Divine Journey 2’, was uploaded by Saylor. on 2024-04-28 12:00:50. It has garnered 1789 views and 172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. This is part two of a multipart series on my favorite modpack in minecraft: Divine Journey 2. If you missed part 1, check it out here: . If you liked the video, do consider subscribing, it would really make my day ๐Ÿ™‚ I added some visual and editing improvements in this episode as well as the replay mod. Let me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใƒซใ‚คๅง‰ใฎ็ฌ‘ใ„ๅฃฐใŒใƒ‰ใƒฉใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใฎใ‚ตใƒ–ใ‚ฟใ‚คใƒˆใƒซใซใ—ใ‹่ดใ“ใˆใชใ„’, was uploaded by ใ‚ซใƒฉใ‚ณใƒƒใƒˆ on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive]… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More