Join Kristi in Enshrouded: Survive or Surrender?

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If this is to be the end then I will tell them of the beginning of how your spark was ignited of your will to survive of the power that flowed from within you into this enchanting realm of beauty and Decay your flame has grown strong but in the end it was not

Enough you answered the call but who answered yours none but the darkness the malice the Relentless Legions of the Mist alone no one stands against the Shroud but you are not alone for now we come with Iron and Steel and the flame of the Ancients in our veins

Together we take back what was stolen we reshape this Earth to our will together we declare if this is to be the end it will not be ours my new buddy the blacksmith I’m GNA get back out there chill out blacksmith oops I just realized I need to cut off

That sound okay that’s better so um I need to go and get my body back this is what I have done so far um y’all saw the beginning if you watch the video I put out about when I first came out and I’ve done a little bit since

Then I I haven’t been doing a lot off stream um but you know I got my flame up I started figuring out a little bit of the building system but I haven’t gathered a lot of resources yet I got my little Hearth made here so that I can cook

Things I got a workbench made I got my Kil made and I’ve started making some charcoal and wood acid which will be used to construct things and upgrade stuff and I don’t have the recipe to make storage yet so I’ve kind of been cheating a little bit and I’m using my

Charcoal Kiln it has all these extra places in here I’m using my Kil for storage in part to because in my grave my Tombstone out there in the world I have a lot of good resources that that um I have to go and get back

Now so I it has extra places in here that you can kind of just Place stuff and it’s not using them because it only makes one recipe at a time right now it’s making wood acids so the other stuff is just sitting in there and I have some new stuff I

Haven’t explored a whole lot yet of what it is so that’s interesting um I just got this Elixir too that is for uh staying in the Shroud longer but then your health is less hey Mystic welcome in how are you have you played and shrouded at all

Mystic um so I’m kind of being careful what I’m storing in here like I’m not putting extra wood or dirt or things that could be turned into um wood acid because I don’t want it all to get processed into that but I have limited storage

So I’m just kind of throw in some things in here to give me space because I’m finding new things as I go along exploring and I have to get all the stuff out of my grave too and that’s going to take up space as well so it’s not using plant

Fiber and twigs right now or resin so I’m kind of being cheaty and just putting this in the Kil even though it’s not going to be used for anything right now there’s one simple Vision hack anyone can use to improve Vision so you can say goodbye to your optometrist for

Good did you know that Vision okay you’re on my happy gamer server right now yay working on a diverger style Tower in the mountains o nice are you on the uh mountain range where we’re all like building together a little village area over there right now

I assume so cuz that’s where you were working last time one thing that took me a while to figure out is how to switch between your inventory slots I love that it gives you two different rows of inventory slots if I hit B to go to my backpack you can see

There’s two rows and it has this little thing up here that shows the key to switch and I was thinking it was apostrophe took me forever to figure out it’s not it’s the ti up on the top left by the Escape key that’s how you switch between the rows

So can keep different kinds of rows of different kinds of things and switch switch between them very quickly another thing I really kind of like about it is I mean there’s a lot of things that I like about this game honestly I still have quite a bit to

Figure out but there’s a lot that I like about it so far hey Ken welcome in how are you doing friend one of the things that I really like about this that would be nice if valheim would have but I don’t think they’re going to is that when I go to

The crafting bench I can just look and you hear that little Ding and look all items repaired that’s nice handy dandy for sure I’m doing good today Ken thank you for asking how are you finishing up some work yeah it’s about that time for you I like ran and

Ate something real quick before stream started and threw a bunch of stuff in a pot to Stew for din dinner tonight cuz I’m going to be out in the evening so I had to get a dinner ready to come back to hi everybody Welcome to insed are we excited hi

Pipe very excited okay the game is here it’s downloaded very exciting um I’m going to be playing with Verso today so that’ll be a lot of fun for sure for sure um he is having a little bit of challenges with his computer and so he had to restart um

So those of you who may have had his stream up at the same time that’s what happened and why he went away but let’s see who all is here hi Gwen hi Adele good to see you Guardian Rico hi Ty hey Luni good to see

You Lord Taro so how is the game so far I’ve only done the demo we’re about to start the Early Access cuz it just dropped lemon in your eyes yay and shrouded Gwen hey dck how are you howdy y’all good to see you coolage says I like clicking repair

Over and over and hearing all the dings I mean that is kind of nice too it’s satisfying right hi spider bite welcome in good to see you Nvidia just updated drivers today for in shrouded yeah that’s what happened with with Verso it said all of a sudden that his drivers were not

Um were not ready so he had to do that and restart but I’m going to go ahead and get some of my settings set up because with the demo I had to change some of the settings um because like especially the camera was super fast and um also let me check something real

Quick I’m to make sure my sound is going to get the new game in correctly that would be Good welcome to the channel fil the filthy cat ual good to see you okay so with a new game of course comes adding a new sound and so we’re going to try and get that set Up let’s set ax too the problem with um the way OBS is set up the is that I cannot set up the sound for the game in advance because um you have to have the game open in order to attach the sound to it ax too so that’s good everybody cross your fingers

You know how OBS is shrouded volume is at 100% output device box two to begin everybody Cross Your Toes okay it’s interesting too because when you click out of and shrouded the sound mutes so that’s different so over here can y’all hear the sound when I click over here now hey Erica going to be looking and working perfect perfect Perfect what hi tasty Mr meat that’s why they make multi Windows it’s loud okay let me turn it down I wonder you know I’m going to have to find out if there is a setting to change and in shrouded um where the sound doesn’t go away when you click out how is that is that volume Better oh let me see if that’s first calling Me okay yeah is that better can you hear me over the game Now can hear me better now cut it by half okay no that wasn’t be that’s going to be annoying there has got to be a way to change that I hope or we’re going to have to make that a request because every time I click over to obs

To adjust a setting or switch screens or look at a message in Discord it cuts the game sounds which is kind of jarring I think isn’t it I don’t like it okay is that better I cut it by half y’all let me know what you think

I’m going to go into the the settings real quick and um I am going to look at these I’m not going to change a whole lot yet without getting in and seeing how they’ve changed things from the demo to Early Access awesome thank You Adele

Um but I know there are some things that I want I want my field of view to be good unless that becomes an issue then I’ll turn it down limit frame rate and background that sounds like a smart thing to do quality balanced balanced I think I’m going to

Keep most of this the same fog quality is that Quality quality of the Shroud reducing quality will increase performance I’m going to try it with full quality first Sometimes when you’re streaming you have to turn some settings down too and if your computer is not super powerful then

You might also need to turn it down some see look I went to see if that message was from V and it cut the sound I don’t like it I don’t like how it does that see if there’s a setting for that in the game um balanced Balan Balan boxal detail models performance

Okay some of this is probably higher than it needs Point Light Shadows off I don’t got it off I want to try it with stuff on to see it best okay sound see here I turned it down on um OBS but I’m going to turn it down here as well the music seems

Overpowering to me I’m going to turn that way down a lot of times if I’m streaming or recording I turn the music completely off because I want you know if I want to cut things or whatever mute and background off there we go that’ll stop that from happening

Perfect so now if I click over to OBS and come back it didn’t do it yay that’s much better voices so oh but did that freeze the game or it just doesn’t have a scroll here never mind okay y’all let me know if I cut the

Music too much I don’t want the music overwhelming things though user interface at 100 that’s not necessary to have our dings and clings game 100% what does that mean mean aren’t these all part of the game I don’t understand voices that’s going to be the

Voices of NPCs I guess I’m just going to cut everything down to like 70% um unless y’all tell me I need to turn it back up so it’s not overpowering controls the camera sensitivity this is what really got me it was super blurring fast before and so I’m going to go ahead and

Turn this down if it’s an issue I’ll change it um action Direction and the camera Direction Let’s good and look um it does have controller settings ready to go already so that’s nice on on Early Access it’s got them already there that’s awesome game display damage numbers

Yes Target lock while sprinting yeah I want to be able to do that break Target lock on kill I mean if it’s dead wouldn’t you want it to break why would it stay on if the Target that you have just killed is not there anymore there’s V I’m gonna give him a

Answer hi ver we’re in stream oh did he step away maybe he’s doing the intro on his stream actually did I unmute Discord yeah there you are yeah um so I’m I’m hearing that there’s like this issue there’s bug to join join um other person’s world there’s an issue

With joining another person’s world yeah but I I want to try to see what what is that that bug someone was pointing out in the in the chat here ah hopefully not yeah I’m open too o a little bit of jittery okay well I’m going to go ahead

And get a character set up then so we can give it a shot all right yeah um were you able to get in the game now yeah I’m in the game now okay good um going to see how how it flows and maybe maybe I need

To adjust my graphs and I’ll have to set my game up as a server hi armored Warfare armored Warfare is saying the game crashes when going to the server tab okay we’ll see what happens we’ll do a little test run here let’s see what character am I going to

Be I should make myself look like Verso no I’m not gonna do it that would be so you want to go dreads that would be so confusing wouldn’t it people would be watching and going a poor christe oh wait that was Verso oh no Verso oh wait

That was christe if I made me look like you and you look like me it would confuse myself [Laughter] I like this one I’m going with this one I don’t remember if I used her during the demo hair you know what I don’t like about choosing hairstyles and pretty

Much every almost every game is you can’t see the back and especially the girl St hairstyles like you can’t tell is it up in a bun isn’t a ponytail what’s it doing back there hard to see I know it’s a serious problem happening here wait just a sec uh I was want to

Check if if um you guys in chat can you hear Christy um good or clear hello hello it’s not too low good question can my chat hear V okay let me know if I need to turn him up although I think I have you turned all the way up maybe

Maybe one other place I could turn you up if need be okay it’s a bit quiet now how about I can hear you Okay I got to pick a voice okay is that is that better hello I’m talking can you hear Me it’s hard to pick a voice from these tiny little clips I’m just going to go with the first one character name ver so no I’m not gonna do it all right uh so while you’re doing that I’m just going to go around and see there’s anything different oh are you in

Already I was going slow because I was waiting on you really yeah I’m already in forgot I thought you were still doing stuff cuz you had to restart okay let me start a server okay here we go I was like oh it’s taking him a while okay I’m gonna host yeah SN like

They sound like Angry ders okay new game create okay so see okay so yeah the mountain in the back they’re crazy is that like a desert there is going to be a desert y launch Sandstone maybe max player count oh you can choose session visibility oh you know what I need to be

Visible on Steam don’t I I bet you can’t even see me on Steam I think H yeah you’re invisible switch okay you can see me now from no I’m not invisible on this one come on I don’t think new game EA launch max player count a fast and stable internet connection higher PC

Performance are recommended for hosting many players okay it’s default at six let’s see does it go to 16 it does again they sent then we’re going to get up to 16 we’re just going to keep it a default for now host the game Password okay I am going to make the

Password and I’m going to send that to you all right yeah Chrissy it will work yep the moment I click on join it will just go poof it’s an interesting story at the beginning we we there’s no chance I I see there’s no chance today for us

Playing so you’re able to host a world but once I click on join it’s it’s going to crash for me yeah so I’m going to have to roll roll with private world for now then and hopefully they release a patch as soon as possible yeah prologue was not

Audible me I’ll look at the settings on that so do you want to try to join or do you just want to say okay well they’re saying it’s not working so it’s not going to work yeah it’s not going to work as it’s not the moment I click on join game just

To get into that window to enter any information it just crash so it’s not going to give me any chance of doing it and I’ve tried it twice already that’s unfortunate uh possibly using join from Steam that’s a good question wait I wonder if we can try that hold up try

That I’m sure that was uh a thing that I did with uh wsr are you able to send me an invite I think that you’re supposed to be able to send me an invite or something like that or can I look at your thing oh wait wait let me look for you on

Yeah you should be able to see me I can send you an invite if need be so if V is able to join he should pop out one of these right one two three four five six 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 shouldn’t there be

16 earns in here 16 people can play look it only has six of them closed because the server is set up to have a Max of six players that’s interesting oh that’s a neat um chrisy I send you my friend code for this account you don’t it’s not my main account I

Have on this computer oh it’s a different one that one yeah okay let me find you add a friend we’ll be double friends y friends code there you are send invite okay so I sent that to you accept all right there you are and you’re in shrouded I can look at

You invite to join your group is that what we’ll do it or is that uh well I click on join join your game oh okay let’s see if it works fingers crossed fingers and toes crossed what was that sound yes yay it worked oh my gosh I’m so happy to see

You it’s happy to see you too ha wait is does this game have emote is there emote pleas um I don’t remember but I don’t remember a lot I was kind of watching over my stuff yesterday um to from like my demo playthrough to try and remember how things work cuz

It’s been a while yeah I’m wait come here come here let’s get a picture we got to get a picture our first time and in Shroud it which way you going to face this way that way Yay do it BR screen it work oh that work Yay all right let’s roll b battle buddy where we at here we go how do you block can you block with your hands no no you can’t commune with the flame space to get out new location charted ah the light it burns it’s so bright so

Bright okay so I have an a thought about oh wait this is new was this here oh yeah it was I don’t remember this a vast World awaits you filled with secrets and Peril press I and navigate to the map to track your discoveries I was that I before that used to be

B it says I or is it L I hit I I hit I but it opens backpack it did for me too B also still does say it’s M for the map right M is for the map yeah yeah then why why I maybe maybe it’s an error there or

Maybe both work for some reason oh then again it seems that it worked for it cuz surpress ey it opens up for and then you can between the different things I for map I know it makes no sense m m is directly for map I think I just overall opened up the interface

Where you just click oh I for interface craft yeah yeah because B still opens backpack it just is opens to that particular tab yeah I is for interface look this is new this wasn’t here before oh this dead guy right here dead dead guy he was so wowed by the the the the

View he just perished sad in go knowledge this balazar is quite the poet The Alchemist theories on the Flamin it murmurs all right where’s the building stuff I’m here for all this Mumble jumps okay we got to go this way um I have a thought about where we

Should do our first base I don’t know if you have a thought on it because it tells you to start in one place is there still a chest here yes I am going to oh f is take all now wait oh F did you get it are you us

See space I don’t see I did space before oh wait you got all the stuff cuz you did it faster than me okay let me get this I’m going to collect these I have no torch I’m the torch boy wait can we punch trees give me some

Wood it makes you move forward a lot huzzah yeah loot resin hey it picked it up without I keep hitting tab you got all the resin too you’re a thief no oh I was muted yeah seems as if that’s oh yeah I might have pressed the wrong button there oops pressed the mute

Button by accident um yeah uh so we head down in this the tunnel here but did you get a stick that I can make a torch out of no uh I didn’t make didn’t get any oh just resin you want resin maybe it’ll give me

The recipe or split it give me one of them so maybe I’ll get the recipe for a torch how do you drop stuff no idea put it let me put in my because I remember before I kept trying to drag stuff out of my inventory to throw it down and it wouldn’t let

Me maybe you can’t Maybe you have to put it in the chest but can you put things in these chests no you can’t look in it again um oh I’m getting a rusted buff with shelter under this tiny little plank but there’s no there’s no fire how

Was that I guess the I am the fire shelter oh okay okay I am fire to okay this is not V I need to cuz we’re yeah this game is free no it’s not free cuz it doesn’t show that we’re getting the warmth on say for

$26 was it 26 something yeah I think it was $26.99 on sale so basically $27 snake says Oh no you’re going into the planes first this can’t be good okay let’s go you’re just going to have to protect me because I have nothing I’m sure we’ll find another torch soon I’m

Trying to get used to used to the controls here alt switches to okay so ALT key that switches to two different changes it that’s different it used to be TI does TI TIY doesn’t do it anymore it’s alt now to switch between your hot bars oh that’s cool I like

That let’s go oh look you T right here look yay I have a weapon all right torch buddies here we go we need to go to the left first okay to pick up these oh yeah right here thing my doodles don’t take them all Thief not a

Thief I’m kidding ah okay there there’s another one there for you wait wait don’t use it uh I should have can you get through terraforming tool explosives I need to yeah go ahead there goodies ha I got a hatchet what I was I thought I and a masterful mace

Ha I’ll give you can you share please yes I’ll share OD to pipe me I’m going to have to come back and read all these later cuz I am interested in the lore new lore Drinking Song XP plus 10 did you read that no I didn’t read anything

I just clicked on it I didn’t read it I just saw that when I read it I got that okay how do I give you something okay so I got a hatchet just melee level one and a masterful ma which is melee level one how do I give it to

You gift okay so if you write click and then you get gift and I can gift it and then you choose the person send a number half or all I’m going click on the number escape to close I got R so you got it now right

Yeah I’m going to put hey Captain Chrome hey Mir welcome welcome right cool hey canas welcome in oh this is a two-handed weapon I don’t like it oh but I can block with it rough wooden block I can block I can block with m i can block with this

Don’t destroy the journal I want to read that later oh okay although I mean it’s not like I couldn’t read it in other worlds too but o I got a recipe for a shield be a hoarder loot everything not that you just bar for on disclose am of

Time yep we’re going to need the wood what’s this definitely going to need one is there anything down here worth going to look at what jump get off the ladder ladder is slow what’s what’s right here o it’s mine it’s not M just Tor what’ you get bandage just torch and

Bandage you have any bandage on you I do I need to put them in the right spot though before I try to click it oh you can’t click and move it to another you have to drag it to another spot which is different I have to get used to

That this wasn’t here before or wasn’t this closed off before no this was here when you jump down into the Shroud and uh is this a different way I don’t okay what’s this uh flame allows you to resist the shr but if you linger you will perish escape the Shroud if

Replenish your maximum time in the Shroud yeah I remember this moving where my weapons flame allows you to resist the Shroud yeah if you’re standing by this flame so you’re telling me as in the the the the the Tor this torch I have in my hand no there was a

Flame on the ground there I thought it was a torch I picked up a torch too but I think it was because it was on the ground unless something changed oh okay all right so we we going to we have to go this way we are ined what just happened oops that was

Weird I just used my thing by accident what did you do H use my band bandage oh your bandage you’re glowy press tab to lock onto your foes press control to dodge out of way I dodge into danger not Dodge out of it I don’t know that I like being locked on

Byebye yeah I don’t think I light the lock on torn claw you can do space to take all as well yeah that was weird because I was like I want to look around me more ew what you fungus us oh glider unlocked did we get spores

From that or something uh I don’t know but the glider’s unlocked I think it’s a what was it I I don’t know I have spores sh spores wood logs and torn cloth I got three minutes on the time this is the way wasn’t so bad hey canus welcome welcome what has

Changed since the trial version um minor things so far we got a workbench plus one more we’ll have to look at the oh the hammer good good is this a is this a beacon this is a return Beacon if you fall you will rise again at your last return Beacon I

Don’t know it never works for me it’s like I keep Rising uh back at the uh starting starting year did you not get close enough to it for it to say this to you last time no I I got close to it and look at it and it still didn’t work

Interesting well we’ll make a base so it won’t matter we’ll respawn there you have a hatchet so I bet you’re going to be able to get trees down faster I’m doing 10 damage with this what are you doing I’m doing 10 okay I should do more you should

Trees are not weak to axes apparently plant fiber roof block unlocked you know what when you pick up things I’m getting the recipe oh really I didn’t pick up any fiber oh Bees No is it the nice bees or the mean bees cuz there are some bees

That are mean as hell why they not biting me it must be the nice bees okay so here’s the decision it wants us to go to that beam over there in the PLS and put our base there we have to do that to progress in the story but I

Don’t think that’s where we should have our first base I think that we should have our first base in the little village over here so what do you think about going over there building the altar so it says yes you’ve done this gives us the next step and then we move it

To the little village where the water well is and we can just restore it instead of having To harvest and eat berries do you have berries berries is it how’s the performance uh ran really bad for me on on the test well um so far so so far so good I I’ve woles the wol all right this was one down wolves were

Two wolves down or is it or is it because of night they’ve been here um I don’t know if they only come out at night let’s go over here and plop down our thing cuz there are going to be more moms coming out at night oh yeah the uh those

Walking fungus yeah the walking fungus exactly I don’t like how it still makes you pick hit e to pick everything up instead of doing an auto pickup all right we need five Stones is what it was before to build one of those so how do we get Stones you have

Three how’ you get them I I don’t have a pickaxe I don’t see any Stones I don’t know how I got him maybe I magic maybe I pick them up off the ground see if we can find some more is this a stone all right so there is there have

Been some improvements Gavin but um what’s the graphics card that you’re you’re using hi Lisa welcome in hi wsr welcome in over here too I’m sorry V what did you say oh I was I was sorry to G chest okay it was ask though the game is game is

Running I’m not having any challenges with it except I need to find some Stones oh there’s a bad guy see him yeah Mr funy come here bad guy any change it with a skill skill tree um oh got an A wait how how do he

Get a skill train uh we’ll look at it after this guy is Dead die die die die he’s dead yay o I got three runes nice what you getting all the good over there um because I killed the guy there’s another one go kill that guy kill this

One ah oh God okay I’ll do [Laughter] it Teamwork Makes the DreamWork enemy slang G to take some time getting used to because yeah for sure my fingers my fingers are coted for valent right exactly there may be some things that’s what I was saying early that like I may have to change some of the buttons to match because I’m so used

To wait what’s that fire fireflies oh that’s new at workbench no they had it last time I think they were yeah I mean I don’t remember finding any here but I don’t really remember look at that Tower oh okay I never here’s a rock never know what is that stone I guess

Maybe because I don’t go out at night that much wait oh you can see look look at over look over there what is that so is that magma Spooky that didn’t look like that before did it I remember there was a tower right but I don’t remember it looking all red like that was there yeah but not didn’t look like that hi tasty mystery me am I able to push you over oh yes rud

I’m just sicking if there was any why are you checking that why would you want to know that safety safety reasons oh what’s this glowy thing somebody killed a goat I got animal for no meat rabbits kill them kill them this weapon is slow I about a torch

Should be faster to hit him get him get him again get him yesel two I’ll let you get it level two enemy SL let me see the skills skill point skill point let’s go stand over here in the safe part and before we open our map I say it’s

Safe it’s probably not we haven’t built our thing I’m going to build you have any stone on you I do I picked some up I keep hitting tab to look in my backpack yeah know okay I have to go to the crafting Tab and choose the flame alter and build in my inventory

First all discover discovered recipes for the crafting station are saved here okay so like different I like how they break down the um the skill um like highlight some um some of the skills that if you want to go well if you want to go for like Assassin Warrior tank battle Mage healer

That wasn’t there before okay I crafted a flame alter and it put it in my inventory so now seven I can put it down I’m going to put it here but then we can talk about whether we want to stay here commune with the flame You Are Not Alone there are other

Survivors drowsing in nearby ancient vaults find them so they may Aid in your journey go gently one beckons nearby just outside of the shroud’s grass are you able to zoom out any further in your skill window I don’t know if my mouse is giving a problem um

Skills no that’s not cool um yeah it says say the scroll wheel is for zooming but it is bugged oh okay definitely has more information now trickster healer all that stuff wasn’t there before definitely need to be able to scroll out more and see a big picture of where to go

Yeah oh click and drag yeah don’t have all the all the tricks here that’s a very complicated one it takes practice to get that one I mean because it it’s said to the bottom right to to roll to zoom so I I wasn’t expecting to click and drag system if

You didn’t mention when I do that it just Wiggles it doesn’t actually Zoom so I’m sure that’s a bug they’ll get on right away which one are you going to uh going towards tank battle mage wizard assassin I think I might go towards wizard what are you thinking I think I’m

Going to go Archer Ranger or maybe assassin assassin is sneaky right yeah I think I go although of course we’ll want some skills from all the different things oh the Assassin has a good one Airborne gliders consume 30% less stamina I have two skill points already so you have two skill points

Yeah got to figure out what to use our first skill points for well rusted is probably a good one and that only takes one point so I could possibly get two skills rested be increased by five minutes that’s sign ific I don’t think I should go straight

For being a wizard because first you got to survive yeah and I don’t understand what this intelligence attribute is there were like potions that gave you intelligence and I never figured out what that meant all right merciless attack is probably power I think I’ll figure that that thing

Out it started my my thing to go towards the Archer Ranger what you’re not going for Lumberjack I go for you can under Beast Master yeah you know you want to chop those trees no I’m going to not not satisfied enough I want to feel like the fear of the tree

That’s hit me on my nugget I think I’m going to start with some surviving skills I think I’m going to start with urance which increases stamina yeah is a building like valheim um no not it’s boxer based so it’s not really yeah almost like w talentry trickster equal low key oh

Yeah let me look at that one you’re the rooster crow yeah oh wait wait I need to see how the morning the morning hits the last time it just how do I get out of here how do I get out of this menu escap there It Go goes that bam

Morning certainly they’ve already fixed that there’s no way they’d go to EA with it doing that still it’s lightening up is it am I imagining it have a feel this might end up like scar everyone does these really fancy builds but everyone ends up as a St Archer before the

Look you can see the moon going down over there yeah I’m seeing it and it’s changing color it was it was uh it was white before more yellow so the sun should be coming up on this side right the moon’s going down there it’s reddish okay I see I see where I don’t

See it yeah you can see the ah there it is don’t tell me it’s coming from that that was still a little bit abrupt yeah is the sun coming up from the same place the moon went down that’s what I’m thinking that’s a little weird I was I was thinking it was going

To come up behind us let’s look in the Valley now that it’s daytime we can see better all appreciate that Lisa I’m gonna step back a little so you don’t get any funny ideas what funny you don’t trust me look look no don’t die by bie those might be mean we

Don’t have a bow yet okay they didn’t attack you I want I want honey let’s Chop It Down chop can you chop the whole tree down and they’ll fall and we get it let’s find out I got wax that was from the tree wait is this going to make ah there we

Go I got honey I got honey and wax and wax nice spart all right um we got the you got we got the thing right you build the the stone door I did it’s over here did you come in with the flame I don’t think I did okay upgrade straightener flame reset Skill

Point if I sit here I can get rested right uh yes sit by the flame to get rested okay sweet so we’re going to move over to the uh I want to wait I want to choose my next skill I think I’m going to go with the well

Rested Mak my rested bu last said that they they couldn’t pay for two actors so the moon actor went and changed and keep back oh wait all right ready to ready to go I am I’m just looking real quick because um hey ex I don’t think of I’m

Wondering if something is not working with my chat bloody Sunrise yeah okay I think it’s fine okay so we should destroy this Altar and move it over to the Village right yeah you can do that how do you do that you do that do you extinguish Flame extinguish the flame to remove

Your flame alter but where areas is not protected by the flame will be consumed by shrub placed items will be lost there’s nothing placed here extinguish flame so it should be back oh way it didn’t do it it’s not back in my inventory it didn’t do it let’s try

Againin this alter is deactivated the after glow of the flame often lingers protecting that area it will wear off soon oh so you have a few seconds in case you did it by accident oh okay cool so is it in my inventory now it is not so you have to

Build it again you have to gather another five stones to build another one okay all right we can find it over here then yeah but you can only have so many of them so for so we’ll need five Stone again I only have one right

Here this is a cool little place to do a first build too I thought this Village was safe well there’s that one little spot there you don’t want to walk right into but you can get water here and it refills all the time to get more water and water gives stamina

Buff I don’t know how many I got but there’s a limit to how many you can get so I’ll leave some oh it just it just refill stamina yeah cuz like you don’t require food and stuff but any that you do take as a buff it didn’t last very long last time either

So hopefully it lasts a little bit longer this last time yeah hey doctor welcome yeah just uh what is it hour and 15 minutes ago drop I’m going to try one so we going to start building or yeah look over here do you remember this part it already has a little

Fireplace here oh yeah it has a little fire right here and there’s two pieces of chicken I’ll get one you get one you can sit down and cook how do I here cook don’t break the fire oh we can you can make one more place food in your action bar select it

And press left mouth button to cook why is it saying I’m not comfortable it says I’m not comfortable either are we too close the fire I don’t understand or maybe we need a roof to be comfortable oh maybe so okay I am going to cook a mushroom oh God did you just poison

Yourself I was supposed to I was trying to cook the thing you have to sit down to cook yeah I did that the first time I ate raw meat and poisoned myself the what oh you can’t cook berries you just eat them apparently is this going to be a no

Pants run oh I was thinking about that but I don’t want to um up you I don’t think I don’t think I have any okay let me see character oh wait there it is how do you get rid of the thing you have to delete it space ah yes or put it in

St run around in my boxers my back my boxes actually look better than my pants I those are fancy boxers there did you get the piece of chicken that was sitting on the bench behind me oh no no and don’t eat it raw I’m just saying okay while you cook that

Watch out for me I’m gonna take a super quick bio back break and I’ll be right back hi G all right I’ll be right back all right what’s uh uh good night rest blah oh something about resting and thing can you physically move players a row I don’t think I

Can oh you can but oh okay you can’t push them from behind that’s pretty hard there is uh you don’t know how you feel about leg L [Laughter] boxes okay I’m back welcome back I found a chest with some how did I get scooted did you scoot

Me uh I was just tested something so you can scoot people when they’re sitting kind of sort of can’t if you’re Sting If you’re sitting I can’t push you from behind like I’m right behind you I can’t push you from uh front of you but it’s a bit it’s not that

Easy so did you look at the journal over in here you get experience points for learning about rest yeah I read it and so you can sleep at any time but it doesn’t really pass the day but it doesn’t pass the night yeah oh look I’m laying down differently that’s

Not how we laid down in the demo I was on my side in the demo you been working out chrisy I see you got that I am buff I’ve been doing lots of running and jumping in valheim to uh get ready to fight here okay Break Stuff can’t break that with

This can you just hold down e instead of having to press e every time now or do you have to keep you have to keep pressing it I just still don’t like that o I got to for a lock pick like when there’s a bunch of stuff

To pick up you should be able to just hold e and not have to press e for every single one of them it’s a lot of unnecessary clicks um there should be some rooms up top we can break stuff and get oh we have a friend friend over

Here I think not oops wrong way that way byebye all what’s this ooh I got a rusty sword yes a rusty sword oh 100 F Stone silence falling to ruin oh another fungies no bye-bye oh here’s another um Rusty shortsword come get it there’s aor V is it any good you want a

Sword um better it’s a good question it’s level 11 damage oh so the one we have now is 16 but it has cut Pierce and shroud damage and the mess the one I have has only piercing and blun so it’s a mix okay a mix of skills

I guess it’s got in and blun pretty much 11 we should put down our new flame alter before we go wandering too far all right goat kill it kill it kill it it come here come here Lynch Focus Christie lunch yes all right okay how much you going to put F4 need

One more Stone to build it unless you have enough remember how you build this how you build that thing again you have to go into your interface and crafting V for crafting uh crafting and then flame alter you craft it in your inventory all right and put it in your hot

Bar to build it make sure that the area make sure that the area covers the little house we’re going to live in so we can build in here where the fire is okay all right so maybe I’ll put it uh I don’t know right here sure okay so let’s get a crafting bench

Down yeah great mines and all that you got to build a hammer first right so crafting construction Hammer oh I don’t think you have to build the hammer first I think that’s for that’s a building I need uh two more string for a workbench I can do

It first hot fix land just land it oh cool oh nice construction Hammer one stone craft okay so now I can put my construction hammer in the right spot before I kill myself and you have any string on you I do let me set this down and I’ll share

Some with you whoops that’s not how you oh god what the hell what happened R Hope says red nasty little booger it’s a big oversized red still there no what the hell was that oh my God okay that’s weird that wasn’t there before that’s new was aggressive here is the

Workbench imagine dying to to a rat imagine dying to a rat hi Charles why are you guys in your pjs um well oh another oversiz R help [Laughter] Christine that reminded me of the first time we went into the Mist lands you’re like I’m not scared of

Anything that was so funny and then immediately after I started screaming too okay more string nice oh this is a nice little area over here yeah that’s why I thought this would be a good place lock pick sweet you found a lock pick I think I found one or is it rispy

Let me check I no I found metal scrap oh okay yeah I I didn’t get that a while ago yeah Um so next uh so what you you um you made a You made a workbench I did it’s right here and I made a building Hammer I need to make a pickaxe yes what do we need to do to get a pickaxe workbench manual crafting pickaxe three stone oh no one stone four

Twigs one string I only have one string you have an axe already right I’m going a pickaxe so we have one of each I need to repair it come over here look the workbench doesn’t need a roof it’s very exciting hi Nathan welcome in how is the game

Going Discord I a lot of chatter about errors we um we’ve been fine now what was that um there was an issue with getting Verso into the uh server with me but we just went and did it through Steam instead of doing it through and shrouded

And he was able to come in right away sweet so maybe that’s a tip for people you’re having trouble getting in all right so for the glider we need um shroud wood eight shroud wood and need more spores too yeah that’ll take a be I don’t know how I feel about this

Changing of the hot bar being alt instead of TIY it’s kind of I have to get I regenerate do I only is it only by using the um the bandage you regenerate not by resting and what if you eat food oh yeah let try that see if I break down rubble did you

Get all the stuff from up here if I break Rubble what do we get well didn’t regenerate need water I’m getting Rubble I don’t want r Rebel though so I need bandage in you need a bandage I think I have some yeah I can dismantle the

Roof just hit e and dismantle the whole thing interesting um let me Li in my inventory yes I have two bandages okay so right click gift one to verce ver saw I can speaked okay so you should have gotten it yes anded oh yeah wait no yeah yeah yeah I got it

Okay I need to find how to get stone instead of Rebel for building I’m trying to remember what you did to destroy the um still you built the building Hammer yeah I have it this flame protected area is that bigger than before H maybe not ah jeez still still still have the

Violent programing all it says left click to remove the piece all right cool rabbit okay got it all right son I need more Stone keep waiting it for it to pop and it doesn’t oh f is take all I need to do that instead of okay I’m looking for where to get

Stone probably if what about if I destroyed the stone pillar will that give me stone instead of rubble that seems to be indestructible okay about this oh here’s a big rock I can pickaxe here no ah no switch switch switch how do I switch this one H you okay over there chrisy

Wolf he’s dead take me a second cuz I was in a different hot bar I think I’m going to put my um pickaxe in the same hot bar hi Bill downloading the game nice how do you access your backpack you can press B for backpack or you can press I for

Interface and I don’t know if it comes up if you do interface the last one you had open but once you’re in there you can see the letters at the top of each if you want to open it directly I probably won’t remember a lot of them I’ll probably remember I don’t

Know J for Journal that’s easy V for crafting but once you get in there you can scroll uh what I noticed is that wait hold maybe I’m welcome Trevor thanks for joining oh they changed the scroll I’m so glad when you’re scrolling through items on your hot bar it used to be

Backwards they have it going the correct direction now that’s nice oh now I remember so I think I remember we could have dismantle all buildings and get the materials from it that sounds right that yeah that’s not a thing anymore it’s not a thing anymore I’m not getting Building

Material what I think I got Stone a moment ago hold let me try yeah I’m not yeah I got a few Stone just two that doesn’t make sense I’m getting Stone out front here I really don’t like how you have to hit e for loot for every single

Thing every single piece that you want to pick up that’s like a waste of small chance but for stone so far I you’ll just get one you’ve gotten one stone like there’s a small chance yeah for for each little one meter cube use that for example it takes forever to break a tree

With a sword makes this better okay I have some Stone cuz I know how you Are um here keep five to build a flame alter right so can I just type a number no all I can do is one half or all yeah okay there you should have more Stone now why am I standing in a hole you do get a lot of blocks out of a

Small amount of stone ah sweet oh definitely need one you made a bow yet a bow how do you make a bow where’s a bow on the crafting table um I don’t see a bow all I see is building stuff I don’t oh sorry not not not the crafting table your craft crafting

Menu oh that’s better yes good idea oh I can make a wand I’m making a wand I can make a staff all right that’s going to which one’s make some space here equipable ranged weapon mid mid-range weapon definitely need more string we’ll get a lot of

It oh I can’t make a bone because I don’t have any string can’t make a shield because I don’t have any string axe needs string I’m gonna make a staff too just cuz it’s ranged all discovered recipes for this crafting station are saved here okay one of things I was looking forward

To when when it come comes back out uh was finding the good-look buildings and take all the res the building resources from it and then make my own but I guess that’s not going to be it that’s not going to happen you know maybe it’s because this

Is such a ruin that you’re not getting more stuff back let’s see how it goes if we find one we can maybe try hi Neo you are not in the Shroud yeah double jumping maybe a thing if you get the skill yeah I spent my first two skill points on better stamina and

Rested lasting longer cuz I think surviving for a little while is probably going to be helpful to be able to get more skills at me I’m doing fine I in my boxes you are doing fine that’s because you you stay at home and build and I go and [Laughter] Hunt

What should we go out at night and kill some woles to get some good meat sure wait let’s see if we can make some arrows oh wait I should put my new wand in I’m have to figure out how I want to do this now need more

Twigs how many is structural Integrity a thing in this game no how many Twigs do you need uh hold on uh how how much do you have I have six do you want a spear all of them sure thank you but now you have to protect me with your bow and

Arrow yeah yeah definitely protect you okay I’m going to put did you sho me no no I didn’t shoot you I shot I shot the wall right what was that sound I shot the wall right here was just tesed it out okay I mean it’s not like you could shoot me anyway

So it sounds like I’m hearing a fooling it goes but I know all right let’s go I’ll just come back and just clear this area oh nice fancy see if I can freeze a wolf no you can’t freeze a wolf with that that’s a oneand right

Yeah yeah you don’t go to freezing with that I mean it should cause damage maybe they’ll slow them down oh yeah what else I need to get uh the Shroud wood yeah we got to go in the Shroud to get shroud food also need to get a grappling need shroud wood for that

Too brailin Bridge Al over here oh got a thing here to read yay fancy arrows and some more medal stuff this my little wand kind of acts like a torch in a way too oops I broke the table I’m got to get to read that thing again this has a roof on

It E I hear you over there nice um is something coming up behind me there’s arrows in there you can get okay I thought I saw something moving over there The Sounds in this game are so creepy yeah okay who was that hear something I hear creepers very creepy very creepy okay

All right let’s get some shwood really oh is is there do you have food it’ll be fine Christie okay uh do you know if you can zoom uh zoom out a bit the character um before we couldn’t it would be nice but I thought it was a thing but I I I

Just didn’t know about it yet um stay on the path L the Shroud can take you I don’t have an axe all right where’s Mr fungi I know want to oh it said collect here collect shroud liquid from these things oh the bad guy power of magic oh ring o what kind

Of ring did you get uh let me see eight uh plus eight Stam and plus 10 Health ow that thing blew up at me rude um check setting have an X so you’re going to be the best one to get shroud W I can help guard you what the ooh

I got Mana potion which is nice since I’m a wizard that’s good for you yeah found some string oh we got two two minute two minutes on the 50 seconds on the clock come do the timer thing over here 50 seconds what are you talking about I have 2 minutes oh

Because dude you want to wait until like 1 minute yeah wait wait until like 1 minute let’s keep Gathering we need to go out to a tree to get where’s a tree there’s one bye-bye all right shwood block sorry spiritual cane at Alchemist shwood block there is a bad guy Camp down that

Path so we don’t want to go too far that way yet okay we’re at one minute let’s go back and get the thing to be in the Shroud longer wait just a sec let me finish this tree why does it take so long there it

Goes I assume it’ll be here for both of us did you get it too yeah okay good uh so I have three minutes and 30 some seconds I have 3 minutes and five 5 seconds or 7 seconds or something like that so one of the skill points that I

Used is giving me a little bit longer I wonder if it’s cuz I have a longer rested buff why is my shroud protection longer than yours oh maybe your uh stamina maybe I I drank water did you drink water but that’s supposed to be for stamina I don’t know oh it’s pointless shroud

Liquid you can collect these flow looking things and get shroud liquid yeah I’ve been doing that Twigs oh bad guys nice wand Potter thanks K thank you professor okay we got to go uh where you going that’s not way home am I going the wrong way yeah you

Getting the wrong way oh no I’m going to die it’s supposed to be going up I’m going to die funny if I let you go continue all that way um I appreciate your support leave now says all right how much did you get um let see twins I have 10 and 10

Shroud wood and five shroud liquid I think you need the Shroud liquid for your for your one I got two shroud wood and 13 shroud liquid is that enough should we go get more wood uh what we need it for again I don’t know no for making the grapple and the flyer thing

Let me yeah let’s get some more yeah I don’t think that’s going to be enough look is this one right here at the edge um you get from I don’t think I don’t think I get Tred from that well that’s just the um I think it’s the other one see where oh here’s

One I feel like I should have a mini map and I don’t it’s weird all right got 20 20 so far there’s one what was that are you getting that thing that says maximum every now and then I don’t know if that’s one of my Buffs or what it is that’s telling me

That the graphics are kind of neat when the trees fall apart yeah I love the vines all like coming out the roots in the side of the terrain oh you can’t jump up on things I forgot about that like you can’t there now it went hey culinary zest is that

Sarcasm that my wand is doing a lot of damage I mean it is just your little basic starter wand my ax is almost dead me finish this one up oh I can scroll on the map wonder my scroll isn’t working in skill tree can I ping no ping create Marker set

Waypoint I’m going to set a waypoint that’s the way back right interesting you just see it on your compass at the top oh yeah right can all right I have 50 52 shroud wood get back also we have one minute so 14 but that’s enough for now is this okay going right nothing

Okay go up and to the left air need air pH much better all right let’s head back and uh make the um was it we’re making again we need to see if we can make a grapple if we have enough I think you I think you need um we need metal

SC although we don’t have you know what we don’t have to have a grapple to go and get the first guy because you just run through that part of the Shroud to get over to the other side of the bridge yeah so should we just go home

And repair and cook some food and then go get him go get the blacksmith all right die goat Ram whatever you are ha missed him oh wait I have this oh that’s much easier I’m liking being a wizard doing the demo I had to lower the setting the graphic settings to like to

The lowest cuz it would be yeah I remember it was very clunky for you right yeah it it was very bad for me so they they did some improvement hard wood block um our wood our fire burned out so we need to build a fire again

All right so I’ll leave that to you and uh I guess I’ll dismantle okay that wasn’t part of the build camera though was undo was a thing MH you can undo up to four or build things in your base oh okay that’s nice I don’t have any inventory space to make a

Campfire so I’m going to have to give you something um here let me give you the do you have let me give you the stone now I can craft a Campfire this is a little bit weird I’m gon to have to get used to this okay so put fire there so now we can get rested again or higher level of rested with warmth and cook see what else can I cook oh even notice I had gotten that

Kar asked I do not need another Survival game but do I want it it is a very nice Survival game it’s very interesting I’ve kind of described it as a mix of valheim and Minecraft and Zelda yeah I do agree with Zelda was one of the things

That came at me first and then then yeah Minecraft to with the bo thing yeah for the building and being able to manipulate everything in the world okay so I have to make rough stone blocks yeah I do like it zest um there’s parts to get used to and part of it is

Just um being used to playing other things so much valheim so much and my you know my hands are just automatically going to the vham Keys and there may be some that I end up excuse me changing because um you know you can go in your settings and change things for the quick

Keys and stuff if I end up dying I me do that um that’s weird look when I put my camera in front of me how did I do that I can look at myself sitting and look at you okay that’s some very nice knees you have

Wait no I don’t want to see that get away Make It [Laughter] Stop is it just cuz I’m so close in the cooking menu it’s just oh maybe it’s to let you look around and see if there’s any moms coming from behind you while you’re sitting down cooking that’s

Interesting that is interesting okay but if I stand up it goes back to normal good what are you doing are you destroying the whole building uh renovating because it it was like this on the other side so I had to you know make it this

Put the same K says he tends to change all the game settings to the same as valheim yeah I may I mean a lot of these are the same honestly that’s block is Right Mouse attack is left Mouse special attack maybe this sword doesn’t have a special attack but I think it

Is midle mouse I don’t remember um roll is control jump is space a lot of it’s the same um so yeah a lot of it is the same which is Handy Dandy I didn’t play around with the building that much I didn’t either I I will have to look at the building okay

So have a Mana potion cre with Mana potion ingredients Mana potion restores a good amount of Mana I don’t think have any Mana right now because I don’t have any Mana food to give me Mana probably make my wand more powerful so I’m GNA put put a window frame plus 10 more at

Workbench thanks whatever you did that got me those recipes what did you do uh did you just do something that you got more recipes no cuz I just suddenly got more recipes and I don’t know why weird okay so this is for dirt and this is for Comfort stone wall okay okay Survival yeah we’re going to need more metal scraps and string but we’ll get some of those when we go fight those mobs to get the blacksmith blocks Essentials oh maybe because it told you that you needed SC holding to build something it’s interesting when you’re playing a multiplayer like if I do something near Verso or he does something near me then it updates for both of us we both get

It okay so I want to see how I want my inventory to be for when I’m going to head out to fight I don’t think I’m going to need shroud survival stuff right now because we are not going to be in the Shroud for a long time Health

Stamina so this hot bar is going to be my main weapons this would normally be sword and shield so I’m going to use since I’m going to be magic I’m going to use one as a weapon and one as magic and it’ll be the same in the other hot

Bar I have entirely too many torches taking up space in my inventory girl wolf meat that’s going to be probably my strongest Health that’s stamina fruit is Health instead of stamina which seems odd I’m GNA try to stack these in the same columns so I can find them

Because still getting used to what everything is and where the icons are I’m very curious to find out what this int intelligence buff is or skill whatever it is that there these piles together building stuff it takes a bit of getting used to uh the building incase

Yeahum okay so in my hot bar I have stamina health and a food and I have a tool weapon weapon I have bombs where I would normally I have my bow but it’s possible with using the magic I may not need a bow because I can have medium and long

Range magic oh I haven’t tried the staff yet no ammo oh I need ammo for my staff what ammo do I need for a staff crafting weapons magical weapons sta power a simple magical staff made from calcified bone staffs can cast spells by using spell charges and Mana equip spell charges to

Cast okay I don’t have any spell charges yet I think that’s where um you use the uh what’s it the Shroud liquid and uh what’s what I remember to make spell charges or Mana where would I make it let me look at the workbench ah position this thing is

Crazy I think I found it I don’t I think I’m maybe missing something to be able to get that recipe yet because I don’t see anything about it oh we can make our own string D from plant fiber okay we need string to make

The a week or two I think I think maybe a month to kind of really get adjusted uh to the whole cuz there’s a like a lot of buttons and so to kind of go through the the the build menu and um snapping the pieces

Here I have to find the right angle to stand on use the que and I don’t know if the que and using the mouse wheel is Shifting it forward or backward I not seen the yeah you can do the shift thing right I’m gonna go find one stone to

Make myself it’s a bit finicky it’s a bit finicky not like it’s a easy snap and go take some time okay I was going to do something uh see CR so okay I’m going to just delete some of these torches because it’s too much inventory space taken up for torches

Normally I wouldn’t take so long to do one [Laughter] wall I mean I’m going to be in the same boat when I start looking at the building stuff too figuring it all out I’m just trying to look at how I want to get set up to go where did my ax go that

I just made this is it I think I should keep a weapon on the same hot bar where I have tools so if something happens like a while ago and a wolf runs up on me it doesn’t take me as long to get to a weapon because I’m still

Adjusting a switching hot bar for that I kind of liked it better when it was til instead of alt to switch between hot bars I might change that back okay okay so show a build video release date [Laughter] 2025 why is it saying I only have one

String didn’t I just make a bunch of String but I still only have one where did the string go that I made Str nobody knows look okay 15 plant fiber and it takes three space to craft and it says that I got a string it shows up over here my backpack okay I did it that

Time see cuz I had everybody watching you you’re G to act right okay I get back to the work I have enough shroud scores I need one more yeah still still two more scraps have a good day at work if I were if I was thinking of doing an octagonal

Structure but there there are ways other ways to do that but I don’t know if the roof is going to be like uh the roof is going to be like maybe have problems figure out I’m saing on my string I’m not oh look what I can make I’m going to do it

Yes what what how do I use it how do I use it how do I use it how do I use it hold on where’s that where’s that there it is the possibility to fly has always been a desirable trait Oh you mean the uh the glider yeah

Press space while in the air I think it can double jump to open the glider using the wind currents and hide the starting or I think you could press space twice like running and just do it oh let me make m let me get up here yeah just did it from the ground

Yep did you choose a double jump as one of your skill points nope just press jump and then press it again and activate it I didn’t do it do I have to have it selected in the hot bar yeah very quick have to press it fast so space

Space Oh I also have to move forward too yeah you have to have it selected in the hot bar to do it no there it went there you go why was that so hard to do that’s it’s not in my hot bar anymore oh it’s maybe it’s hold hold it

Jump and then hold is that on my character now yes it’s yeah that’s it so jump SP again yeah okay so jump and do it again and hold that makes much more sense noise stop stop okay stop get away get away I don’t want that much water okay off I will I

Will I ain’t scared no it would have been funny if it wasn’t working for you get higher and higher to try it you can do it go split here we Go I got to figure out how to do the direction though it’s right Mouse button right to do the direction uh is it mouse or keyboard I don’t remember oh no I didn’t do it never mind it’s good to practice not off the top of a mountain glider practice here we

Go oh no right Mouse right Mouse cancels it so how do you do Direction I know right I Can Fly do you just fly straight like you can’t let me try it with left Mouse button see if that gives me any influence over what direction I’m leaning got to watch your stamina when

Gliding too I’m only going straight I did not mean to do that what the there’s a hole over here V glider practice gone Splat now it was glider practice gone boom I accidentally blew a hole in the side of the wall it’ll be fine it’s fine hey I think it’s getting to be

Light soon doesn’t the sky look like it’s lightning up yeah then we can go get the blacksmith trying to figure out this Roofing now we should build one piece of roof over the fireplace so that we can get the shelter Ed buff or rested or is

Sitting just the same as being under the roof it is it could be either one I don’t know if one’s better than the other do I have any more skill points to use now whoops that’s not what I meant to do skills no I have there is Spirit towards trickster and

Wizard sneak attack is a good one where is the where is the thing that makes your Dodge will be a little teleport I like that one and we can revive each other too oh oh as in uh that’s is a skill yeah there’s a skill called savior you

Only need three seconds instead of six seconds to revive an ally that’s on the Healer branch there’s the rooster Mason strength for melee damage increases your strength by one temp attack yeah this going to take some time to get get used to it I don’t see it I’m gonna I want to try

And find I need that command play right let me see this yeah I did a spe I did a um skill point for well rested which gives me an increased five minute rested buff I think that’s why I was able to stay in the Shroud longer than

You I stayed rested longer which one you you well rested well rested it’s the first in the path towards being a trickster oh okay I see increased by five minutes okay oh I look cool okay I don’t know where that roll thing is but I will find it if it’s still

Here because I really liked it okay is it daytime now we should go do you have food do you have weapons where you at I was in my menu not paying attention wait I’m trying to get this roof thing roof in ah sh not see Whatam have these backwards trying to keep things in the same slots as I normally do oh okay I’m going to go get some stuff while you’re looking at that sure isn’t there a little doorway over here if I remember correctly how clumsy you going to feel

In B when you come back it’s so true hly I remember too when I tried out Moria and then I went back I I was like forgetting how to roll and all kinds of stuff die this how do you do oh bad guy oh you don’t want to come out of the Shroud

E what can I shoot you there get rid of all those spores before I walk up to it the rooster again goodies for me more arrows I’ll bring those to you and a health potion Yay that’s good stuff and if you’re playing with your friends and you go to a chest and get something really good and your friend wants it too if they go back there’s a chance that they’ll get the same thing but they might get something different but if they keep going back they will

Eventually get it the same thing because the same chest will rotate seems really hard uh honestly yeah yeah the building is it’s finding right Bo it’s really finicky I’m just trying to keep my composure right now because I just feel like I’m about to explode why is it not stopping

Right oh um you have any more you have any more string by the chance or wait I can make string right um I think I used all my string to make my glider oh no I have some more here I have four more I wonder how close I have to be to give

You stuff what if I’m way over here I can still gift it I wonder can I do that from Oh no you’re too far away well you can’t be that far gift there you go see if there’s any goodies over here I think I’m gon to switch my

Axe the pickaxe I use the pickaxe more often well the axe works way better for chopping down trees then a weapon imagine that I was hoping this was going to be shroud wood but that would be too easy wouldn’t it for you ready to go oh sorry what was that you ready to

Go oh for the what we getting again for the um to go get the blacksmith oh the black me go for okay uh hold on all right I’m coming uh do I have any food wait you you didn’t make another campfire I did is it burned down it yeah looks like it’s very

Ad didn’t last very long I’m just going to make one one but once we can make the next level up and think it stays permanently the little Hearth type thing I don’t want to pick up too much stuff before we leave and just fill out my inventory you lock on to

This didn’t reach it what is medium oh I hear a wolf unlock from the goat the music changed there it is resisted resisted why does it say resisted he’s dying all right I’m on my way now okay I’ll come back that way oh berries regenerated Health okay now I remember

Where did he go where did he go oh there you are I can see you on my compass I just noticed that there’s a little person icon are you in the shrug no I was over there killing a wolf by the first base spot oh there you are

Um okay I have five minutes minutes left unrested how are you doing 14 let me run home real quick so you did the left and right things do what I saw you like left right left where is home I know yeah where am I going

I like how the rested numbers go up so quickly okay I’m ready ready you are let’s go let’s go find the sleeping survival travel through the Shroud where is the uh I don’t remember if I was you’re supposed to run through the bottom for this part and across and

Up the other side do you have a grapple hook no oh you have to have a grapple hook to get across there do you have a glider yeah OB okay so crap we could do that we could Glide at least part part way across the

Shroud yeah yeah it is it is complex but yeah you’re right about the powerful part that’s why I said just it’s just getting used to it and maybe um more um fleshing up make it you know user friendly let’s go ready yep whoa thought I would go

Farther uh which way was it again was the where’s the path I don’t remember where the path is I see it right below me you see it okay all right you go ahead I’ll fall off here we go are we going to right place or

Um why can’t I take this yeah yeah wa ice bolt take oh no my backpack’s full okay hold on I need to delete some stuff I think um what I think if they fix the snapping point to make it a lot easier to find the the

The the ideal one like the main one it makes it a lot better because I find that it’s it’s it’s overlap sometimes it’s overlapping when you don’t want it to and you’re trying to snap up a wall side of a column for example which was what I was

Doing there should be a journal thing over here yeah new location charted one marker added this that’s for the bridge I liking the building system it needs work definitely a snapping thing needs work um overall having the the stuff um the options there you can s from I mean

It’s fine but it’s just really finicky though to getting the right snapping points is this guy still up here so straight ahead right I think so I guess or there used to be a mob here yeah two of them yep all right never mind oh there he is crossbow run forest

Run okay this is where we got to take these first guys out and learn how to sneak but there’s also bees in the tree to the left that were the bane of my existence how do you sneak you have to get it as a skill or no they moved

There’s bees on that side now too run run run run I got torch are they scared of the torch no I just whack with it oh my God I’m traumatized from last time the bees stalked me everywhere oh press C jeez that’s it Crouch did the bush tell you the bush tell me

The Bush was very helpful yeah the bush whisper my you should sneak son press the C button all right on three one two 3 go not not sneaky enough there’s another one sneak sneaky sne or what why did I come out of a Crouch that’s weird don’t wor chrisy I’ll help

You thanks oh made a shield you made a shield yeah I made a I I thought I made one where is it maybe you just thought about it yes I didn’t good day George welcome in um look at the red glowy thing it’s a red glowy

Thing more XP yeah yeah even if you don’t care about the lore if you read the thing you get XP for learning the lore all right so big bad guy in here hey what’s that U maybe an explosive Barrel if I had to guess you go you go first I got your

Back wait are we supposed to sneak just taught us this I’m a wizard I don’t even have a shield didn’t you say you have a shield I’m not going to lock on him oh he SM he smell me is it me or you

I think smell one of us no no no no roll roll I’m going to die run run run run run run I meant to roll backwards and I rolled Forward Health bandage H I’m coming back I’m coming back oh wait I forgot I have a health potion where’s it at I didn’t put

In my hot bar there it is I’m dying I’m coming I’m coming oh no I’m on the wrong thing all right now I remember why I needed a shoe where you at where’s he at where’s the bad guy there he is D he goes enemy slay there you can you want the elixir

I thought that you could fire with with the uh with the sword Venture for let’s wake up our friends shall we right Oswald Enders the blacksmith that was exciting Su St but naked no access to gear actually we have access to gear I I choose to be but

Naked sh off my uh my ha leather boxes those are some fancy undies you got there half quality so we should be able to destroy a bunch of stuff in here oh to get some um to get um some material all right yeah water oh metal scrap ah what we need

Ineffective what break that yeah told me about that there’s a door right here oh secret chest you know you know about this no oh we need a lockpick you have a lockpick no but I got the recipe for one so I bet once we get the blacksmith home

We can make one secret doorway is a thing okay um didn’t you do um any of the puzzle things during the demo uh yeah I was in the tower I did the tower thing and I got like a a legendary or something weapon I don’t remember I got something good

Yeah maybe we can’t break those it like gives me damage numbers and then after a while it says ineffective oh we can fast struggle okay I I’ll do that oh because my backpack is full that’s why it’s ineffective really is yeah I guess I’m guessing have three have more space no I

I don’t think you can destroy those probably yeah they don’t they gave me rub I don’t want Rubble get out I may have to add tab to be backpack because it is driving me nuts all right I’m going to portal back when you need to rest you can fast

Travel back to your home by opening your map using um navigate to the map and select your home how does loot work do we have to fight over weapons with friends well if they are your friend your friend how good a friend you Are I’m going to see if I can get us some more metal scraps from this I think I have um I have seven so far so if you can find what was it we need to let me check let me check for the grappling I think it was 10 you need for

The grappling huh so we need 20 total yeah wait iction correction is actually Four we just need 10 shrouds fores for one grappling hook uh so if you have if you have metal scraps on you have one then we’re cover there CU I have seven oh I have five we just need

About 20 spores so if you can bring 20 spores and we also need to I need to make some I only have 11 spores I’m going to have to get more spores and then make two grappling hooks yeah which is the five metal scraps I have okay I thought it was

Going to be more than that that’s good so while you’re doing that I’m going to finish up this house right here give me this it shouldn’t be hard just to get that many SP oh the little step in the circle looks weird than his awkward place I

Think it’s coming from like uh birth of the wild that little Stam Circle but yeah over to the left that’s interesting if you so yeah yeah yeah Sean sorry that’s fine like if you break the table that a journal is sitting on the Journal doesn’t break it falls to the ground and

You can still read it oh okay that’s good to know cuz like we were talking about I’m starting a community server for in shrouded and we were talking about you know don’t destroy journals in case somebody comes in later and they want to read it um and

Apparently it just falls to the ground or the floor underneath it Whatever It Is o more bees scared I would like more honey though in this game the bees are definitely not happy they are mad they’re pissed yeah kill bees from a distance for sure I’m hitting that tree instead of

That beehive there’s three beehive CS in this tree it’s a little bit tricky to aim the magic one some I think whoops that’s is not what I meant to do it seems like some beehives are mean some and some are not like they’re empty oh my wand is not in good health okay

I’m gonna go get more shoud spores this is what I’m talking about if you if you were here Christie like I’m trying to get the uh this Auto roof Corner placed on each side right you think that maybe have like a I don’t know I found a snapping

Point for for the right side and I can’t find it for the left well that’s I’m not able to get it lined up yeah oh God is it maybe the column is lower than the other one what can I drop need stor space ah that is it that’s my problem

Jeez one of the column was slightly slightly shter than I got a rough Flint stone block now oh nice I hope I don’t get lost in here okay I’m going that way okay spores let’s see have the spores over here respawned yet no I think it takes four

Days for things to respawn I’m just going to go up this path I don’t know what this is can you get stuff from the walls you can get like a if if I break the the stone walls here you’ll get a few just a tiny amount I don’t know if

It’s the same uh with the um the other structures that we’ll find when we go further what is that cuz I remember you destroying those all buildings and taking the resources and build a new to build a new house there are spores over there so you need to die one I can’t loot

These there that one I can oh that’s shroud liquid it’s spores I need need right not shroud liquid yeah spores so I have to do that by killing the these guys to get spores what is that o I found a shield what what is that sound freaking out

Here okay hold on I’m going to destroy I don’t know what to get rid of what is that I’m not getting rid of the Flintstone all right I’m going to get rid of my torch last torch bye-bye so I can get this Shield hopefully that’s a better level

Shield than whatever you can make cuz I threw out my last torch to get it okay I need some guys to kill to get their spores that doesn’t sound right oh some of the plants gave you spores too right uh those little round thingies I

Think no no I think those give you the thing there I think the thing it Cho uh it Cho down think those are the one that get give you I’m not sure but not the one that you pick up though I think it’s something that you

Cho or or was it the guys that you killed when I killed the guys I got spores yeah but there was some flower or something that gave spores too I thought like pickable the things I’m chopping down is giving me shroud liquid I think it was the yeah that’s shroud

Liquid it’s the pickable flowers but I’m gonna have to go farther into the Shroud to find more to test this yes yes I know I was about to die but it’s fine now I’m not rested anymore can I get rested at this little campsite here right so what what I can understand is

That if it is like your um placing a wall so example you have wooden wall in the middle and columns to the side if you’re placing another you’re going up when you’re placing the next row of wall wooden walls it will auto snap to the to the wooden

Walls but if you want it to snap to the side where uh there’s like a gap and there’s like a stone column below it is that you have to press X and then um it it’s somehow able to slide over so you can now fill that Gap up

So take some time sorry thought you were done I just learned something really cool oh what’s that I laid down to sleep to get rested in this bed in this little camp and it was nighttime and at the top a little screen appeared above and it said one of two sleeping equals

30% 30 times Night speed oh yeah so if we both sleep at night that should make the night go 30% faster to get past it if we need to oh okay but it’s not doing it during the day it only did it at night that’s why we didn’t notice it

Before because when we were laying down it was daytime ah I see that’s good to know okay I’m G to run back can you build storage yeah you can I am so full and I’m just throwing I’m just deleting stuff to get room for the new stuff

So I need to put some stuff down before going further into the Shroud to get more spores what a very nice wall you’ve built there right thank you oh we need Nails oh I have nails we need to how many nails do you need uh six for one storage dress and

It’s small I have one nail that’s not enough I found it I threw out a torch to get it but you know what you need to you need to put down the the blacksmith so we can get the U yes I need to do that so let me can I give you this

Nail do you have room for a nail and then I can have room room to make the summoning staff so that I can summon the guy only takes one twig to make yay summoning star okay where do we want to put him he’s going to want a roof for his work

Area oh look at the it’s talking oh my God hi Mystic Erica you did it and then the survival will be a worthy addition to our cause place them into the world with a summoning staff which you can craft from simple Twigs thanks I already did

That we can upgrade the altar too to have a bigger building area strengthen the flame I know where to get a spark unless they moved it ask the flame to reset your current skills and refund your skill points if you want to do different skills instead that’s

Interesting yeah I like that it does that um the yeah you can change your mind and it’s not like totally punishing okay I’m gonna put the blacksmith over here in this ruin is this is still inside oh that’s I think the build area yeah yeah yeah you’re you’re in range oh crud

Wait where’s the undo undo why oh s you thank God for the undo button I accidentally took out a column there second oh no oh wow ready summoning staff Oswald Enders the blacksmith come forth okay I’m GNA put him right here oops no go back um how I can’t

Rotate use snapping as an option I don’t want to snap I’m turn that on a tune summoning stuff oh well if I was doing more than one but I’m not okay so let’s put you over here osal that’s a good place for you it would be easy to put a

Roof find the sleeping Survivor completed at long last I return I am a humble black Smith At Your Service let’s prepare you for what’s to come I feel like I need to talk like a pirate when I say that okay thank you how do I okay so here I wasn’t close boy you

Like to be close to be able to talk he’s a close talker talking keep it brief okay rude all right he’s unsheltered crafting first gear took you long enough to find me look at you weak and puny and they call you Flame born first thing you need is

Weapon lucky you woke me up first crafting a scrappy sword or spiked club will serve us well new location charted marker added cleansing fire amville can still be saved where there’s Ash there’s Embers kid the Shroud suffocates The Valleys so seek The Elixir well with

Your new gear and raise the root of our misery ignite The Depths and set this evil Ablaze go on I’m counting on you Flame born new location charted marker added well rested even with new gear you shouldn’t feel too safe out there rest up and eat well before you head out a

Fire a roof over your head and some meat in your belly will prepare you for anything new Quest clear The Elixir well are you getting these new quests also V yeah I’m getting them okay craft look at all the new Stuff so we have the forge that enables new crafting for the blacksmith of course we’re going to need metal scraps for everything I’m going to have to go get more and kill those guys in that Village probably charcoal K only needs 20 stone yes we can make that and then we have

Storage Nails we need metal scrap why are you yelling at me blacksmith I love the undo button okay here’s the lock P that’s the best feature isn’t it I actually thought about you when I found out there was an undie button I was like V is going to love

That should we use some of our scarcity of metal scraps to make a lockpick I have a feeling it’ll be a good thing to have yeah cuz we need to go back back over the other uh where we found him yeah and find out what’s in there that’s going to help us

Get more resources overall but I have no spot so first I need to make the Kil which is 20 stone so that I will have a place to store something so that I can make a lot pick later Oswald okay um do I have any stone in my

Inventory I threw it all out um here V I got a shield for you that’ll give me a space do you have room for a shield uh yeah yeah do there you go that’s a shield what the I thought it was a big a big rock I did too until I read it

Said it a shield better good thing you’ve been working out to be able to wield a stone Shield the flame is telling me something you have awaken your the best boxing system ever made uh I’ve never come across any other Vox system well except for Minecraft I Minecraft

Is the flame pleas but you get a decent amount of freedom I do like it I do like it more survivors are in Spring Bell can remove this so we’ve opened more of the map this what is that oh that’s the Elixir well oh CR undo oh oh my God so good

Oh like you mess up something was like no worries you got not the end of the world You’ be fine all right I know there’s Stone over here backpack is full oh cuz it hit it put dirt in it get out of here dirt don’t got room for nothing I’m

Going do my cheesy get storage space trick for do I have 20 exactly that’ll work give me another spot hi mlo mlo says this game kind of feels like an RPG from 2015 okay how do I oh no I’m gonna have to do the craft the kill in my inventory again right crafting

Or talk to him I need to talk to him to craft his thing craft charcoal K craft got it rude he’s kind of rude you get out okay so that should be in my inventory now there it is uh one thing I do appreciate is that like the getting

The building materials is not so grindy yeah cuz I’m like have like 90 uh like 90 something stone and you can just use two Stone to make 100 um building blocks quit yelling at me oh he’s yelling at you good yell at him for a while um

Rotate I can’t tell I don’t know which way I supposed to look X is you Snapping so that’s the difference between free placing and snapping oh R and scroll to rotate freely I have to turn off snapping for that to work no maybe yeah you can’t have snapping on to do free scroll from the object R and scroll to rotate interesting I’m assuming you already

Figured that out since you’re doing building oh what was that you have to have snapping turned off to be able to hold R and scroll to do free rotate oh yeah instead of just doing 90 Dee turns Place items from your inventory here to make them available for the

Factory here you can track the production process the factory will produce the selected recipe until no ingredients are left or the Factory’s inventory is full switch between the recipes you have unlocked for this Factory here the only recipe I have is for charcoal which takes wood logs and

Dirt however look at all these beautiful storage spaces I am going to put all kinds of crap in here because it won’t do anything with it because it’s not processing it into a recipe so it’s just a big storage box for now oh I found a staff charge ice bolt

So I could use my staff now nice he’s already out noticed he was unsheltered good night Adele I’ll see you tomorrow yeah I think in the demo didn’t we have to put a roof on him before he would do anything anything for us but he didn’t do that this time

Maybe it’s limited in what he’ll do I found a bit of an exploit you can place a foundation in the terrain and delete it and the dirt will be gone easy oh cool they got on on the ground I think doesn’t it have a part of the build system as well that

Um you can like choose ground pieces just like you can choose build pieces to remove dirt yeah because I I saw I saw one one of them I’m going to leave the summoning staff here yeah there’s a I just saw it a single ter

Box Cube I think the cube one M cube is one checking if there’s a bigger one get more of this wait you have a Terrain a whole terrain section mhm there’s an entire terrain building quotes set just like blocks yeah I saw chisel chip doing a

Whole thing on that and how you can build with terrain and shapes just like blocks or remove terrain and shapes or no that was in one of the trailers that you can remove big chunks of terrain and shapes with the ghost shapes okay that’s good I have a lot of spaces open

Now don’t make me tell you again clear that Elixir well you are rude okay okay let me repair ding everything’s repaired that’s so fast um can I get rested by this I can get rested by the flame so I can just sit right here to get

Rested I’m GNA sit right here where I can see you building all right I’m gonna get rested real quick and then I’m gonna come back and go get some more of those spores and while I’m resting I’m G to take a quick bio break and I’ll be right back all

Right do you not drink coffee B oh sorry what was that do you not drink coffee I do but I do like my coffee cream creamy I don’t do the dark stuff okay I’ll be back in just a minute all right all right my chat y’all keep an eye on

Him I’m not going to do nothing yet yeah I’m glitchy uh what what what’s your what’s your specs of your computer can kind of give you an idea how how the game play is going to feel because I don’t if you have anything less than a 1060 I don’t

Think I don’t think well maybe not say 1060 or well the minimum system requirement is a 1060 it’s on their website uh so far based on the um what I noticed that they have made some improvements I run on on the 1060 graphics card which I’m running

Now but he really want to get the uh uh the real feel of it graphic graphic wise I don’t have any jges here and there and going for like something higher uh 270 or something I yeah hey uh is Wells I don’t know if it prod great yeah I

Remember you welcome welcome I was it going for all right uh sure I don’t know what I’m going to do for the side here got GTX 1060 so I5 I’m trying to remember if was that do I need i7 I think i5 was minimum yeah I think i5 was minimum uh 16 gig

Ram yeah I see your numbers a bit so um I I guess you can use my game play as a as as a a benchmark kind of give you an idea but I’m running I’m I have I’m using an i7 processor though with uh what is it 32

Let me check and confirm hold on hey Christy I wonder if I can push her all of you Almost bird wait can I wait can you bury can you bury someone hold up for dang it oh there we go what this is exactly what I knew you were going to do I started to say I better not come back and find myself surrounded by

Dirt what have you done I was just checking it’s tested hey now I’m sheltered I got a longer rested buff thank you oh might cut it in out for me oh is it is it better no mlo you didn’t stop [Laughter] him oh my gosh that means I have to

Figure out how to build now to get out of this or I could just pickaxe out oh my God you are you are safe I’m not going to do anything he said what did I say yetaha pH I’m free easy easy peasy you know what I was

Thinking about V you know how you said you can’t when you destroy stuff you don’t get the um the materials yeah did you try um excuse me um did you try repairing it first and then destroying it and maybe you’ll get more materials back that way yeah you can repair you

Have to have the material you have to have the ability to build the material in order to repair it but you could try it with wood like if you um if you repair wood from a ruin and then destroy it do you get more of it back and you

Can build in stone now too so you could try it with stone also I’m getting Stone back from doing this I wonder if I would get more more Shapes don’t see working why I change the material control click um oh I haven’t crafted the blocks to get more materials yet I just get one stone like not every time but if I use a two by two wall block have you chance I get one

Stone have you repaired any but I don’t know the but I don’t know the repair thing I don’t see an option I have to build blocks to look for it the fact that you can build things that are floating I think is going to be make for some very interesting designs yeah I

Was thinking about that too I built a ramp over there you built a ramp yeah a little dirt ramp can you build a block on top oh fading away uh maybe because sometimes I maybe shift uh away from the mic so I’m talking directly into the mic

It’s much better I’ll try to remember that streamer be kicks in not realizing the video description link for his channel needs fixing it doesn’t go to his channel on my video let me look at that and see I’ll just I’ll put the link to your actual stream right can you know what’s happen

Um let me see I’m gon to do a different window to the studio to adjust it because I want to mess with my current streaming stuff Details I’m just goingon to replace it with your current stream oh what what’s up that should be fixed somebody said that the my link in my description of my video wasn’t working correctly to go to your channel so I just replaced it it does also have the link to his

Channel in general in the title of my stream as well it has the ad Vero in the title to my stream so it should have both of them now yeah cuz I thought that that was that was it mine should be working cuz I have yours that’s I I don’t Know why it did that but it should be fixed okay yeah it’s nice how you don’t need a huge amount of resources to make the building BL yes it’s not super Grandy so that’s a good thing about it I do like it’s not super grindy but then again you have a

Um to put the structures up is going to take some time so there’s a A plus and a minus to to everything mhm so it’s not super Grand so my my uh Pros are like it’s not super Grandy and you have an Ono button so far with the building building thing

Um I put plant fiber in here right yeah so I can make enough string for our grappling hooks oh I can do that from here how many do we need six grappling hook need seven string so we need 14 string for don’t have any string do you have any string on

You uh string hold on yeah I have four so I need to make 12 string uh gave you four okay thank you need make 11 don’t have enough need to get three more string okay I’m G to put these over here let me see I should be able to get some more plant

Fiber for over here it respond yet the foundation takes a lot holy cow I hear the rooster all right maybe I talk maybe I spoke too quick so like walls and all those don’t take that much but Foundation takes a whole lot of stone stone blocks how

Many uh so like for like this what size is this it’s a 2 meter 2 met Foundation takes about 39 uh rough stone blocks and you have the uh the big the 4 meter one that takes a weon what was it build here 256 what that seems excessive especially

Comparatively oh correction the the the two the 2 meter one is 64 yeah and the the the 4 meter one is 200 and something yeah that’s a lot but then again it it’s using two Stone to make one 100 uh rough Stone block yeah but it’s just how different it is from

You know building the walls compared to the foundation and I like that they all stacked I wonder what’s the maximum uh the maximum stack amount you can you can have before it split to another step is there a bad guy here there is you will have some stuff for me won’t

You got back stab damage that’s nice give me your guts hi Randy welcome in how are you is there a bad guy here there is should have spores runes thank you very much it’s really weird to get used to to not having a mini map like I’m really having to pay more

Attention to where I am and where I came from well you have a you get a compass yeah it’s not the same right now I have no idea where I’m at for any bad guys in here ooh a seller it’ll be fine it’s the worst that could

Happen there’s a bad guy that’s what they always see no no no no wrong friends die there’s another one are you having fun without me um I’m just Gathering stuff as all shrouds oh I hear footsteps no jump oh yeah now I remember there’s no other um roof angles he’s down there’s just

One okay anyone else I am shed it’s cuz I went underground blow up those little mushroom things before you get too close and it doesn’t give you the extra and shrouded damage when they burst more shroud spores I like how my magic wand also kind of acts like a light lumos

That bust a hole a wall in the hole do I go in there that looks scary o okay I need to go up I’ve been in the shod too long but I have wood blocks in my hot bar it’s not the best place that’s normally where my hoe would

Be so I don’t know what to put there put food there for now welcome miror thank you for joining the crazy Adventures okay how many shroud spores do I have now okay let’s see if there’s any more in here oh hold on I got sneeze okay all right I

Think I don’t know if this is enough I’m going to go down one more time if there’s one more bad guy I’m sure T shr spores I’m pretty sure anyone remember how many I said I needed to make two grappling hooks this doorway is open

Now I might make a torch again I threw them all out there’s some metal scraps sometimes these barrels give you metal scraps o trunk consumables I will take thank you okay I think that’s all that’s down here I mean it’s kind of nice that there are little spots of shroud nearby that you

Can grab a few what St oh it’s a rabbit a wabbit that hit him wolf go after the rabbit why don’t go after me do remember my role okay oh what’s that oh crap is that a Wolf Den it is oh three wolves three wolves it’s going to be fine it’s going

To be fine you can do it Christie I believe in you I need to remember that roll is control I’m gonna die I’m gonna die run run run run run run V help I’m almost out of stamina all right I’m coming okay he turned back health potion come here

Wolf I think he killed the rabbit for me all right I’m here am I wheezing he wanted you sheesh there’s two more of them over here up here there’s a Wolf Den oh nice nice nice nice Shield you got there there’s another one thank you oh watch out your health is low

Okay anything good in here stuff oh that’s a nice little cave the Rain Hole Skylight it sounds all echoey in here when you pickaxe yeah backpack full what is it trying to pick up you should eat some berries it help regenerate your he you have berries on you I do I just ate

Some I don’t know what this loot is it won’t let me pick it up where on the ground right there oh what what was it arrows arrows nice all right I’m going to head back all right I think I have enough stuff now to make the grappling hooks Unless remember how much metal scraps we need for that okay T on until we leave I just keep it as Stone maybe just do a stone roof something dirt so I need to not put wood logs in there well I guess unless I make it go wood logs and dirt to make charcoal

Okay ah what wish we could zoom yeah could there’s a hole there it make it a lot easier to kind of see uh what you’re doing to know if it is at the right height especially okay we need 14 string nine okay now we need well I can do one yay there it

Is and then it’s going to go here on my character available grappling hook equipped oh well I I figur out how to zoom zoom out but it’s not much you can zoom in and out from your character yeah just by holding on Z and using a mouse

Wheel but it’s not much oh that does sound familiar yes but you get the yeah that it’s something okay to make another grappling hook I need one more metal scrap do you have any metal scraps on you I hold on yeah seven okay I need one more to make your grappling

Hook and I’m give you all you don’t have any shroud spores right uh no okay I’m gonna have to go kill more moms get six more okay get this stuff out of my inventory just so if I pick up more things while I’m wandering around hey what the hell what’s going on where’s

My ah never mind WR okay let me get rested and I shall go kill more zad guys we’re going to have to figure out the Comfort System too cuz like it says Comfort level five but uh furniture furniture uh definitely that furniture adds to it but is there anything else besides furniture

And Deco items that add to I think I think when you level the heart up extended spal building range shrug core I have any of that strengthen the flame we probably have most of that except for the spark we need one spark which we don’t have but I I know where

One is if they haven’t changed it okay I’m going to go get the last shroud spores for the second grappling hook all right cool into the Shroud I go hopefully I don’t get lost you’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine what’s the worst that could happen what’s

This oh it’s for the grappling hook it’s like a place to practice practice using the grappling hook huz that’s fun can grapple off the middle space to jump what was that a trunk got more arrows for you nice Flint level five no I didn’t want to do that stop come back thank

You what’s this could you get up here without a grappling hack oh there’s bad guys okay Crouch stamina food eat my best oh he has arrows that hurt um I might want to Shield too even with with your wand my wand can I block I can’t block with a wand and Crouch

This is a cool house V huh it’s a cool house it’s got cool tiles it looks stco over here this might get you a different kind of building block oh cool oh know I thought it was you were here saying that I sneak up on Him the wolf is going to get me the wolf go by there’s explosive barrels can I blow them up oh you’re over that side I think he’s to hi yeah over there is where I I found some of the cool houses if I blow up the barrel it’s going to destroy the house

Oh he’s a purple wolf why no I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die run run jump purple wolf is that a thing oh my God I almost died like his color his bar was purple I like how the health potions work so quickly gra on a straight line there are ladders

You could get up is there a way to pick up the uh the what it the flame in move it if you pick up the flame then it takes out everything that you built it destroys everything that’s there although it had that countdown timer so I don’t Know wait so the build the as in the structure I’m working on now it will disappear I think so that shouldn’t happen all right maybe I just put them uh wait again I can’t put it Thought W there you go oh crap no Roll Roll Roll is control remember roll is control takes quite a bit of stamina to roll he’s purple too higher level oh I’m out of stamina it’s bad I’m dead help it’s nice knowing you Christie help you can be revived by another

Player I’m going to respawn hello you died yes I died really yeah I was not kidding I actually died Let’s go back first thing I hear is christe died while V is chilling in [Laughter] building Neo Alpha says yes there is a way to move the flame eventually it will disappear according to the text but like it did a seconds countdown to when it was completely gone when we

Moved it over here and I don’t know if we could just put it back where it was or if we could have put it somewhere else within that build space that’s something we’ll have to test and the stuff that was within that build space would have

Stayed cuz yeah it’s going to be a pain you definitely want to be able to move it sometimes he be right back a sec okay I need to eat something before I try to go get my grave I can do UND build action even though I didn’t build it h interesting

Um let’s see I should eat some meat right me all right I’m back one Constitution for meat welcome back you do get multiple flame alars that’s true Neo or limit in how many can do what I what I did with uh I was playing in the demo

Was uh placed on the flame alter to destroy the um the whole houses mhm and then go to the next but I wonder if you put a flame alter like another flame alter within this build space and then destroy this one will it I don’t think you can’t you can’t build

Oh will it count as keeping these build parts or is it tied to the specific alter cuz I think if you remove the the alter you can’t really build here and you can’t dismantle anything let me just make one and then um place it somewhere where should we put

It maybe you’re under back here but like you can build too right now and I can build to right now right or is it limited per world I would hope I feel can put it down here oh okay he all right can dismantle this one then but then that one is what’s

Covering where the blacksmith is is the blacksmith and all of our stuff going to disappear that I have stored in the Kil over here let’s let’s put it to the test really I have a crap ton of stuff over here oh I just empty it empty it out I

Don’t think it’s supposed to disappear let me I’m going to put another one over here oh you put in one them okay if it’ll let me cannot Place more altars we’re only allowed two right now oh okay so um right let me let me um remove this and you can place that one

Down oh so resets the the current protected area oh but you have time so um are you ready to place that one down I guess this is scary but I guess we got to test it at some point and go ahead try placing that window all right good so they’re overlapping

Now let’s see what happens Al you can be at the moment I’m not sure uh I didn’t get to test it right looks good so far so he’s still there cuz he’s covered by this flame alter now the other issue that we’ll have with having both flame alars here at the

House is that as we’re out adventuring if we want to put down a flame alter to be able TOA fast travel back somewhere we won’t be able to we will have to run everywhere cuz the flame alter works as your portal oh well well once I’m done we can we can move

It okay I need to go get my grave oh yeah you died did I don’t know if they’re Health regions but the grave is right by the bad guy so I’m going to try and get it take my stamina when I’m a Little Closer I like how it marks Your Grave on the

Map and on your compass oo I like all the uh fling stone block I’m going go ahead I didn’t eat Now stamina okay so I have more health we go well those berries run out fast that’s like useless yeah so you have to continue picking them when you get the chance whoops okay all right is that the glow of my Doom up there yep that’s my grave it’s very pretty and glowy sneak

Retrieve take all you have room to take all it should do it automatically and not make you pause saying that just saying okay I think I need to like take pot shots and run CU these guys are no joke I could get a sneak attack didn’t go far enough here he

Comes nope oh he’s got three arrows coming out three bolts I should say okay I’m going to go down here now no jump get down H I think that’s going to take a while might be better for both of us to do this together go back into the shroud is this the same

House it’s the same just from the side of the Hill okay that is not a path that is just a steep jump off I am not doing that a we go let’s do bad yeah the requirements for this game are a little bit steep although I think they have done

Some improvements it’s not as bad as it used to be but it’s still a little bit rough yeah oh hey basic how’s it going hi basic how you doing friend all right all that stuff has happened now I don’t remember how many shroud spores I said I

Needed the sounds on the Shroud are creepy see if any of these things have regen yet oh bad guys back come here die would you please die I would appreciate it if you would die die now thank You Excuse Me O I got a ring sigil ring of the Elder guard eight stamina 10 hell I will read that when I am not standing in the middle of the Shroud you have to buy new CPU and GPU for this game how am I liking the game basic I do like it

Um why did I kill that thing I didn’t mean to kill that thing I wanted to search it um it’s it’s taking a little getting used to you know the difference in the buttons and um all that Stuff but it’s pretty interesting so far um I like that the resource Gathering is a bit I guess not as grindy I mean those of us coming from valheim know the grind well shroud liquid I need spores and so there’s a bad guy um what is that what is that no die what

Are you oh my god what the hell was that I can’t even pick its body up yet cuz there’s a bad guy coming no no you can die too that is like a ginormous Beetle I guess Beetle wait are you in the Shroud I am in the Shroud that’s oh there a

Bunch of beetles Critter Parts I got Critter Parts oh my God yeah where do you think I’m getting all of these spores from to make your gravel hook I gota fight the bad guys in the shrub I hav’t found any that are not in the Shroud okay I should

Stay close to the pass cuz I’m going to run out of shroud time and I want to be able to find my way back up I can’t go up that straight wall there come here Ben guys Christy that place is very dang dangerous at this stage I have kind of noticed something about

[Laughter] that I think you have a valid point O is this out of the Shroud can I get out of the Shroud right here oh no that looks like an enemy encampment okay I’m just going to crouch right here and let that wolf walk by where am I at on the

Map this is an unknown thing is this I know where this is this is where I died during the demo but I came off that Cliff that time okay I’m going to go back in because I need to finish that’s going to give us a bunch of metal shards over

There metal scraps whatever they’re called but I need to get more spes here’s a bad guy come here bad guy basic what path are you taking this time oh there’s two bad guys like I’m doing Mage this time I think I think the demo I was a tank if I recall

Correctly okay some how is the game so far are you being a tank cool oh here’s the plants no that’s shroud liquid everything gives me shroud liquid I want spores I need more bad guys the bad guys come out come out wherever you are oh that looks very

Dangerous down there I probably should not go down there almost fell what is that that’s very dangerous I shouldn’t go down there huh thing is if I go down there how do I get back up I mean I can see how I could get down there

But is there a ladder to get back up I don’t see any grapple hooks so apparently we need to watch out for falling into chasms in the middle of the Shroud see if there’s bad guys back over here close to getting enough should be some bad guys out this way right there’s

One backstab damage always the bonus bye-bye another Rusty short Sword okay I’m under two minutes can I get one More there’s one come this way come back towards the light why do I hear a wolf why do I hear a wolf there aren’t any wolves in here are there that guy gave me two I must hear the wolf from over there nearby this is the wrong way I’m going down

That path again no go up go up I know caution I’m GNA make it I’m G to make it made it okay going back in wait let me count how many do I have 12 what is this ring sigil ring of the Elder guard Plus 8 stamina plus 10 Health

Captain arcite is engraved in the metal given to the most loyal commanders why yes please I will equip that extra eight stamina and 10 Health I’ll take it okay my wand is half Health down too let’s get a couple more stay on the path sort

Of I have a feeling I’m going run into a different location if I keep following this path I need to find a way to make stop it I’m like getting a lot of Google notifications popping up on my screen these days must have been a Google update B now popping up on my

Desktop all right come on where’s bad guy two bad guys okay this will be good he’s red level one he’s level one ow you jerk no die thank you runes where’s your buddy spores Rusty sword no okay just real quick I’m going to check and see if there’s a chest here another bad

Guy come over here where I can see you better was that how steep you can make the roof uh it’s only one of noted so far one angle for I’m guessing it’s 45 is it 45 what look like 45 deges a roof angle oh um yeah looks like

45 I don’t see any other Ang so roof okay there’s a down area all it’s just a broken floor I’m not going down there right now I don’t have a lot of time left in the shroud got some more Nails okay okay I need to get

Out how do I get out so you have 45 and maybe this flat roof those are the two left here right yes no uh I think this way leave now leave now let me that hey look yeah pretty much there’s a roof now H there’s a roof up there now yeah

Partly so yeah you can do one one little cubes of one meter is it one meter yeah but it still end up being 45 that’s looking good yeah it it can’t it’s a cute little design okay grappling hook scraps so you make you make can do something like this but um here you

Go T here you go friend oh grappling H Yay what is this um a hot mess what are you building with what material is that uh the roof piece interesting trying to get a steeper roof for how it look how it would look oh the thing is that you yeah okay let’s see what I need to do next okay I’m gonna

Put a real fireplace in this hear so it’ll stop running out where’ it go there it is all right yeah that’s pretty much how it would look candy I don’t think you can do much really you can build stack it up to this I feel like I could use this for something but

Uh yeah yeah it is more more towards um Minecraft B it was it was never really it was never really closed to like say similar to ball line okay let me combine some of this stuff Hough make any armor string should be able to make some string enhance

Equipment all upgradable items from your backpack and action bar are listed here enhancing an item unlocks new perks plus three cutting damage each perk cost runes gather runes by salvaging weapons and other equipment did I say thanks for the grapp by the way Chris no thanks for the grappling me you’re welcome

Okay do I want to upgrade this mace yes there is an undo option press y my favorite my favorite uh feature about a building oh wait I should bring this over some more for I need to make charcoal it wants me to make a spiked

Club excuse me I don’t know if I want to Scrappy sword 16 Spike Club 17 damage I did make the lock pick right I put that in storage to make the forge but that means I need to first get charcoal I think that I want to First make myself a piece of

Armor currently I am wearing nothing I mean I have it on but it gives me no armor whatsoever so what’s that these crappy thread bear pants that we arrive in zero resistance against anything so start with a little bit of armor would be nice see two string and three animal fur animal

I can make string for two yep so me craft a f chest and equip that and other armor Let’s do let’s see I need to do two more string make that and now I can make this GNA have the most armor right yeah the be right back for

A so the chest piece in the armor has the most armor and the trousers are next so I’m going to make that next okay we only have four metal scraps left so need to get some more of those but if I put these on now nice and I Can look I look all stiffy now yay that’s better every little bit of armor helps right and E some berries to get my health don’t last long but I’m at home so hold on okay all right I’m back welcome back discovered anything new do what discovered anything

New um I may me a little bit of armor nice I think I’m just going to delete the thread bear pants cuz I need to get a top they have zero I’m not going to use them for anything actually I’m going to put I’m pressing enter like there’s a chat box I didn’t

Realize there there isn’t the chat box other weapons there I can cook these Christie is there a chat box in this game is there a chat box I think there is yeah how do you bring it up uh um I don’t remember oh here I have arrows take these gift all okay

Okay let me go get this other food cooked yeah I tried pressing enter and nothing came up I didn’t do anything never realized there’s no chat box no that there has to be it has to be oh nice get this cooked and I think I’m

Going to have to head out for a bit we’ve been going for quite a while oh all right wait that means your world going to close but is true my world will close but I’m going to have to give my throat a break and get some food in the real world

All right um in that case oh wait you figured out the whole chat box thing cuz it really I I need to know if that there is any um I don’t know does it say anything about it in the settings uh when I check I don’t see anything let me double check maybe

I bindings G hide head that sounds I mean I guess if you were taking a picture it’ be okay to hide the HUD but it’d be very hard to play with um I don’t see anything about it I don’t know we might have to like that up yeah I don’t

Know report a bug oh there’s a report a bug if you hit Escape so odd little things we come across we can let them know about and apparently they already have one update out right so yeah can see what that is it’s nice that they got a fix out

Right away got to expect that first day of EA no no there there’s no chat box they don’t have one at all no they pressing enter nothing I realize you can do Alt Enter and you you can put it in Window mode you can do what if you hold on the

Alt and then press enter you set it uh switch it to uh Window mode a small small window mode oh yeah I did that a while ago but I don’t remember how I did it oh I think I just did it through the settings menu because I switched it over to my second

Screen any who well this was fun be getting the first look in yeah that’s fun got a good little start got a nice little beginning to a build here we got the blacksmith got some resources I mean I think the fact that we got our grapple hook and our

Um flyer thing whatever it’s called you know glider first time in that’s nice took a lot longer last time yeah but honestly if there’s no chat box that’s a de breaker there anyways it was having fun seeing that you have to hop off I guess I’m

Going to have to hop off off too so I guess this is it so I would like to wave by but I don’t know how there’s no there’s no emote JP because you’re happy then bye bye all right so was fun appreciate guys popping in for the stream and uh get you

Lat you streaming again later on Christie um I might yeah there’s a good chance that I will so um yeah we can message and chat and figure it out I may not stream but I may just popping and join you okay cool all right so I’ll catch you guys guys thanks for popping

In to and shrouded and until next time happy

This video, titled ‘ENSHROUDED Launch! Next Biggest Survival Open World (Enshrouded Gameplay w/ @Versaugh )’, was uploaded by Gaming with Kristi on 2024-01-24 20:07:20. It has garnered 445 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 04:52:25 or 17545 seconds.

Exploring the new survival game: Enshrouded. “A cross between Valheim and Zelda.” I’d say with Minecraft building thrown in. 🙂Join my Servers: 😎Join my Discord: 🌏Valheim Server Hosting: 💲Code KRISTI to get 20% off!💲 💜 Support the stream: 🙏Join my channel members to get access to perks:


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Check the channel #live-streams in my Discord for chat commands that you can use and play along!

Other vids you may like: – Enshrouded: First Look Gameplay: – Enshrouded: Fighting for Grave Retrieval:

Valheim: – Custom Roofs that are Water Tight: – Decorate Like A Pro: – Invisible Builds: – Boat Unstuck:

Enshrouded is a game of survival, crafting, and Action RPG combat, set within a sprawling voxel-based continent. As you journey across the mountains and deserts of an open world, you are free to choose your path and shape your destiny.


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    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: ► Join My Discord server here: ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: • Extra Gaming Content: • Non Gaming Channel: • Solo Gaming Channel: • VOD’s Chanel: ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: Instagram: Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:- Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: Website: Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: Live on Kick: MERCH: Discord: Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!

    INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art Building! #funny #shorts #gaming #art #comedy #shortsfeed #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #yt’, was uploaded by Dreith Entertainment on 2023-12-16 20:34:53. It has garnered 5641 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as FLYING SQUIRREL in HARDCORE Minecraft! 😱

    1000 DAYS as FLYING SQUIRREL in HARDCORE Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a FLYING SQUIRREL in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Flying Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-06-11 01:15:00. It has garnered 15045 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:07 or 12487 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a FLYING SQUIRREL in Hardcore Minecraft! Soon after I spawn a Cave Spider comes to chat with me, but not in a friendly way. Luckily, I can fly away and escape the fight this time around. Will I get strong enough till the next… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed by Mipa Abirupa! #vtuber

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed by Mipa Abirupa! #vtuberVideo Information This video, titled ‘JADI KEPO #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by Mipa Abirupa on 2024-01-10 05:20:30. It has garnered 2693 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More