Join KarebearXp for 200 Bat Kills in Minecraft! 🦇

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e e for e why is it always black when I start I don’t know what causes that but I need to figure it out because it’s starting to piss me off how are you guys hello hello I hope your weekend was beautiful everybody in here fighting over first and I even had to restart the stream I apologize for that you can blame [ __ ] OBS for not want to start my backtrack [ __ ] ass [ __ ] how is everybody though how was your weekend did you guys wear green did you try anything green what did you do I want to know everything right meow I want to know I want to know I want to know it all y’all don’t get quiet on me now y’all are in here [ __ ] dueling and talking and all that [ __ ] what are you guys up to tell me everything tell me all the secrets I thought I fixed intros but then I realized I’m big dumb and YouTube just sucks so you know there’s that there is that I also didn’t order catfish catfish food for my cat I know you you know me I know you I actually know you in real life say that now I I my cat food I forgot he got tuna this morning so he’s happy but he thinks every time I go to the bathroom I have to feed him kind of [ __ ] yeah I gotta be careful giving my cat tuna he like is obsessed with it is it like catnip I guess I don’t [ __ ] know man my cat do tell my man gives it to him and I’m like dude stop he gets he like freaks out he’s a n job yeah man like he wants more I mean yeah my cat doesn’t give two shits about um catnip though mine does yeah he doesn’t care I need to pull it out now that he’s old cuz that’s where I keep it and my cat she climbed up top there she’s like I smell it yes I smell it so I was like fine I’ll give you a little bit it’s like cocaine for c for cats it’s crazy I I’ve seen some videos but he just sh yeah he doesn’t care but maybe because he was a kitten I tried to give it to him maybe now that he’s older cuz he’ll be three in August it was like two years ago I gave it to him maybe maybe yo AC pickle [Music] pixels oh man my stuff’s working yay kids if you’re in here they fixed it they fixed it yeah they came in my kick chat even though I’m not live on Kick to test it to see if my shit’s working oh good yeah I was like wait I’m not live on Kick why is kick chat popping like what what else do I need from the grocery store I want a salad no I need to go grocery sto shopping soon I order all my groceries I know am I even still Al just uh about to to DM you that they fixed it yeah I saw him pop in the chat yeah you’re so live okay kids just talked in here like everybody was talking and now it’s just dead where’ they all go all went to go get your Hot Pockets oh my God a yes yes Hot Pockets and know I told Joe cuz I have coupons to expire on the 31st and I was like I have to go eight times this month before the 31st use them all I have seven more trips I got to buy something other than just cat food what else do I need the coupon for sodas $3 each when you buy three that’s not bad $3 a pack instead of $10 a pack yeah that’s not bad some some here my family lik PE you like it all right I’ll be right back okay okay chat do youall like Dr Pepper y’all like Dr Pepper I did not like Dr Pepper yeah I don’t like it I don’t like it either what do you like to drink what is your soda of choice I’m St with it though my kids and Joe are too I’m not a fan hi osmo how you feeling are you feeling better you feeling any better me I really like con what do you like about cor a big it has to it has the juice officially sick what are you sick with what’s what’s what’s happening what you got hopefully it’s not like the flu or anything like that Heche sore throw sore everything a had to play the corn sound effect I love it Tori how are you hope you’re having a fantastic day all right let’s see if we can get my cat food fast I forgot to order cat food and my cat is keeps looking at me like you’re never going to feed me you’re never going to feed me oh I know what I needed I know what I needed don’t place the order yet and my hot pockets are still likeing hot there no what about me here tuna today I gave him tuna so he’s not he’s not staring L he took you at work today what do you do for work Tori what do you do for work are these the ones I got I don’t how many I need melatonin 5 milligram gummies well what type are these what’s the flavor Extra Strength Blackberry flavor I don’t know if that’ be good melatonin let’s try strawberry I think the kid like strawberry oh there we go there’s the ones he likes I’m need a meatball Hot Pocket Mark a short Satur ship o you get to you get to see all the colorful paint colors that everybody gets to paint their houses that seems like a pretty nice job wouldn’t be too too crazy it probably gets busy as [ __ ] though huh all right oh that’s hot that hot hot hot hello [ __ ] hi bam how are you h how are you how was your weekend I am absolutely amazing did uh any of you um wear green yesterday or go out and public or try anything um try anything green drinks or anything I tried leprechaun lemonade and it was uh it was it tasted different like it didn’t have she literally left us to go to you oh yeah she hadn’t even started she came in here talked for a bit and then I don’t know what she’s doing I don’t know she left yeah she left in here came and talked to me for a little bit and then said I’ll be right back and I don’t know where she went I thought she was like doing her intro stuff for stream and she just [ __ ] disappeared maybe she went to go make food J will never have her stuff together ever that’s okay I love her for it oh it’s hot I have enough for another spam it’s been three months since somebody sound police you guys need to get car sound for your VI um my weekend was good Vicky my weekend was good Phoenix did your sound play can’t remember if I changed yours CU I’m going to be copywritten today if not no okay okay then I did change it I couldn’t remember this feels a lot like hell oh my God yeah but I tried uh leprechaun lemonade and it was it tasted a lot like lemonade but it had like a tiny different like slightly and it might have just been the green yay I think it might have just been like the green Dy but it wasn’t bad we were calling it leprechaun P yesterday leprechaun P she’s still on her be right back oh [ __ ] my Tik Tok thing is loud as [ __ ] I also didn’t post a video today because I’m a bad human it’s okay all right I’m back oh my gosh she made it back we thought you died I died hi Jen Easter stuff is up oh Easter stuff is up in Minecraft dude Danny on it for real for real Danny you’re the best I don’t know how she does that [ __ ] so fast well I had to go downstairs and grab some water and a shaker mhhm for some Care Bear flavor poptarts yeah poptarts Pop Tarts your ass never got your [ __ ] together shut up it’s okay we love you anyways it’s one of the things we love most about you most is probably a strong word but yeah we love you we love you it’s the sound of the police you guys need to get care sound for your VIP yeah Dan give me sound for your VIP jaz’s one too I VIP I don’t know know I was that part two the Ender thing I know I’ve been bad about Tik Tok lately really bad like really really bad gives us a reminder yeah Danny did that for me she’s on top of everything like she’s basically like my calendar to be cows mooing got it do a reminder Vicky do a reminder I know J say something in my chat real Qui I VIP you you don’t have me as VIP I don’t are you sure yeah I am sure sure you’re a sherbet sh it’s the sound of the police you guys need to get care sound for your VIP yeah I’m becoming a Minecraft someone said that the other day I did it and they’re like I think’s becoming a Minecraft villager y 95 streams that’s wild they should make badges for that why don’t they have badges for that kind of [ __ ] opportunity switch opportunities Dan is coming or no I don’t [ __ ] know what that man’s doing Dan where the [ __ ] you at bro yeah bro switch my game over I forgot anybody else having problems with Tik Tok when you try to upload um a video and it just errors out and says it can’t upload Jaz isn’t Tik Tock so I don’t Tik Tok she’s like I hope it closes I don’t even use it I’m stuck at 93 for like a week I don’t know know a lot yall make money from there what the [ __ ] yeah you watching your PC too right I my husb been turn his card on damn it all right well I’m not even in Minecraft I’m be real I know I’m higher than 13 mine also second 93 um do I have dances when you come in bro yeah bro is he in chat see this is why I’m car’s favorite I’m already here yeah she already here she was fighting for first dances out here [ __ ] doing dumb danc and [ __ ] watch my phone one time and I re I know right ttch get your [ __ ] together all right let’s get in here we’re going to turn crowd control on oh turn on yet she has Sil ex disase oh no balloon pre um that’s what Phoenix that’s what you have right Phoenix knows all the good recipes she out here helping everybody with stuff yeah get 20 kills this round yeah I’m trying to get started I can’t get kills in Minecraft what you mean r do buy the gluten-free pancakes really good so what does gluten do if if you eat it and you have that it messes with your stomach a chickens they’re sheep right chickens you want me to kill I want me to kill animals that’s cool what am I talk in username egg Cloud control has been activated I don’t have it on yet though because I don’t want nobody to [ __ ] up my spawn actually you know what [ __ ] it I put it for like 9 million coins so you guys go get your free crates I’m also going to put on dixer what’s max length um 30 seconds still so I don’t need anybody’s intro being in five minutes but it’s got to be on copyright stuff oh we got Easter stuff that’s why you said you meet me at spawn where the [ __ ] am I wait where am I oh pull the map up on oh I’m at I’m at [ __ ] wait where the [ __ ] am I oh that’s right cuz I had set up a CV I love it I love it oh you’re up you’re up top to the top make it drop I’m coming though you’re up there yeah I forgot the last time I loed in was to do a CB for somebody King Arthur Baking that go we fact ja is taking us on an adventure adventure Adventure Time all right you know what this going to be just faster because I got to go home and get some stuff so I don’t really have much in my pockets in my pockets all right we’re getting a bed the signs back okay I’ve got a sword a pickaxe a regular pickaxe a shovel an iron axe clean this out I told to always bring water I got a boat boats and ho boats and ho yeah torches trying to bring me an Ender fing box got a lot of diamonds we found a lot of diamonds last time diamonds for days remember I gave you a stack of diamonds mhm diamonds are forever there two boxes here yeah there is what is that bamboo raft require hook that’s I’m just putting [ __ ] everywhere I was organized all for about 5 seconds I not organized no more all right we’re going to bring an Ender Chest this time so I can keep goodies give me that all right I’m coming um I got I need bread I got carrots bread watermelon pies and I still that cookie gave me you still got the cookie I should have named the cookie it special special cookies jberry special cookies yeah oh all right where you at at spawn where though I see a bunnie yeah there’s and I see chickens are you out there are you over there oh yeah I see you do I have armor on I what flavor are you drinking yeah yeah strawberry strawberry banana there’s only nine tubs left go sell it out so we can get cans five streak let’s go what’s it do oh Danny whoa everything’s colorful I’m coming all right um it is fireworks still it’s the green one love the green one oh my god um so did you vote in the Discord for what day we did the head hunt I knew there was that you did okay both Fridays nice uh we she said we could do two as well so if Friday if one Friday and then a Saturday for the other did you wash your ass today did you wash your ass today I had I give me them Flags yeah I didn’t vote for [ __ ] happy Easter oh it’s Yosi see this let me see it it’s Yoshi oh I don’t I don’t want to give up Apex time for Minecraft well you know what we don’t really care what you want it’s what we want to do well yeah but we want to have these little events but I want people that play with me until we have time and she can only do Fridays sometimes we can always do the the hunt and then and then go into Apex if she doesn’t have to go in like super early um Danny what is that what is that I’m so impressed with her chickens so in that um m in that Minecraft mansion that I found in the dark Forest there is um Chicken in there a chicken yeah like a white chicken but Danny’s in here she’s like hold up that’s nothing you see nothing at all the creeper blew it up blew up some of it so it’s missing a leg the chicken yeah the chicken I know I’m so confused these chickens are look at these she’s so creative look at it look at this one’s hatching I [ __ ] love it I love the Yoshi on my little and there’s like I don’t know oh my God Scar the [ __ ] out of me to expl dy I [ __ ] love it it’s so good it’s so good wait oh she’s underneath I was like where the [ __ ] is she I hear noises is there St Patrick’s Day stuff that I missed uhhuh we did it two Mondays ago was I here for it yes I believe you joined it yeah I mean I was pretty sure you did I there some Flags I had a [Applause] leprechaun I [ __ ] love it she’s so good at this [ __ ] dude so good at this [ __ ] so [ __ ] ran I ain’t creative at all me either I I want to I’m waiting till to see what she puts in here what what are the buttons do B fly they give you banners they’re so pretty it’s beautiful she’s outdone herself once again [Applause] those are so [ __ ] pretty all right one more time for the one [Applause] time they’re gorgeous I kiss you all right let’s oh there’s more I love them no you’re gorgeous no you oh I can’t type no you oh my God I love him I [ __ ] love it did you wash your ass today what what letters what she said she can hear you I said yeah I can hear you oh Jazz you got to go pick your green again why isn’t it green in chat I don’t know it’s green above your head I don’t know it’s GRE in chat oh that’s weird guys broke something Danny I think the game broke I don’t know why my name’s not green in chat so weird imagine not having a colored name all right Jazz leads the way actually I need to go put these in my box real quick we gotta go to my house okay let me go home because I want to drop these in a box these flags I’m sleep is sound of the police you guys need to get car sound for your VIP hi Glen uh we just started we just checked out all the Easter stuff that Danny did it’s amazing right now jazz is going to take us on an invent see do I have Minecraft Active Minecraft on fortnite off we’re going to start it with game and we’re going to create a drop two boxes of I’m going to grab Minecraft all right guys but we do have two free crates are in chat now you guys can get one two people can get one crate so you know when we stopped uh last Monday at um and that like for the ice thing where the [ __ ] [ __ ] was broken oh she’s up one more isn’t she you’re one above me right yeah I’m above you we got to go a little bit further than that and there’s a a black not black a dark Forest um Mansion yeah not working the F but we might be able to actually just swim all the way over to it like all the way over bring a swim in I’m hoping you see where like if you have the map pulled up where it’s dark might to swim up that way up quick you know what’s going to suck is when I have a car and I have to go get my kids I got so used to not having a [ __ ] Le oh we’re not in the Minecraft Channel I’m a dumbass um you want to move down there are we in the mine no we’re not in the Minecraft where’s Minecraft we’re not drag me drag me okay throw babies you didn’t quack dances why you’re quacking what then you use the quack I mean I used the soundboard but don’t have that as a jining sound Oh I thought you didn’t I don’t know why I thought you didn’t imagine having sounds for oh my God the map is so like looked at now okay where were we I see a [Music] house is it the one that has the two houses uh so if you go like up a little bit into like from my house go up a little bit right hold on where we at Dan is up there where’s J house there she is okay so up a little bit and to the right like we adventured so you see like a little bit of snow and then look past that snow there’s like a little brown Speck oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this yeah yeah that’s the Mansion yeah that’s the mansion that’s it nice okay and I have a crafting table and stuff right outside of it cuz I was trying to think stuff oh so you survive one V one me on Minecraft oh my God I know he’s always trying to oh all right where’s dances Dan you coming or what I was GNA make some torches I have 64 I or 88 I have 88 torches there that is powerful powerful stuff we’re look at everybody getting their free coins yeah get your free coins on uh don’t forget and if you guys tier three sub you get more Dicker crates and way more coins just a little incentive you know for your money I only need 17 a month to to make the the plus program that’s all just 17 17 that’s easy well yeah y’all can do it y’all can do it if you can afford to watch you can afford to tier if you can afford to watch you can afford to tier three sub me I’m just kidding that’s total joke guys total joke so we’re teleporting to Jazz’s place I hate that everything is behind like a sub pay wall [ __ ] like make it based off of the actual Community you know what I mean why is every got to be about money I need to have Danny teach me how to do the visual stuff do you see my bunny sign hi sass I really carrying a bunny sign around with you uh yeah absolutely giv me extra speed that really how fast as [ __ ] I am wait do they really do stuff no oh he [ __ ] Tre me I thought he was for real it should I got a [ __ ] bunny flag who’s using a shield bro I have a torch in my hand I ain’t got no Shield Gamers Gamers Anonymous did that two people redeem the DI for crates I don’t know if you’re aware Jazz you are muted you D bad [ __ ] in the butt when it clucks all right we I saying that that I was saying that that sheep was bullying me there was a Sheen bulling I would have killed it Ron wants me to get 20 kills in the game so I got one crate two every time oh my God so we should be able to swim I think I have no [ __ ] yeah let’s go this way we got to go which way that way go out around out in a roundabout yeah yeah ROM said get 20 kills I was like there’s nothing to kill in here so just kill 20 chicken mhm mhm yeah do trees count techn you K trees that would be the quickest way [ __ ] God Jesus [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me they put a zombie on my screen it scared me sea temples Guardians are butts and hurt a lot yeah I don’t think I’ve they got freaking laser beam on have we found a sea Temple yet um just G by one but we didn’t go in it okay okay okay I do have a turtle Yeah by your house okay that’s a sea Temple okay what did you call them Danny Ocean Monuments okay okay okay yeah ocean mon Ocean Monuments I got eat some pie I have no idea where we’re going I’m not pulling up the map today good luck that’s why I mean you’re going the where’s jez wait where’ you guys go where the [ __ ] are you you guys are still further down am I running faster I just got okay okay okay in front of us so I got confused I was like I was jumping when you jump and run you go a lot faster or you just get in a bone and say bye [Music] [ __ ] is crazy I want to see like a race course with just ice boats oh my God we should make one all right let’s go in this Mansion first and then we should make one eight blocks of gold I’m getting what happy yeah I know I had to get out I was going to throw again not again not again oh you in the water all right where are we on the map right now okay we got to keep going North don’t let no polar bears get us they only like dances apparently it’s because I keep treats in my pockets uh if anybody does have Minecraft you guys are more than welcome to join you can join through the Discord get the Minecraft roll get on the white list we can actually Whit list you live and you can join us right meow who’s a me sin they’re sinful yep scen p a bear on the leg hoity hoity hoity don’t look at him don’t look at his eyeballs yeah cuz then they will that look looks good I don’t know what that mean Dam I thought I’d make that I know I tried to make that one block in the water I didn’t make it so I think now you just like seeing yourself pop up twice on my screen just keeps swimming swimming swiming what swim oh what’s up Warrior Warrior Warrior I need to make you a VIP and you baby zombie a zomie popped up right beside us but give the lur I appreciate it uh don’t look in the eyeballs don’t look in the eyeball y I heard Coca-Cola wasn’t even that good whoa whoa whoa whoa you bite your [ __ ] tongue bro I’ll kill you right here I’ll Smite you where you stand Coca-Cola hoodie wow I have a Coca-Cola shirt how dare you I got a hoodie [ __ ] D I need what’s better Cherry Coke or Wild Cherry Pepsi Cherry Cherry Coke [ __ ] Pepsi 100% 100% what even is a wild cherry wine into it what oh I do like cheer wine what is that what it’s it’s delicious it’s so good no alcoholic Still Still The Win what Pepsi I don’t like Pepsi oh I forgot ROM works for Pepsi I think Pepi just Mountain Dew so I do love Mountain Dew don’t get me wrong I do love Mountain Dew I’ll come at you like a spider monkey I just really can’t drink bread come out and do that much anymore CU When I was in college my freshman year I mix that [ __ ] with everything oh my God I can’t do I can’t do Red Bulls cuz I got sick on Red Bull dog one time and now even the smell of Red Bull makes me want to vomit I mean this is clearly my own fault but I have that problem with Qui and punch soda is [ __ ] gross really you don’t like soda at all Hawaiian punching Jagger o I need to eat a good idea not not why punching sense it’s not even a drink I was just Bor you’re right oh just poor I felt I felt yeah that’s why I don’t like peanut butter very much cuz we ate a lot of peanut butter sandwich growing up Warrior doesn’t like soda at all he says soda’s [ __ ] gross go to the right a little bit uh probably love carbonation maybe we get out and around make feel like real with what if what the bubbles are the only that make me feel not you her wait we still water too I don’t know heading up went to right I said go to the right oh my bad my bad I’m going you see you see the big block of um land like actual land that I’m near that oh I see again yeah we to the right so go I’ll yeah you just ahead of us a little bit see the best thing about being in this ice uh biome there No Monsters n just polar bears that want to [ __ ] dances yeah we sell water to and G wait Pepsi has water I’ve been told I look like delicious prey I can’t help it I mean you should be close to us K I’m ahead of you or right to your right or left left to the left to the left Aquafina oh that’s right I knew that actually I’m going to be real with you I don’t don’t [ __ ] like Aquafina it tastes nasty to me as long as it’s not the the is worst worst water ever facts I don’t know something about Aquafina and Dan avoid Dan why I mean it’s gross anyways but why I needs to know I Tred to drink it only water for a little over year and I is just not for me I feel that I don’t drink sodas nearly as much as I used to I’ll meet you on the land like you see it yet coffee for so long if I get like a iced coffee from like McDonald’s all the sugar’s way too sweet most the time yeah they put potassium chloride in there is that why it has a weird taste don’t look at the P bear I didn’t look at his eyeballs all right I got to figure out how to get up on this get up in it up in there where’ you go go up y’all are going to make me act a fool up in h up in up in here up in here I love when songs are just worded not song you all are going to make me act a fool up in here up in here I’ve had maybe five since 2013 and been Sprite and was it when when you were see it ah [Music] spoter thank you uh let me make a daytime real Qui does Sprite not even exist anymore isn’t it star no yeah it’s Starry It’s s miss that doesn’t exist anymore yeah yeah spr will be forever it’s the original lime drink yeah all right where are we going got seven up we’re nowhere near we’re nowhere near it no we’re not this still got forever oh my God I wasn’t looking where I was going I almost fell almost fell oh my God there’s so many skeletons what is going on out here they just want a bone wait where are you at oh [ __ ] that D maybe he should have pulled up the map uh it was at parties where there was no other option besides soda or beer ah I you yeah all right going yeah I really only drink uh Sprite when I don’t feel very good I my tummy’s upset bear under the tree just ahead of us yeah I’m just going [ __ ] you guys I’m out I remember the first time I saw a polar bear and [ __ ] got murdered by him come here bunny give me your foot a lucky foot better give it to me oh that’s a baby I don’t want to [ __ ] you sorry whoa whoa whoa no context Contex Contex might it taste weird or maybe it could be I feel like it is cuz Dan and I don’t know about billy goats boots all right here’s kill number one or number two there’s kill number two R what Le Boo have to do with snow it’s easier to walk you run better you don’t you don’t sink you don’t sink in snow Yeah boots on yeah put your [ __ ] woven boots on ow that hurt you didn’t know that no he know nothing about Minecraft he knows less than I know yeah so if you don’t have le a deep snow you’ll uh you’ll start like and you’ll suffocate suffocation no breathing don’t give a [ __ ] oh my god oh I need to eat I’m a [ __ ] starve to but I mean if you are man I’m a hungry bit you can get rid of this that you’re stuck in yeah for a shovel something there you go you’ll be all right you get stuck in snow lava in the snow what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we’re almost there no we’re not we’re so [ __ ] far away still holy [ __ ] there though oh damn you I’m suffocating I’m coming there I got you I almost died I made the achievement like as rabbit foot because [ __ ] is this I’m walking on the snow oh give me your boots give me your you want oh yeah get the achievement here yeah give me your boots where are they they that you get the achievement yeah all right Dan your turn your turn where right there theel boots yeah now go the traveling Booth I make where as ice oh like making my raspberry ice tea dude Sonic has the best raspberry ice tea just walk around yeah you this way come back to the stuff I almost [Laughter] St oh my God I almost died twice those aren’t mine give oh my God villager I am traumatized by Minecraft do you want to try to go around this noow Suffocation car just disappears don’t worry I’ll I’ll dig you out okay okay okay what a black buddy hello [ __ ] oh what I never seen one before I can’t come back here you’re too fast is fast it’s a fast little thing fast this [ __ ] boy I’m so [ __ ] fast I can’t hit him can I not kill the babies what the damn that dude’s got speed maybe my aim’s just better bad I need aim hacks oh he was even hold I can’t hit him like for real I cannot [ __ ] hit this thing come here [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] little [ __ ] come on what the oh there he goes yeah burn [ __ ] burn name what’s his name I got name bab don’t drop anything this feels a lot like had to die what’s the oh there’s another Black Bunny right there what the hell uh what are you implying D does it if it drops a rabbit’s foot is it is it is it a white rabbit’s foot or is it that’s a good question a baby really hey let’s just add in my kills right that’s four kills no it’s a regular rabbit who wants who wants bacon that’ be cool if pigs Dro bacon I don’t see why they don’t miss opportunity Minecraft all right let’s kill five kill six where you go oh he didn’t die now you will yeah six shouldn’t it cook it for you since you catch um yes cook pork chops hell yeah number seven eight nine I got to get 20 kill streak going you get some meat did you get me from oh Dan dances where the [ __ ] you going though there was coal and I wanted it many surgery and I can can’t carry a baby back yeah someone gift me gift me coal dances needs it don’t know if I need it so much as I want if we get to this water it’s probably more important there’s water over here y oh I need to eat let’s e a pork chop it feels three tree each yeah that’s why the meats are the best pie is the best I think the steak the steak oh the steak does oh does the steak oh you need some steaks is that is that a ship in front of us oh that is a ship I this feels a lot like hell and a portal oh [ __ ] turt what are we supposed to do with the turtles don’t where’s the turtle where s oh y’all are in there that was Co it wasn’t cool it had to die see what’s in that chest what chest you guys going to the ship P first I’m already here oh it’s got so much coal oh there you go is that coal or is that Flint oh let me see hold up all right we’re going to make this portal we’re making this portal happen ow I brought distracted I have it too uh but we need obsidian yeah I don’t have any there’s yeah crying obsidian not work no it does not all right well we’re not doing the portal all right I’m going to the ship I don’t have any what do you want me to do oh Jazz’s already in that ship sh already in that ship it’s got two coal armor what does that me Co what does that mean so that way you don’t drown what’s Coastal armor up on it all right let’s see this treasure map so the coastal armor you know how mine are blue um re Spa locked mine’s got green in it wait what is this wait how did I get this r wait what where did I get this you just got that I just got this how did that get in my inventory Danny where are you she’s somewhere she was around somewhere and she’s giving me [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I scared the [ __ ] of me I was like wait I got two treasure maps I [ __ ] love that did you get did Jazz get one no a crazy though I was like wait a second there’s a treasure map in there yeah I know okay which way do we have to go I think it’s this way oh my God that was hilarious all right we’ll find this treasure real quick yeah it’s away is away oh is it yeah I think I’m going the right way I can’t tell Chad tell me that doesn’t look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] up nipple on the top maybe it’s on the other side that’s what I’m thinking maybe that a she gave me one yeah yay thanks Danny you the be yeah maybe it’s this way that’s so nice that’s so cool I I wasn’t part of the club well you could have been you should be when it comes back around wait where’ you go burn down I don’t know which way to go cuz we’re not moving on this yeah cuz you’re up in that corner mhm looking at your screen wow screen peeking I know right she’s [ __ ] cheating that is like a weird I mean unless it’s from where we came from to the left beep beep let’s go let’s go yeah I think it’s this stuff up here you see on the on our big map there’s like a little thing that kind of looks like my map nope this map is hard I’m going to go bed it up on this land here sounds good s the go to sleep I want to find a spider immediately okay bud okay bud you want some oh and a zomie I brought I brought up for all a baby zomie come get it come in your boat it’s in the boat yeah the baby Z is there’s another portal over here I don’t know which way to go so many mobs you better hurry up and try to sleep cuz there’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton mon there there we go there we go who did it my micro just it’s too good I don’t know where to go all right that sucks that’s really bad uh I guess I just go to the thing guent hit my he’s shooting it ring at me over here doesn’t that mean something M Stones no they’re everywhere in here I’ve already been through here we’re almost there we got keep going yeah we can go there and we can look for this treasure later have they rebuilt yeah hopefully the insurance company doesn’t [ __ ] them or anything all right where’s car um I’m almost to the like y’all aren’t too far go to your right more oh I see yeah I’m by the mushrooms what you what do you do oh we went yeah so my DOT has gotten really really small there’s another nether portal yeah I saw that I already did the chest already I did that one so my DOT is even smaller than it was before so it’s definitely the opposite direction I’m going now no no I’m coming to you well no no no no the treasure I’m just telling you my DOT got smaller so I have to go the other way when we did the treasure but for now navigation brought to you by care I know right dude I’m so bad with geography and like mapping my geology I changed it too in the store did you yeah I’m so bad with geology all right we’re a little bit ahead my friends used to call me uh the U-turn Queen in high school because no matter where we went I always had a bullet U-turn not good look at these mushrooms they’re so cute I didn’t know if I going make that I’m just running on the Treetops I know I’m try get to this Mansion y slow keeping me back holding me back not holding you back mm yeah no we’re way far away from the treasure so when we head head back the other way we get us our pirate booty we’re almost there what kill is that ROM how many kills I gotten 14.6 my only6 baby pig come here Meat Boy sheep get them all got to get them all oh I don’t know if anybody saw but you guys can try to catch a Care Bear with the channel points now so much bacon I wish there was bacon only Mirage like ABS the [ __ ] was that oh what did it say you caught a care Got Away damn good try there’s nowhere near as cool as before [ __ ] you you to wait what’s what’s wrong are you getting sidetracked over there oh I see it I seiz it where’s my boat where’s my boat we’re almost there D see it now I see it the friends over here pretty sure wait wait wait does she even know what she’s doing I do know what I’m doing been here before I here yesterday friend right here I see you all right B yes I see glass oh my God it sounds spooky in there how do I get around to you where you guys at the front [ __ ] I’m in the back I hit it from the back you don’t want all that meat no I’m not I have a um trying to audience just not the same what I don’t know where yall are I mean I have crafting table if you want that I have a crafting table and a thing over here yesterday yeah here it is it sounds all magical in there there’s another portal over here here am I coming towards y’all at all I don’t know I see your names put where’s the chest from over here true I don’t even know what I put in that chest where the [ __ ] are y’all I saw dances for like two seconds fire charge and iron nuggets you bring the chest over I can yeah cuz I ran out of food so I had to kill like animal in order to the wrong direction don’t forget to use yourself touch on that here touch on what oh yeah yeah yeah on your yeah that’ be bad on your chest on my chest are you ready to do this yeah hold I’m out I don’t need all right y’all ready for [Music] this no it it’s geared yeah me to a little bit not going to lie PE a little bit when I thought it’s a little scary it sounds terrifying the scarier the higher you go up it was very yeah very magical noises at the top all right we’re going to put a marker here chat we’re make this YouTube video is this the front yeah that’s the front the hole bed I need are you say the hole is the way to get in yep hello [ __ ] hello hello so what’s the new audio thing that you’re trying to do guys don’t forget to get your crowd control um and dier crates if you have you there going be like Monsters and [ __ ] in here yeah what I thought a mansion I thought Place Haunted Mansion it is a mansion haunted mansion mansion it’s got those little fly like things coming you’ll see all floor but you can go around oh I forgot to put a thing in here uh we’re GNA leave the bunny there all right I’m gonna turn music off right now so I can listen same I’m not never turn out clear but you can go explore it real quick explore what I they got a grow room going in here yeah boy pretty simple for YouTube you hear that what are these hello [ __ ] yeah none of these can grow hello Casey how are you just sit here so I let these little guys out oh look at the little Flyers down there yeah I let them out they were trapped I felt bad for them aren’t those the on that that hold weapons you give yeah yeah they’ll hold a weapon to and they help fight yeah cuz they were in these little dungeons over here I was like oh the PO fairies no so I rescued and they’re still chilling don’t give them your sword keep it that’s not nice pumpkin head never mind it will be her because she can’t s tracks yeah so I did that but YouTube’s the issue Danny so we had it figured out how to get the intros off of twitch but YouTube’s the problem is there a way to separate all KCK guy just came in my chat his name 69420 and he exavation only fans bro wait what dick a late night your dick go straight to DVD [Music] these guys going to throw those fairies at you and Evil on exactly they don’t have tracks you can choose so I thought I had solved it but I only did it for twitch so it kind of [ __ ] sucks I know there’s a specific thing to check oh on YouTube one but there’s no way to separate the tracks right let’s go left to the left to the left yeah the first time there are evil fairies oh Goa gotcha there’s the chicken I was talking about but the creeper blew up the leg what the [ __ ] why is there a [ __ ] duck in here a d what’s this what is this pissed it off I don’t know where he is oh he’s above us he’s up on top of the [ __ ] thing we got to te we got to tear the cat down I have TNT you want me to blow it up fight these little [ __ ] can I blow up the cat oh no no no he’s down he’s down he’s down he’s down watch out because he what yeah that’s why I said he’s coming around you guys he’s out he’s out he’s out he’s chasing you oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did he die SP things no he didn’t I got to eat I’m going to die I’m too hard how do you [ __ ] fight these things I told you they spawn like 10 of them I don’t see why your not on fight cuz I’m not hitting them I can’t [ __ ] hit them oh maybe they maybe they can’t catch on fire oh maybe not yeah that’s what it is I killed one there’s so many of them I was trying to do this by myself last night [ __ ] that they’re all on care I I don’t know either a couple of them that’s why okay did we get them all oh no no no no no [ __ ] no stop [ __ ] me fairies I don’t like it you destroying the carpet I I’m I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead run away run away oh you [ __ ] tentacle [ __ ] you’re such a little [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I did I did I did so many I told you I tried doing this by myself I might die oh my God boost health potion effect no I need full health Chad I need full health [ __ ] an extra heart give her extra heart is this insane all right I’m coming I’m coming coming I’m coming I was like [ __ ] this they keep going through the floor yeah they go to the floor I’m here they’re after care yeah they want my ass cuz I was the one that [ __ ] him we got to find this dude where is he dude there’s so many yeah he keeps spawning him I don’t he’s outside not he’s inside where the [ __ ] is he I can’t find him what the [ __ ] is that got a fake bed what is this [ __ ] off me I’m going to die damn it [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is he yeah is he outside is he downstairs now might be invisible what the [ __ ] wall are you still in the cat room I think he might be downstairs [ __ ] off me you little [ __ ] that is so cute he could be invisible when we see his little [ __ ] bubbles he really wants my ass back oh here he is he is downstairs you’re [ __ ] dying you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] come here [ __ ] you don’t yeah yeah that’s what I thought [ __ ] I think nope I didn’t kill him [ __ ] all the way yeah or not all the way like I went down the stairs and around the corner so yeah no he’s downstairs again he’s like even further down oh no he’s in here he’s in here okay oh where the [ __ ] are you I don’t know I don’t know all I know is I’m just trying to kill him I got him I [ __ ] got him go away fairies I’m your fing captain now [ __ ] I killed him and I got [ __ ] like 9,000 [ __ ] fairies on me if it wasn’t for Chad I’d be [ __ ] dead like 80 times already don’t kill that one that one’s a good one oh my God y’all are [ __ ] some [ __ ] dicks man care I’m coming back to way I came [ __ ] I got to eat some meat getting fairy [ __ ] 100% there she is all right I killed the [ __ ] that created these oh my God thank you chat thank you that was wild you know what I forgot to do this place [ __ ] nice I forgot toh Mafia yo in the house in the house what’s up Cas the house there we go I I still hear more fairies oh I found a room I haven’t been in yet they got skeleton where did you go are you upstairs again down the hallway down the hallway right here turn around yeah turn around I lost like 200 coins damn it think I did everything to keep you alive also armor I think something broke yeah my my boots broke oh I hear more want to go and fight the Skelly yeah where oh yeah come on [ __ ] I’ll fight you Arena style yeah who’s who’s next Who’s Next we can go up top here there’s a creeper right here though yeah there’s a creeper right up there I hear another one those wizard [ __ ] get away no I got half our Mansion up the Mansion not the Mansion oh there’s a chest right there where gold bars Diamond ho use that show about to eat Brey Brey pretty good I hear another one of those wizard dudes yeah I’m fall thank you thank you for the he where you the hole in the wall that you blew up oh [ __ ] open lucky loot what is lucky loot wait where the [ __ ] Darko donated oh my God this is not lucky loot but I’ll take it cuz wind gave it to me all right so I went you see where the hole that you blew up yeah I jumped down there you went all the way down no where are you are you still up there oh she’s up the stairs there she is oh that’s weird just floating above the carpet okay can’t put anything on carpet all right there’s got to be another level no or all the way at the top we only went the One Direction One Direction that sounds like a you problem yeah there’s some stuff up here was trying to get you boots it did that work oh Hy I got you oh yeah that’s right hi bacon how are you chicken we got the cat the cat doesn’t have a but hole what the hell wait did you go up this one why are you trying to look at a cat’s butthole bro you got to make sure the are realistic sh luring has not show thank you Vicki I still hear like a wizard somewhere on the other side of the building the [ __ ] was that is there something up here I don’t know there’s oh there’s another chest up here it’s got like bones Bon yeah I heard we go up the other side wait is there something no I thought I heard another one too yeah so if you go this on the roof maybe no I was on the roof earlier wait there was nothing there yeah you hear himman I do hear him mhm there’s got to be an up another upstairs another way to go up the [ __ ] what is that look at that just dirt did somebody do that no it was like that already oh was it okay oh which which which the fart that guy did you go in this one I found a damaged diamond sword in this one yeah that was mine I threw it in there I didn’t need it was she damage sword we got figure out how to get up top here let’s there’s got to be a way the structures are generated weird oh for sure yeah cuz I hear him yeah he’s definitely up top oh there’s an end don’t look at him trying to explore yeah look out that window all right there’s got to be a don’t we just go up one of these ladders and like break the roof and break the roof yeah hold on yeah there’s a whole other thing up here where are you at the ladder the one we blew up where we at that one oh how do we get there oh well that did not work for me you’ve already been here there’s there’s the chicken how do I how did one more yeah there’s got to be a way to go up one more I’m going to climb the C well I’m on the roof lad in here there ain’t [ __ ] nothing on the roof right I just broke this one no sense I’m on the roof I’m trying to get on the roof mother I’m about at Minecraft I resisted the urge to to to bury you with dirt unless we can go down further has the crafting they go not too bad we just found this mountain and we’re go and see if there’s like a basement maybe a hidden basement we don’t know about go down go down please yeah cuz he I was definitely hearing him let’s go to where we hear him hear him again and then dig I feel like he’s on the other oh hear him outside oh it’s a fairy it’s the fairies no but I heard him too though oh maybe there’s a there’s a fairy right here we might have heard what is this stuff yeah heck but there’s a little staircase here did you guys come this way I all the way up that one this little one yeah at least to the chest there a faster way to like mine wol uh I don’t know I don’t hear him anymore it’s yeah it’s got to be the fairies I SLE in my pool a a turtle I’m doing really good bacon we just found this mansion and we were exploring it yeah it’s got to be this fairies that’s what we’re hearing CLE out the whole thing then nice I’m going to the main staircase just digging down to see what there is underneath yeah I wonder if there is anything underneath I’m just collecting all this how do we even get to the front of this [ __ ] place where even is the a that’s very nice we like saving animals except for in Minecraft I [ __ ] him up I’ll [ __ ] him up oh my husband card on go to real quick found the so far it looks like absolutely nothing just regular dirt yeah lame damn well wasn’t as eventful as I thought it would be I I killed a couple of the other guys and just don’t like us oh there’s a cave underneath um I can check it out we see how large it is he’s trying to get all the treasures for himself how do you get out of this place got skeletons spawning in it and creepers so there’s probably a spawner how how do you get I don’t know where to get out I’m trapped here I’m trapped I don’t know where to go I don’t know where I’m going explore a little bit this looks semi- promising are you killing the cat oh imagine that I’m muted talking to you guys you muted I was talking to youall too that’s embarrassing I do that all the time I’m going to pick up my bed pick up myed yeah I’m GNA grab our bed all right where’d you go in at danis right under the main staircase like how far down did you go where you’re in the building yeah go in the building and under the main stair I’m going to go grab my bed first yep I grabb my bed too dances wasn’t that smart I left mine you want me to grab it I’ll pick it up I guess oh [ __ ] there’s two paths there’s left and right I don’t know if it makes a difference hola I found you hello oh hi Ohio oh I me it’s it’s fair oh there’s a bunch of the orange plants down here glowberries mhm oh my bed my I jumped on car nice all right that’s going going to hurt but yeah it look all these plants up all these what is that what is that is this does it look like that up top it’s just a oh creeper on you right behind you a oh my God he came out of nowhere bunch of coal you [Music] needed fishy tropical fishy what tropical fishy there’s tropical fish y not just the red ones I’m just going to ride this down and see where it takes oh it’s Nemo it’s Nemo and Dory yeah all right I’m going with you look at all these glowberries so many glowberries in here we found a glow Berry Farm found a jingleberry did you go down more all right this doesn’t go anywhere lame I up the so many [ __ ] glowberries well at least knowing that if you got lost in here you wouldn’t starve cuz there’s glowberries another fishy [ __ ] food for days in here oh I found a drip come back up I’m trying but it doesn’t like me creeper grounded me oh look at that pink flower I never seen that before that’s pretty oh [ __ ] all right where’d you go follow the Torches I see you the Torches head first here gives no fcks just runs in [Music] lava around it dig around it actually I might no I can’t stop it it’s all the way oh no on fire I’m on fire jump in that oh my God I thought I was blocking it off I just made it mad I just pissed it off I just pissed it off yeah it’s not GNA do anything uh let me see if I can block it off you’re blocking off with wood for one that’s not not good not not move where the heck go come at you follow the Torches went we went up the water and to the the right all right you know what I’m I’m going make a path around that laa should carry all right all right all right we’re getting there I put a torch in there on exit wow okay where are you I have no [ __ ] clue I’m with all the tropical fish right now that back up the way this the path all right now jump oh here you go I made you a path thank oh I see your name who oh main area right now oh oh diamond diamonds are [Music] forever I got five diamonds Grill’s best friend a Grill’s best friend I don’t think I want to cook on a diamond Grill this cave goes further back this way this cave is huge yeah it goes way down oh there’s a bunch of oh ow [ __ ] [ __ ] ow diamonds you thought little bit I see what you dropped a [ __ ] I did the same thing yeah you might as well TP chest yeah cuz you ain’t going to find us now what the [ __ ] what in the [ __ ] the stairs more water this cave goes way the F down let me see see anything in here all right nothing over here goes way back here it’s in here oh it turns that way would be cool we found as city um no cuz we ain’t got time for that um would be really cool if we just found a bunch of treasure we have time for that do we have time okay yeah it’s only 2:30 my time okay okay got hour and a half we need to find it like right now dude there’s so many like little tucked in Cubbies and [ __ ] Jaz like I know scared there’s a lot of lava by us a zie he’s going up okay this is a dead end I’m coming back go the way to the left oh no where the hi there’s dances I see you oh lava I see I see diamonds I see diamonds wowow you took it yo mine how the [ __ ] did I hurt myself when I went down water if landed on a thing oh no falling dances us swimming with the fishes oh dances the wow dances redeemed annoying popup who would do that um it literally tells me yeah use those coins man oh my God hole don’t be salty about one [ __ ] Diamond bro okay I I even yelled about it you I had already seen it I saw it before you yeah she seed it yeah SE it before you oh look you got two totems of dying I have three here we each get one come here oh [ __ ] did you get it okay does it need to be in your Shi slot it has to be either in your hand yeah in your hand or in your side hand but I’m like if anything can kill you I’m pretty sure you’re going to die in one hit anyway so all right wait never mind what to put it in my hand oh but now you can’t have whatam Callet what torches I don’t ever put torches in my hand what yeah me neither how do you what scroll to them [ __ ] weird ass [ __ ] I always like to have him in there so I can just right click where I been this way yeah I went through that I see gold way up there but yeah do we want to get out of here and go try to find the treasure no you pushed me you pushed [Music] me I should fill up my water bucket so sorry yeah fill your water bucket up how do you do it how do you fill it no you got to get um how you do it it’s got to be not flowing oh why can’t I be flowing like go down to the very bottom oh [ __ ] it’s so F just right put your torch away I am right clicking right it’s not filling what’s going on why is mine broken why is mine broken why is not oh that didn’t work well no dances was doing it but mine won’t do it without any issues yeah I can’t do it I’m right clicking bu if she does I’m be so mad no it’s not working is there a different kind of bucket is that a thing here let me see it I’m so confused sources above that’s the only place you can collect that’s to collected right in front of me did it work no your bucket broken what oh well now you have a broken bucket how does that even work there was probably a source there too oh and then and now it’s not oh okay so Danny said you probably hit the source and made the source go away so it’s your fault go figure sounds about right no like it’s not even given the animation of like trying to scoop water this bucket just doesn’t do it what back here what I’m so confused I found a Crystal Cave ow [ __ ] I wish that there was like cool stuff in here other than just the crystals you know I mean it’s cool in itself but that’s a lot of gold all right how do I get back to you tell me you’re bad at Minecraft without telling me you’re bad at Minecraft I still don’t get how a bucket can be broken I’m so confused I don’t [ __ ] know man a bucket has a hole your bucket has a hole yeah probably maybe that’s what it is H yeah I poke a hole in it and then she burnt me and then I burnt her got her on fire see that creeper no where he does not appreciate what what we’re doing here nope I’m trying to blow you [ __ ] up all right where are we going easy what’s Minecraft wait what what what is Minecraft I don’t know how to get out of this cave to be honest got him I can one be bad at Minecraft I don’t know just ask care she does it all the time I found a Skelly spawner with two two things oh name tag I’m just trying to get the [ __ ] out of here trying to get the [ __ ] out of here how the [ __ ] do we get out of here I’m feeling claustrophobic I don’t know where you at I don’t know it’s climbing oh there’s an enchanted book luck of the se1 oh what’s that mean take it this is definitely not the way I’ll take that where [ __ ] did you guys go where’d y’all go ow ow ow [ __ ] you you want here I’m assuming you fell in this hole BS y go this way torches torches this way torches Redstone torches more climbing dead end actually I was right there here up here up here up here I hear footsteps but oh I was close I was close find buried treasure what there one wooden piece right here oh it’s a m shaft we found a m shaft oh chest o aqua affinity what’s that mean there’s a bunch of coal in here [Music] dances what’s aqua infinity so you can breathe for long so you put on like helmets and stuff you said to tell you I’m bad at it without telling you I’m bad in here dances is trying to [ __ ] up a creeper not trying I did I was successful he [ __ ] up the creeper I said give me your lunch money he tried telling me no oh there’s a couple Ender over here said no ah Z your ender chest mine yeah yeah it’s you Toten did you use it yeah we oh why didn’t you want to use it f you I want you to use oh spider spawner I don’t even know where the [ __ ] you are girl no idea a zie I see you creeper I see you creeping I got a bigger cave I’m in a m Shaft come on zombie you Ain no match know I’m in the M too of for a second oh you’re gonna fall ah I didn’t look at him I found morees there’s an Enderman to our right okay I’m going to come back into the for right now lapis is this right here hello hi hi did you go down here I found a big open area no I haven’t G down here yet a big open area we can go out toet sweet there’s water in here water gold what is that noise are you just killing something I was piing up diamonds no there’s something was dying over this way could have been aat suffocating in a wall suffocation no do that sometimes lava from where did you come from where did you go where did come from here come with I need to eat and [ __ ] star where the [ __ ] did you just go you just disappeared oh whoa T yet no I did it I [ __ ] did it I should be Vanishing in walls and [ __ ] broom broom Mazda going to go Charlie XX vroom vroom already hit this I hear skelet oh what’s that up there ow [ __ ] ass hat you a [ __ ] [ __ ] you don’t know who you done [ __ ] with oh watch out oh he [ __ ] [ __ ] it I a scared of you I a’t [ __ ] scared of you oh yeah I found like another big ass [ __ ] cave come here creeper I ain’t [ __ ] scared of you either baby zomie dud the baby zombies are like oh my God so many [ __ ] skeleton archers oh hey here’s where we were for the uh Vines ah what are you doing creeper just [ __ ] creeping around that [ __ ] corner you [ __ ] weirdo it’s a baby creeper what it like a it was Tiny yeah like this cave is [ __ ] big I found a big ass cave isn’t this look at all these glowberries holy [ __ ] I saw was like wait a second zomie look you diamonds I see diamonds and Dan is nowhere near me I see Diamond no you can’t di it di know where they are dibs no allow I could smell the diamonds they’re mine oh my God so much lava [Music] Skeletor and Diamond too oh he I don’t know where my friends are but oh Diamond I ran away I’m com to get glow sacks you get those sacks yeah thanks buddy wait can this be uh how do we know if we run into one of those duster areas what you mean duster are the blow up just blow up I don’t think it’s right yeah whoa Skeletor what you what are you doing no I don’t know it’s just a bunch of white sand randomly there but I found a big ass cave I see dances where the heck Arena did y’all go I’m right here I don’t know where the [ __ ] she went yeah I [ __ ] went a different way but dude this [ __ ] is keep going should go this way come back I’ll come back I’m [ __ ] off did you pass some water back oh another Skelly [ __ ] off me I didn’t put any torches down oh definitely wasn’t you hold on I where did you come from where you go are youall having fun with the Minecraft Adventures I know I is okay I’m going back to where the glow stuff was I don’t know where yall went all right I’m at the glow place I never knew where the glow place was yeah I didn’t either are you I found a large lava wall what the [ __ ] I’m out of torches I’m out I’m trying to look at you are you by the spider spawner thing I don’t know no I’m big hole diamonds oh I see you this place is magnificent an embarrassment of riches as I floring oh my bro they are so [ __ ] angry got be there’s got to be a yeah for sure a spawner all right so car you want to see where I went hold on I need to get these diamonds real quick before dances no I smell the diamonds they’re mine sorry I’m part mole I can do that ow how you falling in oh my God imagine not being even close enough y you did it all of them yeah bam I give no [ __ ] all right you want to you want to tear this wall down right here they’re not on that other side you don’t think they’re on the other side of this there’s they got to be around here though right oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] was that I like for that much yeah oh my God I got to be underneath right might be yeah something back here what is that yeah it’s like oh it’s open right here I don’t see them though they’re really loud but they are someone’s been back here [Music] oh yeah they got to be under here they got to they got oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah found them oh my God there’s so [ __ ] many don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall oh there’s a spawner yeah coming after you hello [ __ ] oh my God nowh have a face what oh my God scared the [ __ ] out of me my shit’s broken oh that’s on the other side of the spider that I found that’s crazy two spawners that close to each right hi party my chat was broken I’m sorry I didn’t see you hello hello how are you today how are you feeling sir hel I ain’t got no boots or helmet until they’re dead thanks I don’t I’m so [ __ ] but a shitload of diamonds I don’t feel too bad yeah am I have 26 wow [ __ ] your diamonds [ __ ] [ __ ] you diamond ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what You Know What You Did [ __ ] all right doesn’t sound like me all right what are we doing you want to come this way come back come back baby come back I Wasing that dri maybe come back you can BL it baby yeah give me inks you made me ink still navigating things to eat and sorness still hopefully you’ll be 100 you see the glow there’s two of them no cuz I’m almost dead oh I see them oh creepers up sket blown by a creeper I brought my [ __ ] be gone I ain’t scar did he give me in did oh there’s another one you made me there’s a Skelly somewhere [ __ ] that Skelly yeah creeper oh looking in his eyeballs I dare you you won’t you won’t do it no balls I’d rather not no balls no balls oh I almost looked him in his eyeball this G is huge stuck on those dri see that hold up let me try my new bucket try my new bucket I did it my new bucket Works yay so something’s wrong with your old bucket no I just suck at Minecraft it’s fine SK don’t want it I don’t I am starting to runow on torches I am down to seven 21 I got 27 Dam we forgot to put a hole in that one y’all are so mean to me there’s another glow squid over here yeah see him I don’t have oh I’ll get him there’s two up don’t you have a glow Farm yeah she hacking her clothes my house dude where’s the other one I don’t know where he went diamonds he went the did oh it poked me in the but hole my butt’s now ow that one poked me in the but hole too oh diamonds behind you diamonds Diamond oh was that more my eyes be deceiving me are they looking for cookies what wait what oh cuz wait I’m not a grandma so they wouldn’t be in my butthole why how is that up even possible I should grab some of this and then when we go to another portal oh that one broke only have four I don’t want this [ __ ] godamn it this a massive cave for being underneath the Mansion M car car this keeps going yeah Sho holy I found aage I just got that that lava oh look at that creeper look at this little [ __ ] oh no that’s it yeah you can’t do it from there got to block that Force well well I fell how much did you get hurt like three hearts or no half a heart [ __ ] it a heart ow [ __ ] than you so much for the follow this is a big ass cave we just found fight me [ __ ] fight me ah two more zombies oh my God he let me on fire I’m good it only for a second oh my God why aren’t you dying bro so like [ __ ] die the skeletons are just watching waiting to attack oh baby zie come here Creer for the oh my God Skeletor really you wait until I eat [ __ ] bro all you want to know what Joe found at his parents house they were cleaning out the attic and he found his old um was this PSP you sound like you’re close oh my God I can’t move I can’t move WAOW move I don’t know but I can’t move oh Danny’s pushing me back console was it a PSP I don’t remember what it was but he said that he looked it up online and like a used one is like 00 bucks if he can sell it for like 300 bucks I think it was a PSP I don’t know I ask are quite that much maybe it was a no it wasn’t a [Music] DS it might have been a 3DS those sell like that much nowadays no I have to I’ll ask him to get some oh my God scared I don’t remember what it was [ __ ] with me I see it I see it I won’t look at it don’t look me in my baby zombie oh my God you’re fast as [ __ ] and you’re scary as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m GNA [ __ ] your dad up too after I kill you I’m [ __ ] your dad up [ __ ] your dad up yeah I [ __ ] now I’mma [ __ ] your dad up you get that’s what you get oh my god there has to be a spawner because they’re coming out of [ __ ] nowhere they’re coming out of wall is this a dungeon can this be a dungeon maybe it’s a dungeon dances you [ __ ] hoe there’s another zombie where you come from yeah that’s what I’m saying they’re like coming out of walls and [ __ ] I mean there’s a possibility there’s another spawner somewhere oh my God it goes way the [ __ ] down too a bye bat what would you do hit him in no it flew into the lava like he was just flying around he flew right in there yeah it did on it own yeah it did it on its own I was just watching it this cave is huge all right back at you again with another in the water down here not Diamonds In The Water they’ll drown get them out of there this is a dead that’s a dead end dead end EP up damn right hey you got arrows yeah that’s okay that’s a dead end go up some more go up oh [ __ ] out of it there’s a zombie in it I’m going way the [ __ ] up here he has been dealt with oh the zombie yeah that was in the water noise oh [ __ ] there’s a Skelly about to knock you down yeah oh he’s coming after me oh [ __ ] me up what you get rid of my boots a not the boots not the boots I My Le boots no her leather boots that noise right we both what was that what is that wait you want way still he it a water zombie what are you doing down here oh [ __ ] ass as [ __ ] you see him swimming up MH yeah you just got [ __ ] man you just got [ __ ] you mess with the wrong people what was that I don’t know right by oh hurtful oops hi dances I didn’t see you yeah my armor not shiny enough for you damn yeah you need to polish it man need to polish it a bit I don’t know what that noise was it’s crazy I don’t oh I hear it again what is that is that just Minecraft sound I don’t know you want to go try to find treasure the [ __ ] we get out we’re only 24 blocks down that’s it that’s wild we can go down this way but I don’t know if that’s no we’re going up we’re going to find treasure With or Without You are you with us or are you against us yeah um yes [ __ ] water what the hell I mean can we swim in it h i don’t want to oh you can you can get right here yeah you can get right here oh my God this cave is full water am I going to drown I’m a [ __ ] drown I’m a [ __ ] drown I’m coming I’m trying I’m trying I don’t how do you come down faster uh left shift no uh I’m going back home cuz I didn’t have a bed anywhere whoopsie I done I done [ __ ] up all right bring you back I done [ __ ] up a Aon yeah it’s fine further my cat my cat food be okay I’m gonna go up another another way Chad sh the live don’t be [ __ ] unless we’re just underneath the [ __ ] ocean possible sure you’re still F yep I’m still here so far so good then we can drag her to us after we you can do it I believe get in there it’s funny because like on my stream I know this looks dark as hell but I can still see it trying to be fre oh I found dirt gotta be real close I we were found it we’re good above ground level so it’s Weir that took this long to find dirt I know next I actually have to step away for a minute I will be right all right let me make it daytime it’s not populating the link to share stop being stingy wait what do you mean what do you mean I thought you were teleporting me bro I had to get out first no him oh he said he’d be right back don’t teleport to him okay teleport to me I suffocation no breef all right we made it out yeah I can’t believe I drowned know I shared it on my lunch break thank you took over a minute for the B oh yeah it’s been weird because switch keeps [ __ ] with their API and I think it was uh Danny was saying something about um twitch is trying to get rid of like bot accounts we never been up this way before little bit further we’re up there ways let me see my treasure map we’re way I don’t need go this way is it tell look you can see the dripstone through that cave right there that’s C on the outside right that would be nice yeah so they’re like turning their API API like on and off and so many people are having issues with it now because of it water oh D said he’d be right back yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you said that you told you right somebody say something in chat see this shit’s working again because even my overlay isn’t working now yeah just in twitch oh like where like things pop up on your screen that’s not working either and neither is my like all chat so like I can’t see YouTube and [ __ ] yeah means twitch is being a hoe again because that means like even Lumia stream is disconnected all right so this shows a nipple on the map trying to find that far away from it are we does that mean we’re we’re pretty far away that means we haven’t even discovered that area then y so it’s probably down the other way wait now my whole map is black on [ __ ] oh there we go yeah we’re hell of far away okay well where’d you go you’re still over there I’m still here chilling pumpkin pumpkin I’m not going to lie squids are [ __ ] terrifying looking like if you looking their hole hello [ __ ] hi BMX how are you it’s so funny like you’re out of my view range for some I see you the pumpkin’s just disappearing I love that yeah Minecraft Mondays with the jazzberry cherry blossom trees up there we got this way chickens yeah you always T to yeah up at the top of the thing oh over there yeah oh [ __ ] another drip Zone cave over there I haven’t found any villages in a while or don’t see on the map either our map’s dark now guess I killed a tropical fish at some point in time yeah or sometimes they like fall is now AFK he go let his KCK boy suar party and ROM were making fun of me because I died I drowned I saw that a bunch of dicks I wouldn’t lavage all of your okay yeah I would I would definitely 100% 100% laughy you I just saying facts not making fun whatever you were making fun of me yeah you’re making fun of me oh oh fancy sand does that mean anything I don’t know does fancy sand mean anything oh there’s a boat right there oh ship Oh Ship Oh Ship Oh Ship if you die I blame Jazz no it was definitely my fault I was like I think I can swim to the top I Dred I told her it wasn’t a good idea but I said you don’t know nothing guys Turtles how do we feed them I got I don’t have any where do I get K from the what’s kelp look like so helpful that K that there’s a diamond in here diamonds this of help help help help help help help help and Lapis sea grass uh you need shears [ __ ] hello [ __ ] chck give me shears you feed them by using your sword rapid repeatedly on them [ __ ] you that’s not true that not true look look it’s a threesome threesome okay someone gift me shears yeah her some shears I don’t think they can do stuff like that but you know what I’m going to do about to make these turtles in captivity hello where do you think you’re going see there’s another chest on this no no no no no no no no stop stop you can’t go no don’t fall down knock it off oh my God dark why your sheep [ __ ] knock them off all right that’s a I only need two so it’s okay that’s funny not dark sheep can they climb sand I climb sand I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just trying to build a I I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing no longer AFK nice to us TP for your bun Turtles no we just going all right I don’t think there’s anything else I need shears oh my God good don’t kid me don’t mind me trapping turtles yeah cuz I’m going to make them [ __ ] and then we’re going to get [ __ ] and we’re going to get [ __ ] Turtle heads coal armor trim and a treasure map another one turtle head yeah I want turtle head all right I’ll call it crash okay now I need shears go back to the house and get Shar got your boat what the hell what the [ __ ] what the hell bro why you in my boat look at his legs are sticking out the back of the boat the or going right through that’s got to be painful you ask for shears you get sheep I don’t get shears from sheep though you needs yeah I do for what I have so much oh how the [ __ ] you just have shears bro all right so now Danny says I need seagrass where the [ __ ] do I get seagrass oh we’re close to the treasure are we is this sear grass that’s not SE grass one of these two is SE nope couldn’t cheer any of them unless I was clicking wrong this way yeah it it fled up top above you oh it did okay do not have inventory space I do all right Turtles it’s time to [ __ ] all right I’ll get my camera I’m ready to watch I mean all right you got it ready all right you really gotta feel it be in the mood all right yeah [ __ ] yeah get it on oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah do it do it he said yeah you see him how it take so long it’s like the videos in Middle School oh no do you have to do that the the [ __ ] galopus turtles so disturbing why does it take so long all right we got to mark this location I’m a shoot what happened I forgot to turn on my sound alerts oh are you say we’re close to treasure sorry Falls yeah yeah that turtle’s really getting them do they need that water to survive are they okay oh I throw some water in there they going to they’re not going to float out right oh he’s really trying to get at her like he’s like [ __ ] me I mean got it man I don’t I don’t think that looks correct no they’re good that much water up so the ship damn I didn’t want hold on I’m going to give them a little bit of oh it’s bubbly are they done [ __ ] tell Jaz I said hi and stay out of trouble Zeno says hi and stay out of trouble she’s live too Zena Chris why don’t you come over here right that’s rude they really swimming they not have no Bab not yet Danny says it takes a while to come back later all right so where’s this very treasure at let me give them a little oh no out oh my [ __ ] god wow what the [ __ ] no that’s my bad wow I’m so sorry my bad my bad my bad my bad go back to your home Turtle Jaz [ __ ] it up I got give him a little bit of sand there now y all can be friends oh [ __ ] sh [ __ ] all right okay my bad my bad my bad she [ __ ] it up got two boys in there hoping get the oh my God n two boys they love each other should I feed them again process nope all right let’s go to the ship and we’ll come back where are we going come with me if you want to oh I need my boat oh I can’t there’s a turtle in it I ain’t killing the turtle I just set him free so yeah just the first one didn’t work you give him back point for no I I hit my boat and it and a TV pick on her oh my God there’s a giant cave in that sand thing oh is that one of the oh [ __ ] laa thereo how do you already see that I was looking at a different one what we’re going oh there’s another boat is it leading to a boat don’t tell me that this [ __ ] is underwater it’s l right here I got you where’s the a right where my boat is oh wait Shel it’s better right y I got a go breathe me too yeah we’re under under I’m [Music] dring why would it be how do you bury a chest underwat like oh I found a little air pocket flood the ocean I made an air pocket did you you can come up right here very nice yes very nice oh I just ruined it wait Chris how many accounts do you have where’s this [ __ ] oh chest found it yes diamonds uh potion of water breathing heart of the sea I’m Jing back here okay it’s raining all right I grabbed everything heart of the sea got some potion of breathing for three minutes okay cool what you want you want them you want them there your is it’s your treasure where you at I don’t see you I can’t move very well I already have a oh you do okay where’s our Turtles at this way or should we do this other boat First’s whatever you call it water temp what you’re geted by where y’all see this [ __ ] and I don’t see [ __ ] I’m just like huh that’s a that’s a temple thing oh is it I can do my water breathing hello hello are you clearly something I just don’t where okay should I take my my breathing cuz I got to go into water right oh wow down hello yeah I mean you could are we for sure at one not like one of those temp what they’re talking oh there’s so many water zombies to try it oh there’s so many zombies oh they’re so hard toight why why get why there so many water zombies here I killed the one with the TR nice why are there so many zombies here oh there’s stuff there’s like a cave thing under there I’m going to drink my water potion yeah there’s a sh of them oh my God they won’t stop it’s everywhere they won’t stop com oh I see a chest right here it’s so strong oh another Berry treasure oh my God oh my God oh there’s a dolphin there’s Dolphins oh this one has a trident where where is he where are you [ __ ] [ __ ] come here dude I’m going [ __ ] your day up how dare youing you down come here [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] I’m GNA die is going to die I’m going to die oh my God I got you I saw the bubbles but oh that took away the bu yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] and all the zombies are coming after me all right what are we looking at there is yeah there’s a couple chests I already found two treasure treasure maps D yeah there’s a chest down how’d you get in there oh she broke something I did break something what was that I don’t know I’m drown I don’t see one yeah I don’t know I’m not there yet uh Buri treasure map another Berry treasure map what the hell that’s why there’s so many zombies there’s so many chests over here treasure maps on it what the [ __ ] is that oh my god get [ __ ] out of me ow the [ __ ] scar out did you guys already look at this chest another Berry treasure map I have three now no I just broke another thing yeah what do you what is you breaking is that what it is I don’t know all right let’s see y all right that’s the original one we’re really far away from this one we’re not very far from have in them what does oh they do yeah all right this one leads to these two are the same [ __ ] spot so I’m assuming the brush them oh did I thought which ones are you dusting oh I to drink more potion yeah I got plenty Pottery oh I’m getting something yeah see that’s crazy that they’re underwater what is that oh a sh a sh I’m getting rid of this map that map is the same as mine wait how did my potion not work my there’s a chest here oh [ __ ] another [ __ ] better treasure map I’m [ __ ] over these treasure maps there take them all how come my water potion didn’t work I drank it again oh something green emerald I drink my potion again it’s not working that’s crazy I didn’t know there’s stuff hidden in these there’s another thing way down there damn it potion didn’t work got my inventory [ __ ] there’s something way down here did y’all come way down here oh I got a fishing part thing with mending I think I that what’s that oh well I took your potion you dropped your potion oh no a glass bottle yeah it was empty want talk about itown I right pick up over there I know right I don’t even know what I [ __ ] just got I lost it where were we where was I just at this way yeah this way did you get oh that was probably what I you drown so [ __ ] fast oh a mending fishing rod nice all right we should go check out my turtles where were they do we know where were they I don’t know where my turtles were I think like this way why does it keep giving me [ __ ] beat what give me wheat going go check on our turtles yeah I think I know there checking on them Turtles all right there’s the boat we found they were by the boat right yeah yeah they were we going the right way I have no idea I’m just guessing yes you are all right Turtles you got something for me oh yeah we are I said yeah nothing here no turtles I mean the turtle is here but I can’t feed them all right well we’ll come back in a little bit I think Danny said it takes a while all right where are you guys at at the other Dune I don’t know how the [ __ ] do you see lava BR I was talking about yeah that one oh is that what that is is that one you can d That’s what I was wondering anything break trying to this colorful [ __ ] oh no that’s just regular sand let see where’s my my duster look it look like it has like cracks in it nope all right where we going oh let’s go to that other buried treasure this closer um I pck up yeah this way yeah it was I dropped one because it was the exact same as the other one don’t it yeah we’re almost there wait is it leading us to the same exact one no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way we did this one well if we want hold let me go back out to this and see I grab another one that we I demand a refund on these pirate maps wait did it change all my maps to the other one where’s the one that we had before the booby on it all right here I’m picking up the treasure map that I Dro all right I’m close the one to come back um I lost the booby one I might have it maybe but I didn’t think I threw it out where you at where’d you go back over the all three are theck so I think mine got overrided by that maybe because I’m back where we found the um yeah all those chest here you want one to look too oh wrong butt yeah my booby one is gone I know you can do something where you like override the maps but I don’t know what it is that one just [ __ ] went all the way down there oh yeah I ain’t finding that [ __ ] get it no I don’t know where it went all right well let me get in my boat see if I’m going the right way you can’t look at the map yeah all these are the same I’m upset now I lost my booby M same [ __ ] thing May oh yeah why it give us I hate that my stupid Chat thing is not working there we go y edit thank you so much for the gifts sorry I didn’t see it my chat thing was broken thank you yeah stupid yeah you can do something where like you copy one map over to the other and I have no idea but I didn’t do that to it and my booby map is gone yeah where you guys go I’m check on the tur again I don’t know where they are though I think it’s this way uh no it’s the other way I know no Nei the sun okay me too so I’m G I see your butt I see your boat but not you oh man yeah I messed up in Tik Tok because the stupid thing was down stupid [ __ ] chot wish the map would update yours hasn’t updated yet all the places we’ve been today how did you already sleep what do you mean oh you already made here anything I need to refresh nope there we go I refreshed all right well where do you want to go y want to go up more North be that way I’m G get my boat get my boat hold on I’m actually gonna do this quick maybe there’s too much water for them to play the egg you know what I mean oh maybe so it does seem like a lot of water there yeah maybe they didn’t need water I’m going to make it I’m make the take the water out I don’t think they need it I can make it more even no I think they don’t need water I think we [ __ ] it up my bucket is broken again all right cool I feed him again can’t feed them I F that one but this one doesn’t want to eat hey pregnant that guy is like freaking the [ __ ] out all right what up let’s uh remember this spot and we’ll come back all right let’s go north wait you can’t get more water what oh I didn’t try again I didn’t try got it yeah oh I got two buckets of water all right cool there you go we got two buckets of water wait I should put my bed there and then when I want to come back and check just die yes [Music] yep can’t you set this home number two oh how do I do it oh for slash home space two or just two space two right okay I I think wrong with creating the Turles I went home I think we were supposed to give them the kelp and then let them go and find a spot legs and then put them in a pen uh are you sure dear and my’s broken again [ __ ] I don’t either happy birthday happy how do you set home set home right know I’m just soed by your family’s bad luck cureless you already suck name you your [Music] own I don’t how to do don’t know set home name it oh okay uh set home turtles turtles Danny did we do the turtles wrong oh my God not me getting hate spammed on where wow a whole of different do you have that you don’t have that word Block it’s n g but in the F second it’s the same ones over and over again wow am I mod there of [ __ ] I can’t find you are you just jberry over there yeah you are my mod I’m not a mod not all of us well if you typed it in you’re getting banned that’s all I’m saying you typed it you’re getting banned me a mod real quick so I can help you hello [ __ ] hello my dig bigger than all you [ __ ] in here hi Casey how are you yeah you Ted it I’m ban they’ be jealous if they SE mine did you mod me mod me you type in my chat myat oh what about viewer Bots be mod right [ __ ] I clicked the wrong button did you just ban me no she just banned me I did not ban you [ __ ] baned me do not ban you oh my god what are these people what is this it’s just a bot Army it’s one person types it and then all the accounts oh my God what a bunch of losers why are you being a weirdo I think the person that said that not all of us you’re probably the person who did it so you’re 100% getting banned wow wow wow wow your mom’s wow it is it’s the first person yep oh that this why your name correctly like like with upper cases I don’t know I have no idea there you go I added you okay see wow wow well thanks for uming me a lot of 25 wow why do you do this out I love you too F don’t don’t b f oh I just banned uh I just B J oh I didn’t okay oh I was like what the [ __ ] might [ __ ] yeah ban bitchis man is that a superhero name yes I don’t know if I’d watch that well you somebody else right it’s a lid person the lid person who Li something they ask what day am I on mine right I think we got everybody you two play I got this all right [ __ ] hater raids yeah y 2K is good she’s safe I ask nicely I’ll do why you do right what’s the point of it all right all right you ready yeah you ACD B Kate did she really yeah she fixed it oh my God not Kate not Kate no yo I’m happily engaged so uh I’m not answering that question oh my God people what are wrong with you what is wrong with you why are dick what the you got to be like 12 right right do stuff like that five years old [ __ ] yeah does your mom know you’re using your her credit card to ban people or bought people not real going around all right we got here in a coup your mom’s free ah it’s sad that you just admitted that you are doing it so thank you get reported [ __ ] all right what do you want to do then you want to just you hiding behind different account I’ll play for 15 more minutes all right 15 more minutes hey man it’s all good you’re getting my chat stuff up yeah she’s gonna get closer to being uh verified verified y yeah because you need 300 different people so there we go good job I’m proud of you helping me out appreciate you they’re just mad because you’re prettier than them they probably can’t get girlfriends that’s why they got to do [ __ ] like this we can’t get a girlfriend no I don’t I don’t want viewers I’m good I like to do things the right way don’t make you know what I mean like don’t like that I follow Subs primes and more at I have atiny tiny yeah that’s where they’re from that’s tiny I said please stop I don’t know how much nicer you want you know you don’t even need to be nice to him go [ __ ] off I just gonna make him do it more no a weirdo it’s not our fault your dick is small dude go buy a penis pump instead of [ __ ] bodyo and that’s annoying why don’t you put kgm the owner of damn kgm is even here to defend himself yeah why don’t you try positivity you might actually have friends that way you know turn follower mode only on limits limits you you know that right there’s the brown bunny yeah I know it it don’t let that ruin your day you’re a better Human Than they’ll ever [ __ ] be [ __ ] little [ __ ] waffle [ __ ] somebody bought a Danny the other day too Fu it pisses me off like good people getting [ __ ] shitty ass [ __ ] hum in their chat [ __ ] have tiny dicks and look like a [ __ ] wle I just want you to know your grandma was a ho using a [ __ ] ton of different names so it doesn’t matter your grandma was a prostitute you don’t even know what a [ __ ] waffle is that’s probably because you’re five called me a [ __ ] waffle called you a [ __ ] waffle you just got that word for me don’t use my words that’s copyright you tamam that [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s my word [ __ ] waffle dick liquor lior it’s not look at this little baby Wolfie where I don’t know I lost you guys I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] furious with that come sucker [ __ ] plant ler plant ler but like nuts on his chin like on hise what we got going on out here huh where’s a [ __ ] Village or something don’t tell me it was you the whole time because I swear to God who you were chilling for a bit can you kick usings no you cannot oh can you not I don’t think so I think you can do streamlabs you can do kick streams I think so yeah D carry all the way I’m sorry I’m just oh it’s a be yeah who uses streamlabs yeah I don’t use streams streamlabs is for [ __ ] noobs that don’t know any better streamlabs like makes your PC run makes it met that uses streamlabs is like oh when I made the switch to Ops everything was immed I think we just Jules was telling us the other day she was using streamlabs and we’re like oh we got to get you off that [ __ ] yeah that [ __ ] just overclocks your PC for no reason I don’t doggos that’s all right I got their IP I’m G to [ __ ] take it to the police that’s fine what’s so bad about stream Lads it’s shitty it’s just it’s just a hardware heavy [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] version of OBS not optimized and then they charge you like they want all the way [ __ ] up there I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just running I’m just running I’m pissed I’m furious oh God one of these wolves are mad did you hit one I hit one he had he growled at me oh he just wanted you to pet him he said love Yeah OBS takes way less because you can change your bit rates and everything like that OBS is the best why bacon you trying to tell me they use streams everybody OB most people use yeah those that don’t don’t know any better and it’s not their fault that they’re not in you know I started with stream I started with streams too I switched like within a week yeah my sister started with streams oh I found a fortress thingy not a fortress but uh one of those Tower thingies I’ll wait right here for you guys coming we’re not too much I hear you you climb up the mountain or no yeah yeah yeah yeah that was one of you but it’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] come here [ __ ] you’re about to [ __ ] die yeah get [ __ ] wrecked Homie don’t sneak up on me I used to use it and didn’t I got done [ __ ] up all right we’re here got some arrows sticking out of you there shut the [ __ ] up bro leave my arrows alone I wonder if they got any golems that we can release oh don’t look at me I’ll fight you I Got The Power of fire oh they went Jazz oh he went flying there so many you do these look they made little [ __ ] right what are they doing these cows why is that they have the meat you killed a oh there’s see you see see wouldn’t want [ __ ] wait you went up to the treasure chest first what a [ __ ] dick you [ __ ] looting piece of [ __ ] no they’re all outside yeah fighting us Golem looking things but they’re not active you’re a Golem you got to let them out yeah no they’re they’re like not alive up top where where you where out which way I’m looking see I don’t see them those aren’t Golems those are [ __ ] that’s what I mean they’re bad Golems that’s what they’re trying to be they’re scarecrows they’re yeah they’re [ __ ] target practice wait where are you oh bottle of enchanting what do you mean this isn’t a good chest potatoes Dark Wood Silver Dude dark oak in here for you Jazz [ __ ] him he don’t know what you’re talking about yeah you know you don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about didn’t have any issues with it but I also still learned about OBS at the same time how do you oh yeah no it’s um once you once you start doing more with your streams and stuff it uh like you’d add more overlays of starting soon all your software like your mic and everything like it would just get really really shitty so I use several apps to stream to add stuff for you guys yeah scarecrows but Dan is [ __ ] where the [ __ ] they all come from I feel like there’s another Tower somewhere with better treasure something they were all coming from down this way they were there was a lot I don’t see anything yeah I couldn’t imagine using Labs with all the apps that I use now to stream oh my gosh yeah your PC will blow up it already sometimes wants to I’m pretty sure my PC hates me but you know you guys have fun in stream so that’s all that matters it’s worth it I’m right behind you all these [Music] aminals did you lose your oh here I’ll get you hop on in you coming where I don’t know where you two are we went to the water I’m also in the water but I don’t see you I’m coming oh wait I see something to our right here see it no we have to get out the boat well sorry dances we decided that this was more important than fighting you you just take my boow you piece of [ __ ] you take my boat you take my boat oh no you didn’t it loed down never mind like a little castle looking thing where where where where where where where over here I don’t know where over here is pings women the way we’re running where are youen [ __ ] oh I see it too worried about our boat yeah danc tried to [ __ ] steal my [ __ ] boat me I didn’t I wasn’t even at your boat you ran right by it as I broke like you spam by it what is that that castle oh that’s a giant hole oh my God yeah yeah don’t fall on it maybe it’s a village a village that’d be a new Village cuz I Haven seen one that looks like a c Castle is a village yep I found the vage you can’t stop running Jesus I saw you there’s a big ass hole so watch out out when you’re in the village right down they gotes what the [ __ ] is your door bro why is your door behind this tree the [ __ ] what are these doing a shitty [ __ ] bed you get like [ __ ] no chest or treasure or nothing [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] yeah where the [ __ ] are your chest that bro give me your give me your [ __ ] potatoes give me all your secret dude none of you y’all some poor ass [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] poor [ __ ] nothing your village sucks ass let’s burn it down let’s burn it let’s burn it down burn it down Burn It Down they let [ __ ] trees grow in front of their door [ __ ] this I don’t know I kept going past got be something better this how’s this Village like maintaining itself there’s no or anything anywhere you know what I mean yep I don’t know they drink water oh I think I found a swamp swamp [ __ ] what are these trees ygygygyg nobody’s been out this far so I know they just suck what is this with the [ __ ] weeping willows oh that’s a huge ass [ __ ] cave oh my God on let me see I just kept going past the Village North huge ass [ __ ] cave oh so she went this way hi Damon on my first day ever any advice just be yourself be yourself and be nice don’t be a weirdo yeah don’t be a creeper people in myat open doors for her women like that yes women love that actually you should buy flowers to give her in the jungle yeah you see the like uh Willow type it looks like a jungle but it’s not this place is weird H mhm this cave is [ __ ] massive though it looks cool from up here it looks like a jungle it kind of does but I guess it’s like partially jungle partial Beach it’s a beach I don’t know but that cave is huge we can put our beds yeah wait where’s Jaz where you go you left Jaz what theck oh I see I see I see should we put our beds here and sleep here and then that way holy [ __ ] then we can come check this out next time we play oh my God I almost walked off the edge yeah we could do that all right cool I’m not why not so when you wake up you just [ __ ] walk off fall I mean there is a jungle out that way yeah and then it looks like there’s a swamp on the other side so this be a good place to Adventure next time yeah all right I’m going to go to home do I just do turtle yeah Turtles and I’m going to check on our Turtles real quick you got an egg for me [ __ ] no where’s your where’s my egg I was to say you didn’t even get an egg yet and after the egg it’s like nine in game days for to hatch oh my god oh wow so maybe when I come back next week I have one here’s here’s a turtle here where oh there’s two turtles there’s three Turtles where one here where are you come back to us oh my God yeah there’s there’s five Turtles here seven seven turtles so you just got to let them them let them go yeah sea and let them I need to get some seaweed where’s seaweed at do you see any damn so many turtles do we see any seawood no [ __ ] all right let me go back um Turtles oh there’s a baby turtle all right let me get some of this [ __ ] over here real quick there’s a lot of here that’s I’m B at Minecraft you made me oh my God almost yeah so dang we have a lot of exploring to do here a good area you went back to other yeah to get some of the seawe stuff oh that’s not the right thing yeah call him and tell him that you found a bunch of stuff in Minecraft you can’t come in Imagine I’m sorry but I’m really stck at Minecraft can’t do anything about it have to call apologize in I’m busy I’m Minecrafting okay TP all right whoa hello think my nautilus shell oh yeah here you go all right where these Turtles at right over here you [ __ ] lie down inside here well how am I supposed to feed them I don’t get why they’re just chilling in this cave though here we go got two nothing up here or in here come on [ __ ] get up here come on come on come come on come on you can do it you can do it you do it bro come on what the [ __ ] are you doing oh man get out of the way other Turtle having oh my God you’re so slow what is wrong with that one okay there we go yeah do it do it oh oh that’s XP I just got XP another going to go lay the egg somewhere so we got to follow him yeah you got follow I we’re going to watch Turtles legs like that one’s pushing that one I know right he’s eating his ass I know eating ass not going fast I don’t know which going to lay the egg right it’s got to be the one that’s going by itself I don’t know where’s the other one he went in the oh oh oh he was just digging is it pregnant do you see that does it look fatter to you maybe I need another turtle to compare it looks hella fat right maybe I’m just imagining it because I want it to be pregnant maybe they all that but the other one’s right here where’s the other one oh it’s in there so yeah it’s got to be this one then right so then so then do I just like do I just put something around the egg because they don’t need to do anything with the egg afterwards right yeah I I got fences to put around the eggs okay Co after breed to Heart particles appear around roam around and try and find a place where it can lay eggs process can take a few minutes it was digging hi K I’m about to end the stre though sorry keeps doing it right there I want to watch it L I know right we got an egg oh look at the Eggies we got a [ __ ] egg a that’s so cool I’ve never seen a sea turtle egg is that is he just going to lay that that’s it I’m going to go to sleep real quick from the egg I understand you just light it but like I want to put a fence so do I need to make this my turtle home all right so nine in-game days dances we’re not leave until this Turtle hatches so what happens after it hatches I don’t know oh you didn’t r one let’s see if we can get another one you want some more we need another turtle run away from his baby turtles are [ __ ] like [ __ ] [ __ ] hey you you want to eat I’ve never seen a turtle egg before that’s so cool these eggs take about four to five ingame saves to hatch about two hours in real life oh [ __ ] we’re not playing this for two more hours I got hun to play I mean Back N he’s coming after me because I got [ __ ] seaweed out try and try and do it with a couple more Turtles multiple eggs out here that’s what I’m trying to do come on I I got to hop off all right lady by CH you’re amazing by love you guys love you have a good night at work all right bye Turtle you’re not too Turtle for the turtle club I promise no come to me come here oh my God why you staring at a but hole come on come on come on you’re so [ __ ] slow Jesus what turtles slow I never would have okay I can’t feed this one so I need a different one I feel bad cuz he’s like following me too hey you I need you I need to borrow you for a second need speak to you about your shells warranty there’s another one over here they’re so fast in the water but slow as [ __ ] on land there we go oh yeah that’s some hot Turtle action we’re about to see yeah get it on [ __ ] XP that XP drop [Music] huge all right which one you think it’s going to be right or left left it’s going the right one it’s the right one you see that neck action oh yeah they know what’s going on oh well I swear if both of you get in the water I’m going to be pissed don’t you do it don’t you [ __ ] go back in that water I will take your water away I’ll make you I’ll make you sit on land become big turtle one of you is pregnant damn it lay your [ __ ] egg for me and then and then we’re going to protect that take you out of the way it’s just a system we have got ification got [Music] a thank you so much for the hello hello welcome in everybody whoever you is K XP if you don’t know me we do a lot of uhing and sometimes Minecraft on a Monday right now we’re um making turtles mate all right now one of you [ __ ] Lay It goddamn EG we already got one turtle egg now we’re trying to get another one yeah it’s definitely going to be this guy he ain’t going back to the water oh yeah that that neck action horse mating is wrong I mean they wanted to [ __ ] I just had to feed them first okay sometimes you need a little snacky snack they’re they’re just following me what what do you want you want some fence action oh wait it might be the last one I’m Fally love the old fashion way I mean that’s what I believe in but I’m in a hurry here okay I’m going to need them we don’t know what the turtle eggs do or the baby turtles um they no no no they make the helmets that’s how you get the helmets they’ll drop something oh um I’m not sure read more about it CRA a turtle shell the player will need to collect five scoots the only way to collect scoots is M Turtles protect the eggs wait for the eggs to hatch finally grow the baby turtles what scoots can only be it was the last one I was right wish I would have put money on it bye Jazz have a great night of work thank you so much for the great I love your face wow what you’re just going to pick Turtles like that huh oh it Li F that [ __ ] F that [ __ ] all right next next group of maters oh here’s two over here I’m going to do on this side oh he’s like licking her butthole come on Turtles why is that one over there come back here hey you come on come on you can do [Music] it I believe in you I believe in you dring some bad decisions that turtle’s having issues can you help him yep hey no get get over there hey hey hey where you going where you going come on dude what is wrong with you maybe we shouldn’t make that one it seems a little um get behind it and push it yeah I can’t even put like sand underneath it oh oh oh oh there we go there we go there we go there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s vertically challenged that one yeah definitely all right come more on the sand no come this way [ __ ] get back at that water I swear don’t you [ __ ] dare don’t you [ __ ] dare yeah something about Danny was saying something about they lay the turtle eggs and then I I don’t know like they can like leave when they turn from baby turtles into adult turtles they drop a scoop you need the sco to make turtle shell help okay okay you know nice and straightforward process all right let’s see which one’s it going to be I think it’s going to be this one here right in front of me that one’s like [ __ ] it I’m going back home I ain’t pregnant couldn’t get out of the water the first time and said n man I ain’t having the baby what’s this one doing I’m trying my pret lay your egg [ __ ] no where you going can sometime [ __ ] they’re leaving can they sometimes not made like can they sometimes not produce babies come on I know you got a baby in you oh wait that one went to land over there oh it’s the one over there what [ __ ] you wow that’s a quick [ __ ] swimming oh my gosh good for you bud you started where’s the egg where’s the egg I made it these two as well whoa Jesus a violet egg leg what is it with this hurdle I what up this are you at a fence yeah on it thought you’re out of fence all right that one can’t get up oh that one’s going to the other side Sith when you join in my Minecraft Adventures oh that one’s going to be the one over there I Emoji what you said this one over here yeah cuz the other one went back in the water river Warren River where’s my bed I left it over there you know what time it is time for lunch if you made me say something nice about myself I’m not going to do I’m a refund you there’s only so many things I can say about myself yeah there it goes what one two three four so far let me go see let me see if I can go oh I told you I’d refund it yeah I don’t I don’t think the the original Turtle Plantation is going to work out yeah I don’t think so either because I don’t think we did it right all right let’s see see how they only lay the egg once they specifically find it unless don’t think they will come here [ __ ] come on we got zombies spawning yeah it’s night time you got a bed I don’t have one here no mine’s over where the other one is too okay oh I can’t give it to either one of these I can you no I not feed you either damn there we go you two mate thank you I think I’ve almost exhausted all these Turtles we’re going to watch all these guys I don’t know which ones they were so just watch all of them I think it might be that one swimming off over there I’m actually going to go lay in the bed be the process up all right sounds good oh my God there’s so many [ __ ] creepers up here why don’t lead them this way says how was your day your video made me tear up Sir a I love you too Kate okay well don’t like it was like a 10 minute run we could sneeze on them from here all right oh [ __ ] it is right here don’t be sad [ __ ] creep what [ __ ] I swear to God if something like blows up one of these eggs I’m going be pissed I’m be hella mad oh we got okay okay they’re like doing the things right on top of each other eggs I think we’ve used all the turtles so it’s going to have to probably be our last one I’m not not finding Turtle collection we got going it’s five right let me see can I give you oh I gave that one I find you a Mater can I give you some I got that one oh we got another one we got another set we got another set let’s go my day is amazing how about you yeah my day is pretty good I’m just out here M and turtles you know the way God intended through forcing with with kelp as over yeah I have that one I don’t think I have another one to M this one with oh I did all right so we should have two more eggs coming yeah we’re just out here you know mainting M Turtles look at all our Turtle [ __ ] eggs we got oh that’s a creeper oh no oh no get away get away from me [ __ ] ow call you the turtle Whisperer I like that all right that one’s going to find the spot where’s the other one I mated come on little guy come drop your egg Turtle pimp oh my God yeah we got a bunch of eggs here that one light one yep nice and apparently they are breakable so we like yeah yeah if you hit it or something yep 100% let me get that meat out of your way sir where’s that other one I did I guess oh it’s over here it’s over here doing it so we got this one and then that one should be doing it too that one and this one so we’re going to have one two three four five six seven eggs holy [ __ ] we still going to need more yeah cuz how many does it take to make one helmet that’s not even one Turtle helmet see are there more Turtles down here oh there are let see if I can make any of these mate this is a large amount of turtles we found in this one area right here it was a l lucky find come here I need you to mate with this one come back this way come find your soulmate right now our Turtle hel is better than Diamond yes cuz they allow you to breathe underwater I’m just feeding all the ones I can I’m just run around here yeah so if we wear those then we can do the like Ocean Monuments and stuff like that without having to worry about breathing find love Turtles find love yeah oh I guess they have to be pretty close to each other cuz I’m not getting the XP things all right I done [ __ ] up sorry hi baby see your XP floating around over here from the turtles oh is it oh maybe they did mate then nice okay maybe they did mate then so we need to keep an eye on everybody I they they do them underwater right and you did the all right one two three four five six did this one not ever lay one over here which one they com there it is there it is there it is there it is oh that’s a that’s a huge that’s two is that two eggs that’s a huge [ __ ] egg that is massive that’s four this is only one in there we have another one a thank you so much BMX that’s four eggs it laid four it can lay more than one so this is two eggs that’s I don’t know the exact three eggs but I know they can two eggs that’s four eggs and that’s one egg so we might actually get enough stuff out of fence material oh you are um okay you’re going to get more just Cho the Android text message I love it thanks thank you yeah I got some little some little fun stuff like that do you need what do you need just uh the oak I don’t think I have any let me check my Ender box I do not sorry can’t help you yeah baby okay love you yeah you can have one baby hydrate I got you with that freshen up that that Care Bear strawberry banana freshen up is it going to run I wanted to show you guys freshen up there it is oh yeah my Minecraf HT for my Minecraft day so we might actually have like a million eggs here huh uh we looks like we have quite a few now he’s coming for you all right let’s see we have so many turtles for for jazz when she comes back all right let’s see can I I made any of you hello little turtles I come to oh there there’s another one out here going yeah I come to M [Music] you they M oh there’s glow [ __ ] things down here where they go oh they’re way the hell down there go layer I think one’s coming to now to yeah they’re working on it three over there two two four one all right these two are going to make yeah get it on Turtles get it on we’re going to have so many [ __ ] turtle baby turtles goodcent yeah hit the oh this one’s coming to do his thing I think and so is this one this one’s been digging for like three minutes dude he came all the way from over here up and finish oh my God that’s what she said okay you started then you stopped come on what the [ __ ] no he’s got to find the right spot for his baby or her baby which one lays the eggs does anybody know said the female Turtle lights eggs but you know I mean the male penguin’s the one that takes care of the uh egg when it no but I’m just say like it’s not just all about the woman doing the the men can do it too maybe because the Sand’s missing share the load when it comes to the eggs M well the mom usually lays it and then goes out and finds the food and the dad have you not ever watched Happy Feet I absolutely have I love penguins I got two on the sand over here another one over there so we might have four more laying I’m not sure did that one die is that what that is that one died what you doing what I don’t know he’s just [ __ ] standing he’s just chilling there you go finally holy cow thought I was going to have to get some Bassel to have you shoot the egg out oh my God got stuck in the birthing Canal everybody mating over here I’m drowning said we might have two more eggs popping up yes I don’t [ __ ] know we have a million eggs oh another [ __ ] mating team we got two more coming this way I believe I really am the turtle whisper saying I watch march of the Penguins oh that’s cool all right so that’s day what two oh yeah this one’s going to at it quick as [ __ ] my son’s calling me for oh my God all right so one was digging over here yeah we got another one here don’t drop oh my goodness so we’ve been through what two days oh there’s another one doing it over here oh that’s a lot of eggs that’s like five did he just crush the eggs oh no he didn’t okay get off the eggs bro oh yeah there’s two groups of eggs over here this place Turtle magnificent oh my God I’m so worried embarrassment of riches as oh my God what the [ __ ] I’ll get him out of here hello hello how are you Lexi all right there you go uh over there is some more he laid it on top of the other ones a double bash yeah is that is that a thing I don’t know but he did it this oh this one just laid one we’ll just do it along the sand yeah there you go yeah there you go I guess there’s a fence on the other side there’s one all right I got to step away for a few seconds hi s yeah she had to go to work unfortunately and I’m doing great Lexi I will be right back guys if you guys want to help me out share the e e e e e all right I’m sort of here I got to step away again one more time no I guess the kid has football practice but they were on a long weekend you know they’re on spring break so he didn’t know he needed it and I don’t have an email or anything can you guys mate yeah they can come on [ __ ] each other [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh they’re here be right back let’s see some hot Turtle action here I still want the seaweed in her hand for oh these Turtles going crazy up in here this one’s like break dancing behind her you guys can’t even see it holy just keep spinning in circles that’s weird that is weird as heck for for for turtles turtles Turles Turtles how is this not night yet do I have to wait for the sun to go all the way down [ __ ] this [ __ ] there there we go for all right back she likes to talk let me tell you let me tell you then mother-in-law likes to talk you got a turtle break dancing behind you you holy [ __ ] he’s just been there spinning the whole time that you were gone oh he’s probably one that needs to lay an egg give me that XP boy all right let me see if we got any Turtles over here we can make we got an egg Farm have any hatched yet nope it’s only been three days in game have you slept again yes I just did like two minutes ago take about four to five in game days to Hash not going to M or what we should have two more one you said you do I don’t know if he did when you walked away but they never laid anything oh I think it’s going to be it’s going to be that one of those hello Jack how are you or Jake sorry not Jack Jake hello hello how are you I wonder why you didn’t I guess sometimes they can just not oh that one’s going to right here some waste no time at all and others just it’s the slowest thing in the world got a three oh let’s go and that one was fast as [ __ ] oh this one’s doing over here now it just needed privacy you were watching it too closely you know what I love is my kid never answers his phone and then when he needs me and he calls me a bunch and I don’t answer we got a one now you weak ass Turtle layer that’s always always oh there’s another one there’s another one where was the one uh right over there on the end okay I see it I see it I see it there one popped one it’s also a Warner lame the heck is this some turtle dingy or something only only one one egg in US D shovels are so [ __ ] fast shovels are so [ __ ] what’s this guy doing over here teammate again nope how about you yep we find you a mate oh I hit it with it oops okay sorry you’re not going to find love I apologize this has to be like the weirdest looking thing to stumble upon if you don’t know what’s happening mhm 100% just random fences torches and then eggs what happened was just Turtles out here trying to get Turtles to find love oh there went my XP yeah I think as long as you get XP from it you’re going to get an egg I’ve noticed oh there’s one that one’s finally doing it no it’s also oh it’s a two per three per that’s three three per let’s go oh you got to go soon huh uh an hour I thought it was for my time no we’re only an hour off why did I think like that is this guy stuck did you get him stuck who this Turtle I don’t think so oh are yall going to M did y’all find love did y’all find love in the ocean yep they did I think this one up here was our first and they have not hatched yet yeah this this one right one of these I think it’s this one you said what three times uh yes yeah three times so we have a chance on the next sleep so you’re saying there’s a chance I’m glad this process wasn’t complicated no not at all I kind of want to go check my other turtle farm like the one I mean you can but I don’t think there’s going to be any eggs I don’t think there is either I could try again with them though yeah you could open it up and let them uh home Turtles all right I’ll be back you should have two more wanting to lay no I can’t feed them again I can feed that one but I can’t feed that one you might have to just pull down the walls and let W yeah might need to mate with this one over here honestly what just happened oh he fell what the [ __ ] oh they made it they’re meing yes okay now let’s see where they go that I think that’s going to be the one to lay yep yep yep yep [Music] yep all right let me get this fencing over here yeah sorry dude she didn’t mate with you but obviously she didn’t like you too much you are the first stre streer I found organically on Twitch I am thankful you invited me to play Minecraft with you guys I appreciate it I’m glad that you came to hang out with us as well I’m still waiting on this one stupid turtle legs they started then just stopped now they’re who knows oh this one laid a three for oh oh oh [ __ ] the other one’s doing it now dances now that I let him out yeah I guess cuz I let him out okay so I need to do a wooden fence not against sand right holy [ __ ] are you seeing this you [ __ ] see that [ __ ] yeah it can’t be against sand they can torches Tores oh I need torches keeps away I don’t have enough fence can [Music] you dude this guy is going AP [ __ ] in the sand over here I don’t have enough stuff it’s getting dark sleep all right cool or do we have a crafting table here or did y pick it up I don’t know there’s one here but not there holy [ __ ] I think this turtle’s broken he’s been pregnant forever and he’s like I’ve got to make the best [ __ ] home ever yeah F this [ __ ] in you have way back here where I am oh no uh okay so let me teleport to you all right all right there you go oh wait how are you going to get back there oh oh yeah we could do that okay home Turtles okay dude is he really still [ __ ] digging up oh my God what the [ __ ] why is that F doing that is that okay oh that’s why I get rid of the sand next to it okay so get rid of the sand here yeah I don’t know the exact rules I just I’m guessing okay are you going to lay your [ __ ] egg or not bro this one’s broken I think he’s hella mad that we kept him confined for so long so long that just lay it home slice oh there it is dude if you didn’t lay more than one I’m going be pissed that you took so [ __ ] long for that he laid one out of all of that out of all of that trouble he laid one she laid one [ __ ] egg bro all right these two are done I’m coming back oh Jazz’s boats here should I get it I fell in a hole get jaz’s boat for oh I can’t get Jazz’s boat all right to watch them easier uh you can silk touch those and bring them back to your house to watch them easier wait the eggs no [ __ ] way before I could you hover over your sword before I go can you hover over your sword oh my god really Daddy really dances just take your sword no dances what we could have taken these eggs home well what’s done is done Daddy look at this look daddy look look look look look oh my god daddy why do you wait oh there’s an egg right here why did you wasit it zby we have an egg Farm going on it is what it is now it is what it is it is what it is oh man that’s that’s great that’s [ __ ] just oh this turtle’s stuck I think that made my [ __ ] day we could have took all these home oh my God yes this is our little Egg Farm now let me find you a homie to M with man but it kind of worked out because we wouldn’t have been able to do so many if we would have left you know what I mean this our little this our little [ __ ] turtle farm come with me your your partner is over here the person you are meant to mate with is this way come on they’re so [ __ ] slow on Sand could you hold your uh sword real quick oh no I can’t I can’t I got to I got to get these Turtles to mate no come back come back come back come back come back it’s going to be a second I got to get these turtles mate o I’m sorry it’s like a limited time come on [Music] Turtles you guys can do it there you go there you go find love find love I I will I have to wait until after they they do the thing there we go all right there you go yeah a thank you so much oh you should had me do our my pickaxe cuz looting you don’t loot with a sword oh no you can’t you can get more stuff from okay never mind never mind thank you thank you thank you I appreciate no you’re right I don’t know anything about Minecraft no you did the right one I appreciate it thank you so much thank you thank you oh that one’s doing it all right let’s see oh man have you slept again you did right that’s day four yes okay St four that’s hilarious though that we could have took all these egg yeah but we would had to go back and forth so I we just have the stupid Farm you know I can’t Beed you no don’t go there Turtle you’re going to get stuck no don’t go this way don’t go this way don’t go this way a thank you it just climbs right over its eggs it doesn’t give a [ __ ] wow oh at least it doesn’t crush on oh you double sent it oh oh well it made it loot four so that actually worked what the [ __ ] the hell you doing what’s this Turtle doing over here yeah come here Turtle it’s time for you to find love come on H yep in just a second come on turtles turtle turtle turtle turtle turtle love each other they’re looking at each other but they’re also looking at my [ __ ] seaweed this this port turtle’s been trapped up here for so long they can’t get past the fences I’m officially out of seaweed all right a I don’t have any seaweed for him yeah there was no seaweed here either no I had planted this one but actually not much growth yeah I actually wonder do I no oh this guy’s finally going to get out of here I only have one seaweed I hate that there’s no [ __ ] seaweed here all right I’m gonna go ahead and give this to this one up here just because he’s been stuck up here for so long but oh no I can’t he don’t want it all right our Egg Farm is complete hurry up bro so we have to keep them trapped until they’re full grown how long does that take I don’t know what do the Torches do just so mobs don’t come yeah just so mobs don’t come got got got you oh you said my pickaxe right uh let’s see my NE pickaxe has silk touch and efficiency five I am a I think thank you for repairing it let’s go I appreciate it all right let’s see if I can do anything pumpkin seeds melon seeds all right have a great day BMX I appreciate you hanging out I had put like 3 o’ I think on Twitter was my going oops all on Twitter yeah it’s Twitter Twitter Minecraft Adventures this a very dramatic eggling can you hurry it up right I’m waiting to fence come on that’s like that the one over there that was trapped forever um once it finally did it did it for [ __ ] and then it laid one [ __ ] egg one egg man one egg does this mean that we’re going to have to get on like I’m have to get I guess I could get on tomorrow while I’m sitting in my I have a meeting tomorrow and just have it on so that time is running I don’t know because it has to be you have to be in game right I think so I don’t know how we’re supposed to like if we have to watch them when they’re going from small to large and the items will just stay there or what uh that’s a good question Danny diamonds I have a question for you about the Minecrafts the Minecraft did you really not lay an egg after all that I’m gonna [ __ ] turn you into suit get your [ __ ] together yeah you you oh everybody’s loveing strawberry banana everybody loves it I love getting those oh there’s a zombie coming after me and I’m not in game there’s not a zombie oh my god oh he’s going to kill me come here [ __ ] come here you want to [ __ ] with me yeah you’re going to burn to death yeah get [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] you still watching that one hello yeah okay I’m going to sleep second in a dungeon no worries Danny no worries all right please please have a turtle pleas have a turtle please get a turtle can we get a turtle how many ice do [Music] think it’ll said two hours I don’t know if the Sleep speeding up at night makes a difference not I don’t know either is this tree growing out of the ground it is all right just standing out here not catching on fire what is this because he’s in water what the turtle didn’t block that [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I get if I kill a turtle oh my God there’s three glow guys down here dude drowning kills you so [ __ ] fast I get an ink sack from that where is it will it float up will ink sack float up a iron bar where’s myac you know what I should do I’ll be back wait home oh I have to do home bed nope that just took me right there home um oh just home home what do I not have a home home now did I override my home oh maybe I need to do home home there we go [ __ ] I think Danny gave me a turtle head those things are not producing glow things and that thing’s not growing I SAR she gave me a turtle head I don’t know look at all them chickens no look at all them Turtles right oh [ __ ] turtle head I two turtl for the turtle F or did it get d destroyed in the the house fire is that what happened I bet you that’s what happened that’s something I would have just yeah my bed you can do uh for/ home space bed and it’ll take you it’s going to take you right back where I am now it’ll take you to your bed if you do forb home space bed takes you to your bed bed is bed yep see it took me right here I know that’s what I’m saying but that’s what I’m saying like if you go somewhere else so you have my home set right oh my [ __ ] god do I need you don’t have home space home home space home nope okay teleport to me then and then set this place as your [ __ ] home man do not touch your bed though uh Slash set home and then space give it a name I got K Turtles bed um I have a breathing [Music] potion I’m going to go back there and kill those whatch my callets there was a bunch of glow things down there so much to they didn’t give me ink sacks oh there they are how did they give me four holy [ __ ] this that sword is amazing that cost me 16 levels to repair are you [ __ ] kidding me holy [ __ ] return my glow I is this I didn’t get any GL from that either what the [ __ ] so much for fortune five or four a [Music] looting my [ __ ] glow sacks h b there’s so many turtles down here oh that leads to [ __ ] nothing wonderful I love that didn’t give me no glow sacks I’m really upset about it man kind of salty actually some H [ __ ] right there it’s like n you got four from one you don’t need any from us it’s fine you’ve already reached your limit you can’t right I guess I should [ __ ] keep searching this underground or this waterest I got like two more minutes of [ __ ] breathing right there whales in Minecraft whales whale of a tail no I think so that’d be kind of cool if they added whales I think that so fast with a blocky I don’t know what whales wh it they got Dolphins it’d be wh cool I [ __ ] know oh [ __ ] I might die that was not no three minutes I’m going to die oh I’m going make it out in time oh my God that was no three minutes I call Shenanigans there I call [ __ ] [ __ ] I got [ __ ] how do you repair stuff on the Anvil anvils how do you repair it you put the item in the left slot materials in the right and oh what materials what materials do you need to fix it whatever it’s made of oh you wait what what would I diamond sword and then diamonds better have a [ __ ] baby after this swear to God like day [Music] 85 I’m going to go in creative mode real quick it’s the sound of the police you guys need to get car sound for your VIPs I’m going to take a screenshot this feels a lot like hell we worked hard for all that no you don’t like [Music] it I posted on Twitter I love coloring eggs my family to try and camouflage them so it’ be hard to find oh my God some were found years later that’s hilarious okay so I [Music] don’t Google if uh the sleeping [ __ ] is a thing my head on Miss turtle eggs hatch significantly quicker during nighttime oh God damn it are you [ __ ] serious our average egg hatches in 45 nights % seven nights or less do we have to be on in order for it to do it it’s raining now great all right well I’m not [ __ ] staying on to watch it uh we’ll come back I might I’ll get on tomorrow morning or like around my meeting and just kind of sit on and see what happen I’ll go check him in the morning and then after my meeting I can get back on and just sit in game and wait for him to to [ __ ] hatch I don’t know what you got going on tomorrow but oh my God that’s hilarious all right you said diamonds okay so if it’s a diamond sword I need diamonds diamonds are forever all right so you put it in both in the Anvil right one on the left and diamonds on the right sword diamond F all right two that’s not bad cost five uh mine was um two and three I why my G cost 16 that was what did you have on it you might have had something on it that efficiency I have fire knockback looting and unbreakable the pickaxe I just did was efficiency four and unbreakable three and it only cost two no no man crazy it um I’m actually going to go to Jazz’s Hat real quick and drop her boat off to her [Music] chest screen shot it send her a message home K and all right I think that’s it for me what about you that’s enough right I’m like Jesus that sucks that they do better at night I hate you for that I hate you for that so much why me um cuz you were the one that was like in could happen in four to five nights I don’t think the hatch rul I’m just [ __ ] clicking I got a [ __ ] ton of eggs 16 eggs I just got that’s wild oh 18 eggs that’s crazy all right I’m out I’m outy 5,000 in the Minecraft world uh we actually did quite a bit we started a turtle farm we [ __ ] found all kinds of [ __ ] um and then we now have our next spot to search next time we get on so we’re all set for that that’s cool but yeah I’ll check check them tomorrow and see um you know see what’s going on with them we got no trolls other than Jazz’s trolls that [ __ ] sucked weird 100% weird we all right I’m gonna get in the hunt Showdown you have a great night yeah appreciate the Minecraft games bye oh all right all right chat we’re going to get into some hunt Showdown uh finish our last Bounty for that hopefully I get it done because it’s due by Wednesday but it has no progress I don’t know why it didn’t take any of Saturday’s progress so we’ll see but um let me grab oh I already did it if you guys want to share the hunt Showdown live I would greatly appreciate it I would great appreciate it I don’t know why none of this stuff ising working TCH be really really upsetting me lately 242 yeah twitch is having some major major major major issues with letting people have their API I love it freaking love it all right we’re GNA get into this hunt Showdown while I do that I got to pop dinner in the oven so my family can eat but if you guys will share that around I would greatly appreciate it and then we’re going to try to hit um 200 200 back kills today I think I think it sounds reasonable I think we can do it I want to say we’re only like 33 off or so but I will be right back chat don’t go anywhere [Music] e e sh Z no’s lurking e e crying all right false be safe on your way home are we allowed to touch the dial I don’t know what that means that’s a big booty look at that booty got me some Sour gushers hi nope how are you all right oh did we buy that last one I think we did all right Lulu see what you’re working with what did I miss um we created a massive turtle farm let me show you let me show you this turtle farm and we found our next um exploring area look at this look at all every little square is a is a turtle egg right back so don’t touch that dial oh I I remember that bacon I remember that I remember that that’s funny that [Music] funny get rid of the Minecraft map all right now I feel old look at them Turtle I know that’s what I’m saying look at them turtle eggs all right I want to use that Lulu we’ll save her maybe Mr Cherry will be nice to me 10 so we can do iron ey run my Mosen G my health bars back oh wait oh yeah I can okay I was about to say wait I can’t do it where is my load out there it is now I feel old I said I remembered it I’m just as old did you are aren’t I isn’t [Music] I I think you’re a little older than me if I remember correctly damn [ __ ] calling me out what the [ __ ] next you’re going to tell me I’m middleaged right it’s [ __ ] up man it’s [ __ ] up all right let’s listen to our Port sulur sour gushers I didn’t go that far no looks middle Edge that’s the case it makes me a toddler yep I’m [ __ ] middle [Music] age is all right see what we’re at here 161 so we have 39 more to go can we do it yes we [Music] can all right go dang it what are you guys doing for dinner oh there one Bear Let’s uh let’s do a heist shall [Music] we that’s a good question what Lumber food I would hope so come here [ __ ] oh I got no stamina make me [ __ ] bleed my own blood what a hoe uh is it going to do the heist nobody knows oh there it is oh SAS is the only one that made it out what the [ __ ] wow wow damn let’s do another Heist all right looks like two at prison probably definitely people themselves up with butter trying to gelves up with but wait what who’s greasing who up with butter hey DN why is only one winners only one winners it’s crazy it’s wild that the way it hide damn all right let’s go let’s go get my perk real quick that’s what I want to do we’re also not too far from the cart either but I don’t really feel like [ __ ] with people right now so I It Up Guys exclamation heist in chat damn we all made it out we all made it [Applause] out [Applause] pretty sure they’re all at the cart but I don’t have any points so let’s go get boss they’re fighting at the cart back there 100% fighting back there at the cart [ __ ] off Hive nobody needs you Oo we got out we got out dogs over there two of those [ __ ] dudes over there thank you for throwing stuff at me appreciate appreciate it wa all right let’s get get in there and do this you [ __ ] [ __ ] come on just care let’s [Music] go I feel like the cops only caught me because of my name oh my God maybe possibly all right let’s see what kind of traps we got around here usually only fire more than anything yep now I should go hide in the White House headshot head [ __ ] shot go revive your [ __ ] teammate damn wo for for those dogs are [ __ ] chasing them well they’re busy with them I’m going they’re busy with them dogs I’m going to get the [ __ ] out of here right get the [ __ ] out of here I have no idea if I killed that second guy or not but I know I definitely [ __ ] hit him got no bodies we’re getting out let’s go might only got one kill but you know what one kill is better than no kill kills one is better than none guys if you haven’t had a chance to share it on Twitter please do so let’s get let’s get our hunt Showdown people in here let’s get them in yeah it was this partner that down me beef Mountain was the one I killed a lot of one stars in there what the [ __ ] let’s do silent killer cond to it uh we want Beast face so the birdies don’t yell when I run by let’s do light foot and let’s go ahead with the Sol skin all right stock back up all right let’s go back into the bou back into the bou [Music] [Music] someone was a spy the cops were waiting for you damn it was totally use ass wasn’t it it was probably bacon he [Music] salty get it I’ll be here all [Music] week so yeah was me oh my God I knew [Music] it in the dark [Music] the [Music] all right two boss map we are on not fluffy side but we have one trade point we can use that card ahead of us hopefully it’ll have the um all right time to swap some puffers I’ll be on mobile in a little bit sounds good dances I appreciate you hopefully they’ll have the uh Boon one I actually don’t want the XP one I want the Boon waiting on other players all right here we go into the bou into the bou part over there a little bit we’ll get this clue and then head over there e for for for for for we GNA be heading that way I can’t believe I missed all my shots did you wash your ass today [Music] n [Music] I don’t know where they went to be honest if they went back that way yep definitely went that way they ran by here for sure I got one point do we have we don’t have bon all right we’ll take cash register then it’s in the back building how did you even [ __ ] see me how did he even know I was back there I would really like to know missed [ __ ] how did he even [ __ ] know yeah I’d like to know how they know exactly where I [ __ ] am I call hacks on that one so I’m going to Runway back here and see if they find me we’re going to go across the lumber he’s scream peeking well they wouldn’t know my name yet so there’s no way of that but yeah let’s see him chase me down yeah there’s no [ __ ] way cuz they don’t even have a scan so for him to see me that’s wild P where you played on the same screen oh Co-op Co-op Co-op yeah but there’s no way he would have heard me or anything because I was Crouch walking that whole time there there’s no [ __ ] way I would have loved for him to [ __ ] see that like to see where he was shooting me from there’s no [ __ ] way cuz I didn’t set off any birds or any of that [ __ ] there’s no [ __ ] way literally no [ __ ] way and they were fighting people yeah that they don’t have skill so they probably hack that’s what I’m thinking that’s literally what I’m thinking cuz cuz he came down the stairs it wasn’t like he was standing on the stairs staring at me that he saw me from that far they’re out looking for me they are out looking for me they got the bounties and they’re out looking for me are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me wow for sh [ __ ] a same person same [ __ ] person are you [ __ ] kidding me [Music] m y we’re just going to go to this other extraction same person three times no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way what’s we’re going on a trip in my favorite jet ship flying through the sky [Music] and oh God all the seasons all the freaking Seasons oh cooking dinner I am well I’m pretty sure I just ran into a a hacker no I don’t want to [ __ ] with [Music] you pretty sure I ran into a hacker it’s awesome and also thank you for the blesses I appreciate it we got no [ __ ] points though [ __ ] I don’t know why I’m going this way then because I can’t get nothing can’t get anything ning nothing those [ __ ] are still up there [ __ ] dicks I tell you it’s crazy though like a somebody already got all these damn Z’s lurking shots damn thank you for the [Music] lurk nope I’m dead that was close wow what is this match what is this match oo someone killed somebody let’s go Bounty changed hands these trap people are doing doing hella annoying yeah 100% did you see the guy that killed me three times dances I’m pretty sure he’s hacking I just got back no yeah the first the first kill was pretty [ __ ] sus I was in a tree like not even inside the compound like pretty far out across the bunch of water and it was like trees like this and I was Crouch walking the whole way up and I come around a tree and instantly get headshotted and I watched him come down the stairs so it wasn’t like he was standing on the stairs watching did you see all the Apex hackes I did not what’s going on with that so no more Apex war zone then you got tagged in my general about it uh there’s major issues with Apex I haven’t been in the Discord much why did I get tagged in yours did you tag me in yours oh both of us I don’t know if y’all saw this oh by shoe head nice Apex act any games EA titles once they have oh really really well [ __ ] we send that to Jazz as well so that’s crazy oh that’s not what I want to say where the [ __ ] did it go if I get dbed again I’m gonna be pissed I’m gonna be pissed okay so it won’t let me save the image that he sent for some reason unable to save image unable to copy image I can’t do anything with that image he put in there for some reason no person who tagged you us okay I was going about to say like why the [ __ ] are people tagging me in your area when they aren’t even talking to me I was going to be real mad I’m going to be real mad two pro players got hacked man and had to cancel it the [ __ ] is that noise the [ __ ] is that noise it’s a weird ass [ __ ] noise that’s for sure that’s crazy all right let me just screenshot it since I can’t for some reason do anything with that picture that’s so weird discord’s being hella [ __ ] weird there we go that’s crazy that’s insane in the membrane so it looks like we’re we’re going to war zone ranks war zone ranks that’s crazy they we’re giving wall hacks an Aimbot mid match J’s Robb back goes Cod it is that’s crazy why do you have bots in your live what are you talking about why are you a bot do I not have trade points Fu all right let’s go get rid of this one that’s two and let’s get rid of get rid of light foot how often do I really climb up stuff my 3 point left we can go with all right let’s do it that’s crazy so someone hacked them and gave them Aimbot and wall hacks that’s crazy Andy I would love to know what Bots you’re talking about because um obviously you’re not talking about Tik Tok because I only have two viewers so pretty sure there’s no bots in there that’s [ __ ] Wild that is [ __ ] wild Danny what time are you uh playing with Wicked today time means she doing her birthday stuff doesn’t hunt also use Easy anti-che um oh that reminds me want to look at that guy I don’t know do they down me three times he’s 1.75 I don’t know not report him we’re going to do cheating I don’t know haven’t heard anything she stopped in here for a second I said happy birthday and then she was gone I’m not sure what time is that her oh that’s just a happy birthday to wend yeah I don’t know let me see what see what her Discord says [Music] announcement hello [ __ ] we just played you GG’s would prefer if you were more active par par in the fights um well when someone’s in the game hacking kind of makes me not want to but thank you for your advice oh let’s go back into the Bayou we go hacking yeah I’m pretty sure someone was hacking in there but it’s cool thank you for your advice though okay bro oh it must have been you must have been you have fun have fun get the [ __ ] out of my chat [Music] must have been him yeah they were playing lost control of their game and you saw the hack Windows pop up and able stuff for them and then started sending message saying hacked by this person wow that’s crazy that’s insane that is insane insane heed his [Music] friend he killed his own friend that’s great yo Cal thank you so much for the raid welcome in welcome in I’m K XP if you don’t know me we do a lot of vs PVP and just chatting here currently playing hunt Showdown my favorite game my main game where I’m pretty sure I just ran into a hacker but you don’t know you never know that’s an old clip welcome in guys welcome in whack ma Texas welcome in welcome in Cal how were your games were you playing hunts were we doing the Hunts where are we doing the hunt sorry I was getting into the Tik Tok it was being weird oh got you you know you’re [Music] fine hunch just funny today what was going on with you so I basically was nowhere near a compound right like there was a good siiz body of water between me and the compound and a bunch of bushes and I was Crouch walking up cuz they were kind of shooting and so I kind of Crouch walked up and got to where I could see like maybe this much of a space to see out the leaves and the guy runs down a set of stairs stops turns to me and head shot me tell me how he saw me yo thank you so much for the follow thank you for the follow wack TX iate you just saved a panda from tell me how he saw me if he was just coming downstairs that have like like it’s not like you could just like the stairs are open you could see everything like it was part of a building thing coming down he comes down stops immediately turns and shoots there’s no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way I all [ __ ] no they didn’t have Bounty [Music] yet yeah no Bounty was still um Vanishing it was crazy thank you for the sub whack ma TX thank you so much for the tier one sub welcome to the panda crew Panda crew Panda Den be cave I don’t [ __ ] know what I’m calling it it’s something it’s something no it was weird C it was [ __ ] weird as [ __ ] and then they came in my chat right before you raided and was like we would like for you to be more active in the fights and um so I’m pretty sure he was them and I was like well I’m pretty sure one of uh somebody in the game was hacking so I didn’t really want to he goes okay bro bro plays with me and only Subs to people I raid o just show his support well I appreciate you I appreciate you we’re now 20 of 80 subs for the month that is our goal we’ll be giving away a Elgato um capture card when we hit 80 so I appreciate it don’t listen to cow I appreciate did you clip it at all I’m a mobile so I can’t check B easily no I did not cuz I just wanted to get up and get out of there same dude kills me three [Music] times so I’m pretty sure pretty sure he was the the one I need that capture card well we got we got to get to 80 Subs it’s a nice capture card if it’s one of the newer ones it’s not the newest but newer oh Scrappy why you do this to me and uh in order to get in giveaways you do have to buy tickets if you do exclamation um exclamation what is it tickets it’ll tell you kind of the details of how we uh you earn points for tickets and then the more tickets you have the more you can enter into did the [Music] giveaway oh it’s red how come I can’t banish him nice pretty sure he’s above well that’s protecting there I knew I recognized your accent you’re from Texas too I am from Texas well I’m not from Texas but I’ve been in Texas for 25 years what part of Texas are you iny let’s go my shout out on cool [Music] down thank you so much for the [Music] r oh you clicking heads or not no I got clicked I got clicked my head got clicked y welcome in Raiders I’m K XP if you don’t know me we do a lot of vs PVP and just chatting here we’re currently playing H Showdown my favorite game of main game where I’m pretty sure I just ran into to a hacker last match and then they came in chat to talk [ __ ] so now we’re in a new match where I vanished but these guys are here so there’s two teams with me we’re going to see what happens were you playing some hunt I’m from Fort Worth but live East Texas now between Tyler and long viiew nice I used to actually live over that way um I went to high school at a very very teeny tiny school um I had 32 in my graduating class 32 how was your stream though and uh I’m assuming you were playing hunt yes hunt hunt hunt I was in a huge graduating class had people wanted me to do so we started with that and then we s to hunt got absolutely destroyed so we ended so apparently does does hunt use the easy anti-che cuz um few people were telling me that it got hacked and now like hackers are just in here and whatnot I’m going make him think I stream on Mondays oh [ __ ] yep popping head Get Wrecked [ __ ] get [ __ ] wrecked get them heads [ __ ] popping you’re going to burn to [ __ ] embarrassment ofes pretty sure they were together maybe possi absu nah mm sit the [ __ ] down sit the [ __ ] down wait do we want to go again do we do we want to do we do we want to go again sit down sit down sit down what’s up Abu uh your song did play I don’t know there it is there it is there it is [Music] everything’s [Music] delayed their first match on was a [ __ ] show I’m pretty sure I ran into a hacker and then they came into chat and like [ __ ] talk [Music] [ __ ] a [Music] [ __ ] is the sound of the police you guys need to get care a sound for your VIP I got to go that way look oh hold up hold up hold up I’m going to do this oh my God no I ran into the Trap it’s the hunt showdown music oh that’s a chaos though hopefully they won’t notice that I left what’s hope Serpentine serpen [ __ ] can’t see me all right oh my God yeah I was I was noticed a little [Music] bit [ __ ] all right so I got to add three of these C two I I do it oh he threw a big Dynamite bundle the dip turns out she did not make it it was a b [Music] a oh I’m dead Fu damn it I tried I tried I tried so [Music] hard damn it yeah my first game on though Abu um I was coming up to port rer and they were fighting and they were in not the so I was coming from Lumber so they were in the second main building and uh they were upstairs running around but I was across the water towards the very like back side of it towards the fence line like the end of the map and I was Crouch up couldn’t see the buildings or anything just a tree in a bush and I creeped around and I I like walked I was Crouch walking the whole way got to where I could see a tiny little bit through there I see the guy run down the stairs which he had no ey sight prior to him running down the stairs so he runs down the stairs all of a sudden just stops turns and just shoots and hits me right in the head no scans nothing like that he just runs the stairs stops turns shoots then he comes in my chat and he goes you should be a more active participant in fights and I said maybe if you weren’t hacking and then and then he goes okay bruh or he goes hacking question mark okay brh nah it was very sus man very [ __ ] sus seven kills like what the [ __ ] that was wild wild yeah it was crazy like uh I don’t even know how to go back in my vods how do you go back in um dances or Danny how do you guys look at him while you’re live like I’ve [Music] never let’s go let’s see [Music] videos is it this one okay here we go active participant in fights that’s what they told me they came in and said GG’s we were in your last battle it’d be nice if you were an active participant in battles all right let me clear this up is this after here it is here it is here it is okay so hold up let me let me pause this me unmute let me give you guys browser sound let me turn it all the way up okay so this is where I’m Crouch walking up oh wait that’s too far [ __ ] that’s too far was it this okay I think this is it okay yeah so I just figured out which way they headed no let’s go back go just a tiny bit did he okay back a little bit okay right here okay so I ran up here and I crouch walked I don’t see anybody right I’m like I can’t [ __ ] see so that wasn’t that me that was somebody else they’re blowing up barrels I’m Crouch walking this whole [ __ ] way right I peek around here he comes he just came down the stairs how did you even [ __ ] he just came down the stairs there’s no [ __ ] way he wasn’t even there watch I peek around there’s no one there they’re not there at all then you see him run down the stairs he runs down right now here he comes he just ran down how did you even [ __ ] see me tell me he isn’t hacking how there’s no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way yeah exactly so would you assume hacking as well because I sure in the [ __ ] did then you want to come in my chat and say you should be an active participant in the battles okay pal okay all right I’m going to go check on dinner real quick I couldn’t even see him zoom in Hunt also uses it guy is a a noer yeah um so apparently I guess like the anti-cheat the easy antiche got hacked so maybe I don’t [ __ ] know I don’t [ __ ] know we’ll see how it goes uh were you hopping on I’m going to go check on dinner if you guys haven’t shared the live please do so and I’ll be no I zoomed in and could barely see him exactly that’s what I’m saying there’s no [ __ ] way I didn’t move at all when he ran down the stairs I was waiting for him there’s no [ __ ] way he knew I was there no [ __ ] way e e e e e thank you for the follow tbo2 you just saved a panda from crying e meow meow meow meow meow meow meow e e e e hello oh I muted hello hello hello hello hello my music wasn’t playing damn dances is number two Pokemon Community game is kicking your ass yeah I don’t know I was telling Joe about he was like maybe he saw your head was like I mean he could see you like you you you can be seen you know hiding in a bush yeah I know but looks but he went right down the stairs stopped and turned to me yeah that was crazy there’s no [ __ ] way and then and then the icing on the cake was him coming in and being like you should be more active participant in fights okay pal okay maybe you shouldn’t be a hacker oh man but yeah if H the hacking systems down or the anti-che systems down it’s going to be a [ __ ] show is it they’re messing with it but yeah I guess uh during the ALG Dan and Danny were telling me that uh two of the players but we use the same anti-che Apex easy antiche yep yes [Music] sir how was your games yesterday I never I didn’t even make it home until nearly six o’clock because Jay wanted to run all over the [ __ ] Countryside bag I uh I went to Walmart the Walmart by where we meet um usually has like a variety of Hot Pockets and they turned me away and said they don’t do free coupons anymore so I to I had to drive around and find somewhere that had Hot Pockets oh wow yeah I was so mad the lady was kind of about it too oh wow yeah so we’re in line and I always I always buy something I don’t just go in and get the free stuff right so Jay’s got some snacks and I’ve got like a little coffee and so I get up there and she I go I have some coupons for that and she rolls her eyes and then she starts scanning she scans one and she’s like I have to go get my manager for these and I was like okay and she turns to the guy behind me in line and goes I have to go get the manager because she’s got coupons so it’s going to be a minute and he just kind of looks at me and looks back at me he goes okay and so she walks off and comes back to the manager and the manager just goes we don’t do free coupons anymore and I was like oh that’s weird cuz I was here two weeks ago she was like yeah we don’t do it and then the lady goes do you want your other stuff and I was like no I’m good [ __ ] laugh I was so pissed wow so pissed yeah I gota love people gotta love people I was pissed at my last match when I stop playing yeah yeah what’s up dragon and Rando doing Rando [ __ ] bro that’s why you don’t do randoms he took off to [ __ ] Narnia all I got the master clue oh like the cart one yeah knew where both bosses were this dude [ __ ] runs all the way toward [ __ ] uh what you call it Mill or in trios all right he’s me and the other guy the other guy T damn Dragon first time chatter shame I don’t know I think this guy’s doing his [ __ ] uh challenges or something cuz he said something that he he to save him the dogs and armor he had to kill him with poison us at the begin I don’t talk much do exclamation check that’ll tell me if you really lur here that’s crazy I told you don’t play with randoms man just do solo and get better following said yesterday no exclamation check wow Dragon wow following since yesterday [Music] that’s all right I won’t be too mean to you since you’re doing a free emote for me is my did I win the animated or the the static oh man [Music] lame but we can talk all right sweet I’m telling you it’s super easy well I think it’s super easy oh it’s that Dragon yeah so I’m wanting this Dragon but I want it to be uh one of the female characters that I [Music] use I want it to be where is it this one but it instead of the red face guy it’s going to be the girl that I’m using [Music] okay send me the details perfect perfect all right oh I didn’t desktop amaz I know and I even left clicked in I think it’s cuz I had the Windows button open maybe I don’t know oh I jumped right into its mouth I wasn’t even pay attention oh my God what I yeah I jumped right into its [ __ ] mouth [ __ ] yeah get wrecked all right bacon good night have a great evening be safe on your travels to the Costa well they all know where we are now no yeah I don’t o I just heard a dude melee you didn’t hear that I swear I heard a dude Mele you’re not a dude and I’m not a dude Dragon I appreciate you being here well nothing’s going off red so they can’t be too close maybe I’m just hearing [ __ ] maybe your character for second sounded like a dude how does how does French make fluffy pop apparently proxy BL made fluffy come out I don’t know if anybody didn’t know that’s French for possibly where we on oh reer oh we didn’t even I thought you got a motherucker I thought it was over there don’t get head po I love that uh I love that remedy came in it was like you popping heads and then I instantly head shotted [Music] somebody that was great oh it’s up there there’s a tree in here is there leave me alone I you know I already got that what was that a very loud footstep think it was a it was a high today’s the day of the [ __ ] guys got botted earlier on Kick with um saying the nword but it spelled different so it didn’t pop in her yeah so it didn’t pop in her uh like band phrases or words yeah just nice people you know and then uh day before that what was I think it was Saturday Danny got [ __ ] follow botted so [ __ ] are out and about again oh she tried to hit me how does that look like a dead Hunter I hate when the bodies look like dead hunters oh look twin no come back here come back oh [ __ ] I didn’t kill him okay I’m good I’m good everything’s okay everything’s all right everything pancake what about pancakes oh they’re going at it pancakes I want pancakes uh is my timer going off no we’re having meat Lo answering the [ __ ] question oh my God come here go oh I forgot I had a Berserker only takes one thing that’s why he was answering the little were you answering the the circular breakfast favorite owes owes its name to a German word for a piece of horse tack can you guess what it is find out and add ends in 3 minutes pancake also a German word is it really learn something new every [ __ ] day was the answer pancake oh no the answer is Bagel it’s Bagel you were wrong you were oh I got two points how do you only have one and how do I have two I wish I could make that TTS to me banana I was 100% wrong mhm Mari would have said um that was determined a lie they are fighting at docks or church is the sound of the police but that’s gross butter and jam oh no no my dad used my stepdad used to try to feed that to us for breakfast that’s [ __ ] gross I can’t do butter under Jam it’s nasty it’s nasty wow bro it’s not my fault that you guys had bad ones all right want me to get that should we it on the if I save it just in I got to get my bars back later D yeah we’re one clue away from knowing where it is and I’m pretty sure it’s over this way maybe it’s that cremator nope it is ranch that sounded so much closer you would dare a butter and I just can’t I just can’t it tastes bad to me yeah he used to make us that and grits and I couldn’t I just wouldn’t eat breakfast I just want to eat breakfast cuz all that shit’s nasty I’ve never had oh I can’t do it’s like tapioca together so You’ do like toast with butter and jam and then a bowl of grits and here I thought you knew knew what knew that you had bad taste buds I do now don’t baby anything I which one is you Danny with butter and and jam together on toast come on she’s got to she’s got to be like me she’s got to O that’s [ __ ] nasty right that’s all I’m saying Danny that’s [ __ ] gross oh yeah I hear him running oh behind me behind me behind me they’re right inside here you kill him okay yeah we got a team behind me though oh they’re burning a body here he’s right there [ __ ] I’m die I’m no he’s oh [ __ ] he’s right there around he’s going for the res to the left there only two yep I Peacekeeper this time so I can get my bar if I can one of these guys yep hopefully just those guys yeah I don’t know I know there was another guy that was shooting behind me that they think they were originally shooting at oh he’s trying to get his teammate I’m going to put this guy out right here oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how did they oh he necro he necro no no no that’s two bodies there’s two bodies here how the [ __ ] did this dude just die I don’t know I’m L these two there’s one over here yeah but there’s some he’s got a bow he’s got a bow yep yep yep daddy wow he’s bow uppercut P out his he doesn’t know where I am though he has no idea where I’m at he might be rotating out that way all right can you go loot this body back here which one the one back here you can get your bar back all right you good you just have one bar you’re you don’t have any right huh you don’t have any missing yeah no I’m I’m good okay okay okay say hello to my little bat exactly I don’t know where he [ __ ] went though all right watch Me While I looer over here ooh nice hit went over this side over here somewhere I want to Lo one of these other ones so I can get something else kind want to save this other one just in case I yeah I just want throw blls to be honest a [ __ ] chaos I’m going to throw it I do have two more bodies right here for you to oh okay to loot too that I put out they were CH they were on fire where you at [ __ ] that’s chaos I was oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she by you yeah yeah’s hurt [ __ ] damn it if I would have hit her twice I only hit her once [ __ ] damn I gotta go pull dinner out of the oven real quick [ __ ] four stars for sh Z’s lurking e e e e all right welcome back Jo and Rivers’s plate for real quick all right [ __ ] a man oh that one team had a [ __ ] third oh fourstar Duo imagine I the one that got B heard just die oh yeah yeah yeah okay so where’s the other team no no no no cuz he was going to Res his buddy so maybe the other one the the one in the black shirt the last one that was the solo yeah no he was but the one in the the one you looted the last time for your last bar that was over all by itself yeah that’s probably their third because the other one was probably this one of these this other Duo because uh one guy was burning and the other guy came up to get him and he got bowed in the back oh okay so that was the other Duo but I bet that third was the black hat guy D suck to suck and by suck we means we suck yeah I tagged him first too and [ __ ] I don’t know why I went out of ads I tagged him too so why didn’t he [ __ ] die I probably hit him in the the pinky for like three look that I hit him with compact ammo so it didn’t do a lot of damage H with reg yeah in the shoulder at least cuz he it was the side of him I should have [ __ ] I was probably a ceneter off how much damage I did I didn’t p attention I never look at that [ __ ] all right Mr Cherry what you gonna give me is that what it was I didn’t even see oh nope two upgrade points suck it all right I know that was that was very rude of me it’s very rude of me [ __ ] me no never what you mean what you mean all right we save that for something yeah if I wouldn’t have missed my first shot on him he would have been dead but I missed my my first shot trying to recommend aiming for the groin oh well I couldn’t see their groin I could I couldn’t see their groin all right let’s see I need the reaper oh yeah yeah all right dragon dragon dragon [Music] [Music] dragon what’s your [ __ ] name in Discord y’all got some weird ass [ __ ] names what well no like they’re not the same names they have on Twitch they’ve got all kinds of weird ass [ __ ] names that was no cuz absu was in your name you know what I mean but like but like kgm kgm Junior 32 is his switch the other guy’s switch name is but in their Discord it’s the Elder you see what I mean like nothing nothing even close I don’t [ __ ] know his name bullet grubber all right no more grubbing bullets all right spark sniper close instab bur holy [ __ ] dude yeah there 32 met it’s the other spawn I’m so sorry we bro who why you do that to my buddy let let me just get in we’re nice people I swear I’ll come out with a medkit I’m terrified of you honestly you scared the [ __ ] out of me oh maybe he saw him all the way back into [ __ ] is he going to be nice ni to me I think he’s running I got you oh holy sh yeah so I think he thinks I think he thinks really you’re a [ __ ] dick dude [ __ ] you you’re a [ __ ] prick really you run off like you don’t give a [ __ ] about it and then and then you [ __ ] wow okay what an [ __ ] he played you now he’s just a [ __ ] douchebag can’t play Nobody just an [ __ ] [ __ ] loser what a [ __ ] loser I thought maybe you just didn’t hear me and ran off you know AB to ra but [ __ ] how you going to say sorry we got spawned so close and then [ __ ] murder both of us I can’t even do last team like my last match report isn’t showing up do you see it huh yeah mine isn’t showing up oh no it’s gone packing I mean I was able to checked before uh what you call it I saw at the end I got back to Lobby I didn’t see him acted like he was cool trapped the body and waited yeah I didn’t even hear himar I didn’t even hear him Place those yeah he was like [ __ ] [Music] fast that’s ridiculous donkey Vance lb KBS yeah right no I won’t get Vengeance I’ll probably never see him again what was his name Beetle Juice my dick small you think that was funny that’s his name my dick small I thought it was funny I thought it was Clipper guess at all it’s fine she polished the bat yeah my bat’s ready what are these people I know y’all go get real jobs ma’am go get a job touch some grass something I remember a time when you pred ahead of me oh how did your thing go today nope no I never even heard him through the traps and I wasn’t too far behind you that’s wild yeah cuz you bur and then trapped it was fast how the [ __ ] you do that head shot me burn two traps traps yeah not just one trap two traps mhm I didn’t hear a single one of them apologize for the spawn and then played me told you when I first came in um the only message I saw when you first came in with like eyeballs or something but twitch has also been been broken today so a lot of messages haven’t been coming through and my chat will sometimes not even like it’s will’ll just go blank I would love an apple pie apple pies are delicious oh my got the chea M I got my cupcakes oh yeah was back to work and then wrote that I can come only to work from cliner or a bed wait what how does that work I’m a little upset at your sister for buying store by and not making it your sister-in-law I’m a little upset I’ll just look up my own recipe it’s called jalapeno popper dip right yeah it’s basically just a well she said it’s like cream cheese bacon bits I guess bacon mhm uh jalapenos mhm okay that’s easy enough what you want add like cheddar cheese or mhm I did I did km okay I’ll look it up see it sounds delicious Joe probably won’t eat it because he’s got cream cheese yeah very good sounded delicious what do you eat with it like crackers or I was eating it with horn chips porn chips okay says no bending no lifting no turning no walking Jesus Ling in editing oh nice K yeah I like went in the Discord so Dragon came in and told me to hit him up about the details for the the emote and I go in the Discord and immediately go who the [ __ ] is dragon in here because none of y’all’s names are normal imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons man I’ve never been betrayal so betrayed so bad in the by you than I did just by that guy yeah oh R’s on the map not that I care but we’ll grab the clue just in case he is the guy I just think it’s funny that like none of youall both names are the same in there pent Dragon what that wasn’t his name I was giving in Discord I forgot to do my bars again damn it motherucker are you throwing the night is that what it is uh I might be damn now okay what the [ __ ] I was no those words I love that so did I just message the wrong person kjm uh let me see who I was told to message for that okay no it sent it to the right person okay you’re the yeah okay okay yeah oh get the [ __ ] out of that’s all the way at Seven Sisters I am the Elder guess why cuz you’re the oldest one in there you ate all the Elder Beres oh my God you could have guessed wrong I’m sorry cuz you’re like a father figure to all of them I don’t know what would I even guess wrong because Elder means older so so I don’t I don’t know how I would have guessed that wrong man I mean I don’t know what you want me to do I don’t know what you want me to doag you can’t tell me what to do I’m just I wish I had another totem or two CU I might have a point what it’s not my fault you’re [Music] old wow glad you made it home lady how goes hunt well we ran into a hacker I was betrayed by another solo um got six five back kills so far not terrible but the Betrayal hurts the Betrayal hurts and I hope he comes in here afterwards cuz I’m going to tell him how betrayed I feel thought we were cool I came out with a medkit tried to help my friends juice what’s his name Beetle Juice oh Beetle Juice I’ve seen that name in here before I think I’ve seen too thank you for hanging last night gwyn’s the best what about me kgm I hung too you not going tell me thank you I’m very hurt right now I’m also betrayed by kgm like oh they fighting get out of here dog here have my leftover little bit of Hot Pocket go dude they really battling and I’m jealous hurt die way often n no I don’t need your pity thank you and agis no dude you’re like five years older than me right I don’t even know I’m old too I’m the Elder in here right now well actually I’m not the chairman but I’m the chair bear oh we got to be friends that guy died from a boom boom stay in the back of the building in the back of it outside or inside inside all right I’m in here oh I’m dead I even looked down there was nothing there I even look down y’all saw me look down chat I looked down nothing was there well just gave them free loot no they’re not going to be able to go towards that window cuz it’s completely poisoned now I guess I didn’t yeah I went up to the the window that’s I did yo thank you so much for the follow welcome man thank you for the follower0 t1c r0bot 1C you just saved the Panda from crying that’s my bad but I looked I got up to the edge I looked straight down saw nothing jumped in and it still caught me I just suck I’m sorry it’s all right okay they’re going to fight at the other end they’re probably hurt I’m going to go in and throw the hive down there but I I looked down I swear I got to the window looked straight down saw absolutely nothing jumped in yeah you killed oh you killed the four star fourar I got killed by the fourar with his stupid [ __ ] traps oh the guy the window didn’t open and kill you oh no it was him it was a trade with him oh I saw the window shoot open right as you died so I thought the guy like got the shot on you play the game before my audio wasn’t on the right input we just [Music] ran we would have just ran away those spawns are [ __ ] dude I tried to talk to you you betrayed me you betrayed me I even said I was like we can be friends it’s okay that you killed my teammate like I won’t shoot you I’m coming out with a med kit and you ran off and then you turned around and you shot me I’m betrayed by you man I am betrayed I don’t know that I can ever forgive you my soul is absolutely hurt right now I was just talking about you too I said if that guy comes in here I’m going to tell him how betrayed I feel man Karma’s going to get you in the bayou though Karma’s gonna get you I didn’t hear you at all I’m sorry no your sorries do nothing for me nothing it’s all right man I’ve had that happen too it’s okay but dude how [ __ ] fast are you at putting traps down you killed him burned him two traps and I only heard the burnning shot and I was right around the rock not very far from there you’re [ __ ] fast as [ __ ] that was crazy crazy I had the silent trait and fireand crossbow a gotcha makes sense makes sense well well played sir well played I might have called you some Choice words after you killed me but all could be forgiven been insta burn in every game myself tonight so some irritation a yeah no problem used to it already play hun enough you’re gonna get insta Burn yeah it’s like it’s a shocker to us when we don’t get instab bur like we’re like oh my god did they just forget about us I appreciate you though so I hear eating pretzels and Sour’s something wrong with me sour gustes no and it’s like beard cheese ones too so it’s like Savory and then the sour I don’t know [ __ ] weird I’m a weirdo oh bless you cream for the burn either there isn’t oh another one of these Maps [ __ ] all right what do we got we’re on fluffy side we get fluffy fluffy fluffy there it is I’m about to cuss oh wait which way we going what the [ __ ] are you doing sir oh no worries is this giving us the exact same [ __ ] oh my God you apparently I pissed that poo off hella bad I don’t think anybody shot me sorry about that oh you’re all good I try to mute you’re fine basically at the same spawn we did last [Music] a how did we die last time we were oh yeah that’s I died cuz I ran in we were at sisters oh yeah yeah there’s a armored with a actually is there that no I’m seeing [ __ ] it’s fine everything is f be wear her knife hands and her bad hand pack the wall up if I can get my knife out fast enough it would D that guy that [ __ ] stole my bat that one night I would have definitely had him if I would have pulled my knife out I still play dances for that for opening the door the wrong way who does that who opens and he [ __ ] blocked me I don’t know about that upgrade points I don’t know man he hates hunt awfully a lot I can see him sabotaging oh the other one’s still here nice very nice nice fishery fish [Music] piece of [ __ ] nothing nothing in H they might be at weeping for the other boss oh I think somebody’s coming to behind might have been the [ __ ] but I don’t know for sure I’m going to try to rotate by a me head down here got be still white but [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] it’s so light oh we Hur back the wi d triple bad attack I triy I Tred to get three in all right what do you drop over there very nice very nice over here I’m GNA kill this guy real quick CU don’t break [ __ ] door down just one box that’s it what an [ __ ] oh man I guess I didn’t hear anything I guess it was just the the black spots tricking me now hi is going nuts the other way yeah triggered over here mhm he’s on the roof up there oh there’s two teams how do I keep sliding off this [ __ ] table door’s track poison yep well two three there’s two out this way and two out that way oh that’s all trapped right there so he’s kind of stuck in this room a little bit oh did he drop two boxes [Music] F got him another one coming close you back up yeah they’re back there nice you get her all right one left out north 40 Northeast 45 yeah right here yep watch out this body’s trapped right here M yeah he’s right out here good [ __ ] all right putting this guy out careful solos I don’t know who’s with who yeah this guy said this body is trapped are they oh yeah holy [ __ ] yeah that one tra yeah oh the [ __ ] I can’t even see to take the Trap off there we go all right I disarm that one yeah well he’s got a body right here too so that’s three four five had has a scope anybody with SC yeah automatically assume they’re [ __ ] that one got oh really they had time to loot one all right burn [ __ ] Burn yeah I think it was this guy this guy I taged no he was over here I still got nobody else well that’s half the lobby they’re right here at Ash Ash Creek see if they come this way that one not not yet I’m still watching this guy check those two make sure they’re not no one’s up thought I just heard a heard a female’s voice no they’re leaving all right yeah they’re leaving you want to hit up cart and then get the [ __ ] out yeah all right we burning this guy over here too everybody Burns everybody n he has anymore are they burning together one Burn yeah yeah those two are both burning together was there anybody in here dead oh here’s the here’s the six maybe it was yeah I mean I only saw four UNS scans but yeah third one might have been back oh yeah this one that got up Let the Galaxy Burn yeah hurry buddy Burns you burn too [ __ ] no one leaves here unburned all right let’s go get our [ __ ] at the cart and get the [ __ ] out of here I that’s a win in my book two kills three kills yep no bad kills though it’s a shame think might be three yeah I think you got two and I got one kind of feel bad taking a kill and like when they’re fighting and killing them they’re in the middle and they don’t see it coming but you know po bo oh this is the time I don’t need the shot you piece of [ __ ] shot you just run around and do [ __ ] a [ __ ] yeah they’re out well they went that oh yeah yeah yeah so time for accidental bat to the back of the teammate’s head just saying O that doesn’t count towards my back kills though let me see if anybody killed the me head in weing yeah cuz that should be Lobby six there seven eight nine 10 at least unless there’s another duo or two solos running around but Solo in a bush somewhere than clear this place out oh my God let me out from under the [ __ ] thing no they clear this place out Jesus ah except for one lonely [ __ ] zombie [ __ ] he went boom there’s a consumable box here you know you’re hungry when the simple smell makes your mouth water and control be in your stomach gr facts what are you have for dinner crunchy taco rice wait what what is crunchy taco rice the [ __ ] is crunchy taco rice finally somebody with some new recipes in chat it’s everything for a taco but you put it in rice instead so you do like so nachos with rice is that is that is that what it is nachos with rice D they cleared out this area too kind of like that I didn’t make it oh I respect it Satchel ha you were already dead is there me dead yeah boom teammate blows up by Barrel boom [Music] Magie I SC nobody around my roommate partner is extra picky eater I’m really glad none of my kids have ever been picky eaters I used to be picky yeah so weird to be picky food is delicious I mean if you think about everybody’s kind of picky because there’s things that people will absolutely not eat like I won’t eat pineapple on pizza so I’m going check this Tower see experi sound oh yeah I forgot about [ __ ] you’re way the [ __ ] over there too I ate pizza cold I used to be able to do that as a kid but now I just find it kind of weird get used to do it for like breakfast right you just get a piece of pizza out of the fridge ABS still a kid anything in the tower oh unable to bother to Reg register I’ll take it money is money man when you’re a broke [ __ ] oh upgrade points too it’s also a fire bomb and where the up right there look at the microwave next to the fridge yeah but then you got to wait the like 30 45 seconds when you could just eat the pizza you know it’s okay okay run Papa run we all know Papa ain’t running he’s old got two bad knees he ain’t running exactly yeah I respect it let’s see what else will I not eat I don’t eat fish not a fan of fish um if I had good sushi I might eat sushi maybe um won’t eat weird [ __ ] like pigs feet frog tails or dog feet I don’t [ __ ] know I haven’t had sushi in so long I don’t like sushi I’ve tried it twice and both times it was [ __ ] disgusting [ __ ] gross see what else there’s some Indian foods I don’t like I don’t want tapy o what was that oh why does it sound like worms you hear that doesn’t sound like worms uh let’s see I won’t eat grits I won’t eat tapioca I won’t [Music] eat so if you technically break it down everybody’s picky if you’re just eating chicky nuggies you’re just dumb no I’m just kidding and any of that like just wanted just chicken nuggets or something but I think because I’ve always we have three kills oh you got one from the one team and one from the other team oh so there two two two teams of trios well damn I thought you had got a kill I got one oh yeah you did okay yeah I got we killed killed two from one team and you killed one from one other didn’t register the all right yeah know I started my kids young eating like all kinds of stuff for the most part I think it’s like a handful of things that they’re like it wasn’t bad but it’s not something I would ask for again what did I make the other night I don’t remember I don’t remember but they were like it was good but I’m not going to request it fair enough oh no and you save two spaces give offering I’m allergic to avocados in the Hardway notches super sick oh I’ve heard actually that like people being allergic to avocados is kind common which is really weird I I mean is it because it’s like a is it considered like a tropical origin like I don’t understand where does where do avocados originate from why are they so good on Mexican food these are the questions I need answers all right let’s do it again let’s do it again we made it out alive who would have th it who would have it so I develop I developed an allergy which was crazy never knew that would happen yeah so your body changes like every seven years too so you what something you might not have been allergic to you could be allergic to now or something you were allergic to you might not be now it’s really [ __ ] weird really I didn’t know that what cuz I I always thought I was uh allergic to peaches when I was a kid one time I ate peaches and I like broke out real bad like in a bad rash had real bad reaction so you never ate peaches again so I never ate peaches you know I would always pick them out and then uh I don’t know what it was that I tried it again and yeah I was all right I don’t know why I tried it again yeah because I wasn’t I wasn’t allergic to like penicillin and stuff and I or is it penicillin or MOX ayin I think I’m allerg a MOX ayin or I guess any of the cillins because they’re all were made from the same [ __ ] but yeah I can’t I have to have some sort of other antibiotic but it’s weird it just happened like two or three years ago I like took some and [ __ ] my whole body broke out in hives it was the most miserable like seven hours of my life I just laid in the bathroom shower like it was crazy allergic to hemp and they break out into hi yeah that’s crazy and she always has been but then some people are always allergic like I know a lot of people that are like uh shellfish allergies will like have from when they were a kid even now the body is weird you can not grow allergies um our oldest um couldn’t eat pineapples out of the can but she could eat regular pineapple and now she can eat but it used to make sores sores all inside of her mouth oh [ __ ] got that reaction they were like home home like jar oh yes so something it might have been something they put in it to preserve it yeah cuz if you were allergic to him and you were picking them out of things you would have still broke out a little bit because the juices on being it might have put to preserve that’s crazy I know that uh when I eat coconut my throat gets really itchy but I haven’t tried it in a while but Joe just pointed out the other day this spray moisturizer stuff I have has coconut oil in it and I was like well I don’t feel anything like my throat doesn’t get all [ __ ] up he was like you would think it would but maybe not he was like cuz you’re not actually eating it but it’s Ben a John H gave her a good dose of that and just monitor breathing yeah 100% yeah cuz that’s the worst is the stuff you can’t see like it your throat closing and [ __ ] um Rich reminds me has anybody watched uh hereditary yeah oh my God that [ __ ] is oh my God don’t make me watch that the other night we watched it Saturday night oh oh that movie is [ __ ] up oh that [ __ ] was crazy you have it I I recommend but also don’t recommend oh cuz I need others to experience the [ __ ] I had to witness but I also don’t recommend it because I didn’t like it like it was creep me the [ __ ] out and then we also watched um some documentary but it’s like a fake documentary it’s not real ghost aument yeah basically but it’s um what is it called um [ __ ] I can’t remember the name I’ll have to look it up and tell you guys next stream but it’s about a it’s like something about an old lady or something about an old lady that killed like seven seven children or some [ __ ] I don’t [ __ ] know but yeah it’s like all made up he may watch that too and even though like we knew it’s probably fake until like at the end it said it was but um I it creeped me the [ __ ] out Paranormal Activity [ __ ] creeps me the [ __ ] out how you supposed to protect yourself against demon ghosts you can’t I’m goingon to blow this dude up all right you can’t protect yourself if it wants you to die you’ll die make sure there’s no [ __ ] Barrels N you can I watch a super uh yeah you can I watch Supernatural just got to have that salt so just carry salt all the time I actually don’t like Supernatural I’m not a fan of super like natural things or that oh really I’m going to get yelled at yeah I don’t like that stuff like vampires and which is really weird cuz I like zombies I remember the vampire stor yeah no [ __ ] that [ __ ] I used to have to go to sleep with stuff around my neck cuz I was so afraid my sister would probably invite them in to have them kill me I can’t do it can’t do it vampire scare me they still scare me me punching my mouse off my desk I love you 3,000 I wasn’t sure howc ban freshen up but it was so [ __ ] good the best fake banana flavor I have ever had wishing I bought like three more y y thank you for the 47 months and I’m glad you like the B the strawberry banana it’s actually almost sold out again we only have nine tubs left it’s crazy everybody’s loving it I really do appreciate the resub all right this is going to be my one yeah was [ __ ] amazing I’m glad you liked it I’m really glad you liked it like everybody’s raving about it I think I only got one partial negative review and it wasn’t that it was bad they just thought it was too sweet so they were going to just do a half a scoop instead of a full scoop but other than that they really liked it and it reminded them of the Run candy I’m so glad everybody’s liking it they picked up they’re not too far from us or Hemlock you heard me about this being my last one right oh I’m sorry I it’s all good yeah I know J said he’s not really feeling gaming so I’m hop off and watch some TV with him it is sweet but I just did like three4 of scoop but I’m not a mad about it just means it lasts longer exactly I honestly don’t even do a full scoop of any of them I do a half a scoop for every like for like 16 whatever a water bottle is 16.9 ounces I do a half a scoop of all the flavors I don’t know but I’m so glad you liked it ma’am definitely get some more the more we sell out of it the more likely we can get in cans cuz they said the better the cells on the tubs gets us in cans faster so if every time it comes back we sell out um that’s good it’s good it’s good so yeah last time I checked this morning we were at 9 isn’t your flavor but also got fruit punch and that was good and I don’t I agree with that I don’t even like anything fruit punch do you remember as a kid the chewable Ty Tylenols that were fruit punch flavor that’s what every fruit punch thing tastes like to me except for freshen UPS fruit punch it’s actually really really good I think they’re coming to us well they’re going to die thank you for bringing the Bounty let’s see what we’re at on the site I hope we’re not at nine anymore we’re still at nine boo buy it people buy it oh yeah yeah yeah they’re coming up towards the top part right there but this way they probably had no contest they weren’t contested can you see them yet they’re fighting I think oh yeah yeah oh nice I can’t see them too trees in my way guy was right here going kind of want to get on that building but are they still coming this way they’re out more that way oh just change hands again yeah they’re out like they’re out by the bridge for right now there’s just one bi us there one oh yeah where’s his buddies yeah they may not be a part of a team no it’s a trio now there it’s not the Bounty team so they’re about to get sandwiched got Bounty team’s coming up behind them oh no Bounty team is their friends I I only have three guy one’s on the roof what’s new how’s live hubby kids uh not too much new live is good uh have a meeting tomorrow hopefully with good news afterwards um hubby’s good kids are good mother [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s like right here I’m done he came in I never even heard them run up oh oh no I never even heard him come in and all of a sudden the hive broke on me and I was like one shot how how’s the kids and everything with you [Music] y well that sucks yeah cuz I was cuz that guy I had hit that Hive barrel and they were chasing him and I was getting pop shots on him and then that guy threw the [ __ ] Hive on me and just [ __ ] wrecked me wrecked me wasn’t [Music] nice well that suck hoping for for a better outcome there didn’t get a kill oh the first team was oh yeah the first team was [ __ ] a four star one star and a three star too old and attitudes are in full swing damn yo and with girls it probably only gets worse damn that sucks in that way but it was not our night we got one good one though oh yeah I think what we got we got out two or three times right I think maybe I don’t know maybe I don’t know we’ve got we got wday hopefully I need to check my bounty because it’s kept seeing you zero progress on it I think shit’s just broken across the board everything’s broken I emailed him about it like some my last stream because none of Saturday counted for it you know that ain’t true yeah because right now even the three hours I just did isn’t even on there so I’ll submit it again this content and it’ll be all right thank you for the game sir I appreciate it thank you catch you later yall have a good night YouTube bye bye all right chat it is that Time to Say Goodbye had a great day though Minecraft was a ton of fun I don’t know that I’ll be doing Apex on Wednesday I gotta figure out what I want to do one because Jazz will not be here all week for stream so I don’t know if I’ll do Apex and then also because people are hacking [ __ ] [ __ ] so I don’t I don’t [ __ ] know what I’m doing to be honest I don’t know so we’ll figure it out as we go maybe all day hunt streams I’m just kidding I know y’all wouldn’t like that too much but we’ll figure it out um I don’t know maybe more fortnite maybe I don’t know I don’t know what we’ll do oh my God why why is that so loud I don’t know I’ll figure it out and whatever it is it’ll be amazing maybe we could do some just chatting maybe we just hang out um I don’t know we’ll figure it out you know we we’ll figure it out as we go we just play it by ear you know we’ll we’ll play it by ear but we’re going to go raid out to a respawn recruit that is still in the competition if you guys will show them some love thank you guys for hanging out the subs the bits the coins on crowd control you

This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Adventures: Join Us for 200 Bat Kills in Hunt Showdown! 🦇’, was uploaded by KarebearXp on 2024-03-19 00:56:19. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 07:19:56 or 26396 seconds.

Embark on thrilling Minecraft adventures with us as we take on the challenge of hunting down 200 bats in Hunt Showdown! Join the excitement now! Join discord to join in on Minecraft!

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Music provided by: Stream beats Harris Heller @StreamBeatsbyHarrisHeller

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  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More